#we stan badass ladies
novorehere · 2 years
The new lady pokemon professor has fangs. The vore community stays winning
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rise-my-angel · 9 months
I am here for your takes on Dani. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought her x Jon smelled of hot garbage. Like at best she was meh, and then when the two of them met I was just like "oh no....you're an entitled bitch". And now that its been years since I last consumed GoT, my thoughts have fermented into "oh no, she really is a conqueror" "oh no, everyone loves her because 'pretty badass lady'" "oh no i'm the fandom minority again". Anyway, where was I. She and Jon had no chemistry. The end.
The *only* way putting them in a romance even makes sense in concept is when you realize Benioff and Weiss gave Jon the Young Griff arc. It's why they gave him a Targ name, beacuse if they call him "aegon" then they can fufill that part of the books without ever having to establish Young Griff as his own character. He is the supposed son of Rhaegar Targaryean and Elia Martell, he goes to Westeros with intentions of using his better claim to take the throne and intends initially on marrying Dany, and it's theorized heavily that Dany will see his claim as a threat and the Burning of Kings Landing will come down to Aegon against Dany.
Jon Snow has nothing to do with that. He is a moral opposite to Dany as a charecter, and we've seen him time and time again be at strong odds against people with her morals. But by giving him the Young Griff arc, it means putting him into the romance spot when it makes no sense for him.
Hey I put a read more beacuse I cannot shut the fuck up about how this relationship is just rape and abuse but beacuse Jon's a man we think he wants it.
All of season 7 Jon is so out of place because he doesn't belong anywhere near Dany's Iron Throne plot, and he's being forced to interact romantically with a charecter that clearly he does not like as a person and is uncomfortable with.
But, Dany is the sacred cow of the GoT/asoiaf fandom. You love her and if you critizize her for villanious actions or morals then you are using bad faith towards her. While I personally don't like her, I don't mind other people liking her but I despise that her stans all refuse to allow any conversation about her being a morally bad person. A person who enjoys cruelty and death, enjoys creating fear and is smug when she can control others. That is not a person Jon would love, let alone even respect.
Their entire relationship wreaks of abuse, of Jon being forced into this and knows he cannot leave it without risking his and his families lives. Remember when Tyrion gave a very small level critisism of her actions and she angrily accused him of treason and siding with his family instead of her? Well what do people think would she have done, if her attraction to Jon was refused? Someone who she took all the defenses away from, all the power from, and could have killed at any moment (dont make an ygritte comparison mimi dont make an yrgitte comparison this is a different anti jon x fandom female fave charecter post).
I don't care how the show frames it, or what the intent was. What we got on screen, was Jon Snow being held prisoner to an immoral, cruel, military conquerer. And when that woman was attracted to him, she essentially forced herself into his life and gave him all but no choice. The Jon bending the knee scene and..the uh...boat...scene...later...uhhh....anyways, those to me feel so out of charecter. You cannot convince me Jon did any of this willingly. He is clearly trapped in this situation and cannot leave and is only with her beacuse she is violent and bloodthrirsty. But beacause Jon is a strong, capable man, it's not talked about as if he's the victim and that is insane to me. (Oh my good god the ygritte comparisons are almost laughable send help).
I don't consider a lot past season 5 to be canon, but if I am forced too, then I refuse to accept Jon was a willing participant in that relationship.
Jon's parentage reveal will always be about the revelations of his mother, and the understanding and acceptance of WHY Ned raised him the way he did. And how it was both his parents, his mother and his adopted father who loved him and kept him safe. The very fact that Young Griff's entire story is based around whether or not he truly is Rhaegar's son as opposed to that being a twist reveal is beacuse HE is the charecter whose Targaryean links is the important one. Jon's story is about him as Stark, and is always shown to be the moral opposite of Dany.
Their relationship in the best senario is not canon, but if it has to be, then there is no world in which Jon is there of his own free will. He is being forced into this relationship against his will. But considering his other love interest was another charecter who essentially forced him into a relationship against his will, and we were supposed to root for that tells me all I need to know.
Dany is a sacred cow charecter, and her stans are unreasonable in defending her. When you can like a charecter and critize them for their actions. Ned Stark was an idiot for ever trusting Petyr Baelish, Catelyn Stark's spiteful attitude and neglect of Jon Snow is was abusive behavior, Theon Greyjoy was a moron who ruined his own life for a father who long since abandonded him. Bam all charecters I love and there are some major flaws that I refuse to defend them for but thats also what makes them good charecters. Their flaws arent writing flaws, they are personal flaws for them as people.
Dany is not allowed to have personal flaws she is always to be justified even with incredibly bad faith defenses, but when she is flawed it's the writings fault not hers. Dany is a cruel, sadistic, controlling, military tyrant who enjoys watching her subjects fear her and her dragons. And she forced Jon Snow into a relationship with her beacuse otherwise then he is against her and we already knew she has no use for people who dont support her to be alive.
Jon Snow deserved better then to have both his love interests be domineering, controlling, abusive women who forced him into a romantic and sexual relationship.
Also, I mean, incest being normal is only a learned trait from Targaryens supporting their own blood purity. Jon was not raised to think incest is normal. Dany thinks its normal beacuse she and Viserys both were raised to think that, and Young Griff thinks marrying Dany is normal beacuse he too was raised with the mentality that Rhaegar would've been raised with. Jon finding out Dany was his aunt would've had Jon looking right at Sam and just
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The #GirlBoss movement in the MCU is extremely pseudo-feminist.
I could be totally off-base with this, but has anybody else noticed that here lately the mcu has had a slight pattern of making a few female characters ridiculously overpowered as well as turbo-hyped by the narrative and marketing…
This specifically includes Wanda, Carol Danvers, and Sylvie.
