#when you think about it it's down to what limits you're willing to cross to reach your goals
juniperss · 2 months
Could you write Dallas Winston with a good girl reader who’s the daughter of like this really well known couple so her being with Dallas Winston is like a big NO bc he’s the town hood who’s in and out of jail and she’s like the ideal child, but she just can’t help the charm of Mr. Winston😉 and after meeting each other she becomes a bit sneaky and Dallas like breaks her out of her bubble and like gives her some adventure in her life🤭
I'm such a sucker for "good girl" character falling for the charismatic, rough and tumble bad boy. I AM NOT IMMUNE TO THE TROPE!!! Tossing this song here because it really fits the mental image of this request I had!
The Perfect Daughter falls in love with Dallas Winston HCs (she/her pronouns)
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First, may present to you the fact that Dallas fucking Winston is going to be so smug about this? Cause he is. He's going to be grinning ear to ear knowing that the perfect girl from a well known and respected family is down bad for him. Fuels his ego big time.
She's not the first "good girl" he's "corrupted", I mean look at him. But she is the first to actually see him as more than challenge or way to screw with her family's expectations.
Everyone knows about Dallas. He's got multiple reputations and stories get around. He's been in jail, he gets into fights, he causes trouble, and he's popular with the ladies. It's hard to pick up some of the gossip and talk about him. But you've also heard good things (at least from the Greasers). You know he sticks up for his friends and that he's loyal.
You also know that he's damn charming. When Dally looks at you and smiles, it's easy to fall for him. And you do. You can't resist those big eyes and wicked grin. When Dallas picks you (more like picking on you TBH) to interact with....you just feel special. He's selective with who he choses to include in his life or hijinks.
Honestly he probably thinks you're just going to be a fling and he's fine with that! He was ready to have some fun and get into some trouble. You two probably cross paths a few times before you speak to each other; at the drive in or at school (not that he's actually going his classes he's just there to meet with Johnny and Ponyboy). Starts with him teasing you and your friends most likely, not gonna lie.....but if you stand up for yourself or snip back at him get ready for him to not leave you alone.
But when he realized that you were much more interested in trying new things that you had always been taught to leave alone? Oh boy, he decided he was going to show you everything.
Get ready for a whirlwind of Dally getting you to sneak out at night, sneaking into the movies, sneaking into abandoned buildings, shoplifting goodies from the store, jumping on a train.....He's down to push the limits of what you've known and done as far as you're willing to go.
Cut to the scene of you two sitting in a train car as it moves along. The moon is high in the sky and rural Oklahoma is moving past at an easy pace. Dally's eyes keep moving from the view to your face and then back out again. He can't help the smile when he sees that wild look in your eyes.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
Dark!NSFW Alphabet Bucky Barnes
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This is a Yandere oneshot! It is DARK! That’s the entire point so if you don’t like that then don’t read it.
There are some mentions of abuse, kidnapping and Dub/Non-Con!
Dead Dove: Do Not Eat!
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A stands for AFFECTION: how would they show affection?
•Bucky would bring you all kinds of gifts when he comes home from work
•Flowers, Chocolates, cute stuffed animals, soft warm pajamas to repel the cold mountain air and a plethora of blankets
•He's also a very touchy person whether you like it or not, his favorite thing is to snuggle up with you in a nest of the blankets you have
B stands for BLOODY: how bloody are they willing to get for their object of obsession?
•As bloody as he needs to get
•You don't leave his cabin ever but the one time that a ranger came upon you outside the cabin Bucky guided you inside before getting rid of him and ensuring no one would ever know about you again
C stands for CRUELTY: would they ever hurt their object of obsession?
•Bucky works hard at training you to be what he wants in a wife and when you fight him he can get very upset, he will more often than not take you over his knee and spank you until you're ass is bloody or on occasion lock you out of the cabin in the rain or snow
D stands for DARLING: would they cross their object of obsession's limits?
•Bucky will push you as far as he needs to to achieve his desired effect
•He doesn't want to hurt you but he won't let you refuse him or pull away and if he needs to fuck you back into submission he absolutely will
E stands for EXPOSED: how much do they expose their own feelings to their object of obsession?
•After he locks you in he will pour out his heart and soul, you will know exactly how much he loves you
•He doesn't hesitate to tell you what he wants and needs from you as well as what he can give to you
F stands for FIGHT: how would they react to their object of obsession fighting back?
•He won't take it well
•Bucky needs you to love him too, he's put so much work into making his cabin perfect over the years for his future wife so you can be alone together, you not showing him your appreciation would push him a bit too far
•He will spank you but if that doesn't work he will lock you out in the rain
•His last resort is sedating you. He will do this when you get too worked up and he needs you to calm down but it also allows him to have to help you do everything because you're so doped up
G stands for GAME: do they think this is just a game?
•In no way is this a game to James Barnes
•You are his everything and after all he has had to suffer in his life, he deserves you and you deserve to be cared for. He doesn't play games when it comes to his perfect little wife unless of course you're feeling playful and you want him to chase you. That's his favorite game because he always wins and his prize is getting to fuck you in the middle of the woods
H stands for HELL: what would be their object of obsession's worst experience with them?
•Your worst experience was probably your third night with him when you tried to get away the first time. It was pouring rain and you didn't yet know how far you were from civilization
•Bucky caught you trying to open the locks on the door and decided if you want to be outside then you will. He tightened and locked a collar around your neck with a magnetic strip that you could never remove without him and chained you to a tree outside
•You we're out there for what felt like hours to you in the freezing cold rain but what was probably only an hour all together. Your screaming for him died down as you began to lose your strength and he came to get you a few moments later, frozen to the bone and unable to talk. He changed you after getting you warmed up in a shower so you didn't get hypothermia and he held you for the rest of the night, his ungodly hot body thanks to the serum being a blessing for the both of you as he warmed you up so well and he finally got you to snuggle into him all night long
I stands for IDEAL: what are their plans for their object of obsession?
•He plans to make you his housewife
•James Barnes had wanted a normal life before being drafted, he was a ladies man but he wanted to find a cute dame and settle down, give her a good life and provide for his family while his women kept the house clean, made dinner and took care of him and the children they were going to have
•He never got that and he's determined to have it now with you, you'll eventually settle into your roll and be his sweet little wife and bear him children
J stands for JEALOUSY: how they react when jealous? Do they get jealous?
•He often got jealous when he asked you about your life before and you told him about past relationships but other than that he has no reason to be jealous, there's no one else around
K stands for KINDNESS: how they act around their object of obsession?
•Bucky loves and worships you, when he's in a good mood and you haven't upset him he dotes on you and it would be something you loved very much in other circumstances, and you will grow to love it as you grow to love him...or at least as you develop Stockholm Syndrome which you can practically feel your brain giving into in those sweet moments
•You learn after the first 2 weeks of fighting that it's not worth it, he's a super soldier and you are never getting away. You may as well just do what he wants and bask in the sweet worship of the man who loves you
L stands for LOVE LETTER: how would they approach their object of obsession?
•He took you the moment he met you
•And he didn't so much 'take you' as kept you since you walked up to his cabin in the woods when you got lost
M stands for MASK: how different are their public persona from their true selves?
•Bucky is a hero now that he works with The Avengers and people know him as the sweet, sort of quiet gentleman who's best friends with Captain America
•Only you seem to know how terrifying he can really be or how romantic and dramatic he can be
N stands for NAUGHTY: how would they punish their object of obsession?
•Spanking mostly, he's only locked you outside twice and you never tried to get away again since the first time, especially since it’s winter and you don’t want to risk losing toes
•Other than that if you fight he will happily keep you medicated if that's what you need to learn your lesson, it’s only more fun for him to take care of you when your stoned and snuggly
O stands for OPPRESSION: how many rights would they take from their object of obsession?
•Basically everything
•All you know in the world anymore is him and that's how he wanted it
P stands for PATIENCE: how patient are they with their object of obsession?
•Not very patient at all
•Bucky wants you to learn fast and be the house wife he wants
•He shouldn't have to say things more than once
Q stands for QUIT: if their object of obsession died or escaped, would they ever be able to move on?
•Died- He would be a recluse. He would remain in the cabin and bring flowers to your grave everyday
•Escaped- He would catch you. You're in a remote cabin in the middle of nowhere and Bucky knows these woods better than anyone but the animals, you are never going to get away
R stands for REGRET: would they ever regret harming their object of obsession? Would they ever let them go?
•Bucky doesn't want to hurt you, hurting you is just a means to an end
•Once you are trained and obedient, Bucky will be happy never having to hurt you again
S stands for STIGMA: what made their yandere tendencies bloom?
•Bucky had been hoping for a good little wife for a long time and when you showed up, hurt and admitting no one knew where you were, it was too perfect for him not to jump on the opportunity
T stands for TEARS: how would they react to their object of obsession crying/breaking?
•Bucky has no desire to see you cry
•If you're crying after a punishment then he will let you cry it out but if you're crying for another reason, missing your family or something like that he will absolutely hold and comfort you
•Even though you've been trying to get away from him he was very comfortable and warm, he comforted you in a way you never had been in your regular day to day life and he could tell how much you liked it when he was soft with you, Bucky knows that's how he's going to win you over
U stands for UNIQUE: something different they would do compared to others yanderes.
•Bucky keeps you with him isolated in a cabin in the woods where you have no chance of seeing anyone again
•The one Ranger that happened upon you he made sure would never see the light of day again and no one has come since, you will never be found even if someone was looking
V stands for VICE: what weakness their object of obsession could use against them?
•One thing Bucky wants more than anything is to get you pregnant
•He wants you barefoot and pregnant in his cabin and once you catch onto that you try and use it to your advantage, teasing him and wearing as few clothes as possible knowing seeing you like this makes him happy and he's less likely to punish you for whatever it is you do wrong that day
W stands for WIT'S END: would they hurt their object of obsession?
•If he has to hurt you to keep you in line then he will
•Whether that's locking you outside in the rain or snow, or letting you hurt yourself when you try and run from him, or drugging you up, either way he'll take care of you after but you're going to learn
X stands for XOANON: would they worship their object of obsession?
•Bucky loves you with everything he has and he will never let you go
•Once you’re pregnant Bucky will worship the ground you walk on, you will be the most cherished and protected person on the face of the Earth
Y stands for YEARN: how long would they pine after their object of obsession before they snap?
•Bucky takes you immediately the moment he meets you
•From the second you show up in his cabin he will never let you leave him
Z stands for ZENITH: would they ever break their object of obsession?
•He wouldn't let up until you give in and give him what he wants
•After a few months you realize you’re never getting away and you begin to give in quickly, finding out that if you do what he wants and tempt and flirt with him he will go much easier on you and begin breaking you down as you start to enjoy his loving, gentle moments
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Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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666writingcafe · 5 months
A Reward (Part Two)
Content Warning: a MC-centered orgy featuring blow jobs
One moment, I'm watching a movie with everyone. The next, I'm back on the bed I was on during Belphie's portion of my chastity test.
"Welcome back," Belphie greets me. He's sitting cross-legged across from me.
"What's going on?" I ask. "This isn't a surprise final, is it?"
"No, no, nothing like that."
"Then what am I doing here?" Belphie sighs.
"We've noticed how tense you've been the last few days and figured it was due to the emotional aftermath of the test."
"I mean, you're not wrong. I know it was designed to push my limits, but damn. It didn't need to be that fucking hard." Belphie chuckles.
"That's why we decided to reward you." That's the second time he's said "we", but the word just now registered in my brain.
"We?" I repeat. Belphie nods his head, smiling. There's no way this is happening right now.
"You mean all of you agreed--"
"Yep," he answers, interrupting my train of thought. "It was surprisingly easy."
"Belphie, I...I don't know what to say."
"Just tell me when you want to begin." I'm completely speechless. The fact that these guys are willing to play out this particular fantasy of mine is something I never thought would actually happen. It's part of why I resisted Asmo's charm for so long; I didn't want him--or anyone else--to think less of me for it.
"Don't overthink it, MC."
"It's not that," I tell him. "It's just...well...why is it happening here?"
"Diavolo was worried that your body couldn't handle the stress of this in the real world, so this is the next best thing."
"But this is only a dream." Belphie rolls his eyes.
"You're forgetting, MC: I can make this feel like reality. That includes leaving evidence that will still be there when you wake up. We're simply taking advantage of the nebulous nature of the dream realm to make this happen for you." I close my eyes, still feeling overwhelmed. Part of me considers having Belphie send me to another part of the dream realm that has rainbows or something less intense than this.
"It's okay," Belphie comforts. "You don't have to worry about a thing. We'll take care of you. I promise." I take a deep breath. The person that I was before the exchange program would have never agreed to do something this slutty. Not because I didn't want to, but because I was afraid of making a fool out of myself.
But I've grown a lot since then, and these guys seem to accept me, flaws and all.
"Okay," I whisper. I feel the bed shift. Moments later, I find myself up against someone's chest as Belphie's lips are on mine. The mystery person's hands reach inside my shirt and lightly slide up my sides, making me shiver.
"Relax," Lucifer whispers, planting a kiss on my temple. "You're allowed to enjoy yourself."
"We don't have to do this if you feel uncomfortable," Belphie adds. Opening my eyes reveals his face inches away from my own. "Just say the word, and we'll stop."
"Please keep going." I sound pathetic. Rather than tease me for it, however, the two men resume their actions. Their hands travel up and down my body as their lips focus on my face and neck. At some point, my shirt disappears. Whether one of them actually took it off or it simply vanished into thin air is anyone's guess.
Lucifer gets off the bed, and Belphie gently pushes me so that I'm lying on my back. Multiple hands and lips immediately begin roaming all over my body, reducing me to pants and soft whines.
"Aaaw," Asmo coos. "You're so adorable, MC."
"We've barely gotten started, and already you're a trembling mess," Satan observes.
"I..." Their constant touching is making me forget what I was even going to say. Something about me not being able to help it?
"Ssh," Simeon whispers. "You don't have to talk, MC. Just focus on us, okay?" I feel like I'm melting.
"Give them a moment," Diavolo instructs, his breath hot on my belly. "They're not used to having this much attention on them. They're probably overwhelmed." Everyone's movements stop as they look at me, waiting for a reaction.
"It's..." I have to really focus to get the words to come out of my mouth. "It's like my brain's turned to jelly."
"Is that a good thing?" Solomon asks.
"I think so. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I'm just not used to it, that's all."
"If I'd known you'd react like this, I would have made this happen a lot sooner," Belphie chimes in. "It's nice seeing you truly relax, MC."
"So, are you good to continue?" Beel asks. "Or do you need more time to recenter yourself?" I take another deep breath. I have a feeling I'll be doing that quite a bit this evening.
"I'm ready." With that, the men resume their touching, keeping a closer eye on my reactions to make sure I don't become overstimulated again.
"You're doing so well, MC," Barbatos praises. "Such a good little lamb." Hearing the compliment makes me whine.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this to you guys," Belphie states. "Well, Asmo may have known already, but it seems as though our MC has a bit of a praise kink."
"Is that true, MC?" Mammon asks, rubbing his hand up and down my thigh. "Do you like being told how good you are?" I hum affirmatively.
"It's nothing to be ashamed of," Levi responds. "I have one, too. It helps boost my self-confidence."
"For me, they help me feel valued," I explain quietly. "They assure me that I'm doing the right thing."
"So, does degradation have the opposite effect on you?" Belphie asks.
"I mean, if that's all you're doing, then yes. I'd probably start crying. But if there are praises mixed into it, then it's not so bad."
"So, if I told you to take my dick in your mouth like the good little whore that you are, you wouldn't have a problem with that?"
"Oh, that got their attention," Asmo quips before I have a chance to answer. It makes sense that he picked up on that; he is the Avatar of Lust, after all.
"Then let's put it to the test." The other men move off me, and Belphie repositions the two of us so that my face is level with his crotch. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Satan, Barbatos, Asmo, and Diavolo all exchange knowing glances. They've all witnessed first hand how I react to having a demon dick in my face, and it's not by acting all shy about it.
Belphie makes the clothes on his bottom half disappear with a snap of his fingers, and without hesitation I wrap my mouth around him, gripping both sides of his waist as I begin moving up and down.
"Fuck!" Belphie hisses. "Where'd you learn to do that?"
"That was my reaction when they did that to me," Asmo responds. "Really threw me off guard at first. I didn't think they even knew how to give a blowjob, let alone be able to excel at it."
"It appears to become the only thing on their mind," Diavolo adds. "They won't stop until you've cummed completely in your mouth, and even then they might continue sucking."
"Hang on," Mammon chimes in. "You mean to tell me that you two received a blowjob from MC before the rest of us?"
"Make that four," Barbatos answers.
"Four?! Now, that hardly seems fair." I briefly stop what I'm doing to tell Mammon that I'd be more than happy to help even the score, so to speak, making him shut up and allowing me to continue pleasuring Belphie.
The next little bit goes by in a blur as I make good on my promise. Mammon's quite loud, Levi babbles incoherently the whole time, Beel mostly growls, and Lucifer and Solomon groan like the old men that they are.
But the one that stands out to me the most is Simeon. After making 100% sure that he's okay with me doing this to him, I go for it. The noises that consequently come out of his mouth are some of the prettiest I've ever heard. It almost sounds like he's singing.
My jaw aches when I'm finally finished.
"Our turn," Belphie states. The bed creaks as he gets on it, pushing me up against the headrest. He then grabs my legs and spreads them apart before positioning himself between them. The gaspy moan I produce when he begins pleasuring me with his mouth appears to be a kind of siren call, for everyone else resumes touching the rest of my body with their hands and lips.
I don't know how much time passes or how many orgasms I have. And yet I can't find it in me to care that much. There's only one word on my mind as they have their way with me: more.
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan
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vinestaffery · 5 months
first meeting: medkit & subspace
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MEDKIT wasn't that talkative when you came around. when valk and dom had introduced you for the first time, you were reckless and ignorant to the damage the opposite team was doing, to the point he was healing you the entire time. he was disappointed when he found out that the team had won because of your reckless nature, that his patience and composure for the direst situations were only aimed towards you. despite his limits of tolerance, his anger did come to matters of ignorance that would throw away all that match fighting. when you finished the match, he berated you the entire time. yelling at how stupid you acted, how the match would've unfolded correctly if you had only taken care of yourself throughout the entire time. the tension between the two of you's as you argued, other phighters spectated throughout your argument. you couldn't believe your ears when you heard him insult your gear, how you fought and such! your timing and attacks were horrible, and your defense was terrible! you were in complete shock. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "[...], are you even paying attention?!" Medkit finally exclaimed, unable to contain his frustration any longer. His voice boomed across the arena, drawing the attention of both phighters and spectators alike.
"You can't just charge in blindly like that! You're putting yourself and others at unnecessary risk!" He continued, his tone a mixture of exasperation and angered concern for you at most.
Despite his sudden outburst, [...] seemed unfazed, shrugging his words with a careless wave of their gear. "Relaaax! I got this, I know exactly what I'm doing," you replied nonchalantly. This response only served more frustration to Medkit then it should've.
He couldn't believe how nonchalant they were, especially since he was having to only pay attention to them. Throughout the remainder of the match, Medkit's attention was divided between his duties as the doctor and his growing irritation towards [...]'s reckless behavior.
When the match had concluded, crowd's slowly dispersing, Medkit couldn't shake off that lingering sense of disappointment.
The echoes of the phighting match had faded, leaving behind a tense silence in the arena. Medkit approached [...] with a determined stride, his expression a mix of frustration and concern.
"[...], we need to talk," he said firmly, his voice cutting through the quiet air.
[...] turned to face him, their expression defiant. "What's there to talk about, Medkit? I fought my way through just fine," they retorted, crossing their arms defensively.
Medkit shook his head, his patience wearing thin. "That's not the point, [...]. You were reckless out there. You put yourself in unnecessary danger," he argued, his tone edged with exasperation.
[...] scoffed, rolling their eyes. "I can handle myself, Medkit. I don't need you hovering over me so overprotectively," they shot back, their words dripping with defiance.
Medkit's frustration boiled over, his voice rising in intensity. "This isn't about me being overprotective! It's about you being ignorant and putting yourself at risk. Do you even realize how dangerous your actions were?" he exclaimed, his hands gesturing emphatically.
[...] bristled at his words, their own frustration bubbling to the surface. "I'm not ignorant, Medkit. I know what I'm doing," they insisted stubbornly, refusing to back down.
Medkit sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "You may think you do, [...], but there's a difference between confidence and recklessness. You need to learn to listen and be aware of your surroundings," he urged, his voice softer now, tinged with concern. "We could've lost, and it would've been all your fault."
The tension between them hung thick in the air, neither willing to concede their point. But beneath the heated argument, there lingered a mutual understanding – a recognition of the importance of safety and knowledge in the unforgiving world they inhabited.
In the end, as the echoes of their argument faded into the distance, Medkit and [...] both knew that their disagreement stemmed from a place of care.
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SUBSPACE was a more ... stranger, and definitely more interesting than any other phighters yet. He was known as "Subspace T. Mine," and worked at the head of Blackrock's robotics division, and was a scientist tinkering with energies of crystals shared between his two sharp horns. It was quite interesting, to say the least, catching your attention. His skills were intriguing, watching him constantly bicker towards his creation and another masked-figure who was to be named 'Hyperlaser'. When he first met you, he preached himself higher then you were, which made you a bit iffy at the start. But, soon you started to get used to his weird-antics and his sayings, as-for speaking in third-person was his way of communicating. Sometimes, you'd catch him fixing his robot creation, 'Biograft', who had also caught your eye with his interesting ideology and interactions with Vine Staff. But, it didn't change the strange interaction you shared with Subspace at all. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The sun blared horribly, as the putrid smell of gunk and disgusting smell of rotten fish seemed to be emanating from the phighter right next to [...]. They glared, looking up to face the tall figure above, their arm patched, though it seemed useless with the obvious bleeding and small smoke. They couldn't help but be a bit curious.
They coughed, "What's going on with your arm? It looks... pretty bad." Subspace's eyes darted to face down to you, raising a brow as he just smiled. "Well!!! Aren't you such a curious one? Maybe it's at these times, you shouldn't stick your nose into things that don't matter to you..." He snarled a smile, but it was obvious he disliked your curiosity.
"Well..." [...] embarrassingly looked away, but looked back. "It sorta adds character, is it like a... souvenir from a failed experiment or something?" Subspace looked away, then back to his arm as it lifted up. His skin slowly shuffled on it, disturbing you as you held back a gag.
"This old thing? Well!" He puffs out his chest proudly, "I, Subspace T. Mine! Head-scientist at Blackrock's Robotics Division, mastermind behind many of our ingenious creations, has never failed an experiment! I am infact, working on a groundbreaking energy source for our faction," The demon rambled.
You couldn't even understand half the thing he had just said within his words. You just shook your head, concerned on the demon's mindset. You raised a eyebrow, skeptical, "Oh, really? And what's this energy source supposed to do?"
Subspace's eye had a gleam, "If I told you, [...], I'd have to disintegrate you! But of course, you'd know nothing about that at all with your tiny, itty bitty brain!" You rolled an eye at this improper behaviour.
"Yeah, yeah, Subspace. We've all heeeard about your big plans. Just make sure you don't blow yourself up at all to smithereens with your strange experiment, 'kay?" Subspace smiled wickedly.
"Ohh, don't worry your little head about that, [...], I have everything under control... mostly."
You shook your head, amused. "That's what worries me."
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hello!! im very proud of this, as for this is my first time i believe i have actually felt comfortable and happy with my writing. this is not proof-read, i hope you guys enjoy these stupid little scenario type of situation!
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imagines--galore · 5 months
||The Thread of Fate|| Part Fifteen
Summary: Soulmate AU. They say the Thread of Fate connects you to your one true love. It may tangle. It may stretch. But it will never break. Wrapped around your little finger it tightens when it feels your soulmate is close and loosens when they are far. And becomes visible with the colors of your soulmate’s Nation when you finally fall in love with them.
Pairing: Zuko x OroraOC (ATLA)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Adventure.
Previous Chapters - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen
A/N: I am so excited! We're almost at the end of Book 2. Just five or six more chapters? Maybe less. But argh! This was a pain to get right!!!! Lemme know what you think folks!
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Maybe this was a bad idea?
But bad ideas, always led to good ideas didn't they?
Something about the negative attracting the positive.
Or something of the sort.
It was too early to actually think straight.
Placing the small note she had quickly written to ensure Iroh and Zuko that she had simply gone to the Outer Ring for a little bending practice, Orora was quick to exit the apartment and make her way down the stairs and out of the building.
Glancing behind her, and seeing no candle suddenly burning, the young waterbender heaved a sigh of relief, before leaning back against the wall she had taken refuge behind.
Straightening the strap of her satchel, her lips pulled in a secret smile before she began to walk down the road.
"Little early for you to be going for a morning stroll, isn't it?"
A shriek the surely even the Spirits would've heard echoed in the early morning air.
Her heart threatened to burst out of her chest, as she whirled around to stare wide eyed at the smug looking banished prince leaning against a support beam of a building.
"Monkey-feathers Zuko! Are you trying to scare me to death?" Pressing a hand on her chest, as if physically willing herself to calm down, her gaze shifted from sudden fight to fury and annoyance. "And it is none of your business where I go. A girl is allowed her secrets." She stated in a rather haughty tone, prompting Zuko to raise an eyebrow at her. A smirk pulled at his lips, that infuriating smirk when he knew he had a comeback she had no answer to.
"What girl?"
