#when i moved away from home i moved to the closest big city that's only an hour away and i was already deeply familiar with it
perilegs · 4 months
being homesick and changing as a person so much the place you grew up in isn't your home anymore is such a core part of ati and upon further inspection i think i was projecting a little
#like yea that is a very common basic thing that happens to a lot if not most adults#but also i think i get homesick a bit too easy#when i moved away from home i moved to the closest big city that's only an hour away and i was already deeply familiar with it#but i was so sad despite knowing i personally could never thrive in my hometown#i wanted to experience the big city but it was so scary and it still is and i miss the comforts of my hometown but it's not just me that#has changed#dont get me wrong i wouldnt move back bc i have hobbies and friends and a job and most likely a career in the city i live in#and this truly is a place i don't think i could ever move away from. unless it is to a neighboring city#it's so hard for me to imagine there are people who move not just across the country but a completely different country and they just. adap#i could never. i was visiting my hometown every week for like the first year i lived here#i eventually want to move to a bigger apartment and ive been looking at places already even tho i need to graduate before doing that#and i'm. getting homesick just thinking about moving to a different part of the city.#i like the area i live in. i like the cornerstore and the distance to the closest grocery stores and parks#i like how my grandma used to live in this area when she was around my age#i'm not good with change and i know it but there are several things about moving that make me miserable#like yeah obviously i will move out from my single bedroom apartment when i can and i'll be so happy and it'll be good for me#but despite having lived here for only a bit more than 4 years i'll miss this apartment. i have so many good memories from here and i'll#never be able to visit it again and have it feel the same#but that's the least sad thing imo. i dread being in a different area more lmao#but it's fine i know i'll adapt as long as i don't have to move to a different city ever again gfsahgak#idk ive had a long day and im feeling a bit melancholic#i'll sleep in tomorrow >:3c#leevi talks
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dcxdpdabbles · 5 months
Based on this post here https://www.tumblr.com/ourrechte-blog/740959709140484096
Danny and the latest incarnation of the Demons ends up in Star City. They're doing ninja stuff as a way to get resources and find a way home. Green Arrow overhears mentions of "Great One" and "Demon's Head" and maybe Dani is there and gets called dahlia and it's misheard as Talia
Ollie: Batman, come over here and get your de-aged villains
Bruce: What makes you so sure they're mine?
Ollie: They're ninjas and their leader, who kicked my ass, is referred to as "Great One" so yes, I'm sure these are the League of Assassins under an alias. Or clones
Ra's finds this entire thing hilarious. Damian, not so much
Oliver is not having a good time. He noticed some shady activity going down in his city's underbelly and decided to investigate. Star City wasn't as crime-infested as Gotham, but it wasn't sunshine and rainbows either.
It was far better hidden, but corruption ran amok in his home, so he had to run around to get things fair. He noticed the ninjas only after a while of them being in town. At first, they seemed focused on gaining territory.
They moved from the poorest neighborhoods to the richest, slowly beating out the top dogs. It seemed the leader had the same mentality of prison- beat the toughest person on his first day and become the new number one. Usually, that wouldn't work with such solid and old operations, but somehow, the ninjas were doing it.
They cut off resources. It causes discord in the lackey's ranks. Pulled funding from who knows where. And Blackmailed the rest into submission.
It was a hostile takeover. A plague on the control of the criminal empires station in Star City.
And there was nothing Oliver could do to stop them. He felt like a fumbling medic during a pandemic. Too many areas were affected before he could arrive, and too many loose ends were tied before he could gather enough information to know what they were trying to accomplish.
He contacted the Justice League when it became clear that it was too much for his team to handle. They sent over Dinah Lace and Gregory Sanders (Much to the joy of his bi-heart), who helped him trace the pathway the ninjas were taking, but ultimately, they were unable to catch up.
"It's like chasing ghosts," Gregory complains, his red bandana moving with his mouth. His eyes are scanning the towering buildings, fiddling with his guns. "I see them for only a second, and they are much faster than any of my bullets."
"It doesn't help that one of them is a meta with a similar power to mine," Dinah agrees. She was the closest to the taller figure, attempting to use her Canary Cry to capture him. Imagine her surprise when the figure turned and returned a cry of its own, easily overpowering Dinah's and flinging her away. "We might need a Speedster"
"And a Bat," Olver sighs. "They're far too slippery. A Bat should be able to devise a plan that might work for them. My tactical strategies are falling short."
"How painful was that for you to admit?" Dinah asks with a smirk.
"I'm choking on my blood," He deadpans, causing her to laugh. At once, Olover's heart launches in his chest. She has the loveliest laugh. He throws her a smile that he knows is disgustingly gooey, and her eyes crinkle with the gentleness she reserves for him.
"I overheard them speaking for a bit before one of them heard my guns click," Gregory says, eyeing the two of them like he knows they are flirting but won't point it out. He's a spoilsport. "One of them identified the other. Does the name Talia mean anything to ya'll?"
Crude. Whatever good mood Olvier was in for making Dinah smile is crushed with sudden dread.
"Yeah, it does. Especially if it was anywhere near the words "Demon Head" or "Great One," He wearily. At Gregory's nod, he covers his eyes with one hand, feeling a headache build behind his right eye. It's a familiar headache. It usually pops up whenever Bruce Wayne's love life is mentioned.
"I'll call the Big Bad Bat. He'll get her to stop or kiss her. Whatever works. " Oliver sighs, even heavier than before.
"Why?" Gregory asks mystified
"That's Bat's ex."
There is a very long pause before Gregory's guns click again. A rigid set to his shoulders and rage appear in his eyes. "The young girl is Batman's ex? Good to know."
"Young girl? No, Talia is about my age." Dinah cuts in. "Are you sure she answered to Talia?"
The safety is switched back on as Gregory relaxes."Yes. She appeared to be twelve years old or so, with white hair and green eyes. Does that match Batman's honey?"
"Not even close. I mean, the green eyes, sure, but the rest is wrong." Oliver hums. "So we aren't dealing with Bat's girl, which is good for us. The League of Assassins is a pain. Also very dangerous."
Vigilante's eyes widen at the mention of the ninja group's name. "I heard of the organization but was unaware of the members. Is this Talia important in it?"
"She's the big boss's daughter," Dinah confirms. "Also, one of the bloodthirsty and cruelest members."
"That's not very nice," a young voice cuts in, startling the heroes. They leap away from the roof edge, watching a boy with glowing white hair flout over it, crossed-armed. "My daughter is a goddam delight."
"Ra's," Olver shutters. Yes, he looks younger and glowing, but Oliver would never forget that monster's face. He appeared often in his nightmares about the island.
The boy tilted his head. "You know me."
Oliver pulled the string of his bow, training the arrow on the figure; beside him, Gregory had his guns up and ready while Dinah had planted her feet in her preferred combat position. "I never forget a face."
"There is a version of me here," the boy hums, implying so many things that make the three heroes uneasy. "Maybe I wasted time gathering resources when I should have gone looking for the other Fentons."
"What do you mean by that?" Dinah demands, but the boy is already looking away and snapping his fingers.
"Guys! There are other Fentons here!"
Five figures fly up from over a building. Two are glowing, and three are wearing bulky power suits. Oliver's breath catches in his throat. Younger versions of the Demons. The same assisans whose abilities build Ra's empire and are the only ones to control them- the reason he is known as the Demon Head.
"That's great, Danny!" A girl with orange hair cries. She's inside the power suit, and Oliver knows her by her codename. Claw.
"Maybe we can have your dad make us some fudge." A dark-skinned boy licks his lips. He also appropriates a power suit but seems far more decked out for support. Makes sense, seeing as he obviously Scales.
"Let's go. The faster we get home, the faster I can make Vlad by me an island." A glowing teen rolls his eyes. His flaming hair does nothing to take away the fact he is Fang.
"Which way?" the little girl, Talia, asks, making a small circle in the air.
"I saw we find destruction and follow that. It's bound to lead us to them. We can cause chaos on the way." The last girl offers. She points the hand of her supersuit to the west with a nasty grin. It's Shadow. "Can't be worse than the Black Plague incident."
"How was I supposed to know the rats were dangerous!" Ra scoffs, face red in embarrassment. Which would have been amusing if he didn't just admit he caused thousands of lives to end. Oliver really does not like the implications one bit.
"Everyone. Don't you read any history books?"
"I don't need no books to tell me. I was there!"
Oliver thinks they are distracted enough to risk taking a shot. His bowstring snaps into place as his arrow flies towards the closest one. Claw's reaction time is as fast as he remembers because she had already shot the arrow out of the sky before it could go anywhere near Talia. The foam meant to hold her in place burst, covering the six from view.
Gegory's bullets hit it seconds after, burying deep within the hardened foam. The sharpshooter springs to the right, looking for a better target, but it's in vain.
When the foam falls, everyone behind it is gone, and Oliver is reminded that they face ninjas. Gregory lowers his weapon with a frustrated click of his tongue.
What in the world was going on! They were all de-age and somehow powered up. None of this was good.
"We need to call Batman," Dinah says in the silence. "This may be out of our league even with them turned into children."
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Pretty Little Letter’s
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Dbf Negan Smith x Fem Reader
Synopsis - After finishing college you decide to on a gap year to take a breather after many years of hard work. Setting out to travel the country, you promise to write to your dad every week, what happens when his best friend Negan makes you promise to write to him too.
Warnings- No apocalypse AU, dads best friend, large age gap, feelings, love confessions, adventures, reader travelling, reader described as female, mentions of cheating, Negan is the one cheated on in this fic by ex wife, struggles with feelings, I took the John Winchester idea and made Negan a mechanic, obviously not canon at all, vague mentions of sex, but no actual smut in this chapter. There will be in later chapters though so 18+ only please.
Let me know if I’ve left anything out
Word count - 6.6K (sorry it’s a long one)
This is part one of two chapters in this mini series.
Tomorrow was the day, the day you’ve been waiting for, the day you were leaving for an adventure. After 4 years of hard work and dedication, you had graduated Yale University with honours. You’d surpassed anything you felt you could accomplish, with the amazing support of your dad, who had raised you single-handedly. He has supported you throughout your life from scrapped knees and boo boos as a child, to finishing school with the grades you needed to get into Yale.
It was a dream you’d always had, even as a child. You’d pinned up pictures of the college on your wall, telling your dad ‘one day I’ll be here!’ When you received the letter you’d ripped it open with such ferocity, your dad was sure you’d shred your hands. Only to crumple to the floor in floods of tears, walking towards you he settles next to you pulling you in for a big hug, “Hey don’t worry baby girl, it’s not the end of the world we still have other letters coming, other options. No matter what I’m soo proud of you my darling girl” he cooed. You shook your head no, trying to steady your breath “No d…..ad” you stuttered “We did it, I got in, I did it dad! I got in” you continued through staggered breaths, he reached over and pulled it from your grasp reading the words carefully, his hand clamped over his mouth in shock. He started crying too, pulling you in tighter, letting his tears fall freely.
Being the amazing father he was, hours later he was on the phone with his oldest and closest friend Negan, explaining you’d got in, you’d done it, and if Negan could look for a house up there for you both, Negan lived in a small town in Connecticut not too far from Yale. He’d instantly agreed, finding you a lovely 3 bedroom home only a street away from himself. Your dad had been there behind you every step of your life, and he wasn’t about to let this one be any different.
So you packed up your life, making the lengthy trip from Virgina to Connecticut.
The experience has been amazing, you’ve loved every second of college. You came home every night excitedly animating your days to your dad, and many days to Negan too. He would be over often for dinners, you guys also going over his frequently too, the three of you spent many evenings together BBQs, football games, board game nights, you name it. You’d spent a lot of the last 4 years with Negan, he was a great friend to your dad. They’d kept in contact when he had moved from Virgina with his wife, because she wanted to be able to commute to New York easily. She took to the big corporate job like a fish to water, but she began coming home to Negan less and less, giving excuses about early starts and having to stay in some fancy hotel. Unfortunately one day when he made a trip to the city to surprise her, he’d found her rolling around the bed with her boss.
He called later that day to tell your dad what happened, your dad being the great person he is dropped everything and came up here to be with him, leaving you with your grandma for a few weeks.
After a lengthy divorce he’d stuck it out in the sleepy town, deciding he didn’t want to upheave his life once again. You hadn’t known Negan too well then, your dad called him often and you knew his voice, that deep rumbling voice, from their calls. You’d even answered the phone to him a few times, making polite small talk until your dad could take over. But he’d moved to Connecticut when you were only 2 years old, so you’d never really gotten to know him.
That all changed when you moved to start Yale, and you’d be lying if you hadn’t developed an enormous crush on the older man. Gods was he beautiful, he was funny sometimes making you actually cry from laughter. He was kind, loyal, owned his own mechanics garage, he was an all round great guy, and you had no idea why no one had snapped him up yet. Though secretly you were thankful no one had, because the mere thought stirred an ugly pit of jealousy in your stomach.
But tonight things were perfect, you were having a farewell dinner with the two men in your life, sat around the coffee table on your living room floor, eating pizza, heads thrown back in laughter as you whoop your dads ass at monopoly.
“Oh come on y/n not another hotel” your dad pleads playfully.
“I’m afraid so dad, told you the light blue were worth buying, the houses are cheap to buy, I can get as many as I want” you goad in giggles.
“She has you there man! I’d add another to Euston Road if I were you sweetheart! Finish him off” Negan jests.
“Don’t encourage her!” Your dad grumbles, causing you and Negan to roll in laughter even more.
“You know what I think I will” you reply adding another hotel.
Your dad takes his next roll landing on one of your hotel properties,
“Oh shit man! That’s you done isn’t it” Negan teases. Your dad stands then playfully tips the board over, making you gasp in mock shock before falling into giggles once again, in the moment you end up leaning your head against Negan’s shoulder.
“Right that’s it I’m done with this silly game, who wants another beer” your dad laughs.
“Me” you say, Negan nodding in unison his breath slightly shaken from your head still leaning against his shoulder, like it belongs there which in his mind it does. Man he’s dreading you leaving for a year, every time he thinks about it, there’s a constricting feeling in his heart. He brings his arm around you pulling you closer for a second, taking a moment to bask in your warmth. He gives you a quick squeeze, before moving to start packing away the game.
You watch him with a warm smile on your face, my goodness were you going to miss him. But you needed this, you needed to stand on your own two feet and experience some living. You also needed to get over this silly crush, he was 20 years older than you for Christ sake, he probably looked at you like a niece. He definitely wouldn’t return your affections, so you should go and clear your head. See some of the world, meet people and have experiences.
They always say you discover yourself while travelling alone.
You wanted to see if that was true.
But leaving these two behind would be hard, even if it wasn’t forever a year was still a long time. “So sweetheart your really leaving us tomorrow?” Negan asks, “Yup! Just like Bilbo Baggins I’m off on an adventure” you giggle, trying to make light it it, when in fact your heart is sinking at the thought. “Not gonna be the same without you here darlin’” he affirms, there’s a smile on his face but it doesn’t quite meet his eyes, and those beautiful dimples aren’t showing. For a second you wonder if he returns your feelings, but that wouldn’t make any sense so you push the idea out of your mind.
Your dad arrives back 3 beers in his hands, “I can’t believe my baby girl is going out into the world tomorrow, you promise to write to me every week yeah??” Your dad asks. “You know I can just text you? And call you right?” You answer, “Yeah you can call too, but I want hand written letters to have a part of you still coming home every week” he replies voice sounding emotional, this was a big step for him you had never been away from your dad before. Getting up you give him a big hug, “Ok dad I’ll write to you every week and I’ll send you postcards, so you can see where I’ve been!” You promise. “Yeah that sounds great baby girl” he affirms.
After your dad passes out snoring on the couch, you clean up the pizza boxes with Negan. While you’ve moved on to clearing up the kitchen he stands in the doorway watching you, “You know sweet cheeks, I’d love for some of those hand written letters too” he expresses. Looking up at him in shock, you ask “Really?”, “Yeah I want to hear everything your doing, plus it would be nice to have a part of you here with me too, like I said sweetheart it won’t be the same here without ya” he replies stepping closer, gently brushing a hair out of your face, hazel eyes bearing into you. “Ok Negan I’ll write to you too”, “Good” he sighs, leaning in he kisses your head wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. “Gonna miss ya kid”, “Yeah I’ll miss you too” you reply.
Letting him out the door you say your goodbyes, before tucking a blanket over your dad.
This was going to be hard……
You’ve been travelling a week now, slowly making your way down south to Florida. You made sure to stop for a few nights at your grandmas, you loved spending time with her, just like your dad she was a sweet soul, and you’d really enjoyed some long chats and a homemade meal.
The last morning of your stay you popped by taking a look at the house you grew up in, you always wondered if your mother had ever stopped by to see you. Missing you because you’d moved away, would she be proud that you’d made it to Yale, probably not. She’s never cared enough to call, she upped and left the day after you were born. Just left you in the hospital, for your dad to find when he came back in after some rest at home. Leaving your dad to step into both parents roles, which he took on without complaint bringing you up in a home full of love and laughter, you were beyond blessed to have been given him as your dad.
With that you tucked those thoughts away, your dad and grandma love you, are proud of you and support you. You didn’t need anyone else, well except maybe Negan.
By the end of your first week you’d made it to the Croatan National Forest, in North Carolina. You decided to stop here and see the sights, maybe do some hiking, some swimming on the coast. You found a cute little beach rental you booked for a few nights, it looked out to the river which joined the ocean. It was peaceful here, kids had all gone back to school and the soft autumn breeze was setting a chill in the air. So the beach was practically empty, with the exception of a few dog walkers.
Dark skies started settling in, greys and blacks filling the vast space, the clouds looked as if they were rolling towards you. A storm was coming which emitted some excitement in you, to sit there and watch them was one of your most favourite things to do, especially if the lightning was close and you could see it crack across the sky.
Settling in the bay of the bedroom window, you looked out at the water, pulling out your notebook you got to writing your dad his first letter. Folding it up you sealed in in an envelope, adding your home address and a stamp. Then you began to write Negan’s,
Dear Negan,
I’ve made it to North Carolina, to the Croatan National Forest. I’m staying in a really cute little beach house, which was cheap due to the holidays being over. I’m currently sat watching a storm roll in, windows open enjoying the breeze.
I stopped to see Grandma on the way down, she sends her love to Dad and you. She still hasn’t changed bless her, I also stopped by my old neighbourhood to see the house. I didn't feel as sad seeing it as I thought I would. I think that’s because you’ve made our lives so much more incredible. I miss you both it’s odd being without Dad for the first time, but it’s also strange being without you too now. You’ve ingrained yourself into my life now and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
I think I’ll take a swim tomorrow if the weather allows it, I may even swim in the rain if I can. So there you go, you can picture me dancing under the storm.
Yours truly
You sealed the letter, writing his address and placing another stamp. Maybe you poured a bit of how you feel about him in there but it felt good to let some of it out, like it was healing a small part of you.
You ran down to the post box before the rain hit, dropping the letters in and running back to your temporary home. Closing the door just as the torrential downpour started. “Phew that was close” you giggle. That evening you sat in your window watching the storm, the bright lightning cracked above illuminating the beach. Rain pouring and winds blowing, while you stayed cozy eating your soup admiring natures fierce show.
When morning came around it was still raining, though the storm had passed. You threw on your bathing suit and braved the weather, running into the water with a loud gasp as the cool liquid surrounded you. You laid back watching the rain fall from the sky, in that moment you’d never felt so free.
Back home Negan received his letter a few days later, he’d been checking his post box every single day, like a man deranged. ‘Finally’ he thought tearing open the envelope before he even made in back inside. Sitting down at his dining room table he read your words, smile adorning his features, dimples pulling deep. ‘Ingrained himself into your life, and you wouldn’t change it for the world’ for the first time he allowed himself to hope, that just maybe you returned his feelings.
Was this your way of telling him so? He didn’t know but he needed to find out, he’d have to play this safe though, edge it out of you slowly, god only knows what would happen if he assumed wrong, you’d tell your Dad no doubt, he’d loose you and his best friend in one go, he couldn’t risk that.
Pulling out his phone he sent you a message,
‘Hey sweetheart,
Thank you for my little letter, I hope you had fun swimming and dancing in the storm, though I also hope you stayed safe.
You’ve also ingrained yourself into my life angel face, came into it like a spitfire but I wouldn’t have it any other way either. Enjoy your next week, just make sure you stay safe.
He sent the text, and waited under baited breath for a response. He almost jumped out of his chair when his phone pinged.
Hi Negan
Your welcome, I can assure you I am staying safe, I’m checking my oil and water levels too, as promised. Car is running smooth still :)
‘Spitfire’? I wouldn’t say that! But I’m glad you wouldn’t have it any other way because your stuck with me now.
I’ll send you your next letter same time this week, till then ……
He smiles to himself once more, you most certainly are a spitfire. But you’re also the best thing to ever come into his life, he hopes one day he’ll be able to tell you so.
End of your second week, it’s rushed by so fast and you can’t believe your already in Jacksonville Florida. Today your sat on the beach it’s much warmer here, no sign of any autumn breeze and the sunny weather bringing many people to the beach. Your currently writing to your dad again while listening to the soft waves crashing onto the shore. Finishing his letter you once again start writing one to Negan,
Dear Negan,
What a week I’ve had! Can you believe I’m already in Florida? Today I’m sat on Jacksonville beach watching the waves crashing. It’s much busier here and much warmer, apparently there’s a swell coming in tomorrow so I may try surfing. I’ll be sure to send you both some hilarious pictures, of me falling on my face.
