#when i got home i passed out for 6 hours and woke up every damn hour
elderscrolls4 · 5 months
I got so fucking high and drunk today oh my god how did i do this regularly with no hard drugs (MOST of the time) and hard liqour and still have the energy to stay up afterwards. Maybe i was just 15/16
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babygirl-riley · 9 months
Small Traditions
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Simon starts to notice the small signs that his mother would do when he was young to what he now does with his girls
A/N: GUYS naturally I had to use @ave661 art cause listen ovaries HURT anytime she posts the dad!simon series 😭
“That she's gettin' older and I wish that you'd met her. The things that she'll learn from me, I got them all from you.”
Warnings: angst, fluff, dad!simon, mentions of childhood trauma, missing mom hours, swearing
simon x reader guide
simon x reader family
Simon was finally able to actually spend time with his baby girl. He was gone for a while, 3 months to be exact. Which made his baby 6 months old, he missed out on appointments and her first roll over on her tummy. So when he came home, he made it a mission to spend anytime and every time with her.
When she woke up early in the morning he turned to you, feeling you getting up. “No love stay asleep, ‘ll get the little one.” He mumbled, waking up a bit.
You hummed and laid back down immediately passing back out. Simon put on a black shirt as he adjusted his sweats as well. He made his way to his babygirl’s room. She was standing up holding onto the rail of her crib. Her smile beaming as she giggled, jumping up and down.
“Ah isn’t the little rascal,” Simon smiled chuckling lightly. She reached up for him as he picked her up. She placed his head on his shoulder and gripped his shirt. “I’m happy to see ya too princess.”
Simon changed her diaper and started to make his way into the kitchen. His daughter cooed as he held her close. She would play with his shirt or put it in her mouth. “See ya starting’ to teethin’.” He said softly, letting her suck the shirt.
After making the bottle he went into the living room to put on the tv. He set her on the couch with him on the edge, she was old enough to hold the bottle herself so he just watched. Her hands gripping her bottle as she chugged the milk down.
Simon chuckled now sitting on his calfs. “Damn little one, ya that hungry?”
He never knew if she was listening or even understanding by how her eyes would just stare blankly. As he stared at her, he noticed the small things. The features that would bring his heart to swell but also break a bit. The dimples that she had were in the same spot that his mother had.
Simon picked her little feet up and played with them as he thought. His mother would be proud of where he is at. The family he created after all the pain he went through. Never would have thought to be a father, after what he saw with his father. He was afraid to become him. To be him. Yet here he was, with a baby girl.
“Grandma would have loved ya,” He mumbled kissing her little socked feet. She sighed as she fought back a laugh, she was very ticklish on her feet. Just like Tommy, as kids Simon used to piss him off by tickling his feet. Simon inhaled deeply before shaking his head. He didn’t need to get emotional, there was no need. However just the way his daughter had some of the features conjured them. “Would love the way you look so much like me, have some similarities from her, hell Uncle Tommy would make fun of actually settling down.” He chuckled to himself.
He never thought even before the tragedy of his family that he would settle down. Family was plagued by his father. His childhood made Simon not want to give his own children one solely on fear of course. Yet here he is. Half of him and half of you. He would never trade it for the world.
Simon has even noticed the things he would do that his mother would do before his father was shunned away from the family. The way she would hum particular child songs to calm both him and his brother down. How when dad wasn’t home, she would whip up a random treat, particularly peanut butter bars. In which, your child has become addicted to them. Or when putting him to bed she would say ‘never forget, you’re smart, you’re handsome, and you’re loved.’ Instead his babygirl would be replacing handsome with beautiful.
Simon would only do it when you weren’t around, whispering it softly. Even though he doesn’t know you usually are around the corner, listening to him, with tears. Simon noticed these things as time grew on with his daughter. It didn’t hit him until now. Thinking of all the things that his mom would do with her grand baby. The family dinners. The babysitting. The holidays. All of it.
Simon noticed that tears were at the edge of his eyes. He shook his head and coughed then grabbed her little feet and softly ran his thumb from her heel to her tiny toes. “Ya made me soft ya brat.” He tickled her foot as she let out a laugh kicking his hands away.
Years gone past and now he has three of them. He stood in the kitchen as he placed lunches in certain boxes. You needed help as you did hair and gathered their school things. Simon never could do hair hell not even his youngest’s hair and she was 1. “Dad! I can’t find my shoes!” Millie yelled as she ran down the stairs.
Simon sighed and smirked. “Well since you didn’ put them away, I threw them in the trash.”
Millie stopped in her tracks and had the same smirk that was on his face on hers. “Uh huh, really though please.”
Simon smiled and nodded. “‘ight ‘light, they’re in the closet with the coats,” She shook her head and went towards the door. Simon placed the last thing in the last box. “Start puttin’ them in ya room yeah?”
Millie nodded and looked at him. “Aye,” She walked up to him and lifted her finger. “Love ya see you after?”
Simon looked down at her finger, his mom would tap his finger, going once up and they would switch sides and tap again. It was their way of saying bye and love you when dad had his beer and game review on. Simon smiled and tapped her finger as they flipped them over to do it again. “I’ll be pickin’ ya both up.”
“Daddy! Daddy,” His head snapped up to see his second daughter soaring down the stairs. “Look what mum did!” Her hair was in to braids that linked into one large one. A smile beaming on her face. Showing one of the dimples his mother once had.
Simon chuckled grabbing a small piece of it before placing his thumb on her cheek. “Looks beautiful Alli,” He said softly then kissed her on her forehead. Simon looked up the stairs and saw you smiling down, holding the newborn. “Ya takin’ them?”
You nodded as you walked down the stairs. “Yes I have to grab more things from the store.”
Simon and you already talked about the store and her taking Millie and Allison to school. Simon pushed and pushed to only get pushed back, eventually compromises came and he staying to give you a break from the 2 month old. Then he could pick up the girls after school. You handed Tessa over to Simon. “Already changed just needs to be held. Needy this morning.” You whispered kissing Simon softly on the lips.
“Roger,” He mumbled as he kissed her one more time hearing Allison fake gag. Simon chuckled as he turned handing you the boxes. “Packed and ready.”
“Thank you,” You smiled, grabbing them, and ushering the older two out the door. “I’ll be back!”
“Bye dad!” Millie yelled walking out first.
“Bye daddy!” Allison followed suite turning to sign ‘I love you’ with one hand.
Simon did it back cradling Tessa between his chest and bicep. You smiled at him, kiss towards him. He smiled as the door shut. Tessa wiggled and started to whine. “Shh shh,” He whispered looking down at her. “It’s ‘light we can go down stairs and watch somethin’ yeah?”
Later that day Millie and Allison opened their lunch boxes that day and found a small sugary snack with a note attached reading; ‘what do you call an angry carrot… A steamed veggie.’ They always loved it, having notes from dad that had terrible jokes even if Millie would roll her eyes and smirk. She loves them.
You didn’t know about it until the next day. You were check boxing everything that was needed to grab as Simon helped with Tessa. When you opened it you saw the note, chuckling to yourself. Millie stood next to you and looked at you. “Dad says that Grandma Riley would leave jokes for him and Tommy.”
You looked over at her and up to the stairs, making sure he wasn’t coming yet. “Oh really?”
“Yeah,” Millie smiled. “I always read ‘em to my friends. Just don’t tell him. His head will inflate more.” She joked grabbing her box.
You smiled as you watched Simon come down the stairs in his uniform. “I shouldn’ be long,” he mumbled having his balaclava in his pocket. Millie frowned as did Allison. “I told Uncle Price I’ll be late to take you two.” He smiled at them as their faces calmed into a soft content expression.
Simon handed Tessa to you and kissed your cheek. “I’ll be home no later than 8.” You nodded and watched them go out the door.
Simon opened the door for both Millie and Allison to get in as they went down the street. “Was Grandma Riley fun?” Millie asked nonchalantly as she looked out the window.
Simon could feel his throat hitch from the sudden question. “Yes.”
“Do you do things like she did to us?”
Simon looked in the rear view mirror for a brief moment. Only if she knew, all the things his mother taught him has been passed down to his girls. After his father was kicked out for good his mother was more open about good parenting, she always was of course. However there wasn’t any hidden signs or anything of the sort. Even when he was older, when confrontation came around, she was kind and gentle. Since both him and his brother didn’t know how to handle or deal with situations as so. 
Simon taught his girls to be polite and kind to everyone. Just like his mother was. Everything she did that he remembered he wanted to pass along. Simon inhaled for a moment. “Ya know the finger taps,” Both her and Allison nodded their heads. “That came from grandma. It was our sign to say love you and bye.”
Allison smiled. “Did she do the night routine?”
Simon smiled. “Yes.”
It was silent again before Millie shifted a bit. “Grandma Riley sounded cool.”
Simon smiled again and nodded. “She would have loved all of ya.”
It was good silent as he stopped in front of the school, as kids packed to go inside. Allison opened the door and turned with her finger out. Simon and her did the signature finger taps as she hopped out. He waited until she caught up with friends that were right outside the car. Then he went to Millie’s school.
“What happened to them?” Millie asked, Simon knew that eventually the girls would put two and two. Uncle Tommy and Grandma Riley not around, yet dad talks highly of them? It would make a tween curious.
Simon took a second to think of the answer. He never told you until 3 years of your guys’ relationship. Millie was too young to know but he couldn’t lie to her either. “Someday I will tell you.” Was all he could say to it.
Millie nodded and chuckled. “Was she terrible at the jokes like you?”
Simon laughed a bit. “Terrible? My jokes are amazin’!”
Millie rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Yeah yeah.” Simon pulled up in front of the school and he turned to her. She unbuckled and lifted her finger, smiling. “Glad you keeping’ traditions dad. Grandma would be happy.”
Simon felt his chest tighten as he smiled it off. Doing the taps. “She would be happy indeed,” He nodded his head to the school. “Get goin’ ya love the joke today by the way.”
Millie laughed as she opened the door and shook her head once more. “Yeah maybe.”
Simon watched until she got into the school and drove to the base. “You would have loved ‘em mum.” He mumbled to himself as he kept the tears at bay.
Even through all the hardships, he will be forever grateful for his mother and her teachings. He hopes that one day that she will meet his family, the family that he knows she would have loved. To see how much as changed in Simon that he thought that could never happen. So she could see that not only her that showed him unconditional love even through the darkest parts but how his girls have showed him as well.
Simon sighed as he relaxed. Yeah, she would have loved them all.
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itsscromp · 7 months
Happy birthday !!!
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Birthday present to the one and only @callofdudes who for the past year has made my day every single time, every idea that comes out of your head is pure gold. Much love bestie, Happy birthday !!! Word count:1.9 K
With your birthday coming up fast, Johnny was stuck to decide what to do for a present.
"Come on MacTavish think" He struggled to figure out, He couldn't get you the same present as last time. What would his best friend want then ??
A ding popped on his phone, reminding him that in a couple of days, he'd be heading back home to Scotland for leave... wait yes yes !! that's it !!!. He would bring you along with him to Scotland and introduce you to his family and you would all have an amazing party !!!
So with this now in mind, he booked your ticket and printed it out. Now it was off to find you. You were busy with your paperwork when Johnny came zooming by and knocking on your day frantically like the gremlin he is.
"Y/N Y/N Y/N !!!"
"Ok ok I'm coming Johnny" You chuckled as you opened the door, he was starting to shake with excitement.
"What's gotten you so happy ??" If he had a tail right now it would be wagging so hard.
"Your coming to Scotland with me" He smiled as he handed you your ticket.
You stared at it for a little while. "Are you sure Johnny, I wouldn't want to intrude..."
"Nonsense ya dafty" (fool) "Come on, it'll be an awesome birthday present for you, think of it that way" He smiled.
You looked at the ticket, He was right, You had never been to Scotland before, So maybe it'll be a fun time. "Thank you Johnny" You smiled and hugged him tightly. To which he returned the hug. "I promise y/n your going to have the best damned time of your life"
Soon, the day arrived and Johnny was already dressed and ready to go, To be fact, He never changed into his pyjamas last night, he stayed in the clothes he would wear the morning out of excitement. Rushing to your door and once again, knocking frantically. "Come on, get up, we got a plane to catch" He smiled behind the door.
You were just starting to slowly wake up and get ready. "Johnny we got almost 6 hours before the flight, easy there" You giggled as you then finished getting dressed.
Price dropped you both off at the airport a couple hours later. "Have a good time you two, stay safe" He joked to you two.
"Thanks price" You smiled and waved goodbye to him as you both soon checked in and waited for your flight.
"Oh man, My Ma and Pa are gonna love meeting you" He said to you as you waited at the terminal. "My sisters too"
"I didn't know you had sisters"
"Yeah, two. I was the third and the youngest."
"So how much of me have you told to your family"
"A fair bit"
One of the traditions Johnny does is once a week he would ring his family and check in with them, Johnny went on and on talking about you to his family. How awesome, how badass, just how amazing you were. He could literally talk about you all day and never get bored. Basically, you were a Mactavish now.
The plane began boarding and soon you were off to Glasgow. Landing about a couple hours later, you collected your bags and rented your car. "I booked us an Air BnB to stay just for the night, my parents have an inflatable bed for you when you get there" He smiled as you two walked to the car.
Watching Glasgow pass through your eyes as the car drove on the streets, His parents lived in the smaller villages further out. But it was home to Johnny. Once arriving at the AirBnB, you both crashed for a much-needed nap... yeah... we're ordering delivery. You felt a slight shift in the bed as you woke up from your nap, finding Johnny wrapping his arms around you... He needed his bestie post-flight cuddles. Smiling, you wrapped your arms around him. It was moments like these you cherished with Johnny, Moments with your best friend, your rock. Forgetting all the hardships out in the world, knowing that you were safe and sound with him.
The next day finally rocked around and Johnny couldn't be even more excited than yesterday, even on the car ride to his parents you found his knee bouncing.
"Your excited to see them huh ??"
"Yeah, first time I've seen them in... steamin' Jesus almost 4 years." This only made him even more excited to see them.
"I'm kinda excited to meet them too, They sound like good people"
Soon you both finally arrived at the Mactavish residence, a brick-layered building, almost 80's like... Johnny bursted from the car and knocked frantically on the door, waiting for anyone to open the door so he could squeeze the living daylight's out of them.
And the first person to open the door would be... Mama Mactavish who's eyes went wide seeing her son for the first time in a long time. "JOHNATHON !!!" She shrieked as she lunged at her boy.
"Mama !!" He hugged her so tightly, both crying from pure happiness.
"Oh look at you, You've grown so much !!" She smiled, gently cupping his cheeks. He smiled for a bit and turned to you. "Mama, This is y/n, the one who I've been talking about"
"It's nice to meet you Mrs Mactavish" You said as you walked up to the door, both yours and Johnny's bags in each hand.
"Oh it's so nice to finally meet you y/n, John has told us so so much about you. I'm so happy you kept him company" She smiled. Inviting you both inside, You looked over and found the photo wall, One stood out immediately as you set your eyes on it.
"I always knew you were a leash kid" You snickered.
The photo was of a young Johnny, who was wearing one of those leash backpacks to stop him from running off so far. "Oh he was a little rascal and still is" She giggled as she ruffled his mohawk.
"Maaaaa" Johnny groaned as he fixed his mohawk.
"Now y/n, John told me that you're not usually too fond of spicy food, so I made a separate dish for you if that's ok ??" She smiled to you.
"Oh... thank you, you didn't have to do..."
"Ahh nonsense. Your our guest, your important as much as john is" She reassured you.
"Where's Pa ??" Johnny looked around for his dad, who was nowhere in sight.
"He's out with your sisters, They'll all be back shortly. So come sit, and tell me about all your adventures" She smiled as she made you coffee.
You told her about the missions that you've been on, like Las Almas. Obviously leaving out most of the details. Not to mention the mischief you two would get up too on base. "He hasn't changed one bit hasn't he ??" His mother giggled after your latest story of him.
"Nah, Besides i wouldn't want him to change" You wrapped and arm around him.
"Me neither gul (bud)" Johnny ruffled your head.
Soon they heard slight bickering as the door opened revealing Johnny's sisters. Who rushed in and hugged him tightly.
"Oh my god when did you get in ??" One of them said.
"About an hour ago" He smiled.
"And you still look like the same doofus you are" His other sister teased.
"Ahh ma boy !!!" His dad came in and pulled him into a bear hug. Now you know where Johnny got his physique from. His dad was built like a wrestler. "Good to see you too dad." He smiled.
One of his sisters laid her eyes on you. "Oh, sorry, didn't see you there. Y/n right ??" She smiled and greeted you.
"Yeah that's me" You smiled as you stood up to shake their hands. His dad was the last. "Oh wow, strong grip" You complemented.
"It's the training for the highland games" He stated proudly.
"You participate ??"
"Every year, I'm sure you would like to try it out some day too huh lad ??"
"Don't you have to like toss a tree ??"
"It looks heavier than it seems" He chuckled.
"I remember when we were kids, we used to do out own highland games before we even allowed to participate." Johnny smiled as he spoke up.
"Oh yeah, I remember that" One of his sisters nodded.
"You should've seen it y/n, It was the best, we had our own weight toss, our own stone throw, even we did wrestling too"
"Too which he stole my win" His other sister playfully scolded him.
"I won that victory fair and square"
"That's because you farted in my face" The story making you laugh.
"Not my fault ma gave me pea and ham soup for lunch" He snickered.
The next few days were nothing but amazing, the Mactavish's treated you like one of their own, Mama Mactavish making sure you were well fed and comfortable, His sisters treating you like how they would treat Johnny lovingly and his dad even helped train you for your future participation for the highland games.
"You're doing very well y/n, you'd make a great Scottish warrior" he chuckled and gently pinched your bicep.
"Thanks Mr MacTavish" You smiled and flexed your bicep, to which he did as well, both laughing.
Your birthday finally arrived and the Mactavish's planned a surprise party, So Johnny took you out and explored his hometown for a couple of hours as his family set up.
"Over their, that was the field i used to play soccer on with my team"
"What position were you in ??"
"The goalie"
"Why the goalie ??"
"The coach saw how resilient I was after getting knocked down" He smiled as the memories came back.
"So how are you liking Scotland ??" He turned to you with a bright smile on his face.
You stood there as you started to smile brightly. "Johnny, this has... been the best leave that I have ever had, Your family is fucking awesome"
He gave you bright puppy eyes and hugged you tightly, squeezing the living bejeezus out of you to which you returned it happy.
"Happy birthday y/n... I love you so much caraid" (Buddy)
You didn't say anything, but you responded by squeezing him tighter. Soon he brought you back to the house, to which you found dark and empty.
"Hello ??" Johnny feigned worry as he then flicked the lights on.
"SURPRISE !!" They shouted and popped party poppers, showering you with confetti.
"You guys" You giggled as you dusted off the confetti, Mama Mactavish showering you with kisses on your cheeks. His sisters ruffling your hair as you made your way to the kitchen, Celebrating with cake and a few party games like twister.
"John, right foot yellow" his dad said, you, johnny and his sisters were now literally in a knot.
"Got it" He carefully placed his foot down... after some attempts.
"John your ass in my face !!" His sister called out.
Johnny looked at you and smirked, mouthing "Watch this" Soon he farted on his sister's face, She soon tried to escape, making you all tumble out of the twisted knots. You ended up laughing and playfully punching johnny.
The best birthday ever with your best friend. You couldn't have asked for anything else.
A/n: Happy birthday el, I hope you enjoyed this story, love ya bestie :D
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call-sign-jinx · 7 months
Endless Love (Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw) - Chapter 6
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summary - Y/N Y/L/N and Bradley Bradshaw have had a rivalry ever since they both attended the same academy. Every chance they took, they always tried to one up each other. One day, Bradley takes the rivalry too far and Y/N ends up in the hospital with serious injuries. Will it make Y/N want to get him back twice as worse? Or will it make her realise that this rivalry between them is childish?
warnings - swearing, enemies to lovers, mention of serious injury, traumatic episodes, reader traumatised from what happened, smut, slowburn, seizures, flashbacks
a/n - hey girlies! it's been a loooooong time since i posted the last chapter. i tried to edit this and add to it but i jus couldn't. long story short i went thru a fat breakup and i jus needed to take a break. and deepest apologies cos this one is so short! hope u enjoy regardless! xx
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When I woke up, my head was pounding. I rubbed the sleep off of my eyes then looked around the room. This wasn't my room. This was too tidy to be my room. I got up and opened the door to peer out of it. Yeah this definitely was not my house. Maybe I had a one night stand? Or... I don't know I woke up in an alternate universe?
I walked out of the room and began to smell something. It was fucking gorgeous. Haven't smelt something like it since I moved to the US. I followed the smell and there I saw Bradshaw, shirtless cooking what looked to be a Full English. Wait... why the fuck and where did Bradshaw manage to get the stuff you need to make a Full English?
My focus quickly changed to his figure, damn he looked god without a shirt. Yeah, I have seen him before with no shirt but that was when we were always arguing so I never paid it any mind. But dayum, he looked good as hell. I couldn't stop staring in all honesty, his golden skin tone mixed with how well he'd been working out just pulled me into a trance. I shook my head and quickly walked up to the kitchen island.
"Good morning Bradshaw. Please could you tell me how the actual fuck I woke up in your house?" I placed my chin on my hand as I stared up at him. He chuckled and shook his eggs and he flipped over the bacon, I quickly glanced at it and it was British bacon. Wow...
"So you're telling me you remember nothing from last night?" My brows furrowed and my lips pouted.
"I remember going out to the Hard Deck with Phoenix, getting wankered and then fuck knows what else. Why?" I raised a brow in suspicion and confusion.
"Let me give you the run down. You and Phoenix showed up to the bar with pretty skimpy dresses, you had too many double whiskies for anyone's liking, Phoenix went home so you joined the rest of the Dagger Squad. Then an hour later your 'friend,' can't remember his name, said he'd take you home and then basically asked if you wanna help cheat on his girlfriend. You also said that you're moving out and I offered for you to stay here until you find a new place to live. And you said yes." My jaw dropped. Wait... Thomas wanted to cheat on his girlfriend?... With me?!
"I know, wild night you had sweetheart." He chuckled as he finished cooking the breakfast and plated it all up. He passed me one plate as he sat down next to me and began to eat his.
"Wait wait wait, pause for a second there Bradshaw. Thomas wanted to cheat on his girlfriend with me?" I couldn't believe it, we'd stay up all night so he could talk about how in love with her he was. He even talked about fucking proposing to her. Bradshaw nodded in response.
"Nah what the fuck? That can't be true. He literally took me ring shopping for her the other day." Bradshaw didn't reply, all he did was take his phone out. He tapped it a few times and then placed it on the worktop. It was an audio. It had a few voices in it that stuck out to me. But the one that stuck out the most was Thomas'. The things he said my top lip curl up in disgust. I furrowed my brows as I looked at Bradshaw.
"We've been friends since I was 6. Why and how the fuck has he turned into this? He used to be so fucking sweet and caring." Bradshaw gave me a sympathetic look.
"Some people just change. It sucks, doesn't it?" I let out a scoff with a smile.
"It really fucking does." I stare into space for a few seconds until I look back to the Full English that Bradshaw has been cooking. "When and where did you find out how to make a Full English breakfast Bradshaw?" Bradshaw gave me a smirk as he sat down across from me.
"The joys of google." He jabbed the bacon and sausage before shoving it into his mouth.
Today was a slow day at Top Gun. Nothing was really getting done because Maverick and Cyclone were having a 6 hour long argument somehow. I can't even hold a 10 minute conversation let alone a fucking 6 hour long argument. What are they even arguing about?
Phoenix jabbed me on my shoulder to get my attention.
"You wanna go to the beach after this? Maverick said it's some team building technique. Everyone has to go apparently." I rolled my eyes with a slight smirk.
"How is going to the beach going to help us all get along? Also, could I come to your house before so I can get ready? I'm staying at Bradshaw's for a bit til I can find somewhere to live." Phoenix immediately said yes and told me some other girls from the squad are coming as well.
Thinking about the beach and team building brought an idea into my head. Although me and Bradshaw are civil now, doesn't mean I can't mess with him.
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bobokari56 · 2 years
Don't worry babygirl ♡
Genre : smut, fluff? , Sub-gf
Warning : lots of adult content, piss play , piss drinking, established relationships, lesbian
Summary : you and your girlfriend are at a club with your friends but what is there are no restrooms in the club and she hasn't peed since morning?
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" damn baby you look hot" you said when your baby came out and started walking towards the car .
