#where im just. drawing random junk as they come into my head for fun
monotone-artist · 2 months
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[id in alt]
ive been um. drawing a little bit
about the silver-calling-shadow-grandpa thing: lil headcanon of mine that shadow and silver are related :] not by blood but because of funky gene experimentation someone or other did. basically,, idk they copied shadow's hedgehog genes and over time they got descended into silver 👍👍
bonus under read-more
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hah reference
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too-gay-for-marvel · 4 years
a/n: listen. i had fun writing this one, and i enjoyed it, but i am so done with it. this was the most writers block ive had in so long. i promise im not dead, im just busy being as unproductive as i possibly can
Word Count: 1855
Warnings: none
Pairing: Carol x Reader
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“This sucks.”
Carol turned from her spot at the counter to see you throw your book against the wall. It had been a long three days, and you still had a lot of time left before you could go on another mission. She almost felt sorry for you. But then she remembered what you had done to get in this position in the first place, and she didn’t feel so bad anymore.
“Shouldn’t have been so careless,” she shrugged even though she knew you weren’t looking at her.
“It was Sam’s fault,” you mumbled just loud enough for her to hear.
If she were a good girlfriend, she would have gone and sat with you. Maybe she would have pulled your head into her lap and offered some snacks or a movie or a game. A kiss or two on the forehead to show she was with you until the end.
But no one ever said she was a good girlfriend.
“Sam wasn’t even on the mission.”
“He told me to do it!” You shouted back, and Carol could see you throw your arms into the air in indignation. It was pretty cute.
“If your friends told you to-”
“-Without question.”
“You didn’t even let me finish,” Carol complained as she finally fully turned around to face you.
“Doesn’t matter,” you shrugged. “I take no convincing to make bad decisions.”
“Yeah, no shit,” she mumbled to herself.
You both went quiet and Carol could partially see the look on your face from over the back of the couch. She knew that glazed look in your eyes and the way you were zoned out at the ceiling. And even though she wanted you to know she wasn’t happy with you, she knew she needed to have mercy. Only for a little bit.
She slid off the counter stool and made her way to the couch where she could just stare down at you. You didn’t move, though, instead still staring at the ceiling. Carol could only imagine how infuriating this probably was, and even though it was absolutely your fault, she felt for you.
“Move over,” Carol said a little harsher than intended. When you still hadn’t moved, she nudged your unbroken leg with her knee, and when you looked at her she raised her brow.
“Fine,” you sighed before lifting your legs enough for her to sit down.
“Your leg is heavy,” Carol complained when you set your legs back down.
“It’s a cast, Carol,” you huffed, “it’s gonna be heavy.”
“You know what would have fixed this problem?”
“’Don’t break your leg,’” you mocked, “yeah yeah, fuck off.”
You sighed and threw an arm over your eyes before you both went silent. That was exactly what Carol had been about to say, and she had to hand it to you; you knew her better than most. But you went quiet, so she decided to instead just run her fingers over the new markings on your cast.
It seemed everyone had signed it in some way or another. Rhodey, Nat, and Bruce had signed it like normal people. There was a flower on your knee that Steve had drawn. Sam and Bucky had written a mini argument down your calf. Clint had, of course, drawn a dick (and a poorly drawn one at that).  Tony had written the number for an escort service on the top of your thigh “so you can always see it.” Even Hulk had managed to scribble out his name.
“When did this happen?” Carol asked as she looked back up to your face.
“Couple days ago, I guess,” you shrugged without looking down from the hole you were staring into the ceiling.
“Where was I?” Carol chuckled nervously to herself. But she knew the answer.
“Away,” you confirmed with a small voice. And it broke her heart.
You knew going into this that Carol would have to be gone for unknown amounts of time. She loved being home, but she had a responsibility to keep everyone safe, and that meant a lot of distance at the worst of times. And in her defense, as soon as she had gotten word that you’d gotten hurt she had rushed home.
And then had to leave again for almost two weeks.
“Let me up,” Carol said softly with a pat to your good leg. You finally looked down and raised a brow at her, but raised your legs anyway so she could stand.
She ignored the look she could feel you sending her way and continued walking to the kitchen. It took a little longer than she had thought, but she eventually found the junk drawer and dug around. There were scissors, matches, random batteries… and an orange marker. Why orange? She had no idea, but it would work.
Instead of sitting under your legs again, Carol kneeled in front of the couch. She took the cap off with her mouth and started drawing, up on your thigh. It wasn’t going to be pretty. Okay, it was going to be borderline hideous. But that wasn’t the point.
“What are you doing?”
Carol’s hand stopped when she noticed you had raised yourself up onto your elbows. Your frustration seemed to have melted away - even if temporarily - to be replaced with curiosity. Which was understandable because she may have been ruining your cast, but honestly? She didn’t care.
“Leaving my mark,” Carol answered as she went back to drawing.
“You don’t have to,” you said quickly.
“I know I don’t, I want to.”
“No, really, it’s okay.”
“Baby, just let me finish-”
“-I don’t even know what that is,” you whined as you gestured toward the beautiful new drawing on your thigh.
“What do you mean you don’t know what it is?” Carol asked. She had finally finished and was now focused on you. And the almost terrified look on your face.
“It’s a mess!”
“It’s Goose!”
“If that’s Goose, then I’m a Skrull.”
“Wait, are you?”
“Carol,” you warned.
A silence fell over the both of you as you stared each other down, daring the other to make the first move. Carol stared into your eyes and searched for something, she didn’t know what. The tension was so thick it was almost hard to breathe. But when the corner of your mouth slowly tilted up, she couldn’t stop her own smile and the tension devolved into laughter.
It was so nice to get to see that smile on your face once again. You hadn’t smiled or laughed since the accident, and even though Carol couldn’t blame you, she had missed it. She had missed hearing you laugh at the team or smile to yourself when Goose came over to lay on you.
She had missed you.
“If someone makes fun of me, I’m blaming you,” you managed to choke out around your laughter.
“Now you’ll always think of me,” Carol retorted, completely ignoring your threat.
“For better or worse,” you shot back with a smirk that quickly turned into a wide-mouthed yawn.
Carol’s eyes flitted to the clock on the wall and noted that it was far too late to still be awake. Even though the both of you were homebound for a while, she knew how grumpy you could be if you didn’t get enough sleep. Okay, maybe she got a bit grumpy too, but that wasn’t the point. She was going to pretend it was all for you.
“Let’s get to bed,” Carol said softly, but she still didn’t get up from her spot on the floor.
“I can’t walk.”
“I’ll get your crutches,” Carol shrugged.
“They’re not… here,” you mumbled, and she noticed you desperately trying to avoid her eyes.
“Where are they?”
Yet again you avoided her gaze, and Carol couldn’t help glaring at you. She knew you could still see her, and she hoped you just caved. You needed those crutches for when no one was around, so where could they possibly be? She would understand if Tony had taken them, or if Clint had tried to use them and lost them.
But you looked guilty.
“Y/N?” Carol tried again, and you looked at her out of the corner of your eye. “Where are your crutches?”
“I… can neither confirm nor deny the location of my crutches,” you stated, sounding an awful lot like Tony when he was trying to get away with something. “But they may have been thrown out the window.”
And the truth comes out.
“How did you expect to get around?” Carol asked as she stood up and crossed her arms over her chest.
“I…,” you paused and, with a sigh, dropped your head. “I didn’t think that far.”
“Of course you didn’t,” Carol sighed. She should have been more disappointed but, knowing you as well as she did, it wasn’t really a surprise.
She knew what she had to do.
“Come here,” Carol said far softer than she had intended. Not that she wanted to be harsh, but she was going to have a talk with you later about not throwing things out of windows.
You squinted your eyes at her until she held her arms out, and you quickly relaxed again. She bent down and slid her arms under your back and your knees, being careful not to jostle your cast too much. When she stood up you quickly wrapped your arms around her neck and let her start carrying you.
“This is so romantic,” you whispered as you buried your head in her neck. The feel of your breath on her skin tickled.
“Don’t get used to it,” Carol shot back, but she couldn’t stop herself from smiling when you shook with hushed giggles.
When she reached your shared room, she was about to just toss you onto the bed until she remembered your leg. So instead she walked over and set you on your side of the bed, helping you arrange yourself so you could get settled. Since you were already in pyjamas - and had been since you got out of the medical wing - she only had to get herself changed and turned the lights off before climbing into bed.
“Carol?” You whispered after a few minutes of hearing nothing but the fan.
“My cast is itchy.”
“You’ll just have to get over it,” she sighed. She didn’t even open her eyes; it was too dark to see anyway.
“But it itches really bad.”
“Where?” She conceded.
“My knee.”
“Baby, you can’t even reach your knee,” Carol explained even though you knew that already. “You’re just going to have to ride it out.”
You groaned, but otherwise went silent again. And Carol thought that would be the end of it for the night. She would get some sleep, you would get some sleep, and you could both relax tomorrow. You both needed it, and maybe you could both talk a few things out. Something you both needed.
“Carol?” You whispered again, interrupting her train of thought. “Are you awake?”
“Yeah, baby,” Carol mumbled.
“I have to pee.”
Carol sighed. This was going to be a very long night.
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nightwingvixen23 · 4 years
Batman : I have eyes on the extortionist
Red Hood : aight, time to show him just where the parties at
Batman : i’m in no need of routine reinforcements on this short pursuit
Red Hood : then what the hell is my happy bi ass here for ?
Batman : you're to stay with Red Robin at this exact locale where Robin will henceforth meet up with you at 0:002. After which, I should have Nightwing with me and you three are to meet with us at Crown Point. it will be there and then that i will update you on your immediate operation, Red Hood
Red Hood : so you’re telling me that I basically got hustled into  baby sittin’ duty ? no seriously B, What. The. Hell. Is. My. Happy. Bi. Ass. Really. Here. For ?
