#want (wolf!lucifer x reader)
just-zy · 3 months
Cursed Bloodsucker
pairing: Wednesday Addams x Fem Reader!
summary: A day of the week, you'd think curses and hexes was all on the same day, but surely it wasn't that bad.. You had a girlfriend, didn't you?
A/N: I feel good tonight, and I feel like I didn't do pretty shitty here..
Warnings!: ermmm....ooc wednesday probably..
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Being a vampire had its perks, but everything seemed to be..a downside for a certain individual today, specifically, friday. One might say, 'Oh, but how bad can it be?', well...
"O–Ow, Jesus Christ, easy on the stitches Wednesday.."
"If you'd just listen to what I had told you, we wouldn't be in this predicament."
Waking up early wasn't a problem for the vampire, so instead of listening to Wednesday, she decided to sleep in, and look where that got the bloodsucker. Running off to her second period while trying to neat out her wrinkled vest. She couldn't see well really, having her satchel slinging on her shoulder for dear life, her sunglasses almost falling off before she got inside the classroom, what a sight to see.
Disheveled hair, wrinkled clothes, slipping satchel, she thought it couldn't get worse.
She might've jinxed that one, that for a moment she thought she was cursed for living on specific days.
Walking was supposedly calming for the vampire, but today just seemed to be a day you wanted to get over with.
"Okay, what's for lunch, ooh– gimme!"
"Y– Y/N! Stop—!"
She was determined to have a bite of whatever Enid was having for lunch, unknowingly, the utensil Enid decided to use for todays lunch was silvered utensils. Why did that school have silvered utensils anyway? Well, labels. They have labels.
She reacted instantly to the object, dropping the spoon, immediately. "Fucks sake! Wha–"
"That's silver!"
If only she didn't let her intrusive thoughts win for once, maybe then she'd live another day.
Another problem, a full moon was happening tonight, what a coincidence!
She felt too worn out to even go out and feed, but she just had to, didn't she.
That same night, she did quite have an interaction with a shifting wolf, then gets mauled. What are the chances, huh? Thankfully, Wednesday was there to save the day! Or night.
"I feel exhausted, thank goodness it's the weekend tomorrow..I don't always have the best luck on friday's I swear, I'm cursed."
"Perhaps it's because you think you are."
Wednesday tidies the kit and stitches on the vampires bed, making her way in the bathroom and began cleansing her hands filled with the blood of her girlfriend.
"No– I really do have bad lucks on fridays.. Remember that one time I had an essay due? And I accidentally poured coffee, everywhere. Then there was that time when I slipped on the stairs and nipped my fucking tooth, and had my lip busted. But, I guess– they weren't as bad.. Because I had a lovely, gorgeous girlfriend to help me recover from all of that.."
The raven sat next to the vampire, scrutinizing her lover. She had a light smirk plastered on her lips, she leaned forward, your lips mere inches away from touching. You waited, you always did. You closed your eyes, awaiting her plump crimson lips making contact with yours, but that didn't happen. Tonight was different, she felt like tormenting you. She had only pecked your cheek.
What. The. Fuck.
Bothered, you gazed at her as she began inspecting the stitches on your arm. "Stitches look horrendous on you, Cara Mia."
"You're just pure evil, like the devil, did you know that?" You grumbled, unhappy that she still hasn't given you the one thing that you were waiting for all day, considering she was out with Eugene the whole day.
"Some consider me as Lucifer's daughter, but that isn't new, no."
Her eyes looked rather, luminous under the moons emitting light, you were ready to do everything she'd order you to, even let her redo the perfect stitches she's done just so she could have all her attention back at you, while she enjoys at what she does best. Being your girlfriend.
You didn't dare disrespect her, or even trespass her boundaries and limitations. Never in your life would anything hurtful leave that mouth of yours, you love her too much to do so.
Your gaze didn't leave her still figure, if anything it made you more focused on her, and only her. Your fingertips grazing on her pale skin, feeling her burgundy lips on your finger, to your desperate bloodied lips.
Fridays in the morning were a no, but the night time was an exception.
A/N: Wednesday has my heart, but she's soo difficult to write for sometimes 💔 this is a makeup for the recent imagine 😌
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animeshotsh · 7 months
Baby baby~ | Original Sins x Kid!Reader + Stolas x Kid!Reader + Octavia x Kid!Reader |
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Summary: Lucifer finally gets his close friends to meet you!! Warnings: no one, just FLUFF.
Lucifer wanted you to meet his closest friends and sins, he had planned this day for so long. He invited Charlie and Vaggie of course, but kept Alastor away.
"Only if i get to take (Y/N) out for the next two days"
And he had accepted, wanting nothing more but to kill the sinner.
The castle was decorated, Lucifer and the rest of you wearing their best clothes. Food was served, drinks were out (no alcohol allowed) and you guiding Charlie to your room to show her your drawings.
"They are amazing (Y/N) but the rest will soon come-"
Charlie could not end her talk as a very distinct voice claimed from other room.
"Now were its your sweet new kid! Im dying to meet them" The big form of Asmodeus said the three faces looking around for you.
The left one noticed you in the corner by the hand of Charlie.
"Oh!! There they are, (Y/N) come and say Hello to Lust!!" Lucifer called you missing your scared look as you slowly approached the big Sin.
Asmodeus went down on his knee bowing to you "Its a pleassure to meet one of our King's kid, im Asmodeus, you must be (Y/N)"
You nodded looking at his 3 faces and soon smiling at them "You got 3 faces!! And you are so tall, can i get that tall too?"
Asmodeus looked over Lucifer asking for permission, once Lucifer noded Asmodeus took you and let you sit on his shoulder.
"This is great!!" You exclaimed
After some more minutes you were left down on the floor when a portal opened, a tall owl dressing in a fashion way appear, behind him a smaller one. Stolas soon saw you and (wanting to show off) opened his book, dark sky appear on the ceiling, different constellations left the sky and went towards you, twirling you around and making you laught.
"Oh Stolas its so good to meet you again my friend!!" Lucifer exclaimed quickly going to shake Stolas hand. "Its has been eones indeed" Stolas agreed looking as you played with the constellation of a horse.
"And Octavia! You have grow so much, I remember when you were so tiny" Lucifer added making Octavia blush and nod at the king who then pointed at Charlie and Vaggie who went to his side. "Im not sure if you remember my daughter, but this is Charlie! and her gilrfriend Vaggie".
Charlie gave a kind smile to the goetia bowing respectfully as well towards her and Stolas "Im so glad to be meeting you again"
Soon you came to them, the horse constellation following you. You stood suprised at the tall owl who got down on his knee as well "And this must be the precious (Y/N), you father never stops talking about you" Stolas said then softly pushed Octavia "This is my daughter Octavia"
You took notice of Octavia being a bit uncomfortable under the attention "Hello! im so happy to meet more friends, i like your clothes! Dad can i get dark clothes too?" you asked to quickly switch the attention to him.
"Of course we can, anything for my small bean" Lucifer beamed.
Octavia gave off a small smile as you smiled at her then went to ask her father about his magic.
"Oh then let me start with the basics..."
After what felt like hours of stories of magic a new sound was hear.
"Oh finally, she loves making a big scene" Asmodeus said looking over the flying figure surronded by smoke.
Soon the room was being filled up with music and sweet smell. A pair of hands took you and as the smoke went off you could see what you would describe as a big yellow wolf.
"Awww look at you, you look even sweeter up close!!" Bellzebub said pushing your cheeck against hers smiling. "Lucifer, you must take good care of this one or soon they will end up dating"
"NOT ON MY WATCH" Lucifer exclaimed now having an internal crisis.
Beelzebub soon let herself on the floor with you. "Im Beelzebub, but you kind soul can call me Beel"
"You are beautiful" you could only say in response seeing her hair move around with different colors.
"Aww, and i got all of you a gift"
Soon lots of bottles with orange liquid appear.
"Dont worry this ones" she pointed towards some bottles with what it was supposed to be a demon kid "has no alcohol in it"
Quick Extras:
You ended up making Octavia share her music with you and her love for taxidermy.
Mammon did come but only because Lucifer forced him, he ended up liking you as you saw him as "a big huggeable clown" and "you smell like money" you did won him over and he promised to bring you something next time.
Five seconds later tons of money appear alongside a plushie of a famous demon called "Fizzarolli".
Everyone tried to prevent you from drinking too much but you ended with too much sugar and ran for the rest of the night.
Stolas gave you a book of basic magic and told you to call him if you need help with anything.
Beel made you promise that once you get older you would go to one of her parties (how no one knows since you are a sinner but anyway).
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dragon-kazansky · 4 months
Heart of the Dreaming
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Morpheus x Female Reader
Soulmate AU
You are the daughter of Rodrick Burgess. You find out about the "demon" in the basement and decide you want to see it. Things take an unexpected turn when your soulmate connection is made with the man you find down there. You are the one he has been waiting for, and you're being taken away from. Not for long. Dream will protect his soulmate.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Chapter Six - Blood and bonds
The demons of Hell were all excited as they cheered. Whatever this game was, it was clearly a big deal. You had no idea what was happening. For your own comfort, you chose to watch Dream. Matthew is perched up above you. Morpheus and Lucifer stood facing one another.
He had to win. There was more than his helm on the line now. Dream had sworn to himself he would protect you. Hell could not have you.
Choronzon stood on the balcony with the helmet in his hand. Lucifer and Morpheus stood on either side of him.
"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. Today, for your entertainment and delectation, a formal challenge."
The demons cheer.
"The challenger is Dream. Once the master of the Realm of Sleep."
The demons boo.
Morpheus turns slowly and looks at you. You look back at him. He steps away from the balcony and makes his way toward you while Choronzon announces Lucifer as the other player. The demons cheer for their ruler.
"Are you alright?" He asks softly.
"Fine." You reply shortly.
"I will not let Hell have you."
Your gaze on him softens. "You don't have to make a fuss of me. Me for the helm was probably a good deal. It must be important to you if you were willing to come to Hell for it."
"I would not trade you in this life or any other. You are my soulmate, and you shall come back to the Dreaming with me." He speaks softly. "If anything happens to me, take my sand and use it."
"No. No. Don't say that."
"Promise me," he says.
You shake your head. You find yourself reaching out and grabbing his hand. "You can't leave me. You're my only way out."
"My sand will work for you."
"I don't care about the sand. I... I just need you to be okay. Please. Don't leave me."
"Morpheus, am I interrupting a premlinary of some kind?" Lucifer asks.
"Just a little pre-game pep talk." You say. "Your majesty." You bow your head. "We came for the helm, and we're not leaving without it," you talk more to Morpheus now.
He looks at you again silently.
"We shall see," Lucifer says, amused.
You let go of his hand, and Morpheus flexes his hand slightly. He steps away from you, though reluctantly. He doesn't like the look of fear in your eyes.
He wants to keep you safe. He needs to secure your safety. You need to come back to the Dreaming with him.
"As the challenged, I set the meter and take the first move." Lucifer says.
"Very well. Make your move."
You stand there with baited breath as you watch the pair of them. Your eyes linger on the Devil. There was so much at risk here.
"I am... a dire wolf. Prey-stalking, lethal prowler."
You turn your eyes to Morpheus.
"I am a hunter. Horse-mounted, wolf-stabbing."
Lucifer grunts as they receive a wound through their body. That's the first hit. Morpheus drew blood from Lucifer. You watch carefully for the next move.
"I am a serpent. Horse-biting... poison-toothed."
Your eyes are drawn to Morpheus as the poison floods his veins. His breaths come out in short, ragged puffs. You hadn't realised how dangerous and severe this game was. This was crazy.
"I am a bird of prey. Snake-devouring, talons ripping."
The poison leaves his body. Lucifer receives three long slashes across the face. More blood is drawn.
"I am a butcher bacterium. Warm-life destroying."
Morpheus falls to his knees as his flesh appears to be eaten away. You stare in horror. Was he going to die playing this? This was horrible.
"I am a world." He says slowly. "Space-floating, life-nurturing."
His body heals. You look at him in awe. He is still able to play. You smile softly.
"I am a nova." Lucifer says. "All-exploding, planet-cremating."
Morpheus lays on the ground, his flesh scorched. That was a big hit. You can't stand this anymore. Lucifer is doing mkre damage to him, and it's starting to make you feel sick.
His eyes flick to you. He can see the worry glistening in your eyes. "I am a universe." He whispers weakly. "All things encompassing, all life embracing."
You smile softly. Perhaps there is much more to this man than you're aware of. Perhaps it isn't quite fair to judge him so quickly.
"I am anti-life. The Beast of Judgement. The dark at the end of everything."
Morpheus goes cold. He lays there, unable to lift his head. His breathing is shallow. This is the worst he's looked all game. What is he supposed to do now?
"What will you be then, Dream Lord?"
He tries to move, but he can't. You can't help yourself anymore. You rush over to him and touch him gently. "Get up," you whisper. He doesn't move. He shivers under your hands, and for a moment, you think this is it.
"Come on," you say softly. "Say something. Anything. You have to win, remember? You have to win for me."
He looks up at you through his lashes. His breath is quiet and shaky. He looks like he's dying.
"Still with us, Dream?" Lucifer asks, amused by this display.
"He is! And it's his move, Your Majesty." You say, glancing up at Lucifer. You turn back to Dream. "Come on. There has to be something."
"There are no more moves." Lucifer states. "What can survive the anti-life?"
You continue to caress his face gently. He stares at you through dark eyes.
"You can survive the anti-life," you whisper. "Dreams can survive anything. I dreamt of you. Every night. While I was locked away in my room with nothing else left, I had you. All that time, you were locked away under the house, and I didn't know, but I felt you. I had you in my dreams, and that was enough."
Your words strike something in him. He had no idea you had been dreaming about him. All that time, and he had no idea he was able to get through to you. Unintentionally, but still. You had him.
"I... am..." Morpheus gets up on his knees. You keep a hand on his back as you watch him. He looks up at Lucifer. "Hope."
Morpheus rises to his feet.
"Hope." Lucifer speaks softly.
You smile softly as you look up at him.
"Well, Lightbringer?" Morpheus asks. "It's your move. What is it that kills hope?"
Lucifer knows they have lost. They turn to the demon. "Choronzon. Give him his helm."
"No. I won't. It's mine. Please."
Mazikeen throws Choronzon off the balcony after taking the helmet from him. Morpheus approaches the demon and takes the helmet from her, thanking her in the process.
"Thank you, Lightbringer. The Ruler of Hell is honourable, indeed. I will not forget this."