" mommy i want to pee!!" She said while opening the door to the car
" ok then go.." you said but she said something that you didn't expect " mommy , princess wants to hold on untill we get back " you were kinda shocked but just let it pass .
When you reached the club , you noticed she was uneasy so you told her to just go and pee in the restroom but she came back with a pout and said ," they said that the restroom's are out of order from a few days and that they are gonna get them fixed to tomorrow", with that she sat down in front of you . When you noticed she was not wearing an underwear ' what is this girl up to ?' you thought.
After 3 hours of enjoying you came back and sat in front of your doll but then you suddenly recieve a text from your girlfriend
Baby: mommy i can't control anymore I'll pee if i move even an Inch
Ohhhh!!!! What are you gonna do now? Then you texted her back to open her legs wide so that you can hug her and get to the car or any room to her to pee in your mouth
She is opened her legs and squirted a bit of pee straight on the sofa and floor you noticed that and ran and hugged, wrapped her legs around you and picked her up .
When you picked her up you noticed her almost crying due to a full bladder .
Then you booked a room and when you were walking you told her to let a bit of pee out so that she can be a bit relaxed
She then said "but what about your dress mommy ?"
" ohh it's okay don't worry bout that sweetheart" and yes you had a piss kink and both of you knew that already.
She then moaned while rubbing her clit against your belly and started to pee in squirts
First she let out some squirts while moaning and rubbing and then a on the stairs due to the contact, she pissed hard , you noticed her almost crying from the pleasure.....
She was still letting out a few squirts when you reached the room and sat on the bed with her on your lap and then you quickly removed her and laid on the edge and made her sit on your face
Then when she finally sat, her flow was too much to gulp in .
It was an hour and she said that she now felt sleepy but her bladder wasn't relaxed .
So you told her to lie down up side down and sleep .
After a few minutes you felt her again peeing so hard in squirts . It felt so good to her to be peeing without getting up .
She then said " mommy , I think we can go back to home now."
But you denied saying that now she could just pee in your mouth the whole time she sleeps .
She wasn't suprised on that but then went back to sleep .
At 4 in the morning you again felt her pee hard and started chugging down while cupping her ass . She then accidentally pulled you hair and squirted a lot of piss in your mouth, you understood that she was still sleeping. Then she stopped after 15 minutes of regular peeing .
Then you were not able to sleep because her bladder was relaxed and with every drop build up , she was letting it all out.
When it was almost 6, in the morning, you woke her up and got her dressed although she was still half asleep letting big squirts out on the sheet , floor everywhere.
Then you again picked her up and while walking towards the counter , she let out a really big squirt on your tummy and that God you cover her up with a jacket and no one could notice your wet dress and her with only the upper half covered.
Then you paid on the counter and walked out of the club .
When you sat in the car , you told her to go and sit on the passanger seat but she didn't budge saying," mommy i want something to grind on cuz my princess part is all sour " with a pout . Not like you cared about the car so you let her sit on you lap while driving the whole one hour .
Your princess was up now and played music on the ride while dancing and grinding on your lap ( also letting big squirts right on your tummy and lap )
On a red light , she pulled her butt a bit up to wet your boobs and tummy with a long squirt while moaning. Then again she sat down on where she peed and said " mommy i feel like i still have a lot of pee build up "
" don't worry, babygirl. You can just keep going slowly" you answer with a smile .
Then you finally reach home with her again hugging you and
Don't worry ya'll I'll be making more parts on it .
And I didn't name the characters so you can imagine anyone you like 😉
Thank you sm for reading this . Ignore the spelling errors as English isn't my first language.
Bye and have a nice day everyone 💕
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sweetswesf · 2 years
Check In
What I Did
An algo
Checked in on my unemployment benefits that have not come in yet and realized I didn't submit everything I needed to :/ I hope I don't miss out on that money...gotta pay more attention
Spent TOOO much time on YouTube & Twitter
Reviewed a resume writing resource that helped me revamp my resume
Updated my resume
Updated my LinkedIn
Responded to a company with my updated resume
Took a nap & woke up after thinking about my old team and how they were working while I was napping, guilted myself about it
Started my data transfer
Cleared up my inboxes
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What I Learned
How to find if an array is a subsequence of another array
A New Orleans comedian I like passed away a few days ago :'(...RIP Boogie B...I found out by doing my daily watch of his videos and seeing a few people commenting RIP under them...I thought it was a joke...but it wasn't...I have been in love with New Orleans since visiting and was looking forward to visiting the spots he recommended and maybe even buying a home there...but not anymore...I don't want this to scare me into not living the life I want to live, but it seems hard to avoid while living there...that's the main thing I kept hearing while I was down there and almost anytime any Black person from there describes it: the gun violence is out of control...he lost his life by Black people...and he wasn't the intended target...all them white people in New Orleans, NY, LA, etc. and they all seem to not get shot...I'm so tired of Black men killing Black people...it's racism's continued manifestation...when will it end?...Black men are even trying to exterminate themselves by whitening their children...it's so sad and truly weighs on me and stresses me out daily...
Had a bit of quick headaches here and there...a little sore on my head when I touch the spot that I hit my head yesterday...may take this whole week off of exercising and ease back into it next week
I don’t have the same urge for gym bae as I did…nor for my first…nor for my first love…recognizing my worth…
Proud of myself for actually getting a lot done...I was pretty down because I was pretty distracted today and I want the life that I want to be here now, but I have to work for these next few months consistently to get there...and live in the moment and not worry about the future and just push myself to keep doing a little or more every day
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I gotta stop digging in my damn ears with my sharp ass nails!
I am nail biting an bit less and actually have some nails on my hand
I need to spend less time on the socials...maybe I can try to, when I need a break, actually laying down, without hopping on YouTube
I'm getting older, because I can't listen to a LOT of the rap music I used to...I listen to some lyrics today, like, "Wow, I was really feeding myself this crap and paying for these artists that have contributed to lowering my and Black peoples' social standing for a while!...."
How I Got Myself Out of a Rut
Encouraged myself to keep going
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Goals Completed
Found a therapist
Stopped listening to people worried about their own circumstances and remembering God works on his own time and that I am in no rush...
Got back on the ball
Being kinder to myself and stopping guilting myself if my energy isn't always on 100%
Goals After Today
Strengthen my relationship with God
Understand the main concepts I need to from Interview Cake, AlgoExpert, etc. in 6 months, NOT less than 3
Drop my body fat percentage to Marion Jones, Michaela Cole, or Jade Cargill levels
Consistently fight urge to fill up my time with social media/YouTube
Fully forgive my family & build a great relationship with them
Be more confident & faithful
250 steps/hour & 10k steps/daily consistently
Drink more than 64oz a day consistently
Go on a date with a guy I actually like who actually likes me too
Learn more about my gym crush & get him to ask for my number
Get a house similar to that one in Spain
Update my personal app
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casspurrjoybell-24 · 1 year
Sugar Punch - Chapter 6
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*Warning Adult Content*
Maddox Zane
'Fuck... Why won't it just stay down?'
I tighten my grip around my cock and lean my head against the shower was as I kept up the pace around my length, stoking myself harder and faster to drive out the frustration that just wouldn't leave.
I wasn't sexually frustrated as I slept with someone not two nights ago, so what the fuck was wrong with my dick every time I saw that puny little shit's face pop into my head.
It was becoming a fucking issue that whenever I saw him enter the gym my dick would twitch in my shorts, which to me was just something I didn't understand because I wasn't gay.
I wasn't attracted to him, I didn't get that butterfly shit, I felt nothing looking at him so then why was I jerking off to him in the showers?
The whole thing was driving me crazy.
I've never wanted to fuck a guy before but now I'm starting to think that's what I need to do to stop all these thoughts of him, invading my fucking sleep of all things, ever since last night when I dropped him off, he's all I thought of.
It wasn't sexual either, for the first time in years I was genuinely curious about him, even going as far as to google the fucking guy, only to get nothing out of it other than feeling like a damn creep for stalking him online.
He's fucking 18 and I'm almost 31, this just doesn't happen in your thirties, I had never questioned my sexuality before because I didn't need to, I loved having sex with girls, fuck it didn't matter if they were big or small, small tits or big, I loved them all.
Not once had I thought about being with a guy but Theo could be someone I wouldn't mind ramming my monster into.
Look at me, getting ahead of myself, he's not even into me like that.
I must be losing my damn mind.
Finishing up, not feeling any better with myself I decide to just head on home, unsatisfied with what I just did in the shower room, not feeling fulfilled from just my hand.
The week was passing quick and the days started to blur together, I didn't have anyone to train other than John who's competing today, Friday and Theo, who I had at four for an hour, apart from that I worked with my trainer to get into shape for my upcoming fight next month.
I'd be watching John fight, hoping that he picked up anything I taught him and used it for a fucking change, that and I didn't feel like staying home with my hand wrapped around my cock, thinking of a certain someone.
I disgusted myself how little I gave a shit about what I was doing, if anything I had never felt more turned on, and horny, then I was when I thought about the things I could do to him, fuck, it made the days go faster.
I had gotten lots of offers this week, heck, I could've populated a small country with the women who were coming onto me in just one day at the gym but I just wasn't in the mood for it.
It was nearing four and Theo would be walking through those doors any minute now, I should feel bad about how I used him to get off, but no guilty emotion came, if anything I was looking forward to our training sessions together.
I wasn't going to think too much into why I felt this way, it'd only make my head spin going around in circles to why I felt like this.
My phone started buzzing in my pocket, as I most likely got a text, so I grab my phone from my pocket and see who it was texting me.
It was a number I had saved under Theo Banks.
Theo: Hi Maddox, it's Theo, I won't be able to make it today... I'm sorry for taking this long to tell you, I haven't been feeling well and I only just woke up, sorry again, I will be back next week.
He's sick?
I saw him Thursday and he looked fine, a little beat up but fine, I didn't get any feeling that he wasn't feeling right, if anything he was into throwing me on the mat and putting me into a headlock.
So, he's not coming, now what the fuck am I going to do?
I had an hour free.
I should be pissed off, I hated when clients did this just minutes before a session but I was more curious why he was sick and wonder if he ate something, if it's true that he just woke up.
Maybe I could just leave and drop by, it's not like I had anything else to do beside this lesson with him, that was now cancelled.
No, that's fucking creepy Maddox, he'd obvious be burdened having my ass show up out the blue with food, plus it wasn't like we were friends, our relationship was professional.
I shot him a text back, sitting on the edge of the ring.
Maddox: Focus on getting better, I'll see you next week if you're up for it, just keep me posted.
This guy, he might look like a weak guy, short and skinny but he was determined alright, I liked that about him, it was refreshing even though he was new to the scene, I really felt like I could make him into a decent fighter.
Theo: I can't wait 😊
"Pft." I snort out, sighing and closing my eyes shut as a familiar feeling comes over me.
I look down at my shorts and groan out and lay down on the ring mat, holding my head in my hands as I start laughing, thinking I might be losing my damn mind right now.
I couldn't train this guy if I could barely control my dick and if that happens this is going to become a big problem for me in the long run.
I wonder what it was about him that just did it for me?
Sure, he was alright looking, plain face with nice eyes, not a bad jawline, he was skin and bones and pale, he was the opposite of me.
Not to mention he was short, almost like a girl, he didn't have any hair on his face, he was practically a kid at this point, so what the fuck was I doing getting hard over him for.
He did look cute when he blushed though, I always thought men blushing was just creepy but it didn't look bad on him, I thought it was even funny until I saw him on the machine Tuesday, talking to the new girl who joined the self defense lesson along with him.
Just watching him talk to girls was painful, it was obvious the guy had never been with one the way he lit up like a Christmas tree and then ran away, even though it looked like she was into him.
He was an awkward guy, kept to himself and there was no presence of him online, which made me wonder if he even had any friends looking after him right now.
When I dropped him off Saturday his house was dark and it was already half five, doesn't he have parents live with him?
More importantly, do they not give a shit that he shows up with fresh bruises?
It annoyed me the more I thought about this guy.
He was being bullied, I wasn't a fucking idiot, I knew the signs, as did Rick, the people that came to Rick for self-defence lessons were people going through shit, whether it be a stalker or just wanting to feel safe but I didn't get that from Theo.
He wanted to get strong and I admired that, I wasn't going to pity a guy who was fighting to survive, which is why I still stick to my word in not getting involved unless he asked for help, he had his pride and I had mine.
Still, what was he doing right now?
His parents wouldn't be home, so I bet he's playing those nerdy fucking games he mentioned.
Screw it, I grabbed my phone from beside me on and clicked on his name and decided to just fucking text him, it wasn't that weird, even so, the guys a fan and I was going to use that to know more about him.
Maddox: You owe me an hour.
I waited patiently for his reply and two minutes later it came, making me grin as I clicked on his name.
Theo: What do you mean? 😥
My dick started to twitch as I typed in my reply, whilst thinking of all the things I could do in an hour with Theo in arms reach, all the sick things my mind shouldn't shut up about whenever his face popped up in my mind.
Maddox: What are you doing right now?
I sat up and adjusted myself in my boxers, waiting for him to reply to me I got down and walked to my office and grabbed my bag, keys and wallet.
My phone buzzed and I looked at what he typed.
Theo: Uh… nothing, I just got out of bed 😓
I took a moment to think about what I was doing, going over the pros and cons of my actions of phoning him instead of texting, yet despite how something like this could potentially fuck me in the future, I chose to just fucking do it.
I pressed the call button on his name and put the phone to my ear and waited.
One ring, two, three, until finally on the fifth ring he picked up, making me sigh out, as I was sure he wouldn't pick up because of how fucking random it was.
"Hello?" his quiet voice came out, making me grin.
"It's me," I say, before rolling my eyes as he probably saved my number.
Turning my light off in my office, I grabbed my stuff and locked up the gym, keeping the phone to my ear.
"Since you owe me an hour, you need to keep me company until your time is up," I said, not ashamed of how messed up and manipulative that sounded.
The line goes quiet just as I turn the basement lights off and head for the second exit leading to the underground car park, where I parked my car.
"Oh, I guess I could but right now?" he stutters out nervously as I get into my car and turn it on.
I put my earphones in and connected them to my phone so I could talk to him without being caught with my phone in my hand whilst driving.
"You said you were free."
"I am, it's just I..."
There was a pause. "
I was going to shower," he says shyly as I picture his cheeks going red.
I drove out of the carpark and went into the direction of my apartment.
"So? My time is precious and you owe me, Theo."
I was being a bastard but I was having fun teasing him as the line went quiet again, as I could just picture him getting all worried for no reason, the guy was a walking puppy, always looking at me like he did something wrong.
"Have you been trying out your diet?" I asked curiosity.
"Ugh..." he mumbles out. "Yeah well... kind of, I haven't really moved that much but I tried one of the recipes you suggested," he adds, louder this time.
"Oh yeah, which one?"
"T-The chicken salad... with carrots." he said, making me laugh at how his voice cringed out the word 'carrots'.
Fuck, I was way over my head phoning this guy, now there was no going back, I had just screwed myself getting tangled with this kid and pushing myself in his life like this, for reasons beyond my control.
Might as well have a bit of fun with him, I've already jacked off to him several times, what more could I possibly do to make this situation any worse. 
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mrsmarlasinger · 1 year
(CW: anorexia/disordered eating, medication abuse, depression, death ideation)
I spent last week in Texas on vacation with my parents and sister (yeah, during the record-breaking heat wave). It was nice: eating twice a day, having dessert, eating out, trying pastries. Walking tons and wearing huge T-shirts and men's gym shorts every day, so I didn't have to feel too guilty.
Then I came home and was instantly convinced I'd gained an impossible amount of weight.
On top of that, I've recently realized that the coughing fits that have been getting progressively worse and steadily ruining my stupid life for the past 6+ weeks, finally culminating in me waking myself and my family up 4–5x per night to cough during our vacation...are an asthma flare-up, and one best treated by the five days of Prednisone my doctor prescribed me when I got really sick a few months ago.
(Which I never touched, because apparently, corticosteroids can cause weight gain through appetite increase and insulin suppression. Terrifying.)
Yesterday, after days of acute consternation, I finally succumbed and started the damn Prednisone. Like magic, almost immediately after my very first dose, my cough improved tenfold. Crazy how the medicine your doctor prescribes you actually works sometimes!
The vacation. The steroid. The body dysmorphia.
Well, I've never once had trouble with my asthma until I got sick earlier this year, so I only use my rescue inhaler once in a blue moon. I've got years' worth of old albuterol lying around my room. Not like that shit expires and loses effectiveness after a year or anything.
Decided to kill three birds (the asthma, the albuterol surplus, and the so-called weight gain) with one stone. Decided to eat nothing for two days and abuse stimulants all the while.
Decided that if I did this, I could enjoy my family's annual Fourth of July BBQ (the first one my partner, posing as my "bestie" for my homophobic father, could attend!). I'd have fun and dress cute and talk to people and eat barbeque and desserts, and I wouldn't feel guilty at all, because I'd have budgeted for it.
Having been too scared to consume more than an anxious grazing session in the pantry on Sunday, I skipped food on Monday. Oh, god, I think I slammed at least half an old inhaler that day. Got so comically sick, so ridiculously dizzy and jittery, I started laughing at my trembling reflection in the bathroom mirror. Jesus, I don't puff this much albuterol in an entire year.
Despite the melatonin I took, my usual killer insomnia struck again last night (I'm sure the steroid and albuterol didn't help). I was up all night and only fell asleep long after the sun had risen, nauseous with exhaustion and aching with hunger.
Slept four hours. Woke up midday. Took my damn Prednisone.
Started tossing back albuterol and Benzedrex like there was no tomorrow. Slonked nearly half a gram of caffeine via zero-calorie drink drops.
All on an empty stomach, alone in my room.
Already I'd fasted more than the 48 hours planned. My heart rate skyrocketed from its usual 60–80 bpm to 125 bpm. I was fucking wired, jittery, anxious and nauseous and sweaty, shaking like an old lady's purse dog. My joints hurt. My dizzy head was pounding. A sort of awful feverish heat radiated from my poor quivery flesh.
It occurred to me that I felt exactly like I had that time I snorted [redacted]. Never thought my shitty, slapdash little stim stack could hit me this hard. I felt so sick I thought I'd puke or pass out or both.
All I could do was chant, "I'm going to die. I'm going to die" under my breath, then suck down another musty, powdery hit of expired albuterol.
But hey. I could see the weight I'd lost in those 48+ hours of hell.
What does it matter if I never came down for the party, never had a burger hot off the grill, never talked to anyone, just got progressively wired in my bedroom until my hand shook so bad I fucked up my lipstick?
Eventually my partner arrived and held my sweating, trembling wreck of a body, making nervous note of my tachycardia and hyperventilation as I repeated, over and over, "I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die."
When I felt a little better, we went to root through the leftovers, and I proceeded to low-/medium-restrict on a mini kids' Clif bar, three slices of watermelon, two spoonfuls of pasta salad, and, for some fucking reason, a glazed doughnut. Panicking all the while.
And yeah, sure, I ruined my day, but what's new? I'm ruining my pathetic excuse for an existence too. All in pursuit of, what, becoming more underweight than I already am? Destroying my body more than I already have?
For a spoiled, privileged, rich little white girl without a responsibility under the sun, my life sure feels like a goddamn living nightmare.
I'm so upset.
I'm so sad.
I'm so angry.
I'm angry at the world, because what the fuck did I do to deserve chronic anorexia? I of course believe that I'm a nasty little bitch who deserves the worst of all things, but god, even I don't deserve this. No one deserves this. Anorexia is cruel and unusual punishment for the crime of possessing a tangible form. I'm only 22, and I've dealt with this bullshit for, what, seven years now?
I'm so sad. I'm so sad. I'm so cripplingly, earth-shatteringly sad.
I fasted and slammed stimulants for more than two days so I could enjoy a once-a-year party with my family and our friends (the cringe of American nationalism notwithstanding), only to starve and panic and isolate myself anyway. Now I'm hungry and sick to my stomach, parachuting kratom like it'll fix things. Like eating toilet paper and fake opiates will nourish me. What was it all for? What the fuck is any of this for?
It's not worth it. None of this is worth it. I'm miserable, spiraling. I can't work. I can't function. I'm out of control. It's not my rock bottom by a long shot—hell, I haven't even gotten my lowest weight back—but it sure feels like it. This is hell.
I just want to eat. I want to eat. I want to eat. I want desperately to eat. Please, god, let me eat. If I can't eat, let this vile disease kill me already. I want to eat. I'm so unwell. I want to eat. I'm so, so sick. I want to eat. I want to eat.
God. God. God. God. God. God. God.
0 notes
handelplayssims · 2 years
You know who forgot about NAPs and it’s Monday? MEEEEE! At this point, I don’t really know what NAPs I want to go with. Pierce and Curtis are all about the social life and Supriya has her active fullfillment. Votes are leaning towards Water Conservation but ehhhhhh. I mean, it’s not as bad as how power conservation would be for this household but we’re still near 30 dollars every day for our water bill. Out of all of the green things to add on, I’m more of a fan of the one that simply encourages everyone to own some solar panels, wind turbines and dew collectors. Mostly because you can just stick them on the roof and be done with them.
And I suddenly realize that Supriya has a day off! I could get work done on her aspiration again! After she enjoys her tunes. Which thankfully, I have an excuse to leave the household thanks to Lazerwolf actually wanting to go on a walk. Nice!
...it is also here that I realize I probably should figure out a cat cafe somewhere because there isn’t any other places for cats to hang out at other than the bar, and I reconfigured that so that the layout doesn’t strike me as one that’s too friendly for cats. But never mind that, we’re off to the dog park! If anywhere would have more dogs for Supriya to befriend, it would be there! After the walk, of course.
I just had Supriya introduce herself and try to get to know any dog that dropped into the park. Any bit will help with being friends with 12 pets at the same time! I did actually find the owner of the dog that Supriya befriended the most, a self-assured mixologist named Ana Cormier. She works at the fancy nightclub in Windenburg at 10 to 6, aka the most hopping time to be there.
Return home, check on Curtis, his want is to bring happiness to others, aka being social but damn it! It’s two hours before bedtime! His other whim is to gain handiness so we could work on that! And so we did. With a knife block sold, we head to bed and thus-
Neighborhood Watch!
Del Sol Valley: The Geiger household has moved in.
Good luck in ultra rich house!
Becket Melvin in the Melvin household has died. Beckett got on the bad side of a rabbit.
Scapula Knogle in the Knogle household has died. Scapula thought she could conquer a mountian, but the mountian conquered her.
...I recognize that name for that is a name you see in passing and go, “yeah that’s a name.” RIP!
This is a bit short so let’s add another day! Pierce is still gloomy from the pressures of capitalism, haven’t cleared off that fear yet. I also set Curtis to at least make some eggs for breakfast for himself. (Mostly because Pierce and Evie had already queued to eat. And Supriya woke up and it’s a work-from-home day for her. And by home, I mean head out to a uni class and then spend a LOT of time writing up an opinion piece on a computer. And so we do the uni class thing, and research on the research machine to take some time up.
Kids have returned from school! Pierce has three hours to chill after his part time job starts up. And of course Evie stays outside long enough for her fear to kick in. Sigh. You know what I say it’s time to pick up? Meditation! Mindfulness! So I set her to do that.
Curits has also returned from work. Whims are to chat with Pierce and to flirt with Roxana, another sim of mine. ...yeah no. Just take your shower and make some dinner and I’ll figure out what to do with you. Pierce returned from his jog I sent to try to pick up his mood all uncomfortable. The outside has TRASH out there! Aka, a very uncomfortable moodlet of something being trashed when he was jogging around. I suspect it’s the overly stinky leaf piles from it being autumn. It immedately went away as soon as he settled in at home so I’m just going to continue with fitness being just an activity he does but not something he dislikes. But! Before he gets sent off to his part-time job, I have a small window of opportunity for him to regain his passion. It didn’t take. He just got a tense moodlet. Alas!
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Oh hey! I actually get to see Evie in her fitness outfit since she meditated! I think I only see those on kids when they play basketball so this is nice! Anyway going to set Evie to do her usual thing when scared. Hang around some of the household pets!
But I did rotate control over to Supriya. Still need to find pets to befriend! Oooh, there is her disliked enemy’s pet dog Lady. I could go over to their house and give cuddles and affection to them.
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And what do you ya know! They have another...dog?! Foxes can generate when you adopt a pet and I saw one and was immediately like, yes please! She’s Kayla’s specific dog. Anyway, I spotted Lady chewing on a ball so I set Supriya up to train her to train her to play fetch. She picked it up very quick at least! And then it was a matter of getting a few more socials in order to feel the love with this very loyal dog. And then we sent her back home for a munch and then sleep. At least she had no work tomorrow, this staying out until 1:30am just befriending dogs. And everyone else in this household as well...as soon as they do the needs fullfillment tango.
