#we don't see much of their relationship with Jazz too
picturejasper20 · 4 months
Thought’s on Jack & Maddie Fenton?
As characters i think they are entertaining on their own. They are usually fun to see when they show up, having something funny to say. They do have defined personalities in a way you can separate one from the other.
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One thing i do like in contrast to parents from other animated series is that they are have plenty of skills, both in intellect and combat. This is such an cool aspect of them because they can be more active in the story instead of being there hanging around.
This is something that the series has in advantage over other shows that have their young protagonists having to save the world. It is also a very easy way for Danny to get the equipment he needs to fight against ghosts.
And it is pretty interesting how them and Vlad used to be part of a main trio that fell apart after the proto-portal accident in collegue years in contrast to Danny's friend trio. It is such a cool aspect that makes them more intriguing, knowing that they were the ones that were what pushed Vlad to become a villain.
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Their relationship with Danny is pretty unique as well, since they see Phantom as their enemy in the series and try haunting him. So they are ¨good guys¨ but somewhat semi-antagonists to Danny's half ghost part.
All these things set up very juicy conflicts for these characters.
...The issue is that series doesn't seem to want to explore all these aspects in a deeper detail, we mainly only get to see glimpses or some aspects of it.
And when we do get them learning about Danny's ghost identity and them accepting Danny... their memory gets erased! All the development they could have had of trying to understand that their son is half ghost and maybe joining him in his battles never happened because the series did really want to keep their status quo.
The complexities of their relationship with Vlad never got a proper exploration neither, which is really frustrating because it is one of the most intriguing aspects of the series. We could have seen more of how they used to be when they were younger and if they left Vlad or didn't know what to do after the portal acccident. A lot of wasted potential...
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One of the biggest problems in their writing is that usually the series didn't want to explore how they weren't always good parents and more often than not their poor behaviour was excused. A lot of times it was treated like ¨jokes¨ and not something that had an impact on their kids. The most frustrating episode in this is ¨Fright Before Christmas¨ that has Jack and Maddie arguing over something stupid and it is something that Jazz and Danny have ¨to put up with¨ because the narrative say so. Jack and Maddie do this since they find it ¨fun¨, yet they don't seem to care how this makes their own children feel on Christmas
Another thing i wish we could have seen more is what other interests they have outside ghosts or general character flaws that don't have to be related with their parenting. I want to know about them more as individuals and change over time. Other animated shows usually do this better, developing the parent characters showing different sides of them. I would have liked to see something like that with Jack and Maddie.
They are characters that i enjoy watching and i do like their personalities. I just wish they could have been explored in deeper detail because they have the potential to be some of the most interesting characters in the series if they have had that development.
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DPXDC prompt. Nanny Wilson
Little Danny is almost lost in the mall when his parents suddenly run too fast in an attempt to catch up a ghost that their equipment has detected. Young Fenton is not a crybaby at all, but being alone without daddy and mommy is a little scary, so he begins to whimper and run around, trying to find familiar features in the blurry figures around him. Finally, he bumps into the thigh with a gun. It doesn't look much like an ectoblast, but dad is always inventing something new, so Danny quickly hugs this leg as hard as he can and begs loudly.
Danny: Daddy! Don't leave me! Slade: What the hell… Boy, I'm not your dad.
Danny blinks a few times and realizes that this man really doesn't look like Jack.
Danny: Oh. I'm sowwy. Can you help me find my daddy?
Slade: What makes you think I'm going to do this?
Danny: You have a gun and dad has a gun, so you're good. Are you here to hunt too? Slade: Something like that...What's your father's name, kid?
Jack: Danny! There you are!
A huge figure in a hazmat suit rushes towards them and Danny notices that his new friend is hastily hiding the weapon. To cheer up the man who is obviously meeting Jack Fenton for the first time, Danny smiles broadly. Dad may look scary, but he doesn't steal other people's toys.
Jack: Oh, thanks for looking after him. Our goal turned out to be too fast and we didn't even notice when our boy started to fall behind. Slade: No problem, colleague. Maddie: ? Danny: Kind uncle is also a hunter. Maddie: Oh, that's great! Em, sorry, but is there any chance that you have a time to look after our boy for a few days? We'll pay you well. You see, he rarely trusts people so quickly, and we absolutely do not have time to look for a replacement for our old nanny, and we really need to complete the last project as soon as possible.
Looking at the giggling boy trying to see if there are any other interesting things on him, Wilson decides that this will not be a bad experience in case he decides to establish a relationship with his found daughter.
Slade: All right, I'll take your order.
~~~About ten years later~~~
Danny, who is much more familiar with death than in canon, after being freshly ghosted: Damn, nanny will be so mad at me.
~~~~~ Danny: Hey, Slade. Do you want me to show you something cool? Slade: Not now, kid, nanny is cleaning up. Danny: Yeah, about that. *makes a corpse go through the ground* Ta-da! Can we talk now? Slade at the first second: *Surprised Pikachu face*. Slade when he notices a strange glow around Danny, like from ectoplasm in the lab of the boy's parents: >:( … >:( … >:( Danny: S-stop it!
~~~~~ Slade: And take out the bloodstains from those shirts too, they're my favorites. Danny: Oh dude, have you heard that child labor is illegal? Slade: Whoever doesn't help uncle Slade doesn't get a new knife for Christmas. Danny: Pfff…Now I'm my own weapon, come up with something new or I'll find myself a cooler mentor. Slade: Jackanapes!
When Wilson stumbles upon a distraught runaway Robin, he sincerely tries to take care of him as well as he took care of Danny. Deathstroke is an experienced babysitter, so there shouldn't be any problems with vigilante child being around on his missions. All children love knives, workouts and guns, right? Plus, staying alone when they are upset, as Jazz says, is unhealthy.
~~~~A few days later~~~~
Dick's thoughts: He wants to make me his evil sidekick, oh no! Wilson's thoughts: What's wrong with this kid? Batman so fucked up? Wayne needs to be stripped of his parental rights. I'm calling Jazz.
Wilson, who does not understand that he has been hanging out with Fentons too long, looks with perplexity at Grayson, who's running away from flying pieces of Maddie's pizza, then shoots some pepperoni and sits down at the table. It's going to be a long way. Poor boy.
Meanwhile, Fenton family is visiting Masters for the first time. Vlad tries to flirt with Maddie and then pretends to be good-natured while getting to know Danny.
Danny: I know 54 ways to kill you with this fork. If I were you I think I'd watch my mouth. Jack: He's joking, V-man. Danny: I'm not. Jack: He's just like his babysitter. They have such an unusual sense of humor. I think our boy really likes you! Usually Danny is too shy to talk like this with strangers. Vlad: Babysitter? Maddie: Yes, Mr. Wilson helped us out a lot and often did not even take payment. He's an angel. Vlad: I think I've heard that name somewhere before... Jack: Ugh, I want to introduce you anyway! Danny: Me too. Jack: Great. What about Wednesday? Danny: Dad, uncle might be busy. Let me ask him when he has time to, um, pay your old friend a visit.
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arceespinkgun · 3 months
I think I've reached my last nerve with how TF fans treat Jazz on here and on AO3, and I feel the need to rant about it. Obligatory "not all Jazz fans" and "not all JazzProwl fans" disclaimer here... if this doesn't sound like it's describing the content you make or enjoy, then it's not. Honestly, I don't think this angry rant is going to convince anybody of anything, but I'm posting it because I want to make it clear that people see this and are aware it's racist.
Never let it be said that racism isn't thriving in the TF fandom on Tumblr and AO3, because so much Jazz fan content is the most blatantly racist shit. And it's nowhere near as bad on other sites that people here usually claim are more racist—I've never seen what I'm about to describe on r/transformers, for example. TF fans on here often claim to love Jazz so much and say he's one of the best, most unhateable TF characters along with Soundwave, but do they ACTUALLY love Jazz?
Tumblr and AO3 users when they see this great, heavily Black-coded hero: We love Jazz! Ooh, what if he was a slave? What if he was hyper-violent? What if he was a disruptive chaos gremlin? What if he was hypersexual? What if he was lazy and never did his work? What if he was a drug addict? What if he was a prostitute? What if he had an evil alter? What if he used to be/was secretly a Decepticon? What if he was a notorious criminal? What if he was literally some kind of bestial monster?
I've actually seen people on Tumblr asking if Jazz being a Decepticon or having an evil alter was ever canon. Well, let this be a PSA: none of this shit is fucking real! I've seen almost all the media Jazz is in, and none of this reflects how he's been portrayed, ever! Apparently people posting links and screenshots and GIFs showing what Jazz has actually been like in canon hasn't caused people to self-reflect, because this shit is still somehow super popular and even filtering doesn't screen even close to all of it! And I've seen in real-time people who are newer to the fandom getting tricked by all this racist fanon and then being drawn into it, thinking it reflects something when it doesn't! That's one of the things that bothers me most!
And then there's the other half of this, which is the immense popularity of JazzProwl. Putting aside how ridiculous it is that a ship between characters who haven't had a positive interaction in fifteen years is somehow the most popular ship in this fandom, half of all the Jazz content I see on sites like Tumblr also stars Prowl, as if Jazz isn't an arguably more prominent character with tons of unexplored stuff of his own going on. But that's the least of it. How the hell do I constantly see people uncritically post shit with this ship like Prowl trying to arrest or pull over a chaotic criminal Jazz? Or shooting at him? Or white savior, copaganda, anti-sex work garbage like Prowl as a cop rescuing prostitute/stripper Jazz from exploitative working conditions (I'm not making this shit up)? (Also, @ people who make content in which Prowl is Jazz's slave—I see you too, and you're not woke. You are still linking Black people to slavery as your first thought and then assuming it's subversive to flip the dynamic you'd expect to see. You're getting off on slavery and still including a Black-coded hero in your shit.)
Even the majority of the much milder content I see is still ridiculously OOC and plays into racist tropes in its own ways. Like how 90% of JazzProwl content shows a lazy, distractible Jazz endlessly trying to get Prowl to relax by disrupting his work or playing pranks or some shit. What media does that come from? Oh yeah, it comes from nowhere, because it's just old fanon that's been endlessly regurgitated by people who aren't realizing how making this up plays into offensive stereotypes about Black men and boys. Hey, if you people love this boring dynamic so much, maybe look at the canon relationships that are similar to it instead of forcing characters who don't fit it whatsoever into these roles without thinking about the implications!
And guess what? I've repeatedly seen literal proof that basically everyone who thinks they like this ship hasn't ever seen the characters interact in canon, too—every so often somebody on here will ask why JazzProwl is popular and ask for fans to share the canon media that made them ship it... and inevitably nobody can share anything, which is hilarious every time. Sometimes people will admit it's all fanon. In fact, the other day I saw a link to a fic from the very early 2000s that claims to be the super-influential, first JazzProwl fic ever making the rounds on Tumblr, and guess what? I looked at it and it was already super fucking racist, with Jazz being described as chaotic and not a hard worker and it had Prowl angrily shooting at him!!!
Jazz is one of my favorite characters and I'm so sick of this shit! Normally I love transformative works and new interpretations of characters, but in this case the fanon is so horrid and has always been horrid, so either try to examine Jazz in canon and portray him based on it, or be a fan of a different character! And fucking REMEMBER that this is a Black-coded hero, damn it! I saw a fic the other day that made me literally choke on my drink because it had Blaster (also a Black-coded hero) describing Jazz as a "spook!" THAT DOES NOT JUST MEAN SPY, THAT'S A RACIST, ANTI-BLACK SLUR!!! And this isn't even getting into how people in fic have Jazz talk! Jazz in all the media I've seen speaks very clearly and rarely has any kind of accent, but I constantly see white people attempting to write his dialogue phonetically in a way that feels straight out of Uncle Tom's Cabin. What the fuck is this?!
Also, petty, but the fans who make and consume this kind of content in my opinion don't then get to relentlessly criticize something like Earthspark, which has a cast and crew of people of color, by claiming it undermined its themes and is racist!
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Transcript of Shelby's Video:
CW: Abuse
Hello! I don't know if you can even hear it, I put on, like, light jazz in the background because it seemed awkward being quiet, but I don't think you can hear it, so I'm just gonna turn it off. Um, hello! Um, welcome! We are in emote only because I'm just gonna be talking today, and then I'm gonna go! I'm gonna go!
Um, yeah, it was very, very low. There's, there's no need. I just, it felt weird leaving you in silence, but I'm here, so — Hello! Um, I want to talk about something today that, um, very nervous. I feel sweaty. I had a sweater on, I had to take it off. Um, I'm gonna try and just, I wrote down pretty much everything I think that I want to say to keep track of, sort of all the points that I want to make sure I don't forget anything. So I will be reading from something, um, a good portion of the time, but not 100 percent of the time. Um, and I just wanted to make sure I got all of my thoughts down in words ahead of time. I'm, I really like writing down my thoughts. So I did that.
Um, oh, hold on. Can I turn ads off? I think that maybe we turn ads off today. How do I make that happen for just today? Um. Shoulda had that already. I shoulda had that already. I actually don't even know how to make that happen. You know what? That's just gonna have to be that way. I'm so sorry.
Um. I'm all good. Um, yeah, okay. Today's just gonna be talking. Uh, I'm just gonna start reading from what I wrote, and go from there.
I have a really big coffee, I'm gonna take a swig. And I have my water, and I'm gonna take a swig of that.
I have always liked telling my different experiences that I've had, um, in dating because it feels important to me to share what I've learned and maybe help other people to not make the same mistakes that I have before. I'm 30. I've dated a lot. I've gone on a lot of dates. I keep trying, um, and it's unfortunate that a lot of my dating history, uh, there were a lot of bad people that tried to manipulate or control me, um, but that's not to say that every person that I've dated has treated me poorly. Um, some people just weren't the right people.
Um, and speaking out about my bad experiences has never felt as important as it does right now because silence has always brought me peace. And this time it feels like my silence is not keeping my peace. It's only keeping somebody else's peace. Um, and I never thought that I could be the kind of person to end up in a situation like I did. I'd never thought that could happen to me.
And so for me, this is important because it could help anybody else see the signs sooner than I did. Um, or hopefully avoid a similar situation entirely. Because the, the truth is it was dangerous. Um, there were a lot of things wrong in this relationship that, um, I endured some pretty terrible treatment. Um, and I might touch on some things here and there about that. But, um, if I feel like it's important to the overall context. But what I want to stay focused on is this specific issue, um, and the things that happened matter-of-factly and the things that people saw and witnessed in our circle.
Um, it took me 10 months after to heal. And I spoke with multiple therapists and tried different forms of therapy. Um, I tried somatic therapy. That one was actually really good for me. Um, because that one actually helped me release a lot of, um, built up anger I was having over the last year. Um, but the anger that I was feeling was for myself because, um, I felt like I should have known better.
I felt so stupid at myself for, um, sort of just staying through all of this. Um, and I shared my story with a lot of friends after I started talking to therapists and I was like "So, this thing happened ... and I wasn't really sure ... It just seems weird now to me looking back," and all of them told me exactly what was happening in the words that I was too afraid to use.
Um, and I was being hurt in my last relationship. And it took me all of that time to see it through that lens. Um, I even posted an anonymous story to Reddit that I have now deleted with an anonymous account. But in posting that, I found a dozen other stories that were exactly like mine, exactly the same way. Um, and all of the comments said exactly the same thing.
Um, and I was so mad at myself because I was lying to, um, at a certain point to protect this person, because I knew that if I told my friends the truth, it'd make him look really bad. Um, I didn't think that I would cry and I practiced saying all of this and I didn't cry, but it's easier to practice it when no one is listening.
Um, but he always cared more about how it looked and that was really important, not what was true. Um, and it was really subtle. When I hear about, um, when I hear about physical abuse, I think of hitting. I think of hitting and punching, um, so I thought that this wasn't violent enough, um, to be abuse. Uh, I thought that it was just like a constant accident that he kept hurting me. Um, but he's not hitting me and it didn't start as something that he did to hurt me.
Uh, he had this habit of biting, which is so weird to me now, but he said that he had had this habit since he was a kid. And even his mom said that that was true. And he said it was just affectionate and that that might have been — I mean, I think that that might have been true, maybe, at the start, but I also feel that I have good reason to believe that every part of it was a lie, but that's just my personal opinion, um, and I had no problem with just biting, that isn't even the most uncommon thing, um, but he did mention something early that I should have taken as a red flag, um, and he wanted to make sure that I was okay with him biting me because he didn't want me to come back later and say that he abused me. Which I thought was really weird considering he had never hurt me before. And so why would I call it abuse? And why was he thinking about that? And I thought he was being sweet, checking on me to make sure that I was still comfortable. Um, but of course I was because he hadn't hurt me. And why would I think he ever would?
Um, and then he did, for the first time, by accident, uh, and I don't specifically remember the actual first time that he bit me too hard by accident, because I didn't think that it would be significant, um, I thought that it would only happen once, and he started biting me more and more over a period of time, sort of throughout the whole relationship, and accidents of him biting too hard and really hurting me happened more and more frequently, um, but he always seemed genuinely sorry, and he decided that he didn't want to keep accidentally hurting me, um, so we were gonna use a safe word, um, so he could learn where my limit was, where my pain tolerance ended.
Uh, and saying that out loud now doesn't sound — Like, that's not very sound logic. Um, but at the time, I thought he cared about not hurting me. But in reality, it's like, why are you biting so hard? And why do you have to bite so hard? And it shouldn't be that hard of a problem to stop. Um, that shouldn't be that hard.
And he disguised it as this really quirky part of our relationship and was so comfortable sharing it with his friends to the point that he would do it in front of them. He thought it was this really funny story to tell and a good bit to take my arm and bite me in front of everybody until I literally shout in pain. Um, and then I have to laugh it off because I'm so embarrassed and I don't want to cause a scene in front of all of our friends and I'm sure everyone was a little bit uncomfortable, but as long as I was saying that it was fine, nobody really felt like they needed to be concerned and that's not anybody's fault because I was lying. I was lying and it wasn't fine because I would go home later and I'd tell him how uncomfortable I was. How much I didn't like being hurt all the time and I needed him to really stop biting so hard. I didn't like it and I tried telling him over and over again because he wasn't actually trying at all to not hurt me, um, but he said he would try, at first, and then he started saying things like it was my pain tolerance that was too low, or I'm exaggerating how much it actually hurts. He's not even biting that hard. I'm, I'm being dramatic. Um, but his biting escalated to a point where I was covered in bruises all over my arms and they hurt and he would poke at them for fun. And he even felt so comfortable showing off my bruises that he had caused to our friends because he would bite me so hard by accident, "by accident." He would even joke that it looked like he abused me. Um, and eventually he did acknowledge how bad it looked that I was covered in bruises all the time. So he stopped, um, biting my arms as often. And he started biting my legs instead. Um, and it was in the last couple of months of the relationship that every time he bit me, it was until I needed to use this safe word. Um, it had become his benchmark for when to stop.
Only once I was definitely hurt, um, which meant I was being hurt every single day, um, multiple times a day, uh, for all of the days that we spent together in person. And when I asked him to stop again, this time he said, "This is who he is. He isn't going to change." Those were his words. And I remember a lot of, specifically his words about certain things, especially at the end.
