#but also i think i get homesick a bit too easy
perilegs · 4 months
being homesick and changing as a person so much the place you grew up in isn't your home anymore is such a core part of ati and upon further inspection i think i was projecting a little
#like yea that is a very common basic thing that happens to a lot if not most adults#but also i think i get homesick a bit too easy#when i moved away from home i moved to the closest big city that's only an hour away and i was already deeply familiar with it#but i was so sad despite knowing i personally could never thrive in my hometown#i wanted to experience the big city but it was so scary and it still is and i miss the comforts of my hometown but it's not just me that#has changed#dont get me wrong i wouldnt move back bc i have hobbies and friends and a job and most likely a career in the city i live in#and this truly is a place i don't think i could ever move away from. unless it is to a neighboring city#it's so hard for me to imagine there are people who move not just across the country but a completely different country and they just. adap#i could never. i was visiting my hometown every week for like the first year i lived here#i eventually want to move to a bigger apartment and ive been looking at places already even tho i need to graduate before doing that#and i'm. getting homesick just thinking about moving to a different part of the city.#i like the area i live in. i like the cornerstore and the distance to the closest grocery stores and parks#i like how my grandma used to live in this area when she was around my age#i'm not good with change and i know it but there are several things about moving that make me miserable#like yeah obviously i will move out from my single bedroom apartment when i can and i'll be so happy and it'll be good for me#but despite having lived here for only a bit more than 4 years i'll miss this apartment. i have so many good memories from here and i'll#never be able to visit it again and have it feel the same#but that's the least sad thing imo. i dread being in a different area more lmao#but it's fine i know i'll adapt as long as i don't have to move to a different city ever again gfsahgak#idk ive had a long day and im feeling a bit melancholic#i'll sleep in tomorrow >:3c#leevi talks
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 9 months
It’s one in the morning let’s talk Six of Crows analysis - it feels like it’s been ages since I did any analysis, which is like the entire point of this account so sorry about that but here we go: We should talk more about Adem Bajan you guys okay because first of all he effectively comes to represent the vast majority of everyday people in a clear juxtaposition to both Inej and Van Eck, but he also is in a position of far less choice than I think we give him credit for.
As a reminder, Bajan is a young Suli boy (presumably somewhere around 19 but we have no confirmation of that) working in the Van Eck household teaching Alys music. He is highly implied to be having or to have interest in having as affair with Alys, and was Van Eck’s chosen jailer for Inej at the beginning of Crooked Kingdom. Van Eck claims he made this choice because he thought “a Suli boy would be most conspicuous” when he was attempting to lure Kaz into a trap to save Inej, but it was also an inarguably smart decision in that, as Inej even comments herself, Bajan was easy to talk to, made her feel nostalgic, homesick, and alone, and very nearly succeeded in drawing information out of her without having to restore to torture. If anything, resorting to torture was Van Eck’s major mistake at this point but that’s really a conversation for another time. Bajan is a really interesting character because he doesn’t want to hurt Inej and specifically encourages her to tell him things so Van Eck won’t escalate things further, but when Van Eck does escalate things Bajan is unable - or possibly unwilling - to stop him. For this Inej calls him a monster, and when he claims he did nothing replies “no, you’re the man who stands idly by congratulating himself whilst the monster eats its fill”. She draws a Suli phrase on him that effectively means he’ll be rejected by the community forever and his spirit/soul won’t be accepted, and she describes it as the worst fate or something along those lines sorry I can’t remember exactly. But what’s the most interesting thing is that even though he claims not to believe in any of it Bajan gets noticeably upset by this and says “that’s not fair”. Inej is surprised that he’s this soft, and there’s a very clear juxtaposition between the lives they have lived.
BUT - let’s look at this from Bajan’s perspective. And remember - this is important - Bajan is not described as an employee of Van Eck’s, but an indenture. An indenture. So Bajan is a young boy indentured in a foreign country to a man as high up in the country’s government as you can get and who has clearly been illustrated to the reader as a terrible person on several different levels that I won’t dissect in too much detail right now. He appears to have acclimatised himself to Kerch surroundings and acts with elevation above his status, because that’s what he has to do to survive in the upper echelon of a deeply classist society that actively diminishes and disapproves of his culture. (<<if anyone wants references for that let me know and also I’ve written about it quite a bit before so that’s kicking around on my page somewhere) He refuses to speak to Inej in Suli because “it makes me maudlin” and my question to you is: is he rejecting the language to further attempt to fit in and as a product of internalised prejudice, or because it’s so incredibly painful to be half-connected to a culture not only that he has forced himself to reject but also that he feels he can never safely return to? Probably both. He tells Inej he doesn’t believe in Suli superstition, religion, or culture, and yet is deeply upset when she uses it against him. Is this because he actually does believe, or wants to believe, in the Saints and the Suli interpretation of them but has rejected them for survival and the supposed betterment of himself? Possibly.
Bajan strikes me as very similar to Jesper in the way he presents himself as free, flirty, and casual, but had a considerable weight to almost everything he says and considerable pain hidden closer to the surface than he may have realised. I think there are parallels between him and Inej if we want to see them, but also a very stark difference in the way Kerch and Ketterdam have treated them. Bajan may not be privileged but even as an indenture he has - or at least as far as we know has had - a far safer and kinder experience than Inej has. This could be related to gender since the hyper-sexualisation of Suli culture is mostly centred on women - “the Menagerie always stocked a Suli girl” (I’ve intensely analysis this quote before so I won’t now but ugh there’s so much to say) - but we do know there are young boys captive at the pleasure houses as well although less commonly and it’s also possible that this difference is linked to Bajan’s decision to turn his back on Suli culture in order to appeal more to Kerch society whilst Inej continually embraced her culture and arguably became more religious in response to her experiences.
This is complicated because I’m not entirely sure how I feel about Bajan. I understand and support Inej’s perspective and everything she saw whilst in a far more dangerous position that he was, but is it possible that this was a lonely boy who saw someone he thought was like him and tried to communicate with her the only way he thought was safe? You are completely isolated in a foreign culture and hate yourself for having suppressed your own upbringing in order to survive, but now you meet someone else who yes, is in more danger than you, but who you might be able to help so that she can help you in return. You aren’t safe to speak freely and so you subtly tell her that you are an indenture, hoping she acknowledges that none of this is of your free will and because you know that she was indentured too (and remember from a societal pov there is very little understanding of what indentured girls at the pleasure houses actually go through and although that doesn’t excuse ignoring Inej’s trauma it may explain why he doesn’t fully acknowledge that their positions aren’t equal), you tell her that speaking your own shared language makes you feel maudlin, hoping she realises that you desperately miss your homeland and using your language makes you feel even further from your family than you already are because you can’t share it with them. She doesn’t seem to be taking any of it in, your employer has every intention of hurting her and you don’t know what else to do, so you make a last plea: you ask her about home. You think you’ve already made it clear that speaking about home is painful, so you ask her about it to invite that pain, to share it, so you both understand. But it fails, because she only sees your employer puppeteering you. You openly beg her to tell him the truth so that he won’t hurt her but she refuses to comply, and after all of your efforts and your desperate attempts to connect and beg her to help you both go home, her response is to turn your home against you and banish you from it for eternity. So when you see her the next morning, how could you possibly look her in the eye?
Bajan did not make all of the right choices in his brief time on the page. He didn’t. But maybe he was trying really hard, and he had no other options left.
Anyway I’m not saying this is definitive one way or the other it’s just an interpretation but I find him a very interesting and very sad character and I although I support all of Inej’s actions in these scenes from her point of view I do find myself wondering how she appeared to Bajan and how he felt in the aftermath.
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turbulentscrawl · 9 months
can we get norton with modern reader? :3
You sure can! I find these pretty easy to do
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-He’s another one who doesn’t give much of a damn, initially. Aside from possibly being a bit bitter over how nice your clothes are in comparison to his (and potentially assuming you’re someone well-off, regardless of whether you are or not), Norton’s opinion of you isn’t informed much by your origins. He’s much more concerned about whether you can make yourself useful in matches.
-There’s a decent chance he doesn’t like that phone of yours, though. The light gives away your position, and unless you brought earbuds along he thinks it’s loud as fuck for such a small thing. And why is so much of future music you play so obnoxious? Guess people of your time left their good taste in the past.
