#what an idiot. adorable idiot. he's such a goober.
gay-dorito-dust · 20 days
This may sound cliché but how would batboys react to their rlly shy gf trying to do the 1st move before them aka holding hand but cannot, hands trembling, red cheeks and biting lips from frustration?
Literally like a pouting chipmunk/hamster on the spot.
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Would smile at how adorable you looked with flustered face, trying your hardest to incite holding his hand, only to back out when you felt as though you’d pass out from how warm you were making yourself.
He will coo at how precious you were being while cupping your face in his hands and asked ‘can I kiss your face senseless pretty cutie?’ And when you gave him a affirmative answer, dick was more then ready to start smothering your face in kisses a plenty, so much so that he could feel your cheeks warming up beneath his lips that he got addicted to how cute you were while respecting your boundaries.
He knows how much pressure you put yourself under when trying to hold his hand, so dick will take the burden off of your shoulders and hold your hand for you while wearing the biggest smile on his face.
Dick adored you but didn’t want you to push yourself out of your comfort zone when you were nowhere near ready yet, he appreciated that you were trying but he didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable for doing this just for him and so he’ll gladly make the first move forever and always until you feel like you could easily do so without stressing yourself over it to the point where you just kinda shut down.
He doesn’t want you, his beloved shy sweetheart, to feel as though you were meant to make the first move when you were uncertain about how to hold his hand, dick will continue to do anything and everything he could even if it meant making himself look like an idiot, just so it meant that you can keep in your comfort zones just a little while longer. So let him hold your hand instead and relax, he’s got you.
Probably just as awkward as you were when trying to hold his hand, he wants to hold your hand too but tends to overthink how he could do so without coming across weird, too assertive or anything else that would shy you away from showing him affection.
Had sweaty palms and would accidentally swipe his hand away from yours when he feels you wanting to hold his hand, just to wipe his palms on his pants before offering it back to you with a soft smile.
You’re both trying to work through it and there have been countless times where ‘sorry’ had left your lips almost every second of every day when trying to hold his hand, only for Tim to wave it off and awkwardly grab your hand himself.
Or you’d both stand there like a pair of awkward goobers who was straining every muscle in their bodies just to hold pinkies. It’s hilarious as it was sad, but Tim is smart enough to know what you want and is more then willing to give it too you, and yet he also suffers from the same thing that riddled you and so there were times where you’re both just staring at each others hands with a want and need to hold.
So when you did finally hold hands, you’re not thrown into another situation of when was enough hand holding before you got sweaty palms and weird your partner out, so you both end up keeping up the hand holding and get sweaty palms regardless.
Grabs your hand while muttering under his breath with a flustered expression, ‘fucking commit and hold my hand.’
He wants you to hold his hand even if his resting bitch face says otherwise, so please give him what he so desperately wants and holds his hand, he wants your hand pressed against his.
He’s starved for any and all affection from you however he could but lacked the voice to speak upon his desires, which is very odd for him, considering how easily he could speak his mind but the moment you hold his face in his hands nothing else mattered to Damian.
He just wants your affection but lacks the courage to say so without it coming across as harsh or demanding towards your much more shy and sensitive nature.
So sometimes he’ll probably pout and hold out his hand in your direction and wait as long as he needs for you to get the hint and hold his damn hand, or even walks up to you and snatches your hand himself, all the while keeping a firm but protective grip on it at all times through the rest of the day.
Would give signals to you that he wants you to hold his hand but didn’t want to push you into do so.
He wanted you to go at your own pace as while he wanted it just as bad, if not worse then you, he wanted you to learn that he wasn’t going to bat your hand away when you needed comfort from him.
He would coo at how cute you are being and kiss for your head and whisper ‘here let me show you.’ Before gently grabbing your hand, put it in his and intertwined your fingers as he soon grew addicted to the visual of your hand being swamped by his own, protected and safe as a hand could be. ‘It’s not so scary and I would never push your affection away, never you hear me chipmunk?’
You’d hum and Jason would kiss your forehead again as he drew you into his arms, allowing his scent to calm you down. Jason loved that you loved him enough to want to hold his hand, but didn’t want you to struggle in doing so if you weren’t ready to do so yet.
He didn’t want you to hurt yourself to give him affection just because that was expected of you. Much like Dick, he’d take the weight off of your shoulders and hold your hand instead, hold you close to his chest and greet you with soft kisses and affectionate words of comfort.
‘You did great peanut, I’m so proud of you.’ He’d whisper against your head as he squeezed your hand in his own, allowing you to feel all his callouses and fall more in love with this man who had the softest heart.
Would just gently take your hand in his, squeeze it comfortingly and maybe press a kiss to the back of it, all while in silence as he multitasked.
Bruce wanted you to feel comfortable enough to incite the hand holding but was more than willing to meet you halfway if you became too shy or overwhelmed to do so yourself. He’s not use to affection himself but he was more than welcoming of your affection and would never turn it away unless he had a reason to, which was rare.
He doesn’t bring too much attention to your want to hold his hand, he didn’t wish to push you even more into the spotlight then you already have done to yourself mentally, he just continues on with his day while having your hand intertwined with his.
He made sure that Alfred didn’t say anything of it either just so he could hold your hand a little while longer, it calmed him and grounded him when he needed it most, you didn’t think much of your touch nor the effect it had, but Bruce thought about it on a daily basis to the point where he can not be clam nor rational without holding you somehow.
There were no words spoken between you two as the little squeezes of hands and softest of sighs passing lips were enough for him to know that his touch had just as much of a calming effect on you too. And so with a small smile on his face, Bruce squeezed your once more before pressing a kiss to it as he tugs you through the manor and back to bed.
‘Don’t pressure yourself, if you don’t feel comfortable then don’t force yourself into doing so. Allow me to uptake the things that you aren’t ready to do just yet.’ He would whisper to you before gently coddling you against his chest as you both feel asleep, making sure that his back was towards the door, always the protective lover.
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bronx-bomber87 · 7 months
Good evening fandom! Welcome to my inaugural mini review post. Holy hell I can’t believe we’re finally here. These probably won’t be as detailed as normal like I mentioned. Mini review is the goal. It’ll be initial thoughts and feelings. Which will be fun cause all the other seasons other than S5 I had ton of time to reflect on moments. These thoughts for S6 could change when I rewatch the season for review purposes this summer. The exciting thing is having those first reactions. That's what these will be.
So you're getting hot off the presses thoughts haha I just watched it couple hours ago. These are thoughts I had while it was happening. With some editing to make it readable ha Want my reactions be as authentic as possible with these. Why I avoid spoilers tbh. Be interested in seeing what everyone else’s are as well. The gif library was an absolute turd so I didn't get to use all the gifs that were made yet. So I made some. Anyways this so friggin exciting to delve into so let’s get started.
6x01 Strike Back
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Tim got scruffier from the finale to now-and I’m here for it. Mm. Plus he's in Metro gear. Phew Lord. Something about scruffy Tim gets me going. Adore them riding together automatically after their battle. I truly love it. The little things I continually love with them. Also LOVING the Metro call sign. Yum If this going to be his call sign all season I am about it.
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Oh my lord why is her sitting at his desk so squee worthy to me? It’s getting me all in my feels. I love that Lucy can just use his office as her own. So cute using it to steal it for some study time. I love this so very much. Then her asking if they can ride together so he can quiz her? Tim doesn’t hesitate for a moment before saying yes.
Still amazes me we’re in the place with them. The Tim of old would’ve groaned and moaned about such a task. He jumps right on it for her. Ready to help her out. Even though he’s not sure how much it’s gonna do. Clearly very aware Primm is out to get her. That is common knowledge now.
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Lucy is right when she says it sucks. That she has to battle this and face possible wild cards.. It isn’t fair when she's earned her spot more than most. Fought and clawed for everything she's done in this department. Definitely more than Nolan... Hey wouldn't be a review if I didn't pot shot Nolan would it? lol I love Tim finding a solution for them. Saying they can take out do the box calls all day. Widen her knowledge a bit on it. Sharpen her skills with odd calls.
I love her grateful smile when she says 'Thank you.' Loves this man. Damnit they’re so cute their banter coming out of his office is on point. Tim saying she learns best when she’s pissed off. I mean if that isn’t her rookie experience with him in a sentence. Lucy saying this feels like she is giving him permission to be an ass. Heh it kinda is no matter what Tim says.
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You know he kinda loves being able to make her his boot again in some form. He is going to enjoy himself with this. There is no doubt about it. That's why he's doing that smile of his. Lucy calling him out knowing this man so well. Pointing her finger and all. God I love these idiots so much. Tim trying to tell her just his smile. Uh huh sure it is Tim.... Lucy following after him with a smile of her own. These dopes I've missed them so damn much.