Neighborhood Watch!
Miley Ricks in the Ricks household has died.
Miley went to sleep with the fishes.
Fiorella Navarro in the Navarro household retired from her job as a Cat Video Creator in the Internet Personality career.
0 notes
tsubasabasahazard · 2 years
Pretending tumblr is therapy
[tw: anxiety, depression, don’t read unless you wanna hear abt my boring life] 
okay so I’m having an anxiety attack right now, but I don’t have a therapist or friends to talk to (abt this particular issue) so I’m gonna unload here, specially cause I need to get better asap and go back to studying. 
you see, I don’t know if I told you but I started an internship two months ago, on a factory that makes bike parts, as a translator, japanese translator, so yeah I work translating documents and translating convo for some people between japanese and brazilians. at first I was excited and afraid, but more excited, after all I loved the opportunity to learn more while also making some money. two months passed. 
after the first month and first salary I wasn’t that happy already, and I was already thinking that 6months would be more than enough (they could hire me for at least 2years and 6months is the minimum) and was already counting the days. after talking to a few classmates who also worked as interns (not translation) in factories they said my company was one of the worsts, the pay was really low and the work was too much. and I was still like, okay I can take it, let’s just get through 6months and then I’m out. 
but anxiety got waaay worse on the second month, I woke up and went to sleep extremely anxious, sleep was already bad and it got worse, I always felt tired af even after sleeping for at least 6hours, btw my schedule was: waking up at 6-6h30, go get the bus at 8h45 (i take my time having breakfast thnx to adhd) get to work at 9h15, have 1h break from 11h30 to 12h30, then 15min break from 15h30 to 15h45, get out at 16h45, get to college at 17h30, get to class at 18h, get home by 22h45 or 21h45, go to sleep around midnight or later. I even got sick in the second week. oh well, back to second month. 
I was already overwhelmed with internship, college and living alone with my friend, when my dad decided to stop by for two days, he lives in another town, whenever he comes here I get even more anxious, it’s a family thing. he went to see my sisters in another state, came back a week later after fighting with them and only told me 6hrs before he got here and I had to pick him up at the airport at 1am. two days more of pure anxiety. 
the month was ending and I have tests and seminars now that december started. I haven’t been able to study for a single day even on weekends since college started bcs I’m always too tired from work. I also started having classes on some saturdays, on other staurdays i had work bcs we needed to pay for the days we would stay home thanx to soccer (this is brazil after all 8-D). so yeah, sundays turned to pure hell, free days in the middle of the week only made it all worse to my biological fucked up clock. 
I stayed home on the last day of november after taking my dad to his boat home. then I overslept the next day and said I had some personal business to take care. and damn I like this day. I could sleep a bit more, I got up and did some studying, then I went to college early and studied there too, until I met my friends for dinner. then we had class. oh yeah, class, specially this one, Japanese II, I started hating it in the first month of internship. it used to be my favorite class. I couldn’t stand it on this day, even tho my spirits were just fine. and this is why I’m writing this today. 
I have a test in 8 days, japanese II, it’s usually a very long test and I really need to study kanji cause I suck at it. I sat down today (after hours of procrastinating) and after writing down half of the kanji i need to study, I started having anxiety, very hard anxiety, I started shaking and my hands and feet got cold, at every stroke or every read I would hate it more, I hated every second of studying for half an hour. 
Now let me resume how I feel abt studying japanese. I love it (or loved). I started when I was 14 and loved it ever since, I got depression and after trying to get back to college I realized the only thing that could keep me there would be to study smth I Loved. and damn was I right. I simply LOVED my first two semesters, was super excited for the 3rd one, no matter how hard it got, it was FUN. 
I hate it now. I feel like it’s killing me. I feel depression creeping in closer every day. and god that is one of the scariest feelings I’ve ever felt. no my depression is not cured or being treated. I don’t have the money, even with the internship. but it was under control just fine for two semesters. now it’s loose and looking for me like a hungry wolf.
So anyway, I tried talking to people about this. but you see, I’m the happy go duck type of person. nobody takes me fucking serious unless I start crying and shaking and shit. it’s always been like this. but there’s another problem. I don’t cry that easily. not for me. I’m a total crybaby when it comes to fiction, gurl I start crying just from listening to love like you thinking abt TGCF. but crying in front of people? that’s a weakness I was not allowed to have, and I locked it up deep inside. imo it’s almost a talent at this point, how much I can hold back tears no matter how bad I feel, no matter how scared I am of my own thoughts of hurting myself. 
It hit me yesterday that no one is going to be on my side, when my oldest bff told me I was being a crybaby for wanting to quit the internship, “money is money”, then I explained to her how bad it was and she just said “hmnm”. my bff who lives with me? said she’ll beat me up if I leave it, we need the money, life has been to hard to give up on this money. my dad? he said “do what you think best, we will do smth abt it (money)” (in a tone of “we have no money, you should just hang in there”). 
and well, I guess I’ve been too privileged my whole life, people just don’t think I’m having a hard time no matter how much I say I’m having a hard time, it’s like everyone looks at me and goes “it’s hard for you bcs you’ve never known true hardship”. and I know that’s bullshit, I know hardship is not something to be compared. I also know I’m privileged as fuck! so what is the truth? who’s right? what am I supposed to do? like SHINee says, TELL ME WHAT TO DO. 
you know what’s worst? this internship is the first time my course got an opportunity to work with industries, it could open doors to all my peers and my cute juniors, also the lead teacher said “you have a huge responsibility in your back, don’t fuck it up”. so yeah, no pressure lol. 
if you read this until here you can comment smth or just move on, I don’t really care. you can’t say stuff like “ask for help” tho, I already did several times during my years of depression, no one could do shit for me, I know what the people around me can do for me, none of it will help me right now.
0 notes
Reason to Come Back (Bucky Barnes x reader)
Reason to come back
Bucky Barnes x reader
Word count: 3574
Request: "can you do something where seb(or one of his characters)and reader used to date and one day he broke up with her and after a short time he comes up with a new girl(not cheating)and the reader thinks that she’s worthless and not beautiful or good enough and that’s why he broke up with her and tries to be better(you know what to do•_-) and silently suffering etc. and with a happy ending where they get back together"
Warnings: mentions of a breakup, angst, depression, very slight mentions of disordered eating and exercise (very slight, not like most of my other fics), general feelings of worthlessness, angst
Tags: @buckys2thicc @mardema @stucky-on-spiderman @abitgryffindorky @freigeistundanderes @barnesplums @thatfangirl42 @buckfics @babyboibucky 
A/N: I AM SO SORRY TO THE ANON THAT REQUESTED THIS SO LONG AGO AND THAT IT TOOK SO LONG! I don’t even know if they’re still here, I feel so bad. I got an anon request for this fic and I did not know about the inbox for Tumblr accounts until just recently because I’m incompetent. There’s no excuse for me taking so long to write it, but I wanted to even though it’s been 9 months since they sent it. If you’re still here anon, thank you for sticking with me!
NEW NOTE 06/04/21: I rewrote this to be for Bucky as opposed to Sebastian. It is still mostly the same, just reworded in some places. This is meant to take place in reference to the timeline of tfatws and mentions moments from the show. I am referencing “the time he was gone” as the series episode 1-6. I don’t know how much time passed but I assume it was at least a few weeks if not longer (especially between episodes 5 and 6). That’s how I wrote it.
It was a quiet night, you under some blankets on the couch watching a movie. There was an empty bowl aside from a few popcorn kernels on the coffee table in front of you, the movie more for background noise than entertainment. You were scrolling through your phone mindlessly, looking for a distraction that would keep you occupied.
Not that it was working too well. There wasn’t much that could distract you from the fact that you were alone.
9 months. You had dated for 9 months. Not that he had been around for much of it. He had been with Sam on an extended mission, and he had been gone for a few weeks. You didn’t know much about the mission, Bucky wasn’t allowed to tell you. For your safety. You understood. It was his job, you knew that, but it could be lonely most of the time. He would call or text you if he could, but he couldn’t compromise his location. You were always happy to hear from him, but it wasn’t the same as when he was around.
You knew this would happen, and you had accepted that. It was hard, but you could manage.
You hadn’t heard from him in a weeks, but you didn’t think much of it. He and Sam must have gotten closer to the answers they had been looking for. You could only hope that he was safe. it took a toll on you, worrying about him, but you had been so happy when he had said he was coming home. But when he walked through the door, he didn’t seem excited at all.
You had wrapped your arms around him, and he had hesitantly hugged you back gently. You had known something was wrong almost immediately, pulling back and trying to meet his eyes. “Babe? Are you okay?”
“We should talk,” he said, struggling to meet your eyes.
You pulled your eyes together with concern. “Yeah, yeah what’s wrong?”
“I, uh… I don’t know if this is gonna work out.”
You shook your head, surprised. “What do you mean? What happened?”
“I just don’t think you and I work with 1,000 miles between us.”
“What?” you said in disbelief. “You’re the one who has to leave and I told you that I’m okay with it, and I am. I never thought you’d be the one with the problem with it.”
“Y/n -”
“We can work this out, Buck. You said it yourself, you don’t normally go away for that long. I’m not going anywhere, I - ”
“I can’t ask you to stay, y/n,” he said, cutting you off. You shut your mouth and shook your head. “Where is this coming from, what happened?” you asked.
He cleared his throat. “I should go.”
“You don’t get to walk away from this like that!” you exclaimed, nearly yelling.
“And I don’t have the right to expect you to wait for months while I’m out trying to save people. I thought it’d be fine but I couldn’t stop thinking about you here, alone. There’s going to be more missions, more danger. They recreated the serum. Who knows what else they’ll be able to create? You shouldn’t have to deal with that.”
“You don’t get to make that choice for me! I told you I’m okay with it and I still am, Bucky! I know the risks!” you said, tears pricking your eyes.
He looked away. “You deserve much better than me. Someone who can be there for you.”
You walked up to him and cupped his face. “You’re all I could ever want Bucky. Distance be damned.”
He sighed and pulled you into a hug, squeezing you tightly for a moment. “I have to go y/n. I’m sorry.”
He let you go and turned around, not even looking back to say goodbye.
That had been a couple of weeks ago. You had been crushed at first, devastated. But you were still able to function in your day-to-day life. You had a few friends to hype you up or cry with you, whatever the day was. You were able to still get to work, try to move on. And it was getting better, but the nights were still hard. It wasn’t the same when you knew he wouldn’t be coming home.
During the day you could pretend like you were waiting for that night when he would be able to call you. But at night, it was dark and you didn’t have a person you wanted to call.
You weren’t bitter, in a way you understood. You had known how relationships could be ruined by distance and work. But being a super soldier wasn’t a typical line of work. You had been okay with it, but you hadn’t thought that it would’ve affected Bucky as much as it seemed to. You had been emotional at the time, but looking back on it you could understand where he was coming from. Relationships were two-sided - just because you felt okay didn’t guarantee he was.
You knew what he did was dangerous. You had accepted that there might not have always been a happy ending. Maybe he hadn’t.
But then one day you had walked into a bar, only to see Bucky flirting with another girl, laughing away..
That was all you needed to see.
You didn’t want to read too much into it, any kind of situation could be misread. But him laughing with a very attractive girl over drinks shortly after becoming single - you couldn’t help but wonder.
You tried to tell yourself that it didn’t matter, that you were reading everything wrong, but your heart still felt as though it was breaking.
She was gorgeous. Much more so than you, you had thought.
Was that why he left? Was he just wanting to get himself back out there? Had he met her and just needed to get rid of you?
You didn’t want to think that way, none of it was true. He wouldn’t do that, he was a good man. But still…
Maybe if you were different it would’ve been harder for him to leave.
Maybe you hadn’t given him a good enough reason to stay.
And maybe, if you were better, prettier, he would come back.
It started small - making more of an effort to go to the gym, not ordering takeaways every night, that sort of thing. Not that you had much of an appetite to begin with. But you didn’t realize when your days had become full of going from work to the gym, nor why you had freaked out so much when you had sprained an ankle and couldn’t do your normal workout.
You had decided to work your arms those next few days to supplement the cardio you had missed. You had kept this up until you woke up one morning struggling to turn over because you were so sore. You decided that that day, you could take a rest day.
A rest day turned into a rest week, and soon enough you were only leaving your house to go to work. And only because you needed money.
You had cut yourself off from most of your contacts, still replying every now and then so they wouldn’t be concerned. You didn’t go out with them or call them because you were worried they would see right through you. Better to stay home. Your bed would never judge you.
You had become familiar with the spots on the wall, the streaks from god knows what, the way that light would filter through your window as the sun ascended and descended the sky. Hours could pass and you could still be in the same position.
You had to keep up a front around everyone. Letting people know how much you were hurting was not an option for you. Then they would ask what was wrong and pull you aside and look at you with this concerned face that you couldn’t deal with. It was the one that everyone always gave when someone was having a bad day, the one people put on when they wanted you to think that they cared. Sometimes they did, but most of the time a person with any sense of morals would put that face on to make a person think that they cared. It’s the same way “How are you?” is more of a greeting than a genuine question.
There were people who cared, but you didn’t want to have that conversation. You didn’t even know what you were doing anymore. It was an honest thought of bettering yourself, but it was for the wrong reasons. Trying to be better for Bucky made you realize how much you missed him. How angry you really were at him. But you couldn’t take it out on him, he didn’t deserve that at all, he didn’t earn that. But you were angry at...something, and maybe it was yourself, at letting him walk out that door, of not calling him and leaving him messages. Maybe if you had fought for him he would’ve stayed. If you had said something when he distanced himself.
You felt like this was your fault. And maybe if you changed something about yourself, you would learn from your mistakes.
Not that you knew exactly what you had done or what isolating yourself would fix, or teach you for that matter.
At some point, you must have fallen asleep because your ringtone jolted you awake. You groaned, shutting your eyes again. You would let it go to voicemail, just like all of the others. If it was that important they would text you.
You let it ring, sighing when it had stopped. You readjusted in your bed, trying to fall back asleep. It was a Saturday morning, you had until Monday morning to sleep. You were going to make the most of it.
But then your phone began ringing again.
You opened your eyes again, picking up your phone to see who it was. You dropped the phone when you saw the name
Bucky Barnes
Why the fuck was he calling you? What could he possibly have to say to you?
You watched the phone ring through to voicemail, soon after seeing a voicemail was left. You didn’t bother listening to it, you didn’t need to. You simply rolled over in bed. If it were that important, he would have called sooner.
Bucky’s POV
As the call went to voicemail again, Bucky was confused. He had never known you to miss a call, ever. It wasn’t like you, he knew you would drop anything to take calls. You had said you hated people leaving voicemails because you hated them having to listen to your voicemail message. You had thought your voice had sounded weird. It was one of the little things he remembered about you that made him smile
And realize how royally he had fucked up.
Being away on a mission wasn’t anything new for him, but maintaining a serious relationship for him was. He had never met anyone like you, and he had missed you so much when he had left. He hadn’t felt anything like what he did when you smiled at him since the 40′s. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but all he could think about was how much he had missed you. And that made him think about how much you must have missed him.
He felt like he was holding you back in some way. He was used to being away in dangerous situations for periods of time but you weren’t. And no matter how much you had assured him that you were okay with the long-distance relationship, as the months went on he felt guilty for not being able to be there in the way that he wanted to.
In the way you deserved.
He broke up with you because he thought you deserved better than relying on phone calls and texts for months at a time. Someone who could be there all the time for you. Someone who you didn’t have to worry about getting shot when he left for a mission. Someone predictable and reliable. Something he couldn’t always do.
But God, did he miss you.
He regretted walking out that door. He regretted not giving you a better reason, for not calling you or texting you until now, weeks later. The more time went on, the more he felt it would be inappropriate to call you to apologize.
But he couldn’t take it anymore, so he dialed your number. And when it went to voicemail, he had gotten a little worried.
He knew he didn’t have much of a right or reason to be worried, but he had a gut feeling that something wasn’t right. So, he decided to reach out to one of your friends.
Hey, is y/n alright?
Why do you want to know?
Look, I know I messed up. I just wanted to apologize and give her the answer she deserves. But she’s not answering my calls.
She doesn’t do phone calls anymore.
What do you mean?
She won’t answer calls. She won’t even come out with us anymore. Something’s up but she denies it.
When did this start?
When do you think?
Bucky’s heart sank to his stomach. This was his fault. And he had to go make it right.
Your POV
You were still in bed, wondering why Bucky had called you. It didn’t make sense to you, for him to call after all of this time. What could he possibly have to say to you? Did he want to inform you of a new girlfriend before the news caught wind of it? Did he want to come up with some dumb excuse to tell you he was sorry?
It made you scoff slightly, but the tug at your heart let you know that it wouldn’t be unwelcome.
You couldn’t deny it. As much as his leaving had hurt you, you missed him more than anything.
You wanted another chance with him, one that you weren’t sure you would get. And the thought of him coming back to you was comforting. Like maybe it wasn’t your fault. Or maybe you had done enough to win him back.
Wishful thinking.
You had lost track of time, once again, but were snapped out of your daze by knocking on your door.
What? Why would anyone be here?
You sighed. It was probably just some random person selling some random product or something.
More knocking. More insistent. You sighed, standing up and silently groaning at the soreness you felt in your body. Not necessarily from overuse, but more so from underuse. You stood you slowly, walking quietly over to your door.
More knocking.
You made it to the door and glanced through the peephole you had, eyes widening and a small gasp leaving your mouth.
Why the fuck was Bucky here?
More knocking.
You ran a hand down your face. Knowing him, he wouldn’t leave. But why did it go from calling straight to ‘I’m coming to your door’? As if he hadn’t been the one to leave you?
More knocking.
You swallowed dryly. “Why are you here?” you called out through the door.
Bucky let out a breath. “I just want to talk to you”
You shook your head on the other side of the door, wondering if you should let him speak. As if he wasn’t already living rent-free in your mind.
“Please y/n.”
You set your face hard, pulling the door open. At least you would get to say your piece to him.
“Now you wanna talk? Fine. Let’s talk.” you said, coldly.
Bucky was slightly taken aback, though he couldn’t blame you. He took in your appearance, exhaustion seeming to overtake you. Dark circles under your eyes, pale skin, you just - all life seemed to be drained from you. He scratched the back of his neck nervously before he asked quietly, “Can I come in?”
You stepped to the side, silently allowing him in, closing the door behind you. You crossed your arms over your chest and shrugged slightly. “What do you want Barnes?
“I’m sorry,” he said. You scoffed slightly, shaking your head and looking away. “Y/n look at me, please. I fucked up.”
“Well it took you long enough to figure that one out didn’t it?” you snapped, looking at him.
“Y/n please -”
“Tell me, when exactly did you figure out that maybe, just maybe, you should say you were sorry?”
“Y/n please - “
“Who was the girl? The one in the bar from a few days after we had broken up? The one you were hitting on over a couple of drinks?”
“The… what?”
“When did you feel the slightest bit of regret? When did you change your mind and decide that you didn’t want to leave?”
“I never wanted to leave you!” he exclaimed. “Can you please just listen to me?”
You looked at him, anger in your eyes but you closed your mouth. You gave him a look that said ‘I’m listening.’
He took a deep breath. “The woman at the bar was an old friend of Sam’s. He had introduced the two of us at one point. I was at a bar one night and and she came over to say hello and stayed for one drink. It’s nothing more than that.”
You took a breath. Situations could definitely be read wrong. You knew it had probably been nothing.
“When we first got together we had talked about me leaving for missions. Long-distance, unpredictable times, dangerous missions. A lot of people have a hard time keeping that going.”
“And I knew that and was okay with it.”
“Let me finish, please.” he pleaded. “I knew you knew the risks but I’m not sure I was as ready as I thought I was. I left and suddenly I couldn’t talk to you because I was worried for your safety. I couldn’t be there for you in all the ways I wanted to be. In all the ways you deserved. I just...you didn’t deserve that. You deserved so much more than that.”
You felt tears prick your eyes. “You already told me that. When you left. What’s really going on?”
He shook his head slightly. “ Sam’s sister had gotten a call with a threat towards her and her children. I couldn’t put you at risk. These people, they were super soldiers just like me. I had a few close calls with serious injuries. And I realized that if I got hurt I couldn’t protect you. I couldn’t let you get hurt and I couldn’t let you worry about whether or not I would come home alive. I thought… I thought it’d be less painful for both of us if we stopped seeing each other before that happened.”
You shook your head slightly. “Why couldn’t you tell me that?” you said, a little more softly.
“I don’t know”
You shook your head. “You’re gonna have to do a lot better than I don’t know.”
“I - “ He sighed slightly. “I was scared. You were the best thing that ever happened to me, and I was scared that I was going to lose you.”
“So you gave me up?” you asked.
“And made the biggest mistake of my entire life.”
You looked to the side and bit your lip slightly. “You know I thought it was my fault?” you turned your face back to Bucky’s confused one. “I thought I wasn’t good enough for you. That if I was enough you wouldn’t have left. Or if I was better you would’ve come back.”
He shook his head and started walking towards you to comfort you. “It was never your fault angel -”
You backed up slightly. “You don’t get to call me that. Not right now, not yet at least.”
He looked hurt slightly, but he nodded. After a few moments of silence, you scoffed slightly.
“You know, as much as I hate to admit it, I fell apart these past few weeks. Told myself that the only thing I wanted and needed was having you come back. And here you are and...I don’t know, Bucky.” you shrugged. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do or think, you broke up with me because you were afraid of hurting me? I - “ you rubbed your eyes. “I just… I get it, but I just wish we could’ve had this conversation weeks ago, Buck.”
“Does this mean we’re done?” he asked timidly.
“I… I don’t know. I just…. I think i need a little bit of time. Please. Just some time to think.”
He nodded, though he looked slightly disappointed. “Yeah, of course.” you nodded, walking him over to the door, opening it. He turned around. “Is it okay to give you a hug, y/n?”
You thought about it for a moment before nodding, letting him wrap his arms around your waist as you looped them around his neck. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, tears forming in your eyes as you realized how much you missed this. How much you needed this. When he went to pull away, you held him a little more tightly before letting him go.
He smiled at you before turning to leave. “Take as much time as you need, y/n.”
You gave him the smallest of smiles back. “I’ll see you later Bucky.”
And with that, you closed the door behind you, not having a clue what any of this meant. This didn’t make it okay by any means, but maybe, just maybe, the two of you could start fresh. Together.
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danielxricciardo · 3 years
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Summary: You met Pierre at the Brazilian Grand Prix and for 3 months you couldn't get in touch.
Warnings: fluff, like 2 swear words
Word count: 2.3k
This one was requested by @jugasly and I know it is not exactly what she wanted but I really tried and I hope you liked it!
Avenida Paulista's Boulevard catches the eye especially through the skyscrapers similar to those in the big North American cities. Brazil's most modern city has much to offer tourists around the world. The most beautiful museums in South America can be found here, the shore is furrowed with lots of sunny beaches. And its nightlife has attracted many tourists.
The largest city in South America makes New York look small. The buses make an unbearable noise and black smoke spreads over the upper floors of the skyscrapers which, through the heat that maintains it during the day, turn the city into a real hell.
I felt myself waking up but I was determined to keep my eyes closed for a little longer but in a few seconds I was awakened violently by the sound of car engines. That's what I deserve for booking the hotel next to the Formula 1 circuit.
You reluctantly got out of bed and went to the window. I saw how the Formula 1 cars are brought on the circuit and I look at my watch. Fuck, it was pre-qualification practice, did I really sleep that much? Honestly, I arrived in the room at 5 o'clock and at 6 I fell asleep so I shouldn't have been so surprised that I slept in.
I was in Brazil with my two best friends to watch a Formula 1 race live and we chose Brazil because we needed a good reason to leave Europe and visit South America for a week, right?
I woke up my friends and in less than half an hour we were leaving the hotel, running, with a big cup of coffee in our hand.
We passed quickly through the front gate, all we needed now was to find our seats.
All around us could be heard the cars speeding on the circuit. My skin was goosebumps and I was looking at my friends who had the same smile on their faces that I think I had.
We find our seats and watch the last 15 minutes of training. We held in our hands the tickets that gave us access to the paddock. We were going to go there after the drivers returned to the garages.
My eyes were searching for Aston Martin Hospitality. I knew that if I returned home from this Grand Prix without an autograph from Sebastian Vettel for my father, I could very well stay in Brazil for the rest of my life.
