#what ar e you talking about girl
just-rogi · 5 months
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nvvacanesworld · 4 months
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m.list for this series here
just dropped older bf!toji check it out!!
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stranger nanami- who first met you at his company’s christmas party that he wasn’t even going to show up to but his frie- no business partner Geto convinced him to saying it would “boost company morale”.
stranger nanami- that’s having a drink at the bar, just now escaping the sea of people he had to greet, when you plopped down next to him. Not even bothering to acknowledge him as you did to caught up in your own world.
stranger nanami- who feels like a creep because he keeps sneaking glances at you sipping your drink while you talk to your friend right next to, smiling and laughing with so much joy it almost makes him happy
stranger nanami- doesn’t have the courage to talk to you though so he leaves the bar and goes to mingle with the other guest until this is over,but he didn’t notice a pair of e/c eyes watching him as he walked away.
stranger nanami- is walking back to his car now that the party finally ended when he notice a girl who looks oddly familiar standing in front of her car with the hood popped up. The car seemed to have stopped working and she looked so stressed. So being the gentleman he is he walks over to you.
stranger nanami- who when he reaches you gets a closer look at your face. You looked so stressed, like a damsel in distress. After talking to you about the situation offers you a ride home, which you agree too but not after a little bit of convincing from him and yourself that he wouldn’t “try anything funny”.
not so stranger nanami- who drops you off at your house but doesn’t want you to leave because you guys clicked so well in the car. It seems you think the same way when you thank him and ask for his number. He accepted with haste not wanting to miss this opportunity. When’s the next time he’s going to meet a women like you?
not so stranger nanami- and you spend weeks texting and calling each other on the phone before he feels confident enough to ask you on a date. He didn’t want to rush thing with you, he was a cautious man he had to be sure.
crush nanami- who takes you on a date and it goes perfectly. He didn’t expect you to be so good for him. It felt like a piece of his life had been restored. We’re you what he’s been missing all this time?
older bf nanami- Who after one month of getting to know each and dates finally asked you out. The best news is that you said yes. He swore to be the perfect man for you.
Older bf nanami- is at your apartment a lot, so much it’s like he lives there now. When you ask him why he’s there so much when his home is so much better than yours he simply shrugs you off giving the excuse that “it’s because your here, want to be by you at all times doll”.
Older bf nanami- who is such a gentleman. Holding all doors for you, Fixing the things in your apartment for you; that were long in need of a fixing by the way. Even taking care of all your bills. He spoils you to no end too, you sometimes catch him in public taking photos of the things you pick up so he can go buy them for you later.
older bf nanami- that you can tell is starting to get possessive over you. Always having an arm around you or his hand in yours if you guys are in public. A silent clame that you are his.
older bf nanami- Who is always telling you the sweetest affirmations to cheer you up. Things like…
“You’re soul is gorgeous”
“You’re so beautiful, wow how did i get so lucky”
“I tell everyone how amazing you are”
“Your hand fits it mine just right, like your made for me doll”
older bf nanami- is very wise and his experience makes him a great listener his ears are also open to listen to you and support you through anything your going through creating a safe atmosphere for open communication. You never feel like you can’t talk to him
older bf nanami- despite his serious facade isn’t all to bad all the time and knows how to unwind. you coming around helped him do that more. You were like a breath of fresh air for him
older bf nanami - who looks at you and thinks that you were what he needed all this time to light up his life.
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Author note- I will be counting you and adding more jjk men :)
who should i do next? I’m thinking toji let me know what you guys think.💛💛💛 likes and reblogs and comments are appreciated. I’m open to feedback so if you think i could improve on anything let me know. I am new to writing though so show mercy 😭
WHILE YOU’RE HERE CHECK OUT MY LATEST FIC CALLED LAST SPRING!!!!!!! if you like angst i’m sure you’ll like it :)
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your-local-bookworm · 5 months
Forgotten Faults.
Part 1
Summary: Things get confusing when the son of Poseidon grows an unexplainable liking for a daughter of Ares who seems to be adamant on ignoring him
Request by : @riordanness
Warnings: Well, nothing. Except that this is my first time writing anything and also not proof read so, you know.
Part 2 is out!
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Twelve year old and drenched. That was how Y/N Y/L/N first reached camp. Clutching her worn out rucksack to her chest, breathing heavy. That was also how she met thirteen years old Percy Jackson, even if it was a few weeks later.
Unknown to his conscience, Young Percy, harbouring and diving in unwanted emotions after a session with Chiron and the insufferable Zoe Nightshade, raised the tide and without wishing to let it wash over the new camper.
He had no intention to make a girl miserable, really. But how was he to explain that to Dionysus who accused him of disturbing peace with the young girl? How was he to explain to the girl who rushed away before he could gather his senses that he hadn't taken notice of her small form before the waves crashed and his eyes followed?
How was he to make amends with the fellow demigod when he was whisked away to a new quest the very next day.
When he returned Percy had already forgotten. Whatever poison he endured on his little adventure made a mess of his recent memories and he had merely see the face of the girl he dropped his wave on and only ever seen her clothed in water.He didn't even know who her godly parent was for the gods' sake! As given, he was unable to seek out the unfortunate camper with dark hair.... or was it red? Maybe Y/H/C. Surely you will forgive him and forget about it over time. He let it go, for now, and eventually from his memory.
Fourteen year old and Percy Jackson just returned to camp for the summer. That's when he saw her first. The girl who made his legs feel like Jell-O. She was sitting on the steps of her cabin, the ares cabin, dark hair raised by the winds and torched under the blazing Sun. To fourteen year old Percy, she looked magical. He had to tell Grover and Annabeth.
On a fine morning when the Sun was right above his head, making drops of sweat drip down his face, Percy was strolling alongside a lake, looking for company. Grover was away to meet his girlfriend and Annabeth occupied with counselor duties. Even Tyson claimed he had work to attend to! Turns out he was the only one with no jobs other than almost dying every summer.
Now generally, if you ask me I'll say that it isn't the smartest decision to let Percy Jackson, son of the sea god, to be his own devices because trouble truly seeked him out. But he's fourteen! and OH! look closely! Don't you think he's blushing? and a bit lost.
As said, Percy was indeed relishing the memories of a certain Ares girl, arguing against himself whether he should go talk to her.
Maybe the gods were prying into his thoughts, or perhaps Aphrodite was bored or Apollo wanted to mess with him. Only a few steps away, he noticed her small form. It brought back something into his mind: another girl and waves but whatever that was it slipped out when she looked at him.
Her Y/E/C eyes, sparkling under the golden sunlight that peeked through the canopy, strands of hair loosely waving in the breeze. Her hand stop scribbling in her small notebook, that he's seen her carrying around before t--
"Anything you want, Jackson?"
Percy shrugged. The poison might have been really bad. He searched for proper words but his brain denied him the service.
"Uh, no-" he gave his head a much needed shake, "I was just wandering around looking for something to help me pass the time."
"Oh, Alright. I hope you find something soon" and she focused back on your writing- drawing? what was she doing?
Percy wanted to talk to her. But she seemed uninterested. He knew he should leave, but after almost dying multiple times, he knew better than to do just that.
"So, what do you think I can do?" He asked, hoping
"Don't you have friends, Jackson? Why don't you go find Annabeth or you brother, uh Ty-"
"Tyson? He says he's busy. Annabeth had 'counselor duties' or something" he air quoted.
"With his girlfriend."
"He has a girlfriend??"
"Juniper. She's a dryad"
"In that case take a walk by the strawberry fields, or train, work in the forgery? There's plenty to do in camp."
"Oh" Percy's brain adviced him to leave debating that he's disturbing her peace and this time he obliged "Okay then, I'll go find something to keep me busy. See you later"
He left and over the course of next few days, before he was thrown away into the labyrinth for yet another quest, Percy established to himself that, for whatever reasons, Y/N Y/L/N was not at all keen to form a friendship with Percy Jackson.
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steddiecameraroll · 9 days
This is Supposed to Be My Damn Year
52,151 words | Rating E | Eddie 1st person POV; pre- and post- S4
[snippet ↓]
“Eddie?” Dustin comes huffing over to me and stands there with a bright smile. This damn kid, he’s lucky he’s special.
“Sup?” I nod and pretend with all my might that I am casual as hell and that I don’t feel like a ball of jittery nerves. Which obviously I am. I’m standing in Steve Harrington’s house while he’s looking at me, not two feet away. This is the worst.
“You made it. I thought you were gonna ditch us.”
“Yeah, probably why you made The King here call me.”
“Please stop calling me that.” Steve’s voice is confident yet quiet.
I whip my head over to look at him because I’m surprised he’s saying anything. Does he not like being called The King anymore? That’s news to me. He had worn that crown proudly previously.
“Are you no longer royalty, Harrington? Doth my ears hear correctly? Are you nothing but a lowly peasant now? Like one of us?” I motion between myself and Dustin because clearly, Dustin is a nerd, not a King.
“I’m-I’m just Steve. Steve is fine.” He dares to roll his eyes at me and then walk away. I watch him amused and a little confused but at least amused.
“I told you, he’s not that guy anymore,” Dustin whispers as he steps closer.
“Sure, so you say, Henderson. We will see. So who’s here? What are we watching? Where are the fancy snacks?” I rub my hands together because snacks at a rich kids’ house are chef’s kiss perfection. They usually have Squeeze-its or Twinkies or different Doritos. If I have to endure hours in this massive hellscape, I will eat my weight in expensive snacks.
Dustin leads me through the entrance of this weird house and to the kitchen. There are a couple other people in here, including Robin Buckley. Why is Robin Buckley at Steve Harrington’s house?
“Eddie?” She’s looking at me how I imagine I am looking at her, very confused.
“Robin? What are you doing here?”
“You two know each other?” Dustin points between us surprised to see I know anyone other than him.
“Yeah, I know more than those of you in Hellfire. Robin and I are in band. So why are you here?”
“I’m…” She looks as if her brain has short-circuited and can’t compute language. 
“Her and Steve are best friends. I don’t know why they’re not dating, but anyway.” 
“What?” Yeah, I definitely walked through a parallel universe. What is Dustin talking about? How could The Hair be best friends with a trumpet-playing hyperactive nerd girl who I’m pretty sure is a little… y’know…fruity. Actually, that’s probably why they’re not dating. Oh, so Dustin doesn’t know that part. “You’re friends with The Hair?”
“The Hair? Ughh, don’t call him that.” She scrunches her face in disgust.
“Ok, I have to ask this out loud because I feel like I’m losing my mind. Did I walk through a wormhole?” I’m waving my hands in front of me, looking back and forth between Robin, Dustin, and, oh god, Nancy Wheeler. “What are you…? What is happening here?” Ok, so this is weirder than I even imagined it to be.
“We’re all friends,” Robin says so matter-of-factly that I almost take her at her word.
“How?” But my skepticism wins out.
I see a look between Nancy and Robin that clearly has some meaning behind it, but I have no idea what it is. Dustin is also giving them a knowing look. So yeah, something has happened between these so-called friends, and I wonder if I walked into an orgy. Is this an orgy? No, no, there are children here, that’s not it, ew, no. Wait, did Steve and Nancy split up because Nancy is with Robin? Oh, that could be entertaining.
“Just normal ways.” Does Nancy think that answer was sufficient? She stands there awkwardly, crossing her arms and avoiding making eye contact. So no, she knows that was bullshit.
“I’m sorry, but I need one of you to fully explain at least a fraction of what the fuck is going on. Henderson, I’m looking at you, kid. Because you were the one that begged me to come here. So it’s on you, kiddo, to fill me in.” I cross my arms and glare at him. Show time, Dusty.
“Why are you all standing in the kitchen?” Steve interrupts the moment, and everyone seems to be relieved. They shouldn’t, though, because I’m not letting this go.
“Because, Harrington, they’re explaining how you all are friends. And you’re somehow best friends with Robin Buckley? Your ex-girlfriend is standing in your kitchen as if that’s normal, and Dustin Henderson speaks so highly of you that you’d think you went to war together.”
Dustin starts choking on his soda and almost spits all over me. I wipe my hands over my jacket front and grimace at the bodily fluids.
“Sorry,” he shamefully bows his head and steps away from me.
“Robin and I worked at Scoops Ahoy together at the mall before it burned down. We kinda went through some shit during the fire, so we bonded. Also, wearing a sailor uniform during that whole thing can feel war-like.”