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I’m very much loving Tim has not really shaved in 6 weeks ha. The scruffy remains and I’m excited about it. Lucy is starting to question asking Tim to help her. We all know she learns best from that man sitting next to her though. I also always enjoy when she gets to drive. Another micro shift that has changed that I love so much. Her heart eyes when he says Angela’s cop brain is just booting up LOL Loves this goober of man.
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Lucy absolutely losing it and going on a rant of epic proportions had me rolling. LOL Massive emotional downward spiral happening here. I’m dying as I watch Tim take it in. God Eric the master of expressions crushing it again. This was a huge one for her holy crap. Nuclear really. Well done Melissa getting all that in with one breath basically. By the time she’s done I’m cackling at Tim’s expression. LMAO Oh my god these two. God I’ve missed them so much it pained me.
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Lucy knowing Tim's reply without even looking at him. Just epic married status at this point. Doesn’t even have to look at him or for Tim to say anything. It’s already there because of that crazy good connection they have. How deeply they know one another. It’s so good. Tim being the smart man he is says nothing. Lucy knowing he’s thinking it haha
Lucy coming to conclusion she will do crazy wild card during the day and the manual at night. She will sleep when it's over LOL Tim shaking his head. Knowing there is nothing he can say right now that'll make this better. Or to derail her crazy train of thought. This is like S1/S2 them with the added benefit of them being together now. It’s glorious.
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Getting serious Plain Clothes Day vibes from this episode as well. Except this time Lucy light years away from who she was then. Confidently reciting what she’s going to do Tim nodding along. Tim wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t rock her boat a little though. Lucy getting in her head about the crime scene now. Tim isn’t wrong she did tick all the obvious boxes. That the point of today is looking for wild cards. That’s what he wants her to engage that brilliant brain of her's in. It's why he's here.
To zero in on the 'Out of the box thinking'. Poor Lucy spirals out not being able to decide if she wants his help or not. I ADORE Tim telling her it’s ok to not know the answer. Not shaming her in the least just needing her to make a call. God how far we’ve come. Tim pushes her because he knows that is when she learns best. Trying to add a little urgency to her decision making. Unfortunately it backfires. I kinda loved them calling each other by their ranks in this heated exchange.
Lucy is so flustered it’s giving me PCD vibe once again in the best way. The sprinklers turn on and Lucy panics. There’s the wild card….We watch as a bullet leaves this man’s body and enters the storm drain never to be seen again. Lucy being so very disappointed in herself. It’s reminiscent of the disappointment she showed in s1 but only now she's far more experienced. So it hurts much more now….Oh Lucy my heart. You poor thing. Couldn’t have gone more wrong if she tried.
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I can’t believe they played clown music upon her entrance.... Beyond cruel but that's cops. Always taking shots when people mess up spectacularly. Tim trying not laugh.... Babe she is spiraling right now maybe don’t lol Poor thing I would be mortified too. I love how both Tim and Lucy smile when they see Wes and the wee one. My heart. She wants Wes's opinion and he just crushes her with logic. Ugh She needs a hug. Bad day for our girl.
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Lucy continues to break my heart as they sit in front of the crime scene. She is on the verge of tears. Verge of a breakdown it feels like as well. Killing me softly. Saying she should skip the detectives exam. My girl. Tim doesn't want her to give up. I will say this fight I feel like I would be Tim. Trying to be so supportive it’s come off as agreeing with her she can’t do it. When really he was just trying to be supportive of whatever she wants.
Can't win for losing right now Timothy. She is in a bad way right now. Lucy has some weight to her argument though. if I was her in this moment I would feel the same way. If I’m in a bad headspace I need reassurances. So I can relate to both of them in this fight. It’s not a fun time for either of them. Tim is still learning that emotional depth he needs to have with her in these moments.
Being supportive has worked before so he's not sure why it's backfiring right now. They’re solid but always room to grow beauty of them. Lucy spots someone pull up to crime scene crying. She has them peel out with Tim not really understanding why. Lucy catching her digging through her trash. She ends up getting a confession. Phew Well done Luce.
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Oooh this final scene. Oh my damn lord. This is some PRIMO productive angst holy hell. Eric and Melissa came out swinging with it. I knew they were going to have one more scene about it. I just didn't think it would be this explosive. I adore Tim picking up on how short she is with him. Grabbing her by the arm and confronting her. Growth continuous growth for them both continues to show. Love it. Look at Tim being the one to come at this. I’m so proud of him.
Throwing her words from 5x21 somewhat back at her. Saying this isn’t going to work if she isn’t honest with him. Then Lucy really lays into him. Now do I think he purposely undermined her? No I don’t. Not ever. That’s not in his DNA to do that to someone he loves. I was deeply hurt for him when she suggested this. You can see how hurt he is when she says as such. He’s getting emotional and it makes me as well. I just wanna hug him.
Tim as we know is a DEEPLY loyal person. Also one of my main relations to him as a character. To purposely hurt someone they love isn’t fathomable to a loyal person. It's unthinkable. You have to hurt them first. To undermine Lucy would be to hurt her so he would never. To be accused of such by your favorite person? That cut's so insanely deep for him. I haven’t seen him this hurt since the 'Tim Test' line from her in 4x08. I’m legit wounded for him. He is so upset she could think that of him.
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Now Lucy might be onto something with the subconscious part. He could’ve done it not realizing what he was doing. Because love isn’t rational. Man is hardwired to protect her and want to keep her safe. So I could see this especially with her psych background. I think this is solid guess at what happened. Now was this the right time to lash out at him for Isabel stuff? I don’t know…
Felt like a low blow when he was already down for the count. She is throwing him daggers with her eyes most of this conversation. Feels like its more than just the UC right now but that's just my guess at this point. Let's not forget she was having UC doubts towards the end of last season.
Now do they need to have these fights and conversations? HELL YES. My god this subject needs to be discussed. Especially with how 5x20-5x21 were. Want to reiterate this is my first impression. I was literally writing this as I experienced their fight for first time. When I rewatch it this summer this could change. My POV could shift. But right now I see a man who only thought he had her back and was raked across the coals in this moment.
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So for me right now in this moment I feel like Lucy had pent up frustrations and took it out on Tim. The protective side of me for him isn’t pleased with that tbh. Doesn't mean I love Lucy any less. I adore her so much. You all know that. But my gut leaned towards Tim in this fight. That may be bias idk but it’s how I felt when it was said and done. Tim was very very defensive when she brought up Isabel. Which hasn't happened in awhile. But his emotions were heightened and he was on the defensive before they'd reach the topic of her.
Lucy basically kicked him while he was down and he felt it. I'm not discounting her feelings at all. She is allowed to feel overwhelmed. Has every right to be. She is STRESSED and it is coming out in all kinds of ways. Ways that aren't like her. I think she stewed on this thought the ENTIRE shift and it came out in the worst way. Which also isn't like her. What she did had him defaulting back to old school Tim. Cutting off the conversation before more emotions were to be had or he said something he would regret.
Basically cut the fight off at the knees and walked away. Lucy’s face says it all when he walks away. She wasn’t expecting that. Shocked he just left her like that. Oh Lucy, you wounded him more than once and he retreated HARD. Leaving her standing there wondering what the hell just happened? God this is so good though everyone. This is the type of angst I'm all for. What a way to start the season off hot damn. Hurts so good angst to get us going. I could not be more excited for where we go this season. Feel free to comment on this. Love to chat with you all about this. All uncharted territory for us all. We're in for quite the ride.
Side notes-non Chenford
Who are these friggin people? They’re insanely ruthless. Like Rosalind level ruthless in how they just dispose of people. Sending two their team out as a distraction to be blown up. Jesus. Then sniping their own guy. They’re smart but cold af. Then killing who I thought was the boss at the end. Shit. Consider me intrigued.
I liked the 6 weeks later. Makes sense need to do a time jump.
Celina being more afraid of Tim than Harper. LOL little does she know they’re basically the same person haha
Poor Aaron wants to be back in the game and can’t be. I agree with Grey he’s not ready even if he thinks he is.
God I love Nyla Harper. Took that mofo out like the complete bad ass she is. Came with repercussions which made me sad for her.
Angela being more excited to see burritos than her husband lmao I love this woman.
Feeling little potential flirty action for Aaron and his therapist.
