#when suddenly the coolest people from your high school are like the ONLY people who show up to your silly little ritual
metaphysicae · 9 months
so we started a new campaign! it’s a custom system my partner built and to say i have been obsessed is an understatement.
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tomorrowxtogether · 2 years
SOOBIN: “I think there’s a certain kind of love that can only exist between a singer and their fans”
TOMORROW X TOGETHER The Name Chapter: TEMPTATION comeback interview
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SOOBIN was discreet in his words expressing his gratitude to his loved ones while looking back on the times he spent with them. The word he chose after careful deliberation - love - was brimming with sincerity. Passing on his confidence and self-assurance to the people who make him a better person: that is his “warm” and cozy love language.
You paid a visit to your childhood dentist, despite your full schedule. You also went back to your old school and said hello to your teacher back in the fall.
SOOBIN: The people I’m visiting are all the ones I promised to visit again when I was a trainee. My high school was strict so it was hard to leave early, but my home room teacher was really considerate and helped me out a lotwith homework and cleaning. He also told the other teachers, “Go easy on SOOBIN,” a lot. I was so thankful that I told him, “If I debut and things turn out well, I’ll come back and make you proud. So you can brag to the kids in your class, too.” (laughs) So I go visit every year, but this year he said he’s retiring. I really wanted to go back there as a superstar but it hasn’t quite happened yet (laughs) but he said this would be the last chance so I went and said hi to his students, too. I was busy when I was a trainee, so my dentist would show up to work an hour before opening to give me treatment early. I wanted to repay the people who have worked hard for my benefit.
I think you must have had time last year to think about all the people in your life. You also wound up seeing your fans during your world tour.
SOOBIN: I kept saying to MOA thank you for waiting for so long. The reason I did that was because if the concert started at 7 PM, we’d have to leave at 9 AM for the venue to rehearse there and they were already waiting for us that early. On top of the tour, they showed up eight or nine hours before our performance at Lollapalooza to fill the front rows so they could cheer us on and lift our spirits. When I saw MOA were there early taking up four, five rows in front of the stage, I really thought, That’s something even greater than love. I’ve always been grateful, but I think I felt it even more during the tour and at Lollapalooza and Summer Sonic.
You must have seen MOA’s love for you at all those concerts clearly in front of your eyes.
SOOBIN: Yes. Going down into the audience during the tour and singing “Thursday’s Child Has Far To Go” is the happiest I’ve ever been singing in a concert. Seeing all those ecstatic fans’ faces right in front of me makes me feel like I’m a good and amazing person. (laughs) I was happy not because I was singing and dancing but because I could see how happy it made MOA to watch me singing and dancing.
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You must’ve been happy you could see them face to face at the year-end concerts, too. You used to always be nervous about those shows, but you said you were excited this time.
SOOBIN: I felt like I would have no regrets and feel relieved even if I made a mistake this time because we worked really hard for the year-end performances. I thought to myself that this was the best of best I could do. When I watch older year-end performances, I see a lot of places I could have improved, but seeing the video from practicing for this year, I think I was more confident because I thought it was the coolest thing we ever put on.
That confidence came through in the way you dealt with unexpected situations as they arose. Even when you couldn’t get the blindfold tied on during your MAMA performance, you found a great new solution.
SOOBIN: The blindfold is one of the highlights of the choreography and I never had a problem tying it during rehearsals. I practiced over and over, but when it came to the real thing, suddenly it wouldn’t work. I was so worried that our highlight would flop all because of me, so I bit it and kept on dancing without me realizing it and it wasn’t like I made a split second decision thinking “I should bite this.” I was just desperate and thought I’d better do something. I felt bad and sorry because I made a mistake on stage but the immediate response was good and everyone was applauding when I got back to the green room, so I was relieved that it turned out okay.
It sounds like this year’s MAMA was an unforgettable experience for you for a number of reasons. You also got to see KARA perform, and they were your inspiration to become a singer when you were younger.
SOOBIN: I never thought I’d get to see them perform again so I almost teared up. I was so happy seeing how much they enjoyed being back up on stage. They were part of the reason that I liked K-pop and had a dream of becoming a singer when I was a kid. And I learned a lot about their mindset while watching all their appearances on variety shows. I thought they’re a strong and solid group and they influenced me in a lot of ways but I think I like them even more now that I do the same thing as them.
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You never explicitly revealed who you’re a fan of before. What made you open up this time about being a fan and what it feels like?
SOOBIN: I thought the members of KARA might feel uncomfortable when I brought them up. I have such great memories of them but I thought it might be a little rude and could be off-putting to their members if their name was put out there because of me so I avoided saying anything. But I wanted to help them now that they made a comeback, even if it was just a little help by talking about them once to promote them. (laughs) It was kind of tough not talking about them all the way up to now. (laughs)
Does having been a fan in the past help you better understand how your fans feel?
SOOBIN: I think it helps a lot. I think there’s a certain kind of love that can only exist between a singer and their fans—one that doesn’t happen between friends or people dating. They exist for each other and want each other to be happy and hope for better things for the other than for themselves. It seems like it really only exists between fans and singers. Actually, as a singer, whenever fans came to a fan signing event with a fan letter in hand and said, “I’m going to hold a birthday cafe event for you,” I would say, “I think your hand will be tired from writing letters every time you come. I’m thankful you make time for me but I hope you don’t spend your money.” But now I think I should be grateful and accepting of everything they do, whether it’s writing fan letters or holding events, and I think I understand them better now, too. I’m the kind of person who puts the happiness of my fans ahead of my own unconditionally, but the fans also put my happiness first and feeling that again, I realized it’s an extremely special relationship.
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You said in the Weverse Live held on your birthday that you’re having fun getting ready for your comeback.
SOOBIN: I felt that way because I have so much pride in my work now. I never really used to like myself, to be honest. I just felt sorely lacking as a person and last year in particular I questioned whether I’m even good enough to be a singer and started to have doubts about my job. But meeting the fans made me think of myself as a singer who can be a good influence and make them feel good, and that made me feel proud, and wonderful, and complete. (laughs) It changed to that kind of feeling. So I just want to do the comeback as soon as possible so I can show this off to the fans.
Why did you wonder if you’re really suited to be a singer last year?
SOOBIN: By the time we went on tour, it had been so long since I had been around so many people all in one big space. I don’t know if “shy” is the right term to use. I’m a singer, so I get up and sing and dance in front of lots of people, but I started to think, if I have a hard time doing that, how can I keep on being a singer? Maybe I’m not cut out to be a singer after all. But last year was actually my first tour, and it was the first time being around people in such a large space in such a long time that I think that something about it felt awkward to me. I’m confident I’ll have a lot of fun on our next tour. I think from now on I won’t be full of doubt about my job as a singer ever—I’ll just be full of pride. (laughs) I’ll be a better person this year than last year, and an even better person next year.
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You tried a lot of new things last year. You could say you’re taking on another challenge with the concept behind this latest album. What was it like working on it?
SOOBIN: The new songs are a little tough again. (laughs) We revealed that the concept for the album would be “refreshing and sexy,” and after we did, fans seemed to be more excited for the refreshing part. So us members talked a lot amongst ourselves about what parts or sections would capture that refreshing quality best when we perform. While practicing, we would come to parts that seemed like they would capture that well, and we would say, “Let’s do this with more of a bright smile on our faces.”
The Daydream version of the concept photos really captures those bright smiles well. You called those your favorite.
SOOBIN: When we were shooting the Daydream version, they told me I’m having fun in Neverland and to wear a dreamy expression on my face. I thought of Neverland as this happy, joyous, innocent place full of smiles, so I wanted to look like a really happy little kid in the photos and actively tried to spend every second wearing a big smile.
You also chose the Neverland-themed “Farewell, Neverland” as your favorite song.
SOOBIN: I really love that song so I wanted to sing it particularly well. And since I like it so much, I did the most takes and editing for that one. It’s a difficult song, so practicing it was a little hard, but after it was all done and I listened to it, it actually turned out really well. (laughs) And with songs like “Devil by the Window” and “Sugar Rush Ride,” there’s ideas like temptation and the devil, so I used my voice a lot in ways I never did before in my life to sing the songs in a whole new style. It was a little challenging at times (laughs) but I put a lot of effort in and I think I captured the idea of temptation well.
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There’s definitely a nuance of temptation. I think, despite those temptations, there’s sometimes things you have to hold onto. Sort of like the words in the logo video: “It’s so sweet, but I should find my name.” As a member of TOMORROW X TOGETHER, is there something you want to hold onto?
SOOBIN: I’ve said this again and again since debuting, but I want to hold onto the TOMORROW X TOGETHER name. I hope the name stays pure even after a long time passes. Even when our 15th or 20th anniversary rolls around, I want to make sure the name keeps its pure image, so when people mention our name, they’ll think, Those guys worked really hard. They were an amazing group.
Considering your members, I don’t think you’ll have any problem holding onto the meaning of the name. What do you, in your everyday life, want to hold onto—want to make sure you don’t lose no matter how much time passes?
SOOBIN: I want to be surrounded by good people the way I am now for a long, long time. I have a really good judge of character (laughs) and the other members, my friends, all the staff—absolutely all of them are great people. I feel like I’m living a blessed life with all these good people surrounding me.
You probably have so many good people around you because you’re a good person yourself.
SOOBIN: Yep! (laughs) That’s part of it. There’s definitely some kind of influence there. (laughs)
It makes me think of when you said on Weverse, “I hope you take a look at the real-life Choi Soobin. Honestly, when I look at myself, even I think I’m an okay person.” (laughs)
SOOBIN: I actually think SOOBIN the K-pop singer has a number of shortcomings but that the real-life SOOBIN is a great person. It’s sort of weird coming from me (laughs) but the more you get to know him, the more you realize he’s an okay guy. And I heard a lot of good things from the people around me last year. Someone told me, “I feel really comfortable around you. I really open up around you.” My friends said, “I’m really lucky to have you as a friend.” When I heard that, it made me think I might really be a pretty decent person.
You gain self-confidence from the important people in your life that way.
SOOBIN: Exactly. If you look at it that way, I’m discovering my own identity step by step, and the more I get to know myself in the process, the more I feel like I’m a really emotionally strong person—not just a strong person, but a strong person with a good mind. And MOA’s always helping make me into that kind of person. It might sound like a cliché at this point because I say it to them so often, and I don’t want to diminish its power by overusing it (laughs) but “thank you” really is the very best thing I can say, I think. I don’t just say it lightly—I’m being completely sincere. I’m really grateful.
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marislittleworld · 1 year
High School Crush ~ (Part 1)
Hot Wheels Acceleracers Vert Wheeler x fem! reader
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POV: The reader knows Vert ever since high school, but she is very shy and Vert saw her a few times during their high school days, the reader was so in love and still is. Years later the reader is becoming a very good art designer and it's called to help the TEKU team with their new team logo, but she didn't know that Vert Wheeler was part of this team.
(Y/F/N) - Your Fake Name
(Y/N) - your name
(E/C) - Eye color
“Dear Diary, today I went to the art club to send my banner ideas when I suddenly saw Vert with his friend group-” You were reading your diary and laughing at your teen version from the past, you were so in love with that blonde surf boy. He was one of the coolest guys at the academy, but he had an arrogant personality.
Besides, it seems you haven't changed at all, you are still shy and still blush every time you remember that Californian boy. You have noticed that there are still some white pages left in your diary, maybe it is because you didn't have more time to write in a diary during your senior year.
You are doing an art college because you found out you have the biggest talent in illustrations, you have created your own art account on your social media, but you kept your identity anonymous. Your arts are being liked by people whom you have never met, in one of the notifications, 2 accounts liked your designs and followed you. The first is TEKU Official Account, and the second is Shirako Takamoto.
You went to see the accounts and you got really surprised, these accounts are famous, and both of them are music creators, you saw that this Shirako Takamoto guy is the DJ of the TEKU team. And the best thing is you receive his messages on your DM's:
Shirako- Yo! What's up. The name is Shirako Takamoto, I'm a DJ of a street racing team called The TEKU.
(Y/F/N)- Hello Shirako Takamoto, very pleased to meet you. I heard some music when I have seen your account, you make amazing kinds of music!
Shirako- why thank you so much. And your arts are amazing too! Speaking of which, the leader of my team is looking for a new design for our logo, and I've tried to look for some good designs and now I think I chose the perfect designer for that. Please, can you help us with our new logos? We promise that we'll pay you.
You just thought for a minute, a guy who followed you and then suddenly asked if you could help his street racing team with a new logo design. It might sound suspicious but you got not very good clients, some were scammers, some stole your work, and some only wanted inappropriate things. But some part of your mind said that this dude is trustworthy, so you said "yes, I can help you :)"
Shirako- Good! Can we meet in real life? Because we can work together and think about the logo designs.
(Y/F/N)- OK, but how can I know that you are not a serial killer? LOL
Shirako- LMAO don't worry, since we live in the same city, how about we meet on California Street?
(Y/F/N)- hmm... deal Both of you said your goodbyes and you turned off your phone, you are so excited and yet worried at the same time, you went to write in your diary.
"Dear diary, its been a time, yeah? But I'm going to finish you soon, anyway, I got commissioned again, but this client is different, this is the first client who asked me to meet him in real life. And the best part it's that he is from a very famous street racing team called TEKU, I've done some research of course, and it seems a very popular team and very trustworthy. I'm going to get dressed and meet this Shirako Takamoto guy at the California Street, hope I don't die today XD. Wish me luck."
You put your comfy and yet good-looking clothing, nothing too tight, a shy style I would say, but that doesn't matter, you picked up your phone, your sketchbook, and pencils. You prepared your backpack and left home. You went to California Street and started to wait for Shirako.
After some minutes of waiting, you finally see a white car, with yellow and blue details, with a TEKU logo on the car hood, and it was playing loud music. Really loud.
The car stopped in front of you, and its driver rolled down the window, revealing that it was Shirako Takamoto. Making you recognize him, Shirako called your name as you entered his car (yay Bassline).
He drove you both into a place where it is customized with the TEKU colors pallet, Shirako then opened the garage and parked there, but you saw other cool-designed cars inside. After this, he showed you the place outside the garage.
You heard voices and you noticed that it is coming from a living room, you and Shirako entered there, and you saw a woman with a blue outfit, a man using orange glasses laying down on the sofa, and a boy with long black hair with a yellow jacket and a T golden necklace. Those 3 were relaxing until Shirako cleared the throat.
"Guys, I want you to meet (Y/F/N) she will help us with our new logo design” exclaimed Shirako
The long-haired man looked at you with surprise and then shakes your hand happily, you could see a relieved smile on his face.
“Nice to meet you, (Y/F/N), I'm Nolo Pasaro, the leader of the TEKU team. Shirako showed to us all of your work" said Nolo smiling at you
You blushed a little, because Shirako showed to them your arts, you started to feel really shy right now.
"One of our members is late, but I guess we should get started then?” asked the woman wearing the blue outfit
“This is Karma Eiss, she is a little bit... Direct” said Nolo trying to make a good presentation between you and Karma
“Direct? Me? I’m not...” said Karma refusing to believe what she just heard from her leader
“That one on the couch is Kurt Wylde, he is one of the most trustful people that I ever met,” said Nolo saying good things about Kurt, but you kinda know him because he was a famous driver at Grand Prix but he was accused about cheating on a race. You just smiled at him and waved, and he just looked at you and said only “hi...”
“One of our members is late, we should wait for him and then we’ll start to work”
Nolo let you sit on the couch next to Kurt while you wait for the last member, you took the time to look around, and you saw so many photos, medals, and trophies. It's been an awkward silence until you hear someone opening the door.
“I’m here! SORRY, I’M LATE!!”
You went to see the person and you couldn't believe who is the person in front of you. It was Vert Wheeler, your crush ever since high school, he looked at you and smiled.
"hey I know you. Do we met before?" asked Vert trying to remember if he ever had met you
"huh? Oh yes yes! We have met before, highschool. We didn't had a talk actually" you responded him, and surprising yourself that you talked to him without stutter.
And he still look stunning after high school, the only difference is the goatee, you both looked at each other until Vert remembered
"OH YEAH! You were my neighbor, the girl who always loved to draw."
"O-Oh how did you know that I love to draw?"
"My dad met your parents, he told me that you are very smart, a very good artist and the most sweetest person" Vert smiled with his beautiful blue eyes, and your face started to get hot, really hot. Your cheeks started to blush, your heartbeat started to get faster. He knew about you, it's good to know that you weren't a ghost in his life.
“H-huh?! That's- I mean I n-never” Damn it, you are stuttering in front of him and his friends, you hide your face in your hands trying to pretend that you didn't blushed, but the TEKU team had noticed.
"I see that you two kinda know each other a long time" Nolo giggled a little bit and then he dragged you and the rest of the team to the garage again.
When you got there, Shirako was holding a lot of rolled papers and he put these on the desk nearby. He opened the papers and he showed a lot of drawings and designs for their logos.
“Here are some ideas that I got before commissioning you, I was thinking if we could the TEKU logo with a blue dragon or- OH how about the letters have a sound wave design,” Shirako said so excitedly because he wants to share this idea to another professional and you found it cute.
“I must say, these aren't bad ideas, but I think I got an idea. Instead of a dragon, how about some blue and orange flames? To make it simple and terrific” you said confidently, there is a short awkward silence and then was interrupted by Vert.
“Hmm, that isn't a bad idea, like we shouldn’t make our logo very specific and difficult to understand. And seriously, Shirako, I still don't understand the reason for a dragon being in our logo” said Vert chuckling
“Shush Vert. This is a chat between professionals” pouted Shirako, making everyone laugh
You and Shirako have been debating and making ideas for the logo for hours because Nolo says it needs to look cool. Meanwhile, Vert watches you two working (but he is hidden), and Nolo gives him a coffee.
“So you know her?” asked Nolo smiling at his friend
“Not as much as I remember, we just exchanged looks and hi’s and goodbyes. She was very shy, I always thought that pretty cute” answered Vert while blushing a little
After the World Race, Vert Wheeler, that teenager who commanded the Wave Rippers changed his personality a lot. He learned about thinking of others when he discovered Kadeem, his friend from the World Race, was racing for his people and it gave a reality shock to Vert.
So he started to be respectful to other people, acting so differently from his school days. Vert couldn't take his eyes off of her, she looks even more beautiful after years. You have changed a little bit about your looks, like your hairstyle and the colors of your type of clothing.
Not only Nolo has noticed that, but Karma and Kurt notices too. They shared a smirk between themselves and they decided to give Shirako and (Y/N) a break.
"Nolo is calling me, wanna come, (Y/F/N)?" asked Shirako
"no thank you, and you guys can call me (Y/N). It's my real name" you responded Shirako. He nods as you permit him and the rest of the TEKU to call you by your real name.
Shirako went to talk with Nolo outside of the room, and you sat down on the wooden chair next to the table you were working on your project. As you were folding the papers, someone entered the room, you hold the papers and look who entered the room... Vert.
"hey (Y/N). Can I talk to you?" asked Vert in a friendly and calm tone in his voice
You blushed when you saw him and let some papers fall from your hands and you started to stutter. "O-Oh yeah s-sure. We didn't t-talked when you arrived" you said while holding the stuttering feeling
"how's your life going? Your family moved to another place when we finished high school and... we rarely talked" asked Vert while helping you to collect the papers, when you both are about the pick the same and the last paper. You both touched hands accidentally, you felt his fingertips on the top of your hand, you looked at each other in the eyes, his damn blue piercing eyes looking straight at your (E/C) eyes.
You two stayed in a crouched pose looking at each other's eyes for some seconds until you wake up to reality and blushes harder, and surprisingly... Vert was blushing too, but it was a slight blush.
(Author’s note: hey guys, Liane here, and hope you liked this Acceleracers x reader. This is part 1 of the longest works that I did and wrote for MONTHS. I’m in my Senior Year and I decided to write a self-insert with Vert because he IS one of my childhood crushes and he inspires me a lot. Also, Vert’s voice actor named Andrew Francis dubbed a character from an old Barbie movie who is EXACTLY like Vert. And that's it y’all! Hope you have a wonderful day and drink water, byee! OH, I ALMOST FORGOT, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAYCEE SQUARED!! ❤️)
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notesonartistry · 2 years
Taylor Swift's road to fame
Behind the scenes of the teen sensation's career, from guitar lessons to sold-out shows
By Chris Willman
Updated February 05, 2008 at 05:00 AM EST
”I love turning on pop radio and hearing my song,” allows Taylor Swift, the 18-year-old country music sensation. ”But,” she adds, mindful of her base, ”I don’t look at it as crossover as much as spillover.”
Her cup definitely runneth over. In 2007, Swift’s debut album was one of the top 10 all-genre SoundScan sellers. And all those sales came in while a lot of non-country-lovers had yet to hear of her…or, if they had, were still asking, ”Taylor Swift? Who’s he?” She’s harder to escape now: Besides several smash hits at country radio, she’s moved into the upper levels of the Top 40 format with a remix of her heartbreak ballad ”Teardrops on My Guitar.” (In recent years, only Carrie Underwood, with ”Before He Cheats,” has successfully managed that leap.) MTV is even playing it. And since the album has such legs, it’s a good bet to cross the triple-platinum mark, almost unheard of in this era of plunging record sales. She’s got to be the most popular high school senior in America right now. So: teardrops, schmeardrops… Did being 18 ever suck any less?
But she wasn’t always the belle of the ball, personally or professionally; those rejection anthems she’s so adept at writing weren’t penned purely as fiction. We profiled the rising siren in this week’s issue of EW. But for this exclusive EW.com bonus feature, we also talked with some of the people who were with her on the way up, including her mother, manager, and label president, to find out some of the strategizing that went into achieving one of the last year’s few true musical success stories.
NEXT PAGE: From karaoke to Nashville
The chipmunk years. ”When I was 10, or younger than that, even, I would watch these biographies on Faith Hill or the Dixie Chicks or Shania Twain or LeAnn Rimes, and the thing I kept hearing was that they had to go to Nashville,” Swift remembers. She talked her parents into letting her fly out for a visit. ”I took my demo CDs of karaoke songs, where I sound like a chipmunk — it’s pretty awesome — and my mom waited in the car with my little brother while I knocked on doors up and down Music Row. I would say, ‘Hi, I’m Taylor. I’m 11; I want a record deal. Call me.”’ They didn’t. (But you have to wonder how many of the folks who answered those doors suddenly flashed back to that moment when they saw a grown-up Swift screaming over her Best New Artist nod at the Grammy nominations press conference.)
Rather than discouraging her, that rejection was like rocket fuel. It dawned on her that karaoke-style singing wasn’t going to cut it at any age; she needed to become a full-fledged guitar-picking singer/songwriter. ”She came back from that trip to Nashville and realized she needed to be different, and part of that would be to learn the guitar,” says her mother, Andrea Swift. Earlier, she had tried picking up an acoustic guitar and had no interest in it, but things had changed. ”Now, at 12, she saw a 12-string guitar and thought it was the coolest thing. And of course we immediately said, ‘Oh no, absolutely not, your fingers are too small — not till you’re much older will you be able to play the 12-string guitar.’ Well, that was all it took. Don’t ever say never or can’t do to Taylor. She started playing it four hours a day — six on the weekends. She would get calluses on her fingers and they would crack and bleed, and we would tape them up and she’d just keep on playing. That’s all she played, till a couple of years later, which was the first time she ever picked up a six-string guitar. And when she did, it was like, wow, this is really easy!”
