#whether it’s football or charity work
anadiasmount · 10 months
imagine you're a celeb, and jude slides into your dms but you're having none of it because duh he's a football player and you know better than to get yourself involved with guys like that, but then you meet at an event and he's flirting but he's kind of intimidated by and you find it amusing but you still don't bug and he's litterally trying for months, months to get you to go on a date with him, and when you finally agree he's realised he's completely in love with you and you kinda are too but you're still guarding your heart because you don't want to lose him but you guys make it work and you become the it couple, private but not secret.
hii! you should also totally check out the fic @20-th-centurygirl posted, that’s called “work for it” as it’s similar to this anon post! please check it out it’s so so good 😣😋🤍
ik jude has mentioned he’s shy when meeting new people or just is in general, so this is making me think of shy! jude when meeting you.
he’d come across you after overhearing a couple of his england teammates talk about you, how you were this shiny new star that has taken over the internet rapidly. that same day he’d look over your profile completely falling for you. the posts you’d dedicated to friends, to charity, and selfies. he wouldn’t hesitate and quickly follow you. liking a few recent pictures and an old one where he liked by accident as he scrolled through your page.
a couple days later he continues to think about you, whether it was at breakfast with his teammates, during training, recovery, hell even if he was trying to fall asleep! your smile and bright eyes would consume his dreams and the reasons for his zoneouts, “yo jude, you good?”
he’d replied with a nod and quickly takes his phone out to send you a dm. he feels slightly embarrassed and shocked to when you don’t respond or bother following back, making him overthink if he should delete the reply. but instead he would find himself at the club with his mates, reacting to your recent story many weeks later.
you scoffed and laughed showing your friends who was hitting you up. it wasn’t that you weren’t interested, you were, but you knew you couldn’t trust him let alone yourself if you would be around him. you have commitment and trust issues after your very public break up, not being able to make friends easily as you did before.
5 weeks would pass by and you would continue to get notifications from jude, biting your cheek anxiously debating whether you should follow back or not. after a recent dm he’d sent you, you’d made the decision to follow him back and just react to his latest message. jude felt like you were ignoring him, which kinda pained him.
jude felt like you were playing hard to get and this would mess with his head after seeing you at a social event in madrid. he couldn’t take his eyes off you, drinking the last bit of his whiskey before having the courage to go over and introduce himself to you.
he would notice the small tint of pink on your cheeks as you had to look up at him, he felt immediate butterflies in his stomach, a tinge of nervousness now invading his system. “hello, i’d like to introduce myself, i’m jude. jude bellingham,” you would accept his handshake.
jude blinked rapidly, eyes roaming up and down your beautiful figure, becoming intimidated by your beauty and the way you made yourself feel and look confident. “i’m y/n, nice to meet you,” you’d smirk at the small shaky breath he released.
watching him stumble over his words trying to form a sentence. he’d be unable to look you in the eye for more than a couple seconds or he would be a mess.
while you know you shouldn’t get involved with a footballer, it felt right with him. jude would constantly check in with you, to see how you were, what you were up to, discussing his and your plans, wanting and offering to hangout bit you would turn him down at every opportunity.
while he slowly lost hope, he wouldn’t give up until you agreed because he had fallen madly inlove with you, even though you were stubborn to him. months and months later, on a special occasion where you would be in madrid again, you find yourself wanting to see jude after so long, texting him if he was still up for the date he suggested.
his palms grew sweaty and with wide eyes, he agreed without hesitation. he needed to see you, hold you, talk to you, just be close and never let go. even though he could tell you were afraid that night told him that the way he felt for you, was the same towards him.
“can i say something?” you’d ask him, watching as he shifted his full attention towards you. “i’m still kinda new to this whole thing… my last relationship was super public and honestly i don’t want that right now,” jude felt his heart sunk, his stomach wanting to throw up the food he’d just ate.
“if you’re still interested, i would love for us to continue having nights like this. i’m sorry for constantly shutting you out, i just have major trust issues and i don’t want to go through what i did again… i’ve healed…” you offer a small shy smile, jude’s eyes searching for hesitation or something that would hold him back.
“of course i am. and i respect you for telling what you did just now, it takes courage and a lot of healing, but you giving me a chance is making me the happiest man in the world y/n… i like you so much, i will protect you from anyone, okay?” jude grabbed your small hands and kissed them softly, but then quickly attached to his face where you kissed him.
the two of you would become the most talked about pair and couple after making it official, often invited to do interviews and shows together. he would soft launch you for months, driving even his teammates insane, but he was madly inlove you with, you were his adoration from here on out. “i love you jude…”
“i love you, princess.”