"Honourable? You joke, surely." Lucifer walks closer to where you two stand. "Look out there, Morpheus. The billion Lords of Hell stand arrayed about you. Tell us. Why should we let you leave? Helmet or no, you have no power here. After all... What power have dreams in Hell?"
Morpheus smirks slightly. "You say I have no power here. Perhaps you speak truly. But to say dreams have no power in Hell... Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar, what power would Hell have if those here imprisoned were not able to dream... of Heaven?"
Lucifer is clearly seething under that calm exterior. You can see it in their eyes.
"One day, Morpheus... we shall destroy you."
Morpheus leans in close, seemingly bowing, and looks Lucifer in the eye. "Until that day, Lightbringer."
With his helm in hand, Morpheus walks away. You follow him quietly. Matthew flies by your head. The raven had been watching everything quietly. He was curious about you and his master. However, he kept his thoughts to himself for now.
You follow Morpheus out the gates and back out to the wastelands you had arrived in. You couldn't help but worry slightly. You knew Lucifer was beyond pissed off after today.
Dream was still in his battle gear. It was very fitting for him. He looked... good. It felt weird to think about it, though.
You watch as he puts his helm on.
"Can you actually see in that thing?" You ask. It was a peculiar thing. It looked like it was made out of bones...
"I can. I can see the ruby."
"Your ruby?"
"Yes. Come here." He turns to you, but you can't see his face now he wears his helm. It's rather intimidating.
You stand closer to him and watch as he takes his sand from his pocket. Matthew stands between you both, looking up at the pair of you.
Dream pours the sand into his palm, and it swirls around you both. You instantly reach put and grab his arm gently. His surprise by your action is hidden by his helm.
You arrive at a storage house. You take a look around you and find yourself no longer in Hell. You feel the tension leave your body and let go of Dream.
He looks down at his arm, where you have touched him and tries to commit the warmth of your hand to memory. You take a step away from him, and he comes back to his senses.
He leads you inside.
"I can sense it. My ruby. It's here."
He walks through the shelves and finds the glow of his ruby emitting from a crate on the shelf. He reaches out and smiles as he takes the ruby from within. He holds it up and looks at it.
"Something is wrong."
You frown and are about to ask what was wrong, but as he touches the ruby, it explodes with power in his hand and sends him flying backwards.
He doesn't respond. You rush over to where he lies and tap his face a few times. "Hello? Can you hear me?"
He doesn't respond.
The door to the storage unit opens, and you hear someone enter. A man in a long coat and slippers kneels down and picks up the ruby. It doesn't seem to affect him. You watch him walk away with it.
You turn your attention to the man in your arms. "Please get up." You whisper. "Wake up..." You feel tears in your eyes.
You don't know what to do.
@deniixlovezelda - @missdreamofendless - @kpopgirlbtssvt - @meganlpie - @thoughtsfromlayla - @ladyjbrekker
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@dreamingblueberries - @the-shadow-of-aurora - @novavida - @blackgirlmagicforever
@permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 - @hopshusushi - @sloppyzengarden -
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circeyoru · 7 months
Following The Script
[Human & Demon!Alastor x Isekai!Reader]
Similar Storyline: {Surprise, Surprise, I’m Here to Watch}
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**Assume that Hazbin Hotel was completed and basically a lot of the characters’ back stories and endings were revealed. This is basically like those manhwas where you get isekaied to a novel/show/game that you know the ending to and stuff
You didn’t think it would happen but it did. You were isekaied. At first you didn’t know where you were, you assumed you went back in time since there was nothing funny about your new surroundings. That’s until you met him. Alastor, The Radio Demon, in child form
Oh he’s so cute!
Anyways, not surprised that you ended up in your favourite pastime show Hazbin Hotel. It was a long and tiring road, but you kept up with everything. Especially Alastor’s side of things since he was and is your favourite of favourites
The moment you knew where and when you were, you got to work. First deciding whether you want to be in Heaven or Hell after your death. You didn’t want to return to your world or go through the trouble of ‘accepting these characters are real’, they were real to you the moment you loved the show!
On one hand, in Heaven, you could rise in ranks and perhaps help Charlie beforehand and even travel down to Hell to talk to Lucifer, plus there was Emily, the sweet bean. But Hell was where majority of your favourites are. Guess, Hell it was
You took a page from Alastor’s book, to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. You know what types of power you want and you cheated your way out of the system, all to prepare yourself to be a powerful demon in Hell
You were in a well-earned and respectful family, not extremely wealthy but there was power and money to flant, so you used that. Unlike Alastor, you weren’t much of a direct killer type, you prefer something else. Like poison or sickness. Times are behind now, so you got away with everything
Speaking of the demon or boy as he is now, you made friends with him. His backstory was tragic and sad, reliant on his lovely mother while hatred for his father. You somehow became his source of light as well, through your kindness and assertiveness. Well, your mental age was well developed, after all, so even without manipulation on your part, things would go your way
Until they didn’t. Your expertise in law and persuasion got you a scholarship away from home. A feet your parents were proud of, they immediately got plans to move away! Anything to be a stepping stone on your path to success
The issue was telling Alastor that you’re leaving for who knows how long. Easy to say, he didn’t take it all too well. It was like a truck hit him, and stray dogs were eating his remains alive. You still weren’t used to seeing him without smiles and all that. Guilt plagued you, you had promised to be by his side, yet here you are, leaving on such short notice
The two of you promised to meet again, exchanging letters in the meantime to update the other on what happened. You kept an eye out on Alastor’s situation since it would be around this time that his killing urges started. His first victim was indeed his father
Unknown to you, it wasn’t. His first kill was the young lad that had a crush on you. That boy followed you around like a lost pup, that thing was threatening your closeness with him. So he couldn’t help it. One day, he brought his prey to the forest and had a taste of first blood
The thought came to him, the next should be his ridiculous excuse of a father, but he can’t when you’re around. His father’s bad treatment of him was what led you to stick around him, even let him stay at your place. There were maybe some uses of that man
Not anymore, not when you were far away, not when your only communication was through letters that he had to wait forever to receive one. Not when the mistreatment got worse
He somehow hoped that you’d return to comfort him for his loss. It didn’t happen. Nothing changed. You didn’t return, not even during long holidays or when he told you he had gotten famous and loved as a radio host
He would have hated you if not for the last news that you passed away during the beginning of the Great Depression by some low life that robbed and killed you and your family. He thought he didn’t need you since you had been away, but he couldn’t stop that feeling of dread when realization hit him that you were gone as he prepared for the news to report on his radio show
The fated year of 1933 came, Alastor’s death year. You formed bonds with Rosie and built a name for yourself in Hell. You were waiting for Alastor’s arrival. His fall into Hell and his appearance as the newest Overlord was one that you waited so long to see for yourself, you couldn’t reveal yourself just yet, you had to see for yourself
And what a show he performed. He did not disappoint! “Alastor! That was amazing!” You approached his giant form while clapping your hands like a child at the end of a play. You have no fear since this was Alastor, if need be, you can escape
How. How did you know who he was? His title was established but not his name. Who was this lowly sinner to approach him? He tried intimidation, that didn’t work
“Come on, you don’t recognize me?” You questioned, giving him your signature look to see if it jogs his memory, if it doesn’t you’ll just lea—
“My darling doe?” Alastor’s eyes widened at the nickname that came out of his lips. It was you and you were in Hell? But you were an angel to him! What could have led you astray? Was it after you left him? What vermin tainted you?
“What’s with all that voodoo symbol around you for, you mad about something?” You questioned as you got close to his darkened face. While it was creepy and scary to some, you didn’t shiver in a bad way. “Hell to Alastor? Anyone home?”
It was your turn to freeze and malfunction as Alastor wrapped his arms around you in a hug, the shadows formed a dome around you two as he buried his face between your neck and shoulder. “How I’ve waited for this. I thought you were in Heaven.”
That’s right, Alastor never knew how twisted you were because you kept it under wraps, you never told him because you wanted his childhood to be a happier one, different from the show. You knew you’d see him again but he never knew and thought the worse. You hugged him back slowly, “I did some bad things and made some evil choices, Al. But I’m happy to see you are well.”
Once the two of you got over the wondrous reunion, all hell broke loose. Alastor’s name spread far and wide, dominating the weak and instilling fear. Deals were made here and there while you watched with pride and excitement. The last of his commitment was his relationship with you, a couple, to be bound to each other. Different from contracts, it was a binding link between the heart
Well, he already stole your heart before you were here, so. Yes, absolutely, definitely
It didn’t smooth you during his 7 years of disappearance. You couldn’t interfere because part of the plot centered around it, similar to how you wouldn’t change the fact that Adam will order for an earlier extermination. Even when you were an angel in Heaven, you can’t change those things
Unlike the stories, you liked the way Hazbin Hotel told its plotline and all the characters. You didn’t want a thing to change. You have the power to change, but you didn’t, you could have removed what others’ were suffering from, but you didn’t. ‘Evil choices’, you did it all for your favourite characters to exist and form bonds with each other
You could have spared Husk the deal made with Alastor, but that wouldn’t teach him to be who he is and help Angel later on. You could have saved Vaggie from losing her eye and wings, but that wouldn’t let her meet Charlie and see a change in sinners. You could have warned Lucifer but that removes Charlie’s drama with him. You could have helped or warned Alastor of his death and that deal he hated but you let him go on his disappearance so he’d return with a purpose and not pure entertainment
Sometimes, even with the romantic relationship you have with Alastor and the friendships you shared with everyone else, you still feel out of place and foreign. Like you don’t belong. You do wonder, what if you turned the world into chaos and watched them all dance? Would that satisfy you?
Alastor noticed that distant look in your eyes when you were left to your own devices. He caught that look even when the two of you were alive. You’d stare with the boredest look in your eyes like you knew what would happen and that spark of interest would only remain for at most a minute. That look you had intensified after his return. How dull was the world through your eyes?
When he returned from his disappearance, he expected you to yell or question him, yet you didn’t and welcomed him back like he returned from a late night of destruction. Almost like you knew. But he didn’t have time to ask or explore it. His freedom came first
Oh, he didn’t even know you were slowly slipping away from his grasp. If only he was more entertaining to the supreme being that knew all
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Note: Hahahahaa! I'll let this down! Next time I'll ask if the person is not anonymous for the request. If it's anonymous, I'll just take it as it asked or I switch it up with something I can write.
Circe Y.
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sparrowrye · 7 months
Demi Demon || Alastor x Reader, part 17
Synopsis: soulmate AU where you have the same mark on your body as your soulmate, and if your soulmate dies, you die too. Alastor needs to make sure that his soulmate is safe so he can continue his reign - whatever that takes. Though it looks like we have a couple secrets of our own.
Previous part
Part 17: meeting the overlords
"I'm sure you can all imagine why I called you here," Lucifer began. "Humans are starting to put together that Full mages are not from their world. As I've stated in previous meetings, we should be revealing ourselves, not waiting to be discovered."
I scanned the face of every Overlord at the table. They were all in their Demon form, some more terrifying than others. There were eighteen Overlords in total but each one had a second hand, putting the overall count at 36 individuals. 37 if you counted the King of Hell.
"A decade ago we had decided to wait some time before revealing ourselves," one of the Overlords said. She had long white horns and huge, white clawed hands. Her eyes were blood shot red. "Why the change of heart?"
My shoulders stiffened when I realized who sat two seats down from her. The man was wearing his pink hat and jacket. It was the owner of the fighting ring who drugged me. I couldn't tell where he was looking with his glasses covering most of his face.
"We were, but then someone went crazy on the surface." The man who spoke wore a navy blue suit and had a flatscreen TV for a face. His voice sounded familiar. "Tricking them with the whole illusion magic doesn't work when you massacre them with the 'illusion'."
"I do believe you were the one who broadcasted the whole thing, old friend," Alastor didn't hesitate. "What was it you said? You're all in for a real treat, tonight?"
"It was your choice to come out the way you did. I was just doing what I do best."
"I fail to see the problem when your broadcast barely had sight of me. We all know how unreliable it can be."
"How about all the people who escaped to tell the--"
"Regardless of how or why it happened, it did," Lucifer interrupted, "and we need to decide what the next steps will be. I'd like to hear from the surface Overlords about announcing ourselves to the surface."
"Now?!" someone yelled from the other end of the table.
"Yes, now," he answered firmly. "Thanks to Alastor's incident--" radio static caught in the Radio Demon's throat "--we'll need to reveal ourselves soon. We need to set our historic record straight and keep it that way."
A moment of silence fell over everyone's head. They looked between each other with various expressions, no one quite sure what to say next. I looked at the Demons standing behind them but most of them had blank stares, revealing nothing about their own thoughts.
"Why do we need to do anything if they're going to figure it out anyways?" someone finally asked.
A woman with large pigtails sitting beside the ring owner laughed. "Do you want to stay an Overlord on the surface? Humans are notorious for killing anything that poses a threat to them."
"We have to show that Demons are more than just humans with more-than-average magic," the TV added. "If we don't, they'll hunt us down for sport. There's more of them than there are of us by a large margin."
"Why are we worrying about being hunted? Humans with Slight magic are no match for Demons." The Overlord was a huge humanoid wolf with neon colors all over.
"Humans together under a common cause are a match for Demons," the woman in white said. "It's important to set a precedent before they realize they can outman us."
"How does thy propose to accomplish such a feat?" This Demon had two sets of bright green eyes and his cloak wrapped tightly around his body.
Demons started looking between Alastor and the TV.
"A television broadcast wouldn't be a bad idea," the TV man smiled.
"Aren't we expecting to reach the entire surface? You barely cover a continent as is," Alastor challenged.
"I advance more with every passing day. It would take less than a month to have a reach all over the surface. Something that can be accomplished if your highness provides proper resources." He nodded his head to Lucifer.
"Yet I've been broadcasting to the entire surface for centuries," Alastor said. "Since the Great Collapse, radio has been the only reliable source of communication."
"Who would believe the word of a Demon who's been tormenting them for hundreds of years?" he snapped back. "People can see a Demon for themselves instead of taking your word."
"Television can be fabricated."
"A radio host can lie."
"They're both important," Lucifer interjected, "and having both can solidify what we're trying to do. Vox, I can provide the resources you need to expand. Alastor, you'll wait for my word before you broadcast." The Radio Demon's eyes narrowed in response.
"What exactly are we broadcasting?" Vox asked, seemingly bored now. He scratched at his bright blue claws. "Humans know Demons as Full mages. Are we merely changing our name?"
"Humans," Lucifer explained, "use the term Full mages to mean anyone who can control more than just the basic elements. But Full mage Humans and Demons are two different species."
"What is the difference?" the neon wolf asked. I was surprised to notice a collection of nods from the rest of the Overlords. How much of their own history did they not know?
