#weirdly obsessed with teen boys??
bruqh · 6 months
murph “creates a campaign spanning villain whose been taunting the party at every turn and is capable of absolutely devastating emotional damage and shows up in the climactic battle full of rage with nothing left to lose” murphy vs emily “what if he was wearing a vest” axford
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Yall don’t understand how obsessed I am with Danny messing with the Justice League. Like just pranking them mad wild. Or “haunting” them.
Maybe it starts as a mistake. Someone was getting close to him and he just vanished. Maybe he was walking around one of their cities cause he wanted to “see how a real hero does it” but tried to stay out of the way.
Hes following Superman and doesn’t realise hes been had. Superman keeps seeing this odd child on the edge of his vision. It’s only weird because of how quickly he is traveling. He should be followed like this. So he tests it out and flys off to somewhere far off, but secluded. Edge of some farm land would work. Trying to not give it away he doesn’t make a show of looking for the boy. He then spots him. His eyes slightly glowing as he stands in the edge of the woods. Clark focused on the boy and hears slight breaths but nothing else. Which he should have realised sooner was wrong.
He returned to the team to report this odd being following him. To also warn everyone else to be on look out just incase.
Weirdly enough it was the Flash who noticed him next. Even weirder was that he could never get close. Even with his speed which was alarming.
Cyborg started seeing the kid too. He tried using cameras to get a better look at him but nothing ever showed up. Always missing was the boy from the video. Sometimes the whole video would get distort.
Wonder Woman probably got the closest as she used a fight to get “thrown” in his direction. She got close enough to see worry about her. He seemed so concerned and like he was going to step in until he met her gaze. A whole new kind of fear crossed his features. Then he was gone.
Everyone of the main team (and even some not) reporting in of spotting the kid except for Batman. And he looked. He tried everything to see if he was being followed like the rest but nothing. He read their reports on their encounters and tried to emulate it but never saw the boy. Maybe it was all a big prank being pulled on him? He couldn’t rule it out. Still he kept up constant watch.
Then one night he was out and got into a fight. Distracted by looking for the kid he got messy. Or maybe the criminals got desperate but he didn’t notice the rocket launcher being targeted on him in time and it fired. Only then did he notice it. No time to fully get out of the way he braced for the worst. When all of a sudden a body slammed into him shoving him out of the way of the blast. They rolled onto the ground. Bruce quickly recovered and looked for his saviour. On the ground, blown slightly to his left by the explosion was a black haired teen in a white t-shirt. Before he could move the boy groaned and looked right at Bruce. The haunting blue eyes meeting his even with the mask in the way the boy knew just where to look. He was about to speak when the boys eyes went wide with fear and then nothing. The boy just vanished into this air. Bruce didn’t have much time to be stunned by this as the thugs before started to cheer, thinking they had finished off the Bat. So he went to make quick work of them before any could get away. Well now he knows hes being followed too
Danny just freaking out about Batman seeing his face. Turns out he never followed Batman unless fully invisible. All he wanted was to see how “real” heros did it. And it had been helping him with his fighting. To see how the pros are. He was always worried the “worlds greatest detective” would figure him out though so he stayed hidden. Also maybe hes a bit of a fan. I made Wonder Woman get the closest cause shes his fav probably.
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queenimmadolla · 6 months
Idk if you’ve answered this or not but what are Penny, Wayne and Maples interest/special interest? Like was Penny into the 90’s/2000’s boy bands? Was Wayne into trains or dinosaurs or something real niche like garbage trucks and was I’m assuming Maple was born in the late 90’s was she into Hannah Montana or even metal music that you and Eddie cater to until they just decided one day it wasn’t cool anymore and moved on 😅
I want to thank you. Because you just reminded (I had to consult my timeline for this verse to answer it) that Penny was born in the late 80s, so she got to endure the late 90s and y2k as a teen. She would have been the same age as Lindsay Lohan and Hilary Duff when they feuded omg!!!! And with a famous dad?? She can interact with y2k royalty!
ANYWAYS, to answer your question, YES! She was a big fan girl of the Backstreet Boys as a preteen! Was begging her parents to go to concerts all the time, learned the choreography, she was obsessed and, as delusional as 10-13 year olds get over boy bands, she was proud of it. And DREAM. She’d love that girl band so much. As a teen, she loves most of the bands of the 2000s like Fall Out Boy, Green Day (they reached the height of their fame that really elevated them in the 2000s—thats not up for debate), Sum41, Evanescene, Linkin Park, Good Charlotte, Pussycat Dolls and she’s a fan of singers like Beyoncé, Britney Spears, Mariah Carey, etc. She doesn’t really like the pick-mes of the 2000s. Sorry, Avril.
Wayne didn’t have any real niche interests dinosaurs or trucks. By the time he could develop niche interests, Goosebumps was a thing, so i imagine him going the mystery/horror route. And because of watching and reading Goosebumps, he develops an interest in weirdly specific things just as the main characters of the show do. To make it short—whatever he watches he makes his whole personality for a good couple of months.
And you’re right about Maple being born in the late 90s! She was 100% a delusional fan girl too, LOVED The Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana (but she loved Miley Cyrus more), fucking radio Disney, Jesse McCartney—oh my god, she was born around the same time as me so she’s going to go through so many horrible fashion and fan phases. The shrug, the skinny scarf, the weird layering of dresses over jeans. One Direction. God, Eddie has to endure a lot with her but if his babies are into something, then he encourages their enthusiasm, helps them indulge in it by buying them CDs and merch, goes to concerts with them—he’s a good fucking dad. Even if the two of you get whiplash with how often they switch up their interests. And lucky for you and Eddie, she’s a Beyoncé stan, so she exposes him to fantastic music just as he introduces her to the music he grew up liking in the 80s.
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bengiyo · 8 months
Love for Love's Sake Ep 2 Stray Thoughts
Last time, our protagonist Tae Myungha was sucked into the video game world of his friend's book that he dunked on. He's now ten years younger and back in high school. Now he has to make his blorbo happy within 300 days or he dies. Thankfully his grandma is still here. I'm loving the game elements. Unfortunately, his blorbo is being bullied by other members of the track team and is grieving his own grandmother.
I like that they keep reinforcing that Tae Myungha doesn't talk like a modern teen.
Episode 2: Friends
It's not often I see the Korean War mentioned.
The debuff mechanic is really cool as a plot device. It creates useful tension, where Tae Myungha is weirdly obsessed with Cha Yeowoon, but is also avoiding him at the same time.
Interesting, I think I think of a debuff as an ongoing debilitation, but it seems here to refer to hazards or encounters.
Whoa, why is Tae Myungha so good at fighting?
Uh oh. You can't fall in love if you ain't clumsy, but to the wrong person.
Damn. Why are coaches in all the Korean BLs I watch always so fucking bad at it? Mr. Heart really set me up for failure.
Oh ho! We have a new skill! I like that the skills correspond to growing empathy. Love that they used it to tell us that the person Cha Yeowoon dislikes the most his himself.
LOL I guess these boys can't handle the spicy food.
Cha Yeowoon has so many walls up that we need to illustrate it with multiple thick vertical lines in the setting.
This pushy rich kid with the big nose has such weird energy.
Malnutrition?? Baby boy...
