#what if harry dreams about it
palin-tropos · 1 year
I do think it’s a little funny that people still fret about whether Harry and Kim can be “healthy” like first of all who cares the love is still there and second of all yes you can cultivate a healthy relationship with Kim right there in the game if you want to
The big misdirection in DE is how the game tells you over and over that Harry is unfixable because that’s his inner monologue of self hatred and you have to see outside the box and realize that recovery is very possible and the choices are right there
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labetalol · 2 years
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this scene in s1e3 when the team realizes dale is the most babygirl in the entire county
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57sfinest · 1 year
inland empire’s portrait is so good to me for reasons that are hard for me to articulate but like. you can interpret it as a lot of things. the shape of the head reminds me of a globe and while i know elysium is a flat world, obviously we still recognize “round” as The World Shape. and the splatter pattern inside is reminiscent of the shape of the insulinde isola- it’s a massive group of islands that joyce refers to as “the freckled face of god”. and the world as the head of the skill just reminds me of this dialogue:
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and the world as the head also makes sense because of a second thing i love: the head of the portrait is full of holes. it’s not just the splatter, there are big holes eaten into the pattern. maybe they’re meant to be the pale origins (like the 2mm hole) that are spreading across elysium. or maybe they’re meant to be the “holes in [harry’s] head” that he brings up with dros. 
but also, more morbidly, maybe it’s supposed to be bullet holes. inland always seems to have something to say when there’s a gun around:
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and between that and the splatter on the background, maybe it’s also a veiled reference to harry’s suicidal tendencies.
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sydmarch · 1 year
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been seeing this post on the dash a lot lately & the rest is history
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rewritingcanon · 7 months
james x alice really are an eldest child x eldest child couple like when it’s going good it’s going great but when its going rough its going DOWN
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tobe-sogolden · 3 months
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iliveilove · 8 months
Creativity is one of the attributes for Ravenclaw House so like what if instead of the cold and strict and smart Rowena Ravenclaw we all think of, she was more quirky and a 'think outside the box' type of person. Cause people forget than Creativity is also part of Ravenclaw House.
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Day 182: Delicate
The lovely prompter specifically requested "Delicate" by Taylor Swift as the prompt. I feel like @phoebe-delia is really the person I would entrust to crush prompts for her songs, but I will endeavor to do my best. This is rated M for implied sexual content.
Draco lit up a cigarette while he waited outside of the dingy muggle bar. It was a filthy habit, but one he couldn't seem to shake when he was going out to drink and to dance.
Or when his nerves were spiking (not that he'd ever confess to that). He didn't know why he always showed up early, it only ever served to make him more anxious, but some old habits died hard. Others, he thought as he glanced down at his muggle jeans and wide neck white tshirt, had died very easily indeed.
He looked up to see Harry approaching and he stole Draco's breath the way he always did. He had changed too. A lot. He'd grown into himself in the two years following the war, he was a few inches taller than Draco was now, his shoulders had broadened and filled in, and his hair was long enough to get swept up into a loose bun on top of his head. He wasn't sure how much of that was normal teenage growth and how much was a result of Harry getting bitten by a werewolf and turned.
Perhaps most importantly, though, he'd covered himself in tattoos. Flowers covered his arms (they all represented something, he'd confessed one night about four months into this thing between them, whatever it was), he had sets of footprints with little scrolls containing names that covered his biceps and his shoulders, a snitch tattooed behind one ear, a deathly hallows symbol on his ankle. There was a full moon with a wolfsbane flower on his rib cage, a black dog curled just below. Across his collarbones he had antlers woven through with lilies.
Seeing only a few peaking out at Draco from under his shirt was enough to make him itch with the desire to get Harry naked. Again.
"Hi," he replied, after taking a long drag of his cigarette to keep from seeming too over eager.
Harry took the cigarette from between Draco's fingers and wrapped his lips around it. And Draco was probably a little unhinged for finding it as incredibly hot as he did.
"How was your day?" he inquired lightly; it was always best to be polite, right?
