#we talking crimes?
tomi4i · 3 months
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purpe · 9 months
rip jake the dog, you would’ve loved swearing on adventure time
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t8oo · 6 months
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does anyone remember the columbo episod where he babysits his nephew and his friends
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the-triggered-lizard · 6 months
Obsession? I don't have an obsession! Who said I have an obsession?!
Anyways, here's more Velvet and Veneer fanart. (They deserve to be on a vogue cover. Who are we kidding. They are literally ICONS)
(Click for better quality)
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Their outfits are based on this silly little concept art that i love very much:
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galarsghxst · 2 years
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unauthorized exhumation of human remains, desecration of corpses, raising the dead...god knows what else
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alizalayne · 10 months
i was at an author event recently and a mom came up to me and was like “you should make sure in your books that you have a page where it’s a whole house but cutaway and you can see into all the different rooms like a dollhouse and there’s different things going on in the different rooms. little girls love stuff like that” and i was like that is so true and i bet you also love it. i love it too. don’t worry
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inklore · 2 years
no thoughts just this 😵‍💫
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blusandbirds · 1 year
early season 1 peter and neal are so special to me. neal caffrey’s formed a parasocial relationship with the fbi agent relentlessly pursuing him around the globe but lucky for him peter is just as on board with their best friendship
neal: my girlfriend broke up with me :(
peter, holding handcuffs and a warrant for neal’s arrest: aw im sorry buddy.
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
Big Mama must have lost some serious standing in the yokai underworld because it’s gotten apparent that she keeps being beaten by a small group of teenagers and the occasional rat man, and when it’s not them then she’s taking L’s from her own schemes working against her.
And in the ensuing power vacuum, the Hamatos accidentally become the most feared crime family known to all the big bads of the Hidden City.
After all, they’ve publicly outplayed Big Mama multiple times, a couple of them have taken out the heads of two of the most well known criminal organizations, one took out Heinous Green, two are responsible for the destruction of Witch Town, they have ties to both the infamous Baron Draxum and Captain Piel, they won the Doom Dome death race, they’re Battle Nexus Champions, they’ve displayed insane feats of power and defeated impossibly strong enemies, most of them have been to jail, and they regularly mingle with humans.
You can just imagine the notoriety they’d accumulate from word of mouth alone.
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chalkanthit · 6 months
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The main girl!!
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 209
Now Jason was planning on, well, a lot of things, when he came back to Gotham. He had a lot of plans, several of which had to do with the old man and even more that had to do with cleaning up Crime Alley, making it safer and all that. 
What he was not planning on was to find some sort of lab in the basement of where he was planning on setting up a safehouse. Nor was he planning on finding several literal children in cages inside said lab. Oh and Lazarus Waters- but children! With muzzles! Being experimented on!
Now he’d like to say he had a plan in what happened next, but if he’s honest everything had gone Green and he didn’t remember what happened next, only that he’s back home with said children and covered in blood. Oh and everything smells of smoke. 
… And apparently there’s more of these things dotted around Crime Alley with the rest of these kids, er, siblings? Family? Fright does mean family? Okay kids, he’s not turning into Bruce but you can stay here while he deals with this… however long that takes. 
He better not be turning into Bruce he swears-
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lygma-nygma · 2 months
Honest to god Titans Tower is probably the funniest thing that's ever happened in comics to me? Like, there's so much to unpack here it's insane?? The tear-away stripper Red Hood costume? The knock-off Robin costume with the stupid ass yellow tights that somehow looks worse than if Jason just rocked the bare thighs? The way Jason is drawn like he is fully 35 with two stepkids and a mortgage? Jason inventing fanfiction about Tim and Bruce's relationship in his head because he refuses to believe Tim actually stalked his way into being Robin?? Trying to mimic his crowbar death by beating Tim with his own staff but I as a reader am entirely unable to take it seriously because of those stupid fucking tights-
And then you get to Tim's side of things and he says like, all of 5 things the entire time and three of them are a coded 'fuck you'. He has absolutely no time or respect for Jason's pity party and it's actually hysterical because Jason cannot stop yapping. Meanwhile, Tim is like, definitely losing the fight which makes it funnier?? Then the ending?? Jason scrawling "Jason Todd was here" on the wall in blood (or red paint meant to look like blood, up in the air) and signing it with a handprint like he's a middle schooler who just discovered Creepypasta???? Ripping the 'R' off Tim's costume when he's literally already unconscious?? Zipping away from the scene thinking "damn I actually like that kid, wish I had friends tbh"??
And then it's literally never brought up again.
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talulagrimm · 8 months
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I see everyone freaking out about the pool scene, meanwhile I'm over here freaking out about one expression in one shot. This mans is unhinged and feral and I live for it.
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wylanslcve · 7 months
We as a fandom do not talk enough about how Jesper once bleached a swear word into his father's jurda field in all caps because he was bored.
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balasha7sanbardo · 7 months
I need people to understand that no one has a right to dictate what should and shouldn't happen in Palestine right now or in the future, except Palestinians. Literally. No one has the right to tell them if a 2-state solution is the best option, if a diplomatic resolution is, or if it's a complete dismantling and deconstruction of the entire israeli govt, and assimilating israelis under a Palestinian govt.
