#when i tell you the characters are so human and relatable.. im so serious
4arconinoma · 2 years
Doki Doki Plus is genuinely such a nice and sweet extension of the main game the fact that people were so dismissive of it solely due to it not being horror based like the main one makes my heart ache so much. This is genuinely one of the best character explorations I've ever seen in my life, written so wonderfully and realistically to the point where it's almost frightening and so emotional, it makes me so sad that people are so harsh on it
It delves so much into themes of friendship, humanity and people etc. Every time I play it it shifts my perspective on life and other people to a more positive one. It's literally like therapy to me. It's so sweet and has legitimately valuable lessons to be learned... I will always defend it man. I recommend that everyone tries it out if you particularly cared about the characters in the main game and not just the horror elements because it fleshes them out so much. They're so real and relatable. It's so delightful. I like it so much
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askew-d · 4 months
Hello again....if you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from MDZS? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the novel? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks....
sure! its no trouble at all. sorry i am embarassingly late and thank you for the question, i loved making this list :)
1. wei wuxian, our selfless yiling laozu
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alright, you can call me cliché, everyone loves him, right? but kendrick lamar said it’s all about love and hate in the game so let me tell you, i love this man. i love the way that he walks, the way that he kills, the way that he dresses, the way that he mocks others, the way that he protect those he loves, the way he’s unbearably and so utterly good to the core (no irony or pun intended), regardless of everything he’s been through. because let’s come clean: other characters, such as xue yang and meng yao, did have their reasons to be evil, i comprehend them! i validate their motives to be who they are, but it does not, for the love of god, excuses their actions.
and that’s the thing! because wei wuxian has been though hell and back, way worse than them, yet he chose to continue doing good things. it’s just who he is (unbelievable, right?). he is, essentialy, someone who pursues justice. he sought revenge for what he suffered, that he rightly did, but he didn’t lash out on innocent cultivators who had nothing to do with his injuries. and the amount of strength, resilience, kindness and sheer wisdom that resides in this makes my admiration for him grow as deep as the ocean. he’s the ultimate main character of every fictional world. no one’s doing tragedy, revenge, inteligence, selflessness, love and being a troublemaker like him, ok. he’s one for the history books. and with that we go to:
2. lan wangji, our beloved hanguang-jun
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i said this before, but i will say it again: i feel like wei wuxian might kill me every time i go around saying ‘lan zhan’ or even start worshipping him too much. however, who wouldn’t worship him? he’s a god among humans; a superhero in a novel about cultivators. if wei wuxian’s considered by some an antihero, he’s the true, righteous captain america right here. and it’s not just the looks, he’s a whole package: a terrific father, a dedicated brother and nephew, an esteemed cultivator, a marvellous husband and a fair human being.
most of all, i dearly love him for the fact that he’s been loving wei wuxian since the beginning and never let that go. this man fought for his love like no one else did. he remembered wei wuxian when no one else did. he tried and tried, for him. he waited thirteen years, for him. in fact, if wei wuxian had never returned, he’d just have been waiting and waiting, living his life in grief, watching the moonlight alone…… but that’s a thought for another moment.
the amount of love this man carries is unbearable, really. it’s who he is too. and i also adore the fact that he has a lot of personas: he’s a serious senior for the disciples, a feral animal in bed, silly in some moments and painfully romantic in others. he’s just unreal!
3. lan jingyi, the most atypical lan that has ever lanned
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if this boy was in the modern times, im sure i would make friends with him. hes everyones spirit inside this story. he is one of hell of a representation: he can judge, yell, put some sense into other peoples minds, act even more senseless and tell truths without caring for the consequences (and then crying when faced with the punishment of headstands). and the best part of all: he is, oddly, a lan! i love him! best boy ever (alright, perhaps after lan sizhui, but i relate to jingyi harder).
put him in a modern school. can you disagree with me that he would be the one student lurking in the far away desks acting all angelic when the teacher comes close only to act like a little devil, screaming, laughing loudly and hiding food in his backpack during activities? can you disagree with me that he would be the one to run and jump like a maniac when its time for p.e class and sleep out of boredom when the teacher starts explaining serious stuff? can you disagree with me he would pretend to enact the rules only to receive bad grades and pull the most stupid facades to hide it from his parents?
in some ways, he does have similarities with wei wuxian. but wei wuxian is a genius who wouldnt even go to class when he didnt want to, sleep instead of play-pretend and even so receive the best grades ever, annoying everyone. theres this difference. but lan jingyi isnt a genius, he is just one of us. and i love him for it.
4. wen qing, my beautiful doctor
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wen qing, my beloved, you didnt deserve that backlash.... this woman deserved to have a happy family, alright. she deserved a little bit of happiness! she deserved to have her brother with her! she deserved to be well and to not have suffered so badly just because of her surname. if there is one thing i agree with (and i dont remember exactly who said it, but it was from twitter), is that the girls from mdzs are underrated, underappreciated and deserved tons more love. but anyway, let us mention wen qing!
this woman protected wei wuxian and jiang cheng, did a procedure to give jiang cheng a golden core, never killed anyone, ran from fighting in the war against innocent people because she does not share these wicked principles, and still ended up watching her family get tortured, his brother dead and was burned alive. the sheer cruelty of what they put her (and them) through is unbelievable. i wanted her to have a lovely family and to continue being a great friend to wei wuxian, seriously, they were such a great duo. i cannot get tired of aus in which they are rommates or something! she is usually sarcastic, fierce, bossy and so responsible. how could someone not like her?
5. a-qing, the girl who went to her limits and beyond
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this girl went over the limits of heaven and hell, in fact. i love her determination and how clever she is! look at how long she managed to trick xue yang! who else who could that? i believe not even wei wuxian could have topped it. she deserved to continue living within that world with xiao xingchen. i also cannot avoid to point out that she was not a cultivator. she was a simple girl, left to struggle in the streets, who still achieved what she achieved. she lived with an esteemed rogue cultivator, manipulated one of the most essential antagonists, returned as a ghost to protect people from this specific antagonist, used a lot of her spiritual strenght to show wei wuxian the truth, continued to give wei wuxian and hanguang-jun directions to find xue yang, and received many support, compliments and faith from the main group of our story.
personally, i cannot think of another female character in the story who did more than her. wen qing did a lot, sure, but she came from a big sect. jiang yanli too. mianmian was a cultivator too. a-qing was not, and nonetheless, this girl rocks! unbelievable. if i went through what she did, i would have lost all will to persist long ago. that is another thing mdzs brought me: the perspective that, even when you are kind and did nothing wrong, you might still have tragedies happen to you. people will die anyway. including you. kindness is important, and sometimes it may save you, but sometimes it may also cause you harm. are you strong enough to have all the kindness and all that tragedy and still endure?
because a-qing, wei wuxian and so many of them did.
well, now onto my favorite parts from the novel! i will try and make this quicker. haha, lets go.
when wei wuxian and lan wangji were stuck (stuck? not actually, i believe, wei wuxian caused it) in that farm and our main character just simply laid on top of lan wangji. and he still dared... to call himself.... not a cut-sleeve. yeah, sure, bro, no homo and all that. and thats definitely not a boner beneath your clothes, huh.
when wei wuxian starts falling real hard and he wonders if he will ever be able to sleep in a bed without lan wangji again, and later on after they have sex, he f i n a l l y realizes that there is no wei wuxian without lan wangji. in a dramatic mood, even. like, seriously, dude?? what a way to pine, but ok. go get your man or something, we all waiting for it.
every extra. i just... love every bit from the extra.
in the scene where lan wangji is drunk and they start playing hide-and-seek. and lan wangji just hides himself behind smth. and shows only a bit of his face. he nods, pouts, begs with his face to continue. i died right there.
the confession. the confession. the tear. the confession. the shock from everyone else. the 'hug me tighter!' after. the confession. the hug. THE CONFESSION.
hahaha i admit it, for me everything is about them. is it not about them? you cannot tell me otherwise. i love wangxian with all my heart. also, your asks are all lovely, i love them, feel free to always send whatever you want :) hope you have a great day and week ahead of you.
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bonefall · 11 months
How are we feeling at the book finale? Because outside of the Sunbeam girlboss moment telling Berryheart just how bad of a family she was AND maybe possibly foreshadowing her rejecting Nightheart, I think we miiiight get some more Dark Forest cats than planned before :D (also I may be wrong but- didn't Podlight have children? Would he even be eligible as Medicine Cat in BB?)
Podlight's totally eligible in BB! He has no canon children and I didn't give him any. In BB there's also an interesting quirk in that Podlight is notoriously Mistystar's... not EXACTLY a good-for-nothing grandson, but a bit of a "fratboy" working through daddy issues. Is is extra funny for this cat to be a villain lmao.
Also: Better Bones RiverClan Family Tree
Anyway... my thoughts on the spoiler thread's ending. Mostly negative, unfortunately. I am really hoping that a lot of this is misrepresentation.
