#well I might have missed it but everybody says something different so at least I’ve got his birthday month right
milk-farm · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to my favorite blonde non human-human!!!
(He finally got his little kwagatama from plagg)
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lily-fics-11 · 4 months
The Cynic and The Sweetheart
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You are cynical about love but Robin, the hopeless romantic with a secret crush, tries to convince you that love is real. 
Warnings: not beta read, cynicism, a little bit of angst, a little bit of fluff, kissing/making out, revelations about sexuality
You enter Family Video, and your sort-of-friend Robin is behind the counter. 
“Hey Y/N!” She seems happy to see you. You two run in different social circles but frequent the same parties and have classes together.
“Hey, how’s it going?” You ask with a smile.
“Good, I’m good. Are you looking for anything specific?”
“Not really, I’ve got nothing to do tonight so I figured I would watch a movie.” You sigh. Your best friend had said that she would hang out with you tonight but she bailed on you at the last minute to go on a date. 
“Why don’t I help you pick something out,” Robin offers.
“That sounds great, thank you.” Even though it’s her job, you appreciate her taking the time to help you out after being blow off by your friend. 
Robin heads down one of the rows of videos. You follow her until she stops scanning the shelves and pulls something out.
“Sixteen Candles” she says, holding the video out to you. “We just got it in, I saw it when it was in theatre, it was great.” You can tell she is a fan of the movie by the way she talks about it so you feel bad not accepting the video and rolling your eyes by accident. 
“Robin, I appreciate your help, but I don’t think you know me well enough for this. In all honestly, I wouldn’t be caught dead watching a rom com.” Any of your close friends would know better than to recommend a rom com to you. You don’t blame Robin though, even though you were more than acquaintances you were not quite friends.
Robin looks shocked to say the least. “You don’t like rom coms? Who doesn’t like rom coms? Everyone loves rom coms!” She almost sounds offended. 
“Me I guess. I’m just, not a fan, you know?”
“No, I don’t know. Like at all! I don’t get it, what’s not to love about romance and happy endings?” She is defending rom coms like her life depends on it. 
“Because love is just a concept, Robin, it’s intangible!” You are just as defensive as she is.
“Love is absolutely real!” She seems very protective of this concept.
“Alright then, prove it to me,” you laugh knowing that making reality out of fiction is an impossible task.
“How am I supposed to prove it? I can’t just prove that love is real. Love and romance means something different for everybody. I wouldn’t know what the definition of love and romance would be for you, especially if you don’t even know it yourself. Haven’t you ever had a crush that makes your heart beat fast? Haven’t you ever felt the magic of falling for someone? Haven’t you ever had a perfect kiss? Haven’t you ever had someone look at you like you put the sun in the sky?” Robin is absolutely flabbergasted. 
“No,” you just laugh more. “I’m still in high school. Isn’t it kind of intense? All of that at such a young age?”
“Well, I haven’t exactly experienced most of that myself. But I’ve read so many romance novels and watched so many movies and listened to so many love songs. Love just seems like something to strive for. It seems like falling in love would make the sun shine brighter,” Robin explains slightly in distress. 
“Other people might have a definition of love, but I don’t. Because no one would ever feel that way about me, so I would never let myself feel that way about someone else. I understand that love is real for some people, but it’s just not real for me.” You try to clarify, stubbornly attempting to prove your point. 
“I’m sorry.” Is all she has to say about that, looking like you just crushed her dreams.
“Why are you sorry?” You question.
“For starters, a life without the prospect of love is like a puzzle you can’t finish because there is a piece missing. But also because I can’t imagine what it’s like feeling as if no one could ever love you. I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone. Not even my worst enemy, and you’re a good person.” She looks genuinely concerned about you. 
“Don’t worry about me, Robin.” You laugh again, trying to make light of what has become a deep conversation “I’m just being realistic.”
“What if you’re not?” She suggests. 
“What do you mean?” You are not exactly sure what she is trying to get at.
“Y/N, what if you’re not being realistic? What if there was someone out there who felt drawn to you? That would kiss you if they got the chance? What if there was someone who saw you for who you are, not even caring that you don’t believe in love, because they could see themselves falling for you?” She offers that all to you, reserved but hopeful.
“I don’t know, Robin. I’ve never really thought about it. I guess I just have faith in my assumptions.” You shake your head, trying not to let her into it. You never intended to have a philosophical conversation. You just wanted to watch a movie. 
Robin puts the video back on the shelf and then takes a step towards you. You are not sure why, but you also don’t question it. 
“Just play devil’s advocate for a minute. What if you found out that your assumptions were wrong? Would that be enough to sway your opinion?” Robin seems well intentioned but you really aren’t sure why she is bothering. What does she get out of this? She is, however, starting to make you think no matter how hard you are trying to resist.
You ponder over what could persuade you to view love and romance differently. You eventually come to the conclusion that “I guess I would need some proof, like an experience that made it tangible for me. I guess it would take someone genuinely liking me, or kissing me and actually meaning it. Not just any person could convince me. It would have to be real and special.”
“So what you are telling me is that if someone genuinely wanted to kiss you, they should do it?” She’s got an air of curiosity.
“I wouldn’t want someone to kiss me that I couldn’t see myself with. But I guess if I let someone close enough to kiss me, why not? Neither of us would have anything to lose.” You tell her all this hoping to have satisfied her curiosity. You expect this to be the end of the conversation. There is no one else to turn to and it’s not like she is going to romance you. And she is definitely not going to kiss you. 
That imaginary prospect sparks something in you though. You had never really thought that much about kissing anyone because kissing boys seemed like the only option. But the new found option of kissing a girl, that is intriguing. Your head begins to spin.
Robin takes another step towards you, leaving less than a foot of space between you. She reaches out her hand to brush a piece of hair off of your face. 
“Is this close enough?” She asks with a smirk. Robin seems to be testing the waters, as if she were following the steps you have given her. But that’s ridiculous. Right? You are just letting yourself get carried away. She’s only gotten inside your head to prove her point. Right?
There is something about the way that Robin looks at you that causes a fluttery feeling in your stomach that you’ve never felt before. It reminds you of the way people describe their first crush or first kiss.
But now you are met with Robin’s pretty face, beautiful smile, and, now that you are looking deeply into them, alluring blue eyes. Something about Robin and this conversation has practically changed the chemistry of your brain and triggered a part of your imagination that you didn’t know existed. You can hardly believe it. But god is she endearing. You’ve quickly come to the conclusion that if it were with a girl, kissing was something you were interested in. Especially if that girl was Robin, who has taken the time to challenge your cynicism in a way that no one else ever cared enough to. 
“I… I… um. Yes. I would say that’s, um, close enough.” You squeak out nervously. Your heart is racing from the attention that no one has ever given you before. You feel drawn to her like a magnet. 
“So you are sure, you wouldn’t mind if I…” Robin begins but you cut her off, taking another step so you two have mere inches between you. “Just shut up and kiss me.” 
Robin leans down towards you and you can feel her smile against your lips as she kisses you, as if she’s been waiting for this moment for a long time. At first you are both standing there a little awkwardly. But you just can’t seem to get enough of Robin. So you get as close to her as you can, your bodies pressed together, and you wrap your arms around her neck. She follows your lead and grabs your hips, clumsily at first but once her hands are settled in their position she tightens her grip. Robin was pulling you in as if she were trying to get closer despite the absence of space between you. Does she feel the same gravitational pull you feel towards her? The way that Robin holds you in place against her and insatiably kisses you starts a fire deep within you. You can tell that she really means it. She kisses you with an intention you didn’t know she had. You never imagined that another girl could make you feel this way.
You have no idea how much time had passed when you hear the door open. You and Robin quickly separate yourselves from one another and try to act casual. But you are unable to take your eyes off eachother or stop smiling. 
“You know what Robin, I think I’ll take that movie,” you tell her nervously. Now that you have had this revelation about her she is making you nervous. Is this a crush? Is this more?
“Really?” She asks, sounding surprised and looking excited. 
“I think you’ve started to convince me that romance is all that it’s cracked up to be.” She looks a little disappointed when you tell her that, “only started?”
You lean towards her and whisper in her ear with a smirk: “I think you should come over after work and watch this movie with me. You can finish proving your point.”
Robin’s jaw drops and her eyes go wide. She takes a moment to recollect herself. 
“You will be a firm believer by the time I’m done with you.”
Thanks for reading, lmk what you think:)
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treveonwest · 10 months
(PowerRuff part 20) {don't put your trust in everybody} Part 1
Hello people so I kind of lost my save files a little bit so the school looks different now because I can't find the other one I had on the gallery so the school looks like now
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Narrator) Everything seems like a normal day today but you know that's not always the case also today I think is where your normal clothes day at school
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Blossom🌸) bubbles how come Buttercup isn't here yet *eye twitch*
Bubbles💙) well Blossom she has band practice extremely early so she might be coming to school a little bit late at least Miss Kean understands
Blossom🌸) Yeah you're right I just really hate tardiness or the idea of tardiness and you know that about me
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Blossom🌸) Oh look Princess hanging out with her "friends"
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Ember) So princess what do you think about my outfit today isn't it adorbs
Princess👑) yeah it is quite cute
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Pearl) Princess I hate to say this but summer is going around saying that she is the most popular girl in school like way more popular than you and a lot of people are paying attention to her
Princess👑) oh really well I'm going to have to show her whose boss at some point
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Amy) maybe we need to go to her and rip that stupid blonde hair off of her head I mean it's obvious It's A Wig anyway
Princess👑) Amy I appreciate your enthusiasm but I think that's a little bit much
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Princess👑) I was thinking we could do something a bit more like embarrassing her at Cheer practice or something
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Angel) so princess ummm prom's coming up is there anybody you were thinking about asking
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Princess👑) well I was definitely thinking about asking brick but he's getting very close to Blossom and I don't want to mess that up so I'm not really thinking about asking anyone I guess I'm just waiting for somebody to ask me
Angel) oh interesting
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Princess👑) hold on girls I'll be right back
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Pearl) oh my God she is so annoying
Ember) *Chuckles* yeah and really bratty too I'm starting to get a little bit tired of her
Amy) yeah I can't believe she actually thinks we're her friends like who would honestly want to be friends with her
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Angel) guys Princess Morbucks is a rich girl we should be maybe a little happy that she wants to hang out with us that might mean that she thinks we're cool
Ember) oh shut up who was talking to you anyway and if you don't like what we say go hang out with somebody else
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Pearl) speaking of princess I have an awesome idea that I need to tell you guys in the gym
Amy) for the last time we are not walking around bikini tops on like you
Ember) yeah girl I love you but I'm not doing that
Pearl) no just come with me to the gym and I'll explain
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Pearl) so basically my uncle is a part of this organization and they kind of kidnap people and held them for ransom for you know money princess is a rich girl he could make lots of money off of her and we would get rid of her once and for all
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Amy) Pearl as much as I love this idea how are we going to get your uncle to kidnap her without anybody seeing especially Angel because she is the first one that will tell on us
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Pearl) don't worry I already have a strategy I'm going to wait outside with my uncle until Princess Morbucks is cheerleading by herself because she always practices cheerleading early and yes Angel has a crush on her and is always wanting to be around her so basically I might need you to keep her busy
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Angel) hey Blossom I haven't seen you in such a long time how have you been
Blossom🌸) I've been great it's nice I see you, angel
Princess👑) oh you two know each other
Blossom🌸) yeah me and Angel are good friends actually
5 hours later
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Pearl) all right uncle Trevor the girl that I want you to get is over there she is cheerleading so she's not paying attention that gives you more than enough time to get her
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Trevor) okay Pearl but how do I know she isn't going to attack me as soon as she sees me or feels me sneaking up on her
Pearl) oh trust me she isn't going to notice she focuses entirely too much when it comes to cheerleading and she can't fight she couldn't even hurt a fly if she wanted to trust me
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Trevor) don't fucking move or scream
Princess👑) *Really Loud Gasp*
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Pearl) see I told you it would be easy to catch her
Princess👑) p-p-p-p Pearl
Trevor) Oh Hush *Hits Her Head With The Gun*
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To Be Continued
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passionesolja · 2 years
Like half of the Fandom Menace mfs would not survive being a jojo fan with how they bitch and complain about minor changes in Star Wars.
Dawg, Star Wars is a 46 year old series that is holding onto its glory days (both with the OT and PT era) with a vice grip. Star Wars is such an unmoving object that everybody is tryna copy that lost era.
Meanwhile, jojo is a 37 year old series and has changed so much that you could put an JoJo fan from the 80s into the modern era and they wouldn’t even be able to comprehend it because of how much cast changes, art style evolutions, and setting changes there are.
Like imagine telling the average Phantom Blood reader “oh yeah in like 5 years, there won’t even be Jonathan Joestar or Hamon anymore lol”
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But do jojo fans complain about it? Not really. Like you have a few small groups of ppl online who weren’t even around during the Hamon era of jojo saying “Stands suck I miss Hamon” but nobody in the fandom fights about it. It isn’t a talking point.
The biggest problem in Star Wars is how some of the wants think and what they ask for. Like they refuse to let Star Wars evolve but they complain that it isn’t changing
I’m not a big fan of a lot of new changes in Star Wars that’s because either it erase past stuff, or it’s fanservice but at least mfs be trying.
HOWEVER, the biggest factor in this is that JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is made by Araki. Like it’s HIS story. Yeah, you have some lil loosely canon books like Dio Brando’s Journal and Purplehaze Feedback but Araki do not give a fuck about those books and once he finished with a Part in jojo, he never go back.
Granted, the character may appear in a new Part
Star Wars has so many cooks in the kitchen with different directions and perspectives that nothing as a consistent energy or vibe to it
I’ve said it a lot but modern Star Wars’ biggest issue is that the reliance on supplementary series and dlc stories mean that the fans and the writers are battling because the fans know more (sometimes).
The current Star Wars writers are tryna please people who are too lazy to write their own fanfiction and also explain bad writing decisions in past shows and films. It’s a lose-lose situation
Meanwhile, because JoJo is Araki’s world and only he understands it, whatever direction Araki goes in, fans just accept because it isn’t like you can say “oh well in this light novel this other writer did something different”. You might know everything about JoJo a fan can know, but you’ll never know more than Araki does. Jojo fans understand this because of the track record with the series
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cosmic28dreams · 1 year
Am I a Sim?
A deep-rooted fear of not being good enough is probably something that is so etched into our identities as human beings. Often it might take years, decades or even a lifetime to grow out of this horror. The girl next door is so cool, so smart, she’s killing it. Me? Ehh, I’m whatever. Nothing I do is special, nothing I put out is something that can’t be replicated by others. I’m not gifted, I’ve never been. If you press random on a Sim character you’ll get me then you’ll just go with it just because you’re too lazy to customise it. But is that a bad thing? When you press customise again, it’s unlikely you’ll get the same version of that particular Sim anyways.
Maybe I’m mediocre in my own, cozy, fun way. Yes okay, maybe a random Natasha can do exactly what I’m doing and more even though she’s in Medicine instead of Engineering. Yes, maybe the random classmate I never talk to can finish my projects faster than me if it were up to them. But recently after judging everybody’s looks at Met Gala even though I didn’t get an invite made me realize, the key difference is while theoretically they can do all this, I’m the one putting it into practice, not them.
Why did it take me so long to understand this? I noticed I have quite a skewed view on life growing up, but Jesus, this concept is really simple, and I missed it? Has anyone else noticed this before? Well at least I realize that now. For decades, why was I so hung up on other’s theoretical potential than applauding the fact that I am currently working to live up to mine? People may be better than me, but currently they’re not doing what I’m doing, and even if they are, we live different lives no? If everyone has the exact same niche as I do and live my same exact life, would they be able to do exactly what I’m doing and more? Honestly, probably. And that used to bring me down every time I think about it. But now I think, well, are they actually doing it? Natasha who excels in Engineering isn’t here, she’s in my head. The real Natasha is out there crying over lung textbooks or whatever. This not good enough fiasco is starting to sound really silly now. I guess that’s the thing, you will never actually know what you can do unless you try it. And I’m trying. I’m the one who’s putting what I want into action, so why on earth would I spend time thinking about how other people can do it better than me, if they’re in reality, not doing it?
I should count on myself more. I wonder if this is what the TikTok girlies meant when they say focus on yourself. Anyway, everyone killed it at Met Gala 2023. Honestly, slay. I am trying to write more now. I am no writer, but if I put out work consistently enough, maybe I can call myself one one day. See you next week then. Sincerely, me and my never-ending journey towards relearning super simple Pinterest quotes. For this one, I’ll call it comparison kills. Xoxo
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beccascribbles · 4 years
can you please do an omegaverse fic with inarizaki having an omega manager that goes into heat during a game and she tries to leave but some guys from another team stop her and harass her but the bois pull up and protect her <3
a/n - right, just a warning, i’m a big atsumu simp and this became abundantly clear to me when i was writing this... it’s less inarizaki and more miya twins (with the addition of kita). whoops
warnings - harassment (unwanted touching, sexual implications)
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In hindsight, leaving the house without packing heat suppressants, or at least being aware of your own condition, was reckless of you. It wasn't your fault you had woken up late and had to rush to ensure you looked presentable by the time the twins came by to collect you. Though you would have loved to make the twins late (considering it was their fault - they didn’t have to get you hooked on a new TV show and leave the call midway through the season finale), you weren’t so keen on having any of Kita’s disappointment directed towards you. Therefore, when the twins arrived, Atsumu with a wide smirk at your slightly dishevelled self, you settled on directing a swift punch to their stomachs as revenge.
“Ouch,” whined Atsumu, rubbing his stomach with a pout. “What was that for, stupid?”
“Obviously she’s pissed off that we let her stay up late,” Osamu grumbled, also rubbing his stomach, though, instead of a pout, his lips were tugged downwards in a frown. “Although I don’t see how her terrible sleep schedule is our problem.”
“Don’t get me hooked on a new show next time,” you muttered, looping an arm through Osamu’s and beginning to pull him down the road. In your other hand, you held a cool bag with some snacks for the team. The only reason you had grabbed Osamu with your free arm was to prevent him from peeking into the bag. If he had hands free to look, he had hands free to eat the food within. Atsumu was less likely to eat the food, though that didn’t stop him from unzipping the bag and peeking inside.
“Oh, tasty!” he exclaimed, zipping up the bag and making eye contact with Osamu, whose head had turned in his direction once the words left his mouth. He was clearly pleading with his twin to reveal what was in the bag. Atsumu simply stuck his tongue out. “Why don’t ya use your nose to figure it out? You always boast about having a better sense of smell than me anyway.”
“Because I do,” snapped back Osamu, quickly becoming irritated, muscles tensing as he prepared himself to leap towards his twin. Your arm tightened around his, and you shot him a look, eyes holding a warning. With care, you let your scent wind through the air around the three of you, the twin alphas calming at the subtle shift in the air.
Atsumu looped an arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer to him, the bag you were carrying bumping awkwardly against his legs in the process. This action almost caused your arm to slip from Osamu’s, but he quickly tightened his hold. Atsumu was not going to pull you away from him. Almost in sync, they both turned towards you, noses nuzzling into the crook of your neck. You let out a slightly frustrated sigh, but let them continue scenting you. After all, when they were able to do this, they were at their calmest, and you still had a long bus journey ahead of you where keeping arguments to a minimum was preferable.
When you began to approach the school gates, you pulled out of their grasp, walking ahead of them. You began to walk faster, shooting a look over your shoulder to see the pair of them watching you with confused expressions. It was when you finally broke into a sprint, hefting the bag holding the food at a weird angle, that they realised what you had in mind. Letting out a laugh, Atsumu took off after you; Osamu quickly followed. If you had managed to get a bigger head start, you might have won. However, on this occasion, both twins pulled ahead of you, darting around a bewildered Kita and launching forward to touch the bus with their fingers.
“I won!” they declared in unison, an argument breaking out between them that you tuned out in favour of focusing your attention on Kita. Aran had already walked over to the twins, grabbing them by the backs of their jackets and hauling them away. It was this sudden movement that jerked them from their argument.
“Hey,” you greeted, giving Kita a weary smile as he reached forward to take the food from you. Together, you walked towards the bus. Kita, having arrived ridiculously early, had already packed away everything that the team would need. The only thing not within the bus was most of the team, their individual athletic bags, and whatever you had brought with you. You climbed in, reaching up to place the bag on the overhang above you. Once you had finished, you turned to face Kita. “I think we’re going to win for sure. I did some research on this team and they’ve put forward a series of underwhelming performances in official games, as well as practice matches. They’re no match for Inarizaki, especially with our captain ready to step in if the second years on court get too excited or lazy.”
The latter comment was directed towards Suna, whose head poked up from behind a seat near the back of the bus. He raised his middle finger up in response before refocusing on the phone he was holding in his other hand. You yelled over at him, “Good morning to you too.”
“Whatever, y/n,” he sighed, looking up at you once again. “Just sit down somewhere, preferably a place where the two idiots can argue over who gets to sit next to you.”
You just rolled your eyes, taking the seat you were planning on claiming originally. Kita stood in the aisle, giving you a small smile. “I’m glad you’re confident we’re going to win, especially with all the practice everybody has been putting in.”
“I know,” you grinned. While continuing with the conversation, you motioned towards the seat beside you, indicating for Kita to take it. You’d rather sit next to Kita than have to deal with the twins for the journey anyway. “Everybody has been putting in so much more effort. I swear I’ve had to physically drag Atsumu out of the gym most days.”
“He just doesn’t listen,” sighed Kita, resting his head against the headrest. “I keep telling him practicing too much is bad for his health. He even got a fever because he was practicing too hard.”
“He’s stupid like that,” you shrugged, a yawn cutting through whatever you were about to say next.
“You better be talkin’ about Samu,” interrupted Atsumu, taking the seat in front of you and turning around to face you. Osamu collapsed into the seat beside him, flicking him in the forehead.
“She was obviously talking about you, dumbass,” he quipped.
Osamu turned to you for confirmation, only to see your head resting against the captain’s shoulder. He questioned, “y/n?”
“Of course she’s asleep,” laughed Atsumu, nudging Osamu with his shoulder, previous comment forgotten in favour of teasing you. “She can’t take the late nights.”
“Keep it down,” Kita said, adjusting your head so that it was rested against him more comfortably. In response, you moved closer to him, an arm sliding around his waist to hug him as you mumbled something incoherent in your sleep. A furious blush spread along his cheeks, and he ducked his head to hide from the twins. Luckily, their attention was fixed elsewhere, on a video Suna had sent to Osamu, too lazy to get up to walk down the coach to show him. Kita let out a sigh, dropping his head to rest atop of yours. He chided, not that you could hear him in your slumber, “You should really try to sleep earlier.”
It was fortunate for you that you slept for most of the journey. You missed Osamu moaning about being hungry, and then proceeding to search up pictures of food to drool over. Consequently, you also missed Atsumu hitting his twin and being scolded by Kita, something that always made you laugh. However, Suna had got up to draw on your face, which would have been an unfortunate consequence. Luckily, it was only to shuffle back to his seat sheepishly, the sight of Kita beside you a deterrent.
