#we get a Pearl Pod!!
six-eyed-samurai · 4 months
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SUMMARY: Romeo and Juliet but shark merman!Genya x mermaid!Reader. A/N: I too have no idea how it spiraled into angst but it is what it is so enjoy! I realized it was gonna get too long so expect Part II soon (I swear it'll get better). WARNINGS: none
“Where the bloody hell are you off to at this time of the bleeping night?”
Ironic, Genya thought wryly, that sailors on the seas were Sanemi’s sworn enemies but his language was just as filthy as theirs, albeit he was sober (mostly, at any rate; when Obanai came around it was another story). He exhaled sharply, before plastering an innocent expression that failed terribly when he caught the suspicious look on his elder brother’s face as he turned around.
Sanemi glared at him from the entrance of their family home, evidently having woken up when Genya sneaked out. Violet eyes crankily clouded by sleep and his white hair even wilder than usual, Sanemi looked as forgiving as the fishermen that would catch them in their nets and sell them off for their fins. He prayed his brother hadn’t alerted their mother of his night time wanderings and that Sanemi would think this was the first time he was doing this.
“For a swim, I can’t sleep.” Genya’s eye twitched but he blinked to disguise it. He hated lying to his older brother, hell, anyone really, but he had no choice.
He didn’t mind if Sanemi was going to drag him back in screaming bloody murder by his ear fins and threaten to add a few more scars to the ones already criss-crossing both their bodies and chop off his fins to make soup with for disobeying their mother’s curfew rule, although now that he thought about it…it was a little scary.
But it was fine!
As long as she was safe from the numerous wraths that would be incurred if anyone found out what Genya really had been doing at night, he’d have his long, dark purple tail chopped off for all he cared.
Seconds ticked by. If Genya were human sweat would be rolling off him in buckets. He tugged at his piranha-tooth necklace instead. Sanemi continued to glower menacingly.
Then his brother rolled his eyes before drifting back in. “Work on your lying skills if you’re going to go see your little princess.”
Woah, he wasn’t expecting that. Since when was Sanemi so forgiving? He brightened in relief, not realizing how panicked he had been to have Sanemi catch him in such an incriminating move - wait a minute -
Presumably his brother had returned to the pod, but he heard a grunt as he hovered around the entrance, face as red as coral and throat struggling to both shout at Sanemi and not wake his siblings. “Whatever you say.”
“We’re just - we’re -” Then another thought struck him. “HOLD UP - HOW LONG - HOW DID YOU KNOW?”
This time Sanemi really poked his head back in with a gritted jaw and twitching eye. “Go find your bleeping precious pearl and LET ME SLEEP ALREADY!”
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, so Genya took the opportunity to flee, flushed and flustered at however in the world had Sanemi discovered his nickname for her?
“Ara ara, what do we have here, a little princess running away?”
“Eh, no, no, Kocho-san!” She frantically turned around, eyes widened to the size of the largest, prettiest pearls Genya always liked to compare her to.
The Hashira’s resident healer leaned closer with her customary smile that never wavered, unlike her midnight blue and dark purple tendrils in the still waters. “Really now? Whatever are you doing then? Himejima would be very worried if I were to tell him you were sneaking out at night - not very sneakily, actually, seeing as I’ve seen you do this three times already, little princess.”
She glanced away but the pink blush was still painted on her face for all the ocean to see. Kocho had known all this time? That was very, very bad news…but if she hadn’t confronted her until now it much mean something, right?
Besides, Kocho didn’t sound like the other snitches of other mermaids who’d gotten her into trouble too many times to count by reporting her to her strict father in order to get into his good books: sly, accusing and reprimanding. No, she only sounded as if she were to know why she’d leave it at that. Mere curiosity.
Mere curiosity, she lied to herself reassuringly.
“I haven’t been sleeping well,” she said aloud. “I wanted to go out and work off the restlessness.”
“Why haven’t you come to me or Kanae then, dear?” Shinobu hummed, then inclined her head to the rows of undersea herbs and concoctions the two sister healers spent their days mixing up for the kingdom’s army. She crossed her arms. “Or is there something else…?”
Jellyfish were hypnotizing to look at; Kocho was hypnotizing to listen to and the truth burst out before she could stop herself.
“I’m - I’m just going to see someone. Please don’t tell Gyomei-san!” She begged, not liking the idea of the giant stone crab-hybrid getting into trouble on her account. Trusted family friend or not her father would definitely have words with her caretaker for letting her run off, especially if he found out that today Gyomei had to leave her with the Kocho sisters to deal with some more troublesome members of the Corps.
“Who is this someone?” Kocho’s smile widened but turned a little more real, more genuine. “Don’t worry, I have no plans to rat you out.”
She cast her eyes down and mumbled a name Shinobu didn’t exactly remember (oddly familiar though, hmmm….), but there was only one reason she would be running off to see someone at this time of the night…her father, the Undersea King Ubuyashiki’s loyal, old-fashioned second in command must not have approved of…
“It's a boy?” Shinobu prodded, not unkindly. “I'd have thought your father would be happy you found a suitor.”
“You know - you know how he is!” She hid her face. Certainly a boy then, but…
Her father was infamous for his beliefs that different species of mercreatures - dolphin with dolphin, fish with fish, octopi with octopi - shouldn't be mixing…one particular species in particular.
Well there was only one shark mercreature that Shinobu was well acquainted with, and if her memory served her right Shinazugawa had a younger brother.
“I would've thought you'd have gone for someone of a more calmer nature.” Shinobu turned away to hide the genuine smirk on her face, her indigo tentacles propelling her back inside. “Don't take too long and tell Genya-kun I said he better not break your heart.”
She knew an olive branch when she saw one, and so blushing furiously she quickly swam away with half formed, stammering questions and protests.
“H - hey -oof!”
Genya swore she was more beautiful with every time he saw her, smooth hair drifting in a silky cloud behind her, stars stolen from the above and taken to their new home in her eyes, moonlight highlighting that perfect skin and scales, but she never did believe him (would he? Not when he stuttered and struggled to convey his worship of her eloquently anyway) so he tried to show it in ways she couldn’t deny.
Not to say he didn’t love it when she showered him with affection that nearly gave him a premature death by cardiac arrest either.
Like right now. He prayed to all the Undersea Gods they could stay like this forever, him awkward as ever wrapping his scarred arms around her frail little body, her head tucked into his neck and his buried into her hair, tails intertwined.
Just them. No one else. No one judging them just because he was some shark delinquent boy and she was the closest thing to a princess. Not a thing in the world to rip them apart.
He'd tell her about his training, internally wondering what good karma had he done to earn someone as patient as her sitting through his terrible spluttering and have her tell him it was cute instead. She’d tell him about whatever it was someone as upper class her did on a daily basis, royal gossip and the doings of the Hashira, the Corps’ strongest mercreature soldiers. He laughed, she teased, he blushed, she shyly pecked his cheek; but mostly they just held each other, savor the feeling of fragile content.
Today was a little special - Genya had been planning to gift her something for a while. Himejima-san had no idea, obviously, of who he was seeing (some things were easier to keep from a blind man than others, Genya guiltily thought) but knew enough to know the girl, whoever she was, must be very special to have his apprentice shout and bluster like crazy when he asked. With a quirked smile he had quietly handed Genya a string of pearls the other day and when the oblivious, confused Shinazugawa had asked what for:
“I’m sure your little pearl will enjoy it.”
(The stone crab mercreature had quite the laugh to himself that day watching Genya poorly justify and defend himself. Let’s be honest, everyone knew Genya was chasing after someone.)
He prayed she’d like it. In retrospect it was such a stupid idea. She was nearest thing to Undersea royalty, she could have any jewel the seat offered if she so much as implied it. Such a stupid idea he nearly backed out of it, but the sneaky mermaid had distracted him so well with those glassy eyes and pouting lips that Genya didn’t even realize when she took them out of his grasp.
“Genya-kun, this is so pretty!”
“Har? No, it’s nothing really - just some seed pearls - besides I know you have better ones -”
“But they’re not from you! Help me put it on?”
“…fine, but only because you said so,” he muttered, embarrassed that she could have him wrapped around her finger so well.
“See, I’m matching with you now!” She tapped the driftwood-carved bracelets on his own arms with a bright giggle.
Perfect. Her, everything. Just perfect.
It was for but a moment anyway; something or somebody would always come along to remind them of the invisible glass wall that separated them forever like the poor captured mercreatures stuck in aquariums.
“Right this way, sir…”
“Shit.” Genya muttered some more obscenities and hurriedly untangled himself from her, grabbing her hand with the panicked intention of hopefully swimming off fast enough to - no idea, but anywhere before they were caught.
“Genya - stop - they’re coming this way -” Her warning, worried whisper came far too late.
There really was nothing more awkward than running right into the very person they were trying to run away from, and judging by Tomioka Giyuu’s slack jawed, wide eyed expression he had not been expecting this at all.
Undersea Gods damn this day, why did it have to be HIS voice approaching?
A very awkward pause ensued; the calm before the storm.
“What are you doing with my daughter? This is the fifth time already.”
“Father -”
“Come over here.”
She squeezed his hand weakly before swimming over to her father’s side. Genya lowered his head in fearful respect under her father’s commanding gaze and cold venom in his tone. Tomioka looked on almost apologetically from the side.
“When you prove you’re no less violent and lowly as the two legs above only then are you worthy of even being in her company, shark.”
You’re not good enough for her, he meant.
You’ll never be good enough.
You’re no good.
“Wait!” Her outstretched hand was blocked by her father’s.
Genya swam away as fast as he could, ears burning not from flustered adoration but shame. Predators like him weren’t supposed to be part of her paradise.
Something about being told that constantly was really starting to chip away at him.
“Shinazugawa-san gave Tomioka quite the scolding today.” Muichiro peeled himself away from the rock he had been sitting on to chase after Genya, who was listlessly drifting off, turquoise tentacles the same color as the ends of his long hair wavering in the water. His blue eyes were alight with mischief. “I suspect if Oyakata-sama had not been there he would’ve beaten up Tomioka for accidentally leading her father to you both. Tomioka was already lucky to be able to avoid him for three days; but of course the meeting was impossible to miss.”
“Aniki wouldn’t actually do that,” Genya replied distractedly. Lies, Sanemi absolutely would, what with his intense hatred for the poor merman, but right now Genya had a lot more to think about than to ponder on what havoc Sanemi was capable of wrecking.
“What happened after that though?” Muichiro was the only one Genya had explicitly told about his not so secret infatuation with her, being his close friend - and also because the sly octopus and his twin had stalked him one day. “Are you still meeting up with her?”
Genya scowled at the ground. “No, Himejima-san has been told to not let her out of his sight now. Haven’t seen her since then.”
Are you okay? Genya silently asked. Did you get punished? Are you still sure you want me even with all this we have to avoid?
“Come on, surely there’s a way for you to, you know, court her without having her prick of a dad interfering. So what if you’re a shark? You’re not that scary.”
“I’ll show you scary when I pull off all your tentacles,” Genya growled half-heartedly.
“Shiver me timbers. Is there really nothing you can do to get his approval?”
“…maybe it’s for the best he did it.”
Maybe we’re not meant for each other, he realized.
Put aside their difference in status and species, shark mercreatures were known for their aggressiveness and hot tempers - no wonder her father didn’t trust him around someone as delicate and precious as her. Sometimes Genya himself was afraid of what he could accidentally do to you. Not only that, but as much as Genya hated to admit it, he was afraid he’d turn out like Kyogo - everyone knew about the Shinazugawa’s abusive patriarch. Maybe her father wasn’t afraid of him, but what he could do or become.
She was a blooming flower.
He was the hand that was going to snap her stem and break her apart.
He finally understood now.
“Hey, hey, why are you saying that? Both of you are so in love it actually made me want to throw up, you can’t give up just because some old racist bigot - Genya-kun! Where are you going? Are you even listening? Don’t give up on her, that’s just stupid.”
Genya turned away, blinking away whatever was in his eyes. Definitely not tears. “It’s for the best.”
“Hey! There you are!”
She looked up from the seaweed she was absently pulling out. “Oh, hi, Mitsuri-chan.”
The pink and green haired mermaid swam closer, looking as bubbly as ever. Even though she was a Hashira, it was still amazing how there wasn’t a visible sign of injury save for her bandaged head after her recent clash with a group humans some time ago.
“What are you doing in the Stone Estate?” She asked. Himejima-san had gone out for a while, so if Mitsuri was here to see him she was a little too late. “Oh, you can sit down.”
“Thank you! To answer your question I think I left something of mine here when I last visited. Iguro-san said he could get me a new one, but I’m really upset I lost it. Have you seen an emerald bracelet?”
She shook her head. “I’ll look for it, but I don’t think it’s here. I would’ve seen it.”
“Oh well, maybe it’s at Kocho’s,” Mitsuri hums. “I heard what happened the other day.”
There wasn’t really an use in pretending not to know what she was talking about. Pretty much all the Hashira did after the one-sided screaming match between Shinazugawa and Tomioka. She’s managed to hide away successfully from interacting with any of them other than Himejima-san so far though.
“Have you spoken to him since?”
She didn’t mind telling Mitsuri, at least not much. The Love Pillar was almost like an older sister to her. “No. My father won’t let me out of sight and if we don’t really purposely go find each other it’s really hard to run into one another.”
“He hasn’t bothered to find you?” Mitsuri frowned. “That doesn’t sound like him.”
“Maybe he’s busy,” she replied unconvincingly, but Mitsuri figured it out quickly.
“He’s avoiding you?”
She didn’t mean to burst into tears, but she did anyway, sobbing her broken heart out onto a comforting Mitsuri’s shoulder. So what if they came from different worlds? It shouldn’t matter. Right? Hadn’t he told her that all this time? Then why did he seem to care about that now?
“I’m sure he doesn’t mean to! I think he’s just scared of your father - I know I am!” Mitsuri’s joke was enough to get a hiccupping laugh from her. “Why don’t you go find him tonight? He can’t avoid you forever. It’s all silly reasons to keep you apart! You both just have to work it through together! Lots of people support you - not just me and you remember that, alright? I’ll make Shinazugawa drag Genya there himself if I have to.”
Mitsuri’s pep talk caused her to brighten almost immediately. “You really think so?”
“I’d be such an idiot if I didn’t! Now, you better go find him by today!”
Her face cracked into a shy, elated smile for the first time in a while as she tackled the older mermaid in a fierce hug. “Thank you so much, Mitsuri-chan! I hope you and Iguro-san get together soon!”
“Eh? No, no, he doesn’t like me that way!!!”
“Genya! Don’t ignore me, I know you know I’m here.”
She swam closer to the Shinazugawa home impatiently, rapidly getting fed up with the way Genya kept turning away with a red face. Exasperated she grabbed his shoulders to turn him around and face her, using one hand to force his head to face her.
“Stop ignoring me already! I just want to talk,” she huffed.
“You really shouldn’t be here.”
“Since when have you ever said something like that?” The space between her brow creased. “Genya, what’s wrong? You don’t have to be bothered about what my father says. I really don’t care and neither should you!”
“…it’s better if we did.”
He said it aloud to tell her, but more than half of him still hopelessly prayed she wouldn’t catch his whisper. The hurt and shattered look on her face proved otherwise and another part of his heart died a little more.
“Why? After everything? Did I do something wrong?” He promised to never make her cry, didn’t he? He said he’d catch all her tears, didn’t he? Why was he making her cry right now?
