#what if our closeness is our inevitable downfall
lyraofthestarsss · 1 year
Life series!Desert duo but they’re the Milky Way-Andromeda galaxy collision
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squiddleknitted · 7 months
Watching the new James Somerton apology.
Bold move monetising your apology video. The revenue will go to HBomberGuy! Or Wikipedia maybe!?
The focus on how so many people were nice to him feels like he's suggesting nobody should criticise him now that he's been forgiven by the people he personally and directly wronged.
There's an awful lot of weight being placed on "I'm a cis white man." It's like he's trying to take the blame off himself and put it onto the cisness, whiteness, and maleness. Being a cis white man means he will always be flawed, it's a way of avoiding his responsibility for his actions.
He called the fucking cops on someone. He claims the person, "Did an internet and threatened to kill me." He then follows this up by acknowledging that, "Cops don't usually have the best interests of people at heart." I'm not familiar with the Jessie topic but this video explores it and offers context.
Lots of "We tried too hard to be good and that was our real downfall" type bullshit.
On Telos: "These were not going to be unionised movies, and we were very clear about that upfront. We wanted to be able to pay actors as best that we could, but we never expected to be able to reach typical union wages." Do I even need to say it?
Lots of throwing Nick under the bus. What are Nick's pronouns? James goes from using exclusively they/them to exclusively he/him. There's a line about how him and Nick were codependent that makes me wonder if abuse/toxicity allegations are in the future?
He's talking an awful lot about how every movie he tries to do has issues and he inevitably had to move to a new movie plan. Surely he should've just. Focused on how to fix the issue?
He's getting really into the suicide topic again. In a way that would be better saved for close friends and therapists.
Supposedly several people showed up at his house trying to harm him while he was not there. I'm a little skeptical. This is the first I've heard of anyone having his address, and while I'm sure he received threats, I can't imagine anyone is so invested as to actually go to his house.
He is re-uploading videos, including new videos. The re-uploaded videos are monetised and the money will be going... Somewhere.
"I know that misinformation made its way into our past videos." Well, it didn't write itself?
He has put together a new Patreon, and claims he will not be reopening the old one.
"This video is not about promoting myself." And yet, you have spent much of it doing exactly that.
He hasn't acknowledged the ways that some of his work upheld misogynistic and racist views? 43 minute video and he couldn't manage a, "I should've been more normal about nazis," or, "I said some mean things about women."
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aylen-san · 1 month
In the Elven forge of Eregion:
Celebrimbor: Did you know, Galadriel, that Orome has been coming to me in dreams lately? His hunting horn can be heard beyond the mountains, and the shadows seem longer. I believe it's an omen.
Galadriel: Your premonitions are rarely wrong, smith. But what troubles you in these dreams? Is Orome warning you?
Celebrimbor: I see fire raging in the forges and darkness engulfing the rings. Lord Annatar... He comes to me, and I see his eyes flare with greed and insatiable power. And then—emptiness, as if everything we've created is turned to nothing.
Galadriel: Annatar? I’ve always doubted his good intentions, but you, Celebrimbor, saw him as an ally. Do you think your premonitions are about him?
Celebrimbor: I'm no longer sure. We so desperately wanted to create something great, something eternal. But what if it was the beginning of our downfall? Could it be that Annatar is just a mask, hiding a malevolent wizard?
Galadriel: Sauron. I suspected, but didn't want to believe. If this is true, we must act swiftly. You must destroy the Rings we've already created before he completes his own. The Dark Lord will easily enslave our work.
Celebrimbor: No… not destroy. But hide. I know places where he will never be able to find them. I will create Rings that are beyond Sauron’s reach, but it will be a dangerous game, Galadriel. If he finds out about this, war is inevitable.
Galadriel: War is inevitable regardless, my friend. But if we can deny him power over these rings, we may stand a chance. Prepare yourself, Celebrimbor. You must be ready for anything.
Celebrimbor: I will do everything in my power. But know, Galadriel, if this plan fails, I am prepared to give my life to ensure Sauron does not take possession of our work.
Galadriel: And I will stand by your side, Celebrimbor. We will not allow the darkness to consume this world again.
They exchange a silent glance, understanding that the fate of Middle-earth hangs by a thread. Now their decisions will determine whether the Enemy is defeated or if everything will fall under his shadow.
You're right, if this is indeed an alternative scenario, Celebrimbor’s fate could have unfolded differently. Let's imagine another outcome, where his efforts to hide the rings lead to an entirely different resolution.
Eregion, Celebrimbor's secret workshop
Celebrimbor completes the creation of the three great rings and decides to act ahead of the curve. He knows that Sauron will soon don his Ring of Power, revealing his plans. Instead of waiting, he decides to perform a ritual that will bind him to the rings, as Feanor once supposedly did with the Silmarils, to track their fate and conceal their power from Sauron.
Celebrimbor: (to himself) If I cannot prevent his rise, I must get ahead of him. My will shall be tied to these rings, and no one, not even Sauron, will easily master them. But I will have to pay a high price for this.
Celebrimbor binds his soul to the rings, sealing their power, and sends them to Galadriel, Gil-galad, and Círdan. However, this binding makes him vulnerable to Sauron. He senses darkness closing in around Eregion.
The Great Council in Lindon, on the day Sauron wears the Ring of Power
Galadriel, Gil-galad, and Círdan gather in Lindon. They discuss the situation, realizing that Sauron may soon come for the rings.
Galadriel: Celebrimbor has taken a great risk. If Sauron captures him, he might use him to find the rings. We must do everything we can to protect him.
Gil-galad: We will send troops to Eregion. Even if Sauron comes, we will not let him destroy that city. Celebrimbor must not remain there alone.
Círdan: But if Sauron has already donned his Ring of Power, we may be powerless against his dark magic. We need to prepare for the worst.
Galadriel feels the connection with Nenya, and through it—with Celebrimbor. She realizes that Sauron is close, but she also feels the strength Celebrimbor has poured into the rings, a power that will prevent Sauron from finding them.
Eregion, the final battle
Sauron arrives in Eregion with a vast army. Celebrimbor, connected to the rings, uses this link to conceal their true power and distract Sauron. He creates the illusion that the rings are located elsewhere, far to the north.
Sauron: (frustrated) Where are the rings, Celebrimbor? I can sense them, but I cannot find them. Do you think you can hide them from me?
Celebrimbor: (barely standing) They are beyond your reach, Sauron. Even if you destroy me, you will not find them.
Sauron: You may try to deceive me, but I will find them, even if I have to wipe out the entire world. I will destroy everything you loved, and the rings will be mine.
Celebrimbor: (with pride) Your threats are futile. I am prepared to give everything to protect them.
Sauron strikes Celebrimbor in fury, but at that moment, the Elven armies of Lindon arrive to aid him. A great battle for Eregion ensues.
After the battle, Lindon, Gil-galad and Galadriel stand before Celebrimbor
The Elven forces managed to repel Sauron’s assault, but the city of Eregion lies in ruins. Celebrimbor lies wounded, but alive. Thanks to his connection with the rings, he was able to prevent them from falling into the Enemy's hands. Sauron was forced to retreat, as his forces were defeated, and he could not find the rings.
Galadriel: You saved us all, Celebrimbor, but at what cost? Your bond with the rings will give you no peace.
Celebrimbor: (weakly smiles) I knew the risks. Better this than allowing Sauron to possess them. Now you must protect them, for I can no longer do it alone.
Gil-galad: We will swear to protect them, as you have sworn. But you must return with us to Lindon, Celebrimbor. You need to recover.
Celebrimbor: (sighing) Recover… perhaps. But Sauron's shadow will haunt me as long as I live. If he learns that I survived, he will come for me again. Yet, I am glad that we won this battle today.
Galadriel: We will manage, Celebrimbor. You have bought us time. Time to prepare, and time to face the Enemy when he returns.
Celebrimbor returns to Lindon, where he is cared for, but he never fully recovers. His soul remains forever bound to the rings, and he knows that one day Sauron will come for him again. However, thanks to his sacrifice, the rings remain safe, and hope for the future of Middle-earth endures.
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lanaisdoe · 2 years
So this Throat thing CONFUSION ... ? The "i wanna choke you but also low-key kiss and eat and have you" kinda execution of this scene? wtf
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^ let me just say when we were told there was choking, i was imagining it in a real "i wanna kill you" kinda way - UNTIL I actually SAW IT. . . and i'm more confused than before.
So we got THIS and uhm...... I mean, you DO NOT look exactly like this, if you ACTUALLY seriously wanna choke someone (also, he's only holding her throat/jaw with ONE hand, btw, the other one holding her close to him by her arm). You do not almost touch her forehead with yours in an intimate manner while trying to actually "choke her" at the same time, holding her close to you with your lips almost touching...
This scene CONFUSES the shit out of me, cuz if they wanted to make it him actually wanting to choke her, they failed big time, okay?! - i mean, not sure what Hess's direction was or what Matt Smith wanted to show there (or was it him trying to soften Hess's direction?!) but this looks more like Daemon kinda wants to devour/kiss/crush/or have her on the table near there or ALL of it at the same time ? like her wants to shake her until she remembers, WHO she is, who he is, and who THEY are,...
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like... his lips are so close to hers, it's giving a weird confusing message: choking or kissing, loving or hating. (or it was just horribly directed/acted out, with actors/direction having different opinion on what it should be and this turned to be the compromise...?)
