#whenever anything has a lot of lore it's one of the things that just sucks me in no matter what
isekyaaa · 1 year
This game is growing on me at the same rate mildew grows on my bathroom walls
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averytirednerd · 8 months
Oh yeah, time for a big rant about Hazbin Hotel!!!
I haven’t really had much of a chance to sit down and write about this since I watched the episodes, so things I say are probably going to reflect what others have said. I’m just writing this to gush about the things I love about some particular songs in HH. 
I didn’t have any big expectations going into the first episode, because I’d mostly heard negative reviews of the show so far. I had heard that the songs, however, were bright spots, so I really looked out for the songs and listened in every time we were graced with one. The characters are truly the best versions of themselves whenever there’s a song going on, even if they aren’t the main focus of the song. It’s amazing to see, especially since my favorite thing about this show is the characters themselves.
My favorites are “Loser, Baby” & “Stayed Gone” and will probably be the main focus of this post because <3333
“Stayed Gone” is sung by Christian Borle (Vox) and Amir Talai (Alastor) and I could not be happier about it. Their voices are amazing here, and my favorite bits of this song are on repeat in my head.
I also love little visuals like the mug Vox has in the talk show format, the scrolling text in the news show format, or Vox’s error message toward the end of their bantering. 
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(The scrolling text says: “I’m totally not worried about this guy and neither should you be. I totally wrecked his sh*t last time he tried me.”)
Alastor really gets under Vox’s skin and it makes me kick my feet every time. Their dynamic truly is everything, and I’m so excited we got this song that showcases it perfectly. 
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He clearly enjoys it too, what a little jerk.
Speaking of these two, Vox definitely had/has a thing for Al at some point, right? I mean…inviting him to the Vees for a start. Not to mention just the v i b e s. Poor guy though, it’s definitely one-sided.
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I love Al’s use of…modern…lingo. Truly a spectacle. That on top of it being a reveal of Al’s rejection to Vox’s offer 💀 I love this man <333
Last thing about this song, promise, but also I love the casual little lore drops and more pieces to the puzzle of the past that we get. Very exciting! Can’t wait to see how everything fits together once we find more pieces.
Okay okay, moving on. “Loser, Baby” is amazing musically as well as visually. 
Keith David’s voice definitely fits Husk in my eyes now, I see it, it works. He’s amazing. Does a fantastic job.
Not to mention Blake Roman’s performance was, of course, incredible as well. 
The big, upbeat, brassy sound in this song is amazing and I’m loving the trumpet in it especially (any fellow trumpet players? no?)
I love everything about this song. The visuals, voices, instrumentals, lyrics, message, all of it!
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Husk slowly going from “yeah you kinda suck lmao, but so do I” in order to not make Angel feel like he’s not being genuine, to sneaking in a better message of “we’re not perfect but it’s okay, don’t be so hard on yourself” (and getting Angel to believe/go along with it too!!) is amazing. It’s a perfect example of these characters being the best versions of themselves during musical numbers. 
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This song is what solidified Husk as number 2 in my rankings (and I’m sure I’m not the only one). I mean…just look at the way he moves, it’s so silly.
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(We’re going to ignore the Videoshop watermarks, okay?)
Overall, I’m loving this show so far despite some obvious issues with pacing n such and an overall rocky start. Especially loving the songs, which I think kinda make the show rn. 
If anyone wants to add anything (because I definitely didn’t cover a whole lot, just surface level stuff because even this took a while to type out) then please feel free to! Also ask me any questions you’ve got for me concerning stuff that has/will happen(ed) in Hazbin Hotel. I love HH discourse!
Thanks to those of you who read all the way through, sorry for such a long post lol <3
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bunni-v1 · 11 months
CONGRATS FOR THE 500 FOLLOWERS! 💫💫 can i request letters A, B, O, P, Q, S and Y of the sfw list for Malleus and Vil? But in a platonic way, as friendship, if you can<3
🍓I've had this one sitting in my inbox for a while because I've just not been in the mood to write for Malleus. He's a special flavor of autistic that I can only write when the inspiration strikes lol.
A - Affection: Malleus is VERY affectionate! He's been loved on a lot by Lilia, so I wouldn't say he's touch-starved, but he does act like he is. He always wants to be holding you in some way, and if you are in his vicinity he will come and find you just to be near you. Always greets you with a hug and a kiss, regardless of who is around or where you're at. Worst of all, he gets pouty and throws a Malleus brand temper tantrum if you deny him any affection.
B - Best Friend: It's really weird to be best friends with Malleus. You sorta found him somewhere on accident, spoke with him, and gained yourself a dragon. You don't ever see him in any place that is conventional or normal, and you rarely actually "hang out" with him. When you do see him, though, he's prone to have these really deep interesting conversations with you and then disappear. Quite freaky.
O - Open: It doesn't occur to Malleus that, maybe, he doesn't need to tell you his whole life story at random times of the day. I mean, seriously, you guys will be doing something like study, and then he'll drop that fattest lore bomb known to man and leave you speechless.
P - Patience: Not very. In fact, most things that would piss other people off just tend to make him laugh. He's essentially a god amongst men with an ego to match, and that ego is anything BUT fragile. It's hard to make him mad. You can upset him and make him out, but anger is rare and SCARY.
Q - Quizzes: He's both really good and very bad. Malleus both has some much going on in his head and absolutely nothing. He remembers important dates, and all of your favorite things, but when it comes to like pulling through on important stuff? He sucks! He forgets! He feels so bad after too, like on his knees begging for forgiveness. Then, at the same time, he'll remember something really obscure that you mentioned in passing and it makes you wonder how the hell his mind works.
S - Security: Oh, Malleus is the MOST protective out of anyone in the twst cast. He's a dragon, after all, and they're mostly known for protecting things. You are his most prized and adored treasure, and he protects you as such. I'm talking like, he's always by your side, always watching you, always ready to jump at the chance to show you how amazing and powerful he is. Now, he never gets the chance because who in their right mind would ever upset THE Malleus Draconia, but he still keeps hoping.
Y - Yuck: He hates it when his title is held over his head. He wants friends and connections and love, but his crown gets in the way. If you ever try to use him for his power that would be an instant no from him, especially if he thought you loved him for more than just his position.
A - Affection: Vil is like... moderately affectionate. Now, he's not exactly the sweetest person. Vil is all about appearances, and hanging off in public doesn't exactly look good. In private, though? He's making up for the missed affection tenfold. Now he's not a huge cuddler, but he is a kisser. And kiss you he does, everywhere. He's so pleased with the bright red lipstick marks all over your face. On top of that, he pampers you like a princess. Massages, face masks, sweets and tea. Only the best for his darling.