I forgot about the mall fire. I didn’t realize Steve or Robin had been involved. Shit, that’s some massive trauma-bonding experience.
“Wow, wait, sailor uniforms?” I look between them, hoping one of them will crack. “Do you still have these uniforms? Because I think if I could see this whole scenario, maybe it would help me understand.” Do you think it’s working?
“No…” Robin speaks first.
“Yes…” Steve interrupts.
Everyone in the room turns and stares at him. I don’t think I could even wipe the smile off my face. Oh god, yes, please go put it on. I need to see The King in a fucking sailor uniform. Not because I love a man in a uniform, but yeah, but no, because how the mighty have fallen. Also, a sailor uniform? So like a hat and shit? Did he wear those giant wide-legged white pants? What kind of uniform was this? How did no one tell me Steve Harrington was working at an ice cream shop that I could’ve gone to and seen in fucking person? No one. Not a soul ever shared this information. I need better friends.
“You do not,” Robin exclaims.
“Yeah, I do.” He says so nonchalantly like obviously he does.
An evil grin spreads across my lips, and I can’t help myself. “Please, oh, please, Harrington, prove her wrong.” I slowly lick my bottom lip because I’m only a man, and the person in front of me is very hot. Sure, I hate him, but I can appreciate the beauty.
He smiles, he fucking smiles, then rolls his eyes and shakes his head. Oh god, I need to get out of here, or by the end of this night, I might actually like this dick, not just his dick.
“Maybe next time you’re invited, and I don’t have to call you to remind you to show up.” 
Is he flirting with me? I look at everyone else in the room, hoping one of them will tell me if Steve Harrington is flirting with me. But, unfortunately, none of them are paying attention. Oh my god. Is he flirting with me? I think I’m having a heart attack.
“Come on, dingus, where are your snacks?” Robin pokes Steve in the chest and starts opening cabinet doors.
“Dingus? She’s allowed to call you dingus, but I can’t call you King?” I can’t stifle the laugh that bubbles from my chest, and I’m having too much fun for my own good.
This is going to be something I remember forever. I would write about this night for days if I had a diary. Cute little pink diary with a tiny little lock that is easily broken but holds all my deep dark secrets of this weird fucking night.
Read more on ao3 👀
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pettal00beaine · 9 months
Detention - Snape x inocent!reader smut
reader is described as a female, and is in hufflepuff
a/n- idk what possesed me to write this but this is so dirtly yall, im thinking abb turning this into a series but idk. Also its my second post thats an actual fanfic, so hope yall enjoy
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(Y/n)  (L/n) was discribed as a inocent, kind and soft girl. She had (h/c) hair that ran along her pretty face, (e/c) piercing eyes and a curved, bouncy and round body every boy wanted to touch. Even though she doesn't even know that boys have genitals.
She wasn't given the talk when she was younger and for certain she was discribed as a sparkly ray of sunshine at all Hogwarts. She was a Hufflepuff and was excellent in many classes, greatest being Herbology. 
She was often praised a lot from proffesors. She was the one who earned Hufflepuff many points through the years. But there was one class she wasn't a fan of.
Potions. Lead by non other than Proffesor Severus Snape. He never spoke about the girl, but was strict to her at times when she got a few measurements wrong in her potion. One time instead of healing a frog she turned it into a pigeon. Nobody was really surprised though, her patronum was a pigeon after all.
 But aside from some little incident there weren't tragic mistakes she had made. Until today at class. They were supposed to be making Amortentia, a very powerful potion. But with one slight bump of her classmate she managed to add half a bottle of peppermint oil into the mix resulting in her desk being flooded by the messy jelly like substance. And with one glare from Snape she knew what was going to go down . 
"Five points from Hufflepuff. Miss Glitheard you have detention here later today., at the end of all your classes. Everyone stop experimenting, Miss (L/n) clean this mess up." And with a sigh that left her mouth she begun cleaning the mess. With her head down for the rest of the day she completed all her classes and went to change her robe before going to her second detention at Hogwarts. 
The first one was in Astronomy when she broke a crystal ball. But she just had to clean the whole class of dust and that was it. Plus Ms. Sinistra added five points to Hufflepuff for her hard work. But she didnt know what Snape was like. With one final deep breath she opened the large door of the potions classroom. 
There sat Snape right in the front of the classroom writing onto some papers. He looks up and says: " Oh Miss (L/n) you finally appeared go on and sit down , and dont make a peep." She sat in the way back and put her bag onto the table. After about five minutes she felt bored and started to get pretty tired so she laid her head onto the desk letting herself dream into her sweet dreams of candy. 
(Snape's point of view)
I finished signing all of my paper on grading the fifth year students. And looked up to spot Miss Glitcheard quietly sleeping on the desk. I started to get mad at her actions and took my wand with me and started walking to her desk. I stood there before slamming my wand against the end of the desk letting little sparks fly out of the end. She got startled and fell to her knees right in front of me and looked me straight into the eyes.
I couldn't help but feel excited. "Oh my Merlin im so so sorry Professor Snape!" She quickly tried to get back onto the chair but i pushed her down with my right hand. " W-what ar-are you doing P-proffesore?" she asked as she looked at me inocently and blushed a deep red color. She wasn't lying she really didnt know what was about to happen.
 " Do not move a muscle." At that she sat still as i walked to the door, i pointed my wand at the doorknob and in a deep voice said: "Colloportus." 
With that i turned around to look at her looking at me. I slowly walked over to her as she turned her hair to look at the floor. I moved my wand across her jawli and moved her head up to look at me. "Proffesor my knees hurt, can i please sit on the chair?" 
"No. You are to remain here until i say so and until im satisfied." I said as i tapped my wand against her small but plump lips." Do you know what mens genitals are called Miss (Y/n)? Hmm?"
 "N-no sir i dont i swear. My mama said thats not good. So i dont know." 
She's telling the truth. This is going to be fun, a smirk is already forming onto my face as i look at her eyes. " You can sit down now." She obeyed as she sat down, i quickly made my way over and sat beside her. I started stroking her thigh and rubbing her robe.
"Its a little hot in here isn't it Miss?" 
" A bit." She said. 
I started taking of my robe revealing the pants and pullover that i had underneath. "Why dont you get comfortable yourself Miss?" She looked at me shily before removing her robe reveilng the sweater, tie and dress shirt. Her skirt was relatively short, i could see her chubby thighs. On the were the cutest pair of thigh highs i had ever seen. They were thick considering it was chilly outside and had adorable little pumpkins on them. I could just take them off one by one. But ill be patient. "Tell me Miss do you know what an erection is?" She shakes her head no.
 "Well, an erection is a hardened male genital or so called penis. Its caused by a male getting aroused by sexual tention." She lisened carefully as i suggested: " Would you like to try giving me an erection Miss.?" She looked shoked, she started getting teary eyed and shed a few tears. I cupped her cheeks and wiped away the tears.
" Oh Miss im sorry, whats wrong? " She looks at me with a quivering lip, "Momma said thats for bad people i dont wanna be a bad person mama will be sad." " Oh no deary its only bad if its forced but you want this, dont you Miss Glitcheard?" she looks patheticaly at the ground as i sense her thinking, maybe some old giving in will do the trick. 
I lean in close to her ear as i wispered:" Not even if i give some pathetic points to hufflepuff? Hmm? Wouldn't you like that little Miss?" And at that she looks at me and with a frown quickly nods her head." Alright then,lets get started. Get down on your knees infront of me." 
She obeys my orders as i move the chair to the side. She sits right in front of my legs. I started to move down the zipper on my pants revealing my white boxers. I slowly reach my hand into them as i take my huge cock out. She looks at it with wonder her eyes growing larger .
 "Its already half erect and leaking precum. Go on and put it into your hands Miss." She then slowly took it into her soft hands and squeezed it a little bit."Oh my Merlin that feels soo good. You see those ball like testicles under? You need to squeeze them gently." As she reaches down i cant help but feel excited, than i saw that my cock had twitched now fully hard.
She looked at it in surprise before slowly squeezing my heavy balls. It felt like i was in heaven. But i knew what would make it even better. " Do you see that mushroom shape? I want you to put it in your mouth." 
She looked at me so innocently as she opened her mouth, slowly taking in my tip. As she started to suck on it like a lollipop, it felt as if i was in heaven. I then pushed her head further as i heard her gag and choke, i looked right into her eyes as i saw tears flowing onto her cheeks. 
I tried to reach out to wipe them away as she started to gurgle and tap my thighs violently. I let her go to breath air as she started caughing. After a few seconds i took her back onto my cock, this time i felt i was close so i started to pound into her mouth. 
My balls slapped away on her jaw as she choked. "It'll be over soon i promise, just a few seconds more." I saw her eyes roll back into her head. She looked so fucking hot like that. I soon aproched my goal and for the last time i held her head down to my pubes. 
Her hands violently hit my thighs and her eyes had closed, knowing she was going to pass out i pulled out. I closed her mouth with my hand as i said: "I want you to swallow it all, or else you get punished." She shook her head no and moved back, as soon as my hand left her face she spitted out my jizz leading to a few coughs. 
She looked at me sadly as i just looked at her with slight anger for spitting my load out. " Im sorry i couldn't do it, it was too yucky and salty." "You think that its disgusting huh?" She shook her head yes. "You really are spoiled rotten. You think you can just spit it out like that huh? It takes time for me to make it happen you know. Do you understand that?"
She looked at me with eyes blowing with tears.
" Y-yes i do. Please dont punish me i wanna be a good girl, not a bad one. Am i a good girl sir, am i?" Her lip wobbled as she said that. " Right now your a really bad girl. You wasted what i gave you. And you will get punished. Now bend over the desk." She shook as she got onto her legs and took a few steps, she laid onto her stomach on the table. 
I put my cock back into my pants and walked behind her. I put my hand onto her hips as she shook a bit, trying to look over her shoulder. I then put a hand under her skirt and took it off with one swift motion along with her underwear.
 I kept her thigh highs on though, she looked so hot in them. I then took my wand into my hands and said ill give 10 spanks to your pussy, you will count each one, if you miss one i will start again. Understood?" 
"Yes i undertand sir." She said cutely.
I then so sudenly bought the wand down to her right cheek, making her jump in suprise.
"One!" She yelped. I made sure the second smack was a little more near her cunt.
"Two!" She yelped yet again. I had a smirk on my face as i continued the abuse on her cheeks. 
On the last slap she was crying so beautifuly, while i was rubbing her wery sore cheeks so it would hopefuly relieve some of the pain.
"You were good my sweet little dove, you deserve a reward dont you now? How about 30 points to hufflepuff? Hmm, would you like that?"
"Yes thank you Proffesor!" She said with a cute smile, as always.
"How about i bring us some tea darling, would it make you feel any better?"
"Yes Proffesore, with honey please!"
"Of course sweetheart." Oh how i love her.
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tarasmithshifts · 4 months
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𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐑. 2 years😭 𝐀𝐆𝐄. 16-17 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐏: sirius, remus, james, lily, peter, dorcas, marlene, mainly people from gryffindor and ravenclaw
𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒. single (5th to the end of 5th year) TAKEN BAHSDHABHAHDB (summer after 5th year - ongoing)
「 ✦ 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓼 ✦ 」
helloooooooooooooooooooo welcome back (i started like a freaking youtuber LOL) part 1 was emmm, it was a rollercoaster. A BIG ONE
— ୨୧₊˚ click here to read part 1 :)
im super super super excited for this part 'cause finally something cute is happening, literally those things that happened in part 1... WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT IT. WE WENT THROUGH IT, AND WE ARE BACK. part 2. let's do it
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「 ✦ 6th year ✦ 」
𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮 - 6𝓽𝓱 𝔂𝓮𝓪𝓻
summer 1976 - I left grimmuald place 12 and ran away to remus. sirius did the same some weeks before me, and we were both burn out of the "Black Family Tree"
July/August - James Potter and Lily are named Head Boy and Head Girl.
