#we’re 2 adults who work the same hours it should be 50/50
elysiumcalled · 2 years
long stupid rant below feel free to scroll on 🤣
I think my mum is getting annoyed at me making a few comments about her being messy and lazy lmao but every time I try to civilly bring up how it‘s not fair that I’m constantly cleaning up after (I get very unnecessarily angry about it sometimes lol) but she tells me off for moaning about her 😃 Like excuse me I am very quiet about how annoyed I get and I hate that it makes me mad at her for something so petty but it’s been going on for ages now 😭 I think ever since I’ve worked from home (I literally still work at home every day) it drives me insane to have it be too messy (and DIRTY) but mum is only at home 2/5 days do I don’t think it bothers her as much lol
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Destober: Day 2, Vanguard
"Thera! May I speak to you a moment?" Ikora called out after spotting the young wolf walking across the bazaar.
"Of course," Thera, who had previously been on her was to the Drifter to collect gambit bounties, replied, then walked over to the warlock vanguard. "What is it that you need?" She spoke professionally, most likely guessing this was an assignment she was about to go on.
"You've been working a lot lately Thera and well... I worry for you. I believe you need a break from the fighting for a few hours. So, I'd like to request that you join Zavala and I to a walk in the City where we'll be checking on the citizens and such." Then she added with a smile, "And, as an addition to this invitation, Zavala has agreed to pay for supper at the end of the day."
"I-I suppose I could." She wouldn't be doing much else, and it was very rare that she got to spend much time with either vanguard. "Casual clothes?" She asked.
"We'll be wearing our casual. We intend to take breaks ourselves. Saint-14 and Shaxx will be watching the Tower in our absense for the day."
"Alright." Thera nodded. "When will I meet you?"
"The elevator in twenties minutes."
"See you then."
Twenty minutes later, on the dot, Thera met with Ikora by the elevators that led down to the City below. The warlock vanguard was now wearing fitting grey pants, a white blouse with a purple cardigan, and black boots. It was so weird for Thera, seeing her without her normal robes on. She couldn't remember a time in which she had ever seen her in anything different.
"Where's Zavala?" Thera inquired, looking around.
Ikora sighed. "Late. He always shows up on time to meetings, but for a walk in the City he decides to take his time."
Thera leaned against the metal railing. She wore an outfit made of black denim jeans, a light purple shirt tucked into said jeans with a hunter snake emblazened across it, along with a black leather jacket and black leather ankle boots. A top her head rested light purple aviator sunglasses, and on her ears, worn for the first time in forever, hung amythest stone earrings.
Zavala arrived a few minutes later than the two women. He wore black pants and a beige cashmere sweater. Peeking up from the sweater was the white collar of a button down shirt. It was also so different seeing Zavala without the bulky titan armor.
Thera straightened, arms crossed over her chest.
"Ready to go now, Commander?" Ikora asked, gesturing to the elevator.
"Ladies first."
Both Thera and Ikora entered the elevator with Zavala behind them. In no time they were on the City streets. People came from their homes to stop and wave at them. A few vendors who had set up in the streets gave them deals. Thera ended up with a small bag of taffy, 50% off. She usually didn't get this type of attention, she didn't go into the City much. She was surprised really with how many people knew her as the Young Wolf, and how many ran to her when the Vanguard was right there beside her. She had always seen them more liked than her by the City civilians. Children ran up to Zavala arms reaching in the air, wanting to be picked up and put on his shoulders. Little girls and boys ran up to talk to Ikora, and she crouched down to their height to speak with them, kindly and softly. Thera, without much knowledge about what to do with younger children despite having taken part in a few dodgeball games with Shaxx and Ann, followed the vanguards' lead. She gave each one she came across a piece of her taffy, and at one point a young boy came up to her with two wooden swords, wanting to play with her.
Thera took it and laughed with the child as she gave light blows to the boy and then dramatically fell back when he stabbed her in the stomach with the blunt wooden weapon as the children around them laughed and cheered.
The three also took their time to talk with the adult civilians, asking questions such as whether there was anything they should work on to make the City better. Thera got rather angry when a few mentioned passive aggressive statements about the House Light, but brushed it off quickly. It was one thing to get angry at a Guardian, another entirely to show aggression towards a civilian. Guardians could come back from a punch in the face, these people could not.
Thera took mostly to speaking with the teenagers, especially the shy ones who looked longingly at the three celebrities practically who walked along the City streets. She gave a few autographs, took a few pictures, and at the end of the day Zavala took Ikora and Thera to Cayde's favorite ramen restaurant.
"I had no idea the people loved me that much, especially the children." Thera said after slurping down another bite of ramen.
"Oh they adore you." Replied Ikora. "They usually ask us when we're bringing you down to the City with us."
Zavala nodded. "While Ikora and I are the Vanguard, we handle the more diplomatic aspect. You on the other hand are a warrior who has done many great feats, more so than Ikora and I both."
"I highly doubt that."
"Either way, they are inspired by the tales told to them by their parents about you. Your devotion to the City and the great stories of your triumphs inspire them, Thera. Many wish to be like you."
Thera smiled a small smile. "I never knew. Perhaps I should come down to the City more often."
"The children would love that. We do try to do this once a month. I'll invite you."
Thera nodded as she took another bite. All was silent for a moment and then Thera asked, "Did Ann put you up to this, to invite me down to the City?"
Ikora smiled sheepishly. "Well, she did come to me asking for you to be let off. But the taking you down into the City with us was all my doing. That girl does a lot of good for you."
"That she does." Thera replied. "Wouldn't know what I'd do without her."
Ikora smiled solemnly. "Cayde used to say the same about you."
"He did?"
"He was always proud of you Thera, how far you've come in your life. He always said he wouldn't know what he'd if he didn't have you around." She chuckled lightly. "He said you made life more interesting, and quoting him, 'That you were one of the coolest hunters he's every had the honor of training.'."
Ikora's words touched Thera's heart and she smiled.
It wasn't much longer until they finished their food and left after giving a generous tip to their server. Then they were walking back to the Tower again, the sun setting beautifully behind them.
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imagintheworldaway · 4 years
Used Pt 2
Anonymous said: Hello i loved your post “used” with Harry and i just wanted to know if you are planning a part 2 in the future?!?
Anonymous said: Loved your most recent imagine of Harry! Can you plzzzzz make a part 2 of used, where she’s a bad B and becomes even more successful and she’s better off without him? Thank you!
A/N I loved that you guys loved the first one! I went through a few different ideas / endings for this one and I think I'm happy with the outcome! warning it is a long one so strap in!
Used Pt 1 can be found here
Requests are open!
That night at Harrys apartment felt like a life time ago. The breakup wasn’t messy as neither of us addressed it really, I archived all of my posts of him and he had done the same for me and that was about it. It didn’t take the fans to catch on but what can you expect, they know more about me than I do. it had been almost 6 months to the date, not that I was counting or anything but I honestly felt like Harry was my soulmate at the time. Oh how love can blind you. 
The past few months I had submerged myself into my channel and my fans. I had done an array of meet and greets and was interacting more with them, and honestly my love for YouTube was restored and I felt like a whole new person. I had had a full make over and due to this my channel had grown immensely and I had hit 50 million subscribers, a huge achievement which I never though would happen. it was amazing to see the amount of support I was gaining from my fans and how much I had grown, from a naive teenager to a young adult. I had received an overwhelming amount of support from my friends. When Harry and I broke up they tried not to take sides but It was evident that that couldn’t last forever and I was ok with that. 
I had just finished a meeting with my manager at her office. With my new look and attitude brands seemed to swarm at me and I was gaining so many new opportunities it was kind of crazy. It was like I was a completely different person and it seemed to be working in furthering my career. I got in my Uber and made my way to my new apartment, after the break up I felt like starting a new was best and so I moved into my new multi million apartment in knightsbridge. It was nice to be in an area by myself as it meant that I had more privacy and was able to truly live my best single life. Plus a tour of new apartment left many of my friends in awe, and honestly I loved that I could show off all my hard work. 
I thanked my Uber driver and made my way to my apartment, once inside I collapsed on my sofa and kicked off my heels, which I was still getting used to in all honesty. Having changed from living in baggy jumpers and old trainers was a bit of a shock but I loved wearing my more out there wardrobe, with tighter clothes and higher heels, my makeup always done to perfection, I always felt like people had their eye on me and I felt amazing.  My change in personality and look hadn’t gone unnoticed either, although they didn’t say anything I could tell my friends liked my new attitude, after wallowing in self pity for a few months I think they’re happy that I’m back and stronger than what I was before. 
I still thought about Harry from time to time. How I not so secretly still had one of his jumpers and when I was alone id wear it, just to feel his embrace once more. When we had initially broken up it took him less than two days to send Freezy round my apartment to drop off my box of things and to request his stuff back. I know Freezy felt bad but what choice did he have if Harry wanted to erase me from his life then so be it. More fool him, I had grown so much and if he was truly clout chasing then he should’ve stuck around a little longer. 
I woke up to my doorbell ringing. I must’ve fallen asleep on the sofa. I stretched a little when the doorbell kept ringing. “Jeez I’m coming” I mumbled to myself. I pressed the array of buttons for who ever it was to get through the front gate and after a few minutes I opened the door to reveal Talia. “Have you been sleeping?” She giggled at me as she walked into my apartment, propping herself up on one of my breakfast stools. “Hmm, oh yh, busy day” I laughed closing the door and standing the other side of the breakfast bar looking up at her. 
“Soooooo” I edged her to start talking. “Oh right sorry, your release party, Simon was pestering me to ask you if a certain arsehole could come?” She said the last part in a sheepish tone. Fuck, my release party I completely forgot, I had had so much on my plate that I forgot I was opening a club and releasing my own line of spirits. I stood up looking at Talia with a confused look “why the hell would I invite my ex to my release party?”. I reached up and grabbed two wine glasses pouring us each a glass of rosé. Passing over a glass to Talia as she pondered her reply. “Honestly I said the same but apparently all the lads feel bad as everyone we know is invited except for him” she swirled her glass of wine and took a sip as I copied her mentioned. In all fairness it was rude that I invited everyone but him, plus it was going to be the event to beat, and I had a few spaces on the guest list. “T, I don’t know” I shrugged at her sighing. “If I was you id tell him to stick it where-“ Talia started before I cut her off “I know, I know, it does seem a little harsh, I have invited so many people and, well, you know what fuck it, I’ll get my manager to add him to the list if you let him know” I decided. Talia looked gobsmacked, I had never seen her this speechless in our lives. “Are you sure, he’s a dick like you really don’t have to” she said cocking an eyebrow at me. “Look its not fair, plus there’s going to be hundreds of people there and the likelihood of us actually interacting are practically 0” I stated. Which was true, there was going to be just about the whole British YouTube community there, as well as some celebrities and journalists, and I would have my team around me at all times so the chance of him even getting near me is slim. 
That night Talia and I had gotten wasted, watching movies and just have a nice little girly night. However, right now I was shaking in my heels. My hair and makeup had been done to perfection and I was in a body hugging dress which showed off all of my curves perfectly. I looked almost like a model that’s how good I looked. I of Course was going to be the last to arrive at the venue, I needed everyone to be chatting with flutes of complimentary champagne when I entered so all attention was on me, as conceited as this sounds my publicists and manager had worked months for this to run as perfect as possible. I arrived at the venue and I could hear the music from outside “you ready?” My manager, Lucy asked. I nodded my head and made my way through the back entrance. I stood behind the stage door with a mic in one hand and a bottle of my own vodka in another. “Deep breaths, you’ll smash it” Lucy smiled at me, I just nodded and plastered on a smile, I heard the music die down a little and the door opened and I made my way on stage. An eruption of applause and cheering began from my friends and guests. I smiled taking it all in for a moment before I raised the mic to my mouth. 
“Thank you all so much for being here today and supporting me in my new business venture. If you would have told me a year ago that this is where I would be I would have laughed. These past few months I’ve grown more than I ever have, my channel, my business and more importantly myself. I can’t thank you all enough for the continuous love and support, without you guys or my fans I wouldn’t be where I am today. So id like you to all enjoy a complimentary glass of my new Vodka and enjoy yourselves. Because tonight is about friends and loved ones. So let’s get wasted!!!” I recited my speech cheering at the end. I got a mass amount of applause and cheers and I smiled looking over the crowd. I could see all my friends together happy, the way it should be and I smiled until I saw him, he actually came. My smile faltered slightly and my breath hitched in my throat. I quickly shook it off and made my way to the stairs, exiting the stage. I was quickly engulfed in a mass of hugs and bodies, people I knew and some I didn’t all congratulating me. 
I had done it I had made it and all on my own. 
After about half an hour I made it over to my closest group of friends. They all cheered when I went over and I did a mock curtsey, careful not to reveal too much. I got handed a glass of something and started polite conversation. “We’re all so proud of you” Gee gushed “you’ve done so well I can’t believe that you are basically the most sought after name at the moment” freya added. “ I couldn’t have done it without you guys” I smiled. “Oh shut up little miss humble” Ethan who had clearly had a bit much to drink already. “You’re  the queen of UK YouTube, you have your own empire going and you built it all yourself” he grinned at me before smothering me in a hug. “You need to be in more of our vids then maybe we’d be doing just as well as you” Simon commented earning a laugh from the group. “Here’s to Y/N the baddest bitch I know” Talia toasted and everyone joined in. I smiled as we fell into polite chatter. “I’m just nipping outside” I informed my friends smiling at them before making my way to the balcony. I leant over the edge and smiled, nothing could ruin my life right now. I thought to myself. That was until I heard footsteps approach me from behind and the body heat of someone I could recognise in an instant next to me. “Before you say anything I’m here to congratulate you” Harry said. I kept my gaze forward, not wanted tears that I didn’t know still existed for him to spill. “I’m so proud of you, honestly I am, so are my family, they miss you, I miss you” I turned my body and met Harrys gaze. I studied his face, he had bags under his eyes and the usual scruff on his beard was longer than he usually kept it, his hair was also scruffy, not scruffy like usual but tangled and unkept. He was wearing smart trousers and a nice button up shirt, no blazer, Harry hated formal clothes. “Thank you” was all I was able to say as I smiled at him. “You know, with every day that goes by someone reminds me how I fucked up and should have kept a death grip on you, that you were the best part of me and now I’m just some boring kid who plays Fifa” I half chuckled at the end. I felt sorry for him, it seemed that I had grown and succeeded and that Harry had stayed stagnant in his life. “Harry, I, I don’t know what you want me to say” I looked at him with sorry eyes, I think maybe I still loved him, but I had been doing so well without him I just I didn’t know whether I wanted to kiss him or kill him. “No I, I get that, I was a dick. I was in a rut and I took it out on you. And well honestly seeing you do so well without me just shows how I was holding you back. I’m proud of you, I’m happy for you, honestly I am bear, sorry Y/N” we had made eye contact at this point. So many memories came flooding back to me. Our first kiss, our first date, the nights we spent talking about what we wanted to name our children, and how we wanted to have a house in Guernsey and one in London. How we were going to grow old together and never let the other go. 
