#weasley twin post war
cherry-pop-elf · 4 months
SFW Alphabet: George Weasley
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To the Anon that requested this, I hope you see this and know that this was the best ask ever. I love you so much, oh my god thank you! 🫂
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
George is such a man of actions. He loves to display his affection proudly. Along with in the form of servitude or gift giving. He’s very loud and proud with it all. He will get you whatever you need, run whatever errand you have, and return to snuggle his face into your lap. Just holding you close. The moment WWW is opened, it gets amplified by a million. He’s a total cuddle bug, and he will make it your problem. Platonic, or romantic. It’s gonna be everyone’s problem that he is loud about it. Guess you can say he’s a little in everything, because of it. Still, his loudest is servitude and gift giving.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He is the most loyal, and fun, best friend to ever have. He is going to give you piggy back rides, as you both run away from whatever trouble you both left behind. He’s going to always have his shoulder ready for when you need to cry. He’s a very emotionally in tuned person when it comes to well, ya know, Emotions! So he is the man you can trust with your secrets, and just need to vent. Very much a living teddy bear. There for when you need to cry, scream, and need someone to hold. Along with pulling a Lupin, and making sure you have sweets for when you need to stuff your face silly over something dumb that happened.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Doesn’t matter if you are romantic, platonic, familia, you will be cuddled by this man. You will be held. He loves cuddles and acts of physical attention. Depending on your size, he will either rest his head in your lap or lay on you. He just wants to be held. Hold this man! Men deserve to be little spoons. Let him be cuddled and held tightly, with his hair played with. Of course, the gesture is returned. He will take care of you all the same. Just holding, and being held, soothes his woes.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Being raised by a family of nine, and also starting his own empire before he was eighteen, he is extremely great with domestic life. Despite what everyone says. Since he has a job he loves, and very much pays the bills, he is so excited to have kids. To have a family so badly, and give them the life he always dreamed of. He’s also the baker of the family, so cooking is no issue. Cleaning? Uh…..Hey, he can cook and will change the diapers no issue. He will be there for the child just as much as you would. What? No ones perfect. He handles the cooking, you handle the cleaning. Being a partner is sharing responsibility’s anyway.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
God, it’s gonna probably messy. He’s the more emotional one of the two, so it’s probably going to end in tears. That is, if the relationship was good and healthy. I can easily see him needing to do something like this, the day before he and Fred had to break out of Hogwarts. Not wanting to put them in any risk of their own actions. Would sit you down, explain what’s going on, and how he wants to focus his full heart and soul into the career. He would cry, but he would have Fred with him for support. If the relationship was shit? Expect a Jack In The Box to blow up in your face with a pie that says ‘It’s Over’ before being smacked in your face. Would even make the pie in your least favorite flavor, to be extra petty.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He took his career at WWW very seriously, so he wouldn’t be as quick to marriage as people would think. He would have 100% have a promise ring, Las Vegas wedding if you joined him in the Umbridge incident. But to actually settle down with kids and such is well after the war. He takes his job seriously. Like, the evidence is clear with how successful it is. He is a committed man, but he is also a man that is passionate about his career. So as long as you are very supportive of it as well, he’s like you as glue on a horse.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
It really depends on how far the relationship is. Platonic or romantic. At first he’s really intense and loud. But once you two settle into each other, he’s very gentle honestly. He’s the ‘softer twin’ after all. Still, he can be intense, but his emotions are soft. He’s very honest with how he feels, and if he’s uncomfortable it’s super easy to read on his face and body language. He’s just a very open book when it comes to emotions. Expected to have brutal hugs, and to be tossed like a rag doll though. He’s still got those jock arms, and hard muscles from working at WWW.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Obsessed with hugs. He would rest his head on yours, as you both are in class. He will hug you as a form of greeting. There have been times he’s hugged as a first impression. Confused the old farts when doing business deals, that’s for sure. He loves them so damn much. He loves to hug and be hugged. He’s not a teddy bear for nothing. Hug and hug and more hugs. He loves them, and will find an excuse to give them if he can. It’s even rubbed off on people he knows, and now they aren’t to shy in physical affection because of it.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He’s a very lovey dovey guy in general, so the first time he says it it’ll not really sound like the L-word. Just the playful little kinds. Like ‘I love your dumb ass-‘ types. He’s just as opposite of toxic masculinity as it gets. So when he finally does say the L word, it’s hard to tell if it’s playful or not. He’s just very emotional like that. Even after the war, and the trauma of it all. His emotional strength is to be admired, really.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Like I said. Fred is the more stern while George is more soft of the two. So his reaction to jealously is more in the terms of anxiety, and sadness. He would get stressed, and worried. Wondering if he’s good enough, if he’s even wasting your time with him.
After the war though? Uh….He might get a little aggressive. Not at you, but whoever it is he feels is threatening his relationship. It’s hard, when you lose your twin. So he gets overly protective and territorial. Afraid he will lose more people. Before the war he’s scared, after the war he’s terrified.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Cheeks and noses. He loves cute little affection like that. To pepper your face in kisses, and nuzzle his nose with yours. He wants to kiss your face until you giggle. He loves kisses like that in return.
After the war, he loves being kissed on his scar. Fleur would do that with Bill. Kiss his scars, and show him that he is still handsome. That his scars are just as pretty as him. It’s soothing to him. That he isn’t seen as gross or disgusting for his facial features. So, give him plenty of kisses on his missing ear.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
The BEST! Not only because he’s an older sibling, but because he runs a joke shop. He knows what kids like. He and Fred also would comfort kids during Umbridges time. So if a kid is experiencing trauma, he’s quick to hold them and let them know they have a safe adult to confide in. He’s the man that ends up being a person kids run to when they are running away from home, more often than he wants to admit. It’s not going to be long before he’s a foster parent, that’s for sure. He might have, even. Given a lot of orphans were made from the war…..
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He’s a morning bird. He will be awake early, and working on coffee and breakfast. Enjoying his cup of overly sweet Joe, and a sunrise. Even in school, he was always the first one up. He loves the calm of it. There’s something so nice about the stillness of a morning, and being able to mold it to be whatever you want it to be. Breakfast he already made, and he has a list of things he has planned for the morning. Already showered, and dressed. A total morning bird.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Fred is the night owl, not George. Especially since he would be busy with work. And it’s worse when Fred had died. Wanting to work as long as he could, to not face the loneliness of being without him. Even with a partner, it hurts. Closing shop alone. There will be times he worked himself to pure exhaustion, and passes out. Just so he didn’t have to close up shop alone. It’s not healthy, but neither is a magical twin being alive without his other half. It’s a cycle. You’ll help him break it eventually. So many nights are often times you stealing him out of his blacked out state in the shop.
Before the war, though, it was certainly much better. He would come home, tired, but contented. Have those aches and pains of a hard days work. Happily help make dinner, tell you about his day, and have a nice cuddle session together. So you two can have some together time, and be at peace. The war sure likes to take peace away from people.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Before the war, he’s very open about himself. You won’t get his darkest secrets, like how he feels like people like Fred more than him, on the first encounter. But he has a good judge of character, so you’ll learn that sooner than later.
After the war……Oh boy. He’s learned to be very good at hiding what he is actually feeling. It’s going to take ages for you to break through his laughing mask. He’s just scared of losing someone close to him again. It hurts. He’s scared. You’ll have to really dig, but the dig is worth it. Because when he finally opens up, it’s a water fall. A much needed waterfall, that patches holes. Paves way to healing. It’s worth the dig.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Depends on the person, actually. If you are like a little kid, his patience is endless. If you are an adult? It’s shorter, but he’s able to keep himself pretty calm. It’s a Gordon Ramsey thing. Kids don’t know better, adults do. Also, ya know, he’s beaten up Draco more than once.
The same still apply’s after the war. Shorter for adults, endless for kids. Though, he’s more quicker to violence after the war. Because those same adults are now making comments about Fred, his appearance, and things that you just don’t say to someone with PTSD man. Come on.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
You would think he was a stalker, with how much he knows. In reality, the twins are charismatic for a reason. They read the room, and pick up small details. That’s how they seem so charming. They know what to say to meet the vibe. So, he’s just good at picking up little things. He loves knowing what makes his friends, and partners, happy. Also, he’s a prankster. He NEEDS to know these tiny details. Makes giving you surprises the more fun. You made one comment about how pretty green is? Now you suddenly have a green sweater for Christmas because he told Molly you like green. You will not escape his love.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
If this is a case that you joined them in the Umbridge escape, that obviously. If not? It’s extremely domestic. It’s a case where you two fell asleep together. Having spent the night in a hidden little spot in the castle, having been working on plans for inventions and pranks. Just the two of you cuddled, and surrounded with exciting things. Fred and Angelina in a similar fashion. Almost a mirror of you and him. Just one big cuddle pile, with the most important people of his life. You, his twin, and their childhood friend. It was so perfect, he was able to forget the worries of Umbridge and the war. It was heaven, for just a moment.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
It gets worse after the war, but over all he’s always been support protective. If anything, you getting caught in the Pink Toad’s crossfire is what caused him and Fred to break out of school. If it wasn’t for the fact she had so much power, it would be safe to assume he would have caused more violence than what was already done. He isn’t afraid to get blood on his hands. Many wizards aren’t, as that is the society. Wizards are a very violent society after all. You say the word, and the person that has been bothering you either gets pranked into a heart attack….or worse.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
It’s his favorite pass time, really. He loves planning. There is so much excitement in it. Also doing small things is just natural for him. To kiss your head, before leaving to work. To remember your favorite flavor of candy, and give you said flavor from the left overs from candy he got in Hogsmeade. He loves doing stuff like that, and it gets worse after WWW. He’s able to pamper you in ways no one could imagine. It’s not a surprise that some of the products are a reaction to gifts and plans he made for you. So many dates, so many fun things. Every moment is special. From the wildest of Quidditch matches, to domestic picnics at Fred’s grave.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
I wouldn’t say having PTSD is an ugly habit, but that is something that will need to be dealt with and handled. It’s hard, but hopefully you were very aware of that when dating him. Suppose more so what actual bad habits he has is saying we/us well after Fred’s death. As if you’ll ever correct him. A more proper bad habit is he has a hard time cleaning, and remembering to eat. Ya know, typical ADHD habits. Suppose remembering self care is a bad habit. Even before the war. He is just a giver. It’s hard to treat yourself, so it leads to some issues. Like dietary issues, his hair getting messy. A really really bad habit he has is always focusing on making others happy, and forgetting himself. Everyone deserves happiness, not him. It’s a trauma that was developed by his life. So it’s hard for him to take a minute to allow himself joy. Lots of bottled up emotions, despite being so open. Complexity of human nature.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He didn’t really start a worry, until after the war. Now that he was sporting a missing ear, multiple scars, and just a mess of trauma. He went as far as to grow out his hair to try and hide the scars. It’s hard, because since the wound is a magical scar it caused his hair to be unable to grow on that spot. So his hair style had to be very long, which just brought more notice to his scar. It’s often made him cry. Kids asking about it don’t bother him too much, but adults just don’t know when to shut up. He’s cried so many times from it. How he is no longer identical to Fred. That he can’t even see his own brother in his reflection anymore. Many a mirror has been broken, to say the least…..
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Before the war, he would have a better chance of moving on and living life as normal. After? Oh after it’s scary. It’s very scary. He’s lost Fred, don’t make him keep losing people. It’s going to be a very dark day for WWW if he ever lost you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Just one?! Oh come on. Ok ok hm. Hehe get angsted. He started to wear purple far more often when Fred died, so in a way Fred is still involved and part of life. Because Fred’s favorite color is purple, while George’s favorite color is orange. Hence their purple and orange color schemes. Green was their mutual shared color they liked. So purple indirectly because almost more loved than orange, because purple reminded him of Fred. So by proxy grape, and such, was a thing that has often comforted him in hard times. If he’s drinking or eating grape flavored things, it’s a sign that he’s sad and needs support. So, in his own little way, Fred is. By giving him comfort in a flavor and color.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
You don’t like kids? He doesn’t like you. You don’t want kids when older? Get out of his face. This doesn’t mean if you are unable to have kids. This means if you aren’t willing to adopt or foster even. If you won’t even accept fostering then you aren’t dating him. Kids are his life. Also, duh, if you can’t take a joke or enjoy a good prank. If you basically don’t have the headspace to be a playful parent, you aren’t even getting the time of day from him. Don’t get him started on the weirdos that make if their whole personality that they don’t have kids. Red flag for him.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Before the war, he was a heavy ass sleeper. He would have you tangled in his limbs, as he snores into your hair. He’s knocked out, and you are now trapped with his ginger covered furnace he calls a body. Sure makes winters snuggly. He can sleep through a damn construction sight, while being on a jack hammer. Those twins love loud noises. They don’t get scared by them easily.
After the war is another story. He can’t sleep on his left side, because that makes him go fully deaf after all. He also can’t have the room quiet. The quite scares him. So there will be some kind of background noise. Such as the window open, to have the busy streets of London/Diagon alley to make some sound. Or a record player. He’s also more sensitive to waking up, and has night terrors. He gets scared easily in his sleep. It’s also harder to sleep, if you aren’t there with him. He just hates being alone. He always has Fred, and they had that magical bond. So that even if they were miles apart, they could still feel each other. He doesn’t have that anymore. Isolation is horrific for him. Hence why Bill moved back to working in Gringotts, and into the flats attached to WWW. So he didn’t have to face that fear. Fleur’s thoughts on it? She’s out right slept in the same room as George, one his worse nights, because a Veela knows what it’s like to have magic that isn’t the same as your typical wizard. She knows, and does what she can to help. A true Weasley.
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elisedonut · 7 months
Trans boy Percy can be a lot of fun
just a lot of people have a tendency to make it something he comes out about Pre-canon and that it changes nothing
while I'm over here like I firmly believe that Molly would not have continued having kids if she thought she already had a daughter
and i think she would be annoying as hell about him figuring himself out I just think she would be so disrespectful about it
Molly would be a "but your ruining yourself! you are my baby girl!" while crying type of parent and I believe that in my heart
She would guilt trip Percy like crazy about it while feeling 100% like she's doing the right thing.
Do I think that maybe she would realize after a few years that she's being absolutely terrible? I mean like I would hope so
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sunnami · 3 months
the (poly) marauders + lily as reversed tropes.
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a/n: i tried moving to a new blog.. possibly got shadowbanned... that other blog is now my dump blog, LMAO. pls enjoy this drabble!
i. academic rivals except it’s two teachers who compete to have the best class.
“It’s driving me mad, Prongs,” says a frazzled Remus Lupin, pacing back and forth in his nearly-empty classroom. Sirius watches from where he sits backwards on a wooden chair—not at all concerned with the woes of his lover, rather preoccupied with the derriere of the DADA professor, hugged beautifully by his trousers. (He makes a mental note to thank Lily and her shopping sprees in Muggle London later. And, thoroughly.) Lily eyes Remus warily, ignoring the way James is tugging at her newly-trimmed hair like a lovesick fourth-year. 
“I’ve fought in the bloody war, what do you mean my ‘pronunciation could do with some work’?” Remus scoffs, a bewildered expression on his flushed cheeks. Then, he points to the basket of lemon poppy-seed muffins, “And, the gall to send me that. Can you believe it?”
“No way,” Lily widens her eyes in mock outrage, gasping for melodramatic effect. “How dare anyone send our sweet, darling Remus homemade muffins?”
Remus dangles the swing handle of the wicker basket by his hand, nose scrunched in disgust as though it could turn him into a werewolf for the second time. “It’s not about the baskets, Lily! It’s a fear-mongering tactic—a threat, if you will. If Gryffindor doesn’t win the house cup, I might as well resign from my post.” 
James chortles, leaning back against his seat to fully stare at Remus. (And what a lovely face he has.) “Don’t you think you’re going overboard there, Moony? We’ve won the bloody thing every year—and if we’re running behind Hufflepuff, I can always give ickle Harry a hundred points for being our son. Quite a feat, wouldn’t you agree?”
Lily smacks him on the arm. “Don’t you dare, James Fleamont Potter!” 
Sirius whistles. “Full name. Yikes. You’re on your own there, mate.” 
James glares at him. “I’ve had my tongue down your throat, don’t call me ‘mate’.” 
Grinning, Sirius diverts his attention back to the pouting werewolf, struck by whatever magical spell you’ve cast on him—and their happy little wedded bunch. (He particularly likes the way you raise your voice when the Weasley twins charm your greenhouse with the colors of maroon and yellow. The upturn of your nose and raw fury in your eyes does something funny to his heart.) “Be honest, Moony, you’re just frustrated because our favorite professor is wearing those bell-bottom jeans that make their legs look just utterly delectable,” he grins salaciously. 
“Can confirm,” replies Lily with a chirpy nod. “The back view is even better.” 
“Well, yes, but that’s beside the point, my love,” Remus splutters with a cough. “It’s a matter of legacy and pride now. If—”
“While I appreciate being the topic of conversation, I’ve come to collect my students’ papers on Hinkypunks and Dugbogs,” you enter the fray with a knock on the door, startling them from their conversation; a wide smile on your face and a yellow scarf around your neck. “You see, I like to give them points myself when they score above a hundred percent. It really motivates them for the end-of-year exams.” 
James beams at your arrival, like a sunflower blooming under sunlight on a summer day. He stretches his arms wide, a space perfectly carved for you. “Come here, darling,” he calls out for his spouse, quickly affirming that the jeans you’re wearing is a blessing to the wizard kind. (He wonders if you’d let him peel it off you tonight.) As you perch yourself atop his lap, James nuzzles the crook of your neck, pressing soft, butterfly kisses to your skin. “How was your day?”
He captures your lips and you eagerly lean into his warmth. “Perfect now that I’ve found you all. Why were you hiding here, anyway?” you ask innocently, fluttering your lashes at Remus. “Did you get my gift, Moony? The elves helped me with it last night.”
“He’s just cross because you’ve become the entire castle’s favorite teacher in your first year,” Lily points out treacherously, flashing her doe eyes at Remus. (Great, now he’s got two pairs of the prettiest eyes on earth staring into his soul. He’s so beyond in love with everyone in this room.) “Not even the Malfoy kid complains about you, and he still grumbles when I have to do my yearly check-ups.”
You laugh knavishly, beckoning him over. “Is it my fault that I’m so lovable?” 
Remus scoffs, yet finds his feet drawn towards you in long, impatient strides. He leans down until the scent of ambrarome and coconut overwhelms your senses. You tug on his duck-printed tie, smiling as he grumbles lightheartedly into your lips, “Not at all, darling.”
“Shall I lock the doors now?” Sirius offers mischievously. “I’ve always wanted to do it in a classroom.”
ii. it’s too hot to cuddle!
“Mmmrgh, Lily, get off, you fiend,” you groan into the sweat-soaked pillow, suffering from one of the worst heat waves Godric’s Hollow has ever seen—swatting your wife away as she throws her leg over your thigh, impishly nibbling on your neck. On any other day, you’d relish the feel of her skin on yours, the tendrils of her flaming red hair tickling your bare arms—or the times you’d wake up to a tangled mess of crimson in your mouth. But today is just not that day.
Lily sniffles. “Ah, woe is me. My own son doesn’t want to hug me anymore, and none of the people I married want to cuddle me on this dreadful—what ever happened to ‘til death do us part’, you traitors?” 
You roll over on the bed to face her with an incredulous glare—the pretty witch has the nerve to smile at you. “Don’t be so dramatic, Lily. Just cast another cooling charm, or something.”
Lily flops onto her side of the king-sized bed, breathless and flushed, arms splayed out like an octopus—wincing apologetically when she hits you in the face by accident. “I already did. We might just have to get naked to put up with this heat.”
James pokes his head through the door, glasses forgone and black hair messily strewn over his eyes; the damp fabric of his white shirt clinging to chiseled, dark skin. (Ah, the joys of marrying an active Auror and former Quidditch prodigy.) “Did someone say get naked?”
“Way ahead of everyone,” says Sirius as he steps out of the bathroom, having taken his fourth shower today, and wearing nothing but his birthday suit, face towel strung over his shoulder and toothbrush in the side of his mouth. 
“Oh Gods, Sirius!” Lily squeals as she throws a pillow at him. “Get back in there and put some clothes on!” 
“What?” he retorts quizzically, swirling around to give everyone a show—and a generous view of his abs and firm backside. And, well, the other thing, too. “It’s not like you haven’t seen any of this before.”
Last to join the party is Remus, who barely spares a second glance to the naked Sirius Orion Black. “Pack your things, I got us a room at a Muggle inn for an hour. Harry’s downstairs waiting for everyone. He says he’ll rip off the stuffed Padfoot’s head if no one accompanies him to the pool later.” 
That is all he says before swiftly exiting the room.
You stare at the spot where he had been standing previously, whispering in awe, “God bless the Remus Lupins of the world.” 
iii. too much communication.
“—and the thing is,” you say through your weepy blubbering, nose swollen and eyes stinging from crying for the last thirty minutes. “When you guys get all secret-ey and start avoiding me, it really makes me feel like shite. And. . . and then—!” you pause to hiccup, breaking down into sobs once more when Sirius gathers you into his arms, laying his love all over your skin, kissing your tears away as he coos into your ear. “And then, Gilderoy Lockhart comes and says that you all hide away in this h-house, or shack, or whatever and meet your secret girlfriend there! I know you said it was just us and you’d never, ever cheat—and I trust you all more than life itself! But I have to know why you disappear from me every month on a particular night. A-Are you tired of me or something?”
Sirius hushes you with his lips, brows contorted—as though he’s in pain because you are in pain. He cradles the back of your neck, placating your worries with whispers of devotion. “Oh, darling, I’m sorry. We didn’t mean for it to get this far. We just wanted to keep you from harm. You’re our world, our entire heart. If you’re hurt, it hurts worse for us, little love.” 
Remus kneels by your feet, grabbing your hands in his; eyes dripping with fondness and warmth. The gold flecks in his eyes glimmering like stars in the night sky. “There’s something you have to know about me, love. We should have told you this long ago—but I was afraid you would look at me differently.”
You end up in another crying fit, overwhelmed by his kindness and sincerity. “I’ve seen you when you had food poisoning, Remus Lupin, I was the one who cleaned your vomit on the floors—nothing on this earth can make me look at you differently.”
Remus chokes, before gathering his bearings, hiding wet chuckles in your lap. “I’m a werewolf, my darling. That’s why we avoid you during full moons. To keep you safe. Your safety is always going to be one of my highest priorities. I’d die before I would let Moony harm a pretty hair on your head.” 
“Is that it?” you croak, whimpers subsiding as relief floods through your veins. “Truly?”
Remus nods. “Truly.”
“Oh, our poor love,” Lily murmurs, delicately running her hand through your hair, a worried knit in her brows. “I’m sorry we let it get to this point. Look at you—you’ll cry yourself sick.” She procures a daintily-embroidered handkerchief from her skirt pockets, gently dabbing at your damp eyes, eyes creased with love. “I’m sorry,” she says once more, pressing her lips to yours until all you feel is her instead of hurt. “No more secrets, I promise.”
James scratches the back of his head with a crooked grin. “Well. . . there is one more. Remember that time you saw a stag in the corridors? That was me. And, the dog trying to get a look under your skirt was Sirius.”
You blink. “What?”
iv. child hero has very involved parents.
Harry James Potter is known as the Boy-Who-Lived, the beloved Chosen One of the wizarding society, if you will. He has a destiny to follow and all that—well, if he could actually do anything heroic.
“What do you mean there’s a basilisk in the castle!” you shriek, a poor vase in Dumbledore’s office shattering to a million pieces. Harry drags a hand down his face—this is going to be a very long night. Suddenly, he regrets writing a letter to home about the happenings in the castle. (How was he supposed to know that all five of his parents would march into Dumbledore’s quarters the moment they heard about the blood on the walls and the petrified students?) “Why haven’t you shut down the school yet? Are you waiting for more students to get hurt?” you press on heatedly, James and Sirius flanking your sides like protective bodyguards. 
“Have you taken any protective measures?” Lily asks worriedly, holding onto Remus’s hand that’s resting on her shoulder. (Honestly, Harry thinks, rolling his eyes inwardly. The lot of you are worse than Molly Weasley at this point.) She turns to Harry, “What about Hermione? Is she safe? Oh, her parents must be worried.”
“You know what,” you say standing up, pivoting on your heel as your flock of lovers follow in suit. “We’re leaving, Harry dear, let’s go.” 
“Go?” the twelve-year-old echoes dumbfoundedly. “Go, where?”
“Home,” you reply with no room for arguments. “Until the matter is resolved, you are staying home. And tell Hermione she’s welcome to stay with us, too. And, Ginny. Ronald, as well. Actually, darling, why don’t you just tell all your friends the Potter manor is open to them whenever.”
Harry thinks you’ve just decided that on a whim, but he knows that Lily and his fathers will go along with whatever you want, regardless.
Your gaze slices to Dumbledore with a low hiss, venomous enough to rival a Slytherin’s taunt. “Fix this or I shall hunt down that basilisk myself.” 