“You had to fall asleep on Kita,” grumbled Suna, walking along beside you as you entered the gymnasium. You trailed behind the rest of the team, your footsteps unusually sluggish. You blamed it on your late night. “Why couldn’t you have fallen asleep on Atsumu? He would’ve let me draw on your face.”
“Yeah, well, I’m glad you didn’t,” you responded, transferring the food bag to your other hand. The weight, though it wasn’t abnormally heavy, was beginning to make your arm ache. In fact, your whole body ached. Eyebrows furrowed, you continued switching the bag from hand to hand. It made no difference. You still ached.
“You look constipated,” observed Suna, though he took the food from your grip. You gave him a thankful smile, which he waved off. “I’m not being nice. I just don’t like walking beside someone with such a stupid expression on their face.”
“I didn’t ask you to walk beside me,” you snapped, crossing your arms over your chest. They still ached, even without the bag. All you wanted to do was collapse on the bench at the sidelines.
“It’s not my fault you decided to walk so slowly today,” replied Suna, glancing over at you briefly. Something about you was off, though he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. It was probably a consequence of your late night, but even when you had stayed up late before, you were never this sluggish. Usually, you walked at the front beside Kita, or with the coaches. It was rare for you to be at the back unless you wanted to annoy him, which evidently was not the case this time. “I didn’t voluntarily choose to accompany you.”
“Leave me then,” you snapped, eyes narrowing in a glare, your scent suddenly spiking. He let out a grumble, releasing some of his pheromones in the air to soothe you. Suna hated being on omega duty, one of the reasons why he was glad you usually opted to walk at the front.
“You know I can’t just leave you,” he sighed, placing a hand on the small of your back to urge you forward. “The sooner we get to the gym, the sooner you can leave me and sit on the bench.”
That caused you to perk up somewhat, which also had the effect of pulling your scent back to its’ ordinary level. Your scent may have regulated, but the ache in your body persisted, each movement making you fight back a wince. It was with gritted teeth that you sat on the bench, and pulled your clipboard towards you. Suna gave you one last assessing look before beginning to warm up.
Your gaze was unfocused as you stared down at the words you had written on the page. They swam in front of your gaze, coming apart and then joining again in dizzying confusion. As you stared, you found your mind wandering, nose twitching as you found yourself seeking out any scent that felt comforting, felt familiar. Your head snapped up from the clipboard, falling on a pile of discarded jackets. From the pile, and wafting towards you in the air, was Atsumu’s rich scent that made you recall moments where you were held in his arms and shielded from the rain, Osamu’s that brought forward memories of laughing in the kitchen and collaborating on random food creations, and Kita’s that filled you with comfort, reminding you of his quite support.
Before you could process what you were doing, you were moving towards the pile, hand clutching the first jacket you found. You buried your nose into the material, breathing in Atsumu’s scent, a soft whine escaping your lips. Your own team, too engrossed in warming up, missed the sound. It did, however, attract the attention of the team on the other side of the net.
You were unaware of the sudden, and unwanted, attention, shrugging off your jacket and pulling on Atsumu’s. You turned your head into the collar, taking in a deep breath. Though the scent satisfied you emotionally, the joy at being wrapped in Atsumu’s scent, caused you to release your own pheromones, made you feel slightly dizzy. A sudden spiking heat rushed through you, and a quiet ‘shit’ slipped from your lips. Hurriedly, you began to head towards the exit, keeping your head ducked and trying desperately to stop sending pulse after pulse of pheromones into the gym. You figured that, once you were safely in the confines of the bus, you could send a message to one of the coaches, apologising for having to leave and explaining that your heat had suddenly started.
A large hand wrapped around your wrist, causing you to come to a jolting stop. The owner of the hand yanked you back into his chest and you let out a surprised squeak. His arm wrapped around your waist, holding you close to him as he let out a pleased hum. His nose ran along the scent gland at your neck, making you stiffen suddenly. Fear made you kick out, knocking against one of his teammates who was standing beside him.
“Get off me,” you panted, weakly thrashing in his grip, a sharp and bitter scent escaping from you. Across the gym, Atsumu and Osamu’s heads snapped in your direction. “Just want to leave. Need to leave.”
Twin growls ripped through the gym, sending shivers down the spines of many people in attendance, including the male currently holding you. All you could feel was relief. He looked over his shoulder, making eye contact with the furious twins. Their fury had caught the attention of the rest of Inarizaki, who all suddenly stood to attention.
“No need to be aggressive,” chuckled the male, though he made no move to release you. “I was just going to take care of this omega.”
“Like fuck ya are,” spat Atsumu, lunging forward and grabbing the male by the back of his shirt. His eyes were dark, expression twisted as another growl ripped from his throat.
“Get the fuck away from her,” growled Osamu, who had taken the distraction Atsumu provided to step in front of the male. The rest of his teammates had wisely backed off. One who had been about to pull Atsumu away had been stopped by Kita, his grip tight as he had pulled the man away by his shoulder. Despite the warning, the male’s arm remained around you. Despite Atsumu at his back and Osmau at his front, he had the nerve to push his nose against your scent gland and breathe you in deeply. A nervous whimper escaped your mouth, all Osamu and Atsumu needed for any last bit of restraint they had to evaporate. He muttered darkly, “I gave you a warning.”
Osamu’s hand curled around the male’s wrist, yanking it upwards harshly and twisting. His other arm went to catch you, pulling you away as Atsumu finally snapped. His arm wrapped around the male’s throat, his muscles prominent as he tightened his grip, crushing his windpipe. It was clear Osamu was frustrated too, eager to leap at the male. Yet, you were beside him, looking up at him with fear, and his first instinct was to protect you. He pulled his gaze away from the scene in front of him, scanning the gym until he finally found Kita. Kita was already walking towards you, anger prominent in the lines of his body. He took you from Osamu, letting you wrap your legs around his waist and snuggle your head into the crook of his neck as he held you. Kita left Osamu with a nod, giving permission the other man had not needed, but appreciated, to attack the male who had harassed you. He would let the coaches break it apart. Right now, you were his concern.
Kita walked from the gym, heading towards the bus. It was fortunate he was always prepared. Though he was certain you would be responsible enough to bring your own, he had packed heat suppressors in the buses emergency kit just in case. You let out a soft whine, hands curling into the material of his shirt.
“Atsumu… Osamu… Are they okay?” you questioned, needing to know. Kita let out a comforting purr, coupled with a release of soothing pheromones. The scent wafted around you, easing your racing heart, though it did little to cut through the haze of your heat.
“They’re fine,” he reassured, hand rubbing a soothing circle into your back before he placed you gently on a seat in the bus. You wrapped your arms around yourself, nose immediately pressing against the inside collar of the jacket, breathing in Atsumu’s scent deeply.
“Want the twins,” you whimpered. It was normal for you to want to be close to them. You had been with them since you were born, the three of you inseparable as soon as you were able to toddle. It was their scents that made up the majority of your nest, with the occasional addition of something Kita or Suna or another member of the team had scented.
Kita ignored your comment in favour of grabbing the heat suppressants from the bag. He turned towards you, grabbing a water bottle from where the spares were kept. Deciding it might be better for you, more peaceful and less painful, he also decided to include a sleeping pill. Kita handed them to you. “Have these. It’s heat suppressants and a sleeping pill.”
He watched as you took the medicine, carding his fingers through your hair affectionately. He gave your fingers a reassuring squeeze, “I’ll be back, along with the twins, when the match is finished.”
You nodded, barely registering his words as you let sleep overtake you.
When you woke up, strong arms were wrapped around you, holding you against a chest. You snuggled into the warmth, letting the distinct scent of Atsumu wash over you. Fingers stroked your hand softly, tracing its shape before sliding between your own. Your hand was lifted up, soft lips pressed against it before a face nuzzled into your palm. Sleepily, you looked up, blinking up at the twins. Even in your half-awake state, you could see the slight bruising that peppered their skin. Despite it being two-against-one, the male had landed a few solid hits before the coaches got involved.
“You’re awake,” cheered Atsumu, brushing a kiss to the top of your head as his fingers ran up and down your back, sliding beneath his jacket and your t-shirt to rest against your bare skin. Osamu gave a small cheer as well, a warm smile overtaking his features as he gazed down at you. That warm smile didn’t stop him from scolding you, something you were expecting from Kita and not him.
“And an idiot for not realising you were starting your heat,” he said, reaching over to give your hair an affection ruffle.
“We always know when our ruts are so you should know when your heats are,” chimed in Atsumu, ignoring the weak punch to his chest that you gave him with the hand not being held in Osamu’s.
“That’s because I always remind you,” you grumbled in response, though your anger was short-lived. The pheromones they were pumping out were so distracting any emotion but bliss was hard to feel, let alone hold onto.
“Considering how long you’ve known each other,” said Suna, deciding to add his two pence to the conversation, “I would’ve thought you two dumbasses would know what her pre-heat symptoms are.”
“You’re her friend too,” protested Atsumu, the only thing stopping him from engaging in a fall-blown argument was you in his lap. “Maybe you should have realised.”
“I did realise,” smirked Suna. In a quieter voice, he continued, “I just thought she was tired.”
“Can you all shut up?” snapped Aran, to which Kita was quick to agree, explaining that you would appreciate the peace and quiet.
That put a stop to any argument that could have broken out, both of the twins refocusing on you. Osamu resumed lazily playing with your fingers, while Atsumu nuzzled into your neck, rubbing his face against your scent gland. You let out a content sigh, finding comfort in their touch and the scents of the team wafting around you.
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scarletjedi · 2 years
Look, I know I haven’t finished *any* other Untamed time travel au, but I have another one, so here we go:
We begin in Qinghe, before the death of the sect leader, so Nie Mingjue is still the heir. In fact, it’s only a few days before Wen Ruohan makes his first move when Mingjue wakes in his childhood bedroom—which is odd, because he was pretty sure he was dead. Huaisang comes running in, crying from a nightmare and Mingjue comforts him without thinking. Of course, he says something that makes Hauisang freeze and look at him more closely because Hauisang is back too—and the nightmare was the next two decades.
Well, first things first: save their father and see about preventing the war. And, barring that, ending it quickly. (It’s not perfect- Mingjue was not fully grown when he became a sect leader, and Huaisang is still a child, but they make it work and it’s *good.* without the pressures of being a sect leader in war, or the need to avenge their father, Mingjue‘s qi is more stable than it was last time, keeping his temper in better check, and Huaisang was always going to be a strategist.
This culminates in a conference in Qinghe- they don’t call it that, they call it something different, but the focus is on the next generation. It’s Huaisang’s idea - the Wen were defeated by the joint efforts of the other sects, so by uniting early, by being more involved with each other, no one sect would be able to take advantage of such isolationism. It’s a little bit UN, a little bit mutually assured destruction.
Of course, then the other sects begin arriving, and only after the formal greetings that Mingjue realizes that the heirs are acting strange. XiChen won’t meet his eyes, Wangji is practically *cuddling* the head disciple of Yunmeng Jiang, and Wei Wuxian is quite happily chattering his ear off, both of them ignoring the warning signs from Sect Leader Jiang, Madame Yu, and Lan Qiren. At least Jin Zixuan seems to finally be paying attention to Maiden Jiang, and—
“Huaisang, if I find out this is your fault—“
“Jiang-Xiong! I don’t know what you’re talking about, I really don’t!”
Mingjue turns to find Sandu Shengshu, Jiang Wanyin, Jiang Cheng, (Cheng-er) standing there, arms crossed and looking at Huaisang with well earned suspicion.
“Uh huh,” he says, flat, abs Huaisang pouts. He looks over at Mingjue. “Mingjue,” he says, face twitching at the way Hauisang’s eyes widen over his fan.
“Cheng-er,” Mingjue says, mostly to watch his love flush, (and to see Hauisang’s mouth *drop*) “I’ve missed you.”
Jiang Cheng arches abs eyebrow, and without the breadth of age he grows into, the expression is nearly identical to that of his mother.
(Behind them, Huaisang is practically livid, demanding they explain his hissed whispers. The truth is simple: they had fallen into bed together during the campaign, and again when they met, but then everybody died, Jiang Cheng turned inward to mourn and Mingjue let him go - he refused to be another body for him to mourn, and he knew his time was soon. He was getting the impression that might have been a mistake, and judging by the slant of his eyebrows, Jiang Cheng was going to tell him so. In detail.
Mingjue looked forward to it.)
With their father still alive, Mingjue ends up with the other heirs and main clan family. They’re all back, having used the time before this to address their issues at home (yunmeng bros reconciliation! XiChen processing his grief with Wangji’s help, Zixuan seeking out Yanli, but also his siblings/amassing political help - and mianmian- to counter his father) and between them actually establish the bonds needed to make this a fixit fic, lol.
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soramei · 3 years
Intentional - Part 6
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader (she/her)
Summary: Landing your first real job at JYPE was something short of a miracle. You were prepared to face the new struggles of this elusive career whilst moving to a new country, however, nothing could have prepared you for him. Will stolen glances, secret touches, and hushed nights spent in the recording room ever be enough for the both of you?
Genre: idol!bang chan au, forbidden relationship, coworkers to eventual lovers, slow burn
Warnings: cursing, eventual smut
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: hehe my mistake, i forgot to queue up this update and by the time i realized it was too late so i'm posting this a day late ^^
Taglist (reply to be tagged!): @planetdemon​ @hvunvely​ @fluffybitch0325​ @fashi0nablee @juststop88 @straykisz @theultimaterad @margaritas-en-la-montania @meowtella @xsam1992x
The man froze in his tracks after entering the room and catching you laying on the couch with Bang Chan on top, practically devouring you. He looked scarred, to be frank, as he quickly snapped back to reality and bolted out the door in less than a second. As he made his grand escape, you forcefully pushed Bang Chan off of you. He swore under his breath before tripping out the door, trying to follow the man who had just caught you.
You sat up, head in your hands. This was exactly what you were scared of. What you worried so much about a few nights back. What Bang Chan reassured you of not happening.
You feel panic set in as you thought of the worst case scenario. Yup. You were going to get fired for sure. And the news will go to the public, resulting in Bang Chan also losing his job. You would then have to move back with your parents, and everybody will have the same look of shame and pity whenever they see you.
This wasn’t good. You stood up to make your own inconspicuous escape, but it seemed like Bang Chan beat you to the door.
“That was Jisung,” Bang Chan said. He entered, making sure to lean against the door just in case anybody else wanted to intrude.
The name and the face clicked in your mind. He was part of Stray Kids as well as Bang Chan’s coworker. You recognized him more commonly as Han, as his name has come up in a lot of the work you’ve been sent.
“What did he say?” you asked skeptically. Worry was setting in.
“Don’t worry, he said he wouldn’t tell anybody. I trust him.”
How were you supposed to believe that? You’ve never even spoken to this man in your life, and now you were supposed to put the future of your career in his hands?
“But I don’t, Chan. I’ve never even met this guy in real life before. How can I trust that he won’t tell one of your other group members?” You heard your voice get louder with every word.
“I had a talk with him just now, Y/n, you can trust him. Out of everybody in this company, he’s the least likely to tell just anybody — even one of our members.” He paused, “don’t you trust me, Y/n?”
You were speechless. Your trust in him was completely different from your trust in Jisung, and you were sure he knew that. Obviously you trusted Bang Chan, but you didn’t know the extent that his group members would go to for a secret. Especially one that could have an effect on their careers as well.
“You can’t just ask me that, and you know it,” you sneered. “You know what? It’s my fault. I was too careless. I’ll leave now.”
“Wait, Y/n-”
You didn’t even let him finish before stomping out the door, making sure to check your surroundings for anybody that could catch you before heading back up to your cubicle. You felt the heat of your cheeks the whole elevator ride.
You were on edge for the rest of the day. When Manager Chen asked to see you in her office, you were so startled that you quite literally jumped from your seat. You were sure somebody had informed her of what happened, but it turned out that she just wanted to rearrange the usual Friday meeting.
Because of the filming tomorrow, the project meeting had to be arranged for next week. Which you were fine with, of course, since you did not want to face all your managers in one place after what had just happened.
Throughout the rest of the day, you started to feel more and more guilty for how you reacted at lunch. As your mind cleared, you realized how rash you were with your decision making and how you only thought about yourself. You also thought about how rude it was to talk about Jisung like that, especially in front of Bang Chan — who cared a lot about the boy.
Logging off your email for the day, the thought of Bang Chan still lingered bitterly in your mind. You wished to apologize for your harsh behaviour, so you started to make your way over to his producing room.
However, you hadn’t even made it on the elevator before you were stopped.
“Hey, uhm — you might not recognize me, but I’m the guy from earlier. Han Jisung.”
He was standing politely behind you, hands folded together behind him.
“Hello, I still remember. You know, from earlier,” you awkwardly breathed out a laugh. You didn’t know what to say or why he was here.
“Hyung told me I could find you here and that I should apologize.” He took his hands out from behind him. “He also said that this might help.”
In his hand was a bottle of mango juice. Your heart warmed at the thought of Bang Chan still caring for you, despite you being such a jerk earlier.
“Anyways,” he continued, “I’m sorry for barging in like that and leaving so suddenly. I should’ve knocked or something before coming in, but Chan-hyung is somebody I’m very close to. I would never jeopardize him in any way.”
Hearing him apologize made you realize how little thinking you had done. Jisung regularly worked with Bang Chan, so of course he would just enter the room without knocking.
“Thanks for your apology, but I should be apologizing. I was the one being reckless. You did nothing wrong, Jisung. I trust that you wouldn’t tell anybody of this.”
“Thanks,” he said as the both of you entered the elevator.
The both of you stood in silence for a bit before he started again.
“So, Chan hyung huh.” He raised his eyebrows. “You know, he’s the best looking one out of all of us… after me of course.”
“Oh my god.” You blushed, head in your hands as he kept elbowing you.
“But, Y/n.” He got all serious again. His serious-playful demeanor was giving you whiplash. “You know what you’re doing is dangerous, right? Not only for him, but also for you. I love our fans, but there are some that have taken it too far before. I just want the two of you to be safe.”
“Thanks Jisung,” you started, “for that and for keeping this secret.”
“Of course, any ‘friend’ of Hyung's is a friend of mine.” He winked, causing you to heat up from embarrassment again.
The elevator reached Jisung’s floor, and he got out.
“Oh, also, I think you should call Chan hyung. He’s been pretty down this whole afternoon, and even my natural charisma couldn’t cheer him up.”
You thanked him for the last time before the elevator doors closed, promising him that you would contact Bang Chan.
And you did — as soon as you were alone in the elevator.
One ring. Two rings. A third.
“Hello?” He sounded out of breath.
“Yes, Y/n?”
Crap, he sounded annoyed.
“Uhm, can we meet up somewhere? I-I wanted to talk to you.”
There was a slight pause.
“I’m at the gym right now. We could meet at the playground by the river in an hour.”
“Ok.” You hung up after that. It was a weird phone call. From his voice alone, you could obviously tell something was bugging him. You knew you were that something.
Grabbing a quick bite at a nearby convenience store, you started your journey to the playground. It wasn’t too far of a walk, but you decided to go earlier since it was already starting to get dark.
You hoped Bang Chan wasn’t in too much of a bad mood, especially after your conversation with Jisung. Honestly, you weren’t too excited to apologize. Not because you didn’t feel bad, but because of his cold and monotone voice through the phone. You didn’t want to admit it — especially because you had just met this man a few weeks ago — but you were scared of his possible rejection. It terrified you.
Breathing into your hands for warmth, you finally saw the playground up ahead. It was near the river, but covered by trees. You now understood why Bang Chan picked this place.
It was empty, as you assumed no child would want to play tag on a cold and dark evening. You sat on a swing, mindlessly swinging up and down whilst staring at the upcoming moon. The sound of crickets chirping combined with the cool autumn breeze almost brought you to serenity, but the thought of confronting Bang Chan grounded you back to earth.
You turned your head at the sound of panting. Bang Chan had jogged here. The ends of his hair were damp with sweat, stuck to his forehead. You wanted to call him crazy, as the only thing he wore was a sleeveless tank top and a pair of shorts on a cold autumn night.
He made his way to the swings.
“Hey,” he said, hopping on to the swing beside you. He was still out of breath from jogging.
“Hey,” you paused for a few seconds to think of what to say. “I wanted to apologize for earlier. I wasn’t thinking. I know you care about your job as well, and it was selfish of me to walk out on you. I’m also sorry for talking about Jisung like that. I met him this afternoon and he seemed like a good guy. And if there’s anything else I missed, I’m sorry for that too.”
You looked up at Bang Chan with puppy eyes, hoping that he would understand. He looked back at you.
“I accept your apology, Y/n. And look, I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have been so reckless, especially at the office. I knew that anybody could have walked in, and I was careless. We were lucky this time, but next time we might not be.”
“Next time?” Your eyes brightened.
“Y/n,” he got up, “I’m scared. I’m scared that I feel this way about you after only a few weeks. I’m terrified of losing my job, my coworkers, and friends. But Y/n, I just want you. I’m laying all my cards out on the table. This is how I feel, what about you?”
That was a lot to take in. Your grip tightened on the swing.
“Chan, everything you just said, I feel the same way. Everything about this scares me, but I just want you. Only you.”
You got up and wrapped your arms around him. You felt the cold sweat of his arms against your skin, but you didn’t care. You just wanted to be near him.
He wrapped his arms around you in return, digging his nose into your neck. You felt his damp hair against your skin.
“Chan, you’re all sweaty,” you teased, pushing his head away.
“I don’t care.” His words came out muffled against your neck as he dug his nose further.
“I feel like a kid being in a playground.” You scanned the empty playground, reminiscing on your childhood.
“Would a kid do this?”
Bang Chan, with his fingers on your chin, turned his head to kiss you so deep you thought you were going faint. You returned the kiss, hands gripping hard on to the sides of his tank. It seemed like the two of you were in your own little world.
“You should go. Tomorrow’s gonna be a long day,” Bang Chan said after eventually breaking the kiss.
“Mhmm,” you mumbled, trying to stall for time. You knew that the both of you should get going.
Eventually, after quite a while, you left for home. It felt as if a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. A very cute and dimple-y weight.
That evening, you packed all your necessities for the overnight shoot tomorrow, and fell asleep with high hopes for the next day. You were excited to see all your — along with the production team’s — efforts come to fruition.
The next morning, you woke up early and energized. You double checked that everything was ready before heading out to the JYPE building.
Manager Chen had informed you of which van you would be riding in to the set. Although she wasn’t in the vehicle with you, you had the opportunity to chat amongst some other very interesting members in the production crew.
After a few hours of driving, your van — along with the others — arrived. You helped the production crew set up as much as you could, as you were told the boys already started filming their drive to the set. Whilst waiting for the boys to come, you socialized around with both the production crew and Manager Chen.
Soon, after chatting for a bit, you saw the long awaited van pull up to the set. The boys got out, one by one, each holding their own little video cameras.
