#wanna know where im at gender wise
emlos · 5 months
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
y'know as a genderfluid lesbian one of the things that's made me hesitate in thinking about going on T is worrying that girls won't like me (in a gay way in a sapphic way) if i have facial hair. but then i remember that goromi exists and it's like oh nevermind it'll just make me a hotter woman AND a happier man. problem solved
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guqqie · 10 months
Hey guqqie what's your sexuality and gender?? I don't need a answer I just wanna know at least ur sexuality for a edit!! I don't mind not using anything for it I just wanna know what you prefer<33
ace and sapphic :)
i use umbrella terms because im not sure where i lie sexuality wise!! im happy enough chilling under my umbrellas though and not knowing my specific rain coats!
gender wise i don’t label it, don’t really know myself but searching for a sexuality label has already caused me years of stress. i know im me and that’s kinda all i care about. i don’t find a need for myself to label my gender. i find it really cool when people can find theirs though, no matter umbrella or raincoat!
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2036sator · 5 months
hiiii :3 what r ur opinions on the characters in the cgvl and lha? Character wise, design wise, etc... (including freedom guy 🤭) I'm just really curious :3
[[ AA dude i’m gonna go so in depth w/ this !!!! this is personally from what I recently discovered from these characters so , i am kinda new to LHA and CGVL ,, not freedom guy tho lolol ]]
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[[ Let’s start with LHA ^_^ ]]
> FREEDOM GUY - design wise … absolutely cool i can’t really explain how much i enjoy doodling him no matter what design he has , always loved the old design !! Red scarf is iconic to him and made him stand out even if its a bit plain… but other than the old design, new design kitt recently has made im ssooooooo inlove with how he became so …. HE LOOKS SASSY AT ONE POINT LOOOKING AT HIM FOR HOURS . his old design with his iconic hands on his hips pose already made me think he was all shiny sassy star that everyone praises of lllolololol 7_7 character wise by personality is great overall , he’s a code yet he is so , humane that being the therapist plus saviour is tiring even for a code sobbbb ilove gushing about freedom guy if u can’t tell
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> FROST - design wise ? Love it . I would say that I love drawing Frost as well as much as I love to draw Freedom Guy :3 Character wise … very kewl…. I need to see more of frost stuff ………
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> TANGERINE - DESIGN WISE AAHHHH OHMYGOD I have something for orange sticks idk why but she looks so cool i never actually noticed she even had like scars until i went thru deep into the LHA bloggers just to noticed she has like two or three scars like WHAT !!! Character wise , If she went to my school I would wanna be her friend tbh she seems fun to be around ^_^
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> CION - Design wise is just… chefs kiss , I love drawing her marble head and drawing her in my design where she has like kind of maybe water ish? Or fire ish blob around it just bc I can’t see her with hair so instead I just made blobs that made to look like she has hair el o el ,,,overallll!! Super cool I love cloaks … Character wise is yes , just yes . Ilove the looks can be deceived like how Cion and Tangerine is the same just different fonts
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> LUCKY - hhhahah lucky block…. I made Lucky’s head more not circular bc srsly I would totally believe lucky if xe told me xe was birthed from a lucky block. So it’s more geometrical? Character wise ilove xem ilove hackers and I don’t know much of Lucky ,,,still xe’s super cool either way
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> SCRIBBLES - from what ive seen im surprised this is actually and technically the leader of cgvl and its just , a little scribble stick ( in a positive way not insulting ) , probably my favourite... ( i cant decide with scribs and rose ) ,,, character wise!!! ive seen a little bit of scribbles story and im cheering so hard scribs is so cool and with the programmer lore and everything going on is super interesting and all overall really cool character , easy to doodle when im bored in school
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> VIX - oh jeez . can we get vix neutered . / LIGHTHEARTED JOKE ... Unique creature , i love the head design even though it sometimes confuses me when i try to doodle the back of vix :9 ., character wise .. freaky .... you a freak girl!!! also!!! I LOVE cannibal characters when they're all actually attached to a person then they soemtimes can't get over the thought of eating them ( filling them with guilt ) i love when cannibals feel bad for what they are ( technically its a parasite for vix's case but still!!! )
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>ROSE - ohhhhhhhhh i almost tripped when i saw rose , pink characters save me ... shes so pretty by the design wise category .. made me jealous of her gender smhhhh.... character wise , mischievous thief and i would let her steal my whole house if she wanted to
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> GEO - i wanna squeeze geo but i cant :( character wise by what ive seen from like interactions(?) and lore , its really interesting and really cool ( reminds me of another interest i have but who cares ) still i understand how frost would baby geo
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> ENTI & BUG ( NO IMAGE NOOOOOO MY LIMIT NOOOOOO ) - big guys so cool they would absolutely obliterate me . i dont know them much but i wanna know more about them .... i need itt...
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jfkonfucius · 8 months
THIS IS NOT ALL MY THOUGHTS CUZ ALL MY THOUGHTS ARE HOURS WORTH OF THOUGHTS. PROBABLY. here's some scattered initial thoughts . out of order
- vlad vlad vlad i adore vlad i wish he talked more. he doesn't even name drop the first time we meet the bleacher creatures! I think. I don't even remember when he name drops
- I don't think I'm overestimating it when I say I am the confucius guy. and the confucius guy has been fed very well this season. im SO grateful. I'm obsessed with him. He's cute. He's sometimes a little unexpected. He has about 5/6 minutes worth of angst. He's relatable. He is everything to me
- The Mary twist was hilarious, at first I had mixed feelings about the character being shoved in, but it built up to awesomeness
- It's been rough for Harriet... It's been real rough for her character. Which SUCKS cuz I wanna like her! I don't dislike her but Girl Why
- The writing has def improved since the last season! Hooray! Gives me 1% hope
- The JFK&Abe&Confucius trio is adorable and one of my fav things about this season. "We tried! Yeah yeah We tried!" "C'mon... C'mon...? C'mon... C'mon!"
