#we wormin
octavio-world · 2 years
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archersartcorner · 2 years
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Am rewatching ASO cus I love it a whole lot and got to the brain surgery scene again. I love how fucking unhinged this season is, genuinely. Let’s just do brain surgery!!!!! Why not!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 1 year
Atlus: Persona is about community and sharing. Look at PQ! Even tho the Wild Cards are mildly uncomfortable, everyone is happy to have a piece of the wild card ability! :) What I want: The second two wild cards interact, they start fighting because the other might take up a valuable resource. Bitch mode is activated. PQ2 doesn’t happen cause Goro’s having a mental breakdown.
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ink-n-shadow · 2 months
What mythical creatures would the 141 be? I’m not talking about the standard kind of creatures like werewolves, and vampires. Something more creative if you get what I mean.
oooo anon o_O you’re getting the worms WORMIN (if we want to expand more on this headcanons, just let me know u3u)
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ghost just gives wraith vibes, all wispy and decrepit in appearance and showing up before/after creatures in the realm die. it’s not as though he was a villain by any means—in fact, he was rather comforting to the creatures he encountered before and after their passing, petting the soft fur of a fawn about to pass in the cold dead of winter or comforting the soul of a young boy who passed from a sickness he just couldn’t shake. it wasn’t his fault that his existence revolved around death, because without ghost, who would comfort and guide pretty little creatures like you between existential planes?
soap would be a kelpie, which is a creature from scottish folklore that lives in the water and entices humans to their demise. most of the time, soap would remain in his horse-like appearance, a murky grey horse with swirls of sea green spots dotting along his hind legs. but when he sees a pretty little thing like you walking along the water's edge, sandals in one hand and your fingers skimming the water surface, he wouldn't be able to help but shift into his human-like form, all thick bulging muscle and bits of seaweed lodged in his dark mousy hair. and who were you to turn down a late night swim with a beautiful looking man like soap? even if you've heard all the stories of people going to the lake-edge and never returning.
price just screams dragon. like that man exudes dragon energy, thick muscled body rippling with shimmering gold scales that extend down his forearms and to the white claws of his nails. he’d definitely occupy an old, crumbling castle, spending his days flying around the sprawling towers and rumbling hills on the castle estate, keeping knights and bandits alike from breaking into his home and taking what’s his (even if that includes the pretty little prince/princess held captive in the tallest tower).
gaz would be a griffin to me, seen as a symbol of resilience, bravery, power, and prestige. the body of a lion and the expansive wings of an eagle paired with sharp talons and a feathery head. he would be the prize pet of some noble old king, who tasked him with protecting the kingdom from outsiders and intruders hellbent on bringing down the monarchy as gaz knows it. he’d be fiercely loyal, ready at beck and call to rip creatures to shreds if it meant getting the praise and recognition he deserved. maybe one day, if he works hard enough, he’ll get a pretty little thing to call his own.
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lizardinkart · 2 years
For some reason I have polls so vote for your faves and put your thoughts wherever. We need more creative solutions to GM lol
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likely-a-writer · 6 months
"Would you love me if i were a worm?"
WHO'S TURNING THESE PEOPLE INTO WORMS? Is there an evil wizard, a morally grey witch, or maybe a supervillain with a worminator?
We need to come together and stop our loved ones from becoming worms
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2017, the year Google paid me to draw worms 🙏
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tired-dunsparce · 7 years
Ain't Gonna Hurt Nobody - Brick
And reminder, it ain’t gonna hurt nobody to get on down
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chuuyanaurkahara · 2 years
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i saw these comments by @untamedeventuality and it filled me with the creative juices
for you dear person👉👈
writing under the cut
i apologise for any bad grammar, english isn’t my first language
i don't know how to write good stuff, sorry
The trio was walking alongside an old road. Mono was in the middle, RK on the left and Six on the right side of him. The girl was talking with Mono about how their economy is in shambles and that the world is going to die soon, just like the queen did.
"-and yeah. That's why I eat soap."