Bang Chan got out last. He looked amazing, really. With his hair and makeup done and his outfit styled, he was almost like a different person. You’ve never seen him without black on, but this was a surprisingly refreshing look.
It was chaos. With every boy at their peak energy, there was never a boring moment on set. It was clear that everybody — even the quieter ones — had established nice dynamics within the group. You watched them in awe, with Manager Chen telling you the behind happenings every now and then.
You found it so hard to hold in your laughter as the boys attempted to make mooncakes. It reminded you of your childhood; when you used to do the same with your mother.
As Bang Chan read off the script which you helped with, you felt a certain sense of pride in your heart. You smiled at him as he expressed himself to the camera.
It was dinner time for the boys, so that meant dinner for you and the crew as well. You followed the production team to a noodle restaurant. It was a small and cute, grandma-grandpa owned place. The menu, however, was huge.
“Y/n, this is Manager Jung,” Manager Chen said. She directed your gaze to a guy who looked in his late twenties. You instantly recognized him as the manager that drove you home on your first day of work.
“We’ve met before,” he said.
“You have?” Manager Chen was surprised.
“We have, but it’s nice to meet you under better circumstances,” you blushed. You hoped that you didn’t leave too bad of a first impression with him.
“It’s nice to meet you too, I’ve only heard good things about you from Manager Chen,” he said. “Actually, we were just discussing the sleeping arrangements for tonight.”
“Yes, we’ve managed to book a place that has enough rooms for everybody to sleep alone. They’re not the best of rooms, but this was the best we could do with our budget,” Manager Chen said.
“Sounds good to me,” you nodded. You were fully expecting to share a room with five other women.
You had a happy evening, eating and chatting before getting back to work. You watched as the boys carried out every production order to a tee, all the while keeping up their high energy even late into the night.
You helped the production crew with setting up fireworks for their next segment. Even the act of setting up got you excited as you haven’t seen fireworks in so long. Especially in a new country.
The rest of the filming went smooth, with the end slate following the last firework of the evening. You watched as the boys all lined up in a straight line to thank the production and camera crew. Bang Chan’s eyes landed right on yours. You smiled. He smiled back.
The boys were then ushered by Manager Jung into their own hostel, and you followed the crew to your room. The room was lit by a small incandescent light bulb. It was a small room with nothing but a mat for the floor, a small blanket, and a pillow. Though, to be fair, you weren’t expecting much.
You laid out the mat and blanket, washed up, and was about to call it in when you received a text from Bang Chan.
Bang Chan: You looked cute today.
You blushed, not aware that Bang Chan had even seen you during the day. He looked so busy with filming the whole time that you hadn’t even made eye contact. You smiled and returned the text.
Y/n: You too ^^
And with that, you peacefully fell asleep.
You had a tranquil dream; with only clouds, and sunshine, and… Manager Jung?
“Y/n!” he called.
Your dream clone hopped over to him to say hello.
“Y/n!” He called again. He looked worried. “Y/n!”
You suddenly jolted awake.
“Y/n! Hurry, get out!” He was coughing, holding the hem of his shirt up to his face.
You looked at him. His silhouette was clouded by smoke. You looked up.
The light bulb hanging from was burning and emitting a smoke of some kind. You gasped in shock, instantly regretting it as you breathed in a large amount of the smoke.
Manager Jung was already running outside at this point, and you quickly ran after him. Along the way you tried to hold your breath, but with every inhale you took in, a cloud of smoke followed. You coughed and kept running.
It seemed as if you were the last person out, as everybody staying at the hostel had already evacuated. Manager Chen was standing outside, a look of worry on her face.
“Y/n, are you okay?” She ran over to you.
“Yes,” you coughed. You still felt the smoke in your throat. “What happened?”
“The light bulb in your room caught on fire,” Manager Jung intervened. “Manager Chen was still awake when she smelled the smoke, and she evacuated everybody inside. Everybody woke up except you, Y/n.”
“Is everybody else okay?” you asked. You could hear how hoarse your voice sounded.
“Everybody else is alright. For some reason, the fuse shortage was only isolated to your room,” Manager Chen replied.
It was unfortunate that, out of all the rooms, the broken light bulb was in yours. However, you were glad that everybody else was safe. You were also thankful that Manager Jung woke you up in time, leaving you with only a sore throat.
You whipped your head to the direction of the voice. Bang Chan was sprinting across the dirt path in your direction. His hair was disheveled and his t-shirt wrinkled. Behind him was Jisung, dashing over so fast that he somehow managed to match Bang Chan’s pace. Jisung threw his hand, catching the back of Bang Chan’s shirt, pulling him back. Jisung then said some incoherent words to Bang Chan, which seemed to have slowed him down. Bang Chan took a couple deep breaths before waiting for his other members and walking over to you and the crew.
“What happened? Is everybody okay?” Bang Chan asked, concerned. He glanced at you before facing Manager Jung again.
“Everybody is fine,” Manager Jung reassured him. “There was a problem with the light bulb in a crew member’s room, but everybody has evacuated now. You and the boys don’t need to worry. Just go back to your rooms as you have a long day tomorrow.”
“Whose room was it?” Bang Chan asked, ignoring everything Manager Jung had just told him.
Manager Jung hesitated before pointing at you. Upon realization, Bang Chan jerked forward, only to be stopped by Jisung again. He gave Bang Chan a look.
“I’m okay,” you coughed out. It was hard to not sound so hoarse when you had just been breathing in smoke for god knows how long.
Bang Chan gave a deadpan look to Manager Jung.
“We have extra rooms where we’re staying, maybe Y/n can stay with us?” he asked.
“That is unnecessary, I will let Y/n use my room and I will stay with you. I’m sure Y/n would be on board,” Manager Jung said. He looked over to you, and you nodded in agreement.
“I guess that would work,” Bang Chan hesitantly said, “but what if this happens again with another room?”
“I’m sure that won’t-”
“Manager Jung!” Manager Chen interrupted, waving her hands whilst running over. “A member of our production crew took a look at the fuse box connected to Y/n’s room, and it seems like somebody tampered with the wires on purpose.”
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eeunoia · 3 years
ENHYPEN Mini series
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E N H Y P E N as Campus Heart-throbs
pairings: park sunghoon x reader
summary: you’ve always been in love by sunghoon’s mysterious vibe. you loved everything in him and everybody knows about your feelings towards him. you think you’re happy enough as long as you can see Sunghoon but what happens when you discovered that you were sick?
word count: 8.7k
warnings: I’m no doctor, I’m not professional at these kind of stuff. I did some research but since i’m not that smart I might not make it so clear and might have mentioned some wrong things but please be considerate and just act like I know what i’m saying. lol
a/n: YOU HAVE TO READ THIS!! So, I’ve asked for opinions if whether I should make it a happy ending or nah, and since the opinions were in half, I decided to do both. Yeah, both. So, this one is the happy ending one, if you’re interested in reading the other version which is the tragic on, here. I just want to tell you that I cried writing that one. I decided to do both versions since I, myself can’t even choose what I wanted. I have ideas and plots for happy endings that obviously I cannot include in the sad one and vice versa. So why not make the two version, right? So everyone is happy!!!  🌸
tag list: @jakeysim @kpoppinandlockin @en-sun @f1iore @dilfhwa​ @rubyanne​ @enhappy @bunnylover0193​
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Park Sunghoon
Class 3 - A - “The Ice Prince”
You watched Sunghoon did a perfect routine during his practice for ice-skating one day. While leaning over the railings holding a bottle of water and some light snacks, you waited patiently for the perfect timing to greet him. Your eyes settled over his black hair that’s naturally swaying with his graceful movements. His pale complexion that gives highlight to his now tinted red cheeks. His breath fogged out from his pink soft looking lips as he exhale. He’s always wearing this blank face and still look so ethereal.
A proud small smile appeared over his slightly red face as his mentor gives him compliments for what he just did. You can’t help but to smile as well. This is the rare moments where you see him make different expressions. One of the reason why you love going to his practices.
Sunghoon was given a 15 minutes break that quickly made you jolt a little at your position. Out of excitement, you wanted to go and greet him right away but you tried to contain it and just wait for him.
“hello, y/n.” being someone who’s often in the ice arena, people knew you already. You gave them a warm smile and waved a little before going straight towards Sunghoon.
He was busy fiddling with some of his stuff. With a bright smile you tried to approach him as silent as you can be. When you were near him, you clapped your hands.
“That was a good routine.” you suddenly said. It didn’t surprised him at all. He just turned his head towards your direction then furrowed his brows at you.
“What are you doing here?” he asked. You kept your smile then handed him the water and snacks that you’re holding.
“Water?” you offered. His eyes darted over at the one you were handing him. He sighed as he pursed his lips over at the side trying to suppress his emotions.
“I have one already.” and he even raised his hand that’s holding a water jug. You pouted and then offered him the snacks instead.
“How about snacks? I bet you don’t have it!” you quickly tilted your head to go and look over his stuff to check if there’s any snacks prepared.
He sighed heavily as he stared down over at you. He’s way taller than you so your head was just below his chin. He sniffed, nose starting to get a little bit cold because of staying around the ice rink for too long.
“y/n, you’re supposed to be in the class right now.” he interrupted what you’re doing making you pout a bit more then stand straight in front of him fiddling with the snacks you were holding. His eyes looked fierce as he stares right at you. Feeling kind of intimidated, you lowered down your head.
“How about you? You’re supposed to be in the class too but you’re here!” you even tried to reason out using some nonsense thoughts. You yourself find it a little stupid to say that but it’s too late to take it back. Sunghoon’s already furrowing his brows at you with annoyed look and confusion over his face.
“What? I’m excused because of practice, y/n! What are you even talking about?” he asked you that made your lips pursed more into a pout. You lowered your head.
“I just want to see you...” you muttered under your breath. It was just enough for Sunghoon to hear it. He let out a sigh as he raised one of his hand to massage the bridge of his nose before puffing out a more calmer sigh.
“Alright, you saw me already.” he walked towards his things and laid down his water jug beside his bag. You saw how his eyes darted over you right after. With a quick glance over his eyes, you quickly looked away. It’s not the first time he gave you those icy stares but it still gets you every time.
“Go to class now.” he commanded firmly as he stare at you. Sunghoon was used to your presence. You were always vocal about how you feel towards him so he clearly knows why you’re acting like this. He don’t want to be rude to you since you’re not really doing anything bad.
With a pout you raised your head up, gathering some courage to look right into his icy blank eyes. Butterflies in your stomach went crazy the moment you two met eyes. With a blushing cheeks your hand rise up showing him the snacks you were holding.
“At least take the snacks.” you were pretty consistent too. One thing about you is that you don’t give up so easily. Especially if it’s Sunghoon that we’re talking about. He just kept you going for some reason. You’ve never liked anyone this way and you don’t think you can ever like somebody like this.
Sunghoon sighed as his eyes looked over your now shaded red hand. Because its so cold, your hands now were freezing a bit and it’s red already. Without saying anything, Sunghoon just gently grabbed the snacks and placed it above his bag then moved inside the ice rink because his coach was already calling him.
Your smile grew bigger as you looked at him skating away from where you were. It was just a simple gesture, he didn’t even said anything but still, it made you so happy. To be acknowledged by him, it’s already enough for you.
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You smiled brightly as you jogged towards Sunghoon’s table. He was already seated and was flipping through his books. Everyone else were busy talking with their friends and here he is busy fiddling with his text book. Typical, Sunghoon.
You knocked over his table to catch his attention and you succeeded because he raised his head and his icy blank eyes met your warm ones. You smiled showing of your teeth and your eyes smiles together with your lips. You excitedly waved towards him as he gave you those stares. Butterflies went crazy inside your stomach, as usual.
“Good morning!” you greeted him with a smile. He just stared right at you before nodding his head once. Your smile grew bigger and you started walking towards your table to put your things down. Your seat happen to be just beside Sunghoon that’s why you get so lonely whenever he’s not there because of training.
Your teacher arrived and the class soon started. Everyone settled down and silent themselves once she started talking about the discussion for today. You’re silent too but you pulled out something from your bag. With a small smile after glancing over Sunghoon’s direction, you saw how he’s seriously eyeing in front listening attentively. He looked so handsome while a serious face was plastered over his face.
You slowly slid in to his part a notebook. It caught Sunghoon’s attention so he stared down at it for a while before his brows furrowed even more.
“What is this?” he asked you sounding so confused. You gave him a small smile before you looked back in front.
“Notes. I took notes of the lessons you missed because of practice.” you said trying hard to be heard by your teacher.
Sunghoon stared over at the cute notebook and clenched his jaw. He was about to say something but you interrupted him.
“You can’t say no. Just act that I didn’t prepare it for you. Put that inside your bag and I won’t ever bring up that you accepted it.”
“You don’t need to do this, y/n. I can handle myself. The teachers can even provide me the notes, you know?” he didn’t sound upset, offended or anything. It’s like he’s just making you understand a point. You do understand, but you can say you’re a little stubborn.
It just makes you happy whenever you help him even in the smallest ways. You feel like your life had make sense. Sounds a bit weird but that’s how it makes you feel.
You rolled your eyes as you looked back at him. His eyes were already darted over at you so you can’t help but to blush as you stared at each other’s eyes. You can’t still stand it so you lost and looked away.
“I know that but now you won’t have to ask for the notes from them since I already made you one. And besides, isn’t it the thought that counts?” you suddenly turned your head towards him because you thought he’s not looking anymore but your eyes grew big as your nose touched each other.
Sunghoon was caught off guard too. He didn��t even realized that he was leaning so close to you. With both of your cheeks tinted red, you quickly move away from him gulping a bit too hard to get rid of the sudden lump over your throat. You’re not sure if someone saw what just happened but you’re too flustered to even care about it.
The awkwardness slowly grew between you and Sunghoon as the discussion continued. You tilted your head trying to scribble over your notebook. Sunghoon, on the other hand, was trying to catch up to whatever the teacher was saying. His mind was occupied by how close your face was to his tho. He didn’t know you have beautiful eyes. Were your eyes had always been that pretty?
As the discussion went on, the more the two of you slowly feel at ease. It slowly faded away and you two listened carefully to the lesson. Nobody dares to look in each other’s eyes again during the whole period. You feel like your heart will burst if you look at him so refused even though you badly want to.
Break came faster than you expected it to, maybe because you were occupied you didn’t notice the time. As you and your friend walk your way towards the cafeteria to have lunch, you noticed Sunghoon with his friends. They’re kind of loud and loves to goof around while Sunghoon watches them silently. He have this small smirk over his face.
He’s an introvert and just prefer to stick to his small circle of friends that made you interested to him even more. You’re curious as to how he is when he’s with those people he’s close to. When he’s with the people he cares and value. Your stomach turns just by thinking of caring Sunghoon, bet he’s so warm to those people. You can’t help but to feel a little envy.
“Watching Sunghoon again, huh?” your friend took notice of your eyes not leaving the quiet boy. You smiled at her and you started eating your lunch. Your table was just a couple of tables away from their group so you can hear them being loud and rowdy.
“He’s so cute, right?” you told your friend while smiling. She gave you a smile as well and nodded her head. She’s actually amused at how you’re so consistent with showering Sunghoon love. She feels bad too because she thinks the boy is just too cold and you don’t deserve that kind of treatment.
“Don’t you think he’s a bit too cold for you?” she asked you and your smile faltered a little bit but you were quick enough to put it up once again. You thought about it as well but you just can’t find anyone you can like other than him. You tried, but you just can’t seem to like anybody else other than him.
Your eyes dropped over to your food, “He isn’t called the Ice Prince for nothing, f/n.” then you smiled at her. She rolled her eyes as she chuckle realizing you have a point.
“I’ll serve as the warm one, he’ll provide the cold.” you jokingly stated that made her laugh. That actually made sense because you are a very warm person that people really just can’t help but to adore you. You’re always bright and positive.
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You walked inside the Ice arena holding a water bottle at one hand and snacks at the other one. It’s weekend and you heard that Sunghoon’s gonna be here and since you have nothing else to do, you decided to drop by even just for a short time. You just want to see him doing short routines and maybe give him the things you brought with you.
As you enter, you already saw him at the rink doing some moves that you don’t know. It was graceful as always for your opinion but something’s just not right, he’s face looked so stressed out. He isn’t wearing his usual blank expression while he’s coach were telling him a few things. He ran his hands over to his hair once.
The frustration get a bit more clearer the more you approach the railings. There’s nobody else here with him practicing. He stopped at doing three amazing spins but despite that he looked unsatisfied. He slid towards his coach as he told him things that just made his jaw clenched. You’re a bit far from him so you can’t hear it but it seems like he isn’t happy about it.
He ran his hands over to his hair again as he nodded his head towards the coach. He tapped his shoulder once before he exited the rink off to somewhere. You watched as Sunghoon skate his way towards a bench to maybe rest. You pouted feeling upset now that he looked upset.
A big heavy sigh was the first one you heard the moment you approached him. He clasped his hands together as he rested his elbows over his knees. His eyes were pierced over to the vacant ice rink. He seems like to be in his deep thought as you watch his fingers fiddled a bit too furiously.
“I thought you want to keep your hands clean as much as possible? It won’t look clean if you bruised it.” you decided to let him know your presence.
He looked over your direction a bit surprised that you’re here. Well, you do often come during his practices but today is weekend. He didn’t actually expect you to be here at all.
You gave him a small wave and your signature bright smile and walked even closer. He just silently watch as you approach where he was seating.
“What are you doing here?” sounding a bit amused, it didn’t came out as a rude remark. It came out more of with curiosity.
You smiled again like as if you’re not smiling already then sat down over at the bench next to where Sunghoon was. “I came to see you practicing.” you were honest and direct to the point.
He let out a sigh and rolled his eyes looking away. “You should go, this isn’t really a good time to bother me.” he bit his lower lip after letting out those words. He was frustrated that he can’t stop his own mouth from saying harsh words. Sunghoon is cold towards you, but he never been so rude.
He was just so stressed out because of practice. With the competition just around the corner and all the pressure the people around him was giving him, he can’t keep himself calm down.
You pouted, you’ve never seen him this frustrated in all the practices that you’ve been present. It somehow upsets you because you don’t want him looking like this.
“Why? What’s going on?” Sunghoon furrowed his brows at you clenching his jaw as your soft voice slowly reached out over his iced heart.
He was about to tell you to go home and leave him be because he’s kind of getting alarmed by how you’re making him feel but he was stunned when your eyes met his. He suddenly got the flash back of your eyes in up-close.
“Are you okay?” you asked once again with worry all over your eyes. Sunghoon lost it. For weeks of being under so much pressure and heavy practices, this is the first time someone actually asked if he’s okay.
He lowered his head feeling something melting inside of him. You got worried seeing him like this so without even realizing it, you walked towards him and sat down closer.
“Is everything okay?” you asked again then gulped worriedly.
Sunghoon shut his eyes balling his fist. He was restraining himself to be close to you since he think it wouldn’t be good for the two of you but your soft voice and comforting aura doesn’t help him after all. It kept on sounding so comforting like as if something’s pulling him closer to you.
He looked at your eyes for a while before he glanced away seconds after. He gulped, “I’m so t-tired.” there’s something in his voice that you couldn’t explain. It hurts you to hear him like that.
“Then rest. If you’re tired, there’s nothing wrong with taking a break.” you don’t know what to tell him exactly because you’re not an ice skater first of all, then you’re not sporty as well.
He looked at you with his blank expression that made you a bit anxious. You probably sound dumb at what you said and it didn’t made sense to him at all. You sighed and pursed your lips before you starred over the snacks down at your hand.
“Look, Sunghoon. You might feel under a lot of pressure right now that’s why you’re pushing yourself to do so much. I understand that you want to do good and everything but you also need to rest. Physically and mentally, if you’re tired you need to at least take a break.” you heaved a sigh after telling him those words.
His eyes slowly trailed down to his hands that were now calmer than before. He do realized how the pressure stressed him out and did think it kind of not healthy for him anymore. But he doesn’t really have a choice, it’s not like he have anything better to do other than to practice.
He sighed and pushed himself up to go back to the ice rink and maybe practice a little bit more of those routines. You followed him silently as a brilliant suddenly came up inside your head. You stood up leaving the snacks and water back at the bench as you come near the railings to call for Sunghoon.
“Sunghoon!” You shouted his name. He was already half-way in the middle of the rink when he turned his head over at you. With a little hand gestures of him to come closer, he let out a sigh and with a blushing face, he did approach you.
You smiled as he came closer, “Do you want to like spend the day with me instead? We can do all fun stuff today so you can relax!” you told him. You’re not really sure if he’ll agree or what but you still want to try your shot. Honestly, you don’t have anything plan for today. You just really want to go at the ice rink to go and see him even just for a short time but since it worries you so much, you wanted to at least make him feel a bit better.
He stared at you for a while before rested one of his hand over at the railings. Your eyes darted it for a while and you blush when you noticed it inches away from yours.
“What will we do? And besides, I don’t think my coach will let me go today.” he said sounding a bit bored. You smiled and raised your hand showing him your pale palm because of cold. Sunghoon’s eyes noticed it and realized even when you’ve been here a lot of times, you must’ve been still not used too with the cold.
“I can ask for his permission myself! You can just wait for me here.” you told him excitedly. The fact that he didn’t really straight up rejected your offered hyped you up.
He can’t even say anything else with what you said. He’s used to about your pursuing skills but he can’t believe you can go as far as that just for him. You smiled at him, making him blush a bit. You didn’t noticed it since you turned around and walked towards where his coach is probably.
You did see him talking to somebody so you patiently wait for them to finish. When you saw them bidding good-bye’s with each other, you straight up went closer to him.
“Coach-nim!” you called him out. When he noticed you, he kind of looked surprised because it is weekend. He do know you for someone who likes Sunghoon and visit him here often.
“oh, y/n-ah! What are you doing here?” he asked.
“I came to watch Sunghoon, coach-nim.” you smiled at him. He smiled as well finding it amusing how hard working you are for Sunghoon.
“Really? But Sunghoon’s not in good condition today, tho? He kept on making mistakes with his routines.” he sounded worried for him too. You pouted feeling worried once again.
“About that... can I snatch him from practice today? I feel like he’s under so much pressure lately that it stressed him out too much.” you said with both hands clasped together like as if you’re praying.
His brows furrowed and did noticed that Sunghoon did look like he’s under so much stress lately. With a smile, he gave you a small nod. You shrieked in happiness.
“Maybe Sunghoon do need to relax to lessen his stress.” he said. Both of you walked back to the ice rink together. You listened carefully with his reminders with you. He asked you to avoid heavy activities that might cause injury to Sunghoon.
“Sunghoon!” he called out the boy who’s in the middle of the ice rink and still trying to do some routines. He raised his head and looked over your direction. He slowly skate closer and his coach talked to him and his eyes darted over at you. After their talk, he skates outside the rink and gather all his stuff.
“I’ll just change. C-Can you wait for a bit?” he asked glancing away for a while because he’s shy. You chuckled and nodded excitedly at him.
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“Where are we going?” he asked you as he followed behind you cutely. You turned your head towards him and saw him starring at you like a bored child.
