#what ever. i have a bunch of trims to do (one of the front trims is done but the other isnt. and then the sleeves. and then the bottom)
transgaysex · 6 months
sewing hard
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seiwas · 9 months
grow on me like a dog loved fondly: prologue | kamo choso
wc: 1.0k
summary: your regular to the flower shop is more than what he seems. 
contains: written with f!reader in mind but can be read as gn!, animal shelter employee choso x flower shop owner reader, implied that reader is shorter than choso, flowers, small talk.
a/n: the promised choso drabble! depending on how this is received, i intend for this to be the prologue to a longer choso fic i have in mind!
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You have a regular on the weekends. 
Business in the flower shop tends to be slow during winter, with less occasions having the need for flowers and even less buds blooming during the season. 
But even with the expected decline in customers, Saturdays always guarantee one—
The bells attached to the store doors jingle, allowing in a gust of cool air that tickles your cheeks from where you’re crouched down. The peonies in your hands were delivered just yesterday, the ends of the stems needing a slight trim to keep them fresh for longer. 
You turn, standing up to face your visitor. A purple scarf is wrapped high around his neck, with white fleece running down the length of his arms—a sort of undershirt to the short-sleeved uniform worn atop it. The outfit is familiar enough, but what truly distinguishes him are the two spiky pigtails on the sides of his head. 
There are a few things you’ve managed to pick up from four-line exchanges with your regular (six if you’re lucky): 1) he works at the animal shelter a few streets away, 2) the flowers he buys are for the front desk, a weekly replacement he deems necessary to keep the place looking alive, and 3) who he is, his name—
—‘Choso’, if the tag on his uniform says anything. 
The tag that is now, also, just a hand’s reach away from you. 
You look up, pocketing your plant nippers. The peonies dangle between your fingers. 
“W-welcome!” you stutter, focusing on the thin metal chain running across his nose. 
It’s new, an addition that intrigues you more about the man in front of you. 
The look he gives you is lazy, gaze deadpan, almost empty. Anyone else might find it snobbish and off-putting, but you’ve gotten used to it—an almost magenta puffiness that surrounds his eyes, bags of fatigue that usually hang underneath. 
He continues to stare, unmoving. 
Considering all your previous interactions, you’ve realized, he isn’t scary or rude or anything of that sort—he’s just awkward. 
A bit quiet and unbothered, maybe, but still just awkward. You don’t think he’s ever started an interaction with you first. 
“Is there any flower in particular that you’re looking for?” you ask, motioning around your store. 
The selection is limited this season—a few camellias and clusters of Japanese primrose with an abundance of peonies and daffodils. 
His head turns as he glances around the store, pigtails bobbing slightly with each movement. When he faces you again, he shrugs, voice deep and firm as he asks, “Do you have any recommendations?” 
It’s an odd feeling, borderline awkward and nervous; you have no idea why your mind is blanking. 
“Um,” you clear your throat, tucking the peonies between your fingers into your apron pocket, “daffodils are bright and friendly, good for entryways and front desks, I think.” 
He eyes the daffodils to your right, buckets of stems holding yellow and white. The store stays quiet for what feels like a good minute before he nods, agreeing to your suggestion. 
“The usual?” two clusters, wrapped in newspaper. 
Your question echoes throughout the shop, lingering while you pick at which daffodils look best. 
“Yes, but two of them.” he answers in monotone, before adding on, a soft hesitancy, “Please.” 
You smile to yourself, picking more daffodils for another bunch. 
Both of you make your way to the cashier, another bout of silence surrounding you as you crumple newspaper and pull at tape. He always watches, you notice, his focus set on your practiced handling of stems and leaves. 
You look up momentarily, seeing that he keeps his head down, “The pigtails are cool.” 
He doesn’t say anything, and for a while you’re afraid you might have offended him, but he responds, voice low; it’s soft, gentle in a way you never expected it to be. 
“Thank you.” you catch him shifting his weight from your periphery, hands digging deeper into his pockets, “The dogs think they’re chew toys when I wear it this way.” 
You most certainly were not expecting that, either. 
This is the most initiative he’s taken to add onto the conversation.
You grin, chuckling under your breath, “That must be fun.” 
It’s faint, but you think you hear him laugh a little. 
When the flowers are completely wrapped, you set them aside, making your way behind the cash register. You punch in the cost, ready to bill him before he speaks again. 
“Actually, would you happen to do deliveries?” he seems shy asking it, barely looking you in the eye. 
“Yes!” You nod, grabbing a pen and paper to hand over to him, “Just write down your contact details, the address you want it delivered to, and when you’d like it to be delivered.” 
Another thing you’ve realized, is that despite appearances and what he seems to be, Choso handles objects gently; the pen and paper you’d just given him were taken lightly from your fingertips. Even the strokes of his penmanship are slow, the tip of the pen barely creating an indent on the small sheet. 
“Will you be having both of these delivered?” you ask, holding up the bundles of daffodils. 
“Just one.” he answers promptly, before adding on again, “Thank you.” 
And you know you shouldn’t ask, shouldn’t be so nosy, but—
“What’s the occasion?”—
Flowers are rarely in demand during the winter season. 
—“If you don’t mind me asking,” you follow-up quickly. 
The immediate quiet makes you think you might have gotten too comfortable again, made him feel weird about your questions—but he answers.
“My brothers,” he finishes the final curves of his writing, “they’re coming to visit.” 
The piece of paper is handed to you, and you hum, acknowledging his response. You go over his details, reciting it to him to double-check. But when you land on his address, your eyes go wide, a little ‘oh!’ slipping out. 
He furrows his brows, confused. 
You definitely, most certainly did not expect this. 
“Sorry,” you shake your head, your cheeks heating up in embarrassment, “Just—“ you chuckle, “I think we might be neighbors.” 
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thank you notes: @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat for sending me lil prompts that somehow birthed into this!! + @yemmuishomeforthementallyunwell for feeding the choso brainrot 🥹 + @mysugu @soumies for being my angels, lights of my life!! listening to me ramble abt this and helping me pick music, hash out plot, pick title, everything! ily
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comments, tags, and reblogs are greatly appreciated ♡
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Country Rose 1
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Warnings: age gap, power dynamics, creep behaviour, other dark elements. As usual, be mindful of your content consumption.
I also beg of you to leave me some tuppence in the form of a comment and/or reblog. You are cherished!
Enjoy, my loverlies.
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The train ride leaves you stiff and sleepy. You couldn’t sleep on the long trek, your eyes devouring the scenery as it shifted from urban to rural, from the grim hues of morning to the pale tones of a stolid afternoon. Time and distance skews together and you step onto the platform thoroughly disoriented. If you can call it that. 
The country dust tickles your nose as the lazy winds stir. The station is old, its wooden panel outdated and crooked, and the slats beneath your feet are splintering. You’re the only passenger to depart at that outpost. You’re not surprised. 
What surprises you is that you’re all alone. The station is empty and the landscape is flat and sprawling. The train chugs away without a care. You give a sheepish cringe and look back and forth aimlessly. Well, then. 
You take out your phone and shield the screen from the sun. You’re a bit paranoid you got the wrong stop. You turn this way and that as the bars in the corner flicker. Great, no signal. 
An engine rumbles from afar and you squint as you lower your cell. Down the grey road, rolls a large blue pickup truck. As it pulls up, you spot the scatter of dirt across the paint and the dents in the bumper. It’s a farm truck if you ever saw one. 
You stare at it as the gears crank and the vehicle shakes as it idles. A man pokes his head out the window and calls your name. You bat your lashes as you perk up. His dark hair is neatly trimmed yet the lock at the front can’t help but spiral over his forehead. His blue eyes compete with the shining coat on the truck. 
“That’s me,” you hitch up your pack and cross the dirt. 
“Sorry, there was a cow in the road,” he snorts as he hops out and approaches, hand out, “I’m Clark.” 
“Right, Clark,” you smile as you shake his hand. When your aunt said he was her friend, you expected someone older. Especially with that name. 
“You’ll have to call Jeanette when we get to the farm,” he says as he stops before you, staring expectantly, “I’ll take your bag.” 
“Oh, right, thanks,” you swing it off your arm and hand it over. He takes it effortlessly and carries it to the bed of the truck. You’ve heard that farmers are wellbuilt but damn, he’s huge. “So, how did you know my Aunt?” 
“Funny, I bought a quilt off of her. She came down this way with a quilting show. You know, I have a bunch my ma made me,” he drops your bag over the side into the back of the truck, “but she’s got arthritis and can’t do much sewing anymore.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you say. 
“Not your fault,” he rounds the hood and beckons you after him. He’s as old-fashioned as everything else around here as he opens the door at your approach, “she’s doing well otherwise.” 
“Hm, well, thanks for... having me,” you grab onto the door and lift yourself into the cabin, “oof, uh,” you fall into the seat and look at him, “I know it’s kinda of... awkward.” 
“Stars align is how I see it,” he shrugs. “My farmhand took off to get married to some gal in the city and you need a job.” 
“Well, that’s a nice way of putting it,” you snicker. 
He smiles and nods, “watch yourself.” 
You tuck your limbs in as he shuts the door. He strides around to the driver’s side and gets in easily. He shifts into gear and spins the wheel to back away from the tracks, “well, what’s the not nice way of putting it?” 
“Ah, uh, I... my parents told me I need to figure out what to do with myself and Aunt Jeanette overheard so... guess you got the call.” 
“No school?” He wonders as he straightens the wheel and steers back to the road. 
“Not anymore,” you exhale, “I liked it, really, but my grades weren’t... exceptional.” 
“Don’t need school to make a living. Not if you can find a good skill,” he assures. “I got a journalism degree, you know? Lotta good it does me on the bookshelf.” 
“Journalism?” You echo, “that’s... exciting. I was trying to do biology but think I may have done better as an arts student.” 
“Biology, wow,” he comments. “Well, you know, you’re young, you got time to figure it out.” 
“Yeah, I hope...” you murmur, “so, ahem, what exactly am I doing? I don’t know if I’m built to throw hay bales.” 
He laughs, “you leave that to me. As long as you’re not afraid to get your hands dirty, you’ll do just fine. I mean, if you came all the way down here, I take that as a good sign. That’s dedication. A step in the right direction.” 
“That’s very optimistic of you,” you give a brittle chuckle. 
“You city girls, you’re all so cynical,” he muses. “Take everything so serious. Things don’t move fast enough to be serious around here.” 
“Mm, I guess not,” you sniff, “so, erm, your mom, she live with you?” 
“She does,” he answers, “she needs a lot of help. I’m sorry, er, did Jeanette not explain--” 
“Explain? She said I’d be helping out with your farm.” 
He smiles, tight-lipped as he drives into the sunlight, “you will be, yeah. Mostly, with my mom, she needs company.” 
“Makes sense,” you nod. “That’s fine. I mean, I’m kinda relieved. I don’t know about horses. They look like they bite.” 
“They can,” he scoffs, “just keep your hands flat.” 
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 10 months
Times Jack&co were in Y/n's videos
main masterlist
jack hughes x commentary youtuber!reader universe
note: the videos Y/n films is completely inspired/stolen from Brittany Broski, from 'brooke and conner make a podcast', as well as moments from the sturiolo triplets :) go check them all out if you haven't yet, they're all very funny
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Since Y/n had just moved in with her boyfriend and his brother, none of her furniture was with her, and therefore she couldn’t film in her new office, unless she wanted to sit on the floor. So she made sure it was alright with both brothers if she could film in the living room. The two hockey players of course said yes, not having a reason not to.
“‘Why don’t you believe Italy is real?’”
Luke had just walked in to get water from the kitchen, not thinking anything of it as he listened in on his brother’s girlfriend’s video.
“Okay, ‘Italy’” Y/n says, making a quotation motion with her fingers, “There’s no way a country is actually shaped that way. That is the dumbest shape I have ever seen. Italy is filled with a bunch of goofy little guys too, number one being the Pope.” She says, both Y/n and Luke bursting into laughter.
“What the fuck?” Luke laughs out looking towards Y/n.
“Sorry about him. Anyway… I wish Italy was real.”
“Listen to me. The best post nut clarity-” Y/n gets cut off by her boyfriend laughing, while entering the front door with Luke, both back from practice. Y/n getting a “WHAT?” from Luke.
“Ignore them- the best post nut clarity is quitting a job you hate, you just think ‘what the fuck was I doing?’ trust me, quit your job. Next question.”
“My supreme court- it’s gonna be like a March Madness type of thing and, hey, maybe I don’t know what that means by the way.”
“You don’t know what that means.” Luke says, from his spot leaning against the kitchen counter, not looking up from his phone.
“Don’t listen to him. We’re gonna do a March Madness thing-”
During Y/n’s first visit to the Lake House, Trevor asked if they could do the deaf, mute, and blind baking challenge. And of course Y/n said yes, together they got Jack to agree, as long as Trevor was the mute one.