She started writing, too. Two of the songs she’d recorded (”The Outside,” on her debut album, and ”Christmas Must Mean Something More,” from a Target-exclusive Christmas EP she released) were written when she was 12. When she went back to Nashville with her own songs in tow, people took notice: At 13, she signed a development deal with RCA Records, working with that label’s Joe Galante and Renee Bell, a couple of legendary figures in town. But when the deal came up for renewal after a year, she opted out, because she felt she’d have to record outside material if she got to the point of cutting her debut — and at 14, she was already married to the idea of only recording material she had a hand in writing. Not coincidentally, at 14, she became the youngest person ever signed to the major songwriting company in Nashville, Sony/ATV Publishing.
NEXT PAGE: Taking chances
Nashville acceptance, hometown alienation. Swift started to feel cut off from some of her friends, since she was writing songs while they were either playing soccer or partying. ”A lot of people ask me, how did you have the courage to walk up to record labels when you were 12 or 13 and jump right into the music industry? It’s because I knew I could never feel the kind of rejection that I felt in middle school. Because in the music industry, if they’re gonna say no to you, at least they’re gonna be polite about it.” (Being unusually tall for her age, or any age — she’s now 5’11”, without her cowboy boot heels — may have made her more of a junior high outcast.)
Now that she had publishing and recording deals in hand, she convinced her parents, when she was in the eighth grade, that it was time to move where the action is. ”I was from a small town, and nobody really expects you to leave, especially before you graduate. That doesn’t happen. I actually went back a couple months ago and played a sold-out show in my hometown, and it was amazing; ever since all this stuff started happening, the people in Pennsylvania have been the most supportive people I’ve ever known. But I wouldn’t change a thing about growing up and not exactly fitting in. If I had been popular, I probably wouldn’t have wanted to leave.”
The Swifts never pushed their daughter toward a music career, and the family uprooted itself from the Christmas-tree farm where they lived only after it was clear that her stockbroker dad could do his job just as effectively down South. ”I never wanted to make that move about her ‘making it,”’ says her mom, Andrea. ”Because what a horrible thing if it hadn’t happened, for her to carry that kind of guilt or pressure around. And we moved far enough outside Nashville [to nearby Hendersonville] to where she didn’t have to be going to school with producers’ kids and label presidents’ kids and be reminded constantly that she was struggling to make it. We’ve always told her that this is not about putting food on our table or making our dreams come true. There would always be an escape hatch into normal life if she decided this wasn’t something she had to pursue. And of course that’s like saying to her, ‘If you want to stop breathing, that’s cool.”’
After getting out of her RCA deal, Swift found a believer in Scott Borchetta, who was then a big cheese at the Universal label group. ”I thought, ‘Oh, awesome, I’m gonna get to deal with Universal!’ I get this call a couple of weeks later, after I do this showcase and Scott’s on board and everything’s rocking. He goes, ‘I have good news and bad news. The good news is I want to sign you, and the bad news is I’m not gonna be with Universal Records anymore.’ Because he was leaving to start up this whole new record label.” She took a chance and went with what would become a new powerhouse indie label, Big Machine, figuring that at least she’d get more individual attention there. ”They only had 10 employees at the record label to start out with, so when they were releasing my first single, my mom and I came in to help stuff the CD singles into envelopes to send to radio. We sat out on the floor and did it because there wasn’t furniture at the label yet.”
NEXT PAGE: The viral marketing plan
The MySpace triumph. Swift’s album wasn’t Big Machine’s first release, or even its first relative success. Another early signing, Texas rocker Jack Ingram, had a song go to No. 1 on the country chart — but he still didn’t sell boatloads of albums. That would be up to Swift, and her success would help little Big Machine go on to become Garth Brooks’ new label, not to mention giving Borchetta the heft to sign Jewel (one of Swift’s childhood influences) to a country deal.
”The story that everyone is gonna tell with Taylor is her use of technology and viral marketing techniques — MySpace and texting — that are non-traditional for the country format,” says RJ Curtis, country editor for the weekly trade magazine Radio & Records. ”This kind of flies in the face of how to market a new artist from Nashville. It’s partly her being in that life group and using the things teens use to communicate and spread music around, but her label had a lot of savvy in that area too.”
But Swift’s manager, Rick Barker, gives the singer and her family most of the credit for working the Web. ”The parents already had her MySpace and her website up and running,” he says. ”The mom and dad both have great marketing minds. I don’t want to say fake it until you make it, but when you looked at her stuff, it was very professional even before she got her deal. And we put her music up there on MySpace before it was out, to help decide what was gonna be on the record. ‘Our Song’ made it to the record because of MySpace.” That song has been her biggest radio hit to date — written about her first real romance, premiered at her ninth-grade talent show, and nearly lost to the cutting room floor. ”If you notice the running order on the record, ‘Our Song’ is No. 11,” the manager points out. ”It was the last song added to the album, and a lot of that had to do with buzz that was being created on MySpace.”
Once the album was actually finished and ready for promotion, MySpace came in even handier. ”People laughed at me,” says Big Machine founder-president Borchetta. ”They said, ‘You’re starting a new record label and you signed a 15-year-old female country singer — good for you! You have a teenager — there’s a lot of those on country radio. You have a new female artist — there’s a lot of those on country radio.’ They were looking at me like I had two strikes. But I knew we didn’t want to count on country radio out of the box. So we went heavy on TV, putting the video out before the single, and doing a special with [cable channel] GAC, and we went heavy on her MySpace and online stuff. By the time we got to country radio, we said: We have you surrounded and you don’t even know it.”
It still wasn’t an easy sell. ”Her records are not records that researched fantastically,” says R&R‘s Curtis — and he ought to know, because when Swift’s single ”Tim McGraw” was first coming out in late 2006, he was then the program director of L.A.’s KZLA, and one of the guys balking at putting her on the air. ”But the radio guys hung in there because anybody who’s programming a station wants to get some younger listeners. Country does a good job of naturally getting 35-plus listeners, so getting someone who fits the image of the 18-to-34-year-old, that’s an asset. There’s a need for [youthfulness] in the format. When Gretchen Wilson and Big & Rich and the whole Muzik Mafia thing came along a few years ago, I said that, for the first time since the Garth phenomenon in the early ’90s, there seems to be a real movement happening here. It didn’t last long, because it was more of a fad than a trend; Gretchen really only had that one huge hit, and while Big & Rich have continued to have big songs, it’s been with their more traditional-sounding ballads. But there is definitely a need for a younger artist, younger feel.” Curtis thinks Swift’s adolescent-themed songs have a dual appeal to older and more youthful listeners: ”A lot of the theme of the album is first love, and those are things everybody can get sentimental about, no matter the demo. With things like ‘Our Song,’ a lot of people can relate because it takes them back to their innocent years — and in her case, she just happens to be living her innocent years right now.”
Barker, her manager, offers up some specifics about how they used MySpace to make the Taylor Case to radio. ”Radio does research, and we have no idea who they’re researching, but it was saying people weren’t digging ‘Tim McGraw.’ So we had to go out and create our own research — and that’s what we did with MySpace. What she did was put up a blog on her MySpace that said, ‘Guys, I would like to thank whatever station you’re hearing my song on.’ And people started telling us” — even with stations that were only tentatively programming the song in the middle of the night. ”We were able to take those comments back to radio in individual markets and say, ‘You’re saying researching is telling you it’s not doing that great, but here are 85 people who are telling us they love your station because you played ‘Tim McGraw.’ What MySpace and online told radio stations was: She’s already familiar to your audience. And radio loves familiarity.
”MySpace allowed us to tell the story about Taylor. And it really is her space,” adds Barker. ”She wrote her bio, writes her blogs, and if someone gets commented back to, it’s from Taylor. A lot of times, you can tell it’s somebody else hired to sit there at a computer. Taylor’s space is her space — that’s our secret.”
NEXT PAGE: Embracing the fame
Taylormania. On a brisk night in late January of 2008, the nexus for all this popularity is the Rabobank Theatre, a sold-out 3,000-seater in inland California where Swift is doing a headlining show. About a third of the way back, one delusionally hopeful suitor holds up a sign with his plea: ”PROM? 343-7547.” In the front row, a college-aged dude in a cowboy hat patiently waits for a break in the shrieking before finally blurting out, with half-shy boisterousness, ”Taylor, you’re hot!” But it’s hard for a male fan to get a word in edgewise when the young women in the house spend the entire show standing and screaming, much as their little sisters would for Hannah Montana. There are enough kids and parents on hand that it’s clear she has some appeal to the Disney Channel demographic, as well as to the 17- to 25-year-olds who make up most of the audience, though she writes about adolescent romance not as an aspirant but a fellow survivor. Swift represents the countrified missing link between Miley Cyrus and Alanis Morissette.
She is introducing her soon-to-be-released fourth single, the gleefully vengeful ”Picture to Burn,” which, like many of her songs, was inspired by an old school flame she refers to as ”Bad Cheater Guy.” Swift’s so impressed by the screaming, while going into her nightly spiel about getting back at the boys who spurned her, she adds a nod to tonight’s host city. ”Please know that I try to be a really nice person, in general,” she says as her band vamps through the intro. ”But, if you break my heart, or if you hurt my feelings — or ANY OF MY FRIENDS FROM BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA — well, I will have to write a song about you!” Total eruption, as she marches across the stage in her spangly sun dress and cowboy boots, strumming on her six-string and singing: ”I hate that stupid old pickup truck you never let me drive/ You’re a redneck heartbreak who’s really bad at lying…”
Before the show, we watched her pose for photos for an hour at a meet-and-greet full of fan-club and radio-contest winners. (That’s nothing, for her; at most of the hundreds of shows she’s played so far, she stayed afterward to sign autographs till the last fan was gone, which might last anywhere from two-and-a-half to four hours. But as the crowds grow, those late-night signings are becoming increasingly more difficult to work in.) It’s clear that Swift doesn’t have the steeliness of a lot of starlets her age who were groomed for that by their parents almost from birth. Maybe because this whole massive career thing was her idea, she’s still digging it. When a little kid approaches, she gets down on her nyloned knees and cranes her neck in so that it is pressed against the tot’s. In pretty much every picture, she will look like that person’s conjoined twin. Every so often, with someone closer to her own age, she’ll say, ”Let’s do a funny one,” and urge the fan to screw up his or her face with her.
”She can’t go now to a store without having people come up to her — which she loves,” says her mom, Andrea. ”It makes her day when she’s gone somewhere and people have come up to her and said, ‘I love your music — can I take a picture?’ She’s always grabbing the camera and going, ‘Come here’ and getting the MySpace shot, holding the camera and posing together. She likes that attention. I think where she differs from some people who get to that spot and realize that they don’t really like their privacy sort of being restricted — well, for her that’s not an issue.
”But she never in her life ever said, ‘I want to be famous’ or ‘I want to be rich’ or ‘I want to be a star.’ Those words absolutely never came out of her mouth. If they had, I would have said, ‘Honey, maybe you’re doing it kind of for the wrong reasons.’ For her, the happiest I ever see her is just after she’s written a killer song. As a parent, I felt really good about that. If that’s where she draws happiness from, she’ll have that the rest of her life. She’s not always gonna have the awards, or the attention, or the celebrity, but she will always have the ability to write a song.”
”She has the combination of that 30-year-old business mentality with a real innocence,” says R&R‘s Curtis. But can country fans and programmers — who tend to be a little bit territorial — expect to keep Swift to themselves? Will the pop crossover success get to her? ”We’re talking about an 18-year-old, so it’s hard to know for sure what she’ll be doing five years from now,” Curtis says. ”But just from talking with her, I would say that her value system is a really good fit for country.” And though MTV recently did its first airing of her ”Teardrops on My Guitar” video on TRL, it did look a little bit uncharacteristically wholesome, programmed between Britney and Pitbull, so it’ll be interesting to see how things play out.
In the meantime, there’s still high school to finish up — home-schooled version, while her mom accompanies her on some dates this spring, when she’ll be opening an arena tour for Rascal Flatts. Says Swift, ”I already finished most of my course work, so I just have two electives left.” Which are? ”Public speaking and vocal performance. I guess I’m kind of coasting.”
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youshouldnthomeschool · 7 months
Letting Go
Some parents consider homeschooling for the first time when their child begins to approach preschool or kindergarten age.
Often, it's for selfish reasons. "They're only this age once." "They're growing up too fast." "I'm not ready to let my baby go!" You get the idea; the words may differ, but they're all in the same general vein, and that is: I'm not ready to let my child go.
This is a terrible basis for a decision that will dominate your child's formative years. To that parent: you were most likely excited when they were ready to leave diapers behind and toilet train, weren't you? The freedom it gave you was wonderful. Would you have kept them in diapers longer to preserve the baby stage out of misplaced nostalgia? Of course not.
Taking their first steps away from you into a formal school environment is a freedom to a child. You, Potential Teacher Parent (PTP) don't need to worry. You won't lose your importance, and you'll still have many, many precious moments with your child.
But, by depriving them of precious moments with people other than yourself - when a new friend shares a desirable glitter crayon, when they see a teacher's eyes light up over a break through they've achieved, the crossing guard who suddenly and inexplicably became the coolest person in your child's world with their cool high fives - you're robbing them to stuff yourself.
Would you approve of a spouse who kept you locked inside while he or she worked outside the home, simply because your relationship was so wonderful they wanted to keep it exactly that way? How would you feel if anybody decided for you that other people wouldn't be permitted in your life so they could perpetually enjoy your time and attention?
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fbfh · 2 years
peter parker x (gn) stark!reader crush hcs
wc: 1.5k
genre/au: pining, fluff, crushing hard, ambiguous canon compliance, socialite/heir/nepotism baby au
pairing: peter parker x stark!reader, dad!tony stark + familial!reader
warnings: one use of "it girl" cause I couldn't find a better phrase, peter parker is a simp, tony stark is a good dad, vague allusions to pre infinity war, mentions of the stark internship and going on missions, I think that's it??
summary: peter parker is down real bad for you. it's only when you come face to face that he realizes tony stark/iron man my boss is also tony stark/iron man my celebrity crush's dad and god he wants to make a good impression on you
song rec: treat you better - shawn mendes (mentioned), spider man too: 2 many spidermen - the unbreakable kimmy schmidt (just cause I think of it every time I hear spiderman)
a/n: on a spider man kick!!! i watched homecoming yesterday and can't stop thinking about it, probably going to binge watch the tobey maguire and andrew garfield spider man movies this weekend lol
also I'm on another wave of marvel hyperfixation!!! half way through black panther and it is worth every rave review it's gotten I wanna watch vine compilations with shuri
tags @afidiofobia @thatmultifandomloser @babiesimagines @lizziebitch33 @hopefullhearts @thatawkwardlittlefangirl
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Tony stark has been through a lot
He's very protective over the people he loves
And rightfully so
No matter how you came into his life
Whether your mom was the love of his life, the one fling he never stopped thinking about, the one that got away
And he somehow ended up with custody of you
Or if he and Pepper finally tied the knot and had you, their little bundle of joy
Or if he adopted you, little orphan Annie style
Regardless of how and when you came into his life
You are his pride and joy
Suddenly all of Stark industries only means something to him because it's a way to provide for you
Yeah the whole entire world is great
But you are who he fights for
You are the reason he wears the suit and keeps things safe and peaceful
Not without a good fight, and not without the rest of the avengers ofc
But at the end of the day, he wants you safe and happy
He'll go to extreme measures to make sure you are always safe and taken care of
Plus, god he loves spoiling you
He really never expected having a kid to be so much fun
You’re probably the coolest person he knows
And he’s been around the block a few times
With how protective he is you'd expect him to be pretty strict
No dating no parties
But no
He makes sure you're always totally informed, prepared, and safe
That way you can go live life to the fullest
Plus it would be really hypocritical of him to say you can't party and break hearts
Look at his track record
And you have such a good head on your shoulders
You're so smart and responsible
He has no idea where you get it from
The sense of humor and charisma, sure
But you're just so… good
You're such a good kid
That has to be all your mom
(It’s a little bit him too but he doesn't believe that yk)
Literally you can have and do anything you want
And what hurts is how you never ask for anything
You're so humble and grateful
That's your mother too
He has no idea how you're turning out to be such a good kid, but he hopes he's doing something right
You trust each other implicitly
Between all the shit you've been through, and all the shit he's been through, he kept as much of your childhood private as he could
Basically no one even knew he had a kid until you were in high school
By the time you were old enough to drive he was a little more laid back with the whole privacy thing
But it's something you really value too
You have like 1 public social media account
Which you barely even post on
Regardless of if you’re more of a stem or arts and humanities person
Or neither
Or both
Once you hit high school and people found out Tony Stark has a kid
Absolute media circus
You were what everyone was talking about
For a long time
And you’re still a point of conversation to this day
Even if you do absolutely nothing
If you fly under the radar as much as you can
You’re still something of an it girl
New York’s sweetheart if you will
You’re regularly in teen magazine articles as a style icon
Your pictures are ALL over pinterest
People on tiktok have made so many -core nepotism baby aesthetic outfit inspo <3 videos about you
You’re frequently used as a background for hot girl whisper posts too
But in spite of all that
There’s probably not much public information known about you
Yk the whole privacy thing
You’re a hot enigmatic gorgeous mystery
If you’re anything like your dad you’re probably known for flipping off the paparazzi on more than one occasion too
You’ve caught the attention of many people
Including the parasocial affection of a nerdy guy from queens
The same nerdy guy who’s recently gotten an internship with your dad
When I tell you Peter Parker has the biggest crush on you
That doesn’t even do it justice
He has all your pictures as rotating wallpapers on his phone and computer
He regularly scrolls through your public social media
He’s made a playlist with all the songs and bands you’ve either worn t shirts/merch for or referenced
He falls asleep basically every night thinking about you
Literally he couldn’t imagine a more perfect person if he tried
You sound like something 12 year old him would have made up
The drop dead gorgeous heir/socialite nepotism baby of Tony Stark??????
Sign him the fuck up
He wonders if you like spider man
He wonders that regularly
When he’s spacing out in class he’s definitely thinking about you
He’s probably thinking about rescuing you as spider man
He’d get you out of the way in the nick of time
You’d cling to him as he holds you close to his chest, web swinging away from the imminent danger
The way you’d be swept off your feet, wanting to see him again
How you just couldn’t get the charming plucky upstart off your mind
Then you’d of course ask your dad to pull a few strings so you could see him again
Maybe he’d refuse, playing the strict parent role
But you’d find a way
Love always finds a way
There would always be some sort of balcony soliloquy
Sometimes it would feel very romeo and juliet
Other times it would be the scene leading up to a whole new world from aladdin practically beat for beat
He doesn’t even know if your room has a balcony
But he feels like it probably does
Ned agrees you’d probably have a balcony
When dating rumors start going around
Whether they’re true or not
He goes through a mini heartbreak every time
After reading every article he can find about you and whoever
Idk an actor, a tiktok influencer, another nepotism baby
Treat you better by shawn mendes is on repeat for at least two days
May has picked up on this pattern
If she sees dating rumors before he does
When he comes home she has a hug and his favorite takeout ready to go
His notes are full of doodles of you
Comics of spider man rescuing you
Usually stick figures
They’re still pretty cute
For some reason he doesn’t connect Tony Stark my celebrity crush’s dad with Mr. Stark aka Iron Man the guy basically training me to be an avenger
So at one point he gets a call that they need him for a mission
Tony informs him that someone will be there to pick him up, so be ready
Thankfully school is basically over
So when he’s heading to his locker and hastily texting Ned an apology for bailing on their movie plans
He hears his name
“I’m looking for Peter Parker?”
His locker door is closed and he
He can’t believe what he’s seeing
It’s you
Oh god it’s you
Live and right in front of him and god you smell really good
“Hi.” you begin, introducing yourself
“My dad - Mr. Stark,” you correct, in case he has no idea who the fuck you are
As if that could happen
“Sent Happy to pick us up.”
He’s barely able to process what you’re saying
You’re so pretty and so real and you’re standing so close to him
“...really important internship related stuff came up. He needs us both at the compound asap.”
You wink at him, an understated gesture that anyone else would have missed, clarifying beyond doubt this is in actuality avengers business
He fumbles out some reply, pulse racing, cheeks burning up
God you’re so much prettier in person
And you look a lot taller in photos
He doesn’t have time to dwell on the thought as you hand him a cup
“Oh, I got you a coffee - hope you like lattes.”
You take a sip of your own beverage and start to walk away
You turn back after a second
“You coming?”
Happy gives him a look like come on kid, we don’t have all day
“R-right!” he sputters following you out of the building
He realizes this is it
It’s go time
Every hope and dream and wish to meet you has amalgamated to this moment
Now he just has to make a good impression
Make you think he’s totally cool and charming
And not at all an absolute dork
That shouldn’t be hard at all right??
He sure hopes not
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rebeccccccaaa · 4 years
ᗩGEᗪ ᑌᑭ!ᑭETEᖇ ᑭᗩᖇKEᖇ ᙭ ᖇEᗩᗪEᖇ
ᔕᑌᗰᗰᗩᖇY: You and Peter have always been very flirty and touchy with each other. You chalked it up to just how he is, not that you minded. But what happens when Peter gets hit with Hydra’s infamous sex pollen and all he seems to be doing is moaning your name. 
ᗯᗩᖇᑎIᑎGᔕ: smut of course lol 18+ (virgin kink?, first time!reader, experienced!Peter, etc, unprotected sex cuz i forgot to write that lol be safe though, and a digusting amount of fluff) 
ᗩ/ᑎ: (non/dub con as per usual with sex pollen fics) although i tried to make as consensual as possible 
ᗯOᖇᗪ ᑕOᑌᑎT: 4.0k (i’m so sorry this is so long lmao)
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“We’re back!” Tony shouted, his voice echoing in the building. They had gone on a mission to infiltrate yet another Hydra base.
Peter was currently sitting and watching television and you were watching from the kitchen making two drinks for you and Peter. You both looked to the team walking in before scurrying beside Bruce and Tony who walked straight into the lab. 
“What did you get this time?” you asked excitedly. Sometimes the team brings back really cool things back from missions and in particular the Hydra missions have the coolest things. Unusually, Thor too walked in the lab before you all circled around the table and Tony placed a plant. 
He backs away as did Bruce and Thor so after looking at Peter with wide eyes you both also stepped back. 
“What is it?” Peter whispered.
“A plant,” Thor said.
“Not shit, Goldilocks. What does it do? You told us to take home, now what?” Tony said.
“Well, Man of Iron, it’s a sex pollen plant.”
“A what?” you gasped.
“Most planets use this as a sort of breeding plant; some species don’t really have the… stamina that Midgardians and Asgardians have.”
As Thor explained this, Tony and Bruce huddle away from the plant moving towards the computer to write down notes and data about what Thor was telling them. You followed pursuit also being intrigued by it. 
Unfortunately Peter did not follow and instead moved closer to the plant to take a closer look. The flower was beautiful. The petals were a soft shade of periwinkle and the pollen was yellow almost like gold. The same shade of golden yellow dust swirled around the flower itself. It was hypnotizing. He really wanted to smell it.