Her nostrils flared, and an offended look overcame her features. "Humph." That was the best response she could come up with. Adding to that response, was a pivot on the heel and attempting to walk away in a huff.
Of course that didn't happen when Zuko reached out to grasp her by the elbow.
The sudden contact had her stopping dead in her tracks. Her head shifted to look over her shoulder where she could feel his warm hand against the bare skin of her elbow. Zuko seemed to be following the exact thought, since his eyes dropped to his hand as well.
Twin blushes stole across their cheeks, as Zuko slowly, almost as if he were reluctant to do so, let go of her elbow. She brushed her hair behind her ear, a habit she had picked up out of nervousness since her hair had grown long enough, he had noticed. "You know you're not supposed to wander around the city on your own." He reminded her, crossing his arms over his chest as he did.
Orora closed her eyes, letting out a sigh as she stared longingly at the Outer Wall that was just visible beyond the line of houses. "I know, but I didn't want to bother you, or Master. I just wanted to find an open space, and just waterbend." She admitted. "I heard about this lake, but its off-limits to the public, but if I could even find a small pond....." She trailed off, shoulders drooping in defeat.
"But you're right. I shouldn't have tried to go off on my own." Gripping the strap she let out a disappointed sigh. "We should head back. Your Uncle will worry if he sees us both gone."
She'd barely taken a step or two back towards the apartment building when she heard Zuko sigh.
"Wait." He called out, prompting Orora to come to a halt. She turned around to look at him, her gaze questioning. "I'll go with you." The firebender sighed out. Surprise flitted across her features, before a bright smile pulled at her lips.
"Really?" He barely had time to nod before she tackled him into a brief yet fierce hug. "Oh thank you Zuko! I promise I'll buy you a whole bag of moon peaches on our way back!" She vowed, smiling at him. Zuko blinked, still a little taken aback by the sudden embrace. At least he recovered physically, his head jerking forward in a nod.
His voice, however, was having a little trouble finding itself, while his mind was focused on the fact that Orora had hugged him. Granted it wasn't the first time, but he was starting to find that no matter how brief a touch he shared with Orora, it always meant so much to him.
Especially since that night just a day ago.
When he had kissed her, and she had kissed him back.
A hand gripping his brought him back from reliving that sweet memory. Rather then focus on the Orora in his mind, he instead turned his attention to Orora as she stood next to him, smiling at him in gratitude as she took his hand, and began to lead him towards the Outer Wall.
For once, he followed someone else. He allowed someone else to lead him.
Someone he trusted other than his Uncle.
The previous day had been interesting to say the least.
After the kiss, both teenagers had felt a little shy around one another. It wasn't everyday that someone went ahead and kissed their soulmate.
It was a life-changing moment.
Just one step away from formally acknowledging and accepting that the other person was your soulmate.
They were two very different things.
Both of them had laid under the stars together for another good hour. Though this time, neither of them met the other's gaze. Nor did they touch.
Or rather.
Not completely.
Their hands had been right next to one another, and Orora had found her small finger wrapping itself around his finger. Her hold had been gentle, but when he looped his own finger around her own, she had felt herself smile.
Alright so maybe her and Zuko were not going to be open about whatever had happened, but at least it had happened. That was a start.
A kiss.
Her first proper kiss.
As she recalled the moment, Orora could feel a smile forming on her lips. She quickly suppressed it by biting down on her lower lip.
But then he stood up and left without a word. Orora had been a little confused at first, but thought that maybe he was just as shy as she felt.
The next day had been as mundane as any other.
With an added perk.
Iroh had been at the front of the tea shop while she and Zuko had been washing dishes in the back. Standing beside one another, he washed, while she quickly dried using her waterbending. The both of them worked in silence, the clink of the cups and plates they were washing the only sound.
But that wasn't to say they weren't speaking.
Or rather, they weren't speaking verbally.
Every now and then, their gazes would meet, and something would pass between the both of them.
Every now and then their skin would graze when passing the cup or plate, and both would actually feel their senses come alive with that brief touch.
Every now and then a smile would pass between them, one that was equal parts shy, uncertain and almost, dare she say, hopeful.
Finally, finally, Orora had cleared her throat. "You know, back at the North Pole, there's a little game we play. Well I've heard of people playing it, I've never played it myself."
A little surprised at hearing her say something after such a long length of silence, he turned to look at her. She kept her eyes on the spoon he had just handed to her.
"That when two............soulmates find each other," Spirits, his cheeks felt like they were on fire. "A little competition starts, to see how they would be able to catch one another off guard." She explained, remembering how one of her maids had actually spoken to her about it.
Fiddling with the spoon she gripped in her fingers, the young waterbender girl lifted her head to look at him. "It allows them to get to know each other better and build some strange sense of trust."
Zuko blinked, finally realizing that her ice blue eyes were close.
Much too close.
"I know we're not at the North Pole, but........." She trailed off, her gaze open, earnest and pleading. And really, in what world could he ever say no to her.
His nod of confirmation was enough to have her smiling.
Though the mischievousness that danced in her eyes had him very nearly stepping back and going back on his word.
"Well since you caught me off guard on the roof top." Orora commented, gathering whatever strength and bravery she needed to continue.
"I suppose its my turn."
So saying, she raised herself up on her toes, given that she was a few inches shorter then him, and pressed a series of kisses, two on his cheeks, on either side, and one on his lips.
The moment she was done, Orora turned around and all but ran out to the front of the shop, leaving Zuko to stand their dumbfounded and unable to ascertain what had just happened.
Though once he did recover there was no denying that the smile that formed on his lips, and the happiness that he felt, was something he had not experienced in a long long time.
Starting the contest seemed to have broken the ice. Both teenagers went back to acting like their normal selves with one another. With a few added aspects.
For one, throughout the entire day, they would both do random little acts for one another. It wasn't to say that they didn't do anything for each other before, but now that it was a contest to see who would do more, they both decided to step up their game.
He'd caught her trying to pick up a huge stack of plates and cups. And though he'd been on break, Zuko had been quick to reach out and take most of the cutlery. She'd blinked at him, a little surprised knowing he was rather particular about his break.
Glancing over his shoulder and seeing no one there, Zuko had taken that moment to quickly peck her on the forehead, before walking away with the stack of plates.
Orora had been a little uncertain about whether Zuko would accept to play her game or not, but with that little gesture, she had her answer.
She stepped back a little from walking beside Iroh on the way back home and grasped his hand. A little daring considering Iroh could turn back and catch them at any moment, but that didn't stop him from squeezing her hand back.
Orora had been busy preparing dinner when Zuko had stepped up next to her. She had glanced at him, curious when he nodded towards the vegetables that still needed chopping. Her eyes widened in surprise.
He hated chopping vegetables.
Zuko simply rolled his eyes at her astonishment and began to peel and cut, leaving Orora smiling happily while Iroh stared at his nephew a little dumbfounded.
He wasn't as comfortable as Orora was when it came to phsyical acts of affection. Orora craved them, having gotten next to none growing up. It would seem her tactic of catching Zuko off guard was using little gestures of affection. While his battle plan for surprising her was helping her wherever she needed it.
Iroh had gone to bed a little early that night, so that left the two teenagers to do whatever they wanted. And what Zuko wanted, was to reach out and take Orora's hand before leading her up to the rooftop once more.
Which he did.
They spent hours up there, lying next to one another once more, just talking.
And for once it was Orora who told him about her life before she had met him. How her father and brothers had suppressed her, how her entire life had felt like she was walking on thin ice because of her father's temper. How he had lashed out at her most of the time and hit her multiple times. How she had tried her best to be the perfect daughter, but something inside her had always told her that this was wrong, that she wasn't meant to be treated that way. How she would sneak away to the Spirit Oasis because the place helped calm her and just play with the water. How, once, she'd even dared to step into the pond of the koi fish.
How her grandmother had given her waterbending scrolls as her final act of rebellion against the men in their lives. How she had honored that act by practicing her bending to train to become a fighter. How she had, finally, decided that she would not take the abuse any longer after nearly dying during the Siege. How her father had actually tried to hit her after she returned home, but she'd caught his descending hand using her waterbending. How she had knocked her brother aside with a wall of water, and frozen them to the floor. How she had looked her father in the eye, her very being radiating an anger that it actually had the temperature dropping in the room.
For the first time she had spoken her mind, and said what she had wanted to say for so so long. Her father had been too stunned to do anything. Her mother had stood in the corner, pride in her eyes where there had hardly been any emotion at all. Her brothers had stopped their struggle and had followed their father's example. Even though her father had already banished her, which had been the trigger causing her to act as she did, Orora had stated that she'd already made up her mind about leaving.
And then she had left.
Throughout the story, Zuko had never once looked away from Orora, even when she could not longer meet his gaze and instead focused on the night sky above. He had known she had gone through some trouble with her family, but he had no idea she still carried the scars of it, and that it still effected her. Then again, he carried his scars as well, physical and mental, so why should she be any different. He wasn't in any way comparing their pasts. They'd both had different experiences, both been treated harshly by their fathers and had been abandoned by their siblings to fend for themselves.
But then she revealed one final detail.
A detail that had Zuko's heart stopping in his chest, and a horrible feeling creeping all along his body, like pinpricks, and settling just under his skin where he could feel it the most.
The detail of how the verbal, emotional, mental and physical torture had gotten so bad at one point that she had actually considered just...........
She'd trailed off then, closing her eyes and feeling all that hurt, anguish and loneliness rise to the forefront of her mind. She'd put up a strong front all her life. Had never wavered when it came to her own sense of belief. But there were times when she had doubted and wandered if it would all be worth it in the end. She could feel the harsh sting of the tears behind her closed eyelids, felt them escape and slowly trail down her cheeks, warm against her skin.
"Sometimes I feel like, there's this chasm inside me. Even now, after getting away from it all, I'm standing at the very edge of it." She revealed, pressing a hand to her chest, where she could physically feel her heart ache. "There is no end to that chasm, and I'm about to loose my footing and fall." She gathered herself closer to her body, as if trying to attain some warmth that would dissipate the coldness that came from within. "But then, I feel someone take me by the hand, and pull me back a little and I look up."
Finally, she turned her head to look at him. A watery smile pulled at her lips, and despite the tears he could see the hope and utter trust in her eyes. His heart squeezed in his chest. Did he even deserve that from someone?
"And I see you standing there. You and your Uncle. I know we've known each other for just a few months, but I don't think I've ever trusted anyone before like I trust you Zuko. You and Master helped me see that you can trust someone."
She was baring herself to him, heart and soul, just like he had done all those nights ago when he had revealed the truth about his scar. "And yeah, we did fight and I didn't like you, I still sometimes want nothing more then to throw you off a building." A small laugh, prompting Zuko to smile at the sound. "But I trust you."
No one had ever trusted him before. Not his father, his sister, not even his crew. His Uncle did, but having another person, his soulmate, tell him that she trusted him was an another thing entirely.
He reached out, gently grasping her by the shoulders and pulling her in. Her head settled on his chest, right near his heart, his arms wound around her, one on her waist, the other around her shoulders, his hand buried in her hair as he held her close. He placed his head on top of her own and just sat there. For her part, Orora wrapped her arms loosely around his waist, feeling tired and drained after all that she had just revealed. Her eyes closed as she felt him drop a kiss to her head and she sighed.
Despite having not said a lot the entire night, with that one hug, Zuko said more then he ever could have.
The tears continued to fall until she finally fell asleep in his arms.
It was strange having someone else open up to him like Orora had. Growing up in the Palace, Zuko hadn't had many friends. Any at all. He would usually be around his mother, and she would play with him when he was younger, though as he got older he insisted that playing was for children and had instead moved on to practicing with weapons. His cousin had been the one to teach him about Dao Swords, but then he died. His mother disappeared, and it was only when Iroh returned that Zuko finally had a friendly face around the Palace. Azula had been lucky when it came to friends. She had Mei and Ty Lee.
Zuko had no one.
But now he had Orora.
Sitting on the bank of the significantly spacious pond, Zuko remembered the last time he had seen Orora practice like that. It was just after Azula had shot lightening at Iroh. Everything that had happened seemed like such a long time ago. The both of them had barely been able to look at one another then.
But in a span of a few short weeks they'd become friends. And they'd kissed.
He was brought out of his reverie when a bubble of water splashed just near his feet.
"Hey! Watch it!" He called out annoyed.
Orora stood in front of him, knee deep in water, her pants pulled up and her long shirt tucked in to keep from getting too wet. Not that it would matter, she could always waterbend herself dry.
She grinned. "Oh lighten up, and I mean figuratively." Zuko rolled his eyes as she laughed at her own joke. "You're trying too hard." He stated, prompting her to scowl at him.
"Well if you're just gonna make fun of my jokes, then I won't take my turn in our game." He raised an eyebrow at her. "I thought you were going to buy me moon peaches?" He asked to which she shrugged. "I can buy those for you any time, but I figured why not teach you a waterbending move which I'm sure you can use for other scenarios."
He blinked at her. She grinned and winked playfully.
Stepping out of the water, she quickly reached his side. "Come on, its an easy one, I promise."
So saying, she inhaled deeply, centering herself where she stood. Raising her arms in front of her, palms facing her body, she slowly brought them up to shoulder level before allowing her arms and hands to fly out, palms out.
The entire movement was fluid and graceful, quite the opposite of the firebending forms he had studied all his life.
"And when I do it with water." So saying she demonstrated the move again but this time using her waterbending abilities, sending a powerful wall of water splashing on the opposite end of the pond.
Zuko was impressed. She had improved a lot since he had met her. Her bending had gotten powerful through sheer practice and determination alone. Deciding to humor her, and yes she did catch him off-guard when she offered to teach him a waterbending move, Zuko dropped into stance next to her.
Orora smiled when he did, eager to share what she had learned.
As they both went through the motion, with Orora correcting him every now and then, the topic stayed on bending. Though now in an entirely different context.
"So I was thinking." He turned his head to look at her, though still going through the motions of the bending move. "You're able to bend using your feet as well. I mean I've seen you create arcs with just a swipe of your foot." She was careful to not say the word firebending in case someone else was listening in. "And Earthbenders can do the same, and I'm sure the Airbenders could as well."
Zuko nodded. "Yeah? I've seen the Avatar do that. What're you getting at?"
She shrugged. "Well I was just wandering, why isn't there any move where a waterbender could bend using their legs?"
Zuko frowned, contemplating on what she had just said. "Maybe no one has ever tried before?" He stated in a matter of fact voice, which had Orora humming, as she dropped her previous stance and waved her arms in an arc around her body, pulling a stream of water from the pond and creating a ring of water around her waist
"I guess." She said her voice low, dividing the ring into two and freezing one of them in a beautiful circular curvy ring. The water from the other ring, continued to weave through the now frozen structure, creating quite a pretty effect. It almost looked like she was wearing a stylized belt or something.
Having stopped going through the motions, Zuko turned his attention to her. "Why don't you try it?"
Her eyes snapped up to meet him, though her fingers kept moving in an elegant circular motion, keeping the water moving. "Me?" She asked, surprised.
Zuko shrugged. "Yeah whats wrong with you trying?" Orora pursed her lips, unfreezing the water and allowing the two rings to merge into one and sending it back into the pond.
"Well I'm not a Master, I don't know a lot of waterbending forms." She kicked her foot out sheepishly, catching a small pebble and watching as it rolled into the pond. "I doubt I'll be able to create a whole new form of bending."
Zuko frowned, not liking the way she was speaking about herself, and her abilities. Reaching out, he placed, what he hoped was a comforting hand, on her shoulder. "Look from what I have seen, you're a really good bender. You always practice when you can, and it doesn't even matter if you're doing it in the water, or just practicing going through the motions. You work hard, and your skills have improved since we had that spar in the forest."
She blinked up at him briefly, before a hopeful yet shy smile pulled at her lips. "You really think so?" She asked, and Zuko couldn't help but smile back at her. His hand moved from her shoulder, to cup the side of her face, thumb gently stroking her skin.
"Of course." He answered honestly.
She tilted her head, closing her eyes briefly, as if she were savoring his touch. "You know Zuko," She finally said after a brief stretch of silence. "For someone who acts grumpy all the time, you're a pretty sweet guy."
Instantly his expression changed to an annoyed look, prompting Orora to laugh under her breath. "You mention this to anyone, and I'll tell Uncle you broke his favorite teacup." He threatened.
Her eyes widened in disbelief. "I replaced it!" She protested. Zuko smirked, shaking his head.
"It doesn't matter. That teacup had sentimental value, he doesn't know its been replaced, unless I tell him."
Orora scowled at him, flicking away the hand that still rested on her cheek. "Oh you would stoop that low wouldn't you?" She ground out, pouting.
If possible, his smirk only widened. "Anything to be Uncle's favorite."
He was met with a light punch in the gut on part of an annoyed soulmate.
Ever since last night, Zuko had been thinking some things over. So far, Orora new most of what had happened to him, but he had neglected to inform her of the months he had spent chasing he Avatar and all that had come with it.
From being constantly belittled by Zhao, to nearly dying in an explosion, almost getting captured by Azula, not to mention that time when the Avatar had saved his life.
He had to tell her. She had been truthful with him. She deserved to know the truth. The whole truth.
The walk back home was a long one, and since he was sure there was no one around to listen, he decided it was his turn to catch her off-guard like she had him the night before.
By telling her about everything since he had begun chasing the Avatar. She had to know all that he had done, every dirty tactic and trick he had played to try and capture the Avatar. From the time he had used the watertribe girl's necklace as bait, to dressing up as the Blue Spirit, to kidnapping the Avatar while he was in the Spirit World.
It was one failed attempt after another, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth as he spoke. Surely Orora would want nothing to do with him. He was a failure. He couldn't even capture a twelve year old kid. Granted the kid was the Avatar, but he was still a kid.
Just as he had listened to her the night before, she listened to him. Once he had said all that he could, she inhaled deeply, her mind swirling with all that she could say to him. It was hard to choose where she should start.
So she started with holding his hand, pulling him into a partially hidden alley. She sighed. It almost felt like he had a rock inside him, weighing him down, as he waited for her to speak.
"I can't say that what you did was right, and I won't agree with it either." His heart dropped. "What you did was wrong Zuko, but....." She trailed off, licking her lips before sighing. "But I know more then a little about wanting to gain a father's approval." He blinked at her. That was more then he had hoped to hear. He had fully expected her to turn her back to him.
"You do what you can to please him. To try and get him to look at you with something other then contempt." She nodded in understanding, reaching up to run her fingers through the hair resting on his forehead before resting on his cheek. "You loose yourself in the process. You loose your own morals and that is the worst part." Never once leaving his gaze she continued.
"But you never did that. Where any other person would've taken a life or hurt someone out of desperation, never have I heard from your lips that you actually hurt someone." Zuko shook his head. "But that was all luck."
She shook her head. "You just told me that when Zhao was being taken away by the Spirits, you tried to save him, but he refused your help." He opened his mouth, but Orora quickly quietened him pressing her fingers to his lips. "You went after your Uncle after he was kidnapped by those Earthbenders. You never intentionally hurt anyone who came your way."
Finger gently caressing his mouth she continued. "And most of all, you saved my life. I'm proof that you haven't lost your morals Zuko. That you are a good person despite all that you have done. You didn't know who I was, you had no idea I was your soulmate, but you saved me." With every word she stepped closer until she was all but pressed up against him, her face just inches away. And while her gaze was open and earnest, he was looking at her through heavy lidded eyes. "I'm alive because of you." Her words were barely above a whisper as he dropped his forehead against her own. She sighed, adoring how warm he felt against her, her eyes slowly drifting shut, wanting to savor the moment. "I'm here because of you."
The last two words were muffled as she fused their mouths together in a kiss that had her grasping for the front of his shirt, while his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer.
So far their kisses had been quick and chaste, both of them feeling too shy and uncertain about their feelings for one another.
But this one?
This one kiss they shared in the alley?
It was anything but chaste.
Zuko pressed his mouth insistently against hers, forcing Orora to lean back. There was a near desperation in that kiss, almost as if her words had awoken some sudden realization in him. And they had.
She had reminded him how close he had been to loosing her. Loosing her before he had even gotten to know who she was. And how important she would become to him.
His arms tightened around her waist as he gently pushed her so her back would rest against the wall of the building. Neither of them broke the kiss, content on memorizing the shape of each other's lips. Her hands slid up his chest to bury her fingers in his hair. The gentle scrape of her nails against his scalp opened an entirely new plethora of feelings in him.
Instinct drove him forward, taking her lower lip between his teeth and allowing them to sink into her soft skin. His hands, not wanting to stay idle, began to roam the small of her back, tracing the side of her waist as he did. Orora could barely contain the sound of surprise at the sudden onslaught of new sensations his touch awoke in her. Her eyelashes fluttered against the curve of her cheeks as she too returned the favor by nipping at his lip. His sound of approval reverberated against her mouth, prompting her to smile as he melded their lips together once more.
It was then that she seemed to realize the heaviness clouding her mind was not because of having Zuko pressed up against her, and his mouth on her, but because she couldn't breath.
Her hands dropped to his chest, pushing him back and unfusing her lips from his. The moment she did, the young waterbender inhaled sharply, trying to catch her breath. Zuko was no better. He was breathing heavily as well. Their forehead were still pressed together, cheeks flushed, and their eyes were open, ice blue staring into warm amber.
Once they were able to calm their breathing, as well as their racing hearts, Zuko pulled away from her. Though he didn't look away from her. She was smiling softly, and he couldn't help but mirror that smile as he led her out of the alley and into the street, heading for home.
But despite what they had just spoken about, once they stood outside the apartment building Zuko couldn't help but glance at it and scowl.
He hated it. Hated that he had to work as a tea server his whole life. Zuko glanced at Orora as she walked beside him. Despite having not thought about it in awhile, his mind drifted back to home. To the Fire Palace and all the comforts that came with it. In his mind, his father welcomed him home with open arms.
The bitterness that was now a part of his soul festered away as he continued to think of a life back home with Orora by his side.
A life he could never have.
Putting away the last of her waterbending scrolls in the small wicker basket, Orora smiled and stood. "Well I'm done packing up, would you like me to make you a cup of tea Master?" She asked, already moving towards the stove and kettle, knowing he would answer in the positive.
"Anytime is good for tea my young Pupil, remember that life lesson." Iroh responded cheerfully, prompting the young girl to laugh as she bended some water into the kettle.
This was so exciting. Not even a month ago, they had barely had any money to buy clothes and food. And now? Her Master was getting the chance to open up his own tea shop. To say he was ecstatic would be an understatement. They would be moving to the Upper Ring, getting new apartments, new clothes. That last part was something she looked forward to more then anything else. Maybe she could even get her own room?
Orora was truly happy for Iroh. He deserved his own tea shop, with how excellent his tea making skills were. She was glad he had chosen to teach her his secrets as well. In her eyes, any teaching Iroh had to impart on her, she would gladly accept. It was truly an honor.
And speaking of honor, ever since their outing, Zuko had been in a bit of a modd. She had figured he needed to come to terms with what they had spoken about, and decided to give him some space instead. She knew he appreciated her advice, but sometimes a person needed to sort through some thoughts by themselves.
"Have you thought of a name yet for the tea shop?" She asked, curious to know what he would come up with. Just then the door slid open and Zuko stepped in.
Iroh, wanting to include Zuko into the conversation spoke up. "I was thinking about names for my new tea shop. How about the Jasmine Dragon? It's dramatic, poetic, has a nice ring to it." Orora hummed in agreement, watching curiously as Zuko unfolded a piece of paper and showed it to his Uncle.
"The Avatar is here in Ba Sing Se and he's lost his bison." Orora blinked in surprise. "He lost Appa?" She asked, worry lacing her tone as she quickly walked forward to look at the paper, which was actually a flyer, as Iroh examined it.
The old man sighed. "We have a chance for a new life here." He said, letting Orora take the piece of paper and examining it further. "If you start stirring up trouble, we could lose all the good things that are happening for us."
Zuko who had been looking out the window with a determined expression, turned around. "Good things that are happening for you!" His words prompted Orora to look up at him, hurt evident in her eyes. A fact that he refused to acknowledge and ignored completely, even as he glanced in her direction. Though a sliver of guilt settled in his stomach, he continued. "Have you ever thought that I want more from life than a nice apartment and a job serving tea?"
Iroh sighed. "There is nothing wrong with a life of peace and prosperity." His tone was soft and understanding as he continued. "I suggest you think about what it is that you want from your life and why."
"I want my destiny." Zuko stated without even thinking about his answer. Iroh nodded. "What that means is up to you."
Knowing he would get nothing out of his Uncle other then words of wisdom and riddles, young Prince stalked away to their shared rooms and disappeared behind the door. His Uncle didn't understand. And while on some levels Orora did, she had accepted her fate and the fact that she could never go home. Him though? He still had a chance to earn his father's approval and go back.
Orora stared after him, more then a little hurt at being ignored by Zuko like that.
"The Tea Weevil!" Iroh suddenly exclaimed, before shaking his head. "No, that's stupid." Biting her lower lip, the young waterbender moved back to the stove where the water was now boiling.
"He did not mean to hurt you Orora." Iroh's words had her blushing at being so obvious about the situation. She glanced at him to see the old man smiling kindly at her. "My nephew tends to push people away when facing a problem or a challenge, thinking he can take care of it himself."
Continuing to pack, Iroh added. "Give him some time, he will realize that what he already has is enough." Giving her a smile of reassurance, Iroh hoped he had helped ease her worries about Zuko a little.