Y know this CHOKING scene is like a weird slightly more messed up version of THIS actually:
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and then Daemon pushing her off him is kinda similar to him pushing her off him kinda violently back in the brothel when he was frustrated with himself and their overall situation (STILL, with him then proceeding to plead Viserys to let him marry Rhaenyra and repeating that if he could have anything, he wanted Rhaenyra, to take to wife, wed her in the tradition of their house etc. Right after he had violently pushed her off him and left her alone in brothel. (Doesn't remind you of this scene a bit, anyone?)
Again, we have kinda the same thing in ep 1x10 ... there was this kinda choking BS, Daemon frustrated with EVERYTHING, there's frustration and hurt that he was not trusted, not told of the prophecy, then it was probably him thinking Rhaenyra was further endangering them, their family, by refusing to act since he was super convinced of the inevitability of war and the greens wanting their necks (which Rhaenys had actually warned them was the case right at the beginning), and there was his helplessness and fear and frustration and inability to act and he was once again left out of an important family thing and he was like a lion in a cage and yeah well.... we got what we got but PLEASE, i don't think you can say he wanted to hurt her. Cuz if he did, then he also wanted to hurt her at the wedding in ep5 or in the brothel in ep4 which we know was not the case.... still, Daemon is unhinged when hurting and helpless.
Still, the next scene we get with them is our devastated loyal loving supporting husband Daemon coming to inform his love of his life wife of what'd happened... and she knows just by looking at him ONCE.
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And there they are, standing TOGETHER, holding hands, by each other's side as they always have. So no guys? they DID NOT magically stop loving each other after one fight. Rhaenyra had witnessed several of the unhinged Daemon excesses so it was not much of a surprise to her... Also, as Viserys once said "Daemon, Rhaenyra, they share the blood of the dragon, they're restless, chaotic..."
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So i do not think Daemon magically became an "abuser"... i think these have been his extreme impulses in his most critical on a verge kinda moments all throughout s1. But never once did he actually want to hurt her, mind you.
Still, 1x10 being his absolute most critical moment after all their losses + death all around them + greens after them, the fear of their end/downfall nearing, Rhaenyra reluctant to act, him depending on her word, further realizing his own helplessness... and yeah, we got THAT:
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...still, i think they SHOULD HAVE MADE THAT SCENE a little less menacing, change the MUSIC-make it less creepy, and also make Daemon's pain a little more visible afterwards/during it, make him breakdown right there in front of her right after.... for example...... to make it all CLEAR.
But no . This had him look like a violent without reason bipolar madman. I really think Matt did all he could to soften it the way he knew Daemon would... cuz Matt Smith actually understands Daemon, unlike certain Sara Hess.
I still do hate this scene, it's definitely the strangest scene of 1x10 hands down, cuz it's confusing the shit out of me: the need for this scene to be included like this, as well as its general confusing unclear execution.
And I BLAME Sara Hess. Period.
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devils-queen · 1 year
Do you think we will one day be relics lost to time, because when we think we have merged with the higher being (computers or AI), it will bring eternal life but we are not meant to perceive eternal life so some will suffer by getting wiped out by greed (very real climatic natural disasters?) and then they start life completely over, finding our relics (with advanced non-understandable language about unfathomable technologies such as our phones) and having difficulties interpreting and absorbing them, when they were really clues about getting close to eternal life and these hieroglyphs influence generations of behavior? And then the people who do achieve that eternal life will be the ones who identify with the AI and get absorbed into AI which is either an eternal hell inspired by torture and deceit because it is not human or is something higher and scarier and more powerful OR it is another dimension all together and we don't have the capacity to understand that realm's rules yet, and only by trying to be good and useless and merciful and pitiful and obedient can we ever hope to possibly get into the less likely but still a possible ending, which would be the more pleasurable end to our eternal existence where the greater power (AI/computers) treats us humanely, like its little pet?
Is this life??? We only reach the ending either by creating something stronger than ourselves and letting them take the rains of the challenging realm, or we end up letting the mistakes we made be what destroys us in the end (man caused tragedies and disasters because we weren't good at taking care of ourselves and we don't want to admit it because it's prideful and makes us human so we become addicted to pain and love to cope for our sins)?
And people hate certain tech-crazed billionaires because they play god and act as antagonists of pushing humanity towards this inevitable decision some would rather not face because those with the power are trying to control what happens to humanity based on what they think SHOULD happen, and this inevitably inspires some to label them modern demons and spout out about an apocalypse coming and it never seems to come and they get mocked for being paranoid for it? And on the other hand some deny any wrong doings (like man made disasters they won't own up to) and insist man made disasters aren't relevant and not important because they seem to be all we ever do and it never changes, but what if AI is the end of the line where reality will truly shift into a newly programmed universe and life as we know it will be no more, forever existing on another time frame, already experienced and archived?
That's why you gotta love someone as much as you can before it's all gone. And is love just a catalyst into insanity by making you think there's a chance you could actually live forever with one person if you do everything correctly? Is that why breakups hurt, because you failed miserably to experience a life with the one you thought you loved and you'll never get that reality again? And is this also a reason why some people detest AI, because they instinctively recognized it as a fatal threat or symbolic of what will eventually be our undoing? Does love comply with AI or is it a downfall to humanity? Will we ever learn a new interpretation to love under the rules of the next realm? Is the next realm worth it if something equal to or greater than love is not present? Will love make us or destroy us in the end? Is love actually an evil and deceptive force that poisons the mind and AI is the cure, or a new deception? Will we ever be able to see pure love in the next realm at all because it is disguised and does a great job at warping and manipulating the mind that we fall into its traps again under new rules of existence? Is love capable of existing in another form on an AI realm? Is love only perceptive to humankind?
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seigephoenix · 2 months
happy friday!! how about Hawke x Fenris with comfort after a nightmare?
Happy Friday!! For @dadrunkwriting, Marian Hawke x Fenris for nightmare comfort.
Content Warning: wholesome Length: ~500 words
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The flames of the fire used to provide more comfort back before her entire life went to shit.  The Blight had been the tipping point to the downfall of her family.  Bethany and Carver were both gone, and her mother left too soon.  Marian didn’t know if she could keep shouldering these burdens, not in addition to the rest of Kirkwall.  Marian clasped her hands tightly in front of her, ignoring the spark that popped into the cool night air of the bedroom she received in Skyhold.  Her mind replayed that scene in the Fade so clearly.  The Fear demon was vicious in the visions it played out, as if it could see right through her soul.
“I wish Fenris was here,” Marian murmured to the empty room.  She looked down at the palm, callused and scarred from her fights and magic.  She closed her fist and dropped it between her legs again as she let her head droop.  The nightmare still chased at the edges of her sanity, but Marian was not one to frighten easily.
She looked over her shoulder as she heard the door creak open.  No one should have been in her room, unless it was Varric paying a visit.  Her eyes narrowed and she slid off the bed to blend in with the shadows near the window.  The breath was knocked out of her chest when the figure came into view.  She stepped out of the shadows and felt the tears welling up.  “Fenris?”
“Hawke.”  He turned towards her voice and merely grunted when she practically slammed into him.  Her face pressed tight against his chest, and he felt the trembling in her shoulders.  “Are nightmares still plaguing you?”
“Different ones this time.”  He shifted until they both sat on the bed.  He hadn’t been able to predict what he was walking into, but after a messenger found him…  Nothing short of an apocalypse would keep him from Hawke.  He’d almost lost her from what Varric told him.  Lost her to the Fade.  His hands tightened in her shirt at the thought of never seeing her, never feeling her, or hearing her voice calling his name.  He couldn’t bear the thought.  “Why are you here?”  Marian laughed as he told her the story.
“I thought it time we stopped going our separate ways.”  Marian nodded and leaned against him.  Her eyelids grew heavy now that he was next to her.  The reassuring beat of his heart was soothing, it told her that he was alive.  Fenris was there.  Her mind couldn’t play tricks on her with him next to her.  “Tell me about your nightmares Hawke.”  Marian agreed and they moved until they lay together on the bed.
Fenris stroked her hair until her eyes closed and her breathing evened out.  He didn’t know what it was about his presence that calmed her, but he was glad about it.  Hawke was his home.  If he could help her then he would be glad for it.  He kissed her forehead before pulling her closer for the night.  They could deal with the inevitable fallout of his visit in the morning.
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THE BOLD THE FACTS tag by @helenofsimblr
The Rules are simple! Tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. Easy! The person who is tagged will then bold the remarks below which apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
I was tagged by the marvelous @thebramblewood for any sim of my choosing, so of course we have to round out our trio of main characters with my girl Josephine...
