#when crosshair chooses to be annoying
bibannana · 2 years
Hunter *annoyed*: Why are you bothering me?!!?
Crosshair *who has been following Hunter like a persistent shadow*: I am simply gracing you with my presence Hunter.
Hunter *throws his hands up in frustration and walks away (quickly)*: Aaarghg!!!
Crosshair *follows with a smug look*
Echo *raises an eyebrow*: Why is Crosshair-
Tech *fiddling with the console*: Hunter told Crosshair to stop bothering Wrecker, it appears that he has decided to bother Hunter instead.
Wrecker *beaming*: He's been following him since yesterday!
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miss-musings · 2 months
"The Bad Batch" Discussion: Did Crosshair Need to Bond with Omega Independent of His Brothers?
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This might be an unusual take, but I don't think Crosshair would've bonded with Omega as intensely if he'd been with his family in S1-2.
I think he needed to spend a lot of one-on-one time with her first, partly because of his personality and partly because of his family's unique circumstances.
I imagine that, in an AU where his chip never activated and he left Kamino with his family in 1.01 "Aftermath", Crosshair's dynamic with Omega would've been a lot like Tech's. He'd generally care about her, but he wouldn't really bond with her until he'd spent a lot of time with her, especially one-on-one.
If Crosshair saw his brothers, particularly Hunter and Wrecker, bonding with her as intensely and as quickly as they did in S1, I think he would've just sat back and let them. No need for him to get involved too.
I mean, that's basically what happens in 1.01 "Aftermath." He didn't seem particularly interested in Omega, and definitely let Hunter and the others take the lead in interacting with her in the hallway, cafeteria and medbay scenes.
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By the brig scene, though, Crosshair seems to have gone from general disinterest toward Omega to finding her full-on annoying. It's so bad that he openly mocks her:
Omega, to Hunter: No, it's like I said before. I want to go with you. Crosshair, rude AF: How touching.
Granted, his attitude in the brig scene is definitely influenced by his inhibitor chip, but I can't be sure how much his attitude toward her in the previous scenes was him versus the chip.
However, after Crosshair regains his free will and reunites with his family in 1.15/1.16, he still doesn't like Omega and seems very bitter and resentful toward her. In fact, when she sits next to him in Nala Se's lab -- even though the others aren't paying attention to them at all -- he still tells her to go away.
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It's worth noting that, until 3.03 "Shadows of Tantiss", every major interaction between them is 1) when one or both of them are trapped in a given space and cannot leave AND 2) initiated by Omega:
Their conversation in the brig in 1.01 "Aftermath"
Their conversation in Nala Se's lab in 1.16 "Kamino Lost"
Their conversation on the platform in 1.16 "Kamino Lost"
Both conversations in 3.01 "Confined" (and any that happened off-screen during the time-jump)
When she breaks him out of his cell in 3.03 "Shadows of Tantiss"
(NOTE: The one possible exception to this is the second conversation in 3.01. She initiated the conversation by going to his cell, but as she's leaving, he calls out to her. Not only is this the first time he ever says her name on-screen, but it's also the first time he willingly continues a conversation rather than push her away.)
Now, after they escape the base in 3.03 and when they're on Lau in 3.04, they're essentially thrown together as allies of convenience. They're not physically trapped, but even if Crosshair wanted to leave her, separating at that point wouldn't be prudent for a variety of reasons.
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So that moment in 3.04 "A Different Approach" when Omega gives him the credits and tells him he can leave without her is pivotal.
Crosshair's presented with a choice: continue on alone or go back for her.
And his choice there is so significant because, for the very first time in the entire show, Crosshair freely chooses to reach out to Omega instead of the other way around.
When he finds her at the cargo docks, it's the first time HE initiates the interaction instead of her.
From then on, their interactions are more reciprocal. She still initiates some conversations and interactions, while he initiates others.
Likewise, their dynamic is more reciprocal too.
Before it was very one-sided, with Omega always reaching out to him to build/strengthen their bond and looking out for him and his needs.
But, arguably from 3.01 but definitely by 3.04, Crosshair starts matching her energy and looking out for her and her needs too.
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It's clear that after spending five months imprisoned on Tantiss together -- where neither of them had any real support system but each other -- that Crosshair formed a very deep, personal bond with Omega.
It's to the point that he'd do things for her he'd likely never do for anyone else, like getting his hand examined and meditating in 3.08. Even Hunter seems to understand this, which is why he recruited Omega for the task. Crosshair also agreed to let her surrender herself in 3.11 "Point of No Return" despite all his concerns for her safety AND despite knowing he'd have to go back to Tantiss to save her (which he believed would result in his death or worse).
Overall, I believe it was important that he bonded with her independent of his brothers, because the dynamic would've been different with them around.
Hunter, and to a lesser degree Wrecker and Echo, capitalized a lot of her time after the group first left Kamino. If Crosshair had been with them, he probably would've resented that his brothers were spending more time with her than him, because that's basically what happened in canon.
There's also a chance that, once he did start connecting with her, he would've resented that she was spending more time with them than she was with him. Mid-S3 Crosshair seemed mature ~enough~ to accept that Omega might be his No. 1 person, but he didn't need to be hers. That probably wouldn't have been the case for him in S1, though, when he was still an angry little shit 99% of the time.
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Then again, I could be wrong and maybe he would've warmed up to her much sooner even with his brothers around.
If Crosshair had been with his family in S1-2 and things had mostly played out the same, I could see Hunter having Omega help Crosshair as lookout on their missions. That way, she'd still be part of the team and have someone watching her, but she'd be removed from the worst of the action.
(Side note: If that happened, I could totally see Crosshair initially rolling his eyes because he got stuck with ~babysitting duty~ LOL.)
So, maybe she would've spent a lot more time with him early on, leading to them bonding more quickly.
Regardless, in an AU where Crosshair was with his family through the events of S1-2, I do think he would've bonded with her eventually, just like Tech did in S2.
But I still don't think it would've been as intense as it was in S3, because his individual dynamic with her and their collective family dynamic would've been VERY different.
Those are my thoughts. Feel free to share your own in the comments/reblogs! I always appreciate fun discussions about TBB. :)
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inferno-0 · 2 months
[Purchases] Crosshairs/ Reader /Drift
Never go to the store with aliens.
(Do you mind transformers on my blog?)
Oh yes, sorry for the English
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You are a really reserved person, always do everything in order and know how to control a few tasks that seemed difficult for others. But no one said that adult Autobots would be much more difficult to deal with.
"When I talked about the need to behave more civilly in public places, I meant silence and not running away while choosing products."
You clenched the bridge of your nose in annoyance, bowing your head, while Drift quietly looked around. He muttered something several times and looked at you, still processing your words in his head. At least he was calm enough not to attract attention. If you don't take into account your outburst of future anger.
"Drift, where's Crosshairs?" With your arms folded over your chest, you focused on the holoform's response as it cleared its throat awkwardly. ─"I think he went to the department where the items for the sparkling are."
"You mean the toy department?"
The Autobot nodded its head in agreement before waiting for your actions. He knew that he had been given an errand that immediately failed. Keeping an eye on Crosshair was like watching a five-year-old child, hungry for a huge truck or worse. Your stern voice called Mecha out of his thoughts, who seemed to be about to apologize to you. Drift nodded again, trying not to say a word.
"So, you say, he went to the toy department?
"Yes. He said he just wanted to see." Drift hesitated and stood up, remembering the last presence of the green Cybertron. He looked ahead, analyzing the signs and the color that had their meaning.
You frowned at Drift and waited patiently, barely holding back an annoyed growl. "Sign with orange color". The holoform's hand pointed to the farthest part of the toys until it dropped abruptly during your sharp stomping on the stone tiles. Drift followed you, hoping that Crosshairs hadn't done anything. This bot was too intrusive and empathetic.
He turns all discontent against others, trying to be right everywhere. It's scary to imagine what Fur can do when he gets into an argument with some human woman, or worse, a salesman who just offers options for a good product.
"I don't know how I decided to take you with me. You seem to be a million years old, adult guys, but I collect them in stores like five-year-olds." You quickened your pace, grabbing Drift by the sleeve, who was staring desperately at the people around him. Your eyes sparkled apologetically when, due to a gust of anger, you pushed away the unsuspecting customers ahead.