-Being from our modern world, you’re likely better informed about various mental disorders than some of the others in the manor. Even some peripheral knowledge would make you better equipped to handle Norton’s personality flips, and maybe even become something of an advocate for him. One of the biggest hurdles Norton faces in the manor is simply other people not stepping off when he tells them to. They don’t grasp that he’s afraid of hurting them, that he’s looking out for them when he isolates. So, if you’ve got some knowledge or experience and can help convince people to give him his space when he needs it, his opinion of you improves rapidly.
-Norton also doesn’t like to owe people. If the above happens in any capacity? Well, you looked out for him, so now he has to look out for you. Mostly in matches, but if someone gets out of hand mouthing off to you in the manor, he’ll step in then too. You should be prepared for him to keep score, though, and for him to make it known if it turns into you owing him.
-Don’t worry, he’s not some creep. Mostly he’ll start asking to swipe bits of food off your plate at mealtimes. Your future-food is very rich…but good. This much seasoning was hard to come by for him. (I feel like this poor guy would get sick off a baconator, but it wouldn’t stop him from wanting another.) After long enough, he’ll also start asking you to teach him about any labor-based skills you have. Or just general academics, even. Norton’s always looking for ways to self-improve.
-Eventually, your technology will grow on him a bit. Don’t get him wrong, he’s a little angry, a little jealous when you tell him about technological advancements in your time. If he’d been born then, maybe life wouldn’t have been so hard. Maybe he wouldn’t be hacking up his lungs at all hours of the day…. But he swallows that negativity down and starts devising little plans for that phone of yours to help during matches.
-Another way Norton tries to look out for you is by introducing you to his level of technology. Which is…not much at all. You know, maybe you have a thing for vintage and antique, maybe the manor seemed charming to you at first…but Norton knows it will wear off eventually, and then you’ll just feel homesick and vulnerable. The best way he can help you combat that is to make sure you have independence. Home is where you feel safe, and the first step of that is being able to take care of yourself.
-Have you got an inhaler? Please give this man a puff or two, the only reason Black Lung hasn’t killed him is because the manor won’t let it.
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strayheartless · 8 months
friendship bracelets:
Zack makes them, obviously, because he’s a sentimental dork, and in Gongaga it’s considered a sign of great affection to give someone something like jewellery. I like to think there’s a Gongagan tradition/ holiday a bit like Valentine’s Day but it’s for showing appreciation to everyone. And on this day people swap hand made jewellery to signify their respect and love for a person.
Mostly Gongagan kids swap them, and it’s a big thing in school, but Adults do also observe the day with those closest to them -or someone who has done them a great service through the year!
Zack hasn’t really observed the holiday since he left home, but when he finally becomes FIRST he gets kind of sentimental and homesick for some reason. So he buys a bracelet making kit from a craft store and makes a bunch of bracelets for his fellow firsts and Cloud and Kunsel, he makes one for Aerith too!
Giving them to Kunsel is pretty easy. They’ve been friends for years and have talked a lot about Gongagan holidays before. Kunsel is pretty touched actually, and hugs Zack. It’s a nice little moment between them. Quality brotherly affection. Hense the reason the word “brother” is stamped on the bracelet.
Giving Cloud his is funny only because Cloud goes bright red in the face and stutters through accepting it. Zacks pretty smug throughout the entire encounter about making Cloud blush like that. But he’s also incredibly emotional when Cloud turns up at 12:00 PM the same night and pushes a bracelet into Zack’s hand. Zack hadn’t known what to stamp on Clouds “best friend” seemed too weak and and anything more then that felt presumptuous to the point of impertinence, considering he was still battling with how he felt about Cloud. In the end he’d gone with “legacy” which felt like a cop out but Cloud seemed to like it.
It’s only as he looks down at the word printed on his bracelet that he realises he needs to seriously get his act together with Cloud… the word that both brakes his heart and makes it soar “everything”.
Aerith is pretty happy with her bracelet, and as she does with most things, gives him a bunch of flowers for his efforts! He deliberated on what to put on hers too. “Girlfriend” made him feel guilty. He loves her, he does… but he knows, and she knows that they’re playing a game until Zack tells her about Cloud. Instead he stamps “soul” on hers because she will always know his soul better than anyone.
Giving Angeal his is nerve wracking because it makes Zack feel stupid. He knows Angeal wouldn’t make fun of his homes tradition, but still… in the end the worrying is for nothing. Zack gives Angeal the bracelet stamped “mentor” and Angeal is very touched and even a little emotional over it actually. He gives Zack a side hug and puts the bracelet on immediately.
Genesis is -if possible- even more nerve wracking, because Zacknis absolutely sure he’ll be made fun of. He positively shakes out of his skin giving the bracelet stamped “hero” to Genesis and for a second Gen does do his whole “shoot it down in flames” thing until he realises two things: 1. Zack had gone to extend a art lengths to match the colour red to Gens coat, and 2. he turns it over in his hand and runs his fingers over the letters stamped into soft leather.
Zack absolutely panics when Genesis starts to cry. Gens emotional sure, but Zacks never seen the man cry. Gen asks him “why would you spend time on this for me?” And Zack tells him the truth, “cause you are a hero Genesis, and I wanted you to know that people see you that way.”
Genesis is never taking the bracelet off. Ever.
Then the only person left to give a bracelet to is Sephiroth. It is exceptionally hard to pin the man down that day, and in the end Zack has to wait a week for him to come back from mission. And then it’s terrifying to hand it over.
What’s even more terrifying is that Sephiroth kind of stops breathing for a second when Zack gives it to him. He sits on the edge of his desk heavily and stares at the inscribed bracelet in his hand. Zack says his name at least three times before Seph responds to him. When he does it’s with a shaking “why?” And Zack can only hug him and whisper back “because you are,”
The stamp simply reads “best friend” but it’s enough to bring the great general sephiroth to his knees.
Alternative title for this little headcanon is:
Zack Fair stops crisis core with the power of friendship.
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sun-stricken · 7 months
Some ideas for you! Take your pick!
Gray frequents the infirmary the most. In one of my ideas lately, after thinking about iced shell, maybe ice make makes the body a bit more…prone to cracking? Maybe he bruises easy and gets a lot of head wounds. It’s why he’s always in bandages longer. I like the idea of Porlyusica getting sick of him.
Team Natsu/the guild/slayers taking care of him, even when he doesn’t realise it. (Against pervs, against himself, maybe people are a bit racist (with him being not from Fiore).
Gray gets sad sometimes and dissociates.
Gray has night terrors so he has sleeping pills, but on missions he also has caffeine tablets to keep him awake so he doesn’t have terrors around them. Safe to say, they aren’t happy when they find this.
Lucy asks Gray about where he’s from, traditions etc, and the guild realises he might be homesick so they secretly try to learn things for him. (Over the years they’ve picked up swear words (Gray doesn’t realise he’s doing it and they’ve never told him))
Gray’s actually quite touch starved. His body temperature is cold so most people stay away/ don’t touch him (but don’t realise they’re doing it). The only one who can stand is Natsu because of his magic. Maybe it gets worse after becoming a slayer.
…also do you take spicy requests?
you cant just give me all these amazing concepts and tell me to pick☹️ i will do a little for all of them if it kills me
Also yes! i absolutely do take nsfw requests! feel free to ask me anything! im surprised it took so long to ask me that tbh
there is a lot here so vv
* Hes the single reason why the guild infirmary is always having to restock
* Due to Grays multiple usages of iced shell some of his body did turn to ice, most sections of his bones, it looks like a normal bones but it acts like ice, which means hes more likely to break a bone
* unfortunately, its not like a normal broken bone for obvious reasons. itll splinter and have hairline cracks all over the bones before it breaks.
