#wesker family
timmydraker · 24 days
CW: so much angst but it’s mainly for villains
Tim had Ana hunt with Bruce who tells him that he’s too young to understand how the world really works, with Jason adding sneakily that he’s also a rich boy who’s never struggled before.
Naturally, Tim takes this as a challenge and decides to help and/or ‘fix’ every villains that he thinks he realistically can.
He goes big straight away with Harley Quinn. He goes to her and pretends to be asking for advice on a friend who’s in an abusive relationship, saying no one else seems to be understanding eh situation but as a score she might. He smoothly describes her and Joker and lets her rant for almost two hours before pulling the rug form under her and saying that Jason forgives his ‘friend’ for him dying by her boyfriend because he knows she was hurt just as bad when she tried to save him.
Harley takes another two months to leave the Joker and places herself in Arkham to contour her role as a doctor for her fellow maniacs.
It takes the help of several doctors but he finds the cure for Freezes wife and hands it over while telling the man that his wife probably won’t forgive him for his various murders.
Freeze understands, saves his wife anyway and accepts her request for a divorce willing, just as long as she stays alive.
He gets Arnold Wesker a real doctor who can better treat his Dissociative Identity Disorder and helps him keep Scarface out of the front by playing along as if rhetorical puppet is real and under heavy custody.
Arnold starts to live for more moments of peace than he has in years, even if there are still some really bad days.
With Poison Ivy he doesn’t actually do anything as Robin, but instead goes to her as Tim Drake and asks for her guidance on how to make his medical company and by association Wayne Industries completely eco friendly and even help to stop climate change. Tim Drake was already borderline political, he might as well lead the charge on action for climate. He does say that if Ivy does any more large scale and fatal attacks he will stop everything, which she agrees to after a week of though with her plants council.
Pamala cries for hours when she sees Tim’s plan to de-plant the entirety of a forest that she had once tried to save.
Tim doesn’t tell his family about any of this until he asks them to visit him in his city office about a gala he wants to hold, his very first, and they find Pamala and Harley helping with decoration plans and Victor and Arnold discussing how their therapy has been going together.
Bruce nearly had a heart attack.
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mothdoly · 5 months
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activatethis · 1 year
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forgive me...
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bellsartworks · 1 year
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This took them back to their college days
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alvivaarts · 1 year
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Ask and ye shall recieve- you all voted yes for both art and an excerpt! The excerpt will be BELOW THE CUT for those who want to avoid spoilers! For those who do want to suffer, hold onto your butts! I wonder if anyone will notice the thing I did with the dialogue :)
I hope ya'll are happy with yourselves 😊 💗💗💗
Here's a link to the actual fic so far: Simulation Swarm on AO3
Excerpt from what is currently Chapter 32 in my drafts (titled: You're Doing Your Best, Just Makin' it Run)
He can hardly reach out, he can hardly even get to her through his own bars, but Leon fights against the chains and the cuffs wrapped about his hands just to offer something, any comfort he can muster. She yelps, trying to curl away when somebody steps over to fiddle with something above them and out of sight.
“Ashley- hey! Hey, look at me! Look at me.” Leon starts, pull her away from the panicked gasps, even if she just starts to cry all the more as she looks around. Her eyes are wild, all over the place, but finally she looks at him.
Leon speaks without thinking.
“It’s gonna be okay.” He almost babbles it, with it muffled behind the oxygen mask, the muzzle, the plane engine, the boots shuffling about to do something to put them back to sleep. It’s agony to watch the way her pale face goes clammy, how her eyes are already red rimmed,  “I know it’s scary, but we’re gonna be okay. Okay? We’ll be out before you know it, ‘kay bud?”
“‘Kay.” She sobs, and she doesn’t believe him. Oxygen mask fogging up, her tears roll down her face as she sags against the bars, face pressed there as she shakes, her claws curl around his hand as he holds her. The image of it is so stark- Leon remembers her pale fingers gripping onto his back in El Pueblo, he remembers her screaming. He remembers how she’d clung onto him for dear life, like she had when she’d fallen in that house and started seizing, like she had when she’d woken.
Like she does now.
Like every kid who’s ever relied on him, ever.
Leon almost chokes it out as he ducks to press his forehead against the bars beside hers, huddled in the tiny space he has to move.
“It’s gonna be okay. We’re gonna be okay.”
And god, if he doesn’t want to believe it for her sake.