I broke my gaze when I heard Lucy call my name. I took a deep breath. “I loved you harry, with all my heart, with all my being and I was willing to stay and love you no matter what. I think I still do love you. But right now I need to focus on me, my empire has only just started and I don’t want us to back peddle. The only way for me is forward no mater if you’re there with me or not.” I spilled my heart out to Harry before I heard Lucy call me name again. “Sorry” was all I could say before I headed back inside. I wiped a stray tear from my eye and took one last look at harry, I had left him so broken. But now was time to put me first Y/N is number one in my life and as much as I wanted to fall back into my old self I couldn’t. I had made promises and shown that after heartbreak you can build and make yourself stronger than before. And I was not about to throw it all away.
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blank-space-daisy13 · 3 years
Why I won’t invite my biological father to my wedding.
I wanted to post this on Instagram or Facebook but I don’t want to deal with people saying I’m “drama.” But I wanted to write this out just in case someone is ballsy enough to ask me.
Let’s start off with the fact that after he got with my step mom, he wasn’t really around. He also never really cared or tried to take care of us (my brother and me) unless he absolutely had to.
Before my step mom and when we still lived in the apartment, On nights he had us my mom would drop us off already fed, he’d turn the tv on and go play on his computer until we had to go to bed. If he had us on a weekend, same thing. We’d wake up and he’d feed us breakfast, then tv with him in his room on the computer, lunch, tv, dinner, tv, and bed. When we moved from the apartment we stayed at his buddy’s house where he rented a room but guess what? He’d send us down to the basement all day to watch tv, and let us up for meals.
When my stepmom came into the picture, we started going to Canada. On every single one of his weekends. She was nice, at first. Sooner or later everyone shows their true colors. But she started slowly to get a hold of my dad. (My dad had no boundaries with us and she wanted to “help” my dad learn to discipline, but she’s a little extreme.) I once got punished for saying the word “butt” because we only say, “bum” and he yelled at me. Yelled. I was about 7 or 8. Then I heard my future step mother telling him how good he did. Also while we were there, I remember very few times we actually hung out with my dad. It was always being shoved into the playroom with my brother, future stepsister, and sometimes future stepbrother. (Step mom never had full custody of stepbrother.) We’d never leave the playroom other than for meals like the TV. But at least we weren’t rotting our brains, I guess.
After awhile he decided he wanted 50/50 custody. My stepmom at this point could be brutal emotionally. I remember getting yelled at for not knowing any of my immediate family member’s birthdays. I was about 8 or 9. Kind of shitty don’t you think? Going back to the wanting 50/50 custody, he didn’t actually want us. Looking back I understand this now. He just didn’t want to pay as much child support, and that’s probably the only reason my step mom agreed to this. They treated us (my brother and i) horribly. He moved close to my mom’s to prove he’d be willing to do the 50/50 custody, and at that point it was hell. If we did something wrong, immediately we’d get soap in the mouth. My brother later on was getting hot sauce. It would be for things such as, “not sharing with your step sister,” (which she would’ve lied about) or “talking back,” when as a kid I was asking a simple question about their rules. They had so many rules to the point you didn’t realize you were breaking a rule until they told you it was one. My *fondest* memory was when they’d send us kids to the basement for a few hours during the weekend and then got mad when we went through boxes and such to find toys to play with. Because when they first sent us down there, they sent us down there with nothing at all. Sure we probably shouldn’t have gone through boxes, where my brother and I found our toys that they never put with our step sister’s toys, but they sent us down there with nothing at all. They expected us to “imagine” things with no toys. I also got yelled at one weekend because they asked us to clean our bathrooms. (Step sister and I shared a Jack and Jill bathroom and my brother had his own bathroom as well.) We went and picked things up and went back to play. They both yelled at us and said, “If I had meant pick up I would’ve said pick up. I said CLEAN.” At this point I had never cleaned a bathroom in my life. They gave us the cleaning supplies and we went to work. I did what I thought was the best I could do and then my stepmom yells at me, “That wasn’t nearly long enough!!!! Haven’t you ever cleaned a bathroom before?!” Uh no ma’am, I was literally 10. But that was her favorite way to make us feel like shit. To yell, “Haven’t you done XY&Z before?” Or “You don’t know (blank)?! So disrespectful! You should know these things!” (That was said about the birthdays. Again I was a decently young kid.) But going forward, towards the end of them living there, they had a baby together, my other brother J.
Luckily for my brother and I, he eventually gave up going for the 50/50 custody. But with doing this, he left and we didn’t see him for a long time. 5-6 years approximately. I was 15 when he decided he wanted to see us again, and because of everything we had gone through before, we didn’t want to. I had a choice but my brother didn’t, and I was forced to go.
At this point he had married my stepmother, and was living in the same subdivision, and one road away, where had had a house with my mom when they were married. Kind of awkward but ok.
And I have to say, they were better. To a point. They wanted us to feel bad that we didn’t want to be there. At the time I had a really old phone, not a smart phone, that didn’t lock, but they expected my phone to be on the counter at 9pm every night. They read my texts and held them against me, but when I called them out on reading my texts, they told me I was crazy. I would text my friends that I didn’t want to be there, and that I was uncomfortable. They asked me, “Why don’t you want to be here? Why are you uncomfortable? We understand what we did in the past was wrong, but the past is the past and you have to forgive us!” (One wrong thing I was always taught was you always have to forgive. You don’t always have to forgive for things that hurt you.) Finally at the end of this period, they sat us down and tried to make us feel bad by saying, “If you don’t want to be here, we don’t want you here. We want you to want to be here.” At 15 I tried to explain why this was hard, but they didn’t care. It wasn’t their way so they weren’t ok with it.
Fast forward to my Senior Year of high school, I don’t remember how, but my father and I got in touch. My step mom wanted nothing to do with me because of a dumb YouTube video I made at 14 where I “talked shit” about her daughter and herself. Yes, I did, but who didn’t do something dumb at 14? I wasn’t allowed around their house because HER son had a “drug problem.” (Marijuana) Whatever, I didn’t care. Slowly we lost touch because I was the only one calling, and I got sick of it. I was done. But I was still young.
Fast forward to me being a sophomore in college. I was 20 or 21. My brother had an issue that got the police and CPS involved. My father decided to text me and ask me what was going on. I called him and told him that he had “no fucking reason to know what was going on” because he was never around. He gaslighted me into feeling bad because I cussed him out for 10 minutes. But we kept contact after that because I had thought about it and I wanted to get to know my little brother J more. We did lose contact again but then we gain it back later on.
Skip forward a couple years and I’m talking to my cousin, (another thing was he kept us from his side of the family and I had lost contact with most of them until I was an adult.) my cousin told me he was going to MY little BABY sister’s 1st birthday. My father had been talking to me for a few months at this point and NEVER mentioned I had a baby sister. He told me, “I thought your aunt posted about it. I saw it on Facebook and assumed you knew!” It doesn’t matter whether I saw it on Facebook or not. He should’ve told me. But whatever, I let that go too.
Here is where I get frustrated. I wouldn’t call for a couple weeks because I didn’t think about it. I’ve only seen him twice in the past 9 years. But he would blame me for us not talking, when he’d never call or try to talk to me. It drives me crazy when people think like that. It’s not just my responsibility and mine alone.
Skip forward to a few months ago when he brought up politics. I hated this because I’m mostly liberal/democrat and he’s 100% republican. He called liberals “libtards” and goes, “you’re not a libtard are you?” And when I tell him it’s offensive he says, “It’s just a joke!” But now we’re here and yet again it’s been 2 or 3 months since we’ve spoken because he’s blocked my number. It goes straight to voicemail and my texts aren’t going through as iMessages. I’ve decided after trying for over two months, he’s uninvited to the wedding. He’s never met my fiancé, ever. We were only inviting him to be civil. But if he can’t even speak to me, I feel it’s not my problem, and it’s one less drama issue to worry about at the wedding.
My family can believe what they want. There are so many things left out of this 15 year drama circle of my father just disappearing. And I don’t care anymore. I hope someone asks why he wasn’t invited because I know for a fact he’ll be at least telling the whole family that he wasn’t invited. And I don’t mind sending them this so they can know why.
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marauder-exe · 4 years
AU list!
hi! These are a bunch of Au’s that i could write,and you could request! (reposting because it didnt work the first time)
Fake dating (My personal favourite)
Coffee shop
Modern Royalty
Running From The Police
Rebel Against The Goverment
High School
Law school
Road Trip
Arranged Marriage
Professor-Student (of age)
More detailed
21.You were singing/playing guitar/etc. in the park to protest the war and a policeman tried to dismiss you for 'disturbing the peace' but you argued that you were promoting peace and things got heated and next thing you know you're being arrested for assaulting an officer. You intrigue me, so I'm here to bail you out and maybe take you on a date?
22.the nice one who everybody loves with the grumpy and strict one that the students hate and the students wonder?????????how what the fuck
23.we just had a one-night stand but a massive storm hit so now we’re snowed in, hello awkward
24. i sit at the rental booth at our local ice rink and watch you teach children how to skate
25. alternatively, i watch kids teach you how to skate because you’re a terrible skater
26. i’m running late to an important interview/meeting and you accidentally spill your hot cocoa all over my outfit
27. you’re my hot ski instructor and i’m failing the bunny hill
28. i slip on some ice and you’re the stranger who catches me
29.  i gave my winter coat to a homeless person and come into your store to warm up
30. our friends rent a cabin to go skiing and we’re the only ones who stay inside
31. you’re the asshole of our group and we don’t get along, but then i find out you make soup for the local shelter
32.we’re waiting in line for the club when you complain that your roommate stole your gloves so let me warm your hands up with mine
33.my family invites you to join our holiday meal as an obvious setup and i’m so sorry
34.the power goes out in our apartment building, but i’m not prepared for this, and you come to check on me
35.i’m having a snowball fight with my friend in the park and i hit you instead
36.a storm is delaying our flight home and i’m afraid of thunder, please talk to me while we wait
37. we’re both in small claims court and i got into a huge fight with the person suing me but you stepped in to hold me back before security got there
38. i drove two hours to the closest video rental store that’s still operating and you were checking out the only copy of the movie i was after
39. i hit you with my car but luckily you’re okay, but we should still exchange information i guess
40. i was worried about buying something off of someone creepy from craigslist but oh no you’re hot
41. my friend talked me into playing a drunken game of spin the bottle even though we’re all adults and now we have to make out
42. we both decided to take a [yoga/fencing/cooking etc] class and we’re the only two assholes not taking it seriously and everyone else is giving us dirty looks but we keep grinning over at each other
43. my date just made a scene in public and got arrested and now i’m stranded in a city without a ride home
44. sharing a cab together
45. you’re trying to get me to sign a petition and i have no idea what you’re talking about
46. you’re drunk at this festival and dancing on the table and when you eventually fell i caught you
47. we both play this stupid game online and you keep beating me every single goddamn time so i called you out and you are pretty cute but can you not
48. im a bartender and you just came in here without shoes sat down and ordered a chocolate volcano and idk what the fuck that is and im scared to ask
49. we are neighbours and every night at 3:14 am you start yodeling for no fucking reason??? why???? is that you yodeling??? its been 2 months???
50.im a pizza delivery person and i just delivered a pizza to someone in the middle of a satanic ritual and they gave me their number???
51. i woke up this morning to find you sitting in my living room with a goat in a poncho??? who are you??? why is the goat wearing a poncho??? how did you get the goat in here i live on the 12th floor???
52. we work out at the same gym and you always look super legit but i know you sing hannah montana in the shower and you know i know
53. im a cashier and i saw you stuffing you pants full of potatoes and i would stop you but you already have 27 and i want to see how many you can fit
54. its 4 am and im drunk as fuck in a mcdonalds and you have been watching my trying to eat this burger for 30 minutes
55. i was playing beer pong with a coin and i accidentally threw it right into your eye at a party
56. i’m at the beach and some kids thought it was funny to bury me in the sand when i dozed off can you please dig me out
57. it’s unbearably hot and we’re both fighting over the last handheld electrical fan at the shop at the amusement park
58. hey i just met you, and this is crazy, but i get sunburned really easily so can you please help me put sunscreen on my back?
59. thunderstorm after a menacing heatwave and we’re both getting weird looks for dancing in the rain
60.i have no idea who you are but you just fainted right in front of me holy shit dude you need to drink more in this heat
61. we both chased after the leaving ice cream van like ten-year-olds and now we’re both out of breath and a bit embarrassed
62.i clearly reserved this deck chair by putting a towel on it why on earth are you lying on it who the fuck do you think you are
63. My friends bet I wouldn’t buy these three weird and questionable items and you’re my cashier.
64.Once a week I go visit the pet store just to stare at the cute kittens and puppies and you’re the nice employee who always lets me hold them and wait I think I’m going to cry hold on.
65.You’re the DJ of the University’s radio station and every time you give an opinion on a current event I have to call and argue with you because could you seriously be anymore wrong?
66.We both wait tables at the same restaurant and you’re always mad at me by the end of the night because I make more in tips
67.We have the same class and once a week you wear this graphic shirt I don’t understand and I really want to ask you about it.
68.We both work at the same craft store that literally has no customers so we have nothing to do and I’m always reading at the register but you always have to criticize my book choice what the hell?
69.I’m working the concession stand for this week’s home game and this is the fifth time you’ve come back for snacks wait are you flirting with me?
70. we’re at a bookstore and you and I seem to have similar taste in books have you read this one? How about this one?
71. you look like you need help and I’m a professional roller/ice skater but I don’t want you to feel bad about how much you suck but wow you suck
72. You ordered your food before me and they gave you a drink you didn’t want so you gave it to me
73. We’re sitting at adjacent computers in the library and I’m taking extra care not to look at your screen out of respect but what the fuck do you keep laughing at
74. as a joke I yelled out “happy birthday to someone!” in this store and you called back “thank you!” who are you
75. You heard me talking about a TV show in class the other day and now you’re passionately yelling at me about how good it is we’ve never actually spoken before
76. It’s 10:30 at night and I left my glasses at home so I can’t read any of these labels and you’re one of the only people in the grocery store and GODDAMMIT DO YOU HAVE ANY TOMATO SAUCE WITHOUT CHUNKS
77. We go to the same support group; I have social anxiety and you’re a kleptomaniac who sorta stole my heart
78. You thought you were alone at the bus stop so early in the morning so you started passionately singing Fall Out Boy but your Patrick Stump impression could use some work and I’m not really afraid to point that out
79. I’m an artist and you have a really nice face so would you mind if I drew you?
80. We’re rival up-and-coming singers and every time one of us releases a new single the other does a cover to try to make it better; we’re always trying to top each other and out-cute each other, but half our fans aggressively ship us; our agents use this to their advantage and decide we should do a duet because it’ll be popular; unfortunately now that we’re in the same studio and I’ve seen what you’re like I really wanna know what your lips feel like
82. We were both stood up for dates at the same nice restaurant so we decide to eat together and split the check but I dunno you’re pretty interesting aside from your distractingly enormous eyebrows
83. We met at a mutual friend’s cheesy masquerade party and we agree that the only good thing about this party is the masks so you can’t judge a book by its cover only now that we’ve been talking I want to see your face but I don’t know how to ask
84. You used to date my friend who absolutely hates your guts after a messy breakup and now you’re flirting with me and I really shouldn’t be so interested in you but I am
85.We pass each other every day while we’re biking on the same path so we’ve started smiling at each other and one day you’re stopped because you’re having an asthma attack so I offer you my extra water bottle and now we’re talking and now I’M the one who’s breathless
86.I lost my little sibling in IKEA and I need your help finding them
87.I'm a private detective hired to follow you, but you're endearingly boring and mostly I just like watching you and oops, I sort of find you adorable.
