#what's the sys' hosts name
eclipsedcrystalstar · 2 months
To be fair, the bare minimum without any evil alters is more than systems usually get.
I guess that’s fair, honestly I think I’m more concerned like “why is THIS one of the best depictions you’ve seen what the hell are other people doing” when I get praise for basic respect
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elibeeline · 2 years
Each system is different and we are still valid even if we are not exactly the same as our friend systems
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hmm. i think i would like to start going by my actual hebrew name more
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lovesick-level-up · 2 years
names idea for your system! what about the 8-bit system
or the arcane system
or the game over system
or the XP system
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oooh, good ideas! i love the idea of a video game-themed name, but idk. i like the game over system!
i was thinking a name to go with our love of flower meanings, or perhaps something scientific... we're a pretty small system, so it shouldn't be as hard as it is to pick lmao.
i feel like I shouldn't have too much of a say, but the others are literally shrugging at me when I ask, so I seem to be the only one who actually cares what we are called lolol.
~ mod ibuki
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mineshaftss · 1 year
The struggles of being a system: The alter who was host for 2 years is trans FTM but me, our new host, identifies with the body's name and gender...
How am I explain this to the friends who know we're trans but not a system? Do I just not tell them or...? xD
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deandoesthingstome · 9 months
Labyrinth Fantasy
Pairing: Minotaur!Sy x Reader
Summary: There's a new hotel in town. You now know it's for real and you need more.
Word Count: 5.7K
Warnings: 18+, NO MINORS, cunnilingus, p in v (standing and reverse standing cowgirl), monster fucking (right?).
Fantasy Hotel Masterlist
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You'd recounted enough of the details to convince your online benefactors that the investment was worth it, but kept enough to yourself to make the experience truly special.
Like, you didn't mention the time stretch at all. Though you had been wondering why the hotel even offered longer booking sessions if the hosts could just snap a finger and keep you satisfied forever. You felt only mild guilt about keeping the image of naked human Walter to yourself. They didn't need to know how good he looked NOT as a monster. You were keeping that for you own private thoughts. But you were bemoaning your current funding situation.
sendmeanangel: ugh, I'm never getting back there!!! MNstrluvr: Listen. There's a way. sendmeanangel: how? I can't get any more shifts at the restaurant. MNstrluvr: let us open a Patreon for you sendmeanangel: I'm NOT giving a recount of this event to total strangers darkgothnightengale: you have no idea who we are sendmeanangel: you are NOT total strangers. I know your favorite coffee and what you're studying at uni and your top 10 comfort movies. I know how you got that scar on your hand. darkgothnightengale: yeah but you didn't know that until you asked. Up to then we were total strangers who loved your work. Just like everyone on Patreon will be only they'll be paying MNstrluvr: yeah and you don't have to tell it to them like you told us. Put a different spin on it. Don't make the story from the perspective of the hotel. Make it a true fairy tale. Red riding hood in the woods and shit. Make him your boyfriend, The Woodsman, who's ready to show you his secret this fine full moon evening. sendmeanangel: oh my goddddddd!!! darkgothnightengale: yeah, but put all the most important details of him in Sendmeanangel: you just want to read about his massive cock splitting you open again darkgothnightengale: i have my needs. Besides, I just mean those details you only know now because you experienced it. You have something to draw from, something to make it real for everyone MNstrluvr: seriously, meana, do it. You will make so much money. You should have been putting your other stories out there long ago but this you can post and sell cause it'll be completely your own content with no re-imagining of existing characters sendmeanangel: okay, but you gotta beta the shit out of this for me. I can't have it sounding like I'm just recounting the whole thing from last night's fuck session with my partner MNstrluvr: 😆 🤣 😂 😹 darkgothnightengale: oh my goddddddd!!!! MNstrluvr: anyway we already created an account. We'll add your email and send you the password reset so you can run it and transfer the money to your bank whenever darkgothnightengale: and as always, no pressure on timing other than knowing you need the money to get back to Walter but I can't wait to read this! sendmeanangel: what if he's not available?
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As you clicked Reserve something caught in the back of your mind.
Would Walter care you weren't coming back to see him?
How could he? You spent two hours (or was it more? You could never figure out the time swap calculations) together. You weren't even sure if that was his real name. Sure, you fantasized about him when you got home. You'd been in a fog of post-orgasmic bliss when you saw him in his human form, but that didn't stop you from cataloging every inch you could. Imagining snuggling next to his enormous and furry body wasn't hard.
It was this domestic bliss scene you'd eventually settled on as the opening to your "boyfriend's werewolf confession during an evening walk in the woods" fic that you posted on Patreon. The feedback had been a dream come true.
While the income wasn't as plentiful as you'd hoped, the wages and tips from your extra shifts allowed you to book another stay the following month. Walter was indeed not available on your only open day of the week so you sought out another option and found a four hour time slot with a new-to-you creature.
The listing called him Captain of the Guard.
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Something about this fantasy made you select the box at check in specifically requesting your host enter in form. You had missed this at your previous visit, and as you thought back to meeting Walter, you appreciated the gentle way he eased into the scene. But you wanted a little more…mystery? Suspense? apprehension this time. The front desk clerk told you your host's name was Sy, and sent you down to a lower level of the hotel. The only key he provided was the code you punched into the elevator number pad to allow you to press L3. 
When the doors opened, you entered a small, rustic room with a hard dirt ground and cool stone walls. You only saw one other door besides the elevator you just stepped through and your mind did some mental gymnastics. Was that the exit to the maze or a bathroom? If it was the bathroom, where was the maze?
A few benches were scattered around and sitting on one was the Offering Tray you purchased, along with a note telling you to dress or undress to your level of comfort and step out into the hall through the door opposite the elevator when you were ready. Okay, door to maze then. But your nervous pee sensation was building. Where was the bathroom???
You knew the elevator was locked after you exited the car, but the note also contained the return code you were welcome to use any time, even before your reservation was over. And the note also revealed the secret to locating the washroom around the corner of one of the walls that you now noticed didn’t quite reach the next wall, causing a little optical illusion that the room was a simple square with no other space. Clever. It reminded you of a scene from a fantasy movie you’d seen when you were younger.
You peed and then undressed for a quick rinse in the surprisingly warm shower. You had imagined the temperature of the liquid streaming over the mini waterfall in this rock room would be ice cold, but it was as if the water was heated to a constant, perfect temperature from a thermal spring. The floors were warm on your bare feet too. You almost had to tear yourself away. There was a fantasy to be had.
You hung your street clothes on the garment hooks and pulled your red cape from your bag. You had researched a few different costume options and came across a clever way to fashion a toga of sorts from the material, albeit a slutty red toga with a giant slit up one thigh. You didn’t bother with underwear this time either. After one last look in the mirror to make sure your nerves weren’t showing too badly, you gathered up the offering of cured meat and stepped into the hall.
The rough hewn stone walls were at least three feet higher than the room you’d just exited. You noticed shelves jutting out occasionally at various heights and made a mental note not to run into them. Not that you planned on running. The ground was soft and sandy, rather than hard packed earth. Even in bare feet, this was going to make running hard. Again, not that you’d planned on running. 
Now, which direction? Left was always your gut instinct so you followed the path in that direction, choosing a left turn anytime you came to an intersection. After dead-ending twice in about five minutes, you began to rethink your approach. While you figured it had be wise to build in some extra time to find your treasure, you didn’t want to spend four hours in a fucking maze alone. 
As soon as you made the next right, the air shifted. The hairs on the back of your neck stood at attention and a ripple of goosebumps grew up on both arms. You made a few more turns before you began to hear snorts and huffs in the distance. For a moment, you froze, unsure if you wanted to move toward or away from the beast. Not because you didn’t want to meet the beast. But only because you truly couldn’t decide how. Sneak up and surprise him? Or let him chase you?
A new roar announced he was getting closer and you made a snap decision to turn away. Let him find me.
You maybe delayed the introduction by a few minutes. He was adept and clearly knew this maze inside and out while you were still trying to find your footing. You were just about to turn a corner that looked surprisingly familiar when you felt a rumble and the sand shift beneath your feet before you heard a snort and few stamps on the ground.
“Turn around.” Though a command, it came out like a question and you knew this was yet another opportunity for you to provide your consent to the game. Keep walking forward and it would all be over. As a matter of fact, you were convinced your next step forward would take you to the hall where the door to your changing room was. Your turn was deliberate. So was the flash as the cape swished around your legs and settled back into place. Give him a show, you smiled inwardly to yourself, before you wiped that grin right off the face in your mind and dropped your jaw instead.
Before you stood a monster of a man/beast, which explained the rumbling of the ground. You noticed the hooves which explained the stamping sound. As you drew your eyes up his solid and thick legs, you were a little disappointed to see he was wearing a heavy pleated leather skirt which hid any hint of what might be hanging underneath. His biceps bulged and thick veins trailed down each forearm. His chest was broad and teeming with unbridled strength, bare and full of the fur you were hoping to find.
