#way happier than when people knew who i was when i posted
nanabanonana · 1 year
“is there anything else you've written? i would love to read more of your works!”
me on anon: uhhh, no
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The four times you fell asleep on Ghost and the one time Ghost fell asleep on you - three.
simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
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word count: 4,057
synopsis: you get wasted in a pub and Ghost has to take care of you.
warnings: mentions of drinking, occasional swearing, tooth-rotting fluff, Ghost being a softie
notes: I had a lot of fun writing this. Here are the main videos that inspired some scenes (potential spoiler alert): one, two
reader's callsign is Bambi (she/her)
find it on ao3 part one part two part three part four part five
The traditional post-mission gathering at the pub was in full swing in the late hours of the night, despite it being a Tuesday evening. The atmosphere was almost cosy and relaxed if you were to overlook the three people on the karaoke stage and the way their out-of-sync voices resounded throughout the room.
Seated at one of the tables with a glass of sparkling water, Captain Price exchanged a distressed look with Ghost, who was nursing a shot of Kentucky Bourbon. It was the captain's turn to drive so alcoholic drinks were out of the equation for him.
So he had to spend the entire night watching you, Gaz and Soap getting wasted and trying every form of entertainment the pub offered. You'd started slow with a game of darts, the loser having to drink a shot of whatever the winner decided. As the night progressed you went on to the pool table, had a break to tell stories and debate the key moments of the mission and eventually ended up at the karaoke bar, drunkenly singing to whatever songs were popular at the moment.
You were currently wedged between Gaz and Soap, leaning against each other for support, swaying and gesturing with exaggerated expressions when a new song would come on. You had lost track of the quantity of alcohol you consumed a while ago, yet everything seemed brighter and more colourful than before, so you didn't mind. You didn't know most of the songs that were playing at the karaoke bar, but that did not stop you from singing along, even if your voice was slightly out of tune. What you knew is that you were happy, perhaps happier than ever and, out of a sudden, you felt the need to express that in the loudest way possible, by taking Soap’s phone from his hands and picking the next song.
Surprised by your sudden move, Soap chuckled and gestured to the bartender to prepare three more drinks, even though he had his arm sloppily thrown around your shoulder, and was fighting a tough battle with gravitation. On your right side, Gaz was sloppily reaching towards the microphones, almost tripping over an imaginary wire. You caught him in the last second, grabbing a seat and forcing him to stay put as the first notes of the song echoed through the pub. A surge of drunken determination rushed through your veins as you took one of the microphones and turned towards the table Ghost and Price were seated at, wobbling slightly in the process.
“Captain, Lieutenant - I just… I just wanted to say this is for you. To Price - always being the helicopter, yet cool dad of the group!”. The drunken cheers of Soap’s and Gaz’s quickly accompanied your words, none of them realising how quiet the room had got. Everyone else left in the pub at that hour seemed to put whatever they were doing on hold and watch the inebriated toast with interest.
“And to Ghost!”, you went on unaware of the mood shift, your voice gaining momentum with each word, “who is always taking care of us during missions and let me fall asleep on him once! Cheers!”
Shaking his head in an attempt to hide the grin dancing on his lips, Price raised his glass and beckoned Ghost to do so too. At that moment, Simon was glad he was wearing the balaclava - he could feel an uncharacteristic blush spread across his face, not to mention that he could not control the visible twitching of his lips. The public seemed to be satisfied with the makeshift speech as a round of applause rippled through the crowd, but stopped as suddenly as it began. A familiar tune began to play in the background, and Simon almost pinched his forehead in frustration and disbelief when he saw the drunken determination and the over-confident grin plastered on your face: he had seen that expression before, it meant you were up to no good. His fears were instantly confirmed when the opening chords of Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You” filled the space, being quickly accompanied by the shouts and whistles coming from the crowd.
You, Gaz and Soap began swaying to the rhythm of the music, humming along to the first part of the song. Ghost was actually impressed that you made it sound nice, keeping your voices low and soft and singing in sync for once. He turned his head to Price, not surprised to see the older man had reached for his phone and was filming the trio like a proud father on recital day.
That is until the part of the choreo came. And literal chaos ensued, as the three of you began screaming because that was definitely not singing, the high notes, even stopping to gasp for air every once in a while.
"I hope life treats you kind And I hope you have all you've dreamed of And I wish you joy and happiness But above all this, I'm wishing you love!"
He did not know when he made eye contact with you, but Simon found himself trapped inside your E/C eyes. The bourbon tasted sweet on his lips, but it did not compare to the joyful and carefree expression you wore on your face as you tried to keep up with the lyrics of the song, occasionally stumbling across Johnny and Kyle who were just as inebriated and dedicated to the artistic moment as you were. The familiar feeling of warmth and comfort was once again blooming in his chest, and for the first time, he decided to let it grow and see where it would take him.
You hadn't meant to lock eyes with Simon, definitely not when you were singing a romantic song you handpicked for the occasion. Yet your judgement was clouded by all the alcohol you'd consumed up to that point and now you couldn't tear your eyes away from his chocolate ones. And from his soft blonde eyelashes that made your heart flutter every time you saw them- making you even stutter on the lyrics of the song that you kept close to your heart. At one point you weren't even aware of the words leaving your mouth, just going along with Gaz and Soap, the two literally putting their hearts into the song.
That was until the second part of the choreo came. And you were so into it that you all fell down on your knees, pathetically crying and shrieking the high-pitched notes that Whitney Houston handled with ease.
Simon did not even know why the three of you bothered to come to training and shooting practices. In moments like that, your voices were lethal weapons alone.
And when the song came to an end, the crowd politely applauded you, secretly glad that it was over. Price was careful to save the video twice so as not to lose it, the proud and amused expression on his face not faltering once:
"I think it's high time we took them home, don't you think?", he asked Simon in an unusual cheery mode, downing his glass of sparkling water.
Ghost could only nod as his eyes were trained on your swaying figure. You were leaning against Gaz, a drunken smile on your face as you downed the drink the bartender slid to you with a wink. For a moment, Simon was too caught up in studying the way your eyes crinkled at the corners to notice them widen in an instant as you brought up a hand to your mouth. His jaw tightened when he realised you were stumbling towards the bathroom, probably sick from one too many a drink, and subtly gestured to Price that he'd get you and meet him at the car, before heading towards the bathroom himself.
However, he slowed down in his steps when he realised he wasn't the only one headed in that direction; the bartender had already beaten him to it. Ghost stopped dead in his tracks, his fists involuntarily clenching as he noticed the man standing near the entrance to the ladies' room, wearing an almost expectant expression, his gaze directed towards the toilets. The sound of you throwing up was the only thing that could be heard against the muffled background sound of the pub, followed eventually by the rush of flushing water.
Washing your hands and face, you took a look at your pale face in the mirror, closing your eyes in defeat. It was definitely time to call it a night and find a ride home or crash on someone's couch, and you accepted the thought as you made your way out of the restroom. Yet you didn't manage to go far as a man you vaguely recognized as the bartender stopped in front of you, hands crossed over his chest in what was supposed to be a masculine stance. You internally scoffed at his posture; you have seen it all during the years you've spent in the military.
"Hey!", he eventually said, a light smile on his face. "Hello! Do you mind, I would like to go back to my friends?", you briefly asked, already trying to sneak past him.
But the man was insistent and stepped in the same direction, making you stop once more.
"Look, I just wanted to say I really enjoyed the show you put on tonight!". You raised a single eyebrow, a poker look on your face. "You and your friends, I mean!", he quickly added, blushing slightly. "And I was just wondering if you would like to stay for a drink after my shift is over and, you know, perhaps go to my place afterwards and…" Rolling your eyes in frustration, you let out an impatient sigh and tried to go past him again, only to be stopped by a firm grip on your arm.
"Look, you should really think about it-" "I wouldn't do that if I were you. She may be drunk, but she can still kick your ass in at least six different ways."
Drunk as you were, you couldn't hide the grin that spread quickly across your face as you took in the imposing figure of the Lieutenant, his skull balaclava lending him a threatening air in the dim light of the hallway. The bartender swiftly let you go, his eyes darting between you two as you staggered towards Ghost, too busy to fully take him in to take note of the hand that was softly placed on the small of your back.
"Oh, mate, I think this is a misunderstanding! I was just… but who the hell are you actually? Do you know him, darling?"
You grimaced at the unjustified use of the endearment, a plain expression of distaste replacing the previous smile. You swayed slightly, having to lean against Ghost as you mumbled something unintelligible about the toast. An unexpected wave of fatigue hit you out of nowhere, making you nestle your head against his chest, your arms weakly wrapping around his shoulders.
"I'm tired, I wanna go home, Ghost!", you murmured gently into his shirt, the vibrations of your voice sending a quiver down his spine. Yet if Ghost was affected by the unexpected display of clinginess, he did not let it show. Instead, he made a quick job of scooping you into his arms, your head nestling in the crook of his neck. Letting out a satisfied sigh, you closed your eyes and unconsciously nuzzled your cheek against the soft material of the balaclava, breathing in the scent of his cologne, your hands still clinging onto his shoulders in a koala-like grip.
For a fleeting moment, he became utterly oblivious to his surroundings, his mind consumed by the moment, struggling to make sense of the situation in which both of you had found yourselves. He didn't exactly freeze, but his brain didn't work properly either as the feeling of your breaths against his balaclava sent an electrifying jolt through him. You may have just washed your face and the perfume you wore must have faded during the night, but the subtle smell of your shampoo lingered, sweet enough to leave an impression that he knew would stay with him for the days to come. When he eventually realised you weren't alone, that the bartender was still loitering by the restroom's entrance, Ghost shrugged, remembering your previous words:
"You should have listened to the toast, mate!"
Carrying you to Price's pickup trunk proved to be no easy feat for Simon; he was too distracted by the hold you had on him, both literally and figuratively. It was as if his mind had turned to jelly and he could not distinguish dream from reality. And at that moment, he experienced the sensation of living within a pleasant dream, you being in his arms just as he often yearned for when trying to fall asleep in the solitude of his room.
If Price was surprised by the state you found yourself in, he showed no signs. He had just managed to secure Soap in the passenger seat, while Gaz was passed out in the back, head leaning against the window, an empty look on his face.
"I'm sorry Simon but you'll have to sit in the middle tonight", the captain chuckled under his breath as he was watching Ghost put two and two together while you were still clinging to him as if your life depended on it.
He would not be able to get in the car while also preserving the position you found yourself in, yet he did not want to give it up. For a passing instant, he actually thought of walking to your place- a weak attempt at trying to make the moment last longer. But he could feel Price's badly concealed smirk like the heat of the sun in July and he had to fight, actually fight the groan that threatened to leave him as he nudged you with his shoulder.
"Wake up, Bambi! We've got to get you home, come on!" His words reached your ears as a distant sound and instead, you chose to relish in the vibrations that resonated against your skin, letting out a small hum of approval.
"Ok means okay, come on!" "Mhm, sure…" "Y/N…" "Simon…"
Clinging on him like a koala had no visible effect on him, but you saying his name, his real name, made Ghost freeze and set his dark eyes on you. He could not control the cocktail of feelings swimming in his orbs, ranging from surprise to pure adoration, and the thought of hiding them did not even cross his mind at that moment.
Until you were both showered in a sudden burst of light, quickly followed by a camera shutter. Behind the Polaroid camera, Price did not even bother to hide his satisfied expression as he watched the picture develop with a soft whirring sound.
You, on the other hand, instantly jumped from Ghost's arms, the flash of the camera making you look like a deer caught in the headlights. You were still inebriated, as the world was spinning much more than it should have, but the drowsiness from earlier had evaporated in an instant. Shaking his head in disbelief and muttering something along the lines of "fucking hell", Ghost did not even bother to answer Soap's cheers. He just squeezed into the backseat of Price's car, seating himself next to Gaz and trying his best to ensure you would not hit your head and get in safely. And the giddy smile he got as a response was worth it.
Price was the last to get in the car. As he positioned himself behind the wheel, Ghost couldn't help but wonder where he'd hidden the Polaroid camera and the picture. Knowing the older man, he could only hope the instant shot would not be displayed in the lounging room, alongside other just as embarrassing moments.
Not that he had something against you or the picture.
He just thought that the moment was rather special, even intimate to him and that it should not be shared with all other SAS operators who spent their time in the lounging room when on base.
"You three did quite a show out there!", Price half-turned towards Soap and the backseat riders, a comic expression on his face.
"Thanks, dad!", you replied in an awfully cheery tone, swaying slightly from one side to another. You kept humming to yourself, not taking note of the awkward silence that had settled in the car.
"Bambi, did you just call Price 'dad'?", Soap asked from the front seat, his shit-eating grin being reflected in the rearview mirror.
"Do you see me as a father figure, Y/N?", Price quipped in, smiling softly at your confused expression. Simon did not even dare to glance in your direction - he knew the doe eyes were making a comeback and he was definitely not inebriated enough to handle them.
"I certainly do!"
Gaz's voice was muffled as his cheek was currently squished against the window. But the message got across and you reached across Ghost to pat his shoulder, aggressively nodding in compliance.
"And this is why", you began by raising a finger in the air as if to strengthen your point, "you are my brother, Gaz!".
Your drunken determination was almost comical to watch, but it topped when you squealed in excitement:
"Let me give you a kiss!"
"No, you won't! I'm definitely not getting caught up in the middle of this!"
Ghost's answer, more of a growl actually, was instantly followed by Soap's booming laughter as the Scot was trying to turn and face the backseat, extending a grabby hand towards you:
"I'm happily accepting your kisses if you'll let me, bonnie!", he slurred half of the sentence, his head comfortably propped on the headrest as he puckered his lips in your direction.
"No one's getting any kisses!"
"Come on, careful, there's a step there!" "I wanna go home…" "We are almost there, Bambi. Now, do you have your key?" "Yeah, it should be in my pocket. Let me… let me look for it…"
Murmuring to yourself, you fished the keychain and held it before your eyes, a small chuckle escaping your lips as the keys kept jingling. The tiredness from the pub was making a comeback and Ghost had to carry you inside after he managed to open the door while also balancing your swaying silhouette.
"Oh, this couch looks good!", you muttered to yourself, letting yourself fall on it.
But instead of touching the plush pillows, you felt two strong arms sneaking around your waist and keeping you partially suspended in the air. You opened your mouth to protest, but before you were aware of it, you were headed in the direction of your bedroom, a warm hand placed on the small of your back.
"You should change into something more comfortable…", Ghost muttered, frowning when you started shaking your head and slurring: "I'll do it in the morning."
He already felt like he was prying, being inside your home, in the privacy of your bedroom, so he did not push the topic and instead, knelt down and removed your sneakers.
"You should at least clean your face." He pressed on the issue, all too aware of your fixation with skincare and how you would complain to anyone on the base about the latest breakout on your face. "Mhm.." "Mhm means yes, Bambi!", he groaned in frustration as he bent down to scoop you in his arms again and carried you to the bathroom, where he laid you on the fitted furniture so that your faces were at the same level.
Ghost was no stranger to makeup removal techniques - he had his fair share of experiences he had gone through when learning what worked best for the black paint he used to smudge the area around his eyes. But he began to grow tired as well, and being in your house took him way out of his comfort zone, so he resumed reaching for a pack of makeup wipes, instead of looking for a cleansing balm or micellar water. His touch was gentle against your face, his fingers applying the suitable amount of pressure needed to get rid of any traces of eyeshadow and whatnot. There was a faint tremor in his hand when he reached your lips, but the remnants of lipstick had to be removed too.
He was not prepared for the sudden shiver that raced down his spine the moment his fingertips brushed against your lips. His breath hitched, his heart skipping a beat as he continued to delicately trace the outline of your lips, the warm and comforting sensation he'd felt before, making a return. For a moment, the room seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you locked at the moment, Ghost's eyes fervently searching for yours, as he rested a gloved hand against your face.
Letting out a soft sigh, you closed your eyes and leaned into his touch.
"Don't fall asleep on me…", Ghost hummed under his breath, involuntarily rubbing his thumb against your cheek. His gentle touch was a far cry from the deadly one that had become second nature on the battlefield.
"I trust you'll catch me", you whispered back, a delicate smile on your face.
And he did. With a tender grin under his balaclava, Ghost lifted you into his arms once more, cradling you like the treasure you were. Your head rested against his chest as he carried you back to your bedroom, each step filled with a quiet intimacy, completely new to him.
He entered the dark room, gently lying you down on the soft sheets, almost amazed at how quickly you passed out, again. Yes, you may have been wasted, completely inebriated, but you also trusted him to let him take care of you in your state.
Even if the action was foreign to him, Ghost tucked you in as best as he could, gently brushing a strand of hair from your face. His internal conflict was a raging storm, but he eventually let the few shots of bourbon get to his head. With shaky gestures, he peeled the mask up to his nose and brought his lips to your forehead in a chaste kiss. His warm breath lingered over your face for a couple of seconds before he quietly exited the room, leaving you in a peaceful slumber.
Bonus scene
Sitting by himself at the small table in the kitchen, Simon lifted the balaclava up to his nose and breathed in the scent of Earl Grey, a satisfied sigh leaving his lips. He could see the tendrils of steam rolling out of the freshly brewed mug, the late autumn morning sun filtering through the blinds and bathing the room in warmth and light.
After every single evening spent celebrating in the pub, you, Gaz and Soap had to take the day off and volunteer yourselves for the night watch. Ghost had grown so accustomed to the usual agitation, whether it was Gaz jogging in the kitchen for a snack, Soap casually napping in the lounging room, or you, asking everyone where they had hidden the cookies, and he was finding it weird to spend the day in relative silence and peace.
And he was so lost in his thoughts, replaying the events of the previous night in his head, that he failed to notice the private who was lingering in the doorway and looking at him with a mixture of fear and admiration. It wasn't until he reached for the milk, that he took note of his presence and gave him a questioning look. "Captain Price asked me to deliver this personally to you, sir!" The private placed a white envelope on the table, saluted and quickly left the room. Simon had no time to analyze the interaction as his eyes settled on the letter.
