#wee update to the fic list
tswaney17 · 11 months
Little Heir
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@duskwhisperer and I are so excited to share “Little Heir” with you for @azrielappreciationweek day one, the family you make.
Thank you, @ruisfree for collaborating with us and bringing this piece to life. Still smiling and kicking our feet over all the creative details you added. We loved working with you! 💕
This commission and fic were inspired by the adorable idea of Azriel catching Nyx sneaking Aunt Elain’s cookies late at night. 🍪 We wanted to capture Azriel trying not to smile while Nyx guiltily looked up at him. With the scene set in Elain and Azriel’s kitchen, we thought it would be perfect to show Nyx’s artwork on display. And of course, we couldn’t resist showing our appreciation for a shirtless Az. 😏 We truly hope you adore this piece as much as we do.
Do Not Repost
🎨 @ruisfree | Comm by: @duskwhisperer & @tswaney17
Characters belong to Sarah J. Maas
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​​​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
Please let me know what you think about this update. I love getting your feedback. Constructive criticism is always welcome. 💕
Catch up here.
Trigger warnings: mild NSFW language, tooth-rotting fluff
Word Count: 1,177
This fic will be posted on AO3 only. Read here.
Azriel felt the pull even in his deep sleep. That urgent tug that something was amiss. He knew the feeling of his shadows trying to drag him from his slumber. Had experienced it for years.
He very nearly growled at the disruption, until a single shadow curled around his ear, whispering their secrets.
The heir is awake. He wanders the house.
That had his attention, his eyes blinking open and seeing the sky outside their bedroom window still stained deep blue and purple, the sun not yet basking over the eastern mountains to grace them with its presence. The moon’s glow across the floor indicated it was still very late at night or in the wee hours of the morning. Far too early for the nearly five-year-old to be out of bed.
Why Nyx was awake, he didn’t know, but he’d soon find out. Azriel carefully detached himself from Elain’s warm body. Her brows furrowed in protest, a wordless sound passing through her parted lips as he slowly slipped away.
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Remember, sharing is caring! Please reblog if you liked the fic. It helps spread my work and I truly appreciate it. 💕
While I have moved these fics to AO3 only, I am still going to utilize a tag list here on Tumblr. This as a permanent solution and may change in the future. For notifications, you can follow and subscribe to my fanfic account where I will be reblogging updates and snippets only. You can also find me on ao3. If you would like to be added to my tag list, please leave a comment on this post.
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
Some tags seem to not want to link, which could be related to your visibility settings. Sorry about that!
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middlingmay · 1 month
Clegan LCAPT Fic-off?
EDIT. The eagle-eyed @avonne-writes reminded me that it's Let's Create a Playlist Together - oops! So mind the updated tag if you're playing along.
The lovely @onyxsboxes has posted a list of the song titles in the amazing playlist they created for Clegan!
And there is tons of inspiration in it! So, I thought it might be fun to see if it inspires anyones ficcing.
If you want to play along, write a wee fic headcanon or drabble based on one of the songs/song titles, and post it with the tag 'Clegan LCAPT fic' and the song that inspired you!
No deadlines or anything like that, just some fun!
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ss-shitstorm · 11 months
Hey I know you’ve probably already been asked this but what type of chemistry do you use for breaking bread like biochem and where did you learn this or have any book recommendations to pick it up? Also ty in advance I love your writing!!💕💕
oh my fucking god. oh my god. buddy. buddy you have made my fucking LIFE ASKING THIS OH GOD
So like, most of the chemistry I've used so far has just been Genchem and O Chem(with a wee few modifications to make it believable as a Cybertronian discipline, like Transformium being able to hold 4 bonds like Carbon but preferentially forming bonds w metals and needing an EMP pulse to interact w more electronegative atoms) I may wind up needing to get into a bit of Inorganic chemistry, but that's probably fewer and further in between. If you want a better handle on the stuff I'm writing or if you just want to learn more in general, then I'd recommend giving yourself a lil crash course in Genchem and then delving into O chem a bit more extensively (protip : you need WAY less Genchem then you'd think to fully understand O chem. God I wish someone had told me this 5 years ago. If you search "Genchem for non majors", you'll probably learn enough that way.)
THAT SAID : here's a chaotic, not really in any order list of the books/youtube channels/etc that I've directly used/am using for this fic.
Books :
Caveman Chemistry, Kevin R Dunn - Alot of hands-on old timey historical chemistry lessons w detailed instructions on how to complete them.(YOU GET TO MAKE YOUR OWN ASPIRIN AND DRAIN CLEANER!) Delivered with a delightfully occult bend.
Back To basics,(Reader's Digest) - Survivalist homesteading bible. Not strictly chemistry but has alot of earthy hippy ways of generating energy( biofuels my beloved)
An Introduction to Fire Dynamics, Dougal Drysdale - Honestly this, and any other firefighting manuals are worth their weight in gold for figuring out how to not set yourself and your neighborhood on fire while playing with, well, fire. Trying to look this info up online is like playing russian roulette with intentional misinformation and your fbi guy.
(there's another book I have that's even more detailed but I can't find it right now or remember the name. I'll update this list when I can!)
Organic Chemistry, John Mcmurray 8th edition : generic but good college O chem textbook. You can search around and find free versions to download relatively easily.