"None of these points made any sense, Six,", Mono replied, "Also, please don’t eat soap, you're gonna die."
The girl quickly replied, "Trust me, I won’t. See?" She got out a soap bar from her pocket.
Why she was carrying soap with her will remain a mystery to Mono. Realising too late that Six is actually going to take a good bite, the boy could only watch in horror how she stuffed half of it in her mouth.
"What the fuck Six! Are you having a death wish?"
Six laughed. She laughed hard. Between laughing and even some coughing, she explained the soap bar was actually just chocolate.
"Why the fuck, but also that's a really cool idea", Mono replied.
Six handed him the chocolate and nodded her head towards RK, who was lost in his thoughts, and then at the 'soap' in Mono’s hands.
The boy grinned. He knew what Six was trying to tell him. A small prank won't hurt, right?
"Hey RK, wanna have a bite?"
The boy looked at Mono, then at his hand with the soap before looking at Mono again. "That’s soap, Mono."
"And? Do you want to have a bite or not?"
"What- I- Did you eat soap?"
"Yes? Why wouldn’t I?", Mono replied and bit into the chocolate.
"Mono, I mean this in the nicest way possible; What the fuck is wrong with you."
Six started to giggle and soon was full on laughing. Mono chuckled too.
"Hehe, pranked you. It’s not soap, it's chocolate", Six giggled.
The boy scoffed and rolled his eyes. He crossed his arms and looked away from the other two, ignoring their following apolgies.
"Aww, c'mon RK, it was just a small prank", the girl said, "Don’t be like that..." Pause. "Alright, Mono hold his hand, he's gotta accept our apology that way."
Mono shrugged. "Sure." Mono grabbed RK's hand and interwined their fingers.
"Sorry for pranking you, RK", Six apologized.
"It’s- it's okay..."
Six grinned. "See? As easy as cake." She began walking again, the two boys following soon after.
"Holy shit guys! Look, a worm!", Six suddenly exclaimed, crouching down.
RK perked up at the mention of a little creature and let go of Mono's hand. He moved next to the girl and crouched down as well, examining the worm with her.
"Hello little slimy guy,", Six cooed, ", look at you, you're such a cute little fella, aren’t you?" She carefully pet the animal with her pointer finger.
"Can- can we move on?"
"Shut up Mono, it's wormin' time,", RK replied, and then to the worm, "Such a cute, little guy. I'm gonna call you...-"
"-Wormius!", Six piped in.
"Yes, Wormius! Great idea Six. It fits perfectly." The boy pet the worm too.
They both mumbled some other stuff, occasionally interrupted by small giggles. Mono awkwardly stood at the side, playing with his fingers as he waited.
Suddenly a crow flew by and snatched the worm off the ground, seemingly not bothered by RK and Six.
"Noooo, Wormius! You were so young!", they both said in union.
Mono won't admit it, but he was glad that worm was gone. His friends got up, RK taking his hand and Six already starting to talk about their previous topic again.
The trio continued on their way.
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fullofcake · 2 years
Whoa!!! I didn’t know we could ask you things :0 How goes wormin? 🪱
Im wormin very well and how are you wormin today? <|:)
(I'm always up for questions btw)
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archiveadmirers · 3 years
New episode of Archive Admirers out now!
The Gang is missing Hannah as we discuss A Distortion, and it becomes chaotic very quickly. We discuss the language of statements, being a victim in Magnus, what a toxic work environment the Archives are, and we want to be adopted.