I’m in particular talking about how all 3 of them had far less time for character exploration and strength build-up than the majority of the other more powerful heroes, had fairly bland and uncreative personalities compared to the other more powerful heroes (Wanda was coddled by the narrative and not allowed to have any ownership in her wrongdoings which would’ve made her more complex, Carol was a victim of the “having the same arrogant attitude as the douchebro male characters is all it takes to make a Strong Female Character(TM)” writers’ mentality, and Sylvie with mary sue-ed to hell), and were generally made more about the cool powers and ‘oooh such a badass’ moments and the aesthetic than the actual depth.
My point is… they’re all so shallow and performative. It’s like the (mostly male) writers looked at the female character and scoffed and said “ok there’s no way this lady’s gonna become a fan fave on her own- we have to help her. We have to give her a boost. I have zero faith in women being able to gain popularity by their own merit (because who’d be interested in a woman, ammiright?), so we can’t just give her a compelling backstory and let that be it. We have to make sure she has the most tragic backstory of anyone on screen at any given time, and we have to make sure the audience knows it! We can’t just give her a specific set of powers and depict them in an interesting and unique way. We have to make her stronger than any other character she’s going to share screen time with and we have to have her flaunt her powers every ten minutes to remind the audience how strong she is! We can’t just make her intelligent in her own way and give her witty banter with the male characters. We have to make sure she makes them look like idiots and condescends them as frequently as possible so the audience knows it! We can’t just flesh out her morals and let her get things wrong sometimes. We have to make it so she’s always in the right and the audience should always be on her side! And even when she does something wrong, we have to make sure the audience knows that it wasn’t really her fault and she still has the moral high ground! That’s the only way we’ll ever get people to like her as much as the main male characters!!”
It’s just…. This is just rank with a lack of confidence in women. They approach the idea of having women front and center with equal parts skepticism and greed. They’re so out of touch with what women want in superhero films and just what women want in general. They fall into the trap of thinking feminists want everyone to know that girls are actually superior to guys, when in reality we just want to be treated with the respect and humanity and agency guys have always been treated with.
And by creating these female characters the way they do (making sure they’re not equal but decidedly better than the male ones, making sure they’re nearly infallible strength-wise, making sure they’re never allowed to be held accountable for mistakes) they literally defeat that whole point. They’re being extremely counterproductive to what feminists are actually trying to do, because they aren’t actually interested giving women genuinely good representation- they’re just interested in pandering to Twitter stans and casual female fans who form their opinions based on a first glance and girls who are so starved for rep that they’ll praise movie-makers for serving up rank crumbs.
They give us female representation but not really, just like they give us queer representation but not really, and like they give us poc representation but oftentimes not really…. Because (surprise surprise) the multi-billion dollar corporation does not actually give a shit about minority issues.
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zkyfall · 1 year
Sevika will be the Renata Glasc of Arcane in Season 2 (a theory)
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(Full disclosure, I am heavily biased as a Zaun and Sevika stan and want her to have more plot armor and importance in season 2)
My theory: Sevika is going to grow into the Renata Glasc of Arcane in season 2, adopting some of her aesthetic (well, technically Silco’s aesthetic) and filling her role in LoL lore as Viktor’s patron and a powerful leader in the Undercity. 
The Evidence to Support:
1. Her motivation
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Sevika cares about Zaun. She’s been consistent about throwing her support behind the strongest leader who was dedicated to standing up to the Topsiders. She’s tried being a good loyal left-hand lady to TWO DUDES and they BOTH fucked it up. It’s time for Sevika to try her hand at seizing the reins of the Undercity and she's one of the few characters in a position to take advantage of the power vacuum and the experience to do better this time. She hasn’t worked so hard for decades to give up now.
2: The Visuals.  
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Sevika’s a fucking badass, she’s around the right age, and has that sexy muscled build we all love. She has a high-tech metal prosthetic for a left arm that we’ve seen get upgraded throughout s1 and may continue to be in s2 (especially with help from a certain inventor that we’ll touch on later).  All she needs to complete the look is longer hair and a few dignified streaks of grey (a minor time skip and the stress from the finale will suffice.) Well and she’ll need to call Silco’s tailor so they can work their magic 👀.
3. But what about her Mask and Shimmered up eyes? 
 Amanda on Twitter hinted that Sevika would ‘quit smoking’. 
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Now some suggest that means she’s dying. I don't think so, cause I’d like to believe the writers are more professional than that. I hypothesize it refers to developing a lung condition as a result of the chain-smoking + Zaun life we see Sevika do in s1. She might stop smoking and start using more shimmer to fight off the disease, even needing a fancy breather mask to keep it from worsening. Just like Glasc.
3. Foreshadowing or lack there off
Silco and Sevika met the Chembarons and Glasc was not there or even alluded to. I think if Glasc existed in the world, we would have gotten some more foreshadowing of her if she’s supposed to be in control of an entire industry. 
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4. It’s all in the cards 
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Sevika was playing cards and what cards came up? Death and The Magician. Death signifies change (and the death of Silco possibly). The Magician is CLEARLY Viktor. Together they suggest Sevika undergoing a major life change and working with Viktor in the future.
5. A Common Connection
Glasc is Viktor’s Patron in LoL after he leaves Piltover. So who will be Viktor’s powerful, metal-armed, chem baroness in s2? Well, who does he know in the Undercity right now that could introduce him to a financial backer? Singed who is already working for Silco’s (now possibly Sevika’s) organization. 
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The Evidence Against:
Finn alludes to there being ‘bigger fish’ than Silco in Zaun. That could have been in reference to a Glasc which harms this theory.
Renata’s League Lore suggests a callousness, and an obsession with power and wealth which Sevika does not share. Sevika is never cruel, only acts in self-defense or lashes out in reasonable anger at Jinx. She barely even changes outfits between Act 1 and Act 2, when all the other henchmen clearly spend some of their pay to look the part of classy gangsters. 
Renata’s parents alchemical research and deaths are a big chunk of her backstory and the only allusion we have to Sevika’s parents is that she had issues with her father. They seemed to have simplified Chemtech in Arcane though so I don’t foresee them adding Glasc’s chemtech variant on top of shimmer.