I’m staying two nights here in a hotel overlooking the beach, the buildings here on the coast are like mini skyscrapers. I think they may be too tall, it ruins the feel of the place. My next move may be Orlando Disney, I’ve always wanted to go! May even get made into a Disney princess! Because hey you only live once, which one should I go for?
I’m starting to really miss you both, how’s my dad coping? I hope my boys are looking after each other,
Well I’m going to go find somewhere for dinner, speak soon.
Getting up you brush the gritty sand off your legs, setting out on a mission to find somewhere to post these letters. After exploring a few busy streets, you see it, Bingo! You spot the blue metal of the US postal boxes, slotting in your letters before finding a diner to eat dinner in.
Back home 48 hours later Negan received your second letter, “my boys” he reads, the thought of being yours makes his cheeks flush, and his heart quicken. He feels like a teenage boy again at 52 years old, he’d be yours in a heartbeat if you’d ask him. But he knows it’s out of the question, your his best friends kid, and what would you want with an old man? Your so beautiful and he doesn’t feel he’s got much to offer you at this point of his life. Even so he will allow himself to enjoy these letters, living in a little daydream for a while.
After pacing his kitchen for a good ten minutes he decides he has to talk to you, the words “my boys” still swirling around his head. Giving in and pulling out his phone he sends you a text,
Hey sweetheart
I remember Jacksonville well, I visited about 15 years ago now. I went to a work conference there. Your right the buildings are too tall beside the ocean, definitely not one of my favourite beaches.
Surfing? How did that turn out I’m still waiting on this photo.
“Your boys hey” I like the sound of that darlin. But yeah I’m making sure your dad cooks for himself, and I fixed his lawn mower for him, so your gardens looking a lot better now!
Make sure you continue to stay safe sweetheart, I hope you enjoy Disney, but you don’t need to dress up to be a princess you’ve always been one.
His heart is beating rapidly in his chest as he opens your reply,
Hey Negan
Actually I did ok surfing, I managed to stand up and everything lol
He opens the slightly blurry image of you standing up on a large longboard, big smile on your face. You look so beautiful and so happy.
So as you can see, not a complete disaster! I went to Disney world yesterday, it was great fun but all in all too many people about. I’ve set off west now aiming in a general direction of New Orleans, as I’ve always wanted to go. I think it may take a week or two to get there though!
And don’t worry I will be careful I promise. You’ll always be my boys
He smiles to himself you were going to be the death of him, he was sure of it.
Ok sweetheart
Look at you! You’re a natural! Well I’ll wait with bated breath until your next letter, I think you should send two a week I Think one a week is just too long to wait for sweet cheeks.
Ok Negan
Two it is, I’m off to bed now
He grins, two letters a week, he feels all important now. He wonders if your dad will also get two letters a week? Or if he really is special enough to be the only one.
A few weeks pass in a blur, you keep your promise to Negan and write to him twice a week. Not only that you both text constantly and have started video calling frequently too. Your currently walking through the vibrant streets of New Orleans with your phone in hand, on video call to Negan as you show him the current festivities happening. “Look at the colours Negan! I’ve never seen anywhere so bright and colourful, and the musics been incredible.” You ramble off excitedly, “Yeah I can see that sweetheart, I wish I was with you right now it looks incredible” he replies.
“I wish you were with me too, it’s amazing! I’ll have to bring dad here at some point.” You gush,
“Yeah maybe we should all plan a trip” he replies and you nod along, “Yeah that sounds good!”
“So where are you off too next?” Negan asks, “Well I’ve booked to stay two weeks on this women only ranch just outside Austen Texas, so I’m going to enjoy a slower pace for a couple of weeks, I’ll get to go riding everyday and read books in the sun” you answered, “That sounds like a good plan sweetheart, you haven’t slowed down in weeks.” Negan hums, truth be told you were looking forward to slowing down for a bit, it’s been a full on couple of months, and as much as you’ve enjoyed it you’ve burnt yourself out a little.
Back at your hotel room you and Negan chat over video call for hours, you admire him as he throws his head back in laughter, while laying back on his couch. You're sat cross legged on your bed, window open so you can see and hear the ongoing festivities outside, the cheerful jazz music floating around your room.
“I can’t believe I’ve been away two months now, it’s gone so fast”, it hasn’t felt fast to Negan, it’s felt like every hour has dragged on without you home. Nights with your dad are much quieter, and your presence is constantly missed. “Yeah sweetheart” he agrees half heartedly, and you sense the change in his tone. “Everything ok?” You ask, voice laced with concern. “Of course darlin we just miss you is all” Negan admits.
“I miss you too you know, life on my own has definitely been quiet. It’s why I enjoy these video calls so much, it almost feels like your here, like it’s a normal Friday night Just without the beers and pizza” you laugh.
His heart warms at your confession, slowly over these weeks he’s noticed little things. The way you look at him, or the way your face lights up when you answer his calls, your letters have become sweeter too. He allows himself to truly hope, that maybe you return his feelings. He’s in half a mind to jump in the car and meet you on your travels, take you into his arms and lay it all out, tell you how he feels and hope you say you feel them too. But his mind always falls back to your Dad, his best friend of nearly 30 years. How would he take it, would he ever talk to him again? Would he forbid him ever seeing you again? It’s these thoughts that stop him ever taking anything further than flirty remarks, and terms of endearment, but god does he wish he could just take you in his arms, feel your skin against his own as he spends all night worshiping your body like the goddess you are.
“Negan…..Negan are you with me” your voice cuts through his daydreaming, “Yeah sorry sweetheart, must be getting tired it’s past this old man’s bedtime” he teases. You huff out a small giggle “You’re not old Negan” you reply. “I’m 52 darlin, I’m nearly at the end of middle aged” Negan groans, you shake your head in disagree “Nope I don’t agree”, “Well I’ll take that” Negan laughs, “We should get some sleep though, it’s like 1am! Night Negan”
“Night Beautiful”
As the call ends you sit there shocked, that’s new, he just called you beautiful! He’s never used that pet name before, usually it’s darlin or sweetheart. Butterflies erupt in your stomach and you can’t help the smile that tugs at your lips. You fall asleep that night with the smile never leaving, listening to the distant hum of jazz.
The ranch is beautiful, picturesque like a postcard. You feel like you’ve stepped into some country and western film, you’re currently sat under a large tree watching the horses gallop about the pens. There’s a few other women staying at the ranch with you, and you’ve enjoyed getting to know them. One is a lot older than the rest of you, her name’s Frances, she’s been cooking for you all and mothering everyone.
It’s been nice, you weren’t used to a motherly woman being in your life. You’ve told her so too, told her about your life and that your dad raised you alone. She’s been a great listener, she brought up her two sons and how she couldn’t understand a mother ever leaving her children, she could never. When she asked if there was anyone special in your life, you’d bitten your lip and done your best to redirect the conversation. After much convincing you’d told her there was a man who held your affections, but he was much older than you. So it wasn’t an easy situation, but she’d told you there’s no age restrictions on love, so long as both parties involved were adults and felt the same.
It lead you to hope, that maybe you and Negan could maybe one day be something. You were starting to also hope that maybe he felt the same way you did, he had called you beautiful after all.
Taking out a pen and paper you began writing your letter’s.
Dear Negan
This ranch is beautiful, even in the sweltering heat it’s like something out of an old movie, there’s other women here too so it’s been nice to get to know them and make some friends.
I’m currently watching this black horse run through the field, he’s almost ethereal the way he moves. He looks so free, no worries in the world, and I fell like I’m witnessing his wildest joys and deepest secrets.
There’s a lovely lady here called Frances, she’s been like the mother hen to everyone. I’ve had many chats with her, especially about mum. She couldn’t understand how she just left me, said she never could leave her children. I do wonder if she ever thinks about me at all? Maybe she does, or maybe she just moved on with her life and never looked back.
I talked about you too, how important you are in my life too. I’ve been thinking a lot recently. Anyways I’ll send another letter soon.
With Love
After sealing the letter you wondered if you should send it, had you made things too obvious? Maybe you needed too to see if there was something there? With a deep breath you dropped it in the postal box, placing it to the back of your mind for now, before joining the rest of the girls for the activities for the day.
Just two days later Negan received your letter, reading the words he felt incredibly sad. You were hurting he could tell, he doesn’t understand how your mother left you either, she’d never know how incredible the girl she brought into the world turned out to be.
Because you were, you’re incredible. So kind, loyal, brave with a determination he’s never witnessed before, and you were so beautiful beyond compare. So yeah she was the one who had missed out, missed watching that baby girl become the most amazing woman. Something himself and your Dad had never taken for granted, even only really getting to know you these last four years, he’s seen you change and thrive becoming the amazing person you are today.
He’s glad you’re making friends along the way though, he was worried you were starting to get a bit lonely being alone for so long. Still the thought of coming to the ranch himself and holding you in his arms was so compelling right now, you were sad and he felt such a great need to make you smile, or hold you as you cried. You deserve the world, he hopes he can show you that someday.
His heart lurches at the thought of you talking about him, and thinking about him? Thinking how? Is that a confession? Or just you missing home? He would call you later, see what he can coax out of you.
You were sat on the porch watching the sunset, the sunsets down south were the most beautiful you’d ever seen, the oranges and yellows shine over the whole landscape, painting the buildings and your skin in a warm orange glow. As you were admiring the skies your phone started buzzing, removing it from your jeans pocket you smile seeing Negan's name flash up.
“Hey Negan, how are you? Sorry it’s been a little while since we’ve called, I’ve noticed only certain areas get signal” you explain as you answer the video call.
Smiling at you “That’s ok sweetheart, I understand, you’re out in the sticks no one gets phone signal there. How are you doing darlin? I got your letter today and I thought I’d call you”
“Yeah I’m ok, I felt sad for a little while thinking about mum, but I’ve realised how lucky I am to have the people I do in my life. I have people who love me and some people don’t have that.” You admit.
“It’s ok to feel sad though sweetheart, what she did to you wasn’t right and it’s ok to be hurt by that, but yeah you are loved, sometimes I don’t think you know how much your loved sweet girl, your dad, your grandma, myself, we adore you, you’re not alone not ever and I hope you know that.” Negan assures.
Tears well up in your eyes, you swallow a large gulp before answering him “Thanks Negan I needed to hear that” you admit.
“Anytime baby girl”
A small creak behind alerts you of someone’s presence, “Sorry love I just came to tell you dinners ready, if you’d like to join us” Frances explains.
“Oh yeah please, I’ll just be a moment” you answer, she nods walking back into the barn.
“Well it looks like I have dinner to attend” you laugh, “Ok beautiful, enjoy your dinner I’ll speak to you soon” “Yeah speak soon” you smile, hanging up the phone you stand up and dust yourself off before heading inside.
Frances meets you at the doors with a knowing smile, “Was that him?” She asks, blushing you look downwards, “Yeah that’s him” you admit. She nods before saying “Marry that man girl, if he looks at you like that, and speaks to you like that, you’d be a fool not too”. You gasp “How much did you hear?” She gives a gentle laugh, “Enough. Now come on in and eat” she guides you inside, but your whole stomachs fluttering now, and you don’t know how much you will actually be able to eat.
It was the morning you were leaving the ranch, you felt sad to be going. It had been such a positive experience being here with these women, you’d made some friends and you have exchanged numbers with Frances, who would love to stay in contact. Hugging everyone goodbye you waved your last farewell as you entered your car, today you’d be starting your trip to Los Angeles. Although you didn’t think you’d want to visit Hollywood, you had mapped out some lovely vineyards and beaches.
Starting the engine you made your way off the ranch and onto your next adventure. Driving down the highway you turned you music up, opening the windows letting the wind whip at your hair, singing along to your favourite song. Determined to enjoy every aspect of your road-trip, including the tedious highways.
You made it as far as the Texas/ New Mexico boarder before pulling into a motel for the night. Once you were settled in your room you pulled your phone out and called your dad, “Hey baby girl! Long time no speak, where have you been! Only one letter in two weeks and no phone calls! I’ve been worried!” Your dad stresses.
“I’m so sorry Dad the ranch had nearly no signal, Negan managed to call once while I was there, I think I found a fluke spot that evening, because I couldn’t get through to either of you again” you explain.
“That’s alright honey, I just worry, you know I do! How have you been? I didn’t know you spoke to Negan, do you call each other often?” He asks, and you can tell the confusion in his tone.
“Umm yeah we talk a couple of times a week I guess, same as you and I talk. I think he likes to know what I’m up too. I’m good yeah thanks dad been super busy though, but yeah I’m having a great time, how have you been doing?” You answer.
“Yeah no complaints here, I miss you though. House is too quiet without you kiddo, and it’s ok I just didn’t know the two of you were talking, he’s never said anything to me. Other then the fact you send him the occasional letter too” your dad explains.
“Yeah I write to you both, as per requested” you laugh before adding “I hope your looking after yourself though dad, and actually cooking? Not ordering take out every night. I do worry about you both when I’m not there, you don’t have the best eating habits” you giggle.
“Hey we are doing just fine! I did a BBQ the other day we even had salad!” You dad defends.
Laughing out loud now you reply “Oh some salad too! Well I don’t know why I was worrying then”
“Oi little miss, I do just fine! I managed to cook for you ok growing up!” He argues playfully.
“Yeah I know dad I know, I’m just teasing, well I’m glad you doing good, I’m going to head to bed it’s been a long day, lots of driving” you admit.
“Ok kiddo sleep tight”
“Will do night dad”
Ending the call you lay back on the bed and sigh, your dad seemed so confused about you talking to Negan, you hope you didn’t give your feelings about the man away? Nah he was probably just surprised. It will be fine, you think.
After getting ready for bed your phone starts buzzing again, you glance at it sat on the bedside table. ‘Video call from Negan’ grinning you answer the call “Hey!”, “Hey beautiful, how is your journey going?” You admire him for a second, dimples showing as he grins through the phone at you, why does he have to be so beautiful, “Yeah it’s going well I’m on the Texas/ New Mexico boarder, in a small town called Eunice I think. I’m in a small motel, I’ll be carrying on towards Los Angeles in the morning” you answer.
He’s walking about his kitchen, tidying up and nodding as you speak. You love the domestic feel to it, you wish you were there with him, just doing ordinary household chores. “That’s good! You’re making great time sweetheart. And at least now you have signal” he laughs, “Yeah there’s great service here, so what have you been up too?” You ask, “Not much darlin, just work. Some poor guy came in last week with a blown head gasket, it’s taking a lot of time to fix it. So I’ve been at the garage long hours this week. Other than that not a lot, Bill is trying to set me up on some date with his wife’s friend, but I’m not too sure” he admits.
Your stomach sinks at that, a date, no don’t go on a date you think, especially not when I’m thousands of miles across the country and can’t do anything to help stop it. Your heart is pounding in your chest, but you try to keep yourself together. “Yeah?” You ask, voice sounding way more strained than you hoped. “Yeah, you ok sweetheart?” He asks looking at you full of concern. “Yeah I need to umm go get some sleep it’s late and I’m exhausted” you blurt out in haste.
“Yeah ok darlin, goodnight”, “Night” you answer before quickly hanging up. Tears sting your eyes as you lay back on the bed, harshly rubbing the tears away you sit up, sod this I’m going for a drink, you determine. Pulling some jeans and a jacket on, you cross over the road to the local bar.
Entering the building the smell of stale beer and smoke hits you, wrinkling your nose in slight disgust you sit at the bar, “A beer please” you ask the bartender, who nods at you placing a bottle in front of you.
Across the country Negan can’t get your reaction out of his head. He was thinking maybe the date would be a good way to move on. Because you probably didn’t feel the same as him, he was delusional right? Thinking he saw signs that you wanted him. But you went from cheerful to distressed in seconds, now he doesn’t know, he could always ask you, he knows this. But he also knows he couldn’t deal with rejection, not from you. He sits down on his couch placing his head in his hands as he tries to make sense of it all.
You on the other hand have just stumbled back into your room after a few drinks, and you feel in your drunken state that your heads so much clearer. With the new found confidence the alcohol has given you, you pull out your phone and send Negan a text before passing out on your bed.
Don’t go on that date Negan, please don’t …I love you
The buzzing of his phone he’s pulled out of his thoughts, reading your message he’s sat in shock. You love him? Gods you love him! That’s it he needs to see you. Jumping up he rushes to pack a bag, throwing as much as he can fit in the duffle. Moving to grab his keys, phone, charger and passport. A flight to you will be the quickest way!
Leaving the house he sends you a message back,
Don’t go anywhere sweetheart, I’m on my way! Xx
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wooahaeruby · 2 months
Chapter 17: When the Sun Shines
Chapter Word Count: 4,158
Hi sorry, I've been busy with work! I apologize for note posting!
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Things were good, maybe a little too good, but good nonetheless. 
Since the night of the gala, the bruise on your arm had flourished and it was annoying to cover with longer sleeved blouses in the blistering summer heat, but you were able to manage. Seokmin or Jeonghan took turns driving you home from work each evening as usual. Jeonghan was more of the mentality of little dinner dates while Seokmin knew how much you enjoyed just getting home and relaxing. It was nice, having your best friend and crush always with you. They held together stressful days and tired nights. Jeonghan and you still weren’t exactly exclusive, which was fine, you kinda liked the slow, steady pace you were going at. He had even opened up some about his past which surprised you. 
“All I’m saying, Jeonghan, if you have a dark, evil, villain backstory, I won’t judge.” You had joked, enjoying the sweet treat of ice cream that you suggested and happily paid for. “I’ve told you a bit of mine.” 
“Your life was fucked up due to trauma and a failed support system, mine is fucked up because I was poor as hell.” He pointed at you with his spoon, rolling his eyes. “My story, which in turn is kinda Shua’s and Cheol’s story, is a lot more simple than what it seems. The three of us lived just outside the city, a low income area and all. My sister was adopted by a nice couple when she was young after our parents died but I was taken in by Kihyun’s mom and dad, his brother is….kinda…so the yakuza? Yeah, that’s real. Anyway, Cheol and I went to school together, he was also living on a tight paycheck to paycheck with his parents.. Joshua was last to move into the area with his mom.” 
You nodded along, sitting close to his side as he continued to explain between spoonfuls of ice cream. 
“Kihyun’s parents worked over sixty hours each and Joshua’s parents were almost never home between work so the four of us were thick as thieves. Cheol, Shua, and I were in our last years of highschool at the time when Kihyun’s mom got sick and his family and I couldn’t afford the medical care to cover all the bills. She passed away and his dad ended up drinking so any money was sparse. We kinda…” He sighed as he thought back, leaning against your side and resting his head against your head. “All three of us, Cheol, Kihyun and I, ended up being runners for this little group of druggies. Then when Shua’s dad lost his job, he ended up joining us to help his family out. We got paid well but Kihyun’s dad continued to drink until it killed him. Then suddenly we didn’t have a home, no family, we moved into the city. Cheol, Kihyun, Shua and I were crammed into a shitty one bedroom apartment for a while.
Shownu, or Shepard, made MX while slowly taking our old bosses' clients, Cheol was starting plans to make SVT. Kihyun he…How do I explain this…He started to influence Shownu into some really fucked up and crazy shit, killing people, stealing, all that. Cheol had this big, blow out fight with Kihyun and Shownu that ended with him in the hospital from them beating him badly…We stepped out rather quickly and were kind of on our own, Shua’s basement became the closest thing to a home since we had to leave the apartment. We were just three friends that were trying to find a place in the world.” 
With your dessert finished, you wrapped your arm around his waist, holding him close protectively. You couldn’t imagine how this could have been weighing on him for so many years, let alone not telling much to the group. 
“Somewhere along the lines we found the rest of SVT. It all gets blurred together over time. We stuck together through thick and thin though. Then Cheol was contacted by a lawyer regarding his estranged grandfather’s estate since he was the only family left and got a lot – and I mean a lot – of money. He invested it into the shipping company that took off as a big manufacturer and we started building our clientele for the ‘mafia’. The others were just little ducks that followed us and it just…happened. We only harm to protect what’s ours and yeah it’s all illegal and demanding but it’s…” 
Jeonghan lifted his head from yours and glanced at you. You faced him easily, seeing the serious glint in his eyes. 
“I’m fucked up for saying this but all of it; SVT, the stealing, the smuggling, all the expensive and stolen stuff we have…I wouldn’t trade it for the world. It’s fun. It’s exhilarating. It makes me feel alive.” 
Thinking back, you understood everything he said to a point. Their lives were already hell from the start, they drew every short end of the stick. They had to do what was needed to survive. Did you condone everything they did? No, you probably never would, but with the adversity you had seen and faced, you could see how the thirteen of them got into this life and stayed in it. You didn’t know about the rest of them but if it was anything like the oldest three, your heart hurt a little.
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“I need advice!” Jeonghan pushed the door open to Seungcheol’s office at the penthouse. 
Seungcheol slowly raised his head from the file in his hand. Seungkwan and Jihoon stood before Cheol’s desk while Mingyu was sitting on the couch, his first day back on the job thanks to the boring month and half rest he got. 