Suddenly as Peter got closer just to give it a quick sniff, he could smell an almost overbearing amount of your scent. That delicious scent of vanilla and lavender that you smelled so nicely of. That scent that made Peter want to run his hands through your hair and his nose along your neck. 
“One thing you should never do is inhale its pollen, if one does it could heighten their desires into madness.”
Peter looked up with wide eyes knowing he just did something he probably shouldn't have done. 
“What desires exactly?” Bruce asked.
“Well, sex.”
Peter started coughing.
“Pete are you ok?” you asked walking up to him.
He looked you in your eyes and his own dilated insanely. You backed away slightly concerned for your friend only for him to take a step closer to you. The lab coated with silence analyzing his behavior since it was so unlike him. Tony got up from sitting on a stool and Thor puffed his chest anticipating his next move; he was certain the boy breathed in the plant’s pollen. 
“It smelled just like you,” he whispered close to your face; his hands reaching under your shirt slightly.
The minute he put his hands on you, all three men ran you and Peter. Bruce pulled you behind him while Tony and Thor grabbed Peter dragging him away from you. You felt hot after what Peter had just done; in front of people too. He thrashed in Thor’s and Tony’s grasp, groaning and shouting from them to let him go. 
You felt tears brimming your eyes. You did not like Peter like this. He was crying and begging to be with you, which you’ll admit surprised you. 
“What’s happening to him?” you asked from behind Banner.
“The boy seems to have inhaled the pollen as I said not to do.”
“Yeah I get that! Why is he crying? Is he hurt?” you asked.
“Not exactly, the pollen will affect his mind and simulate pain as if he were to die, but his body will be perfectly fine.”
“What?” you all said at the same time.
“How do we fix it?” Tony asked.
“Y/n, baby. Please,” Peter practically moaned making everyone kind of uncomfortable.
“Well, the only way I’m aware of is, well, sex. And it seems like Peter desires the young lady,” you eyes widened and you shifted under everyone’s stares. 
“No, no way,” Tony said; you were like a daughter to Tony and therefore boys were something he wasn’t too keen on the idea of you having. He still thinks you’re too young even though you’re already a consenting adult. 
“Tony, the boy-”
“No, I’m not letting Y/n do that. We’ll find a different cure. Take him to his room and don’t let him out.”
“Tony, are you sure about this?” Bruce asked Tony.
“Yes I’m sure, Banner. There’s no way in hell I’m putting her in that situation. It’s not fair. Now come on, more time talking, less time finding a cure.”
“Technically there’s already a cure,” Thor muttered. 
“Go!” Tony pushed him out. 
“Is he gonna be ok?” you softly asked, hearing his cries and screams for you as Thor took him to is room.
“He’s gonna be alright, bug,” Tony said, hugging you. 
Steve and Nat both walked in the lab after changing out  of their clothes concerned with all the screaming they had been hearing.
“What happened?” Nat asked.
“Thor had us bring this plant home for analysis and turns out this shit makes anyone who smells the pollen horny as hell.”
“Really? Come on Tony, we heard the kid crying and screaming. What’s really going on?” Steve didn’t believe him at first.
“He wants to… have sex,” Bruce said shyly.
“Wait really?” Nat asked.
“With who?” Steve hesitantly asked curiously.
Tony and Bruce simply look at you, which you curled into yourself feeling embarrassed. 
“Oh no, honey are you ok? Did he do anything?” Nat asked, holding your hand.
“I’m fine, I’m just worried about him.”
“Don’t. We’ll fix this I promise,” Tony said getting to work.
Well now it’s been 8 hours and Peter is still crying and moaning your name. You had been in Nat's room with her, Steve, and Bucky. Sam and Thor had been outside ‘patrolling’ Peter’s room making sure he was as ok as he can be, though it’s been proven that he seems to be in excruciating pain. 
Tony and Bruce had been in the lab the entire day, you’d think they made wonderful progress and found a cure by now but no. All they’ve found was normal samples of Peter’s… everything. He was physically perfectly fine. 
You were very quiet as they played video games and watched movies. You couldn’t help but feel burdened because you knew you could fix all of this. All you needed to do was go to Peter’s room and let him have his way with you. It’s not like you wouldn’t mind. You and Peter have always had this sort of tension and extra friendly behavior between you guys ever since you met. 
To say you hadn’t developed feelings for him would be a huge lie. 
“Are you ok?” Nat asked you.
“No, not really.”
“I know you want to help him but it’s for the better. Let Tony and Bruce find a cure.”
“Actually that won’t be happening anytime soon,” Thor said, walking with Sam. 
“What happened?” Steve asked.
“They haven’t found anything and although Peter will be physically fine, mentally he could be extremely traumatized by the time they find something, if anything. The pollen mimics physical pain until sexual ‘needs’ are fulfilled by the person they desire most,” Thor looked to you at the end. 
“I want to help him,” you said.
“Y/n, that’s not fair to you,” Steve said.
“And it’s not fair to Peter if I don’t help! He didn’t mean to smell the flower. I can't just sit here waiting for nothing to happen when I can go in there and help him!” you argued, “If I don’t, he’ll not only hate you for keeping me away from him but me too for not trying.”
“Don’t be silly, he’d never hate you,” Nat said.
“He will if I’m the reason he’s going to be traumatized for the rest of his life.”
“Come with me,” Nat said, holding your hand.
“Nat,” Steve warned.
“Steve, you and I both know this has to happen. They’re adults,” Nat shot back. 
You followed Nat out of the room. 
“Are you absolutely sure about this? Your first time should be special-”
“First time?” your eyes widen.
“Y/n, I know you're a virgin.”
“I’m not a virgin,” you mumbled.
“Really? When was your first?” she poked.
“It was- was in, it was high school,” you stuttered.
“With who?”
“... Tommy?” you said after a long moment of silence, trying to come up with a name.
“Tommy?” Nat smirked.
“Yeah, he was in my history class,” you lied.
“Ok we’ll work on that,” she said.
“On what?”
“Hey, virginity is merely a social construct made by men who think their tiny dicks have the ability to change a woman’s life. It’s gonna be like a five second pump; I’ll be in and out,” Nat laughed at that.
“Ok, fine. Follow me.”
You followed her to Peter’s room where his moans and groans got louder with each step you got closer. Truthfully you were a bit nervous about the situation. Sure you did imagine your first to be extra special in a dim lit room with flowers and with someone you love. Well, now it looks like it’s going to be a dark room with your best friend who’s in the room driven by magic sex pollen, but at least you love him. 
You got to the door and Peter instantly knew you were on the other side. His senses overwhelmed him with your scent, your racing heart beat. You exchanged a few words with Nat before she hugged you and left you to go into his room alone. 
You slipped inside and immediately met with Peter crawling on the floor to you in nothing but a pair of boxers; a large prominent tent formed where his dick was. 
“Y/n, you’re here,” he rubbed your legs and kissed your thighs softly still on the floor at your feet. 
“Yeah, I am. I’m here to help you,” you said shakily.
“Oh god, you smell so good,” his hand reached up behind your thighs towards your ass and you panicked. 
“Peter wait,” you pulled his hand away. 
“What, baby? What’s wrong?” he too panicked.
“Nothing, I just… I’m kinda scared.”
“Of what? Of me?” he stood up and backed away from you.
“No! Not of you. I’ve never… done this, you know?”
“Y/n, why are doing this then- ugh!” he groaned, a wave of need and sexual frustration rushed over him making his body cramp. 
“I want to help you,” you grabbed his hand; he pulled his hand back very quickly and retracted his body over to the bed. 
“Peter, please let me help you,” you walked over to him.
“No, Y/n. I can’t do that to you.”
You were getting tired of his arguing. You wanted to do this. You rushed to him and took your shirt off hoping that’ll prove a point or something. 
“Look, look. I want to help you, Pete. Let me do that,” you cupped his face making him look at you. 
His eyes were so dilated nearly black as he looked into your eyes. His hands caressed your bare stomach and lower back making goosebumps rise across your body. He leaned forward running his nose along your neck breathing you in. He used every ounce of control he had in his body to not flip you on the bed rail you into the mattress. He had to be gentle. The idea of you never have been touched shouldn't have turned him on as much as it does. 
Your stomach fluttered and you let out a shaky breath. Arousal pooled in your underwear with each move that Peter made. Your hands rested on his shoulders unsure of what to do but thankfully Peter moved your hands in his hair and you gently ran your fingers through his curly brown locks as he kissed and nibbled at your neck. 
He moved your bra strap down your shoulder tracing his lips along your collarbone to your shoulder.
“I'm so sorry, baby,” he whispered against your skin.
“It’s ok Pete, I want to help you. Teach me. Teach me how to make you feel good.” 
He practically growled picking you up and laying you on his bed. He kissed your stomach and left small bites and purple marks littered across your belly. He looked at you to make sure you were ok before pulling your shorts down your legs and off to the side. He continued to kiss up and down your legs growing harder at the small pants and gasps you made above him. 
“I'm gonna give you a little taste, ok darling?” he whispered against your inner thighs.
You nodded and lifted your hips off the bed for Peter to easily take your underwear off. You grew embarrassed at how wet you were. Peter only chuckled before going in a licking along your entrance. You gasped and clenched your thighs together, only to wrap around Peter’s head pulling him closer to you.
This isn’t Peter’s first time eating a girl out so he was obviously quite skilled in bringing you a lot of pleasure from his tongue alone. Now in his twenties, after high school and after his identity was revealed, Peter somewhat tumbled his way into playboy town just like his mentor. 
Girls left and right shot their chance to spend a night in the spider boy’s bed. But when Peter met you, oh boy, the kid fell in love. You were this innocent little thing that Peter just wanted to hold and take care of all the time. He couldn’t take his eyes off you. He stopped seeing other women in hopes that one day you’d be out of your mind enough to give him a shot. 
Now here you were, laying in his bed like an angel, letting him have his way with you because he was shithead and smelled the flower when he wasn’t supposed to. 
Your hips squirmed around, pressure building up in the pit of your stomach. You moaned loudly as you got closer to your oragsm. Your hands went to Peter’s hair making him hum when you tugged on his hair. His vibrations pushed over the edge and you came for the first time that night on Peter’s face.
“God that was hot, baby. Are you ok?” he asked, crawling up your body after discarding his boxers.
“Yeah, that was amazing,” you cupped his face, smiling.
He leaned down and kissed you for the first time ever. His hands roamed your almost naked body except for your bra of which you still had on. Not for long of course. Peter leaned back to sit up pulling you with him so you were now sitting straddling his lap. 
You could feel his dick against you and your body shuddered in arousal. His hands wrapped around you to skillfully remove your bra, the last piece of clothing left on you. When he did so you covered yourself in instinct never having been naked in front of anyone before in your life. 
“Don’t cover up princess. You’re so beautiful. I wanna see you,” he whispered, cupping his hand under your chin so you could look at him.
“Sorry, it’s- It’s a lot,” you whispered back. 
“I know and I’ll try to go slow but if I’m not inside you right now I think I’m gonna pass out,” he moaned. 
You looked down in between your bodies to find Peter’s dick big, swollen, and red. You felt bad because you don’t know if it’ll fit inside you and it looks painful. 
“Please, Yn,” Peter had tears in eyes begging for you to take the pain away.
“Ok, I’m ready.”
Peter grabbed his cock and lined up to your entrance. You got up and slowly sank down feeling him stretching you out. With how aroused and wet you were after Peter’s mouth you were able to slide all the way down without feeling too much pain.
Peter moaned when he bottomed out and grabbed your face you kiss passionately. You moved slowly up and down and soon all the pain you felt subsided into pleasure and you too started moaning above him. 
“You look so fucking good riding me, princess.”
His words made you moan even more embarrassed that everyone can probably hear you and Peter having sex. You bit your lip in hopes to silence the moans as much as possible, but Peter didn’t like that.
“Don’t. I want everyone in this building to know who fucking you this good,” he flipped you over onto you back and started thrusting wildly. 
“Let them know what a good little girl you are for daddy. Let them know who’s name you’re gonna be screaming all night.”
“Peter oh god,” you moaned.
“Huh? You like it when I call you a good girl?”
“My good girl. My little slut,” Peter groaned in your ear.
You were getting insanely close to your climax and Peter’s words only sped up the approach. 
“Daddy, I think I’m close,” you whispered, pleasure becoming overwhelming.
“Let go baby. Cum all over my cock,” he said.
Your oragsm ripped through you and you practically screamed into his ear. Pleasure came over you in a huge wave. Your eyes screwed shut and your legs wrapped around Peter’s torso pulling him impossibly close. Your body felt limp under Peter’s and when you opened your eyes Peter's face held worrisome and frustration. 
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
“I haven’t came,” his voice trembled.
“It’s ok. We can keep going,” you said tiredly.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he buried his face in your neck.
“You won’t hurt me, Peter. I promise.”
He kissed softly before gently flipping you over and thrusted into furiously.
Six hours later Peter finally came after you did so nine times; and that was before you stopped counting. Your body shook and Peter cleaned you up. He had a small fridge where he kept drinks from time to time and grabbed a water bottle for you to drink. 
You breathed heavily after drinking a copious amount of water before laying back down. You turned to check the clock on his bedside and saw that it was around three thirty in the morning. Peter crawled into bed with you, both still naked not caring enough to change. He held you impossibly close, burying his face in your shoulder. 
“I’m so sorry. Are you ok?” he mumbled in your skin. 
“I mean it was a lot,” you chuckled.
“I swear if it weren’t for that stupid fucking pollen our first time would have been softer and special,” he said, making you look at him with surprise. 
“What do you mean?”
“Uh, well, look. Y/n, I really like you and I know that timing is horrible but it’s true. I promise.”
“Well, I like you too,” you smiled at him.
“Wow. God, you’re amazing. Thank you for today,” he whispered, cuddling you close.
“Of course. I’d do anything for you.” 
You both fell  asleep soundly in each other's arms until you both woke up the next day from loud yet muffled voices downstairs. The sun was shining very bright, lighting the whole room up brightly. You stirred around and peeked over Peter’s sleeping body to find that it was around noon already and you two were still in bed. 
Peter moved a bit slowly waking up. You turned around to face and watched his beautiful face slowly come to life. His eyes met your eyes and you both smiled before bursting into giggles; hiding your face in his chest. 
“We’ll have to get up soon, you know,” he said, making you sigh dramatically.
“Let’s run away, before they make fun of us. They had to have heard, right?” you said, slightly panicked.
Peter just laughed and shook his head. He reached to kiss you, moving your hair off your neck eyes widening. 
“Oh man,” he said, thumb rubbing the dark spots he left on you.
“What?” You pushed the sheets off your body feeling intensely sore. You heard Peter gasped as you trotted to a mirror.
Your body was covered in bruises and hickeys that Peter left for literally everyone to see. When you looked in the mirror you yelled Peter’s name completely shocked at the state of your body. 
“I can’t believe you!”
“Well, in my opinion I think you looking fucking sexy,” he said coming up behind you.
“I like them,” you said shyly, “But everyone’s gonna see them, no?”
“I’m sorry, it won’t happen next time.”
“Next time?”
“Hell yeah. Only if you want of course,” he chuckled, “Let’s take a shower before we grab some food.”
That was filled with giggles and little touches. Kisses were exchanged practically every minute. You both came out of the shower and Peter so generously lent you a pair of clean boxers and one of his shirts fitting way too big on you. He wore these delicious looking grey sweatpants and a tight fitted black shirt. You practically drooled over him.
“No, later,” he winked.
He grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers before heading down stairs preparing for what could be an upcoming disaster. You came down stairs meeting everyone appearing to be arguing probably over what you did. Everyone noticed you two and immediately stopped conversing. 
Tony sat on a stool, arms crossed and an unamused look staring at you both while everyone else looked down or at each other, anywhere at but you guys.
“Before you say anything, everything that happened is my fault,” Peter pulled you behind him. 
Tony simply looked at you and made you feel shy and ashamed somewhat under his gaze. He told you to stay away and you didn’t listen.
“Don’t even look at her. She has nothing to do with this,” he said when Tony shifted his gaze.
“Relax, kid. Look we all talked. Thor told me about the effects the pollen can have mentally and the trauma it can impact when ‘untreated’ for too long. We weren’t going to find a cure anytime soon and I don’t even want to think about the consequences you’d have to pay because I'm a stubborn old man who didn’t like seeing the kids not be kids anymore. You both are adults and I had no right to interfere with that. Besides everyone knows you two are in love.”
“We’re not in love,” Peter mumbled.
“Love is such a strong word,” you mumbled simultaneously. 
“Don’t argue with me,” Tony said. 
“Sorry,” you both whispered.
“I’m sorry,” he admitted.
“We also agreed that starting today we will be installing soundproofing in both of your rooms and Y/n, maybe put some ice on…” he pointed to your neck but then waved around your whole body because you were pretty beaten up. 
“Thanks, guys,” Peter said holding your hand again.
“Congrats on getting the girl finally,” Steve said.
Before you two left you saw Nat wink at you and you smiled running away with Peter most likely to go cuddle and maybe fuck another round if your body feels better. As much as you hate to admit, thank god Peter smelled that fucking plant. 
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hoe-doroki · 4 years
Hi there! I don't think I've requested anything from you before ( my memory is awful though)
Anyhow I was wondering if I could get some Izuku smut with a female reader.
The scene is youre out with your girls, ( mina, hagakure, Momo) at the club having a good time. You see this green eyed stranger looking at you across the room.
His boys hype him up to ask you to dance and it ends up turning into following him back home ( I LIVE for soft dom! Deku!)
Thanks for taking the time to read and answer this!
Ugh, sorry this took so long, nonnie! You sent this in just as I was being eaten alive by a fic that’s wayyyyy longer than it needs to be. But I’m here now and you said the magic words: soft dom. Yesssss. I went college!AU for this and I hate clubs (drinking, dancing, flirting, no thanks) so I projected that on the reader a bit. Oopsie! It was hard to keep Izuku in character for this, but I did my best. Anyway, hope you like!
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minors do not interact
warnings: 18+, Kaminari and M*neta leering, spanking, slight exhibitionism, alcohol (not drunk sex, though), dirty talk
rating: explicit, 18+
wc: 5k
edit: I no longer write x reader but here’s my old masterlist - mobile | desktop
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Sometimes people looked at you, Mina, Momo, and Tooru and wondered how you were friends. People who had only known each of you as you were in college could never put it together. But the answer was simple: you’d been friends since high school. You were rapidly becoming different people, but those three were still your girls through and through.
That was how you, Mina, Tooru, and Momo ended up in the club that day. Two friends who really wanted to go—Mina and Tooru—and two friends who really didn’t—you and Momo. These things happen when you become friends years before you could be allowed in any club. Your college friends never would have invited you on an excursion like this—hell, none of them would ever be seen at a club either. But when Mina and Tooru showed up at your door begging you to go out and experience your twenties, you couldn’t say no. Now you were spilling out of the car Mina had called and walking on high heeled booties to a club you’d heard of but never been to.
“Obviously you actually wanted to go, Momo, otherwise you wouldn’t be wearing a top like that.”
Tooru wasn’t hiding the fact that she was ogling Momo’s very prominently displayed chest, all but bursting out of the deep v-neck she had paired with a short skirt.
“It’s only sensible for me to wear a top like this,” Momo said, her voice firm despite awkward fidgets to put her breasts a little more away. “Places like these are so hot that a shirt with a higher neckline would be soaked with cleavage sweat in a minute.”
“Mhmm, right,” Tooru said, flouncing away in her own crop top and shorts, eager to enter the club.
You’d gone simple, just tossing on a bodycon dress that you’d ordinarily pair with a sweater and tights, but that Mina had convinced you to wear on its own tonight. You crossed your arms, the chill of the evening seeping past the thin fabric even just in the short time it took to get from the heated car to the sweaty bar.
Tooru had run to the door and was nearly bouncing, waiting for the rest of you to catch up. Mina jogged over to her, looking the coolest of all of you in her black mesh crop top with nothing but a bra underneath and shorts that had the lacy scalloped hem of her underwear peaking out the top of. You hurried after them, just eager to get out of the cold. Tooru whipped the door open and the three of you piled in all at once, flashed your IDs, and then you were in.
The sound of the bass had thrummed loudly even outside, but once inside, your senses were overloaded. The music was deafening, the smell of alcohol bitter and heady, and the heat of sweaty bodies oppressive as Mina grabbed your wrist and dragged you through the crowd.
Even with Mina clearing the way, you had to elbow your way to the bar. This was the easiest part of the night—a task, something to do aside from trying and failing to work up the nerve to dance. Over the music, you yelled, “Whiskey ginger, well is fine,” to the bartender and turned to your girlfriends.
Mina and Tooru were already swinging their hips as they waited for their drinks, shimmying against each other to the beat. You and Momo were a little stiffer, not quite having the nerve or confidence to let your bodies be taken by the music.
“Girl’s night!” Mina cheered once everyone had a drink in hand. Glasses clinked and Tooru took a healthy gulp of her drink
“Can’t dance if you’re worried about spilling your drink,” Tooru said.
“Not with that attitude!” Mina said. She thrust her beer bottle in the air and then grabbed Tooru’s hand and the two of them stumbled into the mass of writhing bodies.
“You gonna follow them?” Momo asked, chewing on the straw of her drink.
“Not yet.” You had to shuffle away from the bar to make room for other patrons, moving to lean against one of the walls. “Maybe a bit of liquid courage.”
“It probably would have been wiser to do shots.”
You looked around, noticing how many people were already sending glances Momo’s way. You could draw direct lines all around the room between men’s leering eyes and Momo’s partially exposed chest, already beginning to glisten with sweat. You pursed your lips. It was nice to have Momo around as a fellow shy dancer, but it was discouraging to always be the one next to the prettiest girl in the room. People were looking right through you.
“You’ll probably get some sent your way soon enough,” you muttered.
“What?” Momo asked, her voice loud over the music.
“Nothing!” you replied. You squeezed the lime wedge into your drink and swirled it, drinking thirstily.
You hoped for one of two things. For the night to pass by quickly or for, unlikely though it was, something exciting to happen. Bars and clubs were predictable. Just once, you wanted to be surprised.
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“Woah, look at her.”
Midoriya tried and failed to follow his friend’s gaze into one of the dark corners of the bar. Mineta was a good foot shorter than Midoriya, so it was hard to tell exactly where his line of sight was taking him. Kaminari seemed to hone in right away, though, pointing eagerly at the wall near the bar.
“Good find, Mineta,” Kaminari said. “Damn she’s hot.”
Midoriya followed Kaminari’s finger and noticed two girls huddled close together, sipping their drinks and observing the crowd, occasionally leaning over to talk to each other. One was dressed in a top and skirt and the other in a tight dress. The second girl’s hips were moving to the beat just slightly, as though she might not even know herself that she was doing it. She laughed at something her friend said, smile opening wide and fearlessly.
“Wow,” Midoriya said, eyes locked on her.
“What, did Mineta finally find a girl to meet your ridiculously high standards?” Kaminari asked, clapping Midoriya on the back.
“Maybe,” Midoriya murmured, watching as she waved to some other girls in the crowd.
“About time,” Mineta said. “I’ve never seen more perfect tits in my life.”
That snapped Midoriya out of his focus and he looked down at his friend, whose eyes were unblinking, scarily locked straight ahead. “What?”