He needs real food! Not ice cream!!
This was such a cool second episode. I like that they slowed down a little bit, but also gave us a new mechanic and information to chew on. I'm also liking the cast of characters a lot. Excited to see more of this. This has truly been such a refreshing experience so far. I've needed something new to kick me out of the funk.
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keladeinos · 5 months
Rachel Elizabeth Dare Headcanons
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- these are definitely fictive influenced sorry
- gender-fluid for sure but sexuality wise she’s unlabeled but on the aroace spectrum so the whole percy thing was entirely platonic but flirting and making girls and boys flustered is something she thought was funny as a teen
- loves all forms of media she can find the beauty in anything she looks at
- her blue plastic hairbrush was a gift from her dad it was a big pack because she likes certain everyday items to be the same incase they break she can replace them she’s got 5 more at home.
- is really good friends with annabeth!! none of that fighting really happened and they never hated each other.
- she’s got a huge soft spot for piper who helped her decorate her cave in little ways
- honestly her closest friends are leo, piper, butch, lou ellen and clarisse which nobody was really expecting but clarisse and rachel just have such a special bond
- loves when the hunters swing by she loves to have dinner with them and talk to artemis who always wanted her to join but respects her decisions and rachel’s an honorary huntress in artemis’ eyes
- also also speaking of cave decorations she has a few favorites: the aphrodite cabin made her one way mirror curtains so that she gets in a lot of natural light. her rugs are kaleidoscopic made by the iris cabin, the demeter cabin always gives her the best strawberry saplings so she can always have fresh fruit around. the hypnos cabin with the help of the hephaestus cabin built her a canopy over bed to help her her sleep
- since her bed makes her pass out she’s got every kind of seat beanbags chairs futons etc to lay on! everyone’s got a comfy seat when they come visit her
- the cabins love her esp now that the oracle is a real walking person and they’re always willing to hang out or spend time with her, she found her family
- all of her clothes are either handmade, or patched up (usually decorative embroidery) and all of her clothing items are covered in doodles and paints
- MAJOR mythos obsessions as a kid, big into norse and egyptian
- dnd buff, she loves to DM and she plays wizards, sorcerers or artificers because she thinks they’re cute
- she gets nightmares and developed some sleepwalking habits after becoming the oracle, sometimes she’ll be found in the forest near the river and all the naiads and nymphs around her in a big pile
- rachel changed her name to a more english sounding one because people would always pronounce raquel weirdly. her name was originally elisa raquel but rachel elizabeth sounded more professional. her closest friends call her RED nonetheless because it’s her favorite name
- rachel had a horrible nightmare that happened when percy annabeth and nico fell to tartarus. she was found huddled in the corner of her cave, everyrhing turned upside down and a painting on the floor that essentially looked like scribbles until you realized what you were looking at. she had a breakdown afterwards, chiron trying his best to comfort her.
- to help some campers with their discomfort in their scars and appearance she learned how to tattoo over them and will have flash sales where you just bring her food and she’ll tattoo you. the first person to get a tattoo was clarisse who brought her a homemade family dish
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astriddestelle · 1 year
I know crossovers are very hit or miss but for the sake of funny can you imagine all of your fandoms took place in the same universe. If it’s made in that time period I’m assuming it takes place there unless said otherwise.
Or imagine this person who keeps moving around to avoid weird shit and keeps getting caught in the chaos.
He starts off in NY in the 80s and quickly moves when giant mutant turtles fighting of an alien invasion. Oh don’t forget the giant marshmallow ghost. He’s like I’m out and moves over to idk Indiana
Only to end up there where these kids are fighting off demonic type creatures and shit. And the ground literally opens up.
Moved to Rhode Island and oh look there’s some fat man fighting a giant chicken. He’s like nah moves across the ocean in the 90s lands in London just in time for British wizards having their version of world war 2 in the shadows.
Moves to Japan and oh ok more magic shenanigans except this time there’s a group of magical school girls fighting off evil and some dude in a mask?!?
Dude moves back to America in the mid 2000s like at least there’s no magic here. Settles in the Midwest cause nothing happens there except apparently half ghost boys and teenage cheerleaders saving the world. Don’t forget these hunters going around fighting off actual monsters
Slides to the west coast cause it’s laid back right? Wrong, more teen spies oh and this time they’re rich Beverly Hills kids and oh look made it just in time for the rise of teen superhero’s who live in a giant T shaped building.
Moves up north in the 2010s cause it should be better. What do we have here, more teenagers and this time they’re actual werewolves.
Maybe Oregon will be better oh hello creepy triangle demon from hell.
Finally moved to canda and ok everyone’s weirdly obsessed with this one reality tv show but it sure beats what’s going- what’s that the contestants have turned into mutants ok great.
Like imagine the possibilities this dude would be so done with life.
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asirensrage · 1 year
OKAY! Um...fair warning, I've only written like him having one convo so far with Sayuri in her fic. This was much longer ahahah. I don't think he is, but if he's out of character, I'm sorry lol.
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Rating: Mature
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Pairing: Dabi x Unnamed/Undescribed Female OC
Warnings: Violence. Arson. Stalking. Attempted murder. Threats. Obsession. Dark!fic. Unbeta'd
Notes: My first real foray into writing Dabi. At least one that I'm sharing for now lol. Please let me know what you think! I listened to Gorgeous Nightmare by Escape the Fate while I wrote this. Also, I wrote this tonight and posted it after reading it over like...once or twice. So...fair warning I guess. HEED THE WARNINGS.
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It happened fast. 
One moment she was buying a coffee, half dreading the night shift that awaited her at the city call centre, and the next…the windows shattered and she was being shoved back behind a counter praying that whoever was fighting wasn’t going to take down the building she was in. 
The staff were hunkered down, looking unimpressed and resigned to the fate that awaited them. She peeked over the counter, hearing laughter and feeling the heat as flames seemed to flash down the street in front of them. She paused there for a moment before she shook her head. “Nope, we have to get out of here.” She looked over at the staff, “Is there a back exit? Even if they don’t knock the place down, it’s already starting to catch on fire. Let’s go.” 
She doesn’t get far. 
She’s not a hero, but most of the staff in the place with her are teens and the manager is nowhere in sight so she makes sure they get out first. “Just go home,” she tells them. “No point in staying here.” 
They don’t need to be told twice. Still, that leaves her in an alley alone as she tries to figure out how she’s going to get home. The way she usually takes is blocked by whatever is going on. She briefly considers trying to get to the roof and see if she can jump enough of them to get her some space from the fighting. 
The ground shakes and she looks towards the street. A figure in black walks into her view, she can’t make out what he says, but his voice is a bit rough and he sounds like he’s having a good time despite the destruction. He looks down the alley. Her gaze meets his. It’s enough of a warning that she takes her chance with the roof. Her quirk makes her just fast enough to avoid the blue fire that comes barrelling towards her. She doesn’t stick around to find out what happens next. 
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Being an operator in City Services pays well, but it’s not uncommon for people to call and act like it’s a sex hotline. Especially on the night shift. She’s had a lot of strange people over the year that she’s been here and while some are automatically flagged and blocked, some get through. It’s usually not too bad, people are just lonely. Mostly the elderly. 
“Thank you for calling, how can I direct your call?”