"The main difference is that we have control over Existence magic. So dark, chrono, and cosmo magic. Humans have no control over such magic. Demons can control various advance magic, even bending and expanding it, such as technology magic." He gestured to Vox, who casted a smirk in Alastor's direction. "Humans can control very few advance magic. The most I've seen a Human control is four. Demons have access to all, though many of you know it's best to pick a few to master."
"You don't expect to share this information with Humans, do you?" the woman in white questioned. "Giving up such crucial information could lead to our ultimate downfall."
"You're right," Lucifer agreed, "That would give them too much information about us. But we need them to be aware of the difference between Human Full mages and Demons. Aside from appearances of course." He looked down the eighteen frightening faces.
"I say we tell them we can control everything," Pigtails suggested. Well, more like declared. "They'll never know. If we scare them into thinking we can master any and all elements of life, they couldn't imagine fighting against something so powerful. And appearances would just confirm it."
"What happens if they develop the technology to rival our power?" the woman in white asked.
"I don't think you'd be around to see that day," Pigtails shot at her, "And besides, we'll just keep them from getting to that point. They're all about advertising their new inventions. Riding of it and its inventor is easy."
"Thou would be foolish to not prepare for thy future." The man dressed in black with neon eyes spoke before the woman could.
Lucifer nodded. "It's something to be concerned about, but it's something to discuss only after we've revealed ourselves."
"Sooo." Vox ran his long claw across the table so it made a screeching noise. I clenched my jaw and dampened the noise. "We're telling the Humans that we can control any and every element. What happens if they get angry?"
"Surface Overlords have been up there for quite some time." Lucifer crossed his arms. "How would you handle an uprising?"
"Same way as down here," the ring owner beside Vox answered, "Fear, manipulation, and manpower."
"I would advise surface Overlords to maintain and increase this manpower." Lucifer stood from his chair. "I will contact all of you when we are ready to reveal ourselves. As for you two," he looked to Alastor and Vox, "we will speak privately about what exactly you will be broadcasting. This meeting is over."
Everyone filed out of the room within minutes. Rosie casted a smile and a small wave in my direction as she left. As she did, another woman walked in. She wore an all red suite and had long, gorgeous blonde hair. She was followed by a shorter woman who had a lot of silver hair and large red X over her eye.
The pair quickly made their way over to me, the blonde energetically introducing herself as Charlie Morningstar, daughter of Lucifer. I was speaking to Princess of Hell.
"Are you really Alastor's soulmate?" She got really close to my face. Alastor casted a glance over his shoulder at me.
"Uh, yeah."
"I can't believe it! I never thought he would have one."
"Doesn't everyone get a soulmate?"
"Demons never had soulmates until they could go to the surface. Once the portal opened they started to get them, so a lot of the old Overlords don't have one." She spoke so fast it was taking an extra effort to comprehend it all.
"Oh, I didn't know that."
"It's pretty cool if you think about it. But you have to tell me what it's like being his soulmate. Ever since I met him he's always bragged about not being chained down to a soulmate."
"Oh uh..." How do you answer a question like that? I noticed Alastor had cocked his head a little to hear better. How was he paying attention to both his conversation and this one at the same time? "He's uh...how long have you known him?"
"Well I've personally known him for only about a century, now."
"Oh. Uh...and how long have you known of him?"
"He's been a nuisance for everyone for centuries," the other girl mused.
"Interesting." I played off my sudden realization.
"So what's he like?" Charlie pressed. "He's always going on about everything just being entertainment and not getting attached to anyone."
"Oh, well, he hasn't really changed then. I didn't think I had one either, quite honestly."
"Were you really a ring fighter?" the other girl abruptly asked.
"I was," I answered. "Why do you ask?"
"It was just really cool to watch you fight. I saw the whole thing online. You were amazing!"
"Oh." My face grew warm. "Uh, I really didn't do well."
"Sure you did. Were you taught how to fight or did you learn it from the rings?"
"I learnt it."
"How many rings did you take down?" Charlie asked.
"I think seven? But I didn't really take them down. They started back up a week later." I folded my arms together, drawing in on myself.
"Oh, I'm sorry." Charlie put a hand on my shoulder. I looked between it and her, surprised at how friendly she was being toward me. "I know a thing or two about failure."
"It's okay Vaggie."
"What do you mean?" I gently pushed.
"I tried saving my people awhile back and it didn't really work out. I tried to redeem sinners and Demons so they could go to Heaven but...it kinda fell through."
"How come?" I turned to face her completely.
"Well, it was going alright but then the portal to the surface opened. And what was the point of being redeemed when they could relive life on the surface?"
"Oh, that's really bad timing." I was trying to wrap my head around the fact that there was a Heaven and Hell in the first place, and that the Princess of Hell was telling me she was centuries old. She seemed more like my age.
"Yeah. But I figured I would wait and try again in a different way. Reimagine it!" Her eyes widened and she looked like a little kid with a gloriously bad idea.
"I think you totally should," I agreed. "What's the harm in trying again?"
"Exxxactly!" Her smile widened even more. "And you shouldn't give up taking down those fighting rings. Who knows what kind of Demon children are stuck in them? You're the only one giving any of them hope."
My mind started to wander. "Yeah...I guess so."
"We've got to keep in touch." Charlie pulled out her phone.
"Oh, I don't have one," I said nervously.
"Pfft, of course not," Vaggie sent a glare into Alastor's back, "Someone's still in the dark age."
"Yeah, well, Husker is the only one who's got a phone. And it's a pretty old one too."
"We'll connect through him then. I already have his number in my contacts."
"You already know him?"
The two of them laughed. "He and Alastor were a part of my hotel before it went under."
I nodded slowly. Alastor was in a heated discussion with Vox and Lucifer. They were all sending shots back and forth at each other, only Alastor remained in his seat while the other two were on their feet and pointing fingers.
"Maybe give it a break and meet another time?" Charlie quickly walked over. She put a hand on her father's shoulder.
"Charlie is right, per usual." Alastor half bowed his head to her.
"Of course she is," Lucifer crossed his arms. I didn't realize how short he was until Charlie stood next to him. She was my height and yet he was shorter than her shoulders.
"Come dear," Alastor said to me as he stood, "let us go home. This has been quite a productive meeting." It sounded more sarcastic than anything. Vox tried to say something but he was glitching all over. I was shocked I didn't see any smoke coming from his television head.
Charlie and Vaggie both waved as we left. I was close on Alastor's heels until we left the palace. I took the opportunity to look around at Hell. Everything was red but it looked like a normal city. The only give away was its inhuman inhabitants.
Alastor wrapped a hand around my shoulders as we teleported back to the house. I was shocked at the temperature difference. The night had been warm when we left but now the wind was like an icy chill that went right through my bones. Alastor walked ahead but I didn't follow.
"Alastor," I called. He stopped and looked over his shoulder. "I um...I'd like...I'd like you to teach me magic, again."
"Why's that?"
I wasn't expecting him to ask why. He's been pushing my training so much, why wouldn't he want me to accept it? I struggled for a response and he let the air hang silent for several moments.
"Because that's how I want the next hundred years to go," I finally said. It was true, to an extent, but I had other reasons for wanting it. Reasons I didn't want him to know.
His eyes narrowed, as if trying to detect the lie. He smiled wide so his yellow teeth showed. "A wise choice, my dear."
Author's Note:
Lots of dialogue and information but much needed! Looks like things are going to start turning around for us. Feel free to ask questions or leave any comments. I love interacting with you all!
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shapard · 5 months
I was wondering if I could request a second part to your Alone fanfic? Maybe them clearing things up if possible because it definitely was heartbreaking to see how he reacted as well as the reader being pushed away
Hope you’re having an amazing day and no rush!
Alone🪐 (Pt. 2)
Lucifer x ex!reader
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Pluie sur la ville
Part 1 < Part 2
Angst, use of drugs, drama
A/n:Hellooo! I couldn't help myself to put a little salt in the wound. Maybe a third part? Who knows. Here ya go, hope you enjoy<3
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Music was blasting through the small Radio. The Room was filled with piles of rubber ducks and other creations. 
In between the Mess there was Lucifer humming the tune of the music, while he worked on his new duck project.
Duck after Duck, to blend out the heart ache he felt after loosing you.
His Usually perfect clean hair was a complete mess. His outfit hasn’t been washed in a long time and his eyebags only worsened with each day that passed.  
Lucifer created and worked every hour that past and yet he can’t just forget about you. You were always in his mind.
Usual you would come up to him and pull him out of his obsession. And this smile of yours. It was warming and welcomed. Most Important it was home.
A soft knocking on the door made Lucifer halt. His head spun fast towards the door, “Come in.” a squeak left the rubber duck as his claws pressed into the soft plastic.
Lucifer hoped, he hoped you'd come through this door with this smile of yours. Hoping the last weeks were just a bad dream.
The door creaked open and one of his servants came in to bring him his breakfast. 
Disappointed Lucifer turned back to his now broken rubber duck. He cursed under his breath and started to begin with a new one. 
His Nails dug into the plastic and the rubber duck broke in his hands. You used to do his breakfast. Or he'd surprise you sometimes with your favorite pancakes. Even though you loved waffles more.
"Oh Y/n."
Meanwhile you were having the time of your life.
You were Partying day in and day out. You lost track of time a while ago but who cares? Hook up after hooking up and flirts after flirts.
Each day in a new apartment because you couldn’t afford one on your own. A beautiful life!
With a sigh you sat down at the bar getting another drink. The bartended watched in worry as he mixed you the next cocktail.
“That’s not healthy anymore.” He finally spoke up. Your hands grasp the cocktail in his hands, snatching it away like a kid with its candy. “We’re in hell! Who in their right mind is doing something healthy in here!” With a huge gulp you chucked down the cocktail. 
Two large wolf hounds threw you out of the club before you could complain.
The bartender sighed as he started to clean the glass. “For hell standards you’re overdoing it. When was the last day you were sober?” You raised your hand to answer the question but no answer.
You don’t know.
“See.” The bartender said as he leaned towards you. “As much as I love you company, you should rest.” 
It’s true. 
“Your cocktails taste rotten anyways!!” You shouted into the club. Swaying from side to side you walked without any destiny through the streets of the pride ring. 
You’ve drank almost every day. And every time you got a bit sober you gulped down another shot. Your body wasn’t anymore in its best shape and at last you didn’t feel like yourself anymore.
You thought breaking up with Lucifer may fix the issues and trust issue that began to unfold but no. Your life is nothing more than an empty pitch.
Yet you’ll never want to see Lucifer again. You wished you haven’t met him in the first place.
Opening your vox phone you watched the old picture of you and Lucifer. Happy. By surprise rain drops fell on the display. Except there is no rain.
Touching your cheeks you felt hot watery liquid. You were crying. Overwhelmed by all the sudden feelings you fell onto the rock sidewalk, scratching a bit of your knee.
Your sobs gave you few side eyes from other sinners. You didn’t care.
Even after all he did to you. After all this suffering you miss him. His soft side, his warm side, the lovely cuddles.
Heck you even miss the sex that was filled with love. You looked down at your shivering hands as more tears pearled onto it.
“Oh Lucifer.” 
Lucifer was staring at the family picture of Charlie, Him and… you. His clawed hand travel down from the canvas scratching a bit ink off the painting. He breathed in hoping he could get even a whiff of your scent but after all it smelled like oil paint and nothing like you.
His gaze met one of your old paintings. Do you still draw and paint these amazing art pieces? Lucifer watched you day in and day out as you focused on your drawings.
With a deep shaky breath, he went down to one of your private drawers. Lucifer Opened it with force and the lock broke under his strength. A small painting was in it with his name adored.
The deep crimson inked ribbon was wrapped around it. Crimson is your favorite color. Always been. 
You were obsessed with his eyes, you even started to draw them. He opened the ribbon and ripped the Canva out of its white-golden paper.  It was a painting with you and him. 
Your first date under the Sakura tree in spring. A pained laugh escaped his throat as he remembered how you sneezed around because of your allergies. 
That’s how you two met. 
Lucifer felt guilty for all those horrible things he has done to you. He hurt you not only mental but even physical. Only because of his insecurities, depression, and self-hatred.
It is no excuse for what he did to you, but maybe when he’ll explain you’ll understand him. Maybe you'll come back to him. “I Miss you Mon Chérie. Come back to me, please.”
The whole Hazbin crew was in the lobby looking down at your unconscious body.
Angel found you in the middle of the streets passed out. You look rough. Your hair was a whole mess, and you look much skinnier than before. 
“What happened to her?” Husk breaks the tension as no one dares to say a word. “I don’t know.” Charlie was worried. Her dad hasn’t talked to her since you asked where he was. Were you two fighting?
“Maybe we should call Lucifer.” Vaggie finally says what everyone had in mind. Charlie nods, only he could help. Her finger pressed hesitant on the call button and not a second later her dad’s voice spoke through the speaker.
"Heyyy Charlieee." Lucifer's bright voice lights the lobby. Charlie looked over to her girlfriend who gave her a thumbs up. With a deep breath she started to explain the situation.
"We have a itty bitty problem..." Charlie said slowly and Lucifer stayed silent this time waiting for Charlie to continue. "So, Angel was coming back from work," Charlie rolled the r, nervous how Lucifer would react, "And hesawY/npasspidoutinthemiddleofthestreet." The silence was loud. Vaggie's hand was now on her face as she shook her head.
"What? Charlie, love. You have to talk a bit slower so I can understand?" Lucifer laughed nervously. With another deep breath Charlie tried again. "Angel dust saw Y/n passed out in the middle of the streets-"
Not even a second wasted Lucifer was standing in the lobby. Lucifer black clawed hand went through your knotted hair. You needed a bath and medicine. Your forehead was burning like lava.
Lucifer bid a short goodbye and went fast to his private suite. 
Lucifer knew you’d be mad if he undresses you after all what happened. Yet He undressed you and brushed the knots out of hair as your body laid in the bath.
After you were fresh and clean, he put you into one of his own pajamas. He silently sat down waiting for you to wake up. 
After hours you finally woke up.
To your surprise Lucifer was lying beside you and snoring lightly. ‘This must be a dream’ Your hand went up to his cheek and you stroked his golden hair strand out of his face.
“It’s so mean that you’re so pretty.” Lucifer shifted under your touch and your hand quickly moved to your chest. His eyes flutter open as he looked at you with those beautiful red eyes. 
“You’re awake!” Confused you tilted your head. Awake? Isn’t this a dream.
You moved out of Lucifers reach, gaining more distance between you two. Lucifer stood up worriedly. “Don’t fucking touch me.” You fell backwards from the bed landing harshly onto the carpet before he could help you.