88. You've been sketching me for half an hour now, and just shuffled up to hand me the finished product and it's TERRIBLE but you just wanted an excuse to talk to me.
89.  I'm at an art exhibit and I just badmouthed the art, because I don't get it, okay? And it turns out you're the artist. I'm so sorry, maybe I could get you coffee and you could explain what it was supposed to be?
90. We're the only two people who turned up to an underground gig and it should be awkward, but the band is amazing and you asked me to dance and hey, there's nobody watching but us.
91.  You live in the apartment next to me. We're not supposed to have pets, but I KNOW you have a cat. I'll make you a deal, I won't tell, if you let me pet it.
92.  I punched you because I thought you were insulting my friend, but it turns out you know each other and it was an inside joke and I'm so sorry, let me drive you to the hospital?
93. We both wanted to rent a bike for an hour but the only one they have is a tandem bike
94. I’m on a terrible date and you’re my waitor please help me
95.Our dick landlord just evicted us both
96.I’m your neighbor and I can hear you fucking someone who  shares my name
97. You’re sort of famous and we vaguely know each other through bumping into each other all the time but the media thinks we’re dating
98. Your roommate cheated on me and I just threw your laptop out the window thinking it was his
99. It’s 2am on the night of my 21st birthday and we gotta fix this fucking mess by morning or else we’re fucked
100.Fuck you and your bee farm I’ve had enough
Feel free to use any of these as your own! If you wanna request you could drop an inbox saying ‘ could you do ____ AU with this character’!
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kbmercer · 4 years
Ch.1, Pt.2/2: Long Time, No See
[Life’s A Journey]
A lot had happened after they parted ways. Nevertheless, the threads that tie them together remained. From children to adults, a reunion that’s long overdue leads the trio to embark on another journey.
Just like old times.
Word Count: 2.5k+
(Y/n)’s day starts with a phone call. The trill of Rotom’s ringtone jolts them from their sleep. Groggily lifting themself up to assume a seated position in the hotel bed, (e/c) peek from cracked eyelids to view the screen that hovers in front of them. Seeing the smiling face of Sonia tugs as little smile of their own as they prompt the Rotom Phone to answer their childhood friend over the line.
“Hey-yo, Sonia! How’s it going?”
“Nothing much. Just wanted to call before I get to work. How are you doing? Are you having a good time in Hoenn?” (Y/n)’s smile grows into a lazy grin. There is a nine-hour time difference between Galar and Hoenn, so it was a given that Sonia would think it was later within the day for them. Shifting to note the time: 9:36am, the trainer pulls themselves from under the covers to get ready.
“It’s grand. Mauville is so large I could get lost in it and the hot-springs of Lavaridge are to die for,” they play along. Entering the restroom, they grab a cloth and lather it to clean their face.
“Oooh, sounds like a dream. A spa day sounds good right about now. Note to self, stop by Circhester when I’m free.” (Y/n) discards the cloth before moving to grab their toothbrush.
“Eh. Those are just the places I managed to visit in my free time. I wish I could’ve seen more, but that’s kind of hard when you’re traveling for work.”
“I guess that’s true. How is work, by the way?” (Y/n) groans.
“Same old. There’ve been a lot of interesting things we’ve come across, but it seems we’re walking in circles instead of a straight line.”
“That’s unfortunate.”
“Yes, quite unfortunate indeed. With that being said, my efforts in researching has come to an end for now…I have to get back to Unova soon to fulfill my duties there.” Their words were muffled by the toothpaste in their mouth, still Sonia understands their words just barely. Laughing at hearing bristles on teeth over the line, the woman reclines in the seat in front of her vanity.
“You just never know how to sit down, do you? I don’t know how you do it, y’know. Having work at home and then moving to do work elsewhere? Do you ever take a break???” A thoughtful and long-drawn hum leaves (Y/n)’s lips. Did stopping by Galar count as a break? Maybe, but it would be a rather short one considering they’d only be here for the next few days. Though they can’t tell her that. It’d ruin the surprise visit.
Damn. Sonia’s right.
“Now that I think about it…” silence follows. Neither of the two say anything for a moment before Sonia eventually continues.
“Take more care of yourself…OK?”
Their eyebrows furrow. Quickly muting Rotom Phone to rinse and spit, they unmute to reassure their orange-haired friend.
“Hey, don’t worry about me too much, alright. I’m doing fine. Sure, I may not be taking breaks like I probably should, but I’m not wearing myself to the bone either. I rest plenty, trust me.”
“Sonia?” (Y/n) hears her sigh over the line.
             “I believe you. It’s just that it’s kinda hard to keep a good work-life balance. Just wanna make sure you’re keeping it level.”
             “It’s as level as I can possibly make it.” They chirp before making a smug face. It’s clear that Sonia has something else to say. The undercurrent of her worried words are heartwarming, and (Y/n) dramatically press their hands over their heart in reverence.
              “You looove me,” they tease to which Sonia stutters a laugh.
             “Oh, hush,” the laughter they share eventually dies down into a comfortable quiet.
             “Well. I’m gonna turn in for the day. Talk to you later.”
             “Yeah. Talk to you later.”
Ending the call, (Y/n) promptly shuffles through their luggage for an outfit. Keeping it plain and simple they decide on a cozy white sweater and some black trousers before changing. In no more than five minutes they’ve grabbed their trainer bag and key card before heading out the door.
Meanwhile, after the line had cut Sonia slowly brought the barrel brush she held down her hair. As she continued to brush she takes a glance at herself in the mirror. A mildly forlorn look shone in her emerald eyes her brows twinged emphasizing her sadness. She wished she could say it—that she missed them. After they had left seven years ago it felt like their friendship had slowly chipped away, not just with her but also with Leon. Though, she supposed that the three growing older and separating to pursue their own endeavors would make that inevitable. Still, traveling the world without so much as an occasional visit left the ginger to question more apart from what she already questioned. Lost in her thoughts, she feels a tiny pressure around her ankle. Looking down, Sonia sees Yamper staring at her head tilted to one side with a concerned look. Sighing, she shakes her head and reaches down to pet the little electric type.
“Sonia, dear. We’ll be leaving soon.” She hears Magnolia outside of her room. Taking a deep breath, she lifts herself from in front of her vanity grabbing the grey clips and placing them on her loose pony before heading to the kitchen. She’d need to eat something for the long day she had ahead of her.
                Hop leisurely eats a muffin as he eyes his Rotom Phone. He had been waiting for (Y/n)’s message ever since he woke up this morning and was beginning to grow impatient. Though he trusted them to remember to notify him, so he stayed put.
“Hey.” His older brother’s voice draws Hop’s attention away from his phone. Leon was dressed in the usual battle tower attire as he takes a seat at the table across from him.
“You said you’d tell who gifted me these,” he grasps the Key and Mega Stones in hand. “A Key Stone and Mega Stone—very rare items to come across. Items highly sought after by skilled trainers, with most being possessed by the elite.”
“Ah. So, you do know what they are.”
“I almost didn’t remember. I likely wouldn’t if it weren’t for the books at my desk. Now, spill. Who gave you these?”
Before the younger can answer, Rotom Phone impedes his vision showing a new text had been received.
‘Morning, Hopscotch! On the way to Mag’s and Sonia’s. Don’t wait up!’
A bright smile shines on the teen’s face dismissing his device. Leon raises a brow. Whatever Hop saw on his phone has him super chipper.
“Well! When I was on my way to the lab yesterday, I was met with a surprise visit.” Amber eyes stare into his own as Leon silently urges him to continue. Hop takes in an excited breath of air.
“It was (Y/n)! They were in Wedgehurst last night and—”
“What?!” Leon exclaims. The ex-champion is out of his seat with an expression of both surprise and disbelief. After seven years of travel, they finally make their return to Galar? A surprise visit? Nobody was given any prior knowledge of this happening? It took Hop to be at the right place at the right time to meet with them?
“So that’s why you returned home late!?”
“Yeah! They gave me the Stones to give to you and told me not to tell until today. Sorry not sorry.” Giving a shrug, Hop recognizes the blank look that has since replaced his brother’s shock. It was easy to determine that the news he received had him thinking, reminiscing, and questioning. Yet, the younger doesn’t give Lee any room to get lost in his mind. With a push of the shoulder, Hop brings Leon from his subconscious.
“Lighten up a little. I’m sure you have a lot to catch up on but standing here isn’t going to help you.”
Having a lot to catch up on was an understatement. Perhaps it was foolish of him to think that (Y/n)’s travels wouldn’t stretch over such a long time span. Regardless he couldn’t help but miss them. Despite the occasional talks they would have with each other, their conversations were often short-lived. The man couldn’t help but to feel guilty about this. Being champion at the time was no easy feat; taking on heavy-handed tasks and putting on a smile for the people of Galar kept him busy—more than he’d like to admit. As they both became adults, it was clear that (Y/n) too had grown busy in their own regard. Listening to them speak about different regional cultures, the sights to see, the food to eat, the pokémon to meet, the events to partake, and their League experiences was something Leon took great joy in doing. Those calls have since been very few and far between. So, what happened? What new journeys had they taken throughout the time they hadn’t spoken? What new accomplishments had they made that he hasn’t yet been told about?
Running a hand through his hair with one hand he uses his other to grab the pokéball of his trusty Charizard before letting him out. With a firm roar, his companion gives an expectant look, having heard the conversation completely.
“We won’t be going very far. (Y/n) had yet to meet with Sonia and Professor Magnolia, so they’re on their way to their house.” Hop shows Leon the notification on his Rotom Phone. It’s proof enough to have the older on his way out the door.
“Then, that’s where we’re headed. Let’s fly,” he makes haste. The younger is at his heels chewing the remainder of his morning snack as they exit.
  The walk down Route Two was a rather slow one. (Y/n) had expected to get to their destination some time ago, but the nostalgia of traveling down the familiar path enticed them to lag. Some things just didn’t change; same trees, same bushes, same patches of tall grass, same gigantic lake. 50 years could pass, and nature would remain—a nice prospect to think about. (Y/n) could feel Poppy grow restless in his pokéball, so they move to release him. The Venusaur takes in his surroundings just as (Y/n) did and releases a joyful grunt.
“Man! All the memories are flooding in. It’s insane!” The trainer gives Poppy a pat on the head. “We’d train here all the time. Sonia would teach us about type advantages and we’d all practice how to throw a pokéball.”
Continuing forward (Y/n) makes out the familiar layout of a battle pitch before eyeing the house that resided behind it. (Y/n) could hardly contain their excitement and raced ahead and rapping their knuckles against the study door. They could faintly hear movement within the building.
             “I’ll get it,” the voice was no doubt their friend’s. They can’t help the megawatt smile that rapidly grows on their face. The ginger woman opens the door with a rather blank look, though her expression changes quickly upon finding out who it is. Her green eyes are wide—bewildered; she had halted in chewing the apple that she had in hand and stares. Seconds pass before (Y/n) casts a glance at their starter.
             “Poppy, I think I broke Son—” they are quickly cut off by a warm and strangling embrace. Was Sonia always physically strong, or was this just a special occasion? Giving a small laugh and returning the hug. It was so great to see their childhood friend again.
             “If you take this long to come back again, I’ll kill you,” she cries. The words are muffled by their sweater as she cries on their shoulder her embrace getting tighter. The sound of light footsteps behind the embrace draws their attention.
“What is all the fuss about, Sonia?” They both hear the professor query, viewing her granddaughter hold (Y/n) close. It isn’t until the veteran cranes their neck to show their face more clearly that the elder notices. An expression of surprise shows before it is quickly replaced with something softer and more welcoming. “Oh my, if it isn’t (Y/n)! Welcome back, my dear.”
“Hey-yo, Mags! How’s everything?”
“All is well, my dear.”
             Sonia had since released them from their hug, but not a moment passes before (Y/n) hears additional footsteps. The sound of feet on pavement was rapid as if somebody, or in this case somebodies, were running. Hearing shouts of their name, they turn around to face the culprits. Taking Sonia’s hand, they exuberantly wave down the path upon seeing Hop and Leon. The younger makes it to the two first, bringing them into another hug. The group of three becomes four a second later as the older joins completing the embrace. In contrast to the cool autumn wind that wafted throughout, the cozy warmth of having everyone huddled together was perfect. (E/c) glance at the ex-champion, his head laid atop theirs as their height allowed it. He looked comfy—relaxed; a rare expression for him to have and (Y/n) couldn’t help but feel touched to catch him like this. Giving the man a slight nudge, his eyes crack open to peek downward. Golden eyes meld into (e/c) as they playfully wink at him with a playful smile. Leon lets out a small laugh as he shakes his head. It’s nice to note that their vibrancy remains in full swing even after all this time.
“Ah, what a sight to see. It’s been such a long time since I’ve seen you all together in one place.” Magnolia’s reminiscent words pull the quad’s attention. “You were all so young and now have grown into fine adults.” With a hum, the elder looks to her granddaughter.
             “It’d be foolish to think you’d want to be in the lab upon (Y/n)’s return, no?” Of course, the ginger shakes her head at this. Magnolia chuckles. The group separates from their hug.
             “In that case, before you get settled make it known that the office will be vacant for the time being.” Turning her attention to Leon she quickly notices that he was already on his own phone telling Rotom to notify the Battle Tower staff that he’d be out for the day. While they were doing that, (Y/n) busied herself with giving Charizard friendly scratches behind the horns. The fire-flying type grunts before bumping his snout on (Y/n)’s nose; an action that he’d adopted starting when he was a Charmeleon. (Y/n) lets out a startled laugh, they forgot about this behavior, but it was a sign of recognition, nonetheless.
             “Been watching over everyone just fine?” Charizard gives a proud nod in affirmation. 
There's so much more that I wanted to add to this part, but I ultimately decided to cut it and move it over to chapter two. It would have gotten too long otherwise.
Also, just a word of note: If at any point do I use 'he' or 'she' in reference to (Y/n), please notify me so I may correct it as soon as I can. I want to keep this fic gender-neutral.
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honestlyhufflepuff · 4 years
Here are 20 reasons I am leaving the caregiver job with the client I've had since 2008: a list of unprofessional behavior and abuse by my client's guardian.
1. She said I wasn't Christian anymore, and said I was disrespecting my mother, for leaving the church I was raised in.
2. During the first year of employment, she would yell at me multiple times a week over things like leaving a lamp on (this is while I was caring for her medically fragile, high needs adult daughter). She would accuse me of being incompetent or trying to get fired for unemployment.