Only it was not a letter, but a photograph. And after double checking, he was alone in the room, Simon actually let out a small chuckle as he held the polaroid in the sunlight, his eyes softening at the sight of you cradled in his arms, nuzzling your head against his chest.
taglist: @neoarchipelago, @thecorruptedlovely, @mitchlow, @fieldsofbats, @thaprilks, @stars-andfreckles, @that-napa-know-how, @preistinajamjar
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fallstaticexit · 21 days
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Prev / Next / Beginning
TW: Internalized Homophobia / Transcript / AN under the cut
AN: Here we are, just one more post before we conclude part 1 of this bittersweet story. As I've mentioned before, this story consists of three parts- Part One - Youth | Part Two - Uni | Part Three - Wife.
Nancy Narrates: [As a treat for the few students who stayed behind, the nuns took us into to the city to shop on Christmas Eve]
[It was the first time Vanessa and I spent alone time together since I started dating Geoffrey]
[I’ve never been happier]
Nancy: [blushes] What?
Vanessa: [whispers] Do you feel like we’re being watched?
Nancy: Oh, Sister Agnes? [gulps] She’s right behind me, isn’t she?
Vanessa: [laughs] I’m serious! Let’s ditch the group.
Nancy: And risk getting a mark? Or worse, sent back home?
Vanessa: [shudders] Having to spend the rest of the break with my father? No thanks. Guess I’ll behave myself- for now anyway.
Vanessa: Sooo, what did you get your boyfriend for Christmas? A thong? One of those string thingies for his glasses?
Nancy: [snorts] I got him a broach.
Vanessa: You’re fucking with me, right?
Nancy: What? It was really nice, and very expensive.
Vanessa: Sure, if he’s your grandfather, Nancy!
Nancy: [sheepishly] I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve never had a boyfriend before. I don’t know if I’m even doing this right. Shouldn't it...feel like something?
Vanessa: What do you mean?
Nancy: Holding hands and kissing. I thought it was suppose to feel like fireworks, like everything is burning and achy. I only felt it once...the first time, at that party.
Vanessa: Oh.. [looks away] Maybe he just needs practice...
Nancy: Maybe... Vanessa, I wa-
Vanessa: Hey! Let’s get some hot cocoa!
Nancy Narrates: [I wish she knew how much I missed when it was just me and her]
[No matter what, she will always be the sun to me]
Vanessa: So, are you going to tell me what’s in those bags?
Nancy: Maybe you should Guess?
Vanessa: Very funny, Blondie. I thought we weren’t exchanging gifts?
Nancy: [pouts] Does that mean you didn’t get me anything?
Vanessa: That’s because we said we weren’t when we were shopping! I could have gotten you something!
Nancy: [chuckles] It’s ok! You really didn’t have to get me anything. I just wanted to get you something I think you’ll like alot.
Nancy: Ta-da! I wanted to officially welcome you into the League of Blondes.
Vanessa: [cackling] No fucking way! This is the best Christmas gift ever, are you kidding!! [digs through bag] What are the scissors for?
Nancy: I was hoping you’d cut my hair. We can both have a new look.
Vanessa: You’re full of surprises, Landgraab. Let’s do it!
Vanessa: You’re being sooo quiet but your thoughts are sooo loud. What are you thinking about right now?
Nancy: Sorry. It’s nothing...
Vanessa: Tell me. Please.
Nancy: No, it’s fine.
Vanessa: Come onnn, please?
Nancy: What happened with Angela?
Vanessa: [huffs] Ah. I was wondering when you’d ask about that.
Nancy: Then why didn’t you just tell me about her?
Vanessa: There’s nothing to talk about. Pretty sure you heard the story.
Nancy: Sure, from everyone else but not from you. I want to hear your side.
Vanessa: [sighs] My side. We were best friends. We did everything together. I loved her a lot. All eyes were on us... so, I guess that’s how everyone noticed how close we were. People were saying things about us, and I was scared my father would find out and think I was like that. So, I turned on her. I called her names. I shunned her. I ruined her life...
Vanessa: It got so bad that she left the school. I never heard from her again. [voice cracks] You have to understand... if my father thought I liked girls, he would kill me. I could never let anyone think I’m like that! I’d rather they all thought I slept around with all the boys in school than think that. I had to do it...
Nancy: Do you?
Vanessa: [sobs] W-what?
Nancy Narrates: [My heart was racing. It just slipped out. And then I said it again, and that time, it felt like I was asking myself]
Nancy: Do you like girls?
Vanessa: [whimpers] I...no!! I’m not...I’m not a lesbian! I swear, Nancy! Please, believe me.
Nancy Narrates: [All that time...I had thought I was the one terrified of what it meant to love her. She was terrified of loving me too]
[This is what kissing should feel like]
Vanessa: [softly] Will you stay in my room tonight?
Nancy: Yes.
Nancy Narrates: [I had so many questions I wanted to ask her. So many things about myself I wanted to share, but there was one thing I wanted more]
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thatsprettylane · 1 month
Making my own post about this because I accidentally derailed a post about aces who have sex (misunderstood sex positive as just not being sex repulsed. Whoops!) OP kindly asked me to delete and I obliged because even though there’s an overlap, aces who have sex deserve their own space. So!
Some of us experience sexual attraction without the desire to act on it. I’m aegosexual, which means sex without the self. I love sex as a concept, but engaging with it directly? I’m not really into it. To take from @eisly, I’m a fan of football, but I don’t want to be down on the field playing it.
And because of the misconceptions out there about ace people, it took me a really long time to figure out. I had the same fantasies and attractions as anyone else growing up, but when my friends started having sex, I still didn’t want to. At first I thought I was just “better” than them (we were in high school! We shouldn’t be doing this! Sex is bad!) and then as time went on and I found myself in a serious relationship in college, I started to think maybe I was broken. I wanted to please my partner, and while I enjoyed the closeness between us that sex led to, I still didn’t like it the way I was “supposed” to. I started to wonder if maybe it was my partner, or us together, but deep down, I knew it was me.
Finding out that asexuality is just as much of a spectrum as any other sexuality was a lifeline. Not just for me, but for my partner, too. I realized we just weren’t compatible and we broke up. Now he’s married with a child and happier than ever. And I know who I am and what I want.
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lilioopdf · 29 days
always enough time (cardigan)
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pairing: reader x (childhood best friend! + college!) pepe marti
notes: fluff, a little angst, then fluff again! 3.2k words (oops 😓😓 i should've probably split this up)
warnings: mentions of alcohol
a/n: dedicating this to my lovely mutuals who have been here from the very beginning and even before i started writing 💗💗 idk if this is too sappy but i genuinely love you guys for interacting with my writing posts and my non-racing posts because it really does mean so so much to me and i didn’t know any better way to say thank you
and if you’re reading this, have a lovely lovely day/ahead ahead 💞💞 may people always shower you in love and warm hugs
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the first time his eyes meets yours, you’re 4, clinging onto your father’s trousers as he speaks to another man about work related things. it is a business event, after all. he waves at you, a complete stranger then, and he watches as your head tilts a little, eyebrows raising slightly in surprise, before you hide your face behind your father.
he’s six, and yet he still feels his face burn in embarrassment, all because the prettiest girl at the party didn't say hi back.
he sees you again the next day, when you're both having dinner with your fathers at a hidden little restaurant near the beach. your fathers recognise each other almost instantly, and you suddenly find yourself sat next to him as the adults talk about complicated grown up topics over some drinks.
after dinner, he offers you half his cookie under the table, and you give him half of your ice cream in return.
he's too shy to say anything this time, but he lets you play with his toy car the very moment he notices you looking at it curiously.
it's a strange start to your friendship, but it's a sweet one nonetheless.
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you grow up together, but at a distance, only seeing each other during summers when you would follow your fathers to overseas work conferences.
he looks out for you for years.
when you're 8, he teaches you how to ride a bike. how to tie your shoelaces so you don't have to stick to velcro shoes forever. how to run faster, how to run without tripping over your own feet. he's gentle with you, and doesn't ever seem to mind your clumsiness.
you're only ever the same height as him once, and that is when you're 11. that year, his hair is almost always a little too overgrown, but he smiles more, and he has more stories to tell. he's at a new school now, one where they can bring their own phones with them. he tells you about the new subjects he's learning; physics, chemistry, english lit, and history. he has more friends now, and he shows you pictures of them alongside their text messages about online games you don't quite get.
when you're 13, he seems so different from the boy you knew last year. he's significantly taller than you now, and his voice cracks a less frequently than it used to, but he still blushes lightly whenever it happens. you don't mind though. if anything, it makes him even more endearing. pepe tells you about how he joined his school's soccer team this year, but you're sure you would've known even if he didn't tell you. he's so much happier these days, but he seems so grown up too. so much more ahead of you in life, at least.
the year you turn 15, things start to feel a little funny. 2 years feels like too big of a difference between the two of you now, and he just feels like too much of a boy. he towers over you now, and his voice has changed so much that you couldn't recognise it when he called out your name at the airport. you notice how the girls around you seem to look at him a little longer, letting their gaze linger on him for a little too long before they notice you at the side, standing awkwardly and feeling just a little too out of place.
you don't know how to feel about the fact that he's almost always looking at you instead.
now, he's quicker at picking up on your body language. he puts an arm around you and holds you when he can tell that your cramps are too bad, he's quick to offer you his jacket when the wind is just a little too chilly, and he's always carrying around your things for you. "just looking out for you," he says. "don't want you feeling alone when i'm right here."
and then you're 16, and lines start to grow a little blurry. it's a year full of insecurities and unfufilled longing, and most of the summer is spent in your head. it's weird to hang around him like that now. you start to distance yourself from him, but you're pretty sure he doesn't notice anyway. he still brings you around for dinner with him and to hang out, and you accept, but you don't ask him to follow you to places you'd like to visit anymore.
you run into a school friend of his one day, and you're suddenly made aware of just how differently he acts around you. his friend's nice to look at, you think. pepe tells you that's he's a soccer teammate from school. he calls you pretty and asks for your instagram, but pepe says something you don't understand in spanish and his friend just nods, apologises, and leaves, leaving you feeling just a little wounded and put off. you wonder if you did something wrong, but you're too scared to even ask your school friends for advice. they've all passed this silly stage anyway— you're the only one who's never even had a crush, let alone be asked out.
pepe gets his first girlfriend by the end of the year, and you're almost happy for him, except you can't help but feel a little jealous. it's silly though, you think. you're just a lovesick teenage girl pining over an older boy. she's cool and loud and she's always able to visit the same places and parties as him. a perfect match. he sees her more often than he sees you anyway.
your friendship ends on a rocky note the year you turn 17. neither of you follow your fathers the next year. neither of you can. it's pepe's last year with you before going off to university.
that summer, you're on your phone almost the whole time, texting a guy from school who's just asked you out. a hockey player of some sort. he parties and drinks a lot, but he's nice to you, and somewhat interested, you suppose.
when pepe finds out, he lets out a huff of laughter. "you're not seriously considering dating him though, are you? this is just for fun, right?"
you feel yourself still at his words. "what do you mean?"
"he won't be good for you. you're just... not like that. that lifestyle wouldn't suit you," he replies nonchalantly.
your blood burns just underneath the surface of your skin in anger and annoyance.
"who are you to say what lifestyle suits me? maybe this is what i want. i've grown up, you know."
you're more hurt than angry, although you're not quite sure why. your tone is indignant and fierce, and you watch as his expression turns neutral and unreadable and his eyes flicker from you, to your phone, and back at you again.
when he realises that you're being serious, his face contorts into an ugly expression, one of anger and almost a little bit of hurt.
"fine, suit yourself then."
then he walks out the room, and hot tears start running down your face.
and that is that. he still says goodbye to you at the airport, but the both of you don't hug this time.
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you try not to think about him for the next two years.
you drown yourself in your schoolwork, tackling assignment after assignment, exam after exam, anything to prevent yourself from indulging in any thoughts of him.
when a childhood friend brings him up one day, asking why you don't meet him during summer anymore, you pretend that he was just a phase. just a blip in your life; minor and insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
time goes by, and you continue to study hard, because you want to study humanities and the arts in university but still have the grades to prove that you could've done stem if you wanted to (like pepe, although you'd never admit to thinking that).
and then in a blink of an eye, you've graduated, and your months long break comes around as you wait for uni results to come back out.
its been a full two years now, but you'd be lying if you said you'd forgotten about him completely.
how could you?
you thought about him during mugging season in school, and during university applications, and sometimes (maybe especially so) during interschool games for soccer, imagining what it would be like if he was here, playing for your school team. (you also wonder what it'd be like to wear his jersey and cheer him on loudly and proudly in front of the whole schoot, but that's not something you're ever going to admit.)
you spend your summer soothing yourself to sleep by reminding yourself that pepe's been gone for two years now, and you're still doing fine. that you have done fine without him, and that you can and will continue to do so.
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imagine your horror when you realise you've been posted the same university as pepe. same campus too.
your father is ecstatic. he immediately wants to call up pepe's dad and tell him the news but you beg him not to, tears in your eyes. you can't risk looking like a hopeless and dependent little puppy even before the school term has started.
before the first day of uni, you've already studied the campus map well enough to plan routes that avoid going near the school of engineering, just so you can avoid pepe. you're almost 100% confident that you'll be able to hide from him for his remaining two years in uni. plus, you definitely look different from the way you did two years ago, so you technically have an extra layer of protection.
except you have an orientation camp the very first week of uni, and you're just that lucky enough to have a familiar face as one of your orientation group leaders.
he recognises you instantly. how could he not?
you half expect him to ignore you, or at least, pretend not to know you. but to your surprise, he smiles. in fact, he beams at you, and he waves before jogging over to sit next to you. your mouth is slightly agape, and you can't tell if this is some kind of cruel joke that he's playing on you right now.
"how have you been? you're lucky to be here today. the weather isn't usually this nice, and i know you get chilly easily." he's still smiling while speaking to you, and he's just acting so... normal, but you?
you feel like smacking him. you left each other on a sour note two years ago, after being friends for more than a decade, and he chooses to talk about the weather, of all things.
but you just put on a smile and act the same.
arguing with a best friend is one thing, having to make small talk about mundane, boring, topics with a friend you've known for years and then forgotten is another. you can't figure out if talking to him is helping heal your heart or slowly shattering it into more tiny little pieces.
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the first few weeks of uni fly by, and you don't end up using any of your pre-planned routes.
in fact, you end up meeting pepe almost every day before you your lessons. for breakfast, or brunch, or lunch... and maybe even dinner, once both your classes are done.
you can’t read him that well, and you wonder if this is only weird for you. but you’re not one to complain. you’re not one to take this for granted either.
you’ve spent years of your life missing summer and pepe, and then you spent two more years missing him without even speaking to him at all. no, you’re definitely not taking this for granted.
you learn that he's playing soccer for a kids charity event that happens yearly, that he's studying mechanical engineering (which doesn't surprise you at all, not really), and that he's broken up with his girlfriend, because of different goals in life or something. you stop yourself from thinking too hard about whether or not the both of you have compatible life goals upon hearing the last part.
he’s still sweet to you.
maybe even more so now that he can actually look out for you. he always gives you his jacket when you’re cold, offers to help you run your errands on busy days, and he even helps you get special oppourtunities thanks to his friends and connections. and when you’re sick, he gives you updates for classwork even though he’s not in the same classes as you, bringing you heat packs and checking up on you daily with warm teas and essential balms.
it's all so lovely that you could almost cry.
except he’s always just a little too stiff around you. too hesitant to touch, too close for distance.
he'll bring you heat packs on your period, and allow you to lean on his stronger frame when the cramps get too bad, but he never gets close enough to cuddle. and when either of you stay over for too long while studying together, he always offers to sleep on the floor or on the couch, but he never allows himself to lie in the same bed as you.
it's all so polite but so frustrating, and you're even more upset because you have absolutely no right to feel that way. he's your best friend, and he has been for years. he's not someone you could ever have the priviledge of dating, and he deserves a friend he can count on, not someone who's helplessly unable to stop their one-sided longing for him.
and so you let another six months slip away as you spend more time with pepe in your head than physically, while he continues keeping a distance from you, leaving you wondering why.
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suddenly it's feburary, and pepe's been so busy with schoolwork and training for the upcoming charity match that you just don't see him that much anymore. you're pulled back into that aching feeling of loneliness, and busying yourself with your own schoolwork and friends doesn't seem to help.
i can't risk doing badly this semester, he says. this is the one that counts. i’ll have to find myself a good internship for portfolio— maybe with formula one, he says. you nod. you’d be proud of him regardless of what he did anyway.
you end up following him to the gym in the early hours of the morning just to hang out with him, even if hanging out now means you just watch him get through his workout routine while you sit next to him and sort out your schedule.
his friends refer to you as pepe's girlfriend now, and you stopped correcting them when you realised that pepe didn't seem to care. you can't blame them anyway, you're together almost all the time. you're always waiting for him at his apartment after classes, usually in an oversized t-shirt or hoodie of his, and he even wakes up early just to bring you breakfast before class.
the domesticity of it all makes you ache, but you can't even bring yourself to imagine what if would be like if your relationship was actually as desired.
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pepe visits you the night before the charity match.
he brings you a jersey. his jersey, and he shyly asks if you'd be interested in showing up to watch him the next day. you almost scream with joy, but you control yourself, accepting it gracefully and holding the jersey gently and close to your chest.
you whisper a string of thank yous, careful not to wake your roommate up, and all pepe does is pull you in for a hug. he buries his face into the crook of your neck, arms wrapped tightly around your shoulders and all you can do is press yourself closer to him, taking in the scent of clean laundry and his cologne.
before he leaves, he flashes you a teasing smile, a somewhat knowing look on his face as he asks, "am i going to have to say it, or will you?"
you're caught off guard by his comment, and you just tilt your head in confusion, unsure what he's talking about. but he doesn't explain further. he just chuckles, gently shakes your shoulder, and leaves.
