#we also have quite a few ocs that are part of the au and are pretty important to it
aratribow · 3 months
You can’t tell me that yanqing doesn’t play the arcade with silver wolf. It’s a fact not a statement,opinion,joke it’s a fact🤓☝️
Also, how does bailu react to being treated as a kid? Cuz you got me interested in your au your guilty. My therapist will be hearing of you/jk
Also,, (sorry for making this too long) I eat your art for breakfast , lunch AND dinner so pls don’t leave me starving I don’t know how to cook………..
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Na OBVIOUSLY YQ AND SW PLAY GAMES TOGETHER, they are the twins that simultaneously hate each other but would 💯💯 cover for each other cause they are each other's to insult.
Also on the topic of bailu, in this au, yueshi being the oldest and an even more successful descendent of df gets the mantle of high elder. They were created during the hcq era, THEN POPSICLED (cryostasis if u will) DURING THE SEDITION (they were sentenced along with df for being a proof against the breakage of the sin of immortality) and then were de-popsicled after dh exile (preceptors got their greasy hands a lot later on yueshi cause jy did all he could to keep his kid safe)
Thus, bailu gets to be the kid she is and unless someone is underestimating her and her skills? She's fine with being treated as a kid, she surely loves all the candies and stuff she gets out of everyone for that.
On ANOTHER note, bailu is actually the middle child KABSJSBSJJ
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minisugakoobies · 2 months
It's You - Choi San | 3 AM
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Pairing: San x Reader Genre: smut, crack, fluff, angst, roommates to lovers, BFF’s Lil Bro!AU Series Rating: M (18+) Drabble Warnings: sneaking around, sloppy making out, lots of cuddling and kissing, honestly this is super soft, drunk San is a whole different type of menace, a little angst on OC's part, pet names deployed as weapons (baby) Word Count: 2.1k Disclaimers: SFW, obviously I don’t own ATZ - they just inspire me
Summary: He was only supposed to be a temporary roommate. Your best friend’s little brother, crashing on your couch for a few weeks. That’s it. How did this happen?
A/N: This started with talking about drunk San with @minttangerines and @kiestrokes, and then @moni-logues made me miss this couple, so boom! New vignette! I should warn you that I wrote this over the course of 2 days, entirely between the hours of midnight and 5 am because I've been staying up wayyyy too late to watch the Coachella livestreams (can we talk about Chellateez?! because holy shit!), so it's probably a mess and it's unbeta'd, so… blame any typos or incoherency on my fucked up sleep schedule! 🥱
Lyrics are from "Moondance" by Van Morrison, inspired by that one toktoq of San singing that song, which absolutely killed me.
Taglist is open! Reblog, comment, or send me an ask to be added! You can also send me any ideas/thoughts you might have for a future scenario - who knows, it might end up in a drabble! 💕
It’s You Masterlist 🐈‍⬛ ATZ Masterlist 🐈‍⬛ Main Masterlist
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It’s three in the morning, and you’re wide awake, at your desk, working frantically on an article whose deadline is mere hours away. For not the first time tonight, you curse your natural inclination towards procrastination and scrub your hand down your face, wishing you’d chosen a different career. 
There’s some noise outside your door and you realize San must be home. He’d been down at the Blue Bird with Hongjoong, drinking and hanging out with Wooyoung as he bartended. From the way San’s shuffling around, it sounds like Woo had been his typical kind self and given San more generous pours than he should have. A loud “oof” resonates, and you hear the armchair scrape the floor a bit, as if he were setting it back in its place. You wince, hoping he didn’t wake his sister, who has an early shift and needs to be up at dawn.
“Noona. Nooooooona.” Tap tap tappity tap. “Are you up? I can see - I can see your light.” 
San raps on your door, calling out to you in a voice that’s hushed but maybe not quite as quiet as he thinks it is. From his spot on your bed, Nero lifts his head off his paws at the sound, then blinks at you with his bright green eyes. 
“I know. He’s loud as fuck, isn’t he?” With a cluck of your tongue, you quickly hop up and open the door. San must’ve been leaning against it, because suddenly you’ve got a mountain on top of you, a loose-limbed one at that, eagerly but clumsily wrapping its arms around you. “San!” 
“Hiiiii,” San coos into your shoulder, where he’s buried his face. You shudder slightly as his breath tickles your skin exposed by the tank top you wear, and stagger away from the door enough to close it quietly as you can, not an easy task to do given the giant mass of man hanging his dead weight on you. 
“You know, your sister is sleeping just on the other side of this wall,” you remind him, but he doesn’t respond, too busy lathering the column of your neck with tiny kisses. “San. Come on, sit down.” 
With some stumbling from San and a not insignificant effort on your part, the two of you make it over to your bed. Your attempt at coaxing San into a sitting position fails miserably as he promptly splays on his back, pulling you on top of him. Nero hops off the bed in a huff. 
You go down like a sack of flour, not a gram of gracefulness in your fall, but San appears not to notice when your chin bounces off his sternum or your knee rams his thigh. He sighs contentedly, wrapping his arms around your back, tucking you against him.
“Mmmm. So nice,” he murmurs, resting his cheek against the top of your head. 
It’s three in the morning, and you need to finish this damn article. Except that right now, your body is telling you that what you really need is to stay exactly where you are. Because the minute the warmth of San’s embrace surrounded you, your stress melted away. The steady rise and fall of his chest calms you, makes your own breathing slow. You close your eyes, nestling closer to him, sliding your own arms around his waist. You could so easily fall asleep like this. 
But he can’t sleep here. 
“San. San, are you awake?” 
“I’m awake,” he replies, but with closed eyes, which doesn’t really give you a lot of confidence in his response. “I am,” he insists when you shake him, rolling his head away, but he still doesn’t look at you.
“Don’t fall asleep,” you warn him sternly. “I mean it!” 
San smiles, the one that tells you that he knows you’re going to give in to him, which is the smile you tend to see him flash the most often, because you’re weak for him and always giving in. But this isn’t one of those times when you can indulge him. No matter how much you want to. 
“Wish you’d come to the bar tonight. Wanted you there.” 
You knew that. He’d told you as much when he’d texted earlier. Unfortunately, you had to turn him down for the sake of remaining gainfully employed. He’d tried to convince you otherwise at first but finally said he understood. And then sent you a series of sad selfies, each one more pathetic than the last, lips puffing to an extreme. Because he understands the power that pout holds over you.
It’s embarrassing how bad you’re down for this man.
San’s fingers dance idly down your spine, and you sigh, eyes slipping shut again as you speak. “Believe me, I would’ve rather been there with you.” 
He hums, fingertips quickening their light minuet. He mumbles something into your hair, low and unintelligible from the way his lips are smushed against your head, so it takes you a few seconds to realize he’s not talking, he’s singing. 
“... marvelous night for a moondance, with the stars up above in your eyes…” 
“San,” you begin, but before you can warn him not to get any louder, he does so anyway, raising his beautiful voice a little, starting to get into it. 
“A fantabulous night to make romance, 'neath the cover of October skies…”
“Shhh!” Your shushing is cut short by your giggling, as you clap a hand over San’s mouth. “Oh my god, now is not the time for this!” 
This is one of San’s more notable habits - when a song gets stuck in his head, you’ll hear him singing it for days, just walking around the apartment humming the melody or, if he has an audience, belting out the lines. He knows how much you love his sweet tenor. Another fact about you he’s filed away to devastate you with at the most opportune times.
Like when you need to kick him out of your bed. 
He continues singing despite your hand pressing on his lips, slurring the words directly into your palm. His eyebrows are working overtime, top half of his face playfully conveying whatever lyrics are being smothered against your skin. He’s so ridiculous, so over-the-top, even at three in the morning when anyone else would be exhausted, like you felt before he walked into your room, since his energy is infectious and perked you up better than the multiple cups of coffee you downed in your desperate attempt to stay awake. That’s San for you - he’s always giving you something when you need it - his time, his help, his energy. 
So you decide to give him something back, and replace your hand with your mouth, drawing him into a tender kiss, imbuing it with all those things you feel but never say. His muffled singing becomes a hum becomes a moan, at first surprised, then pleased. One of his hands drops to your thigh and with a bit of urgent tugging, he maneuvers you on top of him, chest pressed to chest.
His kissing is only the slightest bit sloppier when he’s been drinking, wetter from his tongue caressing yours with somewhat less skill than usual, but it’s never bothered you. You like seeing this side of him, looser with his inhibitions, with whatever holds him in place - or holds him back. One day you’ll ask him to show you more, when you’re both sober. 
And when things are different. Less… ambiguous between the two of you. 
If you reach that point. 
“Noona.” San whispers, thankfully pulling you from the heavier thoughts threatening to sink you right out of the moment. You open your eyes to look at him as he pecks your cheeks.  “I like kissing you.” 
You grin, letting your forehead knock against his. “Yeah, I kinda noticed.” 
“Aren’t you going to say it back?” The look he gives you would melt the hardest of hearts. This is why you’re not afraid to be needy with San. There’s no reason to be, not when he’s just the same. 
“I like kissing you too,” you declare, kissing the tip of his nose, laughing at the way his eyes cross as he follows your lips. “But now’s not the time for that, either.” 
“Then what time is it?”
Laughing, you gently guide him into a sitting position, keeping your arms looped over his shoulders. His lust is morphing into sleepiness, eyelids drooping as he gazes at you, and your heart goes so soft at the sight of him. 
“It’s time for you to go to bed.” 
“Okay,” he chirps, immediately flopping onto his back again. 
“Ohhhh no, not here. You gotta go. I still have to finish my work, and you…” The words stick in your throat. You can’t be here. You don’t want to say them. You want him to be here. Tonight, and tomorrow, and on and on. 
But that’s a conversation for another time. Not three in the morning.
“You have to go,” you groan, sliding off the bed and grabbing his arms, less gentle and more insistent this time. “Come on, get up!” 
San lets out a whine of protest. “But baby, why can’t I stay here?” 
Oh, he would drop a ‘baby’ now, slipping it in so casually, so naturally, like there’s nothing unusual about him calling you that. As if it’s not something new he only started doing the other day, happening maybe a handful of times since. 
Since the two of you have been doing this undefined thing, there’s really only been one unspoken rule. You sleep in your bed, and he sleeps on the couch. Even on the nights when Haneul’s working the late shift, or she’s over at Jongho’s. You never know if she’ll come home early, so you don’t risk it. It’s just easier this way.
Doesn’t mean you like it, though. 
“Because. If Haneul catches you coming out of here - “
The sound of a door opening makes you freeze right down to your tongue, leaving your sentence unfinished. Your head swivels towards your own door. A pair of feet pad down the hall, getting closer, then fading away, until you hear another door being closed. The bathroom. 
You turn to find a sober-looking San staring at you. He reaches out, hands settling on your hips, holding on to you as you stand between his legs. Clinging again. 
“She’s in early today, right?” 
The two of you probably know Haneul’s schedule better than she does. You nod.
“Then I’ll just stay in here. She’ll think I never came home.” 
He makes it sound so simple. So reasonable. He’ll stay here until she leaves. Why didn’t you think of that? Is it because you don’t like thinking of San with someone else, even if said person is an imaginary person who exists solely to provide an excuse that will allow you to get what you want? And if you get what you want now, it’s only going to hurt more when you can’t have it anymore?
Yeah, that’s probably it. 
“I don’t know…” you bite your lip.
“Come on,” he wheedles, drawing you into his lap again, cupping your face with both hands. “Let me stay with you. Don’t you want me?” 
And there it goes, the last remaining bit of your resistance. 
San seems a little shocked, face lighting up in delight, and you wonder if it’s at how quickly you agreed, or that you agreed at all. Maybe both.
“But we have to be quiet. So, you know…” You trail off, gesturing wordlessly. 
“No moondancing?” He emphasizes the word heavily, lifting a brow, and you roll your eyes but grin as well.
“Right, none of that.”
“Just cuddles?” 
As if he needs to ask. You nod. “But I’m not coming to bed until I finish my work.” You reclaim your seat at your desk, folding your arms over the back of it, trying to give the appearance of someone with a solid backbone, since yours is apparently made of pudding. 
“That’s okay,” San says, already tugging his shirt off, then his pants, until he’s only in his boxer briefs. He peels back your comforter, sliding into the soft sheets, and again the action is so natural, so normal, like he does this every night, that something in your chest constricts. “I’ll just wait for you.” 
Your first thought is that you should inform him that he’s going to be waiting a while, but then again, maybe he won’t. 
You’re feeling suddenly inspired. 
(It’s three in the morning, and you’re falling in love.)
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If you liked this fic, please consider reblogging! Likes do not help it get seen by other readers. 💕
Taglist: @sweetnspicy-noona @krystal-a @jennylychee @hiefisch
© 2023-24 by minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost. I do not allow translations of my work.
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darqx · 9 months
Hi I understand if you don't reply, but I was wondering if you have any advice to beginners who want to start making their ocs a reality? (Like in the sense of having Charecters that have been in your thoughts for a while, but it's hard to encapsulate them into physical form?) As I have some that id like to make either into a game or comic but I'm a little stuck..
Also I'm curious if there will be any other content with the best boy himself rire?? : 0
Hullo! Ah, (physically) designing characters, how fun ❤️ - there is part of a reason why I only have a handful of them lol XD; ANYWAY here are three things that help me, so hopefully they can help you as well :)
(I'll use Demon!Rire as an example as unless you are an old guard of mine, he will probably be the most recognisable of my characs.)
❓What do you know about them?
First of all since you already have your character in mind, congratulations you are most of the way there already! It's helpful to know the general vibe of them. And I don't mean the super detailed things that may arise from like..."Get to know your OC" quizzes - we are more looking for the core feeling of a character here. If you dumped this character into different AUs what things are going to stay the same/similar? Some things you should consider are:
What is their personality like? Why do they do the things they do?
Do I already have any physical traits for them in mind? Hair/eye/skin colour? Body type? Age? Name??
📝 Write a simple paragraph or some dot points about your character with these things in mind.
Sophisticated and charming, Rire outputs an aura of power and elegance. His pleasing physical appearance and gentlemanly demeanour usually enchants or commands people. Realistically, he is extremely manipulative and sadistic, and finds entertainment in the reactions of others.
🤔 Make informed choices
Ok cool, you know something about your charac! Now build upon what you know to make them real - it is important here to try and match your design choices with the characterisation and "why"s of the character, and less with what you personally think will be cool/cute/whatever. What I mean by this is just pretend they are a person you are describing to a forensic sketch artist - you are giving "facts" as to what you think they look like not making stuff up (eg you would NOT be like "oh yeh she was totally a punk rocker however i'm going to say she wore a long flowing gown cos I think she'd look prettier in it?"*)
*Note that designing a character with opposites in mind can work out if you can at least answer the cursory "why" of it being a part of the character design. For eg maybe the punk rocker is secretly the alter ego of a socialite - flowing gowns and high fashion by day, grunge by night. Like Batman.
📝 Feel free to use dress up doll games and image searches for particular types of clothes/hairstyles/etc if you need inspiration. Thumbnail a bunch of different designs and see what works.
In my prev example paragraph I highlighted a few things in red. Here I'll break down how they can help craft a physical appearance:
Sophisticated and charming / elegance - to me, these combined make me think of ballrooms and black tie functions and nice suits. A well tailored outfit and someone who knows how to wear them.
Gentlemanly demeanour (well to some degree lol) - since I already know he's hundreds of years old (973 to be exact) I decided that an aristocratic Victorian-esque aesthetic would suit him. Somewhere in between a modern look and something with a bit more fantasy steampunk flair. He smiles quite genially until he's doing it with all his teeth.
Aura of power - he's got to be a bit of an imposing character so he's quite tall (or at least taller than all of my other characs) and carries himself confidently. Hooray for the ability to loom. Dark colours for this character, to cut an impressive figure.
Pleasing physical appearance - kinda stereotypical type of good looks that aesthetically most people would be like "yeh he's pretty". Athletic build - muscular but not bulky, broad shoulders, tapered waist etc etc.
Extremely manipulative - first of all, he looks rather human, for a demon - his entire species is designed very particularly like that. Then there's the sunglasses. The "why" [does he wear them] is they function to hide his eyes (one of the main parts of him that give away his demon-ness), but also as a bit of a red flag to the audience that something isn't quite right with him. I mean, look past his charm and he wears them all the time. The black and yellow colour scheme also ties in as warning colours ⚠️
Put them all together and this was one of my first sketches of Demon!Rire.
*Note that I already more or less knew how he looked other than his outfit; you will probably have a lot more sketch duds as you figure out what your character looks like.
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🔐 Don't lock yourself in
Despite the fact I've just said "pretend your character is a person", remember you're still their creator so obviously you have final say over them. Sometimes you'll find that they grow and change from what you initially thought of them (or you just evolve in how you draw them). Don't be afraid to make the tweaks and changes that enhance these - whether they be physical or core characteristics - and you'll get closer to the true character you always had in mind.
I now draw Rire with a more pronounced V-shape, longer, wavier hair, and somehow he ended up with way more pronounced eyelashes than I usually draw on my male characs. Which works out quite well considering how I tend to draw his eyes. Anyway the point of this is that these things developed over time as I kept drawing him.
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🍀 Try it out with your own characs! Have fun and don't force yourself to try and get it "right" on the first go.
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taestefully-in-luv · 2 years
Rule #5 | JJK (2/2)
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Summary: You strike up a fwb deal with your childhood friend Jungkook after kissing him one night after a dare. But you have rules…5 of them to be exact and it seems Jungkook doesn’t want to follow any of them.
Pairing: Jungkook x Female reader
Genre: fwb au, friends to lovers, fluff, maybe a little angst (barely), SMUT
Word Count: 22k (twc:42k)
Warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, bit of jealous!jk, jk is a little dry with oc, mentions of discomfort & vulnerability, lots of discussion over ‘control’, open communication :], Taehyung is a meddler. Okay…smut warnings: so much kissing (cute & sloppy), lots of teasing, teasing use of the word ‘slut’, technically switch!oc and switch!jk, finger sucking, dirty talk and comm in general, lingerie (tearing of it too), jk is demanding but so soft, use of restraints and blindfold, boners, vaginal fingering, oral (fem rec), overstimulation, edging, multiple orgasms, multiple orgasm denials, cum eating, clit slapping, cream pie (?), protected sex, rougher with multiple positions. But still so soft. Oc describes feeling of vulnerability during sex. (positive)
© tastefully-in-luv
Part One
It’s over an hour into this double date and you aren’t having a horrible time. Not an amazing time…but not a horrible time. You can see Ara is clearly into the guy across from her, he is handsome and seems to be pretty funny. Even you’ve laughed quite a bit at his playful banter with Ara.
Now, the guy across from you is not as outgoing as Ara’s date. He’s almost intimidatingly handsome, sharp eyes that come across off as judgmental. But you realized the judgmental one is you because as soon as he talks he is soft spoken and kind. He’s just a bit shy.
Chul, Ara’s date is sharing a few stories about a disastrous holiday work party last year. You and Ara both cracking up when Ren, your date, chimes in. “I just hope this year isn’t as bad.” 
“Well, maybe it won’t be if these two wonderful ladies accompany us.” He winks at Ara who just rolls her eyes, but you can see the blush on her cheeks.
“It’s summer.” She points out, “You’re already trying to plan for something so many months in advance?”
“Is it bad to be that hopeful?” Chul eyes Ara innocently and you can’t help but snort but you quickly cover your mouth.
“Sorry, sorry.” You conceal a smile, “I didn’t mean to make that sound.”
“It’s okay.” Ren chuckles quietly, “Chul really is that hopeful.” Then he leans over the table a little, eyes on you. “He’s been talking about Ara nonstop since they started chatting.”
“Oh.” You glance at Ara who is giggling to something else Chul said, “It seems like they’re hitting it off then.”
“Yeah.” Ren takes a look at the other two as well before whispering, “Should we give them some space?” 
You turn your head back to Ren with wide eyes and then decide maybe he’s right so you nod. He smiles as he stands up and gestures towards the bar instead of the table you four are currently occupying, “We can grab another drink.”
You stand as well and you both make it to the bar top and take a seat at the stools, “I don’t think they even noticed that we left.” You laugh.
“Highly doubt it.” Ren shakes his head gently, “He was nervous to come by himself, honestly. So he asked me to come too.” Then his eyes expand, “But I mean, after seeing your photo it’s not like he had to force me.”
You giggle at this, “It’s okay. I get it.” 
He relaxes, “If I’m being honest with you…I’m kind of going through a break up.”
“Ah really?” You tilt your head, “Rough breakup?”
“Yes and no.” He sighs out, smile tugging at his lips. “It was clean and mutual but for some reason that’s what’s making it feel so rough.” He laughs. “Sorry, probably not the topic of conversation you are wanting to have.”
“Can I be honest too?” You show him a crooked smile and he nods. “I wasn’t necessarily thrilled about going on a double date. Like, in general.” You decide to clarify, “Nothing against you, of course. I’m also helping out a friend.” And he nods in understanding since he’s doing the same thing. “But it feels strange for some reason. Being here.”
“Strange?” He lifts his brows in concern, “Did I do something?”
You’re quick to wave your hands around, shaking your head. “No. No.”
“Fine, I’ll tell you but you cannot tell anyone.” You chuckle to yourself, “Well, not Ara, anyway.”
Ren eyes you curiously, “Are you seeing someone else?” He guesses almost correctly.
“Yes and no.” You repeat his answer from earlier. “It’s complicated but not complicated.” You shrug now, “I have a friends with benefits?” 
“That’s a question?” He grins at you. “But wow, good luck with that.”
“Good luck?” You ask, amused.
“Yeah.” He nods. “I mean, unless your relationship is strictly the benefits and hardly friends then I guess it could work.”
You blink at him before your cheeks heat up and you frown, “He’s one of my best friends actually. Not to mention my friend since we were kids. Super close.”
“Then I will emphasize my ‘good luck’ because you’ll need it.” He chuckles. “Be prepared for chaos.”
“Actually that’s highly unlikely.” You say confidently. “We have rules in place. So things don’t get chaotic. Everything is under control.”
“Rules?” He raises a single brow, “Which are?”
“Well,” You look up, trying to recall the rules. “First one is that we can’t tell anyone and the sec—”
“—Didn’t you just break the first rule?” He snorts, “No offense, but I don’t feel confident in your other rules now. You’re probably breaking those too.”
“Wow,” You look at him, surprised. “How dare you call me out? I thought you were shier than this?”
“Well, considering we’ve been honest about why we’re here, I feel more comfortable” He smiles at you.
“So comfortable that you can tease me like that?” You laugh, “But you’re the first person I’ve told!”
“Regardless of your other rules,” Ren softens, “Going out on a date feels strange? Are you not overthinking yet? You know, the ‘why’?” 
“Why would I?” You ask and Ren studies you for a moment. He doesn’t know you like that but why do you look so genuine, like you really don’t understand.
“How would you feel if he was out right now? With someone else?”
“Like on a date?”
“He wouldn’t.” You shrug, “He—”
“—Maybe that’s why you aren’t overthinking it.” He realizes, “Because you feel like you don’t have to worry about him getting busy with someone else. And this double date doesn’t have meaning for you so what’s to overthink, huh?” He chews on his bottom lip, “But does he know you’re here? How would he feel?”
“He…” You pause, trying to really think about it. Well, he wouldn’t mind. Just a week ago you were both going to hook up with other people. He doesn’t get jealous. He doesn’t care. “He wouldn’t care.” You finally say, “He would probably brush it off.” 
“Because he knows the context or because he doesn’t care if you see someone else?” Ren questions you, small grin. “Because those are two different things. And if he finds out, do you think he will assume the context? That you’re just here for you friend. Or will he assume you’re wanting to see other people?” 
“Why do I feel like I’m speaking to a therapist?” You joke.
Ren laughs, apology in his eyes. “Sorry, sorry. It’s easier to focus on someone else’s problems instead of my own.” 
“Oh, right. Your clean but rough break up.” 
“Exactly. Together two years but going on different paths.”
“Ah,” You nod in understanding. “Aka, you’re still in love but the logical decision is to part ways.”
“Exactly.” Ren looks shy again. “What’s the saying? Right person wrong time?” 
“I guess they say that for a reason.”
“I feel like we should probably order a drink now.” Ren chuckles, “And don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”
It’s a little after 9 when the double date comes to an end. Ara is definitely giving you the look. She’s totally going to spend more time with Chul so you give her a hug and wave bye to the two men. Ren was super nice the entire evening. You two continued to talk at the bar but it’s clear there isn’t anything there between you both. You’re relieved he wasn’t interested either.
Once in your car you try to decide what to do—go home or call Jungkook. You’re honestly proud but upset with yourself, for yesterday. You loved teasing him but his offer to finger you quickly in his closet also sounded tempting and nothing feels better than Jungkook making you come. 
You won’t lie…you feel a little needy and getting touched by Jungkook sounds like the perfect Saturday night. Plus, you kind of wore what you’re wearing for a purpose. You perhaps planned ahead—you’re wanting to see Jungkook. Pulling out your phone from your bag, you find Jungkook’s name and press ‘call’. It’s ringing and ringing and you think he won’t answer. Maybe he’s busy? Then Ren’s words from earlier make you stomach do its usual twisting. No, he wouldn’t be out with someone else.
“Hello?” He finally answers. He’s quiet and his voice came out in a mumble. Maybe he was asleep..
“Hey.” You respond, “Were you sleeping?”
“No.” He says simply. “What’s up?” Still mumbling.
“Well,” You press the phone harder to your ear, his voice is too quiet. “Are you busy?”
“Okay…” You say slowly, “Want to hang out?”
He silent on the other end, soft breaths barely even heard. “Hello?” You check to see if he’s still there. “Jungkook?”
“What?” He asks with a bite to his voice. “What’s up?”
“No, I was just seeing if you wanted to hang out, jeez, never mind then.” You respond equally annoyed.
“No, wait.” He sighs out, “Sorry, I was just—sure, you can come here if you want.” He tells you.
“If I want?” You frown to yourself, “I’ll only go if it’s what you want.”
“You’re so annoying, y/n.” He kind of laughs to himself but it’s distant. “Yeah, I want you to come over.” 
“Hmm,” You try to tease him, it sounds like he’s in a bad mood. Maybe he had a long day. “I don’t know.” You hum. “Should I?”
“Yeah,” He tells you dryly.
You try to brush it off, “Okay, well, I’m actually nearby so I’ll be there in like ten.”
“Okay.” You take a breath, “See you soon.”
“Just let yourself in.” He says before hanging up.
Well, okay. You’re wondering if he had to go into work today and it was long and stressful…hopefully seeing you could make him feel a little better. He can get moody sometimes so it’s not like you aren’t used to it. But it always sucks when he’s dry with you.
Before you know it, you’re entering his apartment. It’s dark inside, all of the lights turned off in the living room as well as the kitchen. Once you’ve slipped your shoes off you start walking towards the back, a soft glow coming from the long hallway where his bedroom is located. You get closer to his bedroom, his door only cracked open, where the only light in his apartment is spilling through.
You gently push it open and see Jungkook laying on his bed, propped up on the pillows while he scrolls through his phone. His eyes lift from his phones screen and checks you out shamelessly but he keeps his face neutral.
“Nice dress. New?” He asks before his eyes go back to his phone.
“Oh.” You look down at your outfit.  A black dress that falls right above your knees, it hugs your body in all the right ways with a revealing neckline. “Yeah, I was shopping around before I came over yesterday.” You tell him.
“Right.” He answers, eyes on his phone. “Cool.”
“Yeah.” You say the word slowly, eyeing him as you continue to stand by the doorway. “Are you okay?”
Jungkook sighs before clicking his phone off and throwing his legs over the edge of the bed to sit up, “I’m great.” He says with a straight face.  “What about you?”
“I’m good.” You walk closer to the bed, hesitantly looking at the spot next to him before taking a seat. “You seem annoyed.” 
Jungkook chuckles dryly, “What, that’s crazy.” 
“—But enough about me,” He turns his head towards you and smiles. “How was your date?”
Your eyebrows climb up your forehead in surprise, “Huh?” You blink at him. “How…how did you know about that?”
“Taehyung.” He keeps his eyes on you. “He mentioned it last night after you left.”
“Taehyung?” You look more confused.
“Ara told him, I guess.” He shrugs, “Anyway, how was it?”
“—You look really nice. Bet the dude was all over you, huh?” His expression is completely unreadable but you’re trying to understand his annoyance. You can read into it that much.
“He wasn’t.” You furrow your brows, “It really—I’m sorry…” You shake your head just slightly. “Are you mad about this?” 
“Do I look happy?” He narrows his eyes. “You didn’t even tell me.”
“It wasn’t…I didn’t think it would matter?” You mumble, “I didn’t think it was something you’d mind?”
Jungkook’s eyes somehow narrow more, a look of disbelief on his face. “Seriously?”
“Yeah, seriously.” You answer, your own annoyance starting to build. “Why should—”
“You know what,” Jungkook releases a long puff of air, his eyes leaving yours to stare down at his lap. “I mean, you’re right. Why should I mind? It’s always been clear I have no control over you and what you do, who you see—”
“Oh my god,” You huff out, eyes rolling. “You realize controlling someone like that is bad, right?”
His eyes widen before he’s snapping his head to face you, “No, no. I know.” He rushes to say, “Not what I meant.”
“Then what do you mean?” 
“That,” He stares at you, his eyes are now doe like and innocent and you see some guilt swirling in them. “I don’t know.” He admits. 
“You don’t like that you didn’t know I was on a date with someone?” You ask him directly.
“Yeah, no, I did not like it.” He tells you honestly. “Not just that I didn’t know. I don’t like that you went out with someone in general.” 
“Oh.” You nod your head a little, trying to understand. He doesn’t look away from you, his eyes boring into yours and you stare back just as intently. 
You didn’t think he would care. Especially because this double date wasn’t like…it was literally meaningless and for Ara. But he doesn’t know that. You continue to look at him before softening, “Why?”
“I don’t know.” He tells you. “I’ve been sleeping with you for like 4 months now. Kind of hate the idea of sharing at this point.” He scoffs to himself before glancing down again, his voice gone quieter. “You make me feel like I don’t have any control over anything.” 
You frown a little at his words, “Jungkook…” Your hand goes to his thigh. “Last week you didn’t care though? If we—”
“—I knew damn well we weren’t actually going to hook up with anyone else.” He cuts in, looking dejected.
“I might not be cut out for this kind of arrangement.” He tells you, eyes still on his lap. “I thought I was but finding out you were out with someone else made me feel like…” He looks back up, contemplating his words. “Like you’re just playing with me.” 
You push your head back, confusion on your features. “I’m not.” You say quickly. “God, I would never—”
“—I know.” He cuts you off, “But I’m so into what we do but you aren’t satisfied with me?” He looks hurt as he asks that. “You feel the need to—” “—No.” You squeeze his thigh. “It wasn’t a real date or anything. It was just for Ara…the guy and I both made it clear we weren’t interested in one another. Seriously, Jungkook.” You gaze at him, trying to get your words across. “I’m telling the truth.”
“Not a real…date?” He questions you, “Then why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t think to say anything because it was barely on my mind!” You lean into him, “Seriously, Jungkook. I don’t want you to feel like I’m not enjoying this.” You squeeze his thigh again. “I am. More than anything else right now.”
He raises a brow at you, his expression looking less serious. “Yeah?” 
“Yes.” You nod. “So…” You start nibbling on your lips, feeling anxious now. “Don’t say something like you aren’t cut out for this…we’re having fun, right? You’re enjoying it too, right?”
He looks wary to answer for a moment. 
“Yeah.” He blurts, “I am but I think this whole day I had a different mindset and it kind of fucked with me.” Jungkook admits, “I really don’t want to share what we’re doing with anyone else. Is that unfair? Plus, it’s safer that way…” He glances to the side, “But I just feel like I have no reigns over you.” 
You stare at him before your lips curve into a subtle smirk, “Is this because you want to make me feel I only belong to you, Jungkook?” 
He look taken aback, head already shaking. “I told you, I’m not saying I want to—”
“Do you want to make yours tonight then?” You ask, your voice calm, which only makes him more nervous.
“What are you talking about?” He whispers, brows pinched together.
“You feel like you have no sense of control when you’re with me, right?” 
“Okay…” He says slowly.
“Then I’ll give you the control.” Your hand leaves his thigh. “Tonight.”
He leans in a little, eyes boring into yours before he softens, “That’s what you mean…” He pauses. “No.”
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“There’s always going to be a little discomfort when it comes to vulnerability.” You tell him. “But it’s not like I haven’t fantasized about it. You’re the only one who comes to mind too, when I think about something like that.” You look off to the side, feeling a little embarrassed for admitting that. You aren’t sure you’re a fan of giving up the control to someone else but when you fantasize when you’re alone, the thought of Jungkook makes your body set itself on fire.  
Jungkook is quiet as he stares at you, his eyes studying your face with such intensity. “You want to let me have my way with you?” He asks in a whisper. “You want me to be in charge of your pleasure?” 
“Believe it or not, but you’ve been in charge of my pleasure for a while.” Your eyes go back to him.
“How so?” He looks down at your lips before going back to your eyes. 
“Since you’re the reason for it.” You give a small shrug, “No one else has been a reason for so long.” 
“Ah, right.” He smiles, “Around 4 months, huh?”
“Something like that.” You admit and his brows pull together before you speak again. “Don’t overthink that.”
“You want to be mine tonight?” He asks, genuinely. “Because if you give me that permission…god, are you really letting me have that kind of power, y/n?” 
“I’m giving you tonight.” You say. “To do whatever you want with me. I’ll be good for you. Just like how you want.” You have a teasing glint in your eye. Like you’re mocking him but you’re also so serious.
His fingers go to your jaw, “You’re always good for me, baby. Believe it or not.” Jungkook smirks and your stomach twists. Again. But the way your stomach is turning isn’t totally uneasy. It’s flopping and making you feel something so strange as it shakes up. You want to think it’s nerves but instead it feels like excitement. 
“What exactly do you want to do?” You lean into his touch.
“I want to see you like I’ve never seen you.” He leans in more, his lips ghosting yours. “I want to see you completely lost, completely gone, completely fallen apart. Completely mine.” 
“Why do you want me like that so badly?” You whisper against his lips, your eyes beginning to shut. 
“Because I’m the only one who will know that side of you, right?”
“You think no guy has ever had me—”
“—No.” He stops you from finishing that, his lips pressing against yours. He’s kissing you slow before pulling back, lips still brushing yours. “Because you only want me to have you, don’t you?”
You exhale a deep breath, your hands going to his neck, fingers gripping his hair as you push your lips against his. Kissing him while  breathy moans get shared between you both. You feel needy as you slip your tongue into his mouth, your fingers lost in his hair and an undeniable ache between your legs.
Jungkook’s hands are all over your waist and hips and finally one hands slips behind your neck as well as he deepens the kiss more passionately. He groans into your mouth when he feels how your hand slides down and you cup him over his sweats. He pulls away from you, breathless and you can’t help but look disappointed.
“You really want this?” he asks, eyes on you. “My way?”
“Yes.” You breathe out, “Fuck, yes. I want this, Jungkook—I want you, I want you so badly.”
“Tell me a word you’ll remember.”
“A word. Safe word.”
“A safe…” You mumble, “Uh,”
“It’s just so I know if it’s too much, baby. I won’t do anything to hurt you.” His expression loses some of its lewdness as he stares at you. “I’d never do anything to make you uncomfortable, y/n. I just want you to feel good. But if it’s too much, I want you to tell me.”
“Then I’ll just tell you.” You say, “Who says I’ll remember a word if you’re making me fall apart for you, Jungkook.” 
“You’re talking like you know I will.” He smirks, lewd expression returning. 
“I know you will.” You bite your lips before speaking so slow, the teasing only continuing. “Do you want to fuck me like I’m your slut?”
Jungkook’s eyes widen at your words. Oh. You’re teasing him. Maybe even mocking but it’s working for him. He sucks his bottom lip between his teeth, taking his time to breathe. Fuck, you’re something else. “Would you let me?” a sly grin grows on his face. “Hm? Would you let me treat you,” His hand goes to your thighs where the dress rides up, his fingers inch closer to your core. You still, breath hitched as his fingers find the band of your underwear and he dips inside. “Like you’re mine?” Two fingers rub at your clit and he smirks at the wetness that’s pooled. “Someone who is dirty for me? Nasty?” He asks slowly with his deep voice before he’s pulling his hand away and putting his two fingers to your lips.
You glance down at his fingers before your big eyes go to his dark one. “You’re the one who wants me to fuck you like a slut yet you can’t suck on my fingers?” He teases you, softly nudging your lips apart. “I thought you said you’d be good for me, baby.”
You keep quiet, eyes still on him as you let his fingers push through your mouth. Your taste spreads instantly, your tongue recognizing your flavor. You finally lick at his fingers before sucking on them. 
“Do you taste good?” He asks you, “You look a little shy like this, y/n.” Jungkook pulls his fingers back, the wet digits outlining yours lips. “You’d rather taste my cum, huh?”
The corner of your lips lift before you answer, “I hope you’d let me.”
“Let you?” He quirks a brow, “There isn’t anything I wouldn’t let you do.”
“Okay.” Your hands go to his chest, before you lean forward and give him a simple kiss. “Then there is nothing I won’t let you do to me too.” You whisper against his lips, “In fact, I am hoping you do everything to me, Jungkook.” 
“If I’m lucky you’ll say something like that to me again.” He sighs out when your hand goes back to the bulge in his sweats. “And again.” He closes his eyes now. “And again.” You rub his erection over the clothing, the feeling of it hard beneath your palm. “All,” His breaths become more bated, “The fucking time.” 
“If I’m lucky,” You plant another kiss to his parted lips. “Then you’ll make me want to say it to you over and over.”
Jungkook releases a long breath before opening his eyes again, his fingers wrapping around your wrist, guiding your hand away from his body. “What are you wearing under this outfit of yours?”
“Something you’ll like.” You admit almost sheepishly, “It might have been a part of my shopping yesterday.”
“That I’ll like?” His eyes scan your figure, “Yet you wore it on your date?”
“Didn’t wear it for him.” You nudge your nose against his, “Not saying I’m wearing it for y—”
“—No, no…” Jungkook’s hands go to your waist, “I want you to tell me the truth. Did you wear it for me?”
“I’m just saying I know you’ll like it.” You lean away from him a little, eyes looking playful. 
“I’ll play along, babe.” Jungkook’s fingers go to your thighs again, his fingers riding up your dress even more, fingers working up your thigh when his expression shifts when he notices something. “But with how this night is going to go, I want you to know that you’ll be admitting every little thing you do that is to please me.” 
“You sound confi—”
“—I want you to take off your clothes. Leave on whatever it is you think I’ll like so much. And then lean back on the bed for me.” Jungkook’s hands leave your body and he’s standing from the bed. “I’ll be back.”
Your eyes follow him as he goes into his closet and you’re quickly standing as well. You go to unzip your dress, shrugging it off your shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. Leaving you in nothing but the lingerie you bought.
You look down at your body, fingers tugging on different parts of the lingerie because suddenly you’re feeling more nervous. Not bad nervous. Thrilled nervous. Your skin feels like it’s on fire, an undeniable warmth surrounding you but god, it feels exciting. You make your way onto Jungkook’s bed, propping yourself up as you lean back on his pillows. One leg down while the other is up, bent at the knee. Then you slide it back down. Then up again. Okay, maybe you are nervous, nervous.
Your eyes trail down your body again, making sure all the lace material is sticking to you in the right ways when you notice the closet light turning off and Jungkook is making his way out. His eyes are on his hands as he inspects the box he’s holding. He comes to the foot of the bed, “Okay,” He starts, “Took me a second to find what I was look—” He lifts his head to lock eyes with you but he’s lost the words he was wanting to say. Lips slightly parted as his eyes widen at the sight. “Oh, fuck.” He swallows.
You stare at him, breaths getting stuck in your throat. “Is that good or bad?” Your hands go to hug yourself a little. He stares back before rolling his head back and he chuckles.
“In what world would that be a bad thing?” He laughs out, his voice sounding deep. “You were right though.” He takes a breath before looking at you again. “I do like what you’re wearing. A lot.” 
A small smile begins spreading on your lips before your hands go to your sides, “Oh.”
“I change my mind. Come here, to me. Stand up my pretty girl.” He orders you softly, your body tingling. “I need to see you properly.”
“Jungkook…” You glance to the side, “That feels—”
“—It feels like what I want.” He cuts you off, his eyes darkening. “So be good for me and come here.”
Well, this is what you asked for. You take a deep breath before lifting yourself from his mattress and you try to feel confident even though his eyes are glued to you…it feels like he’s sinking his teeth into every inch of skin your body offers. 
“You know, when you look shy like this it only makes me want to have more fun with you, you know that, right?” He smirks, eyes going to your eyes finally. 
“I’m not shy.” You mumble, “I’m just…” 
“I know.” He softens, he drops the box he’s been holding to his bed before his hand reaches out for you. “Now come here.”
You stand from the bed, legs slowly taking you closer to him. He keeps his hand extended for you and you finally reach for it and he guides you closer and closer. “Let me just look at you.” He says, eyes leaving yours.
Jungkook sees the black straps that cling to your shoulders, raking them lower to see how this lacey black bra is completely see through. He bites down onto his bottom lip, seeing how your nipples poke through the material. His eyes go lower, a brow raising for a moment when he sees the black garter belt wrapped around your waist, above your black and completely see through panties. 
“Hm.” His fingers reach to touch the garter belt, he traces one of the suspenders down to where it connects with the lace garter around your thigh. “I knew I felt this when I touched you earlier.” He hums, referring to the garter. “It’s why I asked what you were wearing.”
“I figured.” You say quietly. Breaths bated.
“You look so beautiful.” He tells you just as quiet, “But I need you to turn around for me.”
You feel the heat rush to your cheeks, your own teeth nibbling your lips and Jungkook suddenly looks amused.
“Embarrassed?” He muses, “Here.” He reaches for your hand and lifts it above your head. “Spin for me, baby.”
You exhale a deep breath…you know he’s going to like this. But you feel fucking exposed like this. “Okay.”
You turn slowly, feeling his eyes on your backside. His hand leaves yours before both his hands come to your shoulders and he’s leaning forward, lips pressing against your shoulder. “I thought so.” He whispers. “A thong, huh?” Jungkook chuckles darkly, “Your ass looks amazing.”
“Yeah?” You whisper, cheeks still on fire. 
“Mhm.” He says, his hands brushing down your back before he’s cupping your ass in his hands. “You know how badly I want to fuck you?”
“Then fuck me.”