Um, because I'm good at remembering words and especially his wording. I became really good at remembering because he was constantly contradicting himself. And I would notice, but most of the time it wasn't worth picking a fight over. And — But he would fight me on it sometimes 'cause I would po- I would point it out and, uh, he would insist that he had never said the thing that he said, he definitely did say. And then he would say something like, "How are you so sure you're remembering correctly? Why are you always right?" Um, and he definitely said the things that I heard him say and other people heard him say.
So, he had, now at this point, weaponized the safe word and was using it to ensure that I was hurt and on a constant basis. And he wasn't sorry anymore. Um, I couldn't even tell you the last time he had apologized for doing it anymore because now sometimes he would bite me and I would yell out the safe word because it hurts so bad and he'd clamp down even harder and, just for a second, just for good measure, before letting go and sometimes I'd say the safe word and he'd grind his teeth down on my skin and sometimes he'd smile after, um, like a gloating grin?
And during this time I was filled with so much anxiety all the time that I was constantly nauseous. Gagging daily, um, on occasion throwing up because of the pit that was in my stomach. I never told him about that though. I was going and running away quietly to throw up in the toilet and rejoin our group of friends.
Um, but I felt so unwanted and ignored. Um, and I would tell him that and then he would reassure me that he wanted to be together and he loved me. He loved me more than I loved him, even. He would always insist that that was true, like the, "I love you." "I love you more," but he was like, really serious about it.
Um, and looking back, I do believe that the way I was swept off my feet at the beginning of this relationship was 100 percent love bombing. Um, and we were friends for a time. Um, at least people would have thought that, actually, but I use the word friend very loosely because, um, we had actually never spoke to each other outside of group chats we were in together when, like a handful of times throughout the, the whole time that we knew each other, um, but did not talk to each other.
So I wouldn't have even called him my friend until he found out I was single, waited a few weeks to reach out, and then we started a friendship and then that friendship turned romantic and then he made these huge romantic gestures. He wrote me the most beautiful love letter that I had ever read. Um, he called me his soulmate. He talked about "forever" one month in. He told me he hadn't been in a relationship in five years. He thought he could never find love again before he met me. He said he wanted someone to grow with. He wanted to be a dad. He had all his names picked out and I didn't have a preference because I — My feeling of it is that the timing is right and with the right person, I could, um, but if that doesn't work out in time or the time, you know, I, I'm not super pressed about it. Um, but I started opening my mind up to the idea with him because it seemed so important to him. And I kept trying to talk to him to figure out where he was, later on, when I could tell things like, were declining.
And, um, now all of a sudden he's telling me he's not sure he wants kids at all. In fact, he has never been attached to the idea of kids. Um, and I told him that isn't what he said before, and he said he's allowed to change his mind. And I'm of the opinion that in a relationship, there are a few things that you are not actually allowed to change your mind without letting your partner know.
I think that kids is one of them. It wasn't even important to me. Um, and I think marriage is one of them, so I brought that up next. And I asked if he still wanted marriage. He said he wanted to marry me. And then he said, now, "I'm not the co-" quote, "I'm not the commitment guy. You know that."
I didn't know that.
Why are you dating me?
In fact, he was telling me the exact opposite every day. Uh, he would tell me he still wanted to be together. He wanted to work on all of the problems. He wanted to, like, he wanted me at the end of everything. He did not want to break up. He made that very clear. And uh, I have though, caught him in lies before, but usually it was small stuff and I, again, I didn't want to, it wasn't anything that ever seemed worth rocking the boat over, uh, which isn't normal for me.
I hate lies. Um, and yet I ended up lying for him. So, uh, but he had lied about big things and he had also been caught lying by his friends numerous times. So this is something that he feels is acceptable to do. And everything reached a breaking point when he was about to leave for an extended period of time.
We were not going to see each other very much, a few days out of every few months, um, and now suddenly he is dumping all of these problems that he has been having feelings about all of this time later. Um, at one point he said he's been feeling this way a couple of months. At another point, he says he's been feeling this way for six months, immediately contradicting him- contradicting himself in the same conversation.
And with no time to do anything about it. I arrived — the one of — Never mind. I'm gonna get to something later, but I literally arrived for three days for this conversation to happen and then leave. Um, my cat just woke up and she's not usually awake right now — Hi, my love. It's really close to her dinner time. I should have fed her early.
Um, so no time to fix any of the problems all the sudden because there are three days before he leaves and he insisted he did not want to break up. He, and so, he was expecting me to have a solution somehow, magically, and I gave a number of solutions that would have a way forward for us to be together, but he refused to make any compromise, um, whatsoever.
And he said that "the relationship was starting to feel like a responsibility," towards the end. Also his words. Um, so it wasn't a responsibility the whole rest of the time to him. And he was at this point, basically flaunting that he would never prioritize me over anything. Um — she's eating my laundry. Please don't cause problems. — Um, and I wasn't even asking for literally even the bare minimum. I was asking for so little and he — I was watching him give exactly what I was needing in the relationship all over the place to anybody else who, who just happened to ask and just wasn't me. So, um, and he also, he was never going to prioritize me over anything that would give him more fame or money.
In fact, he said that himself. He, uh, that was exactly why he was not going to compromise at all for a solution for us to be together. Because he said he wanted to see how much fame and money he could get. Um, and I just thought we wanted to be together. I thought that's what we both wanted, because that's what he was still saying he wanted to.
Um, but then he also admitted to me that he had grown resent- uh, he had grown to resent me. And I have to be thankful that he said that bit out loud. A lot of these bits he said out loud. Because that was the last push that I needed to get myself out.
He had grown resentful, which I also pointed out that there was no reason. Like, there was no reason to feel that way and he admitted that there was no reason for him to feel that way either. I think that it was because I'm someone who can communicate how I feel. Um, but, I don't know, I think, there, I have a lot of theories and reasons why I believe things happen the way that they did and why he was lying all of the time.
Um, but, he was "resentful" of me, was causing me physical harm every day, multiple times a day, despite me telling him over and over again to stop. He wasn't going to change, and he wasn't going to end the relationship. He was going to keep hurting me, and it was possibly going to escalate even further. So I broke up with him.
And I didn't even want to. Um, because I couldn't even see for such a long time after, um, what it really was that had happened. That he had abused me. And, in fact, we left things as, we want to be friends, and he can never imagine not speaking to me again. Um, and then he never spoke to me again. Uh, outside of like a couple of exchanges where I needed to ask for my clothes to be shipped, um, so at least I got my clothes back, uh, I had a whole closet full.
However, uh, he did throw away all of my other things, uh, without saying a word to me about it. Hundreds of dollars of things from my office were trashed without a word, and I didn't block him till ten months later because I wanted an open door still. I really thought I wanted to be his friend. Um, but, uh, I don't feel that way anymore.
I do believe he was bottling up so many emotions, uh, and he would never talk about how he felt. Um, I, I think he even, I mean, he did admit that he felt like he couldn't say it any sooner. Like, there was just no possible way to say how he was feeling sooner than the absolute last possible chance. Like, not even a chance, because three days before he left, that was actually a lie too, also.
He didn't leave for another week after I left. He, he brought me in, had this three day conversation, he was supposed to leave, and then he stayed for another week before he left, uh, with all of the friends that I was also meant to see, but he had lied to me about the dates too.
Um, but I do believe that there, uh, that he was bottling up so many emotions that he was taking it out on me physically. I believe there was a moment where he knew that he didn't want to be in the relationship anymore and instead of just ending it, he tried to push me away any way he knew would hurt me. And he knew all of the ways that would hurt me the most. And he knew he was hurting me. There was no way that he didn't know because of the safe word that he made.
Uh, and he just didn't care. He was hurting me and he didn't care. And even looked like he was enjoying it, sometimes. Um, and I can look back now and I can see all these instances that were really major red flags. Um, there was this one time that he pinned me down and asked me to try my absolute hardest to get him off of me.
And I couldn't do it, obviously. And he said something to make the point that he was so much stronger than me that I wouldn't be able to fight him back. Fight back against what? What do you mean? You don't say shit like that to people? That's insane. Um, and I was also sexually assaulted by my first boyfriend, and he knew that.
Um, he had stopped giving anything to the relationship, and he said that why was because he "was just waiting for things to change on their own." Um, he said he also "didn't have the time or energy anyway to do the things that I was asking for." Um, but then would constantly make any bit of time and energy for anybody and anything but me.
Uh, and he would say he wanted more quality time, so then I would try to arrange things for us to do online because we were, uh, long distance, but then he would complain that he doesn't want to spend all of his time on the computer anymore. Uh, and then we'd be there in person and all he wants to do is stay inside, play games on his computer, watch movies. He doesn't want to go out.
Um, and I'm not saying any of this next part to be mean, um, he lived in filth like I have never seen, and I've seen filth. This was the worst. Uh, he would spill things on the floor and never, literally never clean them up. Uh, he got an ant infestation once, um, and wasn't going to do anything about it because he said, he said "Bugs are normal in British houses," um, so I had to buy Antkiller. And he wouldn't clean his bathroom for months, and months, and months, but would constantly complain about how bad it smelled, and I would tell him, that's mould. It's mould. He complained about being tired all the time too, which I don't know if that was a lie or not, but mould will do that too.
But he would insist that it wasn't, somehow, without having cleaned in months. But it's not mould. Um, when I met him, he was washing his clothes without detergent. Um, just, he wasn't using that at all, and I don't know for how long before I met him. He was just running it with water and then hanging it on his filthy kitchen cabinets.
Um, and I felt bad. I felt bad because I felt like he needed someone to help him learn how to be cleaner. I thought he just didn't know how and I listened to all of the struggles of his upbringing and I was like, "He just doesn't know how. Someone just needs to show him." Um, and then I found out that he said he doesn't clean at all when I'm not there because he just waits for me to get there to do it.
Um, and I only found out about that after we broke up because he said it behind my back. Uh, I was doing all of the cleaning and laundry for him. Also, I had a separate bathroom. I want to make that clear. I wasn't using that bathroom. I had a separate bathroom that I cleaned for myself. I had cleaning supplies. I don't think he even actually knew I had cleaning supplies in there. Um, but I had my own bathroom.
Um, all the, all the cleaning, all the laundry. All of it. I was paying for. All of the, um, like paper towels, like soap, all of that only stayed in the house so long as I was buying it. Um, I would arrive and there would just not be toilet paper in the whole house. There were paper towels instead. And who knows for how long, too.
Um, I was paying for food more than half the time. Uh, because he would often push me into ordering food for us even if I had paid for the last meal, or the meal before that. Um, and I'm of the opinion now that I shouldn't have been paying for any food. Um, none at all, but I wanted to at least, I thought I was being equal by at least doing like a back and forth. Um, but, uh, I ended up paying for food more often than just going back and forth anyway. And he would do this to his friends all the time too. Um, but I was also paying for every plane ticket and the cat sitter, which cost roughly the amount of a plane ticket to England.
Um, and he never offered to help me pay after the couple of times he did come here to visit me because he paid for the flights that we would both take. Um, but that only happened twice at the very beginning. I have actually had a friend tell me that, that this is financial abuse, but I don't know enough about that to say for myself, but I was telling him that I couldn't afford it, uh, all by myself all the time because I was losing money. I was never able to work properly there and he wasn't traveling at all to see me anymore, even though he said he would. Uh, that was like the basis of our entire relationship starting off. Um, so then he agreed to pay for the cat sitter so that it would be basically paying half the cost of my travels. Um, and he did that once, and then never did it again, uh, despite many more months of dating.
Uh, and I was traveling often. Um, I had to. Because he was worried that we weren't spending enough quality time together. And then all of the time that he would have ever extra, he would choose, choose, to not spend it on me because there was an available choice and he chose not to spend it with me. Often.
Um, and I did everything short of just up and move there, which I was willing to do the whole time. And I told him that I was willing to do it and he knew, uh, but he insisted that I don't. He insisted not to. He was planning to move here. That was supposed to happen first.
Um, and then at the end of the relationship, he said, "Maybe things would have been different if I lived there." If I lived there. Uh, like I had said I would the whole time and he insisted I don't. Maybe that could have saved the relationship. Um, and I say all of this because I believe that people like this are genuinely dangerous. I believe he is dangerous.
Um, he was willing to lie. He was willing to do harm to someone he claimed to love more than anyone he has ever loved. Uh, his actions escalated, um, and I don't think that I'll be the last person that he hurts. Uh, and I felt like sharing my story was really important to warn people. Um, I want people to see the signs that I refused to.
I want you to listen to your body. Um, and get out as soon as possible. Tell your friends the truth and let them help you.
Um, I really thought I, I couldn't — Because I had been sexually assaulted in a previous relationship, I just thought I was so much smarter. To never — and I was like, "if someone ever laid their hands on me, I'd leave immediately. It would never happen a second time." But you, you just, it just kind of happened so slowly over time, and got worse, and worse, and worse, until the point where there's no way to deny the fact that he was hurting me and he knew, and, and didn't care.
That's just the kind of thing that I keep repeating to myself when I'm like, "But was it bad enough? What? It wasn't violent enough." Um, but I was being hurt multiple times every single day. Days, and days, and days, and days, for a month at a time in a row, uh, and I'm not even speaking on most, because I did touch on other things, but I am not even speaking on most of the other things that, in my opinion, I do think that there are some things that are across a line that make you a bad person.
I don't think that most people can be defined in a black and white, you're good or you're bad, but I do believe that there is a line that you can cross and only bad people will do the things on the other side of that line. You know what I mean? Um, and I watched a couple of things cross that line. And I just, I, I truly feel now that my soul is so healed.
Um, I am light years beyond him. Uh, this was the last thing that I felt like I needed to do — That's my cat. — Um, before I could move forward and hopefully never talk about him ever again. Outside of maybe my stories that I want to tell about other shitty things he did. Anonymously mixed in with the other stories I still have of shitty things that shitty exes did.
Because I think it's important for us to share our stories and our experiences. I think it's important for all of us to know that we deserve so much better than this. Um, and I think that if people don't want us to talk about the shitty things that they do, then they shouldn't do shitty things. Um, and this just felt so important to share.
I always wanted to share my experiences. I always will. Um, and that's kind of it. That's it. That's the end of everything I prepared. I reserve the right, uh, entirely to change my mind later and tell every story I want to, um, but for now that's all I really have, I feel like, from my soul, I want to speak on. Because I think that this can help other people.
I think that it can help other victims. Um, I have already talked to a number of — I only cry now when I'm talking about my friends! Who also dealt with such shitty things from shitty people. Um, but I'm also so, so grateful for all of my friends who were through, uh, with me through this whole thing. And my friends who also were experiencing similar, similar sorts of situations, um, at the same time, and we kind of went through it together. So, um, I think they are the strongest people in the whole world, and they made me feel like the strongest people in the whole world today. Did I call myself people? I meant person. I feel like the strongest people — I did it again. — I feel like the strongest person. They made me feel so brave. I felt impenetrable today. Um, but I am gonna go now because my friends are coming over and we're immediately gonna go become distracted by watching Love Is Blind. I already watched all of it already and I don't care.
So thank you, um, for listening. Thank you everyone who gifted subs. Um, um, I am going to be taking, uh, the rest of the week off from streaming. I have a video going out on Saturday and I'll be back next week and, uh, you won't hear about any of this again for a while, probably. But, uh, thank you all. I don't really even know what to do now. I think I'm just going to end. Um, go spread love all over the place on Twitch right now and I'll see you guys later. Bye.
Wilbur's response:
In the past week a series of allegations have been made over my conduct from an ex-girlfriend. I want to emphasise that, although I feel it fair to offer my perspective, this person's feelings are completely valid. I have taken my time sharing this statement as I wanted to process and respond respectfully and with the hope to gain a deeper understanding for the situation.
During our relationship's final months, I regrettably became slobbish, disrespectful, and selfish. These actions caused a lot of pain to my ex-girlfriend and I've since sought therapy to address these behaviours, making significant lifestyle changes to rectify my past actions. I have come to realise how much my past behaviour hurt this person, but I truly, compassionately believe I have made great strides from the person I once was and hope I can continue to grow and improve on this trajectory.
The allegation of abuse, particularly in the form of biting, deeply shocked me. Throughout our relationship, I understood from our numerous conversations and text message exchanges on the subject, that this behaviour was consensual, playful and reciprocally enjoyed. I truly believe those personal message exchanges reflect mutual affection and understanding. Out of respect for her, I choose not to publish them and I emphasise my perspective is not shared to diminish or invalidate anyone's feelings. Instead I share it in the hope that I can offer a genuine, fair and relevant insight into my understanding of the situation. While I may perceive our interactions differently, I recognise that this person has processed and expressed feelings of hurt. I want to extend my sincerest apologies for any pain that I caused.
I am fully committed to understanding and addressing her concerns going forward. I hope my perspective sheds light on this situation without detracting from its message. I am dedicated to earning and maintaining the trust of those around me and hope I continue to be held to these high standards I wish to attain and maintain.
- Will
Shubble's response:
i could not have imagined what i would wake up to today. my ex pretending he thought i enjoyed being hurt... and all of my friends immediately coming to my defense. The support has brought me to tears, i don't even know what to say. i'll be back, i'll just be taking a little time
and for the record, i don't accept the apology
346 notes · View notes
sunofpandora · 9 months
Heyyy so I saw your requests post and I’ve been dying to get this one off my chest, so how about a neteyam x omaticaya! warrior! reader where reader’s a fierce warrior (maybe a protege of one of the higher ups). And we all know Neteyam (the mighty warrior lol) is strong and also one of the best their age, but what if Neteyam had such intense feelings for her that all he wants to do is impress her but whenever she comes around he gets all klutzy and flustered? And of course she finds it funny and cute and all that jazz. Just fluff I NEED FLUFF
P.s. The decision to fulfill this request is yours and I won’t be upset if you decide you don’t want to. As long as you’re comfortable, all’s fine by me.
But yeaaa have a good day/night :)
Authors note:
Hi babes!
So I loved this request so much! So I decided to make my very first actual long series! ‘Virago’ is going to be an original work and one of my first long projects. Unfortunately, I will not have a TON of time to do smaller requests in between chapters but i will def try! I’m very excited for this and i wouldn't have even considered this without the request so thank you so, so much.   
                                                  V I R A G O                   
Part 1.
The Day the Sky Turned Red.
8.7k words.
‘Y/n was made of fire. Oh, a goddess girl with lips of lightning and a caged Phoenx under her skin. Neteyam is just the ashes and remains of the heavens she crushed under her heel.’
When grief plagues the young warrior, Neteyam gives her a gift. But it is enough to console the flames in her heart?
Neteyam and reader having a sun x moon relationship (hello 'diaphanous’ readers <3)
Warnings: Descriptions of death/ parental death/ reader is a war orphan/ as always, spider, the reader, and Lo’ak are a trio/ Lo’ak and Reader being platonic soulmates?/ Spider and Reader being trauma twins/ Neteyam being lovesic/ Neteyam being nervous and shy around reader/ Neytiri being mother/ Jake being the husband i wish i had/ Tuk being a little sister and looking up to y/n/ Mentions of grace’s school.
Mentions of insecurity, blood, war, guns, reader being mommy/
I think that’s it?
Oh right, Reader fell first but neteyam fell WAY harder.
