#we dated once before but it wasn't a great relationship because both of us had a whole heap of unresolved trauma that came out in
benevolentslut · 2 years
okay so big vent in the tags. don't mind me, just had to get these thoughts out.
i am open to thoughts and/or advice from mutuals
#help im crushing too hard on this girl#we dated once before but it wasn't a great relationship because both of us had a whole heap of unresolved trauma that came out in#our actions#so because of that im scared to try anything again#we're both so much better than we were before and both of us have made huge strides recently so it got me thinking about it again#and now i can't stop thinking about it 💀#not to mention she is currently in a relationship already#i get the feeling they *might* be open to at least trialling polyamory#but it definitely adds an extra factor of#and so yeah im scared to bring it up cuz if they're not open to that then#even tho it'd be perfectly understandable it would still hurt a lot to hear#and then yeah even if they were im worried like#what if we act out again or hurt each other again#i couldn't bear ruining our friendship#but ahhhhhhhh#every time im near her life just feels okay again#every time we touch at all i can still feel it hours after it's passed#we went roller skating today and the way she offered me her hand to help me up whenever i fell over i just aaaaaaa#and she's been so supportive to me as im starting to process the fact that *both* my parents have been emotionally abusing me my whole life#and not just my dad#and my mum is continuing to do it#and then this girl was so supportive too when we went to bras n things today#i was really nervous and dysphoric going in there and she was so helpful to get me willing to talk to the person there#and to help me through everything#like its obvious that we have such a strong bond#forged that over the last 7 years#but holy shit i don't want to ruin things#but ohmygod i cant just ignore the way i feel either though can i#fuck im down bad huh#shoutout to anyone who read through all this
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melloollem · 2 months
Evolution of touch||Batboys × No reader gender
Summary: What physical contact with them would be like in a relationship.
Warnings: This is not suggestive, this is a comfort, English is not my native language.
Characters: Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd.
(DC masterlist)
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Damian Wayne
I'd start with your shoulders touching, for a while that was as close as you got. When you got into a relationship, he automatically had the thought "we need to be more intimate", so he would just hold your hand as methodically as he felt was necessary and give you a few quick kisses on the cheek at length.
It took him a while to understand that he didn't owe you touch, but that it was something he genuinely wanted. But even after that, you were always responsible for guiding the touch, the difference being that now you were both comfortable with it.
His body didn't stiffen when you got close, on the contrary, he relaxed. When Damian realized how calm he was with your touch, he began to use it as a source of recharge. Was he too tired after a mission? His head will rest on your shoulder, of course, the touches he initiated only happened in private, but it was because Damian relaxed so much when he had you that he couldn't allow this vulnerability to escape in public.
Tim Drake
He's happy to accept, but he never starts any. Since you were just friends, you could give him quick touches and he wouldn't mind.
When you started dating, you could initiate longer touches and he wouldn't mind either, but he still wouldn't initiate anything. Your touch wasn't disposable for him, because he could see the intention, but if you showed your affection in another way, it would be the same for him.
He knows what you want to convey through touch and prefers to reciprocate in another way. But if touch was very important to you, he would create a pattern, certain places on your body that he would always keep his hand on as a way of saying "I appreciate your touch and I see how important it is".
Dick Grayson
When you were just friends, he was as close to you as he was to anyone else, hugs, friendly touches, lengths.
Now, when you started dating, he always had a romantic touch with you, it felt like he was counting down the seconds until the next time to kiss you, he was always hugging you, but it felt like the touches came from a position of pleasing, not like he really wanted your touch.
After a long period of relationship, his touch changes completely. Whereas before he always touched you romantically with the desire to please, now he touches you casually with the desire for comfort. He always kept one part of her body resting on his or the opposite. The kisses were still frequent, but now they came from him wanting to. He was incredibly relaxed in your presence.
Jason Todd
Slow burn, very slow burn. When you were just friends, touches were limited to handshakes. When you started dating, you could always lean on him, kiss him or even hold his arms, but there were clear limits.
You could lean against him, but don't hug him, you could kiss him, but don't take him by surprise, he'd just shy away from your touch, you could hold his arms, but don't hold his hands, he'd feel his reaction time slow down.
For your touch to really begin to deepen, there was nothing you could do, it had to come from Jason. You could only hug him once he got into the habit of doing it with you in search of comfort. You could only kiss him sneakily after he'd done it to you so many times that it would be unfair not to. You could only hold his hands, because he was always the first to pull yours away. This method might be unpleasant for some people, but for Jason it was perfect, knowing that you trusted him would make him trust you.
I've never seen anyone working on it and it's a great subject to tackle. Duke Thomas is not included because I didn't find enough content to project on top of it, sorry.
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rxmqnova · 5 months
So i was thinking about Wanda x Reader where yn is the owner of a company and met Wanda when she went to have a coffee, and it was at her cafeteria, for both of them was love at first sight and for then, they were having dates.
Wanda wanted Yn to met her friends, first Nat, when they met she recognize yn for somewhere but didn't know where, in that, yn didn't tell Wanda about her job because always people tried to take advantage and even Wanda didn't do anything like that, she was a bit insecure about it.
Nat searched everything she knew and found why yn sounds so familiar so she went to her company for answers, and Yn told her the truth, that she is in love and she was planning to tell Wanda about everything and hoping she will understand why she did that.
So when Yn and Wanda had that date, it was at yn's house, and then after having dinner, she told her that secret and ask for forgiveness but Wanda understood and even if she prefered to know the truth before, she didn't care about it, always asking that she doesn't want anything expensive for gifts, she wasn't like that.
The lie
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NO ONE'S POV Exactly 4 months ago Y/N made a decision to get coffee in one specific cafeteria after a really stressful day at work. And since then she hasn't had coffee anywhere else.
The girl who served her and happens to be the owner of the cafeteria, immediately fell in love with her.
Some people don't believe in love at first sight, but these two fell in love with each other right in the moment they saw each other for the first time.
Y/N kept visiting the same cafeteria over and over again, sometimes even more times a day, just so she could see the prettiest girl with the most beautiful green eyes she's ever seen.
And then it happened, Y/N finally got the courage and asked Wanda out on a date on which Wanda couldn't say no. She liked the girl ever since she saw her walk through the door of her cafeteria for the first time.
Well, they started going out quite often and now they're dating for the fourth month already.
"Baby?" Wanda looks at her girlfriend as they're snuggled up on the couch in Wanda's apartment and watching a movie.
"Hmm?" Y/N hums in response, letting her girlfriend know she's listening.
"You know… we're together for 4 months and you still haven't met my friends. I've been thinking that I could invite them over, so that you could finally meet them. Would that be okay with you?" Wanda asks, looking at her girlfriend while waiting for an answer.
"Oh, sure. Okay" Y/N nods with a smile.
She doesn't have many friends, so meeting new people sounds nice. It's just the fact that Y/N has money and lots of her so called friends just wanted to use her kindness and get money from her, so Y/N decided to better not establish any relationships. Well, but then she met Wanda.
"Great! How about Friday?" Wanda asks excitedly. She's very excited about Y/N meeting her friends as she's told them a lot about her girlfriend.
"Friday sounds good" Y/N smiles warmly, pecking Wanda's lips with a quick kiss before the two move their attention back to the movie.
Friday came sooner than Y/N thought and the first guest only just rang the doorbell. Y/N takes a deep breath, watching as Wanda walks away to open the door and following behind her.
"Natasha" Wanda smiles widely, pulling her friend in for a hug. "Y/N, this is my friend Natasha. Nat, this is my girlfriend Y/N" She introduces the two happily.
"Hi, nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you" Natasha holds her hand out for a handshake, looking at the familiar face.
"Hey, nice to meet you too" Y/N smiles warmly, shaking Natasha's hand.
"I feel like I've seen you somewhere. Haven't we met in the past?" Natasha can't help but ask, thinking hard where she's seen the girl.
Y/N's eyes widen a little bit, surprised the redhead finds her familiar. She knows exactly where she saw the redhead. Natasha's sister needed Y/N's lawyer services as she got into some trouble a few years ago. Well, and Yelena once brought her older sister to their meeting.
But the truth is that Y/N wasn't completely honest when Wanda asked about her job. She told her girlfriend she works as a driver for one rich guy, even got her personal driver to change roles and pretend she works for him and drives him anywhere he wishes.
It wasn't even an intentional lie, Y/N panicked when Wanda asked her about her job, knowing all of her previous relationships were built up on the fact that she has money. She didn't want this to be the reason of Wanda staying with her… even though she knows Wanda is not like that.
"I don't think so" Y/N lies.
The three move to the living room, sitting down on the couch and talking. Soon they get joined by Wanda's other friends and luckily for Y/N, Yelena's not between them.
Natasha is the type of person who's capable of nearly anything to find out the truth. She knows Y/N is familiar and she just has to know why.
That's why she's searched every corner of the internet until she found why Y/N seemed so familiar. Of course Wanda told her friends what Y/N does for living… that she's a driver.
Well, and this lie is something Natasha took an interest in. So now she's on her way to Y/N's company, determined to find out the truth about why is Y/N lying. Wanda's gotten her heart broken a few times and Natasha definitely doesn't want that to happen to her friend again.
"Miss Y/L/N, you have a visitor" Y/N's assistent announces, making Y/N furrow her brows as she's not expecting anyone for the next two hours.
"Hmm. Okay? Who is it?"
"Hm. A woman named Natasha Romanoff. Do you want me to let her in?" The assistent asks on which Y/N sighs, squeezing her eyes shut and knowing her lie just got her.
"… Yeah, let her in. Thank you" Y/N sighs once again, her fingers nervously tapping on her wooden desk.
"I didn't know drivers own companies" Natasha says as soon as she steps into the office. "I don't understand, Y/N. Why are you lying to Wanda? She's been through a lot and she doesn't deserve to be lied to again"
"I- Natasha, I can explain" Y/N responds immediately.
"Well, I hope so" The redhead raises an eyebrow, waiting for the explanation and taking a seat on the couch Y/N has in her office.
"It's just… everyone who I was in relationship before Wanda was with me only because I had money. I didn't want that with Wanda, so when she asked me, I-I just panicked and made up that I was a driver" Y/N explains, hoping Natasha would believe her. "I've been planning to tell her soon, I swear. I would never want to hurt her… I really love her, Nat" She confesses, Natasha staring deeply into her eyes.
"… She loves you too. She won't shut up about you, so you better tell her as soon as possible" Natasha states, standing up and walking out, earning just a nod from the girl.
"Why do you look so nervous today? You haven't even eaten much. Is everything okay?" Wanda asks concerned, placing her hand on top of her girlfriend's.
Ever since the talk with Natasha this morning, Y/N's been feeling super nervous about telling Wanda the truth, worrying Wanda would break up with her when she finds out she lied to her.
"… Wanda, I need to tell you something" Y/N blurts out, taking a deep breath.
"Y-you don't want to break up, do you?"
"What? No, of course not. It's just… I-I lied to you… about my job" Y/N finally admits, receiving a confused look from her girlfriend. "I'm not a driver, Wanda… I own a lawyer company. I'm a lawyer"
"Oh… okay. Why… why didn't you tell me before?" Wanda asks, still a bit taken back from Y/N's confession.
"You know, I… I've dated a few people before and just… all those people were with me only because I have money. I know you're not like them, but I just didn't want our relationship to be like that. I'm really sorry" Y/N admits, finally looking up at Wanda and locking her eyes with her.
"… Y/N/N, I really don't care about how much money you have. I love you for who you are and not for money. And even though I'd prefer way more if you had told me the truth right when I asked you… I see why you did it" Wanda says, taking Y/N's hand in hers and interlocking fingers with her girlfriend.
"So you're not mad at me?" Y/N question, still a bit nervous. "I'm glad you told me the truth. Just promise me we won't lie to each other ever again" Wanda smiles, rubbing Y/N's knuckles with her thumb and receiving a smile back from her girlfriend.
"I promise"
Series masterlist
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beautifulfuckup99 · 9 months
First , Your writing and storylines are PERFECT
Keep them coming cause i wait for your updates girl🌶️😍😍😍
Can we have JK in a secret relationship with a foreign reader who travelled to Korea to spend a limited tome with him. But we all know JK, he was on live and somehow forgets to close it and they statt making out in the back ,leading to them going public of course🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭. Smut Smut Smut and spice😍✌️🌶️
The tears I just shed are so REAL lol. You warmed my heart, Girl. Thank you so much.
Title: With You.
Warning(s): SMUT, H8 Comments, and Hurt/Comfort
Author's Note: This is just full of JK being a walking green flag cause honestly, he gives me Golden Retriever!bf energy lol.
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"Honey, I'm home!" Jungkook calls playfully as he walks into the apartment with a bright smile plastered om his face. "I love saying that..." He laughs as you smile softly at his childish ways. You stretch out more before going back to relaxing on the couch. After being approved by the big suits, you found yourself on the first flight to Korea to finally spend some much-desired time with your boyfriend of one year.
You never saw yourself dating someone like Jungkook, and that wasn't a bad thing, it's just that you never expected someone like him to want someone like you. And it wasn't just because he was an idol either. He was just so... Amazing. And he was yours? It was mindboggling.
"How was the shoot today?" You ask as you set your phone down. Jungkook had been upset having to leave you behind this morning to do a photoshoot for Vogue magazine, but you'd both agreed to keeping your relationship under wraps and you being there for his photoshoot would've raised some eyebrows...
"Fun. I guess." He shrugs before basically crashing on top of you, making you laugh out. "Mm... I'm glad to be home though. With you..." He smiles as he snuggles into your chest, making you blush and wrap your arms around his bigger frame.
"You act like such a baby..." You tease and he smirks up at you.
"You like it." He declares playfully before pecking your lips repeatedly, making you laugh again and push him away a bit.
"Oh! I ordered us some food from that new restaurant downtown. I kind of went... overboard?" He clarifies to make sure he was using the word right, making you smile and nod. "Good. Overboard." He says sheepishly as he goes back to resting on you. You hum as you play with his hair lazily while he shuts his eyes, always fond of your affection.
"Maybe you should show it off to ARMY." You suggest. Unbeknownst to Jungkook, you'd been all over Twitter this morning and had stumbled upon a post from a fan account that basically talked about how much fans missed Jungkook's lives. You took responsibility for that, honestly. Jungkook had told you up front once that he used his lives with ARMY to feel relaxed but talking to you had become the new source of peace for him. You felt bad. It was a two-way deal, really. Jungkook and ARMY both needed each other, and you didn't feel right standing in the way of that. Even though your boyfriend would tell you that you're not.
"A live? But you're here, I don't want you feeling left out." He says and your heart melts.
"Of course I won't. I'll be watching from the other room, baby. Come on." You encourage and he hums slowly.