Batman : *ignoring Jay to check the current time*
Batman : I'm headed out.
Batman : *leaves*
Red Hood : *mocking Bruce hand puppet* ‘ iM hEaDeD oUt WhEn In ReAlItI iM pIoBaBlY gEtTiN sOmE gOoD hEaD fRoM mRs KiTtY ’ blahblahblah
Red Robin : *makes a distressed face* how do you know her head is even “good ?”
Red Hood : i don't. but she moves a lot like Dick, and lemme just say, that his head, is up to P-A-R 👌
Red Robin : *mourning the loss of what little innocence his mind had left to spare* god i wish we were actually really talking about people's literal heads....dear lord, why did I ask
*All of 3 whole minutes later*
Red Hood : *distrustfully silent*
Red Robin : *suspicious*
Red Robin : ...I know you
Red Hood : hm ??
Red Robin : I know how determinedly reckless you are, beyond impulsive, and completely ungovernable. not to mention that you're tapping your foot; i know you're stressed that Batman didn't allow you to come along but just relax
Red Hood : oh, no worries on when it comes to my stress gettin' outta hand Red. 'cause guess what ? I took your advice from the other day and got myself some stress balls
Red Robin : really, you did ??
Red Hood : yup. sure did
Red Hood : *pulls a red stress ball out of his pocket*
Red robin : you know what ? other people are so quick to prejudge the usage of a stress ball. the satisfaction it can give to you when just squeezing it tight. i’m so glad you did this for yourself ! and actually took a second to listen to me for once-
Red Hood : *squeezes stress ball*
Red Robin : i myself know how much using a stress ball now and again helps me. yanno, during episodes when I just want to scream curses until my lungs bleed, or, just deck a random guy in the junk-
Red Hood : *tosses stress ball in the air a few times*
Red Robin : but then I simply grab up that little ball of salvation, clutch it for a bit, and it's like the world is at peace again, so, good for you, Red Hood !!
Red Hood : *tosses the stress ball across the alleyway they stand in*
Red Robin : good for you for taking on this neighborly form of stress relief !!
Red Hood : *draws twin pistols*
Red Robin : ya know, i’m really really proud of you Re-
Red Hood : *unloads both clips into the stress ball*
*ally way being absolutely lit up by gunfire*
*stress ball falling to it’s abrupt demise*
Red Hood : *has to walk up and shoot the damn stress ball just one more fucking time for no reason at all*
Red Hood : well hot damn do i feel a lot better !
Red Robin : yeah so that’s not how those work. . .
Red Hood : really ? could'a fooled me. oh well, i bought like 3 dozen of these little fuckers and i’m goin through'em like candy; wanna get ice cream later ?
Red Robin : why would I want to go get ice cream with your clinically insane ass
Red Hood : because this clinically insane ass is feelin so peachy right now that it’s up to havin the ice cream be on it tonight
Red Robin : not literally I hope
Red Hood : up to you
Red Robin : pass...on the literal part, but you can for sure pay for my ice cream
Red Hood : you’re no fun, be more like Dick
Red Robin : once again...pass
( ...Jason brought 9 more stress balls to their doom later on that night due to the ice cream store running out of chocolate ice cream...i mean, what kind of an ice cream store runs out of mother fucking C H O C O L A T E ice cream like come on man, get it TOGETHER people.... )
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testifytime · 4 years
do everything for me, you already know about me BUT: im described as "chaotic faggot" by my friends, i have no filter, I can switch from being outgoing to really nervous in a second, i like drawing, dice, and divinitation. i hoard candles and incense, and i like paintball.
- A Pokemon team/type theme (+ fun facts abt your team!)
Your team is full of Poison types! They’re used the most often for rascly lil fucker trainers, so, it fits :3c
Your signature Pokemon is Toxtricity, though your team also consists of Whirlipede, Haunter, Gloom, Toxicroak, and Crobat!
Fun facts!
Your Toxtricity was sent to you by your juggabro. In his words, it’s a “cool Pokemon to fit your aesthetic but keep you on track”. It can be pretty overprotective, but sometimes it turns a blind eye to the more chaotic things you do. 
Your Whirlipede is just an entire baby. Even though it’s got toxic spikes on its shell that COULD kill you, it’s pretty much a lapbug. You just have to try and remind it to be careful before it goes in for snuggles. 
Your Haunter and Gloom actually kind of hate each other! Having them out at the same time often ends up with you either getting paralysed or put to sleep. They’re super sweet when they’re apart, though, and both LOVE scritches. 
Toxicroak used to be really loveydovey when it was a Croagunk, but now it acts like it’s too cool for school. It’s really not. If you pay more attention to another Pokemon it WILL jab you in the stomach. And then it’ll pretend like it totally wasn’t even because it was jealous. 
Your Crobat is the sweetest of the bunch!! It likes to collect (read: steal) things for you that it thinks you’ll like, and is almost always attached to your back out of its Pokeball. Sometimes without you wanting it to be. It can be a bit of a pain, sometimes. 
- Bloodcaste/lusus/chumhandle as if you were a Homestuck troll (+lore)
You’re a purpleblood with a seaserpent lusus! Your chumhandle is acquiredTalisman. 
You live with your lusus in a hive that boarders where the jungle forest ends and the beach begins. It’s a pretty popular spot for violetbloods, admittedly, but it’s also the only place your giantass Seaserpentdad can actually fit; the mouth of the river is deep and leads directly out into the ocean, where he spends most of his time. The hive itself is pretty cluttered - because man, you suck at keeping shit tidy - and filled to the brim with your dice collections, your religious paraphenalia, and all the random junk you’ve stolen (of which there is a lot). 
You have a few interests, of which the main is your religion. You’re a diviner of sorts, oddly sought out by your fellow purplebloods to tell them what their purpose is in life as stated by the Great Mirthful Messiahs. You’re not entirely sure that they really do speak through you, but your readings are scary-accurate, and not only does it mean that you’ve made more friends, but you’ve made a fuck tonne of money, too. You’re more fond of practicing with your friends, or on your own, sneaking what you can beneath your lusus’ snout; so far, he hasn’t seemed to question the candle collection you have, or the alter with the Faygo bottlecaps, or the cards, or pendulum made from a grubbone you got from one of your customers. Actually, he hasn’t noticed much of anything? You’re hesitant to go TOO far, but you do like pushing at what you can get away with every now and then. 
On top of that, you love to draw - mostly as a form of worship, but also just for fun with your juggabros. You send drawings back and forth, even though you’ve never been able to meet them, and it’s pretty fun! You hope one day that you can get them to your favourite hangout spot to cause a little chaos - which usually means trashing the violetbloods’ rich boy shit and stealing things you know they’re too proud to tattle about. You don’t... always remember doing those things? But you definitely remember the amount of violetbloods that give you nasty glares whenever you walk past. It’s okay, though. You have a rifle and you’re not afraid to use it.
Beyond that, though, you’re... kind of lonely. There’s nobody that you really consider a friend around you, and when your friends do visit you, it’s only every few months. Having all those customers and the nasty violetbloods hanging around is great, sure, but... sometimes you wish you could move your hive closer inland to be near your juggabros. You could, you guess. But then where would your lusus go?
Your lusus is kind of ridiculously huge. You really couldn’t miss him even on the horizon, his giant form standing stark against the two moons. Not that he spends a whole lot of time above the water, though. He pretty much only comes back to get fed and throw a fit if he sees any of your purpleblood customers hanging around. 
- Symbol/guardian/chumhandle as if you were a Homestuck kid (+lore)
Your symbol is a and your guardian is your big bro! Your chumhandle is augmentedTemptation.
You and your older bro kick it in a sweet lil bottom-floor apartment. It’s kinda dingy, kinda shitty, but it’s the best he can afford and you’re not really one to complain when you know how hard he works just to keep the leaky roof over your head. It’s got everything you want out of a home, anyway; separate bedrooms, tiny bathroom, sweet hangout pad that doubles as a kitchen (which you’ve got a curtain draped over so that it looks like they’re two rooms) - it’s pretty neat. It’s also got a fire escape out the back and easy access to the lobby doors that’re easy to pick, so you figure it’s kinda home. 
You absolutely fucking love to play paintball. You’ve got a painball gun that you maybe stole from the store once, and a couple pellets you’ve been buying for cheap online whenever you have the money. You don’t... actually have anyone to play with, but hey, cop cars make a great target. It feeds into your general need for chaos, which isn’t limited to - but has involved - petty theft, breaking into cars, and spray painting defametory phrases against racists and homophobes on billboards. You’ve never actually been caught. Okay, you got caught once, but you’re really good at crying. You’re pretty sure your bro doesn’t know about that.
You like to practice witchy shit in your spare time. You’ve got altars set up for your patrons, and a candle collection that you really don’t know that you’re ever gonna burn through. Plus, incense! Your bro kind of hates the smell, but you just crack open a window and it’s like he doesn’t even know. You’ve also got a pretty fair collection of crystals, but that’s more because people just keep giving them to you? It’s wild what they’ve thought were just normal rocks, and you’re pretty sure some of your collection could sell for a pretty buck, but they make way better offerings. 
Of course, you also love to talk to your friends online. You have a bunch! You’re pretty easy to get on with, you think, so you end up just kinda collecting people into one giant group of friends that never stops growing. You share art, play games, chat, make them worried sick when you do dumb shit - it’s great. 
Sometimes at dusk you like to go up to the roof of the apartment block you and your bro live in and stand right on the edge. It’s so high up you can see around for miles, and everything below you looks like a speck of dust beneath your feet. The stars twinkle above you in the darkening sky, just barely visible, and you think, every now and then, that you are very, very small. 
- A FNAF animatronic design and name
You’re a broken down animatronic, probably one of the earliest of your kind. Maybe even a prototype? Nobody really remembers anymore. You’ve just kind of always been there, at the back of the store, half a body and more coherent than people expect you to be, but never fully quite there. Your head lulls back and forth, your arms moving sluggishly, and in order to get around, you drag yourself across the floor.
