#well they'll take it down right??? cause you can prove it
pastafossa · 2 years
its easy for people to say you’re being dramatic when its not THEIR work being plagiarized.
your frustrations are 100% valid and im sorry you’re having to go through this again. if this is the only method that works, then do what you need to do in order to protect your work.
Ty, anon. I'm definitely frustrated with the whole thing and it's exhausting. And like, on the one hand I get it. This might seem like a 'whoa' escalation, and why can't you let this go/talk privately/go easier? And that's what I did the first few times it happened to me. I tried letting it go, only for more and more to be taken the longer it was ignored. I tried asking privately, repeatedly for the work to be taken down or even just for my elements to be removed from the larger story, before going to Wattpad and AO3 when I was ignored or waved off. Hell, I tried that with the Impasta/Big Plagiarist - I was literally sending (ignored) messages in an attempt to get it resolved between us before I finally posted about it and everyone pushing got it taken down. Only for her to come back maybe a month later and do it again, rinse repeat. And now this, what, a month after that? Even if this last one's not the Big Plagiarist, this is really bad timing.
I've tried gentle and reasonable and quiet and private and begging and gotten nowhere. I've got literal notes in the A/N of TRT telling people it's not ok to do this. I've talked to other fic writers who've been plagiarized like this and they've had similar results, to the point that some have just taken down their work or taken very long hiatuses when it kept happening (I'm not taking down TRT, don't worry, cause I love it; this is just more about the absolute frustration and hopelessness some fic authors feel when this happens). People just keep doing it even though they know it's wrong, and I just don't know any other way to make this stop than applying public pressure.
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38riku · 24 days
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making the phantom bride final four feel things (it's my favorite event sue me)
warnings — suggestive? light flirting.
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"stop glaring or i'll mess it up."
as if to prove your point, his brows pinched further, causing you huff in irritation. "okay. what's wrong? you were psyched up like two seconds ago."
"yeah, well, that was two seconds ago and now is now." his rebuttal caused you to roll your eyes. 'boys' you thought as a viable excuse before trying yet again to straighten his eyeliner.
his eyes darted around the room where the others did similar things: riddle fixed his lapels, epel examined his bouquet, and rook practiced his lines, everyone was unaffected by the current circumstance.
not the rampaging bride that is going to doom a teenage boy to the eternal afterlife, no, the fact that you were straddling him in a small vanity chair.
why was such a compromising position seen so casually? now that he thinks about it, the two of you were rather touchy – piggyback rides, you holding his arms, hugs, etc. – still, this is really teetering the line of friendly affection.
"done!" beaming, you leaned back a bit, causing him to hold on to your waist a bit firmer to keep you upright. "riddle! you have a keen eye, is it straight or what?"
the house warden walked over to the two of you and ace was sure he'd call out how inappropriate this is, but he didn't. instead, he nodded and complimented you on your handiwork.
"no need to thank me." you snorted, getting up to go help the others.
riddle chuckled, patting his freshman on the shoulder as he spoke, "are you upset that they're casually intimate with you or are you upset they might act like that with someone else?"
"w-what?!" ace's cheeks flushed red.
"i may be romantically handicapped but i'm more perceptive to it than you think. i can only suggest to say something sooner than later."
he lowered his head, still blushing, diverting his gaze away from your swaying figure as his house warden's words sunk in.
damn. he did want it to mean something.
ace doesn't know which is more embarrassing: his crush on you or that riddle was the one to make him realize.
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"may i offer a suggestion?"
riddle hummed, meeting your eyes in the vanity mirror. "and what might that be? it's impossible to elevate perfection, you know."
ignoring his arrogant statement, you took a seat, propping his collar up and undoing his tie. "i think you'll stand out more it you tie it differently." you explained your actions, pausing momentarily until he nodded for you to continue.
he watched as you knotted and twirled the fabric, straightening it here and there, and you were done a minute later.
"a bow? it's rather ... cutesy."
"but you're cutesy."
riddle choked, coughing loudly and catching the attention of the other occupants of the room. as they began to walk towards him, he waved them off, effectively keeping them away from his flustered form.
"w-why would you–"
"the cuter you look, the less they'll take you seriously, and as one of the strongest mages left that's perfect for us to break their defenses."
of course, you meant it as a battle advantage – that is your area of expertise, after all.
"don't look so surprised." you joked, flattening out his collar and he hopes you can't feel the heated blush on his neck. "you were thinking the same thing too, right?"
"no, actually... i can't say that i was."
you tilted your head sideways, doubting his words but dropping the subject. "well, from now on don't look down on being cute, kay?"
standing from your seat, you left his vanity to tend to grimm, who, was arguing with ace about who knows what.
if he had half a mind he'd scold them both and cut off the small feline's magic, however, his mind was completely blank.
cute. you think he's cute.
riddle didn't take it as he usually would. for some off reason he felt giddy inside, wishing you meant it in a different ... more flirtatious manner. the poor boy has zero experience but wishing might work, right?
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"you need to talk normally to us so they won't be suspicious. try again."
if rook wasn't used to a strict training regime he'd undoubtedly call you a harsh teacher, but, as a lover of all things beautiful and magnificent he tossed the thought aside.
"no can do mon cherie. her actions are horrendous and nowhere near beautiful." he signed, placing a hand over his wounded heart. "but you, darling, are as heroic and magnificent as ever."
he watched as you rolled your eyes, placing a hand on your hip as you began to reprimand him for his lack of seriousness.
although he heard the words coming from your mouth, he couldn't help but focus on everything else.
despite not being a contender in this entire ordeal you were still dressed beautifully. the color is ethereal on you, he must make note of the hue for later ... and whatever scent you adorned had his senses on ten.
don't you know never to where perfume when there's a hunter nearby?
"rook! are you even listening to–"
all too suddenly he had your hand in his, the other gripping your waist firmly to keep your surprised form upright.
"let me give it to you straight then. the unseen beauty of your compassion and tender heart outshines that of a world class model. not that you aren't attractive, no, no, quite the opposite."
"how greedy can you possibly be?"
deep. rich. clear. his voice was positively enthralling when he dropped that phony accent (it does have a charm of its own in your opinion)
"perfect!" you beamed, his grip on you loosening in surprise of his own. "i knew you could do it. she'll be knocked off her translucent feet i tell you!"
rook allowed you to walk away, scolding epel who wiped his makeup off for the ninth time deeming it unmanly.
he couldn't help but laugh. he broke character, purposely, but he did nevertheless, and don't think he didn't notice the flash of attraction in your eyes.
never let your guard down in front of a predator, mon cherie.
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"i swear on the seven you'll have more problems than a poof of blush if you keep testing my patience."
epel felt a chill run down his spine at your words but he stood his ground. he let you do the liner, tousle his hair all nice, and even spray a painfully potent cologne – but he draws the line at that pigmented puff of doom.
"i'm telling ya i'm not wearing that!" he argued back from the other side of the table. the two of you were playing chicken to the amusement of the others who were nearly done with their preparations.
"stop being a big baby!"
"i ain't no baby!"
he flinched back as you narrowed your eyes in a glare. for a moment, he felt sorry that grimm had to live with such a scary person.
"fine. don't wear the blush." you slid the compacted container to his side of the table, raising your hands in surrender.
"let me redo your hair then. it'll fit the look better, baby."
yeah. that's right, you better listen when he — wait, baby?
you pushed him down in the nearest chair, undoing the small ponytail you had before in favor of something else.
epel thought this earlier but your hands did feel amazing as you twirled and pinned his hair. he nearly fell asleep the first time but he knew better than to let down his guard.
"what do you think of this, baby?"
you were teasing him but jeez, why did it make his heart race?
"doesn't matter what i think." he huffed, and you laughed softly at the statement.
"well, i'm no ghost bride with unnaturally specific standards but you look good, baby." this time, you drawled out the pet name, winking, and then leaving him alone to question everything.
in the end he came to the conclusion that he should've just let you put the damn blush on.
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© 2024 — 38riku. Do not copy or repost or plagiarize my work. All Rights Reserved.
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maddiethedog2 · 22 days
Proper Supervision
You never should trust a little unsupervised. Who knows what sort of trouble they'll get up to or what rules their break if they aren't properly watched or restrained? Nothing is worse than coming out of your bedroom to find your little one trying to sneak into the bathroom to use the potty for their stinkies rather than their diaper.
More importantly, constant supervision is an essential part of reminding your little that they are not and will never be an independent adult again. It's impossible to think of yourself as a person big and responsible enough to care for yourself when your caregiver doesn't trust you enough to leave you alone for a minute.
But, constant in-person, supervision by a single caregiver is impossible. Caregivers have adult responsibilities that littles will never understand such as work, social lives, and using the potty. So, that begs the question, how do we, as caregivers, fill that gap?
When you can't watch your little yourself, calling in back up is a tried and true solution. But, who do you call? The options are endless.
For instance, when in a pinch, you can always call in your little one's biological Mommy or Daddy. Who knows better (besides yourself, of course) how to wipe your little's stinky bottom than the people who have been doing it from the beginning?
But, Mommy 1.0, isn't always an option, so, who else can you turn to? Friends are always another great source of support. Do you have a best friend who you know your little diapered buddy has been nursing a cute little crush on for years? Make sure it's never acted on by calling that friend over to babysit while you're out on a date with a REAL adult.
But, you don't just have to rely on your own friends. Your little one's adult friends can be a great resource too! Nothing will eliminate the possibility of your little feeling like an adult again than their best friends, their only hope of escape, laughing at them as they squat down and load their pants with yet another stinky, brown load.
The options don't stop there! Does your little brat need taken down a peg? Were they prideful and mean prior to being forced to accept their rightful place as your adorable little bean? You can always find a babysitter who reminds them of just how far they've fallen.
Do you remember that attractive co-ed neighbor that your little used to babysit (and maybe torture) in their old life? They're an adult now. Nothing will put your little one back in their place quite like having their diapers changed by someone they used to care for themselves! And, if your neighbor decides to take out some well-deserved revenge, all the better.
But, none of these options hold a candle to my personal favorite choice for a temporary caregiver: a middle. A middle is one of those poor 'adults' who by choice or their own poor behavior who will forever be treated as nothing more than a moody little middle schooler by their partner.
Middles make great babysitters for a number of reasons. First, they don't let littles get away with anything. Whether it is a malevolent streak caused by the feeling of superiority they get from having a charge of their own or the desire to prove how 'big' and 'responsible' they really are in order to regain some semblance of adulthood, middles do a great job at keeping littles in line.
Second, and more importantly, using middles as babysitters also keeps the middles in line. There is nothing quite like the look of fear on a middle's face as they look at a little and learn that, but for a few different choices, they too could be crawling around in a messy diaper like the former adult in front of them. Plus, if things go wrong (or right, depending on your perspective), in a few short months, the middle you hired as a babysitter may be a little that you are arranging a playdate with.
Baby Monitors
Hiring a babysitter is not always a reasonable solution for when you just can't be physically present with your little one. Either the time frame you're out of the room is too short (sometimes you just need to take an uninterrupted trip to the bathroom) or you can't find help in time. That's where technology has kindly stepped in to allow for 24/7 supervision, even when there isn't a real 'adult' immediately around.
Getting the right baby monitor is essential to proper supervision. Of course, there are the classic models that only convey noise. They are cheap, but not very effective. Especially bratty and willful littles can easily overcome the modicum of surveillance that they provide. What is truly essential for proper supervision of your little one is a monitor that transmits both video and audio recordings. With that level of technological sophistication, you will always know precisely whether your little one is obeying all of your rules or trying to take advantage of your absence.
I would suggest a few features in addition to standard audio and visual surveillance, however. First, I would suggest that any baby monitor have the ability for the caregiver to remotely talk to their adorable, little pamper packer. Nothing will stop a naughty little brat in their steps like the disembodied voice of a caregiver calling them out for their bad behavior.
An even more important feature is the ability for the monitor to record and save what it monitors. Sure, being able to immediately check on your little one and make sure they are obeying your rules at that moment is good. What's better is the ability to go back and make sure that your little was following their rules during the entirety of their 'independent' time.