Extra info:
Y/n is one year younger than neteyam, the first part of this chapter is a flashback to when y/n was 15. Kiri, Lo’ak and Tuk are the agesthey are in atwow for the first part of the story. They age up in part 2 (in story)
(Ka’lik is the name of Y/ns father, her mother’s name is Zensira. Both were warriors, but Zensira was the best songstress in the clan. (Ninat go cry to the plant in the corner)) 
Super important note for the request sender:
Hey gorgeous so ik you asked for fluff and don't worry babes. I hear ya loud and clear. Unfortunately the first part of this chapter will be a bit angsty bc the creative juice were flowing and i got carried away but I swear on my grave the rest is nothing but fluff and lovey dovey shenanigans,
Not proofread
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To some, surrender was a comfort. A sanctuary of softly spoken submission.
To Y/n? It was a ‘bitch move’
3 years ago.
Day the sky people returned.
Y/n is 15-16
The Na’vi say, every person is born twice.
That we can redeem ourselves in the eyes of the great mother. 
That being truly evil doesn't mean just craving the pain of others. 
That the life of a single diseased root does not kill the whole tree.
That darkness is deadly, because like the brothers and sisters of bountiful green that dwell in the great mother’s garden, we too need sunlight to grow.
Your mother always told you monsters aren't born from a seed.
They grow when they are deprived of light.
But sometimes, we find solace in even the darkest of places. 
That sometimes there's comfort in the dense night. Where others see hell, you build a home.
Sometimes we thrive in darkness because we feel we do not deserve the glory of sunlight. 
Is it wrong? Is it terrible of you?
To see light where the great mother’s grace and the violence of the sky demons collide?
Things that were not meant to tear the ground of our great mother’s delicate skin.
Their metals and turning wheels, their combat boots and weapons that scream and spit fire.
But did it belong in your hands?
Your father would say, 
“Each person is a thread, weaved within a tapestry that tells a story.”
The thing about stories is that sometimes, they may not always end well, or worse, they end too early. Some people stretch the thread as far as they can, too unsettled to be spread too thin, too soon.
Change is fundamental. Mo’at reminded you “there is no death, only change”
A moral structure that refuses to be severed. You believe that's whats what distincts na’vi from the sky people. Humans are quite flawed creatures. Humans love to dream and dance about stars and rain because their planet refuses to cry for them any longer. Humans dwell with memories that are haunted with light that only exists in the past, lingering behind desire to relive. Humans are afraid of grief, or loss. Of the empty void that lingers behind the shadows. Humans love to selfishly cling to the fantasy they don't live in.
You will never understand why they put themselves through such violent tendencies. To torture themselves. To provide reach towards an unseen daydream just to rip it out of their hands.
Humans remain. Na’vi evolve.
Na’vi find solace within the endless sky. Burning with color, blazing infinite. Na’vi dance on the precipice of the clouds. 
Grief came over like the waves grazing the tide, promising reassurance and return.
Violence was never a necessity. A lingering intrusion of a spark that refused to become a flame. 
But what lies beyond the sky? Was there truly a shadow behind the sun?
When the embers refused to settle.
You found yourself infatuated with open spaces. Abundance found within indecipherable notions.
Cracks in the mountains. Small tears in the tapestry where light leaked through the canopy of the trees.
Nothingness was never a threat.
Not when the promise of warmth remained.
☾𖤓✮⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆☾𖤓✮⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆
Y/n met grief when she was only a child.
When she was 15, the RDA returned.
The day the sky turned red was the day the air smelled of sulfur and blood. 
Gray and red were never a pretty combination.
The demon ship’s wings stirred the trees and a storm of dust arise, 
Screaming, everyone running, the distant screeches of ikran and war cries.
The night your parents went out to gather some herbs, and never returned. 
When the pale light of the moon became a blazing, scorching, blanket of blankness that simmered into a forest engulfed in white flames. 
You found your mothers songcord on the ground the next morning.
Her body stained with red.
You stood next to Neteyam at your parent’s funeral.
You watched as Mo’ats hands guided the delicate floating Atokirina to rest upon your mothers chest as she murmured a prayer. 
People have this inherent conception that the hardest part of grief is change.
The loss of warmth in the safest of places, when the shadows loom rather than live. 
In reality, it's this unnamed feeling of a void.
Love is the amplification of a connection. Love distracts. It paralyzes you within its sanctuary of promises.
Grief feels like a shield with a hole blown through the middle. When the connection is shattered, and the sky is no longer protected without the scattered solace of the stars to veil the blank spaces.
Emptiness no longer infatuated you.
The sky without the stars is not a mystery anymore.
Neteyam held your hand. It didn't aid the hollowness within the cup of your palm. Guilt revenues in a realization, that even the great mother’s solace could not soothe this wound. This ache. This pain.
Neytiri’s soft sobs scorch the air with a soreness, the morning mist. Her fingertips, victims of bow strings and arrowhead edges gently brush the flowers placed around your mothers body. 
Neytiri was your mother’s sister. Not biologically. Preservations in our blood don’t always remain unsevered when a bond is born.
Your mother sobbed with her when hometree collapsed. Helped unbraid her hair for her night with Jake. Your mother had saved Neytiri’s life.
All those years ago when the RDA invaded Grace's school. When her body trembled at the sight of sylwanins blood that painted the floor and the walls, your mother walling as she desperately tried to drag Neytiri away.
To have such a bond. The heartbeat of one another emplaced in your bones, to sing a goodbye song with cruel unmeasured melodies. 
Jake held neytiri, gently rubbing circles onto her back, his own grievances had been paid due to earlier. 
Kiri’s tear stained cheeks didnt go unnoticed. She stood close to her father, Tuk’s tiny body squished between them as Kiri sobbed into Jake's shoulder . Kiri had always admired your mother. Chasing her shadow like wisp catching the breeze ever since she was a child. A woman of eywa. A healer. A hunter. Her heartbeat reserved for her home. Her people. Her daughter.
Lo’ak had placed his own tribute to the small spread laid out before the gently laid corpses.
A small carved arrowhead. 
Your father took over your mother’s job when she had other jobs to attend to, as being the one who trained a young group of warriors. Lo’ak included. He was patient with Lo’ak. Never discouraged him. A father liek mentorship had bloomed. So when his time came to join the great mother, Lo’ak contributed his own item of remembrance.
Lo’ak gave his arrowhead.
Tuk gave a small flower.
Kiri gave a small bundle of herbs the omaticaya believed was to aid the departing spirit on their journey.
Neytiri added a few carved beads from an anklet she wore. One your mother, Neytiri and Sylwanin had shared over the years, each of the three contributing beads or small trinkets to the piece.
Jake gave some beads as well. From a necklace your mother helped him make Neytiri when he struggled with the stringing of the oddly-shaped beads back when Jake was training for iknimiya, attempting to woo the young blue-skinned warrior he knew as neytiri.
All the omaticaya came to bear their gifts. Neteyam included, who gave you the gift of his warmth.
He cradled your hand in his, he raised it to his chest when the roots covered your parents bodies. 
You’ve loved Neteyam for many years now. Watching him grow from a boy to a man. 
You grew up next to the sullys. Your heights measured next to theirs as a child. Neteyam, Lo’ak, Kiri, even little tuk had built a circle around you. You were a part of their lives. They were  piece of yours. 
You found him in an irregular-shaped void in your heart that only he could fit in. Nights were filled of him. His voice. His eyes. His hands. The curve of his nose and the coves of his lips. 
His voice was made of tender summers. His eyes were liquid gold.
You saw him. You truly, truly saw him. Not the evascent shell of the perfect warrior or son made of stone. 
You saw him in the bleak day and in the night. When reality rivaled your thoughts of him, when the warmth of his touch seemed ephemeral, the invisible interstellar you swore was not a figment of your fantasies. You settled yourself from afar. Sullied yourself with stains of shame from the secrets you kept from him. The thousands of words you harbored, right next to the stars you swore you would steal for him.
This unrepeatable pattern became tiring, something you yearned to touch but your hands couldnt reach.
To tug on the silver string that dangled from this disguise he wore. This mask. This ruse of your heart.
He was to find the perfect mate. The perfect woman, A women to be the closest to an eywa incarnate. That wasn’t you. That could never be you.
Perfect with no edges. No uncalled for curves and no outward coves.
So you settled once again with the itching of your palms and the aching of your heart.
He was not yours.
Distance became a familiarity because distance was safe. 
There was a time where the itching in your palmsd for his. Now, his had felt hollow as it held yours now.
Grief was a funny thing.
You stood here, your skin feels more like a shell. Your mirror feels more like a window.
Staring at yourself with pity.
Such a weak thing she is.
What once was warmth and abundant is now hollow and overcast by anguish.
You start to resonate with the corpses that once rested in your line of sight before the roots of the tree engulfed them.
Why is it that the sunlight denies you shelter?
Why must your whole become hollow? The ashes of what it once was line a new path. 
Is the sun falling? Have the stars collapsed? Will anyone catch them for you?
What is this? This pain? This agony? Why must it overcast your morals? Your rationality of peace? This homage harbors the resdiual of what little warmth is salvaged from this sunset of black. 
You feel the merciless fire in your veins. You want revenge. The cage of a Phoenix becomes an eternity of warmth. 
Even with neteyam at your side, the stars are falling. And the sunlight feels cold.
⋆。☁︎。⋆。 ☾ 。⋆⋆⋆。☁︎。⋆。 ☾ 。⋆⋆⋆。☁︎。⋆。 ☾ 。⋆⋆⋆。☁︎。⋆。 ☾ 。⋆⋆
Later that evening, the clan settled after Jake announced that his clan had to relocate to the Hallelujah mountains, where everyone would rebuild a stronghold and dwell with the loyal humans. To avoid any more bloodshed, Where the humans couldn't find you.
 You sat in the Sully’s Marui, Neytiri behind you as you sat infront of the fire.
She rebraided your hair. You had mo’at and kiri unbraided for the funeral. Neytiri’s soft humming soothes you a bit, but your hands haven’t ceased their small tremors of shaking.
She gently runs her hands through your locks, placing a few beads on each braid.
Th hut is silent, Neteyam sits in the corner, he hasn’t spoken since after the funeral.
Tuk perches on Jakes lap asleep, Kiri at your side, rubbing your back. Lo’ak sat on the other side of you, resting his head on your shoulder.
“My sweet”
Neytiri’s melodic whisper whisked through the heavy gray.
“We leave in a few days time, at first light for our new home,”
She paused, her thought lingering behind a wall of hesitation, she exchanges a look with Jake, who nods at her, gently taking tuk off his lap for a moment,
“Y/n, hon, with what's occurred..-”
He waved one hand around, flicking his wrist against the air to try and demonstrate some kind of invisible concept.
But you know he was referring to your parents deaths.
“We don’t think you should be alone.” Jake adds. Neteyam nods with his dad’s words, attempting to gain some kind of partaking in this conversation without speaking.
Neytiri rests her hand on your shoulder, making Lo’ak lift his head to peer at you. 
“What are you saying?”
It comes out as a breath, the unveiled remnants of the traumatic experience you had endured still fresh on your still-processing mind.
“Ma yawntu…We want you to stay with us when we settle in our new home. To stay in our home. We can take care of you.”
The warmth of the fire feels pale for a moment. I’ts vulnerability. Its shallow. Yet, Its deep, and dark, and you can’t see the bottom. Your’e left unguarded for a moment. 
“I’ll be fine on my own-“
You pause when you realize how hoarse your voice sounds. you clear your throat, your gaze meeting Jake’s. His eyes soften a you an you can tell its pity. Something you would have considered affection becomes an insult. A weakness.
“I’ll be okay. I’m not helpless. I can provide for myself.”
Jake sighs and shakes his head, his words calm.
“Y/n. I know you are strong. Hell, you’re one of the strongest i know, kid. But This is not something we’re going to let you carry alone, I made-”
He pauses, taking a breath, his head tilting down a bit and his eyes squeezing shut before he raises his head to continue.
“I made a promise. To the people. To the clan. To keep everyone safe. And to your parents, we would look out for you if anything ever happened.”
The lump in your throat is dry as you swallow.
Neytiri kisses your head gently.
“Ma yawntu, we will look after you..we will guide you on this path.”
She gently guides you to look at her bow in the corner.
“My father. He gave me that bow as he laid dying.”
The air becomes thick, even the moonlight seems to freeze with its slow creeping up the wall. 
The only sound is the soft 3-beat melody of Tu’ks soft breathing as she sleeps, but her heavy eyes flutter open now and then as she nuzzles into jakes side.
Neytiri squeezes her hand on your shoulder to keep her voice from breaking, her chest tightening.
“He told me to protect the people.”
The pain in her voice breaks through the cracks in the walls that kept the shadows out, cages that kept the anger in.
“I owed your mother my life. I could not protect Zensira. 
I have let the demons take another from me.”
The red in her voice stained the shadows behind ehr words, the sharp syllables in ‘demons’ evident, Kiri closed her eyes and winced at her mothers words, still holding your hand.
She took a breath and gazed at you.
“But yawntu, i will not let them take you. I will protect you. You have always been one of my own at heart. The skyships will not take that from us.
The familiar sting you felt only a few hours ago returned to your eyes along with the ache in your chest.
Jake nodded.
“We can be stronger together, Y/n. Let us look after you.”
The wisp of shallow aches still burn behind your heart but you nod, silently.
Lo’ak smiles in an attempt to lighten the load.
“Just like old times, sis. We used to have sleepovers all the time, now we get to have them every day.”
Neytiri was about to scold Lo’ak for his bluntness until she heard you chuckle,
Tuk’s big eyes blinked open as her tired voice mumbled.
“Now you can play with me more..and braid my hair..”
She mumbes as she smiles to herself. Jake chuckles and ruffles her short braids.
Kiri squeezes your hand and Neteyam’s gaze hasn’t left you since the beginning of the conversation.
You took a walk that night, creeping around the hammocks of the sleeping sully family as you quietly ventured outside the small camp village.
You stand under a tree, the moonlight leaks through the canopy as you start to count the stars. You wondered how the sky and the heavens could still be standing when your whole world had collapsed around you just earlier that day.
When you were small your mother would tell you not to pull on the loose thread of her tapestries she wove. Because the more you pull, the faster it will fall apart.
Thats how you felt. One loose string being mercilessly tugged and then all the colors were fading away, you chased them, you chased them along with the falling stars but no one caught them for you.
Your heart has been thieved. Your light has been stolen.
Sin and soul seem to have a war under your skin, and the soft lllabies of the creatures of your planet seem to have more of a shriek-like quality.
Why did the colors go away? 
Did they chase you to the place i cannot follow when you went away?
You jump slightly, the chill in the pale air becoming a prick of awarness as you reach for the knife on your hip, turning around quikcly.
Neteyam stands before you, his wooded-honeyed scent fills your nose, you blink as a breath of his name leaves your lips.
Oh Neteyam you scared me, you asshole.”
Usually he would have laughed. But not today, not with the shadow that looms.
He gently touches your arm.
“I’m sorry, truly-
What are you doing awake? Are you hurt? Are you in pain? Did something-
Did someone-”
You laugh at him. But its bitter and its thin. Its forced.
“For eywas sake why does everyone think i am the weak link suddenly-
I am fine. Stop looking at me like i am wounded-”
Neteyam cuts you off.
“Y/n, i would never think such a thing about you, ever. You know this. I want you safe, you can’t expect me not to be concerned when you wonder off in the middle of the night, syulang”
The nickname from whe you were children is a warm familiarity at the least.
You huff and lean against the tree bark.
“I just needed air.”
Its small and muttered.
A shaky breath left your lips.
“I’m trying to find ways to endure my own thoughts.”
Neteyams eyes soften as he steps forward, he gently takes a place y beside you, back against the tree as he stands next to you. Your hand brushes his, but your fingers refuse to interlace.
The two of you stared up at the stars for a moment.
“Do you think it’s ungrateful to feel as if you have nothing, even when others orrond you with love and promises?”  
“I’m not sure I follow…”
“Is it wrong to feel alone when your in the arms of others?”
As it falls into place for neteyam, he gazes at you as if you were a mystery in the moonlight.
He tries to see past your walls, to place himself in your shadow.
 He glances at you, then back up at the sky.
“No. It’s not ungrateful. I think we’re all born with some sort of circle around us.”
You pause for a moment, looking over at him.
“A circle?”
He nods.
“A circle. The people we love and care for? the people we would do anything for? The people who make our home, they all belong inside our circle.
My father, my mother, Lo’ak, Tuk, Kiri, they're all a part of my circle.”
He pauses for a moment, his tail swishing behind him.
“And…you are too. You’re apart of my circle, Y/n.”
You gaze at him and he withers under your eyes, averting his eyes and fidgeting with his necklace.
After a moment, he speaks again.
“I can’t imagine loosing people in that circle…things must become so…empty. As if the world seems too small all of the sudden.
So no, it’s not selfish to feel alone when that circle is gone.”
His words spark comfort. The hollowness within your palm seems less heavy.
“Thank you.”
You whisper, and he nods at you.
“You don’t have to be alone, y/n. My family…when they spoke to you tonight about staying with us when we travel to the mountains, it was not because there’s a need to replace what you once had. Y/n, we want you to embrace this new circle-“
“What if I’m not ready to find a new circle?”
The vehement tone you were bearning stunned neteyam for a moment.
“Your mother was right. The sky people will take, and they will kill, and they will hunt, until everything under the sky of pandora is either dead or theirs..”
Your eyes hardened for a moment and Neteyam was still as he took in your words.
You look up at the moon once more; taking a breath.
“I do not wish to fear them anymore, Neteyam.
I want them to be the ones who fear us.”
There was a new found devotion in your heart.
A bitter song of  fire and desolation.
Each note a new mockery of blood and ash. Every chorus an unfamiliar revelry of hunger.
That night, under the fallen stars and the cold moonlight, the inextinguishable plotted purpose was born within you.
Neteyam sighed; his gaze fitting back to the moon.
“And so you will..”
I don’t want to loose you in the fire.
But he didn’t dare speak it aloud.
After a moment, he spoke again.
“I have something for you.”
He felt his heart flutter when your eyes met his.
He reached into the pocket of his loincloth.
“It was a gift I planned on giving during the ceremony.”
You felt twitch of anguish as you recalled the memory.
“You already contributed your gift..you gave that armband my father taught you how to weave.”
He gave you a tender look. The kind whispered in the solace of summer and soft secrets.
“It is for you. Not for your loss.”
His words unclouded a new warmth in your chest.
For a moment, your anger ceased to simmer.
“I made this, for you a long while ago..but I never found the right time to give it to you.
Then..the incident happened and I knew it wasn’t a good time..I was planning on giving it to you on this day..but the plans changed.”
He opened his palm to reveal a small carved wooden spiral, polished and smooth. 3 strings with little charming dangling.
The first charm was 2 purple colored crystal, the second was a wooden bead that wore a Maude color, with a tree carved on it, the last was a stack of small purple beads with marbled colors.
He placed it gently in the palm of your hand, and you cradled it with such delicacy.
“Oh it’s beautiful…”
Your breath truly caught itself in his trap.
“When we were young your mother made you that necklace out of those crystals and small jeweled beads, the one she found in the river?..you were so happy to wear something so colorful..I remember the purple ones were your favorite. You always placed them so that they were in the middle. I’d thought I’d add them as a small bonus.”