Walter wasn’t the first hairy man you’d been with, but he definitely made you appreciate it more and this beast sported a similar amount. As your gaze met his, you took in the visage of a bull’s head, noticing the ring you expected to see in his nose was not there, but the horns near his ears were. They were massive as well and you had plans.
“Who dares enter my labyrinth?” he demanded as he sauntered ever closer to you. “What little bird has been flitting through these halls?”
You gave your name as you held out the tray in front of you, but he simply stood before you, motionless, save his eyes which roamed over every inch of you. When he returned his gaze to yours, he cocked his head to one side.
“And what am I supposed to do with this?” he roared, obviously unsatisfied with the tray of meat. Did the hotel make a mistake? “Maybe you’re playing a game with me? Is that it? Interrupt my peaceful solitude and taunt me with a delectable offering only to hide it behind a curtain of fabric and an offensive tray of inferior flesh?”
“I … I didn’t know… I didn’t think…” you stammered. Your heart was beating furiously, though he hadn’t taken another step toward you and you weren’t exactly trapped. You were more convinced than ever that if you wanted to escape, the entry room and the elevator were just around the corner. He was giving you time to acclimate to your decision to stay, making sure you weren’t having second thoughts. Though he commanded this hall in this maze, he was letting you call the next shot and you knew you were in no danger. Well, none that you didn’t want.
You set the tray on a ledge nearby, and grabbed fistfuls of your robe in both hands, lifting the material enough to give you the feeling of freedom around your lower legs. Just in case. Not that you were planning on running.
“In this labyrinth, the offerings are usually a little more respectful. Would you like to try your offering again?” Something about his words, the way he cocked his head again, the subtle pawing at the ground, as if he was about to rear up. He wanted you to. 
You licked your lips, and nodded. Took one more beat. Then turned and ran. Past the door to the changing room, up the hall to the right, left down the next corridor, then right again. Left. Left. Left. Right. For a moment you imagined he wasn’t right on your tail and then you hit a dead end and he descended on you as you turned to try to escape the hall thinking you might have enough time to head in another direction. Well, around you really. His arms caged you against the wall behind you.
He was so close. His musk was intoxicating and the scent added a little more fuel to the fire already burning in your loins. You peered up into his eyes, which you now noticed weren’t jet black, but rather a deep, dark azure. 
“That’s better,” he chuckled. “The offering is always sweeter after a little vigorous activity.”
“I’m so sorry,” you spoke. "I had no idea the offering I was given wouldn't be to your satisfaction. I should have anticipated better for a creature who commands such obedience and reverence as you."
“The tray isn’t the offering, little bird,” he huffed near your ear as you felt a hand drop from the wall beside you to your shoulder and then down to the pivotal point on your costume. One little tug, and, yep, there it went. The makeshift dressing had held up surprisingly well on the chase, but it was designed to come off easily and that it did. He made an approving sound, tracing a finger over one breast and down the valley between both, nearing your apex before he dragged the back of that hand up your belly and around your waist, ending with a firm grip on the meat of your hips.
“What…what is the offering?” you asked, with feigned timidity, as if you didn’t know what he meant. His arms moved to circle your waist and his hands slid to the creases beneath both now bare cheeks.
"I'll take this peach instead," he snorted with what you perceived to be a wink and a grin. He jiggled the flesh of your ass and grinned wider as he caught the moan of pleasure you tried to suppress. "You don’t need to fight it little bird. This is why you're here. To let go of inhibitions and feel free to express your feelings and desires with no judgment. If you like someone paying attention to this luscious cake, you shouldn't have to feel like you have to hide it."
The exchange felt a little out of character for the scene, but you didn’t mind. The chase was fun, but it was going to be even better finding out how this man would take care of your needs. So you let him know.
"Fuck. It feels good to have you touch it. Most men just go straight for the pussy and ignore the pleasure I get from the tease, the idea of you..." you trailed off, uncertain if you wanted to broach that subject here.
"Oh, it's just an idea, huh? Nothing you want to try? Isn't that why you're here?"
You thought about Walter and wondered if Sy was as well endowed under the fabric covering his loins. Surely the beasts at this hotel were all inordinately adept at providing pleasure; that was after all the entire theme. And maybe there were other ways to pleasure a person, and maybe this hotel had them too, but you couldn’t begin to imagine that the size of Sy’s cock wasn’t proportionate to his stature. You weren't quite ready to feel that in your ass.
"It's alright, little bird. We're here for whatever you'd like,” he answered without you even saying a word.
“Can I call you Sy?” you asked, unsure how committed to the bit he’d be.
“Of course, darlin’.” That was an odd Texas drawl that had just overridden the previous enigmatic accent you assumed was meant to convey ancient Greece. He kept the twang when he saw your surprised eyebrow quirk. “We can take this play anywhere you want to go. Though I’m going to make one choice for us.”
He bent to scoop you into his arms, cradling your legs and back as he held you against his chest. You could feel his heart pounding and wondered if he could feel yours, too. You took some slow deep breaths to try to calm yourself.
For a brief moment, you nestled your head against his neck, relishing the feel of the fur against your cheek. Then you turned your head to pay attention to where he was taking you. You figured you would need to make your way out of this maze alone after being well and thoroughly fucked and somehow you imagined you'd still have enough brain cells to remember the path he was taking.
But Sy wasn’t going backwards to any open hall. Instead he was making his way directly into what you took for a dead end. Before he crushed you against the wall, as you were sure he was about to do, Sy stepped through the wall. Sort of. Through another optical illusion that proved the dead end was actually a T intersection.
Sy took the left branch and in a few short strides, you found yourself in a room filled oddly with accouterments of pleasure. A platform bed covered in softness in the middle of the space was an inviting contrast to the sandstone walls you'd acclimated to. In a few spaces, what appeared to be fur rugs hung against the walls. Straight ahead, covered in dozens of warm glowing candles illuminating the room along with hanging oil lamp pendants, sat a wooden altar. Bowls draped with mounds of luscious looking fruit and plates of cured meats and cheeses were nestled in between the candle holders.
As you looked around, you noticed no other entrance to the room, though you kept missing the non-obvious openings, so who knew? The markings on the wall and other accompanying furnishings led you to believe you were not just in some other hall of the maze. You were now in Sy's sanctuary. You’d found, or rather Sy was going to show you, the treasure at the middle of the maze. 
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Sy set you on your feet and stepped back, as if judging your temperature again. 
“Is this where I meet my fate, then?” you asked, with a shy smile.
“You’ll die a thousand little deaths in here,” he promised, returning to the previous accent, and you noticed now a tail swishing behind him. You hadn’t seen that before, but it seemed…excited.
“Sounds amazing.”
With that he rushed you as if you still held the red cape as a target. In what felt like one fell swoop, he bent to capture your hips and swing you forward over his shoulder as he turned and took a few steps toward a fur-lined spot along a wall and none of those movements jostled or startled you. It was as if he was picking up a piece of cloth, the ease with which he maneuvered you and held you stable so nothing hurt. Not his fingers in your hips, not your hips over his shoulder, not your back as he held you captive, pressed against the wall of the hidden sanctuary.
“Walter said you smelled delicious and tasted even better,” Sy huffed with hunger.
Did they talk amongst one another? That hardly seemed ethical. And yet, you’d gossipped and dished about this place and the man you’d met previously. Why would you assume he wouldn’t do the same?
“So that’s the first thing we’ll take care of here,” he continued as he dug his massive thigh into the moist heat between your legs and huffed breath onto your neck. His hands traced the length of your body, down both sides, over your belly, onto the sensitive skin of your inner thighs.
In a heartbeat, he had you off the ground, legs spread wide as he continued to trap you against the wall. You tried to hold onto his beefy shoulders for stability, but soon realized he wasn't done lifting you up as you lost purchase.
You were sure you'd be tumbling forward onto the sandy ground in front of you as soon as you cleared another foot of his body, but somehow you remained upright. Well, ‘somehow’ was known but you were still amazed at the raw strength and power Sy possessed to hold you aloft and continue to elevate your body.
With one final shrug, he had your naked form where he wanted it. Legs over shoulders and pussy right at his face waiting to be devoured. You'd had men, including Walter, in between your legs before. A few times when you were upright, and that always put a nice checkmark next to their names in your book. But never while hoisted six feet in the air.
The thick swath of muscle that ascended through your folds filled you with a warmth you had been craving for weeks. Sy somehow managed to manipulate the shape as well, so that he alternated between targeted tight circles with a tip and wide saliva drenched passes that were soon mingling with your own juices.
You had the distinct impression that the wall behind you was for your benefit only. A way to make you more comfortable and secure in the knowledge that he wouldn't let you fall while he was feasting at the altar of your thighs. That he had the ability to hold you upright all on his own while he ate you out.