“I need a towel.” Jack says, his hand covered in egg yolk, and being blind he couldn’t exactly grab it himself.
“Whisk it, love.”
“A towel.”
“Whisk it.”
“Baby, a towel.” The hockey player said, over pronouncing his words, hoping his girlfriend could read his lips. Trevor was just listening, while grabbing the whisk himself and whisking the batter.
“Babe. A. Towel.”
Y/n gives a confused look towards, what she calls their peanut gallery, looking towards Quinn for help. He points towards the towel for her.
“Ohhhh. Baby just say that.”
While Y/n was helping a blind Jack wash his hands, Trevor decided it would be best for him to pour the batter into the cupcake trays. All the while getting the batter seemingly everywhere. After drying Jack’s hands, Y/n turns around to see Trevor trying to clean up his mess.
“What the fuck?”
“What?” a clueless Jack asks, “What he do.”
“He got batter everywhere, it’s crazy because you’re not blind. So in theory you should be able to do that.” Y/n says, causing Trevor to nod along.
Also while on the Lake House trip, Trevor asked to film a podcast episode with her, which included all the guys. Y/n had to have some structure for the episode or it would just not be usable, the guys would talk over each other. 
“Would you rather never cut your hair again, or never cut your toenails again. Never cut your hair obviously.” Y/n said, reading the questions off her phone. 
“Yeah, hair.”
“Never trim toenails again.” Trevor said into his mic. 
“Trevor. What?” 
“I would file my toenails.”
Y/n rolls her eyes, before saying, “I- yeah.”
“Smash or Pass Smurfette?”
“Pass obviously? She’s a 2 inch Smurf”
“Nah, Smurfette lowkey-”
The group turns to look at Luke, mouths dropped, as Y/n says, “We simply have to move on from that.”
“Ketchup or mustard? Ketchup. But you really hate ketchup.”
“He hates it so  much, if it’s even close to his meal, he won’t eat it.” Luke cuts in.
“Okay, so how close to your meal could ketchup be where you would still eat it?”
“...Baby tomatoes.” Jack says, before all the boys burst into laughter, Y/n still laughing while saying. “Jack baby, we’re talking distance, sweetheart.”
“Can I ask you something?” Cole asks Y/n, looking from over Trevor. 
“Who are your top celeb crushes?”
“Just three?” Cole nods, while Y/n needs to think, “Have to be Harry Styles. Duh. Then… Florence Pugh, I love her, and Andrew Garfield.”
“Now fuck, marry, kill those three.”
“No.” Y/n says immediately, causing the guys to laugh, “No… Okay, Marry- No! Kill… I can’t. We have to move on or the rest of the hour will be me sitting here thinking about it.”
“So what do you know about hockey?”
“Trev, to be honest, I can’t say I know much. I know that…”
“So that answers that.” Quinn says, after Y/n pauses for a few moments.
“No, I know somethings, I know that there are only five guys allowed on the ice, plus the goalie. But you know that.”
The guys are quiet for a moment assuming Y/n will name a few more rules she knows, but Luke speaks up when she’s still silent, “You don’t know much, huh.”
“Okay, what do you know about Digimon? We all have our areas.”
“How much money have you spent on Digimon cards?” Quinn asks, from the end of the couch, Jack between them.
“I spent $6,000 on one blister pack.”
“Are you serious?”
“That’s insane.”
“God.. So you’re like a full blown nerd.”
“Thanks Trevor.”
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captainlondonman · 11 months
Book keeper to Workie
The employment agency called Rob to let him know that there was a job going down at the new building site as a book keeper and that he could start straightaway. Having been made redundant a few months ago he leapt at the chance and said of course he would turn up the following day. Not sure what to wear he decided better not too casual so put on a pair of chinos, a shirt and tie. He’d never worked or even been on a building site before and was not sure how it would be working along side a bunch of workies who were probably all quite rough.
‘However, it is at least a job’ he thought.
Turning up the next day he could see quite a large group of workies all in full Hi Viz with helmets milling around.
‘Excuse me, can you tell where the main office is please as I’ve come to do the bookkeeping’, Rob asked rather gingerly.
‘Christ what do we have here, a little posh boy looking ever so smart’ one of the guys said.
 ‘Shit lad you had better change a bit here with all of us. Make sure you use the word”fuck” in front of everything’
The others laughed and one said
‘Quit it lads, give the youngster a chance. ‘I’m Jeff by the way. Suppose you want to see the Boss?’
‘Yes please’
‘Go over to that portacabin and knock. He should be inside. Good luck.’
Rob went over and knocked at the door. A gruff voice shouted out
‘Who the fuck is there. What do you want. Get inside.’
Rob stepped inside and saw the backview of the Boss who was sitting at a computing screen which suddenly went black as he went in. The Boss swiveled round in his chair. He was large with shaven sides to his hair but a short cut dark black centre . He had a thick but well trimmed beard and was stocky built wearing, rigger boots, jeans, white shirt and tie and padded Hi Viz jacket.  When he stood up Rob could see he must be around 6’3” and for a moment Rob could see a large bulge down one side of his jeans before the Boss put his hands over.
‘Christ he must have been looking at some porn site’ Rob thought
‘So who the hell are you barging in?’
‘I’m your bookkeeper’
‘Oh right. I didn’t expect a pretty college type guy.’
‘I hope I don’t disappoint’, Rob said timidly
‘Na, need to see how you work but I reckon you’ll fit in nicely. Here’s the computer which you can turn on and find the bookkeeping programme. You’ll see a pile of invoices you need to sort out and record. Ok? I’ll let you get on as I have some business to deal with.’
‘Just before you go can you tell me where the toilets are.’
‘Most guys here just pee outside but if you need a shit then the block is 2 portacabins down.’
As the Boss went to open the door and free his hands from his crotch Rob could see that his cock was still straining against the jeans.
He heard the Boss shout out.
‘Hey Jeff get over here and follow me.’
Rob looked out the side open window to see what was going on and saw the Boss standing at the side of the van thinking he was out of sight from all the lads, and was rubbing his crotch, his hand slowly grasping the full length of his dick inside the jeans. Jeff came round the side and stood in front of the Boss.
‘I was all ready for a fucking wank and that new boy came in just as was looking at some great guys in HiViz going at it on the screen. Thank Christ I didn’t have my cock out but I tell you, Jeff, I’m still feeling fucking horny so you know what to do.’
Jeff put his hand out and slowly let one hand move up and down the Boss’s crotch.
‘Shit Boss, you have the best cock around, so fucking meaty and what a bloody great bulge it makes.’
‘Fuck the bulge boy, unzip me and get your hand inside.’
Jeff unzipped and let his hand inside moving it all the way down the long shaft, making sure his hand was firmly around it. With his other hand he unbuttoned the top of the jeans so he could pull the cock out. As he did he purposely took the hand away so the full meaty dick could bounce up showing it fully erect making it almost vertical such was its hardness.
Rob looked closely and could see a good 8” thick cock with shiny head fully exposed.
Jeff was in full Hi Viz, trousers with dirty T shirt and Hiviz vest. He started rubbing his own crotch.
‘Making me feel fucking horny Boss.’
‘You know what to do now.’
Jeff got down on his knees his eyes level with the cock he was about to suck.
‘No messing Jeff, I’m fucking horny and need to unload so get this down yer throat and suck big time.’
Jeff put his arms around the Boss’s thighs as he moved in to take the head. He let his tongue lick across the tip and around the head covering it with his spit, the Boss’s cock jerking as he did. Opening his mouth wide he started to slowly take the large diameter and let the cock slip further into his mouth. The Boss  needed to cum so he took hold of Jeff’s head with his hairy hands and forced his head the full length down the shaft causing Jeff to gag for a few seconds as his saliva spilt out of his mouth and down his Hi Viz vest.
‘That’s more like it’
Rob peering out from the side window could not believe his eyes. Here was the Boss ordering one of the workies to give him a blow job and the guy was doing exactly as he was told and even more seemed to be enjoying it. But it wasn’t just the two of them enjoying. Rob’s own cock was fully erect and he could now feel some precum oozing out of his chinos. Watching without the others knowing was turning him on even more. And what a cock the Boss had.
The Boss started to work Jeff’s head up and down the full length and now Jeff was able to take in the Boss’s full manhood. Jeff’s mouth was tight against the Boss’s pubes. The Boss was fully in control with Jeff on his knees and the Boss ramming his cock in a out of Jeff’s face.
‘Christ you suck well. Glad you saw sense and joined the crew. I like my guys as real men not office guys. Go on take the full length, you know you love my dick, Take it the whole way down your throat. I’m so horny from the porn site and now you sucking me off that I’m ready to come. So let that throat of yours take it all. I don’t want any wasted. Go on boy suck I’m ready
And with one final push into Jeff’s face, the Boss flung his head back as his spunk shot out into Jeff’s throat. Rob could hear the Boss groaning with pleasure
‘Take it all and then wipe your mouth clean. Don’t want you walking around with my spunk on your chin. Well done that feels better” he said giving his cock a shake and using his hand to wipe off any remaining spunk ‘ Now off you go and get some work done and make sure that prick of your is not bulging out as it is now. You’ll get your turn soon enough.’
Rob quickly got back to his seat in case the Boss came back in and he needed to hide his own erection so no one could see.
His stiff pole refused to go down and Rob thought the only thing is to get to the loos and have a wank. So putting his hands in his pocket to hide the bulge he left the office and found the loo portacabin. There was thankfully no one inside so he went into one of the cubicles but there was no lock on the door
‘Christ I have to cum after seeing the Boss’s cock being sucked off, not sure what to do.’
As he considered, the main door opened and 2 of the workies came in and went to the urinals. Rob could hear them unzipping their HiViz trousers and getting their cocks out to pee.
Rob was worried he would have more precum oozing out so quietly undid his zip and pulled out his cock. He could hear the pee gushing out from the two guys.
‘Not sure what they put in the tea mate but it sure makes you pee.’
As they finished and started to shake themselves one said to the other
‘I’d forgotten what a great cock you have’
‘Yours ain’t bad either mate in fact we are probably the same size. Lets see.’
They turned round towards each other and placed their cocks side by side.
‘Yeah pretty much the same when like this but more important if they are the same when we have a boner.’ And with that the guy put his hand around both cocks and started to stroke up and down.
‘Looks like they are growing at the same rate. Let me do it a bit more.’ He then took his full hand around the shafts and started yanking more forcefully.
‘Christ Bob, I luv my cock rubbing against yours and seeing them stiff together.’ ‘Still looks as if they are the same.’
‘Unbutton your trousers Jake’
Jake did as told and then Bob with his other hand pulled out the rear of the trousers and let his hand slip down Bob’s hairy crack, all the time masturbating both cocks with the other hand.
‘You know what I like Bob.’
‘Should do after all this time.’
Bob let one of his fingers ease itself in to Jake’s arse and as Jake moved his arse out to take it so Jake slid another and then another until 4 fingers were full up the hole.
‘Go on Bob move them around so I feel ready.’
‘So Jake it seems our stiff dicks are pretty much the same so when I fuck you now you can imagine as if you are fucking yourself.’
Rob was looking at all of this though a crack in the slightly open door, his own cock out and his hand now starting to work the shaft. This was too much.
‘If the Boss had thought he was horny Christ I’m so ready to burst.’
 He was terrified to breathe in case they could hear but by now the guys were so into each other they would not notice.
‘That arse of yours Jake is now nice and moist, I can feel my fingers really wet. Feels as if you are ready.’
‘What do you fucking think with those fingers moving around inside me. You ain’t a doctor but a great fuck ‘
Bob pulled down the rear of Jake’s Hi Viz and Rob was able to see a nice hairy arse with a good pair of meaty cheeks.
‘I’m fucking ready for that cock of yours or mine if you think that way.’
‘Tell you what Jake why don’t you let a big gob of spit onto my dick and then its part of you being fucked.’
Jake gathered all his spit and let it fall onto Bob’s gleaming head.
‘Now work that in a bit as if it’s yer own.’
Jake rubbed his spit up and down Bob’s shaft and then put both arms up resting against the wall as Bob moved behind taking his cock and setting in against the crack.
‘Luv that hairy arse of yours as I see my cock slipping all the way up. Now push yer arse out to take it all man.’
Bob was now standing right behind and put his hands on Jake’s hips positioning himself and his cock for full entry.
He gently pushed the head in feeling it get past the opening and as he did Jake moved his arse further back groaning with pleasure. Bob’s cock slid further in, taking his time enjoying the sensation until Jake’s arse was firmly set against Bob’s Hi Viz zip opening.
‘So you like being self fucked.’
‘ Sure do but I tell you what when your get the Boss’s cock up you, you sure know. He ain’t the Boss for nothing with that thick dick of his.’