There’s a moment of silence but occasionally there are lags in the connection so she waits. 
“Yeah,” the voice says. It doesn’t sound elderly but it is a male voice and she distracts herself slightly by playing her usual game of trying to guess what they’re calling about. “There’s a villain attack. Someone set a fire.” 
“What area are you calling from?” She pulls up the list of contacts for emergency services and heroes. 
More silence. “You really want to know?”
She frowns slightly. “I need to know the area of concern so I can connect you to the right people.” 
“And if I want to talk to you?” 
She sighs. “Sir, if you have the time to flirt, then it’s not an emergency and I can direct your call to a sex line instead.” 
He laughs at that. It’s weirdly familiar and the hair on the back of her neck prickles at the sound. “North of the river. If they hurry, they’ll see it.” 
It’s not a lot of information, but unless someone is complaining about a neighbour or a pothole, she doesn’t usually get a lot. She sends the request through, hoping that emergency services will have received more calls to pinpoint the location. “Sir, next time there’s an emergency, call the emergency line, okay?”
“Is this not?”
“No, this is the City Services.”
“And if I’m in need of a service?” 
She’s heard that line before. “Goodbye, sir.” She redirects the call to the nearest sex hotline and closes it. She sighs and tries to crack her back as she stretches. “Got my first sex call of the night,” she says, leaning to look at her coworker. 
She shrugs. “Maybe it’s a full moon.” 
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He keeps calling. 
Sometimes it’s to tell her of a fire, sometimes it’s something as innocuous as a broken window or streetlamp. She’s not entirely sure why he keeps calling and she’s starting to suspect that he’s causing some of the issues he calls about. She still can’t place why he sounds familiar but she ignores it. Until her coworker tells her that he’s on hold. For her. 
“Why can’t you take the call?”
“He refuses,” her coworker says. “Only wants to talk to you.” 
That’s a bad sign. The two of them share a look. “I’ll tell security,” they say before placing themselves on standby and leaving their desk.
 It’s just her and the red flashing light signalling a call on hold. She adjusts her headset, takes a deep breath and tries to squash her nerves down before pressing it. 
“City Services, how can I direct your call?”
 “There you are,” his voice sounds in her ears. “You hiding from me?”
“Sir, I already told you, this is dispatch. If you want the sex line, you should know the number by now.” 
“I know who I’m calling.” Fear sits heavy in her stomach at his words. He means the number. That’s all. 
“Any one of my colleagues can help you. What’s the matter now?” 
“Don’t want to talk to them, I want to talk to you.” 
She bites back the desire to ask why. “Are you destroying more property?”
“What makes you think it’s me?” She can hear the grin in his voice. 
“A wild guess,” she says dryly. “If you have nothing to report, this conversation is done.”  
“I have something to report,” he cuts in. “You’ll want to hear it.” He pauses and she waits for him to continue. When he doesn’t say anything, she rolls her eyes and starts trying to connect the call to emergency services so they can trace it. “That coffee shop you like to go to is on fire. Or it will be. Want to stop it?”
Her heart stops. “What?” 
“Don’t you want to play hero?” 
She hangs up. As soon as she does, she knows it was a bad idea. They can’t trace anything but the call is recorded and she sends off a warning to the closest hero agency and emergency services. Her coworker arrives with security in tow. They stop at the sight of her. 
“Are you okay? What happened?” 
“I think…” she swallows tightly. “We have a problem.” 
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She’s put on leave. 
The coffee shop is destroyed and she knows it’s because she hung up on him. City Services sent her with paid time off, compensation for the fact that she’s accumulated a stalker because of the job. It leaves her with far too much time on her hands. Too much time to think about how it all happened. 
She’s nothing special. She doesn’t have a fancy or expressive quirk. Her voice isn’t cute. She works at a glorified call centre. There’s no real reason for some delinquent to want to follow her. It leaves her unsettled, even in her curiosity. 
Nothing happens for a week and then two. It eases the tension and the fact that she’s started searching for a new job helps. She doesn’t think she wants to go back to City Services, no matter how well it pays. 
When she puts in her notice, her friends drag her out to celebrate. She doesn’t know what the man who called her looks like and despite the fact that she hasn’t heard anything in weeks, she can’t help but look at the men in the bar. Her friends stay at her side until the night continues, the drinks keep flowing and eventually, she finds herself at the bar alone as her friends dance. 
She considers going home but before she can signal to her friends that she’s leaving, someone appears next to her. She stiffens as they lean close. 
“You’re beautiful, you know that?” Something relaxes at the sound of his voice. It’s higher than the man who would call her. 
“Sure,” she says. “Excuse me.” She moves to walk away and a hand grabs her wrist. 
“I gave you a compliment.” 
“And?” She frowns. “Let go of me.” 
“We’re just talking.”
A hand grabs his wrist and she can see it tighten and smoke. “She said let go.” The man screams, yanking his hand back and looking at the newcomer in fear. He scrambled backward, knocking others over as he runs. 
She looks at the man. His hair is dark and she can make out the scars on his face. She’s not sure if he’s covered in piercings that glint in the light or if it’s something else. He grins as her eyes meet his. 
“Thanks,” she says. 
“You’re welcome, princess.” He leans in towards her. “Missed me?” 
Her stomach drops. “No,” she shakes her head, taking a step back. 
He grabs her hand before she can retreat. “Come on, I’m being nice. You want me to be mean instead?” He holds up his other hand. Blue flames flicker on his fingers and she’s suddenly pulled back to that coffee shop and alleyway. He nearly killed her. 
He doesn’t give her a chance to continue, turning for the door and pulling her to follow. She glances back at her friends. One of them notices and grabs the other but she waves them back. She knows the destruction he’s capable of. She won’t have them be a casualty.
They stop when they’re finally outside and he ushers her into the alley next to the bar. It’s not exactly clean but she’s more concerned with the man who moves her until her back is against the wall. His hand is still on her wrist but his other one cups her jaw, thumb brushing against her cheek. 
“Why are you doing this?” 
His eyes meet hers and for a moment she’s surprised at how blue they are, even in the dark. They weren’t piercings. There were staples on the border of clear skin and scar tissue. She could see it now. “I was always going to find you,” he tells her. “It was inevitable since the alley.”
“You almost killed me,” she shoves him back. 
He grins. “Any slower and I would have. There’s not many who can outrun my fire.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t torch the innocent,” she snarls back. His grip tightens before his lips are suddenly on hers. It’s unlike any other kiss she’s had. The difference in texture between his lips is all she can focus on until he bites at her bottom lip. He takes advantage of her gasp and deepens the kiss. It’s hard and demanding and all she can think about. His hand leaves her wrist, curling around her back to press her closer to him. 
“Fucking love that attitude,” he mutters against her lips. She’s not sure if she was supposed to hear it. He kisses her again. 
She breaks it, pulling her mouth from his. He doesn’t stop, laying kisses against her cheek and her throat before they turn into his teeth dragging against her skin before he sucks a mark into it. 
“Wait,” she says, trying to push him off. He complies, just enough to look at her. His body is still pressing hers against the wall. “I don’t understand. Why are you stalking me?”
He looks at her from under the hair that falls in his eyes. “Because you’re mine,” he says with complete confidence. It’s enough to remind her that the man in front of her is insane, no matter how well he kisses. 