October/November - Lily finally agreeded and started to go out with James for some dates
this are basics from og timeline because i don't want to spoil anything
— ୨୧₊˚ a little reminder about what happened in last part - me and remus got together, and basically we are girlfriend and boyfriend, we spent time with each other more, trying to get ourselves more into this change yk 🥹
after last day of school me and remus promised ourselves that we will write to each other as much as possible. boys did not know about ‘us’ because we didn’t know if this whole relationship will work 😭 so it was our little secret, but not for long tho
in july, when me and sirius were back at grimmuald place, sirius got himself into a HUGE fight with our father, and said to me “idk what you gonna do, but i will not stay here any longer”. he did not tell me where would he go, some days after this fight he left in a middle of the night. he just left me a note to do the same, and that in some weeks he will let me know where he is. i kept that ‘letter’ to myself.
when i tell you that walburga was PISSED. P I S S E D . as well as our father. they would fight over it, and finally, when it was clear that sirius is not coming back, they burned sirius face out of this family tree.
ar least they are proud of regulus 👍 good job mate. you will die. soon. like girllllll
especially that i’m super attached to him. he is my little brother and i knooooow that when i will shift again his death is gonna hit me like a train, BUT WE DONT TALK ABOUT THIS RN LETS GET BACK
when sirius left walburga was super suspicious about me and always was looking at me, controlled everything etc. i knew that if she would find out about remus, she would probably punish me for it or smth, so i sent last letter to remus that he should not write to me because my parents went WILD over this whole situation.
in august i felt empty??? i could not get any letters from remus, i missed him, i missed sirius. he did not sent me any letter after he left, but i knew that it’s probably because he knew what the hell is going on in the house rn. also, regulus started to ignore me, like walburga and orion did. annnnnnnndddddd that’s when i didn’t back off, and started shouting at him (reggie) and when walburga heard it, she wasn’t happy 💀💀 so she decided to fucking punish me, but this time i was like “hell no, fuck off” and the same night i left grimmuald place 12 behind me, in my past. i took everything i could with me, some clothes, books, and it was whole huge operation, because walburga and orion are those kind of people that when something moves behind some walls, they wake up. so what i did, was that i added sleep potion that i made in my room to their drinks that they were having before going to sleep. well, it worked HA.
but when i left this house, i was like “bombastic, but what am i going to do now 😭😭😭😭😭 i was literally without any house, i did not want to bother anybody, especially that it was 2am in the morning 💀 andromeda did not tell us where she lived so i had no idea where i should go, and the only person that i could think of then was remus. i knew where he lived, he wrote me his address in one of letters i got from him.
so i went there. by foot. call me crazy but i did that. i took some muggle bus and was on his street around 4am. i knew it was very early but i hoped that he will not be mad about it, or his father. they were living at the edge of london, it was quiet and lovely place to live. when i was looking round for his house, as there were only few of them, i looked up and i saw that it was full moon 😭 and i didn’t realise that before. so i was still looking for around like 25 minutes, and i finally found it. AND YOU SHOULD’VE SEEN MY FACE WHEN I SAW THAT LIGHT IN THE HOUSE WERE TURNED ON
so i went to the door and knocked. i saw some movement in the window and was like “yuppp this man will think that i’m a freak. good job to me i guess” i waited a few minutes and he finally opened the door. i started apologising to him that i’m sorry that i’m here at 4 in the morning, that i know his son etc. then he fully opened the door and it wasn’t lyall lupin IT WAS REMUS 😭😭😭😭 i literally was so so so happy, i mean, he was shocked, i was shocked too because i thought that it was a full moon that night, i hugged him and he hugged me back IT WAS SO CUTE IM ABOUT TO CRY I WANNA GO BACK THERE SO BADLY
so we stayed in this position for some minutes and he finally made a step back, looked at me and said “what are you doing here?” so i started to tell him what happened few hours before, that sirius is somewhere god knows where, that he should write to me but i know why he didn’t, i was talking really fast and finally he was like “yo chill out, just come in and we will talk about it later, you need to sleep” (yup i’m living my y/n life LMAO) so basically he took my things upstairs and told me to sleep in his bedroom, and that he will figure out what to do later. so i went to sleep
— ୨୧₊˚ lupin’s house
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it was like 11 am when i woke up, so i just went down the stairs to find remus, but he wasn’t there, so i just looked around and guess who i met in the kitchen 😭😭😭 lyall lupin ladies and gentlemen 😭😭😭 he was like “emmm you are tara right?” and i was like “yessss that’s me 💀” he was just walking around the kitchen, but he was nice to me tho. he said that remus went to james to tell him that i’m here. i was like “oh yup okay” so later i found out that sirius was living at james house the whole time 😭
so i wrote a letter to him telling him that i am at remus now, but i said that i don’t want to bother his family, so probably i will leave in a few days (i didn’t LMAO, remus stopped me) so that’s how i was living for next month, until school started. i got along with remus father, he is a nice guy, also he has good sense of humour, thank GOD 😭 idk finally i felt loved and as i was at my own home. thanks to the lupins 🫶
— ୨୧₊˚ 1st day
lyall left few days before school started, he said that if i would need anything, he can buy me some things on street, but i was fine, as walburga buys everything that is needed already in june, so yup, i was stated for new school year 🫡
on a 1st day i finally saw sirius again, gosh i never thought that i would be happy only by seeing him in a crowd. remus told me what happened after sirius left grimmuald place 12, at least the part that he knew about. by this i also mean that he forgave him about what happened, so we were all good 🫶
on a train i found out that james and lily were chosen to become next head boy and head girl, which is the reason why they got onto each other.
sooooo me and remus relationship was still a secret, but i think that boys could feel the change between us, especially sirius, i mean it was kinda obvious 😭 we did not “hide” it, we just did not tell them 💀 there were signs, like sometimes remus put his arm around my back and hold me like this, or during the day when i tried to keep contact with him. basically only lily knew about me and remus. i told her right after everything happened in june, sooooo yup she knew since the very beginning.
whole September we were all excited to start new school year, but something started to feel different ??? but that was because of war.
but let’s concentrate on hogwarts rn 😭
so me and boys still took turns to stay with remus during full moons, remus wanted to complain about it because of what happened few months before, but he finally said yes.
— ୨୧₊˚ boys find out about me and remus
soooo everything was fine at hogwarts, we were doing great, james and lily started to talk to each other, she would tell me about the conversations they had, but when i asked her “do you like him” she acted like she was angry and ignored the question or answered me with “don’t be ridiculous” soooo yk something was going on between them (finally) also sirius and remus told me that james is talking about her ALL THE TIME and that they are super tired of it. about peter,well, he was quiet as always 😭 so nothing changed.
me and remus were even more opened about our relationship, we were more confident about it? we were showing it ig 😭 and on one day in the middle of october, sirius, james and peter caught us in a common room and told us to sit down, their face went literally 🤨🤨🤨 and james started talking “okay what the HELL is going on here” so i looked at remus, remus looked at me, and i finally said “oh yeah we re together” and sirius went WILDDDD he literally looked at remus and went “THATS MY SISTER YOU MANIAC” and started chasing remus across the common room 😭 it was SO FUNNY 😭😭 after they were done (about 10 minutes later lmao💀) we just sat down in their dormitory and they were doing this police kind of thing where they are asking questions and shit 💀 pretty crazy but yup they knew since then
and because of that we could be more open about us and be ourselves bc of that. sirius was sometimes overdramatic about it but he got used to it i guess LMAO
also sirius got himself into detention 😭😭😭 AGAIN i’m super sick of this at some point 💀💀 he started to bully severus again, so i get it, but now lily did not react (he called mudblood as yk)
but james was a little bit out of business, because he wanted to impress lily, and you could see that. literally he was not helping sirius and peter with their pranks for a while, so he could convince lily to him, which was so cute ☹️
— ୨୧₊˚ 17 birthdayyy
in the beginning of november me and sirius got letter from andromeda, that she heard about our escape from grimmuald place 12 and that she is super proud of us 😭😭😭 she asked if we have some place to stay and etc. to be honest, i didn’t think about it 💀 i didn’t want to bother remus but still i was too young to bus myself a house from money that i saved. sirius told me in the beginning of school year that he will stay at james during next summer, so he could later buy a house from money that he got from ⭐️
i just wrote back to andromeda that i’m okay, and i just did not think about it. it was not time for that too.
also, from weird things that happened in november is that on random day, when i was leaving great hall with remus after lunch, regulus wanted to talk to me??? like excuse you i guess? but yup he’s my little brother, i was worrying about him the whole time tbh 😭 so remus did not want to go away, he checked if i’m okay with him leaving, i just nodded, so he hugged me and just left 😭
he did not even say “hi” or shit, he just went
“oh so you are with H I M”
and i was like bro what? since when we are talking to each other like this??? what happened to hello? how was your day???
also he was nervously checking if the hall that we were standing in was clear. which was pretty mad, but i figured it out after i shifted back that he just wanted to check if any slytherins saw us 💀 he looked a little bit scared too. OKAY ANYWAY
so i went “why do you care”
AND HE RESPONDED “you are a blood traitor”
“that’s the reason why you stopped me?”
“no.” he made a dramatic pause here lol??? “you know you can both still fix this”
MY JAW WAS ON A FLOOR I SWEAR, BECAUSE THEN HE SAID SOMETHING LIKE “you need to choose the right side. like mother said”
“reggie” “do not bother me again, please”
that’s all i said. the silence was LOUD, it was SCREAMING i think it was this moment that i knew that even if i tried, i would never convince reggie that lord voldemort and death eaters are not a good way to go to (if yk what i mean 😭) so i just walked away. and when i tell you i CRIED. i did not talk to sirius about it, i did not talk to remus about it, even tho both of them were trying to get out the convo between me and regulus of me LMAO, i knew that i would hurt sirius so i kept it to myself
happy birthday to me and sirius i guess 😭😭😭
i am officially 17 in this dr 🤭
sirius ofc threw the whole party, but i passed. i wanted peace lmao. remus sat with me in his dormitory and we played some games, then dorcas and lily joined us, then james and peter. we had so much fun, it’s such a core memory 🫶🥹 I MISS THEM SO MUCH i’m sooooo homesick but yup i just gotta make my way back there (somehow)(even tho i know next shifts are gonna be awfully full of angst, i’m not ready tbh)
during the full moon this month me and james took care of remus ❤️‍🩹
— ୨୧₊˚ christmas
basically james asked her out for a date and she said YES
WE WERE CELEBRATING and lily finally told me she likes him a lot and that if he would not be such a dumb-ass sometimes she would talk to him earlier 😭😭😭 i’m super happy for them literally waited for that moment for SO LONG. and sirius threw a little party in their dormitory so everyone were happy ❤️‍🩹
on christmas ofc we gave each other presents, but sirius went CRAZY this time.
1. he started dating a girl called daisy from ravenclaw (which was pretty crazy cause he didn’t pull up any girl for like a year or something?) this time he said that he really like her and will try to keep this relationship for longer than 3 weeks (they lasted like 3 months maybe 💀 james even made bets at this point 😭)
2. sirius and james were running around common room with a mistletoe to force people to kiss including me and remus 😭😭 pls guys i love them so much but WHAT
james and lily went out few times during december, and when lily was coming back to our dorm she was super happy and even tho she still had her opinion “but he is a dumb-ass sometimes🙄🙄🙄” she seemed to really like him???
sooooo also james invited sirius, remus, peter, lily, dorcas (and more actually it was a full-ass list with names of like 15 people and i’m too lazy to name all of them sorry 😭😭 maybe during editing i will do it) for new year’s eve, so we all needed to left hogwarts for christmas 😭 like girl i DONT HAVE A PLACE TO LIVE RN 💀 sirius stayed with james at his house, and remus told me that lyall is not coming back for christmas so we can go and live at his house for those 2 weeks, and we decided to do so ❤️‍🩹🥺 GUYS YOU DONT GET IT LIKE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AHHHHHHH PLS BRING ME BACK OMG
i spent whole 2 weeks only with remus, it was super cute and cozyyy we decorated his house and baked (at least i did bc i was 17 and i could use magic legally outside hogwarts 💀) we had fun. truly these 2 weeks refreshed me soooo much, ALSO
LYALL LUPIN GOT ME A CHRISTMAS PRESENT 😭😭😭😭 it was little bracelet that remus told him i would like, pls lyall is such a nice guy 😭
and also i think the most memorable moment from these 2 weeks is remus christmas present, and by that i mean, he bought two tickets to “muggle” opera, and it was AMAZING. later the same night he told me the story how his parents met, and we played his mother records (i scripted that she was an opera singer!!!)