"Come on, come on. Drift don't lag behind" The holoform almost flickered as your hand gripped his forearm. Mek quietly apologized as your elbow moved the nearest cart in front of the Man.
You entered the department with hope, casting glances at all things. The green color never caught your eye and you whimpered until you felt a soothing touch on your shoulder. "Drift, I'm going to pay now"
"Don't do it, we'll find it."
"I know that we will find him, I am afraid what the consequences will be if he does not like something."
You looked at Drift pleadingly. The bot was calm and remained as if nothing had happened. Blue eyes looked at you encouragingly, saying that there was no need to worry once again. The whole bad scenario is in your head, just paranoia.
"What kind of junk is lying here?"
You abruptly broke away from eye contact and turned to the source of the voice that belonged... ─"CROSSHAIRS"
The man in the green cloak just snorted at your raised tone.
He would like to ask why you look worse than Cade, who gets annoyed about everything, but remembered a real and important question. "Why are there no bullets in this weapon?" It seems that he really looked at the arsenal of guns for boys, not starting a dialogue with anyone.
You put your hand on your forehead, giggling. Drift grunted excitedly as Crosshairs stared expectantly at both of you.
"Well, will you answer or not? I walked around this place from all sides and examined each machine gun in search of something interesting, and here is only this" - Finger roughly held the trigger. A loud sound of gunfire is heard from the speaker, causing you to snatch the weapon from the holoform's hands. "Because it is a toy. It's for children, not for war, as you thought."
Crosshairs threw the other machine gun on the shelf in disgust.
The silence on Mek's part made me even angrier. Drift did not let go of his shoulder, forcing him to calm down and assuring him that it was better not to argue with him.
You exhaled, giving the fur a long-awaited smile.
"Let's go to the checkout after all."
Crosshairs walked away peacefully, his hands in his cloak pockets, while you and Drift looked at each other again. And yet...
Cybertronians are not so carefree.
         - Skipping time -
"Well, at least you can help me carry all this cargo." you said with relief, laying out the products on the tape that was moving towards the seller. Drift quietly handed over the remaining purchases until he felt a familiar field near his shoulder.
"He left again. I guess you should thank me for not telling her anything" Blue Fur glanced at you for a moment, not paying much attention to the two men.
"Come on. Sometimes I'm curious to watch her try to teach me a lesson." He chuckled slightly, remembering your past expression and Drift, who stood like a lost organic puppy next to you.
You turned, distracted by the two holoforms that were discussing something in the silence. Crossheirs solemnly spoke his words before approaching you, moving his belt under his cloak. You raised an eyebrow and coughed as Crosshair pulled a familiar object from under his green cloak. Drift peeked out from under his shoulder and rolled his eyes, squeezing out a pitiful groan.
"Question. Why did you take a machine gun?"
His hands folded on his chest. You stared at Crosshair from under your brow as he sucked in a ridiculous breath to restrain himself.
"You just threw it away like garbage. Why did you take it again?" Drift nodded, agreeing with you. "It's not real, but it's a toy for children"
"It's for Bumblebee."
"You're an idiot?"
(I do not accept requests for transformers).
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rendomski · 1 month
"A state of heightened awareness is not unusual for an enhanced clone such as herself."
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In this scene, everybody is surprised by the discovery that Omega is an enhanced clone, but we are missing this intriguing statement about their heightened awareness state!
The Batchers are constantly monitoring their surroundings: Hunter probably because of his senses, Tech can't stop his ever-scrutinising mind, and Crosshair is used to always watching their backs, plus he just notices things. We see it throughout the “Aftermath”. Tech constantly vocalises his observations and questions what’s going on. Hunter is gathering and processing the information silently (dark and broody!). And Crosshair, while deducing on a spot when Hunter lied to him, is obviously disturbed by the troubling changes but trying to convince himself and the others that everything is fine—except Hunter’s weird and annoying disobeying orders.
Only Wrecker is out; he is by no means dumb, but awareness, however we interpret this term, IMHO is not his thing. The big guy is relaxed and goes wherever his brothers lead him. His attempts to assure them, like, “Oh, Empire might not be a bad thing after all,” are endearing in a way.
Bonus: I also adore how Tech is shamelessly posing here.
While neurodivergent people are often sincerely sure that some complicated things are obvious, I refuse to believe this is the case. Tech gets on the ramp, chooses the moment, and casually drops the bomb. C’mon, he admits he had to run a genetic test to confirm his own suspicions! Of course, Omega’s being a clone, moreso an enhanced clone, wasn’t that obvious 😀
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starrylothcat · 1 year
If you gave the clones flower, like a bouquet of flowers, what do you think their reactions would be?
You can of course include as few or as many clones as you'd like and any Squad.
💐 💐 💐 For you, Dear!
Omg thank you so much for this ask???
Oh this is fun! I made this into a Clone x Reader HC/Drabble thing and got a bit carried away.
Warnings: None. Mentions of kissing. Established relationship. Reader not described. Didn’t proofread, sorry. 😅
The Bad Batch + Bonus Rex under the cut! Hope you enjoy my ramblings~
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💋💐 You Give The Bad Batch (+Rex) Flowers Headcanons/Drabble 💋💐
He’s confused at first, wondering why you are holding a handful of flowers out toward him.
You tell him you thought of him when you saw the flowers. They made you happy, so you hoped they’d make him happy, too.
Hunter accepts them, not used to receiving gifts, especially thoughtful ones like this.
He’s so used to giving, leading, bearing responsibility, it catches him off guard how nice it feels to be taken care of in return.
The flowers smell sweet, reminding him of you.
He smiles and cups your chin gently, bringing you in for a passionate kiss, feeling some of his stress melt away.
“Thank you, mesh’la. They are beautiful, just like you. What would I do without you looking out for me?”
He tucks one of the flowers into his hair above his ear, wearing it the rest of the day, his thoughts never straying from you.
You hold a flower out to him, and he just stares at you.
“What are you doing?” He finally speaks.
“I’m giving you a flower.”
Crosshair raises an eyebrow, chews his toothpick, hesitantly taking it from you.
He asks what he’s supposed to do with it.
You roll your eyes and tell him it’s a gift.
“I saw it and thought of you.”
Crosshair doesn’t know how to respond or react at first, being given a kind gift was never something he experienced.
You get slightly annoyed and insecure at his silence, knowing this was a dumb idea in the first place.
You quickly turn from him, mumbling under your breath that it was a stupid thought and that you’ll leave him alone, embarrassment heating your cheeks.
You avoid him all day. Why did you think he’d want a flower of all things?
When you retreat to your bunk that night, a beautifully arranged bouquet of flowers is resting on your pillow with a small note. “Thinking of you, too.”
He is THRILLED when you hand him over a large bouquet of flowers.
Wrecker picks you up and hugs you, almost crushing the bouquet between the two of you.
“All of these are for me?” He suddenly becomes a little sheepish, since he wasn’t expecting such a sweet gesture from you.
“They are bright and wonderful, so I thought of you when I saw them.” You smile as Wrecker’s ears turn red at your admission. He kisses you softly, thanking you for the flowers.
Wrecker places the flowers in the cockpit of The Marauder where everyone can see them, proudly and lovingly exclaiming they were from you when his brothers asked.
He keeps one flower in his utility belt, smiling all day whenever he sees it.
Tech doesn’t quite understand the gesture at first.
He inspects them, beginning to spout facts about each flower, assuming you were giving them to him for research.
You giggle, telling him they weren’t for research, just as a gift.
“What an interesting sentiment. You went out of your way to choose these just for me? To keep as a gift?” He cocked his head, the gears turning in his head.
“Ah, it’s symbolic of how you feel for me. I understand now. Thank you, my dear.”
Tech kisses you sweetly as you smile, and carefully places the flowers on his workbench to look at while he tinkers.
Tech begins a deep dive into researching flowers, analyzing your favorite colors, scents, and specific flower meanings to reciprocate the gift. He wants to give you the perfect arrangement to symbolize his affection for you in return.
He preserves the flowers you gave him so he can always be reminded of your love.
You tell Echo to close his eyes, saying you have a surprise for him.
He smiles, giving you a look, but obliges.