“No.” Jungkook steps away from you, hands going to your shoulders again when he turns you around to face him. “Not yet.”
“Not yet?” You gaze at him, “Don’t tell me something like you want to take your time with me?” You tease. Jungkook lightly scoffs, his hands dropping and fingers curving around your waist.
“That wasn’t going to be my answer but it also works.” He whispers, his eyes are filling with something you don’t totally recognize. “But,” One of his hands leave your waist, fingers trailing up your body before he’s got his fingers brushing one of your cheeks. “My original answer is that I have to ruin you first. Get you so desperate that you’re begging and crying for my cock.” He tells you slowly, fingers still stroking your cheek. “Get you saying and doing anything I want.”
You lick your drying lips, heart rate speeding up in your chest. “You think you’re capable of that?” You aren’t even challenging him. You’re genuinely asking.
“It’s for me.” His fingers stop stroking your cheek, instead he cups your jaw before leaning in and placing a long kiss to your lips. You close your eyes, staying closed even when he pulls away from you. “I think you’d be surprised what you might do for me.” 
Eyes opening as you stare into him. Your breaths aren’t as even as you’d like, his words always make your body react even when your brain tells you to calm down. But he might be right. You are also questioning it…what all would you do if it’s with Jungkook?
“Now you can lay on the bed.” He tells you, backing away from your body when he glances down at the mattress where he placed the box he got from the closet. “Once you’re laying down, put your hands together above your head.”
Your hearts stops. “W-What? Why?” 
“Because it’s what I want?” He looks at you, “And you trust me, right?”
You sigh out, “Okay, yeah.”
“Then lay down. Put your hands together. And put them above your head.” He grabs the small box from the bed, opening the top and you see exactly what you figured. “Also, have your legs spread a little.”
You can’t help but swallow hard, your knee lifting to the mattress as you make your way to the head of the bed, laying down against his pillows. You look down at your hands, hesitantly connect your wrists before slowly raising them above your head. You see how your chest rises and falls heavily, your breaths coming out almost harshly—the anticipation is killing you. 
Jungkook sets the box down, his fingers inside, moving some things around before he’s pulling out a couple of things. You gulp, knowing this was his plan…your hunch was correct. He’s got some silky material rolled up before he unravels it, smile on his face, looking satisfied. He sets it down before pulling out something else silky. You aren’t dumb. You can recognize a proper blindfold anywhere.
“Don’t worry,” Jungkook lifts his eyes to you, “We won’t jump into this quite yet. Got to get you comfortable first with the idea…but this…” He grabs the other silky material from the bed, unraveling it further. “We can start here.”
You take a deep breath before nodding your head. Jungkook smiles at you before he closes the box and sets it down onto the floor. He grabs the two items he took from the box and walks to your side of the bed. “Okay,” He sets the blindfold down onto nightstand. “It’s very convenient my head board is like this, huh?” 
“I’m starting to think you bought it like this for this reason now.” You tease him, your hands resting against his steal railing head board. 
“Nah,” He shrugs cutely, “I like the style. But like I said, very convenient.” He leans over you, grabbing your wrists gently. “Also, I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t imagined you like this when I bought it.” 
You laugh, “You bought it like two years ago.” 
“And?” He chuckles, bringing the silk restraints to your wrists, wrapping the material somewhat tightly around them. “If you think I only started imagining what it would be like to fuck you since a few months ago then you are gravely mistaken.” He ties the ribbon tighter, then he is lifting your hands a little higher, “Tying you to the bed now.” He says, making a knot around the steal rail.
“You…thought of me—”
“—What can I say?” He pulls your wrists away from the rail, making sure the restraints are secure. “I’m a man with taste.” 
Your breaths become a little heavier, a flame burning at your skin. “Oh.” Then you crack a smile when he leans back and gazes at you. “You must be horny if you admitted that.”
“Well, I am fucking horny. Look at you.” He chuckles, his hand going to his sweats, trying to adjust them. “But you should know I admit anything I want whenever I want.”
“Question for you,” You roll your lips together, “You aren’t going to wear all of that right?” You nod towards him, “I would prefer if you lost some clothes.”
Jungkook’s lips curve up, “Would you? Hm,” He lifts his shirt off his body, “I can give you a little bit of a view, I guess.”
“Pants too?” You ask him innocently, making him exhale a long breath.
“Keeping my briefs on.” He narrows his eyes, “It’s only fair. You’d be wearing more than me at that point.”
“That’s fine with me.” You bite your lip, “At least I can see your thighs like that.”
“Oh?” He chuckles, “Yeah, you’ve gotten off on them a few times, huh?”
“Yeah.” Your eyes drop to his lower half when he starts dragging his sweatpants off. “You’re so fucking hot.”
Jungkook pauses, mouth falling open in slight surprised. “You think so?” He asks before slowly finishing taking off the pants, kicking them away.
“Of course.” You nod, “You’ve always been cute.”
“Nah, you said hot just now. Not cute.”
“You’re both.”
“Hm, okay.”
“Um,” You pull at the restraints for a moment, “I have an itch.”
Jungkook raises his brows before laughing, “Tell me where.”
“Left cheek.” You whine, “Hurry.”
He leans down a little, fingers going to your cheek before you whine again, “My left.”
“Oh.” He laughs, “Okay.” He’s scratching your other cheek and you sigh in relief. “Is it fucked up that even seeing how you feel good from just that made me want to fuck you more?”
You snort, “Jungkook, what the hell?”
“I mean, because of the noise you made.” He explains, “Can you see how hard I am already?” He looks down at his crotch, your eyes following. You definitely see a bulge. “It’s too bad you’re not allowed to touch me for some time.” 
“You know, as much as I love talking to you…you do have me here, in these kinds of clothes…with my hands tied together to your bed…and you haven’t done anything to me yet?” 
“Maybe I’m giving you time to get comfortable with it.” He smiles at you. “Nothing matters to me more than your comfort. But if that’s you saying you’re ready for this night to begin…then I am happy to oblige.”
“Then oblige.” You take a deep breath. “I don’t want you to hold back.”
Jungkook laughs a little, his hand going to your thigh, fingers sliding down until he’s wrapping them around your ankle. “Didn’t I tell you to spread your legs?” He asks, tugging your leg closer to him. “We’re barely getting started and you don’t even know how to listen…thought you were going to be good for me?” His fingers unwrap from your ankle before they travel up your thigh again. 
“I am…” You sigh out, his fingers playing with the garter. “Not sure I’d let anyone else do this to me…ever.”
“What happens when you like it?” He asks lowly, fingers now barely skidding across your hips. 
You slowly close your eyes at the feeling, “I would just have to keep coming back to you.” You say. Jungkook pauses his ministrations, his eyes shooting towards your face when he looks at you with a certain hopelessness that you completely miss.
“And I’d probably never turn you away.” He whispers, fingers going back to touching you. 
You lift your lids to eye him, “Probably?”
He smirks, “Oh, should I tell you that I definitely wouldn’t turn you away?”
“It’s preferred.” You say before your body tenses. “Oh.”
Jungkook’s fingers have made their way to your breasts, the thin material does little to stop the feeling he’s causing. The tip of his finger circles around your covered nipple…Jungkook stares down at you, your chest rising at his touch, back arching and head falling more into the pillows behind you.
“Prettiest girl.” He tells you, his own breaths picking up. You think this is one of those times he is saying it without him trying to sound teasing. Maybe he was right. With the way he’s staring down at you, maybe he does mean it. And that just makes your body feel even more on fire.
“Jungkook…” The breathless way you say his name makes him shut his eyes and sigh out. 
“I know.” Is all he says before he maneuvers his way onto the bed with you, his knees between your spread thighs as he leans down, arms on either side of you. “y/n.” 
Jungkook’s face is just inches from yours…you wish you could wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in so you can kiss him but…you fucking can’t. His eyes dart up where he sees you slightly pulling at the restraints on instinct. “Already?” His lips turn up. “Oh, this is going to be fun.” 
His lips connect with yours, soft against your mouth but still so firm in the way that makes your toes curl. He moves his lips against you slowly, his breaths and taste feel hypnotizing, as if your inability to touch him has made you focus only on his lips. You felt tense at first but the moment he sighs into your mouth, you feel the way you melt. Body turning to goo on his mattress. 
Jungkook pulls away for a moment, eyes studying your face with such a lascivious expression. His hand comes to your jaw and he angles it up towards him, eyes growing heavy. “You need to breathe.” He tells you nice and slow.
You blink at him, not realizing you had even been holding your breath. You breathe out a heavy puff of air, your own eyes half lidded and furrowed brows. “I wish I could touch you.” 
“I know.” He licks his lips, “I love your touch.” His fingers grip your jaw a little tighter, turning your face to the side. He leans in, mouth at your ear. “I get so fucking weak when you touch me.” 
Jungkook lowers his head more, lips going right below your ear before he kisses it. Then a little lower, more kisses. Your eyes flutter shut at the softness of his lips, breaths still heavy. But your brows really pinch together when he starts sucking on your skin, teeth nipping and you release a moan in response. One hand on your jaw and the other behind your neck as he continues kissing and sucking. You squirm beneath him, toes curling in and out and your wrists softly pulling the restraints again. 
The hand on your jaw lowers until you feel him massaging one of your breasts, thumb brushing against your nipple and you start to close your thighs around him from how good you feel, the ache between your legs only growing stronger.
“No.” Jungkook lifts his face, eyes going to yours. “I don’t think so.” His fingers travel to your inner thigh. So fucking close but not close enough. “Spread them again.” He softly demands, fingers pushing your thigh away from him. 
“Jungkook.” You look up at him, the way he’s hovering over you makes you feel so helpless.
“Yes baby?” He leans down, nudging his nose with yours. “Be a little more patient,” He whispers, “Because the more impatient you act…the more I will make you wait.” 
Your breaths are erratic now, your expression shifting into something more desperate than before. “It’s not my fault.” You whimper and he swears the way you sounded makes him want to forget all of this and just fuck you, fast and rough. 
“I know it’s not your fault.” He shuts his eyes, body lowering itself closer to you. “It’s mine.” He says it so proudly, lips colliding with yours, the action rougher than before. You react quickly, kissing him back harder. His hand is at your jaw again, tight and possessive. He barely pulls away, lust completely taken over as he traces your bottom lip with his tongue. God, the action feels so lewd. 
You’re struggling beneath him, body on fire from his touch, his kiss, his expression, his smell, his taste. You feel completely out of your element, helpless as you let him do whatever he wants, taking his fucking time and making you lose your mind.
Jungkook smirks at you, planting one more kiss to your lips before he starts kissing down your chest. Your heaving chest, with a lace bra that does nothing to cover your tits. His hands are busy, lifting the bra above your breasts, his kisses landing everywhere, tongue flicking your sensitive nipple. You arch your back more, breathy moans beginning to slip out. 
He doesn’t stop there, he continues kissing down your stomach, in all the places the garter belt doesn’t cover. Hands gripping your hips tightly, stopping you from moving them so much. You look down at him and bite down onto your bottom lip, hard. His hair is messy, falling into his dark eyes that concentrate on your body. 
You watch him, breathless, anticipating for his lips to find your wet cunt so you can finally feel some sort of relief but much to your dismay…he completely skips over your center. His fingers continue to dig into your hips as he lowers himself more, biting at your thighs as you whine for him.
“Jungkook…fuck, please.” You struggle to hide your desperation now. “Please, Jungkook. I need you. I don’t know if I can handle this pace anymore…please…” 
Jungkook does stop…a smile forming on his lips as he lifts his head to look up at you. “Did you finally just beg? Properly? For the first time?”
You continue to bite your lips, hips still trying to move but he’s firm in holding you down. 
“You did.” He tells you, clearly satisfied. “Okay, babe. I think it’s time I give you what you want.”
Thank fucking goodness because you are honestly feeling pathetic at this point. And you hate that it makes your lower belly swirl in desire because Jungkook looks so fucking pleased with it.
His fingers go to your inner thighs, his eyes glued to your pussy, the see through panties showing him everything. “Spread your legs further apart.” He orders and you listen. Jungkook’s fingers get closer, trailing slowly towards the most sensitive part your thighs have to offer. 
He takes one finger and barely brushes it over your underwear. Your hips buck up, a soft cry leaving your lips. “Fuck, Jungkook.” You moan. 
He bites his lip, eyes concentrated on you. His fingers pull your underwear to the side, exposing your wet heat that immediately makes him gulp. “Fucking hell, y/n.” He struggles to breathe evenly, “I can’t believe I was worried today. Look at what I do to you.” His cheeks are blazing. “I’m the only one who can do this to you, aren’t I? With you spread like this, your pussy is on display for me.” He keeps the underwear pushed to the side as his other hand come towards you, a single finger touches you. You tense, once again feeling so helpless. 
Jungkook gently strokes your pussy with his one finger, getting it soaked in your juices. You feel like this one motion alone could have you trembling. He uses two fingers now, the digits exploring everything between your folds. You’re unable to keep quiet, being touched by him feels like heaven. You shut your eyes, hips circling.
Jungkook keeps playing with you, his fingers finally lowering until he’s toying with your entrance. You squeeze your eyes, teeth digging into your bottom lip, waiting so fucking patiently to feel him enter you. And he does, both of his fingers push inside and you let out a long, drawn out moan. He momentarily looks away from your heat, eyes going to your face when he sees how fucked out you look.
“Do you know how much I love your pussy?” He asks you, the tone of his voice makes you clench around his fingers. “So fucking much. Love eating it, making you come on my tongue.” 
Your wrists pull at the restraints again, the urge to just push his head down with your hands and pull his hair as he eats you out is strong. But of course you cannot. He smiles when he sees you open your eyes to gaze down at him. His fingers begin sliding in and out of you, your walls tight around them before he’s curling them…you finally feel more of a relief. 
“I know exactly what you like, hm?” 
“Yes.” You sigh, content that you’re finally being touched like this.
He keeps moving his fingers expertly before his face comes closer to your core, he breathes you in and licks his lips. “I want to cover your pretty pussy in my cum…” He breathes out roughly, “I bet you’d love that, huh?” His fingers move faster.
“Yeah, I would…” You admit, biting your lip to conceal a smirk. “I would love to have your cum anywhere on me.”
“Yeah?” He looks up at you, nose so close to brushing against your clit. “Hmm…” 
“Jungkook…” Your eyes roll around, pleasure building but you want more. You’re about to tell him but he’s not dumb, he knows exactly what you want. And he gives it to you. His tongue is suddenly dipping between your folds, pressed against the place that is throbbing, aching, screaming in desperation. 
You don’t mean to cry out, the feeling so overwhelming after all his teasing. He licks your clit with calculated strokes, pressed against you, so warm and wet and god, the way his tongue starts moving around, swirling and flicking…you swear you could finally come. 
His fingers don’t stop as he groans into you, the sound only turning you on even more. You’re going crazy, squirming and struggling to stay still as the pleasure builds and builds. You feel so good though, surprised how being restrained has made this experience much more exhilarating. 
“Fuck, that’s good…Jungkook, yes…” You whine, “Mm…” Your hips rise and his free hand forces them back down to the mattress, his tongue absolutely about to bring you over the edge. “I’m so close…” You watch him, brows pulled together with sweat at your hairline. “You’re going to make me come.” 
He keeps working his fingers inside you, feeling the way you pulse around them. He wraps his lips around your clit, sucking on it as you cry out loudly. Yeah, you’re coming. You move your head around, unable to control how strong it is…wrists knocking against the steal rail, body finally going tense as Jungkook’s name falls from your mouth over and over.
The high has infiltrated every part of your body. The feeling so good, coming all over Jungkook’s tongue. You’re panting, thighs squishing his cheeks as you ride it out, the fall of your orgasm happening so slowly but god, it feels incredible. His fingers leave your core and you almost miss them.
Jungkook looks up at you, the lewdness in his eyes only grows more and more before he’s letting go of your clit and flicking his tongue over it again and again. Your soft cries turn into full on whimpers when you get hit with a different feeling…
“W-What are you…” You continue to pant, “Fuck, what are you d-doing?” You look down at him, face twisting at the new feeling. “Fuck…w-wait, Jungkook…” Your head falls back, deeper into the pillow as your eyes roll around.
It’s almost painful, the way he’s still eating you out. You’ve never dabbled in overstimulation before, not even to yourself. But you’re choosing to trust him even though you think you cannot handle it. 
“Fuck.” You almost scream out the word, body set on fire until suddenly…the warmth isn’t blazing, instead it feels good. “Jungkook…” You say his name in a content defeat. Pleasure taking over anything that was once uncomfortable. He moans into your pussy, clearly satisfied that you’re being good for him…just like you said you would be. 
You had no idea what to expect but coming again just a minute after your last orgasm wasn’t something you thought would happen. This time though, it’s more intense…the buildup was quick but fucking powerful and you aren’t sure you’ve ever came this hard before. Moans and words that make no sense leave your mouth. 
You grind your hips against Jungkook’s face and he lets you ride it out exactly the way you want, he hums, praising you for being so good. When your orgasm finally comes down, you finally relax your body and manage your breath control. It’s hard because you feel so weak now. 
Jungkook rises from your body, a small smile on his shining lips. “You’re so perfect.” He rasps out, “I’ve been wanting to do that for you for ages.” 
“Jungkook…” You say his name so softly, your voice almost shaky and he feels his heart swell in pride. Your head sunk into the pillows behind you, your hands limp above you, eyes closed as you still try to even out your breathing.
“Hm?” He rises from between your legs and crawls over you until his face is over yours, “What is it, my pretty girl?” And then he leans in slowly, pecking your lips a few times. You don’t kiss back but you do start to smile between his kisses. 
“Are…” You finally start to open your eyes so you can look up at him, his gaze already on you. “Are you going to untie me now?” You ask, fingers twitching above you.
“Why would I do that?” He leans in again, lips finding yours for a firmer kiss before he pulls back, “One more thing before I do.” 
“Which…is?” You blink at him, “You aren’t done?”
“Done?” He pushes his head back slightly, a sign of disbelief on his features. “I am not done with you, y/n.” Jungkook’s eyes are so soft on you, a small smile on his lips before he lowers his head into the crook of your neck. “…Will I ever be done with you?” and then there’s a barely there kiss being placed right below your ear. You aren’t sure if it’s the action or his words just now that is making your insides feel all jumbled.
“I want to touch you…” You mumble, cheeks feeling warmer than usual. 
“I know.”
No, he doesn’t know. You know he’s thinking about how you probably want to touch him in the way that has his head being thrown back, curses leaving his mouth as you make him feel good. But that isn’t even what you meant. You almost hate what you did mean. 
“Want to touch you so bad, Jungkook.” You murmur quietly, eyes closing again.
“I know you do.”
He still doesn’t know, you think. A slight frustration building but you can only settle for defeat. You want to touch him, yes. But in the way that has him staring into your eyes with his usual look of tenderness and understanding. You want to touch him, yes. But in the way that it’s just your fingers stroking his cheek as you praise him, words letting him how well he treats you and how good he makes you feel. That’s how you want to touch him.
Jungkook lifts his head, eyes on yours again. “But I told you, your touch makes me weak, y/n. And I can’t give into you yet…I’m still making you mine…” He pauses, tongue poking out to lick his lips, almost anxiously before he continues with a hushed tone, “You’ve already made me yours, it’s my turn…” 
It’s quiet between you both for a moment. He’s staring into your eyes and you aren’t sure what you’re feeling. You want to feel anxious because this feels too much. But the urge to reach out and touch his cheek is still here and you don’t know what to do with that.
“You still trust me, right?” He smiles again now, “And are you feeling comfortable again? We can continue?”
You blink in slight surprise, he’s changed the subject. But right, this is about sex. “I do trust you…and yeah, I’m feeling better.”
Quick kiss to your lips before he’s lifting himself away from you, his feet landing on the floor. You turn your head to the side to see him standing in front of the night stand, he’s chewing on his lips, clearly thinking. “Okay…” He breathes out.
“Oh…” You realize he’s staring at the blindfold. The thought of not being able to move your hands but also not be able to see…is a little interesting. And also a little scary. But it’s Jungkook.
He reaches for the blindfold, fingers grasping the silk material before he glances at you, “I know you might be tense at first,” He speaks calmly, “But it’s just me. Remember, my goal is to make you feel good. Trust me…and I promise, I will give you everything from your fantasies.”
“I do trust you.” You assure him, “I just hope…” Your voice gets quieter, “That I am also something out of your fantasies.”
Jungkook’s lips part but he doesn’t speak. He keeps his eyes on you and you can tell he’s wanting to say something but no words leave him. It makes you feel dizzy. Did you say something wrong? 
“I just mean—”
“—This doesn’t compare to anything my dumb imagination could come up with.” He says quickly before clearing his throat. “Believe me.”
Your body relaxes instantly at his words. “Okay.”
Jungkook’s lips curve and then he’s getting closer to you, the blindfold being fiddled between his fingers, “Going to cover your eyes now. Answer me this…do you want me to tell you everything I want to do before I do it? Or do you want the element of surprise but I walk you through it? Might do things you don’t expect…but I will not hurt you…” He assures softly, “I will check in with you and never hesitate to tell me if you don’t like something. Okay?” 
“Yeah.” You nod, “Element of surprise.” Your stomach tightens at the sight of the blindfold, his fingers playing with the material and suddenly there’s a welcomed sensation beginning to electrify your body again. 
Jungkook smirks down at you before he’s placing the blindfold closer to you, your eyes focused on him before your sight goes dark and his fingers are at the back of your head, tying it. Your eyelashes flutter against the silk, the new darkness suddenly feels strange to you. “I’m still here, baby.” Jungkook whispers, his fingers now at your cheek. “Try to relax.” 
Once again, you haven’t realized you were holding in a breath, stomach still tensed but his voice and touch is all the comfort you need. You try to relax your muscles as you release a long breath. “Will you kiss me?” You ask him, your eyes darting around but it’s just the darkness that has you.
“Yes.” He responds, his fingers leaving your cheek. You feel strange again. The absence of his touch has you moving your head around, as if looking for him. But still, the silk over your eyes takes that away from you. One moment. Two moments. Three moments. Still nothing. 
And then you feel his warm breath over your lips…he’s close, obviously. But he still isn’t touching you. The feeling makes you feel almost antsy, it’s still strange but your lower belly is starting to swirl like lava. You swallow hard, lips parted as you try to breathe even once again.
Suddenly, Jungkook’s finger, you’ll assume thumb, comes to your bottom lip, pulling it down. He’s still softly breathing over your mouth as his thumb softly tugs at your lip…and now you can feel how your breaths pick up because his pacing is driving you mad. 
They say that depriving one of your senses can heighten your other senses but you’re learning quickly that anticipation is another sense. And it is a highly sensitive one. His breath is warm on your lips and suddenly you can feel the tip of his tongue sliding over your bottom lip, it’s wet and soft and you feel your heart start to race.
Jungkook’s tongue is barely touching you though, the way he glides his tongue, tracing your bottom lips feels so featherlike. Then you are silently gasping when his teeth nip at you before he’s sucking your lip…your stomach tenses again. Lava still swirling and the feeling between your legs is a subtle but taunting tingle. 
You release a breathy moan, unable to stop yourself. But it gets swallowed, his thumb quickly dropping from your mouth and his lips land on yours as he groans, his hands cupping your jaw now. You feel completely enveloped in his touch. Back arching as you push your chest up into his. His lips are perfectly slotted between yours. But he’s he is quick to pull away. 
And then you feel nothing but coldness again. His hands leave you, his lips leave you, his breath that brought you comfort…leaves you. You’re left breathing heavily, surrounded in darkness with no way to even reach out for him. “Jungkook?” You call out.
“Still here, baby.” He tells you but his voice sounds more distant. “Wait for me for a minute.” And then you can hear his feet quietly shuffling away and suddenly you feel strange again. You feel stuck, lost, helpless. But instead of fear you feel that new sense, the anticipation. And it feels scary in the way that feels exhilarating.
Your body does feel a sense of comfort, your skin rubbing against his sheets and it’s like your skin knows these are Jungkook’s sheets…your head leaned against his pillows and it’s the same feeling. You know it’s his pillows.  The smell of the room, it’s him. It’s all him. He’s everywhere despite the fact he is not near you. Your breasts are still exposed, nipples perked at the AC blowing into the room, small goosebumps beginning to infect your skin. 
You slide your feet towards you, knees bending as you wait. Your panties are covering your heat again since Jungkook’s fingers are no longer pushing them to the side and you feel the stickiness of your previous and current arousal on the material. You wait. And wait. Focusing on listening for Jungkook’s footsteps. You miss him.
You think you hear that box from earlier being opened again, the same sound of his fingers scrambling through it. It doesn’t last long…the sound. Quiet footsteps again. You’re wondering if he’s being this quiet on purpose, yes, you know he wants to make you as comfortable as possible but he also wants to make it fun too. You kind of appreciate it, if you’re honest. Comfort is nice but the way he’s making you feel from all the mystery is also making you ache in the best way. It’s quiet for some time and you think he’s left the room. Waiting and waiting…sounds in the distance. More waiting.
Suddenly, you can feel the bed dip near your feet. Your head turns in the direction, lips parted as you try to breathe again. You know it’s him, obviously. But being left in the dark creates this doubt that eats you from the inside.
“It’s me.” He whispers, his warm hand landing on your ankle. You can feel the bed dip more, his body going between your legs again. His hands on either side of your ankles, his fingers wrapped loosely around them. “You don’t know but,” His fingers unwrap themselves from your left ankle, fingers sliding up your leg. “You look so beautiful like this.” Suddenly, he’s urging you to lift that same leg, he bends it back until he’s lifting it over his shoulder. 
“You like it that much?” You bite your lip, concealing a smile.
“Can you admit it now?” His fingers drag over your leg until you feel them tugging at the garter on your thigh. “You wore this for me, right? You wanted to please me?” He asks you, voice husky.
“Did I?” You breathe out, “I don’t—”
He pulls the garter back before snapping it against your thigh, a slight sting. “Tell me.”
You gasp quietly at the action, breaths picking up more before you decide to be honest. “Fine. I did. I knew you might like it and I wanted you to think I looked nice.”
“Good.” He says, fingers messing with the garter, you can feel how he unclips the suspender. “I’ve enjoyed how you look with all of this on. You look more than nice. You look…” He pauses, fingers beginning to drag the garter down your thigh as he slides it up, getting if off you at your ankle that rests on his shoulder. “You look obscenely indecent.” He says slowly, smirk in his voice.
You laugh a little, the sound is airy. “Indecent?”
“Yes.” He murmurs, “I don’t want anyone else to ever see you like this.” And then he’s lowering your leg and giving attention to the other one. He repeats the actions…lifting it over his shoulder, unclipping the garter and sliding it off of you. The leg lowers back as well. 
He’s still in between your legs, but you feel how he moves closer. Suddenly, his hands are around your waist, your body tensing at the way he lightly grips you. You feel how he falls forward, his head burying in your stomach before you can feel soft kisses over your skin.
“Pretty,” He says, fingers playing with the garter belt, “But it has to go.” He lifts himself before sliding it down, over your hips. You lift your ass some to help, his hands pulling down the material quickly. “These too.” He says, snapping the band of your underwear against your skin. 
You can’t help but moan, feeling breathless. “You want me naked, huh?” 
“Yeah.” He says, urging you to lift your hips again so he can drag the panties off of you. “It’s a view I love even more.” 
The air is chilly against all your exposed skin. You want to close your legs together but Jungkook’s body between them does cause a nice warmth but you aren’t sure if it’s from his actual body heat or because it’s Jungkook…you know, between your fucking legs. You feel his fingers at your breasts, your chest rising and falling quickly when he barely drags a finger over your nipple.
“I will buy you more lingerie.” He tells you in a whisper. “So don’t be mad.”
His hands pull your bra towards him, stretching the material before you hear it rip. He is tearing the flimsy, lace bra in half. 
“Jungkook!” Your eyelashes flutter against the silk quickly, “Why did you—”
“—Your hands are tied up.” He lets the bra fall before he’s dragging it from under you. “This was the easiest way to get it off.” You can hear how his voice sounds so fucking proud. 
“You’re right.” You pout. “You are buying me more.” 
“Without a doubt, babe.” He chuckles, “But whatever I buy you is only for me.”
You release a long sigh, “Baby…babe…you really don’t follow rule number 3, do you?” 
“Nope.” He says cutely, “Just like your other rules, it’s stupid.”
“—And that’s me being easy with you, I have to hold myself back from calling you a million other things.” 
“Oh,” your lips lift a little, “Like what?” 
“No, no, no.” He sings, “Don’t want to break your rules too crazily.” His hand comes to cup your jaw, “You’re feeling more comfortable, right?” He asks, voice not teasing anymore. “Because I want to ruin you, the prettiest girl in the world, god, I want to ruin you.”
Your breath hitches, your eyes focused on the darkness the silk offers, wrists straining against the steal rail above you. “Do what you want with me, Jungkook.” You finally say, voice close to shaking. “Anything you want, anything…”
Jungkook is quiet, his hand leaves your jaw and you start tensing again. He’s still hovering over you but he isn’t speaking, he isn’t touching you, he isn’t giving you anything to work with. One moment. Two moments. Three moments. 
Finally, you can feel the back of his fingers at your elbow, his touch lightly cascading down your inner arm. It tickles but there is no sense to laugh, it tickles in the way that makes your heart start racing, tickles in the way that feels like this tingle is traveling across your entire body. His fingers continue to dance down, falling down your side now, passing the edge of your breast, passing your waist, your hips. 
“You like being touched by me?” He asks, lowly.
“Y-Yeah.” You gulp, “It feels good.” 
Jungkook lowers his head, lips ghosting over your lips before he speaks again. “What else do you do to please me?” 
“I said,” His other hand suddenly comes to your breast, fingers pinching your nipple before he softly rolls the nub, leaving you gasping. “What else do you do to please me?” 
“I don’t know.” You respond slowly, your eyes finally closing, a pitch black darkness. “Maybe everything.”
“You’re admitting something like that?” He chuckles over your mouth, lips brushing against yours with each word he speaks. “Did you answer like that because you know it would also please me?” 
“I answered like that because it’s the truth.” You whisper, “I like making you feel good too.”
Jungkook’s slow to move his lips over yours for a kiss. He loves kissing you, he loves your lips, he loves how you sound when you get into it, he loves passing moans between your mouths, he loves tasting you. You kiss him back just as slow. Mouths moving together languidly as he barely slips his tongue into your mouth, nice and smooth and lazy. 
His hand tightens around your jaw before his fingers go to your lips, keeping them spread, forcing your mouth to fall open when he sucks on your tongue more messily. God, the feeling is so lewd but you can only imagine how hot this looks.
You moan out loud, playing with his tongue just as expertly, the feeling feels like velvet. He lets go of your face, his lips slotting over yours again and then he’s really kissing you, faster, rougher, messier. He’s moaning into your mouth and you eat them right up. You aren’t sure how long you two have been kissing for but it’s long enough to have the ache between your legs start to feel mind numbingly painful. 
Your hips are stirring, your wrists are pulling at the restraints and your vision is nonexistent. Jungkook pulls away, breathing heavy over your mouth, a quiet whine leaving his lips. “I can’t wait to fuck you.” Is all he says, leaving you more breathless than before.
And then there is coldness again. He’s leaving you. And he takes all the heat with him. “Jungkook?” You call for him, still trying to catch your breath. “Jungkook?” You bob your head around but of course you cannot see. You squeeze your thighs together and you are met with your arousal, the stickiness coating your skin. 
Suddenly, there is something dripping onto your lower stomach. Some kind of liquid? It’s warm…really warm. The new feeling shocks you, something new and unexpected. You can feel this liquid dribbling over your skin, sliding down your sides, a heat following it. 
“I heat up some oil,” Jungkook’s voice is suddenly heard. “It’s going to be really warm but it should feel good…to relax you.”
Your mouth has fallen open, slow, deep pants following. It does feel good. Suddenly, more oil is dripping, you feel the wet warmth fall to your breasts, down your sternum. It rolls over your skin, probably dripping to the sheets but you don’t think Jungkook cares. 
You can feel each droplet of oil on your skin. It’s hypersensitive. It’s like you can imagine the thick liquid rolling down your sides, tickling you, a path of fire in its wake.  “Is it too warm?” He asks “Or is it good?”
You’re still breathing heavily, “It feels so good.” You squirm a little, the oil tickling your skin. 
“Good.” He says before you feel his hands on you, fingers spreading the oil into your hips. It feels even warmer, like it’s spreading into the wildest of fires. “I wasn’t sure if it cooled down enough. But I tested it, I thought you might like it this warm.”
“I do.” You sigh in content now that his hands are finally on you again, “It feels amazing.”
His hands explore more, he’s spreading the oil down to the tops of your thighs, fingers digging into your skin, the heat following. Then his hands are on your chest, the oil coating your breasts, he’s massaging your nipples, a drawn out moan leaving your lips. 
Suddenly, His hands leave you and Jungkook is in between your legs again and your ears perk up. A sound you weren’t expecting gets your attention…a sound that is slick, fast and unholy. Is he…? You’re still breathing roughly when you can hear the consistent sound in front of you and Jungkook is moaning himself. 
You know exactly what he’s doing. And you fucking hate that you cannot see him.
“Jungkook…” You whine, “Take this blindfold off…I need to see you.”
“Too bad, y/n.” He groans out, the slick sound is obscene. You know he has his oiled fingers wrapped around his cock and he’s stroking himself above you. “Just to clarify,” He moans again, “You are on birth control still, right?”
“Are you going to—”
“—Not going to come in you.” He says, struggling to keep his voice clear. “But you are, right?”
“Yes.” You feel so helpless and upset you cannot touch him or see him. “Are we—”
“—No.” The sound suddenly stops. “I’m not fucking you yet. But,” He lowers himself a little closer to you, the subtle feeling of his hard length brushing against your inner thigh just barely. “I am going to enjoy this view as much as possible.” He says before your body finally sets itself on fire. The head of his cock rests at the tops of your folds, suddenly, his length is moving side to side, spreading your folds apart and he’s rubbing against your clit. You both moan in unison.  
“Oh fuck,” He cries out softly, “I make you this wet?” 
You only whimper in response, his cock sliding vertically now, just moving against your folds. He’s whining above you, moving his hips to barely brush against your wet, dripping cunt, rubbing against every nerve in your clit, the feeling making you go crazy. You move your legs, wrapping them around Jungkook’s waist, trying your hardest to push your heels into him so he will lower himself even more but he’s stronger than you.
“No, baby.” He pants out, “This is for me. Not you.” Suddenly, he stops moving and you’re left feeling insane, wanting nothing more than to continue the feeling that was starting to build. His cock leaves your heat and you hear him breathing erratically above you. Then, the head of his cock drops to your clit, the feeling is heavy. The action repeats. He’s slapping his cock down onto your clit, repeatedly dropping it making you gasp as he moans. 
He starts rubbing against it more roughly now, quick and heavy. You’re squirming in your spot. Jungkook is still panting, his fingers wrapped around himself so tightly as he stares down at you. Your mouth has fallen open, your entire expression is wonton and dreamy. He wishes he could see your eyes now, he wants to see your entire face, he wants to see you and how good he makes you feel. He’s stroking himself as he rubs your clit repeatedly, his fingers moving faster and faster and he’s squeezing his eyes shut for only a moment, listening to your moans with all his focus. He’s so close. He’s going to come. He is going to come because of this view that is just for him. He is going to come because you did this for him. And he just wants to respect that.
“Ah, Jungkook…” You moan out his name, fuck, you must be close too. “Rub it faster, I’ll come…” You let him know, erratic breaths filling the room. 
Jungkook opens his eyes again, gazing down at your pussy. “No, baby.” He strokes faster, slightly lifting his cock from your folds. “This is for me, not you.” He groans, gripping the head of his dick and rubbing it quickly. He starts moaning continuously, the sound is whiney and salacious. He finally slows his movements as he loudly groans, pushing his cock back down to your folds again and warm cum starts spilling from his throbbing member. 
You’re met with such a hot, wet feeling. His cum coats and soaks the top of your pussy, the seed dribbling down your folds. Jungkook is still moaning above you, wet sounds as he still slowly strokes his dick. His eyes focused on the way his cum covers your cunt in white. The sight alone could make him come again. 
“Jungkook…” You cry out, “Holy fuck,” Your hips stir like crazy, swiveling in dire need. “I was so close too…”
“Don’t worry, you’ll be coming soon.” He sighs out, his hand finally coming to a stop. Eyes still on your pussy that is coated in his cum. “And I will finally give you something you want.” He tells you, out of breath. 
“What?” You ask but then suddenly you feel his fingers at the back of your head, untying the blindfold and it drops from your eyes. You shy away from the sudden brightness the room offers, not yet totally adjusted to the light. 
“I wouldn’t take this from you…” He whispers, lowering himself to kiss you. Lips barely giving you a proper kiss since he’s still breathing so erratically. You blink at nothing until he raises his head to look down at you. He’s got a layer of sweat coating his skin, beads gathered at his hairline and they slide down the sides of his face. 
“You look so fucking sexy.” You breathe out, eyes on his eyes. 
“You.” He whispers, lowering his face to your chest to kiss over your breasts. He goes lower and lower, lips pecking your hips, your pelvis. You watch as his dark eyes stare up at you before he’s licking his cum off the top of your cunt. He looks forever lost in you. And then your body goes rigid the moment he’s wrapping his lips around your bundle of nerves and his tongue is lazily moving. The right amount of pressure though. Pleasure instantly returning as he eats your pussy.
“Fuck,” You relax, eyes filling with more lust he’s ever seen. His tongue moves faster, harder against you and you’re squeezing your thighs on either side of his face, hips moving in rhythm. You’re moaning again, louder this time and he’s groaning so heavenly. The pleasure is building fast, it’s climbing and ready to jump off the highest of cliffs. You can’t wait to feel the sensation of free falling as you come all over his tongue. “Close, close, close.” You pant.
And then he fucking pulls away. You almost want to scream, the pleasure comes to an abrupt stop. You’re left with desperate movements and moans and he does nothing but smile at you. “Look at you, y/n.” He wipes his mouth, “Look at what I’m doing to you, my baby.” 
“Holy fuck, Jungkook…” Your wrists are pulling so hard at the silk tied around them, your brows pulled together in painful frustration.
“Your eyes are watering.” He tells you proudly. “Going to cry for me?” He taunts you, “Going to cry because I ripped away the thing you wanted most?” 
“Jungkook, Jungkook…” You feel dizzy. 
“I’m going to fuck you now.” He says, voice deeper than before. “Going to fuck you really hard. Going to fuck you so hard that you do cry.”
You blink back the sting in your eyes, “Jungkook…”
“Could you imagine that?” He continues to taunt you, expression growing darker. “Miss little control freak crying because I own the pleasure she wants to feel so badly? You’d look a little pathetic, wouldn’t you?” He asks before speaking slowly, “And so fucking sexy.” 
You stare up at him, brows still furrowed as his words process in your mind and you feel your pussy throb. Why are you enjoying this so much? Why are you ready to give yourself up for him? Why? Fucking why are you losing yourself to his words alone?
Jungkook’s lips curve into a dark smile, he reaches over you, fingers at your wrists as he quickly undoes the knots he created when this night first began. You’re free. Your wrists are free. And you don’t waste any time in pulling him down, crashing your lips to his, moaning into his mouth with zero shame. He’s never heard you like this. So fucking needy. So fucking loud.
He pulls away, dark eyes piercing into yours. “Turn over and raise your ass for me.” 
You gulp, entire body weak yet it listens to Jungkook’s demand, shaky limbs turning until your knees land on the mattress. Ass raised for him. His hands go to the sides of your hips, rubbing your skin so soothingly. He gets on his knees himself, positioning himself behind you. 
“Ah, fuck.” He rubs his hardening cock against your cheeks. “You’re all mine…” He says, hands rubbing the swell of your ass now, massaging your skin. “Are you enjoying this?”
“Y-Yes.” You moan, cheek pushing against the pillow. “You can…you can spank me, if you want.” You close your eyes in satisfaction at the way he’s massaging your cheeks, cock rubbing against you.
“Yeah?” He sounds pleased. “Good to know.” He squeezes your ass in his hands. “I have the condom here, hold on…” He reaches down to the mattress and you hear the packet rip and you imagine he’s rolling the condom on. “You’re still feeling okay?” He asks, one hand going to your ass, fingers exploring before you feel the tips of his fingers between your thighs, brushing over your folds, spreading them. 
“Yes…” You sigh in content, “I really need you.”
“Yeah?” He asks you, his other hand wrapping around his hard length. “You miss my cock inside you, huh?” “Fuck, I do…” His fingers rub against your clit for a moment before he’s pulling his hand away. “I need it so badly, Jungkook…I need you so badly.”
“Careful, baby.” He releases a long breath, position his member at your entrance, the tip poking against you teasingly. “Almost sounds like you’re getting desperate for me.”
“I am, Jungkook.” You moan, squeezing your eyes shut when he starts pushing himself forward. “God, I am…you’re making me go crazy.” You admit, breathing heavily as you feel the head of his cock get sucked into your pussy, walls hugging him.
“Oh, y/n…��� He tries to breathe, “Fuck, you feel…” He pushes forward more, also using his hands to guide you backwards, pushing yourself onto his cock. “Amazing.”
Your legs are weak, shaky, your pussy stretching as he inserts himself more into you, inch by inch he is disappearing. It burns, his size splitting you apart but it feels so good. He’s thrusting forward softly, sighing heavily as he gives you time to adjust.
“How are you feeling? Hm? My pretty girl?” His hands rub your hips soothingly again, his body so tense as he controls his desire to fuck you. 
“Good.” You swallow hard, “Fuck, Jungkook, please, please, please…” You push your ass back more, “Fuck me.” You plead, your body moving on its own. You start moving your hips, needing more friction but Jungkook grips your hips tightly, stopping you from moving. 
Then one hand leaves your hip and you’re gasping, tightening around his cock the moment you feel his palm slapping against your ass. “I’m fucking you.” He groans. “Not the other way around.” 
Your legs shake more. Your walls gripping his length with insane arousal. “Jungkook…” You cry out, “Please.”
“I know, baby.” He rubs the spot he just slapped. “I’m going to make you feel,” He starts pulling out of you, cock brushing against your walls with tender movements. “So fucking good.” He pushes forward again, pelvis meeting your ass, making it jiggle. “So good.” He slides out again slowly before slapping his hips into you more roughly. 