He smiled at the memory.
You hugged him, your cheek pressed against his chest, he was stunned for a moment but hugged you back, you looked up at him and your breath caught for a moment, your faces mere inches apart.
You both Depart slightly and avert your eyes.
“Thank you. It’s lovely, Neteyam.”
You said softly, he nodded and smiled at you.
“The spiral suits you. Even now with this great loss you bear. It’s a connection. Even to those who are no longer with us.”
You smiled at him back, and the two of you started to walk back to the village.
How could you not see it? The spiral. A sign of support? Of friendship? Of trust?
No my dear Y/n.
It was how he felt like his soul was steadily orbiting around you. Thoughts of you never ended.
His circle.
His spiral.
You were the center.
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Years later….(y/n is now 18.)
(her code name is “X” neteyam’s name through comms is canonically ‘pathfinder’)
Jake yipped to Neytiri as she raised her bow and looked over her shoulder.
Her face is adorned with war paint, much like yours. She had painted you for the day. Red, purple, blue, the colors of your ikran worn proudly like a hyde of victory.
“Remember the plan.”
Jake says through his throat comms, his volume fighting the wind. You held your two fingers to the small mic on your neck so you could hear through your earpiece.
“Neytiri and I will strike from above, X, you're my Archer. I want you to hit em’ quick and move out fast. Eagle Eye, pathfinder, you two are spotters. Do not engage in close range, or air combat, understood?”
You heard lo’ak groan through his comm.
“Bro, why does Y/n get to have all the fun!?”
You felt a tinge of pride. Knowing you were Jake’s right hand out in the field. Higher ranked than either of his son’s. A skilled Archer. 
“Because I'm older and I have more fun.”
You quipped back, unable to hide the smile in your voice.
“Ya know what'd be fun? If you were to crash straight into one of those mountains and fall in your cocky as-”
“Both of you! No arguing on the comms!”
You refocused as the smell of ash and metal was fast approaching. YOu and the war party arrive on the scene right on time
You flew up above the train tracks and watched as the vehicle crashed into a collision of smoke and ash on the derailed tracks.  The air scorched to sting your flesh with an uncomfortable heat.
Neytiri let out a ululating sound to signal to you as she flew down to help Jake. Behind you were 3 smaller aircrafts. 
You grabbed your bow from the side saddle, mentally commanding your ikran to dive.
Everyone who witnessed Y/n fight swore the wind under her ikran’s wings were grazed with fire.
She was made of red-ribboned rainstorms in a scarlet blaze of uncharted wind and wildflowers.
For a moment it’s all too real. The encore of your arrows, the satisfying stretch of your bow string, Like the last note before the chorus. You dive down, sliding down the neck of your Ikran ever so slightly as the wind stings your cheeks, the sunlight strong. You draw back, a loud call escaping your throat, and the arrow flies.
Its in a blink of an eye the cockpit window is shattered, the pilot now sporting an arrow of yours through his neck as the metal gray bird ceases it’s flight and collapses in a cloud of smoke and sulfur.
You’d usually be celebrating if two bastards weren't behind you.
You grasp two arrows this time, the long wooden shaft in your clutch as you line them up properly for the next shot. 
The pilots pathetically attempt to surf with the wind beneath you, scattering your duo targets into far off spots.
Thats the thing about humans. They tiptoed on the wind as if it was uneven ground. Na’vi warriors like you danced upon airstorms and harsh rains. A swirling spiral of helix grazes your skin as you feel one of their shots fly past you the heat just missing your ikran,
You soothe him before regaining your position, you mentally make a new command to your ikran.
In a moment, the settled feeling of security that once shaved your bones seems to wither away.
Your ikran free falls, rolling against the wind that whips and wails. Your chest heaves as you ready your shot, the reverberation from your bowstring sings to your fingers as the two arrows fly, hitting both pilots as your irkan regains a flying position instead of a falling one, all adrift in a fleeting shot.
The aircrafts fall together, crashing against the ground.
The ground team jake had arranged comes into view frm the side forest clearing, all watching in awe as if you were the embodiment of phoenix.
They raised their bows and let out warcalls, you pridefully returned, raising your bow above your head and releasing a war call of your own.
Neteyam watched from afar. His ikran synced with Lo’aks as they circled the scene below, na’vi led by Norm gathering all the weapons they could.
But he couldnt let himself focus on the world below when all he could see was the woman made of exquisite inferno and grace was scorching the sky with her blaze.
Neteyam felt the wind brisk through his braids as he looked up, squinting against the sunlight in hopes to catch another glimpse of you.
The light of day made you seem grazed with gold that brushed the cobalt hues.
He watched as you shot down the aircrafts, he watched you shoot two arrows.
To Neteyam, you were made of fire.
Remnants of moonlight and high-tided sea storms. A hellish radiance and a scarlet soul.
Neteyam remembered the night he saw the flame embed itself in your soul. The night he gifted you that carving that was now a charm that rested tied to the long expanse of your bow.
He hated it. How inconsolable he feared you were, how he feared this new alit flame would burn his touch away from you. Useless was an understatement, of how he felt that night, even the stars above refused to guide him down teh right path.
He knew you were angry.
He was angry too.
He wanted to fight just like you did. His hatred for these sky demons simmered beneath his skin. He was a warrior. He wanted to fight next to you and his father. He was a protector of the people.
He had seen what they had taken from his home, from his parents, his family, from you.
At first, he thought it was jealousy.
The way Jake encrusted you to be his main archer. To shoot down sky ships.
Neteyam? He wasn’t anywhere near the fighting. Not anywhere near you.
He knew his father thought him and Lo’ak were “too important” to be fighting.
Jake was trying to salvage the sons made of stone before the heat of war can melt the rock.
Were you better than him?
Stronger than him?
Why did his father trust you more than he trusted his eldest?
As he watches you now, the archer who had her arrowhead aimed at his heart from day 1.
He knows its love. It must be.
It keeps him awake at night. The devoured feeling that gnaws at his heart. You were the center of his sky in all your celestial glory and he wished he would have gifted you the entire universe but instead he gave you that carved spiral.
He loved you because where other struggled to see in the dark you danced with dusk. You were a paradox. Detached, but focused. Because you somehow made the most dissolute and reckless seem graceful. You were real. Imperfect. Unconfined hunger bordered by each beautiful bruise blemish and scar that covered your skin. 
You haunted him.
And funny enough, it seems eywa created little brothers for a different kind of haunting.
Neteyams eyes flickered to where Lo’ak circled around him on his ikran.
The cold colors tattered across the ikrans purple and blue skin, trapping the yellow large speckles of shapes of the banshee’s skin.
Lo’ak’s echoes dwindle in the gust of wind, the war paint he wore proudly on either side of his face, Neteyam had watched Y/n paint Lo’ak after his begging back at high camp.
Something about Lo’aks smile in situations like these always found ways to disquiet Neteyam.
His eyebrows hover above his eyes as his fangs bare through his smile.
“Bro! We have got to get down there!”
Neteyam shakes his head, a warning look traces his features.
“No way! Dad will skin us!”
Lo’ak shakes his head, the wind uplifting his braids as he dives.
“C’mon! Don’t be a wuss!”
The flushed first notes of an uncertain heartbeat ablaze neteyam’s mind as he dives as well.
“Shit! Lo’ak! Get back you dumbass!”
Lo’ak dived blow into the musk of what might as well be no man’s land. The air wailed and whipped around him as he hopped off his Ikran. Yanking his kuru from his banshees and running towards the chaos in question.
He looked over his shoulder to see Neteyam following suit. He laughed, waving his hand through the dust and smoke.
“C‘mom bro!”
“Lo’ak come back!”
Lo’ak faltered momentarily when he saw Norm directing some navi’s into a brigade to gather all the weapons from the train’s supply cart. Swiftly swerving to stay out of the dream walkers sight, he joined the forming crowd where around where Tarsem had just opened a new cart of guns.
“Here boy- take this weapon! Go!”
Lo’ak let put a silly war cry and puffed up his chest,
Neteyam came to a halt.
“Lo’ak, you don’t even know how to use it.”
Lo’ak waved the gun around like it was weightless, handling it like one of Tuk’s toys.
“Nah bro. Dad taught me!”
Neteyam rolled his eyes, done with Lo’aks bullshit.
“I’m sure he did-
Let’s go-“
He grabbed lo’aks bicep but Lo’ak shrugged him off.
“Or maybe I’ll just be like y/n and shoot down some sky demons!”
Above the clouds, you circled the ensuing hustle below. Watching the brigades, monitoring the ground team. Your bow at the ready in its position on your saddle sheath.
And then you saw them.
“Son of a bitch!”
You hissed quietly, swiftily diving down to where the duo of your headache embodied currently argued about something stupid.
Lo’ak smiled as he saw you, but it faded as he watched the shadow of your Ikran (which was larger than the average Ikran, granted)
Loom over the both as you hopped down, glaring at them.
“What are you two shitheads doing here!?”
The feathers on your raid top gently shook in the breeze, a few of your beads clanking together in your braids as you made your descend.
Neteyam seemed to straighten, but his breath seemed to form a blockade for his own voice.
Maybe it was the way the brightly covered beads and feathers of your top accentuated your skin. Or maybe it was the way the fathers in your braids matched your waist beads Kiri had made you.
Maybe it was the way your loincloth seemed a bit more perfect than usual as it hugged your hips.
Maybe it was the way the red, blue, and purple war paint on your face outlined your eyes like wings and shed down your cheeks like tears, sorrowed in starlight for you had just been warrior of the wind.
I guess we’ll never know.
Lo’ak spoke for him.
“We wanted to help! C’mon, we have the ground team to be spotters! They don’t need us! I’ve been practicing the trick you taught me with the bow, just let us fly with you- we promise we’ll-“
You shot Lo’ak down before the words flooded further, the scarlet hues ablazed and begged for nothing but obedience in your voice.
“Kehe! You will do nothing-! Go back to your post. Both of you. Now!”
You swatted Lo’ak with your bow, hissing at him, Neteyam tried to drag Lo’ak away.
“Bro let’s go!-“
The sound of heavy mechanical whirring instilled the heightening of your awareness in the moment, your ears pining back as you saw the larger ship approach.
“Gun ship inbound!”
Jake shouted, you saw neytiri hiss and take off on her Ikran.
“Shit! Run!” You cursed, shoving Lo’ak and Neteyam in the opposite direction and making a break away from the approaching enemy.
As it would seem time was not in your favor, your Ikran had already been spooked away by the blast, Neteyam grabbed your hand before you could run, 
“Come with us, now!
He shoved Lo’ak ahead of him as they ran, Neteyam’s hand clutching yours as you kept pace with the two.
The 3 of you climbed over the derailed debris, Neteyam and you scaling the bright yellow RDA logo train doors,
“Bro come on!” Lo’ak called.
A flash of light invaded your vision, the scorching heat of the blast incircled you.
You feel Neteyam attempt to reach for you, but instead all you feel is a tug on your wrist as your senses start to numb. 
Your airborn for a moment, then your body collides with the uneven ground, the rocky surface below.
You groan, your vision blurring. The embers and ash clash against your skin in the harsh sting of the hot air. 
You winced in pain as the adrenaline started it’s course of abandonment. The aching sensation swallows your body. 
Scarlet etched its way in a jagged scratch on your side. The world seemed to darkn as the scarlet hues slowly faded to black. The sky’s golden and blue game of chance changes its rules as your eyelids become heavy.
Neteyam’s eyes shoot open as his vision readjusts itself clearly.
Lo’ak is above him, shaking him awake. Panic in the half-notes of his jagged breaths.
“Bro!? Bro! C’mon, get up we gotta go!”
Neteyam stands to his feet, groaning, but quickly regaining his senses.
He looked down at his hand to see where something small and beaded made its home in his clutch.
A bracelet?
Your bracelet.
It hit Neteyam like a tidal wave.
“Shit! Y/n-“
Neteyam tried to run past when his body collided with a taller one, Jake stood looming over his son’s, placing one hand on each of their shoulders “Hey! Easy, easy, where’s Y/n?! Are you hurt?!”
Neteyam tried to speak but all it was met with is stuttered breaths and a poor panicked exclamation.
“That way! I meant to grab her arm and I grabbed this instead-
The blast-“
Jake didn’t hesitate as he started running in the direction you were in, Lo’ak seemingly still in shock and Neteyam following his father without missing a beat,
“Stay behind boy! Get your brother out of here!”
“But sir-“
“That’s a direct order!”
Norm, quickly dragged Neteyam and lo’ak away to the sidelines of the forest to make their quick escape.
The sound of a screech flooded your ears, the footseps barely audible over the smoke and wind.
“Y/n! Oh child, Eywa please no.” 
You reached for your knife with the last ounce of motor control you could muster, before a hand gently lifted you on your back, the sun’s blinding silver line halo of heat scorched your eyes, you hissed and winced in pain.
The hands were familiar, it calmed you rather quickly.
You knew it was neytiri when the blurry shape of gray purple and green, faintly recognizable as her bone collared-top.
You groaned, the raw rushes of pain encased your vision.
“I’m sorry-”
You mumbled.
“Shh. No apologies, my dear girl. Come, we must go. Quickly.”
The last thing you remember is the gently shrill of her Ikran and her hand around your waist was she settled you in front of her on her ikran. The Scarlet hue no painted the wind.
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When you awake, its to the sound of herbs grinding soflty in a boil. The reverberations of the grinding tool against the small wooden bowl make your ears twitch.
Your vision settles. Mo’at sits infornt of the small fire in the tsahiks tent, Tuktirey by her side.
Her big eyes blinking at her grandmother’s handy-work, her much smaller tail swishing to the beat of each sound.
You sat up slowly, with a small wince. But the pain was significantly better.
Tuk gasps
“Y/n! You're alive!”
She wraps her arms around your waist, nuzzling her little head into your chest. You smile at the smaller girls, roughly a few of her braids, kissing the top of her head.
“of course I’m alive, yawntu! It would take a million Sky People to take me out.”
You teasingly mocked the position of an archer, holding a pretend bow and arrow made out of thin air as Tuk laughed.
Mo’at gently cleared her throat, making her way to you as she placed a hand on your shoulder.
“ Child, your wounds were deep, but they shall heal quickly with the salve. Kiri shall be back with more herbs soon. But please rest, simply until the bandages are removed.”
You nodded greatfully, squeezing her hand in a gesture of thank you.
She was the closest thing you would have to a grandmother, even before your parents began their journey with Eywa. You never got to meet your actual grandparents. They died in the attack on hometree. The only memory you had of them was through the clans' stories.
You wore a choker that was strung with river pearls and brown leather, a small navy-blue colored stone in the middle. A treasured piece your grandmother once wore.
Tuk snuggled up to you in the hammock, and you gently rubbed her back.
A soft rustling made your ears perk up when Kiri slipped through the tent flap with a basket of herbs.
“Tsmuke, (sister)
You are awake.”
Her expression softened, as if tensed up since the moment you returned unconscious. It probably was.
She handed the herbs to Mo’at and kneeled at your side, gently brushing a few of your braids away from your face.
“How are you feeling? Better? I used yalna bark when grandmother wasn’t looking. Was it Lo’ak again? It’s always Neteyam getting in trouble and you getting hurt when that sxkwang gets bright ideas-“
You gently stopped her mid rant. Holding her hand gently to your chest.
“I am fine, Kiri. A few scratches and bruises has never done much harm.”
She chuckled softly, standing back to her feet to assist Mo’at with the rest of the preparations for other wounded warriors.
As the hours passed, and the sun started to set, Kiri had to drag Tuktirey off to bed and Mo’at left the tent for the night. Leaving you alone to find sleep.
Mo’at had insisted you sleep in the Tsahik’ s tent tonight. Get some extra rest.
You didn’t argue. It was better than sharing a hammock with Lo’ak. The boy snored more than what you were almost certain was normal.
It was an understatement to say you nearly killed someone when you heard the tent flap rustle. You jumped, instinctly reaching for your knife.
It was well after hours.
Everyone should be asleep.
Who was it? Were you followed when you left the train?
Was it a sky demon? An animal?
You slowly felt your heart steady once again when you saw a small pale figure enter your tent, the small glimmer of his mask dances in the firelight. Lo’ak is behind him, looking less hyper than usual. Instead, a subtle tinge of gray flickered past his eyes, but it quickly gilded itself to green and gold once it settled on your form. He released a breath of relief and spider smiled.
“See? I told you she was okay.”
It took you a moment to realize that Lo’ak was worried about you.
You gave him a small smile opening your one arm that wasn’t aching, and he slipped himself under it, sitting next to you in the hammock, resting his head on your shoulder.
Lo’ak was your best friend. But really, he was so much more than that.
He was your family. Your ride-or-die.
Your right hand.
It made you feel a bit guilty, that Lo’ak seemed to prefer you over Neteyam sometimes.
Lo’ak wanted you to be his teacher when it came to his archery training and sparring. Lo’ak wanted it to be you who he went on hunts with.
Yet again, he also only lets you braid his hair because apparently neytiri pulls too hard and Neteyam doesn’t know how to tie them off properly.
Spider was a bit of a different case.
As you grew older, you realized how much you envied your motehrs sense of lightness.
Her entire being seemed to be made of golden hour gardens and softly whispered summers.
She was strong. The strongest woman you knew.
But she was kind.
She wasn’t like Neytiri in the sense that she resented all humans.
Your mother always felt a sense of protectiveness over Spider. A small, pale boy who used his heart instead of brain, chasing shimmyflys and tripping over vines that were larger than him. She welcomed him into her circle. She shielded him from the storms of strange staring and pesky fears.
Your mother always cared for Spider. Helped him re-twist his locs and make him new loincloths and hair beads. Some of your earliest memories were you and spider playing with the small carved toys in your family’s tent, or giggling after dark under the blankets after your father told you both to go to sleep.
She argued when spider had to go back to his foster family, and ended up making bargains with him to stay overnight every few days.
You’re almost positive it’s the only motherly love spider has ever known.
He cried when your mother died. 
You think he might have cried more than you did.
Sobbed for days with you, and it brought you closer together.
You smiled as Lo’ak fidgeted with one of the bracelets on your wrist.
When you were about 8, Lo’ak was 7, spider was 9, your mother carved you these special beads for the three of you to use.
You three decided to make bracelets and your father helped you string them together, all collecting charms and gifting them to one another to add.
The two biggest stones were carved river crystal the two boys collected, Lo’ak rolled the beads between his two extra fingers, sporting a bracelet of his own you and spider made him.
“So, I heard you got your ass kicked.”
Spider snickered. Sitting down in front of you.
You whacked him with your tail.
“Fuck off. Those sky demons ate my arrows.”
Spider groaned, 
“I’m so pissed. I heard you fell down in a explosion and ate shit-
And now one took a picture for me!” 
Lo’ak threw and arm around your shoulder and wiggled his eyebrows.
“Oh yeah. And her Romeo was panicking because he didn’t save her in time”
You flushed, shoving him away.
Spider laughed, standing up.
“I can only imagine-“
He cleared his throat, before making his voice go an obnoxious pitch higher, twirling his locs around his fingers and batting his eyes, mimcmking what was supposed to be you.
“Oh Neteyam! My big strong warrior man! Come save me!”