Pretending to be asleep that night was no easy feat. She was restless, her mind ringing with what Zuko had said, and with the knowledge that Aang, Katara and Sokka were close by. And they had lost Appa. During the short journey from the North Pole to the mainland, she'd grown fond of the hairy beast. He was adorable, and Orora adored adorable things.
It was a weakness.
She heard Zuko as he got up from his sleeping mat. She sat up the moment the door slid close. A determined expression on her features, she quickly pulled on her shoes and grabbed her water pouch. She'd barely taken a few steps down the road when she bumped into her Master.
"A little late to be taking an evening stroll my young pupil." Iroh stated in a jovial tone, though his eyes were serious. Orora glanced over his shoulder. "He's just up ahead Master, we should be able to follow him."
Iroh shook his head. "No, my dear. You will stay in the apartment. Where Zuko is about to go, it is a dangerous place, and I cannot be worrying about your safety as well as Zuko's." Her heart plummeted in her stomach and her shoulders drooped.
"But Master, I can take care of myself." She insisted, to which Iroh placed a hand on her shoulder. "I know you can. But Ba Sing Se has powerful men and women working on the wrong side." With a firm squeeze of her shoulder, her Master stated one final time.
"Stay." With that he moved to follow after Zuko.
Orora pursed her lips where she stood, feeling a little bubble of disappointment forming in her chest. Did Iroh not have faith in her abilities? Or did he think she would distract Zuko?
Her heart and mind were at war, as she turned on her feet and began to walk back towards their apartment.
But a slight tug on her finger had her looking down at the string that connected her with Zuko.
She frowned.
Iroh had heard rumors of the secret of Lake Laogai. The White Lotus had warned him of the many dangers that lurked in the catacombs of the city. This had been one of the reasons he never allowed Orora to wander around the city by herself. He had heard tales of people disappearing, never to be heard from again.
Though he was reluctant to admit, Zuko had more experience when it came to being on guard and watching his back. Orora did not. She had proven to herself to be a skilled fighter, but she lacked the experience when it came to people.
Iroh followed after Zuko. Luckily the entrance to the under water base of operations had been left open. So it was easy to jump down and begin the task of looking for Zuko. The tunnels were dark and seemed almost haunted in the dim green light. The tiniest sound seemed so loud in one's ear. He'd only wandered through a few tunnels, when Iroh became aware of a presence behind him.
As a skilled firebender, he could actually feel the warmth of a body and how close it was. And these several presences were getting closer. He hid himself in a shadowed alcove, watching as several Dai Li agents rushed by. They had barely passed when he felt another heat form closing in.
Much to his surprise, it was a rather familiar one. As soon as they were within range, his hand darted out to catch them by the elbow, and pulled them into his hiding spot.
If he allowed himself to, Orora was sure her Master would be breathing steam at that moment, with how furious he looked.
"I told you to stay behind Orora." He said, his voice carried the weight of his disappointment. Orora lowered her head. "I know." Shame colored her tone. "I know you did Master, but I couldn't just sit back and do nothing."
Grumbling under his breath, Iroh ran a tired hand over his face. Finally he looked at her with a serious expression. "Orora. As your Master, I hereby forbid you from ever disobeying my orders again." He knew it wasn't right, knew that he was asking her to take an oath that she would find very hard to break, but he had to.
To protect her.
"Swear to me, that the next time I give you an order, no matter what the outcome may be, you will obey me."
Orora bit her lower lip, nodding. "I swear, Master." She hated the look he was giving her, and never wanted to see it again. He was her teacher, he knew best. She trusted him to keep her safe and never lead her down the wrong path.
Nodding in a satisfactory manner, Iroh peaked out from their hiding place. "Now follow me, and keep close."
While Iroh stayed on the lookout for any potential threats, Orora slowly began to lead the way following her thread. By some miracle, they didn't run into any trouble as they ventured deeper and deeper underneath the Lake. It didn't take long, for them to reach a door. Her finger gave a gentle tug and she knew Zuko was on the other side.
Iroh didn't waste time in reaching out and opening the door. He was already angry at Orora for disobeying him, and it was only growing at the thought of his nephew doing something stupid and throwing away his life.
The moment they entered, Orora closed the door behind her. The first thing she noticed was the person in the blue mask. Zuko, holding his Dao swords at the ready. And behind him?
In chains.
"Appa!" She called out, rushing forward, darting past Zuko and approaching the Bison. The big creature let out a warning growl, though she wasn't deterred. "Its me. Orora." She held her hand out for him to sniff, to remember her scent. "Remember me?" She cooed, as the Bison leaned forward to press his nose against her palm. She gently ran her hand along his nose smiling. "Its alright boy. I'll get you out."
"And then what!?"
The sudden shout had her turning on her heel, eyes widening. She had never heard Iroh yell. Never seen him so angry as he did right then. Not even a few moments ago when he had caught her.
"You never think these things through!" He pointed a finger at Zuko, who now stood with his back to his Uncle, maskless, his eyes focused on the ground as emotions ravaged through his very sense of being. "This is exactly what happened when you captured the Avatar at the North Pole! You had him, and then you had nowhere to go!"
"I would have figured something out!" Zuko argued, though there was uncertainty in his voice.
"No! If his friends hadn't found you, you would have frozen to death!" Iroh stated, prompting a chill to run down her spine. Zuko had spoken to her about it, but how much had he downplayed on the amount of times he had nearly died?
"I know my own destiny, Uncle!" Again, he tried to argue, but Iroh was having none of it.
"Is it your own destiny, or is it a destiny someone else has tried to force on you?" He demanded. Behind her Appa fidgeted, not liking the loud voices. She made a reassuring sound, gently running her fingers through his soft fur.
"Stop it, Uncle! I have to do this!" Forced determination, that was all there was in Zuko's voice as his heart raged with his mind.
Capture the Avatar, restore his honor, restore his father's love, go back home, restore his title as Prince. That was all that mattered.
"I'm begging you, Prince Zuko!" Iroh demanded, and pleaded at the same time. "It's time for you to look inward and begin asking yourself the big questions. Who are you, and what do you want?"
That seemed to be the last straw.
Zuko let out a pained cry, throwing down his weapon and the mask, dropping to his knees as he did. Orora stood where she was for a few moments, before glancing at Iroh. He gave her a small nod.
Giving Appa a reassuring pat on the nose, she slowly approached the conflicted Prince. Her soft steps echoed in the otherwise silent chamber. She dropped to her knees in front of him, reaching out to place a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm not gonna say I understand, because our situations are vastly different." She started, knowing he was listening to her. "But I do know a little something about living a life, following a destiny that someone else decided for me." Reaching out, she cupped his face to make him look up, to meet her gaze.
Lost amber eyes, found a determined blue gaze.
"But I broke free, and I have never regretted that. I found a Master. I found you. I found friends. But most of all? I found myself."
Leaning forward she pressed a gentle, lingering kiss against the scar on his cheek.
"Find yourself, Zuko. Find your reason to fight." She whispered softly.
So saying, she stood. With one last gentle smile at him, she turned back to Appa, uncorking her water bag and pulling out twin streams of water.
"Alright Appa. We're gonna have to work together if we're gonna get you out of here." So saying, she threw her arm out, wrapping one of the chains that held Appa's leg, in a stream of water and freezing it in place.
"Now pull." The Bison gave a loud grunt as he pulled at the now brittle chain. It tokk a few tries, but he was able to free himself easily, prompting Orora to grin widely. Gathering up the water from the now brokem pieces of ice, she moved to the next chain when she suddenly felt a presence beside her.
It was Zuko.
He walked past her, swords in either hand, nearing Appa with every step. The Bison growled again, prompting Orora to reach out. "Its alright Appa. He's here to help."
She hoped.
Zuko stopped in front of the chains that held Appa prisoner. His swords began to steam as he allowed his firebending abilities to heat the metal. Raising them in the air, he brought down both swords in one powerful stroke with a mighty cry. The heated blade cut through the metal chain like butter.
Orora grinned.
Between the both of them, they were able to free Appa in a matter of minutes. The Bison let out a happy grunt, stretching his legs, before nudging Orora with his nose, nuzzling against her. The young girl giggled, throwing her arms around Appa's cheek and returning his embrace. "Go find Aang. I'm sure he's worried about you." She said, stepping back a little so she could meet Appa's intelligent gaze.
Glancing behind her, she saw Zuko standing next to Iroh. She reached out, quickly grabbing his hand and yanking him forward. "He wants to say thank you." She said, placing Zuko's hand on Appa's fur.
Zuko stood there, frozen, his eyes meeting Appa's brown gaze. Human and animal stood still, before Appa closed his eyes, and somehow, Zuko knew the creature was thanking him.
With a mighty thump of his tail, the Bison took off. Through sheer strength he was able to break through the thin metal railing above him and take to the skies.
"You did good." Zuko felt a soft hand slipping in his, prompting him to turn around and find a smiling Orora standing by his side. His Uncle stood not even a few paces away. Both of them looked proud.
The first time Zuko ever felt he did something right was when he saved Orora's life.
But this?
Helping an innocent animal go free, that came a close second.
The walk back from Lake Laogai was a long one. This gave Zuko some time to think about what had just happened. Did this mean he was no longer hunting the Avatar? That he was going to make a life for himself in Ba Sing Se? As more and more questions rose in his mind, he began to feel them crowd around in his head, causing it to become physically heavy.
He could barely navigate his way through the streets of Ba Sing Se as his head began to throb all over.
By the time they reached their apartment, Orora could barely feel her feet. Though she barely noticed the ache as she focused on Zuko. In the time it had taken them to get back home, his face had gotten paler and paler. She'd caught his eye and silently asked if he was alright. He'd nodded, though even his movements were starting to get sluggish.
"You did the right thing." Iroh said, opening the door to their apartment, the pride in his voice evident as both teenagers walked in. "Letting the Avatar's bison go free."
Orora, who had entered first, turned to look at Zuko. He looked worse then before. "Zuko?" She reached out, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. He lifted a hand, pressing his palm against the side of his head as he met her gaze. "Orora?" His words slurred. "I don't feel right." His vision of her grew hazy and blurry before it darkened completely.
She was barely able to catch him when he passed out. "Zuko!" She didn't know who was louder, her or Iroh, who rushed forward to help Orora lay him down on the floor. She grabbed him by the shoulders, gently shaking him.
"Zuko! Zuko wake up!"
No response.
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detectivestucks · 6 months
The Bet
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18+ Content, Minors do NOT interact
Pairing: Tobi x F!Reader
Summery: You are relatively new to the Akatsuki and your best friends Konan makes a wager with you. When you lose, you're forced to take Tobi on a date.
Warnings: NSFW, canon violence, mentions of biting, fingering, oral-male receiving, unprotected penetration, facial.
Word Count: 4.8k
Anon Ask via DM: Been getting a lot of Kakashi request so I was happy to write for Obito again :)
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Tobi always had eyes for you. 
Nothing happens in the Akatsuki without his approval but when Konan asked Pain to let you join their troop of miscreants, Tobi overwhelmingly approved of Pain’s decision. You were skilled, vicious, and adorable. You captured the attention of every man you came across. Even when fighting enemies your beauty captivated them. They shamelessly flirted with you as you battle to the death.
“Come on gorgeous, why don’t you drop the katana and I‘ll take you on a nice date?”
“Wow, strong and beautiful. Maybe after this I can take you to dinner.”
“Keep trying to kill me and I might just ask you to marry me.”
The pick up lines were pathetic and met with a resounding rejection that was usually followed by ending their lives. 
Yes, Tobi had eyes for you alright. He felt a twinge of envy for anyone who joined you on missions because you were a brilliant sight to behold when you hunted your target down. You weren't a victim to the harsh realities of the shinobi world. You were the harsh reality of the shinobi world. 
Always hanging around with Konan, the two of you whisper to each other whenever you’re at the hideout between missions. The other members always came over to talk to you, trying to impress you with boyish charm and corny pick up lines. They would leave you in a fit of giggles and whispers while Tobi watched from a distance. He wanted you as much as the other guys but he had a double life to worry about. He’d leave the rest of the crew to hopelessly fawn over you and your seemingly high standards. 
One afternoon the two of you are chatting away in the corner of the main room laughing at Deidara and Hidan who are putting on an impressive display for you both when Tobi walks through. He runs up to his partner and clings onto him for dear life, pretending to be a damsel in distress
“Oh Deidara! There was a mean man outside! Make him go away with your very impressive art.”
He tilts his head to the side and you just know he’s batting his lashes below his mask. You and Konan crack up at his ridiculous mini play. You enjoyed Tobi. He was funny and pissed Deidara off constantly. He was the much needed comic relief amongst a bunch of moody, brooding, arrogant rogue shinobi. However out of all the guys in the gang he was the only one you weren’t interested in. Even Zetzu had a better chance ending up between your legs than the orange masked idiot.
Konan sees you laugh a little too hard at Tobi and nuzzles her lips against your ear,
“What do you think Tobi’s like on a date?”
“Oh gods I hope I never have to find out. He’d probably cling to his girlfriend the way he hangs on Deidara.”
You both snicker at that, certain it’s true.
“Care to make a wager then?”
Konan piques your interest and you lift a brow at her.
“Next mission, the woman with the least kills asks Tobi on a date.”
You turn to her with your mouth open. “Konan! You seriously are willing to keep living here if you lose?”
“Oh I’m not losing.” she says, crossing her arms.
“Well I’m sure as hell not losing either.”
The both of you continue to stare at your animated comrades when you speak again.
“What does the winner get?”
Konan snorts “Not going on a date with Tobi.” 
“Besides that!”
“I don’t know.: She thinks for a quick second. “They have to invite their crush into their bedroom.”
Your eyes dart around the room, not sure who to choose. There were a lot of guys in your gang that you wanted to sleep with. Pain was off limits cause of Konan but Kisame was ripped and had that sexy predator thing going for him. You bet he bites and when he does, it breaks the skin. Then he probably soothes your wounds by licking up the blood while he fucks you stupid on his cock. 
Your eyes pan over to pretty boy Deidara who was gorgeous with hair you wanted to pull while his mouth lapped between your legs. You thought about all the sinful things the mouths on his hands would do to you and it makes you cross your legs.
You look at Hidan who was crazy hot and twisted. You could see him getting freaky during your period and you wanted to surrender to the ‘way of jashin’ for just one night, letting him do whatever he wanted to your naked body. 
Lastly you peer over at the quiet Itachi. Reserved, kept to himself, and well mannered. The kind of guy you could bring home to your mama but was probably a filthy boy in bed. You imagine him slapping you and calling you degrading names while his eyes glow red.
“Can’t decide, huh?” Konan says with a light jab. 
“Well not all of us joined the Akatsuki with our childhood crush.”
“Don’t worry, you won’t have to choose. Cause you’re gonna lose.”
You open your mouth and look at her pretending to be gobsmacked. “Oh it’s on!”
Konan picked a good time to wager her little bet cause your next mission was a full fledged raid. One thing you envied about Konan was her ability to make shuriken out of paper, leaving her with an endless supply of weapons while utilizing minimal physical effort. You on the other hand had incredible speed but only two kunai and a katana at your disposal. No one could match your lightning speed, not even the raikage himself. But you could still only attack up to two targets at a time. 
The night was long and the body count was high.
…and Konan was kicking your ass. 
You were desperately trying to take out more targets than her but her range was so much farther than yours. You were needlessly brutal, terrified of the horrible date night that was to come at the end of the mission. The first rays of light shone over the rooftops when the two of you finally made your retreat. 
“Your count?”
“78” you pant
“Ha! I win! 102”
“Shut up!”
She only smiles back at you.
“Fuck! Now I have to ask out Tobi.”
“Sucks to suck”
“Oh gods, what if he wants me to suck his dick?!”
“You better open wide.”
You shove her off the tree she jumped on but she caught herself by creating paper wings and flew the rest of the way home. Smug bitch.
You meet up just outside of the hideout, entering together. As soon as you walk through the threshold Konan begins to shout. 
“Tobi! Y/N needs you!”
“I hate you so much right now.” You grumble under your breath.
She sticks her tongue out at you, “Deal with it. I’m gonna go find Pain.”
She leaves in a twirl just as Tobi timidly enters the room. 
“You needed me, Y/N?”
“Yes…I have something to ask you.”
Tobi just stands there, staring at you behind his mask, head eerily tilted to the side. Gods he’s so creepy. You begin to wring your hands in front of your stomach, building the courage to ask the dreaded question.
“Tobi…would you…” you bite your lower lip in the most adorable way and Tobi can feel his heart twist in his chest. “Would you go on a date with me?”
You stare at him, unsure of what to make of his response. Maybe he was going to reject you. Maybe you won’t have to go on a date at all. Thank the heavens.
“What do you have in mind?”
“I-uh…” Fuck! Now I have to plan the date too?! Konan I’m gonna kill you. “I hadn’t decided yet.”
There was a moment of silence between the two of you.
“Do you want to go or not? Cause I can go ask one of the others if you’re not interested.”
Tobi scratches the back of his neck and responds in his childish tone.
“Geh, Y/N, I’d be happy to go on a date with you.” He brings his hands together in front of him and tilts his head to the side in a feminine display, “I just wasn’t expecting it is all.”
It took everything in you not to cringe so instead you force a laugh. Maybe he was just trying to be funny. Yeah, that’s it, he was trying to be funny. 
That night you get dressed in a long flowy pale pink skirt with slits along each thigh and a fitted cream colored top with corset detailing around the bust. You hoped one of the other guys saw you in it and would knock on your door later to show you how a real man treats a woman. For now, though, you needed to focus on making it through your date with Tobi.
He knocks on your bedroom door and you walk over to answer it. Tobi stands before you in a fitted black shirt and black pants covered in a long black kimono adorned with a dark gray geometric pattern. It wasn’t a bad look but he hid every inch of his body from everyone as usual.
You smile and roll your eyes. “What, never seen a proper woman before?”
You turn around and retreat back into your room to grab your cream square heels, sliding them on while balancing yourself with Tobi’s arm. 
“So where are we going?”
You look at him and smile playfully “You’ll see.”
You grab Tobi’s hand and pull him through the hideout, heading towards the exit. As you walk through the common area, Tobi looks to the side and sees the jaws of Hidan, Deidara, and Zetzu fall to the floor. He can’t help but feel a swell of pride at their jealousy. 
The date, however, was terribly awkward. You tried your best to be flirty but you had no way of telling how Tobi felt. You couldn’t see him smile or blush. You couldn’t tell if he was staring at you with interest or anger. It was extremely one sided and uncomfortable. You did your best to sell the lie but it was probably painfully obvious that you didn’t want to be holding hands with a big masked baby. 
On the way home you sway as you walk next to him, both arms hugging his right one, trying to maintain a normal conversation. It occurs to you that this might be your only chance to ask the burning question everyone in the Akatsuki is thinking.
“Tobi? Why do you wear the mask?”
“Because I don’t want anyone to see my face of course!”
You roll your eyes. “Okay but why don’t you want anyone to see your face?”
“That’s for Tobi to know.”
You shake your head “What, you ugly or something?” You squeeze his bicep flirtatiously. “You get stuck in a house fired and are covered in scars?”
Tobi goes stiff in your hold. You drop his arm and bring both your hands up to your mouth.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry. I was only joking!”
Tobi walked next to you in silence. If you thought it was awkward before, that was nothing compared to the embarrassment you felt now. 
“Tobi, you’d have nothing to be embarrassed about you know. It’s not like you’re the only freak in the circus. I mean. Kisame is practically a shark, Sasori lived inside a puppet, and Hidan drinks blood to become a skeleton.” A hot ass skeleton but Tobi doesn’t need to know that. “We’re all weirdos.”
Tobi still doesn’t speak but his body relaxes some. He was getting a little easier to read but you still couldn’t wait for the night to be over. He creeped you out and you still had no respect for him. He was a fool even if he was kinda funny. 
You finally make it back to the hideout and much to your disappointment, everyone has gone to bed. Tobi walks you to your side of the hideout next to Konan’s room and awkwardly gives you two pats on the shoulder before telling you he was off to bed in his high pitched kid’s tone.
You turn to unlock your room with a signature roll of your eyes relieved the night was over.
“Pfh, what a loser, bet he’s never even made a girl cum in his life.”
As Tobi’s walking away he overhears you and stops dead in his tracks. He knows that he’s playing a fool but it wouldn’t hurt to teach you some manners and show you who’s really in charge of the Akatsuki while he’s at it.
Just as you open your door you feel two gloved hands tightly grip your biceps. Someone had snuck up behind you.
“What’d you say?”
The voice was rich and deep. It was a cold blanket that covered you with fear and made chills creep down your back. Your breath falters. You didn't dare turn your head.
He pushes you into your room with a finger shoved into your spine between your shoulder blades.
“Would you like to test that little theory?”
You turn around, face painted in fear as you search Tobi’s orange mask for answers. He slams the door closed behind him. Tearing off his robe as he swiftly steps forward causing you to retreat away from him backwards. You’re too distracted by the sudden change in his demeanor to notice the bulging muscles poking through his skin tight shirt before he picks up a shoe and throws it against the wall to kill the lightswitch. 
You reach your arms in front of you, ready to push him away but he somehow passes through them and has a grip on your hair while he is sucking on the skin of your neck. An involuntary pleasured grunt escapes you, realizing he discarded his mask and has his lips locked on your skin. You keep trying to push him off but every time your hands pass through him while his grip against your hair remains solid. You couldn’t figure out how it worked but you were starting to no longer care as he created various bruises along your collarbone. You begin to pant slightly, feeling arousal pool between your legs from how he nibbled against your sensitive flesh. Your mind was slowly fogging over and in your haze you wanna hear his voice again.
“T-talk to me. I wanna hear you s’more”
“And say what, Princess? Tobi isn’t my real name?”
His voice was smooth and intimidating. It made your eyes roll to the back of your head. You lean your face against his.
“Yes, tell me more.” you whisper
“What do you want to hear? That I’m the actual mastermind behind the Akatsuki and you are all my little puppets?”
You begin to lift your leg and wrap it around his waist. Panting from how his baritone tickled your mind.
“or that I’m going to fuck you like a whore right now and turn you into my personal concubine.”
You lunge for his lips, hands clawing the back of his head to pull him into you. You had never been so attracted to a voice in your life. You had no clue what he looked like but you knew he had adorably messy hair and scars on his face. You could feel the tough skin with your lips. He backed you all the way over to your bed and switched places with you so that he could take a seat before pulling you into his lap. 
You straddled him, your heat pressing over his concealed boner, while you feverishly made out with him in the pitch black room. Your kisses left his lips and traveled over the ridges of his face, sucking and breathing on the battered skin he was afraid to show, before you licked a stripe up his cheek. 
He anchored you at your hips and pulled you down on him while he rutted up into you. You cried a needy moan into his ear as your fingers played in his hair. 
“My, my, I think I can make you cum without even touching you. You’ve got yourself all worked up over a little conversation and sitting in my lap.”
You groan at the sound of his voice and begin to grind on him, needing the friction while you kiss his lips. You rub your chest against him as you work yourself up into a frenzy. He reaches behind you, looking for how to take off your shirt when he gives up and opts to rip it off of you instead. 
You let out a small cry, partly in awe of his raw strength but partly because that was one of your favorite tops. 
“I don’t tolerate anything getting in my way.”
“Uh-huh” you agree breathily, cupping his face in your hands, recapturing his lips with yours. As much as you want to keep hearing that velvet voice, you want the lips that form the words to be interlocked with yours. Your arms wrap around his neck as you push your barren chest against his clothed one. His hands explored your soft back. You were glad to feel his fingertips dance over your skin and not his leather gloves. You wondered if you’d get to feel all of him tonight. You could tell how toned he was through his clothes and were dying to lick and nibble his chest. 
“Tobi,” you pant against his face, “please make me cum.”’
He hums and grabs you at your thighs flipping you onto your back and kneeling over you. Your hands continue to explore all over his upper body, running up from his forearms to his biceps, sliding over his delts, and tracing down his traps before sinking your nails into his rhomboids. He grunts into your neck. Arousal puddling in your underwear at the sound. 
You wrap your legs around his waist, lifting your hips and grinding into him some more. Panting and needy, the mystery of him increasing your desire. Tobi grabs the front panel of your skirt and pulls it aside, yanking your panties out of the way. You drag your lips along his jaw. 
One of Tobi’s fingers traces along your slit, collecting some of your slick and smearing it along your sensitive nub hidden within your folds. You twitch from the sudden contact and can feel him smile against your face.
“Someone's sensitive.”
A high pitched “mhm” comes from you as you push your face against his. His thumb casually rubs circles between your legs. Shuddered moans expel into Tobi’s ear as your arms slide back up to Tobi’s neck and wrap around him tightly. He lets a finger slip past your entrance, stroking in and out twice before being joined by a second. 
Your eyes snap shut. He pumps his fingers in and out of you. Your head falls back in pleasure as he scissors you open, playing you like a violin. You squeeze around him, soaking in how it feels to be touched for the first time in over a month. Back in your village you were a menace and well hated but you were never short of male companionship, even if it always ended terribly. Once you officially became a rogue ninja the world was much more lonely than expected. You had imagined it would be different once you joined the Akatsuki but to your own surprise, you didn’t take a lover till tonight. Short of breath you manage to wheeze out,
“Thank you Tobi”
“Good girl, you know your manners.” 
His condescending praise filled you with butterflies when spoken in his bassy tone. You respond by nibbling on his lower lip. You so badly wanted to rip off his clothes but you didn’t dare, too afraid he’d stop. Instead you softly beg into his ear,
“Please shove your cock into me.”