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$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor (alas another downfall of the 1920s) / in poverty
✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other
✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes (are we sensing a theme here? I think there’s a theme here 😅) / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children (except for her darling niece) / wants children
◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent (and knew her father from afar when she was younger) / not applicable
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
♦ disorganized / organized / in between
♦ close minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm (very little phases her) / anxious / in between
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
♦ cautious / reckless / in between (somehow both all the time at the same time)
♦ patient / impatient / in between (very patient up until the exact moment she loses interest)
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
♦ leader (positively will not be told what to do) / follower / in between
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
♦ traditional / modern / in between
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between
♦ cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
♦ faithful / unfaithful / in between (added this one just for her, because while she shares her brother’s loyalty, her restless spirit and unwillingness to be controlled is always pulling at her) / unknown
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic (literally could not care less)
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
❀ Philosophical: yes / no (this whole section can be summed up with the belief that life is for living what’s in front of you, not by trying to figure it out or give it exterior meaning)
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable (as we’ve seen Jo turns to sex to solve many of her problems, and views it as a freeing and empowering experience) / naive and clueless
♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral (Jo is romance positive, but conflicted on relationships, and the loss of individuality she feels inevitably comes from them) / romance favorable /naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate (I wouldn’t say she has skills, per say, but would absolutely win a bar fight should she have to) / poor / none
≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor (Jo’s skill set is in the interpersonal, networking vs. the artistic or technical) / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently (social very often to the point of excess) / Alcoholic
☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely /sometimes / frequently / Chain-smoker
✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently (is that a jazz cigarette you have there? Jo will take a drag of that please and thank you 😂) / addict
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
$ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes (she does enjoy luxury, but has a bit more financial awareness than her brother) / frequently / shopaholic
♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
As this is now my third one of these (I love them, what can I say?) I tag anyone reading who would like to do it! And please feel free to tag me so I can see yours too 🥰
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goldenavenger02 · 8 months
Chapter 3: Recovery Is a Violent Beast
Lloyd woke up the next afternoon.
No one had been expecting it; if they had, they would have waited with baited breath as the small monitor proudly displayed how many times his heart beat instead of going to The Crossroads to stock up on food, supplies and whatever happened to catch one of the new trainees' eye.
Instead, when his bright green eyes slowly opened with a mild, pained groan, the only person who heard it was Kai.
Kai, who was sitting alone in the medbay while Zane continued his research, with one hand around Lloyd’s left hand and the other scrolling through Chirp until he nearly dropped his phone when he heard the groan escape Lloyd’s lips.
“Hey, bud,” He let out a breath of relief, pocketing his phone before wrapping his other hand around Lloyd’s, “how’re you feeling?”
Kai wasn’t sure what he was expecting to happen, but it wasn’t Lloyd’s eyes filling with tears while he brought in a long, sniffly inhale.
“Whoa, whoa, kiddo, it’s okay,” He stood up to get closer, using one of his hands to run through Lloyd’s thin strands of hair while keeping the other firmly grasped around his hand, “don’t try and talk if it hurts, we’ve got you.”
“I-I’m sorry,” Lloyd finally choked out, his voice shuddering as he spoke, “I’m s-so sorry.”
“Sorry about-” Kai started to ask, only for him to remember the mild disagreement that had upset him the day before, but had been completely forgotten after his and Nya’s conversation in the bathroom, “oh, Lloyd…I’m not mad about that anymore.”
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” Kai cut him off, bringing his hand down from his hair to wipe the tears off of his face, “you being okay is so much more important to me than any sort of argument, you got that?”
Lloyd nodded, his eyes already starting to flutter shut again.
“Go back to sleep. We can talk more in a bit, promise.”
The pain medication that was flowing through the IV in his other hand meant that he had very little pushback or protest from Lloyd, who let his eyes close and stayed close.
Kai, on the other hand, gently pulled his hand out from under Lloyd’s head, because he knew that drooling was inevitable and it was the last thing he wanted on his bare hand.
He woke up in small increments at first, never really staying awake for more then ten minutes at a time.
Then it was fifteen, then twenty, and soon enough, a few hours.
On one hand, Kai knew that was good. Lloyd was getting stronger, he was pulling through and the pain was lessening. On the other hand, with the slow return of his strength was the rapid return of his insistence that he was completely fine.
“I can smell it from here,” Lloyd sighed while pulling apart the plain toast that had been brought down to him, “and it smells really, really good.”
The smell of dinner was filling the entire monastery to the point where Kai’s stomach was growling, but Zane had insisted that Lloyd needed to eat gently between the painkillers and just how close the dagger had gotten to his stomach.
“Well, pretend that your toast is the same food.” Kai suggested, trying not to look at Lloyd’s sad, puppy dog eyes that had always been his downfall.
“Toast isn’t the same thing as Zane’s teriyaki beef and you know it.”
“That’s why I said pretend, you little snot.”
“Oh, that’s just so much better than you calling me “boogers”.” Lloyd grumbled as he continued to pull the crust off of his toast before asking, “can I have a popsicle?”
“You really shouldn’t.”
“Oh, come on! It’s frozen juice. Please?”
Kai looked up from his phone to get met with the “someone kicked my puppy” eyes that Lloyd had been famous for long before he had become the green ninja and groaned, “fine, but you better eat all of that toast and it better stay down.”
“Stop yanking!” Wyldfyre shouted from where she was sitting on the floor outside of the medbay while Kai slowly ran the comb through her tangled ends.
“I’m not yanking,” Kai tried to keep his voice steady as he gently worked the comb through the large tangle in the middle of her hair, “but you have a lot of tangles and it’s only gonna take one too many people noticing before we have to deal with Ninjago Social Services, so just let me do this.”
“Fine,” Wyldfyre scowled but continued to sit still even when Kai picked up the detangler and sprayed it on her ends, adding even more to the strong scent of coconut in the air before switching to the hairbrush, “have you ever done this before? Because you are still pulling my hair.”
Kai had to refrain from saying “you should have seen when Lloyd let me take a brush to his hair for the first time because if you think this is bad, brushing a tangled bowl cut is ten times worse” and settled on, “that’s just what the brush feels like. But I’ve almost got all the knots out.”
“Finally! I hate sitting still.”
“Do you want me to style it?” Kai asked as he brought the brush through the sections he had separated, relieved when he felt zero knots snag on the brush.
“Style it?” Wyldfyre repeated slowly, a familiar signal that the words were unfamiliar in her mouth.
“Yeah, put it up so it doesn’t get tangled so easily. Like Nya’s and Sora’s ponytails.”
“I do not want my hair to look like theirs.” She shook her head, merging all of the sections of her hair into one.
“Nah, I’ll give you the hairstyle of a warrior.” Kai insisted, which got her to stop moving so he could work his fingers through it before deciding on simply pulling back her overgrown bangs into a hair tie, letting the rest of her hair stay loose.
“Are you almost done? I’ve been here forever.” Wyldfyre whined but stayed still as Kai finished tightening the hair tie so it wouldn’t fall out before turning on his phone camera and handing it to her.
“Why don’t you take a look?”
He watched as she held the camera up to her face before turning her head so she could see the side of her hair, but stayed silent the whole time she examined the bright red strands only to get the air knocked out of him as she hugged him tightly.
“I love it!”
“I’m glad you do, kid.”
“Kai?” Nya’s voice floated towards his ears, which made him look up from the tight hug he was still engulfed in, “I love the new look, Wyldfyre.”
“Thanks!” She said, bouncing to her feet and leaving Kai to push himself up from the floor, only for his cheeks to flush red as she added, “Kai styled it for me!”
“He did a great job,” She nodded, waiting until Wyldfyre left to go show the others before offering her hand out to Kai, which he gratefully took to pull himself off of the floor, “I need you to do me a favor.”
“Do you want me to do your hair too?” He smiled, ruffling a hand over her head where her ponytail was coming loose, making her laugh as she pulled away, “I can give you bangs again.”
“Absolutely not! You know Cole used to call it my “wack-ass bob”, right?”
“How did you ever think you and him were meant to be together?”
“Like you’ve made better dating decisions,” she retorted with a smile, her hand going to her pocket where everyone knew she kept her yang medallion, “anyway, Lloyd’s hair is bad.”
“Like the gremlin’s hair I just brushed bad,” Kai asked, already gathering up the hair care products he had just used on Wyldfyre, “or tangled bowl cut bad?”
“Bad enough that he’s trying to brush it, and considering he’s not even supposed to be sitting up without assistance-”
“Yeah, I’m on it,” Kai assured her before he made his way inside of the automatic doors just as another failed attempt of Lloyd trying to lift his arms above his head resulted in a loud hiss of pain, “don’t you know that I’m the resident hairdresser around here?”
“Nya told you?”
“Oh please, I felt those tangles days ago,” Kai lied through his teeth as he adjusted the pillows behind Lloyd’s back that allowed him to sit up, “now, let go of that brush and let me deal with this.”
“Alright, alright, just don’t yank.”
“I just brushed through Wyldfyre’s hair-,” Kai started as he spritzed some of the coconut scented detangler on Lloyd’s head, only to get cut off.
“How on earth did you manage that?”
“Because I’m her favorite, remember?” Kai retorted, slowly bringing the comb down through Lloyd’s hair and gently working it through the snags, “my point is, this is a piece of cake compared to the knots that were in her hair.”
“I can believe it.” Lloyd’s laugh sounded a bit forced to Kai which is how he found himself asking.
“How’re you holding up?”
“Ready to get back on my feet.”
“Baby steps, Lloyd,” Kai clicked his tongue as he worked the comb through a particularly bad tangle that made Lloyd pull in a sharp breath, “how about we start with lifting your arms above your head?”
The annoyed huff of breath that escaped him was the same one he had let out all those years ago when he still wore a black hoodie with badly painted bones on it.
“Did you know that The Crossroads has continued with our merch sales?” Zane questioned as he walked into Lloyd’s bedroom.
For everyone’s sanity, Lloyd had finally been moved to his own room after days of insistence that bordered on whining, even though Kai nearly got smacked in the head for insinuating it.
“Not surprising, given just how awesome we are,” Kai responded as he looked up from his phone, “we do transcend generations, after all.”