B - Best Friend: Vil just decides that you're friends, and then you're stuck with him. It's really not bad though! He's quite a gossip, so you hear all the latest drama around the halls of NRC. You get free makeovers and get to relax around Pomefiore whenever you want. Most importantly, your social status rises to the top, because any friend of Vil's could be a friend worth having.
O - Open: Vil? Open? Please. He's got walls up greater than the wall of China. It takes him a lot of time to open up to you because all of those stupid emotions he's feeling make him so weak. Once you get the first bit of Vil lore, though, he's like a running faucet and just spills everything everywhere. It really makes you both grow so much closer though.
P - Patience: Eh. He's not awful, better than Riddle at least. Vil does have a temper though, and it's not as uncommon to see it as you may think. Now, he rarely ever gets mad at you unless you do something so stupid that he can't help it in his disbelief. Still, his anger is a sight to witness, and much worse when it's directed at you.
Q - Quizzes: Vil is very good at knowing everything there is to know about you. He writes it down, actually! In his notes app! He has a whole list that's just about you and your likes and dislikes and everything you tell him that he thinks is important. He makes sure to utilize it all the time, and it's really sweet how seen he makes you feel.
S - Security: Vil is moderately protective of you. He doesn't really worry about anyone in your classes, it's rare to find someone actually willing to mess with him. What he is worried about is the media. If they got ahold of you, his more intense fans might try to rip you apart. So, he shields you from that as best as he can, because he doesn't want to see you hurt.
Y - Yuck: If you only want him for his beauty. He is pretty, he knows that, and he understands that it's likely a part of why you love him. However, if you only seem to care about how pretty he is or only compliment his looks, he hates it. There is more to him, why can't you see that?
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explodingchantry · 9 days
hi sorry to come into your inbox for this but i just need. to gripe. every new bit of info we get about the new DA game is making me more and more preemptively tired lol. mostly the way it's looking like eeevery bit of lore that's been revealed has something to do with such and such book. or this comic over here. or this podcast from two years ago. or THIS podcast that is happening now that's a ~discord exclusive~. or this youtube series. or this random VA talk show. etc etc ad nauseam. i am so tired of videogames coming with HOMEWORK you're expected to do just to know what's going on
Please never apologise for sending messages!!
I think its honestly REALLY funny how bioware just doesn't know what it wants. On one hand they say that the new game is fine for newcomers, the way they did for dai, and use this as an excuse for how dumbed down some of the writing is - but then in the other hand the majority of the characters and plot beats have origins hidden behind pay walls.
It was already bad enough when, to understand each game properly you had to have paid for the previous one's dlc (want to know anders' past as a warden? Buy awakening! Want to know wtf is up with Morrigan and the eluvians? Buy witch hunt! Want to know who tf corypheus is and what hawke and varric even have to do with him? Buy legacy! Want to understand ANYTHING about veilguard? Play the descent AND trespasser, our epilogue that we hid behind a paywall!!!!!) and you know at least the dlcs were pretty good on their own so I could forgive it a little bit.
But there's so much extra media now omg I haven't touched a single one of the comics because I'm not rly into American comics, I've read almost all the books and some of them are genuinely fucking mid. And at least back in the day the books were more... Bonuses? You DONT need to read the stolen throne to understand anything on the games, but it's INTERESTING. it explores characters you mightve been curious about. I love that ! Or the last flight is really interesting, just, to see how the 4th blight was beaten, to get to know those legendary heroes, and know why griffons went extinct. A bit annoying because you do need to read it to also understand how the hell they're coming back - but it still feels a bit more like a bonus than a necessity.
But then we have asunder, which also in general just kinda sucks as a book, that is really really needed to understand the mage rebellion, Fiona, Cole, and the cure for tranquility. The characters will explain a lot of those things to you in game, but it leaves you with the certain feeling that you're missing something. It's a huge advertisement for asunder.
Similarly wicked eyes and wicked hearts is hollow if you haven't read the masked empire which is also my least favorite book because it's so damn fucking boring I literally never managed to finish it, but it's mostly because I hate Trick Weekes' writing lmfao. Gaider was wildly misogynistic but my god at least he was entertaining as a writer whenever he didn't butcher female characters.
That's two major plot beats in inquisition that require reading one of the books. And ofc it's major villain and another major plot beat that require having played the previous game's dlc to properly understand.
And since then we've had so much more. I don't know. It's just complicated because I *like* book characters showing up and the books having importance in the sense that, I like reading and I'm a lore nerd lol. But I think there's a lot of frustration to be had as to the sheer quantity of extra media you need to consume if you want to be invested in the story. Because you could say "well just don't buy them then" but I LIKE dragon age, it's story, and plot, but omg some of the books and comics are also so hard to find and so EXPENSIVE. I think tevinter nights costs like 20£ if you want it on paperback rather than Kindle, and don't get me started on the dozens of comics.
At least the podcasts and discord only content isn't nearly as offensive, imo, because they're free. But also there's another issue with all of this extra content - it's that it doesn't get fucking translated. Not often, anyway. Not in as many languages as the games do. That means there are many, many many many players and fans who are just not allowed to learn more about their favorite game series because they don't speak English, because theyre not rich enough to buy 10 books and 20 comics. It feels a bit wrong
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spacemonkeysalsa · 6 months
On the subject of whether or not vampires love...
This is a topic that's been debated about amongst D&D nerds for ages, and like everything in D&D the consensus doesn't matter because we made it all up, but the consensus is: Spawns - yes
True vampires - no
And at no point in BG3 is Astarion a true vampire. They actually specifically made it so he wouldn't be, and I think it's interesting that at the beginning of the game you can learn about how he could become a true vampire, and then even when he gets the chance to follow through and do it, he doesn't. The choice is never a) Spawn or b) True Vampire or c) Vampire Ascendant. It's just spawn or ascendant and I don't think that's a mistake. I think, in a way, it's for the sake of the theoretical romance that might just be happening between Tav/Durge and Astarion.
If he became a true vampire, then canonically he could not love you (as much as anything in D&D is fixed, see above flippant remark about us making it all up and also decades of changing the rules whenever they don't suit us anymore because why not) but since Larian didn't even make that possible, we're left to just argue about how much of a true vampire a vampire ascendant really is. A vampire ascendant doesn't really sound like a true vampire from it's description as a "new monster" with "the arousals and appetites of man" so there's room to argue.
And everyone sure does like arguing. I don't really see the point, because after he ascends I don't think it matters at all if he loves you anymore. He's become possessive, controlling, and ultimately abusive and he's going through the very typical arc of a successful guy who got everything he wanted and is now confused and angry about why it hasn't fixed everything. He's taking it out on you, dump his ass.