Harry’s shoulders slump. 
So much for fulfilling prophecies and defeating dark lords.
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a/n: drabbles are so fun!! this was so fun to write (but not trying to set up another blog.. NEVER AGAIN, I AM STAYING HERE!) i might do some more drabbles since my brain is fried after my last few fics which were long as heck.
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emeritusemeritus · 1 year
Can I sleep here tonight?
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Title: Can I sleep here tonight?
Pairing: Fred Weasley x pregnant!wife!reader, Molly and Arthur Weasley (being absolute gems)
Timeline: Set post-war. George lost his ear a per canon but Fred is very much alive and thriving, married and expecting his first child. The burrow is mentioned for story purposes so it didn’t burn down and we’re ignoring canon once more.
Summary: George arrives at the burrow asking to spend the night, desperate to get away from Fred and his pregnant wife.
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, pregnant character, brief mentions of war and previous injury, though no graphic description is included. Mentions of sex.
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It's way past tea time, darkness settling all around as the last glimmer of winter sun fades into the hills when George Weasley apparates onto the familiar dirt road leading up to his childhood home. He's armed with only his wand and a small suitcase no bigger than a briefcase, only holding the basics.
Since the war, Molly and Arthur had kept up the old enchantments placed upon the Burrow as a precaution, the fears never truly leaving them. With a wave of his wand, George clears the enchantments and steps through the invisible barrier to get to the house. As he steps towards the little stone step that acts as the threshold to the house, the door is thrust open and a warm and solid body pulls him inside. He recognises the body as his mother the very second her height and smell come into focus.
"My boy! What are you doing here?  You look tired and peaky, is something wrong? I'll make you something to eat. Arthur!" Molly shouts loudly for her husband after fretting at seeing George on their doorstep without any prior warning, especially without his twin. Since opening the shop, them moving out together, the war, George's recovery, and Fred's wedding, the twins have been so busy it's been an endeavour to get them back home even for a simple visit. "Arthur!"
"Mollywobbles what is it?" Arthur shouts back, his voice getting louder as he moves towards the kitchen. "Oh hello son," he says as he walks into the kitchen, seeing George stood there clutching a small briefcase. Arthur instinctively frowns at the unexpected visit but welcomes his son with warmth, wrapping him in a hug, patting his back a few times before pulling away.
"Do you want a cup of tea dear?" Molly asks, already making her way over to the kettle and busying herself to make something to eat for George, regardless of his radio silence.
"Now Molly, it seems he might need something stronger than tea, right son?" Arthur asks, patting George's shoulder once. "Why don't be crack open some of my Knotgrass mead? I've been saving it for an occasion, no time better than the present." He ushers George to sit at the table and Molly rushes over with a large bottle of mead and two pint glasses, bringing over an elaborate sandwich on a plate for George.
"Thanks mum," George says as Molly places down the welcomed food, noticing that she'd used one of her nicer plates for him, not something that he was ever allowed when he was younger. 
"Cheers!" Arthur says, holding up his glass towards George's after he'd poured them, happy to have a drinking buddy at home.
"So what's wrong son? Not that you're not always welcome of course," Arthur says, eyeing his son with a hint of suspicion as Molly takes a seat opposite George, placing down a cup of tea made for herself.
"Can I stay here tonight?" George asks, cringing at the slight awkwardness of his request, feeling like a child again.
"Of course you can!" Arthur says as if he's offended by the notion of George even having to ask.
"Of course you can dear, how nice to have a fuller house again! I'll put some fresh linens on the bed for you," Molly rushes up towards Fred and George's old room and with a swish of her wand, changes the bedsheets in no time at all. She returns to see the men chatting at the table and takes her place once again, reaching for her tea.
"Do you want to tell us what's wrong?" Arthur says, taking the lead. George sighs heavily, not wanting to say outright what the problem is but unable to think of a plausible excuse.
He sighs once more before admitting to the issue under his parents concerned gazes, "it's Fred and y/n."
"Have you had a falling out?" Molly quickly says, interrupting George. Arthur gives her a quick look which tells her politely to be quiet until their son has finished to which she nods and waits.
"Not exactly, it's just... I can't bare to listen to them having sex anymore. Silencing spells don't work, I've even tried muggle earplugs, well one, but that didn't work either! I only have one ear and it's still bad! Since Y/n got pregnant it's none stop, I thought getting pregnant was bad enough but bloody hell," George barely conceals a shudder at the thought of his twin brother and his wife having near constant sex in the same flat as him.
He picks up the sandwich and begins tucking in, not having time to get any food in his haste to flee the flat about the shop that he shared with Fred and y/n.
He turns his gaze back to his parents and is immediately surprised at the look they are sharing between each other. Both of them are smiling lovingly, a blush spreading on both of their faces, both appear to be speaking with their eyes.
"What?" George says with a mouthful of food, frowning, not understanding their reaction.
"Why do you think we had so many children?" Arthur suddenly laughs, earning a little giggle from Molly, a sound that George had never heard fall from his mother's mouth.
"I couldn't resist your mother when she was pregnant, just something about it," Arthur trails off as if he's daydreaming, a nostalgic smile plastered on his face. "The second she popped one of you out I wanted to try again."
George wants the ground to swallow him up in his entirety as he sits disgusted and uncomfortable. Was nowhere safe anymore? He finds his appetite has significantly decreased and is thankful that he'd finished the sandwich quickly; only praying he could keep it down if his parents kept talking about that.
"It's entirely biological son, it's what the muggles call 'hormones', or so I'm told. There's just something about seeing your wife carrying your child..." Arthur shakes his head slightly as he daydreams, a goofy smile still hanging off his lips as Molly swats his arm playfully.
"I'm going to bed," George mumbles, wanting desperately to get away.
"We'll keep it down tonight!" Arthur jokes earning a cackle from Molly as they both laugh at Arthur's attempt at humour. George grumbles the entire way up to his old bedroom, holding back a shudder at the very thought of not only his brother and y/n but now also his parents.
I need to move away, he thought.
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kinzis-writing · 10 months
Three Years | George Weasley
Kinzi's 25 days of Christmas: Blogmas Day 2.
Summary: In which Y/N and George have been together for three years, and it takes a mistake for him to take the next step of their relationship.
Pairing: George Weasley x Fem! Reader
Warning(s): mentions of wizard war, mentions of death (not major character and not specified),
This could have ended way better, also the fact that this imagine is shorter than I like as well. I am doing my best at making my Blogmas posts as long as possible, but sometimes it takes me hours to plan the plot of these short stories out. I am a perfectionist, so that is why I never re-read and edit any mistakes because I am afraid of wanting to go back and change the whole story. *Fred did not die in the war*
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Three years, it has been three years since George had grown a pair and asked Y/N to be his girlfriend. Since then, there had been many events happen in the course of their relationship. They had moved past the awkwardness of the beginning of the relationship, they had gone through their firsts that every relationship goes through, and everything in between.
Their relationship had survived the second wizard war but had challenges. Seeing as Fred had to be taken care of because of an accident and then George getting hurt before then. It was a hectic and stressful time for the couple, but now everything was back to normal. Well, normal as everything could be after losing some of the nicest people.
Christmas was tomorrow and Fred and George had many customers in and out of the joke shop. Whether it was for Christmas gifts or something before going home for a Christmas prank. They had many customers a day and George had found it hard to be able to see Y/N during the holiday season. The joke shop was closing early and they would stay closed until after Christmas because they all knew the wrath of Molly if they did not show up on time or if they left early.
On Christmas day, Molly was having dinner at the newly built burrow and told everyone that dinner was at 5 o'clock sharp. That morning, George had gotten up to wrap the present for Y/N that he had spent a decent amount of money only to find it missing from the place that he had put it.
"Hey, Fred." George called knocking on his bedroom door and walking in, "have you seen-" He stopped when he noticed Fred's girlfriend wearing the necklace and earring set that he bought specifically for Y/N. The reason he had picked them out was because he had seen her looking at them and she refused to buy them because of the price they costed. “Found them.” He mumbled to himself, his eyes not leaving the necklace.
He was sure that there had to be some sort of mix up. His twin would not steal his girlfriend’s gift on purpose. Instead of getting angry, George did what he believed was right, found Fred and asked him what he thought he was doing.
“I’m sorry,” Fred mumbled when he noticed the distressed look on George’s face. “I grabbed the wrong gift and before I could correct it she was so happy.” He trailed off making George groan. “You could give Y/N the gift I bought for Angela.” He suggested.
George thought about it for a moment, they had hidden their gifts in the same place. Meaning it was an easy mix up and he knew that Fred was telling the truth about grabbing the wrong box. Fred had planned on getting Angela a promise ring, and that gift would work if George hadn’t already given Y/N one of those almost a year ago.
“I’ll come up with something.” George mumbled before leaving his twin to himself. He had less than four hours to come up with the perfect gift for his girlfriend and he was determined to find it.
Four hours had flown by and by the time George and Fred joined everyone at the burrow, Y/N was already there. It wasn’t a shock to the twin, seeing as she was early to everything.
“You’re lucky you aren’t a minute later.” Y/N spoke as she walked up and greeted George from where she had been helping Molly. She had gotten there early knowing that it would be hectic if she didn't. "Molly has be waiting for you guys to arrive."
George gave her a quick kiss before going and putting their gifts under the tree. He wasn't sure how Y/N would like his gift, but he had come up with something... sentimental. Angelina had gone into the kitchen to see what the girls were up to, while Fred and George joined their brothers and Harry by the fire.
"I doubt that Ron even got me something." Hermione stated to Y/N who was setting the Table for Molly. "He's still so awkward about some things."
Y/N let out a small laugh, "I think that's just Ron." Y/N was a year between each group. Fred and George were a year older than her, and she was a year older than the golden trio, while being two years older than Ginny. "Hi, Angie." She greeted with a smile her eyes flickering to the earrings and necklace the girl was wearing. "I love your jewelry set! I wanted to buy the same one, but I didn't want to pay that price."
Angiela gave the younger girl a small smile, "Thank you, Fred got it for me." she replied before going over to greet Molly.
Dinner had come and gone within an hour and Molly had the kitchen cleaning itself. The family gathered around the fireplace as they got ready to open presents. Y/N was sitting on the floor, between George's legs as he sat on the couch. She was chatting with Hermione as they were talking about the after-holiday plans and if anything had to change.
"I think I am going to move." Y/N told Hermione as the girl played with the necklace she always wore. "The place I live at is getting worse and the landlord won't fix it."
Pretty soon the presents were being handed out by the Weasley's and everyone gathered knowing the Christmas tradition at the Weasley's house. Y/N had gotten George the thing he had been wanting for a while and he was beyond excited to receive the gift. It was unexpected and it made him nervous about her opening her gift.
"Can you go upstairs?" George asked Y/N as he noticed Molly hand her the gift that he had gotten her. "I would prefer you not open it in front of everyone." he mumbled quietly as the couple stood up and snuck off.
The pair in the room that they assumed was Ginny's for when she came back home just due to the looks of the room and so on. "There was a mix up of gifts this morning," George started as Y/N went to open her gift. "Fred gave Angela yours and-" He stopped talking when he noticed Y/N's reaction to what was in the box.
Wide eyes stared down at the little jewelry box, you would assume it would hold something that you could wear. Yet, it was nothing close to that. The key laid flatly in the velvet box, and y/n did not know what to think. "What Are-What are you asking?" she asked scared to assume.
Maybe this was a sign that she could come and go as she pleases instead of knocking, or maybe it was exactly what she thought it was. "Will you move in with us, well me?" He asked carefully. "I know it's not expensive and like I said, Fred gave Angela yours by mistake and-"
His sentence was interrupted by Y/N stepping forward and wrapping her arms around the boy she had loved for four years, even though they had only been together for three. "It's perfect." She assured to ease his nerves at the fact that his gift was something he already had, or just the price of making a copy of the key. "You didn't have to get me anything."
George shrugged, "I figured it was time to take the next step, it just took a push from Fred." he spoke softly to the girl he knew he was so lucky to have.
"Well, you just saved me the stress of apartment hunting." She replied back as she grabbed the key out of the box and handed him the box back, knowing that it probably belonged to Fred's other gift. "I love you so much, you know that right?"
"Of course, love." George nodded with a smile on his face. "I love you as well." With that Y/N leaned forward and caught the Weasley's lips between hers. They kissed for a moment before pulling away, George with a cheeky grin, "I could have proposed instead."
Y/N's smile grew at the thought of eventually marrying George and becoming a Weasley herself. "That sounds like a plan for next year." She winked before kissing him one more time and leaving the room, him trailing behind her.
"Are you saying you'd rather live with me, instead of marrying me right now!?" He asked not knowing how to take the information if she were to confirm.
"I have to live with you first to see if we're compatible." She told him with a shrug, but she was joking. Regardless of what happened she knew that she would love him.
"What does that mean?"
I hated the way I ended this, but Blogmas day 2 is complete! I have been working on Blogmas, requests, and my Mattheo series so I have been busy. This is on top of having to study for my finals so.
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dreamcubed · 1 year
me! | george weasley x reader
song; me! [taylor swift, brendon uri(n)e] pairing; george weasley x fem!muggle!reader genre; accidental marriage, s2l, fluff, comedy word count; 7,8k timeline; post-second wizarding war (fred lives au) warnings; swearing, referenced alcohol consumption, references to hook-ups, references to sex, references to the war summary; after waking up in bed with a red-haired stranger and no memories of the night prior, you run off as quickly as you can. it isn't until months later when you're trying to buy a house that you learn that you can't just leave that forgotten night in the past
thought it would be ironic to have the song with the lyrics "i promise that you'll never find another like me" and "i'm the only one of me" with one of the twins lol
"you're the kinda guy the ladies want."
Typically, you were more responsible than this. You had always stayed away from drunk hook-up culture, hoping (perhaps too idealistically) to find organic love. Yet, on the night of your cousin's bachelorette party, you got so drunk that you found yourself in bed with a stranger the next morning. And you didn't know what to do.
All you could do for a few moments was look around the hotel room that you had evidently decided was necessary for the hook-up - and although you couldn't remember a single thing after your tenth shot at the club, the fact you were both naked gave away the events of the night prior.
He was red-haired, and quite nicely toned, but he also donned a partially missing ear. You couldn't see his face, so at that particular moment you couldn't judge whether or not drunk you had good taste. You pushed that thought aside - that was the least of your concerns. You needed to get out of there and forget that anything had ever happened, which shouldn't be too difficult thanks to the alcohol-induced memory loss.
So, with that, you slipped out of bed and scavenged for all your clothes around the room, and then quickly departed. You made it all the way down to the lobby without any human interaction, but it was there at the desk that you finally had to communicate.
"Heading out for a bit, Mrs Weasley?" the receptionist smiled at you.
You frowned, not understanding why they would address you as such - probably had mistaken you for someone else. But, you were in a hurry, so just grinned and nodded, leaving to never return.
Not many people were fortunate enough to buy their first home (alone) at the age of twenty-four without any help from their parents, but you had chosen a rather well-paid career path and had been meticulous with your money savings, so this was a reality for you. After a few months of working with a real estate agent to view houses and find the perfect home for you, you had finally come to a decision.
You had stumbled upon it really, when travelling from London to visit your family, you came across a road that you had sworn hadn't been there before. Curiosity had overcame you, and you had driven down it to find the cutest village named Godric's Hollow, which could also be described as peculiar. A lot of things in the village didn't make sense - like the fact they all seemed bewildered at the sight of your car - but the architecture was gorgeous. When you drove past an adorable rustic cottage with a 'for sale' sign out front, you didn't even have to think twice about viewing it.
It was a strange process, however, as the sign didn't have a number for the real estate agency, but instead read 'owl Cauldron Realtors for more details'. You asked around for information about Cauldron Realtors (a particularly strange name, comparable to the robes many of the older members of the village wore), and they pointed you in the direction of the realtor's.
From then on, the process to view the house and apply for a mortgage had been relatively normal, if not a bit old-fashioned in the lack of technology used. However, you reasoned that it was a small village and that they merely hadn't updated themselves like cities just yet.
"Why have you asked me to come here?" you asked as delicately as you could upon entering Cauldron Realtors.
"We have had something come up," Mr Linseed said to you. He was an eccentric old man, constantly adorning a pair of half-moon spectacles perched on the tip of his nose.
"Like what?"
"You told us that you weren't married."
You frowned.
"And I thought it was a bit strange given your muggle situation, but honestly I had simply assumed that you were a squib."
He was using a lot of words that you didn't understand. You had heard the word muggle passed around in the time that you had spent in Godric's Hollow, but had been unable to find out what it meant online or in any dictionary. Everyone used it so commonly you had felt too embarrassed to ask.
"Obviously, this changes the process for you to apply for a mortgage. We need your husband to sign off either that he will partially own the house or have no claim over it."
"I don't understand- I'm not married," you said.
"No?" the man raised a brow at you, "When we searched for legal documentation of your name, we found that it hadn't been Y/N L/N for a few months, but instead Y/N Weasley. I didn't think much of you not having gotten around to changing your bank details yet since it hasn't been long, but going by your maiden name is a little strange. So, I assumed that the marriage was short-lived."
Why did Weasley sound so familiar? You wracked your brain for when you had heard it before.
"Heading out for a bit, Mrs Weasley?"
Your eyes widened.
The guy from the hotel.
"What did you say my husband's name was?" you said slowly.
"I didn't, but George Weasley," Mr Linseed replied, "You knew that, though, correct?"
You nodded, "Yeah... just making sure."
The man frowned at you, "He is quite well-known I suppose - the shop Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes is quite famous. Anyhow, here are the new forms that I need you to fill out and then we will be back on track."
You accepted them in a daze, but snapped your eyes up towards him again, "Where can I find Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes?"
"Diagon Alley, of course," Mr Linseed was clearly confused that you didn't know where your husband worked.
You had never heard of Diagon Alley, and he sensed that.
"You know? Through The Leaky Cauldron? On Charing Cross Road?"
Finally, a name you recognised.
"Oh, yes. Thank you, Mr Linseed, I'll be back soon."
God, what a process to get yourself a house.
You were pretty sure that in all your visits to Charing Cross Road, you had never seen that pub squeezed between those buildings before. But, you weren't about to complain, as you were desperate to find George Weasley and sort everything out. You couldn't remember his face, but you remembered his red hair and partially missing ear - that should be enough to identify him.
You hoped, anyway.
Upon entering the gloomy pub, you were met by quite a shocking sight - but one that wasn't entirely indifferent to Godric's Hollow. Except, you would describe the pub as having a more creepy ambiance, in a way. Beady eyes peered in your direction as you walked up to the bar, and you tried to hold your own as a woman with matted grey hair and disturbingly long fingernails smiled at you with missing teeth. You forced a smile back.
"Excuse me," you said to the bartender, who was similar to the woman in energy, "How do I get to Diagon Alley?"
He pointed to the door out the back.
"Just through that door?"
"You'll need your wand too," the woman who had smiled at you said, "To tap the wall."
"Wand?" you squeaked.
"I'll show you," the woman said eerily.
In any normal circumstance, you would have declined the offer, but you had already had so many new experiences you found yourself following her out the back.
"You're not one of us, are you?" she asked with a giggle of glee, pulling out a wooden stick from her pocket.
You didn't reply, watching as she brought it up and tapped some of the bricks on the wall. To your amazement, they then parted, presenting to you the most bustling and magical street that you had ever seen.
"Diagon Alley," she stated, "Although I prefer Knockturn Alley."
You thanked her, and hurried into the street.
The pet shops were strange: mostly having owls, cats and toads. The book shops were strange: having cages of moving books in the display windows. The clothes shops were strange: pretty much exclusively selling robes and pointed hats. All in all, Diagon Alley was the most eccentric place you had ever been.
There was a broomstick shop, a wand shop, and a place to buy cauldrons. You were so out of your depth that you decided you should focus on the task at hand.
It wasn't long before you found a bright and buzzing shop named Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, looking ten times more exciting than all the shops before it. You were almost overwhelmed with all the young people inside once you entered, and it finally became obvious to you that it was a joke shop. The numerous prank items on display were clearly enchanted in a way too, only furthering your amazement at this street.
You scanned around for a redhead, but it was really difficult to spot anything within the chaos. Eventually, you located a flash of red by the till and hurried over. The queue was unfortunately long, but you waited impatiently nonetheless.
When you finally reached the front, the red-haired man behind it looked at you, and you couldn't help but noticed he had two full ears.
"Are you buying anything, miss?"
"I'm looking for George Weasley," you said quickly.
He rose an eyebrow at you, "What for?"
"It's a long story, I really need to talk to him."
"I'll fetch him," he said, and disappeared out back for a few moments before returning with a man almost identical to him save for that all-too-familiar ear. He didn't look at you like he recognised you - maybe he drank so much he had memory loss too? That would make sense, considering he hadn't tried to find you either.
"Can I help you?" George Weasley asked, gesturing for you to move to the side so that his twin could continue at the till.
"This is gonna sound crazy, but," you took a deep breath, "You're my husband."
"You're right, that does sound crazy," he chuckled.
"You woke up in a hotel room a few months ago, right?"
His eyes widened, "I thought I hooked up with someone," he said, "Wasn't sure, though, because I woke up alone."
"Sorry about that. I don't really do hook-ups, I kinda freaked out and bolted."
"I don't really do hook-ups either," he shrugged, "No hard feelings."
"Anyway, as I said, it turns out we got married that night."
"Wow. I honestly can't remember anything."
"Me neither," you shook your head, "And we can't get an annulment - the cut off is three months. And we were way too efficient with sending off the marriage registration - we did it immediately."
He hummed, "That's quite a predicament. Divorce, then?"
You nodded, "Yes, obviously. But that will take ages, and I'm trying to buy a house for myself right now. I need you to sign off that you have no claim over it."
"That's no problem," thank God he was agreeable, "But what's your name?"
"Y/N L/N," you said, "Well, legally Y/N Weasley."
The man smirked at you, which admittedly made your stomach flip. Drunk you definitely had good taste: this man was gorgeous.
"Where's the house you're buying?" he asked.
"Godric's Hollow."
"Ah, my sister lives there," he hummed, "Nice village."
"Can I ask you a question - since you're my husband and all?" you didn't know why you added the last bit.
"Fire away."
"Why does everyone keep going on about muggles and wizards and witches and magic? I'm so lost, I don't know what's happening."
"Wait- you're a muggle?"
"As everyone apparently keeps saying."
He chuckled, "Oh, wow. My wife's a muggle."
"What does it mean?"
"I'll explain," he gestured towards the door to the back room, "But it'll be a lot to take in."
"I don't care, I just want an explanation."
And so, your husband, George Weasley, explained about the wizarding world that he was a part of. And how, by marrying him, you had automatically been granted permission by the Ministry of Magic to be an exception for all anti-muggle charms. Which was why you discovered the road to Godric's Hollow all of a sudden as a non-magic person, which you learned was what muggle meant.
At the very end of his explanation, you sat back in the armchair he had offered to you, "That explains so much. It's insane- but I'm relieved that it's not me going crazy."
"Must be quite a shock," he hummed, "I can't believe we got married. Are there any photos?"
"I mean, I suppose we could find the chapel we got married at and ask."
"Maybe it will trigger some memories of that night. I got drunkenly married - who knows what else I did?" he sighed.
"I don't know if I want to know."
George shrugged, "Better to find out that way than have a random woman come into your place of work and announce she's your wife."
You grimaced, making him laugh.
"I'm just teasing."
"Can I get your number? So I can contact you when I need to?" you asked.
George stared at you, "Number?"
"How do wizards and witches communicate?" you exasperated.
"By owl."
You blanked.
"You might want to get yourself one if you're moving into a wizarding village."
"How do they know where to go?"
"They just do."
You sighed.
"So, I phoned the chapel that we got married at and they confirmed that we signed the marriage registration and sent it off immediately," you said to George, taking a seat opposite him in your flat that you currently resided in, "They also posted this to me." You presented a large envelope to your husband and watched as he carefully opened it - even though it was already unsealed thanks to you.
He pulled out a marriage certificate: lettered in italic gold writing and clearly signed on the bottom two corners. As he pulled that out, another piece of card fluttered to the ground. You chewed your lip as you watched him pick it up.
"Wow," was all he said.
It was the same reaction you had when looking upon the photo of you and George at the alter: lips pressed together with smiles creeping on to your faces.
"We look so happy."
You hummed, "The photo hasn't triggered any memories for me."
You watched curiously as he waved it about. "It's weird that muggle photos don't move," he commented, "But- yeah- I can't remember anything more either."
"Maybe it's been too long," you reasoned, "Perhaps if we'd seen the photo the day after, it would've helped."
"Probably," he shrugged, "I can find a charm or potion that will help us remember - if you want to."
It hadn't occurred to you that magic was now a readily available tool.
"I'm not sure, to be honest," you said after a while, "I just really want to seal the deal on my house."