I've enjoyed every book of ASC that's come out so far, but if this thread is accurate, this is going to be the first one that I actively dislike. It sounds like there was a serious nosedive in quality.
ON THE ENDING; Park Cats, and The Berryheart Gathering.
Park Cats.
It is profoundly frustrating to me that we had TWO traveling books in this arc. Do they not know by now that traveling books are widely detested for a reason??
Frostpaw and Nightheart were AWAY FROM THE CONFLICT for most of this book, what the fuck?
The plot barely advanced at all. There's been one major conflict in this entire arc, the invasion of RiverClan, and we are 4/6ths of the way through without any other major battles. This is boring.
Riverstar is a major character through this bullshit, now with a magical perfect connection to Frostpaw through plot convenience so he can give her tutorial tips, because GOD FORBID we have a more grounded story for once. I'm so sick of DOTC fanservice. Was a super edition not enough?!
And speaking of Riverstar's Home, they pretty clearly ripped a lot of inspiration out of it. Frostpaw and Nightheart go on a journey with random human-related shenanigans before finding a cardboard cutout of a culture
I'm not gonna lie guys. I do not like the Park Cats. I HAVE TO SAY; It's a step in the right direction
They are not demonized. They are treated as good and legitimate. They are seen as having wisdom and living peacefully.
This is Good. This is Fine.
(im still kind of mad they needed riverstar to come save them back in riverstar's home, like every non-clan culture does apparently, but HOKAY fine ok it's fine)
They're boring. guys, they have one thing that is unique to them, and it's meditation. They live in perfect peace and harmony. there's nothing there.
It's easy to be a perfect, peaceful society if you have no conflict ever.
IF THE SPOILER THREAD IS ACCURATE, we don't see them address strife, how they DO handle disputes, what DOES happen when a cat engages in "criminality," or even really see what their spiritual beliefs are besides "meditating"
And that's why the idea of Frostpaw taking away a good lesson from living with them strikes me as so hollow. WHAT is she taking from them? JUST vague, quiet meditation?? Why couldn't Riverstar just magically teach her that?
It also bothers me that this culture is exactly the same as it was in Riverstar's Home. It's in stasis. Nothing has changed, nothing has grown, they haven't picked up new customs. They don't even seem to have their own history besides remembering that Riverstar showed up generations ago.
It's not a culture, it's a plot device.
I swear, I'm really trying to like them, but RH left this really sour taste in my mouth and them showing up again in this book has only made me more frustrated.
I AM happy that we're going to maybe start trying to address the violence of Clan Culture, but it is coming in the middle of a book where nothing fucking happens, and they're starting to fumble the bag on the xenophobic radicalization that I'd been praising in the past few books
And by that, I'm referring to...
Berryheart's Gathering
through the books so far, I've been praising the slow rise of tension coming from the radicalized members of ShadowClan.
I think the way that Berryheart and her little Concern Club had been slowly escalating in their bigotry and violence was (and remains) unironically fantastic.
We had started off with it just being a group to "discuss the issues," which evolved into active bullying and harassment, progressed into attempted murder, and we left off on the idea that Berryheart's Hate Group was planning something with RiverClan's murder party.
And we are reaching a turning point in that arc, the payoff of a long and well-laid escalation, with...
normal democracy.
berryheart and her supporters approach puddleshine reasonably with their concerns and intent to call for a vote to depose tigerheartstar. doing the thing the fucking code addition was made for
This comes AFTER Sunbeam has a Girlboss Moment telling off Berryheart for being a bad mom in front of the whole gathering and everyone claps, mind you, so this is clearly supposed to be the narrative's big "oooo consequences for Berryheart" moment
So anyway Berryheart brings up that they want tigerHeartstar deposed, and then Puddleshine's like "haHA THIS WAS A ROUSE"
"Actually I only told you i agree to point out how this code addition can be exploited over a disagreement with ONE issue!!!!1"
i just...
would Brokenstar training babies be One Issue? Would Bramblefake being a bully to his entire clan be One Issue? Would Leopardstar allowing Tigerstar to take over RiverClan be One Issue?
One Issue....
And MIND YOU I'm Pro-tigerHeartstar, actually, but the WHOLE fucking point of the rule is that you can depose someone who is not acting in the best interest of the Clans. Fym ONE ISSUE??
So anyway Berryheart is embarrassed in front of everyone, tigerHeartstar tells the group, "You're going to support me or get out of my Clan"
All of her supporters fall in line, but Berryheart chooses exile.
So Berryheart and her group isn't punished for the hate crimes, it didn't lead to anyone getting actually hurt, this faction of cats just settled back down and Berryheart alone was exiled for political opposition to occupation.
not the hate crimes
The hate crimes did not cause lasting damage, the radicalized group did not cause any violence at this gathering
Berryheart is exiled for political opposition to occupation.
The consequence she faces for the hate crimes was simply not having her son Spireclaw back her up because she caused trouble for Fringewhisker. Like it's on the same level as being a bad in-law and not ATTEMPTED MURDER BASED ON BIGOTRY
And tigerHeartstar, jesus christ
His consistent trait has been becoming unreasonable WHEN HIS FAMILY IS THREATENED. WHY are we tossing this out the window now?
I REALLY REALLY hope that the spoiler thread is misrepresentation, and tigerHeartstar didn't ACTUALLY exile her but said something like, "this is what we're doing. don't like it, leave. you don't have the votes"
SO FOR NOW; I'm going to reserve judgement on what the writers are doing with tigerHeartstar.
This seems like the exact sort of thing that may be worded in an inaccurate way
But that said,
I'm beside myself with disappointment in this turn of events. Why is this about legitimate political proceedings? Why did they make the CULMINATION of this arc about bigoted violence and radicalization a legitimate, peaceful attempt to use the process THEY JUST ADDED, FOR THIS EXACT PURPOSE?
Anyway, then it ends on a cliffhanger
Podlight claims to be the new medcat, pointed out as just being a political maneuver, to appoint Splashtail as the new leader.
Frostpaw watches on in shock and thinks about how bad it is that a murderer is now in charge of RiverClan, and how no one would believe her if she told them all now
I sure hope the next book contains something worth reading. like a fight or something. in the battle cat series. in the arc where theyre trying to say something about violence.
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dont-hug-me-its-yuri · 5 months
Im running into the stage banging the floor demanding to know about the band au as you speak /hj
reveal yourself band au anon, I wish to know who you are cause you’ve allowed me to ramble
I haven’t figure it all out so this is kinda just spitballing ideas lol
Warning long ass post holy moly
So the band au is kinda written like Clone high, I treat it like one of those really serious romance dramas, except the band au is more just relationship focused instead of strictly romance, also there’s a lot of drama
I’ve come up with four main bands at the moment :3
The Grim Reapers - an underground goth band with Coffin as the bassist and Tissue box as the (main) vocalist, they’re most well known for their songs being about pretty grim subject matter, though they’re probably the least popular out the four main bands
Electric Current - A pop-punk family band with Electracey on the electric guitar, Elevator Speaker on the Bass guitar, Laptop on Drums, and Colin on vocals, they have a very futuristic theme and are by far the most popular band out of the four
Malcolm’s Angels - a band started by Shrignold the head of a love “organization” to help spread the gospel of Malcolm, their music is mostly folk type music, with Unicorn on the harp, Frog boy on the flute, Rabbit boy on the mandolin, and Shrignold on guitar and vocals, the other members of the “organization” are also there, to they just aren’t part of the band, but some of them are on the marketing team
Fly To The Stars - i also refer to them as “the rejects”, an obviously space themed rock band, with Gilbert on guitar, Solar system on the keyboard, Magnet on bass guitar, and Lamp as the lead guitarist
there’s also other characters that aren’t in bands but are still pretty important to the main story like
sketchbook - A young college student, currently studying art, she’s a big fan of Electric Current with her favorite member being Electracey, she’s also roomies with Tony
Tony “Anthony” Clock - An older college student studying history, roomies with Sketch and also a small solo music artist in his spare time (hehe)
saxophone - A music artists who’s songs are usually canoe related, has gained a small cult following due to this
Warren W. Eagle - Local homeless person, usually spotted around dumpsters, can play a pretty mean keyboard solo though
there’s more important characters but I these are the ones I’ve currently planned out (Saxophone isn’t really important though, I just found the concept I had for him funny)
and finally, some miscellaneous facts that I can’t fit anywhere else in this incoherent ramble
The two main locations are Clayhill and Mullhoven, though Mullhoven in this au has become a bigger city, well Clayhill has kept its gated community status
The main three do have a minor role in this au, with them being know as the “weird” residents in town, some situation always seems to be happening to them wether that be their house burning down or finding their pillowcases full of ham
Electracey and Sketchbook are both college age with them both being 17
Laptop on the other hand is a highschooler, being 15 years old
All the characters are humanoids, they basically have human proportion’s but still have some of their weird puppet feaures
Lesley is Electric Current’s manager, though it’s not her only job according to her, she won’t tell much about herself, she likes the game of mystery
Electracey’s name in this au is just Tracey, Laptop’s is Lapis, and Elevator Speakers is Alexa
Colin, Laptop, and Electracey are all siblings, Colin being oldest, Tracey being middle, and Laptop being youngest, well Elevator Speaker is their cousin
Tissue box is fine with her and Coffins band being pretty unknown, but Coffin wish’s they could be as popular as some of the others, and he will do anything to make that happen
Laptop is a big fan of Hatsune Miku and and makes references to her in some of Electric Currents songs when it’s her turn to write one
uh that’s it for now :3 *disappears in a cloud of misty smoke*
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dragonsareoverrated2 · 11 months
My pinned I guess?