You moan, body jolted forward when he starts repeating that same motion. He’s slow to pull out but he’s quick to thrust into you. Hitting you deeper and deeper each time. Your elbows are barely holding you up, your arms slide up, head completely buried in the pillow. Jungkook rocks into you, fucking you in rhythm now. His moans mix with the sound of his skin slapping your skin. 
“God, I love having you like this.” He almost growls, voice so deep, rumbling in his throat. “Fucking you like this, yeah,” His breaths are heavy, rough, almost a cry for help. “You look so fucking gorgeous…” He thrusts faster, “Your ass…” He squeezes it before slapping it again making you cry out. “Fuck.” He yells out aggressively, “My baby.”
Your stomach tenses, your knees wobble, your throat feels rawer from how loudly you’re moaning for him. The angle he has himself in is making you feel like you could come around his cock alone. He’s hitting the spot inside that you that has an orgasm threatening to erupt. “Jungkook…” You whine, eyes still slammed shut. “Fuck,”
Jungkook hands going under you, at your lower stomach before he’s urging you to lift yourself, “Come on, baby.” He groans, “Come on…”
“Can’t,” You whimper, “So fucking tired.” 
“Baby, come on…” He keeps fucking you, cock sliding into you roughly, no pain, just pleasure. 
You try your best, weak arms lifting your upper body and he helps you, his arms wrapped around your waist, lifting you towards him, back meeting his chest. Your head rolls back, landing above his shoulder, neck completely exposed as you breathe heavily, moaning with furrowed brows. 
“Jungkook.” You quietly cry out his name, barely even a whisper. He keeps rocking into you from behind, sweat dripping from his hairline. His lips connect to the side of your neck, sucking into your skin and you moan more. “I—”
Suddenly, his fingers find your clit, wet and messy as he rubs it with his usual skill that makes you feel even weaker. Brows pinched together so strongly, pleasure skyrocketing. “Come like this first,” He says in your ear, lips kissing down your neck again. “Come for me, fuck, want to feel you squeezing my cock.” Your hands go behind you, feeling the back of his head, fingers threading through his damp hair. 
He’s still fucking you so deeply, fingers bringing you somewhere so dangerous. Jungkook starts fucking even faster when he feels how you get tighter, your drawn out moans almost sounding like you’re on the verge of ecstasy. You’re saying words neither of you understand, eyes opening to glance down at his tatted hand at your pussy, fingers lost between your folds.
Your orgasm is around the corner, building up so nicely, your teeth digging into your bottom lip, shameless cries leaving your mouth as he pushes onto your clit harder. And that’s it. Your mouth falls open, heavy pants escaping as you start coming. You come and come, squeezing his cock and he groans loudly at the feeling. 
“Fuck, yes.” He moans for you, “You’re amazing, baby…keep coming for me.” He keeps fucking into you, your body so tense as you continue to come around him. You’re unable to make another sound. Lips parted, breaths erratic. Vision blurry. Your body goes limper, growing so weak as Jungkook holds you up. 
“Jungkook.” You moan his name, “Fuck…” You drag the word through your teeth, your grip on his hair loosening. He slows down his thrusts, kisses on your neck and shoulder. Jungkook eases you back to the mattress, his chest still sticking to your back as he keeps fucking you, slower, deeper. You’re dizzy again. His cock is making you dizzy. 
“Let’s turn you around again,” He kisses the back of your shoulder before rising from your body, cock momentarily leaving your hole as he tries to flip you over carefully. You’re tired. Fucked out. Eyes so heavy but lust still lingers. He’s at a loss of words because he’s never seen you look this incredible. “Are you losing yourself to me, y/n?” He whispers before sliding his member back into you, making your eyes open wider, your hands going to his chest, fingernails digging into his skin. 
“You’re…” You struggle to speak, “Not done with me, are you?”
“No.” He leans down, kisses your parted lips. He grabs your leg and lifts it to his shoulder, his cock sliding deeper than before. You gasp, eyes stinging again. “You’re going to cry for me.” And then he’s moving into you, faster, deeper, rolling his hips as he struggles himself. He’s so close, closer than close. He’s going to come. But he needs you to come again first. 
“Fuck, Jungkook…you’re—” His fingers are back on your clit and you slam your eyes shut.
“No,” He leans forward, rocking into you with enough force. “Look at me.”
You struggle to pry your eyes open, tears filling them because you think you’re going to explode. Your body is on fire, flames surrounding you both. He gazes into your teary eyes, an excited but endeared glint can be seen before he’s kissing you. Lips devouring yours as he fingers work so expertly and you’re whimpering into his mouth, a few tears sliding down your cheeks as you come again.
Jungkook pulls away, his own eyes heavy, “Good girl.” He moans, his hips slapping into you before he’s groaning loudly. “I’m coming.” He cries out, hips stilling. You feel dead but you still manage to wrap your arms around his back, fingers stroking his skin as he comes. 
His face is barely distanced from yours, his hot, heavy breaths fall to your lips. His entire expression so focused until he’s kissing you, smiling as he does so. His body losing all energy as well before he’s struggling to hold himself up. You both wince the moment he begins to slip his softening member out from you, a soft whine leaving you both. Another peck to your lips before he rolls over your body, fingers on himself as he discards the used condom.
“Wow,” You murmur tiredly, eyes closed as you remain dizzy from everything. 
“I’m going to grab some water, we need some.” Jungkook says, still uneven breaths. “Just relax, don’t get up.” 
Well, you were not even planning on it. You don’t think your body is even capable of moving. Your limbs have retired, giving up and leaving you useless. You hum noncommittally, too tired to even drape your arm over your eyes to save you from the light. 
Jungkook isn’t gone long, you feel the bed dip near your side as Jungkook sits next to you. You crack open an eye and you see a tall glass of water in one hand. “Drink slowly.” He nudges the cold glass against your cheek and you groan. “Come on.”
Tired, you try to sit up a little, still dizzy. In multiple ways. “Okay,” You reach for the glass but he still holds on to it too, helping you sip the water. Almost instantly, your body and head start to ease from the dizziness. Damn, you really did need some. 
“How are you feeling?” Jungkook’s hand brushes against the top of your leg. “Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah.” You glance at him before taking another sip. “I’m really tired though.” You chuckle at your own admission, “You really did a number on me.”
Jungkook grins a little at this, a brow lifting. “Did I?”
“Mhm.” You sink back down, head in the pillows.
“And how did it feel? Did you enjoy yourself?” He asks you, fingers still stroking your leg. “I didn’t cross any lines, did I?”
“No,” You weakly shake your head, “You made me feel really good…I enjoyed it. Enjoyed you.” You mumble quietly, eyes closing again. “I do feel kind of gross though…but god, I am so tired.” 
“Don’t worry, I came prepared.” He chuckles, hand leaving your leg to wave around a wet towel, despite the fact you aren’t looking at him. “We can shower when we wake up,” Then he looks down at the sheets. “But we should still change the sheets regardless.” 
“Good idea.” You whisper, “Help me up then.”
He smiles down at you, his hands going to your body to help you rise from the bed. He’s so gentle with you, his warm hands feel like your safe zone. You laugh because it almost tickles how weak you are, Jungkook keeps his hands on you. He passes you the towel as he starts cleaning up around the bed, replacing the sheets and all. You clean yourself up.
After everything is replaced and you’re both not totally gross…he hands you some boxers and one of his t shirts, you easily slide back into his bed, body relaxing against the fresh sheets. And then you get the shock of your life—Jungkook’s hands reach for you, his arm sliding beneath you before he’s pulling you into him. A content sigh leaving his mouth.
You blink at nothing, the dark room in sight but you’re still trying to process the cuddling. You two never cuddle in bed. Never. After sex, you’ve always just felt good enough to be near one another. But you ease into his body very naturally…his scent and touch enough to make you close your eyes again. If you’re honest, this kind of affection after the night you two have had, feels good. Feels right.
You wake up with the featherlike feeling of Jungkook’s fingertips outlining the curve of your figure, soft strokes on your hip. Your shirt is has ridden up, his hand coming from behind you as he touches you so innocently. You’re facing away from him, his body forming your own as he snuggles into you from behind. 
“Hi.” You speak groggily, turning in his embrace to face him. “You’re already awake?”
“Yeah.” He hums, eyes finding yours. “For a little while now.” 
“Oh.” You swallow, “Sorry…you should have waken me.”
“When do I ever wake you?” He smiles lazily, “I was just relaxing so it’s okay. But I am getting hungry…should we make breakfast?”
“Br—oh, yes.” You return his smile, “What should we make?”
“Lots of stuff. To…you know, replenish the rest of our energy.” He winks at you and you feel an undeniable heat creep up the back of your neck, spreading to your cheeks. “Come on.” 
It took more than one ‘come on’ for Jungkook to actually get you to get out of bed, but finally, you decided to get up and wash up before heading to the kitchen. Jungkook is already at the stove, eggs in a pan as he sings some tune. You step towards him, making it to his side and as soon as he feels you, he glances your way. 
“Can you make me a glass of water?” He asks you, eyes going down to the eggs.
“Sure.” You nod, about to turn away from him before you feel his hand on your lower back, you look at him and he’s leaning in, lips finding yours for a kiss.
“Thanks.” He mumbles against your mouth, “Should be done soon.” And then he turns back towards the stove, a satisfied yet soft smile on his face. You stare at his side profile for a moment, warmth enveloping you as you watch him. As always, he’s making your body react in ways that you don’t feel like finding an explanation for. Parts of your body that don’t require to be physically touched to feel good. Places like your heart but that sounds lame so you’ll push that thought away.
You shake your head a little, forcing your feet to move away from him. 
After a little while, you and Jungkook are sitting at his table with plates of food in front of you. He’s already digging in, mouth full and content hums as he enjoys it. You laugh a little, taking a few bites of your own breakfast. It feels nice. Just sitting together, eating, enjoying the company. The peace.
“So,” Jungkook lifts his big eyes towards you, a loud swallowing sound as he downs his food. “Can I ask you something?” He takes another bite of his eggs, chewing, waiting for your answer. 
You raise your brows a little, head nodding. “Sure.” “Your rules,” He says, still chewing. “Um,” He finally swallows. “Can you give me an actual explanation for why they exist? You know,” He lightly gestures between you both with tender eyes, “Between us.”
You gaze at him, sighing in defeat because it’s not like you can’t talk to him…him of all people. So, you slightly nod, shoulders shrugging. “Expectations. Disappointments.” You say simply, as if the two words go into a deep explanation. 
Jungkook narrows his eyes, frown on his face. “What about them?” 
“So there isn’t expectations.” You mumble, “You can’t expect anything from me…me for you. And no one can get disappointed.”
“I don’t really get it.” He admits, carefully.
“Example,” You exhale a deep breath. “Rule number 3. A rule you always break, by the way!” You playfully roll your eyes, small smile on your face before your lips drop. “Say I get used to it. I would start expecting it, wouldn’t I? Then I would start overthinking if you suddenly just stopped.” You shrug again, “I don’t know, that philosophy works for all the rules I think.”
“Oh.” He subtly nods, eyes going down to his food before he’s eating again. He’s quiet as he eats, chewing as he thinks. 
“—You think we would end up disappointing one another somehow?” He swallows his food, eyes going back to you. “Isn’t that a really negative way to think about it?”
“Negative or realistic?” You chuckle bitterly, “That’s life, Jungkook.”
“That’s not life, actually.” He furrows his brows, clearly concentrating his attention on you. His gaze makes you feel smaller. But then he brushes it off, small smile before he’s going back to breakfast. “Sound like you already have expectations, y/n.” 
“I don’t—”
“—It’s not a bad thing,” He assures you softly. “And for the record, you wouldn’t disappoint me. Not when it comes to the rules.” Jungkook tells you, “It’s funny…sometimes you lack confidence,” Then he smirks. “Yet you still know how to act so cocky.” He lifts a thumb to the corner of your mouth, “You’re cute. But let’s work on that.”
He watches you, lips curved into the cutest smile as you give him the middle finger. His insides are melting, turning into gooey liquid and he’s wondering, truly wondering, if this is something he can actually do. His smile only grows and his heart only beats faster when you stick your tongue out and go back to your food. 
Yeah, he isn’t so sure he’s cut out for this. Because this just might not be enough. But he doesn’t want your ‘expectations’ and ‘disappointments’ to make sense. Because he is the one most understanding how they make absolute perfect fucking sense.
“I am crazy proud of you, dude.” Taehyung is still hugging you tight to his body, “You’re going to do amazing!” He still does not let go. He rocks you back and forth and his arms are wrapped so tightly. “Proud, proud, proud!” He chants.
“Okay, okay.” You laugh into his chest, patting his back. “I get it. Thank you, thank you.”
“I’m proud of you too, y/n. I’d also give you a hug but Taehyung might start barking and growling at me or whatever.” Yoongi tells you with a gummy smile. “Still, accepting your promotion is a huge deal.”
“Of course it is a huge deal.” Namjoon takes a seat at the table that the server just brought you all too, “Hence why we are celebrating.”
“Sorry that only we could make it, y/n.” Jimin pouts, taking a seat next to Namjoon. “Jin and Hoseok feel terrible about not being able to come.”
“Ah, it’s not a big deal.” You keep patting Taehyung’s back. “Okay, let go of me already, dude.” You tell him but he doesn’t let go of you fully, just placing you at arm’s length.
“See? I was being hard on you because I needed you to open your eyes! Now look how excited you are about this promotion!”
“Yeah, yeah.” You roll your eyes, “Right.”
“You don’t believe me?” He cocks a brow at you, “You know what they say about me. I have a method for everything, y/n.”
“Totally, totally.”
“For real though…” Taehyung gets more serious, “You’re going to love this new position…you were made to shine like this.” He smiles now, finally dropping his hands. “What did Jungkook say when you told him?”
“He’s proud too.” You smile, “He should be here any minute…Ara too.”
“Oh.” Taehyung smirks to himself, “Ara, Ara. The love of my life.”
“Stop.” You glare at him, “You just like that she hates you.”
“Hates me?” He pretends to look shocked, “She’s totally in—”
“—Finish that sentence and I’ll consider murder. Super planned out, never get caught kind of murder.” Ara cuts in, heavy sigh leaving her mouth as she walks between you both. 
“That’s so flattering,” Taehyung puts a hand over his heart, “You’d plan something that meticulous for me? You’d spend that much time on me?”
“Something is seriously so wrong with you.” Ara shakes her head.
“Yet is does it for you, doesn’t it?” He grins at her.
“Anyway,” Ara turns to you, giving you a quick but tight hug. “Congrats on the promotion!”
“Thanks, thanks.” You tell her, gesturing towards the table so you can all sit with everyone else. “I was so nervous when I was going to accept it! Ah, but when my boss came to check on another project…I kind of just blurted out that I would take it.” 
“Seems like your subconscious made the decision.” Ara laughs, taking a seat next to you.
“I guess so.” You giggle, “He says I can give the main presentation tomorrow to one of our teams as like a test run. So I was preparing all day!”
“You’re going to kill it!” Taehyung takes a seat next to Ara, “And—”
“—Why me?” She groans, “Sit on the other side of y/n.”
“Uh,” Taehyung gives Ara a pointed look. “Jungkook is going to want to celebrate right next to our promoted princess.”
“Oh yeah.” Ara blinks, head nodding. “So true.” 
“Jungkook would survive not sitting next to me guys.” You deadpan.
“I don’t know,” She shrugs. “Even yesterday when we met for drinks…Jungkook didn’t want be anywhere if you weren’t right there.”
“T-That’s not true.” You defend, cheeks heating up.
“It is true.” Taehyung says nonchalantly, he and Ara share a look, “Childhood friends are close like that.” He nods, “I’m actually going crazy because I’m not right next to y/n either.” Taehyung offers a very straight face and Ara returns it.
“I can imagine.” She nods.
“You guys are annoying.” You laugh, “But speaking of Jungkook…” You pull your phone out, “He’s taking forever. Oh he called. Let me send him another—”
“—Well, maybe I would have been here earlier if you would have told me where this table was located! Or you know, answered my calls.” Jungkook suddenly has his hand on the back of your chair, “I’ve been searching for you guys everywhere.”
“Hey man.” Yoongi nods up at Jungkook.
“My bad…” Jimin looks at his own phone, “Didn’t feel my phone.”
“You’re here.” You turn your head to look at him, bright smile. He immediately looks down at you and he returns your smile. 
“Hi.” He says, eyes only on you now. “Congratulations.” He grins, hand going to your shoulder as he squeezes it gently. “I’m really happy for you.” 
“Thank you.” You answer, hand patting the seat next to you. “I’m a little nervous.”
Jungkook sits next to you, his fingers itching to give you comfort but he is trying to respect rule number 2. “That’s normal. But you’ll be great.” He assures you with just words instead. You gaze at him, eyes clearly still holding some doubts but you take a long, deep breath before leaning into him, head resting on his shoulder.
“If you think so maybe I will be.” You tell him, trying to gain some confidence.
“You will be.” He tells you quietly, a little surprised you’re leaning against him so openly but what really shocks him is when your fingers find his on his lap, you grip them softly before you lean away from him again, your attention on Ara when she says something. But your hand remains on his.
Jungkook tries to breathe normally. It isn’t a big deal. But these sudden nerves remind him of the first time he ever kissed you when he was 14 years old. All nerves and no chill. He clears his throat, his hand giving yours a gentle squeeze as he tries to join in on the conversation Namjoon and Yoongi are having. But then, you pull your hand away to reach for a water the server just brought as you continue chatting with Ara 
He hates that he feels disappointed. 
Oh. Wait. No…he gulps, throat drier than before.
He stares at nothing for a moment, trying to rid that thought with the shake of his head. “Jin and Hoseok couldn’t come or?” He asks Namjoon.
“Jin is on a business trip until Monday and Hoseok is sick.” Yoongi answers for him. “Hoseok wanted to come anyway but he sounded horrible on the phone.”
“Eh, probably for the best then.” Jungkook chuckles. He glances around the table, watching how Namjoon and Yoongi continue to talk, Jimin and Taehyung chatting about going out this weekend and Ara telling you about some guy. 
He stares at your side profile as you speak, your hands moving around animatedly, words falling from your mouth…something about how this guy is funny and cute…and then he’s noticing an uneasiness. What guy? Expectation and disappointment lingering as he tries to listen more carefully.
“You guys really seem to get along,” You continue, “A perfect match!” 
Oh. Jungkook relaxes. You’re talking about the guy for Ara. Disappointment averted. Expectation rising. He continues to gaze at you, a lazy smile starts growing on his lips as he watches and listens to you. You’re so cute. Pretty. Bea—everything. He wishes you’d believe him more when he says that to you. He rests his chin in his hand as he keeps staring.
“You’re so pretty today.” He suddenly blurts. You whip your head towards him, blinking repeatedly before you snort.
“Oh.” You laugh awkwardly, “I look the same as usual.” 
Ara and Taehyung look at you both as well. “So you’re pretty every day.” Ara sings out.
“Well, according to Jungkook.” Taehyung whispers towards Ara and she swats his arm and he pretends he’s wounded, chuckling to himself. “But anyway, Ara…” He pouts at her. “Who is this guy you are even seeing?”
“Someone who really likes me.” She grins at him, proud glint in her eyes. But Taehyung squints at her.
“But you like me.” 
“Nope.” She raises her nose in the air, “Not a chance.”
“So,” You eye Jungkook over, “You think I’m pretty today?” You ask him, voice directed only towards him as everyone chats. He doesn’t doubt the blush on his cheeks.
“You know this already.” He tells you, “But I still like telling you.” 
It’s like his words are the match that lights a fire to your skin. You try to conceal an undoubtedly shy smile. Hating that like usual, he gives you such reactions. “Then thank you.” You mumble, still trying not to smile. You lean into him again, hand landing on his thigh. “Sometimes I can tell you aren’t teasing.” You say playfully, fingers squeezing his muscular thigh before bringing your hand back to your own lap. 
Jungkook feels the absence of your touch again. And again, he’s disappointed. And then your words on expectations ring louder than ever. He finally gets it. Because he wants to expect this—your touch, words, anything. He wants that and he’s disappointed otherwise. He hates that you were the one with the worries but all along he’s the one understanding them.
“You’re affectionate today.” He mumbles quietly, eyes locked on yours. You raise your brows a bit, trying to think about it when you smile, looking a little embarrassed.
“Sorry, sorry…I didn’t—”
“—It’s okay. It’s kind of a relief I’m not the only one who broke a rule today.” He says, eyes looking a little more distant as he stares at you. “But…” He looks down for a moment, brows furrowed. “I think I broke a whole new rule. Well, I’m admitting it but it’s probably been broken.”
You study him, confusion falling onto your features, “What do you—”
Suddenly, his eyes rise again and he looks more determined. “Can we talk? Outside?”
You blink a few times, mouth fallen open. “Now?” You look around, “But—”
“—Please.” He says the word softly. 
“Okay.” You sense how serious he is about talking so you agree. You excuse yourself from everyone else with Jungkook following. You both head outside of the restaurant, finding a quiet and empty spot on the side of the building. Jungkook leans against the wall, his eyes so focused on your face.
“So?” You sway into the wall as well, “Is everything okay?”
“I don’t know.” He takes a breath, “Maybe?”
“What’s going on?” You take a one step towards him and his hands want to reach out for you but he controls them.
“I broke all of the rules.” He tells you simply. His eyes serious, with the slight furrow of his brows. “Every single one.” 
“What?” You ask, looking genuinely confused. He can’t help but crack a smile, a weird relief flowing through his veins…because you’re just you.
“I had a hunch I was breaking it but I I’ve confirmed it.” He smiles at you. “Rule number one, I broke it a while back. I told my mom.” He grins now while you gape at him.
“Not a big deal,” He shrugs, “She liked the whole idea.”
“—I guess I broke the second rule a few times. Rule number three, I clearly just didn’t believe in that one. Rule number four, first of all, fuck that rule.” He keeps smiling at you.
“You break it!” You scold him.
“Thank god that I do.” He shrugs again, devious smile on his face but then he softens considerably. “And rule number five,” He takes a deep breath. “I broke that one too. I’m breaking it now. It might even be the first rule that I broke.” 
You process all his words very slowly. Starting from the beginning…but your brain is catching up. You don’t even separate your lips. They stay glued to one another as you look at Jungkook with pure confusion. 
“I know you don’t really get it.” He says softly, lips spreading into a barely there smile. “Since you’re such a stickler for the rules.” 
“Are…” You finally try to speak, head shaking a little. “Are you saying you …?”
“That I have feelings for you?” He looks up at the night sky, “Yeah, breaking rule number five would mean that, wouldn’t it?”
“Jungkook…” You say his name slowly. 
“I know. I get it.” He looks back at you, nothing but a content expression. “But for obvious reasons we should stop this fun little arrangement because I was right…” He chuckles, “I am not cut out for it.”
“—And please don’t hate me. I want to stay and celebrate but I also want to give you some space to think and process and what not.”
“Process?” You blink at him.
“I don’t really know. Maybe it’s me…is it okay if I go home for now? I promise,” He looks at you sincerely, “This won’t change our friendship, y/n. But can I have just a couple days to work through it by myself?” 
You really don’t know how to respond. Your throat feels dry. You only nod at him. 
And just like always, he makes you entire body react. Including your fucking heart.
You’re sure everyone could tell you were acting strange during your celebratory dinner. It doesn’t take a genius to understand that after Jungkook left you got into a down mood…no one knows why, of course. You still tried to have fun with your friends despite the giant hole that’s broken your chest apart. 
You told everyone that Jungkook had a sudden work thing he had to take care of and they bought it—well, you think so anyway. Doesn’t matter. It’s now almost 11pm and you’re trying to focus on tomorrow’s presentation but Jungkook is the only thing you’re really thinking about. You keep opening and closing your laptop, thinking maybe you’ll get something done but you keep glancing at your phone. You need to talk about this.
Finally, you reach for your phone, fingers poking at the screen harshly as you try to make the phone call you are trying so desperately for. Ringing. It’s ringing. Still ringing. Words risen from your throat, so close to spilling shamelessly from your mouth. You take a deep breath…you need an answer.
“Hello?” Finally.
“I lied earlier.” You blurt quickly, needing to get things off your chest now.
“Hm,” Ara hums out softly, “Let me guess?” 
“You won’t—”
“—Just get into why Jungkook left earlier. Wasn’t for work, so…?”
“Oh.” You grip your phone a little tighter, pushing it against your ear. “You knew I lied about that?”
“I didn’t think you were so freaking sad just because he had to leave for a work thing.” Ara chuckles softly, “You’re more easy going than that.” 
“I wasn’t that sad.” You keep your voice even.
“You took two bites of your food, y/n.” Ara says with the kind of tone that you know she rolled her eyes. “What happened?”
“God, okay.” You sigh out, “Remember how you thought…or you know…you know how I’m hooking up with someone?”
“I do know that, yes.” She responds calmly. “You’ve been seeing someone for a little while now.”
“Well,” You take another deep breath. “I’ve been sleeping with Jungkook. Since the night of the dare…when Taehyung made—”
“Yeah, I know the night.” She laughs into the phone, “We knew it was going to turn out like this.”
“Yeah, so—wait, what?” 
“What do you mean?” You ask her slowly, “Knew what?”
Ara is quiet for a moment before you hear her release a long breath, “It’s not like we didn’t know.” She says.
“Who the hell is ‘we’?” You furrow your brows, phone pressing closer to your ear. “Ara?”
“Hmm,” Her voice is light and airy, “Well, you know what they say about Taehyung.” 
Your brows only pull together closer…what does that mean? You try to think about it because what do they say about—oh. Your mouth falls open as realization hits you. “That he has a method for everything.” You say, putting it together now. 
“Mhm.” Ara laughs faintly, “So I’m probably not the one you want to be talking to. You thought cupid was a little angel baby. But he’s actually a tall, hot devil. Anyway, I’ll leave you to it.” 
But she hangs up as you hear her laughing on the other side. Wait, wait, wait. You want more time to think and process what she just said but your fingers are moving faster than your brain.
“Hey,” Taehyung answers on the second ring. “What’s up—”
“—Are you home? I’m coming over.” You rush to speak, legs already moving as you find your bag and keys. “I’m leaving now.”
And not even 20 minutes later you’re standing outside of Taehyung’s front door, foot tapping against the ground as you not so patiently wait for him to let you in. You feel like you have waited an eternity but the reality is probably around 15 seconds. But finally his door swings open and Taehyung is here.
“Hello…” You narrow your eyes at him, speaking slowly. “Cupid.”
Taehyung’s eyes go wide before his lips settle into an annoying ass smile, smug and knowing. “Oh?” He crosses his arms over his chest before continuing, “I’ve been found out?”
You squint even harder at him, lips set into a firm line before you push past him, making your way inside his place. “Please explain to me whatever the hell Ara said about you.” You walk inside, getting comfortable on his loveseat. But then you tilt your head, “Why does Ara know? You told her?”
Taehyung closes the door before following you inside, “Uh, I praise Ara all the time for her incredible intuition. Her and I would make the smartest fucking kids.”
“You know what…whatever. Just explain to me what she means when she says you have a method for everything.”
“Well, where to start?” He asks, voice all cocky before he sits next to you.
“Uh, the beginning. So the day I got dumped. The night you dared—”
“—You think that’s the beginning?” Taehyung cuts in, laughter threatening to erupt. “Oh wow, no.” He shakes his head, “I’ve been playing the long game.”
“What?” You look at him incredulously, “What does that even mean?”
“It means you guys are dumb and I’m the best friend ever.” He says lightheartedly.
“You are the last person I would think would play cupid, Taehyung. You don’t even like romantic love!” you shout at him.
“But you guys do!” He shouts back. “Um, news flash, you guys are my best friends and I wanted to help out.” He shrugs now, “It all started back when Jungkook was 14.”
“Huh?” You blink at him, mouth open. Not totally getting it.
“Oh, poor Jungkook had the hugest crush on you, y/n.” Taehyung shakes his head, eyes down at his hands, looking solemn. “It was genuinely tragic because you didn’t even register he was of the opposite sex.”
“For real?” You deadpan.
“For real.” He nods, still solemn before he lifts his head and smirks. “But I had a genius plan.”
“The fucking first kiss.” You tell him.
“Yup, so genius.” Taehyung looks proud, “He still hadn’t had his first kiss because only lips he was thinking about was…” He pretends to gag, “…yours…” 
“Shut up.” You roll your eyes, “But continue.”
“Anyway, I told him we should just ask you!” He gestures towards you, “It’s not like it was a big deal to you anyway. He was like guy number 4 for you.”
Your cheeks grow warm, “Well...”
“So yeah. Genius plan. But I didn’t know you were going to stick your tongue in his mouth and I didn’t know he was going to bite you.” Taehyung cackles, shrugging his shoulders. “Classic, classic.”
“Oh god…” You feel yourself grow embarrassed.
“Anyway, you vowed you’d never do that again and poor Jungkook was so traumatized from your reaction but well,” Taehyung shrugs again. “At least he got over you for a little while.”
“That’s when I helped Jungkook.” Taehyung leans back onto his sofa, “I helped you the night I made you guys make out.” 
“What are you talking about?” You ask him slowly, body tense but you try to mirror his body as you lay back into the couch cushion as well.
“I was helping both of you actually.” He chews his lips for a moment, “God, I would have done so earlier but you kept wasting your time with guys you didn’t even like. Jihoon, for example.” 
“Oh.” You nod subtly, piecing it together.
“It was pretty obvious you two started hooking up after I dared you guys to make out.”
“How was it obvious exactly?” You eye him suspiciously. 
“First, goodness gracious, the sexual tension was…” He brings his pinched fingers to his lips and gives them a kiss. “And also, I have both of your locations. You were always at his and he was at yours…especially at 2 in the morning…technology wasn’t on your side.” He says with a straight face.
“Damn…it never is.” You say with an equally straight face. 
“So…you guys are…” He motions his hands around.
“Yeah, we were hooking up, Taehyung.”
“I had five simple rules.”
Taehyung looks at you, almost comically ashamed. “Should have guessed.”
“Rule number one, no one can know.” You begin listing them, “Rule number two, no pda. Rule number three, no pet names. Rule number four, not often, just three times a week.”
Taehyung looks at you with obvious disapproval before he silently mouths, ‘lame as fuck’. But you continue, “And rule number five…no feelings.” 
“Okay…” He says slowly.
“He broke all of the rules. All of them. He told me.”
“…Okay.” He says slowly again, as if waiting for the point. “Is that supposed to be bad?”
You stare at him before snorting, “Uh, it’s weird! We’re best friends and now he apparently…it’s weird, right?”
“Uh, you guys are already fucking. Not sure it could get—”
“—I’m serious!”
“I’m serious too!” Taehyung starts laughing. “Y/n…be honest. You broke all the rules too at some point, right?”
“And if I helped you out doesn’t it just mean I’ve known about your feelings before you? Stupid, stupid.” He keeps laughing. “y/n, you broke that fifth rule before you even created it.”
“What?” You look at Taehyung, disbelief on your features. “I did not…well,” You suddenly glance to the side, teeth nibbling into your bottom lip. “Well, I don’t…I don’t know.”
“You do.” Taehyung shrugs. “You know exactly when you realized your feelings for him. Right?”
“No?” You blink at Taehyung, restless eyes now darting all around his living room. “Do I?” You question yourself quietly. “Oh…” You begin to chew on your lips again. “If I had to guess—”
“—You made those rules because like usual…you put restrictions on yourself.” Taehyung cuts in, his voice much softer now. Not much of his usual playfulness. “But the rules don’t matter, y/n. Jungkook was honest with you. Why don’t you try being honest with yourself as well?”
“Are you…” You look at Taehyung, choosing to be careful with your words when you decide you don’t want to be careful with them. “I have feelings for Jungkook too and I should tell him.”
“Well, yeah.” Taehyung chuckles, “He would probably like that.” 
“I…” Your body goes limp against the cushion. “Honestly, you’re right but wow, I felt like this would be a bigger revelation.” You mumble more to yourself. “Why doesn’t it feel like I just realized something so insane?”
“Because you realized it years ago.” Taehyung answers you carefully. “You aren’t dumb, y/n. You know exactly when your feelings shifted…I saw it happen but after that it was lame guy after lame guy.”
You stare at the floor, teeth still digging into your lips. “Yeah, maybe.”
“You already know how he feels so isn’t it easy to just…tell him too?”
“Not really.” You sigh out, “I don’t have the confidence to tell him anything to make it all make sense.”
“It’s Jungkook…” Taehyung conceals a smile. “He gets you, no matter how much your ass doesn’t make sense."
You almost cannot believe it. You killed that presentation. Your boss sat at the end of the table, eyeing you with pride as you spoke so smoothly, going over the presentation like you knew the ins and outs with such expertise. Probably because that’s true. You were awesome, it’s true. You spoke clearly, smoothly and did the right things to keep everyone engaged.
“I knew this was going to be the perfect fit, y/n.” Mr. Kim tells you, big grin on his face. “You were a natural in there and you really know how to lead the team. I got a few new projects I want you to work on…I know you’ll do incredible.” And then he’s giving you a pat on the shoulder before heading to his own office.
You take a seat at your desk, legs shaking in obvious excitement. You can’t contain it. All the praises and the high you feel from presenting in front of a room of a dozen people is so fresh and contagious. Your entire body is tingling and you feel such a sense of motivation. The confidence is continuing to sky rocket and the only place you want to put this energy is into Jungkook. 
It's Friday and you aren’t sure if he has plans or not but you have decided to go straight to his apartment right after work. Taehyung was right…you know exactly when your feelings shifted and you know exactly how to word everything. The high you feel has suddenly given you the confidence you need…you’re going to wing it. But somehow you know it will all makes sense.
It’s after 5pm and you’re sitting outside of Jungkook’s apartment door. You aren’t letting yourself in because somehow that feels wrong at this time. But after checking his location you can see he’s still not home from work. It’s after 6pm now. He’s still not home. You check his location again and you see he’s at the store…probably grocery shopping. 
Almost 6:30pm when you start to feel anxious again. Too much time is passing and you’re growing further apart from all that confidence and motivation that was running through your veins earlier. You sit here, leg shaking in nerves now. Finally, you hear the distant ding of the elevator down the hall and you just know it’s him. You take a deep breath before standing up from the ground and leaning against his door. He comes towards his door, hands carrying several bags of groceries while he looks at you with big, doe eyes.
“y/n?” He says your name and you feel your muscles tighten. “Why…” He glances around, “Have you just been waiting here?”
“Yes.” You blurt, “I was waiting for you.”
He gazes at you with curious eyes before he lightly snorts, “Why did you wait out here? You should have waited inside.” He smiles now. “But uh, can you actually open the door. My hands are…” He lifts the bags with a sheepish expression and you immediately nod and turn to unlock the door.
“Umm, how was…” Your fingers are pressing against the key pad, “um, your day? How was your day?” You finally get the door open, holding it so Jungkook can slip through.
“It was okay.” He walks past you, his scent hitting your nose. He takes the bags into the kitchen and you follow him. He sets the bags onto the counter before facing you, his attention nowhere on the groceries. “How was yours?”
“Good.” You nod, “I did the presentation and it went so well and now I really need to talk to you.” You step closer towards him and he takes a step back, hands going to the counter as he leans against it.
“Oh, I knew it would go well.” He smiles, eyes sliding to the side. “You just needed a little—”
“—Not here to talk about the presentation.” You cut him off, taking another step. “I—”
“—Well,” His fingers grip the edge of the counter a little, “What exactly—”
“—Rule number one.” Another step, eyes boring into his. “I broke it when I went on that double date.”
Jungkook blinks at you, looking caught off guard. “Huh?”
“Told my date about you. Me and you.” You lift a second finger, “Rule number two, I broke that rule numerous times, didn’t I? First time was when we went to the movies with Jimin and when he wasn’t looking I kissed you. It was in public so I broke the rule. And last night…” You sigh, small smile on your lips. “Broke it again without realizing.”
“—Rule number three, I broke that rule the night we were celebrating Jimin’s new found singleness.”
“Or you know, mourning his new found sadness.” Jungkook cracks a smile.
“Oh, right.” You nod, “Sorry I guess Taehyung wore off on me.”
“It happens.” He chuckles, “But—”
“—Rule number four. I broke that rule every single time you wanted me to. You’re right, that rule is the stupidest one.” You smile wider now. “Three times a week? What was I thinking?” You begin to make fun of yourself. “No wonder I didn’t really try very hard to keep you from breaking that one.”
Jungkook eyes you carefully, smile on his lips but it looks unsure.
“And rule number five.” You pause, taking a moment to take a deep breath as your eyes fill with sincerity. “I broke that rule a long time ago.” You admit to him and he scrunches his brows together, almost looks like he’s doubting you.
“Yeah.” You continue, “I broke it the day I graduated from University. The same day I tried to drunk kiss you.” You look at him with a serious expression now and he raises his brows in slight shock and realization. “I was devastated about my mom…but you made me feel like I could move past that sadness because you made me feel so much better.” You frown a little, “That night alone I realized if the only person in this entire world who cheers me on is you…then I could probably be happy about it.”
“These rules were stupid excuses, Jungkook.” You take another step now. Your eyes going to Jungkook’s hands that grip the counter. “I’m sorry…” You watch as his hands fall from the counter and to his sides. “I was never a stickler for them…god, I am just as bad as you are.”
Jungkook stares at you with big eyes, his fingers twitching because he wants to reach for you. 
“Also,” You bite your lip, trying to stop a chuckle from leaving your mouth. “I have another confession.”
“What’s that?” Jungkook’s expression looks soft as his fingers finally go to your waist. Your body losing all of its tension as soon as he touches you. 
“You were also my first kiss.” Your entire face feels hot. “I lied about my other kisses…everyone else was always talking about it so…”
“Wow,” Jungkook’s fingers hold onto your waist tighter as his lips spread into a knowing grin. “That explains so much.” He teases you, “I mean…the sudden tongue in my mouth…”
“Hey!” You pout at him, “It wasn’t—”
“—Hey.” He cuts you off, fingers spreading over your blouse before his hands find your lower back and he’s pulling you closer to him. “If it makes you feel better, you’ve really improved.”
You frown theatrically at him before he starts really laughing now, one of his hands leaving your back to come to your face. “Really improved. Best in the world now.” He whispers, playful glint in his eye.
“You’re just saying that.” You roll your eyes, your own hands finding his chest. You splay your fingers across his shirt. “So,” You bite onto your bottom lip.
“So.” He strokes his thumb over your cheek. “I have feelings for you. You have feelings for me.” 
“Yeah.” You breathe out, eyes trailing across his face. “What does it mean?” You ask him slowly, carefully. Fingers right over his beating heart. His cheeks turn rosy as he gazes at you, a blush turning him into a pink dream.
“It means we have new rules.” He smiles, teeth poking out adorably. “Five to be exact. And we actually will follow these.”
You quirk a brow at him, “Which are?”
“One…we tell everyone. Everyone has to know you’re mine now. Officially.” He smirks at you, his hand guiding your face closer to his before he plants a kiss to your lips. “Two…I’m going to hold your hands, hug you, kiss you…all the time. Everywhere” Another kiss.
“Jungkook.” You laugh into his mouth before he pulls away again.
“Rule number three…all the fucking pet names. You’re my baby and I’m going to call you that all the time.” Another kiss. “Rule number fucking four.” His hand tightens over your jaw a little, “We are fucking all the time. Like, all the time.”
You laugh, eyes staying on his before he kisses your lips again.
“And rule number five…” He leans back a little, soft eyes gazing at you and you can feel your body react like usual. Heart going crazy. “You should probably go ahead and tell me you’re in love with me now. Have feelings.” He looks at you so lovingly before leaning in again, lips slow to find yours for a long kiss. You sigh into his mouth, heart thumping wildly. “And,” He barely pulls his lips off yours. “You can never break that rule. Because for once, I think we finally found some rules I could follow.”
You pull away from him, just a few fingers lingering on his chest. “You think you can finally listen to me?” You ask him, cocky tone in your voice. “We should put it to the test.”
The corn of Jungkook’s lip start to turn, crooked smile forming on his face. “Yeah? Go ahead and test it, baby. Tell me to do something. You know I would do anything you wanted me to.”
“You would, wouldn’t you?” You can’t help but smirk, front teeth digging into your bottom lip. “Okay,” You slide your fingers down his chest, eyes following as you start messing with the zipper on his pants. “You’ll really do anything I want?” Your eyes rise back to his.
His mouth falls open as he exhales a long breath, eyes already filling with desire. “Anything.”
“Hm,” You lick your lips, eyes glancing around. “Then put away your groceries.” You tell him with the nod of your head, “I can see there’s ice cream. Don’t let it melt.” And then you drop your hand from his body and turn to walk away from him.
Jungkook blinks at where you once stood. His mouth shuts and he conceals the smile that wants to spread so badly, “Fucking tease.” He huffs out, slightly shaking his head.
“I know,” You call out, stopping at the entry of the hallway, a hand on the wall. “But if you want more demands from me, you can meet me in the bedroom when you’re done.” You wink, disappearing into the hall.
“Cocky.” He talks to himself, rolling his eyes and turning his body towards the counter to start putting away the groceries. He chuckles, an endeared smile on his face, “But just like the new rules, I’d follow her to the ends of the Earth.” 
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resowrites · 1 year
Holy Grail - drabble.
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Summary: Henry develops a fixation for a certain part of his pregnant wife’s body…
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Wife!OC
Warnings: fluff, banter/British humour, sexy talk, language, dialogue heavy, nondescript OC body type/appearance, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 635
A/N: My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Holy Grail - drabble.
"Henry, get out, I'm trying to get dry!" He quickly turned around as she grabbed the towel from the bed and clutched it to her chest.
"I'm sorry! I came in here to fetch Kal so I could give him his tea!" But the pooch was still fast asleep at the foot of their bed.
"Well you better get out of here before he wakes up, you know how protective of me he is at the moment."
"I know, the soppy git…"
"He's soppy?! You almost had a panic attack yesterday when you thought I ate shrimp! And he picked up following me into every room from you!"
"Yeah well at least I don't guard you when you're in the shower--"
"Well thank God for Kal, otherwise you'd be leering at me through the glass!"
"At least then I'd get a look at them! Come on, drop that towel, and lemme see if I can't tune in for the news and weather--"
"Out, now! I wanna get dry in peace."
"Then here, let me help…" Henry took a few steps forward only for her to dart under the bed so she could fetch something. "What the hell is the broom doing under there?!"
"I had to bring it up last night to squish a spider on the ceiling and now I'm going to use it to get rid of another pest."
"My lady may call me whatever she wishes. For she is beautiful, rich, and got huge… tracts of land!"