George nodded, "Of course, I'll sign the papers saying I have no right to it."
"Thank you for making this so easy," you said, giving him a warm grin, "When I found out I was married, I was so worried it was to a complete asshole."
"When I found out I was married, I thought it was simply a cute way a gorgeous woman had of flirting with me."
You felt heat rush to your cheeks at his comment. George was a stunning man: his damaged ear only added a rugged element to him, enhancing his beauty in a way that you didn't know possible.
He noticed your flustered reaction and chuckled a bit, "However, there is one problem with me signing those papers that your real estate agent really should've mentioned."
"What?" you filled with worry: that house was your dream house.
"If you're buying a house in the wizarding world, you're going to need a wizarding bank account."
"He kept going on about galleons," you thought for a moment, "But then he converted to pounds so I didn't think much of it."
George hummed, "Yes, but you're still going to need to pay in galleons."
"How do I get a wizarding bank account?"
"Only wizards, witches, squibs and muggles married to any of the former can access one. Oh, and muggles with magic children, even if they aren't married."
You realised what he was getting at. "So I can get one, but..."
"But it has to be a shared one with me."
You pulled your hands down your face, "But I love that house so much."
"I promise you I'm not trying to trap you."
"No, no- I get it. I just- that means I'd have to stay married to you until my mortgage is paid off. And that takes like thirty years."
"Even then, the bills would still need to be paid in galleons."
"Oh, fuck," you muttered, "Fuck, fuck, fuck."
George watched you in silence.
"I'm sorry. I'll divorce you and forget about the house," you said eventually, "It's not fair for me to force you to stay in a marriage for the rest of your life - I mean, I can't force you."
"I didn't say anything about that."
You frowned. In your mind, there was no other option.
"I'm willing to do it."
"George, it's just a house, you really don't need to-"
"I will," he reiterated, "You realise that if you divorce me, you won't be able to access the magic world anymore?"
It had become something you were so excited to explore that you were disheartened by that fact.
"It would be cruel for me to take it away from you, I think."
"So, I will set you up on my bank account, sign off on the house, and stay married to you."
Your mouth was opened wide as you stared at him, and in a flash you had leaped across the coffee table in order to pull him into a hug.
"You're so amazing," you mumbled, hugging him tighter as he returned the embrace, "Thank you so much."
"Hey, anything for my wife," he chuckled.
Your heart stopped.
"I've had to change my name on my driver's license and passport and bank account and everything else," you sighed, "Such a hassle for a fucking house."
George, who was walking with you throughout the empty house that you had just officially bought, chuckled, as he seemed to enjoy doing, "You must really love this place."
You shrugged, "The house, I would probably get over. An entire magical world that I would lose access to? Not so much."
He hummed, gazing around the place. You had decided that he at least deserved to see the property that he had given up so much for you to own.
"I can't wait to begin decorating," you sighed, "I have big plans for the downstairs rooms and the master bedroom."
"What about the other bedrooms?"
"I'm not sure, to be honest," you pondered, "I'll probably make one of them an office, but the other two, I honestly don't know. It'll be a while before I have any kiddly winks running around."
"How come?"
"I need to find a man to create them with first," you reminded, "And that will be especially complicated since I'm married."
"Not if it's with me."
You were pretty sure his words held a joking undertone, so you laughed.
"Well, I shan't keep you any longer," you said, "I guess we'll keep in touch?"
"Stop by my shop as much as you can," George replied, but you sensed a slight trace of sadness in his voice.
Nonetheless, you smiled, "Of course."
Was two days later too soon to take George up on his offer of stopping by? Maybe, but life was too short for you to not do the things that you wanted to do. Plus, you were exhausted from moving furniture and painting (since you were stuck doing it the 'muggle' way), so a getaway from your new home was needed.
After getting someone from the Leaky Cauldron to let you into Diagon Alley, you made your way down to the corner that Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes sat on. You couldn't help the fond smile that tugged on your lips as you pushed open the door and heard the tinkle of the bell above you. The last time you were there, you had been too nervous about meeting your husband to properly appreciate the joyful buzz of the shop; it was truly a marvel to witness. You wish you had grown up with access to such extraordinary things.
"Hello," a redhead popped up beside you.
You jumped a little, not failing to notice the fact this man, although initially appearing to be George, had two full ears.
"Hello... Fred?" you attempted to recall his name.
He nodded, "I must say, I wasn't expecting my sister-in-law to pop by today."
It hadn't occurred to you that George would have mentioned his marriage to his twin brother, but now it seemed obvious that he would have.
"Is my husband here?" you asked, adding a joking undertone. Nonetheless, you couldn't help but notice how warm saying that made you feel.
"Of course, he's out back."
"Should I...?" you trailed off.
"You don't need to ask permission to go out back," he chuckled, in a strikingly similar way to George, "You're married to one of the owners."
"Yeah, but-" but before you could finish your sentence, your brother-in-law had disappeared. With a sigh, you proceeded on your way to the staff-only space, unable to push aside how special you felt being able to freely enter the area.
It was only when you caught sight of George's back did you realise that you had nothing to say and had simply stopped by.
"Y/N!" he smiled, turning around upon sensing your presence, "What brings you here?"
You shrugged, "You said to stop by often."
His grin stretched wider, "That I did, I'm glad to see you."
You felt shy after hearing him say that, and avoided eye contact.
"How's moving in going?"
"Oh- well. Exhausting, though," you sighed.
"I can't imagine having to do everything without magic," he said, "If you want any help to speed up the process, I'm more than willing."
You shook your head, "You've done enough for me."
"I could never do enough for you," he half-mumbled, but you heard it. You couldn't believe it, but you heard it. "I'm free this weekend," he said at a more regular volume.
"I mean- if you're sure-"
"Of course I'm sure."
"I-" you stopped yourself, "Thank you, George."
"Georgie!" a voice called from the front of the shop, not long before a short plump woman appeared in the doorway. "There you are," she said with hands on her hips.
"Oh, hi, mum," he said, "I wasn't expecting you."
"I was just in town looking to pick up your father a new shirt - I don't know how he wears them out so quickly!" she sighed, "I thought I'd take the chance to invite you over for a roast on Sunday."
You smiled at the evidently kind woman.
"And who is this?" she asked.
"This is Y/N."
"How did you two meet?" this time she had a glint in her eye.
"Uh, funny story, actually," George scratched the back of his head, "We're married."
You were surprised at his honesty with his mother.
The woman's eyes widened, "And you didn't tell me!"
"No one knew, mum- not even us," he quickly added.
She seemed to ignore what the last part of his statement implied, and swooped you into her arms, "Welcome to the family, my dear, we have a lot of time to make up for! You'll be coming on Sunday too, yes?"
She didn't give you a chance to reply.
"I'll have to tell your father immediately - do all your siblings know? I expect Fred does. Probably Ron too." She paused, "I haven't even introduced myself! Molly Weasley - call me Molly, of course."
"Godric- I have so many people to tell! I'll see you both Sunday at four o'clock, please don't be late."
And with a hug to both of you, Molly Weasley departed just as rapidly as she had arrived.
"I'm sorry about that- my mum can be very full on," George apologised.
"I think she's sweet."
A soft smile graced his face, "Yes, she's a very lovely woman."
You hummed.
"I'll get you out of the dinner."
You frowned, "Why?"
"Well, my family will think you're- well-"
With a shrug, you replied, "I don't mind."
"I have a big family."
"I know."
"Most of them are quite loud people."
"That's okay."
"They'll ask a lot of questions."
"George, I want to meet your family," you realised as soon as you said them what your words could potentially mean.
"It's just- I- I don't want them to scare you away."
"Scare me away?"
He nodded.
You chuckled, "I'd like to see them try."
Sunday rolled around quickly, and as promised, George showed up at your house to pick you up at five to four. You figured that his parents must live very nearby if he was picking you up so late, but you hadn't given it much thought. All you had done was focused on yourself, dressing up what you deemed the adequate amount for a family event.
A knock sounded on the door, and you quickly rushed to open it, smiling when you were faced with the red headed man that you could call your husband. He was wearing a knitted jumper and baggy jeans, which was a relief to you since you also sported a knitted jumper, just with a skirt instead.
"Hello," you said, almost shyly.
"Hey," he replied, "You ready to go?"
"Yep, let me just-" you hurried back inside to grab the bouquet of flowers that you had bought for his mother, you weren't familiar with the guidelines for meeting family as you had never been in a relationship long enough to reach that stage, but flowers had felt like the right thing.
"Oh, for me?" he said teasingly.
You shook your head, dramatically holding them away from him, "You would be so lucky."
He chuckled, "Right, let's get going," he held out his arm for you to take, "You're gonna want to hold tight."
You frowned, but took his advice nonetheless, taking a firm grip of his bicep which had a hardness that made your heart flip. But before you could dwell on that thought, you felt like you had been sucked into a vacuum and spat out again in a split second. Your stomach cramped up and you felt nauseous as you fell on to grass in a completely new location.
"Sorry, that often happens the first time," George quickly helped you up along with the flowers, which thankfully were unharmed.
"Did we just- teleport?" you asked, holding your stomach. Thankfully, the nausea was already dissipating.
"We call it apparating but yes, we did."
"Why couldn't I be born a witch?" you whined, following George as he began walking up the path ahead of you.
You could only be amazed when the strangest house that you had ever seen came into view: looking like it should tumble over instantly with the mismatched extensions stacked on top of each other. Not too long ago, you would have been worried about its sketchy looking state, but now you immediately concluded that it was kept steady by magic. Even at the distance you still were from the house, you could hear a lot of noise coming from it.
"I bet you anything Fleur and Hermione insisted on being early," George grumbled, "Making my brothers look like angelic sons."
You smiled to yourself: his relationship with his siblings was making you want to reach out to your sister.
George didn't bother knocking when you reached the door, simply throwing it open and grinning at everyone who was stood around the kitchen. You couldn't help but feel some level of nerves as you were faced with so many strangers.
"George! Y/N!" Molly beamed, pulling you both into a hug, "I'm so glad that you could make it."
You presented the flowers to her, "I got you these."
"Oh, they're gorgeous!"
You watched as she pulled out her wand and arranged them in a vase without even using her hands. You didn't think observing magic would ever get old.
"Thank you, dear," she said, before turning to the others in the room. There was Ron, who you vaguely recognised from the shop, with a curly brown-haired woman on his side. Then there was the most ethereal woman that you had ever seen next to one of the more rugged looking men that you had seen in your time. There was also an older, balding, red headed man, who you suspected to be George's father.
"Y/N, you might remember Ron here," George said, and you nodded, "And this is his fiancée, Hermione. This is my dad, and over there is my oldest brother, Bill, and his wife, Fleur."
"Our little shit of a son is running around here somewhere," Bill added.
"Pleasure to meet you, Y/N," George's father shook your hand, "You can call me Arthur."
"I didn't realise you were bringing a guest, George," Hermione said.
"Oh, she's no guest," Molly smiled, "She's family."
The only person who didn't exchange confused glances was Ron.
"I'm his, uh, wife," you said, feeling awkward. You didn't really want to say it, because it felt like you were lying to them even though you weren't.
What followed was an array of congratulations, and Hermione accusing Ron of not telling her when he clearly already knew. And then, upon being asked, you both finally revealed that it was an accidental marriage upon which you were both very drunk. Molly was new to this news as well, but nonetheless, before you could give any more detail on where your 'relationship' with George currently stood, she spoke.
"As irresponsible as that was, I think there's something beautiful in the fact that you're now happily married."
While you weren't unhappily married, you didn't know how to say that you didn't know you were married until a couple months later, and that you weren't in a relationship with George. He said nothing to clarify, either.
That was when a small boy tumbled into the room.
"Ah, zis is Victoire," Fleur said, "Our son."
He was just as red headed as his father.
God, your kids with George would probably end up redheaded.
You internally froze at that thought - why had it seemed so natural to imagine yourself having kids with George?
You were yet again distracted from your mind, as seemed common in the Weasley household, when more people arrived. It was Fred and his fiancée, Angelina, as you soon learned. Shortly followed by Harry Potter, allegedly quite a celebrity, who was dating George's only sister, Ginny.
The only person to arrive alone was Percy, who had a much less chaotic energy than the rest of his siblings.
"You'll meet Charlie at some point," Molly said to you, "But he lives in Romania for his work with dragons."
It was insane to you that George had five brothers and one sister; having six siblings seemed like such a hectic upbringing. That thought almost led you to brush over Molly's mention of dragons - dragons?
Once again, you were introduced as George's wife, solidifying you in their eyes as a sister-in-law. These were your in-laws, you realised.
"Dinner's almost ready," Molly announced over the noise of all the people.
Many people rushed forward to help the woman with the finishing touches and laying the table, and you felt like an ass for not assisting as well, but you would have been of no help. They were all using magic, which was ten times faster than you could complete any task.
"What year did you graduate school? I can't remember you," Ginny said, evidently assuming that her lack of recognition was because you had been in a different year at Hogwarts from her. George had told you how most witches and wizards in a similar age group knew each other because of there only being one magic school in the country.
"I didn't go to Hogwarts," you said.
"Oh, did you study abroad?" she asked, walking over to the table with you.
"No, uh, I'm a- I'm a muggle."
Her eyes widened in realisation, "Oh! I see," she hummed, "That makes sense now that I think about it."
"You're a muggle?" Hermione, who had overheard, said.
You nodded.
"I'm muggle-born," she said, "I was raised muggle."
"I was raised muggle too," Harry added on, "But I'm not muggle-born."
After that point, Arthur Weasley kept posing an array of questions to you, explaining that he was fascinated by muggles, and it was even what had led him to having the job that he did. Wanting to be liked, you answered all his questions as best as you could, and found his childlike curiosity quite endearing.
"Leave the poor girl alone, Arthur," Molly scolded her husband.
"I don't mind," you replied, and, really, you didn't.
The food was absolutely delicious, to the point you almost moaned when you first put it in your mouth. You didn't think you had ever eaten such delectable food before, and you made sure that Molly knew.
Once the first course was finished and dessert was being brought out, Bill and Fleur stood up.
"We have an announcement to make," the latter smiled, looking to her husband.
"Fleur's pregnant," Bill grinned, placing his hand on her abdomen.
"Oh, that's wonderful news!" Molly exclaimed, "How far along?"
"Twelve weeks, two days ago," Fleur said, "In ze clear zone, as zey say."
"We don't know the gender yet," Bill added.
"For your sake I hope it's a girl," Molly sighed, "It took me six tries."
"We will be happy eizer way," Fleur said simply.
You couldn't help but get the sense there was some level of tension between her and Molly, so you leaned over to George as everyone began chatting again, congratulating the expecting couple.
"Do your mum and Fleur get along?" you whispered.
"Well, yes, but they haven't always," he whispered back, "My mum thought she was vain at first, even thinking that she would call off the wedding when Bill got that scar." He was referring to the large mark on his eldest brother's face.
You hummed.
"They've mostly resolved their problems now, but I think there will always be a bit of tension."
After dinner, you wandered around the home, observing all the moving pictures of the family.
"Aw, you were so cute back then," you said to George, looking at a photo of him as a toddler on a mini broomstick.
"Are you saying I'm not anymore?"
You shrugged.
"And how do you know that's me and not Fred?"
"You may be a twin, but there's only one of you, George," you said in passing, not realising how much those words meant to your husband. As much as he loved being an identical twin, there were times where he didn't want to be seen as part of a package deal. Even his mother struggled to tell him and Fred apart before his ear injury, but you- you could recognise him instantly.
Your gaze moved up the wall.
"That's an interesting clock."
It didn't tell the time, but instead had a hand for all of Molly and Arthur's brood, all currently pointing in the direction of 'home' apart from who must be Charlie, which pointed at work.
"Even on Sundays, he works," George sighed, "You know, there was a time where me and Fred had the same hand."
"Yeah, but after he moved in with Angelina, mum had it altered."
Your eyes flicked over the 'mortal peril' section of the clock, and you didn't realise you had read it aloud til he responded.
"Thankfully that hasn't served a purpose since the war."
It was unbelievable to you that such a life-changing war had happened while you remained completely oblivious.
"I suppose we'll have to expand the guest list for our wedding," Angelina approached you, making you turn away from the clock.
"Oh, you don't have to do that," you said.
"No, no. An extra person is hardly anything," she smiled, "You're family, of course you're coming."
"Well, thank you."
"Of course."
As you and George said your goodbyes and departed, you couldn't help but let out an elated sigh, "Your family is so warm."
He smiled, "I'm glad you like them."
"They're like, everything I want my in-laws to be."
"Yeah! Loud, happy, there for each other - with the slightest hint of drama, of course. They're perfect."
"We've been through a lot together."
"Yeah, I expect so."
You both fell into a comfortable silence, one that had you feeling content with your life in the most heart-warming way.
"You ready to apparate again?" George broke the silence when you reached the end of the path.
"As ready as I'll ever be," you grasped his arm tightly, prepping yourself for what was to come.
You didn't fall to the ground this time when you appeared outside your house, but you did still feel nauseous for a few moments.
"I'm really glad you came," George said.
"I'm glad too," you smiled.
And then there was silence - tension-filled silence. The kind of silence that led up to what you had secretly hoped would happen this entire time.
His lips on yours.
You moved your hands up to his hair as the kiss got more heated, flashes of memories dancing through your brain.
You met at the bar your cousin's bachelorette party was at, and began chatting. He was charming, and funny, and you were both really drunk. You went on a walk together - you walked past a chapel.
You had suggested getting married - jokingly, but he had then said.
"Why don't we?"
And so you did, giggling and laughing the entire time, even when you kissed. The kiss held the same magical feeling as it did now, that's what had triggered the memory.
He had kissed all along your jaw and neck as you both filled out the forms, and it wasn't long before you both booked a hotel and by all technical terms, consummated.
"I remember," you parted from him breathlessly, only to kiss him again.
"Me too," he mumbled, pushing you back against your front door.
"Do you want to come in?" you asked.
This time, you were the one to wake up alone in bed, but that wasn't the only difference. You remembered every single moment and sensation from the night before - and from your wedding night, for that matter. A smile almost crept on to your face, but it dropped when the panic set in that George had upped and left like you had before. You scrambled out of bed, pulling a shirt and some pants on, and then rushed down the stairs to see if he was anywhere in your house.
And he was.
There your husband was, in the kitchen, cooking a full English breakfast - using magic, of course. You had electric appliances installed when you moved in, since most magic homes didn't generally possess them, but with George there, you supposed they weren't really necessary.
"Hey, love."
Love. That's what he had called you all of last night and your wedding night.
It made heat travel to your ears.
"Hi," you replied shyly.
"Take a seat, I'm almost finished."
You obeyed, deciding to let the wizard take care of you, even though he really had done too much for you ever since you met him - the second time, that was.
Your dining table was a temporary one, as your entire home was still a work in progress: it wasn't easy decorating an entire house by yourself, especially without the assistance of magic. Nevertheless, it did the job. George came over with the food and sat opposite you, gesturing for you to dig in.
"Thank you," you smiled, picking up the cutlery.
"I told you, anything for you."
"You're too perfect," you mumbled, making George chuckle.
"My ear may be injured, but my hearing's fine."
You looked up at him to make eye contact, feeling like he could read you with his gaze, "Your ear makes you even more perfect."
"I'm glad you think so, would be a bit upsetting for me if you didn't."
"I aim to please," you grinned.
"You didn't tell me the wedding would be quite so soon," you huffed, straightening out the pastel pink dress you adorned in the mirror.
George shrugged, tightening his tie, "Didn't think about it."
You were, of course, in reference to Angelina and Fred's wedding, merely two weeks after the dinner in which you met the former. Out of all the moving boxes you still had left to unpack, you had been forced to dig for a suitable outfit that fitted the colour scheme.
Aside from work, you and George had been practically glued at the hip in the days since he first stayed at yours - and he had been consistently staying at yours ever since. He had probably spent about three nights total at his own flat in that time span. So much to the point that when he came over the day prior, he had brought his suit for the wedding with him, fully anticipating that he would be spending the night.
You hadn't put a label on what you currently were, other than legally married, as it was.
"We have to be early," he said, "Since I'm the best man."
"I'm aware," you replied, sitting on the edge of your bed to pull your shoes on, "I'm pretty much ready."
"Alright, let's go."
The ceremony was a beautiful occasion: held at the Weasley house, The Burrow. The entire garden was decorated beautifully in shades of pink, purple and white, with bouquets of flowers adorning every table and chair. Obviously, a drastic difference from your own wedding.
You were sat in the crowd while George was up near the altar with the maid of honour, but he was not your focus. Angelina was a transcendent bride.
When it came to the meal, you were - to your shock - sat on the primary table where the newly weds were. You supposed that it made sense, since George was obviously going to be sat by his twin brother, and you were his wife. Generally, married couples weren't separated at events. You were certainly relieved, since you hardly knew anybody else.
The only other people on the main table were Molly, Arthur, Angelina's parents, and Angelina's maid of honour and her partner. There was a second table for the rest of the Weasley siblings and their partners, and so on and so forth for more distant relatives and friends.
Once the toasts were made, the meal commenced, and you hadn't realised how hungry you were 'til that moment.
"Slow down, love," your husband commented, "I'd prefer if you didn't choke."
You shrugged, your mouth full. Once you had eventually swallowed, you said, "Much grander event than our wedding."
"We could always renew our vows," he said, and even though he had made many comments about wanting to do anything for you, and had done many intimate things to you in the bedroom (and elsewhere in your house, for that matter), it felt like the first real confirmation that you were in a relationship. Even more, that you weren't just in a marriage out of convenience, but instead because you simply wanted to be.
You parted your mouth to reply, when some children from Angelina's side began causing chaos by running around. "Lord, our kids better behave," you muttered.
George turned to look at you, and it was then that you became aware of what you had said.
"Our kids?" he was grinning.
"Shut up," you mumbled.
"Never - just let me know when you want to start, love," he winked at you.
"A bit too soon, I think."
He shrugged, "We got married within a few hours of knowing each other."
"We were drunk."
"We can get drunk again."
You sighed, "We don't even live together."
"I can move in."
You didn't have anymore rebuttals.
"Are you out of arguments now?" he asked.
You reluctantly nodded.
Instead of apparating directly to your house, you and George decided to take a late night walk around Godric's Hollow. It was such a pretty village, and you had yet to appreciate its beauty in the dark, with all the magical lamps glowing around you. But, you knew that you and George needed to have a conversation, especially after the kids talk from earlier.
"Are we together?" you asked him, even though your interlocked hands should have answered the question.
"We're married, love."
"Yes, but are we together?"
"I'd like to think we are - do you?"
You remained silent for a few moments, before nodding and looking at him in the darkness of the night.
"Then there you have it."
"I just don't get why."
"Why what?"
"Why you've done so much for me when you hardly knew me."
George chuckled, "I admit, I don't know exactly when I made the decision to do anything for you, but when you strutted into my shop, determined as ever, and announced that you were my wife, I just-" he paused, squeezing your hand, "You looked so cute and I knew- in that moment- that I would never meet someone else like you."
You felt like you were melting on the spot.
"It may have seemed selfless that I helped you get the house - but, to be honest, it was the perfect excuse for me to trap you to me- make it easier for me to pursue you, that is."
"I love you, George," you sighed.
"I'm glad, because I've loved you for quite some time now."
"Love at first sight?"
"You would be so lucky."
You let out a childish giggle at that.
"But, yes, I think it was."
written; 18/08/2023 —> 03/09/2023 published;04/09/2023 edited; —/—/——
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maxyaps · 1 month
My Percivers hcs!
❥ Percy bakes because he likes everything to be exact and perfect, Oliver cooks because he likes to freestyle things to his liking.
❥ They're both overly obsessed with their interests. However, Percy likes to write things he analyzes from his interests onto a notebook and Oliver just rambles about them.
❥ Oliver is a talker, Percy is a listener.
❥ Percy is tall, skinny, and lanky. In contrast, Oliver is short, muscular, and overall a good build.
❥ Percy "Black cat" Weasley and Oliver "Golden retriever" Wood.
❥ They got married 2 years after the war when they were both mentally ready.
❥ They started dating in 4th year (14 years old/1990) and got married at 24 years old (2000)
❥ Besides from both their official accounts (since Oliver plays for Puddlemere and Percy works in the ministry), they have a shared private Instagram account for close friends and family. They don't post regularly but it's fun to have.
❥ Percy came out to Penelope first, then Ron, then Bill and Charlie, then Ginny and the twins.
❥ Oliver didn't say anything until Percy felt comfortable about telling certain people.
❥ They got a pet cat since Percy knew how to take care of one, they're not too much work, and they're not as loud and active as dogs. With both of them being busy all the time and are usually tired when they get home, cats are kind of the perfect pet for them.
❥ Percy has autism and Oliver has ADHD.
❥Percy likes dark, autumn, soft colours and Oliver likes bright, summer colours.
❥ They are both absolutely lovesick, obsessed, and smitten with each other.
❥ Percy, who's usually tensed up and anxious, is only calm and relaxed when he's with Oliver.