— ୨୧₊˚ new year’s eve
so me and remus needed to take a ride with this crazy wizard bus 😭😭😭 but we made it and spent THE BEST NEW YEAR’s EVE EVER. we had so much fun 😭 also i found out how many things in common me and dorcas have, which is funny because we were “friends” literally we live in one dorm 💀 but that night i got to know her more which is great bc we became closer as roommates. okay so basically during the midnight, when clock hit 12pm, there is this tradition that you have to kiss somebody for luck. so yup me and remus kissed (my cutie patootie ☹️) BUT ALSO WHEN I WAS GOING OUTSIDE WITH SIRIUS, REMUS, DORCAS AND OTHERS I SAW JAMES KISSING LILY???? I WAS SO HAPPY likeeeeee pls 😭
i wil speed up those few months because nothing really happened except for some birthdays, and that was all because our exams, I WAS SO STRESSED IDK WHY i know that i will pass them perfectly (duhh) but i was stressed anyway. crazy time tbh lmao, everybody were busy.
about james and lily - they started to ‘officially date’ each other, which made me super happy, they are so cute 😭😭😭
also sirius broke up with this girl from ravenclaw, so it did not last long LMAO
and peter and sirius got themselves into a HUGE detention from mcgonagall for messing up her office 💀 which was crazy, we got -100 points from our house. you should have seen her, she was SO MAD. i’ve never seen mcgonagall so angry
okayyyy so may was super chill month EXCEPT the final quidditch match. between gryffindor and slytherin it was AMAZING
okay so i probably did not write about that bc i did not find that necessary it still, i okay quidditch on one of ‘beater’ positions so yuppp i play quidditch 🤭 AND IT’S SO MICH FUNNN
anyway, gryffindor won after james found that goddamn little gold ball, when i tell you he was so annoyed bc he couldn’t catch it 😭😭 HE WAS SO PISSED, but we won 🤭
and after some other days of school work i “shifted back 😭” to cr
「 ✦ end notes ✦ 」
it was 2 months and im still there tbh 😭
This shift was so crazy??? and fun???? and sad??? and cute??? AT THE SAME TIME.
i am now remus lupin gf. yup I WON
i’m so happy and i just can’t wait to shift there again 😭😭😭😭😭
remember that i will edit this page! there are A LOT to edit but i’m to lazy to do so 🤭
anyway BYE
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spopsalt · 3 months
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I found all of these on Pinterest TODAY. And I’m only gonna be able to unpack SOME of them.
“Better than the rest of the female population”? Jfc, did whoever make that one hate women or something? Because Catra is the lowest bar for a person. Not even a bar, that chick is the fucking floor.
I don’t even understand what the Jesus one is trying to say. But I don’t think I want to. Im pretty sure whoever made that is susceptible to falling into a cult. Which is fair, since this fandom essentially is one.
“We wants S4 Catra.” First off, I feel like they’re specifically saying S4 bc thats the season most people agree she’s legal. Second, that’s literally Catra ar her worse. Look, I understand liking villains. Im a simp for villain characters. But something tells me the type of person who made that meme doesn’t understand liking a villain and acknowledging they’re a villain. They probably think S4 is the best because she’s ‘Mommy’ or whatever, and would probably defend everything she did in that season and pretend she wasn’t a villain, without realizing S4 Catra (Every Catra really) would literally let someone die for being an inconvenience, try to murder suicide someone to prove a point, send someone to a death prison for saying no, and would essentially rip out someone’s pacemaker for a laugh. Yes, the perfect partner. 😒
“Why can’t Catra be real?” Well… Catra specifically doesn’t. But people like her do. Most of them are war criminals, dictators, politicians, mass murderers, abusers, ableists, rapists, people in positions of power, in jail, the type of person to hit someone for talking back, single for a reason, you get the idea. So, in short whoever is out here simping for Catra hopefully realizes the difference between reality and fiction when having a crush. And if they don’t, they need help. I’m not even getting into the fact about half of these are her as a minor (if not all of them.)
Btw, I’m not saying anyone who relates to Catra is a bad person like what I listed. You can relate to her and not actually be like her. But I think most if the toxic stans who ‘want someone like Catra’ are in it for the wrong reasons. I. E. ‘Mommy-dom Cat-girl UWU Catra’ which is literally just an abuser who has probably murdered a lot of people.
Exactly thank you! There's a disturbing amount of Catra simps and as a pansexual I can confirm I never simped for Catra (Or any fictional character if I'm honest) I mean I guess I could see why someone would due to some people simping for villain characters (For example I know a LARGE amount of the Rick and Morty Fandom want to smash Rick, there's literally an account dedicated to it) but I still don't get it. Whatever.
Also they should be happy that Catra isn't real because Catra would be in prison. Also who wants to be the Catra to my Adora...you mean who wants to be the abuser to my victim? I'm so incredibly distributed by Catra fans
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I wanna see Takao and Midorima with sassy reader❤❤❤ *slides French fries* for the payment as well
Takao Kazunari, Midorima Shintarō, Miyaji Kiyoshi, and Miyaji Yūya with S/O Who Have a Sassy Personality
A/N: Hello there Anon! Thank you for the French Fries ☚(*´∀`☚) and from now on the payment to request headcanons for me is by giving me food XDDDD. Anyway, thank you for the request, this is such a great idea for me because I can relate to someone who is sassy. I hope you like it
Waning: (Y/N) being mean and body shame
Takao Kazunari - Shutoku
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If you have watched the anime. You know Takao can handle Midorima's harsh words as he knows how tsundere he is and I believe he would love Sassy S/O.
Hear me out, I can see his love language also being sassy back at you so the two of you had a playful banter together where the two of you going to end up with stomach cramps for laughing too much.
He is definitely amused with your sass and since his love language is teasing the hell out of you and sometimes he would even steal your words to out sass other people, especially Midorima.
So, don't worry about getting sassy with him. He is not too sensitive that he cannot handle your sass. In fact, he could even outwit you back and make you freeze on the ground because out of shock.
Of course your reaction is only going to make Takao laughing his ass off and pointing his finger at you since you just stood there like a statue and not expecting him to fight you back.
Also, Takao sometimes would help you on your side when you are debating with other people by adding even more sass and making the Karen or the asshole ashamed or angry at you two.
Afterwards, the two of you going to give each other a high five and laugh with each other, joking about those Karens or assholes when they were gone.
There would be times he would lightly bonk your head if he realizes that your sass was out of the line and hurting innocent people and looking at you with disapproval and telling you to be careful with your words because some words can be really hurt.
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Sounds of chattering in the hallway get louder and louder as students from all of the classes get out of their classes. Walking together with their friend or alone while going to their locker to get their things including the person with a pair of (E/C) eye colors, (S/C) skin color, and (H/C) Hair color.
Taking out the notebooks from the locker and some important kinds of stuff, the bell turns off and (Y/N) (L/N) closes the door of the locker and turns the key around before leaving their/her/his locker along and walking to the gym to greet someone in there and maybe gives a little surprise for 'certain' someone.
(Y/N) could hear some giggles here and there and it was too familiar for you, internally groaning as the sound of the footsteps getting closer. It was the cheaper version of Regina George, she never interacts with you nor you interact with her but knowing this kind of female still exist makes your blood boil.
"Oh My God, don't you see that guy with silver blue-ish eyes? He's so gorgeous," the girl said.
"Yeah, that guy friend's too with the green hair although what a weirdo. Bringing frog's pocket everywhere," the other girl commented.
"I don't care about that guy. I'm more interested with that guy who has that sharp eyes and black hair," the girl putting out her lipstick before applying it.
"Could you stop talking about that guy? You three makes my ears bleed," You snapped out, slamming the locker shut and glaring at those girls.
The three of them did not expect you to hear their conversation, especially the girl on the middle with a beautiful long straight black hair that reaches the middle of her back, pale ivory skin-tone and a pair of lavender purple eyes. Despite looking beautiful like a doll, she was the most annoying one.
"Aww I'm sorry, do you want me to talk about it more~" the girl smirks, causing the other two of her friends giggles.
"You do have a nice voice... but it is nicer if you don't yap around like a chihuahua. All barks but not bite," you shrugs with the end of your lips tugged upwards.
All three of them gasps in surprise, offended with your insult as the girl on the middle face's getting more and more red and you swore you almost saw a steam getting out from her ears. "Y-YOU! AT LEAST I'M MORE BEAUTIFUL AND MORE POPULAR THAN YOU!" She shrieked, pointing her index finger at you.
Satisfied with the girl's reaction, you could not help but the grin on your face getting wider as you lean to the locker more and crossing both of your arms. "You are more beautiful than me but all of those are from plastic surgery, especially your nose job. So how much did your mommy and daddy pay for those? Also, you're more popular because you sell your body around to every guys in Shutoku. Let me guess, they paid you around 800-1000 yen? No wonder you're so rich!"
Every one in the hallway slowly surrounding the two of you, interested with the commotion as some people were cheering on you and the girl. Takao who also were walking side by side with Midorima saw the crowd from far away. He blinks repeatedly before he looks at green haired shooter.
"What the hell is going on?" Takao asks.
"I'm not sure but we need to check it out," Midorima walks closer.
Once they got closer, their eyes widened to see you standing with a smug grin at a girl with red face. The girl yanked the book out from her bag before throwing it to your face but you did not need to duck, tilting your head to the side. Her shoot already miss and making the popular girl even angrier than before.
Takao quickly steps aside with a fake smile on his face, "Hey ladies/gentleman. Let's just stop the fight and calm down," Takao tried to stop the fight.
"T-takao-kun! Thank you so much, t-this girl/guy/non-binary person was mocking me!" She tried to cling to Takao who are internally screaming since he doesn't know who's the person clinging to his arm whereas (Y/N) just roll her/his/their eyes. You pull yourself away from the locker and glance at Takao.
"She was talking about you right in front of me could you believe this girl? Talking about how much she wants to fuck you in front of me?" You smile innocently while pointing at the popular girl. You added a little lie to make it more dramatic and to make Takao on your sides.
"I-i'm sorry but I already have boyfriend/girlfriend and this is my partner," Takao stuttered a little bit. He knows your tendency to be a little bit piece of shit-
'"Tch! Whatever, I don't care about losers like you!" The girl storms away and everything was silent until the other students walking away one by one, leaving the scene. You could not help but laugh as well as Takao who joined the laughter, thinking it was hilarious to see you angered one of the most popular girl in the school.
"Glad I saw that," Takao wiped the tears after he laughing too much and patting your back.
"Me too, hun," You winked at him, still in the cheeky mood.
Ⰶ║ ⵈ ⵈ ⵈ ⵈ ⵈ ⵈ║Ⰶ
Midorima Shintarō - Shutoku
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Froggit Midorima doesn't really have an opinion on sassy people or he's in the middle of 'I don't really like them' and 'I like them' if he had a Sassy S/O.
He does not find it amusing when you are getting too sassy to him and it made him annoyed whenever you talk back at him while he was scolding you.
Especially if you are not listening to him whenever he is lecturing you about something or your mistake but you just rolled your eyes and talking back at him.
He also doesn't really like it whenever you are commenting and teasing him out of nowhere because it reminded him of Takao when Takao annoys him.
However, it does not mean he hates you because there are lots of times he also finds your sassiness can be really amusing sometimes.
I am saying this because there were a lot of times you were being sassy back to Takao and making him lose an argument with you whereas Midorima was in the background silently snickering.
He doesn't admit it but he also enjoys watching you destroying your enemy with your wittiness and your words. Causing your rival to be embarrassed and back away
Midorima definitely going to silently and secretly learn from you but when Takao catches him that he is trying to be like you. He will immediately deny it.
Ⰶ║ ⵈ ⵈ ⵈ ⵈ ⵈ ⵈ║Ⰶ
It was sunny on the outside and many people were out there doing their own thing and interacting with each other. The green hair shooter of Shutoku glances at the screen of his phone, clearly watching Oha Asa of today with a cute girl on the side of the screen explaining the faith of Cancer's today.
"Today is going to be a bad day for cancers! There will be lots of silly and bad accidents happen to you so please be careful today. Your lucky item for Cancers today are the small Beaver figurine from the antique shop! Next I am going to show (Your Zodiac)'s-" Midorima immediately closes the screen of his phone and grumbling he shouldn't be out today.
Before he plugs the earphone out from the phone and trying to insert it, a large figure almost as big as him accidentally made contact with him and the impact was quite hard, causing the two of them to drop the things on their hands together.
"H-hey dude! I'm sorry for crashing with you!" The guy crouches down.
However, it was as if the gods tries to make his life into a comedy because the guy tries to take Midorima's earphone and give it back to him. His large shoes accidentally stepped into one of the earbuds and crushed it in a pieces. Midorima and the stranger immediately internally screams about the sudden event before the man quickly stood up and bows down repeatedly to apologize for destroying the earphone.
