#what if she was also bi. what if
queenhawke · 2 years
straight writers have such a knack for accidentally creating really authentic queer characters by being homophobic
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gregorovitch-adler · 15 days
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Translation: Junior, I have told you several times that Lily prefers to be single, remember?
Lily is the new aroace icon. That's all.
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suja-janee · 4 months
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(Mostly) Harumi centric doodle page for a friend
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royalarchivist · 4 months
Mine: Refer to me however you want!
Mike: Yeah, for me too. I think I use all pronouns too.
[They high-five and fist-bump each other]
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[via @barbmine]
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tastycitrus · 9 months
there's an alternate timeline where the new 52 reboot kept all three batgirls but retconned all the robins except for dick, who went back to being robin with nightwing banned from being mentioned at all
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Luke being Percy’s bi awakening is starting to make more and more sense cause why did Percy compare every attractive man he met to him 😭
He met Apollo and Hermes, two very attractive gods and went “You know who you look like! Luke Castellan!”
He was missing his memories, homeless, didn’t even KNOW who Luke was and when he met Octavian he was like “mhm, your a kinda cute pale white boy with blonde hair. Wait! You remind me of someone…”
Like Percy idk man maybe all that hate for Luke stems from somewhere else
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
@goated33 got me thinking-
in some ways, vaggie has the personality and risk assessment capabilities of a small furry animal
meaning everyone in hell THINKS she's the idiot chihuahua, picking fights with the local dobermans, getting metaphorically (literally?) dragged away by charlie for her own good
the twist is she's actually one of those damn weasel things, able to fuck up creatures several times her size and almost impossible to kill normally- yet STILL she's somehow picking fights waaaaay above her weight class
charlie got headaches over this in the early days, i bet. before vaggie simmered down from "don't kill kids wft" to "sinners maybe kinda redeemable actually? not for killy killy stab??"
even now though there's the vibe that, if left alone with alastor and even one less fuck to give, vaggie would be throttling him in seconds flat
this would probably not go well... sadly, once she got started, i could see her probably not noticing or caring much. imagine charlie worrying about this possibility a lot. some nights staying awake, concerned who her girlfriend might pick a fight with next, while vaggie lies fast asleep in her arms, blissfully smiling... likely dreaming of finally getting to stab somebody again like she means it <3
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agir1ukn0w · 9 months
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not that anyone cares but the fact that this is what Nami's face looks like right after Sanji flirts with her is making me very happy
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nestedfeathers · 3 months
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*cough cough* .... shh
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laismoura-art · 5 months
Satoshi: This is for you, Uncle Bee!
Bi-Han: A sticker?
Satoshi: Not only a sticker! It's a sticker that says ✨️"me-wow!"✨️ :D
Bi-Han: Toshi, I'm a respected warrior...
Satoshi: Ow, ok... I'll take it back then--
Sareena: Oooh! What a pretty sticker!
Bi-Han, proudly adorning his armour with the sticker: Not only a sticker, Sunbird, it's a sticker that says ✨️"me-wow!"✨️
Sareena: Wooow!:O
@mikka-minns @running-with-the-feels @thedragonholder tagging and giving you all me-wow stickers cause you're all awesome <3
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bitomas · 8 months
Some of the Earthrealm crew at Madam Bo's
Bi-Han glaring over at Tomas and Syzoth: "I grow tired of seeing that Zaterran everywhere we go"
An amused Kuai Liang stays quiet as he smiles into a sip of his drink.
Bi-han shifts against the railing, scowling as he watches the pair share a laugh.
*Meanwhile across the restaurant*
Syzoth smiles as an intoxicated Tomas leans against his shoulder. His cup stops halfway to his mouth as he frowns. He looks around, scanning the area.
Tomas, frowning as he lazily swirls his cup: "....and he looked so handsome in his new uniform! I got scolded for not paying attention when he caught me looking though"
Syzoth smirks as he locks eyes with said cryomancer. He doesn't hesitate to throw his arm over Tomas: "You should tell him how you feel then, my friend"
Tomas scoffs, chuckling as he leans further into syzoth: "do you wish me an early death? Don't be ridiculous Sy'" he trails off as the alcohol makes him drowsy.
Syzoth hums in reply, his tongue flicked out instinctively as he never broke eye contact with Bi-han. He began idly running his fingers against Tomas' arm. Taking a drink in triumph when it got the expected reaction.