Lucifer raised his hands in defeat. As you pointed with your index finger on him. “Y/n, we have to talk.” 
His words ring in your head and the old hurtful memories filled your mind. “There’s nothing to talk about Lucifer.” Lucifer hissed at the disgusted tone of yours.
A hand grabbed yours when you tried to leave. “Please Y/n. My Evangeline. I Apologize.” The nickname ripped only old wounds open.Your e/c hues stared cold into his broken crimson ones. He was about to cry.
“For hurting you-“ You laughed bitterly. “If you think, I will come back at your pathetic excuse of an Apology then you’re wrong.” You shook your head in disbelieve and Lucifer looked at you in pure shock. 
“For what Lucifer?” Lucifer looked blankly into your eyes. No words left him, but you can see it in his eyes. He’s afraid that you’ll leave, again. 
“What can I do then?!” Lucifer grabbed his hair in frustration. “Y/n! I need you! I’m such a mess without you. I love you so dearly, please.” His voice cracked and your heart with it.
“I don’t want you to love me because you need me! I want that you need me because you love me!” A cry left Lucifers lips as he looked back up to you. You were frustrated too and the pounding headache only worsened your mood.
Before you left the room you shortly glanced back to him. “Are you the king of hell because you’re Lucifer Morningstar? Or are you Lucifer Morningstar because you’re the king of hell?” 
“Lucifer you abused me! And at last, you Ignored me like I didn’t belong here. Now after weeks, no, Months it’s Lucifer Morningstar who I’m talking to. Not the devil king who keeps his mistress in his castle. Lucifer it’s over!” Your rant leaves Lucifer speechless. He begins to wonder again why he did all those horrible things to you. 
The things he promised never to do.
“One.” You muttered under your breath. “Only one more chance."
Lucifers legs gave up under him. But this time he forces himself to get up. He’ll not let you go without a fight.
“I Love you Y/n. I never stopped I- fuck. I know I messed up but let me fix this- fix us. I want you by my side,” His finger nervously stroked on the small velvet box in his pocket, “As my Queen. Please give me one chance!” You turned around to face him. His eyes were red from all the crying. His face was wet. 
The bitterness in your face was tasteable. But maybe if you give in, he'll leave you alone.
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@i-have-no-life-charlie @sirenetheblogger @concentratedconcrete @ylovei @cimadreamer @ayanazoldyck @froggybich
A/n: This was a looot. Did any of you see a reference 👀. Asking for a friend.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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MICHAEL x gn!Reader | 1.3k words | SFW
Content: Michael has a lot of secrets when he sneaks his way into the Devildom. He's determined to figure out your secrets too, but he's not prepared for what he finds.
Warnings: Spoilers for NB HM L20. Established relationship pre-Nightbringer. Mildly suggestive content. Angst with an ambiguously hopeful ending.
A/N: The implications of Lesson 20 are haunting me. I fudged some of the details and filled in some gaps with my own headcanons because who really knows what’s going on? (Not me.)
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There’s something odd about you that Michael can’t quite put his finger on.
He came all this way to the Devildom wearing a false face just to see Lucifer and his fallen brothers again. He didn’t know what to expect when he arrived—he certainly didn’t expect Satan, but that wasn’t the only surprise. He was afraid they’d be monstrous, fully embracing their new demonic natures and indulging in sin. He was concerned that perhaps they suffered devastating wounds from the fall—ones that can’t be seen with the naked eye but cut through the heart just as deep, similar to the ones he bears now too.
What he found instead was family. Their unbreakable loyalty to each other, their love that forged the path that started all this, their unmatched stubbornness to seek out the happiness they want. He wishes it were with him, but perhaps one day he can accept this.
He didn’t expect to meet Solomon or the strange human sorcerer Solomon calls his apprentice. You’re a wolf in sheep’s clothing, if Michael ever saw one. His brothers are drawn to you. Damn it all—they all are. How can you bewitch them so effortlessly?
He feels some spiteful satisfaction when he realizes that the depth of their love for you is not reciprocated. You keep them at arm’s length, skirting away from their flirtatious gestures and denying their obvious attempts to woo you. You treat them like family but he can tell by their poorly-concealed disappointment that they long for something more. 
There's a brief moment when he thinks Solomon might be your lover instead, but that’s also proven false. He lingers near Cocytus Hall discreetly to observe you—both of you—but he sees no proof that you’re more than friends living as roommates together in the Devildom.
Tonight he hides in one of the hallways near your shared accommodations with the pesky sorcerer. His enhanced hearing allows him to eavesdrop on your conversation, but it’s hardly needed right now. The muffled sounds of your fight with Solomon echo down the hall. Solomon sounds exasperated and you eventually fling the door open and storm towards the exit. He leaves a few minutes later, grumbling to himself about needing a stiff drink.
Once you're both gone, Michael lets himself inside and begins his investigation. Your accommodations are comfortable despite the faint scent of whatever Solomon last cooked in your shared kitchen. The sitting room is comfortable and clean, but it's too clean. Immaculate. Neither of you spend much time here.
The first closed door he opens leads him to your bedroom. He can detect the faint scent of the fragrance you like to wear, and some of your clothes are strewn across the floor. The bed is sloppily made, but it feels more welcoming than any of the other rooms he’s inspected so far.
There’s nothing unexpected or suspicious on the shelves. Your nightstand is bare except for a lamp and half-empty box of tissues. The small drawer underneath is slightly ajar, and he tugs on the handle. At first it appears empty except for a book, but he hears something rattle at the bottom of the drawer. He picks up the book and stares at the D.D.D. hidden underneath it.
He pulls his own D.D.D. from his pocket. The group chat with Simeon and Luke pings with a message you’ve just sent, something about picking up a surprise Luke baked for you.
If you have your D.D.D. with you now, then what device is this?
He picks it up carefully and inspects it, but his confusion grows even more. It’s a different size than the ones everyone else carries, and it doesn’t weigh the same, and the screen is scratched slightly. It looks worn, old, well-used. It has the wear-and-tear of someone who’s had it far longer than you’ve been in the Devildom if Solomon’s story about your arrival is to be believed.
He knows he can’t stay much longer. Solomon might be trying to drink himself into a stupor, but there’s no telling when you will return. That doesn’t stop him from sliding his finger along the side of the device until he finds the power button and turns it on. The KARASU OS logo flashes briefly on the screen, and even that looks different too. A small window for your passcode pops up, but Michael stares at the lock screen photo behind it. He would recognize that willow tree anywhere. He’s read underneath it, napped underneath it, and cried underneath it, because it’s in his private garden.
He should put this unwanted mystery back where he found it and leave, but he can't. An unfamiliar emotion makes his chest tighten. He feels compelled to keep looking. There’s an ominous feeling gnawing at his insides when his thumb hovers over the screen, but he taps the screen and unlocks the device. He’s not sure what worries him more: that your passcode is his birthday, or that he somehow knew it would be.
Sweat beads along his hairline and his throat feels bone-dry. He shouldn’t even be here but he can’t stop himself, not when your home screen photo is a picture of you and Luke in the kitchen of the Celestial Halls.
He taps quickly on the Messages app and picks one under his name at random. A video recording starts to play: this version of himself is in his bed in the Celestial Halls, lying comfortably against the pillows propped up against the headboard. He’s wearing linen sleep pants but no shirt, his long hair spilling loose across his bare shoulders.
“It’s late, little lamb. Why aren’t you asleep?”
“I could ask you the same thing.”
“I thought I would look over some paperwork I neglected earlier. It turns out that I sleep poorly when you’re not here.”
“I’m glad it’s not just me. I miss you.”
“And I miss you. How soon do you think they’ll let you get away for another visit?”
“They might complain since I only just got back. Perhaps in a couple of weeks? That should give you time to come up with a reasonable excuse.”
“I can hardly wait.”
“Me too.”
“As much as I don’t want to cut our conversation short, you should try to rest.”
“I’ve been tossing and turning for the past two hours. I’m not sleepy.”
“Perhaps…hmm…would you like me to help you?”
“Oh, do you mean a lullaby? I love it when you sing.”
“I think I’d rather make you sing for me instead, little lamb. Go on and lay down for me. Let me see you—yes, like that, that’s perfect. Now, lift up your shirt and slide your fingers across your—”
He nearly drops the device when the front door opens and slams shut. There’s soft footfalls across the carpet in the sitting room and a soft, tired sigh. Yours. He needs to get out of here before you catch him. He scrambles to close the recording before shoving your spare D.D.D. back into the drawer. He disappears just as the doorknob starts to turn.
He stands in his temporary accommodations and his mind races. He’s stunned, paralyzed with so many questions and not enough answers. If he’s lucky, the device battery dies on its own before you notice it was tampered with.
He tries to dismiss this as a momentary distraction from the bigger issues at stake. He doesn’t want to imagine a version of himself that loves you so dearly, or what power would be strong enough to send you across time away from him, or what might prevent him from finding you—
He can't go down this path. He can’t afford to be sidetracked now. He’ll simply bury it with so many other secrets he’s forced to carry deep in his heart.
He won’t confront you about it. 
(He tries not to imagine what might happen if he does, good or bad.)
He refuses to dwell on it—not when you treat “Raphael” with kindness, and especially not when he notices the way your eyes look their brightest whenever his real name is mentioned.
When he returns home and considers the outlandish idea to attend RAD as himself, he’s tempted by selfish possibilities. He finally lets himself think of you once he’s alone in his garden, sitting underneath his favourite tree, and he smiles.
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Obey Me! Masterlist
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flamencodiva · 9 months
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Description: Dean Winchester is slated to be the next Alpha of his pack. As with all Wolves, Dean is waiting to see who his mate is at 18. But when he doesn't find her within his pack, he wonders if he will ever have a mate at all. On the brink of going feral, Dean is sent away from his pack to search for his mate. He can only return once he's found her, or he must take on a chosen mate. Y/N is the daughter of the current Moon Goddess, Selene. Hidden from the mortal realm after an attack on the moon kingdom, Y/N has heard a lonely howl for the past ten years since she turned 18. When unexpected circumstances force her to leave her current home, will she be able to find the lonely wolf and help heal him?
Pairing: Shifter-Wolf!Dean Winchester x Shifter-Wolf!Female!Reader
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Benny Laffite, Castiel, Garth, John Winchester, Mary Winchester, Bobby Singer, Henry Winchester (in flashbacks), Nick (Lucifer), OMC Luke, Jack, OMC Zack, and many more!
Word Count: 2105
Warnings (For entire fic): Violence, Language, Sexual Content (Smut of all kinds).
This A/B/O is more werewolf centered than A/B/O-centered. I hope you all enjoy the world I have created through this fic. All characters, unless stated otherwise, are shifter-wolf. It is a world/lore that I stumbled upon and found myself wanting to write.
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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The full moon was high in the sky as it shone down onto the pack gathering below. Sixteen year old Dean Winchester stood with other his age as their bodies bagan to shift. His bones began to break and rearrange as tufts of shiny grey fur began to appear. He groaned in pain as his family stood near him and encouraged him to not fight the change. 
‘Just breath son,” his father, John Winchester soothed. 
“Just take deep breaths and let your wolf take over, Dean.” 
His mother, Mary Winchester, had instructed. He could only nod as his face began to change. His nose and jaw elongated to grow a snout and he found himself on his arms and legs as they changed into paws. It didn’t take long before he competed his shift and allowed his wolf spirit, Shadow, take control. 
‘Woah,’ Dean said as his vision sharpened. 
“Let us celebrate our children and the emergence of their wolves!” John’s voice roared as everyone sexteen asnd older began shifting. 
The entire pack ran as one through the forest that was a part of their territory. Dean was at the lead with not just his parents but with the rest of the adults that made up his father and mother’s Alpha and Luna units. His best friend Benny Lafeitte was slated to be his Beta. Castiel Novak was to be his Gamma and the one to help calm and keep him intune with his Luna. And lastly Garth Fitzgerald III who would take on the Delta position.  
 The Silver Moon pack was one of the proudest and strongest packs in the area. John and Mary Winchester watched as their son rolled around in wolf form, playing with their second son, Twelve-year-old Sam. 
“The pups are growing up fast,” John said as he looked at his wife. 
“They are,” she sighed, placing her head on his shoulder, “do you think they’ll find good mates?” 
“I think so.” 
“Dean will have to start training with you as an Alpha,” Mary reminded him. 
“He’ll make a great Alpha, my love,” John turned his head to kiss the top of his mate’s, “look at how he is with Sam and his friends. He will make sure our Pack stays strong.” 
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two years later, 
Dean fixed his hair again. Today he would find his mate. When pack members turned eighteen, they would be brought together at the pack house to find their mates. Essentially it became one big party. 
‘Gotta find mate,’ his wolf Shadow whined. 
“We will,” Dean chuckled, “besides, who knows, it might be that we already found and sampled our mate,” he wiggled his eyebrows. 
‘No mate, not yet. Can’t sense her,’ Shadow huffed. 
Dean rolled his eyes before turning to the door to see Sam leaning against the frame. 
“How come I can’t go!” he whined, “I mean, I know I haven’t shifted yet but why can’t I find my mate?” 
“Sam,” Dean placed a hand on his brother’s shoulder, “you have plenty of time. Besides, it’s only four more years. What’s your rush?” 
“I know, my mate,” the young teen said, shrugging his shoulders. 
“You do?” Dean raised his eyebrow at his brother, “who?” 
“Jessica Moore,” Sam whispered, lowering his head in embarrassment. 
“Jess? Your mate is Jess? How do you know?” Dean asked. 
“Swift could sense it.” 
“You know you can’t know for sure until you’re 18, Sam.” 
“But Dean, I’ve read in some of the books that some mates can sense they are mates before they’re 18. It’s not all that uncommon.”
“Sam,” Dean said giving his brother a warning glare. “You know the rules. You have to wait until your first shift and on the full moon of your 18th birthday to know for sure.” 
“Fine,” his little brother grumbled and threw himself on the bed. “Can you feel your mate near by?”
“No,” Dean admitted. “But who knows, she might have been hiding from me. Or, it just takes me and shadow the full moon to feel them.” 
Dean sighed as he watched his brother through is mirror as he continued to get ready. He couldn’t help but feel jealous. His brother’s wolf had already found his mate before he was eighteen. It wasn’t fair. Here he was, the future Alpha, and his mate had not surfaced. Or at least he couldn’t sense her in the pack. 
Meanwhile, his brother, barely of legal age, could already sense his mate. He couldn’t help but feel jealous. His wolf let out a whimper before Dean shook his head. 