In conclusion:  Sevika and Renata are probably different characters but I hope Sevika will fill Renata’s role in Arcane because seriously what are the odds we get two MILF Zaunites with left metal arms???  I mean I’m here for it but it seems like an odd coincidence and I don’t really want them adding more LoL characters than they need to. 
Whatever happens, I’m ready for more of this lovely lady:
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purplemninja · 1 month
Little Nightmares hot takes
[Feel free to comment or reblog with hot takes of your own]
Someone on the LN subreddit asked for people's hot takes and I commented a bunch of spicy ones that I have, which I will copy and paste here (though the last one will have something added to it):
1- People who say that Mono is an uwu-softboi or portray him as such are awful and are doing him a disservice. Like, you can not look at his battle against the Thin Man and pretend that he's a pacifist, not to mention the other kills he made in-game. His fight against the Thin Man and moving the tower towards himself is his most badass moment and these rougher edges to him make him a much more interesting character. So by taking that away and acting like he wouldn't hurt a fly really doesn't do Mono's character and arc any favours, it just ruins it, so people have seriously got to stop thinking that he's a 'pwecious widdle angel' when he clearly isn't, especially when it hurts his character and story.
2- I'm pretty sure that people are expecting this one but the fandom needs to lay off Six, and way the fandom makes it so that Six must either be totally good or totally bad and is not allowed to be morally grey (in between) is so irritating. Just like with Mono, taking away Six's rough edges or smooth ones hurt her character and make her way less interesting. Also no surprise that I say this but the way that the anti-Six people treat her is so awful.
3- In addition to what I said about the golden child Mono stans in number 1, the way that the FNAF books treat Henry is very much like how the fandom treats Mono - only his suffering matters, screw everyone else. Or some go even stupider and treat all of the characters in LN except Six sort of in the same way that the FNAF books treat Henry, basically like "Six and her suffering? She should shut up and suck it up" or even going as far to say that she deserves her suffering. While just about all the other characters (Mono most especially) have their suffering dealt with a gentle hand.
4- I'm pretty sure this is ghost-pepper level spicy but it's so dumb that the fandom claims that Roger is nice. Like bruh, he literally has blood stains on his vest, chases kids, you can hear one that he catches whimpering as he takes them away, wraps them up to be taken to the kitchen, and there's a bloody guillotine in vicinity. Just because he doesn't kill Six or RK on-screen means he's nice? What?
5- They should've made a LN2 DLC where you play the game as Six and get to see her perspective of everything that happened, especially that scene. Make them step out of their Mono/Thin Man tunnel vision and focus on Six and her suffering too for a change instead of making Mono's overshadow everything.
6- Six being the Lady would be disappointing AF and lazy that they're recycling Mono's fate. I'd be better off if Six was the next Lady and not the same one encountered in LN1, but I still prefer a different way for her story to go (or maybe make my new depressing interpretation of her ending (where she's not the lady but is still stranded at sea with no innocence or humanity left, making everything she went through all be for nothing in the end) the actual ending for her).
Plus, you're telling me that the remaining staff on the Maw (The Twin Chefs) were like "Oh, this kid that we tried to murder earlier is our boss now" and Six is like "Oh, I'm not going to kill these guys who tried to add me to the menu earlier. Plus I'll hire an exact copy of the Janitor and get a replacement for the one and only mirror I was able to fight the Lady with since it broke and try to board it up in the same room that I found it in. Yeah, it tooootaaaally would prevent another me from being able to get it in the exact same way that I did".
Not only that but they also put a child in charge of dealing with other business-related stuff on the Maw like shipments of coal and vegetables (or maybe someone else did that)? So stupid.
7- Runaway Kid's name is not seven!
8- The ridiculous double standards of self defence. Why are Mono and Runaway Kid allowed to defend themselves from monsters trying to kill them but Six isn't?
Mono - Smashes a bunch of bullies, pulls the trigger on the gun to shoot the Hunter, beats some living hands to death, probably burns the Doctor alive, kills some viewers by electrocuting them to death or luring them off of a ledge, and probably broke every bone in Thin Man's body before Thanos Snapping him.
Fandom - Eh.
RK - Electrocutes the Granny to death and disintegrates the Shadow Kids with his torch.
Fandom - Whatever
Six- Helps Mono shoot the same Hunter that kidnapped her and locked her in his basement (and she didn't take the gun off the hooks, Mono did), kills one bully after being kidnapped, tortured and hung upside down by them for who knows how long (which will eventually kill you), cuts off Roger's arms with a door when she was cornered, eats a rat when there's no other food nearby, eats a Nome instead of a sausage that she knows is made of human flesh, eats the Lady when there's no other food anywhere, and kills some guests who are reaching over to try and eat her on her way out of the Maw.
Fandom - Monster.
Now, I'm not saying that what Six did was good or what the boys did was evil, but people have to stop acting like it's okay for one character to kill to save their own lives but not the other.
9- This stems more from a certain artist that I won't name to avoid people going to harass them, but on top of the self defence standards, people also have to stop with the double standards of bad things happening to a character due to another character's actions. What I mean with this is that while yes, Mono had no way of knowing that Thin Man was behind the door and getting Six kidnapped by him was a mistake, that does not, however, undo the fact that Six still got kidnapped or that her kidnapping is not that big a deal all because it was an accident on Mono's part. Especially when people won't give Six the same leniency when it comes to Mono becoming the Thin Man. Six had no way of knowing that Mono would survive the fall, let alone him being stuck in a room on a chair for decades and turning into the Thin Man, yet that is a big deal despite her not knowing but her kidnapping isn't because it's also an accident?