* It takes less time to heal than a normal break, he just has to get it wrapped and limit his usage of his magic so it can ‘heal’ (as in, ice it over again) the breaks and cracks. It takes less time to heal and also less pressure to break, win lose situation tbh
* Which is also why head wounds are especially dangerous for him, skull fractures are more common for him than anyone would like, which is to say any at all
* His external body temperature is low and causes him to bruise like a peach, getting a friendly slap on the back can cause him to bruise for weeks, especially from Erza
* bro hasnt gone a day without a bruise in like ten years
* Hes been dragged to Porlyusica so many times now that anytime she sees him (on the field, in her office, even completely out of context and hes not visibly injured) its like second nature to check him out first
* if she could go a month, or even just two weeks! without seeing him she might consider changing her views on humanity (probably not but its the thought that counts)
* Also Gray has small sections of what people think is frostbite on his hands and feet. It doesnt hurt or limit him at all but theyre there, showed up some time post devil slayer magic
* ALSO! His blood runs slower and is darker due to his low body temperature, causes him only the vaguest of problems but its a thing (this is common in most powerful ice wizards)
* Gray likes to pretend hes good at taking care of himself, but hes not hes really not
* Luckily he has a lot of nosy and protective friends thatll do it for him (in their own ways)
* Natsu literally temperature exploding some guys glass at a bar when he got wayyyy too friendly and handsy with Gray
* they were kicked out but he was really proud of himself
* Rogue drawing shadows towards Gray if he needs to sleep and its too bright, or Sting creating a warm light beam when its dark out and Gray wants to embrace his inner cat and sleep in a sunbeam
* Wendy checking him over first bc she knows hes one of the people who wouldnt ask for help if he was injured
* hes had multiple people physically remove him from fights/training sessions because he was visibly pushing himself way too hard
* Part of the reason Gray learned Fioren so fast was because he was sick of people looking at him like he was stupid for not speaking ‘right’
* he mentioned this to the little slayer group they got goin on and from then on out they were like, hella hyper vigilant with anything that could make him insecure like that again
* It really scared him the first couple times he did it, it still does. He hates losing time
* It started happening during his time with Ur, he cant remember a lot of it, training, blink, fighting, blink, training, blink, training, you get the idea
* It doesnt happen often, and he tried not to think of it past the point of trying to get it to stop
* Its happens often when hes highly stressed but theres no immediate physical threat, his brain doesnt understand whats going on or why its so stressed but knows he doesnt need to physically protect himself yet so it mentally protects him (if that makes sense), usually when hes alone, or when a threat is gone
* he confided in Erza about this once, and now more times than not when he ‘wakes up’ shes there talking to him
* only part he feels is good about it is that it makes him exhausted and lets him sleep easier
* He doesn’t usually dissociate often, not that he has much of a choice, if he did it wouldnt happen at all, but it was a lot worse when he was younger, his memories of early fairy tail are all blurry and he felt like he was on autopilot even when he was ‘awake’
* he hates it
* After his team found out abt his vast array of pharmaceuticals they were so confused and concerned and probably borderline paranoid, because who needs that many medications for one person??
* Gray had been taking sleeping pills at a high enough dose to let him have a dreamless sleep for so long that most over the counter brands dont actually work on him
* but he kept all the old bottle that didnt work just in case he got desperate to sleep and they suddenly magically worked again
* The caffeine tablets were self explanatory after seeing all the sleeping meds, but he also (unwillingly) admitted he takes them on missions so he wouldnt wake them if he had a nightmare, and also for days when they were especially bad so he could go long enough without sleep hed just crash and sleep with no issues. Canr have a nightmare if you dont sleep
* His team was also extremely unimpressed by these explanations
* Erza and Natsu (and also Happy) strong armed him into going to Porlyusica for actual helpful solutions since he refused to go to his actual doctor
* While Lucy and Wendy disposed of the full fucking pharmacy (seriously, he coulda started a business or smth) he had in his bedroom
* For some odd reason he felt lighter and less moody when he was on actual helpful medication and was getting genuine rest
* how strange
* and if his team checks his house for another pharmacy in the making thats nobodies business but theirs
* Also Erza tried to ban Gray from caffeine while on a quest , or at least limit it, but he looked at her like she was absolutely batshit crazy to the point she got embarrassed and had to retract the ban
* But she will tie him to the bed to make him sleep on quests if she has to
* The first time Lucy asked where Gray was from was before Galuna, he ended up giving her a shady answer and redirecting the question to her (reminder, before galuna, before phantom lord) which she ended up also being a bit cagey about so she let it go
* But Lucy is nosy (endearing) by nature, so she asked if he had any different holiday type traditions sometime after Galuna, and to the surprise of, well, literally everyone, he did and gave examples
* which lead down a rabbit hole of the guild fretting a bit abt how to make him comfortable (even though hed been with them for a decade) bc he mentioned he used to be really homesick the first couple years, and sometimes still is
* Most the guild still had no clue where he was from so they were really just running in circles for awhile
* Levy tried to figure it out from the time he accidentally dropped, what she assumed to be colorful curse words, random foreign language bits
* didnt really work but she tried
* so for months he was bombarded with ‘subtle’ questions about his hometown and its culture, which got shut down most the time
* Thats not to say he didnt give them anything, he gave them enough that they were incorporated into existing traditions and holidays they already celebrated
* it was a very sweet gesture that Gray absolutely did not tear up at, so shut up—
* Gray is the most touch starved fool on the planet. ive always loved the idea of him liking touch a lot
* He grew up in a pretty affectionate family, his parents were always around to ruffle his hair, or hug, or hold his hand, or carry him, they were just very physically affectionate and he enjoyed it
* With it made him nauseous, guilty really, because Ur and Lyon were also physically affectionate but it wasnt them, it wasnt his family
* Also it was plain uncomfortable at times, part of learning ice magic was to almost numb himself to cold, but in the beginning numbed him to everything and it became uncomfortable to be touched because it was tingly and it hurt
* Early Fairy Tail he was completely closed off, couldnt stand being touched, didnt want to get cozy and make friends because he planned to leave anyways.
* Ice mages (Fire mages also) temperatures can fluctuate depending on how they feel, for example, if they’re experiencing negative emotions their temperature and the space around them will get colder
* and Gray used to be so angry and upset all the time, and hed just beginning to learn magic so he didnt know how to fix it yet, which caused a lot of discomfort for people.
* People didnt stay around him long because the discomfort of being too cold, and what was he gonna do about it? ask them to come back?? hell no
* So he gained a reputation and people didnt want to disrespect a volatile childs apparent boundaries so they didnt question it
* He was fine with fighting being the only real prolonged touch hed get, totally
* But Natsus got this thing about him that makes him think he can do the impossible, which includes shaking Grays world view and comfort levels
* At some point in their teens Natsu would not let go of the alleged fact that Grays didnt like being touched for some reason, so he did what he does best and pressed the issue
* it ended with Gray being a puddle in his lap while he had a crisis about everything he thought he knew about himself while Natsu celebrated his victory against him
* Its not completely public knowledge but the guild most definitely knows at least a little about how much Gray is touch starved
* he doesnt openly welcome it with open arms but if its happening and he trusts the person hes not gonna say no
* he probably gets a euphoria high from a head pat or smth
* After getting his devil slayer magic is absolutely got worse, having two powerful ice magics, one of which he was still struggling to get the hang of, in one body made it difficult to control the temperature around him, and after long enough people would start shivering if he wasnt careful
* it sucked, totally and completely sucked
* Natsu still remained unbothered and would increase his own temperature to counterbalance Grays, which helped a lot
* he still gets all up in Grays space no matter how much Gray tell him to fuck off, he knows he needs it
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sepublic · 4 months
I just gotta say I love the pun of this episode’s title; I thought Homesick would allude to it being about Luz missing home, but it was actually a joke on Hooty being sick!
That said, we DID get what would’ve been our first look at Manny, as well as an early version of Camila lore! Turns out she was going to be a nurse, but in the end I think I like veterinarian better. Still, I remember discussing healing back during S1A as a potential track for Luz because of this, so to see that theme be apparent with both parents was cool!
Manny’s face being shrouded also seems to indicate that the dramatic reveal behind him -the illness- was always planned, at least since the pilots. Luz said he drove an ambulance, past tense, which seems like some dark irony given he probably needed one at one point. Remember how some of us theorized after Reaching Out that the Abomaton alarm reminded Luz of an ambulance siren related to her father? Man… On the plus side! We can guess Camila and Manny met through their professions, so we could try applying that to canon as well! Compassion is such a Noceda trait I love it.
Likewise, I appreciate how these two leaked storyboards have Luz and Eda covering for each other! One sticks their neck out because something means a lot for the other, but the other decides it’s not so important they’d sacrifice the one for it… With this episode, Eda doesn’t want Luz to look like a dunce but Luz is honest and can’t bear to see her mentor be mocked either, and is trying to take responsibility for what she feels is HER mistake too! It’s really sweet seeing Eda inadvertently teach Luz the Healing glyph.