More fun, the ability to record, save, and replay segments of what your choice of baby monitor sees is a great tool to remind your diapered charge how little and pathetic they really are. Is your little one complaining about how they don't need diapers? Replay a compilation of clips showing them making stinkies in their padded pants. Are they telling you that they don't like being treated like a baby? Replay the last time that they made tried to make secret cummies humping their favorite stuffie. With the proper baby monitoring system, you can constantly re-enforce their status with audio and visual evidence.
For bonus points, create a 'best of' video of your little's most embarrassing moments. Replaying the video can serve as both an excellent punishment, as well as the perfect show to watch while cuddling with your little one just before bedtime.
For particularly bull-headed littles, a baby monitor is just not going to be enough to keep them behaving when their caregiver isn't around. In that situation, there is always the old reliable method to maintain proper behavior: physical restraints.
When the fear of being caught just won't work, your supervision may need to come in the form of restraints. How much you lock down your little really depends on their behavior.
Does your little refuse to agree that they need diapers and refuse to wear them? A locking diaper cover and locks on the bathroom door may be enough to gain compliance.
Does your little pamper packer like being a baby a little too much? That same locking diaper cover supplemented by extra padding and locking mittens may be needed to keep your little one acting like the perfect little angel you know they can be.
Is your little just a naughty little brat who tries to get into trouble in any way possible? Being tied to a crib or locked into a crate may be the only option for you.
Proper supervision is an important part of the caregiver/little dynamic. Consider all of your options and use the ones that are best for you, so you can really see your little truly accept who they are!
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theteasetwrites · 4 months
Begin Again
Chapter 3: Éveil
❧ Media: The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon ❧ Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Female Reader ❧ Era: Season 1 ❧ Pronouns: she/her ❧ Warnings: none ❧ Word Count: 5.5k
❧ In This Chapter: You awaken in what seems to be a convent, crawling with nuns. When you find Daryl, you must come up with the next move in order to get home, but your current circumstances complicated things as your trust in the strange nuns proves thin.
❧ A/N: Hey there! Long time no see. So um I'm still doing this writing thing, believe it or not. And I'm working on this series slowly but surely. The second season of DD is supposedly coming out in September, so I have some more time to finish up season 1! Well, as much of it as I can. Anyway, enjoy this long-awaited third installment. Reader meets Isabelle... there's some tension there for sure. But who knows? Maybe they'll become friends <3
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You woke with a start, your heart racing as soon as your eyes shot open. Above you, there was a thin drape of natural linen—a canopy. Underneath you, a rather firm bed.
Looking around, you tried to make sense of your surroundings, to assess your safety. No walkers, but the place was so different from the last you remembered. What stood out to you most was the crucifix, directly across the room and mounted high upon the wall. A less than welcoming motif.
At your right, a small wooden table, upon which sat a burning candle with wax beginning to drip down the iron holder. A glass of water was beckoning to you, so you sat up quickly, tearing the neatly tucked blankets off your body and reaching over to take it in your hands. The liquid soothed your sore, dry throat as you drank it greedily, letting it dribble down your chin and onto some fabric that adorned your body. You looked down—you weren’t in your own clothes, but a white woolen frock that reached your calves. You’d had an extensive collection of nighties and lingerie back at home, but this was much more… modest for your taste, with wool sleeves and a high neckline that threatened to cut off your breathing. 
Without another moment’s hesitation, you raised yourself to your feet, bundled up in thick hand-knitted socks that protected them from the chill of the old wooden floor beneath you. You moved slowly, steadily, until your dizziness took over, causing you to grasp at the bedside table and shake the wobbly little structure until the glass fell to the floor, breaking into a hundred tiny shards.
But that was hardly noticeable to you as you came to, remembering everything you could before you had blacked out: the young French woman and her grandfather, the two paramilitary men, the mysterious blurred figure approaching as your eyesight faded to black… Your memory faded in and out after that, with only snippets of what must’ve happened since you passed out. You recalled what seemed to be… nuns. They were women dressed in long white gowns, their heads shrouded in hoods that framed their faces. 
That wasn’t all you remembered, though. There was a faint memory of a scream echoing through your mind, a scream that you’d only heard a few times in your life, but you knew it. It was a scream of agony, which had riled you up in your stupor as the nuns had tried to restrain you last night. You recalled the panic, the fear as you heard him cry out in abject pain, the screams echoing through the walls from somewhere else, somewhere not too far away.
The memory made you move, your shaky but determined steps taking you towards the door of the room you’d been seemingly confined to, with several other unoccupied beds lining the walls. But your head was dizzied from the sudden movement as equilibrium took its time to set in. Your body careening swiftly towards the wall, you clung to the dark fabric of a curtain. The light of the window it draped over was enough to shock you into coherence, or at least some semblance of it. Pushing back the fabric, your eyes adjusted to the bright, cool light of the morning. 
The window gave way to a new scene playing outside, in a courtyard. You made out old, pale bricks forming elaborate arches encircling a slightly overgrown, yet somehow cared for, garden. Tall cypress trees that seemed particularly well maintained reached up to the open air, where voices echoed between the walls of the courtyard. Speaking in French, of course, so you couldn’t make heads or tails of it, but a child’s voice chimed above the others. 
As your eyes began to collaborate with your ears, you pinpointed the child in the courtyard—a boy. Or at least, you assumed to be a boy. You couldn’t make out his face, as he was wearing a… helmet. A silver knight’s helmet that must’ve compromised his vision as he stumbled around, two rusty tin cans strapped to the bottom of his feet to make him almost taller than the nuns that playfully chased him. In his hand, a small wooden sword. 
Chickens scurried around as the boy wobbled on his tin cans, brandishing the sword at the veiled women chittering around him in amusement. The boy could not keep balanced, however, making a wrong step as he lunged towards the nuns, only to stumble onto the ground. A few of the nuns quickly swarmed him, doting on the boy with pitiful “aw’s” and other expressions of overbearing, smothering concern that you as a mother were not unfamiliar with. 
But this scene was just a distraction, a pointless waste of time that could’ve been spent finding your other half. Pulling yourself away from the support of the wall, you pressed on towards the door. You stumbled forward, just about to reach for the doorknob when the doors were pushed open from the other side, startling you backwards momentarily. 
A young nun, one you could vaguely recognize, stood in front of you, her dark brown eyes wide and her hands outstretched as if to usher you back to bed. She couldn’t have been much older than twenty.
“Qu’est-ce que tu fais?” she exclaimed slightly, though you could not bother to even attempt to translate with what little you had picked up from your French-to-English dictionary. 
The nun came forward as you tried to side-step around her, but her hands grabbed onto your shoulders, her worried face matched up with yours. This time, she spoke in English, “You must lie down. You need rest.” 
Dizzied but determined, you shook your head so hard you swore you could feel your brain bouncing off the interior of your skull. “No.”
Despite a brief struggle, you pushed past her, limping slightly as you came into a narrow hallway that opened into a bright corridor of arched windows, letting in the nearly blinding sunlight that momentarily obscured your sensitive vision. 
There was no time to ask questions, and no time to wonder how on Earth you ended up in a… convent. All that concerned you now was finding Daryl, whose cries of torture and pain still echoed inside your head. God only knew what they had done to him, and you didn’t trust a nun as far as you could throw one. Though you yourself hadn’t grown up Catholic, you’d had a childhood friend who did, and her horror stories of the corrupt church she grew up in were enough to keep you mostly guarded when it came to Catholicism and its most ardent practitioners.
You could feel the nun behind you, walking quickly to keep up with your pace. At one point, she grabbed your wrist, pulling you back to look at her again. You huffed in aggravation, combined with the irritability that accompanied your worry. 
“You must rest,” she said, squeezing your hand gently. 
But you yanked your hand away, too frustrated to even try to say anything back. You turned around again, making your way to the first door across the hall, in the hopes it would lead you to wherever Daryl might be. 
The large wooden doors creaked as you pushed them open, into a room not unlike the one you’d woken up in. Much the same, actually, except for the bathtub at the far end of the room, on which your eyes set first, because Daryl’s soaking wet head turned around and looked your way, his face relaxing in relief, yet still cautious as the nun beside him looked up at you, dropping the wet rag in her hand into the water. 
You’ve got to be kidding me. 
Your lips tightened as your back straightened to stand up a little taller, more rigidly. The wave of relief that washed over you was soon overpowered by combined confusion and embarrassment… with just maybe a tad bit of irrational resentment of the rather attractive French nun ostensibly bathing your naked and possibly disoriented husband. You supposed you had a right to be just a little skeptical.
“You’re awake,” said the nun, smiling at you in a way you could not quite find very comforting. Her intention seemed innocent, as did that of the other nun, but perhaps you just could not get past the habit, yours and hers. “I see you’ve met Sylvie.”
She nodded towards the nun behind you. You followed her gaze. The younger, shyer nun bowed her head, remaining silent before scurrying away. One less nun to deal with, you supposed. 
“My name is Isabelle,” she said. Her English seemed more confident than that of Sylvie, her accent sounding almost more English than it did French. “You must be (Y/N).” Isabelle must’ve sensed your immediate discomfort at the fact that she seemed to already know your name. She perked up to say, “Daryl was quite concerned about you, asking where you were. Of course, you were asleep.”
“And now I’m awake,” you replied softly, but with a somewhat stern tone. 
In your mind, you faced a very sudden dilemma, an almost amusingly irrational conflict of thoughts. What you knew in your head and your heart to be the most sensible belief was that these nuns seemed good-natured, taking in two injured strangers and providing them shelter. Perhaps they could even somehow aid in your journey home. After all, that was what you wanted: people who could help. 
But there was that doubt that contradicted all your hopeful rhetoric. That possibility that these nuns could be some sort of a clandestine cabal of cannibals or a bloodthirsty band of brutes in disguise as meek servants of God. You’d seen stranger things before, heard of stranger things, too. It had to always be considered when approaching new groups, especially in a world where the likelihood of someone killing you was higher than the likelihood of them helping you with seemingly altruistic intent.
And then, of course, was the part of you that you were embarrassed to even think about. The part of you that was purely annoyed at this Isabelle for having the audacity to bathe your husband… But you had to repress that thought, because you knew it was just a very petty, irrational, ridiculously juvenile jealousy that was skewing your first impressions of this woman. 
However, you figured you’d cut yourself a little slack and allow yourself the momentary annoyance, considering you’d never once in your relationship ever been jealous of another woman. You figured this one moment of weakness wouldn’t sully your track record, especially considering just how much your skull felt as though someone had reemed into it with a battering ram. 
The silence did not become less awkward, of course, only more heavy, with you practically staring down this strange nun whose balance of gentleness and seriousness seemed to challenge yours, and with Daryl sitting naked in a bathtub, probably not very comfortable.
“Well,” sighed Isabelle, picking up a few towels in her arms as she walked by you, that small smile still on her face, “I’ll go fetch you some fresh clothes.”
Your eyes followed her as she shut the doors behind her. You couldn’t help but be suspicious, after all.
With a huff, you quickly moved to the large tin tub at the center of the room, where Daryl began to lift himself out, but you wordlessly stopped him, kneeling down and gently grabbing his shoulder with enough pressure to coerce him back into the soapy water. 
You eyed his skin carefully, searching for any injuries you might’ve not seen, or ones that he might’ve gotten while you were asleep. The one that drew the most attention, though, was the hand-shaped burn on his left forearm, the one that worried you so much that you were sure you’d dreamt about it in your restless sleep.  
It looked different now, much more healed, despite the clear indication that it had been through more trauma—more burning. In fact, you knew the look of it.
“They cauterized it,” you said to yourself, taking the cloth the nun had left floating in the cloudy lukewarm water. You rolled up your long sleeves and took his arm, carefully washing around the wound. “I heard you screaming last night. I thought they had you in some… medieval torture device.”
He watched you intently scrubbing further up his arm, your face concentrated on the task at hand, as if you were inspecting Isabelle’s ability to properly bathe him. Afterall, you were the world’s only authority on the subject. 
“Was just a hot stick,” he said, the soft gravel in his voice offering immediate relief to your somewhat frazzled state. “Said it stopped it from spreading.”
The term spreading frightened you. Did that mean the burn would’ve covered his whole body? Or that the burn soon would’ve caused Daryl to turn? Everyday you learned more about a new walker variant, you missed the days when you assumed they were all the same basic dead people with a propensity for biting things.