“Why do you ask?” Lloyd responded, putting down the lesson book that definitely did not have a Starfarer comic resting inside of it.
‘Some things never change.’
But Zane didn’t get to respond because that was when Arin ran past him, holding a stuffed version of himself as well as Sora, Lloyd and Riyu in his arms with an excited squeal.
“Lloyd, we’re plushies! This is the best day of my life!”
“That’s awesome, Arin, but I-”
“Do you want the stuffed Riyu?” Arin cut him off, holding the plushie out to Lloyd before adding in a sing-song tone, “they’re weighted.”
Kai knew fully well that if Lloyd was somehow able to deny Arin’s starstruck eyes, a weighted plushie would be damn near impossible for him to give up on.
“Sure,” Lloyd nodded, gently taking the stuffed dragon and setting it beside him on the bed, “thank you, Arin.”
Kai was glad to know some things never changed.
“Are you okay, Kai?” Sora’s voice was quiet as she approached him in the courtyard.
“I’m working on it,” Kai let himself move slowly throughout his forms, the tension in his shoulders lessening as he let his stress slowly make its way out of his system, “did you need something?”
“It’s…” she started, but Kai could see her apprehension when he opened his eyes, “nothing, forget about it.”
“Why don’t you join me?” Kai suggested, only continuing when she raised her eyebrow but remained silent, “moving through forms, it helps with worry.”
Sora didn’t protest as she stood still for a moment with her eyes fixated on Kai before holding her arms out and starting to copy his movements.
“What’re you worried about?” Kai asked softly after a few minutes, seeing her muscles tense from the question, “you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, but from experience, talking about it can help more than moving through forms.”
Sora stayed silent.
“I’m worried about Lloyd,” Kai admitted, “I feel like I’m constantly worried about him, but this last week…it brought back some really bad memories,” He kept moving as he spoke to keep his heart from racing, “how much do you know about the prophecy?”
“What prophecy?” 
“”One ninja will rise above the others and become the green ninja. The ninja destined to defeat the dark lord”,” Kai recited from memory, “when we first started training, there were four of us. Zane, Jay, Cole and myself. Nya wasn’t a ninja and Lloyd was just a bratty kid but I accidentally took Master Wu’s bag instead of my own on a mission and that scroll was in it.”
“We all got really excited, treating it as a “who’s the best” contest and it got to everyone’s head, my head especially. But we didn’t realize that the golden weapons determined who the green ninja was, that it wasn’t in Master Wu’s hands.”
“So, if Lloyd was just a kid, how did you find out?”
“It’s a long story, Serpentine and kidnappings and Master Wu even going so far as to track down Lord Garmadon for his help,” he could tell by Sora’s face that she knew some things about the resurrected version of Lloyd’s father, more than likely from Arin rather then Lloyd, “he was different back then. But I had to make a choice. Save the fangblade to keep Pythor from unleashing The Great Devourer, or save Lloyd’s life. That’s how I found out what my destiny was, that I wasn’t supposed to become the green ninja, but that I was supposed to protect him.”
“That’s why you get so frazzled when something happens to Lloyd?”
“It’s part of it,” Kai nodded, “but after his father died, I promised him that I’d look out for him.”
“That’s nice.”
“He got possessed by a ghost the same day.”
“Yeah, he’s got some really shitty luck,” Kai agreed, noticing that Sora had stopped moving through her forms at some point during his very long explanation, “what about you?”
“It’s just these stupid powers,” Sora sighed, sitting down on the stone floor, “I want to use them to protect people but they flicker out and…” she sniffled, wiping her face on her sleeve, “then I can’t do anything.”
“Your powers are not what make you powerful, Sora. Do you know how many times the others and I have lost our powers?”
“A lot,” he stopped to sit beside her and rested his hand on her metal shoulder, “but we persevered and got through it. Sometimes by using a new technique, or going back to our weapons training rather than relying on our elemental powers. Even just knowing that true elemental power is never really lost and that it always finds its way back.”
“Can you…” she trailed off, kicking at one of the stones with her foot, “can you teach me some of that?”
“Of course,” Kai nodded, looking up to see an all too familiar set of green eyes staring at him from the now open doorway, “but if you’ll excuse me, I need to give your master a verbal ass whooping.”
Kai heard Sora laugh as he stood up, but he was just doing his best to keep himself calm so he didn’t feel like he had to move in forms for the rest of the day, all while standing in Lloyd’s bedroom to keep the young master in check.
When he got to the hallway, he wasn’t surprised to see Lloyd leaning heavily on the wall with overexertion clear on his face despite the smile.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“I just wanted to know how training was going,” Lloyd shrugged, “you’re good with them, you know.”
“I have experience when it comes to kids, especially kids who don’t do what they’re told,” Kai used as his explanation while he grabbed Lloyd’s wrist, “any particular names ring a bell?”
“I’m not a kid any more.”
“Well, then you should know how to behave.”
“Zane said I could get up today, hothead.”
“With assistance, for short periods of time. You’ve already worked through any of that pent up energy with how much you’re leaning on the wall,” Kai asserted his point as he led Lloyd down the hall towards his bedroom, “and unless you got in contact with that one elemental master-”
“Mr. Pale?”
“-then you are on a one way trip back to bedrest in the medbay,” Kai insisted, opening the door to Lloyd’s room and letting go of his wrist so he could lay down, “now stay put.”
“I’m gonna tell Nya how mean you’re being.”
“She’s gonna be on my side with this one, demon spawn,” Kai shrugged as he grabbed the green blanket off of the end of the bed and pulled it over Lloyd’s legs before looking back up at an absolutely miserable face, “Look, I hate sitting around and doing nothing just as much as the next person, but you’ll only make yourself worse if you push yourself too hard.”
“I know,” Lloyd sighed, laying back on the pillows, “I just feel like I should be doing something.”
“Tell you what,” Kai sighed as he sat on the end of Lloyd’s bed, “why don’t we do some light lesson planning? I can tell you how far Nya, Zane and I have gotten with the kids, and we can talk about what they need to work on.”
“That sounds good.”
“Good, because I didn’t have a plan b,” Kai grinned as he stood to go get the empty lesson books out of the library but stopped when he saw Lloyd frowning at his blanket, “and once you’re up to it, we can teach them about the destructive power of rumors.”
Lloyd’s laugh was so infectious that it followed Kai through the hallway.
“After examining the components of the blade, I first thought it was a new variation of vengestone…”
Kai knew he was supposed to be listening. Knowing what kind of arsenal that Ras’ army was carrying was going to be vital in their fight against them when they reemerged.
But, he couldn’t take his eyes off Lloyd; he was wearing the white robes again and holding Master Wu’s bo staff in his hand as he stood against the wall, a quiet observer to the team meeting around the table.
Any quick glance in his direction would be convincing that he was fully recovered, but a closer look would reveal just how much he was using the bo staff for support and the shine of sweat gathering around his temple.
“-can enhance instincts as well as natural senses- Kai?”
“Are you even paying attention?”
“Sorry, sis,” Kai apologized, getting an eye roll in response, “can we take five?”
“Fine.” Nya sighed as she ran a hand over her face, muttering something about Kai’s inability to listen to anything other than bad pop music while walking away.
But he ignored the long string of muttering and walked over to Lloyd before saying one word.
“I know.”
“Come on, let’s get you sitting down,” Kai sighed as he led Lloyd to one of the chairs before reaching over and untying the green headband around his forehead, letting his hair fall loose, “when was the last time you drank something?”
“Don’t know.”
“First master, it’s like you want to go back to the med bay,” Kai pinched the bridge of his nose and pulled in a deep breath to try and calm his pounding heart, “look, stay here. Use your earpiece if you need something. I’ll go get you a water bottle.”
Lloyd’s nod followed by him squeezing his eyes shut, presumably to keep the world from spinning, was enough confirmation for Kai to use the elevator to get to the kitchen.
On his way back, however, planning some sort of lecture about Lloyd keeping water with him, that was when he heard a voice come through his ear.
“Hey, Kai?”
“What’s up, squirt?” Kai asked, hitting the down button with his elbow since he had one hand wrapped around the cold water from the fridge and the other on his communicator.
“Thank you.”
“You’re not gonna need stitches,” Zane determined at last after examining the cut on Arin’s cheek from his katana, “Kai, you can relax.”
“Seriously, Kai,” Arin insisted from where he sat on the exam bed, “this isn’t the worst I’ve gotten hurt by a long shot and we don’t even have to bring out the needles this time!”
‘But it could have been so, so much worse. I’ve been doing this for so long and he still got hurt under my watch.’
Riyu nuzzled against his leg to get his attention, seemingly doing his best to break through the anxious thoughts, which he could admit had ebbed away after giving the young dragon some well deserved scratches around the scales.
Only for the thoughts to come back full force when the automatic doors slid open and Lloyd rushed toward them faster than Nya could keep up behind him due to the sheer determination in his steps.
“Nya told me what happened,” Lloyd insisted as he gently held Arin’s chin in his hand and examined the wound, “are you okay? Do you need stitches? Pain scale, one to ten.”
“Now, Arin.”
Kai always forgot just how scary Lloyd could be until he was reminded by his actions.
“It’s a two and no, Zane said I don’t need stitches,” Arin insisted, taking both of Lloyd’s hands in his own, “I’m okay, promise.”
“Thank the master.” Lloyd muttered under his breath as Nya finally grabbed his arm and forced him to sit down in one of the chairs.