"That's it! I'm not enduring Monty Python quotes. You're banned from my presence the rest of the evening. Be gone!" She tried to jab with the broom only for him to dart out of the way.
"Aww come on, when was the last time we got to knock boots?"
"Last bloody night!"
"Then you should be warmed up by now!"
"God give me strength… anyway I thought you just wanted to cop a feel?"
"Well I'll take whatever I can get--"
"Yeah well by the time I'm finished with this broom, you'll be able to sweep the floor!"
"Charming, all I wanted was to enjoy the beauty of my pregnant wife! Honestly, it looks like you're holding up two ten-gallon hats--"
"God you belong on a bloody list… can't you go one night without being a pervert?"
"No, but I'll tell you what, you flash me lefty and I'll give you a hundred quid."
"A hundred quid?"
"Yeah, would you prefer cash or bank transfer?"
"Is that all you think I'm worth?!"
"Well, it's not like you're giving me a handful!"
"And how much would you pay for that? I was thinking of redoing the kitchen…"
"What? Why? I did a good job of the tiling!"
"Henry, two fell off just this morning!"
"Then let little Henry have a dance in your ballroom and I'll fix it for free!"
"Will you also disappear back downstairs?"
"God, you always want to get rid of me!"
"Yeah, cos you get on my sodding tits!"
"I bloody wish!" She looked up at the ceiling and prayed for guidance.
"Henry, give me one good reason why I should have sex with you tonight."
"I can do better than that, I can regale you with song."
"What?!" Henry cleared his throat.
"Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate!" She perched on the edge of the bed with her head in her hands.
"I can't actually believe I'm having your child…"
"I can, especially after last night. Now get thee to bed, and let's go for round two--"
"Really? You're reciting Shakespeare now?"
"Well I thought that might do the trick--"
"Fat chance."
"Why not? I can leave the money on the bedside table--" she chucked a pillow at him.
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To be updated on when I post please follow @resowrites and turn on post notifications.
@elizabetharegina @fanfictionaddiction99 @luclittlepond @caffeinatedfestivalsheep @summersong69 @ushijimbo @geralts-yenn @livesinfantasyland @jackjanira
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
{9} - Paradise Gardens - Yandere!Demonic Entities!Ateez X Reader
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Yandere AU & Demon AU - Book Two to Hotel California
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Fluff, Slight Humour
Pairing: Ateez X Reader (Slight focus on Jongho)
Words: 12,135
Warnings: Violence. Arguments and verbal fights. OC gets some sense slapped into them by Reina, literally. Mentions of blood and of small cuts being inflicted to a wrist to draw blood. Mental Illness: mentions of anxiety, depression, and PTSD. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: Not me staying up to post this when I have work in a few hours lmfaoooo anyways, this chapter turned out much longer than I expected! So, yay!! I'm quite happy with how it turned out, cause I feel like the stress of the situation is a sort of catalyst to the argument that ensues. I'm just glad I was able to get in everything that I wanted. It definitely starts off a bit tense, but the ending is quite light and happy. Also, potential smut next chapter anyone? 👀 As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
Also, gentle reminder that I don’t do tag lists.
Mini Masterlist - Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight
The moment Yeosang feels you brush against his mind, he’s appearing in Reina’s apartment.
“Sweet baby, Jesus.” Reina places a hand over her racing heart as he now stands across from her in the living room. “You weren’t kidding when you said they can just appear.”
“I told you,” you chuckle, moving over to stand beside him. 
You notice that she rests just a tad bit shorter than him as she looks him over, her arms crossed over her chest.
“So, you’re Yeosang.” She takes a moment to look him up and down. “The musician.”
“And you’re Reina.” His brow quirks slightly in amusement. “The best friend.”
“The one and only.” She grins, tucking the tome further beneath her arm. “Though, you had longer, blond hair the first time we met.”
Yeosang spares a glance at you out of the corner of his eyes. “That I did.”
Briefly, you lean into him, explaining lowly what Reina remembers of the incident.
He nods in understanding.
“So,” Reina’s voice draws both of your attention back to her, “you play the violin.”
“I do.” Yeosang confirms with another brief nod of his head.
“A little birdie told me that you learned a specific melody for her.” There’s a knowing lilt to her voice as she says this. “Well done.”
The corners of Yeosang’s lips quirk upwards. A certain pride begins to fill his chest seeing as he cannot get a read on Reina’s thoughts anymore. There seems to be a spell blocking her mind from his, keeping her opinion of him secret. Though, from what she’s implying right now, he assumes that he’s gotten her approval. Or at least, some of it.
“You can do your best friend interrogation later,” you step over to playfully nudge her shoulder. “We’ve got another pressing matter to attend to.”
“Right, right,” she waves you off as the two of you step back over to Yeosang. “Sorry, I can’t help it. Now that I know, I need to make sure they pass my inspection and everything. They may be Kings, but I’m still your best friend.”
You snort out a laugh just as Yeosang places a hand onto each one of your shoulders.
“You know that your approval of them won’t change how I feel.” You grin. “Also, brace yourself: bend your knees, and close your eyes. It helps with the nausea the first few times.”
You barely make out the confused furrow of her brow when Yeosang is teleporting the three of you back home. Once the foyer is in view, you notice Reina stumble forward, and you immediately move to steady her on her feet.
“I warned you,” you chuckle, helping her straighten back upright.
“I don’t think there’s a proper warning for that.” She grumbles, brushing some stray flyaways out of her eyes. She blinks a few times after that, further clearing her vision.
From down the hallway, you notice a few of the other guys file out of Jongho’s room. The commotion must have drawn their attention, and you watch as Reina tenses ever so slightly as the commanding presences of the Kings of the Realm washes over her. The worried pull of their brows could definitely be mistaken for looks of irritation.
Only, she doesn’t have a chance to dwell on it all that much for Sudaem is stepping out of the room.
A gasp of awe escapes Reina, bypassing all of the males to walk right up to the gorgon.
“You must be Sudaem.” She extends her hand out to the female. “I’m Reina, baby caster. Nice to meet ya!”
Sudaem seems taken aback by Reina’s forwardness, and you can only chuckle fondly as you lightly push your best friend into the room.
“We can do proper introductions later.” You finally step into Jongho’s bedroom, seeing that he hasn’t moved a single inch since you last left him two hours ago. Stella seems to be absent as well. “We’re on a tight schedule here.”
“I’ve prepared everything that I could,” Sudaem addresses you. “There are a few things left that the spell requires, other than the caster’s performance.”
“What else does the spell need?” You inquire, watching as Sudaem moves over to the side to grab her own spell book that has been resting open on top of the dresser this whole time. Wordlessly, she hands it to Reina.
“It will need your blood, since you are connected to him in such a way currently.” She says, bringing a brass bowl filled with ash root, along with a few other things, over to you.
Carefully, Reina places her own tome down onto the dresser, balancing the other spell book effortlessly in her hand. You can see her eyes darting over the words on the page, and you just know that she’s taking in all of the instructions with excruciating detail. Her mind is practically racing behind her eyes, suddenly feeling the pressure of this moment building on her shoulders.
“This is a complex spell.” She comments, worried gaze darting over to you.
“It is.” Sudaem is the one to answer, a nod to her head as she holds the bowl beneath your wrist.
You turn to look at the males standing at the side of the room. “I’m going to need a blade.”
You can see the hesitation on their faces even before they say anything.
“If this is going to work-“
“We know, Dearest,” Yeosang grimaces. “We just don’t ever like seeing you injured, no matter the context.”
“I understand that,” you incline your head. “But-“
“I’ll do it,” Hongjoong steps forward, a small dagger appearing in his hand and glinting beneath the candlelight that illuminates the room.
The curtains have long since been drawn, blocking out any and all natural light. Even the door to Jongho’s room has been closed since you’ve all reentered it, only the faint flickering of the flames causing shadows to dance over the walls.
Carefully, Hongjoong grabs your wrist in his free hand, thumb gently stroking over your unmarred skin. He glances upwards briefly, noticing how you nod subtly at him. A small, reassuring smile tugs at the corner of your lips.
“How much blood is needed?” He directs his question towards Sudaem, not even bothering to break eye contact with you.
“At least five drops.” She replies instantly, holding the bowl steady all the while.
Hongjoong nods his understanding, and you can sense the tension in the room radiating off of the others as he brings the edge of the blade to your skin. A flick of his wrist and blood begins dripping into the bowl beneath you. Yet, as always, the pain of such a wound never comes, and from how intently he seems to be staring at your wrist, you know that he has something to do with it.
Not even ten seconds later, Hongjoong’s thumb is tracing over the small incision. Smooth skin replaces the open wound as he heals you without another word, turning his sharp gaze briefly to Sudaem. She scurries away, moving beside Reina with the bowl after hearing his silent command loud and clear.
This should be plenty of blood, anyways.
“All that’s left is to cast the spell,” Sudaem says, and you notice how everyone’s gaze suddenly turns to Reina.
She blinks. “No pressure, or anything.”
“If you can summon the Eight Kings without knowing what you are, you should have no issues with this spell.” Sudaem comments, and you sense the slightest bit of reassurance leaking into her tone.
Your brow quirks slightly.
Taking a candle into her hand, Reina holds it just above the brass bowl that Sudaem clutches beside her. Lightly, she tilts it, allowing the wax to begin dripping into the mixture periodically. Steam begins to rise from the bowl as Reina begins chanting, focussing her energy into casting this spell for the time being.
The bowl bursts into flames, Reina’s voice echoing throughout the room and commanding your attention. Faintly her eyes begin to glow, the whites taking over every visible colour as an intense wind kicks up inside of the room.
You hold your breath, feeling Hongjoong place a comforting hand onto your shoulder just as you reach for Jongho’s own. You can tell that you’re not the only one holding on to another as a lifeline in this moment, worry clear on all of your features as you glance between Reina and Jongho continuously.
The blaze within the bowl begins to die down, along with the wind. Not even a moment later, all of the candles go out, and the room is shrouded in darkness.
Subconsciously, you tighten your hold on Jongho’s hand.
A blink, and both Mingi and San have relit the candles, bathing the room in a warm amber glow once more. The bowl still smokes, but no longer are Reina’s eyes glowing. The only difference seems to be the rise and fall of her chest as she desperately fills her lungs with air.
“Did it work?” She meets your gaze, a sort of hesitance to her voice.
Some complicated spell that was, there weren’t even multiple components to it.
Quickly, you turn your head to face Jongho, noting the steady rise and fall of his own chest. You don’t notice any physical changes, so you lean into him, lifting your free hand to caress the side of his face.
The whole room goes still, anticipation lingering throughout. Not even the flickering sound of the flames can be heard as you all watch Jongho intently, waiting for that tell tale sign of movement beneath his lids.
Except, it never comes.
Your whole body freezes, heart suffocating painfully inside your chest.
“It didn’t work…” your voice is small, words nothing more than a whisper on your lips.
Tears begin to well in your eyes as your throat tightens. You were betting everything on this spell, not even bothering to think of the consequences of it not working. You had faith in Reina, and you had faith in him.
“You must have done something wrong.” Mingi rounds on Reina, a stern frown pulling at his features.
The gorgon shakes her head, devastation clear on her features. “She didn’t.”
“Did we have all the proper ingredients?” Yunho directs his question towards Sudaem, stepping in beside the stunned gorgon.
Sudaem stands there, hands trembling as she clutches the bowl in front of her. Her lips part periodically, like a fish out of water as her snakes begin shifting restlessly over her head. Her slate grey eyes shine with unshed tears, fear freezing her to her spot.
“It should have worked,” she whispers, whole body beginning to shake. “We did everything right: the ingredients, the preparation, the caster.”
“We knew there was going to be a possibility that it wouldn’t.” Seonghwa keeps his voice low, though you can still hear the panic seeping into his tone.
“Are we sure it was the right spell?” San begins pacing, his hand coming up to support his chin as his mind races with what to do.
“It has to be,” Sudaem answers lowly, blinking a few times to clear her vision. “There’s no other spell he could be under, and this is the only one I know to bring him back.”
You opt to remain quiet, mind reeling with all of this information, and lack there of around you. Desperately, you attempt to come up with a solution for a problem you don’t know all of the variables for, drawing a blank each time.
Hesitantly, Reina shifts over to the dresser. She places the spell book in her hands gently on top of the wood, pulling her own tome closer to herself. Slowly, she begins flipping through the pages, skimming through the words until she finds the section she’s looking for. Once she does, her eyes dart over the lines quickly, brain scrambling to comprehend everything going on around her.
A call of your name from her draws your attention.
“Don’t dissociate just yet, and get your ass over here.” Reina states, quite firmly, without taking her gaze away from the book.
Wordlessly, you move over to her side.
“Dissociate?” There’s a hint of worry to Wooyoung’s voice.
Reina points to the page for you to read before turning around to face the others in the room.
“She’s about to get into her own head again,” she blinks, crossing her arms as she leans back against the dresser. “Can you not see the signs?”
A low warning growl escapes San’s lips.
“Don’t growl at her.” You turn your head to look at him from over your shoulder, brow tugging downwards disapprovingly. “She’s only trying to help.”
Without waiting for a response, you turn back around. Reading the words on the page explaining the ‘Veil of the Hypnos’ spell keeps you grounded for the moment, head spinning with what you can do to save Jongho.
“You all need to keep talking.” Reina instructs. “I’m still new at this whole witching thing, but tell me everything you know about this curse he’s under.”
The several males all share a brief look, but it’s Sudaem who speaks first. Calmly, she explains all that she knows about the spell to Reina. Everything that she’s already told you.
Your body goes still, mind churning as you hear the details once more.
“So, he’s stuck in a plane between this world and the next.” You state, blinking blankly down at the page before you.
“Every second lost he could be straying further from his body.” Sudaem confirms, fingers nervously wringing together. “Not to mention what else creeps through the veil.”
You swallow thickly, lips pursing into a thin line. Softly, you begin to nod to yourself.
Reina spares a look at you out of the corner of her eyes. “I know that look.”
“We just need to bring him back to his body.” You’re somewhat just speaking out loud at this point, but you do not shift your eyes away from that page open before you.
The words ‘connection’ and ‘high emotion’ practically glare back up at you.
You turn to look at Reina.
A silent conversation seems to be happening between the both of you. She tilts her head in inquiry, to which your eyes widen exasperatedly. A moment later, her brow furrows in concern while you begin to nod quite eagerly.
“No.” Her tone is firm as she shakes her head. “No way in hell.”
“What?” There’s an even bigger look of worry pulling on Wooyoung’s face as he looks between the two of you.
“Three-hundred and fourteen seconds.” You say. “That’s all you need to give me.”
“That’s just over five minutes.” Hongjoong’s brow furrows in confusion, his arms crossing over his chest.
“Read the page and tell me that that’s not what it’s implying.” You practically slap your hand over the tome open on the dresser beside you. “I can bring him back."
“There is no way I am putting you under the same curse as him just so you can, what? Stumble your way through the veil and attempt to find him?” She replies, her eyebrows practically raising into her hair as her voice rises in pitch. “I am not killing my best friend. That spell hitting you is suicide.”
A hushed understanding passes over the room and panic immediately seizes each male.
“You’re thinking what?” Seonghwa’s eyes look about ready to bug right out of his head, needing to rest a hand against the wall for support.
“Not if I’m prepared for it!” You counter. 
“We’re not putting you under to lose you, too.” San’s voice is firm, a hint of desperation shining through as he looks to you.
“Petal, we need to think this through.” Yunho’s worried tone comes through, his heart pounding restlessly in his chest.
“I have thought it through.” You turn to them. “If this is the only way we can get Jongho back-“
“It’s not the only way.” Sudaem cuts in, her eyes somewhat glazed over as she stares at the ground in thought.
“It doesn’t matter!” Wooyoung is frantic, crossing the distance between the two of you in an instant and holding you at arms length. “We just got you back! We can’t lose you again.”
“This is my choice, Woo.” You reply, placing your own hands gently atop of his own and sliding them from your shoulders.
“No,” San shakes his head. “You’re not thinking clearly.”
“This is insane.” Mingi begins pacing, pulling at his roots once more.
“I’m thinking perfectly fine.” You reply calmly, turning meeting Hongjoong’s wide eyed gaze. “Wasn’t it you who told me that the first step to sanity is embracing the insane?”
“Now is not the time to be arguing about this.” Yeosang crosses his arms over his chest. “Dearest, you can’t say something as reckless as that right now. We might lose our brother, don’t make it so we lose you, too.”
“You won’t lose me.” You shake your head.
“You don’t know that!” There’s genuine fear in Seonghwa’s eyes as he falls to his knees. He looks about ready to start pleading with you in a moment, genuine desperation clear on his features.
“The spell didn’t work when we tried it on Jongho to bring him back,” Hongjoong attempts to keep his voice calm, levelheaded. “What makes you so certain it will work to bring the both of you back this time?”
“I’m connected to all of you, aren’t I?” Your gaze darts around the room, and you notice how Mingi, Seonghwa, and Wooyoung have all started to cry.
“Hold the fuck up!” Reina cuts in, furious gaze locked on you. “Are you negating the fact that I will not be casting such a spell on my own fucking best friend?”
“Don’t you, ‘Reina’ me! I’ll admit, we’ve done some stupid fucking shit before, but this takes the cake!” She slams her hand on top of the dresser beside her. “Do you realize what you’re fucking asking of me? In front of them no less?”
Her free hand points in the several male’s direction, clear panic on her features.
“I understand-“
“I don’t think you do!” Her eyes blaze with an unrivalled fury, the whites of her eyes beginning to glow.
“Um, excuse me-“ A timid voice attempts to cut through the thicket of booming arguments being thrown around the room.
“They would be doing the exact same thing for me right now if I had been the one to actually get hit!” You counter, arm flinging out in the direction of the bed Jongho rests upon to point at him. Briefly, your gaze darts around the room. “You’re telling me that none of you would be thinking any differently if you knew that this was your only option left?”
“There’s a difference, Dearest,” Yeosang grimaces. “We are not human.”
“Excuse me-“ The voice is a little firmer this time, but still gets ignored.
“Don’t you dare play the entities card on me right now.” The tears of frustration you so desperately attempt to hold back begin to streak down your face. “What happened to us being equals?”
You fail to miss the side-eyed glance Reina gives you, backing away slowly from the rising tension in the room.
“That’s not fair, and you know it.” Mingi’s voice is low as he freezes in his spot.
“No, what’s not fair is the double standard you all have when it comes to doing things for me.” You counter, voice rough with the rawness of your emotions. “So, you all can risk your lives for me whenever it pleases you, but when I wish to do the same for one of you it’s suddenly not okay? I’m the reason Jongho is in this godforsaken mess in the first place. Am I not allowed to want to right my wrong? Am I not allowed to want to save a man I love?”
“You know we’ve never blamed you for this, Baby.” San states, wiping away his tears using the back of his hand.
“Petal, we’ve talked about this,” Yunho grimaces slightly, taking a half step towards you only for you to avoid his reach.
“If this is the only option we have, then I will gladly sacrifice myself for someone that I love.” You see the devastation on their faces as soon as the words are out of your mouth.
“But, what about us?” Wooyoung’s voice is small, probably the quietest you’ve ever heard him.
“What about you?” You cross you arms over your chest, a slight frown pulling at your features.
“Are you that desperate to ignore our own feelings on the matter?” San meets your gaze, and you can feel your throat tighten.
“Of course not!” You immediately reply, shaking your head.
“We swore that we would always protect you, and now you want to risk your life for a plan that might not even work?” Mingi shifts restlessly from foot to foot, his hair sticking out in odd ends.
“We don’t know it won’t work.” You reason. “Besides, I’ve survived much worse than some measly little curse.”
Collectively, their breaths hitch.
“Don’t go there.” Seonghwa’s hands brace himself on the floor, his tears spilling freely onto the hardwood beneath his palms.
A low, warning call of your name sounds from Reina.
“We have already almost lost you more times than we ever thought we would,” Hongjoong states, keeping his voice low. “Don’t add another mark to the tally.”
“Then, what are we supposed to do, Hongjoong?” Your hands desperately run over the top of your head, fingers digging into the skin of your skull.
He remains silent, the others offering no other solutions, either.
“This is my choice,” you breathe out. “A choice I know all of you would be making if that were me on that bed right now.”
“Do you even hear yourself right now?” Wooyoung replies, quite exasperatedly. “Your guilt is blinding you from reason!”
“You think I’m doing this solely out of guilt?” You turn your gaze to the younger demon standing near you, your eyes blazing with a sort of pained fear. “That’s not fair and you know it.”
“Do you think that we don’t know exactly what you’re going through right now? That we don’t understand exactly how you’re feeling?” Seonghwa’s voice is strained, glancing up at you through tear filled eyes. “What’s not fair is you making light of the worst night of our lives.”
Your breath catches, and you swear your heart stops. A second later, and your hands are balling into fists at your sides.
“Do you really think that night was any better for me?” Your eyes are bloodshot from all the crying you’re doing, voice cracking as your whole body shakes. “You only got to see the aftermath. I had to live through it! I’m still living it. Every time I close my eyes, if I don’t watch my every goddamn thought, she is there. She is everywhere I look, and she continues to torture me even in death. She has woven herself so deeply into my life that each time I think I pull a thread loose, another appears to take her place.”
“Petal,“ Yunho takes a concerned step towards you again, nothing but sorrow pulling at his features.
“Do you think I’m not terrified to wake up every morning, only to discover that this has all been some elaborate fabrication that she has made in my mind to continue torturing me with?” Your admission has them all freezing in their spots, tears beginning to fall freely down all of their faces. “I never want another person to experience even an ounce of pain that she made me suffer through, and now Jongho could fucking die because of my mistake!”
“Don’t make his sacrifice into something horrific.” Mingi shakes his head, voice barely above a whisper as he attempts to reign in his emotions for the moment. “He would have done what any of us would have in that situation.”
“That’s exactly my point!” You raise your hand a bit exasperatedly in the air. “You cannot avoid the truth that’s always been right in front of you. That’s not fair at all.”
“You think that it’s fair to Wooyoung that you avoid the dance studio because of what she did to you in it?” Yeosang’s voice cutting through the darkness of the room surprises even you. He keeps it steady, watching you with a cautious gaze the whole time.
The aforementioned male remains quiet, a new sense of stillness travelling through the room as Wooyoung suddenly avoids your gaze when you look to him.
“Do you think it’s fair to Seonghwa that you do the same to his tailor shop?” Yeosang adds lowly. San places his hand onto the elder’s shoulder in worry, but Yeosang just shrugs him off before continuing. “You haven’t even looked at the art room or the garden since everything happened. Do you think that’s fair to Yunho? To Hongjoong?”
Yunho’s own worried protest gets cut off by the aforementioned male.
“You haven’t even touched the piano since that day at your parents house,” he continues, keeping his tone steady as he watches you physically trembling before his very eyes. He can tell that you’re doing whatever you can to hold yourself together at this point in time, but you’re simply a moment from falling apart. “Do you think doing something this reckless will reclaim those parts of yourself that you lost? Have you even tried getting them back?”
A brief silence.
“Maybe I don’t want them back.” Your voice is barely above a whisper, yet you fail to realize exactly how your words sound to everyone in that room.
Reina’s eyes are wide as she watches the crestfallen expressions overtake each male’s face. He gaze darts around the room, noticing how nearly all of them barely keep themselves together, whole bodies shaking as the two tallest males fall to their knees.
The sound of the slap reaches your ears before you feel the harsh stinging on your cheek. 
A gasp of surprise escapes Sudaem, her hands coming up to cover her mouth in shock as she stares at the scene before her. Reina’s hand still rests in the air, your head turned harshly to the side as several low warning growls resonate throughout the room.
No matter what the circumstances might be, you are still their Queen, and they will do whatever they can to protect you.
Little do any of you see the way Jongho’s fingers twitch subtly in his sleep.
“How dare you fucking say that in front of me.” Reina’s voice is low as she pulls you upright and holds you firmly at arms length. “Do you even know how that sounded? Directed at them of all people? Pull yourself together. Now is not the time to be arguing about this. You said it yourself, time is of the utmost essence! Sudaem has been trying to tell you all something for the past ten minutes. So, pull your head out of your ass, and stop being a selfish, heartless crab!”
This seems to snap you out of your angry stupor, blinking at your best friend a few times to clear your head. Only, just as you begin to nod along with her words, Reina is torn from you, being pinned to the wall by her throat.
“Don’t you ever speak to My Divine like that again.” Seonghwa’s voice is low as he leans into her, nothing but a harsh whisper on his lips. The eldest looks completely crazed right now, tears streaking down his cheek as his eyes flash in warning.
“Raise your hand against Our Queen like that again, friend or not, and it will be the last thing you ever do.” Wooyoung seethes, gaze pitch black as he stands just behind the eldest for the moment.
“Seonghwa, Wooyoung,” you manage to step over to them, pulling them away from Reina in an instant. “She’s right.” 
Your best friend crumples to the floor, coughing slightly as she attempts to catch her breath.
Turning to face all of the males once more, your shoulders deflate. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”
“We can talk about it later,” Yunho’s voice is soft as he helps Mingi back to his feet. “Okay, Petal?”
A small nod is all he receives in response.
“Geez! You weren’t kidding when you said they’re extremely over protective.” She wheezes, using you as a support as you help her back to her feet.
“You were the one brave enough to slap me in front of them.” You chuckle, feeling all of their eyes on you.
“More like stupid enough.” A weak smile tugs at her lips as she leans on you for the moment. She lets out a chuckle of her own, teasingly nudging your side. “Well, stupid is as stupid does.”
“She’s slapped you before?” There’s a hint of irritation in Mingi’s voice when he says this, head tilting forward the slightest bit in disbelief.
“We’ve been roughhousing since we’ve been young.” You shrug. “She’s the only one allowed to slap me, and I’m the only one allowed to slap her. Only when we’re being ridiculous, of course.”
“She still hurt you.” San stands tense across the room, hands balled into fists at his sides.
“Because I was hurting you.” You meet his gaze briefly before turning back to face Sudaem. “My apologies, you were going to say?”
The gorgon straightens a bit in her spot, clearing her throat as she feels everyone’s eyes on her. Nervously, she shifts from foot to foot, her snakes falling silent around her as their tongues flick out to scent the tension slowly dissipating from the air.
“I was just going to say,” she looks to you, “this isn’t our only option.”
Your brow furrows. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, there’s another spell that will put you under, and enable you to walk through the veil without having to use the ‘Veil of the Hypnos’ curse.” She explains.
“Then, what are we waiting for?” You take an eager step forward.
“Petal, we need to talk about this,” Yunho’s worried voice reaches your ears, the events of the past ten minutes still swirling through his mind.
“Hang on a moment, I’m not done,” Sudaem raises a hand in the air in a halting motion. “This one does indeed have a time limit, and you cannot wander too far from your body lest you actually wind up lost in the veil forever.”
You swear you see Mingi pulling out his hair again just as Wooyoung turns around with an exasperated huff.
“There’s no winning with this, is there?” Hongjoong sighs, shaking his head.
“How does it work?” You motion for Sudaem to continue.
“Well, again, since you’re connected, you would have the best chance of finding him if put under.” She begins. “Your mind would essentially be transported to the space between realms and set to wander freely for about five minutes. Then, we’d have to pull you and whoever you’re holding on to back out. At least this way we guarantee you won’t die on contact from the initial casting of the spell.”
“And if I can’t find him?” You spare a glance at all of them around the room. “What then?”
“Then, we’ll take it from there.” Seonghwa sighs, running a hand through his hair.
Your lips tighten into a thin line, turning back to face Sudaem as your thoughts race. Shifting, you rest a hand on top of the dresser to support yourself with as you look down at the ground. Blinking a few times, you think everything over.
“This all has to do with the mind being separated from the body, right?” You spare a glance at Sudaem.
“In a way, yes.” She confirms. “The body cannot live without the mind.”
“What if the mind had a physical attachment to this realm? Would that give me more time? Would it make the spell easier?” You meet her gaze, and you know she can see the gears turning in your mind.
“It’s possible, but I’m not sure.” Sudaem replies honestly. “It might make it easier when you get called back to your body, though. You’d have a direct path back to it, no matter how far you were.”
You nod your understanding, turning to face the several males standing off to the side once more. One brush against all of their strings lets them know exactly what you’re thinking.
The several males share a look.
“We don’t like this, but at least it’s a better option than the other one.” Yunho crosses his arms over his chest.
“We’d rather it be one of us that goes under.” San adds, lifting his head to meet your gaze.
“There are things worse than just mist floating around inside the veil.” Seonghwa breathes out, somewhat shakily.
“Then, I’ll be quick. If anything happens, I’ll tug back so you know to pull me out right away.” You state rather firmly, turning back to face Sudaem. “What do I need to do?”
Sudaem spares a glance around the room, the faintest hint of apology on her features as she meets the King’s gazes. Then, taking a deep breath, she begins.
Which is exactly how you find yourself sitting on the edge of Jongho’s bed, his hand held tightly in yours not even five minutes later.
“We’re going to need more of your blood.” Sudaem holds that brass bowl in her hands once more.
Mingi, Wooyoung, and San all curse under their breaths.
“I will gladly bleed again,” you state, rather firmly. “I will bleed as many times as it takes to ensure that this works, and he comes back to us. It’s what I would do for any of you, and I know you would all do the same for me.”
Any words of protest that had been building on their lips fail, frustrated looks of understanding passing over their features. You’re right, and even though they don’t particularly like this, they’ll deal with it. They have to.
Again, it’s Hongjoong that gently slits your skin, taking your pain and making sure to heal you as soon as possible. This time, though, Sudaem paints a symbol over the back of your hand, mirroring it on Jongho’s as his is still held firmly in your own.
Softly, you brush up against that maroon string in your mind before grabbing ahold of it as tightly as you can. This string will be your lifeline to him, and you hope beyond everything that your theory of it guiding you to him is correct.
A second later, you feel the rest of the guys doing the same to you. You don’t even need to look at any of them to sense the worry and slight hesitation that they all have lingering in their thoughts, for you sense it loud and clear through the mind links.
They move in closer.
“You’ll have just over five minutes if this all goes well.” Sudaem tells you, moving over to stand beside Reina who holds the one spell book in her hands.
“Angel, are you sure about this?” Wooyoung’s frantic voice reaches your ears, and you can see the concern still clear as day in his gaze as he looks at you.
“Positive.” You nod, and despite the shakiness to your breath, you believe that this will work.
“Any sign of danger, and you immediately contact us to pull you out.” San reiterates, cupping your cheek and forcing you to meet his gaze. “Okay, Baby?”
“Okay,” you nod your understanding, briefly leaning into his touch before turning away from him.
“We’re right here, Petal.” Yunho steps closer, sitting beside you on the bed and placing a hand onto your back in comfort.
You smile. “I know.”
Lovingly, you brush against their strings. Although it’s slight, you can just tell how much that simple notion helps them to relax.
Lifting your head, you turn to glance at both Sudaem and Reina. “I’m ready.”
Two nods from either female greet you in response. 
“Remember, send a pulse through the bond after every minute that passes so I know how much time has elapsed, and that I have left.” You spare a glance at them out of the corner of your eyes. “After the fifth one, if I don’t tug back immediately, wait fifteen seconds, and then pull me out.”
Nods of understanding are seen around the room from all of them, and you notice how Yeosang comes to kneel beside you. A blink, and he’s grabbing your free hand into his own, clinging to you for dear life. You don’t even have to look at him to know how worried he is. Not only that, but how remorseful he is for the way he spoke to you. The sorrow is written all over his face.
He will never forgive himself if they can’t pull you back out. The last thing he wants is for your final memory of him to be his harsh tone reminding you of your own trauma responses. He knows it wasn’t right of him to say those things and make you feel worse than you probably already do. Especially right now.
“Let’s do this.” Determination shines in your eyes as you look down at Jongho resting on the bed. Silently, you tug on that maroon string connecting your mind to his, sending reassuring thoughts his way.
I’m coming, Baby Bear. You swallow, somewhat nervously. Wait for me.
Not even a moment later, Reina begins immediately focusing on the page before her, while Sudaem holds that bowl close by. Softly, Reina begins chanting, her eyes beginning to glow white as power surges through the room. You can feel the mark on the back of your hand beginning to burn, and when you look down, it begins to glow a deep red. Again, a breeze picks up throughout the room, shifting the flames as shadows dance along the walls.
Then comes the silence, followed immediately by the darkness of all of the candles going out once more.
A blink and the flames are reignited.
“Did it work?” Hesitantly, Reina glances around the room.
All eyes are drawn to the bed where they see your limp body resting in Yunho’s arms. Your eyes are closed, and the symbol drawn in your blood glows faintly. Luckily, your chest seems to rise and fall steadily in even breaths. Faintly, all of the males in the room brush against your mind, holding onto that connection for dear life.
Your five minutes start now.
The first thing you notice when you go under is how light your body suddenly feels. It’s as if you’re floating upon a cloud, swaying gently with the breeze.
Your brow furrows, and groggily, you begin to blink your eyes open. Slowly, you begin to stand.
Fog surrounds you on all sides, a bright light shining from behind you. Turning reveals a faint archway, multiple colours streaming through the pale golden light. Familiar colours which seem to stretch out and attach themselves to you.
Sparing a glance down, you nearly jump back in surprise.
There, resting peacefully on the ground, is your sleeping body. You notice your arm stretched out to the side, and following the path it makes reveals Jongho’s body laying directly beside yours. Your fingers are intertwined, a faint red glow emanating from your hands.
At least you have a marker to make it back to.
Backing up slightly, you watch as those colours stretching out from the archway move with you. A moment later, and they seem to pulse with movement.
Your eyes widen in understanding. A minute has already passed.
Turning around to face the vast expanse before you, you attempt to peer through the fog. The faintest outlines of a maroon line can be seen in one direction, and you cling harder to that string in your mind.
Gently, you give it a small tug.
Something roars in the distance, and you feel your blood run cold. Whipping your head from side to side, you fail to see anything close by. Yet, that doesn’t prevent you from putting one foot in front of the other quickly in order to begin following that faint maroon line further into the mist.
The only sounds that reach your ears are that of your breathing, and the constant repetition of your feet scraping along the ground. Frantically, your eyes dart around you in search of any signs of movement, or shapes through the mist. You have a creeping feeling of being watched, and you know to trust your instincts for the moment, especially when in a place like this.
Feeling the second brush against your mind, you quicken your pace. Again, you tug lightly on that maroon string, and this time, a low growl sounds in the area, much closer than before.
You follow it.
“Come on, Baby Bear,” you mutter, eyes desperately scanning the mist for something. Anything. “Where are you?”
With every step you take, you notice that faint maroon line becoming brighter and brighter. The fog seems to be thinning too, and you can begin to make out faint shapes in the distance. One seems to be much large than the three surrounding it, and as you get closer, you begin to see corpses of… things lining the ground.
Limbs are twisted in odd angles, black blood splattered against the pale grey ground. These things appear creature like in shape, some having leather wings like bats, while others are more dog like, but they’re all about the same size. Not to mention they all seem to be that same pale grey colour as their surroundings.
Just as you feel that third brush against your mind, you see them.
A large brown grizzly bear fends off the last three of these creatures. One gets trapped in his maw, while another is torn apart by his claws. The last creature manages to jump on his back, sinking it’s own claws into his skin as he cries out in pain. Only, the bear manages to roll over quickly, crushing the smaller creature beneath its tremendous weight.
He stands back to his feet as he shakes out his fur, starting with his head.
You’d recognize that movement anywhere, and before you can stop yourself, you begin sprinting towards him. Another frantic tug is given to that maroon string and you watch as that bear lifts its head in your direction almost instantly.
Warm, brown eyes meet your gaze, and you swear you see that maroon line leading directly to him light up with a vibrance unlike ever before. In a few bounds, he’s reached you, nuzzling his snout into your neck and stepping in as close to you as he can.
What are you doing here? His voice sounds a little frantically inside of your mind, and you physically breathe a sigh of relief.
I came to get you. You brush your hands over the top of his head tenderly, wrapping your arms around his neck and practically sinking into his soft form.
It’s dangerous here. You shouldn’t be-
Neither should you! You immediately cut him off, pulling away to stare deeply into his eyes.
The fourth brush is felt against your mind.
We need to hurry back, I only have a minute left before they pull us out. You motion behind you with your head.
How do you know which way you’re going? I’ve been lost in here for days. The furrow of his brow is clear, even while in his bear form.
You smile. I’ve got my lights to guide me home.
Instantly, you picture connecting his string to all of his brothers inside of your mind, and the way you feel the land around you begin to tremble lets you know that they’ve all felt it. Only, you have less than a minute to make it back to your bodies before they’re pulling you out.
Subtly, you notice Jongho’s eyes glance over to the low glow of the colours attached to your form. Bending down, he motions for you to craw onto his back. 
Hop on.
Without hesitation, you do.
Jongho immediately takes off into the fog, chasing those colours that drift through the air and connect you to all of them back home.
A warning screech echoes in the distance and you hear Jongho curse lowly.
Stay low to my back, the ones with wings are ruthless. He instructs, picking up his pace the slightest bit.
You do as told, clinging to his fur for dear life as Jongho races through the mist and back to that bright archway that begins to shine faintly in the distance. Luckily, you don’t see anything chasing you, but you know better than that. The faint flapping of wings, and pounding of feet upon the ground behind you lets you know that more of those creatures are giving chase, and they don’t seem to be relenting anytime soon.
With each passing second, you can see that archway getting closer and closer. Faintly, the outlines of your bodies can be seen laying on the ground, not having moved a single inch since you left them there about four and a half minutes ago. In fact, you’re positive that fifth brush will be coming at any moment now. You just hope you can both make it in time.
The second you feel that fifth brush against your mind, you go tumbling from Jongho’s back mere feet away from your body.
A frantic call of your name is heard above the hissing surrounding you, feeling pain erupt on your arms as claws dig into your flesh.
Blinking up at the creature, you see a sight that tears a shriek from your lips. It has no face, except for a jagged slit of a mouth where its chin should be. Rows upon rows of razor sharp teeth greet you as its lips pull back in a what appears to be a gleeful grin. Leathery wings protrude from its arms, it’s claws pinning you in place on the ground as your blood spills from your wounds.
The faintest hissing of the word ‘human’ on the air draws your attention. A horrid hissing that is filled with excitement the more it echoes around you by varying creatures, all of whom begin to step out of the fog and surround the two of you endlessly.
A blink, and the creature is swiped from above you, being torn in half by Jongho’s claws.
You can feel your heartbeat in your ears, blood rushing through your veins as you roll over quickly to avoid another dog-like creature pouncing on top of you. Luckily, you roll right into your own side, eyes wide as you see Jongho a mere foot from you.
A frantic call of his name escapes your lips as you reach out to him, knowing you only have mere seconds before you’re pulled out of this veil and back to reality. So, you fight with everything that you are to hold on for as long as you can. Until you can feel his hand in your own.
It’s as if the word around you moves in slow motion. You begin to feel an unfamiliar tug at your mind, pulling you backwards through the archway by your head. It’s as if a hook has been placed right behind your forehead, jerking you backwards unforgivingly as Jongho shifts back into his human form. Desperately, he reaches out to you and his own body with each of his hands, fingers just brushing against your own. 
At the same time, the creatures surrounding you all lunge. Snarls sound all around you as they attempt to reach you before you can escape, hissing about not letting such a delicacy leave.
The last thing you see is a wall of creatures swarming you as you pass through the veil. You experience a brief feeling of falling, your hand tightening around something warm as you sink into the abyss surrounding you.
You close your eyes.
A gasp escapes you as your whole body jerks upwards in Yunho’s arms. Blinking a few times, you clear your vision, noticing how you seem to have slid off of the side of the bed and onto the floor. Still, Jongho’s hand in held in your own.
Your breathing is frantic as you heave air into your burning lungs, head turning every which way to gather your bearings. Yeosang rests beside you, clinging onto your opposite hand as he presses it to his forehead. The chest your back is pressed against belongs to Yunho, and you notice the others surrounding you with looks of complete worry on their features.
Your whole body aches, but you force yourself back onto the bed, much to their discontent.
“Dearest,” Yeosang reaches out to you, brushing one of his thumbs near your chin.
You shrug him off, glancing a hint of red now lining his skin.
Breaking your hold on his hand, you wipe at you nose. Pulling away reveals your own blood, and you begin to wonder just how long your nose has been bleeding for.
No wonder they all look so worried.
“Are you okay?” Hongjoong kneels in beside Yeosang, placing a gentle hand onto your thigh. Though, with how badly you feel him shaking against you, you cannot tell if it’s more for him or for you at this point.
You nod, turning to face Jongho on the bed.
“I had him.” Your voice is no more than a whisper, tears leaking out of your eyes as you look down to see him still in that calm state of sleep. “He was right there.”
You practically collapse on top of him, sobs wracking your entire body as you pull your intertwined hands up to your chest. It’s faint, but you swear you feel his fingers tighten against your own.
The room is quiet around you, but it seems somewhat brighter than before. Someone must have opened the curtains to let the natural light of day in around you. It’s warm, and you swear you can feel a ray of sunlight shining directly onto your cheek as you keep your eyes closed for the moment. Warmth of which is mirrored in the way a hand tenderly caresses the back of your head.
“My Darling,” a rough voice, strained from lack of use over the past day and a half, reaches your ears. “Why are you crying?”
Your whole body freezes, breath catching in your throat as your heart skips a beat inside of your chest. Tentatively, you shift your head, peering up at him through tears which blur your vision.
A blink, and they clear, falling upon your cheeks like rain against a windowpane.
Your lower lip quivers as you watch him sit up with you in his arms, his warm, brown eyes searching your face carefully. His hand that had been gently cradling the back of your head shifts to cup the side of your face tenderly, brushing away your tears with his thumb.
A moment of stillness travels throughout the room.
In the blink of an eye, you’ve fully collapsed into his arms, a fresh round of sobs tearing from your throat. Your whole body shakes as apologies fall endlessly from your lips, hands desperately clinging onto him as if he may disappear again at any given moment.
Softly, he shushes you, cooing gentle reassurances in your ear as he rocks you back and forth while in his arms.
“I’m okay.” He keeps his voice low, holding you to him as desperately as you cling onto him. “You’re not at fault.” Your breath hitches. “You’re not at fault.”
You sob harder.
“We’ll be in the foyer.” Reina’s soft voice reaches your ears, and you assume she’s guiding both herself and Sudaem out of the room to give you all some privacy.
More apologies fall from your lips a you bury your face into the side of Jongho’s neck. With your void down for the moment due to the requirements of the spell, they can all tell that you’re no longer just apologizing to the youngest anymore, but to all of them. Yourself included.