“Well,” you said, “I’m glad they did it.” That was about the only courtesy you would offer those nuns. 
Now dabbing the cloth along his collar bone, you began to reach his neck and face, where wet strands of his long dark hair clung like sinuous clumps of tangled seaweed. Your other hand carefully pulled back each piece of hair until you could properly see his face—the scar that ran over and under his left eye, and the new cut on his forehead that still worried you. 
“I wonder if they have something to put on that.”
“She did,” he said, and for a moment, you had no idea who he meant. “The, uh, nun.”
Oh, her.
Chewing his lower lip, in the way he often did, he grumbled a low, “Mhm.”
“She… put it on?”
“Yeah. Honey garlic, or somethin’.”
Honey garlic? What a bitch.
“That was nice of her.” You swallowed hard, annoyed by how annoyed you were. She did something nice, she helped your husband. Your sudden jealousy almost terrified even you. 
Of course, Daryl could sense it, that odd feeling of distaste you had for her actions. He knew you well enough to know that, when it came to taking care of him, you were the only one qualified to do so. Anyone else stepping on your toes, albeit well-intentioned, was going to get you a little bit out-of-step.
It was almost amusing, though, he had to admit. Afterall, he’d never seen you like this. It was subtle, but he noticed it, and it was clear that you were, despite all your composure, a bit jealous.
Daryl knew jealousy very well. It was a silly emotion to have in the context of your relationship, considering there was no distrust nor betrayal in any sense, but sometimes, he simply couldn’t help his attitude when a man back in Alexandria or the Commonwealth or even back at the prison got a little too comfortable around you. He’d never do anything irrational, but his thoughts would run wild, mostly born of his own insecurity. 
“Don’t think I’ve ever seen ya jealous before,” he said, watching you lift his arm to scrub underneath. 
You almost dropped his arm as you looked at him, wide-eyed, then broke out into a small laugh, as if to hide your embarrassment. “Jealous? Jealous of what?”
He tilted his head at your act. He knew you knew exactly what he meant. “The nun givin’ me a bath.”
Somewhere between embarrassment and disbelief, you stared at him with a raised eyebrow and a twitching smile, culminating in a dismissive scoff.
“Please. I have a lot more to worry about than some… French nun. She didn’t do a very good job, anyway.”
“Yeah,” agreed Daryl, watching you scrub his chest with uninhibited enthusiasm. “She didn’t get in all the nooks and crannies like you always do.”
You scoffed. “Well, I certainly hope not.”
He huffed out a laugh under his breath, which you quickly caught. 
“You’re jealous, angel.”
Despite the blush blooming upon your cheeks, your lips straightened into a tight line. Daryl flinched slightly as you half-heartedly whipped the wet rag against his chest. 
“Stop it. I’m not jealous, that’s ridiculous.”
“Yeah, ‘cause you got nothin’ to be jealous of.”
A small smirk lifted your blushing cheeks. Only Daryl could flirt with you in a convent somewhere in France and still make you feel like a schoolgirl. 
And only Daryl could flirt with such a straight face, his eyes doing most of the talking as he roamed your body, somewhere between checking you out and checking you for injuries. 
But he couldn’t see much beyond the modest nightgown that covered most of your body, all the way up to your neck. 
“Ain’t ever seen ya in a nightgown like that neither.”
Your eyes followed his as you looked down your chest, examining the large white cotton thing draped over your body.
“Mm, you like it?”
He straightened up in the bath, making the cloudy lukewarm water splash against the sides of the tub. Of course, he’d find you adorable even if you were dressed in a trash bag.
“Yeah. Real cute… Help me outta this thing, would ya?” He winced as he tried to lift himself out of the tub, his soaking wet arms straining hard. If you were at home, you might’ve taken the opportunity to admire his well-developed muscles, but the situation was much too unfamiliar for such a thing.
So you stood up, grabbing his forearms as he winced in pained soreness. His weight made you strain hard to help him, but soon he gained his footing and stepped out of the tub, dripping water all over the stone tile. 
In a rush, you turned to grab a fresh towel, left by Isabelle, you presumed. Despite knowing he was more than capable of drying himself, perhaps a part of you wanted to make up for the attention that the nun had given him earlier, so you wrapped the towel snug around his shoulders, your hands running up and down his arms to dry them. 
The room was silent for a while as you focused intently on towel-drying him. He watched in slight fascination at your diligence, his eyes never leaving your concentrated face despite your eyes never meeting his. 
Cute, was indeed the word that came to his mind during this moment, a little pocket of intimacy and affection within the confusion and peril of the unfamiliar world in which you found yourselves now. 
At least, he thought, you were with him, because he wasn’t quite sure he could get very far without you. 
“We’re getting out of here, right?” you asked, reaching up to wrap the towel around his head and knead his hair dry as he scrunched up his face. 
“Yeah,” he said. “Soon as I get some clothes on.”
Indeed, the first step to getting out of here was getting Daryl dressed, lest he walk around naked in a French convent and scar a few nuns for life. You turned to look around you, until your eyes landed on a neatly folded stack of clothing, sitting on a wobbly wicker chair. As Daryl was left to dry himself, you lifted the first article—a sweater, made of charcoal colored wool. It looked just about Daryl’s size, and you always liked the rare occasions on which he wore the sweaters you picked out for him, so the outfit the nun had chosen for him was so far granted your stamp of fashion approval. 
Next, a long pair of wool pants, black in color. The waist was quite wide, you reckoned. You were all too familiar with Daryl’s build—widest in the shoulders, slimmest at the waist. He’d lost some weight recently, too, on account of extensive traveling all over the east side of the States, and the fact that you weren’t able to make him cookies for the last several weeks. You were sure these pants would fall off him about as soon as he’d slip them on.
“These are way too big,” you sighed. “We’ll have to see if—”
But as soon as you lifted the pants, two more articles of clothing revealed themselves at the bottom of the neat little pile: a set of off-white cotton briefs, which amused you greatly, as Daryl’s usual underwear consisted of boxers, and a pair of… Suspenders?
A smile split your face as you held back a small chitter at the sight. 
“Never mind,” you simply said, holding up the brown striped suspenders for him to see. “These will hold them up.”
He looked up at you as he dried his feet. His face was contorted in mild confusion, having never really paid much attention to such an old-fashioned accessory. “What the hell are those?”
“Suspenders. You know.”
“Pfft,” he scoffed, beginning to slide the briefs up his legs. “Yeah, think my grandpappy wore those. I’m not.”
“Why not?” you asked, a slightly disappointed pout to your lips. “You’d look cute.”
He tilted his head in lighthearted annoyance at the thought. “I’m not tryin’ to look cute.”
Of course, you knew that, and you knew that yours and Daryl’s mission was one of utmost seriousness. You couldn’t be distracted by moments of humor or amusement. However, you also knew that Daryl’s practical, survivalist nature would be more responsive to your persuasion if you took a new angle in this approach.
“Daryl,” you said, watching him pull up the pants that were, as you predicted, much too wide for his waist, even when he’d finished buttoning them. “Those pants are going to fall down. You don’t want to be constantly pulling up your pants while we’re trying to get home, do you? It would slow you down.” 
As much as you found the image rather amusing, you didn’t want that either.
Without another sound, besides an aggravated huff that you knew to be his reluctant admit of defeat, he pulled on the sweater, then took the suspenders from your hands and started his attempt at putting them on himself. 
He did not succeed.
“Here,” you laughed. “Let me.”
It took you a second to figure out the mechanics of the things, but within moments, you were securing the button fasteners to the corresponding holes on the inside of the waistline on his trousers. With a steady hand, your eyebrows knit together and your tongue slightly poking out between your lips in concentration, you adjusted the suspenders until they seemed to fit snug against his chest, but not too tight to cause discomfort. You flattened out any twists or kinks, then patted his shoulders in satisfaction at your tailoring.
“There.” Stepping back, you couldn’t hold back your smile. Your eyes roamed all over him, taking in his new look, courtesy of the nuns. Despite the lack of trust in them, you had to admit, they had provided you with a great source of amusement. 
“Oh, cutie pie,” you teased with that old pet name you’d drunkenly bestowed upon him about ten years ago now, in a place far away from here. “You look positively adorable.”
Daryl huffed, but you saw a faint blush grace his cheeks. He could pretend all he wanted that he hated being called “adorable” or “cute” by you, but both of you knew the unspoken truth. 
His eyes lingered on you for a while, and as usual, you couldn’t quite tear yourself away from them—those swirls of rain clouds tinting an otherwise blue sky, with the slight reflection of green that could be caught only at certain angles. At this point in your life, you’d recognized every minute shift in hue, and each one was like another reason to let yourself get too preoccupied with his eyes. 
For his part, a bittersweet mood befell him. At once you were here with him, all he could ask for, and you were here because of him. Everything was because of him. He thought back to it now, how the choices he made this far somehow landed you oceans apart from your family. It killed him inside.
But you did not let him dwell in that state for long. You pressed your lips to his in a firm kiss, as if to forcibly derail his train of thought which you knew was entering the territory of a typical Daryl pity party. 
Only a moment passed after your lips separated that the door to the washroom creaked open. It startled you back slightly, and both of you straightened with an acute alertness that came naturally after so long on the road. The nun, Isabelle, stepped towards you, with a neatly folded pile of beige-colored clothing in her arms. Upon that pile sat a pair of short lace-up boots, worn but practical. 
“Here are your clothes,” she said before placing them upon a nearby chair. With each move you found yourself studying her, trying to see if there was something you could pick up on that would indicate deceit or some hidden agenda. The woman was difficult to read, however, and even Daryl couldn’t quite know what to make of her just yet. 
Isabelle held a soft smile as she met your gaze for a few moments. Her eyes were clear blue and her skin was pale as a porcelain doll. Of course, being a nun, her hair was hidden, tucked neatly under the white veil atop her head. From what you knew of nuns, which wasn’t much, you understood that her veil signified her rank within the cloister. A veil of white meant the wearer was a novice, still yet to take her vows, whatever that means. Married to Christ, or something like that. 
“Thank you,” you replied, your words quickly forming a new sentence: a question, of which you had many. “What happened to our clothes?” This was spoken with a tad bit of urgency, as not only had Daryl been wearing the angel-winged vest he’d prized above any other article of clothing in his possession, there was also a small assortment of polaroid photos zipped up securely in the pocket of your vest. You just hoped the nuns hadn’t disposed of your clothing, as most of it was tattered.
“All the possessions we found you with are beside the beds you awoke in,” she replied. Her voice was so… calm. Assured. Satisfied. You did not like it. Not one bit. She seemed all too pleased at your presence, as if she knew something you didn’t, but something that would ultimately benefit her. Whatever it was, you couldn’t place. “Dress yourself. I will show you both around.”
A quick exchange of looks with Daryl and the two of you were of one mind. “We’re not stayin’,” he said, much to your approval. Though you’d been eager to find people who could help you get home, you didn’t want to linger longer than needed. If you could get whatever help you needed here, you’d take it, and use it to get home. Besides, your trust was wavering. “We’re tryin’ to get back to America. Soon as possible.”
Isabelle’s face was unmoving, with that same indecipherable calmness that made you uneasy. There was more to her than she let on, and you had a feeling that Daryl could sense it, too. 
“You need rest,” she said, her eyes fixated on Daryl, then moving towards you. “Both of you. A day and you’ll be back on your feet.”
Though the thought of just one more day away from home killed you a little inside, you knew she was right. You were still exhausted, and Daryl would probably want to recalibrate in terms of geography. It would be wise to take a moment to get your bearings before setting out again, but one thing was certain: you weren’t taking your eyes off the nuns. 
“In the meantime,” Isabelle continued with a slight huff to her voice, “get dressed and come out when you’re ready. I’ll take you to the courtyard. You could both use a bit of fresh air.”
With a smile she exited, closing the door behind her. Still, however, you were wary. What if she was eavesdropping on the other side? You stepped closer to each other, ready to speak in whispers. Even sign language, if necessary.
“I don’t like this,” you whispered. “It doesn’t feel right.”
Daryl chewed the inside of his bottom lip in thought. Deep thought. This threw you off a bit. Shouldn’t Daryl be agreeing with you? Not that he didn’t, at least from what you could glean from his facial expressions, but there was something going on in that head of his. Some… conflict? 