The Organic Chem Lab Survival Manual, James W Zubrick - Also a very good way to learn how to not set yourself and your neighborhood on fire when playing with glassware/gases. Very in-depth instructions on setting up and using lab equipment without breaking anything or your brain. Has a fuckton of pictures. Author has a massive sense of humor and makes this heavy subject easy to read. Again, easy to download/find in archives
Unfortunately I do not have any recommendations for Genchem books. I mostly used free online courses like Khan Academy to learn what I did.(I would def. recommend them though)
Youtube Channels :
The Organic Chemistry Tutor : Dude puts everything from reaction mechanisms to retrosynth problems down in the simplest possible terms. Does not beat around the bush with euphemisms or stories, gets right to business. If you have trouble paying attention, or lose your mind when a professor goes off on a tangent, this man is your savior. I have crippling unmedicated ADHD and no STEM background whatesoever and this man still managed to teach me 2 separate ways to execute a Gabriel Synthesis
Nile Red : World's most inefficient and most powerful wizard. I am not entirely convinced he's human. Does shit like turning plastic gloves into drinkable grape soda or making sweeteners out of his own piss and somehow makes it explainable to trash goblins like me who only need the science for warlord pussy.
again, anon, holy shit thank you so much. Like you wouldn't believe the amount of damage you've just undone. i have been beating myself into a pulp and spiraling into anxiety about this fic an trying to do everything right and you've given me enough moxie to fuel me for at least the next 10 chapters. If you have any more questions or more specific questions, please do not hesitate to ask! I can't guarantee I can answer them, but damnit I'll try. Take care and happy learning you funky lil moonbean.
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nerdieforpedro · 3 months
20 Questions of Writers 📑
I was tagged by @frenchiereading @avastrasposts and @maggiemayhemnj (Bless the three of you. You know a dissertation is coming 🤣🤣🤣) 💜
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 81 works on AO3. There are some that are there and not on Tumblr yet. As to why, some of them are other series I haven’t finished or I’m not sure if I should post them here.
2. What is your total AO3 word count?
As of today: 351,908 words (updated for a new chapter of one of my works)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently: Pedro Pascal, Oscar Issac, Garrett Hedlund and might dabble in Call of Duty (maybe)
No longer writing: Marvel
4. Top Five fics by kudos: (some of these were written long ago, when Nerdie was a wee one in fandom)
Sard’ika Sessions (the most in kudos and hits- it tells me ya’ll like Din being a soft dom and using several different tools, maybe at the same time?)
Our Journey Across the Star Ocean (people enjoy the way I write Din maybe?)
The Viper Longs for Foliage (the one fic I have about Oberyn Martell - I don’t feel I write him well but people feel differently I suppose 🤔)
The Best and the Worst Day (AO3 only - Chris Evans fix it was a phase 🫣)
I want him to see me (AO3 only - I had to look up what this was lol Sebastian Stan fic)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I make sure to go through my inbox to reply to anyone who was nice enough to leave me one. ☺️
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Bold of you to assume I finish fics regularly 👀
Scarlet Stains and their Echoes Such angst with a Backstreet Boys joke thrown in. 😆
7. What is the fic you wrote that has the happiest ending?
This is a three way tie (cheating because Nerdie is not above it) between Sard’ika Sessions, The Lake Between Us and Parts of you Mr. Morales. Each fic has a different Pedro character - Din, Ezra (I had to give him something happy 😭) and Frankie.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I’ve seen. I totally thought I would and that’s why something stay on AO3 or in the WIP folder but so far I have not. It’s like waiting for the other shoe to drop.
9. Do you write smut?
I used to. I used to write a lot and enjoyed it. I find now that when I write smut it’s awkward and takes me at least a month to finish a smut scene because despite watching and reading reference materials (porn and other awesome smut fanfic here and on AO3) I don’t have the same mojo when writing it any more. I feel a bit sad about it, but there’s nothing that’s worked. It’s not like I don’t have thots. I just can’t get them in a fic. 😭😭
10. Craziest Crossover?
I haven’t really done many. One m/m fic where Din and Poe crossed blasters (pun fully intended), one sandwich with a female reader, Lucian Flores and Benny Miller, My Tim Rockford series where Dieter is his brother and that’s about it I think 🧐
11. Have you ever have a fic stolen? Not that I know of. So happy I’m in my small weird little box 📦
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic? Nope I would be open to it but I dunno how the process would work.
14. All time favorite ship? The Razor Crest, it has room for passengers. 😆
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Such heart ache 😣 My first series that I started was with Dave York (he was done so dirty dammit!) and it was pretty smut filled. Felt with him and the OFC’s messed up dynamic as well but because of all the smut and how I can’t seem to write smut to save my neck now, it will likely go unfinished. 😭
16. What are your writing strengths?
Honestly, I’m not sure. Maybe just the weird plot ideas I can make and dialogue. That’s about it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing a fic, SMUT, weak comedy (I can’t resist it though), fixating on small details that don’t matter and everything that wasn’t listed as a strength. What is writing really? Can I make the words go together? 😨
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Pretty cool, just make sure you ask a native speaker in that language to look over things before posting. I have found that some of my Spanish is too literal and no native Spanish speaker is actually going to say that. Plus each language always has little nuances you need to take into account.
19. First Fandom you wrote in? Marvel 👀 Look it was a phase dammit! 🫣 Leave me alone. 😭
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Nerdie will cheat again, because this is her post! 😆 I enjoy all my fics. Otherwise, why would I write them? But one stands above the rest. It gives me all the feels, giggles, some funny banter, smut that took a damn month to write and inspired @soft-persephone to tag me in a meme that @boliv-jenta made, Weddings 101 with Dieter.