You can speak, but not by much. It’s glitchy and switched out more often than not, absolutely terrifying to hear in the dark - but you’re a pretty sweet soul, all things considered. The few who’ve been brave enough to slip back behind the old, abandoned doors, past the cobwebs and through the narrow halls, who haven’t run at the first sight of you, tell tales of a sweet carcass who seemed more scared of being found than anything else. 
There are a couple kids who routinely come back to visit you. They like to give you things they’ve found outside the pizzaria, mostly coins and old dice and things that smell sweet to try and cover up how musty you are. 
You’ve never hurt a soul the entire time you’ve been there, but your reputation has been built on the whispers of kids who’ve seen the rotting maw of your muzzle, the glint of your endoskeleton and the shine of your eyes in the dark. They call you Thing - as if giving you a name will make you come to life. 
The ones that know you better call you Peppi. 
- A BNHA Quirk and hero title
Your Quirk is Corroding Touch. Despite its name, and how terrifying it sounds, your quirk is pretty simple! Anything you touch wastes away, and you can control how far along its own personal timeline it decays through. For instance, you could touch a flower and have it start wilting, and stop there on its timeline - or you could have it waste away to a point that it decays completely and turns to mush. 
The drawback here is that what you’re doing is essentially speeding up a natural process. Things that don’t waste away without outside forces - such as rocks through erosion - won’t be affected by your quirk. Things that live very long lives before decaying - such as turtles - will take up a lot more of your time to speed them through their natural timeline. Finally, you can’t reverse what you’ve done. Once you’ve sped it through its natural timeline, there’s no going back; another quirk will have to undo the effects.
Of course, it also means that if you plant an oak seed, instead of waiting hundreds of years for it to grow into an oak tree, you can just use your quirk to speed up the process. So it’s a good-bad thing!
Your hero title is the Wasteful Hero: Corrosion. You’re a sort of last-resort hero, and you don’t like being in the limelight. Your quirk is dangerous if not handled correctly, so you work on a team with another hero who has a counter-effective quirk to yours (essentially Hyper Growth!). A lot of civillians are scared of you, but that’s okay. You know that what you do is important, and that your ranking doesn’t matter so long as you’re saving lives.
You are a little bitter, though, that your partner is several ranks ahead of you.
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comicteaparty · 4 years
January 11th-January 17th, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from January 11th, 2020 to January 17th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
What’s an unplanned idea you had through your story part way through that forced you to change things?  How did everything go?
eli [a winged tale]
After my beta feedback there were some characters that needed further fleshing out with stakes and relationships. Therefore I had to change some backstories to make certain interactions impactful. Thankfully im at the start so nothing i had to go back and fix. I did think of some alternative openings should the comic goes to print but that can be future me’s worries
simultaneously very little and a huge amount, lol. in terms of big story beats, they've pretty much all stayed the same since i first started planning the comic. the twists have been set up and paid off and the like. but there's a bunch of things i've improv'd at the last minute. one notable example that was pretty well-received - in book 2 chapter 4, taci has a fear of puns (basically only shown in facial expressions and a single comment from mizuki towards the end of the fight). this was added because... otherwise the fight at the end of that chapter is just a bunch of walking around in near-identical dark tunnels. the way the fight ends is fun, but the fight itself isn't really anything. with taci having a reason to be afraid of coruby, the fight has more stakes & entertainment value, and it makes coruby feel much more interesting as a character. another huge example is the love triangle in book 1 - in that in the script, it was non-existent. mizuki being into girls was originally only gonna be introduced in book 2 (guess where), and the relationship between cahe and pejiba was going to advance with no real competition (besides bullets). it was gonna be mentioned in like book 3 that she had a thing for pejiba, but nothing in book 1 itself. (similarly to the pun thing, you may notice that mizuki being into pejiba isn't referenced at all in the dialogue besides pejiba saying "i know what mizuki thinks of me" which is kinda vague. i... don't like changing scripts last-minute lol.)
Not gonna lie, everything I do is entirely unplanned. I focus a lot on improvised comedy and what feels right 'at the moment', and considering I write scripts way in advance, sometimes it leads to jokes falling flat when I read them again a few months later. Which is all fine, honestly, it's part of the process. The main unplanned idea for My Husband is a Cultist was turning it from a 12 page one-shot into a fully fledged webcomic, now with 3 chapters and more to come. It was very 'on a whim', and from that very first chapter I came up with more silly ideas. And the more I talked to friends, the more ideas I had for chapters. So the biggest change personally was going from a pure slice-of-life comedy and spending time actually building the world around it so that there was structure to the chaos. I'm still working on it all. I now have an underlying plot that I'm hoping to explore, and I have the arcs planned out way in advance. So it's wild that I went from 'random ideas spewed on a document' to 'I now have a plot and several arcs to cover'. That being said, I still come up with a lot of things on the fly, so I'm changing things constantly as I go and hoping that there aren't too many inconsistencies!
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
One of the most important story elements of Phantomarine (http://www.phantomarine.com/) came up early in the second chapter, when I was asking myself some more questions about the world - and came upon a crucial opportunity. Luckily I didn’t have to change too much to make it work, and while it didn’t really change the plot, it upped the emotional stakes 100-fold. Which is just what I wanted. In this world, I have a big naval force, of which my heroine is (was?) the future leader - but with relative peace and cooperation between the different island nations, who the heck does the navy fight? Pirates? Eh, maybe. But vanilla pirates have been done to death, and while they can be awesome, I wanted to do something different. I wanted to tie them into the world’s supernatural element - while strongly avoiding the Pirates of the Caribbean cursed-buccaneer aesthetic. I decided to tie them to a particular blight that affects some of the characters - so as to up their stakes and better convey why they’re societal outcasts. And finally, I wanted to give them a freaking awesome name, something both nautical and supernatural. Thus, for those reading - the Fata Morgana. What didn’t even exist at the beginning of the second chapter is now an absolutely crucial story element, and I’m so happy they came into the picture. They’ve changed everything for the better. This is one reason why I resigned myself to revealing the world in bits and pieces - I’m revealing it to myself as I go along, too. It helps to be slow sometimes
eli [a winged tale]
The Fata Morgana introduction in the story was A W E S O M E! I’m so glad you have them in the story and looking forward to that amped up stakes!
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I think the biggest example would be the last-minute inclusion of Jonathan as a main character in my comic Dark Wings: Eryl (https://www.flowerlarkstudios.com/dark-wings-2/). I had originally planned for him to be a temporary character that we said goodbye to at the end of Chapter 5. But the more I thought about it, the more I realised the main travelling party needed another character to balance things out. I was really struggling with planning future scenes because the pool of characters felt too small. I also realised that I had developed Jonathan’s character quite a lot for him to be dropped so early. So halfway through drawing chapter 5, I rewrote the second half and he’s now a major part of the cast.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
A second example is Anor in my other comic, Children of Shadow: Ashes (https://www.flowerlarkstudios.com/cos/). He was originally written as a far less sympathetic character. In fact, he was going to be a borderline antagonist who only became sympathetic close to the end. But my characters often do things I don’t expect, and as I was planning the story, he and one of the other main characters, Rava, started falling for each other. I honestly loved this, and so I reworked the entire story to make Anor part of the main cast and much more sympathetic. He’s still a tsundere, and at the point where the story is now, still in constant friction with Rava, but I feel he’s now a much stronger character and is contributing a great deal more to the story than when he was a vaguely ominous frenemy in the original draft.
ooooo I am intrigued by this factoid about Anor
re: unplanned story elements, in Chirault..... [spoilers obviously] Ridriel and Trillia being sisters was something that hit me out of the blue about halfway through the story, and I immediately reworked a lot of things to make it happen http://chirault.sevensmith.net/(edited)
In ghost Junk... We actually avoided a major character death and had revised it literally a chapter before it happened!! We had everything written out right the the very end, but were seeing the readers reactions and reflected on the importance/and if it was absolutely necessary! So with that said, we saved the character, and kept the necessary impact and growth that it was to bring, and honestly- I'm so happy we did it
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
@varethane Yeah, Anor’s character has evolved a LOT since the first draft.
With Blackblood, we actually created the 2nd and 3rd chapters and then thought we wanted a chapter ahead of those as sort of a prologue to give some world building and lore elements haha. Worked out well i think! https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/blackblood/list?title_no=300252(edited)
Erin Ptah (BICP 🎄 Leif & Thorn)
This is kind of the opposite, since I did the "include a new thing in the story" part first, and that's what forced me to come up with a previously-unplanned idea to explain it... In Leif & Thorn, I had a character drop a reference to "that country doesn't allow interspecies marriages" before there's any canon reference to nonhuman species that human characters might want to marry. ...and even I didn't know what that species was going to be. Had some vague idea about revealing that mermaids existed, but in my head I never managed to integrate them with the rest of the plot or the worldbuilding real well. A few months later, I finally remember that I like drawing Tiny People (not like hobbit-size, think Borrowers-size), and realize this is the perfect setting to have a Tiny People Species! Now I get to come up with plot-based excuses to draw them wherever/however I want. Plus it opens up a whole new mine of jokes: https://leifandthorn.com/comic/somethings-cooking-26-29/
Can't for the life of me remember where I got this quote from, but there's an author who, when readers would ask for details about future developments in her books, would only give answers with the disclaimer "I reserve the right to have a better idea." Words to live by.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Damn, I love that quote.
Admittedly there isn't a whole lot I've changed, maybe a couple small things here and there, but major stuff has been the same since I started. During the very beginning of the planning phase Daniel wasn't even going to be in the story and Julian was going to be homeless, but I wasn't quite satisfied with it. The story would have been too short, contrived and the resolution didn't feel satisfying. After some brainstorming and reflection on my feelings on certain experiences I've had, I added Daniel and 'The Guide to a Healthy Relationship' as it is kinda fell into place. It's weird thinking about how important Daniel is in spite of how new a character he is. Usually it takes me a little time to build one up before throwing them into a story, they gotta age like a fine wine first, but he popped out all ready to use like one week hooch.