Harry groaned and shook his head, "No rest for the weary."
"I believe the idiom is 'no rest for the wicked'."
"Is it, now?" Harry asked, grinning sharply as he dropped the cigarette to the sidewalk and ground it out with his boot before turning and pressing Draco back against the wall. "I suppose I could try to fit that description instead."
He laughed, tucking a loose curl behind Harry's ear and grabbing his band t-shirt with the other hand to draw him closer and kiss him once, "I really don't think you can."
Harry nipped at his jaw, teeth stinging before he soothed it with his tongue.
"See?" he said, "Can't even bite me properly."
"Draco," he growled in warning.
"Teasing," he said quickly, even though they probably both knew it wasn't entirely true. He'd tried to provoke Harry into turning him a few weeks after they'd gotten reacquainted. Harry had called him out on trying to piss off his dad. He hadn't been entirely wrong but he hadn't been entirely right either. There was something hot about the idea of turning with Harry, of spending full moons together, running through forests.
He hadn't said that, of course, because Harry would think he'd lost the plot completely.
"Let's go inside," he murmured, teeth scraping over Draco's jaw and neck, making Draco shudder and press his body against him. "Can I get you a drink?"
"Long Island?"
He nodded, chasing Harry's lips for just a moment, Harry hummed and kissed him back, lips moving against Draco's, tongue brushing over Draco's lips as he sought entrance. And Draco didn't think he'd ever get over kissing Harry. Especially where other people could see them. It made his blood sing every time. His reputation was absolutely appalling and Harry kissing him in public always made him have the wild hope that Harry actually liked him.
When Draco pulled back a bit to catch his breath, Harry hummed, following him and kissing at his chin and jaw. “Find us a table to have our drinks at while I fetch them?”
“Fetch them,” he repeated with a laugh. “Just an overgrown dog.”
Harry shook his head but he was grinning like he couldn’t quite help himself. “You’re trouble.”
“You like it,” he teased, pressing his body against Harry’s even harder.
“Merlin help me, I do,” he groaned before pulling away and dragging Draco off the wall.
Once inside, Draco looked around and spotted an empty table off to the right and made his way over to it, casting a discreet (wandless) cleaning charm as he sat down. A few seconds later a thoroughly average looking bloke slid in across from him and gave him a grin, "'ello, luv," he said.
Draco gazed at him coolly, "I'm not interested."
"Aw, give us a try, first," he said, walking his fingers across the table toward Draco's hand.
He resisted the impulse to pull away and watched his progress. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."
At that, he covered Draco's hand with his own, "Why's that?"
"I'm not interested," he repeated.
"Come on-"
"I think he politely asked you not to fucking touch him," a voice growled behind them.
A chill stole up his spine at the possessive tone of Harry's voice, Draco smirked as the man spun to see Harry standing behind him with their drinks in hand. The man paled as he took in Harry's form and the barely concealed rage.
Harry set the drinks down on the table, "Get out of here," he said, voice low and dangerous as he leaned toward the other man, his body imposing. "Do not come back. Do not inflict your presence on people who do not desire it."
"I was only-"
"Do not lie," he said, nostrils flaring and lip curling in a snarl. "You reek of ill intentions."
He didn't seem to want to stick around to hear more about what Harry had to say, so he turned and fled the table, moving toward the door.
Harry stood unnaturally still as he watched him, waiting until the door closed before he slid into the chair the man had vacated.
"My hero," Draco tittered, fluttering his eyelashes.
Harry huffed a laugh, shaking his head at Draco, "fuck off."
He grinned and sipped his drink, and they drank in companionable silence for a few minutes, Harry's foot slowly tracing its way up and down Draco's shin.
When he finished his drink, he held out a hand and Harry threw back his second double of whiskey (his tolerance had gotten significantly higher once he'd been turned) before taking it and allowing Draco to pull him out onto the dance floor. Draco turned in his arms and kissed him as Harry wrapped his arms around him and pulled him in closer still, hips grinding slowly against Draco's.