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you show up to pepe's match half an hour before it starts, just so you can get a good view of the match. the venue is already half full, and you're just grateful to have gotten front row seats.
you act as casual as you can, pretending that your heart isn't racing while you're wearing his soft jersey, with the number 23 boldly printed onto the back. when your friend teases you about the way your cheeks seem to be permenantly pink, you gently slap her arm and tell her to be quiet in a weak attempt to save your face, which only results in a laughing fit from her.
the match is mostly a blur, but both teams are very evenly matched, and there's suddenly only 4 minutes left to the end of the game and both teams are stuck in a tie.
you're not sure when your focus zoned in on pepe. it could've been since the very start of the match, but you somehow catch that split second when the ball is passed over to him, and his expression changes from one of neutrality to determination. you watch as he expertly drabbles the ball between player to player, rushing to get close enough to the goalpost to shoot before the end of the match.
you're sure that everyone in the venue held their breath at the exact same moment you did, and that time must've stilled when pepe slid and kicked the ball into the goal, just 30s before the end of the match.
the whole venue erupts into cheers. it's defeaning, but all you can think of is how proud you are of him in this moment.
you don't take your eyes off him for even a second, and when the referee finally signals the end of the match, he looks at you too.
he’s all sweaty, hair plastered to his forehead, face flushed.
he's sipping from his bottle, standing directly in front of you, having run straight to you after the match.
your boy.
there's a wicked grin on his face, and you can feel the heat rise up to your face as you take in all of him in awe.
everyone’s staring, you think, but you know he doesn’t care, so why should you?
you barely allow yourself time to hesitate, but he's quicker.
he kisses you.
his mouth is warm and soft, and yet there's a certain pressure and intensity with which he kisses you that makes you think that he probably wanted this as much as you did, maybe more.
and when you both finally break apart for air, you realise that all the cheering is now directed at the both of you, and you can't help but start laughing shyly. he smiles at that, and presses a quick kiss to your temple before rushing off for a debrief, with promises to talk later.
you don't even care that your time together has been cut short, because all you can think about now is how grateful you are that you won't have to return him this jersey.
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© lilioopdf 2024 – please do not plagarise, repost, or translate any of my work on this or other platforms
thank you for reading this far!! stay hydrated and safe always!! 💗💗
taglist: @oscnorris/@httpiastri (the one and only person on my taglist 💕💕 also i realised i forgot to ask you which account you wanted me to tag so i’m just doing 2/3 :p)
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heartsforvin · 4 months
hi baby, so i was thinking about this earlier when i saw an edit of him but anyway,
what if the reader and vinnie have been dating for a couple months but privately, so on there social media’s there’s like no evidence that they’re in a relationship, and vinnie films that one video with tara and everyone starts shipping them and the reader gets pissed off and it causes a fight between reader and vinnie that possibly ends in smut? if you’re not comfortable with that you can adjust it and finish it however you want, but i was just thinking of this earlier and thought if anyone could bring it to life it would be you! <3 love youuu
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thank you for the request ml <33 i hope you like it !!
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pairing: vinnie hacker x fem!reader
warnings: smut, angst, cussing, use of pet names, arguing/ yelling, praise, slapping, if i missed anything lmk !
summary: when you see people start to ship vinnie with other girls online, you get a bit defensive but vinnie reminds you who you’re with
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you and vinnie haven’t been together long, only a couple of months. both of you decided to keep your relationship private since you knew how his fans could get majority of the time when he’s seen with any girl.
you were upset when he brought up the proposition at first, but knew where he was coming from and respected his decision nonetheless.
it was the best thing to do, anyways. you had seen some pictures on his feed with girl friends from the past few years and saw how crazy his fanbase can get when he’s anywhere near a girl.
it upset you in some extent. you weren’t the type of girl to tell your boyfriend he can’t have friends that are girls.
however, you knew if the fans did know the two of you were together and he had posted about hanging with his friend group, he’d get backlash on it and drama would start up.
drama you did not need, nor want.
so the two of you stuck to yourselves, and you both couldn’t be happier.
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you were laying on your shared bed when vinnie came sprinting into the room with the biggest smile on his face.
“what’s got you so excited?” you ask as you sit up and wrap your arms around his waist.
vinnie pulls you up off the bed so you’re in his arms and he continues to smile until saying, “remember tara? we met her at that halloween party a few years back.”
you nod your head, remembering the girl well. “she just texted and told me she wanted to film a youtube video with me. it’s for her new series and so i thought you would be the first to know.
vinnie knew you weren’t the jealous type, at least not overly jealous. he knew you were his you he is yours and there was absolutely nothing to worry about.
he still felt the need to ask if he could film the video. he knew the fans might get the wrong impression, but tara was nothing more than a friend to not only him but the both of you.
“that’s so exciting, vin,” you tell him as you hug him tightly. “are you doing that now?”
he nods. “yeah, if that’s alright. i know we had plans to just hang out but she said this needed to be out soon and it’s the only day we’re both available.”
you smile with a shake to your head, completely understanding. “go ahead and have fun, baby. text me when you’re on your way back though, okay?”
vinnie agreed and kissed you softly before he grabbed his things and headed out the door.
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a day has passed since vinnie and tara filmed the video together and you and vinnie sat on your bed refreshing tara’s youtube channel.
since you didn’t go with him, you had asked vinnie if you could watch the video when it was posted.
he of course told you you could, but that he’d probably step out of the room just because he doesn’t like to watch the videos he’s in.
your smile grew once you saw the video pop up on the screen. vinnie clicked on it for you to watch while he went to go find hera.
once you finished the video you went to go see where vinnie went. you saw him cuddled up on the couch with hera.
“i loved it.” is all you said to the boy on the couch. he smiled and sat up.
“i know your favorite part was the tattoo on my weiner joke.” he said with a laugh.
you pushed his chest playfully and laughed with him. “no one will ever know besides me if that’s true or not,” you say. “i’ve looked though, you don’t have one there.”
vinnie smiled and pulled you into him. “you know all those things i said were just jokes, right?” he was referring to the jokes he made with tara.
the one where he had said he’s finding a more ‘private spot’ for them so she could see this alleged tattoo.
you nodded as you brushed through his hair with your fingers. “i know they are,” you said. “just wondering what the comments will be like.”
that’s what led you to the next few hours. you didn’t expect the day to turn out like this at all.
you had mistakenly read the comments of the video and on tara’s instagram post promoting it. comments that were shipping him and tara together, saying how cute they’d be and so on.
as much as you wanted to stop reading them, it’s like you couldn’t. they were consuming you, making you more angry by the second.
“i bet you after they stopped filming he took her somewhere private.” you read aloud.
you hear vinnie scoff, making you look up from your laptop. “you know that’s not true.” he said.
you lower your head and read more. every time you refresh more come in. it’s like you couldn’t stop even if you wanted.
“they keep shipping the two of you.” your voice is so low vinnie can barely hear it.
you knew this would happen, but seeing it for yourself hurts more than hearing it.
even if the fans don’t know vinnie’s seeing anyone, it still hurts and angers you to see your boyfriend being told he’d look good with some other girl.
“shouldn’t have told you you could do it.” that peaks vinnie’s interest and his demeanor quickly changes.
you watch as he crosses his arms over his chest. “you knew this would happen. thought you said you can handle it?”
you sigh, getting frustrated with his use of words. you could handle it, you are handing it. it’s just the thought and seeing people pair him with someone else that gets you upset.
“i can handle it, thank you,” you scoff at your boyfriend. “i’m sorry the thought of my boyfriend being with another girl upsets me.”
with a roll to your eyes you start to walk away, but vinnie catches you before you make it too far.
“you have the right to get mad,” he says. “but you don’t need to be this mad over it. you knew what you were getting yourself into when we started dating.”
that sentence just frustrates you more. “they are too fucking obsessive over you!” you shout.
it was true, they could get a bit obsessive and overprotective, but vinnie had learned to ignore it most of the time.
“you know i’m right,” you breathe out. “everywhere i look it’s you getting paired up with someone you are standing next to, and suddenly everyone’s saying you’re dating them."
you sigh heavy and rub your hands over your face. you knew it was probably a dumb thing to get upset about, but vinnie was your boyfriend, not theirs.
“i don’t want any of them,” vinnie says in a harsh tone. “you know i only want you. do you need a reminder of that?”
the question suddenly shifts the mood in the room and suddenly your upset expression turns into a smile.
“you do, don’t you?” vinnie asks again. he closes in on you, wrapping his arms around your waist. “answer me, pretty. is that what you want?”
his breath on your ear makes you go cold. you feel his lips plant themselves on your neck, sucking just enough to let a bruise form moments after.
you nod your head and vinnie unwraps himself for you, pushing you lightly to your shared bedroom. you don’t even have to be told what to do next.
when he meets you in there, he’s met with the sight of you on your bed, smiling ear to ear once you see him.
“oh, now you’re happy?” his tone is almost condescending, making you wipe the smile completely off your face.
vinnie cocks his head, he watches as you scoot back on the bed and lift your hips to take off your shorts and panties.
he nods his head slowly with a smile. “good girl.”
you watch his next move carefully, not wanting to make him yell at you more. you watch as he pulls his shirt off, then unbuckles his pants and pulls them down next.
“shirt.” is all he says before you lift the hem of your shirt and pull it off.
you don’t have time to speak before he’s hovering over you and kissing you. his hands find their way to your tits and knead them in his palms, making you whine and dig your head in the pillow.
vinnie laughs when he feels your hips buck up into his. “you want this?” he asks.
you nod frantically as you tug at his boxers, needing him to have the same little clothing as you.
“please.” you say as you rake your nails down his bare chest.
vinnie smiles as he takes your hands and places them on the waistband of his boxers. you look up at him, eyes asking what you can’t, and he smiles and tells you yes.
he kisses you roughly once his boxers hit the floor and the two of you lie there naked. he lifts you up so his hands are on your back.
the kiss continues, without missing a beat vinnie takes himself in his hand and strokes a few times before lifting you up and setting you on his lap.
once your body makes contact with his, you can’t help but moan at the feeling of him inside of you.
“fuck,” he breathes out once he bottoms out inside you. “feel so good baby.”
you claw at his back as he thrusts deeper into you. vinnie winces at the contact of your nails scratching at his back.
you’re about to speak but before you can, vinnie lifts you off him and pushes you onto the back of the headboard.
“you wanna know who i want?” his tone is stern, making you smile even though you should probably do anything but.
nodding, you watch as he lifts your legs and wraps them around his shoulders. he carefully pushes himself into you before bottoming out.
you lift your head and vinnie immediately knows what you want. he leans his head down and meets you halfway, kissing you softly.
the two of you pull apart and his head leans back as he thrusts deep into you, eliciting moans from both of you.
“vinnie.” is all you can muster out as he continues his pace.
he smirks as he watches you lift yourself up, holding yourself up by your elbows.
“tell me what you want,” his voice deep as he speaks. “come on pretty girl, use your words.”
your body shakes when you feel his right and make contact with your right breast, smacking it just enough to elicit a moan of pleasure out of you.
“like that, huh?” he asks, completely forgetting what he said moments prior.
you nod as you watch his hand knead your breast, making you tilt your head back.
“vin.” his name slips from your lips in a whine, making vinnie smile.
his hand moves from your breast back to your thigh. his pace quickens and tears well into your eyes at the pressure of him.
vinnie pushes himself into you more until he sees the bulge form in your tummy. he chuckles as his hand makes contact with your lower stomach.
“baby, fuck.” his voice is strained. you look up at what he wants you to see and you smile.
you feel pressure on your stomach and look to see what your boyfriend could be doing.
“see that princess,” he breathes out. “see that? that’s all me.” he thrusts harder, pushing his hand against you.
a loud moan erupts from you which makes vinnie smile. “that’s it pretty, let me hear you.”
his hand moves from your stomach to your clit, helping you reach your peak.
“vinnie, shit.” his thumb makes tight circles on your clit, making you cross your legs together against his back.
“i only want you princess.” he tells you. “i don’t want anyone else, alright? you’re mine, i’m yours.”
his thumbs fast pace and this thrusts is becoming too much for you, your moans are getting more high pitched as you feel your high approaching.
“come on baby, be a good girl for me.” he kisses your hip which only makes you squirm at the feeling.
after a few more thrusts and rubs to your sensitive clit, you don’t have time to warn him before you’re cumming all over him.
“that’s it,” he says as he helps you ride out your high. “good girl.”
you’re panting and smiling up at him as you watch vinnie slowly pull out of you after a moment.
you sit up completely snd kiss him roughy, smiling once you pull away.
“do you believe me now?” he asks you, you chuckle and smile at him before kissing him softer this time.
you nod your head. “i think i need one more refresher though.”
vinnie laughs and tackles you so your laying flat on the bed. “you’re insufferable sometimes.”
you push his chest. “oh you’re so getting it.”
before vinnie can speak you get the strength to flip him over and now you’re the one hovering over him.
“now it’s your turn to be good for me.” you say with a smirk.
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girl this has been in the works for days and idk how to feel about it 😣 i hope you all like it !! thank you for the request again <3
tags: @anqeliclust , @cosmicanakin , @42internetgirl , @leqonsluv3r , @bernelflo , @slvthrs , @lovelysturnioloos , @lovingsturniolo , @pepsicolapussy333 , @visualbutterflysworld , @hallecarey1 , @laylasbunbunny , @0strawberrysorbet0 , @defnotayonna , @supabhad , @kayleighh , @kriissy4gov
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maximoffcarter · 4 months
Pairings: Emily Prentiss x reader.
Summary: Emily Prentiss was known to be a sweet, kind, funny and playful person, while also being dedicated, determined and serious, etc. But when y/n joined, everyone noticed the bundle of nerves she was around her, and the teasing was very present too.
A/n: This is for @storiesofsvu 's birthday bingo with the prompt 'Heatwave'. This is my first time participating and I hope this was good hehe, excited to do this and to show you this cute one shot🫢 I dunno why I decided that in Emily's fics, reader will have the last name of 'Carter', I just love it. But anywayyyy, I wanted to do this for my birthday, post today cause I just felt like it and so here it is. I hope you guys enjoy this, if you got any requests for Emily, send them my way. Leave comments, hearts, whatever you like and reblog so this gets some love🫶🏻
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*not my gif*
When Hotch announced that there would be a new agent joining the team, it was no surprise that they were curious of who it could be. Maybe an old agent that worked with Hotch before, or maybe someone who knew Rossi, maybe a new ‘baby’ agent as they liked to call them, maybe someone who had been recommended. For the rest of the day, they all had been talking about it and trying to figure out who it could be; Penelope got her skills working, trying to see if there was anything about this new agent on the system already, but so far, nothing. So, on Monday, when a beautiful, young girl walked to Hotch’s office, all eyes were on her. To say the least, they were all surprised that the chosen one had been a ‘baby’ agent; soon enough, Penelope had her file shown to everyone before Hotch could walk in and introduce her.
It was no surprise that everyone found the new girl beautiful, interesting by the way she looked so serious and quiet, but there was something that changed in Emily that day. Since the moment she laid her eyes on the new recruit, she had gone completely silent, her eyes locked in the girl. Everyone around her kept talking about her, making assumptions, or just commenting on how beautiful she was, but Emily? She didn’t say a thing. She just kept her eyes on her, which…was creepy, if Emily thought about it. She didn’t mean to do that, she didn’t mean to keep staring, but it was impossible not to. Soon enough, y/n got along with the whole team, she has started to join them for drinks, she went out to lunch with them, Penelope had even dragged her to their girl's night and had announced that y/n was now the new member. Y/n couldn’t have been happier with the fact that they all were making her feel like she really belonged with them.
It wasn’t too long after Emily started noticing her behavior around y/n, the way she acted, the way her voice changed, the way she smiled even more than usual, there were so many little things that she started to notice and that she hoped that no one else would. And that’s when it clicked; she had a crush. She has not had a crush in years. Years. She had focused on her job, she had said that she didn’t have time to date or even go around meeting people, and the thought of one-night stands…they were a big no. But y/n had completely changed that, she liked her, she liked being around her, she loved to see her smiling, she loved to hear her laugh, she loved to see how well she got along with everyone, she loved the way she dressed, the way she talked, the way she walked…yeah. It was definitely a crush.
Emily sat on her desk and was focused on the file she had right in front of her, but the moment she heard y/n’s laugh, she couldn’t help but look her way and smile at how cute she looked. She didn’t know what stupid thing Spencer and Morgan were saying, but the fact that she was laughing and smiling, made Emily feel warm inside. She didn’t notice that JJ and Penelope were right behind her, quietly laughing as they stared at Emily for a while. JJ leaned down to whisper in Emily’s ear, trying to hold back her laugh.
“Like what you see, Prentiss?” JJ whispered softly, making Emily almost jump from her seat.
“Jesus, JJ!” Emily looked back at Penelope and JJ laughing hysterically at her reaction, making Emily groan. “Why would you scare me like that?”
“Oh, you were just very distracted and well…we didn’t want to interrupt.” JJ teased as Penelope kept laughing beside her.
Emily shook her head and then shrugged. “You were not interrupting anything.”
“Oh, so you were not just staring at Carter over there? Cause I wear glasses, m’lady, and I am pretty sure you were just smiling and admiring her from afar.” Penelope teased as she leaned over Emily’s desk, mocking the position Emily had been in while staring at y/n.
Emily rolled her eyes as she scoffed. “Yeah, whatever.”
“C’mon, Em! We know you have it bad for our girl over there. We don’t blame you.” JJ grinned softly as she crossed her arms.
Emily turned her chair and tried to go back to her file. “Don’t know what y’all are talking about.”
Penelope looked at JJ with a smirk on her face. “Denial is the first step.”
JJ chuckled softly as she nodded. “Oh, yes. Let’s see how long she stays in there.”
Emily could feel her cheeks getting warm as she heard her friends, unable to deny it because they were entirely right, and they knew it. This couldn’t be good, because now that they had figured it out, there was no way in hell that they would stop teasing Emily, so now she had to prepare mentally for the torture into which she had just walked.
“Earth to Emily!”
Emily snapped out of her trance and looked up to find y/n leaning over her desk. “Oh, hi! I’m sorry. Did you say something?”
Y/n chuckled softly as she nodded. “I was saying thank you for the coffee this morning, and for the muffin. It so happened to be my favorite actually.” She grinned softly as she stared at Emily.
Emily smiled widely as she nodded. “It so happens to be my favorite too, so I’m glad I got the right one.”