Being so focused on looking for the green building, I didn't realize that someone was coming in front of me only when I hit a hard chest. I heard my girlfriends gasping. Fuck, I just hope I didn't run into Toto Wolff.
I open my eyes slightly and see a driver's suit, white and blue. Alpha Tauri?
I look up at the driver's face. To be damned. Pierre Gasly. With ruffled hair and a red face, Pierre Gasly was in front of me.
"I'm really, really sorry, I didn't look where I was going. Sorry!" I say and take a step back, stepping out of his personal space.
As I walked away from him, I saw that he was not alone but with Pyry.
"It's okay, I wasn't looking where I was going either," he says, running his hand through his hair, trying to fix it.
I smile at them and then I look at my friends giggling at our embarrassing date.
Pyry motions to Pierre to someone behind me and that makes him take his eyes off me.
"Oh, I have to go," he tells me. "Have fun."
I stood still for a few moments, unable to move. I just met my favorite driver and it couldn't be more embarrassed than that.
"The first meeting with your children's future father was very good." my best friend, Lila, tells me.
"Shut up."
The fact that I found Aston Martin Hospitality and managed to get the autograph for my father and I could take a few pictures with Sebastian Vettel erased the embarrassment caused by the disastrous meeting I had with Pierre Gasly.
For a little time.
As soon as we got out of Aston Martin Hospitality Lila pulled us to McLaren Hospitality, hoping to meet Lando Norris and take some pictures with him, about 100, but who's counting, right?
I was with my head on the phone, sending my father some pictures I took with Sebastian Vettel when I came across someone, this time I lost my balance and I was about to fall but two strong arms caught me. Pierre Gasly, again.
"Honestly, we should stop meeting like this, you could get hurt," he says and laughs. "Are you ok?"
"Yes, yes, I'm fine," I say and bite my lip. "I should really start looking where I'm going."
My friends secretly took pictures of us.
"It's the second time we've met in less than 10 minutes, maybe the universe wants to tell us something, don't you think?" he says and holds out his hand. "Pierre."
I hold out my hand and smile wide. "Y/N."
I turn my gaze to Lila and Erica, presenting them to Pierre as well.
"I hope you feel good in the paddock. So far, the world has been nice to you and your friends?"
"Yes, everything has been good so far. We've only been to Aston Martin and they've all been very nice to us. Except for a few people who don't look where they're going, we haven't had any unexpected events." I say and laugh.
Pierre starts laughing too.
"Yes, I will try to look after you from now on and avoid you. I don't want to be the reason you fall. Although, if something happens, I know the medical team and you don't need medical insurance here."
I asked Pierre if he wanted to take some pictures with me and he accepted immediately. At least that's what I can do after I've run into you twice already.
For the next few hours, Lila and Erica, and I walked from one Hospitality to another, looking for drivers. They were all very nice to us and agreed to pose with us.
When it was time to start qualifying, we went to the room provided by McLaren for guests to watch.
I followed Pierre's position in the standings, Lila followed Lando's position and Erica followed Max's position. All three of us breathed a sigh of relief when the three boys passed into Q3.
Lando will leave from the seventh position tomorrow.
Pierre will start from the fourth position.
Max will start from pole position.
The three of us went to the hotel, ready to rest well for the next day.
If the atmosphere for qualifying had seemed charged to me, then the atmosphere before the race could not be described.
Yesterday everyone was behaving nicely and they were smiling. Now everyone was running past everyone, there were many screams and many curses could be heard. And everyone was frowning, not a smile in sight.
We didn't see any drivers, so we headed to McLaren Hospitality to get comfortable for the race. I unwittingly was disappointed. I wanted to see Pierre before the race to wish him good luck.
Although I hadn't wished him good luck, Pierre was lucky. He finished the race in second place, behind Max Verstappen. I was very happy and I wanted to go and congratulate him as soon as possible.
I watched the award from the window, filming and taking pictures which I was sure I would cherish for a long time to come.
"Congratulations!" I scream when I see him and he looks at me. "It was a very good race, congratulations!"
"Thank you!" he says and smiles at me.
I asked my friends to take some pictures with the trophy and champagne and then Pierre left, being shouted by someone from the team.
"Stay here, I'd like to see you one more time before you have to leave."
I could die then and there when I heard his words. Pierre Gasly wanted to see me again.
It's just that it hasn't happened before. We stayed there for another two hours and Pierre could not be found. It was getting late and everyone was starting to leave, so we left.
Monza is the most important economic, industrial and administrative center of the Brianza sub-region, being the third-largest city in Lombardy, with a population of about 120,000 inhabitants. When people think of Monza, the first thing that comes to mind is the famous Formula 1 Grand Prix that is held here every year.
Although many may think that Milan eclipses this smaller city, Monza should not be dismissed, having an absolutely sublime historical architecture, such as the Cathedral and the Leoni Bridge, but also features the huge Parco di Monza and of course the famous Formula 1 Autodromo.
The historic center of Monza stretches over a large area and in this area, you can find most historical sites and a guided tour of the history of cities.
Three months have passed since the Brazilian Grand Prix.
Three months since I first saw Pierre Gasly.
Although I have pictures of the two of us, I can't help but regret the fact that I didn't see him then; I will probably never see him again.
The exams passed and to relax completely my father and I got tickets to the Italian Grand Prix.
What I didn't know was that my father had taken VIP tickets.
That means we're going to the paddock.
Does that mean I can meet Pierre?
I tried not to have too many hopes, in the end, there are thousands of people there, I can't meet him, can I?
I didn't meet him on Friday. It had been the two practice sessions, everyone was as relaxed as possible, my father took pictures with everyone he saw, but Pierre was nowhere to be seen.
On Saturday we were late and did not catch the practice, but we saw the qualifications. Pierre starts from the tenth position. To be honest, I didn't have high expectations for tomorrow's race for Pierre.
And man I was wrong about that.
The whole race I was speechless. I heard my father from lap 23 and to the end cursing the accident that took Charles Leclerc out of the race.
My eyes were only on car number 10. I had the impression that I was blinking only when the camera moved to another car. I forgot to breathe when I saw the overtaking he was doing.
But he won.
Pierre Gasly won in Monza. His first ever Formula One career win and it was my home race.
Before we went out in the paddock looking for Pierre, after the premiere, I wiped away the tears I didn't know I had.
It wasn't hard for me to find him. Where there were a lot of people screaming and chanting, he must have been there too.
And I was right. He is enjoying his first victory with the whole team. Everyone wanted to hug and congratulate him.
As if he noticed my presence among the hundreds of people who were there, Pierre looked at me. I noticed his face light up and he came towards me.
"Y/N!" he says and hugs me.
I'm sure my father was shocked somewhere in the back. I hadn't told him that I had met Pierre, but after this hug, I will definitely have to explain to him what the situation is.
"Congratulations!" I tell him and I smile broadly. "First victory! Wow!"
He shrugs nonchalantly.
"I was lucky."
I laugh and hit him playfully in the shoulder.
"With Hamilton being penalized? You would have overtaken him without that penalty."
He looked into my eyes.
"I haven't found you after the race in Brazil."
The fact that he remembered had taken me by surprise. I was sure he couldn't remember the fact that he had proposed to me to stay on the circuit so that he could see me one more time.
I was sure that the second he left, he forgot what I looked like and forgot my name.
But no. He still knew me. He still knew my name and knew we had to see each other.
"I haven't seen you there before and I left after about two hours, it was getting late."
"I'm sorry, the teamwork had taken longer than I initially anticipated. When I went to look for you, no one was there. Then I realized I didn't even have your phone number. I tried to look for you on Instagram, but do you know how many girls are there with your name?"
I laughed.
"Well, I could give my phone number to the race winner now, if he wants it, of course. Do you think he would accept it?" you ask laughing.
Pierre blushes and bites his lip.
"I'm sure he would accept."
I take out of my bag the notebook and pen I was carrying with me to receive the drivers' autographs and write my phone number. I hand him the sheet just as Pierre is being taken by some engineers to the garage to celebrate the victory.
I laugh and wave at him.
I was at home with my father, watching a boring movie on Netflix. I've been looking at the phone constantly since last night, waiting for a message from Pierre but I haven't received anything.
"Ugh, this movie is so boring," I say and take my phone off the table. "Let me look for a more interesting one."
That's when I receive a message from a number I didn't save. I received a picture.
It was the picture with the prize Pierre received.
"The winner of the race has received your number and is wondering if you are free to dine with him."
I bit my lip, unable to control the smile on my face.
"If the winner of the race wants to go out on a date with me, who am I to say no?"
"8 o'clock?"
"I'll send you the address right away."
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vannybarber · 4 years
Put Some Respect On My Name!
Summary: As a wife and a mother to the kids of this asshole, respect is the one thing you better be recieving from him...after some good 🍆 of course. That's number one right there.😏
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Ransom Drysdale x Black Reader
Words: 5.3k
Warnings: Pregnant¡Reader, swearing, insults, angst, mentions of cheating, SMUT, breeding kink, spanking, oral (female receiving), praise kink, unprotected sex, mentions of religion, threats of violence (nothing extreme).
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So here your are. Sitting on you and Ransom's shared California King bed looking at his friend, Derek's Instagram story, disappointed and angry. But mostly angry. Some nasty ass trick is sitting on your baby daddy's lap. Her loppy floppy tits out with a drink in hand and him drinking a Moscato, the one beverage he loved to order everytime he went out.
Last year for New Year's, you had to stop him from ordering more or else you were going to be cleaning him up after puking everywhere at midnight instead of getting a kiss to start off another year.
Your two year old daughter was in her playroom across the hall making a mess with her toys. Usually you'd be down there playing with her but your swollen stomach done prohibited you from doing a lot of things now. But it most definitely ain't stop you from getting what you want from Ransom every day and night. Nothing could ever stop you guys from getting yo freak on. Nothing.
Hugh Ransom Drysdale is most definitely an asshole and you're not gonna sit here and lie, acting like he completely changed when you guys came together. That boy still has his moments, but of course, it would be a chilly ass day in hell before you sit there and take his bullshit. He been learned that.
At this point ,you were thinking of ways to get on his ass about it when he comes home. Should you get the bat and wait at the door on some Beyonce shit ? Or put some bleach in his Fruit Loops like Cardi the next day ? Those sounded a lot better than what you decided to do. You were gonna wait till he got back home and calmly confront him on it, regardless of what your hormones wanted. 6 months pregnant and anger do not go together. You're WAAAAY more vulnerable and bound to do anything now. So you just watch your daughter brush her baby doll, hitting her on the head cause she won't sit still, rubbing your bump and wait for him to come home.
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You hear shuffling downstairs and keys hitting the bowl by the front door. His big head home now and you're beyond ready.
You check the time and it's 2:46 am. You been put your child to sleep hours ago. You were just watching Wild N' Out to pass the time, thinking of how you were gonna start off without making yourself even more mad. The baby nor you need any of that. You were internally praying he was gonna get his ass over here soon cause your ass knocked out for a little bit. You were sleepy as hell right now.
Hearing those expensive ass Chelsea boots hit the sleek stairs and up to the second floor, you woke the fuck up real quick. You stay quiet and watch him walk in your daughters room and check on her. You can see with the nightlight him smile and rub her brown cheek with the back of his forefinger, whispering inaudible words to her. Fuck him and his adorable ass.
He bends back up straight and walks out her room closing the door a little and make his way across the hall to your room. He sees you and your pregnant state in your white tube top and grey booty shorts. Simple yet the baddest bitch he's ever laid eyes on and ever will. He smiles while locking eyes with you and all you do is narrow yours back at him getting upset all over again, regardless of the sweet previous moment shared with your baby girl.
He gives you a 'what the hell ?' look and comes over to give you a kiss but you jerk your head back with the stank face and a 'boy move out my face' quietly leaving your mouth. Now he's REALLY confused.
"Mama, what's wrong with you?"
You look at him like he just asked you to get on your knees and bark like a dog.
"What's wrong with me? You really asking that?" raising your voice on the second question.
Technically, he has the right to ask, being that he doesn't know what you know. He probably doesn't even know that Derek was recording him and that broad. Nor does he know that you texted Derek to keep recording him so you know nothing escalates.
Call it what you want, but you know how your man is. He's immature and irresponsible as HELL. If something had popped off that really threatened y'all's relationship, you would've been in that bar with your child on your right hip, earphones in her ear and tablet in hand, cussing him and that girl out.
"You wanna tell me how your night went?" You tilt your head asking sweetly, with a drop of sarcasm. You truly are a petty ass piece of work. And you love it.
"Just get to the point Y/N. The fuck did I do this time ?" At this point he's now visibly annoyed. But you ain't care. This situation is on his part. Y'all could've had a nice night, fucking while Big City Greens playing in the background on the T.V. eventually waking your child up cause you loud as hell, but nooooo. That ain't happening now.
You grab your phone and open back up Instagram, Marta popping up on your feed with Harlan reading a book. You like it and search up Derek's @ then click his story. You flip through countless tabs until you see the man-child standing in front of you, on the screen. You motion him over to the bed.
"Come here, asswipe."
He rolls his eyes, but moves them feets anyway. You turn your phone to him and let the video play. You watched it about a thousand times so you know exactly when it ends. After it does you pull the phone back in your lap and give him a questioning look.
Sometimes it's hard to read his expressions and this was one. It was a mix of slight guilt and double the annoyance. He backs up and stands back at the end of the bed, arms crossed.
"Really? This why you're upset?"
You swear you almost slapped him. And this time you couldn't blame the hormones because it was gonna be ALL YOU. You take a deep breath and lean your back against the cushion headboard.
"I KNOW you did not just ask me that as if I ain't supposed to be bothered by the fact that my husband got some random woman on his lap while I'm at home with his daughter and his growing child."
You deadass don't believe him right now. He really pressing you as if he don't know how you get when you're angry, especially while pregnant.
"My feet hurt. I am TIRED. I can't even move for more than 5 minutes without getting sick and having to sit down. The you come at me with this bullshit" you continue. "What the hell is wrong with you ?"
He just deadpans you. And you stare at his ass right back. You not playing right now.
"Y/N, you never get upset when I go out with my buddies and get hammered." He's flapping his arms around raising his voice at every word.
"What is the big deal now? It's fucking late and you're doing all this right now. What the hell?"
You gather the strength and get out the bed to close the bedroom door cause you about to go AWF.
Getting back on the bed fully sitting up and supporting your own weight, you tie your butterfly braids up in ponytail.
"Listen, you raggedy shitball,"
It's about to go down. You adjust yourself, ready to release the wrath.
"I don't give a damn how late it is. You know better than to go out and let some bitch get close up on you like that. Were you even thinking about me or your kids while she was on you? The fuck was going through your mind? Oh wait, I forgot. You don't fucking think. You have to actually have a damn brain."
"Raggedy shitball? Real mature, babe. Real fucking mature." He says rolling his eyes, finally getting his shoes off and putting them under the chair were his scarf and coat are draped over.
You continue with your rant.
"Ironic for you to comment on maturity, Hugh."
Yep, that's right. You said it. You called him by his ugly ass first name. Linda and Richard must've been out they damn mind naming him that shit. He whipped his head around, any sense of expression just completely wiping from his face. Perfect. Just the reaction you wanted.
"Don't call me that." He stated, pure disgust in his words. To be honest, you don't even blame him. But like stated before, you petty as hell.
"Hugh, Hugh, Hugh. Your name is fucking Hugh" you say in a sing songy voice. Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta.
"You don't get to tell me what to do right now. And back to what I said before. Why you let that girl in your lap like that ?"
"It was completely harmless. We were just having fun. Like you said before, you aren't a jealous person. Stuff like that shouldn't even be affecting you like this." He gets on the bed beside you and your face tore back up again. He's really getting in this fucking bed beside you like nothing.
But he was right though. You aren't a jealous person. A girl can come up to him at a party and flirt right in your face, but you'd never be bothered. Cause at the end of the day, her ass is getting rejected and he's gonna be inside you later the same night. He's yours and you're his. Simple.
"Ransom, just because I'm not a jealous person doesn't mean I'm gonna keep my mouth if our relationship is threatened." This man is actually delusional.
"You never entertain other girls when I'm around and here you are with a girl on your lap and I'm not there to say or do nothing. And you know your shitty friends will just encourage it. "
At this point, you started to get really insecure. Maybe it's the hormones, maybe it's just your logic. But your mind started racing like NASCAR. What really happens when he's out and you're at home? He wouldn't put your marriage and family at risk over a bitch...right? He hasn't cheated on you, has he? These thoughts really weren't good for your right now.
But he must've read your expressions. You were zoned out and he knows you're an over thinker so he had to stop you real quick. He puts his large left hand over your thigh, rubbing it and his right around your ass, leaning his head against your arm, trying to get you to chill. It almost worked, him knowing you liked your thighs rubbed, especially in your state.
But you caught that shit right away. You moved out of his hold and turn your body completely towards him. And then you ask him.
"Have you ever cheated on me?"
He freezes, you swear for at least 2.4 milliseconds and whips his head around to look at you. You turn your head away, somewhat regretting you even asked. You know this fucker loved you and your family with everything. He even said in his vows he would give his all into you. And you believed him. But fuck that right now. You need to know.
"Are you GODDAMN serious right now?!"
Okay, you paused for two things; he used God's name in vain, which you HATED, due to you growing up religious. Even though you don't practice it very often, it still bothered you. And two, he yelled, completely disregarding the fact that your kid is across the hall sleeping.
You snap your head around, braids hitting your face with super saiyan speed and kick him in his hip.
"What the shit, Y/N?"
"First of all, you know how I feel about that fucking word. STOP USING IT. And two, your daughter is sleeping so you need to keep your damn voice down!"
He's rubbing his side with a distorted look, but you could care less. You were fed up. This imbecile wasn't showing you any respect and your weren't gonna wait for him to get it right.
"How the hell would you feel if I went out, sat on some random dude's lap and entertained him while you were at home with our kid? Matter a fact, I'll do one even better. How about while I'm PREGNANT with YOUR baby, that YOU put in me, I sit on him and letting him rub my belly?"
Ransom has a big ass breeding kink. When you told him you were pregnant he was ecstatic. The though of him knocking you up, his seed growing inside of you just gave him pure ecstacy. And don't even get started on when your bump started to form. He was fucking every chance he got. He was in a theme park and you were his favorite ride.
You know you were playing with fire, but that shit felt AMAZING. He was really feeling how you were feeling right now. Them veins were popping out his neck and his face was slightly turning red. Baby boy was LIVID.
"Y/N, cut that shit out. I'm not doing this with your ass tonight." He looked at you with these eyes you've only seen when his family pissed him off at those gatherings he dragged both of you to. Before you had your first child of course. You went to them less after your daughter's birth because he didn't want her around his shitty family. You completely understood.
"Nah, baby boy. Since you want to be so inconsiderate and a triple asshole tonight, you can lay here by yourself and bathe in it." You got your big ass out the bed after minutes of struggling. Grabbing your black Betty Boop pillow with her cute afro, your charger, phone and your Hot Cheetos out the night stand and slipped on your slides, you waddle across the room, heading into the guest bedroom.
You refuse to sleep in the same bed as him, especially since he refuses to admit he's in the wrong. If you stay in there, you're just going to get even more frustrated and you don't want to harm your baby.
"Y/N, baby. What are you doing? Come back in here" he called you from the bedroom.
You shut the door and lock it. You'll be damned if you're gonna come running back cause he aSkEd you to. You settle in the bed, plug your phone up, grab your chips and turn When They See Us on the T.V.
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Ransom just lays back on the bed in defeat. He didn't even make an effort to get you back in the room because you're stubborn as a mule. But he takes this time to go over what just happened.
He truly didn't think you would make a big deal. Like you said before, you're not a jealous person, so he didn't think he'd have to worry. Boy, was he all the way wrong. And you did have a point about you entertaining another man. That had his blood boiling. He gets at most irritated when you come with him to events, like the Oakley Country Club in Watertown and you're everyone's distraction.
It was your first appearance with him there and you being a sight to see, had all eyes on you and your body. Hell, even the women were checking you out, no envy or jealousy in sight. He knew then, he was gonna keep you close. You don't remember ever leaving his side that evening. He even volunteered to go into the bathroom with you. He didn't want to take a chance with the females either.
But in all seriousness, he couldn't bear the thought of you with another man. Especially now that you're married and have two kids together. But he really couldn't believe that you'd even suggest that he had been unfaithful to you. Your reasons were plausible, yes, but he was honestly...hurt. He knows what kind of guy he is comes off as, but he'd never intentionally ruin what you guys have built. You were the only one he truly let close.
He knew what he had to do, even though he dreaded it. He had to go apologize. He hates when you're upset with him. Absolutely hates it. Plus you were looking sexy as hell tonight and he need some of that round brown ASAP, no rocky.
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Ransom got up and opened the door, making his way down the hall to the guest bedroom, but not before checking his baby's room. She was still fast asleep, little snores leaving her body. Exiting her room, he knew your door would be locked but tried to open it anyway. When it didn't budge, he knocked a couple of times. But you was knocked out.
Then he remembered. Lifting his hand to the top of the door frame, he searched for the thin key that unlocked the bedroom doors. Once he felt it, he grabbed it and inserted it in the door knob. Click. He pushed the door open and looked around to see the T.V. screen on, but paused, and you lying on your side with the Cheeto bag still open like a damn fool.
He shut the door quietly and made his way around the bed. He closed the loud ass bag, which caused you to stir and reposition your legs. He set the bag on the nightstand and crawled into the bed with you. He stared at you for a moment. Looking at your full lips and your wide nose.
Your afrocentric features were always so mesmerizing to him because they were different from all the other women. They were unique and he understood why you took so much pride in them. You had the damn right, especially looking that good. You were never afraid to embrace them. No person of color should ever be afraid to. Ever.
After what felt like an hour of weird ass staring, Ransom started to shake your arm, trying to wake you. You're a heavy ass sleeper, so it took him a while. You opened your eyes, squinting trying to figure what the fuck just woke your ass up. Feeling a dip in the bed and a presence next to you, Ransom comes into sight.
Even though this man is finer than a MOTHERFUCKER, you still turned your nose up when you looked at him. Your ass was still mad and it was ridiculous. Understandable, but ridiculous as hell. You could only imagine what he wanted now. You roll your eyes.
"Listen, I know you're still pissed at me and whatever, but I just came in here to.... apologize."
He averted his gaze to the T.V. You know how difficult it is for your baby to apologize for anything because even though he clearly in the wrong, he will never ever accept it nor admit it. And damn sure never apologize.
"I realize how you felt when you saw that video", he continued. "I would be even more pissed if you were the one in someone else's lap and I couldn't kick their ass as soon as I saw it."
You chuckled a little bit because it's true. He would be angry as shit. Although, you'd never be in that position because you love and respect him too much. But you let him finish before you spoke.
"With that being said, I'm sorry for my actions. Believe it or not, I'm still getting adjusted to being a husband and a father. I'm still struggling to give up my old habits and the shit I'm so used to doing. It's not easy, baby."
You grab is strong jaw and make him face you. He hasn't made eye contact with you this entire time. You almost felt bad, but he needed to understand. Understand where you were coming from and understand how it made you feel.
"Ransom, I'm not asking you to completely change who you are. I just want to know that you're in this for good. Because you can't turn back now. We've come too damn far. And I'll be damned if you decide to give up your responsibilities. Your ass gon' be grass."
He smiled a teeny bit, because what can you say? You're a natural born comedian. You can turn any situation in to some funny ass shit. But you get back to your point.
"I want you to be able to go out and have fun, but also come back and be a husband and a father. I value my independence just as much as you, so I get it. Just remember what you have. Don't fuck it up for some pussy, alright? That's all I'm saying."
You look him in his sea blue eyes. Damn, them thangs are hypnotic as hell. But you search for something that tells you he understands. That's all you fucking want. Him to understand. But you definitely got your answer.
Just as you were about to ask him, he shoots his face towards you and attacks your mouth like a damn wild ass pig. You were thrown all the way off, but you checked back into reality and kissed him back. You guys had this amazing ass way of getting in sync when you kissed. No matter who initiates it, you flow amazingly.
After a few mintues of saliva attack, you pull away tryna breathe cause he was about to take all your fucking oxygen. He laughs at the look on your face. You end up cracking up too. You can't help it. And he knows it.
"I completely understand, mama. I've definitely taken this into consideration. I learned my lesson." He smiles down at you. Internally you're proud as fuck because it's like you raised a bad ass kid into a well behaved one. The power your ass holds is amazing.
Then you look at the door trying to figure out how the hell he got in the room. "The key." You nod in realization. He rubs your thigh again, and this time, you don't stop him. Instead he stops himself. You look at him confused as fuck.