“That plunging neckline perfectly showing what it would look like if I had my hands on either side of them,” he continued, his voice distant. Luckily, Kaminari smacked him upside the head.
“If you’re saying it loud enough to be heard over the music, you’re saying it too loud,” Kaminari chastised. “Besides, if Midoriya finally found a girl he likes, you should give him first dibs.”
“What?” Mineta asked, turning towards Kaminari, outraged.
“Wait, wait, I think there’s been a misunderstanding,” Midoriya said, waving his hands in front of him before his friends could have it out. “The girl I was looking at isn’t wearing a plunging neckline. Look there.”
Midoriya pointed in your direction as subtly as he could, smiling as he caught another glimpse of your beautiful laugh.
“Oh, her friend,” Mineta said.
“Yeah, that tracks,” Kaminari added, looking between Midoriya and you. “Well, you should go for it, man! Try your luck!”
Midoriya looked at Kaminari, brows furrowed. “Did you guys invite me just to get me laid or something?”
“Of course not,” Mineta said. “Your innocent face makes us look less like two fuckboys and the girls will trust us more. You’re our cover.”
“Purely selfish reasons then, okay,” Midoriya muttered. “Okay, yeah, I’ll go talk to her.”
“Do it!” Kaminari said, giving you a thumbs up. He kicked the back of Midoriya’s calf and sent him tumbling into the crowd. Amidst a song of sorrys, Midoriya made his uncertain way toward you.
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Three men had already tried their luck with Momo in as many songs. She’d kindly refused each advance—no level of drunkenness had ever led Momo to so much as a sloppy makeout and you weren’t sure how many times hell would have to freeze over for that to change. You joked about each of the guys and their sad pick-up attempts, but, still, it had you feeling low. None of the guys even pretended to be interested in you. They went straight for Momo, trying their darndest to keep their eyes on hers and not drift south.
“Hello, uh, miss…”
You nearly rolled your eyes as you looked up from your drink, half gone already, to find another sucker that Momo would have to reject. As soon as your eyes landed on him, you were struck by how different this one was from the others. He didn’t look like the usual meathead dude-bro who swung by. He had a round face and freckles smattered under the roundest green eyes you’d ever seen. He looked sheepish already, anticipating the rejection he’d get from talking to a girl so far out of his league.
You felt the jolt of an elbow in your ribs and looked at Momo who was giving you intense eyes, eyebrows raised. She looked at you and then at the boy with the green hair, tilting her head, and suddenly you realized that you were “miss.”
“Oh, hello,” you said, unable to hide the confusion on your face.
“I’m Izuku,” the man said, smiling softly at you. “Would you, um, care to dance?”
You smiled. It sounded like this boy was expecting a waltz instead of the hips that were grinding against each other in the middle of this dance floor.
“I’m… not sure,” you said, so unfamiliar with the procedure here that you were floundering.  “You see, I don’t really dance.”
The boy breathed out what looked to be a sigh of relief and you suddenly noticed the muscles bulging under his t-shirt. His cute, innocent face was hiding a man who was seriously stacked. “The truth is, I don’t usually dance either. I was pressured into coming here by some friends.”
You looked over at Momo. “We know the feeling.”
“Ah, I’m so sorry, I didn’t get your names,” Izuku said, suddenly looking between the two of you.
Momo looked at you for a second then said, “I’m Momo and this is Y/N. It’s nice to meet you, Izuku.”
“You as well,” Izuku said to Momo before turning back to you. “You know, the thing about dancing is that if you just start and let go of everything, it can actually be kind of fun.”
This boy sounded just like Mina, the same argument she made every time she dragged you and Momo to one of these things. Sometimes you managed to let your guard down enough to enjoy it, sometimes not.
“It’s also more fun with someone else.”
Izuku was looking at you hopefully, and that just made his eyes even wider, such a dark forest green in the dim light of the club. You could feel yourself being pulled to him, like a string between you growing taut when Momo put a hand on your arm. “I’ll hold your drink and just come back when you want it, okay?”
Momo was giving you an intent gaze and you knew she was offering you an out. Try dancing with the boy and, if it wasn’t turning out well, say that you needed to go back to your friend. Easy.
“Okay,” you said, taking one more sip before handing your drink off to her. Then you extended you hand toward Izuku, who took it with his broadest smile yet, and led you into the mosh pit.
There was no sign of Mina or Tooru anywhere, haven fallen invisible in the throng of people. So it was just you and Izuku and a hundred strangers, all feeling the music sync with their heartbeats and then their hips, sending them moving.
You started facing each other, your hips moving from side to side, the rhythm slowly moving up so that your shoulders were shimmying, head bobbing. Izuku grinned, bopping along excitedly. He wasn’t a smooth dancer, not cool or rhythmic, but he didn’t seem to care. He put his hands lightly on your hips, encouraging you to move a little more. Asking you to let go.
You let your hips follow his touch and laughed when he rocked you from side to side, totally out of line with anything that might be sensual or suggestive. It was silly and you realized that maybe you’d been putting too much pressure to look a certain way, to be a certain kind of person. Music was for everyone, dancing was for everyone. Izuku seemed to know that already.
You wrapped your arms around his waist, giving yourself into the joy as the two of you rocked, free of expectation or anyone else’s experience. Before you knew it, the music had changed, the next song slightly slower, and your motions smoothed out to match. Izuku slid one of his hands back into yours and raised it over your head, initiating a turn. You went along and the next thing you knew, your back was pressed against his muscular chest, hips moving in tandem.
“Is this okay?” he asked.
You could feel all corners of him pressed against you and you couldn’t help but push back into him. His chest was broader than it seemed, and you could feel the crease of his pecs, of his abs. His hands were on your hips, strong arms brushing your sides. You brought one hand up to touch his bare bicep, feeling how hard it was even unflexed.
Suddenly, you could feel Izuku’s breath on your jaw, the flutter of his lips brushing against the sensitive skin. You tilted your head, exposing the long column of your neck to him. He took that as invitation enough and pressed a kiss to it. He kissed up to your jawline and just behind your ear. He gave the lightest of sucks before you pulled away and offered him your mouth.
He took it eagerly, your lips moving at the same pace as your gyrating hips. You lost yourself in the feeling, the anonymity of kissing, hidden in a crowd of people. The rhythmic dance of your hips lulling you into a kind of easy complacency as you felt Izuku’s hand on the back of your neck, keeping your lips against his. The other one crept forward on your thigh, awfully close to your center, to the hem of your too-short skirt. He never breached either line, though. Just kept his hand there, suggesting where it could go.
“Come home with me,” you whispered when you separated for breath.
“What?” Izuku asked, face flushed, voice just carrying over the music.
You twisted back around so that you were face to face so that you could press your lips right up against his ear. “Come home with me, Izuku.”
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You called for a car and sent Momo a text saying that you were going home. You hoped that Momo, Mina, and Tooru wouldn’t want to come back to your shared home anytime soon—Momo was smart enough to figure that out herself.
Twenty minutes later and you were home, you were horny, and you had someone willing and able to solve that.
“You’re not drunk, are you?” Izuku asked while you unlocked the door and ushered him in, kicking off your shoes as quickly as you could.
“Half a drink,” you said quickly. “You?”
“Perfect,” you said, and you wrapped your arms around him once again, pulling him in for a kiss.
Izuku did you one better, grabbing hold of your thighs and picking you up like you weighed nothing. Your dress rose up over your hips and your center fell right against his crotch, grinding into it.
You were ready to give directions to your room, but Izuku didn’t carry you further than the living room before slamming your back against a wall and pressing his hips into yours. You gasped at the impact, but it was nothing painful—just surprising. Izuku dug his fingers into your thighs and said, “You seemed awfully eager for this. Desperate enough to handle a little roughness, princess? Or did you think this was gonna be easy?”
The epithet of princess send your heart plunging to your core, heat spreading throughout you. His voice was low, much lower than it had been at the club and your thighs clenched around him. “I thought…maybe…”
He’d been so sweet at the club, shy almost. You tasted his tongue on yours and he hadn’t been lying—no alcohol. The only taste passing between the two of you was the tang from your whiskey ginger. But now his grip on you and the low growl in his voice was telling you another story.
“Do you wanna be rough or do you wanna be a little princess? Or maybe both?”
“Both,” you keened desperately, breathlessly.
“I shoulda known, you grinding down on my cock like that,” he said, nibbling your exposed neck. “Can’t wait for me to fuck you, can you?”
He pulled back so you slid an inch down the wall, but his grip was tight enough to keep you from falling any further. Then his hips slammed back into yours, as though you were fucking already.
“Shit,” you whispered as he bit down on your collarbone.
“If you’re good, I’ll give you what you want,” he said. “If you’re not, it’s going to be a very long night.”
That half threat was almost enough to trigger your backtalk, see exactly what he had in mind to turn this night into a long one. But, by the same coin, you wanted to see what he had planned already.
“I’m good,” you whimpered.
“You are?” Izuku asked. “Prove it.”
He pressed his chest into yours, and you felt your breasts flatten against his pecs, your ribs trapped from a deep breath by his thick forearms.
“Strip and suck my cock.”
You unwrapped your legs from his waist and he released you to the ground. Your dress was stretchy and off in an instant, thrown to the floor, panties soon to follow. Then you were on your knees undoing his dark jeans and pulling out his long, plump cock.
“That’s a good girl,” he said, stroking your hair.
Preening at the praise, you wrapped your lips around your teeth, and swallowed him as far as you could go in one go. You wanted to be a good girl, after all.
“Shit,” Izuku said, keeping a light grip on the back of your head, but letting you do what you want, setting your own pace. You wasted no time with playful licks and kisses, immediately bobbing your head up and down and stroking the rest with your hand.
The noises that Izuku made, little huffs and whines, were cute, showing glimpses of the shy boy who had approached you at the club. He took off his shirt and you could see his abs in all their glory, even better than you’d imagined. As you sucked him off, you brought a hand up to the ridges of his lower abs and rubbed lightly, enjoying the hard muscle. After a trip down to his balls, sucking one into his mouth and you kept up your firm strokes, Izuku pulled you off, breathing heavily.
“That’s good. You’ve proven that you’re a good girl, princess.”
“I did?” you asked shyly, giving his cock a long lick just to make sure.
“Yes,” Izuku shuddered. “Stand against the wall.”
“Here?” you asked.
There were windows all over your living room, giving a clear view to the street and, more importantly, from the street into your apartment. More than that, there was no telling when your housemates would get home and, even if they knew you’d brought a boy home, they’d hardly expect him to be fucking you in the living room.
“Was I unclear, princess?”
“No,” you said, and you went to stand facing the wall. Izuku came up behind you and knocked your legs further apart, and then reached in front of you, rubbing two fingers from your slit up to your clit in a couple firm strokes. You gasped, your head falling forward, but before you could get used to the rough touch, he was gone.
“Where do you keep your condoms?” he asked casually.
“In my nightstand,” you said, moving to stand straight. He pushed your hands back against the wall, warning you not to move.
“Which room is yours?”
“The far one on the left,” you said, only turning your head to look over your shoulder.
“Good,” he said. “Don’t move.”
Then he was gone, leaving you naked, legs spread in your living room. You could feel how drenched you were—Izuku had taken a whole globule of your wetness and spread it all over your pussy. Now, standing spread, you could feel the cold air from the room on you when all you wanted was heat.
Izuku took his time in coming back, slow footfalls making their way back to the living room. You saw a box of condoms drop on the couch next to you and heard the telltale sound of one of the packages being ripped open. The next thing you knew, Izuku’s hands were on your hips, just like at the club, only now his cock was free, sliding in the slick of your pussy.
You gasped, pushing harder against the wall and thrusting your ass back toward Izuku. “Please,” you whimpered.
“Oh, you don’t have to ask,” Izuku said casually. “I know exactly what your slutty pussy wants. I can feel it dripping all over my cock. And you’ve been very good, princess, but that doesn’t mean that you’re in charge. Understand?”
“Yes, Izuku.”
You were pushed forward by the sudden force of a slap against your ass, then Izuku’s chest pressing firmly back into yours, his teeth by your ear. “Yes, who?”
“Yes, sir,” you whispered.
“That’s better.”
He went back to thrusting, one of his hands snaking around your front, through your curls to spread your lips. Your puffy clit was exposed to the air and Izuku’s fingers spreading the skin provided just the slightest bit of pressure, but not nearly enough. You whined, bending more into him, aching for more contact than the occasional brush of his cock skating across your clit. But you wanted to be a good girl too.
“Okay, sweetheart,” Izuku said, his thrusts coming to a stop as the head of his cock butterflied your opening. “You’ve been very patient. Are you ready for your reward?”
“Yes, sir,” you breathed.
You groaned in relief as he split you open, sinking into you just as he pulled his fingers in a hard, slow stroke up your clit.
“You like that, princess?” Izuku asked, making his thrusts slow and deep, his finger’s strokes on your clit languid and intentional.
“Yes,” you moaned, rocking your weight back onto your heels as you met Izuku’s every plunge.
“You feel so good,” Izuku said, his voice becoming softer and more breathy as he got lost in the feel of you. His right hand began spinning circles on your clit, the left wrapped around your middle, fingertips rubbing almost tenderly along your side.
You could only pant, leaning your head back on his shoulder as Izuku’s thrusts sped up, your climax rising within you. “Fuck,” you murmured as his left hand fell to your hip, changing the angle so that he was now pounding your g-spot with every go. He continued like that for a minute, each hit bringing you higher and higher until he suddenly stopped.
“What?” you asked, and the next thing you knew, you were being pushed to the arm of your couch, a hand to the small of your back pressing your spine parallel to the floor, and—before you knew what was happening—he was back in you, going full speed.
You gasped, your head falling down, nipples rubbing against the fabric of the couch as your tits were sent swinging. That sensation caught you, sending fresh sparks through you.
“Are you close, Princess?” Izuku breathed, his quick thrusts breaking his voice.
“Yes, sir.”
“Touch yourself, then.”
You followed his instruction immediately, snaking your hand down to your clit and rubbing it with your practiced touch. The feeling of your cold fingers against your scorching clit, Izuku’s hot cock railing in and out of you, and the occasional spark of your nipples rubbing against the couch had you on the edge of your peak in no time.
“You gonna cum, baby? You gonna cum on my cock?”
“Yes,” you whispered, the heat in your stomach burning, almost unbearable as you reached your cusp.
“I’m close too, Y/N,” Izuku whispered. “God, you’re so perfect.”
He leaned forward and pressed a kiss onto your shoulder just as you shattered around him, keening as you rubbed yourself through your orgasm.
“Fuck,” he said, and you felt his thrusts become jagged, barely leaving you every time before plunging balls deep back into you. He shuddered and, before long, he finished too, taking slow, easy thrusts in and out of you before falling fully on your back, wrapping his arms around your middle.
He stayed there for just a moment before pulling out, taking off his condom and knotting it. You’d collapsed onto the arm of your sofa, face falling down the side as you tried to get your breath back under you, the feeling back into your legs.
“Was that too much?” Izuku asked, his voice soft and gentle again as he came in front of you, gently putting his fingers under your chin to bring your face back to him.
“No, that was amazing,” you said.
Izuku smiled and brought your lips to his for a quick kiss. “I’m glad. Where do you keep your water glasses?”
“Cabinet above the sink.”
Izuku gave you another kiss, this time on the cheek, and then he was gone. You stayed still for a few more moments, your breath back in both hands, the heat seeping from your face slowly but steadily. You pressed yourself up, curling your spine like a cat to fight against the deep sway you’d had against the couch and the wall and gave a little shimmy to work out the kinks. You took a quick trip to the bathroom, then you went around and scooped up all the pieces of clothing that had been thrown hither and yon and carted them back to your room. You’d just flipped on the light switch and dropped them in a pile on the floor when Izuku came back with a glass of water and a wash cloth.
“You got up,” he said.
“I just didn’t want my roommates to get home to find me fucked out against the couch,” you said with a smile, taking the glass he handed to you. “We have house rules.”
“That’s fair,” Izuku said as you took a glug of water. “Lie back on the bed.”
His voice was far less demanding than before, but you went along anyway. You set the water glass on the nightstand and then lay down, allowing Izuku to spread your legs. Some of the old heat returned to your face and you looked away from him as he took the washcloth to your center.
“There’s no need to be embarrassed,” he said.
“It’s just different,” you squeaked. “After we’re done…In the full light and you’re just down there looking at me.”
“It’s only for a moment longer,” Izuku said as he cleaned you. True to his word, he took the washcloth away after a moment, pressed a kiss to the inside of your thigh, and said, “You’re beautiful.”
The washcloth was added to the stack of clothes on the floor, and then Izuku was back in front of you, running his fingers lightly along the outside of your thigh.
“Thanks for tonight,” he said softly.
You sat up, putting a hand on his arm. “Stay.”
“Can I?”
His eyes were wide and innocent, like he hadn’t just fucked you raw in plain sight of the neighbors. Like he hadn’t spanked you and called you princess.
“Of course,” you said.
“I’m glad.” He smiled. “Cuddling is kind of my favorite part.”
“Is it, now?”
“I’ll prove it,” Izuku said, flipping off the light and climbing into bed behind you as you settled in. Then he had you wrapped tight in his arms, pulled flush against his chest. He let out a deep, satisfied sigh into your neck and said, “It’s just the best.”
“It kind of is,” you said, snuggling back against him.
There were a few more murmurs shared between you two but, slowly, the words fell loose, eyes falling closed. Your breathing evened out, and then there was nothing but Izuku’s arms and breath around yours.
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“There’s a box of condoms on the couch!” you heard Mina screech a couple hours later, jolting you out of your deep sleep. You felt Izuku’s arms tighten protectively around you as he too let out a sharp intake of breath. “Our girl fucked!”
“Ooh, what a surprise!” Tooru cheered.
“Out here?” you heard Momo groan, her voice much more tired than Mina’s or Tooru’s.
“Dammit,” you whispered, and Izuku giggled behind you.
“That was my fault, I’m sorry.”
“Shh, just go back to sleep,” you said. “If we wake up early, we can sneak you out before any of them are up.”
“So long as I get to see you again,” Izuku murmured, nuzzling back into your shoulder.
Your chest warmed and you pulled Izuku’s arms closer against you, gripping them tightly before your hold fell lax in sleep. Tooru was right—you’d gotten the surprise you’d wanted.
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usotranslations · 3 years
Act 11 || Episode 32 || Re:Re:Portrait
T/N: There are a few pictures I added, but still not the typical amount that I do. Also, this may not hit as hard if you’re reading this without knowing what led up to this, so I recommend knowing the lead up to this before reading ep 31 and this one. But of course, it’s only recommended. Without further ado, enjoy and bring your tissues y’all.
Banri: … (Center stage, time’s almost up…) (I can understand the value and importance of this place now more than when I first stood on this stage.) (The time since I’ve arrived here at MANKAI Company…) (The new Spring Troupe and Summer Troupe, and we, the Autumn Troupe, and the Winter Troupe have all piled into here.) (I can’t just up and ruin what this theatre has grown and become.) (—I want to continue to stand here.) (Now I remember what’s at stake here, and I can be as honest as I can be.) … Phew. (The stage looks bigger when you’re alone.) (But I’m not alone. Behind the audience is the rest of Mankai.) (And Autumn and Director-chan are here between all the equipment… I couldn’t feel more supported.) (There’s a live audience, but there’s even more behind the camera.) … Let’s go. (I can’t think of any better way to do this now, it’s time to show the world who I am.)
Chikage: 3, 2, 1—
Banri: —I’m Banri Settsu from MANKAI Company. First of all, I’d like to apologize for making any fans feel uncomfortable by my actions. When the next performance was announced, I caused a bit of an uproar, and I’m sorry. But I didn’t decide to do this stream just to apologize. There’s been rumors spreading around SNS and it’s muddling the truth. In fact, there've been many people who’ve annoyed me in life and I regret what I’ve done. I want to apologize for that now too. But that’s not all of who I am, and I don’t want Mankai’s reputation to be damaged because of a misunderstanding caused by someone like me. Today, I wanted everyone to know about the person named “Banri Settsu”, so I decided to do it in this way. Please, let me tell you about the past and future of my life. I’m an actor, so what better way to express it than on a stage rather than at a press conference. … “My portrait—Banri Settsu.”
Banri Settsu used to be empty.
When I was young, I excelled at everything and people around me praised me for it. In the beginning, I thought I just wanted the compliments from my family to keep rolling.
But eventually, when my excelling became the norm, the praises came less and less. Most of all, though, my feelings about things started to fall too, and eventually, everything I did bored me.
While growing up in those circumstances, I started fighting in high school. When I think back on it now, maybe I was a bit scared. I wasn’t motivated by anything, so maybe I was scared to admit I was someone who was empty.
That’s why I wanted something to rekindle me, even if it was just a bit, and fighting rougher dudes was the only solution I had at the time. I didn’t think about how much I’d hurt someone. I was only looking for a driving force for myself.
Thinking back on it now, I think I knew I was doing something stupid. I didn’t think about how much it’d affect the future though. No, maybe I didn’t think at all. I think I was just desperate.
One day, I came across a theater. It was a rather modest place, but after stepping into this theater, it was the first time my life took a turn I wasn’t expecting. I couldn’t accept the fact that I’d lost, so I ran.
But then I saw my friends perform on their own, and I thought to myself that it couldn’t end here, I wouldn’t accept this defeat.
“Be different from your past self”, “Be proud to stand in the middle of the stage”, “For your friends and yourself, make your dream come true for all of you”, “Face that dream of yours head on, no more running”...
Eventually, I came to think that trying to touch my friends’ feelings is the life I want to live. I guess it sounds weird for those who were just trying their hardest.
My personal experience of theater became a portrait of my friends. From then on, my life changed, and I went to university to take acting seriously.
My way of life changed so suddenly. And watching someone else’s performance made me reflect on my life.
In front of me, my friends lived life in real time, while I faked mine. Before, if I were to see their desperation, I might’ve laughed at them.
But then I realized that those actors were leagues better than I was, while I was just trying to run.
Maybe it’s ‘cause I didn’t want to face the fact that I wasn’t better than someone for the first time in my life. I want to be myself and I can do anything, I couldn’t show my weaknesses to others… And I was sure that not allowing myself to show my weakness WAS my weakness.
And it’s thanks to my friends, I realized it was a hundred times more likely to run away from your problems and I shouldn't resort to that.
So, no matter how crappy I am, I don’t want to run from the stage again, I’ll do my damndest. I want to perform a play that will change someone’s life, like how my friends’ performances changed the me who was once empty.
I think that’s the coolest way I’d be able to live life, and it’s the reason why I want to stand on stage as an actor, and I plan on sticking with it.
I was against theatre, I messed up time and time again, I was stuck, I was shit at it. But now I have friends who’ve shown me it’s okay to struggle.
I want to stand on the stage of this theater, of this theatre company, with my friends.
Nothing else can replace it. I don’t care that it has to be theater. All of the answers to my ultimate desire are right here.
Even after all of my struggling, I want to perform to the best of my ability, and I want to be proud of myself, living this life.
That’s why I want to stand here. Now, it’s the only thing on my mind. I don’t want to let go of the answers to life that I’ve had.
I want to act. Here in this place, forever. Even now, and long after—!