He made you come at least three times with your back arched against the wall and crying out for relief as you pressed into his head to hold yourself steady, even while he supported you with a hand cradling your ass and another secure against your side. You had wanted to grab his horns, but something told you to stop and wait until you could ask permission. It didn’t seem polite to just grab at them without warning.
“Please, Sy. Please fuck me now,” you pleaded and he skillfully obliged, though he took his sweet time getting there.
He took a few more licks, sucking in the moisture dripping from your pussy before he began to ease your legs off his shoulders, down his body, and around his waist. He settled you there while he reached back to unhook his skirt and drop it to the ground. Then he knelt, still holding you against the wall, and shifted your legs down to rest on his thighs. This gave you an opportunity to peek down and see what he was working with, and not that you were at all surprised but it was still a bit of shock.
A strap of leather remained wrapped around his waist, traveling down both sides of his Orion's belt with the ends connected to a ring that sat stuffed behind his cock. While you contemplated just how long it would let him last, he worked an especially large condom onto his massive member, drifting a knuckle through your folds at every opportunity, given the proximity. He grunted and grinned each time you rolled your hips against his fingers, eagerly seeking more pressure, more depth, more everything.
“Patience, little bird. We’ll get there soon enough,” he warned as he finished affixing the rubber. You watched rapt as he held himself firm in one hand, tugging with the same languid pace he also used to trail his fingers from the other hand around your entrance, flicking at the hidden pearl up top and pressing his thumb deep inside you. It was killing you, but this was not one of the little deaths he had promised and you contemplated telling him so. 
As if he could tell just how impatient you were becoming, he finally spread your puffy lips wide and began to nudge the tip of his cock at your soaking entrance. A gasp was all you could manage as he moved to standing at the same time, easing your legs back up around his waist again.
Sy moved into you inch by glorious inch, pausing every so often to make sure you were comfortable. It was certainly not something you were accustomed to, but the feeling was familiar and you knew now he was at least as large as Walter. This was going to be fun. When he was almost seated you asked.
“Yes, little bird?”
“May I touch them? Hold … hold onto them?”
“Yes, little bird, you may.”
You used the leverage of your grip to drive your hips down the rest of the way onto his colossal cock and willed your inner walls to ease around him. A heat filled you, a desire to grind against him, but he stilled you. Made you sit with the enormity of the situation for a moment while he palmed a breast, rolled a nipple.
“Please, Sy, please. I want you to move. I want you to fuck me into this wall. Please.”
He didn’t make you beg another time. He was slamming into you and somehow rotating his hips in such a way that you felt him in every muscle and nerve in your body. It felt electric and vibrant and you wanted to explode. Sy let you. Fucked you right through it and into the midst of a second one before you could open your eyes again. 
You were grinding against him, pulling your body up and pushing back down using his horns to guide you and you were coming hard around him again. His laugh was infectious and you let one out with the third little death in this position. 
Suddenly, he spun you away from the wall. For a moment you thought he was heading for the bed, but he lifted you off his cock, then turned you around. He held you against his chest with one arm around your waist as his other hand guided his throbbing member into you once again.
You threw your arms behind you to grasp at his neck as if you needed to somehow participate in keeping yourself steady against him, but he could handle you all on his own. He had your legs splayed wide, an arm under each knee, and he drove up into you as if it was nothing. And while you didn’t need to, you absolutely wanted to slip your hands up a little higher, off his neck, over the back of his head and right back onto those epic horns. 
You smoothed your fingers over the bone, into the curl, and held on. It could have been your imagination, but his grunts and snorts seemed to magnify as you did so. Maybe he really liked it? Before you had a chance to consider dragging your fingers along the form again, he hit you with another deep wave of pleasure that had your eyes rolling back into your head as you slumped against him.
And it was like he knew how much more you had in you, because he just kept fucking you right back into consciousness, at which point you did gather your wits and give his horns a few more sensual strokes. It was his groan that told you he was close and you were helping him along. It only took a few more thrusts before you were coming hard around his dick and it seemed like he was letting loose with a roar, too.
He eased his phallus out of your sweaty, quivering body and moved forward to deposit you on the bed, admonishing you to stay put before he disappeared behind another secret wall. You heard water rushing and the sound began to lull you into a light sleep that only the warm, wet cloth pulled you out of.
“Don’t open your eyes just yet,” he spoke, his voice a little less gruff than before.
“I was promised a thousand little deaths,” you teased, unable to move your eyelids or anything else for that matter. His laughter lifted your heart.
“Oh, you want more? Looks like you’d scatter in the wind like a dandelion if I put my cock in you one more time.”
“I wish you weren’t right,” you joined him with a light laugh of your own. “Maybe if I could get a little nap…”
“Unfortunately, time has been flyin’ while we’ve been having fun. Don’t think you’ve got enough left for that.”
You peeled your eyes open, curious about his statement. You hadn’t meant to imply he should give you more time and you were embarrassed that he might think you were being pushy, demanding. You were not prepared for the sight of the man in front of you.
Where Walter’s shift had given him just a little extra height and bulk, not that he needed it to maneuver you around the room, Sy’s return to human form was dramatic. And not that he wasn’t massive in his own right, but the size of the beast that had just fucked you senseless was even more apparent comparatively. You could see he was solid, tree trunks for thighs and branches for arms. His shoulders were wide, chest broad. All the things you’d noticed of the bull, but just scaled down. And still incredibly daunting. 
“S’okay I shifted back?” he asked with concern.
“Of course, whatever you… I mean, this is all so new to me. I have no idea what’s allowed. And how much time…” Was what you were thinking about within bounds? “Has it really only been almost four hours? How much time is left? I think I assumed…”
Sy gave another chuckle as you trailed off.
“Yeah, he musta really liked you from the get go.” At your quizzical gaze, Sy continued. “We don’t all have that gift. Walt’s one of the few. And he uses it sparingly. It’s not really a sanctioned hotel offering. If everyone could and did, we’d get nothing but two-hour bookings.”
“Oh, I didn’t mean to… I mean, I hope that didn’t sound like I was demanding any special treatment or anything.”
“You honestly still don’t look like you have enough strength left to demand a deep breath,” Sy teased. “Here, lemme give you a hand. We’ll get you cleaned up for real.”
He scooped you off the bed and carried you into the bathroom, outfitted similarly to the entry room. He placed you gently under the warm, rushing waterfall before sudsing you up with a shower gel that smelled surprisingly like something you already owned. You watched as his hands slid over your body, easing the soap down your legs and guiding the water to rinse you off. 
“Sy,” you began, wondering if you should even bring it up, but as he stood to grab a towel for you, the shape you thought you’d seen as he washed you was even more apparent. “Is it allowed? Do we have time … Can I…help you with this?”
You reached for him, circling a hand around his obvious erection and tugging gently. His eyes closed slowly as he dropped his head back with a deep sigh, before he wrapped his arms around you and drew you to him. He put a palm against your cheek and tilted your head to train his beautiful blue eyes on yours as he spoke.
“It’s technically not allowed.” Your heart sank at his words. “But Imma make it good for you one last time anyway.” 
You let the towel drop to the floor as he lifted you to move back out to the bed. He set you down and you watched him climb onto the mattress, expecting him to grab a condom and crawl over you, or flip you over. When he settled himself between your legs, it wasn’t his cock that penetrated you. Sy put his mouth over your pussy again and the moan that escaped his throat had enough vibration you were sure you could come from that alone.
He was better. He was unbelievably better than Walter at this. It wasn’t something you were particularly proud to be thinking, but truth was where you found it and this was the truth. Sy was skilled and all the tricks he used in Minotaur form, he used here as well. You were squirming within moments, grinding up into his face and grabbing onto his freshly shaved head to help keep him where he’d do the most damage in the quickest amount of time. Not that he needed your help, because he was fucking good at this. He knew how to use his tongue and lips and, yes, teeth, gently, and yes fingers, deep and deft. And if you weren’t mistaken, he was squirming, too. 
You could see his ass wiggling and humping into the bed and if you weren’t losing your own damn mind you’d have noticed his hips stuttering as he came into the mattress right around the time his fingers landed back on the spot that, in combination with the movement of his tongue, had you screaming his name.
He let you linger in bed a moment, catching your breath while he slipped on a pair of white, slouchy linen pants before he held out his hand to help you off the bed. 
“Here,” he pulled the sheet around you with a soft chuckle and a grin. “This’ll be more comfortable than traipsing back to the elevator naked. I’ll show you the way.”
Sy led you back to the entry room, stopping along the way for a small detour to find your discarded cloak down the dead end hall. You swapped material with him as he deposited you outside the changing room and wished you a wonderful day.
“Come back and see us again, sometime. It was a pleasure,” he tilted his head at you as you stepped backwards into the room.
“The pleasure was all mine,” you replied.