“Then, in four years, you and Jess can make sure you belong together,” Dean cleared his throat, “this is a rite of passage, Sam. So hopefully, my mate is out there, and the Goddess Selene blesses me tonight.” 
With that said, Dean gave his brother’s shoulder a soft pat before making his way down the stairs of the packhouse. He could hear his mother ordering people around to prepare one of the large rooms. 
“No, no,” he heard her cry in frustration. 
“The food needs to be placed in the next room. The main room is for dancing and mingling.” 
“Mom,” Dean made his presence known, “don’t you think this is a bit… much?” 
“Nonsense,” she dismissed him, “not every day your eldest is of age to find his mate. Besides, you know I do anything for you boys.” 
“You really think I’m gonna find my mate tonight?” Dean huffed. 
“Why not? I saw you and Cassie were together three summers ago,” she pointed out as she continued to direct older pack members around the house to help set up. 
“But that doesn’t mean she’s my mate,” Dean shrugged, “how did you know dad was yours?” 
Mary blushed and turned to her son, “I just knew. And so did your father. Our wolves just felt this connection given to us by the Goddess.” 
“What if my mate isn’t here?” Dean asked, his fingers playing with a loose thread on his shirt. 
“Then she will find her way to you,” Mary placed her hands on either side of her son’s face, lifting his gaze to hers. “You will find your mate Dean. You just have to trust that the Goddess has a plan.” 
Dean nodded before taking her hands in his and giving his mother a kiss on her cheek. Turning away from the planning, he noticed Sam near their father’s study, his brother giving off a low growl. 
“What’s wrong, Sammy?” Dean whispered. 
“Dad’s got the council in there. I heard something about rogues near our border.” 
Dean stepped closer to the door, his senses tingling as he tried his best to use his wolf hearing. Much of what was being said was muffled, but he could make out a few words. He and many of his friends are mainly undergoing extra training in the next few weeks. 
“Do you think it’s Lucifer?” John sighed. 
“Is that what Nicks's runt is calling himself,” a voice called out, “Idjit.” 
Dean recognized the voice as Bobby Singer, one of the pack’s elders. Bobby had come to join their pack around the time his father, John, was just a young pup. He remembered his dad talking about Bobby being one of the best warrior trainers he had ever seen. Dean heard stories of Bobby having a son once, but the elder never liked to talk about it.  
“The rogues seem to be from Nick’s pack, and Luke seems to be leading the charge,” John sighed, “but all we can do is double that guard. Whatever he’s doing, we will need to find out.” 
“We need to beef up training, John,” Bobby sighed. “I’m too old for this.” 
John chuckled, “my dad trusted you, and our warriors are strong because of you. Benny is set to take over for Hypolite.” 
John’s heavy footsteps could be heard from the other side of the door. Dean could tell his father was worried. He only paced in his office when he needed to think of a solution to a problem. 
Dean and Sam continued to try and eavesdrop on the conversation when the door cracked open. 
“You know,” their father’s voice started them, “if you wanted to know what was going on, Dean, all you had to do was knock.” 
Dean stood up and gave his father a sheepish smile. 
“Samuel,” John huffed, “you know better than to sneak around. If I wanted you to know, you would know.” 
“But dad! How come Dean gets to go to all the Alpha meetings? I’m an Alpha too!” 
John placed a gentle hand on his youngest son’s shoulder, “Dean is going to be Pack Alpha one day. He is of age. He’s been training for this just as you have. Right now, I need you to be a kid and enjoy not having to worry about his” 
“No fair. I can fight and be helpful!” Sam growled. 
“I know you can, pup,” John ruffled his youngest son’s hair. “I promise when the time comes, you can help. 
Sam frowned and stomped his way up the spiral staircase to his room, grumbling along the way. 
“He’s trying to grow up too fast,” John sighed. 
“He’ll get over it once he gets back into training mode,” Dean assured his father, “is it serious? The rogues on our borders?” 
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow,” John dismissed, “tonight you find your mate.” 
“Yeah,” Dean sighed as his father walked away, “if she’s even here.” 
The guests arrived with Dean hanging out with his friends, Benny Lafitte, Castiel Novak, and Garth Fitzgerald III. 
“Excuze me, Boyz,” Benny said as he pulled away from his friends, “seem’z Red and I have zeroed in on our mate.” 
“Already?” Castiel huffed, “how the --” 
Dean watched as Cas stopped talking and turned towards the front door. 
“I, um… I gotta--” 
Garth and Dean watched as Benny and Cas walked toward their mates. The couples seem to fall into easy conversation. 
“Don’t worry, Deano,” Garth gave the Alpha a slap on his back, almost making him choke on his drink, “I’m sure the next girl to walk in will be your--” 
Dean covered his face with his hands as Garth clumsily tripped over his feet at the next female that walked in. Garth had stumbled into not just the table the boys were standing by, but the following tables lined up with the front door. 
“Sorry, my bad!” Garth called out as he stumbled his way toward the female. 
As the night went on, Dean watched as his friends and peers paired off with their mates. It hurt that his own mate hadn’t shown herself yet. By the end, Dean was left alone, his head hung low as he walked towards the balcony overlooking the valley. 
The moon shone so brightly that its rays illuminated every corner of the pack's territory. Dean finished off the last of his drink before turning his gaze to the moon. Shadow could feel Dean’s pain. After all, he and Dean were one and the same. Their pain resonated so profoundly that Dean let Shadow take over as a mournful howl echoed through the sky. 
‘Goddess hear my plea,’ it seemed to say, ‘let my mate find me soon.’ 
Little did Dean and Shadow know that in the realm of the Moon Goddess, the goddess herself had heard his cry. 
“Dean Winchester,” she said, her voice a whisper as the howl echoed in the halls of her palace. “When the time comes, your mate will find you,” she said to the wind. “Strong heir of the Silver Moon Pack, your trials are just beginning. My Conor’s sacrifice to keep our daughter safe will not be in vain. I hope you can be patient.” 
She walked to her room, away from the enormous mirror in her chambers, where the reflection of Dean sank. 
This was to ensure the safety of her daughter, Y/N. The wolf, who claimed the name Lucifer, was no match for Conor's valiant efforts. The death of Selene's mate was ultimately felt by her. Her first concern was ensuring the safety of Y/N. Meeting Dean was still too soon for her. The young Alpha had to face his own struggles as her daughter trained. 
A second reflecting pool was entered by the moon goddess's palm. With her light, she extended her hand into a room that was otherwise dark.
Whispering to her daughter, "My little Y/N," she delicately gathered the stray hairs and placed them behind her ear. "For as long as it takes, I will shield you from harm. I can only pray that the web of destiny does not end in sorrow."
Chapter 1
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Tag List: Tag List is Open and has room for more. (note: Everything means everything from M/M to OFC)
Dean (Female Pairing Only) 
Dean Everything 
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cryptidghostgirl · 7 months
heyhey! You said you had a request but couldn’t see it and in case it was mine here i am once again humbling asking you to feed my delusions. I am the same person who asked for the one with the fake dating trope and the one where reader spawns into the lobby :))
But i am here now going for a more angsty route! >:) Granted, this is more of an OC x Alastor but im describing it more generic for the populace BUT HERE GOES
right before “Cover me” reader kept silently glancing over at Alastor which was on the dance floor, subconsciously making him approach her. He goes of course they have a (Important for later) conversation like “I havent seen you around here. Are you new around town?” “Just moved in actually~” “Well, Id love to give you a tour someday, the names Alastor” and he kisses her hand “Ah a charmer, ill have to be careful around you” (OR A MORE ELEGANT CONVERSATION THEN THAT I SUCK AT DIALOGUE) then theres the knife and gun scene and the team up
And then they get together after about a year or two and I dont wanna say theyre legally married but eventually use wife and husband terms because its more fancy and gives them more respect in eyes of others but they have been together for around 5 years at this point.
but then the events of 1925 happen where readers twin brother dies because some bastards set fire to his house and Reader has an argument with Alastor before eventually going alone to avenge her brother (theyre like “theres too many, youll die” “so be it!”)
Reader kills them all (duh) but because it was January and extremely cold she eventually gets hypothermia and during the delusions it gives she stumbles and gets impaled on an abandoned rusty fence spike and dies :3
Alastor find her and gives her a proper burial and 8 years later in 1933 while visiting readers grave he gets shot canonically
But these 8 years gave reader enoigh time in hell to establish her own dominance and due to the life she lived and the death of hypothermia- she gets turned into a sort of blizzard demon. Around 180 cm with black limbs, white fluffy hair and fluffy ears and a white tail as a sinner form and for the demon form im thinking of the faceless Room Guardians by Anyaboz on Instagram (incredible artist btw) with ice powers like summoning weapons and ice spikes and ice touches and moving freely (like Kindred’s wolf in League) in her blizzard. Taking over half the pentagram like this-
Until 1933 when Alastor pops up in hell, does his demon business and eventually wants to check out these frozen parts and goes into a bar very similar to the one they met and sees reader at the table and then THEY HAVE THE EXACT SAME CONVERSATION THEY HAD WHEN THEY FIRST MET (maybe with the knife and gun scene too hehe) and theyre both like “i forgive you” or smth idk maybe they just have a silent agreement- either way.
After they met the blizzard stops and no one knows why or who did it :>, readers identity as the blizzard demon remaining a secret
BTW I LOVE YOU FOR MAKING MY DREAMS COME TRUE- if you want more i have a ton of ideas because brain rot- (also lil side note i kind of imagine reader as albino because it would fit my ocs lore a bit more- but keeping it basic would fit everyones ideas of their own reader so! do what you please you already made my day better by reading my ideas come to life :3))
yes!! i did see yours and it is currently in third place for requests i need to fill so ill probably get it done by this weekend, early next week at the latest. it’s just taking me a bit because i’m in midterms rn and also i want to make sure i get in all the details :) i think it might’ve been a request for alastor’s mom reader x lucifer?? i recall getting one about that but can’t seem to find it anywhere. long story short,, your request is in progress and i will post it as soon as i have the time to finish it up :)
UPDATE: This piece has officially been posted as of Friday February 23rd, 2024.
Frostbite (Alastor x Reader)
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y2ashlee · 1 year
Wolf! In heat! Lucifer x Female! Reader
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This is during the Two paws event. I’ve changed the plot a little but please enjoy.
Satan and Belphie were having a laughing fit at the misfortune that they had given Lucifer. What happened was that it was ______’s turn to cook dinner and Satan had offered to help and while she wasn’t looking after plating up he spiked Lucifer’s plate with the transforming potion. “Well, I’m glad the two of you are having fun today because until further notice the two of you are grounded. “Whaat!?” Belphie said sarcasm lacing his words. “No more new books for you, Satan and no more sleeping outside of your bedroom, Belphie.” Lucifer said. “And ______, come to my room before you go to bed.” He said placing his utensils on his empty plate. “But I didn’t-“ Lucifer cut her off. “It’s ok your not in trouble.” She nodded and finished her dinner.
After everyone had finished eating and the dishes were done and everyone had retreated to their rooms. ______ slowly walked to Lucifer’s room her heart pounding as she knocked on his door. “Come in.” He said and she opened the door shutting it behind her. “So what did you want to talk to me about?” Lucifer sat back in his chair and sighed softly. “Well, firstly how did Satan do it.” He asked his tail swaying slowly. “Well he probably did it while I was cleaning up just after I had dished up.” She said thinking her hand on her chin as she closed her eyes. “That is probably the most probable answer.” Lucifer said as he watched her think his eyes darting at every point of her body. Sweat dripped down his brow. “Are you alright? Your sweating quite a lot?” She asked. “Y-yes I think there was just a problem with the potion or something.” He said as he loosened his tie and un buttoned the top buttons of his shirt. “I-um should I go then?” She asked a little concerned. “Do you need me to get you anything?” She asked walking towards him and placing the back of her had against his forehead. “N-n-o but I know what I need.” He said standing up and pulling her onto his desk. “I-I need you.” He said sniffing her neck. “O-oh, Um.” She didn’t know what to say or do but she accepted him regardless. He licked her neck before sniffing it once more. “You smell amazing to me at the moment he said pulling her over his desk so she was sitting on it. He breathed heavily as his hands roamed to the end of her shirt his hand slipped underneath. “Your skin feels so soft..” he said softly. She sighed softly and placed her hand on his belt and pulled him in to her lips. Her lips against his and he pulled away. “You shouldn’t have done that..” he said slipping off her shirt and tossing it to the side and lend down and kissed the top of her breast before slipping her bra down exposing her breasts to the cool air. She shuddered.
“_____, would you happen to be ovulating?” Lucifer asked out of nowhere. “U-um maybe? Why?” She asked confused. “Well, we wouldn’t want you to get pregnant. And it makes sense why you smell..” he sniffed her once more. “Irresistible, to me in my wolf like form.” He said as he sat down in his chair and pulled her onto his lap. The bulge in his trousers feeling the heat that radiated from her nether regions. He sighed knowing that he shouldn’t do this to her. “You should go before I can’t think straight.” He said pushing her off of him and standing up. “Well, that seems unfair since you’ve made me all hot and bothered..” she said disappointed. “I know but what if I get you pregnant??” He said not thinking in the strange state he was in.
“_____, I ju-“ she cut him off before he could finish. “There are these magical things called condoms..!?” She said sarcastically. More sweat dripped down his forehead. “I-well y-yes that’s true.” He said softly. “Soo, are we still doing this?” She asked. “...okay but I don’t want to just... go at it?” Lucifer said thinking. “Neither do I, so let’s go slowly then, where’s the condom?” She asked assuming he didn’t have one. He walked over to his besides table his tail moving in between his legs and his ears slumped slightly as he pulled out a condom from the draw. She walked up behind him and took it from him before placing it in her pocket. “Well use it in a little while but first..” she says not finishing her sentence as she undoes the buttons of his shirts and untucks his shirt and drops it to the floor touching his tail on the ways down. He gasps and looks at her and she just smiles sweetly as she grasps his hand and sits him down on the bed and knees in front of him. “Well aren’t you a little miss initiative.” He chuckles and unbuckles his belt and relieves himself of his trousers as they drop to the floor his pride slightly raises at the cool air as his tail sways slowly. She grasps his pride gently and notes that it looks strange but takes no mind to it as she loosely slides her fingers up and down his pride. He huffs and whimpers at her touch as she continues the pace and moves her head to his member and sucks the tip gently slowly taking some of him in her mouth at every move of her hand. He shuddered as he could feel his release coming as his pride twitched in her mouth before releasing. She pulls away and coughs a bit not expecting to swallow his liquid. She takes the condom out of her pocket and opens it sliding it on the proper way and they slowly slips off her pants and underwear. “So are you leading or do you want me to continue~?” She asked.