“Of course, Princess. How can I say no when you ask so nicely.”
A small cry of excitement whines past your lips. He darkly chuckles at your neediness. What a sharp turn from the bitch who tried to make a mockery of him by asking him on a date as a joke.
He’d make you pay for that. He intentionally wasn’t pursuing you before but since you sought him out with your farce, now he’d take full ownership of you. You were going to be his property now. He wasn’t talking dirty when he said you’d become his concubine. He meant it. You’d be chained to him, only let off your tether during missions. 
He opens the front of his pants and slips into your quivering entrance, stretching you uncomfortably as he pushed his excessive girth into you. A pleasured wail drew from your mouth.
“What a good girl. Tell me Princess, do you want more?”
You cry the word. He pulled back slowly just to plunge back in. You sink down into your mattress, getting shoved into it deeper with every inward thrust. It was rough. There was nothing gentle about the way he fucked you. His swollen head pummeled into you, dislocating all your organs. He folded you in half as he pushed in. Your knees found a new home by your ears, his body pinning the backs of your legs, pushing your thighs against your chest. In the darkness he could see the whites of your eyes as they rolled back in your head to look at your melting brain. 
Your mouth was left agape. You were babbling and drooling from his dick dragging in and out of you. You swear you’d never been fucked so good in your life. He brought you to tears on his schlong, pistoning in and out of you. Your nails digging into his back once more.
“Gods damn, Princess!”
Tobi was struggling to maintain his domineering composure. He was losing himself inside of your pussy. It gripped around him tightly. The pink muscle constricted around his member, attempting to milk him before he was ready.  “Eager little fucking slut.”
He husked between thrusts. You body fell limp. You became a rag doll under him. The only part of your body that was tense was your gummy walls which held onto him with a death grip. He pushed his sweaty forehead against yours. Holding the back of your head.
“Fuck this pretty pussy. It belongs to me now. You belong to me. Understand?”
You wished you could’ve answered. You would’ve told him yes. You would've told him that you’d never leave his side. That you’d bend over for him anywhere. You’d wrap around his dick whenever he needed you to. You would willingly degrade yourself in the middle of battle if he wanted. You were addicted to him and you weren’t ashamed to admit it. 
His speed increased. He was about to cum. He brought himself all the way to the edge before he pulled out. 
“Stick out your tongue, Princess.”
You opened wide as he shot his load all over your face and chest. Your body still bent in half; your feet resting over his shoulders. He took the palm of his hand and smeared his fluids all over you. Rubbing the glossy substance into your skin and pushing it into your mouth. You hummed happily which made him melt. He allowed your body to unfold and laid his full weight on top of you, arms possessively threading around your waist and pulling you close. 
You lost your breath. Your mind became a swimming intoxicated mess in his hold. You nuzzled your face further into his shirt while his cum dried on your face and skin. He never undressed. His shirt still on, his pants pulled up. He was a complete mystery to you and now you were invested in solving it. You were his but he was about to be yours just as much. Soon, you’d break him…soon. For now you slept sheltered in his arms.
The next day you both emerge from your room close to noon. The majority of the members of the gang were rough housing together in the common area. All turned still as you came out holding hands with Tobi.
“Holy hell…”
“You two?”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!”
You couldn’t bring yourself to make eye contact with any of them and instead chose to look up at Tobi’s mask. Eyes locked on the face you weren’t sure you’d ever see. Tobi though had a far different reaction. A smug idea popped into his sick mind. It was time to show everyone that you had an owner now and he wasn’t going to entertain any of these brutes trying to encroach on his possession. In his childish voice he called to his comrades.
“Look at my new toy everyone!”
He yanked on your hand so that you were whipped around standing in front of him, your back to the room. 
“Y/N, suck Tobi’s cock. hmm?”
“Yes, sir”
It was embarrassing and made your face heat up but you felt your mouth water as you knelt down before him nonetheless. On your knees, you open the front of his robe and untie his pants, pulling out his thick cock.
“What the hell…” you hear Konan behind you in complete disbelief. 
You let his pulsing length rest on your bottom lip while you look up at him. His chest rumbles as you slip your tongue out and under his weighty member before opening wide and sliding him all the way down your throat. He grips your hair with one hand before looking up at the shocked faces around the room.
“Y/N belongs to Tobi now. Look how good she’s taking my dick, slurping on it like a good little pet!”
Lewd gargles and squelching sounds came from your mouth as you bobbed back and forth along his cock. He was humiliating you in front of everyone and it was making you wet for him. Your hand came between your legs to rub yourself.
“Aww how precious. She’s even playing with herself for me. You see that everyone?”
You wanted to die from embarrassment but you couldn’t help yourself. The taste of him is addicting. He had you out of your mind.
“Here Princess, let me help you.”
He brings both hands into your hair and pushes you down on him. He thrusts into you at the same time causing you to gag around him. You hear him grumble in delight. You open your jaw and allow him to plummet all the way in. Throat constricting around his tip as it slips past your vocal cords. You hum in contentment, forgetting about everyone watching you. You close your eyes focusing on him and how he feels in your mouth. One hand rubbing your clit more harshly while the other clutches his thigh. 
Tobi’s facade almost slipped. He felt high from the way your warm mouth closed around him. He had half a mind to say he loved you. He opted instead to cease talking so as not to give away his cover and instead simply grunted as his hips snapped into your mouth. 
The remainder of the room watched in stunned silence at the pornographic scene before them. They watch the orange mask fall backwards, looking up at the ceiling as Tobi was close to cumming. The jealousy Deidara felt had him storm out of the room. Konan had an uncomfortable guilt crawl over her skin but little did she understand, you were in heaven. You whimper as you touch yourself, bringing yourself close to an orgasm. The sounds make Tobi hammer into you faster until you feel his hot spend shoot down your throat. Your walls clench around nothing and you bring both arms to wrap around Tobi’s wait, holding yourself all the way down on him as you hug around his waist. 
Tobi so badly wanted to coo in your ear and praise you. Tell you what a good girl you were but he couldn’t muster his carefree sound. Instead he pulls himself out of you and grabs your wrist. He yanks you back into your bedroom and slams you up against the door with the two of you on the other side. 
“Fuck Y/N, you’re such a good girl for me. Here, let me reward you.”
You mewl for him, your lip quivering at the return of his deep voice. He twists his mask to the side gaining you access to his lips. You pull them into you while he lifts you up, slipping his wet length between your folds and fucking you against the door.
The banging can be heard by the group on the other side, sitting in the common area.
“Shit…it was supposed to be a stupid prank.” Konan confesses. “What the hell happened last night?”
If only they knew…
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thepixelelf · 2 years
Mission Possible
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genres: elementary teachers au, fluff pairing: reader x seungkwan words: 1.2k warnings: none! notes: a short fic for seungkwan day!! I'm slightly late because I am me, but an anon requested early education kwannie and I thought that was so cute!! hopefully this lives up to their idea 😊
One of Mr Boo's students sees his brand new engagement ring.
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Mr Boo's fourth grade class has been on a group mission ever since their orchestra field trip.
Their mission — and they did choose to accept it: get Mr Boo (the funniest and most glaringly obviously single teacher at Greenfield elementary school) together with you (the new music teacher Mr Boo's students always catch him smiling at while you're not looking).
Future president ten-year-old Kim Sujeong is at the head of the operation. She was behind most of the class's best efforts, including but not limited to running allllllll the way across the school from the music room to his classroom and telling him you had fallen and died and that he needed to come help! or else you might, er, die harder. Despite the flimsiness of Sujeong's story, Mr Boo had gone running full-speed down the halls to you (whom he found perfectly fine and not dead, just wide-eyed at his sudden — and out of breath — appearance in the music room with Sujeong beaming behind him when you were certain she was supposed to be in the bathroom), so she counted that as a success.
Now, future marine biologist Kim Sujeong — she’s still between that, president, or interior designer — is in a fit, arms crossed as she watches the kids of Greenfield elementary run around the playground. She huffs. Can’t the rest of the fourth graders take this seriously? Will they let the mission go? Just like that?
Recess is great, sure, but this is no time for play!
This morning, though Sujeong didn’t notice until a couple minutes before the first recess bell rang, Mr Boo showed up with a shiny silver ring on his finger. His left ring finger.
Sujeong huffs again.
“Are you okay there, Sujeong?”
On supervision duty today, you sit down on the park bench next to Sujeong, slightly concerned. She looks up at you, uncrosses her arms, and whimpers out your name. “Are you devastrated?” she asks you on the verge of tears.
“Devastated?” You point at yourself. “Me?”
Tears brim at the corners of Sujeong’s eyes, and her bottom lip quivers. “Mr Boo!” she cries out. “He’s getting married!”
You blink.
For a few seconds, you say nothing, just staring at Sujeong, and she thinks — oh, heartbreak! — you must have already given up on Mr Boo, must’ve heard about it already and cried before recess started, and, oh! What a cruel man Mr Boo is, to do this to you!
“Oh, sweetheart,” you say, smiling and gently taking Sujeong’s hands in yours. What a strong person you are, she thinks, to smile through such pain… You smooth down her hair, which, although her mum had done it in pretty braids today, has gone a bit wild in the wind. “Mr Boo getting married doesn’t make me sad.”
Sujeong sniffles. “Why not?”
You chuckle slightly, but Sujeong doesn’t know what’s so funny. “I’m happy for him. It’s not every day you find someone willing to marry you. I bet he loves that person very much.”
“But…” Sujeong pouts, breath a little shaky. “I thought… he loved…”
Your left hand comes down from her hair to hold her hands again. “Hm?”
Dropping her head, Sujeong is about to mumble “you”, but instead, she gasps at the sight of your ring finger.
Which sports a silver ring she’s never seen on you before.
“Not you too!” she squeaks, utterly betrayed.
“Ah— Sujeong, it’s not—”
“They’re not better than Mr Boo, are they? I know he’s a meanie because he’s getting married but— but, you’re doing it too! You’re getting married and he’s going to be sad because he loves you! He does! I saw! He looks at you like the boys in the movies! And he talks about you all the time — even when it’s math time! You’re the music teacher! There’s no music in math!” Sujeong is starting to lose her breath, using it all up, but she can’t stop. “So you can’t marry someone else because Mr Boo loves you! He— he shouldn’t marry someone else either, but that’s why we have to stop him! I can take you to him right now. We can show him how sad you are, because you are devastrated—”
“Devastated, sweetheart,” you say, then shake your head because that’s really not important right now. “I mean, I’m not devastated. I’m very happy.” Smiling, you hold up your hand and show her your engagement ring. “I’m going to marry someone I love, and so is Mr Boo. It’s a good thing. We’re both happy.”
Sujeong looks up at you through wet eyelashes, taking in deep breaths. She pouts, but doesn’t say anything.
You sigh, still smiling. “So be happy for us, okay?” You lift her chin with one finger, your other hand giving her smaller one a soft squeeze. “Don’t worry about our boring grown-up problems, and go play with your friends while it’s still recess. You know it’s social studies after, right?”
Sujeong lets out a little gasp. That’s right — there must be only a couple minutes left of recess, and she needs to gather up her classmates for an emergency meeting.
New mission: find out how to break an engagement.
Two of them.
Future president marine biologist interior designer divorce lawyer Kim Sujeong has her work cut out for her.
Once all the students have been picked up and all his prep work for tomorrow gets finished, Seungkwan packs his things and heads to the music classroom. The door is open, but he raps his knuckles against it and leans against the door frame when you look up from your desk and smile at him.
“Ready to go?” He smiles back.
“Just a second, Mr Boo.”
You throw your things in the backseat of the car before getting in to the passenger seat next to Seungkwan.
“Sujeong seemed pretty put out with me today,” he says as he starts the engine, a slight smile teasing at his lips. He lifts his left hand and wiggles his fingers at you, the silver ring glinting in the sunlight. “Didn’t like my choice of accessory, maybe?”
You snort. “Yeah, that tie is pretty ugly.”
Affronted, Seungkwan gasps and puts a hand over his heart — and pink, star-patterned tie. “You love this ugly tie.”
“I do,” you admit with a sigh. “I really do.”
He likes it when you smile at him like that. You’re tired from the day, but you still laugh with him. It’s a beautiful feeling.
“Sometimes I feel like we should just tell everyone,” you say, staring at the ring on Seungkwan’s finger.
He chuckles. “You’re the one who said you wanted to hide it.”
“Yeah, from the faculty while I’m still new — I could already tell they wouldn’t want a couple working at the same school just from the interview.” (Seungkwan thinks that the rings are a dead giveaway, but you seemed so excited to wear them this morning that he hadn't said anything, and he's not going to now.) “I didn’t think the kids would get so invested, though" you continue. "Sujeong’s mad at you for ruining her OTP, by the way.”
“Just me? You’ve got a ring too, y’know.”
“Yeah, but Sujeong likes me more.” You stick out your tongue at him.
Seungkwan scoffs in disbelief. He reaches over the gear shift and grabs your hand, linking your fingers together. “Whatever. Sujeong will have it all figured out by next year.”
You raise an eyebrow, but give his hand a squeeze anyway. “She will?”
“Well, it’ll be pretty obvious when you have my last name.”
It’s your turn to scoff. “As if. You’re taking my last name.”
Seungkwan doesn’t argue, he just pulls your hand up in his and presses his lips to your knuckles.
“I don't mind the sound of that.”
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Mechanic!Sihtric NSFW alphabet
Note: HCs based on my mechanic fic: part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7 - part 8 - part 9 - part 10 - part 11 - part 12
This was actually so fun, because not much is known about him in this fic in this regard yet, so here you have it...
template source.
Warnings: 18+!! smut.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: -
wordcount: 2k
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A=Aftercare - What they do/act like after sex.
Sihtric will always immediately pull you in his arms and hold you tight while peppering you with soft kisses. He will check in with you, asking if you are feeling good and/or satisfied and then he will simply praise you by telling you how good you were for him. He will always apply some cooling lotion to ease your bruised buttocks after a spanking, and furthermore he'll provide you with anything you want; snacks, drinks, cuddles, watching a movie or simply reading to you from your favourite book while you're all snuggled up. It doesn't matter what time of the day it is, whatever his princess wants, he'll get for you (or something close to it). However, Sihtric also needs the reassurance himself that he has been good to you and didn't unintentionally cross a boundary.
B=Bondage - Are they into BDSM, and how far they’ll go if they have a green light.
Sihtric is open to the idea of bondage (and BDSM activities in general, apart from the things you already do) if you would be willing to try something and bring it up yourself. His priority is to make you feel safe and loved, so he would set clear boundaries for anything new you'd want to try and he also wants to know why you want to try certain things. Sihtric doesn't really have many limits when it comes to making you happy.
C=Cum - pretty self explanatory.
He'll cum preferably inside you. Sihtric thinks you're so breedable and he loves it. That doesn't mean he wants to get you pregnant as soon as possible though, but he just loves to see his cum run down your thighs when he helps you clean up.
D=Dom - Are they dominant, submissive, a switch?
Sihtric is a dom. A soft dom… a soft daddy dom to be more precise. He'll always keep you on your toes, because one moment he'll talk all sweetly to you and the next you'll be bent over his knee, made to count his spankings because you "broke" a rule or acted like a brat. And he'll talk sweetly to you during those punishments.
'Does that hurt, princess? Shh, I know, darling. But you forgot to keep counting, sweetheart, so now daddy has to start all over again.'
E=Edgeplay - Similar to ‘Kinks’ except it’s a lot riskier than usual kinks (knifeplay, breathplay, etc.).
Sihtric is not into edgeplay, but will consider it if you'd ask him. He'd do a ton of research beforehand to make sure he knows exactly how to perform it safely. And once again he will set clear boundaries, because he would never want to put his princess in danger or cause any serious discomfort.
F=Fantasy - A fantasy of theirs (ex: a teacher/student fantasy).
Sihtric would really like it if you'd put on some of those fluffy cat ears and a cute mini skirt for him, just because he thinks you'd look adorable wearing that while he gives you a good spanking, before teasing and edging you until you cry. And then he'll fuck you while you're still wearing those ears and that short skirt.
G=Got Caught - How they react when they get caught having sex.
He would lose his shit. For real. He'd go feral. Sihtric does not like to take risks like that. He is protective and a little possessive, although he tries to tone that down as much as he can. But he would never want anyone to see you in the act of having sex with him; because seeing you like that is only for his eyes and ears.
H=Hot Spots - A place that drives them crazy when stimulated (EX: neck).
He's a guy, of course he gets aroused when you touch or kiss his neck. He also loves it when you hold and kiss his hands, because his hands are so big compared to yours and he likes that. He likes that you're smaller to him, so he can easily pick you up and throw you in bed.
I=Intimacy - How romantic they are, or can be, before, during, or after sex.
Sihtric is quite romantic in general (loves to buy you flowers for example and take you on bike rides during a nice sunset), but during sex there's not much romance going on. Your dom/sub dynamic doesn't really call for that, but that doesn't mean it's not an intimate feeling, because it truly is romantic in a different way.
J=Journey - Their ideal way of leading up to sex.
Once your dom/sub relationship is fully established, Sihtric wants you to behave in order for you to get rewarded. He has an app which he shares with you where you can tick off things you've done during the day in order to show good behaviour, for example; drinking enough water and eating enough. He loves seeing you cross off the "tasks" you did, knowing you're taking care of yourself, and it makes his oil smudged overalls fit rather tightly around his crotch area when he knows you're being a good girl for him. However, Sihtric also gets aroused when you did not do what he asked you to take care of yourself, because he knows he'll get to punish his princess next time he sees you, and that arouses him too.
K=Kinks - I’ll list a few of their kinks, be they the normalized ones or kinkier kinks.
He loves spanking, edging and hair pulling. But the spanking and edging he only enjoys performing on you, he doesn't mind getting his hair pulled. Sihtric is a bit of a sadist too as he gets off by seeing the tears roll down your face when you're being punished for your "bad behaviour". He only enjoys it because he knows there is a safeword agreed upon and that you will use it when you are truly not having fun anymore. But he's very careful to not cross that line. He enjoys his daddy dom role with you, as it's more a lifestyle; a secret lifestyle between the two of you actually. He simply loves to praise you and to be your dominant, taking care of you and making you feel loved, but he also needs to feel that you are always there for him too when needed.
L=Location -  Where they like to have sex at, do they like risky locations, etc.
Anywhere private is fine. He doesn't mind a more public place, like the repair shop for example, but he'll only have sex with you there when he's sure you won't get caught and the place is locked up.
M=Masturbation - How they are when they get themselves off, what they get themselves off to.
You and Sihtric eventually agreed to have a rule that you won't touch yourselves, and will only be pleased by each other. However, sometimes you break this rule and that means spankings (Sihtric always finds out because you can't lie… and because he may or may not walk in on you touching yourself from time to time. He'll watch you silently in the door, only to clear his throat and startle you when you just finished). Sihtric is good at keeping his hands off himself, because he knows it'll feel so much better when he's with you than doing it himself. The only exception is if you two are apart for a long time for whatever reason, but then you'll still facetime each other in the process.
N=NO - A few things that they will absolutely, under no circumstances, ever do.
He would never cross a boundary you have set and he would never ignore a safeword. Sihtric is all about wanting to make you feel safe.
O=On’s - Their top turn on’s that they have (things that’ll get them super horny super quickly).
Sihtric is easily turned on, it really doesn't take much, a simple touch will do it. A maybe more strange turn on is that he also loves it when you ask him for help, for example with simple tasks around the house, or when you ask him to order food for you. Knowing his girl needs his help and trusts him is a big turn on for him.
P=Position -  Their favourite position to have sex in.
Sihtric doesn't really have a favourite position, he enjoys it in every possible way. He does prefer to be able to see your face when you're on the verge of tears though, because he likes to see you enjoy him so thoroughly.
Q=Quickie - Do they like it, do they prefer quickies over actual sex, etc.
Sihtric prefers actual sex over a quickie, but he'll never say no to a quickie in the morning just before he heads off to work. It'll surely put him in a good mood.
R=Rough - How rough they are, or get, when in bed.
Sihtric can be pretty rough, but all within the agreed upon boundaries though.
'Remember I love you, princess, because I'll fuck you like I don't love you.'
S=Stamina - How long they can go before they tap out.
Sihtric lasts surprisingly long for someone who mainly lifts weights in the gym and doesn't always do much cardio. He can go for several rounds, but he'll need a moment to recover obviously. If anyone taps out it's you, because you're overstimulated.
T=Toys - Do use toys, do they own them, what kind, etc.
Sihtric loves using toys on you, but not on himself. He loves to tease you with a vibrator until you can't take it anymore, only to then fuck you until you're screaming his name. And after that he'll wipe your tears and take you out for an ice cream.
U=Unfair - How much they tease you, how they tease you, etc.
He loves to tease you with risky texts during the day, but he also loves teasing you when you're with him just to see how worked up you get. It doesn't matter if it's in public, he'll tease you discretely until you're begging him to go home and take care of it. He'll whisper praises to you about how pretty you look and how he can't wait to take off your clothes later, while lightly trailing his fingers over your arms and back while you're out having a drink somewhere or are simply waiting in line at the grocery store.
V=Volume - How loud they get when having sex, things they might say, etc.
As a soft dom, Sihtric mainly wants to hear the pretty sounds you make for him, therefore he will try to bite back his own moans. Instead of shouting out how good you feel or how well you're taking him, he will whisper it all in your ear, knowing that it will only make you louder.
W=Wild Card - a random letter for the character of your choice.
Sihtric is totally into hentai.
X=X-Ray - How they look with their clothes off.
His body is scarred, but he looks perfect regardless, and luckily nothing down there got damaged in that crash ;)
Y=Yearning - How often they need to have sex.
Sihtric needs at least one quickie every day, he's horny like that. However, if you haven't behaved for him he is willing to torture himself for a day or two, just to punish you and make you beg for him eventually. But don't be fooled, because he is a needy dom too, and when he is desperate for you he'll let you know.
Z=ZZZ - How quickly they fall asleep after having sex.
He's absolutely awake after a quickie in the morning, but after longer sex in the evening he'll doze off rather fast. Only after making sure you are all cleaned up and feeling okay of course. He will never fall asleep without making sure you are feeling happy and safe.
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama @lexwolfhale @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a @verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50 @succnfuccubus @hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305 @carnationworld
If you want to be added/removed from the taglist, message me 🖤
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strwbmei · 3 months
Matchup Event
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Matchup for: @demonlordlawliet
Matchups: Silver Wolf, Rita, Keqing
Contains: marking, biting, nipple play (Silver Wolf)
A/N: I love Silver Wolf so much! Writing for her is so fun
Ask: Hi Mei, this is the guy who usually asked how are you. Yeah feels a bit weird doing this unanonymous. I got some free time so i decided to participate in this. It can be any scenario or hcs whatever be easier for you (sfw and nsfw)
My personality: I'm usually quite and distant but i can be friendly and welcoming. I have my sly side sometime to time since i usually i'm a very reserved person. Like this account for example, i keep this hidden. Sometimes i have a bit of trust issues since i'm afraid of being betrayed. I do enjoy watching anime and occassionally playing games, i have times were i want to be alone so that i can reflect on things. I have this bad a habit of not being able to relax when i have soo much work and i can be a bit obsessive towards said work until i finished it. Sometimes i can be a bit impatient over work but i procrastanated a little to relax and calm down since i'm aware if my limits. I'm inexperienced in romantic things or relantionships in general, since i'm not really interested in having a partner yet. But if the right person comes along i'm willing to try it. I personally don't mind trying new things and i tried to be open minded since i enjoying learning new things and understanding other people's perspective. I'm currently on my fourth year of college trying to finish my social work degree as i find social work a fascinanted and insteresting since it studies social science.
Fandom: Any fandom you see fit (Genshin, Honkai, Hi3rd, Reverse 1999) I don't have any particular en mind as long as they are women since i'm straight
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Silver Wolf
╰┈➤ SFW ;
: ̗̀➛ You're both interested in mostly the same things and have similar views towards the world, which is how you were able to get her to come out of her shell a little bit. It's hard to find someone to talk to games about in the Stellaron Hunters, after all.
: ̗̀➛ Silver Wolf finally feels like there's someone who can understand her! She really likes talking to you, and it shows. Everyone else can see how her eyes light up when she talks to you, and its certainly not because of the game she was rambling about. Kafka teases her about it sometimes, but she brushes it off. The two of you are just bros... right?
: ̗̀➛ You realize that you're actually pretty compatible, and Silver Wolf is the one to suggest that you just try things out. There's nothing to lose after all. You may have made a few moves in the past, but you're both inexperienced with romance so Silver Wolf just thinks of them as something that friends usually do from where you're from.
: ̗̀➛ She's the more relaxed one out of you two, so she balances your impatience with work. As she says, "you'll cross that bridge when you get there." Just indulge Silver Wolf with a few hours of gaming together—it's her way of trying to take your mind off of things. Plus, you get to spend quality time together which is always fun.
: ̗̀➛ Silver Wolf would be very curious about the place you came from, mostly the culture. What do the people there usually eat for breakfast? Are there any romantic traditions you want to try/follow? Things like that. She wants you to feel like you're at home when you're with her. Of course, if you don't want her to pry, she'll respect your wishes.
: ̗̀➛ Silver Wolf is very awkward when expressing affection so you'll have to be patient with her. For example, when she wants to spend time with you, she'll kind of just... hang around you and wait for you to ask her. Like a cat too prideful to ask for its owner's attention. She thinks having you with her can make anything and everything a lot less boring.