“Don’t be too sure about that, now.”
Bonus Edit: Absolutely GORGEOUS headers made for me by my wonderful friend in fic @geralts-yenn:
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Everything HC Taglist: (as always, let me know if you want on or off)
@sillyrabbit81 @mayloma @geralts-yenn @raccoon-eyed-rebel @fvckinghenrycavill @kebabgirl67 @beck07990 @itsrubberbisquit @sweetdreamsofgelato @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @alexakeyloveloki @marantha @aireraume @angelmather1 @lizzystuffsthings @enchantedbytomandhenry @omgkatinka @littlefreya @avengersfan25 @just-chirpin @thesaucynomad @valacirca @henryownsme @summersong69 @foxyjwls007 @peyton-warren
Special tag: @kittenofdoomage (cause sometimes you love my stuff and this one's another monster fucker lol!)
Tags from Werewolf!walter (if you commented):
@ellethespaceunicorn @juliaorpll78 @martha-oi @cardierreh15 @cinnamoroll-things @caramariehurst @zombicupcake3 @openup-yourmind @shellyshellshell @nickfowlerrr @greensleeves888 @misshinson @thelastsock @princessaxoo @augustsprincess @justjulie1105 @minimin1993 if you asked and aren't here, Tumblr won’t let me tag you. Sorry!
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jamneuromain · 5 months
Mean Daddy Pt.2
Logan Syverson x Reader (You)
Word Count: 1k
Warning: Mean!Sy, established relationship, pussy spanking, aftercare turns into foreplay(?), oral (implied), a whole lot of teasing, fluff.
Summary: Your mean daddy comes home ... and you're in for the night :]
A/N: For the record, I'm not sorry at all for the cliffhanger (and stretching this short fic into three parts...) @gummydummy19 :3
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Find Part 1 here
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This isn’t exactly what you had planned for tonight.
Well, technically you did plan for some spicy evening events, but you did not expect Sy to make changes to the timetable plan, and spend all afternoon and evening on your bed.
… eh, spending all day on you.
And the worst part is, you have passed out twice now, and except for bathroom breaks and snack breaks, Sy hasn’t stopped playing the game he invented, which has the name “How many times can you cum”.
Spoiler alert, you’ve both lost count, but that doesn’t stop him from playing.
The clock strikes nine, and you feel there’s not one good bone in your body.
Thankfully, it’s another snack break.
While munching on apple slices that Sy cut for you, you’ve turned on your laptop for a show called Family Feud. Basically, the show interviewed random 100 people on the street with some questions, and came back with the top six answers. Whichever team answers more, wins.
It’s less exciting, compared to the detective/murder ones you often enjoy, but this is what Sy needs, something light and funny, instead of the sound of gunshots that would make his body tense up.
“Young man,” the show host Steve Harvey asks, “Name something your girlfriend would do to your face.”
The shy boy on the screen covers his twitching lips with his fist, “Uh… I’m gonna say sit on it.”
The audience on the screen roars out laughter, while you can’t help but giggle simultaneously.
A light squeeze of your tummy dials your giggling down, having you remember the large beefcake wrapping around you with his thick arms and legs.
“C’mon, Sy, you can’t tell me that’s not funny.” You burst out a new fit of giggles, tugging on his bearded chin, without turning around, “Besides,” You try your best to cross your legs discreetly, not getting his attention that your pussy is dripping again, because, for Christ’s sake, your lady parts have been through literal Hell tonight, “it’s not like we haven’t tried it before.”
“Hmm.” Is his grumbling reply.
You let out an exhale of relief. It’s not your fault that your mind is filled with pure filth of how he used to bury his head between your thighs…
The show Family Feud goes on, but you allow the jests and laughs to slip by your ear, since your brain is occupied with porn, and wet your lips when you can almost feel his beard leaving a burn that would remain for days…
The calloused hand moves from your belly to your tits, weighing them in his palm.
Sy’s low timbre ghosts your ears, “Penny for your thoughts, sugar.”
Your pebbled peak rolls under his fingers involuntarily. No word comes out of your mouth except for a small whimper. God, you want him to eat you out, pin you down with one hand over your stomach and one hand groping your tits, swinging your legs over his broad shoulders, bringing you to the edge of ecstasy as you chant his name like a prayer.
“Want to grind on my face?” He proposes with his sinful lips, circling one hand painfully close to your weeping core, while flicking your nipple with the other. “Be a good little slut and ride Daddy like you were told to?”
“Uh-Uh-huh.” You nod eagerly. Your pussy feels raw and used, as if someone (Sy) has set fire to it, yet you could not resist the temptation of reaching your limit once again – what can you say, you never learn from the pain.
Sy admires your ruined body for a brief second, cupping your mound with his palm. You buck your hip to meet his fingers, but to your frustration, he holds his position without wavering, neither meeting your silent plea nor denying it. “Shit,” a sly smile hangs on the corner of his lips, “that desperate, huh? Fucking my hand like that? Poor baby.”
“Sy,” you whimper, struggling in his tightened grip, begging him with your teary eyes, “want you to kiss it and make it better, please Daddy.”
“Aww,” he coos softly, kissing the top of your head, “I like the sound of that.”
Smug bastard.
“Use your big-girl words, darlin’.” Sy traces a bead of sweat that disappears between your tits. His hand glides down your body, sneaking it under your thigh before pulling them wide open, earning a surprised squeal from your lips.
“Want t-to ride your face, Daddy.” You stutter as he lowers his head to kiss the carotid artery on the side of your neck, your fingers dig into his veiny arms that hold your thigh, “Want-ah!”
“What’s the matter, darlin’?” He feigns his curiosity, pretending he has no idea that he has just smacked your sensitive bundle of nerves, “Cat got your tongue? Can’t hear you though,” Sy smacks your pussy again, making you nearly jump from his embrace, “Don’ really know what you’re talking about, sugar.”
The harshness of the slaps adds to the numbness and the sting of your ruined hole, coating his hand with a shin of juices, which he wipes on the side of your thigh, glistening with the evidence of the betrayal of your body, even when it still hurts from the overstimulation during previous hours.
“Daddy,” you whine in embarrassment and a tinge of desperation, “Daddy, pleaaase.”
Sy chuckles behind you, manoeuvring himself to your front, pressing a bit harder on your stomach to have you lie down. Kissing both of your thighs, he spreads them wider than before – wide enough to fit a grown man and his shoulders in between – and trails a line of soft pecks on your lower abdomen, and finally, on your quivering pussy.
“Better make those pretty noises for me, darlin’,” Sy whispers while nibbling on your skin, lifting your thighs onto his shoulders - his favorite position. His tone drips a hint of darkness, both a threat and a promise, shooting a shiver down your spine, “If you ain’t screaming, you ain’t creaming.”
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hermitcraft-8 · 5 months
okay fictive heavy system ask game just because i felt like it.
is the host a fictive?
is there any in-sys dating, and if so, what's the funniest couple?
do you have any introjects from sources not everyone knows?
what's the funniest source anyone has?
are there any grudges from in-source between people?
do people change their names when they're split or do they keep their old names?
who has the funniest split story?
what are people's thoughts on fanfiction?
what are people's thoughts on fanart?
does anyone hate their source or their source's fandom?
what's the source with the most introjects?
what's the source with the fewest introjects?
who do people miss the most?