- Joanfucius cute !! 7.5/10. Better than their s2 relationships (Joanfk/tubfucius)
- Jfabers are winning. And losing also
- Shower scene didn't happen
- I loved JFK's personality arc, his devils & angels, and him being more bisexual than ever. The explanation for the writers to "fix his personality" was genius
- I felt the increased amount of swearing made it so jokes or emotional moments involving swearing didn't hit as hard as they could have. And some sex scenes were dragged on for too long which wasn't useful narrative/comedy wise .. just uncomfortable
- I accept buff confucius into my life
- The new characters from ep 9... erm. I didn't like them much. I don't like the "here's character's love interest that is basically this character but opposite gender!" trope. The part with Mrs. C's cockney accent made me like her more though
- JFK'S DAD CAMEO !! HOORAY !! i wonder where the other dad is though ...
- I appreciated the references to previous seasons !!
- The ending left me in shambles & some actual grief. I loved the last episode, the way it parallels the first season finale, and the emotional drama, but I feel like they can't afford a cliffhanger. I would have liked some closure, as I have barely any faith in the animation+streaming industry and am 99% sure we're heading for cancellation. Boo-womp
- On the topic of ending, I headcanon that if the series does get cancelled, the clones actually get hit by the missile and DIE. I AM MAKING IT WORSE FOR MYSELF
- I really liked the Christian rock song and the inclusion of Unrehearsed by Abandoned Pools! I wish there were more new songs X( but it ok
- Scud and Mr. B were awesome as usual
- Abe cute
- I'm glad we got more Kahlopatra (Or... "cleda" as the show calls it. I GUESS. I GUESS)
- Frida's dad... emm.. ermm.. ermmm.. 😳😳😳 he so
- The professor from Ep 1 is freaking awesome & has the same voice as mr. peanut butter i think which makes him awesomer
- Hmmm... Magnets
- I was very pleased to see more Front facing scared confucius
- I was also pleased to see him about to jump off a building. you know how it is with the fav characters ^_^
- Not a whole lot of JFKonfucius moments but some screenshot worthy stuff . I went insane when JFK grabbed Confucius by the collar though 😭 why does he do that. why are they like that. i love my boys
- the last shot grabs my heart with a fist and squeezes it It hurts It Hurts it Hurts
ok well if i keep on listing stuff i'll just be talking about everything confucius did so thats enough for now LOL !!! THANKS FOR ASKING . HEART 💚🧬
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ignus-moth · 4 months
Ok so a personal summer project is redoing hp world building and Ima share this one thing cus im trans and wanna live out my fantasy.
I must preface: Witches are self taught or taught by a community/family, wizards are taught in institutions like Hogwarts. And, muggles are not completely unaware of the casters (magic users).
Most donations to transgender supportive nonprofits made to give free transitioning go directly to helping trans people and supporting their gardens. This is because they can literally make magic potions.
They make these Gender Potions specially for muggles, though, because their systems are not as used to magic, so they’re more sensitive and it could make them sick. So if a caster used a muggle-specific Gender Potion, nothing would happen. However, they give out Gender Potion recipies to casters who can prove they’re trained enough to not blow someone up while making one.
There are caster clothing shops that are trusted by the Caster Society to be set up in muggle cities. They have magic mirrors that show what you’d look like with stuff like a packer or binder, anything non-surgical. They also offer ~magic~ binders that work like those tents with bigger insides. Yeah it just puts ur tits in a pocket dimension. But if you’re a muggle don’t wear it too long because un-monitered continuous magic exposure like that can be disastrous health-wise. DON’T WEAR BINDERS FOR MORE THAN 8 HOURS!!! BE CAREFUL!!! Oh also they sell packers, idk enough about packers to know what’d be cool beyond them becoming not realistic when taken out.
Pride parade after-parties occur in places where spells are allowed for fireworks with the flag colors and people using spells to do people’s hair. Either a gendery haircut or temporary BRIGHT RAINBOW colors.
Nisse (a temporary name, replacement for house elves, work similarly to Nisse from Hilda but are more tied to the building itself) can and will make someone’s life HELL if they find out they’re queerphobic. Hiding their phone, cutting up their shoe laces, tipping over fragile objects, and making their room smell REALLY BAD. Why? Cus they’re being a dick.
Witch covens are the best place to go if you need shelter, especially if you’re queer and/or a minor. Super accepting and will defend you with their LIVES. And maybe go commit a little bit of arson. Just a little bit. :3
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angiiepaniic · 10 days
hiii giving you an excuse to talk about your bill because i also like him a lot and know your pain about never being able to talk about him. so heres your divine excuse to ^-^ i wanna hear
AAAA YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU’VE DONE this will be VERY LONG and VERY RAMBLY so like u asked for this (thank u btw ur my first ask)
man idek where to like start :,D
(should note that this is mainly a modern rendition but sometimes i picture us in his world too so it goes either way, really :3)
if you want me to elaborate on anything then just lmk! (that goes for anyone who wants to)
OH OH ok so i’ve been REALLY getting into the band sleep token and there’s like 4 songs that remind me of him and as a result CANNOT stop listening to them (namely rain, give, mine, and telomeres - i highly recommend them!)