He’s walking so slow, cutely waddling behind you. With a sigh and after you rolled your eyes, you decided to walk closer to him and pull him by his arm. “Can you just follow me?”
You didn’t told him where you two will be going because you wanted to surprise him. As you made it to the building, Sunghoon starred at it innocently. It’s obvious he haven’t been there before which is a good sign. As you pull him inside, he realized you took him to a pet cafe.
He grew a small smile over at his face because he do want to go here but because he can’t find himself asking his friends to go with him, he didn’t had the chance to. And besides, he don’t want to go alone.
“Y/n!” the owner already know you since you’re often here. You gave her a hug as her eyes darted over the tall figure behind you. He have this blank expression with his face but he did bowed a little to show manners.
“Who’s this fine man with you?” her eyes gave the two of you those teasing look. Sunghoon glanced away as he scratched the back of his head feeling shy as you blush as well.
“U-Unnie, this is Sunghoon. Sunghoon, meet f/n unnie. She’s a friend and she owns the cafe.” you said. He bowed again, still looked liked a snob. Your unnie’s moth went ‘o’ as she realized it’s the guy you’re always talk about.
“Oh! He’s Sunghoon! The one you always talk about!” she blurted out even before you can stop her. You blush hard as that caught Sunghoon’s attention. He looked at you and saw how your face was so red.
Slowly, a small smile spread through his face finding you cute. Before your Unnie can spill more about you talking about Sunghoon, you asked if you two can go inside and play with the dogs. She did let you in and thankfully let the two of you play with them peacefully.
“So you talk about me with other people?” Sunghoon was suddenly in the mood to tease you. He said that while you’re seating beside him busy feeding the dogs that were hovering you around.
You blushed once again as you lower down your head. It made him smile even more, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to embarra--”
“Nah, that’s okay. I just hope they’re all good things.” he said that made you raise your head to look at him. He’s not looking at you anymore but he have this small smile over his face as he play with the other dogs.
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“Aaaaaack! No! They’re everywhere! Where is it? AAAAAA Y/n help!” you can’t stop laughing as you watch Sunghoon do the VR thing. You’ve never thought you’ll see this side of him. It was so cute!
He reached over you trying to get a hold of your arm for support but you moved away making him scream as the zombie in the game kept crowding him. He was gaining attention the moment you two entered the place because he’s so good-looking, now he gathered attention because he screamed so much.
You were having the best time of your life just by watching him enjoy (?) the VR. When he finished, it looked like he lost his soul and that made you laugh so hard. His head snapped over your direction then marched towards you making your shriek in terror and ran away. But he scooted you pretty quickly and spun you around once both of you end up laughing.
“I told you I don’t like the scary one!” he told you but you were still busy laughing. He then broke into a smile as he watch you laugh heartedly. It was a fun scene to enjoy.
You two spend the whole day just randomly trying new stuff together. It ended pretty well and without even realizing it, you two just grew closer to each other. Time passed by quickly and after enjoying the day, Sunghoon decided to walk you home already. You two were just silently walking side by side but it wasn’t awkward at all.
With hands holding an ice cream, you two trailed the way over to your house. As you arrived, you turned to face him smiling. You can’t describe how happy you’re currently feeling. It was just overwhelming.
“Thank you for today, Sunghoon! I really had fun.” with full sincerity, you told Sunghoon starring at his eyes. You blushed as you saw how his lips formed into a smile. His hand then reached out to you then gently messes your hair. You were dumbfounded for a moment.
“I should be the one thanking you.” he shortly replied. With your cheeks still blushing like crazy, you smiled at him.
“Are you feeling a bit better now?” you asked curiously, eyes getting a bit bigger with anticipation. Sunghoon smirked as he find you cute with that innocent looking face.
“I feel so much better now.” and he smiled once again. Your lips fell open when he showed you those smile again. You can’t even count how many times he smiled today! You are so happy that you’ve got to make him smile. Is this how a Park Sunghoon warms up to people?
“I’m glad I could help.” you felt shy when you realized you’ve been starring so much. After a small wave, he told you to go inside since it’s late already.
Feeling a bit sad that the day’s finally over, you pouted as you turn around then started walking towards your house. You were already near the house when he suddenly called out for you.
“Y/n!” you were fast to turned back around waiting for what he’s gonna say.
Showing off his boyish grin, he told you, “Next weekend, do you want to skate?” your heart beat went crazy the moment you heard him say that. Is he asking you to hang out with him?
“That sounds so fun but I don’t know how to skate!” you ended it with a pout that made him chuckled softly.
“That’s fine, you got me beside you the whole time. You’ve got the best trainer with you.” and he even raised his fist cutely. Your smile got bigger, looking at him.
You raised your fist at mid-air too, “Yay! I’m excited!”
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“You’re here.” he noticed you right away when you entered the arena. He’s the only one in the middle the rink and as usual, Sunghoon looked fine. The week passed by like a blur. With the exams nearing, everyone was busy and Sunghoon was busy with practices as well so he didn’t went to school that much.
“Hi.” you greeted shyly. You don’t know what’s up with you but you’re extra shy today. Knowing that he invited you to be here this time and that you didn’t come here uninvited feels so great.
He smiled, “Let’s gear you up first!” he sounded excited. Well he is excited. He really did had so much fun last weekend so he’s really looking forward to making you try skating. He skate towards the exit so he can go out of the rink and help you with the figure skates. He told you he’ll provide one so you won’t have to worry about it.
Sunghoon helped you wearing it, like literally he made you sit down and he’s the one who wear it to your feet. After that, you started feeling nervous again just by thinking of going inside the rink. But despite of the worried feeling, you were excited. Excited to know more of him by joining in one of the things he values the most.
“Okay, careful. I’ll hold unto you, don’t worry.” he was very patient as he guides you inside the rink. As expected it wasn’t easy, but having Sunghoon beside you sure helped a lot.
Step by step, he tried teaching you the basics. He told you how you can safely land to prevent injuries and what to do to keep your balance and so on. Slowly, you did some progress faster than you expected.
“Woah, you’re talented!” he exclaimed and right after he said that you fell flat your butt.
There’s a couple seconds of silence before you two broke into laughter. It didn’t hurt but it sure is embarrassing but making it as a source of laughter eases it down. He skates easily towards you to help you get up.
“Chase me down, y/n! I’ll buy you ice cream if you can touch me even for once!” he suddenly told you as he dash away from you. You shrieked at him but tried your very best to catch him.
He played with you pretty badly as he kept on skating fast when you just learned how to do it. With a pout you finally gave up. He chuckled finding you cute as he slowly approached you.
“Since you worked hard, I’ll give you consolation price.” he said with a smirk over his face.
“What is it?” you asked curious.
“Ice cream.”
You laughed, "Your price is ice cream and your consolation price is ice cream too?" you asked finding it funny. He just nodded his head like an excited kid.
When he near you, you smiled at him. “Why don’t you do some routines for me? I’ll be here and watch.” you suddenly suggested.
Sunghoon's eyes darted you and you saw something flickered into his eyes. He smirked as he ran his hand over his hair once.
“What do I get in return?” he asked you teasing. You pursed your lips in a pout trying to think of something you can bribe him.
On the other hand, Sunghoon was busy eyeing your puckered lips. It was so red like your cheeks because of the cold. He gulped trying to look away but his eyes trail back over to your lips for some reason. He tilted his head a bit trying to shrug off the taught.
“What do you want then?” you ended up just asking him. You can’t think of things to bribe him so you decided to just ask him. You’re pretty sure you’ll try and give it to him just to see him skate exclusively for you today.
He smirked slowly skating towards you.
“How about a kiss?” your smile faltered at what you just heard from him.
You even thought you heard the wrong thing. Are you that crazy for him that you actually misheard him asking you for a kiss? Aaaa. Unhealthy.
You shook your head a bit, “H-Huh?” you asked trying to make him say it again to be clear.
He smirked and made it in front of you. Feeling nervous you slid your feet away from him but he was quick enough to go closer. He leaned downward so your eyes will be at the same level.
"a kiss?”
Your cheeks turned so hot as your eyed starred intensely through each other. He showed you a boyish grin showing off that cute vampire teeth at the corner. You gulped, trying to show him it didn’t affect you that much even though you can feel your heart going crazy inside of you.
“O-Okay! A kiss in the cheek if you do the routine perfectly.” slowly leaning away you saw his smirk towards you.
“I didn’t say anything about cheeks. What do you think of me, a child? I want a kiss in the lip---” you were quick enough to interrupt what he was saying.
“Go on and start with it Park Sunghoon. I repeat, I want it to be perfect. I’ll be very strict.” you tried shutting off what he just saying. He chuckled finding it cute that you kept changing the topic.
He did a playful salute. “Yes, Ma'am.” and he swiftly skate towards the middle. Sunghoon felt at ease as he started doing the routines he’s been practicing for his next competition. He was completely into it when he started skating gracefully. Your mouth fell open as you watch his every moves. He’s very talented and it feels like he's really born to skate.
You can’t help but to feel a bit teary eyed when you saw him smiling while skating. He really do enjoy it so much. As he gracefully do everything without any mistakes, you just find your heart beating like crazy. It's like it’s rejoicing because the person who she belongs to.
Wiping off the tears away quickly before he can even see it, Sunghoon was smiling brightly as he approach you closer.
“How’s that?”
“Perfect.” you muttered right away. He smiled and leaned downward towards you.
You get it right away so you blushed furiously then sighed heavily trying to calm yourself down. He smirked as he tapped his cheeks where he wants you to give him a kiss. With another big sigh, you decided to lean fast to ease the racing of your heart.
But Sunghoon suddenly turned his head purposely causing both of your lips crashing into each other. Your eyes grew big as you became dumbfounded at the moment. He copied your expression making you feel flustered even more. He started skating away and you tried to catch him behind.
“Yah! Come back here!”
“Catch me first!”
And you two continued the day by just playing with each other in the rink growing closer and developing something special between the two of you.
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As Monday came, you were early in school because you had to copy some notes in one subject that you happen to miss because of a club meeting. You're too busy with what you were doing that you didn’t noticed Sunghoon entering the room. Girls inside the room greeted him that he didn’t really bothered responding to. They were used to it tho, he’s naturally like that.
But what they didn’t expect is when he smiled a little as he approach the seat beside you. Finding you too occupied by what you were writing, he suddenly covered your eyes from behind.
You smiled after being shock for a while, “Park Sunghoon, i’m copying notes right now.” you muttered that made him smirk as he lets go from you.
“How did you know?”
“Your hands were too cold. How’s practice?” you asked. He's from practice and he went straight here for class that’s why his hands were cold.
He sat down beside you as he kept your eyes glued at you. It’s like there’s nobody else inside the room, it’s like it’s just the two of you. For him, you’re one of the few people he freely lets into his world.
You fished something from your bag then handed it over to him then you continued writing once again. Sunghoon looked over at what you handed him with confused eyes.
“What is this?” he asked.
“Hot packs. I bought them on my way here. I figured your hands would be so cold so I decided to buy you some.” you told him like it was nothing. But without you knowing, you just caught him off guard. You’re naturally caring but he didn’t know if he deserve something as great as this.
He didn’t even notice he grew attached to you. With a small smile he opened the hot packs and kept smiling like an idiot beside you.
The students around you were obviously amused at how you two were acting. The girls envied how affectionate he is towards you. They’ve never seen him like that. Suddenly, the Ice Prince is now warm towards someone. It sure is interesting.
The days continued like that. You two becoming more close to each other. You often spend time together and find it odd whenever one of you is not around. It’s like you two can’t be a part from each other anymore.
“Where are you going?” he asked when he noticed you rising up from your seat.
You looked at him and smiled, “I’m just going to the rest room.” you told him.
He gave you a short nod trying hard not to ask you if he can go and accompany you. He doesn’t want you to think that he’s a creep or something.
You hurried yourself to the bathroom when you feel a bit off. Lately, you noticed that you’re not feeling well. You often just shrug it off telling yourself that maybe it’s just because you didn’t have enough sleep or something. The moment you arrived at the bathroom, you felt yourself coughing so you did. It was a bit hard and made your chest ache a bit.
As you raise your head to look in the mirror, you were confused as you saw blood streaming down your nose.
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Sunghoon grew so attached to you that’s why when you suddenly skipped class for almost a week now, he grew worried of you. He didn’t want to make you think he’s too clingy or anything so he tried really hard not to go to your house. Maybe you’re on a vacation. But without telling him? You often tell things to him.
Feeling so frustrated about it, he decided to approach your friend. He never talked to her but for you, he’ll do it.
“f/n.” he called her out with cold flat voice.
She turned her head towards him a little shock that Park Sunghoon is in front of her. The students together with her was dumbfounded as well.
“Uh, do you know where Y/n is or is anything happened to her?”
She felt something lights up inside of her that make her happy seeing how Sunghoon really warmed up for you. She realized that you really did melt the ice in him but she slowly felt a bit sad for the two of you.
She tried pulling off a smile for him.
“She was sick for days so she can’t go to school, Sunghoon.” she saw how he furrowed his brows. When it comes to you, he sure do shows a lot of expressions.
"why she didn’t tell me?” she shrugged her shoulder off.
“maybe she didn’t want to worry you.” he wasn’t convinced. He’s still furrowing his brows.
He clenched his jaw as he nodded at her, “Okay. I’ll just go and see her later.
”Her eyes grew big, “No! U-Uh, she’ll go to school tomorrow so you don’t have to check on her anymore.” even if she sounded a bit suspicious for Sunghoon, to hear that you’re finally going to school sure excites him.
He nodded and turned his back at her after saying a soft thank you.
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“Sunghoon!” to hear your voice sure made him so happy but he made sure he didn’t show it. He turned around showing off a serious expression. 
His eyes trailed from your hair down to your feet. There you are, walking closer to him. He didn’t even realize how much he missed you until you’re now here again in front of him.
He rolled his eyes. “What made you think it’s a good decision not to tell me that you’re sick?” he asked you with furrowed brows.
You kept your smile, to see him again after so long just made you so happy. To see him in front of you looking so worried makes you somewhat happy because it just showed how he cares for you.
But it also makes you so scared. How come all of this is happening right after you became close to the person you love? You felt so guilty for making him grew close to you and seeing him getting attach to you just makes it even more hurtful.
Why does all of this have to happen after you melted the Ice Prince’s ice?
Sunghoon noticed right away that you’re unusually pale. Your lips aren’t as red as always and your face seems like it lost weight.
He raised his hand to cup your face, “Why are you so pale? Are you still sick?” he asked, worry lures over his tone.
Stopping yourself from crying you smiled, shaking your head lightly. “I’m fine now.” you lied.
“I have something for you.” you said changing the topic. He furrowed his brow as he looked down over the gift you prepared for him.
Since you’ve been gone for a week, you missed a lot of things including Sunghoon’s match. He did won and you were so proud of him.
“What’s this?” Sunghoon asked eyes glued over to the present.
You pouted, “I’m sorry I couldn’t attend your match.” you started feeling a bit more emotional. Starting to feel a little ache over your chest, you tried to dismiss the thought.
“It doesn’t matter. As long as you’re okay now.” he told you and brushed away some strands of hair away from your pale face.
He clenched his jaw while he examined you. He couldn’t tell what’s up but something sure is wrong. 
You smiled trying really hard to stop yourself from crying. You handed him the gift again making him raise up his head to you.
Your eyesight slowly became blurry as the pain in your body kind of became impossible to ignore.
As he looked back to you, his brows furrowed when he saw blood rushing down to your nose.
“Are you okay? Y/n!” he was fast enough to catch you when you lost consciousness. He tried to wake you up as he called out for help.
Your friend saw and quickly dialed your parent’s number. Everyone’s shock at what’s happening. Sunghoon was panicking as he stared at your unconscious self.
“Sunghoon, carry her. Let’s take her out of the building. We already called the ambulance.” Sunghoon looked up over to his friend, Heeseung
He nodded and easily carried you. As he ran while you’re over his arm, he doesn’t know how much fear he was feeling. To have you over his arm looking like that scared him so much. He doesn’t know what’s happening to you or what’s wrong. He’s never been this scared in his life.
“y/n! Hold on, baby.” he whispered eyes getting a bit teary and lips shaking.
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All you can hear was muffled sound. You feel like you’re whole body was so heavy and that you’re in somewhere deep. Everything was dark but you sure can hear familiar voices around you.
You can hear your Mom’s soft cries, your Dad’s voice that’s trying to calm her down. But there were nowhere around. You can’t see anything but dark. It feared you.
“Y/n, sweetie.” you can hear your Mom called out for you.
As you feel warm hands gently massaging your arm, like as if some force pulled you, your eyes slowly opened to be greeted by a familiar room.
“U-Umma...” heads snapped towards you. You saw your Mother smiled warmly at you. She looked so happy despite  of the tears all over her eyes.
As you roam your eyes around, your heart pounded when you realized you’re back at the hospital. Where they kept you for a week... away from Sunghoon.
You were with him. And as if on cue, Sunghoon’s tall figure came into your line of sight. You saw his worried and at the same time relieved face. His eyes... it isn’t cold. It was like it just finished from crying.
Your eyes cried as you glanced away from him, guilty. Pain was all over your body but the pain in your heart for him was the one that stands out the most.
“I don’t want to be here! I wanna go home, umma!” You started crying loudly making everyone go in panic.
Your brother looked over Sunghoon and asked if he can call the doctor that he quickly agreed too. You fainted two days before and ever since, he can’t sleep properly.
When he was on his way back to your room, he heard you crying to your family. He stopped from walking inside deciding that he should go and give you guys some privacy. But before your feet can even move, he heard you mentioning his name.
“He can’t know about my condition, umma! Please, just tell him not to go here anymore! I don't want to see him! He’s just gonna be sad, it’ll hurt him. It’s my fault appa!” you cried hardly. He clenched his fist as he heard you say those words.
“I’m gonna die. I’ll leave him soon, it’ll break him.” Sunghoon’s eyes watered as he heard you say those words.
To hear that you’ve got Leukemia felt like his whole world colapsed, to hear it actually from you, just hits him too hard.
“Y/n! You’re not gonna die! We’re here for you. The doctor’s said you can still make it. Honey, you won’t die.” Your Mom told you but you just kept crying.
Your brother reached over your hand as both your parents hugged you, crying. You looked over your brother and it broke him. To see his sister at a state like this, pale and full of pain was hard for him. He’s not used to it.
“Oppa, i don’t want my ice prince sad. I don’t want to see him sad, please.” your plea hurts him even more. Sunghoon heard everything and he was sad as well. But that didn’t stop him from wanting to stay beside you.
He loves you, and if anything, this is the time where you need him the most. He won’t disappoint you.
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Sunghoon didn’t visit for days. You kind of admit, you missed his presence. But you thought, it’s also for the best.
“Y/n, honey? Do you want to go at the rooftop?” you turned over your Mom and she’s smiling at you.
You lost weight pretty fast than expected. You‘re starting to feel your whole body to ache more often too. With a nod, you decided to go to the place in this hospital that somehow ease your worries.
Slowly, you and your Mom went over the rooftop. But after she opened the entrance, you already started bursting into tears.
There were cute decorations everywhere. Some of your relatives were there. As your Mom slowly guides you at the center, your eyes met a pair of familiar eyes.
The eyes of the person you’ve been missing.
“W-what are you doing here?” you asked towards him.
He smiled a little approaching you while holding a beautiful bouquet of red roses. Your eyes watered and so does the people around you.
“I love you, y/n.”
Of course you’re aware of what he felt towards you. That’s why you knew as well he’ll be so sad if he knew about your condition.
You tried smiling even when tears stream down your eyes, “Acute Myeloid Leukemia said no, Sunghoon. It said I’m all his.” you tried to say it as a joke.
He shed tears as well and it broke you. You didn’t know looking at him standing in front of you hurt. You're scared to leave this people around you.
“Call him out then, baby. Let’s beat him together. Let’s beat that cancer together.” your eyes looked over his hand that was reaching out for you. With eyes full of tears, you reached out for it.
Sunghoon pulled you into a hug as everyone cheered around you. He was happy to have you around his arms. He loves you so much that he’ll never leave you.
“I’m scared, Sunghoon.” you cried over his chest. He dropped a kiss over your head before whispering, “I know, but I’ll be just here for you. We’ll all be here for you.”
You nodded your head and that where it all started. That's where you’re fight with cancer started. You struggled a lot but he made sure he was there. He made sure you know he was with you in every trials.
It was decided that the only way to cure you was a bone marrow transplant. The doctor said that if the operation went well, you’ll be good. You’ll live. It wasn’t easy to look for a donor. You’ve waited and waited. And Sunghoon was with you all along. Months passed by and you’re love just grew even more stronger.
He stayed with you always and had proved his love to you. He was very patient at you and always make sure hat you’re well and everything. He was there to cheer you up every time you feel like losing hope, he’s there to make you happy, he’s there to calm you down and he’s there to keep you on fighting. You’re just beyond thankful for him.
Then it finally happened, with tears all over your eyes you called Sunghoon. He was in the middle of practice for a competition.
“Baby! Is everything alright?” he picked up right away.
His heart thumped in worry.
“Tell me what baby? You’re making me nervous right now.”
“The doctor called... She said I already have a donor.”
Sunghoon was silent in the other line. He was crying. This time, happy tears. It felt like all your wait was all worth it.
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“You’ll be alright.” Sunghoon said to you while smiling. You’re already in your hospital gown.
“I’ll see you guys later.” you tried to look brave for all of them. Sunghoon smiled at you as he leaned forward giving you a smack over your lips.
“Come back to me healthy, okay?” he muttered.
You nodded your head and waved at them. You were taken at the room where they’ll perform the surgery.
“Are you ready, y/n?” your doctor asked you.
You nodded as you slowly felt your eyes getting heavy.
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“Do you promise to get me ice cream after?” you pouted over at Sunghoon who’s leaning over the railings.
He nodded smiling at you with a cocky grin, “If you can beat me, baby.” and he slid his way towards you to give you a kiss at your lips.
You frowned at your boyfriend, “Don’t you think you’re being a little unfair here? You’re asking me to race you!”
He smiled at your cuteness and just shrugged his shoulders off. You rolled your eyes, surrendering.
You finally concurred cancer. Sunghoon did stayed with you and never left your side. He was so happy that you’re okay now and that he can spend the rest of his life with you. For him, to be given the opportunity of meeting you is just life-turn event. You were his happiness. 
When you started sliding through the ice, you were smiling at the thought you’re getting ahead of him only to be surprised when he hugged you suddenly.
"i love you, y/n."
You smiled warmly returning the hug. “I love you, Sunghoon. Thank you for staying beside me.”
He smiled, “Thank you for not leaving me and for fighting.” and he leaned towards you kissing you passionately.
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moonsquaremars · 3 years
11th house thoughts
Hi everybody.
I have an 11th house stellium, and I love it. Probably because my venus is in there, der planet of luv, as well as mars, lust et aggression, and mercury, th’ intellect. 