Available everywhere podcasts are found
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faffreux · 2 years
everyone’s sending their dreams they have abt you and jolli and fawful and i’m a little spooked out cus i’ve definitely had lots of faff and jolli cameos in my dreams. like i don’t often see my friends or family in my dreams but ur just…there.
i once invited you to play bowsers inside story at my mansion (that i dont have) but instead i turned on some 2010’s anime and popped an edible and you were like erm…when do i get to see fawful…
and this other one where you flooded my backyard and my fence kept the water in so we had a niiiiice pool party. everybody has such clear and concise dreams, i wish i could say fawful came to me in a vision and told me the key to love and friendship, but he’s too busy at my poollll partyyyy—!
anyways…best wishes faff i hope you have a lovely week. i’m not keen on sending long asks but you are such a lovely person. have a lovely time wormin ur way into everybody’s dreams, u r so good at that..<3 happy neil bangin out the tunes day
I'm sorry I'm cracking up so hard at "my mansion (that i don't have)" lkdfghdfgd BUT LITERALLY EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS IS AMAZING... ??? where do i even start LOL
"when do i get to see fawful?" yeah. yeah, that'd definitely be me.
but WHY DID I FLOOD YOUR YARD?? WAS THE INTENTION TO START THE POOL PARTY OR WAS THAT JUST THE OUTCOME... I can't. This is hilarious to me but I'm also so incredibly flattered that I keep showing up this often somehow 😭I love this entire ask, thank you so much for taking the time to share it dfghdfg <3 <3 <3
PS. THANK YOU!! I love the long messages, honestly. ; w ; Your words mean a lot to me and I hope you have an incredible day. I'm gonna roll around in a happy pile of leaves now after readin' all this dlfgdffg
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parttimepuff · 2 years
Does our great king have anything to add about the forgotten land? Does he even remember anything?
The king sighed. "Yer gonna keep askin' if ah don't tell y'all, right? Fine." Dedede shrugged, shifting on his throne. "The short answer is ah don't remember a lot. Lots of bits n' pieces. Ah do remember the beginning and end, though."
"When we got there, everyone was panickin'. No one knew where we were or how were gonna get back to Dreamland. So, ah took charge. Still my job even if we ain't in my kingdom. Got to work building a place ta stay. Few of the tougher folks went looking for stragglers. Like Bandana n' Twister. And ah went off, too. Left the old man in charge."
"Now, ah know what yer gonna say. 'Yer the king, shouldn't you have stayed?' And look. Ah trust Metaknight. Enough to know he'd do a decent job. Plus, and don't you dare tell 'im this, but ah was worried about Kirb, ok? Pipsqueak's the first one to hurl himself into danger, so it got to me that he wasn't around." Dedede huffed, before becoming more tense.
"It was... kinda slow. That thing wormin' its way into my head. Tried to fight it and... that's where my memory ends, more or less." He clearly didn't like talking about this part. "Got flashes of things. Dees locked up. That stupid furball. Kirby... Only really came to when he beat me up apparently the second time. Lil brat was jumping on me, too!" Dedede added.
"Ah reckon y'all know the rest. The Dees have been talkin' about my whole 'heroic sacrifice' for weeks. They're makin' a bigger deal out of it than it is. Just did what ah had to." The king downplayed the affair, seeming more comfortable now. "Then it was... about two weeks? Bout that, waitin' on the lil fuzzball to get better. Pipsqueak did a number on me, so ah had to rest awhile longer before actually headin' back."
Dedede leaned back in his throne, actually a bit relieved to lay everything out. "But yeah, that's my side a things. Wild couple a weeks. Just glad we all got back ok."
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c-rowlesdraws · 4 years
replied to your photoset
“c-rowlesdraws: (100% headcanon) Andalite childhood milestones… 1)...”
u reminded me! I recall a portion of the animorphs series talking about using flowers to pray for offspring or something, like I think elfangor had one and spoke really assuredly about how he had a sibling on the way bc of his wish? I wanna know the lore on this so deeply
He sure did! Here’s the passage from The Andalite Chronicles:
In my quarters I have holograms of my father and mother, of course. Plus a wish-flower representing the little brother I’ll be getting in a few years. The Electorate has voted to allow more children to be born since we’re in a war now. They say if the war goes on for long and there are lots of battle deaths, some families may even have three and four children. Personally, I don’t think it will come to that. And even having one sibling is bad enough. Now, in addition to the morning ritual and the evening ritual, I have to do the wish-flower ritual. And you have to do the wish-flower ritual at the wish-flower, of course, which is in my tiny quarters. And you can imagine how impossible that is! My entire back half sticks out into the hallway and people are jostling past while I’m chanting, <We welcome our hopes embodied, we welcome a new branch of the tree, we welcome …> So on and so on.