“You deserve someone so much better than me, alright? Someone your equal. Someone who won’t fxxking be a danger to you. I should’ve listened to your father. I told you I’d give you the best things in the world - if that’s not me so be it. I’m not supposed to be part of it.”
“What’s the point of the world if you’re not in it? You don’t have the right to decide what I deserve or not!”
“We’re over.”
She swam away too quickly, too caught up in her misery and grief, to see the tears as glossy as the pearls she had dumped into his hand forming in his eyes, but not quick enough for him to not see the half-formed words on her lips: I don’t care, I still love you, I need you.
He brushed his fingers over the bracelet. For the best. If she hated him but could move on, he’d done his job. Sharks were predators - she’d be prey if he hadn’t done this.
I’m not supposed to be part of your world, he repeated.
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evanpetersgfhihi · 24 days
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୨⎯ 𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓰 𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓭𝓾𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷⎯୧
♡ about me ♡
౨ৎ you can call me elodie (she/her) ^^
౨ৎ 15 yrs old
౨ৎ deer disguised as an insane teenage girl
౨ৎ infp and aquarius
౨ৎ hopeless romantic
౨ৎ married to evan peters, cillian murphy, kurt cobain, emma watson, mia morgan, taissa farmiga, mia goth, winona ryder and brittany murphy
౨ৎ hobbies: reading, writing, girlblogging, listening to music and true crime pods, watching movies and shows, skating (still learning), hanging out with my very few but lovely friends and baking
౨ৎ books: the bell jar, the virgin suicides, christiane f, the seven husbands of evelyn hugo, the picture of dorian gray, the silent patient, the secret history, tributes of panem, harry potter and literally anything by kafka and holly jackson
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౨ৎ movies: girl interrupted, black swan, thirteen, american psycho, perks of being a wallflower, jennifers body, pearl, buffalo 66, coraline, dead poets society, léon: the professional, the menu, the craft, my girl, i believe in unicorns, ten things i hate about you and literally anything by sofia coppola, tim burton, david fincher, greta gerwig, wes anderson and studio ghibli
౨ৎ shows: ahs (favs are murder house, coven and asylum), skins, gilmore girls, bojack horseman, stranger things, asoue and ianowt
౨ৎ music: lana, mitski, nirvana, hole, mazzy star, fiona apple, deftones, radiohead, the smiths, fleetwood mac, tv girl, marina, tyler the creator, mia morgan, queen, david bowie, arctic monkeys, the nbhd, ayesha erotica, solya, bambi baker and a lot more
౨ৎ other things i love: art, poetry, cats, deers, swans, coffee, dr pepper, trees, old parks, cemeteries, coquette, grunge, y2k, lego flowers, spotify, tumblr and pinterest
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♡ about my blog ♡
i'll post relatable girl stuff, my interests, fashion inspo, moodboards and whatever i feel like ^^ everythings mine unless i say otherwise
dms are always open if you wanna talk or be friends <3 i love meeting new people ^^ if you wanna be moots just tell me in my question box! you can also ask anything there, i love answering to these ^^
dni: racists, homophobes, transphobes, fascists, pedos, nsfw blogs, ed/sh blogs, probably forgot some but yeah im a minor and liberal so i think you get the idea of what i don't tolerate
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♡ other socials ♡
spotify (it's kinda messy im sorry)
pinterest (i post more whispers there)
⁠♡ ok i hope i did this right byeee angelss ⁠♡
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justyanle · 1 year
Come Inside Of My Heart
Neteyam x F!Reader
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Everyone was bound to have soulmates right? And this just seemed like Eywa outdid herself to make this fate happen.
CW: Nothing really, fluff, some cursing, soulmate AU, enemies to lovers if you squint, a bit of violence, Metkayina!Reader, Neteyam x F!Reader
A heart for a heart. A heart that connects to another's. It was a breathtaking form of love and spirituality amongst the living.
Soulmates, that's what they were.
The form of beauty that makes you share what your soulmate is feeling emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.
Whether an object, plant, animal, human, na'vi, they were all destined to have another half.
Though, he felt like his destiny was rather a crucial pain to his life.
For example, when he would accidentally stub his toe, it's like his soulmate would kick her toe harder, when the fine tea he brewed that would be unexpectedly be on the hotter side burn his tongue, his soulmate would chomp down on her tongue harder.
He felt like he was getting punished for an accident he did, so he did the same.
These two were bickering day and night, how could they not get tired of this? All they wanted to do was to finally see one another to put up a proper argument after all the physical pain these two practically put on each other.
But Neteyam didn't know that these feelings would change when his family was seeking for safety amongst the clan of the Metkayina.
When he held his eye on a girl.
This wasn't your first time feeling his warm heart thump, though, it was the first time his warm heart was thumping for someone.
He was your soulmate, you knew that but-
Was there someone else?
It couldn't leave the back of your mind, there's no way Eywa could mess up her plans.
Currently, you could only ponder about the pounding heart that wasn't yours while watching the Omatikayan family in standing amongst the white sands of your clan.
"Jake Sully and his family will stay with us. We must treat them as our brothers and sisters as we treat the others. They will be like babies, taking their first breath." your father finished, the previous wrathful tension of the woman, called Neytiri, and your mother now fading.
"My daughters, Tsireya and [Y/N], and my son Aonung, will teach you our ways." he announced, now gesturing to you and your siblings with pride.
Unbeknownst to Aonung and your father bickering, your whole world practically seemed to stop. It's almost like a swarm of butterflies were now fluttering in your stomach and warmth circled in your cheeks.
The taller son of Jake Sully had met your crystal azul eyes, his golden irises shining like stars brightly illuminating beneath your silhouette.
This must be the familiar, blooming feeling the boy had just felt. The booming of hearts wasn't distinguishable anymore, it only got louder and louder, you did not know if it was your own or your soulmate's drum of heart.
"Hey." the boy smiled in your direction. Now he knew he was going crazy when such a breathtaking view smiled back pearls at him.
"Hello! Welcome to the clan, uh?"
"Neteyam. Welcome to the clan, Neteyam. I'm [Y/N]. " you gave a toothy beam at the forest boy. He could not describe the fluttery and warm feeling that clouded his mind, the pounding grew larger, he knew and swore it couldn't be just coming from him.
The walk to the maruis accompanied by Tsireya to the available marui pod for the big family was nice, a sense of comfort within your sister and a newfound welcome for the newcomers. This beat in your chest was not stopping, and your soulmate certainly felt the same as you could feel his.
'Someone out there really must be making him happy.'
Now nearing the pod, you ushered the new family to settle in and now giving their belongings that you brought to help.
"This is nice, right guys? We can settle here." Jake Sully reassured his big family, looking around at the new environment, their new home.
The father received a round of unamused responses from his children.
"Well, please call for me and Tsireya when needed, we will try our best to welcome you as much as we can. We can start our lessons tomorrow, sleep well, everyone." you grinned at the new family, specifically at the eldest son locking his gaze at you.
"Thank you, I wis- We wish you a good night's sleep as well." Neteyam blushed in embarrassment, talking for the behalf of his family.
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You in fact, did not get a good night's sleep when the eclipse on Pandora fell.
Not even a blink of a sleep came down to your consciousness, the funny feeling of a so-called "crush" is engraved into your mind that left a purple flare on your turquoise cheeks.
He certainly cannot be your soulmate?
There were soulmates before that would think they are bound to another, a simple crush, maybe? But you knew better than to assume a boy you just met was your soulmate.
Though, it seemed like that night, it wasn't you who was left sleepless that eclipse.
Neteyam has been kicking and squirming on the mattress he laid on, dead silence in the marui while he was practically the only soul moving as of the moment there.
His mind was turning hazy due to this feverish warmth that engulfed him whole. This girl was kind, welcoming, and definitely beautiful. It was enough to bring him the comfort of home and a fuzzy feeling spreading throughout his body like wildfire.
He was more than certain right now that his soulmate could feel his heart running and beating sixty miles per hour.
That morning when the people of Awa'atlu awoken, surely you were one of the pupils who had work done, especially as the daughter of the olo'eyktan and tsahik.
The Sully family themselves have awoken and prepared for the rest of the day in their new home. They had all done their respective routine for their morning and finally prepared for the upcoming lessons taught by you, Tsireya, and Aonung that you wished who would not empower his inner voice that tells him to ditch.
When it finally struck the time for the Sully children to take their time adapting in the new blues of Awa'atlu.
Though, it seemed that the skills of reef people are way beyond theirs, their bodies are not adapted for an aquatic environment.
With Aonung's relentless mocking and teasing of the newcomers, Tsireya could only sign a 'Stop. They're learning.' at your close minded sibling.
All now risen to the surface, the eldest spoke up, "C'mon guys, we don't speak this -" he brought his fingers to seemingly imitate the sign language used in Metkayinan culture "finger talk." he finished.
"We will teach you, but first I think we need to improve your breathing, it would be a lot easier to apply it to our way of talking when we're underwater." Tsireya guided, getting a look of understanding from the Omatikayans.
Now at a spot of the reef, where you, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri, Tsireya, Rotxo. Meanwhile Tuk was with her dear mother now being in a place to rest for she is a growing child. As for Aonung, he fortunately had numerous "chores" to do as the next Olo'eyktan.
Tsireya has now been leading the new family with their progressive breathing, although it seemed that the eldest was the only one who wasn't.
You subconsciously started placing a helping hand onto his lower stomach. "Neteyam, your heartbeat is fast. Try to slow down your breathing."
He wasn't.
Hell, he barely even knew the words that came out of his plump lips right now, the only thing he knew about was you. His thoughts were infiltrated and embedded by the image of your breathtaking image and it certainly wasn't helping that your frail hands were enough to send his heart in a frenzy of beats.
Stifles were only let out by the rest of the group, unnoticed by you and the Sully boy who could only hear the drum of his heart and certainly, his soulmate's.
Was this really just a coincidence?
Weeks have passed since their approach to the unfamiliar Metkayina clan for uturu. Jake Sully needed protection for their family, a new home. They were new to the reef, but it was like his eldest son was finding his home within the clan already.
Someone who makes his home.
Neteyam could only feel a certain mutual connection whenever he was near a certain girl, the emotional connection with his soulmate that he didn't even know who, the spiritual feeling of nirvana that would always be reciprocated by his soulmate.
With open arms and a warming heart, the Sully family was being accepted except for one Metkayinan boy. Eclipses have passed and Aonung never even seemed to consider a glance of empathy for the forest Na'vis, in fact it led to a sour relationship that worsened moon after moon.
"Yeah, my soulmate is irritating. It's almost like they're just doing things on purpose to make me get hurt as well." you ranted to Tsireya, walking along the white sands of your clan and the reef that collided with the sand beneath the waters.
Though this state of focus you have on you and your sister's conversation quickly ended when there was an abrupt yell of: "Back off, Fish lips!"
Lo'ak's voice reflected around the bay, where the seas and white grains could only be seen in the eye. Tsireya was concerned, what was this ruckus?
She rushed to the scene, "What's going on?!" she questioned only to be met by a group of boys and two Omatikayan teenagers.
There stood an accelerating fight, Lo'ak pushing off the many hands shoving him and his dear older sister begging to stop.
"Baby tail! Look, it's so cu-" Aonung's continuous teasing has now stopped to a hault when another Sully child has appeared at the chaos, now trying to put an end to this childish mockery.
"Leave them alone. Now." the eldest child amongst the teased siblings now had a finger shoving Aonung's chest.
The signature smug look on the boy's face was still plastered, a smirk that succeeded to piss someone off every time. Despite being threatened or rather - warned, by the Sully kid, his cocky essence was still noticeable yet he still obeyed.
"Smart choice. And from now on.. I need you to respect my sister." he turned to Aonung, a tone laced with order and protection.
Rushing onto Aonung's side with Tsireya, ready to give a scolding to your hardheaded and asshole brother who could only act tough and laugh with his friends, continuing their torment about the Sully kids.
The peace soon came at a hault when Lo'ak turned back at the Metkayinans, "Lo'ak." a scolding voice from Neteyam erupted.
"Don't worry, bro, I got this."
"Look, I know this hand is funny, I'm a freak, alien." Lo'ak started, "But it can do something really cool. Watch." he brought his particularly thinner palm to a level that was clear to see by everyone.
"First, I just ball it up to a really tight first like this and-"
Knuckles came rapidly into Aonung's face, forceful punches from the Sully sending him toppling down at the white sands.
"Don't you ever touch my sister again, bitch!" he yelled, though was quickly tackled by Aonung now that he rose again.
There stood a mess of the teenagers who were all ganging up on Lo'ak, it was a mess, you didn't know how to stop this and so did Tsireya, only watching in amusement and concern beside Kiri.
It wasn't long after until the eldest Omatikayan son joined in the ruckus of fighting, toppling on one another like animals and gaining bruises from one another's foolishness.
Though the times where Neteyam would get hit, it shot a string of pain onto your body, definitely bruising and would have a purple shade on which part of your body - Neteyam, was taking a toll.
"A-Are you okay?" Tsireya asked as you clutched down on your abdomen and a bruising, aching face.
She held your hurting body to hers, about to run to your mother - the tsahik of Metkayina until,
Neteyam's nose was now forming a deep color of purple and quite a few drips of red. Though it appears not only did Neteyam get hurt, a girl who already had appearing bruises on her abdomen as well did. With a bunch of bruises on her body and now a swollen nose, Tsireya knew to currently rush her onto the Tsahik as the Sully children's father appeared in the scene, dragging away his three kids.
Arriving at the marui of your mother, "Oh my Eywa!" she exclaimed, quickly pulling you down in front of her and searched a basket of her herbs and medicines.
"Who did this to you?"
"No one, Mother. A fight broke out but I wasn't even included, it's almost like I was-" you explained, feeling the concern and worry of your mother at your hurt state until-
"Tsahik Ronal, may I intrude for a moment?" Jake Sully, the father of the Sully children and former Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya asked.
The voice and entrance of the man had piqued your mother's interest, now glancing at the eldest son of Jake behind him, bruised and beaten with a few trickles of blood down his dewy skin.
Concern rose in your mother's chest, "Sit." she demanded.
"What happened, Jake Sully?" she took a patch from her basket of medical supplies that consisted natural herbs, ointments, etcetera.
"Y'know, reckless kids these days. My boy got in a fight."
She hummed, now disinfecting the fresh cuts that laid on his body. With a few dried seaweed to serve as bandaids were enough.
Now moving back to you, she continued to clean the wounds with water, not until she had a realization. How could this be?
"Sully, stand up."
The bruised boy obliged, standing up and dusting himself off.
"[Y/N], will you stand next to Neteyam for me?" the Tsahik or your mother requested, taking in the view and comparison at two of you.
"Have you two heard of the soulmate occurrence?" she now interrogated, curiousity filling her mind that was once clouded with concern.
"Mama, who hasn't? Almost everyone on Pandora did, I'm pretty sure ilus have soulmates as well." a sarcastic tone dripping from your tongue.
"Well it seems like this is the situation we have right now. Check your bruises and cuts, they all align."
You and Neteyam are now taken aback, two pairs of eyes scanning one another.
You already knew he looked at you like this even when you're not hurt.
She was right, they correspond. The heat now spreaded like wildfire in your cheeks.. too hot to only be yours, a drum in your heart too loud and fast to only be yours, this bubbly feeling and the butterflies in your stomach now too strong to only be yours.
"I suppose I should leave for now." your mother flees the marui, ushering out the former Omatikayan Olo'eyktan spitting out various 'what's?'.
Once silence fell, a short minute of thinking was lingering in the air, quiet.
