#like going into pushing people away or preferring to be treated in specific ways and accommodating for that to get along with other people
4arconinoma · 2 years
Doki Doki Plus is genuinely such a nice and sweet extension of the main game the fact that people were so dismissive of it solely due to it not being horror based like the main one makes my heart ache so much. This is genuinely one of the best character explorations I've ever seen in my life, written so wonderfully and realistically to the point where it's almost frightening and so emotional, it makes me so sad that people are so harsh on it
It delves so much into themes of friendship, humanity and people etc. Every time I play it it shifts my perspective on life and other people to a more positive one. It's literally like therapy to me. It's so sweet and has legitimately valuable lessons to be learned... I will always defend it man. I recommend that everyone tries it out if you particularly cared about the characters in the main game and not just the horror elements because it fleshes them out so much. They're so real and relatable. It's so delightful. I like it so much
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links-in-time · 5 months
I headcanon Wind is hungry all the time and he gets growing pains in his legs when he has growth spurts.
This was a fun little fic to write. Sorry it's not very long. But I hope you enjoy it!
Bottomless Pit
Wind is hungry all the time
"Anyone got any food?" Wind asked, as the Chain pushed through the thick undergrowth of the forest they had just portaled into.
"Food?" Time asked, from up ahead. "We ate a few hours ago!"
"Portals make me hungry. My stomach is growling like a moblin moved in!" Wind moaned.
Hyrule chuckled behind him while Wild rummaged around in his pack. The champion pulled out an apple and handed it forward to Wind.
"Here ya go," he said brightly. "There's plenty more where that came from if you're still hungry."
"What's for dinner?" Wind asked.
They had just stopped to make camp for the night. Wild had barely had time to pull out his bedroll, let alone think about food.
"We've only just stopped for the day Sailor," Wars pointed out, pausing as he removed his armour. "Give Wild a minute to rest first. Or if you're so hungry, you could make dinner for everyone?!"
Wind wrinkled his nose. He didn't mind cooking occasionally, but he didn't enjoy it. The young teen preferred to be the one eating the food rather than making it. Wind sat down on his bedroll, crossing his arms and legs.
"I can wait," he grumbled.
Wait he did, as it was a few hours later when Wild finally called everyone for dinner. Sky had offered to help as Wild wanted to try his hand at making Sky's favourite soup. They had collected a hearty pumpkin from the last town they passed specifically for this purpose. With a fluffy brown roll and a bowl of soup each the boys tucked into their supper.
Wind wiped his bowl clean with his last mouthful of bread and stuffed it into his mouth. Licking a little of the soup off his fingers.
"Mmm, that was great. Is there any more?" He asked hungrily, his groaning belly calling out for seconds.
"More?!" Four asked, his eyebrows touching his headband. "I've barely eaten half of mine!"
"Wind are you alright?" Hyrule asked, fixing the sailor with a look of concern.
"I'm just hungry," Wind groaned, stretching the u in hungry to emphasise his point.
"There's plenty left if he wants seconds," Sky assured the others, getting to his feet and reaching for the ladle sticking out of the pot.
"Thanks Sky!" Wind exclaimed, scrambling to his feet and thrusting his bowl in Sky's direction.
The others watched on with a mild mixture of concern and bewilderment. Of all of them Wild usually had the biggest appetite. He snacked while they were on the move, munching apples or small treats to keep up his stamina levels. But Wind's recent eating habits were new and amusing to some.
"Can you help me clear up the kitchen Wind?" Malon asked, as she began collecting plates after their evening meal.
"Sure thing Miss Malon," Wind replied, pushing his chair away from the table as he began helping tidy up.
"Careful not to let him near the left overs, or there won't be any!" Time jested, before draining the last of his drink.
The other boys chuckled but the joke was lost on Malon, though she noticed Wind's ears turning pink. As they both made their way out to the kitchen, arms laiden with plates, Malon shut the door behind them with a kick.
"Everything alright Link?" She asked warmly, setting her burden down on the wooden counter top. Malon always tried to call each of the boys by their real name whenever she was alone with them. She found it helped them to relax a little around her.
"Yeah," Wind mumbled, as he set his stack of plates down beside Malons.
"They're not being mean are they?" She asked, already considering giving her husband an earful if this were the case.
"No, not really. They're just teasing me Miss," Wind uttered, eyes downcast as he leant against the kitchen cupboards.
"Teasing you about what sweetheart?" Malon asked gently.
Wind wouldn't normally let people call him pet names. He'd give them a rude gesture he'd learned in the war of eras, or one of the choice words the pirates had taught him. But not Miss Malon. She didn't treat him like a child but she wasn't hard on him either. Wind instinctively felt he could trust her with anything. Perhaps that's why Time liked her so much. Whatever his reasons Wind decided to tell Malon what had been on his mind.
"I've been having pains lately," he sighed.
"Pains?" Malon frowned. "Are you injured?"
Immediately she started looking him over for any wounds she hadn't noticed. But the boy seemed physically fine. And she'd seen him chasing after the coocos earlier in the day.
"Not those kinds of pains. Sometimes I wake up at night and my legs ache, or my back hurts for no reason. I asked Hyrule to look but he couldn't see anything wrong. Though he said I had some scars on my back, but I don't remember having those before. The only thing that helps is food. It doesn't hurt when I eat. In fact eating seems to make the pain go away. So I've been eating more and more. That's what the others were teasing me about, my growing appetite."
Wind kept his eyes on the terracotta tiled floor of the kitchen, while Malon listened. As he explained, her fluttering heart settled again. The more Wind talked the more she understood. Far more than the kid himself did. Malon took a step forward and placed a soft hand on Wind's shoulder. He looked up to find her large blue eyes beaming at him.
"It's okay Link. I think I know what's troubling you," she said softly.
"You do? Am I dying?" Wind asked, almost ready to resign himself to whatever fate Malon was about to describe.
"Heavens no!" She laughed, the sound already beginning to reassure Wind that it wasn't something serious. "You're having a growth spurt Link. The pains you've been experiencing are growing pains. You must be growing quick for your limbs to hurt like that. And the scars on your back are just stretch marks where your body is growing. It's perfectly normal."
"It is?" Wind asked sceptically.
"Absolutely, I imagine all the hearty food Wild has been feeding you has done the trick. Your new found appetite is just your body fuelling your growth hunny," Malon continued to explain.
"Oh, does that mean I'm gonna get taller?" Wind asked, the realisation of what this all meant starting to hit home.
"It certainly does. I'd bet you've started growing already," Malon replied encouragingly.
"D'you think I'll be taller than Wars?" He asked excitedly. Malon laughed, placing a hand over her chest.
"Perhaps some day, but I wouldn't hold your breath. He's a bit older than you after all Link."
"What about Time? Could I be taller than Time?!"
"Hmm," Malon pretended to be thinking hard about the question. "He's quite tall, you'd have to eat lots of vegetables to rival my Link."
"More veggies?" Wind groaned. "You mean like broccoli and stuff?"
Wind scrunched up his face while he thought, but he couldn't get the image of himself towering over Time and the others out of his head.
"Alright, I guess that's not so bad. Thank you Miss Malon. Can I... can I hug you?" He asked tentatively.
"Of course you can sweetie," she replied warmly, holding her arms out in encouragement.
Wind fell into her embrace. His head pressed against her just below her boosom and Malon tried not to giggle. He squeezed her tightly while Malon gave his mop of blond hair a few light strokes. When Wind started to pull away she let him go.
"Thank you Miss," Wind uttered, an easy smile tugging at his lips.
"You're welcome Sailor," she remarked. "Now go out and enjoy the last of the sunshine. I can finish up in here. In fact, I think the others should come and help. Why don't you tell them all to come on in here, then you can go outside and play." Malon suggested with a conspiratory grin.
Wind liked the idea of subtly getting his own back on his teasing brothers and eagrly opened the kitchen door.
"Hey, Malon says you're all supposed to come help wash up!"
Malon grinned to herself as she picked up the clothes she was mending, then sat herself down in a rocking chair by the back door to the yard. One by one she watched the other boys file into the kitchen and begin washing the dishes and cooking pots Malon had used for dinner. Wind hurried past them all and dashed out the back door into the yard.
"Where's he going?" Legend asked.
"I told him he could go and play," Malon said plainly, her eyes on her needlework.
"Play, but there's chores to be done?" Time asked incredulously.
"Yes indeed, and please keep any leftovers to one side. Wind might be hungry when he comes back inside later. A growing boy like that should have enough to eat don't you think?"
Malon grinned to herself as her remark silenced any further protestation from the Chain. Meanwhile outside, Wind had made his way to the field where Epona and the other horses were.
"I may have only just started growing," he explained to Epona as he fed her a handful of fresh hay. "But some day I'll be taller than the Old Man."
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callmedaleelah · 1 month
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— Pinnacle [ tsukishima kei university au series ]
— i keep recalling things we never did ; why are you eating ramen and burnt cheesecake in a café with him? what if people think that you’re on a date?
author’s notes : no mention of (y/n), written in second person pov, semi alternative universe, timeskip!tsukishima, college life, not proofread, english is not my first language
[ masterlist ] | [ ask daleelah go to box box 🐭 ]
The morning air was cool as you stepped into the classroom, your heart heavy with anxiety. The exhaustion from the past week clung to you, but there was also a small flicker of gratitude in your chest. Tsukishima had been there for you all night, helping you cram as much information as possible. He had even insisted on dropping you off at class, carrying your bag and other belongings because your hand still hurt from the IV needle. He made sure you were settled in your seat before leaving without a word, a gesture that left you both touched and a bit bewildered. You promised yourself you would find a way to thank him properly after this exam, maybe by treating him to something nice or doing whatever he wanted.
As the exam began, your worries resurfaced. Despite Tsukishima’s help, you still felt unprepared. Some of the questions seemed foreign, and you found yourself leaving several blank as the clock ticked down. By the time it was over, a sense of dread had settled in your stomach. You could barely remember walking out of the classroom, your mind too preoccupied with thoughts of failure. All you wanted was to get back to your dorm and rest, but the nagging uncertainty about the answers kept you flipping through your book as you walked.
“Loosen up, the exam is over,” came a familiar voice from behind you.
You turned to see Tsukishima standing there, a slight grin playing on his lips as he approached. There was a teasing glint in his eyes as he reached out to close your book gently. “Your body has been telling you to stop looking at your books since yesterday when you collapsed at the infirmary, and here you are still studying even after the exam is over.”
His words, though spoken with his usual dry tone, held a touch of concern beneath the surface. You wanted to tell him how much you feared you had failed, but the thought of burdening him further made you bite your tongue. Instead, you pushed your emotions aside and mustered a warm smile. “How was your exam?” you asked, trying to shift the focus away from yourself.
“Good, think I did pretty well,” he answered, his confidence evident as he began walking beside you.
You nodded, taking a deep breath. “I want to treat you to something since you took care of me yesterday,” you said, your voice sincere.
He frowned slightly, his expression questioning.
“It’d be impolite of me not to return your kindness,” you replied, hoping he understood how much his help had meant to you.
“Kindness?” he chuckled, a sound that was almost amused. “I told you the doctor asked me to help. I was just doing her a favor.”
“Yeah, but still—” you began, feeling a bit flustered by his nonchalant attitude.
He cut you off with a shrug, a small smirk on his lips. “Okay, if you insist. Let’s get some ramen and burnt cheesecake at the café downtown.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his choice, surprised that someone like Tsukishima would have such a specific dessert preference. But you agreed, the thought of resting at your dorm forgotten as the prospect of spending more time with him took over.
The café was as cozy and inviting as you remembered, a favorite spot for university students to unwind. The space was filled with warm lighting and soft music, creating a homey atmosphere that made it easy to relax. Around you, couples occupied most of the tables, enjoying quiet moments together, sharing laughs, and indulging in sweet treats. You couldn’t help but notice how many of them were on dates, their conversations and gestures filled with affection.
As you waited for your order, Tsukishima excused himself to the restroom. Left alone, you glanced around the room, taking in the sight of other students. It struck you suddenly that, from an outsider’s perspective, you and Tsukishima might look like just another couple on a date. The thought sent a brief flutter through your chest, but you quickly shook it off, not wanting to read too much into it. After all, this was just a simple thank-you meal—nothing more.
Or at least, that’s what you kept telling yourself as you waited for him to return.
Two bowl of ramen was steaming, the broth rich and savory, and two slice of burnt cheesecake you ordered sat beside it, looking almost too beautiful to eat. You both settled into a relaxed rhythm, exchanging conversation that flowed more easily than you expected.
“This place is nice,” you commented, glancing around at the cozy interior. “I’ve never been here before.”
“Yeah, I usually come here with Yamaguchi,” Tsukishima replied, taking a casual sip of his tea. “It’s quiet enough, not too crowded. Perfect for avoiding people.”
You chuckled, finding his usual avoidance of crowds almost endearing. “Sounds like you,” you teased lightly. “So, do you always order the burnt cheesecake?”
Tsukishima smirked, a small curve of his lips that was more subtle than full-on amusement. “Only if I’m in the mood,” he said, his eyes glancing at you from beneath his blonde bangs. “I didn’t peg you as someone who’d enjoy this kind of place.”
“I guess I’m full of surprises,” you said with a grin. “But honestly, I’ve been too busy with exams to explore much.”
“Typical freshman,” he muttered, but there was no malice in his tone, only the familiar teasing you were starting to appreciate. “How are you holding up with your classes?”
You sighed, feeling a bit more at ease talking to him than you would have expected a few days ago. “Barely. This semester has been a lot tougher than I imagined. Sometimes I wonder if I’m even cut out for biochemistry.”
He raised an eyebrow, his expression unreadable. “If you weren’t, you wouldn’t have made it this far.”
You blinked at his straightforward reply, a warmth blooming in your chest at his unexpected reassurance. “I guess,” you murmured, your voice softer.
As the conversation continued, you found yourself noticing the small details about him, details you hadn’t paid attention to before. The soft freckles scattered across his face, faint but noticeable when the café’s warm light hit him just right. The way his lips quirked into a half-smile when you said something he found mildly amusing. How his eyes, sharp and intelligent, would flicker toward you, only to quickly look away as if he didn’t want to be caught staring.
There was a moment when he laughed—a deep, rich sound that made your heart skip. His nose scrunched slightly, just enough to soften his usual stoic expression, and you realized you liked seeing him like this, more relaxed, more open.
You couldn’t help but wonder if this was a side of Tsukishima that few people got to see, a version of him reserved for moments like these, where the world outside the café didn’t matter.
You smiled, feeling a comfortable silence settle between you, the earlier tension from your exam worries fading into the background. It felt nice, this moment of connection between you two, and for a while, you let yourself forget the pressures of university life.
But just as you were settling into the calm, your phone suddenly buzzed on the table. The sound broke the quiet bubble you’d been in, and you glanced down to see the reminder flashing on the screen—Take your ginger tonic and vitamins.
You quickly snoozed the alarm, feeling a slight flush rise to your cheeks, but it was too late. Tsukishima had already stolen a glance at your phone, his lips quirking up into an amused smirk.
“So, you like ginseng tonic?” he asked, his tone teasing as he raised an eyebrow at you.
You nearly choked on your food, shaking your head furiously. “No—my mom makes me,” you replied, a bit more defensively than you intended.
Tsukishima seemed taken aback by your quick response, but the surprise quickly faded into another teasing comment. “Seems like your mom really knows how to take care of you,” he said, his voice laced with a playful edge.
You tried to laugh it off, but your smile didn’t quite reach your eyes. “She says I’m too clueless to take care of myself, so she has to intervene,” you joked, though there was an undeniable bitterness beneath your words. You hadn’t meant to let it slip, but Tsukishima’s perceptive gaze caught it instantly. His teasing demeanor softened slightly, but he didn’t press further, sensing that there was more to the story.
Instead, he reached across the table, his hand moving with surprising gentleness. Before you could react, his thumb brushed against the corner of your lips, wiping away a small spot of broth you hadn’t noticed. The contact was brief, but it sent a jolt through you, making you freeze as your heart suddenly sped up.
The world seemed to slow down for a moment, and you could feel the warmth of his touch lingering on your skin. Tsukishima’s expression was unreadable, but his eyes held a softness that made your breath hitch. The café around you faded into the background, and all you could focus on was the tenderness in his gesture, the way his eyes flickered with something deeper than just casual concern.
Neither of you spoke, the silence hanging in the air like a delicate thread. You could feel your cheeks growing warm under his gaze, your thoughts a jumble of confusion and a budding realization that perhaps, just maybe, there was something more between you two than just a reluctant mentor-student relationship.
Finally, Tsukishima broke the tension with a small, almost imperceptible smile, his hand retracting back to his side. “You missed a spot,” he said lightly, but his voice had a gentleness to it that made your heart flutter.
You managed a weak laugh, trying to shake off the overwhelming emotions that threatened to spill over. “Thanks,” you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper.
The moment passed, but the memory of it lingered, etched into your mind like a secret you weren’t quite ready to share, not even with yourself.
As you both continued to eat, the earlier playful banter faded into a more comfortable silence. Yet, the unspoken understanding between you two grew, and with it, a warmth that neither of you could deny, even if you didn’t fully understand it yet.
The café had grown quieter as the afternoon wore on, the soft hum of conversation and the clinking of dishes providing a comforting background to your shared meal. You and Tsukishima had settled into a relaxed conversation, the earlier tension gradually melting away as you discussed everything from university life to random observations about the people around you.