"But I'm gonna let you sleep in here, since you seem to be so cozy." He was messing with you. Fuck him. He gets up off the bed and head towards the door, but not before looking back to catch your reaction. You had a 'get your ass back over here' look on your face. But he just smirked. That signature smirk.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" He really out here testing you right now. The balls on this motherfucker...
"Ransom, get your ass over here and give me what I want." You look down at his crotch, imagining him without his wool Reiss pants. He follows your eyes, still holding that smirk, but not forgetting to widen it. You lusting after his fLeSh turned him on bad. And it felt so good.
You already know you're to hard to resist. Everyone loves chocolate. Even Ransom's lactose intolerant ass.
You start to rub your belly, purposely drawing his attention, really making him turned on for you. You can feel that that tropical rain storm in your Fenty underwear.
And that boy was ready to start swimming. He expediTiously got back on the bed and in between your legs. You give him that look and that's all he needed. Connecting your lips to his and moving them in perfect sync like always, he starts rubbing up and down the side of your full belly.
"So fucking perfect and all of it's for me."
You pause.
"And who said all of this was for you, Mr. Drysdale?"
Not amused by your comment, he slaps your ass louder than a bitch and you shut your ass up real quick. Not before letting out a little giggle though.
He lifts your heavy ass and pulls the tube top over your head, letting your swole breasteses fall into position. Your areolas widened since having your daughter and Ransom LIVED for it. You were definitely enjoying them massages and those lips treatments he gave you when they were sore, just like now.
He starts kneading the left breast and continues to make out with your face like an animal. His left arm is holding your ass up. He eventually lays you back down, knowing damn well his ass is tired of holding you. You ain't blaming him either.
He hooks his lips on the nipple of the same breast, twirling his deadly tongue all around it. You moan with your head thrown back cause it feels good as hell. He lets go and replaces his mouth with his hands and twirls the nipple with his mouth on the other.
All you could do was mumble cuss words and grab his hair. He was really fucking you up and the real fucking didn't even start yet.
Trailing kisses all the way down your beautiful bump, down all the stretch marks till he reaches your shorts. He wasted no time getting them off and disposing them on the clean floor. Whatever he throw on the floor HE'S picking that shit up, not you. You'll make sure of that.
He looks directly at your covered pussy with excitement in his eyes. More excited than you were, if that's even possible. He takes his thick index finger and rubs you through your panties, completely soaking them. You just watch him, lust dialating your pupils.
He yanks them off, almost taking you off the damn bed at the same time, so you had to re-adjust yourself. He spreads your legs on their sides of his wide shoulders and licks from your core to the hood that covered your clit. You jerked a little cause you were in your second trimester, the horny trimester. You were 🌃 sensitive 🌃.
Then his annoying ass starts lapping in circles in super saiyan speed. You cry out and grab your left breast, squeezing and rubbing it. He stretches his left hand out and takes the right one, doing the same thing. Your back was continuously arching. You know your baby was fed up.
After a couple of more laps, your body finally can't take anymore and you cum all over his mouth. He has the audacity to keep going, even when your clit is hypersensitive, making you literally whimper, so you have to slap his head to get him to stop.
He pulls away with that stupid famous smirk.
"All that shit you're always talking, but you couldn't take a little sensitivity?" He teases you. But that's alright, cause you gon' remember that next time you're on your knees for him. When he comes, you not taking your mouth off him until you feel like it.
"Just fuck me already before I change my mind." You don't know why you even said that shit. He can tease you all you want. You'll never not have your legs or mouth open, ready for him to stick his dick wherever he feels.
He just chuckles, cause he knows that too.
Taking your body, he flips you on your left side and settles behind you, dick right against your ass. Its one of your favorite positions because he could hit your sweet spot perfectly this way. And he could rub your bump at the same time. Beneficial for the both of your greedy asses.
He was taking way to long so you grab his dick and line it up with your pussy and push the tip in slowly, playing with your own arousal. Ransom just watched. He loved seeing you desperate for his stupid ass, but you gave zero fucks at the moment.
Finally you slip his huge ass girth inside you and you moan out loud as hell. You really just be turned on by anything at this point. He then takes back the lead and pushes further till he bottoms out inside you. He's heavily breathing his hot ass breath on your neck like a weirdo, but fuck it.
Once both of you are adjusted, he starts moving in and out of you. The position made your walls hella tighter and he was already hitting your spot. His tight arm is wrapped around your stomach now. You constantly moan his name and he's just encouraging it.
"Ransom, fuck, baby just like that"
"You love when I fuck you like this, don't you pretty girl?"
You hated when he called you "pretty girl, sweet girl, or good girl" because you become a straight whore for him right away. He's such an asshole.
"Yes, Daddy- please don't stop"
"Tell me how bad you want it baby"
There he go with these fucking games. Always wanting to hear you beg.
"I want it so bad, Daddy ! pleASe give it to mE"
Happy Ransom?
He starts to pick up the pace and you feel the pleasure in your toes. It just travel from there all around your body and you can't say anything but "don't stop" and moan uncontrollably.
You start getting close and he can tell by the way you pick up the moans. So he starts going faster. But never forgetting to add a little nasty dialogue.
"I can feel you ready to come sweet girl. Keep clenching around me baby" That shit just made you even more whore-knee. If you weren't already pregnant, he was definitely gonna put a baby in you that night.
"Baby I'm close- fill me up Ransom please "
You're begging for this man to cum inside you, but he always wanna play a damn game.
"Hmmm do you truly deserve to cum baby? I don't know if you do.."
You wanted to hit him so bad, but he wouldn't let you come if you did. So you go along with it.
"Yes Daddy I'll do anything- Please just let me cum !" You screamed.
At this point you were loud as 🌃fuck🌃 .
After more begging he finally let you come.
"Oh shit Ransom- FUCK" You come all over his dick and shortly after, he came right behind you. Filling you up just like you wanted. He slumped against your back and you lowered your shaky leg.
"You always take me so well baby girl." He starts kissing your neck. You could literally hear that loppy ass smile he has on his face everytime y'all get done. But you get all tingly inside because you love when he praises you. Makes you feel proud of yourself.
"Well there's not much to take so...it's whatever." What are you without a teasing remark after every other sentence? But he always has a clapback.
"Its funny you say that because the other day you were practically in tears because my dick was "too much for one woman to take" and that I was practically torturing you." At this point you're turned over facing him grinning like a Cheshire cat and him smiling right back at you.
"Oh shut the fuck up, with your annoying ass." You snap back at him playfully, rolling your eyes.
"You love me, my chocolate bunny." He let's out an audible yelp when you kick him in his leg. You hate when he calls you that. "Cut it out Ransom, or you're not touching me for a week."
There you go again saying the dumb shit. You both know that YOU could never go through with that.
"Fine by me", he states unphased. Cause he knows you could never.
You roll your eyes for the 50thousanth time.
"You're lucky I love your ass."
"I love you too pretty girl" he winks.
Just as you were about to get up, you hear something jiggle the doorknob and someone huffing and puffing outside the door. That little girl over here jumping up and down tryna to open the damn door. You're literally hollering at her struggle. Truly sick in the fucking head.
"Mama! Where Papa ?" Ransom grins as he throws you his blue sweater so you can cover up and gets up to let your baby girl in.
You truly cannot stand this guy.
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This all came to me so fast 😭 I hope y'all like it lmaoo
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imagines4thefandoms · 3 years
Twisted meet-cute
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Move to Gotham she said. It will be fun she said. Crime is around every corner and under every rock. This city is a cesspool of filth and death. But It was becoming home. Your roommate decided she wanted to save the world so she became a police officer with the Gotham police department. You on the other hand wanted to help people in a different way. You decided to join your best friend on her suicidal move to Gotham so you could be the best damn teacher there.
It was hard at first. The teachers in the city gave 0 shits about the kids, so the kids gave 0 shits about school. It took some firm talking, borderline yelling, brides, lots of food, and promises to never give up on the kids to get them to at least sit-down and pay attention. Then it took telling them about yourself to get them to trust you and for them to actually learn.
After finishing grading the English papers, and double-checking your student's other homework, you decided to go visit (b/f/f) and see if they were free to grab an early dinner. You went against your better judgment and walked the short way from your apartment to the police station. The air had this eery chill in the air, almost as if warning that something bad was going to happen. But hey it's Gotham something bad always happens.
You were almost to the front doors when you noticed out the corner of your eye and sharp-dressed, a well-built man standing outside the station. He was on the phone having a heated argument with someone. Suddenly you heard some tires squeal and turned to see a man in a ski mask lean out of a black Camaro with a gun and aim for the man in the suit. Without thinking you ran over to him and tackle him to the ground. A sharp pain came from your left shoulder as the two of you went down.
There were cops yelling and people screaming around you. You opened your eyes, which you never realized you shut, and stared into the piercing blue eyes looking up at you. He looked into your eyes then glanced over at your shoulder. Apparently, during the superman move, you had gotten shot.
“(Y/n) holy shit are you okay,” you heard your friend yell as they helped you off the strange, attractive man.
“Not a single scrap.”
“I can see the blood on your shoulder”
“It's my time of the month”
An EMT person came to check out you and the man but before they could put you in the ambulance and bring you to the death house aka hospital, you slipped away and just walked back to your apartment. ‘It's a through and through. It's not that bad. At least it was what they say on tv’ you thought.
Once you got back to your apartment, you went to the bathroom to clean the scratch. It was disgusting. And it hurt. But after you got it cleaned and disinfected and covered with my little pony band-aid that you had bought to bring to class as a joke, you passed out. (B/f/f) woke you up when they got off and started yelling about how stupid you were for not going to the hospital after getting shot but they also knew why you refused to go.
They made sure that it wasn’t infected and gave you some pain pills then he went off to sleep before having to go back to work in 6 hours. You woke the next day with a note asking you to at least see a medical person of any capacity and more pain pills. Since it was the weekend, you had the day to wither in pain and plan what you were doing for classes next week.
Third-person pov
Bruce left the station after the shooting to catch the guy who opened fire on the police station. But that girl who pushed him out of harm's way plagued his mind. She couldn’t have been from Gotham. As Alfred would say he was the only one stupid enough to jump in front of a bullet for a stranger. The shooter was trying to take down as many cops as he could. And oddly enough Gotham was quiet the rest of the night.
The next day he went back to the police station to try and get the name of the woman who saved him. As soon as he walked into the station Gordon gave him a smile but explained that he was busy. Then he spotted the officer who interacted with her.
“Excuse me officer (BFF/last name), that woman who got shot last night. I would like to thank her. Which hospital was she brought to.”
“Mr. Wayne, (y/n), she doesn’t do hospitals no matter how life-threatening the thing is.”
“She didn’t get checked out?”
“No, but when I left this morning she was alive. But I haven’t been able to contact her lately. I would go over to check on her but we are a bit busy.”
“I can check on her if you want.”
“You know what yes, please. Make sure she isn’t dead.”
He gave a nod as the officer wrote down the apartment number and told him where the spare key is. Before he left the officer gave him a warning look. “I don’t know you Mr. Wayne but (y/n) is my best friend and rich people think they can get away with anything. That won’t be the case with me.”
Bruce gave him another nod letting him know he understands the not subtle threat. Once he got out of the police station he got into his vehicle and drove the short distance to the address on the paper in his hand. The building was like every other building in the city. Rundown and looks like it would fall down if someone sneezed too hard. He knocked on the correct apartment door once he found it and made a mental note to do something about the poor housing conditions in Gotham.
There was no answer but he did hear some movement in the apartment. After knocking again he decided he should use the spare key. He opened the door and was shocked at how nice the apartment looked compared to the rusted broken building. Bruce froze when you walked out of one of the bedrooms and went to the kitchen. He was hoping he could quickly explain why he was here before you would throw stuff at him but you didn’t even notice him. You were too enthralled with your music. It was so loud he could hear the exact lyrics coming from your headphone.
Judging from how you were jumping around and dancing, you weren’t in a lot of pain. Then he watched as you went to move to sing into her “mic” she winced in pain and yelled “Fuck”.
“This is what I get for being nice,” she exclaimed as she took her headphones off.
“I wanted to thank you for that,” Bruce said.
He mentally cursed himself for being creepy about it and held his hands up and she yelped in surprise. She grabbed the closest thing and held it up in a threatening manner. Bruce looked down at the plastic batman cup she held in her hand and gave a small laugh.
“I'm sorry. Officer (BFF last name) sent me to check up on you cause I wanted to say thank you for yesterday.”
“So you broke in.”
“Technically no cause they gave me the spare key in case you were dead.”
You went to raise the cup in a more threatening way but your shoulder started to hurt more. Bruce walked over to you and explained that he can help with the wound.
“How does a rich kid know how to fix a bullet wound?”
“So you do know who I am.”
“Yeah, you’re kind of all over the news. ‘Billionaire nearly killed outside police station’.”
“I know some medical stuff. Not a lot but I do know a band-aid won’t help with a gunshot. Now where is your first aid kit”
“At the store. Forgot to buy one when we moved in,”
Bruce shook his head and started to search the kitchen and bathroom for staff to help her. As he was searching for a sewing kit he heard her yell ‘you better not be creeping in my drawers’.
“Do you and your friend has a natural distrust of rich people?”
“No, we have a natural distrust of all people.”
Bruce came back with towels, wipes, water, pills, and a sewing kit. You gave him a shocked look as he placed the items on the kitchen counter and he helped you to sit next to them.
“What,” he asked.
“Where did you get the sewing kit?”
“In your drawers,” he joked. “Under the sink why.”
“I have never seen that before in my life.”
He gave you a smile as he scanned the living room and decided to check the freezer and fridge for your alcohol. As bruce took out the tequila you gave a worrying look unknowing if it was for him to calm his nerves or for you to numb the botched job he was about to do. Bruce poured some tequila on a towel and pressed it against the wound.
“Ow. Warn a girl next time.”
“It might sting.”
“You think you are so cute.”
The two of you sat in silence as he continued to patch you up. He was standing between your legs and the only thing that separated his legs from you was the flimsy PJ shorts. At some point during your surgery, a piece of hair had fallen in the way. As bruce pushed in behind your ear your breath caught in your throat.
“You okay,”
He placed the last stitched and patted the wound once more with the tequila-soaked towel. “Why didn’t your go to the hospital. They would have done it without giving you a scar?”
“The only time I will go to a hospital or a clinic of any medical kind is when I'm dead.”
“Scared of doctors?”
“No. Just not a fan of the hospital.”
“Fair enough. Now you are all patched up. May look like Frankenstein's monster.”
You let out a small laugh as he gave you a confused look. “You know that Frankenstein was the name of the doctor, not the monster.”
“Of course. Had to learn somethings at the rich kid school for the rich.”
“Thanks for patching me up.”
“Thanks for taking a bullet for me.”
“Well, we are even now.”
“Well, I was going to thank you with dinner.”
You gave him a small nod. Hell, he was cute well hot, charming, kind, smart, funny, and well rich; not that that matters. Bruce helped you down and cleaned up the mess he made.
“I'll stop by around 8,” he suggested as he was leaving.
“Okay, but this time wait for me to answer.”
It was 7:30 and you were racing around the apartment trying to figure out what the hell you were going to wear. It had to be nice but your nicest clothes were like so not what one wears on a date with Bruce Wayne.
“Just go in that. I'm sure he won’t mind,” your asshole of a BFF said as they were eating chips and watching tv.
You looked down at the towel you were wearing and threw a piece of candy that was on the table next to you at him.
“Very funny (BFF/ name), but even this towel isn’t fancy enough”
“Trust me if you wear that. You guys aren’t leaving his apartment.”
You gave out a huff and went back to your closet and grabbed the nicest thing you owned which was a blue dress with lace sleeves which you had previously worn to a friend's wedding. As you were showing your BFF your outfit there was a knock on the door. You opened the door and there stood bruce in a very nice, fitted black suit. Before he could tell you how gorgeous you looked you flatted out the dress and gave him a sheepish look.
“I hope I look okay. You didn’t tell me where we were going and I don’t want to be underdressed.”
“You look perfect. Oh and here,” he said holding out a little first aid duffle bag. “It has everything you would find in a normal one plus some extra so you don’t have to go to the hospital.”
“Thank you,” you replied grabbing it and placing it on the table by the front door.
“Told you you wouldn’t regret moving to Gotham. I knew something good would happen to you,” your roommate stated as you stared into Bruce’s blue eyes.
“Yeah like getting shot.”
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a-pretty-nerd · 3 years
Self Indulgent Shigaraki Nonsense Part...6??
Tomura Shigaraki x Pregananant reader series
A/N: Dude I'm not even close to being done, I really love writing this series. It's a whole lot of fun to see Shigaraki have a normal domestic life with the reader. Like damn. I'm thinking of writing a one-shot where the reader doesn't keep the pregnancy and its reader and Shigaraki going through the motions of that in their relationship because I'd like some more diverse fanfic out there. Let me know what you think!
Warnings: Descriptions of childbirth. If you want you can honestly skip this part.
Your contractions started early in the morning. Around 2am you felt the familiar cramp in your stomach that pulsed. At first, you thought it was another false alarm. You had been having a lot lately, but they just kept coming. They weren't long, and they weren't super painful yet either. They just made you tense and pause for breath. You shuffled out of the bathroom and looked over to the sleeping form in your bed.
There the father slept peacefully. You gazed upon his gentle features tucked underneath layers of scaring. You had wondered if the baby would take after him. If they would have that cute little beauty mark on his chin. You suddenly realized You'd be finding out soon enough. You laid back down beside him and closed your eyes in an attempt to get a few more hours of sleep before you had to prepare.
Mostly everything had been prepared beforehand. Your Midwife, a kind woman by the name of Mae would be on call at all times. Once contractions started getting regular, you were to call her. Apparently, Mae was well known amongst villain and crime families. When Tomura first brought her, you were surprised there was even such a thing as a Villian Midwife. But the more you thought about it, the more it made sense. Underground villains and criminals needed their own help. Accountants, lawyers, employees, etc. With Villians becoming more and more popular, it was no surprise that you weren't the only villain family.
Mae was a professional, the best at her craft. She'd delivered hundreds of babies without issue and you would be her next case. She practically took over the house with everything she did. Helping to put together a nursery and everything you could have ever needed. You decided on natural water birth. Something that made Shigaraki unreasonably nervous. If anything went wrong, he was prepared to call every villain doctor he knew of. Hell, he'd send for you to be airlifted to the nearest hospital if necessary.
The pain woke you up again. The intense ache coursing through your body. You let out a strained breath as you sat up in bed. Your partner jumping to life with a jolt. You chuckled through the pain when you saw his wide-eyed expression.
"You okay?" He asked, his wide eyes filled with concern. You've never seen him so visibly worried before. So doting. You continued to laugh as the pain passed.
"Yeah it's just, the contractions, they're getting worse." You took deep breaths as you sat up in bed. Resting your head against a tower of pillows. Tomura sat up to get a better look at you.
"Should I call Mae?"
"Um...no I don't think that's necessary yet."
"Have they been regular?"
"Well, every ten or so minutes."
"I'm calling Mae." He turned away to get up and reach for his phone before you stopped him.
"No! Not yet. I can wait. I don't wanna bother her." His expression turned dark.
"I'm calling Mae." He ignored you, leaving the room to call the midwife. You huffed in frustration. Really, you felt fine. It was like a bad period cramp. There was no need to panic. "She'll be here in thirty minutes. I'm preparing the tub."
"No, Tomura wait, please. That's not necessary. I'm not even remotely close yet. Just hold on a few more hours." Tomura looked away and back down the hallway. He shifted from side to side before entering the room again and sitting on the edge of the bed beside you. His eyes glued to your thighs. He reached out a gloved hand and placed it on your knee, running his hand up and down your thigh.
"Don't try to tough this out." He told you.
"I won't." His eyes shot up to give you a knowing look.
"You need to tell me if anything goes wrong. If anything feels even the slightest bit off."
"I will. I promise." You reassured him. Bringing your hand to grasp his. He pulled his eyes away to look down at your hand and squeeze back.
"This is really what you want? It's not too late, Mae could bring it to be adopted. We could go home." Tears filled your eyes. No. You've come so far, done so much to prepare. You're not giving them up now. You shook your head.
"No. I can't do that. I've come too far for that now. That isn't my home anymore." You tore your hand from his to cup his cheek. When you looked back up, you could see tears forming in his ruby-red eyes. He looked scared. His bottom lip starting to quiver. "You are." You told him. He let out a defeated sigh and rested his head against your belly.
"You better not hurt her. You hear me? You better be good to her." He whispered. Your tears finally fell down your warm cheeks. You quickly wiped them away. You loving ran your fingers through his hair, petting his head. The sweet moment only to be interrupted by the sharp pain of another contraction.
"Fuck!" You cursed as your hand tightly grasped his shoulder. His attention snapped up to you, tears running down his face as he watched. Soon the pain passed as you took deep breaths. "Do you think, you could time my contractions for me?" You asked as it eased.
And so the hours upon hours of labor began. At first, Mae recommended you stand and move around to lessen the intensity of your pain. So now Tomura watched you shuffle around the house as you groaned and cursed. He timed every contraction, put the blow-up pool together, and set up towels by it, made you raspberry leaf tea because he read somewhere that was helpful.
He counted the seconds until Mae arrived. When the doorbell rang he promptly stood from his seat on the couch and quickly went to open the door. There stood the short old woman with a large smile plastered across her face. Her six arms holding a plethora of bags and boxes of necessities and pleasantries. She left one hand free just to greet him with a wave. He looked behind to watch the car with his own men drive away, and then again around the yard.
"Don't worry. There's no one but me, honey." Mae reassured as she pushed past him and into the house. You watched her waddle in as a contraction began to fade. Her attention leaving Tomura far behind and devoting it entirely to you. You watched Tomura grunt before looking back out the door to check one more time before closing and locking it. "I mean really, think about it. What woman in her right mind would use this time of all times to call the heroes on you. How cruel would I be!" She chuckled as she set her things down.
"You'd be a fool not to. A time like this would be perfect. We're alone and vulnerable." He growled behind her.
"And end my career just like that? No sir! I've worked too hard to get where I am just to let you dust me! Now let's see, you said on the phone contractions were regular?"
"Oh, well, not really. They're not that bad. Maybe every fifteen, ten minutes, give or take. Right?" You looked up at Tomura as he starred down with a cold expression.
"Her pain varies, but the timing is growing consistent." He corrected. You huffed in annoyance.
"Alright well let me just check the baby's heartbeat before we do anything else, okay? The last visit everything was fine, but we can't be too careful now can we, Dad?" She addressed him. A cold metal stethoscope glided across your skin as she silently listened. "Good, strong heartbeat. Everything looks good right now. Let's keep you active for now and monitoring those contractions, okay? Dad? How are we doing on preparations?" She turned back to look up at Tomura with an unbothered stare. He glared down at her.
"I've prepared the pool and towels. I'll add the warm water when we're getting closer."
"Oh good. That's more than most Dads do. You got a planner here don't ya?" She turned to you and smiled.
"Heh. He's a doomsday prepper." You joked. Tomura did not find this amusing, but Mae gave a kind giggle.
"Well, at least he's smart, huh?" She spoke as she shuffled away and back to her cluster of items. You looked up at Tomura and watched his expression soften as his eyes met yours. You gave him a kind smile.
"Something like that." His eyes narrowed on you for a moment, only to relax again when you chuckled at him.
Contractions came and went. Getting stronger and stronger by the hour. Now they were getting closer and closer. They started at 2am, it was now 9 at night. Tomura helped you undress to get you into the warm water of the pool he placed in the living room. Mae moving furniture aside and setting up her tools and everything as you stepped into the warmth of the bath. It allowed your tense muscles to relax, forcing a moan of relief from your lungs. Tomura knelt down behind you, his gloved hands never too far behind.
He watched you closely, all of his attention focused entirely on you. His right hand reaching out to rub soothing circles across your bare back. You closed your eyes shut as you groaned, another contraction grabbing ahold of you.
"That's it, good job. Don't forget your breathing, focus on your breathing. Dad, don't forget to do the breathing too." His eyes flashed up at Mae before going back to you.
"C'mon Y/N, breath with me." He instructed, his hand coming around to lay flat against your chest as you laid back against the pool. He felt your chest rise and fall with each deep breath. "Good. Again." He continued firmly. Another contraction struck, sending a jolt of pain throughout your entire body. You coiled back in pain, your face scrunching into a painful grimace.
"Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!"
"Okay! Okay! Let's check you again see how far you're along okay!? Just breath."
"Just breath." He repeated.