It wasn't over just like that, the saddest thing was as the man stood up, his head accidentally hit something hard and triangle, causing the man to wince in pain as well as the green-haired basketball player who are holding his chin in pain. Midorima curses himself, thinking Oha Asa was right about the misfortune that will happen to him today.
"I-I AM SORRY SIR! I AM SO SORRY FOR MY ACTIONS!" The man apologizes once again and things get out of control.
‿︵‿︵\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/︵‿︵‿Timeskip
Standing in the middle of the aisle inside the antique shop, Midorima searched for a certain mini figure that Oha-Asa told, it was the small beaver figure and portable one since he needs to bring it around in the gym soon. His eyes laid on the last small stature of the before and his hands immediately reached it out to take it.
Another hand took the small figure of the small animal and his eyes widened in shock before it turned into annoyance and anger. Someone is taking his lucky item and judging the person in front of him. The person only smiles in a sardonic way, "Oh, you wanted this? I'm sorry but a loser with four eyes like you shouldn't even have this thing," It was clear it was just another asshole, the person didn't want the lucky item. They just want to be a jerk just to look cool since he can hear the unfamiliar laughter.
"Is that your insult? Why don't you try a better insult and something more fitting to you? Like all talk but no biting? Or maybe just a wannabe gangster? Mommy's boy?" A familiar sound appears from behind the jerk.
Midorima's green eyes were surprised to see you standing there with crossed arms and a smirk on your face. The jerk clicked his tongue at you "Tch! Scram brat! I bet if I punch you, you would be crying like a baby!" The man shouted.
"Me?? Crying?? Oh my?? Why do you think I am gonna cry when I see baby wipes on your pants? Why do I also see you red face after leaving the restaurant? Were you get angry when I saw you got rejected several hours ago by the waiters? How does that feel, getting rejected by everyone?" You snicker, causing the jerk even get angrier before he storms away.
"I'LL SHOW YOU! YOU WILL REGRET THIS!" The person said before the person leaves the antique shop.
Unknownbeast to you, Midorima was too shocked and speechless to see this kind of sight of you. He knows you have a tendency to act a little bit mean but this is the first time he sees you standing up for him with your sass. The green haired player could not help but glancing away, trying to hide his red face from you as he feel glad that you were standing up for him.
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Miyaji Kiyoshi - Shutoku
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Either you have a thing with someone who is strict and short-tempered or you have a strong mentality to face this kind of guy even though it can get annoying sometimes.
It's canon he often gets annoyed by Midorima's vagaries and sometimes by Takao's antics. He also often gets annoyed by your sarcasm and sassiness when he is scolding you.
It feels like you are not taking him seriously when you are getting sassy to him but unlike Midorima. He won't get too argumentative so once it get's heated up. He would just gonna sigh and let it be.
There's a lot of time he only watches you mouthing him or getting witty in the argument as he looks at you with unamused glances and crossed arms.
He is strict just like his brother and temperamental but he was a little bit more chill than his brother so there are some times he would just scoff at your remarks and walk away from you.
Many times he was also amused by your sarcasm and sass when facing some idiots. There would be a time he was even trying not to laugh but failed as he is holding his stomach.
I can see Kiyoshi would also record the fight you had with another idiot or asshole when you sassed the poor guy. As he records it, he would save it in his gallery and play it when there is no one around.
Just like Midorima. There are many times he is amused with this side of yours but also many times he is not amused, especially when you are getting too argumentative to him since he can be quite stubborn.
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Sounds of chattering can be heard as students from inside of the classroom are talking with their friends, sleeping on their table, reading some books from the library, or studying before the upcoming exam. (Y/N) (L/N) watches the sight outside of the window, glancing at the students that follow the instruction from the P.E. Teacher or play other sports.
The (H/C) haired student can be seen sitting near the window and feeling their/her/his stomach grumbling in hunger even though the bell has not rung yet. You forgot to eat breakfast from home because you were almost late as you had time to shower, use your uniform, feed your cats or dogs in the morning, and prepare the backpack by inserting the needed books.
(Y/N) eyes glance at the ceiling of the class and think about the mouth-watering bowl of beef over rice. A steamed warm rice topped with thinly sliced beef and tender onion, simmered in dashi broth, seasoned with a soy sauce as well as diced boiled eggs on top of it. It was one of the most in-demand lunches in the cafeteria.
Not long after, the sound of the bell rang, and (Y/N) quickly stood up so you can go take those lunch earlier since it's quite often that the cafeteria was full of hungry students and you did not want to miss any of those beef slices over rice. However, fate was not on your side because you stood up. Your body accidentally made harsh contact with another person.
"WATCH IT! FREAK!" The person says.
"I should have been the one who said that, you literally take all over the place," (Y/N) commented, rolling both of their/her/his eyes.
"You hear me, boo~" you said with the corner of your lips tugged upwards.
"A-AT LEAST I'M NOT A LONER FREAK!" The person screeches.
"I'm not a plastic though," (Y/N) shrugs, amused with the person in front of you as they are throwing tantrums like five-year-olds.
Sounds of cough can be heard, stopping the two of you and the stranger's argument before your eyes look up to see your boyfriend Miyaji Kiyoshi. The blonde and tall basketball player of Shutoku trudges silently before he went completely standing still next to you and eyes squinted at the person in front of you, arms crossed in an intimidating way.
"I believe you should be the one who needs to apologize instead of (Y/n). I saw the entire scene, you were the one who was walking while talking with your friend without noticing that (Y/N) just stood up from her/his/their sit," Kiyoshi defended you from the strange and entitled student.
"Tch, fine. You win this time but next time I will kick your ass," the person giving their last glare at you before they storm away with their friends following from behind.
One by one, the students that were watching the drama unfold in front of their eyes are leaving the classroom and letting what just happened to slide away. Kiyoshi Miyaji's eyes stare at you, rolling both of his eyes and taking a deeper breath before his hands reach up to your head, messing up your hair with the gentle noogie.
"You're reckless, you know that? Your mouth always getting into some troubles," he told you.
"I know, but you still love me," You cheekily smiled at him, receiving another eye rolls from him.
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Miyaji Yūya - Shutoku
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Just like his brother, Miyaji Yuya is as strict and temperamental as his brother and he is also as stubborn as his brother too.
Because of this, the two of you fight a lot and the two of you are getting mouthy with each other, trying to prove the two of you were right and the other wrong.
It's very common that you two are fighting as Yuya is a little bit more has more temper than his twin so it can be a competition between the two of you.
Just like his brother, there are many times he is not amused with your antics and sass. When that happens, he will stare straight into your face, cross his arms, glare at you, or look at you with anger in his eyes, and sometime he would shout back.
He also sometimes gets a little bit embarrassed when you had a fight with another person because of your sarcasm and sass. To the point, he would act as if he doesn't know who are you.
However not in all cases he would react like those because there is a time he would be amused and learn your sass whenever he sees you debating with other Karens or Assholes.
Sometimes he would join together with you but using his own words and would scare the perpetrator away who is trying to harass you.
Once the person gets away from the two of you, he would have a good laugh together with you and tell you about those moments when the two of you are going home from school or a date.
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It was not a surprise that Basketball players can be quite popular among every student, especially if the basketball players are good looking including your boyfriend Miyaji Yuuya. Miyaji Yuuya has an athletic and slim body, he also has dark blonde hair as well as a pair of eyes that are similar to his brother.
The dark blonde second-year basketball player glances at everyone training in the gym room where the seniors teach the new player how to shoot the balls into the hoops "C'MON! TRY HARDER! SOON WE ARE GOING TO FACE AGAINST SEIRIN! MIYAJI-SAN! COME HERE TO TEACH THE NEW PLAYERS!" The coach looks at him, calling him to show all of the new players how to shoot.
"Hai!" He puts the bottles away before jogging to the old man.
As he was going up to show the new players, he did not realize many pairs of eyes watching him playing, especially the student girls who were giggling from far away and watching him playing basketball and shooting the balls into the hoop.
"Miyaji-san is so cool!" One of the girls whispers.
"Yeah, he's so cool when playing basketball like that," another girl with a messy bun whispered back.
"He's so handsome," the girl with pigtails squeals silently.
"I know right. It's sad that everyone says he has a girlfriend/boyfriend/romantic partner. I wonder who they are," the girl with the navy hairband sighs.
"Maybe try to flirt with him when his girlfriend/boyfriend is not around," the girl with pigtails giggles.
None of the girls knows that the dark blonde second-year player is your boyfriend and your ears getting hotter and hotter each time they were squealing and whispering out loud. It was really obvious that those three have a crush on your boyfriend and they are acting very obnoxious.
Both of your eyes glanced at those girls before slamming the book out loud, causing them to jump in surprise before turning around to glare at you "C-can you quiet down! We are watching people playing basketball in here!" The girl with the navy hairband hisses.
"Watching people play basketball or staring at Yuya-san?" You cross your arms, still looking at them with a sharp glance.
"S-SHUT UP! Don't act like you're his girlfriend/boyfriend!" the girl hisses, pointing her index finger at your face rudely.
"Oh, I am~" You smiled mockingly, causing the fangirl even angrier than before.
"PROVE IT!" She challenged.
"Sure," you shrug, eyes focusing on the match once again.
‿︵‿︵\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/︵‿︵‿Timeskip
Once the training was done, Yuuya was sweating like a bullet with eyes lide in exhaustion but that tired face was replaced with a smile as his eyes landed on you, waving his arm at you to greet you. His footsteps were getting closer and closer but before he could speak. His eyes widened with your action.
Out of the blue, your lips made a contact with the basketball player and causing the three girl's mouths to gasp in horror as well as the other players who just saw you just eat your boyfriend's face right in front of their faces. Yuuya blushes and kisses back for a few seconds before pulling away.
"Baby, what's gotten into you? You just kissed me out of nowhere and made my teammates watch the two of us kiss" He raised his eyebrows in confusion and slight irritation since he felt a little bit embarrassed by the sudden contact
"I just miss you a little bit and I was just trying to swat some bugs to get away from you," you innocently said.
He was still looking at you with confusion, not knowing what did you mean by 'bugs' until he sees three girls marching away in anger. It immediately clicked in his brain that you were jealous of those girls and you railed them on purpose. Yuuya could not help but sigh at (Y/N) antics before his eyes glancing at his S/O, flicking your forehead and making you wince in pain.
"Don't create a scene next time. Just tell me what the hell is going on and I can help you," he chides.
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jemilydoll · 1 year
Tommy Miller NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
Tommy loves comforting you; he cleans you up and grabs you a snack and beverage if you want one. He'll also massage you if the sex is a little rough.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
Tommy Miller is a tit man; he loves sucking on your boobs and buying you lingerie and low-top shirts that show off your chest.
His fav part of his body is his hands, and he loves touching you. Fingering you is one of his fav ways to get you off. Being able to make you cum with little effort is unmatched for him.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He loves covering your body with his cum, all but your face; he finds it too degrading. His favorite body parts to cum on are your tits (he loves a good tittyfuck), stomach, and back. He will also gladly lick his cum off of you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He has thought about anal a lot but doesn't want to make you uncomfortable, so he waits for you to bring it up, and if you don't, he doesn't mind.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
I am not gonna lie; Tommy was a slut before he met you. But don't be fooled; when he makes love to you, it feels so personal and doesn't feel routine.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He has two, missionary and cowgirl. He loves how soft missionary is; it's easy to look into your eyes and hold your hands. And with cowgirl, he loves when you use him for your pleasure. He also loves popping a titty in his mouth.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
This is Tommy we are talking about. It would be strange if he didn't give you a giggle or two while you guys are going at it.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
On you, he does not care; he leaves it up to what you like. And on him, he also doesn't care; overall, you make all of the hair care decisions. He follows along.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He is so soft for you. Even when you guys are having rough sex, he will slow his pace to whisper how much he loves you and stroke your hair.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He likes mutual masturbation a lot. The only other time he jerks off is when you are away. He may or may not have a pair or two in his drawer to jerk off with.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Praise kink: He loves telling you how much he loves and appreciates you during sex.
Spanking: The spanking is light, never enough to bruise or make you bleed. However, he likes having control over you.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His favorite place is the comfort of his bed, where he can make you moan as loud as you want and make you as comfortable as possible.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Everything about you gets him going, although sometimes he feels like a sex addict when it comes to you, so he often waits for you to make a move.