"You know.. I do like you."
Your heart thumps.
Neteyam was never this bold. Was he only doing this because you two were meant for one another?
Silence once again, you couldn't even think straight, the overwhelming butterflies in your stomach was too much to handle, cheeks turning purple at the boy's boldness.
The string of tension was strong, only being stopped by avoiding to meet one another's glistening eyes.
He yelped, the sudden stinging feeling on his thigh catching his attention. He turned to look at you, the view of your nails embedded into your thigh, leaving a crescent mark.
He smiles. The angel-like giggle that erupted from your lips made him smile. You make him smile like no one else does.
"I've always liked you too, dear soulmate."
His eyes seemed to light up, fireworks releasing in his heart and a soft laugh of disbelief that you like him. The girl that never failed to make his breath rigid and take it away likes him back.
He circled an arm around your waist, pulling you close to his chest and pressing a kiss against your forehead.
"No way this is real." he giggles, pressing further pecks of love around your face.
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A/N: guess who's back after i abandoned everyone bro...... also can you guys tell i got real fucking lazy at the end because in in class
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Let's check in on some Readers old and new shall we?(you don't have to add on to these at all. Just want to show my appreciation for all the work you do on your aus and give you a nice thing to read when u get back from ur break.)
Hellhound! Reader is currently trying to pivot the conversation away from childhood homes, as they don't really want their new friends to know about the less than good state of the pound they grew out of.
Fallen Angel reader is trying to explain what exactly the exorcists are, as they thought the Yans already knew about them and the role heaven plays in hell.
Dark Au Reader wakes up with someone hovering over them in an unknown room and immediately punches them. Where's Kitty? Where Kurt? Where are they? What's going on? ( they woke up in the new headquarters, the others are safe and getting treatment, and they just gave Scott a bloody nose. Their parent is glad they feel healthy enough to move, but please dont punch anyone else.)
Og Creed Reader also wakes up in a dark room and immediately breaks someone's nose, but they know exactly where they are and did it on purpose. Victor would be very proud if it wasn't his nose they broke this time
Haunted mansion Reader is given a box of clothes from their employers. The clothes are old and belong in a museum more than actually being worn, but they appreciate the gesture. Tho they wonder how the odd family knew their size?
Sentinel Reader is getting cooking lessons from Gambit. He even gave them a little apron! They don't quite get what food does and doesn't go together, but they got the spirit! They can't wait to show Kurt!
All of Reader Readerson's blood has rushed to their face because MeeMee Readerson just invited everyone to visit their family villa and insists on it. Let's hope this visit goes as good as the last and they don't get more embarrassed.
Moth Cryptid Au Reader has decided to take advantage of this weird situation and has tasked the invading Moths to help clean and restore the broken down mansion. (Under very careful instructions)
Bleeding Parts and Missing Parts Reader is wondering if maybe they went too far when magneto of all people show up demanding to talk to the Professor and saying a ghost is haunting them. (Kitty is gonna crack a rib from how hard she's gonna laugh. Readr decides no, they didn't if they can get their friends to laugh like that.)
Creator Reader is taking a well deserved nap (they are gonna need the energy)
Normal Reader has reluctantly showed up at the mansion doors with their sibling because the young one has lit fire to the couch three times this week with their mutation before Reader agreed they need help controlling it.
Isekai Reader just saw Jean put a load of laundry in and is having Tide pod flashbacks
Mutant Mutant Reader cries onto Evan shoulder about their family, while Logan has a horrible gut feeling he's forgotten something.
Crow Reader got a hold of McDonald's French fry coupons and has never felt more excitement in their life.
Half-Diamond Reader is sitting in their parent's old throne room. Not on the throne, but on the floor as they try to comfort a panicking pearl who spilled their strange human drink.
Blood of Dragon Reader is doing their mandatory wing exercises, not knowing the adults hope to get them actually flying soon.
Gargoyle Reader is getting their cheeks squished cause the Gargoyles stone faces just don't do that and they are fascinated!
Fnaf Reader just got scooped up by yet another animatronic who is so happy to see them and oh my goodness look at how you've grown! Are you eating enough Reader? Let's go grab a slice a pizza and then we can go to the arcade and laser tag and- (seriously Laura did you tell ALL of them?)
Reincarnated Reader is very awkwardly sitting next to Victor in a crowded roadside diner while he stares them down( Logan is telling them to leave but they are hungry and haven't eaten anything but jerky in a while and they just can't afford to leave)
Hidden in the Dark Reader has clawed their way into the vents. The yans can't see them, but Reader can definitely hear them yelling for them. They just need a minute to breathe.
( That's all I got for now! Thank you for all ur hard work!)
I love it. Thank you, @sugar-soda. Thank you. I like this addition to the Reader Multiverse and all the different aus.
(And I'm back, with a few ideas! I enjoyed my break, and I'm going to take things a little slower so I don't go through burn out as quick!)
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reallyromealone · 1 year
For your summer event can we ask for a number if it's already been asked? Because I was wondering if you would write 22 again. My idea was maybe Toman finds a merman? Or maybe they win him at an auction or something. Love your writing BTW!
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22: mermaids
You absolutely can request the same prompt!
And thank you very much, that's very kind of you
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(Name) woke up terrified, in a large glass case surrounded by blurry figures and shouting could vaguely be heard.
He barely remembered what happened, he remembered calling asleep in his cave and then he was here.
(Name) looked terrified as he began moving, the water swishing.
All he wanted was to go home...
Toman was curious as they brought home a mermaid, a giant tank already ready, practically having a whole ball room set up for the beautiful creature and he was beautiful to say the least.
"Careful dumping him" Draken barked as the Merman was transferred from tanks, the poor thing looked absolutely terrified as he immediately hid from view once in the new surroundings, surprisingly there was real plant life and even safe corals in the large environment but (name) wasn't risking anything. He wasn't some show for humans.
"He's shy" mikey said with a soft smile and watched the Merman glare at them before going into the shadows.
(Name) did eventually come out, in the dead of night as he hunted for food, Bonten getting the highest quality (saltwater/freshwater) fish for him to find. The Merman didn't notice a few eyes on him, the men sneakily behind things to watch him gracefully swim through the water and hunt, his movements precise and fast.
He was a true ocean predator.
"Some mers can reach up to 30 feet in length..." Baji said softly as he looked at the iridescent scales of his tail and parts of his body shimmering under the dimmed lights, mimicking moonlight.
"There's also different breeds of mer, if I'm correct he's (saltwater/freshwater fish breed), his scale pattern is fairly unique though" Chifuyu said in awe, wanting to get closer but not scare the beautiful creature.
Mikey was the unsurprising first person to walk forward and watch, the mer noticing fast and immediately hiding behind rocks, the men having caves built for him.
Mikey was snacking as he watched, his long black hair in a bun as he looked at the fish curiously and ate his Taiyaki, watching as the mer never took his eyes off him.
This became daily, one of them would watch and try and interact with him and earn some trust, Mitsuya sharing sushi he got with the mer who shyly took it before going back into the depths.
"Here" Draken offered the mer, he managed to get the others jewelry back, pearls and shells that were quite beautiful to say the least.
"Thhhank yuhu" (name) said in very broken Japanese, his mer accent very heavy as he slurred the words and gently took his jewelery and put all but one necklace one "oh? Not feeling that one?" Draken joked and (name) looked a little confused before pointing to his necklace "hooooman" and Draken looked confused before Sanzu spoke up "that's an enchanted necklace, makes him human when wearing it"
"Really?" Draken said in awe as (name)s head was only visible to his nose, the mers sharp eyes watching them curiously "mers only really become human for mating purposes or to hunt really though some merfolk have been going to land more often" this time Mitsuya spoke up and Draken looked in awe.
More and more (name) socialized with them, he didn't have a pod and slowly began seeing them as his pod with legs, learning more human words and teaching them Mer and trying Taiyaki after being curious at its fish shape and Mikey looked at him with with heart eyes, Toman growing deeply attached to the other.
(Name) huffed, wanting to see his pod but they weren't there and looked at his necklace and made a chirping sound.
(Name) clung to the walls as his legs shook like a baby deer, wet footsteps behind him as he walked naked to look for his pod.
Chifuyu and Pah were going to bring (name) new fish to hunt when they saw no (name) and knocked, knowing he had extremely good hearing even when asleep and always came out for a good hunt.
"Where's (name)?" Chifuyu mumbled worried and checked the cameras in the tank and there was nothing.
"There's footsteps!" Pah said pointing to the trail of water and fuyu already sent an elert to everyone.
"He couldn't have gotten far" Draken said, everyone worried as he, hanma and Mochi looked for the Merman.
"He's in the left wing" the intercom in Drakens ear spoke, the men rushing to him "awww" hanma teased as (name) sat with peke J and his feline wife and kittens, making sounds at them as he pet them "found him" Mochi said into the intercom "someone bring clothes" as they looked at the naked merman, (name) looking happy to see bus pod.
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xylianasblog · 1 year
Let me show you my kind of love.
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Pairings: AgedUp! Rotxo x Metkayina!Fem reader
Summary: He’s untouchable in every way that you aren’t, yet the pull to him you feel is crazy. The question is does he feel it too?
Word count: 2k +
Warnings: MDNI, dry humping, fingering, inexperienced Rotxo, fluff, I think that’s all.!
A/n: Okay babies this is slightly proofread, but do let me know if I missed anything.
♥18+ ♥ no minors!♥18+ ♥ no minors!♥18+ ♥ no minors!♥18+ ♥
< Previous, Next >
»——————⋆◦ 𖥸 ◦⋆——————«
Your back was pressed up against a rock, Rotxo between your legs as he pressed soft kisses against the skin of your neck. Your fingers entangled in his curly hair tugging gently here and there pulling soft whimpers from his mouth.
His hips rocked into yours in a slow yet steady pace, his hard length straining against his loincloth as he rubbed against your covered entrance. Your soft moans encouraged him to keep going, his movements becoming harder and more unsteady as his orgasm was approaching just as quick as yours ways. Each time he brushed against your clit it nearly sent you spiraling.
“Mfghh.. fu- gonna..” Rotxo couldn’t barley get the words out as he came, soiling his loincloth in his seed, the sound of him letting go causing you to follow after him, the feeling of his movements growing sloppy had you crying out with your own orgasm.
His hold on you only growing tighter as he held your sweaty body closer to his own, he peppered soft kisses along your neck before kissing down to your collarbone. You were content in that moment as you held him close, fingers playing with his short curly hair.
It had been like this since the moment you have him that blowjob, you didn’t mind in fact you loved when he got needy for you. He has been more attentive and extremely touchy, it’s as if he craved your touch in every way possible and you were more than happy to give him just what he needed.
“We have to head back soon..” you mumbled softly.
You only received a small hun in response, the bigger male was far to comfortable to even think about moving. He didn’t even care that he dragged you both away from your duties, he needed you. Needed to be with you away from the others.
“Shh.. a little more time yawne. I just need to be with you for now please.” He whispered against your neck as his hold tightened up.
You couldn’t help but giggle, letting your head fall back gently to rest against the rock. A small sigh especially from you before you began to squirm around, your hands moving to push at his chest. Slowly you succeeded in prying his body away from yours.
“Come on we gotta get cleaned up.. tonight you can stay at my place and we can lay with each other. But we must finish our duties first..” you said to him.
With hazy eyes the male looked at you before looking over your body, it was as if he was weighing his options before he reluctantly pulled away. Once he was up he grabbed your hand and pulled you over to the water so you both to take a quick swim.
The water felt refreshing against your heated skin, soothing as you let yourself bask in the serene sensation of the water flowing all around you. Looking up at your lover you couldn’t help but admire how beautiful he was as he swam around. The sight of him moving swiftly yet gracefully was unlike anything else.
You felt your heart swell, you couldn’t believe that he was yours to love, love in every way possible. Yours to love in your own way.
»——————⋆◦ 𖥸 ◦⋆——————«
After washing off and retuning to finish your duties the day seemed to drag on slowly, you were excited, ready to spend your time with your future mate in any way possible.
Once the way was nearly over you sat on the ground of your marui pod, staring and sorting through the different pearls and seashells you’ve collected during daily activities.
Your ears twitched at the sound of your flap being opened, your eyes looking up to see Rotxo with a basket in his hands. You tilted your head curiously and before you could even ask your question he was already speaking.
“Shh be patient.” He playfully scolded.
You rolled your eyes but said nothing else as you turned back to your task at hand, you were beginning to weave yourself a new top. This was a decent enough distraction as you let Rotxo get everything he was doing in that moment ready.
After about twenty minutes you had nearly finished your top just as Rotxo announced that he was finished. Setting down your things you looked up to see he had brought you dinner and a few pieces of jewelry. Scooting over to him you let your eyes roam over the arm bands and necklaces, one particular bracelet caught your eye.
It was a iridescent pearl that seemed to glow the same pretty color as his eyes, you gently picked it up to exam more of the designs of the braided and intricate weaving designs, a few more pieces of pearls entangled into different parts around the bracelet. Your eyes looked up from the bracelet to glance at Rotxo. He have you a genuine smile as he watched you examine all the things he had made for you.
“I bring you more courting gifts, I hope you will wear them proudly as a show to the clan that you are my soon to be mate.” He proclaimed proudly, his eyes shining brightly.
“I love them. I will wear them all.” You replied softly as you continued to look around at everything.
Taking some of the fruits he brought you took a bite as you let the flavors dance around on your tongue, your eyes widened when you realize he tasted like the sweet fruit, however you kept that thought to yourself.
“The necklace and armband match my armband, the beads and pearls on mine are the colors of your eyes while yours are the color of my eyes.” He explained as he picked up the armband, he loosened the tie before placing it around your arm and tightening it up. Once it was secure enough he grabbed the necklace and moved behind you to secure that. His touch was gently, sending shivers down your spine, he smirked as she let his fingers linger against your skin before they moved down your back. Sliding around to the front of you they rested on your stomach.
Sitting down he pulled you down into him, your back pressed against chest leaving little to no room between the two of you. “I love them a lot.. thank you.” You said.
He let out a hum as his hands rubbed along your smooth skin, his left hand wrapped around your chest while his right hand dipped down your bellybutton and straight to your loincloth. You closed your eyes as you squirmed a little feeling his fingers rub over your covered heat. You didn’t make any moves to stop him, your hand’s immediately flying up to grab onto his arm around your chest.
A soft moan left your lips as he teased your clit over the fabric. He smiled as he continued to tease you, drawing the soft moans and whines from your lips. He loved how he made you feel though through his inexperience he had asked a few pointers from the guys that you didn’t know about.
“So pretty.. I can’t wait till I mate you. Make you mine for forever.” He said sweetly into your ear as his hold tightened up, his fingers applying more pressure over the fabric. You sucked in the air your body released without warning as you felt his fingers rubbing you with that new found pressure before pulling his digits away.
You whines loudly ears falling back against your head as your tail slapped against the ground, he chucked as he watched you. “Shh.. patience baby I’ll give you what you need.”
True to his word his fingers worked at undoing your loincloth and throwing it off to the side. The cold air against your bare cunt had you whimpering a little. The cold air was soon replaced by the warmth of his fingers teasing your lips gently. Fingers that were soon dipping between your lips, coating themselves in your slick. You moaned softly, head resting back against his shoulder as your legs opened wide welcoming his gentle yet curious touch.