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lightfeltmemories · 9 months
Hmmm, how about an Hiei x S/O or his crush headcannons? Which the S/O who's a goober, like a sweet and adorable and a very romantic one (overdramatic one...) And like thinking that the S/O is like tall (like I guess 5'10 or smth idk 😅) and he's a smol angry demon man like he doesn't know why he dated/developed feelings for a human that's like this but secretly loves them (I just love the opposite attract and tall and small dynamics xD)
oooooh i love this idea!! i decided to do both (starts off as a crush then he becomes a lover) and ngl i kind of took the enemies to lovers route with this one since i feel like it fits his character more. i also decided to go with the "goofy but very strong character" trope with the s/o because honestly? why not lol.
i surprisingly had a lot of fun writing this and it got longer than expected, he's a little ooc in some parts but eh it's not that big of a deal tbh.
tw: injuries, reader almost dies at one point, brief mention of reader having trauma,
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lets be real, hiei found you annoying at first, not as annoying as kuwabara but damn near close.
when you were going to fight he didn't have much hope in you, you would probably die in under a second knowing your nature, but as soon as you put in work it almost made his jaw drop.
how he developed feelings for you was at that very moment, he doesn't realize it until much later.
the way his stomach gets this thing called "butterflies" when he's near you, he doesn't move away or threaten you when you get near or touch him (he did at first threatening to rip your arm off) but then he can't help but grow hot... uncomfortably hot.
he's thinking you put him under some type of spell, why does he feel this way? especially over a human? sure, you show courage, sure, you fight well, but guaranteed that there are others who do as well...
but then he comes to the realization, he's never met a demon that has ever made him feel this way.
and a certain red head can see right through it.
kurama eventually asks hiei if something is wrong, but hiei states that he's fine, it takes a bit of time to convince the fire demon to come clean, that something is wrong with him, whilst he was ranting, kurama was listening.. and then he came to the realization.. hiei had a crush on you.
when kurama tells him, he denies it, saying that you were just some annoying human, and that he doesn't have crushes or has the time for a relationship, but kurama knows all of that is a lie, he likes you, and him denying everything just makes things worse.
it was made very clear that this information was kept between the two demons, and eventually, hiei would have to tell you.
some time passes by and you manage to get into a scuffle, you end up injured and hiei comes to the rescue, but tells you not to think of it too deeply.
you don't say anything, but hiei has been acting strange, it's gotten to the point where yusuke and kazuma notice, but don't say a word, it's even weirder when it's just the two of you, he's a lot more.. quiet, and noticeably kinder to you, he doesn't insult you as much anymore, other than that, things remain the same.
while your tidying up your wounds you still managed to keep a smile on your face and a sense of humor, going as far as to make fun of your loss.
hiei would've called you an idiot and told you to shut up, but he can't bring himself to do it somehow, the way you talk, your laugh, your smile, the butterflies get stronger and the blush on his cheeks start to grow darker.
damn... what's with this woman?? why is she so... so....?
it would take so much of his ego and pride to just man up and admit that he likes you, he's not good with words unless it's telling people off (he gets better with this, i promise).
eventually, you got into another fight, and your opponent was tough, so tough in fact you almost die fighting, and you ended up passing out for hours upon hours, the team thought you would die.
hiei put on his cold front as usual, but on the inside he's panicking, he can't lose you, not right now at least.
when it's just him in the infirmary, he looks down at your unconscious body feeling the urge to shed a tear, your happiness is... gone, staring down at nothing but a blank face.
he hoped that you didn't die, he made sure that when you wake up, he'll tell you that he likes you... though it's easier said than done, it'll still take a lot out of him.
eventually he gets in a vulnerable state, kurama yet again see's him, noticing that he's shaking, sitting in the grass at the edge of a cliff, staring into the sunset.
they talk for a while, kurama eventually convinces him that if he can't just flat out tell her, he could just write her a note, and even better, give her a gift.
but what would she even like?
he heard in passing with your talk with his sister, yukina, that you really liked cupcakes (im sorry if you don't like cupcakes just try to imagine it's like some other desert), so, he gets some cupcakes.. from somewhere... somehow... and writes you a letter about how he wants you to be his mate.
and when you say yes.. you're locked in.. forever.
eventually you do wake up, find the cupcake next to the table and eat it, noticing the note and reading over it, it comes to you almost as a shock... hiei? likes you? no way, this has to be some type of elaborate prank.
you do end up seeing hiei, who can't even look at your face, i mean you have to admit.. he's cute, a cute little short guy, while you're taller than him by some inches, he doesn't seem to mind this, he knows he's stronger than you, height doesn't mean jack shit to him.
and so, you accept his request, and now, the two of you are officially dating! or at least that's what you think and he wants.
at first, nothing changes, he's still a tad bit nervous around you, he ordered that there should be no pda in front of the team, he's not ready to tell everyone yet.
when you two are alone, he still had barriers up, not feeling the most comfortable with you yet, the two of you talk and get to know each other, realizing that the reason you were the way you were was because of your trauma, so you masked it with humor.
it takes a while for the two of you to be more intimate (not sexual), holding hangs, hugging, kissing, of course when there wasn't anyone around.
the only person he trusts in regards of knowing about the relationship is kurama and mukuro, no one else.
it takes him a bit to admit that he definitely loves his s/o, and you might've been one of the best things that has happened to him.
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notactually-nugg · 3 months
holy shit…just finished Magnus and omg this is one of my favourite things of media ever!! I love horror and this is the type of narrative combined with horror I want.
Anyway here’s my funny haha summary of season 5!
- here we go last season
- “Double boss :D” I MISS TIM
- “It’s quiet here and I have you” STOP I LOVE THEM
- “Tim” “Saaaashhhhhaaaaaaaa”
- Martin is so real for not wanting to answer the phone
- Jon is post apocalyptic google lol
- I love how Jon just ends up getting random stories
- Helen is a jon Martin shipper and I love that for her
- “I am not and have never been adorable” oh shush Jon you scrunkly man
- “BBYYYYYEEEEEEE” Simon is the silliest goober
- Helen wanting to witness the murders is such a mood
- Daisy really nomed jon
- Rest in Piece daisy (I still like Tim more then u)
- Lmao Georgie and Melanie have a cult that’s so iconic
- “The ceaseless watchers special little boi”
- Melanie and Martins conversation is wholesome and hilarious and I love them
- Sassy sarcastic Martin is iconic (he’s me fr fr)
- bro dimensions it’s getting a little weird and a little wild.
- “Shocker I have self esteem issues what’s the point?” HES SO ME
Episode 200:
- here we go
- *creepy violin music*
- Omg hi jonahhhhh
- Just 2 dudes having an epic convo in a penopticon (I can’t spell lmao)
- Oh wait he chill
- Story time with Jon :D!!!
- Oooooo fear backstory!!!
- holy shit…
- Bye basira
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pianokantzart · 1 year
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Yes please. The first scene of The Mario Brothers sets the tone for their relationship so well, and I’m so glad it carries through the entire film.  Most of the screenshots taken from this posted clip: X
I ADORE THAT THE FIRST SHOT OF THEM IN THE MOVIE IS THEM SIDE HUGGING EACH OTHER. They’re just standing there in front of the television, watching their commercial, two goobers barely able to contain the excitement of what they’ve accomplished together.
The commercial ends, and immediately they start showering each other with complements while teasing each other. “Wow! You were great!” Mario shouts while slapping Luigi’s cap over his eyes.  “I was great? Are you kidding me!? You were great!” Luigi shouts back as he playfully jabs at his brother’s stomach. 
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While they’re both proud of the commercial, Mario expresses some minor worries. He says “I’m so glad we spent our life savings on this commercial” as though he was having doubts before, and wonders if the goofy Italian accent was too over the top. But Luigi is fully optimistic, describing their ad as not just some commercial, but true “cinema.” He is about to reassure Mario about the accents too, when the Giuseppe... who naturally has that same goofy over-the-top accent... chimes in to voice his support.
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“Well well well...” Then a new voice joins the conversation, and the moment Mario and Luigi hear it the mood changes. Both brothers tense up and turn to look.
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In an instant, their instinctual reaction is “Ah fuck, not this guy.” “...If it isn’t Brooklyn’s favorite failures, The Stupid Mario Brothers.”
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“Oh great, Spike’s here.” Luigi’s comment is one of passive annoyance. He stays behind his brother, his body language anxious and anticipatory, his expression looking more and more worried the closer he gets to Spike.
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“Hey, Spike.” Mario, on the other hand, is assertive. He immediately walks over and stands confrontationally in front of his old boss, arms crossed in front of his chest.
“Yeah. IT’S-A ME!” Spike retorts with an imitation of Mario’s put-on Italian accent and aggressively laughs in his face. He isn’t “annoying but well-meaning” the way Mario’s uncles are, he’s deliberately trying to get under his skin. Mario squints when Spike laughs a little too close for comfort, but otherwise holds his ground and maintains his composure.