And lastly,
10- Another ghost-pepper level spicy but AUs where Six pulls Mono up yet all the suffering she has to go through before that is 100% the same as in-game makes her a way, waaaayyyy better person than Mono. This goes double for AUs where Six realises that he's the Thin Man (you know, her kidnapper and tormentor) but decides to pull him up anyway. Like, Mono as Thin Man decides to kidnap and torture an innocent version of Six, cursing her with the hunger and making the child Mono have to torture her to save her, but Six decides to pull him up despite all of the pain he put her through. Even more so when she realises that he is her kidnapper. That makes her a much better person that him. Though it also makes her kind of spineless. I'm not saying that she should drop him, but in-game the player can abuse Six in some ways (running when holding her hand, which makes her stumble, throwing stuff at her, bash her with weapons (even if they don't do anything to her) getting her to fall off of stuff (yes, she respawns or teleports, but still), blinding her with the torch) but not once does Six retaliate until Mono attacks the music box, making her a bit of a doormat TBH. Yet some people in the fandom portray Mono as the doormat instead, it's like the fandom goes out of its way to get Mono and Six as backwards as possible.
Additionally, fan content where Mono doesn't apologise for getting Six kidnapped in the first place, or torturing her during his fight against her monster self makes him a huge jerk. Like, this girl has to suffer because of his actions (unintentional, perhaps. But as I said, that doesn't make the pain Six suffered go away or not matter) and he doesn't even have the decency to at least say sorry for the hurt he caused her? It pleases me whenever there's fan content where he does apologise, because not being sorry for hurting Six makes him a huge jerk.
It's long, but those are my hot takes.
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sarascamander · 3 days
Okay, review for crystal of time!
1. I adore Sophie in the previous books but now she's my WIFE. SHE SLAYED SO HARD IN THIS ONE. Her pov is my personal favourite to read and I keep waiting for her turn particularly because I love her setting and position. She was held captive, she had to be a bride, she was the closest to the enemies. So I love the fact that we get to know more about the twins through her, I love her struggles and frustration, her scheming and manipulation and the way the enemies are keeping eyes closely to her so every of her actions need to be calculated. Again, she slayed so hard. She was a badass and iconic. Sure Sophie can act like an airhead sometimes but you can't deny that she can be cunning and clever when she wants and she proves that time and time again in this book. This is my favourite book of hers (sorry book 2 Sophie, you have to take second place now).
2. I have a whole rant on Rhian and Sophie on another post. In short, I ship them so hard
3. The first years are adorable!!! I love every and each one of them, they're so cute and small and wholesome.
4. Anadil's rat... OMG GIRLY LET ME HUG YOU (she'd kill me)
5. The author knows what he was doing when he gave us Dovey's perspective. The only comfort I have is that she's with Lady Lesso now, and they're HAPPY TOGETHER.
6. Am I the only one that thinks Agatha and Tedros kind of blend in the background in this? At least in part 1. They were still amazing though and Agatha is rocking it as always.
7. Sophie and Agatha friendship!! Platonic soulmates at its finest, I just stan them so much. They will always love and protect each other and I find them the purest. Also, that scene where they helped Tedros walked and kept him warm is so wholesome!!!!
8. But the way Tedros kept doubting Sophie's loyalty made me want to strangle him honestly. Have some damn faith.
9. Is Aric and Japeth...more than friends? It certainly implied heavily, I think and despite being two matching psychopaths with 0 screentime together, I ship them ngl. There's just something so vulnerable and pure whenever Japeth talked about Aric and the way their relationship is described.
10. Ngl, it was a slow start for me especially in part one and the only pov I find interesting is Sophie's but the plot certainly picked up. However, there are also a lot of Info dumps in my opinion. Suddenly I'm facing a long paragraph that covers like two pages of what happened and has to slough through it.
Initially I want to give it 3 or 4 stars but the ending always leaves a mark and always leaves the biggest lasting impression of the book so it's a 5 for me lmao.
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jedimasterbailey · 30 days
Hello wifey, I got these for the unpopular opinion ask: 💖💕🏳️‍🌈
Hi baby! 🥰💙💚 I shall happily answer these asks for you!
Link to original ask game below if y’all wanna play along and if you reblog I’ll be snooping 👀
💖- what is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
So I’m just gonna say this about all of Star Wars in general specifically the newer stuff that’s been coming out lately as well as the future projects they’ve announced to us (minus the Tales of the Empire I’m genuinely excited for that because BARRISS 💙) but in my OPINION they’re focusing on all the wrong characters and spending too much time and money into mediocre storylines when there’s so much more they can be doing. Like the Ahsoka wasn’t really about Ahsoka herself and where they decided to take that show was very strange and weak. Andor head was boring as hell to me and there wasn’t much pay off in there for any of the characters. Bad Batch is only good when the episode isn’t about the Bad Batch themselves but about another character people actually like (I.e Ventress, Rex, etc.). Mando went off the rails in its third season because in my opinion Mando and Grogu’s story ended beautifully with that badass Luke Skywalker finale.
Now before everyone get all butthurt and all up in their feelings, remember that 1.) this is my own unpopular opinion I’m allowed to have and 2.) yes I’m aware I can pick and choose what to watch and not to watch and that if I don’t like a show I won’t watch it. What I’m saying is that the stories and characters I want to see more of don’t get produced which is why I’m so pumped for Tales of the Empire because we finally get a Barriss Offee story which has been left on read for the last decade and why I enjoyed Tales of the Jedi so much because we got more Dooku content and more good Ahsoka content.
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💕- What is an unpopular ship that you like?
Kenduli/Obinara (Luminara Unduli x Obi-Wan Kenobi) all day everyday and I will stan them until the day I die (sorry Satine fans no offense). Anyone who has read The Approaching Storm and paid attention to their interactions in Clone Wars could see these two have chemistry and are an absolute delight together. To me their relationship would have all the class of a pairing like Morticia and Gomez Addams from the Addams family with the sexiness of a James Bond and a Bond girl. Honestly what’s not to like? And no this is not an open invitation to bash them because this is MY unpopular opinion remember 😉 Read any of my fanfic and you’ll warm up to them I assure you!
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🏳️‍🌈- which character who is commonly headcanoned as queer doesn’t seem queer to you?