You hissed in annoyance, but couldn’t help but bite back laughter at the back of your throat.
Lo’ak stood to his feet, puffing up his chest and taking his braid out of the way he tied them back, letting them hang, deepening his voice and stomping towards spider, dramatically holding him in his arms as spider collapsed with a loud rehearsed sigh.
Lo’aks Neteyam imitation sent you over the edge, you were now cackling and had rolled out of your hammock.
“I’ll save you from the demon ships with my bow and arrow!”
Lo’ak, you, and spider all break into a fit of laughter, rolling around on the ground. Lo’ak steadying himself by burying his face in your shoulder as spider banged his fist on the ground, finally, as the laughter died down, the three of you stared at the top of the tent, out of breath, the only sound being the gentle wheezing endnotes of your breaths.
“Glad you kicked some ass today. Those fucking RDA pilots didn’t stand a chance against you and that bow of yours.”
Spider whispered. Nudging your shoulder gently.
You smiled at him, Lo’ak squished in between you.
The three of you said your goodnight s, and you watched the two missing parts of your circle leave the tent before they could get caught after lights out.
You nestled back into the hammock, staring up at the ceiling.
The aching in your arms hasn’t completely vanished it’s fortification of pain in your shoulder.
You gently rub circles around the small carved spiral you untied from the long shaft of your bow when spider dragged it inside.
You played with the small crystals and the beads, gently humming to yourself.
Your fingers traced along the shape, Neteyams eyes invaded your mind.
It was fascinating, really. How a warrior such as yourself had won today's battle and yet the one thing you truly yearned for was still not within your grasp.
It hurts sometimes, to think about how beautiful he was.
The way his irises encompassed golden hour in all its starlight sessions.
The air was thicker in the mountains like this, up here in high camp. Perhaps that’s why the sweltering residual warmth that rippled across your skin like lillies to a pond every time you thought of him
You wondered if he tasted like the sun. Sweet, possibly bitter. Bleak and addicting, such a delicacy deserved to never touch your lips.
Alas the stars did not align for you.
Not tonight.
You trace the spiral one last time before letting your eyes flutter closed.
Your tail flicked as you heard yet another rustling.
The sound of footsteps, slightly heavier than last time.
You groaned.
“Spider did you forget something again?..”
When no answer was heard you grumbled. Standing to your feet and untying the tent flap, only to be met with two two golden hour orbs that had just plagued your mind.
authors note:
I’m finally done! I haven’t slept in two days but I’m finished. I can’t decided whether I like the way this turned out but I LOVE some of the smaller little details. Y/n is such a badass and she’s in her reputation era (I am not a swiftie). We love to see it 😩👏 this first one was a lil angsty but I PROMISE y’all, this series is NOT angst. I’ve got a ton of stuff planned. I’m thinking maybe a little bit of jealous Neteyam? Some humor? Spider and Lo’ak being the captain of the ship? Mo’at being a sassy Granmda? Maybe some sister bonding with Kiri? AHHH IM SO HYPED. I, about to pass out and I can’t feel my fingers but that’s it for now! Stay tuned for part 2 🏹
Jan 2034
“Virago” series, chp. 1.
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Boss "No Boundaries" Ton
All these Only Friends kids are toxic. They are friends for a reason. They ALL like to control people through sex (yes, Mew too) cause birds of a feather flock together and all that jazz.
Top should be the antagonist, but as much as I dislike Top's cockiness, he has proven he respects boundaries . . . as long as they get him to his ultimate goal, so he isn't toxic. We know who he is, and his intentions are clear.
But Boston the Hunter?
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That man is a God damn problem.
As a self-admitted slut, I'm not slut-shaming him. Boston can snatch up all the dick he wants like this is a game of Pokémon Go at its peak in 2016 and he has to collect them all. That's not the issue. I want him to be a toxic slut. The problem is the way he goes about it.
He is a predator.
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The very first scene we see Boston in introduced him as such. From the colored bracelets, Boston knew this man was taken, yet that didn't matter to him. The man was open to a threesome, but look at how Boston corners him. They are in a tight space for more intimacy, and Boston puts his arms on both sides of the man. He can't run. And Boston doesn't let up. He gets closer into the man's personal space, and his eyes never leave his target.
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It's a club. The guy is into it. Boston's approach could easily be dismissed.
But this is a pattern.
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Boston corners people, gets them in tight spaces, and doesn't give them the option to leave.
He is aggressive.
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Because this is about control.
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And he views sex as an extension of that control.
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Because when he is questioned, Boston becomes more aggressive.
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Boston's needs override everyone else's. When Top told him no in the shower, he told Top he wanted it, then pushed him.
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There is a clear boundary there. Boston's hand is leaning on it. But he doesn't care. He forces his way past it.
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Even when Boston does give the illusion of options, he still forces the other person to accept what he wants.
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Nick told him "fuck buddies" yet . . .
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Boston doesn't accept Nick's answer because Boston doesn't respect boundaries. He pushes past them to show that he is the one in control of the situation. Then, he makes the disrespect clear by calling Nick a name he knows bothers Nick since he shared that he was bullied for his hair when he was younger.
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He is a predator because he feeds on people's weaknesses. He knows what makes them vulnerable and he pounces on it, which is why he is willing to throw his friends' tense relationship under the bus because this isn't just about Top's weakness being Mew.
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But about Ray's weakness being Mew since Boston wants to bring down Mew by any means necessary, so he is making sure to corner him and get him trapped on both sides. He is controlling this.
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Boston's eyes don't leave his prey. He is laser-focused to the point of obsession and even collects photos of conquests like trophies.
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I cracked a joke that Boston was the devil, but
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Him and his trophies reside in red flag hell, so it makes sense that Mew, a person who controls through sex with boundaries, will be the one to create the biggest barrier for a predator who respects no boundaries.
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Which is why he is willing to drag everyone down with him.
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Boston is dangerous because his doesn't have limits when trying to gain control.
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Everything is fair game to him.
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rewh0re · 1 year
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-fluff fluff FLUFF, nagi realising he might have a lil crush, just nagi falling for you. REBLOGS + FEEDBACKS ARE APPRECIATED!!
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Nagi was not the resident lover boy. Everyone knew that, he made sure of it. He garnered interest in a few things, video games and football being some examples. The latter, if not for his best friend Reo introducing it to him, maybe wouldn't even have made it in the list. Nagi found most of the things to be a hassle. It was a hassle to get up in the morning, a hassle to brush his teeth, a hassle to get ready and come to school and get through the day. The biggest hassle of all was falling in love and high school relationships. Nagi didn't really get the logic behind all that jazz but he did get confessions in the form of little notes and homemade chocolates. He hated it, all he wanted to do was ignore them and sleep and that's what he did.
But then Nagi met you. Standing under the shelter provided by the bus stop in the pouring rain, a wet umbrella in your hands. He ran there to take shelter from the rain as well and in the process got wet. Swatting away the water from his hair, he felt your eyes on him.
"This is why you should carry an umbrella," you said, nodding your head at him. You were clearly joking as there was a little mischievous smile on your lips.
"It's a hassle to pack an umbrella," he said looking straight, voice as flat as ever.
"It’s a hassle to pack an umbrella?" Your head rolled back in laughter as you repeated his words in a question. Your reaction achieved a pout from Nagi and you thought he looked absolutely adorable in all his puffed out cheek glory.
"My bag becomes too heavy," his explanation was dry, not providing much information.
You smiled in reply, not really understanding this strange boy who found carrying an umbrella during the rainy seasons a hassle. You let it be, deciding that it wasn't really your concern.
"You go to my school?" He looked at the uniform you were wearing and then at his as if to check if they were the same. They were.
"Yes Nagi Seishiro I do go to your school," you chuckled in amusement before continuing "we shared a class last year. I won't blame you for forgetting though. You mostly slept and I never actively socialized with any of my classmates."
"I'm sorry," he rubbed the back of his neck, as embarrassment slowly took over him. A pink hue slowly creeped up his ears. You went to his school, were in the same year as him infact and he didn't even know you existed before this.
You laughed again. You laugh a lot, he noticed.
"No, don't be. I wouldn't have remembered either if you hadn't confidently said the definition of socialism when the question was about the functions of the kidney and still topped the class anyway," you grinned at him and he muttered curses at himself as the probably unwanted memory creeped its way up to the top.
"I'm l/n y/n by the way. You know, a formal introduction since we never really met properly," you stretched your hands towards him.
"Nagi Seishiro but you know that already," he took your hand and shook it gently.
Sitting at a bench provided by the bus stop together, you did not realize when the rain had stopped, the gray clouds slowly drifting by to reveal a clear sky. Nagi told you about his cactus, choki and about how Reo dragged him into football. You learnt that most things were actually a hassle for Nagi and when he said that, you laughed again.
Nagi felt a sense of pride wash over him as he made you laugh. He realized that you actually cracked very lame jokes but he found himself breaking into a small smile when you shared them anyway. It was a jolly scenario. Something in Nagi's heart bloomed when you smiled, beating a bit faster than usual.
Nagi was not your resident lover boy and in all honesty, he never wanted to be but seeing your exuberant personality made something in him glow. He found people to be a hassle, but you, with all your energy, didn't count as one, even if you officially met that day itself. Nagi didn't want to admit it was a crush just yet, he was willing to wait but when your bus came in sight, some sort of dejection took over him.
"Well that's me!" You got up from your seat waving at him as you made your way to the bus.
Just as you were about to get on the vehicle, you turned over your shoulder to look at the white haired male, who's gaze widened at the action.
"Hey Nagi, talk to me in school, yea? I'll be waiting!" You gave him a grin that stretched from ear to ear before getting up on the bus as it soon disappeared out of sight.
Your beaming smile was etched inside Nagi's mind as it sent some kind of fluttering sensation inside him. It wasn't long before he found himself smiling like an idiot while sitting on a bench in the bus stop thinking about you. He got up, his smile still intact, as he began walking towards the metro station.
That was all Nagi Seishiro could think on a rainy July evening after you left, making a mental note to definitely approach you in school.
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multifandomslxt · 4 months
Hey Krystal! 💎 It's me again 😌
Hope you've been well. 🥰
WayV members as type of rich bfs (sugar daddies) 👀..... Anything and everything within this prompt is most welcome 🤭. Have a great day bye ❤
Hey sweetheart! how are you?
You scared me again with the name ngl lmaoo
but it's all good
Way V Members as Sugar Daddies
He's a bit hard to get through to at first IMO
When he says sugar daddy he means money in exchange for accompanying him to events
he's so strict with himself that he really doesn't allow it to get past that.
That's all it is for a few months yk?
until you express that it seems a bit weird because you were definitely expecting more...
And Kun like the damn provider he is
gives you just that...more
but definitely explains to you that he's a possessive little shit.
good pu$$y turns a perfectly sane man in to a mad man pt.1
he's mad asf for youuuu
now that s3x is involved this man SPOILSSSSSSS you
way more than he was doing prior
which seems a bit impossible because babyyy you were getting bagsssss
he's so strict too like he makes it clear that you belong to him
istg at some point he graduates from sugar daddy to husband
you want a spontaneous trip to some crazy rich island? ok, no problem
you want a bag that costs way too much money? he'll get you that in the next 2 hours
also...don't let that cute smile fool you, the man is a menace.
"Can't believe I deprived myself of this pretty c*nt" he thrusts inside you so slow...dangerously slow
"That's right baby Daddy's right here to give you everything you need"
he gets right to it. lmaooo
Tells you that he needs you to accompany him to events and asks you if you're ok with other "stuff"
first off the chemistry between y'all is AMAZINGGG
We all know this man loves fashion so having the latest designer pieces is a given
what starts off as a lil service after events
blooms into something more
very protective of you
baby he doesn't play about you or the custom diamonds he put around your neck. TRUST!
compared to before the relationship bloomed the s3x between you two was rather respectful?...yh that's the word
he rips that shit off youuu
President of the "I'll just buy you a new one" club
it's rough btw unlike Kun, Ten is rough and occasionally enjoys it when you're on top
"fuck...I'd choose this pu$$y over diamonds any day"
See how pretty this man is?
yeah he's gonna make sure you're even prettier than him
Literally bathes you in expensive shit.
SPOILLS you omggg
it's worrying sometimes
to the point where the bank calls him
asking if he's aware that there is a concerning amount of money leaving his account
From head to toe it's luxuryyyyy
the s3x is good....just good
I'm sure I've said this before but Winiwn strikes me as someone who just gets to it.
not too rough not too gentle yk?
its just right
he does like when you wear that little diamond collar he got you when he's ball deep inside you though
he's strictly sugar daddy btw
I think he'd prefer that
if you manage to pull him and keep him you're one lucky mf
this man moves through sugar babies like the days of the week
He likes the thrill of it all imo
yes he'll spoil you
but you better make sure the pleasure you give him is worth the 100k he just splurged
"C'mon now princess, Daddy knows you can do way better than that" he whispers teasingly as your body trembles from exhaustion and overstimulation
he likes to be kept on his toes
and you keep surprising him
your bills are paid and you're getting f*cked dumb
and he has the prettiest girl to spoil and break
It's a win-win honestly
he's so sweet at first omlll
yes he dotes on you and all that jazz
but you guys actually become friends yk?
he's a whole gentleman
never crossing the line
just kind and attentive
gets you WHATEVER you want
and mean ANYTHING
nothing is out of reach for his baby
he just expects you to behave
but what's the fun in that?
let him catch you trying to buy things with your own money
or some shit like that
you are DONEE
when he f*cks you
he ensures that you merge with the mattress
takes "fuck you into the mattress" literally
ass up face down supremacy
do not play with him like that.
"Move your hand baby, I told you actions have consequences"
Yang Yang
This mf is just horny
very possessive oml
and not in the mature way like Kun or the gentlemanly way like Hendery
but possessive like a damn child
you go to parties together and he doesn't want you talking for anybody else too long
look at him and only him
the fucker got you a carrier bracelet with his name embedded into it
and told you to wear it at all times
for the most part, he's harmless
extremely touchy-feely
controls his urges well though
unless you're fucking around too much
then he has to show you why you should just let him be
it's fast and hard
I'm so serious
This MF can go roundsss
because he's desperate asf
"Such a fuckin' tease. let's see how much teasing you'll do when I swell you up hm?"
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halfagone · 1 year
Is Good Parents Maddie and Jack Fenton even possible?
Specifically, would they be able to change their mindset after over twenty years of bigotry and scientific curiosity?
If they saw their human son turn into Phantom, would they still think of him as their kid? Would they love him, accept him and support him?
I, personally, can't see the canon reveals as anything but a kid friendly compromise of giving the viewers the satisfaction of a reveal and keeping the status quo of the light-hearted show going.
But with everything the Fenton parents did, said, and invented... is it possible for them to turn their backs on their research and start from scratch? To admit that they were wrong after decades of being called quacks, crazy and idiots?
The only thing they were right about was the existence of ghosts, but now they endangered the whole world by building their portal that half-killed their son and traumatised millions of people.
So. Is it possible to write a Good Parents Jack and Maddie fic that doesn't shy away from all the awful things they did and how would you go about it?
Thank you for your time!
The short answer: Technically? Yes. Realistically? Probably not.
The long answer: Everyone is capable of change but not everyone will. For all intents and purposes, they are capable of growing as people and learning to recognize their mistakes and biases and leaving those behind... It just likely wouldn't be a simple flick of a switch. At the same time there is reason to believe that the Fentons wouldn't change their minds.
You said it yourself, over twenty years they've acted like this and so logically you would begin to assume that's just how they've always been and always will be. That shows this goes far beyond their parenting style and skills, and has everything to do with who they are as people.
(Buckle up, this one's a long post.)
We don't actually know all that much about the Fenton parents in canon. We don't see any grandparents or relatives other than Aunt Alicia. Although we have headcanons as a fandom that Jack and Maddie have ghost-related trauma, or it's a family tradition from the Fenton side with Jack Fentonightingale, to explain why they've always been like this, that is still no canon confirmation. (Fentonightingale was a witch hunter, not a ghost hunter after all.)
As far as we are aware, for one reason or another, one day Jack and Maddie started to believe ghosts were real and not just real but malicious. I may not be a scientist by career but even I can tell you they've failed in their duties as scientists the moment they chose their hypotheses over the evidence. That is literally something they teach you in high school science class; you ask a question and then research for evidence supporting that question. (Otherwise known as the "if... then" statement.)
Sometimes that means your first assumption was incorrect, but the evidence cannot be changed. So to me, the Fenton parents aren't ghost scientists, they're ghost hunters and those implications have connotations all of their own. And those connotations reflect poorly on them. And this isn't even to mention their general lack of workplace safety.
When we look at their friendships- they have no friends. They had Vlad in college, but they fucked up that relationship and don't even seem too broken up about it. They hadn't spoken to each other in twenty years until the reunion, and they obviously knew he'd made something of himself; Jazz recognized his name from Billionaire of the Year I think the magazine was supposed to be or something.
When Jack explains what happened to Vlad in "Bitter Reunions", he literally mentions how he thinks Vlad has forgiven him now. So obviously he acknowledges that what happened between them was due an apology.
Do you know something that's noticeably absent? A single apology from either Jack or Maddie. Yes, Jack might be more at fault in his accident, but Maddie ignored him for twenty years too. Vlad can talk whatever crap he'd like about Jack, but Maddie is just as culpable in his 'abandonment' as her husband is. We have proof from "Masters of All Time" that Maddie isn't afraid to go behind her husband's back and do what she wants. If she truly cared about him, she would have made an effort and she never did.
But of course, now we have to talk about them as parents. That's where things get... a lot more complicated.
In "Maternal Instincts" at one point Maddie is shown carrying Danny piggy-back style. It's never explained, it's not played off as a joke. Danny isn't injured and neither is he faking an injury. It's literally just something Maddie did, probably with the idea that she's taking care of and protecting him. And Danny isn't embarrassed by it at all, even when he's been shown to be ashamed of some of his parents' other antics.
In "Girls Night Out", Jack takes Danny fishing as a father-son bonding activity. And I mean that literally, he got the idea from a book called 'Father/Son Relationships For Stupids!'. That might imply that he's a bad parent but that also goes to prove that he's aware of his shortcomings as a father and is genuinely trying to do more for his son. Not everyone comes to parenthood naturally, so for Jack to actively search for advice- even if it comes from a book- says that he wants to do this parent thing.
But in my opinion, the episode that best reveals how the Fentons function as a family is "The Fenton Menace" (and no, that's not just because my blog description references it lol). In that episode, we see Jazz's failings as a supportive sister almost from the very start; in her opening narration, she talks about how she knows his secret and yet when he insists through and through that he sees a ghost, she still thinks she knows better/otherwise. We also get a touching moment where Maddie talks about spending quality time with the people you love (which is a line almost word for word from the show, by the way).
However, there are two things that stand out the most from this episode. This is the episode where we get the line: "Whether it's air, land, or sea I won't stop until we capture a ghost and tear it apart. Molecule by molecule." In response to this, Danny gets visibly upset. It is probably one of the most damning pieces of evidence in the entire series that his parents' behavior genuinely bothered him. He makes jokes about them shooting or experimenting on him, but humor can and often is used as a coping mechanism. After that quote? Danny didn't try to hide his reaction until later on when Jazz asked him. And even then he dismisses it with a quip.
