#where was this energy at when your son had broken up with the love of his life and was moping around??
liketolovexx · 6 months
heyyy, can i request good old enemies to lovers with so much angst but ends with fluff with sirius??? maybe they used to be friends before and Sirius just suddenly turned cold? and the reader was giving the same energy and all they do is bicker and one time the reader just burst out about how siri is being a prick and then it ends with confession?? it's very long 😭😭im sorry
Hey guys!!! Sorry I’m going through requests VERRRRY slowly atm but please feel free to leave requests in my inbox for me to get round to <3 love u all so much
Also, I included reader seeing Regulus as a little brother figure and looking after him, because I can’t not :-( sorry if it puts u off the fic!!
(CW: LOTS of angst, child abuse from walburga, sad Sirius, sad Regulus, Sirius being cold and cruel to cope with loss, basically the reader being the black brother’s best friend, ends with fluff<3)
“I used to love you.” ~S.O.B
{you were from a pure blood family, best friends with Sirius Black. You comforted him through his mother’s cruelty, and fell in love along the way. Until Sirius ran away, leaving you to protect his little brother from harm out of the love you still held. Now, when you see him in school, you give him a reciprocated glare. But why does he hate you?}
“Sirius, come here!” Came the harsh, threatening voice of Walburga Black, she sounded angry, really angry, and you watched Sirius tense, looking up from the book you were reading together. His eyes were wide, face whiter than usual, holding much more terror than a little boy should ever have to endure. You put a hand on his shoulder, warming him in this cold house. “Hey, it’s fine. Whatever happens, you can come back up to me after. I’ll take care of you.” You told him. You may have been only children at the time, but the way Sirius nodded and his silver eyes softened and glittered with tears, you knew you had a certain way with him.
Alone in Sirius’s room, you played with your hands, shoulders stiff as you listened to the mother scream ruthlessly at her son, trying not to picture the broken, guilty, vacant expression you knew would be adorning Sirius’s tear-stained face. You couldn’t hear Sirius’s responses to Walburga’s yelling, you knew he froze up when he was scared, so he’d be mumbling in response. “I DONT CARE IF YOUR FRIEND IS UPSTAIRS. YOU ARE A DISGRACE ALREADY!” She yelled. You had to cover your ears when gut-wrenching cries and wails started to echo up the stairs. Walburga was using the crucio curse on her son. Again.
Soon, the screams ceased and Sirius rushed up the stairs and into his room where you still sat. He slammed the door desperately, and crumbled to the floor beneath it, shaking like a leaf and loud sobs starting to make his small back heave. You leaped off of his bed and knelt beside him. Hesitantly, you reached out to touch his back, but he flinched away from you with a sharp, choked gasp. That was when the first crack painfully sliced its way through your heart. To see your best friend weak and bawling on the floor of his bedroom, scared of even you, was an agonising feeling. Eventually, Sirius realised you wouldn’t hurt him, and wiggled into your lap, crying quieter now. His head found its way into your neck as he cried, and you could feel his wet tears snaking down your skin.
“Sirius, I’m here.” You whispered into his disheveled black curls. At that, you felt his body weaken in your lap. Before you knew it, he was asleep ontop of you, your arms wrapped around him. He stirred, turning slightly, slipping down your body so his head lay comfortably on your chest, and your face scrunched in both pity and guilt. A puddle of thick crimson blood stuck his hair to his pale forehead. You hated yourself for not being able to stop his mother from hurting him. Watching his body rise and fall with each peaceful breath he took as he slept, you spat on your sleeve and wiped the blood away, earning a harsh twitch and broken whimper from the raven-haired boy. He deserved nothing but peace.
With Sirius draped over your body like a snow-white blanket, hair splayed over you like he’d claimed you as his own bed, the door creaked open. You tensed, holding Sirius tighter, ready to give anything to protect him if Walburga showed in the door, but instead, a small frame appeared. Regulus. “Oh, Regulus.. did the shouting scare you?” You ask softly. The boy nods. He’s the spitting image of his big brother. “Is Siri okay?” He murmurs, rubbing his eye. You nod. “C’mere.”
Regulus tucks himself into the crook of your arm, head laying on the flesh of your shoulder. With big eyes mirroring Sirius’s, he peers up at his brother. “Heard mama shouting at him. He breaked something, I think.” Regulus explains shyly. “Mh. Your mother isn’t kind to Sirius. She isn’t kind to you either.” You say, more to yourself than him. He still nods in agreement. You stroke Sirius’s hair as he shifts in his sleep. “I’ll get you both out one day. And… and me and Sirius can get married. And you can be the best man-“ you describe your fantasy to the small boy, who has a wonderful smile creasing his little face, eagerly listening to each and every detail of the life he hoped to one day live.
You were now both in hogwarts. Over the years, Sirius had become rebellious, learning to fight back to his mother, but this always resulted in the crucio curse, which resulted in him collapsing in your arms. You were, admittedly, all he had. You and his little brother, who he’d noticed following the path of his parents. He hated the fact that regulus was so obedient to their inane beliefs. He hated it. It was only you who could calm his rushing mind.
It took only one night for everything to change. You weren’t over at his house, so he was alone, and he had a particularly bad row with his mother. After using the crucio curse on the boy until his thin limbs were tangled and trembling on the ground, his jet black curls tangled and his bitten-raw lip quaking like a child’s. While he was in this state, his mother mocked him. All he wanted was to be in the safety of your arms right now. He knew that although you came from a pure-blood family, you were not evil. You were good. You were like him, but braver. Kinder.
That night, Sirius knew he couldn’t live in this house anymore. He packed a bag full of clothes, essentials, and was unable to resist taking Regulus’s old teddy bear, an old shirt of yours and a necklace that was matching with you. He tied up his dark hair and slipped on his leather jacket. He’d grown out his hair because his parents didn’t approve of it: he wore the jacket simply because his parents didn’t like the 70s-rocker look. He’d do anything to escape those sleek black suits, hair styled tidily, silver and jewels everywhere he looked. In this house, he was nothing but a decoration, so he vowed to make his appearance undesirable to his parents. But, you always thought it suited him. While he crept silently down the corridor, boots hardly making a sound on the fancy patterned carpet, he heard a creak. His heart stopped. Fuck, he thought. Its mum. I’m never getting out. Oh, god, I’m never getting out.
A small voice asked. It was Regulus. Sirius spun around where he stood to see an unruly mop of black curls matching his, framing a pale, soft face that didn’t at all suit the bitter yet elegant brutality of his family. “Reg.” was all Sirius could squeak.
“…you’re leaving aren’t you?”
Regulus looked at his feet. He looked back up at his older brother.
“I’ll be by myself, Sirius.”
Sirius’s jaw clenched. He fought back the tears.
“I’m sorry, Reggie. I love you.”
Regulus’s daintily perfect face crumpled. “You can’t go, Siri, I don’t-.” He swallowed. “I don’t want to be alone. Not with them.” Sirius opened his arms. His little brother crashed into them like he’d disappear if he wasn’t fast. “I’m sorry, reg. I love you, but I can’t stay.” He murmured. Regulus was now sobbing into his shoulder. Sirius felt like the worst person on earth. He needed to get to James’s house before his mother woke up. “Regulus, I have to go.” He told him, petting the back of his head. Regulus suddenly pushed his brother back. Sirius recognised this; the anger that reg was displaying. When he was the same age, when he felt vulnerable, he disguised it with anger. He still did. “F-fine. Go. I don’t need you.” Regulus spat, his glistening silver eyes betraying him. “You’re… you’re really… really mean, Sirius, you know that?” He tried to hiss, but it turned out as a cracked whimper. Sirius felt his heart shatter in his chest. Stinging tears dripped down his cheeks.
“I love you, Regulus.”
Regulus walked to his room.
Sixth year.
Sirius had decided that he couldn’t hurt you anymore. With him leaving home, being a blood traitor, he knew he’d only cause you trouble. He couldn’t bare the thought of it. Little did he know he’d be doing just that.
When break had ended, you’d gone to greet your best friend. “Sirius! I’m sorry I didn’t see you much over the holiday, god, how’s regulus? Are you-“ your shoulders clashed together as he continued walking. much to your confusion, he walked straight past you with the icy glare of his father. “…Sirius?” You tried again, catching up with him and grabbing onto his shoulder. The physical contact from the person he loved most hurt like the touch of searing iron, and he flinched away. “Fuck off! Can’t you just.. just fucking go away?” He growled. His silver eyes were a stormy grey, he hated himself more as he watched your face fall. “What..?” You breathed, looking so heartbroken. He hated himself for making you hurt as well as his little brother.
He hated himself, he hated himself, he hated himself.
Trying to soothe the ache in his chest, he rushed past you. He left you standing in the ruins of what he had torn down.
From then on, everything changed.
Sirius Black was not your best friend anymore. He was cold and unresponsive, shooting you murderous glares whenever you saw him. He’d make offensive comments at you when he came close enough to communicate with you, and it confused you immensely. What happened to the boy who came to you for comfort? Who cried in your arms and begged you to keep him safe and warm? What happened to your boy? Your best friend? Only god knows.
You didn’t even know Sirius had run away until your parents informed you that you couldn’t go around to the Black’s house anymore. This had sparked a heated argument. “What? He ran away? He didn’t tell me!” You’d exclaimed. “Yes. To the Potter’s house, we hear. Walburga has burned his picture off of the tapestry, and-“
“Wait, what? I can’t go round anymore? What about Regulus?”
“No. Walburga doesn’t allow guests to see her children anymore.”
“What? No, no, no, I need to see Reg. come on, Dad, he needs me!”
Long story short, your argument was to no avail. You couldn’t see Regulus. You couldn’t protect him from his parent’s wrath like you had his brother. Alike Sirius, you spent some of your nights lying awake thinking about Regulus, alone and cold in that hellish house, and most of your night thinking about Sirius, and what you did to make him despise you so.
Soon enough, You and Regulus had fixed your relationship, and many nights you’d find yourself singing the youngest Black brother to sleep. You could comfort him from within the walls of hogwarts where his mother couldn’t hurt him. Even when Sirius hated you, you cared for his brother like he was your own.
At first, you’d tried to coax Sirius into talking to you. You’d stood with tight lips while he insulted you, and listened to his hateful, meaningless rants. You noticed how his friends, James, Peter and Remus, stopped egging him on when it came to you, and started nudging him or trying to distract him, as if he’d say something he’d regret. But you’d come to think that Sirius black was remorseless.
You weren’t sure why he’d switched up on you, become so mean. You did, however, decide that you would be just as harsh right back to him. You knew you could never bring yourself to hate him. He owned your heart, whether you liked it or not. You learned to hate that you couldn’t help that.
It had soon been a year. One torturous year of finding your spells book torn to shreds, looking at dark eyes that you once knew so well only to see an unrecognisable boy. The smirk that once brought warmth to your chest now opened a bottomless pit in your stomach. With each day, you ached more and more. So did he. Sirius loathed himself indescribably. He knew that if he told you, even after the torture he’d subjected you to, you’d kiss his forehead like old times and tell him it was okay. Tell him that he was good, and he’d never be like his parents, and that you were there for him. You were an amazing person, and he was horrible. But he couldn’t drop his facade now.
You were just trying to study when a voice you’d come to find agitating and grating permeated the silence of the library. “Ooh, little blood supremacist… what you studying? Dare I say dark magic?” Rolling your eyes, you slammed the textbook shut. “shut up, Black. You came from quite the same roots.” “Maybe: but I was brave enough to get out. I was good enough to get out.” He retorted with a grimace. Looking up to meet his cold gaze, you noted that his creased white shirt was unbuttoned, his crimson and gold tie hanging loose over his shoulders, only curls pinned up carelessly with his wand. A dangerous hairstyle, for sure.
“Would you give it a break? I was the reason you didn’t go crazy in that house.”
“I did go crazy in that house.”
“Yeah, I can fucking tell.” You said with a scoff. He pulled away your notebook. “So, have you got the dark mark yet? Godric knows you’ll be ecstatic-“ “why are you such a dick, Sirius?!” You yell hoarsely, jumping to your feet. His eyebrows furrowed at your outburst. Slightly, his eyes softened at the sight of your glassy ones, brimming with unshed tears. He said nothing, lips parted. “You’re.. you’re a fucking prick. I never did anything to you.” Turning away to hide your face which had turned pink as it did when you were about to cry, You started upstairs to your dormitory.
knock, knock, knock.
Someone rapped on your dorm’s door.
Knock, knock, knock, knock. Knock, knock. Knock.
Someone was incredibly impatient. You used the palm of your hand to dry your eyes slightly and sniffled. “What? Who is it?” You croaked. A voice answered, “please can I come in?” You frowned. This time, it was a voice you knew. You recognised it, broken and weak, pained, yet honey-smooth all the same. That was your Sirius. Your heart hurt again knowing you’d never have him back, not fully. You fully believed this was another of his cruel pranks.
“Come in.” You mumbled.
As Sirius muttered your name, you felt you were transported back to your childhood. When you’d play and read together. Laugh and smile. “What do you want, Black.” When you said that, his lip twitched, face scrunching slightly. He looked as if the words physically pained him. With that expression painted on his face, he looked just like he did as a child. Except now, his hair was longer, his face more angular, more beautiful. “Don’t call me that. Please.” He begged, voice cracking with emotion. You looked up at him with a waning expression of anger. “Why not? You have been awful to me, I will call you what I choose.” You say. He whimpers pitifully.
He shuts the door behind him. You hear him mumble something. “What did you say, Black?”
“I’m in love with you.”
Your body is tense. Everything is silent. You have one question.
“Why were you so angry with me when you left?”
He hesitated, before answering as raw and truthful as he can. “Because I was stupid. I knew nothing but that I loved you. And I hated myself, and I couldn’t hurt you any further.”
“What? Hurt me? Hurt me how?”
“I burdened you all those years, with my weeping and pathetic pleas for comfort after my mother hurt me. When I could only feel safe shrouded in your warmth. I needed you. And I need you now. I’ve loved you since the moment I met you.”
Nothing felt real. You reached a hand out, and Sirius lowered himself so that his cheek rested in your palm. It was cold.
“You’re cold.” You stated blankly.
“I’m fine.” He protested.
You pulled him into your bed. Seconds later, you stretched out your arms. With a sob of relief, Sirius fell into your embrace. He cried silently into your neck for a while, reminiscent of the time you helped him as a kid, except this time you were both much bigger. You pet his hair affectionately, a tear sliding from your eye. “I missed you so much. I’m so, so in love with you. You don’t even need to love me back. I just… need this.” He said, voice muffled as he presses his face into your shoulder.
“…I never stopped loving you.” You admit, pulling him in closer.
You both spoke through the night, smiling and laughing and talking, telling secrets and jokes and all of the inbetween. He was so beautiful in the dim light of the lamp in your dorm. He was so beautiful anywhere. “You’re so beautiful.” He whispered, sounding lovesick and dazed. You laughed softly. “You don’t even know how beautiful you are. But that doesn’t matter to me.” You kiss his forehead, before pulling back and looking deep into his eyes. “You are good.” He practically melts into you.
Sirius falls asleep safe in the crook of your arm, and you fall asleep with one arm under him and the other around his waist, with the peace of mind that you can protect him always, now. Your boy. Your Siri.
You looked down at him, running your fingers through the roots of his hair. He moans lowly in satisfaction, practically purring as he presses himself against you. “Now we can get married: with Reggie as the best man, just like we dreamed. With a pretty house and a four-poster bed.” You said, a sweet, hopeful smile gracing your lips.
“Mmmh.” Sirius groaned sleepily. “As long as we can christen that bed.” He added, eyes still closed, with that stupid Sirius Black smirk on his face. You scoff, hugging him closer, before falling asleep yourself.
(Please don’t copy or share any of my writing anywhere else!!)
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Juno | Steve Rogers/Captain America x Male!Reader (SMUT😉)
A/N: Wow another Steve Rogers fic. Anyways this one is smut. Also this is my first ever attempt at writing smut so it's going to be really bad. So enjoy!