N = No (something they wouldn't do, turn-offs)
Nothing derogatory; you are his sweet girl, so saying anything dirty to you would make him feel wrong. He also would never forgive himself if he
were to make you feel bad or hurt in such an intimate moment
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He loves going down on you for hours; he's an addict. He won't stop until you push his head away from you. He is a pleasure dom and has cum while being in between your thighs; your sweet moans and shakes make him feel so good.
And he's never going to say no to a blowjob; he'll always be gentle and let you take the lead, stroke your hair, and give you endless praise.
P = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and sensual is his favorite being able to take his time to work himself as deep into you as he can with each stroke is what he loves most. However, if the both of you are pressed for time, he is going fast and can get you off at least twice.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
They are not his favorite, but he will never turn down being inside you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He loves a little bit of risk regarding your sex life. Having sex in different bathrooms is his fav, as in Bars, parties at friends, and restaurants. He will always do his best to be discreet, not wanting you embarrassed.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
God, this man can go all night and has mastered holding off his orgasm until you cum multiple times.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He LOVES using toys on you. He will use anything to give you maximum pleasure. Vibrators, plugs, handcuffs, beads, anything you want to try, he will always indulge you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Foreplay is one of his favorite parts of sex. When you're out in public, he'll whisper in your ear everything he will do to you and how hot you make him. He will grab your neck to get you worked up when he kisses you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
This man loves making sounds and wants you to hear how good you make him feel. He grunts, whines, moans, everything; he is not shy.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Tommy loves fingering you. You are cooking dinner, he's fingering you, and the both of you are watching a movie on the couch. No doubt he's going to stick his fingers down your pants. And he does it so casually; he will bring you to cloud nine and then go about his day as if nothing happened.
X = X-ray (let's see what's going on under those clothes)
He has a good amount of girth, and his length is LONG and fits very deep inside you.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
This man always wants you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Tommy has always had trouble falling asleep after being in the army, but once he has you and he sees you perfectly content in his arms, it's hard for him not to fall asleep to the sound of your breathing.
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grimmdeltarune · 3 months
Pocket Sand - Pilot Episode: Inkwel and Shikari
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Inkwel: Hehehe! W ll hiya the e, Mi s Shikari!
Shikari: Oh, it's yXu. Get Xut of hXre, I DXN'T want tX talk.
Inkwel: I don't me n to be rud b t I don't re lly... want t ...
Funny Stor , most of th peopl here ar n't the fr endliest... and if they ar , they pr bably want to k ll you... Hehehe....
Shikari: YeXh, and I WXll, tXo. Keep mX out of thXs you SXft littlX freak.
How'd yXu even gXt herX? You get thrXwn in here Xs a thrXwaway ItXm or sXmething?
Inkwel: Hehehe... No, I'm just l ke you. A Shadow Crystal h lder...
Shikari: ThXt's hard to belXeve.
Inkwel: It s but it's true. I als had on of those Crystals.
Shikari: Yeah but thXse don't savX you frXm lXXking likX you'd be beXten to a pXlp in less than a sXcond.
Inkwel: Hehehe, y u don't think 'm tough, don't you m ss? I'm plenty t ugh!
Shikari: I wasn't talkXng abXut that, you're a FXXKING plXshie.
Inkwel: Hey! Th t wasn't n ce...
Hmmmm... h s anyone h re told yo abo t my EYES?
Shikari: NXpe.
Inkwel: Hehehe! W ll in th t case!
*Inkwel puts his puppet in one of the holes where his eye should have been. Shikari looks on in mild amusement.*
Shikari: So? YXu don't hXve eyXs? I knXw likX five Xther DarknXrs thXt havX the same thXng-
Inkwel: Oh I wasn't b rn lik this! Mr Ro k stole them!
Shikari: . . .WhXt?
Inkwel: Ye h! He r pped them all o t and left me to d e in m set! Hehehe!
Shikari: . . .
Inkwel: And if y u don't mind m add ng to that, but wh n I did g t them b ck, I turn d int a fre ky monst r!
Shikari: . . .Huh. . .ThXt's . . .MetXl as fXXk.
Inkwel: Th t's not h w I would w rd it, b t sure!
Shikari: So lXke, are yXu tryXng to gXt rXvenge on thXt Rook GXy?
Inkwel: Oh no n no! I w uld never! R venge is wr ng and it'd be cru l of me t do that!
Shikari: . . .He lXft you to dXe. . .
Inkwel: Ye h. . .But p ople can ch nge and ma be he'll r alize that he mad a mist ke some t me in the fut ure! Hehehe!
Shikari: . . .MXn. And I thXught yXu were kind Xf cXXl for a sXcond. You'rX just anXther WXMP likX the rXst of thXm.
Inkwel: I g t that a lot. . .hehehe. . .I he rd that fr m my wife n our f rst date. . .
Shikari: Hm?
Inkwel: Oh yeah! My w fe! Sh 's the best. . .b t I can't t lk to her when I'm h re...
Shikari: WhXt? Did shX dXe or somethXng?
Inkwel: h HEAVENS no! She's j st kind f. . .liv ng in a re lm betwe n realit is all!
W it. . .maybe I c n talk to her h re! Th s ain't a qu ote- n-q ote can n story s I think she c n come ov r!
Shikari: FXXking go for it.
Inkwel: Alr ghty!
*A few minutes pass*
Inkwel: h Shikari!
Shikari: WhXt do yXu want- HXLY SHXT.
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Nora: You must be that Shikari girl he was talking about. I'm Nora.
Inkwel: I pulled some strings nd w s able to g t h r here!
Shikari: BRX.
Inkwel: what the fuck did you just call my wife?
- End of Pilot -
Bonus Fanart for making it to the end!
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Shikari by: @mercair
Inkwel, Nora, and Rustflare by: Me!
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ohmygodshesinsane · 3 months
Emotional Giving; a Jilymicrofic
For @jilymicrofics using March prompt 1: troubled. Words: 949
“Evans looks troubled.”
Read it on Ao3 or under the cut
James slumped in his seat, as though the frown on Lily Evans’s face was a personal failure. Never mind that she was several tables away, ensconced amongst the rest of her cabin, the few yet remarkable children of Hecate, the goddess of magic. The setting sun lit the Long Island farm in streaks of pink and ash blue, and didn’t spare her mane of dark red hair, or the green cast of her eyes. Sirius was well-trained in making these observations. After more than a year of listening to James evangelise about the seven wonders of the world and how all of them revolved around the prone-to-shouting junior counsellor, he could tick them off in his head, saving his ears (if not his mental capacity) from the assault of James’s moping.
“I’m sure she can talk to one of her siblings about it,” Sirius said, biting off a mouthful of dinner. The worst part of being a demigod, he thought, wasn’t being chased by monsters, or hated by his mother, or condemned to a short, dangerous life. It wasn’t even being used as a pawn in the games and squabbles of the immortals. No: it was having to sacrifice a bit of his dinner each night as an offering to his father. The best bit, generally. What a waste.
“But why would she be upset?” James continued, shoving his glasses up his nose. “I watched her all day today. She did really well in archery.”
Sirius snorted. “Creepy.”
“No, I –” James flushed. “We were doing all the same activities!”
“We were,” James insisted, and Sirius clamped down on his lower lip, suppressing a laugh. James’s face glowed with outraged earnestness. “And I wasn’t even annoying her.”
“Yeah. I mean, I did accidentally kick her in the face when we were on the climbing wall in the lava mode, but I apologised.” Sirius shoved his knuckles into his mouth, eyes dancing. James ran his fingers through his hair. “She wouldn’t hold that against me, would she?” He craned his neck.
“No. Of course not. That would be ridiculously unfair.” If Sirius was Evans, he’d never forgive James, but saying that aloud wasn’t going to lead to a very pleasant evening. He took another bite.
The agreement forged quiet for a time, and Sirius started to fancy himself rather a son of Hephaestus, if he could build peace that quickly. That was what those kids did, right? Build things? Sirius devoted very little time to thinking about them, if he was honest. They sat over nearer to the hills, silhouetted against the rolling strawberry fields. The fire in the brazier crackled, and overhead, the stars came out. Somewhere up there was the constellation he’d been named for. And all the outlines of the heroes. Had they ever been stuck at camp the way he was, distracted from matters of life and death by – James’s humming?
Sirius sighed and put his fork down.
James tossed a little golden bouncing ball from hand-to-hand as he stared across the pavilion. He screwed up half his face. “It’s only… well, I thought I could cheer her up.”
“By imitating a circus act?”
James threw the ball at his face. It ricocheted off Sirius’s forehead and landed in the grass. Sirius clapped slowly.
“She’ll love that trick,” he said. James huffed. “Your propensity for violence, too. You could really be a son of Ares. You’re the complete package.”
“I just want to talk to her,” said James. “If she’s upset, you know, I don’t like it. I want her to be happy. If it is about the fact I almost kicked her into a lava pit…”
“You can always promise not to kick so hard next time.”
“Sirius,” James implored. “Come on. Loads of girls like you. What do you do?”
Sirius shrugged. “They like me because I don’t talk to them. Mystery. Ignore Evans for the next three years and you’ll have a good chance.” But James only fixed him with the most pathetic, grovelling look he’d ever seen, clasping his hands under his chin, widening his eyes until they watered, wobbling the bottom lip. Sirius sighed. “I don’t know. You just have to treat her normally. Be nice. Go over and give her something.”
“What would I give her?” James said. “She can get all the food and drink I can get.” His gaze flicked to the dirt-encrusted ball.
“It’s not that important,” Sirius said quickly, shutting that idea down. “It’s more – emotional, uh, giving than anything.”
“Emotional giving.” James nodded furiously. Over at the Hecate table, Evans said something to one of the older girls, and then miserably twined some pasta around her fork. Something was certainly up with her. “Right. Okay. I’m going to go up to her, and I’ll say something like, ‘hey, Evans, you did really good today, especially when you disarmed Snape.’ Compliments are good.”
“Yeah,” Sirius agreed. James nodded again – he was starting to resemble one of those dollar-store bobbleheads – and pushed his plate aside.
“Go on,” Sirius encouraged, “you’ve got this.” Maybe this time, James could act normal and actually get somewhere with the girl he liked. Maybe Evans would stop targeting them in Capture the Flag, if she thought James wasn’t a complete idiot. Sirius leaned back and prepared to observe.
James inhaled deeply, and then cupped his hands around his mouth. “Hey!” he shouted. “Hey, Evans! EVANS!”
The whole pavilion turned to stare at him. Evans twisted in her seat, eyes flashing with anger.
“James,” Sirius hissed desperately. “James –”
“You look troubled!”
Sirius buried his head in his hands. Nope. Maybe the twenty-second time would be lucky.
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lunemai · 4 hours
L I K E ?
Honey!Y/n x Luke Castellan
Summary: Luke likes honey? okay believable, but still, Luke liking someone? so impossible.
Luke realizing he likes you.
Warnings; the term y/n is almost never mentioned in my writings so her widely known nickname is honey in this, it's HEAVILY implied this isn't her real name. she/her pronouns, fem!y/n, sweetness all over, physical touch, third person view at first, and that's it I think.
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i. the reading thing
"How do you even read that?, I mean you do know nearly all of us suffer from something you might not know about called dyslexia, don't you find it prideful?" Luke was nearly tired of the girls who nagged you on and on mad about your skill in reading even with dyslexia.
"Yes, I do find pride in my reading skills. It's no different than the way you find pride in your archery abilities, Florence," you responded, never with irritation or sadness, you always lived up to the name granted to you.
They call her Honey. She's always been sweet and kind to everyone around her. Luke has known her for a while now, but he never really thought about her deeply. She's just always been there, like a steady presence in his life. Sure, he's been noticing things about her that he never really paid attention to before.
The way she smiles when she greets you, her infectious laughter, and how she never seems to have a bad word to say about anyone.
He doesn't know why he's suddenly seeing her in a different light, but there's something about her that's drawing him in. Maybe it's because she never spoils in a mood, or maybe it's because she's always been there for everyone without ever asking for anything in return. Whatever it is, there should be a proper explanation for it.
"Maybe you should stop staring and just walk up to her," Chris says nudging Luke as he moves his stare anywhere that isn't you.
Luke uncrosses his arms and turns to walk away, "I don't know what you're talking about man." Luke mumbles as he starts to walk away, where? don't ask him where he doesn't know, yet.