The second thing from this episode also so happens to feed into my main point for this entire argument: This is the episode where Jack and Maddie attempt to 'spin the crazy' out of Danny. That kind of behavior is something you'd find in places like Arkham Asylum, which is notorious for their inhumane treatment of its patients. Decidedly not something you expect to see from supposedly loving parents. That absolutely constitutes as cruel and unusual punishment and yet it's not even meant to be a punishment.
They sincerely think that they're trying to help him by doing this. And that's the heart of the issue, in my opinion. Jack and Maddie don't think about other people. They don't think about their feelings or their safety or their privacy. They are so caught up in the idea that they are doing good that they never stop to think that they're part of the problem. Or the entire problem altogether.
The only time that we get some decent self-reflection is during Reality Trip, when Danny's identity is revealed by Freakshow and the Fenton parents and Jazz are taken as hostages. While they're stuck and trapped, they question why Danny had never told them his identity before, which is when Jazz comments about the poor way they used to treat his ghostly side. It's only then that it clicks for them that oh yeah we did that. That's what it took for them to recognize that their actions have consequences and even with good intentions, you are capable of hurting the people you love.
And I think that's one of the best ways to go about it. You need to give them the time and opportunity for that self-reflection and reclamation. Jack and Maddie are- naturally- a shoot first and ask later (if ever) type of people. One way or another, there needs to be a way for them to pull back and sit and look around for once.
There are many ways to address this too and make way for the possibility of Good Parents Jack and Maddie. One of the fics that immediately comes to mind for me is @akela-nakamura's Not Everything Is As It Seems. In this one we focus on Jack's perspective, and this fic made me So Unwell with its quiet gravitas, I can never recommend it enough. But if you want something from Maddie's perspective, then you can read @peachdoxie's incredible Trust Your Instincts fic. It is 36 chapters, already completed, and it's this beautiful journey through Maddie's Outsider POV.
As for me personally, I explored the subject in Chapter 51 of my fic lex luthor's ascent from supervillainy to fatherhood, Interlude III: Dynasty. We actually get two different reactions from the Fenton parents, one that is more from a 'Good Parent' and one from a 'Bad Parent'.
I think the most important part is to never shy away from talking about and exploring all the horrible things they did and have done. It's difficult to discuss, but the subject is complicated and to address it as anything less than complicated wouldn't be fair to those moments where the Fentons genuinely did want to be there for their children.
Does it make any of their behavior right? No. Does it prove that they can change? Yes. Will they? ...That will have to be left up to each individual writer.
If you found yourself in a similar family situation, of course you're gonna want your family or your parents to grow or choose you. Because you love them, and you want to keep them in your life. But at some point you have to think about yourself and your own safety and health. That doesn't mean you give up on them, but you protect yourself from the fallout in case they don't change.
Every person is capable of it, but not every person is willing to. The Fenton parents are no different in that regard.
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sassy-cass-16 · 8 months
k look i'm not super jazzed about what they did to hades in the show. in the book he's easily the one who acts the most Like A God. Percy addresses him as "Lord" and "Uncle" exclusively, he's fucking intimidating because you're supposed to believe he could have orchestrated the whole master bolt thing. the guy in the show starts futzing with a weird blanket and offers percy a snack. i fully did not believe that was hades when i first saw him on screen, and i had to go and google "hades pjo actor" to make absolutely sure it was supposed to be him.
also i have no idea why he was in a shimmery kimono and a black turtleneck. the robe he wears in the books is meant to be crafted out of the souls of the damned, and it's described more similarly to a chiton or a cloak. he wears clothing with that pattern repeatedly in the books, in almost all of his major appearances. it's a defining feature of his visual description. i guess the shimmery pattern is supposed to look like faces? maybe? but the lighting in the underworld is so washed-out and weird that you can't see any of it.
i guess my biggest issue is that the re-framing of his character kind of ruins his entire dynamic with nico. hades is a very resigned, reserved, inscrutable father, with this heavy sense of history and gravitas that hangs around him. that's something nico inherits from him, not a contrasting feature. nico in the books (past titan's curse obviously) is very much like his father, and that's what makes hades so sad whenever they interact. that's what gives their relationship the kind of emotional weight that it's meant to have. this doesn't remotely feel like the same character. i don't for the life of me see a reason why they did this, aside from maybe wanting to distance his personality from poseidon's since they appear in the same episode?
idk. i felt weird about the lack of DoA recording studios too. we didn't even get the "big bathtub" line. AND WHERE ARE CHARON'S IMPORTED ITALIAN SUITS, RICK RIORDAN???
this whole episode was a mixed bag for me, honestly. the stuff i liked, i LOVED. the stuff i didn't like, i feel really weird about. 50/50 either way.
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solarwoniii · 1 year
there's an angel in my bed ! shen quanrui
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happy ricky day !
smut, fluff a lil angst, long distance relationship, boyfriend ! ricky x fem ! reader minors dni !
synopsis ; you come home early to surprise ricky on his birthday
contains ; soft dom ! ricky and sub ! reader, pet names ; baby, angel, pretty girl, ect. rough sex, penetration, cunnilingus, fingering, lingerie, creampie, unprotected, marking, dacryphilia reader has a thing for ricky's glasses (dont we all though)
wc ; 2.3k
📨y/n ; uhmm abt that
📨ricky ; ?
📨y/n ; . . . im sorry :(( i should have told you earlier, i wish i didn't have to spring it up on u like this on ur birthday . . . i cant come back next yr either :((((
📨ricky ; oh . . . it's okay :) i understand, i can wait
📨y/n ; i love uuu :(
📨ricky ; ilyttt :DD do u have time to video call or is it too late over there ?
📨y/n ; i can't i'm sorryyy i feel so bad :((
📨y/n ; i sent u a gift tho !! the app says it arrived at your house a few mins ago
📨ricky ; NO DONT FEEL BAD it's okay :) i'll go check now
a disappointed sigh left ricky as he rose to his feet from the couch and trudged over to the front door.
you were studying abroad, as you had been for the past year. and although it was hard for him to say goodbye, and even harder for him to handle long distance, he wanted to be happy for you.
and the two times you had visited were the best moments of his life.
you had planned to visit him again today and stay for a week or two to spend some time with him on his birthday. but things hadn't gone as the two of you had hoped. an exam came up that was way too important for you to skip. and even if you tried to skip, ricky insisted that you stayed and focused on your passion. after all, there was always next year.
well. not anymore.
but it was okay. he had to stay optimistic. if not for himself, then for you. you were out there, doing what you loved. and what kind of boyfriend would he be if he stopped you from that? he could make some sacrifices.
but that didn't stop him from feeling upset. he was really looking forward to next birthday.
ricky walked through the hallway, running his fingers through his hair as his hand found the door handle, unlocking it.
as he opened the door his eyes met yours and he was sure his heart stopped from pure and utter shock.
the angelic face he'd missed seeing in person for months on end beamed with happiness and love.
"surprise!" you giggled with jazz hands.
"y-you're here."
"i am." you smiled, and picking up a plastic container that was sat on top of one of your suitcases, "and i brought cake! happy birthday. do you like the gift i sent?"
his eyes were wide as saucers as froze in his spot, clearly at a loss for words. you laughed, handing him the box and opening the door wider to make room for your suitcases as you let yourself in. he quickly came to his senses and gave you the cake in exchange for carrying your suitcases as the two of you walked side by side to the kitchen.
"i thought you couldn't make it this year . . ?" he asked, "what about your exam?"
"well," you said, putting the cake down on the kitchen counter, looking up at him, "i talked with my professor and he let me sit the exam a little early." you explained, putting an arm on the counter and leaning against it, "so i spent the rest of last week planning my surprise."
ricky was silent. he bit his bottom lip and looked down at you with glossy eyes. your eyebrows knitted together with concern as you reached up to cup the side of his face.
"hey, don't cry." you said softly, tilting your head to the side. ricky put his arms around you, burying his head in your shoulder, sniffling and shuddering against your skin as he gripped onto your shirt.
"i missed you so much." he mumbled.
"i missed you too."
he pulled away from you a little, looking down at you with his slightly reddened eyes, holding your cheeks in his hands and connecting his lips to yours in a loving kiss.
when he kissed you once he couldn't stop himself, growing increasingly needier for you as he did it again and again.
"can't believe i survived without you for four whole months," he whispered, lips not leaving each others in lustrous affection as he put his hands on your waist.
"ricky, slow down!" you giggled as he fluttered soft kisses across your jawline, "i'm not going anywhere anymore."
his lips met yours again, "m' not letting you go anywhere anymore." he whispered, "let's go upstairs, come on."
he held your hand tightly as he brought you up the steps and into his bedroom, closing the door behind him and continuing to kiss you.
he walked you backwards, stilling himself as the back of your knees hit the bed, putting hand on the back of your head as he laid you you down, hovering his tall figure over you, pinning you down with his arm around you.
his hand moved to his face to take his glasses off before you quickly held onto his bicep to stop him.
"don't." you said.
he smiled, "what is it with you and my glasses, hm?"
"they make you look hot." you said matter-of-factly.
"mmm." he hummed, as if he was deep in thought, bringing himself closer to you, nose grazing over your neck, "really?"
"m-mhm." you replied, shuddering at the way he was teasing you.
you gasped as he latched his lips to your neck, kissing, sucking, hickeying the supple skin.
"ricky," your grabby hands gripped onto his soft blonde locks, wanting something grounding.
"tell me, pretty girl." he whispered, looking down into your lust-burning eyes.
"i love you."
ricky smiled, pecking your forehead.
"i love you too, baby." he grinned, "is this alright?"
you nodded, looking up at him with soft doe eyes.
"need to hear you say it, love."
"i w-want you, ricky."
his fingers fiddled with the hem of your hoodie once he heard your clarity, "can i take this off?"
"mhm." you hummed, holding your arms up to assist him in pulling it over your head, eyes widening at what you had underneath it. a white and blue lingerie set made from flowy satin, bows around your neck and decorating the piece, ribbons cross-sectioning over your chest and stomach. you looked beautiful. angelic.
ricky gulped.
"do you like it? i bought it last week." you smiled.
"i think there's an angel in my bed." he said under his breath, struggling to pull his eyes away from the new set to look into your eyes. you giggled at his flustered state.
"do you really like it? i was worried it might not complement my body, or-"
"no. fuck, no. it's perfect. you're perfect."
your face heated up at his words as he keened into you, kissing down your body and making gentle reddening marks all over you until his head was between your legs.
"wanna eat you out." he whispered, pecking your inner thighs.
"o-oh, the skirt can come off, i can just-" you reached down to the waistband, ricky's hand catching yours before you could do anything.
"i want you to keep it all on. gonna look after my pretty girl in her pretty set" he said huskily, moving your now limpening hand to the side and holding it, loving how quickly you melted at his words.
you gasped as he kissed your clothed clit, tongue pressing against the satin material.
"o-ohmygod, ricky-" you shuddered, biting your bottom lip as he pushed the fabric to the side, licking a gentle stripe up your dripping heat, his head following the motion as his heavy-lidded eyes laid on your body.
"taste so sweet, baby. missed this pretty little pussy so much." he grunted, reluctantly letting go of your hand to hold your squirming hips down as he ate you out. he didn't waste any time once he had tested the waters, tasting you like he'd been starved all this time.
and he had. starved of you, the same way you'd been starved of him all these months.
you'd tried touching yourself at the thought of him in the time you'd been apart, and it helped a little, but it was nothing compared to ricky. he knew your body better than you did yourself.
his soft, slick-covered lips closed and enveloped around your sensitive clit as two of his fingers pushed into your yearning entrance, making you whimper from the sensation of his both his fingers and mouth at once.
your fingers found themselves caught in his hair once again, tugging at the strands when his fingers curled up in that way that had your eyes rolling back until stars appeared in your vision.
ricky smirked at the way you shook from his touch, releasing your swelling clit from his mouth as he looked up at you.
"come on baby, stay still for me." he said softly, watching as you let out a prolonged whine when he stilled his fingers, feeling your orgasm start to eb away.
"m' sorry! please don't stop, p-please i'll be g-good." you babbled, a droplet of spit dripping from the corner of your mouth. ricky laughed, moving his fingers again as he continued to stimulate you, coming back up so he was at eye level with you. he cradled your face, thumb wiping away the drool from your mouth before kissing your cheek, "my dumb little baby."
"f-feels so good ricky, th - . . . ink m' gonna-" you whined, the rest of your sentence getting stuck in your throat as you threw your head back from pleasure.
"yeah? you're gonna cum for me like a good girl?"
you nodded desperately, "c-can i please?"
"so polite," he smiled, "of course you can pretty baby."
at his words you came undone, eyes screwing shut as tears escaped them. ricky cooed at you, kissing the droplets as they raced down your cheeks.
"you did so well for me baby." he praised, putting his essence covered fingers to your lips and watching as you sucked on the slender digits.
your eyes still closed as you felt his tip rub against your clit, your teary eyes opening to see it. you bit your lower lip at the sight of something you had craved for all this time. the pinkened, bulbous tip running through your folds, still glistening from your previous orgasm, beautiful cock now getting covered in your slick.
"are you ready for me?" he asked.
you nodded eagerly, propping yourself up on your elbows, watching as his tip slowly disappeared into you until he filled you up all the way. the both of you moaned in unison at the feeling. your head fell back onto the pillow as he pulled in and out of you, engulfing in the sensation of pure bliss and need.
"you like this baby?" he grinned.
"m-mmh! love it s-s' much!" you trembled, holding onto his arms on either side of your head, caging you in him. your nails sunk into the skin, as he sped himself up, pretty tip hitting each and every spot.
"tell me more, pretty." he pushed gently. your legs wrapped around his body, more tears falling from your eyes as your lips quivered.
"f-feels so good wh-when you - oh my g-god - when you pin me d-down on your bed like this and f-f-fuck me."
"mmh." he hummed in response, cock now pummeling in and out of you and pace that had to be considered monstrous. he clearly was expecting more out of you, but your brain felt blank as he fucked you into an undiscovered state of oblivion.
ricky chuckled at you.
"is my baby too stupid to even think for herself? hm? can't function when i fuck you, can you?"
ricky loved the view he had before him. his beautiful girlfriend laid in his sheets, wearing what had to be the prettiest thing he'd ever seen, only visible thanks to the luminous moon through his window shining down onto you, making your eyes sparkle as tears danced down your flushed cheeks.
his climax began to feel ever so close, and it was clear yours was too as your body began to give out on you beneath him, tiring from so much at once. your mouth agape as whimpers and sobs left you, echoing through the room.
"s-so close, ricky." you mumbled.
"i know baby, cum for me when you're ready, okay?"
"ricky." you cried for him, eyebrows furrowed and lip reddened from biting down on it so hard. you looked so cute in this moment. so fucked out you had forgotten about the whole world around you.
"tell me baby."
"w-want kisses."
he smiled, leaning down to give you what you wanted, kissing you all over before meeting your lips in gentle loving kisses.
you whined against his lips, legs shaking as your second orgasm crashed over. he hushed you carefully, cupping your face and wiping your teary eyes with his thumbs as he finished inside of you.
you shuddered and sucked in a sharp breath as he pulled himself out of you.
"ricky~" you whined, heavy-lidded and eyelashes wet from your tears, head rolling off to the side of the pillow.
"it's all good baby. i've got you." he whispered, kissing your forehead before getting out of bed.
"where are you going?" you asked, holding his wrist weakly before he could leave.
"i'm just gonna get you something to clean up with and some clean clothes, yeah? we can go downstairs and eat cake after."
"mm-kay." you whispered, loosening your grip on him so he could leave to the bathroom, coming back as he promised, cleaning you up with the warm, dampened washcloth in his hand before helping you change.
the rest of the night was filled with love as the two of you ate cake and watched movies together until the early hours of the morning, when you fell asleep in each other's arms.
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I'm not really sure if this req is your kinda thing? Plz feel free to ignore if it's not! Established relationship with Remy, and then there's a multiverse event and f!Remy is also hanging around and good god she's hot and she starts flirting with you and gay panik?
Every Gambit Wants Me
In a world where the multiverse was becoming more and more unpredictable, you were used to seeing strange things. Hanging out with Remy LeBeau, had its perks, but it also came with its fair share of surprises—particularly when it came to multiverse travel.
It had been another one of those accidental jumps through realities, and you and Gambit landed in a world that felt familiar...but slightly off. The streets of New Orleans had the same smell of gumbo and smoke, the same jazz lingering in the air, but something was different. You glanced at Remy, his red eyes glowing slightly under the streetlights, and he flashed you one of those charming, roguish grins.
"Dis ain't home, chérie," he said in his smooth Cajun drawl. "But I reckon we gon' make the best of it, non?"
You laughed softly, used to his easy charm by now. "Yeah, well, let's just hope this version of New Orleans doesn't have anything too crazy in store."
Before Remy could respond, a figure approached from the shadows. Your eyes widened in surprise. She looked exactly like him—the same mischievous eyes, the same tousled brown hair falling in front of her face—but this version of Gambit...was a woman.
"Well, well, well," she said, her voice dripping with the same sultry accent as Gambit's. "What do we have here?"
The female Remy circled the two of you, her eyes lingering a little too long on you. "Ain't every day a girl gets to meet someone from a different universe... especially someone as lovely as you." She smirked, her gaze heated as she stopped in front of you. "Seems I got myself an upgrade from my usual company."
Gambit stiffened beside you but didn't interrupt. He was intrigued, just as much as you were. Female Gambit leaned in closer, her breath hot against your ear.
"You know," she whispered, "I could show you a real good time. Better than any man ever could. Ain't nobody knows you like me, sugar. You like what you see?"
You felt your cheeks heat up, her proximity setting your nerves on fire. She was undeniably attractive, and that confidence—that you recognized from your Gambit. But she had an extra layer of boldness, not held back by the same reservations. You opened your mouth to say something, but she kept going, brushing a hand across your arm.
"Let me guess. You’re with him, ain't ya?" she teased, gesturing toward your Gambit. "But I bet you’ve wondered what it’d be like...with someone who knows how you like it. Someone who's you, but different."
Your Gambit chuckled lowly behind you. "Careful, mon chérie. She might be prettier, but I ain't one to be outdone."
Female Remy shot him a smirk, leaning in even closer to you. "I dunno about that, sugar. You might like this version better."
Your heart was racing, torn between the two Gambits. There was something thrilling about this version of him—the flirtation, the danger, the electricity in the air.
"Don't worry," Gambit said, stepping up beside you with a grin that matched hers. "Ain't no jealousy here. I know what you like." His hand came up to gently tilt your chin toward him. "You could take her up on it...but even in dis multiverse, every Gambit’s got eyes for you. She’s just like me."
Female Remy laughed softly, her eyes dancing between you and your Gambit. "He's not wrong, you know. Every version of us is obsessed with you, sugar." She winked. "But if you ever wanna see just how different I can be, you know where to find me."
She gave one last flirtatious smile before walking off into the shadows, leaving you standing there, still caught between two versions of the same man. You turned to your Gambit, his expression a mix of amusement and satisfaction.
"Guess you really do have a type," you said, feeling the heat from the encounter still lingering.