If there’s one fic that I feel has the majority of my writing (all styles and facets) in it, Weddings 101 would be it. My humor, agnst, attempt at making a villain and sub-plots, slow burn romance with a goat as Dieter’s ride or die. 🤗 That trash panda gave me a lot so I wrote him a wild ass series. 😋
NPT: @tinytinymenace @megamindsecretlair @perotovar @pedroshotwifey @lady-bess
@djarinmuse @alltheglitterandtheroar @inept-the-magnificent @lotusbxtch
@jeewrites @rosecentaur1916 @westside-rot @jessthebaker @trulybetty
@rhoorl @musings-of-a-rose @saturn-rings-writes @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @magpiepills
@secretelephanttattoo @morallyinept @goodwithcheese
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a tiny little update
hey gang!
how's it going? hope you're all well and being kind to yourselves <3
life is mad at the minute - working full time and studying on top is intense, and lately i've found myself staying up until the wee hours to get things done. it's only temporary (i have less than 2 months until i qualify as a teacher!) but i've been so drained and anxious and generally not in the best of places. training has, far and away, been the hardest thing i've ever done.
it's been hard to log on here and not doom scroll and feel the imposter syndrome i have irl seep into this space, too. it's even harder to come across so many great fics and not feel like i have the time or capacity to give them the love and praise they deserve. we're fortunate to be part of such an amazing community of creatives in this fandom, and i'm especially in awe of the fact i get to call so many of them mutuals and friends.
so, i don't really know what this is. i guess i feel like i've been letting people down with my lack of responses to reblogs, tag games, fics and the like. i'm so genuinely touched every time someone reaches out or thinks of me, and i'd hate to think the opposite might be coming across. it's just been a really tough couple of months. if this has been you, especially over the last few weeks, just know that i see you, i love you, and i appreciate you so much.
i've tried to get my shit kind of together this weekend, especially in the way of reblogs. i have a bunch of fic recs queued and a couple of masterlists i read when i was a lurker (for shame) that i'll get round to reblogging properly at some point.
if you see this and i've 'liked' something of yours recently, please know it's on my tbr list. promise i'm not trying to drive-by love you. i'll get to it eventually <3
for future times, i'm (very slowly) working on a sweet, soft something for frankie, and then hopefully a cool series with joel. in the meantime, i'll be trying to keep my head above water.
love and endless cuddles,
em xxxx
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thlayli-ra · 6 months
WIP Timeline
I enjoy writing a list. So that I can eventually tick things off that list. Which is why I wrote this list to map out what I'm writing/drawing in the next wee while and cross them off as I go. Maybe some of you out there might be interested too.
- The Moon Rises Red Tonight - final chapter is about 90% complete and I'm aiming to post it later this week.
- Rise of Knight, part 6 - I've banned myself from drawing anything else until I've finished the next page, which I have already started to 'ink'. After that, there's only one page left and it's the whole reason I made it in the first place so I hopefully won't leave it too long.
- Hunter/Prey Au (CM Punk/Drew McIntyre) - Aiming for this to be a one-shot/two chapter fic. About 20% done but will be my main focus for now alongside Ashes.
- Out of the Ashes - Now my main focus until it's complete.
- Secret Project - Shhhh! 🤫
- Cody Valetverse Fic - A request that I'm keen to work on. Likely to be a one-shot, it'll be a side project after Hunter AU.
- Valetverse ficlet - Have an idea rattling around my head for a follow-up to 'When Hell Froze Over'. Probably a day or two's work.
- Winners Rooms AU (LA Knight/Roman Reigns) - Delayed. Currently about 30% complete but I'm struggling to nail the tone I'm wanting.
- Valetverse one-shot - Knowing me, I do need a little distraction once in a while when I'm writing a multi-chapter fic so will probably dip back into the valetverse, either for another LA Knight sequel or the Phil Calaway prequel. Ooh, there's also the Finn/Samoa Joe one!
- Art (various) - LA Knight/Roman Reigns sub/dom pic currently in the works, Summer of Punk request for @piledrivemytombstones , CodyPunk project for Anon, Punkintyre request for Anon, Art trade for @taydaq plus some more artwork of my fanfics. Phew!
- Flint and Steel, Part III (Finn Balor/Seth Rollins) - It's feels like a lifetime ago since I immersed myself in the F&S AU and I'm missing it terribly. Once Ashes is complete, this will be my next focus.
- Valets of WWE Sequel - Ideas keep creeping in for this but like before, there will be plenty of room for reader requests.
As always, there will be new ideas and distractions come up but that's the general plan anyway. Oh, and I'm always happy to share snippets of my WIPs or ideas I have for them so feel free to send me asks. 😘
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Kia Ora Koutou,  I finally got through the last list of requests and fics!! Thank you so much everyone for requesting, I could have never imagined this much love and stuff for my fics like..ever! so to have all these requests and other things like comments and all that come through means a lot to me, and i hope i can deliver good fics for yous ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ I have the end of next month off, so I'll be able to write more often then, but for now, i just gotta try fit writing in between life :,) I've also updated my masterlists and request thingys, so yeah..wee~
This is the order in which I'll try to write everything: - Behind the Mask (Part 2) - Bunny (part 3) - Secret Ties (Part 2) - You are the right one (part 2) - Raymond request - Jonathan Crane Song request - Jackson Ripner request And these (with them only being headcanons) I'll just write sometime between the other fics above: - Montgomery Gator headcanon - Bane headcanon
Also with Part 6 to Office Hours/Bells, I'll just squeeze it in somewhere (as I ended up cutting part 5 up so it wouldn't be so long and so i could get it out sooner)
Sorry for the wait everyone, Nga mihi 💚
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bg3ficreviews · 6 months
A wee update!