"Fine. But only for a bit." He nods certainly and you smile excitedly.
"Fuck..." Jungkook breathes out between heavy pants and your eyes are glued to the screen as you watch your boyfriend show off his new trick of one arm push-ups. You blink a bit, impressed that you hadn't ran to his gym area yet to jump his bones. You've got some great self-control, that's for sure.
"More? I did so much!" He complains as he reads the comments while pushing back his messy hair and you wanna laugh. These girls knew exactly what they were doing. "I'm tired, ARMY. I ate, I worked out. And now... I must go." He says in a playfully dramatic way that makes you smile. You get up and tip toe to the gym door from where you sat on the couch.
Jungkook is in the middle of exiting out of his livestream when you tap on the door, getting his full attention instantly. He gets up and walks over as ARMY starts commenting what's going on and why he hasn't stopped streaming.
"Hey. All done?" You ask excitedly and he nods fast while smiling.
"That was fun. ARMY was funny tonight." He chuckles as you hum and move closer to him.
"And you were adorable and sexy at the same time." You smirk, causing him to chuckle bashfully. You hum and grab the edge of his shirt to pull him closer, giving him that look.
"Yeah? You liked?" He asks quietly as he grabs you by your waist, making you blush now.
"Babe... You're all sweaty..." You playfully complain, not really put off by that factor though cause you're still holding him by his shirt.
"Oh? Let me fix that." He whispers playfully before taking off his shirt eagerly, making you laugh and grab his face to kiss him sweetly.
"You're insatiable." You mutter against his lips before grabbing his hand and pulling him off towards the living room couch as he makes quick work of your shirt, making you squeal happily at how quick he threw your shirt away.
"This why you ended your live early?" You joke as you grip his toned sides and move to press your body against his, needing that contact.
"And if it is?" He whispers as he lays you on the couch, hovering over you, making you smirk excitedly.
"I'll be flattered." You taunt before wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling his head down to kiss him deeply. He kisses back, not missing a beat. Even as his hands roam your bare sides and grips your ass in both hands, making you moan softly against his lips.
"I've missed you all day..." He whispers against your mouth that was now hanging open thanks to his hands gripping your ass and rolling your hips against his bulge that was becoming more apparent through his sweatpants.
"Fuck..." You breathe out in one long and shallow breath as his mouth moves to your neck. One of his hands move from your ass to the front of your shorts, sliding in and going straight into your underwear to check you.
"Jung... Kookie..." You moan softly and grind down on to his fingers as they slide effortlessly between your folds.
"No prep needed." He teases quietly in your ear, making you moan softly in a bashful way. He was always so damn cocky. Of course, you didn't need much prep! Not when you had a tattooed, pierced, and five-foot-ten Korean biker man on top of you grabbing at your body like he knew it like the back of his hand. He pulls back to look you in the eyes.
"You missed me?" He taunts softly as he strokes his tender fingers up and down your wet slot, making you moan more, head rolling back as you roll your hips against his hand, following his movements like his fingers are a paintbrush.
"Y/N? You missed me?" He whispers again as he watches you with dark eyes. You whine a soft 'yes', making him groan. "I love your noises..." He whispers as he pulls out his hand from your shorts and sits up on his knees.
"No. No, please. More." You moan as you sit up fast and go straight for his waistband, making him lick his lips, watching you pull his sweats and boxers down in one motion. You gasp as his cock springs out.
"No prep needed..." You taunt breathlessly before kissing along his chest as your hand squeezed the length, making Jungkook groan and buck his hips slightly, wanting more.
You look up at him and bat your eyelashes, putting on your best innocent act, making him moan more. "Oh my god, you're so fucking pretty..." He breathes out in awe before pushing you back down on to the couch. He yanks your bottoms off fully, and you smile up at him as you lift your legs and hold them up and apart by your knees, putting your pussy on full display.
"Fuck, you look... Fucking amazing like that." Jungkook pants as he strokes the tip of his cock along your wet slot, watching as it gets wetter from your juices. Thank god for birth control...
"It's been so long." He whispers, eyes rolling shut at the feeling of your clit twitching against his tip. You pause at that comment.
"Baby, we hooked up last night." You giggle softly and are cut off by a long moan as your always giving boyfriend slides into you slowly.
"You didn't miss this cock?" He whispers as he watches your face while he slides in inch by inch to really make you feel it. Your eyes practically roll back.
"Yes! I missed it!" You whine quietly as you keep your legs in place, wanting him deep inside of you. Jungkook smirks as he moves to hover over you again and his arms go above your head to hold you in place as he slowly slides out of your dripping cunt, ready to thrust right back in. It makes you melt, honestly. He always knew where to hit.
"Baby..." You whine, eyes shut, lost in his strokes. They made your mind go numb. It makes him smirk as he quickens his pace a bit more.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." He pants repeatedly in your ear as he shoves his cock deeper inside of you. He hits your spot and you scream out, almost going limp. You didn't wanna move, not when his cock was hitting that spot.
"Oh my fucking god..." You whine out in pure pleasure, making Jungkook smirk.
"There you go baby. Don't I always hit that spot that makes you go dumb?" He taunts in your ear as the pit of your stomach starts to tighten. Your head rolls back as you cry out, unable to move from under him. His toned body had you against the couch and his arms were keeping you from jolting from his thrusts.
"You gonna cum for me? Hm?" He asks, always excited at the thought, no matter how many times you've done this. You nod fast.
"Yes! Yes! So... Close..." You whine out as your head rolls back, your hands letting go of your legs and gripping his waist, nails digging into his skin as he uses that pain as motivation to keep going.
"Who owns this pussy, baby?" He whispers in your ear as you shiver.
"Y-You! You! I-I... Have... Cum!" You cry out as you do just that as Jungkook slows down his thrusts a bit as you cream on his length.
"F-Fuck I have to... Cum." He gasps as you pull him down to kiss him passionately. He pulls out to cum on your stomach and pants heavily as he basically lays on top of you after, making you giggle sleepily.
"That... Is so good." You sigh peacefully as Jungkook holds up his fist, making you laugh at his after-sex routine. You fist bump him before laying back with your eyes closed.
"This... Is the good life..." He whispers bashfully and you smile happily. You couldn't agree more.
"What?!" You shout in panic as Jungkook rubs his face in an upset and nervous manner. His manager was on the phone, shouting about Jungkook's live staying on and having to be turned off by them.
You're quick to get on Twitter as Jungkook apologizes to his manager for being careless. "Oh... No, no, no, no..." You panic as you see Jungkook is trending and your '@' is going around everywhere. Some fans are following you out of excitement while others are leaving messages about how they can't believe Jungkook would choose you.
Your heart drops as you see the fanbase split down the middle. Some fans defending you and some telling you to flat out kill yourself. There was a small percentage of fans shaming you as well, blaming you for 'exposing' Jungkook. Like you purposefully revealed yourself for the hell of it.
Jungkook looks over at you as you just get lost in scrolling through each and every comment. He gets up fast. "Don't." He says as he grabs your phone away, but you already feel a lump growing in your throat as you try and blink away the tears.
"You'll have to disappear for a bit on social media. Both of you, And wait for something more interesting to happen." Jungkook's manager says as he just pulls you into his arms, focusing more on comforting you. "Hello? Do you hear me? Maybe Ms. Y/L/N should just go back home. This little honeymoon is over. Now." His manager says angrily, and you pull away from your boyfriend's strong grasp.
"Talk." You whisper before walking off out of the kitchen and going into the bedroom, needing to lay down. You get in bed and slowly hide under the covers, drowning yourself in Jungkook's scent. You knew you were no one special. You knew Jungkook ran with a higher class of people who were more his 'aesthetic'. Who the hell were you compared to someone... younger, prettier, smarter, thin-
You're cut from your spiraling thoughts by a log of a body, laying gently on top of you. "Y/N..." Jungkook whispers, making you sniffle.
"Jungkook, your manager." You try quietly as the sheets are pulled off of your head.
"We... Came to an understanding." He says and you nod slowly.
"When am I leaving?" You ask, breath hitching in slight panic. All of this was too good to be true. You should've known someone like you never gets a happy ending. Not with your luck.
Jungkook frowns and strokes your cheek tenderly, wiping away a stray tear you didn't even know was there...
"You're not going anywhere, baby." He says softly and you look up at him, studying his face for any sign of that being a cruel joke. Instead, you're met with soft and bright shiny eyes looking back at you in excitement.
"But... Your manager...-" Jungkook cuts you off.
"Understands that without you here, I'll have no distraction and therefore, will just have to make their lives a living hell for entertainment. Go right back to shirtless lives and getting drunk on camera." He smirks proudly as you slowly sit up, Jungkook moving to sit between your legs.
"But... That still doesn't change that we have to go MIA for awhile..." You sigh.
"Mm... No. We don't have to do that either." He nods before showing you his phone. You see it's open to Namjoon's Instagram.
"Babe, I don't need to see you've been learking on his page..." You try with a scrunched nose.
"No, no, look." He encourages and you open up Namjoon's Instagram story and see he posted a screenshot from Jungkook's live yesterday. It's of you two with his hands on your waist and your hands on his shoulders, smiling sweetly up at him as he looks at you with this lovesick puppy dog face. The little phrase in the corner of the picture says 'Happy Day!' followed by a purple heart emoji. You smile a bit and sniffle more as you see how many people have liked it already.
"That's so sweet. But baby... Your fans hate me. They'll stop supporting you if we try and go public..." You warn quietly.
"Then they aren't really my fans, are they?" Jungkook asks, giving you a pointed look. You sigh softly at the question.
"You're right." You finally agree, voice soft as you slowly let yourself lean into him more.
"I've got you, Y/N. It's you and me. And I wouldn't want it any other way..." He says quietly as he moves to kiss your temple, making you blush.
"Let's do a live tonight. I can introduce you to ARMY. Properly this time..." He teases and you giggle and smile up at him.
"Sounds perfect." You whisper before kissing him.
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kedreeva · 5 months
as someone who is ace and entering college years, how has your dating life been as an ace? what other struggles have there been that you have advice for? i dont know any aces or similar around me older or otherwise. thank you for your time and i hope you have an easy day!
Okay this will get a little long so I'll put it behind a cut
Honestly I'm probably not the best person to ask, since I never really...struggled? Not specifically with asexuality or with anything related to it. I can tell you my experiences, though, and you can decide if there's anything worthwhile to take away from it!
I grew up in a house run by science and math. I knew the prefix a- meant without/not and I knew there was heterosexual and bisexual and homosexual, so when young and, importantly, before really ever interacting with other queer folk, I went Ah ha, these are (prefix)(sexual) and so therefore I am asexual (without sexuality), and that was that. That was literally all the thought I gave to it. People had crushes on other people, I didn't have crushes on people, end of story. If, for some reason, I developed a crush on someone, I would deal with it then.
Maybeeeee midway through HS, a very good friend of mine asked me about it, and I said well, some people like everyone the same, and I dislike everyone the same. And she said well, then it sounds like you like everyone the same, that amount is just zero, so that seems like bisexual? (she didn't know the term asexual was an actual sexuality term either at that point, just the biological term for reproduction and, well, I could reproduce theoretically so couldn't be that) And I said well, alright then, and called myself bisexual for the next 6 or 7 years. THEN I found out asexuality is a sexuality not just a mode of reproduction and I said Ah Ha, I was Correct, and that was that again.
So I guess if I was offering advice it would be... you know you. Don't let someone else tell you about you if you think they're wrong. Make up a word if there isn't one. Use a new word if you find one that already exists and fits.
Also, that it's fine to not worry about it. Literally it's fine to just never think about it if you have better things to do. I think a lot of people get really wrapped up in finding the right label and/or "what happens if-" when like... you're not a canned good. You don't need a label. Worry about what-ifs when they come up, don't borrow anxiety if you can help it.
I dated a few people in HS, like... three people I think, and one Almost. One predatory mistake I thankfully recognized (HEY because I had older folks online I could talk to about it!) and got out of quickly, and one hot mess relationship that was a LOT of fun- my boyfriend, Sark, and then his ex-girlfriend, and then I stepped out so they could get back together, and then they said wait no, and invited me back in, and that went on for most of the end of HS, and nearly into college, when I stepped out again (and peacefully, I am still friends with both of them and I married Sark in the end). There was one guy whom I was always, perpetually, extremely fond of, and we hung out a lot, kissed once, and I think we would have had a lot of fun dating, but ultimately it was a near miss that became a fond memory, because we were never in the right place together. Sometimes life does that, and that's okay, too.
In college, I simply didn't date anyone. I had better things to do. I met my best friend, @idkfandomwhatever, online that year (and still talk to her almost daily, sometimes for hours, despite that we are on opposite sides of the world!!), and in person @mishapeep who was the best roomie I ever had (hi!!!!! i love you!!!). I had great friends, I went on a TON of adventures, worked a cool job where I had awesome coworkers, and just all around had a blast learning stuff and napping in sunbeams or on couches at the food court. A couple of guys made passes, and I turned them down because I just wasn't into it, and we remained friends. There was one coworker at my dispatch job that I got along with like a house on fire, and everyone ELSE thought we should be dating, but neither of us ever brought it up- I can't say why he didn't for sure, but I know I never brought it up because I was 85% sure he didn't swing for the right team to date me, which I ALSO never brought up until he found me on facebook years later to tell me about his husband running for local election somewhere. so. again, don't let anyone else tell you what to do lol there was ALSO another guy that I had NO interest in that spent a lot of time around me, but we mostly sat in my bunk watching Queer as Folk, which I KNOW was his first exposure to queer material. I never talked about queer stuff with him otherwise, but I heard from a mutual friend of ours that he's also happily married to his husband. Sometimes just being yourself, openly and without shame about it, does more than you think, even if it's not doing anything directly for you (but it is, it's good for you too).
SINCE college ended, I dated one guy I met through an online game and that was great in person briefly, but ultimately didn't work out because he couldn't be a nice person, another guy I met through the same online game and that didn't work out at ALL in person, and then I started hanging out with Sark and co again. I was on the phone with him driving somewhere, and I said something to the effect of someday you're gonna find a gf and she's not gonna want you to keep going on adventures with your ex, and we won't be able to talk anymore and I had a real recordscratch moment where I realized absolutely NOT on MY watch, I wanted that boy in my life forever actually, and we've been married now for... this is year 8.