Remy wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close. "Cherie, there's only one of me for you, no matter how many multiverses we end up in. But I can’t blame her for trying—every version of me knows a good thing when they see it."
You couldn’t help but smile. After all, no matter how many versions of Gambit there were, the one right in front of you was the one you’d choose, every time.
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picturejasper20 · 5 months
A lot of people in the phandom talk about how Season 3 was when Danny Phantom went downfall, and while i agree with the idea, i believe that the series was starting to show some of these cracks in Season 2 that later collapsed on Season 3.
For starters, we have the Season 2 first episode ¨Memory Blank¨, whose main purpose was to give Danny a logo in his suit so they had to make the portal explode on him again. It is an episode that doesn't much sense in the timeline and it is very confusing. It doesn't change much aside from Danny having a logo.
Later we have episodes like ¨Reign Storm¨ and ¨The Ultimate Enemy¨, considered to be the peak episodes from the series by many for a reason. The issue with these episodes is that they were setting up for pretty interesting things- but they never had a proper paid off. I have talked before about how the Ring of Rage and Crown of Fire never appear again after Reign Storm in spite of how important they were. There isn't any mention of them in the episodes that followed. The same goes to The Ultimate Enemy, a mutual of mine, @pedanticat, pointed out how the special was setting up for Clockwork to be a mentor figure for Danny, which didn't get much followed except for a later episode.
While "The Fright Before Christmas" has some good moments, it is frustrating how Danny has to put up with Jack and Maddie's childish argument that ruins for him and Jazz what should be a special time of the year. It is quite gross that a 14 year old teenager has to deal with something like this and the adults are never called out for it.
I do enjoy "Secret Weapons" a lot but one main issue it has is that it semi rewrites Jazz's character, making her be incompetent at ghost hunting when in previous episodes (My Brother's Keeper and Maternal Instincs) and later ones she isn't seen having this same kind of issue with using fenton gadgets. I believe it was written like this so the status quo wouldn't change much in the show.
From here is where things start to get more messy, with "Beauty Marked" having very cool things but giving a mixed message regarding gender (potraying all girls who like fashion and buy clothes as brainless and Sam being the only girl who is clever). Not terrible since it still fun to watch but questionable in message.
"Masters of All Time": Another dumb alternative plotline episode that doesn't add much to the series and was a whole wasted of opportunity of showing how Jack and Maddie's relationship with Vlad used to be before the proto-portal accident. Pretty insulting to previous characterization established for Vlad as antagonist among of a lot other weird messages and implications. Not much else to add that hasn't been said before in my blog or by some of my DP mutuals.
"Double Cross My Heart": I don't remember a lot of this one but i do know i didn't like the whole idea of Danny stalking Sam + ¨If someone else that isn't Danny likes Sam, it means that they are faking it¨. I do know that as whole this appears to be one of the most disliked episodes from the series.
"Reality Trip": Looking back this episode has a lot of really cool things, specially some exploration of Freakshow's characterization and Jack and Maddie as parents. The GIW being main antagonists is great too. The whole problem that brings this whole special down is that the events that take place don't have any real impact and most of the characters, including Jack and Maddie, lost their memories of learning about Danny's identity as Phantom. This has to be one of the most insulting moves the series did, all because for the sake of keeping the main status quo. It makes me wonder why Kindred Spirits couldn't have been the double part episode instead, since it is related to one of main plotlines (Why Vlad gave Valerie all that gear) and is about one of the main antagonists (Vlad Masters), something that was a lot more important that Freakshow.
As you can see, Season 2 was already starting to show problems that later defined the writing of Season 3. You have things like inconsistent characterization (From Secret Weapons to Masters of All Time), lack of proper continuity ( What i already said of Reign Storm ending and also Valerie not having a major role after Flirting With Disaster) and episodes with weird timeline plotlines that go nowhere and don't have a real impact. (Memory Blank, Masters of All Time and Reality Trip) It is a season that, aside from the first episode, it stays pretty well until the first half, then in the second half it kinda falls apart, with having some episodes that are pretty solid and others that are a mess for different reasons.
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gaywriterthings · 29 days
SquidBob Master List: Your SpongeBob SquarePants Guide to SquidBob Episodes
NOTE: Some episodes that focus on Squidward and SpongeBob's relationship are not counted either because of there being other characters directly involved too* (like "Naughty Nautical Neighbors"), Squidward is only shown to dislike/strongly hate SpongeBob or their relationship is not painted in a very positive light (like "Restraining SpongeBob" or "Employee of the Month"), their relationship is painted in a pretty neutral light/there's nothing special to note there** (like "Just One Bite"), the episode is focused mainly on Squidward (like "Squid's Day Off"), or because of the episode just being bad/universally disliked or there being a bunch of Squidward torture (like "Smoothe Jazz In Bikini Bottom" or "Abandon Twits"). I made this list to focus on their friendship and for people who like the ship, so only episodes that actively do that a positive are going to be listed, even if they just have one notable scene.
I will also provide descriptions for those who don't just want to watch the episodes for themselves, so that means there will be spoilers ahead. The descriptions of the episodes will be focused on Squidward (with a few exceptions), as it's far, far, far more apparent in the show how much love and care comes from SpongeBob's side of the relationship. What I want to highlight here is that there's a lot of love and care coming from Squidward's side too, despite how less it's shown.
*One episode I was thinking about including, season 11's "Mustard O' Mine," was removed because it technically falls under this category. However, I will label it before we begin as an honorable mention, as it's a Krusty Krab related adventure starring SpongeBob, Squidward, and Patrick where Squidward gets along very, very well with both of his neighbors and is shown to be incredibly happy for a good chunk of the episode's time. It is very good by season 11's standards.
**Another episode I was thinking about including, season 13's "Food PBBFT! Truck," was removed because it technically falls under this category, as I surprisingly couldn't find anything special to note about it during my rewatch. I wanted to label it as another honorable mention though, since it's one of those "SpongeBob and Squidward Krusty Krab adventures," one of my favorite episode genres. It's like "SpongeBob in RandomLand," but more tame and taking place in Rock Bottom. It is pretty good by season 13's standards.
I will try my best as someone who's shipped SpongeBob and Squidward for years to remain unbiased, only stating the facts of what happens in each episode and none of my personal opinions or interpretations, other than an emoji to let you know which ones are my favorites. However, if you would like to know more about what I think of any particular episode on this list, please let me know and I will be very, very happy to talk about it.
With all that said, please enjoy!
⭐️ - Classic Episode
🍔 - Krusty Krab Related Episode/Adventure
🩵 - Caring Squidward
💕 - My Personal Favorites/Recommendations
❣️ - Specific Notable Scene
1. ⭐️🍔🩵💕 Pizza Delivery - Season 1
As the title suggests, Squidward is thrust into a pizza delivery with SpongeBob, during which two quickly get lost, and he makes known how adamant he is of disliking the entire situation. However, in the end, when he watches a customer act terribly mean to SpongeBob for forgetting a drink he never even ordered, Squidward is immediately shown to be worried about him. Upon seeing him break, fall to the ground, and sob, Squidward becomes furious, and pays the customer his karma for what he had driven SpongeBob to by slamming his pizza in his face.
2. ⭐️🩵❣️ SB-129 - Season 1
Though this episode happened because Squidward was trying to get away from SpongeBob, in the end, when there's no way for Squidward to get back home, he realizes just how much he actually misses him. Saying so out loud is what ultimately does bring him back home, where he then tells SpongeBob (and Patrick) they don't know how happy he is to see them.
3. ⭐️🩵❣️ Fools In April - Season 1
Though Squidward pulled a horrible prank on SpongeBob in this episode that drove him to tears, he soon begins to feel very bad about it, saying he never meant to make SpongeBob cry. However, he has difficulty telling him he's sorry, but his conscience and sheer amount of guilt eventually drive him to run to SpongeBob's house and shout through the door, saying three times he's sorry and that he never meant to hurt him, but in fact likes him, likes living next door, and likes hearing his foghorn alarm in the morning and his high pitched giggling at night.
4. ⭐️🩵💕 Dying For Pie - Season 2
Once Squidward is told by Mr. Krabs that SpongeBob is going to die by the end of the day, he immediately becomes very scared and worried. He begins to freak out and cry, and tells Krabs that he's going to "make SpongeBob's final hours the best he's ever had", and that there's gonna be so much love "he's gonna drown in it". He then asks SpongeBob what the most fun thing he can think of is and spends the entire day with him doing everything on his "friendship list," a list he keeps of the fun things he likes to do. It is incredibly obvious just how much Squidward genuinely doesn't want SpongeBob to die, and when he finally thinks he has, he immediately begins to sob. He shows nothing but care for him almost the entire episode.
5. ⭐️ Squidville - Season 2
Though Squidward finally moves out of Conch Street in this episode, he's quickly shown to find his new life in Tentacle Acres boring and repetitive. SpongeBob is still on his mind, something as simple as the sound of a reef blower making Squidward think he's there. He realizes he prefers the life on Conch Street with someone like SpongeBob, as different from him he may be, rather than the life in Tentacle Acres with other octopi just like him. In the end, he becomes the "SpongeBob" of Tentacle Acres before ultimately moving back home by the next episode.
6. ⭐️🩵💕 Christmas Who? - Season 2
Despite how jerky Squidward acts towards SpongeBob in this special, once SpongeBob tells him he made something for him so he "wouldn't be left out when Santa came", his whole attitude changes. Once he opens the gift and calls it "the greatest gift he has ever gotten,” Squidward realizes how just awful he'd been acting. He realizes all SpongeBob had wanted was to spread a little joy, and despite still not liking the holiday, Squidward then dresses up as Santa to convince SpongeBob his wish really did come true. He tells him that he was the one who brought Christmas to Bikini Bottom, causing him to become so happy he faints. Squidward then keeps this Santa charade up for the rest of the episode, "giving away all his stuff just so SpongeBob wouldn't be sad." The episode ends with Squidward playing the clarinet SpongeBob had made for him.
7. ⭐️🍔💕 Graveyard Shift - Season 2
SpongeBob and Squidward are together the entire episode and get along fairly well, with Squidward teasing SpongeBob and telling him a fake story to scare him during the night shift, letting him know it was a joke when he got too scared. Later on when they believe the story had become real, Squidward holds on to SpongeBob and tells him he's "always sort of liked him."
8. ⭐️🍔💕 Krab Borg - Season 3
SpongeBob and Squidward get along very well in this episode. When SpongeBob tells Squidward he believes Mr. Krabs is a robot, Squidward, although not really believing him, keeps up conversation with him and goes along with his attempts to prove to him that Krabs is a robot. After Squidward is finally convinced, he works together with SpongeBob to interrogate who they think is Robot Krabs and get him to tell them what he did with the Real Krabs. After SpongeBob tells Squidward that the robots in the scary movie he watched that led to all this ended up being in the characters' imagination, he makes up a lie to excuse himself and leaves Squidward behind with an angry Krabs, and he doesn't even get mad at him for doing so.
9. ⭐️❣️ Born Again Krabs - Season 3
After Mr. Krabs breaks his deal with the Flying Dutchman, he angrily shows up at the Krusty Krab. After SpongeBob sticks up for him, the Flying Dutchman tells Krabs that he'll give him another chance if he helps him settle a bet. He then makes him choose between SpongeBob and all the money he has in his pocket- which ends up being 62 cents- and Krabs immediately chooses the money. After the Flying Dutchman takes SpongeBob to Davy Jones's locker, Squidward is angry at Krabs for letting it happen and stands up for SpongeBob. He tells Krabs he should be ashamed of himself for what he had done, and makes him feel remorse for his actions.
10. ⭐️💕 The Two Faces of Squidward - Season 5
SpongeBob and Squidward get along very, very well the whole episode. Though Squidward is initially angry at SpongeBob for hitting him with a door and landing him in the hospital, once he realizes he has become handsome, he leaves the hospital with SpongeBob and hangs out with him for the rest of the day. Squidward is smiling the entire time, not once finding SpongeBob's presence annoying or getting angry at him. The next day, when Squidward realizes the Bikini Bottomites adore him too much, he runs to SpongeBob's house to get away from them and ask him for help.
11. ❣️ Keep Bikini Bottom Beautiful - Season 7
When SpongeBob offers to help Squidward with his community service, he cleans up every single piece of trash in town for him. Squidward is shown to be very shocked and grateful and tells SpongeBob he "hates him a little less now," to which SpongeBob tears up at and tells him it was a "beautiful thing to say". Even after Squidward finds out what he had done with all the trash, in the end, when he sees it had caused Squilliam's statue to melt, he thanks SpongeBob a third time.
12. 🩵❣️ Sponge-Cano! - Season 7
After SpongeBob sings a song to Squidward all about being grateful for the life he is living, Squidward tells him that "being his neighbor leaves him with nothing to be grateful for." He soon tells him he doesn't want his help ever again, and SpongeBob obeys his wishes. However, as the episode nears its end and Squidward is about to fall into a volcano and SpongeBob is the only one who can help him out, he lets him know that he does appreciate his friendship and he is grateful, even quoting his song and saying "I am grateful for the life I am living, who knows how long I will have it?" and reminding him that he learned that from him. After SpongeBob pulls Squidward to safety, he tells him he always knew he felt that way and thanks him for opening up to them.
13. Love That Squid - Season 7
This episode is all about Squidward crushing on a sophisticated female octopus named Squilvia. SpongeBob offers to help him when he has difficulty asking her out, and he lists to Squilvia all the reasons why one should want to date Squidward, concluding with the fact that he knows "anyone who is lucky enough to go on a romantical date with him would get to experience things on a whole 'nother and very special level". After this gets Squilvia to agree to go on a date with Squidward, SpongeBob puts on a wig and a dress and takes Squidward on a "practice date" to prepare him for his real one. Squidward goes along with this, and stays fairly calm throughout the whole date. Though he does get angry at SpongeBob at the end, when he realizes Squilvia had overheard his outburst and finds him dreamy because of it, his anger immediately fades and he gushes to SpongeBob about it, leaving him happy for him.
14. Are You Happy Now? - Season 8
SpongeBob acts nothing but nice, caring, calm, and patient towards Squidward in this episode, more so than he has in any other. Concerned after Squidward tells him he doesn't have a happiest memory, the two cry together before SpongeBob offers to help him create one, which Squidward accepts. With each try, something goes wrong the second Squidward begins to feel happy that instantly crushes his mood, but nothing that happens is SpongeBob's fault in any way. When the two return to Conch Street, Squidward concludes that he will never have a happiest memory and retreats into his house for two weeks. Not once during those two weeks does SpongeBob invade Squidward's personal space or try to check up on him like he would in any other situation. He lets him have that time to himself because he understands he needs to leave him alone, and only tries to get a hold of him once he becomes concerned and fears the worst.
15. 💕 Hello Bikini Bottom! - Season 8
In this special, SpongeBob and Squidward go on tour with Mr. Krabs as their cheap manager and Patrick as their dimwitted roadie. Though there are a lot of things in this episode that don't necessarily go Squidward's way and he was shown to complain a lot, he got along fairly well with SpongeBob almost the entire time. It was evident in his face how happy he was during his first gig when he was duetting with him in the supermarket. More and more things begin to go wrong on their tour, however, and after their tour bus drives off a cliff suffering a flat tire with no spares available, Squidward finally decides he's had enough and begins to walk back home to Bikini Bottom. Saddened after his failed attempts at getting him to stay, SpongeBob hops up onto the top of the bus with his ukulele and begins singing a song directed at Squidward with a self-explanatory title of "Never Give Up." About 40 seconds in, the song turns into a duet between the two of them, during which Squidward decides to turn around and head back to SpongeBob. The song ends with the two of them playing their instruments together, and comes to a close after Squidward joins SpongeBob on the top of the tour bus. Squidward is pleasantly surprised at the way their duet sounded, telling SpongeBob "that was actually kind of good", before the two raise their hands to high five.
16. 🍔 The Sewers of Bikini Bottom - Season 9
SpongeBob and Squidward get along pretty well basically right from the start of the episode. Almost immediately, they begin to have a sort of childlike fun together flushing random stuff down the toilet in the Krusty Krab's bathroom, smiling wide and laughing. When they accidentally flush Mr. Krabs' safe containing the secret formula, however, they begin to freak out and Squidward tells SpongeBob to go retrieve it. After he steps into the toilet and flushes himself, Squidward realizes the severity of what he had done, and tells himself that flushing SpongeBob down the toilet was "despicable, even for him," and then flushes himself to go after him. As the two of them begin to make their way through the sewers, they continue to get along well, and Squidward goes along with every little thing that happens without question, remaining fairly chill about his situation right up to the end of the episode.
17. ❣️ The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water
Whenever SpongeBob and Squidward are together in this movie, they get along pretty well. After SpongeBob turns them all into superheroes, Squidward loves how buff he becomes, and is very upset to lose all that muscle when they return home to Bikini Bottom. Back there, however, SpongeBob tells him not to be sad and that he left him a little surprise under his shirt. After Squidward lifts his shirt to reveal rock hard abs, he smiles wide and playfully punches SpongeBob on the shoulder, telling him he's "okay in his book."
18. Out of the Picture - Season 10
SpongeBob is the only one in this episode to show genuine interest in and love of Squidward's art, both convincing Mr. Krabs to hold Squidward's art show at his restaurant and buying one of his paintings because "he loves it". Despite the things Mr. Krabs puts Squidward through in this episode, he doesn't catch on to the fact that Krabs is trying to get him killed and remains pretty chill about it all. That is, until Krabs gives up and just starts chasing him with a mallet, during which SpongeBob is on Squidward's side and is determined to keep him safe no matter what. All in all, the two get along very well the entire episode.
19. 🍔 The Check-Up - Season 11
In this episode, SpongeBob and Squidward work together to give Mr. Krabs his physical without his knowledge because of his fear of check-ups. While working together, the two get along well, and Squidward never really gets mad at SpongeBob at any point in the episode.
20. 💕 Squid Noir - Season 11
SpongeBob and Squidward become hard- boiled detectives in this episode, getting along fairly well the entire time. They work together, side by side the whole episode, to solve the mystery of who stole Squidward's clarinet after it goes missing.
21. 🍔 Bottle Burglars - Season 11
SpongeBob and Squidward get along pretty well the entire episode. After they accidentally throw away the secret formula and Plankton finds it, they work together to sneak into the Chum Bucket to steal it back. Though they fail, Squidward goes basically the entire episode without complaining or getting mad at SpongeBob, simply just working with him to accomplish what they need to.
22. 🍔 Sanitation Insanity - Season 11
After a trash problem at the Krusty Krab, Mr. Krabs is sentenced to pick up all of the trash around Bikini Bottom. Instead of doing so himself, he orders SpongeBob and Squidward to do it for him. Though Squidward makes it known that he doesn't want to do that job, he gets along well with SpongeBob the entire time, simply going along with everything that comes his way.
23. 🩵❣️ Appointment TV - Season 11
In this episode, SpongeBob is in a rush to get home after a long day at work to watch a never before seen episode of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy that is airing on TV that night. However, he is constantly stopped by people asking for his help, and by the time he finally gets home, he has missed the airing and finds that his VCR had gone haywire, causing things to burst into flames and rendering him unable to watch the episode. He begins to cry loudly and says his life now has no meaning, and all of his friends- including Squidward- immediately begin to feel guilty for taking advantage of him and his kindness. They then work together to create a live performance of the episode for him, Squidward reprising his role of Dr. Negative from the season 10 episode "Mermaid Pants," and SpongeBob, in tears by the time the show is over, tells them he "loved the love they showed him."
