#where i can read more fanfic like dawg
So like, i haven't watched any playthrough of SMT V, neither i have a really good idea of the plot. Yet, i read a lot of AoShu fanfiction on the past week (mostly by KivaEmber) and i must ask.
Is the fandom of the ship dead or-?
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gortashs-skidmark · 2 months
Tieflings DnD - variations for the fanfic writers and artists!! -
There’s a lot about tieflings on the internet. THESE ARE CANON, except for one thought i put in.
If you’re gonna do BG3 fanfics about Tieflings, please please please consider adding some spice with origin lore and CANON facts about their race :) it would be SO fun!
Pls I need more zevlor fanfic too.
PLS READ: I don’t believe in censorship or ignoring the subject of people who are oppressed, but be mindful of how you write and use oppression of dnd races on your tav pls.
- Orange; Canon Historical Events, Abilities, Bodily Facts, and Bloodlines. It means i think you should look into it.
Pink: I think it's cute. Red; Warning, Comment Purple; Headcanon (only one of them)
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; <3 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- Tieflings are prone to bad luck, because of the Curse of Aasimar.
- Planar Proverb “don’t ever make a bet with a Tiefling” hey I already made one with Lakrissa.
- They’re arcanally gifted, most of them. Zariel Tieflings are much better melee fighters.
- Tielfling Blood; is tainted from the hells so they could have human parents. Be descendants of demon, devils, evil deities, night hags, and succubus!
- i know y’all love aphrodisiac fanfics, succubus spittle is exactly what you need dawg. Someone make me a fanfic including succubus heritage.
- along with that, Tieflings are unable to breed with anyone except humans or other Tieflings. Literally. They can be Tiefling or human.
- Usually there is some tell to if they’re Zariel, Asmodeus, Mephistopheles by birth mark, or traits like cat eyes, or night hags bloodlines have red eyes without pupils or scelaras
EDIT: I thought the flaming pupils were cat-like slit eyes in the game, but Karlach does indeed have regular slits!
- Tieflings can be male, female, or without gender. It is a canon fact. A win for my gender struggling homies.
- They can have green, blue, purple, pink, yellow, red skin tones. With dark hair colors only like black, purple, dark red and blue. I don’t care for this, genes be gene-ing so have any color you want.
Mephestopheles is recorded as to having blue skin, pale blue whites and red eyes, soot black scales, with large wings in the 2nd Manual. BUT in a 3e version he is described having red skin, bat wings, being 9ft, with white eyes, and slick black hair. Both of these are present in Mephestophic Bloodlines in BG3. Raphael is the son, though cambion, is red.
Asmodeus rules the Nine Hells. Mephestopheles being his archduke, only rules the 8th layer. Asmodeus has a humanoid, and a scale-fiend version of himself. He's red, slim, 13ft tall, horned, vibrant red eyes, and a neatly trimmed beard. He is Lawful-Evil.
The Blood War (where Karlach escaped) is described as a "philosophical war" and which kind of evil would rule. Asmodeus plays a part but didn't start it, it's rooted in ancient Hell conflicts. Asmodeus claimed it was a senselessly bloody conflict from a militia standpoint. He really hates it, he's not a fan of it. INFERNAL POLITICS ARE FUCKING COMPLICATED. look into it :)
Zevlor was a Hellrider or Rider of Elturel! a Cavalry unit for Elturel during the 14th and 15th century. They ride horseback, and use spears and bows. They're well reguarded!! Zevlor should have more pride in himself for his service, being a refugee isn't his fault, or The Descent.
In the late 1400's striving for Paladin Knighthood in the Order of Companion was a rank of Hell rider. Before and after the year 1494, you could be a Paladin and join freely.
The Order of Companions was an Elturel, of Western Heartland, theocratic realm of Paladin Knighthood. It's just a region of Paladins that are highly reguarded. They typically worship Tyr, Torm, Helm, and Aumanator.
They kept order in the high capital of Elturel, preserving local civilization from outer destruction. They're super Lawful Good.
Typically an Oath of Devotion or an Oath of the Crown.
"For a City Guard, they outmatched the armies of the Whole Realm" - Forgotten Wiki Realms
They guard general land, they aren't really police, and can escort as far as Waterdeep if privileged to. It is a job they hold for life. I FUYCKING LOVE HELLRIDERS.
Shortly after Elturel’s descent into Avernus, the Tieflings were blamed for the fall, and expelled from the city entirely. Zevlor and any tiefling hellrider’s title has been stripped from them. Any hellrider’s were arrested at The Gate. And the reputation of tieflings sunk even lower.
Badlurian’s are Elturian’s rivals but Duke Ravenguard was tricked into coming to Elturel for politics and ended up helping and sending in troops to help fight. He’s extra important! I might find Wyll, all though lovely, useless, his father is very brave and noble and amazing for what he does.
- Tieflings can have feathers! Although rare. They can have fur, scales, or be bald like humans. They can be any variation of sorts!
- A more common portrayal of tieflings, is having solid colored eyes, whites and irises the same color. They can be black, red, silver, gold, or white.
- Tieflings are technically minorities and don’t live in the highest neighborhoods. It gives them an even worse reputation.
- Most of the Tieflings with famous status, also give bad reps. Climbing their way to the top in corruption.
- When Tieflings get nervous, experience anxiety, or are upset. They’re known to wrap their tails around their leg!! Super telling.
- They can use their tail like a monkey, very dexterous about it. It’s about 5-6ft long.
- Their ages, weight, height. All similar to humans. Idk how logical that is with 5 extra feet of meat behind them. Sometimes they can live longer, to about 120-150 years old.
- Tieflings can look just like humans. Though they can have their hellish features, those with strong hellish features are often killed at birth out of disgust.
- They can also have legs of a goat, tail akin to a horse or a lizard.
- Tieflings can be really good at thieving, hiding, and deceit.
- their diet consists of meat, marrow, gristle, fat, and bones. They’re highly carnivorous. They even eat roasted insects.
- Many worship Besheba, the goddess of bad luck, finding similarities in them and their goddess.
- Tieflings are as sensitive as humans, same hearing. They usually have dark vision. And their body temperatures can be colder or warmer than humans depending on their type of tainted blood. --Mephistopheles blood lines are from the frozen layer of hell, maybe their blood is colder.
- They don’t purr, sorry girlies. They’re closer to humans than Tabaxis or Driders.
- Tieflings don’t regrow horns unless they’re still young, though they do tend to file them down.
- They have a natural unsettling aura about them. Even if their heritage is unknown to others, it makes people uncomfortable. They also can smell of sulphur.
- There are so many Tieflings bloodlines. I love the Babau Tieflings bc they’re already known as uncanny creatures-- Babau Tieflings are gaunt and skinny, darker skin, and a small horn coming from the back of their head.
- Marilith Tieflings are known to be seductive- more than they already are, and have dark hair. They have snake-like half-bodies and have grey tongues.
- Succubus Tieflings! They’re like the ones you see in bg3, often have a small set of wings.
- Tieflings can have so many fucking variations it makes me dizzy.
- Tieflings can have bat-like wing shaped ears, that perk up and shit. I know yall think about ear movements. <zevlor has this>
Edit: Ya'll loved this :) I can do another on Tiefling politics if ya'll want. Or more bloodlines and fun facts if you want.
I have built another list of Canon facts about Driders and Kar'niss Headcanons if you monster fuckers are interested!!
Currently in the works; He Who Was Headcanons and Shadar'Kai canon facts and events.
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prettyevermores · 10 months
tenth doctor alphabet
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Tenth Doctor x gn!Reader
a/n: more fanfic for my fave boy!!! please enjoy <3
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
The Doctor would be very affectionate towards his s/o, me thinks so! He always wants to be near you and touching you!! (get your mind out the gutter)
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Him as a best friend would be flipping amazing! I imagine lots of giggles and lots of sass
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
My boy is ALWAYS down to cuddle, ALWAYS. He loves to lay on your chest and listen to your heartbeat <3 Brownie points if you rub his back or play with his hair
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
The Doctor??? Settle Down??? I don’t think that would ever happen. He tries to cook for you but it doesn’t end up very good, but he would probably like to have a clean room but his stuff is always strewn across the floor
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It would break his hearts to end it with you, if he did have to do it would probably be for a much more dangerous reason than he would like it to be for.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
The Doctor would want to waste a single moment with you. He wants to cherish every time he sees you smile, every time he hears your laugh.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s the most gentle and sweetest soul towards you :)
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
MY BOY LOVES TO HUG!!! I feel like he would give so many good hugs tbh, I want a hug from Doctor
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
I feel like I love you with The Doctor would be apart of his confession to you.
I imagine i love you would be like ‘Y/N, I’m so in love with you and I cant just pretend to just be your friend anymore’
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He is very jealous when some hits on you or flirts with you. He’ll get really affectionate with you, like hand on the waist and a kiss on the cheek. Or the second option is that he’ll shove you behind his back, that’s if it’s your first time meeting Jack.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
HE IS SUCH A GOOD KISSER!! Like did you see him with Reinette?????!!!!! He’d love a good make out session me thinks. He’d love to kiss your lips and behind your ear going down your neck. Kissing the back of his neck really gets him going ;)))
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
I feel like he would be really good around kids, like he would be telling them stories about his adventures. If your family has young kids, they would really look up to him.
IMAGINE HIM HOLDING A TINY BABY ASWELL THO?!?!?! I’m loosing my shit over that idea
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings will be very rushed in the Tardis, but there is always a stop for coffee and time for getting ready to go on an adventure
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights on the Tardis would be much more slow than the mornings. Like, having slow hot showers and then reading and cuddles with The Doctor before sleep
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Bro is not one to open up on first meeting someone (sorry Martha I love you queen) but I feel like over a certain period of time and A LOT of bonding he would open up and he does it all in one go. Like dawg just goes full swing.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He can get angry kinda easily but it has to be something that REALLY pisses him off to do so
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers every little detail about you..The music you like, the food you like to eat, how much you’re going hit a family member the next time you see them. The Doctor does not forget anything or any face
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
I think his favourite memory of you two is when on an adventure he got taken down as you two were separated and you continued to take aliens and people alike out to make your way to him to save him
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Any time you have an adventure that is way more dangerous than other, he’ll keep you close to him. You are his number one priority 24/7
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Well you two kinda loose track of how long you’ve been together in the TARDIS but he always tries to make time so you two can have cute little evenings in together. As for gifts, I feel like he would pick up little souvenirs that remind him of you on your adventures.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He has a bad habit of getting into a power-crazy ego state and no one can seem to snap it out of him apart from you
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He knows that this regeneration is good looking and you know that he knows. He takes great pride in his hair and randomly has no extensive hair care routine to get it to look that good.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He doesn’t feel like himself without you :(
When you go back to your house to either visit family, pick up somethings or do basic human things, he insists that you take him with you!!!
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He. Is. A. BritPop Fan. (because he’s into his 70s punk stuff)
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He wouldn’t be into a partner that is really selfish and doesn’t help people out on adventures.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Bro doesn’t sleep, like literally never. A 15 minute power nap is good enough to keep him going for two weeks, he’d rather do other things.
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konigceo · 7 months
i rlly like ur blog and ur writings r rlly good! but im just confused on how ur a minor writing nsfw.
(i don’t wanna be that person but i needed to ask. and also sorry if u have spoken about this before)
like ik when i was a minor (im saying that like i didn’t just turn 18 lmao), i read nsfw + had sexual feelings/desires/whatever and wished there were more minor ran fandom/cod blogs (because seeing mdni in someone’s post/bio rlly sucks), but i’m just confused on ur situation. like u can do whatever u want and if that’s what u wanna be doing, all power to u dawg!
sorry if this explanation was unnecessary, i just wanted to get context and explain myself. 😵‍💫
hi anon !!! thank you so so much for the kind words, it means the most :) to answer your question, i've been writing for fun since i was 11-12, and i read smut for the first time when i was around 10, so safe to say i've been exposed to it for a long time. and then i eventually got into mw2 and stuff around summer of this year (mostly because of the edits i saw on tt) and that turned to looking for fanfics on tumblr !!! i actually found one of my current mutual's blog, and was surprised at how someone like me (a minor) could write nsfw content and get so many nice people supporting them !!!
before i ever found any cod writers, i read a lot of fics about genshin and that pushed me to start writing a small fic, but i never got the nerve to upload it. but because i found 15-17 year olds who wrote SO GOOD and were getting lots of support, i figured i might as well try !!! as you can see if you scroll down on my blog, i started off writing some fluff, and once i got confident, i started writing smut, and that's where we are today :)
sorry for rambling on for so long anon, but i hope this answered ur question :) have an amazing day/night !
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nacaharachuya · 1 year
Okay so i realised im a fucking idiot and that i’ve been sending you shit through “?” And i have no idea where those messages go through so whoopdy doo ig but in my defence i wasnt able to send anything any other way bc.. uhh.. yeah my email wasn’t confirmed n all that. Im telling u man i’m a whole ass boomer rn🤦‍♀️ can’t even remember how to send an ask smh.
Anyways i only now finished reading svs because i’ve been putting it off in favour of reading different fics (works from other fandoms and… ooc soukoku fics. Listen i hate mischaracterisation as much as the next guy but i find them very entertaining okay) and AAAUURGGHH WHAT A BANGER. The way you write is immaculate if svs was a food it’d have a savoury taste like i’d be liking my fingers n shit. I found out about it when you posted on twitter you updated it (it was the smut chapter, by the way) and i was like “huh” and decided to read it and my god am i glad I didn’t skip over that tweet.
Idk if this was on purpose or not but verlaine is kinda cringefail in your fic and i love it. I am a firm believer that as badass as verlaine is he is undeniably embarrassing and i need MORE of that.
My one criticism for svs is that we needed more adam scenes. He should have been added like really, unnecessarily early on in the fic and act as a third wheel in the fic. But like a third wheel soukoku did not want or ask for but he’s just kinda there they can’t really get rid of him. Chuuya and dazai in their divorce arc arguing and adam is in the background thinking “i could crack a really funny joke from this” (on that note i added the lines “Adam’s blabbering makes more sense now, so they act as if nothing has happened. “When I lift this veil, you will seal the deal with a kiss.” He can’t stop himself from laughing, “I hope you enjoyed that joke too.” “We didn’t,” Verlaine says from across the shrine. “Paul be quiet.”” In my “collection of fanfic lines I chuckled at” in my notes. He’s so silly i love him. I love how he laughs at his own jokes he just like me fr.)
Anyways here are like two extra svs doodles. I keep thinking about how you said that chuu can fluctuate between genders (literally) and its so… zamn.
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And reading the scene where verlaine is brushing chuuya’s hair inspired me to draw this
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I have no idea how long chuuya’s hair is supposed to be like idk if it’s “yeah his hair is a little longer than it is in canon haha” or “yeah mf got some LONG ass hair looking like rapunzel”. Also I don’t remember if his lil ribbon was red or blue but.. i jus went with blue and i didn’t know if the pearls were supposed to be like on his head or woven into his braid so i just went with the latter. And again ALSO i know he was barefoot but i’m not drawing his fucking dogs okay.
This ask is long as hell never let me talk again LMAO
Currently looking at a detail i forgot in the drawing… not pointing it out in hopes you don’t notice it either smh but GOD DAMMIT 🤬🤬🤬
AND ALSO THANK YOU. I need svs criticism and ur right I should have introduced more characters earlier I just got carried away with skk because...IDK BUT ADAM WAS MY SAVING GRACEE. He was so silly I wanted to add him sooner but I was like wait....no... BUT HE IS IN THE SEQUEL!!! DW!!! His silly ass is there and he's cracking them jokes and Verlaine is like o_o. THE ADAM LINES WERE SO FUN TOO CAUSE HE'S NOT CRINGE HE'S JUST....HIM.