Speaking of, it seems we would’ve gotten individual glyphs for all spells, as the fandom once assumed! I guess the show did glyph combos to explain why Luz doesn’t immediately find everything, as well as create a sort of fun system behind Luz having to mix and match things. And we even got to see what we always wanted; Luz making an ENORMOUS glyph around her enemy! Goes to show my speculation that since glyphs rely on the magic around them, they aren’t physically taxing; Something we see brought up with Eda’s own magic.
Caduceia reminded me of an early Hermonculus, being a teacher who didn’t really care much for the actual students and even seemed to enjoy mocking them! She looks like Raine, so much that I wonder if the design was repurposed for them because it was such a nice one! I dig the play on Caduceus, with Snakeslie as a palisman! Snakeslie looks so much like a worm on a string. Given Luz and Caduceia are both healers, it’s neat they have a snake in common, though Caduceia’s seems to allude to her being a snake (liar); Her palisman’s name is literally Snakeslie. Snakes lie. Glad to see Stringbean with the positive rep!
I also love the gag of King calling himself the King of whatever’s convenient, and it was really cute seeing him want to prove his own worth! Because two witches, it’d be easy to feel like he has nothing to offer, which is part of Sense and Insensivity in canon! There’s parallels between the A and B-plots, with Luz and King feeling ineffectual and their owl friend supporting them, only to be helped as well! Eda and Owlbert are linked and hell so are the demon hunters and Caduceia!
The House Demon lore was neat, even if it was stuff we already figured out with canon; House Demons being like hermit crabs, and also rare! Seeing healing magic be used to make someone sick and even control their mucus/phlegm was disgusting yet fascinating! And I was delighted to see the demon hunters again, they’re underrated side characters imo and we even got a crew nickname for another one of them!
I also like the bit of the moral here; That sometimes, it’s not that a student is bad or isn’t trying, sometimes the teacher is failing them. Maybe some people think this generation is raised too soft and coddled, but I think it’s an important reassurance for a lot of kids who struggle and blame themselves for it; I’ve taken teaching classes before, and we were taught to be vigilant with ourselves as potentially inadequate for students. It’s the onus of the teacher to adapt to a kid’s needs after all, and actually care!!!
What an unexpected delight! I never imagined the crew made storyboards for additional episodes and not just the pilot! This one has no voice alas, but it’s better than nothing and I feel storyboards have such a nice charm to themselves as well! I really thought the pilot would be my last episode review, but I keep getting pleasantly surprised and gifted by this show…!
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gtwscratch · 10 months
Summary: Tango misses Jimmy, and Skizz hypes him up (set in Secret Life)
CW: None!
Word count: 1,042
(Sorry not sorry about the Flower Husbands slander-)
“Your rancher?”
Tango stops his small tangent as Skizz interrupts him with the question, sitting on a chest. He feels his cheeks heat up a little bit in embarrassment.
“Oh, yeah, um,” Tango scratches the back of his neck nervously. “Remember when you missed a round of the death games?“
“Yeah, I think Impulse said that you guys were, like, soulbound to another person on the server? Your health bar was connected or something?”
Tango nods. “Yeah, that sums it up. Well, I was.. um.. bound to Jimmy. We built a ranch and called ourselves ‘The Ranchers.’ We.. didn’t make it too far. Canary Curse and all that. That’s what he called it at least.”
He looks to the ground, glancing up every so often as he waits for laughter, or teasing, or just some kind of reaction from Skizz.
“Was he good to you?” Skizz asks the question with complete sincerity, and of course that’s the first thing he asks. It’s just a very ‘Skizz’ response.
While it’s not out of character for Skizz to be nonjudgemental, it’s still a relief to Tango, and he lets out a small breath he didn’t realize he was holding.
Skizz waits a few moments before prompting him again. “Well, was he?”
Tango nearly scoffs, a soft smile on his face. “He wasn’t just good to me.”
Memories from the ranch flash through his head. He remembers the reassurance that Jimmy gave him when he had gotten them both blown up in the first session. He remembers Jimmy bringing home some of their first cows and the excitement they shared. He remembers Jimmy calming him down when the ranch first burned down. He remembers finding RR, and—despite Jimmy’s hesitancy—bringing him onto the ranch and raising him as their own. He remembers Jimmy’s laughter, his smile, how his feathers looked golden when the light hit them just right. He remembers waking up to a wing or an arm wrapped around him, holding him close. He remembers never wanting to leave the ranch—never wanting to leave Jimmy.
His smile falters, also remembers not getting to give him a proper goodbye.
“He was.. everything.”
If Tango wasn’t so caught up in his head at the moment, he would’ve realized how cheesy he sounded and gotten thoroughly embarrassed. It’s not that he thinks Skizz is going to give him trouble (maybe he’d give Tango just a little bit of crap about it, but they’re bros, so it’s fine). Tango’s just not used to being so open about how much he misses life on the ranch. He glances away from Skizz, clearing his throat.
“But that’s all in the past now,” he quickly adds on.
“But you don’t want it to be,” Skizz points out just as quickly, and Tango can feel his cheeks burn a little.
“Well.. yeah, of course I don’t. It was fun.”
He was fun.
“And you’re still down bad for him,” Skizz smirks. Aaand there the teasing is. It causes Tango to blush a little more.
“Yeah, obviously,” Tango rolls his eyes.
“Then I guess there’s only one thing to do,” Skizz decides, standing up. “We’ve gotta get you your rancher back.”
“Wait, what??” Tango’s tail flicks to the side as he looks to Skizz with wide eyes. “What in the void do you mean?”
“What do you mean ‘what do I mean?’ We’re going to convince Jimmy to join us, and then you guys can get back together.” Skizz says it so nonchalantly, like it’s common sense.
This time, Tango does scoff. “Yeah, like it’s gonna be that easy.”
“Why wouldn’t it be?” Skizz crosses his arms and tilts his head to the side slightly, mildly confused.
“Because it’s just not,” Tango says, a snippy edge to his tone.
Skizz seems unbothered by Tango’s quickly-rising temper. “That’s not an answer. You literally just said you’d want to team with him, but now you don’t want to? What’s up, Tango? You can talk to me, man.”
The flames in Tango’s hair and on the end of his tail flare a bit, but only for a quick moment. “What if he doesn’t-..!” He takes a second, balling his fists against his sides. Tango takes a few breaths before continuing, his voice a lot quieter than it had been before. “What if.. he doesn’t want me back anymore?”
Skizz’s expression softens lightly, and he takes a few steps forward, putting a hand on Tango’s shoulder. “That’s ridiculous. Why wouldn’t he?”
Tango sighs. “I know he and Scott were a thing the first time we did all this.. And he’s always going after Jimmy in these games. Well, except for the third game.. I think.” He pauses. “He seems really determined to get Jimmy back.”
“And? Jimmy’s never said yes to him,” Skizz says, sounding very sure of the statement.
“Well, yeah, but-“
Skizz is quick to interrupt Tango. “Ah! No buts, mister! You’re going to be quiet and listen to what I have to say before you try to argue with me, okay?”
Tango gives him a small nod, and Skizz continues. “If Jimmy’s not saying yes to Scott’s advances, it means he’s saying no. Just because Scott wants to get back together with him doesn’t mean Jimmy wants the same. Relationships—romantic or not—work two ways, and from what I’m hearing, this is a one-sided relationship.
“So, you still have a chance, my friend.” Skizz gives Tango a reassuring smile. “And, between me and you, you and Jimmy sound like you make a way cuter couple than Jimmy and Scott were.”
Tango chuckles at that, and Skizz gives him a genuine smile. “Really, Tango—you should shoot your shot with him. You sound like you were really happy with him.”
Tango smiles back. “Yeah, I was..” His smile turns into a smirk. “And you’re right—Jimmy and I are a much better couple than he and Scott ever were.”
“Of course I’m right!” He gives Tango’s shoulder a light squeeze. “Now! Shall we go find Jimmy and ask him to join us?”
Tango has no idea why Skizz asked him that because the man is already walking towards the island’s shore. He just shakes his head and sighs softly, smiling. “Alright, alright. Let’s go get him.”