“You have good taste, Prentiss.” Y/n grinned as she stood up. “Next coffee is on me.” She squeezed Emily’s shoulder before she walked away.
Penelope scoffed as she looked at Emily. “You’ve never brought me muffins!”
“That’s because she has a crush, of course she’d buy her a muffin too.” JJ smirked as she walked away.
Emily chuckled softly as she nodded. “Can’t deny it.”
“Knew it!” Penelope whispered/yelled, making Emily blush more. “You’re so soft around her. It’s cute.”
“I am not soft.” Emily raised her brow as she looked at Penelope.
“Oh, you definitely are, Em. Soft Emily! Adorable.” Penelope pinched Emily’s cheek and then walked away.
If there was once place that most of them hated to go to, was Florida. There were many reasons why they didn’t actually like to be there, of course their main focus was to help people and solve the case, but the fact that there was an actual heatwave and there were some psycho out there murdering people in the middle of it, was annoying and frustrating. The moment they landed, they all literally almost stripped out of their clothes as soon as they walked out of the jet. The sun was their biggest enemy at the moment, if they were pissed about the case, now with the heatwave, they were done. Luckily, the precinct they had to go to had air conditioning, and it was nice to stay there, but the fact that Hotch had to send them to different locations got the whole team in a mood. Reid and Rossi were sent to the morgue, while Morgan, Emily and y/n were sent to the last crime scene.
“I swear, I’m about to strip down and give two shits about who sees me.” Morgan says as she got out of the car, slamming the door.
“Yeah, I don’t think it’d be a good picture to keep in my mind, so thank you but no.” Emily shook her head as she followed Morgan, almost rolling her eyes.
“C’mon, Prentiss. You’re gonna tell me you don’t wanna see some of this?” Morgan smirked as he raised his shirt to show his abs.
Y/n rolled her eyes as she pulled his shirt down. “The heat is annoying as it is, please don’t add to the annoyance. We’ve got enough.” She said in a playful tone as she kept walking.
“Carter, baby, you’d love to see what’s underneath all this.” Morgan raised his brows as he wrapped his arm around y/n’s shoulders as they walked.
“In your wildest dreams, my man. But I don’t play for that team.” Y/n grinned as she pushed him away. “And please, do not get near me again, I like you, but right now I do not need sweat from someone else.” She raised her brows playfully and got her gloves out of her back pocket, walking to the crime scene.
“This girl is something else, isn’t she?” Morgan smirked as he stood beside Emily, turning to look at her for a moment.
Emily cleared her throat as she nodded. “Definitely.” She then looked at Morgan who was already staring at her with a smirk on his face. “What?”  
Morgan raised his brows. “You like her, don’t you?”
“Oh, my…” Emily sighed loudly as she covered her face. She then looked back at Morgan and raised her hands. “Is it that obvious or what?”
“Nah. The thought just slipped my mind just now, but you just confirmed it.” Morgan winked as he followed y/n.
Emily groaned and shook her head as she followed them. Not only was it embarrassing that JJ and Penelope teased her about it every possible chance they had, but now Morgan wouldn’t drop it either and she was sure that her soon join the girls. But could he actually blame her? Y/n had talked on the jet how she had prepared herself for the weather and soon enough she’d get rid of her blazer, but Emily hadn’t expected anything more than y/n having a comfortable shirt or blouse underneath, but when she did take the blazer off, not only was a sleeveless shirt but the shirt hugged her figure perfectly, and that’s when Emily stared at her arms, fascinated by how strong she looked, and suddenly she felt like a perv, imagining things that she could only talk with herself.
It was no better once they headed back to the precinct. In their way back, Emily looked at the backseat to tell y/n something about the case and that’s when she noticed y/n had put her hair back in a ponytail which gave Emily a better look on her beautiful face. Emily turned back so fast to try to hide the redness on her face. Morgan of course noticed this but didn’t say a thing as he kept driving. Once in the precinct, Emily tried her best to focus on the case, directly staring at Hotch and at the board, but she couldn’t help but stare at y/n every now and then, and at times, she caught y/n looking back at her, which caught her off guard.
The next day was no different, having to go to different places to find evidence or witness made it hard to stay sane. The weather seemed to be getting worse or maybe it was just them that couldn’t deal with the heat. All day, Emily and y/n had been working apart, so Emily had a chance to focus more on the case and keep y/n away from her mind. Once Rossi and Emily were back in the precinct, Emily was going through some files when she felt a hand on her back, sending a shiver down her spine.
Y/n smiled softly as she sat beside Emily. “Hey you.”
“Oh, you’re back.” Emily smiled as she turned her chair to get a better look of y/n.
“Yep, and I come bearing gifts.” Y/n placed an iced coffee in front of her, along with a muffin. “Found our favorite in a local coffee shop.”
Emily smiled softly as she grabbed the muffin. “How did you know I was hungry?” She raised a playful brow as she looked at y/n, grabbing a piece and then offering the muffin to y/n.
“With this heat, everyone is either thirsty, hungry or both. I know I am.” Y/n chuckled as she grabbed a piece of the muffin. “How’s the reading?”
Emily took a sip of her coffee and sighed. “I feel like I’m crossing words now. The AC here is great but I’m going crazy with this heat.”
“Tell me about it. I’m used to the heat, but this is something else.” Y/n leaned back in her chair.
“Yeah, me too.” Emily nodded as she kept eating and drinking her coffee.
Y/n smiled softly as she stared at Emily. “I don’t think I’ve seen you this long with a ponytail. I like it.”
Emily turned back to look at y/n, a faint blush on her cheeks. “Well…it’s my Florida style for the next few days.”
“Hope I get to see it more back home and not only in the field.” Y/n grinned softly as she grabbed her own coffee.
“And what about you? Will I get to see you in a ponytail more often?” Emily grinned back, biting the straw of her coffee.
For the first time, Emily caught a blush on y/n’a cheeks, making her grin grow wider. Y/n cleared her throat as she looked away. “Well…I uh…my hair has been growing so maybe you will.”
“Good, hope so.” Emily grinned as she returned to read the file.
Y/n cleared her throat softly as she grabbed a file and started reading it, completely missing the way Emily looked back at her with a grin on her face. Y/n was not sure if she was sweating because of the heat, or she was sweating because of Emily’s comment and stare. She had been trying to act bold and flirty this whole time, but Emily had finally made her go back to feeling all giddy and shy. She had tried her best to be the one getting Emily to smile and her cheeks to go all red, she was still not sure if Emily just liked the compliments and the way y/n acted or it was for another reason…but in her case, Emily was driving her insane. More now with that beautiful red top that she was wearing today, the way she could see her cleavage…stop right there before you go somewhere you can’t go back from. Y/n shook her head and tried to focus back on the file. Emily would be the death of her.
Y/n groaned softly as she walked into the precinct, throwing her head back as she JJ laughed. She looked back at her and raised her brow. “What you laughing at?”
“You seriously hate heat this much?” JJ laughed.
“Are you kidding me, JJ? I’m seriously considering taking Morgan’s idea and strip down. But thank God for AC.” Y/n smiled softly but then stopped in her tracks as she stood by the door of the conference room, her cheeks suddenly growing even more red.
JJ raised her brow at the reaction and then looked back into the conference, noticing that Emily was standing up and putting some things away. She returned her stare to y/n and grinned. “All good, Carter?”
Y/n swallowed as her eyes widened slightly. “I…uh…”
If the top yesterday had driven her crazy, todays had definitely taken her to heaven and back to earth. Emily was wearing a sleeveless, red shirt that hugged her figure just perfectly, and with the pants that she was wearing plus her hair in a ponytail? Yeah, she was definitely going to lose it right here and right now. She then noticed she had stared for longer than expected and JJ was still by her side.
Y/n looked at JJ and chuckled softly. “I uh…I forgot something at the car.”
“I thought you didn’t want to go back to that hell. And we’re about to leave.” JJ grinned playfully.
“Forgot my phone. Be right back!” Y/n said before she was walking as fast as she could.
Emily looked up to find JJ laughing, making her furrow her brows. “What’s up?”
JJ shook her head as she still laughed. “Nothing, nothing. Need help?”
Emily decided to leave it and they all finished gathering their stuff. They had already prepared everything to go back home, but the jet ended up having some issues which made them have to book another hotel, which ended up being a disaster because they had to share rooms since the hotel was almost completely booked. JJ was quick to ask for a room alone, while Morgan had picked Spencer and Rossi said he’d only share with Hotch, which ended up leaving Emily and y/n on their own. Y/n stared at JJ for a moment, a playful smile on JJ’s face and while y/n was confused, Emily couldn’t help but give JJ a deadly stare, knowing perfectly what she had just done.
Both women headed to their room, not saying a word. Y/n had tried her best not to stare at Emily, trying her best to keep her mind clear of thoughts and to stay as sane as possible, while Emily couldn’t keep her eyes away from y/n, wondering if she had said or done something that made y/n go completely quiet. They walked into the room and y/n went straight to the AC remote, trying to turn it on only to find that it was not working.
“No, you gotta be kidding me!” Y/n groaned as she threw the remote to the bed.
“Oh…no. Is it not working?” Emily sighed as she threw her bag to the floor. “This is great, and I’m sure they don’t have any more rooms available.”
“Guess we’ll have to die in here.” Y/n chuckled as she turned back to look at Emily who was getting rid of her pants, making y/n’s heart stop. “What…w-what are you doing?”
Emily looked up at y/n and shrugged. “I am not about to keep sweating on this pants. Do you mind?”
Y/n swallowed as her eyes darted down to Emily’s legs, noticing the red underwear that she was wearing. Shit. “Uh…n-no. I mean…you’re right. I’ll…I’ll try to call the reception.” She dropped her bag and went to sit on the bed, grabbing the phone from the nightstand.
Emily raised her brow as she walked to the bed where y/n was now sitting, placing her folded pants on the bed, and walking to stand right in front of y/n. “Y/n?” She placed her finger under y/n’s chin to make her look up, grinning softly. “Are you okay?”
Y/n swore her heart stopped right in that moment as Emily stood right in front of her; half naked. “I…you just…I…” she sighed. “I’m a mess.” She chuckled softly.
“The heatwave effect I guess.” Emily chuckled back.
“More like the Emily in red effect.” Y/n mumbled as she looked back at the phone, putting it back.
Emily furrowed her brows as she stared at y/n. “What did you say?”
Y/n knew it was now or never, so might as well be right in this moment. She looked up at Emily. “Did you know that red is definitely your color?”
Emily blushed as a small smile appeared on her face. “You…you think so?”
“Em, have you seen yourself in the mirror You’re…fuck…you’re gorgeous. I mean you’re gorgeous in everything but like…in red? Wow.” Y/n exhaled as she stood up, trying to get more courage to speak.
“You really think that way about me?” Emily grinned softly.
“Have I not been obvious? Because honestly…I feel like I’ve made a fool of myself whenever I’m around you.” Y/n chuckled softly as she tilted her head.
Emily laughed softly as she shook her head. “Are you serious? They’ve been mocking me and making fun of me saying that I get all flustered and soft around you, and only you. Have I not been obvious?”
Y/n smiled widely as she stared into beautiful brown eyes. “I…guess I had an idea, but I was not sure.”
Emily tilted her head as she smiled. “Well, your idea is very right. I…I like you.” She shrugged. “And these last few days…you’ve been driving me insane.”
“I have been driving you insane?” Y/n huffed a chuckle. “I couldn’t think whenever I stared at you.”
Emily laughed again. “So, I guess we drive each other insane.”
Y/n nodded as she laughed slightly. “Seems so.”
Emily bit her lip softly as she stepped closer to y/n, placing her hands on y/n’s neck, one of her hands playing with her ponytail. “And…should we do something about it?”
Y/n grinned as she placed her hands on Emily’s waist, pulling her against her own body. “How does a date sound? When we’re back. I’d like to take you out.”
Emily smiled, feeling the butterflies in the pit of her stomach. “I’d love that.”
Y/n smiled softly as she leaned in, but before their lips could meet, the power suddenly went out, leaving both women in the darkness, the only light came from the moon outside of the window.
“Fucking hell!” Rossi yelled, making both women laugh.
“Guess we’ll have to camp outside.” Y/n chuckled softly as she looked at Emily.
Emily shrugged. “We can meet them in a bit, we were about to do something.”
Both women smiled before they closed the gap between them, their lips pressing against each other’s in a soft, tender kiss. The heat, the sweat and the darkness completely forgotten as their lips moved in perfect sync.
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roseofdarknessblog · 10 months
Family gathering (Postwar!Levi Ackerman x Reader)
Word count: 3 140
Disclaimer: english is not my first language, I apologize in advance for any mistakes
Summary: You and Levi finally introduce your baby to the rest of the family.
This story can be read on its own or as a part of my little post-war series: Learn to live again
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Family gathering
Being back in the tea shop after giving birth felt even better than you expected. Even if you only came to visit Levi for short periods of time. But it was enough time to make sure that he really had everything under control even without your help. At least for a couple more weeks.
Being new parents wasn't easy, not even the slightest, but you were adjusting. Learning every single day, that having a tiny little human living under your roof was about changing or adjusting one too many things.
Despite that, Levi and you couldn't be happier. In your newborn daughter, you saw the reason why you fought so hard all those years. She truly was a beautiful representation of the future you wanted humanity to have.
„I think they know something is up,“ Falco said, when he walked into the kitchen, that was at the back of the tea shop. Here, you used to bake many of your sweet and savory goods, which were then sold alongside the best tea in the whole town.
„Yeah, probably. But that's fine, something really is up,“ you said, smiling at the boy.
Until now, only he, Gabi, Onyankopon, and Yelena knew about the little Ackerman baby you and Levi welcomed into this world seven weeks ago. Nobody else from your friends knew you gave birth, or even that you were pregnant in the first place. You and Levi decided, that it would be better not to tell anyone and let things unfold on their own.
However, now it was finally time to introduce your precious little miracle to the rest of your family. To all your beloved friends, who fought alongside you these past few years. To the people, who helped you create a safe world to bring your daughter into.
„Is everybody here already?“
Falco nodded, gently taking your daughter's hand. She loved him so much and lately always smiled when they were together. „Yeah, they're talking, having tea and sweets but you can definitely tell they suspect something. Mainly because you're not there.“
„I think we should go see them, right?“ you asked your daughter in a sweet voice, stroking her chubby little cheeks. In some way, they very much reminded you of Levi's. Just like her silky black hair, her blue-grey eyes, or her cute little nose. She was the sweetest little copy of your husband in the cutest ways possible. „You're gonna love them, darling. And they're gonna love you.“
When the little girl looked at Falco and smiled, both of you smiled right back at her with so much love. The boy truly loved her as if she was his little sister.
„Hey, Y/N! Come and join us finally!“ Jean screamed for you from the tea shop, making you chuckle and kiss the top of your daughter's head, who tried grabbing the collar of your shirt.
„I'm coming, settle down. All of you!“ you called back, taking one last deep breath. Falco walked back to the shop before you, giving you one more moment alone.
The moment felt almost surreal. Holding your baby and getting ready to introduce her to so many important people. Not even that long ago, you would never even dream about doing something so magical.
„Now, I have a very special surprise for all of you. Can you close your eyes?“ you asked them before opening the door.
When you walked into the main part of the shop, everyone was there – Armin, Connie, Jean and Mikasa. Even Reiner, Annie, and Pieck came, along with Gabi, Yelena, and Onyankopon who didn't even need to close their eyes. Together with Falco and your husband, who was smiling at you ever so slightly.
„What do you think? What is this big surprise?“ you asked them excitedly. But before anybody said a word, your daughter let out a loud cry to get everyone's attention, before she smiled up at you. Almost as if she knew what was happening. „Okay, I guess it's not a surprise anymore. Open your eyes,“ you said, smiling happily at them.
The awe on everyone's face was so worth keeping this whole thing private until now. Connie and Armin looked at you as if they'd never seen a baby in their life before. But that was probably because of their last visit when you were five months along and still barely showing. Under the right pieces of clothing, they had zero chance of noticing anything. And now, half a year later, you were standing in front of them with a baby in your arms.
„So... we called you all here today, because we wanted you to meet someone very special,“ you said, looking over at Levi. With a slightly pained expression, he stood up from his wheelchair and walked a few steps to stand next to you. „She'll be two months old in a couple of days. I hope you can forgive us that we kept such a big thing a secret until now. It was...“
„We wanted to make sure everything will turn out okay,“ Levi said when you couldn't find the right words. „And then we wanted to soak up every little moment with her. Just the three of us,“ he added, wrapping one of his arms around your waist. It was a gesture full of love and also a way to help him stand more securely because of his leg.
It almost seemed that everybody was too shocked to speak. The first one to stand up and come up to you was Jean. He smiled, looking at both you and Levi. Then his soft light-brown eyes wandered to your baby, looking her over very carefully. He offered her one of his fingers, which the little girl took with such excitement, seeming happy that she was seeing a new face.
„She's beautiful, Captain, Y/N,“ he said proudly and with a happy smile.
„Oi, where did you get that baby, Y/N? When me and Armin were here a few months back, you surely weren't pregnant,“ Connie shouted, hurrying to you as well.
„I can assure you, that I was pregnant at the time. Five months pregnant, to be more specific. I just hid it too well,“ you chuckled, stroking your baby's hair. Her eyes were wide open with curiosity while her tiny hands were playing with Jean's fingers.
„Was she, Captain?“ Connie asked Levi, not wanting to believe you.
„Where do you think we got a baby that looks like me if she didn't give birth to it?“ Levi questioned him, his brows furrowed. He may looked annoyed with all the commotion, but by the tone of his voice, it was obvious, that he was enjoying having them all here.
„She really does look like you, Captain,“ Armin said, coming to stand between Jean and Connie.
Behind him, Mikasa followed a little shily. You gave her a warm smile and motioned to her, to come even closer. „Would you like to hold her? You're blood-related, after all,“ you said to her, looking over at Levi, who nodded at your words.
She seemed a little hesitant but eventually nodded in agreement. After showing her, how to safely hold the baby, she took her from you and carefully cradled your daughter against her chest. The little girl looked confused when she first looked up at Mikasa, but after she grabbed a strand of her hair everything was okay.