“It’s alright, Darling.” Jongho strokes a hand tenderly down your spine as his brothers all come to sit around the edges of his bed. “I’m here now. I’m not going anywhere.”
“It’s good to have you back.” Yunho nods once, quite firmly, at his younger brother. His voice is strained, and it’s not just from seeing you in such a fragile state yet again.
Jongho smiles faintly. “It’s good to be back.”
Desperately, your hands cling to the front of his shirt.
“I should have listened to you,” you’re babbling at this point, but you don’t care. “I didn’t think-“ a sharp, stuttering inhale, “you almost died because of me.”
“Hey, hey,” Jongho grabs you gently by your cheeks, pulling you away from him so you can meet your gaze. “Stop that right now. I know how worried you were about your sister. Do you not think I’ve experienced that same worry when you are threatened?” He rests his forehead against your own, staring deeply into you eyes. “It is not your fault.”
“No ‘but’s!” He places a finger against your lips, soon beginning to wipe away the dried blood with the edge of his blanket. “I wanted to help you, to protect you, and I would gladly do it all over again in a heartbeat.”
You fall silent, fingers curling the slightest bit tighter against his shirt.
“I thought…” you squeeze your eyes shut.
A brief look is shared with his brothers around him, and his heart squeezes painfully as they divulge with him their memories of the final moments before, and shortly after, he succumbed to the spell.
Jongho’s grip tightens around your body, his voice low, “My Darling, you know I could never blame you for this.”
Your breath hitches in your throat once more.
“You are not at fault.” He breathes. “I sincerely apologize that I ever made you believe that you were.”
You shake your head, sniffling all the while.
“But I did, Darling.” He rests his chin on your shoulder. “I hurt you when you were in such a fragile state, and now you won’t stop blaming yourself for something that was completely out of your control. If anyone is to blame, it’s that fucking bitch.”
Low growls of agreement sound from around the bed.
Slowly, you begin to calm down, yet all you can do is nod your head.
“What-“ Jongho’s breath catches in his throat, “what happened while I was out?”
The whole time his brothers share with him their memories of the past thirty-three hours or so, Jongho sits on his bed completely still. You swear that he’s stopped breathing all together, his chest barely rising and falling as you continue to cling onto him for dear life.
The second you feel something wet land on your shoulder, you pull away to stare into his eyes.
Tears stream endlessly down his face, a look full of nothing but painful sorrow resting on his features.
“You-“ his voice trembles, and he can barely get the words out. “You fell.”
Again, you attempt to shake your head, “no-“
“You fell because of me.” Utter devastation suffocates his very soul, guilt beginning to rise and crush his heart from the inside out.
“It was a misunderstanding.” Your hands now rest on his shoulders as you sit in his lap, your legs resting on either side of him.
“My Darling, I am so sorry-“
“You have nothing to apologize for.” Your voice is firm as you cut him off.
“Neither do you.” He responds without a second of hesitation.
You fall silent for a moment, blinking shamefully as you avert your gaze. “Yes, I do.”
Finally, you turn to face the other seven males still in the room with you. Luckily, Jongho settles you between his legs, wrapping his arms around your waist and holding you to his chest for support.
Glancing upwards, you look around at the males before you.
“I apologize for what I said earlier.” Your voice trembles the slightest bit with the weight of your emotions. “I didn’t mean those words to come out the way they had, but they did. I shouldn’t have kept everything bottled up for so long inside. I should have told you, and I should have considered your own feelings towards the matter.”
“Baby,” San’s worried voice reaches your ears, his eyebrows drooping as he watches you avert your gaze to your hands.
“I should have been more honest with you all about how I was feeling.” Your thumbs begin to nervously rub over one another. “I never meant to hurt any of you.”
The males all share a brief look.
“We were all in the wrong.” Hongjoong says, words barely above a whisper. “We should have known you were barely holding it together all this time.”
“How can you know if I don’t tell you?” You exhale a low breath, allowing your eyes to flutter shut.
“Dearest,” Yeosang goes to reach out for you before stopping himself. Almost shamefully, he retracts his hand. “I apologize for what I said to you. It wasn’t the time, nor place to dump that on you, nor was it right of me to do so.”
“But you were right.” You spare a glance upwards to see Yeosang staring down at his own hands. “By avoiding reminders of her, I had inadvertently been avoiding all of you. That’s not fair to any of you, or what each of those spaces mean to us, and I apologize that it took me this long to realize that.”
“We weren’t lying to you when we said that we would get through this together,” Wooyoung cracks a small, hesitant smile in your direction.
Softly, you nod, wiping at your eyes all the while. “I was so focused on my own trauma, I neglected your own.”
“We all deal with things in different ways.” Mingi clears his throat, bringing a hand up to dry his tears.
“That’s no excuse for what I did.” You reply. “For what I said.”
“You were right, though.” Seonghwa swallows thickly. “If that was you, we would have done whatever it takes to get you back. Consequences be damned.”
Jongho squeezes your waist slightly, assuring you that his brother speaks nothing but the truth.
“Aren’t we all a great pair,” you chuckle teasingly. “Letting our emotions always control us.”
A snort is heard from Wooyoung. “Maybe not always.”
Even his brothers shoot him playfully incredulous looks.
“Only when it comes to each other,” Hongjoong sighs, somewhat wistfully as he finally stands back to his feet.
“If you start having doubts again, or anything of the sort, you tell us right away, Baby.” San meets your gaze, a somewhat firm look shining behind his eyes. “Okay?”
“The same goes for me with all of you,” you take the time to look around at all of them once more, seeing them smile softly at you in response.
“You do not have to suffer alone, Petal,” Yunho smiles assuringly in your direction. “Your worries do not burden us at all.”
You nod, shifting off of the bed with the help of Mingi and Seonghwa.
“I guess some habits are just that hard to break.” You sigh.
“Baby steps, My Love,” Hongjoong moves over to the door, a gentle smile tugging at his features as he looks back at you. “Baby steps.”
Wiping at your eyes a final time to ensure there’s no more evidence of your tears, you begin to exit Jongho’s room. You don’t even need to look their way to know that they all follow closely behind you.
Breaching the foyer, you see both Sudaem and Reina conversing softly on one of the front couches. Both spell books rest closed on the table before them. However, as soon as Sudaem senses you, she’s hopping up from the couch, he snakes shifting almost bashfully over her head.
Her gaze darts to Jongho just off to your left. “I’m glad to see you well again, King Jongho.”
Reina stands, a small quirk to her brow.
Without wasting another moment, you walk directly over to the two women and wrap them in your arms.
“Thank you.” Your voice is low, nothing but raw gratitude seeping from your tone. “For everything.”
Softly, you feel Sudaem rubbing your back while Reina pats you gently.
“I’m glad I could help.” Sudaem whispers, pulling away to stare deeply into your eyes. “If you ever need anything else, you know where to find me.”
“I appreciate that,” you smile, nodding as you step away to give them both some space. “Know that the sentiment is shared.”
“Anyways, I best be going now,” Sudaem shuffles slightly on her feet, reaching over to grab her spell book from the coffee table that rests beside her. “I wouldn’t want to overstay my welcome.”
“Wait, how will I be able to contact you for lessons?” Reina’s eyes widen ever so slightly, and you recognize that almost desperate look shining within anywhere.
The corner of your lips quirk upwards knowingly.
“If you ever need me, send word with Stella.” Sudaem smiles, and you watch as Reina nearly swoons.
“Okay,” she nods, quite enthusiastically.
“It was lovely meeting you!” Sudaem directs the comment towards your best friend as she waves goodbye, her snakes hissing happily.
“You, too!” Reina waves back as Sudaem walks over to the guys for the moment.
“Uh, would it be okay if one of you-“
“Already on it,” Yunho smiles lightly at the gorgon, teleporting her back to her own domain in an instant. In a blink, he’s returns, straightening out the front of his shirt slightly.
“So,” you wiggle your brow teasingly at Reina, “Sudaem, huh?”
“Shut up.” Reina grumbles, pushing you playfully.
“She’s sweet, isn’t she?” A knowing smirk tugs at your lips as you watch your best friend avert her gaze somewhat bashfully.
“So,” Reina clears her throat, composing herself a bit better for the moment, “introductions now, or later?”
You motion to the guys with your hand, letting them decide for themselves if they’d like to introduce each other to your best friend. Your void has long since been back up, so you take the time to brush against their minds now.
Immediately, they all brush back.
“I think introductions are a great idea,” Hongjoong says, a small quirk to his lips. “After all, you helped save our brother.”
She nods, a kind look resting on her features as they all incline their heads to her in thanks.
“Hang on a second,” you lift a hand once more in a halting motion as you look at Reina. “How did you know that Yeo was what he was when he dropped me off?”
“I’ve seen portraits,” she shrugs, “but I didn’t know their names. My gran was adamant about not,” she clears her throat, nose scrunching as she prepares to imitate her grandmother, “incurring the wrath of the Eight Kings by invoking their names.”
You can’t help it, an amused snort escapes you.
“So, I recognized him, but I didn’t know which one he was until you told me his name.” She explains, to which you nod your head. “I am very interested to learn which ones are which based off of what you told me.”
Just then, a loud mewl is heard from the hallway leading to your room. A loud gasp is escaping Reina’s lips as a black cat struts into the room, tail flicking back and forth eagerly in the air.
“Is that Kuroo?” Her lips part, an excited smile pulling at her features.
Softly, Kuroo weaves his way through all of your legs, brushing languidly against both yours and Mingi’s the longest. A moment later, and he’s trotting over to Reina who bends down to extend her hand out to him. Cautiously, he sniffs at her fingers before beginning to rub his face all over her.
Giggling, she begins to scratch at his head, Kuroo beginning to purr loudly all the while.
“Well, aren’t you just the handsomest man of the hour.” She coos, chuckling as Kuroo chirps back happily in response.
“Oh, no, don’t say that.” Wooyoung sighs, almost exasperatedly. “It’ll go straight to his already overinflated head.”
“But he’s so cute!” She coos, picking him up to hold him in her arms. “And fluffy!”
A content mewl greets all of you in response.
“Kuroo is Sammy two-point-oh.” You say, watching as understanding passes over Reina’s features. “Just less of a troublemaker.”
“Ah,” she nods, rocking him gently in her arms, “I see.”
Softly, she begins cooing at him once more, and you can just tell that he’s just loving every second of it.
“Okay, so,” you quirk a brow, “introductions?”
“Oh, wait,” Reina’s lip quirks mischievously in the corner, “can I guess?”
You snort out a laugh, gaze darting to the males beside you who shrug nonchalantly. “Be my guest.”
“Hang on, there’s actually one of you who I’ve been dying to know whom is who since she told me.” She admits, eyes scanning over all of them. “I know him,” she motions to Yeosang with her chin seeing as she holds onto Kuroo for the moment, “but which one of you is Yunho, the painter?”
Said male’s brows raise slightly in amusement, waving his hand to indicate that he is who she’s looking for.
“I would give you a thumbs up, but my hands are full,” she chuckles. “Either way, nice.” An approving nod is sent his way. “So far, you’re my favourite.”
The looks all several of his brothers send him in mild disbelief has a laugh falling from your lips.
“It was the portrait, wasn’t it?” You turn to look at Reina, a grin tugging at your features.
“Literally, why isn’t it hanging right there?” She shifts Kuroo over to her one arm, motioning to the central wall behind the front desk. “Guy paints what is presumably the most beautiful portrait of a gorgeous lady you’re all in love with, and you can’t even display it in your front foyer?”
Reina tuts, shaking her head teasingly.
“Don’t give them any ideas,” you whisper lowly.
Mingi tilts his head slightly in acknowledgment. “She does have a point.”
“See!” Reina replies, somewhat exasperatedly. “The cat dad understands!”
“Cat dad?” Mingi quirks a brow.
“Are you not Mingi? The one who got this little rascal for her?” Reina pats Kuroo lightly on the butt, receiving a small whine from the cat in response.
“I am.” He confirms. “How did you-“
“He rubbed against you the longest out of all of you,” she blinks, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. In the next moment, she pulls the cat away to brush her nose against his own, a teasing lilt to her voice, “besides his mommy.”
A hand comes up to muffle your laughter as you hear Kuroo complaining loudly. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he’s embarrassed. He jumps down from Reina’s hold quite quickly after that, strutting away back down the hallway and towards you room.
You walk over to Reina, flinging an arm around her shoulders as you lean on her teasingly for support.
“Okay, so,” you grin, “You technically know four of them.”
“That I do,” she hums, gaze briefly darting over to meet Jongho’s. She sends him a polite smile, noticing how he nods briefly back. “Let’s see, we’ve got the cook, the dancer, the tailor, and the one who should have told you he liked playing with knives sooner.”
At her words, Hongjoong’s eyebrow twitches.
“Ah-ha!” She points at him, a knowing smirk tugging at her lips. “So, you’re the one she got with the steak knife.”
A snort of laughter is heard from Wooyoung at this, and even Yeosang, San, and Mingi all have a hard time suppressing their chuckles.
“You’re lucky, then,” Reina continues, a devious look shining behind her eyes as he quirks a brow. Despite your attempts to stop her, she holds you off from covering her mouth. “Normally, she just threatens to stab you instead.”
“Reina,” your voice is a bit exasperated as you whine out her name.
Despite the fact that they all quirk their brows in some way, Wooyoung looks the most visibly eager to learn more.
“What else does she threaten to do to people?” He leans the slightest bit forward, excitement gleaming in his gaze. Though, he knows that he’s not the only one dying to know.
“Well, not so much actually threaten, but she has very vivid rants about certain people.” Reina hums knowingly. “My ex is one of them.”
“Yeah, well,” you turn to look at her. “He deserves to get his dick ripped off and shoved down his throat for what he did to you.”
“Case in point,” Reina chuckles knowingly, motioning to you beside her with her hand. “Though, I’d say that was one of your more tamer ones. Wouldn’t you?”
You shrug lightly, a slight hum escaping you.
“Anyways,” she turns her attention back to the three remaining males she’s yet to identify. “I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that you’re the dancer,” she points at San, “he’s handsy,” she points to Wooyoung, “and you’re the ‘pretty boy’.”
Seonghwa’s eyes look as if they’re ready to fall out of his head for the second time that day as both Wooyoung and you burst out laughing.
“Oh, you were doing so well, too.” You pat her on the back.
Lowly, Seonghwa begins to grumble about being referred to as handsy once more, crossing his arms over his chest. A large pout tugs at his features all the while as his brothers all chuckle around him.
“It was one time!” He frowns.
“Oh, it was more than once,” the corner of your lips quirk upwards in a knowing grin. At the way his pout deepens, you’re quick to add, “I never said I didn’t like it.”
“Ew!” Reina slaps your arm teasingly. “There are children present!”
“Children?” Yeosang quirks an amused brow.
“Yeah,” Reina snorts. “Me!”
“Oh, please,” you roll your eyes. “Who was it that called me to drive her to the ER because she got her-“
A hand is slapped over your mouth quite suddenly, a nervous chuckle escaping her lips. Not even a moment later, her face is contorting in disgust as she pulls her hand away, wiping her palm on your sleeve, seeing as you licked her.
“You are gross.” She sticks her tongue out at you.
“You love it.” You playfully bat your eyelashes at her in response.
“Yeah, yeah,” teasingly, she gives you a light shove while rolling her eyes.
None of the males across from you can prevent the way loving smiles pull at their features as they watch you interact with you best friend. It seems as if the more time you spend with her, the more you relax. A fact of which they could not be happier about. Besides, you seem to be having fun.
“Anyways, you’re half right about Woo being handsy number two, though,” you motion to the aforementioned male with your chin.
“Hey!” He whines, a dramatic pout tugging at his features.
“You’re still in second place, Sunshine.” You grin fondly, mirth dancing behind your gaze as you meet his own.
“Oh, damn,” Reina says. “I really screwed up at the end there.”
“You were off by one each, if you rotated them to the left,” you pat her back assuringly.
“My bad,” she smiles somewhat nervously.
“At least you didn’t say Mingi was the cook,” San grins, his eyes crinkling at the sides.
“Hey!” Said male whines.
“To be fair, I thought he was handsy at first,” Reina shrugs.
Yunho immediately bursts out laughing, slapping Mingi on his back as the younger male begins to turn bright red.
“He definitely could be,” Hongjoong sighs, shaking his head somewhat fondly.
“If you think I’m bad with my fantasies…” Wooyoung trails off, immediately taking off down the hallway as the elder male begins to chase after him.
Reina laughs, looping her arm around your waist. “I can tell it’s never a dull moment with these guys.”
“You have no idea.” You smile lovingly at them, seeing the way Kuroo now chases after Wooyoung, too, with Mingi in tow.
“Well, now that that’s settled,” she turns her head to you, a mischievous gleam in her eyes. “Wanna give me a tour of the house?”
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lundenloves · 1 year
welcome to my projection.
i write sometimes. it’s primarily just to pass the time instead of moping around my room like a lazy bastard but hey-ho, some people seem to gravitate towards the nonsense i write. british comedies by the looks of it *hitting my chest with pride* humour me or i’ll fall into another spiral ‼️
all works listed are owned by me unless stated otherwise, do not copy or use any of my material as your own. minors do not interact. also take note that everything i write is fictional.
→ request info | taglist
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→ couples counselling one 1.4k | two 2.4k | f!oc | angst, mentions of sex although nothing explicit
[ aleta and javier peña have been married for ten years, only now do they realise love isn’t reciprocated between them anymore. ]
→ home comforts req | 1k | gn!reader
[ you're struggling to cope after the DEA. fortunately, your partner is there to help you. even with awful jokes. ]
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→ dad!simon masterlist
[ where you’ll find your favourite big broody man turning a page in this fatherhood bollocks. a journey. you may even get emotional but don't blame me. thanks. ]
→ ¹ when it rains, it pours smut 6.3k | f!oc
[ after relentless drunken encouragement from 141, simon riley decides to take a girl home whom he's caught eyes with a few too many times. what he doesn't expect however, are the unknown feelings in his chest after her simple acts of affection and pleasure he was always deprived of. ]
→ ² pouring through rainfall part two of the above | 3.4k
[ thea and simon meet again, their year told through seasons and summarised to the ending we all wanted. ]
→ therapy session 2.5k
[ mandatory therapy at base as set by price. simon is not for it, uncooperative mf with glares and the lot featuring a price cameo omg ]
→ johnny's scene 1.3k
[ simon refuses to come to terms with soap’s death and it eats at him. his grief follows him into the house and you’re growing tired of it, ultimately resulting in a fuck off argument. explosions totally happen. or not. ]
→ general headcannons
[ late night thoughts, thrown together with zero process ]
→ simon hates photos | 500 words
→ pregnant with his third child | 700 words
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→ that’ll do, johnny req | 1.1k | gn!reader
[ your soulmate, johnny mactavish. that’s it. that’s the ficlet. ]
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→ price teaches you how to smoke req | 700 wc | gn!reader
[ praise, price and cigars, what more could you want? ]
COMFORTABLY NUMB (dr!price au)
〔 you’re slotted right into the service of doctor john price, an elite head of division and self titled marmite character — you either love him or hate him. you personally can’t quite decide, but he knows for certain that you’re not for him. what will you do after being forced to learn under his wing? 〕
→ ¹ welcome to the nhs 3.1k | check warnings
→ first hc
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→ platforms 120k | f!oc | 18+ | complete fic ✓
[ “I’ll show you where things are, and then you can shut up and put your head down. You work for me now.” His accent was sharp.
"I work for money, not for you." In which Amelia's already testing Monday morning is ruined even further by a certain irate man. The two automatically don't get along and soon become sick at the thought of each other. What happens when Amelia finds herself working for the enemy? ]
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340 notes · View notes
luna-andra · 4 months
The Shadows Return | Simon 'Ghost' Riley x OC | Retired AU | Chapter 6: The Cage
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Summary: Ghost and Andra's first not-date
Author's note: This chapter was so fun to research and write, I hope you guys enjoy! ✨️
Content Warning: slow burn, eventual smut, 18+, fluff, mentions of mental health
If this is the first time you're seeing this, Chapter 1 is here. You can find the rest on my masterlist! Next chapter is here!
Word count: ~6k
The ideal way to see Andra bright and early in the morning would be with a smile on her face for once. Ghost was just relieved that he wasn’t the cause of her anger this time. His truck rolled to a stop in front of her house, and he could see her pacing back and forth on her front porch, her phone pressed against her ear. He couldn’t help but smirk at the sight of her in black sportswear, her hair pulled up in a hair tie with spindles of curls flowing from the pony and two free curls framing each side of her face.
She noticed his arrival and gave him a subtle “please wait” gesture to him.
Ghost sat tight in the truck, tapping a finger against the steering wheel nonchalantly. He observed her body language as she strolled down the 3-step landing, taking slow steps to the front of the truck. He wasn’t that good at reading lips, but he didn’t have to be to know that she was saying ‘no’ venomously. Everything else was lost on him, and her voice grew loud enough for him to realize she was yelling in Spanish.
Andra approached the passenger door, her last words being “Good luck figuring it out” before hanging up and slamming the door behind her.
He took the risk of trying to lighten the mood. “Got a habit of slammin’ doors, do we?”
Andra groaned as she scrubbed her clean face with shaky hands. “Sorry, my mom knows how to push my buttons.”
This is the first time he’s heard her talk about her family since they met. “That bad?” He also realized since it’s crack-of-dawn early here for them, it was late over there in the states.
Andra set her phone to vibrate and shoved it into her back pocket. “She tried starting with the whole ‘hi, mija! How are you doing? We miss you!’” her voice went up a few pitches to reflect an imitation of her mother, “And here I am thinking ‘it’s eleven at night over there, why is she calling that late?’ so I let her play her little game until she finally came out with it.”
She took a breath along with a hand gesture as if she’s trying to compose herself in front of her face. “She asked me to help her bail out my cousin Andrew.”
Ghost, focusing on the road, felt hesitant to ask anything about the situation, but he took the bait. “Are you close with your cousin?”
“No!” Andra exclaimed. “I don’t talk to that side of the family because they deal – “ she interrupted herself to omit a bit of information. “They run the streets with the wrong people, and I told her several times before that I couldn’t care less about that side of the family.
“And does she ever bother my brothers with that bullshit? Oh no, never,” she sneered, “Not her precious mijitos.” Andra crossed her arms over her chest and let out a heavy sigh, followed by a sarcastic chuckle. “I’m only family when they need something.”
Ghost sympathized with her, but he didn’t know what to say. What was that part about them dealing? Dealing drugs?
Andra melted into the passenger seat and eyed him. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be dumping this on you when we’re supposed to be having a nice day out.”
All he could do is play it off. “I think I have to draw the line at family baggage.”
A silent snicker had her shoulders bobbing. “That would be my hard limit, too. So tell me now if I have anything crazy to look forward to so we can call it quits now.”
He knew she was joking back, but he couldn’t help but think how she had no clue.
Her head relaxed against the headrest as she looked out the windshield to the morning sunrise melding with the skyline. “I guess I should be thankful that she bothered me early in the morning rather than in the middle of our not-date.”
Ghost shook his head at that with a hidden grin. “That’s one way to look at it.”
“Speaking of, where are we going?” Andra turned to him again.
The truck stopped at the next stop light and took a left, taking them away from Disley and the little civilization they lived nearby. “A park.”
“A park?” she questioned. “We passed up plenty of other parks.”
Ghost eyed her for a quick second before looking back to the road. “This one’s different.”
“Is this a park where notorious killers dump the bodies of their victims? Because that’s the vibe I’m getting.”
He rolled his eyes. “If I was a killer, don’t you think I would’ve done it a long time ago?”
Ghost could feel the grin she was trying to suppress. “That was honestly my first thought when we met.”
“Gee, thanks.”
With the sun only halfway peaked over the horizon, the truck drove down a narrow, one-lane road lined with beech trees shedding their red and yellow leaves. The wind was mild, and with each passing breeze the leaves were picked up in a wistful, arbitrary direction, creating flurries of autumn colors.
Andra looked out the window with a young, whimsy sparkle in her beautiful browns, and the sight of an ancient and well-maintained estate came into view. Ghost wasn’t sure if she even knew that she whispered a ‘whoa,’ but he wouldn’t ruin the moment.
The road split off into two directions, and Ghost made a right turn to the near-empty parking lot.
“The estate is closed until 0900, but the grounds are open to the public to roam about.” Ghost shifted the gear into park and killed the ignition. Behind him, he reached for a small pack that he prepared with a few water bottles and some protein bars in case they were peckish on the trail. “Ready?”
Andra was already opening the passenger door to hop out. “Absolutely.”
From the parking lot, they took the trail that would lead them directly to the front gates of the estate. The weather was mildly cool, but Ghost was wearing a jacket in case he found Andra feeling cold. Her skintight, long sleeve athletic zip up looked thin, but so far on the stroll she was managing.
The front gates to the estate were closed, but a quick cross over the road would lead them onto another trail. Andra observed the castle-like mansion. “Why does this place look familiar? I swear I’ve never been here before.”
Ghost stepped up to her side. “BBC’s Pride & Prejudice was filmed here.”
“No shit.” Her eyebrows shot up. “You watched it?”
He shook his head. “You?”
“Nah, just seen a few minutes here and there when friends would watch it.” Andra turned to continue the trudge along the trail lined with aged half-walls of cobblestone.
Ghost followed in tow. “I figured that would be your type of thing to watch.”
She snorted. “Why, because I read the occasional romance novel?”
“Romance? You read downright smut.”
Her face blazed crimson at his retort. “Jeez, thanks for saying it out into the wind.”
The wind was fresh and crisp every time it blew through the fabric of his balaclava. It had been a while since Ghost had been out on a nature hike, probably since the last time he and the lads went camping. This trumped staying home all day doing annual house upkeep or working out for a few hours.
The manor faded beyond the rolling hills, and further they followed the trail. Ghost knew exactly where this trail would lead them, high up on a hill overlooking Disley.
The silence between them was comfortable, Ghost didn’t feel the need to fill the time with talk. Andra was enthralled with the scenic tour of the countryside. Yet, Andra found herself being disrupted by the occasional vibration from her phone. Alerting her to unwanted messages by the expression darkening her eyes.
“Still getting loving messages from mother dearest?” Ghost assumed.
Her ponytail whipped around as she turned to look at him. “Yeah, at this point I’m realizing I should’ve left my phone in your truck.” Her finger held down the power button, and the phone’s screen went black.
“Did you leave the states to get away from them?” It was not like Ghost to go prying into people’s personal life, but he had always been curious about what brought her all the way over here in his own backyard. Or rather, next door down the road.
Andra slowed down to a sloth’s pace before she sat upon the cobble wall beside the path. “That’s not the entire reason, but it’s some of it.” She looked down at her dusty shoes. “I lost my scholarship. I had a four-year ride to Texas State, and a year in I blew it.
“My mother was pissed.” Andra’s gaze lifted to stare aimlessly amongst the fields of yellowing grass. “Not because I squandered my future, but because she thought she would never get rid of me. She didn’t want a daughter, just boys. And I worked my ass off all throughout school to make sure I had a way to leave home as soon as possible.
“So, when she found out that I was getting kicked out of the dorms, she told me I wasn’t welcome to come back.”
Ghost clenched his jaw. “And your dad? Was he present?”
Andra’s hands rubbed the tops of her thighs as she swung her feet. “He was, but he was completely oblivious to my mother’s vitriol.” Her eyes met his, that sadness he couldn’t bear to see swirling in the mocha of her irises. “My dad was at work the day I came back home, I’m sure if he was there, he would have opened the door for me and asked if I was hungry.”
A flash of his mother’s face manifested in his mind, her kind, ageing face opening the front door to his childhood home to greet him. He couldn’t fathom anything but love from his own mom.
Ghost had to look away from Andra and blew out a breath. “What happened after that?”
“I couch surfed while working multiple jobs.” Andra leaped off the cobble wall. “I got fed up one day, bought a world map, darts and a bottle of tequila,” Ghost shuddered at the mention of tequila, “Got piss drunk, and threw some darts at the map. That part was true, and that’s why I had lousy aim. The other two landed on Australia, and I wasn’t about to move there, scary ass bugs and all. And the other one landed on Russia, and I didn’t feel like learning a new language so Disley, England it was.”
Ghost couldn’t help but be amused by how cliché the decision was. “Safe to say you did good for yourself by moving.” The two of them continued their walk on the trail.
“Oh yeah,” she vehemently agreed. “I got a chance at life again and I don’t have to see my family? Win fucking win.” Her grin fell once more. “I miss my brothers and my dad. But I know Ivan is doing well for himself in the Marines, and Orion will be graduating high school next summer.” Andra’s eyes narrowed to the building in the distance. “What is that?”
Ghost looked at what Andra was questioning. “That’s The Cage.”
“The what now?”
The hill was getting steep, and Ghost noticed how Andra was struggling to trudge up the slope. He took her hand and led her to the smaller stone keep.
The Cage sat atop of the highest hill, looking over groves of shedding trees and endless, quiet pastures for kilometers. The closer they got to the Baroque-styled standalone structure, the louder the wind blistered all around them. A heavy, iron gate locked with chains and a padded lock restricted access to the three-story keep. Iron bars were installed on the first floor windows to keep visitors and vagrants out. And the windows on the floor above are too frosted with age to get a look of the interior of the building. Thin patches of moss speckles over the bricks and archway of the entrance, giving it color and character. The bricks have been discolored by centuries of rain running off its surface.
“It’s a historical landmark, built sometime in the 1500s.” Ghost assisted Andra as they reached a leveled out plain of gravel path, holding onto her hand even while they approached the keep. “It was originally a hunting lodge, and the wives or ladies of nobility would sit inside to watch and observe the hunters nearby.
“It was actually part of a larger structure, but they built this part of it a couple centuries after the original keep was demolished.”
Andra gave Ghost an astonished look. “I didn’t take you for a history buff.”
He laughed. “I took a field trip out here when I was still in primary school. I remember a few of the details from pamphlets we got. We were expected to take an exam on the history of the landmarks, and this one was the more interesting one to me.”
Andra pulled her hand away from Ghosts, leaving an absent sensation in his palm, to touch the withering stone. “1500s you said?” he hummed in response, and she was in awe in a way he wasn’t expecting. “Wholly shit, this might be the oldest piece of architecture I’ve ever seen in person.”
“This is nothing.” Ghost stepped closer until he was a step behind her.
She scoffed. “Yeah, that’s easy to say when your country is over a thousand years old.” Her surprised expression when she turned to face him, hand pressed firm on the wall, told Ghost that she didn’t know how close he was. She had to tilt her head up to meet his eyes.
Ghost fought the urge to place his brawny hand over hers. The air felt thicker than it has all day.
“Should we start heading back?” Ghost suggested. He figured by the time they got back, the estate and other shops were open to the public now; there was so much left he wanted to show her.
Andra nodded and followed Ghost carefully down the steep hill. “I realized something.”
Ghost hummed, “And what is that?”
“I don’t even know your last name.”
It was an innocent inquiry, one that Ghost felt comfortable sharing with her. “It’s Riley.”
Andra made an interested murmur. “Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley.”
She said his name like she it was an answer to one of life’s many questions. His name rolling off her lips made his knees weak. The way she held so much power over him should scare him. His feet began to carry him at a slower pace, walking a few meters behind that swaying ponytail, the breeze carrying the jasmine and vanilla essence that once haunted him.
The estate had groups of people filing into the entrance, and the discomfort was apparent through Ghost’s body language. “It looks like the café is separate from the mansion, let’s hit it up first and get something.”
Andra’s suggestion was a relief. Ghost didn’t feel like bringing attention to the both of them and potentially ruin the experience for her. It would have been less packed if they had shown up on a weekday, but what could he do now?
The gravel crunched beneath their shoes as they approached the café. Andra hesitated, then turned to Ghost, blatantly looking at his masked face in concern.
Before she could say anything, he shook his head. “Don’t worry about me.”
“Are you sure- “
“What do you think I do when I gotta eat on my lunch breaks?” He opened the café’s door, the bell over the threshold chiming to announce their arrival.
Andra didn’t say anything else about it, yet Ghost was moved from her worrying about him. The café barista greeted them warmly, fighting the urge to give Ghost a questionable look. He let them know if they had any questions, they just needed to ask. Andra tilted her head up to look at the menu displayed on the wall. “What are you getting?”
“Just tea.” Ghost answered.
She scoffed. “Typical.” Before he could quip back, she started ordering for the both of them. “I’ll have a flat white and a tea.”
“Cream and sugar for the tea?” the barista asked politely.
Andra looked to Ghost for the answer, and he nodded. “Yes, please.” She chirped.
The barista announced the total, and before Andra could fish her wallet out of her pocket, Ghost handed payment over. He wasn’t about to let her pay for anything today.
A bashful grin crossed her mouth and she muttered a thanks.
With coffee and tea in hand, Ghost led Andra out of the café and chose a table with an opened umbrella shading them from the morning sunlight. Its vinyl material whipped and cracked with the wind. Ghost took the seat giving him the advantage to see anyone passing by and Andra sat directly across from him. She clasped the warm to-go cup in her hands, gauging the temp of the coffee with a gentle sip.
Ghost took the lid off his cup and dunk the tea bag a few times in the milky water and watched Andra’s satisfaction at her hot drink. “You cold?”
She waved her hand in a so-so gesture. “I’ll be fine after the coffee.”
“Here.” Ghost shucked off his jacket, leaving him in his black long sleeve shirt. Andra tried to protest, but stopped after he draped the jacket over her shoulders and returned to his seat. It was too big on her, but she didn’t complain.
Her cheeks went carnation pink. “Thank you.” Her attention turned to their surroundings, observing the other buildings nearby. Ghost took this as a chance to lift his mask up enough to drink his tea, gulping nearly half of the small cup. Shit, it burned going down.
With how Andra’s pupils flared, Ghost knew she was fighting the urge to look his way. Not that she had to; he made the choice to reveal a bit of his face, yet it was endearing. After concealing himself once more, Ghost broke the silence with more questions to ask her, such as what she was majoring in college, which led to her asking if he went to school before joining the military.
“No,” Ghost answered, “We were just required to have high marks on our assessments.”
“Oh.” Andra nodded; her eyes glanced down at her coffee. “In the US you have to complete college in order to be an officer.”
“Is that what you were trying to do?” He continued.
She glanced back up at him once more. “Yeah, I was in their ROTC program and was going to join the army after graduation.”
There was a thick energy around the topic. She was only giving out information that he directly asked her for. “Even though you lost your scholarship, you didn’t want to try enlisting afterwards?”
Her body went rigid, he didn’t know if it was from the cold wind blowing through or from his prodding. “I couldn’t.” A forced, halfhearted grin tried to conceal her sadness.
Ghost wanted to know more, but he was all too familiar with avoiding certain topics. And it probably had been years since she talked about this with anyone. He might be the wrong person to be asking forward questions about her past, but as much mystery as he gave off, so did she. And he wasn’t used to being in the dark about the people in his life.
With another lift of his mask, her eyes darted away, only to look back at him again as he finished off his tea. “There’s a second-hand bookstore nearby, wanna check it out?”
Andra’s eyes brightened. “For sure.”
There was a particular smell about second-hand bookstores that Andra always enjoyed, a scent that she never gets anywhere else. It’s the telltale sign that these books were loved by all different kinds of people, and they were waiting to be taken home to its new owner to take them on a new adventure.
The bookstore was warm and inviting, and so was Ghost’s jacket. Andra had to fight the urge to lean her face into the lapels of the jacket to inhale his scent. Gods, she was a creep. She had done it once when he draped it over her and a second time when he walked ahead to open the door of the bookstore for her.
An orange tabby hopped down from its cat tree and approached the two of them as if to greet them, like it owned the bookstore instead of its owner. It chirped as Andra gave its back a gentle touch, earning her the honor of the cat rubbing itself against her leg. Sammy’s not gonna be happy about smelling cat on her when she gets home.
A woman in her late 30s peered her head from behind one of the many tall shelves with a smile. “Welcome, let me know if you need help finding anything particular.”
“Thank you.” Andra smiled back as she sauntered down the main corridor, scanning the aging labels for each genre.
Ghost followed closely behind her, hands at his sides. He stopped a few inches as he realized she had turned to face him. “I have an idea.”
An eyebrow disappeared beneath the fabric of his balaclava. “Should I be concerned?”
She grinned with an eye roll. “I promise, it’s not painful.”
Ghost stuffed a hand in his pocket. “Alright, I’m listening.”
“Pick a title that you would be interested in reading and I’ll have to read it, and I’ll do the same for your read. Nothing lengthy, something less than… let’s say three hundred pages.”
“That’s not lengthy to you?” Ghost retorted.
“I’ve read thousand-page books before, but I won’t make you endure that. You interested?” Andra rocked back and forth from her heels to her tip toes.
Ghost looked around and nodded his head. “Let’s see what we can find.”
“Great!” Andra left Ghost to search for his own book while she went scouring the store for some ideas.
From non-fiction to culinary, fiction to religion, the bookstore had variety. Andra went looking for the woman running the store, finding her behind the register counter. “Excuse me, do you have any American titles?”
The woman with blonde hair tied up in a bun looked at Andra with a friendly smile. “Yes, miss, it’ll be down that way.” She gestured down to the right of them. “On the lefthand side of the shelves.”
Andra thanked her and made her way to the section. From where she was at, she could see Ghost slowly stalking some shelves, his head was blocking the view of the sign that would have told her what genre he was browsing.
She didn’t know if it was the espresso in the coffee she had or excitement she felt from the day, but her heart warmed with joy. She didn’t expect the day to go the way it had. A walk on beautiful trails, sightseeing historical landmarks, coffee and books. Ghost was laying it thick, and she was eating it up.
It was enough to make her forget the morning call with her mom. Nearly enough. Andra knew she would have to call or message her brother to see if he got the same sob story from mom. It wasn’t a priority, but she hoped Ivan was smart enough not to lend the bail money.
Andra shook the thoughts away as she found the book she was looking for. The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton.
“Find your book?” Ghost’s voice penetrated her focus.
She nearly jumped a few inches off the floor. “Aye dios mio.” Her hand pressed against her racing heart as she took a breath as he chuckled. “Yeah, I found something.”
“Me too.” The book hung at his side in his hand, she could see the title in bold, capitalized letters. The Operators. “Want to exchange now?”
“Sure.” They handed off each other’s book, both a mirroring image of inspecting the cover of the books. His illustrated a man in a ski mask aiming a pistol at an unknown target with a helicopter flying over his head. “The Operators: On the Streets with Britain’s Most Secret Service.” Of course he would pick a book like this.
“The Outsiders?” Ghost turned the book over to read the backside of the book. “Didn’t they make this into a movie?”
Andra nodded. “I’ve read and watched the movie.”
Ghost narrowed his eyes on her. “You chose a book you’ve already read? That’s hardly fair.”
“We’ll call it even since you probably know half of the knowledge in this book.” Andra strolled up to the counter and laid the book gently on the counter, Ghost placing his on top of hers. “And I’ll pick up the bill this time-“
Ghost laid out a twenty-pound banknote, maintaining eye contact with her. “I don’t think so, doll.”
She felt the heat rising in her face, again. “I’m gonna get you back.”
The nice lady witnessing what might be the second most sexual tension they have had between the two of them slid Ghost’s change across the counter and bagged up the books in silence.
“No you won’t.” Ghost picked up his change and the bag, thanking her as he headed towards the front door.
Andra and the woman exchanged glances, the woman telling her get it, girl without ever saying a word. After a polite goodbye, Andra caught up with Ghost.
He was looking at his phone that was blaring an emergency alert alarm quite obnoxiously, and he muttered a curse under his breath. “A severe flood warning has been posted for our area; we better get home before we can’t.”
“Oh shit, yeah let’s go.” Andra was on Ghost’s heel as they both picked up speed to head back to the truck. The clouds were noticeably darker off in the distance, in the direction that they had to go. Wind was blowing fiercer as well, the temperature dropped a couple of degrees during the time Ghost and Andra were inside the bookstore.
Her hair whipped around her face wildly, and Andra almost wished she had a balaclava to keep the chilly air from hitting her face. By the time they arrived at the truck, cold droplets were falling onto the windshield.
The two of them slid into their respective seats, and the engine roared to life as Ghost threw the gear into reverse. Andra was turning her phone back on to check the local weather app to see how close the rain was. Her knee bobbed impatiently as the phone took its sweet time booting back up.
For the first time, Ghost turned on the radio and immediately a broadcast played on the speakers inside the cabin.
“A flash flood warning has been issued in the following areas…” the spokeswoman rattled off several town names, including Disley. “This development is uncommon for this season; we advise our listeners to seek shelter and stay indoors until further notice.”
Once Ghost was out of the parking lot, he punched the gas pedal, sending the truck careening down the road. Andra could see other vehicles behind them; they must have gotten the message as well and are trying to get back home.
“Just our luck, huh.” Andra murmured as her phone completed its boot-up, and opened the weather app. The radar showed a huge wave of orange and red and a small outline of green making its way south to Disley. They were going to definitely be pelted with some heavy rain by the time they get back.
“We’ll get there.” Ghost assured her, taking a sharp right turn onto the main road.
Andra gripped onto the hand rail as her heart leaped into her throat. “Hopefully with all our limbs and blood inside us.”
Ghost shook his head. “You gotta stop listenin’ to Johnny, I’m a good driver.”
“I mean, tell that to the speed trap you busted some tires on but I wasn’t there…” Andra braced herself once more as Ghost braked hard at a stop light.
The rain was pelting the truck hard now, and she was starting to worry about hail coming along with the rain. Did I lock up the chicken coop? Andra started to worry for her animals, going over her morning routine in her head. Yeah, the chickens should be okay, she prepared to be out for a good portion of the day.
Lightning streaked across the sky, earning a gasp out of Andra. It was never the lightning that scared her, it was the boom of thunder afterwards that bothered her. Well, no, that was a lie. She remembered watching her dad take off for work one time in the early hours, the car took off just in time to miss a strike of lightning. It hit the asphalt with a crack, and the thunder was so loud it rocked the house. She could not possibly imagine what could have happened if her dad hadn’t started driving away at that very moment. So yeah, lightning bothered her, but the thunder was worse, even at her adult age.
Andra started to recognize where they were through the torrential downpour as the windshield wipers worked double time to keep the view clear for Ghost. He took the turn onto Middleton Lane, their shared street. A breath of relief left the both of them as they realized the road wasn’t flooded nor blocked off by any debris. Ghost turned into her driveway, and got as close as he could to the front of the house without ruining any of her flowers.
As Andra was taking off his jacket, Ghost stopped her. “Give it back to me the next time we see each other.”