She shakes her head. “No, that’s not…you can’t just decide that.”
“You still haven’t realized it, have you?”
“I’m a villain, princess.” He bends his head, lips brushing against her cheek. She wonders if he can hear the way her heart feels like it’s going to beat out of her chest. “I get what I want.” 
“Is that what you did in there?” she asks, nodding back the way they came. “With the guy.” Heat flares around them and disappears just as quickly. 
“I was making a point.” 
“Yeah? What point is that?”
“A warning sign to everyone else. If they touch you, I’ll kill them. It’s that simple.” 
He will too. He could have killed her in an alleyway and she was a bystander. It’s not like he isn’t completely focused on achieving what he wants. She learned that from how he found her at her work, how he kept calling to talk to her until she left. He must have known. Otherwise, why would he be here tonight? 
“What…what does that mean for me?” 
“Princess, we’re forever. I’m taking you with me.” He kisses her again, it’s almost chaste in comparison to the previous ones. “Don’t worry, I can make it worth your while.”
“I don’t get a choice?”
“Sure,” he shrugs and steps back. “You can have a choice. You can leave, go back to your friends and your empty life or you can come with me.” He presses a hand against the wall near her head. “Might not like what happens after though if you go.” Flames dance from his hand against the brick. “I’ll have to find a way to entertain myself.”
Her eyes narrow. “That’s not a choice.”
“It is, just not a fair one. Not to you.” He points at himself with his free hand. “Villain, remember?” He grins at her and pulls his hand away from the wall. “So what’s it gonna be?” 
There isn’t a choice. Not one that doesn’t end in destruction and mass casualties… Fine.  “I’ll go with you.” 
He grins at her like he already knows what she’s thinking. “Smart choice.” He throws an arm over her shoulders and leads her out of the alley. 
She can play this game if she has to. At least long enough to get him away from the city. Afterwards, well…he’s already admitted she’s faster than he expected. She’ll see if he’ll be able to keep up. She doubts it. 
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prompt from Obsession Prompts
taglist: @raith-way @arrthurpendragon @veetlegeuse @chickensarentcheap @residentdormouse @endless-oc-creations  @stanshollaand @wordspin-shares @chrissymunson
and @burnincrown 😉
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t4tduncney · 7 months
I do not like gwen, and trent is probably my second favourite character, HOWEVER I really hate it when people blame her for everything that happened between them in tda. I have ocd and have been medicated for it for many years now and i’m extremely familiar with “obsessions” and how they effect one’s relationships. even if you don’t see trent with ocd, he was never obsessed with gwen, he was “obsessed” in the ocd sense (there IS a difference so please look it up) with the concept of her leaving him, to the point where he did every compulsion his brain told him would stop her from doing so. BUT we can’t expect people without ocd or who aren’t aware of it to simply know this and understand it? he was acting creepy, he openly mentioned BRANDING HIMSELF WITH A G. INFRONT OF HER. now i realise most people look at this like “oh god is he ok?” and rightfully so, but no one ever talks about how fucked up it would be to witness someone say something like that in relation to you. ofc im not saying “GO AND BLAME TRENT!” i’m just saying stop blaming gwen, almost everything in total drama could of been handled better and this is no exception. just remember when shit like this comes up in a 2000s teens cartoon, let’s maybe jump to blame the writers when they handle mental illness weirdly and not the fictional 16 year old girl dealing with one of her first relationships with another boy who can barely deal with himself
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tommystummy · 1 year
The way that people aren’t ripping apart young royals for depicting teens having sex but are calling gay men pedos for pointing out it’s weird for heartstopper to be completely sanitized is staggering.
I think shows like Young Royals and Love Victor are probably the happy middle ground between the uncomfortably exploitative (Élite) and the insultingly sanitized (Heartstopper) but if you ask the average Tumblr user and apparently if you even mention that there's a spectrum of how to portray teen sexuality respectfully then you're "weirdly obsessed with teen boys having sex"
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
On the topic of speedrunning friends, hoo boy do I have a story for you.
It is so, so important to assert your boundaries if you find someone doing that to you, or even if you find yourself organically getting close weirdly quickly. A few years ago I made a friend online that I really hit it off with, same flavor of ND, same obsessions, had a ton of things in common, similar outlook on life, only person in the world I'd be inclined to call a soulmate at the time. Within half a year of meeting them I felt we were close enough to make them co-admin of fandom blog I run. Then they were traveling and wanted to send me a postcard from the location they were visiting, and were so excited about it I felt awkward about going "actually I'd rather not give out my address just yet" and turning them down. I also felt a little weird trying to set boundaries with them, because they were significantly younger than me, so me trying to "protect" myself from them felt silly if that makes sense? In the end, I felt awkward enough that I didn't even read the postcard, which should have been a red flag to myself at the time.
In hindsight - when that friendship crashed and burned - saying yes to the postcard was one of the times I wish I'd slowed things down and asserted my boundaries early on. Not only did they later resent me for not telling them when we did eventually have that conversation, it also made it harder to push back when they got SUPER controlling. I could easily fill ten pages just talking about it, but they devolved into spiraling over any perceived or real change in me or in our fandom community, because it meant things were Changing and change was always for the worst because it meant they would end up abandoned and alone.
I broke things off when their fear of abandonment came to dominate every single conversation, including conversations about shitty things they'd said to me due to said fear of abandonment.
In hindsight, they're probably suffering from rampant undiagnosed and unmanaged BPD. I hope they're getting help and working on it (though from their socials, it doesn't look like it), but for the longest time I also blamed myself for letting things get so far, for all the times I responded to their antics by trying to comfort and educate them (again, I'm older but could relate a lot to what they were going through so a lot of the time I was operating on a sort of "if I don't understand them and help them overcome this, who will?" logic) instead of setting boundaries. I mean, I still blame myself, but enough time has passed that I no longer feel like shit about it. On the flip side, I was utterly flabbargasted by the sheer amount of delayed anger at them I developed over the next few years, after we stopped talking. When I broke the friendship off, it had been a difficult decision but a huge relief at the time. A year later I was mad at myself for not breaking it off months earlier and, upon rereading old messages, couldn't believe I'd let them say all that shit to me and had still kept talking to them afterwards.
Anyway, lesson of the day: Don't rush into friendship milestones if you feel uncomfortable, even if you feel like you "should" for whatever reason. Also, while we're at it, if you're in your mid twenties maybe don't become close friends with someone in their late teens? Even if you don't feel the age difference because you're too much of a disaster to feel like a Proper Adult(TM), trust me, it's there and makes it easier for things to get weird and toxic and codependent. A teenager who latches onto your friendship that fast is looking for a parent of the kind the never had, not a friend.
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ammomancer · 1 year
Gotham Knights Characters in Comics: A Guide For Non-Comic Readers
Are you a Gotham Knights viewer curious about what your new faves are like in the source material? Well, you're in luck, because I love to talk about them!
I'll preface this by saying that while I haven't actually sat down and watched the show, I have read the full episode transcripts. Additionally, if you're wondering where Turner, Cressida, or Rebecca and/or Brody March are in this post, they're original characters for the show and have no comic book counterparts.