A deep rumble bubbled up from his chest as he pushed his fingers inside of you, he groaned softly feeling the way your walls tightened around his fingers. Slowly he worked thrusted them in slowly while his thumb gently rubbed against your swollen clit. Your soft moans and whimpers telling him that he was doing such a good job, your words jumbled up in your throat. Soon his free hand moved to your top, pushing away the nets and pearls. His fingers teased and lightly pinched at your nipples, tugging and rubbing the nubs between his fingers. His face buried in the crook of your neck as he placed kisses along your skin.
You had your eyes closed, lips parted as he thrusted his fingers in and out of you slowly. Your mind hazy as you silently begged him for more, you raise your hips in a silent plea for him to move faster to give you more of what you craved, but instead of answering he gently denied you. A small whine tore from your lips as he pulled his fingers from you, your walls clenching around nothing, instantly missing the feeling of his thick fingers buried inside of you.
“Needy girl.. I will ease it baby don’t worry.”
While you had been to busy whining he has undid his own loincloth, freeing his throbbing cock from its restraints. He lifted you up placing you on his lap, his length pressing against your dripping heat.
The position was different and the feeling was new, you squirmed around a little, rocking yourself against the length of his cock. He groaned loudly as he throbbed against your entrance, his hands gripping your thighs tightly as he helps you move. Rocking you gently the position causing the tip of his length to wedge itself between your drenched lips. With each movement his leaking tip was hitting directly at your clit, pulling loud whines and whimpers from your lips.
The feeling was to much for Rotxo, the new sensation of pleasure had his cock throbbing and leaking precum. His hold becoming tighter nails pressing into your skin. He rocked you faster along his length, loving the way your juices coated every inch of him. He bit, sucked, and kissed on your as he moved you helping you rock your hips, your orgasm was approaching quickly and he was not far behind you.
His hold faltering for a moment as he groaned, you gasped loudly and without much of a warning he pushed his way into your dripping wet pussy. Forcing your orgasm from your body just as he emptied deep inside of you. Your eyes rolled back as your body trembled slightly, walls gripping onto his cock milking him for every last drop. The action pulling whimpering whines from Rotxo, his ears flattening against his head. The feeling was out of this world, your gummy walls surrounding his throbbing member drove him wild.
“Y/n… fuck.. it’s..” he couldn’t formulate the sentence as he bucked his hips up gently helping you milk him of his seed. He twitched a little inside you, his hold loosening up a little before he weakly lifted you off his cock.
You whined nearly protesting the loss of him filling you up. With a small sigh and deep rumbles from him he laid you onto your bed, his eyes traveling over your sweaty body. His eyes narrowed at the sight of his seed seeping out of your still fluttering heat. He took the time to admire you fully, feeling pride fill his chest knowing that he made you this way even only momentarily, he loved that even though he was inexperienced you still took the time to love him. To see him.
“Now you look beautiful.”
»——————⋆◦ 𖥸 ◦⋆——————«
(Let me know if you wish to be apart of the taglist.)
Tags: @cinetrix @otasia @blue-slxt @tiredmamaissy @oceanstar19 @pandoraslxna @strongheartneteyam @iwanttogohomeandtakeanap @ghostreadersthings @manumanulau @shit-i-say-shit-i-think @leelumenaura
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 2 months
hi there! after reading your post about john dory and sable’s wedding, it got me thinking about sable’s parents! i was just wondering if because of their age sable’s father walked her down the aisle? if there was one on the stage they got married on? how did sable’s mom feel when she learned sable wanted to wear her old wedding dress? and would it be nice for them to have grandchildren?
ps i love your sable x john dory content it gives me life 😭🩷
Your Sable and John Dory questions give me life ❤️
I shall name her parents 🤔 ... Pearl and Stew
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"Stew, that Troll looks like Queen Poppy."
"She does look like Queen Poppy! Do you think anyone's told her she looks like Queen Poppy?"
"I'll ask her"
(It is Poppy)
Sable's parents are both in wheelchairs. For the ceremony they were parked in the front row.
Stew was ecstatic they got the best seats in the place.
Rather than come down the aisle. Sable came from backstage.
So Stew couldn't walk her down the aisle, but he did manage to stand long enough to do the Father Daughter dance.
JD picked up Pearl and danced with her.
It was Pearl's idea to get her old wedding dress. They had a time limit and Sable just planned to wear a nice dress from her closet.
Pearl's like "No no no, this is unacceptable Sable. You will wear my wedding dress."
"Okay Mom that's a great idea but where is it?"
"In a box."
"What does the box look like, Mom?"
"Stripey. Yellow and stripey"
"Where's the box?"
"It was in the study last time I saw it."
Everyone follows Sable to the study.
"Noooo not that study, Sable. You can be so silly. It's in the other pod."
"What other pod, Mom?"
"We couldn't bring very much with us when we escaped. Had to leave many things behind."
John Dory - "We're going to Bergentown, go go go!"
As for grandchildren, Sable sorta half jokes about trying to convince her parents that Rhonda is their daughter.
They see through it straight away.
"Sable, I know your father and I are getting on in years but we know an Armadillo Bus when we see one!"
"Next you'll be trying to tell us that Bergens aren't trying to eat us anymore. Pffftttt"
When they can't get a straight answer about grandkids from Sable, they turn to John Dory.
John Dory has to reaaaallllly hold himself back from saying something like "We're trying tirelessly, every single night to give you grandchildren. We're exhausted!"
Instead he says "When it happens, you'll be the first to know."
This usually keeps Pearl and Stew happy.
"Thank you for taking care of that. I wish a simple 'no' would suffice but they really just won't accept when I tell them that having kids just isn't for us."
"Yeah....not for us."
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peccaberry · 5 months
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Happy Mermay everyone!
I am bringing back the Volorei merman au this month with a slightly redesigned Volo tail and some new art to share!
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We finally go full mermaid, love it!
This au takes place in Hisui instead of in the modern day like the other two.
All the PLA cast are members of one of 4 different pods that live in the ocean surrounding Hisui.
The Jubilife Pod: Contains all the prominent members of Jubilife Village. Leader is Kamado.
The Ginko pod: Contains all the members of the Ginko Guild as well as Cogita. Leader is Ginter.
The Diamond Pod: Contains all the members of the Diamond clan. Leader is Adaman.
The Pearl clan: Contains all the members of the Pearl clan. Leader is Irida.
The 4 Pods live on opposite shores for the most part. The Jubilife Pod is near Prelude Beach, The Ginko Pod is in Cobalt Coastlands, the Diamond Pod is just off the Crimson Mirelands, and the Pearl clan lives in the icey waters around the Alabaster Icelands.
These 4 Pods visit their neighboring pods for trade and if they've formed friendships with other members, but the Diamond and Pearl pods are rivals and have been known to get territorial with each other.
Rei met Volo when they were both small and they became fast friends. Living on opposite sides of the island made it hard for them to see each other regularly but as they got older and better at swimming they started to be able to make that journey more and more.
Rei learning how to fly definitely helped and he eventually started to visit the Coastlands on a weekly basis.
Volo ditches work whenever Rei comes to visit him and it's pretty obvious to everyone they've got it pretty bad for each other. They never tell anyone they're dating but they can often be found cuddling with their tails entwined.
Volo becomes more and more interested in what's happening on land as he gets older and spends whatever spare time he can exploring it which is considered incredibly strange for a merpokemon.
Volo brings back many things he manages to get from the humans including clothing which he and Rei have fun figuring out how to wear.
Volo has some traumatic experiences with the humans he was getting stuff from and becomes angry. He doesn't understand why they aren't accepting of him or would want to hurt him. Rei becomes increasingly worried about him but after some time passes Volo seems to have put his anger with the humans behind him.
Volo asks Rei to help him collect these cool colorful plates he found out exist!! Rei is happy to help his boyfriend with this fun new hobby :))) Yippee!! Yay!!
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It depends on how he wants to style it! Like human Volo and anyone else in PLA who goes to Arezu for the "Sinnoh Style" cut, it can be like that on land too. Underwater it would probably naturally flow around like anyone else's would unless he was wearing it in Sinnoh Style.
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Volo would not have to stay wet at all times. Like a lot of Pokemon he's incredibly hardy! He would ideally spend at least part of the day in the water (or in a PokeBall if this is the Mer-Volo human Rei au) He would not be able to spend days at a time away from water or anything like that but spending the night on land wouldn't be a big deal.
If the mermaids in this au spend time dry on land they like to wear shirts to help keep them warm :) they don't have to, but it's comfortable for them.
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sea-owl · 2 months
I know you asked for mermay prompts. so what about how portia/violet, in your mermaid au, navigated their first night together (love making 🫣) with all the nervousness and stuff vs how it just happens naturally/casually since they've been married for a while now, if that makes sense.
Thank you for being so patient! This unfortunately became a lot shorter than what I originally intended, but i can't keep looking at this anymore. I swore I was gonna get this done in May. Well, that clearly didn't happen. Working six days a week is a bitch sometimes.
Something was wrong with Violet's wife. They had been married for just under a year now and every few months Portia would disappear for a few days. She never said where she went and Violet never pushed the mermaid, but she was curious. Violet also began to notice some patterns around these times, like her garden always seemed to be in bloom.
Violet crossed her legs, her grip tightening on the paper, and for extra measure she bit the inside of her cheek. Like clockwork. She really needs to go somewhere private and release this ache.
"Violet are you alright?"
Violet looked down at one of the canals that ran through her home. Penelope and Felicity rested on the edge. Their hair pearls shinning under the light while their hair was carefully placed to cover most of their breasts. Violet has gotten better about the casual nudity of the merpeople. She can act completely normal if Portia walks or swims around topless in their home. Portia and daughters have also tried to be a bit more covered when they learned that among humans, seeing one naked was usually reserved for intimate acts.
"Hello girls," Violet greeted them. "How may I help you?"
"Oh we're just dropping some stuff off for Mama," Penelope said holding up a bag of message shells.
"She hasn't been around much the last few days, but I can see if -"
Violet jumped a little at the very loud denial both Penelope and Felicity gave.
"Sorry Violet," Penelope apologized. "But we rather not -"
"More like never," Felicity added.
" - see our mother when she's like this."
Violet frowned. She understood that those of the sea rarely showed vulnerability, their home never gave them the mercy to, but to hide their mother away when she's just a little sick? Probably not even sick at this point if Violet's memory of Portia's disappearances are correct.
"Actually," Penelope said as she tilted her head. "I'm kinda surprised you aren't with her. Pheromones are usually stronger on humans, not to mention the affect they have on our voices."
Violet furrowed her brows. Pheromones? "Girls, I do not understand."
Both mermaids stiffen. They glanced at one another before looking back at Violet.
"Mama never told you about. . ." Penelope trailed off.
Violet only titled her head.
Felicity held up her hands. "Nope, I will not explain this when it's related to my mother." She dove back into the water.
Penelope scrambled to grab her sister. "Don't you dare leave me to explain this!"
Felicity's smooth tail slipped from Penelope's grasp and swam off. Penelope yelled something at her sister's retreating tail in the ocean's tougne that Violet was pretty sure if it was said in a language she understood she wouldn't approve.
"Penelope?" Violet asked.
Penelope let out a groan, her face red. "Mama isn't sick, she's in heat."
Violet's own face began to grow red. "Heat like she's . . ."
Penelope nodded. "Don't make me explain further, please."
"One last question?" Violet asked.
Penelope turned redder but nodded.
"You mentioned pheromones and that they're stronger on humans?"
"We release pheromones during heat to entice a mate. Some pods have no males but we are able to reproduce with humans. Humans aren't regularly around them so it affects them more."
Violet began to say something.
"Nope!" Penelope exclaimed before diving into the water.
Well. Guess Violet should go find her wife. She's the reason for the ache between Violet's legs she should be the one to fix it.
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pushing500 · 1 year
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Starting today off by introducing our 21st colonist, Henry!! Woo! How exciting- and annoying. My colonist bar had to break into two rows on top of each other to handle so many pawns! it won't be a problem for long, don't worry
Henry is a little boy who is of the 'Hussar' xenotype, which just means he's a genetically engineered super-soldier who will apparently develop a dependency on Go-Juice later in life. Hooray for him. He has a wooden foot and lil' bandaids on his face, which makes me think this kid has seen some fights way too grown-up for him. Fortunately, the colonists at Eureka don't believe in sending children into combat, so Henry is free to spend his days learning and having fun.
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The first thing Henry did (after putting on a new shirt) was go hang out with Irwin in the school building to learn about melee. For what it's worth, Henry is already the third-best melee fighter in the colony, at the same level as Kawoo, and only beaten by Irwin at level 14 and Connie at level 11.
I think he is going to get along swimmingly with Irwin.
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Then we had a drop-pod raid, which I did not think was going to be a problem because there didn't seem to be that many Saurid raiders... But, alas...
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I guess someone named "Executioner" would ruin my day, huh?
The problem with drawing the adventures of these colonists is that I get way too attached to them. So, uh... I wrote eulogies. Sorry. They're under here if you feel like reading 'em.
Wendy Marsengill
Wendy Marsengill was killed on the 13th of Decembary, at the age of 27. She is survived by her wife of 1.5 years, Tamarind, by a vast and eccentric family, including her Aunt Kawoo and cousin Andy, and by many friends in the settlement of Eureka and beyond.
Wendy had a fascinating start to her life when she was recruited as a Child Spy. She went on to become a Barber in her adulthood, though, at some point, she ended up on a distant Rimworld and was lost to madness as a Wild Woman. She wandered in this state for some time before joining the Animist Alliance, where she met and eventually married her wife Tamarind.
Wendy was the best cook in the settlement and often was single-handedly responsible for keeping the colony fed with properly cooked food, and nobody ever got food poisoning while Wendy was manning the kitchen.
Some of Wendy's greatest moments include wearing a jester's hat to her own wedding and somehow managing to cement herself as the most Australian colonist in my head based on a single social interaction way-back-when.
Pearl the Cheetah
Pearl was the first animal to join the ranks of Eureka's ever-growing menagerie, not including Rogan the rottweiler who crash-landed with Albina, Brennan, and Irwin.
Pearl landed near our burgeoning settlement in an animal drop-pod, where she was rescued and nursed back to health by Head Researcher Brennan. Pearl decided to stay with us and spent a very long time sleeping on an animal sleeping spot on the rough marble floor of Irwin's ascetic bedroom (sorry, Pearl. You deserved better).
Once Andrei McCarthy joined the colony, it was love at first sight, and he bonded with Pearl almost immediately. She was eventually given a proper animal bed in the room Andrei shared with his wife, Kawoo and their infant son Andy, before Andy moved to his own room.
Pearl was brave, beautiful and very fast, as cheetahs often are. It is a tragedy that I can't draw animals as well as I would like to, or she would have featured far more prominently in all these posts. I'll miss her. She made silly noises when I zoomed in on her sometimes. It's going to be quiet without her.
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mynamesaplant · 1 year
Comfort for Weirdos
Dawn gets a new babysitter and she is not a fan.
Another PLA Mer AU! This one's been sitting in my Works in Progress for a little while, so I'm just posting it to be done with it. Thanks to Monsoon-of-Art for all the inspiration!
Don't like reading on Tumblr? Read it here on AO3.
Dawn occupied herself while Ingo was engaged in quiet conversation with Palina, staying tucked behind Ingo’s fin and puffing out warm air only for it to turn into little clouds and drift away. Palina was nice, if a tiny bit overbearing. She was always so concerned about what she was eating. Dawn always made sure she had a belly full of something from Jubilife before she set out on her journeys.