My sun missed it shy of 1° ; had i been born just a few minutes earlier, I would have been an 11th house sun. But I’m a twelfer. Why, might you ask? My mother has an 11th house stellium afterall, so did my ex-boyfriend. Well, if you ask, my father is a twelfth house sun. 
And I’m learning to live with that. 
Just kidding. Anyways, I love my 11th house stellium. If you’re unfamiliar, the eleventh house is ruled by aquarius. Each of the twelve houses in astrology corelate to each of the twelve signs of the zodiac. The planet which governs both this house and sign is the planet of Uranus, which is my favorite one in our solar system :) I did a random generator a guy posted on reddit to find out which planet is dominant in your chart, and when I plugged everything in, I got Uranus. I was actually quite surprised by this, but overjoyed. I love everything uranus represents. Eccentricity, humanitarianism, chaos.
I am a cancer sun, though, and virgo moon. Cancer rules the moon, so wouldn’t that be my dominant planet? Or is it just my chart ruler? I don’t know. But the moon is so fleeting. Kind of chaotic, actually. Since the moon passes each sign every few days, that’s what makes us cancers so moody. We feel the energy of all the signs within a months time. Can you imagine how that feels? constantly knowing what other people are feeling and thinking? Or maybe I’m just imagining it. I am crazy, after all :p
I digress. The 11th house is fabulous. It rules the finer things in life. My ex-boyfriend was a dandy man, took me to fancy restaurants and hotels, the works. I need that sort of thing, I admire and crave it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very in tune with income inequality and the social issues that plague the world. But I still love dressing up in fancy clothes for a decadent night out. I suppose this is attributed to my stellium, but I’ll take it. A stellium by the way is when you have three or more planets in one house.
It’s kind of odd that my mom has an eleventh house stellium because we grew up quite poor. Nothing about her really screams fancy besides the fact that she adores drinking wine, is beautiful, and we live fancier only if you put us in to comparison with poorer people around us. We did grow up wearing nice clothes though. My mom would buy us second hand designer brand clothes like tommy hilfiger. Maybe that’s not designer, maybe that’s just brand name. I’m from Kentucky, give me a break. But we Kentucky fancy, baby.
Uranus being my dominant and favorite planet, is in my 7th house, the house of libra and relationships. Perhaps someone could pull up my chart {in the tags] and enlighten me on why it might be my dominant planet. I might also add that my draconic moon is in aquarius, which is supposely what your ‘soul’ truly is. I don’t quite believe that, because I think the soul is larger and smaller than the twelve signs of our universe. Or maybe just our solar system. At least of our conscience understanding of things at this time. Astrology is just a bunch of symbols made of our world to organize and communicate ieas n information. It’s not much more than that.
I recall being very internet savvy in middle and high school. My north node and chiron are in my third house, house of gemini and communication. All of my 11th house stellium planets are also in gemini. I see this being accurate because I am rather small in frame, standing at 5 foot 9 and weighing 125 pounds since I was thirteen years old. My mouth gets me in trouble, whether it’s from accidentally offending or just not being able to shut up! I would constantly be editing my myspace profile, using html codes, messing with the layout and how it interacted with my profile picture and song, and anything else I added to it. I loved it, and then that transitioned to my tumblr blog which I did in high school. Hopefully tumblr doesn’t die out, it’s definitely not what it used to be. Later when stumbleupon was something, I would look up things about futurism, humanism, design. I loved reading about the future. It made me so freaking excited. Like what will life be like in 2040? So cool! Or 2600? Then it made me sad once I accounted my age into the picture. I don’t wanna be 40! and that’s so far away! I hate waiting. 
I’ll end this post on something interesting I noticed. My boyfriend of a year had an eleventh house stellium. After we broke up, I had two guys I was interested in. I was actually quite torn, because they were both so amazing, but so different. One was elegant and familiar with astrology and addiction issues and had money. He was like this worldly man with fantastic package hehe helped cure this mundane “what’s the point?” feeling I had about learning languages and stuff. He made me feel like there was in fact a point to all of it. He’s a scorpio just like me mum and we just had great chemistry. But I was already seeing a nother guy, who was this gentle, down the earth, all around manly man’s man. I loved him, but in a different way. He was simple, but the first time I slept over at his house, he picked me up in this kinda old but kinda new like beat up stick shift hyudai sedan. He reminded me of Wario. But he had an amazing package as well. we mostly just slept though ,and when I slept with him, I felt like I was back in bed with my father when I was like five or seven years old. I already know how that sounds, and I know the childish bunch of you or dommage who lack a healthy relationship with your father if y’ar, are going to come for me and say that’s gross or messed up or perverted or weird. It’s not. I don’t want to fuck my father, I never have, and I never will. I really don’t want to open this can of worms because I could go on about people I’ve met who have been sexually assaulted by their fathers or who have an incest fetish and I’m not trying to shame any of those people. But, I felt like I was back in bed with my father like i was when i was a kid while I was laying with him, and that was a really, really, really good feeling. I never forgot it. He had an aries sun, which I used to hate aries. It was my least favorite sign, and probably still is tbh, along with aquarius LOL. Oh and his moon was in taurus which explained everything. My dad is a taurus sun, as are my two sisters, my grandpa, and one of my good friends, Chelsea. My moon is in virgo in the second house, which is the house of taurus.
Well, mr. fancy pants had an 11th house stellium, and my down to earth sweet S had a third house stellium. Finding these things out did nothing to absolve my confusion, only added to the ache of not knowing which to choose. Talk about love triangle though. It did make me realize why I was in this predicament though, and I suppose it worked out because I don’t really talk to either guy anymore. But The seventh and third houses are also air houses, just like the 11th. 
11th house - Aquarius/uranus, 
7th house - libra/venus, 
3rd house - gemini/mercury
That’s all for tonight. I’m ever behind on french homework, so I oughtta go take care of that. I want to write on the twelfth house, since my sun is in there as well as my father’s, and why I don’t appreciate its doom and gloom persona. If each house correlates to a sign, then the twelfth’s would be house of pisces. Pisces is the last sign with a bad stereotype. At least from my perception, it’s one of the best. So humanistic and kind. So why is its house the house of prison and addictions and psych wards and have all this hubbub, this &thatt?
Au revoir! -K  ý ll
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hacked-by-jake · 3 years
Hbj, first of all I hope you have a great day. The theories about Jake using the character, it's making me crack my head, I've always been suspicious of the fact that he has such a quick love interest in MC, I don't see the point in him trusting and liking lovingly so fast in someone he doesn't know, whenever things get tough, he loves to say sweet things to calm down.
I love Jake, but of all the questions he can ask a stranger he decides to ask if MC has a boyfriend? It's like he wants to make sure he can use this method and after episode 8 when we decided to tell how we felt about what happened with Richy, I found him so cold in his responses, trying to treat the situation as unimportant and that bad things happen and when he saw that he was not convinced, he started to say beautiful things, I found it strange that he thought about giving up his sister for a complete stranger, because that's what we are, we don't know Jake and neither does he know us.
Despite all the theories, I know that when I talk to Jake again I'm going to trust him completely, after all they are theories, but the signs are there.
(If Jake is manipulating MC I will cry for days)
Hey, dear Anon! <3
Thank you very much! I also hope that you have a nice day/evening/night. <3
Well, first of all, even though the topic hurts a little, just like with you, but I love talking about it.
And I apologize in advance that the answer has become so long. I didn't expect that myself. xD
I fully understand your thoughts about this, and I’m also afraid that Jake is just taking advantage of us. I try to be as neutral as possible, so as not to be completely biased.
Okay, so I can say for myself, and for many others, that we’re actually the same on that point with Jake. We also trust him incredibly fast although he is anything but trustworthy at the beginning.
You know, I think the relationship between MC and Jake is a little bit based on soul mates. That it’s not a coincidence that we get to know him and that we get along so quickly.
We write more with Jake than with the other characters with whom we can enter into a closer relationship. For example, Richy, even when you flirt with Richy, it goes very fast to the point where you can get closer to him.
I think in some ways this "everything goes fast" is also simply because of the way the game works. I mean, we can’t take so much time to get to know everybody.
We immediately talk to all the characters, and directly a lot. If it would take longer in the game, it would be strange firstly because of Hannah, because she would be kidnapped much longer, and secondly, there would be a lot of tension missing. At least I think so.
You know, I think he’s asking MC if we have a boyfriend, actually, is more of a sign that he’s really interested. I don’t consider Jake to be someone who gets closer to someone when the person is already in a relationship. I think he really wanted to know. Because if he did all this just to make us trust him, he might not care if MC is in a relationship or not.
As we can notice, Jake has a hard time getting social contacts, having a hard time with things like smalltalk, etc. he tells us (we can ask him that, but I think only in the premium version) that he is and always was alone. (I can’t remember his exact wording.) And later he tells us that Hannah and Lilly are the only family he has left.
I think MC has just been the first person to really care about him for a long time, asking him more private questions. Directly during our second conversation with him, we can talk to him about the desert island, and ask him, for example, which programs he uses to hack.
I think, as he says himself, we immediately had a good relationship with each other. And if he’s been alone for a long time, and then someone like MC comes and pays attention to his personality, and not just superficially, he enjoys it.
We have not been deterred by him and his performances, and have treated him as a normal person. Not, for example, like the government that sees him as a criminal, but we know he’s a hacker, but we don’t let that put us off.
In episode 8, when Lilly criticizes us for really trusting him, we can say that we had no choice. We had to trust him, to help Hannah.
And so it was for him with MC. He was just trying to save his sister who was kidnapped in front of him. And all of a sudden, our number comes from Hannah. He had as few options as we had. He’s just trying to find his sister, so he has to trust the person whose number seems to have something to do with it.
Moreover, we are all in a dark time. A kidnapper and murderer who kidnapped one person, murdered one person, and maybe even a second one, Richy.
Everything is always under stress and we are working hard to find and save Hannah. Stress, grief and worry. When two people like MC and Jake meet and have to work so closely together, then a little distraction is really good. Or being drawn closer to someone when you’re desperate.
And then he writes a pretty agitated message, I don’t know if you ever chose this option, I can recommend it to you.
I think we can see how Jake really is when we talk to him about that Hannah might have done something to herself.
Jake says, "But if you think she might have done something to herself, that’s out of the question."
We can then say it’s okay, and we’ll continue to talk to him. However, we can continue to talk about it and tell him, for example, that we should not exclude anything. He’s still stubborn, and we can tell him, "Why are you so stubborn?"
(well, unfortunately I can’t find the screenshot of this place and I can’t remember his exact wording)
However, he sounds so desperate and worried and it also sounds a bit like a reproach, so that he even apologizes afterwards and says that he did not want us to feel bad about him.
(Maybe there is someone here who has selected it and has a screenshot of it)
Yes, unfortunately Jake, in episode 8 when we talk about Richy, sounds and is very cold and emotionless. I think it’s just hard for him to understand how it felt. And "unfortunately" he is more focused on finding Hannah that is one of the only things that interest him.
I think Jake is also kind of blaming himself for not being able to help Hannah faster.
As we also know from episode 8, Hannah had sent him an email. However, this address was no longer active, and he only saw it when it was actually too late. He called her right away, but if he’d seen the message sooner, that might never have happened. Of course, it’s not his fault, but that’s how we humans are. And I think it’s the same with him.
If he feels guilty, I can understand that he wants to help so badly. He probably blames himself for breaking off contact with her at the time. That he didn’t dare tell his sister he is her brother.
Maybe then everything would have been different, and Hannah wouldn’t have ended up in this situation.
I think he was thinking of giving up on Hannah and running away with MC because it was stressful for him, too. He also suffers from the situation, but does not admit it to himself.
As he says himself, he tries to look at everything as objectively as possible, so he ignores what happened to Jessy and Richy. Because I think he’s also hiding his own feelings.
And in between, we can see him from the emotional side. Only rarely, but sometimes it happens.
And right now he realizes that for some time it would be easier to disappear with MC and turn your back on everything. Since the situation also burdens him, it is quite normal to think about choosing the easier way, which would also make him feel better.
But, as he also says, this would bring nothing. The responsibility would catch up with us and we would live forever with the guilt of just letting Hannah down.
And last but not least: the topic of manipulation.
And yes, that’s exactly what Jake is doing with us, manipulating us by using our feelings for him, and calming us down by telling us nice things.
Best we see this in episode 7. After his pursuers tried to hack us. Although he used this method before, manipulated us, but in episode 7 it is the most extreme to see.
However, I have to say that we are doing the same thing with him. We’re doing the same thing.
And best we see that, in episode 8.
When we tell him that the others want to see what we have for clues, etc., and the others want him to come into the group.
We know for a fact that Jake isn’t thrilled. But we get him to decide against it by saying, "I can’t do this without you."
And that’s actually also a point that shows me that Jake really likes us, he gives in and accepts the situation after we tell him that.
And that’s exactly what happens when we ask him to write the letter to Ted with Lilly, where we can tell him that we’d like him to be there. And from that moment, Jake says yes.
If he really didn’t want it, or he didn’t care that we told him we couldn’t do it without us, he wouldn’t give in.
He would just keep saying that he doesn’t want to and he doesn’t want to talk to us about it.
We wouldn’t even have time to contradict him, or just tell the others everything, since he could have erased any evidence from our phone.
He lets us manipulate him as much as he manipulate us.
And he writes when he joins the group chat that he wants to change his mind to tell the others everything, because of us.
And even the others realize that Jake likes us.
Lilly, for example, says (when we talk to her in episode 6) that he interrupted the vote, that his reaction wasn’t normal just because he cared about the subject. He’s very biased, not just because we’re important to him to save Hannah. It’s because we were treated unfairly by Lilly and the others.
Jessy says to Phil that there’s someone who likes us, but she doesn’t know if we’re reciprocating his feelings.
I don’t think I need to say anything about Dan, do I?
Jake and MC are not as inconspicuous together as the two think themselves.
I think I’ve addressed the most important things now, so I want to say an end conclusion: I really believe that Jake likes us and not just manipulates us. I really think he wants to get closer to us.
I’m not a psychologist or anything, of course, but I think Jake has some psychological problems that he might even know himself. Many things are difficult for him and I can often identify with him on this point.
His actions and manner are not always the right ways, sometimes he does not know how to behave and what is okay and what is not. We can see it with Jessy and Richy.
With us, he tries to show empathy and support us, which is why he wants us to rest a little afterwards.
Jake doesn’t seem to have had an easy life, and of course that leaves its mark. I don’t think he’s that cold sometimes because he means it badly.
I know we haven’t known him for long, but this whole situation is so special that it’s not surprising that MC and Jake get along so well and get closer.
Of course I can’t say exactly, maybe it’s really all just played by him, that we will only see at the end, but I don’t think that everything is fake.
And of course, thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and theories with us. As you can see, I had a lot to say and really enjoyed answering that, and I hope I could help you a little bit.
So, I hope that I have not forgotten anything important now and that I have taken up everything I wanted to and can say. 😅
As I said, I don’t know everything myself, and this is just my opinion. I hope I’ve managed not to be so biased.
Take care of yourself and stay healthy, lovely Anon!💚🎭🌹
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mandowh0re · 3 years
The One Where Everybody Finds Out
Summary: The team finds out about you and Loki.
A/N: So I literally took the entire episode of The One Where Everybody Finds Out from Friends and rewrote it for the Avengers. This may have been done before with either Loki or another character, and I've definitely seen it done with other Friends episodes. This is super long because I literally used every line of dialogue in every scene (except for Ross attempting to win the apartment) and then added or changed them enough to fit the characters. Some of this may be OOC but it was the best I could do with the situation they're all in. I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Implied smut
Word Count: 6274
Tony as Ross, Natasha as Rachel and Phoebe, Wanda as Rachel and Phoebe, Peter as Phoebe, Loki as Chandler, reader as Monica, and Thor as Joey.
Happy Reading!
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“Oh, hey you guys, look! They’re installing the new training grounds outside!”
There’s collective sounds of acknowledgement from the team as they all get up from their spots, walking over to where Wanda stood in front of the floor to ceiling windows. You can feel Loki standing a bit too close to your back, but luckily everyone is too distracted to notice.
“I’d say from the looks of it, Tony went all out.” Natasha states, looking at all the new fancy equipment that was being unloaded and installed.
“Ironically, it was actually Steve who went all out. I just paid for it.”
“Awh, I’ll miss sweating my tits off in that tiny gym.” Natasha says. You snicker.
“That’s repulsive.” Loki rolls his eyes and returns to his place on the couch.
Tony glares at Nat, “Hey, it’s not my fault that the AC is always broken.”
“Aren’t you a mechanic?” Bucky asks.
“Not an HVAC mechanic. There’s a big difference, tough guy.”
“I am excited for this new space! I will be able to call upon the lightning in training!” Thor booms.
“Yes, and kill everyone on the field.” Loki replies nonchalantly, never looking up from his book.
Thor rolls his eyes and everyone returns to their former spots. You sit back in your spot next to Loki, sitting criss cross on the couch and discreetly touching your knee to high thigh.
It’s the small touches you sneak when you think nobody is looking, that make your heart skip just a beat faster.
“Oh my gods, I love this setup! It's got something for everyone!” Tony is absolutely giddy with excitement, walking around the newly installed equipment that had been set up outside, “Isn’t it perfect? I never realized how little we were working with before!”
“Well that is because we really only ever trained by fighting hand to hand.” Natasha replies, inspecting part of the obstacle course.
Tony nods, putting his hands in his pockets. He watches as Peter easily climbs a wall that’s part of the course Nat is looking at.
“It’s amazing!” Wanda chirps, “Steve really outdid himself this time.”
“Speaking of Steve, he was supposed to meet us out here like ten minutes ago. I’m gonna go find him.” Tony says, pulling his phone out to try and get a hold of his boyfriend.
As the billionaire disappears into the compound, Nat walks up to Wanda.
“I never thought I’d say this, but I can’t wait to sweat my tits off out here.” She says, the comment matching the one she made a few days ago.
Wanda lets out a quiet cackle, watching as Nat walks towards some machinery across the yard that caught her eye.
Wanda walks towards the teenager and looks around, excited to have so much more to practice and train her magic with. While Loki was more than glad to train with her using his own magic, she always had to hold back with almost everyone else.
She watches as Peter jumps and climbs his way through the course, looking like he’s having the time of his life, when she sees a separate movement out of the corner of her eye. She looks up to see you and Loki standing in a window, facing each other and talking.
“Oh look! There’s Y/N and Loki. Hey!” She waves up at them, but they don’t see her.
Peter’s attention is now caught and he stops in his tracks, looking up at the same window.
“Hey!” Peter calls, waving his own hands.
Suddenly, you and Loki are stripping each other of clothes, and Peter makes a squaking sound, covering his eyes.
“Ah! Oh!” Wanda shouts, her eyes blowing wide as she sees the events unfold. She uses her magic to pull Peter back to her so she can shield his innocent eyes, “Ahh!”
“What?” Nat asks, jogging back up to the pair.
Wanda points to the window that harbored the offending scene, with the hand that isn’t currently shielding Peter’s eyes.
“Y/N and Loki! Y/N and Loki!”
Nat looks up to see what the other two are flipping out about, only to see Loki shove you up against the window, completely bare.
“Oh my god!” Nat’s voice goes up an octave.
“Oh my god!”
“Y/N and Loki!” Wanda screams.
“Oh my god!”
“My eyes! My eyes!” Peter screams. Wanda turns them both away from the building.
“Peter! Wanda!” Nat steps in front of them, hands out to try and calm them.
“Oh!” Wanda yells again, screwing here eyes shut.
“Okay! It’s okay! It’s okay!” Nat tries to placate them.
Peter removes Wanda’s hand from his face, “No! They’re doing it!” He yells, turning to point at you and Loki before Nat quickly grabs his arm and turns him back to her.
“I know! I know! I know!”
“You know?” Peter yells back.
“You know?” Wanda echoes him.
“Yes! I know, and Thor knows, but Tony doesn’t know so you have to stop screaming!”
Out of nowhere, Tony walks up to the small group, “Hey, what’s going on?”
The three of them scream in surprise, Peter throwing his hands in the air and jumping, screaming the loudest.
“Hi! Hi!”
Concern etches itself on Tony’s face, “What? What?” He steps towards his kid, arms reaching out and eyes scanning for any injuries.
“Hi! Nothing!” Peter yells, jumping around Tony to make him look away from the compound. He really didn’t need to see his daughter being fucked against a window by the one person on the team he trusts least, “Oh, gods, we’re just so excited about all the new equipment!” Peter claps his hands.
Tony smiles, now realizing it’s all just Peter having a hyperactive episode, “Yeah, actually it looks really good-” He says as he turns back to look at everything, but is cut off when Wanda yells and copies Peter’s movements to pull Tony’s gaze back away from the building.
“It looks amazing!” She screams, clapping and jumping up and down next to Peter.
Nat steps around Tony too so he doesn’t have a reason to turn back around.
“Get in here! Come on!” Peter yells, motioning for his father figure to join their happy dance.
Tony smiles before letting out a happy squeal and jumping into the little group dance, all of them jumping and screaming, aside from Natasha who was smirking and biting her lip to keep from laughing.
“You mean whenever Y/N and Loki were like, you know, doing laundry. Or going grocery shopping, or- Oh!” Wanda gasps, “All that time Y/N spent on the phone with Margo back in her hometown?”
They sit on Wanda’s bed, coffee in hand. Peter was leaned against her headboard playing Among Us on his phone, sound blocking headphones in. He was traumatized from what he saw earlier in the day, and he didn’t feel like seeing or talking to anyone, so the girls let him hang with them while they gossiped.
Nat nods, “Uh huh. Doing it, doing it, phone doing it.”
Wanda gasps again, “Oh, I can’t believe it! I mean I think it’s great!” There’s a pause, “For him. She might be able to do better.”
There’s a knock at the door before it opens slightly to reveal Thor. He leans against the doorframe and crosses his arms.
“Hello, what are you all up to?”
“Thor! Come here!” Nat says, jumping up and pulling him into the room, closing the door behind him.
Thor moves to sit on the desk chair, which looks like a doll chair compared to him, “What?”
“Wanda and Peter just found out about Loki and Y/N.”
Thor’s brows furrow and his eyes get wide, “You mean how they’re friends and nothing more?” His eyes narrow at the ex-assassin.
Nat rolls her eyes, “No, no Thor. They know. We were outside checking out the new training grounds and we saw them doing it through the window. Actually we saw them doing it up against the window.”
Wanda joins in, “Okay, so now they know you know,” She points to Thor, “And they don’t know that Nat knows?”
The god looks like he’s thinking hard for a moment before he speaks, “... Yes. But, you know what? It doesn’t matter who knows what. Now, enough of us know, that we could just tell them we know!” He says excitedly, “Then all the lying and secrets will finally be over!”
Nat nods, and Wanda gets a smirk on her face.
“Or, we could not tell them we know, and have a little fun of our own!” The witch giggles.
“Wait, well what do you mean?” Nat asks, turning back to face Wanda.
“Well every time that they say they’re like, doing laundry, we’ll just give them a bunch of laundry to do!”