3. She told me I was not approved off for my honeymoon, less than a month beforehand, when I gave her over 5 months notice with consistent reminders. She harassed me over several texts while I was on my honeymoon saying I would be fired if I did not return a week earlier than I was supposed to.
4. She told me I still had to come in when I was sick and vomiting because she did not believe me. I became dehydrated and was vomiting so much that I had uncontrollable dry heaving and was unable to drive home. She refused to come home early when I told her of my symptoms, and when she did come home to see me retching into her trash can, she started handing me cleaning supplies to disinfect the trash can and the entire bathroom before I went to the emergency room...
5. ...there was no apology or ownership in forcing a sick employee to work to the point of needing to be hospitalized. She would not accept that I could not come into work for the next 3 days until my husband delivered the doctor's note.
6. I worked there throughout college, and would present my new school schedule each semester. For one class, I made the mistake of scheduling it after work. She said the schedule worked with her, but then consistently got home 30 min to and hour late. I missed so many classes that I had to withdraw.
7. Even after the hospitalization mentioned in #3, she would continue to be skeptical of any time I called in sick over the years (which wasn't often). I had no PTO or sick leave to use even when I was full time, so when I took off I didn't get paid. I was never approved to take off for any reason, and when I did take off it was accompanied by a massive guilt trip about how I was putting her family in a bind. It did not matter if it was a vacation, an illness, a doctor's appointment, or a family emergency. It also did not matter how much or little notice I gave; the guilt trips and emotional manipulation still accompanied any time I needed off. To this day, with every job I've had, I am always incredibly anxious about asking off, but it's never been a problem anywhere else I've worked.
8. Emotionally manipulative things she has said to get me to stay:
-"We don't have anyone else. I have to go to my job in order to care for [client's name]. You would be jeopardizing my job by leaving, and her well being." (If pressed she eventually admits to not looking for anyone else)
-"[Client's name] loves you like a sister, and her quality of life would go down significantly without you..." continues to tell me that if I don't do what she wants then I don't love or care for the client, even if it is because I need a job with higher pay and benefits to support my own family.
-"I thought the two of us were friends. This is very selfish of you." (Any time I don't do what she wants, like continuing to go to school full time).
-"God has put her in your life for a reason. You are called as spiritual sisters. It's your responsibility to care for her."
-"In the real world-the business world- other people won't be ok with you just taking off without approval. It's insubordinate and unprofessional." I was only 18 when she told me this, and young enough to believe her. Once again, I've literally never had a problem taking off with any other client or job because I often had PTO, and was always able to obtain leave approval easily. Even when it meant the client parent had to take off from work, they understood that the onus was on them to find the needed staff to account for people needing sick days and vacation.
9. She puts me in the middle of personal drama, constantly bad-mouthing the client's father and other attendants (who all inevitably leave after a year or two at most).
10. Told me, after a decade of infertility, that God told her I would become pregnant and have a son I was to name Amos. She said it would only become true if I prayed about it, so now when I most likely don't become pregnant, I feel it will be blamed on my lack of faith- or the fact that I am a different faith from her. I feel this instance was truly out of good intention, but ultimately unprofessional and something I would have preferred she keep to herself.
11. For years, she never got home when she said she would. I could never make plans after work because she would agree to come home at 7 and sometimes not make it home until 8:30. She always blamed traffic, needing to run an errand, or her boss keeping her. Then, when I had my own child I had to pick up from an after school program, she consitently got home on time. This showed me that she did have the executive functioning skills to be on time, but did not respect my personal time or work with other clients enough to do so before I was a parent.
12. I bent over backwards trying to help her. I scheduled less time with higher paying clients that were lower need. I sometimes worked 60 hour weeks while I was also in school. It never felt like it was enough. Even for the time I was working there 6 hours a week it was always "Why can't you stay later? Where do you have to be?" The more I gave, the more was expected, and then I was guilted for not meeting that higher expectation.
13. She refused to take the time to have team meetings with other service providers and caregivers, despite the fact all my other client families do this, and keep staff much more consistently as a result. Because of this, information and instructions were always inconsistent. With the client being significantly behaviorally challenged and medically fragile, this was at everyone's detriment.
14. Over the years, I referred 3 friends to work for her because she insisted she could not find caregivers on her own. All 3 of them lasted less than a year due to her behavior. She would then blame them and trash talk them to me, despite knowing I was still friends with them.
15. She expected caregivers to also deep clean the house. We are talking hours worth of work, that there just was not time for within the shift while also meeting the needs of the client.
16. She is openly homophobic, xenophobic, and although she thinks of herself as "not racist," she was extremely weird towards my besf friend's African fiancé. She refused to shake his hand and told me she didn't think he was with her for the "right reasons." Maybe thought he was in it for a green card? She seemed skeptical when I told her that he became a citizen 2 years prior, and that they'd been dating 6 years.
17. She has systematically isolated my adult client more and more over the years. We used to share many interests in things like Harry Potter, early 2000's pop, anime, Harajuku fashion, Adventure Time, Steven Universe, etc. One by one, everything we bonded over was off limits, due to being a "bad influence" or "demonic." She is no longer allowed to engage in any age-expected media unless it is explicitly Christian, and it breaks my heart to see how sad she gets about that.
18. When I was in college, and completely broke after just paying for books and classes, she said that she wanted me to go to the water park with her and the client. Admission was $50. I assumed she was paying since I was being required to go for work, and this was always what was done in the past. In the car, I asked if I could ride a roller coaster that the client wouldn't be able to go on while they ate ice cream. She said "Sure! You can ride whatever you like!"
So, I start getting excited. We're chatting pleasantly until the moment when she says "OK, when we get out of the car, you can go pay for your ticket first, and then I will bring..."
My stomach dropped. I told her there was a misunderstanding, and that I could not afford my ticket. She acted like it wasn't right that she should have to pay for mine. I told her that if she didn't want to, then I could study at the Starbucks across the street while they attended the park. She said no, because obviously she still wanted my help with her daughter. She paid for my ticket, making passive aggressive comments the whole time about everything I did, from how I pushed the wheelchair to how long I took to go to the bathroom despite the line.
I was no longer permitted to go ride the roller coaster, and I sat in silence while they ate their ice cream.
19. Recently, due to Covid, I do not have child care for my own daughter on Fridays. I have been bringing her to work with me, which my client's mom was supportive of. Then the client had drastic behavioral changes that I won't detail, but that O can say was significantly stressful on my daughter, and made it stressful for me to manage both of them at the same time. I told the mother, 2 weeks in advance, that I could not come in on Fridays until the behavior was consistently resolved. I do not want to get a sitter outside of maybe my aunt, due to covid, and I wouldn't expect her to do that every week. My client's mom was very understanding of this at first, seeing as we both now have special needs children, but the night before the next Friday I was scheduled to come in she berated me for not finding babysitting to the point that I started to panic. I firmly told her that I gave her plenty of notice, and then blocked her number up until the day I was scheduled to come back in.
20. When she is home at the same time I am helping her daughter, she micromanages everything. I think she is incapable of just letting me do the same work I've been doing for over a decade without standing over my shoulder and looking for something wrong.
Some background info:
I wanted to write this, first of all, to document all the reasons that I am justified in leaving, so that I can refer back to it no matter how hard she tries to get me to stay. This is like my anonymous way of getting it off my chest since no one who follows me on here knows me irl. Second of all, I want all the young professionals on here to know that, if they are treated like this in the work place, it is ok to leave!
I started working for this family when I was 18, and I am now 31. I have worked as many as 60 hour weeks, and as little as twice a month when I was full time with the state, but I have always cared for her in some capacity since 2008. I am currently working 15-20 hours a week with her.
You may wonder why I've stayed so long, and in regards to that I will say first of all that abusive relationships are hard to leave. The abuser may convince you that you are bad and won't find anywhere else good enough to take you. This can pertain to any type of relationship, be it romantic, professional, parental, or friends.
Another factor is that I love my client deeply, and my employer takes advantage of that. We grew up childhood friends, which is one reason maintaining professional boundaries with this family has been so hard.
The last reason I have stayed may be the hardest to explain, but I will try.
Sometimes she is good. My employer has made improvements over the years. Most of the worst things on here happened when I was in college. I don't know if her improvement is due to a genuine change in heart, or because she knows deep down that her behavior is why all the other caregivers left.
Whatever the reason, we do actually care for each other. We do actually connect and have a good time. She is kind to my husband and my daughter. She often tells me that I am a godsend to her family, a loyal and talented caregiver, and the best friend her daughter has ever had (although she will contradict this the moment I am not doing what she wants).
What I want people in similar situations to know is that the good moments do not erase the trauma of the bad ones. It is not my responsibility to "get over it" because she is trying to do better. A lot of the stuff she has said and done run too deep, and when she lapses into her old ways, I find myself reacting in a panic-driven, irritable way that's not really me. It's a reaction to trauma. I am not required to continue to stay at an underpaid job with an environment that evokes such emotions.
So please, if you are being treated like this in your job, then leave. You will find something else. For me, I intend to have another job lined up before leaving, but I'm on my way. For the first time in years, I've revamped my resumé, and it felt so empowering to work on a document that highlights my strengths!
For anyone in a similar position, you've got this. There are a lot of great jobs out there. There are a lot of humane employers. If you are treated like this, then label it for what it is. It is abuse. It is unhealthy. It is not ok. It is not erased by the times they are nice. And you deserve better.
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** Writing Challenge **
I know, I know, my next one isn’t quite wrapped up yet, buttttt this idea came to me when my cousin and I were taking a walk down a ridiculous part of Memory Lane and I got excited. I’m guessing this has been done before at some point -- that’s not stopping me from presenting to you: 
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I love fluff. And I wanna see more of it! 
Below the cut you will find some prompts that, in the context of Twilight, are absolutely cringe-worthy. My challenge to you is to take that prompt and make it something we can love. 
Disclaimer: I’m not Twilight-shaming ANYONE. I literally sat and watched all of Eclipse and now want to watch both Breaking Dawns. It’s more about sentiment, and the occasional girly giggle for me, but ... yeah. No judgement here, friends. 
Guidelines, prompts, and tags are below the cut! (Yes, I copied and tweaked from my last writing challenge. I’m being efficient, thank you! :P )
Please read all of the information carefully!
Rules, Guidelines, Important Dates:
Sign-Ups start when this post is live and will go through to December 30, 2020. I will accept two people for each prompt, one prompt per author.
Please send your sign-ups to my ask box so they’re easier to keep track of. I will answer them privately so I’m not flooding anyone’s dash!
In your ask, please include your preferred prompt and a backup option, as well as your pairing (so I don’t take the same pairing for the same prompt). Also, please let me know if you’ll be posting from a URL other than one you’re asking from.
To be included in the challenge masterlist, please post your fic (or the first part, if it’s a series) by Decemeber 31, 2020.
Please include an author’s note tagging me and mentioning the challenge in your fic post; include #BetterThanTwilightWC in the first five tags. If the tag doesn’t work, you may DM the link to me, also. If you decide to write a series, please tag me in the masterlist.
Please give me up to 48 hours to read your fic before checking if I have seen it. If I have not liked it after 48 hours, please DO check. (You know, since we’re all aware of how unreliable tumblr is. And how unreliable my mind can be. Yikes.)
The challenge masterlist will be posted between January 1 and January 4, 2020.
There are no word count limits, but please use the Keep Reading feature if your story goes beyond 500 words. Additionally, if your fic goes beyond 5000 words, please consider splitting it into multiple parts. This is not a requirement, only something to think about.
Yes, this is a FLUFF challenge, so you MUST have fluff as your main genre. You’re more than welcome to include other genres, but you MUST have a happy and/or hopeful ending.
You’re welcome to think outside of the box! Just because I’m talking Twilight and love stories, doesn’t mean there has to be romance! Give me  amazing friendships or strong family bonds or self-love. Or romance! Whatever you’d like. 
You're welcome to change pronouns in the prompt as necessary! Heck, I tweaked a few of ‘em so they’re not Twilight-specific.
For personal reasons, I do not read and will not accept into the challenge (which means I will not reblog or add to the masterlist) stories that include: non-con/dub-con, underage sex, adult-child romantic/sexual relationships, spouse-bashing, child abuse – I could go on, but I think you get the idea. If you’re not sure about something, I’m always happy to answer questions!
Bring on the ships, OC’s, reader pairings – I’m trying to be more open-minded as of late, but I can’t promise that I will read everything. Again, for personal reasons. But I will reblog everything! 
Characters and RPFs from Marvel/MCU are both welcome. 
If you need an extension or need to drop out, please know that I am extremely flexible when it comes to that deadline/due date. In the words of Captain Barbosa, “It’s really more of a guideline.” Just shoot me an ask or a message and we’ll work something out, no worries! 