Hi everyone, I wanted to let you know we are full steam ahead with our reviews, but with only two reviewers on the team at present, we are going to be a bit slow in posting. We are currently working on review guidelines so that we can open up a call for more reviewers, and will share more information on that as soon as we are ready. Since we started the blog on 16 March, so far we have reviewed twelve individual AO3 works (including two series) across three reviews. And we have many more to go through, with our current queue having over 50 works/series bookmarked for reviewing. 👀 You can see what's in our current queue on AO3 here. We are truly so thrilled that you share our enthusiasm for this project and for BG3 fanfiction, and are very grateful for your support. Please do follow us to see more of our reviews in future! I have included a list of the reviews we've published so far below the fold. Much love, Aivu 🐉💜 Editor/Mod, BG3 Fic Reviews @aivuthedragon
The Wilted Dreams of Baldur's Gate series (Review published 3 April 2024)
A seven-part collection examining Astarion and Tav’s relationship across the game and post-canon. There’s something for everyone in this series with some fluffy slice of life here, a little angst there, and a generous portion of smut. Tags include: NSFW
Thunder Reforged: Rolan x Dammon works by velocitross (Review published 27 March 2024)
What's hotter than a tiefling wizard with a knack for a well-timed thunderwave? Said tiefling wizard having a rendezvous with his tiefling blacksmith paramour, of course. Tags include: NSFW
The Loving Master series (Review published 18 March 2024)
A series based on the worst possible version of Ascended Astarion as he masters the art of creating his own vampire spawn cohort and inflicts pain and anguish on them in what he has deluded himself into believing is 'kindness'. Tags include: NSFW; dead dove; sexual trauma
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elvisqueso · 8 months
Pocahontas/John Smith Fic Rec List
In light of my recent inability to be chill at all about this ship or the movie, I've put together a fic rec list for the perusal of anyone wanting to dip in the waters with me.
I generally kept to one fic per author, but quite a few of these writers have some impressive catalogues of fic; and although I picked one personal fave per author for this list, there are a TON of excellent picks on these authors' pages, so please, please check them out!
[ big thanks to @revangerang for being the lead witness to me absolutely losing it for the past, like, 2 weeks. ]
One Shots:
The Royal Progress by babyb26 [ ff.net | Ao3 ]
When Pocahontas tries to escape the love triangle between her head and her heart by traveling with the king and queen on their royal progress. What could go wrong? What happens when a mysterious stranger claims her as his Queen of Love and Beauty? Can one dance alter a seemingly unhappy future? A wee bit supernatural. Dedicated to SunRise19 and HC247 Rating T-M
Tags: Romance/Supernatural, Solstice/Midsummer, Ritual Sex, Tarot, Love Confessions, Court of King James I Rating: M Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 12,871 Published/Updated: 12/25/2019
Notes: I love me some supernatural elements, and this one-shot is a nice change of pace for this ship, since it focuses on bringing in old spiritual practices of the Isles. This author has a much broader catalogue of fic, so be sure to check out their page!
When Hearts Meet by WishingDreamer5 [ ff.net ]
The moment he locked eyes with her, John Smith was utterly lost.
Tags: Romance Rating: T Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 324 Published/Updated: 8/11/2015
Notes: Just a short, sweet little one-shot. <3
Deleted Scene by fokkusu94 [ ff.net ]
You know how John Smith never tells Pocahontas that he loves her in the movie? Well, for whatever reason, the writers left it out. This is that scene.
Tags: Romance Rating: K+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1,473 Published/Updated: 1/24/2014
Notes: What is says on the tin; fluffy and sweet!
Light My Candle by HC247 [ ff.net ]
Pocahontas and John run into a bit of trouble on their wedding night. Fun, fluffy, romance. For Sunrise.
Tags: Romance/Humor Rating: T Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 936 Published/Updated: 12/27/2009
Notes: HC247 is another author with a massive selection of fic to choose from, so it was hard to single one out. This was probably the first one of theirs I read, and it's still a favorite I like to revisit.
Sweet Sorrow by guardyanangel [ ff.net ]
"What pain? I've had worse pain than this." It was somewhat truthful. What was worse than the pain from his physical injury was the emotional agony he felt knowing he'd have to leave her. Nonetheless… "I just can't think of any right now." JS/P Oneshot
Tags: Romance/Angst Rating: K+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1,503 Published/Updated: 10/8/2010
Notes: Hope you like pain. I do. ಥ_ಥ
Dream Giver by EnInkahootz [ Ao3 ]
After the events of Pocahontas, John Smith and Pocahontas reunite in a dream.
Tags: Romance, Ficlet, Dreams Rating: T Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 665 Published/Updated: 3/3/2020
Notes: Another bit of wistful fluff <3
Completed Chapter Fics:
The Path to You by Cherriepixie27 [ff.net | Ao3]
This is a fix-it fic in which Pocahontas and John Smith end up together. Ignoring the end of Journey to a New World because I will go down with this ship. Lots of angst and eventual smut, hence the M rating!
Tags: Romance/Angst Rating: E Chapters: 2/2 Word Count: 6,931 Published/Updated: 7/20/2021-9/9/2022
Notes: I love the characterization in this fic. It's got a great balance of angst and yearning and romance. Just two people, finally finding each other again.