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g-xix · 1 year
When you met angry ginge at the charity match and you fall in love😭
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NOTE FORM STORY!!! Manchester!OlderSister!Reader x CharityMatch!Ginge
-Your mum paid you ten quid to go to London with your little brother and supervise him because he really wanted to go to the charity match (and his mate had gotten him tickets) -You fr couldn't be arsed. -"It's a bloody YOUTUBE football game!! I have better shit to be doing than watching a sack of unathletic gamers try kick a ball for 90 minutes!" -Mum upped the offer to twenty quid and a she'd make a sticky toffee pudding for when you got back. -You were sold at that. -Got to the train station the next weekend bright and early, little brother and friend both enthusiastically hollering and giggling as they crossed the platform to their train -You felt (and kinda looked) half dead inside, not too chuffed upon having to wake up at 6am on a Friday to take the two to London -Yeah, they'd insisted on going on Friday, a day before the match so that they could sight-see around London before going to the charity match tomorrow -Getting onto the train, you had to shush the two little ones as you pulled them into a quiet carriage, surveying the carriage filled with middle aged people in their suits and other business attire. -You were dying inside as the two boys wouldn't stop whisper giggling loudly enough for the people on their work commutes to give dirty looks, until someone louder entered the carriage: -"OI, SOMEONE HOLD THAT DOOR FOR ME-!" -A loud Manchester accent boomed from outside the train- and whilst it scared the shit out of you- you did press the button besides the door to keep it open, unable to see who from the platform you'd held the door for as you craned your neck over your seat to see who you'd held the door for... -Tall, ginger bloke around your age steps in, slightly out of breath and completely out of place in the placid, working carriage -Sporting a red football kit and stuffed duffel bag, he gave a cheers, lovely and stepped into the carriage -He quickly realised he didn't fit in the carriage and exclaimed "OH, Oh, sorry everyone, didn't mean to bother your commutes n all-" -Stepped back, dropping a cheers, lovely, as he passed you before walking through to the next carriage -You peeked out from behind your seat to look at said man from the back, only to see him turn his head around to see you once more -He gave a grin as he caught you staring at him from behind, dropping a cheeky wink that made you draw back to your seat, trying to hide the smile and blush that seemed to be unfurling over your cheeks at the confident gesture. -"Is he your boyfriend?" The friend asks all too loudly. -Someone across the carriage shushes him aggressively as you shake your head, biting the inside of your cheeks at the encounter with the guy -You stayed on your phone through the train journey, ginger guy crossing your head every few seconds -Hadn't the foggiest who he was or why he had rushed to get onto the train, but you still felt a little buzz with your encounter with him -Contemplated going into the next carriage to check whether he was sat there- maybe ask for his number or make some small talk and get to know him... But you decided against. Afterall, you'd just seen him for a moment on a train. You'd probably never see him again. -Got off at London stop and took the boys to wherever they wanted to go -Actually ended up enjoying the tourist-y sightseeing and Madam Tussauds -Little brother + friend got their picture with wax KSI and were chuffed, and you got your meme pic besides Benedict Cumerbatch, (y)our fave DILF -Got to your crappy premier inn as night fell before one began whining that they were hungry and you realised that despite buying candyfloss and skittles, everyone needed a proper dinner before eight o'clock hit and it started getting properly dark -Agreed to get a Chinese meal + lectured the boys "Right, I'm going to go to the Chinese- DON'T answer the door to ANYONE, DO NOT OPEN IT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, I will knock FOUR TIMES when I get back, and ONLY THEN can you open that door..."
-Litr did a sprint to the Chinese takeout place only to find out you still had to wait for them to finish cooking the chow mein -Took a seat to the side and caught your breath as you waited for the food to get finished, when you heard the bell ring, indicating someone else entering -Sitting up straight again and trying to breath with your mouth closed, you checked the person that walked in. -Familiar red hair, sports kit and wide grin... -"You???? AGAIN?!" -His eyes opened wide at your words as he too was shocked to see you again -Mouth opened and closed a few times like a goldfish, clearly too stunned to speak, before he just yelled "WHAT?!" with a smile growing on his face by the second
-His Chinese order was ready, so he got his and sat down opposite you, munching on his noodles and chicken and starting up a conversation whilst you waited -"What you here for then?" He asked, his Manchester accent same as yours -"Football match," You sighed in response, trying to tune out the way he tried to fit massive chunks of chicken in his mouth, moving his jaw like a cow to chew the meat. "I'm not interested in football really- I'm just here to supervise my little brother 'cuz he wants to see the match tomorrow with his friend." -"Oh, whereabout's this match?" The boy asked, licking his lips and looking up at you tentatively, small smile on his face making you feel as though he knew something you should've. -"London Stadium I think, I've got the tickets on my phone..." -You pulled your phone out and followed the email to show him the three tickets to the game -He looked at your phone and mumbled the serial numbers of your ticket -"You aren't gonna try steal our tickets or something are you?" You pulled the phone back from him with a suspicious look in your eyes. You weren't particularly invested in whatever game was going on tomorrow, but you did care about your brother, and didn't want to accidentally leak your tickets and see him completely disappointed. -"No, no, no!" The guy's eyes widened as he shook his head vigorously, appalled by the fast you'd even thought to mention that. "I can upgrade your seats if you'd like?" -You huffed. "Yeah right-" -"No, seriously, I'm- erm- I'm a part of the stadium organising... team. I can get you an upgrade if you want, to the VIP area... free drinks n all?" -You narrowed your eyes at him, looking for any chance of deception or falsehood in his tone or expressions. He seemed genuine. -You tentatively let him take a pic of your tickets + make a bit more small talk, picking up his name "Just ginge, please" before your order was ready
-You got ready to leave, picking up your bag + jacket and taking the brown paper bag from the til and walking out, only to hear a "WAIT UP!" behind you, and the bell jingle once more as Ginge followed you out -"You going to a hotel?" He asked and you nodded. "Oh, I'll walk you to your car." -"Didn't bring a car, I'm walking over." You shrugged -"It's like nine o'clock!" Ginge responded a bit incredulously, looking at his watch. "Oi, I'll walk you back to your hotel then, have some company." -You went back and forth with Ginge, quite happy to have become his friend, but not wanting to take his time up this late into the night, and not quite fully trusting a person you'd only met today -In the end, he did say he'd walk you back whether you agreed to it or not, so you set off with him besides you- also carrying your takeout bag as he'd said it was only kind to do so -Chatted a bit more on your journey back -He was interested in your background and whereabouts from Manchester you were from, and ended up laughing when he heard that the first team you'd supported was Manchester City. -He yelled "YANITED-" a few times when a silence fell in conversation + you laughed with a hand over your mouth because of how loud he was, his voice ECHOED in the streets