1. “I have always loved you, and I will always love you.”  2. “The clouds I can handle. But I can’t fight with an eclipse.”  3. “I know what you are.”  4. “You held out your hand and I took it without stopping to make sense of what I was doing.” 5. “You have a connection with her that I’ll never understand.” 6. “I’m glad she has you.” 7. “It will be like I never existed. I promise.” 8. “I knew who I wanted to be. I wanted to help people. Brings me happiness.” 9. “That will take a while to get used to.” “We have a while.” 10. “What if I’m not the hero? What if I’m the bad guy?” 11. “I’d rather hear your theories.” 12. (sarcastically) “Super. That makes me really happy.” 13. “You’re like my own personal brand of heroin.” 14. “Maybe I shouldn’t be dating such an old man. It’s gross. I should be thoroughly repulsed.” 15. “It’s an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare your soul to and they’ll accept you for what you are.” 16. “I’ve been waiting for what seems like a very long time to get beyond what I am.” 17. “I feel like I can finally begin.” 18. “He’s totally gorgeous, obviously. But apparently nobody here is good enough for him.” 19. “He did say I couldn’t step inside the door. I came in through the window.” 20. “I know things. Like how to hunt somebody to the ends of the earth. And I know how to use a gun.” 21. “Now I’m afraid.” “Good.” 22. “I’m not afraid of you. I’m only afraid of losing you.” 23.  “About three things I was absolutely positive ...” 24. “You’re so stubborn.” 25. “Do you know how worried I’ve been?” 26. “I can’t even think about someone hurting you.” 27. “The only thing that can hurt me is you, and I don’t have anything else to be afraid of.” 28. “Don’t antagonize her. She’s the strongest one in the house.” 29. “All right. That’s enough experimenting for one day.” 30. “It never made sense for you to love me.” 31. “I wish there had been someone to vote no for me.” 32. “It’s just a little baby.” 33. “How strongly are you opposed to grand theft auto?” 34. “I’m not missing another fight!” 35. “No one can hide like me.” 36. “If I asked you to stay in the car, would you?” 37. “I have one condition, if you want me to do it myself.” 38. “I had an adrenaline rush. It’s very common. You can Google it.” 39. “How did you get in here?” “The window.” 40. “I love a happy ending. They are so rare.” 41. “You should put your seatbelt on.” 42. “Can you talk about something else? Distract me so I won’t turn around.” 43. “I can’t live in a world where you don’t exist.” 44. “After all the thousand times I’ve told you I love you, how could you let one word break your faith in me?” 45. “Maybe that’s why they kicked me out.” 46. “All of my best nights have happened since I met you.” 47. “You know everybody’s staring?” “Not that guy ... no, he just looked.” 48. “She wishes she was that awesome.” 49. “Does he visit often?” “Yeah, all the time.” 50. “Lie ... Lie better.” 51. “I’m Switzerland.” 52. “That should have been our first kiss.” 53. “Would you like to hear my story? It doesn’t have a happy ending -- but which of ours does?” 54. “Another party?” “It’ll be fun.” “Yeah. That’s what you said last time.” 55. “You are the only one who has ever touched my heart. I will always be yours.” 56. “The way he watches you. It’s like he’s willing to leap in front of you and take a bullet or something.” 57. “Kill me! Not him!” 58. “Stay.” “Give me one good reason.” 59. “Yeah, it’s and off day when I don’t get somebody telling me how edible I smell.” 60. “Damn it! You’ll be the death of me, I swear you will.” 61. “If I could dream at all, it would be about you. And I’m not afraid of it.” 62. “Do I dazzle you?” 63. “I’m tired of trying to stay away from you.” 64. “Bring on the shackles, I’m your prisoner.” 65. “You are my life now.” 66. “And then we continued blissfully into this small, perfect piece of our forever.” 67. “Nobody’s ever loved someone as much as I love you.” 68. “I don’t know what happened.” “You love him.” 69. “All of sudden it’s not gravity holding you to the planet, it’s her. Nothing else matters. You would do anything, be anything for her.” 70. “You really love her?” 71. “I don’t see the whole point of the rest of the world without her.” 72. “Then I found a promising site ... I waited impatiently for it to load, quickly clicked closed each ad that flashed across the screen. Finally, the screen finished -- simple, white background with black text; academic-looking. Two quotes greeted me on the homepage:” 73. “I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.” 74. “I’ll be fighting for her, too, and I’ll be fighting twice as hard as you will.” 75. “It’s always been him.” 76. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for you.” 77. “They’re coming for her.” “They’re not gonna touch her.” 78. “Doesn’t he own a shirt?” 79. “You know, if it weren’t for the fact that we’re enemies and that you’re also trying to steal away the reason for my existence, I might actually like you.” 80. “You have disappeared. Like everything else.” 81. “The absence of him is everywhere I look.” 82. “I don’t have the strength to stay away from you anymore.” 83. “Your number was up the first time I met you.” 84. “We all like to drive fast.” 85. “It’s too easy to be myself with you.” 86. “I’ve never given much thought to how I’d die, but dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go.” 87. “Don’t tempt me too far. My patience isn’t that perfect.” 88. “His tone questions my sanity, but it only made me more suspicious. It was like a perfect delivered line by a skilled actor.” 89. “What’s he mad about?” 90. “No measure of time with you will ever be enough.” 91. “I promise to love you forever, every single day of forever.” 92. “We’re gonna be great friends!” 93. “If I had my way, I would spend the majority of my time kissing him.” 94. “Until your heart stops beating.” 95. “I touched the cool miracle of his ski, and I was home.” 96. “Forbidden to remember, terrified to forget; it was a hard line to walk.” 97. “This isn’t the time to make hard and fast decisions. This is the time to make mistakes.” 98. “Leave it to you ... you have to start hanging out with the first weirdos you can find.” 99. “I love him much more than I should, and yet still nowhere near enough.” 100. “I refuse to be affected by territorial disputes.”
Tags for possible interest/signal boosting (if you’re so inclined): 
 @captain-s-rogers​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​​​​​​​​​ @hurricanerin​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @horsesandbandsforlife​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @im-not-an-armrest-im-short​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @captain-rogers-beard​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @shynara51​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @sea040561​​​​​​​​​​​​​  @pinknerdpanda​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @xtina2191​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @jackryanplz​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @beakami​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @heartsaved​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @fullprunerebelstatesman​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @blackwidowismyhomegirl​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @the-murder-strut-murdered-me​​​​​​​​​​​​​  @shield-agent78​​​​​​​​​​​​​  @jennmurawski13​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @okay-maybe-i-like-marvel-too​​​​​​​​​​​​​
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enniewritesathing · 4 years
Part 6
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(It’s been days since the talks with his uncle and mom, and John continues to plot the proposal. He’s kept himself cool and normal as possible, but he still thinks back to the night on the roof. Missed opportunity, but that’s alright. 
Today is the day.)
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(He’s parked at the kitchen counter after cleaning up a late breakfast-- or would it be brunch?-- and putting away the dishes from the dishwasher. Gave him more time to work out his nerves.)
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(He watches Brian knitting. Yarn this, gauge that. He didn’t quite understand the terminology or how he was able to even make anything. It’s kept his hands busy, his thoughts of work at bay. He’s already made socks... for the cat anyway.)
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Brian: (mumbles) “Ah dammit, don’t tangle up on me.”
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(John sighs. What to do, what to do? He runs fingers across knuckles. He has worn the ring around his neck. Brian’s taken notice of it and even asked about it, but nothing has pointed to him knowing or putting it 2+2 together.)
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(C’mon, he tells himself. It’s 4. And each time, he wants to drop to his knee. But, no, he keeps brushing it off as something he just wanted to do. “Because.” It’s the same excuse he tells when he wears a collar.)
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(”Are you trying to tell me something?” he hears Brian’s voice. Yeah, absolutely, I just love the feeling of being a little choked out--)
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Brian: “John, did you say something?”
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John: “Huh? Oh, nothin’, I was just talking to myself.” 
(Smooth. Real smooth.)
Brian: “What are you doing way over there? C’mere.”
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(Brian continues to fiddle with the yarn. Almost got it... there!)
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John: “What?”
Brian: “What do you mean, ‘what?’ I wanted to see you.”
John: (scoffs) “You can always do that.”
Brian: “Alright, smartass. What are you plottin’ over there? Don’t think I noticed during late breakfast.”
(John laughs.) “I’m not plotting anything.”
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Brian: “You were not into that bacon as much. And you only had... three pancakes.”
John: “Got me there.”
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(John sits down and observes.) “What are you making this time? More socks for the cat? Or maybe a sweater?”
Brian: “I am working on a scarf. Or something. I’m playing it by ear. I just might give it to you.”
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“You never did tell me what you’re plottin’.”
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John: “It’s not plotting!”
(Brian slows down the needles.) “Oh?”
John: “I was thinking... maybe we can go on a date tonight.”
Brian: “I gotta hear this. What’s your plan, big guy?”
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(Ahhh, a date! Yes, yes, that’s good, John thinks to himself.) “That’s the plan. A date.” (Noooo, that’s terrible!)
Brian: “Yeah? Where to?”
John: “I... don’t know? I mean, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? Couple of months? Where would you like to go?”
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Brian: “I dunno. You’re usually the one with the plan.”
John: “Dinner and a movie?”
Brian: “We can do that here.”
John: “What? No!”
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“A date date. An outdoors date. Go out and do things... like, I don’t know, skating?”
Brian: “Honey, you know I can’t skate. It’ll be embarrassing!”
John: “What? Then I’ll teach you! I’ll do you better -- I’ll teach you how to ice skate.”
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Brian: “I didn’t know you can skate?”
John: “I haven’t since I was a kid, but trust me, it’s not that hard.”
Brian: “Do we have a ice rink?”
John: “I’m sure there’s one around here somewhere... maybe all the way out in San Myshuno, I dunno. Holidays are almost here, so there’s bound to be a pop up rink.”
Brian: “Okay, but what about the weather?
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(John changes the channel to the local weather network.) “Ah, just in time!”
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TV: “Beginning this week, some residents in the Tri-County area will see some form of snow activity, with highs starting in the 50s and falling to the 30s by nightfall. Willow Creek can expect trace amounts, followed by Magnolia Promenade, New Crest, and Windenburg. Just in time for Harvestfest!”
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(The TV then goes on to commercial advertising a winter themed pop-up park, with a large ice skating rink, an area to build snowpals, and the good ol’ fashioned snowball fights. John pays close attention to the address. It’s in Newcrest and almost right off the interstate. Apparently, it’s the 15th year of business.)
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John: “Well? Is it a date?”
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Brian: “I dunno, John... maybe you can do a little more convincing?”
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(John leans over and whispers.)
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“First, I’ll...”
(Brian listens to every word.)
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(Brian laughs, and even snorts a little.) “John, no!”
John: “Yeah?”
Brian: “Honey. Don’t do that.”
John: “It’s not a bad idea though!”
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Brian: “It’s not but... no. That’s how you get ants.”
(John huffs.) “Fine. One day, Brian, I am gonna do it. 
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Brian: “Ugh! I feel sticky now. I’m gonna go freshen up first. You wanna join? Get the party started?”
John: “That sounds like an after party. I’ll decline. You go ahead.”
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(Brian leaves, but not before giving John a peck on the cheek.)
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(That didn’t go so bad at all, even with a few fumbles. Good! A date at the skating rink. Outdoors, even! Ah, just thinking about being under the crisp fall air with the love of his life, holding hands... now he’s just gotta concentrate on just finding the right time... damn, this is going to be a good night!)
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John: “Hey, Brian?”
Brian: “Huh~?”
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John: “Think I should shave?”
Brian: “Shave wha-- oh! No, don’t shave.” (John swears he can hear him smile.) “I like it~”
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(John leans over to see Brian’s outfit.) “You’re wearing that? Thought you were gonna wear something cute.”
Brian: “Of course I am wearing this. It’s practical. I haven’t figured out how to balance cute with trying not to freeze my nuts off. Besides, we’re skating.
John: “Aw.”
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Brian: “What about you? You gonna dress handsome with that ring of yours?”
(You mean, ring of yours. John realizes he spoke outloud again as Brian looks at him with a raised eyebrow.) “H-huh?”
Brian: “Dress smart, John. Don’t want your tits to freeze.”
John: “Quit callin’ them that!”
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(He was right though... gotta dress smart. John fished through the closet and found some long sleeved shirts and jeans he hadn’t worn since last winter. Sure, the shirt was slightly too snug for him, it still fits.)
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(John looks at the ring one last time as it sits perfectly on his chest. Tonight’s the night. There’s no going back from this.)
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Brian: “Oh, look at you strutting out like a model.” (He sniffs the air.) “And the Burberry!”
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(John grabs Brian’s hands.) “Well, thank you. You look ravishing yourself.”
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Brian: “Oh, please.”
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John: “I’m serious.”
(He holds his hands, marvelling how long and slender Brian’s fingers are -- and the small calluses on his palm.)
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(John lifts both to kiss them with such softness that he hears Brian take a tiny gasp and an “oh.”)
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Brian: “Oh, you are laying it thick, huh, John? What are you up to?”
John: “The sooner we go out, the sooner you’ll know.”
Brian: “Then let’s go!”
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(But first, another food break was to be had when they reached Newcrest. Newcrest is an hour’s drive from home, depending on how much traffic there is. This particular day everyone and their mother seemed to be in town. John wonders if there was a big event somewhere. In any case, he takes Brian to the local food stall park and set him loose until choosing between the Sulani food stall and the Salvadorian stall.
When the vendor shows how much food they’ll get for absurdly small price, they made the decision to pick up a plate of Mua Kalua Pork; and left the vendor a generous tip.)
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John: “Damn, this is delicious. I know we’re supposed to be on a date, but...”
Brian: “...you can eat this all day? Yeah, same.”
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(Brian wafes his hand to get more of the smoked meat aroma. There’s so many spices!) 
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(The shine in Brian’s eyes are delightful and marvelous. Have they always been this bright before? It’s probably outside, but, maybe it’s been a while--)
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Brian: “John, you okay? You’re kinda staring.”
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John: “Huh? Oh! No, I’m just... taking it all in. This food is delicious. That and you look really cute.”
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Brian: (slyly) “Uh-huh. So, ice skating.”
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John: “Listen, you’re not gonna be embarrassed. There’s other people who don’t know how. Little kids, adults, old people... no one’s gonna be like, an Olympic figure skater. And if they are, they���re showing off. You don’t have to be perfect. Not for me.”
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“I’ll hold your hand and everything. I know you didn’t get to do all that stuff as a kid, but... now’s a pretty good time to learn, right? Together. It’ll be fine.”
Brian: “Okay. But do you know what else we can do together?”
John: “What’s that?”
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Brian: “We need to get a to-go box!”
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(Naturally, after all that eating, the pair walked it off with some sightseeing, lingering long enough for the sun to go down and the city lights and buildings to light up the skyline.)
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(Brian watches John as he laces up his skates. Maybe it’s the air or the lighting, or the cologne he’s wearing that’s making him feel giddy.)
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Brian: “Johnny?”
(John feels his heart skip a beat. The way Brian calls him that -- soft and sweet.) “Yeah, babe?”
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“Can you... tie my skates for me? I wanna make sure it’s right.” 
John: “Yeah. Gimme your leg.”
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(Brian offers his foot and places it gingerly on John’s leg.)
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John: “So, how are you feelin’?” Nervous? Excited? Cold? Still full?”
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Brian: “Everything. Maybe a little overwhelming.”
John: “Really?”
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Brian: (sing-song) “But I got you~”
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(John chuckles. It’s been a while since Brian has acted so... carefree.)
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John: “Alright, I’m done. Ready to stand up?” (He offers his hand, and slips it into a grip.) “You might be a little shakey.”
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Brian: “Shakey?” (He blows a raspberry.) “Watch this.”
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(John pulls him up, and Brian stands up. His legs buckles under the skates and John catches him in time.) “Careful! You alright?”
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Brian: “Yeah, I’m...”
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(He pauses. Woah, when did... John’s shoulders get so broad and firm?)
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(His eyes linger on the necklace more than his chest. He tilts his head. Are those... words in there?)
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(He feels John’s stare and looks up.)
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(Brian swears there’s a smirk on his face.) 
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John: “You okay?”
Brian: “Y-yeah. I’m cool.”
John: “Alright, let’s go.”
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(They walked -- John walked and Brian wobbled -- to the ice rink. John effortlessly entered the rink and did a small twirl before facing Brian again.)
John: “I’m gonna warm up with a couple of laps. I’ll come back to get you. You can hang out here.”
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Brian: “What? And look like a doofus?”
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John: “Yeah!”
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Brian: “John! Johnnn!!! You jerk!”
10 notes · View notes
Winter Holiday Prompts
I’ve been trying to find a holiday prompt list, but didn’t find any where I wanted to write most of them, so I ended up cobbling a few together and making my own. List has 50 prompts mixed from here, here, here, here, here, here, and here, plus my own additions.
Send me a prompt or an emoji + a number and I’ll do my best to write a short fic! 