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Title and plot (loosely) based off of Sabrina Carpenter's new song (stream the album btw or else):
Word count: 2.8k
Summary: I might let you make me Juno 😉
Warnings: Unprotected sex, oral sex
“And then he said to me, ‘How about you change your dentures!’” A chorus of laughter erupted from around the table. Among the voices and chuckles was Y/N, sporting a fake laugh to hide the pain he was currently feeling on the inside. He so badly wanted to leave, thinking that laughing at whatever he was presented with would help pass the night. 
Y/N was an Avenger. He loved his job – no doubt. He loved being able to help people on a worldwide scale, and the overall idea of doing something that mattered. However, what Y/N didn’t realize was that the fine print of the Avenger’s contract included him forcefully being present at the annual U.S. Defence Symposium Convention, where diplomats and political leaders from around the globe gathered to discuss foreign affairs. While he never had to speak during these conventions, Y/N’s presence was required for Avengers PR reasons. Why it couldn’t be anyone else was a question he’d never find the answer to. Luckily for him, he wasn’t alone this year. Even better for him, he was with his lovely boyfriend.
Y/N glanced towards Steve at the other side of the circular table. Steve was already looking at him, wearing a similar bored expression. The two shared tired smiles. A positive that came with being Captain America’s boyfriend was intimate looks like these, shared across dinner tables, conference meetings, and other situations where they couldn’t be close. Looks and glances that made Y/N feel warm inside. No one else knew, even the team, of their clandestine relationship, afraid of the uproar that would come if it were to become public. The controversy that came with two of the United States’ defensive powerhouses dating – especially considering both were men – was something Y/N chose to think about rarely.
The senator continued his comedically-not-funny joke, and Y/N felt grey hairs growing. He knew he had to leave or he would’ve broken down in tears. As a guest speaker was about to be introduced, Y/N politely excused himself from the table and glanced towards Steve, his eyes already on him. He gave him a wink – a not-so-discrete signal they both came up with before arriving, loosely meaning, ‘I can’t handle this anymore and I need to get the fuck out of here – meet me in the bathroom.’ 
As he walked through the halls of the large venue, he marvelled at the grandness of the building where the convention was held. While he despised being there, he had to admit the building was architecturally and aesthetically pleasing, being more on the higher end of NYC establishments with its Art Deco-inspired assets. When Y/N made it to the bathroom, he checked beneath the stalls to see if anyone was present before letting out a loud groan. He knew he had to talk to Nick Fury later to discuss his supposedly mandatory attendance at the energy-draining convention. He couldn’t stand another second here. Leaning against the sink, he waited for Steve to arrive.
After about two minutes, the door to the washroom opened, and Y/N was met with Steve's presence. Steve raised his eyebrows, silently asking if anyone else was there, to which Y/N responded by shaking his head. “What did it, huh?” Steve asked, closing the door behind him.
“That geriatric senator, obviously – Senator Shortdick,” Y/N groaned. The senator’s name was actually in fact Dick – something Y/N’s immaturity found astoundingly hilarious. “His very long extended joke about…I don’t even know actually.” 
“He was talking about his son, Y/N,” Steve said, walking closer to the other man. “It was a nice story – very wholesome.” When Steve reached Y/N, he wrapped his arms around his waist before giving him a small peck. 
Y/N’s eyes met Steve’s, and they both gave each other reassuring smiles. They both desperately wanted to leave, but were aware they legally couldn’t.
“I don’t think I can handle this anymore, Steve,” Y/N’s voice whined, laying his head on Steve’s muscular chest, and caressing his sides. “I need something exciting.” Suddenly, as if he had an epiphany, Y/N conjured a devious idea to pass the time. Looking up at Steve, he gave him a half-lidded look, an action he did in jest whenever he wanted something from him. “We should fuck right now.” 
Steve only responded with a bewildered look, slowly shaking his head and reprimanding Y/N’s unsavoury suggestion. “We can’t, Y/N,” he said. “It’s too risky. Not to mention, distasteful – we’re in public.” Steve was the more rational person in their relationship, often taking Y/N’s outrageous ideas to heed.
“Why not, Stevie?” Y/N’s voice feigned softness and seductivity. “Isn’t it exciting,” he started, arms sliding up Steve’s clothed bicep. “The idea of getting caught here.” 
“Not really-.” Before Steve could continue, Y/N connected their lips. It started soft – short and sweet – before gradually getting more intense and feverish. Steve pushed the small of Y/N’s back closer, deepening the touch of their lips. Steve wanted Y/N badly, and Y/N was aware of that. He always knew that he had some type of figurative spell over Steve, causing him to be more acquiescent towards him than any other member of the team – even before they started dating. Steve was entirely bewitched by Y/N.
The two eventually locked themselves in one of the bathroom stalls, lips already connected and moving together hungrily. Both prayed no toilet would come beckoning some diplomat’s bladder amidst their carnal moment together. As they continued face-fucking each other, Y/N trailed his hands down towards Steve’s pantsuit. He palmed Steve’s already present bulge, rubbing it with the soles of his hand and causing a quiet whimper to leave Steve’s mouth. At hearing Steve’s sultry noise, Y/N felt his cock growing harder and heavier.
Y/N broke their lips’ ravenous movement and began unbuttoning Steve’s tux. “I saw you practically ogling me in there.” He bit one of Steve’s sensitive spots on his neck, eliciting a low groan from his throat. “It’s like you were begging to fuck me with your fuck-me eyes.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Steve panted in response. 
“Stay oblivious then, Stevie.” Y/N slipped Steve’s suit off, revealing his muscled buff chest. Not even a second later, Y/N’s mouth began trailing down Steve’s torso. He peppered kisses all over Steve’s chest, going further and further down until he was on his knees. Y/N came face-to-face with Steve’s growing bulge. He salivated, thinking about taking Steve’s entire cock in one go – the idea of hearing Steve’s whimpers made his dick even firmer.
Steve’s gaze was locked on Y/N. His eyes were half-closed, face flushed with both lust and pleasure. Y/N then unbuttoned Steve’s pants before taking them off which revealed Steve’s undergarments. Without sparing another moment, Y/N yanked Steve’s boxers off. Steve’s cock, upon being unclothed, sprung upwards and ached in the cold bathroom air. It begged for attention that Y/N’s mouth was more than willing to give. A slight droplet of precum was already at the slit which made Y/N even more aroused. Not wanting Steve to finish quickly (as if that is even a problem with his serum-induced stamina), Y/N started slow. He gave Steve’s shaft one long lick at the base, relishing the semi-salty taste. Y/N continued licking, throwing occasional glances towards Steve and how he was reacting. The quiet whimpering coming out of Steve’s mouth was evident he wanted – needed more. “Just please take it all, Y/N,” he quietly whined.
Y/N chuckled. He decided Steve had been good tonight and, sparing him from further punishment, took his entire cock in his mouth. A loud moan erupted from Steve to which he quickly clamped his hand over his mouth to silence. Y/N had to adjust to Steve’s size for a moment before doing anything further. Despite having done this several times, Y/N always thought Steve’s dick was maybe too big for him. This wasn’t that much of a problem for him as while he did struggle in throating it, it did make his ass feel good. And very sore afterwards. After a brief moment, Y/N began to slowly move his head up and down Steve’s cock. Steve struggled to quiet down his noises of pleasure as much as Y/N struggled trying not to choke. With each movement of Y/N’s head, Steve was hitting the back of his throat which sent a wave of pleasure down his spine. Steve, however, wanted much more.
To Y/N’s shock, Steve bundled his hands in his H/C locks and shoved him further down his throat. Y/N’s eyes went wide, gagging noises coming from his clogged mouth. Before Y/N could steady himself, Steve began ramming his throat at a rapid speed, his attempt to quiet himself vanishing as he prioritized quickly getting off with Y/N’s mouth. As Steve continued at his pace, he let out breathy moans that were amplified and reverbed by the bathroom’s walls. While Steve was in pure bliss at his cock being serviced, Y/N was not able to cope with the sudden change. His hands were placed on both of Steve’s thighs, trying to steady himself. Tears pricked near the corner of his eyes as his entire buccal cavity and throat continued being ransacked by Steve’s length. Each time Steve’s cock hit the rear of his throat, Steve shuddered and Y/N gagged loudly. As Steve began nearing his climax, he began to go even quicker than his initial speed, causing Y/N’s tears to freefall down his cheeks. With one loud grunt and a sloppy thrust, Steve came down Y/N’s throat. As Y/N felt the warm and salty fluid trail down his throat, Steve’s breaths became more shallow.
Steve leaned against the stall’s door, and a slick ‘pop’ sounded as he took his cock out of Y/N’s mouth. He was still recovering from his orgasm as Y/N quickly got up from his knees and roughly pushed his chest. “Dude!’ Y/N half-yelled. “What the fuck was that? You nearly killed me!”
Steve staggered slightly at Y/N’s hit. He looked at Y/N with a confused expression that quickly vanished upon seeing his tear-stained cheeks. An apologetic look promptly dawned. “Shit, Y/N, I’m so sorry. Are you alright?”
“I’m fine it’s just,” Y/N said while wiping his face, “you have to warn me first before you do that.” 
“I’m really sorry, Y/N.” Steve did look remorseful. His face looked as if he had accidentally kicked a dog. “We should probably stop now.”
Y/N gave looked at him incredulously. “Are you kidding me?” He pointed sternly towards Steve, his voice coming out furious with a tinge of playfulness. “The only apology I’ll accept now is if you fuck me right here.”
“But, Y/N, I don’t have the…” Steve’s voice trailed off.
“The what, Steve?”
“You know,” Steve said, face slightly pink. “The wet thing and the rubber thing?”
An actual genuine look of bewilderment made its way onto Y/N’s face. “You mean condoms and lube?” Steve nodded shyly and Y/N began to laugh. “Steve, you just pounded my face in. Don’t give me any shit about you being too coy to say the words ‘condom’ and ‘lube’.” He then glanced down towards Steve’s penis which was already erect again. “Plus, your thing,” he continued, mocking Steve’s mannerisms, “still looks pretty wet from my spit. And as far as I remember, none of us have any diseases.” Y/N quickly looked towards Steve. “Right?” Steve nodded his head quickly, still too embarrassed to respond. Before Steve could do anything further, Y/N took his pants off alongside his underwear. “You’re already hard again, Steve. What are you gonna do 'bout it?”
Y/N’s teasing tone evoked Steve’s earlier confidence, leading to him hoisting Y/N around his waist, a quick yelp coming out of Y/N at the sudden movement. Before Y/N could say anything, Steve hastily prevented him by connecting their lips. Their tongues quickly tangled together, saliva combining and becoming indistinguishable from one another. “Steve, just put it in already, God.” Y/N’s voice came out breathy and unstable. Steve obeyed quicker than usual, seemingly eager to come a second time that night. Grabbing his cock with one hand and supporting Y/N with the other, he angled it towards Y/N's gaping hole. Without wasting any more time, Steve promptly thrust the entirety of his length inside of Y/N. A filthy ludicrous whine came from Y/N’s throat. His prostate was already being reached by Steve’s tip, causing his eyes to roll to the back of his head. He was euphoric and as Steve started moving, his speed matching that of earlier, Y/N felt like he ascended. 
Steve was usually gentle whenever they had sex, but he decided to spare no mercy tonight. His thrusts were aggressive, leaving Y/N unable to handle the surplus of pleasure he was feeling. With each graze felt by his prostate, he was sent further into the heavenly bliss he felt. “H-have you seen that one movie,” Y/N said in between heavy pants. “Juno?” He knew it was a stupid question, both in the situation he asked it in, and how he knew Steve had barely seen anything made in the 21st century.
Steve continued thrusting into Y/N, the sound of their skin slapping reverberating around the room. “No – fuck,” Steve’s voice came out breathless. “What is that?” His face was contorting into different variations of lewd expressions, making Y/N’s hard-on even stiffer. It was rare to see the Captain America in such a vulnerable state, and Y/N savoured the fact he was the only person who was able to see him like this. 
The pleasure Y/N felt inside of him was indescribable. Their fucking had never reached this level of catharsis. “Nothing – it doesn’t matter. Just keep going, Steve…please…” Y/N saw the little dribble of precum dripping from his cock. He was close. And Y/N knew Steve was too from how his pounds started becoming sloppier, and how his hands gripped his ass tighter. Their lips found each other again, and their tongues connected. Steve swallowed all of Y/N’s whimpers, biting his lower lip to prevent any would-be passersby from hearing his erotic gasps for air. 
“I’m gonna come, Y/N,” Steve breathlessly spoke. His pacing started to decline, and his entire body trembled. 
As Steve was about to endure another orgasm, Y/N saw him about to pull out. Suddenly, he protested with a hoarse sigh, “No, Steve, just finish inside me – it’s fine.” Steve nodded his head silently, not needing to be told twice. Their pants continued syncing together as Steve rode out his climax. Another load of his hot white cream exited him and filled Y/N to the brim. Shortly after Steve finished, Y/N felt his climax coming in. Steve continued floppily thrusting to aid in his release, soon releasing in thick ribbons that covered his and Steve’s chests. 
Steve gently collapsed both of their bodies on the ground. The pair were in a state of exhausted pleasure, their breaths still deep and frequent. It stayed this way for a few minutes – Steve and Y/N basking in the decline of their orgasms in a comfortable silence. Y/N glanced down towards his ass, a tad icked out by Steve’s jizz pouring out of him. “It’s kind of gross isn’t it,” he said to Steve. 
Steve was broken out of his euphoric trance upon hearing Y/N’s voice. “What is?” He said, still catching his breath.
“Look,” Y/N signalled to his downward area. “It looks really strange.” The pair’s eyes met and they both erupted in boisterous laughter. 
As they started quieting down from what they considered the funniest thing of that night, Steve suddenly remembered what Y/N asked earlier. “Hey, what was it with that movie you asked me about earlier.”
“Juno?” Y/N responded.
“Yeah, that one.”
“Oh, it was nothing,” Y/N said, getting uncharacteristically shy. “I just thought…it’d be nice if we have kids one day.” Y/N then realized what he said and began doubling down. “I mean, that is if you want any with me at all – children I mean. A family.”
Steve didn’t say anything. Instead, he smiled at Y/N, grabbing his hand and holding it tightly. Y/N responded by giving him a meek smile. They both were met with another silence, their love-laced gazes filling each other with a comforting warmth. 
“How are we gonna get out of here, Steve?” Y/N’s voice came out softly, too absorbed in the moment to genuinely care about where they were.
“Now that is the predicament, isn’t it?” Steve said, reciprocating Y/N’s blissful voice.
Fortunately, it was evident that luck was on their side that night as no one had entered the bathroom at any point in their love-making.
A/N: My Google searches are legit “Synonyms for ‘cock’ in fanfiction”, “Synonyms for ‘moaning’ in fanfiction”, “Synonyms of ‘cum’ in fanfiction”, and “How to write smut properly.” Anyways, hope you enjoyed whatever that mess was!
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ebonyheartnet · 21 days
Clockwork was powerful, but he was far from almighty. Some paths could not be altered, some worlds were beyond saving, but this…
As he picked up his grandson’s broken body, the child’s clock began to spin.
Ignoring the pendant around his neck for a moment, Bruce looked at the world frozen around him. The last thing he saw was that damned alley behind the movie theater, but now he was in the manor. As he tried to adjust, a hooded figure melted out of the too-bright walls.
“Your assumptions are correct, detective. This is the end, but I come bearing cold comfort.”
“Who are you?” Bruce asked, weary but ready to fight.
“Your friend Diana would call me Kronos, but your son, Daniel, once called me Clockwork, then grandpa,” said Clockwork. “You don’t have to trust me, but you’ve loved them both. I just want to cushion the blow.”
“Explain,” Bruce demanded.
“Very well, but let’s go to your family.”