I've known too many people like this to really care all that much about the lore of D&D and how it doesn't perfectly map onto real life. Becoming an abuser is not a Pokemon evolution. And what I'm seeing in Astarion is not someone who has been magically altered, or even necessarily lost his soul outright (though imo that soul is a tasty snack marinated inside of a new monster for Meph to eat later, at best) I'm just seeing what it looks like when someone who is deeply hurt and troubled desperately wants something that is bad for them, and they get it and it expunges some insecurities and fear, while enabling the development of new (much much worse) ones. It sucks, and it's predictable.
So, at that point, who cares if his love is genuine or not. "But he loves you," is an excuse that mom-in-law likes to use to keep you from leaving her son, but it's actually not a persuasive argument, because love doesn't mean a whole lot when it can't prevent him from being an asshole. I've seen some version of all this hashed out all over the place on the internet, because this is an incredibly popular thing to argue about.
And, to be clear, I'm not even arguing that Ascended Astarion loves Tav/Durge. My conclusion is that it's possible he still loves them, and that it means fuck all. But, one thing I haven't really seen discussed, but that has been on my mind a lot since the most recent round of this very dumb argument started up again - does this have any implications on Astarion's refusal to make Tav/Durge a true vampire? I'm not at all in disagreement with the typical read: that Astarion is following Vellioth's rules about not letting anyone be an equal. But, he does make sure to extend certain protections to Tav/Durge as a spawn that he was never afforded. It's a small consolation when they're still technically are under his compulsion, but it's a bit rebellious, 1 point for mild rebellion against Vellioth's stupid rules. And I don't think it's out of line to suggest that he has his own motivations outside of keeping with tradition.
He wants Tav/Durge to love him, and he knows that if he makes them a true vampire, they won't. Similarly, I remember initially being a bit surprised that there was no option for Astarion to drink Cazador's blood and become a true vampire, and I even remember seeing a lot of jokes about how silly spawn Astarion must've felt the next day when he realized he missed his chance.
But, knowing that becoming a true vampire would apparently rewire his brain so he doesn't experience love anymore might just be motivation enough not to do it, if he's found someone he loves.
Or even if he's only got hope that he might have love in the future.
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maxwell-grant · 9 months
🔥 The Shadow in the pulps
Myra Reldon was really, really cool on her debut, and pretty much never again sadly. Like, she was okay on the following ones, but her spark was lost once she became entirely reliant on her gimmick and could not longer show up or match The Shadow to the same extent. She was the greatest beneficiary of Gibson's "introduce this new agent as a potential villain and then reveal later they were a good guy" method but unfortunately she turned out to be a one-trick pony with a very limited trick. I blame this more on Gibson being generally unwilling to/lackluster at writing women than anything, Myra has potential but she's in a rough spot (and not at all because of Margo, but that's a spiel for another time).
I don't think the early years were the absolute definitive best ones. Gibson was still finding his footing big time and the character was still operating on undercooked surroundings and cast. Like yeah, if you think these novels are worthless whenever The Shadow is not on screen, you're probably gonna gravitate more to the ones where he's at his most distant and invincible, but I think that's extremely reductive and also plainly wrong, he's not even at his absolute coolest in those either.
I've thought a lot on how to make the best of it and I have some ideas but frankly, and I could change my mind in the future but for now, if I could excise the Xincas from Kent Allard's character/backstory, I would. It's just, I don't think you can escape the mighty whitey bullshit baked into the concept guys, I like The Shadow having globetrotted extensively and done something important in South America and the ring having all that lore into it and etc but the Xincas are just, they get cut out of adaptations for good reason.
I agree that Shiwan Khan is overused as hell and usually a bad omen but, thing is, I actually do like him, I do think he had some really good things going for him, and I actually do think he had a lot of legit reasons for being The Shadow's arch-nemesis. That said, I do get that the character is toxic and, even if I argue the particulars of it, I do understand there is a degree of inescapable Yellow Peril there that might not really be worth salvaging. Really the biggest reason I even want Khan to work is less about him and more because, well,
The Shadow's villains kinda suck, and he's not particularly conductive towards having a good rogues gallery in the first place, which really wouldn't be an issue (most characters don't have one) if they didn't keep making a comic book superhero out of him. It's partially because, well he's already the villain to end all the villains for a start, hence why the best-regarded pulp villains generally had surface similarities to him. But The Shadow doesn't really invite that kind of deeper Spider-Man/Batman parallelism, he can't have an over-the-top collection of outsized personalities to fight ala Nick Carter/G-8 because he already is the central outsized over-the-top personality here, and he kinda has the Punisher problem (he can't have a bunch of villains running around because he's supposed to actually handle them for good even if he doesn't kill them) but worse, because his supporting cast actually matters, and fixing this villain problem would come at the expense of risking his supporting cast of agents and honestly, that wouldnt be remotely worth doing.
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krystaldeath · 2 years
Headcanons for Shadowpeach being Bai He’s dad’s please? (You can do it for your au where that happens if you want to btw, though you can also do it in a sort of canon scenario where the two adopt Bai He after making up or something)
Ahh I haven’t done anything for my au in a while so I’ll do that!