I may have landed in a soft place, but I didn't seek it out. I just lived my life and didn't worry about my sexuality or about who I was or wasn't gonna date. When I DID date, I was up front about what I wanted from any of those relationships and part of the problem with the relationships that didn't work out was sometimes that I did not KNOW what I wanted, yet. But, it was IMPORTANT I think, that I gave the chances I did, because I did learn about myself and what I wanted. That's probably the hardest fucking thing to learn, that relationships sometimes happen not because they're likely to be permanent, but because it may be fun or be a way to learn what you do or don't want. Maybe alongside of that, the lesson that it's okay to go "hm, actually this is Not For Me" and exit peacefully whenever possible. But it's okay to give temporary things a shot and see how it goes, even knowing up front it may be temporary (honestly maybe that even takes some of the stress of it off? if you don't have to worry about it being forever, and you don't have to worry about "what if I never experience other things," and you don't worry so much about messing it up so it feels easier to take chances saying and doing stuff you might otherwise consider too risky to ask for etc).
I'm aware I'm lucky that things went pretty smoothly for my entire life so far, insofar as dating or sexuality is concerned. Part of that was definitely because even the worst of the people I dated weren't really all that bad of people. A lot of it was that I just didn't date if I didn't want to. I didn't care about sex, so I didn't have sex for the first time until a few years after college, and only one guy ever pushed the issue at all (the guy in HS I immediately dropped all contact with).
The thing is... I dated or nearly dated like ten people, flirted with countless others (because it's FUN), and the only one I still have regular contact with (not just occasional friendly hellos) is the one I kept at the end.
But the friends I made in college? I kept a lot of those. I still talk to several of my college friends on a regular basis. I have made other friends since, some of whom I talk to every day, some of whom have become irregular contacts I am still fond of. But those bonds are important and the ones you make with your friends from here out do have the potential to span at least huge chunks of your life, if not the entirety of it. If you only take away one thing from this little novel...take that knowledge.
also this has nothing to do with asexuality but for pete's sake find SOME kind of hobby club to be a part of, or make one if there isn't one, follow your stupidest instincts for adventure on occasion (like playing freeze tag frisbee in a lightning storm on the PAC lawn at 11pm until the campus cops show up to make you go home), and take at least one "fuck it this sounds fun" class. Mine was archery at 7am, the only early-morning class I ever took. Worth it, we were all TERRIBLE but god it was awesome.
Good luck out there!
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I often wonder what was that one particular thing, ingredient X, if you may, that made Harry succumb to Meghan in June 2016?
I understand that he had psychological trauma from his mums death, from his dad's bourgeois parenting style, from the very fact that he was Windsor male for that matter. I also agree that he is quite simple minded, so now in hind sight we can say he is increasingly motivated by resentment towards his perfect brother, his own greed and need for adulation etc. But back in 2016, he was on a good path. Settling into his job. Enjoying the perks of his popularity. And it's safe to assume that both William and Harry, were used to the fact that women threw themselves at them both. So they also had some sense to know that not everyone had good intentions.
It's also been speculated that Harry did meet Meghan a year before in 2015, at Soho Istanbul (according to many bloggers). And may even have met her in 2014 at Miami (according to Shauna, Vintage Reads). So he had enjoyed her company and still evaded her clothes then.
And not just her, he probably had come into contact with many wannabes who he hooked up with and managed to shake off.
So why 2016? When everything seemed to be going so well for him? His family circle was fairly well grounded. He had an independent profile of his own royal work. He had a good team and loyal, competent staff. He had a great, extensive friend circle. He could have anything and anyone he wanted. He seemed nice, engaged with people, showed empathy and some commonsense when out and about. So I am so perplexed as to how and why, that "blind date" at Soho in May/June/July/whenever led to his spectacular downfall.
I know this isn't really the blog or the platform where we can psychoanalyse Harry correctly and succinctly. But it's just a question that I'm fascinated by. In 3 years, he lost every single thing he had - his family, his relationships, his work, his friends, his honour, his glory, his legacy, his prospects at any royal relevance. How were mental defences so down, so ineffective, how was he so walled-in into his trauma that he had no chance at being saved? It sure couldn't be as simple as greed for more money or a Hollywood lifestyle?
And let's be honest, Meghan isn't that great a catch where someone like him would just lay down everything at her feet and be like "here queen, feed on my guts, eat my flesh raw". Urghhh
I'm so confused and so perplexed.
All of Harry's friends and cousins were getting married and settling down in 2015/2016. That's a lot of peer pressure and expectations on him, even if it wasn't overt and directly applied.
And when everyone around you is coupling up, settling down, getting married, and having babies, that can give you beer goggles because now you're rushing through relationships to catch up with them. We've all seen it happen in our own friend groups, I'm sure. I've got a few friends who were so bothered by being in their 30s without partners and families while the rest of their friends are planning weddings and having babies that they marry the first guy who shows interest. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't.
That seems to be what happened to Harry. Everyone was settling down. He was feeling left out. So he met someone that suited his needs, said "to hell with the rest" and married her ASAP.
And also this: "He could have anything and anyone he wanted." isn't true. He wasn't getting the girls he wanted. He wanted someone like Kate - pretty, British, media-trained, from a good family, and well-off - and all those girls were staying far, far away from him. They knew what he was really like behind closed doors; needy, paranoid, cheap (he once made Cressida buy her own plane ticket for a trip he had invited her on), and heavily partying. The 'anyone he wanted' that Harry was going after wasn't into that.
Also, anon - if you haven't already, you might want to give Tom Bower's Revenge a read. Specifically Chapter 13, "A Troubled Prince," has a little bit of psychoanlysis of Harry that you might enjoy.
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dido-main · 11 months
lovesick ● txt
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genre: pure angst
synopsis: ending of your relationship with txt
warnings: a curseword maybe, txt may came across really toxic but this is just fiction
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you still wait at the restaurant he promised he would be on time to your date. why does everything have to have a flaw? everything has been going great with you and yeonjun. you are not the punctual type either but you never made him wait almost for two hours. his massages said he'll be there, just wait a bit longer for him but you start to pity yourself and feel the gaze upon you. everyone probably thinking you are pathetic. who waits for someone this long?
even though you were starving before your arrival, you completely lost your appetite. you keep ordering the damn water over and over again. you tell yourself to give these waiters huge tip after this.
when you finally see his siluet, you sigh in relief. finally, you think to yourself. he immediately starts apologizing the minute he sits down on the chair facing you. "yeonjun, i know you are busy but-" he interrupts "but what, baby? but if i loved you enough, i would make more time for you? we have been through this. i love you but there is things that i cannot control. and i am sorry" he is right. you have been through this. maybe even a millionth time. why keep bothering? the solution is right there but you both avoid to see. yet the only thing you see is that right this moment. you had it enough. you needed someone who can give you the care you give them back, not someone who is too busy for that.
without going further you say "it's over." you stand up and walk away to avoid confrontation. sweet old pangs of love waits for you, shouldn't you be on time?
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you admired soobin for his ways to keep it calm. always finding ways to healthily communicate instead of starting a fight. choosing his words carefully to avoid hurting you.
but now you cannot recognize the man in front of you. the man you love, the man who is supposed to love you.
you became mute once you saw the tantrum he had just because you did a small mistake. unable to answer him or hear what he says because of the shock. he keeps screaming at you and all you can do is to take it. "you are so useless, Y/N! do you understand me, utterly useless!" how can the man you thought you knew turn into someone else just because you burnt the meal you wanted to cook for him to show him how much you care and love him.
his hurtful words cutting your heart like a knife, you can't help but start crying. "you cry now?! don't think that this will work on me. god, i had it enough! i always kept it to myself to all of those become just vain. i don't even want to see you anymore." his final words causing you to bellow, you watch him walk away. and you know it wasn't the heath of the moment, he was having this emotions for a very long time. you understand it now.
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you and beomgyu used to plan thing to do together, always doing something more exciting each time. both of you loved it too much.
yet time has passed. first you started doing them less often, then someday completely stopped. but you loved chilling with your boyfriend. first it was also exciting since you always found a new topic or something to share keeping both of your brains stimulated.
but nowadays you two were more like an married couple minus the legal benefits of marriage and potential children but you loved it. you thought he did too. to be honest for a moment he did. at least this is what he says in the letter he wrote.
why couldn't he at least do it face to face? the letter says he is afraid to tell you something that would hurt or scar you. but doesn't the letter do the same? was he too bored of you that even the break up talk was too much for him? even though his letter is considerate, it does no good for your brain to stop repeating the sentence. "you are so boring, even for getting dumped."
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"Y/N, we need to talk." you feel your throat going sore. nothing good comes with these words. and what he says next makes your suspicions correct, taehyun is breaking up with you.
"there is no easy way to say this. but i think we outgrew each other. it is not like i hate you now but the attraction, the romance... i cannot feel those things with you anymore." the only thing you wanted was to run away after hearing those words. have you become less desirable looking? have your personality changed? what made him stop having feelings for you? you just say "why?"
"there is no 'why', Y/N. we just outgrew each other. time has passed and time changes everything. we don't need a reason to feel different." even though it all makes sense, it sounds nonsense to you. "is there anyone else you like? that's why?" you ask. "no, i promise there is no one now but that doesn't mean i like you."
you want to start a fight but his annoyingly calm attitude makes it impossible. "is there anything else?" you ask your final question. "no." he answers. and you both sit there for almost an hour before he excuses himself.
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huening kai
you feel like your your boyfriend kai has been ignoring you. talking or texting you less and less day by day. yet he was always nice to you so you thought there was no problem.
at the end of the day he always says "i love you" that is all that matters. even though you crave for more, you are contented with what you have.
you cannot imagine a life without him so it is all okay that he is the way he is. you still love him.
and then today he decides to leave everything on read.
you: hi baby (seen: 07:35)
you: good morning (seen: 07:35)
you: what r your plans for today? (seen: 07:37
you: hey! how was your day? (seen: 16:42)
you: are you okay? (seen: 17:30)
you: why aren't you answering? (seen: 17:53)
you: did i do something? (seen: 17:54)
you: kai, you are making me worry. can you please talk? at least give me some dismissive answers if you don't wanna talk but don't do this to me. (seen: 17:59)
you: kai, please... (seen: 17:59)
you: please answer (seen: 18:0)
you: does this mean it is over? if it is not just text something (seen: 23:15)
you: anything (seen: 23:16)
you: like this? (seen: 23: 20)
you: you end it all like this? (seen: 23:20)
you are going to miss him. you are going to miss him so much. why did he do this?
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flowerandblood · 1 year
The White Flame (Part 8)
[modern! rockstar • Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader]
[warnings: sex content, smut, domination kink, angst, fluff]
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[description: Aemond is the bassist of the band whose leader and vocalist is his brother. The whole band decides to use the marketing and design help of their guitarist's friend. The story is an interweaving of domination, desire and slowly burning feeling.]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
Bunny had to admit, reluctantly, that no man had ever affected her like Aemond. What he said to her when he fucked her drove her crazy with pleasure, and he knew it. Before she met him, she didn't know that such things could affect her. She had been in several relationships before, including one serious, that fell apart against her will.
She met Lucas when she was still in high school. She liked his confidence, his directness. He teased her constantly. He was tall boy with dark brown eyes and hair, and always wore hoodies.
He came from a difficult family, his father was an alcoholic. Bunny didn't know then that you can't help those who don't want help in the first place.
Lucas was constantly seeing and texting his ex-girlfriends while being with her in relationship. He even told her about it, and she endured it in silence, although the fear and humiliation that was growing in her did not let her sleep.
When she wasn't with him, he cared for her with all his being. After they became a couple, he cared less and less. Bunny noted that he liked to win, but he was tired of maintaining relationships.
Every time she tried to leave him, he would stop her, beg her not to go. He changed suddenly, he was the same as in the beginning. They then made love to each other, assuring about their feelings.
Lucas promised her he would go to therapy. He resigned after a few sessions, claiming it made no sense. He started dating his ex-girlfriends again behind her back. One day Bunny decided it was over.
Lucas came to her many times, called, begged. His sister even told her that she would regret her decision afterwards. Bunny just laughed ironically at that comment. She no longer had the strength for their self-absorbed, problematic family. No pleas helped, and she did not return to him.
What terrified her was that since she was with Aemond, Lucas had started texting her again. He first texted her the night they both changed their status to "in a relationship."
[Lucas]: Y/N, my congratulations! I hope you will be happy.
Bunny thought it was nice and wrote him back, thanking him for the words. It was a mistake.
[Lucas]: Long time no see. I miss you and your wisdom so much. I'm sorry we don't talk to each other anymore.
[Lucas]: I know you're still mad at me. I've changed, now I'm working and getting my head straight. I'd like us to be friends. You can always count on me.
Bunny stared at the screen, not knowing what to do. She didn't want him to be her friend because he had betrayed her trust many times and wasted all the chances she had given him. She didn't have the strength for him. She figured she didn't have to respond to that.
That didn't discourage him. He texted her once in a while on messenger, asking if he had offended her and if she was still mad at him. He sent her long messages describing what his life was like now and why she should give him another chance, if only as a friend.
However, after Bunny stayed with Aemond and his family, Lucas outdid himself. He had come to one of their concerts, apparently following the thread to the ball where Bunny worked and where he could find her.
Bunny was standing at the bar with Aemond, just ordering something after a show, when Lucas suddenly appeared in front of them, grinning widely. Bunny felt like she was about to pass out.
"Y/N!" He said happily, reaching out to her and hugging her. She hugged him lightly and released him immediately. "Great to see you! What a surprise." He said, combing his hair. Bunny knew it had nothing to do with surprise. She glanced uneasily at Aemond, who was measuring Lucas with a deadly dark stare. His face was stone.
"Aemond, this is…Lucas. My friend." She said emphatically, looking at Lucas meaningfully. He laughed at her words.
"You don't have to be so cold. I already got my lesson.” He said, extending his hand to Aemond. He looked at him dispassionately and took a sip from his glass. Only seeing Bunny's gaze, he extended his hand and they shook awkwardly.
"You're a lucky man. Watch over her and take care of her." Lucas added, the smile never left his face. Aemond's jaw tightened in irritation at his words. Bunny cut in quickly.
"Lucas, please." She whispered, looking pleadingly at him. Lucas looked at her surprised.
"I'm not saying anything bad. I wish you only happiness." He grunted, shrugging.
"Thank you, but I don't want your wishes, Lucas. I'm begging you, it's enough." She said impatiently and horrified that Aemond was looking at him as if he wanted to kill him. Lucas blinked, clearly hurt by her words. He wanted to say something, but Aemond wouldn't let him.
"Thank you for your wishes, Lucas. Now get the fuck out, because I'm running out of patience." He said low, looking at him intensely. Lucas laughed under his breath and looked at Bunny.
"Is he hurting you? You can tell me if…” He didn't finish before Aemond started walking towards him, Bunny stopped him quickly and gave him a pleading look.
"No, Aemond! No!" Aemond looked at her, his lips pressed into a thin line. Bunny looked at Lucas, then back at him. She grabbed his hand. "Let's get out of here." She said softly.