Nat’s mouth forms an ‘O’ in understanding, “Ohh,” She claps silently, “I would enjoy that.”
Thor looks horrified, “Oh no no no. No wait wait. You know what would be even more fun? Telling them.”
Nat looks at him, but she’s already hyped up, “Nah, I wanna do Wanda’s thing.”
“I can’t take anymore-”
“Oh you don’t have to do anything. Just don’t tell them that we know!” Wanda snaps.
“No! I can’t take any more secrets!” Thor whines, running a hand down his face, “I’ve got your secrets, I’ve got their secrets, I’ve got secrets of my own, you know.”
“You don’t have any secrets.” Nat narrows her eyes.
“Oh yeah? You don’t know about Squish, my stuffed octopus.” Thor throes back before his eyes go wide.
It’s silent between all of them for a few seconds before Wanda clears her throat, “So, um,” She veers the conversation back to the situation at hand, turning back to Nat, “How are we gonna mess with them?”
Thor groans and leans back in the chair.
“Well, you could use your position, you know, as the best friend. And then I would use, you know, the strongest tool at my disposal. My sexuality.”
There’s another knock at the door.
“Come in!” Wanda calls.
The door opens to reveal Loki. Peter blushes furiously when he looks up to see the other god, and looks back to down, gluing his eyes on his phone.
“Hello, children.”
Everyone in the room replies with hellos.
“Y/N cannot find her journal. Have any of you heathens seen it?”
There’s a string of denials, nobody having seen the black leather journal you tend to carry around.
Nat turns to Wanda and winks, noticing Peter is now looking at her, and stands up to head towards Loki.
“Uh, hello?” Loki says, watching Nat approach him.
“Hey,” She says, finally stepping in front of him, “Oh wow, that jacket looks great on you.”
Loki quirks a brow and glances down at his clothing, then back to Nat, “Um, thanks?”
“Yeah, the material looks so soft,” She says as she strokes his arm, “Oh hello muscles,” She purrs, squeezing his bicep, “Have you been working out?”
Loki looks incredibly puzzled, “Yes, but need I remind you I am also a god.”
Suddenly Nat is giggling. Since when-
“Are you ill?”
She finishes giggling and looks in his eyes, “Well, if you really want to know,” She looks down at her hands, “Um- Oh I can’t tell you this.”
Loki shifts his weight onto the other foot, glancing at the other three behind her, then focusing back on her.
“While I do not enjoy discussing emotions, I can tolerate you more than most humans. If you would like to discuss something on your mind, I would not object.”
“Well actually, you’re the one person I can’t tell this to, and the one person I want to the most.”
“What the Norns is going on?” He asks, growing increasingly disturbed by this interaction.
“I think it’s just, you know, that I haven’t been with someone in so long and, you know how sometimes you’re looking for something and you just don’t even see that it’s right there in front of you dressed in a black suit…”
Loki glances down at himself again and his brows fly up for a split second as he looks back up to Nat.
“Oh no, have I said too much?” She coos, placing a hand on her chest, “Well, it’s just something to think about. I know I will.” She giggles again and walks over to where she set her mug down, bending at the waist and making an ‘oop’ sound, picking it up and then walks out of the room and past Loki, shooting him a wink.
Loki raises a brow at Thor, who has his face in his hands. Wanda is biting her lip to stop from bursting into a fit of laughter, and Peter’s cheeks are dusted pink with his eyes wide in shock.
“You are so cute. How did you get to be so cute?” You ask, looking down at Loki. He’s sprawled on his bed with his arm around you, tracing his fingers along your spine.
“I am not cute. I am a god. Handsome or pretty will do.”
You giggle in response, “Okay now you’re even cuter.” You tease, leaning down to kiss him.
“You know, that seems to be a popular opinion today, I must say.”
“Well, the weirdest thing happened earlier today. I think… I believe Natasha was coming onto me.”
You chuckle, “What are you talking about?”
“I’m telling you, I think Natasha thinks I’m alluring.”
You look up at the wall and quirk a brow, then look back at him, “It’s not possible.”
“Ow?” Loki says, lifting his hands in a motion akin to ‘what the hel’.
You chuckle, “I’m sorry, it’s just… I mean Nat just thinks of you in a charming, sexless kind of way.”
“Oh well you know I… I can’t hear that enough.”
“I’m sorry, I just think you misunderstood her.”
Loki sits up, “No, I did not misunderstand. Humans are simple creatures-”
You narrow your eyes.
“Except for you, my darling,” He tries to placate, “But she was all over me. She touched my bicep for crying out loud.”
You grab his arm, and smirk, “This bicep?”
“Well it’s not flexed right now.”
You snort and fall back onto the bed in a fit of giggles.
You walk out of the elevator into the common room, headed to the kitchenette for some water.
“Hey, Y/N. What are you doing right now? You wanna come see a movie with us?” Nat asks, flipping through her magazine.
You stutter in your movements, hoping nobody noticed, and continue getting your water, “Uh, you know what, I was actually gonna do some laundry.”
You were out on a jog when Loki had texted you a long paragraph about what he wanted to do to you when you got back. Needless to say, you cut your jog short, turned around, and came straight back. When you turned back around to face your friends, you glanced at Loki, who was sitting on the loveseat with a book in hand. The fucker had the audacity to smirk.
Nat and Wanda look at each other, sharing a knowing look.
“Loki, you wanna do it with me?”
He closes his book and sets it down next to him, standing off of the couch, “Sure, I’ll do it with you.”
Nat smirks and stands, “Okay great! Hold on a sec.” She says before running out of the room. She returns a few minutes later with a large hamper full of laundry, “Ugh, here you go,” She sets it down behind the couch, “You don’t mind do you? That would really help me out a lot. Thanks!”
“Uh…” You look at her, not really sure how to respond.
“Oh! I have some too!” Wanda says.
You finally come out of your stupor, “Wait! Why am I doing everyone’s laundry? Do your own!”
Wanda makes a pouty face, “Because you love us and we asked nicely?”
You look at her incredulously before rolling your eyes, “Fine.”
Nat looks at her watch, “Oh! Alright, honey, we’d better go if we wanna catch that movie.”
They grab their jackets and bags, saying goodbye as they leave.
“Bye, Loki! I miss you already.” Nat says as she passes him, pinching his butt before entering the elevator with Wanda.
Once the doors slide shut, Loki looks at you, “Okay, did you see that?” He says hysterically, “With the inappropriate and the pinching?”
You nod, “Actually I did.”
“Okay so now do you believe that she’s attracted to me?”
You blink a few times, pieces of the situation coming together. Suddenly, your heart drops to your stomach.
“Oh my gods!” You look at the elevator and step around the counter towards the common room where Loki stood, “Oh my gods, she knows about us!”
“You are serious??”
“Natasha knows and she’s just trying to freak us out!” You throw your hands in the air, water bottle still clutched, “That’s the only explanation for it!”
Loki leans his head forward and raises his brows, “Okay but what about my pinchable butt and my bulging biceps?” He throws out an arm and runs his opposite hand over the lean limb before recognition settles over his face, “She knows!”
The door to Thor’s room flies open, startling the god, and both you and Loki enter.
“Thor.” Loki snaps, walking up to him, you hot on his tail. It looks like he had been in the middle of a nap.
“Yeah?” He says, throwing Squish behind a pillow.
You roll your eyes and Loki runs a hand down his face.
“Natasha knows about us.” Loki says, motioning between you and him.
Thor looks at you before furrowing his brows, “Well I didn’t tell them!”
“Them?” You hiss, “Who’s them?”
Thor looks guilty as he looks between the two of you, “Uhh, Natasha… And Thor.”
“Thor…” You warn.
“... And Wanda and Peter.”
You and Loki look at each other in annoyment.
Thor stands from his bed, “I would have told you, but they made me promise not to tell!”
“Odin’s beard!” Loki bites.
“I’m sorry!” Thor apologizes, and he does look sorry, “But hey! It’s over now, right? Cause you can tell them you know they know, and I can go back to knowing absolutely nothing!”
An idea pops into your mind, “Unless-”
“No, not ‘unless’! Look, this must end now!”
You ignore Thor’s small outburst, “Oh man, they think they are so slick messing with us! But see they don’t know that we know that they know. So…”
Thor looks confused as all hell by now, but realization dawns on Loki, “Ah, yes. The pranksters become the victims!”
Thor rolls his eyes, making an irritated noise, and flops back onto his bed.
Natasha, Wanda, and Peter are all hanging out in the common room playing Mario Kart when Natasha’s phone rings.
She pauses the game, putting the controller down and grabbing her phone, noticing the caller ID.
“It’s Loki!” She yelps, and suddenly she has both Peter’s and Wanda’s undivided attention.
They had filled Peter in on their plan, and he was more than happy to help prank you and Loki after what he had been inadvertently forced to see.
“Answer it!” Peter says, scooting closer.
“On speaker!” Wanda adds.
Natasha slides the green button and answers the call, putting it on speaker, “Hello, you.” She says in a sultry tone.
“Hello, Natasha. I have been thinking about you all day.” Loki’s voice fills the room.
Natasha almost chokes, and the other two snap their gaze to the phone, “Huh?”
“Well you know, that thing you said before. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t intrigued.”
“Really?” She asks, completely caught off guard.
“Yes, listen, why don’t you come to my room tonight and I’ll let you feel my muscles. Or maybe more.”
Natasha’s mouth falls open, as do the others’, and she grasps for some sort of answer.
“I’ll have to get back to you on that. Okay bye.” She hits end and her hands fly to her hair.
“Oh my god!” Wanda squeaks.
“He wants you to go over and feel his muscles and more!” Peter adds.
“Are you kidding?” Natasha says, trying to wrap the situation around her head, “I cannot believe he would to that to-” She cuts off mid sentence as a thought forms in her head. She turns slowly to face Thor, who had been munching on a slice of pizza while watching the Mario Kart tournament, “Thor…” Natasha says, “Do they know that we know?”
He looks at her with a guilty expression, and it’s quiet for a second too long before he answers, “No…”
“Thor…” This time his name is spoken in a warning tone.
He nods slowly, “They know you know.”
Natasha makes a noise of frustration, “I knew it! Oh, I cannot believe those two!”
“They thought that they could mess with us? They’re trying to mess with us?” Wanda guffaws, “They don’t know that we know they know we know.”
Thor groans behind them.
“And Thor you can’t say anything!” Peter turns and tells him.
He throws his hands in the air, “Couldn’t if I wanted to!”
Wanda, Nat, and Peter had ended their video game and moved to the couch to talk amongst themselves. You and Loki are standing in the doorway.
“Look at them, they’re panicked!” You whisper.
“Oh, yes. They’re definitely going to crack.” Loki whispers back.
You nod, “Oh yeah.”
Nat turns to look over her shoulder at the two of you and then looks back at her partners in crime.
“Alright, alright, if he wants a date, he’s gonna get a date.” She says, tucking back a strand of hair, “Alright, I’m gonna go.” She adjusts her jacket.
“Good luck!” Peter whispers.
Wanda is giving a subtle thumbs up, “Be sexy.”
Nat rolls her eyes, “Please.” She stands and walks towards Loki with a sexy smirk, swaying her hips back and forth.
He sees her coming and he pushes you away, standing to his full height and pocketing his hands.
You and Nat exchange a fleeting look before her focus is back on Loki.
“So, Loki, I’d love to come by tonight.”
The god’s smug smirk falls for a moment, before he forces it back, “Really?”
“Oh absolutely, should we say around seven?”
Loki tilts his head up slightly, trying to keep his composure, “Yes.”
Nat nods, “Good. I’m really looking forward to you and me having sexual intercourse.” She winks and walks back to her spot on the couch.
Loki gives you a desperate look and you hold your hands up, trying to calm him down.
The three troublemakers plus Thor are in Nat’s room. She’s wearing a black, form fitting dress that reaches her mid thigh, with knee high leather boots. Her red hair is straightened and the top layer of her hair is pulled back into a braid in the back of her head. Her makeup is mostly natural, with a subtle green tint on her lids. A modest amount of glitter dusted her cheekbones.
Wanda claps several times, “Showtime!”
“Okay, Peter, pick out a perfume. Over on my dresser. And Thor, can you go grab me a bottle of wine and some glasses?”
Thor huffs but does as he’s asked, leaving the room to fetch the items.
Peter walks up to her with a small bottle filled with purple liquid, “I like this one!”
Nat smiles at him, “One of my favorites,” She stretches her arms out and closes her eyes, “Hit me.”
Peter sprays a cloud of the scent in front of her, and she spins through it.
Thor returns a few minutes later with a bottle of sweet red and two crystal glasses.
You straighten out Loki’s collar and smooth out his jacket.
“Alright, you’ll be great. You just make her think that you want to have sex with her, it’ll totally freak her out.” You spray breath freshener into his mouth and he recoils, not expecting the intrusive taste.
“Okay listen, how far am I going to have to go with her?”
“Relax! She’s gonna give in way before you do!”
“How do you know??” He asks, and he briefly asks himself how he even got caught up in this mess.
“Because you’re on my team, and my team always wins.”
He scrunches his face at you, “At this?” He makes a general motion with his hands.
You roll your eyes, “Just go get some!” You grab his face and give him a quick kiss before smacking his butt, “Go!”
You run to his bathroom and hide inside, listening to the events in the room unfold.
Peter, Wanda, and Natasha are all outside of Loki’s room.
Wanda hands the wine and glasses to Natasha, “Okay, Nat. Now we’re gonna try to listen from right here. Okay?”
“Oh wait!” Wanda reaches out and unzips the zipper on Nat’s chest, letting her breasts spill out a little more.
“Oh, good idea!” Peter says.
“Oh, hang on,” Wanda goes to try and pull it down a little more but Nat steps back.
“Don’t give away the farm!”
Wanda’s hands snap back to herself, and her and Peter hide against the wall as Nat knocks on the door.
It immediately opens, and Loki is there waiting.
“Come on in.” He purrs.
“I was going to.” Nat giggles, and slides past him through the door. He follows her in and closes the door behind him. As soon as it shuts, Wanda and Peter shuffle to the door and press their ears to it.
Nat holds up the bottle in her hand, “I brought some wine. Would you like some?”
“Of course.”
Silence settles over the two as Nat sets the items on Loki’s heavy wooden dresser.
“So, here we are,” She says, pouring a glass of wine, “Nervous?”
“Me? Never. You?”
Her answer is immediate, “No. I want this to happen.” She hands him a glass.
“So do I.” He takes it.
They clink glasses and both down the alcohol like it’s water and they’d been stranded without any for days.
When they finish, they set the glasses down and Loki takes a step back, “I’m going to put on some music.”
He cuts on a song that Nat doesn’t believe she’s heard before. It’s definitely a classical song.
“Maybe I’ll dance for you.” Nat licks her lips, and starts to sway and move her body. She hopes the alcohol kicks in soon.
Loki raises a brow as she gets closer to him. He swallows harshly when she bumps her hips against him.
“You look ravishing.” He chokes out.
“Thanks,” She’s still moving herself to the music, “You know, when you say things like that, it makes me want to rip that… Suit right off.”
“Well, why don’t we move this to the bed.”
“Really?” Nat stops her dancing, the statement coming out of left field.
“Oh! Do you not want to?” Loki asks.
“No, no. I just, you know, first I want to take off all of my clothes and have you rub lotion on me.”
Loki can feel his heart sinking because he can tell that the woman isn’t going down without a fight. And for once, he doesn’t want a fight.
“Well, that would be nice.” He says instead, “I’ll go get the lotion.” He makes a bee line for his bathroom.
He opens the door and slams it behind him.
“This is getting completely out of hand. Alright? She wants me to put lotion on her!” He hisses quietly.
“She’s bluffing!” You hiss back.
Loki throws his hands up, exasperated, “Look, she’s not backing down. She did this!” He copies the hip bump that Nat had done to him earlier.
“He is not backing down. He went to get lotion.” Nat says.
She had gone and opened the door to talk to Wanda and Peter when Loki disappeared into the bathroom.
Wanda and Peter look at each other and Wanda wrings her hands.
Thor walks down the hallway and sees them gathered at the door.
“Oh man, aren’t you guys finished yet?” He whines, crossing his arms.
Wanda rolls her eyes, “Thor, look, just look at it this way: The sooner Natasha breaks Loki, the sooner this is all over and out in the open.”
Thor’s eyes light up, “Oh, I like that,” He looks at Nat and an idea comes to him, “Oh! Show your breasts. He’s afraid of looking at anyone else’s but Y/N’s.” He reaches out and pulls on the zipper in a quick motion, causing Natasha’s boobs to nearly fall out of the dress.
The girls gasp and Peter covers his eyes.
“Wow, you didn’t break it.” Nat says, inspecting the zipper and adjusting her breasts.
“Not my first time.” Thor says, cheekily.
“You go back out there,” You say, grabbing a bottle of lotion off the shelf, “And you seduce her ‘til she cracks!”
“Okay, give me a moment.” He takes the bottle from you and looks around the small space, “Did you reorganize in here?”
You shrug and push him out of the bathroom.
He stumbles slightly from the force and sees Nat closing the bedroom door.
“Oh, you’re leaving?”
She turns and looks at him, pushing her chest out, “Uh, not without you, lover.” She walks towards him, making sure to show her chest off as she sways her body, “So… These are my boobs.”
Loki glances down at them before locking his eyes on Nat’s.
“They’re very nice.”
They look at each other, exchanging forced sexual glances.
“Well, come here.” He tells her, “I’m very happy we will be having sex.”
Natasha chuckles nervously, “You should be. I’m very bendy.” She steps closer, “I’m gonna kiss you now.”
“Not if I kiss you first.”
She takes a last step forward and grabs one of his hips. He touches one of hers, then switches hands to touch the other. His heart is beating in his throat.
Natasha reaches out and grabs his other hip, jerking him forward. He tries to place a hand on her breast but can’t make himself go through with it, so he settles for her shoulder, and Nat makes a choked sound.
“Well I suppose there’s nothing left for us to do but kiss.”
Nat nods, “Here it comes. Our first kiss.”
Loki quickly glances at the door that you’re hiding behind before looking back to Nat. They’re faces get closer and closer, both desperately hoping that the other will break before their lips connect.
But neither does.
It’s awkward and barely a kiss, but after about two seconds, Loki rips himself away and pushes Nat away from him.
“Alright alright alright. Okay, you win! You win!” He yells, hands up in surrender.
“I cannot have sex with you.”
“And why not?” Nat pushes.
“Because I’m in love with Y/N.” He admits, running a hand through his hair.
Nat’s heart stops and she can barely string words together, “You’re- You’re what?”
The bathroom door opens and you step out, at the same time the bedroom door swings open to reveal Wanda, Peter, and Thor.
“I love her. That’s right! I love her. I love her!” He repeats himself, pointing to you.
You feel butterflies grow in your belly and warmth blooms in your chest. You don’t care that you just lost this little game. Loki just proclaimed his love for you to a whole group of people. That’s not something he likes; letting others know his feelings.
You walk over to him, sporting a smile so wide that your cheeks hurt. He takes a step towards you and places his hands on your waist, looking into your eyes.
“I love you, Y/N.”
You let out a wet chuckle, “I love you too, Loki.”
He dips down and captures your lips in a searing kiss, pulling your body flush to his.
“I just… I thought you guys were doing it. I didn’t know you were in love!” Nat exclaims.
You turn and smile at your friend, hugging your boyfriend close. Loki chuckles and hugs you back.
“Awh, guys.” Peter says, a large smile on his face as well.
Loki smiles at the boy then looks to Nat, “And hats off to Natasha. Quite the competitor.” He reaches a hand out and the two shake hands, “And may I say your breasts are still out.”
“God.” She mumbles and quickly zips the dress back up.
“All right!” Thor booms, his face filled with joy, “So that’s it! It’s over! Everybody knows!”
“Yeah, well actually, not everybody,” You reply, “And we’d appreciate it if nobody told dad.”
Thor’s face falls and Peter grabs his arm to try and placate him.
Tony is watching Peter mess around on the obstacle course.
Peter lands at the end with a backflip and turns to make sure Tony is watching.
The older man holds a thumbs up, “You’re doing great, buddy!”
Movement catches his eye and he looks up to the window of your room. It takes his brain one too many seconds to realize what he’s seeing because he doesn’t want to believe it.
“No… No!” He yells, standing and taking a few steps forward.
Peter turns to look at what Tony is flipping out over and his blood runs cold, “Shit.” He whispers.
“Get off of my daughter!” Tony screams before he takes off towards the entrance to the compound and Peter takes off after him.
Tony runs down the hallway screaming.
“Loki! Loki!” He reaches your room and tries to open it, but it’s locked. He bangs on it several times, “Loki! I saw what you were doing through the window! I saw what you were doing to my daughter, now get out here!”
You and Loki jump up and quickly fix yourselves.
“Well, listen, we had a good run. What was it? Four? Five months? I mean, that’s more than most humans have in a lifetime, so goodbye, take care, goodbye then.” Loki finishes his ramblings with a chaste kiss to your lips before walking to your balcony.
You quickly catch his wrist, “What are you doing?”
“Oh I’m going on the lam.”
You roll your eyes and pull him back towards you, “Come on, Loki, come on. I can handle my dad.”
You drag him with you and open the door to reveal Tony, who is as red as Thor’s cape.
“Hey dad, what’s up?”
He looks at you and then Loki, and storms into the room towards him.
Loki takes several steps back and you run to place yourself between them.
“Dad!” You place your hands on his chest.
“What the hell are you doing!” He yells.
Suddenly almost the entire team is running up to your bedroom door where Peter was already waiting.
“Hey, what’s-what’s going on?” Natasha interjects.
“Well I think… I think… Stark knows about Y/N and I.”
“Brother,” Thor makes a throat cut motion, “He is right there.”
Loki rolls his eyes.
“You are an semi-immortal god that wiped out half of Manhattan and causes trouble everywhere he goes, and this is my daughter. Loki and my daughter, I-I cannot believe this!”
“Look Stark, we are not just fooling around. I love her. Alright? I’m in love with her.”
Tony takes a few breaths and moves his gaze to you.
You step forward and grab his hand, “I’m sorry that you had to find out this way… I’m sorry but it’s true, I love him too.” You reach your other arm back to pull Loki into your side.
He looks at you with unsure eyes, then looks up at Loki and back to you. Then out of nowhere, his demeanor completely changes.
“Loki and my daughter! I cannot believe this!” He says with a more happy tone, bringing them both into a hug, surprise etching Loki’s face. He pulls away and looks at everyone in the doorway, “You guys probably wanna get some hugs in too, huh? Big news!” He says the last part with jazz hands.
Everyone on the team who wasn’t aware files in for hugs and congrats, but the other four stay in the doorway.
Peter smiles, “Awh, no we’re okay, we’ve actually known for a while.”
The smile on Tony’s face vanishes.
“What? What? You guys knew?” He stalks closer and Peter jumps behind Natasha, “You all knew and you didn’t tell me?” His voice became raised again.
“W-Well, Tony, we were worried about you, okay? We didn’t know how you were gonna react.” Wanda explains.