He lost himself to the sway of Harry's hips, to the caress of his hands, the press of their bodies together. For his part, Harry seemed equally lost to the world, focused solely on Draco and their bodies. "Godric," he hummed, mouthing over the column of Draco's neck, "You're so-"
"Harry," he said, groaned really, as he tilted his head back and let the other man kiss and suck at his neck.
"-fucking gorgeous," Harry finished. "Want to get out of here?"
He nodded and Harry grabbed his hand, pulling him toward the door, he slammed Draco against the wall in the alleyway and kissed him until all of the muggles had disappeared.
"Hold on," Harry murmured against Draco's lips, grinning sharply before disapparating them back to Harry's flat. And Draco lost himself in Harry a little more until the two of them were too tired to stay awake any longer.
When Draco woke again, Harry wasn't in bed anymore and he must have been gone for a while, given that Draco was actually feeling kind of chilly. He stretched and let the last vestiges of his very hot dream about Harry fade away before climbing out of bed and pulling on one of Harry's flannel shirts.
He wandered toward the balcony and stepped through the door, Harry was staring out over the city, elbows leaning on the balcony railing.
"Hey," he said softly, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist and hooking his chin over his shoulder.
Harry tensed for a minute before consciously relaxing, rubbing his thumb over Draco's forearm.
"I was having the best dream," he murmured into Harry's neck.
The other man huffed a soft chuckle, "Oh?"
"Mmhmm," he hummed. "Remember that night you took me to Paris?"
Harry laughed, "Oh, that must have been a good dream."
He tucked his smile against Harry's bare shoulder, "Yes. You really do have a skilled mouth."
"I'm glad you think so," he murmured, turning his head to press a kiss to the side of Draco's head where it rested over his shoulder. "My mouth quite enjoys you." Harry went quiet again, mind drifting until it felt like he was miles away.
Draco swallowed and, not for the first time, wished that he could take some of Harry's burdens. Usually, he just ended up apparating away and leaving Harry to his thoughts, too uncertain about his place in the other man's life. "Do you ever dream of me?" he whispered before he could stop himself.
His breath caught and he froze for a minute, but before Draco could panic, he said, "Often."
Draco swallowed, too afraid to ask for more.
"Sometimes, in my dreams, they come after you," he said hoarsely.
And Draco wanted to ask who came after him, who was Harry protecting him from, even in his dreams.
"If you're not here when I wake up from those, it's-" he blew out a breath, shaking his head, "really hard not to apparate to your apartment to make sure you're still there."
"Sometimes," he continued over Draco, "Sometimes you're doing something ridiculously hot. And I wake up hard as a fucking rock."
He nodded, inordinately pleased. "Good."
Harry chuckled, "Sometimes," he added, "we just go out and do normal things. Go out for coffee, walk in the park, you know," he said with a shrug. "Once, you walked with me on a beach."
"A beach?" he asked, wanting Harry to paint the picture.
Nodding, Harry said, "The sun was just coming up over the water, it turned everything pink and orange. You were fucking radiant. Your hair a mess, big smile on your face, shirt buttoned crooked but you looked like a dream," he said with a laugh. "Like I just wanted to bottle you up, the way you were glowing and free." His hand squeezed Draco's arm, "Merlin, it took everything in me not to just take you away to some deserted island the next day."
Draco didn't know what to say, didn't know how to tell him that he would have let him. Didn't know how to say that he wanted that more than anything.
"Sometimes," Harry said slowly, like he was afraid of scaring Draco off, "you come to me in my dreams. You let me hold you and kiss you, let me make love to you. Slow and sweet." he murmured and Draco's heart felt like it had expanded until there wasn't any room left in his chest.
"You let me stare into your eyes until I'm lost in them," Harry continued, "until they're the only thing I can see. And all I can hear is the way you say my name. All I can feel is your body wrapped around me, drawing me in, holding me fast. All I can smell is your poncy cologne, and your aftershave, and your sweat. It makes me feel fucking feral," he said. "And I-" he dropped his head, suddenly breathing too hard.