* So in the beginning Wukong was a bit hesitant to get too close to them, since he and Macaque don’t have the greatest history, but one day he saves Bai He from almost falling off a cliff when she was running around with the baby monkeys (the monkeys (both the babies and Mac & SWK) had heart attacks but it’s ok-) and she started to want to play with him more. So he became close to her before he and Mac patched things up and became lovers again
* Bai He likes to wear her hair in two buns on the side of her head. When Wukong one day finally asks why, she stops playing with her dolls and says, “Because it makes my shadow look like a monkey like my baba and papa!” with the biggest smile on her face. She immediately turned away to start playing again so she doesn’t see her fathers both clutching their hearts and crying their eyes out
* She calls Macaque Baba and Wukong Papa
* Bai He knows that her dads have a history together, and she figures out some things when she’s older by looking them up in books/on the internet. She keeps her knowing a secret because she’s afraid that if she brings it up her family will fall apart. Dw they all talk it out eventually but there’s a long period of time where she has this insecurity
* Groom/Braid train! Bai He in front getting her hair brushed, cleaned and braided by one of her dads while the other does the same to him. Mac is surprised that Wukong is actually pretty good at braiding (Wukong takes mock offense to his mate thinking he would suck at it; Bai He just giggles at her dads’ banter)
* Self projecting the little “Oo-Ooh~!” Id do whenever I saw my parents kiss when I was younger onto Bai He
* When she’s hanging out with the Traffic Light Trio for the Big Sis/Big Bro thing she has to hold back so much bc of MK’s rambling over Moneky King. “That’s my papa. He’s talking about my papa and I can’t even say anything about it. WAIT MY PAPA DID /W H A T/????” This is how she gets her Dad Lore™️, much like a lot of us (I assume or maybe this is just me-): From a person who isn’t her dad. In case you’re curious my mom is my Dad Lore supplier usually. Macaque probably tells her the stuff not usually talked about in stories though. “Oh yeah he was an idiot (affectionate). Still is but-“
* Macaque puts on shadow plays for her all the time, especially before bed. She asks for her favorite story and Mac gets flustered bc Wukong is watching too. “Th-the Hero and The Warrior were like the… the Sun and the Moon-” “Oho, were they now~?” “Papa, shh! Baba, please continue!”(It’s a bit of an edited version of the story from the Shadowplay episode, dw, he’s not putting his daughter to bed with a story about betrayal and heartbreak)
* Big timeskip here but after the events of season 3 (oh boy once I get the basics of this au out and can finally get into the shows timeline with it, yall aren’t ready for the angst), they all have some white in their hair. The family have “Hair Dye Days” where they all dye said white either their natural hair color or a fun unnatural color. Usually it’s just Bai He who does the unnatural colors (like pink or red; red is to match her dads :3), but sometimes Mac will dye his purple and Wukong will dye his teal/turquoise (I do Not know which one is the one he often has as his accent color but it’s gotta be one of the other. Probably)
* Last one for now bc this is getting long: Wukong is a living space heater. Macaque and Bai He will just cuddle up to him on each side and he has to try not to cry bc he’s been alone for so long, with only the baby monkeys to keep him company, and now he has a daughter and a husband and his touch starved self is gonna burst from how much love is in his soul now
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lyman-garfiel · 5 months
Tell me your oc lore pls 🥺
WAUGHHHHHHHH i have never properly written anything down, my poor partner put a channel in their server where i rant, to uh explain lyman he's some sort of weird lizard-horse hybrid thing?? [its a species that exists in his universe ] , he has a FUCKED up life that when i get to posting lymantria's despair [webcomic i'm concidering making if art block doesn't GET me again.] will be detailed there as lyman's life and experinces mirror mine and my personal traumas, you however asked for oc lore and not...evreything wrong with me so!! at some point in his youth he meets jewel who is a parasite, and uhh [given lyman's world is just beastars but i let bugs exist] her species faces a lot of discrimination ehaeh!! eventually the two move in together and lyman.....lets jewel kill him it is a fucked up scene i'd have to write at some point due to lyman's growing suicidal ideation and jewel's nature as a parasite. lyman does NOT die however and is shoved into his peacekeeper job and this is the 2nd version of lyman the uh,, fnc oc who's in some weird homoerotic relationship with scarab lyman, vent-sona who gets killed by jewel is his own version..guy?? since lyman has dissasociative ammnesia and does not recall his mortal life outside of weird wasp related nighmares,
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these are ,,,,, lyman and mortal lyman [who's nickname is ruby and if i ..ever refer to him as ruby i mean pre-peacekeeper pre-death lyman] so ,,,,,, this is the part of lyman's story ive covered the most, its almost like 2am for me so i might skip over things , the #lymanlore tag is where i regularly post his content and story so check there!! but yeah he gets put in the therapist job, hates it..meets scarab, uhh realizes he has a weird thing for bug people now [this has to do with jewel] and starts to clear scarab's tracks for him, eventually slowburning into a romantic relationship and fufilling the reason i even made lyman in th first place,,, to kiss that beetle. his story then follows the events of fnc execpt he's just..there in the background likley dissasociating , and him and scrabs have a falling out which is best detailed in this fucking discord infodump
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evreyone say thank you pixi for giving me a place to host my ill thoughts. so while scarab is stuck in gay baby jail lyman has to fill in for his auditor role..expeshally since he's not doing well after the falling out with his partner.. so he runs off to the world he recalls being from and runs into jewel again, they rekindle their friendship despite lyman hardly remembering shit about her [aside from the reacurring and increasingly vivid nightmares he'd been having] , and since jewel's living situation sucks because ,,,,,paracite speciesism lyman just..plucks her up and lets her live in his tavern [he's lonley and stupid..] whenever the fuck scrabs finally returns from gay baby jail he just has to deal with jewel's new presence and lyman is trying to make sure both the bugs he has a strong emotional attachment to play niceys and i throw them in a sims save because i think they're funny.......heres a shitty ship chart i drew up one night
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i,,,,,,suck at explaining things heres a bunch of stupid discord screenshots of useless info i scrawled in the sacred server
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this is,,,,,the most ive ever posted about these stupid fucking gay people so enjoy?!? edit becase i forgot a crucial infodump
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pastriibunz · 10 months
I wanna infodump Kai lore so enjoy my headcannons (that are actually cannon)!
Kai is canonically autistic (undiagnosed) and ADD (diagnosed)!
Kai is canonically panromantic and asexual!
Kai is an atheist despite being a god herself
Kai is a natural brunette, and she’s been getting gray hairs since she was 14!
Kai has a slight accent/twang (you’ll hear it in TKWDLM:V)! I’m not too sure how to describe it, but to me it most sounds like a mix of a 1920’s Brooklyn/Boston accent!
Kai’s special interest is mechanics! Before that, she was really into birds.
Whenever Kai kisses someone, she leaves lipstick stains, despite never wearing lipstick.
Kai’s favorite food is grilled cheese sandwiches!
Kai smells like strawberry lemonade!
Kai has TERRIBLE eyesight! She wears contacts in cannon (and in most AUs, the exception being NTK).
Kai is 4’11 due to the fact she didn’t sleep much when she was younger. If she had gotten the proper amount of sleep, she would’ve been 5’5!
Kai has a wattpad account, a character.ai account, and let’s be honest, she probably has tumblr too.
Kai had an emo phase when she was 12!
Kai sucks at typing (see ATUTH screenshots and Kai Drewniverse Twitter).
Kai has an undercut!
Kai’s head can pop off at will!
Her hair is so soft that its a viewed as a form of therapy!
Kai chews on things/people she likes!
Kai will steal clothes from her friends and family and claim they are hers, even if it is obvious they aren’t.
Kai’s hair is very expressive! It will spike up when she’s afraid and deflate when sad. Plus, her little ahoge will form different shapes depending on her mood.
Kai has separation anxiety!
Kai’s favorite love languages to receive are physical touch and words of affirmation!
Kai’s favorite love languages to give are acts of service and gifts!
Despite loving to work on cars, Kai is deathly afraid of driving them! She instead uses a motorcycle as her mode of transportation.
The reason Kai’s hair is the vibrant teal color it is today is because when she was younger, she wanted to dye her hair all pink. She bought the dye, but there was a labeling mishap at the manufacturer, and the dye was actually teal. She wasn’t too mad about it, and in her words, “I look like me more than I ever have before.”