“Ok, open them!
He sees you holding out flowers, offering them to him. He smiles softly, his eyes widening in surprise.
“Are these for me?” He asks, gently taking them from your hand, not quite believing he deserves such a delicate and beautiful gift.
Even though you and Echo have been together for awhile, he still harbors insecurities about his body.
“I thought you might like them.” You say. “You’re always doing so much for me, you deserve something nice, too.”
Echo brings you into an embrace, not knowing how he was so lucky to have someone as special as you.
“Thank you, mesh’la. They mean a lot to me, just like you.”
Echo places the flowers in his bunk, gazing at them as you fall asleep curled up next to him.
You saw beauty in him when he didn’t, and the flowers meant more to him than you’ll ever know.
You’ve noticed Rex was stressed (more than usual) and wanted to get him something nice.
When you hand him the flowers, Rex (internally) panics.
He thinks he missed your anniversary or some other important event. Why else would you be giving him something as nice as flowers?
You can see the panic flash in his eyes, and you immediately tell him the flowers were just for fun. A gift to show him how much you love him, that’s all.
They were blue, matching his 501st colors.
Rex relaxes, now overwhelmed with feeling at the romantic gesture from you.
“You’re always thinking of me, cyare. How can I repay you?”
“I can think of a few ways. How about we start with a kiss?”
Rex smirks as he wraps you in a warm embrace, kissing you tenderly. How did you always know exactly what he needed?
He tucks one of the flowers in his breastplate, wearing your love for all to see.
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💐Hehe thanks for reading!💐
Tags: @wanderer-six @the-cantina @pb-jellybeans
Let me know if you want to be tagged in my fics!
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The Gym Membership - Part 46 (Crosshair)
Summary: Crosshair realizes something.
A/N: Hello Lovelies,
The 700 celebration is up, but I think I made it too difficult for people, so I'll be revising it shortly and extending the celebration.
Love oo
Warnings: Annoyance, working with one's hands, attraction. I think that's it, if I miss any warnings, please let me know.
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Despite the piercing gaze from Crosshair that felt he was looking deep into my soul, I couldn’t help but admire how good he looked.
I’m sure anyone else would’ve felt terrified or scared just from that look alone, but instead, all I could focus on where his long legs, which were stretched out in front of him. His right foot crossed over his left ankle allowing his muscular thighs to become more prevalent against his tight jeans. My eyes slowly drifted up to his waist, even through his shirt I could see his abs shifting with every breath he took. His biceps bulged as he crossed his arms, his forearms glistening against his dark blue shirt. The swishing of his toothpick from side-to-side, drew my attention to his plump bottom lip which guided his toothpick. Despite how annoyed he looked, I couldn’t pull my eyes away from his lithe form. 
Avery sure knew how to pick them.
I closed my eyes, tilting my head, pretending to release a kink in my neck, forcing myself to focus on the topic at hand and not on Crosshair’s body. 
“Well um … Tech and I talked a little bit during the axe throwing night, and then at Hunter’s BBQ he sort of mentioned how things had gotten a bit tense between the two of you.”
He clenched his hand, before rubbing his face, “Okay, fine. However, what I don’t understand is, how this topic came up? Specifically between the two of you?”
I shrugged my shoulders, truthfully, I don’t even know how we got on to that topic either, “Honestly, I don’t know. I was asking him questions about Kamarie. I was wondering if she would’ve enjoyed axe throwing, and as we talked, we moved from one topic to another and then it just sort of …” I jostled my hands back and forth, “you know, came up.”
The idea that Layla had spent one-on-one time with Tech, irritated him more than he had expected.
Although, now his mind couldn’t stop asking a million and one questions: At what point had they talked? Was it when he was having that stupid competition with Roy … Roger … or whatever the hell his name was? Did she feel more comfortable with Tech? Did she and Tech somehow become closer? He closed his eyes, quieting his mind as best he could.
“You appear to be really concerned about Tech’s emotional state.”
His statement threw me off, I tilted my head in confusion, “His emotional state?” I scratched my head trying to understand what he was getting at, “I mean, it’s never easy moving on from someone you lost. You and I both know that, doesn’t matter if they’re your spouse, parent, sibling, or best friend; not having that person in your life anymore, that person you relied on and love is rough. It changes you, and if you say it doesn’t you’re lying. So in that sense you could say I am concerned about his emotional state. Just as I’m worried about yours.”
Crosshair stilled at her statement, his toothpick barely hanging on, as his mouth opened slightly “You’re worried about me?”
“Of course” my face felt heated by the way his eyes locked on to mine, “After all we’re family. Right?”
That word held such a different meaning for Crosshair. It wasn’t that he didn’t love his family or that he didn’t want to be around them or vice vera. Rather, it was a given they’d always be there for him, because that’s what they did, no matter how snarky or prickly he got he could count on them. However, Avery was the first person ever to actually choose him, regardless of his personality, his attitude, the looks he might sometimes give. She chose to be his family, chose to love him despite his many flaws. 
An enormous sense of guilt washed over him, as he stood in her sister’s bathroom leering at her. What sort of bastard was he? He forced his eyes back on the toilet that needed fixing. 
“You’re right. We’re family.” 
It was more of a reminder than a statement, he leaned over the toilet again, focusing on the task at hand, hoping his hands would pull his focus to where he needed it to be, “Toilet should be fixed in about ten minutes. Then I’ll start on the window.”
“Thanks Cross,” the air in the bathroom shifted, even Crosshair’s demeanour shifted, it felt as though something was said, that shouldn’t have been said, either way it was my cue to leave him be, “I’ll get back to cooking; dinner will be ready in another 20 minutes or so.” 
I was about to walk out, but I had one more thing to say to him, turning to look at him, I took a moment to admire his expansive back flexing under his shirt as he bent over. I cleared my throat, reminding myself there was something I needed to say, “Cross, I don’t know what Tech said to you that annoyed you so much, and I’m not prying to find out. Just know, the argument usually stems from something else. Whenever Avery and I got into it, and ticked each other off, it usually had to do with the fact neither of us listened and/or wanted to admit we were hurt. Siblings have a way of saying nothing and everything at the same time.”
He didn’t answer her, simply listened as her footsteps took her further away. He let out a sigh, of course she was right, and in the back of his mind he knew the argument wasn’t out of nowhere, in fact he was surprised it hadn’t happened sooner. 
His mind went back to the argument he had with Tech that morning, he could still picture his younger brother’s irritated expression as Tech tried his best to express his feelings, only he had that certain tone in his voice that often turned their discussions into a rather heated conversation.
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crwdgoinapeshit · 5 months
Thony's Character
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I know most find Thony to be an irritating character and believe me when I say I'm one of them, but I do think(or at least hope) that last episode's opening is foreshadowing to her becoming head of the Sin Cara Cartel.
Now I know that makes absolutely no sense given that Thony has not a clue on how to run a cartel, let alone how to be a successful criminal. However, this is a show that had a cardio-thoracic surgeon, who hadn't preformed a single surgery in half a decade, do a pediatric liver transplant on her own. So you know suspend disbelief.
Deadline recently did an article where they spoke on the future of the show. In the article, they mentioned that the show runners pitched some ideas on where to take things without Adan no longer being a part of the show and those ideas were "well received".
I get the feeling those ideas involved a more empowered Thony going forward and with Ramona's health in question I can see the writer's finding a way to place Thony in her position.
*There are some big spoilers under the cut at the veryyyyyyyyyyy end so be mindful* I'll put SPOILERS so you know when to get out!
In a earlier episode this season, Jorge's character did theorize that Thony likes the chaos of crime and that's why she's "there." I'm starting to believe that to be true.
In the beginning, when Hyak, Garrett and Arman were lording over her she did the best she could with the circumstances she was in. Personally, I think that's why Thony's character was more likable in season 1, she wasn't choosing this. However, at the end of season 1 she actively made a decision to stay in America. She wanted to run an illegal clinic at the back of their cleaning shop, all while both she and Luca are undocumented.
Thony not wanting to go back to the Philippines because of Marco made sense, she wouldn't have been able to divorce him given the laws there. To be frank, the show's writing never left me feeling she stayed in America because she was running from Marco, but rather she was running towards Arman. There were no scenes post Marco's death where she toyed with the idea of going back to the Phillippines to resume her career as a high powered surgeon and freely have access to the anti-rejection meds Luca would need for the rest of his life.