🌿 Deck the Halls 🌿
What no I have no idea how mistletoe got under every doorway in our house...but since it’s there we should really honor the tradition
Yes you look like a movie star with your tinsel boa but i think it suits me better so ha
I love you but your christmas ornaments are weird, we’re not putting those on the tree
You’re gonna fall off the roof if you try hanging lights with that ladder
Yes, I know it’s a 6 foot door and this tree is at least 8 ft but i’m not asking for advice I'm asking for help
🌲 Rocking Around the Christmas Tree 🌲
Our christmas party turned into a tropical theme because the radiator is broken and it’s hotter than hell in here - damn you look good without a shirt
I came to my friend’s family holiday party as their fake date but have just definitely spotted my soulmate over by the green beans
I was really looking forward to this holiday party bc my crush was supposed to be here but they've just introduced me to their date
I already told you i don’t like ugly christmas sweater parties because everyone just wears one that’s vaguely cute anyways so what’s the point and wHAT THE FUCK IS THAT I’VE ACTUALLY NEVER SEEN A SWEATER THAT UGLY WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT’S PART OF A MATCHING SET
🎁 All I Want for Christmas is Youuu 🎁
I got you for secret santa so i got you this really expensive but sentimental gift that you’ve always wanted, hoping you’ll never find out it’s from me - and that i’ve been in love with you 1234567 years
I have a crush on you and we turned out to be secret santas and oh no you put a lot of effort into your gift and mine is garbage so I better make it up to you after work 
I mixed up my wrapped presents and accidentally gave you a suggestive gift but you’re into it so I’m just gonna go with it 
You asked me what I wanted for christmas and I was feeling really sarcastic so I said “a unicorn” and you actually went out and got me a stuffed unicorn
We’re in line absurdly early for black friday and both intend to buy the same item
🔔 Jingle Bell Rock 🔔
We’re going ice skating for the first time this year and it’s pretty obvious that you’re secretly an olympic figure skater or something how the hell are you so graceful, I can barely stand
let’s go walk around and look at all the lights and stuff
I should probably be at home sleeping off this terrible cold but there's so much to do for the holidays, no I don't need your help
The nye countdown has begun uh oh it’s my platonic bff conveniently within kissing distance
I broke my ankle slipping on ice but hey at least the ER nurse is cute
Snowman/gingerbread house/tree decorating competition aka why can’t I be less competitive
💚 You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch 💚
Yes I know it’s almost christmas no that doesn’t mean you should watch every movie with snow in it seriously i can hear you singing along to love is an open door in front of my room and this needs to stop
We’re the only people in this movie theater on christmas eve; what’s your excuse
Actor that hates christmas gets cast in hallmark movies and they really need the paycheck
It’s not yet thanksgiving you’re not allowed to play christmas music until at least december 1st 
If I hear that same terrible cover of a christmas song one more time, I’m going to stab someone
No, I’m not helping at this party willingly, what was your first clue?
How am I not the only one in the ER for getting in a fight just before Christmas
I just loudly announced that santa isn’t real and turned around and there’s an entire group of children looking like they might cry and their teacher/chaperone looks murderous but also slightly entertained
You accidentally got in the middle of my very mature snowball fight with my adult friends, pls don’t sue us
🌰 Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire 🌰
I know we've never talked even though we're neighbors but my oven broke and people are coming in an hour, can I bake this in yours?
Hi we’re neighbours and omg are you alright i could smell cooking burning - whoaaa step aside i’ll handle this
Someone ate my advent chocolate for today, and when I find out who it was, they will suffer
stop eating the popcorn you little shit, i can’t make caramel popcorn balls with just caramel
If you try stealing the whipped cream off of my hot chocolate again i swear i will stab you with a candy cane
Barista + person who unironically orders specialty holiday drinks that are 90000% sugar 
Food delivery person  + person who ordered food on NYE in pajamas
❄ No Place Like Home for the Holidays ❄
You're a rich asshole who only flies first class but the airline messed up and you have to bear the indignity of coach if you wanna get home by christmas and I’m very amused in the seat next to you
I know we hate each other but it’s christmas eve and your flight was cancelled please come inside
We’re strictly ‘platonic’ but we’re snowed in omg we’re gonna have to repopulate the earth
I slipped on ice outside your house and you ran out barefoot to help me quick let’s get inside under a blanket
I know it’s supposed to be romantic to be snowed in but literally all I have in my apartment is pop tarts
I'm RA-ing over the holiday and this is the 3rd time in 2 days you've been locked out of your room and i can't tell if you're trying to make a move or if your life is genuinely this out of control
There’s a storm and omg I’m losing signal are you okay?? hold on let me drive 489432 miles to get you the night before christmas
My car broke down on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere and you're the only one who's answering their phone
You said you were coming over but it's been a while and you haven't shown up and the snow is getting heavy and I'm starting to panic
My flight got delayed and I'm taking selfies to send to the fam about how annoyed I am and I just realized you're photobombing all of them; can I help you?? 
Living the nyc dream is nice but it also means I can't fly back west for the holidays and I'm moody about it and literally WHOMST is playing christmas music let me sulk in peace
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If money is tight, please do not contribute to this fund. If you're struggling, please do not contribute to this fund. If you're poor, please do not contribute to this fund. If money is, in any way, a worry for you, please do not contribute to this fund. It's a long read, but if you don't fancy reading all of it the TL;DR is the place we're living at is slowing killing us.  My doctors and counselor have been urging us to move for awhile now.  The place my husband is currently working at is a toxic environment that treats most of its employees like trash.  We're going to be moving in July 2020 when the contract for our current place expires.
1. The place has been fraying on our health.  The air quality has me messed up due to the fact people here would rather use wood-burning fire places instead of cleaner safer options to heat their homes.  Fire season has messed with my asthma, allergies, and done a number on my anxiety and mental health. 
The dry air hasn’t helped with my breathing; I went from using my emergency inhaler maybe two or three times a year to using it almost daily (and every time we leave the house).  My husband’s allergies have gotten worse since moving here (his sister, who convinced us to move here, said his allergies would basically vanish here), resulting in a lot of headaches, frequently requiring a third and even fourth allergy medication to control them (both meds make him extremely drowsy). I feel like I'm inhaling sand, and my lungs feel like they're made of rice paper.  Within ten minutes of talking, my voice is gone.  I'm easily winded, having a difficult time catching my breath just walking across the house.  We have two air purifiers, but with the air at barely 20% humidity (sometimes getting as low as 5%), they tend to make the air drier.  UPDATE: *I have two humidifier now, one for the bedroom and one for the living room.  I'm able to do more in my home now because of them, but going outside for more than a few minutes is unacceptable according to my lungs.* Not only has this affected my asthma and our allergies, but it's impacting my mental health and epilepsy.  I've had PTSD since I was 18, made worse by the house fire we survived in 2017 (I have an intense fear of fire).  I also have severe general anxiety disorder, made worse by our current situation.    Mental illness affects epilepsy, and my seizure count has gone up.  My seizures will never be 100% controlled.  I've participated in a seizure study and had a heavy-duty EEG.  From the study we learned I don't qualify for surgery or seizure controlling implants.  I've been on over 20 seizure medications since I was 11.  Many of these drugs are blacklisted and have left me with permanent damaging side-effects.  I have brain, nerve, and muscle damage from the thousands of seizures I've had as well as injuries I sustained while having seizures.  I'm at high risk of SUDEP (sudden unexpected death from epilepsy), made worse by our current living situation. 2.  Rent is horrible here, and our landlady keeps raising the rent every year. Finding a new place is nearly impossible due to 1) high rental prices on very small places ($800 for a 350 sq ft studio apartment) and 2) few places available (a lot of people live in RVs because there’s nowhere else to live). When we moved in to our current residence back in 2017 after a fire took our previous home (yay for renter’s insurance) rent on this place was $900. It’s now $1090 and she plans on raising it another 10% every year. If we sign another contract for this place, rent will be $1110.  We can’t afford it with my husband's current income and my SSDI (I'm permanently disabled). 3.  Well-paying jobs are hard to find in even the restaurant industry in our current location. They all want to start my husband at state minimum wage.  He has 30 years working in the restaurant industry; $12/hour isn't acceptable.  UPDATE: *We've done a lot of research, spoken to people who live on the west side of the Cascades, and the happy news is he'll be able to find a job with general ease and pay will be better.  He may even have a job waiting when we move in July.  No certainties yet though.* 4.  Finding good doctors and counselors here that can provide me with the treatment I need is difficult.  This is a rural region.  We have to drive over an hour to get to my neurologist, who’s a very unpleasant doctor, but the only neurologist who accept Medicare.  My primary physician is well-loved and as such is booked with appointments going as far as six months ahead.  It took almost five years to find a counselor who’s qualified to treat me and accepts Medicare and Medicaid.  My primary physician as well as my counselor have urged me to move to the other side of the Cascades as soon as we are able. 5.  We have exactly zero friends here.  The two we called friends are moving to the other side of the Cascades by the end of November 2019.  One is the former sous chef** at the restaurant my husband works at, and the other is his wife. They have family on the other side of the Cascades who will help cover the cost of moving over their. **On November 2nd, 2019 the sous chef at the restaurant my husband works at was fired.  The owner told my husband he’s expected to work that job as well as his current responsibilities (he currently works as the prep cook, handles all the catering, as well as a providing lunch on a weekly basis to a local construction area). Today the owner said the position will no longer exist, he won’t get a promotion or pay raise, and that he needs to be a “team member". Husband is still going to work the job because he'll get overtime every week and tip-outs from the servers.  UPDATE: *His hours have been cut from 40/week to 32/week.  He's going to speak to the owner regarding this. For several weeks he’s been looking for a better job with better pay.  He has 30 years experience working in the restaurant industry.  Earlier this year the head chef quit and someone with very little experience and no management skills was promoted to the position.  No one likes this guy, and he's been screwing everything up.  Husband should have gotten that job, everyone but this guy feels the same way, and the owner refuses to listen to reason. The owner claims to be a “good Christian” but is a hardcore capitalist and treats his employees as slaves, giving raises only because the state has increased the minimum wage. He’s raising wages a little bit every year only because the state requires it, and would have everyone at minimum wage if he could. 6. Husband is on the verge of a psychotic break from all the stress at work, finances, and taking care of me (I’m disabled and he’s my official caretaker). I want to help with the finances, and am doing my best by making and selling quilts .  Thus far I've had very little luck in regards to people actually buying my work. 7. We generally hate the area and it benefits neither of us to remain here. We simply can’t afford to actually move, but we know where we want to move to (Springfield, Oregon, but currently living in Prineville, Oregon).  There are well-paying jobs in that area, rent is affordable, and the air quality is fantastic. We’ll need a minimum of $3k.  Why?   We can’t physically pack and move everything ourselves.  Our physical health will be put at serious risk of injury.  We have a lot of heavy furniture and no one to help us pack and move it.   I cannot physically help beyond packing smaller things and putting the boxes in piles for Husband to move them with a dolly.  He will be doing all the heavy lifting on his own, risking serious injury.  We need to hire professionals or people in general to at least help us move everything into a truck we rent.  UPDATE: *Husband may have found the help we need to load the truck, but we won't know for sure until July.* Then there’s the cost of the rental moving truck (U-Haul or Penske). We’ll likely put a lot of our things in storage and rent a smaller place if we can’t find a place of similar size to what we’re living in now (a double wide, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, trailer/manufactured home). Husband says he’s fine with a one or two bedroom, and I’d get the largest room/space for my sewing and home-activity stuff because I’m home 90% of the time and need the space. We also need to put money together to apply for housing (prices range from $20/adult to $50/adult), security deposit, and first month's rent.   My SSDI (social security disability income) is $752/month, which covers most of our monthly bills, but not nearly enough to be livable or help out with the move save for paying bills. All funds selling my quilts will be applied to the move. The stained glass quilt would cover half the cost. If all the others sold before the move, that'd be fabulous and take a lot of the stress off our shoulders.
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Tips for Staying at a Hotel (And Not Being an Asshole)
I’ve been a hotel front desk agent for about 6 months now, and I have a few tips and tricks for staying at a hotel (without being a dickhead):
1) Don’t assume anything. Every single hotel, even different hotels under the same name, have their own policies and procedures. Don’t assume what checkout time is. Don’t just assume that you automatically receive late checkout. Don’t assume that there will be rooms ready if you show up 3 hours before check-in. Don’t assume that there will be breakfast. Don’t just assume that there is a pool. Do your research like an adult, and if you’re not sure, ask! The front desk person is literally there to answer your questions and help you out. Don’t be rude, and don’t act like it’s our fault that we can’t read your mind. and we’re more than happy to help!
2) That being said, we’re not omniscient. It’s fine to ask if we know what time an event starts 3 towns over, but don’t get angry if we don’t. We’re normal people, and despite what you might think, our job is a lot of work, and we’re busy! Too busy to look into every potential road closure and birthday party within a 50 mile radius. It never hurts to ask, but you’re never guaranteed an answer.
3) Know your reservation! There is no reason that you should book a single king room, and then show up and expect a double queen. We sell out, we plan our entire day around who’s coming in and what room type, and we can’t just move people around willy nilly. If you don’t know what single king means, go  on the website and find out. If you book an ADA Accessible room, you shouldn’t be coming down the desk angry that we put you in a “handicapped” room. It’s what you asked for. If we can move you, we will, but it’s not a sure thing. If you desperately need two beds, make sure you book a room with them.
4) We can and will move your room type according to our availability, but there are rules. We will never give you fewer sleeping spaces than you asked for. You might book a regular king and get an ADA because that is ALL we have left; don’t yell at me, and be grateful that we gave you a gift and discounted your room. 
5) There are NO super secret special rooms!!!! If we say we’re sold out, it’s because we really are. We have zero rooms available. Corporate offices let hotels overbook to make a little extra cash; if we tell you we’re sold out and have to move your reservation to another hotel and cover the cost, I understand it’s annoying, but it’s not the end of the world, and we’re no more in control of it than you are. Shut up, be a grownup, and be happy that we’re paying for your stay.
6) TIP YOUR HOUSEKEEPER! If you stay one night, and don’t use much, it’s okayyy to not leave a tip. If you have special requests, leave the room a mess, or are here for more than a few days, you really must tip. When you’re here for days, dirt builds up and the housekeepers have to work harder than they’re being paid to. But also, if you stay for 5 days and only tip at checkout, that’s 4 other people that could have tipped that they’re missing out on. Think of it like going to a restaurant and staying at a table for five hours. You’re taking up space that someone else could have had, and costing the server money if you don’t leave a decent tip.
7) Watch your own goddamn fucking kids. The staff aren’t babysitters, and you don’t want them to be. If your kids are running down the halls banging on doors and stealing do not disturb signs, control them, before we have to.
8) Don’t make official complaints about things we have no control over. I’ve seen people complain to corporate because of the architectural layout of the hotel. Do not be this asshole.
9) Yes, we have many complimentary items to offer if you ask. This does not mean that we are OBLIGATED to carry them. Feel free to ask for laundry detergent, dish soap, razors, lotion, toothpaste, etc. But these are not items we’re required to provide, and sometimes we run out. Don’t yell at us when we run out. 