Banri: But— …
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Banri: Haha, in the end, I’m just me…
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Banri: For the first time in my life, I can feel my heart tighten. Even though my emotions were all based around others… this is who I am. This is all of me now… Thank you.
Izumi: I’m proud of you, Banri-kun.
Tasuku: You did good.
Yuki: Isn’t this the first time you’re so honest?
Tenma: All of Banri-san was laid out.
Kumon: Even though you stumbled, you still got back up, how cool, Banri!
Muku: I’m sure everyone has an understanding now!
Misumi: Good job, Banri!
Homare: What an incredibly moving portrait!
Tsumugi: It’s a portrait only he can do.
Itaru: Uwa, we’re the same.
Manager: The stream has been stopped now!
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Taichi: Ban-chan!!
Banri: Urk.
Omi: Well done.
Sakyo: Good job, Leader.
Banri: Oi, don’t pat my head!
Azami: I’m glad you cried at the end. You would’ve ruined your makeup.
Juza: It sucked.
Banri: Shut up!
Juza: … But, it was cool.
Banri: I said shut up.
Izumi: (I’m glad Banri-kun has his friends now.) (I’m glad Autumn was able to meet and accept each other for who they are.)
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tyblackthornlovebot · 4 years
End Up Here || Reggie Peters x Fem! Reader
Summary: Reggie seems to find you the coolest and most enthralling girl he has ever seen. He wishes he could find the way to your heart. The only problem? He is dead, you’re not.
Pairing: Reggie Peters x Fem! Reader.
Word count: 2k
Warning: None that I can think of. Maybe one mention of them being dead? Reggie being his clumsy cute self.
Requested?: Yes, thanks for requesting! “hey! what about a reggie x fem reader based on that 5sos song, “end up here”? with a fluffly ending if that’s possible? ty!”
A/N: This was my first fic so I hope you enjoy it! If you had something different in mind or want to request anything else, please feel free to do so. I had so much fun and loved writing this one!
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Once again Luke and Alex had told him to give up on you, that he had no chance. They didn't want to see how, without even knowing it, you ended up breaking his heart.
Once again Reggie had decided to ignore them and to go see you at high school. 
He knew they were only trying to protect him, save him from getting hurt. 
He even tried to fight those growing feelings but it didn’t seem to work so he resigned himself.
He was just too fascinated by the way you acted. The way you didn't seem to care what other people thought about you.
Like every morning since they showed up at Julie's garage he watched as the doors of high school opened. And among the crowd of students it wasn’t long until he located you. 
At first he went there because he was curious. After so many years without going to high school Reggie wanted to see how everything had changed.
Once he saw you there, so calm, so immersed in your own world, he knew that high school wouldn’t be the only thing that would change for him that day. 
From that moment on he discovered that never before, not even in his previous life, had he wanted to attend high school as much as he wanted now.
At the beginning it was nothing more than pure intrigue. Reggie felt attracted to you. There was no doubt you were the type of girl who would catch his attention. So he decided to do some research on his little crush, without telling anyone just yet. 
As the days went by he found himself following you to all of your classes. Marveling at the way you didn't seek attention, yet you always managed to catch it.
From the way you walked down the hallway, seemingly without a care in the world, with your headphones on. He wondered what kind of music would you be into.
To the way you always seemed to know the correct answer when asked, despite spending all your time drawing in your notebook. He found it to be so alluring, how clever you were without having to try too hard.
Soon his friends began to notice, seeing how he disappeared daily early in the morning. And how he would come back whenever Julie did. 
First they thought that perhaps he was beginning to catch feelings for their mutual friend, the only person that could see them. As they found out later when following him, that wasn’t the case. 
They asked him about you, how he felt towards you, what your name was, when did he start going to see you at high school. Endless questions that Reggie was more than willing to answer. A little embarrassed, but excited for being able to finally talk about you with his best friends.
Even if his crush was a little one-sided he thought they would be there to support him, just as he had done many times twenty-five years ago. 
Unfortunately for him he soon realized that he wouldn’t have the same luck. Luke and Alex, after listening to him, decided to list each and every reason why continuing to go see you was a terrible idea.
And maybe they were right. They were probably right. But Reggie didn't need anyone to tell him the truth, he needed them to be there for him and for them to be supportive. After all, he was old enough to make his own decisions. If he ended up getting hurt it would be his fault, because he decided so. Not because his friends told him what to do.
That was the reason why he was there once again, sitting on the empty seat behind yours in your mathematics class. 
Not that he was too interested on the subject, but he was entertained by watching you draw. 
When the bell rang, announcing the end of that class, Reggie said goodbye with a small sigh. He had to leave earlier that day, so he didn’t have time to accompany you to your last class. 
He hated having to leave you, even if you weren’t going to notice, but he had to go and get ready. That afternoon Julie would perform a song in front of the whole high school. As her friends they were going to be there to support her.
So this is how he found himself a few hours later, in the high school gym with his bandmates and Julie, watching a group called Dirty Candy perform.
Although he had to admit the choreography was good and the girls were talented, it couldn't be said he was too focused on them. He was busy looking for you. 
The whole high school was there, so you must be there too somewhere in the stands. 
He only stopped looking for you when he saw the principal begin to give her speech. The stands were completely silent and it was becoming a bit uncomfortable.
The three of them encouraged Julie to go up on stage. They knew this was her chance and they didn't want her to miss it.
Having finished the performances and the speech, Julie took the stage but the students in the audience also began to stand up. The three ghosts encouraged her so she would feel brave enough to start performing.
Luke had been helping her with the song, not wanting him nor Alex to see what both of them were working on. Now Reggie knew why, as he turned around to look at his friend, surprised. 
That was a Sunset Curve song with a few piano changes. One they hadn’t released.
Even if you couldn't see him maybe their music would end up making you feel something. That would be much better than nothing, Reggie thought, unable to prevent a huge smile from forming on his lips.
And then, suddenly, there they were. Up on stage with their instruments in their hands. 
Reggie couldn't say which of them was more surprised, but he couldn't miss the opportunity. Now that he knew you could see him he had to give his best, play like he had never done before. 
He looked for you again in the crowd with his eyes finally falling on you. 
His heart skipped a beat when he saw you cheer them on. At that moment he swears he could have started crying but he forced himself to maintain his composure. For the band’s and his image’s sake but also because he didn’t want you to think he was crazy.
On the other hand, you were thinking about how grateful you were that your best friend had convinced you to go with them. 
Before that you had come to wonder if it was worth attending, seeing as every year the principal gave the same speech. However that year nothing was the same. One second you were bored to death, wishing you had skipped it as you intended to do at the beginning. The next it seemed like you were in a concert, far away from your high school gym, as you cheered to the rhythm of the music.
Julie and you weren't close friends, but you shared some classes and you got along well enough. 
You were surprised and happy to see how she managed to get on that stage, overcoming that fear that until now prevented her from singing.
The fact that she was later joined by three mysterious boys made the performance even better. All three were handsome, that was undeniable. But your gaze was fixed on the boy in the plaid shirt and white t-shirt, unable to tear it away. 
There was something alluring about him, in the energy he gave off while playing his bass. And when he approached the boy in the beanie to sing with him, you were amazed. His voice, even if it wasn't as loud as the beanie boy’s, had the same power. A power that seemed not only to affect you, judging by how those who were around you reacted.
Besides, he knew how to connect so well with their public that it made you feel as if his gaze was fixed on you all the time, you thought.
Then suddenly and without warning they disappeared as soon as the song ended. 
Seeing how everyone gasped, puzzled, Julie decided to explain the situation. Those boys were holograms and the projector operation involved algorithms and science stuff.
Everyone seemed to agree with that explanation, bored by the technicalities of science. But Julie didn't count on the fact that someone would be very curious about the holograms and how they worked. That someone being you.
“Y/N, we should get going. As amazing as that was, everyone has started to leave.”
“I think I’m going to stay and ask Julie a few questions.” You told your best friend. 
“Like, c’mon. There’s a way you can connect with hot musicians and no one is interested in how to do that? Really, just me? Alright, then!” They smiled at your antics, shaking their head.
“You sure?” They asked, to make sure you would be fine going home alone.
“Positive.” You nodded your head, smiling back at them reassuringly.
It took you a couple more minutes, but you finally managed to get them to leave without them feeling guilty. By then the gym was already empty, except for the music teacher and the principal who were talking to Julie.
When they left you realized Flynn was there as well. She approached her best friend with a not so friendly expression. You preferred not to get in the way, stepping aside to give them privacy. 
It was hard not to hear their conversation. Thinking that there was no one left in the gym, they didn’t speak in a low tone, and the echo of that place increased the volume of their words. And still, you tried.
You were there when Flynn ran out, therefore when Julie ran after her. And you, without much choice, behind Julie. You would have felt really bad if after that scene you witnessed you hadn't tried to cheer her up. At least you wanted to apologise for overstepping and hearing their conversation. Even if you didn’t do that on purpose. 
You also had more questions than ever, that much was clear, but the main thing was to make sure Julie felt better after all that.
Dodging Nick you saw Julie in the distance, entering one of the classrooms. 
Accelerating your pace you managed to reach her. She was silent so you took that as the perfect opportunity to ask her if she was doing alright. 
But before you could step into the classroom she started screaming, scaring you to death and making you jump.
“You! Stop doing that! I’m serious.” You heard her say. You wondered who she would be talking to. That also made you decide that you wouldn't come out of your hide spot just yet. What if she had found Flynn and you ruined their moment? It would be better not to move, to avoid making any noise.
“Yeah, the whole school saw you. It’s kinda freaking me out.” She kept talking to apparently no one. Most likely with someone who spoke in a low voice, because from your hiding place you couldn’t hear any other voices. At that point you were pretty sure she wasn’t talking to Flynn. But still, you were in a compromising situation. If you came out of hiding, she would think you were spying on her. It would be better to just wait and hope she would end up leaving soon.
“Are you kidding? They loved us. That was a great song, Luke”. That’s when you realized she was talking to her hologram band.
You hoped you weren't interrupting anything important. But Julie seemed to be in a better mood and the facetime conversation you thought she was having could be the perfect ice breaker for your questions. Maybe you could even talk for a bit to the bassist who had caught your eye. It wasn’t every day that you had the opportunity to talk to three Swedish talented musicians. 
So you decided to pluck up your courage and entered the classroom.
“Julie…? Who are you talking to?” Reggie heard your voice fill with worry, as your eyes scanned the room. Then he thought about the big mess they were in. 
Julie tried to find a reasonable excuse, but you had heard too much. Both at the time and with the conversation she had had with Flynn, to know that she was lying to you.
“I’m sorry, it really isn’t any of my business. Just wanted to make sure you were alright. Had a few questions about that band of yours, as well. But again, none of my business, sorry.” You ended up shrugging your shoulders. Without looking for more answers. After all, it really wasn’t any of your business. And if she had fought her best friend for lying, you wouldn’t be the one to whom she ended up confessing. “But really, you doing alright?” You sounded concerned and they couldn’t help but feel some sympathy for you.
“Julie.” Reggie called her. “Could we… Maybe we can tell her?” He turned around to face his friends, with something that sounded similar to a plea in his voice.
“Dude, she’s so far out of your league.” Luke jokingly told him. “But if it makes you happy I say we tell her. What’s the worst thing that could happen?”
“Besides everything, you mean?” Alex asked rhetorically. “But I have the feeling that whatever I say you're not going to listen to me, so…”
Julie was listening to them talk, wondering what was the best decision to make.
As Reggie watched your puzzled face, he thought about the possible questions that might had been going through your mind. What was going on? Why the sudden silence?
“Well, Y/N. I think it’s better that I tell you the truth, seeing the insistence of some.” Finally, Julie decided to speak. You seemed more and more confused, even a little offended by that last comment, but decided to let her finish talking. “Come to my house tomorrow afternoon. I’ll show you what all of this is about.”
Reggie could read the curiosity on your face. After so many days watching you, it wasn’t difficult for him to distinguish your emotions. Although, honestly, he was also curious and really excited to know what Julie had planned.
The next day passed quickly for the phantoms, but not for you. 
It was the weekend, so Reggie hadn’t been able to see you yet. He had spent the whole morning rehearsing and doing some breathing exercises. His new friend Google had told him it was a good way to keep calm.
You, on the other hand, were so eager to know the answers to your questions that as soon as the time agreed with Julie arrived you were already knocking on her door. More punctual than ever.
It took her two minutes to open the door for you. Not that Reggie was counting… Well, alright, he was counting. But he was impatient.
Since Julie had told them her idea he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it, about you. He had even dressed up for the occasion, wearing a white t-shirt with the In Utero logo on it. One of his favorites that had been left in Julie’s garage. 
He had combined it with his black leather jacket and ripped black pants. Black shoes and his red flannel shirt tied at the waist. His pendant clinking every time he moved, in a rather attractive way.
Julie (and Reggie, even though you couldn't see him) went to greet you at the door, smiling as soon as she saw you. She was a bit nervous, but determined.
“Let's go to the garage, what I want to show you is there.” She told you, impatient to get there. But Reggie couldn't blame her, he was feeling the same or even worse. “But first, do you want something to drink?” The ghost snorted, which earned him a bad look from Julie. He knew it was polite to offer something to your guests, but this wait was going to be the death of him once more.
“Not really, thanks, I'm fine. Nervous, but fine.” You let out a nervous chuckle, which made Reggie look at you enrapturedly. Julie just smiled with amusement, without saying a word to either of you about it.
Then she made you follow her to the garage. You looked around with curiosity, trying to figure out what she would like to show you. There were two pianos and a sofa there. Interesting objects, but still not enough to find out what was going through Julie’s head.
“I know this might sound a little bit crazy, Y/N.” She started. With that she managed to peak your interest, you were all about crazy.  “But… you remember those guys that were playing with me yesterday?”
“The cute hologram musicians? Sure.” You nodded your head, while laughing. It was hard to forget them, especially a certain bass player.
"Yes, I suppose I am talking about them." Julie tried to suppress a laugh with your answer, as she watched Reggie's face flush completely, before continuing to speak. "Let's just say they're not exactly holograms. And that… they might be listening to you right now."
Your eyes widened, as you felt a little embarrassed. But immediately curiosity took hold of you and you went back to searching the entire garage, looking for a mobile phone or any reasonable device. Finding nothing, you frowned, confused.
“What do you mean by that, Julie? I can’t find anything and I have been looking since we entered your garage.” Now you were focusing on her. You felt like she was going to tell you everything, whatever that was, and you wanted to be ready. 
“They are… ghosts.” She said slowly, trying not to scare you. “They are here, but you can only see them when we play together.”
It sounded like another one of her lies, like the one she had tried to tell you the day before in that classroom. But this one sounded so crazy, you thought it might be fun to go along with it. After all, if she had invited you to go there, it must have been to tell you something important, not to lie to you again. That ghost part could wait, you just wanted some answers.
“So they are musician ghosts?” You asked, still playing along. Julie could tell from your tone that you didn't quite believe it. But it was a matter of time, she thought. 
“Well, they say they prefer to be called musician spirits. But technically, yes.” Then she turned to what seemed to be the void and talked. “All right, guys. You ready?” 
You stayed silent, staring at her like she had grown a second head.
“Actually, can you sit there? Reggie needs some space to rock out and he feels kinda weird walking through you.” You nodded as you went to sit on the sofa that you had previously spotted, still not saying a word. You were starting to get worried, seeing as she had even named the ghosts. “You must have already noticed that there’s no plug or equipment that will produce a hologram. But you can double check, if you want.”
You shook your head. You didn't need to check anything, there definitely wasn't. But you still weren't sure what Julie’s plan was. So you kept quiet, just focusing on what she was telling you.
“We're going to play Bright one more time. It will be just like in high school, but this time you'll know the truth as well.” Julie was explaining everything to you with a smile, but Reggie thought it wasn't going to be like in high school at all. There they were alone, singing exclusively to you. As he ran his hand through his hair, in a gesture of sheer nervousness, he prayed that everything would go well. “Hope you like it.”
While Julie started to sing and play the piano, Reggie felt as Luke squeezed his shoulder reassuringly. He turned to see Alex, who offered him a small smile. This time he took notice of how his friends supported him and that made him gain a little self-confidence. He was ready.
Y/N had to suppress a scream as the ghosts appeared in front of her with their instruments. Any doubts that she might have had thus far had disappeared with the appearance of the three boys. There was no way to fake that. There was no logical explanation, but there was also no evidence that denied what she was seeing.
It all seemed crazy, just as Julie had told her at the beginning, but she had always wondered what happened after death. Finally accepting that she was surrounded by three ghosts, it was her chance to ask them all the questions she could think of. 
Besides, if ghosts were real she could always have had a worse encounter. 
But young, talented and handsome musician spirits? It definitely could have been worse.
Once she was no longer frightened, almost halfway through the song, she was able to allow herself to enjoy the melodic voice of the ghost that had caught her attention and admire the delicate way in which he played his bass.
At that moment she decided that ghost or not, she would like to listen to their entire setlist if she continued to see and listen to his voice that way. Besides, she had always loved that style of music. 
Reggie approached her, cautiously not to scare her and Y/N greeted him with what she hoped would look like a captivating smile. It seemed to work, as he immediately blushed.
“Hi, I’m Reggie.” He introduced himself with a goofy smile, while failing to look cool. Not that he needed to do so. She already found him adorable and that was way better than looking cool.
“Y/N. Nice to meet you, Reggie.” Reggie loved the way she pronounced his name. An angelic sound to his ears. “Love the shirt, by the way. In Utero, one of their best albums.”
 Reggie had to remember not to stop playing and to grip the bass tightly, because he almost dropped it in surprise. Y/N liked Nirvana. Would she loudly snore at night? Would she eat strange food combinations? He wondered. There was no way such a perfect girl could exist. 
After that exchange of words the rest of the band introduced themselves. Reggie and her talked until it got dark, while the band kept playing different songs so that she wouldn’t stop seeing him. 
It was hard having to say goodbye. In a single afternoon they had both connected with each other as they had never managed to do with anyone else.
Reggie was afraid he would never see her again. Or rather, that she would never see him again. It was on her to decide whether she wanted to or not, and that was what Reggie feared the most.
He had had such an awesome afternoon with her that he hadn't even considered never seeing each other again. But when it was time to say goodbye, all the doubts and insecurities suddenly overwhelmed him. Had she had an afternoon as pleasant as he had? Would she like to see him again?
"See you tomorrow? I'll get my bass. You still have to teach me how to play Livin' On A Prayer, I love that song."
All his doubts were dispelled when she gave him that warm smile, with which only she managed to warm him up inside.
And with that Reggie knew that he would continue to accompany her to class, although this time she would know. And he would send her notes, as he had recently learned to do. 
They would also keep organizing small concerts for as long as she wanted, just so they could see each other. 
It might not be perfect, nor ideal, but it would be one day. Meanwhile they would figure ways to make it work.
At the moment Reggie was happier than ever. He never imagined that he would end up getting to know the girl of his dreams. Much less that she would also end up being interested in getting to know him.
As he grinned to himself, while walking her home, he couldn’t help himself but wonder: how did we end up here?
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musings-from-mars · 3 years
@nuts-and-dolts-week - Day 1 : Childhood Friends (or, acquaintances?)
((EDIT: I reblogged this with an AO3 link if you want to leave a comment!))
Ruby hadn’t really understood why her dad had been so nervous about this big trip to Atlas. A whole week in the most technologically advanced place in Remnant? How could this not be the coolest thing ever? Almost all of her Signal classmates were going on the week-long trip, too. Despite her dad’s “I don’t knows” and “maybes,” Ruby had managed to get him to sign the permission slip and pay the dues for her to go. Of course, his condition that he chaperone was annoying, but at least it was happening! Ruby couldn’t wait to see the cool tech and weapons at Atlas Academy.
Much to her dismay, however, Ruby realized this school trip was ending up being way more boring than she expected. As her dad had put it, this really was shaping up to be “an elaborate recruitment event dressed up like an educational trip.” High-ranking military types and grizzled old academy professors gave tour after lecture after presentation, but to Ruby, it all blurred together. Who cared about graduation rates, or quality of education? Ruby wanted to see the cool stuff!
Which is why, despite knowing it would probably get her in trouble, she sneaked away during a lecture on the history of the kingdom to try to look around for something more interesting. Her class had spent the whole day at this academy, so Ruby knew well enough that this place was huge. But she hoped what little she’d manage to see would feature something cool. Maybe a weapons workshop, or a tech lab of some sort. There had to be something around in these huge echo-y halls.
Just when she was about to give up her search and sneak back into the lecture hall, she heard something from a nearby room. She shuffled closer and listened, noticing the placard by the door, Project Workshop #307.
“Her software is coming along even better than planned,” a man’s voice from within spoke. “The specifics of her hardware is the more troublesome aspect. But as an individual, she is displaying a tremendous level of self-awareness and agency. Not to mention she is quite personable and friendly, if not a tad bit literal. I’m still working on her ability to detect hyperbole.”
“It’s very impressive,” another man spoke. He sounded familiar. “But I am certain you know that the hardware is the top priority at this time. I find you focus too much on this project’s more...sentimental aspects.”
“Yes, well, you did ask for her to be as believable as possible. And I feel she is well on the way to achieving that goal!”
“Indeed. But you do understand what I am telling you, correct?”
“Yes, general. Understood.”
General? General Ironwood, that guy who gave the big welcome speech that morning?
“Good. I am very satisfied with the progress you’ve made on this project. Keep up the good work.”
“Thank you, sir. Good day!”
Ruby heard the sturdy thumping of boots on the floor, and she panicked and petal burst away to hide under a nearby bench. She held her breath and watched as who must have been the general walk past, none the wiser. She sighed in relief, then began to crawl out from under the bench only to see someone else leaving the same room, and she yelped and hid once more.
The person walked by her hiding spot, or...a robot? Four robotic legs ambled down the hall, and Ruby thought for a second that a big mech had been released inside the school. She poked her head out to look, but instead saw a man in a chair. It was like a wheelchair, but...with legs. Still cool, but not a mech.
Once the man and his robo-chair had disappeared around a corner, Ruby turned her attention to the room he’d left. He’d shut the door and she feared it was locked, but was relieved when it opened when she tried the knob. She grinned and looked both ways down the hall one more time, then entered. Time to see what this project was.
The men had talked about software, and how realistic she was becoming. Was this an AI of some sorts? A completely artificial person, even? The concept blew Ruby’s mind, and she hoped that was the case. She entered the room and gently shut the door behind herself, then turned to see...a laptop. A laptop sitting on a table, surrounded by notebooks and papers. Ruby had been expecting something cooler to look at. Maybe an android, like the hardware the men had talked about. She gave the notebooks a closer look, and was at least intrigued by their content.
The P.E.N.N.Y. Project.
“Penny...” Ruby muttered in curiosity as she looked at the header of one of the notebooks.
The laptop screen turned on, a bright lime green. “Salutations!”
“Wah-!” Ruby yelped and almost fell over, instead managing to land her butt in a nearby desk chair. She looked at the laptop with wide eyes. The screen was completely lime green, save for a small power on/power off icon in the bottom right.
“‘Wah’?” The feminine voice asked. “What does that mean?”
Ruby held her breath as she slowly adjusted herself in her seat, then used her legs to roll her way closer to the monitor. “Hello?”