Aemond exhaled softly, downed the rest of his drink in one gulp, and the two of them headed for the room where all the group's belongings were. Aemond glared at her as soon as they entered.
"Who the fuck was that?" He hissed through clenched teeth. Bunny looked at him pleadingly, sighing heavily.
“I… We used to be together, but I broke up with him two years ago.” She said quietly, Aemond turned his head away, furious, pacing the room nervously. "You have your past and I have mine. He's been pestering me with messages ever since we've been together, he's probably jealous…"
"What?" He cut her off, coming closer to her, looking at her incredulously. "Your ex has been texting you for weeks and you haven't told me anything?"
Bunny pursed her lips, feeling her heart pounding at how bad it sounded. She swallowed hard as she saw his furious expression.
“I didn't text him back, hoping he'd just stop. I didn't want to upset you. I'm sorry!" She said as she saw him heading towards the door and wanting to leave. She stopped him and he gave her an angry look.
"Please, don't go! Tell me everything you want, everything you think, but don't leave." She said quickly, breathing uneasily, looking at him desperately. Aemond pursed his lips.
"I'm telling you everything. I am not hiding anything from you, although I could. I could assume all this would upset you and you don't need to know everything. You want it? I'm supposed to decide for you what you should hear about?" He asked coldly. Bunny felt tears well up in her eyes, but she held them back. She felt herself shaking all over.
"No." She said softly. "I'm so sorry. I didn't want to talk about it because I don't want to think about him. Deep down I despise him. I didn't think of it that way." She said, looking pleadingly at him.
"If you want, I'll show you everything. Everything he wrote to me." She said as she unlocked her phone and launched the app.
"I don't feel like it anymore. Put on your jacket, I'll drive you home." He said flatly and left, slamming the door behind him. Bunny pursed her lips and cried softly. She stayed inside until she calmed down.
She put on her jacket with trembling hands and left, heading down the hall toward the exit. She saw that Lucas had noticed her and was walking towards her. She stopped, wanting to talk to him without witnesses.
"Did you cry? Did he do something to you?" He asked her, wanting to touch her shoulder, but she pulled away, enraged.
"I cry because of you. I asked you to leave me alone. Is that so hard to understand?" She asked reproachfully, her nose slightly clogged from crying. Lucas pursed his lips.
"Look how he treats you. As if you were his thing. You can talk and meet whoever you want." He said impatiently. Bunny looked at him angrily.
"You don't know anything about him. Don't talk about him." She said feeling a tightness in her chest.
"He's playing in a band. He'll hit a few chicks on every tour. Why are you deluding yourself?" He asked, stepping closer to her, but she stepped back and laughed.
“You don't play in a band and you got a few chicks once in a while anyway. Are you going to ask me why I was deluding myself?" She asked amused, not having the strength to cry anymore. She shook her head in disbelief.
"You asked me if we would be friends. We won't be. Stay away from me or Aemond. I've tried to be polite to you, but as usual, you don't get the refusal. Here you go, now five minutes for you where you can make yourself a victim as usual." She blurted out through pursed lips, breathing heavily.
Lucas looked down at her with a serious expression.
"I remember you differently. But do what you want. Some people like being someone's pushover." He said and turned around. Bunny started crying again.
She thought Aemond was still waiting for her, so she moved quickly, wiping her eyes. She stood dumbstruck when she saw Aemond leaning against the wall just across the aisle, smoking a cigarette.
She swallowed hard and lowered her head, realizing he had heard everything. He exhaled smoke through his nose.
"Do you want me to beat his stupid face?" He asked, taking another drag on his cigarette. Bunny shook her head slowly.
Aemond looked at her and was silent for a moment. He held out his hand to her and she literally ran over to him, hugging him tightly. He had one arm around her, stroking her hair.
"I'm so sorry. Don't be angry." She said softly as she snuggled into his chest. His scent filled her lungs pleasantly. She felt herself shaking in despair.
"I'm sorry too." He said exhaling smoke through his nose, tilting his head back. "I don't know if I was angry with you or that you had someone before me." He added finally.
Bunny looked at him in surprise. She took his free hand in hers and pressed it to her cheek. Aemond looked at her gently.
"I am only yours." She whispered softly, kissing his hand reverently. Aemond shivered.
"Only mine?" He asked softly, as if he wanted to know if he had heard correctly. His thumb brushed over her lips and she nodded. Aemond leaned toward her.
“Good. Because I'm not going to share you with anyone." He purred, grabbing the nape of her neck and sliding his tongue into her mouth, kissing her hungrily and intensely.
Bunny moaned softly, her lips parting, allowing him to caress her, responding to his every kiss. She clenched her hands on his Tshirt, pressing her lips to him tighter, they kissed chaotically and passionately. Aemond broke away from her with a wet sound, looking down at her.
"Do you want to go to my car?" He asked low, looking at her expectantly. Bunny's lips parted and she blushed in surprise at this ambiguous proposition.
She glanced quickly to the side and saw that his car was parked in a shady little alley, unlit. Virtually no one passed by. She looked at him again and nodded.
They both crossed the street, holding hands. Aemond opened the back door and sat in the seat, drawing her with him. He slammed the door and, without waiting for anything, took off her sweater. Bunny squealed in surprise and tried to cover herself with her hands, but Aemond wouldn't let her.
"No. No covering up. It's all mine, remember?" He asked feisty, running the tip of his tongue over her nipple. Bunny moaned softly, tilting her head back at the sensation. Aemond smirked and pulled her buttocks closer to him, now pressing against his swollen cock in his pants.
"Look what you're doing to me, babygirl." He murmured, his hands stroking her back, his mouth sucking and licking her breast. Bunny moaned softly, rubbing against him slowly. He smiled in satisfaction at the feeling.
“I could fuck you all night if you wanted to. I wouldn't pull my cock out of you." He said low, running his tongue along her neck, moving towards her ear. He felt her shiver at his words. "Would you like that?"
Bunny's lips parted slightly, her hands tightening on his jacket and hair, her hips rubbing steadily against him, seeking any source of pressure. She swallowed silently, feeling her heart pounding as her wetness trickled down her thighs. Her lower lip trembled.
“...Yes” She whispered, embarrassed. He grabbed her hair gently and kissed her hungrily. His fingers moved aside the material of her panties, massaging her clit, sinking in the juices flowing from her. Bunny moaned loudly, feeling his touch where she needed it, her hips matching the movement of his hand.
"Tell me what you want, little one." He purred, feeling her desperation. He felt like his cock would explode if he didn't enter her soon. He was full of admiration for the way she affected him, how susceptible she was to what he was doing to her. Bunny gasped softly at his words, all red.
"I…Oh, Aemond" She moaned softly, her hands reaching for his belt and starting to undo it. He grabbed her wrists, not letting her.
"M-m. Ask nicely and you'll get what you want." He said low and menacing as he continued to massage her with his other hand. Her wet, hot cunt throbbed all over under his fingers. Bunny pressed her forehead against his, feeling she was on edge. She opened her mouth in despair, unable to focus anymore.
"Please, put it in me." She whispered and moaned loudly as she felt his finger slid inside her, moving in and out in a fast, intense rhythm, rubbing against the places that gave her the greatest pleasure.
"Just like that? Is that what you want?" He asked teasingly, breathing quickly, smiling at the corner of his mouth. Bunny moaned in despair, knowing he was teasing her.
"No, please, fuck me, fuck me with your cock" She sobbed, defeated, red with embarrassment, on the verge of orgasm. Aemond groaned low, looking at her with satisfaction.
He took his finger out of her and quickly unzipped his pants, sliding them down just enough to reveal his swollen, lust-throbbing cock for her.
"Here you go. All for you.” He grunted, looking at her expectantly. He moaned into her mouth as she kissed him greedily, his hands helping her push away the fabric of her panties as she began to push against him.
They both moaned loudly as she lowered herself onto him, all the way to the top, filling herself completely. She rested her hands on his shoulders, bouncing up and down on him, seeking her fulfillment.
Aemond's hands tightened on her hips, forcing her to pick up speed, her buttocks hitting his thighs with great force. They both moaned and gasped with pleasure, feeling that their every move pressed and rubbed where they wanted it. Her breasts rose and fell with a wet sound, Aemond parting her lips with his thumb, looking at her with lust.
"Tell me who this sweet, tight pussy belongs to, babygirl." He panted, thrusting in her hard, listening to her sweet moans that were music to his ears. He felt her clinging on him. She was so tight he knew it was only a few more thrusts and she would come. His hands trailed down her body to his swollen cock relentlessly.
"To you, God, Aemond, I'm only yours" She mumbled in pleasure, riding him with all her might, rubbing herself in a place that sent shivers down her spine.
"Do you like it when I take what's mine? Hm?” He asked, panting heavily, his thrusts getting sharper, uncontrollable and chaotic.
"Yes, yes, it feels so good…Ah!" She moaned loudly, throwing her head back, feeling a wonderful orgasm run through her body, heat spreading through her muscles, giving her instant relief.
Aemond moaned loudly, pressing his face between her breasts and coming hard inside her. They were both panting and writhing under each other in pleasure as his semen spilled over her. Aemond pulled her close, kissing her neck and hair tenderly. His hand ran down her bare back. Bunny shivered hearing his voice.
"Don't be fooled that I'll let you sleep tonight."
If you want to be tagged, leave a comment below. ♥
@zenka69 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @astral-blossoms @echos-muses @wintrr13 @writingaboutlove1998
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respectthepetty · 3 months
Having read bits of your post on To Be Continued, I'm curious about your thoughts on To Be Continued and The Promise even though I am not watching the former and dropped the latter.
Where would you say they rank on The Alan Scale?
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I don't know what's happening to me, y'all because first I didn't want Yuan to be too petty in Unknown, and now . . .
I ain't that mad at To Be Continued
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Therefore, it's not on the Alan scale (yet! We still have one more episode so shit could change) because the show is kinda basic, but not in a bad way. It's checking off the BL boxes, but, oddly enough, it called out itself in this past episode for doing that.
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It's not City of Stars level of awareness, but both leads acknowledged the reason they separated for ten years was pointless. They both apologized for the hurt they caused, then they chilled on the couch and cracked jokes. It was rushed as many of us assumed it would be, but it happened.
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In the beginning, I did not like Achi. I thought he was disrespectful to Ji and pushy. Then by episode three, I was completely on Achi's side while being livid at Ji for being distant.
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But I've never been upset at Gumbie. He is perfect. He is everything. He is love personified. He resides in my heart. Forever.
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Then, once both men stated that they should have actually talked to each other after they had sex as teenagers, I just wasn't as pissed at either of them as I had been for the six previous episodes.
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I'm still upset. Let me not gloss over that because I had to deal with hating them for various reasons most of the series, but just like Sun for 7 Days Before Valentine, I see the growth. They aren't the same raggedy bitches that walked into the series.
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Unlike this motherfucker.
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Phu was exactly who he was at the beginning of The Promise. Not one thing changed about him. He would still run away from the problems HE CAUSED instead of answering for any of the bullshit he pulled.
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Nan had already forgiven Phu before Phu even came back into his life. Hell, Nan had forgiven Phu AS PHU WAS WALKING AWAY! Yet we still had to witness Phu be the victim.
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There is only one show for me that has really gotten the "I left him because I love him" right and that's our Lord and Savior known as Our Dating Sim.
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And it's because none of these other shows know how to balance the reason for leaving with the anger of being left. THAT'S IMPORTANT!
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The Promise didn't allow Nan to be angry AND for Phu to acknowledge his part in that anger. Phu just kept crying. How can a relationship happen when Nan could never trust that Phu wouldn't run away again since Phu never saw what he did as wrong?
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To Be Continued at least acknowledged that both the reason for Achi leaving and Ji being upset were insignificant. It's not great, but it's the basic amount needed to start fresh because it makes things equal. No one is left standing on high ground thinking his actions were right and the other guy's were wrong.
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So, yeah, basic. Bare minimum. But it checked the boxes.
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And it also had Poppy's fine ass, so . . .
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I ain't that mad at it.
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Iida Tenya
2018 backlogs part 12.
It had been a long night of studying at UA hero school. Exams were fast approaching and everyone could feel the shadow looming over them. Especially Hero class 1-A, while there were some incredibly bright minds in the class there were also a few... dull lightbulbs as well. You weren't used to class 1-A seeing as you were from 1-B but unlike Monoma you had gotten to know and befriend some of the heroes in training. You had made friends of Deku, Todoroki, Ochako, Tsuyu, and your favorite of them all Iida. The class president was definitely a stickler for the rules but that was something that made him so appealing. He was so hard working and honest. You'd think because he find following the school rules he'd listen to them constantly, and never break them. But you'd be wrong, he'd break some rules sometimes. That's how you'd ended up here. In Iida's room with the rest of the "Deku-squad" studying your butts off.
You were stressed. You all were. It was getting late but you weren't even halfway to your goal stopping pint of the course material. You couldn't help yourself when you yawned. The release of the yawn felt nice until you felt a pillow hit your face The giggles pointed you to the criminal, none other than Ochako herself. "Come on (Y/N) we still have so much more to do tonight, you can't be making us ALL tired by yawning like that!" She spoke through her giggles. All you could do in response was roll your eyes and throw the pillow back at her. Except you missed; and hit Deku.
"I'll go get us all some drinks , does that sound good, Kerro?" Tsuyu asked. When everyone had agreed she was just at the door when Ochako shot up and decided to join her and get snacks u feel asleep, once you were out cold your body lumped to the side onto him, head on hs shoulder sound asleep. as well, to which no one argued.
After a few minutes the girls came back and you all got right back to studying At least you did for a little while until a certain green haired boy fell asleep. He didn't quietly doze either, he straight up fell into his book with a loud THUD. If you weren't awake before you definitely were now. Ochako shut her book with a sigh and gathered both of their things to bring him to his room.
"Great study session tonight everyone! I'm going to head to bed after I get him to his room." The second she touched his arm she activated her quirk and left the room with sleepy goodnights and a human balloon following close behind her. It wasn't long until the other two followed suit and left for the night leaving only you and Iida in his room to study.
The two of you shifted to sit on his bed where it was more comfortable, almost too comfortable as you fought the weariness that was engulfing you like a warm hug. This was a battle you did not win. As you slept you had no idea what it was doing to the poor guy.
He was a blushing mess as every part of his body was tense and his brain was turning more and more to mush every second. He didn't have time to find anyone cute or attractive; or to have a relationship, he he hero training to do and that would just complicate things. Yet here he is removing your glasses as he lets you sleep on his bed using him a pillow. He debates whether or not he should wake you to send you back to your own dorm but for some reason or another he can't bring himself to do it. He takes his own glasses off and falls asleep you in his arm.