Verlaine is cringe-fail on purpose tho and I'm glad you saw that because I see him as an incredibly pathetic person who can't do normal human things. He would like bite open a metal can or rip it open with his hands because he doesn't know what a can opener is. He is that type of guy.
The art is just immaculate bro like straight-up BEAUTIFUL. Chuuya's literal genderfluidity is something I'm glad people like cause when I imagine divinity I think of someone not bound by sex or gender and whatnot plus I just don't think he'd give a fart. so like....world's most wonderful tits...but he's shorter.
THE WEDDING OUTFIT IS SENDING ME TO THE GRAVE THO LIKE. IT"S PERFECT AND IDK WHAT DETAIL YOU MISSED CAUSE I FORGET EVERYTHING BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT I"M. THE HAIR LENGTH I DIDN"T SPECIFIY !!! He looks so *crying emoji cause I don't have my phone* you don't have to draw his toes I just think barefoot chuu running up the stairs to meet dazai is very him. perseverance.
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nutria--oscura · 9 months
heaven heist! heaven heist! heaven heist!
new ep, more incomprehensible ramblings
~spoilers for s2 ep42 below~
family guy impressions? this early??? what was that intro?
artificer or rogue taylor? cool. cool cool cool
love that they're confirming that the teens are all still married
(about link's fact) ah yes, it all comes full circle
ancient roman gods, scary? really? (<- greek mythology fanatic)
HERMIE FACT! (his dad??? which?)
rotting meat? like their heart?
ah yes. the most important heaven lore - bathrooms
"if you did leave [heaven] you'll be in a lot of trouble if they found out" "just like north korea dawg"
love ron so much <3
"like obama" "like when they killed bin laden"
"normal's secret stuff" is it just water? like michael jordan's secret stuff in space jam?
"do you see the chicken that crossed the road in here?" "no but you do see the family guy chicken that fight its way through the background"
"you gotta piss into hell! YOU GOTTA PISS INTO HELL!"
"the dolphin nods" "the dolphin shrugs" "the dolphin rolls it's eyes" "the dolphin shakes it's head" "the dolphin shrugs and goes 'it's a living!' " hELP-
in order to SNEAK inro heaven they have to go to hell? fun
link is half way to being darryl
in order to SNEAK into heaven they have to SNEAK into hell? even better
spirit halloween plain? seasonally the ethereal plain becomes a spirit halloween plane?
i was gonna include the goth guy quotes but- well no-
"what do you do?" "well- i'm a teenager sir"
oh lincoln. you poor poor pissfoot
"with the precision of a us ranger sniper" grant is horrified~
the piss thing is gonna be next eps into isnt it?
NORMAL I LOVE YOU BUT NO WILL WHY (honestly same. id do that. for science)
oh gawd
darryl died via pitbull??? mr worldwide???
"did he go timberrrr" FREDDIE-
he takes the christmas lights down in february??? and puts them back up in march??? (cough closeson cough)
"we have an entire room where you can use q-tips in your ear with no consequences" (ok now i know what MY heaven looks like <- literally used a q-tip like an hour ago) "so do i its called my bathroom" "oh-"
"when you assume you make an ass out of you and some guy named sune..."
freddie spaghetti? cherry cheesecake? fufuwelder flam? so close to all being food related names (flan - flam?)
carol's not dead?
scary defending link <333
oh gosh darryl's so excited to see ron gosh oh gosh
GRANT AND DARRYL CONVO BEFORE THE WEDDING! i swear i just read a fanfic with this premise the other day, i cannot remember the name or by who but they sorta nailed it
anthony really knows how to end an ep
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hiccanna-tidbits · 3 years
New anon here. Are there CGI crossover ships you like other than the ones you talked about before; like not so popular ships? Also beside kris/anna, are there more canon ships that you consider NOTPS?
Sure, I’ve got a handful of other ships!!!
I really love Felix x Calhoun from Wreck It Ralph--Hero’s Cuties I think is the ship name??? Was bummed we didn’t get to see more of them in the sequel :( And I also think Fred x Honey Lemon and Wasabi x Gogo from Big Hero Six are pretty adorable, but I like TadaHoney and HoneyGogo a lot too. Honey Lemon is just supper shippable I guess??? OH and it’s not Disney/Dreamworks BUT I also ship Coraline x Wybie from Coraline and Norman x Neil from Paranorman. AND this is kind of a random one but I would kinda dig Moana x Te Fiti if not for the awkward size diff??? Like Moana straight did a power walk to this woman everyone else just saw as a lava monster singing a soothing song and being like “I know you’re not a monster, this isn’t who you really are babe <3″ and did the FOREHEAD TOUCH while Te Fiti was still a lava monster??? To get through to her??? Dare I say SAPPHIC VIBES lowkey???
Fun fact: Once I thought up this whole long fanfic idea where Te Fiti started out as a girl in Mo’s village who was her best friend before ascending to become a nature goddess and later getting corrupted into a lava goddess. And then later on Mo largely goes on the journey to restore the heart of Te Fiti to save her girlfriend from being a lava monster and it’s </3 ANYWAYS I never followed through with that idea and I don’t have anywhere near the drive to actually write that story but I planned it in excrutiating detail anyways XD
In terms of other crossover ships, I can kind of see Tadelsa or Relsa...which is ironic, given how overshipped I think Elsa is in general and how picky I think she would be with men XD But for whatever reason Tadashi and Ralph seem like guys she might vibe with??? Definitely platonically, even if it never developed into a romantic thing.
AlsO I’ve found that in certain contexts, Flynn x Astrid or Flynn x Tooth can actually work...oddly well as “Pair the Spares” types of ships??? Like they’re not my go-tos and I wouldn’t really give them much thought otherwise, but if their dynamic is written a certain way in fanfics or fanvids, it’s like...kinda cute??? Still would rather Felsa and Sweet Tooth if given the choice, but if that ain’t an option, these aren’t bad alternatives.
And there’s some ships that I’m kinda like “Oh!!!! That’d be cute!!!” but I can’t really get into it too much because I already OTP one or both of them with someone else, you know? Like that’s kind of how I am with Mavis x Rapunzel and Anna x Cassandra (saw a moodboard for this one and honestly loved the idea--Anna is 1000% Cass’s type!). But I’m always Team Jackunzel and Team Hiccanna at the end of the day, so...*shrugs*
As for canon NoTPs...the only one I can immediately think of would be like...H/anna (Hans & Anna), I guess??? I mean, he exploited her naivite, used her to try and get power, and then tried to murder her sister, so that’s a no from me, dawg XD But that barely counts as a canon ship, I guess. STILL a more interesting relationship than Krist/anna though lmao--if I had to read a fanfic of one, H/anna definitely makes for a more complex and interesting story, even if the ship itself is toxic af lol. Other than that I don’t really NoTP any other canon ships--I’m pretty all right with most of them, or just kinda indifferent at worst.
Thank you for the ask!!!
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zarisdonut · 3 years
My thoughts on JJ's confession (s14 finale)
*Spoiler alert*: its gets loooooong
So i just watched 14x15 where JJ confesses she loves Reid and idk.. it didnt feel believable in my opinion????
Like, ive always seen them as siblings and idk,, it felt strange watching it. Like, I know that in the earlier seasons, Reid had a little crush on JJ (can you blame him tho? that woman is goregeus) but they shut that storyline down pretty fast and until s14 finale, JJ talked and treated Reid as a brother (and the other way around).
Plus, it doesnt make sense,, if she always loved him, why didnt they get together in earlier seasons???? Bc she thought he didnt love her back??? And why did she stay with Will if she loved Reid???
Idk man. I feel like if they'd wanted to make Reid and JJ follow this slowburn friends to lovers soulmate storyline, they shouldve hinted it throughout the seasons.
Like, it feels pretty sudden, yk? As if they didnt plan this until s14, and they were like “shoot, the finale is coming. Okay guys, we need drama, what can we do? Cause we've already made the "fake death" storyline, and dont get me started with the "character everyone loves gets shot" storyline... uhm... okay, we’ll make JJ say she has always been in love with Reid cause why not”.
I feel like (im a big jemily shipper so get ready for my rant) JJ confessing her feelings for Emily would've been more believable??? Like, it wouldve made sense after the ep 200 and stuff (im too tired to start explaining why JJ and Emily are in love with each other, but you know.) why she had stayed with Will all this time and why loving Emily was her deepest secret, yk? When she realised she loved her, it was already too late and she already got married to Will and had a kid together. Plus, Emily moved to London and stuff. Anyways, thats only my jemily heart talking and thats not what this post is about. Might write one tho (or maybe even write a fanfic???) about how they shouldve wrote jemily as the slowburn we deserved and stuff.
Idk, man. If theres something that really upsets me in this world is lazy writing and making JJ say she has always loved Reid felt like that. Like, if you wanted to pursue that storyline, let Reid be the one that appears in JJ's hallucination (in the 200th ep). Or let them have special codes that only they know (Like 'blackbird') or make it seem like Reid is the only person that understands her in the world, like she truly sees her. It's the little details that they couldve scattered throughout all the seasons to build up to the s14 finale. (And also dont let JJ say Reid is like a little brother to her if you want for us to believe she is in love w him, dawg) Sorry for the rant, I'm just a sucker for slowburn romances and I get very upset when they dont do a good job.
Anyways, im very conflicted w the everything rn. And w all that said, imma go to sleep its so late lmao.
(idk if someone will ever see this post but if youve read everything, man, you deserve a prize or something cause god, im so annoying. Someone take the tumblr acc from me lmao).
(This is only my opinion and if you ship JJ and Reid I respect that (and i wouldve shipped them too if they had done the job right). I just wanted to get my thoughts out of my mind to see things more clearly)
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persoaprilo · 3 years
I know that Chloe feckin Price is tough punk grrl, aggressive and all that shit, but goddammit I like to write her character in fanfiction like she's sweet and caring, even if she curses too much. Idk, maybe this is an impression paralyzed Chloe gave me or something. I mean, look at paralyzed Chloe, listen to her gentle voice if you accept her request. Her voice is soft, she's kind and loving towards Max almost all the time you spend with her. I want to write an AU where Max (she can somehow tell Chloe to not let her join Vortex club) managed to save Chloe and William both so Chloe isn't paralyzed, where this Chloe can be a nice girlfriend for Max. Not that punk-ish Chloe is a bad option or something, but blonde Chloe is really softer in her friendship with Max, even if she's still this mischievous girl. Don't look at me like that, punky punk, I still love you. Yeah, put that bottle down. Thanks.
Well, in fact I could write some one-shot, but well... I'm not this good at writing fanfictions in English, so I don't know whether you'll like it or not. It's just that, in Russian ficwriting I usually go "more description and less talking" style, but after I read about 3 hundred fics at AO3 I'm not sure I can write in style "I don't fuckin care how much description in here just write something oh my dawg stop being second-guessing yourself, Ap". Mostly I worry because if you write a fanfic with more talks and less description in Russian then people can start throwing tomatos at you because "there's a shit ton of long, beautiful words in Russian and you use a 0.0001% of them for a bunch of dialogs". It's literally one of comments I received about 5-6 years ago when I started to write my first fanfictions (about Phineas and Ferb).
So yeah, let me know if you want some one-shot depending on my little AU with Chloe and William being alive and not paralyzed. If there will be a lot of people who want ziss — I'll write it and post it here. Or at AO3. Maybe.
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kokoholman · 4 years
Okay so I NEED HELP!  So in the past I read this one fanfic in the Hypnosis Mic fandom, and it was posted on Archive of our Own. And it was really REALLY good. But over time I took a small leave from the fandom and I stop reading it. UNTIL NOW!!
And pretty much, I want to read it again, since I didnt think about saving it on my bookmarks or something like that. Mind you it was created when the fandom only had about
fics and it has
over 4,000
now!!! And I do not have the biggest attention span! 
Okay so all I remember about the fic is that it was about the original 4 Division leaders Ichiro, Samatoki, Ramuda, and Jakurai all switch Divison teams for a while( I dont remeber how long) and for more help i faintly remember a scene where Ramuda burns a picture of his days in the Dirty Dawg.
Thats sadly all I remember, Im sorry I cant help more. If this fic sounds familiar can someone just tell me the name or give me a link, I’ll keep searching till then!!!I’m sorry for the inconvenience!!!!Ans thank you for reading/ helping!!!!!
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miguel-manbemel · 4 years
Aspects & Fanfics Ep. 38: Two Weddings and a Runaway
Once again, here I present you another episode of the main narrative of this fanfic blog inspired on Sanders Sides by Thomas Sanders, Joan S. and the Foster Dawg team. I have not much to say this time, so I’ll just leave you with the episode, and hope you enjoy it. Until next time.
SYNOPSIS: The day has finally come. Two weddings are taking place at the same time in the Royal Castle. Logan and Patton, and Janus and Remus, are getting married, and everything looks fine for them. However, tension between Virgil and his son Chris is building up. Virgil tries to control his life too much, overprotecting him, and Chris is getting fed up of not being able to live his life as he wants and being treated like a child.
WARNINGS: Mentions to fractures and bleeding wounds. Remus is there, throwing some inappropriate shenanigans. Of course, lots of romantic prinxiety, logicality and dukeceit.
[intro sequence]
[the main room in the Royal Castle of Sandersia is filled with people. Roland is at the altar waiting for the two couples to make an entrance. Joan and Talyn are sitting on the first line among many other Sandersian guests. Then we see the backstage where Thomas is waiting next to Logan and Ian is next to Janus. Thomas and Ian are wearing ordinary suits, Thomas with a necktie with embroidered flowers, Ian with a black shirt and yellow bow-tie. Logan is wearing an elegant suit, with an indigo jacket and necktie and a black shirt, full of sparks as if it was the sky at night full of stars. Janus wears a suit that is an inversion of Ian’s colors, a yellow shirt with a black bow-tie and jacket. The bow-tie has a drawing of a snake on each edge, each looking at the opposite direction. He still wears his habitual bowler hat, as no one could convince him to take it off. Chris is there too, next to a little table with baskets of flowers on it. Virgil arrives to drop the final basket, full of artichoke petals, on the table]
CHRIS: Do I really have to?
VIRGIL: Yes, you do, and don’t mess up. This is the most important day in our friends’ lives, it has to be perfect. When you’re done with a basket, go through the back door back here and pick up the next basket. Remember…
CHRIS: Yes, indigo gentians for Logan, light blue poppies for Patton, yellow chrysanthemums for Janus and green artichokes for Remus. We’ve rehearsed it again and again for the last two weeks, you almost didn’t let me do anything else but training on that.
VIRGIL: Okay, then use that training and do your work. I’m going back to the dressing room to see if Patton’s ready and to wear my royal outfit. It’s so uncomfy, and the crown ruins my hair…
CHRIS: Okay…
THOMAS: I’m so nervous, you guys, you have no idea.
LOGAN: Thomas, calm down. You make it look as if you were the one marrying.
THOMAS: Hehe, it’s funny. When Roman and Virgil married, it was you who said that, in a way, I was the one marrying, since both Roman and Virgil are both part of me.
LOGAN: Okay, you may have a point. But calm down please. Your state of nervousness is not adequate at all for the optimal development of this ceremony of marital sanctions we’re all about to commit, so please, take a deep breath and relax.
THOMAS: I deduce that you’re nervous too. You only start talking in that over the top technical language when you’re reaching the edge and want to pretend you’re keeping your cool.