„She's adorable, congratulations to you both,“ Mikasa said, smiling at both you and Levi warmly. You've barely seen her since the Rumbling, because she went back to Paradis, so her presence right now was even more precious. „What's her name?“
You knew this question would come. And you were preparing yourself to answer it without too much emotion. But suddenly... when they were all here, standing around you and waiting for your answer... it felt almost impossible to explain the meaning of your daughter's name without making everybody way too emotional.
She got her name after a person, who was very dear to you and Levi. And to all of the 104th as well. It was a person, who was supposed to be here today with all of you as well. And also the person, thanks to who you got one more chance to fight the Rumbling and win.
„We named her after Hange,“ Levi said in a calm voice, seeing you struggling a little. „Zoe. Zoe Ackerman.“
„The meaning of her name is... life,“ you added in a quiet voice, reaching out your hand and stroking your baby's back. „I guess it's more than fitting, don't you think?“ Feeling your eyes welling up with tears, you looked at your friends. A wild range of emotions was seen on their faces – sadness, surprise, and also happiness.
Armin was the first one to speak up, leaning closer to Mikasa and taking the baby's hand, shaking it very gently. Such a sweet gesture made all of you chuckle. „It's more than fitting,“ he smiled at her warmly. „Nice to meet you, Zoe. I'm sure we'll be very good friends once you grow up a little.“
The sweet tone in which Armin talked to your baby melted your heart completely. Feeling unimaginable happiness, you looked over at Levi and kissed his cheek. The way he was watching the scene right in front of you, was more than beautiful. His expression was relaxed, almost completely pain-free. The look in his eyes was soft and loving towards all the people standing around you and introducing themselves to your baby in the funniest, yet most adorable way possible. She was all smiles, while she was looking around and taking in all the new people.
So despite looking so much like Levi, she surely didn't get her personality from him.
Connie was the one, who made her the most excited. Mainly, when he held her in a way that she was able to pull Jean's hair. But he truly couldn't be angry with her for even a second.
„Hey, you three. Come on, don't be shy,“ you said to Reiner, Annie, and Pieck who were still standing a little to the side, only watching the others happily fuss around your baby, who was making a lot of loud excited noises.
Once they were your enemies, they wanted you dead. Now they were here amongst your closest friends and family. In a way, you forgave them for almost everything. After having a couple of difficult talks, mainly with Reiner, you gained a new perspective of them all. And through that, things between you and them started changing. Gabi and Falco also helped a bunch, too.
„It's okay, we wanted you here and we're happy that you came,“ you said to them, stroking Reiner's arm and smiling at the girls.
„In a twisted kind of way, but we're all here thanks to you, too,“ Levi said to them, his grip around your waist tightening. His knee was starting to trouble him after standing by your side for a few minutes.
So after you made sure, that your baby was truly in good hands, you helped Levi walk outside the tea shop and sit down on a bench right next to the door. A heavy sigh escaped his mouth when he finally sat down and took the weight off his left leg.
„Good? Are you okay?“ you asked a bit worriedly, sitting down next to him. While your left hand started rubbing his back comfortingly, you leaned closer and kissed his cheek.
„Yeah, sure,“ he mumbled, taking a couple of deep breaths to ease the pain.
„It went well, didn't it? They were all so surprised and happy,“ you chuckled, resting your head against his. The voices and laughter from inside were heard pretty clearly, so you didn't have to worry. „And right now, they have probably a couple of minutes before she starts crying. Either because she'll be hungry or because she won't be able to find us.“
Levi smirked, wrapping his arm around your waist again, to keep you close. Despite the pain, he still seemed relaxed and content with the way today turned out. Everybody's reaction made it certain, that you and Levi did the best thing when you kept your pregnancy private.
„It's all so bittersweet. Having so many of them here and still missing a bunch of people,“ Levi said, his fingers gently stroking your side.
„They are here with us. In a different kind of way, but still.“
You could see all of your fallen friends and comrades in your baby's eyes and in her every smile. All the things they did and for what they sacrificed their lives, made it possible for little Zoe to be born. You and Levi were grateful to them every single day. For their bravery, resilience, and determination to make the world a better place.
Hange, Erwin, Sasha, Miche, Nanaba, Nifa, Furlan, Isabel, Moblit, Petra, Eld, Oluo, Gunther... Eren...
All of them and many, many more gave their lives a long time ago, so you and your friends could have this life. In one way or another. Looking back, there probably wasn't a way to save them. To spare them from death. All you could do was continue living your best life and honor them by being happy.
„Who would have thought, really? That we would make it here all the way from the Underground,“ you sighed, running your fingers through Levi's hair lovingly.
„We made it far, that's true. And...“ he shrugged, smirking at his own words, „I'm kind of excited to see what's next, now that we have our little girl. She's going to turn our lives upside down so many times.“
„That's what parenthood is about, right?“ you chuckled, grabbing his free hand and holding it tight. „We're doing good. Learning and making mistakes. I'm so glad that everything worked out in the end and that we have her.“ Having a baby was an adventure like no other. In the end, all the sleepless nights were worth it, when you saw your little angel smile at you, with her eyes full of innocence and pure love.
„Just wait until she starts walking and running around. That's gonna be a disaster.“
„We'll just have to keep up with her.“ You gently took Levi's chin and turned his head, so you could see his face.
He was still very handsome, no scars or a missing eye could change that. For you, he was the one and only. Since you were a teenager to this very day. All those years, it was Levi. And you were more than sure, that it would stay like this for the rest of your life. Nothing and nobody would be able to change your mind, because Levi was all you'll ever need – with all of his disabilities, which sometimes still made him feel a little self-conscious or worried, that he wasn't good enough for you. He was more than enough and you never failed to remind him that. A day never went by without you reminding him, just how thankful you were for his love and his presence in your life.
„I love you,“ Levi said, leaning in for a kiss. His soft lips pressed against yours, making you forget about everything else.
„That's really good to know because I love you too.“ With a smile, you brushed a few strands of hair from his forehead and kissed the tip of his nose. „I'm proud to call you mine and be yours.“
His sweet little smile had a very strong effect on you every single time you got the chance to see it. Mainly, when said smile reached his eyes and made him look so carefree and young. Seeing him like that, nobody would be able to tell how many horrors he had to suffer through.
Levi rested his forehead against yours, reaching for your left hand. He brushed his thumb over your wedding band, finding your lips in another sweet and love-filled kiss. Time seemed to stop around you at that moment.
But only until you heard a loud cry from inside the tea shop. Just moments later, Connie hurried outside, eagerly trying to return your baby into your arms. „Guess she doesn't like when someone pinches her cheeks. But they're so adorable and chubby, I couldn't resist.“
„They remind me of someone else's cheeks,“ Mikasa added, standing in the open door, her eyes focused on Levi with a playful smirk. You bit down on your lower lip, trying not to laugh, while Connie was grinning so hard, he had to turn away.
Levi, a little flustered, shook his head upon them and took his crying daughter into his arms. You watched him gently cradle her against his chest, planting a couple of kisses on the top of her head, while he rubbed her back.
„The brats made you cry, huh? Don't worry, you'll get used to them,“ he said to the baby, looking back at Connie. „And you'll have them wrapped around your finger in no time,“ Levi added and kissed her forehead in the hopes of stopping her from crying more. But little Zoe knew exactly what she wanted and cried until Levi didn't hide her in his embrace from the rest of the world, while he lovingly started scratching the back of her head. Lately, this has become the most efficient way to calm her down.  „There, sweetie. That's better, right? No need to cry.“
Connie chuckled at the sight. „Well, Captain. Seems you're already wrapped around her finger. I've never heard you talk so sweetly to anyone, not even to Y/N.“
Jean and Armin came to stand by Mikasa, all of them watching the sweet sight of Humanity's Strongest being a completely different person when it came to his own daughter. All of them changed so much during the past few years. But when you looked at them in that moment, you still saw the kids they were, when they joined the Scouts. The kids you grew to love and swore to protect. The kids, who became your family long before such a peaceful life was even a possibility for all of you.
What a shame not all of them made it this far.
Not having Sasha and Eren here felt strange and painful. It felt like you failed a little. But just until you looked back at your daughter. Her cheeks were still wet from tears, while she was so adorably clinging to Levi. In her still teary eyes, you saw Sasha's dedication and Eren's bravery.
And that was what mattered the most.
Having your family here with you and showing them just how much they meant to you. How much you loved them and how happy it made you, that they came here today to meet little Zoe Ackerman.
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it-was-summer · 1 month
Video Killed the Radio Star - Tape #4 (Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader)
A/N: Y'all this chapter took so long to write. This is NOT proofread once again me and Grammarly were beefing because she doesn't understand fanfiction. Nonetheless, it is 12 am MST and here it is. Now for an overall warning, this chapter talks about so much that I was to let everyone know that I meant for this to be a dark series. That was my goal. I'm so sorry if some of these topics seem like they're too heavy for you. If you feel overwhelmed, disgusted, or just find it hard to read please remember that it is okay and you are loved. This chapter mentions miscarriages, eating disorders, gunshot wounds, suicide, etc. I love you all and stay healthy. I will try to post my 500 followers post soon! Not proofread because eepy. YOU'LL read my chapter unedited and you'll like it! (hopefully). Thanks for reading. -Love you all, Em.
Video Killed the Radio Star Remake Masterlist
Link to the Ao3: Video Killed the Radio Star
Previous Chapter: Tape #3 > Next Chapter: Coming Soon...
WARNING: miscarriage, eating disorder, catholic guilt, bisexuality mention??, period underwear, stalking, marital problem, divorce, sexual harassment, guns, knives, gunshot wound, This bitch shoots someone, suicide, mention of a skull, blood so much blood.
Tape Contents: We briefly dive into Heather's past. Adeline makes a call that gives the team a reason to visit the suburbs. Heather makes a decision. You see something other than pink for the first time in four days.
Word Count: 6,296
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Seven to Four Years Prior- January 10, 20XX
Heather had to get out of Norfolk. She felt suffocated under her father’s watchful gaze and helicopter ways. He was a hard man to love and hard to be around in general. When he drank, she used to pray that he would forget about her, so she became quiet. She didn’t have many friends here anyway, so she took you out of the equation and knew no one else would know her name. 
So, with a heavy heart, she moved her life away to Richmond. She changed her major to nursing and killed that quiet girl from Norfolk. She fabricated real lies that sometimes she couldn’t separate from reality. She stared at girls silently with longing and played it off as admiration if she was ever caught. Catholic guilt stopped it from growing into anything else. 
She was slow to open up about her feelings and showed people an extroverted sorority girl nursing graduate who liked to go to bars on the weekend and let men’s hands pull at her hips desperately in dark corners. 
Now, at twenty-four, she only thought about one thing: how good her stomach looked in this dress. She had thinned out tremendously since the move. At first, it started due to not having enough money to eat anywhere except the shitty university cafeteria. Then, it warped into something else. During its worst moments, she would log her calories or purge food moments after eating it. She could look into mirrors afterward and feel she was achieving something remarkable. Then, sometimes, she would also look at her face and think, ‘Is that what I look like’? 
But tonight, she wanted to do something different, something fun. Having told her sorority sisters this, they all jumped on board quickly, agreeing to meet at the bar around 10 p.m. that Saturday. They were thirty minutes late. 
Heather was gently fiddling with the hem of her short black dress, her eyes flickering towards the entrance every so often as she waited for them to walk in. This year, she wanted to be happier, less suffering in silence, and a little more smiley. So yes, she wanted to have fun with people she called friends. Despite all her efforts, she was sure they could see right through her sometimes. She swallowed nervously as she nursed a margarita. 
The next time she looked at her phone, she saw texts from her former sisters saying that work had been hectic and that they needed to reschedule for another time. So now, Heather Alexander was right back at square one: alone. She glanced down at her dress and frowned slightly at its tight material. It was the kind of dress that made her uncomfortable but made men comfortable. Something always felt wrong with that. Heather always secretly knew that she felt an attraction to women and men, but she always felt guilty at the thought. 
She sighed as she debated her next move when she saw him. He was the prettiest man she had ever seen. He had soft masculine features that almost looked slightly feminine, a uniform clad against his chest, and a charming boyish smile as their eyes met. Heather whispered a silent prayer that he would like her as he approached her and introduced himself as David Hernandez. How could she not fall for him instantly? Deep brown eyes, pink lips, dark skin, and a low rumble in his voice made her feel like giggling. 
It wasn’t long before the two of them were getting married. They spent a few months together in domestic bliss. He got some time off from work, and she kept her last name, and they were… happy. 
At least they were happy for six months, and then her world shattered around her as David was deployed to England. She cried herself to sleep the night she heard, and David stroked her back softly to calm her. Heather didn’t want him to leave her and see someone better overseas. She was sure that women would throw themselves at David’s feet, begging him to kiss them, touch them, fuck them, like whores in the street of Babylon. She couldn’t stand the thought of anyone else touching him, looking at him the way she looked at him, talking to him the way she did in his ear late at night. She begged him to try and find some way out of it, scared to lose what was rightfully hers, but he couldn’t. He left that week.
At first, it was just six months, but then it stretched out into a year of deployment—a year spent being faithful to a man across the Atlantic. She called him when she had time, wrote letters to him, sent him emails, and constantly contacted him in any way she could. 
When he got home, it was clear that all her efforts had gone to waste. David was distant. He would sulk in corners of their home on his phone. He would lament on and on about how England felt like his home and how he missed it. She couldn’t stand it. This house they bought together was his home, and it always had been. Why was he struggling to see that? 
The more he talked of his deployment, the more Heather became frustrated with him. Then he started to go out more. At first, it was just to speak with some Army friends on base a few spread-out weekends in the month. Then it was every weekend. 
Heather found that the only thing that could keep him home was sex. So they had sex constantly, like animals in heat. Disgusting and rutting against each other any moment they could. However, the second that it was over, he would withdraw again. He would get dressed and say he had to get to the base. 
Then he was coming late, drunk and slurring, as he pulled her to the edge of the bed and woke her up with sensual touches and dirty talk. She took this as a good sign he was coming home to his wife. He was fucking her and no one else. But slowly, he stopped coming home. He would call her late at night to tell her he would stay with a friend for the night. The following day, he would come home smelling sweet. 
Heather felt lost, searching desperately for something to save her marriage. She was devoting all of her love to a man who no longer wanted it, and she could feel him falling out of love with her. 
Her saving grace was the morning that she found out she was pregnant. She called David with tears in her eyes and told him softly over the phone, and she heard him laugh for the first time in months. And just like that, he was back. 
His soft touches, kisses in the grocery store, and dancing with her in the living room were all back. Her devoted and dotting husband had returned home to her. She could feel the dark cloud of the past couple of months dissipate and the sun shining on her. 
That light lasted a good three months. Heather sat up straight as pain coursed through her body, thundering in her abdomen as she shook David awake with tears streaming down her face. Something was wrong with the baby; she knew it. He drove her to the hospital as fast as he could, but it was too late. She had already miscarried.
Heather took a small sabbatical from work and took time to think about her life. She would stare out of their living room window blankly for hours. David was attentive at first, coming home after work and tending to Heather’s broken spirit. But he soon became bored of that routine. 
When Heather returned to the pediatric oncology unit, David was notified that he was being deployed again to Okinawa, Japan. He was packed and ready by the end of that month. She didn’t see him off at the airport, picking up an extra shift at the hospital to distract her from the fact that he was leaving her again. 
David called her two months into his leave to tell her he wasn’t happy. He wanted a divorce. Then he hung up before she could get a word in. That’s when it all started. Her obsession with consuming anything romantic was almost debilitating. She would visit bookstores and attend readings at the public library, sometimes calling off from work to sit at home with her romances. That’s when she saw you again. She thought that you would have stayed in Norfolk. You had once told her that you loved the water. You liked how it could look gloomy and promising on different days, with mist rolling off the surface. 
She tried not to talk to you. She did. She didn’t want to scare you away like she scared David away. No, no, no, she was sure it would all work out this time. So she loved you from a comfortable distance, watching you from her car on the weekends at night, leaving you her gifts on your windshield—a silent courting. 
She couldn’t help herself on Valentine’s Day. She had slipped into Nicole Smith’s room without Adeline recognizing her, and she gave the table with Adeline’s purse on it a gentle knock with her hip. Heather apologized quickly, telling her not to worry. She promptly dropped to the floor to gather the spilled contents from Adeline’s bag, and she slipped a labeled key connected to a keychain that read ‘or die’ into her pocket. Once she had copied the key, she quickly returned the original to its owner. 
She felt electric when she entered your apartment on Valentine's Day in a dark outfit, a hood covering her face, and four dozen rose petals in a container. She breathed in your perfume as she perused through your bathroom. She traced the spine of every book she could touch on your shelves. She gently dove into your dirty hamper and quickly pulled out a pair of dirty underwear, blood on the inside of them as she shamelessly slipped them into her pocket. Then she got to work spreading the petals throughout your apartment. By the end, she stared at her work, panting lightly as she lay across on your rose-covered bed. 
She had to have you. 
Present Day- March 5, 20XX
Derek and Spencer managed to get to the public library an hour before closing. They pulled your coworker, Valerie, aside. She was a pretty brunette, glasses resting on her face delicately as she stared at the two men with a soft look of disappointment. She knew that if they were here, they had yet to find you, and the thought made her feel like breaking down in a fit of tears. She fought the urge to cry as Derek asked her a question, sliding a copy of the Polaroid you had received on your windshield. “Do you happen to remember anyone coming in with a Polaroid camera?” 
Valerie stared at the Polaroid with a soft frown, trying to remember something helpful. Spencer spoke quickly, “Sometime around January fourteenth, maybe?”
Valerie chewed on her bottom lip before the memory washed over her, “Yes! Yes, oh gosh, she was blonde, I think. I remember telling her we didn’t like flash photography in the library. I only saw the back of her head, but I remember the back of her head and the flash of a camera.” 
Spencer tilted his head slightly and nodded at Valerie’s words, processing the information silently.“Are you sure it was a woman?” Spencer asked softly before Valarie enthusiastically nodded. 