Kai’s sneakers actually have metal under the sole so she can use them as tap shoes!
Kai’s hair is filled to the brim with a bunch of stuff! It’s like a mystery box.
Kai’s favorite show is Psych, and her favorite musical is Ride The Cyclone! (just like me fr)
Out of her friend group, Kai is closest with Mitsuba!
Kai’s really good at sleight of hand magic tricks!
Kai listens to Will Wood and Lemon Demon! Granted, she doesn’t have a favorite artist and will only listen to their music sporadically, as in her words, “I just listen to anything that makes my brain itch!”
Kai will keep anything you give her, no matter how good it is. She has an entire room dedicated to things she’s been given! She calls it “The Trinket Room”.
Kai says words like “documentary” and “supposedly” incorrectly. She refuses to admit she’s wrong, and insists she’s saying them correctly.
On the flip side, however, Kai uses words like raggabrash and zounderkite
Kai knows how to speak French! She learned it for no reason other than “I was bored.” (this one was made so I could help motivate myself to learn French!) (it did not work)
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Let me know if you want more Kai headcannons! This lil goober has invaded my brain for 5 years straight, I got a lot more where that came from!
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buppypuppy · 4 months
FOR ASK GAME WITH WULFGAR ineed to know everyones lore
13, 24, 30 ANDDD 34
YEEEEES wulf world..
13. what languages do they speak? how fluently?
I'm not sure if they just spoke english in bozja? I'd like to think no because it'd be more interesting than "Everyone Speaks Fantasy English Haha." but she Is from bozja so that + english. she's completely fluent in both as she also spent a lot of time around non-bozjans so it was helpful to have .
24. do they have any creative hobbies? (art, writing, music, etc)
Sort of! She doesn't particularly indulge in art/writing/music [though she does really enjoy singing, she has a voiceclaim in my mind (im linking the full song and its really good but the vocals start at 15:30 that's her voiceclaim lol) ] but she is a liek tinkerer/mechanic/stuff like that! Her "Canon jobs" are Reaper [learned while associating with a garlean deserter while in bozja trying to fight the garleans], Gunbreaker [obvious], Machinist, and Sage! She's technically an unofficial employee of garlond ironworks, but she mostly just likes to fuck around and make inventions and stuff on her own time for fun.
30. do they smell like anything notable?
Well working off the previous one she smells a lot like a machine shop pretty frequently, but whenever she washes off she likes soaps and stuff that smell like nice woody scents, and she also is quite fond of campfire smoke but that's a hard smell to get to stick to ya very regularly lol. cigar smoke as well she's fond of her cigars
34. how would your character describe themselves? it doesn't have to line up with how they really are.
Wulfgar would probably describe herself as an honest and hardworking woman [true,] a ladies' woman [and men sometimes too,] and damn good at working a grill [very true.] She appreciates the finer things in life from time to time but is also a victim to the vice of like, "sometimes i want to eat food that sucks and is bad." and she'd admit that.
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newyorkkiss · 5 months
its me 🥄 im still around im like.. on tumblr to an embarrassing degree because i have. well, problems i suppose. so rest assured i am, more often than not, seeing and enjoying the posts- i really do like all the fun stuff you find and the things you scan and the photos and gifs you post/make! also btw i just got done listening to that mount kimbie/king krule song you posted and i absolutely loved that. sorry i dont reach out much or come off anon ever its the. aforementioned problems. fun fact i live in united states central timezone (spoon technically qualifies as a semi local band to me) and have for all this time! i just dont ever sleep right haha. due to, circumstances. things sure suck and are weird huh! in a general sense. i think you can probably relate. 🫂 <- this is us if you want.
anywayyy sorry this got weird and sad lmaooo please keep listening to good music, including spoon, and posting about it so i can see!! i need to keep learning about how genuinely odd (affectionate <3) britt daniel is. something to be said for how ethereal and feylike he can come off while simultaneously being the most literally just some gen x guy ever. sir why are you willowy.. why are your features so delicate. why is your hair so downy. WHY are you wearing the lamest fit ive ever seen. and so forth, you know what i mean. i also like learning from you about what an adorable babygirlifiable dork alex fischel is which i had been sorely overlooking
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obligatory ↑
but yes spoon anon i missed you so much. you are so loved. please feel free to literally say anything any time. cutting this cuz i'm gonna yap.
that description of britt is so... accurate. like nail on the head 100% truth, words taken straight from my mouth, etc. he can genuinely be so beautiful – it's actually stunning. sometimes he can look like an evil goblin lol. it's astounding. seeing it irl is kind of blinding, hypnotic in a way? he moves so fluidly and perfectly. like 100% control and command of the space he's in – he knows what he's doing. like he could just be like any other performer and just stay stood in one place barely moving – let alone interacting with any other members, which is very lovely to witness – all interaction between them is so heartwarming, like you just know they all actually love doing what they're doing and enjoy performing. they goof off sometimes, don't give a fuck when they do. it's just lovely.
and yes alex is literally the babiest girl to have ever existed imo. only one other man is that good to me but i'm not mentioning (not shameful, just don't think anybody cares. it's sebastian vettel.) that aside he is also so... bizarre? which is something even i overlooked for an extremely long time until i was like Okay what is up w this guy what is his lore. he has a deeply attention deficit riddled childlike quirkiness that i have to resonate with. his tweets on the spoon twt are really unhinged. even his personal tweets are unhinged. he says some of the most random shit sometimes in interviews. he somehow manages to look so fucking beautiful when he's bored as fuck in interviews. i made a heap of gifs from one bts video from their twms era acl performance (need to track down the full thing and make more) and he's so fucking drunk it's endearing – he's just vibing the fuck out in his own little world the entire time. in the post-show interview he's looks utterly hammered sipping from a bottomless solo cup, not saying anything.
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^ literally girls when they're drunk and have no idea what anybody is saying.
it is impossible to hate him. he's genuinely hilarious and all second hand descriptions of him being an instigator and a wild man are extremely accurate. and he's also obviously extremely talented. it's so jhghd to see how -.- he kind of gets whenever britt complements him on that. i'd have to dig around but there was a lots era pod they did and britt complemented him on his ability to play guitar which is a more recent-ish thing for him and said he's better than he is and alex was like Ummm okay? that's not true -__- and it's like ohgh man.... like the first (noisy) solo on satellite is alex btw and it's good?? he even bashes himself for not being able to sing too which is such a lie he sounds like an angel whenever he does live backup... but alas. he is so loved. we love him. everyone loves him. we all know britt loves him. he is the entire universe.
also yes i will forever be posting my garbicth music need not worry... nothing will ever stop me from posting spotify links here or anywhere else. i have a massive general diary playlist of everything i listen to on a near daily basis and it's updated constantly. it's just one huge log of everything i've enjoyed since i was 16 lol. only becomes truly curated after mid 2017, though. also i apologize for the vast amount of greyed out local file tracks in that playlist but i swear a lot of them are worth tracking down if you're really interested.