He had just finished the last bite of his burnt cheesecake, and you were savoring the final spoonfuls of your ramen, the warmth of the broth lingering in your chest. You felt surprisingly content, more at ease than you had in weeks, thanks in no small part to Tsukishima’s presence.
As you set down your spoon, you reached for your bag, ready to pay for the meal as you had promised. But before you could pull out your wallet, you caught the attention of the waiter, gesturing for the bill.
The waiter approached with a polite smile, holding a small leather-bound folder. “Your bill has already been taken care of,” he said, handing the receipt to Tsukishima instead.
You blinked in surprise, your eyes darting between Tsukishima and the waiter. “Wait, what? No, I was supposed to pay—”
Tsukishima looked at you with a calm, unbothered expression, his hand already tucking the receipt into his pocket. “I got it,” he said simply, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
“But… why? I said I’d treat you. You took care of me, remember?” You couldn’t hide the confusion in your voice, your brows furrowed in disbelief.
He leaned back in his chair, a faint smirk playing on his lips. “What kind of man do you think I am, letting a woman pay for the lunch I chose?”
His tone was light, but the weight of his words made your heart skip a beat. There was something undeniably charming in the way he said it, his usual teasing edge softened with a hint of genuine chivalry that caught you off guard.
“But—” you started, but he interrupted, holding up a hand.
“You can save your arguments for next time,” he said, his voice steady and calm. “Consider this a thank you—for putting up with my attitude this past semester.”
You felt your cheeks warm at his unexpected admission, your protest fading into a soft smile. “You’re not that bad,” you said quietly, though your heart was racing a little. “I mean, you did help me a lot.”
Tsukishima’s eyes met yours, and for a moment, you saw something in his gaze that made your breath catch—a fleeting softness, a quiet acknowledgment of the connection that had been growing between you. It was gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by his usual guarded expression, but the memory of it lingered, making your chest tighten with a mix of emotions you weren’t ready to untangle.
“I’m serious, though,” you continued, trying to regain some composure. “Next time, it’s on me.”
He raised an eyebrow, a small, amused smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “We’ll see.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, but couldn’t help the warmth that spread through you at the thought of a next time. The idea that there could be more moments like this, more shared meals and conversations, filled you with a quiet sense of anticipation.
As you both stood up to leave, Tsukishima casually picked up your bag, slinging it over his shoulder as if it were the most natural thing in the world. “Let’s go,” he said, his voice steady and unhurried.
You followed him out of the café, the afternoon sun casting long shadows on the pavement as you walked side by side. The day had taken an unexpected turn, and you couldn’t help but feel a sense of gratitude for this moment—one that felt like the beginning of something you couldn’t quite name.
And as you walked together, the light breeze ruffling your hair, you couldn’t shake the feeling that this wasn’t just the end of a shared meal, but is it just you hoping for more?
taglist (free to mention) ; @theweirdfloatything
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that-basic-simp · 5 months
Let Your Hair Down
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Mizu X Fem!Reader CW: N/A WC: 1.2k+ A/N: This was originally going to be the first one-shot I was going to upload since this was the first one I wrote.
"You should wear your hair down more often," I said.
"And what? Get you and I killed?"
"No, I meant when we're alone. When we don't have to worry about people coming after you."
"I'm still surprised you haven't gotten killed either. Or kidnapped and made to be a prostitute."
"That makes two of us," I said.
"You really should hide yourself better."
"Like you?"
"It throws people off. And also no one will ever know because they die. A dead man tells no tales."
"Funny, weren't I the one to figure out your secret?"
"Because you kept following me when I said not to."
"You really don't remember me?"
"I try not to remember Kohama all that much."
"Can't say that I don't blame you. Kohama didn't treat me right either."
"This world doesn't treat women right."
"That's why we're not women," I smiled at Mizu.
"You do a horrible job at disguising yourself, you know that right?"
"Come on, try to be at least uplifting once in a while, Mizu."
"I can't when I am constantly worrying about our backs out here. More specifically yours."
"Aww, did I warm my way into the cold samurai's heart."
"I'm not a samurai. They're honorable. I have no honor."
"Not yet you don't."
"You think seeking revenge is honorable? It's anything but, Y/N. I don't know why you even followed me to begin with."
"Because I saw something you can't see in yourself."
"That being?"
"A lost, broken soul that is trying to get back at the people who wronged you. Especially that white man who caused your birth."
"What gave it away?" Mizu asked sarcastically.
"I wasn't finished. But also someone who constantly views themself as a monster, an onryo."
"Join basically everyone I have ever met," she sighed.
"But I also see a person who just wants someone to see you for who you truly are, not what you are."
"And who am I, Y/N?"
"You're Mizu. Simple as that."
"And who exactly is Mizu?"
I let out a soft chuckle, "Seems you need to do some soul searching, Mizu. Currently you're out for revenge, so I don't think soul searching is your thing to worry about right now."
"Well, who is Mizu to you?" she asked, curious.
"A strong person who will go the distance to get whatever needs to get done. A driven soul that wants to get back at the people who wronged you, but don't really go after those of your past. Those who treated you poorly and called you horrendous things. Just after the guy who made you and your mother suffer. Someone who is in need of a kind and caring  soul," I smiled at Mizu, trying to find her true eye color, but with her tinted glasses, they weren't helping.
Closing her eyes, she reached up and removed her glasses. Slowly opening them, she tilted her head upwards. My eyes found hers. I have only seen her true eye color once in a while and it was when she glared at me over her glasses. So to finally see them in their fullest and at their most vulnerable, it reminded me of the calm waters on the peaceful beach. How clear and stark they were, piercing like the ice, cold, too. Harsh, like a winter storm was raging behind those eyes. A single tear slid from her right eye and dropped onto the floor we were sitting on.
"I'm a monster, Y/N. Simple as that. Someone who shouldn't even belong in this world."
"Yet you're still here."
"I'm here for a reason."
"Your body could have easily given up on you. But you're resilient and able to push yourself through struggles. Sure you're here to get revenge, but you being here," I reached over and grabbed her hand gently. "Is a gift."
She shook her head, "I'm not, Y/N."
"To me you are. That's all that matters. And to me, I don't see a monster."
"Then what do you see?"
"A beautiful woman or handsome man. Whichever you prefer, with the most alluring blue eyes I have ever seen. Bright like the sun lit sky, calm as the waters at a peaceful beach, and yet, harsh and cold like a winter storm."
Another tear slid down her face as she turned away, shaking her head, "I-I--"
"It's ok, Mizu."
She turned and faced me, "No one has told me that before. T-Thank you, Y/N."
"You're welcome. It's a shame people only see you for your physical features and not what you harbor on the inside. Aside from revenge," I chuckled.
A slight smile formed on her lips. It was very rare for her to smile for a long period of time. Actually, it was just rare for her to smile period. Rare to show any kind of emotion other than being serious and taking no bullshit. But for some reason, I was able to worm my way into her life and still stick around.
"Everything ok, Y/N?" she asked, a little worried.
"J-Just thinking," I said.
"Thinking about what exactly?"
"Nothing too serious. Not like I could plot to kill you. I could never raise a blade like you do. It's almost as if you learned everything on your own. All the different fighting skills and blended it together to kind of make your own."
"I guess you could look at that in a sense."
"You're amazing, Mizu. You know that, right?"
Looking into her eyes, they widened slightly and she blinked a few times. Her mouth opened and closed before some pink crawled underneath her eyes. Reaching over, I placed my hand on her left cheek, turning her head to face me.
"Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Because I will come back and prove them wrong."
The right corner of her mouth twitched slightly, as if she was going to smile but didn't. My eyes flickered between her eyes and her lips. Letting out a soft sigh, she reached up and removed the string that held her hair together. Her long, raven like hair fell down past her shoulders. It really complimented her blue eyes, making them stand out even more than they already do. I couldn't help myself now.
Leaning towards her, I lightly placed my lips against hers. A surprised sound came from her as she backed up slightly, causing me to pull back.
"I-I'm sorry. I-I should have asked. Fuck," I breathed out, some tears forming in my eyes now. "I-I read into it too much, didn't I, Mizu? Shit, I-I'm so so sorry, I-I didn't mean t--"
I was cut off by Mizu returning the gesture. Fluttering my eyes closed, I reached up with both of my hands and dug them into her silk like locks. Pulling away, she found my eyes and smiled. It was soft, genuine, and for the first time, full of love and admiration for someone.
"Don't be sorry," she whispered. "I should have done that first, but you beat me to it."
I giggled, "You know, I was right."
"About what?"
"That you look gorgeous with your hair down. Or handsome. Whichever one you prefer."
"I prefer yours," she smirked.
My eyes widened and blinked rapidly as blush crawled onto my cheeks.
"I--uhm--uhhh," my mind went blank.
She chuckled and pulled away, "Thank you, Y/N."
"Y-You're welcome, Mizu," I said once I gathered my thoughts.
Sitting beside her, I set my hand down. Looking down from the corner of her eye, Mizu placed her hand on top of mine. Smiling, I leaned against her shoulder, placing my head on hers. Hers rested against mine and both of our eyes closed, taking in one another as we fell asleep, getting some much needed rest.
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just-orbiting-you · 2 months
I actually agree quite a bit with the other anon regarding TH/JK hyung/dongsaeng relationship. You say they don't have that stereotypical relationship, but I think that's more because JK is more emotionally mature that TH, which I think is also part of the reason they grew distant. I think TH does want that kind of relationship with JK, but he oversteps JK's boundaries into an almost coddling/condescending territory (think him squeezing JK's cheeks in that one twt video after BB #1 or him making this almost grossly cutesy caption for the recent photos) which I think pushes JK away. I think JK has always been kind sensitive to boundaries, but I think as he's gotten older, he's gotten even more strict about setting boundaries (which includes with fans based on stuff he said during his livestreams).
I think TH's personality naturally does not always respect boundaries, but with JK, I think he can push it further because of him being the hyung, so he does. But as we know, JK doesn't want to be "cute", he wants to be acknowledged as having matured and I think sometimes the way TH treats him disrespects that, him probably feeling more mature than TH probably exacerbates that feeling too (plus being in a group without a strict age hierarchy that never forced him into a maknae role). I don't know about posting, but a lot of the babying or disrespecting boundaries stuff TH does to JK, he would never be allowed to do towards the older members. They give him grace because they obviously love him, but there are limits.
I do think TH feels some jealousy towards jikook, but its not about fame , attention, or fan engagement, but about their genuine closeness and feeling left out. I don't think TH feels close to hyung line much beyond them being like older brothers (compare to like JM who gets along with all of them and has JH especially close, or JK who also get along with most of them, but also is very close to jin). Over the years, the maknae line dynamic shifted a ton, with TH ending up kind of the outsider, and with JK specifically pulling away from him (IMO for the reasons I mentioned above). Now JM and JK enlisted together and have a travel show coming out, and I do think he probably feels pretty left out. To me, if he did post those photos for a negative reason, it wasn't about shippers or attention, but feeling left out and maybe a little petty. He probably also feels a little defensive of his relationship with JK, not so much to fans, but even internally. Weirdly, although they hung out more in 2023, I don't know if I can tell they actually bonded or got closer? Like JK leaving the movie premier to go live on his own or them going on trips, but with other people and to do specific activities. I understand why jkkers think they hung out more because JM was busy, because tbh, that's kind of the way it looks. And I mean that outside of any shipping discourse, I think JK's preferred person to hand with in bts is JM most of the time (base don the things he says and how much time we hear about them spending together behind the scenes). Maybe we'll see some strongly renewed bond between TH and JK after military service, but I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't. And I wouldn't be surprised if TH felt a little insecure about that, like he wanted or tried to reconnect with JK and I'm sure they had fun, but it didn't go any deeper. I'm not saying they don't care about each other, but I do think their personalities kind of inhibit the sort of closeness some of the other members have.
i'm being so real when i say anon you hit it right on the nose. i've been trying to form my own thoughts on this and i really love hearing other opinions on tae in relation to jikook.
JK is more emotionally mature that TH, which I think is also part of the reason they grew distant. I think TH does want that kind of relationship with JK, but he oversteps JK's boundaries into an almost coddling/condescending territory (think him squeezing JK's cheeks in that one twt video after BB #1 or him making this almost grossly cutesy caption for the recent photos) which I think pushes JK away.
this perfectly encapsulates how i feel about tae in that he always takes it a step too far and doesn't have the awareness to understand why that is. i think you clarified a point from the first anon about if tae were to post disrespecting boundaries of other members, it wouldn't go over well. it just doesn't sit well that tae gets a hyung card pass to kind of post about jungkook in the way he does. of course its kinda harmless and i don't think jungkook will do anything about it, but to me its clear he doesn't feed into the relationship like tae does.
my mind goes straight to the conversation they had in the first in the soop (where jimin had to go fetch jk for tae), and jungkook spoke about how him and tae drifted apart. but also that tae pushed for jungkook to drop honorfics and jungkook was very strict in that he does not want to. tae is always looking to push the envelope further.
also i think its funny that tae posts like he does about jungkook, but jungkook doesn't even have instagram anymore to actually interact with the posts. i have no clue if tae lets jungkook vet the posts before he posts them. from what we can understand, it is tae crafting the narrative around current t@ekook, not jungkook. and that enables tae's power over jungkook's wishes even further.
I do think TH feels some jealousy towards jikook, but its not about fame , attention, or fan engagement, but about their genuine closeness and feeling left out.
i've sensed this for a long time and it goes back to old 2019 lives where tae asks jimin to join him, but jimin says he's with jungkook so he can't. it just always feels like he wants in on jimin and jungkook, separately and together, but often is fresh out of luck. i think the telltale sign that tae and jungkook's relationship did not go any deeper last year was 1. jungkook never talked about him and 2. it was always with a group of friends.
plus from other asks too and what you said, i don't think tae has strong relationships with the hyung line, expect for hobi (but even hobi seems closer to jikook). so his only tie to bts is clinging to this newfound relationship he is trying to build with jungkook by pushing for him to join his friend group, and broadcasting it to the whole world.
thank you for putting so much attention into this ask anon, because the emotional difference between tae and jk really wasn't illuminated for me until now. jungkook i think has progressed past tae's immaturity, making him a better match for someone like jimin anyway.
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onepiece-polls · 1 year
One Piece Shipping War - Round 2 Side C
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Lusan art by @supernaturallyginger. Check out the original post here!
Propaganda under the cut.
Propaganda for Sanji x Luffy:
I don't think anyone is gonna bother denying the fact that WCI is literally just the plot of an otome isekai shoujo manga/manhwa. MC (main character) is treated like trash by family except for the 1 dead mom and 1 nice sympathetic supporter that can't do much of anything to help. MC escapes only to find themselves in an even worse situation somewhat of their own making, only to be swept off their feet by the ML (male lead) and saved, full damsel in distress style. Dramatic love confessions, crying in the rain, betrayal from an arranged marriage, it has it all.
Dude Luffy loves Sanji so so much like WCI is the best example and like you don't even really need to see the love as romantic if that bugs you but dudes. The first words out of the Luffys Shadow Possessed Oars was yelling for Sanji. He just loves Sanji so much and Sanji loves him too
The WCI arc in itself is mega SanLu propaganda. Luffy invaded an emperor’s territory, completely crashed a wedding, went up against Sanji’s evil science family, and got nearly beat to death by Sanji himself all in order to get Sanji back. Sanji offered his life to Kuma at thriller bark so Kuma wouldn’t kill Luffy. He pushed himself for 2 years all in order to get stronger FOR Luffy. Sanji feels sorry when he isn’t useful, the whole reason why he used the raid suit those few times was because he was thinking about getting stronger for Luffy, but realized that he didn’t want to become an emotionless monster like his family. Sanji broke down in tears at WCI when he tried to get Luffy to go away by fighting him. And then broke down in tears again when he ran back to Luffy and told him he wanted to go back home to the Sunny. No matter what Sanji cooks, Luffy always likes it and is proud to have him in his crew. Sanji is also one of Luffy’s “wings”, as stated by Robin! They’re both just so sweet and clearly care very deeply about each other.
Luffy saving Sanji on whole cake island got to me
[Insert everything that happens between them during WCI] how could I see luffy yelling about how he won't eat anything and will starve- LUFFY OF ALL PEOPLE- unless Sanji comes back and not ship them at LEAST a little. "Without you I can't become the pirate king" absolutely devastating cinema. Then Sanji laying out everything, in tears, and Luffy accepting it all and just saying, "well that's who you are" poetic. Final wci thing: luffy hearing judges bs about sanji and going "whyd he start listing all your good point" true love. This seems one sided but Sanji is also just as bad. "Which version of me do you prefer" anyone? They care SO MUCH about each other. Also Luffy loves to eat, Sanji loves to feed people, they're meant to be.
*gestures at the entirety of WCI* I mean that’s Love, they are Ride or Die, Luffy cannot become the pirate king without Sanji, whether that means physically because he needs Sanji’s support or just because being the pirate king means Luffy has everything he wants and what he wants is Sanji or both. And Sanji loves him just as much back! He’s his sun he’s his world…Luffy jump and Sanji’s too busy skywalking to bother asking how high. I just love them sm
Oda himself wrote the propaganda for this, Whole Cake Island just cemented lusan as canon. "I can't become Pirate King without you!" <- that's love baby
Propaganda for Sanji x Usopp:
PLEASE they are so great for the needs love/gives love dynamic because it goes both ways.
My fav somewhat rare pair. I specifically love on skypiea when Sanji sacrifices himself to save Usopp from Enel. (And of course the scene when they wake up from their injuries holding hands!!!!)