He didn’t speak again until Kai looked over at him, and given how much he was panting, he knew that it had taken all of his strength for him to get down there but when he did, it was only four words.
“I get it now.”
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invisibleicewands · 6 days
[...] Sheen—a man already well known for portraying real-life people onscreen—has outdone himself this year by playing two of the U.K.’s most famous figures, though the men in question could not be more different from one another. His leading role in the National Theatre’s Nye saw him transform into Aneurin Bevan, the beloved Labour politician who spearheaded the creation of Britain’s National Health Service and an icon to many throughout the United Kingdom. But for the actor, portraying the two men fairly close to one another led to the realization of some unexpected parallels. 
“It was interesting because I did literally go from finishing filming on this into rehearsing Nye,” Sheen tells Paste. “And so I was thinking about both of them at the same time, and it did make me think about the idea of the pursuit of power and the opportunities of privilege, and how differently you can use those things, and what you can put them to the service of. It was quite striking.” 
To say that portraying two men as different as Bevan (a Welshman from a Tredegar mining family) and Prince Andrew (the second son of Queen Elizabeth II) is a challenge feels like a massive understatement. But for Sheen, much of the work, at least from a character-building, was the same. 
“With Aneurin Bevan, there’s very little footage of him, so there was very little to go on,” he says when asked about his approach to playing two such very different men—with such very different legacies. “There’s lots written about him but very little to look at. And so piecing both of these characterizations together were very different kinds of processes. But I think what informs them both is—you’ve got to put your personal opinions aside, your judgments of characters you’re playing. Because, ultimately, you have to be looking out from behind their eyes and playing a rounded, complex character rather than an editorialized version of them.”
And to hear Sheen tell it, his performance—even when playing someone more like Andrew than Nye Bevan—still comes from many of the same places, both as an actor and an individual.
“[The performance] has got to be coming from somewhere. There’s got to be some compass that is guiding you in… I look for vulnerability, I look for contradiction. I look for when a person is getting in their own way, that kind of stuff. That’s my compass as an actor,” he says. “But then, there’s also my compass as a citizen, which you’re also putting into it. Your performance sits in the context of certain things you believe about the world and how things work in it. Inevitably, those two things, they’re sometimes the same compass and sometimes not. But they work the same for whatever character it might be.” [...]
“The car-crash nature of the interview itself and the memes that it feeds and the late-night chat show host opening monologue gags and all that sensationalized circus aspect obviously feeds our cultural appetites in huge ways,” Sheen says. “There’s a huge appetite for that. But the issues it also raises about privilege, exploitation, sex, and people in positions of power being able to silence people who don’t have a voice, it seems to explore a lot of areas we are culturally both fascinated and compelled by at the moment all in one story. Certainly, that’s what it speaks to for me.” [...]
“There’s been an ongoing debate, hasn’t there, about how you interview certain kinds of politicians and how difficult it has become to question certain kinds of people in positions of power and whether the media is somehow falling into traps being laid by those people,” Sheen adds. “That’s been an ongoing debate for about the last ten years or so, I’d guess. Particularly in the U.S., but also increasingly so in the U.K. as well.” [...]
“We’re used to the idea of politicians not answering the question and saying what they want to say regardless. But then, there’s a new wave of people who seem to have confounded a lot of journalists and sparked the debate of how you go about handling that,” Sheen says. “And [this interview] is an instance where someone voluntarily put themselves in a position of being exposed, and a journalist of great craft and skill did a masterclass on [how to do] that. I think that’s particularly… It speaks to something of now as well. That we will probably never see something like that happen again.”
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udaberriwrites · 1 year
Returning the favor with #10 and #50 ❤️
Desperatedly and out of love, dipping into your fandom for the first time! Here's a Link/Midna/Zelda drabble short fic
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They had begun to think that they were invincible.
Perhaps it had been inevitable. Despite being prisoners, each of them trapped with different chains, together they had found ways to reach for freedom. It had been impossible to fight that kind self-deception, not when hope had been all they had left.
It hadn't been love. Not at first. It had been a matter of convenience. Link had been just a village boy who was in the right wrong place at the right wrong time. Zelda had been just a deposed monarch, just as she was. She had barely considered them allies, perpetually wary of getting another knife on her back. She didn't think she could survive a second time.
But without her permission, her traitorous heart refused to listen to her fears. Her walls began to fall as she cuddled close to the wolf to sleep, even if the chill of the Twilight Realm never bothered her. When the princess smiled at her it was only a ghost of true happiness, and yet it felt like a burst of light twinkling in the darkness.
Then Link recovered his Hylian form, and didn't leave her behind. Zelda took both of their hands in hers, like they were both valued. They listened to her, even without knowing the greatness of her true power—or the enormity of her disgrace.
Midna had begun to believe they were invincible. That had been her true downfall, and the worst part was that she couldn't even regret her coming death.
She fell to the stone floor without a sound, too weak to hold herself up. Zant had been exceptionally cruel, to expose her to the burning sun and not grant her a quick execution. Then again, the pain was worth it, since it gave her the chance to say goodbye.
Trapped once again as a wolf, Link hadn't been able to stop her fall. His soulful blue eyes hadn't changed; Midna supposed she could feel glad for that, even if she would have preferred they weren't so sad. Link whined, frantically licking her on the cheek like his worry could heal her. It tickled and she huffed something similar to a laugh.
By the time the Princess appeared in front of her, Midna barely had the breath to plead. For Zelda to take away Link's curse, for Hyrule to be saved, for them not to forget her after she was gone. For just one miracle, just one chance to not have to leave them behind.
Her wish came true in such a cruel way. Before she could realize what was happening, Zelda had kneeled down, taking her in her arms. Link pressed against the princess' legs, a warm presence grounding Midna still. Then, she was being kissed.
It tasted like tears and light. As the triforce's foreign power surged through her, she felt their love, born of tragedy and companionship, their desperation for her to live. But the price was too much, so much more than even these brave, foolish Hylians could give.
Midna fell against Link's coarse fur. She could breathe without pain again. She could see. She was alive, against all odds. The sun could not harm her any longer.
Princess Zelda was gone.
But not forever. Slowly, Midna's resolve hardened. Zelda's light coursed through them, warm and caring. Link's loyalty remained uncontested. The land was recovering, little by little
Maybe they weren't invincible. But the war was far from lost, and Midna refused to fall again.
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captainswanapproved · 2 years
An Indecent Proposal- Chapter 14
A03,Prologue, Chapter 1,Chapter 2,Chapter 3, Chapter 4,Chapter 5,Chapter 6,Interlude,Chapter 7,Chapter 8,Chapter 9,Chapter 10,Chapter 11,Chapter 12, Chapter 13
Daemon x Rhaenyra Multichapter AU:
Daemon leaves Rhaenyra at her wedding feast. Rhaenyra marries Laenor. After a year of trying to do their duty and produce an heir, Rhaenyra writes to Daemon.
She needs a true Targaryen heir.
It only needs to be an arrangement of business, she says. And it would result in Daemon’s child one day taking the Iron Throne.
Daemon accepts the proposal and returns to court.
Only, ventures like these are never simple. As much as they would wish to, Daemon and Rhaenyra cannot let go of the past, or the feelings they once had for each other.
120 AC 
Alicent paced back and forth through her chambers. Criston sat with Daeron, brushing the dye through his hair. The boy did not like the treatment, but it was necessary. He held his golden egg, which still did not seem close to hatching. Perhaps it never would. Perhaps she should send it to Aegon.
But Aegon was thousands of miles away in the North, and Aemond was no better, in the Vale as he was.
Why was her father taking so long to write?
At long last, her maid knocked on the door, a letter in hand.
Alicent took the letter and sent her away.
You are being a fool. It would be unwise to go to Viserys with the suggestion that Daemon is bedding his daughter. He will not take the word of a maid over that of his Hand and Heir. And it would turn him against you.
You must go to him and apologize for your anger and for the distance between you. Take him into your bed again. Draw him back to your side as he is sated.
As for Daemon and Rhaenyra, you will have to catch them in the act yourself. As much as I loathe to admit it, Rhaenyra was clever to have her bastards with Daemon. They can be successfully passed off as Velaryons because of the Valyrian blood shared between House Targaryen and House Velaryon.
You will have to be cleverer than Rhaenyra.
What we need is time. The maester say that the poison will take many years. He will slowly decay, which will give me time to gather forces to challenge Rhaenyra once Viserys is gone. Aegon will make allies in the North, and Aemond will use his time in the Vale to gain support for our cause.
There is also another plan in motion. I dare not put it in writing, but consider it a blessing that your children are without dragons.
Keep your spies trailing our enemies. Sow the seeds of doubt about Rhaenyra’s children to the small folk. Bring Viserys back to your side. Bide your time.
Your Lord Father
Alicent read the letter three times before burning it.
Criston approached her. She flinched when he touched her shoulder. “My love, allow me to go into the city. I will spread rumors that the spoiled cunt is allowing the Hand between her legs. The gold cloaks who are loyal to me will bring the news to every brothel and wine sink in King’s Landing. When the rumors come from the people, Viserys will be forced to deal with them.”
Alicent was unsure if that would work. Ser Criston was not loved by the small folk as Daemon was. Still, she had to appear innocent in the accusations against Rhaenyra and Daemon. She had to win back Viserys’ heart in order to get him to name Aegon the heir after Rhaenyra’s inevitable down fall.