I can't remember which episode Arman got out of jail, 2 or 3, but in her first conversation at La Habana she begged arman to ask Bosco to move a couple of boxes through Sin Cara's routes. Thony was now actively choosing to engage in illegal activities even though she could go back to the Philippines where not only she could buy these meds legally, she could go back to work as a surgeon, but most importantly Luca would be much safer and not undocumented.
Thony's circumstances post season 1 are her own fault. I think that's why a lot of watchers are irritated with her character. Watching her judge other people, beg people to help her out of her own mess, shame people for not risking their livelihoods to help her or Luca has grown annoying. Season 2 was the start of that type of character writing, but I do think season 3 has been a bit of an improvement.
I know Fiona going to Russo was stupid, but I can see why she did it. Fiona has lived the entirety of her children's lives in America and no trouble like this has come her way. She kept her head down and focused on providing an education for her children. She wasn't perfect, but she surely didn't get into the crosshairs of criminals along the way lol. I can see why Fiona is on edge. Thony is afterall living under Fiona's roof and driving around in her car. I'm sure they split the bills, but still Fiona and by extension Chris and Jaz will pay the price for Thony's responsibilities. I mean Fiona did get arrested and deported because of the hospital fiasco. A situation that wouldn't have occurred back in the Philippines because the life saving treatment Luca needed was not experimental there. Funny how that works.
Ultimately, my hope is that Thony gets some power in her hands because three seasons of her getting tossed around and blaming other people isn't going to keep the show around. She needs to become more likable. Likable characters aren't synonymous to "decent people", but savvy, humorous, loyal, etc. This recent episode's ending with her and Ramona was a damn good start. I'm just praying that the writer's keep that tone going. I want to see Thony own her situation unapologetically and do what needs to be done. Jorge's line earlier about Thony liking the chaos seems to ne an accurate estimation of her character. Now I need Thony to commit to this life and actively make alliances/choices to protect her family, while she delves deeper into the life.
I know the Russo/Jeremy/FBI bomb is on the table waiting to go off, but I need it to stay ticking until season 4. I'm still praying we get a season 4 and we see Thony switch from working for the Sin Cara Cartel to one of the heads of the snake.
I can see Jorge surviving the season. He was in an instagram video with our little Lucas' last scene at Thony's house.
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I'm not sure Ramona makes it out because Kate posted an instagram video while they still filming episode 10. that made it seem like she was now working on a new project. Granted my Spanish is not great, but I could make out her asking for well wishes on her new project.
I unfortunately don't think Nadia makes it out, because the actress posted a farewell insta. Then there was that picture that Elodie posted and then IMMEDIATELY took down. Yikes on bikes!
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So my prediction is Jorge and Thony are the ones left standing to run the cartel. I saw Jorge's face on Russo's board, so I think moving forward they'll be doing everything they can to get out from under the FBI's crosshairs.
Maybe Ramona takes the fall to protect Jorge and to make sure Violetta has him. Either way, I just DON'T want Thony behind bars. I'm tiredddddddd of her being metaphorically on her back, always fighting to get up on her feet, I want her to end the season empowered. Last season ended that way, but I think given Adan's health coming into the new season they had to pivot.
Sorry for the LOOONNNNGGGGG post :)
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Bad Batch S3 Ep 5 Thoughts!!
I loved the picture perfect Omega waking up on the ship, with Lula and her brothers and everything was back the way it belongs and—oh what’s that? Crosshair’s moping.
All this business about Crosshair knowing they don’t trust him, Hunter and Wrecker basing a lot of their trust in Omega’s trust and yet— they brought him to Pabu, he’s met Shep and Lyanna. Clearly there’s enough trust there, enough of something there that they would bring him to that hidden sanctuary.
I didn’t expect them to find anything of Maday’s and it absolutely broke my heart when Crosshair did. I loved that the return was as much about having the batch (minus SOMEONE) back together as it was about Crosshair facing his past and decisions and choosing to move forward. I really wish they had let him and Hunter talk more though. I was so annoyed when the giant worm interrupted their fight, I was so ready for them to duke it out and yell some more. I am glad they talked it out a tiny bit? Idk I just wanted more. But I did like that they didn’t totally skip over it.
I loved that the vultures kept calling to him. They’ve claimed him, even as he finds his way back to who he was.
Other little things I loved:
Omega calling Crosshair little brother
Echo showing up and spending all of him time telling Hunter and Crosshair to knock it off
“At least there wasn’t blood this time” TELL ME MORE ECHO, I WANT TO KNOW MORE
I can’t wait to see where the rest of this season goes!!!!
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the-bi-space-ace · 1 year
Alright strap in I’ve got Crosshair headcanons and thoughts and you are being subjected to them hi hello enjoy:
Really craves friendship. Wants friends more than anything but for the life of him has never been good at making them. Mostly bc his defense mechanism is to be mean to keep strangers at arms length. Choose to have them dislike you before they even get a chance to make that decision themselves. It’s hard to penetrate those defenses.
AND YET this man contradicts every word he says. He hates regular clones huh? Then explain Cody and Echo and Mayday to me Crossy. Explain them to me bro. You even like Rex when it’s all said and done and that man PUNCHED YOU IN THE FACE. Explain yourself Crosshair.
Is pretty quiet for the most part but when he gets chatty it’s a mile a minute. He’ll sit next to his brothers or follow them around and just talk talk talk talk talk. Only happens once in awhile but when it does happen they all just stay quiet and listen to him. First time he did that to Echo it was completely out of the blue and he came up behind Echo and just started ranting. Echo stared at him with wide eyes for like ten minutes like ‘is this real? Is he okay?’ Before just sitting down and getting stuck in an hour long chat where he did like zero talking.
Gossipy bastard. Loves to gossip. Loves hearing it. Loves telling it. He’s so quiet most people forget he’s there and they say wild shit in front of him. He tells the 99 everything.
If one of his brothers asks who his favorite is he changes his answer depending on who has annoyed him most that day. ‘Oh you want to know who my favorite is? Wrecker, clearly. Hunter is my least favorite bc he took too long in the shower and used up all the hot water.’
Massive sweet tooth. Keep this man away from a candy store he’ll give himself cavities.
If they’re training playing with fake blasters he makes a ‘pew pew’ sound when he ‘shoots’ it. Super quiet and under his breath but he does it.
He has a game where he tries to see how many tiny rolled up pieces of paper he can get into Hunter’s hair or armor before Hunter catches on. Oh the amount of times he’s been yanked from his bunk after being caught is innumerable.
Loves listening to Tech infodumping but will never admit it out loud. He has learned so much and has found a lot of it fascinating but prefers to sit quietly and keep his eyes closed while Tech talks.
Him and Wrecker have so many more competitions than just the one. They compete all the time. Who can run the fastest. Who can name the most planets. Anything. As long as it’s a competition.
Pretends to be asleep so people don’t ask him to do things and then promptly actually falls asleep.
Cries. Like a lot. Well. Not a lot just a lot more than you’d think. While most people would think he’s too aloof for that I think he picked up a good habit of letting out big bursts of emotion because he always saw Wrecker do it. And he trusts Wrecker. Doesn’t like crying in front of other people but will hide to get some emotion out before rejoining the group.
Secret softy. But in the way where he’ll make fun of his brothers while doing something nice for them. He’s picking up their fave candy from a shop? He’ll throw it at their face when he gives it to them. They’re upset? He’s going to find a way to make sure they get a good meal and have some company but he’s going to be aggressive about it. ‘You haven’t eaten since yesterday. You’re being an idiot. Eat the fucking burrito I went to three different places to find one that would give me the salsa you like now don’t waste my time.’
His toxic trait is acting like he hates when one of them is hugging him as they are hugging him. ‘Ugh get off of me. You’re the worst.’ As he’s tightly hugging them back. Crosshair, honey, why are you like this?