Obi-Wan Kenobi. And yea I’m aware that the recent Padawan book implied he may be bisexual but I’m sorry Obi-Wan has always come off to me as a total ladies man in both the shows/movies and in books. Like the women go nuts for him (I.e. Ventress, Satine, etc) and there are always women speaking to him when he’s just walking about in the Temple (I.e Luminara, Aayla) like who wouldn’t be into the mister “Hello There” man and I’m saying this as a GAY woman who feels she has a pretty good gaydar and I’m not getting anything from Obi-Wan sorry not sorry. He may be bisexual but at the end of the day, I feel he prefers the ladies.
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Link to original asks!
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gabrielora · 9 months
Radiohead (hes.. a little bit of a ceeep, maybe a weirdo even)
Weezer (he’s such a fucking looser)
The Cure (based)
The Smiths (Bro is NOT aware of the morrisey scandals)
Deftones (he gets barely any game)
Siouxsie and the Banshees (he had a small goth phase, he was probably only introduced to the basics)
The entire Rocky horror picture show soundtrack (trust me please hear me out)
Judas Priest (BASED)
Black Sabbath
Nine inch nails
The Living tombstones (he had a closeted fnaf creepy pasta phase and we all know it)
The beastie boys (he likes Jewish Rap)
Alice In Chains (BASED)
Marina and the diamonds
The Cure (cannon)
Them crooked vultures
The smashing pumpkins (specifically 3 songs)
Weezer (hes just like buddy holly, and a fucking looser)
Queens of the Stone Age
Black Sabbath
Billy idol
Ben folds five
Tears for fears
Depache mode
Soft cell
Duran Duran
Tears for fears
Blue öyster cult
Blu Cantrell
The Smiths
(I have a full playlist of this one)
Insane Clown Pussy
Blink 182
Weezer (LOSER)
MSI (listened to it illegally anyways so he wasn’t too sad about the news)
Sir Mix a lot
Lemon demon (Two trucks holding hands)
Ayesha erotica
All the Sailor moon themes (he watches sailor moon with Karen and he got into it)
Oingo boingo
Wesley Willis
Lady Gaga
Britney Spears
Katy Perry
Marina and the Diamonds (bro relates to some of the songs)
MSI (he doesn’t care to download stuff illegally, but he is a bit sad about the pedofillia part)
Ayesha Erotica (he eats every fem outfit he does he has to get his cunt serving genes from somewhere)
Melanie Martinez (he thinks he’s so badass listening to mad hatter but he’s actually just a fuckass)
Wesley Willis
Alright so that’s my list I’m tired and I am being thrown around by adventure time and South Park like a tennis ball so I am not fully tisming out on South Park yet (might not be fully accurate)
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heraldofcrow · 11 months
Annalise 👑 🩸
Please 👁️👁️
Send Me a Character
And I will tell you my:
First impression
Impression now
Favorite moment
Idea for a story
Unpopular opinion
Favorite relationship
Favorite headcanon
Thank you, you know I’ll take any chance to talk about my girl!!
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Ok, so I really love Queen Yharnam because she is just so cool and she gets me and she looks like my deceased grandmother and I love vampire queens and the vibes are immaculate, plus I stan women in white dresses automatically because it’s a trope in Gothic literature and my favorite color is red and—
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Ok, sorry. You-know-who is gonna kill me for this but ANYWAY!!
My first impression of Annalise was…intimidated? She seemed so cold and arrogant, like she really had no actual care for us as the main character and just maybe wanted to use us for our skill. Don’t get me wrong, I loved her because she looked and sounded badass, but I wasn’t exactly in love with her full character yet. I mostly just enjoyed her aesthetic.
My impression now is SO different. I think after really learning the lore, seeing the cut content version of Annalise, looking at her concept art, hearing all of her dialogue, I see a very different character. A very cynical and ruthless lady with a lot of tragedy in her life that forced her to put up an icy front, but you can even see her kinder side when she says we are dear to her and that she considers us her kin, someone that she wants to share the chamber with. You could read that as manipulation, as though she were just flattering us so that we serve her, but something tells me that’s how the Church would describe it, and we all know how they think about her already.
My favorite moment with Annalise is when she says “moon-scented hunter” in the way she does because I don’t know why, it just sounds so elegant, but also when she rejects our proposal because she doesn’t want us to get hurt…awww. (But okay, imagine if we rejected guys like that in real life like, “I’m sorry I can’t date you, because I can’t risk your life,” LOL. It would be so ambiguous and scary to hear jsks).
An idea for a story…oh dear. I think I traumatized you enough already with that ONE headcanon story, so I’ll talk about a nicer one. I think it would be cool to show a snippet of Annalise’s youth and her friendship with Maria, which I headcanon was pretty strong, but I would also love to cover what happened when Maria left Cainhurst and how Annalise reacted to that. There could be some good drama!
Unpopular opinion…hmmm. I don’t vibe with the interpretation I’ve occasionally seen about Annalise being some kind of vampire seductress actually, and I don’t think her knights were just simps because of that. I see her as having been very strict with them and distant, but also benevolent enough to reward them for their work. I don’t think she messed around with them or their feelings. She promised them blood for their health and long life, but any thoughts of marriage and intimacy were forbidden. She just wasn’t the sensual siren the Church thought she was, but I sadly feel like parts of the fandom share that same view. *cough* reddit *cough*
Oh boy, well my favorite relationship headcanon anyway is….well…you know. LOOK YES I SHIP THEM, but hear me out, there is something very angsty imagining Bloody Crow and Annalise to be the last remnants of Cainhurst, and Crow being the last knight…but also Annalise’s hidden partner. I know I said earlier that Annalise didn’t mess with her knights, but that’s why Crow is different because I see him as independent, and with his own unique identity. That is, there was no other “Cainhurst Crow.” He chose to be a knight for Annalise much later in his life and carried out her wishes because he wanted to, not because he was already in her service. Yes, I see them as my traumatized blorbos surviving against all odds together and doing their best to preserve the Vileblood line. It’s meant to be really tragic and heart-wrenching instead of just “shippy.” I love them and their stupid helmets ;-;
I think my overall favorite headcanon for Annalise was that she actually did live even after the Alfred thing because the Hunter canonically revived her, and eventually she did have her Child of Blood. I just think that after she full-filled that wish, and was free, despite having lost everything else, she raised her child and saved her family line, living out her days with her little one and very quietly rebuilding her kingdom. I just don’t see why this couldn’t happen. Yes, it’s a bit happy for Bloodborne, but I mean, we also ascend and seemingly are meant to lift humanity into its next childhood, so maybe in that new world, Annalise’s bloodline endured. She is immortal after all, so what else would she do? I think she was one of the few that made it and good for her. <3
Ok, that’s everything! Thanks again for asking about my blorbo, Queen Yharnam 🥺🖤
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la-pheacienne · 1 year
Green stans are the reason why I'm getting sick of hearing about Jaehaera and Sara Snow, and its only because Green's hate for Rhaenyra has also extended to Baela and Daenaera, to the point of using Jaehaera and Sara as props against their "rivals." Same with Nettles, whom I also wish had genuine fans instead of Green stans weaponizing her against Rhaenyra. (Lmao, I'm surprised they don't hate Nettles for not being "traditionally feminine.")