“Hello!” The voice answered with delight.
“Who are you?” Ruby asked.
“I am Project P.E.N.N.Y., but you may just call me Penny.”
Ruby’s jaw fell open, and she glanced at the notebook again. “You...you’re an artificial intelligence.”
The voice seemed to giggle. “In a way, I am. My intelligence is man-made, but my more proper categorization is ‘Synthetic Person.’”
“Woah...” Ruby murmured, staring at the screen.
“‘Woah?’“ Penny asked. “What does that mean?”
“It...” Ruby wasn’t sure how to answer. “It’s just a thing you say when, like, you see something really cool.”
“‘Woah’ is an exclamation of wonder?”
“Yeah!” Ruby said with a laugh. “That makes more sense than what I said.”
“Thank you for teaching me!”
“Uh, sure.” Ruby was talking to a computer. Or, well, a synthetic person. This was so flipping awesome! This was exactly the kind of thing she had been hoping to find.
“Who are you?” Penny asked.
“I-I’m Ruby.”
“It is wonderful to meet you, Ruby!”
Her enthusiasm was infectious. “And it’s awesome meeting you too!”
“You are the first person besides my fathers that I have gotten to talk to so freely.”
Her fathers? “You mean the general, and that man in the...spider chair?”
“Precisely!” Penny confirmed. “Pietro Polendina is the one who is designing me, and General Ironwood is overseeing my progress.”
“That’s really cool,” Ruby said with a laugh. “When do you think you’ll be finished?”
“That is uncertain at this time. My father is currently designing a physical body for me! But the problem with that is without an Aura of my own—”
The door suddenly opened, and Ruby spun around in her chair to face whoever it was. Except she spun herself a little too hard and continued rotating, having to turn her head to face the man in the robo-chair while scrambling to stop her spinning.
“P-pardon me,” the man said, eyes wide and glasses crooked on his face as he stared at Ruby.
“Sorry!” Ruby yelped, hopping to her feet and standing upright, rubbing the back of her head. “I, uh...” She then quickly fell to the floor and mimed searching around for something. “I dropped my...lucky bottle cap.” My what...?
The man adjusted his glasses and chuckled. “Child, shouldn’t you be with your classmates?”
Ruby’s cheeks warmed. “Yeah, uhm...I got lost?”
The man Ruby deduced to be the Pietro Polendina whom Penny had mentioned shook his head fondly. “I do not blame your curiosity, young one.” He glanced at the desk. “I see you have made an acquaintance, Penny.”
“Ruby and I are acquainted?” Penny asked, sounding excited. “I have never been acquainted to someone before!”
Pietro chuckled fondly, like Ruby’s dad would anytime she’d go on a ramble about weapons or types of Grimm. “And while I am all in favor of you meeting new people in time, I’m afraid all information to do with you is proprietary at the moment. You and Ruby will have to catch up some other time.”
“I understand,” Penny said. “My conversational software is very impressionable.”
Ruby stood back to her feet as straight as she could, feeling hot under her Signal uniform. “So, uhh, I should go, huh?”
“Do not forget about your lucky bottle cap!” Penny reminded her earnestly.
“Oh, uhh...” Ruby’s face burned.
Pietro let out a hearty laugh and shuffled his robo-chair to the side. “Run along, Ruby. You are certainly missing a riveting retelling of Atlas’ military history.” Humorous sarcasm tinged his words.
Ruby nodded and awkwardly marched to the door. “Y-yes, sir,” she said, then struggled with whether she should salute or not, then compromised with a wave. “Uhm...bye, Penny.”
“Farewell! I hope to talk to you again soon, acquaintance!“
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buttterknifeee · 3 years
An Introduction Pt.3- Teen Titans x Aquagirl!Reader
Pt.1 Pt.2
Requests for this series is now open!!! You can request for ships, episode inserts, and headcanons for this series!!! More info can be found here
Summary: You guys are like the "Friends" of the crime-fighting world. Robin's totally Ross and if this was one of those episodes, it would be called "The one where aliens get their asses kicked"
Ships: none, see info above
A/N: Once again this is a reader insert for the Teen Titans 2003 show season 5 episode 10 (the one where they all meet!) I also added an epilogue for funzies.
You found yourself in a dark bubble of Raven’s magic, floating up to the alien ship. You had offered to water jet all six of you up, but you weren’t even sure if you could create that big of a geyser. Besides, a quiet bubble is much better than a large geyser. Beast Boy, however, disagreed.
“That dark energy stuff gives me the--” He was cut off by a glare from Raven. ”Uh...I mean, it's cool!” He gives a guilty grin.
Robin tells us to go to the firing control room, and you all crept through the hallway in a single file line: Robin, the pink-haired girl, Beast Boy, You, Cyborg, and Raven, who you noticed was still near the entrance. Cyborg gave you a look as if to say Keep going; I’ll handle this. You nodded and continued walking forward.
You were walking near Beast Boy, when you noticed a cut on his arm, with that part of his suit torn open. You pointed at it.
“Hey, you alright?” you asked, referring to the gnash.
“Oh this?” He replies. “This is nothing. When you’ve been a part of the DOOM patrol, a little cut is nothing.” He smiles confidently, patting his wound. You realize that he was totally bluffing when a comical tear springs from his eye and his arm tenses.
“Here I can help.” you say softly. Concentrating on the air between your hands, you condense the liquid in the air, forming a small bubble of water. You move that bubble of water onto his arm and it begins to glow. You let go of the water, revealing Beast Boy’s arm to be completely healed.
“Dudeee,” he stares in awe of your handiwork. “That's so cool-” He’s interrupted by your stumbling; healing really does take a lot out of you. He lets you lean on him, and the two of you continued walking forwards. After a few seconds, he stops.
“Uh, guys?” he says. And that's when you noticed it too. The six of you were surrounded by alien soldiers, and they seemed really out for your blood. “I think they know we’re here.” The six of you charged at the fleet of soldiers. But Robin seemed to have an idea.
“Raven!” he yelled. “Take out part of the floor!” Raven looked at him with confusion, but then nodded and did as she was told. With a large SMASH, she removed the part of the bottom of the ship, revealing the water below. The water below you realized, suddenly understanding Robin’s plan.
“Aquagirl! Now!” he yelled, holding off a soldier with his staff.
“On it!” you yell, punching another alien out of the way. (Apparently with water powers came enhanced strength, which you found out at that moment.)
Concentrating on the water below, you raised your arms, allowing the ocean to shoot up from below. Instead of blasting the water through the entire ship, you carefully controlled it to grab onto the aliens that were attacking your friends, pulling them through the hole and causing them to fall into the ocean below.
You looked at the door to the control room, which was locked shut.
“I got this.” Robin said, placing something shaped like a birdirang onto the door.
As the bidirang counted down, you heard Trogaar talking from behind the door. “The Earth scum shall learn it takes more than six juvenile heroes to defy the mighty Lord Trogaar!” he said, most likely with a smile on his face. You all looked at each other, prepared to prove him wrong.
The door exploded, and Robin was the first to get through. “We’re not six heroes,” he declared. “We’re one team.” Him considering the six of you a team sparked something inside of you. You all split up to take down Trogaar and his guard, with Robin at the lead. You took on a guard, kicking him in the stomach and sending him flying towards a wall.
You noticed that Robin was on the shoulders of Trogaar, and you sent a jet of water to his face to knock him off balance. That didn’t work and he threw Robin across the deck. Luckily, he landed on his feet. The two of you joined to fight Trogaar, taking turns to land punches and kicks. However he overpowered you and Robin, throwing you both across the room. You landed on your back, but Robin hit the wall with the back of his head and fell to the floor.
“Robin! Aquagirl!” The alien girl yelled. You got up as quickly as possible and helped Robin up from sitting position as she and Cyborg tried to take on Trogaar, only to be thrown in your direction as well.
Still leaning on you, Robin looked at Cyborg’s arm. “Can you rewire that into some sort of weapon?” he asked.
“I can try,” he said, getting up. The four of you were in a fighting stance, despite being injured and surrounded by Trogaar and his goons. Suddenly, you hear a voice, as clear as day.
“Get away from my friends!” It was Raven, supporting an injured beast boy. “Azarath Metrion Zinthos!” she chanted. Part of the ship exploded, sending it crashing into the ocean.
You found yourself standing in the ship, the roof torn off and making a slow descent into the ocean. All of the alien soldiers were groaning on the ground, but Robin, Cyborg, and the alien girl were all unharmed. The four of you watched in horror as Trogaar aimed to attack Raven when BLAM! You turned to see Cyborg standing next to you with a smoking sonic blaster in place of his arm. He grins.
“Alright I’m only gonna say this once. Boo-Yah!”
“Yo, is it just me or are some of these guys starting to move again?” Beat Boy points out, still slumped in Raven’s arms. He was right; a few of the aliens began to twitch, making attempts to get up. You turn to the other 5 people.
“You guys don’t worry. They’re in the ocean now, meaning that they’re in my territory.” You cracked your knuckles, your eyes glowing blue.
It’s the next morning and you find yourself sitting with Robin, Raven, Cyborg, and Beast Boy, looking at a view of the bay and an island
“Thanks so much for the new suit Cyborg!” you say, fiddling with your brand new outfit. You were wearing a cropped short-sleeve rash guard and swim shorts, both with deep cyan and black patterns. He also gave you black gauntlets with curved spikes ‘To protect yourself from bad guys and still be aerodynamic!’ according to him. Robin gave you one of his old yellow belts, since he figured you’ll probably need something to carry stuff in. Finally, you found some black scuba shoes from the swimwear store that allowed you to walk and swim with ease.
“Its no problem AG! I figured you needed a new outfit if you’re gonna be a superhero now” Cyborg chuckled, calling you a new nickname that he probably made up just then. Superhero, you thought. I like the sound of that.
Raven had a far away look in her eyes.“That's quite a view.” she said, still staring that the scenery
“Somebody oughta build a house out there,” Cyborg agreed, his voice now softer.
“Yeah, if you like sunshine and the beach.” Beast Boy added, making an obvious dig at Raven.
“You know, you're kind of funny.” Raven said to your surprise, smiling softly at Beast Boy. This was obviously too much for the guy’s ego.
“You think I'm funny?” Beast Boy sat up straight, looking at Raven. “Dude! I know some jokes!”
You laughed at Raven’s face of pure regret, before a familiar voice brought your attention to behind you. It was the alien girl, now in a purple outfit similar to the one before, but this time it seemed to really suit her.
“I look .. nice?” she asked, obviously insecure. You took her hand again.
“You look amazing,” you reassured her, causing her cheeks to flush.
Robin stepped forwards. “I still don’t know your name,” he said.
“In your language, it would be ‘Star Fire.’” she says with a smile.
“Welcome to Earth, Starfire.” Robin said.
She looked at you all shyly, certainly different from when you first met. “ I thank you all for your bravery and help, and I wish to ask permission...to remain here. Where the people are most strange ...but also most kind.”
“You don’t need our permission,” Raven said calmly.
“But if you want our friendship, you've got it.” Robin added.
“I could use a new friend,” you say with a wink.
“Guess we could all use some new friends.” Cyborg agrees.
“Besides, we kind of made a good team.” Beast Boy says proudly.
“I thought we might want to keep in touch, so Cyborg and I designed these.” Robin fished out four black and yellow communicators. You, Raven, Beast Boy, and Starfire each took one and observed them. They were similar to flip phones, but they were circular and had no logo on the front.
“Made ‘em outta my own circuits, '' Cyborg said proudly.
“When there’s trouble, you know who to call,” Robin said. You all smiled at one another. You were a team.
While everyone else was still smiling at one another, you excused yourself and walked a few feet away. You opened your new communicator, dialing in a phone number you know by heart. You waited for the person on the other line to pick up, and began to speak.
“Heyyy dad. It’s (y/n); you must have been worried sick, I’m sorry… Yeah no I’m fine, really. I’m in uhhh Jump City and I made some of the coolest friends and I was wondering... if I could stay here? I’ve been spending the whole night wanting to go back home, but I think this might be home for me. I understand if- oh? Really? You’ll let me stay? Wow, thanks dad. I-I promise that I’ll be careful and that I’ll go to school here, I know there's this high school called Murakami School I’ll try to… I love you too dad. I’ll talk to you later.”
You flip your communicator closed, and walked back to your new friends. Raven looked at you.
“Are you alright?” she asked, noticing your change in mood.
“Yeah,” you say, a smile forming on your face. “I’m great actually. Just had to call home.”
“You're going home???” Beast Boy asked, a frown falling on his face.
You chuckled, “Of course not.” You lightly punched his shoulder. “Besides, this is my home now.”
“Awe Yeah!” the green guy cheered. You laugh, feeling extra cheerful. Now that you’re in a team, you really do feel like you belong. You looked at your new team.
“Anyone up for pizza?”
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slowly-writing · 4 years
Avengers x Teen!Reader
Word count: 1.8K
Requested by @shady80smusicsingercolor : Avengers x teen!reader Where the reader is a cheerleader at the high school that Peter goes to, reader was during school hours when the teen heard the rest of the squad talking crap about them,teen gets upset,and after teen decided to skip practice,when they arrive to the avengers tower,Steve was the first one to notice but yet haven't notice the sadness in the reader face,but then realized the teen should be in practice,Steve now notices the teen face, calls for the team,and team comfort her
A/N: this was requested so long ago (literally April 10th), and I’m so sorry it took me so long. Thank you for your patients!
“Bye Pete, I’ll see you back home. I’ve got practice after school,” you remind the boy, waving as you turn the corner out of the cafeteria. You always left lunch a little early. Your next class was across the school and you really didn’t like to be late. So that’s what brought you here, alone and hearing voices ahead of you. Normally you wouldn’t think much of it, being in a school there’s constantly someone somewhere, talking about something. But then you heard your name.
You paused creeping close to the corner, but not quite rounding it. Listening to the voices you recognized as your teammates.
“What’s the deal with y/n and Peter? She’s always with him...I wonder if they’re dating,” Betty whispers to the group you can’t quite see.
“They can’t be. She’s way too good for Parker. It’s just a charity thing. Cause she lives with the avengers and he works there or whatever. She probably pities him,” Brad counters and you shrink further in on yourself.
“She’s kind of a weirdo too though. With that whole mysterious backstory and weird accent she tries to hide. Where’s she from? And how did she end up at the avengers tower?” Liz joins in and your frown deepens.
Did they really think you were shallow enough to think you were better than Peter? Just because he wasn’t on the football team? If only they knew how awesome he really was. And why did they suddenly want to know everything about you? They never asked before and you don’t really want to unpack their analysis of your home life anyways. That was none of their business.
You silently turn around, taking the long way to class. You really don’t want to see any of them right now.
When the final bell rang you sat at your desk, debating whether you could face practice. They don’t know you heard them gossiping, and it hurts more that they said it all behind your back, so you shake your head sending a quick text off to your coach, claiming you have a migraine, and start walking home.
You kept running over the things they had said. They really thought Peter was lame? After everything, you’d thought they’d gotten to know him. He’s the coolest person you’ve met, even without the whole spiderman thing. He was sweet and super passionate about the things he enjoyed. He was smarter than you could ever hope to be, but you never minded listening to him in the lab as he rambled about the new web shooters he was working on. You think he’s amazing, and you know that’s more than your massive crush talking.
Then there was the fact that they thought you were hiding things. It’s not like your living situation was a secret, but it wasn’t something you enjoyed talking about. You were born in Sokovia and lived there with your parents until the attack with Ultron happened. Most of that day is a blur, a mix of confusion, chaos, and repressed memories. But you know Steve got you out, but your parents were lost in the tragedy.
Steve and the other avengers felt some sort of responsibility to you. You’re still not quite sure why, but you know better than to look a gift horse in the mouth. A lot of people from your hometown came out of it with nothing, and the team is always sure to help when they can, but you’re grateful for your new life and all that it’s given you.
You’re so lost in thought you don’t even register that you’re almost home until you reach the front door of the tower. You smile weakly at the security guard and make your way to the elevator, silently praying nobody is home. As the doors open you see your prayers haven’t been answered, but the silver lining is Peter’s not there yet. Maybe Steve will forget you have practice today.
“Hey, kiddo. Didn’t you have practice after school?” shit.
“Uh yeah...it umm. Got cancelled. Last minute...gardening emergency. They had to close the field for the day,” you wince and Steve raises an eyebrow. “I gotta go. Homework.”
With that lame excuse you scramble to your room, closing the door behind you and flopping face down on the bed.
“Hey, Peter. Did y/n seem off to you today? She seemed upset when she got home from school,” Steve asks Peter in the lab, Peter furrowing his brow before responding.
“No, not that I noticed, but I haven’t seen her since lunch. Maybe practice was rough, I know they’re getting ready for that competition in a few weeks,” Peter says softly, trying to figure out how to help you.
“No, practice was cancelled. They closed the field,” Steve’s words cause Peter’s head to snap up.
“No they didn’t. I saw them practicing after school. The soccer team was on the field too. I didn’t look too close because y/n says it’s embarrassing when I watch practices, but I know it happened,” Peter stands, setting his tools aside, “I’m gonna go talk to her.”
“I’ll come with you,” Steve follows him out of the lab, and not five minutes later, there’s a knock on your door.
“Coming,” you yell, only to immediately shrink back after opening the door. One look at their faces and you know they’ve caught you in your lie, “hey.”
“I think we need to talk,” Steve says in his captain voice and you let out a sigh, opening the door enough for them to follow you into the room.
“Why did you skip practice?” Peter’s head is tilting to the side like a confused puppy, and you have to remind yourself that this is a serious conversation, not a time to fawn over how cute he is.
“I just-”
“And don’t try to lie again,” Steve cuts you off. The man really knows you too well.
“You know how in movies and TV shows cheerleaders are always such jerks?” They both silently nod, “and how when I moved here I tried really hard to fit in so they’d be nice to me?” two more nods. “I thought it worked but it turns out that in real life they just say the mean things behind your back when they think you aren’t listening.”
“What’d they say?” Steve’s voice is softer now, he’s always been afraid of you having problems at school. He knows his fair share about bullying, and knows kids will always attack anything different. Your accent may have faded over the years, but it’s still clear that you’re not from here and you’re not quite used to the New York lifestyle. Back home everything was smaller, but you’re always excited to learn about your new home. It’s rare to see you without a smile on your face and he always hoped your naive compassion would save you.
“They were talking about how weird it was that I kept secrets about why I lived here and…” you trail off, looking at Peter. He looks ready to go to war for you, and you don’t want to admit the rest out loud, “that I must only hang out with Peter out of pity. But it's not true! Sometimes I think it’s the other way around. You’re so sweet and smart that sometimes I think the only reason you spend time with me is because you feel bad for me. The freaky kid from another country with no family. I try to fit in a school, so I don’t talk about my home, and I’ve learned to talk like they do. But no matter what I do, I still stick out. Maybe it’d be easier for you if we weren’t friends at all.”
By the time you finish your eyes are firmly locked on your hands in your lap, tears building up in your eyes.
“That’s not true,” Peter says firmly, in a rare show of anger. For a moment you think he’s mad at you, until he continues and you see the real object of his anger. “I don't hang out with you because I pity you, or I think I have to. I hang out with you because I like you for who you are. You make me feel normal. Not like the geeky kid at school everyone likes to tease, or the hero the city looks to for help. With you I’m just Peter. You listen to me ramble about tech I know you couldn’t care less about and you tell me about cheerleading moves that are so foreign to me they may as well be in a different language, but it doesn’t matter. We’re there for each other, it’s what we do. And I wish I could’ve been there for you this time. I know what it’s like to feel like you have to keep secrets but you don’t have to do that with me.”
You let his words sink in, letting him brush away the tears that have made their way down your cheeks before Steve speaks.
“And you have a family. I know you lost yours in Sokovia and I can’t even imagine that pain, but you’re not alone. You have all of us and any one of us will be here to listen to you, or take your mind off of it for a bit. What happened to you was traumatic, you lost your whole life and it’s okay not to want the kids at school knowing that. But you don’t have to forget where you came from to fit in.  Wanda makes food from Sokovia on Peitro’s birthday every year and I know she still keeps her journal in Russian. You’re allowed to miss your home, y/n. It doesn’t make you wierd, or ungrateful. It makes you human,” Steve wraps his arm around your shoulder and you lean into his side.
“I do like it here, but it’s just so hard sometimes,” you admit softly.
“We know it is, but you’re not alone,” Peter tells you and you smile up at him, gently taking his hand in your own.
“Now, I think you need a fun, relaxing night with no responsibilities. What do you say to a movie night. We’ll watch whatever you want,” Steve proposes and your smile widens as you nod. “Then it’s settled. I’ll go gather the troops, and you two come join us whenever you’re ready.”
It’s silent for a few moments after he leaves and you soon realize you’re still holding Peter’s hand. You go to pull away but his grip is firm. His other hand on your chin, drawing your eyes to his. “I mean it you know. I like you, as more than just a friend.”
“You do?” your voice is barely above a whisper, but there’s a happiness in your eyes you can’t hide and Peter’s whole face lights up.
“Yes really. I have for a while now, I just never knew how to tell you. I wasn’t sure if you felt the same way.”
“I do,” the words tumble out of your mouth before he’s even done speaking, but he’s smiling, and so are you. For now it all feels right as he gently presses his lips to yours. The whispers in the hallways don’t matter, because you have a family, and it seems you may have a boyfriend now too.
Tag list: @rvgrsbrns @rororo06 @prizmix-and-friends @worlds-in-words @im-salt-but-not-salty @5aftermidnight @riotmaximoff @xxxtwilightaxelxxx  @stop-drop-and-drumroll
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uwua3 · 4 years
hmmm can i request masumi moving on from the director to the assistant director (reader)? like how he would transition and realize that he doesn’t actually love the director and is falling in love with the reader instead? thank you so much. i love your headcanons. theyre super lengthy, and they capture the emotions of the characters perfectly!! keep up the good work, love! :)
thank you so much!!! i’m so glad that i can portray the emotions of a character somewhat well 🥺 i often have a hard time pinpointing exact feelings so i’m so happy it doesn’t hold back my writings! i will keep doing my best to bring you the coolest pieces ever, mark my words!!! but this prompt is so ??? interesting that i’ve been thinking about it outside of tumblr, you know! i’ve held this off until i had a solid idea so here i am! ready to bring this to justice, wish me well!!! ♡
summary: masumi’s love language is making playlists, apparently
warnings: absent parents, one (1) argument, unrequited love
author’s note: please understand masumi was a hopeless romantic teen who grew up without love so his crush on izumi is definitely unhealthy, but it makes sense for his background TT i hope he overcomes a character arc where he “falls out of love” and loves himself more :D
word count: 3,666
music: breakfast in the park – scotty sire
one playlist, one song.