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piosplayhouse · 11 months
I forgot if I ever posted about this publicly or privately but fully inspired by Harry's mdzs au my opinions on a svsss furry au will always be that
-Shen Yuan is vehemently "not a furry but just likes supporting artists" who was pretty active in closed species circles for having a ridiculous amount of super expensive rare species that he found really cool. Shen Jiu (no relation) is a very controversial popufur who runs in adjacent circles that sy has a huge grudge against after seeing sj bully a bunch of teen furries (binghe) for their half angle half devile wolf ocs, but even sy has to admit that sj's fursona Shen Qingqiu is really really cool. Sj eventually decides to cut ties with the whole community after getting into another new discourse and sells all of his accounts and fursona art to a broker, who then sells it to sy. Sy logs into the account and is about to reveal what happened, but Yue Qingyuan sends him a super long vent/crying dm and sy feels too guilty and awkward to come clean after getting that bombshell and so he ends up impersonating Shen_Qingqiu in the elite closed DeviantArt group Cang Qiong Mtn Sect group
-Binghe is in the group mostly as a punching bag for everyone to make fun of his half angel half demon oc Xin Mo, but sy recognizes him as the kid he saw sj bully despite being super humble and with great potential for art, so he decides to take him under his wing (I think I was imagining sqq as a dutch angel dragon but whatever you believe here you can replace that with an appropriate body part). Sy ends up buying binghe a super rare Sushidog named Zhen Yang and while sy is like well nbd some artist got a paycheck and some kid got a cute new adopt but as we all know Binghe is Irreparably changed Forever from this
-Airplane is a popular furry porn writer known for taking hyperspecific commissions and flagrantly ignoring closed species rules in his smut peddling. Sy hates him for this of course and also because his porn isn't that good, but he still reads all of Airplane's gay original werewolf species porn just because wolves are really cool ok!! Sy isn't even gay he just thinks it's so cool how the three headed demon wolf has a three tiered society and--. Airplane loves to fuck with sy by making sock puppet accounts advertising shoddy bootleg closed species like deltagens instead of primagens or something like that. Also btw airplane has a hamster fursuit but only the head and paws since he can't afford a full one, he just poodles at cons
- Mobei Jun is not a furry but his family owns a hotel chain that regularly hosts furcons. During one of these he was sent by his father to shadow staff addressing a misbehavior complaint against the furcon attendees and accidentally ran into half-fursuited airplane, during which it was somehow love at first sight. Airplane doesn't know that tho he thinks mbj is still mad at him for smoking weed in his hotel room at that con they met at when they were both 17
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catierambles · 1 year
Back in the Saddle
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Pairing: Syverson x Heather Markum (OFC)
WC 3282
Warnings: Some talk about divorce, sterilization, and childlessness
@brattymum96 , @ouroboros113 , @peaches1958 , @summersong69 , @eldarwen333 , @omgkatinka , @identity2212 , @lucypaulette , @km-ffluv , @kebabgirl67 , @squeezyvalkyrie , @rebelangel1102 , @dopegardensaladhuman
By hour two she was about ready to shotgun a bottle of wine or stab someone with a spoon. It wouldn’t be so bad if she had her phone, but the speed dating company that one of her friends had registered her with had a strict “no phones” policy, and she was given a numbered key in exchange for her things when she got to the restaurant, her bag locked securely in a locker in the back. Damnit, Beckah, she was fine. Who cares if she hasn’t dated once since her divorce? It was her choice and all the guys their age wanted something that she just wouldn’t and couldn’t give them. It would just be a repeat of history, save for the walk down the aisle and credit card debt.
The first guys that sat across from her, she couldn’t even remember their names or faces anymore, and given that they each had half an hour, that was telling how forgettable they were. One went on and on about his job in the stock market and crypto, flashing his fake Rolex whenever he could (it ticked, not swept, so it was fake) and veneered smile. Another devolved into a rant about his mother, making her chug her wine. Also not her fault she couldn't control her face when around people that bugged her.
"Okay, gentlemen!" The host said after the bell rang, "Move on to the next lucky lady!"
"Is it time already?" The guy across from her said, Dave? Or was it Tim? She didn't care. "I'll be looking for you in my stream audience, hope to see you there."
"Yep." She said and he got up, moving to the next table.
"Damn, doll." She heard as she saw the next guy sit down from the corners of her vision, "You look about as miserable as me." She couldn't help it, she laughed, and it made her look up at him. He was handsome, in a rugged kind of way, with a buzzed head of dark hair that came to a widow's peak, a full beard on his jaw, and clear blue eyes. What the hell was he doing at a speed dating event? What was wrong with him?
"That obvious, huh?" She asked.
"Just a bit." He said with a shrug. "Jake Syverson, call me Sy." He held his hand out slightly across the table and she took it, his palm rough and his hand dwarfing hers.
"Heather Markum." She said and they shook briefly. He was the first to get her full name, as the company didn't believe in name tags, wanting their introductions to be "organic".
"So," He sighed, "Well-meanin' friend set you up with this shindig?"
"Yup." She said and he nodded.
"Same." He said, “Told me I needed to get “back in the saddle”, so to speak.”
“Been a while?”
“I was in a long-term thing for the last couple of years, but I got home from deployment and found her in bed with another guy. Dumped her then and there.” Sy said, very matter-of-factly, and she gave a low whistle.
“Damn.” She said and he nodded.
“You could say I was in prison.” She said and he arched a brow at her, “Married.”
“Oh.” He said with a snort. “Mind my askin’ what ended it?”
“Not at all. He wanted kids, I didn’t.”
“Thought he woulda found that out before he put a ring on ya.”
“Oh, he knew. He knew while we were dating, while we were engaged, and while we were married. He thought I would change my mind or I would make an exception for him. He realized I was serious about it when I got myself sterilized.” Heather said.
“That’ll do it. Fucked up policy, but don’t they ask the husband if that’s okay?”
“I lied on the paperwork and said I was single, and we have separate insurances so he didn’t come up when they ran it.” Heather said and he nodded again.
“Well, I don’t want kids either. I have enough nieces and nephews to know that yeah, I like kids, but I like’em better when I can give’em back.” Sy said and she snorted.
“You said you were deployed?”
“Army.” Sy said and she nodded.
“Still active?” She asked and he nodded.
“What about you? How do you pay the bills?”
“I have an OnlyFans.”
“Really?” He asked, his voice pitching up slightly and she snorted.
“No, not really, I’m in real estate.” She said.
“Damn, I was about to ask you for your handle.” He said, making her laugh again. The rest of the half-hour went by far too quickly for her liking. He was charming, made her laugh, and had a killer smile that made his blue eyes sparkle. Soon the five-minute warning chime went off, signaling their time together was coming to an end. “Can I give you my number?”
“You absolutely can.” She said and he gave her another smile, grabbing the supplied pad of paper and pen and scribbling it down for her to add to her phone when she got it back. The end bell rang and he sighed, pushing up from his seat and touching her shoulder lightly as he went past, Heather watching him go before turning her eyes forward again, the next guy already seated.
“Hello, gorgeous.” He said with a sleazy smile and she sighed, pouring herself another glass of wine.
The rest of the night dragged on with none of them holding a candle to Sy and soon, thankfully, it was over. Turning in the key, she got her things and stepped out into the night air.
“Heather!” She heard and turned around, seeing Sy walking over to her, weaving his way through the other people also leaving the restaurant.
“Hey.” She said, unable to stop the smile from pulling at her lips. They moved to the side as he reached her so they weren’t in the flow of traffic and now that they were both standing, she could see just how massive he really was. Tall, broad through the chest and shoulders, narrow through the waist and his slacks hugged his thighs just right.
Down, girl.
“The rest of my night was a bust.” He said, “Yours?”
“Yours is the only number I accepted.”
“Good, ‘cus you were the only one I offered it to.” He said and she felt a small blush come over her cheeks, “The rest of the ladies I talked to just…couldn’t compare.”
“You hungry?” She asked and he sighed.
“Starving.” He admitted, making her giggle slightly. “In the mood for something special? We are in the neighborhood for it.”
“A cheeseburger, with bacon and mushrooms. Greasier the better.” She said.
“Woman, if you’re tryin’ to seduce me, it’s workin’.” He said, making her laugh, “You don’t gotta be so heavy-handed with it though, damn.” He smiled at her continued laughter before holding out his hand, “Come on, doll. I eyed a burger place down the street as I was drivin’ up. Let’s get some meat in ya.” He winked at her, well tried to, and she swatted at his arm playfully.
“Cheeky bastard.” She said, taking his hand, a small thrill going through her chest as he laced their fingers. Okay, this felt nice. He was handsome, charming, funny, with a slightly naughty sense of humor. Please don’t turn out to be a serial killer.
They talked as they walked and she thanked her foresight to wear flats and not heels. The burger place was a glorified hole in the wall, so she knew the food would be fantastic. They were extremely overdressed compared to the rest of the patrons and got some looks as they were placing their orders, Sy grabbing the numbered flag that was slid forward and they found themselves a seat towards the back, Sy sitting with his back to the wall and a clear line of sight on the entrance. Must be a military thing. He had insisted on paying for her food even though she told him he didn't have to.
The conversation picked up where it left off and they shared some more things about themselves, how she had originally gone to school with an arts major but switched to business when she realized that unless she wanted to teach, an arts degree wouldn't really get her anywhere. Sy had a bachelor's in Criminal Justice, which got him into the Army Officer's Program once he graduated. He wasn't just in the Army, she found out, he was a Captain.
"So what kinda real estate do you do?" He asked, taking a sip of his soda.
"Commercial." Heather said, "Office buildings and such. Bigger price tags mean a bigger commission, and I don't have to be constantly flipping properties."
"Sounds pretty relaxed."
"It's got its challenges, like when a Fortune 500 company tries to lowball me, but I manage." She said and their food arrived, the server setting the trays down and taking the flag with her. "Goddamn." The burger was massive, covered in cheese, bacon, and mushrooms.
"Eyes bigger than your stomach?" He asked, picking up his own burger.
"Shit no." She said and dug in, letting out a low sound when she bit into it, making him cough on a piece of his burger. "Food goes in stomach, not lungs."
"I'm trying." He wheezed, taking a sip of his drink. "Shit, doll." She just smiled into her food, biting into a couple of the rough-cut fries that came with the burger. 