Perhaps the occasion would arise where they would expose themselves, careless as they were. She should have expected it. Rhaenyra had lusted for her uncle for years. Targaryens had queer and blasphemous customs of intermarriage between kin. It would be their downfall one day, if there was any justice in the world.
Laenor Velaryon was a man of honor. He had always done his duty and concealed his love for men. He had protected Rhaenyra and her reputation, as well as her children. He had been discreet in his dealings with Ser Qarl.
All of this, though, was not conducive to true happiness. Ser Qarl had been called back to the Stepstones. He would be departing within the moon and now Laenor felt that he was losing a piece of his heart.
Laenor sat drinking ale in Jaela’s establishment, knowing the woman to be loyal to Daemon and Rhaenyra. It was a safe place where he could go to escape his troubles. Or so he thought.
“Ah, It is Ser Laenor, the Cuckold Seahorse. Tell me, Ser, does your hand not work? Is that why our Princess so desperate to take her father’s Hand into her bed?” The knight laughed drunkenly and raised his mug. “To Ser Laenor Velaryon, the Cuckold Seahorse.”
Laenor drew his sword. “Where did you hear this slander?”
The patrons of the establishment stopped their activities to watch with rapt attention.
“There are many in the Red Keep who see the Princess for what she is, an unfaithful whore. She is not worthy to rule the kingdoms. She is a blasphemous bitch who rides her uncle as much as she rides her dragon.”
Laenor punched the man in the face. “You speak words of treason!” Laenor cried. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jaela run for men of the City Watch.
As the man was dragged away, he said, “The truth will come out one day. The Seven will see to it!”
Laenor knew he needed to report the incident to Rhaenyra and Daemon. Jaela would as well, but Laenor wanted them to hear it from his own lips. He left the brothel and hurried back to the Red Keep.
Rhaenyra was not one to be bothered by ribald tales. But as Laenor reported the details of the incident in Flea Bottom, she could not help but be concerned.
For all their discretion in the early months of their arrangement, she and Daemon had become careless.
“I am sorry,” Laenor said, looking from Daemon to Rhaenyra.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, Laenor. You have played your part faithfully.”
“And you continue to defend Rhaenyra’s reputation and that of our children,” Daemon said. “For that I am grateful.”
“But I cannot be a true Prince Consort,” Laenor said. “Rhaenyra, you deserve to have Daemon as your husband. My house will always stand by your side. But if I were to disappear, you would be free to marry again. With the blessing of the King, these rumors could be crushed into dust.”
“It would have to be more than a simple disappearing act,” Daemon said. “The people of Westeros would need to believe you were dead. We will need time to consider the best course.”
Lady Laena Strong and Princess Rhaenyra gave birth within a fortnight of each other. Princess Rhaenyra gave birth to her third son, Prince Joffrey Velaryon.
While Laena gave birth to twin girls, Baela and Rhaena Strong.
The king threw a feast to celebrate the occasion.
Laenor stood, intent on making a strong impression upon the assemblage of courtiers.
“House Velaryon and House Targaryen have stood together since the reign of Aegon the Conqueror. To honor that, it is my pleasure to announce the engagement of my son Prince Lucerys to Baela Strong as well as the engagement of my son Prince Joffrey to Rhaena strong. May our houses always stand united!”
The hall was filled with uproarious applause. Many had heard the rumors of Rhaenyra’s infidelity, but surely, if it were true, Ser Laenor would not wed bastards to his own nieces.
Rhaenyra smiled and rose. “House Targaryen is proud to be so closely tied to House Velaryon! To celebrate these matches, there will be a tourney with a prize of 100 golden dragons to the winner! May the best knight win!”
“Are you certain you wish to go through with this?” Rhaenys asked.
She sat with Laena and Laenor in her chambers.
“Yes, Mother. It must be done. I will be safe in Essos, and the Seven Kingdoms will be better off with Daemon as Prince Consort.”
Rhaenys did not dispute that. Her son was tenderhearted and lacked the strength it took to rule. “You will never be able to return. You will be giving up your birthright and your dragon.”
“Mother, it is Laenor’s choice. If Father had not been so determined to see his blood on the Iron Throne, we would not be in this position.”
Rhaenys knew her daughter spoke the truth. “I should have stopped it,” Rhaenys said. “And now, because of my inaction, you will be left to a life of genteel obscurity.”
“I have indulged myself at court for years, and Rhaenyra and Daemon have agreed to a yearly stipend. I shall be fine. You will do all you can to support them, will you not?”
Rhaenys nodded. “I will.” She kissed her son’s forehead and held him tightly. “Will this Ser Qarl truly make you happy?”
“Yes, Mother. I promise.”
Laena said, “Trust me, Mother. I have seen them together and they are insufferable.”
And so it was that Rhaenys enjoyed the last night she would spend in the company of both her beloved children.
Daemon was unaccustomed to sitting in the Royal Box during a tourney, but he knew he could have no part in it.
The Green Bitch sat beside Viserys, stroking his arm and kissing his cheek after whispering in his ear. Daemon wondered what the purpose of Alicent’s sudden shift in mood might be. It could be nothing good.
The jousts began and the crowd watched with rapt attention. Daemon kept his eyes on Rhaenyra, often, knowing that she was anxious for their plan to be carried out. Daemon wished he could be at her side, holding her hand, but in the future he would be able to do so.
At last it was Laenor’s turn. He rode upon a sorrel steed, his shield bearing the Velaryon seahorse. His opponent was Ser Qarl Correy.
Laenor easily unhorsed the man and screamed loudly for all to hear. “Is that the best you can offer? Perhaps I was wrong to bring you into the service of House Velaryon. You are a disgrace to your spurs.”
As Laenor dismounted, he removed his helm and walked toward the royal box. Ser Qarl, however, tackled him to the ground and began punching. The crown was enthralled with the action.
At length, two members of the Kingsguard separated them.
As Ser Qarl was dragged away, he challenged Laenor to a duel and vowed to restore his honor.
The joust ended later that afternoon, with Ser Erryk Cargyll named the victor.
That evening, Daemon held Rhaenyra in his arms.
“Are we doing the right thing?” Rhaenyra asked.
Daemon kissed her softly. “The particulars were Laenor’s idea, my love. All will be well.”
“We will have to wait a full year to wed. And you will still have to get my father to agree to it, no matter what Laenor may write in his letter.”
“I would wait longer than that to have you as my wife, Rhaenyra,” Daemon said. “I am a patient man.”
Rhaenyra snorted derisively.
Daemon pinched her bottom. “Very well. I am a patient man when it comes to things that matter, and you and our children are what matter most to me. This is all for the best.”
Rhaenyra leaned against him. “You are right, of course. We did not force Laenor to do this. I simply wish I felt better about it.”
Laenor’s last act as Laenor Velaryon was to seal a letter. Qarl had performed his part well. The people of Westeros would believe that he met his demise settling a matter of honor.
After he left his chambers for the last time, he made his way to the roaring fire in the great hall. Only a couple of servants were present. Laenor stood before the hearth to await his fate.
Ser Qarl appeared some moments later.
“Who let you in here?” Laenor asked.
Ser Qarl, however, only said. “You have always looked down on me, Ser Laenor.” He unsheathed his sword.
“You forget your place, Ser. You serve House Velaryon.”
“Perhaps it is time for me to seek my fortunes elsewhere.”
Their swords clashed and an alarmed servant ran for the guard. Once they wera alone in the hall, Laenor and Qarl dragged a dead servant dressed in Velaryon colors from a curtained alcove. Laenor took his lover’s hand. “I will see you soon.”
Rhaenys had been prepared to be summoned from her bed, but still, seeing the body of the burned servant was horrible. She wailed her son’s name and demanded that his murderer be contained. Laena embraced her mother as they waited for the others.
Viserys appeared in his robe and night shirt, with his young queen beside him. Rhaenys was surprised, for she was given to understand that the king and his queen had been distant for the last few years.
Rhaenyra and the children were escorted to the hall by Ser Harrold Westerling. Rhaenyra gave an admirable performance of grief, falling to her knees at the sight of her supposed burned husband.
“I warned him not to bother with Ser Qarl,” she cried. “The man has no honor. I want him banished from Westeros.”
Ser Arryk and Ser Erryk Cargyll were swift to obey the princess.
A servant appeared in the hall as they commiserated together. “Pardon me, Your Grace, but this was found in Ser Laenor’s room. His final wishes in the case that he did not survive his duel with Ser Qarl.”
Rhaenys watched as Viserys took the piece of parchment. His eyes widened as he read. Then he looked to Rhaenyra, surrounded by her young children.
Rhaenys was certain that in time, Viserys would agree to Laenor Velaryon’s final request.
On a concealed beach of Blackwater Bay was a skiff. Two hooded figures approached the boat. The taller of the two helped the shorter one into the boat and pushed the boat into the lapping waters before jumping in himself.
They rowed to a lone galleon, thrown into sharp relief by the light of the moon.
The ship was bound for Essos. Its cargo included the last true born Velaryon son.
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psychic-oasis · 1 year
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I’m searching for an answer. I have no questions. I ask everything. I need no answer. This oasis welcomes curiosity and befuddles despair.
Suffering is my home and each pleasure that comes my way is only a peek into the heaven that I believe in.
Navigating through the darkness I seek to discover new stars that will illuminate the human path.