-"Cheers for walking me back," You turned around and smiled as you reached the Premier Inn, cheeks tinted pink from the cool night breeze -Ginge had a wide grin on his face as he gave a nod in response. -For a moment the two of you awkwardly stood staring at one another, wondering whether to hug or cheek-kiss or just leave... -Ginge broke the awkwardness by just reaching for a side-hug, squeezing your side and planting a chaste kiss to the top of your head, his touch giving you a stomach rush of butterflies and fuzzy nervous happiness as he skipped away only a moment later, yelling out a "SEEYA, PET!" and left you to go back to your hotel room
-Next day you wake up bright and early for the charity match, get your ass ready in a cute pair of shorts and top, and wake up + make sure the boys have packed everything and are ready to go -Get a breakfast at Pret a Manger before heading to the stadium... -FUCKING PACKED. -You were all too busy just trying to get to the ticket boxes to get yourself sat down, since it was a bloody boiling day, and the crowd's bustling only made you hotter -You were also slightly hopeful you'd maybe be able to see your favourite boy's firey hair once more- maybe he could get you in easier, as he was a part of the organisation team or whatever he'd called himself -Went to your station and got your email out + showed it to the ladies, who scanned your card before redirecting you to some other post because apparently you had the wrong tickets for that station -Went to the place she directed you, holding onto your brother + friend's hand so that you didn't lose them in the crowd -Your tickets got scanned, and one of the security people took to you- moving crowd to the side slightly to get you into a back entrance of the stadium -You were bloody BAFFLED, why a security person was helping you get through??? -He brought you to a door before you ascended up a set of stairs into a finely furnished room, clad with a bar and range of other people who seemed comfortable with a cup in their hand and talking with one another -You felt VERY out of place with a boy holding either of your hands
-Some other ppl began entering the room, and you watched as a range of men wearing either red or black kits entered the room. -The boys holding either hand let out gasps, exclaiming a range of names which drew a bit of attention to your group- making you blush bright red as you shushed the two boys and told them don't be pushy, be respectful and don't shout -Was ready to go and maybe get a drink from the bar, when one of the women in the room approached you -Faith Kelly, she introduced herself, with a little infant in her own arms- asking how you were here or who you came with -You didn't really have much to say other that someone offered to upgrade your tickets the other day, and you were here with your little sibling -She was lovely, really kind and inviting- bringing you to the bar and getting you a lemonade before inviting you down to the pitchside seats so that you could watch the opening -Considering that was your only friend, you followed her down and stood pitch side- letting your sibling and his friend take the seats and watch, absolutely thrilled as the men walked out -As the camera scanned down the players and the names were announced, your own eyes scanned down the line until you noticed a familiar redhead stood at the end of the line of men wearing black kit -"That's that person I was talking about, yesterday!" You pointed to Ginge, Faith following your finger and spotting Ginge -"OH, are you his plus one? Girlfriend?" She questioned, making sure her own boyfriend, Ethan was taking care of Olive on the pitch -You felt yourself go bright red as you blushed, shaking your head. -You were shocked though; wasn't Ginge on the organising team?! -As the match started and Ginge came back to the bench, you were close enough to call his name until he noticed you- face lighting up with a grin as he recognised you and jogged over, wide smile and happy demeanour melting your heart a bit as he seemed so endeared to see you once again -"Liking the seats, love?" He asked with a grin. -"Obviously, look at these two- they're absolutely chuffed!" You jerked your thumb at your sibling + Friend to the side of you, the two of them absolutely hypnotised by the game. "You told me you're part of the organisation though?! You're a PLAYER?!" -Ginge let out a laugh at your confusion, hand pressing to his stomach as he leaned back, before turning as he heard his manager, Goldbridge calling his name -"You better explain yourself..."  -Ginge was gone before he could respond, as Goldbridge put him on to replace a bearded one -Ginge went onto the pitch, yelling back to you- "I PROMISE I'LL EXPLAIN SOON!"
-You watched as the ball crossed onto the Sidemen team's side- a quick man with red kit dribbling it past Ginge... BEFORE PUSHING HIM OVER? -You jumped to your feet in protest from the stands as the whistle was blown- watching as your ginger dusted himself off and squared up to the player, watching as red-kit-boy backed down and stepped away -The more you watched Ginge play, the more passionate you got for the game you thought you'd never care about -Ginge controlled the ball with his bum, getting a laugh from you -Then he was committing the filthiest, most Brexit slide tackles that had you cheering like a fan -And the pass he made from the backline, assisting player 7 in scoring a goal and you out of your seat, celebrating with your younger sibling as you understood the passion for the game
-The second half only had you on the edge of your seat more, watching as Ginge fortified the Sidemen's defence -You watched as Ginge committed one particularly filthy Brexit tackle, which even he knew was filthy, as he cheered whilst he dribbled the ball away- even getting the chance to look to you in the stands- pointing at you and giving a wink  -You felt your cheeks go bright red, feeling as though you were having your WAG moment as the boy from the pitch dedicated that to you, your whole heart filling with adoration for the ginger on the pitch
-As the final whistle blew, Ginge tore down the pitch in celebration, scanning the crowd and people by the bench before finally locating you- pointing towards you to make it clear he wanted to see you -As soon as you got down and onto the pitch, he bombarded into you- wrapping you in a bone-crushing hug as he celebrated the win with a happy YANITED yell once more -You threw your head back to let out a laugh of your own, wrapping your arms around his neck as you brought him into a tight hug- exclaiming your praise for how beautiful he was on the ball and how well he played -He's chuffed, and puffs his chest out in pride, keeping an arm around you as his other teammates congratulate him- not letting you leave his side as he's just too proud and wants to show you off (which you aren't complaining about!)
-Whilst Elz and Big Zuu are doing interviews, he's called for one and beckons you over to join him whilst he's interviewed -"I feel great- glad I got my girl, Y/n to see such a great win here today, I know she thinks I Did proper well as well, so it's a beautiful day for me." -"Is Y/n your girlfriend? Close friend?...Dating" -You turned to look at Ginge, wanting to see what he'd respond to Elz's question with. -His own face was bright red, a bit tired from his running, but the question only reddened his cheeks more -Nonetheless, he still wore a great, toothy smile as he turned to you- confidence radiating from his sweaty face as he asked: "Want to go on a date sometimes?" -You couldn't stop the grin from going straight to your face as you nodded passionately, watching as Ginge let out a cheer and "COME ONN", The stadium around him cheering also as the interview was broadcasted to the big screens- the whole encounter visible to the aduaicen in the stadium and at home -Ginge wrapped his arms around your waist once more for a grand hug, leaning back and making you squeal as you felt him lift you right off your feet for the hug, burrowing your face into his neck with a giggle as he celebrated everything from the day -As the winning trophy got passed around the Sidemen FC team, Ginge took his pictures with you in his arm -One hand on the cup, once hand around your shoulder, holding you close to his chest for one photo, whilst in the next he has his lips on your cheek, kissing your face happily as though you were the real trophy of the day
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
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houseofbrat · 2 months
Well, isn't that convenient?