Another few beats of heavy silence as he rubbed his chin in thought. “Think we should try to see if they can help us.” 
For a moment, you were stunned, unable to speak except for an exasperated huff. “What? Daryl, they’re nuns. Something tells me they don’t get out much.”
Another pause. “Let's just… see,” he said. “They’ve made it this long, they gotta know their way around. Hell, maybe they’ve got a radio or somethin’. There’s gotta be other communities, like back home. Maybe they know some people who can get us back. All we need’s a boat.”
It drove you nuts when he was right and you weren’t. In this case, you couldn’t even bring yourself to admit it, but you knew it. All you could do was relent, and remind him that you weren’t staying. You knew he knew that, but just to be sure. 
“Tomorrow we’re out of here,” you stated plainly. “We can see if they can help us, but we’re not staying longer than that. The sooner we get back on the road, the better.”
Daryl nodded in agreement, but his eyes scanned your face curiously. Your cautiousness and reluctance to trust the nuns was stronger than his, which both surprised him and intrigued him. He was usually the one who had his defenses up. Not that he didn’t in this case, of course, but it seemed you were more so than usual. 
“I don’t trust ‘em anymore than you do, but let’s be smart about this. Just ‘cause you don’t like Isabelle doesn’t—”
Surprised at his words, you scoffed. “What?”
He huffed. “You don’t like her.”
“I never said that.”
He shook his head in slight amusement. 
“Daryl.” Your arms crossed in front of your chest as your lip twitched in annoyance. At the very idea of Isabelle filling your head again, or at Daryl’s assumption, you weren’t sure. “I’m not jealous. I’m a grown woman, I don’t get jealous. Maybe… she annoys me, okay?”
“Okay.” He held up his hands as if in defense. “So I’m takin’ the lead when we get out there then, right?”
As you turned to begin removing your second-hand nightgown, you let out another scoff. “Oh, really? Daryl, I’m not going to fight with her, if that’s what you’re worried about. You know, I can be unemotional if the occasion calls for it.”
Daryl knew you well enough to know that indeed, you could suspend your feelings, despite the fact that you most often wore them on your sleeve, but he also knew you were a lot like him: stubborn. 
“Just trust me,” he said, his hand curling over your now bare shoulder. Its warmth was like a gentle summer breeze caressing your skin. And now you were annoyed at him for knowing how you melted under his touch. Typical. “I’m gonna get us outta here. I’m gonna get us home…” 
The rest was unspoken. He could’ve said more, could’ve gone on and on about how horrible he felt, how he felt this whole thing was his responsibility because of the chain of events that had brought you here in the first place. He couldn’t bring himself to vocalize it completely, though, for fear he might break down in a moment of weakness. As much as he knew you’d never judge him for his emotions, he still felt compelled to maintain his stoicism for as long as it could hold out under the weight of frustration under the surface.  
The silence between you settled in uncomfortably for a moment, until you turned to face him, your eyes glassy and your lips curled slightly on one side in a smile that seemed heavy, like it was a burden on your visage. But you tried to hold it. You tried for him. 
“I know that. But you’re not alone. We’re in this together, like we always are. And if you want to take the lead for now, that’s fine with me. Just don’t expect me to keep my mouth shut.”
“Oh, I don’t,” he said, his expression softened under your gaze. “I might need ya to step in if I do somethin’ stupid.”
“Mm, well… If that nun touches you again, I might step in either way.”
Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments of any kind are always appreciated!
Series Masterlist Next Chapter ➳
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not-goldy · 4 months
I've done a lot of thinking. Kind of long thoughts. Sorry.
When we got news BTS was joining MS. I threw up at the thought of Jimin going & panicking on behalf of Jikook. I remember saying I don't think Jikook can go 2 years without each other are they gonna make it, more importantly is Jungkook gonna be okay? Spoiler alert. The answer is NO & we saw that with his breakdown when Jimin was in reach, but busy during Chapter 2. Had that man in a downward spiral knowing he was still seeing Jimin & could pop over, but not as much as he's use too & was not coping well and told us & showed us he wanted his Jimin. Then it was Jimin's turn to pout when Jk was busy. Made me sad but then we saw them making the best of 2023 spending alone vacations together & couple days, even days before enlisting. And I was like pheew, at least they're spending time together so maybe when separation comes, they'll be okay. Spoiler alert. Jikook said NO we won't be okay & pulled the biggest FU you aren't separating us move, that's ever been pulled. I be damn if they weren't behind the scenes making arrangements to not only be together, but share a bed, a unit, living area & in a buddy program that has it where they even take their vacation days together & see each other every day til discharge. Blew my damn mind, but at the same time not shocked cause of course Jikook would pull off something like that. Everyone should've seen it coming to be honest. JUST WOW. The real definition of "Screaming, I testify that we'll survive the test of time. They can't deny our love. They can't divide us, we'll survive the test of time. I promise I'll be right here."
That said. This woman pulling this with Jimin or that woman with Jk. Doesn't matter. I know regardless of what happens behind closed doors, my duo are the closest no matter what anyone says. Its a real genuine bond no one can break, not even random women or men for that matter. They're the two who are spending time in their rooms when they could be with others, spending their vacations off camera alone cooking at their house or coming back home together from LA when others went off on their vacations & them spending couple days together over everyone else. Enlisting together & making life decisions together. Dropping honorifics to show their closeness & even their parents show constant support toward the other. Who make time for each other on their birthdays & really commit to it year after year. Say what you want but I'm at peace knowing how much Jikook truly love each other. Its not fake or baiting. They're genuinely close & comfortable with each other, esp enough to cross friendship boundaries. Whatever that means for them. Take that how you want. I haven't been stanning two people who are exaggerating & making their bond seem closer then what it is for the sake of the group or to entertain fans, when in reality they're off building a relationship & life with their real partner over each other & don't even spend significant holidays or birthdays or couple days together. NO. Instead, I'm stanning Jikook who always put each other first (over their own partners if they have them) for when it really matters, including on couple days & does it year after year & are consistent. Jikook have proven for years they're the closest & the military enlistment solidified that cause you only join with a buddy program with friends you are the closet too or with your actual partner. Take your pick, cause we know both can apply here and Jikook did that. And no one can take that away from them. And guess what they're still together today through all the bullshit and hate. And that matters to me & I support whatever they have. They have nothing else they need to prove to me. I get others need more validation, but I'm content & at peace & just happy knowing while all this melodramatic bullshit is going down, that Jikook have each other and Jimin is not dealing with this alone. They have each other to rely on through good and bad in there. So I sleep well at night knowing that. They'll never make me hate you or turn my back on your Jikook. Thanks for listening.
Been awhile I read something interesting in my Ask box so thanks for your thoughts.
The Jimin going away had us all too so I understand what you mean. We try not to victimize him and treat him like a fragile being but sometimes instincts override our every senses.
I wanna dwell on that a little bit to say things are going much better than I thought.
The anxiety and panic attacks thinking he can't take that isolation for long but bro went in there and dominated 💀
It's a fuck you to every single person who thought him a feeble weak submissive gay man. Don't you just love it when it's the stigmatized gay ones who end up setting the standard of the ever cherished male masculinty and who end up dominating the upper echelons of their prized male sports???
Who's your daddy
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Better say his name bitch
I feel yuh on the other stuff too
We riding till the wheels fall off
Old Town road style 😎
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xiaoaetherposts · 8 months
All Lantern Rite event, but it's XiaoTher
Summary of Xiao x Aether content in every Lantern Rite event so far.
Lantern Rite 1.3 event (2021):
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☆ Aether helped Xiao perform various tasks.
☆ Aether visited Xiao in Wangshu Inn.
Aether: "You wouldn't go to the festival, so we brought the festival to you."
Xiao: "Does is serve any grander purpose?"
Aether: "This way you can take part in Lantern Rite."
☆ Aether prepared a dinner for Xiao and helped organize a small Lantern Rite celebration at Wangshu Inn.
☆ Xiao accompanied Aether to Liyue Harbor.
Aether: "O Vigilant Yaksha, please escort us safely to the city."
Xiao: "So be it. I shall accept your proposal."
Xiao: (...) Speak my name. Anywhere. Anytime."
☆ Xiao watched the lanterns and smiled.
I know, it sounds like two characters dating. It was like that. Sometimes even I'm surprised how canonically the Xiao x Traveler ship is treated by HoYo.
Lantern Rite 2.4 event (2022):
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☆ Xiao invited Aether to Wangshu Inn.
Xiao: "When this matter is resolved, come to Wangshu Inn. In previous years, the Mingxiao Lantern has been visible even from there."
☆ Aether visited Xiao and bring him food and other presents.
☆ Xiao said Aether that:
Xiao: "If anyone wishes to see me, I know they'll come and find me"
implying that he would like Aether to do this.
☆ Xiao watched the lanterns smiling again.
What was especially cute was that when Aether arrived at Wangshu Inn, Xiao right away went up to him without Aether's calling and asked if he could help.
This happened at the first meeting and even during the Waterborne Poetry event, but it's rare when Xiao takes the initiative.
Lantern Rite 3.4 event (2023):
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☆ Xiao saved Aether from the water and was very worried about him.🥹
*Someone carries you ashore, so quickly that you don't catch who it is...*
Xiao: "Glad you're okay."
Xiao: "...Your actions here caused caused others a great deal of worry. Do not repeat them again in the future."
☆ Xiao finally went to the Lantern Rite festival in Liyue Harbor because of Aether.
Xiao: "She told me that all the guests today would be "acquainted with elemental power." and I knew that you would be here."
☆ Xiao sat down next to Aether at the dinner table and then escorted him out.
Aether: "I ate too much. Could you come take a walk with me?"
Xiao: "Sure."
☆ Xiao and Aether talked lovingly in private:
Xiao: "Whenever I think of the ordinary conversations I've had with you, it feels... strangely novel."
Aether: "Strange in a good way?"
Xiao: "Yes." *little smile*
☆ Xiao chose Aether to be "the most distinguished guest." (so that even Zhongli was there, whom he deeply respects)
Everyone: "Who is the most distinguished guest here?"
Xiao: "One person here is well-acquainted with everyone else."
Aether: "(...Hm?)"
☆ Zhongli approved Xiao and Aether's relationship and gave advice to Xiao.
Zhongli: "Just as Xiao may seem unapproachable to most, but Aether has proved otherwise."
Xiao: "Rex La- I mean, Zhongli, what you're saying is..."
Zhongli: "Haha I meant what I said."
Xiao: "General Kapasis always said that we should live in the present and enjoy every little pleasant surprise. Perhaps that's what I should do with what I'm feeling now."
Zhongli: "It looks like you understood what I meant."
Xiao to Aether: "I appreciate your kindness. See you next time, then."⬇️
☆ Xiao and Aether finally watched the lanterns together.😍
Lantern Rite 4.4 event:
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☆ Zhongli took Aether on purpose to the place where he knew Xiao was and wanted them stay together alone and fly a kite together.🪁
"Uh, why did you have us walk all this way?"
Zhongli: "I'll leave these two kites with you. Perhaps you can find a few friends with which you partake in the activity. You might find it to be enjoyable use of your time."
Flustered Xiao: "Oh, uh... Wait, who enjoy kite-flying?"
Zhongli: "Well, I would imagine some of your talent and wisdom is more the capable of finding out."
Xiao: Aether, when the Lantern Rite is over, come find me near Pervases' temple if you have the time.
Aether: "Absolutely."
Xiao: "Mmm." 😊
Zhongli: *plan succeed*
☆ Xiao invited Aether to visit him at the usual place and they released together the lantern that Xiao made.
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Xiao: "Aether."
Aether: "It's just as I thought... You stopped short of stepping into the city again."
Xiao: "Being in the city isn't the only way for me to appreciate the lights and beauty of Lantern Rite. Look... Liyue Harbor lies just beyond this mountain."
Xiao: "As long as I stand at this vantage point, I may freely behold the sight of all the kites slowly ascending into the sky. ...For me, that is enough."
Aether: "Alright."
Xiao: "I invited you here because there is something I would like to do. I want to release a Xiao Lantern, and... I'd like you to be there for it."
Aether: "Did you make it yourself?"
Xiao: "Yes. I apologize for its crude appearance... I have little skill in that regard."