Chris walks along Luke matching his fast pace, "Okay, so you wouldn't mind if I asked her out?" Luke stopped in his tracks and turned his body towards Chris "Why would I? At least two guys ask her out, a day." Luke says nudging his head towards a son of Ares already moving to approach you.
Luke doesn't blame him, you're stunning, always glowing brighter than the sun, and somehow no daughter of Aphrodite draws attention like you do. Yet that's not all, you're smart, ambitious, and determined, how can someone be so amazing all the time?
After minutes of Luke staring off into space, Chris lets out an audible huff, "Wouldn't mind my ass."
ii. flowers
No, it's just a joke, he wouldn't actually be right. Why am I even thinking about this a day later?
Though I mean seriously, a son of Ares? pfft, as if.
He's not good enough for her.
Are you?
an ugly voice said.
Maybe not, but I do know I'm willing to try, for her at least.
Honey knelt in the wildflower field, her slender fingers delicately plucking vibrant blooms from the earth. The sun bathed the meadow in a golden glow, casting a radiant halo around her as she gathered the colorful blossoms, her focus entirely on the beautiful task at hand.
My eyes widened in awe at the sight of Honey amidst the sea of wildflowers, her quiet grace juxtaposed against the lively landscape.
I approached her with cautious steps, not wanting to disturb the tranquility of the moment.
"Hey, Honey right?" I ask, my voice is filled with fake curiosity. Startled by my sudden presence, Honey looked up, her cheeks flushed with surprise.
A soft smile graced her lips "Erm- yeah, but you already knew that Luke..." she said, yet there was no hint of judgment in her voice.
"Oh right, yeah I did." I rub the back of my neck, okay what? I've never been this nervous. Where's overly confident Luke when I need him?
"I was just wondering- I mean I've seen you around you know and I was wondering if you wanted to like go apple picking with me tomorrow or something? I don't know we've never even talked so we don't have to." yet again she gave me another soft smile, maybe in sympathy. I'm not sure.
Fuck this. I'm not a nervous guy.
I knelt down and plucked a wildflower, just as beautiful as her.
Her gaze shifts from the flower in my hand, to me.
"I know I'm being weird, of course, I know who you are." slowly just in case she wants to protest I reach up and pull a strand of her hair behind her ear.
"Every time you walk into the room, I can't help but watch you. It's like you have this light around you that draws me in, and I find myself captivated by everything you do. The way you smile, the way you laugh, even the way you get lost in your thoughts- it's all so intriguing to me. I just wanted you to know that you've been on my mind a lot, and I can't seem to shake this feeling of wanting to know you better." I say softly.
placing the flower there on her ear, I couldn't help but admire how the vibrant flower complements her natural beauty. The vivid petals of the flower stood out against her soft skin, creating a striking contrast that accentuated her loveliness.
feeling overwhelmed by the sight of her, awestruck by her beauty that outshone even the most exquisite bloom, I look away only looking back up at the sound of her soft laugh.
"Oh Luke, please don't feel embarrassed; if anything I'm flattered really," she gives me that smile again, gods I like the feeling of being the one who makes her smile like that.
"If it helps I've been thinking of you too, the way you carry yourself with such confidence, I've caught myself looking for you in a crowd, hoping to catch your eye and share a smile." Relief urges itself through my body, and hope swims in my eyes.
I nod with a smile on my lips,
"I'd love to go apple picking with you."
This felt like it took me YEARS to complete, I'm on summer break so i'll be on here more often. Thank you guys for reading and remember to follow me!! 😼
should I make a tag list?
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littleeyesofpallas · 7 months
Can you do the new sternritter's Vollstandig Name in the new anime?
Oh yeah, I wasn't sure if there had been any kanji released for that but it seems like the Bleach wiki has something up there for them, although they haven't cited their sources, as usual... They cite the chapter and episode they each appear in respectively, but go figure, you guys... the anime appearance does not include t e x t. So no idea where either the kanji or the romanized names came from.(wait did they get the kanji and katakana from Japanese closedcaptioning? Do they include furigana on [cc] in Japan??)
This wound up way longer than I'd intended...
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Barbarriel[神の雷霆] phonetically, BA-RU-BA-RI-E-RU[バルバリエル]. So weirdly this is how Japanese defines the name Ramiel/Remiel/Reniel[רַעַמְאֵל] the name of an actual biblical angel, so both Japanese epithets here, plus the original hebrew all translate as "Thunder of God." But oddly it sounds a lot more like Bariel, which is an angel named in the Ars Paulonia, part of the Lesser Key of Solomon, a grimoire foundational to a lot of the surviving legacy of Christian occultism and demonology nonsense.(i.e. It was some nerd's 18th century Pokedex of fanfic and headcanons.) That being said, it has no actual meaning the way biblical angels(Gabriel, Raphael, Ariel, Uriel, Michael, etc...) do, because it's not hebrew and the idiot who made it up in the 1800s obviously didn't know what he was talking about. It is of course the exact same kanji used for her Schrift The Thunderbolt[雷霆].
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Azhalbiora[神の死] meaning "Death of God" and written as phonetically A-ZA-RU-BI-O-RA[アザルビオラ]. Other than seemingly a little lazy the name just kinda doesn't make a lot of sense as a name for her power. Also since i have no idea where they got these I don't really know if that's an -AL- or an -AR-, a -BI- or a -VI-, or a -ORA or an -OLA. And once again there is no apparent basis in actual angelic names so it's not like there's context to work with. It has an almost vaguely fake "arabic" sound to it? Like the sort of shit H.P Lovecraft would've come up with?
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Pornipora[神の力] I'm sure any weeb worth their salt can recognize the kanji for "power," so it's "Power of God." And the phonetics are POO-NI-PO-RA[ポーニポラ], again, PORA? POLA? Who can say.
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Gagael[神の飢え] at last something resembling creative input! "Hunger of God," in which [飢え] is not just directly lifted from her existing Schrift. ([食いしんぼう]: "Glutton/Gourmand." Same root kanji though so they weren't thinking that hard.) And while the phonetics, GA-GA-E-RU[ガガエル] are yet more gibberish, they at least go back to the sort of appropriated hebrew -el[אֵל] meaning "of god" used in the names of the aforementioned biblical archangels.
[edit]: and since there's a new one to add to this list...
So, you've probably noticed these all just use the same kanji as the girls' actual Schrifts, so there's nothing terribly clever going on, which isn't too surprising but is kind of a shame no one took the opportunity to get creative with it. (Even the attacks names they peppered into the extended fight scene were a little too goofy and bland for my taste. I mean, come on, giving Lili attacks called Spork and Spife?? Really?)
Thunder[雷霆] and Thunder[雷霆]
Deadperson[死者] and Dead[死]
Power[力] and Power[力]
Glutton[食いしんぼう] and Hunger[飢え]
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For comparison the side by side on Kubo's actual Vollstandig and associated Schrift were:
Prison[監獄] vs Righteouness[正義]
Fear[恐怖*] vs Be afraid(of)[怯え] (*technically As Nodt's Schrift was never written out, but that's the kanji he used talking about "Fear" all the time when using it so I consider it a safe assumption.)
Love[愛] vs Love[情愛] (I don't know how to clarify the distinction between these two words... the former is more broad? Like it can include a few extra examples the latter can't?)
Penetrate Everything[万物貫通] vs Judgement[裁き]
Lethal Dose[致死量] vs Tasting(for poison)[毒見]
Miracle[奇跡] vs Authority[権能]
Oh and also the names
Are basically all gibberish too, so I can't exactly say the names don't fit a "pattern," since there isn't on, but they still don't feel quite right to me, save maybe Lili's. Hasshein and Aschetonig are at least clearly playing with German-esque phonetics*, and Piskiel, Grimaniel, and Jilliel are all playing into recognizable angelology cliches. (Gudoero/Gudoel might be too, but in a way that's hard to separate it from the clearl intentional "ero" wordplay. It just doesn't work outside of th eJapanese phonetics.) And Tartarforas is just suspiciously close to Tartarus but otherwise doesn't really register to my ear as any language that would make sense in the context of the Quincy's associations...
Wait... The German sounding ones might actually be German after all. Like, bad German, but technically German...
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*Asche is a n fact German for "Ash," and Ton is "Clay," in fact Tonig can mean "Clayley" as in "Clay-like" so I guess Gerard's actually is German for "Clay-like Ash"... That's actually kind of cool, and vaguely biblical? Adam being sculpted from clay, and "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust" and all that? Huh... Weird I never bothered to actually check that I guess, I just assumed if most of them were nonsense that even the ones that sounded more legit would be too...
Wait... Damn... have I really been slacking this much???
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The Haß sound in Hasshein could be the German for "Hate" and although it's not really a ""word"" in a functional sense by itself, hein is a part of the term Freund Hein is a kind of grim reaper where, I guess "Hein" was kind of an old euphemism for the devil for some reason? So, Death personified is the "Friend (of) Hein/TheDevil" but I'd bet the intended reading of Kubo's slapdash German here would be "Hate(s) Death" as is suitable to Askin's whole shtick of narrowly avoiding death.
I'm mad I never sat down and tried to hash those out sooner...
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angrycloudloud · 4 months
Percy Jackson spoilers episode 8
I'm not joking, i commented everything.
(i'm putting the episode in pause to write everything... So i don't have to do 10000 posts about this episode, so if you are reading this, hold your horses because this is going to be a long post (probably) not edited, from a person watching this in Europe starting to watch this at 3:11 am... And English is not my first language, so...sorry before hand)
LUKE!!! LUKE TALKING?! REALLY?! LIKE... COME ON!!! Don't do this to me... Not me vibing with the foreshadowing just in the begining of the episode.
THOSE WHO WENT ALL "WUAHHH WHERE'S THE TRAING LESSON FROM LUKE?" HERE IT IS!!! YOU REALLY THOUGHT THEY WON'T SHOW IT BEFORE MAKING PERCY FIGHT A GOD?! (I mean, they could have...but come on!... That would have being insane and would have make Percy to op and this works perfectly to remind us the "bond" between Percy and Luke at camp, just before what readers knew It was going to happen)
Oh~ i love the Ares doesn't take well that others think he can't have a single original thought... But i LOVE more that he literally decided to go with the "say hi to your mommy for me" like... Ares my man, god of war, sir... You fucked up so badly with just that... That kid is going to make Hephaestus and his chain-net over you and Aphrodite look like a fun story after Percy "son of Sally" Jackson finish humilliate you.
Aaaaand we got golden Blood + enemy for Life (Where's the curse, sir? Where's the "your sword will fail you when you most need it"?)
Uh! Pretty helmet~ I said it before, and i repeat myself, Hades has good taste in art.
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I like the "the last war on olympus caused wwii" and not like the book, i like It better this way, like "everything is the gods fault" because It is. (I'm sure Luke will comment this at some point)
Also, Annabeth clueless because she wasn't there... I'm like, yeah, it's the one of the trio that could catch up just by context, she IS the wise girl after all.
(Leah is Annabeth, look at her!!! If someone says something bad about her acting just because their racism... i hope Apollo write their names in the plague list or the bad music for the rest of their lifes one... I hope there's a list for that)
Grover: e-mail? Maybe?
Percy: *nah, it's time those gods know what they are dealing with* what's the Glory on that?
(Walter, dear boy, your face in that moment...perfect Percy moment just there)
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(Look behind, there are temples with easter asian architecture and i spot a building that reminds me a bit of Santa Sofia or Saint Peter of the Vatican... So... Maybe they are implying that not only the greek gods are chilling there in olympus? That could be interesting.)
Luke, i'm seeing you...
WoW!! Wooooo!!! Not the Annabeth IS terrify of spiders coming now and from him, Luke himself, just to say "hey! Demigods are small but if the gods thinks you are scary they'll kill you" GODS they are MAKING Luke soooo much justice, like, he needs to be like this if they didn't portrait him like this "big brother figure" it would be incomprehensible that so many Demigods will follow him. He IS a leader. He IS reliable.
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Seriously, i'm in LOVE with all that Big city vibe of the olympus... Like... I Understand why Annabeth wants to be architect after seeing all that. (Disney, you better give us something good in the 5th season, and i have high hopes for the laberinth after seeing this)
I'm so sad about the death of Zeus actor... I'm liking a lot how he is acting Zeus, like a fucking CEO know-it-all Who thinks Percy is wasting his time saying things he already know but doesn't want to believe yet. "I will not be weaken by my brothers" darling, Zeus, that's the youngest brother part of you speaking. Shut the fuck up and listen to the kid.