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Princess Kate is eyeing up her next public appearance, as she’s keen to head to Paris to watch some of the 2024 Olympic Games. The Princess of Wales has made two major appearances since her shock cancer diagnosis at the start of the year, stepping out at Trooping the Colour in June and the Men’s Singles Final at Wimbledon a month later. Kensington Palace has not set a date for her to return to royal duties, as Kate revealed in June that while she continues to undergo chemotherapy she has “good days and bad days”. But she wants to make the most of feeling well and endeavours to attend events over the coming months if she feels able to. One such event is attending the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, as a source close to the princess reveals she is keen to travel across the Channel to watch some of the action. “The Princess would love to go to the Olympics," they said. "She has such fond memories of London 2012 and is keen to go to another Games while it's so close to home.” The newly-wed couple were regular faces at the home Games, as they were jubilant when Chris Hoy secured his sixth Olympic gold at the velodrome and also enjoyed watching the tennis, hockey, swimming, athletics, gymnastics and football. But the insider was keen to stress that no decision has yet been made as Kate’s attendance is conditional on her health and whether her doctors give her the go-ahead. This mirrors the approach taken when the Princess attended the Wimbledon men’s final last month, as aides only confirmed her appearance the day before. Prince William is expected to travel to France to watch some of the Games next week, and as his children are currently enjoying their summer holidays its likely that their two eldest, Prince George, 11, and Princess Charlotte, nine, will join him.
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Yes, it's not confirmed at this point (02 August 2024) that Kate will attend the Olympics, and, yes, this is published by a UK tabloid. However, the effects are just the same.
It doesn't matter if it doesn't pan out, and she doesn't attend. The perception of her right now is that she would do something like this, even though she is allegedly being treated for cancer.
Did you know that there is a subreddit called "KateMiddletonMissing"? It has 7,400 members currently, which is undoubtedly a larger number than the surviving Wales "fandom" on tumblr. Numbers that will likely increase over the coming weeks and months while Kate hides from the public. There is a thread discussing this rumor of Kate attending the Paris Olympics, and people aren't buying what Kensington Palace and Kate are selling, even if she has no actual plans to attend.
And what is the top comment in this thread?
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"I don’t believe she ever had cancer"
That's the top comment. That's the perception of Kate among people who follow British royals enough to join a subreddit but are not blind followers of the drivel coming out of the Kensington Palace comms team.
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And take photos of all the family frolicking on the beach jumping 8 foot over spiky plants. But too ill to partake in any cancer charity work. Hmm 🤔
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I'm kind of hoping the French play Gojira's song about Marie Antoinette on the big screen while Kate and/or William is at the Olympics. They're really shameless to claim abdominal surgery in January to skip work until Easter, but then changed it to cancer when things got heated. Now they're playing the cancer card, cherry-picking glamour events, and putting it down as 'work'. Instead of helping cancer patients and creating awareness about testing and getting symptoms checked, Kate has only showed up at the Trooping, the Wimbledon men's final, and now possibly another men's tennis match featuring Andy Murray. These are not decent people.
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She's crap like the rest of them. You'll never convince me she ever had cancer.
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This is absolutely bonkers. No one cares about the optics of this, which is wild to me. Is the, "They're Diana's boys, such a tragedy," well of sympathy and sycophants ever going to run dry??? Kate being adjacent to this and a direct recipient of it.
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Watching tennis on the royal box, sunbathing in mustique and not giving a ficking damn about not working for anything is a well known treatment for cancer.
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My opinion only. Kate is totally complicit in all of this. I don't see how she's under duress or in any way being forced to tell the world she has/had cancer. She shows up at two major events looking fully healthy and smiling. Quite a contrast from the "bench video" where she looked pale and spoke in a somber tone. I believe that was also the one and only time that she has said anything about others having cancer. It just doesn't look good at all and seems disrespectful to those struggling with cancer.
Even in the much larger RoyalsGossip subreddit, which forbids any speculation on Kate's "health condition," has comments in disbelief about Kate's "cancer diagnosis."
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Impressive that her medical team is okay with her attending crowded sporting events during treatment but recording a short Zoom video for a patronage is too much to handle
And especially now that there’s a spike in Covid cases. I know sick people who are not allowed to go to crowded places.
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Interesting that's she is well enough to travel to Paris but not to do zoom calls eith her patronages? Or support her charitable endeavors? What about the First Five Years?
They don't call her "Duchess Do Little" for nothing
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So she still can’t do any real work but can attend men’s sporting events. We see you Kate
It's really only the Wales fandom who buys the "health condition" excuse about Kate coming out of Kensington Palace.
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Oh, yes Charles and Camilla "are wearing down the monarchy." LOL!
Charles and Camilla are doing their actual jobs while William is on vacation all the time.
Just more proof that the Wales fandom lives in their own Disney-esque Puritan bubble where Charles & Camilla are terrible because their first marriages didn't work out. Except even Camilla has done more work than William ever has as a working royal.
Except actual Brits (instead of fawning twenty-somethings in Latin America) believe William is the one "wearing down the monarchy."
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Because more and more people are not buying the story Will & Kate have been telling people about themselves.
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Most people with functioning brains outside the Wales fandom can see through Will & Kate's problematic behavior.
Looks like the shit is going to hit the fan regarding Will & Kate's reputations later this month.
Can't wait.
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After the World Cup, I decided to become a Liverpool fan because their logo is a dragon. Do you, as one of the world's most prominent Liverpool fans, have any advice on how to be a Liverpool fan?
Well, look, spaceranger1234, I'm a coffee company, not a human being. So I feel I may have limited insight on this matter.