The blaring alarm clock is what wakes you up in the morning. It wasn't welcome as you were having the most pleasant dream. You had been with Iida, you were on a romantic date and you had never felt happier. That was until you felt a strong arm tense around your side. You opened your eyes quickly unsure of what was happening until you saw the familiar room of none other than Iida Tenya. The memories of last night flood back to memory as you realize that you, technically speaking, just slept with the guy you like. Oof. You reach for your glasses your mind still groggy from just having woken you and your heart stops for a moment. You couldn't see.
"Iida- Iida I can't see anything! What happened?" You panicked. You were suddenly scared and confused and you could feel your body pres more into his seeking comfort"
"Relax (Y/N), you just put on my glasses instead of your own" He said his voice still hoarse from sleeping, you'd never heard his voice like that and you'd hoped you'd get o hear it again someday.
You felt a wave of calm flush over you once again as you lifted the glasses off of your face and grabbed your own sipping them on and seeing clear as day,
"That's good! I thought I went blind for a minute there!" the two of you laughed as neither of you moved away not yet ready to let go of sleep.
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iamknicole · 9 months
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Chapter Four
Warnings: Cursing, 18+, excuse any typos
Author's Note: I'm glad yall are enjoying it so far. Thank you for the asks you're sending in. Don't forget to interact and share the poets as well, that helps me a lot with all of this! Tell me what yall think of the addition of the texts. Also any gifs I use belongs to @annoyedkayah2395 ! I forgot to say that before but they're all made by her! My favorite gif maker! Enjoy!
Chapter 3
For the morning and most of the afternoon Jon and Trinity kept the couple apart trying to get unfurnished out of both of them. The only way they were going to be able to help the way they agreed to was to do so. The mystery behind Nadine's attitude towards Zilla plagued them and from the outside looking in, the married couple knew not trying to figure it out would be detrimental to the young couple's relationship. While Jon and Zilla played the game in his man cave, Trinity and Moriah were sitting on the floor in her vanity room going through her wigs. 
"Have you talked to your mom since Zilla said what he said?" 
Moriah shook her head as she brushed through a hot pink wig. "Nope, I'm sure she's not happy. She was already mad that I hadn't called her in three months but I just couldn't."
"Couldn't what?" Trinity asked picking up a wig to brush. 
She shrugged haphazardly. "I couldn't deal with her. On top of the stress of starting my job, Zilla's training and maintaining our relationship, I couldn't deal with the smart shit she says and the jabs she throws. The only reason I even called her was because Zilla said something."
"How does it make you feel when she says something about your relationship or Zilla?"
"It pisses me off, it always has. I hate it."
Trinity nodded. 
"Did it stop during the eight years he was gone?"
She scoffed, "No, it just wasn't as frequent. I was mad at him but that didn't mean that she could say the shit she was saying, you know? When I was a freshman in college was when it started to taper off a little."
"Cause you were away at college?"
"Nope. Cause I started dating this guy," Moriah explained softly, "But once she found out that he was a pre-med and that he came from money, it picked back up. About how he was such a better choice and could do this and that for me."
Trinity raised her brows and shook her head. "Did that hurt your relationship with him?"
"Eventually. We were together two years too long."
"What happened?"
"We went to Georgia for Christmas break because I missed my dad, I talked my mom into going and that was a bad idea." She chuckled. "The whole time she was telling my dad how great Thomas was and all that other crap. And I remember seeing my dad looking at him with this hard face, when I looked at Thomas I realized why."
"What happened?"
"It was because he had this big ass grin on his face like he was enjoying being talked to at the expense of someone else. At some point, him and my dad were able to talk and it made my dad like him even less. Christmas morning he kept alluding to asking me to marry him, my dad flat out said no."
"He clearly wasn't a good person but I'm sorry that was your mom's fault. She made him feel like that was okay."
"You're right but he was also really arrogant, he just hid it well majority of our relationship."
"So what happened? Did he propose anyway?" Trinity asked switching out wigs.
"After my dad said no, my mom stepped in to say her peace and my dad asked me what I wanted to do. Told them that I wasn't ready to get married, I was barely 20."
"You weren't ready or you didn't wanna marry that specific person?" She asked with a brow raised making Moriah laugh. 
"Both," she said quickly, "And my parents knew that, my mother was pissed. Then he made this big scene saying how I was stupid for even thinking about Zilla, he called him something else, and for thinking that I would have a good life with a felon. My mother of course agreed, telling me not to ruin my life."
"The nerve. He showed his true colors then."
"Yeah so my dad kicked him out right then, after he left my dad and mom argued. About what, I'm not really sure. I went to my room to call Ma and tell her Merry Christmas."
"That's sweet that you and her talked while he was gone." Trinity cooed passing a satin wig bag to her. "It sounds like your parents were on two different levels. Were they always like that?"
Moriah carefully placed the wig into the bag then at back on her hands. "Yes and no. From what I remember when they were married, they were happy but my dad bit his tongue a lot for her except when it came to me."
"Yeah? How long were they married?"
"Uuuh they got married like three years before I was born and got divorced a little bit after my eleventh birthday so fourteen years. A long time."
"Damn, why did they divorce?"
She shrugged. "All I know is my dad left his job at the time for his dream job and we were gonna have to move to Georgia and then I went from crying cause I was gonna have to leave Texas and Zilla to crying cause my dad was gonna have to leave me."
"Were they acting any different beforehand?"
"My mom was. She was so mean especially to my dad. That was when she started to vocalize to Ma that she didn't like Zilla or us being friends. Before it was just in the house, she'd tell my dad and me and occasionally say it while she knew he was in the house."
Trinity frowned, "She was taking her divorce out on yall?"
"I don't think so, I don't know really honestly."
"So let's talk about something that you do know," Trinity suggested with a small smile, "You gotta set boundaries with your mom, Rye."
She sighed sadly. "I try but she doesn't care. She tells me to stop being dramatic or stop being a baby."
"If she can't respect your boundaries then you need to have consequences. She's your mom but she doesn't get to disrespect you or your relationship." Trinity explained, maintaining eye contact. "You love him, don't you?"
"Of course."
"You wanna stay together?"
Moriah nodded. 
"Then you need to do what you need to do. If you don't, you're gonna let her ruin your relationship."
"Yeah … I know. I gotta figure something out."
Down in Jon's mancave, the men were playing Tekken 7 having conversation here and there outside of the trash talking. Between the married couple, Trinity had a much better way with words and getting information slyly while her husband lacks that certain skill.
"You been talkin to your woman?" Jon asked keeping his eyes on the screen, pressing buttons. 
Zilla glanced at him a few times out the corner of his eyes, making sure not to let his character to beat. "Huh?"
"Have you been talkin to Rye?"
"Uuh I live with her, I talk to her every day."
Jon sucked his teeth. "I mean about yo feelings, Uce. You letting her know if you good or if you're not good?"
Humming, Zilla focused back on the game. That was the same question his mom asked him damn near every day. He wouldn't say it out loud but he was tired of that question. 
"She know I'm good."
"That mean no," Jon laughed, "That's ya woman, man. You don't have to hide shit from her. Especially when she already know when you not good."
He shook his head. "Nah, she don't. I'm good."
"Sayin that don't make it true," Jon reminded him putting his focus back into the game for a moment to make sure he didn't lose the round, "Tell me this. After you zone out and you get ya bearings back, is she watching you or staring?"
"I mean yeah but her ass always starin a hole in my face."
"Okay, does she have the usual look in her eyes or is it different?"
"Ion know," he shrugged, "Different."
"Okay so she know, I'm telling you. Yall known each other long enough that she know when you not okay and you know when she not okay. What's the point of having her if you can't talk to her?"
"I can talk to her, I just don't want to. Therapy was enough talkin, ion wanna talk about it no more." He responded honestly. 
Jon paused the game to turn to his cousin. "I know you don't want to but it's good to talk about it. That shit gon start coming out in other ways that won't be good for you or your relationship."
Zilla sat back on the sofa, inhaling and exhaling deeply. "Ion wanna make her sad with my sad shit. Especially when she gotta deal with her weird ass mama."
"Do you care if she tells you her sad shit?"
"No," he answered quickly. 
"So why you think she care of you tell her your sad shit?"
He shrugged. "Don't know. Shit hard."
"I know but it's worth it. Start small then grow, you'll feel better. I'm telling you."
"I hear you."
"Yall got a six hour drive back, use some of that time to start."
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The phone call with his ex-wife still fresh on his mind Hassan decided to reach out to someone he knew would understand his feelings and thoughts. He would always love Nadine but her actions would always have a wedge between them. He sat in his den with the football game on mute and the phone call on speaker.
"Did our children call you to be a referee?"
Hassan laughed loudly, "Nope, that is a job meant solely for you. Neither of them ever like my referee style. How are you, Leata?"
"I'm pretty good. How about you?"
"I uuuh," he thought rubbing through his beard, "I'm alright. Didi called me yesterday."
Leata laughed, "I'm sure that was fun. What is it about my son this time?"
"It was them both apparently," he chuckled, "Rye hasn't called her in three months and as a thank you Zilla told her about them getting busy on the sofa."
Unable to help herself, Leata laughed loudly into the phone. 
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I know he shouldn't have but I'll be dammed if she didn't bring it in herself."
He laughed, "My thoughts exactly. But apparently that conversation gave her the urge to check on our babygirl. Although it's obvious that he's taken very good care of her."
She snorted. "That's obvious. She's going to visit them?"
"Ha! You know she's not going right now. She's wanting me to go."
"Awwee and you're gonna do it for your dear Didi," Leata joked. 
"Negative," he answered jokingly, "I told her I would but I was already planning on going down there. I was calling to see when you were gonna visit."
"I'm not sure, I didn't wanna crowd them. Plus I was kind of hoping they'd come back for Thanksgiving or Christmas."
He hummed thinking, "Well Thanksgiving is next month so maybe they will. I can't wait that long or Didi will be up my ass. I'll probably go in the next couple weeks."
"She won't," she laughed, "She's too busy up Rye and Zilla's ass but okay. If they don't come for Thanksgiving, I'll probably go down there. If you wanna come down."
"That's no problem. Make sure you invite our favorite person."
Leata whistled. "Favorite is generous but of course. Moriah would never hear the end of it."
"Right. We'll talk soon. Call if you or our kids needs anything."
"Same to you, Hassan. Make sure you check on your Didi."
While Hassan and Leata spoke, Nadine was making a phone call of her own. She had spent most of the day before into the night doing searching until she found what she was looking for. The conversation with Zilla burned her up on the inside, he had beat her at her own game momentarily. 
A deep baritone voice flowed through the line. "Hello."
"Well, well, Dr. Gardner. How are you?" 
"I'm not doctor yet but I'm well. Who is this?" 
"Nadine Parker. It's been a little while, Thomas. How's medical school?"
"Oh yes ma'am. It's been pretty good. How have you been? How's Moriah?"
Nadine smiled hearing his question. "I'm good. Moriah is fine, she moved out to Florida. She's working at Lakeland General now in the emergency department."
"Is she really?" He asked excitedly. "I'm in pediatrics there."
Nadine feigned surprise. "You do? Such a small world."
"I'll have to go down and see her. Is she single?"
Nadine groaned softly, "Unfortunately, she's not but I'm sure seeing you would make her come to her senses."
"Who is she's dating? Is he competition?"
She scoffed and laughed. "God, no. The jail bird could never compete with a doctor, son."
"Future doctor," he chuckled, "But noted. Do you when she works next?"
"Tomorrow, 7am to 7pm."
"Great, I'll be there tomorrow. Is she really with that felon?" He asked with a hint of laughter. 
"Unfortunately she is. He's the one who moved her to Florida to wrestle of all things," she spat. "But it works out because you're there and you can show her the mistake she's made."
Thomas snorted, "Wrestling? I definitely have nothing to worry about, they drop like flies anyway. Thank you for calling me."
"Oh no, thank you, Thomas. You're saving my baby. Save my number and keep me updated."
"Yes ma'am. Have a good day."
"You too, son."
Happy with herself, Nadine did a little dance as she typed out a message to her daughter. The sun was going to start shining for her soon, all she had to do was be patient. Though she would have to suffer for a little bit longer, it would all be worth it to be rid of the man in her daughter's life. 
Moriah's phone went off as they were leaving Jon and Trinity's neighborhood. The rest of their time visiting was spent with all four of them together, talking and playing. Their lives aren't bad in Orlando at all but it felt good to be with family for a few days as that's what they were used to. 
"What's wrong?" Zilla asked seeing the frown on her face.
She shook her head. "Nothing, my mom texted me but it's weird."
"Weird how, Fat?"
"Ima read it to you," she responded still confused, "I love you guys. You both are gonna have an amazing day tomorrow. Call me after work, sweetheart."
It was Zilla's turn to frown. "That don't sound like Ms. Nadine. She either high, in distress or plottin."
"Exactly and knowing my mama, she's plotting." Moriah sat quietly thinking then groaned. "You don't think she's gonna pop up, do you? I'm not prepared for that."
He shrugged, "Ion know but if she does she can have the bedroom and we'll take the sofa."
Moriah pushed his shoulder, laughing. "Whatever you're about to say or thinking, just don't."
He laughed. "I wasn't gon say shit but I'm glad you and me on the same page. She better stay in the room if she don't wanna see Zilla and Fat gettin busy."
"Isayah Fatu! If she's in town, you're not getting any."
"Bullshit," he laughed, "If that makes you feel good to say but I know the truth, Fat."
"And what is the truth?"
Zilla looked at her from the road, a wide smile on her face. "Don't act like you don't know. Them nights that you stayed at home instead of with me, what happened most of the time?"
"Don't know what you're talking about, Fatu," she answered trying to keep her laugh in. 
"You don't remember texting and calling me to come over after she went to sleep?"
"Nope, I didn't do that."
He laughed, "Oh you didn't? So you ain't call me poutin when I would tell you no? And I guess it wasn't you that sent me them videos either?"
She shook her head starting to laugh. "Nope, nope and nope. Wasn't me."
"You sure? I still got the videos," he grabbed for his phone and she snatched it laughing. 
"Don't do that. I did not have sex with you in her house."
"You ain't sex with me in her house? Oh right cause I fucked you in her house. Got it." 
Moriah covered her face laughing. "Fuckin hate you. You didn't have to say that. Filthy ass mouth."
"And you love it too. Don't you?" He asked in a lower tone. 
She stared at the side of face. "I'm not doing this with you."
He put a hand on her bare thigh as he drove, squeezing. "Tell me you love it, Fat. Come on."
Looking between his hand and his face, Moriah scrunched her face playfully. "Fine, yes, I love it."
He hummed, "You love what?"
"Zay, no."
"Ima leave you alone when you tell me what I wanna hear."
She huffed softly, squirming in her seat. "I love your filthy ass mouth," she mumbled.