//Ongoing Arc: Beautifly and the Beast!
//Finished Arcs: Dragon Pains, Blood of Blackthorn.
Hi, before you say anything about my name. One) DragonsAreOverrated was taken, and two) I dislike dragon types for very personal reasons that are related to my damn genetics donor of a father, so before you go on and tell me 'Dragons are great actually because-!' I dont wanna fucking hear it.
Alright, now that thats out of the way.
My name is Ichika and my pronouns are she/her, call me anything other than that and I will find you and bite you, or my Crobat will, which ever one of us gets to you first.
I'm the champ of the Naljo, don't know what that region is? Its in between Johto and Kanto, but it's a shithole here so don't come.
... I mean, I cant stop you if you want to visit me, I dont mind visitors...
I'm 23 years old, birthday April 22 (Marianne made me put this here), and am dating my girlfriend who… I think is what you guys would call a faller? She's not from here, but she's still from a place that had pokemon. She's 23 and named Marianne, she was originally from Kalos, moved to Hoenn, beat the league, and then got sucked up into another dimension which is mine.
She sometimes will pop up and write in pink, all her stuff will be tagged with #Mon Amour, which is what I asked to to put it as. I don't know that much Kalosion. She also has her own intro post here.
My team is Kage my Tyranitar (She/Her), Doku my Crobat (He/Him), Yuki my Mamoswine (She/They), Zappu my Ampharos (He/It), Noyaki my Ninetails (She/Her) and Ame my Vaporeon (He/They).
If you wanna battle, schedule it with the league, Im busy trying to fix this stupid region.
Update: I have an assortment of dragons I am taking care of for the foreseeable future.
Any care tips would be appreciated-
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I call the Noibat Midori (He/it), the others finally gave me names-
Monterio (He/him), Kin (She/her), Daitan (She/Him), Hoshi (They/It), and Nagisa (She/They)
//Ask games that are open!
//A important note for Pelipper Mail and Musharna Mail
//Naljo Dex Logs Masterlist!
//Ooc info under the cut!
//How she looks!
//This is a sideblog! Unreality. Mod is an adult and goes by she/her he/him pronouns All art I use is my own! I follow from @theshadowqueenofthedistortion, more info about me on my main! Here's some of my other accounts as well!
//Semi-Serious blog, I will participate in active silliness and also write serious stuff. Will sometimes touch on death, abuse and a few other things, I will tag the serious stuff with their appropriate tw/cw tags.
//No Shipping, a lot of the stuff in here is closed off.
//I am very open to crossover stuff!
//Pokemon in this universe have human levels of sentience, though multiverses that don't are well known and won't be questioned.
//Real life animals exist along side Pokemon in her universe, like divergent evolution (not the pokemon thing, the science thing)
//A warning that this character is rather antagonistic but not evil. If you are actually able to get her to like you she will chill out a bit, but you're gonna have to work to that. Also please tell me if she's being too much at all, this is my first time writing a fully bitchy character-
//Magic anons are on! But I am picky about what I let through.
//What the tags mean. //Shadow Mod Speaks: Mod speaking. //Mod Reference: Me and/or Zorana making references for this account //Shadow Art: Art by me that isn't a ref/finished. Stony Ground: Her post/response tag. Stone Edge: Her closed and/or serious RP. I will also use this tag when responding seriously to something. What's with the dragons?: When Ichika is mainly talking to herself. Prismatic Rival (Prism): Ichika talking about her Rival who is a jerk Broken Eggshells (Hatch): Hatchling Posts and Ichika talking about her!
//Marianne related tags will be in her intro post
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junsei-draws-rotasu · 2 years
You talking about a Lego Monkie Kid and TMNT 2012 and/or ROTTMNT crossover and/or reincarnation crossover au thing brings me so much joy. Can't tell u how much I now that in my life as someone who loves both TMNT and LMK so much.
I gotta say though, Rise Donnie as MK is a bit of a odd choice (would probably be very funny though). But I know that is like, the crack take, I think.
Also gotta ask, TMNT 2012 (or ROTTMNT) reincarnated into LMK crossover (au), who would u put to be reincarnated as who? Either a crack take or a more legit take and/or both?
To me, I could see, depending on the story I am going for or the character stuff I am going for or whatever, it could go many different ways. But I just wanted to see ur/others take(s) on it as well.
ROTTMNT LMK reincarnation AU(Really needs a name) is something more crack-ish for me to write. Considering when I thought who to put in each version, I thought it would be funny to have Donnie to be MK.
I could’ve chosen Lowe-key when Macaque was revive to suddenly have Donnie’s memories, but no. I chosen Mikey because I think him being Macaque is funny as well. Leo is coming close to second to Macaque
And April is obviously Mei. Cassandra can be Red Son lmaoooo
In ROTTMNT, nothing is really hold serious there, and I prefer it that way.
But TMNT 2012, I would say Mikey is MK. Rather basic but those are the best.
Tang Shen is related to Tang(cuz name and stuff), and Macaque is somehow roped into the Hamato life because he got acquaintance with Shen. How? Not sure yet.
Really debating hard if Mei to have reincarnated memories or not. Like do I want her as Mei, and actually a human friend that likes the Hamato because they didn’t save her or have April or Karai to be her.
While Mikey’s brothers is either still the same but different species eggs that Splinter had the sudden urge to steal and have no regrets on doing so or Im taking some characters in LMK to be reincarnated.
Unless we go to the crazy, dark, and depressing timeline where Mikey is the only one reincarnated and didn’t that like, so he decided to use his clones and use glamour on them and ta-da! Hamato family 2.0!
I really can’t do IDW right now since it’s not yet finished and I don’t have access to Vol 14
But if I finally finished 1987 TMNT, you can bet your pizzas that MK is Raph. Sassy little shit that breaks the fourth wall soooo much.
Sadly, for the TMNT movies, I really have no thoughts on them. 2003 is something in my watch list, that I will live blog. Surprisingly, the only spoiler I had is SAINW, Shredder is a Krang, Bishop ain’t a robot, Leatherhead is a scientist, Casey And April, and Baxter is a brian.
Mirage TMNT… i had barely past the first issue, so I’m a blank slate when it comes to them
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 1 year
ive tried to write women so many times but have failed to the point theres barely any female characters in my stories. and im very aware this is a flaw in my writing because i dont hang around women often and the only long term contact with a female i have is with my family members i dont know how to write female characters on a personal level because i can never relate to them. this sucks ass but correct me if im wrong i think its better to not write female characters at all than write a shitty possibly offensive one even if i dont realize it
Okay, here's my take on what you're saying. I know for a fact that the most difficult things to write are things/situations/environments we know so little about. And it's even harder to get it right when it's a more sensitive thing, if yk what I mean. A huge perspective shift like this is definitely a challenge because men and women are quite different.
Here's the thing. I'm not trying to pressure you into writing them, but I'm telling you that even if you have problems with them now, doesn't mean you have to give up on writing them completely. If not writing them at all is your final decision, then that's still okay, still your call in the end, but if you do want to write them, it's very possible.
I know I write both male and female characters, but the first time I ever officially wrote smth that wasn't for school, it was with a female protag because ultimately, I see the world from the eyes of a woman. When I decided to write a male character for a more serious project, I realised I needed to research it. And lemme tell you that again, not every piece of advice in a writing help article is always applicable. It's largely based on the author's own personal experiences. They're more like tips than rules you must adhere to.
Please note that I've spent considerable time around men I'm close to in my family, I had male classmates and currently have a friend who's a guy, so that definitely helps. And it's completely understandable that you haven't spent enough time around women to grasp more about them Ig. My male characters are not exactly copy-paste of these men/boys either, but some of their traits and mannerisms may be connected.
And you not relating to them is completely okay. I'm not very likely to relate to parts of my male character's life that come with him being a man, but what I can relate to is what makes him human. There is definitely an overlap in several traits between men and women. For example, the way I would feel angry abt smth would be different from how a guy Ik would feel angry about the same thing. The key is simply to avoid bad cliches.