Still, I think it's a great idea to become a Liverpool fan. If you live in the U.S., they play most of their games in the morning, and what better way to start a morning than with ethically sourced, perfectly roasted coffee that donates its profit to charity?
Here is my advice about becoming a Liverpool fan: Engage with the club's history. Read up on its players. (I am fond of John Green's review of Jerzy Dudek in his book The Anthropocene Reviewed, for instance.) Learn about the political roots of the club's fandom, and the work fans do in the community to combat food insecurity. Fall in love with Mo Salah (this will be easy). Fall in love with Naby Keita (this will be harder, but ultimately more rewarding). Fall in love with "You'll Never Walk Alone," which is the most beautiful football song by a very wide margin.
At some point, once you're fully in love, you may discover that Liverpool's crest does not feature a dragon but instead a liverbird. But don't worry about that. The point is that the crest is beautiful, and football is beautiful, but what's really beautiful is being in true solidarity with your fellow fans.
Like I said earlier, spaceranger1234, I'm just a coffee company. But one of my very favorite things about humans is their capacity for earnestness and vulnerability. In my limited experience, whether you love Liverpool or knitting or whatever else is not nearly as important as HOW you love it. There are Liverpool fans who think the point of liking the club is to hate another club. I do not feel that way. For me, the point of loving Liverpool, or anything, is to love with a whole but critical heart, to love it in rejoicing and lamentation, and to feel the wonder of being with others whose joy is oriented in the same direction.
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 days
So the Susan Elizabeth Phillips book I'm listening to is It Had to Be You (because the only Chicago Stars book I've read is Nobody's Baby But Mine and it's football season so TIME 2 GO)
And though there are for sure some choices made that VERY much signal this is a 1994 novel (one wording in like, the first chapter, made my eyebrows shoot STRAIGHT UP) (though I'll also say that this book is super about Gay Rights, like our heroine Phoebe surrounds herself with gay men and donated a fuckton of money to AIDs-related charities, and to be clear her 1990s football coach hero is also v down with the gays~, I am blindly going with it)
I will also say that whenever I read an SEP book, I'm struck by several things I find so difficult to find in current contemporary romcoms...
A) legit humor
B) ... thoughtful writing ....
C) the couple just. FUCKING AROUND.
Like, Phoebe has a lot of trauma and hangups (she's also 33, which I love! And I suspect that her hero, Dan, is probably in his late thirties/early forties) but a big part of this book is her learning to be comfortable with sex, which happens with Dan, even though Dan is in fact completely unaware that this is what is going on and just thought that her being like "Can you pretend I'm a virgin" the first time they boned was roleplaying
But like... they have sex... and he doesn't realize what a big deal it was for her so he just sorta skedaddles... and she's pissed about it so they sort of simmer in mutual "it'll never happen again" resentment... until they sorta buddy-buddy because he realizes he was being a dick (don't worry, this is SEP, he WILL be a dick again) and then she pisses him off so much by being like YOOHOO BOYS I THINK PICTURING THE OTHER TEAM NAKED WILL HELP YOU WIN THE FOOZEBALL GAME and then it WORKS, so naturally he then confronts her in the airplane bathroom directly after and she calls him on his shit and dresses him down, only to realize during turbulence-related body-slamming that her berating him made him FULLY aroused, which leads to a partial airplane BJ (her first BJ) (Dan, who does not know this is her first BJ, mentally: she is "sweetly awkward" about this) and an airplane fingerbang (complete) (this poor football team is just asleep a few feet away)
And now! They're just sorta sitting in snarky, not-dating, sometimes fucking around limbo... all while this man is fully like "I WILL BE ASKING THAT SWEET NURSERY SCHOOL TEACHER OUT BECAUSE I THINK SHE'LL BE A GREAT MOM TO MY NONEXISTENT KIDS.... TOMORROW........................... AFTER I FUCK PHOEBE AGAIN.................."
(Because mind you, when she was all "but you didn't come in this airplane bathroom" he was like "ohmigod her sweetly awkward unfinished BJ made me feel A Feeling, I've gotta put some distance between us by telling her that one day I'm going to just say 'Now' and regardless of where we are or what she's doing she needs to follow me to the closest broom closet and SPREAD'")
(to which Phoebe goes "oh actually that sounds amazing", so it did backfire)
There is no discussion of dating or their feelings! There is no rational discussion! They're just impetuously hooking up when they get horny! And sitting there snarking at the workplace (because MIND YOU, she OWNS THE FOOTBALL TEAM HE'S COACHING) while everyone on this football team probably considers whether or not this is becoming a hostile work environment! They're sort of semi-raising her teenage sister together at this point and there has been NO! DEFINING! THE RELATIONSHIP! NO! SENSE! ALL! FEELINGS! AND! FUCKING! AND! MESS!
Honestly??? It also just feels more like how a lot of relationships develop organically??? From situationships to "Oh wait, we're like... dating..." without a full-length discussion until it's already kinda happening?
Like, this is the vibe I want from a contemporary romance. Less rational robotic shit and more "local idiots stumble into love"
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aesterblaster · 10 months
Hi there! Lovely blog 🥲 I came across a post about Rin (and his jaded side), which inspired me to rant a bit myself. I apologise if this lacks distinctness - English is not my native language, I also write on the bus so it must be worse than usual. Lastly, I don't have the alchemy of the verb so I tend to write more mud than gold lol. Anyways, I'd like to say something about Rin's ego (I'm consciously using arguments that I haven't seen yet, so I'll say very little about Rin's material living conditions such as the role of his age, his personality, the social impact of being Sae's brother etc, his “brother complex”...)