bill will listen to just about anything music wise but has a particular soft spot for things like blues, country, and some older rock like billy joel (also really likes soul and r&b like h.e.r. and muni long but will never admit it) — but generally, in his eyes, if it’s a good song it’s a good song, regardless of genre or artist.
he’s even more open with food, like, he will eat anything in front of him even if he doesn’t like it - just how he was raised. he doesn’t have any set favourites besides some southern classics (he will eat 25 servings of mac n cheese in one sitting if u let him)
i on the other hand am VERY iffy with food and find it hard to eat a lot of things, but we know each other so well now that bill will just eat off my plate sometimes (with consent ofc)
he’s not the best cook but is an absolute GRILL MASTER. all gang cookouts are held at his place (and pearson can’t decide if that’s insulting or not)
we spend like 90% of our time just relaxing together, but he does boxing on the weekends to (and i quote) ‘’stay strong for his lady’’
very protective, ABSOLUTELY the jealous type - not in a toxic way, just a bit grumpy sometimes (as always, this is bill we’re talking about)
he’s SO pleasant to be around. we have the same awful humour, the same love languages (we’re both so touch starved that we cling to each other like a curse)
he can be a bit a of a bastard with all the playful teasing but i do the same so it’s an even battleground. i can call him stupid and it’s fine, anyone else does and im THROWING HANDS (and so will he, probably) — and in turn, he’s the only one who can call ME stupid or HE will throw hands while i cry in the corner LMAO
the modern stuff doesn’t have very specific lore, just some cross-dimensional shenanigans. most of it is just based around my actual day-to-day and how i think we’d be living together — but i have a bunch of little aus! got a goth one, got a biker one (one of my personal faves), got a gender bend one because i’ll be damned if bill can’t ALSO be my girlfriend
when i imagine us in the red dead universe i refuse to let him have the bad ending he gets canonically - my funky little brain says that everyone’s healthy and happy in a little ranch or settlement somewhere because that’s what EVERYONE deserves (except micah)
i know most people view him as gay, but i personally headcanon him as pansexual and into everyone regardless of gender because I feel like that fits him quite well
he really is quite loveable, just sometimes he has trouble showing it - but he’s getting better. his ‘i love you’s come out as random hugs, random compliments, and endearing nicknames (as embarrassing as it is i imagine his go-to is calling me bunny :3)
we’re both kinda insecure so sometimes we have a back-and-forth but it’s compliments. i’ve been telling him every day that he’s wonderful and amazing and the best and that his belly’s one of my favourite things and i will DIE on that hill idc how much he complains.
ik that if he was reading the above paragraph he’d look at me and go ‘’BUT YOU COMPLAIN LIKE THAT TOO’’ and yk what he’s right - but that’s why we have each other
our relationship is very healing for the both of us. we both get the love we need and deserve after being deprived of it for so long, and genuinely we’re happier for it. i got out of a lot really bad habits thanks to him, and i’ve been doing my best to help him too <3
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lanaevyssmoved · 11 months
What do you think about the mod thst turns gale into a woman ? Im Intrested as story wise i think i can make MtF gale or the opposite in my game too
well. okay so.
first of all to get it out of the way - i think ai voice shit is morally abhorrent unless the actor themselves gives consent. even then i have concerns because this can be used for extremely damaging and dangerous things. so.. mods that give him a higher pitched, feminine voice? despise. burn it all to the ground. i feel so furious over shit like this i can't even debate it
mods that change gale to look more feminine.. well. this honestly ties into the genderbend debate. how do i feel about genderbending a character in a way that completely changes their body? if gale took estrogen he wouldn't suddenly have what people would call a 'womans frame' - like those mods do. so instead the mods that turn gale into a woman are turning him into a ciswoman. if you want transfem gale just make him transfem without actually changing him. headcanon that the characters do his makeup and he got some iddy bitty titties. yknow. that is unless you put magic in the picture - as far as i know there is only two cases of this happening and it involves gods. the first one was mystra forcibly changing elminster into a woman without his consent, the other is the changedance, done by eilistraee female and male priests, where they undergo a ritual to temporarily change themselves into the opposite sex - but it was never permanent.
it's also a little difficult because my transmasc gale headcanon is very dear to me, to the point i cannot separate gale from it. i know people who have many gender headcanons for gale from transfem to nonbinary - wizards are inherently very fun to play with when it comes to gender. personally i feel dysphoric when i see gale looking like a woman.
at the end of the day what someone does in their single player game isn't any of my business, and i am working on judging people for what they do - beyond laughing at screenshots i funny. if you wanna mod gale into a woman with an ai high pitched voice.. it's none of my business. but if i see it on my dash i will probably block you for my own comfort.
also - please don't send me asks in the future about ftm or mft - i find these terms to be offensive, personally.