Clockwork led the way down to the cave, and Bruce followed begrudgingly. Several of the bats were huddled around the computer, with a few getting ready to head out. The screens showed the energy from Bruce’s final jump, all the way in that damned alley.
“Are they safe like this?” Bruce asked.
”No,” said Clockwork, “but it will be painless. When I restart time, you’ll only have a minute to speak. That will not be enough to evacuate.”
“Why not give me the hope then?”
“Bruce, I have already done something incredibly cruel in the name of kindness. If I gave you anything else—if I lied that there was a way out—you would waste the gift.” Clockwork shrank down to a child. “Daniel will know what happened one day, and I don’t want his hatred to extend beyond a few centuries.”
“Wait, Danny will survive this?”
“And only Daniel can,” Clockwork confirmed. “Leaving will hurt, but only a new lifetime could begin to heal what he’d already suffered.”
Before he could ask, a portal opened to several screens, and he could feel his heart break as everything played out: Danny’s original world and his first parents’ betrayal. The way that both Drake twins would’ve been stillborn without the swap. The nuclear war when he killed Joker—
“I’m sorry that Darkseid’s pact with Nergal delayed your friends. The worlds without a laughing magician almost always face excessive magical interference.”
“Then why not place Danny somewhere safer to begin with?” Bruce growled. “Why hurt him like this when my son’s already been through so much!”
“A laughing magician cannot be anticipated by the divine, and I…” Clockwork aged into an old man. “Bruce, I was a terrible father, but my little warden has me wrapped around his finger. I couldn’t risk him being banished or bound in a deal before he could advocate for himself.”
Bruce wanted to hate him for it. He wanted to hate the paranoid logic that would break Danny’s heart again and again. He wanted to tell his son the truth and hold him through the tears. He wanted to soothe the hurt himself. He wanted to hide it so that Danny never felt the blow.
He wanted, like any good parent, to keep his son safe and happy.
“You and I are far too alike,” Clockwork said bitterly. “Thank you for loving him. Thank you for refusing to forgive me.”
“So what now?” Bruce asked.
“I’m taking everything Daniel needs to the new timeline. His records, his things, and even the few articles. He acted like a ghost in public, so we can just slip him in.”
“There will be gaps,” Bruce stated.
“I will help bridge them,” Clockwork promised.
“And he’ll know about us?”
“There is no timeline where I attempt to keep the truth from Daniel and avoid him devouring my core,” Clockwork said.
“That isn’t a yes.”
“Though I would not begrudge him his vengeance, such a thing would make Daniel hate himself.” Clockwork smirked as he matched Bruce’s age. “That counts more than my word.”
“And where is Danny?”
“He had a headache, so he’s fast asleep upstairs.” Clockwork’s gaze softened. “He’s going to wake up in a world where no one remembers him, but everyone he loves here is alive and well.”
“And you’ll show him this one day?”
“I promise. He will know as soon as it will not destroy him.”
Bruce took a shakey breath and walked until he was halfway between both groups. He hadn’t bothered dealing with the tears until now, but he wanted to see them. He wanted…
“Will any of us join him?” Bruce croaked.
Clockwork hesitated.
“Ectoplasmic ghosts form when the soul condenses under pressure. If I tell you the truth, either anguish or relief will damn you. I’m sorry.”
Bruce wanted to push, but just this once…
“Do it.”
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danytherelentless · 1 year
They Will Suffice
Jon Snow x fem!reader
summary: a pleasurable moment during your pregnancy with your husband
warnings: smut, illusions to sex, fingering, sweet talk, a little bit dirty, pregnancy, slight pregnancy kink (if you squint really, really hard)
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The wind is howling and furious outside, it rattles the shutters of the windows and whistles through the gaps it manages to slither through the walls creating a chill in the air in spite of the warm pipes within the walls of the castle.
You lie in bed with your husband, a quiet and comforting moment between two lovers. Basking in the afterglow of love-making leaning back into his strong arms as they wrap around your front and caress you belly.
His bare knuckle grazes where your child kicks. A budum rhythm over and over again.
"It appears we have awoken them," you muse, looking up to see him. His handsome face is wrought with concentration, dark brows furrowed close.
"He," he corrects you.
You huff a laugh, "he? So sure are we?"
"Yes. I dream of our son in your arms. Of him playing in the Godswood with Ghost," he presses a kiss to your brow.
"Every man wishes for a son. But dreams will not make our child grow a cock if they do not already possess one," you warn. You can't help but feel a little nervous at his surety of a son. What would happen if you birthed a daughter instead?
"I would not be disappointed with a little daughter, my love. I just know that this..." he strokes the underside of your belly where there is another thump, "is our son."
You hum in acknowledgment, a small smile curling at your mouth.
"And what shall our son's name be?"
"Edric," his response is instant.
Your eyes soften, "for your father?"
"Hm. Little Ned," he is smiling now, a small, beautiful and oh so rare thing. It makes your heart swell and tears well up in your eyes.
"When we have a daughter you shall name her," he tells you, as if it is a certainty.
"And what if we shall only have sons? Or only this one child?"
"Then you can name them too. You're the one doing all the hard work," he tells you.
"I suppose you are right. Though you certainly take care of me," you respond with a teasing grin.
"I do now, do I?" he teases right back, one hand going further down to your .
"Mhm. I find myself quite satiated in your presence."
"Careful, I might become unbearable with all this flattery," his teeth graze at the side of your face. You sigh as you sink further back into his arms.
"We can't have that now, can we?"
His hand slips between your thighs, your knees parting some more to allow him better access.
"I find myself not fully satiated tonight, however," you continue, a stir in your lower belly, an urge to squeeze your thighs tightly together.
"Oh. We can't have that now, can we?"
His fingers slide between your folds, already slick once more. He had already cleaned you up after your previous bouts of love-making quite nicely, though is appears it was for nought as you would soon be a mess again.
"I'm not sure I have such energy as you," he admitted as he slid a curled finger into you, thumb circling your nub. A moan broke past your lips as he moves much to slowly.
"Well... your fingers will have to suffice," you let out another broken moan as he gathers your wetness and slides in a second finger.
"Hmm, so wet. So warm," his lips are pressed against the side of your face, teeth grazing the flesh as he whispers his sweet praises into your ear.
His practiced movements speed up, your knees part wider. His cock is hardened somewhat against your back, though not nearly at full mast.
"I can't believe I have you, so perfect, so tight, right in my arms," he speaks, lips dragging across your jaw as you throw your head back against his shoulder.
His fingers curl further, rubbing along that soft spot inside of you which had your thighs twitching and your eyes rolling back as your nails dig into his flesh.
"Right there," you moan, breathless, "please."
"Please what? What do you want?"
"I want to cum. Please make me come," you let out a louder moan.
His movements speed up, "come for me, wife. Finish for me."
You reach your peak, your third that night, fingers curling into the flesh of his thighs, a high, broken keening sound passing your lips, eyes squeezed tightly shut and mouth forming an 'o'.
"So pretty," he strokes your thighs and swollen belly, "so perfect."
You don't hear what he says next as you are lulled into a peaceful slumber, howls of the wind distant to your ears as his warmth envelopes you whole and drags you down to the depths of rest.
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comments are greatly appreciated, don’t be a stranger :)
you can find me on Wattpad and AO3 by danytherelentless
let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list for any of my works (character specifications and smut or not)
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kookie-doughs · 1 year
Daddy Cupid
Modern!Various One Piece Men X Reader
-When your father grows weary of your single life, he takes it upon himself to play matchmaker. With him knowing the entire city, he embarks on a mission to find you the perfect match.
Chapter 1: Cupid's Bow
You sat alone in your cozy apartment, the dim evening light casting long shadows on the walls. Typing on your computer, paying no mind to your surroundings, each passing minute was marked by the distant ticking of your wall clock. The silence was broken only by the occasional honk of a car horn from the street below.
A sudden buzz interrupted your work, and you sighed as you picked up your phone. It was another message from your father, a message you had been dreading all day. "When are you going to settle down?" it read, the words in bold and accompanied by a string of emojis, including hearts, wedding rings, and not-so-subtle hints at grandchildren.
You rolled your eyes, knowing that your dad's matchmaking mission was about to kick into high gear again. You love your father dearly, but his obsession with finding you a husband had reached legendary status in the city.
Leaning back in your chair, you gazed out the window at the cityscape beyond. Grand Line, the bustling city you had called home for as long as you could remember, stretched out before you. Its streets were filled with endless possibilities and countless bachelors, all waiting to be vetted by your father.
But you weren't quite ready to dive into the world of love and commitment. At thirty, you were content with your career, your independence, and your circle of friends. Marriage and settling down seemed like a distant future, one you weren't in a hurry to embrace.
Figuring your dad, and you yourself, would appreciate coffee before another session of nagging and proposing potential husbands, you went over to the coffee shop close by.
Figuring your dad was not going to leave you alone, you shut your computer down and got up. Yawning and stretching, you walked to your closet to get changed. You opted for a plain white t-shirt, distressed blue jeans, and comfortable sneakers. As you stepped out of your apartment and onto the bustling city streets, the vibrant energy of Grand Line unfolded before you, promising another day of adventures and surprises.
Your dad held a high position in the city, his name known through out the city. He had dedicated his life to various community initiatives, charity work, and local businesses, earning the admiration and trust of both young and old. His presence in the city was like a reassuring anchor, and despite the city's considerable size, it felt like a small, interconnected town where everyone's lives were intertwined in some way.
"Hey, Law. Good morning!"
Trafalgar Water Law, or simply "Law" as he preferred to be called, is a part-timer at the neighborhood coffee shop. Despite his perpetually tired appearance and the assortment of tattoos that adorned his arms, Law was a young man who defied expectations. Law had ambitions to study medicine in college, a path that seemed entirely unfitting for his appearance.
"Dad's favorite and my usual, please. Thank you," you say, offering a warm smile.
Pressing the items on his cashier monitor, Law efficiently processes your order and writes your name on the cup.
"Grandpa Rayleigh came over a while ago," Law speaks up as he begins crafting your coffee.
You can't help but grumble inwardly, fully aware of the purpose of the visit. Law was adopted by one of the most powerful families in the city, the Donquixote family. Doflamingo and Rosinante Donquixote were two of your father's potential sons-in-law.
"Please tell me that your dad was the one home... please," you implored Law with a hint of desperation in your voice.
"No," Law replied with a sympathetic shake of his head.
You took a deep breath and screamed silently, clenching your fist in frustration. It seemed like everyone preferred Rosinante, Law's adoptive father, and honestly, you couldn't blame them. Rosinante had always been kind, considerate, and genuinely caring. He had a warmth that drew people in, including you.
On the other hand, Doflamingo was a completely different story. As much as he might excel in his role as a family person, he was a crazy and obnoxious individual. He embodied the stereotypical rich bully, and from elementary school through high school, he had made your life miserable. You had no idea why your dad considered him a candidate for marriage, and the thought of being tied to someone like him sent shivers down your spine.
Law hands you your two coffees, and you accept them with a sense of resignation before making your way out of the coffee shop.
"Y/N!!" A child's voice calls out, and you inwardly sigh, thinking your day couldn't possibly get any worse. Turning around, you see Shanks with his wide grin. Beside him were three children: Zoro, Usopp, and Luffy.
"Sweetheart!!" Shanks starts to come toward you, ready to wrap his arms around you in a warm embrace, but you extend your arm and gently push him away. Instead, you kneel down to Luffy's level.
"Hey, kids~ Do you need help? Why are you with him?" You smile sweetly at the three youngsters, curious about their presence with Shanks. "Did he take you away?"
Shanks grins broadly and attempts to charm you. His hand on his chest presenting a faux offended look. "My love, I can't believe you'd think that!! I'm just being a nice citizen here, and I'm bringing these brats home! Aren't you falling for how great I am yet?" He bats his lashes, trying to win you over.
Usopp points at Shanks, "He was drinking with Dad, and they lost us."
"SHUT IT YOU BRAT!!!" It seems like the day's events had been just as chaotic for Usopp and the others as they were for you.
You hit Shanks on the head with a glare, your frustration evident. "Take them home and tell Yasopp to stop drinking or else!"
With a huff, you turn and stomp away, ignoring Shanks' calls as you make your way back to your initial destination. The events of the day had left you exasperated, and you needed some peace and solitude to clear your mind.
You arrive at your dad's place, already exhausted from the day's events. However, your frustration only deepens when you find him drinking with his friends Oden, Roger, and Edward.
"Hey, Dad," you say with crossed arms, glaring at the group. "Can you three go back home? None of you guys should be drinking."
Edward laughs heartily and gets up, stumbling over to you. He puts his arm on your shoulder and pulls you closer, his words slurred, "I have a son around your age. Gurararrara! Rayleigh told me you're looking for someone! I ca-"
Before he can finish his sentence, you interrupt him, your patience running thin. "Edward, go home. We can discuss this when you're sober." You give him a stern look, hoping he'd take your advice seriously.
Edward smirks and exclaims, "I'll tell my son to pick me up! Gurarara!!!!" His laughter rings through the room, and you can't help but shake your head at the drunken antics of your father's friends. Dealing with their overzealous matchmaking attempts was becoming a routine you'd rather do without.
Roger, clearly affected by the alcohol, sobs and clings onto your dad. "My son is 10... I want Y/N as my daughter-in-law too!! Rayleighhhh!" he exclaims, his emotions running wild as he joins in on the matchmaking fervor. You roll your eyes at the absurdity of it all, feeling like you're stuck in a never-ending loop of potential suitors.
"Ooh! Ooh!! What about my son!!" Oden cheers enthusiastically.
You grumble in exasperation, "Oden, your son is 16."
"It's close to your age!!" Oden insists, seemingly undeterred by the age difference. "Aren't you like 17 or something?"
"ODEN, I'M 30!!! Can you three drunkards please just go home!" You sigh defeatedly, feeling the weight of the matchmaking chaos weighing heavily on you.
You sigh with relief as you successfully manage to drag the drunk grown men out of the house and usher them into a cab that you've hailed. With the chaos outside resolved, you return to find your father slumped in the living room, going through his phone. You take a moment to clean up the mess they've made, trying to regain some semblance of order.
Your dad suddenly strikes up a conversation, "How was your date with Linlin's son?"
You shake your head and reply, "That date with Cracker is never happening again." The memory of that disastrous date still lingers vividly in your mind, making it clear that some potential suitors were better off left in the past. "Our deal was if I went on that date you'd leave me alone, remember dad?"
Your dad continues to express his concerns, lamenting, "I know, dear, but what am I supposed to do? You're 30 years old and single. How am I going to have grandchildren this way? I need at least 3 of them, you know!"
"Dad, I'll figure it out, please," you implore, feeling the weight of his expectations pressing on you.
"What about that clown? His circus is booming from what I heard. You grew up with him," your dad suggests, trying to be helpful.
You shake your head firmly, saying, "I'm not dating Buggy, Dad. C'mon, can't you just leave my relationships to meeee?"
He persists, "I would if you just go on a date with that Donquixote boy. Or Shanks, I hear he's doing great."
"Doflamingo is crazy. And Shanks is dating practically the whole city," you counter, exasperated by the suggestions.
Your dad's matchmaking attempts continue as he suggests, "What about that boy you used to like? The one that's in the National Kendo team."
"D-Dad, I liked Mihawk back in college! And he has two kids!" you exclaim, trying to put an end to this.
"And no wife!!" your dad interjects, clearly undeterred.
With your patience wearing thin, you warn him, "If you don't stop naming everyone, I'm gonna leave you to clean up yourself."
Your dad continues his relentless matchmaking efforts, suggesting, "What about just one date with Edward's boy? Hmm? What'dya say? Do it for your dad, c'mon. This'll be the last one, I swear."
You raise an eyebrow and reply skeptically, "You said that about Cracker. And also Kuro. And also King, not to mention Crocodile."
He tries to defend himself, "You dated that Croco-boy back then, though!"