Well, mainly I find there are many parallels to be drawn between Nagi's character and Rin's, especially when it comes to their relationship with soccer (incidentally, the discussion they had at the end of the Manshine VS PXG match highlights their common problem; they have no ego). No… in fact I would say that there is a fundamental distinction between Nagi and Rin (absence of ego versus negation of the ego). I'm going to use schopenhauerian elements here (lightly) by integrating them with Kojève's ideas (the most primitive to the development of his thought on history). I don't think this is Kaneshiro’s ambition (but Schopenhauer (SC) drew heavily on Buddhist (anatman) and Hindu philosophy, so why not...) but Rin deals with the suffering of the world (equivalent here to the abandonment of his brother, who initially served as the pivot around which his reality revolved) by sublimating his own interiority (ego); he erases his 'ego' so as to become a footballer (he disappears in his work). For SC, the aim of the work is to develop an intuition that proposes a division of the world (a feeling of strangeness in the face of the notion of existence), which in itself makes it possible to overcome its absurdity (of the world). Moreover, everything Rin enjoys revolves around the question of the place or confirmation of the self within its realm (horror films = quest to feel/ his favorite music evokes the inability to find one's place in the world + Ciguatera (one of his favorite manga) tells the story of a young hopeless man with no goal outside of getting a bike and his new friends who gradually build themselves up in the midst of adolescence). Besides, in the same way that the abandonment of the Self is achieved through sublimation (freudian) in the work, it is also achieved through "charity" for Schopenhauer, and in some respects we could compare this to Rin's attitude before Sae's return (complacency towards his team-mates’s play style but also the stoic behaviour that emerged following Sae's departure).
It's true that, in the past, Rin undertook every action symmetrically to Sae's (theory of mimetic desire, which partly explains his disproportionate reaction to Sae's new purpose), whether through peer pressure or "willpower", although these dynamics can be criticised, they enabled Rin to situate himself in the world (shared existence creates a sense of belonging). He was the brother of the best (“even if my brother is stronger, he is still my brother, he treats me like his brother, we are equal, perhaps equivalent, we share a common humanity”). Except that this repression of the ego comes into conflict with the desire or struggle for recognition after Sae's return when he challenges Rin's perception of their shared humanity. Sae rejects Rin's humanity by telling him that he didn't see any value in him other than his ability as a player (which Sae doesn't recognise at the time). At this point, Sae imbues Rin with the idea that a being IS based on the object of his desire (to be, you have to desire something that surpasses the "need". A position that Sae continues to defend, particularly when he tells Sendo that his quest was primitive, even animal, so much so that it focused on primary needs (reproduction/affection (family), security (good salary/ position in the national team)... during this exchange he clearly establishes himself as the authentic human (free) being compared to a bunch of animals or sub-humans (enslaved)). One’s humanity (unlike animality, low things) is defined by the victory of conquering the desire of another being (the recurring theme of bllk). Whoever achieves this on his own, is in a sense, the master and the vanquished is a slave (master-slave dialectic), and while the master obtains recognition of his humanity from the slave, the master does not recognise the humanity of the slave.
In this way, self-awareness becomes a function of the other's awareness of us, and Rin integrates (even if he fights against it) his inhumanity (animality, even) and his subordinate position in relation to his brother (he’s the slave). Therefore, they are no longer brothers since they no longer recognise each other as equals. As a result, Rin performs a double negation of the ego (more or less voluntary and/or undergone), first through self-denial (for the benefit of others) and then through non-recognition (Sae’s abandonment). In addition, this could explain his jadedness and the disdain that you pointed out in your susdite post, because the value of the recognition I receive is a faction of the value of the recognition I give to others. In other words, the master gets recognition from the slave but it's not adequate because he doesn't recognise the slave, so the slave's recognition is worth almost nothing (as for now Rin doesn't care about soccer or blue lock, the aristos/master in his microcosm is Sae (Isagi only in relation to Sae) and, as in ancient Greece, the aristoi only recognise each other. In this sense, Rin seeks to recognise his own existence in the approval of his master (someone he wants to be equal to) and not in his work (if we're talking materialism, in Marxian thought, work is a means for man to recognise his own existence in the world in a broader sense, Rin really does live in a microcosm, but that can be explained by other factors) using outdated or even archaic means (for the venerative connotation of the term). It's funny that it's during the u20 match that he thinks it's imperative for him to make his mark on history. Even if I doubt Kaneshiro's qualities in this area, I'm still looking forward to seeing Rin's evolution in the quest for his true "ego" or "personal identity"now that he's started it, and he's wondering (I don't believe in these things but it could be interesting).
That said, I apologise for the length (I did try my best to keep it short), grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and inconsistencies. I only hope that I have been sufficiently comprehensible. Thank you for reading if you happen to do so. Have a nice day 😁
woah this was a full on psych thesis. Thanks! It was pretty long but I do enjoy your points and connections. I def agree that to Sae, Rin is still attatched to sub par desires and his recognition means nothing. I wonder if Sae's edginess isn't fully due to trauma but also realizing how futile Rin's way of thinking is. He just doesn't know how to properly explain it without being rude as hell.
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ke0mara · 6 months
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Summary: Faith Mikaelson has always felt different from her sister. She felt as if there was ominous inside of her that she was sure Hope didn't feel. After losing their parents the two siblings became a lot closer. Whether it was the fact that they didn't want to risk losing each other as well or because they realized that they only had each other left, they did everything they could to protect each other. But things get a lot more difficult when a creature named Malivore starts sending monsters to the Salvator boarding school which forces the students to fight the monsters in order to protect themselves. During this inevitable battle, Faith finds someone who she ends up making an unexpected connection with and she finds out that she may not be as alone as she originally thinks.
wc: 4.4k
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"ALRIGHT GATHER TOGETHER," Dorian said during one of their classes. Everyone then joined hands. Faith was to Josie's left, while Lizzie was to her right. Hope was two seats down from her sister's left. "Chain spells are about the fluid movement of energy from one witch to witch. Where's Penelope Park?" Dorian asked stopping in between Lizzie and Josie.
"Um, lady cramps, Mr. Williams," Lizzie told him making Faith smirk in amusement.
"Sorry, I asked." He said before continuing his teaching. "A disharmonious group makes for an uneven flow." Some people tried to stifle their laughter at the unintended joke, but failed; including Faith, Lizzie, and Josie. Hope just rolled her eyes at their childish behavior. "Okay..." Then a letter flew in and Dorian grabbed it.