“We are in the middle of a meeting, Jeonghan.” He sounded annoyed, dropping the papers on the desk. 
“And I’m having a crisis!” Dramatically, Jeonghan dropped himself on the couch beside Mingyu who snorted and patted the older man’s head. “And Shua will be here in five minutes to listen with you.” 
Seungcheol ignored him and looked back to the younger three in the room. “Since Mingyu is still on light duty, he can handle the paperwork of the clubs. Seungkwan, I want you on promotions for them and handling the outgoing shipments for Pledis . Jihoon, we have a cargo coming in soon with supplies for Pledis as well, make sure everything is accounted for.” 
Each of them nodded at their tasks and none of them moved yet. Seungcheol skimmed the file down on his desk, resting his chin on his palm.
“Scheduled shipments out to our clients start next week. No new cargo is coming in until two weeks from now. That’s all for the time being, dismissed.” 
With another nod, Mingyu, Jihoon, and Seungkwan left the room, the door shutting firmly behind them. Jeonghan sighed loudly – dramatically – and Seungcheol balled up a blank sheet of paper, tossing it at the younger man and it hit him on the head.
“What advice do you need, idiot?”
“I wanna wait for Shua.” Jeonghan pouted and Seungcheol was tempted to throw more than just a piece of paper at him once more. 
“First you barge into my office when I’m holding a meeting. Now you are wanting to wait for Joshua for some mid-life crisis? Why am I friends with you?” 
Jeonghan lifted his head, looking at Seungcheol then rolled his eyes. “Because no one else can tolerate your bullshit.” 
“I’m going to punch you.” 
“I need to stop letting Mouse hang around you. She is starting to sound like you.” 
“Maybe I'm a better influence than you are.” 
Jeonghan was ready to spring up in his own defense but Joshua’s entrance cut him off. “Why was I texted, ‘ 911, I’m dying’ ?” 
“Because I am!” Jeonghan shot up to his feet, stomping his feet childishly. “How do I ask Mouse to be my girlfriend properly?!” 
Joshua and Seungcheol shared a look, both unamused and apathetic. They had an unspoken conversation that Jeonghan couldn’t discern which only made him stomp his feet again. 
“Words! Use words!” 
“Do you wanna smack him or am I?” Joshua asked, disregarding the whining that came from Jeonghan. 
“Last time I think I did so he’s all yours.” Seungcheol waved a hand, motioning for Joshua to do the job. 
The youngest of three moved quickly and jabbed Jeonghan playfully in the side and got him into a loose headlock that Jeonghan didn’t even bother to fight. Jeonghan continued to whine and went limp, dead weight against Joshua’s body. Much to his dismay, Joshua gave Jeonghan a noogie and the older elbowed him in the stomach to be released, holding his head. 
Seungcheol laughed, loud and carefree, throwing his head back. Joshua stepped back, hands up in defeat, nose and eyes scrunched up in a wide smile laugh. 
“I’m being serious here! I need help! Stop laughing!” With a groan of aggravation, Jeonghan punched Joshua in the arm (he didn’t even flinch) and tossed the ball of paper at Seungcheol. “You guys suck!” 
“Just-” Cheol tried to catch his breath, shoulders shaking still. “Just ask her out, moron-” 
“It is literally one of the easiest things you can do.” Joshua chimed in, sitting back on the couch. “Just take her out to a nice place and bring her home, at her doorstep just…” Joshua cleared his throat and did the best impersonation of Jeonghan he could. “Mouse, will you be my girlfriend?” 
That had Cheol roaring in laughter once more, hitting his fist on the desk. 
“God- Who knew the great Jeonghan would be freaking out over asking Mouse of all people out-” 
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He was nervous.
Sitting across from Mouse at a more upscale restaurant than they’d typically go to, Jeonghan was trying to keep his leg from bouncing. She was talking animatedly about a game where she was going against Wonu and absolutely wiped the floor with him. Something about a ‘one v one’ and characters named Sett (who Mouse ‘mained’) and Sylas (who Wonu picked). There was something thrown in there about a pool party skin and something about Wonwoo being a furry. He was paying attention, he swore he was focused on her words, but he couldn’t remember the game those characters were from at the moment because she was so damn distracting.
She looked really pretty. Like really pretty. When Jeonghan picked her up from her apartment, he knew he was done for. It was just a black dress, it was the simplest of things, but it hugged her body well, stopping mid-thigh. The neckline was straight but the almost bishop type sleeves made with black sheer fabric was stunning on her. The rose gold details in the jewelry had him quaking in his shoes.
He wanted to wine and dine her tonight before walking her all the way back to her apartment door and asking her to be his girlfriend officially. After his bullying session from Seungcheol and Joshua, Jeonghan reached out to Seokmin…and Seungkwan to see if they had any other advice which all boiled down to the same thing; take Mouse out to a nice dinner, share a dessert, and when he brought her home, ask her out. It was a simple thing to do, but his heart was fluttering and there were butterflies in his stomach, sending shivers down his spine. 
“Do you want to share something for dessert?” The question piqued Mouse’s interest and she nodded, leaning her elbows on the table and holding her head in her palms. 
“I’d love to, what do you want?” 
“What do you want?” He countered, mimicking her position. 
She snickered and hummed quietly. “I will not lie. The menu said there were chocolate lava cakes and I’ve been thinking about it all dinner.”
“Then lava cake it is.” He was quick to flag down the waitress and ordered it, settling back into the held up head position she was still sitting in. 
“You look tired, Han.” Her voice was soft, reaching out to brush a few strands of his hair out of his face. “Have you been sleeping?” 
“Ah~ Don’t worry about it. Things have been busy the past couple days. Once things settle I’ll be sure to rest.” 
She didn’t look that pleased with his answer but withdrew her hand. “You better or I’m telling Shua.” 
“You love it.” She snarked back and he snickered. 
“A match made in hell.”
She covered her mouth to laugh, her shoulders shaking and she curled up on herself. 
The waitress was quick to bring the dessert, placing the plate down. Jeonghan was quick to lean back in his seat and Mouse followed, folding her hands on the table. He watched as her eyes lit up, her gaze never leaving the heavenly dessert until it was placed down and the waitress walked away. When she lifted her eyes to his, he melted a bit inside. Mouse looked so happy and downright adorable. 
Sharing the dessert was more a grumble of hums and Mouse wiggling happily in her seat. Jeonghan was savoring every spoonful of ice cream and chocolate cake, but more importantly, watching Mouse enjoy herself. The nerves in his stomach were still present but the more he mentally hyped himself up, the more confident he felt in everything or well…unless Mouse said no to being his girlfriend, then he would rather be home, eating really shitting junk food, and curling up with someone because he would need emotional support. 
“Are you okay?” Mouse spoke up, holding one of his hands between both of hers as he drove her home. 
He peered at her from the corner of his eye and he snickered. “I’m fine, Mouse.” 
She pouted, drawing small patterns on his palm. “You seem distracted.” 
Am I being that obvious? He mentally scolded himself. 
“Have I? I doubt that~” He laced his fingers with hers, pulling into the parking garage for her building. “I’m just a busy man, Mouse.” 
Before she got a chance to respond, Jeonghan exited the car and rounded over to her side, pulling the door open. Mouse took his hand when he reached out and Jeonghan smiled, pulling her up gently. Walking up to her apartment, he stayed close, swinging their joined hands which made her laugh under her breath and smile. 
“Mouse- Y/N…” Jeonghan stopped her once she unlocked her door, taking a deep breath in. She looked uneasy at the mention of her name. 
He paused, taking both of her hands into his, biting his lip nervously. “Look I-” He met her eyes, running his thumbs over her knuckles. “I’ve been taking all of this slow and I’ve really enjoyed every single date, the movie nights at the house with everyone, and just spending time with you. It’s been amazing and it warms my heart a lot…I was wondering if you’d like to officially…be my girlfriend.” 
The fast beating of his heart was making him lightheaded. 
Mouse’s face shifted from a look of concern to bright red cheeked and flustered. Her eyes were open wide and her mouth hung open the slightest bit but she didn’t say anything. Anxiety bubbled in his chest, thinking the absolute worst- 
“I-” She pushed out the breath she held in then smiled, nodding her head quickly. “Yeah. Yes, Jeonghan. I’d love to be your girlfriend.” 
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Jeonghan looked…too happy coming home from his date with Mouse. 
Seungcheol had been sitting on an armchair, legs kicked up on the coffee table with Wonwoo and Mingyu sitting on the other couch. He was watching the two of them play something on the taller man’s Switch when Jeonghan floated in from the garage, it was weird. He was humming to himself as he went to the fridge, getting himself a bottle of water and leaning against the counter, ignoring his friends. 
Cheol looked to Wonwoo who turned back from peering at Jeonghan and he raised a brow, almost asking if he knew anything. Wonwoo’s flat expression shifted into a smirk, pulling out his phone and quickly tapping away. For a moment he paused and his nose scrunched up in a muted laugh.
“Finally!” Seokmin’s voice was heard down the hall and a fast footfall followed. “It took you long enough!” 
Snorting in amusement, Seungcheol watched as Seokmin barreled into the room and stood opposite of Jeonghan at the kitchen island. 
“Don’t finally me, I didn’t want to fuck it up.” Jeonghan shot back, downing some of the water. “I thought I was going to shit myself with how nervous I was the entire night.” 
“It couldn’t have been that bad.” Seokmin countered, leaning himself on his elbows. “Mouse is chill when it comes down to it. She was very happy when I talked to her on the phone earlier.”
Jeonghan waved his hand around subtly to find the words but sighed, a smile on his face. “She looks so pretty. Like…dude, she looked gorgeous and I kept staring because she was dazzling.”
Seungcheol and Mingyu both fake gagged. Wonwoo’s shoulders shook in another silent laugh. He watched as Jeonghan and Seokmin glared at them. 
“Shut up, my best friend is hot.” 
“Yeah, my girlfriend is hot!” Jeonghan stuck his tongue out childishly. 
That only made him and Mingyu gag again. 
“I feel like I'm in a frat house.” Jeonghan rolled his eyes. 
Wonwoo’s deep laugh rumbled. “Sometimes it smells like a frat house.” 
Seungcheol grabbed a pillow and flung it at the younger man across the living room. “Yah! Everyone at least showers regularly!” 
“And everyone forgets to do laundry until the last minute!” 
“You are always home in Pandora! You have the time to! Maybe I should make you do everyone's laundry!” Seungcheol threw his head back in laughter at the disgust that spread on Wonwoo’s face. 
“I would rather die.” 
“That’s what I thought.” Seungcheol shot Wonwoo a cocky smirk. 
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“Why did you bring me here?” You tossed the stress ball you found in the air, laying on the couch in the small office. 
“Because I’m bored, I have to look at paperwork, and I might as well bring a friend.” Mingyu sat behind the dark mahogany wood desk, a claw clip that he took from your bag earlier holding his hair back from his face. “Plus everyone is busy this weekend but you are free and I’m in the city.” 
Catching the ball and dropping your arm to hang off the couch, you leaned your head back to see his upside down form against the dark red accent wall, surrounded by the pitch black of the other walls. Mingyu was focused on the files he was reading, he had shrugged off his jacket when he led you through the back entrance to Ruby earlier, straight into the officer from the locked back staircase. 
Standing up, you lazed over to the large window that rested in the corner of the wall opposite of the desk Mingyu sat at. With no interference from the walkway to the left beyond the door beside the window, you overlooked the lower VIP area and a majority of the dance floor. The club was still closed, it was mid-afternoon on a Saturday, and the employees were spending plenty of time cleaning every inch of the building on Mingyu’s orders. As of right now, over an hour since arriving, looking down at the floor, no one was present unlike earlier when Mingyu first told them to get started. 
While glad you got out of the house, you wanted entertainment, something to do. Last weekend, Jeonghan and you had made everything official but he did say he’d be heading out of town this weekend with a group of the guys for business with Ateez. The only ones left in the city were Junhui, Minghao, Mingyu, Cheol, Wonwoo, and Jihoon, and you knew spending time with Mingyu or Minghao would be the best way to spend your time than with any of the others. You didn’t want to clean your apartment and if you were at the house you’d be cooking just to pass the time. 
Speaking of Ateez, Fennec , who you learned was named Wooyoung, was absolutely blowing up your phone. It wasn’t even actual stuff that mattered, most times it was memes or video game references that you did know but refused to admit. He wanted to hang out when his group and the youngest three got back, maybe bring some of Dreamcatcher members along. Now that you’ve seen inside Ruby, maybe you’d be able to snag seats at the very nice and very cushy upper VIP area that Jihoon books out for the filthy rich or mafia meetings . 
“This is boring.” Turning around to face Mingyu, he looked back at you with a pout and a roll of his eyes. 
“And what do you want me to do about that, Mouse? I have to finish all this before the club opens.” 
“Can I go downstairs?” 
“I don’t know, can you?” 
Your face dropped into a deadpan expression. “ May I punch you in the face? Please?” 
“Wah, Jeonghan is right, you are spending too much time around Cheol.” Mingyu sat back in the leather chair, mouth agape but a half smile on his spread lips. 
“What- I barely even see him half the time, he barely talks to me.” 
“But when you do, you gotta admit, you’d rather be throwing hands with him.” 
“Well- I mean-” You stammered, crossing your arms over your chest. “Cheol kinda does have a punchable face…”
“I’m telling Jeonghan-” Mingyu whipped his phone from his pocket, shifting oddly in his seat to get it out. “He is going to love this-” 
“I’ve already told him before…” 
Mingyu paused before his smile just spread wider and he laughed with his whole chest. He looked so bright and childlike in comparison to the professional crisp white, collar shirt and gray suit slacks. But he still looked dumb with the clip on the top of his head holding his hair back. “I need more tea nights with you, Minghao, and Seokmin.” 
“I can tell you all about how I whooped Wonu’s ass in League. Now get back to work, I’m going to see if anyone needs help downstairs.” 
“You don’t have to-” 
“Enjoy the paperwork~” 
Making your way out the door, the soft thrum of a non-lyrical beat quietly filling the space. The walkway was decently wide, a couple feet, boarded on the side with a half-wall and a small railing to protect anyone from going over the side of it. You ran your hand over the railing, following the path towards the stairs at the other end of the walkway, stopping at the stereotypical red ropes that ‘gated’ off the office from the upper VIP area. 
Unclasping the rope and securing it once more when past it, you took in the black and red scheme that bathed the area. The couches and tables were much nicer than the ones you could see downstairs, the lights were on but dim, feeding into whatever ambiance that Jihoon probably wanted to give off. With the half-wall beyond the walkway, it gave more privacy to the area above if patrons looked up, but anyone could stand by it and look down upon the masses that filled the floor below. 
No one was upstairs currently, the tables were shining and dust free, probably cleaned not that long ago. With nothing of interest, you walked towards the staircase, the same red rope that you got past, and headed down to the main floor. 
Standing at the foot of the stairs, you nodded to yourself as you took in the room. Under the overhang of the office and upper VIP area was the bar. Its center island held different tiers with decently priced liquors to some more expensive name brands near the top shelves. The outer counters were surrounded by plenty of cushioned, well maintained bar stools for patrons to occupy. From above the dance floor was huge, but being able to stand in the middle of it was weird. It probably didn’t feel as large when it was packed with bodies. With tables encompassing the outer edges of the room, you leisurely made your way around alongside them, hoping to find someone working to get something to do. 
“Ya, what are you doing?” Jihoon’s voice startled you and you whipped around to find where he was. Towards the front of the building, Jihoon stood at the double door entrance to the club, dressed in a crisp black button-up and matching black trousers. His hair was slicked back out of his face and the sleeves were being rolled up as he spoke. 
“I was bored.” Shrugging your shoulders, pointing up towards the office. “ ‘Gyu is doing work and I didn't want to sit around anymore.” 
“You want to help me with something then?” 
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forabeatofadrum · 9 months
A beautiful day in the neighbourhood
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Summary: Kurt goes home to Lima for the holidays. There, he meets his parents' new neighbours, the Andersons. Kurt specifically is drawn to their youngest son, Blaine.
Notes: Hello everyone! This is my Klaine Secret Santa gift for @twinkkurt! I was a bit nervous when I got your username, because I love your art so much and I, uh, wanted to impress you. I hope you like it. I really liked writing it.
An additional thanks to Beth @quizasvivamos, who helped with brainstorming the title.
Happy reading!
AO3 | S&C
Kurt’s staring out of the window of his parents’ house with a wistful smile on his face.
He loves New York with his whole heart, but he has to admit that Lima has its charm. Back when he was a teen, he never thought he’d think this way.
Maybe now that he no longer lives here, he’s able to look at it in a different way. It’s nice to be here, with the knowledge that he’ll eventually go back home. Besides, New York is too loud and eccentric and a part of Kurt thrives because of it, but another part of him has learnt to appreciate this quieter atmosphere of Lima.
Oh, and it helps that Kurt never has to run into anyone from high school ever again. All his closest Glee club friends have left Lima as well, so he has no reason to seek out anyone who might recognise him from school. No longer being a high schooler is definitely the biggest perk of living in New York. High school was the main reason he couldn’t ever appreciate the quiet life here, because his life was never quiet. He could never appreciate the small tight-knit community feel, because he didn’t feel like he was welcomed into it.
But now he’s an adult who only comes back to Lima every now and then to see family and friends who are also visiting.
Kurt sighs as he watches a neighbour walk his dog. The neighbour sees him staring and smiles and waves. This truly is different from the rapid pace of the big city. His neighbour in New York barely gives him the time of day and she’s moving out within a few days. Kurt will not miss her. This man, on the other hand, has already shown Kurt more kindness in these few seconds than the other neighbour has in years.
Also, Kurt’s never seen this man in his life. He certainly doesn’t remember him.
“That’s Mr. Anderson,” Kurt hears.
He looks over his shoulder. His dad is sat on the sofa with a book open on his lap, but he also noticed Mr. Anderson walking past the house.
“Is he new in the neighbourhood?” Kurt asks.
His dad nods.
“Yes, he and his wife moved here a couple of weeks ago from Westerville. Apparently they had been planning on moving to a smaller house ever since their youngest son moved out.”
“And they moved to a random suburb in Lima, of all places?” Kurt asks, bemused.
His dad barks out a laugh.
“I know it’s hard to believe for a big city lover, but people still willingly move to the Midwest,” his dad says with a jokey tone.
Kurt moves away from the window and forgets about Mr. Anderson. Instead, he cosies up against his dad and he watches a rerun of Drag Race. His dad keeps reading, since he’s not bothered by the noise. Carole later comes into the living room and when she sees Drag Race is on, she eagerly joins Kurt.
This is what Kurt loves about Lima.
This is what he misses the most when he’s in New York.
This is also one of the moments he misses his brother, but he doesn’t want to bring it up when Carole is trash-talking the judging section. Besides, Kurt’s pretty certain she misses him too at this moment. It goes unsaid.
He and Carole watch three episodes in a row when the doorbell rings. It’s the delivery of groceries. Kurt’s dad gives the delivery person a huge tip to celebrate the holidays and the three of them put them away while chatting about the holiday plans. Tomorrow, some extended family members are coming over for Christmas and Kurt and Carole are going to cook a grand meal for everyone, while Kurt’s dad is going to set up a makeshift bar.
Everyone is going to be perfect.
But when Kurt and his family are finished putting away the groceries, Kurt realises that they’re missing an ingredient.
“Rosemary! Carole, we are missing the rosemary!” Kurt exclaims. He checks the receipt again, but it really isn’t on it. Which is good, because then they also didn’t pay for it, but they need the rosemary.
Carole realises she forgot to order it, which can happen, but now Kurt’s fucked.
“Calm down, Kurt,” his dad says, “I will drive to the store tomorrow morning before the guests arrive.”
“I appreciate it, dad,” Kurt pouts, “But Carole and I need to start now, because it needs to be in the fridge overnight!”
“Ah. That’s… a problem,” his dad admits.
But then Carole lets out a small gasp.
“Wait a second! Burt, doesn’t Pam have a little herb garden?”
Kurt’s dad thinks it over.
“Yes, she does,” he answers, “But it’s winter, Carole.”
“But she might have some that she’s harvested earlier in the year,” Carole points out, “And Pam is a more experienced gardener. If there’s a way to keep rosemary alive in winter, then she’d know it!”
“Oh, you have a point there. Can we ask if she has some to spare?”
“I think we can just ask her. She wouldn’t mind,” Carole continues, “Kurt can go, because he knows how much we need. He found the recipe on the internet!”
“Brilliant,” his dad says, “Great plan, Carole.”
“That’s why you’re married to me,” Carole jokes.
Kurt waves his arms to get his parents’ attention.
“Hi, hello,” he says, “I love this idea. Who’s Pam?”
“Pam Anderson, the new neighbour,” Carole answers.
“Mr. Anderson’s wife,” his dad adds for clarification.
“On it,” Kurt says.
Carole tells Kurt that the Andersons moved into the house left of theirs, which delights Kurt, since he never really liked Ms. Johnson and her weird grandson anyway. He grabs his coat, since it’s very cold outside, and tells his dad and Carole that he’d be back soon.