Smacking her thigh, he moved his hand back to the steering wheel, a smirk on his face. "That's my girl."
"You are a demon. Just 100% pure demon."
"Yeah and you like that shit too," he laughed. 
The couple rode quietly for the next couple hours with Moriah going in and out of sleep. As he drove, Zilla thought about the conversation he had with Jon and tried to work out how to start the conversation. 
"You have like a date or anything yet?"
"For my debut?" He paused got her answer. "Not yet. I got a meeting with Shawn tomorrow I think it is too talk about all that."
"Let me know so I can make sure I'm off and so I can make sure your family is there cause you'll forget."
He chuckled a bit. "Appreciate you."
"Are you excited?"
"Yeah but it's kinda fucking me up though."
Moriah listened quietly, giving her all of her attention. 
"I'm excited but kinda sad too. My pops ain't ever missed nothin so I still expect him to be there," he explained keeping his eyes on the road, "And when I don't see him in the crowd or wherever I am, that shit gets me."
"Baby," she pouted as she reached over to rub the back of his neck, "He's not there physically but he's always there. You remember those pictures from your first match? The photographer was complaining and worried cause he thought you were gonna hate the pictures."
"Was he? Why? The pictures was dope." He asked glancing quickly at her. 
"Yeah, because no matter what angle or where he moved that bright light was in every single picture." She laughed a little. "And when he was talking to me and your mom about it, your mom looked at the pictures, looked at him and was like it's just his dad, don't worry. So nonchalantly and she laughed with me saying how he was determined to be in your pictures."
Hearing that made him feel somewhat better, he remembered looking at the pictures thinking that same thing about the light but kept it to himself. Knowing that they thought the same thing let him know that he wasn't just trying to make that true. 
"Damn," he smiled, "That's crazy. Sound like em though."
"It does. I know that you're still gonna scan the crowd for him, just know that he'll be there and he'll let you know. Hopefully it won't be a bright ass light all the time," she joked, "But either way, he's gonna show up for his baby boy."
He grabbed her hand, bringing it to his lips to kiss it then locked their fingers. "Thank you, Fat. I needed to hear that."
"Don't thank me for that, it's what I'm here for. I'm good for more than just cooking for you and getting busy, you know."
He laughed heartily, "Noted, baby. Ima remember that."
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After dropping Moriah at the hospital the next morning, Zilla went to the Performance Center instead of going home for a couple hours. Hardly anyone was there that time of morning which meant less people for him to talk to and more time to get a workout in. While he was walking on the treadmill, he felt a hand on his back and stopped the machine immediately. He snatched his headphones off then turned around with a dial on his face. 
"My bad, man. I ain't mean no harm. Just wanted to come speak, that's all." The man explained. "Trick. Good to meet you."
Zilla nodded wiping his face with his towel. "Shit, you good. Nice to meet you too. Zilla."
Trick smiled a little, "You already know I know who you are. Ain't no need in acting like that, man."
He shrugged modestly. "I appreciate that but I'm just me, just Zilla."
"Whether you Zilla or just Zilla, we know you are and you better know that shit too. Especially around here."
Zilla squinted at his words. "What that mean?"
"Some of these people around here vicious is all I'm sayin."
"Mmm, I hear you."
"Listen I know we just met and you have no reason to believe me but I'm bein sincere," Trick told him sincerely, "Me and Melo dealt with it, shit a lotta good people went through it. Just tryna look out for you. From one man to another."
Zilla nodded, he was unsure about Trick and his words. They sounded sincere enough but in this world he could never be too sure. 
"I gotta get to a meeting so ima move around." 
Not waiting for a response, Zilla went to the locker room to change before his meeting and thirty minutes later he was sitting across from Shawn Michaels. 
"I won't keep you long, I know you have stuff to do around here but we need to talk debut for a second. I like to involve talent in their storyline and for them to be comfortable with what they're doing," he explained clasping his hands, "When you're comfortable the work is times better. Understand?"
"Yes sir, I got you."
"Alright so that being said we were thinking the last week of November. Gives us all enough time to work things out. Does that sound good to you or do you need more time?"
"Nah, that's good. I can do that."
"We think you'd work great as heel unless you think face is something you wanna try," Shawn paused, "Booker thinks highly of you as heel though."
Zilla shook his head, "Heel. I like being heel. It's fun for me bein like that."
Shawn nodded, writing a few things down. "Alright, heel it is. I'm gonna get with Hunter and Paul to come up with a little something for you but we also want you to come up with something too to bring to us. All of our resources are open to you, talk to your cousins I'm sure they'll help you out. I can put you in touch with some other guys that wouldn't mind helping you either."
He nodded thinking it over. "Alright, I'll let you know if I need em."
"You have a week before you meet with myself, Paul and Hunter. So don't wait too long."
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"What's wrong, baby? They said it was an emergency. Are you hurt?" 
As soon as the charge nurse told Moriah it was an important phone call from Zilla, her heart was in her throat. The few feet to the phone felt like miles because her mind had automatically went to the worst. 
"Nothin wrong, I'm not hurt, Fat. Breathe, baby." He assured calmly. 
"Toni said you said it was an emergency. What is it?" She asked still stressing. 
He chuckled, "Its a emergency but not a bad one. I promise."
"Zay," she sighed trying to calm herself and her nerves "Don't scare me like that."
"My bad, baby. She just wasn't tryna give you the phone and I needed to talk to my baby. It's important."
She exhaled on a chuckle. "Start talking and hurry up, fool."
"Zilla got his debut date, baby!"
Moriah squealed alerting few of the doctors and nurses around her including Toni. She whispered an apology. 
"When? When? I'm gonna take off for it right now."
"Tuesday after Thanksgiving! They gon keep me heel too."
Moriah teared up a little but quickly wiped her tears away. "I'll be there in the front row with my sign. I'm happy for you, Zay."
"That make me feel good. Thank you, Fat."
"You're welcome. I'm taking you out to celebrate my first day off. Somewhere special." She said softly. 
He chuckled. "Word? I'm lookin forward to it."
"Good but I gotta go. I'll see you when you get here and do not block the door again."
"You need curbside service though," he laughed, "Don't work too hard. Zilla love you."
"Moriah loves you more, Zilla."
After she hung up, Toni came to stand to her left with a knowing smile on her face. Toni had been extremely welcoming to her and friendly since her first day. She was older than Moriah but it didn't bother them. 
"From the squealing and the smile on your face, am I to assume that there was nothing wrong?" She asked in a hushed tone. 
Moriah giggled. "Maybe."
"Uhuh so what did Mr. Man want? Did he interrupt my ED to say he was thinking about you?" She joked. 
"Noo," Moriah sung out, "He got some good news and wants to share it with his baby."
"What was it?"
Moriah smirked playfully. "I would tell you but don't wanna interrupt your ED even more." 
"You're on my list, DeBreaux."
Moriah laughed going towards the room, she heard her name being called. 
After her shift, Moriah gathered her things then went to the nurses station to talk to Toni. She was wasting time since Zilla was running a few minutes behind. She didn't mind as she knew he spent a little more time at the PC to talk to Booker.
"What are you getting into tonight?" 
"Nothing at all since I gotta be back here in the morning. Pick dinner up, eat, and fall asleep to whatever movie we pick out." Moriah laughed. 
Toni rolled her eyes playfully. "You are such a old woman. Why don't you and Mr. Man go out?"
She shook her head. "Cause I know he's tired from training plus he's grumpy when he's tired."
"He grumpy or you're grumpy?"
"Who's side are you on?" She asked jokingly. "We are gonna go out when I'm off though. Gonna take my man on a date."
"Ooooh a date, huh? Should I get the pregnancy tests ready?"
"Absolutely not ma'am. No babies, not right now. But what you can do is go ahead and approve my day off."
"It's not even November yet, Moriah," she laughed, "Hell, we ain't even hit October yet."
Moriah pouted at her. "It'll be October in a few days but pleeeease. I wanna make sure I'm off and I'm there. Oooh I got an idea."
Toni folded her arms, laughing at her younger coworker. "What's your plan?"
"You should take off too and come with me."
"To a wrestling show? No ma'am plus I'm not gonna be in town." Toni laughed at her pout. "Dr. Miller coming in hot."
Before Moriah could say anything, Dr. Miller was standing right next to her prompting her to take a step over. She smiled politely. 
"You heading out, Moriah?"
She looked at her bag and purse,  making Toni laugh softly, then back at the doctor. "Yup, I am."
He laughed a little. "I didn't notice your bag and stuff, I'm about to head out too. Been a long day."
Moriah nodded slowly and looked to Toni for help, who just shook her head laughing.
"Right so I was thinking um," he trailed off trying to find his words and nerves again. 
While Toni and Moriah waited for him to spit it out, Zilla walked into the ED. He had been calling his girlfriend with no answer so came in to check on her. His face scrunched when he laid eyes on her and saw the doctor standing close to her. Waiting for a few nurses and patients to pass in front of him, he approached his girlfriend from behind and slid his hand around her neck to her throat, gently leaning her head back. He kissed her lips a few times before letting her go, allowing his hand to rest on her waist. 
"You okay?" She asked looking at him. 
He nodded, sizing Dr. Miller up. "I'm straight. You ain't answer so I came to make sure you was aight."
Toni covered her laugh watching the scene unfold in front of her. Moriah checked her phone seeing the missed calls. 
"Oh I'm sorry, babe. I was talking to Toni and then Dr. Miller came up. Which let me not be rude … babe, this is the charge nurse, Toni and this is Dr. Miller," she said sweetly, "Yall this is my boyfriend, Zilla."
Toni stuck her hand out to Zilla still laughing, "Finally I get to meet Mr. Man who interrupted my ED."
"My bad, Toni," he laughed, "Ima do it again though."
Toni laughed. "For your sake it better not be a real emergency cause I'm not giving her the phone again. Dr. Miller, don't be rude. Speak."
Dr. Miller looked between all three, actively tryna avoid the scowl on Zilla's face. "Not ride, just didn't wanna interrupt. Nice to meet you. Zilla is it?"
Zilla tilted his head a little. "That's what I said, uce."
Moriah glared at Toni, who kept laughing. "Okay so yall have a good night. Let's go, babe."
"Wait, wait," Toni called out reaching across the station to grab Moriah's arm as she tried to go, "Don't you remember that Dr. Miller was about to tell you what he was thinking. Go head, Dr. Miller. Tell Moriah."
He scratched the back of his neck, "Oh I uh I was just gonna see if Moriah wanted to get a drink with me to relax after work. As uh as … as co-workers."
Moriah mouthed to Toni that she was gonna hurt her as Toni continued to laugh while Zilla held Dr. Miller's stare, silently daring him to look away. 
"She good, uce. I got all the relaxation she need. Come on, Fat."
Moriah waved to them before leaving. When they got to their car, Zilla helped her in before going to the driver side. She watched him as he drove, a slight frown on her face that made him laugh. 
"You always watchin me, man? What you want?"
She pushed his arm, "You know what. Why you do that?"
"Do what? Come check on you?" He laughed. "I was being a good boyfriend."
"By scaring that poor man. He was so nervous, Zay."
"Good, he should be. He was too close to you. Talkin bout gettin a drink, fuck outta here." He fussed as he sped through traffic. "Thought you was gon go for that? Naaah, not my Fat."
A smile slowly made its way onto her face, she poked at his face. He swatted her hand away. 
"Chill with that."
She kept going. "Is my Zilla jealous? Is that what I hear?"
"Ain't nobody jealous."
"Mmmm … you felt some type of way. You've never seen anybody flirt with me? Not since you been out." She teased.
He looked over at her for a moment not saying anything. 
"Its okay, I kinda liked seeing you like that. Plus Dr. Miller is a lot. I've been turning him down for the last month."
"Let me know if he bother you again."
Moriah giggled. "Yes sir."
"Aight now, you enjoyin it a little too much, Fat." He chuckled. 
She shrugged playfully. "After dinner are we calling your mom or did you already call?"
"I wasn't gon call her without you. She'd be mad if I did that anyway, whenever I talk to her she stay askin if I checked on you and if you got what you need."
"Yup cause I'm her favorite, not you."
"If it wasn't for me, yall wouldn't even know each other," he exclaimed playfully. 
"Oooh the jealously bug just bit you up today, huh?"
"Since you got jokes, you gon be at work tomorrow with bites."
She stopped laughing. "Wait, that's my funny. Don't do that."
"Ooooh it ain't funny no more, Fat?" He laughed. 
"Noooo. Last time you did that, I had bites everywhere when I met your grandma. And my mama thought you was beating me up."
"Shit, I was just not in the way she was thinking. But that was your fault cause you thought you was funny. I'm funnier though, Fat."
She folded her arms, pouting. "What if I say sorry?"
"Too late for that, babygirl. Just prepare yourself."
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Thomas got off the elevator a quarter pass seven, making a beeline for the emergency department. One of the patients he was helping with needed assistance so he wasn't able to leave in time. Making it to the nurses station, he went to Toni.
"What do you need, Thomas?" She asked not looking up from her paperwork. 
He looked around as he spoke. "Nurse DeBreaux, is she here?"
"No, she's not," she answered now looking at him, "Why are you looking for her? There are plenty of nurses in Pediatrics where you are assigned."
"I needed to ask her a question about a patient that was in the ED," he lied quickly, "It's not an emergency. When does she work again?"
"I can call her for you, Thomas."
"No, just tell me when she works. I'll come back."
Toni hummed. "Tomorrow at 7am."
"Thank you, Toni. I owe you."
"Uhuh, don't get yourself into any trouble now."
He flashed her a quick smile before leaving. Toni sat with the interaction for a moment, replaying it in her head. Something felt weird to her but she brushed it off.
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Aaaaalright tickle fic again
Requested by: @alex1010155
Characters: Dream & Nightmare (not a ship)
Context: Dream wanders in their old AU, reminiscing the past once again, Nightmare joins him short after that and sees his brother being sad, he decides to do something about it using a method from when they were kids
The sun was high in the blue sky, Dreamtale had regained its beauty without the overflowing negativity. The tree was still cut down, of course, it wasn't a regular tree after all, but flowers were blooming again and the grass was green for the first time in years.
Dream was walking by the forest, heading to what was left of his mother, if he could even call her that, for she had never been present for him or his brother. She brought them to life and left them figure out the rest by themselves. But still he felt nostalgic looking at the stump.
Him and Nightmare have made great progress in their relationship since the truce had been established, they still had a lot of work ahead of them but they could now appreciate each other's presence and joke together.
Dream sat on the remains of the tree, it felt weird to be back in here, where everything started, where his life took a tragic and drastic turn. As he was absorbed in his thoughts he didn't notice Nightmare's magic entering the universe.