So, if you have an opinion about the solution, take a second and try to remember: the land isn't yours, and the bloodshed isn't yours. Remember that you did not just watch your home get carpet bombed, your loved ones massacred or imprisoned for no reason. You did not watch your land get annexed. You did not witness the trauma in your children’s eyes and that feeling of dread because you know that they might be dead in the next few hours. You did not hear the screams and cries of people under the rubble begging for help. You did not watch your school being bombed to pieces and people’s limbs on the street. You didn’t have to live through the reality that absolutely not a single person in authority did ANYTHING to help except watch you be murdered live on their pretty little screens while they tweeted about it. Remember that, and then proceed to shut the fuck up and listen to Palestinian’s voices.
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phantomrose96 · 10 months
Hello I've now played Pikmin 3 and I'm beside myself with how Nintendo keeps doing Olimar like this.
After Olimar pays off President's whole debt (and then some) in Pikmin 2 he is... back on PNF-404 in Pikmin 3. Immediately. Like immediately. Because the President lost all their money again and he's sent Olimar and Louie back to PNF-404 again exactly the same as happens to Olimar in Pikmin 2 and this time there is absolutely an undercurrent of violence in Olimar's vlogs and logs. He WANTS bad things to happen to his boss.
But he's too polite and too composed so he's just keeping his cortisol levels down with elaborate fantasies of class revolution, and the mental countdown of how many days until he can get the FUCK off this planet and get home to his family for real. He was ship-wrecked and left for dead for 30 days in Pikmin 1 and fought and bled and killed for his own survival to make it back to his planet only to then IMMEDIATELY be sent back by his shitty awful boss to the planet for another ~30 days in Pikmin 2 (he hasn't seen his family yet) and then IMMEDIATELY is sent back in Pikmin 3 and he wants to go home. He wants to go home. His daughter sends him a message asking if he even lives with them anymore. I'm fucking beside myself.
THIS would all be... okay, at least, if Olimar actually got to go home. But No The Fuck He Doesn't. Because at the end of his mission he's kidnapped by concentrated pikmin nightmare fuel in the form of the game's final boss. Some non-corporeal omnipresent monstrosity which has kidnapped Olimar as a keepsake. A pet. A toy? Which allows Olimar just the chance to attempt an escape day after day before snatching him back and dragging him back to his eternal jail cell. The man who was just about to go home and finally see his family after 3 games.
You find his logs and he's just losing his mind, slowly. He knows he's never escaping. He's losing his will to try. He has nightmares of the pikmin turning on him. Louie's not coming back for him and the President isn't coming back for him.
Pikmin 1 is horror as Olimar is stranded alone with no one but himself to save him. His life support is damaged and he has only 30 days to repair his ship to get home, lest he die in the poisonous atmosphere of this planet. And it's horrifying but at least. At least. He had his own power to save himself. He makes progress steadily over the month. He has reason to keep his hope alive.
Pikmin 3 robs him of that. There is nothing under his own power he can do to escape the Plasm Wraith. His pikmin have all been killed. He's in an unwinnable Saw trap. And this time his life support system isn't damaged. It's the only thing worse than damaged - it's completely functional.
Given that, playing as the Koppaite trio, there is no time limit to save Olimar, I can only conclude Olimar's suit is fully functional this time. He has no food, no water, no chance to ever change out of his suit, but it keeps him alive. He's the Plasm Wraith's prisoner for as long as that suit will keep him alive. Indefinitely, maybe. Unless he could work up the nerve to remove his helmet himself and just end it...
But he doesn't. Day after day he tries to escape until he doesn't have the strength anymore. His suit forces him to sleep more and more, against his will, as a life preservation method. So he's forced to fade in and out of consciousness as this thing's prisoner. And this is forever. Until he dies.
The Koppaite trio rescuing him is pure coincidence. They were on PNF-404 for reasons completely divorced from Olimar. They should never have cared who he was or where he was. Olimar just happened to come across their warp drive key when they crashed, and he picked it up, right before the Plasm Wraith took him. They find him for the warp drive key. The Koppaite trio weren't supposed to save Olimar. No one was supposed to save Olimar.
And how. Awful. Because this time people KNOW Olimar is on PNF-404. President is back home on Hocotate and knows he's lost contact with Louie and Olimar. He could send help but he doesn't. He could COME to help but he doesn't. Olimar isn't waywardly alone this time. He's abandoned. And abandoned by the man who forced him into this danger.
And depending how well you play, and how many fruits you get as the Koppaite trio, a normal run is probably 20-30 days for them BEFORE you rescue Olimar. He was taken soon after they landed. So a month. Another month. Of Olimar stranded on this planet. Worse than ever before, as he's nothing but the mouse being played with by this world's cruelest cat. He hasn't been allowed to take off his space suit for a month... After ~30 days of Pikmin 1 and ~30 of Pikmin 2 and now ~30 of Pikmin 3. His daugher thinks he doesn't live with them anymore...
And then... okay and then... the Koppaite trio rescue him... They offer to bring him home. And Olimar's beside himself because he never thought he was getting off this planet. Someone's shown kindness to him for the first time in 3 games and it takes him by absolute surprise.
He and Louie get home.
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