The Andersons have a festive wreath on their front door and it makes Kurt smiles. He rings the bell and waits for Mr. Anderson or his wife to open the door. He can already hear the dog bark and his smile widens.
The door opens and Kurt’s ready to introduce himself and ask if Pam is around, but when he sees the man who’s opened the door, he’s rendered speechless. It’s not Mr. Anderson, but it’s another man. He must be around Kurt’s age and he’s dressed in a cozy sweater with a cute checkered bowtie to top it all off.
Kurt’s dad mentioned that the Andersons have a son and this must be him. Kurt assumes he’s also visiting family for the holidays.
“Uh, hello?” the son asks after a short silence. He looks a bit confused and Kurt realises he’s standing on this porch in complete silence, staring at him.
Right. Not a great first impression.
Kurt quickly composes himself.
“Hi, uh, my name is Kurt,” he says and he mentally high-fives himself for being able to sound coherent, “My parents live next door. The Hummel-Hudsons.”
A look of understanding crosses the man’s face. Now Kurt is no longer a random person that came out of nowhere. That’s progress.
“Anyway, my stepmother said that your, uh, mother might have some spare rosemary? We don’t have any and we really need it for the recipe that we’re trying out.”
The man steps aside so that Kurt can come inside.
“Come on in, it’s too cold to wait outside.”
Kurt follows the man to the living room where he’s greeted by an enthusiastic dog. There are three other adults. Kurt recognises Mr. Anderson, but there’s also a woman, presumably Pam, and another man who looks slightly older than the son. The son and Kurt explain the situation and, as Carole predicted, Pam is eager to help out.
“Oh, I need to go outside to harvest some,” Pam says.
“If it’s too much of a hassle-”
“Nonsense,” Pam cuts him off, “I’ll be back in a jiffy. Blaine, can you find my easy shoes?”
“They’re probably still at the back door where you left them, iná,” the son, who’s apparently named Blaine, says.
“Smartass,” Pam jokes.
Kurt tells Pam how much he and Carole need and Pam goes outside. Kurt’s standing awkwardly in this family’s living room, but luckily, the dog takes an interest in him, so Kurt has something to do.
“You like pets?” he says while petting the huge Bernese mountain dog.
“Oh, she adores them,” Blaine says.
“Who’s a good girl?” Kurt coos.
“Well, she wasn’t a good girl earlier today when she made me walk five extra blocks,” the still unnamed man says, “She’s strong and doesn’t listen when she doesn’t want to.”
“She got that from you then, Cooper,” Mr. Anderson teases.
Kurt smiles. He likes this family. He can see they all treat each other kindly and that they are close, the same way his family works. Pam comes back with a handful of rosemary for Kurt and he thanks her profusely.
“No biggie,” she says, “Happy holidays.”
Blaine walks Kurt towards the door and they don’t say much, which is fine by Kurt, because then he has less opportunity to embarrass himself. He hopes he isn’t red in the face and if he is, then hopefully Blaine will think it’s because of the cold.
“Thanks again,” Kurt says and leaves.
Once he’s back in his own kitchen, he hands the herbs to Carole, who’s delighted. She’d already started meal prepping.
“Did you know that Mr. and Mrs. Anderson’s sons are visiting?” Kurt asks.
“Oh, no I wasn’t aware.”
“Me neither.”
“Have you met him- them before?”
“Only Cooper, the eldest,” his dad answers, “He helped his parents move in. The youngest couldn’t make it because of his studies. Cooper is… interesting.”
He and Carole share a private smile and Kurt needs to remind himself to ask about that later, but now he has a more pressing matter.
“And the youngest?”
Carole shrugs.
“Pam says he barely has time to visit, which everyone dislikes, but we get it.”
Kurt also gets it. He wishes he could be here with family more often.
“I did hear that he lives in New York as well!” Kurt’s dad says. Now, that is interesting. “Cooper lives in LA, and Blaine lives in New York. I mean, he’s called Blaine, right?”
He directs that last question to Carole, but Kurt answers it.
“Yeah, he’s named Blaine. I just met him.”
“Oh lovely,” Carole says, “What are the odds? Maybe you two can meet up in New York.”
“… I barely know him, Carole,” Kurt says quietly.
“So?” Carole says back, “Nowadays, people your age meet each other online. I don’t think that barely knowing anyone is a barrier these days.”
“She has a point,” Kurt’s dad adds.
“Alright. Alright,” Kurt says.
The truth is that it sounds nice to get to know Blaine a bit more. Kurt’s not stupid. He understands that he finds Blaine cute. It’s been a while since he met a guy who immediately renders him speechless, but Kurt also knows from experiences that looks aren’t everything. He’s here in Lima to see him family, not to jump on the neighbours’ son.
He and Carole continue their meal prepping and the conversation moves away from Blaine.
The next day is filled with joy. Kurt barely has time to see his dad and Carole, so he definitely doesn’t have time to see his extended family.
Everyone likes what he and Carole prepared and Carole points out that everyone should thank Pam as well.
After dinner, Kurt’s aunts prepare the desert and Kurt’s younger cousins beg him to go outside with them.
“Come on, it’s snowing!”
Kurt has to admit that snow also is more enjoyable here than in New York, because in New York, snow feels more like a nuisance blocking Kurt’s way. He’s constantly busy, getting from one place to the other. Here, Kurt has no reason to leave the neighbourhood today. They all go outside to make snow angels and what not.
Suddenly, Kurt hears a somewhat familiar voice.
“See, Squirt, people in this neighbourhood know where it’s at!”
Kurt follows the sound of the voice. Cooper is standing in the doorway of his parents’ house, decked out in winter clothes. Kurt can see Blaine behind Cooper and he’s shivering. He’s talking to Cooper, but he’s too far away for Kurt to understand.
“Coop, close the door,” Kurt can make out at one point.
Cooper says something back before going outside and closing the door behind him. Then he waves at Kurt.
“Hi, merry Christmas, forgive my stupid brother,” Cooper says loudly, probably so that Blaine can also hear it, “He’s a New Yorker, so he doesn’t appreciate snow enough. But I barely see this white goodness in my life, so I am out and about!”
“Tell your brother that I am also a New Yorker so he has no reason to stay inside,” Kurt jokes and Cooper’s eyes widen.
“Great idea!” he says and immediately goes back to the house.
Kurt and his cousins watch how Cooper’s locked out and how he’s demanding Blaine to let him in.
“Who is he?” one of Kurt’s cousins ask.
“Son of the new neighbours,” Kurt answers.
“Is he also coming out to play?”
“I think so.”
Cooper manages to get in and five minutes later, he and Blaine come outside. Cooper immediately bonds with Kurt’s younger cousins. Blaine stands aside and Kurt takes a deep breath. He can be sociable. He’s a kind neighbour!
“Hey,” he says casually.
“Not the biggest fan of snow, I hear?”
Blaine shrugs.
“I am, actually, but I just don’t feel like hanging out with my brother in the snow.”
“Why is that?” Kurt looks at Cooper, who’s started building a snow hut with Kurt’s cousins.
“He’s cool, pun intended, with other people, but ever since we were little he’d be kind of an ass. He’d try to put snow down my back, for example,” Blaine explains.
Kurt winces. That is kind of a dick move.
But at least he still has a brother. And even though Blaine sounds genuinely irritated, Kurt understands that Blaine doesn’t actually hate Cooper for the snow thing. After all, Blaine still could’ve stayed inside.
“You did come out here,” Kurt points out.
“I kind of have you to blame for that,” Blaine teases.
“Cooper said you’re from New York. I had been using my New York status against him.”
Kurt laughs.
“Oh, don’t get me started on snow in New York.”
“Pffff, yeah,” Blaine says, “Good thing the subway is underground, but getting there, trudging through a thick layer of snow? Hell.”
“Hah, yes!” Kurt says and they fall into a comfortable silence. They watch everyone else have fun, and Kurt has an idea. He bends down to make a little snowball and shows it to Blaine.
Blaine raises an eyebrow.
“Now that your brother is occupied with keeping my cousins busy… are you in for a snowball fight?”
Blaine has an amused look on his face.
“You know what. Why not?”
Kurt’s aunts asked everyone to come inside, since dinner is ready. Kurt and his cousins are huddled together around the table, getting warm again. Everyone had a lot of fun and time flew by. Kurt didn’t even realise that his aunts were asking him to come in, since he was running around like a madman, trying to hit Blaine with his massive snowball.
And now Kurt’s enjoying his desert, but he’s still thinking about Blaine. It was really fun, so maybe Carole is right. Maybe he can ask if Blaine wants to meet up in New York.
What’s the worst that can happen? Blaine can say no.
Okay, that thought is terrifying.
But he can also say yes.
Kurt doesn’t actually talk to Blaine the day after. He only sees him in the morning, when Blaine passes the window. It’s his turn to walk the dog. Kurt and Blaine wave at each other, but that’s it.
In the afternoon, Cooper walks the dog and in the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson take him out. Kurt’s almost sad when he doesn’t get the chance to wave at Blaine.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are out of sight and Kurt lets out a pathetic, sad sigh.
“Dear lord, just ring the bell already!” his dad says.
“What do you mean?” Kurt feigns ignorance, but he’s not surprised that his dad sees right through it. His dad has always known him the best.
“Don’t think I missed the smitten look on your face, kiddo,” his dad laughs, “Your thoughts were elsewhere. And your cousins mentioned that you and Blaine seemed to hit it off.”
“He is really nice,” Kurt admits.
His dad hums.
“And handsome.”
His dad hums again.
“And he lives in New York.”
“He does!”
Kurt looks outside again, because for a split second he stupidly believes he is in some Hallmark movie where Blaine appears outside his window to express his adoration.
There’s no one, obviously. He and Blaine have only known each other for a short time.
But as his dad and Carole point out, this doesn’t have to be the end of it. Kurt goes home to New York just before New Year’s and then he might meet up with Blaine and get to know him better.
Then Kurt thinks: Fuck it, he deserves a cute holiday romance.
“You know what, dad? I will go see him tomorrow.”
“Wonderful!” his dad says, and he’s so genuinely happy for Kurt, it makes Kurt’s heart swell.
“Burt says you’re going to ask Blaine from next door out on a date,” Carole says during breakfast and Kurt almost spits out his food.
“What?” his dad asks, not bothered at all.
“I didn’t say that,” Kurt quickly says, “I said I am going to ask if he wants to meet up once we’re back in New York.”
“With the intention of dating him.”
“With the intention of getting to know him,” Kurt corrects, although he mentally adds ‘and potentially date him later’, but his dad doesn’t have to know that yet, although as usual, his dad knows better.
“You can get to know him on a date,” Carole says, feigning innocence.
“Oh my god,” Kurt hides his head in his hands.
“Don’t mind us, Kurt,” his dad sounds amused, “Or, don’t mind Carole. I don’t want to invade your privacy. You do what you want to do.”
“Hey!” Carole says back.
“Oh my God,” Kurt repeats, with his head still in his hands, but he can feel the smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
He acts embarrassed, and maybe he is a little bit, but he’s also glad to have such a supportive family.
They really want him to be happy. Kurt knows so many people who don’t have it as good as him, so he’s not taking this for granted.
If Finn were still around, he’d volunteer to be Kurt’s personal wingman instantly.
“Alright, alright, I’ll keep you guys up to date,” Kurt relents, “I plan on seeing him later today.”
Kurt smells the opportunity for a little fashion moment, so he needs to make use of that. Most of his wardrobe is still in New York, but he likes to dress for the occasion, and asking his neighbours’ son to hang out is definitely a big one.
The conversation shifts to other topics, like his dad’s garage or Carole’s latest interest in diamond painting, and they finish their breakfast. Kurt helps out with the cleaning up and then it’s time to go up to his room to rummage through his limited wardrobe.
He’s going through his closet when the doorbell rings. Kurt doesn’t pay attention to it, because he can hear his dad moving around to open it, but his interested is piqued when his dad says it’s for him.
Kurt hastily puts on some clothes, since he was a bit undressed because he was trying on outfits, and he goes downstairs.
He stops halfway on the staircase when he sees Blaine in the hallway.
“Hey,” Blaine says.
“Hey?” Kurt says, unable to hide his confusion.
Oh, he also looks terrible. He picked the worst combination of clothes in his rush to get down.
Of course this happens to him when Blaine’s at the door. And don’t even mention his hair. It’s a monstrosity! Of course Blaine looks prim and proper.
“I’ll leave you two at it,” Kurt’s dad says and promptly turns around to leave, although once his back it towards Blaine, he winks towards Kurt.
The mix of embarrassment and happiness about his dad and Carole’s interest in Kurt’s love life returns.
“Hey,” Blaine says again.
“Oh. Hello,” Kurt finally comes down.
“I kinda wanted to talk to you before I leave.”
Blaine nods.
“I’m flying back to New York later today,” Blaine clarifies.
“I need to move apartments, so I couldn’t stay for longer,” Blaine continues.
“Which sucks, because I like seeing my parents.”
“Cooper not so much,” Blaine says, but again, Kurt can hear the jokey undertone.
Kurt smiles.
“But, uhm, I kinda wanted to ask if I could see you again? In New York, I mean? To, uh, chill?”
“To chill, huh?” Kurt says, amused, and Blaine turns a bit red.
“Weird choice of words,” Blaine agrees, “But what do you think?”
“Yes, sure,” Kurt tries to act casual and cool, but his mind is reeling. Blaine wants to see him too! Man, the moment Blaine’s out of the door, Kurt will probably jump up and down with excitement.
“Neat,” Blaine sounds relieved, “Can I have your number then?”
“Yeah!” Kurt answers and they exchange numbers.
“Alright. Cool. I mean, yeah, cool!” Blaine stumbles a bit over his words, which Kurt finds endearing.
“Cool,” Kurt echoes.
“Then see you soon!”
“See you soon,” Kurt says back.
Blaine leaves after that and as predicted, Kurt leans against the front door with a huge, disbelieved grin on his face. He might look like utter shit and his hair is a mess, but who cares, cause Blaine wants to hang out with him!
Kurt looks up to see Carole’s head peeking around the corner.
Kurt’s smile widens.
Kurt isn’t in a rush to get back to New York, since he wants to savour every moment with his family and he meets up with friends, but knowing that Blaine is waiting for him in New York does make him more eager to leave.
Okay, Blaine isn’t actively waiting for Kurt, but Kurt can dream, right?
They’ve texted a little bit over the past few days, but now that Kurt’s actually leaving, he sends more messages.
“Kurt, get off your phone! We need to say goodbye!” Carole scorns, but it’s nor serious. Besides, she has a point. His dad and Carole and about to drive home from the airport, and Kurt’s on his phone to text Blaine.
“Sorry,” Kurt pockets his phone.
“You’ll see him enough,” his dad says.
“Ideally, yes,” Kurt says with a smile. He’s shooting his shot.
Not immediately, though. He doesn’t want to come off as overeager. He’s going home now, then he’ll celebrate New Year’s tomorrow with some friends, and then he’ll see if he can meet up with Blaine.
He and his parents say goodbye. As usual, the hug between him and his dad lasts a long time, but it’s time for Kurt to go. This really is the worst part of going back home. He knows his dad and Carole will miss him too.
New York is messy, loud, and gorgeous.
He takes the elevator to his floor. Then, he stops in front of his door and casts a look to his neighbour’s door. There’s a new rainbow doormat in front of it, which Kurt sees as a confirmation that his shitty neighbour is truly gone.
Once he’s inside, he lets out a sigh of relief. He’s so ready to just unpack and relax. He’ll need to do some groceries later, but now he wants to “chill”, as Blaine said.
So that’s what he does. He unpacks, makes some coffee, and browses social media on his phone in peace. He texts Blaine, telling him he’s arrived home, and he also checks in with some other friends about tomorrow’s New Year’s plans.
Yet, life continues. Groceries are part of adult, independent life. There’s no grocery delivery here for Kurt, so Kurt sighs and decides to just do it instead of procrastinate, which is something he’s proud of. He put on appropriate winter attire and grabs a shopper.
When he’s outside and turns around to lock his door, the neighbour’s door opens. Kurt doesn’t really pay attention, since he needs to lock his door. He’s forgotten once before, so he always pays attention here.
Once everything’s locked up, he turns to his side to introduce himself, since unlike his previous neighbour, Kurt does have manners, but his words die in his throat.
Blaine is standing on the rainbow doormat with a surprised look on his face.
“Hello neighbour,” he’s the first to break the shocked silence.
“Long time no see-”
“What a surprise-”
It falls silent again, but it’s not an awkward silence. In fact, Kurt’s amused by this whole situation, because what are the odds? Blaine’s shocked expression has also been replaced by a more amused one.
“You’re my new neighbour,” Kurt sounds disbelieved.
“I see,” Blaine says back, “Hello, neighbour, again.”
The two of them laugh.
“I’m… going to go,” Kurt holds up his shopper.
“Oh,” Blaine opens the pocket of his jacket and takes out a folded up shopper, “Groceries?”
“Yes!” Kurt says. This is so weird. “I just got home from Ohio, so I have absolutely nothing.”
“I get it. Anyway, great to see you. I’m new here. Where do you get your groceries?”
“You haven’t done any grocery shopping since you moved here?” Kurt asks.
Blaine turns a bit red.
“Uh. No. I have.”
“Okay?” Kurt says with a frown.
“Sorry,” Blaine says and then lets out an awkward laugh, “This- I- Okay. I didn’t know how else to ask if you wanted to hang out now.”
Kurt’s eyes widen in surprise. Neither of them had made actual plans to “chill” yet. Kurt didn’t want to seem to eager, and Blaine hadn’t made any concrete suggestions yet.
Kurt’s down to hang out, even though he didn’t expect their first meet-up in New York to be for grocery shopping, but then he also didn’t expect Blaine to be his new neighbour.
“Sure,” Kurt says with a smile.
And that’s how they end at a coffee shop called Think Coffee instead of the grocery store. Kurt’s reasoning was that it’s easier to get coffee beforehand and before Kurt could apologise for randomly suggesting a coffee date (is it a date?), Blaine agreed to it.
Of course, they discuss how funny it is that their parents live next to each other, and now they also live next to each other.
“My dad mentioned that your family is originally from Westerville, I think?”
Blaine nods.
“Yes. Cooper and I went to a boarding school there, but we were day students. Do you know Dalton Academy?”
The name does ring a bell.
“From the Warblers?”
Blaine looks amazed.
“Yes!” he utters in disbelief, “That’s my former glee club!”
“Really?” Kurt asks, “I’m from the New Directions.”
Blaine shoots him a quizzed look.
“McKinley High, in Lima,” Kurt clarifies.
“… That sounds familiar.”
“This is insane,” Kurt says before taking a sip of his coffee. He needs to let this sink in. The day has certainly turned out to be different than expected.
“Yeah. I’m a Dalton boy.”
“And then your parents moved to Lima of all places, when you graduated.”
Blaine snorts.
“I know right?” he says, but then he smiles, “Although, it led to me meeting you, so I cannot hold it against them anymore.”
“I agree.”
“And you? Did you grow up in that house?”
Kurt shakes his head.
“No, but I did grow up in Lima. My dad got married to Carole a few years back, and then they bought that house for the four of us to live in.”
“Me, my dad, my stepmother and my stepbrother,” Kurt answers.
“I didn’t know you had a brother!” Blaine sounds surprised, “God, I hope he’s not as bad as Cooper.”
“Oh… Well… No,” Kurt says slowly.
“Did I miss him during my visit? I mean, my parents never mentioned him, so does he live out of the state?”
Kurt sighs. This part is always hard, painful, and eventually awkward. He didn’t plan on bringing up the dead brother story, but on the other hand, he does want to get to know Blaine and he hopes Blaine wants to get to know him as well. Well, it must be. Otherwise Blaine wouldn’t have joined him on this supposed grocery trip.
“He died, actually,” Kurt says quietly.
As expected, the silence stretches out and it becomes more awkward and awkward.
“Oh. Kurt. I’m… sorry,” Blaine eventually says, although he seems a bit lost for words.
“It’s okay.” It’s not, but it’s okay that Blaine doesn’t know what to say. Kurt can’t blame him. How do you properly react to hearing a young person died?
“Oh, shit!” Blaine suddenly exclaims, “And here I am, complaining constantly about Cooper! That’s such a dick move!”
“It’s okay,” Kurt says again, “You didn’t know. And besides, it was fun to see you two interact.”
“Yeah?” Blaine asks.
Kurt hums.
“Yes. It’s clear that your complaining and his teasing comes from a place of love. Me and Finn would do the same. God, you have no idea how many times I complained about his habits, or how many times he’d playfully tease me for my brooch collection.”
Kurt would give anything to hear Finn playfully mock his hippo brooch again.
“Can you tell me about him?” Blaine asks.
So Kurt does. He tells Blaine that he and Finn didn’t really like each other at the beginning, but then they both joined glee club, although it turned out that Finn got blackmailed by their glee club director who had planted a stash of weed in Finn’s locker. (“What?” “It’s not important, Blaine.”) That’s how they slowly became friends, and Kurt eventually developed a crush on Finn and decided to pair up his dad and Finn’s mom in an attempt to get closer to Finn. (“Excuse me?” “It’s in the past, Blaine.”) But eventually their parents got married and Kurt’s crush died out and they became stepbrothers. It was a bit rocky at the beginning, but they grew to love each other as family and dropped the “step” part quickly.