Not sure if it counts, but I've also made changes to future parts of my comic. Like recently, even though I know what the ending is, I put a more final image in my head on what the final frame will look like. Also I changed an event that will happen at some point revolving around Apollo and his friends. Originally something skeevy was going to happen with Brandon and Apollo involving video uploads, and a homemade contract that was signed with Apollo was drunk. I thought it was too... I dunno, stupid? impractical? So I changed it to Julian was going to (unwillingly) attend a party at Brandon's (Apollo's friend) apartment, then some big, jealousy induced fight happens where Julian gets kicked out and Apollo feels bad. I didn't like that either, felt too reaching, so I'm going with another event that is a little out there but does happen in real life and something I have done some good research on.
Gonna be as vague as possible because it's spoilers.
Surprising myself is pretty much every step of my writing process. For good or bad.
I do plan things in advance, but find that sometimes things aren't what they seemed from 15 chapters ago.
I think what it is is this particular comic is such a visual story. I could plan out my previous comic with far greater accuracy. That comic was more dialog-driven; you could convert it into an audio drama with minimal changes, and it would still make sense. Whereas my current comic, you can't turn it into an audio drama without very VERY extensive changes (not even sure if possible... Many silent scenes). So I need to actually draw the pages to feel it out. And I can't draw out of order. Brain just won't that way.(edited)
totally agree with you @keii4ii sometimes u have to actually draw it out to get a feel for it. when i write out all the dialogue for my chapters i feel like it always ends up coming out so stiff, thats why i prefer to let it flow naturally and if something happens that i didnt account for just roll with it and adjust the story accordingly
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I'm kind of weird about always needing to know exactly how many pages a chapter is going to have, so I script right down to the panel. It can create flow problems on occasion, so I wish sometimes I could plan my pages more visually, but my brain just doesn't work that way. >< It's a good thing my stories mostly rely on dialogue because they're pretty much novels in comic form.(edited)
When planning a scene at the end of Chapter 3 of Whispers of the Past (https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/whispers-of-the-past/list?title_no=191366), I was having a hard time writing the dialogue. I had the images of my lead characters, Agatha and Izrekiel, talking by the docks in the moonlight, and I knew generally what they talked about, but I couldn't script it. And then, one day while walking to work, my characters straight up had the conversation in my head! And as the dialogue unraveled, the characters (mostly Izrekiel) did something completely unplanned (which I won't reveal because spoilers). This unplanned change has completely upped the drama and sexual tension for the entirety of the future story. The second event of this is in Chapter 2, where Izrekiel is helping out on Kelan's farm. Initially, there was going to be some dialogue that mostly served as world-building, but when actually writing the scene, it occurred to me that they would likely not talk too much, too absorbed by the work of harvest. And then, I suddenly visualized/heard Kelan and the other farmhands SINGING. I don't know why it popped in my head that way, but they began singing a working song. Now, I am not a musician, but I used to sing in choir and do musicals and such, and like half my family members are musicians, so I have a bit of a musical background. Anyway, all this to say that the characters started singing, and in response, Izrekiel (who has amnesia) has a flashback to some repressed memory of men marching and singing the same song, with altered lyrics. This can get extra spoilery, so I won't delve too deep into what his memory means, but.... The lyrics go as such: Oh earth, oh rain, Oh sun in the sky, You grant me with your fruit In this land. And they are directly mirrored in the flashback with: Oh strength, oh grace, I'll raise my sword, With victory in mind In this land.(edited)
For me, I totally changed the ending! I was going to make it a tragedy, and then at some point I realized I didnt NEED to... that a story can be happy and good. So, I rewrote a ton of stuff, and actually ended up adding in some new characters! I'd say It's gone very well ^^ I'm much happier with everything now (for one, I can think about the ending without crying!!) I've changed a lot of other little things as i've gone along too. too many things to count, really.
Initially I was writing the story timeline to 5 days but it spanned to something about a year. Which means I had a chance to develop it further than trying to rush plot points. Used to be like 3 chapters originally but now its like ....I guess 20 chapters? I don't remember the full count but lmao I'm ready to endure.(edited)
most of the biggest changes to Chirault were decided on during the first 3 years of me making it..... I completely threw out the first plan I had made, lol. There was no specific trigger for this, except maybe for 'I don't like this, actually'
Oh! I remembered something specific. My tiger character used to have a 'generic lean-ripped' build. Kinda like the rabbit from Juuni Taisen. Then I posted a random beach day picture, and someone (who wasn't used to seeing characters with visible leg muscles... A lot of comics they read have characters who suffer from Skipped All The Leg Days syndrome) pointed out how insanely muscular his legs were. I ran with it. Today his legs are 2x bigger than they were in that beach day pic, and it's all muscle. Also while this character stays very lean throughout the story, I as the author guarantee you that if he were to put on fat, his thighs will be the first to expand, and the most. 8)
@keii4ii I'm so glad for this change. Lu's legs are majestic
Capitania do Azar
Interesting replies here
In o Sarilho https://www.sarilho.net/en/, I have avoided one major character death in the first part of the story because I grow super fond of them and also because it wasn't really going to build up to anything... Which felt really unfair. So now I had to come up with narrative lines for them and I'm quite enjoying that. Furthermore, I was halfway through chapter 3 when I figured out Eurico's looks but especially his role in the story. It involved drawing a lot of trucks (and there will be more trucks in the future) but I'm really excited for him as a character
As I was writing my comic I was trying really hard to keep the POV limited to one character, but that character doesn't have enough perspective to set up the plot very well at the beginning. This meant hopping POVs to some other characters and now I'm gently trying to squash a lot of these subplots before they go completely out of control...
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samanthasroberts · 5 years
50 Thoughtful Last Minute Christmas Gifts For Procrastinators 
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Cataloged in Holidays
50 Thoughtful Last Minute Christmas Gifts For Procrastinators 
January Nelson Updated December 11, 2018
If you still haven’t finished your holiday shopping, you should think about buying these last-minute gifts suggested by Ask Reddit.
1. Mason jar + equal parts granulated sugar and veg oil + either a few drops of essential oil OR some lemon zest OR vanilla extract = boutique grade body scrub.
2. Buy tickets online for a upcoming play, dinner & show, concert, game, etc. Print out page of ticket confirmation and put it in a nice Christmas card envelope. It’s an awesome gift because people tend to love it more than clothing or other junk you usually give. And if you’re parents are like mine, they barely take the initiative to go to these type of events themselves or don’t even know about them. Experience > material goods.
3. Run to the grocery store, pick up chocolate morsels, butter, and cream.
Takes about five hours to make 200 chocolate truffles. Easy to make them different flavors as well. (Orange, Bailey’s Irish Cream, and Cinnamon Honey are the good with milk chocolate. Peppermint, Khalua, and Matcha are good with dark chocolate. Peppermint and matcha are fantastic with white chocolate.)
4. At least for men, my go-to is always a beard or personal grooming kit. It’s likely something that they wouldn’t buy themselves, and many haven’t felt the exhilaration of a peppermint shampoo. Men deserve a little pampering and self care too!
5. I think mugs make a good last minute gift because they’re available at most stores, pretty cheap for a gift, and will actually be used by the recipient.
6. Socks. High-end, badass, toasty warm (if you live where it gets cold) socks. Smartwool/Darn Tough/etc.. They may “meh” at it early on, but will thank you later. Maybe even very later, but it’ll be appreciated (a lot) eventually.
7. Most people I know don’t have bluetooth hook ups in their car, FM Transmitters are absolutely fantastic, they’re relatively cheap and life changers for folks that like to listen to music while driving, Probably $15 and under.
One of those copper chef/gotham steel type skillets. They’re fantastic, less than $20, endless use.
8. Cookie/brownie mix in a mason jar with instructions on a card and a bow.
Or a visa gift card.
9. Fancy pasta, fancy jarred sauce, nice block of parm cheese, in a serving bowl with a kitchen towel. You can do this as expensively or as cheaply as you want.
I also loved a book called The Fortune Cookie Chronicles by Jennifer 8 Lee (basically, a woman exploring Chinese food in the USA as well as her own Chinese roots, and the history of fortune cookies… really fascinating). She talks a lot about soy sauce in that book, so I’ve given that book with a bottle of “real” soy sauce many times. I love sharing things I love with other people, so that’s a gift I love to give.
10. Subscription box. Like coffee? Subscription box. Board games? Subscription box. Make up? Subscription box. Ties or socks or yarn or hot sauce or tea or beer or wine or Japanese candy or marvel or harry porter or fitness? Subscription mother-fuckin box.
11. Go to the dollar store and grab some over the hand oven mitts, then head to the grocery store and get cake & brownie mixes, hand write the baking directions on a decorated index card or slip of paper. Personalize each one with a message or somesuch. Bam.
12. If it’s someone you’re fairly close to, print out a photo of the two of you and put it in a frame. It feels thoughtful, but can also be done in less than an hour and is cheap.
13. Depends how well I know them, or if I’ve used the same trick before – but it’s probably a cast iron skillet. Costs $20 for a good one (rhymes with dodge), and I always get thanked for it, like a year later.
14. Aldi.
A million calories of chocolate for about twenty quid.
Enough to distribute to everyone.
15. Here is what I do every year.
I go buy gift certificates for my favorite restaurants, and gift cards from Best Buy. I then put them in Christmas cards with no name on them.
I keep some in the house and some in my car.
If someone gives me a gift, I say “Wait a minute, I have something for you too” and go get the card. I quickly write their name on it and hand it to them.
Its worked out perfectly for me for years. I give everyone that gives me something, and if I end up with extra gift certificates or gift cards, I just use them on myself.