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Spike wipes a tear from his eye and switches gears from obnoxious mockery to cold belittling. “Tell me, have you even gotten one call since you left me to start your dumb company?”
So right off the bat we learn two things: 1. The Mario Brothers quit Spike’s business, and he’s bitter enough about it that he’s tracked their future endeavors and goes out of his way to make fun of them for it. Clearly there’s an issue of pride here– two little nothings quitting his business to try and make it on their own? Who do they think they are? 2. Mario, in return, is bitter enough about whatever happened while they worked for Spike that he takes the bait and gives Spike the time of day. Luigi looks like he would prefer to dip out of the situation altogether, but he does his best to support Mario when he thinks he’s got a leg up…
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While Mario is still taking a breath to form his reply, Luigi summons the courage to step out from behind his brother, looking smug as he waves his cellphone around. “Actually, Spike, we have!”
Mario is excited for a moment until it’s revealed the phone call is from their mom. Luigi is proud enough of her support that he sincerely considers it a bragging point, happily clinging to his sibling all the while Mario is internally begging his brother to stfu.
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Then, Luigi mic-drops the phone. It audibly shatters. Instant regret. Mario looks like he’s going to implode from embarrassment.
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Spike, naturally, finds this hilarious. Giggling, he grabs a napkin, wipes the pizza grease off of his beard, and lobs the crumpled napkin at Luigi. “Good luck running a business with this idiot.”
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With lightning-fast reflexes, Mario reaches out and catches the napkin before it hits its target. The music takes a dramatic shift as the mood of the conversation gets more serious.
“Say that again about my brother, and you’re gonna regret it.” At that point, it might have been smarter for Mario to just throw the napkin in the nearest bin and walk away, but Spike just made the mistake of going at Luigi. Nobody is allowed to treat him like that, not while Mario’s around.
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Mario retaliates by throwing the napkin back in Spike’s face, hitting him square in the forehead. Spike does not take this lightly. Where Mario has a sense of basic dignity, Spike has an overinflated ego, and he won’t take even the smallest offense lying down. He rises to his feet, fists clenched, chest puffed, ready for a fight. “Oh yeah?”
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Mario also looks ready to throw down, but rather than raise his fists his first priority is to press Luigi out of harm’s way. Luigi, in the meantime, looks terrified, stepping back and bracing himself, his already anxious body language tensing further. Both Mario and Luigi are startled when Spike actually follows through with getting physical, snatching Mario by the overall straps and lifting him up off the ground.
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“Get this through your tiny brain Mario: You’re a joke! and you always will be.” Mario doesn’t fight or argue, he just squints as Spike talks uncomfortably close to his face like he’s trying to goad him into throwing the first punch. Mario does not take the bait, and does not give Spike the satisfaction of any reaction at all. When it comes to petty insults like this, he can take them like a champ.
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Luigi is shocked into a standstill. His gaze rapidly flicks back and forth between Spike and Mario. He has no idea what to do, he’s just worried about his brother in every sense of the word, taken aback by both the vitriolic comment and threat of an actual fight.
Spike, after getting the final word in, throws Mario to the ground. Luigi drops to his knees and holds out his hands to help his older brother up, but Mario recovers himself before Luigi can assist.
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Luigi looks far more hurt by Spike’s insult than Mario, and seems to be calculating what their options are if things escalate any further. Mario holds what little ground he has, staring defiantly up with his hands clenched, as if he’s daring Spike to try something.
Luckily, things simmer down. Spike proudly dusts off his hands and heads toward the door, taking a moment to leave money on the table. He’s an asshat and a blowhard, but he still plays by society’s rules. He doesn’t dine and dash, and he’s not going to carry a confrontation further than he feels he needs to, especially not in a public restaurant. Spike has the potential to win this fight, but at the end of the day he has a business to run.
Despite having been dropped flat on his back, Mario is the first to get up. He straightens his cap and dusts himself off, staring daggers at his old employer’s back while Luigi rises to his feet and begins questioning his brother’s decision. “Are you insane!? He’s three times your size!”
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Spike’s insult was cruel, but it clearly didn’t effect Mario too much. It’s more of the same ole same ole from him, and can’t be taken too seriously. Luigi is more concerned about the physical risks involved.
“Luigi, c’mon! I mean, you can’t be scared all the time.” To me, this comment doesn’t feel like Mario criticizing Luigi as much as it feels like Mario defending his own approach to life. Both him and Luigi are young (probably early 20s), little guys working in manual labor. They’re at the bottom of the totem pole, but Mario maintains his sense of pride. He’s eager to fight back against adversity and prove himself to the world, even if it means taking serious risks.
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“Mmmm, you’d be surprised.” Luigi, in the meantime, has complete opposite approach when facing life’s challenges. He is not as good at rolling with the punches as Mario, and being very anxious and sensitive by nature, his way of getting along is by avoiding confrontation altogether. 
CONCLUSION: Mario’s strong drive pulls Luigi into situations that go against his instincts, but that’s for the better. If Mario hadn’t been there, Luigi definitely wouldn’t have attempted to talk back to Spike like that. Is he skilled at backtalk? Not in the least, but it’s the spirit of attempting to stand up for himself that counts. Mario gives Luigi room to be vaguely adventurous and assertive by providing protection, clearing the path, and making things easier for him whenever he can.  As a result, Luigi would follow Mario anywhere– and does, supporting him in all of his endeavors with full confidence. There is a reason why Charlie Day described Luigi as “die-hard loyal,” and for someone like Mario, who has gumption, big dreams, and a lot going against him, having someone at his side who sincerely supports and believes in him with all his heart is indispensable.
The beginning shows us a good example right off the bat of Luigi’s confidence regarding Mario’s dreams, and anxiety regarding outside threats. Meanwhile, we see glimpses of Mario’s anxiety regarding his own dreams, and confidence when facing outside threats. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: they really do balance each other out. 
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crow-talks-hockey · 4 months
Got any thoughts on McDavid and MacKinnon and how weirdly alike they seem to be
kkkkkkkkkkk. whooo. alr. i'm calm. here ye go
starting with mack: HAS won. passionate, fierce, quick to anger. more of an all around player than a point/goal getter - not to say that the latter is a bad thing, it's just he's different in that way. he's a fucking horse. a bull in the china shop if you will. but he's also SUCH a fucking goober. he isn't afraid to say exactly what he means in as few words as possible, no matter who he's speaking to. he is filled with so so much ferocious adoration and fanboyism i'm fully in love :) oh yeah and he's a fucking fridge of a man too. there's that.
now connor: somehow someway has NOT won and imma cry about it until he does cos it makes me depressed that he's never been given the right team around him to go far. timid, gentle leader with a soft heart and even kinder eyes. more of the point getter out of the two, which i believe does make him just that hair better than nate. more on that, is also his style i think. he cuts through you like you're not even there. he's more elegant of a skater (whereas nate is more of a power forward; he gallops, not glides) which helps make his blatant speed easier to see. he is also a goober like nate but in different ways. he gives more long answers and tends to joke a little more with reporters (curtesy of leon no doubt) when they ask stupid questions lmao. he is so comfortingly loving and just a haunted and sweet little being. built lean and agile just like his play <3
and finally, both!! : COMPETITIVE AS HELLLLLLLLLLLL 🥶🙏🔥 sid crosby obsession/crush/idolatry. ginger genetics (nate's beard for reference, and connor's hair+beard. fight me. connor is ginger). dry ass humor and tone 24/7, like, these fuckers could be having the time of their lives and sound like they either a) just rolled out of bed or b) want to pass away from fear/rage. and lastly. they're both so damn good at hockey it's not even funny anymore. no one even comes close to their talent as forwards in my opinion. they're just. uncontested.
anyway there's my compartmentalized thoughts on my favorite freaks :3 if i can leave you with one last thought it's simply this: these idiots are in love in my mind and no one is gonna change that. they should KI- 🤭
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elliespuns · 8 months
Do you have a favorite detail in TLOU pt.2? I rlly like how you can find everything Joel gave to Ellie at the end of the game like the comics and backpack pins 😭😭
the fact she kept them on her backpack even after everything that happened between them makes me sob
My favorite part in Part 2 is the birthday flashback. ALL OF IT. The whole gameplay, the scenes we get to experience through the two goobers. I adore every aspect of it. I made a post where I analyzed this scene and talked in detail about what I loved most about it. (click for the post)
What I never will get over, though, is the fact that Joel was reading 'The Idiot's Guide to Space' before going to bed every night so he could have something to talk about with Ellie. Same goes for reading her comics; her stupid comics he'd never get his hands on in his life if it weren't for her.