“So yeah, we didn’t always see everything eye to eye, but that’s just how family is. I miss him, especially now, during the holidays.”
“I can imagine.”
“The entire family always shows up, and it’s glaringly obvious that someone is missing,” Kurt laments, “I don’t like to dwell on it, neither do my dad and Carole, but it’s on our minds, especially when I see my cousins together, or when you and Cooper banter. But it also makes me think of good memories with him, like the time he and his friend Puck dressed up in Star Wars outfits for Christmas.”
“Oh. Amazing.”
“Or when Carole told Finn he needed to help out for Christmas dinner, and he burned it all down, so we ended up eating soup out of a can that year.”
Kurt chuckles and Blaine also lets out a laugh.
“He sounds lovely,” Blaine says.
“He was. Most of the time.”
They laugh again.
Kurt lifts his cup to get another sip, only to find it empty. Blaine also wiggles his cup around.
“Time flies,” he says.
Kurt hums in agreement. He gets out of his seat.
“Grocery time?” he asks.
“Oh. Yeah. Groceries,” Blaine sounds bewildered. It’s that Kurt definitely needs to eat, otherwise he also would’ve forgotten.
Kurt leads them to the grocery store he always goes to, which is one that Blaine hadn’t seen before, so that’s a nice extra. Kurt needs to buy a lot, since he just got home after a trip to Lima, but Blaine only needs some things. Still, he sticks around to talk to Kurt and so that they can walk home together.
“Hello neighbour.”
Blaine looks a bit surprised. He probably didn’t expect Kurt to just knock, but Kurt’s feeling daring. Yesterday’s coffee and grocery trip-slash-date was a lot of fun and Kurt decided to just go for it.
“Hello,” Blaine says back.
“Do you have plans for this New Year’s?”
“Yes?” Blaine says, which is fair. Kurt should’ve expected that. “But why are you asking?”
Kurt’s asking because he woefully fantasised about kissing Blaine, if he wants, when the clock hits midnight.
“Oh. Well, I am meeting up with some friends and I wanted to see if you wanted to join, but it makes sense you already have plans.”
Kurt’s about to awkwardly say goodbye and admit defeat, but Blaine stops him.
“I’m meeting my friends at eleven in the evening. I still have time. When will you meet your friends?”
“Also later today,” Kurt answers. Around ten, or something. It wasn’t very clear. It’s more one of those “drop by whenever you want” parties. He just wanted to check if Blaine were interested in joining.
“Sooo,” Blaine draws out the word, “I don’t think I can make it to your friend’s party, but what are your plans now?”
Now? Well, Kurt planned on binge watching trashy TV, order food and wait till it’s time to go see his friends.
“Nothing. I am free,” Kurt answers.
Blaine opens his front door further and steps aside.
“Feel free to come in, then,” Blaine says with a smile and how can Kurt refuse. He didn’t plan on this, but he isn’t mad about it.
“Thank you.”
Blaine gives Kurt a small tour of his still bare apartment. It’s clear that he’s only just moved in. Blaine tells Kurt that beforehand he lived in a shitty dorm room, so he was ecstatic when he found this relatively cheap apartment.
Kurt can relate. He used to live in Bushwick in a place that didn’t have proper walls. This building is still not the most luxurious, but it is an upgrade!
“My dad mentioned you moved here for your studies,” Kurt recalls.
Blaine nods.
“Yeah. I’m go to NYADA. Maybe you’ve heard of it.”
Oh, Kurt’s heard of NYADA. He got accepted into NYADA as well, but he turned it down to pursue an education in fashion instead. But he knows how hard it is to get into NYADA.
The conversation quickly turns into a long and winded discussion about the current Broadway season and how other shows got robbed at previous Tony Awards ceremonies.
Blaine also shows off his new coffee machine (“Got it as a Christmas present!”), so Blaine makes Kurt a fancy cappuccino. It’s so comfortable to be around Blaine and Kurt’s glad that Blaine likes him too.
An hour later, they’re on Blaine’s couch, huddled underneath a shared fleece blanket, and they’re eating snacks that Kurt brought over from his place while watching a Broadway bootleg. Kurt adores this show, but he’s having a hard time paying attention to it.
How can he, when Blaine’s so close?
He keeps staring at Blaine, so of course Blaine notices at one point.
“Something on my face?” he asks with a jokey tone.
Kurt doesn’t answer. He knows what he wants. He puts his hands on Blaine’s cheeks and pulls him in for a kiss.
Blaine kisses back and he wraps his arms around Kurt to pull him even more closer.
Kurt had wanted to kiss him at midnight, but he couldn’t wait any longer. There are no actual fireworks now in the background, but that doesn’t matter. Kissing Blaine already feels like fireworks are going off.
They keep kissing until they remember that they need to breathe.
“Woah,” Blaine sounds out of breath.
“Woah indeed,” Kurt echoes him.
The two of them stare at each other before Blaine throws himself on Kurt and kisses him again.
Later that evening, they’re finally finishing the bootleg. They got a bit preoccupied, so they weren’t able to watch all of it.
Both Kurt and Blaine cancelled their plans. They want to spend this New Year’s with each other. Outside, the city of New York is alive and bustling, filled with people who are ready to go wild and party. But Kurt and Blaine are fine, cuddling together in Blaine’s new apartment in their neighbourhood.
It’s a perfect way to start the new year and Kurt wouldn’t have had it any other way.
End notes: Here ya go, Arden! Your wishlist was an absolute delight and I actually had a hard time narrowing it down, because I wanted to include as much as possible. This fic uses the "genre: alternative universe", "genre: fluff", "genre: romance", "location: Ohio", "location: New York", "age: young adult/college", "designer!Kurt", "actor!Blaine", "preferred theme: holiday-themed" and of course "other favourite tropes/story elements: neighbours".
Happy holidays!
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tmnt-tychou · 11 months
All Hallows Eve
Meant to be Bayverse, but you could probably imagine its any of them.
Female Reader x All Four Turtles (Slightly Mikey x Reader)
All Hallows Eve
She was dressed as an angel, standing on a street corner looking lost. The white feathered wings with matching boots seemed to glow with a light all their own in the dark, tin-foil halo glittering above her head. She caught Michelangelo's attention with her costume, but he had no plan to approach her at first.
Halloween was the one day a year where he and his brothers could walk the streets in the open without people screaming for their lives. But it still came with its own caveats. They only went out at night and stayed away from any bright lights that could give people a clear look at their forms. And they could never stay in one place for too long. People would compliment their “costumes” in passing, but if they lingered, people would realize they were too big, too real to be costumes.
So even though they were out among the humans, they continued to live in the shadows like ninja, but enjoying the fanfare of a New York Halloween. It was the closest any of them could get to feeling like part of society and Michelangelo milked it for all he could. He kept moving through the neighborhood block parties, enjoying the costumes and partaking of the street food.
That was when Michelangelo saw her. She seemed to be looking for something, or she was lost. But he wasn't sure if he should approach. Not until she looked his way; looked right at him. Her eyes were big, haunting. And they drew him in like she needed him. He found himself walking out of the crowd toward her.
“Hey there, Angel,” he said, referring to her costume. “You okay?” He knew he was big, even for someone pretending to be in a costume. He tried to hunch, make himself smaller. Non-threatening to a woman being approached by a stranger.
She didn't seem to be bothered by his looks or his size. She almost seemed relieved someone had asked about her. “I...I think I'm a bit lost. I was trying to get to a party, but I don't know the city very well and...” she looked at her empty hands, “I've misplaced my phone so I don't have the address.”
“Well that's no good,” Michelangelo replied. “Can I help you find it? Do you remember the address?”
She shrugged helplessly. “I only moved to the city a few weeks ago. I don't know where anything is. I met some people who invited me to this party.” She paused for a moment, as if trying to stop herself from getting emotional. “I just wanted to make some friends here.”
Michelangelo knew better, but he spoke anyway. “I'll be your friend. My name's Mike. My brothers and I are just out enjoying the vibe. Do you want to hang with us for a bit? Then I can make sure you get home when you're ready. Uh...that is if you're okay kicking it with some strangers for a while.”
She smiled, grateful. “That sounds like a lot of fun. Are your brothers giant turtles, too?”
He laughed. “Yeah, we all decided to wear the same thing. Like a group costume.”
He didn't notice she mentioned nothing about costumes.
“What I'm saying is the whole shtick of The Addams Family is that they're weirdos,” Donatello said as he chewed on a caramel apple slice. “They're different than anybody else. But when you put her in a boarding school where everyone is weirdos—supernatural creatures—you're throwing the whole gimmick of the franchise out the window. The story would have worked better if the school was full of normal people. And she would have been the only one able to solve the murder mystery because only she would have suspected a supernatural killer.”
Raphael picked up his forth taco of the night. For a mutant his size, they were hardly a mouthful. But damn, they were so good. “I dunno about any of that, Don. But if you didn't like 'Wednesday', you don't have to keep watching it.”
“Yo, broooos!” Michelangelo called from below. “Come meet our new friend.”
The three other turtles looked down from where they sat on various levels of a metal fire escape. Each had been enjoying the food they collected from the street party, but had ultimately decided to eat in private and watch the people from the alley where they hid.
Leonardo, who was perched just a little higher than Raphael, leaned down so his face was more to his level. “Does Mike have a human with him?”
Raphael sighed. “Looks like. He's always been a sucker for a pretty face. Especially one that will say two words to him. Any two words. Even if it's 'fuck off.'”
Leonardo smirked and then gripped the railing. “Well, let's go meet Mike's new friend and hopefully that will be that.” But he wasn't thinking. He just hopped over the rail and landed two stories down like it was nothing.
Even Michelangelo was silently motioning for him to cut it on the ninja stuff as the two remaining brothers climbed down like normal people.
“So these are my brothers: Don, Raph, and Leo,” Michelangelo introduced. “And this beautiful angel is uh...” He looked helplessly to the human woman.
“Angel works,” she smiled back. “Hi.”
They all smiled back at her, a little awkward and a little clueless on what to do with her.
“Angel got lost trying to get to a party,” Michelangelo continued. “She's new in town and doesn't know the city too well. I thought we could hang out with her for a while and then make sure she gets home safe. What do you guys think?”
The brothers looked at each other and wordlessly agreed. How could they turn down anyone needing a safe chaperon for the night?
“You hungry, Angel?” Raphael asked.
“I could eat.” Her shrug made her cute little wings flap slightly and all four turtles went a little soft for her. She was a woman their age and she looked at them without fear. Like they were her peers. Like they were normal. How could they not go a little soft for that?
As the bottomless pits they were, the turtles didn't mind buying more food for themselves as well. They were happy to purchase anything Angel wanted while they were at it. At first, they wanted to make it quick. They knew lingering out among the humans for too long would give them away. But this time, something amazing happened.
Angel happened. All it took was one person to be with them. To talk with them like they were normal people and that strange bridge between human and mutant was built. With Angel near them, no matter how much their size crept into the uncanny valley for the masses, they were normal. Other people partying on the street didn't stare at them and quickly walk away anymore. A few people even stopped to compliment them on their costumes or even ask how they were made.
Raphael usually answered with random comments like “animatronics and rubber suits” or “it's CGI” and people would walk off confused. But not scared, and that was the important part.
As Leonardo ordered a basket of fries at a food truck to share with their new friend, he heard her talking to Donatello.
“Right?” she was saying. “This boarding school wasn't even really Addams Family core either. It was like...slightly spookier Hogwarts. Slightly. Fucking Harry Potter. Now everything has to be at a school.”
“I see you both have some strong feelings about a TV show,” Leonardo joked as he approached them. He offered Angel the warm fries in his hand. He thought she would take the whole basket, it was mostly meant for her. But she only took a few.
“For the most part, I was pretty on board with the whole show,” she continued. “But when Wednesday was stabbed, that was...jarring. Usually the family is portrayed as either liking pain, or they are somewhat impervious to injury. Maybe a bit of both. You never really know for sure. There's almost an immortal feel to them. There's just too many stories today that should have been original projects, but they keep being tacked onto existing franchises, but they don't have any respect for the lore.”
“Exactly!” Donatello agreed. He also grabbed a few fries and put them in his mouth. “The show and the story weren't bad per se, but it's not really an Addams Family story, so it wasn't as satisfying for fans as it could have been with a few tweaks.”
“God, are you still dragging that show?” Michelangelo sighed. “Angel, come dance with me. Let's enjoy this party while we can.”
He grabbed her hand, so small and delicate in his. She allowed him to lead her out into the thick of the crowd. The Monster Mash was playing over the speakers, a DJ at the stage in the front. The two found themselves a space to boogie and went about shaking their asses, just another normal pair in the sea of costumed party-goers.
“So what made you move to New York?” Michelangelo asked.
“Just trying some place new,” Angel replied. “Got tired of the little podunk town I came from. Not a lot of work there. Was hoping to find more opportunities out here. Maybe get some schooling in. What about you? How long have you been in the NYC?”
“All my life. Was born here. Might even die here. Big fan of the Big Apple.”
“Oh yeah? What do you do with yourself here?”
“Uh...” He paused for a bit, brain trying to come up with a reasonable response. No one had ever asked him his occupation before. “I work with the city in kind of a...crime watch capacity. Trying to clean the crime off the streets, make neighborhoods safer. That kind of thing.”
“Oh, like with the police?”
“I mean...we work with the police sometimes but what we do is more like...a neighborhood watch situation but on a larger scale.”
“Does that pay anything?”
“Uh, not really. It's more of a non-profit type organization. Donnie's the one that makes all the money. He's into tech and sells patents and stuff. He sort of bankrolls us so we can keep going.”
“Oh wow, that's a really noble goal. Though how to do watch the neighborhood on nights that aren't Halloween? With you guys being big turtles and all?”
At first, Michelangelo thought she was joking. “Heh, what?”
“You know, you guys are big turtles. How do you get around the other days of the week if you look after the neighborhoods? You can't convince people these are costumes forever.”
It was such a jarring revelation that Michelangelo's brain shut down, and then immediately went into panic mode. He picked her up under his arm like she was a plank of wood and fled the open area. He slipped through the crowds of people with an uncanny ease for his size and then continued to run past where his brothers were standing.
“Mike!” Raphael called after him.
When that didn't even slow his brother down, the three followed after him into a small, dead-end alley that was poorly-lit and would have very little visibility from the street.
“What?” Leonardo asked as they caught up with him. “What happened?”
By then, Michelangelo had set Angel back on her feet and then chewed nervously on his nail. “She knows!” he hissed, as if he were trying to keep it a secret from those who may be nearby.
“She...knows?” Raphael parroted, confused.
“That we're turtles.”
“Yeah, of course you're turtles,” she replied. She touched Michelangelo's arm and he visibly stiffened at her contact. “Clearly, these aren't costumes. I just think it's cool that you come out one night a year to hang out with people like this.”
“Uh...we actually come out a lot...just not...you know, street level,” Michelangelo replied.
“You mean you...” she pointed to the rooftops. “Is that where you live?”
“No, but it's how we usually get around.”
“Oooh! Like Batman!”
“Right! Yes! Like Batman!” Raphael agreed with excitement.
“Okay, okay, lets calm down,” Leonardo said. “This is a lot to take in all at once. You realized we weren't in costume and you didn't really say anything?”
Angel shrugged. “Hey, you guys were nice to me and you weren't trying to like get me alone in a dark alley or anything. Uh...except for right now. But you guys seem safe. What do I care what you look like? There's not many nice people in this city.
“I thought I would at least be meeting some fun strangers for a night and have the best Halloween. And maybe I would see you guys again, or maybe you were something magical that only happened on All Hallows Eve. Either way, it would be a good memory.”
She looked at the brothers who all had various bewildered looks on their faces. This person, she was someone special. Someone interesting. Someone who rolled with the weird and uncanny. Someone they could possibly make friends with. It had been years since they had dared to bring a new person into their world.
“So...what do you want to do now?” Donatello asked.
“I liked what we were doing,” Angel replied. “Let's keep hanging out. Eat good food, dance to music, talk to each other. And maybe I'll see you again after this?”
The brothers all looked at each other and smiled.
“Yeah, that sounds good,” Raphael agreed while Michelangelo nodded excitedly.
“If you're okay with the turtle thing, we're definitely hanging out again.” Michelangelo offered his arm and she took it.
They went back to the block party. They danced and joked. They enjoyed the music, the food, the costumes. The turtles were brighter now. Not so guarded, not so careful or suspicious of the people around them. It had been a long time since anyone new had appeared into their close circle of people they trusted. This was the first one who was their own age. She had seen them and accepted them on sight. This knowledge came with a bit of a happy high for the turtles. A burst of hope and joy at being discovered and immediately accepted without even a demand for an explanation.
And they wanted her to know. They wanted her to see their world. After this night of costumes, they planned to see her again, to show her and share what they were with her. It had been a good Halloween night.
“It's getting late and it's getting cold,” Leonardo eventually announced. “Angel, can we help you get home?”
“If you could walk me to my car?” she replied. “I parked a few blocks away.”
She nodded in the direction they needed to go and Leonardo hovered a hand over the small of her back to guide her.
“It's our pleasure.”
“You think your phone is in the car somewhere?” Michelangelo asked. “If you find it, we can trade numbers.”
“You guys have phones? Like normal phones?” she laughed.
“Of course,” Donatello said in a pragmatic tone. “Why wouldn't we?”
“Oh uh...I guess you could get phones if you really wanted them. Sorry, my bad. I guess you guys feel more magical than practical to me. Like you'll just poof away at the stroke of midnight. Knowing you have phones makes you feel a little more real.”
“Oh, we're real, Angel,” Raphael said with a flirty smile.
“And we'll be your friends if you want us to be,” Leonardo said softly. “We don't have many of those.”
“Neither do I,” Angel replied with the same soft tone. “I would really like that a lot.” They walked a few more feet and she pointed to the last building on the block. “My car is just around this corner.”
As they turned the corner, the turtles jumped back at the sudden red and blue flashing lights. Several police cars and one ambulance were clustered around the accident site of a two-car collision.
“Shit, Angel, I don't think we can walk you all the way to your car. But you should be hella safe with all the—” Michelangelo turned to the woman who had been standing right next to her. But in a blink, she was no longer there. “Angel?” He looked around, then looked at his brothers. “Dude, where'd she go?”
“She was...just right there,” Donatello said in confusion.
Leonardo peered around the corner to see if she had gone on ahead while Raphael looked behind them.
“I don't think she bailed. Where is she?”
Pressed to the side of the building, Leonardo audibly gasped. “I think...I see her.”
The others huddled around him to see what he was looking at. Out of one of the smoking cars, paramedics carried a female body dressed all in white, complete with halo and feathery white wings. White that was marred with smatterings of dark red blood. The body was set on a stretcher where the entire form was covered in a white sheet. No further first aid was administered to costumed angel as she was wheeled to the ambulance. That could only mean one thing.
“What? That...no, that can't...” Michelangelo struggled. “She was here with us all night. I touched her. I fucking picked her up in my arms!”
In his ear, he heard Donatello's ragged breathing, as if he were about to have a panic attack.
“Hey!” A police officer caught their shadows peering around the corner and they quickly ducked out of sight. When the human started toward their location, they quickly took to the rooftops in hopes of getting a better view. But by then, the body was already loaded into the ambulance to be taken away and Angel was nowhere else to be found.
Her death didn't even make the news. What was one collision with a drunk driver with all the other crazy stuff that happened in New York on Halloween? And the turtles were never quite sure what happened that night; what they truly witnessed.
Only a few days into November, they all stopped talking about it. Tried to pretend it didn't happen. And it worked for most of the year. But then...October rolled around again. And as Halloween drew closer, the brothers didn't generate their usual excitement for their one holiday a year when they could go out on the street among the citizens. They still didn't talk about it. And when the night came, there was a certain unspoken trepidation in the air.
“You're not going out tonight?” Splinter asked them as they all brooded in the living room.
“Thinking about it, but...” Raphael trailed off.
“It just feels...weird,” Michelangelo added.
The other two brothers didn't say anything, but they seemed to agree with the sentiment.
“It is a shame your friend passed away after you had only known her for a while,” Splinter said. “But I don't think she would have liked that her memory tainted this holiday for you. You should be thankful you were able to have that time with her before she was gone.”
There was an uncomfortable silence from the turtles. As much as they tried to explain, Splinter never quite understood what they experienced. In his mind, they had met their friend during the party and then she had died in an accident on the way home after. All attempts to explain to the contrary resulted in failure.
“What if you went out just for a while to pay your respects? Perhaps find some closure,” Splinter then offered.
The brothers perked up a little and looked at each other. Something about that felt right.
They went to the site of the crash, a year ago that day. They thought maybe anyone else might be there. Someone who missed her. Someone who felt the loss of her. Humans left flowers at sites like these on an anniversary like this, right? But there was nothing there. A year later, no evidence that the incident ever happened. The only proof that a life was lost here was that several of the road's street lights had been fixed. The collision had been largely blamed on most of the street lights being in disrepair at the time, even though one of the drivers had been drunk.
The turtles stood beside the street, out of the direct glow of the repaired street lights.
“So...do we say something or...?” Donatello asked softly.