🌸💌 usui masumi
everything masumi did was for izumi
he acted on stage flawlessly by the script just to hear her approval from backstage. he put his acting career before his studies to have her praise the next day when he memorized his lines. he woke up for izumi, and fell asleep to see her sooner. eat, sleep, and breathe for izumi. masumi was in love
it didn’t matter if she loved him back, it was the feeling he wanted
growing up, no one loved him. so this unrequited love wasn’t painful, maybe it’s what he deserved for being so hard to love. if only he was better, did everything to improve, used every waking hour of his time to become the person izumi wanted him to be, then maybe he’d be deserving
masumi loved izumi, at least, so he thought
(but was this true love? why did the people he love always reject him? what was wrong, what did he have to do to be loved?)
it was another day, masumi opened his eyes and his first immediate thought was to greet izumi “good morning” and make sure she had her breakfast the way she liked it. he would pull a chair out for her, sit across the table after preparing her favorite coffee perfectly, and spend every second in between with her until they had dinner together
it was a cycle, a pattern misumi couldn’t find himself not doing. he lived for it, it’s what he was born to do
when masumi hurried to the kitchen to remain on schedule, he stopped by the entrance. someone else was in izumi’s place, a mug in your hand with a packet of papers open on the counter. you didn’t notice the teen by the door as you read through the stack
huh... you weren’t izumi
you looked up from the fine text and saw a boy staring at you with an apprehensive expression, as if he was wishing to will you away with the sheer force of his glare. in fact, he even appeared frustrated, his eyes narrowed and arms crossed over his chest
(of course he was angry! you were in izumi’s place, you interrupted his entire plan of the day! this was taking time out of his “loving izumi” schedule)
before you could say anything, the director walked into the room and you knew what was going on. the teen’s eyes practically became hearts, you could hear the pulse of his heartbeat from where you were, he instantly smiled and his whole face changed
it didn’t take any skills whatsoever to know izumi had a (not so) secret admirer in the dorms
“masumi!” izumi said, smiling back at him and missing the way he immediately melted at the way she pronounced his name. masumi suddenly wanted to hear it again and again. if he had a tail, it’d be wagging everywhere from how overwhelmed he was with emotion
he trailed after her like a puppy, seeking her attention and touch as he mindlessly followed with wide sparkling eyes and a permanent blush
as he tried to continue their day as normal, izumi led him to you with a big grin as she placed him in front of you. he didn’t bother turning to look at you, his entire focus was on izumi like he was stuck in a daydream
it wasn’t until izumi said those words that changed the rest of his life that he snapped his eyes towards you
“—meet our new assistant director! they’re going to be your acting coach!”
and ever since then, masumi’s hated you
it didn’t take long before the spring troupe members confessed izumi used to be masumi’s daily acting coach after practice. now that you took over her position, you basically stole him away from her (meaning less time for masumi to try to win over his true love)
(truthfully, izumi was grateful you replaced her. it was mentally draining to have to reject every single advance from the lovesick teen without breaking his heart. she pulled you into a hug with a relieved exhale, thanking you for your service as you wondered what she meant by that. you found out very quickly afterwards)
masumi couldn’t have ditched extra practice or else he’d let izumi down. so, he stayed against his will, using every chance to silently express his complaints about spending his limited time with you instead of izumi
of course, you didn’t react. you wanted to make a good impression for your first official job as the mankai assistant director (thank god your high school had a connection to offer apprentinceships), knowing this was an opportunity of a lifetime to even be inside the theatre business
(yet, you were questioning if masumi was a test or not. was this a test to prove you were patient, respectful, and willing to adapt to different types of actors? there was no way this kid was this in love with a grown woman, he couldn’t have possibly been this infatuated with izumi to the point of desperation)
(he was)
a week or two into extended practice and you were already stretched thin. masumi never took off his goddamn headphones, his volume on max with rock music damaging his eardrums as he barely paid attention to you. just nodded whenever you attempted to reprimand him, he didn’t care at all as he treated you with no respect
you were tempted to snatch his headset off and make him actually do something. you stood across from him in the practice room, his slouched posture completely not fitting the character he was portraying and his mumbled words the exact oppoosite of his performance whenever izumi was around
as he skimmed over his part and boredly stated the line in a monotonous attitude, you took a deep breath in and out with a forced smile
“masumi, perhaps you should emote more, with feeling.” you advised, your cheeks hurting from how strained your facial expressions were. masumi hummed, rolling his eyes as he turned the volume up higher (how was that even possible?)
“masumi, please pay attention.” you warned, an edge to your voice as masumi didn’t even acknowledge you. he glanced towards the door, as if hoping izumi would come through, then at the clock with a very disappointed sigh
“masumi.” you said, clutching the script in your fist as you tried to not cross your arms. your patience was on thin ice, how long would his bratty and arrogant attitude hold? you exhaled sharply, trying to maintain your composure for the sake of your internship
he didn’t respond. he yawned and stretched, as if he had just woken up. was masumi spaced out this entire time? you went to open your mouth and ask about his well–being (perhaps, you were being too critical of him. you were also a high school student, he must’ve been pressured in class), but before you could speak, he turned away with a curse
“shut up already, you’re so fake.” masumi mumbled, about to push his headphones over his ears completely but you threw the script onto the floor, startling him as it was your turn to glare at him
“usui masumi!” you shouted with disappointment, not believing your ears. why were his first words to you an insult? you wanted to go back to the stage of your relationship where he didn’t speak at all
masumi stared at you with an impatient look, as if he was waiting for you to get it over with already
“you want the truth, then? well, here it is!”
before you could stop yourself, you released all the anger you bottled up ever since you worked with him in a singular sentence
“izumi doesn’t love you, she never did and she never will, so give up already.”
this was the first time masumi even reacted to your words. his eyes widened, his hands frozen hovering above his headphones and his breath hitched in his throat. you instantly knew what you said was out of line, and when you tried to apologize, masumi sprinted out of the practice room rubbing at his eyes
the door slammed close, echoing in the corridor as you released a breath you weren’t aware you were holding. what could you do now? practice was over early, apparently
you were waiting for it to come, you knew you were being fired. you anxiously paced the floor, checking your phone multiple times to see if a notification with your resignation was arriving. it never did, even throughout the night, as you arrived to the mankai dorms with the weight of your outburst on your shoulders
as usual, you greeted the other troupes with respect despite being around the same age as them. in terms of their careers, they were leaps and bounds and years ahead of you and you made sure they knew that. they responded back friendly enough, offering sympathy most times whenever it was time to work with masumi
this time, the dorms were awkwardly quiet. it looked as if everyone was wary, looking out for something, on edge as they quietly moved around and tip–toed outside a certain door. members shushed each other with a hiss whenever a cabinet door slammed shut, or a bowl clattered against the table surface too long. it was an organized plan to not die, apparently
“what’s—” you started but were immediately silenced by a few pushing their pointer fingers to their lips with a warning expression. you bowed slightly as an apology and lowered your voice, glancing around you for the threat
“what’s wrong?” you whispered and everyone didn’t hesitate to point to masumi’s dorm room door. you learned that, to your surprise, masumi refused to leave his dorm and didn’t even let izumi in (you also found out he didn’t tell anyone what had happened between you two and your lack of professionalism)
you guessed this was going to be your apology then for not making you lose your job on the first day
when you straightened your back and confidently made your way to masumi’s door, the hushed warnings and pleas not to perish right then and there faded when you rapidly knocked on the surface with a stubborn intent to your actions
“masumi, it’s time for practice.” you called through the door, able to pick up on the vibrations of the music he was blasting through a speaker. no response, as expected of the drama queen (he was a teenager, after all)
“masumi, come outside or i’m making you.” you demanded, knowing he heard you when the volume was lowered a bar. it was instantly increased to the max, making most of the boys wince and cover their ears as the floor beneath them shook. you knew what this was: a challenge
scrolling through your albums, you found it and pressed play
without warning, masumi whipped his head towards his door as he heard something other than his own music
were you... were you playing the latest single of his favorite band?
you pressed your phone speaker below the door frame, letting it pass through the crack as he slowly turned down his own volume, staring at where the sound was coming from
after more than half the song, you breathed a sigh of relief when his door finally opened. masumi stood in front of you, his headphones pushed down to his neck, as he observed you (it was like he was really seeing you for the first time)
“you...” masumi paused, unsure how to continue. the song was winding down and fading out, coming to an end as he blankly stared at you. you fidgeted under his stare gazing through your soul, wondering if you had gone too far before—
“you know my favorite band?”
you blinked in surprise, as if you were expecting literally any other accusation but that. you nervously laughed, rubbing the back of your neck as you looked anywhere but at him. was it weird to admit that?
“y–yeah, of course. you play them all the time, so i assumed. i took a listen, they’re not bad.” you rambled, about to continue before masumi bent down to grab your smartphone. he held it out to you, which you took as he glanced at you up and down. was that, an impressed look to his face?
“of course they’re ‘not bad’. i listen to them.” masumi said, taking his script and leaving in the direction of the practice room without another word. you scrambled after him, attempting to keep up (you were usually the one dragging him to go)
masumi tried not to think about it too hard, but he did anyways
izumi didn’t even know what type of music he liked, but you did
it was during that fateful practice where masumi actually made an effort to try, and it’s like the fight from yesterday didn’t even happen
mankai couldn’t believe it—you actually managed to coax masumi out of his toxic mood swings. even izumi had a hard time processing it, confirming her gut feeling that she hired you for a reason
your hours with him increased, coincidentally enough
ever since then, you began learning more and more about who masumi truly was. any other person would’ve dismissed him as problematic for his borderline–creepy attraction to izumi, but past that, you realized there was a deepy rooted traumatic reason why masumi sought love from a select few
masumi was more than his love at first sight crush on izumi. you learned through his short, slightly rude responses, that his parents were absent from his life. when you put two and two together, it was obvious his guardians abroad didn’t give him the approval he needed as a child
(you made an effort to praise him more, genuinely complimenting his talents and encouraging him to do even better. you never noticed, but masumi’s face burned from being appreciated for once)
yet, you weren’t afraid to discipline him. you knew uninvolved parents meant a lack of authority in his life, resulting in his indifferent approach to everything. in a way, your ability to keep a level head but still reprimand him when necessary kept practice productive and functional (you learned being honest didn’t hurt his feelings one bit)
your relationship with masumi bloomed to be more than two aspiring actors. if you were lucky enough, you would even consider him a friend
he liked checking out new physical music releases in the form of cds and had a huge collection of post/progressive rock organized on his desk. when you gave him a mixtape of your favorites to share your music taste, you noticed it was closest to his player
(one time, izumi was worried about him. it had been quite some time since the last time masumi tried flirting with her. she was about to walk into his room before izumi noticed it was left open a crack. she looked in and saw masumi was lying in bed, staring at nothing with a small smile on his face as he listened to an unfamiliar song. it was your cd on repeat)
after school, you and masumi often rode the train back home if the mood called for it. he always leaned against the doors, staring out of the blurry windows with his headphones on and seemingly thinking of everything at once (probably izumi, considering how many times he subconsciously smiled to himself)
you sat beside him, focused on your apprentinceship work and staying on top of all your tasks. it was pretty much a quiet ride home, your friendship with masumi didn’t require talking to fill the silence. the comfortable gap between you two was expected, just two people co–existing with one another
except this time, it was different
you opened your laptop, about to start working before you glanced at masumi and stopped. he didn’t have his classic white headphones on, he always had them
before you could offer your own, masumi turned towards you, holding out one earbud with the other in his left ear
when you took it and placed it on your own ear, masumi slid over to sit closer and the casual distance suddenly closed. he shuffled through some playlist, he liked making them even if he did it rarely
masumi turned his head to look at you, and he seemed to be quietly asking what your opinion was on the track
(how much time had you spent with him that you had familiarized yourself with his complex body language?)
you closed your laptop and put it back in your bag. scooting closer, your legs were touching as you leaned over to read the title, humming a sound of agreement
“this is one of my favorites.” you confirmed, moving back only to realize how close your faces were. one wrong move and—
“me too.” masumi said, and he smiled
you wondered where you had seen that smile for and remembered: it was the smile he had given izumi every time he saw her in the morning
could it be?
you two listened to the music for the rest of the train ride, feeling as if you were trapped in a timeless space as no rules applied here. it was like your own little world, with masumi by your side and the background soundtrack of all your favorites
(misumi remembered your favorites, too. at the departure, you noticed he had messaged you a link. it was to the playlist he played earlier and a comment: thanks for the mixtape)
you two headed to the dorms, hands brushing and no words exchanged, like always. you weren’t aware how close you had become with the boy in love until now, especially with a singular cord keeping you two together
yet, it was as if nothing changed. when masumi saw izumi, he became the character everyone thought he was: a lovesick teenager in an unrequited relationship. he left you and sought izumi’s nonstop approval, his earbud pulled out of your ear as you watched
why was he such a different person around her? which version was his true self? and why did you want to know so bad?
(maybe, you wanted to be the one who knew masumi inside and out)
after that, you asked to ride the train home more. it was one of the only times you had him for yourself
sharing music became a way of communication over talking. you could predict masumi’s mood based on what he was listening to, and you always knew what to do when it came down to it. if masumi had something to express without his usual bitterness, he’d send a song and wait for you to listen it in full just to be understood. sometimes, his playlists even spelled out sentences
your relationship with masumi was mutual, and that was a first for him. he didn’t feel like he had to spend every second with you to confirm your friendship. he sometimes saw you irregularly throughout the day, but enjoyed it regardless
what was different was you made an effort to see him, you showed up to practice early with new song suggestions and plans to attend more music concerts. you included him, didn’t let him off easy, and had high expectations without being like his parents
no one wanted him around like you did, he had never felt this before. was this what it was like? being loved?
as you guys kept walking home with his earbuds connected, masumi was fully aware of how he wanted to hold your hand
“what is it?” masumi began, pushing his hand in his pant pocket to keep his voice steady. “love?”
you stopped, causing him to pause with you as he felt the tug of the cord. masumi turned towards you, the lyrics still played in the background as the instruments continued. a verse passed before you answered slowly, as if you were unsure and contemplative yourself
“love... love is what you feel. it isn’t defined, but it’s what you have for something that makes you happy, that motivates you to do your best.”
masumi didn’t seem to understand, so you explained further
“like, doesn’t music make you happy?”
masumi nodded
“then you love music!”
masumi seemed to understand as you two kept walking. but, masumi was even more confused, because didn’t that mean he loved you? you made him happy, you were his source of motivation
“then do you love me?”
you didn’t stop this time, but walked faster as you fell out of step with masumi. a new song was playing, but you couldn’t hear it over your own heartbeat
“don’t ask things like that, especially when you love izumi.” you laughed, but there was no humor whatsoever. masumi didn’t say anything else and the silence returned, it wasn’t as comfortable anymore
when you two walked through the front door, masumi hesitated. wasn’t this the point where he quickly latched onto izumi’s side? why did he want to stay with you? masumi glanced at you and before he could say anything, you gave him back your earbud and left to do your job
izumi waved at him, and masumi followed. for some reason, he questioned if izumi had ever heard his music before
(he realized, he never made a playlist for her)
it was nearing the end of your shift, you had blocked out your thoughts with the masumi method: maxing out your headphone volume as you revised masumi’s lines and corrections for next practice
your phone pinged, making you flinch at the sudden sound as you pushed the papers to the side. you sat with your chin on your knees, leaning against the practice room mirror as you lazily grabbed your phone, unlocking it to see a new text from masumi
it was another playlist titled “you make me happy, you motivate me”
you opened it and was about to press play before you noticed there was only one song
“i love you”
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jayeray-hq · 4 years
He’s My Best Friend: Aone Takanobu
Post Time Skip/Manga Ending Spoilers!
Warnings: fluff and very, very slight implied NSFW and innuendo
Choose your own ending platonic or romantic!
He’s My Best Friend Masterlist - Character Masterlist
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Thank you as ever to the wonderful and talented Tay @deathcab4daddy​, thank you for beta reading for me! I don’t know what I’d do without you!
The Past: How You Met
           You’d met Aone Takanobu the day you’d started school for the very first time. It had been an exciting day for you, one you’d been looking forward to for a long time. You distinctly remembered putting on your fancy new uniform, admiring your reflection in the mirror. You’d almost missed out on breakfast because you ignored the calls for you to join in, you’d been so caught up in how grown up you looked and fantasizing about how amazing school was going to be.
When the time had come for you to be dropped off, you’d pranced happily out of the car without fear, and entered your classroom with your head held high. The teacher had greeted you warmly and helped you find your desk, and you’d immediately set about trying to befriend the people next to you eagerly chatting away.
             The desk mate on your right, whose name you’d long forgotten, had been all too happy to speak with you at the time, but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t get the boy to your left to talk. He’d look at you, and he seemed to be listening to what you said to him, but no matter what questions you asked, no matter what you said or did, he didn’t respond to you, not even when you asked his name.
             In the end, your short attention span meant you’d given up on talking to the quiet white-haired boy, and instead interacted with the others around you. It had been an incredibly enjoyable morning, and it only got better when you were invited outside for recess after lunch. You and some of the girls you’d befriended over the course of the morning had all plopped down together so you could show them how to make flower crowns. It was a skill you were rather proud of at the time, one that your next-door neighbor, who you’d thought was the coolest girl ever- a middle schooler, and clearly knowledgeable about all the best things, had taught you.
             It had all been going extremely well, right up until you’d heard a ruckus on the other side of the playground. You’d looked up from the crown you were making to see a bunch of boys all gathered around the white-haired boy who’d refused to speak to you. Looking at them all grouped together you’d realized rather abruptly that he was really big, standing at least a head taller than the tallest of the other boys and rather broad too.
             Curious you’d tuned into what the other boys were saying to him. You’d gotten the shock of your young life when you realized they were making fun of a boy who looked like he could easily take them all on if he wanted to. Bloodthirsty little thing that you were, you’d watched on eagerly, sure that the boys were about to get beat down, as they called the white-haired boy all sorts of mean names, insinuating he was stupid and slow.
             However, you’d gotten another shock when you realized he wasn’t doing anything. Instead, he just stood there, taking their words, head down and unmoving, not bothering to protest or stand up for himself. It had confused you quite a bit, as you couldn’t fathom why he didn’t try to make them stop one way or another.
             The taunts had increased in fervor a couple seconds later, calling the white-haired boy a cry baby of all things. Concerned and nosy, you’d gotten to your feet and edged closer to the group of boys trying to get a better look. Up close you could see the boy really was crying, though he still wasn’t making any noise, fat tears were running down his pale cheeks. It was a sight pitiful enough to tug your heartstrings, so you’d decided in all your five-year-old glory, that you couldn’t allow it to continue.
             Like the warrior of truth and justice that you’d thought you were at that age, you’d launched yourself at the group of boys, small fists swinging, doling out sharp kicks to the shins and telling them off for being mean. You’d taken them all by surprise, and between that and the fact that you threatened them very fervently with cooties if they didn’t leave you and the white-haired boy alone, they scattered.
             You’d then rounded on the boy, who flinched but still didn’t move, staring at you with wide brown eyes. He’d looked so scared at that moment, clearly afraid that you were about to be just as bad or worse than the boys you’d scared off. Instead, you’d grabbed one of his hands and dragged the confused stumbling boy after you, back to the nice patch of grass where you’d been making flower crowns.
             You’d pulled him down onto the grass next to you, and started back on your work again. As your fingers moved to piece the crown together, you’d lectured him firmly about letting those other boys push him around, and then showed him how to make a proper flower crown. You’d then plopped the one you’d just finished on to his head, and admired your work, extremely pleased with yourself.
             Aone had gazed at you for several long minutes, clearly bewildered, but then had finally spoken to you in a slow, stuttering voice, introducing himself as Aone Takanobu. It turned out the reason he didn’t speak very much was because he had a bit of a speech impediment that made him stutter. It was the reason the boys had been making fun of him earlier, which you thought was just silly.
             You’d told him firmly that it didn’t bother you at all, because you’d given him a flower crown, which meant the two of you were friends for life now. Aone had stared, wide-eyed and clearly astonished, a faint blush on his pale cheeks, but had apparently accepted your declaration at face value. By the end of that recess, you’d had a flower crown of your own in your hair, messy and clumsy but made with care, and the two of you had been best friends ever since.
 The Present: Your High School Days
             Frustrated beyond belief, you slowly beat your head against the table, hoping that you could somehow beat the information into your brain since nothing else seemed to be working. Fortunately, before you could give yourself a concussion on the table, a large warm palm slipped beneath your head.
             You turned your face, keeping your cheek pressed to the hand underneath your head, and looked up at your best friend who was peering at you with clear concern on his face. Seeing his apprehension, you heaved a long sigh and lifted your face up, not wanting to make him worry. Though most didn’t realize, because they judged him solely by his appearance, Aone was an enormous worrywart and would fret himself into anxiety, especially when it came to his friends.
             Despite growing taller, broader, and more muscular, Aone was the same sweet teddy bear of a guy, with a heart made entirely of marshmallow fluff, as he had been when you’d met way back when you were five. The only difference was that these days he was no longer picked on, both because he was too intimidating for most to try, and because you and his other best friend had done your best to encourage him to stand up for himself.
             Futakuchi had been an interesting addition to your group. He’d apparently taken one look at Aone, and much like the other people you met, assumed just because he was big he would have the attitude to match. However, unlike other people, he’d simply thought it was cool and had wanted to befriend him because he thought they’d enjoy the same things.
             He’d been just as stubborn and persistent as you had back when you’d first befriended Aone, coming around all the time and acting like an enormous pest. He’d followed Aone around everywhere, and as his one and only best friend at the time, it had seriously irritated you. It angered you to the point where you and Futakuchi got into petty squabbles almost every day. He thought Aone should stop hanging out with you because you were a girl and obviously lame, while you thought Aone should stop hanging out with him because he was a jerk.
             Things probably would’ve continued like that, except one day both of you had been caught up in squabbling, and suddenly Aone had once again been approached by others looking to bully him. Unfortunately for them, both you and Futakuchi were entirely wound up from fighting with one another, but when presented with other, easier prey had rounded on them. The two of you working together had been enough to bring them to tears, the group of boys running away with their tails between their legs.
             After both you and Futakuchi had gained a grudging respect for one another. Futakuchi had realized that you could be just as vicious as he was in defense of Aone, and you realized that he was willing to stand up for your friend who you were incredibly protective of.
             Things had been easier after that, though the smart-mouthed brunette was still closer to Aone than he was to you, you still got along fairly well. It helped that after Futakuchi had dragged him into volleyball, a place where Aone’s height and size were something to be praised rather than something to make fun of, Aone had gotten much more confident. These days, if your bickering with Futakuchi got out of hand, Aone was right there in the middle of the two of you, pushing you apart, and giving you both scolding looks.
             A gentle hand resting on your head pulled you from your thoughts and you refocused on your friend, who was looking even more worried than he’d been before. His brow was furrowed with concern, his face close enough to yours that you could actually see the pale hairs of his eyebrows that tended to look nonexistent from a distance because of how light they were.
             “I’m alright,” you assured him, pulled back to the present by the gentle weight of hi hand as he set it atop your head, clearly trying to regain your attention, quickly explaining, “Just struggling with math as usual.”
             “Do you need help?” he asked, his voice a low rumble in his chest, the words coming out confidently.
             Aone had managed, with the help of some speech therapy and budding confidence, to get his stutter mostly under control. It rarely ever appeared these days, and never in your presence. He still had to think over what he wanted to say before he said it, which made him a little slow to respond sometimes. However, as long as you waited patiently, he would never leave you hanging, even if he still didn’t talk much around others for fear the stutter would come back.
             “If you don’t mind?” you asked him, giving him the most pitiful look you could muster, earning an amused huff from your friend who knew exactly what you were doing.