LOGAN: You’re right, I’m nervous… because you’re making me nervous. Please, as I told you, relax.
THOMAS: I’ll try. You trusted me with the task of taking you to the altar and I’m not gonna fail you.
LOGAN: Thank you, Thomas. Janus had his brother Ian, Patton had his son Virgil and Remus had his brother Roman, so I was feeling a little alone in that walk through. Thank you for accepting being my groomsman.
THOMAS: It’s my pleasure, Logan. Remember that you are my family too. Of course I wouldn’t leave you all alone.
LOGAN: I know, thanks.
THOMAS: Okay, everyone remembers what we have to do and when, right? First the four of us come in the room in couples, following Chris throwing the petals, and then walk to the altar. But who enters first?
JANUS: Would you mind leading the way? I’m so nervous I couldn’t trip and fall at all. I’m not sorry for that lie… Ugh… I don’t hope I don’t mess up when Roland asks me for my consent to marry…
IAN: It’s okay, relax, Jan. You can do this. This is just a mere procedure. Before you know it, you will both be wearing your rings, you’ll see.
THOMAS: I’ll lead the way then, Janus, don’t worry, everything’s gonna be…
[sounds of trumpets are heard from the room]
THOMAS: [his voice cracks and sounds loud and squeaky] …fIne. [clears his throat] Okay, the time’s come. Hold my arm, Logan. [mumbling] Lord help me not to trip and fall…
LOGAN: I’m ready, Thomas. Let’s go.
THOMAS: When you’re ready, Chris.
[the double door opens. Chris opens the door with the first basket of indigo gentians and starts throwing petals all over the way. Logan and Thomas enter the room and walk solemnly. When Chris completes the route, he goes through the back door, almost running. In a few seconds, he appears through the double doors again with the second basket, full of yellow chrysanthemum petals and does the same, then Janus and Ian enter the room. They’re around ten steps behind Logan and Thomas, with Chris between them. Both couples are so nervous they can barely notice the people looking at them in awe. Finally they all reach the altar. Chris runs away through the back door and Thomas and Ian drop Logan and Janus’ arms and walk a few steps away. They all start looking at the doors. After a few seconds, Chris enters through the door. He shows a face of resignation while he throws petals of light blue poppies, then Virgil and Patton make an entrance. Virgil is wearing the royal gala uniform, similar to Roman’s uniform, but with a purple sash. He’s also wearing a small royal crown as the consort prince of Sandersia. Next to him, Patton is wearing a light blue suit with a gray vest and necktie. They both walk solemnly towards the altar. Patton looks at Logan and blushes. Logan notices Patton’s necktie and shows an emotional smile of pride. When they arrive to the altar, the music stops. Chris runs through the back door. Virgil leaves Patton with Logan, who holds his hands, and then Thomas and Virgil step aside. After a minute or so, hard rock music starts suddenly playing, startling everyone. Chris enters throwing full artichokes everywhere, a little frustrated, while Roman and Remus enter the room. Roman wears his royal gala uniform and shows a face of resignation while Remus is wearing his usual outfit and dancing to the music. When Chris reaches the altar Virgil speaks to him in a low voice]
VIRGIL: You were supposed to throw artichoke petals, not full edible artichokes!
CHRIS: [blushing with a mixed face of embarrassment and anger] I know, it was Remus’ idea to replace the basket. Don’t blame me! It was shameful enough already for me with the original basket, you know?
[Chris goes to sit down next to Joan and Talyn while Virgil sighs. When Remus gets closer to Janus he grabs his hands. Janus is blushing a little bit as the music stops, with a little gesture of shame, but smiles anyway]
ROLAND: Distinguished guests. We are gathered here to witness the union of Logan and Patton and of Janus and Remus as married couples. If anyone in this room knows a reason for which any of these unions should not take place, speak now or forever hold your tongue.
REMUS: Oh, don’t worry, they’ll hold their tongues… [looking threateningly at the audience] because you want to keep your tongues attached to your mouths, right?
JANUS: Remus!
REMUS: I’m just kidding. There’s no reason why we shouldn’t marry anyway, so you may continue…
[Roland looks at Remus in confusion. Then, he clears his throat and continues]
ROLAND: Let’s just go to the main ceremony then. As there are two couples, and I’m concerned about what Remus would have written, let’s skip the vows and go straight to the consent step. Each hold your partner’s hands and look at each other in the eye. Logan, do you take Patton to be your husband, to love and to cherish for as long as you both shall live?
LOGAN: That couldn’t be more adequate… I mean, I do.
ROLAND: Patton, do you take Logan to be your husband, to love and to cherish for as long as you both shall live?
PATTON: [emotional] Of course I do.
ROLAND: Now, Janus, do you take Remus to be your husband, to love and to cherish, for as long as you both shall live?
JANUS: I don’t… sorry, it’s the nerves. [he starts nodding nervously]
ROLAND: I’ll take that as a yes. Remus, do you take Janus to be your husband, to love and to cherish for as long as you both shall live.
REMUS: Of course I take him, [wiggling his eyebrows to Janus, who blushes] and how I’ll take him…
ROLAND: [frowning] “I do” would have been enough… Okay, who has the rings?
VIRGIL: I have Patton and Logan’s rings.
ROMAN: And I have Janus and Remus’ rings.
[Patton and Logan pick up their rings and so do Janus and Remus]
ROLAND: Okay, Logan, place the ring on Patton’s finger while you read from this book.
LOGAN: [reading and putting the ring on Patton’s finger] With this ring, Patton, I thee wed, and I promise to love and respect you in sickness and health, in richness and poorness, in good times and bad, until death do us part.
ROLAND: Now it’s your turn, Patton.
PATTON: [also reading while putting the ring on Logan’s finger] With this ring, Logan, I thee wed, and I promise to love and respect you in sickness and health, in richness and poorness, in good times and bad, until death do us part.
ROLAND: Very good, now it’s your turn, Janus. Don’t worry about the nerves, you just have to read from this book.
JANUS: [sighs, then puts the ring on Remus’ finger while reading] With this ring, Remus, I thee wed, and I promise to love and respect you in sickness and health, in richness and poorness, in good times and bad, until death do us part.
ROLAND: Your turn, Remus, and please, don’t be creative just right now. Stick to the book so that the ceremony can be valid.
REMUS: Okay, if you insist, but only because I can’t wait for the banquet to take place [wiggling his eyebrows at Janus again] as well as our own private dessert… Okay, sorry, I’ll read now. [reading from the book while putting the ring on Janus’ finger. Janus has previously taken his yellow glove off] With this ring, Janus, I thee wed, and I promise to love and respect you in sickness and health, in richness and poorness, in good times and bad, until death do us part.
ROLAND: Each couple has expressed their free consent in front of witnesses to be joined in wedlock, so by the powers vested on me by the state of Sandersia, I now pronounce you married couples. You may now kiss each other… Each his own husband only, Remus, before you ask.
[Patton and Logan kiss and so do Remus and Janus, while the audience cheers. Time goes by and everybody is in the big dining room in the royal castle, everybody is having their meal. Thomas and the Sides, as well as Roland and Ira, are sitting on the main table, the rest of the guests are in different tables. Everybody seems to be enjoying the party. The songs from the Sides playlists are being heard as a background music for the guests all the time]
THOMAS: What a party. This is what we missed on your wedding, Roman, Virgil. I’m glad that we are able to live it now, although I would have wished you’d have your own party too.
ROMAN: Me too, but, oh, well, the past is in the past, and the important thing is that we got married in the end, that we’re still together, and that we’re living happily ever after. Even If that “ever after” has discontinuities from time to time, but we always come through them eventually.
[Chris gets up from his chair]
VIRGIL: Are you going somewhere, Chris? You didn’t finish your dish yet.
CHRIS: [sardonic] If you must know, I need to go to the bathroom. Don’t worry, I can walk there by myself with my own two feet. I promise I’ll wash my hands like a good boy.
VIRGIL: I don’t like your attitude today, young boy.
CHRIS: Well, dad, like that song said, I’m sorry I can’t be perfect. See ya all in a minute.
[Chris leaves the table. Virgil sighs again]
VIRGIL: I don’t know what I’m gonna do with him… it seems like he puts himself against anything I ask him to to. It’s exhausting.
ROMAN: Well, you gotta understand that Chris has had a totally irregular development. He was an adult less than 24 hours after being born and we didn’t have time to process it. Maybe you should give him some space to spread his wings. We can’t control every step of his life, no matter how much we both would wish to do so.
VIRGIL: If only I could do that… but it’s like I can’t help it. Once a worrier, always a worrier, and I fear so much about Chris’ safety, all the time… And I know this is wrong because it leads to overprotection and that’s not good… but I can’t help it. I’m overprotective by nature and I don’t want anything wrong to happen to my son.
THOMAS: But you must give him some space, Virgil. Eventually, you will have no choice but to let him live his life. That has happened generation after generation in the human world and that’s how it’s gotta be.
[Virgil has no time to answer, as, suddenly, the music stops and the lights go dimmer. Some servants place what looks like a training dummy and a bullseye in the middle of the hall, in an empty space between tables. Then from the main doors, Chris makes an entrance. He’s carrying his fencing sword and has a belt full of little daggers]
VIRGIL: [in shock] What… is going on here?
CHRIS: [theatrical voice] Distinguished guests. In order to please my grandparents and uncles in their big day, I’ve set up a little show of fencing that I hope you will find entertaining.
VIRGIL: What? He prepared that ridiculous show despite me explicitly forbidding him to do so?
ROMAN: Let him do his show, Virgil. If you make him nervous now, he could really get injured if he makes a mistake.
[Chris starts his show. He showcases some fencing moves towards the training dummy. He looks majestic and everyone in the audience watch in awe. Roman even gets emotional with a little tear dropping down his cheek. After he’s done with the fencing, the audience applauds him]
CHRIS: Thank you so much, everyone. And now, to finish my show, a little practice of aiming. I don’t think anyone could be endangered, but just in case I recommend that everyone steps aside from the bullseye, for your own security.
[the guests that are the closest to the bullseye do as Chris asked and move a few steps away. Then Chris starts aiming at the bullseye, then throws a dagger. It sticks at the center of the bullseye. He throws six more daggers, they all land around the center, forming a perfect equilateral triangle. Everyone applauds. Then, Chris starts juggling with five of the daggers, walking around the tables as he keeps on juggling and the amused guests cheer and applaud. When he reaches the main table, he notices Virgil’s face of anger. Chris shows a face of doubt and fear, and accidentally grabs one of the daggers by the edge. He obviously cuts his hand. He groans in pain, dropping the dagger immediately and all the rest of the daggers fall to the floor next to his feet, while the audience screeches in fear]
VIRGIL: [scared] Chris! Are you okay!?
[Virgil jumps over the table to get to Chris and check his hand. Blood is spurting out of a long cut right in the middle of the palm, so he quickly grabs a napkin and puts it around Chris’ hand, tying it as tightly as he can so that the hemorrhage is contained. Then, Virgil takes Chris to the sick bay, almost dragging him, while Roman tries to assure the audience that everything’s fine. A nurse there attends the wound properly, disinfecting it and covering it with a proper bandage. Then, the nurse leaves Virgil and Chris alone in the room]
VIRGIL: [angry] I knew this was gonna happen! I knew it!
CHRIS: Don’t dramatize, dad. It’s just a little cut, that’s all. You heard the nurse. In a few days, I’ll be good as gravy.
VIRGIL: I told you not to do this, because I knew this would happen! But you never listen to me! And now you’re wounded! But it will be the last time!
CHRIS: [suspicious and afraid] What do you mean?
VIRGIL: Fencing is over for you, Chris. Since you’re not responsible enough to hold a knife safely, you will hold no knifes or swords at all.
CHRIS: [horrified] But dad! Fencing is my life! You can’t…!
VIRGIL: [sudden tempest tongue] Don’t argue with me! [beat, then normal voice] I’m tired of having to push my way through your stubborn skull! From this point on, you will obey me with no question! Is that clear!?
CHRIS: [mumbling] I hate you…
VIRGIL: What was that?
CHRIST: [yelling] I HATE YOU! And I wish you weren’t my father at all! You are the worst parent anyone could have! You’re not good enough to be a fa…!
[Virgil interrupts his statement by loudly slapping Chris in the face. Chris puts his hand on his cheek and looks at Virgil with his eyes full of tears. Virgil gets suddenly horrified when he realizes what he’s just done]
VIRGIL: [trying to reach his hand towards Chris] Chris… I’m… I’m sorry, I…
CHRIS: [yelling, on the verge of sobbing, slapping Virgil’s hand away from him] Don’t you ever touch me again!
[Chris runs away from the room]
VIRGIL: Chris, wait! Don’t go!
[Virgil runs behind Chris who is a much faster runner. Chris gets out of the castle, ignoring Virgil’s calls to come back. He summons a horse, jumps on it, and rides away to the distance. Virgil watches him go, with his eyes full of tears]
VIRGIL: I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…
[Roman gets next to him]
ROMAN: What happened, Virgil? Where is Chris?
VIRGIL: I messed everything up, that’s what happened. I knew I wasn’t good enough to be a father. Chris thinks that too. And I only gave him proof of that right now when I slapped him in the face like the monster that I am. I’m a horrible father and now Chris hates me!
[Virgil starts crying, Roman hugs him tightly]
ROMAN: It’s okay, calm down, my love… You’re not a horrible father and for certain you are not a monster. You… we are just doing our best, the best way that we can. We both love him and only want the best for him in his life, and that’s not my idea of being a bad parent. Is it?
VIRGIL: Well, my best is clearly not good enough, it seems.
ROMAN: Virgil, don’t let this unfortunate event overwhelm you. Chris and you just need to have a good old talk, and understand each other’s point of view. And then, everything will be fine, because you love each other, and that has to count.
VIRGIL: Chris hates me, with good reason, I must say. I don’t think he’ll ever want to see me again.
ROMAN: Don’t be so negative. Chris doesn’t hate you. No matter if he told you that, I’m positive he didn’t mean it, just as you didn’t mean to slap him in the face. It was all just a product of the emotional state you were both in.
[Roman summons a bright white horse]
ROMAN: Come on, let’s go back to the Mind Palace and look for Chris.
VIRGIL: But… the wedding?
ROMAN: Thomas and Roland will take care of the guests, and the grooms will understand. This is more important right now. Let’s go.
VIRGIL: I didn’t mean to drag you into this.
ROMAN: Drag me? Chris is my son too. I’m as responsible of his education as you are. We are in this together, and we’ll get out of this together. Now ride with me and let’s go fetch our son.
[Roman helps Virgil get on the horse, then he gets on behind him. Then they ride the horse, following Chris’ steps which, as they had guessed lead straight to Roman’s room. They get off the horse and enter the room]
VIRGIL: Chris? Chris, are you here?
[there’s no response. Virgil and Roman walk up the stairs and knock on the bedroom. They try to open it, but the door is locked]
VIRGIL: Chris, if you’re in there, open the door, please. I just want to talk to you. I’m with Roman too, so that you don’t feel uncomfortable being alone with me. Please, open the door.
[no response]
ROMAN: Chris? It’s your father. Please, open the door. I’m sure we can amend everything if we give a chance to dialogue. Please.
[still no response]
VIRGIL: I have a bad feeling about this…
[Virgil tries to peek through the keyhole. The room inside is in the dark]
VIRGIL: There’s no light inside. Either he’s there with the lights off, or he’s not in there at all. But why is the door locked then?