Yep, these are the little things I live for.
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panda-puma · 10 months
(I am sorry in advance, because you unlocked a ramble I've had in me since I saw Zoro and realised that Oda looked at the Cool Manga Dude Archetype and said "no" and made our Mossball capable of wide, wide smiles (which are apparently lost post-timeskip but that I ignore, I am not looking, I am still pre-timeskip, I am soaking every smile and grin) 300+ chapters in and I still am riding the high of love at first sight, when it comes to OP. one day I might find flaws but for now it is perfection incarnate 😂😂😂)
aw, it's sad hearing how the anime kills characterizations. especially with core characters. Nami disgusted by Sanji!? c'mon, why would you do that, anime-writers 😭
to taint any relationship in OP, where the relationships are what makes it such a good read 😭
it's true that when Sanji gets more spicy, what makes his reaction tolerable is how the girls just shrug it off. they care not! they feel safe around him! Nami pranced around him in bikini, and our boy was more interested at first in flowers 😭
thank you so much for movie recommendations! ❤❤❤
I absolutely adore the story and the characters! and the writing! I've cried like a baby while reading OP more times than I've had while consuming any other media. it just hits you in the heart with sniper accuracy ❤😭 and then makes you cackle like a witch. rinse and repeat. i love it.
(reactions still dictated by the story up to the very start of Impel Down) I'm still trying to fully put my finger on what exactly makes me love OP that much but I think that what gets is how much trust there is between the characters. how easy they love each other. (Zoro and Luffy? dear god, they are so good. 100% trust.) and how silly they can get. It's rare that I love absolutely everybody, yet here I am: I'm collecting my silly little boys and girls like pokemon. I will catch em all. gimme more.
I cannot get enough how emotive the characters are. when they smile it lits up the sky. when they cry I cry with them. when they goof off I watch them fondly but when shit hits the fan, I read with baited breath how my silly little goobers get serious. there is a whole rainbow of emotions and I adore it.
(Sorry for taking so long to answer! this month went by extremely fast ;v;UUu if i take too long to reply you can talk to me privately too, i don't mind!)
Don't apologize for passionately loving things! It's the best way of living! ❤
Oda writes characters so well, that even in their comical exaggeration, still feel like real people to me. Everything is for a reason, even the dumbness (that i absolutely love xD it's just amazing to me that even that has its reasons and wraps so well with everything)
And yes, sadly the Anime really kills characterization... Nami and Sanji's relationship is completely changed. They are not really friends in the Anime. Nami is not kind, ever, and Sanji is just interested in her as a sexy object. They are not friendly with each other... when in the Manga is obvious that they are friendly and chill most of the time.
Sanji adores her, yes, but in the Manga he is not just there to be her slave and please her. He has dreams and a beautiful relationship with Luffy too, something that the Anime decides to completely erase from existence...
The Anime transforms all the characters into one note (the one that they decide is funny for children or to sell merch): Nami is the girl who only screams and hits the others, Sanji is just the pervert idiot who fights all the time, Luffy is just an ugly goofball with nothing between his ears, Zoro is serious guy who is the comical relief and screams all the time, Chopper is a baby, Robin is a mysterious woman (who gets jealous of Chopper paying attention to other women)... etc etc etc
They are so reduced to this roles, that when something they can not edit out of the original story (because it's an pivot point in the story) happens, it even looks out of character!
Of course a lot of this is also amped up by the amount of continuous filler the Anime has, where they just butcher the characters even more...
It's a lot of work and as you see I am a slow writer xDu but I really want to get deeper into writing about how the differences matter a lot.
I hope you've continued with your reading and have even more to share! OvO please feel free to talk to me again
Again: very sorry for taking so long to answer ;v;U my audhd threw me off everything very hard this past month
And finally I don't really agree with what people say about Zoro losing his smile post time-skip... at least in the Manga! The Anime can look like he doesn't smile so much anymore, i guess...
I feel like Zoro's default expression is calmer after the time-skip ^^ you can see how he is not frowning all the time like before, and he still has his cool smiles!
Beware a bit of Spoiler ahead!
Have some non-very-spoilerish images of him smiling post-time skip, just in the first arc post time-skip:
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sebaztianlovesgeek · 11 months
How Black Butler characters would react to seeing a spider on their wall part 2
(Again I do not recommend reading if you're an arachnophobe)
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-it depends what mood he's in
-sometimes he'll bring the spider out into the garden
-other times he'd get Claude to deal with it
-most of the time he'd torture the poor insect, he'd rip off its legs one by one and he'd probably start crying about it later because he'd feel guilty
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-I think we can all guess what this goober would do
-bro is a literal spider demon so he probably wouldn't kill one unless Alois ordered him to
-he'd probably do one of his dramatic monologues to the spider if he found it and he was alone
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-she'd probably ignore it
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-they'd dramatically kill the spider while thinking about their evil plans of burning London down or something crazy like that
-they hate insects
-I headcanon they've probably met Claude at one point and ever since they've hated spiders more than any other bug
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Prince Soma
-he'd probably be scared of the spider
-however he wouldn't want to hurt it, so he'd get Agni to put it back outside
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-puts it back outside
-even if he found it himself and Soma didn't tell him to, he'd just put it outside
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-screams and runs away
-probably refers to spiders as "creepy crawlies"
-spiders are absolutely NOT adorable
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-throws a dagger at the spider like an idiot
-due to his excellent aim though he never misses, though he usually makes a massive hole in the wall
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-Dagger always promises her to protect her tent from any spiders
-but she can just handle them herself by squishing them
-she sometimes gets Betty the tiger to eat them
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hang on gotta ramble about the strawhat interpretations in this show and how wonderful they are in the live action. also y'know, put any worries to rest?
i was so worried at first that they'd only focus on making him a stoic badass and all the wonderful bits about zoro that makes him zoro would be lost
i didn't need to worry
zoro THINKS he's a badass. and yeah sometimes he's right. but it becomes very clear very quickly that this man is a fucking disaster. an absolute mess.
he's KIND.
a dork. sees a lil girl with her tray of horrible riceballs and is like 'omg a child. plz nooooooooo', and then instantly like 180s and is all 'brb cheering up this lil goober, nothing can stop me.'
he PAYS ATTENTION. he notices shit! y'know, that thing that zoro does? that characteristic? yeah! Also nice to see where his mind goes when him and nami try to guess each others' backstories; like her, he assumes the worst in people.
he emotes. he mopes over lack of alcohol like a fuckin idiot, he laughs open and freely often, he smiles, he gets startled, he has a thousand yard stare when he realizes just what kind of bullshit he's involved himself in when it comes to luffy.
hIS DEVOTION TO LUFFY. aaaaaaaaaaa. this is the big thing right? zoro's big turning point and it did not disappoint. He's genuine and raw with his delcaration to luffy, knowing the support luffy needs at that moment (aaaaaah, see? he notices things!) and reassuring/encouraging him. ffffffffuck. Then later on he fuckin checks up on luffy to see if he needs to talk. Will follow him to th ends of the earth into hell and right back out again vibes. it's perfect.
he's entertainingly petty. quick lil word jabs at sanji, unprompted. beautiful.
what is there to say? if you don't already know, just watch. This is luffy. this is the best luffy. this is a precious bab personified sunshine. Everything you ever liked about luffy? Here, accounted for, amplified.
Namnams the boss
reminded me why i initially adored nami in the first place.
she's herding cats 24/7
assumes the worst in people, very cynical, is all 'nuuu fuck you y'all are garbage', but then when you blink she's exposing her bleeding heart gooey center, regretting everything about everything.
trying not to care, but cares so fuckin much omg, she's kind. she's so kind.
oh Ussop. Ussopp. Fantastic.
all of usopp's best traits, TAKEN UP TO 11
full of life and energy and joy like luffy, backs down and regrets life choices on a daily basis, cARES SO MUCH AAAAAAAAA
can we get a collection of his stories? he's really entertaining. like VERY entertaining, also if you're not paying attention to what he's saying you could easily initially buy what he's selling... until he brings his lies into ridiculous territories xD
excellent at quick thinking. thinks on his feet, fly by the seat of his pants, he'S USOPP.
also. ahem. he's very pretty.
does not want to be in the fight scenes but runs in anyways.
he's not gross. he's not creepy. he's not a raving misogynist. omg.
it feels like his main reaction to pretty womenz is being completely enamored. like he's just mesmerized by his own idea of women as a fantasy fey being glittering in front of him.
actually charming? WHAT? he knows how to actually be charismatic/charming? TO A WIMMENZ? WHAT IS THIS NOW? WHERE HAS THIS BEEN, ODA? HEY. TAKE. NOTE.
sooooooooo full of smiles and laughs.
wears his heart on his sleeve, ALL emotions out front nothing hidden, nothing held back.