"I'm breathing! I'm breathing!" You shouted back in frustration.
"Okay we're getting close you guys, we might be ready to push here in a few minutes." You panted as the pain subsided again. Tomura's attention came back down on Mae.
The birth itself felt like a pain-fueled blur. An intoxicatingly painful bender of sounds and colors. You couldn't focus or think straight, the pain rattling your head in your own skull. He watched you bark and huff and cry out. Something he knew very well. For a moment it took him back to the long and painful Dr's visits. The pain so unimaginable he grows hot with rage at the idea you might be feeling even an ounce of pain at all. Pain he caused.
You swung your head back to plant it firmly on his shoulder, your hair wet with sweat and water. He holds your hand tight, willingly letting you crush it with your own strength. It's nothing to him. He presses his lips into your temple. Wishing with all his might he could go back in time and change things. You're panting, you're body is growing weak, your hand is losing its grasp. Your shoulders are relaxing. No. No. This isn't right. You're not supposed to be this weak now!
"Almost!" Mae's voice shouts with gusto. He rests his head against yours before he lets out a weak and exhausted sigh. His voice rattles in a sad and begging tone.
"C'mon Y/N. You're so close." He says softly. Your body coils back as he feels your muscles spring to life once again. Your lungs filling with air before you let out a shrill, horrific battle cry. Only for it to abruptly be replaced by another. Your body drops limp in his arms once more as he feels you panting. Mae gives a triumphant cheer and proceeds to tell you how well you've done. How it's all over.
"Hello, little one!" The old lady chimes brightly. Tomura keeps his eyes shut tight as he presses his head against yours. He hears their loud, harsh cry. He knows it's over. He knows there is no going back. Once he opens his eyes and looks at them, at that little monstrosity, it'll be all over. Maybe you'll see the truth when you see it. Maybe you'll finally understand and come home with him once and for all.
"Both of you, open your eyes! Look at him!" Mae orders. The harsh and intense pain subsided, left with a dull ache, renders you exhausted. You hardly feel you have the strength to open your eyes, much less move. You pull your head up, feeling the weight of it on top of your neck. Heavy and pounding. You pull your eyelids apart to look down, your vision blurry at first. The harsh light blinding you for a moment before the shapes you see sharpen and become reality.
"Tomura, look." You whisper. His hand squeezes yours, he's gently shaking. You turn to watch him slowly open his eyes, and turn his head. In Mae's arms, a rather small and wrinkly infant cries. It's nearly blue skin, changing as it screams. Its face quickly becoming red with expression. It's no monster. It's weak and helpless and unaware. It's so small, it's half the height of his forearm. Its little hands, balled into fists, swat at the air as its legs coil back to its torso.
"Say hello!" Mae jokes. With a weak smile and laugh you oblige.
"Hello!" You coo. Tomura relaxes as you look back at him with a kind and elated smile. His gaze never leaves the child as Mae prepares him to be placed on your bare chest. Its crying soon subsides as it curls up under your chin. It's crying being replaced with little huff and sniffles from you. He leans back and away to watch the two of you.
He's in shock it would seem. As he sits back to watch you, he feels a tightness in his chest. He feels a wave of somber relief wash over him. His thoughts were gone only replaced my emotions.
"Dad?" Mae calls to him. "Dad?" She calls again. The third time he turns his head to look at her with a wide-eyed expression. She chuckled at him. "Would you like to cut the cord?" She offers, bringing him closer and instructing him how. He does so, quickly turning his attention back to the two of you. You look so peaceful. So happy. His gaze trails down to his child.
He watches his balled little fists press themselves against your chest, its expression turning relaxed and calm. Its little head covered in a rich black mess of hair. What color are its eyes? He wonders.
You turn your head to look up at him with that sweet adoring smile. His heart raced in his chest. He is overwhelmed and yet at this moment, nothing is happening. Time has slowed and has become irrelevant to him. The way you look at him. He feels like he's done something right. Like he's being praised for a job well done. He feels wrong about it. He should be making you feel that way. So, he tries.
"A boy?" His voice is hoarse and shaking. You nod your head. "A boy."
"A healthy one at that! Those lungs!" Mae jokes again as her arms go about working to clean and manage the space. You gently run the pads of your fingers against his small little back. His skin is so soft and smooth.
"Give me your hand." You requested.
"What?" He spat in shock.
"Give me your hand." You repeat firmly, your fingers gently spelling out the word: Mom, on his little back. Tomura reaches out a gloved hand. You reached out and removed the glove, taking his middle finger and gently directing it to the baby's back. "Gently." You tell him. Pressing the pad of his finger to his son's soft back. With this, you gently spell: Dad, repeatedly. Until he understands and continues to spell it himself along the baby's back. Very careful, and delicate. Tomura rests his head on your shoulder as he continues, slowly drawing the word. Allowing for a safe and intimate moment between the three of you.
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mandoclan · 4 years
SWEET HOME KENTUCKY // Jack Daniels (Agent Whiskey) x F!Reader
A/N: 14.8k. Yes, this is a spinoff of Sweet Home Alabama. I love that movie and I love Whiskey, so here you go! This is Jack Daniels x Female!Reader, but there’s no Y/N mention (unless I missed one).
Warnings: Character Death (mentioned in passing), Fluff, Angst, Divorce, Physical Abuse (a punch and a tight grip), Drinking, Drunkenness, (basically, if you’ve seen the movie, I’ve deviated but no more than normal).
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She still dreamed about that night. The one where Jack took her out to the meadow behind his mama’s house and told her he wanted to marry her one day. To which she asked, “Why would you want to marry me for anyhow?” and he replied, “So I can kiss you anytime I want.” Her first kiss. Her first love. And they were only twelve at the time.
It didn’t come as a shock to her when Jack had asked her to marry him right out of high school. She was his first love, after all, and Jack swore he’d loved her since before he ever kissed her in that meadow. But then he never showed up to their reception because he was still drunk from his “bachelor party” the night before, he was always gone on missions and attempted to stop her from doing the same even when they worked for the same intelligence agency, and she eventually got shot in the head in a mission gone wrong, resulting in medical having to use Alpha-gel on her to bring her back.
That fatal injury had broken her and it had broken Jack too. He hadn’t been able to protect his own wife when she was his partner, and that killed him inside. After that, he became almost overbearing in his protectiveness and you’d eventually asked Champagne for a transfer after a whole year of turmoil in your home, explosive fights, and missions spent arguing. Champ loved you and Jack like his own kids and wanted you and your husband to fix this, but he did as you asked and you’d transferred to New York without telling Jack with the instructions that if he were to ask that Champ would tell him that you were safe and in another Statesman office.
That’s where you found yourself now, leading the New York office after the last agent had retired. You’d built up your reputation from scratch, leading missions and directing agents in the Northeast region of the United States. You kept in touch with Champ barely, but it had been seven years since you left Kentucky. You refused to even think about Jack unless you were sending another copy of the divorce papers or unless you had that damn dream about the meadow again.
You woke to the sound of your office door opening, and you lifted your head from the desk you occupied on the top floor.
“How come you let me sleep?” You grumbled to your assistant when he stepped into the room with a mug of coffee and a mission report from one of your top operatives.
“You needed it, boss, but it was only for a few minutes. Long enough for me to grab your coffee and fetch the report from downstairs.” He shrugged. “Y’know, that accent of yours gets a whole lot thicker when you’re dreaming.”
That boy had the audacity to smirk before you narrowed your eyes at him.
“And what exactly did I say?” You demanded.
“That I’m gonna get a raise when you realize how awesome I am.”
“We’ll see how good your coffee skills are, then.” You laughed, finally smiling at him through your exhaustion. In all reality, you liked this kid. He’d just been assigned to you and hadn’t earned his agent name yet, but you had a feeling he would do just fine and you already had plans to promote him come next quarter.
“Mhmm,” you hummed, “I’ll see you tomorrow for that meeting in the conference room, alright?”
The kid agreed and you nodded at him before making your way to the elevators.
Your apartment on the lower levels of the Statesman New York building was modest, but well-lived in. You’d wanted to make it seem as much like home as possible. This time, however, your apartment wasn’t as empty as usual. The entire entryway and living room were filled with rose petals and rose bouquets in glasses of water.
“Goddamn that man,” you swore, stepping around the petals and heading to the panel you had on the wall where an orange light was blinking, signifying you had a waiting message. A button was pressed and suddenly your boyfriend’s voice filled the room.
“There’s a rose for every moment I thought of you last night. God, you must be exhausted. Sweetie, listen, I’ll see you tomorrow at our meeting. You’ll do great. I love you. Bye.” The message ended and you rolled your eyes before heading over to the largest of the bouquets.
You loved your boyfriend, Agent Rum, but this was too much. You hated huge, sappy gestures like this and he knew it, but you supposed it was a bit sweet. Very few other ladies you knew had such attentive men at their sides and Jack had never done anything remotely like this. A sharp breath was inhaled in an attempt to nix that thought from your mind before you headed to your front door and made your way to the ladies’ dorms. You left an embarrassingly big bouquet in front of each door and sighed in satisfaction once you’d swept up and removed most of the flowers in your apartment.
The meeting you’d scheduled came sooner than you’d liked, this being a collaboration between the Texas office and your own New York one. Rum walked in and kissed your forehead before the meeting could even start and you smiled at him. He could always brighten your day in an instant.
“Thanks for the flowers, babe.” You smiled at him, squeezing his hand in yours. He grinned, asking if you really liked them, and kissed you before sitting in his spot along with a few of your other agents. You both slipped on your glasses and started the meeting, knowing that you could talk properly once the collaboration was agreed upon.
It felt like hours went by before all positions were assigned and the intel was decided upon. You groaned once you were able to remove the glasses needed to see everyone in their remote locations, rubbing your temples. Hands were felt on your shoulders, and you knew it was Rum. Your glasses blinked a light on the side and you sighed, placing them back on your face.
The blinking was due to a message from Agent AppleJack, one of your own agents whom you’d taken a shine to and often spent weekends going about the city with. She was a nice girl from Maine who had an affinity for seafood you couldn’t quite get behind, but you’d consider her one of the closest friends you had in this city.
“Please tell me he has a flaw somehow.” She had typed out. You rolled your eyes before moving your eyes on the on-screen keyboard to type a reply.
“He asked me to go to California for Christmas.”
“He’s gonna ask you a lot more than that,” was her reply.
“You think so?” You were suddenly nervous. You’d only been dating Rum for six months and your divorce still wasn’t finalized.
“Sweetie, let’s go for a walk.” Rum took you from your conversation, and you nodded, slipping the glasses back off your face. “You’re so stressed, but you did so well today.”
You both made your way to the elevator, hand in hand, and eventually you meandered around Central Park just talking about your jobs and how your last missions went. You rarely went on them anymore, but you made sure that Rum had as many as he liked to keep him happy.
“So have you made a decision?” He finally asked, bright eyes boring into yours.
“About what?” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Babe, California? That’s four months from now. We don’t even have to decide right now because we can literally jump on any jet we have and go within 6 hours if we want.”
“I was thinking maybe 200 guests, tops.” Rum continued in his words, but you stopped him with a pull to his hand.
“For Christmas?” You asked, still very confused. “Rum, are you on some kind of medication I don’t know about? Should I take you off of field duty for a bit? Did you get shot or something?”
All of a sudden, Rum was kneeling in front of you in the middle of a pathway in Central Park, and everything finally made sense. He held a diamond ring in his hand, the light hitting it just right and you gasped.
“Brandy, and I should probably know your real name by now, will you marry me?”
“Are you sure? Because if you’re not sure we can just go back to work and forget all about this. It’s only been six months.” You floundered, not even sure what to say, but he looked so hopeful and you really did love him.
“Brandy, I love you. I didn’t come by this decision lightly, and I really hope you’ll say yes. I want to build a life with you.” Rum stood, looking you right in your eyes. “So, I’ll ask again. Brandy, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?”
You nodded, not trusting your voice and felt the ring slip on your finger. It felt strange, another ring being there, but you were suddenly overcome with joy that your life was finally falling into place and you had a man who loved you and wanted to build a life with you. That’s all you could ask for. So you kissed him.
He grinned once you’d let yourselves out of his arms and released him from your kiss, hand reaching for his agency-issue watch.
“I’ve got to tell my family.” He gushed, “Wait until you see the look on the guy’s faces!”
“Babe, do you mind if we keep this to ourselves for a while? With this collaboration mission with Texas happening and everything else, I’d rather just keep this quiet for a bit.”
“You don’t want to tell your family?” Rum asked, a bit confused. You cursed yourself in your mind because he didn’t know. The only person close to being a family to you was Champ, and you hadn’t really talked to him in ages. Close to seven years, actually, which was downright awful. The guilt gnawed at you.
“Sunshine, I don’t really, um, have a family.” You stated calmly, fingers soothing the back of his hand as he pulled a face.
“But—” he started.
“I have a mentor who I looked up to as a father, but I haven’t seen him in about seven years. I think I should tell him in person.”
“Okay, whatever you want, sweetie. I’m happy as long as you’re happy.” Rum smiled, and you sighed in relief.
“He’ll love you, eventually.” You reassured him.
First thing the next morning, you caught a plane down to Kentucky and found yourself driving along the battered country roads to the little farmhouse where you and Jack used to live. Your watch buzzed with an incoming call, but you didn’t answer, knowing it was AppleJack. You’d fill her in later.
You parked the car next to the oak tree that still held your swing. A dog came rushing down the steps, howling at you, but you didn’t mind. It was your dog, after all. A tall man in heavy work boots busted out the door, hollering at the dog and telling you that “he don’t really bite.”
The man looked at you without really seeing you, seeing only a woman in worn out cowboy boots and aviators covering much of her face. Her hair was different, so she didn’t really expect him to recognize her.
“What can I do for you?” The man drawled in his southern accent. You shuddered, not forgetting the way that voice sounded when you were in bed together at all times of day or night.
“Well, for starters, you can get your stubborn ass down here and give me a divorce.” You snapped, pulling the sunglasses off your face. Jack’s eyes widened once your words registered. “C’mon, Jack, I mean it. The joke’s over. We need to finish this so I can get back to my office and take care of my job.”
“You’re shittin’ me, right?” Jack spluttered.
You finally got a good look at him. He had shaving cream on the side of his face as if he hadn’t got a chance to finish before your hound was howling, but he’d kept his mustache. You hated to say that he looked good, but it was the truth. The years had been kind to him.
“You know, I’ve never actually understood that expression, but no, I’m not “shitting” you.” You groaned, pulling a packet of papers out of the glovebox of your rented truck and spreading them out in the bed. “Look, it’s even got these idiot proof tabs so you can’t mess this up. I’ve got one copy for you and I both and one for my lawyer. So c’mon.”
When you looked up at him again, he didn’t say anything but he certainly looked like he had quite a few things to say.
“Well?” You demanded, irritated that he wasn’t coming down off the porch to sign the papers like you’d asked him to.
“You show up here after seven years without so much as a ‘Hey there, Jack, remember me? Your wife?’ Or a “Hi, honey, lookin’ good! How’s the family?’” He had the audacity to laugh, finally stepping closer to the edge of the porch.
“You expect me to tell you that you look good? Bless your heart. Sweetheart, we’ve been separated for seven years. I’ve had it with your bullshit.”
“They like that attitude wherever it is you’ve been?”
“Cut the crap, Jack. You knew where I was. Champ told me you accessed my records.” You spat, moving closer to the porch. “And don’t you dare tell me you’ve spent all this time missing me.”
“Oh I missed you alright, but I’ve been going to the range more and practicing so my aim’s gotten a lot better.” He drawled, leaning against the railing.
“Is that a threat, Jack? I’ve got a lawyer who charges me an arm and a leg. He charged me every time you sent these damn papers back without your signature on the dotted lines.” You lifted the papers as you spoke, but he scoffed at you.
“Well, I’m glad to see you got the message.” He smirked, going to say something else but you were both cut off by the dog howling again due to your hostile tones.
“Shut up, Coal!” You shouted, but Jack shouted a different name. “What happened to my dog, Jack?”
“He died. You weren’t here.” He grumbled, turning to go back into the ranch house. You stood there in shock for a second before realizing what he was doing.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?”
“I’m leaving!” He shouted, back turned to you, “You done it, so you should recognize the process. I need to finish shaving my damn beard.”
“Jack, can we please just keep this civilized? For God’s sake, we’re both adults and agents. Please just sign the papers so I can go back home.” You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. This was a mistake, you thought. He wasn’t going to sign the papers.
“What do you know from home?” Jack spit, finally turning around to face you, fire in his eyes. “Hell, I bet Champ doesn’t even know you’re here, does he? That old man took you under his wing and trained you himself and you have the audacity to avoid him like he’s some annoyance?”
“That’s my business, Jack, so you stay out of it.”
“Honey, he’s the only family you got.”
“Don’t you ‘honey’ me, honey!” If looks could kill, he’d have died about ten times by now with the murderous look you were giving him.
“Get your ass back in that truck, drive over and see him, and maybe we’ll talk after.” Jack demanded, pointing his finger at your vehicle. He was headed back inside before you could even think, and you started shouting at him as you followed him up the porch.
“Jack, you idiotic, stubborn, no good agent! The only reason you won’t sign these papers is because I want you to!” You yelled, hands on the doorknob of the windowed door he’d just slammed in your face and locked.
“Wrong!” He shouted, trying to pull the blinds on the door that he could never get figured out. “The only reason I ain’t signin’ is because you’ve turned into some hoity-toity, wine-drinking, Yankee bitch and I’d like nothing better right now than to piss you off!”
He finally maneuvered the blinds mostly over the door as you dashed to the back of the house, but he locked that too before you had a chance to get there in time. He could hear your frustrated shout from outside and he chuckled in disbelief before heading to his bathroom to get rid of the rest of his beard.
“Divorce, my ass.” He grumbled. Jack came out two minutes later, wiping his face with a towel to find you lounging on his bed. He froze.
“Hey genius,” you smirked, anger still evident in your eyes. “Next time you wanna lock somebody out, make sure they don’t know where the spare key is.” You waved the offending object in the air, and Whiskey made a mad dash for it but you closed your fist before he could snatch it.
“Knew I should’ve changed those damn locks. It’d be nice if my wife had told me where the spare key was!” He growled.
“I’m not your wife anymore, Jack.” You said softly, “I’m just the first girl that climbed in the back of your truck. But you’re right, I have changed. I don’t even know the girl you married anymore.”
“Then let me remind you.” Jack sneered before grabbing his cell phone and heading back into his bathroom, locking the door behind him.
Ten minutes later, Jack popped his head out of the bathroom.
“You bring any clothes with stripes on ‘em?” He asked, and you looked at him in confusion.
Red and blue lights flashed through the windows suddenly and your eyes widened.
“You called the sheriff?!” You gasped, jumping off the bed you used to share with the man looking at you with a satisfied grin on his face. “You know that old bastard hates me!”
“For good reason!” Jack shouted, still in the bathroom.
You made to run for the back door, but it opened to reveal a man you knew.
“Well, hell’s bells!” The man grinned, “If it isn’t our favorite Agent Brandy!”
“Hot damn girl, did we miss you! The agency wasn’t the same without you!” Tequila laughed, picking you up and giving you the biggest hug you’d gotten in a long time.
“I can’t believe you’re the sheriff!” You pulled on his badge for a second and knocked his cowboy hat off kilter to mess with him.
“Yep, I get to frisk pretty things like you all day and get paid for it.” Tequila put his hands around your waist and you slapped his chest.
“Aaron, can you try and be at least a little more professional? We got us a crime suspect here.” Jack emerged from the bathroom and you were struck with the fact that you hadn’t known Tequila’s real name until that moment. You quickly snapped back into it, though.
“Now, Brandy, you can’t just go breaking into your ex’s house whenever you feel like it, no matter how much they might deserve it.” Tequila—Aaron, you had to remember that—said.
“I didn’t break in. I used a key. My key, if you must know.” You snorted. Clearly, “Aaron” didn’t know that y’all were still married.
“Well, it still ain’t your house, Brandy. I’m gonna have to escort you out.” Aaron made to take your wrist in his hand, but you pulled away and grabbed the divorce papers you still had with you. You waved them as you heard Jack tell Aaron to use the cuffs on you.
“If you can get that asshole to sign these papers, I’ll let you run me out of town.” You smirked and Aaron laughed at your antics.
“Now that’s none of your concern, Aaron, you hear me?” Jack started, but Aaron was already taking the papers from you to look over.
“Well, what do you know. A bill of divorcement?” He asked. You nodded, and Aaron turned to Jack. “Hell, Jack, I thought you took care of this.”
“I thought I did!” Jack protested.
“Obviously not! Well, if y’all are still married, it’s her house too. This here ain’t nothin’ but a domestic dispute.” Aaron handed the papers back to you, and you smiled at him.
“He didn’t hit you, did he? If he took a swing at you, I’ll take him in right now.” Aaron told you quietly, out of earshot of your husband. You shook your head, because no, that man had never harmed you in ways that were physical. He’d only wounded your heart.
“No, he never hit me.” You replied quietly. Aaron nodded.
“Well, seems y’all got some catching up to do, so I’m gonna leave y’all to it. There’s nobody for miles, so Jack here can make ya scream all he likes.” Aaron winked at Jack, and you shouted in indignation. “G’night, lovebirds!”
“Aaron, I saved your life at least four times back in your Statesman years! You owe me!” Jack shouted, rushing to follow the sheriff’s retreating figure. He wanted you gone from his house in handcuffs if that’s what it took to get you to leave him alone about those divorce papers that he didn’t want to sign.
“Why can’t you just sign the damn papers, Jack?” You yelled after him, and he fixed you with the nastiest stare you’d seen in a long time.
“Listen, Jack. There’s nothing I can do. Your wife’s done nothing wrong, so I can’t just haul her in for nothing. Y’hear me?” Aaron blocked the doorway with his large frame as he lifted his hands in mock surrender.
“I suppose shoplifting steaks at the grocery store’s okay.” Jack spat.
“I took ‘em back and you know it!” You screeched back.
“You remember that vandalism out at the stockyard? Totally her!”
“Like I could tip a cow by myself at sixteen.” You growled, and Jack groaned. He couldn’t hit you with anything from your Statesman years either because that was all “classified information” you didn’t have to answer to. But Jack got an idea.
“Hey Aaron, isn’t there some outstanding warrant for whoever dumped your old man’s tractor in the fish pond?” Jack smirked triumphantly, making eye contact with your horrified expression. And then the cuffs were on your wrists and you were making your merry way to the county jail in the back of his cruiser.
“Now you know I didn’t have a choice, sweetheart.” Aaron smiled ruefully once y’all reached the station. He’d ended up hauling you off in cuffs just like Jack wanted and you were seething.
“This all could have been avoided if he’d just signed those damn papers.” You grumbled. “Can I make a call?”
“Sure thing, sweetheart. You’ll get a couple minutes once I book ya.”
You rolled your eyes, taking the photos Aaron needed to do for “legal purposes.”
“You know that’s gonna get wiped once I make my call, right?” Aaron had the audacity to laugh, knowing exactly who you were going to call.
“I know. Tell big daddy I miss him.” Aaron pointed towards the phone.
It rang for a few seconds before a secretary's voice filtered on, saying the usual crap the Statesman company was supposed to yodel on about.
“Hi, I’ve got a word for you, lady.” You spit out, “Lemon drops suck.” You heard the operator say something about holding on for a moment and then a familiar voice was asking who you were.
“Champ! It’s Brandy,” you shouted, “Listen, I need a favor.”
“Name it, darling. You know I’d do anything for you and that wonderful husband of yours.” He drawled on for a moment and you smacked the phone receiver into the box.
“I need you to pick me up.”
“Well, where are ya? I’ll send a car or whatever it is you need.”
“That’s the thing. I’m in town. But, I need you to come get me from the jail.” You said after a moment. A groan came through the receiver and you winced.
“Alright, darling, I’ll be right there. I’m assuming it’s the usual one, then?”
Fifteen minutes later, the man himself was strolling through the door.
“I’m here for my girl, Tequila.” Champ rolled his eyes at you once he saw you waving. He had you out and your record erased within five minutes, and then you were back in his familiar old truck that smelled like whiskey and gunpowder. He accepted a muttered thank you while you drove off towards the Statesman offices.
“So what put you in jail this time?” Champ finally asked.
“Jack and his big, fat mouth.” You grumbled. “It was just a misunderstanding, that’s all.”
“Kinda like that wedding I officiated, huh, darling?” You refused to make eye contact.
“I would hardly call that a wedding.”
“The boy was nervous.” Champ chuckled.