*Back at a now very cold corner of Madam Bo's Restaurant*
Kuai Liang looking nervously at a large accumulation of ice growing up the walls and floorboards: "Brother, control yourself. Madam Bo will kick us out if we scare her customers"
Bi-han only grunts in anger, his cold grip splintering the railing: "damned, reptile"
*Kuai Liang winces as a passing group of customers slip, hitting the ground hard. Groans of pain bringing attention to their section. He sighs, setting down his cup to help them up*
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forgetful-river · 10 months
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You're allowed to ascend but only if God wants you to, and God can be a bit of an authoritarian bastard
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treasureplcnet · 7 months
Hello! I adore your Bodies fanart. I was imagining Karl in 1890 and how much havoc he would wreak. Also Henry and Karl would get along very well, I think, and Karl would be a *terrible* matchmaker for Henry and Alfred... I'd love to see your take on any of this, if anything comes to you 😍
HELLO OMG THANK YOU FOR THE EXCUSE TO JUST DROP HOT TAKES INTO THE BODIES NETFLIX TAG <3 all these drawings are very scrappy and i lost the plot and this became more like sharing all my hcs but still :')
now that you have brought it to me i really do think henry and karl would be unstoppable, i think they'd constantly have a fun, back-and-forth banter !!! i also can see karl dropping multiple not-so-subtle hints, and all of the detectives being quite supportive. gently too, considering the period-typical homophobia. i do think sometime along the lovelorn pining looks, he gets tired of seeing them orbit each other without anything happening, and this exchange occurs:
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more doodles and crying under the cut :)
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i will die on the "karl weissman bisexuality" hill. HE TOLD ME IN A DREAM!!!! it's just a little messier for him because he really likes women and will not figure it out ever. charlotte hillinghead TO ME also has the exact opposite problem where she is very much in love with her husband and doesn't have any incentive (or freedom considering the time period) to explore her sexuality. the way she accepted hillinghead's feelings for henry, and was less rejecting and more devastated over thinking he didn't love her or polly, just read queer to me somehow. an acceptance because she's like that too, yk? (maybe a bit of a reach but i don't get to choose who my mind designates as being bi)
i like to think that charlotte-karl experience a spider-verse mindmeld "YOU'RE LIKE ME" moment over being bisexual but they're not quite sure why they're feeling that way because they have no idea they're bi. if you are me you will understand perfectly
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and i am a henry/alfred/charlotte poly truther as well (please see above discord ranting from my dms with a friend lol)
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on more notes of just giving whichever character i want the bisexuality card, hasan is bi to me too. i think hillinghead and her bond a little over that shared religious guilt, of having their respective institutions be homophobic, and the feeling for so much of their life that they're different, so there must be something wrong. it helps her empathise with him and they quickly become closer because of it :) possibly also introducing him to queer lit, and maybe some non fiction lgbt history books
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and one last final doodle because i think alfred as the only detective with an active love life where he's pursuing someone would make the others pretend like they can be adults but they want to know SO BAD and they also give advice once in a while because they're rooting for alfred :) they're all pretty good at hiding how badly they're invested in this (think iris 'casually' asking hillinghead how it's going and the other two perk up in the background) like i refuse to believe any of them are totally immune to the equivalent of office-gossip
this was so so long LOL i hope any of that is coherent !!!!! a lot of it ofc is my own projection bc i am bi, but it's real to me <3
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vyeoh · 5 months
I'm rewatching all the Marvel Defenders shows on Netflix and as much as I mock the MCU now, I need non-Marvel fans to understand that I was and still am a fan of "Daredevil fighting the gentrifying assshole who bought out the police force because ACAB both as a lawyer and vigilante of the community" and "Jessica Jones fighting the man who mind controlled her into doing unspeakable things and forming a community of fellow survivors and allies while dealing with PTSD in a range of both healthy and unhealthy ways" Marvel. God I love these idiots they carried so hard
#vio.txt#mcu#marvel#jessica jones#daredevil#also the two of them induced so much bi panic in me. also gender envy. jessica jones is one of the few women i get gender envy fron#the iron fist and luke cage shows were...more mid but still leagues above current marvel shows#like. yes be anti-mcu but these were masterpieces#and yes this is why i was so pissed about them putting daredevil in she hulk and trying to make him iron man 2.0#like! yes hes suave and charming but thats bc its his lawyer job!! he works in a law firm he and his friends started to serve his community#he is NOT 'i am rich and better than u' charming. he is 'i learned how to talk fancy for my degree and i have empathy' charming#and not bringing the other guys over either???? bruhhh#marvel really cancelled the best things they did on the screen#matt murdock my original red and black round glasses wearing sadboy what did they do to you#also!! can i mention that these shows had such better representation than nowadays marvel#murdock's actor doing extensive research on blind motility for the role#jessica and trish's friendship and how trish immediately believes jess about kilgrave#the whole!!! unique community feel of harlem and in luke's bar#hogarth whos both jessica's employer and foggy's boss in later seasons being a lesbian and having Real Marriage Issues#and also being a conplex and kinda shitty person#iron fist was....eh but that's why it was the worst one lmao#OH YEAH HOW COULD I FORGET MY GIRL KAREN#karen page getting a whole storyline in s1 about her dealing w ptsd and then getting fleshed out backstory and her own adventures#like ok it was kinda weird in daredevil that she dated like every guy bc she was the female lead 💀#but even then foggy and matt and her figuring their shit out like adults. like they shot their shots and it didnt pan out. still besties th#disney would never allow such good writing in current times#but a boy can wish
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xxrainbowvibezxx · 8 months
I wonder how the fuck everyone found out about Mileena and Tanya dating. I understand Kitana and Sindel knowing because they've known Mileena her whole life, so they probably picked up on it. Also, it's understandable why Liu Kang and Geras would know. I'm talking about Shao, Reiko, Li Mei, Ashrah, and Baraka. I know Bi han picked up on it, too, because of an intro between him and Tanya. I would love to know what happened that made them think, "Oh, these girls are gay and in love with each other."
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5eyed · 6 months
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yayo! (real name: yolanda). shes xeress crush. i want to give her some tattoos or piercings but i couldnt think of good ones yet..
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