(characters are in no particular order)
Carrie Kelley/Robin
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Carrie originates from Frank Miller's 1986 graphic novel The Dark Knight Returns. TDKR takes place in a (non-canonical) not-too-distant future where Batman has retired after the death of Jason Todd (the second Robin; his death happened in main continuity too, Bruce just responded... differently to it), but takes the cape back up for... reasons. I haven't actually read this comic despite how influential it is (basically every hyper-macho, weirdly-militarized, violence-glorifying take on Batman owes its existence to this comic, which should tell you why I haven't read it). Anyway, Carrie is Batman's Robin when he comes out of Bat-Retirement. She doesn't have too much going on to my knowledge, but is notable for being the first female Robin and for her use of a slingshot. In the sequel comic The Dark Knight Strikes Again, Carrie uses a different costume and the name Catgirl. Yes, really.
The Mutant Gang and its leader (though idk about the name Vernon Wagner since, again, haven't read it) are also taken straight from this comic. Including the part where they don't look like mutants and just look like weird punks wearing Cyclops visors.
Navia Robinson's Carrie is great, I really like her design and her performance.
Duela Doe (Duela Dent)/Joker's Daughter
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Oh boy, Duela. She made her first appearance in 1976, where she initially claimed to be the daughter of various villains such as Scarecrow and Riddler before finally revealing that her father is Two-Face (according to one of the writers, this was because Harvey was the only villain who it had already been established was married; he has an estranged wife named Gilda). At some point she started using the name Harlequin (note that this was before Harley Quinn was introduced) and was a member of the Teen Titans for a bit. This Duela is definitely the most normal—she's just a bit odd (the whole Joker's Daughter thing was just to spite Harvey for abandoning her because she wasn't a twin).
One reboot (Crisis on Infinite Earths) later, Duela's parentage is once again a mystery, though she still uses the "Joker's daughter" theme. One of her most notable appearances is in the Titans East arc of the 2000s Teen Titans run, where she is a member of the villainous Titans team assembled by Deathstroke (aka Slade from the Teen Titans cartoon, they just didn't want to say "death" on kids' TV). Eventually she gets bored and switches sides to fight alongside the heroic Titans.
Some time later, it's revealed that Duela is actually from an alternate universe and because of this she's killed by a Monitor (genuinely do not know what the Monitors' deal is but they have something to do with the universe/multiverse). Later on in the same big event (Countdown) we find out that the universe she was from is Earth-3, where characters who are normally good guys are bad guys and vice versa (for instance, instead of Batman there's the villainous Owlman). Her parents are the Jokester (Earth-3's heroic Joker) and Three-Face (Evelyn Dent, Harvey's heroic Earth-3 counterpart who is a lady for some reason).
Yet another reboot later (the New 52, noted for its many... questionable decisions), Duela is now just some girl with major issues and an obsession with the Joker. She also wears his severed face as a mask. Yyyyyeah, you can pretty much ignore this version.
The Gotham Knights version seems to be going with Duela actually being Joker's daughter, since she describes her background in such detail and she seems troubled enough by it that I doubt she made it all up. I'm interested to see what direction they go with her, at any rate!
Harper Row (Bluebird) and Cullen Row
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Harper and Cullen get to share a section. Do Not Separate Them etc.
Comics Harper and Cullen's mom, Miranda, was murdered rather than having walked out on them (though I get why they changed this, as it ties in to the story of another character who probably won't be on the show—Cassandra Cain, who's currently on Batwheels and DC has this weird thing about characters appearing in more than one show at once). Since their shitty alcoholic dad was in and out of jail, Harper ended up having to be the one to take care of herself and Cullen. Eventually she applied for emancipation and they both moved out.
Harper is very good with machinery, and she provides for herself and Cullen by working as a professional electrical engineer. Harper was inspired to become Bluebird when Batman saved her and Cullen from some homophobic assholes (specifically they were targeting Cullen for being gay, though Harper is also bi. They never say if Cullen is trans or not). After this she and Cullen became fixated on Batman and his exploits (well, more so than the average Gothamite is), and eventually Harper went out fighting crime as Bluebird. Bluebird mostly uses gadgets she made herself, including a big taser gun. She's currently in college and volunteering at a clinic.
Cullen... doesn't do all that much. Tyler DiChiara noted in an interview that as much as he likes comics Cullen, he doesn't like how passive he is and he's excited to show him stand up for himself more. I definitely see that in the show and I'm totally here for it!
Stephanie Brown (Spoiler/Robin/Batgirl)
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No, that's not a spoiler warning, she actually uses the name Spoiler.
I'll be honest, Steph is one of the main reasons I made this post, just 'cause the show version is such a far cry from her comics iteration (and not in a good way) that I felt almost duty-bound to try and set the record straight. I'm all for new interpretations of characters, but this goes beyond that into "in name only" territory.
So, what is comics Stephanie like? Well...
Stephanie Brown is the daughter of Arthur Brown, a failed game show host better known as the C-list supervillain Cluemaster (basically a lamer knock-off of the Riddler). Growing up with a criminal father (who alternated between being in jail and being an abusive prick when he was home) and a mother who, albeit loving, was limited in her ability to take care of her due to her drug addiction, Steph had to be tough. When her dad broke out of jail and was a fair bit more competent than normal, she decided she'd had enough and tried to stop him as Spoiler (because she "spoiled" her father's plans, you see). The first time she met Robin (specifically Tim Drake, the third Robin) she hit him with a brick. That must have been a good first impression, because they actually dated for a while. There's a story arc where Steph finds out she's pregnant (from a shitty ex-boyfriend, NOT Tim) and ends up giving her baby up for adoption. When Tim couldn't be Robin for a bit (his still-alive father Jack found out he was Robin and grounded him), Stephanie showed up to the Batcave in her own homemade Robin costume and basically declared herself Batman's Robin. When Bruce fired her from the position (for really dumb reasons), in an attempt to prove herself she tried to carry out one of Batman's plans to stomp out organized crime in Gotham. However, Steph made a mistake (part of the plan involved one of Bruce's fake identities but she didn't know it was one of his fake identities and thought it was an actual person) and ended up accidentally starting a huge gang war. In the midst of this gang war, she was kidnapped and tortured by Black Mask (the one Ewan McGregor played in the Birds of Prey movie, yes), and when he eventually let her go and she got to a hospital, she ended up succumbing to her injuries and dying. Messed up!
Some time later it turns out she actually faked her death and was in hiding for a while. She's given the Batgirl mantle by the aforementioned Cassandra Cain (who was Batgirl at the time) but after the New 52 she's Spoiler again (currently she's like, both? it's weird).
The big issue I have with her portrayal in Gotham Knights is with her background. Steph not only being a rich girl, but a big part of her story involving her being a rich girl, is missing the point SO hard in my opinion. A lot of who Stephanie is is because of her lower-class background (much like her fellow dead Robin, Jason Todd, who Bruce would compare her to a lot while she was Robin). She's someone who's had to fight for everything she has, that's like the whole point of her character! She and Harper were actually roommates in the comics for a bit.
Harvey Dent/Two-Face
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(first image is regular ol' Harvey, second image is him as Two-Face. There are a lot of variations on 2F's design, but pretty much all of them fit the description of "at least reasonably handsome-looking normal guy face on the left, messed-up scarred face with a glaring eye and constant snarl on the right".)