"Fries are good too." She said and they resumed talking in between bites, the conversation not dying even after they finished their food.
"You parked by the restaurant?" He asked, "The looks we're gettin', they probably want to close up."
"Yeah, in the lot next to it." She said and they stood, taking their trays over to the bin and dumping the garbage before setting them on top, wishing the staff a good night as they walked out.
"I'll walk you to your car, I'm parked in the same lot anyway." Sy said and offered his hand again. She took it and again he laced their fingers, that small fluttering in her chest making a comeback. They didn't talk as they walked back, but it was a comfortable, companionable silence. Her car and she guessed his truck were the only ones in the lot and he walked her to the driver's side as she dug out her keys. "I wasn't expecting much from tonight, but I’m glad it turned out the way it did."
"Me too." She said with a small smile and there was a slight hesitation on his part.
"Heather, can I…can I give you a kiss?" He asked and her smile widened.
"I'd like that." She said and he smiled back before leaning into her. His lips were soft as they brushed over hers and her eyes closed as she pressed back against him. His hands came up to hold the sides of her jaw as he seemed to fall into the kiss and her own hands found their way to his trim waist, sliding under his suit jacket that he hadn't buttoned. Okay, he was good at this and her heart pounded in her chest as he kissed her. He finally broke away, breathing heavily, and she opened her eyes, seeing his were closed still.
“Let me know you got home okay?” He asked, his eyes still closed.
“Yeah.” She said, having put his number in her phone earlier and given him hers. She wanted to ask if he wanted to come back to her place, but it was way too early for that and she didn’t want to give him the wrong impression about her. They said their goodnights and he moved away, but she noticed that he didn’t get into his truck until she got into her car and started it.
She barely remembered the drive home, her mind and heart soaring from the night and the kiss they shared, but she did remember to send him a text once she got inside and locked the door, letting him know she was home safe like he requested. She got a simple heart emoji back but it made her smile nonetheless.
Taking off her makeup and getting changed into her pajamas, she brushed her teeth and got into bed, setting her phone on the charger.  She lay there for a little bit before giving a small giggle, wiggling a little under the covers in giddy excitement. She felt like a teenager again, not a divorcee, but then a moment of doubt crossed over her mind. What if he didn’t feel the same? What if she never heard from him again? He didn’t give her the impression of someone who would ghost someone, but you never knew. Whatever happened, happened. If she never heard from him again, then so be it. She’d be a little heartbroken, but it was ultimately his choice.
Sleep came quickly after that and she drifted off.
The chime of a notification from her phone is what woke her the next morning and she opened her eyes, blinking blearily and reaching for it. Turning on the screen, she saw she had a text from him and couldn’t stop the smile from pulling at her lips. It was a picture of him still in bed, his head resting on his pillow as he laid on his side, the selfie showing that he obviously went to bed with no shirt on as she saw a bit of hairy chest that was obviously muscular.
“Morning, beautiful.” The message said and she tapped in her reply.
“Morning, handsome.” A bit lame, she knew, but she just woke up. “I look like a swamp witch first thing in the morning, so you’re not getting a selfie.”
“Lol fair enough. Plans for today?”
“Nothing really, seeing as it’s the weekend.”
“Wanna meet for coffee? There’s this great spot I like that has killer muffins.”
“Absolutely, send me the address.” It came over a moment later and she put it into her GPS app, seeing that it was about a twenty-minute drive away. “Meet in about 45?” She needed time to get herself presentable, after all.
“I’ll be there.” She hoisted herself out of bed after that, taking a quick shower and throwing on clothes after too long of a deliberation. Casual, flirty, sexy was out for just coffee. She decided on nicer jeans, a long-sleeved shirt with a V neck, and black leather flats, twisting her hair up and keeping it secure with her hair clip that looked like skeleton arms. As it was, she was late leaving and nearly walked out of the house without her keys. Can’t go anywhere without those.
The drive to the coffee place was a blur of nervous anticipation and soon she was looking for parking, having already seen him sitting at a table outside of the shop. Finally finding a spot, she got out and walked up.
“Hey, sorry I’m late.” She said and he looked up, setting down his cup and standing to pull her into a hug, pressing his lips to her cheek. Damn, he smelled good.
“It’s perfectly fine, got here not too long ago myself.” He said and she sat down across from him, a server coming over to take her order a moment later.
“So I don’t know what we’re going to talk about.” She admitted with a small, nervous giggle, “We pretty much covered everything last night.”
“I’m fine with just sittin’ here enjoyin’ your company.” Sy said she felt the wide smile pull across her face.
“Son of a bitch.” She said, looking away from him and shaking her head.
“What?” He asked with a chuckle.
“You’re not real, you can’t be. You have to be a paid actor or something.” She said and he gave a laugh.
“I ain’t that, trust me. Besides, even if I was gettin’ paid, I’d give the money back.” He said, giving her a clumsy wink.
“Motherfucker no one is this charming.” That made him laugh again and he was still chuckling when her coffee came. They talked about nothing in particular as they drank their coffee, sitting there long after their cups were empty. “And that’s why I can’t stand horror movies.”
“Makes sense.” Sy said with a shrug, “You understand basic anatomy and you know someone ain’t gonna spray blood from what’s basically a papercut.”
“Also, with Jason Takes Manhattan, subway tracks are alternating current, not direct. He would have been pushed away from the tracks when he touched them, not grafted to them.”
“You sure do know a lot of random trivia.”
“I get bored and I google things.” She said and he snorted.
“Fair enough.” He said, “What’re your plans for the rest of the day?”
“Nothing really, I usually just sleep on the weekends.”
“No errands you gotta run?”
“Adulting is for the weekdays, there’s no adulting on weekends.” She said and something caught her eye, making her look over, but she looked forward quickly again, hiding the side of her face with her hand. “Oh no, please don’t see me.”
“Darlin’?” Sy asked, giving her a questioning look, and the sunlight hitting the table was blocked.
“Heather?” She heard and dropped her hand, looking up and giving him a tense smile.
“David, hi.” She said.
“What’re you doing here? Who’s this?” David asked.
“It’s a coffee shop, I’m having coffee. David, this is Sy. Sy this is my ex-husband, David.” Heather said and Sy moved his head at him.
“Hey.” He said, correctly reading the mood.
“He your new boyfriend, or something?” David asked, giving him a dismissive look.
“Too soon to tell, really.” Sy said, “I like spendin’ time with her, though. Like talkin’ to her. Wouldn’t mind takin’ her out on a proper date, if she’ll have me.”
“Oh my god, Sy.” Heather said with a smile, “Yeah I wouldn’t mind that either.”
“All right, then.” Sy said with a smile and David huffed.
“You know she isn’t going to give you kids, right?” David asked.
“Yeah, I know.” Sy said and shrugged, “And?”
“He’s the one who asked for the divorce, not me.” Heather said and Sy gave an understanding nod.
“I see.” Sy said, “Well, my guy, it’s her body, so it's her choice. She doesn’t want to have kids, then that’s that. She’d be the one carryin’em. I don’t want kids either, so that works out for me.”
“What about your legacy? Who’s going to carry that on?”
“My what?” Sy asked and Heather gave a suffering sigh.
“For the last time, David, you don’t have a legacy. Monarchs have legacies, you have a ten-year-old Corolla and student debt.” She said and Sy snorted. “Now if you don’t mind.” She turned her attention back to Sy, “Where did you want to go?”
“How do you feel about laser tag?” He asked.
“Aren’t you in the Army?”
“I’ll go easy on ya!” He said and she laughed.
“Laser tag sounds like fun.” Heather said, “But I can be bold for a moment?”
“As bold as you wanna be.” Sy said and she beckoned him with a finger, making him lean over the table to get closer to her.
“How about…” She started whispering in his ear, his facial expression ranging from shocked, to amused, to excited.
“Girl, you’re dirty! I accept those terms because either way I win.” He said sitting back again and there was a moment before he looked back up at David. “What’re you still doin’ here? Lady dismissed you.”
“Yeah.” Heather said, “Bye, David.”
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murruspins · 3 months
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Welcome to my blog!
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Hello!! Welcome to murruspins :3!
This is a special interest blog, however it also kind of acts like a diary. I write down what I’m thinking or hyperfixating on, same goes with my regular interests! This blog will also have alot of alterhuman content, as it’s a big part of my identity!
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About the owner of this blog…
My name is Murruyu! I’m a transfem enby, and would prefer if you used they/it/xe on me aswell as fem + neutral terms! If you don’t respect my pronouns, I’ll simply block you, no biggie! 🤍
My special interests are mcyt (hermitcraft & life series specifically), horror, metal music and bio! When I say bio and horror, I mean all aspects. I love horror games, movies, shows, etc. And I love all biology paths/subtypes! (Eg: wildlife bio, botany, palaeontology, and more!)