It is simply the best Sanji ship I’m afraid
Consider: they cute
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 months
pls read me for filth bestie: intj eldest daughter 🤓
ahhh. fellow intj. this one might be mean sorry. once again i am working on assumptions so disclaimer yadda yadda
intjs are usually known for being cold, calculated and intelligent as a result of introverted intution which is shared with your fellow NJ pairs and for the most part this stereotype is true. most intjs are gifted in early childhood and do well academically with good insight for pattern recognition. youve probably one point felt yourself to be better than your peers
the two way consequence of this being true is that you definitely have semi abysmal social skills. intj women(or just generally speaking fem presenting intjs) tend to make-up for this by capitalizing on their physical appearance in their later years if possible. intj men tend to be mildly insufferable because behaving that way is accepted as masculine and tolerable. this lack of understanding in relation to socialization comes two fold from your last function being extroverted sensing and your third function being introverted feeling.
like most introverted feelers you take things incredibly personal which wreaks havoc in your relationships. as you grow older and experience more things (and more trauma) your sense of basic sympathy allows you to overlook the things that you used to bother you day-to-day but you do have to actively realize that not everything that happens to you is a personal matter. in fact most things are not and your paranoia that they are worsens greatly under stress. a lot of shit has genuinely nothing to do with you
intjs are interesting in that they do actually get along with several types of people and tend to fall in the camp of open minded. you have a tendency to make quick judgements about people and you're rarely wrong on your first impressions but you sometimes allow them to cloud your judgement. you don't prefer leadership roles but you will handle them well when they are forced upon you which they often are as a result of you being technically competent and talented at compartmentalizing. how are u dealing with that one haunting impulsive decision you made btw
most often intjs get in relationships they can hide behind in some way. extroverts are ideal for this but it's mostly anyone who can comfortably shield them away from public scrutiny as they pressure of being around others is rather annoying to you though im sure you do fine. you've developed some specific culturally relevant social skills to keep you afloat but you need to recuperate more oftne than you care to admit.
you probably similarly had a phase of total hedonism in your late teens and young adulthood in a way that wasn't obvious to everyone else as you discovered your extroverted sensing and the concept of sensuality.
you have inadvertently developed a desire for validation of something you can't actually recognize. intjs are typically well accomplished in some aspect, but the validation you're seeking is actually entirely emotional and you will benefit a lot from realizing this. your ideal relationship is not someone who will simply shield you, but will allow you to be yourself and push you in areas you need pushing while fully understanding who you are and not who you are very good at pretending to be.
its fine to admit some parts of you are sloppy, irritable and irrational. the extremity you treat his part of yourself with is overblown in the first place and being around emotionally in tune people makes you self aware of this.
you date people you assume you'll have emotional control over and years later understand doing that is also exhausting you. the cycle will repeat until you can find someone who can view you with sincerity and all your flaws and acknowledge them without stepping on your toes about them all the type.
you can pretend that happy-go-lucky people exhaust you all you want but having at least SOME to balance you out is literally important to your nervous system. if dating a dumb himbo and the false sense of emotional security he gives you is what fixes you let it happen its fine no one else will be able to tell but them.
despite all of this, ultimately no one is harder on you than yourself which is why many people in your life forgive you for things most others would not. your expectations for your accomplishments as a result of your talents and somewhat your ambition suffocate you but your health is more important and it's fine to put those thoughts to rest eventually. not everything needs to happen at once for you
try not to let your perfectionism completely disconnect you from the one artistic hobby you have and work hard at that - it contributes more to your sanity than u will ever give it credit for and it is that deep. u can't pretend its not lol
it will be fine btw
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eumivrse · 2 years
NEVERTHELESS : armin arlert
summary there’s no such thing as fate. being laced in a relationship with someone who you’re not meant to be with was the last thing you expected. nevertheless–
warning(s) oral, semi-public, loss of virginity, unprotected sex, 69, co-workers to lovers, slight angst, catcalling, armin and reader are both secretaries for eren
word count 9,069
author’s note the title and some of the phrases were inspired by the k-drama, nevertheless, even though i really fucking hated the drama itself LMFAO. also armin was based on mr. cha from business proposal cuz yum.
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Routines, you love ‘em.
Nothing sounds better than your whole day already mapped out in your head to avoid any inconveniences. Wake up, get ready for the day, work your 9-5 office job, go home, get ready for bed, sleep, then repeat.
People tend to push this negative narrative on office jobs, but you pay no mind to it. You prefer it this way anyways– you’re earning enough money and you’re cruising through life smoothly.
You’re in your shared office right now with your partner secretary, timidly asking, “Arlert, can you go with me to pick up proposal documents for the meeting on Friday?”
Your job isn’t bad at all. Being employed right under the CEO as his secretary has its perks, but it’s hard to ignore his other secretary's distant behavior towards you. He frequently avoids you unless it’s for work, yet he confuses you whenever he sees you struggling and would be the first to help you.
Instead of saying anything, he just glanced up from his computer to acknowledge your existence, nodded, then went out the room ahead of you without a word.
But just a month ago, when there was a dispute between you and one of the marketing managers, right when the other person stepped closer and had their hand balled into a fist ready to swing at you, he pulled you away to the office and offered you water and support, stammering and fumbling with his words as if he did something wrong. Oftentimes, he seems to want to say something to you and it leaves you skeptical. What, is there a piece of lettuce stuck in between your teeth? You don’t believe that you’re that ditzy, but you certainly feel that way when you’re around him.
And not only is he the CEO’s right hand man, he’s the Jaeger family’s adopted son, meaning he’s just as significant of a figure as your boss. The only reason he’s below him in terms of occupation is because he chose to– even though in technicality, he’s much more qualified than Jaeger. And though your position equates to his, he’s much more experienced than you are since he knows what pleases Jaeger — they’ve lived together for fuck’s sake.
You weren’t going to lie, you can admit that you’ve checked him out a few times. What can you say, he has an ass and a yummy bod, his uniform that included slacks and a button up doing him justice. Though he’s never piqued your interest — considering how you work with him. You and him are supposed to be a team, yet you feel so apart.
You had an inkling that maybe he had feelings for you but that’s just thinking of yourself too highly. He’s the same way with everyone else, introverted and antsy. That’s why he let his brother take the position as CEO.
Nevertheless, he’s never wronged you in any way, so you let go of speculations and separated your opinions from work.
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Jaeger had some of his father’s business friends over in his office today. As per, he ordered you to brew his morning coffee as well as extra for his guests while Arlert treats them with hospitality. As you went into the dry room to place the drinks down on the glass coffee table, you already felt stiff as if you were being analyzed — specifically by the oldest man in the room — as you bent down to place his drink in front of him. It’s uncomfortable being observed like this; you were wearing a pencil skirt today, nothing scandalous, but nonetheless you felt uneasy.
The two other guests said their thank you and you were about to leave to give privacy, until the man that was checking you out, blurted, “Jaeger, you let things like that run around here?” He was obviously referring to you, pointing his chin at your direction.
Even though you wanted to get the hell out of there as soon as possible, you couldn’t. You’ve never been catcalled like this, and it’s twice as embarrassing that the first time had to happen in front of your boss and your co-worker. Your back is turned towards the rest of them, hand wrapped around the cold knob, frozen in place.
“Let’s be professional here, yeah?” Jaeger sighs as he grabs a stack of papers in front of him. Your hand quietly turned the knob and you exited out of the room, though you couldn’t help but just stand outside and try to recuperate from what you just heard.
Instead of dropping the topic, the man went on. “I’m just saying, if I were you, I wouldn’t be able to control myself.”
Jaeger answers, his patience running thin. “She’s my secretary. Nothing more and nothing less. I’m not quite sure what you’re trying to imply.”
“If she’s up for a part time job… you know I’m in need of a new assistant. You don’t really need two secretaries after all, I’m guessing. You’re a big boy.” Your stomach churned and your limbs felt weak, the next thing you know, you hear Arlert raise his voice.
“Get out.” Armin’s tone is filled with disgust and thus, you speed walk off the vicinity and into the room where your shared office with Armin is as you hear the voices in Jaeger’s room get more intense by the second.
You’ve never heard him raise his voice, much less on someone who seems important for the growth of the company. You perceive yourself as someone trivial to him, so why would he go the extra mile to protect you?
As you sit down, you see your faint reflection on the computer screen. You stare at yourself, cheeks flared up in heat due to how ashamed you are. Maybe if you’ve worn slacks instead of a skirt this wouldn’t have happened, maybe your boss didn’t have to be put into that position, maybe then—
“Are you okay?” A stern, yet gentle voice shatters the self-deprecating thoughts that’s straining your head. You turn your chair around and it’s Arlert behind you, arms crossed, head looking down to meet your eyes for what seems like the first time.  
You stammer as you look away, “Yes- yeah.” Drops of tears fell and dampened the carpet beneath you, losing the fight of trying to hold back tears. Cupping your face with your hands, you quietly snivel in front of your partner, him kneeling to see you eye-level, reaching into his pocket and handing you a handkerchief as his own way of comforting you.
As you take the checkered cloth from him, your eyes puffy, he continues, “I’m sorry you had to hear that. Eren said can take the rest of the day off.” And though you couldn’t face him in the eye, you take note of his left cheek: swollen and flushed red.
“Hey… did you get hurt?” You reach your hand out to caress his cheek, but hesitated knowing how he is.
There was no use of lying, even a kid can decipher the fact that he’s been struck across the face. “It’s okay, a little ice can fix it. Don’t worry about me and rest, alright?”
You know it was a lie— he wasn’t okay, but nevertheless—
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Weeks have passed since then and oddly enough, he’s been treating you differently. In other words, he’s been more polite, visiting your desk more often, and such. It’s even gotten to the point where you’ve exchanged flirtatious glances, staring at each other for a bit too long, but both of you always quickly turn away to avoid any more awkwardness.
In general, your perception of him has changed and if this couldn’t be cliche enough, you’ve caught a little crush on him. You didn’t take it seriously though, as you figured that this is probably just from your lack of romance and your heart is mistaking your co-worker as someone you could potentially have a romantic relationship with.
Your fellow colleagues have noticed his sincerity towards you as well. By you— meaning that he’s still the same stoic person towards everyone else.
Tonight is the annual office Christmas party and instead of renting a proper venue, the president decided why not hold it on the floor you work on instead. Parties aren’t your forte, but you don’t mind. After all, it’s part of the job and to get on people’s good side. Avoiding this will just cause others to look at you as someone who’s arrogant.
It’s part of your routine to loosen up once in a while, so you didn’t hold back on the drinks. It wasn’t to the point where you felt like the world was spinning, but you obviously weren’t your… usual self. Calm, collected, and professional.
“Are you going to be alright going home yourself?” Sasha’s arm was draped over you as you walked her to the front of the building to wait for her Uber.
“Of course! I’m no baby!” She laughs maniacally, leading to you wondering how she landed on an office job with this energetic personality of hers.
After she got in the black sedan, you went back inside, hopped in the elevator, and when you got to your designated floor, you peeked through the small open crack of your office room as you were about to head home yourself. Arlert was typing away on his laptop, a bottle of whiskey along with a small shot glass sitting atop the wooden surface of his table.
“You can come in, you know.” He sighs, glancing at you for a moment then back on the screen in front of him, glasses reflecting the white sheen from the laptop. You entered the room, struggling to walk properly as you plop on the green velvet couch in the middle of the spacious room. You weren’t wasted by any means, it was just your damn 3 inch stilettos getting in the way.
Too tired to physically bend down and take the uncomfortable shoes off you murmur, “Why weren’t you out there with everyone else?”
“I prefer it to be quiet.” He clicks away on his keyboard, foot tapping on the carpet, the faint music blaring through the walls. The room was dim, the only light coming from his laptop and the open blinds. “Care for a drink?” He takes out another glass from his drawer, pops off the decanter of the whiskey and you watch the liquid meld onto the shape of the round glass.
You honestly don't feel like consuming anymore alcohol since you need to drive home, but your mind is urging you to take the drink anyways as a chance to spend more time with him. After balancing yourself, you sauntered towards him, took the drink in hand, and hopped so you could sit on his desk.
Clearly being faded is giving you more self-confidence, you’d never do this if you’re sober. You had no underlying intentions, you just wanted to unravel a layer of you he’s never seen before since you’ve led yourself to believe that he just thinks of you as his weak hearted co-worker and that’s why he’s treating you nicely and with care. Closing his laptop and walking around to lean against the edge of the desk next to you, you clink your glasses together and drink away.
“Good job on your presentation today, even Eren couldn’t make Ackerman as agreeable as you did,” His compliment only made you giggle. Placing your drink back down, you answer with a lopsided grin, “Well, I couldn’t have done it without you.”
It was sudden when he felt your head against his shoulder, not paying attention to the finger that slid around the edge of his jawline and the tilt that startled him, your noses nearly bumping. “Are you going to give me a reward?” You murmur, the corner of your lip turning up into a smirk.
“What would you like?” He wasn’t retaliating at all which only egged you on to go further.
You leaned to press your lips on his, the realization of how insane you are for doing this finally hitting you, but it’s too late. The repercussions for being unprofessional in the workplace can be dire, so you try to pull away with the assumption that Arlert will reprimand you. Before you could even part, he just pulled you back in, deepening the intimate moment and whimpering against your mouth from mere desperation.
One of his hands was around the back of your neck without force, but to imply that he wishes to keep going. You laced your fingers on his blonde locks, drawing his face closer as you nibbled on his bottom lip. When his other hand nipped on your collar button, you became aware of the buzzing in your heart.
The hunger and yearn you’ve had for him.
But is this really ethical? A few minutes of pleasure can cost you your career.
When half your button-up came undone, bra peeking in the crevice it revealed, you pushed him as lightly as you could.
Immediately, he stopped touching you and distanced himself by a few inches. “I’m- I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me,” He apologizes.
“No- it’s not you… it’s just that- I’ve never… God, this is embarrassing.” Yes, you’re a virgin and indirectly admitting it to your co-worker who was in the process of taking it is making you cringe. A part of you thought that you should’ve just kept going without telling him, but another part of you is afraid, what if it hurts?
What if you start bleeding and he gets icked out over it?
It’s not as if you’ve never had a significant other, you’ve just never gotten past second base because of the reasons just mentioned.
You were fiddling with your hands, trying to avoid looking at him at all until he pushed your chin with his finger to meet his eyes. His complexion is disheveled, strands of hair out of place and a smear of your lipstick apparent on the corner of his cheek. He seemed a little drowsy himself, his eyes are drooping, but impressively, he’s able to keep a good posture.
“I don’t think it’s embarrassing, but it’s up to you whether or not you want to proceed.” His words were reassuring with no doubt; you felt comfortable with him being your first, it was just a matter of judgment.
“We can keep going…” you shyly mumble, fingers grasping on his tie and pulling him back in for a kiss. Your skin felt cold, goosebumps forming from the anxiety bubbling in your stomach mixed with the fact that it’s actually freezing in the room you’re in at the moment.
Arlert noticed this when he felt your body trembling and your breathing hitch, ailing the tension by pressing soft kisses down your neck, one hand now past your top, cupping your boob under the fabric of your bra. He allowed his hand to squeeze around the swell of your breast, thumb flicking on your nipple.
Gasping, you mewl, “Arlert—“ he hushed you by putting his thumb over your lips. “Drop the formalities. Forget about our positions at least for tonight, okay?” You nod your head yes, hands slipping from under his shirt to frantically removing his buttons from its respective holes to shed Armin off his top. Being distracted enough, you didn’t take note of his hand sliding under your skirt and onto your thigh, finger teasing the cloth covering your pussy.
Shuddering, you squeeze your thighs back together out of instinct, Armin just prying them back open. He went down on his knees, kneeling in front of you while keeping your legs apart, taking a moment to appreciate the fresh view upon him.
The idea that he’s going to be your first drives him insane, more so that he’s not sober. It gives him a sense of possessiveness, the fact that his junior secretary is still a pure virgin. Still, he wanted to make sure you’re getting the best of the best instead of you feeling forced to do something you aren’t up for.
After all, it’s the least he could do. You’ve contributed a lot to the company— his family, and you share a lot of the same qualities which makes you two a great team.
Your panties were definitely soaked and Armin proceeded by pulling them down and tossing it over the headrest of his chair behind you. It felt bizarre that one of the company’s biggest names is kneeling in front of you, half naked and in between your thighs. “Are you sure you want to do this?” You mutter.
“Shouldn’t I be the one asking that? I’m fine, but I need to know if you’re good. As soon as you start to feel… unsettled, let me know and we’ll pretend this never happened.” His tone had a hint of tenderness, but still domineering. Your fingers are curled on the edge of the desk, Armin delicately trailing pecks to your inner thigh and rolling your skirt up to give him more allowance.
The tip of his tongue sent shockwaves of pleasure throughout your body as he licked your clit and down the slit of your cunt. You shivered, Armin gazing up and catching you biting your lip to prevent yourself from being too noisy. He chuckles, hands wrapping around the meat of your thighs, “Don’t be shy on me now, I thought you wanted a reward, sweet girl.” At this point, he’s lost all sense of logic, all he wants to see— to hear —now is just you, you, you.
With fingers laced and gripped tighter on his hair, you pushed his face further on you, his lips brushing and nibbling right where you wanted it. “A-Armin—“ You hesitated to cry out his name, yet it’s the only word you can think of.
On the other side of the wall, a dull mixture of music and mumbles of co-workers passing by the room are caught by the ears while Armin slides his tongue in between your folds, hole leaking with arousal.