10) MOST IMPORTANTLY!! FILL!! OUT!! THE!! SURVEYS!!!!!!! If you had anything other than a horrible, intolerable experience, give full marks. Always. Every time. This goes for retail and driving surveys too! Those marks are *important*. They determine which hotels are shut down, which general managers are fired. They determine our bonuses, and our scores. They determine whether corporate will leave us alone, or breathe down our necks--and believe me, it’s much better for you as a guest if we’re left to our own devices. The more closely we’re watched, the less able we are to do little favors for you that are technically against policy. Fill out the survey, and if you can, name employees who went above and beyond for you; they’ll be recognized for promotions and bonuses as a *direct* result. 
Most of this boils down simply: Don’t act entitled, and don’t assume things that you don’t have a *very* good reason to. Use common courtesy use common sense, and generally don’t act like a prick, and not only will you be seen as a decent human being, but the staff really will go out of our way as much as possible for you. Never be afraid to ask questions either, just don’t act like an entitled ass when you hear the answer!
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vintageplumbobs · 5 years
Sims 3 DECADES Challenge
As suggested by the title, this Legacy Challenge takes each generation through a different decade (we begin in 1920) for ten generations.
This version of the challenge is based on Western, mostly a generalised UK/USA history.
It was inspired by these people:
 Technology and innovations will be locked on a Generational basis. What that means is, you wouldn’t have a mobile phone in 1940. Or a computer. Or…well…you get the idea.
Until 1950s, ALL SIMS must have the TECHNOPHOBE trait.
All marriages and relationships must be Male/Female until otherwise stated. Romantic Interests of the same sex are allowed but must be secret.
Generation One: The Roaring 20s (1920s)
Your family is old money, and now that money is yours. Live it up, what could possibly go wrong?
·        Founder must be YA. Either gender.
1.      You must work as a Painter, or if Male, the Business Career and use Painting to supplement income.
2.      You must have the Artistic and Party Animal Traits.
·        Begin with 50,000 Simoleons and a nice (decade appropriate) house.
·        Throw a Party once a week.
·        Meet a spouse and marry.
·        You must ‘Try for Baby’ each time you Woohoo.
·        Have at least one affair.
At the end of this generation, The Great Depression hits.
 Generation Two: The Great Depression (1930s)
Your family has lost everything. After a decade of parties and the collapse of the stock market, you are now responsible for getting your family back on track.
·        Reduce your Household Funds to 100 Simoleons.
·        Anyone in a career must lose their job.
·        You must ‘Try for Baby’ each time you Woohoo.
·        Make money by Consigning household items, Fishing or Gardening.
·        Everyone must scavenge for food; fruit, fish etc. Sims can only eat HOT FOOD once a day.
·        All Sims reaching Adulthood during this generation must gain (at least) ONE of the following traits: Frugal / Mooch / Brooding
Generation Three: World War Two (1940s)
Your family is getting back on track, but the hardest is only beginning.
·        All male sims YA or OLDER at the beginning of this generation MUST ‘leave for war’. Move them to a separate lot for two weeks:
o   Roll a dice for each sim. EVEN numbers live. ODD numbers die.
o   Invite them over once a week to simulate ‘leave’.
o   You must ‘Try for Baby’ each time you Woohoo.
·        Every house must have a radio, and someone must listen to it for at least an hour every day.
·        Every house must now have a garden. The garden should have at least 4 plants in it.
·        Female sims must get a job in Music / Journalism / Politics / Law Enforcement. They must leave work upon the birth of their first child.
·        Teenage jobs are encouraged.
·        All Male Sims who have lived through the war must gain (at least) ONE of the following traits: Brooding / Loner / Neurotic / Insane / Unstable / Coward / Hot-Headed
Note: I am aware of the limitations and problems regarding some of these traits. I have not selected them to be insensitive but as an attempt to show the impact of the war as best I can within the game.
 Generation Four: The Fabulous 50s (1950s)
The wounds of the past are healing, and things are looking up.
·        The heir must have Family-Oriented trait.
·        You must ‘Try for Baby’ each time you Woohoo.
·        Married women can now keep their career after having children.
·        Have at least three children.
·        Sims may now divorce and adopt.
·        TV! (‘Old Timey Tele’ / Retrotastic TV): From 6am – 9pm.
·        Showers are now available.
·        Those who served in the war now receive a pension: Add 250 Simoleons to your household for every living sim who served in the war.
 Generation Five: The Swinging 60s (1960s)
Can you dig it? Rebellion and Free Love are in the air. It’s time for a change, man!
·        The heir must have the Rebellious trait. ‘Disciplined’ trait is also optional.
·        Move out of the family home and into an apartment/campsite with at least two other people.
·        Woohoo without ‘Try for Baby’ is now allowed.
·        Your sim must protest at least once a week.
·        Homosexual relationships are now allowed.
Generation Six: The Groovy 70s (1970s)
Encouraged by your parent’s upheaval of the system, you turn your attention to the planet.
·        Any child born must have (at least) ONE of the following traits: Eco-Friendly / Green Thumb / Loves the Outdoors / Vegetarian
·        Cheapest computer is now allowed for gaming and writing.
·        Microwaves, washing machines and coffee machines are now allowed. Nicer televisions are allowed (no flatscreens).
·        The oldest child from this generation must serve in the war (End of the Vietnam war) – Roll a dice; EVENS live, ODDS die.
 Generation Seven: The Diamonds Decade (1980s)
Business is big, the hair is bigger. It’s Hip to Be Square and that’s just what you’ll do.
·        Adults may now use Mobile Phones.
·        (At least) ONE sim in the household must be in the Business Career.
·        Anybody born during this decade must have one of the following traits: Born Salesman / Ambitious / Workaholic / Charismatic.
·        TV time restrictions 6am – 2am.
·        Teenagers may use landline phone twice a week to spend to friends/romantic interests.
 Generation Eight: The Grunge 90s (1990s)
What happens next?! We’re not prepared for this, guys!
·        No restrictions on phones or TVs.
·        Computers may be used for socialising.
·        When the oldest teenager is about to become a young adult, the family must prepare for the Y2K Disaster.
o   You must build a temporary safe house or shelter using the cheapest furniture. The whole entire family lives in there for 3 days right before the teenager's birthday.
o   No children are allowed to go to school during the Y2K Disaster time.
o   In the safe house, there cannot be a computer.
 Generation Nine: The Present Day (2000s-Present)
Your family is prospering and life is good. But is technology going too far?
·        Computers can be used for anything now. Flatscreen TVs are now available. There are no longer any restrictions on the type of electronics you can own.
·        Homosexual Marriage is now allowed.
·        (At least) ONE sim runs a Blog.
·        (At least) ONE sim is in the Video Game Developer Career – this can be the same sim.
 Generation Ten: The Future
Your family has been through so much. Have you learnt anything? What can you do to help your future descendants?
·        The heir must have the following traits: Computer Whiz / Bot Fan.
·        Activate the Dystopian Future.
·        Meet a spouse in the future.
·        Save the world, if you can.
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its-kierce-sherman · 4 years
[What happened the day the DTI boys swapped personalities]
((I had 5 hours to do whatever so I did this. Warning it’s kinda longish))
So, Quinn was behind the idea of swaping personalities yesterday and was supported by Callum so it became a thing (this is how anything starts) They all drew names. Kierce got Francis. Francis got Quinn. Quinn got Kierce. Callum got Kent. Kent got Callum.
The rules to the game were simple: - They had to dress up as the person they got - They had to stay in character at all times - Everyone contributes $50 for the prize money - The last person to get eliminated gets the prize money - if there are two or more people standing the eliminated have to vote for who did the best and the winner gets the prize money
Mission 1: Dress the part.
Kierce: - Wore what he normal did around people - stole an eyepatch from Francis' collection - styled his hair to cover one of his eyes - Money spent: $0
Francis: - wore a ball cap - a bright yellow T-Shirt that said, "spreading happy :)" - blue jeans with splashes of different colors of paint - tied his hair back and got rid of the eyepatch - everyone liked that (but mostly Callum)
Quinn: - avoided formal clothes at all costs - raided Kierce's closet - wore a million accessories - shirt with obscure design on it - black jeans - yoiked Kierce's favorite jacket - Kierce did not like that
Callum: - sportswear - looked good - none were surprised - posted so many pictures of himself - his fans liked that
Kent: - Callum had to help him - $80 black dress shirt - $50 white designer pants - $65 grey Oxford boots - $70 ring - Total: $265.46 - Callum paid for all of it (:>) - Kent looked really good tho so it was all worth it
"They're group of good-looking men but something very wrong with all them." - Kierce's grandma 2016
The Tumblr stuff happened while they were waiting for everyone to get ready and start the day. Kierce will never say "Idiot baka, ever again.
So earlier on everyone picked out an activity they all liked doing. So Callum picked first.
Mission 2: Have a fashion show in Callum’s room.
Kierce: - said it was stupid - didn't do it - was a judge - 0's for everyone - took pictures of everyone - and laughed bitterly - enjoyed watching Francis suffer
Francis: - hated every minute of it - wanted to die - was stuck as the dj - fought the urge to play Last Resort - fought the urge to yell at Kent's stupidity
Quinn: - was a judge too - used big words - that he didn't know the meaning to - it was very adorable - "Sir your score is a 5+4." - beams with pride at his cleverness.
Callum: - lived and yet died - had to wear simple or mismatched outfits - oh the horror - still looked good
Kent: - wanted to try wearing high heels - failed - he tripped so badly - and so many times - but he really wanted to master walking in high heels - Kent pls stop you can't
Next thing!
Mission 3: Play at the park with kids. Quinn picked it after bungee jumping was shot down by Francis (who is afraid of heights.)
Kierce: - said it was stupid - did it anyway - Kei loves kids so dang much - he had so much fun telling them stories and helping the small ones on the monkey bars - said the kids made him do it - frowned on the outside - smiled on the inside - a tiny girl hugged him and he nearly hugged her back - he just patted her of the head awkwardly
Francis: - played on the merry-go-round - he spun it so fast and the kids loved him for it - he was smiling and laughing with all of them - fell off once and just laughed it off - everyone recorded it - Francis should act his age more often - he snuck his camera out every couple of minutes to take pictures of everyone - he mostly took pictures of Callum
Quinn: - told kids to stay in school and never do drugs - kept randomly saying things like, "1+1=2" - "Hey kid. Do you want some smarties? It's $20 a piece" - the kids found it funny - Kierce did not - pretended to take a nap on the bench
Callum: - played basketball with some boys - used to play basketball and hadn't done it in forever - everyone appreciated that - "How are you so tall mister?" "I have no idea I just," waves hands around, "grew one day." - his Kent impression was dead on - Kent went :O "I did that too!"
Kent: - played basketball with Callum and kids - he forgot he was Callum and couldn't help it - he was eliminated - but everyone expected that - Kent will and can only be Kent
Mission 4: Play volleyball. Twas Kent’s idea so they went to the gym that the volleyball club use. The club members were there as usual and they played too.
Kierce: - Said it was stupid - Did it anyway - Had fun - Got hit in the face with the ball many times
Francis: - He was not a fan - He did jump around tho - and smiled no matter how fake it was - so he was safe - showed amazing team spirit - Lysander dropped by because he heard there was drama going on within the jock circle - happiness levels went up by millions - and smiled brighter than the sun - Ly was so confused but he liked seeing his bf happy as did everyone
(Side note: Francis is not single.)
Quinn: - You could tell he wanted to jump around and just be an energy ball - because that's what he did - he was eliminated - but he just shrugged it off and laughed - had too much fun missing the ball every time he tried to spike it
Callum: - CEO of getting hit in the face. - usually he'd just dodge them - but he was Kent now - he couldn't afford to break character - His nails suffered and he was in pain but he pushed through - had fun? - got hit in the stomach once - nearly died
Kent: - just an normal day with the bois - kept forgetting that most of the boys has never played volleyball before - he was the one behind all the times Callum and Kierce got hit in the face
Mission 5: Read books. Kierce's activity was originally doing a job one of the teachers had hired him to do, which was clean out one of the storage rooms. No one but Kierce liked that. So he had to pick again. 
Kierce: - complained about such a stupid activity - read, "How to be British 101," and, "The Tea for Me Might Be the Tea for You” - enjoyed it
Francis: - enjoyed the peace and quiet - until he realized he was suppose to be disturbing it - looked over at Kierce - who looked back at him with a smug smile and then went back to his book - the urge to strangle was strong with this one - in the end he just bounced around looking at books - talked loudly about whatever - got kicked out of the library - danced all the way out - wanted to die
Quinn: - knew he was eliminated but was having too much fun to stop - randomly shushed people - found a math book - it was big so he assume it was complicated - it was and he understood nothing but he felt smart - "Quinn what are you reading?" "Advanced Engineering Mathematics; the 7th edition." - when he got tired of it he found a book with math puns - math puns for the rest of the day
Callum: - avoided the fashion magazines - wouldn't even go anywhere near it - instead he just walked around all bored like - bounced a ball off the wall - accidentally hit himself in the face with the ball - blacked out for a minute - when he finally came to - Kent: "Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there." - Callum: "Damn you Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that horse and been half way to Hammerfell. You there. You and me - we shouldn't be here. It's these Stormcloaks the Empire wants." - Quinn: "We're all brothers and sisters in binds now, thief." - Kierce: "Shut up back there!" - Francis recorded the whole thing
Kent: - was bored - kept pulling books off the shelves and putting them back where they didn't belong - danced out with Francis
The last mission: Go to Francis' favorite tea shop.
Kierce: - first thing he did was order Francis' favorite tea - "Hmm, this doesn't taste as good as it usually does." - got assaulted by napkins
Francis: - assaulted Kierce with napkins - tried to run away - Kierce threw a fork at him - he died from shock - eliminated - ordered his favorite tea - proceeded to go on a rant about how stupid the day has been - chewed out Kent for being stupid and told him to never try wearing high heels beacuse he'll only hurt himself - told Quinn that offering candy to kids was a bad idea even if it is a joke because adults can take it the wrong way and that his math puns were the worst - told Callum that he should play basketball more often - glared at Kierce
Quinn: - makes a math pun - but it's not just any math pun - it's the worst math pun - had countless hot chocolates because Callum was paying - tried to make Francis and Kierce apologize to each other - Francis: "No, I'm not apologizing. He said something stupid and deserved everything he got." - Kierce: "I'm not apologizing to someone as stupid as him that's just stupid." - Quinn: :( - Kent: "Could you two get along FOR FIVE MINUTES!"
Callum: - smiled at all the workers and told them they were all doing a great job - gave them all a $50 tip for their hard work - they were so busy dying they didn't notice Kierce and Francis fighting - the DTI boys avoided getting kicked out again - sadly that wasn't a very Kent thing to do - he did got eliminated - ordered an latte - there was a fancy heart in it - Cal took a picture - then he asked for the cafe worker who did it to thank them - "Thank you, you’re really talented with latte art. Next time I visit will you teach me how to do that?"