I love the idea of a Wish Flower, and I love how there’s an accompanying daily ritual. I’m curious how Elfangor knows how he’s getting a brother specifically, but that could just be wishful thinking on his part.
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lizardinkart · 2 years
Lizard Reads Ward
Arc 2: Flare
Lizard Cry Counter: 2
TL;DR: Cool shit happening this arc with more fun worldbuilding around the state of Capes, Victoria’s coping mechanisms and hero complex, and some especially funky stuff exploring other Earths and how the shards/triggers are getting extra-special fucky after Gold Morning. We finally get to meet the rest of the PHO group and they are all wonderful, and Wildbow is flexing with the extended metaphor of powers as trauma. 8.75/10
Alrighty, let’s get wormin’! 
Once again, splitting this into mini-arcs so I can keep track of it: 1. Job-Hunting, 2. Broken Trigger Shenanigans, and 3. Group Therapy(?).
Part 1: Job-Hunting
Oh, if this did not capture the soul-crushing nature of the job search so well lol. I really enjoy Victoria’s engagement with each of the big groups that have cropped up since GM, their ideologies, and the optics that each group focuses on. Because if Victoria Dallon understands anything, it’s Aesthetic (in both physical and ideological appearance, thank you Carol (derogatory)). I think the bit where the recruiter asks if Panacea can also be part of the package deal crushed my soul so hard cause mmmmmm. We all have that family member that is perceived very differently from how they actually act towards the people they ostensibly care about. Adding this to the list of times I wanted to hold Victoria gently in my hands. 
Crystal continues to be a treat, I appreciate that she doesn’t own scissors. I find it so interesting that she wanted to be part of the Parahuman Paramilitary, but I guess stability has its allure in times of absolute chaos. Also gonna slide in here the bit about the people Victoria talked to about joining the totally-not-a-cult that comes back later in the arc, I appreciate the “if I can save even one person it will have been worth it” mentality. 
The hospital scene was really nice, both with Tempera/Fume Hood and then taking the kids flying. I think a lot of people can be very cynical about how doing stuff for others can be very self-serving (esp someone as famously cynical as WB /affectionate), but I think that this came across very genuinely, and it’s actually something that can be very good for trauma recovery by just doing things to get yourself out of your own head. Especially when it came to the kid with the friend who had triggered, Victoria really didn’t have to go out her way to make sure that the kid was taken care of. I think that this once again shows her character. Taylor could never (shoutout to the kids that triggered in her territory). 
Part 2: Broken Trigger Shenanigans
Oh man oh man oh man. I really did come into this part with a sigh because really, up until now Wildbow had not wowed me with the new stuff he was exploring with powers/shards, but this section grabbed me by the throat and threw me across the room into a brick wall. I appreciate that this is carving out Ward’s new identity as its own story with more to say outside of just Victoria, but also work as reflections of her and her unique experiences with her power/shard. It’s neat!
But aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa man this was downright tragic to read. Once again, WB hits with the suspense of “something is happening on a timeline, and all you can do it be there for when shit hits the fan.” The Parahuman Paramilitary was funky and off-putting as any type of military institution tends to be. Because ACAB, that’s why. 
Corona Pollentia warfare was enacted here, and the fact that people were literally stopped in space was horrifying and distressing as all hell, Worm never really got to touch on when triggers went wrong because shit was already bad enough being, well, triggers. But the bit at the end with the last guy standing not wanting to be subsumed into a collective (shard/entity?) consciousness was haunting as hell and so, so cool. I can’t wait to see how the entities continue to fuck around and Victoria and the Gang continue to find out. 
Part 3: Group Therapy(?)
Subsisting off of a comfort diet of brownie ice cream and shit TV, Victoria hangs out and Dr. Yamada pulls back the curtain on doctor-patient relationships. Therapists are people too! But it was nice that she thought of giving Victoria something therapy-related to do, even if it was ultimately a ploy to get Victoria to join her little group therapy team and (unsuccessfully) talk them out of doing the whole hero team thing. 