"Yeah, so you'd get off my back!" you retort, the frustration evident in your voice as you remind him of your past attempts to appease his matchmaking desires.
Grumbling and realizing your dad wasn't going to stop his matchmaking efforts, you finally sighed in defeat. "Fine, I'll go out with Edward's boy! But you have to swear this is the last one!"
"Fine, fine, fine! I'll text Edward," your dad agreed, somewhat reluctantly.
"Swear on Mom, Dad," you insisted firmly. He flinched and looked at you, hesitating. You crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow, waiting for his response.
"Do we have to involve your mom?" he asked, trying to avoid the commitment.
"I'm moving to Calm Belt if you don't stop," you threatened, not willing to back down.
"FINE! I swear! But if you end up not ruining the date on purpose, I'm gonna keep pestering you," he reluctantly agreed, realizing he had no other option but to give in to your demand.
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @nykie-love-anime
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queenshelby · 5 months
Our Little Secret (Part 35)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Infidelity, Age-Gap,
Two weeks later....
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It was a Monday afternoon when Cillian's brother had made the call to admit himself into rehab, and it brought a sense of relief to all of you. Cillian's mother had been distraught over her younger son's behavior and the damage it had caused to both of her children. 
Cillian had been discharged from the hospital shortly after a short two-day observational stay and you finally had your post-partum follow up appointments with your obstetrician and gynecologist.
Despite the pain from his broken ribs, Cillian accompanied you to your appointments while your mother stayed at your house to watch Mara. Ove the past 14 days, she had grown quite fond of her and you allowed her back into your life for Mara's sake, albeit with caution. 
To your appointment, Cillian walked slowly, careful not to aggravate the pain in his chest, as you carefully navigated the cold and slippery winter pavement.
 "You should have stayed at home ," you said, eyeing him with concern.
"I wanted to go with you," Cillian insisted, his grip tightening around your arm as you walked through the hospital doors.
You nodded, appreciative of his support, but secretly worried about his health. The doctors had told him that it would take at least six weeks for his ribs to heal, but he was already pushing his limits.
He was helping you tend to Mara's needs every day even though you didn't need his help . You had become quite independent due to the circumstances, but you knew he needed something to focus on rather than mope around the house.
During the day, he would bring and retrieve the laundry, heat up the bottles, and wind down Mara once she had finished feeding. At night, he would give you a break by getting up for the late-night feed, allowing you precious and uninterrupted rest.
Despite the age gap between you, he was the perfect partner , both caring and supportive. He attended every single check-up appointment with you, and he was always the first to jump in whenever you needed him.
Cillian was the kind of man who would make any woman swoon, with his tousled hair, piercing blue eyes and chiseled jawline. He was both rugged and surprisingly gentle and you knew that albeit everything that happened between you, he was yours now.
"I love you, you know," you told him as you were sitting in the waiting-room where other patients were starring at you both. You had been subjected to a fair bit of criticism by the press lately and, in the past week or so, Cillian had fallen victim to some selfdoubt.
Believing that he was truly too old for you and that you would soon want someone younger than him, someone who could give you more energy and excitement than he ever could, he became rather conscious about many things.
And, even though you had tried your best to reassure him, reminding him of the unbreakable bond between the two of you, he remained somewhat distant, unable to fully shake off the nagging doubt that had wormed its way into his mind.
You almost put it back to the stress of recent weeks and the lack of intimacy since the accident and the birth of your daughter, but  you still had your suspicions that there was more to it than met the eye.
As you sat there in the clinic's waiting room, you decided to take the bull by the horns and raise the subject once more. 
"Hey," you said softly, placing a hand on Cillian's knee and looking up at him with eyes filled with love and concern. "Are you okay?" you asked, sensing the tension in his body as he stared blankly ahead apparently lost in his thoughts.
Cillian turned to look at you, his piercing blue eyes filled with a mixture of emotions that you couldn't quite decipher. "I'm fine," he said, managing a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.
You nodded, even though you didn't quite believe him. You knew that something was bothering him, something that he wasn't ready to talk about yet.
When you were finally called in to see the doctor, Cillian's mind continued to wander, as the doctor went through the usual checks and questions. You noticed his distant expression and gently nudged his hand, aiming to bring his attention back to the appointment.
"Do you have any questions?" the doctor then asked you both , and you could sense that Cillian had barely listened to the entire consultation.
Cillian shook his head, saying, "No, I think we're good," and the doctor gave him a brief nod before turning to face you.
"I do actually," you told her, smiling. "I was wondering about intimacy. I mean, when can we have sex again?" you asked bluntly , causing Cillian to awkwardly cough, and the doctor to give you a surprised look.
You didn't care, though. You had waited long enough to have sex with Cillian again, and you were dying to get back into the saddle, so to speak. You missed the closeness that you share with him, and you were hoping that the doctor would give you the green light.
"Well, whenever you feel ready, it is safe for you to engage in sexual activity again. Everything seems to have healed fine," the doctor said carefully, her gaze shifting between you and Cillian. "However, I would advise you to start slow and listen to your body. If anything feels uncomfortable or painful, stop immediately and give me a call. You did experience a traumatic birth, so sometimes some more time is needed." 
You nodded in understanding, a flush spreading across your cheeks as you thought about the different ways you and Cillian could reconnect physically.
Cillian, on the other hand, seemed lost in his own thoughts, his expression distant and unreadable.
You couldn't help but wonder what was going on in his mind. Was he regretting the decision to be with you? Was he thinking about someone else or the life he had left behind? You didn't know, and you were afraid to ask.
The doctor cleared her throat, and you realized that you had been lost in thought for a few moments. "All the best then," she said to both of you as she stood and opened the door to the consultation room.
As you walked back towards the parking lot, you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Cillian seemed so distant, and you wondered if it was just the stress of the past few weeks or if there was something else on his mind.
You had always known that Cillian was a private person, and you respected that about him. But the not knowing was driving you crazy. You wanted to help him, to be there for him, but you didn't know how.
You had always been open and honest with Cillian, but you could tell that something was holding him back.
When you arrived at home, Mara was having a sleep. "I just put her down," your mother said, when she saw the look of surprise on your face, for not hearing the baby cry.
"Thank you, Mum," you replied, your voice sincere.
You couldn't help but feel grateful for your mother's help, especially with Cillian's recovery. It was clear that she had developed a bond with Mara, which you appreciated despite everything that had happened between the two of you and Cillian's mother.
Cillian sat down on the couch, his movements slow and careful, and you couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern and, shortly after your mother left, you joined him in the livingroom.
"Are you in pain? Is this why you have been so quiet today?" you asked quietly, not wanting to nag him but worrying about the distance that had formed between the two of you over the past few days.
"No babe. I am honestly fine," Cillian reassured you just before you leaned in to give him a gentle kiss on his lips before straddling him gently.
"Sure?" you asked, searching Cillian's piercing blue eyes for the truth. You had always prided yourself on being able to read him like a book, but for some reason, he was more guarded than usual.
Cillian nodded, his hands resting on your hips. "I am sure," he said , trying to reassure you.
You took a deep breath, feeling a mix of emotions. On the one hand, you were relieved that Cillian wasn't in any physical pain. But on the other hand, you couldn't shake off the feeling that something was bothering him emotionally.
You decided to push your concern aside for the moment and focus on the intimacy that you had both been craving. You leaned in and kissed him deeply, your tongue exploring his mouth as you ground your hips against his.
"Mara is asleep and the doctor said it was okay for us to have sex again, so should we take this to the bedroom?" you whispered in his ear, eliciting a low growl of desire as he ran his hands up and down your sides.
"That sounds like a great idea, although you might need to do all the work," Cillian managed to chuckle , a hint of a flush creeping up his neck.
You smiled against his lips, feeling your own arousal spike as he palmed your breasts, his fingers tweaking the nipples through your thin top. With a quick move, you lifted yourself off his lap and took a hold of his hand, pulling him up from the couch.
"Come on then," you teased, walking towards the bedroom and casting a seductive look over your shoulder but Cillian decided to have a quick shower first.
"I really  need to wash off the hospital smell," Cillian explained as you sulked in the doorway.
"Okay, but be quick, I need you," you whispered, whispering the last words on your lips before turning and slinking back into the room but, when after as much as five minutes, you didn't hear a sound coming from the en suite bathroom , you opened the door to check on him.
"What the fuck are you doing?" you asked as you watched him stand there, in front of the mirror, attempting to shave his chest. 
"Uhm, I am just," he stammered , avoiding your gaze. "I am shaving," he  finally blurted out and you stepped towards him and pulled the razor from his hand.
"You are shaving off your chest hair?"  you repeated incredulously, staring at him in disbelief. 
"Yes. Many men do it," he mumbled nervously as you raised an eyebrow at him. 
"Maybe, but I don't want you to. Now drop the razor and come to the bedroom," you demanded, your tone firm but husky with desire.
"I will be quick. I mean, I tried to pluck out the greys but it takes too long and fucking hurts, so just let me quickly shave them off..," he began to explain nervously, causing you to giggle. 
"Is this what all of this is about? Grey hairs?" you asked, trying to contain your laughter at the sight of Cillian, standing there in front of the bathroom mirror, with a determined expression on his face. 
"Maybe," he admitted , his expression sheepish.
"Well, I like them. I like everything about you, just the way you are and, if anything, it turns me on,"  you said, leaning in and kissing him passionately.
"Now drop the fucking razor and don't ever think about shaving your chest hair off again, because I think it's goddamn sexy, especially with the greys in it,"  you whispered, tracing the outline of his fading pecs with your fingertips.
Cillian nodded, throwing the razor in the trash can and pulling you in for another kiss.
"Ok, I won't do it again," he muttered, his hand finding its way up your half naked body. "I just thought you might like it better, you know. Because I am a fair bit older than you and all,"  Cillian explained, sounding almost embarrassed.
But you silenced him with another deep kiss, your tongue dancing with his as your hands roamed over his muscled chest. "I love every inch of you, just the way you are," you whispered against his lips. "And I love the fact that you are older than me. It's a huge turn on, Cillian. And I most certainly don't care about the grey hairs on your chest. In fact, I find them incredibly sexy," you murmured, your lips trailing down his neck and chest as you spoke.
Cillian growled, his hands gripping your hips tightly as he backed you up against the wall. His erection was pressed against your belly, and you could feel the heat radiating from him.
"You have no idea what you do to me, Y/N," he said, his breath warm and ragged against your ear and his ribs no longer bothering him.
"Oh, I think I have some idea," you murmured, grinding your hips against his as your hands fumbled with the button of his jeans.
With a swift movement, Cillian tore off his jeans and boxers, his erection springing free and pressing urgently against your belly.
Your lips met in a hungry kiss, your tongues exploring each other's mouths as your hands roamed over each other's bodies.
Cillian's rough hands cupped your breasts, and he pinched your nipples through the fabric of your top. You moaned, arching your back as you pressed yourself against him, feeling his hard cock against your belly.
"God, I want you so fucking bad," Cillian growled, his voice low and husky with desire.
"Then take me," you breathed, your voice barely above a whisper as you tugged at his shirt, pulling it over his head.
Cillian complied, his lips moving down to your neck as he trailed hot, wet kisses down your collarbone. His teeth scraped against your skin, sending shivers down your spine as he made his way to your breasts.
You moaned, your head falling back as Cillian's lips closed around your nipple, his tongue swirling around the sensitive flesh. He sucked hard, his fingers pinching and twisting your other nipple as you cried out, your hands reaching for his hair.
A small amount of breastmilk  escaped one of your breasts, evident of your recent motherhood.
Cillian didn't seem to mind, evident by the way he simply swallowed it down.
"Fuck, you're so hot!" he groaned, his hand snaking down to your panties, rubbing your clit through the cotton.
You moaned, writhing against his hand as he increased the pressure.
"Please, Cillian!" you begged, your voice husky with need and he obeyed, yanking your panties down your legs in one swift motion before giving your wet mound some more attention. 
"What about your ribs? You should take it easy... oh my god,"  you moaned, forgetting all about his broken ribs as you ground yourself against his hand, desperate for more.
"I'll be fine," Cillian said and he didn't hesitate, his fingers plunging inside you with ease, curling up to hit that sweet spot deep inside.
"Oh fuck, Cillian!" you cried out, your legs trembling as he pumped his fingers in and out of you.
He cursed, too, his hips jerking forward as he dry-humped your leg, his cock leaving wet patches on your thighs.
And then he was on his knees, his fingers still working your pussy as his tongue darted out, licking at the juices that had leaked from you.
"Fuck, you taste good," he growled, his gaze meeting yours as he sucked your clit into his mouth, his teeth grazing the sensitive flesh.
You cried out, your hips bucking against his face as he continued to eat you out, his fingers still pumping in and out of you.
Your orgasm built quickly, your muscles tensing as you neared the edge.
"Oh god, I'm gonna cum!" you gasped, your fingers threading through his hair as you held him in place.
Cillian hummed against you, his tongue flicking against your clit as his fingers curled up, hitting that sweet spot deep inside you. You cried out, your hips bucking against his face as you came hard, your juices gushing out of you.
Cillian drank it all down, his tongue lapping at you hungrily as you rode out your orgasm.
"Fuck, that was amazing," you panted, your legs trembling as Cillian stood up, his lips glistening with your juices.
"Glad you enjoyed it," Cillian said with a grin, his erection still rock-hard and dripping with precum.
You dropped to your knees, your hands wrapping around his cock as you looked up at him with a wicked smile.
"No! I need to be inside of you!" he growled, his eyes blazing with desire. "Stand up and bend over the counter," he demanded and you did as you were told, your heart racing with anticipation as you leaned over the cool marble countertop. Cillian stepped up behind you, his hands gripping your hips as he aligned the head of his cock with your entrance.
"Tell me if I am too rough,"  he said, his voice husky with desire as he squeezed your hips.
You nodded, too caught up in the moment to speak as he thrust into you carefully at first, filling you up completely.
"Oh god yes, I missed this," you moaned as he started to move his hips, slowly building up speed.
"Jesus, you're still so tight," Cillian growled, his fingers digging into your hips as he pistoned in and out of you.
"Harder," you begged, feeling that familiar ache build deep within you as he slammed into you. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed in the room as he pumped into you harder, faster.
You moaned, your fingers gripping the edge of the counter as he buried his cock deep inside of you.
"Goddamn, you feel so fucking good," Cillian growled, his hips snapping forward as he plunged into your slick heat.
You screamed, your back arching as another orgasm ripped through you, leaving you trembling and gasping for breath. Cillian cursed, his fingers digging into your hips as he chased his own release.
"Come for me, Y/N," he demanded, his voice a guttural growl as he slammed into you.
And then you were both crying out with pleasure, Cillian's hips stuttering as he filled you up with his seed.
He collapsed against you, his weight pinning you to the countertop as the two of you struggled to catch your breath.
After a moment, Cillian pulled out of you carefully, turning you around and pulling you into a tender embrace. You clung to him, your legs still weak as you nuzzled against his chest.
It was the quickest and most intense lovemaking you both had experienced in a while, but it had been exactly what you needed.
Cillian gently brushed your sweaty hair away from your face, his expression softening as he looked down at you.
"I love you so fucking much, Y/N," he murmured, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
You smiled and looked up at him. "I love you too Cillian," you said, feeling a warmth spread through your chest just before you heard a cry from upstairs.
"Shit, I think Mara is awake," you muttered, pulling away from him reluctantly. "I am so glad we made this quick," you chuckled and Cillian groaned disappointedly, but he knew that you were right. They couldn't just stay here in the bathroom, getting lost in each other's bodies while your daughter was alone in her crib.
"I'll go get her," Cillian said, pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead before pulling up his briefs and making his way upstairs.