16. I make them an elaborate Christmas card with an etymology of their name. It’s always a hit and has more meaning than a gift card.
17. Good pair of headphones.
18. I make very good gingerbread cookies and decorate them very elaborately, like I’ll draw a portrait of them in frosting or I draw a cartoon character they like. Im pretty good at it.
19. Chia pet. So many varieties. ‘Ironic’ gift for those recipients, awesome gift for the others.
Either way you are a hero!
20. Those soft-ass blankets you find in any store around Christmas time. And then I buy one more for me. Every goddamn year
21. For girls: anything from Anthropologie. They have a great gifts and the quality/craftsmanship is decent. That and they gift wrap beautifully for free! I use this for last minute birthday gifts quite often and it always impresses.
For guy: gift cards or booze. Guys appreciate utility.
22. Nail place… Women will go wild over a free mani-pedi.
23. A bottle of their favorite spirits, or for non-drinkers/kids, a book.
24. BOOKS!
There is a book on literally any topic ever.
Fan of Formula 1? Book.
Fan of Jujitsu? Book.
Like economic news? Book.
Porn? Book.
Lonely? Book.
Want to improve yourself? Book.
And you can get books everywhere. Online, in store, thrift stores, little free libraries, everywhere.
25. Houseplants!
I usually have lots of spiderplant babies and keep a few small pots on hand. Great for all occasions.
26. Those Hickory Farms meat and cheese gift boxes.
27. For a family – Get a tin bucket of gourmet holiday popcorn (caramel / chocolate flavored popcorn) to share.
For a dude – Get a bottle of fancy champagne or other booze like whisky or bourbon.
For anyone younger than 30 – Get an Amazon gift card.
For a kid – Give them a $50 dollar bill. They likely never handle money and if they do, the $50 looks so much better than the $20. Easy way to become the cool uncle.
For a girl – Get them a gift certificate to a local salon, a big blanket, or fun warm socks (not regular socks but those nicer holiday woven socks).
For your mom – Get her an ornament that has sentimental value, or, go to the mall (who does that anymore) and get them to hand paint an ornament on the spot with the family name & year on it.
For your dad – Get him NFL or NBA tickets.
28. Things that are consumable… everyone has way too many junk trinkets just because someone felt they had to buy something.
Ground coffee from a local coffee shop (if you know the person has a grinder, get whole bean, but not everyone does). They usually have fun Christmas flavors this time of year.
A bottle of dry wine or champagne.
Nice candles (go for ones that are soy based and have lids) or liquid hand soap.
29. Who wants lottery tickets?!?!?!
30. If we’re talking non-money gifts you know what’s a great go to? TJ Maxx. They are just a hodgepodge of random stuff and they have bailed me out so much when it comes to gift giving because with all the things they have you are bound to find something for everyone.
31. Home made egg nog, Irish cream, or Kahlúa. Most people will love one of the three, they are easy to make, made by hand, affordable, and our gifts that go away.
32. I’d bake a bunch of stuff or make fancy looking caramel apples. If I give people food, they seem to be satisfied.
33. I’ll do a blanket/candle/bottle of wine/nice beer and fudge,
OR a movie/board game and stop by the dollar store for a shower caddy, fill it with popcorn, movie candies, etc if it’s for a family. Do a caddy and filler per family member.
34. Starbucks gift card. Everyone loves Starbucks.
35. Lego. Lego for the nephew, lego for dad, lego for mom, lego for granny, lego for EVERYONE!
36. Spicery subscription for three months. Print out the confirmation and chuck it in an envelope. I’ve gifted this twice and both recipients said that they never wanted any other present from me – just for that subscription to repeat.
37. If it’s last minute, I tried to go to a clothing store I know they have clothes from. Throughout the year I’ll ask “bro, nice jacket, where’d you get it?” Then I remember their spot and get them a gift card.
Then to cover my ass cause some people are weird about gift cards I say “I saw a _____ while shopping but I couldn’t remember your size/didn’t know what color you’d like/etc.”
38. Magazine subscriptions. The New Yorker. Times Literary Supplement. New Scientist. Private Eye. Done them all.
39. Mom – Candles and epsom salts.
Brother – Steam/eShop card, or go to a second hand store and find a game I think he’d like.
Dad – Itunes Gift Card or some kind of sports paraphernalia.
Girlfriend – something that reminds me of her, or that I think she’d love (last Christmas it was a pair of socks that said ,”I’m a delicate fucking flower”).
40. I buy ten copies of the best book I’ve read all year and wrap em in newspaper.
Proof of success: I do this every year
41. A brick of batteries. Everybody needs batteries, nobody will say no to batteries, and they will think of you when they are in a pinch and realize you got them a BRICK of batteries.
Great practical gift.
42. Throw blankets from the 24-hour drugstore. They’re $15 and nice enough that I use them myself. This is also my go-to for any gift swap at the office/with people I don’t know super well.
43. Pictures! Take a picture of something the receiver will like, or find one you might already have, throw it in a cheap frame and WABANG
44. Go to CVS and get a gift card (they have Amazon, iTunes, random others). Swing buy a restaurant and grab a gift card for that place. Last ditch, don’t have time to get a hard copy of a gift card- just buy one online that you can email.
45. Luxury kitchen stuff.
There’s a great kitchen & dinnerware shop within walking distance of my home. I can get pretty dinnerware, flatware, glasses and linens in a range of styles, and they have durable, high quality cookware for the more practically minded people. It’s my go to gift-shop, because everyone eats.
46. Lava Lamp!
No one has one.
They’re 20$
Oh, and it’s neat.
47. I’d bring them all to a restaurant and pay for their meal-> easy way to make a party and present at the same time without having to worry about what to buy them since they can order themselves what they want
48. Pharmacies always have cheap last minute crap like travel manicure kits and hot sauce samplers.
49. You get a box of chocolate! You get a box of chocolate! And you get a box of chocolate! Everyone gets a box of chocolate!!!
50. Cash, candy, and/or alcohol.
Image Credit: Anthony Tran
is cataloged in Last Minute Gifts, Presents
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Source: http://allofbeer.com/50-thoughtful-last-minute-christmas-gifts-for-procrastinators/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2019/04/22/50-thoughtful-last-minute-christmas-gifts-for-procrastinators/
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adambstingus · 5 years
50 Thoughtful Last Minute Christmas Gifts For Procrastinators 
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Cataloged in Holidays
50 Thoughtful Last Minute Christmas Gifts For Procrastinators 
January Nelson Updated December 11, 2018
If you still haven’t finished your holiday shopping, you should think about buying these last-minute gifts suggested by Ask Reddit.
1. Mason jar + equal parts granulated sugar and veg oil + either a few drops of essential oil OR some lemon zest OR vanilla extract = boutique grade body scrub.
2. Buy tickets online for a upcoming play, dinner & show, concert, game, etc. Print out page of ticket confirmation and put it in a nice Christmas card envelope. It’s an awesome gift because people tend to love it more than clothing or other junk you usually give. And if you’re parents are like mine, they barely take the initiative to go to these type of events themselves or don’t even know about them. Experience > material goods.
3. Run to the grocery store, pick up chocolate morsels, butter, and cream.
Takes about five hours to make 200 chocolate truffles. Easy to make them different flavors as well. (Orange, Bailey’s Irish Cream, and Cinnamon Honey are the good with milk chocolate. Peppermint, Khalua, and Matcha are good with dark chocolate. Peppermint and matcha are fantastic with white chocolate.)
4. At least for men, my go-to is always a beard or personal grooming kit. It’s likely something that they wouldn’t buy themselves, and many haven’t felt the exhilaration of a peppermint shampoo. Men deserve a little pampering and self care too!
5. I think mugs make a good last minute gift because they’re available at most stores, pretty cheap for a gift, and will actually be used by the recipient.
6. Socks. High-end, badass, toasty warm (if you live where it gets cold) socks. Smartwool/Darn Tough/etc.. They may “meh” at it early on, but will thank you later. Maybe even very later, but it’ll be appreciated (a lot) eventually.
7. Most people I know don’t have bluetooth hook ups in their car, FM Transmitters are absolutely fantastic, they’re relatively cheap and life changers for folks that like to listen to music while driving, Probably $15 and under.
One of those copper chef/gotham steel type skillets. They’re fantastic, less than $20, endless use.
8. Cookie/brownie mix in a mason jar with instructions on a card and a bow.
Or a visa gift card.
9. Fancy pasta, fancy jarred sauce, nice block of parm cheese, in a serving bowl with a kitchen towel. You can do this as expensively or as cheaply as you want.
I also loved a book called The Fortune Cookie Chronicles by Jennifer 8 Lee (basically, a woman exploring Chinese food in the USA as well as her own Chinese roots, and the history of fortune cookies… really fascinating). She talks a lot about soy sauce in that book, so I’ve given that book with a bottle of “real” soy sauce many times. I love sharing things I love with other people, so that’s a gift I love to give.
10. Subscription box. Like coffee? Subscription box. Board games? Subscription box. Make up? Subscription box. Ties or socks or yarn or hot sauce or tea or beer or wine or Japanese candy or marvel or harry porter or fitness? Subscription mother-fuckin box.
11. Go to the dollar store and grab some over the hand oven mitts, then head to the grocery store and get cake & brownie mixes, hand write the baking directions on a decorated index card or slip of paper. Personalize each one with a message or somesuch. Bam.
12. If it’s someone you’re fairly close to, print out a photo of the two of you and put it in a frame. It feels thoughtful, but can also be done in less than an hour and is cheap.
13. Depends how well I know them, or if I’ve used the same trick before – but it’s probably a cast iron skillet. Costs $20 for a good one (rhymes with dodge), and I always get thanked for it, like a year later.
14. Aldi.
A million calories of chocolate for about twenty quid.
Enough to distribute to everyone.