“He was still drunk from the night before!”
“Can you blame him?”
“Yes, I can! We’re supposed to be professional agents and he goes and gets piss drunk the night before we’re supposed to get married. I went to the reception by myself with his puke on the side of my dress while he slept it off at the hotel. And you’re still siding with him!”
“I ain’t siding with nobody, so get rid of that idea. Y’all two are my best agents and I need you both.” Champ stated firmly. “The boy’s changed is all.”
“Can we just not talk about Jack? I know he’s like the son you never had, but you also called me your daughter and all that, so can you just ask me what’s new with me or something instead?”
“Sure. Shoot.” Champ looked disinterested, and you had the feeling that he’d kept up with you better than you’d kept up with him. Curse the archives for always spilling your secrets before you ever could.
“I met somebody. And he’s quite a catch.” You started, and Champ raised an eyebrow beneath his larger than life cowboy hat. “And I’m happy. Really.”
The rest of the drive was held in silence, neither of you feeling like talking much. He pulled into the Statesman gates and led you inside, scanning his ID card on an empty apartment in the back of the warehouses where agents could sleep during the longer missions.
“Sleep well, sweetheart. We can talk about all this in the morning.” He kissed your forehead and you hauled your bag inside. “I’ll take you to get your truck in the morning, don’t you worry ‘bout a thing.”
In the morning, you were on the phone with your lawyer, walking around the Statesman compound and attempting to avoid the various tour groups that were unaware of the real reason this distillery existed.
“How long does a contested divorce take?” You asked, exasperated that you had to do this now of all times because your no-good husband wouldn’t sign the divorce papers. “18 months? Mr. Collier, I don’t even have 18 days, really!”
The man told you that was how it had to be, you informed him that this arrangement wouldn’t work, and he was informing you of a different option when you heard someone wolf whistle at you, throwing out some jab.
“Ain’t seen the likes of you around this place much!” The man shouted from his horse.
“Mr. Collier, that’s just not going to work for me.” You groaned, trying to block out the man catcalling you from his horse. Clearly this was some junior agent. “Mr. Collier, I’m gonna have to call you back.”
“Listen here, bubba, why don’t you kiss my ass!” You shouted up at the guy, but screamed in happiness once you realized who it was. “Oh my god, Moonshine?!”
“Let’s go inside then, missy, because I don’t do that kind of thing out here in front of the guests.” Moonshine smirked at you, jumping down from his horse.
“I guess your mama raised you right, then.” You laughed, hugging him. You’d missed Moonshine, who’d been one of your first friends in the agency aside from Jack, of course. “I better back off of you before your little lady tries to come beat me up.”
Moonshine looked sheepish.
“There is a little lady, isn’t there?”
“I can hardly afford me and my unhealthy addiction to firearms and whiskey, let alone some high-maintenance babe.” Moonshine laughed.
“What about Cara what’s-her-name? From the class outside of ours? Y’all had real chemistry on some of the missions I supervised.”
“She transferred out to the Alaska branch, and uh, I wasn’t her type.” Moonshine scratched the back of his neck and you hummed, understanding the situation.
“That answers a few of my questions. Guess we all have our secrets, don’t we, Moonshine.” You grinned, your suspicions about him batting for the opposite team nearly confirmed.
“Yeah, we sure do.” Moonshine climbed back up on his horse, tipping his hat on the way. “I gotta get back to work now, missy, but are you gonna be in town for awhile? Me and a few of the guys are going down to our normal watering hole later tonight if you’re up for it.”
“I hope I won’t be here long. I have to go see Champ, but I think I’ll see you boys tonight.”
“Well, I better scram if you’re seeing the boss man.”
“Very funny. I’ll see you later, Moonshine.” You waved the man off and made your way inside, scanning your own ID card on the entry doors and taking the elevator up to Champ’s office.
“Well, look what the cat dragged in. If it isn’t my favorite agent.” Champ drawled from his seat at the head of the conference table.
“Hey boss man, care to give me a ride to town so I can get my truck?” You asked, leaning up against the door jam and waving your keys. He laughed, standing up and grabbing his own keys from his desk.
“C’mon then, little lady. I did make you a promise. You can tell me all about why you’re here on the way over.”
Once you’d picked up your truck from the jail’s parking lot, you made your way to the bank. You hadn’t accounted for Jack taking as long as he was to sign the divorce papers, so you needed some cash for necessities.
Of course, the bank didn’t have an ATM. You cursed yourself for forgetting as you stepped inside. The bank guard’s eyes widened once he laid eyes on you, telling whoever it was in the teller’s booth that he was going to take a break outside. You winced once you remembered that this was the same man whose farm you and Jack and a few of your old friends had gone rolling pumpkins in year after year. He probably hated you.
You approached the teller, but didn’t recognize her. She clearly recognized you, though.
“Well, if it ain’t the queen of the New York Statesman office.” She grinned. You narrowed your eyes, attempting to figure out who she was when the lightbulb clicked.
“Jenny? Oh my god. I haven’t seen you since you and Tequila got hitched! You look amazing!”
“Thanks, sweetie! So do you. What can I do you for?”
“I need to make a withdrawal from my—“
“Joint account?” Jenny smiled like she knew something you didn’t, which knowing her, she probably did.
“My what?”
“Your joint account. With Jack? From what I hear, y’all are still married.”
“Why yes, yes we are.” You grinned, a plan already formulating in your mind.
It was after five when Jack got home, but you’d already got to work. You had on one of his favorite dresses that you’d found in a trunk somewhere, one of your homemade aprons, and a wide smile once he walked in the door.
“Hi, honey! Lookin’ good. How’s the family?” You grinned up at him, serving food onto two plates in the dining room.
“Cut the shit. Where’s my stuff?” Jack growled, chucking his hat on the couch along with his whip and lasso.
You smiled where he couldn’t see it, glad to see he’d noticed what you’d done to the place. There were new appliances in the kitchen, a new couch and loveseat, a flatscreen tv, a new rug, and Jack assumed you’d also done something to the bedroom. None of the things he’d had laying around since you left were where he could see it, and the sight agitated him.
“Now what kind of wife would I be if I didn’t pick up after my husband? Dinner’s ready in five.”
“The kind that don’t live here.” Jack groaned, hands raking over his face. “Now, I’m gonna ask you one more time—where is the house key?”
“I had the sweetest talk today with Tequila’s daddy.” You started as you ignored him.
“Nice to see you got your accent back.”
“Oh, I stumbled on a few things today.” You said, noticing Jack had gone to the kitchen, likely in search of a beer.
“Holy shit!” He shouted, and you stifled your laughter. “What happened to the stove?! And where are them little magnets I got from my travels, huh?” He opened the fridge and groaned.
“What the hell is this? Chick food?” He gestured to the fridge that you’d restocked with fresh fruits and vegetables, and new groceries that weren’t stale takeout containers.
“Light beer. Less calories, honey.” You smiled brightly, missing Jack’s murderous expression. He grabbed a can anyway and popped the top off.
“I tried to pick out a new bed today, but the mattress store only had old models. I’ll have to order something from New York.”
“Whatever floats your boat, honey.” Jack muttered, taking a deep swig of the beer you’d bought. He’d have to find his stash of whiskey and hope you hadn’t gotten rid of it.
“Oh, but darlin’, I thought you said we should think of it as our money.” You saw him freeze where he stood, and continued your crusade. “Just a guess, but I’m thinking the words ‘joint checking’ are flashing through your mind right now.”
“How much did you take?” He whirled around, effectively forcing you into the kitchen.
“All of it.” You replied simply, enjoying his facial expression.
“Son of a bitch!” He cursed, chucking the now empty beer can into the trash can and rubbing his face with his hands.
“You wanted a wife, you got a wife, honey,” you spat, “and what were you doing with all that cash? Why don’t you invest it? We work for a perfectly good company with shares for sale, don’t you know anything?”
“I know if you don’t get out of my house right now—”
“Sign the papers and I’ll give it all back.”
“Fine—fine!” He shouted, “gimme the pen.”
You rummaged in your packet for the pen and laid out the papers on the dinner table. You made to give him the pen, but thought better of it.
“Hold on. What are you doing with all that cash saved up? And since when did you tell Champ not to put you on anymore active missions? You aren’t doing anything illegal, are you Jack?”
“So what if I am? I don’t ask you about your boyfriend, you keep your nose out of my life.” He spat out, not making eye contact with you. You deflated.
“Who told you?” You asked quietly.
“Honey, just ‘cause I talk slow don’t mean I’m stupid.” He said in a much quieter tone. He almost sounded hurt.
“Look, Jack—” you trailed off.
“For god’s sake, nobody finds their soulmate at twelve years old.” He mumbled.
“Yeah, I guess,” you murmured.
“Where’s the fun in that?” Jack almost smiled. Your eye caught something on the mantle and you looked up to see a horseshoe and a photo of your parent’s old farm.
“I can’t believe you kept that all these years,” you murmured, eyes trailing over the familiar old farm. It had burned down four years after that photo was taken, taking your parents’ lives with it. Jack looked at you before looking at the clock on the wall.
“Oh, hey sweetie, you know what? I just remembered I got myself a hot date.” Jack grinned maliciously, unbuttoning his collared shirt as he spoke. Your eyes moved from the picture to the skin being revealed and suddenly were at a loss for words. “You don’t mind if I have my lawyer take a look at these, do you?” He tossed the papers back on the table and left the room.
“What?!” You gasped.
“Hell, I’m just a dumb intelligence agent with no regards for the law. There’s words in there I don’t even know. You might be takin’ me to the cleaners for all I know.”
“The cleaners? You? You ain’t been there since our wedding, if you even washed your suit for that,” you scoffed. “Can’t you just sign the damn papers?”
“Nah,” he grinned from the doorway to his bedroom, “but thanks for stoppin’ bye. It’s been a real treat.” And then the door was slammed and you screamed into a newly-purchased throw pillow.
You’d realized after about ten minutes that Jack wasn’t coming back into the living room. In fact, his dramatic ass had jumped out the window and you heard his truck starting up outside.
Tequila had made an offer, though, and you planned to take up the social obligation. Besides, if Jack was as predictable as he’d always been, his “hot date” was probably at his mama’s bar where everyone in that little town went to unwind.
Your phone rang once you were outside the noisy bar near Jack’s truck, and you answered at once knowing it was your fiancé.
“I love you, I love you, I love you.” You smiled into the phone and Rum’s happy voice spilled out.
“Are you sitting down?” Rum asked.
“Why? Bad news? Did the mission blow up or something?” You panicked. You knew putting this in Rum’s hands would only backfire if something happened.
“No, no! Nothing like that. I was just going to tell you that I read the mission reports and everything went exactly to plan just like you said it would. You might be up for another promotion, babe.” Rum reassured you.
“Oh my god, really? Oh, I needed that almost as much as I need to see you.”
“What is that noise?” Rum finally asked, and you assumed he could hear the loud music and shouts coming from inside the bar.
“The sound of my past.” You grimaced.
“Have fun. I love you.” Your fiancé finished, and you returned the sentiments before hanging up the phone and waltzing into the bar. You were immediately greeted by a screech and an older woman who was still spry was pulling you into a tight hug and yelling over the music.
“Batten down the hatches, boys! Trouble done just walked back into my life disguised as my favorite daughter-in-law!” Helen grinned at you. “Honey, gimme a hug, it’s been too long.”
You laughed while you hugged her and stepped back to show her your ring.
“Soon to be ex-daughter-in-law.” You stated proudly.
“Ooh, who’s the lucky guy?” She asked, inspecting the diamond on your finger.
“His name’s Blake and he works with me.” You winked, and she nodded in understanding. She knew about a little of the work you and her son did, but she mostly stayed out of it, claiming that the stress would bring her to an early grave.
“Well, he’s got my vote if he picked out a ring as pretty as that. It’s good to see you, baby girl.” Helen gave you a pat on the shoulder and told her bartender to give you whatever you wanted. You asked for a whiskey on the rocks and nearly laughed at the irony of the situation.
Once your drink was in hand, you scanned the room, looking for your husband. You spotted him in the corner with some young blonde thing and rolled your eyes. A quick march found you standing right behind Jack and you flipped the edge of his cowboy hat.
“Mind if I join you?” You asked sweetly, leaning up against the pool table beside him.
“Actually we do.” Jack said, raising an eyebrow. He was challenging you, but you ignored him in order to set your sights on his date.
“You must be Jack’s hot date.” You grinned at the girl and she put a hand out to shake yours.
“I’m Carly.”
“Hi, I’m Y/N, Jack’s snotty, Yankee-bitch wife whom he refuses to divorce even though I’m engaged to another man.” You shook her hand, and the girl gasped once she saw your ring.
“Hot dog, Jack, look at the size of that thing!” She gushed. You nearly rolled your eyes at how dumb she was acting just in an attempt to impress your husband.
“Honey? Why don’t you get us a couple of drinks, yeah?” Jack turned to Carly and handed her a few bills. The girl smiled, popped her gum, and proceeded to ask you what you were having. You rolled your eyes then. “Not ‘me and her’ us, ‘you and I’ us.”
The girl agreed and scurried off, and then you turned to Jack.
“Why do you make me be mean to you? Is that what you want? To be humiliated in front of all your friends?” You snapped, frustrated that he was taking this so lightly. He shook his head and downed the rest of his own glass of whiskey.
“C’mon, Brandy, they were your friends too.” You heard Jack mutter, nodding towards a few agents who’d just walked over with their drinks. You recognized a few guys who’d been in the class behind you along with Moonshine. He nodded at you and ordered a beer before heading over to say hello.
“Alright, Brandy, you sit down while I teach your husband here how to lose at pool.” Moonshine grinned, pulling a bar stool over to you.
“Now Moonshine, I’m not really a watch and see kinda girl, am I Jack?” His expression was priceless as he took up the challenge.
At least six drinks later, you were definitely feeling the effects of the alcohol and you landed somewhere near Moonshine as he lined up his shot.
“Come on, now, Moony, you got it. Don’t blow this one, okay baby?” You drunkenly giggled and Moonshine laughed at your inebriated state.
“You can take the girl out of the honky-tonk, but you can’t take the honky-tonk out of the girl.” He missed the shot, but you didn’t care anymore, more focused on the conversation Jack was not-so-quietly having with Cognac? Coors? You couldn’t remember his codename, but it didn’t matter. Jack was talking about you.
“So, Whiskey, are you gonna divorce this girl or what?” The agent asked. Jack shook his head.
“She’s waited seven years. A couple more days won’t kill her. Unfortunately.”
“Like it’s gonna make a difference.” You snorted, nearly falling into his arms but stabilizing yourself at the last second.
“You never know,” the agent started, “you might be interested to know that Whiskey here has been—”
“Hey, hey, Cognac, let her think what she wants. She made her mind up about me a long time ago.” Jack cut him off, making you wonder just what it was that he didn’t want you knowing about.
You quickly forgot that thought, though, when Moonshine started yelling and telling Cognac he owed him fifty dollars. Cognac groaned, forking over the cash.
You didn’t really know what happened next, but you got into a shouting match with one of the other agents and eventually asked Helen for another round of drinks, but she quickly cut you off. Then you were shouting again as Jack dragged you out of the bar by your arm, yelling at you, saying that you couldn’t just insult everyone in the bar because you’d made it out of Kentucky but they were happy where they were.
“What makes you think you can treat them like somethin’ you stepped in, huh?!” Jack demanded as he put you right up next to his truck.
“You asked for it!” You yelled in his face, trying to get your keys out of your pocket. Jack quickly grabbed them.
“You show up here, you steal my money, you rearrange my house, and then you insult our friends, actin’ like you’re better than them.” Jack spat. He was angry and you knew it, but you couldn’t seem to stop.
“I am better than them! And you stole my keys!” You whined, wanting to be anywhere but here with your husband who was telling you that you were wrong. He was right, but you wouldn’t admit it.
“That’s all that matters to you, huh?” He asked in disbelief.
You tried to say his name, but he cut you off.
“God, ever since you left, this has been a nightmare. The money, the fancy office, the city, you’re pathetic!” He raked a hand through his mustache and you got lost in the action right before spitting out a comeback.
“Oh, like you’re goin’ places!” You groaned, a splitting headache appearing out of nowhere. “I certainly am once I get my keys back.”
“No, you don’t. No. You want to kill yourself driving, you do it somewhere else. But not here, not on my watch.” Jack said, putting your keys into his own pocket.
“At least I’m doing something with my life. So what if you and I aren’t partners anymore, you can still go on missions. You don’t have to worry about me anymore!”
“Get in the truck, Y/N.” Jack opened the door and guided you inside, defeated. His date was waiting by the door and you noticed them having a quiet conversation before he handed her your keys and made his way back to the truck.
You fell asleep before Jack even got on the two lane highway that led to the Statesman offices where he knew you’d been staying. Champ didn’t say anything when Whiskey carried you inside your temporary apartment, snoring away, but he wished things would work out between the two of you. His hopes were dashed as soon as Whiskey asked for a pen to sign the papers you’d brought with you.
When you woke up, still hungover from the night before, the divorce papers were stuck on top of the pillow beside you. You wished you could say you were happy about it, but you couldn’t deny that a pit was in the bottom of your stomach.
Once you rolled out of bed and had some coffee, the papers were sealed into an envelope and you drove to the post office to mail it out. You’d talk to Jack afterwards and apologize for your behavior.
When you got to the familiar farmhouse, you found Jack’s dog Midnight lounging at the base of the porch. You scratched his ears, and he whined happily at the attention he was receiving. The dog got up and raced up to Jack when he came out of the house with a crate.
“What’s she doing here, huh, boy?” He asked the dog before turning to face you, “Thought you’d have high-tailed it out of here by now.”
“I put the money back in your account.” You said quietly, searching his face for any emotion whatsoever.
“Thanks. Saves me from bouncing a lot of checks.” He smiled at you, a genuine smile, and it caught you off guard. “I like what you did, though, to the house. Should help it sell quicker.”
“You’re moving?” You were surprised. This was the house you and Jack had gotten and fixed up together in the early stages of your marriage and it held a lot of good memories along with quite a few bad ones.
“Well, I’ve been spending a lot of my time a bit south of the distillery, so . . .” he shrugged.
“Look, hon, I signed your papers.” Jack sighed, finally hauling the crate into the back of his truck.
“Jack, I never meant to hurt you, or anybody else for that matter. And I just came out here to say thank you.” You finally said.
“You might want to move your toes.” Jack nodded towards where your feet were in reference to his truck tires. “Wouldn’t wanna run ‘em over since you need them for field work.”
“You can’t just leave!”
“Sure I can.” He chuckled, hopping into the cab. “You want to come?”
“Where you goin’?”
“I want to show you something.” Jack said solemnly, and you wished you could go. Something made you stop, though.
“I can’t.” You finally answered, defeated.
“Can’t or won’t?” Jack asked you, already knowing the answer but asking anyway.
“The girl I knew used to be fearless.” Jack leaned against the steering wheel to get a good look at you. You looked so much like the woman he’d once known so intimately, and yet so different. A lot had scarred you both and he recognized that.
“The girl you knew didn’t have a life.” You smiled weakly, fighting back tears.
“Well, I guess you better get back to living it then. C’mon, Midnight.” Jack got his dog in the cab with him and drove off, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
You didn’t know what possessed you to stay in town now that the papers had been signed and mailed out, but you found yourself in the town square that evening for the weekly square dance night.
“Hello.” You murmured sheepishly once you’d spotted Tequila and his wife, Jenny, and Moonshine, and a few of the agents from last night at the bar. “I just wanted to apologize to y’all. Last night was so uncalled for, and I’m sorry. Really sorry.”
“Brandy, forget it.” Tequila told you, a smile gracing his face. “You know we don’t stay mad for long.” The group nodded, and you smiled in relief.
Jenny pulled you to the side and handed you a glass of sweet tea.
“You know, he went up there.” She said, sort of secretively.
“Who?” You were confused about what she was talking about. But then she looked at you oddly and you suddenly knew. “Jack? When?”
“About a year after you left. He doesn’t know I know, but Aaron “big mouth” Tequila over there can’t keep a secret to save his life nowadays.”
“Jack was in New York?” You asked, completely surprised. You’d never seen him. He’d certainly never come to see you and say hello. Jenny nodded.
“He told Tequila he’d never seen anything like it. He realized straight off that he’d need more than an apology to win you back. He needed to conquer the world first. He’s been tryin’ ever since.” Jenny told you, downing her own tea.
“That’s why he kept sending the papers back.” You murmured, and Jenny nodded at you again.
“It’s funny how things don’t work out.” She sighed.
“It’s funny how they do.” You smiled warmly at her, knowing she was happy with her life and how it was turning out.
“Hey, look who I found wandering around the edge of the party.” Moonshine cheered, shoving Jack in the center of the group you were with. He had the nerve to look a bit sheepish, knowing you were there, but you were the one who blushed. After that, it was a whirlwind of everyone catching up on the times and you found yourself smiling at Jack.
The band finally started playing a slow song, and Tequila got up to ask you to dance, leaving his wife to drag Jack into the square. The both of you danced for awhile before Tequila stole his wife back, which left you and Jack standing face to face. Jack held out a hand to you to offer a dance, but you hesitated.
“Maybe we could just talk?” You asked him quietly. He shook his head and walked off, a sigh escaping your lips once you realized you were alone.
The night wore on with you on the sidelines, drinking sweet tea, and finally you made your way down the street towards your truck. Something stopped you, though, and you made your way into the coon dog cemetery on the edge of town. Maybe Coal was in there. You didn’t realize Jack had been watching you and finally ended up following you, and maybe you wouldn’t have been so honest in your talk with your old dog if you’d known.
You knelt beside the dog’s grave, his collar and your old license plate stuck to the stone placed above him.
“Hey there, buddy. Sorry it took me so long. I would’ve come sooner if I’d known you were sick.” You sniffed, fingers running along the etching of his name in the stone. “Actually, that’s probably not true. I’ve been pretty selfish lately. Dogs don’t know anything about that, do they, though?”
“You were always a big old pillow after missions. Like when everything went pear-shaped after I got shot, you never left my side. And then I just left you. Oh gosh. I bet you sat there on that big old porch, wondering what you done wrong.” You sobbed, wiping the tears away.
“I told him it was my fault.” Jack’s voice broke you out of your concentration and you whipped around to see him kneeling behind you.
“Quit bein’ so nice.” You sniffed, a small smile breaking through your tears. Jack offered you a hand to help you up and you accepted it. He led you to a bench right near Coal’s grave and kept holding your hand.
“It’s the truth.” Jack stated.
“How come everything has to be so complicated,” you asked tearfully. Jack smiled softly at you.
“What?” He asked finally.
“Truth, life, this,” you gestured between the two of you and towards the hand he was still holding in his grip. Jack didn’t answer that, not that you expected him to.
“He was one hell of a good dog, wasn’t he? You looked like you were having fun out there tonight before I got there and ruined it.” Jack mumbled. You brushed a thumb over your intertwined hands softly.
“I’m happy in New York, Jack.” You laughed wetly, “But then I come down here and this fits too.”
“Since when does it have to be one or the other, darlin’? You can have roots and wings, you know.” Jack told you. You nodded.
“Maybe I could just fly south for the winter.” You joked miserably.
Jack finally pointed out towards the woods and nudged your shoulder, “Look.”
“What?” You asked.
“There, see ‘em?” You followed his pointing finger until you realized that he was pointing at fireflies illuminating sections of the woods with their blinking behinds.
“Only you,” you laughed fondly, looking up at him. You couldn’t deny it, Jack was still just as handsome as the day you married him even if the years had gone by.
“You know, I still go out there sometimes. To the meadow, I mean. I hear the crickets and I go and sit in the field and stare up at the stars like we used to. It’s like a religion.” Jack revealed, turning to look down at you to gauge your response.
“I had a dream about it the other night, our first kiss when we were twelve. Remember that?”
“You ever wonder what would have happened if you hadn’t gotten shot and died on that mission?” Jack asked bluntly. You were surprised and whispered his name.
“Just, let me get this out before I can’t.” Jack started, “I thought us working together on missions would be an adventure. I loved seeing you be this beautiful badass and I loved being the one who got to love you. And it took me awhile to realize that being tied down to me would be your only adventure.”
“I guess that thug knew what he was doing then, aiming at me. I was so ashamed, Jack, ‘cause I felt so relieved once I woke up and remembered everything. And all of a sudden, I just . . . Needed a different life. Y’know? I had to get away.” You were almost frantic in your story, the painful memories resurfacing of how you just ran away from your husband with no explanation. Gosh, the number you did on him.