ROMAN: You’re right, there’s something wrong here. Wait a second.
[Roman summons a key. Then he unlocks the door and opens it. Inside, they find the room completely empty]
VIRGIL: Where is he? Where could he have gone?
ROMAN: Look, there’s a note on the bedside table.
[Roman picks up the note and reads it]
ROMAN: Oh, goodness…
VIRGIL: What does it say? Tell me!
ROMAN: You’re not gonna like what it says.
VIRGIL: Gimme that!
[Virgil takes the note from Roman’s hand and reads out loud]
VIRGIL: “Since you cannot respect my hopes and dreams and what I want to do in life as a Side, I have decided to move away to somewhere where I’ll be able to fulfill my goals without being a burden to anyone around. I’m moving to the Dark Realm. It is empty and calm right now and all I want now is peace. Don’t try to follow me. At least try to respect my wishes for once in your life. Signed ‘Chris’. P.S. Say goodbye to Thomas and the others for me and tell them they will always be in my heart.” Oh, no… not the Dark Realm. He won’t be able to survive there for long, Roman, he’s not a Dark Side!
ROMAN: You’re right. One thing is to visit that place from time to time, but staying there for the long term could be dangerous for him. My heart is torn between respecting his wishes and going after him, but we have no choice. We need to go after him.
VIRGIL: Let’s go, then.
ROMAN: Do you still remember the way, Virgil?
VIRGIL: I’ll never forget the way, Roman, even though I tried. Let’s go.
[Virgil holds Roman’s hand, then they both sink down. Then, they appear in the Dark Realm]
VIRGIL: Gosh, it’s all so void and empty… no sign of our old rooms anywhere. They were all gone when we transformed into Light Sides. Only Remus’ room remains… Do you think he may be there?
ROMAN: Who knows. It’s worth a try.
[Roman and Virgil start walking. After some time, they reach the wall behind which Remus’ room hides]
ROMAN: Okay, hold my hand. You know that only Remus and I, and now Chris, can go through this wall and any other Side needs our help.
[Roman and Virgil hold hands and cross the wall. Then they appear in Remus’ room]
ROMAN: Maybe it would have been better to go by the sea, if we had known.
VIRGIL: Chris? Are you here? Nothing, there’s no answer… but look, the front door is open. Could he be in Remus’ castle?
ROMAN: Again, it’s worth a try. Remus’ castle is an appropriate place for hiding and training in sword-fencing, if that’s what he wants in life, as long as he stays in the throne room and doesn’t venture inside the castle with all its traps scattered everywhere…
[Roman and Virgil enter the castle. They’ve only walked a few footsteps when they hear a desperate yell in the distance]
ROMAN: What was that!?
VIRGIL: I think it was Chris’ voice! [yelling as loud as his lungs allow him] Chris! Where are you!?
CHRIS: [from a distance] Dad! Is that you!? Please, help me! I can’t hold on much longer!
[Roman and Virgil show a face of horror]
ROMAN: He must have fallen in one of the traps! Oh, how I hate being right this time!
[Roman and Virgil start running in the direction where they heard the voice]
VIRGIL: Hold on! We’re on our way!
CHRIS: Hurry up, please! I’m falling!
[They finally get to the place where the voice was coming from. They find a corridor with a huge chasm in the middle. Chris is holding from the edge, but his hands are slowly slipping]
VIRGIL: Chris! I’m here! Hold on!
[Virgil runs, fast as a thunder, to the edge of the chasm. Roman follows him from behind. They find Chris there, with horror in his face]
CHRIS: Dad, father! Please, help me! I don’t wanna die!
VIRGIL: [kneeling towards the edge, reaching his hand] I promise you, you won’t die! Not today! Hold my hand!
CHRIS: If I drop my hand from the edge, I’ll fall. My other hand is wounded and I won’t last long holding from it!
[Virgil looks at Chris’ other hand. The bandage is stained in blood, proving that the wound is open again]
VIRGIL: If you don’t hold my hand, Chris, you’ll fall anyway. Please, trust me! I won’t let you down! I swear!
CHRIS: Okay… please, hold me, dad!
[Chris hesitates, then he drops the edge with the healthy hand and reaches Virgil’s hand. Before he can reach it, the wounded hand, unable to support Chris’ weight, slips out and he starts falling]
CHRIS: [yelling] No! DAD!
[before anyone can know how it happened, Virgil is holding Chris’ both hands. He’s hanging on the chasm, with his body in it down to the waist. He slowly starts slipping into the chasm, but Roman quickly reacts and holds Virgil’s legs, then Roman starts pulling with all his might, until both Virgil and Chris are safe and out of the chasm. They’re both breathing heavily, still terrified. After a second, Virgil hugs Chris tightly, and kisses his forehead and cheeks rapidly]
VIRGIL: My son, my dear son, I thought I was losing you! Oh, my goodness!
CHRIS: I’m sorry, dad! I’m so sorry!
[Roman joins them both in a group hug]
VIRGIL: Okay, can you walk?
CHRIS: I don’t know…
[Chris tries to stand up, he immediately falls down]
CHRIS: My leg! I hit my leg on the walls of the chasm when I fell in. I think my femur is broken.
VIRGIL: Oh, no…
ROMAN: This is troublesome… We are inside Remus’ castle and, as we have seen, his traps are still working. But Remus is at the wedding, so… [face of realization] wait a second.
ROMAN: We’re in Remus’ castle now, so that means we’re in Sandersia again. And that means that I… Give me a minute, guys.
[Roman closes his eyes and concentrates]
CHRIS: I’m so sorry, I caused two messes in one day. You were right, I’m not responsible at all. I’m just a spoiled child.
VIRGIL: No, Chris. You were right. My obsession with overprotecting you has caused all this. This is my fault. I’m so sorry I slapped you earlier. I was scared and frustrated and… I didn’t know what I was doing. You were right. You have all the right to experience life by yourself doing whatever fulfills you, no matter how dangerous I think it could be. You need to learn how to deal with these minor dangers and you never will if I get in the way. So, of course you can keep doing fencing if that’s your passion. I won’t object.
CHRIS: Thank you, dad. You were just trying to take care of me… as you’ve always done. I’m the one who’s sorry for telling you all these horrible things. Of course you’re good enough as my father. I wouldn’t want anyone else other than Roman and you as my dads. Would you please forgive me?
VIRGIL: Only if you forgive me too, my boy.
CHRIS: Deal.
[Chris and Virgil hug]
ROMAN: Okay, the help is on the way.
ROMAN: As we’re in Sandersia, I can make telepathic contact with any Sandersian, including Ira and my brother Roland. I’ve told them everything that happened and asked them to send help. I hope they don’t take too long.
CHRIS: I’m sorry I spoiled the wedding for everyone…
ROMAN: That doesn’t matter right now. The important thing now is that we get you to safety. And for that, we’ll need Remus to help us evade all the traps, if any. We were lucky enough that we got here without falling ourselves in another trap, and with you barely able to walk, we’re gonna need Remus’ guidance, so we’ll be staying right where we are until the rescue committee arrives. Now, let’s see that hand. I don’t like how it’s bleeding.
[Roman kneels towards Chris and takes the bandage off Chris’ hand. He summons a bottle of peroxide and some gauze, then starts cleaning the wound, which has effectively opened and is wider than before]
CHRIS: I didn’t know you had knowledge of first aid care, father. [grimace of pain when Roman touches the wound with the gauze] Ouch…
ROMAN: Sorry… I’m a warrior. I need to have knowledge of this kind of stuff just in case I need to use it in battle.
[Roman takes his red sash off, then rips it apart with his bare hands to make a bandage. He covers Chris’ hand with that bandage and ties it carefully, making sure that the hemorrhage is contained]
ROMAN: That should do it for the time being, at least your hand won’t get any worse. The leg is a different thing, though. I’m not versed in fractures, unfortunately. We’ll need to take you to the hospital in the Sandersian town so that they take care of it.
CHRIS: It’s okay, father. I’m sorry you had to ruin your precious sash.
ROMAN: Don’t worry, I’ve got lots of sashes like that one and it wasn’t one of my favorites. I only wore it on special occasions… precisely because I didn’t want to wear it often. I’m glad I finally gave it a good use for once.
CHRIS: Do you think they’ll take too long to get here? I mean, I can wait… but my leg hurts so much. I’m scared that I won’t be able to walk properly again if we wait too much.
VIRGIL: I know, Chris… but you must endure the pain. They have to cross the sea and get to Remus’ island, and then here safely. That will take time. But at least we’re together.
CHRIS: I know. I don’t know how I would have dealt with this on my own. Well, I do know, I’d be dead down in that chasm… Thank goodness you didn’t listen to me and that stupid note I wrote.
VIRGIL: Which reminds me… why did you lock your door if you weren’t planning to come back?
CHRIS: I was hoping that with the door locked I’d buy myself some time to run away while you were figuring out if I was in my room or not. It’s a good thing it didn’t work.
ROMAN: Yes, and it’s a good thing I can summon a key for every lock in my room, as well as in Sandersia. Please, don’t ever do something like that again.
VIRGIL: Yes, I was ready to respect your wishes and let you go. We only followed you because you said you were going to the Dark Realm. You can’t live in the Dark Realm, Chris. You’re not a Dark Side, and it would be dangerous for your safety to stay here for a long time. We can only visit that place from time to time, but we, Light Sides, can’t stay permanently, not anymore, at least. Corruption would eventually destroy us.
CHRIS: I didn’t know that… I’m sorry again. Dad?
CHRIS: I suddenly thought of something. Remus is a Dark Side, right? And Janus is a Light Side. Now that you’ve spoken about corruption, I remembered the story about how, when father was turned into a Dark Side, you two couldn’t be together for the corruption. Why doesn’t that happen with Remus and Janus?
ROMAN: Well, Remus is not an ordinary Dark Side, Chris. It wasn’t Thomas who repressed him and made him a Dark Side. It was me. Because of that, he’s now some sort of “hybrid Side”. He’s part Light Side and part Dark Side, so to speak. That means he can’t corrupt us and neither can the Dark Realm corrupt him. That also means he’s not immune to Sanders Sprites, like regular Dark Sides were. That’s why Ira was able to take control of him so many times.
CHRIS: I see…
REMUS: [voice from a distance] Roman? Guys? Are you there?
ROMAN: Remus? Speaking of the devil, never better said… [yelling] Remus, we’re here!
CHRIS: Wow, they surely crossed the sea really fast.
VIRGIL: Too fast to go by the sea, I think. Perhaps they went the same way we did, through Remus’ room, as a shortcut.
[Remus arrives, followed by Thomas and the other Sides]
REMUS: Are you okay?
VIRGIL: Roman and I are fine, but Chris’ leg is broken. He’ll need help to walk. And we need help to evade the traps.
REMUS: It’s okay, I’ve disabled them all when we arrived. I’ll keep them disabled as I don’t need them for the time being. Why did you get here on your own, boy? Don’t you know this place is dangerous?
CHRIS: I’m sorry, uncle Remus. I didn’t know about the traps.
REMUS: Well, if you were so anxious to see my home, you could have asked me. I’m more than willing to give you a touristic trip around the castle, but warn a dude next time.
CHRIS: [trying to stand still] Okay… Ow, it hurts…
REMUS: No, don’t try to get up, that fracture doesn’t look good. And I know a lot about fractures. By my own experience of suffering and inflicting them.
JANUS: That’s not disturbing to hear at all…
[Remus summons a stretcher. Roman and Virgil grab Chris and lay him carefully on the stretcher. Then they both carry him out of the trap area, back to the throne room]
CHRIS: I’m sorry I spoiled your weddings, uncle Remus, uncle Janus, grandpas, I’m really sorry.
PATTON: Well, to be fair the wedding was getting a bit boring until you stole the show. It was amazing what you did over there, kiddo. You are a great swordsman.
CHRIS: Thank you, grandpa.
LOGAN: And don’t worry about the weddings. The party was almost over, anyway, and the important thing which was the marriage, was already done and sealed.
REMUS: Also, this will be a fine anecdote to remember for years to come. I love anecdotes that involve broken bones and bleeding wounds.
VIRGIL: [sighs] Of course you do. But let’s get out of here, now. He needs to get to a hospital.
REMUS: Okay, my ship is on the dock ready to go.
[The gang gets out of the castle and into the ship at the dock. Then they sail back to the continent, docking in front of the castle. There, they carry Chris to the hospital to take care of the fracture. Time goes by. Chris has got surgery to fix the leg and is in his room in the hospital, already wearing a plaster on the leg and a thick bandage on the hand. Roman and Virgil are next to his bed. Chris then starts waking up. Virgil’s face lightens up when he sees Chris opening his eyes]
CHRIS: [drowsy voice] Hi, dad… Hi, father…
ROMAN: [with a bright loving smile] Hi son, welcome back.
VIRGIL: [sweet voice] Hello, my little boy. How are you feeling?
CHRIS: Drowsy… How did it go?
ROMAN: It was fine. The doctor said it was a clean fracture, so they managed to fix your leg perfectly, though you’ll have to wear that plaster for at least two months. After that, you’ll be ready to start rehabilitation and you’ll be walking and running like usual in six months from today. There will be no sequelae on your leg, the doctors said.
CHRIS: Six months! Oh, well, I had it coming, anyway. At least in six months, I’ll be fine.
ROMAN: Oh, and they also took the chance to properly stitch your wound in your hand so that it heals better. The scar in your hand will be unavoidable, they said, but your hand will be fully operational.
CHRIS: That’s good to know. And it’s a silver lining, I wanted a scar to look cool and I got it. Guess that saying of “be careful what you wish for” is true, after all. [chuckles and the others sigh and chuckle too] By the way, how long have I been out of it?
VIRGIL: Around eight hours since they took you to the operating room, up until now when you opened your eyes.
CHRIS: Eight hours!? Then it is already the morning after the wedding! Have you two been here all the time?
VIRGIL: We didn’t move from this room. First waiting for the surgery to end, then waiting for you to wake up.
CHRIS: I hope you have slept, at least.
VIRGIL: Roman had to, as Thomas did get some sleep, and you know the rest of the Sides fall asleep when he does. But I didn’t. I couldn’t get a wink. I’ve been watching you all night long, just in case.
CHRIS: Dad… you shouldn’t have. You must be exhausted right now.
VIRGIL: I am… but don’t worry. I’m used to these nights of vigil. It’s in my name after all. And besides, seeing you sleeping peacefully is the only thing that calmed my concern and brought me peace tonight.
CHRIS: I love you. I feel like I don’t tell you as many times as you deserve, but it’s true. I love you so much and I’m so proud of being your son.
[Virgil looks at Chris, emotional]
VIRGIL: [trembling voice out of the emotion] I love you too, and every pain and struggle I’ve gone through in my life is worth it just for hearing these words coming out of your mouth.
CHRIS: Then hear them again. I love you, I love you, I love you.
[Virgil sniffs]
VIRGIL: Gosh, why I’m reminding myself so much of my father, Patton? They say like father, like son, but this is ridiculous. [chortles and sobs at the same time] Come here, kiddo.
[Virgil hugs Chris. Then Thomas and the other Sides enter the room]
THOMAS: Hello, guys. Hello, Chris, glad to see you waken. How are you feeling?
CHRIS: Hi, Thomas. Right now, I couldn’t feel better.
THOMAS: I’m happy to hear that.
PATTON: How are you three doing, kiddos?
VIRGIL: We’re fine, dad. But you shouldn’t be here. It’s the morning after your wedding, you should be on your way to your honeymoon.