It's the weekend. You can hear the sound of light rain tapping against the windows, simulated by the courtesy of modern technology. You're sat on a couch. Your body sinks into the cushions perfectly, as if you were sitting on a fluffy cloud.
The monitor in front of you is playing a show you've been wanting to start for a long time now. The struggles from the past week seem to melt away as you enjoy the pleasant ambiance. This is truly the life. Everything is perfect in this particular moment.
Well, other than the fact that you can hear your girlfriend grumbling about a game and how her teammates are feeding the enemy team.
She's made your lap into a makeshift pillow without saying a word, her legs hanging off the arm of the couch as she chews on bubblegum.
"Wolfie," You call to her, earning a disapproving glare from the smaller woman as the bubblegum pops. Seems "Wolfie" isn't very fond of that nickname.
"...Do you want to watch with me?" You ask. She grunts in faux annoyance before setting her game down.
╰┈➤ NSFW ;
"As long as you don't call me "Wolfie" again."
: ̗̀➛ Silver Wolf loves it when you compliment her during sex, but like with most other things, she'll never show it. She has a stronger reaction when you call her cute, though, since she tries to deny it.
: ̗̀➛ She's the type to hide into the pillow as much as she can—she doesn't want you to see what kind of faces she's making, and it helps her muffle her whimpers and moans.
: ̗̀➛ Her back arch is crazy. Silver Wolf is surprisingly flexible for someone who does (mostly) nothing but sit in front of a computer screen all day.
: ̗̀➛ Also, her stomach area is particularly sensitive. Run your fingers over it, especially around the area where it's bulging from your cock, and she'll be clenching around you like crazy.
: ̗̀➛ Silver Wolf might leave marks on you in the heat of the moment, but she much prefers if you leave some on her instead. She'll grumble about it the morning after and pretend to be annoyed, though.
"Mmh... Just give me a moment," Silver Wolf says through deep breaths, her voice coming out whinier than she intended.
Could you blame her? It's hard to keep focus when she's on your lap, your fingers lightly twisting her nipples. "Don't mind me. Keep on playing."
Silver Wolf swears that she'll kill you if she ends up losing this match. You aren't usually so needy, but it didn't help that she spent more time in front of a screen than with you.
This wouldn't be a problem—it'd probably be a good opportunity for you to spend time together under normal circumstances. Except it's a single player game.
Silver Wolf's noises get more frequent and frustrated, before she finally lets out a grunt. You look over at the screen and see the word 'DEFEAT' written in a bold red.
"Oh." You didn't think that she'd lose. You were going a bit easy on her, in fact. A hint of guilt seeps into your heart when Silver Wolf looks back at you, cheeks flushed as she pouts.
You quickly apologize, offering to get her a glass of water or anything to make amends. You didn't expect what Silver Wolf said next, though.
"Hmph, if you really want to make it up to me... You can begin by finishing what you started."
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Rita Rossweise
╰┈➤ SFW ;
: ̗̀➛ As you and many other people see it, you and Rita couldn't be more different. As Rita sees it, others just think of her too highly. Well, only because that was what she intended. Her elegance isn't innate, it's a technique. Its basic requirement is the restraint of emotions and everything about herself that she deems unnecessary.
: ̗̀➛ The feelings she had for you were complicated. She chose to call it envy. To Rita, you're the most perfect imperfection. A contradiction among contradictions that she couldn't help but become drawn to. She envies how free and true to yourself you seem to be all the time.
: ̗̀➛ When you start to get to know her, you realize that there's much more to her than what meets the eye. More to her than what she allows to meet the eye. You hated her practiced, almost permanent smile that reminded you of pleasantries and small talk. You wanted to see her genuinely smile.
: ̗̀➛It became your mission for a while, but it was... surprisingly easy. It doesn't take much to make Rita Rossweise smile. You realize its just that barely anyone cared to truly know her. It's a shame how much people are missing out. After all, there's no doubt Rita is the most beautiful when she's happy.
: ̗̀➛ Working for her is like 2nd nature—it helps her to relax. Rita knows that isn't the case for most people, though. As such, she helps you as much as she can and makes sure you're balancing your health and career/studies. She also tries to look for ways to make it more "fun" for you so that you don't stress yourself out as much.
: ̗̀➛ Rita is the best at giving massages! Her hands are magic. She should be charging for them, honestly, with how good they are. Somehow, Rita already knows which spots ache the most and just how to fix it even without you telling her. Once she's done, you'll feel that your body is lighter than it ever was before.
Rita muses, setting a cup of coffee along with a tray of snacks on your table. The familiar, comforting scent of your most favorite blend of coffee wafts through the air.
"Don't you think it's time for you to take a break, dear?"
Rita had memorized the way you liked your coffee like the back of her hand. "Thank you, Rita, but I'll finish the rest of this first." You give her the warmest smile you can manage before turning to face what you had been working on.
Rita sighs, a rare instance of her letting her emotions slip. "Love," She takes the pile of papers on your desk, straightening the stack out before placing them back.
"overworking yourself like this will only hinder your performance." Rita says, fully aware that you've probably had this same exact conversation multiple times before.
It's amazing how stubborn the both of you can be. You're determined to finish your work, and Rita is just as determined to get you to take a break for once.
However, the vixen has a fatal trick up her sleeve; one that has a 100% chance of working on you.
She gently places her hand atop yours, pressing a chaste kiss on your cheek before calling your name in the softest voice you've heard her use. "If you don't want to rest, would you at least join me in getting a breath of fresh air?"
Well... what's the harm, right?
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: ̗̀➛ She's a very teasing power bottom most of the time. That said, Rita isn't the type to order you around. She's more keen on giving you hints/urging you towards a direction that'll have the both of you feeling good.
: ̗̀➛ Rita's moans are very pretty. They aren't the loudest, and she doesn't make much sound often, but they're breathy and drawn out.
: ̗̀➛ Rita is very adventurous when it comes to kinks. Of course, she'll only do it if you're also comfortable, but she'll never say no to something without at least trying it first.
: ̗̀➛ She's the type to wrap herself up in ribbons and give herself to you on special occasions such as Christmas Eve, your birthday, anniversaries, and Valentine's.
: ̗̀➛ The morning after, she'll be super cuddly and affectionate towards you. Of course, it's mainly because Rita loves you, but she also wants to leave the scent of her perfume all over you because she doesn't like sharing what's hers.
Sex with Rita feels... oddly prospective.
Or at least, that's what you realize when she's on your lap, kissing you languidly as you both work to remove the other's clothes.
Of course, you don't mean it in a negative way. You love Rita. You can't ask for more when she's been nothing but the perfect partner to you.
You think this because of how... prepared Rita always is for you. Her clothes are easy to remove, a condom in her pocket, and a pair of lacey lingerie hugging her figure beneath her everyday attire.
You push her gently onto the bed. Her hair is splayed beautifully on the sheets, as always. God, Rita looks ethereal. You'd ravish her and savor her taste for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if you could.
"Well? It's rude to keep a woman waiting." She teases.
Still, with the way her signature grin never falters, you can't help but wonder if it was really you in control all this time.
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╰┈➤ SFW ;
: ̗̀➛ You two did NOT have a positive first impression of each other. Mostly because you reminded Keqing of herself, and as a result, she ended up holding you to a higher standard. You thought she was bossy and hated you for no reason.
: ̗̀➛ It's only when you're forced to work together to organize this year's Lantern Rite that you see how much she cares for Liyue. Around the same time, Keqing also realizes how she's just pushing her expectations of herself onto you for stupid reasons and starts treating you better.
: ̗̀➛ By the end of everything, you're just so confused because like ??? why is she suddenly being so nice to you??? Not that you're complaining of course, but you definitely aren't used to it. You're more worried if anything. Did an adeptus curse her or something?
: ̗̀➛ Alas, after a few months of her being consistent, you don't think much of it anymore. Keqing realizes that you're actually a pretty chill guy and acknowledges her faults. She apologizes for letting her personal issues affect her job, too. Eventually, you gather the courage to ask her out and she accepts with her face as red as a tomato.
: ̗̀➛ You're both pretty bad at work life balance, but Keqing is way worse. You wonder how she's been surviving this long when the amount of jobs she's finished in the span of a few months is probably more than the amount of proper meals she's had in her whole life.
: ̗̀➛ You're both really into coffee, so trying out new blends together is your way of bonding. Maybe you'll even try brewing your own, if your free time allows it. Aside from the coffee itself, Keqing is also very fascinated by its history and the different methods people use to brew it. She thinks of it as an art, almost.
It's a beautiful day, and one more special than others.
You're going on a date with your girlfriend, Keqing. Some might say that it's not anything special with how long you've been together, but they have no idea how hard it is to arrange a date with your schedules.
The sun is shining perfectly bright, the air is cool, and the sky is the bluest you've seen it. Even nature agrees that Keqing needs to take a break and relax for once.
Judging by how enthusiastic and excited she's been about everything so far, you think you've been doing a good job with helping her unwind.
"Look, it's that new cafe!" Keqing remarks joyfully. She had been the one to help the owner take care of some contracts regarding the property, but this time, she's here as a customer.
Seeing the warm ambience and classy traditional decorations fill Keqing with a sense of pride. She helped in making the cafe a reality, after all. "Do you want to have lunch here?"
"Hm, but cafes are better during the early hours... Plus, there's also the issue of the supply chain of..." She mumbles, calculating as ever. That won't do, she's supposed to be relaxing.
You reach out and squeeze her cheeks lightly. You remember ruffling her hair once in a similar situation, and Keqing looked like she was ready to burn you alive for ruining what she spent half an hour to style..
"Don't overthink it too much," you say with a smile before Keqing can complain about your sudden gesture. "We can always go to that seafood place. How do golden shrimp balls sound? My treat."
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: ̗̀➛ Keqing will NEVER bring up the topic of sex. Of course, if you ask her, she'll talk big about how she's "made some people cum within a few minutes," but she isn't fooling anyone.
: ̗̀➛ It's clear that Keqing is a virgin. Not because others don't find her attractive, (it's quite the opposite actually,) but because they're too intimidated to approach her. A few of them tried to make a move, but Keqing either completely misread their intentions or shut them down immediately.
: ̗̀➛ Not to say that she isn't familiar with the concept of sex, though. Keqing isn't a kid anymore, but her knowledge only extends to what-goes-where and using protection. She does have some experience masturbating, but it's more of a way to de-stress rather than to pleasure herself.
: ̗̀➛ Overall, Keqing would be very shy and tsundere when it comes to the real thing, but she trusts you dearly and knows that she'll be in safe hands.
: ̗̀➛ She'll definitely become more daring and bratty as time goes on though, but don't take it personally. She's only rcting that way because she's become way more comfortable with you.
"Keqing," you call out, power walking to reach the woman in front of you. She won't even wait for you to catch up. Today marks the third day of Keqing ignoring you, even though you have no idea why.
She eats with you, but she gets up and leaves as soon as she's done with her food. She sleeps in the same bed, but she couldn't have felt more distant. To be frank, it's driving you insane how Keqing acts as if you're invisible.
But you know that you're her weakness. If there's one person in Teyvat that she'll listen to, it's you. You can feel Keqing's body heating up as you hug her from behind, telling her just how much you've been missing her. You plan on expressing that through your actions as well.
A few well chosen words and lingering touches, and Keqing is on your bed again. This time, though, she's actually talking to you as your tongue works to eat her out. Ironic.
"I'm sorry-" she gasps as the wet muscle dives even deeper into her folds. "I didn't mean to- ah!" You continue to lap at her fervently, prying her thighs apart as she instinctively tries to close them.
"I felt jealous, and I shouldn't have- nh..." Keqing moans, hand tugging gently on your scalp. "Shouldn't have blamed you for it..." She admits, voice trailing off from shame.
"You're the most beautiful and kind woman in Teyvat. How could I want someone else?" You detach yourself from her dripping cunt, and just before Keqing can complain, you flip her over and make her face the mirror.
"Eyes on me. I'll show you just how much I love you."
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roseverdict · 10 months
Writing Commissions Open!
Hey howdy hey, guess who's broke and whose brain has latched on to the idea of getting a bike or a trike to get places other than the one (1) coffee shop in walking distance!
YEP. I need to open commissions.
However, I do have at least one thing going for me- I'm told I'm fairly good at writing things! Fanfic things, at least. While I'm not dumb enough to outright go "hey, pay me to write fanfiction," I figure I can at least point out some fanfics I've written that seem to have gone over well as examples of my work, since that's most of what I've got for proof of my skills.
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I'd show more, but Tumblr won't let me add more images, and even these fought me Tooth And Nail when I was trying to format them properly. Truly a functioning website.
Hopefully these kind of give an idea of the vibes I'm strongest with, too. Pricing and rules will be under the cut. I do have a target I'm trying to reach here, but depending on how well this goes, I might end up keeping commissions open indefinitely. We'll see. :D
DM me if you're interested!
Things I'm Comfortable Writing:
Original Storylines (Brief primer on the world/characters I'll be writing with will be required)
Things like the pieces shown on my AO3 account
Y/N-style pieces (both with and without the actual usage of "Y/N")
Mild Romance
Gore/Severe Injury
Body Horror
Look, if it's in the Danny Phantom phandom and basically nowhere else, I'm probably just fine writing it, despite its intensity xD
Things I Will Not Write:
Smut. There's no shame in enjoying it, I just. Don't.
Incest. Absolutely NONE. Even leaving aside the whole debate about whether or not people should ship incest ships, I would not be able to enjoy writing it, which would make the resulting work of low quality, which would be a huge waste of time for everyone involved.
Pedophilia- specifically, ships with a minor and an adult multiple years their senior. See above. 17yo x 18yo is pushing it, but depending on the circumstances, I might allow it. They aren't exactly in completely different phases of life there. However, I'm in my 20s and don't particularly want to think about or write about kids the age of my youngest brother dating people my age or older, you feel me?
Bigotry presented to the reader as a positive thing. I'm not gonna write your favorite heroic character declaring OOC that minorities are terrible people. If you want something from the POV of a character meant to be terrible, such as someone like Fire Lord Ozai in AtLA, however, I may be willing to write it.
I reserve the right to refuse any commission and not have to explain why. Person-to-person, though, this will likely only come up if someone tries to commission something that crosses these lines and refuses to acknowledge such.
Payment: 5¢ USD per word. This works out to…
$12.50 for 250 words
$25 for 500 words
$50 for 1K words
and so on.
I'll need half the payment up front as a deposit, then the rest upon completion. If, for whatever reason, I fail to write the commission, you will be refunded in full.
If you pay me for a given number of words, I will do my best to stick to it. I will make sure you at least get your money's worth, but if I just can't quite fit the writing into the given limit, I won't charge you for the extra words. Call it 100 words or so of wiggle room.
A commission for a fic 1K or larger that runs 100 words or less over the intended length will not cost extra
A commission for a fic between 500 and 999 words that runs 50 words or less over will not cost extra
A commission for a fic 499 words or below that runs 25 words or less over will not cost extra
A commission for a fic that has enough going on to run over that limit will result in me contacting you to ask for either a scaled-down plot or payment for the extra writing.
I will not consider calling a commission complete until I can hit the target wordcount at minimum.
If it should happen that I just can't make a scene stretch to the full wordcount, but you still want to keep what is written, the words that were not written will be refunded.
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fantasy-mixtapes · 7 months
Riz Gukgak Season 1 Playlist Breakdown
Yeah so I really quickly posted my Character playlists to get them out there asap but god I put sooooo much thought into them and I love them so much so I want to talk about each song so you can take a peek into my brain and see what the worms have been cooking. I'll make like a masterlist with links and stuff once I get more out but yeah this one's going first because I decided to go table order right to left.
For all my playlists I choose songs based on a bunch of criteria which is but is not limited to :
whether I think the character would like the song/artist
whether I can picture the song playing in the background
If the lyrics match up to a specific scene or feeling
if, when put together the general character arc can be reflected in the playlist
if the songs cohesively go together (i.e. similar vibes, genres, themes)
For Riz, the playlist consists of a mix of Alt Rock, 80s/90s, Math Rock, and Punk/Grunge. Here's the playlist if you haven't listened to it
Without further ado... Lets get into it
1. Happy to Hide, Pile of Love
Smiling between my teeth Acting up accordingly Why do I waste my time performing? I don't see the comedy you see In all the scenes involving me As if I wasn't dull and boring I'm happy to hide I'm happy to leave with no goodbye Would you believe me if I said I couldn't cry?
I wanted to start with the classic early 2000s "I'm a nerd in high school" movie song. I can picture this at the start of a movie starring Riz, where he gets to school and gives out his business cards, and it's Not Working, and he doesn't understand why. I also love the way that being "happy to hide" works with his rogue class :)
2. We Are Detectives, Thompson Twins
Someone is on our tail We think they're openin' up our mornin' mail (Whoa) And now each time the telephone rings We think of frightening things We are detective We are selective We are detective Come to collect
This song is so fun and so camp, very 80s alt, I think Riz would love it. I also think it kind of shows how while Riz is definitely extremely serious about the Missing Maiden Case, he is also playing out one of his biggest fantasies and is a high schooler snooping around corners.
3. Daysleeper, R.E.M.
I see today with a newsprint fray My night is colored headache gray Don't wake me with so much The ocean machine is set to nine I'll squeeze into heaven and Valentine My bed is pulling me, gravity Daysleeper
We love our insomniac little guy
4. Cops and Robbers, The Hoosiers
Got your revolution, now you're waging war again Marching on the spot when you should have made amends You say you fight for us, cross your heart and hope to die You're a bully in the playground and we'll hang you out to dry Blame Simon 'cause he said You've got two lives down and one life left Blame Simon 'cause he said You could think better with a hole in your head
Listening to The Hoosiers brings me back to my high school days. This song for me really gets at the change in tone that the "mystery" goes through, specifically with Riz and his relationship with Biz Glitterdew. The way the song kind of starts out as a fun kitchy romp and then devolves into a screeching violent swirl really shows how out of everyone, even though Riz was probably the closest with Biz at the start, he was definitly the one ready and willing to hold him violently accountable for his actions. Riz shows you how to deal with violent incels.
5. Big Sea, Crash Of Rhinos
We'll stand trial, our will won't be broken Your mistake is not that you care, it's that you don't notice Our favorite part is not how this ends It's just how its starts And just that it starts I'll paint you from my memory
I do think that Riz would absolutely love math rock and I do not mind going to jail for that opinion (because every guy that I've met that likes math rock has been proven to be not great - but I'm holding out). Either way, do you guys remember how they literally were in jail for months. Like Riz "son of a cop (at the time)" "The Ball" Gukgak spent several months in jail not being able to do anything but ruminate on the case, what he could have done differently, and what could be happening without them present. Yikes.
6. Black Dragon Fighting Society, My Chemical Romance
Yeah, I drink juice when I'm killing 'cause it's fucking delicious ... Switing out my style bring a friend out with Better grab your soul from the fingers of death I got a medical emergency A medical emergency We got a medical emergency A medical emergency (Mayday, they call the shots, yeah)
This is the type of song that you play during a full throttle drag out feral goblin fight, and its' the song that Riz deserves to end the season with, since he and his mom ate the fucking dragon that killed his dad. Hell yeah.
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royaltyoon · 2 years
Hateful confessions
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Ik I'm supposed to have deactivated this blog but I really couldn't get myself to. This isn't a promise that I'll come back but I really really missed lookism and my favorite boy. And definitely my mutuals who i apologise to, for not keeping in touch :( it's so overwhelming to post on here after like a whole year
Tw: mentions of blood/injury
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"you're hurt"
"i know" he said, looking nowhere in particular
"you're bleeding." It was more of an observation rather than a statement.
"what makes you think that I wouldn't know." He said looking straight at you with both brows furrowed. "You think I would willingly come to you if I had no work for you?" He said matter-of-factly.
"you're being a bitch, Johan." You rolled your eyes, what an insufferable dumbass, you crossed your hands looking at him accusingly. "I learnt from the best." He quiped. "Are you finally admitting that I have an influence over you?" You scoff, pushing back your shoulders in pride.
He paused for a second and then sighed "you annoy me." He said shaking his head. "Well you are always free to go ask other people for help." You shrug, obviously not meaning it but that's just the way you two converse.
"if there was anyone willing to patch me up for free, trust me, i would." He said walking past you, flicking you slightly on the forehead. "I don't believe that even a little." You point at a stool indicating for him to take a seat.
"What makes you think you're that important for me to not replace you?" He huffs while taking a seat.
"take your shirt off." You order, ignoring his question. He tilts his head up to look at you for a little more than a second. "What if I say no." You couldn't believe the audacity of this dude.
"Die of blood loss then, I don't care." You spat, crossing your hands yet again. He's really testing the limits of how patient one can be. "I don't believe that even a little." He said using your words against you while using a tone which only made you want to create more damage than repair to him.
"what reason could there possibly be that I won't let you die for being so insufferable right now?" He only shrugs at it, "the same reason you think I wouldn't replace you with someone else." You knew he was aiming in the dark and yet he hit Bullseye.
Through gritted teeth and the most sarcastic voice you could manage to bring out , " Please take your shirt off, your highness." Words left your mouth sounding like venom but he smiled as if poison has no effect on him.
He just huffed a satisfied response while zipping down his jumper. You inhale sharply "How can you act like a total piece of shit with an injury like that. Do you have a death wish? A little more time spent and you'd have actually bled to death." You said looking at the narly gash at the side of his abdomen.
"Is that concern i suspect in your voice?" He asks halfheartedly. "Johan, if your life is in my hands you know that I can make it worse right?" You glare at him but let it slide, kneeling down in front of him paying more attention to the injury than the man who has it.
You feel his gaze on you. "What?" You asked still tending to the injury. He shakes his head looking away. "I liked you better in the beginning when you didn't say much. You talk a lot now. It's annoying" He said it in a monotonous voice, absolutely expressionless. For that, you not so discreetly pushed a little too hard on his cut, causing him to grunt.
"you did that on purpose, didn't you?" He hisses. Of course you did. "i have no idea what you're talking about" you just smiled at him. "I prefer you back in the beginning too, i thought the worst you could do is death glares but then you opened your mouth and that was a whole 'nother type of hell." He chuckles at that, throwing his head back slightly. You notice a small cut of his forehead.
"I would normally not take it nicely if anyone else said something like that, you were always so full of yourself. I wonder why I don't feel the need to be angry at it with you." He said a little in thought. Making an observation on himself. "Don't get too comfortable" you raised one side of your lip into a smirk. "I can be a whole lot annoying. Stick around more and you'll find out." You say finally patching up the cut on his side. It was not as bad as it looked. "I plan on it." He mumbles but he speaks before you can make sense of it.
"i can be a whole lot more insufferable" he said challengingly. At times it feels like everything with him is a competition. At that you just shake your head slightly, reaching to push his hair back.
He flinches and moves a little back, catching your wrist before you could reach his hair. "what are you doing?" He says looking at you, now slightly closer than before.
"You have a cut on your forehead." He looked at you for a few seconds before turning his eyes elsewhere and dropping his hand down. He refused to meet your eyes after that. You bend a little to get a better view on the cut. It didn't go unnoticed by you the way he was clenching his jaw. He never really liked anyone breaching his personal space, that was the only conclusion you came to.
"Have you not gone for a hair cut recently?" He knew you were secretly asking if he visited his mom. "No." The answer came a little too quickly. "You should go get one. I know how important a haircut is for you." You angled his face to look at yours.
It was quiet for a few seconds. He looked at your eyes, holding your gaze "I hate how you know so much about me. And I hate myself that I don't regret telling it to you." You smiled, it was genuine this time. You turned to keep the first aid box on the table. "I could say the same."
A voice of the stool against the floor was heard, indicating he stood up. "I hate a lot of things." He said taking a step towards you. "I hate how I have to ask you for help." Another step. " I don't min- "I hate that sometimes during a fight I let a few punches hit me because it means I get to come here. " Another step closer.
"I hate that I want to hear you speak, I want you to annoy me. I hate that I don't feel like hating you. I hate that I can't get rid of you, I hate that I don't want to get rid of you." He was just a few inches away from you.
"i hate that I used to consider you a friend. Now I hate that you're just a friend." His index finger reaches your chin pushing it up to look at him. "I want to say I hate you, but I can't and I hate myself for that." His hand slid under your ear. "And I will probably hate myself more after this." And his lips landed on yours.
It took you a second to register it all before you reciprocated the action, pulling him closer by his shirt. He moaned against your lips as a reaction and slightly pushed you against the table, leaning against it.
"God, how much I hate that I let myself not hate you."
"just because you don't hate me anymore doesn't mean I don't hate you. I do." You tried hiding your red face behind the facade of hating him.
Johan just scoffed, "I don't believe that even a little."
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claudemblems · 1 year
Operation "Kiss the Girl" | Chapter 1: The First Date
Summary: With the help of Jade and Floyd, Ace and Deuce put the first step of their "Kiss the Girl" plan into motion. What better way to woo your true love than sharing a private candlelit dinner in the Mostro Lounge together?
Genre: Fem!Reader. Lots of pining. Fluff.
Notes: This is a long one at 2,891 words! I plan on writing at least two more parts after this, so stay tuned for them 💜
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“Shrimpy’s in love with Azul?!”
The tweels stared slack-jawed at Ace and Deuce, wondering if this was some sort of prank they had the audacity to try to pull on them. Were they still angry about almost getting squeezed to death by Floyd during that whole contract debacle? Tsk, humans get so offended by everything. 
"She is!" Deuce exclaimed. "And the only way to turn her back to a human is to have Azul, her true love, kiss her within three days!"