I hope you all enjoyed! There are more one shots on the way!! :DDD
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whiskehorange · 2 years
Cottagecore/Self-Reliant/Self-Sufficient S/O with a green thumb 👍 with Carrie White, Norman Bates, Candyman, Bishop, and Anton Chigurh.
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She absolutely loves this idea and lifestyle, but can't really for the life of her keep a plant alive. As much as she tries it just doesn't flourish as much as she wants and it makes her a bit sad. Just another thing to the list that she can't seem to do right
Being able to watch you light up so many rooms with so many different plants, some she's never seen or heard of before, amazes her. She loves the look and spends a lot of her days sitting and doing small chores or reading in your plant room
They make her unbelievably bright and happy and she loves to learn about each plant you have when you tend to it and will surprise you by doing her own research
She remembers just about everything you tell her about the plants and tries her best to gift you some smaller ones she finds when she's out
I believe that Carrie would absolutely be a trinket collector and would have the best days and fun going out with you to the nearby lakes and ponds for picnics or walks. Rocks and pebbles, pressed leaves and flowers, all that and more
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It's good to have hobbies and interest, especially when Norman happens to be busy most of the day. Thankfully for him, however, your hobbies are ones that he can keep up with as well.
I'm certain Norman is a bit of a green thumb as well, he has to keep up with the property somehow. He'll be forever grateful if you ever want to pitch in for him to get some work throughout the day out so he has more time to spend with you, even if that time is gardening
It's good for you to be keeping him up to date as well. While your interesting aesthetic isn't something he's used to seeing it certainly does liven up anywhere you go. Norman doesn't change things up too often, so he really needs a wardrobe change
When he isn't bugging you too often though, he does spend his time making delicate and floral based taxidermy for you of various small animals. A lot of the design choices come from flowers and plants he's heard that you're fond of or some he's plucked behind your back
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Daniel thinks it's a beautiful thing that you're able to be enough for yourself, especially when he can't be there constantly. Not like he could do much for you anyways, but you're still well off.
He's a man of taste and is pretty well versed in your plants and how to help you tend to them, but occasionally loves to hear your input and advice on doing so. It's one of his favorite pass times with you, making him feel at peace for the first time in a very, very long time
It does happen to make his chest rumble a little bit, seeing as his bees desperately want to get out and smell some fresh flowers for once. Within a certain distance from you you'll be able to hear the anxious humming and buzzing of all of them underneath his coat
As if he didn't do this often anyways, he almost always brings you home flowers as often as he can, but mainly the types you can replant/pot if you'd like to keep them and frequently will take you on dates that rely on the weather. Walks and picnics secluded in the forest are his preferred places. If you thrive, he thrives
Of course, he's also always looking forward to your homemade, organic treats and goodies on the way there
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The amount of relief that Bishop has taken off of his shoulders is immeasurable. You'd be surprised, or not, to learn that not a lot of Earth plants can survive on the ship, even with 24/7 monitoring and care. Most of the plants you see in the corridors and offices of the ships are either fake to easy the homesick epidemic floating around or plants from various other planets
Bishop himself is decently knowledgeable on the various plant and vegetation on the ship and he's more than happy to sit and teach you the ups and downs of space greens. It's most important on this ship to know how to be self reliant, especially when it's such a dangerous area to be stuffed into. A lot of the things in and around this ship can kill you, so his teachings are mandatory
There happens to be a lack of botanists on the ship that Bishop would be more than happy to train right next to him; even more so with it being you. And as much as he appreciates your comfy style and personality, he does have to hand you a typical lab uniform with a pitiful smile
Your work ethic is something that he swoons over the moment you do decide to work next to him. Bishop may seem like he's got a stick stuck up his ass, but no one gives him the time of day to figure out that she shows love and appreciation differently, especially when it comes to talking data and interests with you. You'll notice one of his small gestures is giving you itty bitty foreign plants that the two of you have been studying to see if you can keep it alive
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Well you certainly look... interesting. You're an odd one, but it's a bit refreshing to come back home to after however long he's been away. There is never typically an element of surprise that will be able to catch him off guard, but seeing what new project you're up to every time he sees you if a close contender
He's more than relieved for you to be so self-reliant and be able to keep such thriving gardens and structure, it gives him less to worry about. You'd think he wouldn't have any cares in the world, but you'd be surprised
You constantly send him on his way with treats and small foods that you swear he needs; when was the last time you say him eat with your own eyes? Exactly, and it's hard to have him for long enough to enjoy a nice warm dinner
Anton doesn't speak much on his work life or about home life in general, but doesn't mind your talk. He appreciates your lack of small talk and tendency to jump right into filling him in on what's been going on since he's been gone, what you've been growing, clothes you've made, and small new additions to the home you've made. He'll blankly smile down at you in the garden as you crouch down and show him the growth and greens, inching to the left every so often to look at the other patches down the line
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max-nico · 11 months
favorite hangout spots for tails and friends? 💕
Hello !!! I will do this ask but please be more specific in the future ! Who is "and friends"? Lmao. Anyway, here's some headcanons for "hangout spots" surrounding team Sonic !
This one kinda got away from me a little so sorry about that
Sonic is a hedgehog who enjoys a nice view, plus his little brother can fly, and his other one lives on a floating rock, so I think he generally prefers to relax somewhere high up. Sometimes that means a tall tree, sometimes a roof, sometimes a cliff, just somewhere with fresh air and beautiful nature. Also, in the early days of his and Amy's friendship, I can definitely see him running up a tree to hide from her for a little bit
Tails grew up in the wilderness("grew up" is a strong word for being 8 but still), before and after he met Sonic. So you would really think he would take more comfort in it, but I think his preferred place is inside with his inventions. Somewhere he can tinker with ease to his heart's content, where he knows he can be useful no problem. I do think he enjoys the fresh air tho, and normally has his garage door or window open, depending where he's working
But Tails also understands his older brother(s) prefers to be outdoors. He can compromise by burrowing underground or squishing close to a big shady tree, but it's hard to work with ever changing weather, other Mobians around, and animals or flickies or Chao in the vicinity. There's a lot of uncontrollable variables that he just doesn't like.
Sonic also understands that his little bro just prefers the indoors, so he compromises by coming to visit often, but spending most of his time living fast. Being inside for too long makes him stir crazy, so it's hard for him to empathize with Tails, but he respects his preference anyway.
Knuckles absolutely prefers outdoors. Unlike Sonic, he won't go half feral if he's inside for too long, but he definitely starts to get irritated. He rises with the sun, sleeps with the moon, and talks to the stars. Being inside, even if he's surrounded by nature, can make him homesick in a matter of hours.
I do imagine Knuckles wanting a "base" of sorts to come back to. Sonic prefers to just go wherever the wind takes him, but at the end of the day Knuckles wants somewhere to return to. To Sonic, the world is a giant park, and he wants to start playing. Knuckles sees it more as a house party of sorts, where at the end, he's excited to settle down and take it easy. He and Tails have that in common.
Together, they do enjoy sleeping under the stars. It's easy for them to take it easy when they're all close. They all have each other's backs and trust each other with their lives and more, they'll hangout anywhere as long as they can be together for a few more days, hours, minutes, seconds. For just a little more time
They're a family your honor
Knuckles and Sonic probably like empty fields when they hangout together so they can spar to their hearts content though lol, brothers will be brothers
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therealvinelle · 1 year
You reincarnate as Lord Voldemort in 1997! What chaos ensues? (Assume you have all his powers)
Oh but anon, what use are his powers if I don't know how to use them? I don't know any spells, nor how magic works, nothing. It's like giving someone the computer belonging to the world's greatest programmer and saying "Go on, hack the Pentagon! You'll blow me away, I'm sure!"
In other words, I sit down in a corner and cry until Bellatrix kills me for daring to impersonate her master.
Assuming I somehow know how to wield Voldemort's power
I imagine my priority here is to make myself a better body than what Voldemort is currently stuck in, if only so I'll be able to look into reflexive surfaces without screaming in terror.
I... have no choice but to ask the horcruxes about this, so I ask Bella to bring me my goblet.
The goblet... turns out to be Vinelle too.
After all, I have become Voldemort, this means all pieces of Voldemort's soul are now Vinelle's soul.
Oh god, my soul has been fractured into itsy bitsy pieces and Dumbledore and Harry already destroyed two of them (the Ring and the Diary). FUCK.