Kent: - he had a great time - had a smoothie or two - laughed at Quinn's bad math puns when no one else did
To end the day the five friends went to a karaoke and had a great time singing and talking about the events of the day. Francis showed off the pictures he took that day and promised that he'd print copies of the best ones and give them to everyone. Kierce won $250 which is always a good way to end the day. Callum swore to never play volleyball and posted on Instagram about the day. Quinn has a great time and learned many things, like how many math puns there are, something that is always very important to know. Kent was just happy to spend time with his friends and play volleyball. It was a wonderful day.
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justanalto · 4 years
it’s q&a time!
tagged by the lovely @besidemethewholedamntime! 
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? light blue or red, depending on whether my hair is wet or dry
2. Name a food you never eat. there isn’t much I don’t eat, but if I had to choose, a very specific melon candy that just tastes nasty.
3. Are you typically too cold or too warm? too cold! I got too used to university heating and now I’m cold all the time
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? willing myself to start my friend’s profile so I can build up my portfolio before deciding to get on Tumblr. or i was scrolling through Tumblr. i’m not sure. 
5. What is your favorite candy bar? i’m pretty partial to a good kit kat bar, especially because they come in so many flavors! 
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event? how do we define professional? because I’ve been to a baseball game, but i don’t know if we’d call college sports games ‘professional’. 
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? one of the lyrics i was harmonizing along to absentmindedly. couldn’t tell you which song it was, though...
8. What is your favorite ice cream? mint chocolate chip! 
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? tea! leftover from this morning and kind of cold unfortunately
10. Do you like your wallet? yes! i bought it at camden market when i was in London last year. it’s made completely of cork and i call it my adult wallet because i spent my college career wandering around with my wallet on a lanyard/attached to my phone case. 
11. What was the last thing you ate? ....a salad
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? lol no
13. The last sporting event you watched? the super bowl, I think? after that they sort of cancelled sports
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? either cheesy or caramel. no in between. 
15. Who is last person you sent a text message to? one of my friends, because we were discussing her diet coke intake
16. Ever go camping? i have! not for a long time, though. 
17. Do you take vitamins? i’m trying to on a regular basis, LOL. when i do i literally have to take a whole mouthful of ‘em. 
18. Do you go to church every Sunday? nope! 
19. Do you have a tan? i haven’t had a proper tan since July 2018 because i spent last summer in the north of england/interning in an office environment. and now of course we’re all stuck at home
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? Chinese food, because i can guarantee it won’t make me sick! 
21. Do you drink soda with a straw? it depends. is it out of a can or a cup? or a mug? where am I? if it’s a can, no, I’ll just chug it straight out. if it’s in a cup, probably. in a mug, i’m probably at home, so no again.
22. What color socks do you usually wear? white ones....
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? i live by the motto that you can speed to exactly 5 miles per hour above the speed limit.
24. What terrifies you? heights, this goddamn pandemic and turning out to be worthless
25. Look to your left, what do you see? my door with my honors college hat hanging on the doorknob
26. What chore do you hate? washing the goddamn bathtub. i HATE cleaning tile grout.
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? the Australian students I met while I was on exchange. either that or finding nemo
28. What’s your favorite soda? ginger ale. is that a soda? if not then Pepsi. I do miss vimto tho
29. Do you go into a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? usually i go in, but I can be convinced to use the drive-thru.
30. Who’s the last person you talked to? my dad. I asked him if he wanted me to make him a salad for lunch.
31. Favorite cut of beef? ribeye, probably. 
32. Last song you listened to? ‘Grow As We Go’ by Ben Platt
33. Last book you read? I’ve been stuck on the same book for weeks -- “Into the Interior’ by Michelle Cliff.
34. Favorite day of the week? it’s quarantine, what are days anymore. jk i’d probably have to say either Mondays or Wednesdays, mainly because I know what day it is due to the fact that there’s new try guys content. 
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards? ...no. but maybe i’ll learn to?
36. How do you like your coffee? past coffee and straight into espresso, and at that point, i take it only with the following dunkin’ syrups: thin mint, heath bar or red velvet. and then with a ton of almond milk. iced. 
37. Favorite pair of shoes? either a pair of gray ankle boots I got two years ago or my black flower-patterned sneakers! 
38. The time you normally go to sleep? 2-2:30ish? I’m trying. 
39. The time you normally get up? 9, but whenever on the weekends. 
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets for the sole reason that I’ve been awake to see the sunrise only a handful of times, one of them voluntary. 
41. How many blankets on your bed? three, although I have accidentally kicked one to the floor.
42. Describe your kitchen plates. they’re round and white with a floral pattern around the edges. it’s nice and pastel, and I’m pretty sure we’ve had these plates since before I was born. there are some newer ones, but they’re kind of the same. 
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? anyone who knows me will know that i am an ABSOLUTE lightweight. i drink like a fresher, which is to say i drink mikes, Smirnoff ices, twisted teas, angry orchard and rekorderligs (rip rekorderligs, i haven’t had them since i got back from Europe and they’re fantastic). i also like pink moscato LOL. 
44. Do you play cards? not in the way of poker or blackjack? I play the kids’ games, like 21 and Big 2. 
45. What color is your car? silver
46. Can you change a tire? ooh, no...although I should probably try to learn...
47. Your favorite province? Tuscany province, because Florence is literally the only place I’ve been to that’s located within a province. other than Quebec, but I really liked Florence. 
48. Favorite job you’ve ever had? i’ve had maybe 3 in my life and while being a temp was enriching, i worked at a dunks for a spell and kind of found a family there! so that was nice. 
49. How did you get your biggest scar? went down a hill on a scooter, wiped out and almost got hit by a truck. it’s on my ankle. 
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy? ha....nothing? although I hope my family appreciates that i did the dishes. 
i tag: @swifteforeverandalways @crazyrichfilipinos @peacequack @coffee-esque and anyone else that wants to do it! 
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Guys, I was HELLA behind on FMLS90- but I'm still in it! Just caught up :) while I was waiting for the grocery store to open. Now I am off with my reusable bags to get my food for the week before coming home and continuing chores. I want to get as much done as possible before FOOTBALL starts!!! We're playing Kansas City at 4:25 today (@fatmaninalittlesuit I'm sure you'll be watching this game as well!) and I am SO NERVOUS. We have been... trash, lately. Last week's game was atrocious. I wish I had planned better and tried to go to the game, even though it would probably be crazy expensive and super cold, because my football buddies are in California on a mini vacation (their 3rd this season compared to my 0) and I only have local cable at home.
Anyway, here it is:
• 11/18 - How does holiday food play a role in your fitness journey? Do you have any positive or negative traditions that impact your journey? Share one of both.
Well, this was probably supposed to be about Thanksgiving feasts but here we are on December 8th! Honestly, we don’t really have any “traditions” beyond getting together and sharing a meal. In hindsight this Thanksgiving was probably my best, calorie-wise, because my brother-in-law’s sister did most of the cooking and did a lot of sides with bacon incorporated into them and, since I’m vegetarian, I did not partake. I had some DELICIOUS food, don’t get me wrong, and she made a to-die-for caprese salad��� but most of the apps had bacon and several of the sides. I ended up having cheese and crackers, french onion tartlets (SOOO GOOD), chips & dip, mashed potatoes, and a plethora of vegetable sides. It also helped that I had to work overnight Thursday into Friday so I couldn’t have any wine 
• 11/19 - How does holiday stress play a role in your fitness journey? Do you have any especially stressful situations that make your physical or mental journey tough? How do / will you handle them?
Holidays don’t really stress me out, if we’re being honest. As of Dec. 6 I just need to pick up some alcohol and then some giftcards for my cousin’s kids, and I’m done Christmas shopping. I start my shopping November 1 every year. I don’t mind seeing my family -they’re dramatic, just like everyone else, but compared to my job? A few hours of family drama time is nothing. I do tend to hoard a bottle of wine to myself for the holidays but I’m not sober during non-holiday times, either, so that doesn’t really come into play.
• 11/20 - What role do family and friends play in your holidays? Are these mostly positive or negative? What do you want to change about this?
Mostly positives! I hosted my second annual Friendsgiving this year and it was fantastic. The one downside was I had been up for 44 hours but I think it went well. Honestly the only “downside” to friends/family during holidays is having to be in such close quarters with people because as much as I love them, someone inevitably has germs.
• 11/21 - Do you notice and physical / mental changes around this time of year? Do you have any strategies to deal with them?
I am always a sleepy bitch, but more so during the winter months due to the lack of sun. This M-F, not getting home till 5-6 every night, office has no window life is bullshit. We always jokes that nightshift never sees the sun but dude, until you’ve gone 5 days without sunlight, don’t even @ me. I am extra careful about taking my vitamins during this time of the year because I really do notice a difference in energy and mood without them (I have some vitamin deficiencies NOT related to my diet thank you).
• 11/22 - How do work / school commitments / events this time of year differ for you? Can this be used to your advantage in your fitness journey or are there steps you can take to minimize the challenges?
In the fall we have annual mandatory education at work which can be stressful but other than that, work does not change. This year was a little different because I picked up a second job and had orientation and have been working a lot to save up money for my many endeavors over the next 2 years (sister’s bridal shower / bachelorette /wedding, best friend’s bridal shower / bachelorette / wedding, everyone is turning 30 and wants to go all out -me included- wanting to go on more vacations, wanting to do a 29th birthday somethingl… the list is endless…. Lol)
• 11/23 - Do you have any plans to travel this year? If so, describe the challenges that creates and how you will handle them. If not, what can you do at home to set yourself up for success?
One semi-definite plan is my sister’s bachelorette in 2020! I don’t know when or where we’re going, but we’re going- which reminds me, I need to get my passport in case it ends up being Canada! I also would like to do a small trip for my 29th birthday. Originally I wanted to take a week off (I am close to vacation time caps at work) but we are OF COURSE having a new system go-live 6 days after my birthday and I’m like, top 5 most important people for the go-live. So we shall see. Perhaps a 3-day weekend for president’s day somewhere close?
• 11/24 - Share one tip with the community on how to stay healthy during the holidays.
I feel like any time I have to share a tip with the community I share the same one, but there it is: PREPARATION. For instance I have not meal prepped in 3 weeks and IT SHOWS. I’ve been feeling sluggish and gross, not working out like I should be, and not sleeping as well…. PREPARATION IS KEY!!!
• 11/25 - What are your general thoughts on gratitude and the role it plays in your mental health and happiness?
Being in healthcare puts a new perspective on gratitude. I’m answering this hella late so it’s not actually 11/25 and is several weeks post-Thanksgiving, but… yesterday I watched a daughter unexpectedly lose her mother in the worst possible way. She walked into the room and almost immediately told us to stop doing CPR. I am grateful for my family being here and healthy, I am grateful for my fellow healthcare providers, and I am grateful that this strong woman who was having the worst day of her life wanted one thing for her mother in the last moments of her life: peace.
• 11/26 - What are some past experiences I am grateful for? How did they shape my life for the better?
I am grateful for growing up the way I did. I can’t say I wouldn’t change things but being raised by who I was shaped me into who I am. I’m grateful I wasn’t just handed things and was forced to work for them. I was probably not super appreciative at age 16 when I had to pay for my own car, but as an adult I am SO happy that I learned the lesson of working hard.
• 11/27 - Who do I appreciate? Tell us about them and why you are grateful they are in your life.
Right now I am appreciating the nurse who took report from me last night! We’ll probably never meet again but thank you for listening to my rants, not judging my last-minute leaky IV (don’t worry, the patient had another one that worked fine), and for getting me out of there so quickly!
• 11/28 - It’s Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. Tell us what specifically you are Thankful for today.
On Thanksgiving I was grateful for friends, family, and awesome coworkers.
• 11/29 - What are some people / things I may be taking for granted? How can I better express my gratitude for these people / things in the future?
I sometimes take my dad especially for granted. I depend on him for things around the house that I don’t have the skills or knowledge to do, such as fix the deck or the running toilet or even hang things without punching a hole in the wall. In the future I want to express that I’d rather him teach me these things instead of just coming to do them.
• 11/30 - What are some future opportunities I have that I am grateful for?
Everyone’s wedding, and the Year of Turning 30 Extravaganza.
• 12/1 - Share one tip with the community on how to live life with at attitude of gratitude.
No one is grateful 100% of the time. I try to make it a point every day to think of what I have… friends, family, pets, house, car, food in my fridge, etc…. and remember that not everyone has those.
• 12/2 - Where are you on your personal mental health journey? What strengths and opportunities do you have?
The changing of the seasons, setting the clocks back, and the SNOW on December 1st took its toll. I am usually not a Christmas-decorations-the-day-after-Thanksgiving type of person, but this year that’s the day that worked for my family getting our trees (me, my dad, and my sister/brother in law all go together and my Dad drops the trees off with his pickup) so I decorated that weekend and began listening to Christmas music (Pentatonix, ayyyyy). It really HAS been a pick-me-up!!!
• 12/3 - What are some past experiences with mental heath work? What has worked well for you and what has not worked as well.
Personally? None. Professionally? Just what I give as a nurse.
• 12/4 - How is your mental health compared to a year ago? Are you remaining steady, improving or regressions? What do you need to do about it?
Well, this time last year I had been at my job for one day and had no idea what I was doing. Now I’ve been here for a year and know what I’m doing… 50% of the time? So my mental health has gotten better since I no longer feel like a fish out of water. It helps that I got a per diem at the bedside and have those opportunities to do direct patient care.
• 12/5 - How aware are you of your mental health? Are your your moods steady or do they ebb and flow? Are you aware when things are changing and do you have any experience / tips for heading off tough times?
Very aware of my mental health; you have to be, to survive in healthcare without getting serious burnout. I would say my moods ebb and flow, which isn’t abnormal. Tough times can be headed off by doing self care, and I don’t mean in the bath-bomb-face-mask type of way: do your laundry (and fold it straight out the dryer), wash the dishes, clean the house, meal prep… and maybe get a manicure.
• 12/6 - Have you noticed any patterns / cycles to your own mental health? Do the seasons, or specific holidays or other variables impact you in specific ways?
Not especially. Late fall / early winter tends to be hard due to the lack of sun, but I also have a vitamin D deficiency that for obvious reasons gets worse in the winter, and low vit D causes depressive symptoms.
• 12/7 - How are mental health and physical health connected? What are some of your experiences that show this in your life?
Well. In my personal and somewhat-work-related experience, being in poor physical health often has a negative impact on mental health. HOWEVER BEING IN POOR PHYSICAL HEALTH DOES NOT MEAN BEING OVERWEIGHT. Plenty of patients have normal BMIs and are in poor health, and plenty have BMIs that label them obese and are in good health. And being in good physical health does not mean you have good mental health. I guess what I want to say is that while they can influence one another, they are not directly correlated?
• 12/8 - Share one tip with the community about developing or maintaining your mental health.
Don’t let things pile up. And I mean that literally and figuratively. Clean your house and prep your food and for the love of God empty the trash from your car (no? just me?). But also… don’t dwell on things you cannot change, and don’t stew on things you can. Just do it. It will be worth the time, energy, and anxiety.
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