15. Here is what I do every year.
I go buy gift certificates for my favorite restaurants, and gift cards from Best Buy. I then put them in Christmas cards with no name on them.
I keep some in the house and some in my car.
If someone gives me a gift, I say “Wait a minute, I have something for you too” and go get the card. I quickly write their name on it and hand it to them.
Its worked out perfectly for me for years. I give everyone that gives me something, and if I end up with extra gift certificates or gift cards, I just use them on myself.
16. I make them an elaborate Christmas card with an etymology of their name. It’s always a hit and has more meaning than a gift card.
17. Good pair of headphones.
18. I make very good gingerbread cookies and decorate them very elaborately, like I’ll draw a portrait of them in frosting or I draw a cartoon character they like. Im pretty good at it.
19. Chia pet. So many varieties. ‘Ironic’ gift for those recipients, awesome gift for the others.
Either way you are a hero!
20. Those soft-ass blankets you find in any store around Christmas time. And then I buy one more for me. Every goddamn year
21. For girls: anything from Anthropologie. They have a great gifts and the quality/craftsmanship is decent. That and they gift wrap beautifully for free! I use this for last minute birthday gifts quite often and it always impresses.
For guy: gift cards or booze. Guys appreciate utility.
22. Nail place… Women will go wild over a free mani-pedi.
23. A bottle of their favorite spirits, or for non-drinkers/kids, a book.
24. BOOKS!
There is a book on literally any topic ever.
Fan of Formula 1? Book.
Fan of Jujitsu? Book.
Like economic news? Book.
Porn? Book.
Lonely? Book.
Want to improve yourself? Book.
And you can get books everywhere. Online, in store, thrift stores, little free libraries, everywhere.
25. Houseplants!
I usually have lots of spiderplant babies and keep a few small pots on hand. Great for all occasions.
26. Those Hickory Farms meat and cheese gift boxes.
27. For a family – Get a tin bucket of gourmet holiday popcorn (caramel / chocolate flavored popcorn) to share.
For a dude – Get a bottle of fancy champagne or other booze like whisky or bourbon.
For anyone younger than 30 – Get an Amazon gift card.
For a kid – Give them a $50 dollar bill. They likely never handle money and if they do, the $50 looks so much better than the $20. Easy way to become the cool uncle.
For a girl – Get them a gift certificate to a local salon, a big blanket, or fun warm socks (not regular socks but those nicer holiday woven socks).
For your mom – Get her an ornament that has sentimental value, or, go to the mall (who does that anymore) and get them to hand paint an ornament on the spot with the family name & year on it.
For your dad – Get him NFL or NBA tickets.
28. Things that are consumable… everyone has way too many junk trinkets just because someone felt they had to buy something.
Ground coffee from a local coffee shop (if you know the person has a grinder, get whole bean, but not everyone does). They usually have fun Christmas flavors this time of year.
A bottle of dry wine or champagne.
Nice candles (go for ones that are soy based and have lids) or liquid hand soap.
29. Who wants lottery tickets?!?!?!
30. If we’re talking non-money gifts you know what’s a great go to? TJ Maxx. They are just a hodgepodge of random stuff and they have bailed me out so much when it comes to gift giving because with all the things they have you are bound to find something for everyone.
31. Home made egg nog, Irish cream, or Kahlúa. Most people will love one of the three, they are easy to make, made by hand, affordable, and our gifts that go away.
32. I’d bake a bunch of stuff or make fancy looking caramel apples. If I give people food, they seem to be satisfied.
33. I’ll do a blanket/candle/bottle of wine/nice beer and fudge,
OR a movie/board game and stop by the dollar store for a shower caddy, fill it with popcorn, movie candies, etc if it’s for a family. Do a caddy and filler per family member.
34. Starbucks gift card. Everyone loves Starbucks.
35. Lego. Lego for the nephew, lego for dad, lego for mom, lego for granny, lego for EVERYONE!
36. Spicery subscription for three months. Print out the confirmation and chuck it in an envelope. I’ve gifted this twice and both recipients said that they never wanted any other present from me – just for that subscription to repeat.
37. If it’s last minute, I tried to go to a clothing store I know they have clothes from. Throughout the year I’ll ask “bro, nice jacket, where’d you get it?” Then I remember their spot and get them a gift card.
Then to cover my ass cause some people are weird about gift cards I say “I saw a _____ while shopping but I couldn’t remember your size/didn’t know what color you’d like/etc.”
38. Magazine subscriptions. The New Yorker. Times Literary Supplement. New Scientist. Private Eye. Done them all.
39. Mom – Candles and epsom salts.
Brother – Steam/eShop card, or go to a second hand store and find a game I think he’d like.
Dad – Itunes Gift Card or some kind of sports paraphernalia.
Girlfriend – something that reminds me of her, or that I think she’d love (last Christmas it was a pair of socks that said ,”I’m a delicate fucking flower”).
40. I buy ten copies of the best book I’ve read all year and wrap em in newspaper.
Proof of success: I do this every year
41. A brick of batteries. Everybody needs batteries, nobody will say no to batteries, and they will think of you when they are in a pinch and realize you got them a BRICK of batteries.
Great practical gift.
42. Throw blankets from the 24-hour drugstore. They’re $15 and nice enough that I use them myself. This is also my go-to for any gift swap at the office/with people I don’t know super well.
43. Pictures! Take a picture of something the receiver will like, or find one you might already have, throw it in a cheap frame and WABANG
44. Go to CVS and get a gift card (they have Amazon, iTunes, random others). Swing buy a restaurant and grab a gift card for that place. Last ditch, don’t have time to get a hard copy of a gift card- just buy one online that you can email.
45. Luxury kitchen stuff.
There’s a great kitchen & dinnerware shop within walking distance of my home. I can get pretty dinnerware, flatware, glasses and linens in a range of styles, and they have durable, high quality cookware for the more practically minded people. It’s my go to gift-shop, because everyone eats.
46. Lava Lamp!
No one has one.
They’re 20$
Oh, and it’s neat.
47. I’d bring them all to a restaurant and pay for their meal-> easy way to make a party and present at the same time without having to worry about what to buy them since they can order themselves what they want
48. Pharmacies always have cheap last minute crap like travel manicure kits and hot sauce samplers.
49. You get a box of chocolate! You get a box of chocolate! And you get a box of chocolate! Everyone gets a box of chocolate!!!
50. Cash, candy, and/or alcohol.
Image Credit: Anthony Tran
is cataloged in Last Minute Gifts, Presents
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What if kindness was cool?
What if you could live a life that would make YOU jealous? What if you could make just one person’s day better with a few simple words of encouragement?  is a book of inspirational words that will keep you fighting and ask you never to give up on life, yourself, or others. Open a page to start your day, frame a page that inspires you to keep living, share a page with a friend who needs support, or leave one behind for a complete stranger to brighten their day.
Join The Kindness Revolution
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/50-thoughtful-last-minute-christmas-gifts-for-procrastinators/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/184356935077
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allofbeercom · 5 years
50 Thoughtful Last Minute Christmas Gifts For Procrastinators 
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Cataloged in Holidays
50 Thoughtful Last Minute Christmas Gifts For Procrastinators 
January Nelson Updated December 11, 2018
If you still haven’t finished your holiday shopping, you should think about buying these last-minute gifts suggested by Ask Reddit.
1. Mason jar + equal parts granulated sugar and veg oil + either a few drops of essential oil OR some lemon zest OR vanilla extract = boutique grade body scrub.
2. Buy tickets online for a upcoming play, dinner & show, concert, game, etc. Print out page of ticket confirmation and put it in a nice Christmas card envelope. It’s an awesome gift because people tend to love it more than clothing or other junk you usually give. And if you’re parents are like mine, they barely take the initiative to go to these type of events themselves or don’t even know about them. Experience > material goods.
3. Run to the grocery store, pick up chocolate morsels, butter, and cream.
Takes about five hours to make 200 chocolate truffles. Easy to make them different flavors as well. (Orange, Bailey’s Irish Cream, and Cinnamon Honey are the good with milk chocolate. Peppermint, Khalua, and Matcha are good with dark chocolate. Peppermint and matcha are fantastic with white chocolate.)
4. At least for men, my go-to is always a beard or personal grooming kit. It’s likely something that they wouldn’t buy themselves, and many haven’t felt the exhilaration of a peppermint shampoo. Men deserve a little pampering and self care too!
5. I think mugs make a good last minute gift because they’re available at most stores, pretty cheap for a gift, and will actually be used by the recipient.
6. Socks. High-end, badass, toasty warm (if you live where it gets cold) socks. Smartwool/Darn Tough/etc.. They may “meh” at it early on, but will thank you later. Maybe even very later, but it’ll be appreciated (a lot) eventually.
7. Most people I know don’t have bluetooth hook ups in their car, FM Transmitters are absolutely fantastic, they’re relatively cheap and life changers for folks that like to listen to music while driving, Probably $15 and under.
One of those copper chef/gotham steel type skillets. They’re fantastic, less than $20, endless use.
8. Cookie/brownie mix in a mason jar with instructions on a card and a bow.
Or a visa gift card.
9. Fancy pasta, fancy jarred sauce, nice block of parm cheese, in a serving bowl with a kitchen towel. You can do this as expensively or as cheaply as you want.
I also loved a book called The Fortune Cookie Chronicles by Jennifer 8 Lee (basically, a woman exploring Chinese food in the USA as well as her own Chinese roots, and the history of fortune cookies… really fascinating). She talks a lot about soy sauce in that book, so I’ve given that book with a bottle of “real” soy sauce many times. I love sharing things I love with other people, so that’s a gift I love to give.
10. Subscription box. Like coffee? Subscription box. Board games? Subscription box. Make up? Subscription box. Ties or socks or yarn or hot sauce or tea or beer or wine or Japanese candy or marvel or harry porter or fitness? Subscription mother-fuckin box.