Shadows Cast by doodlegirll [ ff.net | Ao3 ]
What if, at the Hunt Ball, instead of a bear baiting, there was a prisoner? ..:Dedicated to my friend Kayla:..
Tags: Romance/Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Whipping [John Smith Whump], Angst with a Happy Ending, Racism/Racist Language, etc. Rating: T Chapters: 13/13 Word Count: 39,103 Published/Updated: 7/10/2013-1/12/2023
Notes: doodlegirll is another one with a collection of fic. She goes back quite a ways, and she's experimented with a lot of different styles over the years! This re-vamp of the non-canon sequel is more recent and action-focused. I have an affinity for it in particular bc I love me some whump ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Battlefield by SunRise19 [ ff.net ]
After Pocahontas II. It is often said you can't have life both ways, no matter how you wish it so. No one expects a battle of inner desires and words to be started during a ball. When the lines are drawn, can one foolish act be enough to make peace? PLZ RR! For HC247…COMPLETE
Tags: Romance/Drama Rating: T Chapters: 3/3 Word Count: 11,000 Published/Updated: 10/1/2018-1/1/2019
Notes: fCUk the writing in this one is so good! I'm a little [a lot] obsessed with the way John is written in particular. And SunRise has a TON more fic; there's a little something for everyone on their page, so be sure to check it out!
Painting with the wind by Psyche Blue [ ff.net ]
A series of one shots following the second film, exploring the lives of John Smith and Pocahontas. Like the film, it is loosely based on historical events.
Tags: Romance/Angst Rating: T Chapters: 42/42 Word Count: 20,379 Published/Updated: 2/14/2013-3/3/2013
Notes: *deep breath* aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *deep breath* When they say angst they Mean It, but it's WORTH it. The story is intense and so beautifully written, I can't recommend this one enough (although, if you need a happy ending for P/JS...you can always stop a chapter short of the end and Pretend :'D)
Meeting His Match by RhapsodyinB [ ff.net ]
John enjoys being a carefree bachelor until someone causes him to rethink his lifestyle. His version of the classic.
Tags: Romance Rating: T Chapters: 2/2 Word Count: 4,897 Published/Updated: 11/21/2012-11/28/2012
Notes: As the summary implies, this is a John-centric lil character study. A heartstring-tugger, with a dash of canon-divergence.
Choosing Her Own Path by Lahiwe [ ff.net ]
Pocahontas never thought she'd be able to listen like her mother had. The gift of understanding was just that, and it hadn't been given to her. But when she meets a man from across the sea, she learns that the gift is more a part of her than she knows.
Tags: Romance/Adventure Rating: T Chapters: 9/9 Word Count: 13,294 Published/Updated: 1/2/2012
The Collected Writings of Captain John Smith by Lahiwe[ ff.net ]
It's been a while since Thomas Ryan has had anything to do with the New World. Still, memories of it have never left him. Five years after his return to England, however, he receives a strange parcel and a letter from none other than his old friend, John Smith. Read the story of Pocahontas from Captain Smith's perspective-perhaps you'll learn things you never knew you never knew.
Tags: Romance/Adventure Rating: T Chapters: 10/10 Word Count: 32,124 Published/Updated: 6/9/2012-12/31/2014
Notes: I included these two fics together because they're really a two-part series. They're both wonderful character-focused fics I just adore.
Disney's Pocahontas: an extended retelling by best obsessed [ ff.net ]
A retelling of Disney's Pocahontas, now complete. The idea is to see if a serious treatment of the whole story can work. Disclaimer: though some of the characters are my own, most were given their present form by the Disney Corporation.
Tags: Romance/Adventure Rating: T Chapters: 25/25 Word Count: 110,703 Published/Updated: 4/12/2009-5/29/2009
Notes: This is an EPIC and, if I were to pick, like, a 'Citizen Kane' of P/JS fic, it would be this one. Basically, it's an expansion on the world of the film, and reframes the story a little more realistically. It's got EVERYTHING. It's got a deep study of both leads, complex political maneuvering, John Smith's Pretty People Problems (obsessed with this), gay lil Thomas having a Lot to deal with, Pocahontas being smarter than everyone, and romanceeeeeee. *muah* c'e bella.
Incomplete Fics:
Glory to Glory by pearl037 [ ff.net | Ao3 ]
When John Smith returns to England, Pocahontas is left as the mediator between the settlers and her people. When a bad growing season forces them to cease trading, the new captain will stop at nothing to ensure the survival of his colony. Meanwhile, England prepares for war. Multi-perspective. All rights belong to Disney and history. Part XIII is up!
Tags: Adventure/Romance Rating: T Chapters: 14/? Word Count: 42,731 Published/Updated: 4/6/2019-6/22/2022
Notes: There's some wonderful characterization in this, and an excellent exploration of grief that just gets me in the gut. It's more-or-less an alternate sequel, and builds up the setting around both the denizens of Jamestown and John's gang of fugitives (queen behavior).
Burning Bright by typewriter33 [ ff.net ]
This is a continuation from a "Pocahontas" fanfiction 'The Burning' published in 1999. He had never dared hope to see her alive and laughing, vibrant and beautiful. T/M
Tags: None Rating: T Chapters: 5/? Word Count: 21,349 Published/Updated: 7/30/2020-7/2/2023
Notes: I'm not sure where the predecessor of this fic is (although I'll continue to try). It's a rare modern AU, with a twist. You can piece together what happened before the fic, and the intensity of the universe it happens in. To keep in line with the setting, Pocahontas has a different name, which can be jarring, but once you get past it the premise is interesting and the story, compelling.