‘Well for now you’ll have to make do with my prick and don’t worry I’ve as much spunk as the Boss.’
‘So get on and fuck me and let me feel your nylon HiViz smack against me and then I know you’re fully up me.’
‘Ok mate you asked to be fucked so I’ll fuck you.’
With that Bob started rough fucking, ramming his dick up and down the full length and every time Jake seemed to stick his arse out even further to take every push. The more he rammed in the more excited Bob got.
‘Fucking take it, you want cock and I’m giving it to you and a full wad of spunk to boot.’
By now Rob’s hand was wanking furiously. On the one hand he wanted to be fucking Jake but seeing the way Bob was fucking, his own arse became moist at the thought of it up him.
‘I’m cumming man so take  it all, shit there’s loads going up you. Go on wank yourself and cum too.’
‘What the hell do you think I’m doing. I want us to come together. Two same cocks spurting their load.’
‘Well do it now, Jesus I’m cumming man.’ and with one final push he let out a loud groan as he pumped Jake, whose head shot back as he shot his load into the urinal.
Seeing the two guys was too much for Rob and with one hand over his mouth to stifle any noise his cock erupted a ton of spunk against the cubicle door.
‘Fasten up yer HiViz Jake, I want you to go around today with all my spunk up yer arse.’
‘Don’t worry I love feeling you still inside me but I’d better give the pisspot here a quick clean. You leave first and then no one will know what we have been up to.’
‘You’ve got to be joking man , we are all at it here, makes no difference. We fuck more than we work.’
The guys eventually left after some cleaning and then Rob wiped his cock clean and then took all the spunk that had been running down the door. Tucking himself back, in making sure his chinos were not stained he quietly left and went back to the office.
‘What sort of place have I come to’ he said to himself.
As he was wading through the invoices to put on the computer the Boss came in with a mug of tea and bunch of Hi Viz clothing and dropped the items down in front of Rob.
‘The lads are saying it is better for you to wear the same gear when you are on site. It’s up to you whether you change here or come from home in it but either way while you are here you wear these clothes. I’ve picked out what I think is your size and anyway you have to have rigger boots and a Hi viz vest and helmet to meet regulations. So I’ll let you change now. You might as well get used to it.
You can have the cuppa after. OK? I’ll let you get on.’
Rob thought this seemed a bit far fetched but having seen some of lads and then witnessed what had gone on at the toilet block, he decided it might be a good idea and he might feel like one of the workies. He undressed, carefully folded his clothes and put on the HiViz polo shirt, then the trousers and then the vest all I bright orange with the company logo on the back. He had noticed that the two guys getting off had not been wearing underwear so he decided to do the same. Even the rigger boots were the right size. He saw a mirror in a corner and went to stand in front. Apart from looking so clean he almost looked a workie and immediately he felt his cock starting to strain inside and already it was pressing against his trousers forming a decent looking pole.
‘Christ I had better get back to work and take my mind off things’ he said
Back at work he started drinking the mug of tea the Boss had left and at first he thought it had a slightly odd taste but put it down to the fact that it was probably just cheap tea. But his cock still stayed hard.
Rob then remembered that he was certain the Boss had been looking at a porn site when he arrived so he checked out the internet at History and sure enough he could see several Hi Viz sites which he clicked on. Photos appeared on the screen of guys some just only in high viz, and then soon others were showing guys cocksucking, fucking, bondage, spitting into each others faces all in Hi Viz.
‘No wonder the Boss had such a boner,’ Rob thought as he started stroking his own stiff dick. ‘Christ this is making me feel so unbelievably horny. I didn’t think I could feel like this. Shit seeing all these guys having sex makes me want some bloody action.’
Leaning back in his chair he spread his legs out so he could firmly grasp his cock through the HiViz.
‘Christ I’ve cum already today but I feel I need to shoot another load,’ he said out loud
‘Then just as well we have come to help you out, eh boy?’
There was no time to shut off the computer as he spun round hearing the Boss’s voice. Standing inside the door was the Boss, Jeff, Bob and Jake.
‘Well Boss the boy has a nice packet there so we need to help him out,’ Jake said rubbing his crotch.
‘So you have been looking at my sites, you dirty little fucker. Sure got you hard. Just as well cause I’m feeling fucking horny too watching you and those pics and I’m also ready to shed a lot of spunk Not just me but all the boys here are needing some action, ain’t that right?’
‘Sure thing Boss we all need to cum and the boy is ready.’
‘Right as I’m the Boss I get first’ he said unbuttoning his 501s ‘ shit this is difficult pulling out my dick when its so fucking hard.’
‘Get over here boy and see what its like to suck a real man’s cock’
Whilst Rob felt total shock something in him was telling him he was about to have the best initiation possible and get to really suck the Boss’ dick rather than seeing from a window. Whatever was in that tea worked and wanted not just a piece of the action but all, as he stood seeing the other guys rubbing their HiViz and all of them showing a large bulge itching to unzip and get the cocks out.
‘On yer knees’ The Boss instructed.
Rob sank down in front and looked up at the Boss’s hunk of meat.
Christ it was so much bigger sitting in front, it was so thick and he could see the veins straining underneath with a gleaming head now exposed
‘Now that’s a cock for you. Get going and let the others see what you can do.’
Rob took the prick in his hand hardly able to get it around the diameter and then let a gob of spit drop onto the head.
‘Good boy you know what to do’
Holding the cock firmly he moved his mouth to take in the head.
‘I’m gonna choke on this he thought as his throat muscles tensed. But Rob so wanted that cock now he knew he had to relax as he wanted to feel the Boss’s pubes against his face.
‘You can start slowly lad as you’ve probably not sucked too many my size.’
Little by little he started moving his mouth further and further down the shaft breathing carefully so not to choke. The further in the dick went the more he wanted to feel it all the way down his throat.
‘That’s it boy’ The Boss said as he grabbed Rob’s head and forced him to take the full length when Rob could feel the wiry pubes pressing against his face.
‘Now I’m gonna work you a bit OK?’
The Boss started pushing and pulling Rob’s head as the slurping sound became louder and louder and the Boss’s groans got greater.
‘Shit well done boy you’re the best cocksucker around. Sorry Jeff but he is. I ain’t cuming yet.’ and with that he pushed Rob back and his dick sprung up covered in spit with the head starting to ooze precum.
Rob looked up and saw that the other three were around him and had their dicks out beginning to wank
‘Christ’ he thought ‘I don’t think I can suck off 3 others’
The Boss lifted him up like a bit of clothing and turned him around setting him on top of the desk pushing him so he was stretched out on his back
‘So lets get serious now, that was starters’
The Boss grabbed Rob’s waistband and zip and pulled his HiViz trousers down so they were around his ankles, until the Boss yanked them completely off him.
‘Now spread yer legs’ the Boss said as he forced Robs leg wide apart and brought him forward so his arse was right on the edge of the table.
‘Now your spit has got me all wet it’ll be easier for you to take me.’
The Boss moved forward and put two fingers up Rob’s arse moving them around. ‘Nice glory hole you’ve got there. You’ll be able to take me’
Taking his fingers out he inched his cock to Rob’s opening
‘Boss I’m not sure I can do this.’
‘If you want your job and want to be one of the guys then you’ll do what I want, got it? Now fucking relax and it will be easier.’
Before Rob could reply he felt the Boss’s cock splitting open his arse and for a moment he winced in pain.
‘Once it’s all in you will want every inch trust me. Now guys I want you to have some fun. Jeff because you sucked me off today I’ll let you get your dick down the boys throat. You other two can watch and work yerselves up to cum all over our new mate here. ‘
As the Boss pushed his cock deeper and deeper inside Rob’s arse so Jeff took his cock in one hand and Rob’s head in the other bringing it up to meet his rigid dick.
‘Go on Rob take my cock down your throat once you feel the Boss’s dick all the way up you will be sucking my dick for all you can.’
Seeing Jeff’s cock slid down Rob’s throat made the Boss push further and further inside until his pubes were tight against Rob’s arse
‘Shit Jeff seeing that cock of your going down the boys throat makes me even hornier. I’m gonna fuck him rigid but tell you what boys you take your lead from me . When I come I want all of you to release your cum and you two make sure his HI Viz shirt is soaked with your spunk.’
Jeff took his lead from the boss and as he slid his full shaft in so Jeff pushed his cock all the way down the throat.
‘Tell you what Boss the fact he’s had your cock down his throat makes it much easier for me.’
‘Fucking hell,’ Bob shouted, ‘seeing the lad with a cock each end has me fucking going.’
Rob felt he had a cock stretching from his arse to his lips. Once the full meat of the Boss’s dick was inside him he wanted rammed but he could say nothing as he took the full length of Jeff’s prick.
‘We have one of the lad here boys. Once he has had this he will not be going anywhere he’ll wait for his morning cuppa and then we can have a good daily fuck together. Now let me get right up and ram you boy.’
With his hand firmly wrapped around Robs knees  he pushed in and slowly withdrew to savour the full entry. But he was needing to shoot so the slow movement quickly increased until he was slamming his cock in and out all the up to his pubes. The more he pushed in and out the more his grunts increased. And Jeff watching how turned on the Boss was rammed his dick in and out of Rob’s mouth. He wanted to cum at the same time and seeing how Rob was taking the Boss’s prick made him even more excited.
‘I hope you two are ready,’ Jake said ‘as watching you have all the fun has me ready. Forget the gentle wank man I’m rubbing myself for all its worth.’
‘Me too.’ Bob said.
The Boss replied ‘Bob grab the boy’s cock. Its so fucking hard with me inside him we had better let him cum with us.’
Bob kept one hand rubbing his dick and with his other he wrapped his hand around Rob’s rigid prick and started to wank him furiously
‘OK guys lets get ready to cum. I want a fucking fountain. Shit I’m ready that’s such a fucking great arse of your boy. This is the first but not last time you’ll have me fuck you. Shit it’s coming. Go on lads shoooot.’
And with that as Rob felt the pressure of the Boss’s spunk shoot up him so he felt Jeff’s spunk race down his throat as if both spunks would meet inside him. The intense pleasure was too much and Rob ejaculated with three great wads of cum all the way up his shirt hitting his chin. Bob and Jeff at the same time let fly with their cum their first shot hitting across Rob at each other.
You could hear a great sigh as all five shed their loads
The Boss withdrew his cock and tucked it into his Levis, a stain showing through from the excess he had not squeezed out.
‘Fuck’ he said looking down, ‘better wear my Hi Viz jacket to cover this stain when going home. Right young man you had better get yourself to the toilet cabin and clean yourself up. Probably best to put back your other clothes on but take the Hi Viz back home and wash tonight as I expect you wearing it tomorrow.
So hope you have had a good day. You’ve passed your initiation. In fact expect another session tomorrow after you’ve had your mug of tea.’
‘This is best job ever Boss and as for the HiViz I’ll want to sleep in it soon.’
‘Good boy that’s what I like to hear. If you continue like this I’ll have you on the outdoor workforce. You could do with a few muscles. It has helped Jeff who used to do your job. Guys here work and fuck but many a day fuck and then work.’
‘I’ll do what you want Boss.’
‘You will.’
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roseandpeaches · 1 year
Girl Dad Gyu - Hair
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No warnings, just pure fluff. Mingyu is a stay-at-home dad and an amazing girl dad.
Mingyu sat on the floor, surrounded by an array of hair accessories - clips, bows, and hair ties. He looked at his daughter, who was sitting in front of him, babbling happily and grabbing at the colourful items.
"Alright, Minju, let's see what we can do with this hair of yours," he said with a smile, reaching for a hairbrush.
Minju was barely a year, but boy, could she grow a lion's mane. He wasn't sure if it was something she had inherited from his wife or him, but he knew he had to do something about it. "Just get her a haircut honey," the mother of his child said. He had told her how he didn't want to take it the easy way. He'll need to learn how to handle their daughter's hair in the future anyway - the mere thought of his chubby baby growing got him choked up, but he continued strategising his mission.
Mingyu had taken it upon himself to buy all the hair accessories for Minju. He had even picked up a nice baby friendly hairbrush though his wife had already gotten one when they were preparing for their daughter's arrival, 'All good things comes in two,' he had rationalised to himself. It's fine. Surely, his wife can't be mad for having one extra comb. Right?
As he brushed her soft hair, he realized that he had no idea what he was doing. He had never been the best at styling his own hair, let alone someone else's. But he was determined to figure it out for his daughter. He refuses to find an easy way out. Minju hated going to the salons. Every time the hairdresser approached her delicate head, she'd show off her great set of lungs. Who knew a cute chubby thing like her could let out a mighty cry, loud enough for everyone in Seoul to hear?