Although Ingo had her tied up in discussion, Dawn felt the mer’s gaze on her – silently fretting about what she could possibly be eating when Ingo was notoriously picky and bad atrocious at hunting. The surveyor pretended not to notice Ingo shifting his weight slightly to glance down at her, trying to be absorbed in a new task (grooming her snowy tail) while the adults spoke in muffled tones overhead. She was obviously the topic of conversation, and she was relieved when Ingo told Palina he would join her in less than an hour, shepherding Dawn away.
“Bye, Dawn!”
Palina called after her, waving before they rounded the corner and Dawn waving back with a sheepish smile on her face. She really did like Palina… Now if only the warden tried giving her something cooked.
“Where are we headed today?”
Dawn asked, wriggling across the ice and finding it frustrating that she was so slow. Her claws were so blunt and useless in these ice caverns. Ingo didn’t immediately reply, nudging her towards a hole to the underwater entrance to the main settlement.
This cavern was just one of the many. Little hidey holes for seclusion and storage. The cavern they were leaving was dedicated to food stores which desperately needed replenishment, but Dawn was hoping that she was finally going to see where Ingo spent his time when in the settlement before they headed out to “hunt.”
Ingo’s version of hunting was setting up clever traps. Ingo was big and Ingo could be fast, but he just did not have the natural knack for hunting that she had seen any of the other mers display. Even the young wardens like Lian and Sabi had the skills for catching small fish.
All the clan members utilized traps in some way, but Ingo was the only one who seemed to have trouble actively hunting. On one of the few occasions that she had seen Gaeric and Calaba interacting, they both readily agreed that Ingo probably had issues because he was used to hunting in a pod, just like regular orcas, so hunting solo was harder for him to grasp.
“I must make a small detour before departure with Palina.”
Dawn was a little too excited by the prospect of seeing somewhere new to realize Ingo’s choice of words. He told her to take a deep breath, guided her through the tight tunnels with a hand on her back, nudging her forward. She trusted him completely to get her safely to their next destination, despite her poor vision and swimming ability, he always took it upon himself to keep her safe.
She had asked him the first time he brought her to the settlement about barely seeming to fit in the tunnels and he blushed, tugging the brim of his cap low and sinking into the collar of his jacket. He had mumbled something about them not being designed to his specifications, before diverting her attention, but it slowly dawned on her why the more and more she got to interact with the other clan members.
Although Ingo had never outright stated that he wasn’t originally from Pearl Clan, it was obvious that many of his idiosyncrasies made his relationship with the clan quite strained. His odd eating habits. His withdrawn behavior. His out-of-place dark clothes. Ingo was no outcast, but he did stick out like a sore thumb, just like she did.
Maybe that’s why they got along so well. Pearl clan’s bewildered acceptance of “Ingo’s pup” was proof enough to the girl that they trusted him implicitly, even if they wound their warden a little peculiar.
“Almost there.”
Ingo assured her, nudging her ahead as he wiggled through a particularly narrow passage, before arriving to their destination – which seemed familiar to Dawn, although she didn’t immediately know why. She clambered out of the water, Ingo pulling himself up and taking up most of the space, unable to climb out with so little space. The surveyor swiveled her head around the space, they must have been pretty deep considering how dense the ice looked down here, although there were a lot of tunnels off this…
“Hey, wait a second…”
Now she remembered where she was and scrambling back toward Ingo when he scooped her up. He looked sheepish but still maneuvered her over to the hole she had fallen down once before. She wrapped her arms around Ingo’s hand, holding on for dear life as he apologized.
“You cannot join me on this adventure, Miss Dawn. Those tracks are too dangerous for an additional car.”
“I’ll stay in the forest! I promise! Please, don’t send me down there.”
He looked mournful at her for a moment, ears drooping at the fearful tint to her voice, but carefully started to pry her fingers loose.
“He’s expecting you.” “He’s going to bite my head off!”
Ingo frowned, pausing, which only gave her more time to sink her short, blunt claws into skin. He thought that she might be a little more forgiving after their last encounter with the story about Gaeric. The other warden had a gruff exterior, but he was a good man, and on occasion a good friend. Ingo knew how all of Pearl clan felt about Dawn, mostly confused and very concerned, but they did what they always did and protected a pup. To the clan, she was a pup, and that meant she had to join the rest of the pups with their designated guardian. Today, it was Gaeric’s job.
Ingo’s hope was this time around that, with other pups around, Dawn would see another side to Gaeric and warm up to him some, and the warden in return would warm up to her. He did not realize just how frightened Dawn still was of him – even with the buffer of other interactions, albeit with other clan members within proximity, she seemed to find any one-on-one time without Ingo’s presence to be very distressing.
“Gaeric doesn’t hurt pups. He will not hurt you. Please, even if you do not trust Gaeric, trust me.”
He knew from the word go this wasn’t going to go well, but he still pried Dawn loose and sent her down the chute, nails screeching for the entire descent.
This time down the chute was a lot shorter than the first time. Dawn was cursing and trying to get on the slick ice to stop herself because she did not want to go down there. She could bear to be around Gaeric when other adults were around, but the sense of dread and anxiety she felt from being remotely alone with him made her stomach churn uncomfortably.
The incline grew steeper, and she was in Gaeric’s lair, sliding across the ice on her front until she knocked into the warden’s flank. This time, he was awake.
“About time.”
He grumbled and reached down, whether to pick her up or just touch her in general, Dawn was not interested. To her own surprise, she hissed and managed to coordinate her limbs well enough to send her skittering back along the ice. Not that she got far. With a twitch of his tail, she was sailing back in his general direction, this time greeted by a few familiar faces.
Dawn said, Gaeric releasing an exasperated sigh when the young Diamond clan warden waved and clambered over to her, Lian not too far behind her. Both looked extremely excited to see her.
“We were worried that Ingo forgot.”
Lian had taken her hand and was trying to pull Dawn back over toward the bigger mer, but she resisted. She was a little surprised how strong Lian was, but she was quick to distract him with a question.
“Why are you guys down here? Why are you down here Sabi?”
“Oh, Mr. Gaeric and I play a lot. He doesn’t know how to get rid of me.”
Beyond them, Gaeric rolled over onto his back and snorted derisively, he clearly had other thoughts on the matter and chose not to voice them. Lian answered her first question while he still tried to pull on her arm.
“It’s Gaeric’s turn to watch us. Gaeric’s the best! He usually lets us do whatever we want until we get tired.”
Dawn couldn’t help but notice the man in question puff up with pride at Lian’s words. With a quick yank, she freed herself and was looking over at Gaeric with slit eyes. She didn’t trust him further than she could throw him. She wanted to get out of here ASAP… The problem was that she didn’t know this place well enough.
Sure, there were a lot of little tunnels, but they were probably like the chute she had come down which made them too icy and steep to climb or just lead to nowhere. The only surefire way she knew out of here was the large hole in the floor that was filled with sea water, the issue there was that Dawn was a miserable swimmer and, knowing how deep they were, she wasn’t going to have enough air to navigate the underwater passages in pitch blackness and make it out into the open water.
She needed a reasonable way of getting out of here. She could do it while Gaeric was dozing, but she would need help from Lian and Sabi – neither of whom seemed keen to let her go. They wanted to play. They loved to play with her, and she loved to play with them, just not here. Gaeric made her way too anxious to want to do anything but leave immediately. Lian was still talking, chattering up a storm about some game they could play, but Sabi was watching her expression closely, noticing the surveyor had no interest in games.
“Hey, I have an idea for a game.”
Dawn said, keeping her voice lowered and clapping her hands together. Lian perked up and Sabi tilted her head, a hint of mischief in her sea green eyes that wouldn’t have been noticed unless you knew to look for it. Gaeric would have recognized it.
“You guys are really good at swimming, but who do you think is better at climbing?”
“Me, I have more limbs.”
Sabi replied matter-of-factly, already getting wind of Dawn’s “game”, and finding it extremely amusing. It was fun to annoy Gaeric and this would annoy him to no end. He didn’t mind playfighting or even pups clambering all over him, but he did not tolerate escape attempts. Sabi knew this would be fruitless, but it would still be funny to watch how events unfolded.
“Yeah, you’re right, Sabi. You must be faster than me or Lian.”
Lian puffed up indignantly at the quick acceptance on Dawn’s part, clacking his claws on the ice with a distinctive tink-tink-tink.
“No way! I have claws.”
He was quite aware that his claws were not long, but he had his whole life to get used to the ice and snowscape surrounding him. Sabi was still new to his home territory and often got assistance from Lord Braviary to get from place to place, he was positive that he could beat Sabi in a climbing competition and impress Dawn.
“You think so?”
Dawn asked, raising an eyebrow, and glancing skeptically at the sharp slopes that lead into Gaeric’s lair, some exposed in parts and others not. She was trying to be smart about this. It would probably be better to pick a chute that wasn’t exposed so Gaeric couldn’t stop her once her little competition was under way. A suitable one was the one she had fallen down, but that had also been a long way up…
“Well, let’s give it a try. It’ll be a like a race, so we should pick a shorter tunnel to climb up.”
“Oh, I know the perfect one.”
Dawn could tell that Sabi was indulging in her little game. The small mer was a little strange like that, but the surveyor was not going to question it. She gestured for them to follow and took them to the base of larger tunnel that Dawn could see the top of faintly and didn’t look too steep compared to the other chutes. Perfect.
“This’ll be easy.”
Lian proclaimed confidently, adjusting his hat on his head and cracking his knuckles just to emphasis his point. He had actually pulled his hat a little lower to cover up the light sweat accumulating on his brow.
He already knew that Sabi had quite the advantage over him better multiple limbs and how well she was able to coordinate them. Lian took a deep breath, taking a quick peek at the tunnel and flexing his hands, preparing for the climb. He wasn’t going to let the Diamond clan warden intimidate him. He was going to prove Pearl clan’s superiority and win over Dawn’s favor in one fell swoop.
Sabi was also looking at the tunnel, wondering if her limbs would even be long enough to reach the other side, but she wasn’t in this for the competition. She was mostly wondering how Dawn, with her blunt nails, was going to finagle her way up there without directly asking for their help and without alerting Gaeric.
The large warden appeared to be sleeping not too far away, but she was certain that he was moving incrementally, aware of Dawn’s half-baked plot, and only pretending to sleep to see how and when he would need to intervene.
Dawn’s plan was a little convoluted. She knew she couldn’t climb up the chute, so she would see who the better climber was and then try to convince them that sliding down the chute like a slide would be fun. They could make a new game out of it to see who could go further.
Once Lian and Sabi had helped her up and had slid away, she would make her escape.
“Okay, who wants to go first?”
Dawn barely got the words out when Lian took off his hat to let it drape across his back and got onto his belly. He pushed himself back aways and narrowed his eyes, attempting to determine his trajectory with his tongue caught between his teeth in thought.
His claws dug into the ice and, in a flash, rocketed forward on the slick ice. His aim was perfect, Sabi and Dawn jumping forward to watch his progress as he maybe got halfway up the chute on momentum alone. The boy let out a little growl and crunched into the side walls, clinging there and dangling for a moment, before he began to work his way up.
His tail flopped and the sound of heavy breathing filled the space, little droplets of sweat showered on them like rain, but he made it to the top and peered back down with a toothy grin.
The Diamond warden seemed to be lost in thought, running a gloved hand over the ice and the palm came away damp. She frowned, casting a surreptitious glance to her limbs while Dawn called up her congratulations. Lian was always going to go first, he had more to prove, and thought he had a slight advantage over Sabi because he was used to the terrain – which was undoubtedly true, but Sabi was used to ice and snow now.
Sabi already knew what Dawn hoped to gain from this so-called game, she wanted them to assist her to get to the top of the tunnel because she knew she wouldn’t be able to do it herself. Lian would be quick to step up and help her as the winner of the race, Sabi’s suckers wouldn’t be able to get the proper suction needed on the slick walls. Nevertheless, she attempted it anyway, encountering the exact problem she foresaw, but still managing to get to the top to look down at Dawn who was beaming up at them.
“Lian won! Sabi had a disadvantage going second… Man, it’ll be fun to slide down those. It was fun the first time.” “Weren’t you screaming the whole way down?”
Sabi called down and Dawn’s features broadened into a forced smile. It actually sort of hurt. She was hoping that hadn’t been noticed, but apparently loud screaming wasn’t subtle. She didn’t want to upset either of them, so she didn’t say anything, but she did double down on her suggestion of sliding down and how fun that could be.
Lian’s tail thumping against the ice overhead, his eyes lighting up and ears perking with excitement, he would take any opportunity to play more with Dawn. She was very fun. Sabi could be fun too, but she could also be a stick in the mud because she knew the outcome of all their games. If she wanted to slide, Lian would slide with her. Heck, he would even help her up.
He joined her at the bottom of the chute, frowning at her blunt claws and wondering how on earth she survived on her own being so small and having no real way of defending herself. Dawn wasn’t much bigger than him, but he had had his own troubles getting up to the top. Luckily, Lian didn’t have to think too hard about the logistics, because, as he tried to nudge Dawn in front of him to give her a boost, she was grabbed by her tail and dragged backward.
The motion was not as delicate as it should have been, but Gaeric was a little aggravated. Ingo’s pup was trying to rope the others into an escape attempt. Although his irritation was mostly extended to Dawn, he reserved a little of it too for Lian and more of it for Sabi. Lian should have known better and Sabi would have been the cause for the problem had Dawn not been there. He held back a low warning growl as he dangled Dawn before him, his face turning stern while she wriggled and writhed.
“Nice try, pipsqueak. Find something else to do with them.”
He set her down a lot more gently than she was picked up, instinctively grabbing her tail to rub where his fingers had applied pressure. Another small, defiant hiss escaped her, which made the warden roll his eyes impatiently, but he laid back down, watching her and the two young wardens through narrowed eyes.
Gaeric didn’t know how to feel about Ingo’s pup. She was just a little too peculiar. She was like Ingo in that way, which was why Ingo probably felt so strongly about protecting and guiding her, but Gaeric couldn’t get over the little warning bells in his mind. His gut told him that she was a threat. A little stunted, malnourished pup… What in Sinnoh’s name was wrong with him?
Dawn remained still until his eyes closed before rejoined Sabi and Lian, both of whom looked a little dejected that their fun had been interrupted. She was brewing a new plot in her mind, but all the possibilities were coming up short. There were very few avenues for escape. The tunnels being one. The hole in the ice that Gaeric used to get in and out of his lair seemed looming and dangerous, but it was the only other glaring possibility.
Swallowing thickly, Dawn pushed some panic back down below her ribcage where it sat heavy and churning in her stomach. She really wanted to get out of there. Ingo told her to trust Gaeric – she couldn’t do it. Their first interaction was just plain bad, she was utterly convinced that he would just snatch her and gobble her up. It had actually brought her to tears with how frightening it had been. It also seemed like Gaeric just didn’t trust her, not an ounce, when she had given him no real reason not to trust her.
Sabi and Lian watched her cast her eyes over to the hole, the cold, dark water beckoning to her. Sabi, not one to squelch an opportunity to swim, caught up to Dawn, even when Lian called after them that maybe they should pick something else to do. They could play tag or make some snowballs to toss around in a game of keep away. Neither of them seemed to be listening to him, so he hesitantly trailed after them.
The surveyor stared into the water, murky and emanating a freezing chill even without touching it. It was not remotely inviting, but Dawn’s distrust of Gaeric and Ingo’s betrayal at leaving her there with him like she was some useless, flopping baby was making her just want to go back to land and mope until she was scheduled to return to the village. Over her shoulder, Lian was cautioning her, trying to dissuade her from entering the water. It was a bad idea.