KIND. hmmm, i'm noticing a trend here.
very obviously cares about people.
still an idiot, like, this was a given. i want to make it clear he's not some suave fucker, no, this boy a dorkus who rolled high in luck and smiles and it's been helping a lot.
so emotional. and unlike most media where 'emotional' on a dude looks like rage grump murder hobo badass, here instead it's like a fuckin breath of fresh air. it's not toxic. it's just... genuine? is that the word i'm looking for? hmmm.
it's obvious he cares deeply for luffy. and fuck man, i really miss that for sanji.
i'm sure i had more to say, but i've rambled enough for now.
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diabelskoga · 6 months
hand on shoulder !! emmett ! your portrayal of sanji is so good i swear, whenever him & zoro interact it makes me smile till my cheeks hurt because their so dumb ah ! like you are truely a joy to see on my dash, if its your writing or you posting about minecraft & sdv (cause who doesn't like sanji playing video games??) it hasn't been that long since we've been writing together but i wish the best!! im also clinging to your hip for the seeable future because you and your sanji are amazing <33
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「   ASK MEME :  HOW’S MY PORTRAYAL?   」 ( accepting! )
You're gonna make me cry, soda! ( I'll sprout out waterfalls of serotonin in a minute from my eyes! ) But thank you so much for your kind words! I absolutely adore your Zoro very much, and god, these two goobers! They're interactions are too good, and I feel like you've taken the words out of my mouth! They're so dumb and their arguments, oh my god, it's so fun though! It truly just feels like their typical day of arguing like rivals! It's just funny!
And I do love posting what I play, and Sanji do love playing his games. And being a total nerd over Subnautica! ( I mean, he's a fish nerd, and alien fish makes him lose his mind in a good way! )
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I hope we get to interact more and just overall throw these two idiotic goobers at each other! Especially in their verses! <3
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violetren · 1 year
Blood of the Basilisk Chapter 16
There were other things to focus on last chapter but the start of this chapter really give you space to sit there and go "wow, Kota cannot catch a break."
We have seen her outside of her house exactly twice since arriving on Proximus. The day she arrived and last chapter when she went to Norga to whatever fancy magic gate they're building. And both days someone tried to murder her. Fucking wild.
I agree with her resigned expectation that prison isn't gonna do shit to loosen the assassin's tongue.
Pyter is fucking adorable when he gets annoyed at her hat being in the way of his snuggling up to Kota in greeting when she gets home.
He's ten times more adorable when he outright laughs at his gay disaster momma. She fully forgot how to use stairs and ate shit just because— Actually you know what there is no "Just Because" here, I think its perfectly acceptable for a sapphic woman to loose her mind when she walks outside and sees her crush swinging an axe in a tank top with suspenders hanging from the waist of tailored trousers.
Thank you Molly for Nadani's continuing journey into being a butch icon.
And thank you for delicious and complexly layered ace content. It'd be so easy given her traumas to just say Nadani isn't interested in sex because she's been forced into so much of it, so taking the time to describe how sex has always just been disinteresting and something transactional rather than indulgent on the rare occassions Nadani could leverage it instead of having it used against her added so much richness to her experience. I know there are some folks who come to the ace community after experiencing sexual violence and so it would have a perfectly valid avenue to take. I just think its nice to see an ace narrative where its intrinsic to the character without it stemming from a source of negativity or leaving strong implications that it's the result of someone being/having been broken in some manner.
Also I am obsessed with the idea of an asexual feeling someone else's sexual attraction because of magic and getting to go "Oh so THAT'S what everyone is on about. I kinda get it now. They can keep it."
Not to mention she's not feeling just anyone's attraction, she's feeling Kota's attraction to her.
It's the kind of thing that must be so trippy for all sorts of telepaths and empaths in fiction but like the spice of a character feeling something they've never really experienced for themselves before is so fucking cool. I have some fucking ideas spinning in my brain right now. Ace characters feeling sexual attraction, allosexuals feeling the lack of it, eggs having their "oh" moment when they realise that their thoughts and feelings line up much more closely with other genders than the thoughts and feelings of people who have the same assigned gender as them. Good. Fucking. Food.
Don't think that I was so distracted as to miss the fact that Pyter is the magical hinge here. That little goober has decided Nadani is family and is waiting for his Momma and Nadani to catch the fuck up.
I bet Lou figures it out before them. She might already have it figured out and hasn't said anything either because she thinks it would be too ridiculous for them not to know, or because she thinks the only way these idiots don't freak out is if they figure shit out themselves. Either way its not like she's wrong.
I fucking loved the whole forging process of the necklace Kota made Nadani. I am a little concerned how Nadani will take the gift. She has enough magic and a teacher she can turn to in order to confirm that the necklace is just a protective ward and nothing that would leave her beholden to Kota is she is worried enough, but like. Idk. It may not even be a big deal, she might just like the gesture.
All in all a really cool chapter that has left me plenty to think on.
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bronx-bomber87 · 8 months
Happy Monday Fandom :) This episode is all kinds of cute. I love it so much. We get to see the depth of what Lucy would do for Tim. After he just showed up what he’d do for her in 5x12. It’s so good. Let us get started.
5x13 Daddy Cop
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We start with Lucy in roll call. I would like to point out Lucy picking a spot in the back of the room. She’s never once done that before. Doing it so she can check in on her husband. Lucy is somewhat subtle about it. But she can’t help but check on him. Knowing the bullet he took for them. She literally can’t help but look back on her man. Such lingering glances too. *heart clutch.* You can see in the second one he’s looking back at her too. How can these two kill me so much with such subtle glances? Damnit I love them so much.
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Lucy could not be cuter running up to see Tim before her shift. Physically turning his chair around. He couldn’t be happier to see her. First time we’ve seen him light up today. You guys are so loud and I love it. Little work flirt before her shift. Lucy saying looks like he has a lot to uh....Liaise LOL Tim straight lying to his person like he thinks he can get away with that nonsense. Lucy replying she thought they would never lie to each other.
Tim shooting back 'That was a lie.' Lmao I’m dying their banter on point as usual. The sassy face she gives him. Be more married you two please. Love these idiots in love. Lucy can’t stand it and says he’s miserable. Tim with a very unconvincing ‘No…’ Lucy isn’t buying what you’re selling....Babe your girlfriend sees right through you. Always has. She has the book of Tim locked away in her head.
Tim trying to convince her it’s not that bad. 'Nice people…Low stress….'The more you speak the more she knows you’re dying Tim. A subtle cry for help. Or not so subtle really lol He doesn’t regret doing this for her at all. But she can’t stand him doing this when he’s so clearly miserable. Lucy knows this man. He will suffer in silence if it makes her happy and they get to be together. A decision I know he would make again. Because she is his person also as we saw last ep his blindspot. So he would do anything even at his own detriment.
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Her big friggin dork of a man giving her a thumbs up and telling her to 'Be safe out there.' LMAO I love this man so much. Dork Tim has been activated. She loves this goober in front of her nonetheless. Lucy’s cute head tilt knowing he’s putting on an act for her. Then he lights up like a Christmas tree saying he’ll see her at the end of shift. He can’t wait because he has someone to go home to now and I love this.
The most genuine he is the entire scene. Knowing he will get to see her end of shift. The best part of his day will be seeing her and I love that. It’s written all over his beautiful face. Lucy however isn’t smiling as she walks away. Knowing this job is making him miserable and she can’t stand it. His intentions being the best and purest. But also knowing she needs to fix this for him somehow. She just doesn’t know how just yet…
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Lucy sees Metro piling in and immediately thinks of her man. How well he would do there. How good he would fit in. I just adore her conferring with Harper one this. Also her spending the entire episode trying to find him a better position. Earlier in the episode they had a convo about a 5 player trade. Trying to create an opening so one could open up for Tim.
Metro has now become a potential option for Tim. She wants to start her trade. Harper warns her this could come with consequences. For her and Tim. To Lucy that’s worth it though. Tim blocked her making a sacrifice in 5x12. He is WORTH the risk of her ruffling some feathers to get him a better position. Never be over them consistently doing whatever for each other. Makes my soul happy.