Mingyu started with a simple ponytail, using a pink hair tie to hold it in place. He stepped back to admire his work, only to see that the ponytail was lopsided and messy. He groaned, "The tutorial says to do it this way, Minju-ya, why isn't it working?" His daughter, who was oblivious of her struggling appa, was preoccupied with sorting out the colourful hair bands between her chubby legs. At least that's what Mingyu thought she was doing.
He sighed and tried again, this time with a clip. But as soon as he let go of her hair, the clip fell out, and Minju grabbed it, putting it straight in her mouth. Mingyu chuckled at the sight, realizing that this wasn't going to be as easy as he thought. He gently pried the clip off her mouth, she had protested but she hadn't protested too hard. It didn't taste as good as it seemed anyway. It was hard even. Minju frowned, her bottom lips stuck out mirroring her appa.
Mingyu had tried different hairstyles - braids, pigtails, and even attempted a messy bun - but nothing seemed to be working. He had gone through millions of tutorials at this point. "Your eomma does it so effortlessly. Surely I can do it too, right, Minju?" Minju just blankly looked at her father. She shoved a bunch of butterfly clips to him instead.
After several failed attempts, Mingyu decided to take a break and sit with his daughter, who was now playing with the hairbrush. As he watched her, he realized that it didn't matter if her hair was styled perfectly or not. She was still the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
He picked her up and held her close, smiling as she giggled and babbled in his ear. Mingyu knew that there were more important things than being good at styling hair, like being there for his daughter and making her feel loved and supported.
As he put Minju down to play, he looked at the mess of hair accessories and laughed. "Maybe we'll just stick with the messy look for now," he said to himself.
Mingyu may not have been a hairstyling expert, but he was a loving father who would do anything for his daughter - even if it meant embracing her messy hair.
Later that day, his wife got home and trimmed their daughter's hair herself. Her mother, being an angel and her salvation, Minju had complied easily. In fact, she had stayed put in Mingyu's hold. "Told you this would be easier," chided his wife. He could only pout.
Author's Note: I might start a series of shorts like this based on Mingyu being a girl dad. I have a few in my drafts just waiting for an edit.
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garaksapprentice · 1 year
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I started this weave last year, the day after TDOR, and the day of the Pulse nightclub attack. My heart was heavy, and I needed a way to redirect a whole bunch of feelings about a thing I couldn't do anything about.
The warp and weft both came from several balls of a 5 ply acrylic knitting yarn, one that had been given to me in one of those many small "I don't know what else to do with this" moments that happen when people know that 1) you're a knitter and 2) you'll happily collect donations and pass them on to various local organisations if you can't use them yourself.
I'd looked at them and immediately went "that's a trans pride bundle of colours if ever I saw them," then put them in the stash and let them percolate. (I don't knit with 5 ply much, I already had more than enough projects that needed finishing, and I had no idea what pattern would do justice to the vague idea I had. Sometimes things need to compost a while before you can grow anything from them.)
I originally wanted to do a heart twill. After a bit of thought, mostly centred around my lack of experience, I went with a diamond twill instead. This was the first project on my new-to-me floor loom, and the diamond twill was more straightforward. Plus, counterbalance looms don't deal well with unbalanced shafts - the heart twill pattern I had put more of the threads on the back shaft than any of the others, and I didn't have the headspace or the experience to flip the draft so they'd be on the front one instead.
It took me eight days to wind the warp, beam it, thread the heddles, sley the reed, and tie on. (I wasn't tracking project hours back then so I don't know how long those things actually took, all up.) I'd started on the twenty-first, and was threading the heddles by Sunday 27th. On the 30th, I started weaving.
According to my project notes, I only actually wove for eight days between getting the loom warped and cutting the finished fabric off. Given the thickness of the threads, that seems about right - I'd roughly guess at six or seven hours of weaving time over a ~2.3m warp?
After that it was a matter of wet finishing (wool setting in the washing machine), trimming off the loom waste, and doing double folded hems at each end (I am Not A Fan of fringe).
Is it perfect? Hell no; there's at least two threading errors and the beat changes from start to finish. But it's soft, and warm, and it's full of the hope and productive anger that I managed to find after the beat of the loom helped me climb out of the pit of helpless despair.
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ador3him · 2 years
hear me out prompts “you brought me flowers?” dragged by “i’m falling in love with you” for quackity :’)
pairing: quackity x gn!reader
warnings: nothing?? uhh its not proofread and i def overused the pet names whatever tho
requested? yes by @mcyt-trash-can
word count. 0.6k
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“Hey babe? I going to go for a walk to get some coffee, do you want me to bring you some tea home?” y/n pokes their head into Quackitys streaming room. He lifts off his headphones from his head and turns to face his partner. “Yes please, amor. Come here first though,” he reaches his arms out and make grabby hands. They walk over to him and stands in between his legs. “What’s up, darling?” they ask moving a piece of his hair that’s poking out from his beanie. “Just missed you, been so busy I feel like we never have time for each other anymore.” He grabs the back of y/n’s waist and pulls them in a bit, so his face is resting on their chest, kind of awkwardly hugging for y/n but to Quackity its as comfortable as ever.
“Hun? I have to go if I want to make it before the bunch rush. I will back in 30 minutes tops,” they say kissing the top of his head and pulling away, much to Quackitys dismay. “Be quick,” He yells softly as they walk out of his room. A soft ‘yep’ is all he hears before the front door clicks closed.
The coffee shop y/n is going to has an attached flower shop to it that they always admired, and so did Quackity. They always come here together at least once a fortnight to have bunch or just coffee and tea for Quackity. They have never bought flowers from the shop, for no reason just always admiring them instead. But today y/n thought they’d buy some after they get the drinks.
After ordering the drinks they walk around to the flower shop part and look for a beautiful bunch of sunflowers to gift to Quackity. There is a vibrant bouquet in the fair corner of the shop with a ray of sun shining through a window onto it. They walk up to it to see it better and make sure it smells as beautiful as it looks. As suspected it does and y/n grabs it, making their way up to the counter.
“Just these, thank you,” they smile at the old lady behind the counter who begins to trim the excess stem. “Lovey choice, not many people buy sunflowers, but they are so beautiful and personally I think they are elegant,” the sweet old lady grins at y/n and wraps the bottom of the flowers in pink paper. “Well sunflowers are my boyfriend’s favourite flower, and he is working so hard at the moment I couldn’t resist buying them,” y/ns lit up at the thought of their boyfriend and his reaction to the gift. “He will love these, it’s just $12.50,” they tap their card and go to get their drinks that were ready just as they walk over.
“Darling I am home!” y/n calls through the house struggling to get everything through the door without dropping it. “I am in here,” Quackity calls from his streaming room. “I got you something,” they say pushing his door open. “Oh shit, you have some much stuff here let me help you, amor,” Quackity takes the drinks from them and looks confusingly at the flowers.
“You bought yourself flowers? You like smokey dahlia not sunflowers?” Quackity looks at y/n still confused. “They are for you!” they push the flowers toward him grinning like a manic. “You brought me flowers?” Quackity whispers astonished. “Of course,” y/n laughs. “No one has ever done this for me,” his eyes begin to water. He loves y/n for this he is in love with y/n for this. “I’m falling in love with you,” Quackity bursts into tears clutching onto y/n like his life depends on it. “I’ve been in love with you for ages, Alex,” y/n replies whispering. “Also, you’re crushing your flowers,” they laugh. His flowers, his y/n.
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darkandstormydolls · 3 months
Finally went through the pictures I took a couple weeks ago for my Alice in Wonderland costume and I’ve very excited to share them!
I’ll admit that this isn’t the greatest costume I’ve ever made, but hey, it’s cute and iconic and good for frolicking.
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I actually did a ton of research for this dress. I didn’t want to do a “historically accurate Alice” by any means, but I definitely wanted it to be historically informed at least. I looked at a bunch of images and drawings and extant dresses of little girls dresses from the 1850s and 60s (the book came out in 1865), and also went down a rabbit hole of looking at every illustrated edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland that I could. Fun fact I found: apparently the first in color version had Alice in yellow. But the blue dress is just so iconic, so I felt like I just had to go with that. The neckline ended up a little wide (I ended up taking it in a bit after taking these pictures) and the mix of dropped shoulders and puffed sleeves with that ended up reading more 1830s than 60s to my eyes, but it is what it is. The wide neckline, puffed sleeves, gathered bodice, buttons down the back, and tucks on the hem were all details from mid Victorian children’s clothes. I meant to do the skirt a lot shorter, around midi-length (still a little older than the seven and a half Alice is said to be in the books, more appropriate to a nine or ten year old), but the pinafore ended up longer than anticipated, so I made the skirt longer to preserve the amount I wanted showing, leaving them a smidge above the ankle and making my version of Alice closer to her early teens (which makes the more girlish details on the rest of the dress seem a little odd but oh well).
The pinafore of course was essential. I added little pockets to the front (mostly decorative, there are more practical pockets in the dress), and the trim is made up of lace and a layer of ruffled/pleated fabric (another fun fact: rather than gather it like a sane person, I instead decided to do about seven million incredibly tiny pleats. I regretted it. Quickly.). It was kind of inspired by the American Girl Kirsten’s’ birthday dress and pinafore, with the tapering in the back, and I added long ends to the waistband to tie in a big bow in the back. The shoulders on this were kind of wide as well, but it balances with the dress alright and I can tie it in a way that makes it a little better.
My other additions to this outfit were a couple of petticoats (one I already had with a ruffle on them hem, one I made for this with some narrow flounces by the hem, pantalettes with lace trim for that very iconic Victorian child look (except the skirt ended up too long so you can’t actually see them), black tights, and a hair bow. I debated for a while between black velvet (more like the original) or white (to preserve the contrast, since I have dark hair) and settled on a white ribbon from my (extensive) ribbon stash.
All in all, while this costume isn’t by favorite, it’s still pretty cute and comfy, and I’m pretty happy with it.
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eastwindmlk · 24 days
“Fuck, you have such a tight hold on me, you don’t even know.” 
Pls & thx u
You keep me fed, anon that is certainly not Nena!
So, for the record: I did not intent to write more than 600 words, angst or a first time but all of those things are happening. I hope you enjoy!
Anyone is still welcome to send me prompt and a ship. This list is for inspiration!
NSFW 2.4k under the cut!
The first time that Andromeda Black noticed the gold trim on her cloak starting to fray, she was crying under a hawthorn tree. She supposed that it must be symbolic somehow. The gold embroidery, the gilded decoration of this family heirloom unspooling on the night that she cut herself off from them. The voice of her mother still thundering through the hallway calling her a harlot and a traitor.
And for what?
She had fallen in love with a wizard. Who cared that his parents did not possess magic nor great wealth when he brought her such great happiness. When this boy, now a man, was the reason she smiled first thing in the morning. Who filled her with warmth and hope. A chance of a future that she could write herself.
Andromeda couldn’t imagine anyone else by her side. Especially not some pompous, pureblood arse like Lucius Malfoy. Who only had eyes for her sister anyway. No matter how much their parents willed their union, he had fallen for Cissy and she for him.
Why was that not enough? Their mother would get her union with a great house and she would get a cottage at the edge of a sleepy town. A place filled with the smell of drying herbs and sunshine. Where the horrors she saw in training could not follow her.
Breathing in the cloying scent of the blossoms that lay scattered around her, Andromeda wiped at her cheeks and pushed herself to her feet. There was no use in lingering on the past. On the door, she had closed and done so willingly.
Instead, she chooses to look at her future, which leads her to the garden path of a cottage at the edge of a sleepy town. To the man, she’d promised an answer two days ago. An answer she was not ready to give.
Andromeda trusted the late hour and the ancient hawthorn tree to be enough cover to aparate on the spot. The cloak whirled around her as she stepped from her refuge right to where she knew she would meet the wards she’d insisted on.
A quick look around, she made sure to check that she did not accidentally alert any unwitting dog owners by suddenly appearing. Finding only a less-than-impressed pigeon sitting on the fence across the street. She did not feel the need to obliviate the bird.
Her feet carried her along the familiar dirt path to the purple door where she took the knocker, her finger running along the twisted cast iron. Andromeda felt the seeds of doubt her parents and sisters planted trying to take root. To sway her away from this door, from her future with Ted.
The scent of lavender and morning dew filled her nose as Andromeda finally knocked, the sound echoing too loud in the quiet night. Her hands dropped to her side, fingers tracing along the embroidery of her cloak once more.
She knew, in her gut, that Ted was awake and waiting. He would never go to sleep knowing what she was doing that night. She imagined him sitting in front of the fire, a book balanced on his knees while he waited. Ever the patient one.
Her heart sped, racing like if it beat fast enough it might escape her chest. Her breath was held hostage by her throat, leaving her with no way to tell the time. No heartbeats or breaths to count until she could hear the footsteps in the hall and the light flickering on and filtering through the opaque transom, showering her in multicoloured rays of light. The thick wool cloak bunched in her fist, gripping onto it for strength, for restraint. She should not knock again this soon, should she?