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malewife-kirby · 7 months
asks 6 8 27 35 40 45 49 50 65 <3
6. something you did in bed youd love to do again?
hmm!! i’d love to get both my holes fingered at the same time again😳 it was So fun it felt crazy. i havent had the chance to do double pen using toys with someone else yet but i have done it myself and GOD it feels good
8. something you never did in bed and would love to do?
i’d love to do more bondage stuff!! i need to practice my ropework but i’d Love to play with a cutie whos helpless for me💕💕 or even be all tied up and squirmy myself and just have to take whats given 🥺
27. whats an article of clothing you would love to see your crush/partner in?
ouuughh i’d love to see my boyfriend in a suit! i know he’d look So dapper and stunning i’d just have to sit at his feet or in his lap all day. bonus points if theres lingerie under the suit
35. do you like to have rough sex? what so you like the most?
i LOVE rough sex i think it’s So fun!! it just depends how im doing energy wise. i Love play wrestling and pinning and struggling. i love getting bruised and manhandled. i always get a lil nervous being rough w my boyf bc i dont wanna hurt him but i absolutely would love to go crazy on him. but i do be having a kinda high pain tolerance and i just adore being grabbed and smacked and bit
40. what are your favorite pet names to be called during sex?
hmm!! i really like anything thats gender affirming, like pretty daddy, handsome boytoy, but have been dipping my toes into some petplay stuff and getting called puppy or mutt kinda makes me😳😳😳 but i also Looovvve any sort of possessive moniker if you put a my or mine before what ur gunna call me… im putty. i also love dumbification and like. praise/degradation combo i dont like Just being insulted. like calling me a pretty stupid boy or a brainless fuck toy
45. what would you love to roleplay as in bed?
oooohhh there are a few on my mind. i would love to try and be my boyfriends guard dog🥺 test the waters and see how it feels getting in that headspace. i’d love to do a kinda intox scene where (either me or the boy) are being encouraged to keep smoking or drinking at the other persons discretion. i also think it could be potentially fun to pretend to do like a blackmail/revenge porn kinda scene and it might help me work thru some past stuff, but we’d have to tread a lil more carefully
49. favorite thing to do when dominating?
Fucujkkk i Love taking care of my sub. i love being able to take my time and tease and wrow.. im absolutely a pleasure dom so i wanna know youre feeling good and its bc of me. i love reminding him hes mine in all sorts of ways!! i love worshipping him bc he deserves it
50. favorite thing to do when being dominated?
i LOVE getting marked up and i LOVE marking up my boyfriend :3 i love using his back like a scratching post and just feeling him💕💕💕i love to be helpless or like “put in my place” i love being told what to do. i’d love to put on a show and like try and “fight back” or resist but i like it so much its hard for me to even pretend
65. is there a kink/fetish you would like your partner to have? why?
hmm! idk i’d love to explore more cnc, Maybe petplay and perhaps some dom/sub dynamics w my boyfriend but fr fr he’s perfect and i love exploring and trying new things w him
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demonlordsatan · 1 year
Im gonna get So much backlash for this but...
Can we please call Nimona Genderfluid please, Please. I love Nimona for being a person/creature/potato who can shift to whatever gender they want.
The scene where Ballister Boldheart like "and now your a boy" and they say "I am today"
I dont mind if you say NB for them, and I know Trans is a broad term, but god please just let me have this one character.
Cause everytime I think Trans, I picutre someone who has transition and staying a gender, not someone jumping between genders and never staying in one.
I just want to see their label, Genderfluid, so bad, and not the label Trans for them. Please Im begging everyone to please ;-: call them Genderfluid.
I play changeling druid in all my dnd games cause Im Genderfluid man. *sobs harder* I just wanna be happy.
I might also be projecting a bit on my own feelings about lebals cause I saw a post of someone calling her trans. cause I just hate being called anything but what I am, Genderfluid. I hate it when people call me anything other then that, Non-binary is iffy with me, some places on discord force me to take that tag, but I want to be able to express myself. I had to figure myself out for a while and even accept myself at times and I am Genderfluid, that is me. I hate it when people say other wise or try to say I'm Trans or Non Binary cause its an broad/umbrella term. No. I dont care if it is, I like my label, it doesn't confuse people, and it makes me feel like people dont see who I am.
And I dont want this character to be dragged threw that, I know they wont feel that, theyre an animated character but... I want them to be able to have their proper label. I understand headcanon and all that, but this character is a Shapeshifter, a changeling, their gender and body, is always changing depending on their mood. I want to see more fun genderfluid character so badly.
Im sorry Im ranting I just... I need to let it out.
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cosmicrhetoric · 1 year
tagged by the incomparable @briarhips to post nine book recs <3 sorry so many of these are classics im going thru smth
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Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen: This is MY Austen of choice. I'm doing a reread atm and it's very Emma in it's social commentary but this is THEE eldest daughter book of all time. Maybe I just like when characters are super repressed but if you want to see a woman (who has spent 200 pages being soooo hinged) have the most cathartic breakdown about it......
Identitti, Mithu Sanyal: For fans of Kuang's Yellowface who want a bit more of an academic lens! Our main character, a 2nd gen Indian-German woman, spends years of her life in the trenches of postcolonial study under a seemingly Indian woman who is then exposed as white. It doesn't give you any easy answers but it provides a lot of scholarly resources and leaves a lot of space to come to your own conclusions. Read it on a plane. Kinda fire.
Eros the Bittersweet, Anne Carson: We all know Carson. But I'm picking a nonfiction essay instead of Autobiography of Red or her translations mostly because this one takes you behind the curtain of a lot of her famous translations when it comes to the aspect of love. I'm not really nonfiction girl in general but this was worth it
Chain Gang All Stars, Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah: Speculative abolitionist fiction! Set in a near future where prisoners can compete in death matches to try and win their freedom. I've honestly read nothing like this...ever, like it's in a league of it's own but if you're a fan of the way footnotes were used in something like Babel you're gonna wanna check this out. Multiple povs (really interesting pov switching from a craft perspective actually) overlap to paint a stark and realistic depiction of American prisons.