Here we get to the part I imagine a lot of you were waiting for. There are people who could explain this better than I (maniac-reboggles, for one), but I'm including my own attempt for the sake of completeness.
As he's existed since 1942, there's a lot of different ways Harvey's backstory has been told. The Incident that makes him into Two-Face has been pretty consistent since day one, but what happens before then varies more. In modern comics, though, it's generally something like this:
Harvey Dent grew up with an abusive father who kept a lucky coin that he would flip to decide whether or not he would beat his son. (This is where the DID comes from; childhood trauma is pretty much a prerequisite for the disorder as far as we know.) As an adult, Harvey is a close friend of Bruce Wayne (just to be clear Bruce and Harvey have had Gay Undertones for a long time, it's nothing new) and the youngest District Attorney in Gotham's history. Since this is Gotham, the justice system is corrupt as hell, but Harvey is doing his best to straighten things out and trying to root out corruption, earning him the nickname of Gotham's "White Knight". Things go bad when, while prosecuting mob boss Sal Maroni, Maroni (or sometimes one of his lackeys) throws sulfuric acid in Harvey's face, horribly scarring him. This is the last straw for Harvey psychologically--this incident has proven to him that the legal system is beyond hope. Taking inspiration from his father, Harvey reinvents himself as Two-Face, making decisions using a coin that has one clean side and one scratched-up, "scarred" side. (Originally it was that he'd either do a good deed or a bad deed, and sometimes it's still that, but other times it's more between "evil" and "less evil"). In more recent comics Harvey's alter (referred to by different names depending on the continuity; most often Two-Face is the name of the alter, but in BTAS he's "Big Bad Harv" and in at least one continuity he is referred to as Harvey's "associate") is depicted as a "protector" (which is more realistic to DID- people don't just have "evil" alters unlike what some movies would have you believe) who just happens to be rather ruthless in his methods.
Bruce is forever upset at what happened to his friend, and is often depicted as wanting to help him get his life back together and go straight; sometimes Harvey even agrees to that, but due to the nature of comic books he always goes back to villainy eventually. Sigh...
Lincoln March
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This is....Mmmm.
I haven't read the comic arcs with him in them, but in the Court of Owls arc, Lincoln March (which is apparently an alias) is seemingly a cool guy who supports Bruce in his endeavors to make Gotham better, he wants to run for mayor, a real stand-up guy. He even seems to want to assist Batman against the Court of Owls.
Buuuuut it turns out he's actually working with them. But they like, betrayed him or something, and also he claims that he's actually Bruce's secret twin brother, Thomas Wayne Jr.? It's left ambiguous if this is true or not.
(I mentioned before that Rebecca and Brody were made up for the show--for clarity, comics Lincoln is single.)
I don't know what direction they're gonna go with Lincoln in the show but I have to hope it isn't as dumb as the comics. But who knows, it could be way better, or it could be even dumber. We'll see!
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sllowshow · 6 months
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Colton
good salt of the earth people. teen marriage runs deep in this family, they were married right after their high school graduation. not yet pregnant, just sure of themselves. they were in love and when you're in love, you make this big crazy commitment in front of everyone who knew you when you were a baby at church and then you get a little house way out of town and have gorgeous girl boy twins. that's all you really can do.
their dad, jody (woody harrelson fc), has a hard way of loving. he's the kind of dad that kyleigh and colton could never really know beyond the context of him as their dad. like he wasn't trying to be friends with either of them. he loved them a lot but he didn't show it in that way, he's like more on the wavelength of. always really good about making kyleigh got her oil changed. helped colton build a new bookshelf before he moved out. i think kyleigh maybe got a little more sweetness out of him just because. well look at her that's a baby girl. but he and colton, regardless of the love between them, just had a very straightforward relationship. they talk about work, they talk about basketball, and they talk about kyleigh's kids (and eventually his. he was pretty relieved by that.)
their mom, tanya (kyra sedgwick fc) is THEE busy body church lady to end all busy body church ladies. she's a school teacher AND a sunday school teacher, and she's so nosey its insane. she's very much a part of small town politics. to that extent, she's also always up in her kid's business. i think she makes up for their dad's hands off approach. she can be a little blunt in the way she approaches things, she doesn't see the point in beating around the bush. i think she was also soooo tickled that kyleigh got teen pregnant by **** ***. like sorryyy but like that's the exact kind of family a mother like this is salivating to be apart of.
i think they're very take it as it comes people if that makes sense. like when kyleigh got pregnant, that was just a fact. i think their dad probably pulled some macho bullshit on w*de just because he felt like that was his job. scare the kid straight. and there was a brief panic of what will people think... until again she remembered it was actually a win socially. but ultimately that just became the fact of the situation. if she was going to do that, she was going to do that, so they let her go and be an adult. same with colton and school: they didn't get why he wanted to do all of that, but if that was what he wanted to do, that was his prerogative. enjoy the debt and the liberal arts master.
i think they lived in the house the twins grew up in forever. i think their dad hated visiting them in st louis, they certainly preferred hosting. their mom the kind of grandmother that's always posting memes about how a grandmothers love is the strongest force in the world but misspells the kids names in the post. their dad the kind of grandpa who just wants to sit on the couch and watch the most random war movie you've ever heard of at the family function. weirdly feel the need to call out their mom was obsessed with skye (like everyone else) and they both more than once commented on how tyson was "exhausting." like their mom would always be passing on advice on how to deal with a hyper child as if it worked. kyleigh is right there.
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2soul2 · 3 months
The Aquarium
(Shouta Aizawa with child/teen reader)
Okay so a week or so ago I asked you guys what kind of character you want a fan fiction about and most people voted Aizawa, so here it is!
Summary: Y/N and Shota didn’t had father daughter time for a decade, so he decides to have a excursion.
I’m sorry for my bad english
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Times were hard, Shota’s job was being extra busy. And school was being extra difficult for Y/N.
Both didn’t had the time for father daughter moments. And both felt in need for it.
Soon shota will be out of that School and away from this Computer, no patrol today.
Y/N is probably already home, it depends on the traffic and if she fits in the train.
Hizashi’s voice calls through the hallway.
Traffic wasn’t that bad so he came home earlier than usual.
Finally home.
The living room is weirdly dark. No one in there.
“Over here!”
The voice came from the kitchen.
There she is, sitting in the kitchen doing her homework.
Shota leans against the kitchen counter.
“Did you eat?”
“School lunch.”
There’s a quiet moment.
Shota closes her book.
“Come on, we’re going to the aquarium.”
The aquarium is a grate place for the two of them.
Half of Y/N‘s plushies are from the souvenir shop here.
The tired teacher prefers the jelly fish tank, there aren’t too many people there and they kind of seem calming.
But his daughter is obsessed with the shark tank, there are sharks, it’s big and there are sharks.
There are more people but it’s alright for shota as long as she’s happy.
But first they go to the jelly fish tank, it’s tradition. Hearing random facts about jelly fish’s from shota is also tradition.
“You know, jelly fish’s don’t have a brain.”
Y/N watches the weird creatures move in the water.
“Oh? So just like you?”
Shota smirks and rubs her head.
“Sassy child, let’s go to the sharks.”