Honorable Mention:
The Magic of Hogwarts by orphan_account [ Ao3 ]
"The wall clock reads fifteen minutes till eleven. The newspapers indicate that today is the first of September. King’s Cross Station is bustling... Here our fairytales begin." Excerpt from Prologue. Betaed by the lovely and amazing Crystal (niuniujiaojiao). Please read the notes at the beginning of this fic. I will eventually update.
Tags: Disney/Harry Potter Universe Crossover, Modern Setting, Mentions of Underage Sexuality [see Author's Notes abt this], More Tags to be had Rating: T Chapters: 21/27 Word Count: 112,028 Published/Updated: 4/11/2016-1/10/2020
Notes: I didn't include any crossovers in the main list, because I hadn't really broken into that set of fic, yet. But I felt this one deserved a spot on the list. It's a wide, wide fic, and includes interpretations of a TON of Disney characters. I included this because the Pocahontas/John Smith subplot absolutely fucking wrecked me, and I needed to share. The last update the fic got threw me in the back of a van and beat me with an aluminum baseball bat. This fic is unfinished as of now, but even if it's never updated again, it's worth a read. Just be sure to read all of the author's notes!
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tswaney17 · 1 year
A Hundred Lifetimes, A Hundred Worlds, I'd Choose You - Part 1
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Don't even ask me what's going on. I'm still figuring this mess out. I wrote a handful of fics that somehow can go together. So, here we are. The first fic of @elainarcheronweek. 💕 Huge thanks to @duskwhisperer for sending me the prompt idea. 🫶
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​​​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
Please let me know what you think about this update. I love getting your feedback. Constructive criticism is always welcome. 💕
Credit to @nikethestatue for Elain's nickname, Petal. 😘
Trigger warnings: None (I think)
Word Count: 2,599
Read on AO3. Snippet Below
Elain was sitting at the rod-iron table in the Townhouse garden, enjoying her morning cup of tea while basking in the golden rays of the beautiful sunrise. She brought the steaming mug to her lips, sipping the liquid and savoring how it warmed her from the inside out.
A shawl was draped over her shoulders, lips pressing to her cheek, flushed pink from the cool air. “Good morning, my love.” His voice was always huskier in the earlier hours of the day. Scarred fingers gripped her, massaging the tender spots on her back. “It’s chilly this morning.” He always did this, always took care of her, bringing out something warm to wrap around her because he knew she got cold easily but enjoyed the fresh air too much to not sit outside.
She tipped her head back, inviting him to kiss her properly. “Good morning,” she breathed against his mouth. “How’d you sleep?”
“Always better when you’re next to me,” he admitted, leaning down to kiss her again.
Azriel had been gone on a week-long mission, only having returned late the previous evening. They had spent the night making up for lost time, finally falling asleep in the wee hours of the morning before dawn. Elain knew he didn’t sleep much while out on his missions and didn’t wake him when she rose to begin her first batch of pastries for the day.
He settled in the chair next to hers, clasping her hand in his large, warm one. Azriel always joined her in the mornings for tea. Sometimes they shared breakfast together if they were hungry. He often brought food out for her if she was enjoying the fresh air. It was just a simple, domestic moment together, where they enjoyed each other’s company and discussed what the day entailed for them. Elain truly loved sharing them with him.
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Remember, sharing is caring! Please reblog if you liked the fic. It helps spread my work and I truly appreciate it. 💕
While I have moved these fics to AO3 only, I am still going to utilize a tag list here on Tumblr. This as a permanent solution and may change in the future. For notifications, you can follow and subscribe to my fanfic account where I will be reblogging updates and snippets only. You can also find me on ao3. If you would like to be added to my tag list, please leave a comment on this post.
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
Some tags seem to not want to link, which could be related to your visibility settings. Sorry about that!
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secret-engima · 9 months
So I Did A Thing
And that thing was go a wee bit insane for the new year and update 4 fics and post 3 more! So rather than spam everyone with individual posts for each update, here's a list of em!!
A Heart Once Hardened (Hopes, One Day)
BNHA multichap set in the Feather-Light and Ember-Bright verse. Get your newest free dose of Enji and Dabi angst here >:3.
Good Luck Bead
Non-canon CfR oneshot where Nyx faceplants into the past and succeeds in not running into any Plot Important Characters for- less than five minutes.
A Fairytale (That's Full of Charm)
If anyone remembers me threatening to make a ground-up rewrite of RWBY the show- this is the first chapter of that. I have my au hammers and Plenty Of Ideas planned. :3
Made This Promise (Always I Dreamed About You)
Chapter 3 of Made This Promise/OC-insert Raven is UP! We get Qrow pov this time. For those who have no idea what I'm talking about- it's oc-insert as Raven in RWBY but with a bunch of other tropes and angsty things thrown in.
Broken (But Never to Pieces)
Latest entry in Blood of My Blood verse!! Cor-centric, Drautos-centric look at what happened with them to change things so much in this au. Finally. Second chapter is UP.
Worlds Unseen (Calling You and Me)
Horizon Zero Dawn/FFXV crossover where each chapter alternates in setting. Chapter 11 is finally up!! We're covering the Proving let's gooo.
Nothing But A Voice Within (Calls Me Home)
Chapter 4 of my Demon Slayer fixit fic! OC-centric, mind the tags, also the rating went from T to M for reasons that you can surmise from the tags probably. The chapter that bumps it to M has not yet been posted so you are in the clear for now if that is a concern.