"Hmm…" Jade tapped a finger against his chin. "Ace, Deuce, for your sakes, I hope you're telling us the complete truth. Otherwise, I'll have to use Shock the Heart on you."
"We swear, Jade-senpai!" Ace cried, slamming his hands on the table. "We didn't come all the way here to mess with you!"
"Please believe us. [Name] is in a dangerous situation right now because of our stupidity. We can't just leave her to stay a mermaid forever. We need your help."
In one last attempt to persuade the twins for help, Ace and Deuce got up from the booth and prostrated themselves on the floor of the Mostro Lounge. With their faces to the floor, both of them yelled simultaneously, "Please!"
The twins shared a look, debating if getting involved in such frivolous human affairs was worth their time. After several painstakingly long moments, they finally reached a consensus. 
"All right, we believe you, and we'll help you."
"On one condition."
"Oh no," Ace groaned, earning a swift smack on the head from Deuce.
"There's no room for complaining! We promised to help [Name], so we have to see this through."
"Fine,” Ace sighed. “What's the condition?"
"That you'll help us help Azul confess his feelings to her."
"Sure! No problem! That will be easy—wait, confess his feelings?!"
"You haven't seen how Azul gives her those sickly sweet goo goo eyes?" Floyd sighed, rolling his eyes at the thought. "He's like a sea sponge that soaks up any kind of attention he gets from her."
"Wait a minute. So you're saying that their feelings are mutual?"
"It would seem so," Jade replied. "Ah, I do love a good story about sea-crossed lovers."
"Isn't it star-crossed...nevermind. Yes, we'll help you come up with a plan for him to confess to her!"
"Excellent. Go prepare [Name] for a romantic candlelit dinner tonight. We'll make sure Azul is dressed to impress."
"He's also gonna need some time to calm those nerves of his. He already turns into a tomato-faced mess when [Name] is mentioned~"
"Are you sure that you'll be able to convince him to have dinner with her?"
"Oh, don't worry," Jade answered, flashing a smile that showed off his sharp teeth. "We have our ways.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Earlier That Day
“Professor, what’s that?”
“It's a seashell necklace imbued with the voices of shapeshifting sirens,” Crewel answered Ace, leaning down beside the bathtub you were soaking in and clasping the jewelry around your neck. “It will allow her to return to her human form for a short while.”
“Professor, you’re amazing!”
“Don’t start flattering me yet, puppies,” Crewel replied sharply, shooting the duo another one of his infamous terrifying glares. “It can only hold its power for a limited amount of time. You’ll know it’s running low when scales begin to resurface on her skin. When that happens, come find me. I’ll restore its magical properties with a vial of a siren’s song.”
“Yes, sir!”
“And don’t think your idiocy will go unpunished. I’ll go easier on you for being so willing to help out your friend, but once she’s back to normal, I’m going to whip you both into shape.”
“Y-Yes, sir!”
“Now, I’ll be taking my leave. I’ll leave her care in your hands. Do not make me regret it.”
“We won’t let anything happen to [Name]!” Deuce promised.
“You can count on us!” Ace added.
“Good. Then I’ll be on my way.”
The three of you watched as Crewel gathered his things and wordlessly strolled out of Ramshackle Dorm. The atmosphere turned heavy as the realization of the impossible mission you all needed to accomplish finally dawned on you. But not one for reveling in misery, Ace was there to lighten the mood.
“Well, it’s time to work on getting [Name] her little smooch with Azul!”
“Y-You don’t have to put it like that, Ace!” you cried, hiding your flushed face in your hands. 
“Aw, is someone embarrassed? Are you going to turn as red as the Little Mermaid’s hair when he puckers his lips for you?”
“Keep up your shenanigans and I’ll let Jade and Floyd make a seafood meal out of you.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
“Okay, I can do this. It’s no problem. I just have to act like myself. Don’t try too hard. Don’t fiddle with your tie. Don’t give yourself reasons to be nervous. This is perfectly fine. This is fine. I’m fine…NO, I’M NOT FINE AT ALL!!!”
Floyd cackled as Azul hid his face in his hands, the candlelight illuminating his flushed skin. “Aw, poor Azul’s heart isn’t prepared for his first date!”
“They grow up so fast,” Jade added, dabbing at his dry eyes with a handkerchief.
“Both of you, knock it off!” Azul cried, waving his hands in frustration. “You just dumped this on me out of nowhere! Who makes “date” plans for someone else, much less when it doesn’t even involve you?”
“If we left it to you, it would never happen.”
“You…You don’t know that!”
Jade and Floyd exchanged a look. 
“I think our boss here is in denial, Jade~”
“You’re not helping your case, you know.”
“Ugh, just…leave me alone for a minute,” Azul pleaded, rubbing circles into his temples. “I need to compose myself before she gets here.”
And just as he finished speaking, a voice came echoing from the entrance of Mostro Lounge. 
“Jade-senpai, Floyd-senpai! [Name]’s here!”
“Well, that’s our cue,” Jade said, shooting a playful smile at an absolutely mortified Azul. “Floyd, let’s get some menus and lead [Name] to her seat.”
“Sure thing! Azul, you better be composed now~!”
The twins set off before he even had time to respond.
“Oh, Sevens,” Azul sighed, holding his head. “This isn’t going to go smoothly at all.” Why in Twisted Wonderland did he let the twins persuade him into doing this “date” nonsense in the first place? “It’ll be a great stress reliever.” “You deserve a break.” Yeah, right. Those two were planning something far more nefarious, and it frustrated Azul that he couldn’t figure out exactly what it was.
But all of his anger dissipated the moment his gaze fell on you.
His breath caught in his throat at the sight before him: you wore a beautiful light blue evening gown that draped over your shoulders, cascading onto the floor like ocean waves. Your hair was pinned up in an intricate hairstyle fixed in place with pearl-studded hair clips, and your makeup perfectly complemented your outfit’s ocean theme with varying shades of blue eyeshadow and coral-colored lipstick. And to tie the look together, your neck was adorned with a dazzling gold seashell necklace.
“Wow,” he breathed, too caught up in your beauty to hold back his awe. 
You flushed at his sincere reaction. “Is this too much? Vil and Rook insisted on doing my makeup for the occasion. They said it would be ‘good practice.’”
“It’s perfect,” Azul replied, offering you his hand. Though he was still feeling like a flustered mess on the inside, he would never allow himself to forget to treat you like a gentleman should. “Shall we?”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
To Azul’s surprise, the night was flying by, and his nervousness had completely vanished as if he'd never had it in the first place. Conversation with you was light and comfortable, but if he was being honest, he would have been perfectly content with just letting you talk the rest of the night away. He found your voice so soothing to listen to, and a part of him wondered if you’d managed to put him under some sort of a love spell. But he knew that you, of course, were a magicless human, and yet that only made Azul all the more entranced by you. 
“Thank you for having dinner with me, Azul,” you finally said, giving him a small smile.
“Of course,” Azul replied, wearing a smile of his own. “I should be thanking you as well. I would have asked you properly, but Jade and Floyd like to take matters into their own hands.”
“Just like Ace and Deuce. They seem to always make plans without asking for approval first.” You shook your head, laughing at the thought. “That’s what gets them into trouble all the time.”
“Yet here we are, enabling their behavior,” Azul sighed. “Still, I could never pass up an opportunity to be in your company. If I’m being honest…” A pink hue began to bloom on his porcelain cheeks, “you’re one of the few humans I feel like I can truly connect with. You know that I’m a reserved person, so trying to form friendships proves to be quite difficult for me. I’m out of my element when I’m not in the sea, which makes my attempts at fitting in even worse off. But with you…I forget about all of my shortcomings. I just enjoy being in your presence. So thank you, for all that you’ve done for me.”
Silence hung in the air for a few long moments before Azul’s face turned from a soft pink to a bright burning red. “I’m so sorry! I just started rambling and made everything awkward…Sevens, I don’t know what I’m even doing here—”
Upon feeling the touch of your hand on his, he lifted his gaze to your face, and his heart skipped a beat at the sight of you wearing a warm smile. “I enjoy being in your company, too. I’ll always be here for you, whether you want to talk or get something off your chest. All you need to do is call my name and I’ll be there.”
“Oh,” he breathed, taken aback by your sincerity. “I mean, yes, thank you. You’re also welcome to come talk with me any time.”
The two of you finished up your dinner before your plates were taken away by Jade and Floyd (who wore suspicious grins on their faces, you noted). They returned with dessert for the last course, which you and Azul finished in a comfortable silence.
“Could I ask you something?” you asked after a while, fiddling with your hands in your lap. You’d been having so much fun on your “date” that you’d nearly forgotten you needed to win his affection. 
“Of course.”
“What do you think of the love story between the Little Mermaid and her prince?”
Azul’s eyes widened a fraction. “Hmm…I’ve never really thought about it. Why do you ask?”
“Just curious. I watched the movie again recently with Ace and Deuce, but both of them thought it was overrated. “Too much romance, not enough action.” Honestly, there’s a reason those two don’t get girls.” Sorry, Ace and Deuce. This is just a little bit of revenge for what you’ve gotten me into.
“Hah, those two are too scatter-brained to get it. The movie is a classic! Who watches it and doesn’t like the romance?”
“Are you perhaps…a hopeless romantic, Azul?” 
The tips of Azul’s ears turned a deep shade of red as he quickly shook his head. “N-No, I just don’t like seeing fools criticize good films!” He sighed, straightening his tie (something he seemed to do when he was nervous, you realized). “But if you’re asking for my opinion, I think the love story between the Little Mermaid and the Prince is beautiful. It’s endearing to watch the mermaid try to express her feelings through fleeting touches, gentle gazes, and bright smiles. And watching the Prince slowly begin to fall in love with her is so heart-warming. You can tell he loves her for who she is. His heart is matched perfectly with hers, and his affection for her is unconditional. He helped save her life, after all, just like she saved his.”
“They really are so sweet, aren’t they?” you replied with a dreamy sigh. You held your head in your hand, gazing up fondly at Azul as he rambled on again. The way his eyes lit up when he recounted the mermaid and prince’s romance was unmistakable. It was almost like he craved for the same thing in his own life, like he’d spent endless nights wondering what it might feel like if someone loved him like that.
Just who was he imagining in those scenarios, though, you wondered. No. You shook your head. Don’t get cold feet now. You’re looking too far into this. He’s just talking about the movie, is all. But still, part of you couldn’t help but question if there was a hint of truth in what you thought.
“And the film shows the importance of an equal give and take in relationships. This ensures fairness and a win-win situation for both parties, no matter what obstacles await them in the future.” He’s talking about contractual obligations again, isn’t he? You laughed to yourself. He never changes.
“But I do admire the Little Mermaid’s devotion to the one she loves. To give up her whole life as a mermaid means letting go of a lot, but she sees a brighter future with her prince. I think everyone deserves to find that special person, just as my mother found my step-father.” A small smile appeared on his face, no doubt recalling happy memories. “To be with someone who wants nothing more than to remain at your side…what more could you possibly ask for?”
It was then that he realized he’d begun to ramble on again. “Oh, I really don’t know when to quit, do I?’
Well, now’s the time to test the waters.
Carefully, you placed your hand on top of Azul’s, noting how his cheeks flushed at the action. “You deserve that happiness. I hope you find it.”
Instead of crawling back into his shell, Azul surprised you by smiling in return, gazing at you fondly. He mirrored your gesture by placing his other hand on top of yours and sincerely answering, “I hope you find it, too.”
Now it was your turn to blush. 
But further conversation with him would have to wait. The shell’s power had begun to dwindle, causing your bright mermaid scales to reappear on your skin.
Shoot. I need to come up with an excuse to leave, and fast.
And as if they could read your mind, Jade and Floyd quickly came to your rescue.
“Azul, don’t you think it’s time to wrap things up for the night? I’m sure [Name] is quite tired, and there’s a mountain of paperwork waiting for you in your office.”
“Oh! You’re right. It’s late, isn’t it?” Azul glanced down at his watch. “I’m sorry for keeping you so long.”
“It’s no problem,” you replied. “I had a great time. Thank you for having me.”
“You will always be welcome here. Come by whenever you’d like. Your food and drinks will be completely free of charge.”
The statement was so out of character that it left yours, Jade’s, and Floyd’s mouths agape. Azul never offered anything for free, not without some sort of catch. But it seemed that he was being genuine with his words. At least, that’s what you thought.
“Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind.”
Within moments, Ace and Deuce returned to your side, thanking the trio before leading you back to Ramshackle Dorm.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Even long after you’d left the lounge, Azul was staring off into the distance in a daze. He couldn’t hide the happiness that enveloped him like ocean waves. He was caught in your current, a single man enraptured by the siren that was destined to take him down with her. But he would willingly go wherever you wanted him to, even if it meant risking everything just for your love.
Floyd broke into laughter at the lovestruck look on his boss’ face. “If you like Shrimpy that much, why don’tcha tell her? She’s been giving you goo goo eyes all night long, too!” 
“Ah, young love. It’s a beautiful thing,” Jade chimed in, smirking when Azul’s face turned a lobster red.
“You both are insufferable,” he huffed, stomping off to his room. He’d had enough of the tweels for one night. But even if he escaped their teasing within the confines of his four walls, that didn’t mean he’d managed to calm himself down at all.
Falling asleep proved difficult when all he could think about was you. 
And across the college grounds, the same could be said for you, too. 
You had the most wonderful night spent at Azul’s side, but time was already running out. You’d nearly forgotten the purpose of going there in the first place. You didn’t need to fall even more in love with him. He needed to fall in love with you.
But you still had time to make this all work. That’s what you reminded yourself before your eyes finally slid shut, your dreams filled with memories of your romantic night. 
One day had passed. You only had two more remaining. 
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call-me-copycat · 2 years
Escaping The Night (Part 4)
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Welcome! - Introduction and Request rules (important if you want me to write for you, or if you want to know who I am)
▶ Characters: Shinso x Fem Reader + Father/Mentor Aizawa (platonic)
▶ Genre: Angst to Fluff
▶ Summary: Reader is now under Aizawa's care, and Y/N isn't too willing to surrender just yet, fighting back viscously(sarcasm) with angry glares and the silent treatment. Aizawa isn't too sure how he's going to manage this, but he does know one thing: he'll be damned if he doesn't at least try to make life better for you.
▶ Word Count: 5304 (one of my longer ones)
▶ Warnings:
- Pretty slow chapter if you're one for action, reader and Aizawa just go to the store then back to his apartment (sorry!)
- I once again use Japanese terms, but I'll explain it at the end
- Mic isn't told about the whole incident, so he asks Aizawa if he got married and had a kid when he sees Y/N. He is not married in this story.
- Reader has slight PTSD from The Incident (as Aizawa calls it)
- Sorry, Shinso isn't in this chapter either, I have no control when I write, I really didn't mean for it to take this long (sorry, again!)
➜ [Part 1]
➜ [Part 2]
➜ [Part 3]
➤ {This is Part 4}
➜ [Part 5]
➜ [Part 6]
➜ [Part 7]
➜ [Part 8]
➜ [Part 9] Coming Soon!
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He'd make things better, something that he was sure of.
The room fell silent, or rather it was always that way, the inner monologue of each other's thoughts slowing down and the deception of talk wore off along side it.
Eraserhead patted his pockets, and upon feeling his keys once again, a small optimistic idea presented itself to the man.
"How about we go to the store?" He suggested.
"Right now?", You questioned, tired and not exactly in the mood for extra travel.
He grunted in approval, then spoke again, "but I'm no good at knowing which things you'd prefer over another, so I'll let you pick out whatever you believe you'll need" he explained.
You raised an eyebrow at how dodgy that sounded to you. The tired pro meant exactly what he said, simply wanting to take you to the store and let you pick out whatever fulfilled your wants and needs (with secret hopes of getting on your good side), but years of living on the streets hardened your way of thinking, learning early on not to trust everyone that came up to you right away. Trust took time, not bribes.
"Anything. Money's no issue for me, just nothing stupid or over the top." He answered with assurance.
And with that, you found yourself in the local supermarket in the beginning of the night with the sleepy man, the workers greeting both of you enthusiastically "irasshaimase!"*1 with large smiles and gentle waves.
You looked around as you both stepped in, having forgotten what it was like to actually be in a nice supermarket instead of scavenging like an animal. The lights were a bright intrusion into your tired eyes, and there were colorful characters and signs that filled every aisle.
You felt a bit out of place among all the polite and clean customers, but you supposed you weren't alone as Eraserhead didn't look like the typical customer either. In an odd way- that you refused to acknowledge- it was a little comforting.
Well, you were here, so you decided that you'd at least make something of it and get supplies and other things that you'd need. If anything, you deserved a warm bath and meal from the hell that you were constantly put through, but that thought never crossed your mind and the guilt of being given something made you feel like you were being dishonorable.
Eraserhead grabbed a cart and - after putting a basket inside of it*2- quietly trailed behind you as you scanned the brightly lit aisles full of assorted goods all up and down as far as you could see.
You appreciated the moment, never really getting to spend a lot of time in stores before. Because of your limited experience you took in all the colors, bright lights, neat rows of packaging and hushed conversation that customers held in between each other. It was relaxing, and you wanted to spend all night in the store if you could.
If you were being honest with yourself, you did think that the little characters on the packages were sort of cute, though you never admitted that out loud. There was some show or something playing in the background as you could here someone speaking rapidly and with lots of energy. The cashier's check out machines beeped in rhythm, and you discovered a new symphony of life that day.
You wandered wherever your legs led you, and with your mind empty they had no restraint holding them back. Up and down the aisles, you observed every little object, from tofu to mugs, to the long Chinese leeks to the row that was entirely dedicated to many different types of noodles.
However, your inexperience was the reason why Eraserhead had to help you through some small problems that would happen every now and then. Pulling you back before a turning so you didn't run into another shopper, pushing the leaning shelf back when you reached too far for an item on the top shelf, sneaking some snacks in the cart that he noticed you eyeing earlier, and other things similar.
After awhile of scanning the seemingly infinite shelves, you looked towards the cart and realized that you had only really put in some cleaners, a few toiletries, and other minimal objects that were needed (along with some snacks you didn't remember putting in). Otherwise, the cart was mainly empty, you having been too busy taking everything in, along with being overwhelmed with options.
Upon noticing this Eraserhead tried to help you out a bit, the best he could at least. You glared at the man, not needing any pity or babying, but in the end fatigue forced you to give in and you both found a middle point.
You let yourself get measured by a chatty lady who wouldn't stop smiling so Eraserhead had your size when it came to getting clothes, and in turn you got to pick out whatever outfits you wanted. You didn't really develop a certain taste for clothes out on the streets, so you just picked whatever you thought looked nice (Eraserhead had you put back a leather jacket that you were looking at- it just reminded him too much of Mic and he didn't think he could handle that mentally.)
You both struggled to come up with a healthy list of groceries, you never having been grocery shopping (at least not in a long while), and the pro never having had a healthy diet, too used to settling on whatever basics he saw first like bread and rice.
You both somehow made it work because in the end you wound up with what was a good assortment of supplies that you thought seemed like a surplus. Though it just looked like a shopping cart full of foods, clothes and cleaners, you had gotten used to only getting an insignificant number of things, forcing yourself to work with what little you had.
As you both drove back to Eraserhead's place, you couldn't help but think that the man didn't mean anything initially cruel, and doubt in your rough introduction with him started to blossom as you wondered just what was going on in that head of him.
You tried to shake off those thoughts as you recalled the night you got taken into custody. Memory of the panic and fear that seeped into your mind the moment you realized where you were before getting tranqed was unshakable, gripping onto your mind with dark claws, entirely unwavering no matter what you did or how you attempted to rid yourself of it.
Though, now that time had passed from the... Incident (as Eraserhead called it anyway), you found that you couldn't summon the same amount of fury anymore, seeing that it burned out to a lower level of simple bitterness, rings of fire turning to sour edges and thoughts instead of violent acts. You fidgeted in place uncomfortably as you for once couldn't understand your own brain and why your way of thinking was starting to change. Perhaps because you were starting to see this man as more of a person rather than an opponent that you'd see all the time.
You made it back to the apartment complex, and you both grabbed a half of the bags that you had gotten and brought it inside. You weren't particularly giddy over basically successfully being bribed, but you knew that you weren't exactly the nicest nor easiest to work with that night, so you felt obliged to express some way of thanks.
Upon opening the door to bring in the bags, you saw another man already inside, standing in the middle of the living room while looking at a small pamphlet with a confused look on his face as he continuously tilted it while looking at pieces of wood and metal laying on the floor.
The man looked pretty normal to you, though you could tell a lot about his personality by the way he dressed. Long yellow hair was tied loosely into a bun, and glasses with bright orange rims framed his confused expression on his face. He wore regular jeans with a wine colored shirt that was covered by a dark jacket that was left open, which allowed you to notice the small bits of jewelry he wore- a metal gold chain with a blue beaded necklace. You admired that he at least matched the chain and bead necklace with similar bracelets on his wrist, and on the other wrist a shiny silver watch sat.
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You figured Eraserhead already knew this man as he simply walked past him into the kitchen, you following apprehensively, eyes never leaving the stranger.
After all bags were put on the kitchen table, Eraserhead went over to the man in the living room, and you followed wanting to know what was going on.
The stranger had his back to you and Eraserhead, and you noticed that he didn't have that pamphlet anymore but now was trying to piece together two pieces of the wood that were once in the floor with the others.
"I thought you said you'd be done, and I quote, 'in a snap'. So, what's the problem?", Eraserhead questioned the man, his arms crossed while he watched him struggle with the wood.
The man answered with his back still turned, "I'm tryin', ok? It's a lot harder than it looks... been ages since I put together a bed. The movers put mine together when I first moved into my place, I'll admit that."
Eraserhead sighed, rubbing at his temple, not wanting to deal with any problems this late into the night.
"Look, I trusted you to put it together before we got back, because in case you didn't know, that bed is for company, and that company doesn't have anywhere to sleep now." Eraserhead answered back to the man. You looked over and noticed that he was staining his voice, as if he was trying to hold back from yelling.
"Company? What kind of company? I thought you were a loner, since when did you go out and make a friend? I thought that wasn't 'your thing'." The stranger playfully jabbed, causing Eraserhead to sigh once again and drag his hand down his face in exasperation.
Eraserhead turned to you before apologizing and explaining.
"Sorry about him, he's a close friend of mine, but he can be a bit airheaded at times. Wish he came with a warning label sometimes." Eraserhead muttered the last part a bit, but it was still loud enough for you to hear.
"Anyways, I called him over to fix you up a bed while we were out getting grocery, but it looks like I'll have to take matters into my own hands for now if you don't want to sleep on the floor "
When Eraserhead finished speaking, the stranger immediately jumped up, as if realizing something.
"Wait! They're here right now?!", He exclaimed, finally turning around. His eyes landed on you as soon as he turned, and he adjusted his glasses as if he didn't know if he was seeing something correctly.
"Umm.. am I seein' this right, Shota? That is a kid."
"I know she's a kid, that's the main reason why I had asked you to put together a bed. A bed... mind you, that isn't for adults... "
"But...- Like what's goin' on?! Did I miss something?! Since when did you have a kid?! Are you married?!" The stranger asked in bewilderment, not comprehending anything that was happening.
Eraserhead sighed the deepest sigh you heard that night, once again rubbing his temple in fatigue and annoyance.
"Look, I'm going to saying this simply. I'll explain everything tomorrow, but for now, I'm tired, you're tired, and she's tired. Everyone's tired. So let's just get this bed made so we can all go to sleep. Okay?"
And with that and a shrug of the man's shoulders (who you later learned was called Yamada, but he said you could call him Mic for short), everyone began to prepare for the night's rest that awaited them beyond the bed.
Speaking of beds, yours didn't get finished that night, only a few parts of the frame being built into place, to which you thought looked sort of like the skeleton of your bed, devoid of any outer materials and vulnerable to the outside world. You needed to stop thinking that way.
So for that night, you put on some of the new pajamas you were bought (hastily muttering out a 'thank you' to Eraserhead- because while you lived in the streets you never lost your manners, in fact you had a particular distaste for people who never used them), brushed your teeth which were in dire need of a cleaning, got cleaned up and off to the couch you went.
The skeleton bed frame was left on the floor of the living room, patiently waiting for tomorrow to come to gain its body. Eraserhead made sure to lock every window and door (making a bit of a scene, he just wanted you to know that he wasn't messing around), and then proceeded to thoroughly lecture you about even thinking about escaping.
Mic (as you learned to call him, but for the most part you just called him the 'loud blonde guy') bid you both a goodbye before heading off to his own apartment with promise of returning the next morning in order to construct the bed, properly this time.
You laid on the couch after Eraserhead went into his own room, and remained still as you stared at the now dark ceiling. It was quiet, something you were quite used to.
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(For your assistance in visuals)
In the distance you could hear the soft sounds of the town beginning to awaken for the night, and through the curtains you could see lights on different buildings beginning to flicker on, one after another.
You were always fond of the night, preferring it to the day. You never knew why, maybe it was the beautiful glow of the neon lights, or the way the stars and the moon shined their light on the darker parts that were vacant of light of their own, or maybe it was just a more... peaceful time. You didn't know what it was exactly, but you did know that you loved it.
When you listened carefully you heard cars rushing by, the sounds of air whooshing as they sped up and away, you heard dogs barking every now and then, never knowing what it was at or why, sometimes people's voices as they walked near the building, although they were almost unheard because of how far above the ground you were.
Not only did you hear sounds from the outside, but there was also a small set of sounds that came from the inside as well.