“_-______, get on the bed and kneel on your hands and knees..” Lucifer says and stands up. She nods and stands up and lays on the bed like he asked. He placed his hands on her hips and rubbed them gently before he moved and massaged the small of her back earning a small moan from her. He continues the movements as he places his pride against her wetting folds slowly moving his pride back and forth before slowly inserting himself into her entrance and she gasps. “Are you ok, dear?” She nods against the pain. “Yeah, just wasn’t expecting it yet..” she says breathing softly as he inserts himself more and more. She moans lowly as he thrust in and out of her his pride going deeper and deeper inside of her almost hitting that spot every time. He groans as he can feel his release coming sooner than usual. “I don’t think I’ll be able to hold out for much longer my dear.” He said trusting harder as he continued to to massage the small of her back. He kept trusting her walls starting to tighten around him as she moaned lowly as he thrusted harder groaning with each trust. “M-my-!” She moaned feeling her walls clench around him as he finally came groaning while he continued to thrust wanting to her her moan his name. “Aah!” She moaned loudly her juices coating her insides as they dripped down her legs. “L-Lucifer..!” She said loudly but breathlessly. He smirks and pulls outs of her it feeling strange as he does it. She collapses onto his bed her legs feeling numb. He chuckles and regains his composer and he cleans the two of them off before pulling her into the bed and snuggles up to her after pulling the blanket over her. “Your mine now..” he says softly as she dozes off into sleep. He sighs softly and slowly falls asleep with her in his arms.
Well Um hope you guys enjoyed it even though it wasn’t that great. Also fun fact wolves mate for life.
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aphroditelovesu · 11 months
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⤷✿.。Since you voted yes to commissions, so here we are. I was a little unsure about the price, so I researched and tried to make it as fair as possible. I hope you agree with this! ❤️
Also, this is completely optional! If you don't want to, you don't have to request a commission! All the other requests works the same way!! ⤷♡.+ n a v i g a t i o n.
⤷♡.+ Status: OPEN.
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What I would write
I write for any gender, both character and Reader/OC, be it female, male, neutral transsexual. Any.
Yandere!Character x Reader, Yandere!Reader x Yandere!Character, Yandere!OC x Reader and Yandere!OC X OC.
Dark!Au, Gore, Disorders, Smut/NSFW, explicit language, soft!yandere, alternative AU, Horror, Age gap (depends on how much).
Romantic, platonic and general Yanderes, as well as more specific themes; example: yandere x depressive!reader.
Stockholm syndrome.
Pregnancy, childbirth and death in childbirth.
Non-Con, Dub-Con, BDSM.
Fluff; non-yandere.
Monsterfucking, specific kinks.
What I DON'T write
Any kind of NSFW content with children, anything with children will just be platonic.
I don't write NSFW with characters that have a childish appearance or personality, just platonic.
I don't usually write ships because I consider it something personal, but I can do it if someone wants to.
Age play, scap.
Minor x Adult (only platonic).
Prices (in $ and R$)
2,00 $/R$ 2,00 for 500 words;
6,00 $/R$ 6,00 for 1000 words;
12,00 $/R$ 12,00 for 2000 words;
NSFW content adds an additional charge of $3,00/R$3,00.
Imagines, Scenarios, Reactions, Oneshots, Prompts
3,00 $/R$ 4,00 for 500 words;
10,00 $/R$ 13,00 for 1000 words;
18,00 $/R$ 18,00 for 2000 words;
20,00 $/R$ 20,00 for 3000 words.
NSFW content adds an additional charge of $5,00/R$6,00.
My list of current fandoms, but I can always add more:
Attack on Titan, Amensia, Death Note, Demon Slayer, Diabolik Lovers, Fruits Basket, Haikyuu!!, Hakuoki, Hunter x Hunter, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kamigami no Asobi, Naruto, Mirai Nikki, One Piece, Blood of Zeus.
Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, A Song of Ice and Fire, Pegasus and The Flame of Olympus (series), IT., A Court of Thorns and Roses (ACOTAR), The Bridgertons, Twilight, The Lord of the Rings, The Cruel Prince: The Folk of the Air, The Bridgertons, Twilight.
Genshin Impact, Detroit Become Human, Mystic Messenger, Time Princess Dress Up (TP: characters), Yandere Simulator, My Candy Love (Amour Sucré), Arkyos Angel, A Plague Tale.
BTS, BLACKPINK, GOT7, EXO, BIGBANG, TWICE, AESPA, Stray Kids, ITZY, Hyuna and Dawn, Red Velvet, NCT, Monsta X, Taemin, Dreamcatcher, LE SSERAFIM, (G)I-DLE.
Series/TV Show
Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Outer Banks, Friends, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Euphoria, Reign, Bridgerton, The Flash, Supergirl, Outlander, American Horror Story, Wednesday, Riverdale, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, The Sandman, Lucifer, Winx Club, Ragnarok, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, Invisible City (Cidade Invisível), Shadow and Bone, Adventure Time, The Witcher, Rebelde MX (RBD), Heartstopper, Hannibal, Criminal Minds, The Last Kingdom.
Disney Universe, Marvel Universe, DC Universe, Maze Runner, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Transformers, How to Train Your Dragon, Miraculous, Ever After High, Monster High, Barbie Universe, Christmas Movies, Maze Runner, Avatar, Twilight, Star Wars.
My Demon, Bussiness Proposal, Doom At Your Service, Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, Crash Landing on You, My Name, Mr Queen, King the Land.
Greek, Egyptian, Norse Mythology and Brazilian Folklore.
Historical Characters
Alexander the Great, Cleopatra, Caesar Augustus, Julius Caesar and etc...
Additional Information
I accept payment via PayPal and Pic Pay only (PayPal = Ko-Fi)
Payment must be made before I start and I will always send you updates if you ask me.
I write in English and Portuguese.
I have a deadline of 5 to 10 days to complete your commission, however, if something unforeseen happens and it ends up being delayed, I will inform you.
If I write more than what was asked, obviously there will be no additions.
If you are interested, DM me with details and feel free to ask me anything.
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sassykattery · 9 months
Dollface, Pt 11
Welcome to the finale– are you ready to take the plunge?
CW: MC is afab, uses she/her pronouns. Smut: piv, multiple rounds and creampie, breeding kink (but no mention of offspring), size difference, f! receiving penetration. Passion/romance driven sex. Hair pulling. Explicit mentions of male and female genitalia.
The main character is afab, uses she/her pronouns. This story is meant to be somewhat curvy/plus-sized reader insert, but the main character is given a physical description, but it's not crucial to the story or mentioned often after Part 1.
Characters: Main Character. Diavolo. Mammon. Satan. Beel. Belphie. Levi. Asmo. Lucifer. Barbatos.
Themes: Romance. Magic. Adventure. Sex. Smut. Diavolo x fem! MC.
Minors and ageless blogs DNI
18+ only
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"My lord, we should talk," Barbatos stated, seeing Diavolo sitting at one of the couches in the penthouse. His human lover was asleep in their bedroom while he started to do recovery on everything he'd missed for the last several months.
"Yes, Barbatos, I figured you'd come by eventually. I'm starting on all the meetings I've missed with the nobledemons and their grievances," the prince replied, sitting back and holding a document up to read.
"I meant about the young mistress," Barbatos replied.
"Oh, yes, what is it?" Diavolo immediately looked up and set the page down.
"My lord, are we really certain about bringing her to the Devildom? Yes, we have the sorcerer, but are we really wanting to do this? I thought there was more you wanted to do before deciding who–"
"Barbatos," Diavolo sighed. "I think you know as well as I do that my mind is set on this. I'm not leaving her here."
"I really must implore you to think harder about this. I understand you'd like to keep her but would you be putting her in more danger by doing so?" Barbatos persisted.
Meanwhile, a particular and curious Demon of Pride slipped into the master suite while the prince and his butler argued in the living room. Lucifer looked around, his eyes adjusting to the darkness. He never knew a human to prefer it as much as she did. Quietly, he sauntered over to the bed where the sleeping human lay, all bundled up in the covers like a burrito. The demon sat on the edge closest to her and peered down at her. He could see just her face peaking out, her eyes closed.
"Sweet little lamb all wrapped up in her nest, not knowing the demon who watches as she lays to rest," he murmured to her.
She stirred some, and he watched with interest. When she was done, he slid in further to seat himself next to her. Carefully, he peeled back the covers, seeing her messy hair in a bun, wearing just a black lacey bralette. He grazed a knuckle against her cool cheek, then tracing a finger down her neck and clavicle. She was so smooth and soft to him. His eyes wandered down, seeing her breasts squished together so perfectly. He rather liked how she looked, her skin softly gleaming with the little light available, her body curvy and plush like the finest dessert he wanted to devour.
Yes, much more like a wolf and his little lamb he wanted to keep very close in his clutches.
He looked around the room then, taking it all in as he thought to himself, that was, until a little warm hand reached out to touch his.
"Lucifer," she murmured. His eyes darted toward her barely open ones.
"How do you know?" He whispered. Certainly, this human couldn't tell in such darkness, right?
"Voice," she croaked, "and cologne."
Lucifer smirked to himself and leaned down closer to her, tilting his head.
"Where's Diavolo?" She murmured again, trying to find her voice.
"Currently arguing with Barbatos in the living room," he replied. He saw her expression shift to worry, and he placed his large hand over her abdomen to gently push down. "It's being handled. Just rest in here for now." She nodded, so he brought his hand up to run his fingers over her eyes, closing them. "Shhh..."
He then got up and left the master suite to inquire about the current torrent of back and forth between the prince and his butler. He overheard that the woman was the topic of discussion, and walked in.
"If I may?" Lucifer suddenly interrupted, rounding the corner into the living room. "I've sent my brothers out on some errands. But I'd like to interject as well," he added.
"Go on," Diavolo replied.
"She's not an ordinary human. When we were on the plane, I had the privilege of speaking to her," the Avatar explained. "She is actually the last soul I ever made as an archangel. This human woman has my blessings."
"Really?" Diavolo asked and sat forward, his elbows on his knees as he clasped his hands together.
"Barbatos, my brothers and I are already quite taken with her. I don't see as to why she couldn't fill the role," Lucifer admitted to Barbatos. The butler sighed and looked askance.
"If she's blessed, then at least she stands some chance of survival in our realm. And more than anything, she is our charge. Anyone seen taking a stand against her presence would be taking a stand against the crown," Diavolo added.
The butler sighed and walked to the windows to think. Barbatos finally raised a brow. "You made her, Lucifer? What did you bless her with?" He turned to face the Morningstar.
Lucifer was quiet.
"Lucifer? What did you give her?" Diavolo asked the same question again.
"... Everything. I gave her everything," the fallen archangel finally answered. "She's blessed with many talents and favors. When I made her, I put my entire heart into her, not knowing why I was even making her. She's... highly favored."
The other demons sat there a bit speechless, something they didn't feel terribly often. They finally looked back at one another before looking at Lucifer.
"... If that's the case, we must take her," Barbatos stated.
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With bleary eyes, she looked around the room she was in. The woman sat up and looked around. It was still dark in their room, just as Diavolo had left it. She vaguely remembered Lucifer coming in briefly to see her, though just barely so.
"Dia?" She called out softly.
When she received no reply, she slipped out from under the covers and padded over to the closet. She pawed through it and found a simpler lounge set of crimson velour pants and a plain black t-shirt. Once dressed, she left the bedroom and walked around the penthouse. It was completely empty, and she began to become anxious at the profound lack of anyone around. In the kitchen, she finally found a note.
"I had some food sent up to the room. It should be arriving when you wake up. Eat and watch some TV, I'll see you soon," –Diavolo
Her head tilted, and just as she placed the note down, the doorbell rang. Surprised, to say the least, she walked to the door and saw a delivery man in the peep hole. They exchanged pleasantries after she opened the door, and she took the food when they were done.
Sitting in the living room, she did as told, eating her takeout and putting on a romantic comedy. She felt very alone and anxious, but did her best to listen to Diavolo. Occasionally, she got up to use the bathroom or another drink from the fridge.
It was nearly three hours in, and one and a half movies later, they still weren't back. She was growing more concerned until she started feeling sleepy. The thought to go to bed crossed her mind, but it was like her body was so heavy that she couldn't make it. The couch was good enough for her, she thought, as she laid down and closed her eyes.
Minutes later, she was awake again, but this time, it was completely dark in the penthouse, with no light coming from the city below the windows. She could hear rain hitting the window but couldn't even see it. It wasn't minutes, it was hours that had gone by as she saw 3:33 on the digital clock nearby.
"Diavolo?" She called out again. No answer. Dread and fear began coursing through her body. She had no way of contacting anyone with her own cell phone, and all he said was they would see each other soon.
"Come here," she heard a whisper say from the penthouse door. Her head whipped around to look in the direction she heard it from.
"No," she called back, treading carefully. She knew from how it sounded that it was inhuman, and knowing about the supernatural world as she did, it wasn't far-fetched to think it was a spirit.
"Come. You want to see him, yes?" It whispered again.
"You won't help me. Begone," she barked, standing her ground. The voice chuckled quietly.
"Don't be so quick to cast me out, girl. Your soul may be old, but I have existed longer than most stars in all universes," the whisper replied.
She then quietly stood, walking toward the door. "Okay, fine. Here I am," she replied.
"Closer, dove, I need you at the door," the voice beckoned again.
With her brows furrowed, arms folded, and back straight, she approached and stood within inches of the door. "Now what?"
"Little lamb, old soul, sweet girl, you are called to a new place," the door replied. "Hark, think back to the times you fell out of step with mortals, when you knew things no one else did but had no explanation for how you did, or how the spirits sought your company, yet you felt compelled to deny them."
"I remember..." she answered, feeling slightly dizzy, but more like she was experiencing vertigo as everything became even darker around her, to the point that not a single lumen of light could be seen.
"You were blessed by Lucifer himself, a doll for the darkness, a lamb for the light, a soul for the saved and damned. Many adore, lust for, and want you, but only the select few were only ever meant to keep you. Those few have come to take you home, to bestow great gifts and charms upon you in this new life they offer."
"... What must I do?" She asked, her words beginning to slur as she held her head in her hand.
"Sit at the right of the right hand and at the left of the crown," it answered cryptically. "Wear the crown of thorns and carry it high above your subjects. Let them see you, let them drown themselves in your empathy. And let the sovereign grovel before you, worshipping your being as you lay the path to his dreams simply by walking along his circuit. They shall all love you, and you shall love them. You will redeem rewards you longed for your entire life for your deeds, malicious and benevolent."