The Devourers, Indrapramit Das: This was described to me as "IWTV but with werewolves and in Mughal India and actually really good" and while that's a pretty comprehensive plot summary it does not even begin to cover the shit this novel goes through. This is a book about transformation and stories and what letting a story live in you can do for you. The werewolves are kinda obviously a genderqueer allegory as well (as they often are in sff lmao) but when the interviewer himself starts talking about gender in his experiences you can see how that changes the story he's transcribing and it's just very cool. Heavy trigger warnings on this one though. Don't read if you can't handle a bit of piss (they are wolves). Writing style wise feels very similar to the magical realism of The Hungry Tide if that's ur bag
The Mill on the Floss, George Eliot: In the way that s&s is my Austen, this is MY Eliot. A classic story about women of this era who cannot fit into the boxes society lays out for them. A failed romance brands the main character an outcast in their town in a way that is. Hear me out. Fucking Utenaesque. Follow for some classic tragedy and themes of water....I would compare this more with like Dickens Bleak House than Austen though.
Villette, Charlotte Bronte: Once again. MY Bronte. Maybe it's just cause I read this before Jane Eyre but literally I do not understand why Miss Eyre gets so much more love than my girl Lucy. In broad strokes the story is about an English girl who ends up having to support herself by moving to France and becoming an English teacher at a girls boarding school. She's also plagued by a terrifying apparition of a nun, because this is Charlotte we're talking about and there's a bit of Catholic v Protestant thing going on. I read this during the very early pandemic and let me tell you some of the descriptions of isolation and loneliness are soooooo. yeah.
Monstrous Regiment, Terry Pratchett: Listen. Like, listen. It's that good. I wouldn't put a discworld novel up against fucking chain gang all stars unless it was THAT good. This is a classic 'girl dresses up as a boy and goes to war to find her brother' story. It definitely started as a commentary on folk songs/stories but it is at it's heart a novel long criticism of imperialism, nationalism, and organized religion (there's jokes though it's funny). Also not to be that guy when it comes to LGBTQ book recs but the thing came out in 2002 and it's surprisingly thoughtful when it comes to both gender and sexuality. You do not have to be a fantasy fan or a discworld fan to read this. If you gave Pratchett a try and didn't like it i STILL insist you give MR a shot. It is in a league of it's own.
Wives and Daughters, Elizabeth Gaskell: Do not be scared off by the sheer length of this one. It's fucking silly. This is one of my faaaaaaaave 1800s novels about class. We have juxtaposition between Molly's family (her father is a gentleman but a working doctor) and the landed gentry but also this divide between the uneducated Squire and his Cambridge bound sons and another one with the 'new money' gentry. There's also quite a lot of early science and anthropology documented in this (Gaskell and Darwin were besties) if that's interesting to you. WARNING: SHE DIED BEFORE SHE FINISHED THIS. ITS LIKE 99% DONE THOUGH
This was a hard list to narrow down but I have to include (at least as honorable mentions): Ling Ma's Severance/Bliss Orange, Cixin Liu's Three Body Problem and the SFF POC anthology New Suns
tagging: @weltonreject @bronskibeet @gaymersrights @orchidreign @brechtian + any and all mutuals i know ive forgotten <3
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HI, hope you're doing well! i'm hoping to get a romantic owl house matchup! things I like are knitting, horror movies, hair dressing, podcasts and anything studio ghibli. some more basic facts bout' me are I'm bi, gender fluid. I'm 18, my love language is a mix of acts of service and quality time, and I'm hindu. Looks wise I'm 5'1, I have frizzy dark brown 2B hair, dimples, I like getting my nails done and i like wearing comfy layered clothes + jewelry. Lastly my personality is 99.9% loyalty I just wanna listen to people, I am a bit of a crybaby-, somehow i'm pretty outgoing yet i Almost never talk to people lol. but most of all I'm the one in the friend group that tells the best stories and jokes ❤
tysm!Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <33333
im not even gonna do a dramatic build up, Edric was MADE for you.
remember that episode where he accidentally texts a poem (that im betting he wrote) to his dates mom? Yeah that was you, if you dont have a mom it was whoever your guardian is but Emira assumed it was your mother.
he loves your curls, kinda jealous of it since we know what his hair is really like. He tries to bedazzle it but uhh, yeah dont trust him. Hes trying though! You may need to guide him through it since hes that hopeless.
knit him and Batric some matching sweaters and he will cry and never let you go... EVER.
Gets jealous whenever you spend your time with Emira getting your nails done so he learns how to do them himself, and gets REALLY good, its kind of concerning how good he gets in such a short amount of times.
"How would you like your nails, today milady?" "Hmmm, maybe some gel nails today"
tries to get you to laugh at his jokes and stories, but he is absolutely terrible, please teach him the ways of comedy. He can be pretty funny, but its never on purpose, its more slapstick comedy than anything.
uses the blight money on comfy clothes and pretty jewelry and totally gets in trouble for it, but he doesn't care.
finds it a little strange that you go quiet around other people but thinks its nice when you do speak.
do his hair, please. please do his hair, it needs to be treated with love. (if you do he will probably die of sheer happiness)
assuming you came here with luz or stumbled through some sort of dimensional portal, lets say you were on your way with some of your favorite movies on dvd
is absolutely a baby when it comes to horror movies but love all ghibli movies, dont fight me on this
sorry for it being short i have just gotten my motivation back
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hisaame · 1 year
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haii! im hisame, but feel free to call me "ame" if any1 would like <3
new to tumblr n stuff... so hii!
so in short, im a writer, except this is my first time im gonna be writing for the public lol, so like fan fiction, oneshots, headcanons, etc.