While you fought to squeeze his head in between your thighs, he’d only push them out and moan, piling onto the sheer heat that you’re experiencing within your pussy. He puckers his lips, pushing two of his fingers in your plush walls. “So sweet…” He reveres, mesmerized to say the least.
Fuck, you were tight, Armin told himself.
He offered his free hand for you to clasp onto to assure that he isn’t hurting you. You grab ahold of it while his fingers stretched you apart, a slight squelch noise painting your cheeks with heat out of embarrassment.
You weren’t going to lie, it did hurt.
After a few pumps, Armin was able to slip his digits in and out with ease, curling them up when they’re knuckle deep, and it drove you over the edge. It’s different when someone else does it for you, it’s never felt like this when you were experimenting by yourself.
You were practically pulling on his hand, heavy squeezes letting him know that you’re close. With repeated mumbles of his name, you announced, “Armin, Armin, I’m so— hah, god, I think— I think I’m close…” Your whole body was stiff, head shifted back and eyes set on the ceiling as Armin added the tip of his tongue on your clit. He wasn’t rushing you to your orgasm at all, but he’s precise, he knew immediately when he hit your spot and repeatedly arched his fingers in that angle.
Coating his fingers with your slick, you cried in silence, still sober enough to realize that this isn’t your bedroom and there’s people constantly walking back and forth by this room. Armin used his thumb to swipe languid circles on your clit, soothing you of your orgasm, massaging your inner thigh with his other hand, mumbling, “You’re okay, you’re okay… you did so well, love.”
You kept shuddering even as he got up on his feet after being on his knees, tugging on your waist slightly, your arms wrapping around his neck to pull him in for a longing kiss, lips gentle and with a slight tinge of your arousal apparent on his taste. Craving for more, you sneak your hand in between his pants to get a feel of the rigid texture against his boxers.
You giggle, pulling away from him. “Mm- you’re hard.”
“I just saw a beautiful woman cum in front of me, who wouldn’t be?” He smiles drunkenly, taking a chunk of your cheek in between his fingers to pinch you.
You could only feel flustered at his comment, not knowing what to say after that — you aren’t particularly used to someone complimenting you in that manner.
In a world where this situation might seem immoral, to you and Armin at this exact moment, it just felt… right.
You give him the green light. “Please… continue.”
His eyes flickered with surprise. “Are you sure you’re ready? It- it doesn’t have to be right now, we can take a rain check-“ Shushing him with your finger, you chuckled for two reasons.
First reason, you decided to verbalize. “Why are you talking as if it’s as simple as a team dinner? You’re so cute, Arlert- I mean- Armin.”
Second reason? This whole thing is just a fling. The most that’ll come of it is just more sexual tension in the workplace and probably awkwardness, but what are the chances of that happening when your personalities won’t allow that to happen?
If this is going to be your way for your feelings to fade into a memory, then you’ll take it. You’ll go to work on Monday pretending like it was just a wet dream, and avoid eye contact with him until you clear your head of it.
But unfortunately for your little innocent head, feelings don’t work like that.
Your reassurance was enough said, he slips his hand into his wallet to search for a condom, which luckily he had one, unbuckles his belt, then pulls his pants down. The lump against the fabric of his boxers seemed as if it was begging for fresh air, you pulled his briefs down to his mid-thighs as he bent over to place kisses on your neck.
His cock was on the lengthier side, tip flushed pink and oozing with pre-cum. You wrap your hand around it with a light squeeze, gliding up and down lazily. He groaned your name right up in your ear, hands traveling all over your body, holding onto you like he’s been longing for this more than you have.
A stroke up, then down, roll your thumb on the tip, and repeat. “Holy shit, oh yeah. Oh god yeah…” Occasional grunts turned into chants of mewls and cries before you swallowed his pleas with your lips. It felt a little empowering to have this much control over your senior, so safe to say that you were eating this up.
He completely submerged himself under your touch, the vanilla scent of his hair vigorating the nerves of your nose. Armin felt weak in the knees the more you teased him by denying him of his release, one twitch oh his cock means your strokes would get twice as slow as prior. He gasps as you parted, “Oh fuck, oh fuck—! baby… please make me cum… please…”
Not like you were planning on teasing him any further, but he came almost straight away, warm cum spurting on your hand and the edge of the desk, in between your thighs. “Fuck… thank you, darling.” He sighs, unwrapping the condom from the packet and slipping it around his cock.
“God, Armin.” You whimpered when he slid his cock up and down your slit, tip bumping against your clit with each slip. Armin’s hand kept your thighs pried as he positioned himself to enter the crown of his cock past your hole.
You nearly screeched, lips parting, fingernails etching onto Armin’s shoulder blades. ”Shh, shh, it’s okay, baby. I’ll be as slow as you need to.” He captures you by the lips, comforting you as you engulf him whole. Whining into the kiss, his warm hand caressed your tear-stained cheek, thumb swiping away the tear that rolled down your face.
A few inches in and you weren’t moaning into his mouth because of the burning sensation, it became bearable— pleasurable. Armin was being as careful as he could, his chest nearly touching yours as he bottomed you out.
“Yes…” And with that, he drags his girth out your hole, until it was only his tip stretching you. One slam of his hips and you were forced to choke in your moans, a hand keeping your thighs apart while the other hoists your skirt up your waist. If he could be honest, he wished you weren’t being modest with making noise. In his drunk point-of-view, who would even care that the CEO’s two secretaries are screwing in their office when everyone else is having their own fun outside?
You muttered curses while he drilled into you, his hips not too fast that it was painful, but not too sluggish that you were left bored. Armin pressed soft pecks on your jawline, hand sneaking up and fondling with your breast, nipple in between his fingers.
“Ah- mm— hah- Armin-“ You cry, his free palm wrapping around your ankle and bending it towards you, one knee against your chest. Armin’s face was warm, eyes nearly brimmed with tears to how good your pussy felt.
He groans, grabbing your chin to pull your eyes on him without faltering the speed of hips. “How does it feel having me take your virginity, hm?” He knew how you felt judging by the way your face is making that fucked out expression, drool dribbling from the corner of your mouth, but he wanted to hear it.
Quivering, you whisper as he lets go of your face, “I love it, I love it s’much.”
“Sorry, I didn’t hear you.” Greedy bastard, he totally heard it. Your slick frothed and pooled on the wooden luster of the desk, coating his cock while his balls pressed up against the base of your ass with each thrust.
Your ankle felt a bruising pain with his tight grip, your nails clawing on his back while you raised your voice, feeding into his covetous desires. “Armin—! Fuck, I love it. It’s- it’s so good, baby please.” You’re practically babbling nonsense, words slurred and barely coherent.
With each slam, the desk rumbled, pens and organized documents plummeting off the desk and scattering all over the carpet floor. Your hand went up to cup his face, thumb pressing on his lips and in his mouth. His tongue swirled around your finger, humming while you struggled to keep still.
“Hah- yes, yes… taking me so well,” Armin praises, forehead clashing against yours, hunching himself over to lick your lips open and slip his tongue in. You took a fist full of his hair to pull him closer, your body leaning back until you were laying on the table, legs pulled to rest against his shoulders. Each slam of his cock progressively turned rougher, his thighs slapping on the back of yours as he threw his head back, the evening glow gleaming through the curtains and on his Adam’s apple glossed with sweat.
It’s as if your walls were molded just for him, you were so good, pussy clamping onto his cock like a goddamn champ. Armin mumbles without his hips faltering, “Would it be okay if- if I change it up?”
“Yes— holy, fuck—“ You were folded in half, Armin pushing the back of your thighs. It was getting harder to breathe, but he put you in a position that allowed him to plunge his cock deeper, penetrating your g-spot. Your body is tense, teeth sinking on your bottom lip while Armin kept a tight push on your thighs, his eyes glued to how your creamy cunt stretches nicely for him. Using the tips of your finger to relieve the ache of your clit, you yelped, a stream of liquid spurting out of your hole.
“Fuck… you fucking squirted…” He groans, leaning back down to kiss you as he cums. He lets go of your exhausted legs, hands now cupping and massaging your boobs to help you come down from the intense stimulation. Your breathing stuttered when he pulled out to take his condom off, your lower half feeling numb and limp.
“Thank you, Armin,” You whisper.
“Of course, love.” He chuckles.
You’re aware that it has already begun, you started something you know you shouldn’t have, but nevertheless—
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It’s the next morning, Saturday, meaning you’re off.
Eyes slowly snapping open, your brain immediately went into panic mode. You weren’t in your apartment and your body felt like it got hit by a truck. The room you’re in was unfamiliar, it was in the color pearl as opposed to your creme walls and the decor was off too– it’s not suited to your taste. Your eyes wandered to see picture frames on the white oak nightstand of Arlert, Mr. Jaeger, and their family.
Arlert… Mr. Jaeger… wait.
“Good morning.” A voice interrupted your train of thought. It was Arlert, carrying a tray with a bowl of warm soup and a glass of water. Hardly remembering how you ended up here, you just nodded as he sat on the edge of the bed, placing the tray on the nightstand and handing you the glass of water.
You held the cup with both your hands, and took a sip, clearing your throat, then asking, “Um… so how did I end up here? Don’t tell me I went batshit insane and-“
“We slept together.” He cuts you off, the water almost splashing out of the glass as you were taking your second sip.
Those words immediately struck you and you were able to recover some patches of yesterday’s events. Specifically the part where you threw yourself at him.
Oh god, oh god, oh god.
This isn’t right, this wasn’t supposed to happen. He’s your co-worker, your work partner. Sure, you have feelings for him but that was supposed to be suppressed.
The silence felt too thick even for Arlert. “I figured you wouldn’t be able to come home by yourself after all that, so I took you to my place. I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable.”
You weren’t angry nor disappointed at him. You felt stupid that you could barely remember the first time you had sex. Your memory is so fogged, you forgot everything past when you kissed him. Plus, he’s the president’s son. If word gets out, you’d be lucky if the company just lets you go quietly. No, rumors will start to spread about how you were just sleeping around to get to your current position. You’ve worked too hard to prove yourself competent, you’re not going to risk everything just for some temporary fun.
Eventually composing yourself, you take your belongings from the lounge chair next to you and slip your shoes on, as hard as they already are to walk on without the ache on your legs. “I’m sorry… uh- can we pretend this never happened?” Maybe you should’ve worded it more nicely.
In a perfect world, it would’ve been nice to entertain the idea of having a relationship with Arlert. He’s smart, handsome, and he’s quite caring once he lets you in his personal bubble.
Armin’s heart sunk, his mouth shaping from a smile to a blank stare. “What do you mean ‘pretend it never happened’?”
“You know… that it was null and void.” You purse your lips, leaving him with that cruel statement while you flee the room with your head hung low.
You couldn’t bear to look at him after saying those harsh words, he didn’t even bother to run after you.
But that’s that, you tell yourself as you hopped in the elevator. Maybe you’ll just take a few days off of work and hope for the best.
You’re aware that there’s no turning back no matter what you say. Nevertheless—
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Needless to say that you couldn’t skip work after the weekend that felt like lasted forever. Jaeger will end up interrogating you, and you’d rather not make it obvious that you’re avoiding a certain someone.
Arlert didn’t show any signs of concern, he treated you the same way and gave you your desired space. You did the same, making sure no one will suspect anything, which went on for a few consecutive weeks.
He’d constantly try to approach you after work, but you’d always excuse yourself first and hurry down to your vehicle to get away as soon as possible. You’ve dug yourself a hole by saying you never want anything to do with him again, ashamed of yourself for not remembering what had happened that night.
Even so, fate is always somehow always against your wishes, thus Eren assigned you both to travel for the weekend since his terminally ill grandfather wished for a specific kind of bread only available at a bakery 4 hours away from town. You offered if you could just do the task yourself since it’s just bread, but Jaeger insisted on having Arlert by your side to secure your safety.
Neither of you could refuse, it is Arlert’s grandfather and it’s part of your job to aid him out of respect as he’s the former president.
You drove there right after work, in a separate car from Arlert. The drive was silent besides the mellow jazz from the aux. Your fingers were tight on the steering wheel, barely able to relax the whole way there as you’re about to spend the weekend alone with him.
It was around midnight when you got to the hotel, Jaeger offered to book a room since he has some connections with the owner. Arlert had already arrived, waiting for you in the front, glancing at his watch then up to see you walking to the front steps.
“Would you like dinner first before we check in?” He offers, hand rubbing the back of his head.
“Uh…” you were planning on making some excuse, but your stomach said otherwise.
You’re here for work after all, not for some cheesy romance bullshit.
You grin meekly. “Sure.”
Dinner was quiet, yet uncomfortable. You had it right in the hotel, the menu prices almost got your heart to flat line, but Arlert slipped a company credit card out of his pocket to assure you.
You barely spoke, the only conversation you really had was about the meeting today, nothing outside of work.
The sounds of silverware clanking on the ceramic plates and other people’s chattering filled your ears, soon interrupted when Arlert blurted out, “So um, Eren only booked a one bed-room on accident. I’ll stay on the sofa and you can take the bed.”
You kept silent, acknowledging him by nodding, but for some reason you felt unsatisfied that he’d rather sleep on the couch than share a bed with you, even though it’s clear that he’s respecting your wishes. It’s agitating — enough that you wanted to blurt what you’re feeling right here and now.
“It’s okay. ‘Just pretend nothing ever happened’, right? You don’t have to feel like you have to avoid me anymore.” He didn’t even make eye contact, blue eyes latched onto the slab of steak in front of him.
You’ve never felt so conflicted in your life. All the signals in your brain is telling you that it’s best that he’s drawing the line, but something in within you is saying to fuck all of that.
When you finished eating, you got your luggage from your car and went ahead of Arlert to go to the room first. It just happened to be 6 stories high, spacious with a huge king-sized bed, the window overlooking the unfamiliar city.
Placing your bag on the ground, the door behind you opened and it was him.
The quaint pair of glasses sitting gracefully on top of his nose bridge, complexion calm and collected, yet was filled with solitude.
You really couldn’t take having to tighten the lid of your feelings anymore.
It’s over. You know this, but nevertheless—
“Wow the view is nice huh?” He tried initiating small talk, sauntering towards the window. You followed behind, pulling his arm, then pushing him against the cold glass, hands on his wrists. He neither seemed startled nor irritated. Just that same stoic look on his face.
“I’m sorry, Armin… I just- ugh. I don’t remember anything.” You sigh.
“Well, it doesn’t matter now, does it?”
You didn’t have a tight grip on him, but he didn’t retaliate. You continue rambling. “I only remember a little bit of sleeping with you that night, but… but… aghhh! I know how frustrating this is for you, but god this has been killing me for the past week now. I just- I’ve been trying so hard to hide how I really feel about you, but now I just feel like I fucked everything up.”
He chuckles, his thumb rubbing against your cheekbone. “You’re adorable, you know?”
You exhale, “And also… what if everyone else thinks I’m some ladder climbing whore?”
“I won’t let them do that to you, I promise. You’re the smartest, most reliable woman I know, I’ll make sure that’s how everyone else perceives you.” His flattery is tugging on your heartstrings, a slight smile forming on your complexion.
“So did you actually mean what you said earlier about pretending like it never happened?” You frown.
“Let’s make that null and void.” You felt like you were able to breathe again when he finally kissed you, one arm wrapped around your waist to push you against his body and the other on the back of your head.
You stumble towards the bed backwards, unaware of whatever else is happening besides the pair of lips clashing onto yours, breathing heavily through your nose. He quickly pulls away to toss his glasses to the side while you work on tugging his tie off, then undoing the buttons of his linen top.
Armin expertly popped the buttons out of your top and you shimmy your way out of it, leaving the both of you topless. You tripped on the mattress, back landing on the plush surface, Armin pinning you down with both his arms.
“From now on,” He presses a soft kiss on your neck, “I’ll make sure you remember everything.”
While he nibbles on your earlobe, you tease, “I’ll be keeping my expectations up.” You wiggle your way towards the huge headboard, suddenly holding onto Armin’s biceps and swiveling them to make your way on top of him, legs folded on either side of his thighs.
“You sure you can handle it?” He chuckles, face lit with fervor. You unclamp the button of his trousers, sliding them down, leaving him with only his boxers on. A dark splotch of precum was apparent on his underwear, the fat of his boner melding through his boxers.
You palm his clothed cock, cupping and eliciting sharp gasps from him. “Arlert, I wanna suck you off,” Already crawling with one knee in between his legs, he grabbed onto your wrist and paused you.
“Hold on.” He shuffled himself until he was laying on his back, your expression painted with slight confusion. “If you insist, sit on my face while you suck my dick.” His grin showed pure malice, as if he’s been dreaming about your pussy suffocating him.
You’ve seen what he just described in porn you come across on your twitter timeline, except you don’t have the self-confidence to push your whole weight down on someone’s face.
“Um- are you sure? That sounds uncomfortable…” You ponder, hand now grasped beneath the sheets from anxiety. This whole thing is still so new to you, it’s so nerve wracking knowing that someone else is taking the effort to make you feel good.
Armin reassures, reaching his arm out to turn on the table side lamp next to him. “Does it look like I care about that? Come on, let me give you a good time, hm? If you don’t like it, we’ll stop.”
There’s no harm in trying. Armin has been so sweet and careful knowing that you don’t have a lot of experience, assuring that you’re receiving the best of the best.  And it’s not as if he’s not getting perks of his own. He’s still wondering how no one else has taken you up and given you what you deserved.
First off, you’re pretty. Often clad in a tight white button-up, see through enough to the point where he can see the color of your bra strap if he takes the effort to stare. He also knows the days you alternate between skirts and pants. Not on purpose of course, but he sees you everyday and he’s a meticulous person, it’s easy for him to notice patterns.