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rainycloud444 · 24 days
‼️Season 5 spoilers btw‼️
For this idea, the two had only established feelings for one another recently and haven’t discussed a relationship (considering they are in the middle of a world ending mission so they decided to have smth to look forward to after all of this mess and wait)
Also Mk was forced to stay with Nüwa for the sake of the plot. OR chose to stay idk you can decide. 🫶🏻
Red is there when Mk has to jump through the portal and stuff to save the world, he is completely heart broken. He isn’t able to reach out to Mk in time to stop him. He is on the ground screaming sobbing Mk’s name, fire is just fuming all around him (I like to personally head cannon that if he is upset enough/in major distress his fire color varies from blue to white as it gets very hot.) out of impulse he decides to open a portal to the celestial realm and leave with no explanation. Just gone.
And I was thinking at the end he just arrives back to Flower Fruit Mountain where everyone met up in ‘memorial’ for Mk and Red just tiredly (incredibly beat up) walks up the mountain with a sleeping Mk in his arms. Everyone is just gobsmacked by this, and of course are in tears and stuff. Red collapses from exhaustion FINALLY (cause he knows Mk will be safe and he can rest *cries profusely*)
Later on Mk wakes up and all of that fun stuff. His friends all greet him and blah blah blah and he is all like “You guys are so amazing for doing this” and they are all like “Um- we did NOT do that, Red did” and he is all like “Pardon 🤠” utterly flabbergasted LMAO. (I was thinking the reason they didn’t try to do the same was because they thought yk, Mk was dead dead as in fully gone disappeared into the earth gone, and Red was just in utter denial and knew it was some sneaky ass celestial realm shit. Sooo that was his motive!) Obviously not because he doesn’t think Redson couldn’t do it but because Red loved Mk so much he ripped through the celestial realm, almost fucking died MULTIPLE times, AND LITERALLY HAD TO GO AGAINST THE CREATOR OF LIFE HERSELF (You can decide on how that would happen. I personally imagine it as a bargain of some sort) just to save him. And bring him back home with no scratches (on Mk)
Of course they see each other Red all bandaged up and Mk is sobbing like “Omg you dumbass why did you do that for me” and Red is all like “Your the dumbass who jumped into the portal to sacrifice yourself. And you are plenty of worth destroying the world and celestial realm for, I wouldn’t want them anyways if you weren’t there.” And Mk is just internally melting and sobbing. And and then Red son makes a stupid joke about not getting a goodbye kiss which makes Mk laugh and then they kiss.
A little bonus: Redson goes down in history for being a force to reckon with when it came to his lover (insert cool historic sounding love story title) and his parents are super proud of him all that fun stuff 💪💪
(This song gives me this story energy 😫)
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yourmomxx · 1 year
— random relationship headcanons for jj maybank —
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a bit nsfw under the cut
just to be clear from the very beginning, we are talking about a secret relationship here
I mean come on, jj has a dead-beat dad, he’s not just gonna go all out and tell him “yeah i’m fucking someone with a dick fyi”
ain’t happening
starting a relationship with jj was hard, he kept pushing you away because of his fear of attachment and his trust issues
But you didn’t let him push you away
It took a while for him to let you in
But after those walls were broken, he was justKirk the most affectionate boyfriend ever
Everyday he would wake you and not know how he deserved you, and the pogues would never hear the end of it
so yes, obviously the pogues know about your relationship
even if he kept it a secret from them, too, at first
kie was the first to actually figure it out
because john b is a bit slow
and pope thought y’all were just really good friends
(no one had the heart to tell him what really made the bumping noises in the next room)
but they all love you
while you’re dating jj, you’re a pogue now, like it or not
you most definitely had it easier than sarah
but hey maybe that’s because your brother wants a psychopathic killer
speaking of siblings, if you have some (younger ones), jj adores them
like, seriously, he always tries to include them whenever you do things together, and jokes and plays around with them
if your siblings are older, they’re a bit suspicious of him first, but eventually grow really fond of him and start seeing him like a sort of a little brother too
we ain’t mentioning JJ’s dad in this house
except for the times where you threatened to beat him up until it was him lying in a hospital bed rather than his son
jj always held you back tho
he told you his father wasn’t worth a sentence in prison
you always take care of JJ’s wounds, even when he’s reluctant about it at first
silent smoking sessions where the two of you simply enjoy each other’s company
“who’s the man in the relationship?” “there’s no man in our relationship, idiot, but if there was, it’d be me.”
he always brags about you when he’s with the pogues
“did you know that y/n did …”
“y/n actually told me …”
“have you seen how fucking good y/n looks today?”
“can’t believe I fucking pulled that.”
the pogues mostly just smile and nod along, knowing how happy you truly make him
he’s just drooling whenever you walk over to him, shirtless with wet hair and only in swim shorts
his brain short circuits
It’s like that one slowmo scene in baywatch ya know
jj plans the cutest dates
like stargazing, small roadtrips, surfing together, campfires with roasting marshmallows
soft touches
and because you two aren’t in a public relationship, I am so heavy on this
like imagine you’re walking to the beach with the pogues, all together laughing and chatting
and you walk so close to jj that your shoulder always *accidentally* bumps his. all the time.
or bonfires
sitting next to each other and each talking to someone, but your knees are so close that they are just touching the entire time
you can feel jj’s warm skin against yours and it sends something like electric waves down your body
fingers linking slightly when you stand near each other or walk with the pogues to the beach
putting your head on the other’s shoulder because that’s not gay you’re “just tired”
shoulders or arms grazing when you’re close
your pinky linking with his thumb when your hands are placed near each other
f o r e h e a d t o u c h e s
hello and goodbye kisses
puts his arms around your waist from behind and lays his head on your shoulder or upper back when he’s tired (and you’re with the pogues)
falls asleep leaned against you when you’re at john b’s hanging out with the pogues
such dramatic golden retriever puppy energy
says he will literally die if he doesn’t get enough touches and kisses from you
jj practically lives at your apartment
he has his own toothbrushes over there and everything
when he’s at home he sleeps in your clothes because they smell like you and it comforts him
will literally return said clothes to you and tell you to wash/wear them because they lost your scent
with jj’s impulsive personality it’s hard, but the two of you do your best to argue as little as possible
and even when, you try your best to not yell and trigger him, but to be honest - the two of you rarely argue. like, heavily
of course there’s some harsh exchanges from time to time but not ever screaming fights or something like that
communication is key in your relationship
you’ve ensured that from the very beginning
you promised to talk things out when you feel like there are problems or something that needs to be talked about and then you can work on it together
there is literally no grudges you hold that could be thrown at each other to worsen arguments
cooking breakfast for him because you want to let him sleep in
stealing away from parties or bonfires to have some private time
his wardrobe is mostly your clothes
you would go to jail for each other
“jj i swear if you don’t stop pissing off police officers-“
you meet him at the beach to watch him surf
because he’s so talented, of course, not because you want to see him shirtless or anything
he’s the best at cheering you up
he’s everything but a dry texter
you mostly cook because the only meal this man knows how to make is toast and pasta
how he’s survived this long without you is a mystery
jealousy because, again, secret relationship
“I thought you weren’t the jealous type?”
“oh, I’m not.”
“so the girl over there that’s talking and smiling all over jj has totally nothing to do with the fact that you’ve absolutely crushed your plastic cup?”
but not in an i don’t trust you and I think that you will cheat on me-way jealous, more in a you’re mine and seeing you with other people that i know don’t know that physically hurts me-typa way
has his own private smile for you, all teeth and giggles, and just so in love
you give jj your clothes and he gave you one of his leather bracelets to wear
knuckle kisses
just staying in bed all day and cuddling
he has less nightmares when he sleeps next to you
whenever jj got out of the water after surfing, he would make sure to hug you, no matter how much you struggled to push him off you, so you would get just as wet as him
— nsfw ————————————————
you actually had to introduce jj to a few things because he had never done them before or ever even heard of them
he’s good with girls but the whole boy thing? that was new territory
so you had to teach him some stuff
but it turns out, jj is a quick learner - when he wants to be
he’s a switch but mostly bottoms
it’s his inner child that just wants someone to take care of him
sometimes the sex helps him to calm down after his dad hurt him, but that is a thin line to walk
he whimpers
he has a praise kink
“so beautiful” “my handsome boy” “atta boy that’s a good one”
those just do it for him
there’s times when it’s just rough and emotional and angsty (cue choking, knife-play, heavy dirty talk and degradation)
and other times that are slow and soft and loving (cue praise, careful movements, private mornings, many and long kisses)
he takes a shower and you just surprise him by stepping in too
quickies on the boats that jj is supposed to clean (you officially keep him company for “moral support”)
his sweaty surfer curls sticking to his forehead after while he’s grinning at you😫😫
head in small caves at the beach
hickies because “if that girl tries hitting on you one more time, I am gonna hit her. with my car- ”
the pogues tease him about them the morning after
“ayo jj had a rough night I see?”
teasing. like so much. from both sides
whether it be “innocent” touches or well-placed words … it’s all over the place
high sex
handjobs in the back of john b’s twinkie
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
HIII ANGEL <3 can I request 'Hometown Glory' for the Adele music thing? I love that song so much overall so no specific lyric or anything for reference 🙈
Hello my darling! How have you been? 🥰 thank you so much for sending in this song as request!! As I started playing it over and over, I was playing different scenarios of how to make Tommy go back to his hometown. ✨
⚠️ There’s a bit angst but comfort after it
Lyrics and flashback in italics 😊 I hope you guys like this! Would love to hear your thoughts about it 💕
Song: Hometown Glory by Adele
Hometown Glory
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Tommy sighed loudly as they entered the Birmingham territory, he got tense immediately, his energy changed and the atmosphere as well.
Charlie was sleeping in the back of the car, he saw his son through the rear-view mirror.
I've been walking in the same way as I did
Missing out the cracks in the pavement
It had been a while since he came back, over the years he changed, both mentally and physically. Unlike him, everything in Birmingham was the same, but worse; the smoke irritated his eyes, he found more factories than he could remember, people on the streets, smoke clouding around.
He took a turn and found the old church where his mother would take them every Sunday, he hadn’t stepped in one in ages. In the corner he found the old building where he and his brothers used to go to school when they were little, it was now abandoned and falling into pieces, he saw broken windows and the door was replaced by blocks.
"Is there anything I can do for you dear?
Is there anyone I could call?"
"No and thank you, please Madam
I ain't lost, just wandering"
No matter how hard these people worked, they’d never be able to get out of Small Heath, they could only hope to repeat the same story of their parents. They were still digging, but instead of getting out of the hole, they were moving deeper and deeper.
Tommy looked to the side, finding the pub where his Dad used to send him and Ada to get a bucket of beer for him, he even remembered the one time when he and his sister decided to bet who could run faster and the spilled almost half of the bucket, when they got home his father got pissed for the missing booze and started raising his voice, then Tommy saw him taking of his belt. It was only natural to ask Ada to run and hide while he took the beating for her.
As the memories were too vivid for his own liking, Tommy had to shake his head to them brush away.
Somehow his heart felt at ease with the familiarity as he stopped his vehicle outside the Watery Lane house, the place held so many good moments.
'Round my hometown
Memories are fresh
Taking Charlie’s sleepy body into his arms, Tommy had to hold his breath as he looked in the small space between two houses in the other side of the street.
“Tommy!” Y/N squealed as his hands pulled her body towards his. “Someone might see us!”
Y/N tried to push him away, but his hands were resting firmly on her waist.
He laughed and the sound echoed in the small corridor while her palms attempted to stop him, but there was no use because he had other intentions.
Leaning towards her face, Tommy captured her lips in a soft kiss.
Y/N gave in, not only to his kiss but her hands gave up and instead of trying to push him away, she moved them to the back of Tommy’s head.
Taking a few blind steps, and Tommy had her pressed between the wall and his body.
“Let them see.” He replied after pulling apart to have some air.
He always waited for her there, he knew the exact time where she would go out to buy some bread for dinner and they’d sneak around before it was time to walk her home.
End of flashback.
'Round my hometown
Ooh the people I've met
Are the wonders of my world
Tommy felt the heartache was unbearable, but as Charlie stirred in his arms, he hurried to open the door to the house where he was once happy.
Shifting his son’s weight to one arm, he carried his kid upstairs, into his old bedroom, the same bed where he and Y/N would lie together to watch the stars and the moon. Memories of the two of them making love right there, burning his skin.
Tucking Charlie in, he stared at his son for a few seconds, before turning around to walk out of his room.
“Mama?” Charlie called half sleep.
Charlie’s voice made him stop on his tracks abruptly. His son had only started calling Y/N Mama.
“She will be back very soon, sleep well my boy.” Tommy lied and his eyes filled with tears.
Charlie had already lost Grace, his Mum. He couldn’t let him lose Y/N too, she was now his Mama, the woman who tucked him in and read him bedtime stories, the one who kissed him better.
Exhausted, Tommy flopped on the couch, he was quiet but his mind was already working at speed to find a way to get Y/N back.
His enemies finally found a way to make him surrender, by taking Y/N he no longer cared about any business, deal or wealth. For the very first time he was powerless, he wasn’t ahead of everyone else like he used to, he didn’t see that coming.
I like it in the city when the air is so thick and opaque
Because one morning she was kissing him say goodbye by the door, talking about going out for lunch together since she would be in the city visiting the orphanage and the next thing he knew is that she never showed up to have lunch, she was barely ten minutes late and Tommy knew something was wrong, she was never late.
As if she knew someone would take her, she left Charlie at home that day since he was sleeping. He wouldn’t be able to keep going if they took Charlie too.
Staring into the flames he made a silent promise; he wouldn’t stop looking for Y/N. He would give anything those bastards wanted, anything to get her back.
Looking at her nephew, Polly rubbed her forehead. Dark circles under his eyes, lines of worry decorating his features.
Just like she did for her nephews and niece all those years ago, now she stepped in again to take care of Charlie, she had help him have a bath that morning, get him dressed and have breakfast, all while Tommy was still waiting for a phone call.
As she was wiping her hands with a small cloth, she heard the unmistakable sounds Charlie was making from the living room. The image broke her heart; Charlie was playing on the floor with a horse made out of wood and he was holding a small photograph of Y/N, making voices as if she was riding his horse, but what really hit her like a bucket of cold water, was Tommy’s lost stare, his eyes fixed on his son and the photograph, his cigarette hanging from his lips, still unlit.
She quickly moved with the lighter in her hand and the movement made Tommy snap out.
“Jimmy McCavern called.” Tommy stated without an ounce of emotion.
“Charlie? Sweetheart go and find my shawl, it’s by the window in my old room.” She ushered the kid out of the living room, to then look back at her nephew. “So? What happened?”
“They want the racing licenses, the exportation permit, two pubs and Arrow House.”
“It’s the Billy boys Pol, they want everything or nothing at all.”
“But..” She tried to reason with him.
“They planted explosives in my property, they almost killed my boy!” Tommy exploded, his heart was beating like a drum, hammering his ribs, his head. “I’m not going to risk Y/N, I’m giving them what they want.” He explained with fear in his voice and eyes.
Then before Polly could do or say anything else, he stormed out of the room.
“Is my Dad mad at me, aunt Pol?” Charlie looked from the floor to her with sadness.
“Oh no my sweet boy, no…” she tried to stop the tears forming in her eyes as she hugged Charlie, “he’s worried about Mama, that’s all, he sent a letter and she hasn’t written back,”
“But she’s alright, she’s shopping.” He explained sure of himself.
“That’s right, but you know Dad right? He worries too much.” Bitting the inside of her cheek, she extended her hand to Charlie. “How about you help me bake a pie?”
Charlie nodded and rushed to the kitchen, allowing Polly to take a deep breath, she wasn’t sure how long they could keep lying to Charlie and if Y/N would come back from the Billy boys on one piece.
I like it in the city when two worlds collide
You get the people and the government
Everybody taking different sides
Tommy slammed the door, making Lizzie jump in the process.
“Do you have the papers I asked you?”
Lizzie looked away.
“Don’t make me repeat myself.” He was about to lose his patience.
“Lizzie give me the fucking papers!”