“I dunno, we hardly knew her,” Raphael responded.
“Say something if you feel like it,” Leonardo offered.
They were all quiet for a moment, then Michelangelo spoke. “Well, Dudette, you seemed to be a super awesome chick. Too bad we didn't get a chance to see how awesome you really were.”
“A true tragedy,” Donatello agreed.
They stood for a while more and then turned to leave. The music and noise from the block party near by reached them before they could remove the nearest manhole cover.
“You guys wanna pick up some food before we head home?” Michelangelo suggested. “Grab something for Splinter too? See a few costumes, listen to some music before we go?”
The season called to them. It always did. The one festival a year about darkness and masked faces. Spooky fun and all sorts of delicious food. They had to be a part of it, just for a while.
The brothers split up, aiming for their favorite vendors. It wasn't like the year before, where they had a human friend hanging out with them, making them look normal. Now it was back to sticking to the shadows. Darting in and out to get what they were after and then sneaking back to the allies so no one stared at them for too long, lest they be figured out.
Michelangelo meant to grab some caramel apples for himself and one for Splinter, but the music and the atmosphere of the party caught his attention. He still wished to be in the middle of it. Talking with people, laughing, feeling like one of them. Even on this day of magic, he could only exist on the outskirts.
And then...something caught his eye. A woman dressed all in white. A little glittery halo and white, feathery wings. His breath caught in his chest. She turned, as if sensing his eyes on her. Angel looked right at him and smiled.
Happy Halloween
Tag List: @thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 @dilucsflame33 @akesdraws-blog @happymoonangel @fluffytriceratops @beautifulfunanchor @asultrysiren @thepinkpanther83 @yorshie @yamanekomono @androidships007 @raphsmuneca @igotlostinthesewers @silversunskyless
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bobby-r2d2-floyd · 1 year
back in town (rhett abbott x reader)
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authors note: hey guys! it feels like 30 years but i finally have the second part of life goes on (read part one here if you want!) i feel like this can be read as a stand alone, or as a continuation. im thinking only a one more part to this?
warnings: language, mentions of panties, mentions of rhett getting a boner towards the end, maria and rhett kissing, sibling violence? (a pillow gets thrown at some ones head)
not proof read well, no beta we die like men in this
word count: 2.5k
It’s been almost 10 years since you last stepped foot into Amelia County, and not a damned thing has changed except that some stores have closed down. 
You still remember the morning dew on your skin your last night in town, and how Rhett’s arm felt draped over you as the sun was just beginning to rise over the mountain tops. 
After dropping out of art school you bounced around from major city to major city all up and down the east coast. You worked at a couple of art galleries, you had enough experience to get by but since you dropped out just before graduation, you never quite became the curator anywhere; but that was okay with you. Three years you spent in Chicago, wasting your time. Your heart was never in it, it was stuck here in Wabang with a certain Abbott boy and, yeah, you were good at what you did but you never saw yourself doing art as a career, it was always your dad’s dream for you. You wanted to be in the rodeo shows, you were a decent roper, dappled in barrel racing, cutting.. Never brave enough for the bulls, though, that was always Rhett’s thing. So when you happened to be passing through Kentucky, you thought ‘what the hell’ and sought out the arena director and asked if there was anything that you could do to help out and as luck would have it, they needed a barrel racer after one of the other girls broke her collarbone and required surgery. 
It was like the rodeo gods or whoever was up there was smiling down on you that day, you knew that they didn’t just take people off the street, and that most people had to work for spots to even be considered, but it was a smaller rodeo, not one of the large ones that you would see televised from a big city. Despite it being years since you were in the saddle, you finished in third place for the night.
You toured around with them for years before moving up to a bit bigger of a rodeo, and that rodeo happened to land you in Montana, and then Colorado before finally dumping off in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
You took the day before it was due to start to go back home, see your mom and siblings. They’d be 16 and 18 soon, hard to believe you left them when they were still just kids, you missed a ton of milestones for them, only discussing them over facetime and the one time they were able to make it out to Chicago for Christmas one year. 
You celebrated grades and puberty and boyfriends and girlfriends from across the United States. You wanted nothing more than to hug your baby sister when she got her first period at 10 years old, 2 whole years before you even had yours, and when she went through her first heartbreak at 15; gave the bastard everything because he convinced her that he loved her. You hated that you weren’t there to help your mom out when your brother was going through his destructive phase.
You walk in the front door to your house, surprised that your mom hasn’t been robbed yet and you let out a small laugh, “mama?” you call out, shutting the storm door behind you so the wind wouldn’t take it away when it tried to self shut. You don’t get an answer so you continue the trek across your house, stopping occasionally and listening if anyone was even home, it wasn’t uncommon for your mom to leave the door unlocked when no one was home, your closest neighbors were the Abbott’s and even they lived about 2 miles away. 
You walked out to the barn, smiled when your old horse rubbed against your shoulder, “hey boy, where’d everyone go?” you ask as you give him some scratches behind his jaw. Almost as if he understood what you said he turns to look at a flier that was tacked up on the side of the barn door and you let out a laugh. 
Of course the county fair was going on. Your sister used to beg you to take you every single day during the week and you see that that was still the case. You give the gentle giant a couple treats from the feed closet and give them to him before heading out back to the front to the truck you’re renting.
The drive to town was short despite living so far away, you were lucky to find a place to park where you did and you started to make your way in, paying for a ticket and stopping to talk to the few people who remembered you. 
“-for Amelia County’s rodeo royalty, Rhett Abbott!” you hear over the loudspeaker and make your way to the grandstands to watch. “Rhett’s first ride is on Guiness tonight, he’s been on a roll lately, coming out on top every ride for the last 10 rides that he’s done, let’s see if he can make 11.” You perch yourself up against the bars, pulling your Stetson a lower down your face but high enough that you can still see and you watch him go the full 8 seconds on a bull that looked like it was out for blood. You screamed along with the rest of the crowd when he came out on top for the first round of riders. The smile on his face warms your heart, it’s a smile you hadn’t seen since before you left. In all the pictures that your mom had shown you, very few smiles were true Rhett smiles, that smile was saved for when he was winning, on his horse, and with you. You began to walk over to where he was, you couldn’t wait to wrap your arms around him again, you just hoped that he would be excited to see you. 
Just as you were rounding the corner, you stopped dead in your tracks, your heart breaking because of Rhett for the second time. Not even 10 feet in front of you, Rhett had his arms tight around Maria Olivares. The one girl no one could ever compete with, the only other girl Rhett ever had eyes for, aside from you but of course you didn’t know that. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a deep kiss, one that left him completely breathless when he pulled away and he smiled down at her like she had hung the sun.
You backed up slowly, not wanting to bother anyone but of course a different rider had other plans, “watch where the fuck youre going, bitch.'' They spit out and it gets the attention of Rhett and Maria and you mumble out an apology before quickly darting away, wiping your eyes as you make your way back to the truck and out of the fair entirely. 
“Fucking knew that coming back home would be the worst idea.” you mumble as you throw your hair onto the passenger seat. You run your fingers through your hair and pull it up into a messy ponytail before driving back to your mom’s place where you fall asleep on the couch.
“Hey babygirl, why don’ you wake up and go upstairs?” your mom gently shakes you awake and you let out a mumble of a response and she laughs “come on. Wake up or ‘m gonna sic your brother ‘nd sister on you.” 
You groan but sit up anyways, “time is it?” 
“Just after midnight, Rhett came out on top’ah all his rides.” she tells you and you just hum and nod before standing up and stretching. She pulls you in for a long hug and you’re able to relax for the first time in what felt like years.
“Where’s Liv and Jase?” you ask, kicking off your boots finally and head towards the stairs.
“Olivia’s with her girlfriends and Jason’s with some of his football buddies.” she says and you nod and make your way up the stairs, pausing to use the bathroom and brush your teeth before making your way into your room. You can’t be bothered to open the duffle bag your mom must have brought in for you and you strip down to your tank top and panties before crawling into bed and falling into a deep sleep again.
When you awake the next morning it’s abrupt. You can feel someone breathing down on your face and you open your eyes and see Olivia’s brown ones staring right back at you. 
“Mornin.” she says and you groan and kick her off the bed, she laughs the entire way down and you roll over, pulling your blanket over your face and you try to get some more sleep. “C’mon, you gotta wake up, mama’s makin’ a full breakfast.” 
“Get out of my room.” 
“Not ‘til you’re ass it out of-ow! Mama, she’s thrown’ shit again!” Olivia calls and you hear your mom call up the stairs.
“Stop throwin’ shit at your sister! Get down ‘ere and eat your breakfast ‘fore Jason brings the whole team over!” 
“Toss me my jeans, will ya?” you ask, finally sitting up and Olivia throw’s the pants right at your face, “okay, I deserved that.” 
“Yeah, ya did. Why’s this your first time comin’ home in ten years? You didn’t even send an invitation when you graduated…” she says sadly and you sigh.
“Let’s go eat, need to talk to you and mom.” you tell her and she nods and you stand up and pull the jeans on before making your way down stairs. Your mom already has a plate made up for you, just like how you always took it as a kid, extra bacon, sunny side up eggs, and chocolate chip waffles. “Thanks mama,” you kiss her head and move around the kitchen to pour yourself a cup of coffee and orange juice before sitting down at the table.
“So… what have you been doin’ these past few years?” your mom asks as she takes her seat, “any big art jobs?”
“Um, actually I dropped out. A semester before graduation..” you say, not looking up at either of them. 
“Oh?” it’s all your mom can manage out and you nod. 
“Yeah, went through the program and it just… didn’t feel right? I’m uh, actually doing rodeos now. Barrel racing, some cutting.. Been ‘round the country. Make pretty good money for the level that I compete at.” you inform them and your mom looks surprised and your sister who looks angry.
“And did you not think to call? Or.. come back?” 
“Liv, ’m sorry, okay? I know I should have called or come home after leaving school. It’s just… everyone was so proud of me for leaving that it was easier to believe that I graduated than to tell you I didn’t.” you look up at her and she lets out a sigh. 
“I still love you, but that was a bitch more.” she says and you laugh.
“Yeah, it was.” you mom just rolls her eyes and you all fall into an easy conversation about rodeo and how the season is just about over.
“Rhett was invited to compete in Cheyenne this weekend, will you be there?” your mom asks and you nod.
“Yeah I think his event’ll be the last of the night. They usually do the bronco’s then bulls last, I’ll compete somewhere in the middle.” you tell them, leaning back in your chair and you take a sip of your coffee. “How have things been around here?” 
“Well, Perry Abbott went to jail, he and one of the Tillerson’s got in a fight and unfortunately Perry uh… Well the funeral for Trevor was a few years back… I think when you were 23?” Olivia says and you look at her confused.
“No shit..” you say in disbelief. Perry had always been a little strange to you but never kill-a-man strange, “how are the rest of the family?” 
“Well, Amy ran away, right after Perry got arrested.. Royal and Cecelia have been doing the best they can with the ranch. Rhett and Maria took off too shortly after the arrest but came back a year or so ago to help his parents afford to keep the place running. He earned enough from the rodeo business to help keep things afloat a little while longer.” your mom continued and you bite your lip.
“Did they get married or something?” your mom shoots you a knowing look and shakes her head.
“Nope, no marriage, no ring, no surprise babies. Perry’ll be out of jail soon, he was only sentenced for 10 years, he’s served half that already, so there’s always after he gets released.” 
“I should go, get ready and drive back to Cheyenne to make it in time for the rodeo.” you stand from the table and take your dishes to the sink. “You’re more than welcome to come. We have a special seating section where if you tell an usher your family they’ll let you sit in.” 
“We’ll be there honey.” your mom gives you a smile and you ruffle Olivia’s hair.
“Tell Jason he’s invited and can bring a friend.” you say on your way up the stairs and take a quick shower before throwing on clean clothes and heading back downstairs. 
You throw a goodbye and see you later over your shoulder before making your way back to Cheyenne. You manage to dodge Rhett all night, in fact it isn’t even until your name is announced that he knows you’re at the rodeo, let alone in it.
He stood by and watched you, just like you watched him last night. He couldn’t believe he was actually seeing you, for the first time in a decade. He watched until he couldn’t see you anymore and when that happened he made his way back to the horse stalls, walking straight to you as if he had internal guidance right to where you were.
You stood there, taking care removing your saddle and playing it on its rack off to the side. His eyes tracked your every move, taking in every detail about you. Your subtle weight gain in the right places and the loss in the others. Your jeans filled out more than when he last saw you and he hated the immediate reaction his body had, the hot lighting that zipped right down his spine and into his cock. He was shamelessly checking you out, Maria be damned. He watched as you turned and talked to some of the other girls you were up against and they all congratulated you for a great run. 
You finally turn and look his way, your breath catching and he feels a smile form on his face, heart melting at the way you say his name, despite saying it tentatively. 
“Hey.. Rhett.” 
let me know if you want to be added to my rhett abbott taglist or if you would like to be tagged in all of my fics!
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ttttobistuff · 6 months
Another Believer…
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A freezing, yet lovely night was ahead of everyone in the enchanting city of Welcome Home. It had finally arrived, homecoming day! With the preparations being finished, Sally observed from her spot in the clouds. Sitting at the top of the tree, just like a dazzling star, she cordially greeted her friends as they stepped through the door of Home. For what seemed to be an eternity, Sally kicked her feet around, in exasperation.
Hello there—she cheered as Eddie, whom she had been waiting for, turned the handle—Oh, Eddie, we can officially start!
Sally! How on earth did you get up there?—Cracking a grin, Eddie said—I was worried, I couldn’t seem to find you all anywhere…
As the good mailman approached the living room, he could feel a friendly ambiance hugging him. Just as he crossed the line between the entrance and the main room, a familiar face emerged, just as the sun peaks upon the tall hills.
Mr. Dear, you took your time to arrive!—Spoke, as gracefully as always, Frank—We all hoped for your safe arrival, no celebration is a proper one without every guest
While his mouth moved, Eddie could not help it but stare into his tremendously soft cheeks. Have they always been so reddish and…delightful? The poor red-haired man was driven mad when a soft hand caressed his cheek. Mr. Dear melted away into Frank’s touch, being a lovely mess. All until a voice dragged him out of such a heavenly place…
Pack it up, lovebirds—yelled Barnaby, from the other side of the room—Let’s start this, I cannot wait to taste my mama’s eggnog
Nervously chuckling, Eddie apologised and the party went on. This mailman was for sure exhausted from so much worrying…he needed a quick rest on the couch! As he sat down, he felt his tensed body start slipping away. Not much, but enough for him to let a sigh slip away from his lips. What else could he ever wish for? It was homecoming, everyone he cherished was celebrating, and he had one of the most traditional meals: a single pea on a plate.
A single green dot, in such a big white space.
His guts began wrenching, twisting and turning. Ice cold sweat rolled its way down his throat. Lungs almost bursting, it felt as if they were getting pulped into nothing but gubbins. Drenched in red, the world seemed too suffocating. Everything was submerged in a certain gloom, only a pair of eyes could light up. His chest went up and down aggressively, without a rest in between.
Oh, Eddie! What would we do without you, sweetheart…—Spoke, softly and gently, Poppy—Dear? Do you hear me?
With no apparent response, Eddie could only help but pant and whine softly. His nails, barely holding within their blood, grasping hardly the couch’s edge. At this, Frank knew he required some space. He acted rapidly, and told Poppy he was just a bit…tired. As they were left alone, he placed himself in front of his dearest and held his shoulders.
Mr. Dear? What’s wrong?—Mr. Frankly seemed genuinely worried, noticing all symptoms of sickness—Please, speak to me…
Softly speaking made Eddie snap out of it. Taking a big breath, he looked up and blinked a few times. As he looked around, he took a hand to his face and dried his own sweat. Ultimately, he looked upon Frank.
I…—Eddie spoke, almost in whispers—saw it.
Mr. Dear, I think it’s appropriate to go home now—Mr. Frankly told the man who was facing him—You are definitely not in conditions to be here!
Frank made sure to let someone know about them leaving, only in case they asked. Then, they left silently without people noticing, except Barnaby who they had told. Eddie could hardly walk properly, stumbling at every step or so, his lover was tremendously worried.
After analysing the situation, Frank was forced to take Eddie to his home since it was the closest. As expected, they arrived in a matter of minutes. Thankfully, the house was warm and Eddie felt a little bit better than before. Yet, he still was containing himself…
Mr. Dear, what happened back in Home?—Frank spoke softly, while hanging his coat and taking Eddie’s too—Is it stress? Working seven days must be affecting your immune system! That’s right…high levels of constant stress could-
Frank—Said Eddie, roughly—something’s very wrong inside that house. Well, not inside but beneath it…
No stutters, no doubts. Frank knew Eddie was not joking around with him, and it sent shivers down his spine.
W-what do you mean?—Shaking voice came out of Frank’s throat, unable to stay calm
His eyes, he was slowly drowning me–Eddie said, in a quite paranoid voice–You’ve got to believe me, please
As tension built up between them, Frank knew this was going to end up wrong…they should not be talking about this. Not so close to him.
Stop, I beg you—A grey hand covered Eddie’s lips? Preventing him to speak any further about the situation.—You…I cannot do this without you.
Confusion striked Eddie, the numbness from the homecoming incident had completely vanished by now. All that was left were some terrorising memories, almost as vivid nightmares. He was too stressed to even stop and think, for him, it was too late. Frank’s hand slipped off, Eddie’s tongue too.
For the love of God, Mr. Dear—Started, Frank—quit this!
I refuse, please hear me!—Loudly said, by Eddie in distress—What I saw…
…What was it?—asked, perhaps unfortunately, Frank—What did you see?
The bellow.—Eddie said it with confidence, believing in what he saw.
I beg you, Mr. Dear, sit down and calm yourself.—Frank caressed once again his face, his thumb going in circles—Stay with me.
Few moments of silence, a hoaxed peace.
No! Give me just one more chance, one more glance…—The mailman approached Mr. Frankly’s chest—And I will make of you another believer.
Frank’s silence was the last drop needed for the water to spill. Eddie’s hands stopped holding onto him, and his legs began moving towards the door. Without a second thought, he ran away, leaving Frank all alone.
Eddie ran, as fast as he could. His legs failed around fifteen minutes later, making him trip and fall to the ground. It was then when he realised…he had never seen this side of the neighbourhood. Was this forest always here?
Before his question could be answered, a strange object seemed to impact his head from a blind spot. Before passing out, he observed a rather familiar silhouette looming over his barely conscious body.
Such eyes, shining bright in the night, could only belong to one person.
What are we gonna do now?—Frank spoke, feeling guilt twist his guts.
(Based upon newest hidden video-03/24)
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gravedigg · 1 month
Six Song Soundtrack Playlist
Tagged by @ferindencadash (thank you!!)
I'm filling this out for Angel, I'll write up a little list of explanations for each and link his playlist below <3
1. An event that defines your character's past
Bad luck never leaves Your jinx just floats around Like the taste inside your mouth Or the sound when your skull cracks Feel the growing pains It means you're growing up too fast While you were sleeping I was blood red Sharp as a knife inside your stomach I'm squeezing tight, don't let the light in No medicine Daydream tendencies had you smiling soft and sweet Keep those blurry memories somewhere safe You may need them You can make a wish But there's no rabbit out the hat Realize it's never coming back Realize it's never coming back
2. How your character sees themselves
Waiting for the train In the dead of night I howl We all have our evils We're told just to keep calm Curled up and feeble Plagued by our brains, the internal sinking pain I wish I was equal, if only that simple I wish I was people (I WISH!) The train it now arrives, I plead just take me home
3. How others view them
Driving faster in my car Falling farther from just what we are Smoke a cigarette and lie some more These conversations kill Falling faster in my car
4. Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic)
Well, prove to me I'm not gonna die alone Unstitch that shit I've sewn To close up the hole that tore through my skin Well, my trust in you is a dog with a broken leg Tendons too torn to beg for you to let me back in You said, "I can't prove to you you're not gonna die alone But trust me to take you home To clean up that blood all over your paws
5. A major fight scene
As it fell on Job's eyes, this water of doubt, he said, "I'm wading in lies, it's wearing me out. But if you want it, all right. I'll buy it." Blood too dirty for mosquitos, I hope that you die soon. Pray to any god you believe in. Those people, they had families. Their families don't have them. You're not any god I believe in. I hope the rain ruins the work you did.
6. End credits song
It's okay, I don't even cry all I think about is a memory and the dream when you kissed my arm as I look away, don't hear what I say That maybe when I die, I'll get to be a car driving in the night lighting up the dark. something in your voice it sparks a little hope I'll wait up for that noise your voice become my home
All of these are from Angel's playlist which is organized as a timeline of his life, from his childhood in foster care, to enlisting in the army at 18, serving in the Gulf War and losing his leg, to the ensuing depression while he recovers and relearns how to walk, to his lengthy bender of sex & drugs when he moves to the city and finds out about gay bars, to him trying desperately to pull some semblance of a life together with what scraps of himself he has left.
As a bit of a guide;
An event that defines your character's past
This ones in reference to Angel's injury while serving in the army, an explosion tearing through his leg and shrapnel ripping up his shoulder and face. He spent a good amount of time bouncing between hospitals, from field hospitals to Germany and back state-side, and had to come to terms with the reality and severity of his injury.