“-o-okay… okay- okay, okay.”
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luckyythirteen · 5 days
Stars Wesker, who unknowingly impregnates his partner, Wesker fakes his death and his partner is devastated.
One day they meet face to face, in a country they always promised to visit, Wesker for the first time doesn't know what to say, and feels everything stop when a mini version of him stares at him.
The rest I leave to your imagination <3.
Anon i love this but the initial wording of this post hit me in the face like a fucking TRUCK /lh
Anyway Wesker would absolutely be at a loss for words, he wanted to leave you behind for your safety. In all honesty he had half hoped you forget about him and just as his brain finally kicks into gear it comes crashing to another halt when he sees your child - HIS child.
There's no mistake that this child is his. A million emotions race through him, panic, confusion, guilt but anger is one of the rare emotions he feels and he latches onto it.
Anger at himself for this oversight. He never wanted a child and he was careless obviously. Anger at you for not telling him sooner! If you had TOLD him he couldve left you a life fund, or found someway to set you well off.
Despite his anger and frustration he keeps a cool expression. He feels his heart ache and he wishes desperately he can be with you again, but he can't. He can't expose you to his life, much less his CHILD.
After this long bout of silence, he finally speaks, voice eerily calm as he looks at the child.
"How long did you know?"
Despite the bubbling emotions you have, once you two get alone time he'll tell you he can't be in the child's life. He'll secure you a home and a fund that will last you a lifetime, to provide your child a good life. ('YOUR' child you note. Not 'our').
He's so clinical as he explains he can't be with you. You can hardly fathom this is the same man who held you at night and took you out on lavish dates...
It's easier for him if youre angry at him. If you hate him. It will keep you safe in the end.
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rakkikuroba · 2 years
Wesker : I swear sometimes I feel like I’m married to a child.
Chris : You better watch who you calling a child, Wesker. Because if I’m a child, then you know what that makes you? A pedophile!
Chris : And I’ll be damned if I stay here and be lectured by a pervert.
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William, Wesker what do you two think of mullets?
Wesker raises an eyebrow as he reads the note, before passing it to Will and crossing the lab to get back to work.
Wesker is tired of Will's mullet obsession; it would be much more convenient if this atrocity of a hairstyle didn't exist
Will reads the note before clenching it in his fist and slamming it against the table emphatically
"Mullets are the greatest hairstyle to grace mankind's scalps, and the day Annette says I can grow mine out again will be the happiest day of my life."
"Didn't you have a wedding? And bear witness to the birth of your child?"
"Happiest. Day. Of. My. Life."
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purpledusty · 2 years
Ozwell E. Spencer: [to Alex] I thought you were on a spiritual retreat
Alex: Namaste
Ozwell E. Spencer: [to Albert] And you're supposed to be dead!
Albert: I got better?
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cannonfullofcanons · 7 months
Albert Wesker arrived at Umbrella’s training facility when he was quite young, already cool, calm, and fully collected. There was no bright-eyed boy to be found in him, no childlike wonder at working with those he claimed to respect. Only commitment to his task at hand; utter brilliance, and determination to see things through to the end. He took to the work like a moth to flame, ascending rapidly above other new researchers, except for one: William Birkin, a man Albert initially found...detestable.
Wesker’s mind functions more on a psychopathic wavelength. If he feels anything for anyone, it is severely numbed, and he finds such feelings trivial in the first place. He felt no need for strong emotional attachments; it served as a distraction, something that would sideline his work. An annoyance, at worst. Though this stunted his social life when he was young, he learned to emulate certain feelings, to blend in. His mental state made it much easier to learn, as he could remove all distraction, but he had never felt a true bond with anyone. But William remains the sole individual to overcome that barrier. Though Wesker initially considered him a contemptible man, shallow and cowardly, his rivaly with William quickly became a bond. William was the only one in that damned building who could match his intellect. The only one he could carry in-depth conversations with regarding the viruses, without losing him in confusion. The only one who could match his ambition. And he quickly found William to be the only one who truly could supercede him. So he proposed they work together - an alliance of convenience, at least at first. Wesker never expected to find a long time friend in William.