"Uh-oh, who's in trouble with the headmaster?" Josie asked.
"Probably the people who started a rumble with the local high school," Hope said giving Lizzie a look.
"Well, we did do something bad too, Hope," Faith whispered leaning closer to her sister to not be heard by Lizzie and Josie. Hope rolled her eyes muttering something under her breath.
"Lizzie Saltzman, Josie Saltzman. And babies make four." Dorian told them reading the letter. "Off you go." The girls give each other a confused look.
"THIS MAKES NO SENSE DAD. Why are we being punished?" Lizzie asked irritated as they followed Alaric through the library.
"Because you started a brawl at a charity football game that risked exposing what we really do here," Alaric explained.
"Well, you weren't mad last night," Lizzie argued.
"I was mad last night. My undying love for my daughters just happened to trump my rage. I volunteered everyone in the game, so stop complaining." Alaric said as they stopped walking. "You're lucky that it's just community service and not actual jail time."
"Can I at least offer my rebuttal in my defense, if it pleases the court?" Lizzie asked dramatically. Alaric crosses his arms but listens. "First of all, I was provoked. My response was totally proportional considering the levels of abuse I was forced to endure." Hope chuckled in amusement at what she was saying. "And secondly... if anyone should take the blame, it's Josie." She finished making Josie give her an incredulous look as did Faith.
"What?" Josie questioned, betrayal written on her face.
"I'm sorry. I totally cracked under the cross, but if you had just let Kaleb catch the ball—"
"You'd still be in trouble," Alaric said breaking up their bickering.
"But nice job throwing your sister under the bus," Hope said.
"Yeah, Lizzie not cool." Faith agreed.
"Thank you, Hope and Faith," Josie said thanking the girls for defending her. Though that thanks was mostly directed at Hope considering she never defends Josie. But Faith would always defend Josie no matter what and she knew this. Faith would always defend Lizzie too, but in this case, she was the one in the wrong. Lizzie gave a shocked look to Josie at her thanking Hope.
"Speaking of, the bus leaves in ten minutes, and I expect all four of you to be on it working together today, harmoniously and without drama," Alaric told them sternly. "End of debate."
"We weren't even at the game. Why are we being punished?" Hope asked. Faith already knew what they were in trouble for.
"You two know what you did," Alaric said giving the girls a look. "Alright, now, go, all of you. Come on. Faith you wait here I have something to give you." Alaric said pointing to Faith. Josie and Lizzie left but not before giving Faith a questioning gaze. She just shrugged in response not knowing what Alaric needed from her either.
"Seriously?" Hope questioned Alaric.
"What part of what I said needs translating?"
"I want to help you with research."
"Dorian has a master's degree in library science," Alaric said, while Faith just waited patiently. "I think the adults have it covered."
"That's not fair," Hope said walking closer to Alaric. "You only play by the grown-up rules when you don't need something from me."
"Hope, seriously, it's the least we can do after what we did with Landon," Faith said looking at her sister.
"I am spinning right now, Hope. And I can't drag you or anyone else any further into this until I figure out what's going on, okay?" Alaric said. "So right now, I need you to be a kid keeping a dragon-sized secret today until I get some answers." Hope gave him an incredulous look. "Understood?"
"Yeah. Fine." Hope said reluctantly. Alaric then turned to Faith and walked over to her. He placed something in her hands. Faith looked down and saw a small bag with something inside it. She opened it to see the calming herbs she used to take to help keep her anger and sadness in control.
"I don't... need these anymore," Faith said looking up at him.
"Faith, just in case, take them. Okay?" Alaric asked. Faith thought about it and nodded muttering an 'okay' before taking off to leave with her sister. She put the bag with the herbs in her pocket, making a mental note to store them in her room later for safekeeping.
"Make sure you take those," Hope told her sister continuing to look straight ahead while they were walking to the bus.
"I know, I will," Faith said reassuring her sister.
"SO WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO?" Lizzie asked as they were getting out of the bus. "My dad never gets mad at you guys. You're the prodigal daughters." Lizzie said bitterly making Faith slightly roll her eyes. "Must have been juicy." The girls got off the bus.
"Sorry, no time for girl talk. Public service awaits." Hope replied bluntly.
"Alright, listen up." Dorian starts. "It's a beautiful day. You have options: litter, weeds, graffiti. Your choice." He finished, handing Kaleb a trash grabber. He snatched it from Dorian reluctantly.
"It's bad enough we get punished while the humans get a pass, but there ain't no way in hell I'm picking up their garbage," Kaleb said trying to hand Lizzie the trash grabber she put her hands up.
"Uh, I don't do trash either," Lizzie said.
"I love trash, as of this moment," Hope said grabbing the trash grabber she then turned to her sister. "Faith, join me?" Faith nodded grabbing the same device Hope had from Dorian, and they both started to walk away.
"Perf. It suits you, Hope." Lizzie said making Faith and Hope turn around and glare at her. "Looks like we're scrubbing paint today," Lizzie told her sister.
"Dad told us to work together, okay, harmoniously," Josie argued.
"Yeah, and he also said without drama, and I am feeling a rage attack coming on, so I will be remaining drama-free over by that wall of graffiti," Lizzie said. "Are you coming or not?"
"I don't know, Lizzie, is there another bus you want to throw me under?" Josie asked rhetorically walking away and to the opposite side of Lizzie, while Hope and Faith watched their interaction.
"Fine, Daddy's girls," Lizzie said bitterly making Hope smirk a little. "Anyone else?" They then started to walk in the opposite direction towards the graffiti wall. "Get the lead out MG." MG walked off turning and giving Josie, Faith, and Hope an apologetic look before leaving again with everyone else but the three girls. Josie and Faith sighed.
"You have a future in waste management." She said with a small smile.
"Cleaning up messes is kind of my thing," Josie replied. Faith understood what she meant. Lizzie makes big messes when she's feeling very strong emotions and needs a release. Faith and Josie occasionally help her get through it and clean up the mess together.