She stared at the door, listening to every word. Even as it spoke, she comprehended it was speaking in another language, yet she could understand every word. Blinking a few times, she finally felt clarity as the pain subsided.
"Is this the way to his home?" She asked, placing a hand on the door. Immediately, three circles began to etch into the door, as if someone was holding a woodburner pen to it.
The first circle on the left was filled with the design of a crown, embellished with precious stones and harsh thorns. "The Emperor" was listed below it. The third circle on the right was filled with a set of beautiful, intricate scales, perfectly balanced with a feather and a boulder on each platform. "Justice" was listed below it. Finally, the middle circle began to fill itself. There was a line down the middle, and each half was filled with half of a very familiar face. Her own face appeared on the left, and the prince's on the right in high detail. Below it read "The Lovers."
"Make your choice, little lamb."
Her eyes were wide as she took in the scene, her breathing becoming feather-light and heart pounding in her chest.
She swallowed thickly and reached up high on the door, letting her fingers drag across the warm wood.
"Take me home."
The door became untouchable with fiery heat, and it suddenly disappeared but left the smoldering images hanging in mid-air.
Beyond the burning glyphs, she looked past them and saw two glaring crimson eyes glaring down at her, as if it was further down the hallway.
"A wise choice," the figure said, coming closer. "Are you afraid?" It sounded nothing like the whisper from the door. This sounded like the chorus of all the voices she's heard her whole life, the ones she ignored or turned away in favor of trying to lead a normal life. And it was finally in this moment who she's seen and heard all these years.
"Just of the uncertainty. Not of you," she answered. "I know you."
"And I know you, lamb. And you will get to know me more and the life you were meant to have."
A shadowy hand extended toward her, illuminated by the burning glyphs.
"Take my hand, and I'll take you home, darling."
She saw something in her peripheral and saw the colors coming into focus to show her the childhood bedroom she was leaving behind. Her life. Her parents. Everything she ever knew.
Looking back to the hand waiting for her, she took another deep breath before trailing her glowing gaze up toward the large crimson orbs that watched her.
"Will it hurt?" She asked, her hand raised with her palm up, not extending it past her own frame.
"Not at all. I'm here to ensure your safe delivery. Your body and soul will remain in tact."
She nodded and looked at the burning epitaph before her, studying their shape and meanings.
"I want to see you," she stated. She felt the being's hesitation and added, "Like this. Don't change to your human form."
"Then you will be afraid," he answered.
"You've been in my mind the entire time. I've seen you in corners and beyond the edges of the halls," she insisted. "I want this."
Unable to resist the temptation, the figure stepped forward, the light before her subtly illuminating his form. She craned her head back. It was at least ten foot tall, the entire body a blanket of black soot and shadow, the outlines of the form hazy with vapors. To the more solid parts of the body, they shined dully. Her eyes trailed upward to find hard-cut abs and a highly muscular frame. It was only when she finally found the beast's face that she was a little stunned. The shape never stayed consistent, the vapors fluctuating between a lion, goat, humanoid, to something that could only he described as demonic. The face finally settled on a mix of humanoid and demonic. He had a sharp nose and high cheekbones, horrifyingly beautiful with his crimson eyes and wicked smile lined with bloody teeth. Large batlike black wings riddled with falling black feathers twitched behind him.
"... Satisfied?"
"Yes, thank you... Lucifer," she answered. He held out his ghostly black hand to her again. "... I'm ready."
He smiled again, licking his teeth. "We'll see."
Keeping her eyes locked on his, she placed her small hand in his much larger one, his long fingers with talons curling around her fist. His touch was simultaneously warm and cool. He tugged her in close, looking down at her. "Hang on."
Lucifer bent down to sweep her up into his arms, cradling her bridal style. He turned and began walking down the hallway that was slowly becoming illuminated with every step he took. They shined from looking wet, as if they were in a sewer. She laid her head against his chest.
He stopped and waved his hand over her face, causing her eyes to close. "Rest, my lamb, we'll be there soon."
In milliseconds, she was asleep again, and he took off running down the halls of hell, speeding past the souls of the damned, the circles of each sinful ring a blur. Though it was a long and treacherous journey for anyone else, for one of hell's most feared occupants, he had no trouble traversing its distance. He flew up toward the hellish skies, passing the brimstone fires, hail, and electrical storms. Though she may have been intrigued, he wanted to save such a journey for when she was more prepared.
Thunders and cracks of lightning spurred around him as he flew through the tunnel connecting hell to the residential realm of demons: the Devildom. In reality, it took hours to make the trek, but to him, it felt like minutes.
With a loud thud, Lucifer touched down in the center of the Student Council Room at RAD, his wings wrapped around himself and his cargo. He was breathing hard and reorienting himself in his humanistic form again. As the cloak of hell's overcast dissipated, he took a deep breath and looked up, his wings unfurling to reveal the little bundle in his arms.
"Thank you, Lucifer. Right on time as always," Diavolo called out, taking his seat at the head chair in his own demonic form, draconic wings and tail slowly dissipating. He snapped his fingers and returned to his regular form again. "I hope the gates behaved. The spirits were a little unruly from her presence."
"It was fine," Lucifer replied, gently setting the woman down on the floor. His brothers began to file into the room, chatting amongst themselves as they saw her laying there on the floor. They briefly checked in with Diavolo, reporting on their efforts to prepare for their new arrival. After Lucifer laid her out more comfortably, making sure she was put together, he stepped away and straightened his uniform before taking a seat beside his brothers below Diavolo.
"Are we ready?" Diavolo asked, setting his papers down and looking around to make sure everything was in place.
The brothers sounded off their readiness in reply, enthusiastic for their new member.
"Lucifer," Diavolo ordered, leaving his command unspoken. Lucifer raised his hand and snapped his fingers, rebuking his spell.
Everyone went silent as they all watched her. It took nearly a minute before she started to stir, her eyes unfocused and trying to open unsuccessfully. Her vision was tilted, her head swimming as she fought to orient herself again. The air pressure felt different, her body felt somehow lighter, and the air smelled much different, like spice and crisp autumn leaves. This wasn't earth, and she knew it pretty quickly.
While she regained consciousness, Diavolo watched nervously. His golden gaze was trained solely on her as she started to try and prop herself up on an elbow.
"My head..." she groaned softly.
The prince flinched but ultimately stayed in his seat. He had seen her last just merely half a day prior, but he had missed her so much. And entrusting her with Lucifer was not easy, but he was grateful it went as well as it did.
Finally, she sat up fully, leaning on one arm as she used her free hand to rub her eyes. She blinked a few times and let her eyes adjust to the new lightning, as it was dimmer than before. It was then that she looked up and saw all her companions from before smiling down at her, waiting patiently. Her eyes darted up to the large red-head sitting in the chief judge's chair that smiled down at his beloved human.
Diavolo stood slowly.
"Welcome to the Devildom... Taylor."
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I hope you enjoyed! This has been the finale of Dollface. As I wrote this story, I knew the direction I wanted to go, and it evolved to how *I* came to the Devildom in a joint story of Diavolo's mishap in becoming a doll. My name is Taylor IRL, so I apologize if you may have been confused at the end. But I wanted to make this a story that most everyone could enjoy, and be reader insert minus a few choice places. Insert your own name at the end!
Thanks for reading!
Post made by sassykattery. Do not repost. Reblogs and comments appreciated.
Tags: @flemmingbamse @biteable-pink-pixie @delphi-dreamin @itsmeninerz @l-d-8 @themythicaldisaster @marvelous-maniac @attic-club-sandwich
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burningvelvet · 9 months
do you think heathcliffe can be seen as the devil (or at least the manifestation of the archetype) who loses his eden (cathy) to humanity (linton)
I LOVE THIS QUESTION! I've thought about this a lot in recent months and much has been written about this subject as you probably know. I studied a bit of Paradise Lost in a class on the Renaissance era in my last semester this past autumn, which is also when I had my Brontë class. I did an essay focusing on Edenic myth for my Ren class and now I notice it everywhere, & I've really been seeing the Miltonian Hero & themes in the Brontë works, & especially did in my re-read of Wuthering Heights about two months ago. But instead of just regurgitating all that's been written about the subject, I will discuss things simply as I understand them, although I do borrow a bit from professor Rodger Wilkie's lecture which I link below (I'm not affiliated with him in any way, I found his videos on my own when I was researching the Brontë novels).
Edenic Myth from the POVs of Cathy I & II as Eve:
I've been seeing the Edenic theme from Cathy I and Cathy II's lenses. I believe that the plotline of Cathy II being lured by Heathcliff into his "wolf's den" so to speak reminds me not only a lot of Little Red Riding Hood but also of Eve and the apple. I think there is a seductive undertone although I don't think Heathcliff is really attracted to her or vice-versa; he still attracts her using his son Linton Heathcliff. There is an essay I've been meaning to post excerpts from but haven't bc the material is triggering, but it's Juliet McMaster's "The Courtship and Honeymoon of Mr. and Mrs. Linton Heathcliff: Emily Brontë's Sexual Imagery" and discusses the weird dynamic between Cathy II, Heathcliff, & Linton II.
I find it very interesting that nature is so tied to Heathcliff that it's by disobeying her father's (God's) wishes that Cathy II meets him and ends up ensnared by him. As I see it, Cathy II "takes the apple" like Eve, because it is her overwhelming curiosity that leads her to the Heights, and Heathcliff does play the trickster with her, manipulating her and lying to her more than he does to any other character. He was upfront with his intentions to Isabella and everyone else he ever associated with. But with Cathy II, although he is partly honest about some things, he deceives her by forging Linton Heathcliff's letters to her, causing her to fall in love with "Linton" (Heathcliff pretending to write as him) — I'm glad I found McMaster's essay & that it talks about this point, because I find it to be one of the most fascinating plotlines in the whole story, and think Cathy II is the most underrated character & hate how Linton is often forgotten (I feel McMaster, like most readers, isn't as sympathetic to him as she could be). The description of Cathy I and her hair reminds me of the descriptions of Eve in Milton, and I believe both Catherines are meant to look alike.
I also think young Heathcliff and Cathy could be said to be like Adam and Eve in Eden (the moors) — the "I am Heathcliff" & other soulmate allusions are very much like Eve being made from Adam. I of course hate that aspect of this patriarchal myth perhaps more than any other aspect because it is in direct opposition to actual scientific biology with all males starting with the X chromosome of which females have two of — but I digress from my eternal feminist/atheist/evolutionist rage. When Heathcliff tells Cathy that she's damned them both, killed them both, this is very much like Adam and Eve being killed by Eve's decision (in this case, Cathy's choice to marry Linton). However, in this framework, Heathcliff would be both Adam and Lucifer, and Linton would be both civilization and to some extent a version of Lucifer, with the apple being marriage and normalcy, or maybe you could argue that Cathy also has a bit of the devil in her in that she came up with this decision herself and still wants to rebel much like Lucifer. The Fall is written all over this novel, however one may view the intricacies, which Emily was surely going off of intuitively and not racking her brain with explaining through any one official framework.
Heathcliff as Satan, Cathy as Eden or Heaven:
Yes. The metaphor works best with Heathcliff being the Miltonian Hero aka Satan, and I believe Emily was very influenced by this, especially seen by Heathcliff's exile, and the quest for vengeance which necessitates his return. However, I have never considered Cathy as being Heathcliff's Eden until now, but this works very well — what maybe works even better would be Cathy representing Heaven, which is what Satan is also barred from. However, Cathy's house is certainly like Eden, with Heathcliff having to sneak into it to escape Linton (who again, is sort of like God/a Godly, patriarchal figure). This is exactly like Satan sneaking into Eden — he's caught by the angels sort of like Heathcliff is caught by Nelly and the servants. But Cathy does die, and so she is lost, and Heathcliff can only hope to get her back one day like the promise of Paradise returning with the Second Coming or whatever (I'm not actually well versed in Christian literature). But I have read that apparently in the Bible, "paradise" can refer to both Eden and heaven, so it may be better to say that Cathy represents not only Eve but also paradise in both senses of the term. Note how both Heathcliff and Cathy say that they aren't going to Heaven, and indeed they both become ghosts damned to wander Earth -- yet ironically, that Earth is their paradise on the moors, and so they actually have gone to their own personal Heaven although it is not the Christian one.
On Linton representing humanity:
I wouldn't say that Linton represents humanity as much as he more accurately represents civilization/society as opposed to Heathcliff who represents the wild (and as his name indicates, the Heath/Moors specifically). But this fits with what you're saying as the post-Edenic world is society/civilization/humanity all at once and the distinctions between these heavy concepts are all blurry.
I find in much romance novels featuring love triangle dynamics, there is a Freudian triad of superego/ego/id going on. One love interest will represent the id (natural instincts/subconscious desires) and one the supergo (properness/upholding the status quo) to the main character's ego. To some extent this can be seen in all media ("the human heart in conflict with itself" as GRRM put it) but imo it's a great way to look at things categorically. The id and superego must be reconciled for the sake of the ego.
Example: in Titanic, Cal & her mother are the patriarchal/societally proper superego whereas Jack & the poor immigrants represent Rose's id of wanting to be free from high society women's standards. She ends up with neither Cal & co. nor Jack & co., but on her own with a newly refreshed ego that has learned not to repress the id side so much. Jack's whole role was to teach her (ie the spit practice scene) to unrepress her id, but as she demonstrates in the wild Irish party scene, she will always keep some of her high-bred characteristics (like ballet as a party trick).
Anyway, Cathy has to choose between Heathcliff and Edgar. As we learn from her speech which Heathcliff walks out on, she planned that her marriage to Edgar would benefit Heathcliff by allowing her to financially support him. She thought that by marrying Edgar she could have both men. As Nelly sort of tries to tell her, this isn't possible. In marrying Edgar and being a "proper lady" to him, Cathy has symbolically repressed her id; Heathcliff runs away as soon as he hears she makes the choice. By becoming a housewife and then a mother, she dies inside of that house, when all she wanted was to be free on the fields. It is specifically after Heathcliff comes back that she dies because he reminds her of what she's been missing.
There's a professor named Rodger Wilkie who has a Brontë lecture series from one of his classes available on Youtube — I've seen them all and they're all amazing, 10/10 recommend every single one. In his second Wuthering Heights lecture he talks about the influence of John Milton's Paradise Lost in reference to Heathcliff: (https://youtu.be/WF3DDu2cH3Q?si=yM3mNXaVgQkOqVS3)
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arenabreadandbiscuits · 7 months
✨ Ashes Masterlist ✨
So just wanted to say that this will most likely be something that always updates so there's that but just so it's easier to find me other medias I'm going to list em here. If there are any questions or even commissions you want to send just inbox me! ;3
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Reworking meaning I'll have to set them back up again so currently unavailable but not likely to stay as such.