“Yes, it was definitely a woman who took the picture.” She confirmed in a soft voice before she looked down at the Polaroid with a gentle tenderness in her eyes. “She baked me cookies last week, you know?” She looked up at the two men with a sad smile and tears in her eyes. “My cat is sick, and she made me cookies to make me feel better.” She laughed sadly as the tears started to fall. 
Derek placed a soft hand over Valerie’s and gave her a tender look, “We’re looking for her,” The words caused a shaky sigh to escape Valarie’s lips as she pulled her hand away quickly and stood up. 
Her cheeks were red as she cried out a soft “Excuse me.” before she turned on her heel and hurriedly left the room. 
Spencer picked up the picture and stared at you in the photo. The way your hair shined in the fluorescent light, your eyes and smile trained directly on the person you were talking to. You were personable, and the thought made his stomach turn. He looked over at Derek as Spencer handed the photo back to him. 
The two men walked out of the library silently, and Derek let out a soft sigh as he watched the sun starting to settle against the horizon. Spencer walked beside him with his hand stuffed in his pockets, and his head hung a little low in thought. 
Derek broke the silence first, “We should get back to the station to see if JJ and Rossi have anything,” 
And then they rode back in contemplative silence after that. 
March 6, 20XX
You weren’t sure if it was day or night anymore. All you knew was that you were starting to feel uneven. Every creak of wood, settling of pipes, and rumble of the house had your back straightening against the bed. You were sure that Heather would fly in at any moment and touch you. 
A million options weighed heavy in your mind at the scenario; you could fight back again, but that would get you sliced again or worse. You could go with it, zone out as much as possible, let her have her way with you. That option made your head spin with nausea. You had to find a way to get out. 
You licked at the gash on your lip, gently exploring the cut with your tongue until you could feel the warmth of blood again. You pushed your tongue back into your mouth and looked over at your day-old apple on the nightstand, half-eaten and brown. You tenderly took a small bite that wouldn’t require you to move your lips too much. 
You didn’t have much of the day-old meal left; a half-full water and this apple was all you had. You chewed softly, fighting off the nausea that threatened to creep in due to the morphine. 
You tried to remember anything that could be helpful to you. It was hard to think of high doses of morphine. You had played with the knob often; when you were ready to sleep, it would go up, and when you were up, it would turn down. But lately, you just wanted it to be turned up. 
You tried to think of when Heather came into the pink room. She always stuffed her keys into her pockets. A plan was in the making: Get her out of her clothes, and you could get the keys. 
You nodded a little despite your discomfort with the idea of her touching you again. You just had to seduce her a little, which should be easy considering that she was ‘in love’ with you. The only problem with that plan was that you had a mangled ankle and a body running on morphine; she didn’t. Heather’s temper was quick when you talked back, and rage followed if you did something against her liking. 
Maybe begging would work. No, you tried that already. Why would begging work? Perhaps you could hurt yourself just enough to force her to take you to the hospital. But that didn’t work either; she was a nurse. She wouldn’t incriminate herself like that, would she? Maybe total submission would be the key. 
Convince her that you love her back and somehow ask to be let out with her supervision, but that could take forever. 
You started to cry softly as you set down the core of the apple and laid down, wishing to pull your legs to your chest, but the pain of one ankle and the chain around the other made that physically impossible. 
You cried until you felt your eyelids become heavy, tears still slipping out of your eyes as you fell into a morphine-induced sleep. 
March 6, 20XX
JJ paced back and forth in front of the bulletin board, occasionally flicking her eyes over to the photos pinned to it as she tried to chase what was likely to be a loose end. The number that had called yours and left a message full of sobs had been a burner. 
Spencer had tried to tell her to eat something this morning, but as the clock’s hands crept towards nine a.m., she still didn’t feel hungry enough to try. She sighed out another frustrated huff as Emily appeared in front of her. “If you sigh like that one more time, I think I might have to force a croissant down your throat.” 
JJ gave her another dramatic sigh before she put her hands on her hips: “I’m sorry, I just feel like we have no leads. We know it's a woman, but Adeline isn’t likely to be the unsub, and all her coworkers have alibis. It just feels like we are running around with our heads cut off.” 
Emily smiled and gave her a gentle nod of understanding, “I get it, but you pacing around like this isn’t helping anyone. Let’s get you a drink, coffee, or maybe something to eat.” 
“People who eat breakfast consistently are twenty-five percent likely to be more productive at work,” Spencer spoke up from a desk not too far from the two women. 
Emily pointed over at Spencer, “See? You’re making Spencer freak out.” 
“I’m not freaked out,” Spencer frowned at the comment before looking back at a file on the desk. 
JJ’s smile was slow as she let her hands fall to her side and let out a soft, “Fine.” She agreed as Emily walked over to the precinct's breakroom, JJ following her. 
Derek was clicking a pen obnoxiously in an off-beat rhythm. He was about to say something when his phone started to ring on his desk. He didn’t recognize the number, but he answered it anyway. “Hello?” 
“Hi, uhm, is this Special Agent Morgan?” Adeline’s voice was shaky through the phone. 
Derek relaxed slightly as he set down his pen. “Yeah, Adeline. Did something happen?” He couldn’t think of another reason as to why she would call the number he had left with her if nothing happened. He was too focused on the case to think of any other reason anyway. 
“Yeah, maybe? I was talking to one of the nurses about something today, and I recognized one of them. I don’t know how I didn’t see it sooner, but it was an old friend from college. She was more Y/N’s friend than mine, but I talked to her a little.” Adeline’s voice dropped to a whisper as she continued, “I mentioned that she was missing, and Heather had a weird reaction. She smiled for a second. I swear, she said she was sad to hear that, but she looked… well, for a second, it just seemed like maybe she was happy.” 
Derek picked the pen back up again, ready to write down a name. It wasn’t much, but they could visit her. “What was her name again?” 
“Gosh, it was Heather something… Heather, Heather, Heather,” She bit her lip as she tried to think back. “Alexander! Heather Alexander.” 
Derek wrote it down and muttered quickly, “We'll look into it, thanks.” As a goodbye, he let Adeline quickly thank him over the phone before he hung up and called Penelope. 
Penelope, quick as always, picked up on the first ring. “Center of divine intellect,” was her greeting. 
“Good morning to you, too, baby girl. Listen, could you get Heather Alexander's address? Adeline Smith called saying that she had a strange reaction to hearing about our girl going missing.” 
“Easy,” was her answer before Derek could hear the sounds of keys being tapped against and a soft humming sound emitting from Penelope’s lips as she pulled up the address: “4432 Lake Margaret Pl., Chesterfield, Virginia.” 
“You are an angel, Garcia.” 
“I always aim to please,” 
“And you never fail, baby girl.” 
JJ had begged Derek with her eyes to let her go with Spencer. It was just an interview, not even an interrogation, just to see if the connection between you and Heather went deeper than old college friends. So why shouldn’t she go? 
Derek wasn’t one to put up a big fight, so he let her with Spencer. It was only thirty minutes away anyway, so if they needed the team it wouldn’t take too long for them to show up, right? He stayed behind on the phone with Garcia, who was doing her best to see if Heather had any criminal history on her record. 
As the car rolled around the cul de sac, Spencer’s eyes struggled to look away from the plethora of plants in the fenced-in front yard. Pink anemones were scattered amongst daffodils, and what looked like daisies were blooming side by side. JJ rolled the car to a stop, parking it against the curb. 
“Pretty yard,” She muttered as she took the keys out of the ignition. Spencer nodded a little; he had to admit that Spring came in a close second to Fall as the superior season in his mind. The flowers growing after frozen earth had kept them dormant, the welcomed feeling of the sun getting slightly warmer. It was still somewhat chilly at ten in the morning as he stepped out of the car with JJ, but he had to admit, it was shaping up to be a beautiful day weather-wise. 
His head tilted back a little as he stole a glance at the blue sky above them and smiled before stuffing his hands into his pockets and tilting his head toward the house. JJ smiled and walked beside him, happy to be out of the precinct and in the early morning air.
Heather was washing the paring knife she had used on you in her kitchen sink, facing a large bay window in her living room. She swiped at the hardened blood and frowned a little at the memory. Why was she so upset with you? She could hardly remember herself when she got angry like that. 
It was almost fitting, her flying off the handle over something so simple as you not being ready for her love. Was she no better than a man? Had she gotten so accustomed to men's vile and sharp ways that she had somehow forgotten how to be gentle? 
She felt her hands shake as a voice came into her head, whispering her worst fear: She was worse than her father. 
She let tears blur her vision at the thought as she rubbed the knife harder with a sponge, shaking her head quickly. No, no, no, no. She was not like that man. She was not cold like that man. She was lovable. She felt love. She felt overwhelming love for you. She had felt overwhelming love for David. 
Her downward spiral was cut short as she lifted her weeping head and saw a black SUV parked in front of her yard. She quickly wiped away a stray tear with the back of her hand and sniffled lightly as she gently slid the knife into the dishwasher, watching two people get out of the van. 
Heather’s eyes were glued to the blonde at first, pretty and fair in the morning sun before her eyes flickered to the man beside her. She recognized him immediately. She was sure it was the same man she almost ran into at the hospital yesterday. 
She dried her hands as she walked around the kitchen island. As they got closer, her head arched to see how close they were. Panic was running through her veins. Her gun was in her room upstairs, loaded. She just had to get upstairs; her feet were quick to try and run upstairs and stash it somewhere close before they could ring the doorbell. Just as the idea seemed plausible enough, the bell rang through the house. 
Heather let out a silent scream of panic as she smoothed out her shirt, fixed her hair, and caught a quick glance of her pretty face in the mirror near the front door before she swung it open with a pleasantly fake smile on her face. Her eyes quickly scanned both of their faces as she smiled. “Can I help you?”
“Yes, hi. My name is Jennifer Jareau. This is Spencer Reid. We’re with the FBI, and we were just wondering if we could ask you some questions.” JJ spoke clearly as she flashed her badge at Heather, a slight smile on her lips as she looked into Heather’s eyes. Spencer recognized her, finding it strange that he had almost run directly into the beautiful woman at the hospital just the day before. 
Heather laughed softly and nodded as she stepped aside, opening the door wider to let the two agents inside. “Of course,” Her hands were shaking, but she gripped the edge of the door tightly, half tempted to slam it directly in their faces and go upstairs to shoot Catherine and herself to freedom.  
They weren’t on to her yet; she was sure of that– especially given their lack of people– just two against one. She was quick to shut the door behind them before leading the two of them into her living room. “Can I get you two any water? I have some juice.” 
The two agents shook their heads in a polite ‘no, thank you’ way as they sat on the sofa across from Heather. Heather sat on a chair with a soft “Okay” as she eyed them carefully. “Am I in some kind of trouble here?” 
“No, We just wanted to ask you a few questions regarding an old college friend of yours, Y/N L/N.” 
“Well,” She smoothed out her long skirt slowly, remembering to breathe normally, “What about her?” 
“Had you been in contact with her at all? Did she mention anything about someone following her?” 
Heather let out a gentle laugh as she shook her head, “I haven’t really had the time to reach out to old friends lately,” 
Spencer’s interest peaked as he joined the conversation, “How come?” 
Heather’s gaze became a little pointed at the question. Of course, the man has to ask her, “I lost a baby recently, and my husband was deployed soon after, so forgive me for not becoming pen pals with someone I knew at eighteen.” The words were direct and vicious, but she couldn’t help herself. She blew out a soft sigh before she let out a gentle and timid, “I’m sorry,” 
Spencer licked his lips nervously as he leaned back against the sofa slightly, trying to resist the urge to disappear into it. Self-isolation wasn’t uncommon for women who had recently suffered from a miscarriage. That feeling more than likely increased as her support system was ripped away from her. 
JJ gently touched Spencer’s knee before she cut the tension. “I’m sorry to hear that, Mrs. Alexander. We’re just trying to piece some information together.” 
Heather ran a hand through her hair before she gave JJ a tight-lipped smile. “I understand that; I’m sorry. Would it be alright if I ran upstairs for some medicine? I feel a headache coming on.” She spoke fast with a tense voice, trying her hardest to pass it off as pain with a rub of her temple. When JJ nodded, she stood up and headed upstairs as calmly as she could manage. 
JJ looked over at Spencer, watching Heather walk away carefully. “She seems angrier with men than anything.” Her voice was slightly amused before Spencer frowned. 
“Doesn’t mean she’s in the clear; stalking is often a form of intense infatuation, but it's also used as a way to control something. She’s struggling with two things that could be our stressors: she’s craving control or dependency. She-” The soft ringing of his phone cut off his whispered rant. He answered it, happy that at least it was just Garcia calling, hoping for a better lead than his ongoing hunch. 
He stood and looked at JJ, who was mouthing for him to go outside, “Hey,” He answered as he slipped out of the front door. 
“Hey, nothing is coming up anywhere on Heather’s record for criminal activity—sorority sister, wife, nurse, clean as a whistle. However, considering we don’t have much right now, I decided to see if she had any warnings at work.” 
“Right,” Spencer looked over his shoulder at the front door as he walked away to stand in front of the garage. 
“Well, last month, she got a write-up for stealing some morphine; her supervisor forced her to go see a therapist after Heather said that she was using it for some leftover pain she was experiencing after her miscarriage. But Heather never showed,” 
Spencer was walking a little further down the driveway as he listened to Garcia talk on the phone, counting the number of windows in the house. His eyes narrowed slightly to try and block out the sun before he looked away. He licked his bottom lip gently before acting on his little hunch, “Could you check her credit report? See if there are any purchases that you can find that seem odd around March third?” 
“Could I check her credit report,” Garcia repeated with a laugh, “Hold on, boy genius.” 
Spencer could see the top of JJ’s head from the bay window, and he turned away slightly, finding ease in the fact that she was still there. Something felt off, and he couldn’t put his finger on it. “She went to the store, but nothing crazy. Bought,” He could hear typing, “Bleach and rubbing alcohol.” 
Spencer chewed on the inside of his cheek as he asked, “When was her husband deployed again? Did she buy anything from a florist around Valentine’s Day?” 
“Husband was deployed December first and,” she hummed gently before she sighed, “Bought some flowers on Valentine’s day, rose petals.” 
Spencer felt that feeling when something connected in his brain, a rush of adrenaline as he felt his hunch slowly turn into a plausible accusation. The roses were just that, roses. But the bleach and rubbing alcohol? That’s a recipe for chloroform right there. And finally, Heather’s husband was deployed at the beginning of December, stressor number two. It made him feel slightly hopeful about walking back into the house. “Thanks, Garcia.” He said as his feet reached the end of the driveway. He hung up the phone, walking back towards the house at a fast pace when the familiar and startling 'crack' of a gun reached his ears. 
His hands drew his gun out of the holster, running back towards the house. He pushed the front door open with his foot as he heard the thumping of footsteps running on the stairs. He rounded the corner to the living room before lowering his gun as he saw JJ bleeding from a bullet wound in her thigh. 
“JJ!” His voice panicked as he reached her groaning side, kneeling low to the ground next to her. “What happened?” 
JJ shook her head quickly, “I’m calling for backup. She ran upstairs. She didn’t even try to,” her eyes squeezed shut tightly as a sharp pain rattled through her inner thigh, “Just go!” She urged him as she reached down for the phone in her back pocket, her free hand pressing on her gushing wound to try and slow the bleeding. 
Spencer’s eyes were filled with uncertainty as he let out a soft, “No, I’ll stay here until everyone gets-” 
“Spencer, go!” 
Spencer felt his spine straighten at the second command. He gave her a grim nod as he stood up, readied his gun, and started for the stairs. His footsteps were soft and calculated as he ascended, pink light flooding the floor as he approached the top of the stairs. He could hear gentle begging in a voice too soft and thick to be Heather’s. 
“Please, Heather, please, my love. Don’t, please don’t.” Repetitive cries for mercy made his legs move faster until he approached an opened door. The regular-looking bedroom door gave way to a steel one just behind it before revealing the scene of what looked like a demented love nest. 
Spencer swallowed a lump in his throat as he took in the scene. Gun pointed carefully at Heather as he spoke, “Heather, put down the gun. You love her. You don’t want to hurt her. You know that.” 
Heather jumped a little at the sound, her pistol clicking softly as her sweaty palms tightened their grip. She was quick to turn her body around to face him with the gun aimed directly at him as she spoke. “Don’t pretend like you know me or her. You don’t know our relationship. She wants this just as much as I do.” 
“You know she doesn’t look at her. Look at what you’re doing to her.” 
Heather’s eyes drifted to you, chained to the bed, watching as you hyperventilate softly. Heather felt her bottom lip quiver before she looked back at Spencer. “She’s just scared. You’re making me do this. She knows you’re making me do this.” 
Spencer’s eyes drifted to your crying form on the bed, trying to keep your sobs quiet as you stared at him with wild eyes. He glanced over at the morphine drip next to your bed before his eyes settled back on Heather. His lips parted to say something more, but she cut him off quickly, “Put your gun down, and I won’t do it.” 
Heather’s body language gives her away as she motions for him to put his gun down, her eyes crazed and large, her hands shaking and rigid against her pistol. “I’m not going to-” 
“Put your fucking, gun down, or she dies,” Heather yells so loud that it elicits a soft sob from your lips, your arms coming up to protect your head, ready for the shot to be administered and for your brains to be blown out in front of Spencer in that very moment. 
Spencer holds up both of his hands at that; he swears he can hear the soft sounds of sirens in the distance as he lowers his gun to the floor slowly, his foot gently kicking the gun away with a soft ‘clack.’
“Now you,” his calm voice says as he raises his hands, inching closer. Tears stream down Heather’s face now as she shakes her head gently. 
“I have to,” Is her tear-soaked reply as she keeps the barrel pointed at Spencer’s head, her fingers twitching lightly as they move for the trigger. Your shaking voice cuts through the scene, and Spencer is pretty sure it’s the only thing that is stopping him from diving for his gun a few feet from him. 
“Heather, baby,” Your voice betrays you as you speak the pet name, coming off a little too forced, but you continue anyway. “He can help. You don’t have to hurt anyone else. We can be happy, and we can get away. He can help, right?” Your arms relax around your head slowly as you look over at Spencer, who nods silently. 
“I can, but you have got to put your gun down.” 