But mmm, I do love me these guys now that we get to really meet them, so down the line we go again!
Kenzie: Still the love of my life, I would kill and die for her. She is so damn earnest and I can respect the hell out of that. Include her in things!!! Give her friends!!! Be nice to her!!! Let her make all the boxes!!!!!! Also I will be deeply upset when we figure out her whole backstory. Preparing to be devastated. 
Sveta: I love that she and Weld are dating and that she is so happy but knowing Wildbow he’s gonna fuck it up somehow and it pisses me off so bad. But for now I will revel in her joy!!! Let her be happy goddammit!!! Also shoutout to her absolutely owning the disability label, I really was like “ah man this is gonna be implied subtext huh” but nope! And I’m really happy about that! But on god the fact that she has a body now??? And she gets to make it pretty and expressive how she wants it???? Kissing her on her forehead she is too good, great even. Unironically the best character. 
Tristan/Byron: Knowing that I have to go back through the PHO chapter and check the timestamps to see which one was in control is simultaneously infuriating and exciting lol. I can’t remember if case 70s appeared in Worm cause if they did I do not remember them. But yet again adding to the weird shit shards do is a thing I will applaud because the specific scenario of “twins who were touching when they triggered” is just horrifying in concept and seems that way in practice as well. I’m placing my bets for the human trafficking being so that they can try to separate themselves. Or something like that IDK. I also wanna slap Tristan on his dumb jock head because sometimes he needs to shut up (tho I feel him. I, too, talk incessantly, see this post series lol). But he gets a pass because he’s nice and makes arms <3
Chris: Breaking out my trusty spray bottle to spritz him every time he’s an antisocial prick. Not necessarily an actual character flaw, I am interested to see what’s gonna happen with this exceptionally small lad, but mmm. He’s an interesting fellow who I think would benefit from touching some grass every now and again. But progress looks different for everyone I guess!
Ashley: She also gets the spray bottle but for being an edgelord. Shadow the Hedgehog called and said tone it down. Once again, very much the Bitch-type of “I have a singular trajectory and will do what I want fuck you all” but in like, a friendship way? Idk, I know everyone loves her (and ships her with Victoria- *cough*) and I also love her, but I would also like to punch her sometimes and I think that is ok! She’s getting better! Maybe! I hope!
Rain: I can smell the little-meow-meow coming off of this guy. This man is a protagonist of another story but got shoved into Ward instead. He is scientifically crafted to be pocket-sized, and if he’s not dead or beat to shit by the end of this story I will eat a shoe. I can tell a sopping wet whipping boy when I see one lol. But in all seriousness, I know that everyone has a lot of shit going on, but Rain’s “it’s complicated” catchphrase is like “Yes, Wildbow, I know he’s your special little guy. It’s ok, you don’t have to be coy about it.” Kinda the way that Amy was in Worm tbh, Wildbow just has favorites he likes to torture sometimes and I have to respect the honesty lol. But yeah, he is genuinely interesting and has some nifty stuff going on w/ his cluster. Very intrigued that Snag is his clustermate, and how their power-exchange works. Again- cool shit!  But oh my god someone’s gonna step on him. Too small lol. 
But all that being said, I appreciated the actual group therapy going on here, and that Victoria is getting some buddies to talk stuff through with, even though this really does seem like a setup for failure. The talk about logistics triggered the “gotta schedule D&D” part of my brain and whoo boy that was some anxiety lol. But I am intrigued to see where this lil team goes and what they do in the story moving forward! Also, a very strong end to the Arc with “This is the way things are now” “...Fuck that.” Stuck that landing, let’s get some change rolling!