Sharks are scary creatures, they move so slow but can move so fast. They both watch the big scary creatures that kinda smile.
Some kids run around, but since it’s already late there aren’t too many people.
“Oh! Dad! Look at this one, that’s a big boy!”
“Indeed, want to go to the clown fish tank?”
The clown fish tank, the sea ​​urchin’s, sea horses and the souvenir shop later they got out and went to the car, Y/N is holding an otter plushie.
“Nice afternoon, wasn’t it kid?”
The kid he was trying to call was already sound asleep in the backseat.
Wich means today was a great day at the aquarium.
And it surely won’t be the last.
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Hellooo! I hope you liked this ff! :) it was kinda hard for me to write, idk why. I sadly didn’t put much aquarium in it than I originally wanted to but eh, everyone got a story that’s not their favourite.
Anyways stay hydrated!
Requests are open!
Again, I’m sorry for my bad english.
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grimmy how many ocs do you have at the moment?
hmmm well this is, weirdly, a pretty loaded question for me because i've created about 50+ original characters over the span of 11 years. like......there are a lot. but i will go on a little tangent about my main squeezes to further explain the dynamics and why i feel like i realistically now only have 11 solid OCs.
i have the original six, the ones i created in my teen years - Jeff, Lotus, Franky, Fanny, Gretchen and Emma - who are basically my ride or dies, in which i created webs and webs of other characters around them in order for them to interact sort of within a world of their own, almost like a Sims town. so, those are where the other 50 ish characters come from. i've had them have children, other partners, exes, friends, foes, professors they have ambiguous relationships with, doctors they go to on the regular, parents etc etc. they also all have families that some of them, I consider fully fledged OCs. for ex: Dallas, Lotus' older brother, which i've never talked about on here but he's important because he goes to jail and it irrevocably changes Lotus.
ANYWAYS the big six has also consecutively been thrown into multiple alternate universes (altogether and separately) which has ultimately allowed me to create even MORE characters. there's been all kinds of AUs. vampires. college. 14th century. time travel. aliens. i've put them in AUs where they're literally whole different people.
but i have some recent OCs - Nina, Dawn, Ren, Percy, Felix - that i feel are gonna stick with me forever (as in, i love them as much as the big six) and i've managed to merge the big six and these recent ones in the same universe and give them all intricate relationships to each other. like, Jeff and Fanny were originally a couple. not only a couple, but THE couple. i was obsessed with them. but, somehow, Lotus always came into the mix a little, and i always had Jeff and him do gay shit together. they were always weirdly orbiting around each other. one day, i just fucked around and wrote this story about them and i was like hmm.....the dynamic is delicious.....what if....no...i couldnt.....could i?
after writing Starry Eyes (my novel with Ren and Percy, in which i incorporated Franky, Emma and Gretchen in with slight changes to their personalities), i kinda came back to Jeff (i always always come back to that fucking bastard. he's me. i'm him), and there was Lotus, right there with him, like hi. and i was like oh shit they actually are soulmates and always have been...
anyways so now the dynamics are: Lotus and Felix are exes. Emma and Gretchen are exes. Gretchen's gonna be with Franky as they originally were (they were also soulmates man. i love a good jock x goth). Fanny's single but fucks Franky as best friends then falls for Jeff then falls for Felix (lol). Dawn and Nina are lesbian soulmates forever and ever. i love them so much i need to talk about them more but their aesthetic is so specific its hard to reblog pics about them (pan to: Dawn - 6 foot 4 Bahamian transfemme with a bleached blonde mullet that dresses like an 80s wrestler. i gotta just draw her for you guys.) Lotus and Jeff are also soulmates forever and ever but they both date other people at some point. Lotus goes back to Felix, who welcomes the boy who shattered his heart into his open arms (Felix is a Libra man, you can't blame him). Jeff has a psychosexual relationship with Fanny bordering on psychotic and life ending in which they fuck by playing an insane level of mind games with each other and engage in an astronomical amounts of power play to get off. Ren and Percy are just soulmates forever and ever (very early childhood best friends who rekindle but don't remember each other. i eat it up. i eat it the fuck up) but Ren did briefly date Emma because both their dads were abusive alcoholics and they ~related~ to each other.
so yaaaaaa. its about 11. i love geekin out.
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roobylavender · 11 months
What’s the dynamic between scydia? I never watched Teen Wolf but from what I’ve seen it was always stydia that was popular which I never understood because it didn’t look like much to me from the gifs and stuff I’ve seen 😂
stydia was popular bc it had everything going for it. no other relationship in the show was as extensively developed as theirs save the one between scott and stiles (and you could argue that stydia got even better development than sciles did at some point bc the former didn't require throwing either party under the bus the way sciles did in later seasons). and they were a recreation of a trope that first blossomed into the modern consciousness with dwayne and whitley on a different world, and that was then subsequently revived with seth and summer on the oc (which people very often joke teen wolf ripped off bc the parallels are.. uncanny): the relationship between the uptight rich girl secretly holding back reams of vulnerability and the loser nerd who didn't remotely fit the definition of your classic macho hero but nonetheless recognized uptight rich girl was special the whole time. i haven't watched a different world myself (i want to though!) but i do happen to be the oc obsessed and i honestly believe the appeal is in the self-insert nature of it all. i am a semmer shipper til i die, they are one of my favorite relationships on tv ever, but when you think about it a little more it's no wonder people were drawn to a relationship where the girl was externally blunt and rude to shield her own vulnerability, until that shield was allowed to come down bc she found a boy who worshipped the ground she walked on. summer got to be bitchy and smart and anxious about how people perceived her bc seth took it all in stride and adored her to no end. add on to this the fact that he had had a crush on her since he was ten years old despite the fact that she had never acknowledged him until it was necessitated by chance bc they ran in completely different social circles otherwise. he was the nice guy (with caveats, as there always are), and he got the girl in the end bc he loved her more than anyone
the same logic more or less applies to stydia. in fact, as i aforementioned, the parallels between the oc and teen wolf go down to the core four ship dynamics. stiles had also always loved lydia since he was a kid. he also had always known how smart she was. he was also a nerdy, psychobabbling loser who third wheeled his bestie's relationship with lydia's best friend, which necessitated her acknowledgment of him by chance. and so on and so forth. but what stydia got even more than semmer was the agonizing slow burn. they were literally not canon until the last season of the show meanwhile semmer were together from season one. so you got to see stydia go from being strangers, to acquaintances, to friends, to best friends, and finally to lovers. in addition to all of the self-insert stuff i really think that is what did it for people who watched the show in a stydia bubble. it didn't matter how many extraneous relationships either character was put through (stiles dated two people before he dated lydia, she also dated two people and had a weirdly bordering on sexual but never consummated dynamic with a cop at one point. jeff davis is going to hell), people knew they were meant to be, and that was what made the journey worth it. for me, it had the opposite effect in that i think the slow burn went too far and they dated too many other people for the ending they got to feel completely enjoyable. bc you could tell they genuinely loved and cared for some of the other people they were in relationships with, so the fact that those relationships were more or less only used as props to stall time until stydia actually got together was a bit distasteful and annoying. teen wolf shipping was essentially like musical chairs where everyone dated everyone so a lot of ships easily lost meaning and appeal. they literally had scott date every main girl except lydia, ironically enough