Just like that, before she could even consider it again, the light flicked on and she could breathe again. From the footfalls on the other side, she knew he was wearing his house shoes, those awful plait loafers that were more suited for a man quadruple his age. Something she readily teased him about.
The door opened and without hesitation flew into his arms, the force of her knocking into him sending him toppling to the floor. “Yes,” was the first word she breathed before smashing her lips against his. A forceful, wet kiss that even she admitted was awkward and uncomfortable, but she couldn’t care less.
Ted’s are wrapped around her waist, pulling her to the side. Likely an effort to not have his head smack against the floorboards of the cottage. “Care to come again?” he asked her, the bright smile she loved pulling onto his face and it was like the sun had risen.
“Yes, Edward Ian Tonks, I will marry you,” she told him again, too excited to school her features into a solemn expression. Her hands winding into his messy golden locks and she pulled his face back to hers, demanding another kiss.
“So, your parents approved then?” Andromeda couldn’t help but laugh at that because they’d been fools for thinking they might actually consider her happiness.
She drew in a deep sobering breath and let her tongue dart over her bottom lip. “They don’t, but I am an adult and they are no longer my keeper. They don’t get to choose who I marry. I want you. Wealth and power be damned.”
Ted closed his eyes for a moment like he needed the words to wash over him. To take the time to fully feel the impact of her words before rushing on. “I love you, Andy,” he breathed, his lips brushing hers. “I don’t know what I would have done had you said no. Fuck, you have such a tight hold on me, you don’t even know.”
Before he could say more, her lips stole his words.
They broke apart when her chest ached for air when his hands had wandered dangerously deep into uncharted waters. Places she had previously been too scared to wander, but now…
“I want you,” Andromeda said, her steady confidence wavering for a moment. “I want us to…” She could not bring herself to finish her sentence and she needn’t. Ted’s face had held a healthy flush before and now tinged a deeper shade of red, his eyes wide, mouth agape. It would have been endearing if she had not already felt so unsure of herself. She swatted at his chest, her features shifted from uncertainty to annoyance. “Don’t look at me like that, you dolt!” she scolded.
The moment Andromeda attempted to move away, too embarrassed to stay tangled in his arms he pulled he in closer. “Don’t go!” Ted told her, the quiet strength of his arms holding her to his chest. “Are you sure?” She nodded in response. “Tonight?”
“Yes, tonight,” she confirmed, her gaze holding his in the hopes it would drive her point home. “I want you to make love to me, Ted. Tonight.” A careful smile flitted across her lips. “Bedroom?”
Her words spurred Ted into action, reluctantly releasing her. The silence between them vibrated with anticipation that she could feel singing in her blood. Her cloak was discarded next to his and her shoes slipped off before reaching the stairs. With his warm hand in hers, they ascended the stairs to face the something new together.
Ted turned on the soft, orange light at his bedside while Andromeda carefully undid the buttons of her robe, allowing it to slip over her head. The shift underneath hid little from the imagination, the thinly woven cotton practically see-through. No one had ever seen her like that before. After all, Black women were taught to be modest, even in private. While she had discarded a lot of the little things, laughing unrestrained and showing her emotions, this was always a line she was nervous to cross.
The longer her relationship with Ted lasted, the more real the thought of this became, the more she found herself looking in the mirror. She wondered if he’d still find her pretty without everything. Just her. She wondered if, just like her, he would notice how her breasts were slightly uneven, one larger than the other. How large and puffy her nipples were and if he would find her pubic hair dirty like some girls said their boyfriends did.
Right now, she couldn’t help but wonder if he was having second thoughts after seeing her standing there, her foot still working down her stocking nervously. She searched his face for disgust or disappointment but found only awe.
“D-Do you want to lay on the bed? Or should I?” Ted asked, his teeth catching his lip in uncertainty.
This is when it dawned on Andromeda. He was just as nervous as she was, just as inexperienced. They’d been each other's first kiss and they were going to be each other’s every first. She was not being measured up by some unknown standard, a mystery woman who showed him everything he could possibly want. They were diving into the unknown deep together.
“I’ll lay down, I think,” she decided, pushing her chestnut hair over her shoulder as she shifted onto the mattress and settled into the middle of the bed, doubting for a moment if she should stay seated or lay down already while she listened to the rustle of clothes and the muffled thud of a belt hitting the carpeted floor. Andromeda decided that sitting was the way to go for now. “Where are your parents?” she asked, suddenly afraid that they might get caught, another worry to whirl around in her mind.
Ted swallowed thickly, the sounds audible in the silence. “They’re at the camping grounds. They stay there most of the summer unless the weather gets really bad,” he explained, the bed complaining about him sitting down next to her. The heat of his body seeping through the fabric of her shift. His fingers tangled with hers and he held her hand as he lifted them up to brush his lips over her knuckles.
There was another silence, heavy with anticipation before Ted shifted his weight and turned his full body towards her. “Can I?” His eyes roved down her body, making her feel seen but not in a way she minded. Not in the way she feared. He looked at her with such love and devotion that all the little imperfections she’d noticed about herself suddenly felt meaningless.
Her clothes were discarded, and she let herself be guided onto her back. The feeling of something smooth and warm and stiff brushed against her thigh while he settled over her, his hands on either side of her face. Andromeda let her eyes wander to where she had felt the sensation and found his cock, pink and swaying slightly, regarding it with some curiosity. “Do you think it’ll fit?”
“It ought to,” he replied with equal wonder, he wrapped one of his hands around it and made a pumping motion, a bead of white dripping down the head that he brushed away, almost automatically, with his thumb. “Tell me if it hurts and I’ll stop,” he assured her, his warm smile quivering at the corners with the same nerves that were making her stomach flutter. “Now, relax Andy.”
At his instance, Andromeda took a deep breath through her nose and blew it out her mouth. “I trust you.” Her hand reached up to cup his cheek, letting her eyes linger on his face as it twisted in surprise when he carefully pushed inside of her.
For a moment there was blinding pain, she winced and he stilled. “No, no keep going,” she urged him breathlessly. The painful stretch slowly faded into something new and exciting. Something good.
She tried to keep breathing, feeling him sink deeper and deeper into her with every breath. Her hand still clinging to his cheek, trembling slightly with the strain. Only relaxing against his stubble when his hips pressed against hers.
“Are you okay?” Ted asked, his voice heavy with concern and exsertion. She could feel his arms tremble beside her as she noticed him still trying to hold up his full weight to not burden her with it.
Andromeda nodded at first, letting her hand move to his shoulder. “Yes, yes, I am fine. Amazing. You?” Her concerned gaze scanned his features. “You can… You don’t need to hold yourself up, I want to feel you.”
Almost immediately he let his arms relax, his weight lowering onto her. As if by instinct she pulled up her legs, making room for him. The cant of her hips changed the way he felt inside of her and a foreign sound fell from her lips. A quiet moan when his pelvis pressed against her in a certain way, a delicious way that needed more exploring.
“Oh, that. Wow,” he chuckled, his face contorting slightly and if he had not been for the look her gave her she might have asked if he was hurting. But the heavy-lidded gaze and the hungering eyes were enough to convince her that he was just fine. “Like this?”
“Yeah,” was all that she could breathe as his hips rocked against hers.
They moved slowly, testing every motion. Every new stroke offered a brand new sensation, something exhilarating and almost pleasurable. The stinging pain faded into the background, drowned out by his lips on hers, the little sounds she didn’t know he could make.
Andromeda found herself thinking that, maybe, with a little practice this could be as good as people made it out to be.
Too soon, Ted whimpered and sighed. “I think, I-I can’t last much longer,” he groaned as his hips stuttered, losing the pleasurable rhythm they’d found together. She wasn’t sure what was about to happen, all she knew was that she did not want him to pull away yet. Her ankles locked behind his back when he tried to pull out and then.
He moaned, head dipping against hers and something warm filled her.
Her hand pushed some of his sweat-slicked locks away from his forehead, her fingers flitting with concern. “Darling, everything alright?” She unlocked her legs from around him and hoped to get a better look when he laughed, warm and full.
“Yes, god yes, Merlin yes,” he panted in reply, his lips slanting over hers and she relaxed a little. “I don’t care what anyone says. But that is the purest form of magic I’ve ever felt,” Ted laughed, stealing another kiss from her lips. “I love you, my future wife.”
“I love you too, my future husband.”
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skywritingrambles · 3 months
The Higher You Rise
Here's the first chapter of my fic about Alastor's rise and fall in hell! I'm not posting this on Ao3 until I get a few chapters in but I'll be posting a link here and on my blog once it's out.
Huge shoutout to @unmitigatednonsense for helping me work out the details of this chapter as well as giving me an excellent title for this fic, and their continued support throughout the writing process!
Onto the fic! (Tw brief cannibalism)
Alastor had never been one to believe in heaven and hell, or that people went anywhere after death at all, truly he believed it was silly. Consequences were only in life - and even then were only present if you got caught. Alastor never got caught, and it wasn't even due to being careful. He was calculated, sure, great at finding convenient ways to dispose of the remnants if he didn't feel up to doing so himself, but he lacked the patience it took to leave no mess. Quite frankly, leaving no mess would bore him anyway, he revelled in the thrill of the hunt and worrying about a small cleanup would spoil the fun. Of course, he still remained very meticulous about cleanup.
All of it to say, it certainly took some... adjusting when he arrived in hell.
Well, more than adjusting. After all, his entire worldview had been turned on its' head. Not even to mention the physical changes he'd endured. He still hadn't quite adjusted to the clopping of his hooves or reaching up to his head to feel antlers. No, he hadn't adjusted to the idea of hell either, or heaven, eternal damnation. What even constituted eternal damnation? Alastor was sure he would never meet the requirements for heaven under any circumstances, but it really had the mind thinking, didn't it? Who decided? How hard was it, how long did it take, did anyone deserving of one ever-
Alastor shifted uncomfortably and let out a breath, now was not the time for such, existential crises. After all, an apt target was perfectly in range.
Yes, they would make a fine meal. They were relatively small, the perfect size for one meal with nothing to waste or leave behind for anyone else. They were holding up a broken shard of a mirror, carefully trimming away at the ends. Not a worry in sight it seemed.
Alastor made quick work of them, utilizing a small knife he'd found days before. Usually he enjoyed relishing in his victims death, watching the fear enter their eyes and the light leave as they realize how much danger they're truly in. Only that simply wouldn't do, he didn't nearly know enough about the capabilities of the average sinner or hell spawn, he needed to get his bearings before having his fun.
He began at the soft muscle of their biceps, and the taste was truly divine. Somehow, he enjoyed the taste in hell even better than human flesh on earth, though nothing could compare to the sheer euphoria of his first taste. It had always reminded him of pork - he had proved true the many theories of what a person would taste like - but sweeter and softer. Sometimes he would spend great time cooking and preparing a meal with his victims, though often he preferred the uncontaminated taste.
A woman's shriek came from behind him, startling him back up to kneeling, away from his hunched over position. My, he'd consumed all but the face of the demon already!
He let a grin slide onto his face as he stood to approach the woman. She was beautiful, a true lady indeed - Alastor would have loved to ask her for a dance at a closed party when he was alive. Not to pursue anything romantic, of course, he simply loved to dance with a lady. Her eyes were completely black and she had an arsenal of sharp teeth like his own, (he was sure she must have had a gorgeous smile) and her dress perfectly framed her body. It flared at the bottom, and was bunched in such a way that if she twirled it would surely spin out. And of course, to top it all off, she wore a beautifully extravagant hat with pink feathers at the front and a black feather boa extending out the back.
It truly would be such a shame if he had to kill her to keep her from starting a fuss, he hadn't been able to tell how those in hell reacted to cannibalism yet.
"Your manners!" She practically screeched the words before Alastor had a chance to start a conversation. "Eating her just off the street like a rabid animal! You don't even have the decency to cook her into a proper meal, or at least- oh, I don't know, bring her inside! Having the audacity to eat my only reliable hair dresser and to not even respect her enough to cut her into a presentable dish! I can't believe your insolent lack of-"
She went on for quite a while. Despite the volume of her words she didn't seem angry. Surprised and offended, absolutely, but as her rant went on her volume lowered until she stopped herself to look at his forced smile.
"Oh, darling, pardon my outburst! You must be new, you don't look like one of mine, and I'd certainly remember striking a deal with a fellow like you." She stuck her hand out with a wide smile (Alastor was right, it was a lovely smile) and he took it without a second thought. "I'm Rosie, ever so pleased to meet you."