The AC, gently letting out a stream of warm air, the humming of some device somewhere (possibly the fridge), the gentle shuffling that came every now and then from Eraserhead's room whenever he walked around. You were always an observant one, not really having a choice because it saved your life multiple times when you were on your own.
You laid there, eyes wide open and not the least bit tired anymore, enjoying the calm atmosphere of the sounds that played in the background. Because even though your life was upside down, life for everyone else still continued.
Suddenly remembering the bracelet, you brought your left arm up from where it was laying, and held it up and over your face. As you examined the metal (at least the best you could in the dark), you didn't really think it looked like much. Though you knew to stray from thinking that way, as most often the strongest enemies you ran into were the ones that were most overlooked or underestimated.
A thought, a flicker of a thought... What would happen if you tried to use your quirk? You knew most likely it wouldn't work, but nonetheless curiosity pushed you to try anyways. You held your hand and strained, trying your best to summon any energy left inside of you in order to be converted to power.
And nothing came. Odd, even though you knew that was most likely going to happen, the reality of it actually happening in front of you spurred a new type of fear in you. And for the first time in ages, you felt powerless. It was a horrible type of fear, one of vulnerability and having fallen prey to predator.
You breathed in and out, trying your best to calm yourself as you brought your arm down. Deciding that that was enough thinking, you laid on place and just let yourself enjoy the daily harmony of everyday life.
You heard a police siren wail in the distance, cringing to yourself a bit as the memories started to flicker a bit in your mind. A sudden voice startled you,
"Can't get it out of your head?"
You sat up, and next to the arm of the couch, just next to where your head previously laid was Eraserhead, holding that yellow sleeping bag that you had noticed in the car earlier.
You didn't say anything, just turning your back to him and looking out the window of the kitchen at an the lights.
You heard him sigh, along with some shuffling noises, and upon turning around you noticed that he was beginning to sit down next to the couch, his lower half being swallowed by the sleeping bag.
"What're you doing?" You asked, fatigue beginning to make its way to your system, but was kept from interfering with your voice, giving the slight illusion that you were wide awake.
Eraserhead didn't say anything for a second, sitting with his knees loosely near his chest, resting his arms over them in a casual manner. After the pause he answered,
"Can't leave you out here to sleep by yourself", and with that never further elaborated. You didn't have the energy to ask him anything further, so you let him be and you both sat in silence, both looking at the curtain covered window as if you could see right out of it.
"You know, I understand this is all new for you. I understand you'd want someone to talk to. I just want you to know that if you need something, anything, then don't be afraid to come ask me, ok?" Eraserhead suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence with his soft words.
You still didn't answer, but you clenched your jaw as you continued to stare at the window with a hardened glare on your face.
'Not tonight...'
"Y'know... I can't get it out of my head either..." Eraserhead spoke up once again, but this time it was quiet, almost a whisper and trailing off, so much so that it made you think that it wasn't meant for you to hear at first. He had some kind of emotion lacing his voice at that moment, but you couldn't pin down what it was exactly. All you knew was, it was different, different from the normal fatigued monotone that he normally presents the world with. It didn't make any sense to you, and trying to figure it out but coming to a dead end caused you to become frustrated with yourself.
You didn't bother trying anymore and quickly dropped back down to the couch, facing the back of the couch so you didn't have to be face-to-face with the man beside you.
As you laid there, fatigue slowly started to fill your mind. The soft blanket, plush pillow, and warm atmosphere basically made it a luxury compared to your old ways of sleeping. Slightly glad that you weren't laying on cold wood or concrete with a slightly too small blanket that would either leave your legs or arms cold, you allowed yourself to rest for once, although the tension never left your body. Always alert, you refused to let your guard down, because if one unpredicted event lead to this, then you were made more wary of future attacks.
As you began to fall into the abyss of your very consciousness, you were pelted with a sudden barrage of memories that crawled their way up from the pit you pushed them in.
Voices surrounded you once again, all bitterly jesting towards you and your defeat.
Like film rolling out of a roll, memory after memory presented itself to you, all fighting to dominate the top spot and clearest configuration.
The fight for the top grew, and in turn so did your anguish. Completely crowded, as if you were on a shinkansen*3 on rush hour, in Tokyo.
Memory after memory, each filled with its own unique personality and emotion, pushed and pulled on your mind, all clawing and competing for the claim over your mind.
Voices, faces, events.
Colors, sounds, feelings.
Too much. It was too much.
They suffocated you in their unrelenting torture, filling every single spot that existed within the realms of your being.
Random things broke off, creating an indescribable mess of color and sound hurling at speeds incomprehensible towards you without hesitation.
Strawberry milk.
The little bunny plush that had frayed edges.
The train speeding by.
Red scissors.
"Why do I want to forget something that was so important to me?"
Purple eyes... (Where?)
Calculator and it's clicking.
Witch hat.
So many objects, all out of the ordinary struggled to put themselves into the spotlight, without it they risked being forgotten. But they wanted life, even if it meant through you and your mind.
The flashes eventually grew inconceivable, no longer being able to read nor understand anything as they would flash by in such a sudden stroke that it seemed as if they were no longer individual, but rather all one morphed together.
The edges of your sleep began to fade, and you could feel the effects of your rest beginning to lift from your mind, getting further and further away, until, in a sudden move they were swiftly dissolved. Almost as if they never were there to begin with.
Your eyes darted open, and you blinked as you were met with unfamiliar surroundings. That is, until the truth of your reality hit you like a group of bricks dropped from 10 meters above.
You felt as if your mind was swashed with a bucket of cold water, and the bitterness returned and filled the empty spot that the agony of your dream once had before departing.
The dark room of the living room greeted you unenthusiastically, it's dull walls boring into your eyes. You heard light snoring and looked to the opposite end of the couch and spotted Eraserhead in his yellow sleeping bag, resting on the floor opposite of you, next to where your legs were.
For a second, you wondered if he realized that you were uncomfortable with the close proximity and acted accordingly. You pushed the thought away.
You stretched your arms out, and laid back down once again, too tired to do much of anything else. Sleep greeted you again, but possibly as an apology for before you were given a silent, blank rest that was devoid of any color or movement.
The next thing you knew, bright sunlight that was muted by the curtains covering the windows spilt into your eyes, causing slight tears to form and waking you up in the process. This time you remembered where you were. You didn't know if that helped with the pain or not.
You laid on your spot for who knows how long. Simply laying there, you pondered on your current position. Where were you going to be a month from now? Or a year? What about your friends? You weren't close, but you all did have a mutual understanding and formed many types of bonds with each other.
You sighed, everything that the world created and presented to you being too much for your mind to handle. The weight was unbearable, the pain agonizing, and the paranoia frightening.
So you did what you always did when you were overwhelmed.
You laid there, body too awake to go back to sleep, yet you lacked the energy to do anything else. Defeat once again bit at your mind, and as much as you wanted to deny it, you were stuck. So, what now?
You rested with your eyes closed, the large fluffy brown blanket swallowing your body whole, and the pillow gently supporting your head.
However, some sounds from the kitchen drew your attention towards it. Sounds like a pan hitting another and different things being shuffled and poured (although you had to strain to hear it because they were all very gentle and quiet) caused your curiosity to grow, but you never indulged it. The shallowness that had consumed you was stronger than your will to observe and fight, and so you stayed.
That is, until the door to the front opened and in walked that loud blonde man Eraserhead called Mic. As soon as the front door opened he was already loud. Walking loud, talking loud, laughing loud, heck even breathing loud for you.
You didn't bother, simply covering your head with the blanket and turning to face the back of the couch. You hated how much your life had changed. Just about 72 hours ago, you were doing your own thing, enjoying your own life.
You heard the two men silently conversing in the kitchen, and it just proved to agitate you further. Their lives were still basically the same, they still had the options of what they could do, so why should your way of living change in order to cater towards the man who took you in?
A light 'clink' on the coffee table text to you caught your attention once again, and this time since it was much closer you decided to investigate, peeping your head out of the blanket.
You were greeted by a bowl of rice with a single raw egg cracked on top (tamago gohan), a smaller bowl of natto, some pickled vegetables, a pair of chopsticks, and a bottle of tea from the Konbini, all laid out next to where you were sleeping.
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(For your viewing pleasure ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
Curious, you looked around and found that the two men were sitting at the dining table, still conversing lightly.
Fully sitting up, you garnered both of their attention (although it was inevitable), and then blond greeted you with a smile that made it seem as if he knew you his whole life.
"So! Look who's finally up, huh? Have a good sleep?"
He didn't pay any mind to the glare you gave him nor the silent response, still smiling that large dopey smile.
"I told you to leave her be, she's probably still a little tired. Anyways you still need to put that bed together like you promised", Eraserhead's scolding tired voice suddenly started after Mic's.
"Alright, alright. No need to keep breathin' down my neck about it." Mic answered, raising his hands in defeat as he got up from his place at the table to go finish putting together the bed (that you found out was moved to where your future room was).
"The food's for you by the way. I haven't seen you eat anything since you've arrived so don't try to pretend you're not hungry" Eraserhead pointed out with a bluntness in his tone, although compassion accompanied it as well.
You didn't say anything, opting to give another tired glare at the further tired man who sat ever so casually sipping his coffee.
You were given a few choices of clothes to pick out from the assortment that he got you the day before, and upon your refusal to collaborate he ended up picking out what you'd wear for the day.
You were sent to shower and dress for the day, which you did, but in all reluctance. The icy resentment that gripped your heart was at an all-time clash with the fiery rage that resided in your mind, both at a battle for what you would do and you didn't know if they were battling for you, or if they were battling against you.
After you left to go shower and change in the bathroom and with Mic in the bedroom nextdoor, Aizawa had the advantage of having the quiet space all to himself- albeit temporarily.
He sighed upon seeing your breakfast untouched, and grabbed the dishes to store them with hopes that you might eat it later. Truth be told, Aizawa wasn't the best cook, and he had to go to the store early that morning for some sensible groceries and then spend even more time trying to find a breakfast recipe online and work to actually put it together.
It was a lot more effort than he was used to, his solo routine normally just getting up, and maybe grabbing a cup of coffee. He didn't have the best diet or habits, he knew that, but he wasn't going to keep them any longer now that he had someone else's health to look after. Yours.
That day, he planned on taking you around the main areas of his life that he frequented, wanting to get you as comfortable and familiar with your new life as possible. He wanted to do a sensible approach, fearing that just throwing you into a new life and new routine would be difficult on your mental well being, and you didn't need anymore of that.
After you exited the bathroom, clean and clothed in a brand new attire, you immediately made contact with the always ever tired Eraserhead who was waiting patiently for you on the couch. You didn't expect so much social interaction so early, right after you woke up, so you just kind of halted your movements upon his sight.
Nevertheless, he still started his explanation anyways.
"So I understand that you're most likely not in the mood for going anywhere or doing anything today, and I completely understand that" he started.
You sighed, knowing that there was going to be a 'but...' and then they would start talking about everything you didn't want to do or wouldn't like.
"But there's a tight schedule I have to follow, along with the fact that it would most likely help you out greatly if I introduced you to some areas that you'll be running into frequently."
There it was. And really, a day after you got taken into custody? He wasn't going to give you a day to yourself or anything for you to gather your thoughts together or something?
"You don't have to worry about much, though. You'll be sticking to my side the whole time, and you won't be expected to do anything. This is just to help you get a little more familiar with different places and people so you aren't confused in the future." He explained, and looked at you expectantly for any glares or questions.
You ended up surprising him by not having anything snarky to say, simply remaining silent with a hardened glare on your face. Aizawa internally decided that he was going to work that glare off and get you to smile somehow.
And with that, he gathered his keys and you silently trailed after him out of the door. When he had his back turned you looked down at your wrist.
That quirk canceller-tracker bracelet was still there, easily ruining any chance of escape without any real effort.
You scratched at it a bit before following Eraserhead out to his car.
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A/N: I'm sorry that the chapters have been sort of slow, I never intended it that way, but I'm currently working on trying to speed things up while having it still make sense and maintain its emotional train of thought. Also I want to work Shinso in soon as well (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
*1 - Irasshaimase is the greeting that workers typically use to greet customers in Japan. Serving the customer the best they can is normally top priority.
*2 - Carts in Japan are different than those in other countries, you have a cart base and put a basket inside. Here's an image:
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*3 - Shinkansens are the bullet trains you've probably heard of that connect all around Japan. They typically get very crowded, and it's made even worse depending if it's rush hour or if you're in a heavily populated area (such as Tokyo). I love using images to make my point, so here you go:
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(I can't breathe just looking at this image)
Well, I hope you enjoyed! I've been really busy lately, but I promise I'm working on this as much as I can! I really like the plot and look forward to writing it more! Thank you, and please have a lovely day!
This is ok for reblogs and other uses by the way as long as you don't claim it's yours (⁠^⁠^⁠)
[年2022/ 月12/ 日22]
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your-divine-ribs · 4 months
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Kinktober 🖤 Limit
"You brought all of this on yourself Y/N”
Words: 1.2k // Prof Van // overstimulation
Kinktober Masterlist Main Masterlist
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🖤 "Don't get any ideas, you can see how busy I am and I don't have time for that today. Now I'm happy for you to study in here, but I can't have you distracting me... okay?"
🖤 You sigh, snapping your legs shut. You know you should behave yourself. You're in a privileged position being allowed to study in your Professor's office. Your final exam's next week and you've been struggling to find a quiet spot to work in so it was kind of him to offer. There's just one small problem...
🖤 You're horny as hell and it just so happens that riling up Van is your favourite pastime. Outwardly he's so composed and cool-headed and unruffled, the picture of professionalism... but you know better... you know the real man that lurks beneath that affable and carefully controlled demeanour and what's more, you know exactly how to lure him out.
🖤 "But Sir..." you whine, purposefully bratty, a tone that you know will grate on him. "I'm not really taking any of this in... I'm feeling kinda restless."
🖤 "Y/N..." is all he says, firm and final. A single word, but it's more than just your name, it's a clear message. A warning and a threat all rolled into one. You foolishly choose to ignore it... or maybe wisely depending on how you look at it.
🖤 "Think I need to like... I don't know... maybe burn off some energy or something. I'd probably be able to concentrate much better if I did." Your voice raises up at the end of the sentence, hopeful sounding, willing him to take the bait but he doesn't.
🖤 In fact he doesn't even look up from his paperwork. He's pretending to ignore you, pretending like your needy whining isn't affecting him, like he's not acutely aware of the way you're accentuating your movements, crossing and uncrossing your legs, flashing your underwear, trying to tempt him.
🖤 "And it's so damn hot in here too... phew!" You peel off your cardigan and fling it across a nearby chair and your dramatic movements make Van finally look up.
🖤 "What did I say? I've got a stack of assignments to grade and I've got deadlines to meet. I know exactly what you're trying to do and I'm not falling for it." You note the tension in his jaw, his eyes flashing dangerously. You just need to push him a little more.
🖤 "Jeez... no need to be so tense... it's not good for your blood pressure," you snigger, making a show of rolling your eyes. "Maybe it's you that needs to burn off some of that negative energy? I could help you with that you know..." You slip one of the straps of your dress off your shoulder, exposing your lacy bra.
🖤 "Fucks sake Y/N!" He growls, getting to his feet in a swift motion. "I've just about had enough of your silly games!" You look back at him, pulling down the other strap, a challenge in your eyes. "So... what are you going to do about it then?"
🖤 Ten minutes later you find out. He's handcuffed your hands behind your back and tied your ankles to the chair legs. He's slipped a small bullet vibrator into your panties, lodging it firmly in place so it rests tightly against your clit. You dread to think what other paraphernalia he might have stashed in his office drawers for 'special occasions'.
🖤 You pout defiantly at him even though you're in no position to fight back. "I'd hardly call this punishment," you mutter, already squirming in the chair as he takes his original seat back behind the desk and switches the vibrator on via a remote control app on his phone.
🖤 When he speaks his tone is dripping in sarcasm, the smirk on his lips wickedly sadistic. "We'll see. Maybe it'll help to burn off that negative energy you've been talking about. I'll give you some time to mull over what a bad girl you've been whilst I mark the rest of these assignments." He flicks through the pile on his desk. "Reckon it might take me about an hour..."
🖤 "But... but... you can't just leave me sitting... ahh... fuck... oh fuck..." Your words melt into curses as the vibe starts to shiver you through, it's only on a low setting for now but the maddening throb between your legs sends a blissful buzz throughout your whole body. Maybe this won't be so bad after all. You sigh gratefully as your first orgasm radiates through you, your head tipping back, eyes fluttered shut.
🖤 You smile smugly to yourself as you come down from your high. Van might not be the one pleasuring you but this is exactly what you wanted. You can feel your slick leaking out of you and drenching your panties through, your body throbbing with feverous desire. This isn't punishment... this is heaven.
🖤 But before long the sensations shift. Your tender clit starts to ache as the vibrations don't let up and the pleasurable hum morphs into a heightened pulse that's becoming too much to bear. You squirm in the chair, pulling on your restraints.
🖤 "Sir..." you gasp out but he cuts you off dead, head still bowed over his work as he mutters sternly. "Next time you come you're gonna have to do it quietly, it's very distracting. Don't make me regret not gagging you."
🖤 Despite your predicament there's something about his feigned indifference to your plight that wildly thrills you, the way his cool eyes raise up just in time to rake over your trembling frame as another orgasm hits, this one making you moan out loud despite your instructions to stay quiet.
🖤 "What did I tell you about being quiet?" He warns, sliding up the controls on the app to increase the steady pulse to a powerful buzz. It makes you quake, your teeth grinding together as you try unsuccessfully to hold in a pitiful sounding whine.
🖤 "Please Sir... I can't... I don't think I can take an hour of this. I'll be good... I'll be good... please..." You sob out a beg even though you know it's futile. Pleading with him has never gotten you anywhere before and you're not sure why you think it's going to make a difference this time.
🖤 "You can take it... I know you can," he instructs, leaning back in his chair to watch you. Despite his efforts to appear unbothered by the fucked out mess you're quickly becoming you detect the husky rasp in his voice, you note him shifting in his seat, pulling at the crotch of his skin-tight jeans under the desk.
🖤 You must have been quite a sight, beads of sweat dripping from your hairline, your overheated skin breaking out into a disgraceful scarlet flush. Your lips are blood red and swollen from being bitten as your body heaves with shudder after wracking shudder. Your eyes are glossy with tears.
🖤 "You brought all of this on yourself Y/N," he states matter-of-factly, eyes glowing with satisfaction. You know he's far from finished with you yet... and fuck... does that thought turn you on.
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lilyevanstan1325 · 7 months
💎Forever mine,
forever yours💎
Chapter 1
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“Vic, pizza at my place tonight?”
My best friend asks me while her gaze is focused on the PC in front of her eyes.
Her fingers move lightly and quickly over the keys.
Her glasses slide down her nose and with her usual little grimace she wrinkles her nose to put them back in their place.
I turn my attention away from the dozens of papers in my hands for a moment to shift my attention to the woman sitting in front of me on the other side of the desk.
As if she felt my gaze on her, she straightens her back, bringing her arms up over her head, stretching her tired limbs, smiling at me sweetly.
I shook my head with an apologetic smile on my lips.
She already knows what it means and an adorable pout automatically graces her lips.
“I know what you're about to say.Come on!You can't just ditch me.Again!It's already the second time this week” she snorts, crossing her arms over her chest and narrowing her gaze.
Her dark eyes, almost black and speculative, are giving me a silent reproach.
“I'm sorry Sam.Really!But I have to finish these reports by this evening.Plus tonight my father wants me to have dinner with him.Apparently Joel has returned from his trip to Italy and my father is keen to spend the evenings together”
Another feeling quickly makes room in her big eyes, totally opposite to disappointment.
A mischievous smile spreads across her face.
I roll my eyes, returning to focus on my work, clearly avoiding her string of questions and insinuations that are boiling in her head, sure that my friend won't take it badly.
Samantha and I have known each other since middle school, since our first day of school when she was alone and disoriented in a new place.
She shyly approached me during lunch.
I still remember her frightened look, her glasses too big for her thin face and her mop of curly hair the same color of chocolate.
She had just moved from Missouri to follow her parents, both lawyers, who had found a new and promising job in the hot state of Texas.
As far as I can remember, from that moment on we were never separated from each other.
After years of friendships limited only to the circle of children of my father's wealthy friends, I had finally found a true friend.
We went through the college and university years leaning on each other and for a year now we have even managed to find work in the same office.
Technically I had no choice, working in my father's accounting department had almost been an obligation, but after all I love this job.
Numbers have always fascinated me.
If then I add that my father had also hired my best friend, I don't think I can complain one bit.
Because being the boss's daughter isn't easy.
Surviving the constant stares of other employees is disheartening.
Hearing them whisper to each other about how I'm only here because I was recommended made me suffer at first but I was able to have my little revenge, I managed to demonstrate more than once that I know how to do my job.
That I'm here because I'm capable.
Damn, I'm good at what I do!
And Samantha's support has always been my strength.
I finish forwarding the latest emails and with a big sigh I throw my head back pressing my aching back, due to the hours spent sitting in the same position, against the back of the chair.
When I look up from my PC I find Sam in the same position I left her in a few minutes ago.
I raise an eyebrow curiously.
“What?” I ask when I see that my friend still isn't willing to answer me.
Sam shakes her head with a mischievous smile plastered on her beautiful face.
“When were you going to tell me about it?” she asks, getting up from her chair and approaching me.
I observe her carefully while with an innate grace she leans her hips wrapped in an elegant pair of black trousers against my side of the desk.
“Said what exactly?”
Sam laughs throwing her head back, a couple of unruly curls escape from her tight bun but she immediately puts them back in place by pushing them gently behind her ear.
“Oh c'mon!You will have dinner with mister Joel I'm too sexy Miller.What will you wear?Oh, wait!Why don't you wear your Versace red dress you bought last month?I'm sure he'll lose his mind”
I block out her flow of words by placing my hand on her knee.
“Sam!For God's sake, will you calm down?” I hiss through my teeth.
I don't even understand why I'm whispering since there's only the two of us left in the office but talking about Joel always makes me nervous.
I shake my head as if to reproach her.
“It's just a stupid dinner.And then you have to stop!There has never been anything between me and Joel and there never will be.He is my father's best friend and business partner.That man saw me with a diaper, God!”
I pinch my bottom lip between my teeth thinking about Joel.
I've known Joel Miller since I was born.
Him and my father are childhood friends, both born and raised in the same neighborhood.
Together they created their small construction company which over the years has grown dramatically to the point of making them two industrial magnates.
Their stock prices skyrocketed in the last fifteen years, making them the two richest men Wall Street has ever seen.
Earning them more and more covers on titles such as Forbes and the Wall Street Journal.
There is no one in America or Europe who is not aware of the empire they built from nothing.
But while my father met the woman of his life, my sweet mother, on the road to his success, Joel always remained alone.
He has rarely appeared publicly in the company of any woman although I suspect that in private he is full of women ready to die for his attention.
And I'm also among those women...
It's a shame that he never noticed me in that way even if I certainly can't blame him for that.
How could a fifty-year-old man who can count on having had beautiful women in his life, and in his bed, notice me?
I'm just the daughter of his best friend.
A girl of just twenty-five.
I look at my reflection in the turned off monitor of my PC, wondering what more I should have to please a man like Joel Miller.
Maybe I should be taller and definitely thinner.
Maybe the slightly more pronounced curve of my ass or my slightly too busty breasts don't fit into his beauty standards.
My long blonde hair and my blue eyes like the sea are not his type.
The few women I have seen him with have always been beautiful brunettes with golden skin.
Joel Miller will never look at me the way I want to be looked at.
To him I will always be a little girl, Andrew White's little daughter.
“Vic?Are you still with me?”
Sam's voice calls me softly.
I close my eyes burying all my insecurities into the darkest part of my heart.
I smile trying to reassure my friend who obviously doesn't buy it but doesn't push me any further.
She knows when it's time to let go of me especially when it comes to Joel.
She gives me an understanding smile and then moves away from my desk with a light push of her hips.
I watch her as she picks up her jacket from the chair and her bag.
Then she wishes me a good evening with another greeting, making me promise that in the morning we will have breakfast together.
I watch her back disappear through the large glass doors as her heels click on the polished dark marble floor.
With a trembling hand I grab my coat and after looking for the car keys in my bag I head towards the underground car park.
“I wish you a good evening, Miss White” Waylon, the night guard of the building, greets me with a slight bow, a greeting to which I respond distractedly, too stressed by the evening that awaits me.
Without knowing how I find myself in front of the large gates of the villa where my father and I live.
It's like my car knew the way home and brought me here on its own.
I have a vague memory of the road I traveled too intent on nervously chewing my scarlet nails.
The small red light at the top of the gate turns green within a few moments causing the gates to open so I can enter.
As I drive along the long tree-lined path that precedes the immense villa I notice a parked car.
Joel's car.
My heart rate skyrockets at the idea of seeing him again after such a long time.
My grip on the steering wheel slips due to the sweat that begins to wet my palms.
Once I pull over the car I try to dominate all the feelings that stir in my heart.
I can't let my father see me in this condition but above all I can't let his best friend see me like this.
I observe my reflection in the small rear-view mirror, smoothing my hair with my hands and retouching my makeup, brightening up my faded lipstick after a day at work.
I get out of the car looking at the sky, the sun is now setting, coloring it with beautiful red-orange shades, soft and graceful pink clouds adorn it.
I approach with a determined step towards the large mahogany door which opens as if it had sensed my presence.