“We could play some other game.”
Lian suggested weakly, staring daggers at Sabi who blinked back at him. He gestured to Dawn’s back wildly, eyes huge and a small snarl curling his lips, the Diamond warden tipped her head and her horizontal pupils darting over to Dawn. She knew the outcome of this too. It would be hard to sway Dawn from her path but that could be a game in and of itself. It would save everyone a lot of trouble if she intervened, so she did.
“I think we should play a bit of hide and seek in some of the tunnels. Remember when you and some of others found some tunnels that lead to different caves?”
Lian’s face pinched like he was really debating on whether he wanted to tackle Sabi for bringing it up, but it had the benefit of immediately getting Dawn’s attention and her dark eyes were gleaming with interest.
“Tunnels? Caves? That sounds like so much fun! You found them Lian?”
Lian’s eyes grew even wider as she leapt forward, a dazzling smile on her face. He felt his cheeks grow a little warm, rubbing his chin in thought even as his ears and tail gave him away, the former being perked up, almost wiggling with the attention, and the latter slapping lightly against the ice.
“Well, I can’t take all the credit…”
If he was trying to sound modest, he wasn’t doing a very good job, but neither Dawn nor Sabi said anything. The smaller mers took Dawn by the hand and dragged her over to some of the smaller tunnels, all of them were just small enough to fit, which was claustrophobic, but perfect for evading Gaeric. The tunnel wasn’t particularly long, shimmying along far too slowly behind the more cautious Lian and Sabi crowding behind her.
“Are there more tunnels in these other caves? “A few but we didn’t get to explore a lot of them.” “Why not?”
Lian made to the cavern, pausing to check the ice, and already spotting an obvious problem. Dawn squirmed past him, trying to get a better look and to get some space, but Lian grabbed her arm and held her back, the ice beneath her groaning in protest.
The cavern was big and almost looked as though it was formed by bubbles, the ceiling was made up of half circles that caught what little light filtered in and refracted it around the space. That light was emanating from the floor, a soft orange glow. The cavern would have been quite dark without these odd features and Dawn squinted into the gloom as Lian pointed towards the center.
“That’s why.”
He replied, nodding toward the ground. Dawn squinted.
“I don’t… What am I supposed to be looking at?”
Lian looked at her with a level of disbelief that made Dawn cringe. How anyone fell for her and Ingo’s web of lies about her origin she did not know.
“The ice is thin. See the puddles? It’s like this every so often. We think there are heat vents or something below the ice-” “I think its magma. I don’t think heat vents glow.”
Sabi interjected, Lian closing his eyes to prevent anyone from seeing them roll in his skull. Lian had never seen a deep-sea heat vent before, but he knew what the ones closer to the settlement looked like, and although those ones didn’t glow, he found the idea of magma in the icelands a bit farfetched.
“Anyway, when the ice is solid, we can play in here. It’s not safe right now.”
Dawn wanted to counter that they were all capable swimmers, but she feared that if she opened her mouth and said anything else, she would make herself out to be even more of a fraud than she already felt. Lian felt a wash of guilt as that light in her eye vanished and her ears drooped. She was disappointed.
“We should go back is what you’re saying?”
She asked morosely, spotting the aforementioned tunnels across the room and looking at them longingly. Oddly enough, there were huge chunks of ice encrusted rock jutting through the floor, so she had to wonder if these were natural caves that lead into rocky crevasses in the earth. Maybe Sabi’s theory wasn’t too far off.
If that were the case, she definitely didn’t want to go down there in her current mer form, the rock would feel unpleasant against her skin. Even as a human, she wasn’t sure she would want to go down there. Although she loved exploration and discovery, she felt as though that discovery could be made by someone else, and she would be just fine with that.
 “We should go back.”
Sabi had said unexpectedly, clinging to the walls and dangling down between the two of them upside down. She hoped now that Dawn would stop having funny ideas and just go play with them back in the other cavern. There was nothing else of significance she could foresee, so now she just wanted to get to the fun stuff. Gaeric would yell at them when they got back, being a little harder on Dawn specifically for causing such a ruckus with her mere presence, but they all would inevitably end up asleep as they usually did.
Dawn was the caboose on their journey back. Dragging her feet, so to speak. She already got the impression that Gaeric was going to yell at her for persuading the two wardens into exploring the tunnels, which he had told her to not do. She was attempting to delay the inevitable. She hated to be berated. Captain Cyllene had been very disappointed in her last few reports, calling them fanciful tall-tales and that she needed to remain “grounded in reality” if she wanted to continue working in the survey corp.
They weren’t tales! The mers were right in front of her! All her captain could see was her making up stories instead of looking at pedantic sea stars and mussels in tidal pools. She was doing her job! Laventon had had to take her aside and gently explain that, while the information and drawings (all from memory, by the way!) of the merpeople in the waters around their settlement would be of particular interest to children, Cyllene would have very little patience for it.
Dawn stopped writing about them and returned to her sea stars and mussels - enjoying the world that she had inadvertently discovered, and still somehow finding ways to disappoint all the adults.
Gaeric was waiting for them, his whiskers bristling, and eyes narrowed when the two wardens slunk out of the cave, a growl reserved for Dawn in particular, making the space rumble. She flinched when he addressed her.
“When I said finding something else to do, small fry, I assumed I was being loud and clear. Stay where I can see you and stop causing trouble, got it?”
Although he was saying it to Dawn, Gaeric stared daggers at Lian and Sabi, affecting the former much more than the latter, Lian pulling his hat down tighter over his eyes much in the same way Ingo did to avoid eye contact. They should have known better, but Dawn should have listened to him, she had deliberately disobeyed. He didn’t know how Ingo managed her, he really didn’t. The pup was a handful and a half.
She was fussing with the sleeve of her tunic, dark eyes cast down as if she was waiting for more yelling and the large warden stopped midway through a tirade that he had been planning since he saw them disappear into the cave system. This was a little unfair of him, wasn’t it? Dawn wasn’t from here. She didn’t know how to act appropriately with the clan and their hierarchy, and on top of that, Gaeric hadn’t really given a reason to trust him. Especially after their disastrous first encounter.
It was a mutual distrust, but he recognized that she was out of her element and didn’t receive as much guidance from him as he should have provided as her temporary caretaker.
She heard a sigh overhead and a big hand at her back, scooting her along. Dawn squirmed, clearly uncomfortable being touched by someone who wasn’t Ingo and Gaeric moved his hand away.
“Come on.”
Dawn didn’t move and he was tempted to say something, demand that she follow him, but he was reminded of a young Irida in this moment and just how stubborn she could be when there was something she just didn’t want to do. He left her, figuring she would come over of her own accord. Trusting her to stop misbehaving. Although not a pup but the strictest of definitions, she was no doubt tired, and she would come rest sooner or later.
It took less than ten minutes for Gaeric to regret his decision, most of the pups all curled up and nestled on top of one another near his side, sleeping and quiet. He was about halfway to join them when he heard a loud splash and a shriek.
“Cold! F-F-F-Freezing!”
Gaeric lunged forward instinctually, shoving Sabi and Lian out of the way and scooping Dawn out of the water. Both of them, but especially Sabi, looked shocked that she had gone into the water. They both knew how shocking it would be to their systems. They knew acclimation was necessary for such cold water.
“What is wrong with you?”
He snarled, looking at her sodden coat and listening to her chattering teeth. Although she squirmed and wriggled, Gaeric pressed her against his chest with one hand and unknotted his parka with the other. Her pristine coat could hold up in relatively cold water, but the water down here would still be shocking to the uninitiated. Dawn should know that.
There were a lot of things that Dawn should know. It wasn’t a lack of Ingo teaching her, his fellow warden was diligent and patient in all that he taught her about their clan, but she had no concept of the fundamentals and that just seemed so suspect to him.
Gaeric tried swaddling her in his parka, it would help dry her and keep her warm, but being sopping wet and just being so damn wiggly, she slipped out of his grip and was quick to try and drag herself away.
"Alright, I've had just about enough."
Before she even knew what was happening, she felt a light pressure at the back of her neck. Although she thrashed and squirmed, she had been a little too slow to prevent Gaeric from getting a good grip on her this time. She was scruffed. Dawn reached over her head and tried to pry his fingers loose to no avail, dripping water, trying to stop her teeth from chattering, and wailing to be let go all at the same time.
Gaeric huffed and cast a glance down at the content pile of pups left undisturbed by her shenanigans, then to Sabi and Lian, looking up at her unapologetically, cringing when the older warden jerked his head over to the other pups. They went without argument. Playtime was over.
She squeaked when Gaeric swung around, bundling her up in his parka and effectively pinning her arms at her side as he did so. He lowered himself to the ice by the pups once more and set her down, Dawn trying to wriggle free with very little success. In the blink of an eye, she was surrounded on all sides by flesh. Dawn was effectively trapped in an arm prison. He moved himself accordingly to cut off points of escape and sighing when she kept trying to free herself, too much fabric and wrapped very tight.
"You've got to chill out, kid. Ingo will be back later."
Gaeric wasn't an idiot. The pup was frightened. She only really seemed to trust Ingo and they hadn't really gotten off on the right fin, so to speak. Although he was trying to be stern with the best of intentions, she found him terrifying and she now had no avenues of escape, which only made her more anxious. The little keening noises of fear making Gaeric reconsider his choice to isolate her to keep her out of trouble.
"Oi! Lian, Sabi - get up here."
He couldn't allow her to keep roaming around, but she might calm down in the presence of others. He knew the young wardens were awake – having just moved to the pile of pups a moment ago themselves so as to not inflict his ire, but, when they didn't move, Gaeric grumbled.
With a surprisingly quick movement, he pinned Dawn with one hand and reached down with the other, scooping up the pups with one massive hand. Pups felt safer in groups. He deposited them all on top of her before he lowered himself down, resting his head on his arms. There would be a bit of fussing, but he knew they'd settle down and sleep. It was hard to resist considering how comfortable and warm and safe the piles felt.
"Please, just sleep, Dawn."
Gaeric almost begged, slowly sensing the pups returning to sleep as Dawn emerged, having managed to free herself (probably with the help of Sabi or Lian), looking up at their babysitter and the mer eyed her back, almost daring her to do something.
"You called me by my name..."
So, he had. There was a beat of silence, and, to his immense relief, she was settling down in the crook of his arm, idly drawing patterns on his skin. She must have realized that this was not a punishment as much as it was a silent plea for her to calm down and relax a little.
Flipped over on her back, but she didn't close her eyes, just stared up at the ceiling of the cavern for a long time. He watched her impassively, feeling his eyes start to droop. His irritation, however, would not allow him to fall asleep. Something nagged him persistently in the back of his head, his gut instinct that something was not right about her making the large warden narrow his eyes and grumbled out a question.
"Why won't you sleep?" "’m not tired."
She replied stubbornly, her form tensing against his arm as he asked more questions. It wasn’t an opportunity to be missed. She was never away from Ingo long enough to get a straight answer out of her.
"Pups are supposed to sleep. Helps you grow. Maybe that's why you're so tiny." "I'm not a pup."
Her lower lip quivering a little, her dark eyes fixed on the ceiling above and refusing to meet Gaeric’s gaze because she knew she would succumb in the same way she crumbled under any adults’ eyes. She would spill all the beans just so she would stop receiving that look. Arms folded tightly over her slim chest, she tried to feel braver than she felt in this moment.
Gaeric already made her nervous - why was he bringing this up again? No answer either she or Ingo provided ever satisfied him and their answers never changed. So, why ask again and again? Was he trying to catch her off-guard? Catch her in a lie? If he kept pressuring her, Dawn might just snap.
She felt like she was trying to shrink back against his arm, trying to avoid his notice the same way that she would try to avoid the captain’s scrutinizing gaze. She knew what was coming what she saw his brow furrow. She had seen the commander’s face with the exact same expression many times before.
“You say that, but you certainly act like a pup. You should know better than to jump into unfamiliar water. You’re as finicky as Ingo... You never eat. You don’t sleep. You wander off on your own. You can barely even swim. You’re both so… weird.”
He watched her turn her head away, bringing her hands to her face and Gaeric could see they were coming away wet. He quickly bit his tongue. That was too far, his mouth was ahead of his brain. What was left unsaid was that Gaeric thought they were a perfect set. Ingo seemed so normal in comparison to Dawn. Everyone knew it and was too kind to say it, especially to the pup. Not him. He had to make himself look like more of a jerk.
"Why does it matter?"
The words quivered with held back emotions and Gaeric internally berated himself. She’s a kid. She’s just a kid. She never asked for this. In his head, he was trying to form an adequate apology, but in the meantime, his mouth kept moving.
"Because you should be twice as big at your age, and you shouldn't have this coat. It should be getting all patchy and you should be getting some spots."
He replied, trying to keep his tone even as he adjusted his arm, indicating her pearly white coat that stuck out like such a sore thumb. Maybe by pointing out the oddities, she could see why he thought it was so strange that she looked the way she did. It did nothing of the sort. She sank lower and lower, rubbing her eyes and trying to hide the fact that she was sniffling. Oh Sinnoh, Ingo was going to kill him for making her cry.
“Kid… Listen, that came out wrong.”
Dawn didn’t even try to stop him when he shifted his arm to nudge her back into sight. She was scrunching herself up into a ball, her sniffling becoming more pronounced as she wrapped her arms around her tail. Gaeric squeezed his eyes shut. Lord Avalugg, grant him the wisdom to know when to shut up.
He heard Lian’s small voice trying to rouse Dawn and not sounding very successful. She was going to wake up the other pups. He adjusted his bulk one last time, scooping Dawn and Lian up, Sabi grabbing onto his fingers with her arms, suckering into place so the large warden didn’t try to shake her loose, and deposited the trio onto his flank.
Gaeric had every intention to apologize to her later because, even if he didn’t understand her and her situation, nobody deserved to be treated as he just treated Dawn.
“Please, just sleep, you three.”
He placed a hand over them, enshrouding them in darkness, and only moving it away when they were still. They were finally sleeping and Gaeric sighed, folding one arm beneath his head and the other protectively around the remaining pups, before drifting off to sleep himself.
The scene he stumbled in on was certainly a more serene one than he anticipated. Ingo appeared from the hole in the floor, peering around before clambering up to gather his young ward, and he found everyone sleeping peacefully. He shifted closer, softly calling her name with no result.
He tried again and that’s when Gaeric grabbed a fist full of his parka and dragged him down onto the ice with less of a resounding crash than expected. Although he had never felt so inclined towards aggression, a deep, throaty growl resonated through the cavern and Gaeric glared at him and pressed a finger to his lips before gesturing over at a few sleeping pups on his side. Dawn was among them, nestled into his Gaeric’s fur beside Lian and Sabi (of all pups), which only sent a little twinge of jealousy through the bigger mer, but Ingo got the picture.
After what had probably been a long day of trying to wrangle Dawn and the young wardens, Gaeric had finally managed to get them to sleep, and he would do anything to keep them that way.
Ingo stifled a sigh as he was dragged closer, Gaeric’s grip loosening while sleep began to reclaim him, but not relinquishing his hold entirely. In a few hours, he would be completely awake and ready to start his nighttime patrol, but he was content to return to sleep. Ingo being added to the sleeping pile whether he wanted to or not.
He carefully worked Gaeric’s fingers loose, but settled down beside him, using one of his soft fins as a pillow and closing his eyes. Ingo listened to the soft breathing of the pups and the light rumble of the other warden’s snores felt soothing in a way he couldn’t quite describe. Ingo pulled his cap a little lower over his eyes and allowed himself to relax. This cavern was the most comforting and safest place in the world as of this moment.