Again, I'm not trying to get you to write them if you really don't want to. Forcing yourself to write smth you don't want to definitely won't help, and won't create good pieces of writing. But just in case you wish to in the future, you can practice and research and test it out, and fun fact, part of it involves a little bit of winging it. I've done this for like genres/ideas I haven't tried before, and surprisingly it actually works. But, tbf, it's a lot more difficult when the issue at hand is the opposite gender.
And answering your last question, while it doesn't mean you must give up completely and you will never be able to do it, I can agree that no representation is better than a poorly represented character. Though, there is a chance you might be too harsh on yourself, since Idk exactly what any female characters you've written are like.
And about my reblog on that post abt writing women, Ig it was more aimed at people who've never tried or misrepresent women by applying a crap ton of harmful stereotypes to them. You seem to have made a genuine effort, so that's a pretty good thing.
Sorry for the long post, and thank you for the ask.
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freebooter4ever · 2 years
Hi! I really love your work— do you have any advice for someone who doesn’t have a lot of experience drawing human forms/anatomy? I dont really know where to start 😅
Thank you!!!! ^_^
So first off, bear with me, I'm going to point you to some of my old old art. In general, any 'progress'/tutorial type stuff i post goes into the "wip" tag: freebooter4ever.tumblr.com/archive/tagged/wip
The rest of this discussion is going under a cut lol
I've been drawing since i was a kid - as my grandma likes to tell it i would sit quietly at the card table next to her and make her draw with me because "everyone can draw, grandma". Sometime around high school i got it into my head that i needed a 'class' to understand anatomy, as if it was just this magical thing i would suddenly understand. (college was useless) The truth is i didnt start getting better until recently, when i gave up trying to 'learn' anatomy and just started studying bodies. That sounds weird, but i don't know how else to describe it? If someone told me ages ago that i could learn anatomy the same way i self-disciplined myself into being able to pull out computer science concepts at the drop of the hat, i feel like i wouldn't have wasted so much time but anyway...
Check out any doodles before my mchanzo era for drawings that i did prior to getting serious about practice studies: freebooter4ever.tumblr.com/archive/tagged/mchanzo. Terrible anatomy. Atrocious. (with one exception that i still like which is a poster on sasha bees' wall hey bees if you're reading this) 2016 ish.
THEN 2017 i lost my job, moved away from pittsburgh, missed my DJ friends, watched a documentary on netflix about st*ve aoki (after watching everything vaguely DJ related on the streaming service lol), and the aoki drawing era begins: freebooter4ever.tumblr.com/archive/tagged/steve%20aoki. I joke that the way I learned anatomy was by becoming obsessed with a DJ who contorts himself into very strange positions and has photographers that take photos of him from LITERALLY every angle and who tends to walk around half naked an unusually large amount of time but like...that's literally what happened. Not that im saying you have to start drawing half naked DJ's...just find a subject you dont mind drawing hours of studies from and it makes it a lot easier.
When I'm doing 'studies' I tend to do two separate drawings. Initially I literally just 'study' what I'm looking at - I put it in photoshop and trace the lines that I see. I don't OUTLINE it, there is a huge difference. A lot of times the lines that stand out are not the outlines but rather a dominant shadow or sharp edge. After I feel like I've got a good handle on it, I do another drawing of the pose freehand. Then I take the original photo and put it underneath that drawing and check where I've messed up. If I'm completely off I throw it away and start again, lol. If there's a few errors I fix them. More and more lately I find that the freehand drawing is fairly accurate with anatomy unless it's an unusual or challenging perspective. I break this down more in this post using joe as an example: https://freebooter4ever.tumblr.com/post/633653906052923392/its-been-a-while-since-ive-posted-one-of-these
Those study drawings rarely see the light of day. I just delete them when I'm done because i didn't have an...aim...? For the drawing. They just were to learn.
The doodles that I post on here? Some of the simpler ones are practice sketches from gifs - i will have a gif running next to my drawing and will try to draw what i see, freehand. Some of the more complicated drawings/portraits are from photos - but there's usually something i see in the photo that i want to convey? Like light? or a specific part of anatomy? I dunno, i make shit up as i go.
AND THEN there's my favorite, when i have done all this practice and i can do shit like drawing characters from my imagination. Like kenny hugging his cat. These don't have any reference - im just relying on my memory of anatomy i've drawn in the past.
I dunno. Dont let bad anatomy get you down, just keep trying. My anatomy hero - a sculptor ethan idolized and i idolize by default - even said himself that he doesn't feel like an 'expert', and he's in his 40's and has been doing this shit for decades. Just draw!!! The more you do it, the more you'll start to see what you like, and how you can make it how you like even more. I still think my anatomy is bad, im still embarrassed by it. But i also know i've gotten better because i can see it now.
ANYWAY this is long, im exhausted, i have to go to bed now :) and i was serious about scheduling an abs livestream. Maybe this weekend if im ambitious.
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citrinie · 2 years
Yesss. Blackwall is everything. He’s honestly so well written. Hope you enjoy. I wanted to romance him with a Dalish elf too at some point. I know everyone loves him with Cadash, but his romance animations only work well for Lavellan and Trevelyan so I doubt I’ll ever give it a go. Anyways, please tell me all about your canon playthrough. All your major game decisions. Who you romanced etc.
totally agree with you on that! Blackwall's character is very nicely written which makes him unique to me 🥺 i feel like we have so many sad grey wardens, but it will never be enough lol so far i have only played as lavellan and trevelyan. now in my head the inquisitor is an elf bc i have mostly only played as female lavellan 🧝‍♀️
you asked nonnie, so under the cut is just a “small essay” of my canon playthrough 😅 i could talk abt DA for infinity and never get tired of it, so i did get a little carried away but here you go!
my inquisitor:
my canon playthrough for DAI is a female dalish mage inquisitor. her name is Ithil. she is a raven-haired, pale-skinned elf with purple eyes. she has a very intimidating aura to her and is very standoffish. i found it very fitting for her to have the dark voice option even though her frame is tall and skinny hehe. most recent pic of Ithil, where im doing a rogue playthrough to justify siding with the templars 😃 i hate that decision so far lol
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major DAI decisions:
for the major decisions im starting chronologically. i obviously sided with the mages bc Ithil is canonically a mage and i just love mages lol
then its the choice of who to leave in the Fade. this was for me the most gut-wrenching decision bc it stood between Alistair and Hawke 😭 like how could bioware do me like that? i spent a good solid 30 minutes contemplating what to do and ultimately ending up leaving Hawke in the Fade. reasons being that i could never leave Alistair and him being the first DA character i fell in love with, would just be heartbreaking. also someone needed to lead the grey wardens, so why not him? i felt so very sad for Varric. poor Fenris, who i romanced Hawke with, he probably hates Ithil and lashed out at anything close to him 😫 but i try to remember what Flemeth said to Hawke that she may one day find herself facing the abyss and “do not hesitate to leap”, and considering the quest name is Here Lies the Abyss 🥲
when it comes to the fate of the grey wardens, i saved them bc i felt that there were more benefits to being allied with them rather than getting rid of them. grey wardens were a huge part of the first game considering you played as one. 
as for who i had be the ruler of Orlais, i kept Celene in power. she and Briala also got back together. Gaspard was never an option to me so that was yet another easy big decision. i realize now how much female power i have in my DA canon playthrough lol
choosing who would be the next divine was a hard decision. there were pros and cons for both Cassandra and Leliana. i know Vivianne is an option too but she just hates my inquisitor lol. i ended up choosing Leliana tho bc of her standing with the mages and her view of progressive change in Thedas. she also has a huge interest in politics and is well-informed abt almost everything bc of her spies. i definitely think that choosing Leliana will cause chaos bc of all the changes, but im here for it hehe
those are all the major DAI decisions i can think of are important, but lmk if you want to know anything else ;)
romance & companions:
as for romance options, i had Ithil romance Cullen bc i have loved Curly since DAO hehe in my canon DA Cullen had relations with my warden who is a female human mage named Solona. i always think of them when you ask Cullen if he has anyone, and he says something like “not in Kirkwall”. which to me insinuates that he had someone when he was in Ferelden, before going to Kirkwall, but nothing serious as Solona got with Alistair another blond-haired dude with puppy-dog energy lol i love Cullen’s character a lot tho bc you get to see the various things he has gone through in all three games. so all the pain and suffering he is going through in DAI makes a lot of sense, bc of all the trauma he has experienced and the withdrawals he has from lyrium as he essentially is a drug addict. so i love the ending where Ithil and Cullen gets a dog, gets married, the inquisition is disbanded, they move to some place quiet and still help others in their own ways like the good ppl they are ❤️
lastly talking abt Ithil’s chemistry with the gang. the ppl she felt close to were Iron Bull, Solas, Cassandra and Dorian. she loves hanging out with the Bull and the chargers, drinking at the tavern and listening to various stories from everybody. Solas and Ithil have a platonic connection probably bc of their elven background, but also i feel like she learnt a lot from him abt spirits and the Fade. so we are feeling a little bit betrayed and bitter by the fact that Solas was behind everything that happend 😅 all the help for ppl in solavellan hell.  Cassandra and Ithil butt heads quite a bit, but playing Ithil as a rogue made me think that they would be really good sparing friends. and i think Ithil gets Cassandra out of her comfort zone in a good way :) as for her friendship with Dorian, they are both necromancer mages and i see them exchanging a lot of knowledge. i also think Dorian loves pimping Ithil up with dresses and jewellery, for her to show Cullen ;) she is also very close to Josephine who teaches her a lot abt diplomacy, as Ithil do not always have the best social antennas and can be quite blunt in situations where she should not be lol
the only romance options i have finished a whole playthrough of is with Bull and Cullen. so doing a Blackwall romance now, then i want to do a Solas romance just to have done it lol. loved both Bull and Cullen’s romances, they are quite different to each other but that is what i loved abt them hehe. Bull’s romance was so funny and kinky ;) Cullen’s romance was like cute and vanilla with a sprinkle of trauma ✨ in the end Cullen is the canon romance option in my little DA world 😊
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lemuelthelemmy · 2 years
You guys are able to choose what FNAF project i should work on.