LOGAN: Patton and I thought that if you two could wait to get your own honeymoon, so can we. We wouldn’t feel at ease if we left you here on your own when you may need us.
ROMAN: We appreciate it very much, but we’ll be fine, don’t worry. You can go on your honeymoon whenever you want. That goes for you too, brother, and Janus.
JANUS: We agree with Logan and Patton. If we left now, we wouldn’t enjoy our honeymoon. We prefer to wait until Chris is perfectly fine. We have plenty of time.
CHRIS: It’s gonna take six months, so don’t even think about it, uncle Janus. I’m already sorry I’m the cause of you delaying your trips, I won’t take being the cause of you canceling them altogether.
REMUS: Stop saying that. You are our nephew and grandson. If we didn’t do this for you, who would?
CHRIS: Gosh. It feels so good to be part of this huge fam. Did you notice? We’ve always been a fam, but now we are a fam, fam, for real, all of us. And I love my fam.
[Everybody goes to hug Chris, while Thomas looks at the camera]
THOMAS: Well, until next time, take it easy, guys, gals and non binary pals. Peace out!
[end card]
[a couple of days have passed. Chris is still in the hospital, recuperating from the surgery. Roman and Virgil keep him company. Ian enters the room]
IAN: Good morning, Chris. Good morning, guys.
CHRIS: Hi, Ian.
ROMAN: Hi Ian, how are you doing?
IAN: Not bad, actually. The guys are enjoying their honeymoons. It took time but we finally convinced them to get the heck out of here and enjoy their first days of marriage on their privacy.
VIRGIL: I’m glad to hear that. I was starting to think that they would cancel their honeymoons, and that’s not okay.
CHRIS: Agreed. I’m happy to know that I’m not the cause of them missing it.
IAN: It’s good that, at least, this has happened during quarantine in the outer world. At least Thomas doesn’t have urgent compromises for some time. I don’t know what we would have done if he had had his usual huge pile of working compromises and we weren’t able to help him.
CHRIS: Yeah, you’re right… Dad, father.
VIRGIL: Yes, Chris? Do you need something?
CHRIS: As a matter of fact, I do.
ROMAN: What is it?
CHRIS: I need that you two get out of this room for a couple of hours. You two didn’t leave my side in the past couple of days and you need to get out and feel the sun and fresh air as much as the next side.
VIRGIL: But, Chris, we’re fine. We…
CHRIS: Please, dad, don’t argue with me. And don’t worry about me. I’ll be perfectly fine. If you’re still concerned, Ian wouldn’t mind staying with me while you’re out having a break, right?
IAN: Oh, of course I wouldn’t. And Chris is right. You two need to get out of here and relax for some time.
ROMAN: Are you sure, Ian? The truth is I could use that break, my legs are aching of staying in that couch.
IAN: I am sure. Get out of here, guys. I’ll take care of Chris while you’re out, I promise.
VIRGIL: Okay, if you insist…
CHRIS: I insist. Get out and have some fun while you can.
ROMAN: See ya in a couple of hours, then. Come on, Virge.
VIRGIL: Okay… See ya later, guys. I love you, Chris.
CHRIS: I love you too, dad. Now get the heck out of here.
VIRGIL: Okay, okay. See ya.
[Roman and Virgil leave the room. Chris and Ian hear their footsteps fading in the distance]
CHRIS: Thank you, Ian. I thought they would never get out of here. And they really need it, even if they don’t want to acknowledge it.
IAN: Yeah… Okay, if you need me for anything don’t hesitate asking me.
CHRIS: Well, to be honest, there’s another reason why I wanted them out. I wanted to speak to you, alone.
IAN: To me? Why? Is there something wrong?
CHRIS: No, not really… I think. The truth is I wanted to talk to someone about something that is bothering me, something I don’t want my father and dad to know yet, especially my dad. If you promise that you won’t tell them anything, that is.
IAN: I hope you don’t put me in a serious compromise, Chris. You know I’m Honesty, and though I don’t support brutal honesty, I have to tell the truth if it’s serious business.
CHRIS: Don’t worry, it’s just the comfort of a friend what I’m asking for, or an uncle, if I can call you that. I don’t know if my uncle-in-law’s brother has a real relation with me, but I don’t mind calling you my uncle for all purpose, if you let me.
IAN: Of course I let you and it fills me with emotion that you would consider me your uncle. I’m certainly glad to call you my nephew too. Well, in that case, I’m here for you. What do you need to say?
CHRIS: Since all of this happened, I couldn’t stop thinking. I rushed everything by running away from my parent’s room as I did, and I’m facing the consequences of that… but the point is…
IAN: Yes?
CHRIS: The point is that, even if I tried to do it the wrong way, the motivation for me wanting to leave still stands. I love my dad and my father, and I will always love them with all my heart… but I’m an adult. Even if I was born only a few months ago, I’m certainly not a toddler. I’ve matured like an adult, both physically and mentally, and I’ve started longing to spread my wings and take flight on my own. I still want to leave my parent’s nest and build my own room in the Mind Palace.
IAN: Well, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. You’ve said it yourself. In all sense of the word, you truly are an adult. You’re only lacking experience of life, but that’s only gained by living life itself.
CHRIS: When I’m fully recovered, I want to tell them this… but I’m scared of their reaction. I don’t think that they would oppose, or anything, they already told me yesterday they were ready to support me. But I’m scared of breaking their hearts. Especially my dad Virgil’s heart. He’s so attached to me, so desperate to protect me from anything and everything, that I fear that I’ll cause him a panic attack if I tell him this now, after my accident.
IAN: Well, when someone becomes a parent, they know that, sooner or later, their child will leave to experience life on their own. If Virgil loves you, and I’m positive he loves you more than anything, he’ll understand, I’m sure of it. And besides, it’s not like you’re moving to a far away land or anything. You will still live in the same Mind Palace and you’ll never lose contact at all, don’t you think?
CHRIS: You’re right… Okay, there’s a long time ahead before that. I have six months of recovery to tackle on before I can think on that. In six months, we’ll have that talk. And I hope everything goes right.
IAN: Everything will be all right, you’ll see.
CHRIS: Thanks for listening to me. I needed so much to let this out of my head.
IAN: You’re welcome. Any time you need me, don’t hesitate calling me.
CHRIS: Thank you, uncle Ian.
[Chris holds Ian’s hand and gives him a heartwarming smile of gratitude]
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purrincess-chat · 5 years
Honestly thank you for like... Talking about this because I’m always scared to like reply to those kinds of people who nit pick because I’m afraid I’m bitchy but it’s so discouraging and it makes me not want to write anymore. But like I’m the writer I’m doing this for fun these people aren’t paying me I don’t owe them perfect writing.
Exactly, nonny. I will usually tell them like that's all cool and good, dawg, but like I don't care. And some shut up after that because they recognize that their critique isn't going to do anything, but this one. This one is a special kind of arrogant. I'm not kidding they are still to this day reading mdcsp and leaving me these comments. Every time they disappear for a week or so and I think they're done they come back and comment on two more chapters. I think they're on chapter 14 or 15 last they commented so they're nearing the end and tbh I can't wait.
I try not to be like "fuck you get off my shit" cause some people do mean well, but I have had a few assholes here and there. I had one I posted forever ago bitching about making Marinette changes schools at the beginning of mdcsp and how they thought it was a pussy move and it was kind of obvious that they only read the summary (cause they commented on chapter 1) and nothing else so I literally after their long rant was like "feel better now?" And they were like yeah, sorry I get salty when I'm tired but I stand by what I said. And I was just like "cool thanks for reading the entire fic instead of making a snap judgment from the summary" and they never replied again.
Honestly it doesn't bother me per se outside of just being annoying because I really don't give a fuck, but I know some authors aren't as secure as I am so this type of stuff is the opposite of helpful. I'm just here to have a good time as are many fanfic authors. And I do fundamentally understand that if you put something online anyone can comment on it and see it so trolls will happen, but there is a different level of rudeness that we (all the authors commenting on this discourse) are all addressing here. Because yeah the "lul u suk go die" trolls are everywhere and easy enough to delete and ignore with minimal impact on your self worth, but the ones who actually go line by line and nitpick when not asked to are a different breed of annoying.
Because as I pointed out in a reply to another comment on another post, the critiques they are leaving are rarely helpful.
1. Because if you're commenting on an unfinished piece chapter by chapter, you have no idea what that author has planned.
2. Even if the work is finished and you comment chapter by chapter you have no idea what is going to happen next so if you mention something and it gets resolved later because you just hadn't gotten there yet then you just look stupid.
3. Most authors aren't going to go back and fix things unless it's a silly grammatical error in which case they only might go back and fix it if prompted. But things like pacing and full overhaul likely won't happen.
4. You have no idea where a person is in their writing journey or what specific areas they are working on privately, so it's impossible to tailor your critique without getting to know the writer. Are they a 12 year old just posting for the first time or are they a 46 year old published author? You really don't know that most of the time when you click a new author unless they mention it, so how then can you give them the most effective critique? Spoiler: you can't.
5. Really unless you are working with an author privately behind the scenes, your critiques don't really do much. At least in my experience. Because by the time you see something, it's already published. And sure you can argue that you can help them be better in the future but honestly that writer is probably already aware of where their weaknesses are.
For me, I know my weaknesses lie in descriptions, pacing, and plot construction. I have a lot if individual ideas, but I don't always connect the dots well. I'm aware of that, so having someone say "hey you could have paced this better" or "I think this was rushed" doesn't actually do anything to help me? I know I didn't do that well, but no where in their critiques do they offer a solution to that problem. Pointing out that an issue exists without providing a method or resource to work on it or fix it isn't helpful. Leaving me one off comments without any offer of additional help or resources that can better me isn't helpful. All you're doing is pointing out mistakes. You aren't teaching me anything. You aren't helping. Can I say that enough?
My advice to budding authors such as yourself, nonny, is to take every criticism you read with a grain of salt. If you are aware of your shortcomings and working privately to fix them then know that you are already better than that person has seen you. I personally read every critique I get (even the unsolicited ones) and take a moment to decide if it's a valid critique or not. Most of them aren't because the issues they point out are either things I'm not worried about (missing a comma, having a typo, etc) or things that I've already fixed down the line elsewhere.
You get to decide whether to listen to a critique because not every critique is going to be correct or even helpful to you. Some of it will just be peoples opinions or just bad advice. And unfortunately learning to distinguish between types of good and bad critique just takes time. But don't ever let someone make you feel bad about your writing. Especially fanfic. And truthfully, no good critique should ever make you feel bad about your writing, so if someone leaves a critique like that then it's likely because they're just an asshole who doesn't know how to give proper critique and you can safely ignore them for being ignorant.
If this is a fun hobby then just have fun and ignore the haters. If you want to get serious about writing some day then seek out the proper sources of improvement and take the anonymous comments with a grain of salt. Work with people privately to get better, and only worry about those whose opinions matter (i.e. your critique partner, betas, people you trust, editors, etc.) Joe blow on Ao3 dot com who doesn't think you got a character just right can die mad and that's the tea.
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ravenvsfox · 5 years
ok bitch: 4, 6, 8, 15, 18, 41, & 48 for the fic writers ask meme
oh SHIT look at you go!! thanks babe ✨
4) What is your favourite genre to write for?
man I wish I could say I’m strong and multi-faceted but I actually gotta pass on fantasy and sci-fi
who has the time to build a world?? from scratch?? what the fuck
my wheelhouse tends to be drama and horror, plus the kind of magical realism that lends itself to fanciful description. I have lots of ideas for images and almost no ideas for plot, so I write kind of sad, wistful, circular stories lmao
6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?
ah ew 
I have a buried fanfiction.net account that is FULL of completely humiliating fic that I would actively chew up and swallow just to be rid of it
My whole hard drive is full of fic so self indulgent and terrible that it never saw the light of day, thank CHRIST
we’re talking criminal minds self insert fic and glee crossovers, man
(also my first couple of prompts for aftg were like mediocre smut that can..... go)
8) Where do you take your inspiration from?
Like I read a lot a lot a lot, if I’m not reading novels for a few months I genuinely read hundreds of thousands of words of fanfiction
and I often find that I read a phrase in a story or poem and I’m like oh dope!! how can I steal that in a way that makes it totally different and also mine
Sometimes my mind is blank and I try to snap my fingers and make a metaphor, and what comes to me is the last thing I studied in class. So maybe I was reading about Actaeon, ripped apart by his own wolves. And that’s such rich territory to talk about like self doubt or betrayal. Or I learned about the naming system in ancient Rome -- I could talk about how sad it is to be a contortion of your father. 
I was recently listening to the audio book of I’ll give you the sun and I was like ohhh yah this book majorly inspired my style, and so did stief, and so did the way my brother talks, and so did griffin mcelroy, etc, etc
You inhale your culture and you exhale a story that’s how it goes, homie
15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names?
keeping in mind that I’m the worst titler in the world lol
Honestly I usually just wrack my brain for the name that seems to fit the character outline and then I change it like 18 times when they inevitably sound too ebony darkness dementia ravenway
I had this wip where there was a fire-starter named simon, and then he became enzo like lorenzo (which is off the walls), and then I started calling him ren in my head a la footloose
and then sometimes I’m like okay this character is a leader and she’s from japan siri search japanese baby names meaning strong lol
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
Yeah dawg im tired
I was writing a doctor/patient au that I scrapped bc I got swept away in so many prompts
I started writing a oneshot where the feds arrest neil for the murder of his mother bc someone digs up her bones and they find his dna everywhere but I was like..... this is not that exciting a premise, so I left it for a rainy day ya know
I also wrote the first few chapters of a webcomic that eventually fizzled when the artist and I got busy, so yeah I feel like it’s usually more of a lack of time than a lack of passion.
41) What’s you favourite minor character you’ve written?
um idk if anyone remembers the shopkeeper that I wrote into my story about the twins?? A convenience store employee mistakes Aaron for Andrew and I liked that she was a sort of homely no nonsense person who liked drew better than aaron. like. what a character she would have to be for that to be true
I’ve written lots of tiny OCs that I probably like more, but this was one of my few fanfic characters that I was like. yeah. I could write 50 late night interactions between her and andrew
48) What’s your favourite trope to write?
I really like writing like... drift compatibility?? or its equivalent??? soulmates maybe? I love when two characters are very very in sync, and fiercely protective over one another to the point of self sacrifice
I also dig love confessions it’s my dirty secret as an andreil writer lmaooo I love tender helpless vocal love 
Fanfiction Writer Asks
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centeris2 · 7 years
A Star Stable Online fanfic. Features Raptor (NPC) and the character I play, Rebecca Lightknight. May spin off into a longer story, but works as a stand alone fic. While working around Jarlaheim, Rebecca runs into an odd fellow with green facial hair.
Read here:
“I heard the new mall will be opening soon!”
“Oh same! I can’t wait for the Jorvik Plaza to finally open!”
“It’s supposed to be three stories tall!”
“Not to mention there is supposed to be concerts at the mall for a week to celebrate!” Rebecca wasn’t paying much attention to the girls talking in the center of Jarlaheim by the fountain. She was preoccupied changing the light bulbs in the lamps that had burnt out. What sort of crappy lights did this city buy? She was replacing them every few days, it was ridiculous.
“Easy…” she said to Midnightwarrior to keep him from moving. The horse snorted and stood as still as he could while he rider carefully bent down. One would think they would at least give her a ladder to reach the light bulbs, but no, she stood on top of her horse to reach the bulbs. It was probably not the safest way to do it, but she had been doing this for weeks now and had long since lost her fear.