It’s perverted, he knows, but he can’t help it. That’s why he’s so nervous whenever you’re around that his hands get sweaty and he frequently has to twist his tie to cool down.
Plus, you’re the dopest person he knows. Ambitious, self-serving, never takes shit from anyone. You also didn’t kiss Eren’s ass to get to your position which isn’t necessarily common in the company where kissing up might as well be part of the job.
So it’s nice to see you under that veil, where you’re so frail and whiny all of a sudden because he’s too fucking big for your unstretched cunt. Where he got to take a picture in his brain of every second of that night– how you look like under your clothes, nipples prickled hard from the breeze of the AC while he fucked your brains out.
You stand on the mattress, carefully pulling your slacks down then curling your finger under your bra strap to slip it off one shoulder, then the other. Your breasts bounced out of its confinements and Armin observed as you knelt and swung your legs so that one would be on each side of his head.
Swallowing hard, you stared at his navy boxers, smeared with precum, the outline of his cock prominent under the fabric. Your thighs were trembling, the air was cold and you felt a pair of eyes piercing its gaze towards the wet splotch apparent on your panties.
Armin took the crotch part of your underwear and pulled it to the side, your pussy already puffy, folds glossed with slick. He grasps your waist and gently pulls you lower, closer to his face, and he sticks his tongue out until the tip bumped your clit.
Meanwhile, you’re shuffling to pull his boxers down, just enough for his cock to spring out, the head swollen and leaking with translucent, thick precum. You wrap your palm around the base, just above his balls, suddenly hissing at Armin teasing your clit. “Fuck, Armin… “ You laughed off the sting of his wet tongue, but you were getting a little frustrated.
And Armin can tell. “Baby, you know I can’t reach you if you don’t sit on my face properly right? Just relax, you have nothing to worry about.” He chuckles, practically lying through his teeth because he knows damn well of what he’s capable of.
Hesitantly, you placed more weight on top of his face as you slid your hand up his cock and rolled your tongue out where a ball of spit coated the head. Your back arched into a firm bow, a response of pain when he sank two of his fingers inside you. “It- it hurts.” A low hiss crept past your lips, just right on the head of his cock.
“Does that mean you want to stop?” Armin was being polite, but him drooling on your cunt shows nothing but pure spite.
Squirming, you whisper. “No… I need more. Stop teasing.” Your ass was aching from your position, mouth practically pressed against the length of his dick. He sighs, his breath fanning against the heat of your cunt. Your bossy attitude provoked a laugh out of him, he thought it was cute.
After chuckling, he jests, “Agh, I guess I can’t deny a pretty girl like you.” Those words wrapped your heart in a warm blanket, it felt so sweet and nourishing even if he meant it sexually.
That feeling didn’t last long however, he was back to licking your pussy, tongue making its work by slipping along the slit while his lips sucked your clit. You whimpered, your mouth around his cock sending vibrations straight to his balls.
You had never given head, but nonetheless you use this opportunity to try things you’ve seen in porn. Caving your cheeks in, you take slow steps in taking more of his cock in your mouth, saliva dripping all over his dick.
Armin noticed what you were trying to do and was ready to stop you in case you gag, but he could feel you getting closer to your orgasm as your legs shook around his head and the louder your moans got. So instead, he encourages you by sticking a third finger in your hole and fucked it in and out while groaning under you. Your throat constricted the more you took of him, up until the tip nearly punched the back of your throat.
Grinding on his face, you were practically seeing stars, more so when Armin curled his fingers inside you, tipping you over the edge. A stream of fluid projectiles past his head and onto the plush pillow. A sharp gasp was emitted from your throat when you pulled away, a twine of saliva connecting your lips and his tip, your hand continuing on jerking him off.
“Fuck, Armin, fuck, you make me so horny, hah…” At this point, you were just spitting out what you had in mind, words that you’d never typically say out loud.
But he took those words to heart.
He grins, voice slightly muted as you rock your hips on his face. “Oh yeah? Can you do that f’me again then?” The wet plump of his lips sucked on your tender clit, his fingers only picking up in pace. You tried your best to pump your hand as fast as you could, your tongue sticking out and teasing his leaking fat cock head.
The topic of sex was something you rather avoided. You enjoyed hearing about your friends’ sex lives but you always thought they were just sugarcoating for bragging points. Watching porn didn’t have that much of an effect either, sometimes you get so turned off when the man is too aggressive or when the woman is moaning too loud.
But with Armin? Your first time felt like a reenactment of a steamy smut scene in those romance novels. He holds onto you, reassures you, and makes sure that you don’t feel belittled because you’re lacking in experience. You always thought that the process of losing your virginity would be painful, but this is only your second time and you're already addicted.
Armin was panting, his body shifting underneath you. “Oh god, oh god, fuck—! Oh—“ He yelps, broken strings of cum spewing out and onto your lips, which you licked off. His cock twitched while your hand faltered in speed.  
You weren’t far from cumming yourself, Armin’s fingers were slipping in with ease, the combination of that and his tongue ejecting a mess out of you, a porn-worthy moan bouncing off the walls of the room. Your slick ran on your thighs, Armin still kitten licking your clit, evoking a weak giggle from you. “That’s it… Just like that…” He praises.
Rolling off him and onto the mattress you laid down in disbelief as you were coming down from your high. Armin sat up and plopped beside you, your heads on the foot of the bed. Strands of his blonde hair were stuck on his forehead, chin gleamed with arousal against the city lights from the window view. “Are you tired?” He asks, staring at the blank ceiling.
You turn your body sideways, facing him. “Not really. Are you?” He rolls to the side and positions you so he could hover above you. Hunching down, he goes in for a sweet kiss, the bubbling feeling in your stomach flaring up.
While remaining embraced, arms hooked around his neck to keep his face close, he pulled off, his thumb drawing circles on your cheekbone.
“I want it… I want you.” You mumble, desperation dragging in each syllable of your words. Despite your memory not cooperating, your body was yearning for more.
“Are you sure? I don’t have a condom with me.”
“Can’t you just… pull out?” You raise the question, eyebrows raising in curiosity of his answer.
“Is that really what you want though?” Armin is aware that asking too many questions can turn you away from wanting to continue on any more, but he can’t go on without the assurance that he isn’t forcing you to do something you don’t really want to do.
You nod timidly.
Armin lightens up the mood, chuckling, “Only the second time and you’re already asking for it raw? You’re so ambitious.”
“Only with you.” You laugh along with him, face flushed with heat.
Only with him, you can feel this comfortable with being naked and saying whatever was on your mind. Romance-wise, your relationship with him is still fresh, but the feelings already had a seed in your heart.
“I always liked you, you know.” Armin doesn’t know what the fuck he’s saying and why now, but for some reason he felt that this was the best time to do so.
“Yeah? How so?” You tease, arms still locked around his neck.
“I don’t know, it just happened. Maybe it’s because you’re so cool and you kinda intimidated me.” He confesses, his arms still caging you in between.
“What do you think of me now?” The room was eerily quiet, as if you two were the only ones living on the planet and nothing else mattered.
He ponders, “Still cool… not as intimidating… beautiful…” looking you in the eye, you snuck him in for a heated kiss before he could comprehend what was happening, tongue slipping in between his lips and clashing with his tongue.
Whimpering against your mouth, he was jerking himself off for lubrication, nudging his cock in between your folds quickly before parting from you shortly to pull your panties off completely, tossing it on the floor. He’s sliding in slowly, but it’s difficult when your cunt is sucking him in so good.
It was different this time; you’re taking a mental note of each second of this moment, the stretching burn as his cock dragged along your tight walls, his lips smashed against yours, his choppy breathing in between kisses…
As soon as he was fully inside of you, he placed your ankles against his shoulders and bent down, staring at your pleasured face. Mouth agape and eyes blank, he caressed your cheek with his finger while snapping his hips on yours. Your nails dug on his back, crescent shaped marks engraved on his skin.
“Armin… so deep…” You’re mewling, his cock sinking into your hole, leaving your legs numb as he folded you in half. He only hackled a chuckle; the more you moaned, the more he was encouraged to thrust faster and deeper.
The smack! of your wet cunt against Armin’s balls and the heavy breathing were the only noises in the muted room. Armin was utterly obsessed — obsessed with everything about you. Even the way your teeth ram into your bottom lip because his cock is fucking into you so deliciously is something he wants to replay in his mind over and over.
“You’re so pretty darling, squeezing onto me so well, hah-“ He wasn’t going to lie, he hadn’t planned on doing this tonight; otherwise, maybe he would’ve been more prepared. Armin really doesn’t mind staying in between your legs all night, but god is he fucking addicted on doing you raw. Your throat strained, whines becoming fuller while you spat out sweet nothings about how he’s making you feel so good.
Armin leaned back, observing your boobs bouncing in sync with his thrusts, your hands going up to knead and massage them. He held onto your legs, eyes traveling to your glistening cunt engulfing his dick, reveling in the feeling of his cock rutting into your most sensitive spot.
Reaching forward to squeeze your nipples in between his fingers to rouse you up, you whimpered quietly, “ ‘m so close…” Your eyes were shut, breathing jagged with each rock of his hips.
“God— yes, do it for me, schatzi.” His mother tongue slipped out the more his mind was hazed and could barely keep a lucid thought that wasn’t filthy. Your eyes squeezed shut, body tense when you came, legs twitching and lips muttering his name.
Armin was on the verge of cumming as well, letting go of your legs to pull out, pumping into his fist before forgetting to do so. He came on your tits, long strings of white, translucent cum on your lithe skin as he groaned under his breath. Slumber was running all over your veins, the temptation of sleep taunting you.
He hops off the bed and sits next to your head. “Baby, we should clean up. We have a long day tomorrow.” He pokes your cheek.
You were sore as you followed him to the ivory bathroom, and into the unnecessarily huge glass paned shower. Armin twisted the knob for warm water and he did the honors of washing your body, hands travelling all over you, cupping your breasts although it didn’t feel inherently sexual. He trailed kisses all over the back of your neck and your back as the water ran down your bodies.
Twisting your head, you laced your fingers with his own and you locked your lips against his before whispering, “I like you too.”
Giggles and kisses were shared prior to going back to bed, both of you were too infatuated to figure out that this is way out of your routines and character, considering that this is an HR violation and god forbid if other people find out.
There’s no turning back.
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schatzi is an endearment term in german according to various sources. literally means treasure, but can be used as ‘darling’ or ‘sweetheart’.
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tillychmo · 10 months
S1-Izzy's Foreshadowed Road to Redemption in s2
(And me slightly gushing over Con O'Neill's acting on the way.)
Right-o. We need to talk about our man Izzy Hands. More specifically we need to talk about Izzy in ep110 and through to the second series, because I have yet to see anyone else comment with this particular angle, so here's my hot take:
(This will include obvious spoilers for all of the current two series of Our Flag Means Death)
I've seen some people talk about Izzy's character change as something that happened 'way too quickly' – I've seen others talk about Izzy not being a bad guy in series 1 at all – and I've seen a lot of people come away from the scene in ep. 110 where they're throwing out Stede's books and Fang/Kevin asks Izzy what happened to his foot with an understanding that Izzy's reaction to that question is one of gloading satisfaction, and because I kinda disagree with all of these takes (but especially the latter), here's my wee take on the lot – with particular emphasis on that 'smile' in ep. 110:
Jumping right in: The second 'Krackbeard' cuts off Izzy's toe Izzy knows that he has f*cked up and finally pushed Ed too far. Sure, Izzy has been used to Blackbeard cutting the toes off of other crew members and make them eat it "for a laugh" for years and years – but Blackbeard/Edward has never turned his violence on Izzy before.
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Izzy wanted Blackbeard back, yes, and all the way through s1 he pushed and pushed and pushed him, even though Ed clearly didn't want to be 'Blackbeard' anymore.
We see this in the 'soft' manipulations – like him saying "My boss would like a word with you" to Stede, but telling Edward "I explicitly told him 'Blackbeard desires his company'" – and we see it more and more prevalent as Ed grows closer to and more and more fond of Stede – like Izzy ordering Fang/Kevin and Ivan to back him up in his demand that Edward kills Stede (based on Fang's & Ivan's reactions in the previous scene "This is the most open and available I've ever seen him", I feel OK with surmising that Izzy probably ordered them to back him up here) so that Edward will 'lose face' or even be looked at as weak if he refuses to do it; like insisting on a swordfight with Stede – directly against his captain's orderes – and choosing to not just banish Stede from the ship when it looks as though Izzy is going to win, but actually going in for the kill; like selling Stede (the man Ed loves) out to the English, while also basically treating Edward as a commodity, by making him the 'price' Izzy will earn from the British, when they've captured Stede.
The latter of which – and this is equally as important to note – literally sets the whole trajectory of Ed's fall into Krackbeard in motion.
Ed is the one who returns to the Revenge – not Blackbeard. And Izzy is continually at his wits end, because he has now done nearly every single manipulative thing he can think of (Izzy obviously doesn't think of these things as 'manipulative' – in his eyes he is still doing the 'right thing') to get Edward to 'snap out of it'. But Ed is still refusing to act the part of Izzy's preferred understanding of what masculinity is. In fact, after his return Ed slips even further into the kind of 'feminine'-masculinity that Izzy despises.
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And Izzy finally cracks – insisting that 'Edward' and 'Blackbeard' are not the same, and then taunting Edward with his percieved weakness of being heartbroken. This finally goads a reaction out of Ed.
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And for the glimmer of a second Izzy thinks he sees 'Blackbeard' in Ed – and you can see the sheer satisfaction on his face:
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But Ed doesn't want to be Blackbeard. And the moment Izzy touches his face (other people have written brilliantly on Ed's reactions to physical touch – if I can find it, I will add a link to it here), Ed doesn't go in for the counter attack. Instead, he pushes Izzy's hand away, let's go of Izzy's neck, and takes several steps back. Even here, when he is being actively threatned, he is still refusing to 'act the part' of overt violence that Izzy is demanding of him.
And because Con O'Neill is an actor's absolute dream (side-note: seriously, I cannot get enough of watching his micro-expressions when a thought changes and you can see it so clearly in his eyes) we can see the split-second where Izzy realises this:
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(Seriously that thiny change of his eyes is so easy to miss and yet it speaks VOLUMES for Izzy's character and character arc – Con O'Neill you brilliant bastard.)
So at the point where Ed is at his absolutely most vulnerable – because the crew has made him feel safe to do so – Izzy goes for the final 'trick' he has left: He threatens Ed on his life.
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And this brings us back to the beginning of this post: Krackbeard cutting off Izzy's toe. Supposedly this should have been an indicator to Izzy that 'Blackbeard' is back and is "himself again" and Izzy even says this himself:
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And here we arrive at the whole reason for why I've made this post (yeah, sorry, I know it took a while) :
Izzy is telling us that he finally got what he wanted: "Blackbeard is himself again". In other words: "I WON. YAY."
BUT – and I cannot stress this enough – look at the reaction that follows those words:
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"I WON ... YAY?"
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THIS is the look that clued me in on where Izzy's character arc was heading. Because there is only one reason to allow the antagonist of your story to crack even the flicker of an inch and acidentally show their true feelings like this – and that is if they are on their way to redemption. And with redemption more often than not also comes their inevitable demise.
THIS is not the face of a man who is happy. THIS is the face of a man who knows damn well that he just cosmically f*cked up and now has to live with the consequences.
Which is why we see him, immediately after this accidental facial honesty, putting on the face of a man who actually got what he wanted. Because he is suddenly finding himself in unchartered territory: Izzy knows who 'Blackbeard' is – but he has no clue who 'Krackbeard' is or how to handle him, because 'Krackbeard' is born from the lack of Stede, the heartbreak that followed, Ed's self-hatred, and the threats from Izzy. And Izzy didn't understand this ... Until he suddenly starts to realise it, when it is seemingly already too late.
So when series two started and we see a completely broken down Izzy, I was not surprised at all. Because not only did Izzy realise in ep. 110 that he had finally pushed Ed too far – he has, in the intervening weeks and months, seen Edward (the man Izzy was/has been/is coming to realise that he loves) deteriorate, doing more and more drugs and abusing alcohol and becoming more and more depressed and suicidal. Izzy has finally realised what antagonising Ed actually costs: Ed's attachment to life – Ed's willingness to live. And the reason why we see Izzy change his tune towards Stede fairly/incredibly quickly in s2, is because Izzy has realised that the only way to save Ed, is to accept that Stede is what brings Ed to life. Not 'Blackbeard', or 'Krackbeard', or any other performative persona, but "just Ed".
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Which is why mirroring the 'attack' scene in 110 with the words "There he is" in Izzy's final words to Ed is so damn beautiful.
IZZY: "Just be Ed." Ed breaks down crying. IZZY: "There he is."
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(An afterthought: Writing this I'm realising that Izzy's final scene with Edward in 208 actually beautifully mirrors their scene in 110 in more ways than "There he is". In 110 we see Izzy being pinned against the wall; he is 'finally' being touched by Edward, but it happens with violence and agression and with no hint of care or love – but in 208 Izzy asks Ed to sit with him, and not only does Ed stay with him, he is literally holding him, caringly and lovingly in his arms. No agression and no violence. Just care and love and familarity and warmth. Not telling Izzy that he loves him, but showing him. And I think that's quite a nice thought to end on.)