(This is a copypaste from a post i made on freddit, so if some things doesnt make sense is because i talk about it)
A few days ago i made a post introducing my 4 FNAF main projects in comments i said that in future i would make a poll to let people choose wich one i should give priority, so the moment has begun, i decided to make this post to introduce the projects, talk about the development, show some material, and welp, put below the link to the form so you could vote wich project you think i should make.
It also has a optional section when you can write thing, but i also would appreciate comments here to tell me wich interest you the most.
I made this due to two reasons.
1- Some recent incident made me want to leave FNAF a bit far of my life (it's not a reddit matter and it's related to another sector of the fandom, so i will not bother with it)
2- Have 4 FNAF projects is a mess because work with the 4 at the same time will avoid me to work on non FNAF projects i already left apart, so i want to focus in just one while i make other things for my team.
So, with all of this let's began.
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Last guard is a FNAF RPG Maker survival horror game i've been working since 2020 but i left apart due to other things.
This is actually a remake of an old RPG maker game i made re-using Five nights at F***boys sprites in the time of FNAF 3.
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when i came back to FNAF during 2020 and after reading some books i decided to make an actual remake about it, adding new Lore.
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The plan is to make the whole think of 0, the sprites, the maps, and a unique survival system for the game giving animatronics mechanics and make it feel like an actual FNAF fangame.
for now i wanna prioritize the game system as im struggling with the art style the sprites are gonna have, so i think how the game works is more important that this.
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The plot is basically the same of the original game Lemuel gets a work as a nightguard and has to survive 5 nights and help a misteryous man named Vincent to destroy the animatronics after the place has closed)
I also decided to add new characters who may be familiars to us
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This game forms part of the Lemuelverse that is one of my personal projects, but also works as an standalone game.
Plan is to make it both english and spanish so everyone can enjoy.
I want to warn that this is a reimagination, so this game is not my interpretation of the FNAF timeline and rather just an AU for Lemuelverse.
INTO THE PIT: The Graphic Novel
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I announced this project in 2020 too, this is a complete reimagination of Into the Pit i planned way before we even had Twisted Ones graphic novel, i love Into the Pit and i wanted to make of it a full Graphic novel.
I'm still on an early stage (Oswald is still on school but soon)
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Even if this is a Graphic novel of Into the Pit, i knew eventually we would got an official one, so it's not a 100% accurate adaptation of the story and rather a whole reimagination of into the pit, having some minor changes and added a few scenes.
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Also, because of that, the book will be full of cameos and references to other books and games wich i think it's a fun adding that will make people try to find every piece of it.
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I truly love into the Pit and i hope to give a worth adaptation to this story.
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Fazbear High is an AU i made long ago were Henry and William made an school instead of a pizzeria.
It's basically a High school AU but instead of Animatronics i use the FNAF Human characters and it's full of stereotypes, let's say this is a parody rather than something serious.
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Long ago i tried to make a comic with this, but then the lack of views kinda made me want to drop it, but i got interested again and i decided to build a team for this project and see if i can make an animated series (kinda like FNAFHS, yeah i know people hates it but this is for enjoyement and i am not going to commercialize this, it's just fun) or another team comic like many others
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I think this story may be funny and entertaining as it has characters we already know and they are twisted in a funny and exagerated version that can make you Laugh: Sammy is shy because he barely appears in the franchise, Elizabeth is the mean girl of the school, Mike the popular guy, Bite victim just cries, all of that and more.
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Let's see if this time, with more people, the AU survives a bit longer.
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And the final project on the list, Afton, wich born as an idea: "What could be the story of William Afton? Why is he like that?" and made me want to imagine his Childhood.
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All of this evolved on the idea of make my own interpretation of the FNAF timeline adding some of my belief + some creative decisions to give sense to the things we never saw.
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With this the idea is to start on William Afton cruel childhood, then his College years, the born of his company, how he met Henry, and continue until welp... the end of William Afton.
Making this a webcomic that it's making an story and at the same time, showing how i think the FNAF timeline works.
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I know for the premise and the pics, it looks like any other William Afton story AU: "William was a good man until something goes wrong like the death of his kid or how an evil entity corrupts him and then he starts to kill"
But no, this is not that, William is a bad person, he's evil, charismatic to people but hiding darkest secrets, he had a bad life, the world has mistreated him several times, and he wants to overpower everyone.
Many people may think that Eleanor ghost kinda makes him a victim of a greater evil, but actually that's not the case, as Eleanor Ghost is just a manifestation of his own evil, she will work more as a guide to us so we could see what William is truly thinking, and to show the origin of Eleanor as well.
TLDR. No, William is not truly a victim here.
And... those are the 4 project i introduce to you
Here's is the poll were you can choose the project i should prioritize,
The other 3 projects will be just left in hold until the others are finished or get a pretty advanced status, but they are no way in hell cancelled, so don't worry, even if another one wins, eventually the others will come.
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endersigil · 2 years
i just got my first 'go kys'. i think i've officially made it as a content creator! so thanks basedanon
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but in all seriousness, i really hate people that think because they can hide behind an anonymous profile they can do whatever they want. now, i am desensitized to this type of shit so when i saw it i literally laughed and started joking about it. however other people may not be so fortunate as to have a thicker skin like i do.
it really infuriates me that there are people out there who have the audacity to tell people they don't know to go kill themselves just because they disagree with something someone wrote or drew. you don't know the person on the other side of the screen, for all you know you could be telling someone with a fragile mental health or even telling a minor to kill themselves. and even if they aren't any of those things, its still human decency to not tell people to go kill themselves?? i genuinely thought that was common sense???
the ao3 tag system exists for a reason. so you block stuff you are not interested in or you don't like. its literally not that hard to use it. if you don't wanna see something because, as this person put it, it is 'fetishictic' then dont read it!! its not that hard to ignore, block person and/or tag and move on with your day.
and talking about fetishizing, i am like 99% percent sure that i have adhd, i know a lot about austim because for a while i thought i might have it, and i am trans. one can't simply assume someone is fetishizing something because they just have it in the tags. now i definitely think that there are people out there who do this but this right here isn't the case. i include these things because they happen in real life. there are a ton of people who are neurodivergent, trans, and queer irl, and its not a strech to include these in stories or headcannon your favourite characters as that, especially if you have done your research and are not playing into any harmful stereotypes (if you are not part of that community). and btw, here is the definition of fetish:
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it literally says that it is related to sex/sexual desire. not only did i not ever had the things that were being described as fetishistic be in any sexual context, i am against fetishizing those types of things because its just disgusting. this person is not only misusing a serious word but also making assumptions because this was commented on the first chapter of my fic.
now, on headcannons, i think that if you are either a) someone who is the things they are headcannoning the character about or b) done their research and like i mentioned in the previous paragraph, not playing into harmful stereotypes or both then it is okay to headcannon characters as whatever you want. like if you want, you could literally headcannon that your favourite is a government pidgeon spy in disguise, and you should be able to do that because that's what headcannons are!! they are personal because they come from someone's head, even if they are popular in the fandom they're in.
i thought that it was a common rule of the internet to not interact with stuff you don't like. isnt it not? because if dont like something i will simply block the tag/person and move on with my day.
anyways, im tired. so to conclude be nice, the block button exists for a reason and people are dumb when they think they are anonymous.