Sitting back in the saddle properly she nudged Midnightwarrior toward the southern stairs, no doubt some of the lamps in the smoky lower level were busted. The blond always wondered what had happened in this area and what caused the smog and why it seemed to abandoned. It seemed like half of the city was empty with all the boarded up stores and windows. She looked up and sure enough saw a busted lamp. After retrieving a fresh light from her bag she stood on top of her Jorvik warmblood again and ignored the looks of anyone nearby. This area of town was normally empty, and the only person she could see out of the corner of her eye was a man her age or a few years older. But her main focus was on screwing the new light bulb in.
“HEY-!” she yelped when a cat darted out in front of Midnightwarrior, causing him to spook and her to latch onto the lamppost so she wouldn’t crash to the ground.
“Yo ya a’ight?” she looked at the man who had watched her; he had taken a few steps closer and was looking up at her with concern. Midnightwarrior nudged her and she looked down at her horse with a smile.
“I’m fine,” she said more to her horse than to the man, but spoke loud enough for the guy to hear. She slid down the pole and looked at the broken glass from the bulb she had dropped. Glad she was wearing gloves, she picked up all the pieces she could and put them in the nearest public trash bin.
“Can I help you?” she asked the man who was still watching her. Giving him a more thorough look she noticed his goat patch was green. This may have been considered odd, but the salons in Jorvik had a rainbow of colors one could dye their hair. The amount of work required in constantly redying facial hair did make it seem strange to her that someone would choose to do that. He must need to get the color corrected on a nearly daily basis.
“I’m comin’ back to my roots, ya know?” was his answer to her question and she nodded once, not sure what to say. Should she strike up a conversation with this guy? He was looking at her oddly, as though he was expecting her to do something.
“You grew up around here?” she asked politely, patting Midnightwarrior when the dark horse nudged her arm as though to double-check that his human was fine.
“Yeah dawg, born and raised on the harsh side of Jorvik. I keep it real, ya know? Never forget where I started,” he had a habit of gesticulating and all Rebecca could thing of was someone into rap, or maybe punk.
“I… guess? Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, but I need to finish helping Gavin with the street lights,” Rebecca said as she mounted her horse and took the reins.
“You helping this city out?”
“I try to, not sure how much I can do besides maintenance; this particular area looks like it needs more than some new light bulbs…” she glanced around at the broken down stores. She could check fire hydrants and change light bulbs, but she couldn’t give the economy a boost and start new flourishing businesses here.
“I respect that. Now keep this convo on the down low.”
“Umm, alright? Good bye!” she raised an eyebrow at his request, wondering why he wanted her to not tell anyone she had seen him. Was he some famous person or something? She didn’t recognize him. Midnightwarrior started walking, heading toward the East Gates.
“Come by the mall and see the show, starting next week!” the man called to her and she realized she never told him her name, but she didn’t get his name either.
Midnightwarrior tossed his head back, trying to touch her leg with his muzzle as he walked and she laughed, patting her horse.
“I know, you’re sorry you spooked. Happens to the best of us sweetie,” she comforted her horse, knowing he felt guilt for letting her fall. With that she totally forgot about the man she had just met as she returned to her task of replacing the light bulbs in the city. She should talk to Jill about getting better quality lights, this must be costing the city a fortune.
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zephyrinx · 7 years
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(Hey look a picture that’s totally not just to get people’s attention haha wow)
OKAY SO- A BUNCH of people have asked Neon (@neon--nightmare) and I to make this roleplay public for reading! So we finally decided to do it!
THIS IS THE ROLEPLAY FOR THE FIRST TIME WALLIS GLOOM AND FRESH MET FACE TO FACE IN THE GV DISCORD RP. And not.... Face to mouth? Uh. First time they met and interacted in separate bodies. Yep.
- Wallis and Fresh have been at this for months, so there's a LOT OF TENSION AND FEAR. Wallis has been possessed twice before, and in that time, got a look into Fresh's own headspace- He's a stubborn asshole, so he pressed at things, and Fresh let slip that he had lost someone very close to him.
-Fresh wants Wallis GONE because he won't give up and keeps challenging his fragile worldview.   Wallis is stuck between wanting to be free of the parasite's near constant harassment, and wanting to HELP because he can tell how much Fresh is truly suffering. He feels as though a compromise would be getting him to leave, BY helping.
-Wallis and Purple are actually back together in this rp! It took like 4 months of near constant rp, but we got there! At the point in time that this RP took place, Wallis was staying at Purple's house recovering from the second possession. He’s... Pretty badly injured.
-Cake had also stolen his hat about a week or so prior, so he was totally defenseless! Geez, please help him...
-None of this is CANON!! This is just a RP between fans!! Fresh and Wallis belong to CQ, we just love them. A lot. Though we try to be as IC as possible, nothing that happened here is actually official canon!!
- This rp treats the events of the ‘loveball/time party’ (a rping event from a year or so ago that can be found in parts on @bestfresh90smess) as canon to Fresh's character! This is for the sake of development, and to help give context to some of the emotional problems he's currently having that have carried on from there! ‘Pacifrisk’ was Fresh's only true friend that he met at the Loveball and slowly grew to care about, but right when he was coming to terms with that (and wanting to protect them even when it had no benefit to him, something he couldn't comprehend) they were killed despite his protests.
-There's a lot more drama and context surrounding this, so some things may not make sense!! We've tried to make it as concise as possible, though!
-THIS RP HAPPENED IN THE GLOOMVERSE ROLEPLAY DISCORD!! It's applicant based only, but if you'd like to send in a form you can do so at @gloomversediscord !! OCs are welcome, too!!
So, yep! Please enjoy, and be nice!! :D
Fresh crept into the dimly-lit room, closing the door softly behind him. He could barely believe he had gotten in so easily - Purple hadn't been around and the front door didn't even seem to have been locked properly. It seemed almost too easy after all his planning, but hey, he wasn't complaining! Wallis had been practically asking for it anyway, with his 'tough guy' act and with all the problems he'd been causing escalating recently. And now here he was, with Wallis asleep and injured right in front of him!
The parasite leaned over his defenseless body, his grin widening until it looked almost painful. The YOLO letters on his glasses glowed faintly in the dark, as he gave the propellor beanie a flick and nudged Wallis roughly. "Rise 'n shine, Brahllis!! Wouldn't wanna all up sleep in an miss ya best brah, wouldja~?"
Wallis groans quietly, screwing up his face in response to the rude wake up call and pulling the blanket a little tighter around his shoulders. What the fuck, why was Purple trying to wake him up NOW?? He wasn't even hungry, and his pain was just a dull ache, surely the pain meds hadn't worn off yet.... Though, it was a bit weird- His groggy sleep-drunk mind slowly chugged along and processed the situation... Purple usually woke him up gently, and that voice... He replays it in his mind, until the garbled words finally made sense.
Wallis' eyes snap open, entire body immediately going rigid as his breathing stuttered to a complete halt for a second. His mind spun, chest aching just a little more- Oh no, no no no... He didn't look up. He didn't WANT to look up, and acknowledge the truth. This couldn't be happening.
The parasite smiled down at his terrified enemy over his shades, the cracked soul in his eye barely visible. "Glad ta see me again, homeslice~?" Fresh said in a dissonantly chipper tone, roughly grabbing Wallis's shoulders to prop him up and slip an arm tightly around his shoulders. "Cake slice wasn't lyin, brah, ya really letchaself go since da last time we all up had a friendly-like chat face ta face~!! Or would dat be thought-ta-thought or some junk?? Me ta ya?? Ah well, it ain't important anywho!!" The parasite gave Wallis' shoulder a quick squeeze, flicking a curl of hair on his forehead.
Wallis' breath hitches as he's pulled up, unable to stop himself from hunching over and shuddering as that arm is slipped around him in an almost FRIENDLY manner- He knew better though, and the contact just felt like gasoline to the fire that was starting to flare up in his chest again. He instinctively leans away slightly, completely aware of how vulnerable he was like this. No hat, no wand, in a weakened state and already basically under control thanks to Fresh's grip on him. Was this the first time he'd ever seen the parasite in another form other than his own...? Either way, it was far too soon.
"I... I-" He chokes on his own words when Fresh squeezes his shoulder, flinching away from the hand that came towards his face. He doesn't even notice his own hand come up to lightly touch at his throat, curling into a loose fist there protectively. If he was possessed again... He seriously doubted his ability to escape in this condition. By this point, he was quite visibly shaking, eyes wide and staring down at his own lap, refusing to look at his tormentor still.
Fresh chuckled at Wallis' obvious discomfort, a harsh sound that contrasted sharply with his fake-cheerful manner. His hand moved over to the bandages on Wallis' head and began undoing them none too gently, keeping a firm grip on the magician's shoulders all the while. "Aw, Brahllis, what's da dealio wit' dese~? Seems wicked inconvenient if ya cant see, yeah~?" There wasn't much of a point to this, and Fresh knew that - he just wanted to revel in Wallis' fear and pain a bit longer.
Wallis grits his teeth together, completely frozen at the invasive action- He'd grown so used to the bandage being there, and around the eye was still sore... The eye itself was still almost completely a dark grey colour, and his vision itself was blotchy and dark. The bandage at least gave him an excuse to why he couldn't see. Fresh obviously had no concept of personal space- If he did, then he was doing a damn good job of making Wallis feel vulnerable, defenseless and alone- Wait, how did he get in?? Where was..?
Wallis suddenly tries to jerk away, finally looking up at Fresh with a mixture of horror and anger- The former seemed to overwhelm the latter, though. "Wh-Where's- What the funk did you do with Purple?!! Where's Purple!??"
Fresh tightened his grip even more, digging his fingers into Wallis's arm before giving him a casual flick on the cheek. "Lingo, homeslice!!! Ya really gotta keep a better handle on yaself, yanno~? All up spreadin ya uncool vibes all over dis convo, dawg, dat ain't cool~" The parasite grin slipped a bit before recovering himself and tilting his head at the question. "Ya really gotta learn ta take a chill pill, broski!! Ah hahaha, ya sound maaaad <3"
Wallis gasps, trying to shrink himself down as much as he could to get away from any and all contact Fresh was giving him. Right, of course he'd be able to censor... A chill goes down his spine, and he automatically closes his eyes as the bandage falls completely from his head at the movement- Looks like there was also a pretty nasty looking gash under there just above his eye. It had been healing nicely, but still looked pretty painful to the touch.
"Where. Is. He," He repeats, clenching his fists and trying to inch away from Fresh a bit. "Did you hurt him!?? I swear to GOD I'll KILL YOU if..."
Fresh raised an eyebrow at that, jostling Wallis a bit as he readjusted his grip. He ruffled Wallis' hair with his free hand, digging his fingers into his arm even harder at the same time. "Ahaha, ya really let yaself go, didntcha~? Guess I get what was up wit' dat bandage junk now, yo!!" Fresh let his gaze wander casually around the room, lingering on the door for an extra moment just in case. "Aha, watchin ya work yaself up like dat is totes HI-LA-RI-OUS!! Ya gonna KILL me, Brahllis~? Ya want me dead, huh~? Well, dawg, dats da prob I all up stopped by ta deal wit'!!"
The parasite suddenly whipped his head back around to face Wallis, his grinning face very close to the other's. "Ya been up an causin LOADS o totes unfresh probs lately, haven't ya~?"
Wallis can't help his quiet noise of discomfort, sounding oddly like a low whine, shuddering as Fresh ruffled his hair. Only a few people were allowed to do that- The parasite absolutely not being one of them. He was finding it difficult to breathe, chest tight and thoughts disjointed and panicky- This entire meeting couldn't be at all good, he was at a loss for words, actions even moreso.
Though, Fresh seemed insistent that murder wasn't his strategy- Not his usual one, anyway- And surely he would have heard if Purple was in danger... Wallis both hoped and dreaded that Purple may still be in the house.
He flinches back as much as he could when Fresh turns to grin at him, eyes widening and skin becoming paler as the realisation dawned on him. Fresh wasn't here to possess him, or to harass him- He was keeping true to his word.
Fresh was here to KILL him.
Acting on pure impulse, Wallis lets out a cry, suddenly reaching out to shove at Fresh's chest in an attempt to push the other away from him, ignoring the pain that shot through his injured hand, breathing hard and fast.
Caught off-guard by the sudden escape attempt, Fresh loosened his grip on Wallis's shoulders and was pushed backwards a bit, his shades falling askew to reveal the host's eyes. The look of terror in the functional right eye was obvious - almost like they were trying to plead with Wallis for help. The parasite gave a quiet hiss, dropping his facade for a moment to glare at Wallis with a look of pure hatred. His grin returned almost as fast, however - contrasting even more sharply with the pain in the host's eyes.
Fresh swung his legs over the side of the bed, carefully folding up his shades and slipping them into his fanny pack. "Aha, is dis da part where ya all up try ta kill me or whatev ya said ya were gonna do, broham~? Trust me, brotato chip, I'd LOVE ya see ya try~ <3" You could practically hear the heart at the end of the sentence.
Wallis stares straight back at that one eye, finding himself unable to look away. That poor host... He wanted to help, he so badly wanted to help- He was meant to be the INVINCIBLE  Wallis Gloom, the most powerful man in the country...
And here he was, reduced to a terrified mess in a small house in Prisma. He was meant to be able to HELP, to fix everything- but he couldn't. There was no way he could help the host, especially not right now. He actually wished Fresh had kept the shades on... Then at least he could pretend the other wasn't using an innocent person for his own gain.
His gaze quickly drifts toward the door. There was no way he was going to just lay there and let Fresh hurt- Or kill- him. Slowly, he began trying to slip his legs out of the blankets, readying himself to make a run for it. "I-I'm not.... Not going to kill you..."
Fresh widened his eyes slightly, staying perfectly still and watching him struggle. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife - especially because the parasite was eyeing him in the way a predator watches its weakened prey. "Whaddaya think ya gonna try ta do, Wally~? Ya ain't lookin so hot, ya dig? But I toldja, homie, it'd gimme a good laugh ta all up watch ya try!!"
Wallis keeps his gaze trained on the parasite, hunched over slightly in a defensive position, clearly in no mood to just give in. He was reminded of the way a cat toys with a mouse before catching it- Cruel, all part of their little game... He spares a fleeting glance toward the doorway, before suddenly attempting to scramble off the bed and toward the doorway, clumsy thanks to his unfit state and more recent injuries. It was worth a try- If he was going to go down, then he was going to go down fighting.
Quick as a flash, Fresh lunged out to grab Wallis's arm, giving it a painful twist. "Ya ain't gettin away dat easy, Brahllis!!" he taunted, staring the other dead in the face with an expression of obvious enjoyment. Fresh watched for a moment more before releasing his arm and giving him a rough shove to the floor, staring down at the injured magician. "Ya still think ya all dat an a bag o chips, Wally?? Been waitin fo' dis fo' a LONG time, yo, ya ain't gonna mess it up dis time!!"
Wallis cries out in pain at the sharp movement, being forced backward in order to not put too much pressure on his arm, taking in a few shaky gulps of air before being pushed to the ground. He lays there for a moment, head spinning from the sudden movements and pain, before once again trying to push himself up- Stubborn man. Maybe running wouldn't work...
He turns to glare at Fresh over his shoulder, feeling his heart sink as he looks up into that one terrified eye again. "You f-funking RADHOLE- What the heck are you gonna do, then!??"
Fresh crouched down so he was roughly at Wallis's level, his hair flopping over his shoulder. "Dats da tricky part, brah!! All up way easier befo' cuz i could just make somethin sharp-like ta get it ova wit' easy as pie - but i don't think i can make some junk like dat here!! Ya got any suggestions, brotien shake?? Ain't - ain't got much experience tryin ta off peeps befo', heh." It was slight, but the parasite's voice caught on the last word and he seemed to lose some of his feigned enthusiasm.