❥ When they weren't dating yet, Oliver tried to impress Percy by reading a book. Percy realised the book was upside down and that was the moment he realised he was in love with Oliver.
❥ They are quite literally the definition of the nerd x jock trope.
And yeah that's all the brain juice I have as of right now!
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sundrop-writes · 1 year
Kisses Like Fire Whiskey
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Fred Weasley x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader
When you come back from a long healing apprenticeship in France, you and Fred catch up over drinks, reminiscing about your days as mischievous rebels. In the drunken haze, some important things are realized.
Fred Weasley x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader. Best Friends to Lovers. Fluff (with a slight bit of Angst). Set post Deathly Hallows and during Goblet of Fire.
Word Count: 7,500
Harry Potter Masterlist | AO3 Link
Full list of warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: this is bookended with scenes that take place after the war, but obviously this is a Fred Lives AU; part of this takes place after main storyline of Deathly Hallows and part of it takes place in a flashback during Goblet of Fire (when Fred and the reader are in their sixth year); the reader and Fred are the same age; while part of this takes places post Deathly Hallows, there isn't mentions of the war; it's never mentioned exactly how long the reader was away, but the reader and Fred are both in their early 20s in the bookended parts; drinking and drunkenness are major plot points in this fic, as well as underage drinking; underage characters being in a bar/pub; Fred and the reader both drink, but there are mentions of Fred seeming more sober than the reader/handling his alcohol better; they are drunk to the point of lowering their inhibitions, but not to the point of passing out or forgetting things; mentions of George x Katie Bell as a background ship; mentions of splinching/the dangers of Apparating while drunk (does not actually happen in the fic, everyone is fine); mentions of vomiting due to over consumption of alcohol (doesn't happen to any of the main characters of this fic, it's a very small background element); passing mention of a cursed object that makes people spit up their own blood; creepy men approach the reader (and Fred defends her) - minor sexual harassment from older men toward the reader; this does use Y/N (I started out as a Quizilla girly, I will live and die by Y/N); this is mostly just mutual pining and fluff with a love confession at the end. So please enjoy!!
A/N: when I read the original request, I was inspired to take it a lot further, and after writing The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes, I have realized that I really loving writing simplistic fics that are mutual pining that turns into a love confession. It's so much fun.
“So then - so then - Bill says: ‘where’s Percy?’, and Mum looks around the table and realises Perce is even there.” George chuckled brightly, topping off the telling of another one of their chaotic childhood stories. 
“‘Course, Mum blamed it on us.” Fred said, rolling his eyes. 
“As if she was wrong!” You argued, reaching out and smacking him on the shoulder playfully. 
Your words were louder to your own ears than you had intended to say them, slurring slightly on your lips. Perhaps you had more to drink than you had realised, but you were simply having fun catching up with your dearest, oldest friends. So you couldn’t bring yourself to truly care or view it as a problem. 
You were simply overjoyed to see Fred and George again. 
You were visiting England for the first time in years, and naturally, the Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes shop had been your first stop. You had grown up with the twins - since your first year at Hogwarts together, they had been two of your closest friends. Ever since you had been sorted into Gryffindor with them, the three of you had been thick as thieves. Right from the moment you had suggested to them that they actually unscrew a toilet seat lid and send it to their little sister Ginny in the post when they had initially just been joking about doing so. Ginny had found it highly amusing - their mother, not so much. 
But when you met Molly for the first time in person, you were always on her good side. You were very good at playing the ‘perfect angel’ in front of authority figures (unlike the twins). So you could very easily bat your eyelashes and say a few sweet things, as well as being on your best behaviour on the surface, before sneaking around with the twins at night and helping them with their pranks - not that anyone else ever suspected you of doing so. 
You were the perfect accomplice for them. Someone who was labelled as a goody-two-shoes who was down for mischief at any time. 
You had been slightly heartbroken when you found out that they were planning to quit their Seventh Year partyway through in order to start their joke shop. You knew that it had always been a dream of theirs, and it was your dream to see them succeed in it. But a large part of you had been hoping to graduate with your best friends by your side. They had offered for you to come with them, of course. They told you that you could have a very fulfilling career at the shop. But you had other plans for yourself. 
So you watched them ride off on their brooms, cheering and hollering for them alongside everyone else. And after your graduation, you had come to visit the shop in its full glory, seeing its whimsical beauty with your own eyes before you left England. As much as you hated that your lives had taken such different paths, you admired them deeply for succeeding. 
Since then, you had been in France. You had taken on a prestigious healing apprenticeship in order to become a high level Healer. It was something you had always dreamed of doing - helping people through the skilled art of healing. 
Perhaps, in some ways, it was a career choice inspired partially by your two best friends - seeing them blow themselves up or get horrible boils testing their own products, you wanted to be able to soothe the side effects faster. And you knew that there were plenty more children out there like them. Children who would fall from trees pretending to be a dragon or lose their teeth trying to eat a deck of Exploding Snap, children who needed gentle understanding from a Healer rather than scolding. 
You had recently finished up your apprenticeship, and you were hoping to get a job at St. Mungo’s to be closer to the people you always viewed as family. But even just stepping foot back in the twins’ shop felt like home. You had been greeted with tight hugs and so much chatter between them about missing you that you could barely decipher the words between two voices. They had invited you up to the flat above the shop for a drink - so now, hours later, you were quite tipsy and feeling the best that you had in years. 
“You know boys, I haven’t - I haven’t been this tossed off my tits in quite a while!” You announced loudly, pausing between words to let out a small hiccup, signifying just how drunk you were. 
You weren’t at the level of drunk where things were unpleasant - not where the room was spinning and you were on the verge of passing out, battling with nausea. But your normal sense of proprietary had definitely been tossed out the window, you felt fuzzy around the edges, and everything felt delightfully warm. Especially considering you had been drinking Fire Whiskey. 
You hadn’t had a drink all throughout your apprenticeship, as much as the other young people working with you encouraged you to ‘take a load off’ every once and a while. Your work was something that you took very seriously (especially when Fred and George weren’t around to tempt you with pranks and daily mischief). So this was the first time in a long time that you had actually taken the time to relax, and the alcohol was hitting you a lot harder than even you realised. 
The boys chuckled at your words, George turning bright red from how hard he was laughing. Perhaps the booze was hitting him pretty hard too. While Fred’s eyes were dancing with that brightness they always had when he was having fun, he didn’t seem quite as sloppy. You hadn’t been paying attention, but he likely didn’t have as much to drink, and had simply been enjoying your company the entire time. 
“You know, I really missed you, Fred and George.” You said, pure sincerity dripping through your tone, your affection amplified in your chest by your drunkenness. You couldn’t hold yourself back - your emotions bubbling to the surface without your consent. “And I really, really missed you, Fred.” 
You turned to him, putting a warm hand on his shoulder, your touch practically burning up through the sleeve of his silken shirt (you were surprised by how nicely the twins dressed now that they were established bussinessmen). You hated that you couldn’t hold back the need to emphasise the fact that you had missed Fred just a bit more. But he had been on your mind a lot more than his brother had, as scarily similar as they were. 
Even if you had barely admitted it to yourself, throughout all your years at Hogwarts, you had a romantic inclination towards Fred. 
It was never something you had acted on, for fear of ruining the amazing friendship that the two of you had. But as your visit to England grew closer and closer, you found yourself losing focus on your work and thinking about him more and more. You wondered if he had found someone - you wondered if his good looks, his charm, his humour had landed him a wife in the time that you had been gone. It wouldn’t have surprised you if, during the time you had been gone, he had married or even had kids.
Obviously he had a wonderful career nailed down, so a family would have been the natural next step for him.  
Those thoughts made you approach the shop’s door with equal parts dread and excitement. You eagerly wanted to see him again but didn’t want to see that there was a ring on his finger. You had been all too happy to find out during your long, winding ‘catch up’ conversation that, in fact, he was still single. George had brought up that fact more than once, actually, nagging on his brother’s lonely status like it was the most recent funny joke he could prod at. 
When you heard him talk about it, there was that insecurity still bubbling beneath the surface - the thought that you had missed your chance, or that Fred had never been interested in you romantically at all. It was something that couldn’t even be knocked away by booze, and that was gnawing at you now that storytime was winding down. 
Fred and George exchanged a look - one of those silent conversations that could only be had through micro-expressions because of their closeness as twins. It was something that had always deeply irritated you during your days at Hogwarts, desperately trying to decipher if it meant ‘close to expulsion’ trouble or simply ‘skipping a class’ trouble.
“Well, would you look at the time,” George said, loudly and rather cartoonishly as he looked at his watch. It was something that you likely would have found suspect if you weren’t feeling hazy and drunk. “I told Katie I would pop over to hers sometime this weekend, so I should get going,” 
Something that had come as a brilliant surprise to you: finding out that George was now engaged to Katie Bell. 
Not only were you shocked to know that George seemed more than eager to ‘settle down’ and get married, but you were entirely curious about how they came to be as a couple. Especially considering that, as far as you knew, she had always seemed to find the twins’ pranks more annoying than anything else. 
But you supposed that annoyance and attraction were two twigs on the same branch, the tree just needed to be shaken a little for something romantic to happen. The two of them hadn’t officially moved in together yet, as much as George talked about her with those sweet, rose-coloured lenses, and seemed to want to spend all his time around her. The twins still lived in the flat above the shop, two twin beds in the bedroom, as they always had in their room at the Burrow. But from the way Fred remarked on it, and from what you had seen glancing into their bedroom when you had gotten up to use the toilet, George was over at Katie’s far more than he was at their flat. 
You couldn’t help but to find it sweet. George was in love. 
It made you happy for him, knowing that he had found someone good for him. But thinking about it caused a pang in your chest as you wondered if Fred was lonely. You knew that loneliness certainly wasn’t a feeling that he was used to. If it was you or George, or one of his many other brothers, he always had someone at his side to keep him company. 
You could only imagine what those nights were like - when the shop closed up and George popped off to his soon to be wife’s place, leaving Fred to nothing but the quiet. (You knew that Weasleys were never good with quiet - part of the reason that the twins were the way that they were.) 
George peeled himself off the floor, where the three of you had been sitting around the coffee table in the lounge. Like a gangly baby deer, he began stumbling about due to his own drunkenness before he gained a proper footing and finally managed to stand up straight. You let out a snorting laugh at the sight and Fred - very clearly the most sober of the three of you - rushed out of his seat to grab George by the shoulders, making sure that his brother was alright. 
“You sure that you’re okay to Apparate, Georgie?” Fred asked.
That kindness, that caring - it was something people often overlooked when they saw Fred Weasley. But it was one of the things that had drawn you to him the most. He was such a sweet person, and he cared about the people in his life with such a ferocity that it made your soul ache just to know that you were one of them. 
“I’ll be fine, Freddie.” George replied. 
Fred picked up George’s coat and began helping him into it, and you barely paid attention to the hushed conversation that the two of them had as you picked up the large (now rather light) bottle of Fire Whiskey and poured yourself another drink. 
You caught something online the lines of ‘just go for it, for Merlin’s sake’ - very strained and annoyed, but you honestly had no clue what they were talking about. As you took a sip of your drink - you truly didn’t care. 
Fred heaved out a sigh and then George disappeared with a crack. You craned your neck to look at the spot where he had been, just wanting to make sure that there was no blood or unsightly pieces of George left behind. There weren’t any - he had done fine.
“Havin’ another one, are we?” Fred remarked, walking around the coffee table to collapse onto the plush couch behind your back. 
You chugged the rest of the Fire Whiskey from your glass all in one go, growling slightly as it burned sharply down your throat before you put the glass down once again. 
“I’m celebrating!” You cheered loudly - again, much louder than you intended it to be. “I missed my best friends so much. It’s so - so good to be home.” 
“But apparently you missed me just a bit more?” Fred chuckled, referring to your comment from before. 
You moved to get up on the couch with him, and found your legs unsteady beneath you. Fred saw what you were doing and put a hand on your upper arm, hauling you back to sit on the cushions beside him. You moaned quietly at the warmth of his large hand on your bare skin, exposed by the camisole you were wearing. At one point, you had been wearing a nice cardigan, but you had stripped out of it as the alcohol drove your body temperature up.
You leaned back into the couch, and cuddled up against him. His body was soft and muscled at the same time, and he felt so nice against you. With your inhibitions lowered, you could see no fault in snuggling tightly into his side and laying your head on his chest. You wanted to simply enjoy the physical affection from a person you had missed so dearly. 
You didn’t see the pure warring on Fred’s face as you did this - the confliction and yearning and hurt flashing over his features. He had missed you too, but he knew that you had missed him as a friend, just as a good friend, and not as the ‘one that got away’ that he had been thinking about every damn day since. But he could be cool about this, he told himself. He wouldn’t let his stupid feelings get in the way. 
After a moment of pushing those pesky feelings back down, he finally relaxed into your touches and wrapped an arm around you, lazily brushing his fingers across the bare skin of your arm on the other side. You sighed happily at the feeling. From this close, he could smell the feminine floral waft of your perfume in combination with the hot cinnamon of the Fire Whiskey. And though it only made him yearn more, it was heaven. 
He was all too happy to have you this close rather than you being so far away in France. He was happy to have you home. 
“Do you want to stay the night?” He asked. “George’s bed will be empty, of course.” 
He added on that second part quickly - he wanted you to feel comfortable, didn’t want to put any pressure on you to keep up this closeness, even if you seemed cuddly and affectionate because of your drunken state. 
Originally, you had been planning to get a room at The Leaky Cauldron, but the twins’ shop had been your very first stop, and they had torn your suitcase out of your hands to bring it upstairs for you, so it was currently sitting off to the side of the lounge with your coat draped over it. And you never did get that room. Now, you realised it was laughable to think that you’d be staying anywhere but with friends, especially with the Molly Weasley hospitality baked right into them. You had to assume that even if George wasn’t at Katie’s, he would have slept on the couch so that you could take his bed anyway. 
“Freddie, you know, I don’t think I’m going to get very far.” You said. “You - you got me pretty d-drunk.” 
Fred smiled to himself. “Ah, I see. Once again, it is all my fault.” 
It was something you did at large during your days at Hogwarts. You blamed him for yourself being late to class, you getting detentions, the few times you had ended up on Molly’s bad side. When in reality, you had always been a cheerful, willing participant in their chaos, you had always ‘blamed’ him for dragging you into it. But it only made him tempt you into more trouble. 
“It is,” You sighed, turning your head to give him a wide grin. “You always g-get me into trouble.” 
Fred let out a quiet laugh at this, and you laid your head on this chest once again. The two of you mulled in the comfortable silence for a few moments before you thought of something. 
“You know, this-s reminds me, of - of the first time you got me drunk.” You told him with a laugh. 
“Oh, god, back in sixth year?” He posed, returning to the memory himself. “That was epic. I still don’t know if I’d call it an epic disaster, or epic fun.” 
“Bit of both.” You mumbled quietly. “Always is with you.” 
Sitting there, curled up next to the lovely warmth of him, you remembered the night so fondly. 
Leave it to Fred Weasley to pull you out of bed at half past two in the morning with no solid explanation as to why, aside from ‘we have plans’. 
When you asked him why he couldn’t conduct those plans with George, as he usually did, he simply smirked and said that George had plans of his own. Which deeply worried you - but you tried your best to ignore it. You knew from experience that Fred wasn’t a walking troublemaker all the time. 
In fact, the events of just a short week ago had proven that to you. He had invited you to the Yule Ball (as friends, of course) and the entire evening had been absolutely pleasant. No pranks - no water balloons, no coloured dye, no buckets of feathers, no charmed objects, no floods. It had been nothing but a delightful night of dancing and chatting with your friends. 
Even now, as Fred pulled you into the mouth of a very small passageway that you had never seen before (one that caused you to slump over in order to walk through it), you pulled your scarf tighter around yourself and tried your hardest not to worry about what he might be up to. At the very least, if he was planning something large and disruptive, you would know about it, so that you wouldn’t be on the receiving end.
He had told you that these ‘plans’ involved going outdoors, so you had bundled up well, because there was still quite a few feet of snow outside and it was chilly, seeing as it was so late at night. But you hadn’t expected it to be so damn cold, walking in a random mystery tunnel underneath the school. Again, you had no clue where he was taking you or where the thing even led - you were simply glad when it became tall enough for you to straighten your back up. 
“Where are we going, Fred?” You demanded harshly. 
“You’ll see.” Fred told you, throwing a wicked grin over his shoulder at you as he continued to lead you forward through the darkness - the light of his wand being the only thing leading the way in the musty old tunnel. 
“Nothing good ever happens when you say those words.” You replied, heaving a deep sigh. 
“Well, perhaps, you could keep your mind open this time.” He said brightly. “Loosen up. Be open to all the possibilities that the universe has to offer you,” 
You rolled your eyes at this. He was trying to direct your attention away from whatever scheme he had planned, that much was immediately clear to you. 
“Is this an escape tunnel out of the country because you finally did something bad enough for your mother to kill you?” You joked. “Let me guess, you’re meeting George in Germany? What was it that finally pushed her over the edge? Did she find out that you two took bets at the World Cup? Did she find out about the-?” 
Your words were abruptly cut off when Fred tapped his wand on the wall in front of him. It was a seemingly a dead end wall made of stone, keeping the two of you trapped at the end of the tunnel. But when he whispered some incantation under his breath, the stone began to grind loudly and it parted ways - letting in a gust of cold air from the outside, revealing the way out. 
Fred stepped forward and you continued to follow him. As the stone grinded closed behind the two of you (now disguised as nothing more than a large, natural boulder) you gaped with shock as you saw a cluster of lights just down the hill and you quickly realised what it was. 
“Hogsmeade.” You declared quietly, entirely shocked that you had walked through a dirty tunnel and ended up here. 
Somehow, without getting caught - without setting off any charms that should supposedly be in place to keep the students on the school’s grounds. 
Fred nodded proudly, grinning at you.
“How-?” You gaped. 
“I have my ways, don’t I?” Fred said, his chest visibly puffing out with pride. 
You decided not to question it. Especially because you fully understood it now - Fred was bored, he knew a way out of the school, and he simply wanted to have fun in Hogsmeade instead of laying in bed that night. 
Fred took a hold of your hand as the two of you walked into town, and you took a quiet joy in observing Hogsmeade at night. Quite a few of the shops were closed, due to it being so late, which did make you wonder why Fred had even bothered to bring you there. 
But he soon answered your question when he brought you to The Three Broomsticks - which was lit up, bustling and lively at this time. You knew that the front door was enchanted to alert the owner of underage wizards trying to pass through at certain times. Before you could even wonder what Fred’s plan was for that one - he led you around to the back, and he caught the back door out of someone’s hand as they ran outside and began puking in a snowbank, obviously unable to handle their liquor. 
The two of you slipped in the back door completely undetected, seeing as it didn’t have those same enchantments to alert the owner of your presence. You began tingling with the glee that you always wore whenever Fred pulled you along to perform some mischief. You felt so joyous when you paired up to share wicked secrets with him. Fred had a talent for getting away with things (and other times, he so fabulously didn’t) - but he got away with a lot more than anybody ever realised, right under their noses. You felt clever just being around him most of the time.
With all the confidence in the world, still holding your hand, Fred pushed past some other rowdy patrons and waltzed right up to the bar. He tossed down a few Sickles (bet money that he and George had won from the World Cup, you could guarantee) and you couldn’t help but to grin at him as so confidently placed an order. 
“Two Fire Whiskeys, please.” He announced, never once skipping a beat or faltering as any other underage person in a bar would. 
It was strange to say, but Fred wore playful deception so well. You knew that you were staring at him with intense attraction written all over your face as you admired his antics. You simply hoped that he wouldn’t catch the love dopey look on your face and call you out on it. 
“Coming right up, love-” Madam Rosmerta began to comply with his request without issue, but she took pause when she looked up from drying a glass with a rag long enough to truly look at the two of you. 
That was the moment you thought it was over, for sure. You thought that she would send an angry owl up to Hogwarts, and the two of you would be done for. You began to imagine what kind of sick and twisted punishment McGonagall would have in store for the two of you - scrubbing cauldrons for weeks, trimming all the grass on the Quidditch pitch with scissors. 
But somehow, Fred was a lot more clever than that. He wasn’t going to give up and simply let himself be caught. 
“Aren’t you two a little… young to be in here?” She posed, glancing between the two of you and then looking back toward the front door, as though she was expecting the enchantments to suddenly begin wailing to alert her to a couple of underage wizards in the pub. Even though the two of you had successfully made it all the way over to the bar without that happening. 
“Young?” Fred scoffed, putting on his very best tone of fake offence. “Honestly, woman, why would a couple of kids be in a pub at three in the morning?” 
Rosmerta raised a brow at him, making it clear that she didn’t buy this - at least not yet. 
Your stomach curled with nerves, and you tried your hardest not to show it on your face. You knew that this would either end in a spectacular punishment, or Fred would pull off one of his greatest hoaxes yet. 
“Perhaps you might recognize us from when we were Hogwarts students,” Fred shrugged, trying his best to sound casual. “But we graduated year before last. And we just got off a very long shift with the Department of Cursed Objects, and we would simply like a drink.” 
“Yeah, that last one was a doozy.” Your tongue moved before you gave it permission, and you found yourself leaning on the bar as you added onto Fred’s lie. “We had to hunt down this set of silver teaware that poisoned anyone who drank out of it. They were spitting up blood, and rotting from the inside out, choking on their own-” 
“My apologies.” Rosmerta said, giving a curt smile. Clearly, she was increasingly uncomfortable with the graphic nature of your made-up story, and simply wanted you and Fred out of her way. “You must be right. The students from the school all start to blend together after the years. How ‘bout that drink then?” 
She turned to grab a pair of non-cursed glasses, and when you glanced over at Fred, he was grinning widely at you. 
“Good one.” He whispered into your ear, and you couldn’t help the shiver that went through you at the feeling of his hot breath on your neck. If asked, you would say that it was caused by the chill of someone opening the door, and not caused by your unbearable attraction to him. 
When the drinks were placed on the bar in front of you, Rosmerta scurried off to attend to someone else. You picked up the glass that was half filled with the amber liquid, feeling intense victory and satisfaction flowing through you. In a predictable pattern, you and Fred gently clinked your glasses together. 
But rather than making a congratulatory toast in celebration of getting away with the lies, you grinned widely at him as you said this: 
“You’re a menace to society, Fred Weasley.” 
“You love it.” He replied easily, giving you a cheeky wink as he tossed back the liquid in one clean gulp. He winced slightly and sucked in a breath sharply through his teeth. But it was clearly not his first time drinking, and you had to guess that Bill was the one responsible for that. 
Wanting to match him, you did the same - you tipped the glass back, letting all of the liquid slide past your lips and down your throat in one go. It burnt sharply in a way that you absolutely weren’t expecting, and you began coughing and sputtering, giving away your amateur nature in one glance. It was lucky that Rosmerta wasn’t looking. Fred rubbed your back soothingly, though he did take a moment to laugh at you. 
“Burns, doesn’t it?” He chuckled. 
“You c-could’ve warned me.” 
A short while later, the burn of the alcohol was certainly no longer a concern for you. You supposed that was part of the point - if booze made you drunk and detached from yourself, they didn’t have to make it taste good. Because after a while, you just didn’t taste it. 
You and Fred were three rounds deep, and even though he was matching you drink for drink, he was far more composed than you were. He hardly seemed drunk at all, other than the cute way he giggled at your jokes. Perhaps it was because of his height, or his Quidditch playing muscles, but he was handling his alcohol surprisingly well. 
You, on the other hand - you were properly sloshed. 
You had shed most of your winter clothing and spread the pieces haphazardly around the table that Fred had sat the two of you at. And you were currently trying to balance one of the empty shot glasses on your forehead - just to prove that you could, while Fred watched on in amusement. 
Of course, he was partially amused by your drunken antics, and partially watching your cleavage threaten to burst out of your tight, V neck tee shirt as you arched your back furiously, trying to keep the glass balanced there. Since you had shed off your jacket and thick jumper, this was what you were left in, along with your tight jeans and boots - and Fred found that he couldn’t keep his eyes off you. 
“See! Told you I could do it!” You cheered, proud of yourself as you finally reached up and took the glass down, and then moved back to sit in your chair in front of Fred. 
He couldn’t help but to smile at you. Honestly, he would never doubt you in anything you set your mind to. If you said that you could walk up walls or make Snape dance a jig, he would simply wait to watch it happen. 
As he watched your proud smile and the way that the slightly drunken confidence caused you to sit up a bit taller, seeing the light from the fireplace gently kiss your skin - he was reminded of why he had brought you here in the first place. He let the alcohol in his own system give him courage (something that had been built into the plan) and he reached across the table, grabbing your hand gently with both of his. 
The suddenly serious look that befell Fred’s face surprised you. That sense of surprise only grew when he took hold of your hand. He had more than captured your attention as he began to speak. 