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hannigramislife · 3 years
My reactions while watching first 6 episodes of Strangers from Hell:
*About Jongwoo*
(Literally unbothered king)
==>> nvm i take this back, this boy has some serious issues
*about Moonjo* Um, hello handsome stranger??? 👀
Another psycho i just know it, leave my boy alone
This escalated quickly
Random man in the apartment complex: im moving out next week. Starting a new life, open a store
Me: Lmao, no u won't
This fine mf is gonna turn out to be some grade A psycho
"I had a thought when I first saw you...that you could be the same type of person I am"
Said by: murdering doctor
Sue me if I'm wrong
But I'm beginning to see a pattern of psycho murdering doctors with an obsession about young mentally unstable guys who r trying to fit in
Ok the murderer guy is luring my boy in with books...can't say i don't relate 🤣😂
And the murderer guy goes:
"Could you tell me what you're writing now?"
"My story? It's not finished" *shy*
"Tell me anyway"
Ngl, i too would follow that man to the depth of hell after that 😌
Istg he just had a little problem just by hearing the writer describe how his character kills people 😭😭😭
And he goes "yeah, yeah that's great" MAN REALLY SAID YOU'RE ACCURATE SO FAR GOOD JOB HONEY
"Want a beer tonight?"
My boy: "Im actually meeting my gf tonight"
Murderer guy, absolutely rigid: "You have a gf?"
"Right. Since you're so handsome"
Dude...try not to sound like you want to carve him up and eat him for dinner. And i mean that literally
Lmao if there's cannibalism i'll riot 🤣
This mf playing jump rope with my blood pressure
I love it here
The writer didnt like the meat (hmm wonder why) ANS THIS MOTHERFUCKER. REALLY WENT.
"You don't like that part? I have other parts. You want some?"
I can'ttttt he's so sad that the guy didn't eat the human meat 😭😭
My boy: suspects there's death around him
Also him: At least I got the plot going
Child: "that man is scary"
You're right my baby girl he is indeed fucking scary, im gonna lose my sanity by tonight
Main guy: i thought I saw that creepy guy from the house, I keep SEEING him around
His gf: maybe he came to watch a movie, god
Me: 😃
Show: gore, torture, cannibalism, psychological horror
Also show: *censors knives*
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juiceastronaut · 3 years
If I can throw in my two cents about the whole Camila situation:
Honestly what I think is happening is people are projecting their own experiences a little too deeply onto Luz and vilifying Camila because they don't have a great relationship with their parents. I also think people's minds are jumping to the worst-case scenario of what the camp actually is (I don't think the answer is conversion therapy cmon guys this is a kid's show). The overall lesson in the Boiling Isles is that one needs to learn to consider the effect of their actions on others, especially if it's linked to one's creativity. It celebrates being different but also doesn't say that you can act any way you want because you're different. I think a lot of people are closer to Pilot Luz than they realize, and since they haven't gotten that reality check themselves, view these lessons for Luz as an attack on her, and thus an attack on themselves because they haven't learned that lesson yet. But anyway, back to the camp.
I think what's happening is people are getting really hung up about the "Think Inside the Box!" slogan from the first episode, which may seem to directly want to stifle kids' creativity. I think there are two explanations this can fall under, an in-universe one and an out-of-universe one. The in-universe explanation is that maybe the marketing team really sucks and in an attempt to be quirky and creative (look at us we're subverting a popular phrase!) it came off as really bad. The second explanation is, I don't think the Owl House team was thinking that far ahead when constructing the pilot, and how relevant the camp was going to be in later episodes, so they put a little joke in there to both get a laugh out of people, and to quickly solidify that Luz doesn't want to go to that camp and the reason for that. I think some light dismissal of earlier episodes is in order here, because a lot has happened between the pilot and now, and obviously, the reconstruction in Yesterday's Lie is the reality that the crew wants the viewers to go forward with. Maybe the camp wouldn't have even been that bad.
Maybe if Luz actually went she would've had a good time there. I think the more accurate interpretation is...maybe it did suck, but she would've still been able to garner good experiences from it, friends as well, so that going wouldn't have been all that bad, or at least not a living nightmare. Remind you of anyplace? (the answer is school). So maybe Luz would've had the reality check she needed, learning skills and making friends, and still have the camp be an unpleasant experience. I think those can both coexist, and I don't think the camp needs to be literal conversion therapy in order to achieve that. Okay, onto Camila.
Camila isn't perfect. I know people throw around that phrase a lot but I don't think you can find a more apt situation to apply this too. Carmilla, trying her best to do what's right by Luz, sometimes stumbles and does the exact opposite, but doing that out of love for Luz. I fully subscribe to the theory that the camp wasn't really her idea, and more of a suggestion by the school or Luz would have faced expulsion. Again, the pilot didn't really put weight on Luz's actions, but as of the most recent episode its obvious that Luz was close to receiving a very serious consequence by endangering people by bringing snakes and explosives into school. In the first few episodes it was a way to show that Luz was quirky and didn't fit in with the other kids, but as Luz has matured on the Boiling Isles that lets us revisit those scenarios in a different light. I'm sure Luz didn't see anything wrong with what she did, and the framing reflects that, maybe she'll feel differently now after the character growth she's gotten.
Camila loves that Luz is creative, and she loves her daughter for who she is. She even actively engages with Luz in her interests, as seen in Yesterdays's Lie. But as a parent its also Camilas responsibility to raise Luz into a person that can interact with society in a healthy way. Of course, that would be personally tailored to Luz as a person, and she shouldn't try to make Luz fit a certain standard, but that's not what's happening here.
Camila would be enabling Luz if she just allowed her to continue with these high stakes, highly dangerous expressions of "creativity" because Luz was posing a danger to others and to herself. I would actually say Camila would have been a bad parent if she made excuses for Luz's behavior and didn't do anything to curb that. Maybe camp wasn't 100% the best course of action to take, but at least she does something to make sure Luz feels the weight of her actions. I don't even think of the camp as a punishment per se, which is leaps and bounds above what any other parent would do in that situation (I'm under the belief that punishment isn't always the most effective way to facilitate behavior in children). Camila putting her foot down doesn't make her a bad parent, its what a parent should be doing in this situation!
By the end of the episode Yesterdays Lie, Camila's whole life was turned upside down. The person she thought was her daughter actually wasn't her daughter and her actual daughter chose to leave her and is now stuck in a completely different world where she can't reach or even talk to her. I think it's unfair to her to expect her to rationally react to that situation in any capacity. Her daughter left her and she desperately wanted her back, and was/is fearful of losing her again. That's why she made Luz promise to stay when she got back. She doesn't want to lose her again. She blames herself for driving her daughter away, probably for all the above reasons in relation to the camp, maybe for something else entirely.
The thing is, Luz didn't have enough time to explain to her mom what exactly went into her motivations to stay on the Boiling Isles. She wasn't even going to stay there permanently, she was going to go back when camp ended why? For her mom. She didn't want to be away from her any longer than she expected to be away. It was only after the whole Belos thing happened that she was stuck. But she didn't have the time to explain that. So essentially what Camila heard was "Im stuck over here with no way home and I chose that. for myself." Damn I'd get upset too! This whole thing is a misunderstanding I don't for one second think any situation where Camila forces her home to never see her friends again, or Luz being forced to break her promise and stay on the Isles forever is actually going to come to fruition. Luz will probably tell Camila about her time in the Isles and Camila will go "Oh my god I'm so happy you made friends, okay of course you can go back and forth" because I assume they'll have fixed/have another door by then.
In conclusion, Camila is an actual imperfect mother in the most literal sense, instead of saying someone's imperfect but never misstepping when it comes to taking care of her kids. She messes up, doesn't do the right thing because she's working against forces outside of her control or is having a very human reaction to a genuinely stressful situation. People are projecting their own home lives a little too much into Luz's situation which I think leads to people being harsher with Camila than she deserves. She's a good mom, and I think a realistic and complex character. Y'all are just mean.
Also anyone saying that Camila having a flip-flop (la chancla) in her purse is a sign that Luz is being abused...are you on crack? Is it crack you're smoking? No, but it's a haha shout out to the latino community it's not that deep oh my go--
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a-dragons-journal · 3 years
i dont "kin for fun" but through tiktok i found out about the whole kin for fun vs actual otherkin... situation ig? im having a really hard time taking it seriously... maybe im just burnt out and bitter from dealing with the worlds current events, and maybe its because on tiktok the only people i saw mad about it were white people, but you're the most reasonable person ive seen talking about it (a lot of other posts have this odd tone that 12 year olds on tiktok saying kin is the worlds greatest opression and it weirds me out) so ig my question is just... why exactly does this matter? why does it matter enough to post about and care about and not just ignore? /gen
Hey! I don’t blame you for being a bit weirded out by it, we’re a weird subculture and we’re well aware of it! xD I appreciate you taking the time to actually look into it past your first knee-jerk reaction, especially considering burnout and the state of things.
I’m not totally sure if you’re asking why otherkinity matters or why the “kin for fun” being wrong matters, so I’ll answer both - they’re pretty well tied together anyway.