Tony looks between the four of them before the weary smile appears again.
“You were worried about me?” He chuckles, “You didn’t know how I was gonna react?” He pulls all of them into a tight hug.
When he lets them go Thor speaks up, “Okay. What do you say we all, uh, clear out of here and let these two lovebirds get back down to business.”
Tony’s smile vanishes yet again and he turns to glare at the god.
“Hey, hey, hey. I’m just talking here. He is the one sleeping with your daughter.” He points to Loki.
Peter facepalms and Nat drags Thor away, Peter following suit. Peter collects Tony and nods to you and Loki. Everyone files back out of the room and the door closes once more.
After everyone left, there were a few seconds of silence before the two of you burst into hysterical fits of laughter.
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whump-town · 3 years
Everybody taking care of old Hotch because... I don't like it when old Hotch gets left to just die on his own :( don't ask why that's where I draw the line
No pairings
No warnings
In Jack’s second semester of his junior year, Hotch collapses again. He’s home this time, out in his garden under the glaring sun. The day had begun no different than any other. The birds on the powerline chirping and causing their disturbances, as eager for the day to begin as the school-aged children shouting in the street. He’d watched them from the sliding glass door facing the street, his tea warm in his hands. He’d waved at a few, the older ones who recognize him as a mystifying adult with stories to be unlocked. The younger children give him a face akin to a monster’s, his mystery horrifying in their already confusing enough lives.
It’s an hour before lunch. Two hours before Spencer shows up because it’s Thursday and he teaches a class on this side of town every Tuesday and Thursday at 2. One that he occasionally asks Hotch to attend -- as a guest lecturer, as a treat to his students, or just for the company.
He could call just about anyone.
Emily’s downtown, on her way back from a meeting with the Department of Justice. She’d be thrilled for an excuse to not go back to the office and spend an hour or two in his kitchen telling him about those pretentious assholes.
Garcia’s about ten minutes away, working at a nonprofit teaching “at-risk” kids how to code. Being the guiding hand she’d needed as a teenager so that they might not repeat the same mistakes she made. She was lucky, Hotch saved her but he’s not around to catch any more kids like her.
Morgan got hired by a family two streets over to fix up their house before they move in. He’s there now, tearing out rotting beams.
This collapse is not of the life-threatening kind. Not to Hotch at least. There’s no internal bleeding, no emergency surgeries. He doesn’t even need stitches but he’s on so many medications that thin his blood that it’s just on the safer side. From the hospital, he calls who he needs to. Reid first, he’ll worry when he gets to Hotch’s house and sees his truck gone. Then, Jack, it’s better to hear this sort of thing from him and not Emily in half an hour when she needs to yell at someone and who better than the son of the idiot she hates right now? Dave and Emily follow and he trusts them to carry the news the rest of the way. Rather, he simply doesn’t want to talk about it anymore and he’d rather Garcia and JJ and Morgan and everyone else just be mad at him than go on to have another conversation about how he’s feeling.
Fine. He just got light-headed. It was the heat and his perpetually low iron and probably his thin blood (the killer had been his blood pressure but they’re working on that). He just needs to get better about remembering to eat breakfast -- a larger breakfast than just tea and toast. Fainting, he assures Dave, happens. Jack’s seen it happen. The heat makes it worse, the summertime drains him. He’s come in from the garden and gotten weak in the knees plenty of times. He actually moved some chairs around the sliding glass door to the yard, prepared for this exact problem.
This over clarification does not help.
Made only the more complicated when he explains his head is fine. The fainting thing really isn’t a big deal, he just needs a ride home. He’d landed weirdly and pulled his back. He left with a new problem entirely, a torn ligament in his shoulder. That is a problem for a different day.
The surgery is set for the week just before Jack’s finals. Armed with a suitcase full of textbooks, his laptop, notes from this semester (and a few from last), and just enough clothes to recycle a few and still be fine, Jack shows up on his father’s doorstep. “I mean, the hospital isn’t exactly the library… but it’s not the worst place I’ve studied.” It’s far too late to send Jack back but Hotch is reluctant to let him stay. Even if he does prefer Jack be his ride rather than the likes of Penelope and that tiny green eye-sore of a car she drives or leave him to Reid and his defensive, jerky driving.
To the sound of “Aaron Hotchner November 2, 1971”, Jack settles down with his books. He tries to put himself in the right headspace for studying but it’s harder than he anticipated. The constant motion of the room unsettles him and he looks up several times to see his father’s reaction. To gauge the anxiety in his face, in the deep breathes that he pulls in through his nose. In how tight his fists are holding the sheets underneath him. It’s a simple surgery and they’ll be out of here in no time.
“Young” his heart had not handled the heavy sedatives and morphine well. Then again, those incidents are always hard to measure against a thing like this. Rushed into the ER with nine chest wounds and having nearly bled to death, it’s natural to conclude the stress of his depleted blood supply and his very recent trauma had caused his heart to stop on the table. That said trauma was the reason his heart had maintained to be a steady problem up until they released him. Again, when he was brought in with some of the worst internal bleedings the staff had ever seen. His heart had given them trouble too.
Jack is staring blankly at his flashcards when the doctor comes out.
Hotch had gone to Georgetown to be a lawyer like his father and his grandfather. Jack went to Georgetown to get an Art History degree. He was lead by something else. Not chasing some shadow, clutching at a lie he spoonfed himself. Jack didn’t live in anyone’s shadow, never felt the pressure to look and act a certain way. Was never beaten into submission or told to hold his tongue. Jack went to museums every Saturday with his father, preferred them to the aquariums and the zoo. Hotch held him close to the artwork, pushed his dense schedule around to go to new shows, and learned the names of pieces just to recite the knowledge back to Jack.
In his lap, Jack is memorizing pieces of art like his father had years ago for him. He’s stuck on The Anatomy Lesson, eyes glued to the details. The way colorless skin is held in forceps, peeled back to reveal angry red. He can feel the pinching teeth on his own skin, feels the heavy flow of hot blood spilling down over his arm.
Jack flinches, caught completely off guard. He stands, flushing as he tucks his notecards into his textbook, and stands. “Ugh, yeah. That’s me.” He wipes his hands off on his pants, rubbing away the nervous sweat he’s built up.
The doctor recognizes him from earlier. He’d watched Jack and Hotch get out one last goodbye. Jack pulling up a nervous smile, dirty-blonde hair, and light eyes a complete contrast to Hotch’s ever-darkening features. Somehow more solemn, voice taken by the sedatives already working through his body. He hadn’t said a word, eyes vacantly following Jack’s movements but unaware.
Jack expects the same monologue he hears every time. The one that comes out so dry and perfect that they must practice it in front of the mirror, say it softly to themselves as they as they get ready each morning. He’s got it memorized himself -- the bits about recovering in post-op, make a full recovery, and whatever on the fly timeline they give for access back to the room.
“But he’s-- He’s okay? He’s--”
Jack feels impossibly childish. Five years old and Emily’s chilled fingers brushing his tears away, “baby, I know you miss your mommy. But you’re being so terribly mean to your daddy.” He had been, a terrible little monster squirming away from his father and refusing to eat anything. Throwing tantrums about nothing and everything. Screaming and crawling under his bed every chance he got. Pushing himself to the wall knowing he couldn’t be reached.
Now he can remember Hotch just sitting at the edge of the bed. There on the floor for hours. Sometimes he read, would pick up a book, and just start from wherever just to make it so his voice was reaching where he couldn’t. He slept there too, on the hard ground just to make sure Jack knew he was there. Slipped strawberry pop tarts on crazily designed animal plated under there, offered bites of his own food to the darkness under the bed. Sippy cups full of chocolate milk and juice.
He feels like a little boy again, getting news that he has no idea how to handle.
“He’s okay?” Jack stammers. “He’s going to be okay? I can see him?”
Hotch remembers those days under the bed too. Waking up in the middle of the night as Jack groggily curled close to him, still under the bed but crawling under his blanket. The ends of those awful sobs, Jack’s little chest jerking as he hiccuped. The force of his sorrow was too much for his little body. And Jack would fall into his lap, exhausted and needing comfort. His little fingers tracing the scars on Hotch’s face. How he whispered “thank you” and “please” from underneath the bed and how he’d pop his head out to say, “Daddy, I’m going to potty. I’ll be right back.”
Jack’s legally old enough to drink now and Hotch still sees that little boy. The three-year-old wiping his snot on Hotch’s dress shirt. The six-year-old holding his hand and reminding him to look both ways twice before crossing the street. The eight-year-old he left the hallway light on for, old enough now to think he needed to brave the night without a nightlight. So Hotch would offer to keep the hallway light on, not for Jack but for him because he doesn’t like the dark. The ten-year-old sheepishly offering him a father’s day gift he bought with saved allowance, a t-shirt he’s now worn the words off of. The fifteen-year-old curling up beside him on the couch, seeking his comfort but not sure how to ask anymore. The eighteen-year-old as tall as him talking his ear off while he tries to get dinner ready, sticking his fingers in the pan and sitting on the counter.
How did he grow up so fast?
He’s not a little boy anymore. Hasn’t been for a long time.
The creaking of a chair moves Hotch’s attention and he looks away from Jack. Away from the sight of his little boy curled up on a cot, drooling onto a pillow and notebook still open, a pen dangling from his fingers. He looks over and Emily’s sitting up, her reading glasses precariously sat on the tip of her nose. “Oh look,” she mumbles. She stretches out, groaning as her joints complain from being held in this miserable hospital chair for hours. “You’ve decided to join the land of the living.”
Hotch watches her fold the thin black frames of her glasses up, gently sits them down by his hand as she stands up. Jack had called her, even though he promised he wouldn’t worry anyone. Hotch didn’t want anyone else coming to the hospital over something so small and though Jack protested that their concern wouldn’t be because he was bothering them but because they love him. The very same reason he’d come home is that people gather after these sorts of things. They need reassurance that he’s alive and he’s just going to have to accept that. They compromised in the end, everyone could come to smother him in worry after he got home from the surgery.
But Jack was scared. He called the only person he could think to, the woman whose role in his life that was never really clear. She’d gotten on him about his grades, smacked the back of his head when he said something stupid, and always let him taste-test her wine at Thanksgiving dinner. Emily knew things that not even Jessica knew and she could be sterner than both Hotch and Jessica and also more relaxed, more understanding. She was always there for both of them, in the same capacity as Jessica and yet her own unique one. A friend Hotch trusted and loved and Jack could understand that. His friends always wanted to know if they were dating and he knew intuitively that the answer was no but he would hesitate to try and explain. But he didn’t understand the gravity that pulled them together, adults and their relationships far too complex to fit it into his simple understanding of love.
He did understand she was the only person to call.
“What’d he do this time?” she asked and knew she was playing the wrong role for the wrong Hotchner because no sooner than she could ask she had an armful of Jack. She sat with Jack for hours, let him get his fear out. Held him while he sobbed, felt pulled to the past. When it was Aaron on her shoulder, terrified he’d lose his son. Life has this very odd way of bringing everything full circle.
“I bet you’re hurting.” Emily moves to the table and pours water into the little paper Dixie cup left by the nurses. “Been right dramatic this afternoon,” she informs him, a dissatisfied matter-of-fact tone in play. “I know you find that to be particularly taxing.” She holds the cup for him, gentle despite her annoyance. She’s close enough to see the iodine on his skin. Dark orange swipes across his pale skin, the smell burns with its strength.
He pulls greedily from the cup, mouth impossibly dry. Stopped only by how little she poured, he sinks back heavily into the pillows behind him. His shoulder hot and angry from forcing himself upright.
“They’re going to let you go in the morning,” she says, sitting back down. He won’t remember this in the morning. Emily holding his hand, whispering thickly how angry she is with him as tears fall down her face. How scared she was getting that phone call from Jack, racing down here to be a composed person to comfort his son thinking her best friend was in the morgue.
He’ll wake up with a pit in his stomach, residual feelings from the night before he can’t tie down to memories. Emily shows no inclination to repeat herself, just coldly informs him that she’ll have Penelope make him a cardiologist appointment (it’s unspoken that no one trusts him to do this himself). Jack walks on glass, close by but terrified of being pushed away. Hotch is too out of it to put up much of a fight, by the time the morning shift has their hands on him he’s silent. Properly dosed up for a ride home and out of his mind.
He’s groggily propped up on pillows, watching Jack and Emily fight over if he has the right to wear shoes or not. Emily wants to hold them captive, he won’t run off or refuse the wheelchair without them and Jack shakes his head, “he’s not our P.O.W, Emily. He’s even going to get that far if he does try to run.” He’s given his shoes but Emily makes a point to collect his cane, holds it while the nurse helps him into the wheelchair. He’s a flight-risk and she’s not going to trust him, he’s run off on her too many times for that.
At the house the other’s have gathered up, having nothing better to do evidently on a Wednesday at ten in the morning. Penelope’s frying eggs and bacon, the carnage it takes to feed their brood spread out on his kitchen counter. Reid sitting on the counter, Hank in his lap, and the two of them watching Penelope. Derek’s on the sofa, feet kicked up on the coffee table, and Savannah learning on his shoulder. Dave’s getting orange juice from the store declared them all lawless, and didn’t trust them to get the right kind.
Hotch is granted his cane to get back inside the house but Emily threatens to kick it out from underneath if he tries anything fast. He smacks her ankle and Jack has to actually step between them to keep them apart. It’s in times like these where Jack finds himself wondering how these two ever had any role in raising him at all.
“Don’t you have jobs?” Hotch asks, hooking his cane over the coat rack and toeing his shoes off. He ignores the hand Emily places on his arm, afraid he’ll knock himself over. He manages just fine, has the whole house set up so that every other step is within arms distance of something to lean on. Fingers trailing the back of the couch he limps past Derek, smiling when Savannah offers a soft “glad you’re okay”. She pats his hand and he nods back.
“Up for some food, sir?” Penelope asks and she’s not taking no for an answer. They might be having heaping servings of eggs and bacon and gravy and orange juice but she’s made two small bowls of oatmeal. She takes the medicine Jack tosses up on the counter, puts it at the end where the rest of his medication sits. “I cut up apples,” she tells Hotch with a wide grin, sliding the bowl in front of him. “Dashed a little cinnamon and sugar in there, it’ll stick to your bones. Keep you healthy.”
He’s at a healthy weight at the moment, not as thin as he leans to when he’s sick but with Hotch, it’s always a good thing to have some collateral weight for the “in case”. Lifting the spoon in his left hand he scoops some of the oatmeal up, doing his best to hide his annoyance at how weak his extremities still are. How his hand shakes under the light strain of the oatmeal. He looks up, watches Spencer carry Hank over to the highchair sitting at the table beside him. He’s distracted so Emily swoops in, takes his spoon from his hand, and tries his oatmeal. He lets her do it. He raises an eyebrow and she shrugs. She likes it. He nods, it’s pretty good.
Hank immediately knocks his spoon on the ground and makes a low whining sound in the back of his throat. “Hop help,” he whines, pointing down at his spoon. His speech is still developing so he pronounces help and hop nearly identically but Hotch understands the difference. He just can’t bend over like that. His right arm is still pinned to his chest in an intricate web of gauze and this sling.
“Reid,” Hotch calls. His voice is deep, strained from intubation and anesthesia. It makes him sound sick. “He’s dropped his spoon.”
Reid nods, he already knows.
Hank points to his shoulder and frowns, “Hop fall down?”
Hotch nods, that is pretty much what happened and at the same time, Emily sweeps in and tickles Hank. She presses kisses to his face and making him laugh loudly. “That’s what happens,” she says. “Hops is just old.” Hank is too distracted by the ongoing attack to defend Hotch not that a toddler rising to his defense is very helpful.
Hotch sighs as Jack comes up behind him, stealing his spoon too. He takes a bite of the oatmeal and deems it nearly as good as the kind that Jessica makes. Hotch wants to be annoyed by it and yet all he does is nod and finds himself smirking just a little.
Penelope calls everyone in for breakfast and Hotch ignores the kisses pressed to his cheek as people drag chairs to the table around him. To the hands that slide over his back, assurance of life he remembers Jack calling it.
Derek slides him a mug of tea, made exactly how he likes it. He sits across from Hotch, close to Hank in case either needs assistance. Emily sits to his left, slides her coffee up beside his tea so he can have some if he’s quick about it. Jack sits beside her and the rest is a blur, too much motion at once for him to take in without his contacts or glasses. Penelope slides a tea plate to him, his medicine on it, and kisses his head while he’s still scowling at the plate.
They don’t leave him alone all day.
He ends up taking a nap with Hank, the toddler’s sticky little fingers holding onto his shirt as he finds himself unable to fight off the effects of the medicine and his full stomach.
He’s squished on the couch between Derek and Dave, forced to watch baseball because he can’t worm his way upright again just yet.
They change the dressings on his shoulder, his teeth clenched tightly so that he doesn’t let anything slip.
At midnight he wakes up on the couch. Jack’s bedroom door is shut, he’s sleeping peacefully inside. His heating blanket is pulled up to his chin, the heat turned up all the way. He can’t remember getting into this state himself but he has a fate memory of JJ helping him move his hand to his mouth, encouraging him to take the pain killers before bed. Of Derek making sure he didn’t just fall straight over onto his side. He manages to find Dave stretched out on the Lazyboy -- the chair he got Hotch for his fifty-something birthday. He’ll wake up in the morning to more food being made in his lonely kitchen, JJ this time. She’ll make blueberry waffles.
If he’d wanted attention, Emily will tease the next morning, he could have just asked. And he didn’t even know he wanted this. He never finds the words to ask for it to continue but every Saturday morning it happens anyway -- his kitchen and living room full of pajamas and suits in varying degrees depending on who has what to do that morning. The fainting thing is not cool but he considers this to be a good trade.
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hello hello ^^ I saw ur post n i can actually relate to it haha I've been writing on tumblr for almost 3 years now? n I've already deleted the first blog I've ever made bc of the lack of any interaction at all :< (like yea there were notes but nobody really made the effort to talk with me ya know??) so I did another writing blog for another fandom n much more peeps have come n talked with me there but I'm worried I'm losing motivation since my posts arent getting that much interaction:/
but anyway! as somebody who has read ur work for like not exactly a year (but I'm almost there :] ) I will say ur one of the most talented genshin writers ever !! like,, I think the first fic I've ever read about u was the albedo fix where he blew up on the reader ehe idk the angst you wrote was just sooo beautiful I actually started crying ^^ n that's what I love about ur content, u write so beautifully, ur characterizations are on point and I cant help but reread ur stories to the point that I can actually memorize it lmao
n I have to say I started liking diluc very much solely bc of the way you write him?? like I'm so in love with him now bc I remember the way you've written him :)) n you know? ur like such a nice person in general djdjdjd I mean even if I'm awkward n all shy sliding into inboxes (I've only requested in one event I think) I'm so happy seeing u interact with everybody ^^ n honestly i admire you so much bc I'm not that confident in my writing so like i just read a lit of ur stuff n marvel at how well you consistently write!
I'm sure alot of us here feel the same way about u miss hazel ^^ ur really talented and I'm hoping to see you still inspired to write ehe. just be sure to rest alot and stay healthy bc u make my day (I hope this ask wasnt too long?? n I hope it made u smile hehe^^)
That’s a long time to be writing! I’m sure you’ve had so much practice over that time, I envy how dedicated you are -- though I’m sad to hear about you deleting a blog, it hurts to see that happen to people who love something. (I do want to say I’ve noticed slow downs lately, but considering your fandom, it could be impacted heavily by school (finals are rouuuugh on a lot of people))
wait waiit - that’s the first one you read >< i’m sorry!! that fic was so painful to write! Albedo getting upset at the reader broke my heart T>T (at least he has a lot more good stories now, poor bedo and reader) -- I seem to bring many to the Diluc side; I can’t help it, he’s got a hold on my heart and never letting go!
thank you for your kindness friend. in both me as a person and my works, I appreciate your words and reassurances. I will say that confidence in works you make might not always be around (sometimes I’m super happy with something and other times I’m not) but remember creators are our own worst critics - all we have is to keep trying, keep practicing, and moving forward (I hope people remind you how good your stuff is! it’s the small things that make a difference, am i right ;) <3 )
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accioxreparo · 4 years
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ink stains
synopsis: soulmate au in which every mark that appears on your body also appears on your soulmate’s body including, as you discover one day, drawings. Needless to say you’re determined to make your soulmate smile, even if you haven’t found them yet.
pairing: George Weasley x ravenclaw!reader
warnings: none
a/n: Hi I’m late to the party but @thoseofgreatambition is doing a soulmate theme night and I’m a ho for soumate au’s so hopefully mine is decent enough lol also I may or may not be writing one for fred too but it’s taking me ages so 
tagging: @the-hufflepuff-of-221b
When you were six years old you woke up one morning to dark stains splattered all over your face and arms. You were confused and quickly grew panicked, absolutely positive that you had contracted Dragon Pox overnight. It had taken an hour for your dad to calm you down enough so he could explain with a small grin that your soulmate must’ve spilled an inkwell on themselves. 
“What do you mean?” You had asked with wide, curious eyes.
“Well,” Your dad had reached for the bedside table and picked up a quil. “Everybody has a soulmate, Y/N. One day you start being able to see the marks that appear on your soulmate's body, permanent or temporary. For you, that day happens to be today.” He dipped the quil in a well filled with bright blue ink and handed it to you. “Why don’t you give it a try? Write your soulmate a message.”
“What if they don’t write back?” You had frowned then, suddenly worrying that maybe this mystery person on the other end would want nothing to do with you. 
“Well that’s okay,” Your dad had been quick to reassure you. “They might not be able to see the marks yet. But one day they will and I just know they’ll be ecstatic to know you’re here.”
After that day there was a constant stream of doodles all over you. Vines snaking up your ankle. Twisting patterns winding around your fingers. Planets and stars littering your collarbone area. Stripes of random colors all over your palms as you mixed new colors. The most detailed pictures were always on your left arm though, that was where you practiced new drawings. 
Occasionally you wrote a message but mostly you drew. Then one day you bought a book about charms to cast on drawings in Flourish and Blotts and you begged your dad every chance you got to cast them for you. After that at least a few pictures were always moving up and down your body.
When you got your very own wand at the age of eleven they were the first spells you practiced. By the end of your first year at Hogwarts you had mastered the whole book. Since then there was always a constant supply of different colored inks in your bag and pockets. The array of multicolored moving pictures that changed every day was your one connection to your soulmate. 
They had yet to write back. 
It had been ages since you first found your connection to your soulmate. You’d dealt with scars and bruises and occasional scribbled reminders but never once had you ever received even an acknowledgment of anybody seeing your drawings. 
You tried not to let it bother you, you really did. But it seemed like every single person around you had known their soulmate for years, in one way or another. Some days the smile you wore wasn’t quite genuine, the longing you felt growing a little deeper at times, but never once did you fail to decorate your limbs with gentle reminders that you were there for your soulmate to find on themselves. 