My priority now is to save the surviving horcruxes that we know about, which leaves us with the Locket, the Diadem (I never put much stuck into the idea that Nagini was a horcrux), and Harry himself. Of the two, the Locket is in the most danger, as Harry already has it and may have already destroyed it.
According to the internet, Harry received the sword on December 26th of 1997 so I'm almost certainly good, but Voldemort is generally cursed with the world's worst luck so who knows.
I call Snape to my side and if he hasn't already given Harry the sword I replace it with a replica that, assuming magic would allow me to do this (which I think it would), is a portkey set to trigger when a specific person touches it.
That person, of course, being Harry. Should I be unable to get the portkey to recognize a specific person in this way, I will set it to trigger when touched underwater, as I know Harry's the first and only person to be touching the sword while it's in a lake.
I obliviate Snape, who in time sends Harry the sword, sending Harry to me. I now have Harry and the Locket both, and can retrieve the Diadem in my own time. Snape can do whatever, Dumbledore kept him enough in the dark that the only dangerous knowledge he has is that Harry's a horcrux: I can obliviate that from him, and leave him to continue his miserable life.
Should Snape already have given Harry the sword, however, I have a good cry (assuming the homunculus is capable of crying, otherwise I'm staring forlornly out a window) and then wait forlornly for the Snatchers to catch the trio.
I retrieve the Diadem, and get Harry if I can. If I am unable to get Harry I'll still have the Diadem, otherwise... yes.
If I am able to get Harry to my side I give him the Draught of Living Death until I am able to procure a basilisk, at which point I have him petrified. He is transformed into something small and easy to hide, and I spend the next few years trying to devise of a way to extract a horcrux from a living being.
I also try to find a way to get Tom Riddle's body back, as I don't fancy being inside a homunculus.
As for the wizarding world...
It's gone a bit far for me to be able to overturn Voldemort's revolution, and even if I did we wouldn't be returning to a world that's particularly improved. I think I put Lucius Malfoy in charge so he can have a nervous breakdown and go abroad, ostensibly to increase my dark power but really I'm just homesick for Norway. Oh the terrible city planning decisions in Oslo of the past 26 years that I can prevent from ever taking place.
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pjoxreader · 1 year
Hiii! Hope you’re slaying the day away. Can I request Frank with a Filipino reader? Never see any content for us anywhere 😔😔 siopao and caldereta>>>
Filipino Reader
((I'm a dumb American but I really tried my best! 😭))
-Being Filipino you were introduced to a lot of languages growing up. So much so in fact you were fluent in Cuyunon and Spanish thanks to your dad. Not that Spanish was too helpful unless you were talking to each other. But before you knew it you had to go to Camp Half-Blood. You had to move right away but that at least led you to becoming fluent in English as well!
-You rarely use Spanish, that is unless you were busy talking shit with Leo. The plus side of knowing so many languages is that you can get away with saying a lot of different things. It is rather funny watching Chiron slowly narrow his eyes at you as he debates if that really was a curse word you just said.
-You do miss home sometimes… You were born and raised in Puerto Princesa, so you wouldn’t have to go too far to see the beautiful blue glittering sea. The water in New York? Let’s just say it didn’t have that same… Charm… -You get homesick quite often, missing the simple things you used to do like doing the Sabang X Zipline. You never understood why you loved the thrill of that zipline just as much as the tourist if not more, that is until you realized you were a Demigod. 
-The main thing you missed was the food from Baker’s Hill. It was a downright crime that Americans didn’t get to enjoy ube hopia or worse of all that they didn’t enjoy siopao bola bola! You did at least have the pleasure to introduce the campers to the wonderful desert of Halo-halo. With just that you quickly became very popular among the campers.
-It wasn’t easy but you began to adjust to your life as a demi-god. Though it didn’t feel like home just yet you were starting to adjust, make friends and learn how to survive against monsters. It was scary at first, being somewhere so different from home but Camp Half-Blood welcomed you with open arms. And now? Now you are looking forward to your next adventure.
Frank Zhang
-Being born and raised in Quezon City you had adjusted well to large crowds, so moving to New York wasn’t nearly as bad as you had worried it would be. Though with all the concrete buildings you were nervous for your new life.
-You have grown accustomed to the beautiful gardens with playgrounds, fountains and of course the world peace bell monument. Not to mention all the wonderful wildlife centers with all sorts of animals from crocodiles to peacocks!
-Thankfully as you get to camp you’re surrounded once again by nature, though it was different there was an air of familiarity of nature. Little did you know by pure chance the man of your dreams would be there as well.
-The two of you met with you accidentally running into the brick wall of a man. You try your best to apologize while he also scrambles out apology after apology. At least he helped you back up to your feet trying to make sure you were ok.
-Nothing but your pride was hurt thankfully, but seeing how worried he was couldn’t help but make you laugh even if you couldn’t understand half of what he was saying at the time. That does seem to help him relax a bit now that he ensured that you weren't hurt he couldn’t help but start to laugh a little too. 
-When people said that you ran head first into love you didn’t think they meant it literally, but that was how you met your future boyfriend. You still love to tease him about it and watch how flustered he gets, you couldn’t imagine your future without him now.
~Masterlist & Rules~
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itoshi-s · 2 years
we barely had any glimpse of Sae's life during his stay in Spain (except knowing that he did go there for soccer purposes). So I imagined that during his stay in Spain, he felt homesick. A colleague of his suggested "Why not go for a drink to ease yourself?" and then BOOM!! Went to a club, shots of liquor made him drunk already but it worked! (for now).
His other teammates will be like-- "Oi!! Someone help carry this kid back home!" You and his manager volunteered to help (just to get out of this place because lord knows how dangerous Clubs are when it comes to women, especially if you're not around trusted group of friends, but his manager seems friendly and you're working as an intern manager for future players so that's a mixed feeling).
His manager carried Sae and you gathered his other personal belongings, went inside a taxi to drive towards Sae's temporary place. You opened the lock of the door, and his manager placed him in his bed, manager-san hurriedly left though but he didn't forget to say his thanks for trusting him and all~
You placed Sae's belongings to his couch and accidentally made a noise from your foot (as you were about to leave). You took a closer look on what it is and u saw... a plastic wrap for a nori wrapper? What?? But you're in Spain! *crack-* You stepped in another plastic wrapper and soon discovered a trashbin full of failed attempts of cooking and convenient bought goods (he did mention that he's not good with anything besides soccer so..). Shocked, you began to overthink that somehow reached to a conclusion 'This is not good! He should be eating healthy stuff, not this! Mmmm... could this be a test to become a good manager in the future?!' So you quickly searched for quick yet delicious japanese breakfast (as a manager, u must know at least the player's home country) so that he can heat it up easy with a microwave. After spending an hour, you're finally done cooking and covered it, leaving a letter that says, "Don't forget to eat breakfast, Mr. Itoshi.", cleaned the used kitchen stuff, and left the place. That's what happened during that night, some people might think it's a bit excessive, but you don't mind. It's a veryyyy small act of kindness compared to what his sponsor has given him anyway. You already expected that he'll let the upcoming day pass by but that's okay, you treated this situation as a test and just want to help him as an intern manager for future players that will be assigned to you anyway.
Or so you thought that would happen. Cuz you shouldn't be fast-walking around the building (carrying out your duties an intern) while being tailed by a red-bean haired who's spouting "not-so-believable-job-descriptions-but-hey-a-generous-offer/s" exclusively for you.