24. 🩵❣️ Pineapple RV - Season 12
Although Squidward is mad with SpongeBob (and Patrick) almost the entire episode, near the end when he leaves them in the woods and starts to drive back home without them, he immediately begins to worry about their safety. Quickly, he turns around and drives back to frantically search for them, only to be met with the sounds of their screams from inside of a nearby cave. He then runs into the cave, delivering a karate chop to one of the sea bears inside- despite the fact that he is terrified of them, shown in the season 3 episode "The Camping Episode"- and shouts "Don't you dare eat those morons!"
25. 🍔 SpongeBob In RandomLand - Season 12
Despite how many weird and random things happen to SpongeBob and Squidward in this episode, Squidward goes along with every single thing like they're common occurrences, barely ever complaining and simply just working with SpongeBob to accomplish what they're in RandomLand to do. The two get along well the entire adventure.
26. Pat Hearts Squid - Season 12
Though this episode is focused on Squidward and Patrick's relationship, when Squidward is enraged after Patrick becomes "a better Squidward," SpongeBob is on his next door neighbor's side. He gives him good advice on how to deal with his situation, Squidward is very grateful (showing so by picking SpongeBob up and air-kissing him), and he gladly hangs out with SpongeBob as he follows his advice.
27. 🍔💕 Bubble Bass's Tab - Season 12
In this episode, Mr. Krabs sends SpongeBob and Squidward to Bubble Bass's house to collect his tab after he refuses to pay it. Squidward is the most determined to complete this task, starting off by kicking down the door to his house- which SpongeBob calls "masculine," and Squidward briefly gets flustered at. Once they're inside, Bubble Bass tells them he'll pay the money he owes if they play a board game called the Three Deadly Challenges with him. SpongeBob, who loves the game, immediately agrees, but Squidward doesn't want to go along with it, questioning why SpongeBob is giving Bubble Bass the upper hand while he's the one that owes them money. He gives in, however, when he sees how much SpongeBob really wants to play. He then plays alongside him in a life size version of the Three Deadly Challenges, going along with each one and eventually actually getting really into it with the help of SpongeBob's imagination, defeating Bubble Bass at last. The episode ends back at the Krusty Krab with SpongeBob and Squidward happily dancing the tango together.
28. 🩵💕❣️ The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run
After Mr. Krabs, Plankton, Sandy, and Squidward find out that SpongeBob and Patrick are going to be executed in the Lost City of Atlantic City, they rush over to save them. Even though Squidward says he's just going to see Kelpy G, he says his piece to Poseidon and his audience to try and convince them to save SpongeBob's life when they arrive. He says that even though he can't stand him, he loves him. Though he calls him annoying, he also calls him sweet and nice. Finally, he concludes by calling him his friend, and saying that he doesn't deserve to die. This brings the audience to tears and makes SpongeBob incredibly happy.
29. Squidferatu - Season 13
After SpongeBob finds out that Squidward has been getting Nosferatu's mail for years, he lets him know he needs to deliver it to him and Squidward tells him to come along. Once they finally arrive at Nosferatu's castle, Slappy tells them that they need to spend the night due to "inclement weather." However, the two soon believe that Nosferatu is trying to attack them, and they run through the castle, working together to figure out how to stay safe. They get along pretty well the entire episode.
30. Mandatory Music - Season 13
In this episode, Squidward lands himself in a court ordered music class for his poor clarinet playing. SpongeBob ends up being in the class as well, wanting to practice playing his nose, and nearing the end of the episode, Squidward has shown no improvement and his clarinet is forcibly destroyed. SpongeBob comforts him when he is crying, offering him a tissue, and once he blows his nose, it is found to create trumpet noises. SpongeBob starts cheering him on, telling him he's "finally found his instrument." After Squidward is declared the "most improved student in the class", he smiles, and the episode transitions to him giving a public performance with his nose playing. SpongeBob continues to cheer him on the loudest, and the episode ends with Squidward wiping a tear from his eye and happily continuing on playing.
31. ❣️ Swimming Fools - Season 13
Though Squidward was mad at and rude to SpongeBob at a couple points in this episode, near the end he calms down and becomes soft and apologetic. He comes clean to SpongeBob about using his pool without his permission, admitting to him how jealous he was of it. SpongeBob then comforts a crying Squidward and lets him know that they're "best neighbors", and that he can use his pool "any time, day or night". Squidward then smiles and thanks him.
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little-pondhead · 2 years
Fenton Family on Vacation (part 1)
Original Post⬅️
"You know, when you revealed yourself as Phantom, I thought it would be much harder to adjust." Madeline Fenton, ghost-hunting extraordinaire and mother of two, stared at the swirling green portal in her basement. Despite building the darn thing herself, with its glowing wires and simple design, Maddie felt like she was seeing the whole thing for the first time.
It was late afternoon on a Saturday. At least, Maddie assumed so. She hadn't stepped foot outside their lab for a while now. Too busy modifying all their ghost-hunting equipment. The blinking red numbers of the digital clock on their desk said it was almost six in the evening. Then again, it has been six in the evening for the past several months. The clock was very much broken, and no one had bothered to fix it. 
It was summer, so the time spent in the Fenton lab drastically increased. And with the reveal of their son Danny, Maddie practically breathed ectoplasm with the amount of time she was spending in the basement. Danny said it was no big deal, but both Fenton parents were determined to re-evaluate their research and inventions completely. Basically, starting from scratch. 
So imagine her surprise when, two days ago, both Jazz and Danny sat them down to propose a memorable family vacation. 
And for some reason, she couldn't say no. Was it her guilt? They were prepared to shell out the money for any dream destination the kids proposed. But no, Danny had invited them to a different dimension via the Ghost Zone. This was tremendous progress, not just in her relationship with her kids but also for their new research. (Let's not mention the headache she got from learning parallel dimensions exist.)
Apparently, the kids had been planning this for a while because now everyone was packed and armed to the teeth, two days later. Jazz had taken care of the logistics-when to leave, how to get there, what to bring. Danny was the one to choose the location since he was the most familiar with the Ghost Zone. Maddie learned much later that he had just thrown a dart at a lineup of names on a corkboard.  
"Are you sure it's okay for us to enter?" Maddie looked concerned.
"Yeah! It'll be fun, mom!" Danny reassured. "It's just a week off-I've always wanted to show you the cool parts of the Ghost Zone without the immediate threat of horrible death." Maddie gave her son the stink eye. He was grinning a bit too innocently for her liking.
"Well, I think it'll be a great bonding experience!" Jack announced, winking at Danny. Badly. "Someone was being a little paranoid about the mall trip yesterday; I hardly got a chance to spoil our new little princess."
Ah, yes, their new granddaughter. Danielle. Maddie had been furious to discover how horrible Vlad had been to her family. Attempting to murder her husband, trying to recruit Danny as a weird evil son/apprentice, outright disrespecting and dismissing Jazz's existence, and wanting to marry her?? "Furious" was putting it lightly. The man slept with a doll version of herself, for heaven's sake! And then Danny just offendedly mentions that Vlad had cloned him. Several times. Only one clone survived; a little girl with no identity of her own. And here was her son sheepishly asking if they might consider letting the clone stay? Even for a little? She was traveling around right now but didn't really have a place to call home-
Maddie and Jack immediately offered to adopt the girl into the family as their youngest. 
(Jazz giggled. "Danny already beat you to it. They tried being cousins at first, but he acts like a total dad around her—the fastest case of ghost adoption that I've ever seen. Instead of a new child, Elle's more like a new grandchild.")
Danny blushed, hunching his shoulders in. "I don't know if Elle wants to be a grandkid-we haven't talked about it, really."
The trio startled and turned, watching the last two of the Fenton family work their way down the stairs into the lab. Jazz was gripping her backpack in one hand and Elle's arm in the other, using her superhuman strength to keep Elle in line. Probably so Elle wouldn't run down the stairs and permanently kill herself. Jack quietly chuckled at the sight of Elle's ghost-themed backpack, so painstakingly picked out the day before. It was a tad too big and looked just adorable on her. A few tiny blob ghosts floating around her head whizzed in excitement, sometimes using the backpack as a place to hide. Maddie, personally, loved the pink light-up sneakers that Elle showed off as much as possible. Her husband had done well shopping by himself. 
It was evident Elle was excited about the trip. Despite all her travels abroad, satisfying her wanderlust, she'd never been to another dimension. When they had reached the bottom, Elle phased out of Jazz's grip, bolting to collide with Jack in a hug. "Yesterday was loads of fun." She exclaimed. "I loved shopping around for new stuff. And if being Danny's kid means I get two new grandparents in the deal, then I'm taking it."
Danny made a face. "But isn't it weird to have a dad so close in age to you? What if people look at you weird?"
Jazz snorted at her brother's words, picking her way around the lab mess. "Danny, you'd be the one they would look at funny. A fifteen-year-old-"
"I'm almost sixteen!"
"A fifteen-year-old who has a physically thirteen-year-old daughter? People will be ready to call CPS."
"And besides!" Elle detangled herself from Jack's grip and stomped over to Maddie with a shit-eating grin as she looked at her dad. "Technically, I'm only a year old. You're not going to leave your poor, unstable clone daughter alone in the world to fend for herself, right?" Danny just grumbled. Something about not even being old enough to drive. 
Maddie cooed a bit and enjoyed the hug from her new granddaughter. It was cold but in a good way. Elle's response was a low hum that vibrated through her body. It reminded Maddie of a cat's purr.
"I've been meaning to ask," Maddie said. Elle clung tighter as she adjusted her grip. "What is ghost adoption?? You mentioned that before when explaining your relationship with Elle."
Their son shuffled his feet a little. "Uh, it basically means my core has connected to hers in a parental way, I guess." He was obviously nervous. "When we first met, even before I knew Elle was a clone, my core recognized her as a "baby ghost," so to speak. There was enough of a connection that I kind of adopted her subconsciously."
"But it doesn't happen with between all ghosts." Jazz cut in. It felt like their eldest was giving them a lecture on this and that every week. "Frostbite explained it a while ago, something about similar cores and ambient ectoplasm. Kind of like pack bonding?"
Maddie nodded, barely following. "And Frostbite...you said we were visiting this person?"
Danny perked up, actually floating a few feet off the ground in excitement. "Frostbite is the best! He's the leader of the Far Frozen and looks like a giant yeti. He helped me figure a bunch of things out and makes the best cocoa."
"Well, I'm excited to meet him."
And they were. Going through the portal was an experience and a half. It wasn't the first time they'd done this, but it was still memorable. Danny and Elle had gone ghost and chased each other around the Specter Speeder while Jazz piloted, hunched over the steering wheel. The Ghost Zone was a wonderful mix of greens and purples; Jack lamented his lack of a camera.
("We don't want to give Technus something to use." Tucker explained. Danny's friends had come by to help them all pack properly. "The Fenton Cameras haven't been ghost-proofed all the way, and Technus is an insufferable b-uh, idiot when he manages to get his hands on new tech. I'll never hear the end of it.")
It was just so much colder than they expected. The "Far Frozen" certainly lived up to its name. So did Frostbite and his legendary cocoa. The giant yeti (did he count as a ghost??) also took the opportunity to give each Fenton a checkup (ghosts have doctors???) to make sure everyone was healthy enough for inter-dimensional travel. They were, and Frostbite even handed over a few extra vials of pure ectoplasm to tide the kids over in case they didn't land near a natural source in the new dimension. Jack and Maddie took a few vials each, one for each of their ghost kids, and Jazz just tucked hers away in her luggage with a little pat.
Then they were off sightseeing. Understandably, most of Danny's allies were a bit wary around the (mostly former) ghost hunters but did their best to hide it. Jack and Maddie got to meet Princess Dorathea, who could turn into a freaking dragon how cool was that, Jack-
There was Pandora, a towering woman with blue skin and four arms. She took a liking to Maddie and gifted her an engraved xiphos. "To match her fighting spirit." The woman explained. She did not tell anyone what the engraving meant. At some point, they saw a towering castle in the distance. It was hard to see, but the towers looked like spiraling ice. Jack asked about it.
"Oh, that's nothing special." Danny waved them off. "Don't worry about it. We DO need to worry about Walker's prison, so duck down for a bit. He doesn't like it when the living are in his territory." Maddie didn't bother pushing the subject, so they moved on.
Then there was Wulf, a werewolf who could make portals and was the kids' teacher on that subject. Jazz was especially excited, greeting Wulf with a bear hug. (Maddie vaguely remembered something about her daughter being a werewolf now, but she very rarely changed while in the living world. Maddie had almost forgotten.) Jack was pleasantly surprised to learn Wulf spoke Esperanto. In fact, that was the only thing he could speak. It turns out Esperanto was something Jack had learned during their college days. The two hit it off, and Jack had to be dragged away from whatever conversation they were having.
Time moved a bit sluggishly, but eventually, they got around to "the least annoying ones." Elle had a blast messing with someone named Fright Knight, who just kept calling her 'my lady' for some reason. Danny got a few potshots in when one of his rouges (was that a robot?) got too close to the Speeder. They met Ghost Writer, Amorpho, Lunch Lady, Nocturne, Technus, Ember, Cujo, and a few others. Their final stop was Clockwork's.
The flight there was exceptionally long. It felt like forever, yet the clock in the Speeder only moved forward five minutes. Jazz explained that this was Clockwork's influence. He was the Master of Time, and the closer they got to his lair, the weirder time was. Eventually, the Fenton family arrived. Clockwork's lair was, well, a clock tower.
("Really, I don't know what we expected, Maddie.")
It was dark and green, sitting on a tiny island they could barely land on. Ectoplasm was thick in the air; Maddie was sure that if she weren't already ecto-contaminated, it would have been increasingly difficult to breathe. Multiple ticking sounds filled the air as if the tower was filled with nothing but clocks. Maddie took a wild guess and thought it probably was. A glowing green sticky note drew their attention as they approached the door.
Danny scowled as he read the note. "Daniel, something has come up with the Observants. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't make the Watchtower your new haunt. A natural portal will open next to the Speeder. Enjoy your vacation, Clockwork. Drat, I was hoping he'd be home. I really wanted you to meet him."
Maddie pats his shoulder. "It's okay. I'm sure we'll find time later." Elle giggled at the pun.
"I know." He sighed. "It's just, he can be so cryptic. Why would I make a watchtower my new haunt? I've never even been to a real watchtower! But the note says a natural portal will spawn next to the Speeder so that we can wait for that."
"You mean this portal?"
Jazz was closely examining a small tear in reality that had popped into existence next to her foot. It was small and low to the ground. Small enough that the Specter Speeder definitely couldn't get through. Maddie doubted they'd be going in all at once.
Elle peered over her shoulder. "That's it! Come on, old man, I'll race you!" She dove in without waiting for a reply.
"DANIELLE MADELINE FENTON!" Danny immediately chased after, disappearing into a swirl of green.
"Oh yeah, she's definitely related." Jazz said. "Come on. I'll follow behind once you two go through." Maddie looked at Jack, and Jack looked at Maddie. Fine with them.
Jack went first, knuckles tight from gripping his bag straps, doing his best to suck in his gut before dropping out of existence. Maddie went next, standing on tiptoes and still having Jazz bend down to press a kiss to her cheek before she left. "Make sure to lock up the Speeder."
Jazz smiled, her eyes glowing with the barest hint of green. She had a hand on the Fenton thermos clipped to her belt and if Maddie squinted, she could see the barest outline of a crown on her head. "See you on the other side, mom."
Maddie stepped into the portal, feeling nothing but open air, and fell through.
(the fix was kind of rushed but there is an extra line or two now that actually mentions it)
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Hi, again. 👋
I found the post you were talking about. The stan's account was deactivated, but yeesh. 😬 Nice replies to them, btw.
The stan that bashed on me said I was being misogynistic, even though I'm a black woman who just wanted to see another black character get their chance to shine.
Hell, it's not just the shows and movies (I think this all started with Endgame). It's also the Steve Rogers musical too. I don't know if you know about it, but Disney made the musical real, and it really did Sam and Bucky dirty.
Sam isn't even in it. Maybe he was mentioned once, but the musical showed an image of Sam as Captain America. As for Bucky, his scene from CA:TFA, where he saved pre-serum Steve, was given to Peggy instead. Bucky was mentioned once, and the musical tried to justify Steve's ending from Endgame. All for this ship.
And, frankly, I don't hate Peggy, I'm just more annoyed that other characters get shoved aside as well as this great dynamic that Steve and Bucky had, while she and her ship with Steve has been getting propped up more and more. But, seeing some of your and the others' posts, I get why you guys don't like her.
Girl, don’t get me started on the abomination that was Rogers the musical. It could have been glorious, it had so much potential, but once again Bucky’s role in Steve’s story was given to Peggy, and Sam wasn’t even there!
I feel like Marvel feels the need to tone down Stucky or their friendship overall because it was just too powerful. We all remember the hashtag that begged Marvel to make Stucky Canon, #givecaptainamericaaboyfriend. They just couldn’t let it happen, not to a main and important character like Steve, god forbid. And so ever since civil war Stucky has always had little to no scenes together no matter how well established it was in previous projects. All their scenes and dynamic were given to Peggy, their friendship was toned down, Steve’s whole ending happened. It just feels like Stucky is so menacing to Marvel that the only way to stop us is by destroying Steve, Bucky and their relationship.
I mean, Steve is given no justice in his ending and in all the other projects he appeared in. Bucky went from a victim and prisoner of war to someone who must make amends for things that were beyond his control. And the depth of their friendship was toned down and reduced every time Peggy was involved. And then they wonder why many people in the fandom dislike Peggy or why the whole Rogers the musical initiative flopped the second it went beyond Hawkeye.
Like, even if you don’t ship Stucky you can tell that they care for each other, and you can tell there was a shift after people actually wanted Marvel to take action and do something about this dynamic. Steve can’t get even one episode as his own character because Peggy must be there. Bucky had more luck, but still… and let’s not even talk about Sam, his only appearance was as a zombie!
In another post of mine I ranted about how bothered I was that Peggy was inserted in the 1602 storyline, and i haven’t changed my mind. It would have been so nice to give Steve one episode about himself, about his dynamic with his best friend and about the relationship with himself and his fellow avengers. But no, Peggy must be there too, and for no good reason as well.
I feel like Marvel trying to erase pre-existing relationships to have Peggy shine only results in fans turning their back on Marvel and hiding in fanfiction or whatever piece of media that can actually bring justice to the characters. Once someone on Tumblr said “you gave us the characters, but once you mess them up they’re not yours anymore. You don’t understand and respect them, therefore you don’t deserve them.” and I couldn’t agree more, which is why I am currently reading and writing fanfiction rather than buying into everything marvel gives us.
Peggy was the love interest with more screen time even before what if and all that jazz, she had her own show! And I fear that the day Marvel will realize that pushing a reimagined Nazi turned Mary Sue into every single what if episode where she can fit instead of enhancing the characters that are actually relevant in-universe it will be too late.
Sorry about the rant, I get carried away when it’s about my boys lol
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