Yeah I'm also getting sick of hearing about them the way I got sick of the Dead Ladies Club stans (who became Sansa stans and Alicent stans) and they weaponized that against Dany and Arya because of internalised misogyny. Nettles is also a sad story because she could be such an amazing character, she's such a badass, genuinely and it's sad that her "stans" desperately want her to be abused by a middle aged white man basically and they think we are the problematic ones 🤣
But as usual fandom's on crack.
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falconlord5 · 4 months
Wild Cards
One of the best episodes of animation ever.
And we open on GL and Hawkgirl flirting. As is proper.
...Dude. They're an advanced space faring people. Of course they have banks! Also, Hawgirl was a cop (allegedly) so yeah, she's tapped into a few bank records.
I think Joker should be allowed to blow up Vegas, personally.
Gwynplane entertainment is a nice shoutout.
This is the first time we see Joker's redesign and while it's not as good as BTAS's, it's still a lot better than TNBA's. Hamill sounds better, too.
Written by Stan Berkowitz and Dwayne McDuffie
Directed by Butch Lukic
Batman's head is basically an egg balanced on a coffee cup. The Joker is a serious of triangles.
Pre-Margot Robbie Harley is such a breath of fresh air. The Oscars are a glorified popularity contest and you shouldn't pay them any attention, but I'm glad that fucking bimbo film didn't win any awards.
Joker, brother, you have no right to call anybody else a fashion disaster.
Old ladies are the most badass things on the planet and don't let anybody else tell you otherwise. That woman could probably tank the blast and not feel a thing.
Joker could open an act in Vegas and make a trillion dollars a year and never break a sweat.
Hey, it's the Teen Titans!
This one episode caused more continuity issues than Mystery of the Batwomen did.
Why didn't Superman just freeze the bomb with his freeze breath?
Joker, you are the worst boss ever.
Our first taste of Cadmus.
Lack of pain isn't invincibility.
I love how the timer is episode running length
Joker you are a creeper
This is the closest thing to a noble act the Joker has ever done.
Of course the bomb's a fake. Why plant one bomb when you can plant dozens?
Scraping the bottom of the barrel with that one Joker
That's a spicy meatball.
Darwyn Cooke's DC: The New Frontier came out in 2004 and I have to wonder if this episode influenced that comic. Both have big action sequences set in Vegas that involve fake bombs.
That's a proper lad, Joker.
Superman created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster
Batman created by Bill Finger
Animated by Dong Woo Animation Co.. Ltd
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haleigh-sloth · 1 year
Back in the days we were really desperate for hrks to save us from insane social issues with his funny characters from his comic book huh hdhsgdjsajsgsh
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It's been a while since I've been in that space but I do remember my own thinking back then, so I can say a potential reason I think for why, back then. Currently...well, idk.
Back then for me, and for a few others, it was less about the actual social issues part and more about the anxiety that the villains wouldn't be saved.
I think back then during 2020-era the endgame for the League wasn't SO solid and a lot of us were operating under this mindset that the League HAD to be a positive force in the story in order to be saved. It was anxiety for their endings. However in retrospect, it doesn't actually make sense for them to need to be "saved" if the story was going to uphold them as "right" or "correct". That wouldn't work, actually. The reason they need to be saved is because even if they have valid complaints about their surroundings, the only thing they're productive in doing is killing everyone else and slowly killing themselves. They aren't accomplishing ANYTHING.
For me, and the few people I talk to who also transitioned out of the fandom space, it took quite a bit of hammering in on the villains obviously being saved, and the story obviously refusing to validate their actions. I feel like at a certain point, chapter 342 for example, it became very very clear that their hearts would be saved while their actions were condemned.
Part of this comes with hero-hate too. And again, back then it was easy to just spout that hero society is corrupt (I mean it is) and that all the heroes are responsible for it (which they are not). There are still points to be made when people (me) compare the heroes to cops. Hawks's actions and role in the story weren't an accident lol. Gran Torino is not an accidental contradictory to the themes. The heroes' role being extensions of law enforcement and the notion that some of them go into the profession for god awful reasons wasn't an accident. But I think what got lost in time was the fact that the story was showing that the profession itself within the story WAS BEING REDEFINED. Hence a coming of age story focusing on kids doing better, and adults openly changing their minds (Aizawa and Tsukauchi anyone??, and even side characters like Mt. Lady who was introduced in CHAPTER ONE). So yeah, criticisms of the hero side weren't like, completely off the mark per say, because the story put them there literally in chapter ONE.
BUT it got taken WAYYYY too far to a place that just didn't belong in this manga. And then people started getting MAD.
Did I want the "LOV fighting for change" scenario at one point? Yes. But what were my reasons? I wanted them saved. AND, if people backread my blog, they'll find some pretty rancid takes. BUT one thing that has remained consistent with me is that I have always always always wanted Izuku, Ochacko, and Shouto to be the saviors of Tomura, Toga, and Touya. Even in my most raw villain stanning days, that never changed.