11. Go to the dollar store and grab some over the hand oven mitts, then head to the grocery store and get cake & brownie mixes, hand write the baking directions on a decorated index card or slip of paper. Personalize each one with a message or somesuch. Bam.
12. If it’s someone you’re fairly close to, print out a photo of the two of you and put it in a frame. It feels thoughtful, but can also be done in less than an hour and is cheap.
13. Depends how well I know them, or if I’ve used the same trick before – but it’s probably a cast iron skillet. Costs $20 for a good one (rhymes with dodge), and I always get thanked for it, like a year later.
14. Aldi.
A million calories of chocolate for about twenty quid.
Enough to distribute to everyone.
15. Here is what I do every year.
I go buy gift certificates for my favorite restaurants, and gift cards from Best Buy. I then put them in Christmas cards with no name on them.
I keep some in the house and some in my car.
If someone gives me a gift, I say “Wait a minute, I have something for you too” and go get the card. I quickly write their name on it and hand it to them.
Its worked out perfectly for me for years. I give everyone that gives me something, and if I end up with extra gift certificates or gift cards, I just use them on myself.
16. I make them an elaborate Christmas card with an etymology of their name. It’s always a hit and has more meaning than a gift card.
17. Good pair of headphones.
18. I make very good gingerbread cookies and decorate them very elaborately, like I’ll draw a portrait of them in frosting or I draw a cartoon character they like. Im pretty good at it.
19. Chia pet. So many varieties. ‘Ironic’ gift for those recipients, awesome gift for the others.
Either way you are a hero!
20. Those soft-ass blankets you find in any store around Christmas time. And then I buy one more for me. Every goddamn year
21. For girls: anything from Anthropologie. They have a great gifts and the quality/craftsmanship is decent. That and they gift wrap beautifully for free! I use this for last minute birthday gifts quite often and it always impresses.
For guy: gift cards or booze. Guys appreciate utility.
22. Nail place… Women will go wild over a free mani-pedi.
23. A bottle of their favorite spirits, or for non-drinkers/kids, a book.
24. BOOKS!
There is a book on literally any topic ever.
Fan of Formula 1? Book.
Fan of Jujitsu? Book.
Like economic news? Book.
Porn? Book.
Lonely? Book.
Want to improve yourself? Book.
And you can get books everywhere. Online, in store, thrift stores, little free libraries, everywhere.
25. Houseplants!
I usually have lots of spiderplant babies and keep a few small pots on hand. Great for all occasions.
26. Those Hickory Farms meat and cheese gift boxes.
27. For a family – Get a tin bucket of gourmet holiday popcorn (caramel / chocolate flavored popcorn) to share.
For a dude – Get a bottle of fancy champagne or other booze like whisky or bourbon.
For anyone younger than 30 – Get an Amazon gift card.
For a kid – Give them a $50 dollar bill. They likely never handle money and if they do, the $50 looks so much better than the $20. Easy way to become the cool uncle.
For a girl – Get them a gift certificate to a local salon, a big blanket, or fun warm socks (not regular socks but those nicer holiday woven socks).
For your mom – Get her an ornament that has sentimental value, or, go to the mall (who does that anymore) and get them to hand paint an ornament on the spot with the family name & year on it.
For your dad – Get him NFL or NBA tickets.
28. Things that are consumable… everyone has way too many junk trinkets just because someone felt they had to buy something.
Ground coffee from a local coffee shop (if you know the person has a grinder, get whole bean, but not everyone does). They usually have fun Christmas flavors this time of year.
A bottle of dry wine or champagne.
Nice candles (go for ones that are soy based and have lids) or liquid hand soap.
29. Who wants lottery tickets?!?!?!
30. If we’re talking non-money gifts you know what’s a great go to? TJ Maxx. They are just a hodgepodge of random stuff and they have bailed me out so much when it comes to gift giving because with all the things they have you are bound to find something for everyone.
31. Home made egg nog, Irish cream, or Kahlúa. Most people will love one of the three, they are easy to make, made by hand, affordable, and our gifts that go away.
32. I’d bake a bunch of stuff or make fancy looking caramel apples. If I give people food, they seem to be satisfied.
33. I’ll do a blanket/candle/bottle of wine/nice beer and fudge,
OR a movie/board game and stop by the dollar store for a shower caddy, fill it with popcorn, movie candies, etc if it’s for a family. Do a caddy and filler per family member.
34. Starbucks gift card. Everyone loves Starbucks.
35. Lego. Lego for the nephew, lego for dad, lego for mom, lego for granny, lego for EVERYONE!
36. Spicery subscription for three months. Print out the confirmation and chuck it in an envelope. I’ve gifted this twice and both recipients said that they never wanted any other present from me – just for that subscription to repeat.
37. If it’s last minute, I tried to go to a clothing store I know they have clothes from. Throughout the year I’ll ask “bro, nice jacket, where’d you get it?” Then I remember their spot and get them a gift card.
Then to cover my ass cause some people are weird about gift cards I say “I saw a _____ while shopping but I couldn’t remember your size/didn’t know what color you’d like/etc.”
38. Magazine subscriptions. The New Yorker. Times Literary Supplement. New Scientist. Private Eye. Done them all.
39. Mom – Candles and epsom salts.
Brother – Steam/eShop card, or go to a second hand store and find a game I think he’d like.
Dad – Itunes Gift Card or some kind of sports paraphernalia.
Girlfriend – something that reminds me of her, or that I think she’d love (last Christmas it was a pair of socks that said ,”I’m a delicate fucking flower”).
40. I buy ten copies of the best book I’ve read all year and wrap em in newspaper.
Proof of success: I do this every year
41. A brick of batteries. Everybody needs batteries, nobody will say no to batteries, and they will think of you when they are in a pinch and realize you got them a BRICK of batteries.
Great practical gift.
42. Throw blankets from the 24-hour drugstore. They’re $15 and nice enough that I use them myself. This is also my go-to for any gift swap at the office/with people I don’t know super well.
43. Pictures! Take a picture of something the receiver will like, or find one you might already have, throw it in a cheap frame and WABANG
44. Go to CVS and get a gift card (they have Amazon, iTunes, random others). Swing buy a restaurant and grab a gift card for that place. Last ditch, don’t have time to get a hard copy of a gift card- just buy one online that you can email.
45. Luxury kitchen stuff.
There’s a great kitchen & dinnerware shop within walking distance of my home. I can get pretty dinnerware, flatware, glasses and linens in a range of styles, and they have durable, high quality cookware for the more practically minded people. It’s my go to gift-shop, because everyone eats.
46. Lava Lamp!
No one has one.
They’re 20$
Oh, and it’s neat.
47. I’d bring them all to a restaurant and pay for their meal-> easy way to make a party and present at the same time without having to worry about what to buy them since they can order themselves what they want
48. Pharmacies always have cheap last minute crap like travel manicure kits and hot sauce samplers.
49. You get a box of chocolate! You get a box of chocolate! And you get a box of chocolate! Everyone gets a box of chocolate!!!
50. Cash, candy, and/or alcohol.
Image Credit: Anthony Tran
is cataloged in Last Minute Gifts, Presents
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What if kindness was cool?
What if you could live a life that would make YOU jealous? What if you could make just one person’s day better with a few simple words of encouragement?  is a book of inspirational words that will keep you fighting and ask you never to give up on life, yourself, or others. Open a page to start your day, frame a page that inspires you to keep living, share a page with a friend who needs support, or leave one behind for a complete stranger to brighten their day.
Join The Kindness Revolution
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/50-thoughtful-last-minute-christmas-gifts-for-procrastinators/
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omgxiaoch · 7 years
request: “ can you write a scenario where changkyun and wonho are staying over at kihyuns and his wife house, and they have to babysit their child” -anon <3
characters: wonho x changkyun 
word count: 2,359
a/n: hey guys im so sorry if its kinda meh ;-; the gif is not mine
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A high pitched scream roared throughout the whole building. Two grown men chasing after a little girl was a sight to see. Kihyun and his wife had decided to ask Wonho and Changkyun to babysit their daughter, Kira, for the whole day which they were already obliged to do so after being saved by the couple from being kicked out from the nearby arcade.
The whole house was a total mess. Bottles, blankets, and clothes were all over the place, not to mention the toys that Kira has been playing with. Wonho and Changkyun were now busy looking for the missing Kira. Tiptoeing their way to every corner in the room, Wonho was finally able to see the tiny toes sticking out under the curtains. 
A cheeky grin crossed Wonho’s face and pointed at the curtain right in front of them, making Changkyun burst out laughing. “Omo, where could she go?” Changkyun acted distressed as if he haven’t found her. “Is she in....here!” Wonho pulls the curtain open and meets the twinkling eyes of Kira. “You found me, you found me!”
The sound of Kira’s giggles filled the room. Kira was about to run away again when Changkyun got a hold of her, throwing her up in the air and catching her right on time. “Aigoo, you’re really mischievous aren’t you?” Changkyun teased and tickled Kira on the armpits, making her squirm while laughing really hard.
Wonho couldn’t help but smile at the sight. Glancing up at the clock, his eyes widen and before they knew it, they were rushing towards the kitchen with Kira in their arms. “We’ll be dead if Kihyun finds out that we didn’t feed her on time.” Wonho rattled and quickly prepped the pot on the stove while Changkyun placed Kira on her high chair. 
“What are you going to cook, Hyung?” Changkyun asked and frantically paced fro and to behind Wonho. “I’ll just cook some ramen and we’ll be fine.” Changkyun was then brought to a stop. “Hyung! Are you even sure that Kihyun feeds her those junk?!”
“Well, if he hasn’t then it’s totally fine!” Wonho shrugs and was about to pour the noodles into the boiling pot when his phone rang. It was Kihyun. Nervously answering the phone, clearing their throats before they could even speak was something that Kihyun didn’t catch.
(Hey guys, did you feed Kira?)