(Also the interlude was funky, love seeing Weld and Crystalclear again. The theocracy seems like it mayyyy be an issue tho moving forward. Maybe lol)
Final Thoughts
I think that this arc had a lot to offer, and really started to solidify the direction that Ward is gonna try to go in. I can already feel the length of the story though, that 2 arcs have felt like 6, but ya know. It’s the format! But there’s a part of my brain that really wants to go in and cull a lot of stuff that I know people love but is just like...this is so long. But other than that- I think that finally getting around to the new group is good, and I think the biggest takeaway from this arc is the diversity of Shard Shenanigans. Looking forward to that making shit go sideways lol. 
But yeah! That’s all I got, not as insightful perhaps as the last couple entries but I hope y’all like the more first-impressions type rambling. As always, would love to hear what y’all think of this arc!
Until next time- Ward out ✨
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cullxtheherd · 4 years
angst 11 for sharky and deputy?
11. “I loved you.” “Then why did you let (her/him/them) get in between us?”
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“Wire A,” Carefully pinching he places the putty, “Meet wire BbbEEJESUS!!!” Covered in beading sweat he jumps, half-finished explosive pressed against his chest, “What the fuck!?!” Charlemagne isn’t sure exactly when he’s turned to face her but he figures it’s a side effect of nearly blowing yourself to jiggly bits.
“I loved you.”
He feels as though he has been dealt a physical blow and the pit of his stomach sours, proximity explosive held lamely at his side. Charlemagne wants to speak- has lots to say on the matter but his eyes burn and his nose is suddenly a trickling nuisance, “So?”
This seems to stop his uninvited guest in their tracks.
He sticks to his guns, gripping the dangerously undone explosive tightly between his fingers, “I’m not sure why that’s supposed to matter- I h-” Sharky stops himself short needing a moment to adjust over rough, unfiltered emotion, “If that is, in fact, a truth, why- why would you do that?” When she steps forward he steps back, rattling the workbench behind him, “Why would you let her get between us like that?”
“Sharky, I-”
“No. No ma’am,” Lower lip trembling he shakes his head in the negative, “I won’t hear it, not this time.” His voice breaks revealing the poorly told lie, “Listen,” His tongue feels like a leaden weight and his mouth is a precipice of churning quicksand swallowing up all the correct words. “Way you left me,” It takes all of his effort not release an audible sob, “The way you-” 
He takes a deep, shaking breath wanting to subdue the anger and the sorrow but he is loathe to keep up the charade after many lonesome months. “She’s had her fingers wormin’ around in that head of yours, just like big brother Jacob does, I can’t trust you,” As she moves closer he finds that he is trapped- cornered, just like he’d planned for. “No,” Head shaking in the negative he finally gets a good look right into the bliss addled depths he called home, “I won’t.”
“Sharky,” She says it in the way that she used to- in the way that he’d find himself completely bundled up in her warmth on a long, lazy day. But, as she drones on, he can begin to hear the siren instead, “Can’t you see?”
When she reaches for his cheek with the soft, gentle cup of her hand he flinches but, ultimately, as a means of drawing her in he lets her continue. “No,” Despite wanting to take in every last drop of this moment his eyes wrench shut for a beat, “No.”
“We can be together.”
He doesn’t respond but he hopes for a way out of this stupid plan- disappear into the drawer of the workbench, maybe suddenly and unexpectedly blast off to Hawaii, or something.
“Join us,” Her honeyed voice drapes a sickly sweet blanket over him and he wants nothing but to sink in and envelope himself, finally. “We can be happy again, I know it.”
“Yeah,” Eyes still closed a hot, angry tear falls, riding strands of his moustache, “Yeah,” As he elaborates he forces convinced confidence, “Maybe you’re right, Shorty.” She’s close enough that he can feel the chilled essence of Bliss as it leaks from her very being, “Maybe we can be together again.”
“Yes,” Her hands loop his neck, pulling, “Just say yes, baby.”
Sharky takes his last chance, eyes opening up to look at her one last time as his fingers work, voice barely a whisper, “I miss you,” The putty is wet enough to slide off, “I love you,” Her lips meet his own, tainted with earthy, hallucinatory scopolamine, “But I’ll never say yes to you.” The wires touch down on the half-finished detonator, igniting the explosive.
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