Andra beamed a smile at him. “You’re already sure that there will be a next time?”
His eyes crinkled at the corners; a smile was beneath that skull pattern. “If you’ll allow me.”
Another flash of lightning had Andra flinching. She pulled the jacket back onto her and lifted the hood. “Shoot me a message or a call when you get inside.”
Ghost grunted in agreement before she opened the passenger door and made a run for the covered porch, making it inside with minimal moisture. She watched the truck reverse and turn around, driving down into the brutal rain.
Andra closed the door, and a boom louder than just the thunder rocked the house. She fell to her knees and covered her head with a scream. Sammy ran up to her and licked her hands covering her head in a frenzy; she was just as afraid of the unforgiving weather outside those walls.
Andra gave Sammy loving rubs. “Poor baby, I know you need to go outside.” Sammy licked her face before Andra got back up onto her feet, heading to the kitchen storage to see if she still had leftover puppy pads. Thank gods, she saved them. Andra put a few down by the back door, and Sammy whined. “It’s just in case if you can’t wait, once the rain lets up, I’ll let you out babygirl.”
A heavy knock at her front door made her want to jump out of her skin. She could see the top of Ghost’s masked head through the frosted glass of the door. Quickly, she went to go open it and let him in. “Everything okay?”
Ghost was soaked. His long-sleeve shirt clung to his skin, leaving nothing to the imagination, and a black backpack was slung over his shoulder. “That loud bang you heard was a tree falling in the middle of the road. I tried to see if I could hook it up to the truck, but there’s no getting it out of the way by myself.”
“Shit…” Andra closed the door. “Well, obviously I don’t mind you crashing for the night here.” Ghost didn’t respond to that, and the air grew thick. “I have a spare bedroom upstairs; the couch also has a pullout bed so you have options.”
“I’ll stay down here.” Ghost declared.
Andra realized she was making him stand there with dripping wet clothes. “Oh my gods! Y-you can go ahead and use the downstairs bathroom to dry off.” She led him to the bathroom, forgetting that he already knew where it was. “It’s stocked with towels and everything else.” She assumed his bag had clothes in them, like an emergency bag she had stashed in her truck as well. Great minds think alike.
“Thank you, I won’t be long.” Ghost shut the bathroom door behind him, and Andra darted upstairs to her own bedroom. With the door closed behind her, she felt her heart racing in her chest.
Ghost is staying overnight.
Any interaction with my story is always appreciated! Thank you if you've made it to the end of this chapter 🖤
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greatstormcat · 7 months
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TF 141 Hybrid AU
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x f!oc
Part 5 - The Deep End
TW - blood, violence
It had been an uneventful three days' journey to their drop zone with plenty of time to go over everything they knew about their target site, and time to think about the undeniable tension that was crackling between Lara and Ghost. They sat in the back of the truck winding its way through the chilly mountain forests on the Russian border with Georgia. The air was crisp and fresh, with the scent of the pines around them heavy on the air under the diesel fumes of the truck. Lara kept an eye out of the window, taking in the view of the twisted and narrow valleys and gullies, and the snow capped peaks above. 
She stretched as she climbed down from the vehicle after being cooped up for so long. Out of the corner of her eye she noted Ghost watching her movement. Her gear was still a source of contention with him. She wore a flexible bodysuit that covered her from shoulder to knees, and a lightweight tactical vest with pockets and straps for light gear. She was also barefoot which irked him greatly. All this meant she could shift forms without having to worry about removing gear. Now the truck that had brought them to the base of the mountains was pulling away, leaving Lara and Ghost alone in the afternoon light.
“Come on, let’s get away from the road before it gets dark,” Ghost muttered and started pushing into the scrubby undergrowth. Lara breathed in the clean air, scenting for signs of danger and followed with light steps behind Ghost for a few hundred meters until he stopped and radioed in their location. Laswell’s voice on the other end of the radio was an odd comfort.
“We are due another radio check-in in two days time,” Ghost told her as he stowed away the radio so it couldn’t be used to give their location away.
“We’re on our own then,” she observed, feeling quite at peace with the idea.
“Let's get this done. You take point,” Ghost said with a grunt as he hefted his pack onto his back again and secured the straps. Lara checked the straps on own gear and moved ahead of Ghost, ears pricked and alert. They traveled light as the terrain was rough and difficult with steep climbs, and dense forest between them and the target site. The small back that was buckled to her vest held a few supplies and the camera for the op, and was carefully balanced so she could wear it in both forms.
Lara’s task was to get to a position where she could get images of the terrorist site to confirm if the missiles were indeed there. Ghost’s role was protection and support, to make sure she got there and back in one piece, or atleast the intel did.
They pushed on until it started to get dark, when they paused to take on food and water. The plan was to move under cover of darkness and rest during the day to remain concealed. They sat under an outcrop of rock as they rested, and she watched Ghost adjust his NODs.
“Those make you look like a giant bug,” she teased. 
“We aren’t all lucky enough to have your skills,” Ghost replied, turning to face her and tilting his head to one side with the lenses down. The reflection of light from the back of her eyes made her face otherworldly and ethereal. He made a show of altering the lenses, covering the fact that he was just staring at her, taking in the shape of her eyes, her jawline, committing it all to memory. 
She glanced at him, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth and her large ears twitching back and forth.
“Is there a problem?” She asked eventually, and he saw the slight wrinkle to her nose as she spoke.
“Nah, just need to get these keyed in before we move,” he replied, smiling warmly under the cover of his balaclava. He knew he was done for now, his chest swelled as she raised her eyebrow, clearly not believing him. “Come on, let’s move.”
They pushed up the side of the mountain, Lara taking point and following the natural lay of the terrain as much as possible. The trees were still dense at this altitude but she picked her path carefully and the going wasn’t too difficult. After a few hours they were well into the landscape far from any tracks or signs of humanity.
A mournful howling echoed through the trees around them, raising the hairs all over Lara’s neck and setting her tail to lashing back and forth, ears tipping backwards. 
“Wolves, mangy bloody things,” she screwed up her face in disgust and pity. Their scent, carried on the breeze, stank of disease and decay, the pack had fallen on hard times and were all but finished. “They shouldn’t attack as there are two of us thankfully.”
“Unless they’re desperate, of course,” Ghost countered dryly.
“I was hoping you wouldn’t realize that,” she muttered before moving forward again. “Let’s just try and avoid them just in case, I don’t want to have to fight a pack of wolves if I can avoid it.”
They pushed on up the mountains, the air getting colder as they climbed and snow gleaming on the peaks far above them in the moonlight. As day broke Lara stood at the base of a sheer rock face, hands on hips as she looked for hand holds, her tail curling at the tip as she mapped her climb.
“I reckon I can claw my way up with a rope for you, if you can give me a boost to start with,” she proposed to Ghost.
“Sure,” he nodded in response and shrugged out of his pack, laying a length of rope on the ground beside it before leaning his hands against the wall so she could use his back as a spring board. He spread his legs to give himself a stronger stance and braced for the weight of Lara jumping off his back. But it didn’t happen. After a while he looked back over his shoulder and found was just standing there looking at him.
Lara stood openly admiring Ghost as he stood there, a smirk playing on her lips and her head cocked to one side.
“Sorry, got distracted by the scenery,” she chuckled.
“Keep it tactical, Lara,” he grumbled, glad his mask hid his blush.
“You can’t say anything after stuffing catnip in your pockets before coming to my quarters,” she replied.
“What?” He laughed, standing up straight again. “Is that what that shit was?” 
“Seriously? You’re pretending that was an accident, and you didn’t know it was there or the effect it would have on me?”
“No, I didn’t,” he huffed, mind suddenly racing as he tried to work out how something like that would get into his clothes. His jaw clenched as two names came to mind again and again. Soap and Gaz.
“Well, it would have been more polite to just invite me out for a drink, rather than using a cheap trick like that,” she continued, wrapping the rope across her body. “I wouldn’t turn you down if you did, you know?”
Lara felt her mouth suddenly dry as she spoke, her earlier boldness failing her as she saw the piercing look in his eyes. She wasn’t used to feeling like this, certainly not with a human, but he wasn’t exactly a normal man, was he? He behaved so much more like a Hybrid it was confusing at times, and very attractive.
Before he could question her about her admission she shifted into panther form, and sprinted straight at Ghost forcing him to quickly brace against the wall. She heard his grunt as her paws connected with his back and she sprang upwards, claws sparking against the rock face as she scrabbled for purchase. It was treacherous going and she skittered backwards more than once.
Ghost stood at the base of the cliff, heart in his throat as he watched her make her way up the cliff. His head raced at the fact she’d just given him the green light to ask her out as well. 
He lost sight of her as she neared the top
The rope unfurled down the rock wall, cracking against the dry stone as it fell and bringing him back to reality. He tugged it to make it was secure and then used it to haul himself up the rock face.
“Let’s find a camp and get some rest,” he said looking her carefully in the eye at the top in the warm daylight.
They reached the site the following morning after another night of climbing through the forest, the stink of unwashed bodies and fuel giving the place away to Lara as they neared its location. The easy banter dried up and withered as the pair cautiously skirted the top of the valley that cradled the collection of buildings.
“Shit, it’s bigger than the satellite images suggested,” she observed.
“Yeah,” Ghost replied. “You’re gonna need to get closer to get the intel we need.”
“Let’s be honest, I need to get in there or I won’t have anything worthwhile.”
Ghost’s gut twisted at her words, but he nodded his agreement.
“We wait for dark then, keep our eyes on the compound while it’s light and get what we can. Then tonight we get you in there to find those missiles.”
The pair made an encampment on an outcrop of rock where they could watch the comings and goings of the terrorists by the daylight, trying to get an idea of where Lara needed to head once it got dark. They lay side by side, hips touching as they watched, sharing the odd quiet observation from time to time. After a few hours they narrowed it down to two large structures that had a constant guard on them, whilst the other builds would be left unattended for periods. There were a few dogs with the guards but Lara assured him that they would need to get quite close before her scent trigger them to respond.
As the sun dropped behind the mountain, Lara prepped her kit, removing as much unnecessary kit as possible until she was left with a combat knife and the slim digital camera tucked into her vest. She stood beside Ghost who was watching her skeptically, the shifting in his eyes betraying the uncomfortable feeling he had for someone going into a mission like this on purpose. Clouds were gathering in the dark sky above, and the weather threatened to turn bad.
“Here goes nothing,” she said, before shifting form and then sitting on her launches beside Ghost. She nudged at his thigh with her head and he instinctively placed his palm between her ears, petting her like a large cat before himself caught himself and pulled away. When she rubbed her head against him again, he took it as a sign that she didn’t mind and crouched down infront of her, stroking the back of her neck as he looked her in the eyes. 
“Right, I’m gonna keep watch from here. I know you won’t be able to talk back through the radio but I will keep the line open just incase and let you know if anything changes. You solid?”
She chuffed in response, dipping her head and then turned, loping down the slopes and quickly dropping out of sight.
Lara moved silently through the undergrowth heading towards the edge of the terrorist compound. The patrols were minimal, and there were very few lights around the buildings, providing her with plenty of shadow to slink through. There were trails from the regular passing of small animals that gave her a good route down towards the compound, and the terrorists didn’t bother with a perimeter fence, relying on the walls of the valley to keep people out. But not people like her.
Keeping to the shadows she passed easily through the compound towards the first building, heading towards a stack of boxes that lead up to a damaged section of wall where she planned to squeeze through. As she slowly placed each soft paw, climbing the stack she heard voices inside and slowed as she neared the gap near the roof. Peering inside, ears flat against her head she looked inside and immediately saw the missiles.
The interior was only lit in a limited number of areas, so she was able to move like a shadow and drop quietly  through the gap onto the ground below. Keeping low, she shifted to humanoid and took the photos needed to prove the missiles were here.
Ghost watched through the scope of his rifle, trying to stop the tension building in his neck and shoulders when he watched Lara slip into the building and out of his line of sight. He’d provided overwatch on countless mission, but this time his skin prickled with fear. She emerged from the building after what felt like a lifetime, Ghost barely breathing as he had waited and watched through his scope until he saw her reemerge through the gap under the roof again. 
She turned and headed directly towards him again, meaning she had found what she needed and was returning. It took another eternity before he heard a soft chuffing sound, and Lara’s sleek shape appeared below him on the slope. She trotted, panting, straight at him where he lay with his rifle and scope, and her head connected with his mask a hard greeting nudge before throwing herself down beside him to catch her breath.
“Sit rep,” he asked with relief as she shifted form again, just as spot of rain began to fall, heavy and icy cold.
“Intel secured,” she answered pulling out the camera and putting it into a protective bag to keep it safe, and zipping it back into her vest. “Lets get out of here.”
They moved around the lip of the valley, following their own tracks back down the side of the mountain. The clouds blotted out the stars and moon above, plunging them into total darkness as they moved quickly but carefully over the terrain. 
Rain came down heavily, icy cold and quickly forming rivulets that rushed down the mountainside around their feet and moved the stones and debris under them. The way down was much faster than the ascent and they soon reached the sheer rock face where their rope remained secured to the top of the cliff.
“This is going to be a shit descent, I’ll go first,” Ghost said over the noise of the rain and water rushing around their feet. Water spilled down the rocks making everything slippery as he grasped the rope and lowered himself over the edge. Part way down he heard a startled yell from above, snapping his eyes up in time to see a sudden deluge of water pour over the side, a flash flood, carrying with it rocks and large pieces of tree.
It hit him with full force, dragging him from the rope and carrying him to the hard ground below before turning him over and over in a suffocating torrent as he was pushed down the slope at a sickening pace. He reached and grabbed for any hand hold he could to stop his uncontrolled tumbling, bouncing off obstacles until he latched onto something solid. Heaving himself against it, he managed to pull himself from the water, coughing and hacking through the fabric of his balaclava until he wrenched it up so he could breathe freely.
“Fuck,” he growled, feeling bruises forming all over him already from the tumbling descent. His NODs were gone, as was his rifle, lost in the flood. He quickly took stock of what gear he had and tried to get bearings on where he was in the pitch darkness. The rain still pelted down heavily, but he couldn’t get much wetter he thought to himself. 
There was a sound in the undergrowth to one side, and then the other. Whatever it was, it was tracking him and was keeping close as the rain made it harder to smell him. With a sinking feeling he realised he must be close to the wolves’ den for them to come out in weather like this.
Lightening flickered across the sky and thundered rolled instantly behind it. Ghost switched on the torch secured to his jacket and immediately saw the two sets glowing eyes in the bushes watching him. He pulled his combat knife and waited as the two animals came out of the undergrowth, growling low and menacingly as they approached. He gripped his knife, waiting for one of them to attack and hoping the other would hang back. There was no way he would be able to fight them both off, and firing his gun would draw attention.
A black shape sailed over his head and landed heavily between him and the wolves, snarling dangerously and tailing whipping back and forth. Her challenge was greeted with barks from the two wolves, and she postured more, paw stamping the ground heavily as her back arched. The wolves were too desperate to be put off, and they both attacked.
Lara was slightly bigger and had the advantage but two was still a challenge. As she wrestled with one, Ghost risked grappling with the other as it went for her hind legs and wrestled it away, jaws snapping frantically and feet kicking. He managed to get his knife into its neck, holding it in a bear hug until it stopped moving.
Ghost watched as Lara snapped at the neck of the wolf that sprang on her pack, grasping it as it tried to get its teeth throw her armour and ripping small tears. She managed to grasp its leg, sharp fangs piercing the flesh and pulled it free before tearing into its neck. The wolf fell, bleeding heavily and dying. Lara turned and looked at Ghost in the torchlight before sinking to the ground panting heavily.
“Fuckin’ hell, thought I’d lost you. Come ‘ere, let me look at you,” he knelt down beside Lara who lay beside the dying wolf. Her coat was soaked with rain and she was covered in small cuts, but nothing too deep thanks to the light armour she wore, “Let’s get under cover,” he said, looking back at the wolf den in the rocks, his wet clothes sapping his body heat slowly. Lara limped after him, panting heavily and head hanging low in exhaustion, not having the energy needed to shift form again. 
Ghost found the low entrance to the wolves' den which was empty, and moved them inside to recover. Dawn eventually broke but the rain didn’t let up outside the cave, so Ghost risked building a small fire at the rear of the cave, the smoke disappearing into the cracks and crevices of the rock above, so hopefully not giving away their location. They’d managed to avoid detection, but they weren’t safe yet.
The small fire didn’t kick out much heat and Ghost noticed the light rippling on Lara’s wet coat as she shivered where she lay, curled tightly beside him. On an impulse he shifted stiffly with cold limbs and pushed his arm under her, hauling her up onto his thighs by the straps of her gear. She grunted in protest but made no move to fight him as he arranged her on his lap, holding her against his chest, and tucked her paws under his arm, her head against his neck.
“I know,” he said softly as she grumbled, her hot fanning breath against his face and whiskers poking through the fabric of his balaclava, “let’s get you warmed up.” He wrapped his arms around her, cradling her in his lap before the fire and heard her let out a deep groaning sigh. His gloved fingers idly rubbed at her thick neck, and before long he felt the shivering subside. “That better?” He asked quietly, and was answered with a chuff and a nudge of her head against his jaw. “Get some sleep, we need to get moving again soon,” he murmured, fingers still stroking the fur of her neck as he watched the entrance to the cave. He let her rest for an hour, hoping that would be enough but also knowing that it had to be.
“Come on, time to get moving,” he said, waking her up gently.
Lara shifted back to humanoid form in Ghost’s lap, her head still tucked against his neck.
“You okay?” He asked her softly, very aware of her presence in his arms.
“Yeah, just bashed up, nothing’s broken,” he replied, making no move to leave his embrace. He tightened his hold on her slightly, squeezing her against his chest and wishing he didn’t have so much kit between them.
“Good,” he said, at a loss for what else to say as he cradled this amazing woman on his lap. She’d killed a wolf with her bare hands… paws, he corrected himself, after practically falling from a mountain. “We need to get to exfil, I think it’s worth traveling by day now. Let’s get home in one piece, yeah?”
“Sounds good to me, Lieutenant,” she murmured and sat up to look at him. There was dried blood around her mouth where she had fought the wolf, and scratches and bruises on her skin, but her eyes were still bright and focused. He realised she was staring at his mouth, and that his balaclava was still rucked up over his nose.
 “You going to let me go?” She asked softly, eyes flicking to his before returning to his lips, the skin tingling under her gaze as his mind wandered and he entertained the idea of kissing her. He swallowed and parted his lips to speak but the way her large pupils dilated as he did stopped stopped him in his tracks. The way she watched him was intoxicating, and the comforting weight of her against him was dangerous, he could lose himself in this beautiful creature so easily.
He ran the tip of his tongue between his lips slowly, purposefully to see her reaction, and his blood stirred when he saw her pupils twitch in response and her body lean slightly closer.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, aren’t you?” He sighed, heart hammering inside his chest as he knew once and for all that their attraction was mutual. She smirked in response, her eyes dancing back and forth between his.
“It would be a good way to go though, wouldn’t it?” She replied, and lightly touched the pad of a clawed finger to his bottom lip. His cock hardened at the contact, and he had no doubt she would be able to feel it where she sat on his lap, but he didn’t care now. Despite the biting cool, and the danger of the situation he felt her begin to pur, the deep vibration rattling through her frame and into his, soothing and alluring.
“Fuckin hell,” he muttered, closing his eyes for a moment.
“What?” She asked in mock innocence, her words curling around her purr.
“We need to get out of here, and when we are back at base you and I are having a long chat,” he told her, hands firmly gripping her as he held onto his self control.
“Okay,” she smiled, the tension between them thick, “it’s a date.” She slipped out of his lap, tail curling back and forth behind her.
They moved out of the cave into the watery morning light, the smell of the forest that much more intense now the rain had stopped falling. Working in a comfortable silence this made their way back down towards the road and Ghost made the call over the radio for exfil. A truck, possibly the same as the one that dropped them off soon arrived, and carried them away.
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@amygaster004 @catkatchuck @vellicora @dreamybarbie @cringeycookies
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writing-for-life · 4 months
Keeping Them In Character...
It’s so interesting what you wrote about fixing Morpheus in the other post, @rriavian. I didn't want to take that one too off topic, hence I made a new one. I hope this is okay, because I love talking about these things, especially with other writers (everyone who reads this, writer or not, feel free to join in). I think I’ve said this somewhere else before (can’t remember where): If we keep him in character, there is no fixing him anyway.
But fanfic wouldn’t be fanfic without those attempts, and I totally get why. I want a different ending for him, too, alas, not in canon, even if that might sound contradictory. If they touched the ending in the show, I’d honestly be pissed off, but that’s my personal problem, and Neil can do with it whatever he wants—it’s his story. So I guess every fic that sees him alive at the end starts with the premise that we have to bend him into shape ever so slightly to make it possible. To me though, there’s a world of a difference between that and basically turning him into an OC with no resemblance to Morpheus bar name and looks (not saying that isn’t fair, it’s just not for me because if I wanted that, I’d write an OC, because that’s what he would be to me).
Morpheus is not weak. I even get why some people who mainly came to the Sandman via the show might be drawn into that direction initially, because we obviously see him very low at the beginning (I’m hesitant to say “at his lowest”). But after that, he pretty much stands in his power again (with ups and down obvs)—a power that burdens him for a multitude of reasons I don’t want to go into now, otherwise I’ll still sit here tomorrow. Wrote about it a million times though.
I think the fundamental misunderstanding is that anyone can fix him. So whoever we pair up with him can only walk with him, but he’ll need to take the steps himself, and more importantly: He would need a reason to want to do that. And yes, that’s exactly what my OC tells him at some point because she suffers, and she’s done with it despite understanding him on a deep level and accepting who and what he is—I think you're right when you say there’s a tendency in fandom to turn one half of the relationship into some kind of martyr and/or “void filler” to save someone. And the tricky thing about Morpheus is: He actually is looking for something to fill a void (which, to stress that again, doesn't mean he isn't powerful, so it's not to be mistaken for general weakness). And both in The Sandman and in real life, that never leads to anything good, but I can see why it's tempting to fall into that trap because his character lends itself particularly well to that type of trope (and I even play around with that in the first part of my fic, but it was also clear to me that it won't end there).
Now, this obviously isn’t real life, a story doesn’t necessarily have to lead to something good, but the most important question, to me, was always: What would make him take said steps himself, and above all: WANT to take them? Because truly, that’s where it all falls down in canon. And there is enough scope to explore that in quite a few different ways in my view.
For me, it was always clear that it can never be through wanting to change who or what he is on a fundamental level (that’s why I’m not into retired!Dream AUs, because they would fundamentally change who he is. Again, totally fine if people want to explore that, it's just not for me). I honestly believe he would bristle at that and recoil/retreat. Because it would just add to what is at the core of his very dilemma: If you want to change who and what he is, you basically admit you don’t truly understand him (not even those closest to him truly do), and that’s part of what breaks him (I say “part”, because there are more things in the mix than one can shake a stick at). And there is a clear difference between his being capable of change (we all know he is) and wanting to change him. They are not one and the same, but sometimes, fandom treats them as if they were.
Misunderstanding him, misinterpreting him is inherent to his being: He is Dream—forever out of reach, forever nebulous and unreal and weird and prone to be misunderstood/misinterpreted unless you stop trying and just trust the process/intuition--otherwise, it wouldn’t be (a) D/dream. It truly applies to all that he is. And you see what happens when he tries to rationalise things himself: Although he understands the boundaries between dreams and reality and keeps them in place, he is UNreality, and forever will be. And the way that gets ignored in fandom sometimes baffles me. Although it also doesn’t, because of course we’re human, and we want things to be real.
Back to those steps: I personally think he would never take them for himself because he doesn’t believe he has a story, and outright centring himself as the main character who is in charge of his own story is something he will always deny himself. But I think that’s also the way in? Because if he could perceive, at least initially, that he is part of someone else’s story and that they WANT him in that story (all that he is and isn’t, including all that is broken) with full acceptance but without complete self-denial. That they don’t try to change him, because they understand what the unreal is (and that requires a very particular type of person). That he would want to try because the love he has for them weighs heavier than how little he loves himself (was it you, @stellerssong who recently also wrote something along those lines, or am I making that up?). And that by doing that, he gradually learns to see himself through someone else's eyes. And once on that path, he would maybe, just maybe, start to understand that indeed he has a story of his own, and that he might be able if not to entirely rewrite, but at least to keep on writing it from this moment onward. Like everyone who believes (because believing something is possible means trusting in it despite it not being real, and trusting in the process rather than the result. He knows the power this wields over everyone but himself--not because it’s not true for him but because he won’t allow it. But maybe he could get himself to a stage where he allows it). That it's not about fixing anything really, but growing enough around what's broken and always will be, instead of trying to make it smaller or go away.
Yes, I do believe that might be possible, although there's much more to it than I've written here because it's incredibly complex, and it requires a lot of give and take, compromise and yes, pain along the way. And maybe it might not work at all (I never really 100% know where I end up when I write because my characters always, always make those decisions for me, and despite setting out with a plan, I almost never end up where I had initially intended to go. So if you asked me today, I couldn’t promise that I truly know where my current WiP is going and who will be where at its end, and it is very frustrating at times because I’m not always happy with what these guys are doing. At the moment, I'm truly not). But I believe he would at least try if someone who allowed for those dynamics were around. And that’s why I wrote an OC, because while I can see one or two canon characters that get fairly close to what I'd envision (and none of them are one half of the bigger ships), I ultimately couldn’t do it with them because there was something in their established dynamics that threw it off for me. Unless I would have pulled at least one of them (probably both) OOC to a degree that felt too much for me. But I'm always super interested in other people's process and line of thinking.
But yeah, that’s the precarious dance between trying to keep him in character while also working towards a different ending (that's obviously far less of a problem in one-shots). If that will ever work—who knows…
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borathae · 2 years
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“You want to try something you have never tried before and with Yoongi as your boyfriend, you know you have nothing to be afraid of. You are in safe hands after all.”
Pairing: Vampire!Yoongi x f.Reader
Gerne: established relationship!AU, domestic Fluff, Smut
Warnings: Yoongi being a cuddly bean, he is also very whiney about not getting enough headpats (while getting headpats), very dom switch!Reader, quite subby switch!Yoongi, oral (f.receiving), face sitting, breath play, choking, hair pulling, finger sucking (m.receiving), anal fingering, Yoongi's dirty talk 🥴, Yoongi’s hands, praising, she calls him kitten & her pretty sex slave, he calls her princess (obviously 🥵), double penetration with cock+fingers, multiple orgasms (f. & m, receiving), an anal orgasm too, lotsa drool, squirting, major scent kink, creampies, lotsa cum, he doesn’t wanna stop fucking her, the aftercare :(
Wordcount: 10.4k
a/n: I’m thinking about this couple all the time. This is also for all the lovely people asking me if I was ever planning on writing an anal scene where OC is the recieving part :-) yes, yes I was planning on writing one ohoho 👀 enjoy besties, this one just hits different 🥴❤
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There is a knock on your door. You would have missed it, hadn't you come out of the bathroom just this moment. 
"It's open!" you call out and disappear in your clothing room to fetch some pyjamas. 
You hear nothing for a moment then suddenly you feel the presence of a shadow behind you. 
A grin tugs at the left corner of your lips.
"Hey Yoongi", you say.
"How. The hell. Did you figure out I was behind you?" Yoongi sounds shocked and offended now that his prank of startling you failed so miserably. 
"You're predictable", you say nonchalantly, snickering to yourself.
There is silence as you undress then slip into your pyjamas. You take the damp towel and turn. 
Yoongi is looking at you with a pout on his lips and his arms crossed in front of his chest. He seems to be in his pyjamas as well. Royal blue and cotton. His black hair is unstyled, hanging into his face and making his cheeks appear rounder than they actually are.
"What? You’re not sulking because I ruined your prank, are you?" you ask him, having to smile.
"No? It's because you said I'm predictable." 
You chuckle, closing the distance between the two of you. 
"Your attempts to startle me are", you say and peck his cheek, "you're still terribly exciting."
“Tzt, sure”, he murmurs. 
“Yoongi, come now”, you say and chuckle because you know that this is just his way of getting you to kiss his cheek again. You do, because although you have long figured him out, you still like to pretend as if you hadn’t. He is, after all, way too adorable when you kiss his cheek, “you’re the most exciting person, my prince”, you whisper after pulling back from the kiss.
"Mhm", he hums and touches your waist. His eyes are soft in fondness, running along your features. You won him over. There is no way in hell he could pretend any longer.
"What takes you here?" you ask him, "I thought you wanted to use the night to hunt with Kook."
"We were, but we're back already. We were faster than initially planned."
He follows you outside now that you are leaving to store away the towel in the bathroom. You hang it over your towel dryer, smoothing it out so there wouldn’t be any folds in the fabric.
"That's good to hear. How did Kook do?" 
"Good, he only ripped through one rabbit." 
"That's amazing. Gosh Yoongi, you’ve already taught him so much.”
“No, it’s nothing”, he dismisses you, flustering just slightly.
You turn, “well I think it’s awesome. You’re so sweet, Yoongs.”
“Whatever”, he mumbles, looking to the side with burning cheeks.
Said cheek is getting a big kiss on it, before you abandon him for the sake of snuggling up under the blanket. 
You sigh in happiness, using two pillows to prop yourself up. You are currently reading a book about European Art and want to read a few chapters before falling asleep. 
It happens then that a head tries to wiggle itself under your arm. Quite vehemently, actually. Yoongi, now under the blankets as well and trying his hardest to get you to hug him. 
"Yoongi", you chuckle fondly, lifting the arm he is nudging violently, "I'm trying to read."
"Well don’t, I’m back", he says, nudging your chest with his button nose. His hair is tickling your chin just slightly.
"But it’s a really good book", you say, keeping your eyes glued to it as best as possible. He is adorable when he is like that, but the book is so exciting that you don’t want to break away just yet.
Yoongi wiggles again, forcing his way between your legs. He almost knocks the book out of your hands in the process.
"Oh my god", you murmur, "you're unbelievable, it’s not like you can’t see that I'm trying to read." 
Yoongi cares rather little, plopping his head down on your chest with a quiet "hmpf". So now he is snuggling you, resting between your legs and with his arms bent by his elbows as he rests them against your torso. 
He tilts his head up, meeting your ardently fond gaze. He flutters his lashes, giving you a boyish grin.
"You're so annoying", you tell him. 
"You smell nice", he answers you. 
"Mhm", you give his forehead a chaste kiss and bury your left hand in his hair to play with it as you read, "you're still annoying, you sweetie."
Yoongi rests against you with a content sigh, trailing touches up and down your side. He likes this so much. Headpats, your heartbeat and feeling your chest rise and sink slowly while your sweet warmth and mellifluous scent is engulfing him. There are only a few things better than this. He can even take you calling him annoying. This is a price he is willing to pay, if the reward is getting to snuggle you under the blanket.
Yoongi closes his eyes and then falls into the silence. Besides your heartbeat and breathing, there aren’t many sounds in the room. The crinkling of paper as you flick the pages, a distant call of an owl outside, footsteps of Jungkook hurrying around in his wing. The sounds aren’t many, which makes the entire situation just oh so relaxing. 
"Ah, so that’s what this means", every now and then Yoongi can also listen to you whisper to yourself. Commentary about the book, a few lines out of it and just the occasional "that makes sense". He likes listening to the whispers. They sound as if you only really say them for yourself and you solely allow Yoongi to take part in them. He feels special. He gets to hear your little thoughts and no one else. 
You like this so much. You may have called him annoying, but you meant not a single word of it. There are only a few things better than having Yoongi as your own personal heating blanket. He is always so warm and snuggly and once he has found his nestling spot, he also becomes as still as a stone. The only movements you get from him are his fingertips touching you mindlessly and the occasional nuzzle of his nose. He is not at all annoying. He is a calm, warming presence granting you company in the perfect tranquillity. This is honestly what life is about. 
It happens that soon you feel sleepiness creep up on you. The book, once manageable to be held by one hand, becomes unbearably heavy to carry. You untangle your fingers from Yoongi’s hair to use it as help for holding the book instead. 
"Hey", the complaint is instant, just as you knew it would be. First you get a nudge with his nose, then Yoongi lifts his head to send you an equal parts warning and pleading glare. 
"What?" you ask him, flipping the page. 
"Don't stop", he says, nudging you as he gives you the biggest puppy eyes. 
"But my arm's tired. I can’t hold the book anymore." 
"So stop reading." 
"I'm almost done with the chapter. Just four more pages." 
Yoongi huffs out air and drops his head back on your chest. He stays like this for the amount of time it takes you to read five sentences then he nudges you again. 
You ignore him with a smile. Four more sentences and Yoongi nudges you again. Three more and he whines as he does. Two more. 
"___ it’s too long", he whines, lifting his head again. 
"Three more pages, it’s not too long." 
Yoongi huffs out air and wiggles up your body, forcing his head between the book and your face. He is frowning adorably.  
"Yoongi, oh my god", you exclaim in a laugh, "I've literally been petting your hair for an hour. You’re so greedy."
"So? It’s not enough", he complains with his lips terribly pouty. 
He makes you melt, he truly does. With fond eyes, you reach out and pinch his cheek. 
"Three more pages, please Yoongs." 
"You're cruel", he murmurs, dropping back on your chest with a dramatic huff of air, "you don’t do anything for me." 
"Oh my god", you gasp, bursting into laughter, "you're so dramatic", you say, dropping the book in order to wrap your arms around him. You roll you and him over, making it so that Yoongi is squeezed against your chest and you can wrap your legs around him. 
You smooch his hair, listening to the small giggle he lets out. 
"I can't just pet your hair forever. You have to learn how to live without it", you say and contrary to your words, you are once again petting his hair. 
"Don't wanna", he mumbles, snuggling into you with a content purr.
It earns him a fond eye roll and a click of your tongue. 
"God Yoongi, you’re so greedy." 
He nods his head in agreement, "can’t help it, it’s my nature. Glutton and all." 
"Oh? So you’re blaming biology here?" 
"Mhm, it’s in my DNA."
"Okay, okay", you giggle, "we can’t argue with biology can we?" 
"Oh love", you say and sigh, squeezing him closer, "you're such a dork." 
"Mhm, probably", he answers you, holding you oh so tightly. 
You stop your pets because you want to tease him a little. The reaction is instant. Yoongi lifts his head in an aggressive twitch. His brows are furrowed, his eyes dark yet pleading.
“Stop”, he warns loudly. 
“Yeah? Okay”, you say, pulling your hand away. 
“No”, Yoongi reaches for it and tugs it back on his head, “stop stopping. It’s not funny.”
You snicker. 
“It’s not funny”, he insists, sounding oh so incredibly whiney about it all while he makes your hand pet his hair. 
“Yeah it is, you’re so cute.”
Yoongi hides in your chest with a grumble, twisting your shirt between his balled fists. It’s a reaction to getting flustered, which in return made him realise that he acted way too childish (in his opinion) and then being too embarrassed about it that only hiding away could help. He does that sometimes when he is especially clingy but somehow realises just how untypical Yoongi he acts. He gets so embarrassed about it then and yet somehow he never runs away, he just pulls you closer and hides away in your embrace. 
You smile, digging your fingers into his hair to keep him close. You kiss his head, resting your chin on top of it afterwards. 
“I love you”, you whisper. 
“Mhmloveyoutoo”, he murmurs into your chest, slowly but surely turning back into that calm, unmoving presence he always is when you cuddle. So he finally found his new nestling spot, now so entirely content with it that he turns into a stone in order not to accidentally leave it again.
You close your eyes and smile. This is truly the best moment ever.
You fall asleep twenty minutes later and all the nudging and whining in the world couldn’t get Yoongi any more head pets.
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The bed is empty when he wakes. He feels dizzy, sitting up with his hair a complete mess. 
"Urgh fuck", he groans, blinking slowly as he rolls his neck a few times to get the stiffness out of it. He rubs it, letting out a quiet hiss of discomfort. He must have slept so deeply that he didn’t move at all the entire night. His neck is so stiff.
“Fuck”, he mumbles and rolls his shoulders next.
His throat is so dry, his tongue feels like cardboard. Why did he have to sleep with his mouth open? He knows he did because his cheek is still covered in remnants of his drool. 
He wipes it away, pulling a grimace of disgust.
"Fucking rancid", he murmurs, "I have to get my act together again. I'm slacking way too much." 
There is a glass of water beside him on the bedside table. A yellow sticky note is stuck to it. It was once perfectly straight but the condensation made it slip sideways. He takes the note and the glass.
"Good morning my prince :) You look so adorable when you sleep."
Yoongi rolls his eyes. No he doesn’t. He looks like an idiot.
"I'm in the gym. This water is for you. Drink it, it will do you good. If you won’t, I’ll force it down your throat once I’m back.”
Yoongi chuckles.
“Love and lots of love, your princess."
"Fine, I’ll drink the water", he murmurs and then begins drinking deliciously. It feels refreshing and gets rid of the itch in his throat.
He decides to lie down afterwards. He should probably get up and do something productive with his day, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t really have a lot to do these days. With all the threats being taken care of and the world being a mostly safe place for you, Yoongi doesn’t have a lot to take care of during his days, especially now that Jungkook is doing so well with his training as well. He never thought that such a day would come. That one day he would actually have nothing to do. It feels so peculiar, strange even, leaving him with a deep itch of fear that one day all of this will crumble again. He can’t shake it. Life can’t be that peaceful, not his life especially. The deep itch becomes stronger and almost unbearable the longer he thinks about it, so he tries not to think about it too often. 
You would scold him so much if you found out that he was bottling up those feelings. Yoongi can’t help it however. He doesn’t want to tell you because it’s so stupid and silly and he doesn’t want to burden you with his own paranoia. He can handle it himself, he can do it, he managed to live alone for so long and he can manage. He just has to push those feelings down and then everything is good again. 
Yoongi takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. He taps his own stomach with his fingers. He'll just push them down. He'll just think about the present. And last night. Was he being too childish last night? He was. He is so embarrassed. He is way too clingy and childish these days. You were reading your book and he acted like a little baby. Fuck. He is so embarrassed. Why can’t he have more control over himself these days? It happens more and more. He sees you and his entire composure crumbles and all his brain is chanting is "cuddles! Want cuddles! Cuddles!"
He can’t even control it happening. 
When he sees you, all he wants to do is be close to you and feel your warmth and drown in your scent. It’s as if every single rational part of his brain shuts off and he is left feeling like an attention starved animal. 
Yoongi huffs out air and opens his eyes again. 
"I have to get my shit together", he murmurs. 
"What are you plotting again?" 
Yoongi lifts his head upon hearing your voice. It happens instantly. His brain turns off and he becomes an attention starved idiot. It also doesn’t help that you are in nothing but lace panties and your hair is just slightly damp from the shower you took. That view turns other gears in his body as well. The type which make him want to press his legs together.
"I, I-", Yoongi stutters, feeling oh so dumb in awe. His chest feels so warm. His tummy is tingling like crazy. You are so beautiful, holy fuck.
You chuckle fondly and make your way to the bed. 
Yoongi watches with his head feeling dizzy. He is so weak.
You get on all fours and crawl to him. 
Yoongi gulps when you claim the spot on top of him. You still keep on all fours, resting your knees next to his hips and caging in his head with your arms. 
"Good morning", you whisper, claiming his lips in a kiss before Yoongi can as much as take a breath to answer you. 
Yoongi squeezes his eyes shut and makes a sound. Even the last part of his brain, which was once rational and calm, shuts off. Now he is utterly stupid.
The kiss breaks. Yoongi chases you with parted lips. The minty taste of your toothpaste is still lingering on his tongue. 
He peels his eyes open, meeting your playful gaze. You are just inches away from his face, standing above him with so much confidence that Yoongi feels dizzy.
"Did you sleep well?" you ask him. 
He nods his head, not finding any words to speak. 
"Yeah? I'm glad you did. I worked out with Kook earlier, now I’m back from the shower." 
He nods his head again, blinking his eyes at you.
The chuckle you let out sounds like honey to his ears. You grip his chin with two fingers, sending a shiver through his limbs.
"What's wrong? Did someone steal your voice?" you ask him, dragging your thumb over his lower lip.
Yoongi squirms, arching his torso into your direction. He was wrong before. Now is the time where every sane part of him turned off.  
"Mhm. It seems that someone did", you say, abandoning his chin to run your fingers through his hair. Starting at his bangs before going to the back. You do it with a certain roughness to it, making Yoongi’s eyelids flutter and his head tilt back as gasps make his chest heave up and down quickly. 
"Your hair was messy", you say, "don’t worry, I fixed it for you." 
"Thank you", his voice was so raspy that he has to clear it afterwards, feeling hot in embarrassment. 
"You're welcome", you say with a playful smile, dancing your fingers down the side of his face. You grant his lips one touch of your thumb. One, which he chases oh so eagerly. 
You break away afterwards, all to his dismay. 
"I'm going to make breakfast now. Do you want something too?" 
You asked him as you removed yourself from his body. It happened during those seconds that your eyes fell to his crotch. One double take and then they are locked on it and the embarrassing semi he sports. 
Your eyes flit up to his'. He stares at you with widened eyes and his lips parted in shock. You caught him. His embarrassing secret is out. Yoongi is now exposed as this weak idiot, who gets hard from nothing but a kiss and a gentle touch to the lips. He can’t help it. It’s so hot to be underneath you.
"Unless", you smirk teasingly, "unless your preferred breakfast's already here." 
Yoongi licks his lips. He is so embarrassed that he gets hard just by having you on top of him. He is truly such a weak man. Despite all the shame however, he can’t deny that he is literally aching for a taste of you. 
"Am I right, Yoongi?" 
"Mhm, yeah", he rasps, lighting your eyes up in excitement.
“Yeah”, you whisper, inching closer just to trace his lips again.
Yoongi gulps, lets you touch him with held breath.
“Do you wanna have it?” you ask.
He nods his head, parting his lips just to let the tip of his tongue flick over your thumb. Once, with his eyes locked on yours. The touch makes you smile in that taunting way of yours. With a playful look in your eyes you draw back and begin undressing, keeping your eyes locked on him. 
Yoongi sneaks a glance down at you once you are naked, trying and failing not to squirm. You look so fucking sexy, all he wants to do is devour you.
You keep the panties between two of your fingers, tangling them over his face. Yoongi squirms and tilts his head up. You touch his chin first then drag the thin fabric up his face. Yoongi follows the feeling with his eyes closed and his nose working tirelessly to get your scent. 
Sweet. Oh so sweet. Yoongi groans and twists the sheets. So sweet.