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serene-sun · 1 year
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𝕸𝖞 𝖘𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝖎𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖘 🪽
(Kinktober days 4-6, DOMSUB/OMEGA VERSE)
Pairing: Cardinal copia x cirrus x cumulus
Warnings: shit uhhhhh ALLOT, pussy eating, why am I putting a warning…yiur gonna love it anyways you sluts
A/n: first time writing omegaverse so I'm very sorry if you cringe! Remember that these three days will be discussion over this topic…inbox is open and anon is an option!
“My sweet…innocent angels. You have never upset your Cardinal, ever.” Copia clicked his tongue, his shoe tapping the pink rug. He had his hand on his hip and his eyes looking down on the two girls menacingly.
“But today I am very displeased with the two of you!” He exclaimed as he huffed. His hand gripped the magazine harder, the pages bunching up and almost ripping.
Cirrus and Cumulus were sitting on the floor of their shared room amongst what was left of a successful slumber party. The sisters of sin were already off to bed before Copia angrily knocked on the door and came to confront them.
“What were you thinking? Having such blasphemy?” Copia ranted, “And to be reading it amongst sisters of sin?”
Cirrus had taken it from Aether and mountains room while searching for a certain item. Her eyes lit up when she found it tucked away under mountains pillow, it smelt like both ghouls.
They had so much fun looking at each page with the siblings of sin at their sleepovers until it went missing one minute and then the other copia was there with it in his hand.
“We’re sorry papa.” Cumulus guiltily apologized.
“The truth is…sodo placed it under our pillows and we didn’t know what to do.” Cirrus lied, she knew Sodo was just too good of a target to ignore.
Copia hummed, and he began flipping through the pages. “And how do these images make you feel, girls?” He asked with his rich voice.
Cumulus rubbed her thighs together at the question, “Good.” He breathed out.
Cirrus took a deep breath, that heated feeling in her abdomen made her chest feel cold. She puffed up some, making her breasts more visible, “wet.”
“I see.” Copia examined the ghoulettes with his one white eye, “I suppose, since you told the truth, you deserve a reward.”
The two girls looked at each other before looking back at Copia.
“Both of you, take off your clothes and give me your panties,” Copia instructed firmly as he took off his belt.
Cumulus followed, she took off her lace bra and her silky red panties. She folded them nicely before Copia took them and shoved them into his pocket.
Cirrus discarded her baby doll lingerie before she handed him the black lace panties that joined the other pair.
Copia admired both of their naked forms with a smirk, he took off his pants and button-up before letting his cock bob up at the tension.
Cirrus blushed, she kept her thighs close together to hide the seeping heat.
Cumulus gripped her plush thighs, unable to think straight.
“Let your cardinal see those pink pussys hmm?” He said as he got to his knees in front of the girls.
They shared a lustful glance before both ghoulettes spread their legs wide for him.
“Mm, yes this will do nicely.” He said as he took a gloved hand to slide up both of their wet cunts.
Cumulus whimpered as his middle finger sunk into her tight heat. Then Cirrus shared the same energy as her tight hole was prodded at.
“C-Cardinal.” The girls whined as he added another finger and began thrusting in and out of their wet holes quickly.
His two fingers glazed over their tight squishy walls as they brushed against their cervix. His thumb trailed up to push down on their aching clits. The hood pushed back against their groin at the friction. Their soft trimmed hair smoothed over his soaking-wet gloves.
The man started quickening his pace as he watched their breasts bounce with every push on their body.
Cumulus clenched on his two fingers, hot liquid squirting out of her cunt. It made a beautiful scene as it painted his glove with white glossy female cum.
Cirrus watched in agony, her orgasm washing over her as he fingered her.
The room was almost foggy with hot breath as Copia took off his gloves. He laid them to the side as he grabbed his erection and started grinding it against the ghoulettes cheek.
“Did that magazine make you realize how powerless and small you are?” Copia chimed as his tip pushed against Cumulus’s lips.
The girl nodded, her clit twitching. “I needed someone….some.” She tried to speak before Copia cut her off by shoving his thick girth deep into her wet cavern. “An alpha? Someone to ease those pitiful mating calls?” He answered her.
Cirrus crawled above cumulus and Copia began lapping up the arousal dripping from her cunt.
Both girls shrieked.
Cumulus wrapped her long forked tongue around his base before using it to jerk his cock off in her mouth.
Copias lips wrapped around her clit, and he sucked on it harshly until she was squirming around. He then used his hands to spread her gaping hole, he kissed her opening before thrusting his tongue inside.
Cumulus licked the tip of his cock before she softly gagged as he pushed it deeper down her throat. His tip was a little passed the back of her throat as her mouth was full of his cock. She felt his heavy balls against her chin, and his strong cologne filled her senses as her nose met his bushy hair.
Cirrus bit her lip, and Copia's tongue went back to her clit as it circled the hard bud. His tongue danced with her clit as he used his two fingers to push back her hood.
Her hands buried themselves in his slicked-back hair as her thighs met his cheeks. “I’m so close.” She mumbled.
Cumulus licked up his length again before his tip released his hot sperm down her throat. She struggled to breathe until he leaned back. She sucked on his cock, milking every drop of that much-needed arousal. When Copia pulled out of her mouth, his erection let a few more drops spill onto her soft cheeks.
Cirrus gasped as she felt her second orgasm spasm across her body. Her cum was quickly licked up by Copia as he swallowed it with a smile, “My good girl's pussy, always so delicious.” He grinned, arousal slicking up his mustache and sideburns.
Copia leaned back, grabbed his base, and tapped it against Cumulus’s lips one more time as more droplets of cum coated her pink lips.
“Does your cunt still need more pleasure?” He growled into her ear as he licked up her neck, “Or do you still need a male to mate you?”
Cumulus shook her head, she whimpered at the sound of his voice.
Copia groaned, “My sweet angels, always so good for their master. No magazine can ease that burden of heat, can it?”
“My sweet innocent angels.”
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"Big Time Battle of the Bands", Chapter 4: Big Time Villa
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Somewhere in Los Angeles, a luxurious villa basked impressively in the evening glow. Palm trees, trimmed azaleas, and boxwoods lined its edges.
A limousine rolled up the brick driveway and slowed beside the hawk-shaped marble fountain. The hawk's massive wings were spread dauntingly, a steady torrent gushing from its yawing beak.
Its human counterpart stepped out of the vehicle. "Now then, chicks, let's get settled for the night, shall we? Right this way." Hawk said. The girls grabbed their luggage and followed him out of the limo.
Jessica looked overjoyed. "So, uh, you like...live here, huh?" she jabbered as her bubblegum pink bag trundled behind her.
Hawk didn't seem irritated by her enthusiasm. He turned to her with a smile. "Well, yes. I must say, the views are a plus. You know Harry Potter, right?" he suddenly asked.
When she nodded, he gestured over the hedges at one of the other huge houses. "His actor resides over there. Got an entire room filled with props from the Wizarding World. Saw it with my own eyes."
He left her standing there in awe. Chloe went to pass her, but Jessica clutched her arm. "This is really it, Chloe. I've finally hit the jackpot, I just know it!" 
Chloe gave an amused chuckle and patted her friend's hand. "Chill, Jess. You don't want to scare him off with your big dream."
"Okay, ladies!" Hawk announced once they'd reached the door. "Wait until you see my humble abo—" He stopped, patting his pockets with growing franticness.
"Darn!" he growled.
"What's wrong?" Chloe asked, concerned.
He looked apologetic. "I am terribly sorry, but I seem to have forgotten my keys." They groaned in sympathy.
Hawk sighed and smiled reassuredly. "Have no fear, chicks. My driver happens to have an extra key." He started back towards the limo.
Jessica abruptly put her hands on Elena's shoulders and pushed her forward. "Wait, Mr. Hawk! Elena can unlock stuff! I've seen her do it a couple times before." she said hastily.
Under the dim outdoor lights, Elena blushed hotly. "J-Jess? Wha...what are you d-doing?" 
Jessica reached into her purse and retrieved two bobby pins. "Look, we need to prove that we're more than just a bunch of pretty faces. Now, show him what you've got, girl." she whispered, pressing the pins into Elena's hand.
Chloe patted her back, saying, "You've got this, Elena. A door is a door, right?"
Elena took a deep, nervous breath. She knelt down, jiggling the bobby pins in the lock. After about thirty seconds, the door opened. The other girls cheered. She smiled sheepishly.
Once Hawk had pushed aside the heavy wood, the girls released their luggage handles in wonder.
Laid out in front of them was an exquisite living space unlike any they'd ever seen. An immaculate wood floor, two elegantly curved staircases, sophisticated fixtures...the place had it all.
"Wow...nice." Chloe gasped, taking in everything.
"This place rocks!" Mikee exclaimed. She plopped onto a big silver sofa.
Jessica's amber eyes sparkled. "Ooh...check out this piano!" She sat on the bench in front of the gleaming black instrument. A jazzy tune reverberated through the halls as her fingers worked the keys. Hawk smiled as he watched.
Elena motioned the rest of the group to the back windows. They lingered there, absorbing the countless dots of light and tall buildings. One thing in particular stood out: the Hollywood Sign, which shone proudly in the distance. Jessica gave a long, dreamy sigh.
Hawk leaned against a column. "I assume you all like it?"
"Uh, duh!" Jessica laughed.
"Just think: One day, you will have a place just like this."
"That would be amazing...I mean, I already can’t believe how lucky I am!" she effused.
While their backs were still turned, he smiled slyly. "Nor can I..."
Picture source
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thewidowsghost · 1 year
Seeing the Beauty (Piper McLean x Fem!Reader) - Chapter 6
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(Y/n)’s eyes snap open and she sits bolt upright. Her dream had felt so real, and yet, so distant and strange that it couldn’t possibly be true.
“Hey, you okay?” (Y/n) looks over to find Piper sitting by her bedside, her eyebrows furrowed with worry.
“What?” (Y/n) replies, drawing her knees up to her chest. “Yeah.”
Piper frowns, looking more worried.
“I -” (Y/n) bites her lip, trying to hold back her tears. From everything she’d heard about behind a half-blood, her dream was probably really true. Then she turns to study Piper. “Where’s Leo and Jason?”
“Leo’s with his cabinmates, and Jason is with Annabeth,” Piper replies.
(Y/n) nods distractedly before she meets Piper’s kaleidoscope gaze again, “Are you okay?” she asks. “You passed out.”
“Mhm,” Piper replies. “Rachel got possessed by Hera and gave me a death mission - free her from a prison.”
“You won’t have to do it alone,” (Y/n) replies, trying to comfort her friend, but her words seem to make Piper sadder.
Piper looks like she wants to say something, but she is interrupted by the sound of a conch horn.
“Dinner?” (Y/n) asks.
“You slept through it,” Piper replies. “I think it's time for the campfire.”
. . .
The whole campfire idea freaks Piper out. It makes her think of the huge purple bonfire in her dreams, and her father tied to a steak.
What Piper gets instead is almost as terrifying: a sing-along. The amphitheater steps are carved into the side of a hill, facing a stone-lined fire pit. Fifty or sixty kids fill the rows, clustered into groups under various banners.
(Y/n) spots Annabeth up front, next to Jason. Leo is nearby, sitting with a bunch of burly-looking campers under a steel gray banner emblazoned with a hammer. Standing in front of the fire, half a dozen campers with guitars and strange old-fashioned harps - lyres? - are jumping around, leading a song about pieces of armor, something about how their grandmothers got dressed for war. Everything is singing with them and making gestures for the pieces of armor and joking around.
This is quite possibly the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen, Piper thinks. This is totally one of those campfire songs that would’ve been embarrassing in daylight, but in the dark, with everybody participating, it’s kinda corny and fun. As the energy level gets higher, the flames do as well, turning from red to orange to gold.
Finally, the song ends with rowdy applause. A guy on a horse trots up; at least in the flickering light, Piper thinks the guy is on a horse, and then she realizes that he’s a centaur - a white stallion on the bottom half, and the top is a middle-aged buy with curly hair and a trimmed beard. He brandished a spear impaled with toasted marshmallows. “Very nice! And a special welcome to our new arrivals. I am Chiron, camp activities director, and I’m happy you have all arrived here alive and with most of your limbs attached. In a moment, I promise we’|l get to the s’mores, but first -”
“What about capture the flag?” somebody yells; grumbling breaks out among some kids in armor, sitting under a red banner with the emblem of a boar’s head.
“Yes,” the centaur says. “I know the Ares Cabin is anxious to return to the woods for our regular games.”
“And kill people!” one of them shouts.
“That might not be good for anybody’s health,” (Y/n) says, and she blinks with surprise to realize she’d spoken aloud, but then she laughs nervously while the other campers laugh at her joke.
(Y/n) glances over, meeting Piper’s gaze, smiling confusedly, and then she shrugs.
“However,” Chiron says, once everyone stops laughing, “until the dragon is brought under control, that won’t be possible. Cabin Nine, anything to report on that?”