Their combined efforts were beyond beneficial. Even Spencer had taken notice, as time rolled on. Wesker was ever so diligent in his work, particular about every detail; more than once he had lectured higher-level staff about taking risky shortcuts, as it would lead to instability in the final product. “What is the point of doing it if you will not do it right?” That was his question for them, one that earned him the ire of lazier staff. For Wesker was a perfectionist in his work, especially with bioweapons. In time, the order came down for them to start officially working together, dropping the facade of rivalry - preceeded swiftly by the termination of Dr. James Marcus. By then, he had long been a senior researcher, strongly influencing the bioweapon projects at Umbrella. His cold, unapproachable demeanor did him credit, more easily intimidated staff would listen to him without question.
In truth? Wesker never cared about Marcus. Nor about Spencer. To him, they were tools. Pawns of his game, elevating him over time. His true interest was in their work. The viruses he helped to develop. He played them like a fiddle, manipulation becoming among the greatest of his talents. He felt nothing when watching Marcus die, writhing pathetically on the ground - except perhaps...amusement. Yes, he did find Marcus’s position somewhat funny, in the moment. He stayed at William’s side thereafter, officially or not - aiding him in his work, making suggestions if William were ever stumped. Running distraction if William had something to hide. Finding, rather quickly...he actually cared about the man. It was a new feeling, and completely alien to Wesker. He loathed it, and yet...it comforted him. He had absolutely no idea what to make of it.
It was as he was struggling with this revelation that he left the company. The Tyrant project, the core of his interest, had hit a snag, and was stalling. His next stop was the United States Army, where he worked as a stealth operative for a time. He gained special tactics training, extensive training with firearms and close quarters combat - and this was much to his benefit when he was discharged, and recruited to S.T.A.R.S.. The new plant at the Raccoon P.D., Brian Irons, was forming a special tactics unit, and he wanted Albert Wesker to head it. The Special Tactics and Rescue Service. Wesker almost found it laughable. But he accepted the position regardless, and soon came to care for STARS as well - in a twisted way.
STARS, to Wesker, was naught but more pawns in his little game of chess. The leadership position gave him more room to do what he wanted, and free days were oft spent with William in the labs, getting updates and helping him with whatever was needed. Even then, although no longer officially in Umbrella’s employ, he still occasionally reported to Spencer and could access the labs. There was a four-month period, in 1997, when he distanced from William; STARS began to occupy more of his time, but he kept in touch digitally. He continued to support his friend at the company. But that was to change in July of 1998 - when his precious STARS unit would meet its end, at the behest of its own Captain. Wesker used them for bioweapon testing data, in a moment of convenience, as the virus had leaked in the Arklay Mountains. He did so almost giddily. He found great amusement in the work, and was fully open with William about his plans when the time came; he expected to meet up with William in the aftermath, especially with the virus William gave him, to preserve his life.
And that he did. He survived impalement by the Tyrant, though, much to his fury, failed to recover the combat data - nor Umbrella’s virus data. His betrayal bore no fruit. He returned to William some days later, now superhuman in body, but just the same as he was before in mind. The virus bonded with his DNA, stabilizing it in the process. He would not die that dark dreary night in Arklay. He spent whatever time he could with the Birkins, but had to be much more careful about it, as a dead man visiting was nothing to scoff at; he avoided public appearances whenever possible. Instead, he became a contact between the new company he worked for, and their spies in the field - one being Ada Wong. The company made plans to steal William’s research, and Wesker acted as the go-between -- initially, he had the full intention of sabotaging them. He only heard about the incident after it had occurred, through Umbrella’s channels he had tapped into. Spying on the company, just like before. He heard that HUNK had been sent in to retrieve the G-Virus sample - and that William Birkin had been terminated. This sent him spiraling into a rage, ready to enter that city and wipe out the team himself, though this did not happen. He didn’t run to Raccoon City to find his now-mutated friend. He knew better; dead or mutated, there was no returning. Instead, he did as instructed, having Ada retrieve the sample. Soon after, Wesker created a copy of William’s work, which he intended to continue, in the memory of his friend.
William’s death took a heavy toll on him. When around his fellow researcher, Wesker felt at his most human. It was an anchor he could hold onto. Losing him led to that feeling fading completely. Wesker became a monster even in his own mind, and he was proud of what he had become. He decided, then and there, he would retrieve Umbrella’s data and more for his own ends. And as he entered Sergei’s facility, to recover the data he lost at the mansion, he had only one regret on his mind.
That William Birkin, his only true friend, could not be there to witness his penultimate victory.