2. How your character sees themselves
I think in many ways its always been this way, but it definitely worsened after being disfigured; Angel has always seen himself as less of a person and more of a monster, which is why he's always felt a sort of kinship with the Monster in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. I think its a potent cocktail of autism, self esteem issues, and the endless, clinging isolation of growing up in the foster system.
3. How others view them
I think from an outside view Angel comes off as really mysterious and cool, he's very serious and quiet and drives a motorcycle. But in reality hes just autistic and terribly uncomfortable and would rather be at home.
4. Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic)
It takes so much patience and soft love to get Angel to unravel his layers and layers of bottled up shame and pain and desperation. He learned from a young age that to survive he needed to keep as much of himself hidden as he could, and he's clung to that sentiment his entire life. He struggles so much expressing when hes suffering and asking for help, will keep things bottled up even when he knows hes sabotaging himself.
5. A major fight scene
This one's the climax point of his experience with war, having whatever faith he clung to shaken hard when he saw sheer cruelty and mindless violence of it all.
6. End credits song
This is the last song on his playlist, to me it symbolizes this feeling of hope for a future that's really new for Angel, he's spent so long trying to just get through each day. Having someone by his side that he can dream of a future with is more than he could have ever asked for.
Also im tagging @nullshocked, make this for Jules pls.
And if you're reading this, you should do one for your oc :-)
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Game of Survival: Part 1
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After tragedy strikes Rafael Barba’s little sister moves back to New York City for a fresh start. Will she be able to move on with the help of her loving big brother and perhaps find happiness with a certain lieutenant  in SVU.
Hey lovlies. I know its been forever, but I had this idea for a series and I just had to write it. 
Series takes place at the beginning of season 18 of Law and Order: SVU and has references to One Chicago. Reader is canonicallly bisexual and in her mid-thirties. 
Pairings: Olivia Benson x Barba Reader   Sonny Carisi x Rafael Barba 
Header belongs to me. 
You let out a small sigh as you took in the familiar office that you’d not stepped foot in for over a year. Taking in the cozy office of your older brother you settled on the comfy brown couch knowing it would probably be a while before he came back from court.
He was always busy that didn’t mean that he didn’t have time for you, given you lived hours away and you both worked insane hours.
You usually didn’t hear from each other apart from a weekly phone call whenever you both had time which didn’t seem often these days.
Glancing down at your phone your e/c eyes landed on the different apartment listings that you’d been scanning through.
Nothing had caught your eye in all honesty this had been a spare whim of the moment decision one that you’d not regret.
You’d needed a change. A change had been needed for a while and you’d finally decided it was time, time to head home and start over and get a fresh start so to speak.
Severide and Casey had helped you pack up your things over the weekend and you’d made the long drive from Chicago back to New York with nothing but your car and a small U-Haul.
A deep huff fell from your lips as you found the couch growing more comfortable by the minute the long drive catching up with you.
The next thing you knew you were being startled awake as Rafael’s surprised voice filled your ears stirring you from the dreamless slumber you’d fallen into.
“Y/N? Y/N Wake up. What the hell are you doing here?” Your older brother retorts his voice holding so many questions ever the lawyer.
 You groaned opening your eyes finding your big brother of nine years sitting beside you on the couch. He was dressed in one of his well-tailored suits his light brown hair combed back in a neat style.
“Hi, Rafa. Sorry, I fell asleep. It was a long drive. Ummm. I’m back in New York permanently this time. I moved out of Kelly’s place this weekend and drove the twelve and a half hours straight through.” You said knowing your brother was processing what you’d told him his mind was always a step ahead of the conversation.
He knew that the past few years had been hard for you and that ever since the incident you’d been trying to pick up the shattered pieces of your life.
What was left of it. How you’d been able to keep going at all had been a surprise to you.
It was evident the only reason you’d made it this far was the love and support of your family and friends. Those closest to you the people you considered family had helped you through the roughest time of your life they’d helped you pick up the pieces and try to throw your life back together.
Rafael sat there for a moment glancing over at you with a concerned brotherly brow.
He knew it had been hard for you after you’d lost Leslie, you’d been a broken shell of the woman you once were.
The woman who had a ferocity and a fire in you a fierceness that hadn’t dimmed even with the rough life you’d come from had disappeared.
You were softer now than you’d once been quiet and calm, gentle, they’d always been attributes you’d carried yet they seemed to control you these days.
Rafael had been surprised when you’d told him of your plans to go from paramedic to police officer after losing your fiancé several years prior.
He’d worried his mami and abuelita had worried, yet you’d managed to pass through the academy with flying colors and soon became a damn good cop with an even better reputation.
“Well, this is entirely unexpected but it's great to see you Hermana.” Rafael purred pulling you into a tight hug pressing a kiss to your head as you clung to him finding comfort in his embrace.
“I take it you don’t have an apartment or anything settled out yet which is fine. You can stay with me until you find a place.”
“But what about Son-“ You started not at all wanting to impose on your brother and his boyfriend who was over at Rafael’s so much you were surprised that your brother hadn’t asked him to move in yet.
That wasn’t any of your business and you really weren’t the best person to come to when it came to relationships or relationship advice.
Your big brother’s voice filled your ears startling you from your thoughts that had been getting away from you over the past few weeks.
That’s another reason you’d decided to move the city was too different, too quiet, and no matter where you look Leslie was everywhere.
A change had been necessary, you’d wanted to heal actually heal, and being with your family had seemed like the best way to go about that.
“Oh don’t worry about Sonny. You know he loves you. You’ve gotten along. You staying with me won’t be an issue.
I’m sure you’d much rather stay with me than mami anyways.” He chuckled knowing your mother would have his head if she heard his comment.
“Alright, Rafa I’ll stay with you if you insist.” You sighed pulling out of your big brother’s hold rolling your eyes at him.
Rafael could be many things a sassy pain in the ass for starters, but he’d been the best big brother ever since Lucia had taken you in and adopted you when you were eight years old.
Even though Rafael was nine years older he’d always made time for you and though you were close with your mother you and Rafael had been thick as thieves for as long as you could remember.
“I do insist just like I insist on taking you to lunch. Come on. When’s the last time you’ve had a decent meal?” Your big brother quipped raising the infamous Barba brow in your direction.
A sigh fell off your lips Rafael knew you better than anyone having a little sister who was a first responder and working the crazy hours you did you’d often forgotten to eat.
“Last night…” The words tumbled out of your mouth as Rafael’s face hardened giving you a knowing expression forcing a deep huff from your lips as you continue.
“Okay technically it was the night before Herman and the rest of the gang threw me a going away party at Molly’s.” The words tumbled out of your mouth as you stood standing to your feet as Rafael walked you out.
The light brown-haired man rolled his eyes knowing an order of your favorite Chinese food was calling your name.
“Come on let's get some food into you before you blow away or pass out on me.” Rafael sighed throwing an arm around your shoulders as he led you toward the elevators.
“Rafa I’m fine. You act as though I don’t eat. Trust me when I can I do. You know this. I have the Barba genes maybe not literally but metaphorically.
With Abuelita and Mami’s cooking, it was only a matter of time before I become a foodie just like yours truly.” The words tumbled from your mouth as you gave the man a once over followed by your first real smile ever since you’d stepped foot back into your hometown.
“I’m not a foodie.” Your brother sassed knowing that he actually was a foodie and when he’d started dating Sonny that had only intensified. It didn’t help the chatty Italian man was an exceptional cook and one of his main love languages was acts of service.
You were grateful that Rafael had found someone like Sonny, he was warm and loving and made sure that Rafael was taken care of and you appreciated it more than he’d ever know.
It had been hard being away from your family for so many years, but when the opportunity presented itself to move to Chicago alongside joining Firehouse 51 you’d been unable to say no.
Back then you’d been a fresh-faced twenty-four-year-old who was ready to pursue your dream of being a paramedic and saving lives.
Now after a decade in Chicago you were back in New York for a fresh start you knew this would be good for you and that’s what Leslie would have wanted for you as well.
She’d have wanted you to be happy and continue your life not wallowing in the grief that had been all-consuming for the past two years.
You owed it to yourself and you owed it to her to find happiness again. That’s what she’d wanted for you to enjoy living again even with her gone.
It was the only way you knew to keep her memory alive. You needed to start living again and maybe in time you would.
Going out for dinner with your big brother was a good start you felt much calmer as you leant into Rafael’s side glad that you had such a strong support system behind you.
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bnha-headcanonss · 4 months
Suggestion :)
Yall really like your Dadzawa fics lmao. I opted to not take the header image seriously, you’re welcome
Words: 1940
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I was walking home from school, had an earbud in listening to some city pop. I live in an apartment with my father near my school, U.A. high school, my dad’s a teacher there.
I was down a less busy street, had some shops here and there but it was a bit more sketchy than the more crowded streets.
I felt a tingle up my spine, you know that feeling when you’re being watched, or followed.
I look down and to the side, try to see in my peripherals just in case I am being followed and sure enough, someone was there. I kept walking, maybe a coincidence. I knew I was being followed for sure after taking 3 right turns and he was still there.
I ducked into a store and pulled out my phone. I dialed my emergency contact, it only took one ring until it answered.
“Is everything okay?”
“No I think I’m being followed. I’m at Midwest on 1 Chrome-6-1. Next to Whitely.” I gave him my location.
“Okay, is there people in the store?”
“Yes, it’s a bit crowded.”
“Stay close to the counter. I’ll be there soon.”
Dad hung up the phone and I presume left where he was.
“My daughter needs some help somewhere in town. I’m just letting you know I’ll be gone.”
“Take all the time you need. Hopefully everything is okay.” Nezu says. With that, I’m off.
I run down to Midwest and it’s empty. Merchandise is everywhere, you can hardly see the store floor. Glass is shattered everywhere, shelving is uneven and some even thrown off the walls, displays knocked over. This place is a wreak.
I rush to a back room, behind the counter, look under bigger shelving and displays, there is nobody, everybody who was originally reported here is gone, including my daughter.
“Hey man, you gotta get out of here. Some big dude just wreaked the place.” Some guy, I’d imagine the owner, said from the front door, he came from somewhere on the street.
“Did you see a girl? Teenage, black long hair, school uniform come through here?” I questioned. I have to find my daughter.
“Oh yeah. She stumbled in here all panicked and what not. She was on her phone, then looking behind her, then on her phone again. She was a mess. She stood up at the counter with me, the dude came in here and wreaked the place trying to get her. She put up one hell of a fight though. He got her and got away. I called the cops rights after.” His voice was shaky, all of him was very shaken up.
“Which way did they go?” I asked, he pointed to the manhole on the ground.
“Shit. Thank you for your help. Get somewhere safe until police arrive.” I phoned a personal contact on my end.
“Tsukauchi, I need some help over at Midwest on 1 Chrome-6-1. There was a villain attack here and a kidnapping. The owner said the villain took off with the victim in the manhole closest to the street. I’m going down but I’m going to need assistance.”
“Do not go down there alone. I’m coming along with some of the force. Stay put.”
“There’s no time, I’m going down.” I hung up, sent him my location, removed the cover and dropped in. Typically I would not have been this reckless but considering this is my daughter here, I’d say it’s justified. I’m not saying I wouldn’t do this for anybody else, this particular matter is just… personal.
Luckily, I know the underground system well enough to figure out where he went due to past chases. The underground system gets used a lot, it’s convenient and very open. It’d be a risk to shut them completely so we installed safety features to ensure our success in stopping and capturing villains. I move to my phone and open the security software all pros have enabled. It allows us to look through certain security footage around our home bases. The store front isn’t one of the locations I can see, but the underground system sure is. I scan the footage for any sign of him or my daughter. I manage to track them, she’s unconscious and slung over his shoulder and he’s bolting for the outskirts of the city. I continue on this trail until I come up near an old warehouse. A little cliché honestly.
I climbed out of the manhole and scoped out the area. Some voices inside trading details and information about deals, money, a big boss, and “the girl.”
I look in through a worn part of the warehouse and see her, still unconscious, on the floor. The men are huddled around her. I don’t see any intention of hostility so I remain put, listening to what they’re saying. If they’ve done this to my daughter, what if they’d done it to others? Or plan to? This could bust them all together.
After a couple minutes of listening I’ve gathered that these men are from the Hassaikai. A know Yakuza group around here. We’ve had issues with them in the past that led to much, much bigger things. This one needs to stop here. They’re looking for powerful quirks. My daughter has a quirk like mine which I would argue, is powerful. One that can temporarily disable a quirk. And if it’s combined with the enhancers they used previously, she may even be able to completely get rid of a quirk. Knows to really say and I’m not attempting to find out.
I hear rattling behind me, it’s Tsukauchi and some members of the force following on the surface level. I give the gesture to slow down and keep quiet.
“I told you not to run off, what’s going on?”
“They took my daughter. They’re with the Hassaikai, still on the hunt for powerful quirks. I don’t know how many times they’ve done this or if they plan to continue.” I relay to the detective.
“What? We put a stop to them. The leader is still in a coma in the hospital.”
“That’s what I thought. I’m guessing someone stepped up to carry on the organization.”
“They took your daughter?”
I pointed to her on the floor. Tsukauchi stepped away to converse with the other guys and report this issue to higher ups before making his way back over to me.
“Okay. This is your kid in there, what’s the plan?”
Tsukauchi and I devise a strategy.
Then we start kicking ass.
Mostly me to be fair. I have the badass quirk and combat experience, not that the others do, but this is also my job.
I take out the two guards they had positioned at the front. The first one went down easy but the second put up a fight. After seeing what happened to his buddy, and on a sneaky attack, he sure as hell wasn’t going to put up with it.
Tsukauchi and a couple men go around the back to secure my daughter. The men that were with my daughter attempted to stop them but my scarf got to them first.
The rest of the force charge with me. We had contained the main villains that we’re discussing plans over my daughter and we bring them in for questioning.
I left that to the police, I’m more concerned about somebody else who’s remained unconscious, I have no idea what they did to her, for precaution, I brought her to the hospital.
She was hit with some kind of sleep quirk. They put her on an IV to maintain hydration. I refused to leave her side the entire stay. This happened because I couldn’t make it to her quick enough. Or I let her go home alone. Some things may have to change if I want to keep her safe.
She woke up after about three hours.
“What’s going on?”
“The villain you called me about got to you. We took care of them, you’re safe and in the hospital. They just have you on an IV, nothing else is wrong I promise.”
“I’m so sorry.” She apologized.
“What are you sorry for? You did everything right. I need to be apologizing to you. You never should have been put in that position.” I tried to reassure her. She’s already been through a lot today as it is, I don’t want her to stress over this.
“I should’ve been smarter, I don’t know. Not have gotten myself caught. I tried using my quirk but nothing happened to him.”
“What do you mean?” Her quirk should have worked just fine. She should’ve been able to stop his quirks effect easily. She knows how to. I’ve had her practice on me and other hero’s at the school since she first developed her power. She’s practically mastered it.
“I don’t know. I did it, I know I activated it, but he remained as he was.”
“What was his quirk, do you remember?”
“I thought it would have been strength or speed, or some kind of enhanced abilities with the way he tore up the shop, and how quick he moved. But he just kept going and going.”
Is he naturally that strong? Or fast? I need to report this to Tsukauchi when I’m done here. That’s something that needs to be looked into because that was only the doings of a quirk. Naturally, that should be impossible.
“Yes Musume?”
“Can we go home?”
“Of course. Let me check you out of here and we’ll go. You need rest. And you won’t be going to school tomorrow. I want to keep an eye on you just in case anything else happens with that sleep quirk they hit you with.”
“No complaints here.” She doesn’t hate school by any means, but if she gets the chance to ditch, she’ll take it. Given her grades are excellent. Frankly, they could use some work, but she gets a pass today.
After I get her checked out, we stop by a shop before heading home.
“Dango? Really?”
“Yeah. I was thinking you could use a little pick me up. Or an ‘I’m sorry you got kidnapped’ treat.” She laughed, that bright smile of hers.
“Thank you.” She kept smiling. I purchased the treat, we snacked for a moment then headed home.
“Are you sure you’re okay? You’re very quiet.” I questioned. Usually we talk a lot while we walk home and yes, she’s been through something traumatic but this is still slightly out of character. Just consider it good fatherly love and checking on his daughter.
“Yeah. Just shaken up. Tired. I really want to sleep.”
“Okay. We’ll get you to bed as soon as you get inside.”
We reach the apartment, she gives me a hug goodnight and heads to her room. Her light is off a minute or two after shutting her door. I stay out in the living room an extra hour or so, to make sure she doesn’t need anything and so I can finish grading papers.
I finish my stack and head to bed. Tomorrow’s a different day, and hopefully a safer one at that.
*Musume (mu-su-mei) - Daughter
I try to keep the main character as nameless as possible. I do this for self-insert reasons and a general lack of knowledge for Japanese culture in which names are a part of. This is why I use Musume a bit, it one of the only words I’ve done the research to use properly and still have it go with the story and even then, I use it when absolutely necessary.
I was thinking of using Rei as her name but I believe that’s Todorokis mother’s name and just decided to her her nameless.
Thank you for the suggestion! :)
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seishirokitten · 2 years
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Tattoo artist Raichi who is as diligent about his work as he is feral. Taking extra care to prep the skin for the ink. He gives instructions on care but never explains them as he scoffs out a
"Ya can read cantchya?"
Until one day a pretty girl like you walks into the shop. Wanting anything they could give you at all since, for you tattoos were a form of therapy. The pain felt nice and the smell of think only ever elevates the experience so after a nasty set back making you feel entirely out of control of your life a tattoo is exactly what you need. Your most recent failure confirms your belief that you didn't belong in your home town and it definitely confirmed that you didn't belong in the big city of Tokyo either.
Maybe moving here and staring anew was a big mistake.
Still your adventurous heart wasn't totally set on giving up just get despite your nihilistic brain forcing you to pack half of your apartment in preparation to move yet again. You figured you'd do what you always did before you'd flea a city or town.
You'd get a tattoo as a reminder to never go back.
It didn't matter what it was or where you got it. Sometimes you had the exact idea of what you wanted, a sunset set in monotone or the numbers to the address you stayed and hell sometimes it was just a random piece off of their cheap flash sale event. So walking to the closest shop was a no brainer to you, even if you didn't know they specialized in a variety of genres.
Browsing the portfolio books on the table as the receptionist slowly plucked the keyboard to enter you in. Nothing really stood out to you and neither did the names.
A straight, neat Iemon in strict letters. Followed by other names that come and go with each color of portfolio until you come across the leather bound book hiding at the bottom. The pen pressed so harshly into the front of the cover it left a deep groove as the writer must have gone over it once or twice to be visible against the light brown binding.
In a rough yet legible font. With no indication of who "Mine" was.
"Oh you didn't pick an artist. The spot was left blank. Did you find someone you like?" The heavily pierced and tattooed woman asks in her song bird voice.
A smile spreads on your face, nails tapping the leather portfolio as you happily announce.
"Whoever Mine is." She gives a confused look before she spies the book, giving a giggle as she must type his real name before guiding you to the back.
Handing you off to a gruff looking blonde who scowls and groans when the receptionist gently taps at his shoulder.
"What is it Chigiri, can't ya see I'm busy damnit!" He quickly snaps out of his slouch and his spine cracks with the sudden movement. Throat and arms heavily covered in all sorts of swirling ink.
"Client wants you." Is all Chigiri says before returning to the front of the shop.
"So whaddya want?" He pushes himself away from his little desk to come to his work bench. Methodologically getting the small unopened ink pots and unwrapping the sterilized pieces for his tattoo gun.
"Whatever, I just want your natural handwriting." You chirp, settling into the chair as his thick hands quickly assemble his craft.
It truly didn't matter what he wrote, obviously no slurs of course but you didn't care if he spelled out fuck you across any of the available spots on your body, "Doesn't matter where either."
He gives a sneer and it shows off his sharp teeth, modded most likely. Filed until each one was brought to a razor sharp point.
It makes you smile, looking at his thick and dark lashing contrasting to his blonde. You liked that he knew exactly who he was, so confident in himself he didn't even feel the need to write out his name on anything.
His amber eyes rove over you slowly. You've had work done and quite a bit. Never loyal to one artist although that was a dying thing of a traditional and gatekeeping past. He liked patchwork tattoos, at least the aesthetic of them, they weren't necessarily his favorite pieces but some people could pull them off.
And damn if you couldn't pull them off.
Arms covered in all sorts of things, some work he recognized from other countries and some he didn't. He notices your exposed collar bones under the scoop of your tank top and suddenly he has to swallow thickly. His mind taking him down a stupid and unprofessional road as he thinks about sinking his teeth deep into your pretty skin until red washed over all the black ink beneath it.
Quickly, he realizes what he wants to set in permanent ink into your subdermal.
"Ya sure sweetheart?" He asks, picking your collar bone as he gently takes the one blade razor to shave any baby hairs, "I can do anything?"
"Anything." You affirm, as he swipes away the last of the alcohol to clean your skin before he pats the area dry, "As long as its in your real hand writing. I don't care."
His messy chaotic kanji reminded you so much of how life really was. Demanding order in a world made with endless and uncontrollable vatiables.