Chiron turns to Leo’s group. Leo winks at Piper and shoots her with a finger gun. The girl next to him stands uncomfortably. She’s wearing an army jacket a lot like Leo’s, with her hair covered in a red bandanna. “We’re working on it.”
More grumbling.
“How, Nyssa?” an Ares kid demands.
“Really hard,” the girl replies. Nyssa sits down to a lot of yelling and complaining, which causes the fire to sputter chaotically. Chiron stamps his hoof against the fire pit stones - bang, bang, bang - and the campers fall silent.
“We will have to be patient,” Chiron says. “In the meantime, we have more pressing matters to discuss.”
“Percy?” someone asks. The fire dims even further, but Piper doesn’t need the mood flames to sense the crowd to sense the crowd’s anxiety.
Chiron gestures to Annabeth. She takes a deep breath and stands.
“I didn’t find Percy,” she announces. Her voice catches a little when she says his name. “He wasn’t at the Grand Canyon like I thought. But we’re not giving up. We’ve got teams everywhere. Grover, Tyson, Nico, the Hunters of Artemis - everyone’s out looking. We will find him. Chiron’s talking about something different. A new quest.”
“It’s the Great Prophecy, isn’t it?” a girl calls out.
Everyone turns. The voice had come from a group in back, sitting under a rose-colored banner with a dove emblem. They’d been chatting among themselves and not paying much attention until their leader stood up: Drew.
Everyone else looks surprised. Apparently Drew didn’t address the crowd very often.
“Drew?” Annabeth replies. “What do you mean?”
“Well, come on.” Drew spreads her hands like the truth was obvious. “Olympus is closed. Both Percy and (Y/n) disappeared. Hera sends you a vision and you come back with three new demigods in one day and (Y/n). I mean, something weird is going on. The Great Prophecy has started, right?”
Piper whispers to Rachel, “What’s she talking about - the Great Prophecy?”
Then Piper realizes that everyone else is looking at Rachel, too.
“Well?” Drew calls down. “You’re the oracle. Has it started or not?”
(Y/n)’s eyes glaze over.
Nico runs in from the street, and his face tells (Y/n) that something is wrong.
“It’s Rachel,” he says. “I just ran into her down on 32nd Street.”
Annabeth frowns. “What’s she done this time?”
"It's where she's gone," Nico replies. "I told her she would die if she tried, but she insisted. She just took Blackjack and -"
“Die?” (Y/n) echoes. “She took Blackjack?”
Nico nods. "She's heading to Half-Blood Hill. She said she had to get to camp."
. . .
“What was she thinking?” Annabeth says as they run for the river. Unfortunately, (Y/n) has a pretty good idea, and it fills her with dread.
The traffic is terrible. Everyone is out on the streets, gawking at the war zone damage. Police sirens wail on every block. There was no possibility of catching a cab, and the pegasi had flown away. (Y/n) would've settled for some Party Ponies, but they had disappeared along with most of the root beer in Midtown. So they run, pushing through mobs of dazed mortals that clog the sidewalks.
“She’ll never get through the defenses,” Annabeth says. “Peleus will eat her.”
(Y/n) hadn’t considered that. The Mist wouldn’t fool her girlfriend like it would most people. She’d be able to find Camp no problem, but (Y/n) had been hoping that the magical barriers would just keep Rachel out - like a forcefield. It hadn’t occurred to her that the dragon might eat her.
“We have to hurry,” Percy says, catching the worried look on his twin sister’s face. “I don’t suppose you could conjure up some skeleton horses.”
The Son of Hades wheezes as he runs. “So tired . . . couldn’t summon a dog bone.”
Finally, the demigods scramble over the embankment to the shore, and (Y/n) lets out a loud whistle, but she hates doing it. Even with the sand dollar she and Percy had given the East River for a magical cleaning, the water here is still polluted. (Y/n) didn’t want to make any sea animals sick, but they came to her call.
Four wake lines appear in the gray water, and a pod of hippocampi break the surface. They whinny unhappily, shaking the river muck from their manes. They are beautiful creatures, with multicolored fish tails, and the heads and forelegs of white stallions. The hippocampus in front is much bigger than the others - a ride fit for a Cyclops.
"Rainbow!" I called. "How's it going, buddy?"
He neighs a complaint.
"Yeah, I'm sorry," (Y/n) replies. "But it's an emergency. We need to get to camp."
He snorts.
"Tyson?" Percy says. "Tyson is fine! I'm sorry he's not here. He's a big general now in the Cyclops
"Yeah, I'm sure he'll still bring you apples. Now, about that ride . . ."
In no time, Annabeth, Nico, Percy and (Y/n) are zipping up the East River faster than jet skis. They speed under the Throgs Neck Bridge and head for Long Island Sound.
. . .
It seems like forever to (Y/n) until they see the beach at camp. The demigods thank the hippocampi and wade ashore, only to find Argus waiting for them. He is standing in the sand with his arms crossed, his hundred eyes glaring at them.
“Is she here?” (Y/n) asks, worried for her girlfriend’s safety. Argus nods grimly.
“Is everything okay?�� Annabeth says; Argus shakes his head.
The four demigods follow Argus up the trail. It’s surreal being back at camp. Nothing’s burning. No wounded fighters, (Y/n) thinks. The cabins are bright in the sunlight, and the fields glitter with dew. But the camp is empty.
Up at the Big House, the demigods notice something is obviously wrong. Green light is shooting out all the windows, just as (Y/n) had seen in her dream about May Castellan. Mist - the magical kind - swirls around the yard. Chiron lies on a horse-sized stretcher by the volleyball pit, a bunch of satyrs standing around him.
Blackjack canters nervously in the grass. Don’t blame me, boss! The pegasus pleads when he sees (Y/n). Your girl made me do it!
Rachel Elizabeth Dare stands at the bottom of the porch stairs. Her arms are raised, like she is waiting for someone inside the house to throw her a ball.
“What’s she doing?” Annabeth demands. “How did she get past the barriers?”
"She flew," one of the satyrs says, looking accusingly at Blackjack. "Right past the dragon, right through the magic boundaries."
"Rachel!” (Y/n) calls, but the satyrs stop her when she tries to go any closer.
"(Y/n), don't," Chiron warns. He winces as he tries to move. His left arm is in a sling, his two back legs are in splints, and his head is wrapped in bandages. "You can't interrupt."
"I thought you explained things to her!"
"I did. And I invited her here."
(Y/n) stares at him in disbelief. "You said you'd never let anyone try again! You said —"
"I know what I said, (Y/n). But I was wrong. Rachel had a vision about the curse of Hades. She believes it may be lifted now. She convinced me she deserves a chance."
"And if the curse isn't lifted? If Hades hasn't gotten to that yet, she'll go crazy!"
The Mist swirls around Rachel. She shivers like she is going into shock.
"Hey!" (Y/n) shouts. "Stop!"
(Y/n) runs towards her, ignoring the satyrs. She gets within ten feet and hits something like an invisible beach ball; bounces back and lands in the grass.
Rachel opens her eyes and turns. She looks like she was sleepwalking — like she could see (Y/n), but only in a dream.
"It's all right." Her voice sounds far away. "This is why I've come."
"You'll be destroyed!"
She shakes her head. "This is where I belong, (Y/n). I finally understand why."
It sounded too much like what May Castellan had said. I have to stop her, but (Y/n) can’t even get to her feet.
The house rumbles. The door flies open and green light pours out. (Y/n) recognizes the warm musty smell of snakes.
Mist curls into a hundred smoky serpents, slithering up the porch columns, curling around the house.
And then the Oracle appears in the doorway.
The withered mummy shuffles forward in her rainbow dress. She looks even worse than usual, her hair was falling out in clumps, and leathery skin was cracking like the seat of a worn-out bus. Her glassy eyes stare blankly into space, but (Y/n) gets the creepiest feeling she was being drawn straight towards Rachel.
Rachel holds out her arms. She doesn’t look scared. "You've waited too long," Rachel says. "But I'm here now."
The sun blazes more brightly. A man appears above the porch, floating in the air — a blond dude in a white toga, with sunglasses and a cocky smile.
"Apollo," (Y/n) murmurs.
He winks at her but holds up his finger to his lips.
"Rachel Elizabeth Dare," he says. "You have the gift of prophecy. But it is also a curse. Are you sure you want this?"
Rachel nods. "It's my destiny."
"Do you accept the risks?"
"I do."
"Then proceed," the god says.
Rachel closes her eyes. "I accept this role. I pledge myself to Apollo, God of Oracles. I open my eyes to the future and embrace the past. I accept the spirit of Delphi, Voice of the Gods, Speaker of Riddles, Seer of Fate."
(Y/n) doesn’t know where she is getting the words, but they flow out of her as the Mist thickens. A green column of smoke, like a huge python, uncoils from the mummy's mouth and slithers down the stairs, curling affectionately around Rachel's feet. The Oracle's mummy crumbles, falling away until it was nothing but a pile of dust in an old tie-dyed dress. Mist envelopes Rachel in a column.
For a moment (Y/n) can’t see her at all. Then the smoke clears.
Rachel collapses and curls into the fetal position. Annabeth, Nico, Percy, and (Y/n) rush forward, but Apollo says, "Stop! This is the most delicate part."
"What's going on?" (Y/n) demands. "What do you mean?"
Apollo studies Rachel with concern. "Either the spirit takes hold, or it doesn't."
"And if it doesn't?" Annabeth asks.
"Five syllables," Apollo replies, counting them on his fingers. "That would be real bad."
Despite Apollo's warning, (Y/n) runs forward and kneels over Rachel. The smell of the attic is gone. The Mist sinks into the ground and the green light fades. But Rachel is still pale. She is barely breathing.
Then her eyes flutter open. She focuses on (Y/n) with difficulty. "(Y/n)."
"Are you okay?"
She tries to sit up. “Ow,” she presses her hands to her temples.
“Rachel,” Nico says, “your life aura almost faded completely. I could see you dying.”
“I’m all right,” she murmurs in reply. “Please help me up. The visions – they’re a little disorienting.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?” (Y/n) asks.
Apollo drifts down from the porch. “Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce the new Oracle of Delphi.”
“You’re kidding,” Annabeth says.
Rachel manages a weak smile. “It’s a little surprising to me too, but this is my fate. I saw it when I was in New York. I know why I was born with true sight. I was meant to become the Oracle.”
(Y/n) blinks. “You mean, you can tell the future now?”
“Not all the time,” she replies. “But there are visions, words in my mind. When someone asks me a question, I . . . Oh no –”
“It’s starting,” Apollo announces.
Rachel doubles over like someone had punched her. Then she stands straight up and her eyes glow serpent green.
When she speaks, her voice sounds tripled – like three Rachels are talking at once:
(Y/n) snaps back to the present and says: “Seven half-bloods shall answer the call. To storm or fire the world must fall –”
Jason shoots to his feet. His eyes are wild, like he’d just been tasered.
Rachel seems caught off guard – but her friend’s outburst and Jason’s jump to his feet. “J-jason?” she says. “What’s –”
“Ut cum spiritu postrema sacramentum dejuremus, ” he chants. “Et hostes ornamenta addent ad ianuam necem.”
An uneasy silence settles on the group. Piper can see from their faces that several of them are trying to translate the lines. She can tell it’s Latin.
“An oath to keep with a final breath. And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death.” (Y/n) finishes.
“You just . . .” Rachel glances between the two demigods, “finished the known part of the prophecy.”
“Known?” (Y/n) questions, and Rachel nods reluctantly.
“Last night, I had a vision, revealing the final lines of the prophecy. It went like this: Child of the Sea will accompany the Seven. And drop into endless darkness.”
(Y/n) meets her ex-girlfriend’s gaze and can tell from the look in her eyes that Rachel thought that that part of the prophecy was about her.
“We hoped that the prophecy wouldn’t be starting for a few years, but I fear it’s starting now. I can’t give you proof. It’s just a feeling. And like Drew said, some weird stuff is happening. The seven - plus the ‘Child of the Sea’ - whoever they are, have not been fathered yet. I have the feeling some of them are here tonight. Some are not.
The campers begin to stir and mutter, looking at each other nervously, until a drowsy voice in the crowd calls out, “I’m here! Oh . . . were you calling roll?”
“Go back to sleep, Clovis,” someone yells, and a lot of people laugh.
“Anyway,” Rachel continues, “we don’t know what the Great Prophecy means. We don’t know what challenge the demigods will face, but since the first Great Prophecy predicted the Titan War, we can guess the second Great Prophecy will predict something at least that bad.”
“Or worse,” Chiron murmurs. Maybe he didn’t mean for everyone to hear, but they did. The campfire immediately turns dark purple, just like Piper’s dream.
(Y/n), who had turned to murmur a question to Piper, sees the terrified look in the demigod’s eyes, and grabs her friend’s hand, squeezing it gently.