The short version:
Otherkinity is an identity. It’s who we are, we can’t choose to pick it up or put it down, and it comes with struggles - though no, ‘kin are not systematically oppressed (though we are pretty badly bullied and, at this point, pushed out of our own words and spaces).
What people calling roleplay/relating to/projecting onto characters “kinning for fun” does is steal our words, make them meaningless, and in doing so, make it difficult or impossible for us to find each other. If someone says “I kin [x],” I no longer know whether they mean “I am [x] on an intrinsic level” or “haha I relate to this character a lot”. I no longer know whether they actually share my experiences or if they’re going to turn on me and call me “crazy” as soon as they realize I’m not exaggerating or joking or roleplaying. It’s done massive harm to the community as a whole because it’s become difficult to tell whether someone is actually ‘kin or if they’ve misunderstood the whole thing - and because antikin rhetoric, which I’m seeing more and more in KFF spaces, hurts far more when it’s coming from inside what you thought was a community space than when it’s coming from self-labeled “antikin.”
There are other words for roleplaying and relating to and projecting onto characters. Hell, there are words for strongly identifying with-but-not-as characters/things, though usually KFF people don’t even seem serious enough for those to fit in my experience. I’m really not sure why these people are so determined to steal and misuse our words, words that were specifically created to mean something else, when they already have their own and are just refusing to use them. (Or, hell, if you don’t feel like those fit, make your own. We did. It’s your turn to put in the work. (General you, not you-the-anon, of course.))
An analogy, if that still doesn’t quite land for you:
Consider, for a moment, the transgender community. I am aware this is a dangerous thing to say, but bear with me. Obvious CW for hypothetical transphobia up ahead is obvious.
Consider if you were part of the trans community (I don’t know if you are or not), having finally found a word to explain why you feel the way you do about yourself, why your experiences don’t seem to match up with those of everyone else around you. Having found a community, a home, full of other people like you, people you never would have met if not for words like “transgender” and “gender dysphoria/euphoria” that were created specifically to describe your experiences.
Now consider if people suddenly stumbled across your community for the first time who were not trans themselves. They see community jokes and lighthearted posts out of context, because Tumblr and Twitter aren’t exactly conducive to making sure people find the Transgender 101 information posts first. They don’t bother to do further research, assuming they understand: ah, these people like to crossdress! They like to pretend they’re a different gender! This seems like a fun hobby, I want in!
They begin to post things like this. They post photos of them crossdressing and caption them “hi, I’m [name], and I trans men!” and things of the like. Suddenly the concept of “transing for fun” seems to be everywhere - and it’s not at all what being trans actually is, but these people either don’t know or don’t care. When actual trans people try to politely correct them, they’re accused of “gatekeeping” - and to be clear, this is not “nonbinary people aren’t real,” it’s “transgender means you identify as a gender other than the one you were assigned at birth, and you’re self-identifying as the gender you were assigned at birth 100% and telling us this is just a fun hobby for you, therefore you’re not trans, you’re crossdressing or doing drag or being GNC. That’s fine, but it’s not being trans - you have other words to describe that, use those.”
(Yes, I am aware these things have a history with the trans community - please just ignore that for the sake of the analogy and bear with me on the slightly simplified version of this. “Kinning for fun” does not have that same history with the otherkin community.)
...And then the response to those attempted corrections, in some corners, turns into “wait, you ACTUALLY think you’re another gender? idk that sounds pretty unhealthy, maybe you should see a psychologist or something :\” and “you’re taking this too seriously.”
I imagine, in this hypothetical scenario, you’d also be pretty fuckin peeved.
(Obviously, in this hypothetical scenario, systematic transphobia would be an issue as well, which isn’t the case for otherkin - again, you’re gonna have to bear with me on the simplification for sake of analogy there.)
(EDIT: this is not an anti-MOGAI/exclusionist argument, this is “you’re literally telling me you don’t fit the definition,” explanation on that here)
The long version, which is probably still worth reading if you have the time and energy:
Otherkinity is... pretty core to who I am, who we as a group of individuals are. We live with being otherkin on a daily basis. Many of us spent a long time feeling different and disconnected and not understanding why until we found the otherkin community. Even people like me, who don’t share that experience and still had social connection - I’ve still had to live with weird differences that I had to learn to mask when necessary; instincts that don’t line up with human society well, feeling body parts that weren’t there and that no one else ever seemed to have, things that other kids grew out of because it was just make-believe for them and I... didn’t, because it was never make-believe for me to begin with. Oh, sure, I played make-believe too - I played warrior cats and house and all those things with the other kids, but there were things that weren’t play-pretend for me too. I didn’t have an explanation for it for a long time - it was just how I was, I was weird, and fortunately for me personally I was okay with that (many of those with species dysphoria or more trouble connecting with humans have more problems from that than I did).
And then I found the word “otherkin.” And suddenly everything fell into place, and I had an explanation for the things I’d been experiencing, and there were other people like me. Something I’d assumed didn’t exist. I found others who shared my unique experiences, who were talking about how to cope with the instinct to growl or snap jaws at people instead of expressing annoyance in a human way instead of just saying “that’s weird, don’t do that”, who were talking about dealing with phantom wings and tails, who understood me. I wasn’t weird, I wasn’t broken, I was exactly what one would expect from a dragon living in human skin. I found an explanation for myself. I found a home.
That is why otherkinity matters - it is who we are, it’s not something we can walk away from (certainly not most of us, anyway), and it’s something many of us need the support of the community to help deal with on a daily basis. Being a nonhuman in human society isn’t always easy, but it’s not something we can just magically stop being - it’s core to who we are, we (generally) didn’t choose to be this way, and we (generally) can’t choose to stop. Which is fine - the vast majority of us can cope with it just fine, with a little advice and help and space to be our authentic selves in. We found each other, we built this community from the ground up to make a space and words to make finding each other easier - or possible at all.
Thus we come to the second half of our story.
It was only a couple of years ago that the “kin for fun” trend started getting big. It had existed before that, of course, but it only started going mainstream two, maybe three years ago, from what I can tell. Suddenly people were treating “kin” like it meant relating to, projecting onto, roleplaying as, or just really really liking a character or thing - not being that thing, which is what it actually means. Not long after that, it became hard to tell whether someone saying “I kin this” meant they were that thing, that they were actually part of our community - or that they really really liked that thing and either didn’t know or couldn’t be bothered to learn that that wasn’t the case for us.
Not long after that, it became relatively commonplace to hear phrases like “otherkin are ruining kinning!!” and “you’re taking this too seriously” and “idk, if it’s that serious for you that sounds unhealthy. maybe you should get some help :\” (all directly quoted, or as exactly quoted as I can remember, from things KFF people have said to me or people I know).
It is a special kind of hell, I think, to be told “you’re taking this too seriously, that’s unhealthy” by people who are taking words created to describe your experiences, not theirs, and misusing them to mean something that you do for fun on a weekend instead of something that’s intrinsic to your being.
Perhaps more importantly, like I’ve said, it’s making it almost impossible to know whether someone who says “I kin [x]” is actually ‘kin or if they’re misusing our words to mean something else entirely. The entire point of words is to communicate ideas, and once you start misusing words to mean something totally different than what they actually mean, that communication falls apart and suddenly we might as well not have those words at all. Especially when the community is small enough and obscure enough that we’re starting to be outnumbered by the misinformation. We’re being run out of our own words, words we created to describe our experiences specifically - because we’re a small community that the wider internet can easily drown out by sheer numbers of people who either don’t know any better or don’t care to learn.
That’s the harm it does - the harm it is doing, right now. That’s why it’s important enough to post about. That’s why it matters - because we’re fighting desperately to hang onto our own words so that others like us can actually find us. Because we’re seeing young nonhumans go “this isn’t a kin, I actually am this” and screaming “No, I’m so sorry that this is what the misinformation has done to you, that’s exactly what otherkin means, you have a place here, please don’t let these non-’kin misusing our words drive you away from the very community you’re looking for and that you belong in.” Because we can’t even communicate effectively about our own experiences anymore except in semi-closed spaces like Discord servers and forums (and the number of Discord servers overrun with KFF people is absurd).
......This got very long. Hopefully it at least explained why it matters so much to me and others a bit better ^^; Thanks for hearing me out, and thank you again for looking into this beyond your initial knee-jerk reaction - I really do appreciate it.
(For further reading, if that text wall didn’t blow you out of the water completely, I recommend my “kin for fun” tag, which has more posts like this in both short and long form.)