Draco slipped a hand up his chest pressing it over his rib cage where he could feel his heart pounding wildly in his chest. "Hey," he whispered. "It's okay," he breathed, kissing the back of Harry's neck.
"The wolf takes over," Harry said then, voice devoid of all emotions. "And I bite you." He rested both hands on the railing again, leaning forward slightly like he was giving Draco permission to leave.
Draco pressed a kiss to his shoulder and wrapped his arms a little tighter around him, silently promising, I'm not going anywhere. "Then what?" he prompted lightly.
"Then what?" Harry parroted mockingly under his breath like it was inconceivable. "I fucking like it, alright?" he managed, like it tore him up. "Biting you, right in that tender spot where your neck meets your shoulder; the spot that drives you absolutely fucking wild when I suck at it."
There was a rather large bruise there at the present moment to prove that, actually, Draco couldn't help but think. He did love that and he loved it even more when Harry scraped his teeth over that spot when they were nearing the end. It invariably sent him over the edge.
"I love it," he said, like a confession. "Feeling the way you writhe under me, your soft flesh under my sharp fucking teeth. It feels so good." he managed, like feeling good was something that caused him physical pain.
"Okay," he whispered, not quite sure how to sooth him in this.
"I'm fucking marking you," he finally spit. "I'm claiming you, mating is what my pack would call it."
And Draco couldn't breathe properly for a moment, "Oh," he managed faintly because never could he have imagined a confession of this magnitude.
"So there you go," Harry said, voice tight. "You're sleeping with a fucking monster. Which maybe you already knew but-"
"Harry," he interrupted, suddenly realizing the extent to which the other man was spiraling after telling Draco all of that. "Hey," he repeated, ducking under his arm and slipping around Harry's body until he was standing in front of him, back against the balcony, with Harry's arms bracketing him in. "Hey," he whispered again, stroking one hand into Harry's hair and cupping his jaw with the other.
The other man refused to look at him, keeping his eyes firmly shut.
"Look at me," he requested.
He shook his head and Draco watched a tear track down his cheek.
"You're not a monster."
A broken sob shook out of Harry's chest.
"Oh," he whispered, pulling his head down until it was tucked into Draco's neck. He realized belatedly that it was the exact spot that Harry'd just confessed to dreaming about moments before. "You're not a monster," he repeated.
"Draco," he groaned raggedly, "I could hurt you."
"You think that loving me could hurt me?" he asked. "Because that is all I hear when you talk about your dreams of me."
He pulled back, affronted, "Did you not hear the part where I literally went for your throat? With my teeth?"
"Did you not hear the part where you said that I was in ecstasy while you made love to me?" he asked. "While you bit me?"
"Draco, I-"
"Is that why you always get so bent out of shape when I tell you I want you to bite me?" he demanded. "Not because you don't want to spend your life tied to me, but because you do?"
Harry pulled away completely, turning away from Draco and heading back inside.
"Hey!" he said. "Harry, we are not done with this conversation."
"I am," Harry replied as he stepped inside and made his way to the sink.
He followed him in, shutting the door behind them and crossing his arms over his chest. "I want that too."
"No you don't," he replied without missing a beat.
"You don't get to speak for me," he said, balling his hands into fists. "You don't get to decide-"
"It would turn you!" he exploded. "Do you not get that? It would ruin your life. It would ruin your friendships, your opportunities for work in the wizarding world. It would ostracize you."
"Gee, I wonder what that must be like," he said, raising an eyebrow.
He shook his head, "You don't want this."
Draco looked at Harry for a long moment, took in his defensive posture, the pleading in his eyes, hands clenched into fists. "When you say that I don't want this, do you actually mean that I don't want you?"
His face crumpled and he turned away, "How could you?"
"You," he said, stepping lightly across the room and moving so that he could see Harry's face once more, "are not a monster," he repeated. "I am not afraid of you. Your love is not going to hurt me."