“Y/N, there’s something I really need to tell you.” Fred announced, his voice taking on a very rare serious quality. 
It was something you had only heard from him when he talked about the possible ways to fund his joke shop or when you had fallen off a broom playing Quidditch at the Burrow and he had been worried about you being hurt. You nodded, stunned into silence, wondering if this meant bad news coming, eager for him to continue. 
“Y/N, darling, you truly are the most amazing thing in my life.” He said, giving a small smile. Hearing this made your stomach tingle - it made the clasp of his hands around yours feel warmer. “You are so utterly brilliant. And you’re funny, and you’re the only girl I know who actually laughs at the stupid pranks I pull. I absolutely love spending time with you. I genuinely can’t imagine my life without you. So much so, that-” 
“Hello, sweet thing.” 
Fred’s words were disrupted by a deep voice, someone behind you who grumbled out these words and then let out a low whistle. 
It took you a moment to realise that it was even directed at you. But when Fred’s face switched from that sweet smile to a harsh glare - a look that was rare for him, you followed his intense gaze over your shoulder to see what he was looking at. 
It was a group of three men, much older than you, greasy-haired, wearing dark cloaks - staring at you like a pack of coyotes would stare at a hunk of fresh meat. Their gaze immediately made you feel naked, and though you were blazen hot, between the Fire Whiskey coursing through your system and the heat of the fireplace licking at you nearby, you had the urge to grab your jumper and pull it on over your head simply so that they would stop looking. 
“Now what is a pretty thing like you doing in this dirty old pub?” One of the men asked, his voice feeling filthy in your ears and causing your spine to curl with disgust and something that you would hesitate to admit was fear. “Surely you must be lost, sweet thing. Need someone to show you the way home, then?” 
You quickly jumped out of your chair and moved around the table to Fred’s side, where he had risen and easily swept you into his side with an arm around your shoulders. In a moment, you felt safer under his protective touch as he continued to glare at the men. 
“Bugger off, then!” Fred ordered sharply. 
“Oh, ‘bugger off’,” One of the others mocked Fred’s words in a whiny tone - clearly they didn’t take him seriously because he was obviously younger, even if he was quite tall for his age. 
“What are you, her little boyfriend?” Another one of them joked. 
“Yes, as a matter of fact, I am.” Fred stated confidently, tossing in the obvious lie. “And I can tell you that brushing your teeth is one of the first requirements to getting a woman of this calibre,” 
You resisted the urge to laugh at how his statement made their faces immediately meek and embarrassed. 
“Well, if she wants a real man, that’s up to her to decide.” The man said gruffly. “Innit, princess?” 
When he tossed out the nickname, you felt bile curl in your stomach, and it took you only a second to move when Fred uttered his next words to you. 
“Grab your coat. We’re leaving.” 
You scrambled around the table to get your jumper, mittens, hat, scarf, and your coat. As you were reaching across to one of the chairs to grab the last item, one of the men actually had the audacity to grab your wrist, stopping you from pulling back with the item in hand. 
“If the girl wants to stay and have fun, that’s her choice.” He grumbled. 
You wanted to tout that no, your idea of fun wasn’t hanging around men like this, but your voice was shrunken down into your throat with fear. 
His grip around you was stiff and painful, and you immediately looked to Fred - whose jaw was set with a seething anger that you had only seen in him once before (when Malfoy had dared to insult Ginny right in front of him). He reached one hand into his pocket and leaned on the table with the other hand. 
The man still didn’t let go of you, and you wondered if Fred’s hand was sitting on his wand in his pocket. 
“Listen, bud, I don’t speak troll, so I’ll say this very slowly for you,” Fred announced, his voice dark with anger. “Let. Her. Go.” 
The man immediately became outraged at being called a troll, and he moved his hand off your wrist, curling it into a hefty fist that he moved to swing at Fred’s head. 
Fred ducked out of the way seamlessly, and you pulled your coat into the pile of clothes at your chest as Fred’s hand came out of his pocket with a lump of something black that looked almost like ordinary coal. He tossed it down to the floor and it exploded into a cloud of pure, thick darkness. Before you could truly comprehend what was going on, Fred’s comforting arm was around your shoulders, guiding you back out the back door of the pub. 
You were thankful to be surrounded by cool air, the anxiety unwinding around you as Fred guided you away from the scene. 
“Freddie, that was amazing!” You gasped, more than happy to praise him for saving you from those creeps. 
You trudged along through the snow, incredibly chilly now that the wind kissed your bare arms and you held your jumper and your jacket rather than wearing them. But you were distracted from that feeling as you stared at the pub. You heard muffled coughs and voices loudly complaining, and as you circled around to the front, you saw the dark smoke overtaking any light that was inside, so much so that it began to pour out from the chimney and leak out of the cracks around the front door. 
“What was that?” You had to ask, looking on in pure curiosity of the concoction that he had released into the pub. 
“...new product George and I have been working on,” Fred admitted, his voice quivering with nerves slightly as he heard the coughs and sputters from inside. “Should probably adjust the size of the pellets, though. That was a bit… much.” 
“Everything about you is ‘much’, Fred.” You said, still feeling that beautiful drunken warmth. It morphed into pure admiration toward him that you could hardly hold back. “That’s what makes you great.” 
Fred chuckled at this. 
He helped you get dressed back in your warm clothes, and the two of you walked back to the castle through that secret tunnel once again. He never quite built up the courage to get back to that topic he had so badly wanted to discuss - the entire reason he had taken you to Hogsmeade in the first place. But he basked in the simple joys of the night as the two of you talked in the Gryffindor common room and eventually, you fell asleep cuddled up to his chest while lounging on a couch in front of the fire. 
Now, all these years later, curled up on the couch with him much like you had been that night - you finally realised what he had been trying to say. 
“Oh my god.” You gasped quietly, opening your eyes and sitting stark upright. 
Fred was surprised by this, seeing as he thought that you were starting to fall asleep on his chest. He had been sitting there quietly, mentally debating if he should levitate you to bed or risk the neck cramps of sleeping upright on the couch himself. 
“What?” He asked quietly, feeling entirely clueless. 
“Oh. My. God!” You screamed, jumping off the couch and pointing an accusatory finger at him. 
“What? What?!” He asked, the word growing in volume and sense of alarm in his mouth the longer you went without telling him what was wrong. 
“That day - that day-” You were struggling to gather your thoughts into words, a drunken slur still slightly evident on your tongue. Though the anxiety and panic that had suddenly set in had woken up quite a few of your senses.
“What? What day?” Fred parroted back, even more confused. 
“That day.” You repeated, pressing emphasis on the word. “That time, back in sixth year, when we snuck out to Hogsmeade.” 
A look of dawning came across Fred’s features, and he became more sullen than you had ever seen him. It was something that punched you sharply in the chest as the realisation hit you even harder now. 
You had been so stupid. How could you not have known it back then? 
“You… you were gonna confess your feelings to me.” You said quietly, almost afraid to speak the words aloud. 
Perhaps he could have saved himself some pain if he lied, but he saw no good sense in denying it. 
“Yes.” He said quietly, unshed tears scraping the inside of his throat. 
“What-?” Now it was your turn to gape with confusion. “Was that the only time? Why then?” 
“That certainly was not the only bloody time.” Fred chuckled, the laughter sounding heavy and dark in his throat rather than joyous and light as it usually did coming from him. “I tried about a million other times before then - at the Quidditch World Cup, before we ran into your cousins who just so desperately needed your attention. On the train that year, before Katie burst in and stole you away to chat on about what a great summer you had. I thought perhaps you’d get the bloody point when I asked you to be my date to the Yule Ball.” 
It felt as though an icy shard was shoved right through your heart. 
You had been so stupid. 
“I - I thought you asked me to go as friends.” You told him, entirely honest about your viewpoint. 
“Well that just makes me feel like the biggest arse in existence.” Fred shrugged. 
“Why didn’t you just tell me?” You barked out, feeling an intense frustration rush over you. 
You felt indignant, annoyed. You felt like something had been stolen from you - information, time that you should have spent with Fred as your boyfriend rather than the time you had spent simply wishing he was. 
Fred scoffed at this, clearly hurt. 
“Well, Y/N, at a certain point, I lost my balls!” He shouted back. That was a harsh thing to imagine - Fred Weasley losing the courage to take a risk. “I thought that after all the damn interruptions, the universe just didn’t want you to know that I’m hopeless bleedin’ in love with you.” 
Your throat clenched up when he said it in the present tense - said like he still had those feelings for you. You wanted so badly to say it back, but your voice was caught in your throat for a harsh moment. It caused a pitiable silence over the room that made him rush to continue.
“Honestly, I thought - I thought it might be different after you left.” 
He said quietly, his voice breaking around the words slightly. 
“I thought that not seeing you every day… that I might be able to forget how I felt. But it only got worse. I thought about you every single day, and I missed you so badly. And now that you’re standing here in front of me - now, you’re not just some girl I fancied in school, now… you have turned into this magnificent woman that I love. And it would be my biggest regret if you didn’t know that.” 
Fred confessed, his words so passionate that it caused tingles down your spine, and goosebumps across your arms. 
“But you’re probably so drunk that you won’t remember this in the morning, and there’s probably some French arsehole named Pierre waiting for you-” 
“There’s no one else.” You quickly blurted out, suddenly finding your voice. 
Your body finally caught up to your mind, bursting with the urge for him to know this. 
“It’s always been you, Fred Weasley.” You announced, your words slicing through the air like a diamond cutting through glass. 
His eyes lit up and this, and he stared at you with the slightest bit of hope dancing across his features as he waited, holding his breath for you to possibly confirm the thing he had been dreaming about for years. 
“And I certainly won’t forget this. No booze or potion - nothing could make me forget you saying the words I have always wanted to hear.” 
You reached out and took a tight grip on the front of his shirt, pulling him toward you with force - you slammed your lips into his, finally doing the thing you had been dreaming of since you were a teenager. He let out a moan as you kissed him with as much intense passion as he had put into his words. Right as his tongue snaked toward your lips, you pulled back for a breath, and simply for good measure: 
“I love you, Fred.” You breathed out. 
“Oh, thank Merlin.”
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sophora-writes · 1 month
I will always love you! (George Weasley x Reader)
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Writer’s Note: Hi everyone! This is my first ever post and I am new to Tumblr so sorry if it’s not great, I am still learning so any kind feedback would be deeply appreciated! Thank you so much for reading btw! <3
Warnings: Mentions of drowning (not actual drowning).
Summary: George and y/n are the perfect match as both of them are major pranksters constantly trying to outdo the other and their relationship is all the stronger for it.
Genre: Fluff
I hope you enjoy!
It was no secret that Fred and George Weasley were the funniest duo and best pranksters of Hogwarts. Everyone knew who they were, it was kind of impossible not to. So naturally, they attracted a large group of female admirers although most of these went after the elder and more outgoing of the twins: Fred. This often left George alone and isolated only adding to his many insecurities about him being inferior to his elder twin. However this all changed when he met his soulmate y/n. Y/n was his best friend as well as his partner, she was his everything. Y/n matched his energy and was always laughing and smiling with her sparkling e/c eyes and loved him for him, not just his comedic act. The most important thing though, was that y/n was a prankster just like George although y/n preferred traditional non magical pranks being a muggle born and all. They would battle back and forth trying constantly to outdo the other. This started when y/n put a whoopie cushion on George’s chair after only 2 months of dating so that when she saved him a seat next to her in class (after he was already 5 minutes late to the lesson) he would hurriedly rush to sit down on his chair only to realise that y/n had started a never ending prank war. “20 points from Gryffindor Mr Weasley” Professor McGonagall sighed clearly tired of teaching before the lesson had even begun. “But Professor that wasn’t..” George tried to protest but to no avail, “Save it Mr Weasley or I shall see you in a lunchtime detention and I’m sure we would both rather be spared that pain now wouldn’t we!” The whole class then sniggered as George whispered to y/n that this was not over and he was going to get her back good. So that’s how y/n ended up with the air being rushed from her lungs as George pushed her into the lake on a warm summers day around 2 years after that first incident had occurred. “George Gideon Weasley” you barley managed to shout out before you had connected head first with the freezing cold water of the lake. As you broke the surface coughing and spluttering, gasping for breath you heard the howling laughter of your boyfriend clutching his stomach as he was wiping away real tears from his eyes. He thought this was funny did he? You thought angrily, well we’ll see how he likes it in here himself, you thought a wicked smirk slowly forming on your face as you thought of a cunning plan. “Georgie, Georgie help! Help me! Help me Georgie I can’t swim!” You screamed at the top of your lungs feigning a distraught look upon your face. George instantly paled and immediately sprung into action. “Oh my god y/n I’m so sorry I didn’t realise I…” he spluttered “George just help me for Christ’s sake!” You screamed louder violently thrashing your arms through the water. “Hang on n/n!” George cried rushing to the nearest side of the lake to you, “Here, grab my hand” Bingo you thought as you grabbed his hand and yanked him with your entire strength into the lake along side you! Now it was your turn to laugh as George emerged looking like a startled kitten. “Gotcha!” You cackled as his shock turned into anger and then finally into laughter along side yours. “Well done n/n! You really got me!” George said in between fits of laughter, “but don’t you worry, I’ll get you back sooner on later!” “Don’t worry Georgie, I know, that’s why I will always love you!” You stated shyly unsure how he would react. “And I will always love you too y/n” George whispered softly before he slowly pulled you against him and delicately placed his lips against yours.
The End! I hope you guys enjoyed and again any feedback is greatly appreciated! <3
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saintsenara · 3 months
harry/aberforth (just for shits and giggles), harry/george (for fr), harry/tonks (methinks not but I'm curious about what you think), harry/seamus (can you tell I'm fixated on harry?) andddd harry/colin c.
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
aberforth dumbledore/harry potter
a flop, i fear.
i never, ever vibe with characterisations of harry which don't acknowledge that - even if the things which have happened to him in his life might more commonly preclude this - he canonically has an extremely robust sense of self-esteem.
and, like all personality traits, this has both positive and negative aspects to it. harry's courage, resilience, decisiveness, resistance to manipulation, excellent intuition, capacity for mercy, not being a people-pleaser or being desperate to be liked, and so on are all connected to the fact that he's confident in himself and his decisions. but so is his impulsivity, his self-centredness, his tendency to make knee-jerk judgements, and his conviction that his way of doing things is the right one.
his conversation with aberforth in deathly hallows is him learning to balance the two sides of this trait - which is why the hog's head serves narratively as a liminal space, with aberforth the gatekeeper of the threshold which harry crosses as he returns to hogwarts as a changed man: his view of albus dumbledore no longer black-and-white; his unwillingness to accept help from others challenged, and his view of his battle against voldemort as something one-on-one widening into him fully realising for the first time just how many other people will be integral to defeating the dark lord.
the post-war harry, then, is clearly going to be a bit more chill than his teenage counterpart. but the bit of him that - snape would be right to say it, were he not a teacher! - was prone to strutting needs to be channelled into something... and we all know that "something" in this case refers to the fact that harry's clearly someone who likes being in charge in the bedroom.
but aberforth won't be bossed around! harry doesn't have time for that!
harry potter/george weasley
i back this pre-war - harry is demonstrably fond of and impressed by both twins [and in a very interesting way, in comparison to many of the other peripheral characters with whom he interacts, since he actually pays attention to their lives outside of how they involve him...], but he also clearly regards george as the one of the two who is more easy-going, more adaptable, and whose sense of humour less cruel, and these are all traits he clearly values.
post-war, though, i am wedded to the idea that his relationship with george is - while never hostile or wholly negative - always incredibly strained by fred's death.
not because i think george would blame harry for this - or would dismiss fred's agency in deciding to fight for his and harry's shared cause - but because can you imagine what it would be like to know that your brother-in-law was so special and had been loved so much that he was able to come back from the dead...
while your brother - who was the other half of your soul - wasn't.
harry potter/nymphadora tonks
harry's view of tonks - in both order of the phoenix and half-blood prince [she's not really in enough of deathly hallows for him to spend much time thinking about her] - is that she's low-key annoying.
this seems weird - since he's canonically drawn, both platonically and romantically, to people who have many of the same traits as tonks, especially the fact that she's funny, cheeky, and irreverent - and i genuinely think that it must come down to there being one thing about her that gives harry the ick for incredibly spurious reasons...
and it's clearly her hair.
harry is shown - throughout the series - to, when it comes to women, have a real thing for long, shiny hair.
[when it comes to men, he likes the fellas tall, thin, and - sorry to the drarry girlies - dark-haired...]
he's distracted in one of his owl exams staring at parvati's luscious locks! the only thing about fleur which really gets him is her lovely blonde mane! bellatrix's hair is a direct contributor to her being his "hear me out"! he bangs on about ginny's hair all the time! the first time he notices that hermione's attractive is when she's straightened her hair!
he is - then - clearly one of those men who believes that a woman having short, brightly-coloured hair is a turn-off... tonks doesn't need the hassle.
seamus finnegan/harry potter
seamus would absolutely go there - he's always trying to catch harry's eye so that he can make sure harry knows he thinks his jokes are class - but i suspect this crush wouldn't survive contact with discovering that harry could list, at most, five facts about him.
colin creevey/harry potter
while i'm someone with a great level of respect for the technique of just annoying someone so much that they eventually fall in love with you... the only way this is happening is if harry's both imprisoned somewhere with colin as his jailer and literally unable to die.
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xerocares · 15 days
Very specific HP headcanons (Golden Trio)
•Before Hogwarts, Dudley broke his glasses a bunch, so he eventually learned to fix them to a manageable degree
•The Dursley’s were given a bunch of the Potter items, most were thrown away for being magical, but clothes and such were saved for Harry, and he was suspected to grow into them.
• Hopping off the last one, he owns all or majority or James’ converse, but he has no clue. He just thought they were old shoes that were thrifted.
•Became platonically affectionate with Ron and Hermione Post-War.
•Post-War, he checked in on Ron and Hermione everyday, no matter where he was.
•While doing his 7th year at Hogwarts, Post-War since he technically still needed to learn, became closer to a lot of the Slytherins, since he began to understand them more.
•Idolised Sirius when hearing Marauders stories.
•Short king
•Along with most Muggleborns, she gets constant questions about Muggles and she’s TIRED. No, Parkinson, muggles do NOT constantly go rabid when you mention their favourite artist. That’s just Harry.
•Post-war, she grew closer to Draco (after he abandoned his muggle-racist ideals) ,while they were back at Hogwarts in their mock-7th year, with studying “parties”.
•Teaches the elves more muggle foods for the muggleborns who miss home while at Hogwarts.
•She liked Ron for longer, but he fell harder.
•Idolizes Lupin to the full extent, especially after hearing stories told abt the Marauders.
•Germaphobe, even when it comes to school classes that deal heavily with dirty things
•The older she gets, the lighter her hair gets, so she constantly has it dyed to keep it the colour it was when she was in Hogwarts. (Based off the fact her hair has lightened SIGNIFICANTLY in merchandise nowadays).
•After 4th year, she refused to straighten out her hair, and began to wear it more natural because she liked her natural looks better than the ones she put on for special events.
•Picky eater, very scared to try anything Wizard-made, but will always eat whatever Mrs. Weasley gives her.
•Everyone is afraid of him and his blue eyes.
•A bit chubbier in canon bc I refuse to believe with how much he stress eats that he doesn’t gain weight.
•Clothes have homemade patches made by the twins, sewn on by his mom.
•Though he rarely admits it, he’s always idolised Percy in a strange way.
•Mood swings, often gets asked if it’s that time of the month by Harry if or when he has a mood swing.
•Hopeless romantic
•Mama’s boy, but never really gets her attention one on one because he’s often outshined by his brothers (and Ginny).
•Got close to Blaise Post-War (ship or not), because they found their humour aligned.
•Idolised James Potter when hearing Marauders stories.
•Baggy clothes, actually looks really cool in them
•Likes to grow out mullets (his mom cuts them off).
•Easily goes back to sleep, mid-type sleeper (not heavy nor light).
•Feeds leftovers to any animal in sight (Pigwigeon, Scabbers, the twins, etc.)
•Tallest out of the three (makes fun of Harry for being the shortest).
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Summer's a Knife (a graveyard fic)
Graveyard fics are fics that I started and will never return to. Some are vague outlines, some are 4 sentences, some are 40 pages. But if they haunt me, I want them to haunt you too.
I am actually sad that this became a graveyard fic. But I truly cannot write it anymore. I wanted to release this first chapter in May of 2022... you see how well that went for me.
This is the first summer after the war from Ginny's POV. It is sad, it is romantic, it deals with grief. It was going to have flashbacks to Ginny's sixth year. It was going to have 4 big chapters and a small epilogue, each chapter focusing on a month. It was going to be one of my favorite things I wrote. Unfortanetly, I don't feel that way anymore.
May (chapter title: so long daisy May) is the only complete (non-edited) chapter. I knew what I wanted to write in June (the best and worst day of June), no clue what July (I've been down since July) would bring, and an idea for August (August slipped away)
I even had a playlist made
Chapter 1 is below the cut because it is 10k words, and I am giving it all to you. After that I will explain the rest of the vibes of the fic with some snippets I wrote. Sorry this is a LONG POST.
You say that we'll just screw it up in these trying times. We're not trying.
If I bleed, you’ll be the last to know
So Long Daisy May
Ginny’s bloodstained trainers echoed on the cobblestone path to her Great Aunt’s house. 
Once again, she was sent away for being too young. It wasn’t that long ago her parents were begging her to leave, to come back here for safety away from the final battle. Harry gave her a look that he didn’t want to see her either. She stayed of course. Fought in the war that was her fight as much as any other member of her family’s fight. Probably even more than most of them to be honest. 
Now the war was over, she was sent away again. Her mum didn’t want Ginny to stay at Hogwarts any longer than necessary, wary of any lurking danger from Death Eaters still roaming the grounds. The Burrow was not safe yet. Her dad, Bill, and Charlie left soon after Voldemort fell to ensure that their home would be safe for them to come home. Molly Weasley could not bear to convince George to leave his twin’s side in the room of all the deceased. Ron was off somewhere once again, probably conjoined to Harry and Hermione’s sides, unbearable for them to separate. 
That is how Ginny ends up with Percy of all brother’s returning to Great Aunt Muriel’s cold mansion that foggy, early morning.
Percy took a moment to knock on the front door. Ginny was planning to just walk inside, finding herself too tired to care about politeness and proper etiquette. 
The front door swung open 30 seconds later, a small house elf stood in the entryway. 
“Hey, Milsey. We were sent here to update Muriel and wait it out until the Burrow is safe,” Ginny said. 
Milsey bowed down, “Of course, anything for Prewett blood.”
Ginny didn’t even try to hide her eye roll. She could practically hear Hermione in her ear ranting about House Elf Welfare. 
“You don’t need to bow for us, Milsey,” Percy said. The first words he said aloud since their mum sent them here. Ginny did not know what to make of Percy anymore. He was the only brother who noticed anything was wrong with her during her first year at Hogwarts, and then he was the only one who checked up on her during her second year. Then he stopped caring about her. Ron told her that he got a letter from Percy telling him to stop being friends with Harry during his fifth year. She didn’t even get that. She could not understand how he could ignore his family for two years, and then come back begging for forgiveness. 
Fred had forgiven him. 
The thought of Fred made her entire insides clench. She wanted to vomit even though she had not had anything to eat in hours. 
Percy walked through the front door, Ginny closely following. 
“I am 109 years old, I just can’t have people showing up to my house unannounced at the crack of dawn. I have not even finished my tea yet this morning. Ginevra, your shoes are filthy. Take them off before you step on my Egyptian Rug, it is older than me and made from Sphynx fur,” Ginny’s aunt said in one breath. 
Muriel stood in the doorway, wrapped in her silk nightgown, arms folded, looking very unpleased to see her niece and nephew. “And where is Molly? I need to speak with her about her inability to raise polite children who give warning when they are going to visit their aunt!”
Ginny felt Percy’s hand wrap around her bicep, warning her to not make a retort. “We will make sure we give you notice next time we visit, Auntie Muriel. Thank you for letting us pop in this morning,” Percy said, using his trademark pompous voice. 
Muriel grunted, "I missed you Percy. You were always the most respectable Weasley. The Prewett blood runs strong in you."
Percy squeezed Ginny's arm again as a reminder to stay calm. Ginny turned and gave him a look that read something like I’m not a baby, get your annoying hands off of me. She wasn’t sure he quite got the message, but he removed his hand anyway. 
“We are only here until dad gives us the all clear to go back home. I will clear out all of our things we left in your spare rooms. Your favorite Weasley can update you on what has happened in the last 24 hours.” Ginny turned, not even sparing a glance at Percy to see his reaction to the news that he would be the one updating the family about Fred’s death. She crossed over the sphinx rug and stormed up the stairs, making sure to leave dirty footprints with each step.
Her room was first. Her trunk sat in the middle of the floor, a few articles of clothing scattered across the floor, but mostly still packed. She didn’t want to admit it to her mum at the time, but she kept her trunk packed in case they needed to make another quick escape. Now, it seems so frivolous caring about her things when her family is now forever torn apart. 