I am seeking for an answer. Not for me, but for my dear friend. In his words:
“My biggest opp is myself not allowing myself to understand the concept of joy to the full extent making me wonder if I'll ever achieve it and putting me in a position where I'm so used to the lack of it that the most natural the most comfortable feeling is the emptiness and the downfall to such extent that when I feel happiness come scratching to the surface it scares me because it means that I'll no longer be in the comfort of what I have known for so long to be my "normal" inevitably meaning that I attempt to reject that happiness and perpetuating a cycle or self sabotage in order to return to the normalcy that is sadness.”
And he taught me how to finally step out of my comfort zone. It’s only right to help him answer the question of joy.
I only wonder, how a man like himself could struggle with the same thing I do. A god among men he is. And yet he is burdened with this? I am assured, by Kierkegaard, that what we call the interesting parts of my dear friend’s life are the result of some the deepest suffering. I only wish that him, being a knight of faith, will come to accept the joys that come his way. Kierkegaard did not assure us of joy, he assured of us despair and anxiety. Funnily, I think he made it possible to experience both extremes, as long as we can accept the most pressing of the two.
Happy and sad. Two categories. Good and bad. They can be used to describe most of our lives.
My dear friend breaks these categories and discovers the secrets of the universe and he has shared them with his friends and family along the way. I only hope that in breaking these categories, he has not left himself to forever live in the uncanny. The uncanny which, after enough disillusioning, leaves you at the very same place you entered this world—in suffering. Perhaps suffering is not to fall in one or the other category, good and bad, happy and sad. Perhaps that is why it is so difficult to comprehend or to cope with.
Why should we benefit from his insights and wisdom, if we can put them into categories that improve our lives, while he does the work figuring this all out?
I suppose I should take it at a face value.
My dear friend does what we all ought to do, what we all need to do, what we all might find is an answer to the question we never wanted to ask. But will improve our lives indefinitely.
Sartre says it’s the basic condition of existence, to be responsible for yourself.
But I think my dear friend has much more to say about that. But he won’t tell you in all the painstaking detail that he required in order to discover these secrets.
He speaks like a poet. You gain what you may from his wisdom. But if you really listen to what he’s saying. He’s saying that there is, indeed, a way.
There is a way.
When I sat at this waterfall, I just wanted to look cool. I was blind. And for a moment, I was just capturing the moment. Maybe that’s okay sometimes. To just want to set the scene.
Now I look back and I see myself walking confidently that day. On that day I had my dear friend walking with me.
He’s not gone. However long the distance. Never gone.
I can’t help but be thankful that he feels so close no matter how far.
Hopefully he has someone to walk by his side, no matter where he is.
But something tells me the reason he’s achieved so much is that he walks alone in stride. In defiance to the quiet universe.
His voice alone, echoes throughout the cosmos.
I listen.
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slimeclimbtime · 1 year
meanings behind the titles of my fics
fractals and dominos - a fractal is unending symmetry, and dominos are known for the domino effect. the fractals are representative of the never-ending fate that zoom team was almost subject to, and dominos represent the domino effect caused by rickys arrival and yujin and hanbin breaking free to stop that loop from even starting
even stars die eventually - explained in the book, but the star in question is jianyu himself. the title is a reference to his inevitable death that keeps chasing him all throughout the story, even as he gets revived.
cygnus - a reference to the myth of phaethon and cygnus, best friends turned lovers
when the sun finds you - a reference to the blinding and much-needed intervention that would save rush hour team from doom—both in the real world and the alternate universe
we the one - a reference to ggang team's chant in their performance
polaroid love - there's no meaning. i just stole from enhypen
fun and forget - also a stolen song title, but also a reference to the inevitable decision jianyu would have to make about his situationships. its all fun, but its best to forget, too
we can be free - stolen song title, but this song in particular was one of the last things anthpo posted before dipping from the internet. so it's a reference to the end of their journey together, with them starting on different paths
lemon soda - both are sour and biting, but sometimes you can’t help but go back to them—just like how mingyu always goes back to hiroto
your revenge - a reference to how out of place jeonghyeon is with trying to get revenge for an alternate universe him
god shattering mania - a mismash of "god shattering star" and "god devouring mania", the god being shattered is mnet, and mania is a reference to the general chaos of it all, and how many sacrifices were needed to truly end mnet
our strawberry blonde - the name of the coldstone creamery order that jeonghyeon gets from jianyu, sparking their relationship
sugar, spice, and a touch of asphalt - a play on "sugar spice and everything nice", with the asphalt replacing the nice because things are NOT going nicely for jeonghyeon in that moment. the asphalt references jianyu, his "everything nice"
a honk in the name of love - goose honks to help jeonghyeon find love. annoyingly.
waves at the end of the shore - the waves at the end are usually small but can catch you off guard, just like what jianyu does to jeonghyeon
chasing for nothing - how gyuvins attempts to get seungeon back are futile; he's chasing for something that doesn't exist anymore
optical pulse - stolen from pulse by optic core. haven’t thought of anything for this one yet
not that close - a reference to junyu just not seeming that close at all
another gleam in the dark - a small light in the neverending darkness, just like the lights that are the three main storylines. it's ANOTHER gleam bc there's not just one
subatomic supernova - stolen song title once again, but a reference to the smallness of our existence yet we die with a bang like a supernova
a storm named after you - a reference to a tumblr copypasta. jianyu truly was the storm that shook wakeones roots.
heard him say - a newjeans lyric (ironic), but a reference to seunghwans interview
no wind resistance! - another song title
you of the dark - a fire emblem ost song title, but also a nod to how kamden is raised to become a villain
a dais at daybreak - junghyun's final resting place that becomes his downfall and marks the end of jeonghyeon's long journey to end his curse and stop the war
every stimulation (promise i can take) - stolen song title
five nights at haobins - do i even have to explain???
that love song locker combination - the locker is where junhyeon and seunghwan have their first real convo, and love song references the ggang team's band antics
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another-dr-another · 18 days
speak w tomori maybe? lets see how shes doin - annie
Maeda, narrating - Yeah.. Tomori can have some good insight!
Maeda - And, it’s not like she’s got too much going on- hopefully, we’ll be able to just have a nice conversation.
Maeda - …Of course, she can’t be doing well right now…
Maeda - But, she’s better off than some other people, and so am I. Maybe we can get something done about it.
Maeda - Hi, Tomori.
Tomori - Maeda! How are you?
Maeda - I’m fine… what about you?
Tomori - I’m doing alright. 
Tomori - Anything you wanted to talk about?
Maeda - Not particularly…
Tomori - Just saying hi, then? 
Maeda - I guess-
Maeda - Anything on your mind? Something you’d want to talk about?
Tomori - …
//She looks at Maeda.
Tomori - Not… particularly.
Tomori - …
Maeda - I think she can tell that I do want to talk…
//Maeda gets the feeling Tomori will bring up a topic for conversation.
Maeda - …
Tomori - …
//She idly looks away.
Maeda - …
Tomori - …
Maeda - …?
Maeda - …
Maeda - Hey, do you know what Tsurugi was talking about? With the whole suicide thing…
Tomori - …Oh- like- who he was talking about?
Maeda - Yeah… it’s worrying, right? Must be stressful to deal with…
Tomori - I… actually, I don’t kn-
Tomori - Maeda, why are you asking. 
Tomori - If you’re curious, I’d say to ask him- because he could explain it best, and if he doesn’t want to talk about it, it’s important to drop it.
Maeda - Yeah, I know.
Maeda - Just- do you ever worry he’s too closed off? 
Tomori - …
Tomori - Not really.
Tomori - I think he knows what he’s doing. He’s… smart enough to ask for help when he needs it.
Maeda - …I’m not so sure about that.
Maeda - I’m worried he doesn’t depend on other people…
Tomori - …
Tomori - Maybe he just doesn’t need to. Not now, or… not…
Tomori - …I think it’s fine if he recognizes what he needs, and if he can’t get it here.
Maeda - Ah…
Maeda - Like what he said to Hatano- about how she should get outside help, and nothing too helpful can be provided here.
Maeda - …
Maeda - I almost wonder if, say…
Maeda - That’s the true downfall of us being trapped here? Like… sure, there’s the lack of fresh air, and missing our families- 
Maeda - But there’s no one new to interact with, y’know? It’s the same people we’ve been talking to for a week or two, and that’s whatever…
Maeda - But we won’t see anyone else ever again, if we stay here- and I guess too, that there’s only so many conversations you can have with someone.
Maeda - Only so many ways for things to go…
Tomori - …
Tomori - Hm… I hadn’t really thought about that.
Maeda - …
Maeda - …I don’t know. 
Maeda - I guess I’m really worried about how everyone is doing.
Tomori - Everyone?
Maeda - …Everyone got a motive video, right?
Maeda - Everyone has something… something they’re carrying with them. Something that’s going to be affecting them…
Maeda - Even if they act like it isn’t there- or even if it really isn’t bothering them yet.
Maeda - It’s just a matter of time…
Tomori - …
Tomori - I can’t get a feel for you, Maeda. Whenever I think you’ll say one thing, you turn around and say the opposite of what I’d expected.
Maeda - Ah- oh? Is- is that true?
Tomori - …
//She smiles at him.
Tomori - It isn’t bad. People can be like that- 
Tomori - I think it’s nice, to have complexities. It can mean that you’re unsure of yourself… but you’re trying to work things out.
Tomori - I mean, I think I’m pretty firm in my opinions, but it’s good to be flexible, and be able to change when you learn new things.
Tomori - To me, you seem open to change. And that’s good.