It just took a while for me to realize that those two ideas are pretty exclusive. The villains can't be "right" if the story is about the kids saving the villains' HEARTS. Their hearts are hurting and broken and tainted, they need to be saved. If they were ever so in their right minds to be cognizant enough to actually formulate a real plan for change, it wouldn't make sense for them to NEED SAVING. And there was only one certainty within the story immediately following the PLF war chapters: Izuku saw someone who needed saving. The story wasn't about to be like "yeah psych" and make Tomura this badass revolutionist.
I understand why these takes existed at one point. What I don't understand is how they.....still exist. When people find themselves saying "the villains are just in the wrong manga" then maybe it's less about the villains and the author and more about the reader reading the wrong manga. Stop blaming the author, like I was doing, and focus more on why you're mad and not enjoying the manga ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ best lesson I learned following this series.
Needless to say...my anxiety about the villains getting a happy ending is long gone. I'm really, really confident in how the chapters are progressing. Every chapter just feels more and more like it's hammering in the idea of the LOV getting what they want, and the heroes also getting what they want. It seems almost certain that everyone in this story will get what they want, save for the obvious antagonists who are not written to be thematically relevant, or of course the big bad AFO.
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stargirlfeyre · 9 months
Below might be the most delusional take on how acosf should have ended I’ve ever seen, but it’s oddly satisfying to see someone who claims to be “a Nesta” say with their whole chest that they want an outcome as heinous as her sister and brother-in-law/her mates brother, to die so that she can usurp them and steal their child… way to prove to the fandom that you and your fav are just as horrendous as everyone keeps saying.
From reddit: “Just finished silver flames and am still processing. First of all, I'm a Nesta and this has been my favorite of all the books so far. I was kind of sad when Nesta gave back her power at the end and honesty, a little disappointed. Like, here's my bad ass queen giving everything up for her sister. I get why but here's what I would have liked happen...
Let them die. Feyre and Rhys die. Nesta and Cassian take care of Nyx and Nesta becomes not just the new High Lady of the Court if Night but High Queen with her general by her side.
I know, controversial but I think she's just such a badass a d honestly, I'm over Rhys & Feyre. Nessian Stan for life!”
These people say that Feyre shouldn’t be High Lady because the land didn’t choose her then they turn around and say Nesta should be HL? How is she connected to the NC in any way?
We need to study the brains of people who truly think Nesta would be a good High Lady or High queen. This girl has literally shown over and over again how spiteful and careless she is even with her own life but y’all want her to be in charge of thousands of lives? And they seriously need to leave Nyx out of their delusions. They literally wants Feysands’ whole life it’s insanity. From their court positions to the child they made.
I don’t even think “delusional” is a strong enough word for these people anymore. You want the main characters to die and for a side character to then raise their child and take their position?
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deaneverafter · 2 years
The Woods Are Lovely, Dark and Deep
Sometimes I write opinion piece essays about my thoughts. Sometimes, you get to relive me freaking out through a transcript of my tweets. Cheers, here's to this week's episode 🥂
Ugh, they did not just give me hope that Mark would survive, only to kill him off again! 😱🤦🏻‍♀️ And man, the poor guy was lying there in agony for a whole day? That just...... that hurt
Beau Arlen has my whole heart, he truly does. The way he can find joy in something so little as eating a good sandwich..... how can you not love someone so full of life?
Out of the whole precinct, it's Jenny whom Beau wanted to taste the sandwich he loved, and I am having An Emotion™️* about it 🥺💕 (this is a lie, I'm having a lot of emotions about it)
Beau really said "I will get Jenny to deal with her Tonya beef one way or another, if a direct approach doesn't work, I'll approach it a different way", and I respect that so much
Going to take a moment to say that as much as I dislike Tonya as a person for her backstabbing and criming, as a character, I'm enjoying her new sassy side. She's still my enemy, because if Jenny got beef with you, I got beef with you. But she's funny
Jenny's hair this episode 😍 (Jenny's hair every episode 😍, but this episode particularly was so much hair inspo)
Why is Beau so cute, even doing something as small as getting winded climbing a mountain trail? 🥺 And him being like "yes, this is a tantrum", it's okay, bb, you're entitled to it 💛
I love these reminders of what a badass Jenny is, the way she took down the would-be assassin even though it ended with her on the cell floor, truly iconic, we stan 👑✊🏻
Beau is such a cute dad, but why is Emily so mean and dismissive towards him? We should all be so lucky to have a dad who cares that much, instead of acting annoyed and so uppity about it 🙄
Beau looks so angry dealing with Avery, and all I want out of this storyline is Avery and Carla turning out to be involved in shady things and Beau getting to arrest Avery and Jenny getting to arrest Carla. I want that vindication
Jenny trying to explain what happened whilst he was gone, and Beau really said, yes, it's a mess, but no, you don't need to explain, I trust you and I got your back 🥺✊🏻💕
Beau and Jenny together convincing the guy to go to the government, that they'd protect him, working to protect hundreds of people, that's why they're the best, because they'll both do everything they can to protect people. And then proceeding to go above and beyond sending a tail, effectively thwarting a second attempt at the guy's life, because they care that much and are that good at their jobs
The two sheriffs and their trusty sidekick 🥺👌🏻 Your faves could never 🤷🏻‍♀️
Looks like the stepdad is a snoop too. I see where Emily learned her snooping and eavesdropping tendencies from. I was going to say how does she not know it's wrong, but now we know why 😬🤦🏻‍♀️
I absolutely adore how in sync Beau and Jenny are, entering that house following the whistleblower and the corrupt marshal. They work so well together and they've got each other's backs 🥺✊🏻
No, but you guys don't understand how long I've been waiting to see him in am FBI-esque bullet proof vest...... 🥺🥰🔥💯
The way Jenny gasped his name when she thought he was in danger or something had happened to him..... that wasn't your usual level of "concern for a coworker" 💕👀
The way Beau is such a multifaceted and complex character, a clear example being the way he's such a badass, knocking down doors, but also right after, being so gentle with the witness lady, it has me in my feels 🥺
You mean to tell me that Beau and Jenny stopped at the grocery store to buy housewarming presents for Cassie together? 💕🥺
Beau bringing salt to keep the house protected from demons had me tearing up and beaming at the same time. Dean 💘😭
Beau in one layer, in that cozy shirt 🥰👀😍😎 (That's it, that's the tweet, hashtag, thirsty on main (in my defense, I am sorry, hashtag, take me to jail, Sheriff)
I love how comfortable Beau and Jenny are together on Cassie's couch 🥰🥺💘💕
And I love how comfortable they all are together (the mismatched glasses just add the perfect touch, because it makes it more real that she's just moved in, but also, a callback to movie night) 😌
Jenny trying to be there for Beau when he's clearly upset and worried is something that is so close to my heart (and I look forward to the roles reversing when next episode it's Jenny who's upset and emotional about her mother). But he looked so sad and like he was about to cry, and I- I just want to give him a hug and protect him from all the heartache 😭
Beau with his funny stories and his witty remarks, his compassion and his drive to protect and to be there for his friends and loved ones, and his intelligence and competence, he has my whole heart 💟 And Beau with his sparkling green eyes, and his sun bleached hair and his ruffly haircut 🥺🥰😌❤ He really is the most beautiful human to walk on this earth. I love him so much, if something happens to him........