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sycamorality · 1 year
talk about eclipse. send it
ahah. uhm. under cut. void knows ill go on for like 2 paragraphs
first of all, her ref:
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incomprehensible jargon of notes probably i wrote these for myself. anyway. she's an ancient --- sort of? she's. definently more creature than ancient. she's a bioengineer, programmer, engineer and pupept designer! though her official designation of sorts of programmer. bioengineering shenanigans lead up to her being more creature. and totally not lore related. but i'd rather not put that on a public tumblr post because i haven't revealed it in rp yet lmao
18 wings! why? why not! they're actually used for communicating via broadcasts - the feathers can send short-distance signals via specific gestures that her communications panel responds to. she had to change/recalibrate it a Lot when she lost her right primary wing and it still took some time to get used to. she didn't always have 18 wings either, it was just her primary wings until much later. oh and, actually, here's an rp snippet from when she lost that wing:
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my writing is lackluster but oh well. spears is not my character! he belongs to @/prismsoup. she then proceeded to have an existential crisis on the global line because she fears death more than anything (mind you this is post-mass ascension and pre-spearmaster). her left wing was lost in a void fluid accident - one of her superiors tried to force ascend her by throwing her in a vat of void fluid and that kind of. went Very wrong for him because he got echoed (suck that limit upon a silent vigil) and eclipse got out of that with only a burned wing! that never regrew. so now the iridescence on it looks like fire reflected through shattered glass - and sometimes, in the right lighting, like echo scales. meanwhile the iridscence on her other wings is much more gentle - appearing almost completely golden with a hint of many other colors under the light of a sunrise.
she has many scars - all of them are from her superior. he did Not like her for a Multitude of reasons and she flinches ayntime someone raises anything sharp at her and refuses to use anything but a spear because of it. this brings me to another part - she has a direct response that was coded in to her genome that, when shocked under distress, it will render her unable to speak and express any emotion because that sure is a way to get someone to listen to you huh. anyway the scar on her chest - as pointed out in the notes - never healed and will bleed if under stress. she's not vibing very well actually. not okay. she has The Horrors. many of them.
she much rather prefers to walk like a quadruped - though she can walk on two legs and four. she is some sort of [Weird Cat] and i love her for it. even her own wing bioluminescence and iridescence distracts her! she has an awful attention span but will focus intensly if you ask her about bioengineering or programming and will do her best not to ramble on for too long unless explicitly told that she can go on for as long as she wants to. she's very expressive! she can and will exaggerate her body language and flash her wings about for the sake of it.
misc notes:
she represses her emotions! woo! she's. very good at it. which is Bad
she's the programmer, engineer and puppet designer of my dude whispers of silver and appointed his slugcat (broadcast slugcat) senior for the sake of it. it was funny. and why not
she chitters, chirps and purrs. literally. she can speak but why speak when you can just mrrrrrp
her feather streamers move about whenever she's expression emotion
she hunted vultures for sport and liked carving their masks to trade them. despite this the local scavenger tribe hates her guts
she's never lived on an iterator superstructure! like, ever! this means that yea she hunted things for survival. she did however visit silver a lot and vibed in his chamber. they were very close.
unrelated to her canon at all btw but like in the silly rp she's go ther scars healed and is absolutely vibing being a weird cat. though uh maybe she's gonna yell at spears. maybe. (she totally is)
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fadebolt · 7 months
This blog is many months old by this point, and it seems like I'm slowly but surely being noticed by more and more people, sooooo I'm thinking a pinned post might be in order.
~ Hello! Hi! Sup!
Welcome to my lil space!
Name's FadeBolt, but feel free to call me Fade. (Yes, that is the name of a DotA ability. No, I did have more creative name ideas, I just did stuff under this one, so I'm sticking with it)
~ I'm an anxious 21 year old Hungarian wreck that is currently doing college in the northern parts of this small hellhole in the middle of nowhere that we call Serbia.
~ I like to gush and ramble about media. I like to interact with media. I like to make stuff about media. I like to look at, and take part in stuff that other people make about media.
~ Most of this blog is about my hyperfixation that has lasted for almost two entire years by this point, which is, you guessed it - Rain World.
~ Obviously, I still like other stuff (most notably Warcraft 3, as well as League of Legends and its wonderful lore/universe), and I might make posts about them on some occasions, but they're not my main interests, and considering how much I've entrenched myself in the RW community, that likely won't change anytime soon.
~ I don't really have a central thing that I intended for this blog. It's just simply - if I get ideas and I like them enough, then I'll do them. And if I stumble into something that really peaked my interest, or if I feel like I could add something onto it, then I'm reblogging it. (Though I do have a bit of an anxiety over that, cus whenever I reblog something, I always feel bad for the stuff I didn't reblog, but I can't just keep reblogging everything all day every day, so I often end up not reblogging good stuff. Help me. Please xd)
~ But the main things that you can expect here are long writings about my opinions, (mostly) fun drawing, voiceovers, and occasional ramblings about stuff.
~ I want this to be abundantly clear - I really value constructive criticism, no matter how unsolicited it might be. So if I said something you don't agree with, made a mistake somewhere, or just have some general issues with my stuff, don't be afraid to point them out. (Just make sure that it is actually constructive. The goal here is to improve, but there's not really much I could take away from something like "Your art sucks" or "Your opinions are stupid", is there?)
~ Due to recent, uhm... let's just call them 'events', I want to note that online discussions around politics and stuff related to that makes me extremely stressed and uncomfortable, especially after seeing what Tumblr can do to people who said stuff most folks didn't like.
~ This doesn't mean I'm making a strict 'no politics' rule or anything, I'm just looking to minimalize that stuff, and preferably keep it in private 1 on 1 conversations where I won't feel like I'm being judged by hordes of onlookers. This applies to any other contentious topic, too.
~ Unlike a lot of folks, I will not be having a DNI list. I know that this sounds a bit weird, but I want this space to be nice and happy and welcoming, and I do believe that media should be used as a way to unite us in spite of our differences (so this idea of saying "If you have these political opinions I don't like, then GTFO!" just doesn't sit right with me, though I completely understand why some people do that).
I also believe that instead of locking out and trashing on people who said and did stuff we didn't like, we should instead try and help make them understand why that stuff is wrong, so they can learn and grow, because people can indeed change for the better, especially with how many young folks are roaming around on this website. I won't force any of you to hold yourselves to these ideals, but I will stay true to them myself.