I’m the host of a minor bodied DID system, however I won’t get into that much on this blog, as this is my personal blog! However, I will talk about our physical disabilities because they impact my everyday life, and this is a diary blog after all! [I will mainly talk about my EDS and CFS]
As I said before.. I am an alterhuman! More specifically, here is a link to all my kintypes!
This list may be updated/edited in the future, but for now, these are all of my (known) kintypes! Some stronger than others. More specifically, I have a super strong connection to the feline clade, more so than my other kintypes. Obviously, due to being alterhuman, I do not identify as human. I instead identify as my kintypes, I may post about my alter-humanity frequently 🫶
I am ALWAYS looking for moots/friends!! Click here to see my interests + adult mutuals are okay, just no dms!
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• People who hate on ANY of my special interests. No offence, but you’re not welcome here, this is my safe space! [PS: being afraid of horror or animals is not the same as hating on them, if you have a phobia of something that’s completely fine! Just don’t insult my spintrest on my page 🤍]
• Anti alterhuman, Anti Age regression, Anti pet regression
• Endogenic systems, Profic/Proship/Darkship/anything that fits into that category.
• FURBY BLOGS!!!!! Furby centred blogs/Blogs with furbys as their theme/pfp dni. Moots r okay but please add a warning whenever you post them 😭🫶. I’m terrified of those little things.
• I’m autistic, I need tonetags! If you’re going to ask anything, I’d appreciate you using tonetags so I can understand you better! :3
• Adults may not ask to be my friends, No offence, just for boundary and comfort reasons, I am a minor after all. Mutuals are fine!
• I generally do not engage in discourse, if that’s something you’d like to know before following! This blog is focused on being diary, alterhuman and interest themed!!
• This is my main blog! If I’m active, it’s probably here. But my side blogs are…
> @liostims , my stim blog
> @lovesicksyndicate , our sys blog
> @faunafeature , my animal info dump blog
> @kiyoscove , my agere blog
> @murrupurrs , my petre blog
… Please keep in mind many of these blogs may be inactive, as this is my main!
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Finishing up/Extras…
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. . . Emoji games!
How these games work; ask via the ask option, and write an emoji + any other info you’d like, and I’ll answer! Just a small game for fun!
🐾 , info dump about a random animal I’m fixating on at the time! (Please include if you don’t want a specific animal due to a fear, for example: bugs).
🐈 , song of the day! ask and I’ll give you a song that’s been stuck in my mind recently, or just a random song off my playlist!
🐍 , daily check in! I’ll give you a small rant about my day so far, and tell you how I’ve been recently! (I’ll try to keep it positive.)
"(Therian/biology/metal/anything related to my blog) culture is…" asks are also always appreciated!! I love seeing them, and I love interacting with people!!
Blog tags . . . !!
#murru mews 🐾 | my general tag! Diary entries!
#murru hisses 🐍 | vent posts
#murru’s asks : replies to my asks!
#murru’s rants : rants!! Either in response to the emoji games, or just to infodump :]
#murru’s playlist : anything to do with music!
#murru’s toybox : anything to do with my collections!! I collect a lot of things, so this tag will be full of things in my collection :]
#murru’s games : an additional tag, just for my emoji games!
PS: blog creation date.. Jan 30th 2024!
Thank you for reading !
. . . Enjoy your travels, dear friend!
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pencil-peach · 8 months
GWitch Onscreen Text: Episode 7
This is part eight of my attempt to transcribe and discuss all the monitor text in g witch! Because I got worms! We're on episode 7, "Shall We Gundam?"
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Now then. Shall we? (Gundam?)
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Not text, but in the opening, Vim tells the Peil Witches that it's despicable of them to breach the Cathedra Agreement, only for one of them to respond that she believes he would know something about that himself. This is our first hint towards the existence of the Schwarzette.
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Now to the real text, we see a mockup of the Pharact of it's systems in this opening as well.
Here, we see that the Pharact is 19.1m and 57.1t.
The Blue and Red labels are tough to make out, but they each respectively say the same thing. I'll make my best guess: Blue labels: G-O | SYS-GUND CHH Red Labels: GUND FORMAT | CORAX UNITS
The Corax Units are the name of the Pharacts GUND Bits, and we know those use the Gund Format, so that checks. We saw 'CHH' on 4's data graph, still not sure what it means though.
I think the floating red text says GA - MS//RACT, but I can't be sure. The big label in the center says GUND-ARM FP/A-77.
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Not text, but I think Sarius and Delling is another relationship I wish we got to see more of. Delling actually worked directly under Sarius within Grassley before eventually becoming President of the entire Group.
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During the scene in the greenhouse, we get a look at the program on Miorine's monitor. No way to read the actual text on it from this shot, but we do see Miorine verify the name of one of the brands of fertilizer before presumably typing it on the screen, so it's probably safe to assume it's tracking the general maintenance of the tomatoes.
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We never get a completely clear shot of the Incubation Party Invitation (Because it just can never be easy) But I'll make my best estimate of it from the shots we DO get.
INVITATION The Benerit Group has the great honor of inviting you to the 15th Incubation Event.
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Off topic but this scene has one of my favorite Miorine Noises in the whole show. It's so good. Take a listen. She is Flabbergasted.
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The Mobile Suits on display aren't named, but the one in the back right is actually the YOASOBI Collaboration Version of the Demi Trainer.
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(YOASOBI are the musical duo that composed Shukufuku)
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I wont bore you with a 1 to 1 transcription of the text of this first presentation, so here's the general overview.
This is PRESENTATION No. 001 for the Incubation Party from TENGRIFF SOLUTIONS. They're asking for 100,000,000 to develop an INTEGRATED FIRE CONTROL SOFTWARE. What that means generally is that they want to develop a software that can automatically correct/redirect an MS's aim to a specific target, in both Individual and Team based MS Operations. The benefits of this system are: AUTO TRAJECTORY CORRECTION AUTO CORIOLIS CORRECTION AUTO GRAVITY CORRECTION FIRE CONTROL FORMS BATTALION HIGH SPEED TARGET DATA LINK HIGH PERFORMANCE SPOTTING SYSTEM ALL ENVIRONMENT CONTROL SYSTEM
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Unfortunately this project did not meet the 75% formation requirement and DIED
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Funny Shaddiq Expression. I don't think he ever makes a face like this for the rest of the series.
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[Pointing] One of the two times throughout the series we see any pat of Notrette. The only other time is in the second season opening.
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We see VIM JETURK on Lauda's screen when he's calling him. (The "Accept" button actually darkens when Lauda taps it)
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This scene is our first look into Nika's role as a go between for Shaddiq, and also how it'll be a main point of conflict between her and Martin, as he's the one who sees the two of them talking.
(Also, Shaddiq has a habit of abruptly lowering the tone of his voice to signify a change in his demeanor. If you ever rewatch the series again, try and listen for it ! He does it all the time)
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Miorine's phone when she requests access to the Stage Screen
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When she gets approved and begins connecting, her phone displays this loading screen called SYNCHRONIZE
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And the stage screen is displaying that same loading screen for a split second before fully connecting.
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Miorine explains what this all means in the show proper, so I feel it'd be redundant to explain it, but here's the presentation anyhow.
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We also see the UI of the program Mio is using in the presentation. She only uses the MEMO tab, but we see that there's a TEXT and PICT tab as well.
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When Miorine takes the phone back from Delling, the investment status has reached 3%, meaning he invested 7,200,000,000 in the company. Mama Mia !
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Business Successfully Formed!
But it seems that they only reached the bare minimum amount, 75%. So of the 240,000,000,000, she requested, the company earned at LEAST 180,000,000,000
We also see that Miorine’s presentation is only the 5th one of the night.
And that's all! Thank you very much! Unfortunately I can't leave anymore images because I've somehow reached the image limit :(
Instead I leave you with this: Go back and watch the scene where Miorine and Suletta see Prospera and Godoy. After the scene where Suletta greets him, they keep drawing his face wrong. Okay! Goodbye....!
Click here to go to Episode 8!
Click here to go to the Masterpost!