The fabric slips off his forehead. Yoongi tilts his head back to chase it, parting his lips as he does. 
The touch never comes again. He watches in heartbreak as you drop the panties on the bed. 
"What do you think?" you ask him.
"So sweet", he groans, breathing heavily. There was still the slightest remainder of your scent on his face and he is soaking it up like a starved animal. 
"Want more?" 
The mattress dents beside his sides. Yoongi looks at you, watching you crawl on top of him. It happens naturally that he drops further and further into the pillows as you crawl up his body. He welcomes you with open arms, gawking at your pussy with blown-out pupils.
She is just inches away, he wants her now. You seem to be in a teasing mood however, swirling your hips above him while never going down. He growls, digging his nails into your thighs. Your scent is making his head pound in arousal. 
"Do you want it?" 
"So bad", he groans, salivating. 
You move closer. Yoongi opens his mouth and moans. You move away again. His eyes flit to your face. 
You giggle, "how bad?" 
"So bad", he croaks, kneading your thighs. 
"Yeah? That bad?" you ask, moving closer just to pull back again when he looks the most hopeful. 
"Princess…" he rasps, drooling all over his lower face by now. 
The giggle you let out taunts him. You are so good at riling him up. His entire body is aching in denial. 
Closer again. Yoongi gurgles and sticks his tongue out. Nothingness as you pulled away again.
He squeezes your hips and gives you a desperate look. 
"Please sit on me", he pleads.
You touch his hair, sending shivers through his body. 
"Say it again", you order, moving oh so close but not close enough.
"Please what?" 
"Suffocate me."
Closer. Hopefulness. Broken hearts as you pull away again. 
"Holy fuck, please I wanna be smothered by your cunt", he croaks painfully, squeezing your ass, "please fucking sit on me." 
"You're so hot when you’re like this", you say and move closer.
And closer.
And closer. 
Yoongi moans loudly, trembling. It is finally happening.
He groans deeply when you finally sit down on his face, squeezing you closer with strong arms until you are finally fucking smothering his entire face. 
"Fuck. Yoongi", he hears you press out above him, but it’s nothing but a distant whisper to him. He can also hear how you hit the headboard with your hands as you search for support, it’s nothing but background noise as well.
His ears are ringing. His head is pounding. His limbs are tensing. His cock is throbbing. He finally has you. Your scent, your taste, your warmth. It’s finally controlling his every decision. 
Yoongi moans uncontrollably, feasting on your pussy while pressing you closer and closer to make sure he is truly and utterly engulfed in nothing but you. 
He hears you gasp and moan and mutter words, but truly he has no idea what you actually tell him. He can’t hear anything except the rushing of your blood and the racing of your heart. Also his own sounds and he thinks that he sounds like such a desperate idiot. He doesn’t change it however, because quite frankly, he couldn’t. You taste so fucking good. Especially in the morning.
When Yoongi can start off his day by having your pussy be the first taste coating his tongue, he knows that the day will be a good day. Nothing could get him happier and more motivated to cease the long day than getting fed your sweetness first thing in the morning. 
He is especially grateful for it this morning. He has no idea why, but he thinks that you taste especially amazing today. Mellifluous, rich, addicting. Yoongi is swallowing you up with tears of gratitude in the corners of his eyes and his long fingers digging deeply into the flesh of your perfect ass. 
You feed him so well too. You are so good. So eager to give him as much of your pleasure as you can. He is grateful for your eagerness, so entirely indebted to you.
“Thank you”, he croaks, “so sweet, thank you.”
You laugh  breathily, tilting your head back, “no thank you”, you croak, “fucking amazing….” you say and retort to sighing out your moans, running your fingers through his raven hair to keep him motivated.
Not that Yoongi needs motivation to please you. Just as the sun rises in the east and the moon controls ebb and flow, he exists to give you pleasure. It’s a given, a law of nature, an unchangeable fact. You exist and Yoongi will devote his everything to you.
It happens not long into the future that he has you shaking on top of him as he rips a deep orgasm out of you. Yoongi makes sure that you have your weight on top of his face as you shake, feeling dizzy in suffocation and sucking on your pussy until she throbs in overstimulation. 
Then the fighting begins. His urges are giving him strength, the kind of strength which makes it oh so easy to force your fleeing body to stay locked on his face until you are cursing and squirting all over him. His urges to be good however fight against them. He is, after all, nothing but a pretty face and eager tongue right now. He shouldn’t be greedy.
“Fuck..Yoongi..too much”, you croak, having your head thrown back while your knees are shaking in weakness, “too much...”
Yoongi growls, forces you closer. More. This can’t be everything. He needs more and more.
“You fucking bastard”, you croak with stuttering hips, “it’s seriously- ah!”
More and more. Yoongi is sucking so harshly on your clit you fear he might bruise it on accident. You convulse, try to flee again, fail and convulse a second time. There is no use in fighting. He has you in a tight lock and all you can do is give him one more pulsating orgasm.
“Yoongi stop”, you croak afterwards because he just doesn’t want to let go. You somehow manage to wiggle your hand between his’ and the thigh he is bruising. He intertwines his fingers with you instantly.
“Stop”, you moan, shaking his hand to somehow wake him up from his trance, “it’s too much, ah- aha fuck, stop.”
Your words finally begin reaching him. The desperation in them, the agony, it’s enough to clear his pounding head. Finally he feels how you are clutching his hand, how you are trembling on top of him, how you can barely take any breaths. How far gone was he? How long was he drowning in you?
“Stop please”, he hears you beg, peeling his eyes open to meet your pleading gaze. Your body is glistening in a sheer layer of sweat, your eyes are glassy. He whimpers, releasing the tight lock he has around your legs with an aching heart. It’s not enough for him. He isn’t soaked enough. He needs more. But he has to be good, obey your orders. 
"Fuck", you spit, pressing his head into the pillows by his forehead.
Yoongi is almost breaking into tears when your pussy actually leaves his face. Now nothing but the wet patches of your orgasms are his companions, covering his entire face and parts of his neck. 
"You fucking animal", you croak, shimmying down his body until you can sit down on his lap.
Yoongi touches his own face, picking up the remnants of his favourite taste to lick it off his hands. You watch it happening. Yoongi has his eyes squeezed shut, making the saddest sounds ever. He looks so fucking desperate. 
"Fuck, Yoongi", you growl, twisting the collar of his shirt to tug him up. 
Yoongi sits up with a groan, keeping his head tilted back until you shake him and force him to actually use his muscles. 
Your eyes meet.
“I’m dizzy, you’re crazy.”
Yoongi groans weakly, hooking his fingers behind your neck just to pull you closer. His tongue he keeps outside, panting at you like an animal.
“What?” you ask him.
Yoongi whimpers and claims your lips in a sloppy, oh so wet kiss. Just tongue on tongue and desperate moans. He is searching for it. Your taste. Just something that carries your essence in it. Your kiss is the closest he can get to what he really wants.
But you break away. You break away with a teasing chuckle, leaving him so desperate for more. Yoongi touches your naked tits, pulling a face of desperation. One harsh squeeze and you know that he is currently suffering in impatience.
"Fuck me", he pleads.
"Fuck you?"
"Yes, please", he drags his hands down to your hips just so he can tug you closer to his aching cock. He makes you rut against him. Wet pussy against clothed bulge. The friction is mind numbingly good.
"You're so needy."
"Yeah", he agrees and tugs again, "just wanna be buried inside of you. Wanna feel your warmth."
"Shit Yoongi, I love it when you talk like this", you say, "work with me, will you?" 
Yoongi works willingly, helping you with taking off his pants. He watches with a pounding head as you gather up the fabric just to bury your face in it. 
You shudder as you drown in his scent. Yoongi feels short-breathed. You are smelling him. His scent. His essence. Fuck, you are getting lost in it just as he always gets lost in you. He is flustered and yet so turned on, kneading your tits needily while mewling in desperation.
"Fuck yes", you growl, "you smell so fucking good." 
"___ please", he whines, grabbing your hips, "fuck, please. Fuck me." 
You drop his pants and grab his throat. You feel how he gulps and as you wrap your other hand around his cock you can feel how he throbs.
"What are you, Yoongi?" you ask him, jerking him off quickly.
Yoongi throbs in your hand, squeezes your hips. 
"Yours", he rasps. 
"Not enough", you warn, squeezing his throat.
He tilts his head back slightly, "your sex slave", he moans.
"Almost there. There's one word missing."
He whines, shaking his head.
"Come on, say it and I'll give you my pussy."
He falters, forcing you to slow down your touches as a punishment. He squirms as a reaction, pressing his thighs together.
“Come on. It’s not that hard. It’s just one word.”
"Your pretty sex slave", he croaks, barely keeping his eyes open now that you are cutting off his air so perfectly. 
"There we go. Perfect, kitten", you praise and reward him by sinking down on his veiny cock. 
Yoongi keens, throwing his head back and pulling you snug against his stomach. 
"You feel so good", he moans, trembling when you begin bouncing on him, "yes so good. Fuck princess, so fucking good. Thank you, thank you so much."
One hand is now digging into his shoulder while the other is still keeping a tight grip around his throat. Like this you can really feel just how noisy he is today, how he seems to be unable to stop making sounds, how he gulps and gasps for sparse air. All while his cock is buried oh so deep inside of you, filling you up so well. 
You move closer, pressing your lips against the shell of his ear.
"I wanted you so bad, Yoongi", you rasp, "ever since I woke up to you next to me, I wanted you", you press out a soft moan, "fuck, when I came back from my workout and saw you looking so pretty while you were sleeping, I considered waking you with your cock down my throat", you confess in a whisper, licking along the edge of his ear. 
Yoongi mewls, tilting his head to the side to give you more access. Hearing you talk like this is getting him so good.
"But I decided against it. A mistake", you chuckle, making sure to squeeze around his cock until he moans desperately, "fuck Yoongi, how I wanted to touch myself in the shower to the thought of you", you tongue down his ear, taking his earlobe between your teeth. 
Yoongi twitches inside of you, growing oh so fucking hard. His fingers are almost crushing your hips in desperation, tugging you closer and closer in a fast rhythm. The movement makes sounds, skin against skin, slick wetness and creaking bed springs.  
You release his earlobe with a soft moan, returning to whispering against him. 
"But I didn’t. You know why?" 
He mewls a weak "no", then returns to bouncing you on his throbbing cock. He needs to fuck. Needs it. Needs it so bad. He is rutting up into you, meeting your movements so harshly you feel dizzy with each slam of hips.
"Because I wanted my first orgasm to be on your pretty face. It’s made for it after all", you pause just to let a moan tickle his ear. 
He curses under his breath, gulping under your fingers afterwards. 
"And now I can’t stop fucking cumming", you make your voice sound oh so desperate just to rile him up, "you make me wanna fucking cum over and over again. Hear me, kitten? Your body gets me so fucking good." 
You show him the honesty of your words by orgasming right on his cock, hard and oh so good. 
"Fuck Yoongi", you whisper into his ear shakily, "fuck, I feel so good because of…you….aah." 
Yoongi feels dizzy. He abandons your hips just to hug your waist instead. He buries his face in your shoulder, mewling your name. You are so sexy today. No wonder Yoongi lost every sense of control. How could he not, when you talk to him like that? When you touch him like that? Use his body like that? There is no way he wouldn’t lose himself in your presence. 
"Fuck", you growl, tugging his head back by a bundle of his hair. Your eyes meet. Yoongi feels breathless at the droopiness of your gaze. You are tight around his length. Tight and so wet, still throbbing in your dying down high. And yet your hips are as restless as ever, rutting into him without a break.  
"I'm not done", you lull. 
"Don't stop", he begs and runs his hands up your back. He is not even close to being satisfied. He couldn’t be happier about your own insatiable nature. 
"Oh trust me, I won’t", you say and grab his right hand just to force two of his fingers into your mouth. 
“Princess”, he growls, eyes focusing on your busy lips and cock throbbing inside of you. 
You quite literally choke on them, gagging so sexily around him that Yoongi has to grind his teeth. 
“Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum. You’re so sexy like this”, he whispers, tilting his head back just enough that he can show off his pouty lips parting in bliss. 
You give him a delicious moan, breaking away but letting way too much of your drool coat his digits. 
"So good", you moan, "fuck, I love your fingers." 
“Princess”, he rasps, gazing at your glistening lips and just how eagerly you lick them. 
“Mhm”, you huff out air and tug his hand behind you. Your eyes lock with his’, begging him to please understand what you mean by it as you keep his hand close to your ass.
“Fuck, ___”, he croaks and closes the distance between his fingers and your rim, applying enough pressure that he can watch your eyelids flutter in anticipation. 
“Are you serious?” he asks. 
“Yeah”, you nod your head vigorously, “wanna be so stuffed by you. Just your cock's not enough anymore.”
Yoongi gulps, fighting his urge to fulfil your wish right here and there. Just push them inside, stuff you with his fingers, fill you up. But he shouldn’t act hasty, not when you look so innocently curious about the sensation.
“Have you ever done this before?” he asks, giving you a slow massage. It makes your pussy oh so wet around his cock. So wet in fact, that Yoongi is sure you are dripping all over his pubes and thighs. It’s the hottest thought to him, motivating him to give your needy rim the kind of massage it deserves. 
You shake your head, fluttering your lashes at him playfully while rocking your hips back and forth. The touch is so new, but feels so good. It definitely makes you sensitive and oh so needy.
“Fuck princess, you’ll be the fucking death of me”, he says and laughs in a moan. He presses you closer with his hand on the back of your head, chasing your lips in one fleeting kiss before he keeps close enough that you can feel his words as he speaks, “relax, my princess. You’ll feel so good, trust me.”
“I do. I trust you”, you sigh, "that’s why I want you to take me that way. Fucking fill me up." 
Yoongi dances his hand down from your head to the middle of your back. Like this he hugs you closer, angling your body not only to fuck you so much better but also to make your hips shift for easier access.
You welcome the change happily, hooking your arms behind his neck and moaning his name into the crook of his neck. 
“You’re so perfect”, he praises, soiling his fingers with a new layer of his spit just to make it easier to slip in. 
You gasp and tense up when you feel them on your hole again. Warm and oh so skilled, drawing circles to rile you up. And he does. He riles you up. The sensation feels so new and yet electric.
“Yes, shit so good”, you whisper, melting into him.
The thought came to you in the shower. You want Yoongi to take your anal virginity. You have no idea why that thought came to you, but it did and so you spent a good amount of time getting as ready and clean for it as possible. The process made you so horny that you had to ride his face to get rid of some of the pressure in your stomach. But it wasn’t enough, obviously because it’s Yoongi and you want this man so fucking bad.
Yoongi puts pressure into his touch, eliciting a gasp from you. The pressure is intense. So intense.
“Relax, my princess”, he whispers, “you’re tensing up.” 
You whimper, flinching when he tries again. 
"It's okay, princess", he whispers, pulling away, "I won’t do it." 
You lift your head, locking eyes with him despite being way too embarrassed. Not only because trying out new things is always a little awkward but also because you pulled back. 
"Sorry, I know I’m weird. First I want it and act all confident and now I’m chickening out." 
“You’re not. You’re perfect”, Yoongi assures you with a soft smile. 
"I do want it, but uhm. Can, can we do it with lube?”
“Yeah? You’d feel better with it?”
You nod your head. 
"At first I was like yeah spit that’s sexy but then I remembered how easily it dries out and now I’m scared." 
He gives you a fond smile.
"Okay then, let's try it with lube", he says, reaching for the bottle of lube in your bedside drawer.
It’s the easiest place to store. With your bed being host to your perfect man on most nights, you realised that something as essential as lube should be kept in close reach. Yoongi thanks your past self for the brilliant idea. He doesn’t even have to lift you off his cock and can still give your buttock a slow massage while his left hand is getting the lube.
You watch him slather two of his fingers in it, gulping in anticipation of what was to come. He lifts them into your vision, curling his lips into a teasing smirk. There they are. His long fingers. Wet and glistening in lube. The visual is enough to make you tremble on his lap. 
“All wet”, he says, curling them slowly. Just how he would do if they were buried deep inside of you. It’s so unfair just how aware of his hands’ sexiness Yoongi is. You hate and love him for it.
“Fuck”, you whisper, “Yoongi, you’re so hot.”
“Mhm, I know”, he rasps and wiggles them once. Then he finally reaches behind you, keeping his eyes focused on yours. You tilt your hips to make it easier, feeling breathless in excitement. 
The touch comes as no surprise, but still makes you gasp and your skin feel electric. 
"How's that, princess?" he asks, rubbing his fingers up and down in slow motions. 
"Good", you whisper. 
"Perfect. Now come here, rest against me. I'll take care of you." 
"Yoongi", you mewl, falling around his neck. 
"That's it. That’s better, isn’t it?" 
"So safe…" you lull, hugging him tightly.
"Yeah, you are", he whispers with his lips pressed to the side of your head, "you're in safe hands, princess. I've got you." 
Yoongi pushes again. The lube does its job instantly. There it goes. His middle finger. It slips right in, breaching your tight hole slowly. 
"Oh, oh….oh", you let out, tightening your hug. You are dripping on his cock, feeling dizzy. So that’s how that feels. Thick and as if you were being stretched oh so much. Inch by inch you feel fuller and fuller. Inch by inch, your rim gets hotter and hotter.
"Holy cow", you press out.
"I've got you, princess. Feel it, you’re doing it", Yoongi says, feeding you the rest of his finger until it sits inside of you. Long and thick, stretching you out all while making you feel so stuffed. 
This is it. Now you are truly filled up. You have his finger up your ass.
You don’t know what to do. Should you moan? Should you squirm? Stay still? Go insane? Maybe you should start with breathing. Quick and without rhythm. Breathe. Just breathe. 
"You're doing so well", Yoongi praises, caressing your spine, "does it hurt?" 
"No", you bring out. 
"No but, just unfamiliar." 
"I know, it’s weird at first, but feel that." 
He begins moving his finger. Not much, just very slow movements in and out. You tense up, curling your toes. The friction on your rim is hot. It’s insane just how well you can feel every inch of him. When he is fingering your pussy the sensations blend into one warm buzz, but this right here? You feel every single change of movement. 
In and out. In and out. You feel it, get lost in it, get addicted to it. 
"Ah, god. Ah."
"I know, that feels so good", he whispers in that sweet voice of his'. His sweet, sweet voice which always manages to either calm you down or make you horny. Somehow it does both right now. It lulls you into relaxation just as much as it turns you on. Granted, his veiny cock fucking your pussy while you have his long finger up your ass, doesn’t help with not feeling turned on either. 
"Yes, feels good", you sigh, relaxing in a shudder.
"There we go, relax", he whispers, rewarding you with slow movements of his hips. 
It is truly crazy how one finger up your ass changes the entire sensations of the fuck. You can feel his cock so well. As if his finger is making you tighter. 
"I'm so tight." 
"Does it hurt?" Yoongi slows down.
"No", you shudder, "please don’t stop. Your cock is so good." 
He purrs deeply, returning to the slow fuck of before. His cock shifts inside of you while his finger is stretching your hole in a gentle rhythm. 
"I can feel it too, princess", he lulls drunkenly, "you feel so good when I’m plugging you up."
"Don't call it that", you whine. 
"Why?" he chuckles.
"It's so hot, wanna cum too bad."
"You're so cute", he says and kisses your shoulder, "my princess is the cutest." 
You shudder. 
"Fuck Yoongi, faster." 
Yoongi moves his hips, timing the movements with that of his finger. The sensations are so different and yet fit so perfectly together. His cock sends warmth through your pussy while his finger is making your ass feel electric. They are opposite sensations and yet go so well together that you find yourself scratching down his undercut while your body is tensing on top of him. 
"Is that alright?" he asks. 
"It's fucking incredible. Holy cow", you croak.
"Yeah? Fuck princess, I can’t believe you’re letting me do this." 
"You know me", you falter as you pant quickly. With lots of struggle, you manage to turn your head so you could press your lips against his ear again, "you make me want to do the kinkiest shit", you rasp, twisting his ruffled hair right where it turns into his undercut. 
Yoongi lets out a deep growl, squeezing you closer to his stomach. It forces your back to arch and for your holes to feel way too empty. It also manages to grind your clit against his lower stomach, right where his happy trail merges into his pubes. The feeling of it sending constant bolds of pleasure through your veins.
"I wanna fuck you so good", he rasps, "fuck, wanna treat you so well." 
"Yoongi", you mewl, trembling.
"Yeah, wanna fuck you so fucking good", he says in an intoxacted mumble, "wanna make you feel so fucking good, princess. So goddamn good." 
"Y-you are, ah Yoongi ah", you keen, gasping while your body is squirming on top of him. He is holding you so safely, moving your body so skillfully, using his hips just as you like it. He gets you so good. Oh so good.
"Mhm princess", he lulls, dragging the tip of his nose up your neck. His tongue follows, sending hot tickles down your skin. His lips touch your ear, "I've got you." 
"Yeah, got me", you mewl, turning your head. 
No distance. Blurry visions. Aching lips. Your noses are touching, your lips barely are. Yoongi closes his eyes, basking in that closeness with his entire being. He loves this so much. Being so close to you. It’s his heaven.
"Give me another finger", you beg against his lips, forcing him to peel his eyes open in surprise.
"Are you sure?" he asks, moaning softly when you suddenly twist his hair and pull him even closer.
"So sure. Shit Yoongi, plug me up."
"Baby", he moans, chasing the kiss you are so close to giving him. 
"Please. Give it to me", you beg, kissing him oh so deeply. 
Yoongi mewls, pressing you closer with his arm around your waist. His neck is craning in the position, but he wouldn’t want it any other way. He chooses to go with his ring finger, stuffing it into your tight hole slowly. Your breath hitches, your fingers twist his hair harder, your pussy becomes even tighter. 
"Holy fuck", you say under your breath, breaking the kiss, "holy fucking fuck." 
"Too much?"
"Not enough", you croak and then begin bouncing on him all while chanting about how good he gets you. 
Yoongi squeezes his eyes shut, holding you tightly all while trying not to cum right here and there. Having his fingers up your tight ass while his cock can feel them? It’s something he didn’t think he would ever be able to feel, let alone this morning. He is so into the sensation. So fucking into it.
He wraps his arm around your waist tighter and bucks his hips up. His face he buries in the crook of your neck, inhaling your sex soaked scent with animalistic obsession.
“Wanna treat you so well, wanna treat you so fucking well”, he murmurs mindlessly, “wanna give you the best, wanna give you everything.”
"Fuck Yoongi, it’s so good. It feels good. So good", you chant, feeling up the back of his head desperately. Palms up and down his undercut, nails and fingertips too, then fingers in his hair tugging and twisting, palms again, fingers and nails. It is an endless touch, one which will never truly find its purpose and is instead caught in the loop of doing everything oh so desperately. 
Not that Yoongi minds. He loves it. Just a few days ago he fixed his undercut again, working almost two hours on getting it to his standards. You seem to be extra touchy ever since, so he knows that he was successful. 
“Yeah? It’s good?” he makes sure.
“So good”, you croak and shudder.
It was the best idea to let Yoongi take your anal virginity. He just knows what he is doing, how to touch you and get you there. He is the best for the job. Always patient, always gentle and yet obsessed enough with you to know when he can begin being rougher. Just as right now when he begins meeting your movement in harsh thrusts, pulling you into him repeatedly to help with the rhythm. It’s rough, sloppy, a little uncoordinated and makes your bodies connect in harsh slaps and it is the most perfect fuck you ever had.
"So good, so good, so good", you chant with your voice pitched, spilling your pleasure all over his veiny cock, "so good, so good, ah so good."
"It's what you deserve. Holy fuck, princess you deserve the best", he is struggling with his words. He is so fucking close. He really is.
“Another please.”
Your eagerness makes him moan out a laugh. He tilts his head back, locking eyes with you. Droopy and half-lidded, you look at him, glowing in pleasure. So beautiful, he thinks, he is in love with the most beautiful woman ever.
“Shit princess, you’re literally so into this aren’t you?” he asks, playing with the spilled lube. 
You nod your head vigorously, sticking your ass out.
“Just wanna be filled up, I’m so empty.”
Yoongi pushes. You widen your eyes. Again. Your rim opens for his pointer finger slowly. You whimper. 
"Relax", he rasps, pushing again. 
Your eyes fall closed, your face scrunches up. 
"Holy fuck", you press out, dropping your head, "hngn god."
Yoongi tries again. He is still careful, of course he is because he never ever wants to be the reason why you are hurting, but he is also a little greedy right now. He knows that his fingers are big. They really are, so it’s impressive enough that you already want to take three. It’s almost driving him insane, however, to feel just how tight your pussy gets now that you have to make space for all those fingers up your ass. Yoongi is greedy for that sensation. Greedy for tightness, greedy for getting his fingers squeezed and greedy for your desperate clenches around him.
That is why he keeps on pushing and pushing and pushing until he is buried inside of you to his knuckles and your hips have stilled in bafflement. 
"All in", he rasps. 
You make a tiny sound, scratching down the back of his neck.  
Yoongi watches you. Tensing every muscle in his body because he wants to fuck you oh so good, but shouldn’t in order to give you your time. 
You lift your head slowly, giving view to your glassy eyes. 
"Hey, it’s okay", he gasps, feeling worried, "I'll take it out again."
You stop him by reaching behind yourself and wrapping your clammy fingers around his wrist. You push him back inside, parting your lips in a blissed-out moan. Out again and back inside. You show him the rhythm, barely keeping your eyes open. 
Yoongi understands, feeling dizzy. He takes over for you, going in that slow and deep rhythm you showed him. He curls his fingers as an extra bonus, feeling the sensation right against his cockhead each and every time. 
Your eyes finally fall closed, your neck loses its strength, forcing your head to fall against his shoulder. 
"Don't stop, please don’t stop", you beg in a trembling voice, hugging him oh so tightly. 
"I won’t, hear me? You’ve got me, you have me all princess. You’ve got everything", he promises, bucking his hips up to test the waters. 
"Yes", you convulse on top of him, squeezing him with your limbs, "please that. That, oh god." 
"Fuck", he whimpers in a high-pitched voice, closing his eyes tightly, "princess, my princess. Feels so good, so tight, so wet. I wanna fuck you slow until you’re floating." 
You give him a sigh of his name and a graphic curse. Then you squeeze him and tremble. You possibly couldn’t talk anymore. It’s too good. You just want to make sounds, gasp for air, try not to pass out in pleasure. 
You always knew that Yoongi’s fingers are big. He fingered your pussy on enough occasions for you to learn that a finger fuck by Yoongi feels just as good as a fuck with his cock. He just knows how to move them. 
Having three of them up your ass however? The feeling is heavenly. You get it now. You get the hype with anal. Oh, you fucking get it. It’s so different from getting your pussy stuffed. Exciting because you know just how tight your ass is and yet you are managing to take him so well. It feels like an achievement. The kind of achievement which leaves you dripping on his cock.  
"I think I’m gonna cum", you confess in a mewl, tensing on top of him.
"Yeah? Wanna cum?"
You nod your head, feeling oh so tight in your stomach. Holy fuck, you can really feel just how deep his cock goes, how he is stretching you out, how his swollen tip is grinding against your throbbing g-spot. Every curl of his long fingers is sending electricity through your pussy too, because for those two seconds you can feel his cock dig into your wet walls oh so deeply before an angry throb shakes through his entire length. The sensation is consuming you, making you feel so charged in tension. 
"Whenever you’re ready, princess. I'm here to catch you", he says and groans, "so fucking good, I’m so into it." 
"Ah, Yoongi. Me too. Ah, hah, wow okay", you moan, twisting his hair. 
Your clit is grinding against him. So close. Your own wetness is making the slip easy. It’s a constant change of sensations. First his slick lower stomach,then the friction of his hair when you grind lower and meet his well taken care of pubes. They are soaked in your pleasure by now, totally ruined and claimed as yours. Soft skin and friction, soft skin and friction. The sensation is endless, perfect.
"Fuck, Yoongi", you mewl, gasping for air. 
Yoongi knows before you know. You are climaxing. He hugs you safely, gives you eager rolls of his hips, curls his fingers deep inside of you. He wants it to hit hard, to literally consume you, to take a hold of you and burn you up.
"Let go, princess. That’s it, let go", he encourages you. 
"Yoon-" your words cut off and you are mewling in your high, getting swallowed by the hot flames and feeling like passing out would be the only option.
Holy fuck, you are so tight. Holy fuck, you can feel every pulse of your ass, every clench of your pussy, every throb of your clit. His fingers, his cock, they feel twice as big now that you are tensing oh so much. 
Yoongi is rutting into you quickly, forcing your trembling hips to grind into him and making your high feel ten times as intense.
"Yes princess, yes. Fuck yes, just like this. So good, you’re the best", he encourages you.
"Holy fuck, I c-can't stop", you keen, "I can't stooop", you wail, shaking uncontrollably.
Yoongi is growling, helping your body to ride out that endless high while aching for his own release. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck", you chant, convulsing a third time and Yoongi has to fight you trying to squeeze him right out, fucking his cock and fingers into you in a deep rhythm. His back burns as you drag your nails down, scratching him open. 
"Holy shit, ___ you’re so good", he moans loudly, throwing his head back, "ah! I'm c-cu-cumming." 
You can feel how he is pumping you full of his cum. It fills you right up, stuffs your entire pussy. It's so much that soon it is squirting all out of you alongside your orgasm. White, liquid pleasure is slathering all over his shaft and thighs, soaking your own thighs and his throbbing balls. The sound is wet, slick, sticky. The sensations are mind numbing, fiery, the best.
"Fuck, fuck, holy fuck I'm cumming so fucking hard", he croaks, arching into you, "fuck, can’t stop."
"Don't please don’t", you beg, shaking right with him. 
You lose the thought of who calmed down first, quite frankly you never truly gained said thought in the first place. You just know that at some point Yoongi slipped his fingers free and dropped into the pillows, tugging you on top of his. 
"Fuck, urgh fuck", he pants, hugging you tightly all while his hips are rolling up into you in a slow rhythm, "this shit feels like fucking paradise."
You shiver. It’s so nice to lie on top of him like that. With his strong arms around you and his heated chest against your own while your face is buried in the crook of his neck. 
"How's it for you?" he is impatient in his voice, feeling up your back restlessly.
 "So good", you lull, "ah, Yoongs your cock."
"I know, sorry can’t get it soft", he says and chuckles in embarrassment, "you've got me too good. I’m so fucking pussy drunk", he lulls and laughs out a breathy, “baby.” 
"Yoongs, fuck." 
"Relax, not long. Just for a little longer. Wanna keep fucking for a little" he says and slips his hand between your buttocks again. He propes at your hole carefully.
The teasing hurts so much, you want it again. You buck your hips into his hand.
"Please", the word swirls against his neck. 
Yoongi picks up the creamy cum from his cock and uses it to push his pointer finger right back inside. 
"Fuck", you and him curse at the same time. 
Yoongi’s hips become faster again, his unoccupied hand rests itself at the back of your head to hold you close. 
"You're so tight", he groans, rolling his hips up in a squirm, "princess…"
"So sensitive", you mewl, feeling every single fucking inch of his finger as he pumps it in and out of you slowly. The big stretch and the hard orgasm made your rim so sensitive that you are pretty sure you could actually cum from what he was doing, "c-can you c-cum with your, your ass?"
He chuckles, "yeah, you can. Feels incredible", he says and moans, scratching along your scalp as he holds you closer. 
"Cause I think I’m gonna, ah, do that", you stutter.
"Good, that’s good. You deserve it", he turns his head to bury his nose in your neck, "whenever you feel like it." 
"What…what if it’s…now?" 
"Then I've got you. Hear me? You’re safe to fall", he whispers sweetly. 
It starts off as a completely involuntary squeeze of your stomach as if you wanted to get rid of his finger, then turns into the kind of shiver which makes you groan involuntarily, then scorching heat is coursing through you, throwing your pussy right over the edge as well. The convulsing and squeezing of your stomach continues, becoming more and more unbearable the longer you are orgasming.
"That's right, yes baby yes", he encourages you, "now you’re feeling it. That’s so good."
Yoongi trembles and gasps. 
"I'm cum- ah - too", he confesses and breaks, hugging you oh so close while making sure that your shared high is as fulfilling as possible for both of you. 
You are the first to come down, kissing his neck until he finally stops shaking. He groans, slipping his finger free once again to trace your spine instead. 
"Oh my love", he says and flips your bodies over so you are underneath him, "my princess, oh my ___", he mumbles, kissing every inch of your face, "that was amazing. So amazing."
"Yes", you sigh, having your eyes closed. 
Yoongi nuzzles his nose into your cheek and kisses it. Then he lifts his head, cupping your face while his love-filled eyes are racing over your features.
"How did you like it?" 
"Holy fuck", you say and laugh breathily.
Yoongi smiles, "yeah right? It feels so different to cum with your ass, doesn’t it?" 
You nod your head, "I don't think I ever used my abs that much before." 
He chuckles and kisses your cheek, "right? It’s amazing." 
"Yeah…thank you so much for doing this with me. I couldn’t have asked for a better first time. 
Yoongi smiles, tracing your lips with his thumb, "I'm just glad you liked it."
"I did, it was incredible. It didn’t hurt at all and, and I felt so…so stuffed. But in a really good way”, you sigh dreamily, “it was so nice.”
The smile reaches his eyes, lighting them up oh so prettily.
"That's good, princess. You deserve it”, he says in a soft voice.
"Can you use your cock one day? I want to know how that feels."
"Of course, princess. But today you should rest."
"Yes, okay", you giggle, “I honestly feel spent.”
He pulls you closer so your head would be resting on his upper arm. He still keeps tracing your face, unable to stop his smile.
"What?" you ask him.
"Nothing, I just…I'm in…I uhm, I think I uh, love you." 
"You think you love me? Excuse me, are your feelings really that uncertain?" you ask, carrying a teasing smile in your voice. 
"Shut up, fuck", he groans, dropping his face into your neck, "you know I’m weird as fuck with that shit." 
You giggle, smooching his messy hair. 
"I think I love you too, Yoongi Boongie." 
"I told you to shut up, oh my god, I'm never gonna say anything ever again." 
"Fuck, you’re so dramatic", you cackle, hugging him so tightly that your legs entangle into one big mess of limps. 
You don’t care just how much of a mess you are making right now as his cum gets stuck to everything. You just want to be close to him, feel his body against yours and get lost in his hug. You’ll just take a shower later and you'll make sure to drag Yoongi right with you.
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99corentine · 5 months
How To Write Good by Corentine
Hello, people were interested in some writing tips by me so I, uh, sort of kind of cranked out a writing guide in a few hours. I’m not sure if this will be a very comprehensive or helpful guide but let’s give it a try!
⭐ Starting disclaimers: Please remember as with all things that my method is not necessarily the best method, everyone is different and over time you’ll find your own process.
I write romance, so my advice is skewed towards writing that and I’m not sure how helpful it will be for gen fic. I publish fanfic chapter by chapter to AO3 so it’s also skewed to someone doing the same, not someone writing a full novel they want to get published. 
I’m going to be using GOL HAH DOV (GHD) for writing examples because, well, it’s a finished longfic so it’s as good a reference as any, but obviously GHD is not everyone’s cup of tea. I’ll also occasionally reference Tooth for a Tooth (T4T) which apologies is very far from finished, but the Baldur’s Gate 3 fandom is vastly different to the Skyrim one, so it’s useful to cross-compare them.
Also worth bearing in mind: I have been writing fanfiction since I was about 13, and I’m now 33. That’s 20 years of experience. Do you know what I wrote when I was 13? Hot garbage. Writing is a learned skill that, much like playing a musical instrument or learning literally any other craft, you must put time and effort into to improve.
However although ‘practice makes perfect’ is fundamentally true, that’s also kind of lame advice. So here is what I personally do, which may be helpful in figuring out what you want to do. 
Think of a fic idea. Probably you have lots of vague ideas. As I’m trying to turn something from a daydream into an actual writing project, I tend to ask myself these questions:
⭐Who is it about?⭐
Pick your pairing, romantic or otherwise. Think about what you like about the character and what traits you want to emphasise in your writing. If you’re writing about fan character x fan character, what makes them go well together? What causes tension between them?
If you’re writing fan character x original character, do remember that your readers are here for the fan character, not for your OC. There is no getting around this, your OC is not what brings people to the fic. GHD’s Chrysanthe was largely intended as a blank slate, quite literally, I made him an amnesiac because the point of the story was Miraak not Chrysanthe. 
Over time I was able to shape him into something more distinctive (softly-spoken, stoic, paladin-like, secret tricksy side only Miraak brings out, gets more dragon-like as the story progresses) but that was a gradual thing. Your readers will hopefully come to love your OC as you do, but it takes time for them to get invested. I’m very grateful that people did come to root for Chrysanthe – but make no mistake, if the story had no Miraak in it, people wouldn’t be reading it. Your OC is always a vehicle for the fan character.
⭐What are the overarching themes of the story?⭐
A cohesive story has a theme that repeats throughout, and picking one early on will let you write with that theme in mind. As an example, the themes of GHD are:
Soulmates / we were destined to meet each other
There’s no-one else like me / you and I are the only real ones here
One’s a hero one’s a villain
Zero to hero / hero becomes progressively more badass
Redemption arc but the villain is never fully redeemed – for GHD this turned into the repetition of Miraak’s theme he’ll never be pure but for you he’ll try and later Chrysanthe’s I love you exactly as you are
Your own themes might be something like best friends who don’t realise they’ve been in love this whole time or can’t live with you can’t live without you. Tropes count towards this too, so something like soulmates, Modern Coffee Shop AU, hanahaki, all of that stuff is a story theme.
⭐What does this fic do that other fics like it don’t?⭐
GOL HAH DOV was sort of easy mode in this regard because there aren’t many fics featuring Miraak at all, so writing anything was already doing something different. Of those existing fics, I wanted to see more where Miraak was evil and scary, and you should be the change you want to see in the world (of fanfic), so I decided to write it myself. I get a lot of comments on Miraak’s personality, so I assume this is mostly what makes GHD stand out!
I’ll use T4T as a contrasting example, because Skyrim is old and Miraak is niche, but Baldur’s Gate 3 is new/popular and Astarion is a fan favourite. That means there’s a veritable sea of fic about him, so what can you write that will stand out from the many, many other fics out there? It doesn’t have to be the only one of its kind or anything, but it does need to have something special about it.
You’ll want to either go for a strong theme or trope (i.e. soulmates, magical spell curse, we’re both monsters), or change the setting (canon divergence, ‘what if X happened instead?’, or even outright alternate universe and a brand new plot). Personally, I choose to follow the source material but go off-script. I gotta say, nothing makes me sadder than seeing plot and dialogue lifted straight from a game with zero changes made to it. That’s a personal preference obviously, but I think if you write a fic it should strive to do something different to the rest.
⭐Do I have enough enthusiasm to finish it?⭐
This is more applicable to longfic, but you really need to be in love with a story to see it through to the end. Be realistic with yourself, how much free time and energy you have – if you start it, do you think you can finish it?
I have a whole planning process (detailed later) and sometimes I start planning out an idea just to realise I don’t really have the enthusiasm to actually write the whole thing. This is fine! Even just planning is still a writing exercise, and it might spark some different ideas.
Once you have your idea, and you’re confident you’re going to actually write it… then for the love of all that is holy, do not share it in detail with anyone. You can pitch an idea to see if people will be interested but if you go into specifics about story events or certain scenes? You basically get the endorphins from having ‘created’ it, only you haven’t actually created it, and now you’ve had the chemical pay-off you probably never will. Keep your ideas to yourself until you’ve actually written them.
In terms of writing software, I use Scrivener, which is a paid-for software but is not subscription based (I wouldn’t pay continually for software unless I was reliably writing every day, and sometimes I go ages without being in the mood to write). Scriv’s word processor isn’t the most intuitive thing, but I like its organisation features. This is what a work in progress looks like for me:
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That’s essentially a folder (the story) containing a bunch of word documents (the chapters). You could break it down even further and have a chapter folder with each document being individual scenes, then stitch it together later - if writing is a daunting process for you, it’s useful to break it down into small, manageable chunks. You can do this in other software obviously, I just find Scrivener the most visually pleasing.
Set up your writing document, and let’s get to planning what we’re actually going to write!
...Apparently tumblr has a word limit I've exceeded, so I'll write the next bit separately. Here's PART TWO.
30 notes · View notes
pandenewie · 1 year
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Heeseung visits the same Gamestop every Tuesday and Thursday after his afternoon lecture. Not only because of the hidden gems he finds in the two for one sales bin, but also because of the insanely cute worker who just picked up that shift…
PAIRING: heeseung x fem!oc
GENRE: nonidol!au, college!au, slow burn, strangers to ???, fluff, angst (light)
AN: This is a special chapter for my Sunghoon smau “Diary of a Homewrecker” which you can read here :) You don’t need to read the smau to understand this fic. Can be read as x reader if you want, just change the name to y/n :)
Read part 2 here :))
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Everyone who knows Lee Heeseung knows that he’s not the most… romantic of people. Not to say he doesn’t try - the amount of rom coms in his Netflix “Watch again” section could put your average 15 year old girl to shame. But despite the amount of “research” he’s done, all Heeseung’s relationships tend to end before they even begin. Maybe some people just aren’t cut out for romance. And some people just don’t know when to quit…
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“I know you think I’m crazy but I promise you, we were flirting.” Heeseung repeats, for probably the 5th time since he got in the car. After years of friendship with the older boy, Jay knows it’s best to just hum and nod in agreement whenever Heeseung get’s like this. Heeseung is a handsome dude. So honestly, the chance of some random girl at their college campus flirting with him is quite large. But is it worth making this much of a fuss about it? Absolutely not.
This is how it always goes with Heeseung. He’ll show interest in someone, talk about them non-stop for a few days, go on a date or two if he’s lucky, before the whole thing ends within about a week. It’s a pattern the boys have become very familiar with - so much that there’s a shared schedule between the other 6 friends for who’s on “Heartbroken Heeseung Duty”.
Jay knows this won’t end any differently from the other times Heeseung has found “the one”. Hell, the whole world probably knows at this point. But with Heeseung being such a hopeless romantic and the glimmer of hope in his eyes as he recounts the story once again, Jay doesn’t have the heart to tell him.
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It’s not creepy. At least that’s what Heeseung tries to tell himself, as he walks through the sliding doors of the all-too-familiar Gamestop. He’s certainly no stranger to this place - the cream coloured brick and vibrant “For Sale” signs giving a sense of familiarity. Hell, this place is like a second home at this point. So why does Heeseung feel so anxious today?