Percy speaks facts.
Oh!!! Daddy Ken, i mean, Poseidon is here, protecting his kid~. (Better solution than turning him into a tree, actually showing up, heh!)
Hermes IS the FUCKING snitch of the olympus.
Poseidon : "Who knows about father?"
Zeus: "Ares, Hades, you, i... And fucking Hermes so..."
Both: "everyone, then..."
He really asked Mr. Impertinent if he is obedient?! Hahahaha... Poseidon, dear beach daddy, sir... He is yours and Sally's, what makes you think he'll be obedient?!
"Ares IS a moron" sooooo ... Percy speaks facts because he speaks his father language then. Sorry, this is funnier than i thought It would be. Poseidon being an affectionate father for like 3 seconds before the daddy issues kicked in and push his son away with magic...
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THIS. This here with the victorius Hero looking at the defeated who even "dead" had safe his life. Because the mention of Thalia's death was enough for Zeus to spare Percy's life... She had save Percy by being dead and make her father feel guilty for that. Also, he left camp making jokes about the tree and Thalia's death, and look how serious and respectful he looks now. Admiring that tree, Thalia, and all what she means to the demigods... (Maybe i'm reading too much into It, but i liked this frames too much)
Did i spot a pair of twins?! I need the second season NOW and i'm not even half way of the last episode of the first one...
Oh~ they are going to do this "Clarise IS guilty but we couldn't risk a war here" to the end so the show watchers don't see It coming. Okay... I like how they are doing this.
Luke and Percy alone in the forest while Annabeth watches Clarise... Yeah... This is it.
I like the lights changing colors because of the fireworks but just giving more dramatic contrast to all the scene. Oh~ Luke's face... My gods!! (These kids are making me insane with how good actors they are!!!)
Luke trying to recruit Percy because he sees himself reflected in Percy, with their mothers suffering because of the gods. "This wasn't to betray you Percy. My enemies are the gods." SEE!!! RIGHT THERE!!! THAT'S A BOY ABOUT TO REBEL AGAINST HIS FATHER, TRYING TO RECRUIT HIS FRIENDS BECAUSE HE IS RIGHT BUT USING THE WORSE WAYS POSSIBLE TO DO THINGS!!!
I said it before, and i'm saying It again... I LOVE THE SHOW.
"WE is the word Zeus fear most." And again, as i said above, he is so RIGHT and so wrong at the same time. Luke speech is a 10/10
Percy's reaction. PERCY'S REACTION!!! first to Luke's speech. And then when he wounded Luke with his own sword, he INMEDIATELY apologize to him. "Sorry, i didn't mean to..." Because he knows Luke is being manipulated by Cronos, he still sees him as a friend. And that's why he is scared, also because Luke cut him back, but because his friend is choosing to betray him.
Chiron: "Cronos is persuasive"
Percy: "i'm a seaweed brain, stubborn as fuck... I'll be fine..."
I love Dionysus. Like...
Dionysus: "wait, wait, wait... Peter Johnson, why is everyone calling you Percy?"
Percy: "i'm Percy Jackson, that's my name"
Dionysus: "are you sure? You don't look like a Percy to me, Peter"
A seaweed brain, has being delivered and i'm vibing, living, happy...
Baby coming back to the beach House... Sally!!!!!!!!!!
Nooooooooooo... Fucking Cronos!!!!
Sally: *all worried* "another nightmare?"
Persassy: "grampa"
Sally: *i swear i saw her roll her eyes* "don't call him that"
I LIKE THE END OF GABE!!!! FUCK YOU GABE!!! Sally is divorcing him, change the locks and his first question to his lawyer is if he knows how to pick a lock... Fuck you, Gabe~
He turning himself into a statue because he opened a box for Percy (wich IS illegal) and after he called the head of Medusa gross... Poetic justice.
(i'm ending to watch this and write this at 5:22... My brain isn't braining anymore. So... Tomorrow i'll post a separated part about the thrones of the gods and maybe trying to put my degree in good use and picking all the art references i could and make a post about them)
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shy-blue-blossom · 1 year
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Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn were expecting their first child and couldn't wait to hold them. While they were thinking of names, a close friend of theirs had a little boy of their own.
A couple of months later Galadriel had given birth to their little bundle of joy. A nurse came in holding a small bundle of blankets. The nurse went up to Galadriel and placed the bundle into her arms.
"Congratulations, m'lord and m'lady, you have a daughter." The nurse told them.
They looked at the little girl in Galadriel's arms and a smile graced their faces as they saw her sleeping.
Time skip
It had been over two thousand years since then and the little elfling is now a beautiful h/c hair and e/c eyed she-elf. Her name, y/n princess of Lothlórien.
She was reading a book when she heard a song being played for a dear friend of her mother and father.
Gandalf the grey.
She stood up and made her way down to her parents and saw them talking to Haldir, their friend's son.
"Nana, Ada?" She called to them and they turned to her.
"What's the matter the Iellig?" Celeborn asked her as he walked to her. (My daughter.)
"Why are you playing a song for Gandalf?" She asked them.
Before they could answer an elf came and asked for her and she left with them, but not before kissing her parent's cheeks. As she was following the elf they showed her the gardens, as they needed her help. She thanked the elf and they left her to think of a solution. She didn't notice the elf watching her as she thought of what to do.
"It's been awhile Lady y/n." The elf spoke.
She turned around to see the prince of Mirkwood standing behind her wearing a silver tunic. A smile made its way onto her as she stood up and ran to him. He caught her and hold her tightly s he smiled.
"Meleth nin, how I have longed to see you." The elf told her while pulling back to look at her face. (My love.)
"Me too, a'maelamin Legolas." She said while smiling up at him, her eyes tearing up. (My beloved.)
When they started to fall he kissed them away with gentle pecks. They talked about what they have been doing while apart.
"Meleth nin." Legolas suddenly spoke in the silent gardens. (My love.)
"Yes?" She questioned as she looked at him.
"I am to carry on my journey and before I do, I want to marry you." Legolas started. "I have already got your parents permission, but would you spend the rest of entirety with me? Would you marry me tonight?" Legolas finished as he looked into her eyes.
All that y/n could do was nod her head as tears began to stream down her cheeks as she jumped onto his lap to hug him. Legolas wiped them away as a light voice congratulated them. When y/n turned, she saw her mother and father.
"Ada, Nana, thank you." She thanked them, as they hugged her after she had stood up to hug them.
Galadriel and Celeborn watched them get married. Once they were, they spent the night together and woke up in each other's arms.
"Be careful on the journey and come back to me." Y/n said to Legolas as she helped him get ready to leave.
"I could never leave my one on middle-earth without me next to her." He explained with her face gently in his hands.
She nodded her head as she learned into his touch, with her eyes closed. When she opened them to look up at him, he was watching her with love and admiration. He put his forehead against hers and whispered...
"Gi melin. Uuma dela, av-'Osto. Elen sila lumenn omentilmo. Na lû e-govaned vîn." Legolas told her, which made a small smile make it's way onto her face. (I love you. Don’t worry, don’t fear. A star shell shine on our next hour of meeting. Until next we meet.)
"Gi melin. Aa'menealle nauva calen ar' malta. Tenna' ento lye omenta!" She whispered back. (I love you. May your ways be green and golden. Until next we meet!)
Legolas closed the space between them and gave her a passionate kiss before leaving. When she was left alone, she nearly broke down into tears. But she did not.
Y/n didn't realise someone was knocking at her door as she was to busy inside her head. She only noticed when her father stepped into the room.
"Ada?" She looked at him confused, as he looked at her with concern. "What is the matter?" She asked.
He explained to her that she had been in her room all morning and she had missed breakfast and it was time for lunch. Before he let her leave, he asked her if there was anything wrong. She explained to him that there was nothing wrong and that she had just been thinking about what has happened over the years and yet to come. Celeborn chuckled at that and led her to her mother.
The mother and father protected their daughter and they would kept doing so until their very last breath, they set sail to the undying lands, or she was reunited with her husband.
That is what they did.
When the one ring was destroyed, they took her to Aragorn's coronation to be with her husband. Once Legolas seen her, he had ran up to her and tightly hugged her. Aragorn was introduced to her.
Galadriel, Celeborn and y/n were then told of Haldir fall in battle. Y/n had cried, since she has seen him as an older brother. Galadriel had to take her somewhere else to calm her down,
"Iellig, why are you crying? Do you think your older brother would like that?" Galadriel tried to calm her told and y/n smiled when Galadriel had said Haldir was her brother. (My daughter.)
She shook her head no, then hugged her mother.
"Gi melin, Nana." Y/n whispers to Gardens as she was hugged back. (I love you, mother.)
Soon Celeborn came and found them hugging. He hugged both of them as he kissed their heads.
"Gi melin, Ada." Y/n whispers to Celeborn. (I love you, father.)
"Gi melin, Iellig." Both Galadriel and Celeborn whispers at the same time. (I love you, my daughter.)
The end.
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Season 1 Episode 1
My thoughts throughout
Mmm cars
Oh Scott hello
Lmao nerd boy
Lol body of water
Ah as any normal teen does. Let's go look at half of a dead body totally not nightmare inducing
Lmao stiles so snarky I love him
And Scott is so golden retriever coded I can't
"Everyone should have a dream. Even a pathetically unrealistic one."
Scott is giving the same energy back with dissing stiles planning good.
This is accurate friendship.
Oh right he has asthma
But only wheez when you say that and don't even use your pump.
Good job.
Oh never mind he did.
Lmao get caught
Ah the sheriff. He's great.
Dude really should have just gotten into trouble
Like you're asthmatic and just lost your ride home.
Spooky forest.
bye bye asthma pump
Oh God your phone light would do nothing to find things
Lmao fall. Get a concussion.
where's your asthma now???
Oh wait you got bit. Did it infect you immediately?
Hello title screen.
American high school.
Something I know nothing about
Thank God.
Jackson's side eye lolol
Ah Lydia Martin
And stiles being a simp
I have to say I can't see stiles having a crush on her
Stiles that wink and snicker was so queer
Idc that it was about a bead body.
That was just so queer of you
I love stiles' facial expressions
Just amazing
Oh God sensory overload
How is he not having a break down??
Scott being a creep
Allison is so pretty omg
I'm so gay
Women <33
That smile-
E w
Let her ask for a pen
She looks so creeped out
Ugh hallway
and yes stiles you are right.
That's so creepy Scott.
Also I want to know what stiles and sassy girl are talking about
They're so animated about it.
I need to know.
Coach you're great
Also stiles immediately going "yeah!"
He's so excited for him!!
Why is this so intense??
Lmao yeah Liydia you Sass him
Your joke of lycanthropy isn't that far fetched my friend
Stiles would do well in drama
He gives drama nerd vibes
I wanna kiss him
Ah yes the cost for things that are a necessity
So annoying
Don't just stand there
Like a creep
The eyebrow speak.
Stiles reaction to him
Like just shock.
Also that lore drop felt so odd.
:0 HEALED???
Angry kitties.
Angry pup.
Glowy eyes.
Good doggo tell him off.
the dog should sue you for that joke.
The dog is sleeping huh?
That eyelash thing was so awkward
Why'd she agree??? TF???
Can he put a shirt on.
I can't get over how the thing looks.
How tf did Scott end up in a pool?????
"Oh you mean steroids! Are you on steroids??"
He should have sworn then
Also just trauma dump on your bully yep checks out.
also what is up with people calling eachother by their last name?
I've never seen that happen.
That felt pretty gay.
Oh lacrosse tryouts.
Stiles is so confused.
Research those werewolves
The werewolf joke is not a joke guys!!
He's figured it out!!
Scott straight up not believing him.
And I mean fair.
Think about it.
Dude. I-
Don't hit my boy.
Also sorry does like.
Car talk not the safe sex talk. SCOTT.
Eugh. Party.
Don't stand ominously at a teen party.
Jumpy wolf?
Don't kiss. Please.
What are you doing looking at Lydia for.
Oh poor girl.
Derek that's creepy.
The fingernails are so gross.
Scott's way too invested in a girl he just met.
Why is stiles in a suit.
Like he's hot but damn.
Derek you are so confusing.
"I don't want it"
Derek. That's the worst thing to say in a time like this.
"You say Allison, I'm gonna punch you in the head."
Dude should not be thinking about a girl he just met when he is now a werewolf!!
"Am I going to regret this?"
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