She quickly gathered her clothes strewn around and shoved them into her trunk. Levitating her trunk out the bedroom door and into the hallway.
The Ministry of Magic has more to worry about at the moment than some underage magic. 
Her parent’s room was next. Unlike Ginny, they did not have their trunks already packed from school, so they did not bring much from the Burrow. Ginny noticed this on her third day at her aunt’s house when her mum had not changed robes. Looking around the room, Ginny gathered what little items were there and put them into her own trunk.
The twin’s room was last. 
Ginny took a deep breath, bracing herself before pushing the door open slowly. Unsurprisingly, the room was a mess. Weasley Wizard Wheezes products piled in boxes on the floor and stacked on top of the bed. Mail in orders haphazardly organized in some system that only made sense to George. In the corner was Fred’s belongings frozen in time, never to be touched by him again. 
Flashbacks to the Great Hall flooded her brain. 
The smell of burning smoke clogged her nose. Seamus guided her back inside from the courtyard into the entryway of the Great Hall. Everything was too quiet. The emeralds littered on the floor cracked under her step, echoing against the stone walls. Suddenly Bill was there, pulling her from Seamus into his arms. He was crying. Why was he crying? He led her to the middle of the Great Hall where her family was huddled together. She counted the amount of heads, realizing two were missing. Slowly she approached her mum, who was kneeling on the ground in front of - NO.
Ginny stumbled, tripping over a box of sparklers on the ground. Her knees crashed into the footboard of the bed. A spare sparkler fizzled on the ground then ignited the entire box. An impressive explosion lit up the entire room, burning an imprint on the ceiling. Smoke filled her lungs. Spluttering, Ginny sunk to the ground, trying to catch her breath. 
Breathe in. Breathe out. In and out. Quicker. Faster.
She felt herself start to hyperventilate. Her throat clogged up, unable to suck in deep enough breath to fill her lungs with oxygen. Tears blurred her vision. Pressure built in her head, she felt like she was submerged underwater. Unable to catch her breath. Drowning in her tears. 
Arms wrapped around her, pulling her close. For a second, she thought she was with Bill back in the Great Hall again before realizing that was not the brother holding her. 
“It’s alright, Ginny,” Percy soothed her.
Sobs wracked her body. She was exhausted. She could not keep them in any longer. Tucking her head into Percy’s chest, Ginny cried for her brother. She would never hear Fred tell another joke or have a late night race on the brooms. Her whole body ached. Several hours after his death, she finally felt the magnitude of the loss of Fred. 
Percy scratched her back, lightly tracing his fingertips down her spine, soothing her. Just like he had the time she broke down during their trip to Egypt. Slowly, oxygen inflated her lungs and her sobs lessened. Her breath slowed back to a stable rate. 
"Thanks, Perce," Ginny said when she finally trusted her own voice. 
"Don't mention it," he shrugged. "How about you get some rest, I will clean up the rest of this room."
Ginny was too tired to protest. Pulling herself to stand, Ginny nodded at Percy before slowly making her way back to her guest bedroom. She didn't even bother changing into fresh clothes before crawling into bed. Curled into a ball, she pulled the covers tightly around her. 
Her thoughts drifted to the same person she dreamt about for the entire year before the blackness wrapped around her, pulling her into a deep sleep. 
Hours too soon she was gently shook awake. Groggy eyes opened to her father smiling down at her. He aged so much within the last year. What red was once in his hair has turned primarily gray, fresh wrinkles were etched into his face. Ginny flung her arms around his neck.
“It’s safe to go home now.”
“Where’s Percy?” Ginny asked, hating how childish her voice sounded.
Her dad stroked her hair, “Already home. Let’s join him.”
Her dad grabbed the trunk on the ground and Ginny’s hand, side-apparating her to the Burrow. Teaching the sixth years how to apparate was not a priority this past year. Just another flaw in her education from the last 9 months. Her landing was not soft. Stumbling a few steps, Ginny stood at the top of the hill, just inside the ward line. 
“Everyone else is inside,” her dad said. 
Stumbling over herself, Ginny ran down the hill to her home. At first glance, the Burrow looked the same as the day she left it. But as she got closer to the front door, she noticed more things amiss. The treeline looked different like a few branches were knocked away. The grass was scorched yellow like someone burned it. Windows were cracked or blasted open with missing shards of glass. 
The front door groaned open with her push. Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat together, heads bent down, all snapped up at the sound of her entering the kitchen. 
“Ginny!” Hermione smiled, standing to embrace her in a hug.
Ginny squeezed her friend back. She didn’t get to appreciate seeing the three of them at Hogwarts. Hermione was much thinner than the last time she saw her. They all were. 
Ron embraced her next, giving her a pat on the back. She let go and looked over at the end of the table where Harry now stood. 
“Hi,” Harry said.
He looked good. Thin like the other two, but still handsome. He had somehow gotten taller over the last year, his hair long, messier than she had ever seen it. The dark rings around his eyes and his hollow cheeks emphasized his green eyes. Staring at her the same way he had a year ago, like he was staring into a brilliant light. 
Her heart skipped a beat. 
But in the next heartbeat, they were crossing the room to one another. His arms wrapped tightly around her shoulders, hers around his waist. Pulling each other close. She pressed her ear against his chest. 
He's alive, heart is beating, lungs are expanding with each breath.
Alive. Alive. Alive. Alive. 
The stairs creaked, alerting them to the presence of another Weasley member. Ginny pulled back from Harry just slightly, not completely breaking contact, as George entered the room. Slowly, he crossed the room, giving Ginny a quick pat on the head before leaving out the back door. Reality sunk back in as she watched the back of George’s head.
Fred's dead. 
Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. 
She felt her throat start to clog again. The unbearable feeling of loss started to overwhelm her. Slowly, she pulled away from Harry. She could not lose it again, especially not in front of the others who went through so much more than she had. Ron also lost Fred, and he wasn’t breaking down at the sight of George. 
And George, who would see Fred’s face whenever he looked in the mirror, did not deserve Ginny breaking down by looking at him. It made her feel like an awful person for almost losing it. No one needed the stress of taking care of her while they too were struggling. 
“He hasn’t said anything,” Ron said, filling the silence. Ginny realized her eyes had not left the back door George exited. “Charlie went back to Hogwarts to convince him to leave. He got back maybe 20 minutes before you did.”
Ginny wouldn’t know what to say either when everyone looked at you like they were seeing a ghost.
“Where’s everyone else?” Ginny asked.
Ron nodded to the back door. “Bill and Fleur are out back. They checked the house for curses, but haven’t finished the rest of the property.” He pointed to the stairs next. “Mum’s up in her room. I imagine now that dad is back, she will spend the rest of the day in the kitchen. She shares her love through food, you know. And I think she has a lot of love she will want to share.”
Ron’s prediction that Molly Weasley would cook a feast for dinner was not far off. A few hours later, everyone was crammed at the table, along with enough food to feed them for days. Harry sat next to her with a plate stacked full. Throughout their meal, they exchanged casual brushes and quick glances. 
“What are Kingsley’s plans with the Ministry?” Harry asked her dad as he passed the salad bowl to her.
“There is a lot to figure out. The Ministry was corrupted, that is no secret.” Percy kept his head down, avoiding the gaze of his father. Arthur took a bite of his chicken before continuing, “It is fair to assume there will be trials, but those probably won’t occur until later this summer. First, the physical damages of the war need to be fixed before the government can fix itself. Kingsley is working with Gawain to assess the damage first.”
“Do we know how many people lost their lives?” Bill asked.
Arthur shook his head. “It is unclear. There are still those unaccounted for in addition to those in critical care at Saint Mungos. But right now the number is at 43, not including Death Eaters.” 
The clattering of silverware halted. Silence overcame the table as the magnitude of the battle overcame them. 
“Excuse me,” Harry stood, tossing his fork on his half finished plate of food. He crossed the kitchen and made his way up the stairs, not bothering to look back at any of them. 
Ron silently stood too, following Harry up. Hermione paused, eyes following Ron, but she stayed in her seat. “He will be fine,” Hermione reassured the table, not making eye contact with any direct member of the Weasley family as she spoke. 
The table remained awkwardly quiet for the rest of the meal. Fleur spoke of Shell Cottage to fill the silence. Ginny excused herself to her room as soon as she felt appropriate to leave. 
“I will be right back,” Hermione said as she passed Ginny’s bedroom door later that evening, two plates of food balanced on her arm. 
Ginny nodded and continued to get ready for bed. By the time Hermione returned, Ginny had already tucked herself into bed, facing the wall. Hermione silently dressed for bed. “Goodnight, Ginny.”
Her circadian clock was off. Even though her entire body felt exhausted, Ginny lay awake staring up at the cracked ceiling of her own bedroom for hours. Sleeping at Muriel’s threw her off. In other circumstances, she would have taken this opportunity for a night flight. But she didn't feel safe flying alone tonight. Her mum would also be worried sick if she found out Ginny went out alone unsupervised in the middle of the night. Ginny did not need to be an added reason for her mother's stress right now. 
So instead she shifted in her bed, trying to drift off to sleep. Counting Hermione's rhythmic breaths as she slept on the cot next to her bed. 
Ginny tried to prevent her thoughts from drifting to anything depressing. No Fred, no Hogwarts, not even her childhood home. So instead she tried to make her mind go blank, to think of absolutely nothing besides the sound of Hermione’s breath.
Her counts of Hermione’s breaths quickened. “No, please no!” 
“Hermione?” Ginny leaned over the edge to peer down at her friend. Her face was twisted in distress. The faded quilt was thrown off her body as she tossed and turned in her sleep. “It’s fake! Please stop!” a blood curdling, terrible scream escaped Hermione’s lips. 
Hermione bolted straight up, eyes widened in fear, her hand reached for her right forearm. Ginny crawled out of her bed, squeezing next to Hermione on the cot. Tentatively, she reached out, stroking her back. 
Hermione flinched away from her touch before finally relaxing. She tugged the sleeves of her jumper down her arms and pulled her knees into her chest. Ginny continued to try to provide comfort to her friend.
After a few minutes of silence, Hermione finally looked at her. “Sorry.”
Wrapping Hermione into an embrace, Ginny whispered, “You have no need to apologize. I wasn’t even asleep.”
Hermione hummed. “Bellatrix, well…” she trailed off, staring out the bedroom window. The quarter moon provided minimal light in Ginny’s bedroom, so Ginny could hardly make out the look on Hermione’s face. “Nevermind,” Hermione finished, pushing herself away from Ginny, standing. “I’m going to go sleep upstairs, so you can get some rest. Goodnight Ginny.”
She grabbed her wand and bolted out the door, leaving Ginny all alone. 
Ginny sighed and crawled back into her own bed. She punched her lumpy pillow, trying to find a comfortable enough position to drift off to sleep. With Hermione gone, she lost her distraction from letting her mind run wild. Now, thoughts of Bellatrix infiltrated her head. 
Chaos reigned. Flashes of lights of every color surrounded her. She fired off spells at any person still cowardly enough to hide their face behind a mask. Harry was dead, but Tom had not won. She would make sure of it. Ginny caught sight of her wild mane of black hair before she saw her face. Firing off a cascade of curses, each aimed for Tom’s right-hand woman, each somehow deflected with ease. Bellatrix gave her a wicked smile, and for a moment Ginny wondered if Bellatrix knew exactly who she was and why she was so distraught. Hermione and Luna joined her side to fight Bellatrix. A streak of green passed her head, and for a moment, Ginny thought she would finally be at peace.
All good judgment she made hours prior about not flying tonight was out the window. She needed out.
Shoving her feet in her trainers and grabbing a jumper to combat the cool May evening air, Ginny quickly slipped out of her bedroom. Taking the stairs two at a time, pushing open the backdoor, and sprinting the moment she stepped out into the night. 
With no one to tend to it in over a month and Death Eaters to trample it to the ground, the orchard was a disaster. Apples littered the ground, the sweet fruit squashed underfoot. The burnt grass damp with dew. 
The broom closet smelled musty. Thankfully,  it appeared untouched. Ginny grabbed an old Cleansweep, swinging one leg over the handle in a fluid motion. Her feet firmly placed on the ground, inhaling the cold air, she pushed off into the dark sky. 
The common phrase “It’s like riding a broom,” never fit so eloquently. Months away from the sky, and it is almost like she had never left. She pressed her chest closer to the handle to center her gravity, and she was soaring. Past the treeline and the top of her home, she flew lazy laps. Circling the property, spiraling in the open air. 
Her lungs expanded with cold air, her heart kicked faster with adrenaline, and her mind forgot old haunts. She felt invincible. She felt alive. 
Slowly, she looped closer to the ground. 
She noticed his dark hair first. 
Once she flew within earshot, Harry started to speak. “Imagine my surprise to be awoken in the middle of the night to the sound of your brother snogging.”
For the first time in days, Ginny smiled "I hope it wasn't with the picture of Aunt Muriel he keeps stashed under his pillow.”
A laugh escaped Harry’s lips. It was one of the most joyous sounds Ginny ever heard. "I think he finally has reason to dispose of that picture."
“Oh?” Ginny questioned, the tips of her toes grazing the grass as she hovered closer to him. 
The corner of Harry’s mouth quirked up, “Your brother is snogging Hermione Granger.”
“When did that happen? Oh, you haven’t been stuck third wheeling them this entire time have you?” Ginny asked, sympathetically patting Harry’s arm. 
Harry looked down at where Ginny was touching him, slowly moving his other hand up to give her fingers a gentle squeeze. Ginny sucked in a breath. 
He shook his head, letting go of her hand, “They didn’t snog until yesterday.”
“But yesterday was the ba-”
“Exactly,” Harry said, interrupting her. “How long have you been out here?”
"I couldn’t sleep, and Hermione had a nightmare,” she said, shaking her head. “It was Bellatrix. That's all that I know."
A dark look crossed Harry’s features. "I can only imagine."
Ginny did not push further. It wasn't Harry’s secret to tell, nor was it her's to know. 
Instead, she slid off the Cleansweep and took a seat next to him. Enough space to not touch, but enough to feel the electricity between them. The hairs on her arm stood straight up. All day, tension wrung between them. Each touch sparked every nerve in her body. For months, she dreamt about what she would do when she saw him again, and now she was too overwhelmed to act. 
They sat in the silence, staring up at the stars. As each second ticked by, she became more and more unsure how to express how much she missed him. Harry shifted beside her, and Ginny braved a glance to peek over at him only to find his bright, green eyes focused on her. 
He hesitated for only a moment before his signature look of determination swept across his features. A look found right before doing something brave and stupid. 
And then he kissed her.
If Ginny thought it was easy to return to flying after time away, nothing compared to kissing Harry. The feel of his mouth slanted against hers felt like coming home. Nothing was more natural. An instinct. Just like the instinct of Harry’s hands to wind in her hair and hers to press against his chest. 
No words were said aloud, but so much was shared within one kiss. They were always good at having silent conversations. A single look. A single touch. So many emotions and thoughts expressed between them in those moments. 
His hands in her hair. I missed you.
Her hands wrapped around his waist. Please don’t go again.
Their lips pressed together. I need you.
Eventually they broke apart after what could have been several days. Ginny always lost track of time when Harry kissed her. Pulling away, Ginny let out an uncharacteristic giggle, relishing in the warmth of an alive Harry. 
She shifted her weight, leaning against his side. Her head rest on his shoulder. His arms snaked around her waist. Slot against one another like no time had passed since those days spent by the lake. 
That is where they stayed until daylight broke over the horizon. 
Days were quiet. Planning funerals drained livelihood out of the Burrow. Ginny found herself helping where she could. Her mum was constantly cooking in the kitchen, so Ginny would help clean. She didn’t speak, she kept her thoughts to herself. When Harry was in the room, they moved like they were dancing. Never touching. 
Nights were loud. Hermione would leave her room after everyone officially went to bed to join Ron in his. That was when Ginny would sneak out to fly. Harry would join her minutes later, some joke on his lips about Ron and Hermione and how he wished maybe they went back to fighting. Then they would fly together or sit and talk. Eventually, they would fall asleep under the stars pressed into each other's arms, waking just at the crack of dawn to sneak back into their respective bedrooms. 
One bright morning, Ginny followed the scent of fresh breads and sweet sugar down to the kitchen. Her mum hunched over the oven, a faded floral apron tied loosely around her waist. Ginny would not be surprised if she barely missed her mum waking up to slave away in the kitchen right as her and Harry were sneaking back into their beds. 
“Morning, mum,” Ginny said, giving her mum a squeeze around the waist. 
“Good morning, dear,” her mum replied, leaning into her hug. “I would like you and Charlie to run some errands for me today.”
“Sure,” Ginny said, stealing a pastry from the counter. “What do you need?” She asked, mouth full of scone.
Her mum turned back to the oven to pull out a fresh pie. “I would love it if you could run some of these breads to some families for me. The Browns, the Deacons, and the Rivers. I believe Deacon’s daughter was in your year. Sophie was it?”
The scone in her mouth went stale. Bile rose, burning her throat on the way up. Ginny grabbed a napkin off the counter and spit out the mushed up pastry. “Yeah, Sophie,” Ginny’s voice wavered. She cleared the acid from her throat, pushing the sound of late night giggles about Hogwarts gossip out from her head. “I can do that for you. Where’s Charlie?”
After wrangling her second eldest brother from the yard, the pair apparated, Ginny tightly wrapping her hand around Charlie's arm, to the home of Ron’s ex girlfriend. 
Ever the introvert, Charlie left her to do all the talking and condolences. 
After giving her final sorrows to the Brown Family, Charlie grabbed her arm and apparated them to the small Wizarding village the Deacon’s lived. 
Ginny stumbles forward as her feet crashed into the stepping stones of her dead dormmates home. Steadying herself, Ginny wondered if she would ever get used to apparition. Flying makes sense. Apparating does not. 
Grabbing her brother’s arm, she turned him to face her, “Listen, let me do this house alone, yeah?”
Charlie gave her a look, questioning her judgment. “You know you aren’t of age and mum would slit my throat.”
“Please. She was my friend.” 
Something in her eyes must have given enough reasoning to Charlie to let her go alone. “I will wait over at the shop across the street. Meet me there when you’re done.”
Ginny pulled him into a hug, wrapping her arms around his thick waist. Charlie was the closest of her siblings to her own height, so she could rest her chin on his shoulder during the embrace. “I won’t be too long.”
She turned away from her brother, the pie her mother gave her rest carefully on her arm. Steadying herself with a shaky breath, she knocked.
A moment passed. And then another. Ginny held her breath as she waited. Maybe she would not have to face them. Maybe she could set the pie down on the step and turn her back and run away from the grief inside the home. But before Ginny could follow her intrusive thoughts, the door opened to a beautiful woman with short auburn hair and laugh lines carved into her face even though she looked as though she had not had a reason to laugh in a long time.
“Hello, my name is Ginn-”
“Ginny come in,” Sophie’s mum invited her in, opening the door wider for Ginny to slip inside. 
She shouldn’t be surprised that Mrs. Deacon knew who she was, a classmate of her daughters, a Weasley, a blood traitor whose family housed The Boy Who Lived for years. Ginny did not want to know what the exact reason was that Mrs. Deacon recognized her. 
“My mum made this for you,” Ginny said, offering the baked pie that would never fill the Sophie-sized hole in her heart. 
“Thank you, that is very sweet of her and sweet of you to drop it off.”
Sophie’s mum took the pie and set it on the kitchen counter filled with other condolence foods. Ginny felt nauseous at the sight. 
Ginny sat on the gray loveseat and turned away from the sight and took in the room around her. Light cascaded in and reflected off of the framed photos on the cream wall to brighten the room. Photos of Sophie and her little brother, Samuel, were everywhere. Together with a woman, who must have been their grandmother, standing in Diagon Alley. Sophie singing in the frog choir with her hair tucked back in her signature butterfly clips. Sam tugging on a much younger Sophie’s hair and running away. All moments forever to cycle on repeat, but to never be updated again.
The bile that she swallowed that morning began to rise again. 
“Would you like something to drink, dear?” Mrs. Deacon asked, pulling Ginny out of her reverie. 
“No, thank you,” Ginny replied, even though she could probably use a glass of water or a shot of firewhiskey.
A grunt from the door leading to the hallway alerted Ginny of Mr. Deacon’s presence. He was a tall man, not as tall as her own father, but much wider. He worked for the Ministry’s Portkey Office. Sophie often boasted about all the places her father traveled for work, and Ginny could see it. A man like him did not belong behind a desk. 
“Elric, this is Ginny. She is,” Mrs. Deacon paused, “She was one of Sophie’s classmates.”
Ginny stood to her feet, “Mr. Deacon, I am so sorry for your loss.”
Mr. Deacon waved his hand, his other rubbing his sternum like he too struggled with gastric reflux at the reminder of Sophie. 
“I too am sorry for yours. I heard you lost a brother.”
The grief of losing Fred washed over her again like a wave that quickly retreated into a cool, cold nothing. “Yes, I did. Thank you.” Ginny sat back down on the couch. The Deacons sat across from her, gripping each other’s hands. 
Silence swept over the room like a cloak. Thick, warm, and suffocating. 
Ginny broke the silence first.
“Sophie was-,” Ginny paused, clearing her throat, “she was a beautiful soul. Her voice lit up the dorm room. She would sing under her breath and she studied and then belt songs in the shower. She was wicked at potions and brilliant at Gobstones. She was one of my best friends, and I am so sorry for your loss.”
The all too familiar prickling sensation behind her eyes grew. Rapidly blinking, trying to keep the tears at bay, because she had so much more to say. So she pressed on. “I was there,” Ginny said, looking up to meet Mrs. Deacon’s eye. 
The scent of smoke encroached her olfactory system. The feel of Sophie’s manicured hand in her own haunted her skin. 
Ginny ignored the memories and pressed on. “When You-Know-Who asked for a pause, I went out to the ground to help.” The words recover bodies left unsaid. “I saw her lying there. She was alive, and she was asking for you. She loved you so much.” The tears building in her eyes escaped, rolling steadily down her cheeks. 
"They told us her body was recovered during The Silent Hour, but never by who," Mr. Deacon said, tears brimming his eyes. “Thank you, Ginny.”
The guilt bubbling in her gut was interrupted by footsteps bounding down the steps. Little, 12-year old, Samuel Deacon slid into the room.
“Ginny!” Samuel shouted, eyes filled with joy as though he were seeing a hero. And to him he probably was. She had not seen him in months. Thankfully, Samuel was long gone from Hogwarts during the battle, but the last time she saw him was forever ingrained in her brain. The memory seeped through her pores.
“Pain does not last forever,” Amycus Carrow said to a room full of scared students. “But the memory of it does.”  He sauntered across the front of the entrance hall, each step deliberate to draw out the dramatics of what he was saying. Ginny guessed he got this schtick from Tom. “Which is why it makes such an excellent punishment. You remember the pain, so maybe next time you won’t misbehave.” He turned to face her, smiling like a Grindylow ready to to entangle their prey within their long fingers. 
“Now can someone please tell me which illiterate idiot graffitied the walls?” Amycus’s voice echoes through the hall. Dozens of eyes stayed focused on the floor. “Was it you?” A finger pointing at a short Hufflepuff boy standing over in the corner. His eyes widened at being called out for a crime he never committed. 
“No,” the boy stuttered. 
“I don’t believe you,” Amycus sneered, clenching the collar of his cloak, dragging him out into the open. “What’s your name, boy?”
“Sa-Samuel,” the young boy managed to stutter out. 
“Well, Sa-Samuel, I hope you remember to never misbehave again.” With those words, Amycus lifted his wand.
Quickly shoving her hand into her bag, fumbling around searching for the jar of paint stashed at the bottom. Her fingers found the cool glass and she yanked it out and threw it at Amycus’s feet. 
He turned to meet her, and grinned. The Grindylow caught his prey. “I see I found the illiterate idiot.” He turned his wand to her face, “Crucio.”
“Sam, it is good to see you,” Ginny asked, voice overly pleasant. 
To Ginny’s horror, Mrs. Deacon said, “Samuel has told me a lot about you.” She smiled too warmly at her. Like she wasn’t the reason Sam was not almost cursed in the first place. Like she wasn’t the last one to see her daughter alive. Like she deserved forgiveness.
Ginny’s stomach turned and threatened to spill out on their carpet. She needed to leave. 
“Thank you so much for your hospitality. I do need to get going.”
Both of the Deacon’s stood immediately. 
“Of course,” Mrs. Deacon said. 
“Let me walk you out,” Mr. Deacon said. 
So Ginny let herself be ushered out. She kept her mouth clamped shut. Afraid to vomit out words along with her guts. 
As she reached the door, Mr. Deacon stopped her, “Sophie’s funeral is set on the thirteenth. We would love it if you could make it.”
Ginny couldn’t trust her words, so she nodded in agreement, and burst out the front door. As soon as the door closed, she broke out into a sprint, down to the corner shop where Charlie should be waiting for her. 