Aether: "No, no! It's amazing!"
Xiao: "...You're very kind, as usual."
Xiao: "Alright, it's time."
*they release the lantern together*
☆ With a nice metaphorical expression that Xiao said, it was hinted that Aether is the one who brings peace to Xiao.
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Xiao symbolizes the lantern itself (to which the name Xiao Lantern refers), and Aether is the sky (his name means this in all languages).
Xiao: "Although, watching a kite gradually ascend into the sky does bring me a certain peace of mind. ...Perhaps they are a bit like Xiao Lanterns in that way."
This expresses Xiao's longing for Aether, which is also indicated by his idle animation (when he tries to reach the little light that goes towards the sky with his hand).
When he asks Aether to release the lantern into the sky together to bring the two things closer together symbolizes this beautifully.
Aether: "As the Xiao Lantern slowly disappears into the tranquil night sky, Xiao's expression softens."
Xiao: "... Aether. ... Thank you."
So as the Xiao lantern approaches the sky in a symbolic sense, as Xiao approaches Aether (which is referred to by the meaning of their names), as they have become closer and closer to each other over the years, and this has brought him calm and peace.
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Twitter(X): @xiaoaetherposts
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dynamightgod · 2 years
Nothing Else Matters
Pairing: Bakugou x Reader
Warnings: soft, fem reader, fluffy, nervous Bakugou, crushes, Bakugou is whipped
Summary: After an interview for Pro Hero Mag, Bakugou reflects in his office on his humble beginnings with his wife.
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"I like it, hey baby, I like it, oh sugar, I like it pretty baby give it all to me, I like the way you wear your hair, I like the stylish clothes you wear, the way you kiss me, I feel gone, give me all your loving all night long."
-I like by Guy
"You shouldn't have answered that last question like that!" Mine, Bakugou's assistant ranted in his ear, even through the phone her shrill voice made him roll his eyes. He slams his keys down on his desk, holding the phone between his ear and shoulder as he shucks off his gauntlets and hero gear. 
" 'm not gonna lie Mine. They asked me about my greatest accomplishment and I told them." 
"But your fans want to hear about your accomplishments as a hero, they already aren't very fond of your wife-"
"The fangirls. And for the record, my real fans love my wife. So they'll be happy as hell with my answer. I'm not changing it and if you cut it ill post a video of me fucking her to prove my point." He ends the call just before he can physically hear her blood boiling. 
Katsuki Bakugou, number one hero and heart throb to the world. But as he sits down at his desk and picks up his phone, there's only one person he wants to talk to. 
He's tired and overworked and you're in America doing press with Charge bolt as you're one of his favorite designers(he actually set you up with Katsuki, a debt he never let the explosion hero forget) you were due back in two days but after the interview and the fight with Mine, he needs you. He needs just you.
You pick up on the third ring, yawning softly, he can hear the sheets of the bed you're in rustling as you stretch. He wishes he could join you. 
"Kat? It's late here honey, are you okay?" He can hear the worry in your sleep laced voice. God he hates how his stomach still flips just from your voice again. He let's out a soft whine, in turn making you coo and shush him softly. Something is bugging him, you can tell, but ever patient you wait for his lead. 
"I'm fine…..I just….I wanna hear you tell me again." His voice cracks softly. "Tell me about the night we met." You chuckled, this was his go to for reassurance. He could never hear your side of the story enough and quite frankly you loved your love story as much as he did. 
"Well Denki set us up together. It was a double date with him and Jirou and you and me." Bakugou smiled, relaxing under the lull of your voice. "You looked so nervous," you giggle through the phone causing him to break into an uncharacteristic grin that was reserved for only you. "Your eyes practically bulged when you saw me. I watched you do a double take." Katsuki chuckled, leaning back in his chair and running a hand through his hair. 
"You've always been so incredibly sexy. I couldn't take my eyes off you." He hums, a light blush painting his cheeks as he thinks about the first time he met you. "It was that black dress, spaghetti straps with the open back and the slit up the side. You carried that super small purse and I remember thinking how stupid it was cuz you couldn't fit anything in it." He grinned when he heard you laugh through the phone. "Those heels, the strappy ones that wound around your ankles and tied in the back….you were irresistible. It was over for me right then." He says the last part quietly, something he would admit only to you. He conjured that image of you to his mind, heart racing and blood rising to his cheeks as he thought about your smile, the way you moved, how soft your lips were when he pecked you good night. God he had been so embarrassing. 
"I thought you didn't like me. You were so nervous remember?" He grunts in confirmation. 
"I said 'lunch' hoping you would get that I wanted to buy you lunch the next day because I knew I had to see you again. I needed to-"
"Katsuki do you know when I knew you were the one for me?" You interrupt him. You had never explicitly told him the moment, though he always said it was at first sight for him. He knew it had taken you some time to adjust to him and get to know him, but he had never really asked about this. Not until now. Too content with the fact that you wanted him just as much as he loved you. 
"We had been dating casually for a couple weeks. After the dinner party. I had texted you before my first flight to London for the Pro Hero Fall Fashion Show." He remembers that day well. He went to see you, not content with letting you go and not saying good bye first. "You came to the airport, no security, no press, dressed like normal, people were shocked because you didn't even try to hide who you were, you just kept moving." He smiles remembering the ass chewing he got for the stunt from his team later. "You brought me flowers and kissed my cheek and told me to have a safe flight…..it was so normal. As though we had been doing that for years and would do it for the rest of our lives…..that moment was when I knew I couldn't live without you." 
Bakugou takes a deep breath, his heart clenching in his chest. 
"Baby I just want to hold you. I miss you so much. It's like I'm not living. Not really when you're gone." 
"I know love, but it's only two more days and I'll be home."
"And you're fucking staying. You promised. No out of the country trips for the rest of the year. We got….things….to do." He waits for it to click for you and when it does he laughs at the sound of you thrashing and throwing yourself around with excitement. 
"I can't wait to get started. I'd love to have a little boy that looks just like you. A mini Katsuki!" 
"Baby ill be happy with whatever we have as long as they come from you and they're healthy."
"I love you so much Kat." 
"I love you too baby. Go back to sleep, 'm sorry for waking you….." you yawn again, settling down in bed. "Oh one more thing before you go?" You hum, waiting for him to continue. "Watch the interview tomorrow. I want you to see it."
You woke up feeling empty, the call from Katsuki had put you in such a great mood that it almost felt like he was there. But as you stretched out and opened your eyes to your cold bed you're filled with sadness. But only a couple more days and then you'd be with your hero again.
Thinking of him reminds you of the interview. It should have been posted by now so you type in the link to it on your phone and sit on the edge of your hotel bed to watch it. 
It starts normally, you smile as Katsuki grumpily answers the female reporter, roll your eyes when she flirts because can she not see your name tattooed on his chest or the ring on his finger? But then it gets to the last question and a stunned, endearing emotion sweeps through you. 
"So Dynamight. The fans have a final question. What is your greatest accomplishment? What would you say that is?"
"Marrying my wife." He doesn't miss a beat or even wait for her to finish. The reporter flounders, obviously not prepared for that response. 
"Well, we mean professionally and career wise-"
"Nothing else matters." His face is set, tone flat and serious, no room for argument. He meant it and that was that. You feel yourself falling in love all over. The way this man is always about YOU. You've never been loved like he loves you. It makes you just want him all the more.
Just as you're about to turn it off and call him your phone pings, there's a new photo on his official Instagram and you immediately click on it. 
It's a picture of you. From the first night you met, you didn't even know he had this picture. He's holding you close, one hand on your waist, the other in yours as you dance. He leans close as if he's whispering to you and you're blushing and grinning. 
The caption reads: "Nothing else matters."
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Hi! Could you possibly write for the M6 with an MC who has intrusive thoughts that really bother them?
The Arcana HCs: M6 when MC has intrusive thoughts
~ one of the kindest, strongest, wisest people I know (who I would be so proud to be more like) struggles with this too, and I've inherited some of that from them. Here's some comfort, anon, nobody's alone in this :) - brainrot ~
Nothing bothers him more than seeing you unhappy. He's noticed a few times when you pause, like something in your head is hurting you, and the way you take a deep breath and continue
Clearly, he thinks, you have chronic headaches
Never fear, MC, your neighborhood doctor hero is on the case! He has almost as many remedies for headaches as he has leeches
You're a little confused when the next time a particularly nasty thought shows up, he smears a funky-smelling concoction across your forehead with little to no warning and then smiles proudly
Well, yes, but mostly because your confusion is drowning out the thought that made you wince in the first place
He can tell it wasn't the right solution, and asks you about whatever it is that's going on in your head to cause this kind of pain
He gives you his full attention while you explain, nodding along as it sinks in. Intrusive thoughts, he understands but can't relate to. Feeling guilt or shame for something he didn't do? He knows that
He's always attentive to you when you're around, but now as he gets better at recognizing that bothered look on your face, he'll wrap his arm around your shoulders every time and tell you it's not your fault
This was something they didn't find out about you until after the two of you started dating properly. Before that, they were often too busy hiding their own pain and taking care of you to notice yours
It startles him when he finds out - he's suggested tapping into your bond while you go shopping, out of curiosity for how you experience the world
The recurring image you always get near a specific location is such a normal part of your routine that you forget to warn them
You feel his full-body flinch as you walk by, and then he's pulling you into a safer alleyway to ask you if you're okay
The amount of guilt they feel when you explain is nearly painful - you've been dealing with this all by yourself, and not only did they fail to help you learn how to face it, they never even noticed
He's going to cuddle all the thoughts away
Or at least, they'll try. It works surprisingly well most of the time, and they've become so tuned in to you that at this point all you need is the touch of their fingers on your palm for things to settle
He also teaches you a little pattern to trace on your hand that helps things calm down for when he's not around
So, so proud of you for how well you already stand up to your thoughts and prove them wrong every day
She's quite the insightful person herself, but she's not very familiar with intrusive thoughts. Sudden visions and their accompanying headaches? Certainly, but she sees her mind as her own domain
Which is why she notices the way the shadow of a pained expression will flit across your features every now and then, and assumes it's just your magic doing magic things
She's a little annoyed that you never share the content of your frequent visions with her. She doesn't like being left out
Until she's practicing her own sight around you, and happens to be studying your aura when one shows up. She's both disturbed and impressed with the intensity of the thought and your own quick recovery
"MC ..." she asks thoughtfully, "Is this a frequent occurrence?"
When you say yes, she's hesitant to ask further. She can tell it's a private and emotionally intense matter, but she also doesn't like to see you hurting alone. "Would you be willing to trust me with it?"
You explain slowly, a little worried that she'll trust you less because of them. Instead, she's deeply moved. "You confront these every day, without fail. My darling, you are even stronger than I thought."
Will kiss you in broad daylight to take your mind off of it if it's bad
He notices more than he lets on
It becomes obvious to him that there's something hurting you in your thoughts, but knowing from experience how painful flashbacks can be, he leaves it to you to address at your own pace
He waits for a very, very long time
It's several things piling up at once that gets things out in the open. First, it's your increasing feelings of safety and trust around him that get you thinking that it might be okay to share what's going on
Second, it's his mounting concern as he notices the way your eyes tend to linger on potentially dangerous spots and objects
And third, it's his uncanny ability to sense guilt and fear when he's lived so much of his life being plagued by it
He begins to skirt around the issue one evening by the fire, trying to feel out how safe it is for you to talk about it, and that's all the reassurance you need to start talking about what's going on
He listens very attentively, and even invites you to tell him some of the things that pop up most often uninvited
When you say it out loud it sounds both horrifying and ridiculous, but when you look at him all you see is his faith in you
He knows you, he loves you, he trusts you, and he knows that these thoughts are anything but accurate to you
She has no idea what's going on until you tell her
The only thing she overthinks about is when someone doesn't like her as much as she expects them to, and then it's problem-solving
And as much as she adores you, she doesn't idly pay attention to you. She's a busy woman, when she has time with you she wants to spend it doing things, not sitting around
All she notices is that, several months into sailing around together, you start to go into a slump every time you go out on deck
She doesn't know why or how. She just knows it happens and she wants it to stop happening because she doesn't like the way you seem so bothered
You finally approach her one evening in your cabin. She's got her feet up, reading by the lantern, petting Pepi in her lap
As soon as you ask if you can tell her something, she's snapping her book shut and sitting up. She wants to be here for you, even when what you're describing doesn't makes sense to her at all
But she believes you, because she knows you and she has faith in you. You don't expect how validating it is when she laughs out loud at some of the thoughts you describe having involuntarily
"I'm sorry," she gasps, "That's just the opposite of how I know you think."