He skips the stencil, no need for it since he could easily free hand what he wanted to write. It was something he'd written thousands of times in his life, probably more times than his own name as he starts up the gun. Dipping the needles into the ink before he pulls your skin taunt and presses into you. The smell of ink hits your nose and you deeply inhale as if it were some kind of drug, the loud hum of his tattoo gun putting you in a trance.
You expect it to be more painful, rough, but his skill shows in how he doesn't press too deeply. Making sure his lines will last where some of the more novice artists on your skin lines have long since blown out and warped.
The more he works the more he smiles to himself. A feral grin as he squeezes it into the tight spot between other great works. Going over it once or twice to give it the true effect of his penmanship.
"Sat so still." He says as he wipes away a bit of the blood, hands safely encased in black gloves. Satisfied with his work he slams his vans into the foot pedal and his gun dies in his hands. Setting it down before he gets to cleaning the spot and adding the solution before he wipes at your skin again.
"Ready to see it?" Smile spread wide over his lips before he looks up at you, "Just remember you said anything, sweetheart."
You nod more than excited as he brings you a broken hand mirror, the glass jagged in the old black frame but you could still read what he wrote, clear as crystal, although a tad swollen from the irritation.
In kanji your collar bone now reads
And for a moment it feels nice to belong.
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People should get reimbursed for commute time
If it takes someone over an hour to get to work, that should be part of their pay.
Many people have to commute long distances/through areas of slow traffic because they cannot afford to live closer to their workplace. This is also why work from home is a big thing.
If corporations want people to return to their offices, they need to make it appealing enough. I'm not going to fight through traffic for 2 hrs in my free time just to sit at a computer all day, when I could just stay home and don't waste that time.
Corporations would be forced to invest in local affordable housing, perhaps even affording housing credits. They would need to invest in local infrastructure (which in the US is falling to pieces) and improve public transport in their area (faster commute -> less cost to the company, less cars on road -> traffic moves faster, employees without cars would still be able to get to work). Also people would be less stressed and actually take the time to drive safely because they wouldn't feel the need to rush. It would make companies actually take an interest in how their workers get to work and investing in local communities.
I live sort of near DC. We have a HUGE amount of workers commuting into the city and its surrounding cities. Retail workers also have to commute to these cities and suburbs because they cannot afford to live in those areas. My boyfriend commutes an hour to his part time job at a kennel in a rich town. A lot of people live in the more affordable, lower income, far away areas in the nearby states because housing prices in my area are fucking insane. I knew someone who commuted 2+ hours to work and 2+ hours back. There are people who drive even more than that.
And where do these employees have to live? Food deserts. Crumbling infastructure. No parks, no walkability, no public transport, bare bones everything. Only the cities which only the few can afford have basic infrastructure. And even the people living there have to commute to OTHER even richer areas. There's a ton of places where housing developments have just been shoved and are surrounded by nothing but farms. There's nothing local to do, so everyone goes to the closest town and city. It's also why you see a lot of older towns have abandoned main streets. Why have your business cater to the 100 people who live there when you can be in a city with thousands?
There has been some recent interest in paid commute times. 1 2 especially with corporations trying to get workers to go back to the office. Personally, I love working in my office because having a separate space outside my home helps me keep work and home separate and allows me to focus easier since I'm not in "home mode". I don't have room for an office in my parents house so working from home kinda sucks rn even though it would help a lot since I'm disabled. But it is nice being physically near my coworkers, even if it gets annoying sometimes. Also many jobs involve fieldwork (like mine!) which can't be done remotely anyway!
There would be incentive for corporations to keep their employees close AND provide more remote work options for those living farther away. As well as matching pay to fit rent/housing prices in the area (or vice versa).
Also there needs to be something done about corporations having their entire workforce sourced from another country entirely, working for pennies. But that's an even more complicated situation that I don't have experience in.
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
Hello....can you write a romantic headcanon for Dominic from Lackadaisy?(⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
yesss. we dont have a lot of appearances from Mister Drago in the comic buuuut i feel we get a good idea of his personality! Still, a lot of this just ideas and extrapolations of mine.
GN reader primarily, with some specific femme and masc options.
A few Femme HCs~
Dominic's a classic gentleman - wanting to have your arm in his, opening doors and moving chairs for you, even helping you over puddles (though that one is more to tease you). He's smooth about it all, not expecting a big fanfare or thanks. It's just what he was raised to do for ladies.
You have absolutely met his parents down in Texas, and they just adore you. They're often calling to check in, asking you to make Dom call or write more, and roping you into holiday plans. I like to think they own a nice ranch outside Austin, and have a townhouse in the city proper.
If you two are married, he has a lovely framed photograph of you in your wedding dress. He keeps the larger portrait on his nightstand, and a smaller one on his desk at work. He secretly likes it when the other agents notice and comment on what a lucky fella he is.
A few Masc HCs~
Unlike most men who approach you with an understanding, Dominic has a charm and a quiet confidence. There's little to no insecurity; he's clearly comfortable in who he is. With a masc partner he's much less "chivalrous" - i.e. he doesn't treat them like some high society lady - instead showing his affection through caring gestures and being a little protective.
Though he may not look it, Dom is aware of the underground queer club scenes and their lingo. He's humorously out of place there, dressed sharp and relaxing off in a corner rather than drinking or dancing. Because of his job, he has to be very careful about which establishments he chooses - so rather than full-blown speakeasies, they're theater houses and little local bohemian retreats where wine is the strongest drink. It's still not totally his scene, but he can relax around the people and not feel so guarded. He'll also do his best to redirect police raids away from these little establishments, especially if you and your friends frequent one of them.
There's a good chance he still has the wife and kids back home, and while he does care for them at a distance, its his job that gets most of his time - and by the time you come around, well. They're lucky to get what few calls and letters they do. It's also likely he never married to begin with, though his parents won't stop hounding him about it.
Unbeknownst to you, Dom keeps a candid photo of you that one of your friends gave him. It's tucked away in his nightstand and he likes to say goodnight to it; a sentimental little ritual he wouldn't easily admit to.
General ones!
A more level-headed person, probably about his age or just a little younger, is who he'll vibe with best. I can see him being appreciative of a more creative spirit, and while he'll greatly admire someone dedicated to their career -- well, two workaholics means you both will barely see each other. A partner whose connected to crime is a no-go - closest he might get is a musician or singer for a club.
Getting a date night can be tough! Dom is a bit married to his work, which he's aware of. Starting a relationship troubles him only because he worries he won't be present enough. He'll bring papers home and often works late, but this means when there's a date, he goes out of his way to be attentive and do things you'd like.
Also, he appreciates the small things! A cup of tea in the evening, saving some dinner for him, having coffee ready in the morning, dropping off lunch at his work, and so on. He thanks you every time. He's also very soft for you lighting his pipe and sharing a smoke outside (or just chatting beside him if you don't smoke yourself).
You never have to guess his feelings, because Dom is honest with them. There's the 'I love you', sure, but there's also all the appreciation and praise and compliments, always said in that steady, deep voice of his. It can get flustering if you aren't used to it! He'll really lean into the southern accent if you like it, too. But that's just between you two.
(Also, the accent comes out when he's still sleepy, especially before coffee.)
Honestly, it's a crime how smooth he is. When you first started to know him, you weren't sure if he was aware of it - but oh, you're sure now. He looks you in the eyes, whispers to you, gives kisses that are confident and touches that are firm but never hard. It's actually unfair, the man is way too good at figuring out what gets you heated the fastest. He's actually worse about the teasing and touches if you're easily embarrassed, but he'll never go over a boundary you set, and he's more careful in public.
You can get him back if the date is at the theater or the movies - because it's dark, and he's usually overworked, it's not uncommon for Dom to drift off even if there's an opera tenor on stage or a woman screaming in the picture show. He feels so awful for it! But now it's your turn to tease him.
Dom loves it when you wear the nice things he bought you, or use the practical things. He's obviously pleased when he notices. Dom is excellent at giving gifts, as he observes the things you admire and things you already wear or own, and goes off that. He doesn't need a special occasion, either - something in a shop window catches his attention and he steps right in to buy it. He's a practical man himself, buuut he likes both good-quality things and spoiling you.
If he's pulling long hours on a big case, he tries to tell you ahead of time. Dominic doesn't like having to do that; he doesn't want you feeling disappointed or lonely - and though he won't show it, sometimes the loneliness gets at him, too. If you're more femme presenting, he likes to have a photograph or ribbon of your's in his pocket, something to lift his spirits when he's burning midnight oil. If you're masc, he actually likes to wear your cufflinks or one of your ties.
On that note, if you two are the same clothing size - a bit of a rarity for him - Dom absolutely likes to "accidentally" take your shirts and wear them instead. He waits to see how long it takes for you to notice, because he always has them cleaned and put back nicely afterward. It's a surprisingly playful side of him, but honestly ... if you're smaller, he likes you wearing his shirts too, and little else. It's something he's not embarrassed to say.
Overall he's a wonderfully considerate and reliable partner - you just have to know his work often comes first, especially once he starts investigating in St. Louis.
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(R) Drabbles: Klaus Mikealson- Laid Up
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It came out of nowhere. That’s just how Klaus was with everything and everyone. I’m one moments turn everything could change. He could go from anger to begging on his knees for you to love him and kiss him all over.
It was a rather funny thing that you sensed was ever changing with Klaus. Six months together well actually a full year together being the closest of friends and just now six months together. When it first happened it was extremely exciting. Klaus had dragged you almost all the way towards his room.
Louisiana sits high in the background, the sun has set and there’s a breeze in the hot summers air. Your sun dress is sticking to your hot skin has Klaus shut… more like slams his bedroom door. That night he doesn’t tell you he loves, but he shows you he loves you. Deep thrusts that make everything fell foggy and hot skin pressed together bruises that became darker by the second.
Months laters, Klaus is yet again tugging you into his bedroom. It’s become a shred space between the two of you. You bright color and twinkling lights with you, along with throw pillows he grumbled about how annoying they were.
“Fuck sweetness, do you know how pretty you are? My pretty little thing.” Klaus is saying as he combs a few fingers through your hair. He pushing and pulling you all over the room until you manage to make it to you bed.
When he does get you to the soft side of the mattress. Your knees hitting the back of the bed and causing you to fall on your back. Klaus is on you like flies to a light. Buzzing and throbbing to be right next to you right inside you. His touches this time are more delicate than most other times. He takes his time with you getting you clothes off and leaving sweet kisses to your hot skin.
The night is forever long in the best of senses. Klaus is powerful and strong with his ability to make you fall apart in your bed. You don’t remember how tou ended up under the sheets wrapped in Klaus arms, and you honestly don’t give two shits. Your body is hot and sticky, your heart feels like it’s going to explode out of your chest.
What you do remember is being swooped up into Klaus arms. His breathing is slowing and he’s lightly brushing a finger over your cheek bone. The silence is completely comfortable. That’s until Klaus is back to tapping away, the words flow effortlessly out of his mouth. A sense of grace and ease flow as Klaus mumbles the first and hopefully the many “I love you”. You can’t help but smile even in the darkness you know that Klaus is smiling just as wide as you are.
When you wake in the morning the sun as already roses way above the cities sky. Your body aches and your hair is all over the place. Your eyes still feel heavy even though you’ve somehow slept over. Klaus has you wrapped up tightly in his arms. He always opts to be the big spoon when you lay down which you don’t fight him on.
“Hmm Y/n stop moving.” You heart a disgruntled Klaus murmur. His voice is filled with sleep, but he has yet to open his eyes. You’re trying to get out of the bed, your hungry and need breakfast sooner rather then later. You move again his Klaus hold, this time it’s a gentle squeeze that keeps you in place. “Babe I need to move.” Your words are soft and sleep ridden just has much as his are. “I have to pee!” you declare as Klaus sighs heavily letting his grip on you fall.
You don’t try to make a run for it after using the bathroom. You can hear the kitchen calling your name, the recipe for your home made pancakes is calling for you. You scrub the sleep from your face and enter back into the bedroom. You lay into the sheets, soft and warmth is still radiating off of them. Klaus peeks just one eye open. He sees your back and he pulls back into his arms. You two lay in silence for a while it’s comfortable, breathing is the only thing to be heard. That’s until your stomach is sending very clear messages.
The grumbling noises causes you to groan and you try to get up but those strong arms don’t let you move. “Klaus, please I’m hungry.” You exclaim, yearning for food is an understatement for how hunger you are. You can hear Klaus whine from behind you his head tucked into your neck. “Please just let me go make some food I’ll come right back.” You beg but there’s nothing but until your try moving under his hold. “No don’t go.” It’s a quiet sleep filled statement. You move once more and this time it seems to have woken Klaus up completely.
“No, you can get up you’re my prisoner for today.” Klaus says his eyes finally opened and looking at you. He yawns widely before throwing his around you keeping you forever close to him. “You can’t just starve your prisoner baby.” You say logically. Logic had been thrown out of the window though long ago when Klaus first saw you. “I can do whatever I want to you y/n.” Klaus murmurs, rough and tough like but still into your neck. “How about you and I go downstairs make food and then we can come right back up here?” You suggest, the puppy dog eyes are being thrown in your direction. “Are you sure?” Klaus asks like a shy kid in school. You hum and feel his arms loosen around your chest and waist.
As you walk towards the bedroom door waiting for your lover to follow sluggishly behind you. You can help but turn “Oh and Klaus I love you too baby.” With that your turn and leave the room bound for the kitchen and a plate in front of you.
Completed on: 02/28/23
Posted on: 03/06/23
The originals-
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hi:) making a request for a henrietta x goth lesbian reader!! they’re all hanging out and the boys are silently fighting over the reader, but the moment henrietta makes a move, the reader like IMMEDIATELY shows interest.
This was so funny. It kinda gives a little more backstory of my headcanons of them and being grown up.
It had been too long since the goths had actually been around each other. Everyone dispersed after highschool, and with the parting of ways came the familiar drifting of friendships. Not that they didn’t speak with each other, but they only spoke once or twice a month, usually to inform each other of how adult life was going and how their careers were. Michael was the lead singer in a band, Henrietta was an indie model/aspiring clothes designer and Pete was a semi-popular painter with a healthy sized following, and each of them hardly had anytime to follow through with their plans on being close until the end. Which was okay, because they’ve settled on monthly meetings back in their hometown just to catch up.
Pete was the first to arrive seeing as he stayed in South Park. He shared a house with his uncle and saw no point in moving away. Too nervous for big cities and too lazy to go to college, he stayed in his quaint little town, going about his daily life as usual and never complaining, happy to stay where he’s comfortable.
Michael was second, seeing as he moved just a few cities away. He ended up in Denver, Colorado, a large but humble town. There is where he found a few people who needed a singer for their band, and he applied and forgot about it. After getting the job and releasing an album or 2, their band, The Velvet Pulse, began to rise up the chart, and Michael was satisfied with his future.
Henrietta was the last to arrive. After graduating, she moved to Los Angeles, California to pursue a career in fashion design. There was never a large variety of gothic clothes that she could wear comfortably, so she decided to start her own brand. She picked up modeling for some indie clothes brand on the side, finally content with her life.
They met at the Benny’s, as they always did. Everything still looked the same, the wall behind their normal booth still stained yellow from their underage smoking habits, remnants of the times they were the closest with each other. The lights were still obnoxiously bright, the menus were sticky, the coffee burnt. It was disgusting to outsiders, but to the Goths who had come back after so many years away, it was home. Michael sat beside Pete, Henrietta in the bench across from them. The trio were happy to finally be back together, even if they only had 5 days to visit.
“And then we went to New York, and kinda traveled down the east coast.” Michael was telling the two others of how his current tour was going. “The only reason I’m here is because after our show in Atlanta, I kind of maybe snuck away and got on a flight over here. The bus is on its way back, but I wanted to go ahead so I could spend a few days back home before it got here.” he finished, taking a swig of his black coffee. Pete and Henrietta smiled, greatful that the tall goth was still humble. “So when you said you were joining a band, did you expect for it to take off?” Pete asked, lifting his own mug to his lips. Michael shook his head, brows furrowed in thought.
“Not really, but I didn’t care for the fame. I was honestly just bored and sent in an application. Don’t get me wrong, I’m appreciative for where we are now, but I do hate not being able to go in public anymore.” Michael lamented, shrugging his shoulders. “That’s the price you pay, though.” he added, looking down at his cup. “Well, I’m very proud of you,” Henrietta said, shooting a smile at the man, “And Pete, I’m proud of you. Your art is amazing. I’ve been keeping up with your posts on instagram and I’m always blown away.” she turned towards the red and black headed goth. Pete grinned shyly, his cheeks turning red over the compliment. “Thanks, Henri. That means a lot. How are things going with your business?” Pete asked in return. “It’s going, that’s for sure. I started selling some of my finished clothing to some boutiques in LA, and that’s really taken off. Overall, I’m pretty happy about how things are going.” the woman replied, tracing patterns on the table infront of her.
The three continued chatting, not stopping even with the bustling of people around them. Every now and then, the old waitress, Betty, would come and refill their mugs. She had become timid in her older years, no longer fussing at the trio and acting cold to them for just drinking coffee anymore. Instead, she welcomed them warmly, seemingly happy to see her once annoying customers. “How are you kids?” she asked, stopping by their table for the 3rd or 4th time. They struck up conversation, reminiscing on how they used to act hostile towards each other, laughing about the good old days. “Well, I’m glad that you’re all back in town again. My niece is coming to work in a few minutes, she just started and I’m still training her. I hope you don’t mind if she stops by with me.” the waitress informed, before walking over to another table.
Michael, Pete and Henrietta dived back into their own conversation, once again not paying mind to anyone around them. They were absorbed in each other’s lives, wanting to know everything that one another was doing. They could have stayed like that for hours, drinking their bean water all day and all night. Well, that is, until they heard a timid voice that pulled them from their conversation. “Would you like some more coffee?”
The voice wasn’t the same as the old lady’s, and they all turned their attention to the person it came from. At the end of the table stood a young woman, no older than 22. Her (h/c) was pulled up away from her face, a few strands of loose hair falling against her forehead. Her eyes, warm and inviting, were a beautiful (e/c) hue, complimenting her (skin tone) skin. She wore the same blue waitress outfit, complete with a pair of white shoes. In her hand, she held a freshly brewed pot of coffee, a soft smile playing on her lips. Michael couldn’t take his eyes from her, and red began to creep over Pete’s cheeks. The pair stared at her, unable to find the words to talk, stricken by her beauty. Henrietta glared at the duo, a silent way of telling them that they looked like idiots and they needed to get it together.
“Yes, please, if you don’t mind.” the woman finally piped up, drawing her friends out of their love dazed states. The new waitress happily refilled their mugs, turning away from them and moving to the next table. Henrietta grabbed her coffee cup, bringing it up to her mouth. “You guys looked like complete idiots.” she noted, taking a sip of her drink. Now boths men were blushing, looking down at the table while mentally beating themselves up. “Dude, she was beautiful.” Michael finally said, coming to his senses. Pete could only nod, not being able to get her eyes out of his mind. Henrietta rolled her eyes, shaking her head at them.
“Would it be weird to ask for her number?” Michael asked, a grin crossing his face. Pete’s head snapped up at that, his eyes casting a glare to his taller friend. “I don’t think you should. She probably wouldn’t be interested in you.” the shorter male noted, drinking from his cup. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Michael asked defensively, his attention turning to Pete. The man shrugged in response, setting his cup down. “Well, you’re out on tour for months on end, you barely answer your phone as it is, I just don’t see how that would work out.” Pete replied, casting a glance to Michael. The curly haired ravenette raised his eyebrows incredulously, scoffing at his friend’s words. “Listen, you can be jealous or whatever, but I think I have a better chance with her than you do.” he noted, playing the same game Pete was. Michael’s retaliation only added fuel to the fire that was already forming, and soon, the two men were bickering quietly with each other, giving reasons as to why they would be better and reasons the other didn’t have the chance.
Henrietta sighed, her eyes rolling once again. While Michael and Pete were distracted with each other, the goth woman scanned the room, looking for the new waitress. Her eyes landed on the young woman behind the bar, washing dishes as she listened to the older waitress training her. Quietly, Henrietta slid out of the booth, not gaining attention of the two men who were still quietly arguing, and made her way to the bar. Perching herself on the seat infront of the two waitresses, she waited until they took notice of her at the bar.
It was only then that Michael and Pete had turned to Henrietta, wanting to see who she thought the waitress would pick, and noticing that the goth woman was gone. They looked to each other, brows furrowed before scanning the room. Hearing the familiar laughter of their friend, they both turned towards to the bar in time to see the young waitress writing something on a napkin, passing it to Henrietta before giving her a shy smile. The goth woman stood from the bar, walking back over to the booth where she was previously sat. The two males attentions were on her, watching as she nonchalantly picked up her cup, raising it to her lips. “The answer is neither of you. She’s a lesbian.” Henrietta smirked behind her cup, flashing the napkin the waitress had given her, a name and a phone number written in pink on the white paper. The men could only gawk, their cheeks turning red in embarrassment at the fact they acted like stray dogs fighting over a piece of meant. At the end of the night, they left, Michael and Pete having apologized to each other and now playfully giving the silent treatment to their female friend, who turned and shot the waitress a wink before leaving the building.
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