Behind them appears the thin figure of the housekeeper who bows her head slightly as I pass, hurrying to pick up the coat and the bag which I hold in my hands.
“Good evening, Miss White.Your father is waiting for you at the kitchen on the patio”
“Thank you, Lucy”
I thank her promptly as I set off towards the direction she indicated.
The closer I get, the more I feel the anxiety rising from my stomach and up my throat, parched with anxiety.
And excitement.
As much as I try to deceive Sam and my own heart, I am aware of the fact that mine is not a simple crush.
There is much more inside me than a teenage crush.
A much hotter fire burns inside me for my father's best friend.
When I cross the threshold into the kitchen, Joel Miller is sitting at one of the chairs at the large dining table.
My heart literally skips a beat.
His muscular legs are stretched out in front of him, wrapped in a pair of jeans that hug his thick, powerful thighs like the sin wraps the devil.
One arm is resting casually on the back of the chair while in the other hand he holds a beer.
His long, strong fingers are wrapped languidly around the bottle neck.
The same fingers that in my daydreams wrap possessively around my neck.
I feel an embarrassing blush spread from my neck to my cheeks.
The sound of my heels clicks on the polished floor, immediately attracting the man's attention.
A sweet smile spreads across his relaxed face.
“Hey, sweetheart” he welcomes me getting up and after placing the beer on the table he reaches me with a few quick strides.
“Welcome back”
I greet him wrapping my arms around his neck at the same time his large arms wrap around my hips causing my feet to lose contact with the floor for a moment.
When he puts me down he doesn't let go of my hips as my hands rest delicately on his chest.
“Is Italy really as beautiful as they say, uncle Joel?”
The words burn like poison on my tongue.
Uncle Joel.
I've always called him that for as long as I can remember.
But if before I was just a little girl who demonstrated her affection towards a person who she considered a member of her family, now it sounds completely wrong.
Wrong since in the darkness of my bedroom, with my fingers deep inside my heated slit, his name rolls out, curling around my tongue.
Joel, daddy.
Taking on a much more compromising meaning.
I am distracted from my thoughts when the man's warm hands cup my face gently.
“Yeah, Italy is beautiful but ain't like home” he whispers, letting me go.
In the fraction of a second his hand intertwines with mine and together we approach the table and sit down opposite each other.
Like a perfect gentleman, Joel grabs a beer from above the table, uncorks it and hands it to me.
I accept it without ever taking my eyes off his face.
His eyes are surrounded by many small wrinkles, his dark curls are crossed by several salt and pepper strands like his beard.
These are the only signs that could indicate the true age of this man.
For the rest, Joel Miller has nothing to envy compared to all the guys of my age that I know.
Broad shoulders, wide chest, a defined abdomen.
Not to mention his thighs.
God, his thighs.
If there is one part of his body that I could lose control of, it's his thick, muscular thighs.
The sinuous, power-packed muscles that bring only sinful thoughts to my mind right now are lightly contracting as he lifts one leg to rest his ankle on the opposite knee.
The sweet and saccharine voice of the man who is the protagonist of my most lustful dreams calls to me.
Embarrassed, I immediately look away from the part of his body capable of making me lose my mind, hoping that he hasn't noticed my insistent staring.
But obviously I'm wrong.
His dark eyes are serious, his gaze a hard frown.
For a moment, for just a moment, I think I see lust in them but what he seems to want to convey to me is only disapproval for having caught me staring at him like a bitch in heat.
Oh God!
If only he knew how I could be a bitch only for him...
I try to ease the tension by moving my gaze towards the patio door overlooking the immense garden.
“Where's dad?” I ask with feigned nonchalance, bringing my attention back to the man in front of me.
Joel watches me in silence and then nods towards the garden behind him.
His dark eyes are still serious.
I roll my eyes to ease the tension.
“Oh God!Barbecue?Again?” I ask disheartened.
If there's one thing that obsesses my father more than his money, it's that damn barbecue.
He never misses an opportunity to use it and his rounded belly is proof of this.
Even though only a handful of years separate them, there is a world of difference between my father and Joel.
Although my father is still a handsome man for his fifty-two years, with wavy blond hair and deep blue eyes, his physique is more softened.
He doesn't look like his best friend.
Oh, not a chance in hell.
Joel continues to observe me with a seriousness I've never seen from him, not directed towards me in the end.
Not knowing what to say, I take another sip of beer, hoping that the golden liquid will give me some confidence.
“The last time I asked him to cook me some vegetables he replied that nothing green and flaccid will ever be placed on his grill” I snort trying to shift Joel's attention to another topic.
Finally his features relax giving me an amused smile, even though I could swear I see a slight shadow of agitation behind his gaze.
He brings the bottle to his lips again and I watch in rapture as his Adam's apple bobs up and down.
I cross my legs trying to hide the sweet discomfort that tingles the center of my core.
I mentally curse myself.
It will be a very long evening.
The man's gaze slides along my body, from head to toe, before returning his attention to my face.
It's like he's studying me, like he's seeing me for the first time.
As if he really see me.
We observe each other in silence until the door leading to the garden opens revealing my father, busy carrying a plate full of steaks inside the house.
“Hey, little one.You're finally home” he greets me, placing the plate on the table and approaching to leave a kiss on the top of my head.
My father is usually not so physical in his relationship with me but tonight he is in a particularly good mood, certainly due to Joel's return.
I clear my throat, attracting the attention of the two men already busy talking about business with each other.
“I'm going to wear something more comfortable” I announce trying to get up but my father's strong hand wraps around my wrist inviting me to stay seated.
“No need, little one” he admonishes me.
I snort and sit back down.
I hate when he calls me that.
I hate when he does it in front of Joel and constantly points out the age gap between us.
We begin to eat in silence, a silence that is interrupted only by a few questions about my work from Joel.
My father, for his part, is too silent and I don't miss the furtive glances that the two friends constantly exchange but I tend to ignore them.
It certainly concerns their work, matters in which they don't want me to interfere.
After a few minutes where the only noise in the room is the forks scraping against the plates, I hear a sigh full of tension from my father.
In reaction, I turn towards him, catching a strange stiffening of Joel's body out of the corner of my eye.
I observe the scene in bewilderment as the two men seem to silently communicate with each other.
A weird tension crackles in the air making me strangely anxious.
What happen?
Unable to hold back much longer, I place a hand on my father's forearm, squeezing it slightly.
His eyes immediately move to my hand and then to my face.
I know he can read all the worries I'm feeling.
“What's going on, dad?” I ask in a whisper.
The two men exchange one last long look.
My father runs a hand through his blond hair, pulling them slightly.
Joel gives me a look from his seat that seems to contain an apology.
His gaze doesn't leave me even when my father starts talking.
“Victoria Pamela”
He rarely uses my full name.
And when he does that it's never a good thing.
“What's going on, dad.You're sick?” I ask in panic.
The only thing that comes to my mind looking at their tense looks is that my father is sick.
What else could it possibly be?
My father pauses as if he is trying to muster up the strength to talk to me and I feel my heart beating furiously in my chest, the sound of it echoes in my ears, stunning me.
I rub my hand along his arm encouraging him to continue.
“Vic, honey, there's something you need to know” he exhales grabbing my hand anchored to his arm and squeezing it gently.
“You're scaring me” I chuckle nervously, fighting back the tears that threaten to show themselves.
“I had some problems at work.I made a wrong investment and I lost money.A lot of money”
Unconscious I let out a shaky breath that I didn't even realize I was holding.
My eyes immediately search for Joel but the man promptly avoids my gaze.
My father's grip tightens around my fingers and this makes me realize that perhaps the worst part of the story is yet to come.
“And?” I whisper unable to say anything else.
Thousands of thoughts are racing in my head trying to understand what's going on.
My father has a lot of money
Really...a lot.
Why would a bad investment worry him so much?
My father lets go of my hand so he can rest his elbows on the table and intertwine his fingers.
“I put almost all my money into a business that unfortunately went bad so I asked for a loan but now I can't pay it anymore”
I grind my lower lip between my teeth.
The situation seems to be worse than I thought.
I move my hands in an uncoordinated way in front of me.
“Can't you just talk to the bank?I'm sure you can find a solution.And then Joel can help you.Isn't it, uncle Joel?” I ask, moving my gaze from my father's sweetly resigned face to the man in front of me.
Joel shakes his head in response.
“Ain't that easy, sweetheart”
His southern drawl has a bitter edge.
“How much money are we talking about?”
“It doesn't matter, little one” my father interrupts, leaving me confused.
Joel takes another sip of his beer finally turning his entire frame towards my father.
“Andrew...she must know the truth if we want this to work”
In my father's gaze there seems to be a struggle between different feelings but then I see him nod.
“Now you have to listen to me without interrupting me Victoria, do you understand?”
I nod disoriented.
What are they talking about?
My heart hammers incessantly in my chest, tattooing itself against my ribs.
“Joel and I are not just contractors.We didn't build an empire just thanks to our investments.There is more.We have also invested in another trade”
I listen to his words with extreme attention, trying to understand where he wants to go with his words.
What other business is he talking about?
Even if an idea pops up in my mind I immediately set it aside.
I don't even want to think that both of them are involved in some sinister business.
I force myself to remain silent, waiting for my father to finally tell me the truth.
But he doesn't.
His mouth opens and closes several times as if he wants to speak but his words won't come out of his lips.
Feelings akin to shame and remorse darken his blue eyes.
“Weapons” Joel interjects, seeing the difficulty etched on the face of his best friend.
His words are like a punch to the chest.
My head snaps in his direction, eyes bulging.
“Weapons?I don't think I understand” I murmur breathlessly.
Joel smiles bitterly.
“Ya get it, sweetheart.Your father and I secretly finance some wealthy man to buy weapons from the black market, receiving generous favors in return”
In my head his words swirl like a swarm of crazy bees.
I try to place them in the exact order to make sense.
I nod trying to calm the tremor that runs through my hands.
I don't know much about this type of business but if there's one thing I know it's that these are people who don't joke.
“Let me understand, please.You invested money in a project that went wrong and you asked these men for money.The bank has nothing to do with it, right?”
My father nods, keeping his head down.
We just have to find a solution.
“We could sell the house.I could help you.Could I... I don't know...I could sell my car?My jewels?”
As I speak fervently I feel the corners of my eyes tingle realizing that I have failed miserably in my attempt to remain calm.
“Honey, there's not much we can do.With each passing day the amount to be paid increases more and more.I will pay as long as I can but I can't risk bankrupting the company.Too many families depend on me, I can't risk leaving thousands of family men without a job”
I feel anger clouding every cell of my brain.
I clench my hands into two fists, the knuckles pressing ferociously against the skin, turning the flesh white.
How could he do something like that?
Why didn't he think about me?
To my well-being, to our small, dysfunctional family.
My question sounds demanding.
My clouded gaze planted with hatred on the two men.
Joel doesn't answer.
After all, it's not his problem, right?
But I really can't understand how two such honest men fell into this shit.
“I did it for you, my little one”
I widen my eyes in disbelief.
How dare he?
“For me?I never asked you anything.Nothing!”
“I just tried to make sure you never lack anything” my father shouts back at me.
And his words mark the end of my self-control.
“Bullshit!” I reply, standing up forcefully, hitting my flat palm against the table and causing the chair behind me to crash onto the floor.
The deafening sound reverberates through the entire room, drawing the attention of a frightened Lucy who immediately runs towards the kitchen, placing her hand on her chest.
“Everything is fine?”
“Get out of here!” I bark in her direction before she can finish speaking.
Lucy, terrified by my reaction, blushes in embarrassment and with a few apologies on her lips she backs away until she disappears.
“I never asked you for anything!” I yell again, “Do you know what I wanted?I just wanted a father”
I accuse him, stopping any attempt to reply by silencing him with a sharp wave of my hand.
Now, that the dam that kept at bay the river of pain and sorrow suffered in my life because of him, has broken, I can no longer contain my frustration.
“When I was six you gave me a new bicycle while I just wanted you to be present at my school play.Do you know who was there instead of you?Joel was there.When I graduated you gave me a new car while I just wanted you to be in the crowd applauding but you weren't there!There was Joel in your place” I spit and don't caring about the growing pain in my father's eyes I go headed with spite.
“When I got my first salary I wanted to celebrate with you, talk to you about how I was respected at work for my skills but you weren't there and guess what?There was Joel who brought me a pizza and listened to me babble for hours.Him” I scream pointing to the man who has always been there for me, “He has always been there.Where were you?I never wanted your money.I just wanted your love” I sniff.
The explosion of anger left me emptied of all emotion.
I can't believe I was able to vomit out years and years of pain.
And even though I feel like a small part of my heart is dying tonight, I feel lighter.
Painfully empty but deliciously light.
I pick up the chair from the floor and collapse ungracefully onto it.
My chest rises and falls furiously as I try to bring my rapid breathing back to a humanly sustainable pace.
A tense silence surrounds us until my father breaks it.
“Since your mother left us I have always just tried to do my best”
I burst out into a derisive laugh, crossing my arms on the table and burying my head in them.
“Yeah...you know?You fucked up, man” I mumble against the skin of my arm, biting the flesh until the clear outline of my teeth is painfully printed on it.
And now?
What do we do, now?
Right now their sinister business don't even seem like such a big deal to me anymore.
Does him have money's problems?
Let him manage it!
As far as I'm concerned, I'm even willing to go live in a studio apartment and get a job at Starbucks to get away from him.
From them.
Even though Joel muttered little more than a few words, I am aware that he too belongs to that shit.
“Victoria, please listen to me”
My father's plea reaches that little part of me that still craves for his attention and no matter how much I try to turn it off, that little part is always there ready to show that I am a good girl.
I look up and first thing I meet Joel's dark and serious eyes, his unreadable and dominant gaze makes the strings of my soul vibrate.
Too dazed by what just happened, I struggle to turn my head towards my father.
“For me there isn't much to do, I will pay as long as I can.But for you...I can still do something for you.These men are dangerous, very dangerous, and when they don't get what they ask for...before they get to me they will use who I love to make me suffer”
A shiver runs up my spine as the implicit meaning in his words takes root in my brain.
Perhaps, moved by the panic he sees in my eyes, Joel abandons his spot to sit next to me and wrap his arm around my shoulders and I take the opportunity to curl up against his side.
Taking a deep breath of his strong scent.
Joel's scent, the scent of his skin, has always had a calming effect on my nerves.
In his arms I always felt safe.
“Listen” he murmurs, kissing my forehead, “We just have to play smart with these men”
I nod at Joel's words, nuzzling my head against the crook of his neck.
“What should I do?” I murmur dejectedly, moving away from his grasp and looking at my father.
If tonight they decided it was the right time to talk to me this means that they have also already found some sort of solution to the problem.
And call it just a problem is an understatement.
“As I told you before, there is little I can do for myself but there is a way to keep you safe, a way that will ensure that those men don't get close to you”
My father and Joel exchange a look full of meaning that I still can't understand and then the latter just nods.
As if he was giving my father permission to finally expose his plan.
“Joel had nothing to do with this whole thing.I did everything on my own, I wanted to take a risk knowing that he didn't agree.I acted behind his back and I will never forgive myself for this.I'm sorry, brother”
My father's contrite gaze shifts to my side.
Joel shakes his head, a sad smile faintly lifting one corner of his plump lips.
“In the eyes of these people he is still a respectable and, above all, feared man.And this, my dear, will be the strength that we will exploit” my father continues, clearing his throat.
I frown in confusion.
I wrap my arms around my mid section to try to keep all my pieces together.
“You can help us, then” I say with a small spark of confidence in my heart turning my torso in Joel's direction.
“They fear you, they respect you.You can talk to them, ask them to give him more time.You can vouch for him, can't you uncle Joel?”
The man looks at me dejectedly shaking his head.
Annoyed, I straighten my back.
“Why don't you want to help us?” I breathe out in anguish.
My father stands up to his full height, every bit of his body exuding an aura of power.
“Victoria Pamela, you will marry Joel” he announces, crossing his arms over his chest, his gaze serious.
For a moment I look at him without understanding.
You will marry Joel.
I feel my head spinning.
What does he mean with you will marry Joel?
I shake my head vigorously, shielding my ears with my hands.
“If this is a joke it's not funny” I spit through my teeth.
“Do you think I'm joking?” my father's furious look, as he spells out the words one by one, makes my skin crawl.
He can't be really serious.
My heart skyrockets.
Joel cannot agree.
I stand up too, facing my father with a hard face.
“Are you crazy?Oh my God!And you?” I ask angrily, turning my back to my dad and turning towards the man who, despite everything, remains stoic in his silence.
“Do you agree with this fucking bullshit?”
Joel maintains his composure by looking at me seriously, so seriously that it makes my skin shiver.
And this time no, them are not shivers of pleasure.
I cannot believe it.
They are playing with my life, with my feelings, as if nothing had happened.
“Vic, if you become his wife, those men won't even dare to look in your direction.You understand it?You will inherit all my assets, my company share and Joel will be able to protect you as he always has.As I wasn't able to do”
Ignoring my father's words, I continue to keep my gaze on Joel's face but he seems impassive.
I can't even detect a hint of his thoughts in his face.
In front of me I have a wall without emotions.
I turn my back on him, determined to ignore him.
“Dad you can't be serious.I-I-I- I'm already seeing someone!How...how do you expect me to give up my life like this!”
Joel's voice sounds like an animal growl behind me.
Caught off guard by his reaction, I turn my attention again towards him.
“Who are ya dating?”
“It's none of your business, uncle Joel” I scoff, pressing on my last two words.
“Jackson's son” my father replies, getting a light, amused snort from Joel.
It's not really happening.
It's not really happening.
I repeat in my head while closing my eyes and vigorously rubbing the tips of my fingers against my temples I try to tame the headache that threatens to explode minute after minute.
I move back and forth for a few minutes unable to stop.
If I stop the thoughts will eat me alive.
“You can't force me.You can't force me to marry him” I declare firmly, stopping my constant back and forth.
With a trembling hand I bring a glass of water to my lips but after just a few sips I am forced to stop because the nausea arise in my throat.
I can't marry Joel.
I don't want to marry Joel.
Not like that.
I always fantasized about him, dreaming that one day he would notice me and that he might fall in love with me.
I always dreamed that he really loved me...
But not like that.
This is all wrong.
This will break my heart.
He cannot accept.
He can't humiliate and mortify me like this.
I feel the anger boiling under my skin again.
“What will happen to my reputation?I can't marry him.He's your best friend.What do people say?Joel is...Joel is old” I hiss, imprinting my words with spite.
I want him to feel as mortified as I feel.
But to my surprise Joel laughs.
I watch him as he throws his head back, putting a hand to his chest.
When he recovers from his fit of laughter he stands up, towering dangerously over me.
He is so tall that I have to tilt my head back to look him straight in the face.
“Are ya talking to me about reputation?I'm the one who has to marry a spoiled little girl who can't even understand that her life, her father's life, is at stake.Don't come talking to me about reputation, little one”
Every word he says is a slap in my face.
That's who I am to Joel Miller.
I'm just a little girl who he will never see as a woman.
With my heart pumping furiously in my chest and my eyes flooded with tears I turn away and run away to my room.
I can't afford to show how much his words hurt me.
With my heart gripped in a grip of pain and panic, I close my bedroom door behind me with a loud thud, collapsing against it.
I close my eyes, placing a hand on my chest and with my mind clouded by despair I drag myself towards the bed, changing my clothes and putting on shorts and an old white t-shirt.
I sit on the bed hugging my knees and crying all the tears I've managed to hold back so far.
Oh my Lord!
If you were here, mom, all this would never have happened.
I don't have many memories of her anymore.
Photos of her are the only thing that keeps the memory of her face alive in my head.
I don't even remember the sound of her voice anymore...
I was only four when a car accident took her away from me.
I only remember that that evening Joel rushed to our house and spent the whole night with me while my father went to the hospital to recognize the scarred body of the love of his life.
I shake my head, wiping my tears with the back of my hand.
Joel has always been here for us.
For me.
He followed me on the path of life trying to fill the void left by my parents.
A light knock on the door brings me out of my thoughts.
“Go away, dad!I don't want to talk, right now!” I shout against the closed door sniffling.
The fine dark mahogany door opens slowly revealing Joel's tall figure.
The man crosses his arms over his chest, resting his shoulder against the doorframe.
Seeing my furious look he raises his hands in front of him giving me one of his most sincere smiles.
“I'm not here to argue, I swear.Can we just talk?”
I scrutinize his face but I no longer find the anger or mockery there as before.
In front of me is the usual Joel, the man who is always kind and thoughtful when it comes to me.
“Come in, uncle Joel”
“Could ya just stop calling me that?”
“Why?How should I call you?My husband is good?”
As he approaches, on his suddenly serious face, a muscle in his jaw twitches dangerously.
He only stops when his knees touch the edge of the bed and then he sits on it.
He stretches his legs out in front of him, crossing them at the ankles.
The flat palms of his hands rest on the blanket as he throws his head back staring at the ceiling and sighing loudly.
His broad chest expands into full display right in front of my eyes.
“It's all so fucked up” I blurt out, drawing his attention again.
His body straightens and his deep brown eyes focus on my face.
Embarrassed by our prolonged exchange of glances, I lower my gaze, losing myself in observing the veins that run along his arms, going up along his strong and toned biceps left uncovered by the gray t-shirt he is wearing.
His tanned skin glistens in the dim light coming from the lamp placed on the bedside table.
I feel the pressure of two strong fingers pressing under my chin, forcing me to look up at his beautiful features again.
The curly hair that frames his face seems so soft that I have to dig my nails into the palms of my hands to stop myself from stroking and smoothing them with devotion.
I'm totally fucked up...
“I'm sorry if I disappointed ya.I'm sorry that ya discovered that in the end I'm not the good man ya thought but...but I'm still me, sweetheart.I'm Joel” he whispers softly, stroking my cheekbone with the pad of his thumb while the rest of his hand welcomes my face in a tender caress.
I pinch my lip between my teeth, suddenly struck by a wave of heat burning from the center of my legs.
Imperceptibly I squirm in embarrassment.
“Listen to me.If there was another way I would have found it.I swear.But...but there's not.And I have to protect ya.I have to protect ya, sweetheart.Ya and yer father are my whole family, ya are all I have”
His syrupy words are followed by his hand which, as light as the flapping of a butterfly's wings, rests on my bare ankle, wrapping it in his thick coullosed fingers, sending my mind into a tailspin.
Short-circuiting my brain and creating imbalances in my heart.
My skin is covered in shivers.
I hope he doesn't notice even though right now his eyes are watching his hand as he traces small circles on my heated skin with his thumb.
“How...how does it work?We can't get married overnight” I murmur softly trying to distract my attention from Joel's gentle caresses on my body.
He lets his hand slide up my leg stopping at the knee then his eyes are focused on mine again.
He shrugs.
“We'll show up together.Some dinner, some walking.Nothing compromising.The paparazzi will do the rest and we will let the newspapers talking for us.Your father will make some statement, he will say that at the beginning he was not happy about it but that in the end he accepted our love.Then we'll have an engagement party.Your father wants us to get married before the summer”
His words are cold, automatic.
He doesn't care about any of this.
For him it's a stupid farce to play.
Joel misreading the pain in my gaze, mistaking my broken heart for fear, slides his body towards mine, grabbing my face in his hands.
He wraps his fingers around my cheeks with a reverential delicacy, as if I were crystal in his hands.
“I will never touch ya.Never, Victoria.I would never do anything ya don't want.We just have to hold on, play our part and when things are settled we will divorce and ya will be free again” Joel whispers, his intoxicating breath flavored with the smell of beer gently crushing on my parted lips.
I don't know why but my eyes fill with tears.
I am aware that this marriage will all be a farce but the idea that he is totally sure that he doesn't want me shatters my heart.
And this is a pain I don't know if I could bear.
For the last ten years I have kept my infatuation for him at bay but now faced with the real prospect of living with him, of living Joel day after day, it complicates everything.
Deprived of all my willpower, I nod weakly.
I have no other choice.
But before the man in front of me lets go of my face I wrap my hands around his wrists.
“Promise me you'll do everything you can to get my father out of this fucking mess!”
Joel nods with conviction placing his warm lips against my forehead, his mustache and stabble tickling my skin, making my toes curl in pleasure.
After which, too quickly for my taste, he interrupts the contact and standing up.
“I will never stop”
He walks towards the door but before he can leave I whisper his name making him turn towards me again.
A stupid smile blossom on my lips.
“Do you remember when I was nine and I asked you to marry me?”
I laugh amused at the memory.
Joel's laughter echoes within the walls, warming my heart.
His eyes, surrounded by many small and delicious wrinkles, shine like onyx.
Still smiling, he takes his wallet out of the back pocket of his jeans, pulling out a small, crumpled piece of paper from it.
He comes closer and hands it to me and I already know what it is before my hand accepts it.
In front of me I have the paper where the me of the past had written her ramshackle vows of love for her beloved uncle Joel.
Shaking my head, I give it back to him, watching as he carefully puts it back in his wallet.
“Have you kept it with you since then?” I ask in disbelief and also excited.
I can't believe that that small, insignificant piece of paper remained in his wallet for sixteen years.
Joel reaches the door again and without turning towards me he whispers softly “This is my most precious treasure, sweetheart”
And in the blink of an eye Joel Miller disappears.
My heart pounding against my aching ribs and I let myself fall against the pillows.
I close my eyes and, accompanied by the sweet scent of Joel that still lingers in the room, I fall asleep, too tired and overwhelmed to dwell on the mess that will become my life.
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