Heather chokes out a strangled sob as she looks over at you, watching as you smile at her. You know it’s forced, but Heather can only view it as the prettiest thing she’s ever seen—a great parting gift. 
She feels spit thick on her tongue as she evaluates her options: kill Spencer and go to jail. Kill you, and she might not have enough time to kill herself. Killing herself seems like the best plan out of the three, so she holds her gun steady at Spencer as she looks at your now bleeding smile. 
“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.” Her voice is soft, almost so human that you feel your heart clench in pity before that clenching feeling turns into pure anxiety as you see the movement of her arm. Spencer’s feet aren't quick enough for him to tackle her to the ground as Heather raises the gun to her temple and pulls the trigger. 
Her body drops to the edge of the bed, sliding down it as you feel blood coat your legs. Your ears are ringing, and your mouth is wide open as you scream. At least you think you’re screaming. You can’t hear much but a pathetic muffle of the sound as the ringing in your ears increases.
Your hands are quick to try and wipe off chunks of what looks to be part of a skull off of your exposed stomach, and you can’t seem to stop staring at Heather’s limp body at the edge of the bed. The image of her mangled head oozing blood has you gagging softly, feeling yourself getting ready to be sick before you feel two hands cup your face. 
You’re screaming or sobbing; you can’t tell anymore as Spencer Reid’s face blocks the view. He keeps your face steady in his hands as you try to read his lips, your breathing heavy as he strokes your hair gently. His voice creeps in through the ringing until you eventually hear the soft repetition of, “I got you, look at me. Just keep looking at me; you’re safe.”
You feel your breathing slow, your arms reaching up to grab him before your eyes roll back as your body slumps against Spencer’s, and everything is engulfed in black.
Tag List: @dollykisses4reid @babyspiderling @cocobean16 @kodzukenie333 @mmmunson
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denial-permanente · 17 days
Hello Mrs Edge. I saw a post from a woman who had some guilt because she was weaning her husband off penetration and I wanted to share my own experience with this for her benefit.
For various reasons my partner had been unable to satisfy me for some time. When it started happening we went round to some of the adult shops and discovered sleeves and extensions, and from there we found chastity cages, and the harnesses and strapons available (I had no idea then it was called foxing and absolutely LOVE the expression!). I admit that I may have been more enamoured of the idea of "no more penetration" than he was 😂 but he wanted to please me, and I found the idea to be erotically intriguing.
I realized that in order to make "no penetration" work I had to condition him to accept it; that is, to retrain his masculine instincts to make him a better partner. It took some time but I found that it worked best to keep "foxing" nights penetration free (for him, of course!). He learned to fox me to my satisfaction (which you have no doubt learned can be absolutely fantastic!), after which he cleaned up and came back to bed to cuddle me off to sleep. Unlocking him was off the table on those nights because I wanted him to learn that foxing nights were for MY pleasure.
While I am excited to make him "penetration free," I am not ready to make him orgasm free, so about once a month I pick an evening to remove his cage so he can have an orgasm and some "intimate touch." Usually I have him rub against my bum with a little cream. As your husband noted in his response, this allows him an orgasm while reminding him that he is not allowed penetration. Sometimes if I feel especially generous, I have him lie back while I use my hands to bring him off. And I admit that I have come to relish telling him that my hand is the best that he can hope for, since he will always be denied my pussy 😈.
I discovered that it was best to have him clean up and replace the cage as soon as his orgasm was finished. For some reason making him lock up when he did not really want to keeps his attention level higher and returns his focus to me more quickly, which is my goal.
We have been doing this since Covid, and even though I now have him well trained, I do know that my "no penetration" regimen has not been easy for him. He wants to please me, but he is still a man so it is hard for him to hold back those urges. Naturally I felt a bit guilty about denying him at first, but as my confidence grew, I discovered that my new sense of power and confidence helped me to lead our relationship to new levels; indeed, we are both much happier than we were in the old days. Like you, I do not think of myself as a dominatrix, but there is no question between us that I have the power and control over my partner. If only our friends knew our secret!
Finally, I want to thank you (and your husband) for all that you do. Until recently, I had no idea that there were other people in a penetration free lifestyle. Like you, we are a totally normal appearing middle aged couple, more South London than Soho, if you know what I mean. A decade ago, had anyone told me that this could work I would have thought them mad. It has been so wonderful to see that there are other "normal" 😂 couples who live this way out of choice, not necessity. 💋🎶 Mistress Melodie
Hello Mistress Melodie! First, thank you for sharing your experience for Mistress Karin and other women who are learning about relationships like ours. And I agree that if someone had told me about this 20 or 30 years ago, I would have told them they were crazy!
While you did not say why you got into this, I like that you took charge and investigated things with your partner. Many of the messages that we get are from couples where the husband introduced it as a kinky thing and now their wife has no idea what to do. It sounds like you both have good communication and are able to talk to each other about what works for you both. Well, more for you, I guess. 😂
You call your relationship "no penetration," but obviously you mean that only for your partner. It's funny but I do not see my own relationship that way... rather, I think of the Ranger Vixskin as my husband's "real" cock now, like a replacement for the old one. And since I can make him come (in his cage, obviously), I really do not think about him lacking in anything. However... I have learned that men think of these things differently 😉. Maybe it's a different thing because you do unlock him for sexual things. My husband has said that sometimes that makes men even more aware of what they are not having.
I think that you bring up a good point about how the improvements in your relationship making it easier to deal with the pangs of guilt. My husband used to tell me that he was doing okay locked up, but it wasn't until I could really see the... improvements in his demeanor and feel how he was definitely happier around me that I could trust myself enough to keep him locked longer (and eventually permanently) and to just let any pangs of guilt float away. It's hard to explain, but I could just sense that he was more happy and content, even if he was having a bad time at work or if things were going on in our lives. Feelings like that give you the confidence to keep going, and having confidence in yourself and in your relationship means that you no longer feel like you "should" unlock him, or let him come, or allow him penetration, or do anything else that you might feel guilty about.
Thanks you again for commenting. If you have a Tumblr account, please message me to say hi and chat.
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martyrsex · 7 months
Jason Todd x Singer reader (fem)
Author's note: I received such a surprisingly positive reply from this! I haven't posted in months, so this caught me off guard completely. (Yes 15 notes is good for me lmao 🥹) In this version, Jason knows who reader are since the beginning. I thought it'd be more fun.
So, basically this a longer version of the first part + a second part. I intend to write this in chapters. Enjoy and please give me your thoughts ❤️
Part two:
Jason Todd knew one thing or two about twitter. Or X, whatever. The thing is: he's at least three times a month in the trending topics. Not him exactly, but Red Hood. Red Hood is always there.
It goes from people hating on him, to young girls (psycho's in his opinion) calling him babygirl or daddy. He doesn't understands and he doesn't want to. He's not much one from social media, so when he is on the trending topics, normally someone from the family teases him about it.
This time is no different. Dick Grayson and Tim Drake are laughing way too hard. Looking from Tim's phone directly towards Jason. He sighs, closing the book he is reading. Currently they are all comfortably sitting on the library, eating Alfred's cookies and tea.
"What is it?" Jason asks, already regretting the question.
"Open twitter." Tim says, a huge smile on his face. Jason feels a chill down his spine because he knows it's going to be bad. Not that he cares. He doesn't give a shit about public's opinion.
But sometimes the comments about him, the mean comments wishing him to die... Those get to him. So he's prepared for that. For people hating, or for his fangirls fighting deciding who'd be his next imaginary girlfriend.
But he never expected to be shipped with someone else. He knows who you are. Everybody knows who you are. A talented young singer, that ascended till the top in less than three years. Doing some works on modeling from time to time for McQueen or Vogue or Versace, because you're that beautiful.
He wouldn't call himself a fan, but he does think you are musically talented. Anyway, everyone is shipping him with you.
And he doesn't know why.
"Why am I being shipped with her?" He asks, out loud. Before Dick or Tim can answer, Steph bursts into the library's door laughing.
"I know."
She laughs again. He starts to scroll down the comments, until he finds a video of a live interview you did on Kurt's show, that prick. The journalist is famous for doing weird questions.
"So, everybody knows you have a bit of thing for vigilantism. How did that start?" Kurt asks, crossing his arms and giving the public a charming smile.
"Oh, it started with Batman, of course. I was a little kid when I heard the stories about the man that haunted the nights in Gotham. I am a L.A girl, but either way I absolutely felt enchanted. It's just so cool that is there someone out there that takes justice in their own hands."
Yeah, right. She's a fan of the Batass. Jason scoffs while watching the video, but continues anyway.
"And who is your favorite vigilante?" Kurt asked, leaning closer to her. He was a charming man, young and successful, just like her.
"Oh, Red Hood, definitely." She says that without a hint of sarcasm in her voice. Just a plain, simple answer.
"Red Hood? Isn't he a bit... extreme?" Kurt said, tilting his head.
"I think he is doing good in his own ways, and that is so freaking cool, you know? And I think his motorcycle is super... uh, how can I say? Hot." She says, and gives the public a little giggle. She continues:
"Which doesn't mean I agree with everything he does. But I find his persona interesting and refreshing. He's different from the rest, different approaches and all. It makes me curious about who is the man behind the mask."
"If you could say anything to him, what would you say?" Kurt asks, smiling.
"Oh! I'd probably ask him to take me on a ride with his bike. And to get a girlfriend. I think he needs a feminine touch in his life." She answers, with an amused grin.
The video ends and Jason doesn't really know what to think. You just said he needed a girlfriend. A feminine touch.
The truth is, he can't really disagree. When was the last time he felt a woman's body close to his? More time than he wants to admit. Months. Maybe more than a year. In his defense, it's not that he doesn't have the game. He just don't have the energy to play it.
Steph laughs takes him out of his wandering thoughts. He looks up at his siblings, an irritated expression in his face.
"Read the tweets, the tweets are the best part!" She says, chuckling again. Jason goes straight to the shipping hashtag. People saying they want to be Jason, people saying they want to be you, people saying they want to be the bed where you both - forget it.
He sighs and throws his cellphone on the couch, sitting back and beginning to read his book.
"That's it? That's your reaction?" Dick asks, tilting his head like a curious dog.
"It's just a bunch of tweets. People will forget eventually. Nothing I should worry about." Jason replies, not taking his eyes off The Catcher in the Rye.
Little did he know.
Okay. Maybe you shouldn't have said that. Maybe you were dumb and reckless. And now your agent and her team are almost killing you.
It's not your fault. You were always told to be honest, because your fun and outgoing (at least on stage) personality were one of your best traits.
"Are you crazy! This could have led to terrible repercussions. What if everyone focused on the fact that you support a murderer?!" Claya, your agent says, almost shouting.
"Well, they didn't. Now they are just shipping him with me." You say, trying to defend yourself. The truth is, behind the cameras and the stage and all the "popstar" persona you have to pull out, you are an introvert. You have two lifes.
"Yeah, and you should be grateful for it. This can even be a good sign. It seems people are interested in your love life. We can use that for our advantage." Claya says.
You adore her, really. And it's her job to figure it out how to make your career ascend. And she does it very well. But sometimes you just wish it wouldn't be about money or status. It would be just about how to do good music.
Anyway, you don't want to be ungrateful. You're living your childhood dream. So you take those thoughts out of your mind.
"Well, what do you have in mind?" You ask, blinking in confusion.
"We're going to Gotham. You're going to do a show there." Claya says, confidently and typing on her computer.
"Are you out of your mind? Shows in Gotham always go wrong. The Chase Atlantic show from last month was attacked by Pyg!" You say, trying to contain your agent's wicked ideas.
"Honey, don't worry. Maybe Red Hood appears in to save the whole ordeal. It couldn't be better." Claya says, standing up and closing her computer.
Claya and the team leave you alone to think. It's not like you have a lot of choice in the matter, anyway. If she says you're doing the show, you gotta do it.
But it's just a show, right? Nothing to worry about.
Little did you know.
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sc0tters · 1 year
Better Off in New York | Luke Hughes
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summary: it’s been eight months since you left New Jersey, how exactly have you both been dealing with the move? Well let’s find out.
request: yes/no
warnings: none.
word count: 1.36k
authors note: thank you all so much for the love and support that you guys gave the first part of this mini series! This was a bit of a different thing to what I usually write, but don’t worry the next chapter in this is back to ‘normal’. In the requests for the next parts of this series a few people suggested that she moved to a different team so that’s why she’s gone to the Islanders.
previous part | next part
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You didn't need him.
At least that's what you told yourself. You reminded yourself of that as the notification of him liking your graduation post came through. You told yourself that when you turned down the job offer from the Devils. You even had to repeat that to yourself as you said goodbye to the garden state.
Thankfully though the move was fairly short as it was to New York. The islanders had offered you a job and despite the fact that they were a rival team, staying with the Devils was not worth the way that Luke had treated you.
The final straw was when he met your friends at the bar the night the Devils season had ended and he had proceeded to tell one of them how he would rather die a virgin than have sex with you.
Sure you knew that not everyone in life was going to like you, some might not even put up with you. But to go as far as saying that you weren't even someone he'd consider recreating with if you two were the last people on earth felt a bit much even for you.
You were grateful for the fact that you didn't have to face him for a day more as it was that next morning you went to the Devils to say goodbye and called the Islanders in the hopes that they still had that job offer.
Jack assumed that his brother had something to do with your departure but he never asked so you never told him.
It had been eight months since you moved to New York and you loved every single minute of it. The guys on the team were great and Mat had even gone as far as to help you settle in by offering you a tour from someone who was practically a local. You knew you shouldn't say this but as much as you tried to push the young Hughes boy out of your mind by being around the Barzal one instead, it was simply no use.
During your late night trips to his favourite pizza restaurant your mind would always betray you. As you would sit there listening to Mat going on about something, your mind would wander to Luke.
The lengths you reached to stop your mind were endless. Everything from the rubber band on your wrist to digging your nails into your palms. Eventually you gave up and let the thoughts of the curly haired boy consume you.
You wondered what he was doing, if he was happier now that you were gone, if there was maybe a part of him that missed you even a sliver of how much you missed him.
Truth be told, Luke got the shock of his life when the season started and you weren’t there. Yes he thought it was weird that you hadn’t been around all summer but the boy just chalked that down to you being home with your family. He couldn’t believe it when Jack told him that you had actually left. What hurt him more though was the fact that you had disappeared off of the face of his earth. You had blocked him on everything, going as far as to restrict his name from all social media’s. Luke knew that he shouldn’t have been surprised when each member of the team but himself had gotten a handwritten letter from you where you said a proper goodbye to them. It was a total slap in the face though when he walked into what was once your cubicle in the office that had now been taken over by some shy junior that you had actually convinced to take the job.
The first night that Luke spent in his apartment alone, he stared at ceiling silently replaying the moments of the relationship that you had built with him. Luke had to admit that he knew he had been cruel to you.
The hockey player pushed your buttons because he knew that he could. Just like how children bugged the people that they had crushes on. When you began to send him back the insults that he sent you, it was taken as a challenge. So Luke would slowly chip away at your mental state, he didn’t know that it was what he was hitting but you weren’t entirely sure that he would have cared if you told the hockey player the truth. But as he went thought back to how your responses changed throughout the two months of knowing you Luke came to terms with the fact that you had been falling back into a shell that simply nobody knew were possible. That bitter pill that he was being forced to swallow made Luke realise one thing: that his comments had gone too far.
He had considered creating a burner account to see what you had been up to but that idea was no longer necessary after Ellen let it slip at dinner.
The four had been eating dinner at Jacks favourite restaurant in New York when she asked why the older Hughes boy didn’t invite you.
For Luke it was embarrassing as he why you would have been there. It wasn’t because he wanted to be rude or snarky like he usually was, the defensemen just thought that New York was a pretty random place for you to be.
The younger Hughes boy swore that you hated big cities and that it was the reason why you never came along during the team roadtrips.
Somehow what hurt the most was having to learn from Nico that you had joined the Islanders. You had sent the Swissman a selfie of you drinking some tea that he had gotten you and as the Devils captain showed it to his younger teammate Luke’s eyes couldn’t help but go wide at the thought of you being at another team.
The idea of other players getting to see you smile every single day made him jealous, it truly is funny how people can change.
However his pride was too full to let him seek you out. Yes he had found your number whilst snooping around on Jacks phone but Luke hadn’t let himself fall that far down that particular rabbit hole.
There was one time that he did almost phone you. He had dialled the number in and everything even pressing the call button. Just like Luke expected you answered on the second ring.
It was late at night as you let out a yawn “hello?” Your voice was quiet as the time was quickly reaching the witching hour.
Luke couldn’t say a word, he wanted to but his lips were stuck together. It was like his brain just decided to switch off in the very moment that you answered your phone. It wasn’t like he could exactly start the phone call up with ‘remember how I used to be a dick to you? Well sorry.’
But before he could muster up the courage to say hi, you had already hung up.
The reason why he wanted to call you was because he wanted to yell at you. Not for anything that you had intentionally done though, Luke wanted you to know the impact you had on his life. The hockey player needed you to understand that even if you weren’t in his life, you had created a space for yourself in his heart.
So that was why Luke called, hoping that it would help him process the fact that he had accidentally called another girl by your name whilst in bed.
The moment was not one of his finest so it was no surprise that it had shaken the boy up.
Lacking the confidence to improve on the failed phone call Luke let out a sigh.
He rubbed his face with his hands as it dawned on him, he was going to have to wait until the Devils played the Islanders for him to see your face again.
Luke only hoped that it wasn’t too late.
The boy was going to have to pray that you hadn’t found a guy that you called yours.
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heartlilith · 10 months
Color Psychology & Venus
Color psychology: "a popular area of color theory that assigns emotional and psychological connotations between colors and emotions" (via)
Here, I will be associating Venus signs with colors using color theory. The colors I choose for each placement is solely based on my opinion, combined with the psychology behind them and the effect they have on our emotions.
This post can be interpreted in a lot of different ways. Venus represents beauty, art, aesthetic, attraction, and so much more. You could interpret this as; what colors you should wear in order to attract love, what color you should paint your bedroom, what color makes me think of your sign, what color should your aesthetic be or what color your aesthetic reminds me of. It's up to you.