“You done real well for yourself. I’m proud of you, sugar.” Jack told you sincerely, fingers brushing your hair away from your wet cheeks. “I’m just sorry I never danced with you at our weddin’. I’m sure this next one’s gonna go better for ya.”
You looked up and suddenly your lips were on his and it felt like you were breathing real air for the first time since you left his home and abandoned him. It felt good, his lips brushing yours in just the right ways, but you couldn’t do this.
“Jack, I can’t do this.” You whimpered through your tears. He nodded.
“I know. Go home, Brandy.”
And just like he’d appeared, Jack disappeared in the dark, leaving you alone with your conflicted emotions.
The next morning found Jack entering the Statesman offices as a man on a mission. But he found an unfamiliar man with flowers in hand, pacing in the lobby.
“Y’alright there?” He asked. The man whipped his head up and sighed.
“I’m here to surprise my fiancée. The secretary won’t let me in because I don’t have a Kentucky Statesman badge, only a New York one.”
Jack quickly realized the situation, knowing immediately that the man was there to see you without needing to be introduced. He also knew that you were probably in Champ’s office, talking smack about missions like you used to do.
“Well, I’m headed upstairs to see a friend of mine, but you’re welcome to join.” Jack motioned to the elevator, and your fiancé quickly nodded and followed him inside the cab. Jack rolled his eyes at the guy’s eagerness.
“So, fiancée huh? Which one of our lucky agents is it?” Jack drawled, knowing full well who this man meant.
“Agent Brandy.” The man answered, “and you are?”
“I’m Agent Whiskey. Who might you be?” Jack smirked.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I’m Agent Rum.” Rum laughed sheepishly. He was quite a bit smaller than Jack and had to look upwards to make eye contact.
“Ah, so you’re the man Brandy was talking about.” Jack couldn’t help but meddle a little in his ex-wife’s affairs.
“You know Brandy?” Rum asked, surprised.
“Course I know her. I know all about her.” Jack grinned down at the man, “I know her name, her whole life story, everything. She was my partner.”
“She never mentioned you.” Rum stammered. “Are you sure we’re talking about the same girl?”
Jack described you, and Rum nodded, but that description would match a few agents and Rum wasn’t sure Jack really knew who you were. Joke’s on him.
Moonshine got in the elevator and froze once he saw Jack with your fiancé. He’d looked Rum up as soon as you’d mentioned him, and the look Jack had on his face was downright scary to someone who knew him. It was like a lion playing with its prey.
“Uh, uh, hey Whiskey.” Moonshine stuttered.
“Morning,” Jack smiled. “Brandy here?”
Moonshine nodded.
“Yeah, yeah she’s here. She’s with big daddy.”
“Wonderful. I’m just escorting her fiancé here up to meet him.” Jack nodded towards Rum who waved a hand. Jack couldn’t figure out how this man got to be an agent, all timid and shy next to Southern guys. He seemed like a schmuck.
“Oh, that’s great.” Moonshine nodded emphatically.
“I’m sorry, you are?” Rum asked, in reference to Moonshine.
“Name’s Moonshine. I’m Brandy’s, uh—” her turned to look at Jack to figure out what to say.
“Her other partner.” Jack finished. Rum smiled at the two.
“Wow! Two partners while she was here. That’s something.”
Jack rolled his eyes behind the man’s back.
“So what do you like about our Brandy?” Jack finally asked him, directing the both of them to exit the elevator. Champ’s office was just down the way, but Jack wasn’t ready to leave this man with you yet.
Rum spouted off a lot of things that Jack knew you weren’t like whenever y’all were married and he quickly realized that the woman you were with this new guy wasn’t anything like the woman he married. The woman he’d seen in the last few days. This was a woman who had completely changed herself to fit New York, and that just made Jack’s stomach churn.
Finally, he pulled Rum over to Champ’s door and he threw open the doors. You were sat inside, alone, staring at a few photos on the wall before you looked up and made eye contact with your ex-husband. You stood quickly, walking over to the two men standing before you.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, looking at Jack.
“Well, I came to deliver your fiancé.” Jack stared at you real hard.
“I, uh, think she was talking to me.” Rum cut in, handing you the bouquet of flowers he’d been holding.
“Jack . . .” You trailed off.
“Must be exhaustin’.” Jack started.
“What?” you asked softly. Rum echoed the question beside you, finally realizing that you and Jack were talking to each other in a way that wasn’t normal to him.
“Livin’ a lie.” Jack finished, hand shoving his hat further on his head. You shook.
“What’s he talking about?” Rum asked you, and you looked back at Jack, pleading for him to be kind.
“You and I are in love with two different people.” Jack said with a shake of his head as he left the room.
“Who is he really? He said he was your partner.” Rum asked you, staring after Jack’s retreating figure.
“He’s my husband.” You answered.
“Your what?” Rum was dumbfounded.
“I mean my ex-husband.” You gasped, correcting yourself.
“You married your partner?!” Rum was running his hands through his hair, trying to wrap his mind around the situation and realizing just how little he knew about you. Had you up and married another man while you were down here? Were you married before? You interrupted his thoughts with a quiet answer.
“No, I came down here to finalize my divorce.” You sighed.
“Hey darlin’,” Champ burst into the room, “just saw your precious hubby and took his resignation.” He froze once he saw who was with you. “Oh! You must be my baby girl’s new someone!”
You groaned internally.
Rum threw up his hands and made some new noise you’d never heard before then promptly left the room. You scurried after him, trying to get his attention.
“Blake! Wait!”
“I just—” Andrew started as he pressed the button on the outside of the elevator.
“Let me try and explain, you don’t understand!” You tried to wedge your way between him and the door, but he easily slid past you. You slammed your arm against the side of the sliding doors to keep them from closing. “This isn’t who I am anymore!”
“Look, I don’t know who you are or what else you’ve lied about, but I do know one thing. There’s a helicopter parked outside in the field, and I am on it.” Rum’s face was stony as the doors closed.
You stood there for a moment, dumbfounded, trying to grasp the situation. A sigh escaped your lips before you made your way back to Champ’s office to slump down in a chair.
Champ was sitting at his desk, Statesman glasses perched on his nose and a tumbler of whiskey in his hand. He looked up right as you made eye contact and gave you his signature “I told you so” look. You groaned.
“I know you’re thinkin’ I spoiled things real good this time.” You grumbled, chucking your hat on the table.
“Now, sweetheart, don’t go accusin’ me of thinking. I ain’t done anything of the sort.” Champ snorted. “Anyway, I don’t think you spoiled what you think you did. You got a good head on your shoulders kid, and I love you.”
You talked for awhile, catching up on life and missions and things you hadn’t spoken of in years when a knock sounded on the open door of Champ’s office. Champ nodded whoever it was inside, but you didn’t even look up until Champ looked at you with a knowing smile.
“Hey, you two. Look who I found wandering around by the weapons labs.” Moonshine nudged someone forward and you finally looked up. Agent Rum, your fiancé, was in front of you with the sorriest look you’d ever seen on his face.
“I thought you’d be halfway to New York by now.” You said slowly, not sure why he was still here. Your little interlude an hour before sounded like a breakup if you’d ever heard one. You stood up and moved to stand beside Champ, knowing he’d back you up if needed.
“So did I.” Rum smiled sheepishly, nodding toward Champ.
“Oh, this is Agent Champagne, but we call him Champ. He’s basically been my daddy since I started here.” Champ reached up squeezed your hand in reassurance and you moved closer to Rum. “And this is Moonshine. He’s been my best friend for a long time, well, as long as I’ve been good to him. He’s always been a better man. This is where I started, where I grew up, and my home.”
“Well,” Rum started, “it’s nice to meet you both. I’m Agent Rum, Brandy’s fiancé. That is, if she’ll still have me.” You looked at him in surprise. “ Look, I don’t really care what just happened back there. So you have a past. I mean, who doesn’t? We’re all trying to escape something in this life. What I need to know is if there is a place for me in your future.”
“Good Lord, he’s saying all sorts of sweet things.” Moonshine muttered and you laughed at him.
“Well?” Rum asked. You nodded with a small smile.
“Crap, guess I need to plan my vacation days to go to New York then.” Champ grumbled at his desk.
“What vacation days, old man?” You sassed Champ. You turned back to Rum, “Babe, what if we had the wedding here? I have so much history here, I’d like to end it all here and start fresh with you.”
Rum smiled and agreed and Champ started hollering about how he couldn’t believe you were going to do this to him again, how he’d have to officiate yet another wedding, and how many times does his only daughter get married? Apparently the answer was twice.
A month went by before you knew it, full of missions and planning and setting up temporary groups while you’d be on your honeymoon. In between all you had to do in the Statesman offices, you were also wedding planning. Luckily, you had Champ and his wife to help with all that along with AppleJack and your assistant.
Mr. Collier, your lawyer, had been calling nearly every day, but you’d assured him that you had everything handled and that he could clear the divorce without you. You’d been calling Jack a lot too. You wanted to talk to him about what Champ meant when he said Jack had retired, and why no one seemed to want to talk about what he was doing. But he never answered his cell and your old home phone seemed to be disconnected.
It still didn’t feel real that you’d be getting married on Saturday afternoon as you stepped off your Statesman jet at the airfield in Kentucky on Thursday with Agent AppleJack and your assistant—now newly minted Agent Smirnoff.
“You guys remember that mark from a year ago on that mission I was on for about three months, right? The Spanish one?” AppleJack was telling you. You nodded, remembering who she was talking about. He’d been rugged and good looking, and you’d told her as much when you handed her the mission. “Well, he proposed to me, and I think I loved him despite his obvious attraction to black market trading.”
“Then why didn’t you say yes?” Smirnoff asked.
“Because I hesitated long enough to realize my head and my heart were saying two different things. And he was on the other side of the legal fence.” AppleJack scoffed.
You guided the two of them towards your waiting truck and chucked your bags in the bed of it. Theirs followed as they argued.
“Well, it’s a big decision.” You added in.
“It’s supposed to be the easiest one you ever make.” Smirnoff said. You’d always thought he was a romantic, and now you were sure of it.
“Hey, y’all, I want to stop somewhere before we head to the office. Okay?” You turned to look at the two of them, and they shrugged before agreeing. It wasn’t like y’all had much to do today anyway. Champ had already assured you that the cellar was decorated and pretty for you and Rum to tie the knot, and that he’d already arranged everything for your honeymoon too.
You drove the forty-five minutes it took to get to your parents’ old farmhouse where you used to live before it had burned down, taking both your parents with it when you were nineteen. You hadn’t been there since a few days after the fire when you’d set up headstones for your parents on the property, but you wanted to tell them what was going on.
The driveway was long, but you were surprised to see how well kept it was. Then the house came into view along with Jack’s pickup truck and a familiar black dog lounging on the steps. You slammed on the brakes and parked right off the driveway, jumping out of the vehicle.
“Oh my god.” You gasped, looking at the place. It looked nearly identical to the house that burnt down, but there was a new barn in the back of the house and fence posts as far as you could see down the drive that kept going. Your dad had never cleared that far into the woods, but it looked good. It looked like a really successful ranch had been started right where so much devastation had taken place.
“Brandy, do we know the people who live here?” AppleJack asked, finally catching up to your quick walk towards the house. “What is this place?”
A man walked out of the house and froze once he saw you, and you hardly heard both AppleJack and Smirnoff arguing about if he was single.
“Jack,” you breathed. He stepped down off the porch and came over to you, greeting you with a sad smile. “I tried to call you a couple of times.”
“Listen,” he started, completely ignoring your previous statement, “since you’re here, you and your friends should look around. Say hello to the horses in the barn or something. It’s nice out today.” He tipped his hat towards your two companions and called his dog, making his way back into the house before you could say anything else.
You shook your head, trying to clear your eyes of the tears that had somehow started filling them. As you looked around the ranch, you saw all the little things that Jack had done, as well as the big, that made this place feel so much like home. It was almost exactly the way it had been when you lived there so long ago, and you were reminded of the photo Jack had on your old mantel. You’d asked him why he kept it, but he hadn’t answered then. And the times when the guys you used to work with were trying to tell you that Jack was successful now, but Jack had cut them off. Now you knew why. He’d built this place for you.
When you got to the Kentucky office, Champ was waiting for you downstairs.
“Hey, little darling, there was a man here for you. He straight up asked about your whole name and everything. Did you have a guest coming for the wedding we didn’t know about who’d know your civilian name?” He asked. Your brow furrowed as you shook your head. “Alright, well we sent him on his way, anyhow. I’m sure it’s fine.”
You introduced him to your two companions and Champ grinned, happy to meet two people you trusted with your life. You asked him if Rum was here yet, to which Champ nodded and guided you all inside. “Got here about two hours before you, sweetheart.”
Once you were inside, it seemed like a whirlwind of things happened as you readied yourself to get married for a second time. The next 36 hours were hell, waiting for everything to be finalized so you could get hitched.
It was Saturday morning and Champ had stationed two low ranking agents to man the guests as they filtered into the cellar where you’d be holding the wedding. So far, only agents were to be in attendance and a few plus ones, but you’d wanted to keep it small. So when a balding man appeared and introduced himself as Mr. Collier, telling the two agents that he wasn’t on the list, they promptly told him that he couldn’t come inside as he wasn’t invited. The man insisted he had urgent business with a Ms. Daniels, but the agents weren’t having it and escorted him out of the cellar.
Meanwhile, at your old house, the one you had shared with Jack, your ex-husband was adding the last few crates and boxes of his and your things to his truck. He groaned once he saw his mama leaning up against her car in the driveway since he hadn’t seen her pull up.
“Hey, sweetheart, there’s a wedding goin’ on.” She said softly, helping him throw a gym bag into the backseat of his truck.
“Yeah, I heard mention of it a time or two.” Jack shrugged, “I sure hope this weather cooperates. It’s supposed to be a big storm.” He didn’t want to give into his mama and tell her how he really felt about all this.
The truth was, Jack was devastated. He’d spent so much time trying to get his wife back, and now she was marrying a man he knew she didn’t love as much as she loved him, and it hurt. It felt like something had died inside his chest, and he supposed something did. His heart.
“You know, Jack, you’re my only son and I love you, but sometimes you are too much like your daddy.” Helen sighed.
“She made her decision, Mama.” Jack set the last box in the bed of the truck and covered them up with tarps to keep ‘em dry.
“For somebody who’s been holdin’ onto somethin’ so hard, you’re pretty quick to let it go.” Helen eyed him.
“You know I can’t control her anymore than I can control the weather. I gotta go. I wanna get these inside before the rain ruins whatever I’ve got left.” Jack tipped his hat at his mama and climbed inside the cab. Helen shook her head in disappointment.
Champ stood in the corner of the apartment you’d been occupying in the Statesman office that weekend, watching you adjust your dress and cowboy boots. He smirked once he realized you’d be getting married, Southern style with the boots and a dress that he swore he’d seen in one of those fancy Southern Living magazines his wife was always reading. Or was it Southern Weddings? He didn’t know, but you looked beautiful. Even more so than the first time he’d officiated your wedding to Jack.
You kept fidgeting, causing Champ to speak up.
“It’s just nerves. You’re doing the right thing.” He attempted to reassure you.
“Am I?” You asked, unsure.
“When I married my wife, Lord, I was a goner for that woman. I couldn’t put one foot down in front of the other, despite being an agent with perfect balance, mind you. I remember standin’ there thinking, ‘Oh preacher, better hurry up before this woman changes her mind.’ And look where it got me. Sometimes she drives me so crazy that I could shoot her, but—”
“But you still love her.” You cut him off.
“God knows I do, and only she knows why.” Champ laughed, his eyes teary as he looked you over.
“Champ, I think I—”
“He can give you a life in this company, honey. You’ve always wanted this. And he adores you.” Champ said firmly, not letting you get back on the confusion train.
“He does, doesn’t he?” You sighed, “Well, even if he is a Yankee, at least he’s sober. Let’s go, Champ. I’m ready to get this over with.”
Champ led you down to the cellars, and then down the aisle. He didn’t get you two very far, though, when a man’s shouts were heard yelling “Ms. Daniels! Ms. Daniels!”
You whipped around, confused about why someone would be calling you by your married name. “Mr. Collier?” You asked in surprise. The two agents supposed to be manning the door had grabbed him by now, but you were quick to dismiss them.
Rum called your name, but you held up a hand to stop him from speaking. You didn’t know why Mr. Collier was here, but it had to be important if he was trying this hard to get in contact with you. The man took a moment to catch his breath.
“You are one hard woman to get in contact with.” Mr. Collier wheezed as he bent over to breathe.
“Mr. Collier, he signed the papers.” You said quietly. “What are you doing here?”
“He did. You didn’t.” You finally noticed the papers he was holding and sucked in a breath.
“What? You mean I’m still married?” You asked, unsure how you felt about this new information. You thought for sure you’d signed the papers when you’d sent them off the day after Jack had signed them. Apparently, you hadn’t. Mr. Collier pointed at the line above Jack’s name, and sure enough, it was blank.
“Well, not if you don’t want to be.” Mr. Collier replied gently as he handed over the papers.
“For goodness sake, Brandy, I thought you took care of this?” Rum groaned as he made his way to stand in the aisle beside you.
“It’s an honest mistake, Blake.” You shook your head in disbelief.
“Well, then, can we fix it? We’ve got agents who need to be on missions soon and we have a honeymoon to get to.” Rum snorted. Your brows furrowed as you watched this normally kind man getting frustrated over a mistake you hadn’t even realized you made.
“Does anybody have a non-deadly pen?” You asked, knowing no one would have one on them unless it had ten functions to kill someone and not one of them being the purpose of a real pen with ink that would actually stay on the paper. You’d made the mistake before of signing something with ink that removed itself within two hours and you didn’t want to make that mistake again.
No one around you had one, not even Champ, until a woman behind you cleared her throat. You turned around to face your mother in law, Jack’s mom.
“These things don’t just happen, y’know.” Helen said with a knowing smile as she held out a fountain pen. You took it and uncapped it, placing it on the paper but not moving to sign it.
“You can’t ride two horse with one ass, sweetheart.” Champ said from beside you. You looked up at him and with a watery smile, you told him you couldn’t sign the papers.
“Blake,” you started, taking his hands in yours, “You don’t want to marry me.”
“I don’t?” He asked, eyes almost looking dangerous.
“No, you don’t. Not really. You see, the truth is—” You hesitated before continuing. “I gave my heart away a long time ago, my whole heart, and I never really got it back. And I don’t even know what else to say besides ‘I’m sorry.’ I can’t marry you, and you shouldn’t want to marry me.”
“So this is what it feels like.” Blake muttered, eyes definitely glittering with anger now. “You can’t just do this to me. That’s it? You’re just going to leave me for the man you haven’t even wanted to be married to for seven years? God, Brandy, what the hell!” He shouted.
You took a step back, attempting to make space and remove your hands from his, but he held your hands tightly. You gulped, knowing Blake wasn’t done.
“In my entire career, and I have a good one, I have never met someone so deceitful and manipulative! I should’ve known, considering our occupations, but this is so disgusting what you’ve done.” Blake spat.
“I’m just trying to be honest.” You whispered.
“You are such a little bitch.” Blake roughly dropped your hands and Champ immediately stepped in, crowding the shorter agent.
“Now, look here, Agent Rum. She said her piece and there’s no need for name-callin’, you hear me?” Champ growled.
“Oh go back to your office and get shit-faced.” Blake spat at Champ’s feet. You saw red.
“Nobody talks to my daddy like that.” You growled, throwing one of your best punches. Agent Rum was soon on the ground and you chucked your engagement ring at his head. It hit his cheek and bounced off somewhere, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
“Praise the Lord, my baby’s back.” Champ cheered, pulling you away from your ex-fiancé.
“Hey y’all!” You shouted as you stood up on an empty chair in the venue, “If you’re friends of the bride, stick around! I’m gonna go find me a groom!”
And then you were off, grabbing your keys from Moonshine and hopping in your truck, wedding dress getting stuck in the door. You didn’t care, though. You knew exactly where Jack would be and you planned to go get your man back.
You roared into the meadow, truck chassis bumping around on the uneven ground. The door was flung open and you were racing across the field, dress bunched in your hands. Rain had started falling, and Jack was sitting in the bed of his truck getting sopping wet. He had a bottle of whiskey in his hands, but he hadn’t quite noticed you yet.
“Hey, cowboy!” You shouted above the rain and he whipped around to face you, eyes wide beneath the brim of his hat. Rain dripped off the edges and you almost laughed at how bedraggled he looked, but refrained. “You owe me a dance.”
“Nice dress. Where’s your husband?” Jack finally said as he capped the whiskey bottle and set it down beside him in the truck bed.
“I’m lookin’ at him.” You said, and Jack froze. “Apparently, you and I are still hitched.”
“Is that right?” He asked slowly as he got off the tailgate. He made his way over to stand in front of you, rain still pouring over the both of you to the point where you could only really see him anymore.
“Why didn’t you tell me you came to New York?” You asked desperately, needing to know if he still wanted you, if he still loved you.
“I needed to make somethin’ of myself.”
“About done?” You asked in disbelief. This man was already enough for you, how could he not see it?
“What is it about you Southern girls? You can’t make the right decisions ‘til you tried all the wrong ones?” Jack scoffed. He was sure this was some elaborate joke, that your fiancé would hop out of your pickup truck and laugh at him any minute now.
“At least I fight for what I want!”
“Oh, what do you want, honey? Hell, I don’t even think you know.” Jack shook his head.
“You’re the first boy I ever kissed, Jack, and I want you to be the last.” You said as you stepped closer to him, dress dragging in the grass and dirt. You didn’t even care, not if it meant you could get your husband back.
“Maybe you and I had our chance.” Jack muttered, hoping you couldn’t hear him, but you did.
“Fine! Have it your way, stubborn ass!” You yelled.
“Whatcha wanna be married to me for anyhow?” Jack asked, repeating what you’d asked him all those years ago when you were twelve. You grinned, catching up to his game.
“So I can kiss you anytime I want.”
And then you were in his arms and he was kissing you, his hat dumping water on the both of you but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You were already soaked. You’d gotten your man back, and you sighed into his mouth. You didn’t want to move again, the feeling of his kiss bringing life back into your lungs and giving you space to breathe for the first time in a long time. He just felt right. Hands wandered up his back and you knocked off his hat in an effort to get even closer to him. He groaned when fingers locked into his now soaked hair, tongue slipping into your mouth when you whined.
You only broke away when you heard someone yelling at the both of you, lights shining right onto your interlocking figures.
“What the hell are you two trying to do? Get yourselves killed?” Tequila yelled. You laughed, breaking away from Jack just long enough to shout back.
“What seems to be the trouble, officer?”
“I’m here to bring you in again, little lady!” Tequila called back, hands on his hips and looking downright hilarious.
“What did she do this time?” Jack shouted. He walked you both closer to Tequila and the man had the audacity to grin at the two of you.
“Well, the way I hear it, seems she run out on a perfectly good cake!”
You laughed and smooched Jack on the cheek before reaching down to grab his hat from the ground.
“Get in my truck, cowboy!” You grinned, “Seems we finally get our reception!”
You raced your husband to your truck, hopping in and laughing at the way you both shivered from the cool air you’d had blasting. Jack swore and turned on the heat as you got yourselves out of the meadow and started following the red and blue flashing lights of Tequila’s patrol car.
You reached a hand over to hold Jack’s and he lifted your fingers to his lips to press a kiss to the knuckles.
“I love you.” He murmured and you returned the sentiments, happy for the first time in a long time.
Tequila led you to the bar Helen owned, and you laughed once you realized where the guys had decided to hold your reception. It was only fitting that the place where you’d originally hosted your first reception was now the place of your second, and with the same man no less.
Tequila made his way indoors first and introduced you, yelling out a “Ladies and gentleman, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Daniels!”
You rushed inside, nearly tripping over your boots and dress, but Jack steadied you, dipping you for a deep kiss just inside the door.
Catcalls filled the air as Jack lifted you back up, a boyish grin gracing his lips.
“I do believe I owe this lady a dance,” Jack nodded at his Mama by the jukebox and she smiled at the two of you.
“You sure do!” Moonshine shouted.
“Hey Helen,” you turned to Jack’s mama, “make it a slow one.”
She saluted you, and then hit a button, playing Tennessee Whiskey. Jack snorted at the song choice as he held your waist in the middle of the space they’d cleared for a dance floor, but you didn’t mind. You’d always joked that the song was about him with his Statesman name, and he hated it. You loved him, though.
You had your husband back and you weren’t ever going to give him up again. You swayed to the song for a moment before leaning up to kiss him. Finally, you were home.
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