(If u finished reading this longggg...imagine?? Idk how to call it :T then... thank youu! You can continue this idea with a fic or something if u wannnt)
AAAAAAA nonnie i luuuuuv this prompt considering it's canon that sae has his family send him japanese food and snacks when he's away ajhslksah and also it was stated that he really cares about his fam too so i can DEFINITELY imagine him bein homesick . also i'm curious what happened in spain to make him the way he is :((( sigh but that's for another time hehe
also i hope i did get your idea correctly cuz i might be runnin on like 5 hours of sleep and 'm after 3 hours of practice too 😭 so sorry if i misunderstood anything aksjghask but the thought of you just doing your job and being a good hearted human and sae noticing .. taking it as a chance to get closer to you .. doing the craziest stuff that his manager just cannot deal with,, so that you can intervene and he can see you again </3 kinda smells of yan themes too but im just a whore for mentally unhinged boys (`ー´)
ty sm for sending this in !! i will keep that in mind for future fics cause it really is such a wholesome-can-turn-dark-idea hehe
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faillen · 1 year
it’s way past midnight but i’ve still got a lot of hours of being conscious ahead of me (trying to not miss a redeye flight lol) so this is a great time to do a bit of picking my own brain apart via projecting onto a character lmao
anyway. i think Pran does fine in Singapore the first couple of months. he’s so busy with the new city and job and home away from home that he does fine. his friends are available for hours long video calls. there’re so many things for him to explore. he comes up with a very religious cleaning/errand schedule for himself. he holds himself to accepting an invitation to after-work drinks at least once every two weeks, if not more.
he might not have a lot of people he’s super close to in the city, but he doesn’t feel super disconnected from the folks he usually leans on for emotional support. Pat is always happy to call for hours and they keep up a steady texting chain. Ditto for Ink and Wai. there’re groupchats chock full of memes and complaints about the transition to post-grad life.
it’s not that he doesn’t get homesick--he does--but he doesn’t have the time to really ruminate on that. there is so much that is new and constantly asking for his attention that it really only pops up on a very quiet night where his apt feels a little too big, or when he sees pictures of everyone out and about online and it hits a little too hard, or when he tastes something that’s just to the left of his mom’s cooking.
it’s after he’s a few months in--when he feels relatively settled at work, and doesn’t have as much of a drive to explore Singapore, and his routine is basically set, that the loneliness starts to creep in. it’s when singapore feels less like a novel place that he’s in and more like the place he’s living that, funnily enough, he starts to feel a bit more unmoored.
and though he’s beginning to make friends at this point, the newness of those relationships--and all the anxieties and worries that come with trying to figure out the boundaries of a new friendship + taking the leap of trust that people enjoy spending time with him as much as he enjoys spending time with them (okay full disclosure yeah that last bit about people enjoying time with him might actually be about me but this is my post and my self-psychoanalysis via Pran Parakul Siridechawat so I can write what i want)--make the overall sense of isolation worse.
they leave him longing for the security of the long-term and comfortable relationships that he no longer has access to. the easy intimacy of laying around someone’s apartment for a few hours, or doing something without worrying about pretenses. on the flipside, the people back home who miss him are entering a period where that feeling is less sharp and while he’s glad that it’s all sort of mellowed out a bit, there’s also a lot of dissonance b/w how he’s feeling about being in a new country on his own, and how others are feeling about him not being where he used to always be.
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trin-gvf · 2 years
christmas fun - S.F.K
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sam x fem!reader
1.8k words minors DNI
WARNINGS: unprotected sex, oral sex (fem rec)
a little late but here it is!
It was christmas and you’d had the opportunity to spend the whole weekend with your husband, sam. He was always busy with touring, making the new album and many things that concluded being a famous musician. Yet, you had him all to yourself this weekend. Usually, you would go to his parents for the christmas weekend and stay up until the day or two after new years depending how bad your hangover was. But, you stayed home this year. There was a bad storm circulating around the south of the U.S. and even going up to Canada, so, you were stuck.
“Stay home! We wouldn’t need you or Sam getting hurt over the holiday weekend! Come over when it passes!” You recalled Karen’s voice. She was so sweet, she always put her kids and their significant others first. She would give the world to make any of you happy. 
So, this year, it was you, Sam, a bottle of fancy wine and a few presents you’d gotten each other. It was enough for both of you but you knew Sam was bummed about not being able to see his parents this year. You saw Josh, Jake and Danny yesterday due to the snow not blizzard yet taking place. It helped Sam just a tad bit with his new found homesickness. 
“C’mon, Sam. Let’s open our presents now. I think you’ll love what I got you, love.” You said, pulling him off of the couch and next to your decorated Christmas tree. You both sat next to it, passing each other the presents with their name attached to them. You handed Sam a big, soft gift. 
“Open this one first!” You gestured to him excitedly. 
He nodded, handing you one about the same size and texture.
“Okay, you open this one first too.” He smiled at you.
You both pulled away the wrapping paper, laughing when you both saw what it was. You had bought the same gift. It was snuggies you’d bought each other. His was a soft brown and yours was a baby pink.
“Oh my god!” You laughed, throwing your head back. You both would complain endlessly about how cold you were. You would layer on many, many jackets/hoodies in an attempt to warm up but never did it work.
You both shared a good few laughs over it before opening the few others. Sam had got you a new laptop, feeling bad he broke your old one and you’d bought him a new phone, knowing his old one was barely functioning. You’d also received a couple others, but nothing as big or expensive as the phone/laptop.
“Thank you so much, my lover. I love it all.” Sam said, wrapping you in a hug in his new snuggie.
“And I, the same.” you smiled into his chest. 
“Are you cold now?” he laughed, looking at you in your oversized snuggie. 
“No! It’s a miracle!” you basically shouted in excitement. 
You spent a while just being close together and watching christmas movies before deciding to make dinner. You both decided on spaghetti since it was easy. You wanted to help your husband but he simply wouldn’t allow it.
“Sam, please?” you begged, this being your nth time asking.
“I’m sorry, but no.” he scoffed.
“Why not?!” you said, stomping your foot onto the floor like a child throwing a temper tantrum.
“Because I’m almost never home and I want to cook my wife a meal. Can I do that, please?” He pleaded. Giving you puppy eyes that he knew you couldn’t resist.
You were now just admiring him while he stirred the pasta and spoke whatever came into his pretty mind. You were so incredibly happy to have him alone this precious weekend. You were happy to share him with the millions of fans around the world, they needed him to feel whole. Yet, you found yourself getting jealous half the time. You knew you’d never be a “normal” couple. Even following into his elder years, he’d be recognized here and there every so often from fans claiming they’d been listening to greta van fleet since they’re teenage years. 
That’s why this weekend felt so special. Just you and him. 
Dinner flew by, it was delicious as always and it paired well with the glass (or two) of wine you had along with it. You were now sitting at the table, talking about silly things.
“Do you wanna dance?” he asked as “have yourself a merry little christmas” came on. 
You nodded your head as fast as you could. You dimmed the lights, almost to nothing as Samuel waited for your company by the Christmas tree. The shine off of the white Christmas lights gave the living room a soft glow. The snow falling outside was enough to make you find peace within the four walls you had seemed to be trapped in just 3 hours ago. Sam took your waist and softly rested his head on yours as you nuzzled into his chest. He started singing the lyrics and it was heartwarming. 
“Have yourself..a merry..little christmas.” he lowly sang. His voice vibrated your face under his chest.
“Let your heart be light. From now on, our troubles will be out of sight.” you sang back. When Sam realized you were listening to him, he hugged you tight.
You looked up at him, having the feeling you needed to be kissed. He gladly did so. You smiled into the kiss and softly put a hand into his hair. He’d been home all weekend and it was now Sunday, yet, you couldn’t seem to get enough of him. His smell, his presence, his whole entity. It was too good to be true.
It made you want him the more and you knew he felt the same when he pressed his body against yours particularly roughly. His hands were grabbing your waist, needing to feel even an ounce more than what he already was. Next thing you knew, your husband was guiding you down the hall and into your shared bedroom. It felt so much different when he was home. You were used to the room being cold and lonely. When he was home, it was warm and brought to life with the joy you felt.
“I want to show you how much I love you” his voice was soft and so close. 
“Can I do that?” he asked.
You nodded your head, needing his touch more than ever. 
“Please.” was all you said before Sam laid you back into the bed. 
He let his hands rid you of most of your clothes, taking the view in. Sam thought you were the prettiest girl he’d ever land his eyes on. You were his prized possession. He kissed down your body before ghosting over where you needed him most. You whined, watching him take his own clothes off. He was so fucking pretty. Almost too pretty. 
“Can I take these off?” he questioned while digging into the band of your panties. You were too far gone and far too needy to verbally answer. You just nodded your head as fast you could, pushing your hips up into his hand. 
Your panties were soon discarded and thrown onto the floor. Sam took the opportunity to push himself between your legs and softly lick and warm stripe up your cunt. He smiled into you as you bucked your hips into his face. He knew what he was doing, he knew how impatient you were when it came to him. 
“Don’t you worry, my love, I’ll take care of you” He softly mumbled as he finally attached his mouth to your clit. He sucked on it, causing you to arch your back away from the sheets. He made coo-ing noises as you locked eyes. He flicked his tongue against you as he slid two fingers into you. It was enough to softly push you over the edge and you were now begging Sam to let you cum.