speaking of. sorry for the brief history lesson, but to go back to your original question. scydia basically developed into the show's underrated besties dynamic over time. they started off with a bang bc on scott's first ever full moon he was hormonally wild and made out with lydia even though he had no actual feelings for her, but their one-on-one interactions pretty much tapered off after that bc allison was the conduit through which they co-existed. scott loved allison. lydia loved allison. it was a fact on its face more than anything to really contend with so early on in the show. but throughout the first three seasons, you had scott slowly develop into a leader for the pack, so once lydia started actually becoming cognizant of the development of her powers in season three, that's when things started to shift. they leaned on each other. scott was a good friend and he was there for lydia. lydia trusted scott bc she knew he led with courage and compassion. you finally got: lydia would never run and hide. because of stiles? because of scott. and then, allison died. this is really the big climactic moment for scydia bc yeah they would always be very supportive of each other regardless of whether or not allison was there, but it was the fact that allison died that really made their relationship with each other.. affectionate. tender. forged in steel. they were both irrevocably connected to this one person whom they loved so, so deeply, and she had suddenly been torn from their arms forever. no one, not even stiles, understood that grief the way they did each other's. and from that point on, since allison was gone (and i hate to frame it this way bc then i sound like those heteronormative found family people) lydia slipped into this sort of matriarchal role for the pack alongside scott's pre-existing patriarchal one. she was the head, he was the heart, and they functioned like well-oiled cogs in a machine. stiles was also there but he was sort of the erratic factor in that he went on all of the wild goose chases that contributed to the plot (and to be fair lydia was also critical here as well. they were their own little scooby doo duo)
but anyway, that's the set-up that basically paved the way for their relationship development in the latter half of the show. esp once the writers started to develop this rift between sciles i feel like the appeal of their relationship with each other kind of died and all that was left in its place in terms of a close friendship (bc scott was dating kira at this time. at least before she got written out of the show) was scydia. this was emphasized on even more via the following: not all monsters do monstrous things. like who? like scott. there was basically this unspoken, unbreakable trust between scydia where they were literally each other's ride-or-dies. like i think in the same season that lydia said this scott also let himself be electrocuted (bc werewolves can absorb pain better than humans) so that she wouldn't be. and there were so many little moments where they were each other's rocks, so many little hand holds and meaningful stares between them. and then season five and six are kind of big blobs to me at this point bc the show was so bad by now (like allison dying truly killed the show in terms of plot), but season five for some reason decided to acknowledge that these characters were in school and were about to graduate so they needed to take classes relevant to their career interests. scydia enrolled in ap bio together. lydia bc why wouldn't she, she was the smartest person in the school, and scott bc he wanted to be a veterinarian. except that scott's ability to do well in school had always formed the butt of a joke among his classmates and friends, with the exception of—you guessed it—lydia. she believed in his ability to do well the whole time, which sounds very trivial bc this certainly was not the most important aspect of the plot at all, but it was soooo huge for people who were sick of scott being repeatedly trampled on by the writing of the show bc the writers had recognizes stiles was more popular. for scott to have one friend who truly believed in him and his compassion and his capabilities without conditions felt like dreamland at that point. and that's the last really notable thing i remember about their dynamic before teen wolf decided its final season would be the stiles show (which did provide its fair share of scydia moments to be fair. even if it was all about how much they were trying to remember stiles). but they were really great co-leaders and arguably each other's best friends by the end and i loved it so, so much, regardless of the fact that it was never going to be what i wanted it to be. also the movie that came out this year had some really great scydia content if the gifs are anything to go by. and ironically stiles wasn't in it so like yeah i didn't win but in a way i kinda did. the end
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loryn-art · 2 years
A Plague Tale : Fan fictions and other Projects main post :
AO3 page here !
Things have escalated quickly in my head about this fandom and I don’t know how long this is going on. I order to not get lost in my own chaotic ideas and plots, and to share them with you if you are interest in it, here is a my main list of all the upcoming projects I may or may not post with a short description.
I will try to keep this list updated as much as I can, (my brain being a lazy potato.)
DISCLAIMER : major spoils about the game in it, you’ve been warned.
Fanfictions :
A Plague Tale - Redemption : The Main story I’m actually working on. I said in a previous post I had a hard time choosing between two main stories, but I finally opted for the one with the more saddest/hurt/confort/angst potential (what a surprise). -> Lucas shot Hugo, seven years later Amicia and him have to work together again to protect a new Macula bearer. Ridiculous amount of OCs I can’t seriously halp - AmiciaxLucas - might never be finished because the more I think about it the more consistent and long the plot gets - Sophia is here of course and adulting like a boss. Rated M I guess for violence/explicit scenes. Lucas:endingverse. Read here !
A Flame Tale : Three parts fanfiction. I swore I wouldn’t write a sequel to this story because writing explicit scenes between teens sounds weird but I can’t get enough of those two idiots. Set in the Amicia:endingverse. Also it’s not just here for some silly romanced moments but also to share my idea of how and why Lucas left the house in the last part. COMPLETE
No name yet : Some short texts and one shots about an AU where the Plague was delayed for some years (I don’t know the reason yet, but I wanted the characters to be older, around +3 years- ) Amicia is 18 Lucas is 15 Hugo is 7. Guess who wants to write cheesy scenes between two characters secretly flirting when they’re not allowed to ? -> when a young noble girl, daughter of Lord De Rune falls in love with the town Alchemist’s apprentice, rumors spread like a plague.
No name yet : Modern story following the Ascendance main fict. Amicia is 17 year old high school teenager, Daughter of the town mayor and one of the most eminent scientist of the country. Her little brother she barely sees suffers from a mysterious illness, while more and more strange events are happening in the city, people disappear, laboratories are devastated, and her life will soon be tied with other characters, weirdly familiar... I don't know if I will ever write it but I'm really inspired for some comics/fanfarts. Not an AU, just kind reincarnation/ressemblance stuff.... not sure yet.
Comics/Fanarts :
- Some illustrations about the fan fictions above.
- A short comic setting in my main story, kind of a companion piece for it. Lucas is studying in an academy a few months after Amicia rejected him.(Lucas:ending) -> The other apprentices could bully him as much as they wanted, nothing was more painful than her furious eyes meeting his in his sleep or between the lines of his books, where he drew them during class lessons.
- Actually in a Modern-AU obsession, might draw some stuff about it too.
One Shot ficts : “The tales that don’t fit anywhere else”
2 - The lioness, the wolf and the raven, leaving the tower : Short scene right after Amicia and Lucas met Vaudin, on their way back. Is it possible for Vaudin to be even more detestable ?
3 - Setting while Amicia and Hugo are on their way to La Cuna, Beatrice/Lucas, because nothing can escape a mother eyes, mostly when she an alchemist.
1 - The vixen, the wolf and the burning city : What has been told in the narrow alleys of the city that night, stays in the narrow alleys of the city. - Lucas/Melie (Happens when Lucas and Melie are separated from the group at the end of Innocence)
4 - The boy and the arrow : When you have to pull an arrow out of your crush, while her little brother's been kidnapped by a crazy count, hunted by his soldiers right after your ship stranded, what a beautiful day. Happens right after the count attacked Sophia's ship. A dramatic reunion on the shore.
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