“What we do know,” Rachel says, getting the attention of the campers again, “is that the first phase has begun. A major problem has arisen, and we need a quest to solve it. Hera, the Queen of the Gods, has been taken.”
Shocked silence. Then fifty demigods start talking at once.
Chiron pounds his hoof again, but Rachel still has to wait before she can get their attention.
She tells the other demigods about the incident on the Grand Canyon skywalk – how Gleeson Hedge had sacrificed himself when the storm spirits attacked, and how the spirits had warned that it was only the beginning. They apparently served some great mistress who would destroy all demigods. Then she tells them about Piper passing out in Hera’s cabin. Piper tries to keep a calm expression, even when she notices Drew in the back row, pantomiming a faint, and her friends giggling. Finally, Rachel tells them about Jason’s vision in the Big House. The message Hera had delivered there was so similar that Piper gets a chill. The only difference: Hera had warned Piper not to betray her: Bow to his will, and their king shall rise, dooming us all. Hera knew about the giant’s threat. But if that was true, Piper wonders, why hadn’t she warned Jason, and exposed me as an enemy agent?
“Jason,” Rachel says. “Um . . . do you remember your last name?”
The blonde looks self-conscious, but he shakes his head.
“We’ll just call you Jason, then,” Rachel says. “It’s clear Hera herself has issued you a quest.” She pauses, as if giving Jason a chance to protest his destiny. Everyone’s eyes are on him, yet he looks brave and determined, and (Y/n) admires the way he sets his jaw and nods. “You must save Hera to prevent a great evil,” Rachel continues. “Some sort of king from rising. For reasons we don’t yet understand, it must happen by the winter solstice, only four days from now.
“That’s the council day of the gods,” Annabeth says. “If the gods don’t already know Hera’s gone, they will definitely notice her absence by then. They’ll probably break out fighting, accusing each other of taking her. That’s what they usually do.”
The winter solstice,” Chiron speaks up, “is also the time of greatest darkness. The gods gather that day, as mortals always have, because there is strength in numbers. The solstice is a day when evil magic is strong. Ancient magic, older than the gods. It is a day when things . . . stir.”
The way he sounds it sounds absolutely sinister.
“Okay,” Annabeth says, glaring at the centaur. “Thank you, Captain Sunshine. Whatever’s going on, I agree with Rachel. Jason has been chosen to lead this quest, so –”
“Why hasn’t he been claimed?” somebody from the Ares cabin yells. “If he’s so important –”
“He has been claimed,” Chiron announces. “Long ago. Jason, give them a demonstration.”
Word Count: 3531 words
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ax-y10 · 1 year
I Overheard (That She Was Nineteen)
Chapter 1 (Next)
Meaning of the song:
A/n: I wrote this at 2am don't blame my sleepy ass brain. I'm going to try to get chapters out as quick as possible for everyone. This isn't the best of my writing, but don't blame my 2am brain.
Chapter info: Mentions of a harsh family (reader), Mentions of yelling, an alcoholic biological father, small detail of a poor biological family, hardly anything to worry about, lowercase intentional
Pronouns: Mainly You/Yours, mentions of They/Them
Masterlist: Series Masterlist:
you'd gone out for a while with a few of your friends, wanting to get out of your shitty family home for a bit, and catching a ride from one of your friends. little did you know that you would end up at a house in the snow and no way of finding yourself back at home.
you'd always struggled with your family. they never got along with you a and you never got along with them. they would blame you for things you never did and you would disappear for hours without them having a clue where you went. and doing this always meant you getting grounded for weeks on end, the easiest the punishments being used on a seemingly harmless doing. your dad was an alcoholic, always had been, and there was no way of changing his actions. your family was quite poor and you'd never had a problem with bullying, because you picked up work for a friend and gained your own money and bought your own things, so no one ever knew about the insides of your family.
and now you had found a rather tall man, a mop of curly brown hair stuck underneath a red beanie, chocolate brown eyes, a faded yellow sweater and a pair of black jeans. you could only guess he came from the family everyone in town talks about.
the sbi home. no one knew what ever happened there, but what was told, was always positive, leading people to believe they were a caring family. and that's what you thought at the moment.
the man had walked you to your home, dropped you off, and had invited you over to his family home for lunch the next day. but his experience wouldn't go unnoticed by his family at all.
"i overheard that they were nineteen. she's got a fake id and a nose ring," he'd spoke at the dinner table that night, and everyone seemed to agree that you were an absolutely amazing human being.
you'd arrived for lunch the next day, and who you assumed was the father opened the front door, holding his arm out behind him and letting you in. and this was the first glance you got inside the home.
it was fairly nice. the kitchen had an array of white and grey tiling throughout it, the living room had a wonderful beige carpet laid down and the dining room, in which you were currently standing, had a beautiful wooden floor. you couldn't help but relish in the coziness of this home.
over the period of lunch with the family, you'd learnt that the name of the man who had walked you home yesterday was william, or wilbur as he preferred. his younger brother who, on first glance, always wore a baseball tee, and had blonde hair in a similar style to wilbur's, was tommy, or theseus, as the eldest brother, techno, calls him. and techno, to you he was the nicest of the bunch. he had dusty pink hair, braided and perfected by his mother, or father, you didn't really know. he wore a cape and had an assortment of rings placed upon his fingers. techno was much more inviting to you than many of the others were. the fathers name was phil, or philza as his children called him. he had hair similar to techno's, just not as long, and more of a blonde. he wore a green and white striped bucket hat, and had a cape similar to techno's, but green. now you could see where techno got his sense of style from. and their mother, who's name you learnt was kristin from the brothers, wore a large, black hat, with a lace trimming. she wore a stunning black dress that fit her frame perfectly, and she looked like she was crafted from the heavens above. phil was a lucky man.
at the table, they had learnt that your family life was shitty, and was not the best for you. you had expressed this the best you could without getting emotional, only a few tears slipping down your face. the stories of the parents adopting one of tommy's friends, tubbo, or toby, was getting your hopes up far too high. but they'd decided that you would be a nice addition, as you got along really well with them, and had a sort of sibling connection with them already.
you were ecstatic to say the least, and phil had walked home with you to help pack your stuff and bring it back. the extent of your packing were a few necessities such as clothes, toiletries, and a few others. you wanted to leave as much behind as possible, as to not be reminded of such a time with your family, and you knew you would most likely be able to have more stuff there at the sbi home.
you unpacked fairly quickly, and learnt you had to share a room with techno, him having an extra bed and a larger space to fit two people. you were so delighted to find that out, already having the strongest bond with techno at this point in time. and it seemed he was happy as well. you'd already established territories with techno, and you'd brought a folding barrier so you could have privacy when doing stuff on your own.
and later on that night, everyone decided to throw a bit of smoke into the night to welcome you. they learnt more about you and you learnt plenty about them.
wilbur plays the guitar and is a musician at this point in time, tommy has a very close bond with tubbo, and has low blood pressure, and techno is an earlybird, which won't clash with either of your schedules.
and you got let in on a joke.
phil had sex with a samsung refrigerator and had his sons with it. wilbur had sex with a salmon and had a fox son named fundy, who you had yet to meet. and techno had voices who rattled his brain throughout everyday.
and as you fell asleep that night, techno having read his greek mythology book to lull you to sleep, you heard faint yelling, not sure in which tone.
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cellody · 2 years
FOREST & MORTALITY @daily-writing-challenge​
It had been a few months since Lance last did his flower picking in the deeper forest areas of Eversong Woods and beyond the small gardens decorating Silvermoon’s gate, so that was precisely what he’d set out to do. Little did he know he would also learn a lesson and be coerced into a bittersweet memory that kept him from gathering for weeks thereafter.
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None of the native species he came across caught him by surprise but he was not seeking anything unique to add to still life set-ups for painting practice nor encase in resin bookmarks; no, his peaceful wandering was, at least for today, meant only to gather those with scents that he could dry and make into a potpourri mix. It wasn’t until he’d made his round to the beach and began heading back that a particular group of wild calla earlier missed had his humming dwindle to a fade and ambling slow to a halt.
They were local and familiar to him… but not this far from the waterfalls where he was far more used to seeing them. Pollination or the migration of seeds on the wind must have worked hard to carry them out so near the terrestrial change from grass to sand. Charmed by such lucky little blossoms, he knelt before them and, as with all the others, cut a few with his knife-sized dagger from the lower stem. Never did he claim an entire group.
“Oh—no! No, wait!”
It was a good thing he wasn’t mid-cut or that blade might have added another nick to the pad of his thumb with how suddenly his back snapped straight to attention. He’d have assumed the young voice was hollering to someone else but he’d just walked down the path and knew he was the only soul here, so with rising, confused fear, he turned just in time to meet the wide eyes of a young girl he presumed must have been fresh out of grade school.
Their stares mirrored one another’s shock for an awkward two seconds before the situation’s weighty truth was proven to her by the small handful Lance had of those white flowers. A camera about her neck and clutched in her hands trembled once as she then bumbled, “Those were for my mama…” Then, her voice strained, “I planted them.”
Lance was an easy man to make blush but this was the first time in years he could ever recall instead feeling all the blood rush away from his face with the pale, cold realization of what he’d just done. That nervous pause from a moment prior returned for an even longer span of time wherein he forgot to breathe and clutched his free hand over a heart aching so deeply his subconscious feared a rising medical hiccup. “I,” he whispered, “am so… so sorry…”
She proved to be acting as strong as she could muster despite the obvious shine of tears starting to gather in her eyes. “It’s okay…” He did only take a couple from what could otherwise have been an entire bunch, but it was still not what she’d hoped to see when running here after class to take pictures of their newly-opened buds.
“No, it’s not,” he scolded himself, tone equally as tense whilst he tried not to let her own tears wheedle his. The trimmed wild calla were set in the grass so he could mercilessly fidget with the air in front of himself as though unsure whether or not he ought to offer the poor dear a hug. “Please, I… I must do something to make this right! I knew these were growing someplace different yet I stupidly thought nothing more of it—Light, umm…” His fingers continued to scramble about his own torso in the same manner his brain was overworking itself trying to hatch any and all ideas that might mend his sin. “—I could… do a small painting in their likeness, to mask their mortality, or… make a crown of them, or tie them together for you to keep and dry…”
“A crown?” Her words were piqued with a sniffle but of course any little girl would tag such a word with wonder. She did not seem as frantic or as bothered as this sheep-like stranger before her—those missing would grow back—but she wasn’t going to reject the possibility of getting to play princess, either.
A crown. Good, good, he could do this.
“It will take just a moment; the stems are coiled together, like so, and… eventually, they will create a crown for you. O-or a wreathe if you wished to keep and hang it.” The only reason Lance was able to speak with enough fluidity to not expose his lingering horror was because he was now focused upon the task that held the potential means of mending such a gut-heavy feeling.
As he maneuvered the stems through loops and tightened their braids, the yet-unnamed girl sat an arm’s length away from him, trusting enough to watch his process though cautious enough to not be so close to a stranger. It was another two minutes before he felt satisfied enough with the end result to gently hand over a crown of natural means, additional colors and shapes he’d picked on the earlier half of his walk added for both diversity and stability—much to her glee, of course, since it made the piece rainbow.
“It’s so pretty…” Her tears had long gone in lieu of anticipation well-met with something like this. Thankfully, too, because of her age, Lance was able to make use of what he had for a smaller size that settled above her brunette ponytail perfectly.
Lance feigned a smile. “Again, dear, I am sick with apology… I promise to never again take from these. I will even try my damnedest to guard them from afar as best and as often as I can so that no one else picks and no critter uses them as fodder.”
She remained so smitten that she’d forgotten to reply by the time he finally stood and noted another presence briskly walking up the path towards them. Another brunette, too. When they drew closer still, he recognized the girl’s features upon this approaching face, put two and two together, and practically melted on the spot with relief so profound it had all that neglected air rushing back into his lungs. Here, he thought she’d planted the flowers for her mother in memoriam, but… no, her parent was very much so alive.
“I should have known,” she huffed whilst setting a hand atop the child’s head. “I hope Graciel was not a bother to you, sir; she certainly keeps me on my toes, not waiting for me to pick her up… like she has been told.”
Ivory hair swayed with his shaking head. “On the contrary…”
Graciel peered up and back at her mother with a cheesy, interrupting grin. “—Look, mama!” The crown was hoisted skyward with a few bounces to emphasize something new. “He made it for me. See? Your flowers are in it, too.”
Twice did the mother blink. Such generosity and an eye for arranging… “Goodness. And did you say thank you?”
Manners. Well-practiced, Graciel wheeled back around to bestow upon Lance a curtsy as precious as she. “Thank you! I am glad you picked my flowers~”
She may have been—and he may even have given the mother a nice little moment to speak of for the next few hours—but the initial misconception that he’d taken from a makeshift grave’s bouquet harassed him for the rest of his gathering life.
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