Not until that day. You were set to leave for school the next morning and your father had taken the week off of work to see you off. The two of you, your older brother, and your younger sister were probably too focused on the quidditch match you had going against each other in the backyard of your house. So much so that the bludger hit your way completely blindsided you. 
The match ended with panicked shouts, a trip to St. Mungos, and your left arm wrapped tightly in cloth bandages as it rested in a sling while your bones healed. 
It was only when you were sitting in a compartment on the Hogwarts Express that the strangest thing happened. Words scrawled in letters that weren’t your own had appeared on your right arm. 
Nothing new today? 
As you stared at the writing with wide eyes, more words appeared underneath those. 
I’m sure this is bending the rules but I had to know. Something’s wrong isn’t it?
Frantically you dumped out the contents of your bag, scattering them all over the floor of the compartment. You dug around the mess you had made until you found a self-inking quil. Just as you were about to write your response you caught sight of the bandages on your arm and gave a defeated sigh. 
“Would you like some help?” 
You looked up and saw Luna, a friend of yours a couple years below you, watching you with an amused smile. The two of you would always sit up late in the common room together, swapping theories and stories about anything and everything. 
“If you don’t mind,” You gave her a sheepish look and she only smiled before moving to sit next to you. 
“What would you like me to write?” Luna asked as she took the quil out of your hand. You smiled and told her, watching as she took your arm and wrote out your words for you. 
What makes you think something is wrong?
It was seconds later when you received your response. 
Not once in the six years since I’ve been able to see your drawings have you let a day pass where you don’t add new ones. What’s wrong? 
A smile graced your face and Luna was kind enough to help you continue the conversation happening on your arm. 
I’m fine. Just a Quidditch injury. I’ll have the bandages removed by tonight, don’t worry. 
Take your time. I don’t want you to hurt longer than you have to, love.
You were sure it was cheating, talking to your soulmate by writing messages on your arm. But if whatever soulmate forces were out there didn’t want you to talk to them then there shouldn’t have been such a simple loophole. 
That’s what comforted you late that night, now gently scrawling messy words quickly on your arm that had been broken only the day before. Never before had you been more thankful for Skele-Gro. 
Can I ask you something?
The print you wrote with was small on purpose, trying to keep as much room available as possible. It didn’t stop you, however, from doodling new little pictures on the back of your hand. 
Go for it.
Why haven’t you ever said anything before? Why now?
You stared at the words you had written for a few moments before sighing and heading to the bathroom that was connected to your room. Only after staring at the words covering both arms now for a minute or two did you start washing away the ink you had put there. 
For a minute you thought that you shouldn’t have asked. You stood in silence, watching as the remainder of the ink, the part written in your soulmates handwriting, was slowly washed away leaving only faint ink stains. Then to your relief a response came after it was all gone. 
I was worried. And let’s just say I’m not as artistic as you are, my talents lie in other places. 
For a second the writing stopped but then more words appeared, quicker than they had before. 
Also I may have missed seeing you draw new pictures for me a little too much.
You beamed at the words and walked back to your bed. After the curtains were pulled around it you lit the end of your wand and picked up your quil again. 
Do you like them? The pictures. 
The response was almost immediate. 
I love them.
“Miss Y/L/N.” 
You jumped in your seat at the sound of a voice calling your name. Slowly you looked up from where you were taking notes on nonverbal spells. Professor Flitwick stood only a few feet away with an exasperated look on his face. Meanwhile both of the Weasley twins sat at their desk looking quite satisfied with whatever they had just done. 
You’d been correct to assume they were behind whatever loud noise had been going on only minutes before. The desk the twins were sitting at was now charred and the other Gryffindors surrounding them were chatting excitedly about whatever it was you missed while your nose was buried in your charms book. 
Neither Fred or George Weasley missed the fact that you were trying and failing to keep back an amused smile.  
“You’ll be getting a new partner to do your project with,” Professor Flitwick lifted his wand and with a single flick a bag and a pile of unused textbooks was flying across the room and into the empty space next to you. “Mr. Weasley.” 
Both boys stood at the same time wearing matching smirks and chorused, “Yes, Professor?” 
You covered your mouth with your hand to stifle your laugh when Professor Flitwick sighed and shook his head upon realizing that he really should have seen that coming. “Mr. George Weasley. Come meet your new partner.” 
Oddly enough said person didn’t look disappointed by the new assignment at all. Instead he grinned as he approached you, sliding into the chair beside you easily. 
You could count the number of times you had spoken to George Weasley on one hand. The first time had been during potions when he’d asked to borrow some foxglove for a pompion potion. It wasn’t the potion you’d been assigned to brew but you hadn’t questioned it. The second time he’d walked up to you and your friends after a quidditch match to congratulate Ravenclaw on their victory against Slytherin despite the fact that none of you were on the team. And the third time was only a few weeks before when he asked to borrow a spare quil in transfiguration. 
You doubted he remembered any of that though. 
“So partner,” George leaned on the desk, head resting on one of his hands as he looked at you. “What do you know about,” He reached over to look at the piece of parchment you’d been taking your notes on. “Nonverbal spells? That’s our topic?” 
“It is,” You nodded and reached for your notes, hoping he wouldn’t flip over the parchment to see the drawings you’d absentmindedly doodled during the lecture. “Is that a problem?” 
“Not at all,” George’s smile turned softer then as he stared at you, a fact which you noticed. You turned away quickly as you felt your face burn, hoping silently that it wasn’t too noticeable. “On the contrary. From what I hear you’ve already mastered a few nonverbal spells yourself Y/N, dearest.”
You froze then, not sure which revelation surprised you more. The fact that apparently you had developed a reputation without you knowing or the fact that George Weasley of all people knew your name. 
You tried your hardest to fight the temptation to ask how he knew you and why. 
“Class is almost over,” Your words came out rushed and a little too loud to sound natural. It wasn’t a complete lie. In just ten minutes you’d all be dismissed and that was hardly enough time to make even a small dent into your project. “We should meet sometime before our next class to get started if we want to have it done by the due date.”
“You’re so...ravenclaw,” George spoke after a few moments. When you looked at him again he was still giving you that same soft smile, a different sort of glint in his eyes than the one you were used to seeing every now and then.
For a second your thoughts drifted to the words scrawled on your right arm and the pictures on your left. They were covered up by the sleeves of your sweater as they usually were but you could picture the words you and your soulmate had written to each other earlier that day clearly. 
“Is that a bad thing?” You found yourself asking, for some strange reason not being able to bring yourself to pull away from George’s gaze. 
“No,” He shook his head gently almost immediately. “It’s perfect.”
You had to give credit where credit was due. When it came down to it, George Weasley could in fact step up to the plate. 
Even now, an early Sunday morning the day after a trip to Hogsmeade, he sat right in front of you. 
You knew for a fact he had been up late the previous night causing his usual mischief alongside his brother. One of the Ravenclaw prefects had been patrolling the halls and you overheard him complaining about having to send the twins back to their dorm for the fourth day in a row when he entered the common room.
It had made you smile. 
You’d spent at least a couple hours each day alongside George for the past two and a half weeks. Some of that time had indeed been spent on your project but you found it easier to talk to him than you thought it would be. You couldn’t even begin to count the variety of tales he told you just to hear you laugh.
That, however, meant that the two of you had developed a tendency to avoid your work resulting in you being behind. The next day the two of you would have to present in front of the class. You had already gotten away with postponing the presentation twice. 
The first time you had told Professor Flitwick that you needed more time to gather as much information as the topic deserved. The second time George had eaten one of the products he had told you he was working on, one he called a nosebleed nougat. It had worked like a charm and the moment you left the classroom with him he ate another candy and it stopped.
It was the only reason the two of you had woken up at that godforsaken hour of the morning on a Sunday. There was simply no other option now.
“I think all of our research is done and I can write up some notes for us to remember during the presentation,” You reached for another roll of parchment from your bag to do just that before dipping your quil in an inkwell filled with bright blue ink. “But we still need to practice some nonverbal spells for the practical demonstration. What do you think we should -”
It wasn’t until you looked away from the pile of books in front of you and at George that you realized he had dozed off.  His head was resting on his arms which were crossed on the desk in front of him and he looked almost peaceful for once. 
The corner of a piece of parchment was sticking out from under one of his arms and suddenly you couldn’t help yourself. Slowly you leaned forward until you could reach the parchment and you began to sketch a field of flowers on the paper in various ink colors. 
You didn’t notice your own smile as you did so. 
Then the end of your quil brushed across George’s face and he almost immediately bolted up in his seat. After rubbing the sleep out of his eyes once more he looked over only to find you biting your bottom lip to keep from laughing. 
“You look suspicious,” George narrowed his eyes at you playfully when he saw the look on your face, still not noticing the addition to his parchment. 
“Do I?” You smiled then as you leaned back in your seat, crossing your arms in front of you. 
“You do,” He leaned forward on the desk again and the grin you’d come to see on a regular basis returned. “May I ask why?” 
“No reason at all. I’m just excited to learn some nonverbal spells is all,” You laughed as you stood from your seat, squinting a little at the late morning sun shining through the windows. “Speaking of, I’m gonna go search for some books a friend of mine recommended with some spells we could use.” 
“Do we not have enough of those here?” George said as he glanced at the pile of no less than seven books, none of which he could remember anything about. 
“Those are all on history and theory. We need something on practical application.” 
“Right,” George let out a sigh as he reached for one of the unopened books. “You’re lucky I like you. I can’t remember the last time I did this much reading for a project.” 
You hummed and then shook your head, a soft smile playing on your lips. “Don’t I feel honored.” 
“Just get on with it,” George glanced up from the pages of the book he’d been flipping through and at you again, this time with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Faster we finish with this, the sooner we can sneak into the kitchens for a late breakfast.” 
You were quick to agree. George watched as you disappeared behind one of the bookshelves. It was only when he was sure you were gone that he rolled up the sleeve of his sweater and reached for a quil, quickly scribbling a message to his soulmate on his right arm. 
When he was done writing the message he caught sight of the flowers that you had drawn on the corner of his parchment and he grinned. Almost absentmindedly he started drawing flowers around your own, albeit a little simpler than the designs you had made. It took a minute for his eyes to widen, quil falling out of his hand, realizing that the flowers you had drawn on the paper he had already seen dozens of times before. In fact, a variation of them sat on his left arm now.
Finally four hours later you and George sat in the kitchens which you’d found surprisingly empty. Breakfast and lunch had come and gone and the two of you had gladly accepted a variety of foods from a couple of the house elves. 
You were completely oblivious to the way George was studying you closely, trying as hard as he could to see if he was right. 
“Puddlemere United,” He said when he caught sight of the patch sewn onto the jacket you were wearing. “I take it you’re a fan?” 
“I sort of have to be,” You laughed a little when you saw the confused look flash on George’s face. “My dad is Puddlemere’s captain.”
“You’re joking.”
“I’m not, promise,” You smiled as you shook your head. Without hesitation you pulled off your jacket, flipping it around so the back was visible, and pointed to a navy blue crest with the Puddlemere United logo and the word ‘captain’ across it in bold, golden letters. “Has been for a few years now and here’s your proof.” 
But when you looked at George he wasn’t looking at the jacket at all. Instead he was staring at the variety of words and pictures covering your arms. You could see his eyes darting back and forth and quickly pulled your arm away and under the table. 
“Wait,” He reached across the table and took your hand in his, slowly turning your arm around so he could see all every single stroke of ink. You could only watch as he gently traced the designs with his free hand. 
The moment was soft, intimate in the purest way. You swore you could hear your own heart thumping louder each second that passed. It reached its peak when George placed your arm on the table in front of the two of you only to pull off the sweater he’d been wearing. It was then that the breath you were holding in left you. 
Every single ink stain on your arms was perfectly reflected on his. Now that you looked closer you wondered how you hadn’t recognized his handwriting right away, you’d spent the last few months writing back and forth after all. You’d been so focused on the drawings and the writing that you hadn’t noticed what, or rather who was right in front of you. 
“I knew it was you, you know.” 
Your laugh was light when you finally dared to look at George once more. He was looking at you with pure and utter adoration and you were positive you wore the same expression. “Did you now?” 
“I did,” George grinned as he took your hand again, more confident than he had previously been. “Remember our first year when I asked you for that foxglove? I was supposed to nick it from one of the shelves but you had your sleeves rolled up and I swore I saw the edge of the stars you had drawn earlier that day. I went to get a closer look but they were covered again.” 
“And I suppose it was the same thing in transfiguration a month ago?” You shook your head with an amused smile as you thought back to the encounter. It all seemed so obvious now.
“It was. Same thing with the quidditch match a few years ago too,” He leaned forward as if what he were about to tell you were a secret. Suddenly it was like he couldn’t let you go, not that he’d ever want to now that he’d finally found you. “What made me almost certain though was the little drawing you left on my parchment earlier. I knew I’d seen those before.” 
“Well I suppose it’s a good thing you’ve kept your eyes open unlike me apparently,” You were beaming as you glanced down at the matching pictures present on both of you. “What do we do now?” 
“I’m glad you asked,” George immediately stood, pulling you up with him. He grabbed hold of your jacket still sitting on the table and started pulling you out of the kitchens. “Now that we’ve found each other we’re going to make up for lost time.” 
“By doing what exactly?” You asked, eyebrows raised questioningly and a slight smirk on your face. 
“Head out of the gutter, love,” George laughed as the two of you walked back up the stairs still hand in hand. He looked down at you with a wild grin on his face. “We’re going on our first date if you’re up for it.” 
You agreed instantly and happily followed to wherever it was George would take you, just as you knew you always would from that moment on.
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just because you’re afraid it doesn’t mean you’re broken.
Titans 3.05
once more into the cold dark void of the internet with my stream-of-consciousness take on a superhero tv show...
spoilers ahead.
1. i cannot believe that among the first things i get to hear in this episode with my own two ears is the line 'eluded our overdudes'. why must you give me such pain along with so much joy, show?
1.5. scarecrow stringing jason along on this path to red-hood-dom is not something i would’ve ever expected, but does kind of make sense. 
1.55. i don’t know all the details of the original resurrection arc in the comics but i like that jason, weirdly, has a greater role to play in his own demise and rebirth? i think it makes it easier to draw a line between his past trauma, the demonstrably shitty and terrifying responsibility of being robin, the ways bruce and the titans wronged him, his responses to that, the reasons he turns to scarecrow, and his final evolution to red hood. it makes for a smoother character arc rather than a one that was interrupted for two decades before somebody went oh hey let’s resurrect that kid that the audience once voted to kill and make him an anti-hero!
1.75. what’s crane giving him? anti fear toxin? anyway, crane is a fucking creep and i’m not sure i want to see a whole lot of him on my screen.
2. oh, um, heads up: there’s a long sequence of unsteady cam + flickering lights right after the title card upto the 3:16 mark. it’s a bit headache-inducing so if you want to skip, you can go ahead and do that. 
2.45. that’s... weird... why would he dream about... donna...
ok, who am i kidding. i’m going to jump right into my theory about Why Titans Makes Sense Actually because the show itself is apparently not interested in explaining itself:
a) it makes no sense for jason to be conjuring up donna--who famously did not care much for him!--in his dreams. (he wasn’t even there when she died.) or for her to be telling him don’t go or there’s still time.
b) this leads me to think that that’s actually donna, in some sort of limbo between life and death, the kind of place where jericho used to be
c) rachel has demonstrated that she has the power to link the minds of the titans across great distances--she called jason and hank/dawn for help in 2.01, she linked up everybody later in the season, projected dick’s hallucination of his father into their brains without even realising she was doing it, and in the finale, she managed to get dick into conner’s brain. she’s in themyscira now. is this how she gets donna back to life? but reaching out to her in that non-space between life and death?
d) the next obvious question is: why isn’t donna appearing in the dreams of the other titans? she probably is, but they have better reason to be dreaming about her since they were actually close to her, unlike jason.
e) but why would she warn jason in particular? does she foresee jason entering the afterlife--however briefly? does she have an idea of what jason plans to do and what he will become?
f) anyway, more trippy mindscapes and weird psychic powers, yay!
2.5. my heart clenched when bruce comforted jason post-nightmare: clearly i’ve been reading way too much batfam fic. this is a side of bruce we haven’t really been told to expect by all the characters on the show calling him a ‘psychopath’ (*cough*unreliablenarrators*cough*) and him getting jason to speak to a professional speaks volumes about the kind of self-reflection he’s done post dick’s departure, and maybe some of the regrets he has with regards to how he dealt with dick’s traumas.
i mean, just look at him when jason dismisses his concerns! BRUCE IS TRYING JASON
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anyway, i have a whole lot more i want to say about this, but i’ll save it for later. 
3. i really like molly--and i love that she’s a friend from before jason got taken in by bruce, the implication that they meet up regularly and that she’s a grounding influence on him (tho clearly not grounding enough to not go along with his dumbass idea about confronting a child trafficker alone). 
3.5. aw, jason. robin was his armour against everything in the world that would throw him down and chew him to bits, but san francisco proved that even robin wasn’t enough to protect him. it’s really interesting how ‘disillusionment with the idea of robin’ is so integral to the traumas of both dick and jason but in such different ways. 
4. LESLIE!!!!!!! i even forgive her office being so goddamn blue because leslie! 
4.5. it makes so much sense for titans!verse leslie to be a therapist, because this show is so inward looking anyway, and therapist sessions are a useful tool to showcase this character work in a story. besides, at least in fanfic, leslie often seems to double up as a counsellor anyway. 
4.6. oh man. i’m not terribly convinced by walters’ red hood (tho i think that may be the point--argh. i’ll come back to this thought later. have to stop getting distracted!) but he plays the asshole kid that’s trying not to let any real emotion seep through really well.
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“you’d like me to punch you, wouldn’t you”
5. not sure what to think of batman’s little trophy case other than the show winking unsubtly at us and going look look - catwoman! the riddler! two face! you excited yet?! it’s like the scene from the end of amazing spiderman 2 when they were trying to drum up excitement for a sinister six spinoff by having harry osborne walk by a bunch of display cases with stuff from iconic villains in them.
... but then again, bruce does like to display a lot of shit in his batcave, including his dead robin’s bloodstained costume, so.
5.5. bruce is so soft with jason it’s killing me. beyond just trying to learn from his mistakes with dick, it speaks to his own genuine desire to balance his dedication to gotham with doing the best by his sons, although he’s often not successful with that. 
i love that titans is really playing the long game with bruce wayne, with each season and character-perspective sliding in fresh pieces of a bigger puzzle. titans’ bruce has always been a phantom of other peoples’ making, but now we’re getting the idea that he’s a whole lot more complicated than other people make it seem.
5.75. it really recontextualises some of his actions from previous seasons: the fact that he locked dick out of his security systems in 1.06 is likely his way of respecting dick’s independence and his desire not to be associated with batman/gotham anymore. jason knowing about bruce’s tracker while dick doesn’t is probably bruce trying to be more honest and upfront with his charges. bruce sending jason packing off to sanfran to spend time with the titans is probably not him passing on a big responsibility to dick (as i first uncharitably thought) but him trying to get jason out of the toxic influence of gotham for a while and a sign of his trust in dick as a leader and a mentor,
5.8. i mean, bruce is a prick, but he’s also human.
6. i think leslie is doing some good work with jason here, though she may have overstepped the line with her line about robin as a construct being projected by a man with BPD. her speculations about bruce’s diagnosis have no place in her session with jason, and if bruce confides in her, an egregious violation of patient-therapist confidentiality. 
(about the diagnosis itself... i don’t know. i can’t really confirm or refute this without a whole lot more information, and i’m not sure if the writer of this episode means BPD in the same way an actual professional might.)
6.5. i think a huge thing that gets missed out in a lot of recent comics as well as movies/shows is that bruce didn’t create the robin persona out of whole cloth. dick did. he’s the starting point of that legacy and to call it entirely bruce’s creation is blatant erasure of that. in fact, i’m surprised that dick doesn’t feature more in the conversations they’re having about the pressures of being robin. after all, the guy had been robin--bruce’s partner--for such a long time before jason. 
6.8. (and here’s the primal part of me that resonates the deepest with dick grayson--the Eldest Daughter part--that’s sort of resentful: that jason gets the therapy and softness and the learning from mistakes when it took years and years for bruce to reach out in any meaningful way to dick.)
7. oooh that was a great scene!
it’s fun to do these stream-of-consciousness live reactions, because the moment you step down from your soapbox, the episode goes right into tackling what you were just complaining about. bruce means well, he’s learning, but he goes about exactly the wrong way to help jason: taking away robin now can’t be read by jason as anything but a devastating judgment call from bruce. and iain glen really sells the moment that bruce realises this--too late--and his helplessness in trying to get jason to see that it isn’t jason’s fault that he’s trying to do this. he loves jason enough that jason is enough. 
7.5. aaaah so jason brings up the elephant in the room at last. dick got everything makes sense from his perspective, where getting to put on a costume and fight crime means approval, means being something stronger and better than you are. dick got to be robin, then nightwing, and a leader of a whole team of other costume-clad heroes. 
8. ... how did jason just walk into arkham????? this is ridiculous.
8.3. i mean, clearly jason’s not thinking straight, but betraying batman like this puts his possibilities of being robin again even further away. 
8.5. watching that chemistry experiment montage was strangely funny. this guy is looking for an antidote to fear? well, constantly mixing up and inhaling gases concocted by a mad-scientist supervillain is something only the very fearless--reckless to the point of foolishness!--would do. what’s to say crane’s not given you a formula for a drug that will keep you tethered to his every will and whim? hmmmm?
8.7. so he sought out the joker to... test the formula??? 
9. wow the “loud and clear... boss” hits different after a whole episode of them referring to each other as father and son.
9.3. waitwaitwait HOLD UP. wait a DANG MINUTE. you’re telling me that scarecrow had enough resources that he could not only have folks on the outside steal jason away and dunk him in a lazarus pit (i TOLD you that this show would bring up and dismiss ra’s al ghul in a ten second aside! I TOLD YOU) but also have his own little chemistry lab in the basement, AND have enough resources for jason to build his red hood persona???????? all of this in barely twenty four hours?
well there goes my ‘jason orchestrated his death’ theory. it was nice while it lasted. *cups hands to the sky* fly away, my baby.
9.6. a part of me is gleeful at the rushed nature of such an iconic transformation though, especially when compared to all the character work that went before it. we’re so used to getting the opposite that it’s fucking delightful to have a show that’s more interested in exploring its characters’ minds rather than battle scenes or recreating transformations from the comics. that’s taken such bold and exciting steps to fully convey all the nuances of its most recognisable character, bruce wayne, from casting an older actor to play him to unflinchingly showing just how damaging the vigilante lifestyle has been to him and the people he loves. BRILLIANT
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10. again, heads up: a whole lot of flashing lights between 40:28 and 42:00. 
10.3. i guess it’s the super-compressed timeline that’s really throwing me off. where did he have the time to get/develop the mind control thing from? or is it something that he got from the cabal of villains that he intimidated at the beginning of 3.02? very messy.
10.5. i love molly, i hope she shows up again this season.
11. aaaand that’s it! that was a solid episode as flashback episodes go, but now i can’t wait to return to the present.
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