He doesn't know it, but the time he spent tied to you as a ghost advising you in all sorts of ridiculous directions did not help at all
Funnily enough, he brings up the concept of intrusive thoughts long before you think to tell him about it
Because he's having them and he's scared
On one hand, he knows his own determination to become a better person, and he knows he's succeeding. Being with you is proof
On the other hand, he has decades of well-worn thought patterns that don't disappear overnight. Even if he doesn't want to consider striking another deal with the Devil, it still pops into his head
He's frustrated with his skill or strength level? He misses his old life of luxury? Make a deal, his mind whispers, and it's yours. While he knows he wouldn't, the fact that he thinks of it makes him scared that he might, and sometimes it keeps him up
As you hear him describing it, you start telling him about your thoughts as well. It's reassuring to both of you - you know that you're not alone, and you're proof to him that these kinds of thoughts don't make him a bad person
If you're up for it, it becomes a running joke to casually mention it when one pops into one of your heads so the other of you can laugh at how ridiculous it is
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lovelyprincessn64 · 17 days
Laughable-lion is stalking my friend and harassing
Disclaimer: Don't go attack and harass anybody mentioned in this post, this is meant to spread awareness. Also please share this to many people as you can and spread it like wildfire and please share it to many social media platforms but most importantly please re-blog this post to help spread awareness.
Everyone we got ourselves another problem and hopefully after this I can finally get a break and go back to work but back to the topic I received a message from my friend that a user by the name of Laughable-Lion-King-Art better known as KashimusPrime on Deviantart is still continuing to harass my friend and stalk him along with false accusations that can ruin someone's life she even harassed and stalked one of my friends while using her Tumblr account not only too intimidate my friends but also encouraging her fans/followers to harass them while playing victim claiming that she's the victim but in reality my friend is the true victim here and truth is Laughable lion is the one that started the bullying along with those accusations that are not true and quite the opposite my friend has been bullied and harassed even to the point of deleting his account in order to be saved but unfortunately despite Laughable-Lion-King-Art getting her way along with my friends taking down the satire artwork apparently it's not enough for her and now she's playing cancel culture not only to ruin my friends' life but but anybody that calls her out on it as well too if that's not bad enough she falsely accused him of making a safe space for real pedophiles which is not true and she even bragged about you can hate Lion King all you want but that just makes you a fandom bully which is ridiculous Laughable Lion I'm not sure if you know this but people have the right to dislike Lion King and the fact you're harassing and stalking my friend over art you did not like and now you want to ruin someone's life definitely shows who the real bully is you and the fact that you're harassing someone over an opinion really shows who the real monster is.
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KashimusPrime what you're saying is absolutely false my friend is not a bully and he never supported pedophilia and he has never created a safe space either you're claiming to be against pedophilia but yet you're watering down that term and let's not forget that pedophilia is a serious word and not to be thrown around or use lightly throwing around the word pedophile without proving any evidence if someone being a pedophile can damage someone's life and reputation and that's not the end of the worst part the fact that you're claiming that my friends supports pedophiles with no proof and evidence is definitely the reason why victims like me don't take us seriously and this can negatively damaged and negatively affected cases of actual pedophilia and not to be taken seriously that can do more harm rather than helping actual victims and if the bad news isn't enough that helps real pedophiles to abuse real children, KashimusPrime you're not just hurting my friend but you're hurting real victims by throwing around the word pedophile without proving any evidence is why real victims cannot be taken seriously it also forces the victims to stay quiet and they feel scared that they will never be taken seriously and if you keep this up they'll never get to have the courage or to speak up against their abusers, and the fact that you don't care who gets hurt in the process but yet you care about fictional characters you are willing to treat real people like they're nothing and before you say but I don't treat fictional characters like they're real your action says otherwise if anybody is helping real pedophiles KashimusPrime it's you and word of advice don't call somebody a pedophile if they do not like Lion King without any proof or evidence, a pedophile is someone that wants to abuse children do not associate that word that doesn't like certain franchises that not only causes damages to the word that needs to be taken seriously but if you keep this up the victims will not have a voice to speak up and this will definitely hurt a lot of children stop watering down that term pedophile KashimusPrime and go after pedophiles such as Tom Brady, Kyle Carrozza, Dan Schneider, and what about Hollywood that is known for having creeps especially child abusers instead of accusing my friend for something he did not do go after real pedophiles not falsely accused people.
Another thing I also need to mention KashimusPrime you got what you wanted he deleted his satire artwork and he's never going to do it again like you wanted but it's not enough you even said it yourself in a post in your own words and all the sudden you changed your mind and continue your threats by saying quote if you want me to delete the post, you need to delete your friend's post and never again he's done that and yet you're continuing to do it you're not holding up your promise and here you are continuing to stalk him and threatening to ruin his life by false accusations that can ruin someone's life also here's a screenshot of the post along with other post of her threatening people of don't poke the hornet's nest In case you're wondering what that means it means she'll threaten anybody that does not like lion king Instead of apologizing for stealing my friend's artwork.
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You know KashimusPrime for someone of that claims to be against cyberbullying you sure love bragging about cyber bullying and love to say if you can't handle the harassment don't poke the hornet's hest meaning that anybody that has an opinion you do not like meaning you're pulling the shut up if you know what's good for you or else I'm going to ruin your life by cyber bullying you not only are being hypocritical and a liar but also going against your own values of cyberbullying and yet you have no problem taking fun and pleasure of ruining someone's life for someone that claims that my friend cannot take opinions and criticism you're doing the exact same thing that your lecturing about and you're doing the exact same thing not taking criticism and accepting opinions and yet if someone has a different opinion or just doesn't like Lion King you would straight up harass them and accuse them of something they never did without any proof or evidence to back up the things you're claiming not only that makes your behavior questionable and when someone criticizes you in the comments you deleted them or straight up block them with a rude response apparently you only accept criticism if someone agrees with you if not you would straight up harass them and false accusations that can get their lives ruined but that's not all and we're not done here yet also apparently someone made a Google doc about Laughable-Lion-King-Art / KashimusPrime and it turns out she has a lot of skeletons in her closet including bullying someone over a contest that she did not participate by her own choice including misgendering the contest winner and it also turns out that she's not taking criticism and apparently she's also been trying to police people's freedom of speech including threats and stealing art along with other things KashimusPrime / Laughable-Lion-King-Art has done and fair warning before I show the screenshots along with the google doc, it has sensitive topics and people do need to know the truth about KashimusPrime / Laughable-Lion-King-Art before she claims more victims but anyways here are the screenshots:
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Apparently Laughable-Lion-King-Art / KashimusPrime it's not the victim that she paints herself to be and it turns out she has a history of abuse and harassment but also has a disgusting fetishes for body g parts she claims to be artistic freedom and cares about artists but in real she's doing the exact opposite, she's not only harassed my friend not just once but several times even to the point of stalking him including two of my friends that to put up with KashimusPrime / Laughable-Lion-King-Art's not only abuse but harassment from her fans even accusing them of cyberbullying and yet again that's not true KashimusPrime / Laughable-Lion-King-Art you've done nothing to abuse people including my friends and stalking them if they criticize your abusive behavior even cry bullying saying this is cyber bullying but in reality given your history along with the Google Doc that had everything that people need to know about your abuse along with the other evidence including bragging about harassing people over opinions of Lion King of don't poke the hornet's hest including saying if you can't handle the harassment, that does not make you an innocent victim at all, KashimusPrime / Laughable-Lion-King-Art has no right to call herself a victim of bullying and the fact that she false claims cares about artists being harassed but yet she doesn't mind harassing artists to the point of not only deactivating but possibly on the verge of unaliving themselves that can potentially destroy families especially devastate people that are friends with the artist or whoever that was a victim of this type of bullying and the worst part about it is she even post the Google Doc on one of her Tumblr posts instead of her followers looking into her abuse she committed along other forms of abuse she committed and realizing that hey she not be a good person after all they straight up ignored it and basically partaking the harassment and slander even falsely accusing him to even further not only to cause damage but ruin lives not only her followers or just as bad as her but they're definitely partaking cyberstalking that can negatively affect someone but unfortunately they rather become the next Creep Show art rather than looking to the other side of someone's story.
Also the accusations of my friends stuck in the past not true and the reason why he confirmed that he's a historian with a good memory of the past and present, even enjoying both old and new video games along with consoles even trying out new technology even with some art programs when it comes down to making digital art, even having current day consoles such as Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5 and Xbox series in addition of many older consoles don't believe me here's the screenshot of him admitting to me and confirming that he's not stuck in the past.
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Also a bit of an update or rather more updates it seems that my friend is not the only victim of KashimusPrime / Laughable-Lion-King-Art's abuse and harassment but it seems that my friend is not the only victim that had to put out with this a type of abuse and false accusations unfortunately it's multiple victims and the reason why I said this is because my friend send me a journal of someone by the name of Silver Wolf 17. I decided to look into it and when I read the comment section it turns out someone mentions that she vandalized someone's collab even falsely accusing people and posting other people's art without permission and a lot of people in the comment section were not happy about KashimusPrime / Laughable-Lion-King-Art's behavior what makes it even more unfortunate a lot of these users are not just emotionally negatively affected along with the anxiety that they'll never be free from the harassment and honestly it's quite sad and the fact that people are turning a blind eye about KashimusPrime / Laughable-Lion-King-Art causing so many misery not just towards my friend but others as well anyways I'll leave a link to the journal and some screenshots including the evidence of her stealing my friend's artwork and keep in mind this is before he deactivate his account and just to clarify he's no longer going to do satire of Lion King and he's moving on to only focus on other things no satire at all however that doesn't change the fact that KashimusPrime / Laughable-Lion-King-Art stole artwork without consent from the artist and what makes it even more worse and bad on her part her blog is supposed to be against stealing art and yet she's doing the opposite on her blog is now more like a if you have an opinion that I don't like I'll harass you but anyways here are the screenshots along with the link:
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The unfortunate part to all of this there isn't a much awareness talking about KashimusPrime / Laughable-Lion-King-Art and the fact that she caused so much pain and misery to so many people without facing any criticism or taking responsibility for her actions definitely shows how bad that things have gotten here on the internet back then nobody had a deal with this toxic behavior everybody got along just fine but sadly we are living in a horrible age if we do not speak out against this type of behavior or criticize it and if this gets normalized there will be no freedom of speech when it comes down to expression of art or opinions nobody should be harassed if they dislike Lion King or certain franchises and Disney fans like us that will remain on the classic side of things are definitely going to be hurt by the most and this is not helping the fandom at all especially Disney and other types of fandoms out there, to everybody out there if you're a victim of KashimusPrime / Laughable-Lion-King-Art please start spreading awareness and show evidence and help spread this with like wildfire use whatever you can to spread awareness such as many social media platforms that can really help out and hopefully to prevent more victims from being created but most importantly fandoms really need to stop normalizing this kind of behavior and we really need to stop calling people like the mom or father of the fandom and we need to start realizing if we really want to fix the fandoms we are in we have to stop worshiping people like KashimusPrime / Laughable-Lion-King-Art before things become worse because there are people in those fandoms that don't like this behavior because it gives a lot of people a bad name and possibly passing the blame on to others and I do hope that someday we can bring back the golden age of the era if we call out this behavior because if we do not put a stop to this and one of these days of this gets normalized then we are straight up doomed to live in a dystopian nightmare, and a very important thing to always remember always value freedom of speech and a very big important to do note false accusations are not freedom of speech and should never be part of it or included it should be treated as a crime not a freedom of expression because without due process or freedom of speech there will be no Humanity if we do not criticize it and stop this behavior and the words of JFK if man created the problem then man can fix it and to everyone out there reading this word of advice you are not a victim if you brag about harassing people if you do not like opinions and we need to fix the fandoms and we definitely need to learn we do not want another Creepshow art because it's bad enough that happened from years ago and we do not want it happening again.