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plutolauvs · 1 year
Thank you for replying, I'll try rewriting the request so it fits-
Can I request a Shuichi x Kokichi's friend!reader? They grew up together, and have the same Ultimate (if that's ok), but reader acts a bit differently from Kokichi, which made Shuichi interested. Reader had the same joyful energy but doesn't lie as much as Kokichi does
One shot or in headcanons about them (reader and Shuichi)
If there's anything else I should change let me know!
shuichi saihara x kokichi's friend!reader >> preferences ! > > [ mainly romantic] > > [slight angst]
BONUS + ‘ ultimate supreme leader ’ reader + specific preferences for killing game
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。˚ 𓂋 💤 photos by: hizoukii (on pinterest)
★ ahhh sorry this took a while. this was such a treat to write, and i hoped the preferences are to your liking :).
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───── ✩ SHUICHI 
🗯️ ❭ ❭  you met kokichi a long time ago, just a few years after you were born. the connection ignited so quickly, almost as if it were fate. almost as if he was the soul that was meant to guide, help, and teach you. almost as if he was the soul that was meant to be a part of your struggles. as you two grew up together, he influenced you in some ways that would be a part of your identity, but never enough to have the same reputations. 
❕  when shuichi figured out that you and kokichi were closer than he realized at first, he had mixed emotions about this fact. the mixed emotions were fueled by some of his bitter views towards kokichi. the clear effect of kokichi’s influence on you was more clear to him now, yet not clear enough to be informed of the exact lengths of this influence.
❕  he can’t deny the interest that sparked as he witnessed your behavior. people were somewhat clouded by the fact that you’re just a kokichi, but tamer and less of an annoyance when it comes to lies. 
❕  he feels pulled in by your reputation. he feels an urge to push himself away from you, due to the thoughts that some things would fail, such as having a conversation with you or attempting to see you from a drastically different light. yet in the end of the day, he also felt more intrigued to discover the depths of you, and unravel the thoughts that blinded everyone.
❕  he feels as if he’s more likely to walk away from a conversation feeling less annoyed, and less puzzled by a bunch of lies being thrown at him that he’ll need to pick apart to find the truth, due to you lying less. he finds it even more interesting that you lie less, he wonders what other traits you picked up from kokichi that you express to a lesser extent than him?
❕  shuichi giving you a gift, or suggesting a place for you two to hang out, is always fun. though, one of the most interesting parts is the way you reveal your opinions on some gifts and suggestions. either you share about how your opinion contrasts or compares with kokichi’s thoughts on those things, or shuichi remembers what kokichi’s opinion on those things were. in the rarer moments, you tell shuichi about how kokichi influenced your opinion on some places or gifts.
❕  you’re a bit more blatant when it comes to opening up more than kokichi. you tell shuichi about the stories you’ve been told, the experiences you lived through, and the opinions you’ve gathered. it warms the both of you, and brings you two closer.
❕  with you telling some stories, it’s incredibly expected that you’ll talk about kokichi. going to you and hearing you, shuichi realizes he knows more about kokichi and his background. eventually, you help shuichi have a more-positive opinion towards kokichi, and help him realize some of kokichi’s traits that he hadn’t had a total grasp on before. 
❕  expect you two rambling about a bunch of stuff. shuichi can get insecure about rambling or overthinking about his observances and interests, yet most times you don’t mind it. overthinking, ranting, rambling, are one of the top things that strengthens the bond. he loves how passionate you can be about the things you dislike or like, and your energy as you speak.
❕  sometimes he’ll make a light-hearted joke or comment about how joyful or hyper your energy is. sometimes, he does feel a tad overwhelmed by your energy, or slightly intimidated, though that doesn’t mean that he doesn't find your energy cute. to an extent, he does find your energy admirable. the way you can bring liveliness to others and to him, the way you can bring the life out of him that he forgets about, is something so compelling about you.
❕  shuichi does get slight insecurities about the fact that he can’t always match up with your energy, even when your energy can make him secure at times. in his eyes, he isn’t so interesting, joyful, and even can be a debbie downer at times. of course, this motivates you to tell him the truth about your opinions on his energy and him as a person. 
❕  to you, he’s a bit of a refresher from all the people you attract (kokichi and D.I.C.E) and you feel so secure with him, he’s more grounded, so gentle and so observant. he can be so polite, yet he knows when things are too much and he tries to set boundaries. you love he has his unpredictable moments; how he expresses sass and heat towards someone being a bother (like miu), yet he turns soft a couple minutes later.
❕  sometimes he feels so happy by your presence, he just can’t help and blush. if you throw in a flirty comment (which sometimes you do), he’ll become a total blush and it reminds him about how your unpredictability can be a blessing and a curse.
❕  you help him see things in a positive light, or see the positive side of things. sometimes he helps you realize the cons and negatives of things. you totally help him have tolerance towards certain things (such as kokichi) and you help him associate some things he’s either neutral about, things he tolerate, or even things he dislikes with positivity (like specific movies, books, etc.), due to your joyful nature and/or opinions.
— IN GAME, things would get really tense the more kokichi’s lies and presence affect everyone. there’s kokichi being way more distant from you while also lashing out at you sometimes, as an attempt to keep you away from being involved in his plans and for you to not get the heavy burden of having kokichi’s exact reputation by being so close to him. there’s people avoiding you, dismissing you, having less patience with you, or even lashing out at times, because of your reputation being more damaged as the game goes on, especially when kokichi becomes cryptic or his lies become more stressful and/or harmful.
and then there’s shuichi, who’s struggling with others being negative towards you, struggling to be close to you around others, and struggling with not feeling somewhat tense with you due to kokichi’s actions. the internal conflict just brings more headaches, but he tries to set them aside because he knows you’re struggling and wants to bring comfort into your life. 
— IN GAME, since you possess kokichi’s leadership skills to an extent, you’ll act as a guide for shuichi, knowing that people look up to him. in fact, the longer you survive, the more likely shuichi will accept you as someone being a "co-leader" of sorts, and someone that others should look up to as well, which motivates some people to look up to you to an extent.
you two give each other life in different ways. you two give security to each other in different ways. there’s so many things you two do differently, yet you two always result in feeling safe with each other.
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darkstarofchaos · 7 months
For the ask thingy... I have a feeling I might know some of the answer to this, but here's a two-fer. Take your pick (or answer both if you're in the mood): - OpStar -OpFire
OpStar: Don't ship it.
Why don’t you ship it?
Well, for starters, there's Optimus laughing at the idea of Megatron doing horrible things to Starscream. Bit off-putting, that.
More generally, Optimus has a... morality thing. Specifically, his own view on morality, which he pushes onto anyone in his vicinity. Which, y'know. Starscream is a villain, you kinda have to redeem him if the ship is actually going to work, right? Or file off his rough edges and make him Secretly A Good Person Actually, or a generally good person/helpless victim who just needs to See The Light.
Two problems with this: first, I prefer corruption arcs. Let Starscream bring people to the Dark Side, darn it. And second, Optimus does not practice what he preaches. One might even call him a hypocrite. Case in point, mind control is Evil when the Bad Guys do it, but he was perfectly happy to try controlling the Constructicons - and through them, Devastator - in The Core. And if mind control is an acceptable approach to turning people to your side, what does that mean for the ex-Decepticon you're looking to bed? I wouldn't trust any canon Optimus to treat Starscream with legitimate kindness, save for Armada Optimus. Because he actually did that. And maybe EarthSpark, but we only have a couple lines of dialogue to go on so far, so I'll reserve judgement there.
(Note of clarification, most of my Optimus Problems apply to G1 versions of the character. I actually kind of like other Optimii. Still don't ship him with Starscream, though).
As for Starscream, he's not going to do a 180 and suddenly be a loyal and obedient follower just because he gets some praise once in a while (if he does, that's incredibly unhealthy and he shouldn't be in a relationship with someone who could very easily take advantage of him). Starscream has opinions and ideas. And when he sees someone doing something stupid, he's going to call them on it. But Optimus does what Optimus thinks best, and if Starscream thinks differently, they are going to fight. And Optimus isn't going to listen to him, because he doesn't listen. Doubly so if Starscream's opinion can be construed as immoral.
Tl;dr: they would be horrible together.
2. What would have made you like it?
I think TFP is the only place where they would have had a chance with me, so... Maybe if Optimus had tried to reach out to Starscream after Arcee chased him off? But the irony is, if Optimus was the kind of person who could be trusted with Starscream's well-being, he would also recognize that his status as a powerful authority figure makes him someone Starscream shouldn't be in a relationship with. So it still wouldn't work.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
It's fun when they argue. Which has nothing to do with them as a pairing, I just enjoy when their dynamic is ruthlessly antagonistic.
OpFire (just gonna lump Jetfire in with Skyfire): Don't ship it.
Why don’t you ship it?
I ship Skyfire with one (1) person. Irrationally uncomfortable seeing him with someone else. OTP in the purest sense of the term.
Optimus is not that one person.
2. What would have made you like it?
Might need to rewire my brain, tbh. First, I'd need to be comfortable shipping Skyfire with someone else. Second, I would need to like Optimus enough to ship him with anyone. Third, they would need to have enough in common that I could ship them specifically.
Impossible task, I would say.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I had a roommate a few years ago who really liked anime, so I decided Armada would be a good way to introduce them to Transformers. They came away with a few ships, including Optimus/Jetfire. And they decided the ship name was Flying Fish, because of how the pair's combined form looks.
So that's a fun little story.
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What spice tolerances so you think the sparda boys have?
Oh, as a spice fiend, I always have a lot of thoughts about this :D
All Three
So, being part demon means they have hypersensitive... well, senses. They can smell and taste even the most subtle aromas and flavours. Of course, this is a double-edged sword, as it means that while they can savour foods in ways normal people can't, they are all also very sensitive to spices, among other things.
It does help that they all have stomach acid that could melt stones, so they aren't really prone to stomach aches.
They all have rather different tolerances and reactions.
Dante has an alarmingly high spice tolerance. Despite the sensitivity, he actively enjoys the burn, as long as it has some flavour to it. Specifically, he really likes some sweet with his fire, so he enjoys hot sauces that incorporate fruit.
He won't eat spicy foods often but once in a while he gets that craving and will find the absolutely most mouth-melting hot sauce or spicy dish to have. He treats it as some kind of unhinged challenge to satisfy his adrenaline-junkie ways. Since even mild spice hits harder, he's always trying to see how far he can push it. He doesn't react too strongly too it, pushing himself to try and no-sell the burn. At most, he'll sweat a little bit and sniffle for a bit.
At the moment, he's sitting somewhere around the ghost pepper range (1 mil Scoville and change) and is already itching to find the next challenge.
Trust me, he'll balk at the Trinidad scorpion. The sensitivity/tolerance balance will tip too far, and he will have no regrets.
Nero likes spicy foods, but his tolerance range is tempered by his reactivity to it. He prefers tangy spicy sauces and dishes, with a lot of salt and lime.
Nero will go for spicy foods whenever he can get them, and tries to make them himself, with varying results. That sticky note in Nico's van is evidence of a poor understanding of cooking... I mean, steak and jalapenos in the oven? Come on... There is a degree of testing his limits rather than enjoying the food for it's sake and frankly, he's still learning to adjust his flavour palate to more "adult" preferences, like pasta all'arabiatta.
He is not above trying to shotgun an entire bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos just to prove he can.
He unfortunately has some very visible reactions to spice. He sweats like a pig, sniffles for up to thirty minutes afterwards and, after a certain threshold of spice, drinks water and other liquids constantly, to the point of almost making himself sick.
His current record is Thai pepper sauce (about 50-70k Scoville) and that was already a bit of a stretch of his limits. He's one double-dog-dare from Dante away from a trip to the hospital.
Vergil does not handle spice very well. At all. His tolerance, much like with alcohol, is rather embarrassing. He actually prefers rather bland food but there's some signs of improvement as he reintergrates into society. He's not even a bit shy about his inclination towards burgers.
He may scoff at Dante, but his own diet is really just as bad. He won't seek out spicy foods but if he's around Dante or Nero, the goading will eventually get to him and he'll try something. Sometimes he ends up liking what he's eating, sometimes not. It's terrible whenever he feels he needs to compete with them because then he'll try something beyond his tolerance and that never ends well.
His reactions are the most extreme; he sweats, his face gets very red, he gets a very runny nose and cannot stop drinking whatever liquid he gets his hands on. He'll get stomach cramps soon enough.
The best Vergil can do is Serrano peppers (about 10-20k Scoville) and that's a stretch. He actually doesn't want to try anything hotter but again... daring/challenging him proves to be his undoing every single time.
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kiljoius-writes · 2 years
Cooler Than You - Chapter 2
Ao3 | FFN
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Hinata's Chapter
Chapter 2: Day Two - Hinata
Even though I haven't done day 2 in the main series, I'm releasing the SasuHina smut early for LavenderEyedAssassin's birthday!
Happy early birthday, LEA! Be sure to check out her SasuHina works on FFN or Ao3.
And thanks to several people from the SH server for the beta. Big thanks to ElReino, antioedipus, and Pinaka for their very fine-toothed combs!
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Outside of the main police station in the Uchiha compound, Hinata bounces on the balls of her feet, her purse clutched in front of her. Her day at the Academy had ended at 3 p.m. on the dot, and she had just spent the last two hours unwinding at the bakery next to the school with two cinnamon rolls and a tea. She reasoned she should treat herself after the day she had—teaching about a dozen giggly 10-year-olds proper sexual practices was draining for anyone but was especially draining for Hinata. Instructing young shinobi at the Academy seemed like the perfect fit for her when she first decided to be an Academy sensei. Too bad no one clued her in that she would be the one teaching them sex ed. It was her third year doing it, she still wasn't any good at it, and was sure she never would be, no matter how hard she tried to pretend putting a condom on a cucumber wasn't absurd.
Now, she was just happy to have made space between her and the lesson. Dutifully, she awaits Sasuke, checking the watch he had bought her for their anniversary: 4:59 p.m. The little hand ticks, ticks, ticks, until it meets the big hand on the 5, and she looks up to see Sasuke pushing the front entrance open, punctual as always. His eyes immediately find hers, and despite the tiredness behind them, they brighten. She offers him a warm smile as he comes to stand toe to toe with her. Without a word, he holds out his hand, and she covers her giggle with her palm, setting the strap of her purse in it.
"Let's go." He nudges his head, other arm outstretching, and she readily hooks her elbow into it.
"Long day?" she asks, tilting her head up at him as they fall into step together.
He clicks his tongue, eyes looking out in the distance as someone passing by greets Hinata specifically without acknowledging Sasuke. She gives a bright response, then looks back at him to see him rolling his eyes, but a smirk tugs at the corner of his lips. He likes to pretend as if he's annoyed by others focusing their attention on her when they're together, but she knows he prefers it that way. He scoffs before answering here, "could say that."
"Want to talk about it?" she offers, sincerely.
With a little breath, he shakes his head. "Not really."
"That's okay," she responds, pulling his arm a little tighter to herself, and he responds in kind. He looks down at her, and she sees his eyes search hers. Finally, he gives her a smile, and it's sweeter than he probably realizes. He's always been like that: sweeter than he realizes. She's not sure how many people outside of his brother and Naruto get to see it, but she counts herself lucky she's one of them.
Because he lives in the compound, they're at his doorstep within moments, and they break apart. She holds out her hand for her purse back, and he pulls it away. She looks up at him questioningly, pouting out her lip as he holds it out of reach above his head. He's hoping she'll make a fool of herself by hopping up to try to grab it, but she's long learned his games and simply folds her arms, cocking an eyebrow at him. Teasingly, he asks, "where do you think you're going?"
"Home," she responds, narrowing her eyes at him. "Sasuke, I can't stay tonight, I have to be up early. I'm setting up a training course, I'll need to get there—"
"I'll help you," he cuts her off, and he's making those eyes at her. The ones that are tired and silently pleading. Her lip further pouts out and he reaches up with a finger to poke at it. "You can drag my ass out of bed, and I'll go help you set up the playpen for the brats." To this, she giggles. His free arm circles her waist and she presses her palms to his chest, and she's done for.
Hinata lets Sasuke drag her into his apartment because he's being sweet right now, but that's not always the case. He's tired, she can see it, and she figures indulging him in some of her stories about her terrible health education lessons will cheer him up. He closes the door behind him with his foot and hangs her purse up on the hook of the door, always careful with her belongings. They both toe off their sandals, and they pad their way in, tangled together.
"So, tell me, Hinata-sensei," Sasuke starts, pulling her hands up to rest on his shoulders so her chest will press against his, "what kind of jokes did the gremlins come up with today?"
"Hmm," Hinata hums, smiling up at him as she laces her fingers with his free hand, "one boy asked if the girl takes all her birth control pills at once if she'd become immune to pregnancy."
She bites her lips together in amusement at the ugly snort that escapes him. "That's funny, but not a joke. You should have a talk with that boy."
"I did," she responds with a nod as he begins swaying with her. It's something he indulges her in, dancing. Even though there's no music, he still pulls her against him and dances on his two left feet. He's never been good at it, but it's always made him all the more endearing to her.
She hums softly as they two step, her eyes falling to his upturned lips as she does. Since there's no music, she hums something her mother used to hum when she was little. She never noticed that she did it mindlessly until he pointed it out to her on one of their walks with Naruto and Tenten before they began dating. At the time, Hinata thought he was annoyed with the hum, as if she was intruding on his thoughts.
"You're always humming something."
After that, she became embarrassed of it and consciously avoided humming, despite him trying to reassure her that it didn't bother him (she could never tell at the time what would bother Sasuke, she just figured everything bothered him). Then, while they were alone together, he started humming some version of it she had never heard from him before, but recognized it was close to what she might hum. When she asked, he revealed it was something his mom hummed, and that he liked it.