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ghostofskywalker · 2 years
as promised to a few users, i did choose one crosshair fic from the drunk blurbs i did last weekend and wrote a second part to it! i chose the one where crosshair gets a cold, and here is a little something to continue that story :)
words: 816
clone troopers masterlist
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You could tell from the moment you opened your eyes that you were sick, and that  Crosshair had given whatever kind of illness he had to you. It had been about three days since you spent a night cuddled up with him in his bunk, and you had thought that things had completely back to normal at this point, but it seemed that you were very much wrong about that assumption. 
Picking your head up off the pillow proved to be much more difficult than it usually was, and you knew that your strength would be pretty much nonexistent today. The sniffles had already started, despite having only been awake for a few moments, and you knew that the coughing probably wasn’t far away. You somehow felt like you were both freezing and sweating, and you had no idea what you were going to do about it. 
“I hope you know that I expect you to take care of me when I inevitably get sick from this.” Those were the words you had uttered to Crosshair just a few days ago, and now as that very event has come to pass, you didn’t want to say anything to him. He had agreed, albeit a little reluctantly (and with a condition of his own), but it still felt weird to ask him. Maybe if he happened to walk by and sense your misery he would help, but you did not want to seem like you were weak and needed his help. 
And about three hours later, that was exactly what happened. The coughing had started (it seemed like your lungs were trying to exit your body via your esophagus, and it hurt), plus your nose hadn’t stopped running once. Crosshair happened to be returning from the cockpit right as you were in the middle of a coughing fit, and he stopped in his tracks. “I was wondering if this was going to happen,” he said, and there was a slight playful edge to his voice. 
You just glared at him, but with the way you looked disheveled and miserable at the moment, you were sure it was about as frightening as a tooka kitten. “Shut up,” you grumbled, but your voice wasn’t all there at the moment. 
He just smirked before walking away, and in that moment you were a little annoyed. You spent Maker knows how long taking care of him when he was sick and now he was going to make fun of your condition? When you got better, you were going to kill him.  But it turned out that murder plan you were drafting wasn’t really necessary, because about ten minutes later Crosshair once again appeared by your bedside, and this time he wasn’t empty handed. 
He held out a small canteen of water to you, and waited as you sat up in bed so you could drink it. Also in his hands was the medicine that he had taken when he was sick, and he dutifully stood there as you took it and drank a few sips. “I’m going to make you some soup,” he said. “We should still have some leftover that I can heat up.” 
Your voice was hoarse as you responded. “You don’t have to do that, it’s okay.” 
“Are you not hungry right now?” That question took you by surprise, and you were about to shake your head no (this way he didn’t feel like he had to take care of you), when your stomach growled loudly, betraying your would-be lie. “I think that answer suffices.” 
“You- you don’t have to take care of me,” you croaked out, taking another sip of water from the canteen. “I know I said I expected it, but I was joking.” 
The disapproving stare you were suddenly on the receiving end of was almost more uncomfortable than the sickness you had acquired. “I know what you’re feeling right now,” he said. “And I know it’s not fun. Why won’t you let me help you?” 
“Because I don’t want you to feel like you have to.” Now it wasn’t just the sickness that made your voice quieter, it was the admission of the truth. 
“I don’t feel that way,” he responded, and you could almost detect a hint of emotion on his usually stoic face. “I just want to see you get better.”
“Really?” that word sounded more like a croak, or some kind of animal screech, but he seemed to understand what you were trying to say. 
“Yes. Now let me make you some soup, okay?” You just nodded in response, and he stepped away from your bedside. 
As you took another sip of water from the canteen he had brought, you wondered if you would be able to convince him to stay and cuddle, like he had been able to convince you. If nothing else, it was worth a try. 
- the end -
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hello 👋 idk if you’re accepting new requests but how about a masquerade party? That includes not only the batch but other clones as well? Feel free to choose who but anyway love ❤️ your writing and I hope you’re having a great day/night
Hmm, interesting request. Let me see...
Crosshair/Hunter/Tech/Rex x Reader - The Masquerade
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Mostly Fluff
"A masquerade ball?"
Crosshair sounds anything but enthusiastic.
"No thanks."
You give him a pouty look.
"Oh come on! Music, dancing, good food-"
"No," he interrupts you curtly.
You frown disgruntledly and think for a moment. You were looking forward to the evening, hoping that you would spend it together. The fact that he is so dismissive annoys you, but you won't miss the ball because of that.
"Good. Then we won't see each other tonight."
He frowns and looks at you questioningly.
"Because I'm going there," you say as if it's a matter of course.
Crosshair sighs and finally says, "Well, I'll see you tomorrow then".
As you leave the room, Hunter says to Crosshair, "You do know that your better half has a lot of 'admirers' among our clone brothers?"
Crosshair frowns.
Hunter rolls his eyes and says, "The ball will be full of clones, as guests and as guards."
Crosshair blinks, thinks for a moment, then says stubbornly, "I don't distrust my partner, I don't have to worry about that"
Hunter smiles, "That's not what I'm saying, but I'd be driven crazy just thinking about it, all the attention, the covetous stares…" :::::::::::::::::::::::::
You are still disappointed when you join the guests in the evening. You are wearing such beautiful attire, the ballroom is beautifully decorated, the music is good, the food and drinks are excellent.
Your gaze wanders through the hall again and again, but in vain. Then you hear a voice behind you.
"Quite decadent, the whole thing".
You turn around in surprise. Crosshair is standing in front of you, wearing his dress uniform and a mask that covers half of his face. The side with the tattoo is visible, the other is not.
You beam at him.
"You look hot," you say with a grin.
Crosshair shows you a small smirk and hands you a glass of wine.
"Hot enough that maybe we'll retire to a more private place later?"
"If you dance with me."
He rolls his eyes, but finally nods.
"Okay, one dance"
He seems a little restless. So many people in one room, so many impressions, but when he sees you in your evening dress, he forgets everything else for the moment.
"You look gorgeous," he says dreamily, and gives you a kiss on the hand.
Hunter looks great in his dress uniform and the silver half mask that covers the tattooed half of his face. There are also a lot of senators and their entourages present, and Hunter earns a few covetous looks, including from an older lady who winks cheekily at him.
Hunter, not knowing how to handle it, nods politely at her and then looks at you for help.
"So you have a fan," you say, amused, sipping your glass.
He smirks and asks, "Just one?"
"How many do you want?" you ask, laughing softly.
"Aren't you a fan?"
You beam at him and say, "I thought it was obvious that I'm your biggest fan, of course."
His fingers gently move under your chin and lift it, his gaze dips into yours, and he says tenderly, "I hope so. Do you actually know that this mask brings out your beautiful eyes quite beautifully?"
He looks a bit lost standing there in the entrance hall waiting for you. Tech is wearing his dress uniform and a black mask. He looks smart, elegant, but also clearly lost. He doesn't have his datapad with him, can only scan the room for you with his gaze and hopes that no one else will speak to him. There are far too many strangers here for his taste.
He ignores one of the clones who passes by and says to his colleagues, "Well, well, well, the nerd from Sad Batch is here too, almost didn't recognize him."
Tech looks strained in another direction, trying to ignore the low-key laughter. Why did he let you talk him into coming here?
When you show up, he's so nervous that even though he immediately sees how beautiful you look, instead of complimenting you like he planned, he says, "You're late, I've been waiting ten minutes."
You blink in surprise, the smile on your lips disappears, and he regrets what he said.
"Sorry," you say quietly, "There was a small accident outside the hall, I couldn't get in right away".
"Are you hurt?" he asks, immediately concerned, and takes your hands in his.
"No, I'm fine"
Tech breathes a sigh of relief, then looks through the large archway into the main hall. It's full of people, music floats in the air, but nothing about it really attracts him. You see his look and ask, "Is everything okay? We don't have to go in there, darling."
His gaze shoots back to you in hope.
" Really, we don't?"
You sigh softly, smile in understanding, and nod.
Tech whisks you away to a quiet rooftop garden nearby, here you're almost alone. You can still hear some of the music up here and dance alone and in peace. Later that night, you have the best view of the ball's fireworks as you hold each other in your arms.
You can't stop looking at him, he looks so handsome in his dress uniform, and so mysterious and daring with the mask. Of course, he notices. Rex smiles wryly and asks, "Why are you staring at me like that all the time today?"
"Have you looked in the mirror?"
He frowns for a moment, then says uncertainly, "This morning, but everything seemed normal then."