~ With that being said: I am not tolerating problematic stuff or asshole behavior here. I'll be somewhat lenient on this, but "I want this space to be nice and happy and welcoming" will always take priority over avoiding being judgemental of others. Just please don't bother me with stuff that's obviously messed up, don't be a cunt, and don't send NSFW my way, that's all I'm asking.
Aaaaaaaaand I think that's about all the important info for now. I might update this in the future, if need be.
Anyways, I'd like to quickly thank everyone who's ever supported me, taken part in positive interactions with me, or have even just quietly appreciated at least one little thing I have made/done at some point!
I was super scared that nobody's going to care even a little bit about anything I'll do, but I'm very thankful to have gotten proven wrong again and again and again by this wonderful community!
Have a wonderful day and night, everyone! Cheers! :D
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crow-mortis · 9 months
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⛧°。ᵗʰⁱʳᵗʸ⁻ᵒⁿᵉ ⛧ ⁿᵒⁿᵇⁱⁿᵃʳʸ ⛧ ᵖᵃⁿ ⛧ ʷʳⁱᵗᵉʳ ⛧ ᵖʰᵒᵗᵒᵍʳᵃᵖʰᵉʳ 。 °⛧
ᴬᴼ³⛧ ᵏᵒᶠⁱ ⛧ ᵗʷⁱᵗᵗᵉʳ ⛧ ᵍᵒᵒᵈʳᵉᵃᵈˢ ⛧ ˢᵖᵃᶜᵉʰᵉʸ
⛧°。 ┊ my stuff.
ʙᴏʀʀᴏᴡᴇᴅ ᴛɪᴍᴇ - ᴘᴀᴛʜᴏʟᴏɢɪᴄ - ᴀʀᴛᴇᴍʏ ʙᴜʀᴀᴋʜ/ғ.ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
⛧°。┊ fandoms.
ᴘᴀᴛʜᴏʟᴏɢɪᴄ, ᴘᴀᴛʜᴏʟᴏɢɪᴄ 2, ᴅᴇsᴛɪɴʏ, ᴅᴇsᴛɪɴʏ 2, ᴅᴀʀᴋᴡᴏᴏᴅ, ᴀ sᴏɴɢ ᴏғ ɪᴄᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ғɪʀᴇ, ᴍᴀss ᴇғғᴇᴄᴛ, ᴅʀᴀɢᴏɴ ᴀɢᴇ, ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ, ᴍᴀɴɢᴀ, ᴛᴏʟᴋɪᴇɴ-ᴠᴇʀsᴇ, ʀᴇᴅ ʀɪsɪɴɢ
Not everyone has all of their info in their "About Me" so I figured I'd provide this list for anyone checking out my profile. DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU ARE:
⛧ under 18
⛧ racist
⛧ lgbtqia+phobic *including transmeds, exclusionists, terfs and illegitmate sexualities/pronouns - i.e. MAP nor/mal, etc. (if they're meant to mock someone, i don't fw you)
⛧ pro-birth/pro life
⛧ xenophobic/islamophobic
⛧ sexist/misogynistic
⛧ pedophilic/MAP
⛧ ableist
⛧ anti-vax/anti-medicine
⛧ I also don't fw animal abuse, MAGA, blue lives matter, or general bigots.
I can/will add to this if I think of/run across more.
more under the cut !
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This is the hardest thing for me to do on any social media website. I'm horrible at talking about myself unless it's in relation to one of my interests. Which, I'll briefly list below:
⛧ music
⛧ video games
⛧ creepy stuff/cryptids/ARGs
⛧ gardening/homesteading
⛧ crows
⛧ oddities/"vulturecore"
⛧ writing
⛧ photography
⛧ reading
I'm sure I have more I'll end up adding here eventually, but I can't ever think of many things I like right off the top of my head.
Call me Crow. I'm 31 y/o, nonbinary, pansexual, and my pronouns are they/them. I'm married and we have two dogs, one cat, a parrot, and twenty-four chickens (I post about all of them a lot so you'll probably get to know them well if you follow my blog.) We live on a 2 acre homestead in southern Appalachia. I practice conjure and rootwork that was taught to me by family and neighbors growing up. I love to forage and make my own herbal salves and tinctures, as well as canned items like preserves and jellies. My partner and I are also professional portrait and event photographers, and I love posting our work whenever I get the chance.
My favorite band is Coheed and Cambria, with Sleep Token and Ghost following closely behind. I'm an old school emo kid, and I also listen to a lot of pop-punk, numetal, and post-hardcore. I also dive into j-rock and SOME Appalachian gothic, neotraditional country, bluegrass, and folk music. My tastes are a little all over the place and if it sounds good I'll probably like it.
I am a gamer, and my favorite game is a tie between Bloodborne, Baldur’s Gate 3 and RDR2. I have also been playing Destiny 2 since the launch of Destiny 1 in 2014, and I fall in and out of love with it every few weeks. Depends on what the content is giving me at that time. I also really like Minecraft and other comfy games like Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing. I'm a huge fan of horror games and I especially love the ones with deep and interesting lore and worldbuilding.
I'm a writer, and have been actively doing so since I was 11 years old. I haven't published anything, as it's more of a hobby for me than anything (plus imposter syndrome sucks). I have a world building project/RP that I've had going with a friend of mine for almost a decade now. I love thinking of/writing new characters and short stories. I used to write fanfiction but I'm not consistent enough to post multiple-part fics anymore, and my schedule doesn't leave much time for that sort of devotion. So, for now, it's just a hobby I get to enjoy with a few select friends.
I'm really into creepy content. Cryptids, cosmic horror, ARGs, analog horror, and the occult. I've seen a lot of what there is to offer on YouTube, so I'm always open to suggestions on stuff that I may not have heard of. I also like to collect bones, antlers, and other oddities.
I'm a big reader, and I'm currently doing a 52 week book challenge for 2024. I usually read 2-3 books at a time for when my ADD says I need something different.
I am also autistic and was diagnosed as an adult (age 27). I also have relapsing/remitting MS; it affects my short term memory, vision, and balance, primarily. I also sometimes have some other cognitive issues (forgetting/flubbing words, names, etc.) I am on treatment for a few of the symptoms, but it does impact my daily life.
I think that's about it. Sorry for the wall of text, but I really don't know how else to format this.
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duhragonball · 1 year
You know, I don't think I've seen a lot of people call out the Zamasu saga for sucking. In fact, a lot of people think it's the best part of Super for some reason. Why do you think that is?
I think about this a lot. Really, whenever I dislike anything popular, I try to understand the appeal. I still haven't figured out baseball, though.