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reyski · 3 years
Hello friend!! so i was wondering if you could do platonic hange hcs for being Hange’s little sibling? Maybe the sibling is in the 104th and then joins the scouts, (side note: hange would have some ridiculous nickname for you, i don’t make the rules) Thank Youuuu!!!!
hi there! love the request, sorry for not getting to it right away, ive been pretty busy lately (but more on that later). also, thanks for being my first attack on titan request!!
hange as an older sibling
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pairing: platonic/sibling! hange x reader
media: attack on titan
content warnings: slight angst
notes: somehow my writing always ends up slightly angsty :/
➵ when hange spotted you standing with a group of recruits, chatting about your first day with the 104th cadet corps and all the anxieties that accompanied, they almost had to do a double take. with all the experiments hange was running with the scouts they barely had time to send a letter home, much less go visit you and your parents. 
➵ after giving you a good old fashioned scolding for not at least sending a letter, hange concluded that you must have had a good reason for deciding to risk your life. what if hange was a part of that decision? hange knew that in terms of a role model they were quite ... eclectic. perhaps hange’s decision had influenced your own. 
➵ when you decide to join the scouts hange is conflicted. on one hand this is the perfect opportunity for a new lab partner hange can coerce into all kinds of crazy experiments sorry moblit, but on the other hand hange is scared. 
➵ before, when you were just in the cadet corps, hange tried to put the idea of your potential death out of mind. but now, the bridge that had appeared so far on the horizon only 5 years ago now lay at hange’s feet. hange had learned that in order to not be crushed by the weight of a love one’s death, you have to be prepared -- which means coming to terms with it. 
➵ however, for the most part, your time in the scouts alongside hange is elating. hange most definitely goes around introducing you to everyone they know for the first couple of days. levi seems unimpressed and tells the both of you to get back to work, while erwin simply thanks you for joining humanity’s fight. 
➵ get ready for some titan experiments. while hange would never put you in direct danger, that doesnt mean they aren’t going to make you watch them put themself in danger while shouting at you to write everything down. experiments range from serious titan notetaking to attempting to create a meal so delicious that even a titan will want to eat it. 
➵ after sawney takes a nibble of a shortcake you made hange gets the idea for a new nickname, and now you cant go a day without hange calling you shortcake (doesn’t matter if your tall or short, hange loves the chaos). 
➵ hange captures a pair of titans and names them after you guys. 
➵ doesn’t matter if you’re already sleeping, hange always pops their head in before bed, not caring if other scouts are watching, and gives you a kiss on the forehead. 
➵ when your first expedition ends with both of you still alive hange can finally let out that breath they were holding the entire time. if you need it, of course hange is ready to hold you in thier arms all night until you can get the images of titans swallowing your fellow soldiers out of your mind. 
➵ if you’re in a relationship with another scout hange is totally oblivious to what they should do: walking in at the wrong moments, telling embarrassing stories, the works. 
➵ weird gifts. doesn’t even matter if its your birthday or not, you’re getting weird titan-related gifts that hange has tediously made by hand. remember those titans hange named after you? well now you have two stuffed doll versions!
➵ hange: 10/10 sibling experience 
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yay, sorry for the long wait, but im so happy to have done my first aot write! 
if you would like to request please take a look at my guidelines which outline the genres i write for each character. also, you can find all other works in my masterlists -- both guidelines and masterlists can be found on my directory!
have a good day/night loves <3 make sure to eat some food and drink some water ily
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asterekmess · 3 years
Heyo! So I’ve been in the sterek fandom for quite some time now and I’ve been wondering about how you would describe stiles’ personality?
I’ve never actually sat down and watched a full episode of teen wolf (and honestly I’m not sure if I ever will considering everything I’ve heard about how they treat derek and his history but idk who knows I’m very curious in a lot of the plot lines and character development), and a lot of the stuff I know about the show I’ve scraped from fics, gifs, and meta posts
For me personally, Stiles’ personality and characterization is so fluid and nuanced that sometimes I have trouble pinning him down (tho derek doesn’t have trouble with that *wink wink*) So I would love to hear your thoughts! Sorry for the long ask, this grew legs and an ugly mug shdhdhhdjdcj anyhow have a great day :D
Well, everybody's got different perspectives and opinions on Stiles' personality, honestly. Even when you try to stick to 'canon' things, there's a lot of room for interpretation on the why when he does things, or what it says about him as a person, etc etc etc.
Personally, I see canon Stiles as kind of an asshole. I mean, I love him, and he does some incredible things, and he's clearly got an intense love for those close to him. But I do make him kinder in fics, or I at least make him regret being a dick.
In canon, we're given a Stiles who cracks 'dead baby' jokes (he's talking about human sacrifice, so the conversation was already plenty morbid. This wasn't out of the blue.) Who begs for Scott to let Jackson die (though it's made clear that this wasn't serious, and he later works to save Jackson's hide like ten times over), and who will mercilessly poke and prod at people's insecurities or painful pasts, especially when worked up. Isaac's previous abuse isn't a no-go topic. Derek having 'dated' (read: been assaulted at worst and at best, been lied to) serial killers isn't something he's going to tread lightly around. He doesn't try to soften things to save someone's feelings most of the time.
He's presented as someone who is incredibly impulsive, with his emotions, words, and actions. It's kind of implied this is because of his ADHD, but that doesn't explain how often the impulsively cruel or harsh things he says aren't retracted or apologized for, or just generally regretted. Yes, ADHD people are impulsive, and yes sometimes our mouths get away from us and we can end up saying some Fucked Up shit to people because we literally couldn't control the words coming out. But that doesn't mean we're cruel or evil or mean. We still feel bad for doing those things, and those of us who are decent people, try to fix or repair what we've messed up. I am...not a fan of how often ADHD is used as an excuse to make a character a dickhead because "he has no filter." No filter means we struggle to control our thoughts and what we say, it doesn't make us heartless.
So, when I'm writing him, I fix it. Even if he still Does something fucked up, I have him care that he did it. I have him realize what he did or said wasn't okay and respond to that knowledge in some way. Which to some people, means I'm just ignoring what a fucker he is, but imo it feels like a horrible fuckup on the creator's parts, so I'm just correcting the mistake. He's no less Stiles just bc I taught him to say sorry.
Anyway. I'm trying NOT to ramble here.
To answer your question, as best I can; Stiles is sarcastic. Stiles is passionate to a fault. His emotions are BIG, whatever they are. Good, Bad, or even apathy. Whatever feelings he has are just intense. He is very much a no gods, no kings, no masters, kind of man. There isn't really an 'authority' to him, except maybe his dad sometimes. He puts family, and those he considers family, First. But that doesn't mean he isn't selfless. Because he is. Incredibly so. Uncomfortably so.
He walks into gasoline for his friends. He puts himself in the position of losing the only parent he has left, for his classmates. He cares enough about strangers to insist a drunk girl he's spoken to for five minutes max stay hydrated and give her a bottle of water. He literally handed over his mind on a platter to a fox demon for someone he barely fucking knew, to keep her safe.
Loyal. Humorous. A fighter. Family-oriented. Clever. Passionate. Strong, physically, mentally, and emotionally. And a very good liar, in my opinion.
He doesn't lie very well in the show, not to people's faces. He'll stumble around a "I haven't seen him since the last time I saw him" or "are you asking me to tell you what I would have told you if I were going to tell you it?" but at the same time, he can repress and hide away his feelings and his pain in a way not even Derek manages.
He asked Caitlin questions about her girlfriend, and worked to solve the human sacrifices, literal minutes after finding out he'd just lost his oldest friend. He drove Lydia to the warehouse to save Jackson after having the shit beat out of him by a man who'd been learning to cause pain since he was a CHILD. And he never gives away how incredibly broken he is for more than a couple seconds. and it's a little frightening, because he convinces people in this show who are lie detectors that he's okay, when he's a fucking mess. Even Derek shows his pain.
You're right that he's nuanced, and part of that is because when you see him in meta or in fic, what you're seeing is a dozen versions of him sort of compressed into a flat image. Because he changes throughout the show, and while some of his core personality stays the same, a lot of stuff changes. So one fic might harp on his insensitivity, and callousness toward Isaac or how easily he says "just let them die" when talking about Derek or someone else. And then another will dive into how fucking far he's willing to go, travelling all the way to mexico and facing down a hunter clan a dozen times more powerful than the argents with no one but a banshee at his side, just to get Derek back. Or how he saw Malia hurting and sat with her on a couch and held her hand. One is a much earlier version of Stiles, from the start of the show, the other from his midpoint. Near the end, you're able to say that he was so torn about leaving Derek while he was dying, he had to be Begged to go save Scott. That he manipulated an ENTIRE FBI investigation in order to save and protect Derek. (im focusing on derek bc sterek, but also bc his relationship with Derek is the Biggest Arc he has in the show, and the most solid)
You're going to read about different versions of him, and I totally get how that's confusing.
We all sort of bleed ourselves into him and either bring certain canon characteristics to the forefront, or straight up add our own so he's more relatable to us.
So while I can't really help you pin down any specific Stiles, just know that there's not really a 'true' Stiles that anyone can confirm or deny. It's all just perception, so however you see him, go with it. Strengthen it. Explore it. I'm sure you'll find people who see what you do.
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