Disclaimer: everybody has permission to Archive everything including the internet way back machine especially the evidence in order to help spread awareness in order to continue it especially archiving it and putting it on a Google doc and in case this post gets taken down and please help spread awareness and whatever you do do not stop spraying it like wildfire we cannot let KashimusPrime / Laughable-Lion-King-Art get away with this Behavior and if you're the victims of KashimusPrime / Laughable-Lion-King-Art don't be afraid to speak up and show some evidence if you want to send me some evidence feel free to do so but anyways help spread it like wildfire and get it to many people as you can before things get worse.
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esoteriamaya · 2 years
Scorpio Moon/8th House Observations: The Good, Bad, & The Ugly.
Scorpio Moons/8th House Moons are and interesting brand of individuals. As they are the most secretive in the group, they are also the ones who hide their hand a lot of the time.
Scorpio/8th House Moons have a tendency to leave their vulnerable state in the closet when around a certain crowd. This isn't always a bad thing, however the closer you get the more they'll put you through a test. This is unbeknownst to people most of the time. They dont like to tell you when their putting you through a test because wheres the fun in that? To prove your loyalty, you must already be ahead of the game. They hold a lot of secrets, and because they have to know who can go through this made up maze to get to the other side, you will be on the closed end of the hearts until you are close enough to be given the key.
8th house moons are capable of being vulnerable to the right individuals, however this may take a few years. You could know this person all your life and you still wouldn't know too much of them. I would say its because they don't trust you but its deeper than that. They dont trust themselves.
As scorpios can be a walking mirror, others are mirrors to them as well. They cannot hide their skeletons as much as they think they can, because its always staring back at them through others. Again, people do not realize they are doing this to them. Only scorpios moons can tell when something is showing it self through others on a psychological basis.
Scorpio Moons/8th house moons are 'mysterious' due to not expressing their emotions to people on a day to day basis. While everyone else is used to expressing their emotions (depending on the house) in a more open manner, these individuals are always controlling them. This gets to the point where this becomes unhealthy. Because later down the line, the energy thats hurling up inside of them eventually needs a release. & when its not.... it'll get poisonous. The venom starts shooting out in more ways then one, causing them to hurt people in the process.
They can have psychological warfares going on if they are not healing what is locked in those closets of theres, which is why its safe to say they must be more vulnerable as this is apart of the healing process.
Most won't ever go this far, though. Most times they feel the need to show this to romantic lovers and lovers alone. & This is when we see the heart attack. Because the lover is suppose to be the one that doesnt judge you so what happens when they do? They shut them and the rest of the world out. Scorpio moons/8th house moons already dont show to much to their family, because they grew up being on a different dimension then the rest of them and are often misunderstood. So if your lover or not even your friends can love you even in the state you hide the most.. who can?
So all those precious secrets, dreams, talents, skills and powerful emotions get locked away and to never be seen again. Sometimes they might show us a glimpse of what it is that they have going on in that beautiful world of theres but eventually hide back into their shell because how do they know if youre just saying that to be real? Or just trying to find a way to get into what's in their minds?
One thing I will say is that is a toxic trait is their ability of being a master manipulator and hiding their hand. When it suits them, they do this to get the other hand. Especially when they're trying to prove their 'point'. Because I have known many 8th house moons and scorpio moons personally (and have so for many, many years) there has never been a dull moment where this did not happen. To prove their point and to seem less guilty, they will only show you one side of the story. You need to know how to discern and listen out for the things they say or you'll be sitting in that loop of destruction and lies.
You have to be up on your game on how manipulation works to see how they could be doing it since they are already so good at it. If they only show you 'one side' and I mean if every time you guys talk or link up they are only showing you one version of their complex personality and thats it. You are not getting the full dose of who they are and thats okay. They might not be sure if they can show that side to you yet, or at all. And from what I've noticed, most dont see the reason too if they like you enough.
If you are very close to them though, at some point they arent able to hide these traits like they think they do. Because there were times where I pointed out the things that they do at times were wrong, selfish and manipulative and they would 'stop' doing it but later down the line you would realize they just found a better way to hide it and never really changed it. Not only that, they'll probably stop telling you certain things so you will look at them a certain way. And if that doesnt work? They will run & hide for the hills.
Its all about the control, and if their not able to control their inner reality from showing itself to you, then they will get you out of their outer reality. Works to keep that 'magician' persona alive.
Another thing I will express about them is that most times they are not fully aware of their darkness but are still coming into terms with it. So many childhood, woes, fears, and psychological traumas can come out through these placement holders because they are most likely the healers of their generation. Their family bloodlines are needed to be healed through them so these beings can go through a lot when its time to get through the trauma. Healing is not linear for them so at times this can look very crazy so they need someone who understand them in some way because they do not understand themselves most of the time.
They do have wonderful insight on the world around them and can see through anybody if given the green light (green light as in morphing into their surrounds and allowing information to come through them without trying to control it). I would be mindful with telling them certain stuff, people feel the need to tell them things because it feels easy to (like any water sign) but I'd hold back a bit if you know someone with those placements. Because although most can keep a secret some will lash out and may use them against you. This is the unevolved ones of course and sometimes most won't use it against you per say, will just use it or talk about it as if you didnt just share a vulnerable moment with them & act like its nothing.
I'll speak more on these individuals later, as this is a pretty heavy topic. And I wrote too much lol. If you enjoyed my insight on the placements let me know :) I like feedback.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 5 months
Oooooh that one was a lot. Very sweet though! I honestly love the AUs where Shigaraki owns V.
I don't doubt that Shigaraki pays attention to all of his workers, but Dabi, I don't think he memorized your preferences for nothing.
I do love the collar as part of the uniform. Something to show that they're under Shigaraki's protection. At the same time, I do not want to know how often Shigaraki had to stop himself from staring at Dabi, wearing his collar, his colours, trusting Shigaraki to (indirectly) keep him safe.
God I hate Muscular. From what I can tell, one of the onlookers noticed Dabi safewording and since Muscular didn't react, they got security involved, which is how the information reached Shigaraki.
I honestly adore the idea that Shigaraki took over La Venus, made it reputable, but absolutely is still a criminal and employs criminals if they prove to be trustworthy and not cause trouble.
Oh, Dabi, no. Poor baby is so convinced he did something wrong, that he will be thrown out. The abandonment issues are hitting hard here. He is convinced that he did something wrong.
Shigaraki is so sweet on Dabi. Ahhh, they're so cute. On that note, Dabi is right. Shigaraki didn't have to stay the entire night and also sleep with Dabi. He didn't have to jump in through the window. But he did, because he will make sure people follow his rules or so help them God. Also, he is an absolute simp. That too.
You don't question what happens to the people who mistreat staff at La Venus, you just accept that everyone who behaves is safe there <3
Like, Compress definitely knows what goes on in the basement, and Twice does too, obviously.
I think Shigaraki watched Dabi absolutely burn Muscular's face off and fell in love all over again.
Dabi makes rational choices! Well, kind of. Taking a week off to think was a rational choice at least. On that note, I think while Shigaraki would have accepted if Dabi didn't come back and kept his distance, it would have absolutely destroyed him. Dabi would be safe, but at the same time, he would habe lost him. He would have lost him with no way of ensuring he stays that way too. Good that that isn't the timeline they live in!
Love the fact that Dabi absolutely recognizes that Shigaraki would destroy the world for him and is just immediately ready to help him, just like the others are, lol.
They're together now! Kind of! I bet they'll talk about it and then Dabi will get his own custom collar that he can wear while he isn't working ;)
Very very good.
This one was definitely a lot, but Shigaraki happily gave Dabi everything he needed to feel better 💕 He was 100% simping for Dabi since he showed up at the club and by the end of the story they are essentially married because Shig is never going to let Dabi go (unless he's asked, but he's gonna do his damn best to never reach that point). You nailed the sequence of events and Dabi definitely should have done more rational thinking in this story (not sleeping with someone immediately after such a severe drop) and being down for murder .25 seconds after it was offered to him as an option, but babyboy is a little unhinged too, and we (and Shiggy), love him for that
Thank you so much for commenting!
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charnelhouse · 2 years
" Which one you fucking hmm?"
It takes her off guard because he can't know can he? She and Ghost are careful. But then Graves starts listing them all and she curses herself for reacting. He doesn't, he's needling at her. What an ass.
"Doubt a little thing like you could take him but fuck,-" he clicks his teeth. "I'd love to see it."
Couldnt take him? She bites back a laugh. Making a mental note to tell Ghost that she swallows her pride, resisting the urge to prove Graves wrong, to give something away that could damage her team.
"...carry you. Although you being here is probably giving them a good shot of getting out of this alive."
It stings hard but she tries to ignore it. It's not true, she knows it but she's tired, in pain and the thought that he's right niggles at her. It makes her scowl, trying to focus on the fact Graves is wrong. She knows her team. Aside from some good-natured ribbing they've never looked down her as anything less than them. They respect her she knows it but-,
Her thoughts spiral to all the times they've helped her, covered her, Graves' well placed words making her doubt against her better judgement. She zones out, feeling some of that resolution starting to waver until Graves' ramblings register again.
"Are you hoping they'll come for you? Rescue the little damsel in distress?"
"You're anything but a damsel lass," Soap's drunken voice echoes in her ears. She can still smell the whiskey on his breath as he'd leant heavily into her side. "Boudicca reincarnated without a doubt, maybe a little broonie in you too." The last was delivered with enough amusement to know it was a friendly jab, but she'd yet to look it up.
The memory gives her a burst of confidence, enough for her to finally look up at Graves, hoping the anger in her expression overrides the hurt. The flicker of alarm she sees on his face gives her a little rush of pleasure.
"I dont need rescuing," her voice is raspier than she'd like but she's calm, and Graves leans back a little as she speaks. Its the first sign of retreat he's given, and although its barely a win, it's enough that she ignores the bruising against her throat, the pain, and leans forward, following him as best she can.
I'm going to kill you myself."
She's not been missing for long before they find her. Finding her mid-escape. He's proud of that, of her. but the fury he feels, at Graves betrayal, at her being taken, at her being tied down like a fucking dog stops him from acknowledging her outright. He feels oddly fragile.
Bloody fingers tight around what looks like a shard of glass as she saws at the belt wrapped around her throat. It's hard to take his eyes off her as he secures the room. Anger boiling hot and cold through him as he tries to catalogue her injuries. His gaze flicking from the leash around her neck to the bloody wound on her ribs and back again. The buzzing in his ears gets louder as he obsessively scans over her, anger and fear threatening to overwhelm him in a way he hasn't felt for a long time. It's not until he finds himself checking her clothes for damage that he forces himself to look away. She's alive, shes safe, that'll do for now.
Soap reaches her first, his hands flitting from the belt around her neck to her obvious injuries and back again until she snaps at him to get her out of here.
Ghost watches her out the corner of his eye as he positions himself near the door on lookout, and despite his fury it makes his lips twitch. Fucking spitfire his fox.
Soap makes short work of the belt around her throat, cutting through it with his knife and flinging it away like it burns him, words flowing from him with an accent so thick he can't understand him, but from the tone and the way he spits them he definitely agrees with the sentiment.
Ghost's eyes flick back to the glass in her hand. she still hasn't let go or even loosened her grip on it despite the pain its definately causing her and he's hit with the urge to go ease it out of her hand. Too gently uncurl her fist, pull her wrist up to his mouth and press a kiss to her bloody palm.
Soap beats him to it, gripping her wrist gently and handing her his knife before he tries to take the glass away. She doesn't even flinch as she uncurls her fist, something that should not turn him on but it does, warmth coiling low in his gut.
She pulls away from Soap's attempt to help her up, something dark flicking across her face that makes him pause, registering and cataloguing her expression as something to explore later. Soap to his credit doesn't push it, he let's her stand on her own, and resists the urge to reach out and help her when she stumbles slightly.
She makes eye contact with him and Ghost nods, a barely noticeable dip of his head but she notices. She always does. It makes her relax a little, tension easing out of her shoulders as she holds his gaze before she returns it with a small nod of her own. Fire and determination in her eyes that make his cold heart skip a beat.
"Let's move out."
Obsesseddddd. I completely agree and think this is how ghost would react to reds pain. He wouldn’t know what to do with himself. He’d panic, he’d go deep inside himself. I love how Soap was visibly upset and Red was just like grow up and get me the fuck out of here.