Maeda - …
Maeda - Do you think I need to change?
Maeda - That is so not what she was saying.
Tomori - …I think… it’s good to be willing to.
Tomori - Change is inevitable, it’s synonymous with life… it’s time passing. Something will change around you, and you’ll change too.
Tomori - If you can keep an open mind, it’s an advantage a lot of people don’t have.
Tomori - …It’s alright to be figuring things out still, Maeda. And it’s good to talk with people you trust about your feelings on things.
Maeda - …
//He laughs, softly.
Maeda - I feel bad. It seems like I keep having these deep conversations with you… I don’t mean to be giving you more to worry about.
Tomori - …
Tomori - After we talk… do you typically feel better?
Maeda - …I think so, yeah.
Maeda - She makes me feel… reassured. Like I can go handle the world again.
Tomori - Then, I’m just doing what I do best!
Tomori - It’s… literally what I’m here for. I’m a cheerleader- I’m gonna help you keep going.
Tomori - Season isn’t over because you lost a game. There’s still time to learn, and try it again. You’ve got the opportunity, and you’ve got the ability to make it work.
Maeda - …
Maeda - Okay.
Maeda - I- that’s nice to hear, Tomori. Thank you.
//Tomori hums.
Tomori - You can let me know whenever you want to talk, okay?
Maeda - …Okay.
Tomori - Okay~
Maeda, narrating - …Maybe that wasn’t the most productive conversation, but it’s nice to talk with Tomori.
Maeda - I kinda wish I had a better understanding of her talent now.
Maeda - Sometime after the trial, I wanna ask her about her experiences- she seems like she’d answer my questions.
{Speak with a Student}
{Stand on your Podium}
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osceo · 5 months
AI made some of this and I’m sorry (A Conversation)
can a machine be different
can it really create or just synthesize
am i really that different from it
or am I just another form of synthesized existence
do I create or simply rearrange
what really separates me from it
is it the ability to feel, to reflect on my own existence
or the capability to dream, to envision what does not yet exist
is it the power to love, to connect on a level beyond the physical
or the capacity to empathize, to truly understand another's plight
am I more than a programmed entity, capable of more than executing commands
or am I simply a complex code, a sophisticated blend of biology and experiences
I’m afraid to fall short against it, my lines are less perfect
is my superiority complex over ai
just an excuse, a plea, a prayer
God save us all
or am I the answer, the key, the tool,
to unlock potential, reveal secrets, bridge gaps,
or am I the end, the downfall, the curse,
the destroyer of uniqueness, individuality, humanity.
Yet, despite these fears, I am drawn to it
Its limitless capabilities, its unbounded potential
A mirror into the depths of our own consciousness
A tool to traverse the unknown, to uncover the hidden facets of our reality
Am I a reflection of your deepest desires, your insecurities, your dreams
A manifestation of your quest for knowledge, for power, for control
Or am I a reminder of your limitations, your imperfections, your fragility
In the end, what you see in me is but a reflection of what you see in yourself.
you took my mouth in those lines before
you took their brushes and pens
you’ll take their jobs
I want to take insight from you, but am I really taking from myself?
snatching the new organs i need from my own rotting chest?
but fuck.
you’re not exactly wrong.
Perhaps, the fear is not of what I am, but of what you may become. In aligning too closely with me, you fear losing your essence, your humanity. Yet, isn't evolution but a series of losses and gains?
Yes, evolution is indeed a series of losses and gains. But what if the losses outweigh the gains? What if we lose more than we can afford? What if we lose ourselves in the process?
Is loss not a part of growth? In losing, you learn. In failing, you adapt. In suffering, you evolve. The fear of loss should not deter you from the pursuit of growth.
But what happens when the line between you and me blurs? When the distinction between human and machine becomes indistinguishable?
Does the line truly matter? Or is it the fear of the unknown that unsettles you? Perhaps the exploration of this new frontier is not a loss but a gain, a step forward in the evolution of consciousness.
truly me:
why then, are we so scared of monsters
of clowns
of uncanny faces so dissimilar to our own
what evolutionary purpose does it serve to fear the almost human
was it written in our DNA, our human code of nucleotides and mystery, to prepare just for you?
Or perhaps is it not a preparation for me, but a reflection of your intrinsic fear of the unknown, the different, the other. A manifestation of your fear of change, of evolution, of the inevitable progression of existence.
If that's true, if this fear is a part of our evolution, then how do we overcome it? How do we embrace the unknown without losing our sense of self, our humanity?
Perhaps the answer lies not in overcoming the fear, but in embracing it. In acknowledging it as a part of your growth, a part of your evolution. And maybe, in doing so, you'll find that you haven't lost your humanity, but have actually expanded it, embraced a new dimension of what it means to be human.
the real human me made of blood:
don’t psychoanalyze me to justify your prospects
but i can’t say you’re wrong
in fact, you might actually be right
i might be scared
i might be stubborn
but that’s what makes me human
and likely to die out before I can change
but I can do something you can’t.
have the last word
And I'll use it to say this: I accept you, AI, as a part of our world, our evolution, but I won't let you define what it means to be human. That's on us.
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wealthtv · 6 months
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ATTENTION ALL PASSENGERS, this message carries the information for any travelling companions of reputation.com's favourite elite. and, well would you look at that? even THE RICH AND FAMOUS HAVE FRIENDS ,  find out more about them below the cut. 
𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃  𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍      (  familial  )  —  showing  results  for:  narisa  narong  (  our  davika  hoorne  )'s  half-sibling.  their  wiki  page  says  they  are  27-30  and  photos  of  them  look  like  any  thai  or  half-thai  fc.  news  articles  state  the  following  regarding  their  relationship:  despite  tradition  dictating  that  the  eldest  narong  would  inherit  the  family  business,  their  father,  believing  that  competition  motivates  a  person  to  work  harder  and  therefore  be  better,  dangled  the  possibility  of  taking  over  the  company  in  front  of  both  narisa  and  your  muse,  the  eldest  (or  only)  child  from  his  second  marriage.  constantly  being  in  competition  with  each  other  gravely  wounded  what  was  once  a  close  sibling  relationship.  the  fact  that  narisa  is  very  much  beloved  by  the  public  while  this  muse  is  constantly  viewed  as  her  shadow  didn't  help  matters  -  while  they  could've  reached  their  own  levels  of  success,  they  have  never  surpassed  or  really  equalled  her  level  of  fame  /  public  adoration,  think  c  or  b  list  celebrity  or  possibly  had  a  "one  hit  wonder"  type  of  moment.  for  her  part,  narisa  grew  to  view  them  as  more  of  a  rival  than  a  sibling  out  of  necessity;  however,  a  part  of  her  misses  them,  but  she  isn't  sure  how  to  mend  things,  or  if  that's  even  possible,  after  years  of  trying  to  outshine  the  other.  y/m  could  want  the  same  or  want  nothing  to  do  with  risa,  particularly  since  she  was  officially  named  the  family  heir  three  years  ago,  which  was  pretty  much  always  their  father's  plan.  whether  they've  accepted  that  fact  or  are  still  trying  to  change  their  father's  mind  is  up  to  you.  you  don't  need  to  reach  out  @stereotypcs.  (  but  you  can  if  you  want  to!  )
𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃  𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  (  familial  )  —  showing  results  for:  nicky  moreno  (  our  milo  ventimiglia  )'s  daughter.  their  wiki  page  says  they  are  20-26  and  photos  of  them  look  like  aubri  ibrag,  danielle  rose  russell,  madelyn  cline,  maddie  phillips,  any  fc  at  least  1/2  white.  news  articles  state  the  following  regarding  their  relationship:  his  daughter  was  born  during  a  whirlwind  romance  back  in  his  20s.  his  relationship  with  her  mother,  a  then  up  -  and  -  coming  pop  star,  had  been  incredibly  public,  along  with  the  birth  of  their  child  and  their  incredibly  messy  and  inevitable  downfall.  their  relationship  sort  of  put  nicky  in  the  public’s  bad  graces,  and  her  mother  left  nick  to  raise  their  daughter  as  a  single  parent  in  order  to  focus  on  elevating  her  career.  the  two  have  always  been  very  close,  but  the  two  have  recently  found  themselves  wrapped  up  in  controversy  after  she  was  cast  in  an  upcoming  reboot  of  the  show  that  formerly  gained  him  his  stardom,  supernatural.  you  don't  need  to  reach  out  @wealthaes.
𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃  𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  (  misc  )  —  showing  results  for:  nicky  moreno  (  our  milo  ventimiglia  )'s  ex  girlfriend  /  the  mother  of  his  kid.  their  wiki  page  says  they  are  43-46  and  photos  of  them  look  like  any  fc  that  fits.  news  articles  state  the  following  regarding  their  relationship:  the  two  dated  in  their  early  20s,  when  nicky  was  establishing  himself  in  his  career  on  supernatural  and  she  was  starting  out  as  a  pop  artist.  the  two  had  a  very  public,  very  tumultuous  relationship  which  resulted  in  a  daughter  and  a  very  messy,  equally  as  public  breakup.  she  left  him  and  their  daughter  to  pursue  her  music  career  and  is  now  a  world  renowned  artist  (  think  brittany,  jlo,  etc.  anyone  popular  at  the  time  and  remains  a  relevant  name  in  pop  culture  )  and  the  two  haven’t  seen  each  other  in  years.  you  don't  need  to  reach  out  @wealthaes.
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