Gaeric woke up before the pups or Ingo, remaining still for as long as he could afford to. He had never seen Ingo or Dawn look so relaxed, the pup’s small hands fussing with his spotted fur as she slept, Sabi and Lian half on top of her like they had been holding her down… Or maybe hugging her. Gaeric didn’t need a closer examination to know he had upset the pup; he could still see the tear tracks.
He needed to be careful about the things he said about her and her caretaker. He turned his gaze toward Ingo, his frown softened in sleep and his arm half thrown around him. Both of them were so weird about doing group activities. Ingo had every excuse in the book to avoid communal grooming, meals, and rests, and Dawn was just the same. It’s like they fought every instinct that would make them less out of place.
Ingo was a good mer. He cared so deeply for the clan, and it ran deeper than the debt he felt he owed them. Gaeric respected him – he had even said so, although he wasn’t sure if Ingo took his word for it.
His pup was… weird, but she was doing everything in her power to help them (and the Diamond Clan). She was weird, like extraordinarily weird, but he had to give credit where credit is due. Even if she was weird, she was Ingo’s pup. Even if she was weird, she had a good heart.
Gaeric said, but he meant it with affection.
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im so sorry i had an ask abt what my fav T&K moments are but i deleted the draft and the ask dissapeared too... soooooo... not doing that ever again! thats okay.
i am fond of all the eras (which in my head are 1. them being on DR, 2. right after DR, 3. the 2 ssns of AS they were on (or at least Ks ssn), 4. leading up to the breaking point, 5. the "fallout", 6. reconnecting, 7. up until covid, 8. beginning of the lockdown, 9. leading up to their tour, 10. during tour, 11. after tour until the breakup(?), 12. and now idk whats going on again but we will be smarter looking back on this time in the future) for their own special weird whatevers that they had going on. but here r my fav ones:
- T picking K despite her not really contributing to her team doing well again.
- the one moment i made my header bc its very cutesy.
- K being sooo offended abt T being eliminated both on DR and after in her yt series.
- those interview(?) bits where they both say they'd kaikai w each other from their season.
- besties for cash.
- also their twitter posts from this timeperiod thirsting over eachother!??!?! (+ T on reddit).
- the Pandora Boxx interview w them from maybe 2016 (its still up on fb!) (atp K being on AS2 was already announced ig?)
- K getting those dolls from Andrew for T (no matter how cursed they may or may not be).
- T&Ks HS reunion (them twirling around together☹)
- the anecdote of them going on a hike where T says she forgives K and K's gratefulness for it.
- honestly my all time fav comfort thing(s) they ever did were the pods that barely had video to them yet and were filmed at like Ts place or in hotelrooms on the floor. like. the vibes were immaculate and no matter what is going on that bunch of episodes just bring inner peace to me. forever grateful for them <33
- anytime they talk abt eachother to random ppl basically unprompted (see: K's Pearl makeover, T on the latest PitStops, T on her own channel to guests) ((its just so casual and domestic)).
- i think timeperiod-vise Ks fakeout of a 40th bday party falls here. and the fact that T dressed up like that... and that pic of them and Orville in the bathroom...
- all of the little moments of the live tour. there was so much going on, it was very intense and oh god i miss it soooo much. i esp loved their days in germany (or europe in general). the hugging the touching the bloopers the breeding jokes!!! insanity.
- all the stories of them being on the tourbus or even the day they had an accident w one vechicle and they said they were worried abt each other (i only dare to list it here bc nobody got hurt as far as i know) ((did this actually happen? i think they only talked abt it like once and that would be weird and out of character for them so maybe i imagined it?))
- the pod they say how they'd stop whatever they were doing just to go help the other and how they love each other the most!!
- T saying "she is my bitch" abt K backstage (its really just that she isnt usually posessive over K so vocally. and then she was. and i was like okay wow!).
- SHE IS GOD TO ME!!!!!!!
- T straddling K on the netflick couch numerous times.
+ all of the "waterloo"s and "time after time"s.
(+ T writing Soldier and Ghost on the moon and singing You can come around if u want to right after musing abt whether we also "have a friend who we r just like 'well u could have been the loml but we met under circumstances that made us only friends so whatever!'".)
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minijenn · 1 month
Fuck it time for random assorted UF ideas I had that I think are pretty neat/interesting/fun and I never got aruond to writing:
Mindful Education would have had angst for all four of our MK; Steven still reeling from Jasper, Bismuth, Rose shattering Pink Diamond, etc. Dipper is still going through it from what Bill did to Stepper in RMD, Connie is upset cause she broke that kid's arm i guess, and Mabel is feelin hella awkward bc she would have only recently accidentally revealed how she feels about Steven to him
Tied into that ^^^ we get the lyrics of Here Comes a Though tying in nicely to how each of them are feeling: "Here comes a thought that might alarm you" (Connie), What someone said and how it harmed you (Steven), Something you did that failed to be charming (Mabel), Things that you said are suddenly swarming (Dipper).
Mindful Education would have also featured appearences from every one of the MK fusions, including Stonipbel's debut! (Ok I'm done talking about Mindful Education now I promise)
The chapter Time Tangled would have essentially been a UF take on the old GF Timestuck AU. So Steven, Dipper, and Mabel would have accidentally wound up 30 years in the past, split up, with Mabel ending up with Stan back then as he's on his way to Gravity Falls, Dipper with Ford in the midst of his peak paranoia, and Steven with Rose during her peak Immense Concern About Ford. Angst ensues.
Weirdmageddon, if I were to write it now, would have a lot going on in it. Yellow and a bunch of Homeworld Gems were gonna roll in along with Bill and hiis Henchmaniacs and it was basically gonna be chaos all around.
After wandering alone as in canon during the apocalypse, Dipper would have eventually ran into Lapis, because of course; he was gonna kind of have a fear driven breakdown bc he has no idea where the hell Mabel or Steven or anyone else is and he's terrified for their lives and Lapis would have comforted him with an original lullaby bc she's his Mom we all already know this
You better believe, after meeting Gideon and hearing about all the trouble he'd caused Dipper earlier that summer, Lapis would have T posed on that 10 year old so agressively imo
She would have also joined Dipper, Soos, and Wendy in venturing into Mabel's bubble, as would have Pearl who would have joined the group at some point; one of the original things inside of the bubble would have been a fake version of Steven who's head over heels for Mabel, finally returning her affections; Pearl would have been the one to talk Mabel down from that, with the two of them sharing solidarity over being in love with someone they knew they couldn't end up having
Some of the more secondary and minor characters would have had a chance to shine thanks to Amethyst, who gathered up a group of them (consisting of Pacifica, Robbie, Lars, Sadie, Greg, maybe a few others?) and escorted them to the safety of the bunker; there, they would have found McGucket, who's been hiding out from the shitstorm outside
In the bunker, they'd all split up, and Pacifica would have found "Dipper" (the shapeshifter) frozen in one of the cryogenic pods so of course she sets him free and "he" tricks her in a gambit to escape the bunker; Amethyst sees through its ruse and fuckin obliterates that thing all over again good for her
Steven would have been captured by Yellow's forces around the same time Ford was captured by Bill (Dipper watches this happen and is unable to stop it hahaha oh no); Garnet and Connie would have teamed up to save him and Peridot would have joined them, essentially pretending to defect back to Homeworld to slip in closer to find Steven
My original plan was for Steven to actually be poofed and meet Rose inside his Gem but now that we know that's not how it works, I would have just had Connie rescue him and all of the MK and Gems regroup at the shack I suppose
There would have been a musical chapter during Weirdmageddon ala Mr. Greg. That's right, a whole chapter of original songs written by me. Fucking suffer.
My original plan was for the Gem temple to be destroyed during Weirdmageddon, thus unleashing all of the bubbled Gems inside of it, including Bismuth and Jasper (who would have somehow wound up uncorrupted idk how)
We would have gotten a lot of fusions showing up again during the big climax battle, with Stonipbel taking center stage in a fight against Yellow Diamond (set to a dramatic dueling duet); this fight would have ened with Yellow being poofed and her forces grabbing her gem and fleeing back to Homeworld
Bill would have split Stonipbel up and nearly killed all four of them until Stan pulls the same trick he does in canon and turns the tables on that fucking triangle, "killing" him (not really cause he returns in UF2 but shhhh)
You'd best believe Amethyst would have had a fucking meltdown when she finds out Stan's memories are gone and he has no idea who she is; it would probs also strike a strong cord with Steven and Dipper, reminding them of the time when Stepper went through something pretty damn similar
I would have dedicated more time to Stan getting his memories back, mostly fluffy, sweet moments building into it
With the temple destroyed and so many corrupted Gems on the lose, Steven and the Gems made plans to leave Gravity Falls to round them all up. With the warp pad also broken, they would have all gone with Greg in his van. That's basically what they'd be doing in the span of time between UF and UF2.
The epilogue would have leaned heavily into MK fluff and bonding, the four of them promising to return to Gravity Falls next summer, I would have absolutely cried while writing it.
Along with Steven, Connie, and the Gems, Lapis and Peridot would def be at the bus stop to see Dipper and Mabel off; there would be just... so many tears all around esp between the MK god
I would have included two scenes in the epilogue, one hinting at Bill retuning in UF2 and one of Yellow reforming on her ship and coming up with her Human Biowepons Operation which would eventually lead into UF2's Stonemason arc
And that's all I got maybe I'll do these for UF2 and UFF as well idk
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here's my entry for day 3 of @mcyt-yuri-week! today's prompt is "qpr/aromance"
Pearl loves so many things about her alien base, but if she had to pick a favorite, it would be the plants.
She’s spent hours tending to them, figuring out how to keep them alive, and discovering what makes them unique. Some fill the air with glitter, some respond to her touch, and some even glow in the dark. There’s something beautiful about every plant in her biome, and that’s even before she collects the best part: the fruits. There are nearly a dozen edible plants that grow wild around her base. She’s learned what they taste like and what her favorites are, and now, she’s learning how to use them in recipes.
After all, a midnight picnic with her partner deserves something special.
As the sun goes down, Pearl returns to her house with a basket of alien fruits. Gem said she’d make sandwiches and cake for the picnic, which leaves Pearl to make drinks. Luckily, she’s spent the last few months perfecting her boba tea recipe.
It starts with tea, of course. Pearl puts a pot of water over the fire to boil, then adds the holographic blue flowers and heart-shaped leaves she dried herself. Next up is the boba: juice-filled orange orbs from the center of flowers and sweet, squishy white seeds from inside the sparkle pods.
Mailbox wanders into the kitchen and nuzzles against Pearl as she cuts the first pod open, sending a burst of sparkles into the air. “Well, hello there, Mailbox! A little curious, are we?”
Mailbox barks. Pearl chuckles as she scoops the seeds out of the pod and drops them into a bowl. As she cuts another pod open, Matchbox races in and curiously tries to jump up to the counter. Pearl laughs out loud. “No, you goofy pup, you cannot have my fruit.” She gently pushes Mailbox back down to the floor.
Pearl mixes the seeds and orbs together in the bowl, then divides the mixture between two bottles. The tea is finally ready, so she takes it off the fire, sweetens it, and leaves it to cool. It shimmers in the light of Pearl’s kitchen, shifting from blue to orange to pearlescent white. It’s perfect. All she has to do is add the fruit flavoring, and it’ll be ready to surprise Gem—
Matchbox, Mailbox, and Tilly all leap up and run to the door, barking excitedly all the way. Pearl puts her cooking tools down and follows them. “Do I have a visitor?”
She opens the door to find GeminiTay standing in front of her.
Gem looks perfect. There are sunflowers in her braid and vines woven around her antlers. She’s wearing her favorite dress, the one that makes her look like a woodland elf. Pearl is suddenly self-conscious of her own fruit-stained overalls. “Oh, gosh, you’re early! I’m sorry, I didn’t realize. I’m not quite ready yet…”
“That’s alright! I actually…” Gem smiles sheepishly. “I knew you’d be cooking for the picnic, and I kinda just wanted to hang out with you.”
Pearl’s heart melts. “Of course! I was trying to surprise you with boba, but now we can make it together.”
As Gem steps into Pearl’s base, all three of Pearl’s dogs leap around her. Mailbox leaps up and puts his paws on Gem’s chest, accidentally knocking her to the ground, and Matchbox curls up on Gem’s stomach. Tilly trots over and licks Gem’s face, then looks up at Pearl with an expression of aren’t I a good dog for not knocking her over? From the ground, Gem laughs so hard she cries.
Pearl laughs too, then tries to catch her breath. “No! Bad dogs, all of you. Get off of her.”
“Aw, don’t worry, I know they’re sweet.” Gem sits up and pets Matchbox’s head. “So what were you saying about boba?”
“I was just making some!” Pearl grabs Gem’s hand and leads her into the kitchen. “Although I should warn you, it isn’t exactly a normal flavor.”
“What is it, then?”
Pearl winks. “You’ll see.”
When Gem sees Pearl’s collection of ingredients, she stares. It’s like nothing she’s ever seen before. “Pearl, this is amazing! What are all these?”
“100% genuine alien flora, straight from my personal garden,” Pearl says with a flourish. “That’s a lie. They grow wild all over my biome. But they are alien plants.”
Gem laughs. “Only you, Pearl.”
“Aw, you love me.” Pearl elbows her.
Gem leans her head on Pearl’s shoulder. “Of course I do.”
They smile at each other. Pearl can’t help but gaze at her partner for what has to be the ten-thousandth time, studying every detail she’s come to love. Gem’s emerald green eyes shine in the light and reflect the stars from the windows, and the white freckles on her face highlight the blush on her cheeks like constellations. She’s brilliant and beautiful, and Pearl can’t help but stare at her – not quite the way she’s heard others describe romance, but like looking at a beautiful meteor shower or an artfully arranged bookshelf. Gem isn’t “just a friend,” but she isn’t exactly a girlfriend, either. She’s just Gem, and Pearl is just Pearl, and they wouldn’t have it any other way.
“So,” Gem says, bringing Pearl out of her thoughts. “What’s the next step with this stuff?”
“Funny you should ask!” Pearl reaches into her basket and pulls out a remarkably spiky fruit. Its shape has too many sharp points and wild edges to be natural, but it somehow exists anyway. “All we need is to cut this thing open and mash it up.”
“Are you sure it won’t attack us?” Gem teases.
“Nah, they’re only called firework fruits because of the shape. They don’t actually explode. Unlike the sparkle pods.”
“Unlike the what?” Gem shakes her head in amazement. “Pearl, your base this season is something else.”
“Why, thank you very much,” Pearl says with a joking bow. “Anyway, it’s easier than it looks. Want to do the honors?”
“Gladly.” Gem picks up a knife from the counter and weaves it between the fruit’s spikes, then presses down. It breaks into two neat halves, revealing orange flesh swirled with streaks of white. “That looks… weirdly delicious.”
In response, Pearl picks up a spoon, scoops up a bit of fruit from the inside, and pops it into her mouth.
“Hey, save some for the tea!” Gem laughs. 
Pearl takes out another spoon and hands it to Gem. “Okay, fine,” Gem says. “I’ll have some too. Just to make sure it’s good.”
Gem takes a bite of the firework fruit. It tastes strange, but good – a bit like saltwater taffy. “That is delicious, actually,” she mumbles through her mouthful of food.