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So much to love about this next scene. I adore Lucy seizing the opportunity to solve Tim’s job problem with the group. They’re all gonna be at Nolan’s anyways... Might as well be one giant brain to save her man from his desk job. Super brains assemble and you know Nolan lol Their sticky note game is strong as they try to figure out an opening. Just as they crack it Tim shows up at the door.
John says his name loudly so they all hear him. Which causes them all to scramble to disassemble their brain storm session. So funny to watch them get the post it’s down as fast as they can. Then trying to get back to their seats as John does horribly at stalling Tim. I mean it's so horrible and awkward. Tim's face when Nolan is speaking is too funny. Wondering if he made a mistake in coming over here... LOL
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I love him pointing out Lucy’s car and no one else’s. Could care less there are other cars out there. He points out his girl's car only and asks about it. This makes me giddy on so many levels. The minute he enters the room they could not be more obvious. The looks say everything. Also all these scenes just hit differently knowing they’re together. Makes me so happy. Look at Lucy above she couldn't be more obvious if she tried. You're a UC Lucy you can do better LMAO Being under pressure is the name of the name and you fall like a cheap house of cards here haha. It's too cute though especially with her little eyebrow pump.
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Let’s not gloss over how delicious Tim looks in this scene. I always love me some street clothes Tim. But hot damn that tight t-shirt and those jeans. His hands in his pockets showing off those biceps.*fans self* Angela’s face when he talks to Lucy I’m dying. If she didn't know at this point she sure did now. Look at her in that first gif. So telling it's hysterical. Tim sensing something is off but he isn't sure why. Like did you think your man wouldn’t notice this?
So he zero's in on his girl and asks if she's ok? Not anyone else in the room just her. I LOVE how softly he asks if she’s ok? Looking right at her. Tim lights up when he speaks to her. Which gives me all the feels. His Lucy demeanor on full display in this scene. Seriously be more obvious you two. Lucy looking smug as hell and trying to keep it under wraps. Angela continues to crack me up with her expressions. Angela Lopez you are a treasure.
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Lucy comes to Smitty he is the final piece in this 5 player trade of hers. They figured out how to get it done but he is sadly an essential piece. Lucy goes into this scene prepped and ready to go because well it's Lucy. This scene is hilarious because Smitty already knows the plan if Fuji retires. Flooring Lucy completely. I commend Melissa and her facial expression here it’s so funny. She gets Smitty to agree to help her in getting his friend to retire. He wants a favor though. Lucy immediately says 'Nothing weird.' LMFAO. Oh the things we do for love.
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Tim eagerly comes to find Lucy end of shift. He’s so excited he’s going to come out of his skin. He heard about Lauren Fuji retiring. He's so excited as he explains this all to her. Look at that man. Bursting with joy to share this news with her. I love the pre-excitement on her face as he speaks. Saying she doesn't know how he keeps its all straight. Well played Lucy hehe
I adore him running to his person the moment he has news for her. Lucy is his safe place. One he goes to for all things good and bad. What I love most about this is Tim allowing himself to be this excited and keyed up around her. The man is glowing most of this conversation. Not holding back one emotion from her. Being as genuine as we’ve ever seen him. It does my heart good to watch him thrive in this relationship with her.
I’ll probably say this multiple times in this season. But this is what it looks like to be truly and unconditionally loved. The background this man came from, the relationships he had before her. It's hard to express emotions when they're always suppressed like his have been in the past. It's a joy to watch him like this. He's never experienced what he's had with her before. We’re watching this new Tim come out and it glorious to watch unfold. To see what it looks like when he properly loved on. To be put first and built up.
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We watch as Tim tells her his tale. Explaining what all this means. Getting more excited by the minute. The way he leans into her as he tells her everything. Lucy pretending she doesn't know any of this. Playing dumb about it all and damn well at that. He has no idea. Lucy acting like this is all "new" to her. Tim getting all amped up letting her know there's an opening in Metro now. Well that there was.... Alluding to his reply down below.
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What is getting her all smiley and excited is his excitement in this moment. It’s infectious and she is beaming with happiness for him. Knowing all the effort she put in was so worth it to get this reaction. She knew he would be a good fit and this proved it. He is BEAMING with excitement when he tells her he got the Metro Job. No one else he would rather share this with. This whole relationship is such a good look on him it’s insane.
Lucy's affectionate hit is everything. He loves it and is it's only adding to his already insane amount of excitement. All his other work achievements she had to regulate herself. Now she can fully be herself and be excited for him. Hence this cute reaction of hers. Loud and proud wifey right here. She is so damn excited and proud of him. No one has been a bigger cheerleader for this man than her. it’s only amplified now that they’re together.
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Tim tells her he got a rock star review from Grey. Then we get some massive heart eyes from Lucy. Look at her above. If you wanted to see what being in love look it's her expression. What I love about this is Lucy getting to tell him he’s amazing. To his face. For years she’s told everyone around her about this amazing man. Gushed about him. This is the first we get to see her say it to his face. For him to hear her say it. Not only that but to hear it with so much love, pride, and affection in her voice. Love in her eyes for him. *squee* Building him up once again in a way only Lucy can. This is so precious I cannot.
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Tim is feeding off her positivity and love. That nose crinkle might be the death of me. He’s SOOO amped and being this excited in front of his girl has me feeling things. He is so bright and happy it’s making me a puddle of giddy goo. Lucy brought this man back to life in so many ways. She is bringing out this new side of him and I’m so here for it. I’m so giddy for him and Lucy is feeding off it as well. I continually ask. Have we ever seen this man this excited? This happy?
We can thank that beautiful powerhouse standing in front of him. All he wants to do now is go out and celebrate with his girl. Which is massive growth btw. He’s not one to be excited outwardly about promotions or awards. But this is post-in love with Lucy Tim Bradford. He is bouncing off the walls he’s so excited. He gets to have his cake and eat it too. See his person every day and have a new exciting position. Love this first thought being he wants to celebrate with her. This man has changed and grown so much. It's glorious to behold. Truly.
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Lucy wants to go out and celebrate with him so badly. If it was up to her they would leave that station right now and do that. Sadly her favor still needs to be cashed in…I love his little puppy face when she says she can't. He wasn't expecting to be spending tonight without her and it shows. All over his handsome face. You can see it's killing her to say no to him right now. But sadly Smitty and his favor can not wait. Even if she doesn't know what the hell it is yet LOL
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I adore him immediately asking if she needs any help? I love this man so very much. Such a soft puppy for her. Only ever see him like this with her. He is thinking they may going out but least he can be with and help her with whatever this favor is. Ever the sweet supportive boyfriend and I love it sfm. Man really would do whatever for that woman in front of him. They could watch paint dry and Tim would be in cause he would be with her. Lucy tells him it’s something she has to do solo.
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Lucy follows up she wants to celebrate him tomorrow. I love her saying celebrate 'You.' Not his job but to celebrate YOU. Look at this man above as she says this. He is legit basking in her praise, excitement, and love right now. What I really love is as she continues to congratulate him he leans closer to her. Looks like he wants to kiss her. Once again forgetting they’re in the bullpen. Their magnetic pull activating in the final moments of this scene.
Lucy saying her line above with so much love and affection. Her words having an effect on him. It shows in this next mini moment. We can see him grab her hands and pull her towards him gently in that second gif. The amount of squeeing I'm doing. Tim friggin Bradford grabbing for her girl. Pulling her closer at work out of instinct. In the bullpen of all places. Not caring they are in public. He is high off her excitement and this new job. Looks like he just wants to kiss her in this moment. Pick her up and spin her around he’s so happy.
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She has to break the spell sadly. Remembering they are at work and she has to go do her favor.. but not before telling him 'Good job!' Look at this man's face as she departs. That’s a ‘I’m going to marry that woman someday.’ face. He is glowing with love and it makes me so happy to see him loved right. He is a different man since they got together. He is exuding so much love for her and pure joy. Just looking and being happier in general since 5x10.
Gah Eric killing me softly good sir. Happiness looks SOOO good on you my love. He’s earned every ounce of what he’s getting from Lucy. Just love this character so much. To finally see him be treated right getting me all in my feels. Best girlfriend ever and he has no idea what’s she done for him. She didn’t want credit. She just wanted him to be happy at work. Once again putting that beautiful man first.
I saw someone posted watching this scene was like ship crack cocaine lmao it’s so accurate I can’t haha. I’m getting high off their happiness in this scene. Tim is bouncing off the walls and Lucy is absorbing it all. The only payment she needed was knowing he was happy. Ugh they’re so cute I love it sfm. I’m so gone for these two. I haven’t loved a ship like this in a long time. I knew when I started this show they were going to be something special. Proven me right so many times over. This season truly is a gift.