You laugh softly, amused that he just doesn't understand how attractive he is.
"You look delicious"
His cheeks turn a soft shade of pink.
He jokes, "I hope you don't really bite."
"Maybe a very little bit if you let me" you say teasingly.
He chuckles cautiously, clears his throat and looks around, hoping none of his brothers overhear the conversation between you, he would never hear the end of it.
"But next to you everything pales, no one looks at me" he says smiling wryly, "But that's just as well, as long as you look at me as you do now, I need absolutely nothing else".
He politely offers you his arm and leads you to the dance floor.
"I've been practicing especially for tonight".
"Really?" you ask as he gently swings you across the dance floor.
"Yes, really. I know you've been looking forward to tonight, I want you to enjoy it".
You say with a smile, "I can see you are definitely more than just good looks"
Later at the buffet you run into Fives who happily says, "I see my lessons have paid off Captain, a good dancing leg."
You almost spit out the small snack again, laughing at the thought of Fives teaching your beloved Captain how to dance.
You cough twice behind your hand, swallow the food quickly, and take a deep breath.
"Everything okay?" asks Rex.
"Sure, everything's fine."
You can't bring yourself to tell him that you just imagined Fives chasing the captain around the dance floor.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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arctrooper69 · 2 years
I'm just gonna throw this one out there since the thought won't leave my brain. What if F! Reader, and Crosshair when put together are absolute trolls to TBB, pulling pranks and creating minor inconveniences for everyone for their own amusement. Then the day arrives when he pranks the F! Reader and takes a little too far (exchange sugar for salt in the caf? Idk, you choose!). She chases him down to give him a piece of her mind, and mid-punch into his armor, he catches her hand.
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Hi! I'm so sorry this took so long! Hope this is worth the wait! Also, I misread part of it so its reader and Crosshair pranking eachother not tbb as a whole. Sorry about that 😬 But I hope you like it anyway!
Impractical Jokesters
You started a game that Crosshair is now determined to finish.
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Warnings: Playing pranks on people I guess? Some lovey dovey stuff at the end. Making out?
"Okay, I'm gonna ask this once and only once!" Crosshair growled stalking down the ramp to where you were sitting outside the Marauder reading a book. He looked annoyed. "Are you responsible for this?!"
He flicked his hand towards you angrily, flinging globs of sticky green sap into the dirt by your feet. You choked, lifting the book to cover your face - partially to protect yourself from the slime but mostly so that he wouldn't see the wicked grin you were trying so hard to hide. Taking a deep breath you peeked over the book to look at him, feigning an innocent look. Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Don't laugh.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Crosshair. Go bother someone else."
He shook his head and growled in frustration. He knew. He totally knew.
A grin split across your face.
"Don't worry, Tech said the stuff isn't poisonous or anything."
He turned back to the ship but not before chucking his slime covered glove at you. "You're washing this out."
Kriff. That did it. You couldn't help the howling laughter that bubbled from your gut, bringing tears to your eyes. "Just admit it Cross, I got you good!"
He paused at the top of the ramp, turning to face you as he leaned against the hatchway with his arms crossed. His face was eerily calm. A slight smirk graced his lips for a brief second. If you were any less perceptive you would have missed it altogether. There was a sharp glint of danger in his dark eyes that sent tingles through your core, down to your feet. Oh, this could be fun. You flexed your toes, suppressing a grin.
Crosshair seemed to study you intently for a few seconds, twisting the toothpick in his mouth between his thumb and finger before abruptly turning to go back inside; but not before tossing the toothpick over his shoulder. It landed in the dirt in front of you.
"Oh you have no idea what you've just started, kitten. Better watch your back." He smirked to himself as he walked back into the ship before you could respond.
Your lips suddenly felt very dry and you licked them, letting your eyes linger on the hatch long after he'd gone back into the ship. Oh yes. This could be very fun indeed.
When Crosshair said to watch your back, you had a funny feeling he actually meant it. You could feel the his gaze burning across your skin as you walked back into the ship. Crosshair wanted you on edge. That was the fun of it. He'd wait until your guard was down and then he'd strike. It would come without warning. You shot a cocky smile behind you, refusing to let him see just how deep beneath your skin he'd gotten. The suspense was killing, but the thought of Crosshair lying in wait somewhere - it excited you.
A few hours later, you stood by the caf machine, happy for a break from rewiring the control panel. It was tedious to say the least, but you owed it to Tech. You twirled a small wrench between your fingers thoughtfully. He'd seen you eyeing the toolset in town and it was imperative you had good tools to do your job, so he'd bought them for you.
The ramp to the Marauder hissed open and you jumped violently, gasping in pain as the fresh caf sloshed over your fingers. Not scared....just prepared, you told yourself. Hunter grunted as he clambered up the ramp and dropped a large crate down onto the floor. He glanced over quizzically, hearing the sudden crescendo of your pulse. "What's got you so jumpy today?"
"N-nothing!" you stuttered, shaking the caf off of your burnt fingers.
He raised an eyebrow, "Whatever you say." He turned back towards the ramp, tossing you a pair of work gloves. "Come help me bring the supplies in. Wrecker and Omega already left for Cid's and Tech and Echo are working on getting the engines up and running."
You nodded, "Where's Crosshair?"
Hunter shrugged, "No idea. He said he had to grab a few things in town. He should be back soon."
Keeping your guard up all day was exhausting. By the time you finished helping Hunter, Crosshair had returned and vanished once again. As the day went on, you let his threat slip to the back of your mind, slowly but surely letting your guard down.
"Go get some rest, y/n." Hunter jerked his head towards the bunks. "We'll wake you in a couple hours."
"Sounds good to me."
You walked to the fresher. The door slid the door open releasing a bucket of freezing cold water. A shriek flew from your lips as you stood there in shock, dripping wet. Footsteps clambered quickly in your direction.
"Y/n!?" shouted Wrecker. He was the first on the scene. "What happened!?" Hunter followed behind him with a similar look of confusion written all over his face. Rendered speechless, all you could do was sputter. Omega's hand over her mouth did little to stifle the giggles.
A grunt of amusement from behind caused you to spin around. Crosshair was leaning against the wall with folded arms and a satisfied smirk on his lips. "You look like a drowned tooka." He mocked as he removed the toothpick from between his teeth.
Blowing water from your lips, you glared at him.
Crosshair simply shrugged. He twisted a toothpick between his fingers and pointed it towards you. "I did warn you."
You wrung the soaked shirt in your hands, flicking the water droplets at him.
Hunter glanced between the two of you. He could definitely hear the way your pulse soared. Hopefully he would simply chalk it up to shock due to the icy water, but the narrow-eyed look he shot you as he slowly guided Omega back to the cockpit, said otherwise.
You turned back to Crosshair, leaning against the wall with arms crossed, mirroring his posture perfectly.
"So this is what it's is gonna be, huh?" You questioned, slowly looking up at him. Your heart beat wildly in your chest.
He looked down at you, eyes darkening as they met your own determined gaze.
"Do you really want to play this game with me?" He asked dangerously.
You nodded. "You're on, Crosshair"
He rolled his eyes and smirked, "Just remember, you started this."
You chuckled.
If Crosshair wanted a war, Crosshair would get a war.
You chose the wrong girl, my friend.
As promised, the pranks continued on for the rest of the week. The harder Crosshair hit, the harder you hit back.
He'd put salt in your caf instead of sugar and in return you wrapped his bunk in plastic wrap. He stuck dye into your shampoo, and you retaliated by replacing his hand soap with lube. Back and forth, back and forth; neither of you wanted to give the other satisfaction by giving up.
"Seriously Crosshair?" You fished out another plastic cockroach from your cereal bowl. To his credit, they did look real. "That's all you've got?"
His sharp eyes glistened dangerously like steely knives as he shrugged. "Wouldn't you like to know."
The next day he struck again.
"CROSSHAIR!" You yelled across the ship. You were beyond mad now. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes. "Too far! You've gone way too far this time!"
You were met with silence. Where was everyone? Crosshair had crossed a major line by messing with your tools.
"I needed that wrench today!" You yelled. The wrench in question was now glued to the palm of your hand. "Get out here now!"
Still silence.