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444meat · 3 months
do any other cdd system hosts (?) experience way worse identity issues than the majority of the alters in the sys. i assume this is not a weird experience i just don't know many other systems.
like i think we have multiple hosts but i'm one of the main ones and the one using the body's name, and i also never know shit about myself. i don't know how i act or what my personality or likes or dislikes are. i don't know how i feel about people we know. most of the time when i'm fronting i don't realise it's me, or the fact that it's me feels distant, or i don't know who i am at all.
i don't know very much about my system. i do know that many of the alters i am aware of don't have this problem. they know who they are and when they're fronting; they have pretty concrete identities and visualisations of themselves; these identities and visualisations are stable over time. sometimes i am literally jealous of this
meanwhile i feel like i'm a feather floating in the wind. i'm just some guy. i can't identify my emotions. i get stressed out thinking about my identity. i'm just tired all of the time. most of the time i try not to think about the fact that i am an alter who is fronting because it just feels so weird.
i feel like as the host i should be functional in some sense, like i'm meant to be an ANP right? but i feel like im not. at all. even beyond the things that disable all of us, like our mental conditions and physical disability, i just feel so much more directionless and emotionally exhausted than plenty of other alters. i feel like they have jobs to do and i dont. im just some fucking guy Idk what's going on in here. it sucks
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sodap0p-jpeg · 6 days
Some stuff about me!! :D
> My name is Soda/Bliss
> I'm 17 years old
> I use he/him/they pronouns
> I'm autistic, Dyspraxia and an osdd-1b sys host
> I am from Ireland
> I'm gay, trans (ftm), and aro-ace spec (fully ace demiromantic)
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As you can tell I am currently heavily fixated on Kinitopet, but I also like other things such as Regretevator and sonic the hedgehog. I have other social media's that all go by the same name that I have here (Sodap0p.jpeg) bar my discord, roblox and vrchat (although that is subject to change in the near future hopefully.) So feel free to pm me if you want any of those :P I'm open to making new friends!! I don't bite I promise. Anywho yea, im not sure how often I'll post here but I guess we'll see what happens from here. Oh and I'm also the #1 Jeremy and Mark the Question mark fan ever /srs :3
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rainbowsystemblog · 6 days
Head space/inner world and how our sys works:
I wanted and actually did record the video you asked about but... translating all that to another language with a really bad video editor to that would be too hard and a long process for us while it's better to write it down and just be able to fix it any moment while nobody will have to look at me talking. I can also add pictures so - it's a win win.
My name is Monty and I'm sort of a gatekeeper in misty system. It wasn't always like that though... We started possibly without head space in our early childhood and most of us been just fragments - only our host was an alter at the time until everyday abuse been too much to handle for her or something bigger/sudden happened that finally formed others into shape. I won't explain whole basics of how OSDD happens because there are plenty of arguments if core exists or the orange theory and such which I don't know enough about as I'm not a doctor nor a scientist. I am unable to recall our infant memories much or at all to say how it exactly looked like but I know our host was there first as a person. Anyway we heard voices that weren't attached to anyone specifically at the time (those who existed) that probably been gatekeepers (because Jack remembers he had specific rules of how to act around the host without seeing anyone) until like elementary school (probably) when our inner world was truly created for the very first time...
Those were barracks in a city ravaged by war. Why's that? Because our trauma affects our inner world. Our pseudomemories/stories, elements of head space, who we are as alters = all that is a mirrored trauma to process it, keep it away from the host (we've been mostly an inner system for almost 30 years) or punish us further. It's symbolism like in a dream or metaphors mostly now. It is possible that most of it happened right when host found out about the system and we officially started fronting so how system worked changed. Before we only had to store things (memories, traits, behaviors, fears etc) or help host - co-con or rarely co-fronting (basically never fronting as she felt loss of control over her body and was freaking out). We were barely noticeable by others thanks to that and yet our host sometimes been wondering what is happening to her (especially when Nat was fronting). But about hs now... most of us been soldiers so that was our job inner. Later, after a big war between elementary and middle school, we got a house that others (fragments) been already living so we joined them. Sometimes we still fought, some others fought for us that didn't belong to our system at the time (one of many sorts of our dormancy that I will explain later in another post), but mostly we had quite normal life as a big family or rather orphanage of aunt Vinnie (alter) that was our gatekeeper from that time probably. House was huge, a bit vintage/victorian, with lots of stairs and rooms - a whole labyrinth I'd say that one could easily get lost in.
You can here see a post with pics we have that remind us of our hs.
We also had NPCs of course - most of them been persecutors, not just background characters, so we wouldn't have to be them as alters. We had animals too but currently we only have horses. We were all "written" - explanation of how we formed and our stories happened plus aunt Vinnie been writing down some important stuff - our host loved books. We touched the host/been close to co-front and some things been attached to us somehow (mentioned parts) later by being ripped off of her (not limbs, dw). Host herself been seen yet unconscious in head space - like a person who sits/lays down there paralysed - sometimes screamed when angry (internal screaming) or walked without looking where but rarely. She didn't saw anything there before finding out about a system - just rarely heard (voices/thoughts that didn't belong to her) or experienced loss of control or felt emotions that weren't her. She didn't remember some stuff of course as well that either we had easier access too or nobody had it until therapy and digging deeper. Some stuff been coming back only as flashbacks while triggered. We had superpowers (reason of trauma) and turn[ed] into animals (our host been fascinated by those but the fact we are them is also a reason of trauma, just her knowledge helped becoming those). We are also angels but don't have our wings at all times. We had spooks - black floating dust/ghosts/clouds that formed into shape that were bleeding black goo - those were fragments but most of them were evil like intrusive thoughts or phobias and bad memories. They were too dangerous to keep though as well as NPCs so we decided after awhile to fix our inner world. I came back from dormancy so I could work on the computer that I left around middle school - it was supposed to help us front and note stuff. I also recently made bots that teleport us so we can faster access the front or other alters. They look like apple shaped drones and float above our heads (not at all times). Sadly us getting rid of NPCs and so persecutors created problems. That is an illness and the fact we didn't process trauma it had to find a way to exist so it made a layer with NPCs for example or made our house/city we lived in even more dangerous - like for example building's wall could swallow you and rooms squash you inside or plants been attacking us etc. which I won't go into details of as it's drastic and personal as well as hard to explain.
Now it's much safer as we worked hard to stabilise our mind. Therapy helped but also overthinking/analysis/autoreflection (which has bad side to it of course too) and leaving toxic relationships that were mostly causing us dissociative attacks for example and provoked our unhealthy behaviors (BPD). We also had ocd and our obsessive thoughts and delusions been stopping us from progress. We have a smaller house that we refused to build due to fact we wanted everything to happen naturally. It's just a fixed version of the old one. Still we have our old ballroom we had parties in but now it's mostly an ice rink to skate. We might draw you that building but because rainbow system lives in the city away from us we are unsure if they will move in and everything will shift again. While some alters been going into dormancy or falling apart then also their rooms been disappearing...
*We have problems with aphantasia so it's hard for us to see details so we use pictures of people similar to us to be able to visualise ourselves better in our head.
Somebody once asked me how it feels to see hs. It's a bit like an image from a projector or like when you imagine things in your head but not at all times - only when I try to look. Reminder - head space isn't imagination as we have no control over others and what is happening there. We still can imagine stuff but those don't happen in the inner world. Not every system has a head space and some therapists say it's good to create one but it's probably better to look for one first instead of making one above the one that can be hidden. It's good to look at this particular scene to know how it looks inside and outside but careful! it's drastic.
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Hello, This is our intro post!
We are Shark, a traumagenic + mixed origins system.
Bodily an adult + disabled
We are endo neutral, no set DNI.
We do not partake in any type of discourse, we are pro Palestine and support liberation for Palestine and Congo, however we will not be speaking on these issues any further than this statement as this is a system blog and we would like to keep it positive, that being said, if you can donate to support people in need please do.
We love sharks <3 (if it wasn't obvious) and we hate the stigma around them making them look like villains. Yes sharks can do bad things, so can cows, cows have more kills per year most years than sharks.
Alter intros + system info under the cut!
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Our host is Jinx!
She's a fictive from Arcane
She/they pronouns
Jinx has been our host for little over a year now, shes taken by someone in sys and while she is our host she will not be on this account for her and our safety.
Jinx is a holder for many problematic things, we may allow her to make a post if she wishes however we will not be letting her look at any comments or asks we get, we've discussed this with her and they've agreed this is the best course of action for her and her health.
Her sign off will be
- Jinx
Our first co-host is Dottore 1
He is a fictive from genshin impact and brainmade
He/him pronouns
He's an organiser and gatekeeper
Dottore will be mainly overseeing this account, he may not post but if we get asks or comments he will be the one reviewing them.
His signoff is
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Our second co-host is Breeze
Breeze is a fictive though does not talk about his source as he is not comfortable with people knowing
He/Him pronouns
Breeze is an anger and jealousy holder + other unknown roles
Breeze may post on this account about his own experiences or things he wishes to talk about, he is also the alter who manages our userbox account @sys-boxes-gatcha most posts made there will be him!
His sign offs are
System info
Collective name is Shark
We have alot of trauma that may or may not be referenced on this blog, we will never go into detail if we bring it up.
We are not a good person, don't think of us as some perfect being, we are very much a bad person and we are trying to be better and improve.
Please refer to our alters as "headmates" we don't own eachother and we all prefer being called eachothers headmates over being called the other alters or even parts
We are VERY queer, if you have an issue with this the door is over there
We hope this intro let you have an idea about who we are and what to expect on this blog, please feel free to ask questions about our system or anything else in our ask box!
End of post!
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