Last Updated: 02/20/24 @ 11:11
Pink = active link included
Dash with nothing = wip
White titles = Coming Soon
✨ = Fluff
🔞 = Smut
🫂 = Angst
👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 MasterList Continues Below 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
Avatar/Legend of Korra
🔞 Tarlok x Avatar Reader -
🔞 Amon x Avatar Reader -
Across The Spiderverse
🔞🫂✨ Miguel O'Hara x Reader -
The Arcana
🫂 Valdemar x Reader - Kissing the Night Away
🫂🔞 Nadia x Reader - Let's Run Away Together
🔞 Julian x Reader - Bark Lil Doggie
🫂 Julian x Reader - Sunlit Bliss
✨ Vulgora x Reader - Dancing In The Moonlight
🫂✨ Asra x Reader - It's Been So Long
✨Lucio x Reader - My Brave Warrior
The Arcane
✨🫂 Silco x Partner In Crime Reader - Watch The World Burn
🔞 Silco x Nemesis Reader - Lovers Quarrel
🫂 Jinx x Reader - With You to The Very End
Baldurs Gate 3
🫂🔞 Astarion x Reader - I want to Help You Thrive
Black Butler
🔞 Sebastian x Claude - You Know You Can't Live Without Me
🔞 Sebastian x Reader - How About A Little Game Of Hide & Seek?
🔞 Claude x Reader - Heat Of The Moment
✨🔞 Undertaker x Zombie Reader - You are Mine
🫂✨🔞 Alucard x Reader- I Need You To Help Me Forget
🔞 Olrox x Reader - I Might Bite
🔞 Candypop x Reader - Funtime Wonderland
🔞🫂 Jason the Toymaker x Reader - Be My Doll
🔞 Slenderman x Reader - Cat & Mouse
🔞✨ Jeff the Killer x Reader - I Like Wanting You
Demon Slayer
🫂✨ Uzui Tengen - To the Moon and Back
🔞 Muzan x Reader - Master's Prince/cess
🔞 Douma x Reader - Say That You Can Take It
🔞✨ Hangenki x Reader - Wife of My World
Detroit Becomes Human
🔞✨ Connor x Reader - Let's Break The Rules, Fuck It
🫂🔞 Ralph x Reader - Heated Hotspots
🫂🔞 Marcus x Connor - Nuts & Bolts
🔞✨ Marcus x Reader - Curiosity Killed The Cat
Diabolical Lovers
🔞 Reiji x Reader - Pets Are Meant To be Loyal
✨ Shuu x Reader - Come Cuddle
✨ Ayato x Reader - I Don't Like Sharing
🔞 Laito x Reader - Tastes Like Candy
Elnea Kingdom
Fnaf/Fnaf Security Breach
✨ Sundrop x Reader - Rose Colored Glasses
✨🔞 Moondrop x Reader - Kisses As Hot and Bright As The Stars
Genshin Impact
🔞 Kaeya x Reader - Midnight Lockdown
🔞 Zhongli x Reader -
🔞 Diluc x Reader - Drunken Promises
Gravity Falls (Mostly focused on Bill)
Harry Potter
🔞✨ Severus Snape x Reader - Can't Stop the Attraction
Hazbin Hotel
✨ Alastor x Reader - Just A Taste
🔞 Vox x Reader - Pay Your Dues
🔞 Lucifer x Reader x Alastor - Best Man Wins
🔞 Alastor x Reader x Vox - She Will Be Mine
🫂🔞 Alucard x Reader - The Blood You Shed
🫂✨ Integra x Reader - Come Lay With Me
🫂✨ Seras x Reader - I Feel Safe With You Around
🔞 Alucard x Alexander Anderson - Opportunities At Their Fullest
Helluva Boss
Hunter X Hunter
🔞 Illumi x Reader - Feeding the Wolf
🔞 Hisoka x Reader - A Taste of His Own Medicine
🔞 Hisoka x Reader x Illumi - Where Are You Going?~
🔞 Chrollo x Reader - A Loving Weapon of War
Jujutsu Kaisan
🔞 Gojo Satoru x Reader - A Heated Season To Remember
🔞 Geto Suguru x Reader - My Precious Pet
🔞 Gojo x Reader x Geto - She's Mine
🔞 Nanami x Reader - Boss's Orders
The Lorax
✨ Onceler x Reader - My Heart Sways For You
🔞 Greedler x Reader - You Owe Me
Mandela Catalog
🔞🫂 Gabriel x Reader - Good Enough to Eat
Mortal Kombat
🔞✨ Raiden x Reader - I Can't Get Enough of You
🔞 Kollector x Reader - I Want My Prize
🔞 Johnny Cage × Reader - Tell Me You're A Good Boy
✨ Baraka x Reader - Love Like No Other
Mystic Messenger
🔞 707 x Reader - Stalker's Obsession
🔞 Jumin Han x Reader - Pretty Little Kitty
🔞 Zen x Reader - Pretty Boy
My Hero Academia
🔞 Aizawa x Reader - Don't Make Me Put You In Your Place
Naruto Shippuden
✨ Itachi x Reader - Sun Kissed Smooches
🔞✨ Orochimaru x Reader - Worshipping His Greatness
✨ Sasuke x Reader - Shut Up Before I Make You
Obey Me
🔞 Lucifer x Reader - Pissing Him Off
🔞✨ Asmodeus x Reader - Sun Shine and Sun Lit Smiles
🔞 Leviathan x Reader - I Can't Wait Any Longer
🔞🫂 Simeon x Reader - I'll Sacrifice It All For You
Records of Ragnarok
🔞 Poseidon x Reader - Devotional Acts
Resident Evil
🔞 Leon Kennedy x Reader - Not The Best Time
🔞 Lady Dimitrescu x Reader (FEM) - A Loyal Pet Is A Good Pet
Rise of The Guardians
🔞 Pitch Black x Guardian Reader - I Could Be Convinced
SCP Foundation
🔞🫂 SCP 049 x Reader - Crave Your Touch
Stardew Valley
🫂 Elliot x Reader - Would Be Nothing Without You
Steven Universe
🔞🫂 Garnet x Amethyst - Make Me Shut Up
🔞🫂 Pearl x Amethyst - It's So Good It Hurts
Tokyo Revengers
🔞 Kokonoi x Reader - Pay Up Buttercup
🔞 Hanma Shuji x Reader - I Want You Near Me
🫂 Older Baji x Reader - Put Your Hands In Mine
Twilight Series
🫂✨ Sam Uley x Leah Clearwater (Commissioned! :3)
🔞✨ Mettaton X Reader - Time Of Your Life
Vampire Hunter D
✨🔞 D x Vampire Reader - Come Here Often?
✨ D x Werewolf Reader - Pets & Cuddles
NOTE: Some characters I write for and others I don't, some of these series I need to catch up on, and OCS and such ARE allowed.
If you have any questions that you feel should be asked should be asked directly and be easy to understand. I am an open book, don't be afraid to ask me anything if you are looking for a commission.
Once you send in your money refunds will NOT be available.
More notes and info on commissions...
--> HERE (not clickable RN but it will be)
Like I said I'm working on saving money while I rehabilitate so I can order things I could use to make things better.
To anyone and everyone in advance who will be buying, I thank you!
I also want to start taking in ART COMMISSIONS which can be found...
--> HERE. (I will add a link soon :3)
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gothicgender · 8 months
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Salutations, welcome to my blog. I'm Blake but you can call me blaky or Liu aswell, however you prefer ! To say something about me I use they/them or neutral pronouns and want to become a writer. I may have bad grammar because I'm not english.
Requests - open
Request rules :
I will write for my fandoms because I'm more used to them.
The fandoms I'll write for are Hazbin Hotel, creepypasta, monster high, harry potter and maybe teen titans.
I am comfortable writing fluff, smut, angst, romantic, platonic and other stuff requested...tho I won't write smut that is too freaky or with weird kinks that I'm no comfortable with.
I can write fem, male and gender-neutral reader.
I can write headcanons or small fics about ships I also like because find it more easy then to write a ship I don't see happening or that I personally don't like.
I wouldn't like to be rushed with requests because it can be really stressful !
Do not be afraid to request and be specific with it !
Characters I will write for !
Hazbin hotel :
Angel Dust
Sir Pentious
Cherry Bomb
The overlords (expect Valentino)
Adam (probably)
Mimzy (probably)
Katie Killjoy
Tom Trench
Ships I accept :
Charlie x Vaggie
Husk x Angel Dust
Valentino x Velvette x Vox (I believe they are poly)
Sir Pentious x Cherri Bomb
Carmila and Zestrial
Creepypasta :
Jeff the killer
Ben Drowned
Homicidal Liu
Bloody Painter
Ticci-Toby (probably)
Jason the toymaker
Candy Pop
Eyeless Jack
Hobo Heart
The puppeteer (maybe)
Laughing Jack
Nathan the nobody
Jane the Killer
Nina the killer (both versions)
Kate the chaser
Nurse Ann
Suicide Sadie
Judge Angels
Laughing Jill
Ships I accept :
Jane the killer x Mary (her canon wife)
Kagekao x Suicide Sadie
Bloody Painter x Judge Angels
Nurse Ann x Dr. Smiley
(other you can suggest)
Monster high (gen 1 or 2) :
Clawdeen Wolf
Draculaura Vike
Frankie Stein
Cleo de Nile
Lagoona Blue
Ghoulia Yelps
Abby Bominable
Jinafire Long
Iris Clops
Robecca Steam
Rochelle Goyle
Scarah Screams
Skelita Calaveras
Spectra Vondergeist
Toralei Stripe
Purrsephone and Meowlody
Twyla Boogeyman
Venus McFlytrap
Marisol Coxi
C.A. Cupid
Casta Fierce
Clawdia Wolf
Viperine Gorgon
Deuce Gorgon
Clawd Wolf
Heath Burns
Holt Hyde
Invisi Billie
Jackson Jekyll
Neighthan Rot
Garrot du Roque
Kieran Valentine
Manny Taur
Ships I accept :
Clawdeen x Draculaura
Clawd x Draculaura
Cleo x Deuce
Abby x Heath
Ghoulia x Sloman
Frankie x Jackson
Spectra x Porter
Rochelle x Garrot
Scarah x Billie
Iris x Manny
Harry Potter :
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Fred and George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Alicia Spinnet
Lavender Brown
Parvati Patil
Dean Thomas
Neville Longbottom
Ginny Weasley
Lee Jordan
Angelina Johnson
Blaise Zabini
Pansy Parkinson
Tom Riddle
Theodore Nott
Daphne Greenglass
Millicent Bulstrode
Cho Chang
Padma Patil
Luna Lovegood
Marietta Edgecombe
Penelope Clearwater
Michael Corner
Hannah Abbott
Susan Bones
Cedric Diggory
Ships I accept :
Harry x Ginny
Ron x Hermione
Neville x Luna
Molly x Arthur Weasley
Bill x Fleur
Draco x Astoria
Angelina x Alicia
Teen Titans :
Robin (Dick Grayson)
Beast Boy
Madame Rogue
Punk Rocket
Ships I accept :
Robin x Starfire
Raven x Beast Boy
Jinx x Kid Flash
This is all so far ! Thank you for visiting my page.
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snowdropluck204 · 1 year
Key: Fluff ^ Angst * GN Reader # Fem Reader /
Please note that as far as I'm aware, all my headcanons ARE gender neutral, whereas my oneshots and series will most likely be female readers. (If there are gendered terms in my headcanons, please let me know so I can fix it!) _________________________
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid x Fem! Streamer! Reader
(Spencer reacts to his girlfriend playing and streaming various games!)
PT 1 Stardew Valley PT 2 Pumpkin Panic
A Date With Death (Spencer Reid x Fem! Unsub! Reader)
PT 1 PT 2
Magnetic Force (Spencer Reid x Fem! Genius! Reader)
PT 1
Spencer Reid Headcanons (Separate Masterlist)
Hazbin Hotel
How They React to You Being Powerful (And a bit InSanE) #^
(Alastor, Angel Dust, Husker, Lucifer)
How You React to Angel Dust Speaking Italian ^#
Harry Potter Characters
Second Chances ^*/ (Mattheo Riddle x Fem! Reader)
Hogwarts Legacy
If You Let Me ^*/ (Sebastian Sallow x Fem! Reader)
Stranger Things
Honey ^/ (Steve Harrington x Single Mother! Reader)
PT 1 PT 2
Sweetness ^/* (Sweet Pea x Fem! Reader)
PT 1
BNHA (Headcanons)
Comforting Their SO ^#
PT 1 (Bakugou, Midoriya, Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, Shinsou)
How Your Relationship Started ^#
PT 1 (Bakugou, Midoriya, Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, Shinsou)
How They React to Their SO Getting Sick ^#
PT 1 (Bakugou, Midoriya, Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, Shinsou)
How They React to Their SO Getting Stalked ^*#
PT 1 (Sero, Shinsou, Tokoyami, Shigaraki)
PT 2 (Bakugou, Kirishima, Midoriya, Aizawa, Keigo)
PT 3 (Kurogiri, Dabi, Toga)
How They Would React to an SO Taller/Shorter Than Them ^#
PT 1 (Bakugou, Midoriya, Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, Shinsou)
How You Two Would Sleep ^#
PT 1 (Bakugou, Midoriya, Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, Shinsou)
PT 2 (Hawks, Eraser Head, Fatgum, Mirko, Midnight, Present Mic)
Their SO Comforts Them ^*#
PT 1 (Bakugou, Midoriya, Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, Shinsou)
Yandere Headcanons *#
PT 1 (Bakugou, Midoriya, Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, Shinsou)
BNHA (Series)
You're My Prize (Shoto Todoroki x Mafia! Fem! Reader) ^*/
PT 1 PT 2 PT 3
Haikyuu!! (Headcanons)
How You Two Sleep ^#
PT 1 - Captains (Daichi, Kuroo, Oikawa, Bokuto, Kita, Ushijima)
Pick Up Lines They Use On You ^#
PT 1 - Captains (Daichi, Kuroo, Oikawa, Bokuto, Kita, Ushijima)
When They Want Affection ^#
PT 1 - Setters (Oikawa, Atsumu, Kenma, Kageyama, Akaashi)
Teen Wolf (Series)
Beware the Spirits of the Vengeful ^*/
PT 1 PT 2 PT 3 PT 4 PT 5 (Derek Hale, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey)
Balloons (Stiles Stilinski x Reader) ^*/
PT 1
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