Well for starters, it’s Friday. Which marks this momentous occasion as his third Gamestop trip this week. Although many would argue that Heeseung has a gaming addiction, three trips in one week is definitely a first.
Despite Heeseung’s life being what many would call a mess, he has very few routines that he absolutely swears by. Visit Gamestop on Tuesday after his lecture, pick out the games he wants to buy, and hide them at the very bottom of the sales bin. Then, once he gets paid Wednesday night, he’ll come back on Thursday to buy the games. That’s the way it’s been since he started university and it’s something he never planned on changing. That was until he saw her.
Now Heeseung never really paid much attention to the workers at Gamestop. They were usually socially awkward teens just trying to make a few bucks and therefore never stood out to him. Until this week…
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As soon as the familiar beep of the sliding doors rings through the air, Heeseung makes a b-line for the sales bin at the back of the store. The shop is as quiet as it normally is at 2pm on a Tuesday, leaving Heeseung to comfortably browse before having to pick Ni-ki up from school at 3.
Just as he is deciding between two games, he feels a presence come up behind him - making him internally groan at the thought of communication with another person. But a sudden cherry voice breaks through his sour mood, causing his ears to prick up at the melodic sound.
“Hi! Is there anything I can help you with today?” 
Heeseung turns around to find himself face to face with one of the most beautiful women he’s ever seen. With big sparkling eyes and a grin that seems to light up the room - honest to god, if she weren’t standing right before his very eyes, he’d assume she wasn’t real. But as her head tilts in slight confusion - the bright smile not leaving her face, he releases that she is in fact real and he is in fact staring.
Clearing his throat nervously, Heeseung looks away from the girl - suddenly finding some co-op game on the shelf incredibly interesting. “J-just looking, thanks.” He manages to let out, mentally cursing himself for the stutter and waver in his voice.
The girl's smile seems to grow even more, if that’s even possible. Her eyes crinkle as she gently bows to Heeseung. “Ok, if you need anything don’t be afraid to ask. I’ll just be at the front desk.” She says before retreating to her former position.
Heeseung lets out the breath he didn’t realise he was holding as he watches her walk away. That had to be one of the most awkward interactions he’d had in a while. And yet, he’d do almost anything to experience it again. Because no amount of awkwardness could override the pure warmth he felt in the presence of the strange girl.
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So here he stands on a Friday afternoon, mindlessly flicking through the games he has no intention of buying as his gaze focuses once again on the girl at the counter. Part of him is just happy to see her face. The way her eyes light up when a customer purchases a game she’s particularly interested in. The way she laughs and jokes around with her coworkers when the store’s a little quiet. But another part of him wishes it was him. That he’s the one she enthuses over games with. He’s the one making her laugh as if he’s just told the best joke of the decade. For now though, he’s more than happy just to watch. 
It’s not creepy.
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“It is kinda creepy hyung.” Ni-ki mumbles from his position on the couch. Although his focus appears to be on the game he is currently playing, he couldn’t help but listen intently as Heeseung retold the events of his Gamestop trip.
“Hey! I’m not creepy!” Heeseung exclaims in offence, causing his younger friend to roll his eyes. “I never said you were creepy, just that your actions are.” Ni-ki states matter-of-factly. “Because you’d be so much better.” Heeseung bites back, ripping the controller out of his friend’s hand when the flashing “You Died�� comes across the screen. Ni-ki scowls at his hyung as he lays back into the couch. “At least I can talk to girls.” He mumbles, thankful that his friend doesn’t hear the words.
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A few weeks pass until Heeseung see’s who his friends have affectionately dubbed “Gamestop Girl” again. Not once in those weeks did she leave his mind; a pang of disappointment hitting his chest each time he entered the store, only to find some pimply high schooler instead. But boy, were those weeks of disappointment worth it for the image in front of him.
Heeseung didn’t think that she could get any brighter - any more perfect. Her warm and cheerful smile was now matched with the golden glow of her skin, indicating a possible vacation (which would explain her weeks of absence). Her hair, slightly longer than before though not enough for the regular person to notice. Heeseung noticed. To put it simply, she was absolutely breathtaking.
“Sale bin guy!”
The sudden exclamation breaks Heeseung out of his thoughts as he looks around the room for the origin of the sound. As his eyes land back on the girl, he sees her already looking at him with her familiar smile. That’s when it dawns on him that he is in fact “Sale Bin Guy”.
“Uh.. what?” Heeseung stutters out as she makes her way towards him. “You always come for the sale bin, right? There’s some nice hidden gems in there - I was actually just on my way to restock it.” She rambles on, walking to the back of the store where the bin is located. Heeseung’s feet seem to move on their own as he follows her to the back of the store.
“So, are you looking for anything particular today?” She asks as she begins filling the sale bin with all sorts of games. “I was kinda hoping you’d have Halo - one of my friend’s has been begging me to play.” He says, taking note of each game as she puts them in the bin. “We have Halo, not on sale though. It’s super popular so it’s usually full price unfortunately.” She says, sending him a quick sympathetic smile. Heeseung immediately decides he doesn’t like this smile as much.
“That’s why I haven’t got it yet, it doesn't really fit my broke college student aesthetic.” He jokes, feeling a sense of pride when she giggles a little. “Maybe if you weren’t buying the sale games every week you could save up for Halo.” She says, causing Heeseung to laugh sheepishly. “I’ve got a feral teenager at home who goes through games like he’s getting paid so… I’ll stick to the sale bin for now.” Heeseung says. Although it isn’t a joke, the girl laughs anyway and that sense of pride shoots through Heeseung once again.
The pair continue to make small talk as Heeseung looks through the games and he only suddenly realises that she’s wearing a nametag. Whilst trying to be as subtle as possible, he glances down at the tag and smiles as he reads the name - Ari.
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“Ari, huh?” Jay asks, not even remotely enthusiastic to be talking about his friend’s love life. This one has lasted much longer than the others, he’ll give him that. But it’s not like this has actually gone anyway either.
“Isn’t it just perfect?” Heeseung sighs, his lovestruck tone making Jay want to vomit. “And how many times have you spoken to her?” He asks, causing Heeseung to blush with embarrassment. “Well… technically twice. If you count the first one.” He mumbles, making Jay snicker. “And you’re already head over heels for her? That’s weird, even for you.” Jay says, making Heeseung roll his eyes.
“Didn’t you tell your ex that you loved them after like, 2 days?” Heeseung asks. Now it’s Jay’s turn to roll his eyes - his past relationship often being brought up in an attempt to prove a point. “At least I was dating them! What do you even know about this girl aside from where she works?” Jay asks, going back on topic.
Heeseung stays silent as the realisation hits that he, in fact, knows nothing about Ari. Well that certainly needs to change.
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“Can you request some games?” Heeseung asks, practically interrupting Ari as she went to greet him. She looks at him a little in shock before breaking out into her all familiar smile. “Well nice to see you too, what sort of thing are you after?” She asks. “Anything? I just got a Nintendo Switch and all I have is Super Smash Bros and this one about a cup.” Heeseung says, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. “Cuphead? Yeah that one can be kinda weird for new players.” Ari giggles slightly before taking Heeseung towards the switch games.
“Well, I’m certainly the girl you’re looking for; me and my switch are basically attached at the hip.” Ari jokes as she looks at the games they have lining the shelves. “You said you already have Smash Bros which would be one of my go-tos. Another would probably be Animal Crossing which you’ve no doubt heard of?” Ari asks, turning back to see Heeseung nod enthusiastically. “Yeah, so that’s super fun if you’re into more chill games. I personally find it very therapeutic but I can also spend all day playing it so you’ve gotta be careful.”
“Then there’s super well known games like Legends of Zelda, Sonic, and other Mario games. They’re the typical ones that you would get in a beginner switch pack. Zelda’s probably my favourite out of those ones but the others are good too.”
“There’s also a whole punch of Pokemon games. I’m probably not the best to recommend those since I know nothing about Pokemon aside from the fact that they’re cute. But I’ve heard they’re good so if you’re into that it’s worth a try.”
Heeseung honestly feels like he should be taking notes with the amount of information Ari is spitting at him. It’s very clear that she rambles when she gets excited, which Heeseung can’t help but smile at.
“So… see any you like?” Ari asks, beaming up at him as her rant comes to an end. “Uh… I’ll be honest I kinda blanked out. You’re just like… really cute.” Heeseung admits, mumbling the last part. If Ari heard it, she certainly acts like she didn’t as she playfully rolls her eyes at him. “How about you start with Animal Crossing and Zelda? Those are my favourites.” She suggests. “Plus, they’re on sale right now, so perfect for a broke college student.” She adds, a slight teasing tone in her voice. Heeseung just nods in agreement as he follows her up to the counter.
“I’m Heeseung by the way.” Heeseung suddenly says as she’s checking out his items. He’s not sure why he tells her his name - maybe it’s just an excuse to keep talking? “Nice to meet you Heeseung, I’m Ari but you probably already know that.” She says smiling. “Yeah… it’s a really beautiful name.” He says without thinking, causing her smile to widen as she thanks him.
“I’ll tell you what, Heeseung.” Ari says, grabbing a pen as his receipt starts to print out. Once printed, she flips over to the blank side and starts writing something down. “That’s my Nintendo ID and Discord. Animal Crossing can be multiplayer, so once you’ve established your island a little… I’d love to have a look.” She says.
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“I can’t believe you’re ditching us to play Animal Crossing with some chick.” Jake grumbles as he pushes his way into Heeseung’s apartment. Sunghoon quickly follows suit, sending Heeseung a disapproving look before sitting on the couch. “I literally see you guys all the time and I don’t know when I’ll get to play with her again. Don’t act like you guys wouldn’t do the exact same thing.” Heeseung rolls his eyes. “Jake wouldn’t know, he’s never had a girlfriend.” Sunghoon teases, causing Jake to shove his shoulder. “Says the guy who can’t even talk to his crush!” A mini fight breaks out between the boys, causing Heeseung to rub his temples in frustration.
“What are you guys even doing here? I text the groupchat this morning that I couldn’t come.” Heeseung says. “They’re here for me. Not everything’s about you, hyung.” Niki pokes his tongue at the oldest friend, causing Heeseung to roll his eyes yet again. “You’re right. How silly of me to think people came to my house to see me.” Heeseung says sarcastically. “Feel free to leave him wherever you’re going. It’d be nice to have my couch back.” Heeseung continues, picking up the pillow Niki sleeps with and throwing it at his youngest friend.
Once the guys have left the house, Heeseung lets out a sigh of relief at the sudden silence. The short amount of chaos from his friends managed to distract him from how nervous he is. He quickly glances at the clock on the wall - 5:50. 10 minutes until Ari’s shift finishes. 10 minutes until he’ll be showing her his progress in Animal Crossing.
Realistically, there’s nothing to be nervous about. He won’t be able to see her face so he can’t get distracted by her beautiful features. Plus he has the game to focus on and hopefully stop him from saying anything stupid. Everything will be fine.
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“Heeseung! Can you hear me?” Ari’s cheery voice blasts through his headphones, sending a spark of energy right to Heeseung’s heart. Ok, maybe everything won’t be fine. “I uh… yeah.” Heeseung manages, clearing his throat. “Ok cool. I’m just loading into your island. Where do you want to meet me?” She asks. “Um… I have a cherry blossom tree at the front of my island. I’ll wait there.” Heeseung says, smiling to himself as Ari goes on a mini rant about how cute the cherry blossoms are in the game.
As the two of them continue to explore Heeseung’s island, Ari seems to carry the conversation. She’s letting out praises for how well he’s done despite not playing that long, talking about her favourite parts of the island, and cracking jokes about certain villagers. Heeseung finds himself happily content with just listening to her, responding with hums of agreement and the occasional sentence when asked a question.
“Sorry, I know I talk a lot. You can tell me to shut up if I’m too annoying.” Ari jokes, causing Heeseung’s face to fall. Although she played it off as a joke, part of him thinks that she’s being serious. “Don’t apologize. I like listening to you talk. Especially since I suck at it.” Heeseung reassures. He hopes she knows he means it. The thought of someone like her thinking she’s annoying is just wrong.
“Ok. But I want you to talk too.” Ari says. “What should I talk about?” Heeseung asks, his nerves coming back now that he’s been put on the spot. “I just rambled about my childhood dog for 5 minutes cause a villager reminded me of him. You can talk about anything.” Ari assures.
So Heeseung rambles on about anything that comes to mind. University, work, his friends being stupid, even that one time he had to break into his own house because he accidentally threw his keys in the trash. The game became long forgotten as the two get caught up in learning more about each other.
Heeseung doesn’t even notice the time, until he hears the front door of his apartment open. Ni-ki soon walks into Heeseung’s room, eyes widening when he sees that he’s still talking to that girl. 
“Oh? It’s my roommate.” Heeseung says into his mic, attempting to shoo Ni-ki out of his room. Dodging Heeseung’s waving arm, Ni-ki pulls the headphones off his head, yelling a quick hello into the mic before Heeseung fights him off. “Get out you rat.” Heeseung whisper-yells, adjusting the headphones so they’re back in their original position. The sound of Ari’s laughter quickly fills his eardrums, causing a dopey smile to spread across his face. “Simp.” Ni-ki scoffs before leaving to find something to eat.
“I’m guessing that’s the feral teenager?” Ari asks, causing Heeseung to sigh. “Yeah… he can be a lot. I guess I love him though.” Heeseung says, checking the time to see that it is in fact quite late. “I should probably go eat something. And make sure he doesn’t burn down my apartment.” Heeseung sighs, not wanting to stop talking but equally not wanting to starve. Or find himself homeless. “I should probably go too. I’ve got an early class tomorrow.” Ari agrees. “I had a lot of fun tonight. We should do this again.” She continues, causing Heeseung to agree a little too quickly. “Ok well, go feed your feral teenager. I’ll talk to you later Heeseung.” Ari says, disconnecting the call after Heeseung lets out a small “goodbye”
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Playing together soon becomes a natural thing for Heeseung and Ari. It started with her visiting his Animal Crossing island without him knowing - leaving small presents for him to find later. That led to a game of hide and seek on each other’s islands, where they would call and time each other to see how quickly they could find each other’s presents. Now, fast forward a few weeks and the two have just started a minecraft server - which Ari affectionately named “Gamestop Besties”.
Besties. Heeseung hates that word. He’d call Jay and Ni-ki his besties. He’d call Sunghoon and Jake his besties. Heck, he’d even call his mum his bestie if she didn’t smack him for it. But the thought of him and Ari being besties honestly terrifies him. Because part of him thinks that’s all they’ll ever be. Besties.
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“What the fuck?” Heeseung exclaims, his eyes furrowing in confusion as his character walks back to what once was his and Ari’s beautifully built Minecraft house. He says was because half the house is now missing, with a large hole in the wall. “Creeper.” Ari admits. “I forgot they existed.” She continues. “How do you forget about Creepers?” Heeseung laughs. “Well I didn’t have to deal with them until someone killed my cat.” Ari states.
A moment of silence falls between the two before Heeseung sighs. “I’ll get you a new cat.” He says, walking off to try and find a village. “I’ll start rebuilding the house… and make you a new bed.” Ari mumbles the last part, causing Heeseung to gasp. “You blew up my bed?!?”
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It’s been almost a week since Ari and Heeseung last played Minecraft together. Now, for most people that’s not considered a long amount of time. But for people who have been playing together nearly everyday, it’s a big deal. She hasn’t been responding to messages either, which has Heeseung especially worried.
Heeseung gets woken from his sleep by a discord notification. For a second, he considers ignoring it and going back to sleep. That’s until he remembers that he only has notifications on for Ari’s messages.
Heeseung practically jumps out of bed, quickly shoving on the glasses he hates wearing before sitting down at his computer. His eyes take a bit of time to adjust to the bright light before he is able to read the messages:
Aristocat: Hey sorry for not replying. Just had some personal stuff going on ://
Heebeejeebee: u okay?
Aristocat: Uh?? I think?? Idk my boyfriend and I broke up lol
Aristocat: But I’m allgoods now
Heeseung’s eyes widen at the message. She had a boyfriend this whole time? Why didn’t she think to tell him? He can’t help but feel like an idiot for not knowing.
Heebeejeebee: Oh. I didn’t know you had a boyfriend?
Aristocat: Yeah haha I didn’t talk about him
Aristocat: Was gonna wait until we weren’t having problems
Aristocat: But it doesn’t matter now ig
Heebeejeebee: How are you feeling?
Aristocat: Sad lol
Aristocat: I can’t sleep
Aristocat: Can we play minecraft?
Heebeejeebee: Yeah just one sec
Ari fell asleep at her computer not long after loading into their shared world. Partially due to the fact that it was well past midnight. But Heeseung likes to think that it’s because the sound of his voice - spoken in soft whispers as to not wake up Ni-ki, was able to lull her to sleep. The quiet “thank you” she let out before drifting off to dream land certainly made it seem like it.
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Nothing gets one's mind off falling in love with a friend quite like alcohol does. As Heeseung downs his sixth shot of night and asks Ni-ki to grab him yet another beer, his friends start to think that something’s up.
“I’m a pussy.” Heeseung groans, setting his empty shot glass down on the table. “No arguments there.” Sunghoon chimes in, earning him a few glares from their other friends. “What? He’s getting all mopey over something that hasn’t even happened. Sounds like bitchless behaviour to me.” Sunghoon argues, the pink flush to his cheeks showing he’s not far off from Heeseung’s drunkenness.
“Maybe you should have some water hyung.” Jungwon suggests, attempting to get Heeseung out of his chair. “You don’t think I’m bitchless, do you Wonie?” Heeseung asks, grabbing the younger boy’s hand and looking deeply into his eyes. Almost pleading with him. “Uh.. well you are single so… technically?” Jungwon grimaces at the sound of Heeseung’s head banging against the table, a loud whine escaping his lips. He soon goes on a rant about how much of a loser he is, Jungwon rubbing his back sympathetically as he looks to his older friends for help.
None of them knows what to do. Heeseung’s dramatic sometimes, sure. And he’s certainly known to get a bit over the top when he’s drinking, but he’s never been like this. Sure, they know he’s crushing on Gamestop Girl. But this is the first time he’s gotten so worked up over someone. It leaves them thinking that his feelings for Ari are a lot stronger than he’s letting on.
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Fun fact, Heeseung is a sloppy drunk. This is evident in the way that he can barely stand up by himself, needing both Ni-ki and Ari to carry him out of Jay’s apartment. “My car’s just across the street.” Ari says, pointing at one of the few cars parked at this time of night.
When she first got the call from Heeseung that night, she was excited. But as he started to mumble incoherent words through the line, she quickly realised that he was drunk. The phone was soon taken over by his roommate Ni-ki - who quickly explained the situation. So here she is, driving home her drunk friend and his teenage roommate at 2 in the morning.
“Sorry again Noona. Jay was gonna give us a ride but he got tricked into doing shots with Jake.” Ni-ki apologises, causing Ari to wave him off nonchalantly, smiling gently at the younger boy. “It’s fine. I wasn’t doing anything important. Besides, at least this way I know he’s getting home safe.” Ari states, readjusting her grip around Heeseung’s torso to stop him from falling.
Once Heeseung is safely in the backseat, Ni-ki gives directions to their apartment. Ari finds herself looking through the rearview mirror at Heeseung’s sleeping figure throughout the drive. He was still awake and functioning when he called her, so the fact that he managed to drink enough to pass out since then is worrying. 
By the time they’ve made it to the apartment, Heeseung has woken up a little. Although his eyes are still closed - he is at least responding to his name now, humming lowly and nodding his head whenever the word falls from someone’s lips.
The two carefully carry Heeseung up the stairs to his apartment, laying him down in his room. Ni-ki leaves to get his hyung some water, leaving Ari sitting at the foot of Heeseung’s bed. She gently wipes away the hair that has stuck to his forehead and tugs his shirt down that had ridden up, revealing some of his stomach.
“Heeseung?” Ari asks, causing the boy to hum at the sound of her voice - a dopey smile adorning his lips. “Ni-ki’s getting you some water. Can you sit up?” She asks, lacing her fingers through his and attempting to pull him into a sitting position. Heeseung allows her to move him around, dropping his head onto her shoulder with a thud.
“Be careful.” Ari softly scolds, bringing her hand to gently rub the part of his head he hit on her shoulder. The two find themselves in comfortable silence as they wait for Ni-ki to return. 
“Ari?” Heeseung asks quietly, his words muffled slightly as he presses his face further into her neck. “Did you do this kinda stuff with your boyfriend?” He continues. Her fingers halt their movement at the sudden question, causing Heeseung to whine and press his head further into her hand.
Ari’s not sure what to answer. Does he mean look after him when he’s drunk? Is it the fact that she’s caressing his head? Heeseung sighs at her silence, mumbling a quiet nevermind before completely pulling away to lay down on the bed. Ari watches him for a moment, confusion written all over her features as she processes what just happened. Part of her knows exactly what he meant, after all, Heeseung isn’t the most subtle person in the world. She immediately shoves that thought down though, not emotionally ready to unpack it just yet.
Finally, Ni-ki returns with the water and gives Ari the greenlight to go home. Part of her wants to stay and make sure Heeseung’s okay, but she finds herself walking out of the apartment before she can even think of an excuse not to.
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“Oh my god, I’m so embarrassed.” Heeseung exclaims, resting his head on the table in the kitchen. He can remember everything from the night before, and he’s not sure if it’s a blessing or a curse. Ni-ki pats his friend’s back sympathetically but offers no further help to the situation. 
“Do I text her and apologise? Or do I wait for her to bring it up? What if she doesn’t remember and bringing it up only makes things worse? Wait, she was sober so of course she remembers!” Heeseung throws his head back in frustration, letting out a loud groan. “I am never getting out of the friendzone.” He whines, causing Ni-ki to roll his eyes. “You’re hopeless, hyung.” Ni-ki sighs before returning to the game he’s playing on his phone.
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Trying to pretend everything is normal proves to be a difficult task. Heeseung remembers very clearly what he said to Ari the night he got drunk. He knows the implications behind his words and part of him wonders if Ari knows too.
She’s been normal, for the most part. Her voice, just as cheery when the two play games. Her smile, just as bright when they facetime late into the night. Everything seems fine on her end, and Heeseung can’t help but feel that maybe he’s the problem.
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“Are you still awake?” Ari’s voice sounds through his phone speakers, snapping Heeseung out of his thoughts. “Yeah… I didn’t think you were.” Heeseung admits, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He grabs his phone from where it’s resting on his nightstand, holding it so she can see his face more clearly. “Can’t sleep.” Ari admits; a small smile on her lips when Heeseung’s face comes into focus. “I feel restless.” She adds, slightly laughing in disbelief. 
You’d think after a day of uni, a five hour shift and multiple hours spent gaming, she’d have run out of energy by now. But here she lays at an unspeakable hour in the morning, not an ounce of tiredness in her body.
“Restless?” Heeseung asks, intrigued. “Yeah… like I need to get out of the house or something.” Ari sighs, running her hands through her hair. A moment of silence passes between them before Ari sighs once more.
“I think I’m gonna go for a drive. Clear my mind.” She says, picking up her phone as she goes on a hunt for her car keys. “Okay.” Heeseung says, his heart falling a bit at the thought of her hanging up.
Another moment of silence…
“Do you want to come?”
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Sat in the passenger seat of Ari’s car, Heeseung feels his heart being pulled in two different directions. On one hand, he gets to spend more time with the woman he’s grown to love. He gets to bask in her presence, her scent sending his heart into a peaceful bliss. On the other hand, she isn’t as warm as normal. Her voice, not as cherry; her smile, not as bright. It’s as if someone has taken all the light from her heart. And thus, breaking Heeseung’s at the same time.
The car is fairly silent, some random radio station playing softly in the background. Neither Heeseung nor Ari make any move to start conversation - finding solace in the comfortable silence.
As the two pull into a nearly abandoned car park, Ari sits back in her chair - running her hands through her hair once more. Something she does when she’s stressed, Heeseung’s noticed.
“Is everything okay?” Heeseung asks, watching her from the passenger seat. He’s been watching her since she picked him up, her movements, mannerisms, the way she gently hums along to the radio when she knows a certain song. All things that would usually bring a smile to Heeseung’s face. But not tonight - not when there’s clearly something wrong.
Ari hums gently in response, turning in her seat to face Heeseung. Her eyes are tired, though still shimmering in a way that would put the entire galaxy to shame. “Have you ever given so much of yourself to someone, only for it to not be enough?” She asks softly. Heeseung can’t help the way he softly bites his lip, nodding gently to her question. “I think I know what you mean.” He says.
It’s one of Heeseung’s greatest fears, not being enough. Giving your everything to someone, to live, think and breathe all for them, only to have it all to be gone in the blink of an eye. It’s the reason Heeseung has never been in a serious relationship - as much as he is obsessed with the idea of falling in love, he’s scared. Because Heeseung falls hard and fast, and he wonders if there’s anyone in the world willing to fall with him.
Ari is everything Heeseung has ever wished for in human form. She feels and expresses her emotions more than anyone he has ever met. It’s what made her so different from everyone else he’s been interested in. Because some childish part of him believes in fate. And god, does this seem like it.
“You spaced out again.” Ari comments, causing Heeseung to sheepishly rub the back of his neck, mumbling a small apology. “I don’t suppose you have a remedy for a broken heart in that interesting head of yours?” Ari asks. She brings her finger up to gently poke between Heeseung’s brows, the furrow he didn’t even know about immediately fading.
Heeseung is an idiot. The mix of shock and confusion on Ari’s face confirms that he did, in fact, say that out loud. His expression can’t help but mirror hers as he racks his brain for something… anything to say that can fix this. Is it even worth attempting to play it off? Or should he just man up and confess? He’s basically already started… so might as well give her an explanation.
“Fuck Ari… I just can’t stand to see you like this. Knowing that I could love you more than he ever did. Treat you better than he ever did. It pains me to think that he would just throw you away like you’re nothing, when there are people like me… people who would do anything to just hold you and feel you and love you.”
“You are so bright and warm and radiant and just so pretty. You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever laid my eyes on. And I know you don’t believe me, which makes you even more beautiful in my eyes.”
“I know, this is the worst time to tell you but I can’t just keep acting like it’s nothing. Like I feel nothing… It’s killing me, Ari.” Heeseung finishes, the hint of desperation in his voice causing Ari’s eyes to soften.
“Heeseung…” Ari lets out, not too sure how to respond. “I’m sorry. I know you’re upset and I just sprung all my feelings onto you, I should never have-”
“Heeseung.” Ari cuts him off, her tone a little sterner at the sound of his rambling. Heeseung bites his lips nervously as he awaits his fatal rejection. “Listen… you’re amazing, Heeseung…”
And there it goes. The infamous line is one he’s heard many times in his life. It starts off as a sweet compliment, almost tricking him into thinking there’s a possibility that just maybe they return his feelings. But all the hope of reciprocation goes out the window as soon as the word but is mumbled. You’re amazing Heeseung but just as a friend. You’re amazing Heeseung but you’re too much for me.
“Heeseung.” Ari repeats for a third time, once again breaking him out of his thoughts. He lets out a hum to let her know he’s listening, his eyes zoning in on a particularly interesting thread on his shirt. “Can you look at me, please?” Ari asks softly, reaching out to gently pull his hand away from the thread - hoping her touch will help to ease his mind in some way.
Heeseung reluctantly brings his eyes up to meet hers, trying to ignore the way his hand practically goes numb from the warmth of her own. Like it’s ascended to heaven from her touch alone. Ari sends him a small smile before continuing what she’s saying:
“Heeseung, I want you to believe me 100% when I say that you are one of the nicest, most considerate guys I’ve ever met. And I am so lucky to have someone like you in my life, who sees me and cares for me the way that you do.”
But… There’s always a but…
“But… it’s just not gonna work. Not right now, at least.”
Heeseung’s eyebrows furrow at her words. Usually rejections are so blatant and obvious, you’d be a fool to go away with any questions. So why is Ari rejecting him in a way that still leaves him with hope?
“You have been nothing but sweet and patient and attentive towards me and my feelings. You deserve to be with someone who will give you the same back, if not more. I’m sorry but… I don’t think I can do that for you right now… and I don’t know how long it’ll be until I can.”
Ari finishes her sentence with a gentle squeeze to Heeseung’s hand. He slowly lets go of the breath he was holding, being sure to squeeze back. “I understand.” He says quietly, a small smile on his face.
If there’s one thing Heeseung doesn’t know how to do, it’s give up. What sounded like a perfectly normal rejection to most people sounded completely different to Heeseung’s head. Because to him, the difference between no and not now is ginormous. And Ari didn’t tell him no.
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The drive back to Heeseung’s apartment is equally as silent as the one before. Despite the relationship between the two not changing the way Heeseung would have liked, he can’t help the small smile on his face and the sudden feeling of freedom in his heart.
They mumble soft goodbyes as Heeseung gets out of the car, Ari winding down her window to watch him walk to his door. Before he can think, Heeseung turns back around to face her - causing Ari’s eyebrows to furrow with confusion.
“I’ll wait for you. As long as you’ll let me.” Heeseung says, holding out his pinkie as a promise. They both know what he means, and the thought alone brings a smile to Ari’s face.
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Jay is a good friend. He reads people easily, noticing the small signs of what someone might be thinking. It’s definitely not psychic, but if there’s anyone in the world who’s close - it would be him.
Which is why he’s mentally beating himself up. Heeseung sits across from him at the campus cafeteria, happily eating his sandwich. And for the first time in their years of friendship, Jay can’t tell what he’s thinking.
It’s no secret that Heeseung has been oddly private recently… especially since he’s someone who’s known to share his life events with anyone willing to listen. Ever since the whole thing with Ari fell through (Jay assumes, since Heeseung hasn’t mentioned her in months) Heeseung hasn’t shared the story around his love life with any of the guys.
Speaking of the devil, Heeseung’s eyes light up as he sends a cheerful wave towards someone behind Jay - that someone turning out to be none other than Ari.
She politely bows to Jay before turning to face her friend. “I thought you had a lecture?” She asks. “Yeah but the cafeteria was gonna close and I really wanted a sandwich.” Heeseung says, motioning to the snack he’s currently holding. “You’re such a dork.” Ari giggles, glancing at the clock before her eyes widen. “Oh shit, I’ve got work.” She exclaims, pulling her phone out of her pocket to text someone. “I’ll call you later.” She continues, affectionately squeezing Heeseung’s shoulder before leaving.
Jay’s eyes stay furrowed with confusion, even as Heeseung turns back to face him. “What’s wrong?” Heeseung asks, taking another bite of his sandwich. Jay shakes his head slightly, looking down at his own food. “Nothing I just… I didn’t know you two were still talking.” Jay shrugs.
Now it’s Heeseung’s turn to be confused. He and Ari talk everyday? She even comes around every Thursday night and makes Tacos with him and Ni-ki. Why would Jay think they stopped talking?
The realisation suddenly hits him. Ever since he confessed, he hasn’t felt the need to mention Ari or his feelings towards her to the other guys. Since nothing will be coming from it anytime soon, he figured it’d be best to stop annoying them about it.
“Oh, yeah she rejected me a couple months back.” Heeseung says nonchalantly, causing Jay to look at him in shock. “It’s all good though. She said she wasn’t ready for a relationship and everything stayed basically the same. I just don’t talk about her cause… y’know, not like anything’s happening.” He continues. “Oh, well that’s good to know.” Jay nods, causing Heeseung to smirk at his friend.
“Why… do you miss gossiping about my love life?” He asks, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. “I’m not Sunoo.” Jay groans, rolling his eyes but smiling at his friend nonetheless. “Don’t worry, you’ll be the first to know if anything changes.” Heeseung says, happily taking a bite of his sandwich.
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Heeseung still isn’t the best when it comes to love. But he’s certainly learning. This time last year, he would’ve had his week of crying and moved onto someone new. It’s honestly refreshing for Jay to see such a change in his friend. And if he knows anything about Heeseung, it’s that he doesn’t change for just anyone. Which means that this Ari girl must be pretty darn special.
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arikihalloween · 2 months
Welcome Home × Soul Eater AU ramble
I had announced it, I shall now share it !
Behold, WH SE AU
Context :
In the world of Soul Eater, there are people who can transform into weapons (called demonic weapons), a genetic trait coming from some witch experimenting on humans centuries before. To avoid having those "weapons" go out of control, Shinigami, a god of death, created a school called Shibusen, where those weapons could learn how to control their powers. There are also people who come to this school to partner with the weapons and wield them, those are called meisters.
In this AU, our colorful cast of Welcome Home characters are students at this school in their last few years of studies (18-23 years old) and decided to create a race to the top before their graduation. The goal ? Get their weapon partner to the "death scythe" level by getting as much evil souls as they can. Who will win ? Who knows 👀
Let's present our six duos !
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Julie Joyful and Frank Frankly (butterfly net)
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Barnaby b. Beagle and Wally Darling (big apple hammer)
Howdy Pillar and Poppy Partridge (scythe)
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Sally Starlet and Lucero Starlley (guitar axe)
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Suave Moonwatcher and Eddie Dear (shield, later on a giant pair of scissor)
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Nyxie Moonwatcher and Calypso O Octave (musical saw/violin)
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And of course we can't forget out dear silliest, Home as Shinigami !!
Full page :
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Lucero and Calypso belong to @kokoiep
Ramble :
Okay so this AU is actually over a year old, I had old designs and dynamics I wasn't 100% happy with because this AU was co created
Idk how the other creator is doing, I haven't talked to them in a loooong while, so I decided to rebrand the AU a little
Now, I'll explain my choices and lore
For one, I believe in keeping the canon personalities. So, when deciding who's a weapon and who is a meister, I tried to go along how the characters would act and what alligns with their silly selves. The characters that ended up as weapons needed to be weapons, otherwise it doesn't fit their personality to come to Shibusen to become a meister (reminder, meister can choose to go to Shibusen, weapons are kinda obligated to)
For the clothing, I just had fun with the "school uniform" concept as given in the Soul Eater and Soul Eater Not manga series.
And for the pairing, I included a lot of ocs, ik, but I wanted the pairs to truly match in energy and personality, and also I love my and Koko's oc and it's my AU I do what I want !
Joking side, here are some more funfact on how they ended up there
Julie followed in her siblings footsteps
Barnaby came to partner with Wally, the two are childhood best friends
Sally and Howdy came for fame and opportunities that come with being a meister
Nyxie and Suave where raised in Shibusen for lore reasons 👀
Julie and Wally are dating !
Frank and Eddie are a bit more on and off, because Eddie is an anxious mess and Frank doesn't like competion
But at the same time, the shipping in this AU is "yes" because : Julie and Wally are a thing, but Julie is very close to Frank, who is on and off with Eddie, and Eddie is quite close to Howdy, and Sally likes to flirt with Eddie and Poppy, but Lucero has a crush on Sally, who might have a lil crush on Julie, but Nyxie has a crush on Lucero, and Barnaby and Wally are reaaallly close
Good luck, may the ships all sail at once like it's the Vendée Globe :D
Other funfacts
Nyxie and Suave are actually weapons too, Nyxie is a frying pan (because what else would she be) and Suave is undetermined. Both are very unstable and thus can't really be weapons full time, hence why they meister others
Everyone has part time jobs !
Nyxie and Suave work at a bar, Eddie works at the post office, Sally works at a theater, Lucero works with Caly at a music shop, Frank works at a library, Julie in a hairdresser salon, Poppy and Howdy work at a little retail shop, Wally and Barnaby work in a clothing store.
They all live in the same appartement complex, all neighbors and they visit eachother all the time ! Each pair live together too, platonically.
I think that's about all I can say
This AU is a lil special to me because I love Soul Eater and the lore and ik there is probably already some other SE Wh aus but I wanted to get this out anyway and see if people enjoy my silly rambling
I posted it on tiktok already and people ate this up lol, I'm kinda hoping they would too here as well ? We'll see.
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another-lost-mc · 1 month
Hi, just want you to know I have Michael Brainrot bc of your works with him…. I’m not asking for more or anything, i love everything you do anyway….. but damn your Michael hits different….
Oh, thank you so much! I love Michael. Even in NB he still seems a bit underdeveloped and we don't even know what he looks like yet. (I've talked a lot about my personal headcanons about his appearance and at this point I stubbornly accept the likelihood that he's going to be a tall, long-haired and blue-eyed blonde instead. lol)
When I first started playing OG, he was one of my favourite characters even though we knew next to nothing about him. Some of my first fic ideas were about Michael, if you'd believe it. Maybe that's why I liked him so much? I treated him like an OC before Nightbringer came out because I took quite a few creative liberties exploring different versions of him.
I've mentioned before that I treat angels and demons in this game (and Father and the Demon King) as fantasy races rather than religious beings. To me, Michael is a leader - a flawed leader, sure - but he has so much personality and friendship and affection to give. He loves sweets and he's fashionable and even though his bond with Lucifer is undeniable, I think he genuinely cares about all his celestial brethren too.
Unfortunately for Michael, he seems like the type of angel that wants to be everyone's friend, but the problems arise when he has to stop being a friend and start being leader of the angels. We've seen him make difficult choices and we've seen evidence that he's struggled with the consequences of those choices. I think he has a lot of regret and unresolved trauma/guilt from things he's done, especially when it comes to Lucifer and his brothers.
I have no idea what the original plan for OG was after Season 4. My rough guess (or at least how I hoped it would play out) is that:
Season 5 would involve MC at least talking to Michael directly again (re: Simeon) and visiting the Celestial Realm on his behalf.
Season 6 would be the point when new angels visit the Devildom, including Michael (think of it as a diplomatic visit with higher-ranking angels making the CR's peace with the Devildom "official").
A lot of my Michael x MC/Reader stories assume that he and MC would've met in-person for the first time in Season 5. MC deserves a proper visit to the Celestial Realm (overnight, at least one week but preferably two or three) and a chance to meet Michael and the other important angels that help him run things. So many of my Michael blurbs are just him and MC interacting during that first meeting together because the first meeting trope is one of my favourites.
And as much as I love Michael, visiting the Celestial Realm wouldn't be complete with some more angels to liven things up. We have other established canon angels - Simeon, Luke and Raphael - but Uriel's been mentioned twice I believe, and I doubt he's the only other angel worth meeting. (OC Angels like Metatron and Gabriel help fill in the gaps so that my CR-based writing doesn't feel so empty.) We just need more angels in general - how else will a MC goes to the CR for the exchange program AU play out if there's only like, two angels there? >_>
Anyway. I try not to think about the implications of Michael's involvement in NIghtbringer since it took an odd turn with HM Lesson 20. I did outline some possible story ideas based on that particular plot point but I still prefer to write Michael in the OG setting for obvious reasons.
As a side note - I know I keep talking about it, but the OC story I've been working on features Michael as a major character in Part 1 that takes place in the Celestial Realm. We get to see him interacting with Lucifer (who is still an angel then) and other angels of various ranks, and the two main characters of course. We see Michael who tries to be a friend, who tries to be supportive and balance out Lucifer's different approach to handling things...and we also see Michael who abides by the rules angels are meant to live by and expects everyone else to do the same. I could've made him the "bad guy" in this, but I didn't. He has his good moments and his "omg you're such an asshole" moments, but no more or less than the other characters. It's very exciting.
......................yikes, that was a lot of words to say, "Thank you, fellow Michael fan! I also enjoy his character a lot."
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dingoat · 1 month
hi sorry I haven't gotten around to your ask yet I'm working on it, BUT I'm tossing the favorite SWTOR oc question back your way (and also whether they're following canon or doing their own thing).
I'd also love to know if you have any particular bothan headcanons you like a lot.
Hi hi!! Don't worry at all, please take your time with your response! We're all here for fun and interactions, not pressure, right? And thankyou for asking!!!
Now, part one is easy, haha. Ahuska is hands down my number one best favourite SWTOR OC, even if she appears somewhat differently in game than in my imagination. She's my main toon, the only one actually up to speed with game content, the only one with passable gear, lots of fun pets and mounts and outfits, and is currently working on polishing up her Mojo Dojo Copero Dream House.
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(I absolutely need to draw her as her proper bothan self in this outfit!)
BUT, where she matters to me even more than that is in her story/RP, and here things diverge... quite a lot, hahaha. Very very originally she was just a toon that I made to PVP alongside my husband with (I actually did think of her as a bothan right from the start), but when I found myself hungry for RP I fleshed her out a little to join a RP guild in game which is where her life really started (particularly owing to @koboldgirl and the exceptional times we've had writing together). The group's premise was a Mandalorian clan rebuilding itself after all the Zakuul business, but despite that vague timeframe her story never really touched on swtor events or canon characters (the toon is an Imperial Agent but she is not REMOTELY an Agent, even as much as I love the IA storyline). Over time I made a bunch of wonderful friends in the swtor community and Ahuska's story has intercepted a few others here and there, and from that perspective keeping the timeline vague/unimportant and away from key canon characters/moments has really helped with being able to have her interact with others without contradicting their own things they have going on. I think engaging with other characters/writers is what motivates me more than anything and I get a tonne of joy in seeing/considering/plotting how they might interact!
(Read more for things getting weird and werewolfy.)
Now, Ahuska also took a deep dive into an AU with @askshivanulegacy that started as a halloween drabble challenge and has somehow become literal years of very intense worldbuilding and fiction and words can't describe how much I love this story, hahaha. It's still very much Ahuska, and very much swtor, it's just... swtor if the Empire managed to perfect a weird-science-sith-alchemy-intelligence-conditioning combo to create a very star-warsy version of werewolves (and were-any-other-critter). The first generation were designed to be secret soldiers/weapons, but the project failed and Ahuska is the sole survivor, going on a wonderful journey of self liberation and learning what truly makes a monster. The second generation (and all subsequent) came from Intel refining the technology and utilising it as an extra toolset for the most elite of elite Cipher agents, which is where almost all the rest of the cast comes from. Naturally there's a lot of divergence from canon here by the very nature of things, but funnily we also lean on a lot more canon swtor story beats, particularly when we look ahead to the KotFE and beyond time period.
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I have so much love for every iteration of Ahuska, honestly, and I know I've mentioned it here and there but she really truly did play a huge role in pulling me out of a pretty grim place, not only helping me rediscover a lot of creativity but also helping to restore my trust and faith in people in general. She's led me to people who are now my absolute dearest friends, which in turn has taken me quite literally, physically across this humble planet we live on. I genuinely believe sharing stories is a massive part of what makes us human and I get very sentimental when I consider what a significant place this silly little bothan holds in my heart <3
Now, it's getting late for me, haha, so I will probably visit the second part of your ask in another post, but I love that as a question! >3 Once again ty for sending this and I can't wait to hear about yours!
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