You got it down
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sparkbeast20 · 1 year
The WHB devil/angel/human boys with an MC whose personality is similar to Eiden’s from Nu: Carnival
Okay this is going to be a long one.
Now, from my knowledge of Eiden's personality. He loves teasing (shown with Edmond and Dante and maybe Quincy though he always lose with him), And be sweet, (With Blade, Garu/Karu and Yakumo), and Knows them while (Kuya... at times XD) and Horny. Eiden is a person that knows what his clan (Partners) need or is dealing with.
So I'm going to spilt the WHB boys by how MC would act with them.
I might do a part 2 with the other characters I didn't do here (I'm drawing a blank cause I want to make them different from each other.)
Dantalian- Oh boy, this little boy loves getting angry and just throw himself in danger, so what better way for MC to keep him from his suicidal path is teasing him. Instead looking down at him for wearing the school boy uniform, MC calls him cute. That got him all flustered.
Stolas- Another Angry boy. But he's is as obvious cause he just wants to be king (Insert Lion King song XD) When Stolas start ranting, MC listens, and when there's a flaw in his reasoning MC smile and say something on the line "Do you really thing that they'll take you seriously if you do that" And that's how the two go back and forth, with MC have this smug grin on their face.
Bimet- MC can't not with his self-importance attitude, when he start talking about his job and how Mammon relays on him. But soon turned "Me talk" MC has this blank start, and when Bimet Notice he calls them out and MC does is act dumb, in the back of their mind they can just walk circle around Bimet.
Leraye- He mention that he doesn't miss and MC know it. So when MC ask for him to teach them some tips to have as good of a accuracy as he does, MC can see him huff his chest proudly. But Leraye guide MC, him leaning from behind, both hands are over MC's with they are holding his sniper. MC seductively ask Leraye if their doing it right and he get's all flustered within a second and BOOM! MC pulls the trigger, cause Leraye to be hot and bothered. and that want MC wanted. And Leraye tries to keep his composure.
Sweet/Being a softy
Eligos- Good boy? He is a Good boy. When he returns from a battle, he immediately goes to MC. Why? cause he knows that he'll get all the praise and head pats he wants from them. MC sees him and he tells them all the things he did. MC's hearts melt with how adorable Eligos is. Additional cuteness, if he as if he lay his head onto MC's lap while they stroke his head. MC can't say no to him.
Paimon- Well Paimon just love chilling with MC and vice versa. Its either they talk about their interest and Paimon loves styling MC (either messy like putting sticker on them or love seeing MC in the clothes he choose for them) And MC love every moment of.
Bael- Give this man a hug, MC they might not say it but they know that Bael is a bit conflicted with his current situation, MC feeling sorry for him. So whenever they meet MC talks to him or just hangs out.
Knows them well
Sitri- As being Satan's right hand, Sitri at times stress (either having to give Satan update about the region and the other nobles or dealing with the other nobles antics) So that's when MC comes in, MC ask him but he won't say anything, but they know by just seeing how is his, they immediately knows what to do. subtly they suggest having tea and just talking.
Gusion- If MC is good at math, Gusion would put them into the test with how good their math skills are, but increasing the difficulty every time. And MC as stubborn and determine they are proves that they can do it. You might see a fade blush on Gusion cheek.
This is so far I can write for now, but again I want to do the others, but my writing juices is almost dried up XD
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
a particularly nasty ask, but! different riddlers response to seeing a pair of used underwear left out?
Used Underwear
Riddler Headcanons i love nasty asks though so this does it for me >:) 💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: gross boys being gross, pervert behaviour
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would it kill you to tidy up after yourself?
you're lucky he's a tidy little bean and loves acts of service
because otherwise, you'd be getting an intense lecture
and a reminder that dirty underwear belongs in the laundry basket
no other thoughts cross his sweet little mind
young justice
stopped in his tracks just by the presence of them, heart racing
the absolute bother this is causing him, morally and ethically
because they are just lying there, but that's not an excuse
but he can't really stop thinking about just touching them
and by the time he's decided, you've already tidied them up
honestly, this isn't that big of a surprise to him
when you're this slutty, used underwear all around is the norm
sometimes they appear in places you'd never guess
doesn't mean he's not going to take a quick sniff
just to see if he can place who they belong to, a real talent actually
uh... ok, yes, they are used and dirty BUT...
it's not that weird if he tries them on right?
i mean it's basically like getting to second base with someone
and they look kinda cute, so they'll definitely suit him
and look at that, they're his now, once he washes them obviously
terrible boy views this as a gift from the gods, like fate
he's drooling at the sight, fingers twitching as he looks around
just making sure no one is going to see what he's about to do
rubbing them on his face, inhaling the scent, tongue tasting them
and then into his pocket they go, for future use
this is not conducive to a productive environment
a cluttered space is a cluttered mind
and his mind is cluttered with distracting and filthy thoughts
so if you wouldn't mind removing those from the room
and then also removing the ones you're currently wearing...
oh but when he leaves his filthy clothes lying around it's annoying
whatever, he's over it pretty quickly
mostly because the realisation that you only have like three pairs
and it was only laundry day down in the sewers yesterday
so you're going commando, no? would you like to prove him right?
look, he's tutting and shaking his head since he can't abide mess
but... he would be lying if he said it was tempting
to just take a quick sniff, a reminder of your scent
so he'll tidy them away for you, without complaining
but he'll get his jollies as a reward for his generous patience
he's not even going to try and hide his disgusting reaction
face buried in the crotch, might as well be wearing them as a mask
and if you happen to walk in on him, then get ready for a lecture
you shouldn't have left them around! it was practically an invitation
so could you kindly please either join him or leave him in peace
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mama-ino · 2 years
Rin approached him as he stood on the outskirts of edo, it would seem she was feeling better. Just the week prior he found her not with the elder, but instead with Kagome. She'd caught a sickness, a cold he believed she called it but preferred to stay with Kagome instead of the hag.
"Hello my lord," she greeted sleepily.
"Rin," he began, "If you are not fully healed, return inside." She nodded, bundled in a thick hanten and boots, "Rin." When her dreary eyes met his in question, he spoke again, "Whose coat do you wear?"
She smiled, "Oh, this is Lady Kagome's. She told Rin that Rin has to be smart in the winter months to not get sick again."
He nodded, folloing her to the hags dwellings giving him pause, "To where are you going?"
Rin's eyes faltered a moment as his arm pushed open the hanging mat, "Well when Rin got better, Lady Kagome sent me to back to Lady Kaede's home." Her expression turned sad, "She said she 'caught' my cold from when she took care of me and was sending me away so Rin didn't get sick again."
"I see," he spoke seeing her settle atop her futon, under a pile of thick furs.
He watched her settle as she begin to dose off, "My Lord?" She smiled seeing his eyes settle on her, "Can you check on Lady Kagome? She won't let anyone take care of her because she says they'll get sick."
He nodded and left the hut, bumping in a now taller Kohaku, "Oh, Lord Sesshomaru!"
"Kohaku," he inhaled, scenting no illness on the boy, "Take care of Rin."
He nodded, "Of course," he wouldn't tell him he was already doing so at Kagome's request.
Entering her small home he found the hearth all but ashes. He found her laying on a bamboo pallet, an odd built bed with little bedding. He realized then, that's why Rin had so many. The sheen of sweat on her brow and shaking breaths, how could he leave her now seeing her in such a state. He set his large plummed pelt down around her, and set out to restart the fire.
Hours pass and Kagome finally stirred from the warmth of the crackling hearth, "You are a fool."
Her tired eyes meet his, "Yes mother."
"Where is your son," he face soured hearing her sarcasm, if she didn'tlook so pitiful right now he thought to himself.
A strained chuckled escapes her, causing her to cough, "He's training with another boy from a neighboring village." When his unamused gaze did not faltered, she smiled, "I'm not a kid okay, my immune system can handle a cold." When his eyes turned defiantly to stare into the darkness, she smiled, "Rin is doing much better."
His eyes returned to hers, "Hn." After a moment's pause a clawed hand gently slid over hers, as he eyed her smaller hand now in his grasp his mind wandered. His thumb gently sliding over her knuckles, "You are no child," he grumbles against the back of his hand.
"That's what I said," she spoke quietly, stifling a yawn, "Is there an echo in here?"
When his thumb drew circles on her knuckles, "You worry this one."
She scoffed heavily congested, "I'm not a child Sesshomaru-"
An annoyed sounds clips her words, "Obviously not a child, this one courts you. Shall this one mount you to prove my understanding? No? Then enough before you tempt me to strip you here and now."
His chin set onto his hand, Kagome could not keep the soft giggle from escaping her.
Oh, he spicy though. LoL 🤣🔥🌶😘
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deadbydangit · 1 year
On their wedding day
Trapper, Nurse, Doctor
Evan is a traditional guy.
Very traditional.
So this will be a very traditional wedding.
Well, as close as it can get while in the realm.
All killer and survivors are invited.
And all are expected to be on their best behavior.
No killing, no flashlights, no nonsense.
The person most qualified to be a pastor is...No one.
Well, the next best person might be Adam, Adris, or Pinhead.
Ace will volunteer to do it. But Evan won't let him.
He'd ask Jake and Carmina to gather some crows.
This will make a decent substitute for doves.
He'll let Kate and Jeff handle the music.
Sally and Bill are probably the most organized and mature. They'll organize the thing.
Victor could possibly be a ring bearer.
Flower girl? Sadako perhaps?
When all is organized and the day comes, Evan is sweating bullets.
Seeing you walk down the aisle, he just freezes.
You look... Amazing.
He's a loss for words.
He kept with traditional vows, urging you to do the same.
But if you wrote your own he'll be just as happy.
He's going to fumble the ring a bit due to nerves.
The party is as traditional as possible.
Bubba offered to make the food and cake, but you both politely refused.
Nope, no human meat.
He wants a slow dance with you more than anything.
If nothing else happens, that's all he wants.
He's too embarrassed to look you in the eye, but you can tell how happy he is.
Nothing could ruin this moment.
Not even Ghostface and Ace's drunk asses causing a scene.
He'll choose to ignore that.
Today, it's all about the two of you.
Him showing you how much you mean to him, how much he loves you.
Sally wants a traditional wedding.
She's a product of her time.
But part of her is hesitant.
It isn't that she doesn't love you
She just never really got over the death of her husband.
He died right in front of her.
The trauma is still standing.
She's gone over the idea of remarrying over and over.
Could she still love her husband from the grave?
Would that be cheating?
What if you died?
Talk to her before the wedding, let her know that you won't be going anywhere.
And that it's natural to still love her husband, even if he's gone.
Finding a dress is going to be near impossible, so she'll have to make one.
And she has been working on it for months.
She doesn't care who is in the wedding party.
She'll accept volunteers as long as they promise to act like adults.
It's a beautiful wedding.
It's obvious she and several others had spent hours decorating the place.
She's been really excited for it, and it shows in her body language.
She wrote her own vows which mentioned how you can always find love in the most unlikely places.
No matter what happens, she'll always be by your side.
People are crying.
She's crying.
She'll even lift her mask for a kiss.
Sally will use her feet to dance, not floating.
It proves a challenge since her legs are weaker, but she's trying really hard.
Oh, and she's absolutely smashing the cake in your face.
Lots of giggling and hugs.
She hadn't been this happy in so long.
And, as long as she has you, he sees no reason to ever be sad.
He doesn't really want to have a wedding.
It's not because he doesn't love you!
But he doesn't see the reason to go through all that trouble.
He loves you, you love him.
Can't you just say you're married and not have a wedding?
If you plead enough, he'll cave.
But as soon as he sees you walking down the aisle, he regrets not wanting a wedding.
He's stunned beyond belief.
It's going to take a few minutes before he regains his composure.
Probably going to have to shake him a bit to get him back from.
"Forgive me. You just..."
He still can't finish his sentence.
He'll go with traditional vows, he isn't the best with words.
He might even start crying.
But he'll firmly deny it.
The after party?
Very classy.
Wine, fancy foods, music.
You want him to dance?
Okay, but he's really bad and clumsy.
But as long as you're having fun.
As long as he has you by his side.
He'll be happy.
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