"It's not just love," he said, "It's ownership, that's the wolf's drive, the desire to possess, to claim, to own. It's-"
"It goes both ways, you know," Draco interrupted. "I love you too," he said, brave as he could possibly manage to be in the light of the gift of Harry's honesty. "And not only do I want you to claim me, to see me as yours," he said because honestly, that idea was hotter than anything and sounded so permanent that Draco's entire heart melted into a puddle in his chest at the thought. "But I also want to hold your heart. I want to call you mine, for everyone to know that you are mine," he cupped Harry's cheek, "It's not just you. You aren't alone. And," he continued, "I don't have a wolf to blame it on. Just my own instincts." Then he gave Harry a little smirk, "Not yet at least."
Harry stared at him for long moments, absorbing what Draco had just said, "I can't make that decision right now. I'm too emotionally compromised."
"I'm not asking you to make any decisions right now," he said calmly. "I'm not expecting you to drag me to bed and mark me," he added, shuddering a bit at the thought, "Although, I wouldn't say no if you did-"
"The point," he continued, "is that all I want to do is make it clear to you that you are not alone."
He hummed and grasped the flaps of the flannel shirt Draco had borrowed, pulling him in closer, "not alone," he murmured softly.
"Not alone," Draco repeated, leaning up to steal a kiss. "Not anymore."
read more of my drabbles
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sadaveniren · 4 months
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If that is what you got from me making a post where I joke about how actual society off of the Internet isn’t going to crucify me or harass me for enjoying something perceived weird, and thinking differently than the average person, all while staying in my own lane (and this isn’t even talking about me expressing that a lot of this is - probably - because of autism meaning my brain is LITERALLY WIRED DIFFERENTLY BUT THATS OKAY) I genuinely question your compassion for people who are different than you.
I honestly do worry how you handle meeting someone who’s just a bit different than you. You must be someone who immediately bullies someone you think is weird, even if they have done nothing to you except have fun.
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yoharrysaidshe · 6 hours
Just had a wild ass dream that Mike Faist was in an art house musical (porn) film circa 1920s and the final dance number turned into a threesome between him and two other men(?) (the other one seemed like a very gender nonconforming drag performer and it's what drew in Mike's character and the gnc character clocked his tea bad that he wasn't as straight as he was trying to come off as lmao) and it ended up with mike showing his hairy hole to the camera and me rewinding it multiple times to review said hole in dream wow c'est la vie
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lookinghalfacorpse · 1 year
exposing my dsmp playlists.
dark, devastating, tipping into madness.  scraping your nails against obsidian walls.  not about a specific resident of pandora’s vault, but rather every character who’s been stuck there (mainly dream and sam).
no phone booths, lifelines, not today no one really offers help anyway no one’s there to save you from this place  -- (stay and decay, unlike pluto)
a clock is ticking, but it’s hidden far away (i could do most anything to you) safe and sound, safe and sound -- (a clock is ticking, snow patrol)
2. THE VAULT - ANGRY EDITION.  listen here.
vengeful, brutal, merciless.  angry tears rolling down your face.  also about pandora’s vault, but heavy metal this time.  lots of quackity vs dream, but still not about any characters in particular.  shorter playlist but each song goes hard.
alabaster walls surround me in a prison of my own design will i win my freedom if they kill me for wanting you -- (sickened, disturbed)
and i can see the fear in your eyes i’ve seen it materialize growing stronger each day -- (two weeks, all that remains)
3. OH FATHER TELL ME.  listen here.
dramatic, thunderous, and ambitious.  there’s smoke in your lungs, and you don’t know if it’s the explosion or your cigarette.  general dsmp vibes, moreso about the plot as a whole than any specific arc.  wilbur-heavy for some reason.
everybody knows that the dice are loaded everybody rolls with their fingers crossed everybody knows the war is over everybody knows the good guys lost -- (everybody knows, wild fire)
heaven, if you sent us down  so we can build a playground for the sinners to play as saints you’d be so proud of what we made -- (crossfire, stephen)
4. IN THE WILD ALL LESSONS LAST.  listen here.
melancholic, heavy-hearted, yet hopeful.  sobbing into the fur of a big white dog.  a collection of the songs i played on repeat while writing ‘in the wild all lessons last.’  not all of them make sense lyrically since i was mostly looking for the right vibe, but many of them do.