i also recently got another wattpad account, where ill be writing!
if ur curious, ill be writing mainly for genshin impact, any aus, but most would probably be in the modern world <3
tho, i will also be writing on tumblr! ill use it for updates, lil oneshots or mb teasers for wattpad! it would be nice if any1 would request any character x reader shit (could be gender neutral, male, female, anything)
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id like to say more about me so u guys can know me a bit better :3
fandoms im in: genshin impact, honkai impact 3rd, vocaloid, project sekai, madoka magica, magical girl site, sailor moon, doki doki literature club, yandere simulator, fnaf, serial experiments lain, diabolik lovers, omori, etccc...
my fav artists/bands/groups (music taste in general): kikuo, uchu nekoko, ichiko aoba, lamp, band maid, necronomidol, babymetal, etc.
my fav characters genshin-wise r scaramouche, xiao, heizou, venti, kazuha (basically every anemo), hu tao, xinyan, yaoyao, kokomi! (scaramouche especially tho hehe ily scaranation)
i wanna write to make the fans happy and satisfied, like write something ur exactly looking for, u know?
i donttt know how much ill be active on tumblr, since ill also be active on wattpad n stuff! but I'll be trying my best <3
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my other socials include twt: hisamewho (user), n my wattpad is: ameonly (user)!
i hope we all would get along and i make no mistakes along the way, hope im welcomed!
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euphoricfilter · 1 year
“cis asian man”
so by arguing that jungkook can’t be genderfluid or enby, last anon has basically stepped into muddy waters of implying that nonbinary is only a gender that people born female can identify as —or really only exist as
they’ve assigned a binary to where none should apply
like we do know that people can be nonbinary and present masc? right?
now im a black enby and i’ve faced the masculinization of black women which is essentially on the opposite spectrum of the emasculation of asian men.
there is something to be said about the emasculation of asian men but when it actually applies.
we can talk about asian men who are feminized and we can talk about how there are some asian amab enbies who are secure in their masculinity and feel disrespected when people emasculate them.
but that’s not what anon is proposing cuz they want jungkook to be cis in this story.
seeing the nonbinary identity as asian emasculation tells me that anon sees it as feminization instead of neutrality. you’ve essentially let yt supremacy get a hold of you, boo boo🤦🏽‍♀️
i won’t lie and say there isn’t a problem within the nonbinary community where many afab enbies fall into the trap of reaffirming the binary by subconsciously —or even maliciously— making say/doing things that only “women/afab” people can relate to only to label it as nonbinary discourse.
i’ve heard people born male/socialized male feel out of place in enby spaces because the tendency of thinking “afab = nonbinary”. this isnt true and should be shut down immediately.
anon is sounding like a radfem/terf who only accepts female/feminine enby in women’s spaces because amab enbies are still “men”
not all of us look like manic pixie dream girls who like frogs. cuz i promise you when you ask the average conservative or even liberal what a nonbinary person looks like its this very specific stereotype of “short haired white ‘woman’ who likes quirky things and dresses in cuffed mom jeans and a graphic tee with pride pins”
its not to say that these people are any less valid in the nonbinary identity than me but it doesn’t reflect the diversity of our identity gender or race wise.
plus its the fact that anon is okay with reader being nonbinary which i assume means that they think they’ll be reading as someone with a vagina.
and even if they recognize that the “holes” may bot be specified. they will probably delve into their own subconscious bias of imagining nonbinary reader with vagina cuz they already think “afab = nonbinary”
but their lil fantasy falls apart when they “have” to reader about nonbinary jungkook cuz they’ve condition themselves to see him as feminine and there for having a vagina.
(which i dont want this to be too long so i wont get into trans people who decide to transition to present towards a binary and still identify as enby. there are men/transmasc people with vaginas who still identify as enby. but also there are intersex people who have presented as women all their lives and have testicles and identify as nonbinary)
so all imma say is anon is puttin’ on their activism like a lil cosplay. its performative asf.
cuz going off jungkook’s recent photoshoots, he’s presents rather androgynous but still leans into his masculinity.
so fictional jungkook can look like calvin klein jungkook and have any pronouns
jungkook can have he/him, he/they, she/her, she/they and they/them or even neopronouns and still be a masc/androgynous enby
- pronouns doesnt specify gender
- gender doesnt specify presentation
- genitals doesnt specify either pronouns or presentation
example: im a nonbinary person who goes by she/they pronouns but i present very masc most of the time and i have a vagina. i’m secure in both my femininity/masculinity, but i don’t wanna be hypersexualized like society views black women and i also hate being hypermasculinized like how society views black men as brutish and predatory. but at the same time you’re not gonna strip me of the healthy relationship ive cultivated with both binaries. i’ve found my own way to express the binary that reaffirms my blackness and isnt determined by yt supremacist standards.
also very weird to assume our lovely author is black. wtf do we have to do with this? keep black people out your mouth cuz its obvi you’re tryna stir division amongst the black and asian community. go on somewhere.
this anon didnt have the range for this convo and i cant say i covered everything because race/gender is nuanced. its quite literally a infinite which is why intersectionality is important.
ooh im tired😭 this was long
there’s like minimal logic behind their argument, and are maybe talking about a topic they’re not exactly well versed in??
of course i can only say so much, from my own experiences and perspectives but i’m not ignorant, and that feels kinda like what they were trying to get at, that i’m a bad person and i’m dehumanising people and im racist 😭 like ??? idk where that narrative even came from?? it’s just sad to me that someone can invalidate a community of people based of a work of fiction and their weird bigoted views of enby people??