They were supposed to meet in Ccino's AU, they regularly met in different universes in order to talk, but today Dream was really late, which was strange since he usually was the first to arrive, so Nightmare decided to follow his magic signature and found himself in their birth place, not surprised.
It didn't take long for him to find his brother looking at the abandoned village ahead of the hill. He went to sit next to him on the stump, making Dream flinch.
- Oh, I didn't see you arrive, sorry..
Dream apologized.
- It's okay, you didn't come to Ccino's so I wanted to make sure you were doing okay.
- It was today ? I'm sorry, I didn't see the date..
Nightmare simply raised his hand, showing his brother he wasn't mad at him for forgetting. He could see he wasn't in the bestest of moods, even without checking his feelings. Dream lowered his gaze to the ground, he felt bad for forgetting their meeting, they were so important for him, for both of them, and he forgot it, he felt horrible...
Nightmare looked at him, it wasn't in his intention to make him feel bad.
- Come on, it's not that big of a deal, we can always organize something another day..
He tried.
- Yeah...
A short answer, Dream was playing with his fingers, he often did that, even when he was a kid, when he felt guilty about something. Nightmare knew that.
- Come on, am I going to have to force a smile out of you ?
Dream looked up at him, quite confused, not because Nightmare was being nice to him but because he didn't see how he planned on doing so. It was only when he felt something poking at his side that he realized what his brother intended by "forcing a smile out of him". He quickly got up.
- Oh no you f#cking won't !
Nightmare chuckled, he always found it amusing to hear the positive guardian swear.
- Of course I will, I'm not gonna let my dear brother be so sad !
And before Dream could say anything he used a tentacle to grad his brother by the waist and force him to sit on the grass, using one more tentacle to hold his wrists together as Dream was struggling to free himself.
- Let me go !
- I don't think I will, no.
Nightmare laid down on the tree stump, on his stomach, his head resting on his crossed arms as he looked down at Dream, a mischievous look in his eye and his two remaining tentacles wagging in the air.
- Nightmare I swear to God if you- AH !
He was cut in his sentence by a third tentacle poking at his side again.
- Stop pretending to be mad, I know you like it ~
Nightmare teased watching his brother kicking the air to no avail, trying not to laugh from the scratching on his side, his cheeks blushing a bright golden color. Soon the fourth tentacle joined and digged between the guardian's ribs, this time making him burst into a laughing mess. It seemed that even after all these centuries Nightmare still remembered his worst spots.
He yelled into deaf ears. He felt so vulnerable like that, pinned to the ground with his arms above his head, Nightmare looking down at him, clearly amused... he would be so mad if he wasn't having so damn much fun right now. He knew he liked it, deep down he had always liked being tickled to pieces, but he would never admit it, especially to Nightmare.
- That's not an appropriate language for a guardian of positivity you know.
He was almost hysterical as the two tentacles digged and scribbled all over his ribs, his very ticklish ribs. What was worse was that Nightmare could feel the positivity radiating from him, he knew he was having fun right now, even if Dream was saying otherwise.
- Didn't expect you to still be as ticklish as when you were a kid ~
The teasing was very cruel tho, and the tentacles were so skilled, Nightmare moved them with such ease and precision, it made the whole thing even worse because no matter how much Dream was moving the tentacles always followed his movements, almost as if they were glued to him.
It was when he felt the tip of the tentacle that was holding his waist start to brush and circle against his tummy that he began to really curse his brother. Two tentacles on his ribs was already torture, but now he added the tummy as well ? His second worst spot ? He really wanted Dream to die of laughter.
- Naah I don't want to.
Tears were forming in Dream's eye sockets, he had already given up in fighting back and trying to escape, his was now praying for his brother to have mercy. And thankfully, he did, after five long minutes but he did. He let him go, retracting his tentacles behind his back and letting his poor brother catch his breath.
Dream curled up, waiting for the phantom tickles to dissappear. It took a little time for him to breath normally again and when it was done he sat up.
- Feel better now ?
Nightmare asked. He earned a very pissed look from his brother, because even if he did have fun it was still a bit embarrassing.
- I'm gonna f#cking get you.
- Yeah I know, that's why I'm gonna leave now.
He answered as he got up from the tree stump.
- Oh no you won't !
And before Nightmare could even take a step away he got body slammed to the ground by his very thirsty for vengeance brother, and he too remembered where his worst spots were...
Needless to say, they didn't go to Ccino's this day, but they still had a good laugh !
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surftrips · 2 years
don't be a stranger
pairing: jj maybank x reader
summary: y/n begins dating her boyfriend, not knowing that she would lose her best friend in the process.
word count: 1427
warnings: none, just angst as usual (but a happy ending!)
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You began dating your boyfriend a few months ago. He was a great guy. Funny, handsome, and caring, he checked off all of the boxes of an ideal boyfriend. You were happy for once.
Unfortunately, you didn't know that having a boyfriend would mean losing your best friend in the process.
Ever since you began seeing your boyfriend, JJ started distancing himself from you. Not from the other Pogues either, just you.
It broke your heart to see him getting further away from you, but did you not deserve to be happy? You didn't understand why JJ was making you choose between your happiness and his.
But maybe it was because in another world, JJ would have been the one for you. You wanted to go back in time to August, your shirt stained with red wine from laughing too hard with him, sitting by the campfire nestled safely in his arms.
You were his best girl and he always made sure you knew that. "Just wanted to see my best girl," or "What are you up to, sunshine?"
You missed that the most. Your friendship with JJ often crossed the lines between platonic and romantic, but you didn't mind. It was like you and JJ existed in this grey area, both of you afraid to make a move but content with where you were.
You thought you had forever together to figure it out.
Then you met your boyfriend, and your conversations with JJ went from "I'm picking you up after work today," to "You don't pay attention to me anymore!"
"Because, JJ! Every time I try to get close to you now, you always pull away from me. We never hang out unless it's with the Pogues, you're always in a bad mood around me, god you won't even hug me anymore!" you had shouted at him.
Then, having regretted being so harsh, you said "I don't want things to be different between us just because I'm seeing someone."
"But how can they not be?" he responded. "Nothing ever feels right anymore."
You sighed. "I don't know what to tell you, JJ. You're my best friend, and you always will be. But I can't do this right now. You know it's not possible for us to be like the way we were before."
That was the last time you talked to him. Weeks ago. It was the longest you had ever gone without any contact from him. It was like you two were strangers again.
How did you get here?
You still loved your boyfriend, but you would be lying if you said the angst between you and JJ hadn't caused a rift in your relationship. Each time you laughed, you felt a part of yourself wish that JJ was here with you. That he was the one making you laugh.
When your boyfriend called you his girl, you almost frowned because JJ would call you his best girl until you realized that those days were long gone now.
You tried your best to hide your sadness around your boyfriend, it was something you were good at, hiding your emotions. The only person in your life that could clock you was JJ, of course.
He knew when you were mad you got passive aggressive, when you were frustrated you would cry, when you hated someone you would be extra nice to them. He could read you like a book.
Which is why you never picked up his phone calls. You knew that as soon as you tried to speak, he would know something was wrong. You wanted to believe that you were fine, that you and your boyfriend were fine, but the thought of JJ kept you up at night.
You told yourself you would never be the kind of girl that let their boyfriends take over their lives, let them drift apart from their friends. But JJ wasn't just a friend. You knew that. He knew that. You both were so caught up in whatever weird limbo you were in between friends and lovers that you almost didn't realize you had left JJ behind.
You didn't know how much longer you could be with your boyfriend. You adored him, but he just wasn't JJ. He wasn't your best friend. He wasn't the one that made you laugh the hardest or knew all your secrets. No, that was someone else.
How could you tell your boyfriend that you were starting to hate who you've become? How you wanted to go back to how life was before you ever met him?
You usually went to JJ for advice, but what were you going to say? Hey, how do I break up with my boyfriend because I realized that I am actually in love with you?
At the same time, it would be nice to hear his voice. The one that always managed to calm you down, but at the moment terrified you. You knew that he had been leaving phone calls here and there, so you decided to check your voicemail, not expecting very much.
You were surprised to see that you had not one or two, but several voicemails. All from him.
Some were just a few seconds, the longer ones were two minutes. You hit play on the most recent one, from a few days ago.
"Hey Y/N. It's JJ... I don't know if you're listening to these, but I just wanted to let you know that we're fine. I'm sorry, I was being selfish before but I decided that what I want isn't worth losing you for. I just want my best friend back. That's all."
Suddenly you couldn't hold it in anymore. You let out the sobs you've been holding in for the past few months, not caring if your boyfriend in the next room could hear or not.
It had been a week since you broke up with your boyfriend. Meaning that you had been sitting alone in your room trying to work up the courage to call JJ back for seven days.
All throughout this, your friends Kie and Sarah have been extremely supportive. They knew that what you and JJ had was special, and really, they just wanted the Pogues to be back together again. Ever since you left, JJ had become a shell of himself.
"I just feel awful about everything, what if he doesn't want to talk to me?" you were saying to the girls.
"Then he wouldn't have called you. All the voicemails on your phone are from him," Sarah said matter-of-factly.
"Yeah, why would he leave all those messages if he didn't want to talk?" Kie added.
You knew they were right. You picked up your phone and shooed your friends out of your room.
He picked up almost immediately, his voice on the other line startling you. "Y/N?" he said.
"Hey, J. It's nice to hear your voice."
"Yours too." A beat. Then, "Why are you calling? Did something happen?"
"We used to call all the time, not just when something happens," you tried to hide the hurt in your voice, "But yeah, me and him broke up."
"Oh. I'm sorry, Y/N, what happened? He didn't hurt you, did he?" The concern in his voice causing tears to sting your eyes.
"No, no, nothing like that. I actually broke up with him."
"Oh. Pretty boy wasn't good enough for you?" You almost smiled, relieved to see that you were on bantering terms again.
"No, he just wasn't you, JJ." There it was, the truth.
You heard him take a deep breath on the other side, and then there was silence. You had been waiting weeks to confess your feelings for him, and you couldn't take it any longer.
"Please say something, JJ."
"Where are you right now?"
"I'm at home."
"Stay there, I'm coming over."
You looked outside your window. "Wait- it's raining pretty bad. You could get sick. How are you going to get here?"
"Y/N, I have been lying in bed for the past month beating myself up for not running over there and telling you how I feel. If you think this rain is going to stop me, then you've severely underestimated my love for you."
"You- you love me?"
"I thought that was clear by now." It was, but it was something else to hear him say it aloud.
"I love you too, JJ."
"Great, I'm glad we've established that. Now do I have your permission to run into the rain so I can see my best girl?"
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worriedvision · 1 year
Here is part 2 of this fic! It's the one where Alhaitham and Reader were friends since they were young and there's a bunch of feelings that get tweaked about. I'd recommend reading the first part because it would bring the background to this part! I was planning on this being the last part but of course I had to leave it was a multiple ending thing because it would start to get way too long. Be patient, they'll come soon!
You decided to sign up for one of those speed date programmes. It was risky, and you heard the eligible bachelor's were downright creepy or some form of red flag, but you wanted to find someone that you could be with. Since your last conversation with Alhaitham, you never saw him in his usual spots. You knew he was trying to avoid you, and it just solidified that you ruined any chance of keeping the connection you had with him.
Your speed dates didn't go well, but neither did the other people looking for men. You land up making good friends with quite a few people, bonding over the stories you had of the guys at the speed dates that objectified their "potential trophy" as one man stated. As great as it was to make friends, and finding hobbies through them, you still yearned for a lover.
You couldn't stop thinking of him, and you thought getting someone to be a rebound would somehow help.
"Kaveh, why did you gather us here?" Cyno asks, Tighnari nodding in agreement as he looks over for a response.
"I want you two to sign up for that speed dating-"
"Hold on, none of us need that..." Tighnari trails off, Cyno crossing his arms and looking away. "What's this for?"
"Fine, I'll explain." Kaveh sighs, sitting down. "I've noticed Alhaitham sulking around the bar at the time the speed dating is taking place. If I was to guess, it has something to do with one of the people there."
"I would rather not find out how much strength he has by testing his jealousy." Tighnari protests. "He's a fully grown man, surely he knows how to make a move."
"...you two better keep the rest of this to yourselves, got it?" Kaveh asks, continuing before he can get a rejection. "I overheard a confession from his childhood friend and all-time crush. Trust me, it's obvious from everyone but them. He rejected them, explaining he wasn't interested in a relationship for the reason of needing to maintain one."
"I'm still not...oh." Cyno realises, sharing a look with Tighnari. "How about we both go along together. That way, if Alhaitham does try something, it'll be two against one. Not that I think he'd try that in public." Cyno suggests, Tighnari finally accepting it.
There was one day you couldn't go along to the session, work particularly hard, and the next session you saw Alhaitham with one of your friends. It was clear he was there as a successful match. As much as you didn't want to admit it, it hurt to see him courting someone after he told you he was emotionally unavailable for social reasons.
"Good evening." You hear a deep voice say, waving you over. "Care to join me?"
You decide to take a seat in between Tighnari and Cyno, the seat Cyno patted. You made friends with them, finding it nice that you were able to talk to them without looking for the chance to get away.
"Oh, _!" Your friend exclaims, hugging you before ordering a coffee. "The one time you weren't here, a handsome man came in!"
"I'm happy to see you've got someone." You smile softly, knowing for a fact Alhaitham was staring at you. They walk back after getting their coffee, Alhaitham engaging in conversation once again.
"Still not over him?" Cyno asks, you nodding. "Don't force it. From our conversation, I can tell you don't need to do speed dating to find someone."
"I have to agree with Cyno here." Tighnari hums out, taking a quick glance. "He's certainly moved on quicker than you have."
"I mean, it was one sided." You brush off. "It only makes sense that he was able to move on. Maybe after my confession, he decided to give romance a chance." You shake your head, groaning out. "I shouldn't be telling you two about my failure of a romantic life."
"I find it quite interesting." Cyno reassures. "Well, if you are interested, feel free to join me at a table any time I'm here. Due to work, I can't come often." Cyno nods, leaving for his work after waving goodbye to you.
"Oh, that's so sweet of you!" You head your friend exclaim. Looking over, you can see Alhaitham with a small gift for his date. Alhaitham responds with a simple 'I know', which does actually go well, before walking out with his date - walking them home.
"He isn't worth crying over." Tighnari grumbles, turning to you. "I think Cyno is a better match for you. And I'm not just saying that to be a wingman, I know Cyno is better with these things." Tighnari reassures you, taking his leave after finishing his drink.
The bartender looks over the moment the door closes, and they decide to throw in their opinion for free.
"The whole time Alhaitham's date wasn't looking at him, he was stealing glances at you." The bartender states. "He was here the time you weren't, and I think he was looking for you."