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kana-muchi-midori · 10 months
I wonder what Hanako, Akira, Yara, sakura and Keiko would be like as elderly peeps
Hanako would be a badass gramma
Akira would hopefully be in a better place then he was as a teen with Mr. Arashi using him as a boytoy but since he has his pedo age preferences hopefully he would be. He’d be a very kind grandpa
Though Yara never turns 15 sadly she’d be a very sweet old lady who would practically be your third grandma
Sakura would be…very angry…for no reason
Keiko would be much happier because I said so, plus, she never gets rid of her love for cutesy things. We stan
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june-again · 2 years
bad descriptions of genshin characters while i wait for 3.1 (a-z) [may contain spoilers]
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albedo: edward elric but his hair is actually blonde and not Yellow. and WAY quieter
aloy: who?
amber: some love her. some hate her. one thing you can be sure of: no one loves her as much as collei does. loud gang #1
arataki itto: if tanaka ryuunosuke grew out his hair and got a wacky fashion sense. and started a band? loud gang #2
barbara: if u sing one more time i swear to fucki-
beidou: hot pirate captain lady who WILL complain about being on land 99% of the time. best character
bennett: no one likes you bennett. seriously no one likes you. i am so sorry. fischl doesn't count
chongyun: looks like he just saw a ghost
collei: #1 amber stan
diluc: is it the trauma, the wine, or the shit-faced brother that made you this way?
diona: the least important character ? alcoholic catgirl minor?
dori: will scam you faster than you can say "mora"
eula: should become big sister figure to noelle.
fischl: holy SHIT girl FUCK honorary loud gang because she just talks a shit ton.
ganyu: of course i didn't forget your name! mommy - sorry -
gorou: now THAT's a crop top if i ever seen one. also what kinda fucking combo is bow & geo. shoulda given bro a slingshot
hu tao: girl put your thighs away. pinterest is bein a bit .........
jean: literally an overworked office wagey with a sword. in charge of like protecting the whole country or whatever
kaedehara kazuha: lalala poet in the breeze lalalaa his best friend Died for anarchy
kaeya: probably a lying piece of shit but we all want to date him anyways. also why half of us stuck to the game through prologue
kamisato ayaka: ⚠ WILL JUMP IN RIVER WITH SOCKS ON ⚠
kamisato ayato: who is never relevent
keqing: The cat girl. literal badass. she, like, has a sword, and like, swings it around, and like, BAM
klee: who raised this
kujou sara: if you didn't believe in tsunderes before ??
kuki shinobu: BEAST of a healer but literally kills herself to do it?? kinda questionable. good itto babysitter
lisa: *moans, through into jean's window*
mona: the CONSTELLATION DIVINATIONS BROOO let's just say the sprinting patch changed the GAME
ningguang: now why the fuck are you a 4*
noelle: BEST girl and i say this as a zhongli haver so i am allowed to
qiqi: oh dear. a zombie. who did this? hu tao? hu tao! come and get your failed sword-wielding experiment
raiden shogun: bestie's got like. a god complex
razor: bro lived with wolves give him a break
rosario: this is what goths are going for
sanganomiya kokomi: 🐬🦐🦑🐠🐟fish🐟🐟🐟 fish
shenhe: literal wine aunt except the wine is like. grass or something.
shikanoin heizou: L Lawliet lovers look no further
sucrose: absolutely irrelevent #3 ????
tartaglia: there's dangerous men and then there's attempting mass homocide. where do y'all draw the line
thoma: sweet. sweetest. sweetest best boy ever. if he were a cat i would pet him and stuff
tighnari: spoiler they never explain the ears
venti: we all know he's drunk. what we don't talk about is the. is the. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh questionable behaviour at all times ?
xiangling: she makes good food but PLEASE don't make me talk to her directly. loud gang #??? lost count
xiao: be honest, xiao. do you listen to mcr. do you listen to fall out boy
xingqiu: erudite stuck up rich kid
xinyan: what in the WORLd does the accent have to do with rock music, and why is the only character with colored skin also irrelevent #4???
yae miko: her voice will knock the wind out of you. did i just reveal something about myself by saying that
yanfei: fischl and her should make a club. except she talks a lot because she KNOWS a lot so i respect it
yelan: that's not xingqiu?????
yoimiya: beloved loud gang member
yun jin: very very very very cool addition to the game
zhongli: last and opposite of least we have the lazy geodaddy. i mean just look at the statues of the seven he is MANSPREADING like the chair was built for it. like he wants someone to SIT on him.
disclaimer that all was meant in good humour pls laugh and if u do, reblog
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