Wallis pauses, horror flickering more vibrantly on his face for a moment at those words. Was Fresh really asking Wallis to.... Choose his own death?!!
That was fucking sick.... He inches away again, hunching his shoulders up to protect his neck some more. Though, the question may be one of genuine uncertainty... It sounded like he'd nearly killed someone before, and at the very least, was still hesitant. Maybe he was just being wishful, but... Wait, that was it.
"Would they really want you to do this?" he mutters, eyes darkening, untrimmed fringe falling in front of them slightly. "Would they be proud of you for funking MURDERING someone??"
Fresh froze, his expression flickering from genuine shock to fear, anger, and finally a blank mask that betrayed nothing. "What. Did you just say." He twitched for a second, his host fighting back, then appeared to regain his composure. "Care ta run dat by me again, broski?"
Wallis juts his head up higher, emboldened by the uncertain reaction. Best case scenario, Fresh decides to leave him alone- Second best, it distracts the parasite long enough for Wallis to make an escape... Worst case, he didn't want to think about. He huffs, pushing himself up more. "How would they feel, if they knew you were torturing someone who tried to HELP you?!"
NEON--NIGHTMARE: Fresh shuddered, an unnatural, jerky movement. An odd, muted whirlwind of memories and feelings he had tried to suppress was whirling around inside his head as he stared down at Wallis, his expression completely blank and emotionless. "Ya don't know whatcha talkin bout, so ya better shut ya yap if ya know what's good fo' ya." He couldn't do this, not here not NOW this was all wrong wrong WRONG-
Yes, yes yes- He could do it, he could make Fresh lose control and then he could fucking escape!! With renewed confidence he manages to get his knees beneath him again, panting a little harder. "They'd be funking DISAPPOINTED in you, Fresh!! They're probably watching right now, ashamed, because you're hurting an INNOCENT MAN-"
Fresh got to his feet in one fluid moment and kicked him, HARD. He didn't let up either, punctuating the kicks with a repeated sentence hissed through gritted teeth - "Shut up. Dis is ova an done an ya ain't allowed ya ain't got no RIGHT shut UP-"
Wallis absolutely wasn't expecting that, unable to react in time as the kick sends him rolling with a pained yelp, any progress he'd made in standing up lost. He manages to try and curl up into a ball to protect  his head- Fuck, there was no going back now. "I-IT'S NOT- YOU KNOW IT'S NOT- THEY'RE NEVER GONNA STOP JUDGING YOU-- FUNK- YOU CAN JUST STOP--"
Fresh's voice rose to a yelling pitch as he continued his assault in a futile attempt to get Wallis to STOP. "Shut up SHUT UP STOP TALKIN-" The usually emotionless parasite sounded almost desperate, in a way.
Wallis suddenly tries to grab at Fresh's foot in a desperate attempt to stop him, or at least ease the harsh attack. He was already bruised and sore around his sides thanks to Cake's assault a few days prior- This was just adding ten times more pain. "PURPLE-" He chokes out, voice weak and half cut off thanks to another kick... At least Fresh seemed to be losing composure.
Caught off-guard once again, Fresh stumbled, grabbing into the bed in time to regain his balance. He was panting heavily, watching Wallis with a look in his eye of nothing less than absolute hatred. Oh, he was mad - not just mad, FURIOUS. How was it that even in a weakened, near-helpless state with the parasite holding almost every possible advantage over him, Wallis still managed to turn the odds back in his favor?? The magician should have just given in by now. Just thrown in the towel and accepted his death, or even tried to beg for his life - but instead he had managed to get Fresh to lose his composure again, and the parasite didn't even really understand why.
Continuing to persevere even when it seemed like all was lost... it almost reminded Fresh of - NO. He wasn't going to let himself go back down that path after it was all done and over with - or SHOULD have been, anyway. Why, why, WHY couldn't he escape this?? Why couldn't he understand... any of this?? Everything had been turned around, and Fresh just wanted it all to be done with already.
He continued to stare daggers at Wallis, but his posture had sagged and he seemed to have lost some of his will to fight.
Wallis groans, struggling to push himself back, dazed and in pain from the beating his sides had just taken. He stares up at the other, eyes half lidded and vision blurry, one arm wrapped around his stomach, the other propping him up as much as it could. He maintains eye contact, watching, waiting... He could call out for help again, or he could try to slowly stand and walk to the door.... He could continue pressing, or remain silent until Fresh made the first move. So many options, and he had no idea which was the right one, or if there wven WAS a right one. Gnawing at the inside of his lip, he tried his best to catch his breath again, each intake of air just causing more pain-- Fuck, what else was the parasite capable of doing?!!
"...Just. Just leave me alone..." Wallis mutters in an attempt at false calmness, a hint of fear still evident in his voice. Maybe he could resolve things peacefully...
Fresh had begun staring at Wallis as if he was seeing someone else in his place, but he tore his gaze away once Wallis finished his plea.   The unexpected burst of anger and terror that had been so strong earlier had vanished, leaving him... empty. Good. He knew how to deal with this, although a strong sense of exhaustion was had him in its hold as well. This had been going on for FAR too long, especially when he thought he had put it all behind him for a FRESH start - and in front of him was the source of all his problems, beaten and weak, pleading with him to just leave.
It would be EASY to... remove him from the picture right now, even if he didn't have much experience - so why was it that he couldn't bring himself to move?? This was his CHANCE to bring everything back to normal, putting an end to all the awful memories and feelings that had been following him everywhere once and for all - but the parasite didn't move. Fresh didn't reply but he slumped over a bit more, still watching Wallis with his host's pain evident in his 'normal' eye. Why did everything have to be so difficult?? He couldn't even begin to understand why.
Wallis leans back against the bookshelf slightly, another wave of dizziness hitting him, blinking back the blurriness. He didn't trust this- Didn't trust it at ALL- he couldn't let his guard down and risk Fresh suddenly attacking him again. He was so close now, so close to finally maybe getting Fresh off his trail... Even just the thought made him want to try. It would be better to end it once and for all, than run away... Not that he really could run now. He slowly breathes out, frame shaking as he stared back at his tormentor. "I... I don't... Want this... Please..."
Fresh was silent for a moment longer before erupting into joyless laughter, his shoulders shaking from the force of his outburst. He leaned over to rest his head in his arms, muffled giggles still emanating from his covered mouth. After a minute or so of this, the parasite raised his head and turned to look at the other, still chuckling. "Ah hahahaha, an' ya think I do??? Rule numba one, yo, whatcha want DON'T MEAN NOTHIN if it all up gets in da way o' otha peeps wit' more power den ya. Ya think I ain't all up sick o' dis neither?? I just want things ta go back ta da way dey SHOULD be, broski!! All up back ta things dat make sense, back ta da way things all up WERE befo' everythin' went wrong!! Thought I put all dis behind me, fo' da sake o' mah own life - an' den YA showed up, always findin ways ta get in da way an' make everythin worse! How'dya do it, yo?? An' now - everythin's fallin' apart an' everythin's wrong, an' - Ah hahahaha-" The parasite just smiled at his enemy, his empty laughter cutting off -
"I don't wanna die. I ain't READY yet. An' ya like mah third strike, homie - if I don't all up prove mah worth an' just letcha go - den its game ova, an' i just up an' get replaced. Course I'm gonna fail in da end - eitha a peep I all up angered kills me off, or I all up funk somethin else up an' kick da bucket - but I ain't ready ta die yet. Not like dis. So I can't - I can't give up, ya get me?? I gotta - I don't - I just want dis ta STOP."
Wallis flinches back at the sudden laughter, brows knitting together in confusion. He reaches back to grab a hold of one of the lower bookcase shelves, using it to slowly try and hoist himself up, dreading the way the pain from his ribs shot through him and took his breath away. He shakily wipes some of the hair from in front of his eyes, sweating a bit from exertion and lingering effects of the arsenic. He listens in silence, Fresh's words occasionally sounding distant before returning to clarity. He understood, though. He knew what the parasite was getting at.
It was... Unfair. Even now Wallis could feel a twinge of guilt and sympathy, knowing that the other knew nothing else BUT a lack of emotion. He was hurting, whether he knew it or not- Mourning over someone he wasn't meant to mourn. Life wasn't fucking fair, sometimes... And Wallis had always been there to help. Seaweed, Assistant, Purple... He freezes when the laughter stops, the unnatural smile sending chills down his spine.
Fresh was far more dangerous than any of his family.
"It... It doesn't work like that Fresh, it doesn't HAVE to be like that," He croaks out, swallowing to try and ease his parched throat. "What you want may not mean anything to someone more powerful- But it matters to others! And nobody is better than anyone else, we're all- We're all equal. I don't mean to make your life hard, I really fucking don't, I'm just... Trying to survive. Yeah, maybe I overreacted when we first met, I'll admit that. It's hard to drop an act when you've lived it for years. And I'm- I'm sorry, okay??! And anyway, you aren't happy how you are- You NEED to make a change!!" He pauses to take a few deep breaths, managing to stand hunched over, leaning heavily against the bookcase with shaking legs. "That's no way to live, and- Fuck, just let me help you, I can try to help if you'll just give me a chance!!"
Fresh gave a derisive snort at the first part, but froze immediately once Wallis stood up. "...Back off, yo. Ya wanna get all up tough an' cocky now, brah?? Ya - Ya want me ta change ta be like YA cuz I ain't happy??? I've NEVER been happy, yo, dat don't mean nothin!! Ya still up an' foolin' yaself dat I NEED help - da only thing dat would HELP is ya bein GONE FO' GOOD. An' den everythin' can - can go back ta da way it SHOULD be, befo' everythin went WRONG an' befo' da kid..." His voice trailed off and his smile slipped again for a moment, before he forced the grin back on his face and strode over to Wallis.
The parasite looked him dead in the eyes, the soul in his left eye noticeably more cracked than when he had first walked in. "What kinda change d'ya suggest, Brahllis~? All up changin' from bein' alive ta bein' DEAD??"
Wallis presses himself back against the bookcase, legs nearly slipping from under him in his haste, unable to look away from the damaged soul in the poor host's eye. His own facial features softened for a moment, as he processed what Fresh had just implied-
"...They were a kid?" He murmurs, shock and horror lacing his tone. He'd never considered... Never REALISED that the person Fresh had lost may have been young. May have been very young... Kids weren't meant to die. "Fresh.... The world isn't that bad, I'm sorry you had to go through such awful things, but- You're only young. You haven't seen much, and you've still got time to... To change yourself, I know you can change, you just need to try looking your fear head on...." His gaze shifts between the cracked soul of eye and the horrified pupil of the other, wondering just how much pain the host was in right now. Fresh looked like he was struggling... He wished he could speak out and apologise to the host, but it wasn't the right time. Not now. He couldn't save them yet...
Without thinking, he automatically shifts forward slightly, reaching out to put his hand on Fresh's arm for 'comfort' like he would with anyone else. "I can help..."
Fresh actually growled, forcefully grabbing the hand Wallis had put on his arm and shoving it aside. "Just GIVE IT UP ALREADY, AIGHT??" he hissed, anger like he hadn't felt for a LONG time gripping him. "Stop talkin' like dem!! Stop it stop it ya ain't FUNNY dis ain't funny no more CUT IT OUT-" The parasite's whole body shuddered, overwhelmed by the unexpected burst of fury churning inside him.
"Ya keep doin dis but ya AIN'T dem an' why wouldja I toldja I was on ta ya ya ain't breakin' me here I ain't lettin' ya make me lose control WHAT ARE YA TRYIN TA DO TA ME-" Fresh let the words spill out in a big jumbled mess before his voice gave out and he just stood there, breathing heavily. He looked... broken, desperate, looking down at the other. "...Kill 'em wit' kindness, right, Wally??"
Wallis flinches back and holds his arm to his chest, shrinking back against the bookcase slightly. How the fuck hadn't Purple heard everything that was happening?!! He glances toward the door again, blinking to try and clear some of the darkness in his damaged eye, before quickly returning his gaze to Fresh. He winces at the parasite's tone, closing his eyes and hunching his shoulders up when those words rose in volume, awaiting some kind of attack- Wallis hesitantly opened them again, meeting Fresh's gaze.
"...I'm not... Trying to be them. I'm not, I promise- I don't know why you think kindness is exclusive to them- Why you think that nobody apart from one person in the entire world would want to help you... But it's not true. There are people that can understand, and help-- I'm just... Just trying to help," His voice wavers. "...Just because you hurt me doesn't mean I can't show you mercy."
Fresh's eyes widened and he took a jerky step back, looking as if he had seen a ghost. "Ya - ya say ya wanna -" He stumbled backwards and sat down hard on the bed, not taking his eyes off the injured magician once. "...Why??"
Wallis doesn't move,  though, the door looked pretty tempting... But he was finally getting through, and Fresh's stare seemed to keep him locked in place. He sees at a loss for words for a few moments, shaking his head slightly and hugging himself with one arm, the other used to steady himself against the bookcase. "l...I don't know," He mutters, quiet. "I guess it was just how I was raised... To give people a chance. To see everyone equally. To.... Help. I grew up with people who were treated like shit their whole lives just because they were different- Nobody deserves that."
Fresh didn't react immediately to that, before he started chucking hoarsely. "Ah hahaha... ha... Dis... hurts. Why does it hurt??" He put his head in his hands, rubbed his eyes, and looked back up at Wallis. "I... don't get it. Dunno if I even CAN, ahaha - Ya sound so much like 'em, and I - CAN'T think bout 'em no more else everythin all up starts crumblin' again - I ain't allowed. I ain't allowed I ain't ready ta die ain't dyin here can't THINK-" The parasite's voice broke, and he stared at Wallis in silence with hollow eyes and an empty grin.
"...I can't die either," He mutters back, leaning more heavily against the furniture behind him. He was feeling so lightheaded, body screaming at him to lay down and rest. "I have.... I have family.... I have a brother... My mom... My best friends, and my boyfriend.... You... You can't just take me away from them," He stares back, trying to ignore how unnerving that look was. "...You can't."
The parasite shakily got to his feet and walked back over to the other in mechanical, unnatural movements, his heelies audibly dragging across the floor. "...What does dat matter, yo? Peeps all up get ova it, ahaha, don't dey?? Is dat s'pposed ta... heh. Ya can all up get replaced an' nobody'll miss ya or tell da difference, yanno?" Fresh ground to a halt a few paces away from Wallis, still looking at him with an empty gaze.
Wallis' breath hitches as Fresh takes his sweet time approaching him, once again sparing a glance at the door, his chance at freedom. The damn parasite was so unpredictable... At least now he was actually acting like he was MEANT to. Empty, mechanical, without the bombastic flair that he usually acted out. This... This was what was underneath all of that, right? This was what wanted him dead... The lingo combined with that dull look was jarring, and probably more than a habit if anything... It just didn't match up.
Wallis swallows hard, blinking back at Fresh. "...Is that how you feel?" He asks, slow and deliberate. "Like nobody would care if you disappeared?"
"Yo, I can't FEEL nothin-" Fresh said in a mechanical, flat monotone, before pausing after realizing that wasn't exactly true anymore. "All I've all up eva felt is all up fear an' anger, heh. Da rest o' dat junk - I just play out by watchin ya peeps, ya get me? An' from what I seen - dunno why ya peeps're so proud o' havin' 'em. Think ya'd all be jumpin at da chance ta be rid o' 'em, an' some o' ya do, but da othas-" He shuddered again, still staring the other dead in the face with an empty expression. He still hadn't answered the question at hand, instead letting the silence stretch across the space between them for a minute more.