And there we go! All my updates for this year so far. Make sure you're signed in on ao3 to view them, as all my fics are locked (thank you AI scraping and corpos)
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swissmissficrecs · 2 years
Smutty fics to keep you warm
I posted a smut list a few years ago which proved quite popular, so with the cold weather arriving I thought it might be time for a wee update to help keep those cockles warm.
A Matter of Trust by Devi_the_Wynter_Wytch (Johnlock, John/OFC, 10K) When he was in medical school, a practical joke gone horribly wrong (or right as the case may be) caused John to develop a keen interest in his prostate.  It is something he kept well-hidden due to the stigma associated with any hint of bisexuality, particularly in the military. He is still self-conscious about it, and it is the one secret he has managed to keep hidden from Sherlock—that is until Sherlock walks in on an oblivious John and sees a lot more than John ever intended.
A Storm for Late Blooming by zemph147 (Johnlock, 11K) After many years of living together, John and Sherlock get snowed in and finally deal with the fact that they really want to fuck each other. Pornographic loving fluff.
Assistance Required by Soft_Light (Johnlock, 12K) Sherlock takes Viagra for an experiment. You can probably guess a lot of what happens next.
Cock Slut John series by lizzieborednow (Johnlock, John/OMC, Viclock, others, 50K) Unrelated works with a common theme
Cockaigne by HollyShadow88 (Johnlock, 38K) When John’s contacted by an old uni friend about problems in his new art exhibition, he doesn’t think it will be worth Sherlock’s time. After a glance of the crime scene, however, they’re both pulled into the project in ways John didn’t expect. Will a week of erotic performance art finally be enough to bring them together in the way they both secretly hope? (Spoiler: it’s a tropey fic, of course it will)
for all that bitter delights will sour by darcylindbergh (Johnlock, 9K) “I’m not gay,” John said into the darkness. Sherlock rolled over, facing away from him. The skin of his cleft slid uncomfortably against itself as he moved, the lubricant becoming tacky as it began to dry. He re-adjusted the pillow under his head. “I know.”
I Can Carry You by lurikko (Johnlock, 18K) “I need you to do it for me,” Sherlock said.
stay (just a little bit longer) by subtext-is-my-division (Johnlock, 15K) John may not be an expert, but he's pretty sure that shagging your ex is a bloody awful idea.(Shame the sex is so good, though.)
The Fire Finds a Home by fearfully_beautifully_made (Johnlock, 61K) After Sherlock and John decide to give having a relationship a go, this is how their relationship starts to develop.  There a little bit of plot, if you squint, but it was mostly an excuse to write John and Sherlock having sex in a lot of different ways and learning to love each other.
The Illusion of Control series by starrysummernights (Johnlock, Mystrade, 253K) Alpha!Sherlock/Omega!John series, includes mpreg
Unwind series by illwick (Johnlock, 741K) Established BDSM relationship
Welcome Distractions by ArwaMachine (Johnlock, 14k) John hoped that a holiday away from Baker Street would clear his mind of a certain infuriatingly sexy and tragically disinterested consulting detective. So far, it hasn’t gone well.It goes even less well after the consulting detective gives him a call.
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crazyexdirkfriend · 1 year
hi im such a big fan of your fics im waiting outside your room all patient for you to update any of your fics ahehehehee
Oh that's what that shadow in my doorway was. Thank you!! I'm glad you're enjoying my cursed content!
I thiiink the next on my list is a non-HS fic that might be out in the next few days, but after that I've promised to fix up the sequel to perpetuity and release that. After that I would say the next to update would be two short hours, given that it's written I just haven't done the panels for it. Then we were something might be a wee while, like next month maybe? Before I get around to it, since it's a little trickier to write (aurgh, Serkets) But thank you so much for being patient!
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myprincejinnie · 1 year
skz tumblr fic recs!!
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-separated by member and then genre-
if it has more than one genre like mafia and soulmate au then i will put it in the section that i think it leans more towards, but most will have summaries and warnings as well so it will be easy to figure out (hopefully lol). the genre is more au based and not like friends to lovers and stuff bc most aus have those genres as well and it is hard to separate. if it doesn't have an au it is prob in others. this list looks kind of scuffed bare w it pls. i really just made this to keep track of my fav fics so i can reread them. + some of them i haven't read in a while. and others i didn't add bc they are either on hold or it is pretty obvious that they are never going to be finished )); find other group and fandom lists here. i took all these pictures (except lee knows) at the maniac seattle concert and i love them ((:
📕 - one shot/head cannon/short
📚 - series
🔃 - ongoing
✅️ - completed
🔞 - smut + not going to put all warnings for the type of smut going on in each so make sure to read warnings on the og post jic
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___friends to lovers___
Second Lead Syndrome by theirbbygirl 📕
Summary: y/n and minho have been friends for more than 2 years now, but suddenly she begins to see herself as the mere second lead in minho’s story. will she be the rare second lead who gets her own happy ending? >> Warnings & Tags: angst, fluff, comedy, female reader insert, some crying, and themes of unrequited love
___university au___
Invisible thread by astraystayyh 📚✅️
Summary: your studies were your lifeline for as long as you can remember. what happens when minho comes into your life and rips it away from you? >> Warnings & Tags: university au, academic rivals to lovers (rivals not enemies because they respect each other), slow burn, fluff, angst, reader has a very bad relationship with her mother, insecurities, talk about murder but as a joke, mention of alcohol, reader has she/her pronouns.