see that’s what i was trying to explain last night, being non binary is such a wide spectrum of things for different people when looking at their gender, or lack thereof. because every nonbinary person isn’t a set gender or way of expressing your gender, or how you feel about gender or you as a person and the way you present yourself. hence why i’d never exclusively label a reader non binary. gender neutral sure, because that then gives the reader freedom within themselves to actually see them within the character without me putting a stereotypical label on a nonbinary individual whose existence is gonna be so very different than the next enby individual.
i’m always very conscious about how i write my readers. because although i don’t necessarily see myself as the reader while i’m writing, there’s always going to be a little bit of myself projected onto the reader and i wouldn’t want to force how i view myself as a person onto everyone else who reads my stuff. hence why i’d never mention skin color or race or (in some cases) gender identity. for me, while writing smut especially, that’s where i find it hard to write a character who might be nonbinary, simply for the fact i don’t want to write an experience that i guess i wouldn’t fully understand the emotions of, hence why i would label the reader afab just so i’m not invalidating anyone’s experiences, i’d hate to do that
i’m really grateful that you took the time out of your day to write this, so that there’s another perspective put on the table, and i think it’s an important conversation to have especially if i’ve got weird people lurking on my blog when i’ve tried to make it very clear this is a safe space for all lgbtq+ friends, because really i love you all a lot and want this to be a nice community for us all. and thank you for articulating a little better what i was trying to get at!! idk why i find it hard to just put into words exactly what i’m thinking LMAO
we could talk forever about the masculinisation of black women and feminisation of asian men, it’s such a big topic to cover. and if the anon has actually idk had taken the time to explain exactly how i was disrespectful or racist without just flinging big words about thinking it was gonna make me second guess myself, then yeah i wouldn’t be so offended. but it’s like if you’re gonna come in my inbox with all these big claims then at least come knowing what you’re talking about?? i was gonna be generous and say they had a surface level understanding of the topic but i honestly think they don’t 🧍‍♀️ and again, i think this is a really important topic to bring up and talk about
there’s a reason i chose he/they pronouns for jungkook. i could have chosen they/them. and i had considered it, but if we’re talking about real life jungkook then especially with recent photos, although he’s very very androgynous, there’s still a comfortability within his masculinity, hence why i chose those pronouns for him for his gender fluid identity
fictional jungkook was very much inspired by the recent photos!! very much cutie fun calvin klein jungkook whose gender is so delicious i get mild envy but in a sorta good way!!
thank you for sharing your own experience too!!
OH YEAH idk why they assumed i was black?? it felt like a leeway for them to be racist and i’m not tolerating that on my page on top of them being stupid and accusing me of stuff i haven’t done 😭 i really don’t talk about myself all that much so i have no idea where that notion came from, i hope you guys just see me as like a lil floating star or something cute, just a little entity that writes for you guys as gifts because i like spoiling you 🏃‍♀️
that’s what i’m saying!! like at least come with some understanding of what you’re accusing me of before you start saying words you clearly don’t understand because you just sound stupid LMAO
again, thank you so so so much for even taking the time out of your day to explain all of this!! you’re literally the sweetest and i love you a lot, and thank you for being comfortable enough to share your own story too and helping me articulate what my lil pea brain has trouble saying without wanting to absolutely cuss that person out 🫂 you deserve a lil smooch after all that, and a fun little snack too so go get one!! MWAH 💞
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strange-creachure · 1 year
didnt want to make a huge deal of it at the time bc anxiety and what have you, buuut since yesterday marked 2 full months from this thingy (perhaps most impactful in my life so far lol), figured i'd do a little post anyway?? felt appropiate what with it being pride month and ya know :zoomies:
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(tldr, have two rad little lines going across on my body and feeling more light and normal (in the best kind of way) than i have for years :catlove:)  i'm in an incredibly lucky place living situation wise (s/o being in a position where he could take a loan for us, and finland being a country that doesnt generally indiscriminate these kind of things as much) where i could get a good ol operation that single-handedly yoinked off my serious dysphoria and -related anxiety and its been (and still is) so incredibly freeing and pleasant and carefree vibe when ur body feels and looks the way you felt it should have always been. especially when, (tw: dysphoria) increasingly for the past couple years its felt just so incredibly.. wrong? to an extent you felt constantly sick?, for reasons you cant even quite explain?, for features your biology imposed on you without any word on your part, and the societal norms or whatever that came with it??? and just.. the entire lack of choice or being unable to do anything about it?? absolutely worst. do not recommend. unfortunately a fairly common experience in the lgbt circles (that i keep hearing) and something a lot of people have to deal with, unfortunately. so in a very stark comparison, post-op and recovering and just /living/ without those restrictions or weights on ya, it's pretty freakin rad. having authority on the silly little meat vehicle again haha. (recovery wise feel entirely normal and well by now, just the whole 'having a both physical and very taxing mental weight off of the shoulders that i'd not realised how long its been there' has had me feeling very childlike joy and the like, yknow. maybe some of u could tell from the text brrrr nyoomies for a while now huhu :zoomies:) dunno if this is "too personal" or unnecessary or kinda silly to share, but kind of jus wanna put it out there in case there's the odd person in there who feels the same way, incredibly awful for reasons you cant quite explain or even grasp - i promise you're not inherently broken or "wrong", there is a reason for it, gender or neurodivergency wise or otherwise. it sure took me a while, and while it's an unique road for everyone, u can get there, one way or other. for example im more comfy with my brain funnies than i've been in years just from reading more and getting to know likeminded people and overall understanding things better, and that alone has helped me a lot. dont necessarily feel the need to transition anything further body wise either; dont consider myself a trans person, and dunno what kind of label or tag would even fit my gender other than just?? kind of vaguely nonbinary i guess?? since im just.. omee? default person shaped? and for the longest time, it feels good and normal and /right/. dunno. wanted to share the excellent good vibes despite this whole mess of a world situation lol. #textwall #manywords  happy pride y'all! every single one of you friendshapes is very important and appreciated ❤️
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for context! i'm huge fan of people who are happy with their bodies; its the best possible place to be! and such, want to confirm I dont have and never had anything against female chest in general, im genuinely glad some people can carry themselves with pride and joy, it simply wasnt a concept my brain could accept for me; personally they looked and felt really wrong on me, despite being physically healthy and "normal"; nothing were wrong with my pre- chest shapes except them residing on my body.