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We see what the favor is. Smitty wants her to deep clean his RV. Says he hasn’t in years. Telling Lucy since the Bush administration. Lucy’s eyes bulge out. Asking 'Which Bush?' LMFAO. She finds out she’s doing it solo. We then get this great shot of her in a hazmat suit. Chemicals and cleaning supplies at the ready. Knowing it won’t be great. Her ‘Oh dear god.’ Hahaha things we do for the ones we love. Her cleaning his nasty as RV so her man could be happy ❤️❤️
Side notes-non Chenford
I love the Cold Open for this one. Daddy Cop is hilarious. If this didn’t get stuck in your head you're lying lmao
I loved Tim helping Celina out with her mom. Also what is about this man saying Spanish words with that inflection that gets me every time? Ovary explosion for me. When her says Celina’s mom’s birds names. Lorca and Neruda does it with inflection and I’m a damn puddle.
Also her asking if she single LMFAO He very is not Mrs. Juarez haha Also the way he says Juarez does thing to me lmao I have no shame in how i feel haha
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constelleetion · 2 years
g i v e m e b u g b o y (all questions :) )
YIPPEE YIPPEE YAAAAAY my favorite little idiot
🦋 Everett:
1.on a scale of 1-10, how ticklish are they?
hmm.. probably like a 6-7? not horribly so but still up there
2.where is their most ticklish spot(s)?
the spot between the ribs and underarms. 100%.
3.which spots are they not ticklish?
knees, back, & arms. everywhere else is fair game.
4.what is their laugh like?
aaaall over the place. he's got the range. varies from squeaky/hiccupy to full on squeals depending on the spot. they're also very much just a giggler in general. lil silly guy.
5.do they enjoy tickling? if yes, is it a fun platonic/familial thing, or kinky thing to them, or can it be both depending on the circumstance?
LITERALLY a whole ass tk fiend. he loooves it so much he's all for the closeness and silliness and physical affection. the way in which they enjoy it really depends on the situation, they're down for whatever! second option reserved Only for his boyfriend of course.
6.are they more often a lee or ler, generally?
a pure switch! they have the same amount of fun on both ends. loves to make people he cares about happy and loves being on the receiving end as well.
7.who is someone in their life that they tickle often?
his boyfriend (winks back at you)
8.who is someone in their life that they get tickled by often?
his boyfriend (again)
9.does the word “tickle” or any variation of embarrass them?
not embarrassed to say it at all! any variation or tease comes naturally to them. getting it used against him, though, is a whole different story 😳
10.are they embarrassed about their ticklishness, and do they try to deny/hide it?
much like they're able to say the word, they're not ashamed for their enjoyment of tking either! they wont. bring it up specifically. but they won't deny it either. he'll get a little embarrassed, but nothing more than being simply flustered.
11.would gentle tickling or rough tickling affect them more?
he looove love loves light tks, but more as a relaxing and fluffy thing. if you wanna get a real good reaction out of him, rough (not horribly so) tks work the best. either way its a good time for him!
12.is there a specific spot that they enjoy being tickled, either exclusively or more than other spots? what is it?
basically anywhere makes him melt, though he has a particular soft spot for being tkd on his sides/tummy area. also a big fan of chin scritches. oh and how could i forget, not a spot but he adores mouth tks. raspberries, kisses, nibbles. he will turn to putty.
13.is there a spot that they can’t stand to be tickled, either because it’s just too sensitive, or it’s uncomfortable/painful/etc? what is it?
no specific spot, but his endurance is pretty low. cuz of his heart problems if it goes on for too long he might have some trouble breathing. otherwise he's good!
14.would they ever purposefully bug a friend/partner/sibling into tickling them, and if so, how would they go about it?
most DEFINITELY. he's a master of this art. his main tactic is just overall being his goofy goober self. teasing, starting a tk fight, crawling all over the other, trying to distract them from doing a task, etc etc. the options are endless.
15.does teasing affect them?
verryyy much so. can dish it out like a pro but can't handle it back for shit. they're very much the type to hide their face in any way they can and to nervously babble.
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wilwheaton · 3 years
Can we bring back that whole "Spam Wil Wheaton with Good News" thing? That was a lot more fun than whatever... this... is... that's been going on today.
Hey guess what? I've officially had my cat for two years now. He's an absolute idiot goober named Horatio who loves only me, and I adore his fuzzy fuzzy face. Getting him in January of 2020 was probably one of the lucky accidents that helped me survive quarantine, several months of furlough, and the ongoing damage that's been done to the theater industry in the US.
Here he is showing off his widest aspect ratio:
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Aw, that's wonderful! All cats exist in Cinemascope, I think. At least, that's what they'd tell you if they could.
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natewriteslol · 3 years
Twisted Wonderland: The dorm leaders reacting to their crush everyone “babe”
Warnings: none :)
Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, Idia Shroud, Azul Ashengrotto, Malleus Draconia
Y/N is gender-neutral
-What? Him? Jealous? Absolutely not!
-I mean, who would be jealous over something so trivial as a nickname? Not him that’s who!
-I mean, maybe he’s just a tad bit jealous
-...yeah no incredibly jealous 
-Riddle is not good with masking that he’s not happy with your little nickname 
-He sees you lounging around with Deuce and Ace and you called them babe
-Riddle proclaims that it is “inappropriate” and “too intimate” to be calling people that casually 
-His friends definitely clown him for getting so angry 
- “Awww babe-”
-Politely asks if you could start calling him by the nickname 
-”But I thought you said it was inappropriate?”
- “Just forget what I said, please. I-I had a change of heart, that’s all-”
-Leona is only able to mask it since he’s always grumpy
-But Jack and Ruggie start to notice something
-Leona starts snapping at the Savannaclaw residents that you give the nickname babe too
-”Wahh Leona~, you look angrier than usual” Ruggie teased
-“I’m not angry at all, don’t be an idiot”
- “I don’t know, but I’m feeling pretty good. Y/N called me babe after all~”
- “They called you what?” Leona seethed
-Ruggie was afraid but this is gold,  Leona is so upset about his little human afterall
-”Yeah, they call me babe! They’re so nice aren’t they? Oh wait...Y/N doesn’t call you babe... don’t they?” 
-Leona snaps and immediately orders you to call him babe 
-He deserves compensation as you left him in the dust for others
-And no he doesn’t want to hear about how he “doesn’t like nicknames so you didn’t want to make him mad”. 
-Sorry Y/N, no excuses allowed >:(
-becomes dejected as he thought that you were in a relationship with Floyd
-Azul calls Floyd into his office
-”...How long, Floyd” Azul asks his back turned to him
- “Azul, what are you talking about?” 
- “You knew I had a crush on, Y/N. Yet there they are, calling you babe!”
- “This is unforgivable!-”
-Yet Azul is cut off by Floyd’s cackling, so much that tears are coming out of his eyes 
- “Azul, you’re so funny! That’s the nickname Shrimpy gives to everyone”
-Immediately feels like a dumbass
-Now you’re in the office being interrogated, you think that you’re going to be there for something actually important but...
-“Now I will skip the formalities,  Y/N L/N, why is it that you call everyone ‘babe’ except for me?” Azul asked, very seriously
- “Oh, I didn’t think you would like stuff like that”
- “Ah Y/N, you truly wound me. But to make it up for me, you could sign this contract.”
-The contract read as follows: “I, Y/N L/N will call Azul Ashengrotto by the term of adoration ‘babe’ as long as I call others babe” 
- “Azul, you could’ve just told me you wanted to be called babe...”
-You know for someone so smart, Azul sure is a goober
Idia Shroud: 
-Is very salty but just doesn’t tell you since he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable
-But he wants you to call him babe :( 
-Is he that bad? 
-But then one day you end up calling him the nickname and his heart almost explodes jdfshhdfsadasf
-His hair is super bright and flailing rapidly, and a bright blue blue ignited on his face
-”Wait do you not want me to call you babe? I was hesitant since I didn’t want to make you upset-”
-Who knew a slip of the tongue could make someone so flustered!
Malleus Draconia:
-At first it goes over his head, since he isn’t incredibly well versed in human culture
-Just thinks it’s a funny little name
-But then he notices that when you called Sebek it, it made him blush furiously and he started yelling 
-Later on Malleus asks Sebek what it means and why he was so flustered 
- “I-I was not flustered! It just caught me off guard as it is improper language. It’s more a romantic term”
-Romantic... but he wants your romantic attention too...
-Goes to you immediately
- “Please call me babe, Y/N. I feel quite left out”
- “Sure!”
-Malleus felt a little silly since it’s just a nickname that you give to everyone, but he can’t help but want your attention
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