When she didn’t move, Tommy walked around her desk, took the keys from her skirt and after fumbling with the keys for several seconds, he finally opened the drawer. Rushing towards his office, he took the pen and signed the papers.
As he was about to go out, the ringing of his phone made him stop on his tracks.
“How’s the paperwork going Mr. Shelby?” Jimmy asked.
“I need to talk to Mrs. Shelby first.”
Jimmy groaned. “Fine, you can say hi to the wifey.”
The next thing Tommy heard was Y/N gasping and letting out a sound of pain.
“Tom… don’t believe anythi-”
“That’s enough bitch, now…” Jimmy tore off the phone from her ear and threw her to the floor.
“Don’t you dare to hurt her, prick!” Tommy yelled, feeling frustrated and useless.
“Oh, what are you gonna do about it tinker-boy?”
“I’ve the papers.” Tommy made a huge effort to control his emotions, he needed to think.
“That’s what I like about you Mr. Shelby you know how to make a deal.”
“I’ll have the rest of your demands by the end of the week.”
“Fabulous, meet me at the canal at five o’clock. And you can have the wifey back after you hand over the rest.”
“Charlie’s yard. But I need to see she’s alright.”
“Ha, that’s not going to happen, I need to have a little fun first.” Jimmy hang up before Tommy could say another word, and it only left him more agitated than he already was.
Bonnie was already dead and Aberama was injured badly, he couldn’t let Y/N get hurt.
Tommy wanted to throw away the phone but deep down he knew it wouldn’t change a thing. So he walked towards the bar, finding only another memory unlocked as he saw the decanter, Y/N bought it for him after his horse won a race. Just like the globe and the black horse figure, she also added an hourglass in one his shelves.
Everything, reminded him of Y/N. No matter where he looked at.
Taking the checkbook from his drawer he started filling the information on the cheque.
Let’s leave the wives out of this. Tommy had whispered to Jimmy before turning his back at him.
It required all of his strength to not kill Jimmy right there at Charlie’s yard, but his message was loud and clear.
Subtly, Tommy let slip a direct threat to Jimmy’s wife by handling him the £500 cheque. Then pointing at Isaiah patrolling around should’ve made clear that he wasn’t joking.
About a couple of hours later, Tommy got a phone call from the Midland Hotel, announcing Mrs. Shelby was dropped at front desk.
He couldn’t drive fast enough to the hotel, smoking frantically to release some stress. As he saw the building another memory hit him hard, as the big salon was the place Y/N chose for the wedding back in the day.
For an instant he was transported back in time to that day, watching her in her wedding gown walking towards him, with her big smile and eyes sparkling from the love they felt.
'Round my hometown
Memories are fresh
Nothing prepared him for what he was about to see, surrounded by a sea of people carrying towels and a first aid kit. Tommy felt like his heart stopped beating as Y/N appeared in his eyesight, there was a deep bruise decorating her cheek, her chin scraped just like her palms, they were already putting some kind of ointment.
“Mr. Shelby I ran a quick checkup on your wife, but I’d like to run a few tes-”
But Tommy finally reacted and pushed past the Doctor to get to his wife. Kneeling in front of her, his hands trembling before caressing her face gently, he didn’t want to make her even flinch from the pain.
“Are you alright love?” He asked with fear in his voice, he was terrified to learn she was hurt.
Y/N threw herself in his arms, feeling relieved to finally see him. “Oh Tom!” Tears flew freely as she wrapped her arms around his neck, his came to rest behind her back, trying to convince himself that she was safe now.
Are the wonders of my world
Taking his gloves off, he took a deep breath.
“I’m hungry.” Y/N stated easing the tension, her statement made Tommy chuckle slightly feeling like he was getting his wife back.
“You heard Mrs. Shelby, she wants to eat something!” He cracked a small smile, leaning forward to catch her lips in a soft kiss, allowing her to give him back the part of his soul that was missing.
Wiping the tears from the corner of her eyes, Y/N arranged Tommy’s tie.
“So… I really need to leave all of this behind, I want to go home, have a bath and give Charlie a hug and then snuggle with you all night.”
“You know I can’t just look the other way around and pretend nothing happened, right?” He already had a plan to get to that prick and not lose anything in the process.
“I know,” her voice faded away as her hand squeezed Tommy’s. “Just let me have this moment, yes? I was terrified that I’d never see you again.”
Tommy swallowed hard as her voice broke. His hands rested at each side of her face, to make her look at him.
“What makes you think that you’d get rid of me so easily, ey?” Tommy asked with glossy eyes.
“Never.” Y/N moved her hand to the back of his head.
“Charlie has been asking for you a lot, Polly told him you were out of town, shopping.”
“Oh! Then we really need to get a few things, to keep the lie going.” Y/N joked, earning a scoff from Tommy.
“Everything reminded me of you… the house, the neighbors, places we’ve been together, this hotel, where we got married.”
Tommy motioned Y/N to stand up, his arm around her waist for support. Kissing her hair softly, he could only think of the memories they still have yet to create.
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @gypsy-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @zablife @heidimoreton @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya (can’t tag) @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane @everythingelseisextra
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anna-scribbles · 8 months
can you share some of your writing/planning process for thirteen? i adore the non-linear format - how do you decide what scenes to put where?
ahh thank you!! idk how much of a defined process I have, but there's definitely a lot of planning that goes into it and i can show you some of that.
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i keep all the chapters in one doc organized by month, and then i plan everything out in bullet points in a timeline at the beginning. here i just have october and november as examples bc after december things started to get more detailed/messy
all of the scenes (especially at the beginning) set the stage for things i’ve planned to happen later, or establish something that feels relevant to adrien’s character by the time we meet him in canon. the task of condensing an entire month into about 2-3 scenes has been a bit difficult; i’ve found out that i’m a very present-moment kind of writer so it’s harder for me to describe the passage of, like, weeks of time. so i’ve been pinpointing specific threads of adrien’s story that i want to be sure to tell and choosing scenes from each month that build on that.
i’ve had the idea for this fic in the back of my mind since about 2021 so i’ve had several scenes cemented in my mind, ways i’ve decided things played out, etc. some of the writing process has been building the narrative around those things or figuring out how we get there. that’s what i love about prequels in general, honestly - it’s inevitable where we’re going to end up, but how do we get there?
adrien’s situation, at the moment we meet him in origins, is SO endlessly fascinating to me. he is in the process of doing something reckless and rebellious and bold - running away - against the will of his father, a man he spends the rest of the series struggling with his compulsion to submit to. we find out, via the rest of the show, exactly how difficult it is for adrien to stand up to his father. and yet, in his very first appearance, adrien is running away from him.
how did he get here? what, exactly, pushed him to this point? was this the final escalation of a steady build of rebellious behaviors, or an impulsive breakthrough after one awful day too many? what has this small boy been through in the last year, and why does public school seem to be his only fathomable escape?
and WHY, if his circumstances are so dire as to compell him to rebel so boldly in the first place, does he still throw it away to help the old man in the road? what makes him so kind, when he has everything to lose? what happened? how did he get here?
i’m interested, obviously, in the character of émilie. i think that the hole she leaves in the narrative is a compelling silhouette and i’ve been having a blast trying to pencil in its details. it’s obvious that adrien loved her deeply and had a stronger connection to her than with gabriel. but also, adrien was still shut off from the world while she was alive. he was still, presumably, an exploited child star while she was alive. she was an actress and a mother and died by broken magic and never told her son the truth about any of it. figuring out who i think she was and then how to show that through young adrien’s eyes has been a huge part of planning this story for me.
as far as the twenty three year old adrien sections, those have been less involved as far as planning goes. i only recently mapped out which areas of the house i want him to visit during the different months. i wanted his sections to line up at least thematically, if not physically, where thirteen year old adrien is at in his story. for example, in december twenty three year old adrien cleans out the dining room where thirteen year old adrien was having terrible christmas dinner. and in january they’re both in the garden, etc.
it’s a bit harder to map out twenty three adrien just because it has to also make sense geographically - i can’t have him running back and forth up and down the stairs, let’s be real he doesn’t have the energy for that. i’ve also opened up the agreste mansion page on the miraculous wiki so many times while trying to map this out 💔💔 did you know that apparently there’s a third floor we never see in the show. yeah i have to figure out what to do with that now
ANYWAY long story short: the planning process for thirteen is kind of a mess, but the whole story is built around some central plot points that i knew i wanted to hit from the beginning. the details change a lot (as you can see from the outline above - it’s not quite right) but i keep the end in mind. just have to figure out how we get there.
thank you for asking!! mwah<3
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maarrgarr · 1 year
The Unknown Heir
part four
masterlist of the Unknown Heir.
Gojo Satoru x fem! reader
Synopsis: The reader returns after being gone for two years and leaving her boyfriend, Satoru, without giving him a reason. But now she doesn't come back alone.
Warnings: English is not my first language, possible grammatical and spelling mistakes, some plot changes.
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A few days after telling Ieiri about your decision to return, and she practically jumped with happiness, you received a call from an unknown number. "Hello?" you answered, "Y/n-chan?", you recognized that voice instantly, "Yaga-sensei" you said between surprised and nervous, there was a minute of silence until he spoke again, "Goddamn, girl, how long were you planning to disappear, what happened to you, are you okay?!". You felt how a lump formed in your throat and how the tears fell, you took a breath and spoke, "I'm fine, many things happened, so many that I can't explain here" he heard your voice cracking, "It's ok, little one. Ieiri told me that you want to come back and work here, you know you can come back whenever you want. Besides, it wouldn't be bad for this school, to have one of the best come to teach" he said and you felt a great relief, "Sorry, Yaga-sensei, I-" he interrupted you, "It's ok, when you come you will explain everything, ok?".
They arranged that in a month and some more, you would return to the Jujutsu College, you explained to him that first you had to fix some things where you were and he told you to take as much time as you need. You also asked him to keep your return a secret and he agreed.
First, you explained to Ryusei that you were both moving out, you were afraid that such a change would affect him in a bad way, but he took it quite well. Second, you considered selling your house, but then you decided not to, it was a very nice place and it didn't hurt to have a place to visit from time to time. Finally, it was several days of packing up all your things, with a little help from your son.
It was Emma who went to see you off at the airport, you both hugged each other, thanked her for all the help and agreed to keep in touch, Ryu also said goodbye to his dear aunt Emma and told her how much he loved her.
The trip was quite quiet for Ryusei, who only ate, slept and played a little. For you, on the other hand, it passed quite fast, you couldn't sleep much, due to the nerves that gnawed at you. It was Ieiri who greeted you once you landed, when you saw her a few tears formed in your eyes, you almost ran to hug her and she greeted you the same way.
You lifted your son up, and said, "Look Ryu, this is your Aunt Ieiri" his eyes sparkled and he opened his arms for Shoko, to lift him up. Ieiri, for a moment, froze. She knew Ryu was similar to Satoru, but she didn't think so much, seeing him through a screen was not the same as seeing him in person. "My goodness, you're beautiful, Ryu" your friend said as she pinched his cheeks softly. Ryusei was quiet for a moment and then replied, "I know."
After they both laughed at what Ryusei said and you scolded him and told him to say "Thank you very much" instead of "I know", they left for the Jujutsu College.
You were too nervous, so much so that you were almost shaking. Ieiri told you to calm down, and that everything was going to be fine, but you felt the opposite.
Gojo Satoru was calm while watching his students train, when he felt it. He felt that energy that he had not felt for a long time, but he thought that maybe he was wrong, although deep down he knew that he was never wrong.
Everything was still the same, nothing had changed, was the first thing you thought, when you returned to school.
Ieiri had left you since, apparently, a student had broken his nose while training, but before leaving he told you that Yaga-sensei was waiting for you. So you were on your way there, as you didn't want Ryusei to be there alone, so you took him with you, and you had to introduce him to the principal.
You were walking looking around, with Ryu holding your hand and looking at you in amazement at your behavior. You were afraid of meeting Satoru.
You stopped in front of the door and knocked. "Come in," you heard. When you entered, you saw who had been your master sitting, creating his next cursed body, around him were several of his "dolls", but you did not expect what happened next: Ryusei let out a cry of excitement at the sight of so many "toys", and ran towards them, wanting to play. Masamichi Yaga opened his eyes to see his worst nightmare in front of him, another Gojo Satoru in miniature version, touching their cursed bodies.
"Ryusei!" you exclaimed and quickly walked over to your son and picked him up, before any of them could do anything to him. "They are not mere toys, don't go near them!" you told him with a frown, and he quickly nodded as he noticed you were serious. "Y/n, can you explain to me who this child is?" Yaga used a serious tone, one she had very rarely used with you. "He is my son, Mochizuki Ryusei" you replied. "And why is your son identical to Gojo?" he questioned, though he could already imagine the answer. "Because he is also his son."
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You Left Me Scars Through Memories (Tangled in my DNA) - Prologue
"I love you so much," Stephanie Harrington says, reaching out a hand to tuck some hair behind his ear. It's more an excuse to touch than to clear his face of hair. It's at a length now that will result in the tucked hair falling back into his face with barely a shake of his head.
Steve blinks up at her from where he's sat in her lap, his face far too serious for a toddler just a few hours shy of three years old.
"Your life is going to be so difficult and it's my fault. I'm so sorry," she whispers, sweeping him into a hug. He snuggles into her embrace instantly and it brings tears to her eyes. He should hate her for what she's done. Perhaps he will, once he's older and can understand what she's apologizing for.
"I'm going to tell you a story," she settles back into the chair, a big plush thing that she sits in every night to read a bedtime story to Steve, or tries too anyway. He's at the age where he's wiggly and full of energy until he drops.
"Once upon a time, there was a man and a woman. Husband and wife. And they loved each other very much," she starts, running one hand up and down on her baby's back, soothing, "and they wanted nothing more than to have a child.
"But try as they might, no child would come to them. And soon resentment began to grow. The wife, convinced that having a child would remove the resentment, set off to make a bargain with a witch, said to live deep in the woods.
"She told her husband she was going to visit her family so as not to arouse suspicion. Consorting with witches wasn't something that was done, you see."
This is the longest Steve has sat still in her lap in months. She thinks he might be asleep but continues the story anyway.
"It took her almost three weeks to find the witch, deep in the woods. Upon arrival, the witch had tried to turn away the wife. But the wife was persistent. 'Please,' she begged the witch, 'if we can have a child then my husband will love me again.'
"The witch was not moved by this plea. 'You would bring a child into a loveless marriage?' and the wife argued that once they had a child, their marriage would no longer be loveless. The witch disagreed but the wife would not be deterred.
"'What would you give up to have this child?' the witch asked after being pestered by the wife for almost a week. And the wife had said anything.
"'Anything is dangerous,' the witch said. 'I can give you the means to have a child, but the universe will decide the price.' And so, the wife agreed, and the witch pressed a folded piece of parchment into the wife's hand.
"When she finally returned home, she had been gone for eight long weeks. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, they say, and husband and wife reunited. Still, the wife waited three more months before preforming the ritual the witch had pressed into her palm.
"Soon, they had a child, a daughter. But with her arrival came the universe's price. A life blessing is not an easy thing to give, and the price for life is the highest to pay. Free Will was that price. And when the daughter turned three, she learned her daughter also paid the price. Her daughter, and her daughter's daughter, and her daughter's daughter's son. Forever more. The wife, now mother, was angry to learn this. Why should her child have to suffer for her own sins?
"She told her husband what she had done. She had to, you see, because how else could he be expected to raise a child that would do everything you told her to? Words would need to be picked carefully.
"It was years later before the mother could track the witch down again, to demand the witch undo the curse. 'I made the bargain, why must my child also suffer the consequences?'
"'You said anything,' the witch responded, 'and I told you that was dangerous. It was foolish of you to think your actions would not affect others. All actions do.'
"The mother said, 'can it not be undone?' and the witch said, 'All curses can be broken.' When the mother asked how, the witch just looked at her and said, 'go away, and do not seek me again.' And the mother had no choice but to obey."