And that he liked it when she hummed it even more than his own mom.
That was the night Hinata finally let Sasuke kiss her. Now that hum was one of the few things that brought him comfort these days.
"I want to kiss you," he whispers to her as he presses his forehead against hers.
She giggles, softly, her hum stopping with her words, "so? You won't?"
"Not if you stop humming," he responds, his grip on her waist tightening.
It's silly, she knows, to blush after all this time, but the way he speaks so softly and sweetly to her makes her feel special. He's reassured her that he has no idea where it comes from, but that it's just for her. So, she returns the kindness and resumes humming, tilting her head up to brush her lips against his without actually kissing. He's content with that, matching her movements. She sees his lips twitch with the vibration of her hum, and it makes her heart jump at the shy chuckle he gives her at the sensation.
Hinata never really recognized any lust inside of her before Sasuke, but this broody boy who only offered her gentleness had somehow drawn it out of her.
Their first time together was clumsy. It was like something out of a romcom, two idiot teenagers trying to figure out each other's bodies. The funnier part was that they were both in their baby twenties, both virgins, both naïve, and both oh-so awkward when it came to…nudity. She had suggested they both keep their clothes on, and he readily agreed. Turns out it's a little hard to figure out where to put a penis when the vagina is covered by a skirt.
They got through it together. It's generally not recommended for a person's first time to be with someone who is also a virgin, but it suited them, Hinata thought. Neither of them had been sexually active like the rest of their peers, both awkward and rigid when it came to the topic of sex. While they weren't the silly adolescents giggling and blushing at the words "testicles" and "vulva", they were the ones going bright red and sinking into themselves. When Kiba confided in Hinata that he had successfully touched a girl's breasts (boobs as he put it), she fainted.
So, when they agreed to give themselves to each other for the first time, despite the ungainliness of it, it felt just right for them. Comfort between them had become a given, and their patience with each other was important to both of them. Really, neither of them was really curious what the other couples of the village were up to, perfectly content with their mediocre love life (though neither were too sure what "mediocre" constituted outside of the romance novels they had read and steamy movies they had seen).
It's nothing new, but she really does adore the way his cheeks brighten as she slowly leads them to his bedroom. Blushing from Sasuke was abnormal in the best way, and she likes being the one who can make it happen. She's teased him before that it's her weapon against him under public eye, though he's never seemed to actually mind. That's why, as she tugs him towards her, she takes her other hand from his neck and slowly unzips her jacket to reveal a lowcut top—one she wouldn't typically wear, but had been behind on her laundry. It reveals more than she'd normally like, but it now works to her advantage, and Sasuke's blush deepens to something closer to crimson. That's the blush she really likes to see.
He readily follows her lead, eyes shamelessly dropping where she had guided them, and he trips over a little indent in the rug. She tightens her hold on his hand to steady him, beaming up at him as she keeps humming. He puffs out his cheeks, and she knows he's grateful that she plays it off as if nothing at all happened. Potential chief of police, and here he is, fumbling over a girl he's smitten with. Unashamedly, Hinata feels pride in her chest for it. She lets the jacket fall off her shoulders, revealing the rest of her skin.
She swings him gently so that his back is facing his bed, then presses against him so he sits on the edge of it. He watches her with those big, black eyes that worship her and her every movement, full of wonder and excitement, like he's just a boy. "Going to give me a lesson, Ms. Hyūga?"
It's a cute blush that dusts her cheeks that are also creased with a smile. She giggles, quietly. His lips are normally thinned to a harsh line, but for her giggle, they part into a pearly grin, showcasing all of his nice, straight teeth. It's a grin she selfishly lives to see, one that's only offered to a fair few. She leans down to press a kiss to his nose while also pulling her hand from his shoulder, the other from his hand, to meet in the middle of his chest to pull his jacket apart.
"What would you like to know, Mr. Uchiha?" she asks, softly, playing into this silly little roleplay.
He shrugs out of the jacket and similarly tugs at her shirt, and she doesn't make him do the work. She pulls it up over herself, a surprised giggle leaving her when part of her bra comes up with it, leaving one breast out. This time, he laughs louder, helping her with the task. "Airhead."
"So rude," she tuts, still smiling, letting him push the rest of the fabric from her shoulders so she's bare. She pokes his chest, and he smirks up at her, that lovely uptick of his lips that makes her heart flutter. He eagerly pulls his own shirt off, then drags her against him so they're chest to chest against. His skin feels hot underneath hers, and it forces a little sigh out of her. He dips his head, so his lips meet her neck.
"So pretty," he mumbles against her skin. She moans out, quietly, wrapping her arms around his neck as his circle her waist. She runs her fingertips along his scalp, threading through his thick, black locks, and smiles at the way he leans into her touch. His mind is fighting with him on whether to encourage her touch or press his lips to her collarbone, so she helps him by pushing his face into her neck. He hums against her, and it makes her shiver, slightly, goosebumps crawling outwards and forcing the blood pumping in her ears to ring louder. His touch is feathery, and it makes her knees feel like jelly.
She feels one of his hands work their way down against her shorts, tugging them along her thighs and she obliges, stepping out of them. Then that hand works on his own belt buckle, because they both know where this is going, and he's not going to be his usual pretentious self and expect her to do that work. He lifts up just slightly to get them around his hips, and then he's bare in front of her, and she smiles down at him as he pulls away to admire her. She slides her fingers up to cup his chin and lifts his head to meet her eyes. They're glazed over, and it's quite nice.
"You didn't tell me what you want to learn."
Sasuke groans, quietly, and it causes heat to begin pooling in her stomach, rapidly. Those little noises he makes always make her warm in a dirty way. He leans up to press his lips against her jaw, then whispers against it, "how about…putting on a condom."
A surprised laugh leaves her, and she pushes his face away. She looks down to see that smirk on his lips again, and she turns away, hiding her blush with her hair. "Goodness…"
"Please?" he asks, a little whine in the back of his throat and it makes her skin tingle. She bites her lower lip as she looks back at him, his eyes wide and genuine and adoring. Those puppy dog eyes only she gets to see. She licks her lips before nodding.
"It is important," she responds, breathily, pulling away from him for a moment to reach for his nightstand drawer. His hands don't leave her, and even impede her movement, causing her to giggle and look back at him. The lazy smile on his face gives him away, he's teasing again, but she knows he's on the edge, too, based on his erection. She digs in and grabs a condom, then pulls it in front of them. She returns to her spot in front of him and tears it open, tossing the wrapper behind her.
"Tell me how it's done, Hyūga," he says, quietly, and she'll never admit to anyone else that the way 'Hyūga' is said from the back of his throat has always made her feel a little…sinful. Even before they were dating, and now she wonders if that had been intentional on his part.
"First, make sure it's not expired," she says.
"Did you check?" he asks, a smirk tugging his lip.
She nods, then holds it up to her face. "Make sure it's facing the right way…nothing more embarrassing than trying to roll it and it won't go down."
He chuckles and bites his lip, and that's very cute, to her.
"Then, a good friend of mine once told me…" she lays into the tease as she pushes on his shoulders, and he readily scoots up the bed until he's laying down. She straddles him, knees stacked on either side, and she leans down, continuing, "pinch the tip and put it on the head of the penis."
Another gross snort leaves him at that, and she has to return with her own giggle. She does just what she said and begins rolling it down.
"Then unroll to the base," she continues, gently tugging it down around him as he watches her, his jaw going slack. She wants to place a kiss on that slack jaw, but holds off for a moment to finish, "then you have sex."
"Aah," he struggles to get it out, she can tell, because he's ready for her.
To be fair, she is, too. She presses her palms to his chest and moves up so she's right above him. She sees his hand snake down to hold himself, and she slowly lowers herself onto him. She lets another moan leave her as she presses down, then his hands are coming up around her back to pull her down by her shoulders, forcing her to be flush up against him again. When their hips meet, they let out a gasp in unison, and she sees his eyes go cloudy.
She sees him wet his lips, and with a breathy voice, he asks, "a-and then the teacher fucks you?"
"Sasuke!" she gasps out, forehead dropping into the pillow under him to muffle her laugh. His grip on her tightens and she feels him shake under her with restrained laughter and gods—she can't believe she's sitting on top of Sasuke with him inside of her, laughing. "This is ridiculous!"
Before the mood can take too lighthearted a turn, she lifts her head slightly from the pillow and one of his hands comes to cup her chin, forcing her to face him. "Seriously," he grunts out, "how is it possible for one woman to be so amazing?"
She can't help it, she has to press her lips against his to quiet him, because even after all of it, she's still not sure how to handle it when he sweet talks her. It's just so strange from him, and while it makes her feel unbelievably special, she has a hard time accepting praise, even from her own boyfriend. His hands tug on her hips to encourage her weight upwards, and she obliges, lifting and pushing back down. She moans against his lips as his other hand lifts up to thread into her hair, grasping the back of her head.
"So perfect," he sighs against her as she gets into a rhythm of bouncing on top of him. She clenches at the words, and she knows he feels it based on the way an embarrassing groan leaves him. Her hand slides from his chest to the pillow next to the side of his head, and she pushes herself up to look at him, lips sucking as they part.
She admires him. She always does, he's just so handsome. The way a lock of hair falls over his forehead and covers part of his eye, his eyelids low, cheeks flush, his lips parted for air as he looks up at her with the exact same admiration. As if he can't believe she's on top of him, riding him, giving it all up to him. So, she reaches back and takes one of his hands on her waist and pins it into the pillow below him, lacing her fingers with his and he easily complies. Her other hand trails down his chest and thumbs over a scar on his upper right pectoral, tracing the mark.
"Don't look at that," he mumbles, both hands twitching as he says it.
"It makes you more handsome," she breathes out, pressing her thumb into the scar.
"Liar," he responds under his breath while the fingers on her hip digs in.
"Truther," she retorts and a giggle bubbles out of her as she says it. The smile on his face is just so cute.
"Dork," he murmurs, pulling the hand laced with his to his lips to kiss the backs of her knuckles. She giggles louder, and she knows it's not very sexy to be giggling and joking during sex but doesn't care.
She knows he doesn't care, either. Life outside of these walls is too serious to bring it back to the bedroom. When they were with each other, everything was easy, and that was undeniably the most satisfying part of having sex—for both of them.
With her whole heart, she says to him, "I love you."
She bites her lips together as he pulls his hand out of hers and grabs her around the back of the head to force her back down so her nose and lips are right against his. A hand finds her backside, encouraging her weight on him, and he slots his lips over hers. It comes out muffled, but she hears it clear as day: "I fucking love you, Hinata."
"Oh—" she gasps out because the way he says it, so seriously, right into her mouth, lights her up inside. His hips start moving upwards to meet hers, and now she's doing none of the work while he ruts up into her. She whines quietly when his hips abruptly still because she knows he's close. One of his hands snakes down her stomach to press against her clit, because he's never been a selfish lover. He always wants her to orgasm before him, and she won't deny it to him. Her head falls into his shoulder as he massages her clit—something he'd become quite accustom to finding on the first try over the years, because nothing less than 100% was acceptable for Sasuke.
So, he rubs her climax from her, and part of it is for him, admittedly. Having her flex around him is a form of satisfaction in and out of itself, and it makes him come close to release, too. When she feels herself gush around him, she cries out, dirty and filthy in all the ways she didn't know she could be. He wants her to be a blubbering mess on top of him, and when he feels her release on him, he pulls his hand away and immediately slides those same fingers into her mouth.
"Mmph—" she mumbles out as she willingly lets them between her lips, her eyes glazed over and wanting. His other hand grips her hip all too tight while he begins thrusting up into her, chasing his own release. And she lets him, because there's nothing left in her brain except the beautiful way his mouth opens and the look of admiration on his features. The way he gently pulls his fingers from her mouth and then strokes her lips—she can't find words for how it makes her feel.
It's just filthy. It's loving, it's sinful, it's wrong and it's right. It's everything they should be for each other, and she loves it.
With one final thrust into her, he wraps both arms around her waist and forces her down so their faces are buried in each other's necks, panting, and whining with each other in a way others might find pathetic, but is just right for them. She struggles to get her arms around him as he pushes her down around him as he comes. She gasps out, "Sas—Sasuke—"
"M-move in with me—"
"Ah—" she gasps out, taken off guard.
Typical man, asking something big of her just as he comes.
"I want you to move in," he breathes, his swallow audible in his throat.
Hinata pants against him, feeling his orgasm still even as he gives her such a big ask. "N-Now?"
"Now," he confirms, hand tangling up into her hair, "I want you here, every day. No more leaving at the doorstep."
"You're…high," she giggles, relaxing against him, "off your orgasm."
"So?" he questions in a low voice, and she resists the shiver creeping up her spine, "I was thinking about it before this."
"And you're only asking because—"
"Don't doubt me, woman," he gruffs out, pulling back his head and she follows his movement, pulling up to look at his expression. He's still smiling, but his eyes are low and serious. "Move in with me."
"Sasuke…" she sighs as he pulls her down for another kiss.
"I like how you say my name," he mumbles into the kiss, gripping her head.
"My love," she murmurs back, and she feels his hips twitch against her.
"Like that more," he groans, mouth messy on hers as his need becomes more apparent. "Move in with me, Hinata."
"I—" He cuts her off with his mouth, pressing his lips harshly against hers. She goes with it, because she really wants to, despite that little nagging in her voice that tells her not to give into demands post-coitus. When he lets her go and their mouths release with a sucking sound, she looks at him with big eyes. His are still lazy—calm, cool, collected, and she gives in. "Okay."
"Good," he says, quietly, fingers curling in her hair.
She smiles at him, and he smiles back.
And really, that's all she wants.
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[Ghostbusters] Brainwaves: Quotes
Dr / Professor May Keaton
"It's okay to wonder what happens next."
“If we’re all gonna die anyway, shouldn’t we be enjoying ourselves now?”
“Medicine, law, business, engineering, these are all noble pursuits, and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.”
“Who allowed you to take my breath away?”
“She pushes people away before they get a chance to leave her, and for twenty years she’s been alone because of it.”
“You can never replace anyone…because everyone is made of such beautiful, specific details.”
“For the wound to heal, you need to stop touching it.”
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”
Dr / Professor Allison Wada
"The body is a temple, treat it like one."
"What a dangerous combination."
"Maturity begins when you understand that dignity is more important than falling in love."
"Women, they have minds and they have souls as well as just hearts. And they’ve got ambition and they’ve got talent as well as just beauty, and I’m so sick of people saying that love is just all a woman is fit for. I’m so sick of it! But, I am so lonely.”
“Let’s leave the Jews out of this for a moment. Let’s think of another minority. One that… One that can go unnoticed if it needs to. There are all sorts of minorities, blondes for example… Or people with freckles. But a minority is only thought of as one when it constitutes some kind of threat to the majority. A real threat or an imagined one. And therein lies the fear. If the minority is somehow invisible, then the fear is much greater. That fear is why the minority is persecuted. So, you see there always is a cause. The cause is fear. Minorities are just people. People like us.”
Dr / Professor Heather Nieto-Jorge
"Look for truth, not for fantastical lies."
"I'm surrounded by idiots."
“If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is the ability to play along. and z is keeping your mouth shut.”
“The most important thing in life is life itself.”
“Pursue excellence and success will come chasing you.”
"Each one of us has a story of how we got to where we are, which most likely involves study drugs, getting blackout drunk, and having one night stands. We’ll tell these stories at dinner parties and to our future children. Well, maybe not the one night stand part. Or the blackout drunk part. Or the study drugs for that matter. But maybe our stories don’t have to be for anyone but ourselves.“
Dr / Professor Nova Teufel
"And that is how the world ends."
“When I’m with you, I feel so safe. Like I’m home”
“My problem is that I think too much and I feel too deeply.”
“Why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking Nerf herder.”
“Nothing that lives, lives forever.”
“Nobody ever does anything to be nice. They always wanna get something out of it.”
“I’m just a screwed-up girl who’s looking for my own peace of mind.”
“In many ways, I prefer my own company. It gives me time to think.”
“Those that see me for me, don’t think that my face is the most attractive part.”
“People should be able to say how they feel. How they really feel. Not some words strangers put in their mouths.”
“You talk way too fast, and you are way too nice to everyone … you’re not hard to get at all. You’re hard to earn.”
“My house. My rules. My coffee.”
“If I had a normal family and a good upbringing…then I would have been a well-adjusted person. I mean, I feel like I’m…I feel like I’m ya know well-adjusted. We’re good friends, and it’s good to be, ya know, good friends. I mean, I’d like to really talking with you.”
“There are some people that go to the party and dance, and there are some people that sit in the corner. I’m the corner guy.”
“I am so lost in my life. eleven cups of coffee a day in bed, reading irrelevant things, eating junk all day, lazy, unhealthy and non-productive.”