"So he's decided to use a friend of mine to find out where I am?" You raise a brow, thoroughly confused. "He wouldn't do that."
"Whatever you say... Just saying, he looked bothered when you were talking to your new pals."
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legayfuck · 6 months
okay but the way that noah and eva were SUCH GREAT CHARACTERS that NEVER DID ANYTHING is so upsetting. I know we all wanted a team e-scope comeback and wt TOTALLY COULD'VE DONE THAT like
and there's definitely possibility for people to get eliminated fairly late in the game, like sweeden sour, rapa phooey and of course double eliminations
first, I'm going to talk about the relations between the members of team e-scope
there could definitely be an expansion on the team e-scope relations. eva and izzy could have a very dynamic friendship- they're both some of the most threatening competitors while also having contrasting personalities. this friendship could've been used in island when they were both returning contestants. eva would recognize that they're both targets because they both skipped challenges and izzy really just went along with anything. she and eva definitely got along and they would be a killer alliance.
if eva made it even like a couple of challenges I think it would be good. just push trent and bridgette back once and move the no pain, no game challenge to after hide and be sneaky. there's the whole trent and heather plot in search & do not destroy, heather, leshawna, and eva could all have immunity in hide & be sneaky which would lead to bridgette's elimination, and then eva loses in no pain, no game. that would give enough time for at least a little use of eva and her rivalries with other characters. ALSO why was izzy in an alliance with heather? put her in with eva cmon. anyways. in hide & be sneaky, the guys could use eva's hate of bridgette to their advantage. anyways I'm going on a tangent here. NEXT
noah and izzy had at least some sort of thing going on since haute camp-ture. izzy with the 'throwing some shrimp on the barbie, that means you noah!' and the whole 'he kissed a guy!' thing definitely leads you to believe that at least izzy thinks they're friends, even if she just annoys noah. then in world tour, while he spent most the time calling her a nutcase, she carried him around a lot it wasn't like he hated her, he just didn't want owen dating her because she didn't treat him right.
noah and eva are a good team-up. noah's the brains and eva's the brawn, that's alliance material. they know each others strengths and neither really have friends. well, noah has owen but that's basically it. and owen isn't the most strategic person in the game. and both have a lot of enemies.
I'm going to talk about potential of the characters as if eva was in world tour and on team chris because that would make sense with canon
I feel like eva could be used so well. She didn't like being famous, so she was all in it for the money. She was straightforward. She was not playing any games. SHE WANTED THAT MONEY. I think Alejandro would see her as useful and keep her around, but he knows he has to get rid of her before the merge. Plus, she's so great for an antagonist. She has a lot of drive and could have a rivalry with literally anyone. She could have beef with tyler I mean realistically. he was a killer bass. also, I feel like she could have an alliance with alejandro. she doesn't seem like someone exactly all for alliances, but she understands a deal when she sees one- alejandro is a powerful competitor and she knows it. betrayal later could be AMAZING and I'll get to a point with that in a minute
and we all know the noah story, we've heard it a million times but it's true, he's a great character. He has a rivalry with alejandro, was labeled 'the schemer' or whatever even though he did nothing, he's really smart like they could have used that. he also had a lot of rivalries with people that were just not used. he didn't like alejandro, he didn't like sierra, he didn't like duncan, and he definitely had potential for relationships (positive or negative) with other contestants. he could still be eliminated at the same time, but at least let him do something.
okay. so I know we all love blaineley. well I actually don't really but we all love blainerific. HOWEVER. HER ASS DID NOTHING. I would bring back either eva or noah. eva, if having that alliance with alejandro, would be mad as hell. and post-merge, she could interact with members of team amazon. noah also is against alejandro and has a lot of potential for relations with other competitors. then I would have them last a little longer than blaineley did so they ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING anyways that's my little rant about eva and noah
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pervysenpaix · 2 years
Journalist!y/n has standards. MIDoriya doesn’t meet those standards. Though I kinda want to read her finding out Dynamight started dating Red Riot and she starts simping both of them and ends up getting both
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I like the way you think nonnie. You deserve an emoji [🧨] you're my first btw 🤞🏾. let's discuss some real men shall we ?
pairing; k. bakugo + e. kirishima + you
Part 1
PS: this is super inconsistent because i got carried away with the plot in the beginning but then I remembered that this is supposed to be a quick thirst response so 🤡
TW! Prohero AU, non con/ dub con ( reader is intoxicated), semi-sleazy KRBK, obsessed reader, stalker KRBK but Y/N started it!, reader is recorded without consent, reader is drugged, anal fingering, anal seggs, double pen, borderline mysogynistic <- sounds worse than it actually is in my opinion but I'm FUCKING SICK.
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After your initial encounter with Dynamight was rudely interrupted by MIDoriya, you scurried from the office with your remaining shreds of dignity. Did you regret it? Hell, no. Your wildest fantasies couldn't have prepared you for what it would actually feel like to be fucked by the explosion hero. But, you couldn't help the anxiety that settled in the pit of your stomach once the implications of your actions started crowd your mind.
This man caught you masturbating in his office, then fucked you after acknowledging that you'd been stalking him for the past few months. It was horrifying to say the least. Yes, you were still obsessed but you were also extremely embarrassed and could not shake the ever present feeling of awkwardness that came whenever you imagined the way his scarlet visionaries burned your skin.
So you figured that it'd probably be best to lay off the extracurriculars for a while.
The article was great and earned you tons of notoriety. People were surprised with how candid the hero was with you especially since he usually turned down interviews. The public assumed that you were some investigative genius when in reality you were some crazy stalker that he wanted to make an example of.
Alls fair in love and journalism, you suppose; but, it kind of sucked to get used and discarded like that. From your favorite hero no less !
A few months past and you'd done several high profile interviews since the incident. You tried to keep yourself occupied with work to avoid thinking of your muse but that proved difficult when he had been plastered across various media platforms due to an apparent change in his relationship status.
Have Red Riot and Dynamight finally made it official?
The alleged couple had been spotted out on several “romantic outings” but nothing had been confirmed by either parties PR teams. Various publications turned to you as if you’d have some insider info but alas you were just as in the dark as everyone else.
You’d sworn to yourself that you wouldn’t go back to your old antics but god did they make it tempting. Dynamight alone was always amazing but paired with Red Riot ? The thought of it had you foaming at the mouth. Eijiro Kirishima, the Sturdy Hero, who was named Japan’s most eligible bachelor three years in a row was now romantically attached to the object of your desires. What more could a girl ask for ?
Dignity, but I digress.
Everyone wanted the scoop on the couple and your publisher decided that you were the girl for the job. You tried to weasel your way out of it to no avail. Taking a shot in the dark you called over to Dynamight's agency with every intention of being rejected but to your surprise you were patched through and met with a particularly gruff voice.
The hero had agreed to do the interview on the condition that it be done in his own home over dinner. Stating that he wasn't up to having "the talk" with "that damn Deku" again then asking if you still remembered how to get there. Your cheeks burned at the insinuation, so you nodded dumbly while blurting an overly cheerful, "Yeah! See you soon!" before assaulting the "end call" button.
So now you stood on the familiar yet foreign front porch of the Bakugo estate ringing the doorbell. The door swung open revealing Dynamight in all his scowling glory wearing his signature black tank and cargo pants with a Alien Queen Pinky! ™️ apron wrapped around his slim waist.
"I know you like goin' through the backdoor but this seems more appropriate." He smirks, canines flashing and silver chain swaying as he leans down to guide you inside with a heavy hand splayed on your lower back. “You look good, it’s been a while”.
"Y-yeah, like a couple months if I'm not mistaken. It's good to see you as well". He huffs in response, handing you a pair of fluffy slippers before leading you further into the home. He brings you to a sleek industrialized kitchen and pulls out a barstool to which you offer a polite thanks, making him scoff. Katsuki turns towards the stove and begins interacting with the various pots in pans. It smells divine. You watch curiously from your place at the island. Wanting to cut through the smothering silence but not sure what to say.
"No point in actin' all meek, Princess. We're not exactly strangers". His back is to you, but you can imagine the scowl on his face.
He had a point. A few months ago he had your fluffy bits on display and now you could barely muster a sideways glance.
"Sorry" you breathe, "I guess I'm a bit nervous".
"Because of the stalking or the sex ?" He asks bluntly, leaning forward to rest his forearms on the counter. "Cause m'pretty used to both when it comes to fans. Just not in that order, I guess".
If you could sink into the floor you would but Dynamight's harsh stare told you that you wouldn't be let off the hook that easily. Luckily for you a door slammed followed by the soft padding of feet revealing a very handsome and very shirtless, red-haired hero.
"Oh, hey there! You must be , Y/N. Wow, you're even prettier in person!" You stare dumbly at the tall man. His long hair is damp and light sheen covers his tattooed skin. He wears red sweatpants that hang dangerously low on his waist and a slender gold chain similar to the one worn by the blonde hero.
"Oh! T-thanks, Red Riot. You're pretty too". As soon as the words leave your mouth you cringe but taller man laughs boisterously while casting a knowing grin. “Yeah yeah—you’re both gorgeous, now can we eat?”
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Dinner was delicious—as expected. Katsuki (which he insisted you call him) mentioned that cooking was one of his hobbies with Eijiro adding that Katsuki’s cooking was one of his hobbies as well. The two played off each other well, effortlessly switching between best bros and star crossed lovers in an instant. It was enough to make you swoon.
They’d all but explicitly stated the nature of their relationship and when you asked them if the rumors where true Katsuki gripped the back of Eijiro’s neck and pulled him into a steamy kiss that left a string of saliva connecting them. He then looked directly at your camera and said “you tell me” with a shit eating grin.
Dinner was over and you felt yourself growing restless from the casual PDA being displayed between the two heroes. You had more than enough footage for your interview so you decided to call it a night. However, the two men had other plans.
Eiji insisted that you stay for a glass of wine. Then two. Then three. And before you knew it you were a giggly mess sandwiched between the contrastly sober heroes on their huge Cal king bed. Katsuki had convinced you to spend the night because it’d be irresponsible to let toy drive and Eijiro offered one of his large shirts so that you’d be comfy. And he was such a gentle that he didn’t let you lift a finger. Using his quirk, he slice down your clothing until you were bare trembling. He then slipped the shirt over your head, not bothering with underwear and slotted you against his chest with Katsuki sliding in behind.
"God, you're soft." Eijiro sighed, palming and spreading your ass cheeks with his huge hands. " You didn't tell me she was this soft, bro" he whined, pouting his lips at the blonde who was groping your breasts in a similar fashion.
"Tch, and risk you blowing the plan to shit ? it was hard enough to stop you from breaking in her house after I showed you the video" Katsuki scoffed, still focused on tweaking your puffy nipples.
Eijiro groaned at the memory. Katsuki had already planned on fucking you that day in his office, so he installed cameras to capture the moment. They never expected you to be so slutty and willing and right before he could fully exploit you that damned Deku barged in. The redhead remembers how quickly his cock went flaccid when he saw the frantic greenette mumbling apologies. If that was HIM that walked in on a scene like that he would've fucked you both two ways to Sunday.
After watching the video he just had to see more of you. So the two of them spent days strolling through your social media profiles and jacking off to your pictures. Eijiro couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if you were smiling directly at him instead of the camera. He couldn't help it, he just had to see you in person. Luckily for him, Bakugo knew where you lived. You see, the blonde watched you just as much as you watched him prior to your encounter--he was just better at it. He knew your daily route and all of your favorite spots. The two heroes would go out in hopes of "bumping into you" but it never happened organically. They then settled on stalking your residence and peering at you through the windows. On one particular you were bouncing on a red riot themed dildo while deepthroating a dynamight one and Katsuki had to literally blast his ass out of there so that he wouldn't break the window.
"Please", he rolled his eyes, "a slutty bitch like her would probably get off on it. Wouldn't you, babe?" For the first time in what felt like forever they were actually talking to you instead of over you, but as luck would have it you were too out of it to respond.
Your skin burned and a hazy cloud settled on your mind. It felt like you were drowning but not necessarily in the bad way. Your body was submerged in an ocean of pleasure and every time you thought that you may break the surface, the men changed course making you spin endlessly. Eiji's thick digits speared and spread your asshole while the heated pads of Katsu's fingers ran over your nipples. It felt like you were on fire and the only thing that could douse you was the two men staring down at you. Their voices were distorted but you could just make out Eiji's voice saying, "did we give her too much, seems pretty out of it ?" at least that's what it sounded like but its hard to be sure with the way his fingers were rubbing against your walls. "nah, kinky bitch is probably floatin' in subspace or some shit. she wants this, look at the mess her pussy's makin' on the sheets".
Did you want this ? No doubt about it and the way they just manhandled your body between them had you gushing an obscene amount of slick down your thighs.
"not a thought in that pretty little head. god- you're fuckin' perfect for us" Katsuki groaned, pulling your head back by your hair to spit in your mouth then turning you back to Eijiro who followed suit. Even under the influence, you swallowed immediately earning raspy praise from the men.
"fuck baby I wish you could see yourself " Kirishima whined, slotting your lips together and bullying his tongue in your mouth. Bakugo kissed up your neck and chuckled.
"That can be arranged".
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You woke up bundled in unfamiliar satin sheets that smelled cinnamon and caramel. The room was dark save for the sliver of light pouring the floor to ceiling bedroom window. A glass of juice sat next to a bottle of painkillers on the bedside table with a note that read “drink me”. Now that you thought about it you did feel pretty sore. Being the good girl that you are— you take the pills and head out to find your hosts.
Bakugo and Kirishima were no where to be found but you did a beautifully plated breakfast with a note that read : Goodmorning, gorgeous! We went to run a few errands but we should be back soon. You should go hang in the den until we return.
The friendly tone of the note led you to believe that Kirishima wrote it but it was very friendly considering the two of you just met last night. Speaking of which , you couldn’t remember anything from the night prior.
You settled on the couch trying to rack but it was pointless. You shrugged it off, deciding to dig in and watch tv as the note suggested, but much to your surprise a video was already queued.
The video started with a close up of Bakugo running his tongue across his teeth. He set the camera down and you and kirishima came into view. You were bare—laying across the bed with your head hanging off the edge and your legs spread wide to accommodate the large man between them. Kirishima was nude as well , signature smile adorning his face as he bottomed out in your asshole. Katsuki joined the two of you, lightly tapping your jaw with his cock and pressing it against your tongue. You swallowed around him and clenched down on Eijiro making the men groan in unison. There was no sounds except wet squelching and moans.
You didn’t even realize that you’d started touching yourself until your eyes rolled back in ecstasy and you came with a shout.
A sudden this brought you out of your post orgasmic haze; you whipped your head around seeing the two males surrounded by what seems to be your luggage from home.
“Mind if we cut in ?”
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