Steve still has not stirred on her lap and when she looks down, she can see he is asleep. Even if Steve had stayed awake for the whole story, she knows she'll have to retell it to him when he's older. When he'll remember all of it. Perhaps she should write it down, too, just in case.
"You see, Steve, what was supposed to be a blessing became a curse. One of obedience. People will tell you to do things and you will be compelled to obey. You will become someone you will never truly know, because anyone can make you anything," she says as she stands and places Steve in his bed. "But don't worry. Mommy will teach you how to trick and cheat the curse as much as you can."
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mechformers · 2 years
Ma Miles - Ch. 1
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1.4k words
Masterpost | Chapter 2
Looking up at the bright sunny skies, you thanked the Great Mother for the peace that now lay over your new home. It had been so difficult leaving the Hometree behind, watching it burn and scream for help that could not be given by any of you. You had done what you could for the wounded, helped send the dead back to Eywa and when the dust settled, Jake Sully - Toruk Makto - emerged with Neytiri as the new leader of the Omaticaya clan. When they welcomed their first child, however, everything changed for the better. Neteyamur had been such a well-behaved child, so calm, so kind. The wise women of your clan often liked to comment on how Eywa had blessed the young boy, and how she flowed through his veins. They made a beautiful family, the boy bringing Neytiri joy in every sense of the word. 
Your lives were finally getting back to a semblance of what it once had been. Although the RDA still built their machines, mining away where your Hometree once stood, a relative peace had wrapped itself over your new home. Jake was a good leader to the Omaticaya, bringing victory and pride to your clan when the sky people tried to get closer. The few sky people that were left, guarded by the dreamwalkers, helped in every way possible while doing their peaceful research in tune with Eywa. How they could be the same species was beyond you. 
With no great value to your clan, you were - among others - tasked with helping the sky people and their dreamwalkers to the best of your ability. The small people were kind, although…different than what you had pictured them to be. Most were just in awe over the Great Mother’s abilities, registering her energies, and noting how everything connected, content to do their work to better understand the blessing that Pandora had received for Eywa. The dreamwalkers tried their best to rectify what their sky people had done to the Great Mother, working hard to rebuild and mend what was broken. 
But among those who stayed, a small child was left, orphaned by the tragedies of war. His mother killed in the assault on the Tree of Souls, and his father… the very demon who led the assault - Colonel Miles Quaritch. Born before Neteyam, Miles Socorro was too young to undergo the journey back to his home, although you had always argued that Pandora was his home. Eywa had granted him life, had welcomed the little boy to grow among her children, and so he did. Enamored with the little, odd child you were never far from each other and when the sky people who took him in gave up, you were the only constant left in his life. 
With the nickname Spider, he grew to be a big boy full of joy and curiosity for Eywa and her children. And although you were alerted when he first started calling you mom, the title brought nothing but love and adoration now, something the young boy knew to exploit whenever Lo’ak managed to drag him into trouble. You never stopped worrying when he wasn’t around, but your son was all too quickly growing into an adult. Letting go was a part of motherhood and one you would have to accept to let your son find his own path along Eywa. Luckily he was attached at the hip to Kiri, the brightest of the Sully children. She would always manage to talk sense to him, even if Lo’ak tried his hardest to persuade him otherwise. 
Chuckling to yourself, you bent to collect the last of the dew drops from a floating rock. Although your work wasn’t considered important, you liked helping the sky people collect their samples which in turn made them wonder in awe of the Great Mother’s reach. Getting back on your Ikran, you lazily flew back to the campsite, taking the time to caress his long neck, smiling to yourself as he purred loudly. 
But before you could walk into the research area to deliver your work, you were stopped dead in your tracks. The moment you saw Jake Sully you knew that something was wrong. He looked worried, tired, and bruised. 
“Jake?” You ask carefully, your ears lowering nervously. 
When Neytiri walks up behind him, avoiding eye contact with you, your heart starts beating loudly in your chest. Something was very wrong for the both of them to come to find you while you worked. 
“Where’s Spider?” Your voice doesn’t sound right to your own ears, the tone wrong. 
“Y/n, I’m so sorry,” Jake starts and Neytiri finally looks you in the eyes. 
“The children were playing down at the old shack when Lo’ak called me,” Jake starts, his own ears folding backward as his throat struggles to swallow, “A group of RDA avatars - recombinants - were there and they were caught,”
“What are you saying, Toruk Makto?” You ask gently, your ears lifting hopefully. 
“When we arrived, they were waiting for us and a battle began. In the chaos, we got separated, and… Y/n, they took Spider,” You can hear Jake Sully’s words, you can understand what he’s saying, but at the same time, nothing makes sense to you. 
“The children…” You mumble, not sure what to say as you let it all sink in. 
“Kiri, Lo’ak, and Tuk are safe,” Jake offers gently before continuing, “Spider is a tough kid, Y/n, he will be alright,”
Snapping your eyes to your Toruk Makto, you narrow them dangerously as your tail whips furiously behind you. ‘He would be alright,’ My son is out there, alone, and he will be alright. The anger you feel is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before and it’s directed at the clan leaders. You haven’t noticed the crowd slowly gathering around you, nor heard their whispers as you try to make sense of everything. Your Ikran screams somewhere behind you, but you can’t turn your eyes away from the couple in front of you. 
“You left my son to be taken,” The sheer venom that filters through your hiss tastes vile as you growl them. 
“We tried to save him, Y/n, but in the chaos, he got away from us,” Jake tries, he really does, but the words sound hollow to your bleeding heart. 
“You are Toruk Makto, you are supposed to protect your people, our children,” You scream at him, your voice so loud it makes your own ears ring uncomfortably. 
“He is not of us,” Neytiri hisses back, ears flat as she protects her mate, hissing angrily when Jake hums disapprovingly at her. 
"You do not speak of him like that," You hiss dangerously as you point to Neytiri, "You have always thought him unworthy because of who his father is, but he is a child of Eywa - my child, and you just left him to be taken," 
Neytiri doesn’t have anything to say to that, her mate trying to calm her down as he gently holds her arm. You can’t stand to hear their excuses any longer. Your son needs you and he’s out there alone somewhere. Turning away from your clan leaders, you quickly make your way to your home, not turning when Jake runs after you, weak protests falling from his lips. He doesn’t dare to enter your home, however, silently standing on the outside, watching as you gather a few essentials, Spider’s songcord, and your weapon. 
“Who?” You sneer at him before passing on your way back to your waiting Ikran. 
“Y/n, I don’t think that -”
“Who!?” You shout this time, snapping your head around to level your Toruk Makto with the darkest glare you have in you. 
“Colonel Miles Quaritch, Spider’s father. He's back to life as a recombinant Na’vi…” 
Freezing at the words you just heard, it takes a moment for your body to let go of the immediate fear you’re experiencing. You never thought you would hear that name like this. One day, you had prepared yourself to have the talk with Spider about who his father really was, but Spider never asked and you never offered more than everyone already knew. Hearing that the demon from the skies was back to life, and in a Na’vi body nonetheless, made something sink deep inside of you. 
At least you knew where to look now. 
Masterpost | Chapter 2
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pininghermit · 9 months
Founder of Death, Keeper of Life
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Pairing: Alucard x M. Reader
Summary: You looked at the spiked corpses in front of you with a spark of fury in your eyes. How dare someone disrespect death in this manner? Who dared to do so?
AN: idk what i'm doing. I haven't written in a while so a rough start.
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What ailment made the God of death bawl like a child? What grief has lingered in his heart like an unplucked thorn?
Dressed in fleeting black robes, the creator of death was a solemn existence. Untouched by the misery yet bound by a sorrow unknown to any.
You looked at the spiked corpses in front of you with a spark of fury in your eyes. How dare someone disrespect death in this manner? Who dared to do so?
Cupping the decaying faces crawling with maggots you pulse your energy into the remaining pieces of flesh. In blink of an eye both the corpses are gone. Guided to your court where afterlife would be granted to them.
Surrounded by the stench of rot, urine, and blood you stare at the castle. Burdened by the air of unrest everything surrounding it felt heavy with despair.
Untouched by the grime surrounding you, your gown trails behind you as you step into the castle. Dracula was dead. You had seen to it years ago.
Could it be him? Son of Dracula. Could there be even a slightest chance of him being the one?
Perhaps years of ruling death had caught up. Made you into a weakling blinded by false hopes.
The one you looked for was gone. And you were the reason. You, the God of Death, had killed him with your own two hands. You had dimmed his life with your powers. Carried his cooling body to your halls and disintegrated his soul into the empty world.
Made him into the world. Started the cycle of life with your only lover.
Long ago when the world was young. The God of Death did not exist. The purpose and knowledge existed but not the way to get to that purpose.
In a world where you were next to him. Maybe it was what humans now know as living in bliss.
You knew him from your first moment. He was next to you in the void of nothingness. Your companion. His existence was the catalyst for your path as a deity.
He existed for you to understand love, understand loving, and for you to grapple with grief that you would bring to million others.
And so it came to be.
To initiate the cycle of life and death, the God of Death was tasked to sacrifice his joy. To pay for the grief of infinite, who would die, the God of Death was tasked to bear the grief unbound by the world.
So, the God gathered his lover in his arms and kissed him. Caressed his hair and memorized every pore of his existence in his heart. Cupped his face and with a dimming heart watched his joy leave him.
The precious soul of his beloved was broken into infinite pieces, blended into the world of living where the God of Death could not venture. Broken into pieces he could not combine even with his divinity.
Doomed to be separated for eternity, the God of Death came to be at the price of his heart.
But that tale belongs to a past long gone. Times have changed.
Surely your impulse of wandering in an unkempt mess of a castle was purely to punish the mortal who had dared to disrespect death in his own little graveyard.
A racing heart, irrational hopes were just a figment of your imagination you had come to live with.
Encased with a heavy silence, the castle rings with the echoing hoots of a wayward owl.
Would you remember him after years of separation. He won't look the same either way. The soul would be incomplete. Fates would never allow it.
All the excuses of your conscience fail to stop you. Your heart has already sensed him. A part of what you once remembers. Incomplete but yours.
Perched on a creaking chair he stares back at you. Alucard son of Dracula, as many know him as.
They look nothing alike. The past trapped in your soul seems to have been erased to have rewritten by him. The one you find most familiar in the wide world of your creation.
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cheolism · 2 years
where do broken hearts go
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✧ kim mingyu x reader
✧ summary: another man's trash, another man's soulmate
✧ genre: friends to lovers, song-inspired, the pain of watching your soulmate cry over heartbreak
✧ notes: where do broken hearts go is one of my favorite songs ever and i couldn't help but write this while i was still in the groove of writing. the heartbreak is between reader and an unnamed man, none between mingyu and reader
✧ wc is approx 1.3k
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mingyu remembered how you had looked when that man had rejected you. 
he remembered how at first you were confused; he was too. he was so sure the man would accept your flowers and offer. mingyu would have, after all. he had imagined it, before. he imagined it was him that you had picked out flowers for, but the difference between him and the man you were confessing to was that you knew mingyu loved chrysanthemums the best, whereas with the man thought having favorite flowers was silly.
your hands had fallen, the roses hanging loosely from your grip. you had watched the man walk away, eyes focused on him; mingyu had watched you. watched as your entire figure seemed to drain, all energy and life seeping from your body and leaving with the man. 
he remembered how you cried. god. mingyu hated it when you cried, even when it was 4 a.m. and you were crying at the 24-hour diner because you were drunk and had ran out of maple syrup for your pancakes and were convinced the waitress would hate you because you had to refill it. he hated it when you cried whenever you saw the end of toy story 3. 
he remembered how you cried. god. mingyu hated it when you cried, even when it was 4 a.m. and you were crying at the 24-hour diner because you were drunk and had ran out of maple syrup for your pancakes and were convinced the waitress would hate you because you had to refill it. he hated it when you cried whenever you saw the end of toy story 3. 
but fuck, he hated it with every fiber of his being when you cried from pain. hated it when you were seriously ill and had called him, sobbing into the phone; hated it as you cried over the toilet seat, fever raging through your body. hated it when you couldn’t help the little tears whenever the nurse had to draw blood. 
hated it when you pressed yourself into his chest, burrowing as closely as you could, sobbing as pain from heartbreak stabbed at you. 
mingyu remembered how he had wanted to punch that man square in the face; how he wanted to rewind time and stop you from ever meeting that son of a bitch. he remembered how he had wrapped his arms around you and hummed, letting you cry into his chest until your body sagged against him from exhaustion. 
“i thought -- i thought he liked me --”
he remembered how absolutely crumpled you were in the following weeks. it was as if the man had used you like a tissue, crumpling you up and throwing you aside. 
he remembered the way black constantly lingered beneath your eyes from lack of sleep. he remembered how you couldn’t look at flowers; how you turned down his attempts at getting you outside on your “friend dates”. mingyu remembered how you had whimpered that you shouldn’t be this distraught, that you should really move on. 
“it’s okay,” he had whispered. “he doesn’t deserve you. he wouldn’t have treated you right.”
“i don’t care about being treated right,” you had sobbed. “i just want to be loved.”
you deserved to be treated like a goddess, mingyu had thought. he still thought that. 
months later, long after the crisp air that had accompanied valentine’s day had vanished and was replaced by the humid summer winds, the man appeared again. 
the two of you were in a cafe. it was one you visited often, where the baristas all knew your names and orders. it was another date, and mingyu had you giggling at him as he frantically wiped up his spilled hot chocolate. 
“some things really never change,” you laughed. “and i guess one of them is your clumsiness.”
and then he had appeared, like a bad omen. he darkened up the cafe. you had glanced over at him, as if he was a magnet and you couldn’t help it, and mingyu wished he would’ve agreed to going to the movies like you had suggested. 
“oh,” you had gasped. 
“hi,” the man said, approaching the table. his hands were shoved into his pockets. mingyu didn’t want to admit that he looked good, but. he was clean shaven and strong and broad, and mingyu knew if he were to stand up the two of them would be the same height. “can we talk?”
mingyu straightened. he cleared his throat, and you finally looked back at him. “uh. actually --”
“i regret saying no,” the man rushed out, hovering over you. you leaned back. “i should’ve said yes. i thought i was too good for you, but fuck, i regret it. i’ve regretted it ever since.”
there was a moment of silence. “uh. listen --”
“give me a chance,” the man interrupted again. “please. i’ll treat you like a princess. like a queen.”
but they’re a goddess, mingyu wanted to snap. but this was your conversation to have, and he was going to stay out of it until you asked to help. 
“please. you don’t understand how heartbroken i’ve been over this.”
for a moment you were silent and still. mingyu wondered if you even heard what the man had said. and then you laughed. 
mingyu loved your laughter. he loved it when you were surprised by whatever comment someone made and a little snort escaped you. he loved it when you were breathless with it, trying to gulp in air. he loved it even when you let out a little bark of fake laughter whenever he made a bad joke, knowing it was because you didn’t have the heart to ignore him. 
this laugh was cold and mingyu knew that if it was directed at him he would’ve folded immediately. he would’ve gotten on his knees and apologized. he would’ve begged. 
instead he lifted up his drink and took a sip. 
“you were heart broken?” you asked, tone incredulous. “you? did you feel like you were led on for months? like the person you were talking to was lying about his feelings the entire time? did you feel like you were betrayed? humiliated?”
“listen --”
“no.” you stood, and mingyu hurriedly followed suit. you narrowed your eyes at the man. “you broke my heart and fucking stomped on it. you don’t get to come back and act as if i’m going to just open my arms wide and let you back into my life. you’re an ass. you deserve whatever lonely ass life karma is about to dish out at you.
“now,” you carried on, pushing your chair in. you tipped your head towards the door and mingyu, who was nothing but obedient, rounded the table and joined your side. “me and my boyfriend are going to go somewhere else to carry on our date.”
the man gaped, looking between you and mingyu. mingyu couldn’t help the satisfaction that bubbled up within him, and he looped his arm around your waist and pulled you close. “kim mingyu?”