             “Show me,” he agreed, taking a seat beside you.
             You did as asked, sliding your work toward him and watching him work through it patiently. You probably should’ve continued to focus on work, but you’d had something on your mind for a while now.
             “Hey, Aone?” you asked, hesitantly.
             The tone of your voice must’ve tipped him off that you had something serious on your mind, because he instantly looked up, all his attention on you. He waited patiently for you to put together the words, not rushing you, simply waiting to hear whatever you had to say.
             “Are you alright?” you managed finally, peering at him worriedly, “I mean, with the third years leaving and Futakuchi being named captain.”
             The words ‘instead of you’ hung between the two of you, unsaid but clearly heard. Honestly, you’d been more than a little shocked that Futakuchi had been named captain, with his oftentimes caustic personality you weren’t sure he had the disposition for it. In your own personal, and likely highly biased opinion, Aone would’ve been much better. He had the patience for it, along with the admiration of his kouhai, and was the best player on their team. It just didn’t make sense to you that he’d been passed over in favor of Futakuchi.
             “I will miss the third years,” Aone told you, after a moment of contemplation, “But their decisions are their own. We will simply have to do our best to make them proud, though they are still coming to practice fairly regularly.”
             You couldn’t help the small smile that flitted across your face at that. You’d known despite their decision to leave that the third years were going to have a bit of a hard time letting go. You’d gotten to know them fairly well, having come to as many games and practices as you could manage in support of your friend, who’d done the same for you.
             You’d honestly really liked Moniwa, and had hoped the captain would stick around a bit longer. He’d been really good both to and for Aone. He was also an incredibly sweet guy, and you’d admired that he was able to deal with both Futakuchi and Kamasaki who was like an older and only slightly mature version of him.
             “Futakuchi will be a good captain,” Aone expressed, quiet but resolute, without any form of regret in his gaze, as he answered your other question, “I trust him to make the right decisions for the team, and will do my best to support him as vice-captain. We’re going to go to nationals next year.”
             That was honestly just like him. Aone was probably one of the most supportive people you’d ever met and a fantastic friend. He wasn’t upset at all and had instead chosen to instead be happy for Futakuchi and focus on what he felt was most important.
             “I’ll be right there, cheering you on,” you told him with a smile, because if he was happy, you were happy.
             He smiled at you, small but sincere as he gently rested his hand on top of your head in thanks, before indicating that you should get back to work. You sighed, but went along with it, glad that he was so willing to help you. You didn’t know what you would’ve done without him.
 The Future: Platonic
             “What are you doing?” the deep voice of your best friend asked, his words startling you enough that the nails you’d been holding in your mouth dropped to the floor with a clatter. You turned to look at Aone, who was standing in the doorway, a distinctly unimpressed look on his face.
             “Fixing it?” you replied, the words coming out more like a question than the statement you’d intended.
             The look he gave you for that was one more judgmental than you’d ever thought your sweet, teddy bear of a friend would ever be able to manage. It made you both simultaneously proud, and a little irked knowing the credit for that lay almost entirely at the feet of you and Futakuchi. You’d never thought it would be turned on you in quite this manner though.
             Aone strode forward and began to thoroughly inspect your work. His hands handled the bookcase parts with care as he gently turned them over seemingly without effort despite the fact that you’d struggled to lift them on your own. The stupid thing had broken after one too many books had been stacked on it, which you’d found rather infuriating. Still, you hadn’t wanted to get rid of it, and so had been trying to fix it yourself. Judging from the look on his face, you hadn’t been doing nearly as well at it as you’d hoped.
             “Well, Mr. Construction worker? What’s the verdict?” you asked curiously, “Is it salvageable?”
             “Maybe,” he told you, completely noncommittal as he held out his hands for the hammer you’d been using. Reluctantly you passed it over to him, knowing full well it would be much safer in his hands than in yours.
             Gently he caught one of your hands with his before you had the chance to pull them back, as quick as ever despite only playing volleyball recreationally these days. He tutted audibly over the state of them, clear disapproval and accusation in his gaze that had you wilting in shame.
             “Why didn’t you call me?” he asked as he gently tugged you to your feet, pulling you toward the bathroom where your first aid supplies were kept.
             “I didn’t want to bug you, you’re a busy man these days, and I totally had it under control,” you told him, even as you hopped up on to the bathroom counter, well used to Aone behaving like a mother hen by now, holding out your hands when he asked for them.
             “Next time, call,” he scolded firmly, the words making you smile despite the fact that he was telling you off. He’d come a long way from the shy little boy you’d met at recess all those years ago. Back then he never would’ve dared to scold you, now he did so without a second thought.
             Being vice-captain of the volleyball team had been good for him, and he’d really come into his own, helping Futakuchi lead them to nationals during interhigh that last year and retiring shortly after. You’d actually been a little surprised he retired, especially since you’d fully believed he had the talent to go pro, a belief backed by several offers from different places for a sports scholarship. However, Aone had confided that while he loved volleyball, life in the spotlight simply wasn’t for him. All he wanted was something peaceful where he didn’t have to talk too much and could work with his hands.
             He’d certainly found that in construction, and was slowly but surely working his way up the ladder. The maturity and assuredness he’d found through volleyball had really helped him become independent and strong, so much so that at times you wondered if he really needed you anymore.
             However, the moment intrusive thoughts like that flitted across your mind Aone was suddenly there, with his quiet but insistent presence, assuring you he would never, ever leave you alone. The two of you were best friends for life, and you knew it, though it was nice to see just how far the two of you had come together.
             At times you found it almost ironic, the one who’d needed looking after, and become the one who did all the looking after, your dynamic flipped. Not that you minded. You found it sweet how he fussed over you still despite both of you having other people in your life nowadays. Speaking of which…
             “How did you know I was trying to fix something on my own again anyways?” you asked, more than a bit suspicious.
             The look he gave you in turn spoke volumes. You were going to kill Futakuchi, that little jerk, he was such a tattletale. It was no matter though, you’d just have to remind him once again, that Aone loved you most.
             The clear exasperation in your friend’s eyes told you he knew exactly what you were thinking, and you couldn’t help the joyful laugh that escaped your lips. Honestly, dragging Aone away to make flower crowns that day was probably the best decision you’d made in your whole life.
 The Future: Romantic
             You would’ve thought that of the two of you, it would be you who would initiate a romantic relationship with Aone, that you would jump into it just as fearlessly as you had jumped into being his friend. However, despite the feelings that had slowly but surely grown over the years, you hadn’t been able to take that last step. Something always held you back.
             A part of you desperately wanted it, so badly you could almost taste it. You knew the two of you could be good together, your years of friendship over two decades now, had certainly proved it. However, you were afraid. Back then, Aone had accepted your friendship in part because he simply hadn’t been able to say no. He’d been too shy and unsure to do so even if you both thought that it had worked out for the best in the end.
             He’d grown a lot since those early days, and you liked to think he was much more assertive about getting what he truly wanted these days. However, you’d noticed very early on that Aone never, ever, said no to you. It didn’t matter how much it might inconvenience him or how much he might dislike doing whatever it was you requested. He would quite literally bend over backward for you.
             It meant you’d had to be very, very careful about how you framed your requests, doing your best to be extra considerate of him and his feelings. It also meant that you were now too afraid to confess, afraid he would say yes to you just because it was what you wanted and not what he actually desired. Accidentally forcing a relationship on your friend because he was too sweet to say no to you would be the absolute worst, which meant you were stuck.
             Futakuchi, who’d noticed and teased you rather relentlessly over your feelings, had tried to insist that the only reason Aone never said no to you was because he was head over heels in love with you. However, you were pretty sure he was just being a jerk to you again, and you had done your best to adamantly ignore everything he said, much to his mounting frustration.
             You’d convinced yourself that it was for the best, that if you just waited you would get over your silly one-sided crush. Unfortunately, said crush had lasted over a decade and was showing no signs of fading any time soon. In fact, a part of you knew it was far beyond a crush at this point, but you were absolutely adamant about keeping silent, sure that you were doing what was best, not just for Aone, but for you as well. Because getting into a relationship with him, only to discover later that he’d only ever loved you platonically was a blow you weren’t sure you’d ever be able to recover from.
             Thus, you’d allowed yourself to stay firmly in denial, and didn’t suspect a single thing when Aone came by to pick you up from work that day. The two of you had planned to hang out together, and you were more than a bit excited, especially since he’d said he had a surprise for you.
             You’d noticed as you walked that he was dressed rather nicely, in dark jeans and a plaid button down rolled to the elbows to show off muscular forearms. It was actually a bit unusual for your friend who seemed to prefer comfy clothes in his off time, usually sticking to t-shirts and sweats, or athletic wear when he could. You’d hastily shoved the thought as far down as it would go the second it occurred to you though, locking it up with all the other non-platonic things you’d thought about your friend over the years.
             Instead, you’d focused on pestering him, trying to figure out what this surprise he had planned for you was. However, as to be expected, he was incredibly tight lipped about it, simply offering you amused, indulgent smiles that let you know he knew exactly what you were trying to do, and wouldn’t cave in.
             To your surprise, he’d driven you to a beautiful park, one filled with beautiful fields of flower. You’d been utterly ecstatic about it, practically bouncing as he showed you the picnic basket he’d brought along. The two of you had set up in a nice spot and hung out for a while.
             You’d been so preoccupied with the food and talking to him that you hadn’t noticed that he’d been doing something with his hands, right up until he carefully plopped a neatly formed flower crown on top of your head. You stared up at him in shock, fingers gently brushing the petals of the flowers set among your hair, confused but feeling a surge of warmth at the nostalgia of it all as you peered up at him.
             “No matter what, we are friends for life,” he told you, his voice serious as he held your eyes, the words making your heart squeeze painfully as conflicting emotions warred in your chest. The nostalgia and love you had for him, fighting with the fact that you wanted so much more with him.
             “Futakuchi has told me that I haven’t been obvious enough with my feelings,” he continued solemnly, the name of your nemesis helping to jolt you out of your internal conflict.
             You stared at him wide eyed as he gently took your face in one of his large hands, cradling your cheek as he stared down at you intently and told you, “I’m in love with you, bunny, and would like to be romantically involved with you.”
             It took a moment for the words to process, especially since you got caught up in his nickname for you, a byproduct of an unfortunate incident with marshmallows, Futakuchi, and the fact you were smaller than him. However, once what he said finally reached you, you immediately reached out to pinch your thigh, wincing slightly at the sharp burst of pain. You apparently weren’t dreaming.
             “Are you sure?” you asked him, unable to help your worry or your disbelief that this might actually be happening. Your hands were clenched tightly in your laps, nails digging into your palms as you tried to fight the rising hope, “This isn’t because Futakuchi told you I’m in love with you is it? Because you have to be sure, and if he did tell you I swear to all the kami I…!”
             Your torrent of babble was cut off by a gentle finger on your lips, one that instantly made you fall silent and stare up at your friend in confusion. However, seconds later the finger was replaced with gentle lips, sweet and surprisingly soft against your own, the feel of them enough to make your heart race as your eyes fluttered shut.
             You savored the feeling of his mouth on yours until he pulled back. You blinked your eyes open to find him watching you with the softest expression you’d ever seen on his face, full of affection and care.
             “Futakuchi did nothing but encourage me to confess my own feelings,” he assured you, gravely, then reiterated, “I am in love with you.”
             “I love you too,” you confessed, the words spilling out, raw and unfiltered, your heart racing, giddy joy flooding through you as you realized this was actually happening.
             “Good,” he affirmed, leaning forward to kiss you again.
             You reached for him eagerly, wrapping your arms around his neck and basking in the euphoria of knowing your feelings were returned, noting that you probably owed that idiot Futakuchi a gift basket or something. For now, you were just going to savor the feeling of his lips, and enjoy the fact that you were absolutely and irrevocably in love with your best friend.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
Let's make a playlist of your favorite songs
Cassie Lang x Male Reader Stark
Request - Can you do Cassie lang x Stark!reader where he and cassie are the same age since they are born in 2007 and should be 16 in 2023. R is Tony's son and survived the snap. Before the snap he was best friend with Peter and ned when he was like a kid and the three of them hang out. Plue Y/n and peter do like spiderman ideas. After the snap he was living with Tony, pepper, and his little sister in the lakeside cabin. In the year 2021 he got bitten by a radioactive spider but has an alchemax logo and number 42.
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Since you were a toddler you have been friends with Peter and Ned. Always together playing together. Even during high school, you didn't lose your friendship with Ned and Peter. You have always been into creating music and art, sometimes you would like to tag the buildings and the trains. Only, Peter and Ned knew they are your supporters.
Sometimes you and Peter would do parkour. You and Peter have sketchbooks and notes of being a hero and being called ’Spiderman’
You, Peter, and Ned never left each other side. People always saw you three spend time together all the time.
Spring 2018... 50% of the population disappeared. The older you got, you started to study what happened during the fight against Thanos. You collected notes, hacked into your father’s computer and his friends’ computers then into Shields.
You survived the snap when you found out what happened it broke you. You cried when Peter didn't survive, or when your dad is stuck in space. You would spend hours in your father’s lab and look at his stuff.
”Y/N, I knew you would be here. You are like Tony can work on something for hours or days” Pepper said.
She put her hand on your shoulder.
”I miss him and Peter,” You said.
”I miss them too. You should see Ned, he came by earlier” Pepper said.
You nod.
”I will go see him. *sighed heavily* I want Thanos to suffer” You said.
”One day he will,” Pepper said and she kissed your head.
Later, you went to see Ned. Ned did give you new ideas for your spiderman gadgets so it won't break half of the time. You and Ned start to work together on it.
✬ ✫ ✯ ✬
The year 2021...
You walked through the alley for a short cut. You dropped your cell phone, you bend down to pick up. You stood up and checked your phone while walking you hit a web. You tried to get rid of the web and you didn't notice the radioactive spider crawl on your shoulder and bite your neck.
”What the hell?” You yelled.
You rub your neck then noticed the radioactive spider on your forearm. You noticed the spider has an alchemax logo and number 42.
”You are coming home with me” You mumbled.
You went home and straight to the lab. You put the spider in a small tank and watched it move around.
The next day you woke up feeling strange. You couldn't explain it, you are in shock just seeing electricity go through your hands. You start to breathe hard and your heart started to beat fast. You go to the bathroom to wash your face suddenly you turned invisible.
”I have powers!” You yelled.
Your mood changed, now you are happy that you have powers. You always dreamt of being a hero and having powers, you couldn't stop smiling. You called Ned and told him to meet you at your house. Ned did help you figure out what kind of powers you have.
You stare at your father’s suits and you thought about using them. But you wanted to make your identity as a hero, you want to give people hope again.
the first suit you made with Ned it's an armored suit. Ned helped you pick out the colors red, white, and black. When Ned saw you wearing the armor suit, he freaked out.
”Dude, it's awesome! You will be the coolest hero ever” Ned said.
”Thanks. I can't wait to go to the city and start saving people” You said.
You and Ned high five each other. You go to the city and start saving people. Everyone started to talk about the new hero on tv and the Internet, you felt proud of yourself.
✬ ✫ ✯ ✬
Being a hero wasn't easy for you. You found out working alone is hard, some people didn't like what you are doing. Other people do cheer for you. Balancing life and being a hero is very hard. But you got an idea and you worked day and night to make the app called ’Friendly Neighborhood 1.0’
People can report crimes and you will go save them and keep you in the loop, what happens in the city.
Today is slow and no one is in trouble. You decided to go tag some places. You swing to an abandoned building, you take out the spray cans, and started to draw. You stopped to put on your headphones then you started to draw again. Once you are finished you took pictures then tagged the subways.
You got an alert on your app, gang gun shoots in downtown. You started to swing fast and you see people caught in the crossfire. You started to venom blast to fight them and you used your web to take their guns away. You noticed the boy is deaf and you started to do sign language and he smiled.
”You know sign language?” Cassie asked.
You nod. ” Yes. I thought to learn so I can communicate with someone who is deaf”
You asked questions to the boy and you're glad he isn't hurt.
”I’m Cassie and this is Roger,” Cassie said.
”I’m Spiderman,” You said and it in sign language.
Later on...
You and Cassie became friends. She found out your secret when your mask fell apart while fighting Kraven the Hunter. Sometimes you would swing to her place to see her. She would always smile when you're around.
Cassie noticed you set a spider-free and didn't kill it.
”I hate spiders I don't know how you stand them,” Cassie said.
”it was a harmless spider. I don't feel scared when bugs are around” You said.
”I hate all kinds of bugs. But it's cute, you liking bugs and not killing them, bug boy” Cassie smiled.
You laughed and smiled back at her.
”Bug boy?” You asked.
She nods.
”Your new nickname” Cassie giggled.
”Thanks for the nickname?” You giggled.
”Anytime, Y/N” Cassie smiled.
~The next day~
Cassie went to your house. She met Pepper then Cassie goes to your bedroom. Cassie didn't say anything, she watches you make beats and you started to sing, you have your headphones on. She kept watching you and you keep making beats. She tapped your shoulder and you looked up, your eyes opened wide.
”Cas!” You said too loud.
”Hi Bug boy. You are talented” Cassie said.
”Thanks. Sorry, I didn't hear you come in” You said.
”So, you're into music?” Cassie asked.
”Yes, also I'm into art. If you want I-I-I can show you my work” You said shyly.
”I will like to see it, Y/N,” Cassie said.
”Cool!” You said.
You grabbed your sketchbook and she starts to look at your art.
✬ ✫ ✯ ✬
The year 2022
You told Cassie you wanted to upgrade and design a new suit. Again Cassie caught you making beats this time you teach her how to make beats.
”This is fun, Y/N,” Cassie said.
”I’m happy that you're enjoying making beats,” You said.
”Y/N aren't you scared when you swing around the city?” Cassie asked.
”At the very beginning, I was terrified when I would swing and jump from extremely tall buildings. Much later on, the fear went away so I'm not scared anymore. If you want you can swing with me around the city” You said.
”Okay. That would be an interesting experience, but yeah let's do it. Oh, I got an idea how your suit can look” Cassie said.
”Tell me,” You said.
Cassie started to explain how your suit should look with what colors. Music is the main inspiration for your suit 2020.
You are standing on the roof with Cassie. She wrapped her arms around you very tight.
”Ready?” You asked.
”Y-yes,” Cassie said.
You hold her tight and you start to swing. Cassie’s heart is beating faster and faster, you feel her grip tighten. You keep swinging and you noticed how scared she is. You stopped on top of the hotel building.
”Are you okay?” You asked.
She put her hand on her chest.
”No!” Cassie yelled.
You laughed and she smacked your arm.
”I’m guessing you had fun?” You teased.
”I got scared halfway. I thought I was going to fall, I don't know you get used to that” Cassie said.
”Takes time. I got over my fear the more I started to swing” You said.
”I won't do it again,” Cassie said and you laughed.
Cassie is sick and you went to buy soup for her. You knocked on her window, she opened it and let you in then you take off the mask.
”I got this for you, Cassie,” You said.
”Thank you, Y/N” Cassie smiled.
”Cassie, I know we been friends for a while but I really like you a lot and I hope we can be more than friends,” You said.
”Y/N, I like you too a lot. I would kiss you but I don't want you to get sick” Cassie said.
You smiled and she sneezed.
You and Cassie do spend time together mostly watching tv or movies. Cassie finds it sweet that you're taking care of her. You gave her medicine and reheat the soup. Later, you and Cassie do play board games, video games and asked questions about each other.
You noticed Cassie has in her bedroom for a while. You go upstairs and you can hear her crying
You sit next to her on the bed ”Cas, what's wrong?”
”I miss my dad so much” Cassie cried.
You wrapped your arms around her and she starts to cry more. You rub her back and you listen to her.
You did try to make her feel better worked for a little bit, but she is still feeling depressed. You stayed with her all-day
✬ ✫ ✯ ✬
Finally, your 2020 suit is complete. You can't stop smiling and start to put on the suit. The led mask, you loved it when Cassie told you about it. You got an alert on your app
”Time to test out the suit,” You said.
”Be careful, Y/N” Cassie said.
”I will,” You said.
Cassie watched you swing away.
You were busy saving people, Doctor Octopus and Kraven the Hunter kidnapped Cassie. They sent you a message and you got angry. You started to swing rapidly to Doctor Octopus’s lab. Cassie is tied up in a chair and she is feeling terrified.
You start to fight them. You used venom blast to punch Kraven, then Doctor Octopus grabbed you. Kraven punched you then you kicked him in the face and you used your web to cover Doctor Octopus’s face. You turned invisible and you started to fight them.
You grabbed Cassie and left the lab. You stopped on a roof and she hugged you tight then she smacked your chest.
”What was that for?!” You yelled.
”You know I hate it,” Cassie said.
”I’m not a speedster. I had to swing us away from them” You said.
You take off the mask.
”I know but I still hate it,” Cassie said.
Cassie started to ramble on then you did the same ramble on. She kissed you and you kiss her back, you and Cassie pulled apart and smiled. It's the first kiss.
✬ ✫ ✯ ✬
Time Skip~
Everything changed for the best. You found out Tony came back from space, you ran to him and hugged him.
”I missed you, dad,” You said
He kissed your head and held you tight.
”I love you 3000, Y/N,” Tony said.
Peter came back and he hugged you and Ned. Ned told everyone by mistake you are dating Cassie. No one knew about the relationship just yet.
”Sorry, bro,” Ned said.
”When we will get to meet her, Y/N,” Tony said.
”Soon, dad. Don't worry about it, Ned” You said.
You celebrated with everyone and you can't stop smiling.
You and your family moved to the woods, now live in a cabin. Now it feels like a family and you don't want that to change. Your little sister started to scream and ran towards Pepper.
”Why do you have a pet spider?” Tony asked.
”I hate spiders,” Morgan said.
Pepper was going to kill your pet but you stopped her.
”Stop!” You yelled.
The spider is in your hands.
”The spider is my pet. I got used to him being around” You said.
”Y/N, I will never understand why. But please just keep him in the cage” Pepper said.
”I will,” You said.
You go to your bedroom and put the spider in the tank. You feed him and just watch him.
✬ ✫ ✯ ✬
Date Night...
You arrived with pizza and she kissed you. You and Cassie played videos and it became competitive. You were going to take her out, but there is a rainstorm. The night is going well, she is having fun with you. You and Cassie eat pizza and started to debate what is the best movie and worst movie.
Later, you and Cassie started to play Uno but you and Cassie argued about the rules. You and Cassie eat more pizza and tried to play Uno again. Later, you and Cassie watched a movie on the couch, but end up falling asleep.
Scott found out what happened, he is in shock. He rushed home and knocked on the door. Cassie opened the door, they start to cry and they hugged each other. You did spend the night at her place, then Cassie introduces you to Scott.
“Wait, you're Tony’s son!?” Scott said.
“Yeah, I'm his son,” You said.
“Hurt my daughter and I will go after you,” Scott said.
“Dad!” Cassie yelled.
“I won't break her heart,” You said.
“I will keep my eye on you, Y/N,” Scott said.
“UGH!” Cassie mumbled.
Later, Scott joined you and Cassie for breakfast.
Later, you meet up with Peter to show him your 2020 suit. Peter is loving the suit and asked many questions about how you build your suit. You and Peter worked together to save people.
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