___drabbles (kind of)___
Summary: none. >> Warnings & Tags: hardcore fluff and minho being soft.
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___soulmate au___
Lucky Ducky by strayskidsscribbles 📕
Summary: none. >> Warnings & Tags: soulmate au, drabble.
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___soulmate au___
Human Canvas by kamino-ink 📕
Summary: you were six years old when you got an inkling of what kind of person your soulmate is; they would draw little doodles on their arms all day, and you would draw back. But as an adult, its as if you two are at war with each other, with them covering your right arm with tattoos and you occasionally painting on your left arm for the fun of it. >> Warnings & Tags: soulmate!au, fluff, wee angst.
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Insecurity drabble by chaestats 📕
Summary: ask: "hey 💗 do you think you can write a Jeongin insecurity drabble? Where fem!reader is chubby and is quite insecure of that? TYSM!!" >> Warnings & Tags: suggestive at the end.
i swear i have read some for the others i just cant find them. will add more as i read ((:
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jackwolfes · 2 years
if you still wanna talk about all your other wips i’m interested!!😌
oh love i always want to talk about my WIPs 😅
to be perfectly honest i've got writer's block BAD at the minute so i'm sort of not working on much of anything atm! january 2022 i took a big month-long break from posting and am probably going to do the same again this year (save for AM AU because that's already finalised)
the ones i've been particularly focused on lately are:
a very big very dark febuwhump fic that ties together all the prompts into a big long horrible narrative (which will be posted anon to a) avoid spamming folks with daily updates and b) to avoid getting fucking murdered in case people can't read tags)
comparatively a much nicer "there was only one bed" fic set in the immediate post-canon because shockingly, i have never written a take on the "i charge a steep fee/i'd like to make a downpayment" scene
the full list of them (+ some commentary) as they currently stand is under the cut if you're curious though:
a mystery valentines day fic for my GF which is a fudge shop au
dead jesper fic, which is fully written and just needs to be edited
wylan gets amnesia au, again fully written, just needs editing
the ever persistent sugar baby au which is ticking along
mini edits to arranged marriage au, plus a fair few pre- mid- and post-fic scenes (incl
kuwesper friends with benefits fic
kylan fucking in a private theatre box
the kylan/kawesper royalty au
the wynejesper fic aka wylan's sexuality exploration time
horny rockstar au
a very soft inesper first time fic that i've been playing around with
a few character studies about houses and homes
wedding florist wylan, most of which is him being stupid
a soft fluff fic where wylan gets high and makes a mess of himself
the cowritten "jesper can't read?" fic
a christmassy fic i'm cowriting with a friend wherein jesper gets catfished
the kazper fake married/"jesper gets left at the altar" fic
a wee lil nonbinary wylan fic/study that i think would really fit a big bang if the soc bb runs again this year 👀
a kazpernej pining fic that i'm in the plotting stages for because again, writer's block
similarly i've been thinking about my summery seaside au that i want to write but don't want to start when i have so many other long AUs i haven't touched
supermodel au which, annoyingly, i'm not sure works anymore as i've set it up
cowboy au, el dorado au, summertime cabin au and domx for hire wylan, all of which i'll definitely one day return to
the year of the otp challenge which i'm going to TRY and do for pynch, although i might need to backdate the first one because writer's block
what may end up being a full length bridgerton au but is currently just titled "bees?"
the jordeclan kink fic
the adam parrish kink character study
once for a tumblr ask i wrote a short snippet for a resurrection roadtrip au that i'm holding onto to see if i might want to carry on with it, but unsure
check please:
i'm still very very very very very fond of my zimbits superhero au so that's perpetually sticking around
i also really want to write a "bitty definitely has adhd" fic that ive outlined but not done much on
i'm also very nerve wrackingly looking at writing an original work!! which is scary and big! but i'm excited about it!
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moonxsolitaire · 2 years
How would y’all feel about a Hank Anderson (DBH) / Gender Neutral Reader chapter amongst all the other hyperfixation chapters- ALSO, I’ve been thinking of adding some (revamped) chapters from other fanfics I’ve written so they don’t get forgotten about it that would be a shame they went to waste.
So, feel free to check out my wattpad (beware for some ancient cringiness) and look through my fanfics and comment here which ones you’d like to have a chapter in the one shots fic!
Lastly, here’s a wee list of some of the one shots I’ve been thinking of doing! (ya might notice a pattern of MILFS)
(old) Carol Denning X Reader - maybe a Henny Russell X Reader instead
(Old) Carol Denning X Reader (A sorta AU where Y/N managed to get CO Hopper to free Carol instead of Chapman before she could get killed)
Perhaps a chapter with Rosamund Pike X Reader or Amy Dunne x Reader
(2018) Laurie Strode x Reader, I might do it so that it’s based on my fanfic about Laurie on wattpad where Michael is real but the movies had still been made and Y/N finds JLC to get help to dEfEaT Michael when they actually fall for each other- if I don’t do that, it’ll be a simple Laurie x reader
I might might do a Markus X Simon (DBH) chapter
I’ll probably do a JFK one that’ll most likely have a similar plot line that my ao3 fic does.
Regina George x Reader
(And I’ll keep updating with whatever hyperfixation I get at the time)
So, that’s it for now! Thanks for reading <3
Now allow me to quickly make this clear, I do not in any way stand for the crimes Carol committed, it frankly disgusts me. I simply find her attractive so if you don’t like that please go elsewhere or you can leave recommendations on my page about ways I can change things up- it would be really appreciated.
Please be kind on my page, any hate will be deleted!
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