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cryptidofthekeys · 2 years
Spooky Month Mans (bc i have in fact not shown him off)
You WILL look upon my OC, his description is fairly old btw,, but im w a y too lazy to look back and see if I need to re-edit shit but i cant believe i havent,, actually posted his description bc it was,, no where on my blog
but here,, take- take my poor pathetic meow meow of a man
TW: Smoking mentions
| Name: Fredrick Myers
| Nicknames: Fred or Freddy (you can call him Felix too)
| Gender: Trans FTM (He/They)
| Age: N/A but he is an adult (I gotta look up some stuff before I give him a proper age, bc uh if i do it wrong then it’ll conflict with shit)
| Height: 5’7”
| Hair Color: Black (his hair is short, messy and p spiky tbh)
| Eye Color: Dark Brown
| Occupation: Just works where he can tbh, lives in an apartment just on the outskirts of the town.
| Skin Color/Body Type: He’s extremely pale but that’s because he doesn’t get out much tbh and he’s overall kinda skinny ngl
| Appearance: His main outfit is a black hoodie that definitely looks worn out, there’s lot of sewn places (those used to be holes) he’s tried to mostly find black material to match the hoodie but because he doesn’t have many clothes he’s settled for anything so long as he could repair the hoodie, he wears black skinny jeans that are ripped at the knees and finally he wears black  boots (he calls them combat boots but they REALLY aren’t
…just let him live out the fantasy ok?) even the boots look pretty scuffed up though tbh, he usually keeps the hood up over his head (bc it’s cold but he also doesn’t,, wanna attract any attention to himself) the last piece of clothing is his binder they usually keep on …They TRY not to wear it constantly but oofy…
They don’t have any scars (they can’t afford any kinda top surgery or nothing like that …Yet) the only notable thing I can say aside from clothing-wise of course is he has some stubble and he has really dark circles under their eyes he looks REALLY tired, so uh yeah other than that nothing really special about him, no claws, no sharp teeth, etc- just a normal looking dude!
| Personality: He’s p much shy, usually considered a loner and even antisocial but that’s really not true, he’s just really anxious and gets nervous around others real easily, he keeps to himself as BEST as they can physically manage which is why they usually lurk around, never one to get involved in anything even if invited by someone.
Loves a good movie and some cheese n crackers, his favorite genre is usually sci-fi or just fantasy movies in general, sometimes a cheesy rom-com or two tbh, overall they are just an average dude tryna live their life, tryna make it in the world… There’s genuinely NOTHING special about him, they just exist and that’s it ya know? They got no interesting backstory either really-
I mean sure bad parents and a lil bit of trauma in those regards but in the end that's probs just me projecting …A G A I N lmao
The ONE bad habit I can say he has is he’s a smoker, like he doesn’t smoke EVERY single day I suppose but it’s not a good habit for him to gain (basically what I’m tryna say is that he needs a healthier outlet for his anxiety)
| Side Facts: I’m so not used to making just normal ass characters but I think I’m managing so far gfhjkdfgjd so uh I won’t deny? Fredrick is kinda poor tbh, like they’re still managing to feed themselves and keep their apartment but that’s about the extent, they can’t really treat themselves to much, and sometimes he’ll dumpster dive for things he could use
(ya gotta do what ya gotta do) so it’s uh definitely no wonder he looks constantly tired and even borderline stressed, having to make sure to keep up with the rent money n such, making sure he keeps himself healthy food n water wise, etc- it’s stressful trying to keep up with that, keeping up with work, etc
They’ve heard the rumors about the town nearby (which is why they kinda moved near it but not fully into it), they figured maybe just maybe one day they’ll get some excitement in their life, even if it could be a bit …okay a great deal of danger, it’d be something INTERESTING ya know? But uh, Freddy isn’t gonna go outta their way for something, they just kinda… Hope he’ll get lucky and it’ll come to them instead even though it’s not likely, Fred’s just bored because it’s really just the same things over and over again, never nothing new or exciting happens …But maybe just maybe, one day… All that will change :)
Freddy’s pass time, I wasn’t lying when i said they enjoy cheese n crackers and a good movie, that’s usually what he does in his freetime, they watch random movies they got and just eat some of that- another random fact- Fred seems like they’d be a horror movie guy but he’s actually never fucking watched a horror movie in his life (god if somethin spooky does happen they’d have no idea what to do or how to deal with it fgjkljhfkgdfl they don’t know the basic rules to survival in horror situations!) I’m not saying he’d HATE horror movies, it's literally just they haven’t watched any. They’d probably genuinely love horror movies if they ever got the chance to snag one.
Just an average dude, living his life the best he can, tryna make it on their own, nothing special, they just… Exist.
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