"You stay well away rom my sister, or this drill is going… somewhere." - Mars Teufel
"Put the drill down, Mars… please? Put the drill down." - Dr / Professor Ira Freud
"Milo. Stop. Let me do that for you." - Anselm Teufel
"I thInk you'll Ind, I knOw what I'm doIng." - Milo Teufel
"Our whole family is mad, Devils to some, Angels to others." - Dr Amalia Teufel
"I'll hit you again if you try that again." - Dr / Professor Gilbert Teufel
"Like any of you men have brains." - Medusa Teufel
"How do they survive without a brain?" - Electra Teufel
"I don't know, but I seem to be doing well for someone with an empty skull." - Norman Teufel
"She's being, what's the word… facetious, is that it?" - Thomas Teufel
"The ghosts are coming! The ghosts are coming! Run." - Professor Otmar Teufel
"I've read all the Holy books, none tell of people like yourselves." - Dr / Professor Remus Teufel
"I swear we did nothing wrong!" - Romulus Teufel-Mann
"I swear I should never had involved myself with this family." - Tamar Mann
"I figured you were a prude, but I must've guessed wrong." - Jacob Blumenthal
"I do not trust all these professors." - Cecilia Hedlund
"Listen to me, or I won't offer you further help, Mr Blumenthal. Do you understand me?" - Dr / Professor Kipling Mutton
"Answer the question correctly because I won't ask it again." - Dr / Professor Vidar Ljunggren
"Why don't I take you ladies out for a nice meal, I'll pay for it all." - Ephraim Aue
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nelson-riddle-me-this · 11 months
Top 10 OH tops
Apologies for letting this sit in my inbox so long.
Not making true assumptions about what position they prefer, I'm going to answer with 10 Old Hollywood guys I'd like to get topped by and my highly subjective impressions/fantasies of them (not ranked, just in an order that makes reading-sense).
Gregory Peck
He'd be so warm, passionate, and kind. Also that deep voiiice... Of all these movie stars I think sex with him would feel most like gorgeous steamy movie sex.
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James Shigeta
He's soo charming, I feel there'd be a flirtatiousness and sense of fun with him. His eyes sparkle, I think he's secure in himself and knows how to keep things playful, not overtly goofy, but playful.
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Ricardo Montalbán
Cool, warm, hot, this man is capable of any temperature but cold. He'd be very romantic - good music, scented candles, chilled champagne, oysters, the works! Not because he needs it, but because it's nice. Even without the fancy trappings, sex with this man is a luxurious and sensual experience.
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Sidney Poitier
He's smart and fun; I think Sidney'd communicate well before, during, and after. Also he's got a good sense of humor and levity, so I think he'd make those little silly incidental moments and even small awkwardness feel special and cute.
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Richard Beymer
Both he and Warren Beatty are similar kinds of a bit too hot, but I feel like Beatty errs on the side of bc he's hot people let him get away with being a bit of a jerk, where Beymer seems like a straightforward himbo.
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Gene Kelly
THE ASS, the charm, he's a dancer so he's got rhythm, stamina, control over his body, and if this is what he does to a phone imagine what he'll do to your h***.
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Bruce Lee
From what I've seen of him and what I know about the philosophy of his martial arts style, Jeet Kune Do, I think Bruce Lee would be very present, tuned-in to you and what's around. He'd not force things but knows how to work with what's in front of him to get the best result. He'd have good technique, knowledge of his body and yours, and I think his open-mindedness would let the sex go some very interesting and intimate places.
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Marlon Brando
Lustful and kinky, think Marlon would be very deliberate. He'd enjoy power games, ordering you around, making you beg for it; but it's more about him being in control so he enjoys even when you do things for him that are not specifically sexual. He enjoys teasing you, making you wait, and denying you, but it's all in good fun.
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Roddy McDowall
Femme top with a mischievous streak. He'd enjoy teasing you, but not like Brando where it's about submission, with Roddy McDowall (also, what a porny name: okay Mr. Long Cylindrical Piece of Wood, shove your rod in me why don'tchya) it's more intellectual. Less about controlling you and more about being uncontrollable himself. He's witty, silly, often unpredictable, and texts you exceptionally fruity/wild memes the next day.
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Tony Perkins
He'd be lustful and deeply kinky; I think once he's in the zone he gets dominant and merciless in a really hot way. Tony says "put it on", "lick it", etc. and if you even hesitate, he doesn't force you directly, he 'punishes' you til you're so horny you can't even think to not obeying him. I think Tony gets off on knowing how deep he can push, very little is off limits. He enjoys degrading you, treating you rough, dirty, causing you physical pain (all within reason), anything to get to a place of raw uninhibited almost mindless sex.
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Hoho boy these were fun to write..
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femboi-rayne · 1 year
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Let's do this.
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First up: Tamarin.
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1. Tamarin would rather forget a lot of things. His childhood was a garbage time for him altogether, with the only good thing being his cousin who would periodically show up and be an infinitely better guardian than his actual parents. He hates being reminded about his parents and buries most of his emotions about them, leading him to lash out at anything even slightly related, so he would rather just forget about them entirely.
2. He is actually a way more capable villain than he appears, he's just too stupid to make good use of the skills he has.
3. I had to Google what "fatal flaw" specifically refers to and, if I'm understanding the term correctly, I don't think he really has one.
4. In most situations, Tamarin is a fighter when scared, he's a rulebreaker through and through, but there may be specific times where he will fawn instead. He originally followed every rule he was given, after all, being too scared to stand up for himself. Though maybe he's grown so much since then that he would never go back. That seems more likely.
5. This question is a bit complicated, since his wants are usually pretty vague and can waver and be manipulated easily. He will try to follow a plan until the end, but he often gets distracted through various means and his goals shift so much that it's hard to say how far he will go.
6. Tamarin, being very susceptible to reverse psychology and bribery, is very easy to convince to do basically anything, - especially since he's specifically trying to be evil - however, he does actually have a line that he refuses to cross. He will not assist in anything endangering his own pokémon/friends or anything that causes too much collateral damage, but he will not ask questions, so it's not too difficult to just hide that kind of stuff from him.
7. He hasn't changed much at all since I created him, the only thing is his steenee got replaced with a togekiss and morpeko got replaced with larvitar. Despite having been made 4 years ago, he's exactly the same as he was before, I just write him better.
8. Genuinely can't figure out what this question means, so I will be skipping it from here on out.
9. I have an entire playlist made for him, but the songs I associate with him most heavily are 'Karma' by OR3O and 'The Villain I Appear to Be' by Connor Spiotto.
10. An AU I often think about with Tamarin is an AU where he goes through with the pokémon ranger school that his parents forced him into, instead of running away and becoming a villain. I have affectionately nicknamed this Tamarin "Pizza Ranger" to differentiate them.
11. He is his own weapon.
12. The way he bottles up all his emotions and pushes a lot of people away is self-destructive.
13. If we met he probably would not like me, but I don't think he would hate me.
14. He really wants to be taken seriously and treated like a real threat. People often mistake him to be younger than he actually is and talk down to him, which bothers him a lot.
15. Nope.
16. His pain tolerance is pretty high, as both a person living in the pokémon world and being a fusion of a slurpuff.
17. The worst thing I've done to him is his entire backstory. I gave him a total of one lifeline and then took it away.
18. He is extremely talkative most of the time, he's that villain rambling about his ice cream flavor preferences as he's fighting, but he isn't trying to make friends at all and usually doesn't consider people friends even when they're helping him out constantly.
19. He's very confrontational when angry and may bully the people who made him angry. He is guaranteed to bully any pokémon ranger he sees.
20. He doesn't typically get jealous, but I can for sure see it happening if people are prioritizing another enemy over him. He may try various tactics to attract attention, like verbally bullying the people ignoring him or doing even more crimes within close proximity.
21. I didn't give him any specific disorders or anything intentionally, but he probably has some. Especially since I'm autistic and don't always know when something is an autism thing.
22. Chaotic Evil, maybe Chaotic Neutral(?).
23. Despite his resentment, he still has some homesickness--not for his house, but for Pueltown and kind of Almia in general, which is hard for him to process with the mixed feelings he has about Almia.
24. His alternative life path would be Pizza Ranger. He would be way more miserable and have quite a different team, as well as never having been fused with slurpuff DNA.
Emrys and Edris.
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(drawn by and design assistance by Whimsy)
1. I can't think of one for Edris, but the memory for Em immediately came to mind. Their shared fear of the ocean used to be just an Ed thing. Emrys attempted to help him conquer his fear, but he ended up getting electrocuted by a stunfisk hidden in the sand, which scared Em away from water too.
2. I don't know what information about them would be considered surprising at this point, they have been deeply and thoroughly engraved in my brain for nearly a year and I'm just so used to them.
3. Their fatal flaw is definitely how paranoid and mistrustful they are of everyone other than each other. They try to handle everything with just the two of them because they believe that anyone else will have ulterior motives.
4. They both flee first when afraid, looking out for their own safety first, except when it comes to each other. They will absolutely fight if the other is in danger.
5. Em and Ed are willing to go through just about anything for each other. They have a very strong relationship since they're pretty much all they have.
6. It would be very challenging to convince either of them to do something against their morals.
7. I haven't had the M&Ms for that long, so they have no changes yet.
9. These two were created after I saw "she asked for no pickles." and thought of weavile and sneasler in that meme.
10. I haven't thought much about any AUs for them yet.
11. Edris' weapon of choice is a baseball bat, which he does actually have. If Emrys had absolutely no limits, she would want to attack people with a giant cartoon hammer (completely harmless), but that isn't very realistic, so she is uninterested in having a weapon. Though if she drew a persona for herself, she would have a halberd.
12. I don't think either of them are very self-destructive.
13. We would most likely get along, assuming Em and Ed wouldn't dip out and go do their own thing immediately.
14. By this point, he's way too mistrustful of others for it to happen, but deep down Edris really wants people to think he's cool and popular. Although, he would prefer if that popularity happened to be caused by people mistaking him for a ghost or other paranormal entity. Emrys is thoroughly uninterested in most strangers' opinions of her, with the exceptions of Ingo and Emmett, who she hopes think of her as memorable at the very least whenever they meet.
15. No for either of them.
16. Both of their pain tolerances are actually pretty average for pokémon trainers, except for Ed's right hand, which is more sensitive to pain due to minor electrical burns.
18. They are more cold and detached to people, while plenty friendly to pokémon, as long as they aren't mind readers or stunfisk. Edris also doesn't like most bug types, Emrys doesn't care though, she likes many bugs.
19. Edris often becomes unresponsive when very mad, having speech loss. He'll still be aggressive, he just won't talk. Emrys is never a confrontational person, but may act passive aggressive depending on severity.
20. They don't get jealous particularly easily.
21. They're both on the autism spectrum. Some of the symptoms they share in common, some of them are completely different. While they are both aware of having autism, they don't really know what it means and they don't care to check. They almost exclusively speak to each other, so they don't think of themselves as weird in any way because they never hear anyone thinking any differently. This also results in them assuming other kids also think everyone is out to get them though, which can confuse them if they discover someone who doesn't think that.
22. True Neutral. They're both looking out for themselves, paying no mind to any rules that they may or may not be breaking.
23. They don't struggle much with their own emotions, they're very expressive.
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1. If given the choice, she would rather forget everything. She has a lot of regrets in life and all of her broken relationships being her own fault makes even the supposedly "good" memories miserable. In reality if she forgot everything, she would only make the same mistakes again.
2. I don't think most people could tell she has a deep interest in music, although she's often too busy to pursue this.
3. Her fatal flaw is definitely her lack of self control. It has led her to nearly every bad decision in her life.
4. She will either flee or fawn, based on her assessment of the danger and which will put her in a better position.
5. She is willing to do a lot for money or even just to put herself at an advantage. She has not reached a limit thus far.
6. Basically the same as 5. As long as there's shinies on the table, her morals don't exist.
7. She's one of my earliest ocs, so she's had a lot of changes. Nearly every detail of her character now wasn't a thing originally, apart from her basic personality. One/a couple changes are that she didn't used to be a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon oc. She was originally part of a duo with a regular colored purrloin where they were largely just mischief makers.
9. 'Epoch' The Living Tombstone I associate with her pretty heavily.
10. My personal favorite of her AU iterations is one where I made her a delta purrloin. She was way more relaxed as a ghost, even a bit lazy. I love her as is, but it's fun to play as a version of her that stays exclusively on the protagonists' side.
11. Other people. She usually convinces others to fight her battles for her or protect her since she's actually really weak. She's just fast and evasive, which is why she relies so much on manipulation.
12. She is extremely self destructive. She constantly pushes everyone away if they try to get close or make a genuine connection with her.
13. Likely not, she was already kinda hard to befriend, now she intentionally pushes away anyone she gets close to.
14. She wants everyone to see her as the 100% evil person she thinks she deserves to be called. She wants those she knows personally to view her as uncomplex and evil through and through and give up on her, so they can move on with their lives and she can stop feeling bad when they try to reason with her. She is thoroughly broken, your honor.
15. No.
16. She has a somewhat low pain tolerance, but she's not necessarily fragile.
18. She's not typically friendly to anyone she isn't already close to unless she's trying to be manipulative.
19. She's highly aggressive and a little feral when enraged.
20. She can be made jealous fairly easily, which can manifest from being mildly annoyed, near unnoticeable, to outright trolling them for it.
21. I'm not sure what you would call it, it's something I made up for her specifically, but I would say her sparkly tunnel vision thing she has should probably be classified as a mental illness or disorder or something. It's absolutely not her doing, shiny objects just trigger something in her brain that makes her need them desperately. I mostly came up with this due to the pokédex entries of meowth and purrloin saying things like "It loves round and shiny things. It can't stop from picking them up." and I thought it would be a neat character choice to take that 100% literally.
22. Neutral Good - True Neutral. It is a little complicated since she frequently ignores her morals entirely, but again it's not totally her fault.
23. Even if she feels it very strongly, she has a hard time expressing remorse.
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2. I think most people can tell what he's about by his looks.
3. He sometimes gets ahead of himself and jumps to conclusions due to his emotionally driven behavior, which could be considered a fatal flaw.
4. When afraid, his go-to is to fight, but he flees when startled, usually stumbling backwards.
5. He is personally very determined to see his business through to the end, despite how dangerous it may be. He won't force others to join him, he'll even refuse to let them if he considers it too dangerous, but that won't stop him.
6. As long as he believes whatever option is breaking his morals is a lesser evil, he will probably take it. Besides that, it would be very challenging.
7. He wasn't originally so clumsy, that's a much more recent thing.
9. Not that I can think of.
11. His weapon of choice is naturally his scalchop. If he somehow managed to lose it and needed a replacement, he would try to find a similar sharp, dagger-like object.
12. His only self-destructive tendency would be the times when he pushes himself too hard because he doesn't think he's doing good enough.
13. I think we would get along. We're both high energy and love exploration very much, plus we have some similarities in music taste.
14. He wants his parents to be proud of how far he's gotten and at least one person to be inspired by their efforts.
15. No.
16. His pain tolerance is just a little higher than average.
18. He's more on the friendly side, though this doesn't mean he's looking for new friends. He doesn't want to be alone all the time, but he likes being on his own for the most part.
20. He does get jealous of other exploration teams' accomplishments, though it only manifests in increased motivation and maybe a little rivalry.
21. He might be ADHD coded unintentionally, but I'm in no way against that interpretation.
22. Neutral Good.
23. It's a little challenging for him to express any amount of fear he has, since he's supposed to be brave.
24. If Jax had never agreed to let Ian join his team, he wouldn't have gone anywhere with his exploration team dreams for a long time. He might find another partner eventually, but his skills are in his attitude, puzzle solving, and fighting. His lack of knowledge and planning greatly impedes his ability to succeed by himself in this field.
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2. I don't think people would immediately guess that he has a rock collection.
3. I don't believe he has a fatal flaw.
4. Ian tends to freeze in extra stressful situations.
5. He puts in a lot of genuine effort towards his goals and is willing to face his fears; at least that's what he'll say beforehand, though in the moment it's way harder to go through with it.
6. Threatening him in any way when he has no one to defend him is the easiest way to convince him to go against his morals.
7. I haven't changed his character much since his inception.
9. I don't have a quote for Ian.
11. He doesn't typically use weapons other than the occasional iron spike or similar throwable spike item if the situation calls for it.
12. He is somewhat self destructive, he usually attempts to act like someone else to make the people he cares about like him more, but that doesn't happen as much with Jax.
13. If we met, our dynamic would be similar to Ian and Jax's relationship, where we're chill with each other and kind of friendly, but he would annoy me when he's being needlessly mean.
14. There are a lot of wishes he has for how people view him. He wants to be more likable to other people, mainly Jax, but he understands that's going to take his own effort first. He wants people to think of his interest in plants as something cool and helpful, like he thinks it is, and to be seen as brave and strong. He wants to be an inspiration to someone like Jax was to him.
15. No.
16. His pain tolerance is pretty average.
18. On the scale, he's more cold and detached towards others, yet he wants to be friendlier, inverse of Jax.
19. Rage is not really his thing. His anger isn't very strong even when he does get mad, he's mainly just defensive.
20. He's not easy to make jealous. The only thing that gets to him is other people's relationships, then he puts them down to feel superior, which makes people not like him and then it's harder for him to make friends. He basically dug his own pit /metaphorical.
21. He definitely has RSD (rejection sensitivity disorder) at the very least, possibly also some form of anxiety.
22. Neutral Good/True Neutral. I'm struggling to determine which fits better.
23. Ian has trouble expressing any form of love to someone, be it platonic or romantic, due to his fears of rejection.
24. If Ian hadn't asked to join Jax, his mental health would definitely suffer for it. He would still have no friends because of his insults and he would be left with the feeling of being called out as terrible by his crush. He would be pretty equally motivated to be nicer, but it would be on a more sour note. It would be harder for him to face his fears, since Jax is usually the one to motivate him with his high spirits and asking to join was a major step for him to being brave. He might've eventually left home on his own, which wouldn't go too well for him either.
Thanks, Ancient, I hate you. /not serious /affectionate
(Seriously though this was really fun to have stuff to ramble about with my characters.)
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