He was leaning against the side wall, lazily smoking a cigarette. 
"Take me home." Ginny said, walking past Charlie. 
"But we have one more-"
"Take me home."
Charlie paused before grabbing her arm and spinning on his heel. They arrived in front of the Burrow a second later. Ginny sprinted to the broom shed. Grabbing the closest broom, not even checking whose it belongs to, Ginny kicked off of the ground. 
She lapped the Burrow several times, streaking by as fast as the broom allowed her. Up in the air, she could blame her tears on the wind in her eyes instead of the guilt she felt in her heart. 
That night, she did not fly.
Hermione snuck out of the room, but Ginny stayed in her bed. Waiting. A soft knock on the door alerted her of his presence. Her bed shifted from his added weight. 
They avoided each other that day. Well really, Ginny avoided him and everyone else. Hiding in the sky, and when she was called inside by her mum, she hid in the kitchen. Charlie did not say anything to her, which was a blessing. Her mum did comment on the extra pie brought up, but a quick lie that the Rivers were not home avoided anymore questions. 
Harry’s arms snuck around her waist, pulling her against his chest. She tucked herself under his chin as he pressed his nose into her hair. Her hair was still damp from the shower she took earlier that evening, but she knew Harry would not care. In fact, he probably preferred it. The scent of her shampoo freshly washed into her hair. It calmed him. 
She wondered if he was struggling with what was going to happen tomorrow as much as she knew she would. 
But she did not ask.
Slowly, his breaths evened as he fell asleep behind her. And Ginny fell shortly after.
All mornings have been quiet since the battle at the Burrow. But none compared to this one. Outside, the morning fog was thick and suffocating. Inside, so was the silence. 
Weasley family members dressed in black to bury their loudest family member. 
When it was time, her father led the family to the grave. Walking in a line to the apparition line on the edge of the Burrow property, and one-by-one apparating to Fred’s final destination. Ginny stood and watched as her loved ones disappeared with a pop. Her dad stood by her side and lifted his arm. 
“Yes,” she said, gripping his arm. 
The graveyard was busier than she expected. Her family is large, but so was Fred’s impact. 
Old classmates of his, old teammates, old co-workers lined the chairs in the back. Professor McGonagall could be seen from her tall witch’s hat. Hagrid stood off to the side, already loudly sobbing. Ginny felt her tears join his. 
She made her way to the front and sat in her seat nestled between Ron and George. The same small wizard that preached at Dumbledore’s funeral and Bill’s wedding stood in the front. A twisted thought crossed her mind about how busy that man is during this week. 
And he talked in platitudes. He talked about his sacrifice, how he was a light in the family. But never really about Fred. Ginny wished she had taken the time to write something, then maybe Fred would have gotten the send off he deserved. 
George gripped her hand near the end of the small wizard’s speech. “Are you ready to see some magic?” 
Ginny grinned, a warmth spreading across her chest. “Always.”
George grinned back at her, reaching into his pocket, pulling out his wand. With a small flick of his wrist. A bang behind the gravestones went off.
Gasps wrang out from behind her. Aunt Muriel gave out a shriek of terror, as fireworks lit up the foggy sky. 
Sparks flew above her, spelling out the initials F.W. And for the first time all week, Ginny was  crying, but she was not upset by it. 
After the funeral, the mood was much brighter, the fog outside lifted with the smoke of the fireworks, and Ginny could feel like she could breathe again. 
Slowly, the crowd began to thin. Angelina grabbed George’s arm and loudly declared that they were going to the Leaky to celebrate Fred’s life and a group followed her. Bill, Charlie, and Fleur followed shortly after them. After a moment of contemplation, Percy followed suit. 
Her mother gave her a kiss on the cheek before heading further into the graveyard to where her brothers lay. Her father followed a few steps behind her. 
Ron and Hermione were still sitting in their seats. Their chairs were now pushed impossibly close together as Hermione almost sat on Ron’s lap with her head tucked against his chest, and Ron’s face pressed into her hair. Masking the tears that he was shedding.
Ginny steadily made her way up to Fred’s grave. Ash sprinkled the grass from the firework show. She lowered herself to the ground, sitting to the right of the gravestone. 
“Hey, Forge,” Ginny murmured, closing her eyes and resting her head on the stone. “Miss you.”
Ginny slowly descended down the stairs, unsure exactly which one would creak under her step. She wasn’t sure who would be worse to alert of her late night excursion: her mother or her great aunt. 
All she wanted to do was see them and not just take Bill’s word for it that they were safe. Luna. Dean. Hermione. Ron. And of course Harry. Mum nearly locked her in her bedroom when Ginny asked to go to Shell Cottage. 
So now she was sneaking to the fireplace in the middle of the night to floo her way over to Shell Cottage. A task significantly less dangerous than any of the times she snuck out in the middle of the night this last year. 
The third from the bottom step let out a loud groan. 
“Going somewhere?” A voice from the top of the stairs called down to her. Thankfully, it was the person who would most likely go with her on this adventure.
“I thought getting some nice fresh, saltwater air would be nice at this time of night. Want to come along?” Ginny asked, nodding her head to the living room.
Fred quickly descended the stairs, uncaring if he woke the entire house along the way. 
"Is that the plan then? Run off to Shell Cottage without letting anyone know where you're going?"
"You know."
"I know because I caught you sneaking out," Fred retorted. "And when mum and dad wake in the morning and find your bed empty? What will you do after they chain you to your bed?"
Ginny rolled her eyes, "They won't tie me to the bed." 
"No, probably not, but you won't be let out of their sight. And when the time comes when it is important for you to sneak out, you won't be able to." 
"What do you mean?" Ginny asked, hating that she didn't understand. 
"I'm saying, wait. Wait until something big. I will go with you then. Not when you're sneaking out to see your boyfriend."
"I didn't realize you were sneaking off to see Thomas. Don't let me stop you then," Fred teased. 
"Oh, shove off," Ginny said, pushing his shoulder. 
Heavy footsteps pulled her from her thoughts. Harry stood above her, head of messy hair blocking the sun. He held his hand out, an offer to help her up. 
She took it, pulling herself up and into his arms in one fluid motion. He enveloped her in a hug, holding her tight against his chest. Ginny breathed in the scent of him. Woodsy and cool, like the morning air in the autumn. 
Reluctantly, she detangled herself from him, keeping her hand intertwined in his. There they stood, hand in hand, staring down at Fred Weasley’s grave.
Fred Weasley
1/4/1978 - 2/5/1998
Harry gave her fingers a squeeze before letting go. He bent down in front of Fred’s grave. He paused for a second, before pulling out his wand, waving it carefully. A bouquet of daisies appeared in the dirt. Fresh and white. Harry stood, reaching back for her hand, but refusing to look at her. 
“Hermione and I went to my parent’s graves on Christmas. She did this,” Harry said, waving his hands at the flowers on the ground, “I thought Fred deserved some too.” He bent down and picked one from the ground, “Daisies mean new beginnings.” 
He shifted his weight, "or at least that's what Hermione told me when she showed me how to do the spell."
Ginny’s gut twisted into a knot. "They're beautiful," was all she could muster out. She wasn't sure she wanted a new beginning. She wanted to start all over. 
"For you," Harry said, handing her a single flower. 
Ginny smiled and accepted the pity flower. Harry didn't believe in the pity flowers either, but it was thoughtful, so Ginny tucked it into her pocket. 
When she got home later that night, she tossed it into her windowsill. With hope that maybe the rest of the summer improved from the beginning. 
The next several days were spent in mourning. Traveling from funeral to funeral. 
Colin’s funeral was hard because she spent 30 minutes before leaving being coached by Hermione on the intricacies of a muggle funeral. Obviously, no fireworks like Fred’s nor an ablaze casket like at Dumbledore’s. But instead a metal contraption that would slowly lower his wooden casket into the ground. 
She sat near front on the side with Neville and Seamus on either side of her. Harry with Ron and Hermione in the back, trying to keep attention off of them as much as possible. 
Ginny grieved for her friend. Her Herbology partner. The person who never tired answering her questions about the Muggle World. The same sinking feeling that ebbed and flowed in her since the battle came back. She was the reason why he lost half of his first year lying petrified in the hospital wing. Tom was the reason he lost the rest of his life.
Tonks and Remus’s funerals were next. Members of the Order carried both caskets. Kingsley had tears streaming down his face with Tonks’ casket on his shoulders. Her dad looked more tired than usual under the weight of Remus’s casket. 
Only one other gravestone stood in the ground on the plot of land. Tonks’ final resting place lay next to the empty grave of her father whose body was never recovered. 
In the last row sat Andromeda cradling a young Teddy Lupin. Remus showed her a picture of young Teddy when he visited the Weasley’s at Muriel’s place. Then, his hair was a bright orange. Now, it lacked any sign of vibrance, instead he wore Remus’s signature sandy hair. 
Next to Andromeda sat Narcissa, poised, dressed head to toe in expensive black robes. Looking every bit out of place Ginny is sure she felt.
Harry did a double-take after he noticed her next to his godson. Ginny reached forward and laced her fingers with his, offering a squeeze of comfort. On the other side of Harry, Ron pulled Hermione closer to his body. 
Instead of the small wizard, Kingsley stood in front of the graves and gave a speech about hope and love and loss. A personal story about Tonks catching a death eater by tripping on top of him was interrupted by wails coming from the back row.
Little Teddy’s uncontrollable sobs echoed in the cemetery. Andromeda tried shushing him to no avail. Narcissa stood, offering a hand, a moment passed before Andromeda passed over her grandson to her sister. Narcissa carried Teddy further away from the funeral and whispers of the guests.
“She has no right,” hissed Ron. 
“It’s fine,” Harry replied, his leg bouncing, looking everything but fine. 
Kingsley continued on with Teddy’s sobs quieted by distance. Ron kept anxiously looking over his shoulder back at Narcissa while Hermione stared straight forward. Harry leaned forward in his seat, releasing his grip on her hand. 
Ginny, for her part, kept listening to Kingsley and silently wondered if she would ever fully understand what happened with those three last year. 
The funeral ended with Kingsley and Gawain Robards casting golden sparks at the pair of caskets before they slowly descended into the ground. 
Gradually, the crowd began to thin out. Narcissa carefully returned to her sister’s side off in the back, swaying back and forth, cradling a sleepy Teddy in her arms. 
Harry stood and started to make his way back towards where his Godson was. 
“Mr. Potter. May I have a word?” Gawain Robards asked. 
Harry froze momentarily, and Ginny wondered if he was going to tell the Head Auror to fuck right off before he calmly nodded. Robards stuck out his hand, leading Harry away from the crowds, in the opposite direction of Narcissa Malfoy. 
Ginny stood frozen next to Ron and Hermione, both just as conflicted as she felt on whether they should eavesdrop on Robards and Harry’s conversation or confront Mrs. Malfoy. 
Her mum approached the Black sisters. Ginny snuck over to the back, Ron and Hermione following her closely, ready to witness whatever drama could unfold between Molly Weasley and Narcissa Malfoy. But instead of sharp words or curses shot from wands, her mum swept both Andy and Narcissa into a warm embrace
“I am so sorry about your sister,” Mum said, pulling away from the Black sisters. 
Narcissa placed a hand on her mum’s arm, “We do anything to protect our children.” She gave Andromeda a curt nod and took a slender finger to brush Teddy’s cheek. “I won’t intrude any longer than I meant to. It was good to see you, Andy.”
With a pop, Narcissa disappeared.
Harry stormed by a few seconds later, Robards still standing where Harry left him, hand rubbing the bridge of his nose. 
“Harry?” Hermione’s voice questioned.
“Later,” Harry shortly replied before apparating off, not even sparing Ginny a second glance. 
Hermione sighed, turning to Ron. “Ready?” Ron gripped her hand and then both disappeared with another pop. 
“Wanker,” Ginny muttered under her breath, “You were supposed to apparate me home.” 
Kicking a rock on the ground, Ginny begrudgingly walked back to where her mother was now rocking Teddy. 
On the thirteenth, Ginny dressed once again in black. Hermione and her traded their black robes so they were not wearing the exact same outfit to every funeral they attended. By the fourth day of funerals, Fleur was offering her wardrobe to them as well, altering her clothes to fit their bodies. 
Harry, Ron, and Hermione attended every funeral, each of them feeling like they owed it to the witch or wizard who lost their life. Just yesterday, they attended the funeral of a Slytherin fifth year girl that none of them had even met. Ginny joined them most days. Harry side-along apparating her to the graveyard. Occasionally, other members of the D.A. would be in attendance and Ginny would stand next to them. 
Harry planned on arriving right before the funeral started, but Ginny wanted to be there as early as possible. Hermione’s heels clicked as she walked down the Burrow steps into the kitchen. “Ready, Ginny?”
Together they apparated to a large wizarding cemetery. A place where thousands of purebloods were buried before. A place that currently had an unusually high amount of fresh mounds of dirt and 6 foot holes due to the significant amount of deaths during the war. 
Ginny found her dormmates immediately. Jessica embracing Elise with Athena rubbing circles on her back. They all looked up as Ginny and Hermione approached the trio.
Jessica let go of Elise to engulf Ginny into a hug. "I am so sorry about Fred, Ginny."
"Thank you, Jess."
Jessica paused before wrapping Hermione in a hug as well.
Athena pulled something out of her pocket and placed it in Ginny’s hand. 
Opening her palm, Ginny felt that familiar tug of her gut. In her hand was a green butterfly clip, similar to the ones Sophie often donned in her hair. Looking up, she saw her roommates all had one clipped in their hair as well.
"Thank you," Ginny choked out, clipping her loose strands back. 
"Do you want to sit with us?" Athena asked Hermione. 
Hermione shook her head, "Thank you for the invite, but Ron and Harry should be arriving soon. I will sit with them in the back. You four should sit together."
Hermione gave Ginny’s shoulder a squeeze before walking to the back row of chairs.
The funeral started not too long later. Ginny pressed between Athena and Elise near the front. The four dormmates held hands the entire time, offering gentle squeezes of support to one another as they buried their friend. Little Samuel Deacon sobbed throughout the entire procession, and Ginny wished nothing more than him to have his sister back.
Ginny stayed back after the funeral to watch Harry approach the Deacon family. It was something he did after every burial, apologize to the family. Ginny wished Harry understood that Sophie’s death was not his fault. 
Samuel turned away from his parents and gave her a small wave. Ginny lifted her hand, but turned away. The nausea associated with Sophie was churning in her stomach once again. 
That night, with her back pressed against Harry’s chest and one of his arms draped across her churning stomach, she lay frozen still.
"You okay?" Harry murmured in her ear.
She wasn't, but she couldn't admit that secret out loud. Especially to the person who carried so much more guilt than she could even begin to imagine. So she lied.
"I'm fine."
Harry had no reason to believe her lie, since it was his favorite lie to tell too. But he pretended for her, pulling her closer to his chest, pressing his lips to the back of her skull.
Not shortly after, his breaths evened out as he was lulled to sleep. Ginny’s brain was ignited on fire, keeping her awake.
“I know, it’s going to be alright,” Ginny lied. Sophie continued to whimper in pain. Ginny could only bear to look at her face, scared of what the rest of her crushed body may look like. 
“I want to go home,” Sophie cried out, tears leaking down her face. Ginny felt tears well up in her eyes too. 
A sound from behind her drew her away from her dying friend. Ginny couldn’t see anyone, but something in her wanted to get up and follow. 
Sophie’s weak cough drew her back in. Blood tinged on her lips, her face losing color as each second passed. “Will you stay with me until I go?” Sophie asked, her voice childlike. She is just a child, Ginny realized. At 17 years old, there was so much Sophie never experienced. So many people Sophie was leaving behind. Ginny’s gut flipped realizing this is why her own mother wanted her to stay hidden.
“Of course,” Ginny choked out.
Sophie’s fingers managed to find Ginny’s. “It’s okay, Gin. You were one of my best of friends.”
Ginny snapped herself out of the memory. Harry still wrapped tightly around her, his heat radiating off his body suffocating her. She wrestled herself out from underneath him, desperately trying to not wake him. She needed fresh air.
Barefoot in the grass, Ginny padded to the paddock and grabbed her broom. She took flight and hoped the night air could cool the fire she felt in her brain.
As the sun began to crack streaks of light in the sky, Ginny crept back into her bedroom. Harry softly snored in her sheets. Ginny smiled as she slid back into his arms. She had been awake for nearly 24 hours, her brain was finally exhausted enough to finally fall asleep.
With no more funerals to attend, the rest of May trickled by. Everyone was stagnant with grief, finding it difficult to progress on. Charlie was growing restless, staying now at Shell Cottage with Bill and Fleur, but not feeling like he could abandon the family back in Romania just yet. Every time he mentioned the country, her mum would burst into tears. 
Percy was just there. All the time. He and her dad would attend work, but then he would always come back to the Burrow instead of his own apartment.
Ginny sat with George most days. They had a quiet understanding that talking was the last thing either one of them wanted to do. A few days a week, they would go to Weasleys' Wizards Wheezes and organize the mess. Some days, Lee Jordan and Angelina Johnson would stop by and help up, filling in the silence with endless chatter. Other days, the pair would sit on the front counter, passing back and forth a bottle of butterbeer with the radio blasting Wizard Rock in the background. 
Ron and Hermione were wrapped around each other at all times of the day. One couldn't even use the toilet without the other hovering nearby on the stairwell.
She had not seen Harry in days due to conflicting schedules. He would fall asleep in her bed after a long day of performing bullshit politics with Kingsley, and Ginny would join him after her nightly flight. When she finally rose in the late morning, his side of her bed would be cold.
Moments alone were rare, and those moments were spent exploring each other's bodies instead of exploring each other's thoughts. They were two vastly different novels only sharing a page with one another and then snapping the book shut before either one could read any further. So Ginny came to her own conclusions. 
The burn marks on his thighs were fresh as though his escape dragon from Gringotts scorched him. The ribs she traced with finger in the dark told her that food was scarce. The lightning shaped scar on his chest told a horror story she didn't want to touch with a ten foot pole. The erythematous circle branded into his chest was the most confusing part of his story. 
Ginny hated to think what conclusions Harry was drawing from her body.
On a cool evening in late May, Ginny decided to actually retire to bed at a reasonable time. The sky had opened into a massive thunderstorm which was not relenting any time soon. Harry and her had played a round of Exploding Snap earlier in the day to pass the time. 
"Are you falling asleep with me tonight?" Harry asked, bare legs crossed on her bed, his hand propped behind his head. He looked so casual, like her bed was his own. 
"Only if you promise not to snore tonight," Ginny teased. 
A pillow flew at her face. Ginny snapped it from the air and threw it right back into Harry’s face. With glasses askew and a smile tugging at his lips, Harry reached out a hand to her.
She eagerly took it, being led to her own bed.
Ginny melted into Harry’s side, his hands immediately resting on her hips pulling her close. She tilted her chin to slot her lips against his.
This part was easy. Harry’s body was a map she had traced and memorized a year ago, and, during the quiet dark nights in her dorm room, she recited to herself. 
His lips were soft and chapped. Teeth grazing her own lips, threatening to roughen her up with a bite or two. His chest pressed against her own. His hands, one always wrapped around a strand of her hair, tugging her whenever she pressed up against him just right. His strong thighs, one always slotted in between her legs.
That was the mantra she replayed in her head over and over while her fingers wandered down her skin last year. 
But now, in the dark of her warm bedroom, it was Harry’s fingers trailing down her body. 
“You’re perfect,” Harry murmured into her collarbone as she moaned his name. 
Ginny came undone with the touch of his fingertips, her world bursting, once again, into a fire. Her insides ignited for Harry. She felt far from perfect, but with Harry she felt alive.
Her hands worked to remove his faded T-shirt, eager to return the favor. Fingers trailed down his chest, avoiding the new scars on his body. She wrapped her hand around his length and Harry’s breath hitched, a noise escaping his mouth that Ginny wanted to bottle up and savor forever. He never had to say anything to her ever again as long as he kept making that noise. 
“Ginny,” Harry moaned, “I don’t think I will last much long-”
Ginny shut him up by capturing his mouth with her own. Teeth grazing his swollen lips. With a few more pumps, Harry shuddered about another moan that made Ginny’s toes curl. 
Harry blinked his eyes open, green irises hidden behind his black pupils, staring hungerly at her. He pressed lazy kisses along her jawline, nose, forehead, before finally catching her lips. “You make me forget everything bad,” Harry sighed into her lips. 
Ginny’s insides turned cold, the blazing heat evaporated and replaced by an icy tundra. She wasn’t sure why, Harry’s confession or the idea of forgetting, losing memories. 
“Goodnight, Harry,” Ginny said, hoping to prevent any more confessions from slipping through his loose lips. 
“Night, Gin” Harry replied softly. 
Harry’s bare chest rose and fell with each breath, and Ginny wished nothing more than the ability to join him in unconsciousness. Her finger traced the lightning bolt on his chest, her own chest tightening with memories of that day. She thought she lost him. The final blow in a series of blows that kept hitting her over and over again that night. 
With everything she lost, she had to keep taking steps. One at a time. 
One breath in. One breath out. 
Ginny glanced out her window. The rain had slowed to a trickle. The blooming daisy sitting in the window sill caught her eye. She bolted up from her bed, grabbing the flower on her way out the door. 
The orchard was still a mess. Her mum had removed the destroyed flowers, but all that was left was upturned earth. Falling to her hands and knees, Ginny dug in the soil. A wand would have made it easier, but she did not want easy.  
Taking a step back and admiring her work, the daisy Harry had given her now rooted in the soil of the orchard. Alone. With a promise of growth.
To new beginnings. 
The best and worst day of June (chapter 2)
If May trickled slowly like the water on the River Styx, June crashed in like a tsunami under Poseidon's rage. 
The back door slammed close after George drunkenly stumbly out 
Maps of Australia and pictures of the brain were pinned up on her walls. Gwenog Jones’s face was covered by a colorful poster highlighting the anatomy of the brain. 
“Do you need any help?” Ginny asked.
Hermione tutted, wrapping her hair into a bun and sticking her want through it. “I wouldn’t mind a fresh pair of eyes. Thanks.”
Ginny picked up one of the massive textbook with a brain on the cover Charms of the Central Nervous System: Don’t be Nervous! Opening to the back glossary, Ginny scanned the O’s until she found what she was looking for.
Peering over her shoulder, Hermione said “I didn’t obliviate my parents’ memories. I blocked them.” 
“What’s the difference?”
Hermione stood from the bed and walked over to the brain poster covering Gwenog’s face. “Obliviation destroys old memories. Burns them. That is why Gilderoy Lockhart will never fully recover because so much of his brain was destroyed. If little bits are taken then there is some neuroplasticity and ability to regenerate what was missing, but if I took 17 years of my parents' lives from them, I would never be able to get that back.” She paused, staring off into the distance, as though she was realizing the challenge she could be facing instead.
Shaking her head, Hermione continued. “So instead of taking away their memories, I hid them behind a wall.”
“The hippocampus stores memories,” Hermione said, pointing to a part of the brain that looked nothing like a seahorse. “So that is where my parents’ memories are being blocked. I just put their old memories behind a wall and put new memories in front of that wall.”
“There has not been a whole lot of research, but in theory, worst case scenario, if I remove their new memories too quickly, I could cause their brain to blow.”
“I’m sorry what?”
“Not like pew pew,” Hermione said, mimicking an explosion. “More like, their brains would swell to fill in the space of the memories that I took back. Which could cause their brain to expand and possibly herniate causing a stroke." 
She mindlessly flipped through the pages of the textbook, hoping something would give her hints about memory and memory loss.
Ginny drops comments every now and then about memory loss
She is not very happy that Hermione took her parents memories
“What are you planning on telling your parents when you see them?”
“That I am their daughter and I had to keep them safe.”
“Do you think they will understand?”
“From personal experience, amnesia and having your memories taken from you can be very traumatizing.”
“This is different from the diary, Ginny. I was trying to keep them safe.”
As we will find out in a later chapter, Ginny is not talking about the diary
"Are you going to go with them?" Ginny asks on a warm night.
"No, I don't fancy facing another Winter so soon," Harry replied
And there it was. A hint about what he had faced this past year, but neither one pushed forward. She could ask, and he might answer, but then he might ask the same of her. And that was something she did not want to answer. Some Gryffindor she is.
Harry tells her everything about the horcruxes and how we was one for the last 16 years of his life.
Ginny tells Harry very little about what she experienced this last year.
Hermione goes up to switch beds like they do every night and when Harry is lying next to her, she dreams about him. But when he talks she hears Tom. When she wakes and Harry is laying right next to her, she freaks the fuck out. 
The next day she runs away to Lunas
Luna “I always liked being outside. Now I love it even more. It is open, and bright. I’m not a big fan of the dark right now.”
“If you want to talk about it, I will happily listen.”
“Ginny, you are such a good listener, but not a very good talker.”