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A lot of it has to do with Future Trunks making a return to anime. Fans loved that guy. I remember seeing merch of him everywhere back in 2000, when his run in DBZ was airing on Cartoon Network. I wasn't a huge fan of Trunks at the time, but I still got swept up in the hype enough that when he fought Perfect Cell, I was convinced that he was going to be the one to beat him.
Then he was just... gone. He went back to his own time, and the Majin Buu Saga and GT happened, and they hardly ever mentioned him. I mean, that was partly because they had their own Trunks to take his place, but also the story had moved on, and Future Trunks had his own life to live. So I think a lot of fans kept a candle in the window, hoping he would come back somehow, and the Zamasu arc scratches that itch. When they first announced what the next arc would be about after Universe 6, fans were excited. I was apprehensive, because Frieza's comeback wasn't very impressive, so I doubted they could do Trunks justice. But I think a lot of fans were happy to take Future Trunks any way they could get him.
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Mostly, though, I think fans like this arc for the villains. All the fan art I see from it is Goku Black and Zamasu and Merged Zamasu. I can't deny their charisma. They're always making those handsome smirking faces, and they both done got a purty way of talkin'. These two could read the phone book and a lot of fans would tune in to see it.
Which is a good thing, because they talk a lot in this arc, yet have very little to say. "Project Zero Mortals" is exactly what it says on the tin, yet they keep giving speeches about how they decided to do it, and what makes it so important, and why they hate mortals so much.
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And the good guys do a lot of talking too. I swear, it feels like half of this saga is just gods standing around explaining shit. I've said in the past that Dragon Ball Z is like if a truck full of professional wrestlers crashed into warehouse full of superhero comic books. The Zamasu arc is like a truck full of 20-minute promos crashing into a warehouse full of word balloons. But if you enjoy Beerus, or the Supreme Kai, hey, here they are! They don't do a whole lot, but they're in this thing.
I think that a lot of fans like this thing because they take it at face value. They accept the premise of the story, that it's a mystery involving genocidal gods and evil doppelgangers and time travel, and they don't trouble themselves with the details. They see the glass as half full. Or maybe they see it as completely full, because half a glass was all they needed or wanted.
For my part, I'm a nitpicker, and overanalyzing is part of the fun. When I watch something and enjoy it, I think about what I liked the most and why. And when I don't enjoy something, I can't help but notice the flaws. This is especially true with Dragon Ball, which I mostly love, but there's parts that are just awful. The mainstream public probably couldn't tell the difference between an episode of Z, GT, or Super, but I can, and I have wildly different opinions on each show, even though they're all basically trying to do the same thing.
So with the Zamasu arc, I tried to accept it at face value, but I still couldn't get into it, and I started to wonder why, and noticed all these problems. Too much padding and stalling, the fights are unsatisfying, and so on. But if you just dig Zamasu and Goku Black's vibe, or you're only here for the Kai lore, or you just put this show on to listen to while you clean your house, then you're probably not going to go hunting for problems.
Well, maybe that's unfair of me to say. I'm sort of implying that people only like this saga because they don't pay attention while they watch it. That's not what I'm driving at. What I'm trying to say is that it's a lot like GT, where it seems like most of the fan appreication is devoted to designs and concepts, rather than the story itself. People like Goku Black and Super Saiyan 4, but I never see anyone go "Oh wow, my favorite part was when Goku Black stabbed Vegeta and it didn't kill him for some reason!"
And that's a valid way to enjoy art. Sometimes things are just fun to look at, and voice actors are fun to listen to, and it's not always about what the characters are doing and saying. This is how you get all those fanart works where Vegito Blue and Merged Zamasu are roomates for no reason. Sometimes stuff can exist without context.
Or maybe Zamasu Saga Likers are just funny in the head. They like circus peanuts and prefer Dr. Pulaski over Dr. Crusher, and they put the milk in before the cereal. They probably love baseball too...
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xxlordalexanderxx · 2 years
Get to know the author!
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name: Jessica or Slurku
pronouns: She/Her
preference of communication: Either here via IM or Discord. I don't like to give out my discord freely, if you really want it, ask.
most active muse: Alexander and Cromwell. Don't got time for anyone else atm.
experience / how many years: Been RPing since March 7th 2006 for nearly 17 years now ( I have that kind of memory) I got my start on Gaiaonline did a lot of anime RPs like Inuyasha and Full Metal Alchemist and Naruto and Pokemon and I'm not fucking proud of how I used to write shit either. I would take a 3-4yr break before coming back to RP on tumblr where I was in the Wreck it Ralph fandom from 2012-2018. I would occasionally RP on skype when that was relevant as well. I had a few RPs in dA notes for some reason but that didn't last long.
platforms you use: tumblr, not interested in RPing in discord or anywhere else.
best experience: When I first debuted my evil ( or more evil and animalistic) King Candy Cybug and freaked a bunch of people out, that was funny as hell.
rp pet peeves: Being rushed for anything ever. This is my hobby and you are not paying me, do not ever rush me for anything even if you are nice about it. Because regardless of how nice your are I can still see that you are being impatient with me. I am a person with a life and health issues who also takes care of a parent with no kidneys.
Too many fight RPs scare me, I get skeeved out because I had a horrible fucking time after a while in the WiR fandom. Just constant fight and big-dick muse measuring is annoying. Anyone can make their muse god.
This isn't to say I won't do them, there has to be reason for it. Alexander looking to hunt someone but said quarry decides to fight back is more than welcomed.
Not being able to land hits on muses when fighting and taking all the hits sucks and I will write myself out of said fight because at the point things get boring. Fighting is give and take. Alexander is tanky and I will write him as such but he can be hurt too.
Lore breaking is pretty upsetting to me.
People who don't readmore super long replies. There's really no excuse not to do it, you can do it on mobile even so...
Making starters for people who never answer them. I will not do so again but you are free to throw one my way.
Relentlessly and constantly, and I mean over staying your welcome with annoying my muse get's tiring at some point. I do have fun with Alex getting irritated but if it's just all the fucking time I get a little irked myself. I know it's fun to poke at the big bad scary monster man but my brain starts to hurt piloting this big bitch of a man at some point, please chill sometimes.
fluff, angst, or smut: All are good in moderation.
plots or memes: I don't mind either or.
long or short replies: For plots, medium to long as long as things are formatted to not clog the dash. I don't mind short replies but only if muses are just shooting the shit. I'm not a fan of one-liners for plots.
best time to write: When I'm well rested, fed, showered, properly medicated, hydrated, caffeinated, and gotten my irl stuff taken care of and whenever I feel like it.
are you like your muse(s): Sometimes. In a more milder sense I'm not trying to eat people I'm a lot nicer than he is but I don't take any shit either.
tagged by: Stolen from @cflight
tagging: God
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