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gigi-does-art · 3 months
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Capcom and their trend of making most of their villain characters blonde too lol. I decided to give Alex Wesker a design! I love how this design turned out! I find her to be a really intriguing villain in revelations 2, and actually want to learn a bit more about her.
Design fact/Headcanon: Alex and Albert almost look identical (with their own unique details in markings of course!) I like to think all the Wesker kids share similar markings, even if not of them are related to each other.
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eviltothecore13 · 2 years
willsker (will/wesker I think?) and wenclair :3
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Basically I STRONGLY headcanon that these two were in a relationship at some point, and while by the time canon starts Will is married to Annette (and I like that relationship and don't want to break it up or put actual cheating in there), Wesker and Will are still very close in a very queer way. And I alternate between yelling about how Wesker trusts Will with his life, going all "wait, technically, Wesker is the undead monster that Will the mad scientist reanimated", and writing silly ficlets with banter and Will complaining about the snow. (I haven't been through the whole ship tag in...a while...but I have done so, and there are some great ones in there but also still not enough, especially when we filter out the ones with Wesker characterisation that's very jarring to me, or the ones heavily based around cheating, and the ones where it's unrequited...)
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I like their dynamic, I love how they grew closer over season 1, they're fun, I enjoy the ship... also saw a great post about the werewolf transformation+rescue scene paralleling Gomez rescuing Morticia in the first film, and there's also potential to contrast between Tyler (who transforms into a murderous monster--which would normally be something Wednesday would be into--but who kills people for motivations based in bigotry/resentment of a marginalised group and/or following orders from a bigot--very much not an Addams thing) vs Enid (who transforms into a much cooler monster and beats Tyler in a fight, and does it to protect someone she cares about, which is far more Addams)...
But at the same time, while they're compatible in some ways (Enid being kind and accepting for the most part towards Wednesday, and Wednesday encouraging Enid to stand up for herself more) and certainly have a great friendship by the end of s1, when it comes to them ending up in a long-term romantic relationship... there's definitely content I enjoy and if it happened in canon I'd be very happy about it, but I'm not 100% sure how much I definitively ship it yet. Their interests are very different, so when they're not investigating a murder I do wonder just what they'd do together. And I can also see the argument for it being a qpr rather than romantic. When it comes to my own fics, I still don't know if I want Wednesday to end up in a romantic relationship with Enid, in a qpr with Enid, with Joel, married to Lucas from the musical, married to a genderswapped version of Lucas from the musical, or what, and I'm just waiting to see how future seasons of the show develop things.
I'm also a bit...eh...about the insistence from some corners of the fandom that if they don't get together it's inherently queerbaiting (I think it would at this point be queerbaiting if they were both depicted as definitively straight and forced into boring straight relationships, and I am concerned about the possibility of that, but there are lots of ways to depict one or both as queer even without the two of them ending up in a definitively canon romantic relationship), and I'm outright uncomfortable with the "they MUST both be lesbians, if they're not both lesbians this show SUCKS AND IS HOMOPHOBIC, Wednesday could DEFINITELY never be into MEN I mean look at her she is OBVIOUSLY a lesbian and if you think otherwise you're wrong" I've occasionally encountered because like...bi people exist and depicting a character as bi isn't homophobic or "less representation" than her being a lesbian. And if anything there's more evidence in canon for Wednesday being bi than there is for her being either exclusively gay or straight (not that I really see any Addams as straight), since she's definitely interested in boys in various other adaptations but some productions of the musical have made her also into girls. The idea that she cannot be bi or it would be homophobic for her to be bi is just really uncomfortable to me.
Anyway it's a ship with great potential but also not one I'm insistent on as the only good option for her?
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howlingday · 1 year
I would, like to make a proposal to the extended Jaune Family AU.
Leon S Kennedy as one of Jaunes cousins
Albert Wesker as one of his uncles.
Ohohohoho! The family drama!
Ah, but to keep things simple, I'm going to stick to anime characters.
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when I watched the netflix resident evil show i did find some scenes that were enjoyable most of which came from the portrayals of the Albert Wesker clones done wonderfully by Lance Riddick he was honestly a treasure and made the role he was given shine. Rest in peace Lance
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alvivaarts · 1 year
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I know I have a vs. Wesker arc I've mentioned but literally all I have for it is a draft for a short comic that's actually a meme.
I'm so great rn how about you
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villageoflight · 1 year
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Leon's tramp stamp is canon in the GoopVerse, it's just not fully visible nowadays
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