“You should tell Ron that. He says I never shut up.”
“Oh no you talk, you just don’t talk about what is bothering you. You ask questions about me or how other people are doing, but when people ask how you are doing. You deflect. You talk about how Quidditch is going, or how your family is. But never you.
A few nights later, Harry joins her out flying, and that is when she admits that she is afraid that she was never in love with Harry, but she was attracted to the horcrux within him this entire time.
Harry has to put his big boy pants on and try to be emotionally mature hearing that from her. (Boy does not do a very good job, but at least he is trying)
He tries to get her to open up more about what happened to her and slowly we start to see some things
She picked up a strand of grass, carefully pulling it apart into two separate pieces. A simple distraction. "What do you know of last year?"  
"Only what little Neville has told me."
"I'm sure what he told you paints the picture of what happened," she shrugged. She couldn't meet his gaze, she stared at the grass in her hand, delicately tying it into a knot. His hand reached for hers, fingers intertwining. He squeezed her hand gently, reassuringly. Offering support. 
She is hiding. She doesn’t want to talk to Harry, or see her mum’s broken face. So she is hiding in the one place no one would look. 
Laying on Fred’s bed, she could finally be alone. 
***enter depressing thoughts here***
On June 22nd, she dreams of Tom. She always dreams of him on this day. Their anniversary of meeting face to face in a chamber meant to be a secret. She wants to ask Harry if he remembers, but she doesn't dare for the fear of what he might say. 
I forgot.
Lucky you.
So she keeps this nightmare to herself just like she kept the past year to herself. She felt like she was slowly becoming a chamber full of secrets herself.
That night, with her back against Harry’s chest and one of his arms draped across her stomach, was the first time she felt brave all day. In the dark where he couldn’t see her face, when they were alone, unlikely to be overheard since the house was asleep. She finally muttered the truth that haunted her.
“I'm the reason Sophie's dead.”
The only indication that Harry heard her was the pause in his breath. Harry’s arm tightened, pulling her impossibly closer to his chest. And because he understands her perfectly, he does not suggest that she possibly could not be a murderer, he asks a different question.
“Why do you think so?”
She inhales slowly, calming down her nerves. “I left her on the courtyard. We were fighting together, Colin and Seamus were also there. Spells were flying everywhere, and I lost her in the crowd. There just was so much chaos. Then a death eater was in front of me, I think it was Avery, firing curse after curse at me,” Ginny paused, flashes of that night playing over and over in her mind. “I fired a reducto at the arch above his head and it collapsed on top of him. But it caused a lot more damage. It wasn’t much later that Voldemort called for a pause. 
“After, well after, I went inside,” Ginny said, skipping over finding out about Fred’s death, “I went out to the courtyard to find survivors. To help. That is where I found her. Underneath the rubble that I caused.”
"You couldn’t have known.”
But Ginny felt like she should have known better. She knew innocent actions have consequences after surviving her first year
I've been down since July
In the cracks of light, I dreamed of you
The Great Depression 
Pieces of her life were black. Dark and missing and forgotten. She had soared to unimaginable heights to try to find them, but every time she thought she heard a whisper of a memory, it turned into his voice mocking her, or worse, her own voice laughing at her. 
Hermione and Ron come back from Australia
Hermione apologizes to Ginny because her mum cannot forgive her. Her dad had to play mediator in the argument.
Her parents are coming back to England eventually, but not yet. They wanted more time before returning home. 
Ron and Ginny conversation
"It's supposed to be easy. Harry and me. How it was before."
"What did you used to talk about."
"I tried prying once to know what he was up to with Dumbledore, but Harry not so subtly shut that down quickly.  So we stuck to safe topics. Quidditch, O.W.L.s, how maroon definitely isn't your color."
Ron scowled. 
Criminal Trials get announced for the Death Eaters and the date
A brown owl flew into the kitchen, dropping off the newest edition of the Daily Prophet on Hermione’s plate. She reached into her shorts pocket to trade a knut for the paper. Ron fed a small piece of his breakfast sausage to the owl as compensation as well. The owl gave a satisfied hoot before flapping its wings and flying out of the kitchen window. 
Ginny pointed her fork at her brother. "Who was the person I suggested you snogged for practice?"
"Are you seriously asking me security questions right now?"
"The Ron Weasley I know would never voluntarily give up some of his breakfast."
Ron stabbed his fork in another piece of sausage, taking the whole thing in his mouth, "Yeah well I've matured."
"Oh! They released the dates for the trails!" Hermione shouted, interrupting them. 
Ron looked away from her and turned back to his girlfriend. “When’s Malfoy’s?” He asked, kindly swallowing his food before asking. 
The Carrow trials get announced for like August 13th, making sure that they are AFTER Ginny's birthday which makes her an adult, therefore, she is required to speak at them if they summon her as a witness 
yeah this was done intentionally, fuck the ministry for forcing my girl to have to relive her trauma
Harry’s birthday 
Ginny gets drunk at Harry’s party
I love you, ain't that the worst thing you’ve ever heard?
August slipped away
Ginny’s birthday 
Carrow trials
Amycus was a man. He only understood pain in tears and in blood. He didn’t understand that to girls blood meant nothing more than washing their sheets that night before bed. He didn’t understand that girlhood was pain, or that tears could be shed from grief or laughter. 
Alecto was a woman. She understood that trauma of girlhood because no matter how horrid she currently is, she was a victim of it too. She understood how to torture a young girl scared of her past. She knew how to weaponize memories, or the lack thereof, so that Ginny could continue to torture herself without Alecto lifting another finger. 
Ginny turned to the other side of the courtroom where Amycus Carrow sat. His face emotionless, but his muddy eyes filled with glee, like her reliving her torture was *erotic* for him. 
She felt her heart quicken. Calm down.
Breathe in and out.
"Her brother told me."
Her mind brought her back to the floor of the DADA classroom. Those same hungry brown eyes staring down at her, his wand still raised. Every one of her nerve endings felt like it was on fire, every synapse filled with ice. Her mind bounced from one area of her body to the next, unable to focus on what body system hurt the most. Amycus lowered his wand and sneered down at her, "I know Alecto makes you forget her detentions, but I want this one to be unforgettable."
The courtroom was silent. The judge leaned forward in his chair, "Can you please further explain, Miss Weasley?"
Breathe In.
• So since I never actually wrote what happened to Ginny during her time with Alecto, I will tell you all now. Alecto would erase Ginny's memory after every detention. Often times, the detentions were tame, because the punishment was the fact that Ginny was slowly losing her mind and she felt like she was reliving her first year at Hogwarts. Alecto figured out that Ginny was the girl in the chamber (because how would people not know this information? like Ginny wrote her suicide note on the wall in red paint) and used that to torment her. Also tying in the fact that Amycus was still torturing my poor girl with the cruciatus curse, Ginny was going through it. And it is not like she could really tell anyone what was happening to her because she didn't know what was happening to her. She eventually pieced it together.
• The coming together of Harry and Ginny officially 
You'll Have New Septembers
The epilogue where Harry sends Ginny off on the Hogwarts express
19 notes · View notes
North Star Series
Chapter 51 - The Chapter That Shall Not Be Named
(i.e., I couldn't think of a decent title, and you wonderful people have been patiently waiting an insanely long time for this, so I'm posting it anyway)
Start here:
Summary: The weight of the war takes it toll.
Warnings: a couple of curse words, not the happiest of chapters, only did one quick proofread instead of the 97,438 proofs I usually do
Sunday nights were quiet at the Weasley twins' household. Except for the occasional explosion accompanied by an earth-shattering boom, followed by raucous yelling and laughter emanating from the boys' workroom.
It was, in other words, experimentation night. When most of the twins' inventions were created. And since the store was closed on Mondays, they usually didn't stumble into bed until the sun was cresting the horizon. A fact that George was quite happy about these days because it meant no nightmares. He'd found sleeping during the day so much easier. There was just something about the sunlight peeking through the closed curtains that held his damned fears at bay.
Fred stretched and gave a jaw-cracking yawn. "Looks like you and Y/N had fun last night."
"We have fun every night," George responded with a cheeky grin.
"Well, with those monumental suitcases under your eyes, I'd say you had extra fun." Fred waggled his eyebrows at his twin, then turned his attention back to the prototype in his hands.
The younger twin chewed on his bottom lip for a few seconds before speaking. His lack of sleep was a subject he'd not yet brought up to his twin. And he wasn't entirely sure it was worth the bother. They were just stupid dreams, after all.
"Sales have really gone up for the - " George blurted out.
"Nope." Fred interrupted and leaned back in his chair.
"Nope? What do you mean, nope?" The younger twin eyed his brother.
"Don't try to change the subject."
"Well, I'm certainly not regaling the details of my sex life to you."
"And thank Godric for that!" Fred chuckled. "Besides, I know this isn't about your sex life."
"Oh?" George crossed his arms. "So what's it about, then?"
Fred mirrored his twin's movement and added his trademark smirk to the effect. "Hell, if I know. But I do know that look. It means something's wrong. And I'm pretty damn certain it has nothing to do with dancing the horizontal mambo."
Fred flopped onto his back and stared at the ceiling. Then he stared at the clock.
2:42 am.
So much for a decent night's sleep tonight.
He'd knocked off early, feigning tiredness in the hopes that George could catch up on his sleep.
It worried him. His twin's nightmares.
Despite all his bravado, Fred held no illusions to the realities of war. Though it wasn't himself he was worried about. Not really. Of course, the possibility of his own demise had crossed his mind a time or two and while he certainly didn't want to die, if it came down to the wire, he'd take the killing blow for those he loved any day of the week.
Except... how could he leave George?
The thought haunted him, always lingering there in the back of his mind. Ever since they were little, he'd taken care of his twin brother. It was his mission in life. And he knew, deep down, that Y/N would take up the mantle, should the worst happen. But still, he needed to hear her say the words.
Fred sighed and looked at the clock again.
"Well," he muttered to himself. "There's only one thing for it."
Stretching, he rolled out of bed and plodded into the kitchen. Maybe some nibblies and a shot or two of firewhiskey would calm him. He needed a few hours of sleep, at least, before having a little chat with Y/N.
Y/N slouched back in her chair, her eyes scanning the array of dots and squiggles covering the parchment on her desk. She and Callie had been writing to each other in their own personal code since their third year at Ilvermorny. Over Christmas break of that year, Callie's older brother had swiped one of their letters, which revealed his little sister's crush on one of his friends which he then proceeded to read out loud in front of said friend.
Callie was mortified and barely left her bedroom for the rest of the holiday. That's when Y/N decided they needed a better way to communicate.
Neither of them had ever expected it would become a matter of life or death.
Y/N sighed and folded up the letter and slipped it into the envelope, placing a stamp neatly onto the top left corner. She missed the days of just dropping her mail off a few doors down at the International Floo to be whisked away across the Atlantic.
But now, with Deatheaters intercepting the mail, it was just too much of a risk. So, muggle mail it was.
Now for the hard part...
Y/N grabbed another piece of parchment.
Dear Gran, she began. Then, put down her pen and massaged her forehead. Writing to her grandma these days felt like one big extravagant lie. Thus far, Y/N'd managed to keep the war hidden from her, even managing to keep it secret during her visit to England for the wedding, thanks to her husband's last minute suggestion that they conveniently move the festivities to a secluded farmhouse in the north of Scotland.
"Sorry, we can't take you to visit the shop," Y/N had apologized.
"Oh nonsense," her Gran waved her off. "I'm here to see my only granchild marry the love of her life. That's the most important thing. I'll see everything next time."
And that was something else that worried her.
While Y/N certainly appreciated her Gran's easy-going attitude on the matter, she'd still expected a little push-back. Yet, her Gran's usual feistiness was noticeably absent. And as much as she wanted to agree with Callie and George's reassurances that her grandma had probably just been exhausted from the whole excursion, having just hopped off her millionth cruise and pretty much straight onto the plane, Y/N couldn't rid herself of the nagging thought that time and age were finally catching up with her beloved grandmother.
She sighed and rubbed a hand over her face. Things would be so much easier if Gran just lived nearby. Maybe after the war, Y/N considered, she could convince her to move here. Perhaps set her up in a little cottage or something.
'If there's anything left after...'
The thought trickled through Y/N's mind unbidden and she shook it off with an irritated huff, picking up her pen again.
Things are going great... (her marriage was indeed going great, so that wasn't a total lie).
Business is booming... (also not a lie, just never mind that it was government contracts for magical Britain's war machine that was keeping it afloat).
My research... she started, then erased it.
Best leave her illegal activities out in case the letter fell into the wrong hands. After a long lull, things had picked back up again thanks to the recent acquisition of a couple vials of muggle blood, courtesy of her former mentor's muggle wife during their brief sojourn in London.
The weather's been nice...
With a groan, Y/N tossed down the pen again, oblivious to how it bounced across the table and onto the floor.
"Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit! Who gives a fuck about the weather?" She demanded of the empty room and let her eyes fall back down to the parchment, scanning the words. The whole damn thing read like a fucking form letter, and she hated it. But what else could she do? She couldn't tell her Gran the truth. The truth that they were at war. The truth that every day had become a strategic game of survival.
After a few quiet weeks, kidnappings and killings were on the rise again. And no one knew why.
Maybe her stupid magic 8-ball could give her some answers. Y/N had picked up the toy at muggle joke shop while on an outing with George shortly after her return to England.
"What is Voldemort planning?" She asked and shook it.
Reply hazy, try again later.
She sighed, rolling her eyes and absentmindedly reached for the pen that wasn't there, when a soft knock sounded on the lab door, followed by Fred's grinning face poking in. "Hey, Y/N, got a minute?"
"You're up early," she said, blinking in surprise. It was rare indeed for Fred to be up and about before George. "What's up?"
"I wanted to talk to you about George and... well... his nightmares."
"Ah, the nightmares," Y/N nodded, waving him in. She'd been expecting this conversation.
Fred pulled up the spare chair and jumped right to the point. "How bad are they? How often are they happening? Is there anything I can do?" He asked in rapid fire succession. "George tried to play them off like they're nothing. But I know better."
Y/N exhaled a long sigh. "Two or three times a week. They're always intense. He wakes up shaking and sweating." She leaned forward a little. "They're far from nothing, Fred. The thought of losing someone he loves terrifies him. Especially you."
Fred gave another nod. "And you." His eyes softened a little, and the corners of his lips quirked up. "I'm glad you found each other. You're so good for him. And to him. And I know you'll take care of him if something happens to me."
Y/N's breath caught in her throat. Fred wasn't one to wear his heart on his sleeve or anywhere else on his clothes, for that matter. He buried it deep within him, hidden under a maze of jokes and witty diversions. The fact that he'd even brought it up meant he'd been thinking about it, and it worried him. Maybe even scared him a little. But he'd never admit to that. Not even to himself.
"Nothing's going to happen to you," Y/N spoke slowly, enunciating every word, as if that would somehow make it so.
Fred shook his head, and his eyes shifted down and away from her gaze for the briefest of moments before darting back up with their usual mischievous glint. Then, he leaned forward, motioning her closer. "Ok, what I'm about to tell you is a big secret, so don't tell anybody," he said in a conspiratoral whisper. "But even the great and powerful Fred Weasley can be hurt."
Y/N opened her mouth to speak. But he continued on with a stare that bore straight into her soul. "And I just want to make sure that if something happens to me George is taken care of."
It wasn't a request.
"You know I'll take care of him," Y/N said. "I promise."
"Good," he stood and stretched, a crooked grin playing across his features. "I'll see what I can do to help with those pesky nightmares. We'll get Georgie dreaming sweet dreams again in no time.
"Okay... thanks, Fred," Y/N said, pasting on a smile.
He nodded, still grinning, and bounded out.
Y/N sat stone still, watching him go, a sinking weight settling deep in the pit of her stomach.
@milivanili99 @slytherclaw1978 @quackitysdrugdealer @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @fancy-pantaloons @samberriejams @totalwitch2 @aslanvez @mrsgweasley @morally-grey-obsessed @asuperconfusedgirl @hmisa11 @superduckmilkshake @junerprsh @wolfkill16 @kaysau2510 @planetkt @thankyouforanonymity @thatonepersonwhocantwrite
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elle's masterlist 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
about me [ updated: 21/7/23 ]
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° for all my george girlies ᰔᩚ
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george weasley ༘⋆
Are You Lonely? [Fluff]
Festive Dreams of Corduroy [Fluff]
One, two, three (Imagine) [Fluff]
The Wrong Twin [Angst to kinda fluff]
O Children [Fluff]
Flight of The Love Letters [Fluff with very brief angst]
That Cold, Wintry Night [Angst. Deadass just angst]
Even After all Those Years (Sequel to: “That Cold, Wintry Night”) [Angst then fluff-ish happy ending!!]
That Fateful Potions Lesson [Fluff]
Georgie’s Little Secret [Fluff, a bit of spicy stuff but nothing too spicy, just some light snogging!!]
Through the Eyes of a Photographer [Fluff, so many affectionate words omg....]
Over [Angst, blurb]
Weasley Mix-Up [Angst to fluff]
The Moon is Beautiful, Isn’t it? [Blurb]
A Winter Persimmon. [Fluff??????]
Owl Love you Forever [Fluff with speckles of angst]
for you. [Angst, blurb]
my wintry man [Angst, blurb]
isn't she lovely? [Blurb]
lover? [Blurb]
drunk [Blurb]
meadow [Poem?]
pining ‘til the end of time [Blurb]
earlessly bloody. [Flangst?]
i finally found you. [soulmates]
i remember [blurb, george pov]
Letters to G. Weasley. [I don't even know what to label this as ]
so how can my day be bad? [ blurb ]
no longer mine. [Angst]
love. [flangst]
The Weasley and his Cafe [cafe au, pining]
Truly Madly Deeply [fluff]
sodding map. [fluff, George being a smitten idiot]
My darling. [blurb, angst, post war mourning, not happily ever after]
her rhinestones, they shine endlessly [fluff kinda]
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Series (The Boy and The Magpie) [G.W. x Metamorphmagus!reader] *Discontinued*
The Boy and The Magpie(1) “Magpie Down”
The Boy and The Magpie(2) “Nargles In Your Hair”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
[___] With George: A Collection of Headcanons
Slow Dancing with George
Studying with George
Rainy Mornings with George
Christmas Eve with George
Cuddles with George
That Time of the Month with George
Cloud-gazing with George
Sketching with George
Makeover with George 
A Picnic with George
Pets with George
Fever with George
Hogsmeade with George
Spring-cleaning with George 
Reminiscing with George 
Jamming with George
Confessing with George
Cafes with George
Walks with George
Kisses with George
George Weasley but ... [headcanons]
George Weasley but [1]
George Weasley but [2]
Stray George headcanons [the plot bunnies I catch and boil alive]
george comforting you in the middle of the night
george braiding your hair
george going through it with you
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
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fred weasley ᥫ᭡
what’s wrong, my little firework?
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Quick thoughts on two person ships that I've seen in the fics I like or read fics for in both HP and RWBY
Percy x Penelope: I like it it's cute. Ginny catching them snogging would probably have a greater impact on canon if Penny was someone the Weasleys had a vocal opinion of.
Percy x Audrey: It's cute in fanfic. In canon though, it suffers from the thing of canon Audrey is just a name.
Percy x Oliver: This fits into so many of my favourite tropes, it's kind of hilarious. I think this was my first Percy ship.
Percy x Marcus: Character I love shipped with a charater that absolutely would go to hell and back for the other is probably the quickest way to get me to ship two characters and Flintley isn't any different. This is my favourite Percy two person ship, hands down
Percy x Anyone in Harry's year or Ginny's year: Not getting into specific ships because this is the most common theme of Percy ships that I end up filtering out. Personally, I only see it happening post second wizarding war after both members have left Hogwarts, and I have to be in a really specific mood to read fics for these types of ships. However, depending on who Percy is shipped with, it can be cute
Penelope x Audrey: I love these two together in fanfic and I love the versatility. If you thought Perciver fit a lot of tropes, then this ship can fit more because again canon Audrey is just a name.
Penelope x Fred: I think my enjoyment of this ship heavily depends on how Fred is characterized. These two in a ship read to me as Bookworm x Prankster, and I'm really not a fan of that trope. It absolutely doesn't help that the twins are tied for my least favourite (I don't hate them but I like the other siblings better) of the book Wesley children.
Oliver x Marcus: I like the ship, and I think it's a good rivals to lovers ship. I'm pretty sure the only reason I've dropped a FlintWood fic is because I didn't vibe with the non-Flintwood ships in the fic
Ruby x Weiss: White Rose I think is partly as popular as it is because of the thing of pair off the spares. However, unlike a lot of couples I've seen with that thing, their canon interactions are pretty cute. On the other hand, their canon status of getting partnered during initiation does help their cause.
Ruby x Blake: I know I've said it for basically most of the other ships on the list but it's cute. I think I got into this ship with either a Team RWBY poly fic or a Beauty and the Beast retelling that used Ladybug
Ruby x Jaune: I like their friendship and I think a romantic relationship would be fine. I don't really ship it myself but I can see the appeal.
Weiss x Blake: I like it. However, I think it would be better in the later seasons rather than when they were in Beacon.
Weiss x Yang: Freezerburn, my beloved. I know with recent events, it's absolutely not going to be canon, but imma just vibe with their dynamic with fanfic
Weiss x Pyrrha: I think this is my favourite Weiss ship. There's a possibility of one-sided rivalry to lovers while in Beacon, and I think that's my favourite trope the ship could fall into
Weiss x Jaune: Personally prefer a friendship between the two but the volume 9 white knight moments were cute
Blake x Yang: It's cute. I'm glad they got made canon, and I want to see more cute canon moments between the two if the show does somehow get another volume. In the meantime, I will be chilling with fanfic.
Blake x Sun: Like Bumblebee, its cute. I also don't want to see discourse between it and Bumblebee.
Blake x Adam: The exception to my Blake ships that I've read are cute. The stuff I've read have sometimes had this as a past relationship for Blake and it should stay a past relationship.
Yang x Neo: Would be an interesting friendship post s3 but I don't feel comfortable shipping them romantically with recent canon events even with the Neo age discourse I've seen.
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Liv, meu anjo, I come here asking for some very niche shit, but I believe only you can help me. I'm atm weirdly obsessed/craving to read some drarry + Draco kissing/eating out women in the same fic. Do you have any bisexual Draco recs for me? I'm open to any kinds of open/infidelity/groupsex/whatevah fics. 😎 Love u xuxu
The way I gasped in delight seeing this ask! We are indeed taste twins, I love bi Drarry with all of my heart and imho we deserve more group sex/triad/threesome fics with ladies in this fandom 🌝 I think I’ve read more but in the interest of keeping this list Explicit I chose to highlight the fics below. I’ll do some extra digging and come back to update this list if I find more!
Most fics have Harry and Draco together in the sex scene, but a few feature Draco/female character on his own. I’ll also link Lipstick by @kbrick which doesn’t exactly fit the ask but it’s gonna be right up your alley: Harry/Ginny & Pansy/Draco becoming Ginsy and Drarry 😏 Enjoy my love!
Sharing by Alisanne (3.5k) - Harry/Draco/Pansy, endgame Drarry
Harry is tense, and his houseguests help him to relax.
Hermione Granger and the Day Ron Weasley Called her a Slut by ellebesea (4k) - Drarry, Harry/Draco/Hermione
To be honest, Harry had also found Hermione’s determined mingling with the Slytherins to be odd, but he knew better than to actually confront her about it. Besides, he isn’t exactly one to talk, is he? Not when one considers his newfound urge to show his dick off to Malfoy, anyway.
Flatmates by @unmistakablyoatmeal (5.5k) - Drarry + Romione, foursome
Hermione is just as bossy inside the bedroom as she is out of it. The reason Draco knows this is because Harry's walls are too thin.
Better Than by marguerite_26 (11k) - Hinny + Draco, triad
Ginny offers Harry something a little different for their anniversary.
The Waiting by @oknowkiss, art by @babooshkart (43k) - established Drarry in a foursome 😈
It’s been almost ten years since Draco Malfoy disappeared during a routine Curse Breaker training exercise. Harry, his partner in more ways than one, is determined to figure out why. As the past resurfaces and the present fades into confusion, Harry discovers the only thing more unreliable than memory is love.
Super Rich Kids by @thusspoketrish (81k) - Draco/OFC, endgame Drarry
Draco Malfoy has become disillusioned by the glitz and glamour of the scandalous lives of the Post-Second Wizarding War Pureblood Elite. Enter: one existential crisis, one group of thieving cynical friends, and several terrible, terrible decisions.
Eagles in Truro (Alt: That filthy one that snuck in a plot.) by @vukovich (284k) - Drarry & multiple ships
Hermione Granger just wants to get laid and maybe someday become Supreme Mugwump. Ronald Weasley just wants to build a dubiously-criminal empire and hug everybody. Harry Potter just wants... he's not sure, but it might be Malfoy. Draco Malfoy just wants to survive the post-war world. And snuggles.
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