but you ain’t gonna make it if you don’t let someone in darlin’, darlin’, darlin’, why don’t you sleep at night? -- (darlin, houndmouth)
there’s a degree of difficulty in dealing with me from my haunted past comes the daunting task  of living through memories -- (little hell, city and colour)
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The Mirror of Desire
focus on the marauders
approx. 1100 words
“Oi, you two. Shut it, else Filch will hear.”
A mumbled reply of “Sorry, Prongs” and “Yeah yeah whatever” float from beneath the shimmering fabric of the invisibility cloak.
“Seriously lads, sometimes it’s like you hate each other or something.” Peter joins.
“Nah. Moony and I just like a good argument sometimes,” Sirius grins into the dark,“Isn’t that right Remus?”
Remus hums noncommittally and swats Sirius’ hand when he jabs him in the ribs, teasing.
James pauses and points down the hall, “Alright, I think it’s that way.” He pauses to look down at the map in his hands and leads them further into the pitch black.
"So, what exactly are we looking for?" Remus asks.
"You'll see." James replies mysteriously.
They turn at the end of the corridor and enter a seemingly empty room. At the back stands a tall object covered by a cloth. Once they are all inside and the door is closed, James throws the invisibility cloak off of them and marches straight at the mysterious object. He rips the cloth off with a flourish and gestures dramatically at what is uncovered.
“A mirror?” Pete seems confused.
“Not just any old mirror. The mirror of Erised,” James explains.
“Erised?” Remus questions. “Let me guess, it shows our deepest desires? Someone was being a funny bugger.”
James squints his eyes at Remus, “How did you know?”
“Prongs.. Erised is desire spelt backwards.”
James’ eyes widen behind his glasses and he smacks himself on the forehead. “Merlin, how did I not see that?”
“Not many people are as clever as our Moony. Don’t compare yourself to him James.” Sirius says earnestly and smiles when he sees the flush that has risen to Remus’ face at the compliment.
James clears his throat. “Alright who’s first?”
Pete steps forwards towards the mirror and squeaks at what he sees.
“What do you see Wormy?” Sirius asks.
Pete stares at the scene in the glass, him being lifted up onto the shoulders of his friends and paraded around the common room, everyone chanting his name.
“Oh, I see myself going to collect a trophy. I think it’s the international wizards chess championships.”
“Wicked” Sirius responds.
“I’d say that’s an achievable goal Pete. No one plays chess like you.” James encourages Peter. “Okay it’s my turn now.” James steps in front of the mirror, smiling in anticipation. His smiles fades and he swallows harshly as his deepest desire takes shape. He sees himself crouching down next to a toddler that resembles him almost perfectly; brown skin and unruly black hair coupled with warm brown eyes. Almost perfectly, save for the finer bone structure and delicate features. No, those come from the man standing behind him, hand on his shoulder. Regulus smiles down at their child and squeezes James’ shoulder lovingly. He joins him on the floor and leans in to kiss his jaw. James watches on longingly in a trance. He can almost feels the ghost of a kiss on his skin.
“Hello? Prongs, are you in there?”
James is snapped out of his trance and turns to face Remus. He looks at him kindly and asks what he saw.
James forces a sheepish grin onto his face and lies, “Evans and I have a kid. He’s got my eyes and her hair.”
Sirius groans good-naturedly and shoves James out of the way “Such a family man, you are.” He watches the mirror expectantly and flinches when an image forms. It’s him and his family. Regulus is there, arm around his big brothers shoulders, smiling. Sirius has never seen Regulus this happy. Their parents stand behind them, except something is different. They seem softer. Kind. They don’t look so harsh, as if they would never even consider hurting their children. Like they would do anything to stop that from happening. Tears spring to Sirius’ eyes and he swipes at them angrily. He takes a moment to compose himself and turns to face the group.