“i guess it really was a good thing you rejected me.” you leaned against mingyu, and he bent to press a kiss to the top of your head. “it helped me see what was right in front of me.”
mingyu tucked his hand into your back pocket as the two of you left the cafe, thumb hooking on the belt loop. you sighed, tipping your head up towards him. he swooped down and pressed a kiss to your lips. 
“i really was an idiot,” you murmured, and you pressed another kiss to the corner of his mouth. “can’t believe it took me getting my heart fucking torn out to realize how much i loved you. i’m sorry it took me so long, mingyu.”
he shrugged. “we got here in the end, didn’t we? i would’ve stood by your side until the end of time. you know that.”
“still,” you said. 
it didn’t matter how the two of you got together, he thought. all that mattered was that the two of you found home in another another, loved one another as dearly as flowers loved the sun.
when you came to him crying, he opened his arms; when you were rendered immobile from the pain of heartbreak, when you were unable to move despite the thunder and pouring rain, he built a home around you with his two hands and vowed to protect you. and he would. 
and he will.
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allexthakatt · 2 years
That This Feeling Flows Both Ways
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I was NOT expecting so many people to love that fic as much as I did! As many people requested, heres the part 2 to Do I Wanna Know?
Read Part 1 HERE
CW: Angst! But it ends in fluff, don't worry! Suggestive themes at the end. 16+?? Eddie being all cute!
Eddie was plenty of things. He was a little clumsy, loud, hot headed, maybe even a little dim at times. And being in love with you is definitely one of them.
You're on his mind constantly. Even when he's with Stephanie you always seem to wiggle your way to the back of his brain. He wants nothing more than to run to you, to beg for forgiveness and live happily ever after with you in his arms. Just like the fairy tales you would both make up when you were kids.
But then he remembers the tears that plagued your eyes that day. The heart he'd broken. Your beautiful face twisted in pain, and he stays where he is.
This isn't a fairy tale. He broke you, you wouldn't want him anymore. So he settles for her.
Stephanie isn't stupid. She'd noticed your absence and Eddie's new dull eyes. She noticed how much less his energy was now that you weren't here. He didn't tell her anything, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what may have happened.
But... She can't bring herself to do anything about it. It's selfish, sure. She wants him all to herself, even if he is thinking about someone else.
That is until she changes her mind.
Eddie's finally graduating! The day is finally here, he's worked his ass off every damn day and fuck if he didn't doubt himself on more than one occasion; but he made it. He actually made it and can finally say goodbye to the hellhole he called school.
The ceremony was really long, so many names were thrown out before his name was called.
But it was worth it.
When he eventually walked across that stage, snatched the diploma right up, flipped off Higgins, and ran off stage, the air in his lungs felt fresh, and new.
The only people cheering were his friends. Dustin, Lucas, Mike, Gareth, Jeff, and Grant were all woohoo-ing and clapping for their friend. Stephanie was there too, clapping with a soft smile on her face as she sat next to his uncle, who got dressed up for the occasion and smiling brightly at his nephew.
But there was one other person who he didn't expect to see cheering him on, let alone come here in the first place.
You were just standing up tall, cheering even louder than all of them. Your smile huge and proud as you hold up a large sign in the air;
He felt even prouder. You'd meant it, you didn't abandon him. You'll always be his friend, even through it all. And that made this already awesome day even better.
After the ceremony, everyone starts to make their way onto the field to see their kids and grandkids who'd just said goodbye to their adolescence.
Eddie, however was already in the parking lot with his people. Uncle Wayne giving him a hug and patting his back, a few tears in his eyes that don't go unnoticed by Eddie.
"I'm proud of you, boy. I knew you could do it."
There's something so sedimental about the tone in his voice. Wayne knew everything Eddie had been through, had done, and said. Yet he still looked at Eddie like he was his own son. And Eddie couldn't be more thankful for the older man.
Everyone gave them their respective hugs or high fives and fist bumps, congratulating him on a massive milestone he'd worked so hard to achieve. Stephanie giving him a soft hug and kiss, "Good job, baby boy. I'm proud of you."
He fought the urge to cringe. Eddie never really liked that nickname. It made him feel uncomfortable especially when she'd say it during sex. He'd voiced his uneasiness to her multiple times, she still calls him that frequently. Another thing she'd do that made him think about you. you'd respect his boundaries...
"Congratulations, Eddie. I knew this was your year." Speaking of you..
You'd finally approached him with a wide smile on your face, holding your hand out with a bouquet of flowers to give to him.
You were even more beautiful than the last time he saw you.
"T-Thank you! I can't believe I finally did it, honestly. Thought I'd have to stay another year in that shit show."
He took the flowers from your hand, hugging them close as you step closer, smile still as wide as it was when you were in the bleachers.
"I knew you could do it, Eds. You worked so hard and went through so much, if anyone deserves this, it's you."
You ruffled his hair to break the small amount of tension between the two of you. Initially you wanted to hug him. However you didn't know where his boundaries laid and the last thing you wanted to do was make him uncomfortable on his special day.
"I can't believe you came! How'd you even know I was graduating?"
He tried to keep his excitement at bay, but by God if he wasn't going to take this opportunity to cherish you in person again.
"Oh, a couple little birdies may have spilled the beans to me last week."
You playfully roll your eyes and land them on a certain trio of now-sophomores. Each of them looks away quickly as if they totally were not just eavesdropping on your conversation.
"Regardless, I'm glad you came! This year has been hard, but I think it was so worth it. Thank you for coming. It means a lot more than you know."
He grips the flowers tighter, resisting the urge to pull you in for a hug.
"I told you I didn't abandon you, dork. You know I'll always be your best cheerleader."
You go in for a real hug, and it lasts a good minute before you both reluctantly pull away.
"I guess I'd better get going. A certain uncle has plans for a special dinner I hear!"
"Hey! That's a surprise, miss!" Wayne butted in, not thrilled she ruined the surprise, but still ecstatic that she actually showed up for his nephew.
You laugh, the first real laugh you've had in a long while. It felt good to see everyone again. Oh how you missed hellfire and hanging out with them at lunch. It seems like so long ago, such a simpler time.
"Enjoy the rest of your day, Eds. I'll see you around, okay? Congratulations again!"
You shoot everyone one last genuine smile and finally make your way to your car.
Maybe it was the way his smile wasn't forced, or the way there was barely a foot between you two. Or maybe it was just you showing up for him in general even when he said you weren't on talking terms. Whatever it was, Stephanie seemed to finally wake up to reality. He wasn't hers, he never was. He was yours, has been for a very long time.
She decides it's finally time to step out of the way and say goodbye to Eddie.
There was a certain... Tension? In the air between Stephanie and Eddie. They'd been attempting to watch some movie together, but both were distracted. Oddly enough, by the same thing.
For different reasons, however. It had been exactly two weeks since they'd last seen you. Stephanie was waiting for the right moment to give him up. It was proving rather difficult, however, due to how much she really likes him. He makes her laugh, he takes her on dates, he treats her like a real person, and holy fuck if he wasn't a God with those fingers..
But she doesn't have his full attention. You're all he's been thinking about, it's become even more apparent since his graduation.
She can't continue being selfish. He's fun, and exciting, and so fucking caring, but he doesn't care for her like he does for you.
And the only thing keeping him from being with the one he cares most about- is her.
"Eddie, we need to talk."
She pulls away from his side, standing up to turn off the abandoned movie.
"Okay? What's on your mind?"
Keep it short, Steph... She thinks to herself. If she rips off the bandaid quickly, maybe it'll hurt less.
"I think we need to break up."
Eddie stands up as well. Where did this come from?
"W-What? Break up? Why? I thought we were going strong?"
She gives him a look as if to say 'Really?'
"Be honest with me, Eddie. For once? You were never mine, and I was never yours. I think we both know where you'd rather be right now. And it definitely isn't here."
She was getting hostile, and she knew it. It hurt, but this was right. She couldn't continue knowing he'd just be settling for her. She deserved better than that.
"And who said that? I'm the one who asked you out right? Why are you doing this?"
The tears were coming, from both of them. Stephanie shakes her head, holding her arms in front of her chest, hoping it'll shield her better from the pain.
"Eddie, be serious. You're so in love with her you practically have it spelled on your head. And don't even try to pretend you don't know who because you know exactly who I'm talking about."
Of course he knew who she's talking about. It's you. It's always been you.
"Eddie I really like you. Hell, I might even love you. But you don't like me. Maybe you did once but that feeling isn't there anymore. And I will not keep sitting here pretending it doesn't bother me."
She takes a few steps closer to him,
"I think we had a lot of fun, Eddie. And holy shit, will I miss you. But... I think this will be best. For both of us. I deserve better, and so do you."
He knew she was right, it wasn't fair to her that his mind was constantly on you. That even when he was intimate with her he wished it was you that was under him. Shes right; she deserves better.
She leans in, giving him one last deep kiss. Her hands find their way to his hair, his hands at her sides. It lasts a few more moments before she pulls away, grabbing her things before walking to the door.
"Ill see you around, Eddie. Goodbye."
And then she was gone, leaving him alone in the living room. Alone with his thoughts.
It was pretty late at night when you hear a knock at the door. So light if you weren't paying attention you wouldn't have heard it. Until it starts knocking louder, waiting to be answered.
You pause your movie, putting down your popcorn bowl and make your way to the door, where the knocking is more persistent now. Looking through the peephole you see the last person you'd think of, looking disheveled and red-eyed. Opening the door, you face the man that's plagued your mind all these months.
"Eddie? It's almost 1 in the morning! Come in, Eds it's freezing out here."
You lead him into the house, in the living room where you'd just been. He turns and looks at you, wearing a tank top and short shorts. Clearly ready for bed but from the look of the living room it seems you're halfway through a movie night all by your lonesome.
"Steph, she.. She broke up with me, man. I-I didn't know where else to go, Y/n."
His eyes are watering once again, tears threatening to spill on your floor. You run to him, hugging him tight and holding his back.
"I'm so sorry, Eds. You don't have to tell me anything, okay? But if you wanna talk, I got all the time in the world."
You gave him the warmest smile he'd seen from her. Initially he was worried this would be awkward, however standing here, in front of you in your living room at almost 2am, he realizes this is the most comfortable he's been in weeks.
"S-She just said it's not working out anymore. I just didn't wanna be alone tonight. I'm sorry if I interrupted anything.."
You shook your head, still holding tight on his arm.
"I'm actually halfway through Sleepaway Camp. Wanna join?"
You hold up the VHS box with a small smile on your face. His shoulders relax a little, smiling back at you and sniffling just a bit, nodding and you drag him to the couch.
The rest of that night was the best night Eddie had in a very long time. It was like no time had passed at all between you two.
As you both watched the cheesy horror flick you cracked jokes about the kills and the eventual plot twist at the end. He laughed and dramatically gasped as you 'spoiled' the ending for him, even though you'd both seen this movie at least 50 times together, making you laugh harder at his antics.
There was no tension, no weird lingering stares or awkward glances at each other. This felt nice. It felt right. Eddie felt at peace, recognizing just how much he'd missed you. You're his best friend, after all.
However now, Eddie knows he'd rather take your relationship a step further.
Stephanie was nice, but she wasn't you. No one could measure up to you. There's no one else Eddie would want to be with than you.
It'd been months since that night. You and Eddie were back to being inseparable again, and while Eddie wouldn't want to complain about having you back in his life, he wants more.
It's taken him a while, and weeks of denial from him that this was even happening. Pep talks to himself in the mirror more times than he can count, he's finally accepted it.
He's desperately in love with you.
He should've realized it so much sooner. It would have spared you both so much heartache, but now he sees why Stephanie wasn't enough. She just wasn't you.
He wants you, all of you. Your love, your touch, your midnight talks and daytime cuddles. He wants to see you every day and give you hugs and kisses and smother you with his love. He wants to take you on dates and hold your hand, showing you off to everyone in town that he was yours and you were his.
But... Will you accept his love? You'd confessed to him once, and he turned you down. What if you did the same? What if he lost his one chance to be yours? You bore your soul to him almost a year ago, had your feelings for him changed?
God, he hopes not.
But no matter what, he hopes you'll stay in his life. As a lover, hopefully. But as a friend, he'll still take it. Now it's just a matter of telling you his truth, and hoping you didn't change your mind.
A Sunday afternoon. A rare day you both had off, too! Eddie had managed to snag a job at a local record store downtown. A job that suited him well. He was brimming with joy when he showed you the paperwork.
"I got it!! I fucking did it! I wowed them with my amazing music knowledge, and I start monday morning!"
You were so happy for him, so incredibly proud to see how far he'd come in his life. He still tried his best to keep up Corroded Coffin, but until all members are graduated, there isn't really much he can do. Until then, 'Recordzz' is more than enough to occupy Eddie's time.
You worked at a bakery a few blocks from the record store. It was a nice, quiet little bakery that always smelled like vanilla. You always did love baking, this job couldn't be more up your alley.
This Sunday, Eddie had planned to spill the beans to you. He was going to tell you just how much he cares for you; just how much he loves you.
He can only hope you still felt the same way.
Laying on your stomach on his bed with a joint in one hand, flipping through a comic book with the other, Eddie takes this time to admire you. You know, just in case this is the last time he sees you like this.
Metallica is playing softly in the background, and he figures this is as good a time as any.
"Hey, I kinda wanted to talk to you 'bout something."
He sits up on the bed and you follow suit, putting out the joint in the ashtray on his nightstand.
"What's up?"
You have a relaxed smile on your face, a combination of being a little high and very content, just in your own little world with your favorite person.
"Remember a year ago, when you... confessed to me h-how you felt about me?"
Your smile falters, just a little. Nervousness kicking in.
"I remember... Why?"
Eddie grabs your hands gently, rubbing soft circles with his thumb.
"Do you... Do you still feel that way?"
Pure fucking panic.
Why on earth is he bringing this up? You tried so hard to bury that memory deep in your brain, never wanting to think or be reminded of it again. You'd embarrassed yourself, lost your best friend, and broke your own heart all in the same day.
Yeah, you didn't like to think about it.
But the way he's looking at you, so hopeful and scared, you couldn't bring yourself to lie to him.
"Eddie I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't think I could ever stop loving you. You were, and you still are, my everything. And I truly don't think that will ever change."
A sigh of relief escapes his lips, but he's not celebrating yet.
"I should have realized this a year ago. Y/n, I'm so in love with you. You're my first thought when I wake up, and the last thought before I sleep. You're my favorite person and my best friend. I see you in my life for as long as you'll have me. I wanna be with you, and not just as your best friend. As your boyfriend. And... If you'll let me, I will spend the rest of my life making up for the time we lost together."
His hands had found their way to one of yours, holding them against his chest tightly. Afraid you'll somehow disappear if he lets go.
You brought your free hand to his cheek, rubbing it softly.
"I didn't think I'd ever hear those words from you. Do you really mean it?"
He nodded, taking a quick glance to your lips, then back to your eyes.
"I don't think I could ever lie to you, baby. I want you in my life, as a lover, not a friend. If you'll allow me..?"
Without answering, you lean in. Lips finally touching his in a moment of passion. Your hands find his hair, his arms wrap around your back and lean you back down on the bed, hovering over you. You slightly open your legs for him to rest between them, your bodies growing closer and closer, until you break the kiss for just a moment.
"I love you too, Eddie. I always will."
He smiles widely, grabbing your hips a little tighter and leans in again, this time a bit more hungrily.
It was going to be a long night...
It's finally done!!! I hope you all liked it, and I certainly hope it was worth the wait???
I'm a wee bit backed up on requests, but rest assured, if you've sent one in I am working on it!
Everyone who requested a pt 2: @ali-r3n @toobsessedsstuff @munsonmecrazy @bibieddiesgf @eddiemunsonsgf2 @notbeforelong @munsonzzgf @daisyridleyyyy @slightlyvicked @ghostiegorlie
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