“Help me mash this stuff up?” Pearl asks, taking half of the fruit and scooping its insides into a bowl.
“You got it.” Gem does the same. “You could totally use this as a weapon.”
“Or for a really dangerous game of volleyball.”
Both of them dissolve into laughter. Pearl takes the bowls of fruit and mixes them with the holographic tea, then pours the mixture into the two bottles.
Gem looks over at the drinks. The tea shifts from blue to orange every time she looks at it, and the swirls of color light up the parts of her mind she’s trained to focus on perfect color palettes. The drink is nearly as pretty as Pearl is, and that’s saying something. “Did you mean to make the colors like that?” she realizes.
Pearl’s eyes widen. “Like what? Is that bad?”
“No, it’s…” Gem takes out her communicator and shows Pearl a sticker she’s recently added to her collection on its case. It’s a heart with stripes of orange and blue connected by white in the middle, the same set of colors Pearl’s decorated a thousand things with – the aroace flag. “It’s perfect.”
“It is perfect!” Pearl beams. “I didn’t even do that on purpose. That’s amazing, though, now that you say it.”
Pearl hands Gem a bottle of tea with one hand, then takes Gem’s other hand in hers. “So, then. About that picnic?”
“Sounds perfect to me,” Gem says. She leads Pearl out to the perfect spot at the top of the hill, with Matchbox, Mailbox, and Tilly trotting behind them. They set up their picnic, illuminated by lanterns and moonlight. For anyone who doesn’t know, it looks like a perfect date, or something straight out of a painting.
For them, though, it’s just Pearl and Gem, partners and partners-in-crime, having a midnight picnic together.
What could be better than that?
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Mermay still :) how about a fic where Alec is a orca mer and Magnus is a megaladon? In this au, your "size" is determined by what species you are, so a dolphin mer would be about the size of an average human, whereas orca would be twice the size of a dolphin mer. Which means Alec, who is used to being on of the biggest mer around, is suddenly DWARFED by Magnus.
For plot, I was thinking maybe Alec's pod had set up in a new territory, only to find out Magnus had territory nearby. They are obviously afraid of him for being a muc bigger and deadlier predator than them, Magnus isn't super thrilled with the pod being nearby. Until one day when he's near the borders of there territory terrorizing them with his presence, he meets Alec, who was patrolling today and decided to go ask Magnus if he needed something because Magnus sets off allll his prey instincts and he's both not used to that, and kind of into it and it freaks him out.
every single week you do this to me. i also got requests to add more to your last prompt (which i'm getting to but like, i have to do some research first). not that i'm complaining, to be clear. i am wallowing, not complaining.
did i obsessively write this while making breakfast because @saeths got super excited about it? yes lol
ily babe
Alec stares with cold disdain at the dolphin mer who tried and failed to woo him. As much as his parents resent his refusal to take a mate, they also can’t push the issue. Alec is the only reason they were able to move their pod when mundane expansion and pollution intruded too far into their past territories.
That doesn’t mean, sadly, that they stop encouraging others to pursue him.
Most of the pod are dolphins and narwhals and while many have powerful tails and fins and some even know how to use their horns, they’re small. Which means that Alec is the only one of the pod who can take on their larger enemies. Those whose blood mingles more with squid and octopus.
Alec is exhausted from the long journey of finding a new territory and he’s only barely allowed himself to finally rest
“Alec—” Izzy says, and her voice is soft with fear, as if she’s afraid the current will take her voice to a predator. He’s never seen her so frightened.
“What is it?” He asks, trying to work his gills faster so he can wake up more quickly. “Did the scouting parties find something?”
“Our scouts made a mistake—” her lower lip trembles and a pearl slides down her cheek. “Alec we’re not in his territory, but we’re so close. He hasn’t done anything, but we can’t move again so soon Alec, the clave doesn’t know what to do.”
“Izzy you’re not making sense.”
“He’s a megalodon mer, Alec. He’s at least twice as big as you.”
Alec swallows, because he’s the biggest in his pod by a lot. The only way other mer can take him is if they swarm him and even that is hard with how powerful his tail is.
Alec shudders at the thought of an enemy even bigger than himself, because he’s never seen or met one.
“I’ll go.” Alec offers and then swallows hard at the gleam in Aline and Helen’s eyes. He’s never been sent to offer a tribute before except as a guard and it will be odd, being the one dressed to impress.
Magnus knows exactly what kind of mer has taken off the small open territory that Magnus has never bothered to claim. It’s an almost neutral route that is often taken by those he doesn’t care to waste time on.
However, the fact that he’s left it open doesn’t mean he’ll allow just anyone to live so close to him. Especially not when they’re annoying, chirpy little dolphin and dancing narwhals who flinch at his shadow and scream at his teeth.
The water reeks of fear and it’s feeding Magnus’ hunger, making it grow quickly until he’s ravenous and hunting only two days after he last feed.
He gluts himself on fish and small whales and then moves to where a small current will help him clean his hair and nails of the worst of the gore.
If it happens to also be on the border of the new pod’s territory and his own, where they can see him dipping his fingers casually into a current that could rip off any of their own limbs and lets the scent of blood fill the water.
Well, it’s still Magnus’ home.
If they’re intimidated, they can leave.
That’s his opinion for the first two days at least, until he finds a very clear tribute post near to his border and the pods but without actually crossing into his own. It shows a healthy dose of wariness and fear, though it’s a bit disappointing. Magnus thought he might actually get a fight or two before they submitted to his rule.
He leaves an agreement, takes the meager offering and then crushes it, leaving the remains behind.
If they think Magnus is like any great white, easy to please with a little bit of groveling another nothing of impressive value, then he’ll send them back to wherever they fled.
“You don’t remember what sharks like as tributes?” Alec asks dryly, ready to slap Imogen into the cave wall and Jia gives him a nervous look.
“We grew lax—” Jia admits slowly, which is as good as acknowledging they just started relying on Alec as soon as he outgrew the rest of his pod.
“So, then I’ll wear what you want but I’ll pick what to take.” Alec retorts, because he’s not taking a megalodon twice his size sea grapes.
There are murmurs from the elders and Alec snorts, because the clave can either do it his way or they can try it out on their own and honestly, they’re all to scared to.
Alec isn’t taking kelp baskets or anything else to a treaty with a predator.
Instead, once he’s dressed, he takes a moment to see how he moves with all the decorations and accessories they put him in and then, when he’s used to it, he hunts.
It takes time and strategy to get the most impressive squid he can, rather than just the easiest. Alec can’t afford to offer insult instead of respect.
He gets the squid wrapped up in kelp to make it easier to transport and then sets out with it trailing behind him. He gets as close as he dares to without permission and then lingers on the edge of a current that would batter him but break others of his pod.
Alec doesn’t want any interruptions or pod members spying on such an important meeting, especially if the presence of others could set off such an intense predator.
Magnus scents freshly killed, delicious squid and he swims towards the scent. It’s too close to his territory line to be anything other than a gift, a taunt, or a very deadly mistake.
It’s a gift.
Magnus has never seen a mer dressed so prettily that wasn’t some kind of tribute. He’s also only seen a few orca mer and never any as big as the one drifting on the lines of the territory.
He has a squid nearly as big as he is and it’s tied with kelp, clearly an additional offering that he’s hunted himself.
“Oh—” Magnus croons, sharp teeth gnashing at the taste of awe and the scent of a predator recognizing another as he gets closer. “Where were they hiding you?”
The mer bristles, not surprised by his presence but there is something proud in the gleam of his eyes, “I wasn’t hiding.” His eyes are dark and watchful but as Magnus circles him, his tail sways with clear discomfort as he takes in the clear difference in their sizes.
Magnus’ little mer is used to being the biggest in a territory, that much is clear, and Magnus is sure the little orca has taken down many lesser sharks with ease.
“Oh no, of course not.” Magnus soothes and he moves his tail in an idle slap to the water behind him, smirking as the ripples he creates rock his little visitor. “You wouldn’t hide, not from me. The others though, they kept you away. I haven’t seen you and I’ve been watching.”
“I don’t like a lot of noise.” Is said quietly, “I sleep on the far side, in the deep caves. It’s further away from any territory lines and also our least defensible. It made sense that I’d rest there, keep alert.”
Which is perfect, because Magnus also dislikes the tedium and noise of mer pods.
“And you needed rest for so long?” Magnus asks, circling again and watching hungrily as the mer’s gills flutter.
“We uh, hit a jellyfish field when we got close.”
Magnus knows exactly what he’s talking about and he makes a deep, clicking noise that normally makes prey go still but has his mer swaying towards him. It’s easy for Magnus, but for regular mer, the field is a horror and tragedy waiting to happen. It’s more shocking that so many survived and are uninjured than anything else and Magnus realizes it’s because his tribute took the brunt of it.
Magnus gets closer, inspecting the skin under the layers of delicately woven pearls and shiny decorations. There are small, angry lines of silver across his mer’s skin and Magnus presses fingers to the nearest ones, earning himself a hitched breath.
“Your name?” Magnus asks, because he’s too impatient to wait any longer.
“Alec, Alexander by the old tongue.”
“Magnus Bane.” Because even though mer do not have pod names like humans, and Magnus has no pod, he is still renown.
He has a name because he has become a bane to all who cross him.
“Alexander,” Magnus says, and he reaches out to grip Alexander’s neck, just below his gills, so that his thumb teasingly caresses the sensitive membranes. It’s an incredibly intimate gesture and Alexander whines and goes still, staring at Magnus in shock.
“I accept the tribute.” Magnus tells him, “and in return for such an impressive mate, I will allow your former pod to remain. I will even
“Wha-?” Alexander starts to ask and then he nods, eyes wide and gills kissing the tip of Magnus’ thumb.
Magnus moves slowly, pressing his tail up against Alexander’s sleek, smooth one and Alexander goes instinctively still. Magnus skin is smooth against him, so long as he doesn’t try to move away.
“You’re worth far more than a small feeding ground, aren’t you Alexander?” Magnus has killed tributes trying to offer themselves to him before, but Alexander is the only one who has ever caught his eye.
Alec has a moment where he almost explains, and then he decides it really doesn’t matter.
Even if Magnus were willing to forgive the misunderstanding, he’s not going to be willing to let Alec’s pod stay without something of equal worth and now that Alec knows how much value Magnus sees in him, he finds he doesn’t really care.
Alec’s body is covered in scars and while he likes fighting, he’s tired of it being for the survival of other people. Especially when half the mer in his pod do stupid things, convinced of their own hubris because they expect Alec to come save them.
Magnus is three times his size, not the two Izzy predicted, and his hands could cover the entirety of Alec’s gills, but he’s being gentle in a way the pod stopped being long ago. For all that they covet Alec’s size and skills, even those in his family unit stopped being soft, as if Alec is always a weapon and protection both.
Magnus is treating him like he’s delicate kelp, like he’s something fierce and incredible but still precious and it makes Alec warmer than the sun on the surface ever has.
“Magnus—” he murmurs because words are lost to him and it’s all he can think of to say.
The massive, heavy tail against his own presses closer and Alec shifts, shivering when he can feel the promising bite of Magnus’ tail against his own. The scales of Magnus’ tail are larger than any shark he’s fought and if he moves wrong, he’ll be shredded.
Magnus merely chuckles and pulls him closer, so that the scales are smooth against him once more.
“As long as you stay close, you’ll be fine.” Magnus tells him, the hand not holding Alec’s throat and gills wrapping around his waist. Fingers play where his body melds from torso to tail and Alec gasps out a stream of bubbles at how intimate such a simple gesture can be.
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1-khxna-1 · 1 year
¡! ❞The Shadow of Mars¡! ❞
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Pearl x gem reader ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚ words: 888 google docs pages: 2
part: 3/4
After your walk, you went back inside the temple. Steven was in his bed, sound asleep as usual. Dreaming to his heart’s content. Pearl was watching him sleep until you walked in then her cheeks turned a light blue,” do you know how to knock!?” but then she calmed down after she saw it was you. In fact, she calmed down so much to shoot you with a dirty look before turning away and walking downstairs.” welcome back pearl! I thought you lost yourself outside there.” you said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes, trying to mask her annoyance at your comment. She knew you were just trying to be annoying, but her dry tone was a clear indication that she was not amused. She crossed her arms,” Ha ha very funny.” you grabbed a cup and filled it up with water, even though you didn't need to eat or drink or sleep or really do anything, Steven got you used to it. you signed and looked at Pearl,” Look. I can forgive you. I suppose… But I can never forget something like that” Her face was full of shock, “what… What about what happened on the beach?”
You cocked your head to the side and raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Yeah, what about it?" you asked, wanting to know what she was so shocked about. She continued to stare at you like you had grown five more heads, which you hadn't. You squinted your eyes and furrowed your brow, trying to figure out why she was so taken aback. After a few moments of silence, she finally spoke up. "It's just… I didn't expect you to forgive me..”
“I'm mainly forgiving you for Steven.”Her expression changed in an instant, faster than Steven could pull out his shield to protect himself. "So then I didn't earn it," she said, her voice firm and determined. "I can't just be forgiven just because of Steven. I need to show that I earned it." now it was your turn to look at her in shock as if she had grown five heads. It was a strange thing for her to say, but you could tell that she meant it. She was determined to prove her worth, for who knows at this point these crystal gems are strange people.
“Alright just don't overdo it I guess,” you said not really wanting her to but you knew she was going to overdo it.
And that she did, whenever they had a battle you would be the first person to protect. Even though you could protect yourself just fine. Each day she protected you, you felt like a diamond at this point. It was difficult to witness a pearl making a considerable effort to seek forgiveness from you. Whenever you left to fetch some water, she would persistently hold her spear in a defensive stance as if anticipating an attack.
But then the real challenge came when dealing with Jasper and Peridot. They had come down in a green hand ship..? When they came down each crystal gem was there, even Steven which you thought was stupid, of course, Pearl was in front of you holding her spear out ready to attack. your weapon, gotten from your gem was a blade. the battle was short-lived with the crystal gems and you sadly losing. all of you had gotten poofed and placed in holding cells, yours being right next to Pearl.
“We could have won if you weren't busy protecting me,” you said, you were perfectly fine with protecting yourself.
“I just wanna earn your forgiveness. I can't live knowing that you just forgave me because of Steven, it isn't right,” she said.
“Well you will live and you have earned it”, your eyes were glued to the ground as you spoke to Pearl through the wall, “You do not need to defend me when I'm perfectly fine to do it myself pearl, its stupid and now we're going to homeworld to probably be shattered.” as if on queue steven ran up to the cells and helped you both out. You, Steven, Pearl, and Amethyst ran to the control room .peridot was there but that ended with her getting on an escape pod and fleeing, the ship was turned around and gotten back to earth in pieces. Once everyone was grouped Jasper and Lapis had fused but was pulled into the ocean…
“Yeah that's enough for me.” you picked up Steven and walked back into the house.
“Wa-wait we can't just leave Lapis in the ocean with Jasper!” Steven said as he wiggled out of your hold.
“She’ll be fine we’ll go looking for them in the morning.” Steven signed and climbed into his bed.
“Goodnight Steven.”
“Night tanzanite!”
He said as he fell fast asleep. you walked outside and saw Pearl just staring into the ocean.” Don't overthink it we’ll look in the morning Pearl.” you placed your hand on her shoulder. Her hands had balled up” It's not that simple. I put all of us in danger just.. Just cause..” she had stopped talking..? You looked at your arms tangled around her in a hug.” it's not your fault pearl.” a glow had emerged from both of your gems..? Before you knew it, the two of you had fused.
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