You would never mess with his Firepuncher or anything that could potentially compromise a mission, yet the boundaries of your games had slowly been fading away.
Hunter poked his head from the cockpit.
"Crosshair's outside, y/n. What's the problem?"
"What's the problem!?" you yelled. Hunter winced.
"THIS! This is the problem!" You shook your hand at him. Your right hand; the hand you used to work your tools and now your wrench was stuck fast in your grip.
"He GLUED my wrench to my HAND!" You wiggled your fingers to prove your point and the wrench stuck fast. Omega was now standing by Hunter, drawn out of her room by your outburst.
"Wow," she giggled, "that's certainly not...handy."
Hunter choked on his caf. Omega smacked him on the back.
"That was a good one." He chuckled, ruffling her hair.
Omega beamed, then looked back down at the wrench in your hand. She couldn't tell if the tears in your eyes were of pain or anger. Probably both.
"I'm gonna kill him!" A frustrated growl emanated from the back of your throat. Crosshair would pay for this.
The door hissed open and you stepped outside. Crosshair, where are you?
"Tech!" You shouted, catching sight of him sitting in the grass tinkering away at some device that may have once been a thermal detonator and was now...something else.
He glanced up at you as you stalked over to him. "What's wr- "
"Where's Crosshair!?" you snarled, not giving him the chance to finish.
Tech shrugged. "I believe he went into town but I- "
"Great." You interrupted and hopped on a speeder leaving Tech looking quite bewildered.
Strangely enough, Crosshair was fairly easy to find and it almost seemed like he wanted to be found. By you.
He said nothing as he allowed you to drag him into an alleyway, shooting poisonous glares at anyone who looked your way.
"What the hell, Crosshair!?"
He smirked, taking in your disheveled appearance. The silence only further induced your fury. He was doing this on purpose.
That was it. You'd had enough.
"Why the hell would you think this is okay!?" Your voice cracked as you lifted your eyes, expecting some kind of response. Something. Guilt? Anger? Amusement? But Crosshair simply shrugged. You saw red and balled your fist, swinging without thinking.
In an instant he grabbed your shaking fist in his hand and stepped forward, pushing you up against the wall.
"Are you done?" he growled. He was so close you could feel his breath on your skin. You shivered, slowly losing the will to fight back. Your legs already felt weak. He moved forward, pinning your wrists to the bricks behind you and forcing a knee between your thighs. Your breath quickened.
"I think this has gone on long enough, don't you?"
It was your turn to be silent. Your eyes once aflame with anger, were burning with something else. Something deeper and much more passionate. His eyes wandered your body, coming up to meet your eyes. Crosshair wanted you as much as you wanted him.
He shoved his lips against yours with a hot, hungry urgency. He looked back up at you and smirked. He had you at his mercy and he knew it.
"I win."
"Crosshair," you shivered as he teased his hands slowly down your sides. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent. "I love where this is going, but please, can we first get this thing off my hand?"
@zoeykallus @ttzamara @nahoney22 @merkitty49 @viva-la-whump @agenteliix @dumpsters-little-matchbook @nekotaetae @ladykatakuri @loverofclones @heyitsaloy @padawancat97 @sadspring @flyingkangaroo
If you want to be on my taglist, feel free to send me a message! Also, asks are open! Reblogging is very much encouraged and it makes me do a happy dance every time any of my writing gets reblogged 😂❤️
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rendomski · 3 months
Bad Batch and UEFA Euro 2024 ⚽
Grasping the trend about the Bad Batch and sports, here's some football brainrot!
In the UEFA semifinals:
Hunter supports Spain because he would love everything about Spain: the red colour, the navaja knife fighting, the music, the dancing, etc.
Tech supports France because their strategy is focused on winning, not running around and scoring stupid goals in open play 😆.
Crosshair supports England because supporting England annoys everyone. He would vehemently deny any leftover Imperial sentiments!
Omega supports the Netherlands because she didn't want to side with either Hunter or Crosshair against the other. She quite liked this country when she read about them more—and they play excellently, which is also quite important in football 😄
And Wrecker was supporting some less known team that didn't even pass the group stage 💔. He got so disappointed that he doesn't have the heart to choose a new favourite yet. He just enjoys watching the games with a lot of snacks by his side.
May the best team win! ⚽
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kaminocasey · 2 years
C O N G R A T S in your follower count! I recently came across your blog and adore your writing!
If you don’t mind, would you write #6 with Crosshair please?
Awww! THANK YOU!!!!!! I appreciate you saying that!!! I'm so glad you're here!!!!!!
I don't mind at all!!! Love our boy!!!
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Angst
Crosshair has been gone for three months. Three months that he decided you weren’t worth it to stay with his brothers. Three months without laying awake in a bunk with the sniper, talking about anything and everything. Three months without slipping into the fresher to fuck while everyone is asleep. Three months without his smirk. 
Three months without him.
You’ve tried to move on. You tried to throw yourself into the missions with the Batch. You’ve tried to think of literally anything but him. But, every night while you lie awake in your bunk or take watch on the Marauder, thoughts of him force their way into your head. It’s incredibly annoying and painful. What you’d do to just forget him.
“Do you want some company?” Echo asks you.
You’d been sort of crying, so you turn away to wipe your eyes so he doesn’t see. “Yeah, sure.”
He sits in the copilot seat and you take your foot off the dash panel. 
He chuckles softly. “I’m not Tech. I don’t care if you prop your foot up.” 
You smile and put your foot back up, getting comfy again, leaning back against the seat. 
“Do you want me to mind my own business?” He gives you the choice, which you appreciate. 
With a shrug, you sigh. “I miss him. I try so hard not to…”
“Easier said than done, right?” Echo gives you a sympathetic smile.
You nod in agreement. If you could, you’d go back in time and drag Crosshair off that platform into the Marauder kicking and screaming if you had to. 
“So, that’s it? After everything? You’re still choosing the Empire?” You ask him angrily after Omega says her piece and runs back to the Marauder, standing on the platform with the rest of Tipoca City burning into the Kaminoan Sea. 
The urge to kick him off the platform, leaving him to the saberjowls is too high, you’re just so angry. 
“Like I said, I made my choice.” He scowls and then looks away. 
“I don’t believe you…” You feel a lump form in your throat. “You’re really choosing the Empire over your family? Over… me?”
He still won’t look at you.
Hunter calls your name and you hold up a finger to indicate you needed a moment.
One more moment.
Possibly the last moment. 
“Cross… please…” Your voice breaks and Crosshair’s eyes squeeze shut. “Please…”
He lets out a breath and turns away from you for the last time. With a shaky breath and trembling lips, you walk back to the Marauder with tears in your eyes. 
If he wouldn’t choose you, then you won’t waste another breath on him.
Except that wasn’t true. You still breathed for him. Your heart still beats for him. And it angers you. Even after three months.
When you get back to Ord Mantell, you all walk back to Cid’s. As soon as you get back, you go to the bar and order a double, needing to drown your sorrows just for the night. Then, tomorrow… you’ll be better. You’ll move on for real this time. You’ll actually try. You’ll even try to go on a date with someone, maybe… Who knows. 
“What’s in that?” Omega asks, eyeing it suspiciously with a sour face.
“An adult drink.” You chuckle. 
“If that’s what adults are supposed to drink, I don’t want to be one.” She scrunches her nose.
“Good.” You laugh. “You don’t wanna be an adult. Trust me.” 
She accepts that reply and goes and joins Wrecker at the Dejarik table. You turn yourself on the barstool so you can watch them, smiling softly at them. Omega had just recently taught Wrecker how to win. She let him win a total of twice before she went back to beating him. Now, they play for Mantell Mix which is adorable. 
“Do you want to get-” Omega starts to say but abruptly stops by whipping her head toward the stairway. 
Hunter stands up and then Echo, Tech, and Wrecker. You’re just about to ask what’s going on when you peer around Wrecker, seeing a tall, skinny man limping down the stairs, leaning against the railing for support before stopping to look at you and the Batch.
It takes you a moment to realize who you’re looking at. The guys don’t even bother pulling their blasters out, Crosshair is in such bad shape. Immediately putting your drink down, you rush to him, wrapping your arms around him, tears filling your eyes. 