“Yeah, we did and she loved it.” Wonho lied, only to receive a look from Changkyun. “I’ve got to go now, Ki. I have to go cook some food for us.” Before Kihyun could even utter a reply, Changkyun immediately turned the phone call off and proceeded in pouring the seasoning and noodles on the pot.
The sound of tummy rumbling caught the grown men's’ attention. It was from Kira and she was starving. When the ramen was almost cooked, Kira starts to whine and let out a cry, making Changkyun panic as Wonho immediately grabbed a character designed bowl and pours the ramen after giving it ten seconds.
Carefully placing the bowl in front of Kira, Changkyun hands her some trainer chopsticks and spoon. Wonho yelps as he remembered that Kira doesn’t like it when the food’s too hot, making him grab a fan and start cooling down the ramen. 
Wonho’s arms were practically gonna fall off from the continuous flapping of arms in order to cool down her meal, however, in just an instant the ramen was cooled down for Kira to dig in. Grabbing a bowl of rice and some watered down kimchi, Changkyun places it beside Kira’s bowl and watches her eat it with slowly.
“Do you think we’ll be dead when she tells Kihyun that we fed her that?” Changkyun asked once more. “Nah.” Wonho carefreely shrugs and proceeds to the fridge, looking for some side dishes that he can mix with their rice. “Yah Changkyun, get some metal bowl and some red pepper paste.”
Mouths munching on something crunchy filled the kitchen. “Have some of the white kimchi.” Wonho places a piece of kimchi onto Changkyun’s spoonful of bibimbap before returning his attention to his own spoon. It was almost normal for the two men to feed each other. “Thanks.” Changkyun couldn’t help but groan at how delicious it was to pair the bibimbap they’ve made with some kimchi.
“Hyung, have you tried wrapping the bibimbap on some greens?” Changkyun queries as he places a spoonful of bibimbap on a lettuce and wraps it up. Wonho shakes his head in response, and this was the only response that Changkyun needs in order for him to put the wrap up to his mouth. Wonho takes the wrap with his mouth in one go before groaning in delight.
It was utterly delicious. The two of them stared at each other’s eyes while enjoying the taste of bibimbap hovering their taste buds. You can say that they were in foodie heaven until they heard someone clear their throat. And it was no other than, Kira, who has been staring at them with a pout.
“Can I have some?” 
Kira’s puppy dog eyes melted the boy’s heart, making them let out an ‘aww’ before feeding her some wraps. An hour has finally passed and their lunch time was finally over. Changkyun lifts Kira off her high chair and carefully sets her down on the floor. 
Dashing out of the kitchen then into the living room, Changkyun didn’t bother chasing after her as Wonho has already wiped off her face and hands. “Hyung, I’ll go play with Kira, okay?” Wonho responds with a ‘mm’, allowing Changkyun to leave the room with just one go.
Kira was already sitting down on the floor with her colored papers, pens and glue sprawled all over the coffee table. “Hm, what are you doing Kira?” Changkyun asks as he settles down beside her. “I’m gonna draw umma and appa!” 
“Really? Alright, then... can I draw with you?” Changkyun cutely asked with his voice slightly raised into a high pitch, making Kira burst into giggles. Kira nods her head in response and immediately transfers her attention to the paper and colored pen right in front of her.
Her tiny littler fingers were tightly wrapped around the pen and she was in a complete trance in her own little world. Red, green, blue and yellow lines inked the thin paper.  Various colored caps were scattered around the whole living room, may it be under Changkyun’s thighs, behind Kira, on top of the coffee table, meters away from the table and much more.
Changkyun was also lost in his own tiny world as he lets out everything that was on his mind on the pink colored paper underneath his palms. Starting with a black pen, he drew the outline and slowly filled the blank spaces with different colors, adding life to it.
Wonho, who was busy wiping the newly washed dishes, was surprised to only hear the sound of the tv. Carefully placing the last bowl on the rack, Wonho dries his hands off with some towel before trudging towards the living room. Wonho was surely surprised to see Changkyun having pen marks on his face.
“Oh no, I think our Changkyun needs some mustache, Kira.” Wonho schemingly suggested with a pout. A gleeful squeal left Kira’s lips as she tackled Changkyun down on the floor with a pen on her hand. Before Changkyun could even stop and let out a protest, the tip of the pen has already grazed themselves over his upper lip and tinted it with black ink.
Wonho didn’t think twice and joined Kira, placing Changkyun’s head on his lap as he write’s his name all over his forehead, receiving a lot of approval from Kira. Fits of giggles and laughter filled the air. Wonho and Changkyun had never felt this warm feeling on their tummies again after leaving the kindergarten way back during their X-Ray days.
Changkyun was now finally free and all of them were busy doodling random things on every colored paper. Wonho couldn’t help but draw a picture of him, Kira and Changkyun happily eating some bibimbap wraps to commemorate the event that happened hours ago. 
“Kira,” Wonho called out without ripping his eyes off the colored paper. “Yes, uncle?” Kira softly replied and was also focused on her paper. “Who do you like more, Uncle Changkyun and Uncle Wonho or appa?” Wonho’s eyes twinkled with mischief and waited for Kira to answer.
This was also something that has caught the ever silent Changkyun’s attention. Kira seemed to be unbothered by the thought but there was a knowing smile plastered on her face and it had an uncanny resemblance of Kihyun’s smile The dimples on her cheeks were deep that she almost looked like a cute little kitten. 
Her eyes twinkled as she looked up to meet the gaze of her uncles. “I like you guys more!” There was a hint of sincerity in her voice and the boys just couldn’t get enough of it. “C’mere!” Wonho throws his arms widely before wrapping them completely on Kira’s tiny body. 
“Do you want to hang out with us tomorrow?” Changkyun peered over Kira’s smiley face and ran his fingers through her brown locks. “Where will we go tomorrow?” Kira’s already hyped up by the thought of having a lot of fun with the best uncles in the whole wide word.
Wonho pulls her away from the hug and sits her down on his lap. “Do you want to go to the amusement park?” 
“Ooohhh! I do, I do! Appa never takes me there since he’s too busy.” Kira sadly says with her shoulders slightly slumped in sadness. “Aww, don’t worry. We’ll ask permission from your appa when he comes home, okay?” Changkyun reassures the toddler and bloops her nose with his finger.
Suddenly the sound the door opening made everyone turn around, only to see Kihyun and his wife smiling widely at them. Kira didn’t think twice and ran towards her parents, giving them a tight hug.
“How was your day with the uncles, sweetie?” Kihyun’s wife asked and only received a smile from her daughter.” Aye, is my daughter being cheeky again?” Kihyun teased, making Kira burst out laughing.
“Uncles was really fun!” Kira beamed and squirmed out from her mother’s hold, going down to rush back to Changkyun and Wonho. “Aigoo, look at the time. I guess we have to go now, Kira.” Changkyun sadly announced and stands up to get his things when he felt a small pair of arms being wrapped around his leg.
“Oh, what’s wrong Kira?” Wonho asked with his bag and Changkyun’s bag in his hands. “Don’t leave..” Kira’s happy smile was long gone as it was now replaced with a sad pout. Tears were welling up on the corner of her eyes and even tightening her grip around Changkyun’s leg.
“Aigoo, does our Kira want us to stay over for the night and play with her a little bit more?” Changkyun picks her up and looks at her in the eyes. “Yes...” her response came out as a whisper as she fiddled on the hem of her dress. “Baby, your uncles still has work to do..” Kihyun apologetically reasoned out and caressed his baby girl’s head, only to make her burst out crying. 
She threw her arms around Changkyun’s neck and buried her face on his shoulder. It was no use in denying that she has grown attached to her uncles in just a small amount of time. “Do you love your uncles?” Kihyun softly queries and only earns a nod from her.
“Do you want your uncles to be tired that they can’t play with you anymore?”
A soft ‘no’ was heard and everyone was startled when Kira makes Changkyun set her down on the floor, her head lowered as tears continued to brim down her cheeks. “Ey, don’t be sad now, kiddo. We still have to go to the amusement park tomorrow, silly.”  
“You are?” Kihyun confusingly asked, taken aback by the sudden announcement. ”Yes, we are!” Changkyun beamed and finally lets out a sigh of relief when they saw the smile on Kira’s face.”And we’ll be going tomorrow morning!” Wonho glances over Kihyun’s wife then to Kihyun. 
“Now, if you want to go to the amusement park with your uncles, they have to go home and rest up, baby.” Kira’s mother coos as she pickes her daughter up. “Okay..”
“Alrightie then, we better get going since [y/n]’s gonna treat us to dinner.” Changkyun remarks and was about to head out when Kira stopped them. “Wait! I have something for uncles.”
She waddled her way towards the coffee table and grabbed the colored paper that she had been working on since a while ago.
“Here.” She offers the colored paper to Changkyun and Wonho, who was tearing up at the thought. “Thank you, baby.” Wonho utters and gives her a pat on the head.
Kihyun and his wife couldn’t help but soften at the sight. Never has she really opened up to others but they were glad that it was Wonho and Changkyun being the first persons whom she opened up to first.
“Why don’t you give your uncles one last hug before they leave?”
Kira didn’t need to be told twice as she already wrapped her arms around Wonho’s neck then pulls away immediately to give Changkyun a hug. “We really need to go now.” Wonho chuckles as they were already ushered to the front door.
“Thank you for watching Kira for us.” The couple cooed and received only a smile from the two. “Take care now and don’t forget about the amusement park tomorrow, alright?” 
“Don’t worry, we’ll be back tomorrow and we’ll probably bring [y/n] and Hyungwon with us.” Changkyun says and gives Kihyun and his wife a hug, only to be followed by Wonho.
“Bye guys.” The two unisons and slowly headed out to their car when they heard a high pitched scream from behind, only to make them burst into a wide smile and leave the place with their hearts beating in joy.
“See you tomorrow uncles!!” 
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