“I saw my family. My real family. Effie and Monte, and you Prongs.” Sirius ruffles James’ hair and gestures for Remus to take his place in front of the mirror.
Remus tentatively walks towards the glass and pauses. He watches as a full moon begins to peak out from behind clouds. He braces himself for the transformation but it never comes. He waits, but all he sees is a boy, unencumbered by the harsh realities of the world they live in. His face is free of scars and his eyes are bright.
Remus continues watching himself and says, “I see me. But I’m not a werewolf.” I look happy, he thinks.
Silence follows and Pete breaks it with an idea. “Do you think it would work if we all stood in front of it? Like would it show our collective group desire?” They all pause to think and James shrugs and says, “Well it couldn’t hurt to try.”
They all shuffle in front of the mirror and wait.
“Nothing’s changing,” Pete says.
“Patience, Wormy.” Sirius scolds.
They all stare, entranced, as the image in front of them begins to change. They watch themselves age. They grow taller, their faces mature, and they stand straighter.
“We’re getting old! Look! Sirius, you’re starting to get wrinkles!” Peter starts excitedly.
Normally, Sirius would bite back, but he was too busy watching as his older versions hand drifts closer to Remus’. He flicks his eyes to Remus to see that his gaze is fixated on that same region. Their hands meet in the middle, and young Remus looks up at Sirius to see that he is already watching him. Sirius blushes and looks away, going back to seeing himself age.
Remus stares at their hands joined in the mirror. He knows Sirius sees it too. The way his cheeks turned red when Remus caught him staring confirmed it. Remus’ heart begins beating harder as he flexes his fingers and slowly moves them across the space between him and Sirius.
James and Peter are still engrossed by their ageing selves and don’t notice when Sirius flinches and then slides his fingers between Remus’.
“I can’t believe our deepest desire is just to be old. That’s so boring.” Peter complains.
“Come on Petey, don’t be like that. We’re going to grow old together, isn’t that nice?” James argues.
“Yeah, I guess. But I still wish we saw something that would never happen, like us all being world famous quidditch players on the same team or something. That would be more exciting. Because we already know this is going to happen.”
“Yeah.” Remus says softly.
“I can’t wait to grow old with you,” Sirius speaks to them all, but his eyes are on Remus.
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snowfizzle · 1 year
The reason that the new Harry Potter series feels like such a gut punch is because the OG actors put down their entire childhood and young adulthood to act in the movies, they gave up a decade of their life just for them to make a remake only 10 years later. Yes, a reboot would be cool but maybe in 10-20 years, not now.
Although it does give us a chance to be able to act in the new show, which is atleast my personal biggest dream.
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librarisxng · 1 year
Q: What Hogwarts house are you in?
Live - Any house with Hermoine
Scott - Gryffindor
Cline - Slytherin
Ian - Hufflepuff
Cream - Slytherin
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palms-upturned · 2 years
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crybabyddl · 1 year
I had a dream I was at a harry styles concert and sza opened for him. SZA looked great and sounded great and even came up to me and I got to hug her and tell her how great the SOS album is. Then Harry came out and performed and he kept coming up to me and we were like flirting and then his stage crew gave me a mic because he was gonna like, talk to me after a song ended or something. Idk. But he basically made plans with me to hang out after the show and for some reason I was at his concert in Italy and so after the show, the people I was panicking like omg where am I supposed to take Harry so that it’s private but also a cool place so that he thinks I’m like cool and know the local italian spots. So I recruited the Italian people I was sitting with and they took me to this cute local restaurant bar place and we all hung out with Harry. He was kind of a dick though and kept being lowkey vague and would like disappear before he even finished his sentences. Idk. But he was lowkey mean to me but bc I am messed up I didn’t even mind and was even more desperate for his attention lol. I also was downing my drink bc of how nervous I was. Like Harry why would you want to hang out with me if you’re just gonna ignore me and make me feel bad about myself :(
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