Every nerve ending in you is screaming “WAIT!” and “STOP!”, but you don’t have it in you to stop. You’re just so happy and relieved to see him. 
“How did you find us?” Hunter asks Crosshair but you shoot him a glare to drop it.
“I tried to find my way back.” Crosshair murmurs to you.
“You did.” You nod, burying your face in his neck, inhaling his familiar scent that you’ll forever remember. “You found your way back.”
“I’m… sorry…” He whispers. “I should have… left with you that day on the platform.”
“Yeah, you should have.” Echo tells him.
You pull away to cup his face. “This isn’t a trick?” 
“No, cyar’ika… This isn’t a trick.” He holds your hand that cups his face, keeping it there against his skin. 
You nod, believing him. “We have plenty of time to-”
“I should have chosen you that day… I promise from now on… I’ll always choose you.” He rests his forehead against yours, his eyes fluttering closed. His sign of feeling safe. 
You can tell he’s exhausted. Whatever he had to do to get back to you clearly took a lot out of him. You guide him over to a booth so he can sit and rest.
“Whatever you’ve gone through to come back… we’ll weather it together.” You promise him, brushing your lips against his gently. “It’ll be okay. We’ll be okay.”
He holds you against him, as if to anchor himself to you, and you know just by his touch that he means what he’s said. He’ll choose you over and over again for the rest of his days.
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jojobuddy · 2 years
The Bad Batch + f!reader
You are being pursued by an annoying fan and you are asking for help from clones 99.
(if you not okay with this, don't read plz)
He jumped up in surprise when you grabbed his arm. But immediately felt your fear and realized without words that you need help.
— Please pretend we're together, I'm being chased by some strange guy. And I-I'll buy you a drink or something!
— Don't worry, everything will be fine.
Oddly enough, it calmed you down and you felt completely safe next to him. When that annoying guy approached you, he met Hunter's stern gaze.
— Is she with you or something?
— Yes, she's mine. Any problems?
— No problem, man.
The guy quickly disappeared into the crowd. And you breathed a sigh of relief.
— Thank you very much. Can I buy something for you?
— Keep the credits to yourself and take care of yourself.
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— Please pretend we're together, I'm being chased by some strange guy. And I-I'll buy you a drink or something!
Echo doesn't like anyone touching him at all, but when you grabbed his hand, he felt you tremble.
— Please don't worry, ma'am. Everything will be fine.
His words immediately made it easier somehow. You looked up and looked at him. He noticed your embarrassment.
— You have beautiful facial features, Mr…
— Echo.
— Nice to meet you, Echo.
You smiled at each other and you felt so relaxed. But then that annoying guy came up to you.
— Is she with you or something?
— So it's you who dare to upset my girl here. If you don't want any problems, then leave in a good way.
The guy was taken aback by his words and decided to leave hastily.
— Thank you very much, you helped me a lot. Can I buy you a drink at least?
Echo smiled.
— I'll buy us something myself. What do you prefer?
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— Please pretend we're together, I'm being chased by some strange guy. And I-I'll buy you a drink or something!
Wrecker didn't mind that you were clutching his arm but he noticed that you were trembling all over and almost crying. He gave you a little hug.
— Who is this worm? Just show me.
The annoying guy, seeing you with such a big guy, didn't even dare to approach but ran away in fright.
Done! — Wreсker smiled.
— Thank you very much, you helped me a lot. Can I buy you a drink at least?
— Choose something you like, mesh'la.
— What does the last word mean? Does this mean something good?
The big guy laughed at your reaction.
— Yes, it means something good. Someday I'll tell you what it is.
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— Please pretend we're together, I'm being chased by some strange guy. And I-I'll buy you a drink or something!
At first, the Tech wanted to be indignant, but he noticed how scared you were. He put down his datapad and began to examine you.
Now you were surprised by his reaction.
— I'm not sick, sir -
His face was very close to yours, which made you blush a lot.
— You can just call me a Tech. And I'll help you. I analyzed the typical behavior of lovers and deduced for myself several examples of behavior in such a situation.
Then he put his hand on your waist and pulled you closer to him.
Just at that moment, that annoying guy came up to you two.
— Is she with you or something?
— It's very rude of you to upset my girl, I invited her to this place for the purpose of fun, and you are so brazenly trying to destroy everything. Disappear if you don't want very big problems.
He made this allusion to Wrecker who was already flexing his fists.
And at first glance, he doesn't look so brutal. That fact made your heart beat faster.
Tech noticed it immediately.
— Are you sure you're okay? If such a situation happens again, then you can turn to me for help or to my brothers. You'll recognize them by their armor like mine.
— Yes, I'm fine! Thank you very much! Can I buy something for you?
— No, thanks, I'll buy it myself.
And he ordered you some goodies.
— Here! This is so that you finally come to your senses.
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— Please pretend we're together, I'm being chased by some strange guy. And I-I'll buy you a drink or something!
Of course, he knew that the ladies were sticking to him, but not so much. But then he noticed how you were shaking and your voice was breaking.
— Take it easy, kitten.
After that, he pulled you to him. His hands were on your waist and it made you blush.
— What is it? Are you embarrassed?
— N-Nothing! It's all right!
The annoying guy appeared next to you and you pressed hard against the Crosshair.
— Is she with you or something?
— Touch her and you're dead.
He looked at him very sternly and the guy stuttered and disappeared into the crowd of people.
— Thank you very much, you helped me a lot. Can I buy you a drink at least?
The man chuckled.
— Your kiss will be enough for me.
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writingforfun0714 · 2 years
Bad Batch unpopular/my opinion: Warnings—contains headcanons/spoilers
People keep saying that it’s Cross’ fault the Batch left him. That he was given a choice and chose the Empire. Yes, while that is technically true, I definitely don’t think Crosshair’s making his own choices.
Allow me to elaborate.
Keep in mind Cross’ chip was always working better than the rest of the squad’s (since he was the only one who wanted to kill Kanan) but I don’t think we’ve been given a reason as to why that was.
In ep1, we see CF99 go back to Kamino for Omega. Crosshair is obviously annoyed and they all end up in a prison cell. Crosshair is singled out (cuz he followed O66 on Kaller) and taken to Nala Se (and Tarkin?). Tarkin has Nala Se up the intensity of Crosshair’s chip.
Important: I believe after the inhibitor chip is enhanced, I HC it was taken out. The procedure would have to make ‘the order’ permanent and the chips would be removed (after being enhanced). It’s basically imprinting the chip’s programming into the brain, merging the two. That way it’s more of a traditional brainwashing (since the inhibitor chips was a retcon on the OG prequel movies). I always saw that procedure as a way for the Empire to keep control over the clones and get rid of the ‘faulty’ inhibitor chips that decay over time.
That means Crosshair isn’t lying to the Batch in ep8 when he tells Hunter that he’s had his chip removed ‘a long time ago’. The only time it could’ve been removed would be during the procedure in ep1.
That would mean Crosshair has a sort of mind/body disconnect. He’s aware of what’s going on and what he’s doing, but because of the procedure, he cannot control himself=Cross isn’t making his own choices. Kinda like Jet from AtLA or Yelena Belova/Bucky Barnes from Marvel or something.
He’s definitely been shown to be conflicted (in S1E3 in the barracks, capturing Hunter, killing his squad, etc) and now that we know he didn’t tell the Empire CF99 is alive in S2. Idk if Cross said they died or if he ‘didn’t know’ what happened to them or they got separated and Rampart assumed they died in the massive destruction. If Cross lied, I’m surprised Rampart didn’t confront him in his office. It’s very possible Cross said something like ‘I lost track of them trying to escape the drowning city’, leaving it more ‘open-ended’ on his side so he can change his story if Rampart finds evidence of CF99 (Wilco).
Also, when Hunter tells Cross that he had no choice when leaving Cross behind, Cross immediately gives him a slightly angry look (imo) before replying with ‘and I did?’ Cross basically confirmed that he doesn’t have the ability to choose. That seemed like a major cry for help and Hunter just kind of..glosses over that? I mean yeah he probably thought about Cross’s words but he didn’t ask any kinds of questions like ‘what do you mean?’ Or ‘are you alright?’. I would have definitely asked ‘what?’ if I was Hunter.
But that’s just my take on Crosshair.
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