"Look, brah, ya ain't gonna be rid o' me dat easy. Even if ya break me like ya want, da peeps on da higher-up'll just make anotha, better me, one dat's - dat's better at da job an' listens ta orders. Could be comin' any day now, fo' all I know - I seen 'em, heh. Know dey runnin' round already, even if dey haven't all up stopped by fo' a reminder in a while - so yo, I don't think I'll all up end up disappearin' ta be replaced - I KNOW it, ya get me? All I can do is try ta stay alive long as possible, but odds are I don't got much time-" The parasite went quiet once more, looking as if he was struggling to speak.
Wallis falls silent, studying, thinking. Fresh never said no.
He resists the urge to cough, another wave of dizziness hitting him harder than before causing him to hunch over just slightly, hissing under his breath. He didn't understand exactly what Fresh meant- Honestly, nothing about the parasite seemed to ever make sense- But his words definitely weren't comforting.
"L-Look, I'm not gonna pretend that I know what you're talking about- I don't, I have no idea, and I don't know... How to help... But I can fucking try, okay?! How do you know if you don't at least try!? You can't keep running from your emotions, it'll only hurt more in the long run--" He reaches out again to try and touch the other's arm. "You need to just... Let yourself FEEL and stop jumping to conclusions, Fresh-!!"
Fresh took a stumbling step away from Wallis, looking like a cornered animal. "No no no stop YA TRYIN TA GET ME KILLED SHUT UP-" the parasite hissed in a voice thick with panic, so different from his empty monotone just a moment ago. Yet again, Wallis had ruined EVERYTHING for him, and now he felt like the walls were closing in on him. He might have tried to attack again if he could bring himself to go any nearer, but at that moment all he knew was that he couldn't bear to keep hearing THIS, couldn't keep listening to the words so similar to what THEY had said back when they were still alive, couldn't handle the thought that it might be the TRUTH - he couldn't die couldn't take any more strikes couldn't mess up again they wouldn't be happy with this and it would be EASY to just off his enemy now but he couldn't do it why couldn't he move everything was falling apart - Fresh shook his head hard to try and clear away the awful racing thoughts, his eyes flicking back to the door.
The parasite opened his mouth again, but nothing came out - so he just stood there, tremors racking his stolen body. It would be a miracle if he lasted a week after this.
"Fresh, for fuck's sake," Wallis takes a tiny shuffling step towards him, swaying slightly. "I'm not trying to get you killed, I WOULDN'T try to get anyone killed, I'm not- I'm not a fucking psychopath like CAKE made me out to be!! She's not okay, Fresh!! She needs HELP," Wallis sucks in a deep breath to steady himself. "She doesn't even fucking KNOW ME--"
Fresh took another step back, reaching towards his fanny pack with an unsteady hand. "Ya can't fool me, yo, dats how ya ALL are!! Dat's how dis all is - dog-eat-dog's da sayin, ain't it?? Ya gotta all up manipulate peeps an' use 'em fo' ya own benefit ta SURVIVE - tell 'em what dey wanna hear or all up exploitin' weaknesses an' bailin afta ya done wit' em!! Dat's how e - almost everybody is, ah haha, an' ya ain't no exception. Da exceptions all up DIE cuz dey too trustin' - can't take da heat an' dey BURN. Dat's how ALL dese places are, aight?? An' dats whatcha doin- all up usin mah... mistakes against me." Fresh's voice caught on the word mistake, and he shuddered before forcing an artificial grin back on his face.
"Friendship - ah hahaha, don't make me laugh!! Peeps like ya an' Cake Slice all up keep sayin how ya can putcha trust in peeps an' dey do da same fo' ya - dats da real JOKE, ahaha!! Cake Slice was SO EASY ta get ta, ya know dat?? Just tell 'em what dey wanna hear, an' dey come runnin'-" The parasite started chuckling hoarsely again, even though everything about his manner just seemed... unnatural and forced, as if he was desperately trying to keep up his facade of having control.
"It's not, but I don't know how to convince you otherwise," Wallis mutters. "And it's hard to trust, I fucking know it is, because I struggle with it too- You're not... ALONE in this, but you can't keep running away from it all, because it WILL catch up eventually!! We BOTH know that!! And I understand the fear of being replaced- Do you have any fucking idea how easy it would be for another star to replace me!?! To come along with weirder magic, or a nicer face, and just throw me under the fucking bus?!! I need to be PERFECT or my career will DIE- Or someone BETTER THAN ME will TAKE MY PLACE!!"
The parasite definitely wasn't expecting that and didn't quite know how to respond, watching the other warily. "It - course dis'll catch up ta me in da long run, heh - made too many peeps totes mad ta escape 'em foreva!! But dat don't got nothin ta do wit dis now, ya dig?? Dat don't... An' dere ain't no peeps ta gotta hide from here dat can off me 'sides Redical, an' she ain't all up lookin all da time no more, yeah?? I dunno whatcha point is, ahaha~" He looked like he was making a noticeable attempt to pull himself together, putting up a broken approximation of his usual act.
"Fresh, please," Wallis whispers, sinking down a bit more with a hitch in his breathing. "....Leave me alone. Leave my family alone, leave my friends alone... Y-You. You'd fucking... KNOW what it's like to lose someone you love. You wouldn't want someone else to go through that... Would you!?? The pain, the agony, the.... You understand, right?? Just.... Just leave," He almost pleads, still trying to keep a strong tone to his voice... It was now or never. He sucks in a deeper breath, suddenly trying to push forward and past Fresh, aiming for neither the door nor the bed.
Fresh just... allowed Wallis to push past, all the will to fight leaving him as he sank back down to the floor and rubbed his eyes with his palms. He knew what they would want was to fight back and get the job done, show none of this affected him, show it was all in the past like he said. Everything would go back to the way it SHOULD be if he could just follow orders and do what he was SUPPOSED to, what he KNEW they would want him to do... but the parasite couldn't muster the energy to move, caught up in all the memories of past events he wished he could forget. This... wasn't supposed to happen. Not again.
Wallis... Wasn't expecting the ease with which he could push past, pausing mid-stride and standing almost back to back with the parasite... Before glancing back, that familiar swell of pity filling his chest, causing him to fall to his knees too, grateful for the rest. He watches Fresh through one eye, head throbbing from the exposed cut and an oncoming migraine,not really sure what to do or say... He just reaches out from behind, to put his hand on Fresh's shoulder in what he hoped was a comforting manner.
Seaweed always said he was too kind for his own good.
Fresh didn't react at all to the supportive motion at first, or even seem to notice - but he relaxed slightly after a moment, an almost subconscious response to the touch. The parasite seemed... drained, as if he couldn't move if he tried. Logically, Fresh knew he needed to pull himself together and fast. The less weaknesses he showed in front of his enemy, the better - and he could barely deal with the faint resistance his host was still putting up. It seemed almost cruel - whenever he thought he was past all this... garbage, it would always come back and hit him when he least expected it. Fresh made an indistinct sound in his throat, curling in on himself a bit more. He needed to get ahold of himself before it was too late.
Finding little to no resistance, he squeezes slightly, shuffling a bit closer and slumping forward just a touch as another wave of dizziness smacked into him from behind... he really did not feel well. "...Sorry."
He wanted this to be over. Yes, he was doing this half selfishly- But seeing the other in pain really was making Wallis want to help... It was just in his nature and upbringing to give chances to the less fortunate, and Fresh seemed pretty damn unfortunate. His entire existence was just... sad. But he wanted it over with fast- He was so tired...
Upon hearing the other's weak voice, Fresh snapped back to reality and the situation he was in, jolting and looking around wildly. He was... Wallis was right next to him, treating him like a friend??? This wasn't RIGHT, what was the magician playing at?? Was he really just sitting there and letting Wallis take advantage of him like that?? What... What was he doing?? This didn't make sense this was WRONG - they weren't going to be happy with him if he didn't find a way to fix this RIGHT NOW. The parasite spun around and lashed out at Wallis in the span of a second, hitting him hard on the head.
Wallis only realised a split second too late what the parasite was doing, only able to wince and try to jerk back in the tiny time frame he was given. He was unsuccessful, letting out a small noise of shocked pain as the attack connected, sending him reeling- He slumps backwards, head also knocking into the ground with a painful thud, vision swimming for a second as he struggled to stay conscious. There wasn't much he could to to fight it, though, especially when he was already so injured... It didn't take long at all for him to black out.
Fresh slowly got to his feet and looked down at his unconscious opponent, lost in thought. They... They would want him to kill Wallis now, wouldn't they?? Prove once and for all that he was above this and wouldn't get dragged back down, while simultaneously making sure the stubborn magician would never cause any problems again. That was what they would want, but... watching Wallis lay on the ground, most likely out cold - the parasite found he couldn't bring himself to do the deed. He really wasn't a killer, despite how he tended to act to the contrary - it made for good intimidation, after all. Besides, Wallis was probably done with anyways, right?? He would give up after this, realizing he would only get himself hurt, and Fresh could find another plan without dealing with his interference! ...Right?? That was the logical thing to do, after all.
Saving your own skin instead of doing... whatever Wallis had been doing. Of course, Wallis wasn't a threat to him anymore. No need to off him if it wasn't absolutely necessary. Even with all the complications, this was a SUCCESS! He showed he won over his STUPID memories in order to get the job done, and he could just say he had been trying to get close to Wallis so he could strike!!
Never mind that if they truly had been watching - which they probably were - they would have seen all the opportunities he had let by beforehand before finally putting an end to it. Fresh took another step away from the mostly unmoving body, turning his gaze to the ceiling. "Yo, uh..." the parasite croaked out before stopping to clear his threat and try again.
"Yo, ya were all up watchin dis, yeah?? Uh, heh - Did I all up prove mahself now, brahs?? Didn't let none o dat emotional garbage junk hold me back in da end, yanno? All up got dis in da BAG like always!! Just wanted ta... mess wit' Wally a bit, ya know?? Let 'im think he got ta me an' all dat befo' takin' 'im out - dats all, dawgs, ain't no biggie!! See, yo?? I ain't - I ain't strayin, yo!! All up stayin on da straight an' narrow as always, no need ta all up send anotha - anotha reminder or nothin, I all up got dis mahself!! Ya... Ya hearin dis, brahs?? I totes GOT dis an' I ain't lettin nothin hold me down no more!! Da Fresh is BACK AGAIN, yo, an' I ain't..." His voice trailed off again, and he rested his head in his palms for a moment before sparing another nervous glance at the ceiling.
"...Ya listenin', right? Ya know ya don't gotta... Ya probs ain't happy, I get dat. Dats - all up aight, yo!! Cuz I can all up PROVE I got dis when I take ova dis place, ya dig?? Wally ain't gonna cause no more probs - I promise ya dat, ah haha!!" Fresh managed to choke out a faint laugh before remembering where he was once more. The parasite began pulling his shades back out to slip them back on, only sparing a quick glance at his defeated foe before spinning around and striding out of the house (making an effort to be more quiet than he usually was, no point in making it this far and getting caught now).
The parasite gently closed the still-unlocked door behind him before spinning around and walking off into the night, his blanket fanning out behind him.
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multiversechaos · 7 years
DAY 14
I made a fanfic for day 14 of Freshuary.
Fresh's Valintines day.
On days like this. Fresh was bored.
On days like this. Fresh didn't need to leech off anyone.
Why? Because the air was filled wih magic and vibes he could feed off of without a host.
However, since he couldn't feel this holiday confused him. So he did his research, and became unbored.
Though he wouldn't feel anything. He thought It might be fun to see there reaction...
Stop 1: The antivoid
Error was glitching out. badly. This holiday annoyed him and people kept giving him gifts even though he was in a place they couldn't get to. However it wasn't all that bad Ink was there making them happy and color coding the gifts they had recieved.
This made Error glitch less cause he didn't have to deal with any of it. Till . . .
*Fresh poof*
"Sup, my glitchy friend?" Fresh appeared.
"W-why a-a-are you her-re?" Error knew he could destroy Fresh but he didn't want to put up with him.
"I was bored so here. Take this my radical broski. After all we bro's in another multiverse." Handing Error a muticolor box of chocolates. He pulled out his finger guns while his glasses said wink.
Error had errored out. But before he could attempt to destory Fresh (again). He was already gone. He sighed. And decided to read the tag on the chocolates.
From: Your neighbrohood broski Fresh. "A-at least th-that a-abomina-nation had curstey t-to leave b-before I destorye-d him."
Stop 2: The save screen
Geno was sighing. He had no one on this holiday but a pervert who he didn't all that like. While Death could kill him and make him happy he refused it. Then he noticed something different. Like a scary different but a weird different. He didn't like it.
*Fresh poof* "Hi there broski. I know you're hurting on the inside, but I've come to relieve some of that." Geno has seen worse but he decided to listen.
"How so? I mean... I'm stuck here. I don't have anyway out of here really..." Geno then realised something. "How did... How did you get here?"
"I just appear where ever I want most the time I need to infect other me's to live. I don't kill anyone, just use there magic and stuff to live" There was a pause.
Geno approached Fresh ready to attack him. But then Fresh pulled out a box. "Happy V-day, and I hope you stop hurting on the inside cause you don't want to become a bully yo."
And Fresh was gone. Geno left with a box of chocolates. When Geno read the tag. He almost destoryed the box. For the tag read "In another timeline your the best bro to me ever, but I personally don't have feelings."
Geno sat down, and ate all the chocolates.
Stop 3: The people he infected
Fresh knew all the unverses he infected were scared of him but when they recived the choclates they were fearful and happy.
Stop 4: CrayonQueen
*Fresh poof*
"Oh no! Last time I saw you radhole you almost got me killed even though I'm still not out of there yet!" CrayonQueen was mad.
"We suffer, you suffer I think it's fair." Fresh shrugged. "By the way have a radical Valitines day." With that Fresh set the chocolates down on her desk. As CrayonQueen glared at him the entire time. Then Fresh was out.
Stop 5: Paperjam
Fresh never really understood Paperjam. He was grateful Paperjam never tried killing him. But the way Paperjam acted was just cold.
But upon recieving the gift he actually smiled a tiny bit. Before making Fresh unwillingly disappear through a portal he opened.
Stop 6: Little Fresh
"Widdgy Widdgy what's up little broski?" He asked younger/another version of him.
"Just this holiday I don't understand my radical friend." They replied. "Anyway why you here broski?"
"Take these and share them with people." He handed younger him at least 6 boxes of chocolates. "Remember that one is for you"
"I know it's customary to give gifts this holiday but why bother when we can't feel."
"Cause it be unfresh if we didn't" With that. He left for he had one more stop.
Stop 7: Pj's daycare
He didn't feel bad he just wanted to see how This Paperjam would react. "Hey. Little me. Over here." He knew this version of him could feel.
"Helwo brothki. What can I do for ya? Also those are some radical trends you got." Fresh handed him 2 boxes of chocolates.
"Here ones for you and your family. The other is for someone you love. Also you have some pretty fresh threads yourself dawg." He pulled out his finger guns.
Fresh watched as little him was excited and bounced around. Then when the tiny version of him scampered off he left.
Fresh, Geno, Error, Herself belongs to loverofpiggies.
Pj belongs to 7goodangel
Pj’s daycare belongs to blogthegreatrouge
Kid!fresh belongs to alainaprana
Ink belongs to comyet
Death belongs to renrink
Challenge belongs to feth
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