Depending on how you want to interpret this, don't be afraid to check out what color your Sun, Moon, or Rising sign is too. If you disagree or dislike my opinion then that's okay, after all it’s just an opinion. You know yourself best and this only based on a few placements :)
Aries Venus - I associate people with Aries as their Venus sign with the color Amber. The color Amber and Aries Venus share a lot of similar traits; they are both energizing, bold, and both are associated with frustration and anger. Like Aries Venus, Amber attracts people who are friendly and fun-loving. This color can really light up a room and bring out the happier side of people, just like this placement.
Taurus Venus - This Venus placement shares similar traits with the color Fuchsia. Fuchsia inspires confidence, maturity, and assurance. Similar to Taurus Venus, Fuchsia tends to be more responsible and has a naturing and loving undertone. You can pair this color with Lime Green to bring out its playful side or keep it sophisticated by pairing it with shades of tan or gray. People with Fuchsia as their favorite color are usually people that believe in living life from their own viewpoint rather than doing what other people say they should.
Gemini Venus - Gemini Venus natives are known to be inquisitive and outgoing in relationships and they're known to seek out experiences. Gemini Venus are extroverted and energetic, and are always down for an adventure. Like the color, Chartreuse. Similar to this color, if used in abundance it can trigger anxious emotions. People who are attracted to Chartreuse are known to be creative, positive, and have the ability to make friends effortlessly.
Cancer Venus - I associate this placement with the color Lilac. Lilac is connected to femininity and represents the ability to be caring, nurturing, helpful, and emotional. Like Lilac, Cancer Venus has the ability to soothe and calm their friends, family, and partners which can be attributed to their connection with motherhood. Both Lilac and Cancer Venus are arguably the most compassionate and mindful of all.
Leo Venus - Leos, being a fixed fire sign at their core, remind me of the color Maroon. Maroon, like Leo, is distinct and has a lot of personality. We all know Leo Venus goes after what they want, whether that be in love or with material things. They're bold and confident especially in love. Similarly, Maroon is known for being passionate and confident. But it comes with a warning; spending too much time with the color Maroon can lead to high blood pressure and adrenaline...
Virgo Venus - Virgo Venus people have a reputation for being serious in love and their mutable energy brings variety to who they pair well with. These natives can be very private people which can make them hard to get to know fully, unless they want you to know them fully. Nonetheless, Virgo Venus is reliable in love and appreciates practicality and maturity. That's why this placement reminds me of the color Gray.
Libra Venus - When I read the psychology of the color Champagne, I knew it belonged to Libra Venus. The color of celebration, class, and love. Libra is naturally ruled by Venus but with this specific placement, it only intensifies the Venusian qualities. That's why the color Champagne is perfect for these natives. Champagne is often associated with loved-filled occasions; weddings, Valentine's Day, anniversaries, and New Years. Champagne is the color of endearment and intimacy.
Scorpio Venus - I feel like the only color to really embody Scorpio Venus people is Ebony, the color of sophistication and mystery. Ebony is not only linked to maturity and fertility, but is a very powerful spiritual color. Like this color, there's no denying Scorpio Venus and their intensity in love. They are devoted, sexy, and share an elegance that's loved by many, especially royalty.
Sagittarius Venus - Sagittarius Venus people are loved by many because they're optimistic, generous, and confident. Being ruled by Jupiter, success and prosperity follows Sagittarius placements wherever they go. The color Gold was made for Sagittarius Venus. Gold is perky, positive, and bold. Even though they both can be a little flashy, they also have another side to them. Gold and Sagittarius, in any placement, is often associated with spiritual and religious connotations.
Capricorn Venus - Stability, wisdom, and reliability all come to mind when I think of Capricorn Venus. These traits are also associated with the color Brown. Brown is strict and inspires an organized and productive environment. Some colors, just like some Venus signs, are known for being flashy and spontaneous. Brown, like Capricorn Venus, is reserved and respectful which is why it's relied on by many.
Aquarius Venus - I associate this Venus sign with Cobalt, which represents ingenuity, solitude, and thinking outside of the box. Aquarius Venus has a reputation for being aloof, but really these natives just appreciate their freedom. Like Cobalt, Aquarius Venus can have troubling expressing their emotions. Despite this, open-mindedness and wisdom remain their strengths.
Pisces Venus - What would Pisces Venus people be without their empathy and creativity? Like the color Violet, these natives are lovers and can't stand to be in an environment with hatred and arguments. Pisces Venus natives have a vibe of peace and harmony that's contagious to others just like the color. Both Pisces Venus and Violet share the ability to uplift others and inspire deep spiritual transformation.
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schizoidcel · 11 months
Hello! I saw you were taking requests for TADC and thought I'd send one in if it isn't too much hassle.
This one has been itching at my brain since I saw the pilot
Pomni, Ragatha, and Zooble (Separately) encounter a newcomer to the circus (reader), who was their S/O in the real world.
Perhaps reader had come looking for them to find out what happened, only to end up getting stuck with them?
Anyways, thanks for your time! I hope you are well!
Idk how yall find me wit my posts not showing up in the tags but OMG HELLFIRE I LOVE THIS SO MUCH??? Dw bestie it's no hassle ong ong. HOPE U'RE DOING WELL TOO LOVE <3
warnings :: None, angst if you squint on Zoobles part. Also not proofread I'll do it in the morning kissy
♪ POMNI ..
She's probably taken aback first.
It's just been a week after she arrived? And there's already another person???
Though for some reason, and even if you two barely talked, Pomni already feels more connected to you than with everybody else in the circus. Even with Ragatha, even though they've helped her through everything, like on the first day
She finds it weird, but she dosen't mention it at all.
Your presence is just soothing to her and calms her down, which is enough of a reason for her to keep being near you
Over time, you 2 grew very close, seeing as both of you are new to this whole thing.
And Pomni already feels like she has grown a crush on you .. Cmon girlfail it's been like a couple days.
The way you just are ... You makes Pomni feel like you've supported and comforted her all her life, even though you guys just met a couple of days ago
Once you and Pomni were calming down after a really exhausting adventure, you both were pretty beat and when you initiated conversation it somehow came to how you both ended up in the circus
You explained to her how you ended up here because you wanted to try and escape reality after your lover went missing, obviously not expecting to get trapped in a literal VR game ...
Pomni felt saddened at the mention of you having a lover, but at the same time, she felt like something snapped inside her
Didn't she have a lover too?? Was that you? Because it would explain alot .
And when you said how Pomni kinda resembeled your partner, was when she realized :
Pomni IS your partner
She literally immediately started to try and explain to you how she is probably your lover because of how you and her ended up here, and because of the entire thing of her feeling more connected with you
You didn't seem like you got it from her extremely fast no pause explanation, which caused her to have a meltdown infront of you ... (goodjob girl!)
Though, that meltdown looked abit too familiar. Immediately you knew that "Damn! That's my girl!"
Just as soon as you realized, you held her and reassured her that you got what she meant, and that you're happy she managed to connect the dots you couldn't
Pomni seemed happy from the praise, but she seemed even happier from the fact that both of you are together again.
And now she is clinging on to you like idk a panda on pumpkin.
Expect her to be clingy like this for a few days, maybe even weeks. Fuck girl maybe FOREVER
The days she was there, even with Ragatha helping her the best she can, Pomni still felt isolated as she had begun to slowly think that maybe none of these people are real in the first place (jesus girl)
But now that you, her S/O, someone she KNOWS that is real is here with her she feels SO much more calmer
She does feel bad that you're stuck with her now, and she definitely feels abit of guilt. But exactly because of those reasons, Pomni wants to get out even faster now. She still wants to have a little apartment with you, after all!
With you being new, Ragatha makes sure that like with Pomni, your 1st day is as good as it can be!
She seems to be abit more hooked on trying to make it perfect, though ...
I wonder why that is?
Well she sure don't know. Anywho!
Even if she does want the day for you to be more flawless than ever, she really didn't give it any thought, therefore she automatically is not aware why she wanted it to be 100% ideal for you
She's been in here for awhile, and though she faintly remembers having a partner, she doubts her partner would ever end up in the digital circus like her (uhmm... news flash bae...)
Ragatha realizes from day 1 that she gets along with you really well, and that immediately caused you two to hang out alot!!
The longer you hangout with her, the more Ragatha feels like she is developing a crush on you .. (wuh woh ...)
And not even a few hours after she realizes she has this crush on you, you started talking about how you ended up in the circus in the first place
She was sad at first, but tried not to show it. Instead, she comforted you, and told you stuff like "It's OK!" "Maybe we'll find a way out, then we can find your S/O!" (the irony I can't.) basically words she hoped would stop making you look so sad and make you smile instead .. (cutie)
Out of nowhere though, you started crying
She was so . shocked?? GIRL WHY ARE YOU CRYING
You try to tell her through your now lowkey stuttering voice how your S/O acted JUST like her
The touch, the words, the voice, all of it was really familiar to you .
After you tell that to her, Ragatha realizes that it's the same for her towards you.
How she feels like you and her knew eachother for years with how fast you two got along when you first met, surely it can't be a coincidence.
Ragatha begins to tell you about this and how she feels like she knew you for a very, VERY long time
.. Which leads to a guessing game of both o yalls fave things.
Though Ragatha has forgotten most of the stuff in her life back on the real world, she "coincidentally" knew EVERY one of your favourite things.
And you did hers??
You two didn't know how to react and were shocked.
After the shock died down though, both of you were just hugging eachother, and the both of you telling eachother how lonely it was without the other one by your side really aint gon stop those tears.
Zooble DEFINITELY wouldn't even realize or care about you
Ofcourse not because they hate you, they're just kinda tired of new people coming in and in, especially this fast (chill girl god damn its only 2 people!!)
Zooble starts to find you WAY more tolerable the more Caine throws you into adventures together, though
They find the aura around you more inviting, so to speak
They even slowly start to think about how they prefer you over all the other members of the circus
You two only spoke around 4 times, but all have been extremely smooth going and fun conversations, something Zooble wouldn't expect to have with someone. ESPECIALLY a new member ..
On the other side, you find Zooble extremely likeable aswell! Sure, they might be dry or blunt, but they have a warm side, like every cold person usually does
You probably like talking with Zooble more than everyone else aswell .. Not cus everyone else is boring, you just find Zoobles personality and perspective on things to be more intriguing
Once Caine made you all go through another adventure yet again, which turned out to be a "partner" game
And wouldn't you know it, fate loves you and puts you and Zooble into a pair!
On that day, you two managed to tell eachother the mutual interest you have in one another, therefore deciding to become closer friends.
Or actually lets just start with being friends in the 1st place.
Ofcourse after that game, you two would normally be seen together more often now (BESTIE TIME)
Which ultimately leads to you telling Zooble how you got in the circus in the first place
Zooble didn't really know how to react to you having a S/O, they didn't really feel hurt, but at the same time they did? It was confusing, really
Once while in your room, you told Zooble how some of the antics they make is similar to what your S/O used to do
You immediately snapped and thought about how lowkey weird it is to say that, so you apologized immediately ..
To your suprise though, Zooble even took it as a compliment (they didn't expect it too.)
Zooble feels like a part of their identity has been put together the more you guys hang out with eachother
They want to know why they feel so completed with you, but that'll probably be something that can only be figured out once you two (if you can) get out of this circus (word for word ...)
But for now, they'll enjoy your company, the energy you give off, and your comforting presence.
They wont step over the line, since they know you already have a partner, but it wont hurt if you're just best friends, right?
ׂૢ་༘࿐ Thank you for reading! ♡
Ugh this was so much fun I am LIVING for these little babes. I'm really proud of these hello ?! Might make a short scenario version since I love this ask sm.
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
(Pt2 to this post)
Wayne comes home one day and as soon as he opens his car door, he hears some folks having a goddamn professional screaming match. He can’t say he ain’t used to that - he lives in a trailer park, after all. Plenty of people around who don’t really know how to love each other that well. But what he truly is not used to, is that this time, one of the people shouting at the top of his lungs, is his own nephew. And he can guess all too well who the other one is. He knows the boy’s father, after all. Mr. Harrington is one of those men who’s scary in a completely different way than the Forest Hills folk.
Unfortunately, Wayne can’t say he didn’t see this one coming as soon as he met the Harrington boy for the first time. What else would someone like him, with neatly ironed polos and a big fancy car, be doin’ around the trailer park anyway? Found out his dealer was a queer and decided he might as well use that to his advantage before growing up into his perfectly mapped out life - it’s not like he’d have a lot of other options to pick from around a town like Hawkins anyway. And Eddie, no matter how tough he might seem to other people, had been head over heels before Wayne could do anything about it. His nephew was too used to bein’ beaten around, gettin’ used and abused, to have much of a problem with dating the wrong kind of guys. So it shouldn’t surprise Wayne in the slightest that this was how it would end, even though the Harrington boy had actually seemed to be a decent guy at first. Wayne knew like no other how misleading first impressions could be.
So he hastes himself to the trailer, preparing for the worst, ready to join in on the shouting and chase that stuck-up rich kid away from his boy for good - but he stops in his tracks, right before opening the front door, when he hears what it is they’re shouting about.
“-fucking ridiculous, Eddie!”
“I said I’d understand!”
“That makes it even worse!”
A pause, right when Wayne reaches the front door; the sound of footsteps pacing.
Then, in a calmer voice: “I don’t fucking wanna hold some random girl’s hand. It’s insulting that you’d even - I want you Eddie. I can’t believe I have to spell that out to you. That’s really fucking hurtful, man.”
Another silence; Wayne stands frozen on the doorstep.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you, Stevie.” There’s a crack in Eddie’s voice. “I just - I don’t want you to be unhappy.”
A soft sniff.
“What makes me unhappy is you doubting my feelings for you! And the people around us who make it unsafe to hold your hand. But it’s not... It‘s not being with you that makes me unhappy, you idiot! That’s the part that makes me happier than I’ve ever been, and as long as I can have that, I’m fine with not holding your hand in the diner. Can you please trust me when I tell you that, for God’s sake?”
“I’m so sorry I doubted you. I didn’t -”
“I know. Come here.”
First impressions can indeed be misleading. Wayne quietly retreats from the door. He conveniently remembers that he’d promised Earl from number 20 to have a beer sometime soon. It looks like the trailer is one of the few places where those boys can be completely themselves, safe from the judging gazes of people who already hate Eddie enough without knowing he’s gay. They could use some privacy, Wayne supposes. It looks like Steve will be around for a long time, after all.
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maochira · 1 year
the dads being forced to wear all pink to go watch the barbie movies with their kid LMAO and it trends on social media everywhere that’d be funny 😭💀
I'm taking every chance I get to let dad Ego suffer <3
Characters: Ego, Noa, Chris, Lavinho, Snuffy
Requests open! - masterlist
Tags: gn!reader, reader is a teenager, this is for the sillies, no Barbie movie spoilers
-it already took a while to convince him to see the movie with you, but when you tell him he has to wear something pink he looks at you as if you just said the most insane thing he's ever heard
-his immediate answer is no. And that remains his answer for a while, no matter how many times you ask
-the day before you're seeing the movie he finally gives in. He doesn't own anything pink, though. That means he has to go shopping for new clothes first
-he's still not a fan of wearing pink at all but at least it makes you happy. Don't expect him to ever wear that again, though
-of course someone sees him and then it's all over social media. It makes him want to disappear from the earth forever but you're having the time of your life about it
-he doesn't mind watching the movie with you, but he didn't expect you to ask him to wear something pink for it
-he refuses at first, but when you ask for the third time he can't say no to you anymore
-at first, he thought he would hate it, but he quickly realized he doesn't mind wearing all pink for that one occasion at all
-plus, you got a matching outfit anyways and Noa thinks it's cute!!
-it's kinda funny to see him with his cold and tired expression being dressed in all pink
-he met a bunch of fans at the cinema and they were having as much of a blast as you about seeing your father in his pink outfit
-he feels extremely embarrassed every time he comes across the pictures on social media and there are even some articles about him seeing the movie with you
-he immediately said yes when you asked him to see the movie. And when you ask if he will wear something pink, he looks at you in disbelief
-is that really a question needed to ask? Of course he will wear pink. Wearing anything else isn't even an option. He's surprised you felt the need to ask that in the first place
-sometimes it seems as if he's more excited to see the movie than you are because he's walking through the house singing Barbie Girl because it keeps getting stuck in his head at least five times a day
-also expect to hear no other music other than the Barbie movie soundtrack after you've seen the movie with him. Chris will play it in the car and at home at any chance he gets
-he absolutely loves that the pictures of him at the movie go viral. He's super happy about it!!
-he was actually the one who asked you to see the movie because he already knew you would ask him at some point
-he's a little hesitant about wearing all pink at first, but he quickly gives in because he can't say no to anything you ask for (he loves to spoil you)
-at first, he kinda feels as if the colour doesn't fit him, but the longer he wears the outfit the more he loves it
-he starts loving it even more when he finds out the pictures he posted of him wearing that outfit are trending all over social media!! He's happy other people seem to like it as well
-but of course, he's way happier about the great time he had with you seeing the movie!! (he did bawl his eyes out at least two times though)
-when you asked him to see the movie with you he was a little confused. He thought you'd rather see it with friends instead of with him. But he's also happy you asked!
-he didn't want to wear all pink at first, though.
-you convinced him literally everyone else at the cinema will wear pink and it would be weird if he didn't, so he gave in and agreed to an all-pink outfit
-he tries to not feel embarrassed when pictures of him start trending on social media. He doesn't want to feel ashamed because he was just having a great time with you. But every time he comes across the pictures he does feel a bit embarrassed because they're EVERYWHERE all over the internet
Taglist (sign-up link): @kaineedstherapy12 @gojosorrygeto @luvcalico @truegoist @st4rcheese @acacIa @kermitslefteyeball11 @futuristicxie @bluelock4life @blueberrryui @https-archangel @userwithlotsoftime @nikokii @chaosinanutshell @mang05 @astruosie @zyuuuu @vanitasbrainrot @toruden @mafuyudonutt @weichspuelertrinker @depressed-bitchy-demon @kaiserkisser @yellowelectroslime @orah-s @deerangle3 @slowlyholypeanut
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