“Sam- Sam please- oh my god!” you cried, squirming under his touch.
“Go ahead. Do it. Let me feel you, my precious girl.”
His words were muffled out as you let the pleasure take over you. It was hot, overwhelming and absolutely just what you needed. In all honesty, Sam could’ve cum untouched just by watching you finish due to what he was doing to you. Sam’s ego always seems to grow when he was able to make you cum. 
You had unconsciously put a hand into his hair, giving it a hard death grip from when you had let the pleasure take over your body. You let go when you came down, watching Sam pull away. His chin was glistening with your own pleasure, licking his lips and wiping his chin with the back of his hand. 
“Taste yourself, baby. You taste fucking amazing.” he said, crawling up to your face. The kiss was hot and slow, letting you taste yourself in all your glory. 
He pulled away, finally taking his boxers off. His cock slapped against his lower stomach as he did so. Your mouth watered and you simply couldn’t wait to feel him. He was perfect in every way. He was so fucking perfect for you. 
You watched as he let a string of spit fall from his mouth onto the tip of his cock. He spread it with his hand, pumping his hand up and down his dick a couple times before watching you move towards the middle of the bed. He crawled atop of you once more, finally pushing into you. You both let out a gasp as you felt your bodies connect. Sam buried his head into your neck and you let your hands make their presence known in his hair. He started out slow, letting you adjust to his size before speeding up.
You shut your eyes, letting yourself feel him in every way your bodies allowed. Your legs wrapped around his waist, making him go as deep as he possibly could.
“Can you feel that, baby? Feeling me all the way in your fucking stomach, hm?” his voice was more like a growl at this point. 
The energy you two had made, made it even easier to get closer to finishing. 
“I know, love, just a little while longer. Do it with me, c’mon.” he spoke into your neck.
A couple more thrusts and you were thrown into your second orgasm of the night. Sam was in his own little world, going through his very own orgasm. Your chests were heaving against one another and you were both sweaty. Although what seemed to be gross, was loving and made you feel closer to Sam, more than you ever had. 
It took a while to get up and get clean, but laying together in a mess you made together made it so much better. You were now laid against sam’s naked chest.
“Merry christmas, Sam.” you mumbled as you fell into a very much needed sleep.
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imagine-that-100 · 2 months
Hi beautiful, happy birthday!!! I hope you have not only today, but also a whole year and many many more filled with joy, love, peace, and all wonderful things. Cheers to another year filled with MINDBLOWINGLY GOOD writings.
 it's kind of amazing how I still remember 4 years ago I first read part 18 of Holiday and thought that was the best birthday gift ever (mine being on the 25th), that is my first birthday being alone and half a world away from my family ; this might sound a bit dramatic but your writing/your account has accompanied me through several life milestones: my 18th birthday, my 4 years of uni, a pandemic, my first time going to a concert (I remember waiting in line and reading your fic to pass time haha), my first time watching Arctic Monkeys at barricade (!!), countless mental breakdowns which final leads to a (undiagnosed) disorder (lol still but I’m getting better). And now I’ve graduated and can finally spend my birthday with my family.
This is becoming so egocentric ahhh, but I just wanted to say how much your writing means to me and I want to say thank you. You write so many amazing long series with long chapters, and you have kept writing and updating for years, which I think is absolutely amazing in a time where people have such short attention spans and it is so easy just to log off and disappear from the platform without even having to explain or say goodbye. Huge respect and deepest gratitude for doing this. For free, just purely out of love and compassion for the characters. I can’t wrap my mind around how you do it and how you do it SO WELL. I think so hard yet I can’t think of one thing that I have been doing consistently for 4 years. This is truly an achievement, you are amazing. Your writing is motivational, inspirational, it is a place and a thought of comfort. (I still remember when I just got my first covid shot and I was so scared that I will feel ill after, so I wrapped myself in a blanket and read your fics, they calm my nerves countless times throughout my uni years which are filled with anxiety, breakdowns, homesick and loneliness). 
Sorry that this is a birthday message but ended up filling with so many unnecessary details about me. ANYWAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I wish you ALL THE BEST, sending lots of lots of love <33
Thank you so so much!!! I’ve had such a good day, just been a lovely relaxing one and I went out in Wilmslow to celebrate which was a lot of fun!
Awh bless you so much I’m so glad my writing was there for you when you’ve needed it and that you’ve enjoyed it enough to stick around while I’ve been posting throughout the years! Honestly from the bottom of my heart thank you so so much, this has really made me smile, I’m thrilled the fics gave you that escape when you needed it💜
Hope you have the best birthday tomorrow! Sending you lots of love too🥹💜💜💜
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sothas · 1 year
Nilonii Character Details, part 2!
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I had so much fun with the last ones and thought I’d randomly pick some more to answer! Nilonii brainrot is constant
The questions are from this list! If you’d like to ask me any that I haven’t already answered please go ahead!! <3
✈️ AIRPLANE — does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person?
Nilonii loves travelling! Her childhood in Tamriel was sheltered so she never really saw the world, and then spent almost 40 years exclusively in the CWC, so seeing Tamriel is such a shock to her when she’s involved in the events of the Morrowind DLC. A good shock though! She loves seeing the culture and architecture of the different provinces, and of course exploring more of her own heritage too. However, she gets homesick pretty easy, and the expansiveness of Tamriel is mentally exhausting to her. So while she loves to travel she does in it moderation, and is perfectly happy to stay at home in the meantime :)
🔺 RED TRIANGLE POINTED UP — does your oc know how to use any weapons?
Nilonii is a pro at using polearms, spears in particular. She also uses her staff as though it were a warhammer (Luciana gave her tips on how to properly balance and swing it) and loves to weave this in with magical attacks to overwhelm her enemies. She’s the type to fight dirty, and she gives her opponents absolutely no room to breathe. And if fists count as weapons she can also do hand-to-hand pretty well! She’s strong enough to throw people judo-style.. the Koshi Guruma throw is her fave. Literally a one woman army
🌈 RAINBOW — what is your oc's sexual orientation/gender identity? what pronouns do they use?
She’s a cisgender woman and uses she/her pronouns! In terms of sexuality she’s biromantic/demisexual - it takes her a while to trust someone enough to want to be with them romantically and even more to want to do anything sexual, especially since she hates being in vulnerable situations.
💔 BROKEN HEART — what are three of your oc's negative traits?
Arrogant - simply put, she’s very cocky. She adores herself and is loud about it, and it can get pretty grating at times. It stems from her being insecure about her identity (or rather, lack of one) in the past, and she’s totally fallen in love with the person she’s become. Her love of teasing others is also a part of this, but it’s never in a spiteful way unless someone gives her a reason to go off on them. She also believes that nobody stands a chance against her power in a fight, which can lead to…
Reckless - and when I mean nobody, I mean nobody. She tries to fight Nocturnal during the CWC questline and would have died if Luciana and Divayth weren’t there to stop her. When her emotions are involved she doesn’t think of the consequences. She’s a lot less reckless when she talks though, everything she says has a purpose and she knows exactly what sort of consequence she wants to steer the conversation towards.
Stubborn - linking in to recklessness, she’s also extremely stubborn! Once Nilonii is committed to something, that’s it. She becomes an unstoppable force AND an immovable object. Her opinions can be changed though, but through actions rather than words! But when it comes to things that she feels strongly about no amount of good arguments otherwise can sway her.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE — does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink (ex. coffee with milk, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a specific kind of tea, etc)?
She prefers red grape juice, water and tea! She’ll have the first two either on their own or with a bit of ice if the City is particularly warm that day. This also applies to tea! In terms of what kind of tea she prefers, she likes floral and fruity kinds. A few teas that exist within ESO that she would like the most are the winter rose tea, comberry citrus quencher and the pink profundity tea.
😓 DOWNCAST FACE WITH SWEAT — is your oc open-minded or stubborn? are they inquisitive or do they prefer to keep to their bubble of knowledge?
She’s a mix of stubbornness and open-mindedness here! Again she has her own opinions, but she’ll listen to what others have to say and remember it. On the other hand she’s 100% inquisitive about things! She’s hella nosy and isn’t shy when it comes to asking questions in pursuit of knowledge.
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