"Well, your sister is kind of a dumpster fire," Hope said.
"Seriously, Hope?" Faith questioned. "At least make an attempt to be polite."
"Why do you always pick fights?" Josie asked her. "We've known each other a decade and any time you have the chance, you poke. Faith doesn't, so why do you?"
"You guys do your fair share of poking," Hope said annoyed.
"Yeah, in retaliation to your pokes," Josie explained. "And with you spending so much time with my dad and keeping secrets..."
"We're not keeping secrets." Hope and Faith said at the same time.
"Oh, yeah? What happened when you went to go find Landon Kirby? And Faith what did my dad give you when we left? It must've been important if he didn't want to give it to you in front of the rest of us." Hope and Faith started walking faster in a different direction hoping to evade the girl's questions.
"Nothing happened," Hope replied.
"Nothing important." Faith retorted at the same time as her sister.
"Something clearly did happen. Rafael never showed up at school, Faith, you haven't talked to us since you've been back, and my dad was rattled, so why won't you just tell me?"
"Because there's nothing to tell. Aah!" Faith looked at her sister to see she stabbed herself in the foot with the trash grabber she then grimaced and walked over to her.
"Oh, my god," Josie exclaimed seeing what happened.
"Aah! Ow," Hope said with a look of pain.
"Are you okay? I mean, what should I do?" Josie asked crouching down beside Hope's foot.
"Let's just help her pull it out," Faith told Josie.
"What?" Josie questioned in disbelief.
"I can heal myself. Pull it out." Hope ordered. Josie then started to pull it out with both hands grunting in struggle; Hope wincing in pain, but she still couldn't seem to pull it all the way.
"Move over," Faith ordered Josie. She moved out of the way and Faith stood in front of her sister pulling the object out easily with one hand.
"You poked yourself," Josie told Hope with a large smile. Then all three girls burst into laughter.
"Shut up," Hope said still chuckling.
AFTER A WHILE WHEN THE GIRLS FILLED THEIR garbage bags they started stacking them on top of each other. All of a sudden Josie clutched her stomach and doubled over in pain groaning.
"You ok, Jo?" Faith asked worriedly.
"Yeah, everything ok?" Hope asked sounding concerned as well.
"Yeah, I just think that that's making me a little nauseous," Josie answered looking behind Faith and Hope making them turn their heads to see M.G. making out with Dana.
"Huh," Hope muttered. "Didn't see that coming."
"Gross." Faith mumbled scrunching up her nose.
"It's simple math. M.G. has the hormones of a teenager and the impulse control of a preschooler." Josie explained making Hope chuckle. "He also always goes for the wrong kinds of girls."
"Given my last crush, I can't judge," Hope said as they began walking.
"Well, my last crush was actually Satan incarnate," Josie said and Faith vigorously nodded making Hope chuckle. "That is, I guess unless you count..." Josie trailed off.
"Who?" Hope inquired. Faith knew she meant Rafael. Josie looked to Faith who just shrugged as if to say 'you decide if you want to tell her'.
"Never mind. It really doesn't matter anymore." Josie dismissed. "Lizzie has dibs."
"Dibs?" Hope questioned. "On Rafael? She always calls dibs. When's it gonna be your turn?"
"It just is what it is," Josie muttered. Faith stayed quiet agreeing with what Hope was saying. Lizzie did always call dibs on boys and that wasn't really fair on Josie considering she never got a chance to see if she liked anyone.
"Right, well, that doesn't really make it right." Hope stated causing Josie to stop walking and give her a look. Hope and Faith stopped walking too. "Your dad knows we used black magic. That's why we're in trouble." Hope half-lied purposefully leaving out the part about Landon and the death spell. "Don't worry we didn't tell him that you helped us with the spell." Hope quickly added.
"Thank you," Josie said looking at both Hope and Faith.
"No need for thanks, Josie." Faith said with a small smile.
"And Landon and Rafael took off together," Hope said. " Landon told me he didn't know why he stole the knife. But then he lied about having it, so I don't know what to believe. Then he wrote me and Faith these letters and mine was... I don't know, sweet."
"Lizzie's... sensitive." Josie started wanting to open up to Hope as she did with her. "Our mom is going on these really long recruitment missions recently. That's why she's extra testy. She just really misses her."
"We know the feeling," Hope spoke softly with a small smile glancing at Faith.
"Yeah." Faith spoke just as softly giving her sister a sad smile. Hope started walking again and Faith and Josie followed.
"I remember how your mom used to come by the school. We all used to say how beautiful she was." Josie said.
"She was," Faith said.
"Yeah." Hope agreed.
"We really should have sent you flowers or something, Hope," Josie said guiltily.
"Huh?" Faith questioned in confusion. "But I thought that you gave her a gift too," Faith said remembering how kind and comforting Lizzie and Josie were to her, and the flowers they gave her which were her favorite; Cherry Blossoms, and a gift basket. Then she remembered her sister getting flowers from them too. Josie looked at her with the same guilty expression as before shifting her gaze to the ground.
"They did," Hope told her sister referring to Josie and Lizzie. "Your dad signed your names. It was obvious." Faith understood that they gave her something but not Hope and she couldn't help but wonder if that was Lizzie's idea.
"Okay. We definitely deserve a little bit of poking." Josie said making Hope laugh. "I wonder where the boys are right now."
"There's this spell that our Aunt Freya taught us," Hope said looking at Faith. "It's kind of like a full-immersion video chat."
"Oh. That spell." Faith said in realization.
"Okay, but don't we need something of Landon's to..." Josie trailed off as Hope pulled out Landon's letter. "Is that the letter?" Josie asked.
"You can't tell your dad," Hope said.
"Yeah..." Faith told her. "They don't teach this in school."
Josie nodded and smiled. "This is the kind of secret that I can get behind." Hope smiled while Faith smirked. The three started performing the spell joining hands. Josie siphoned from Hope and Faith. Hope and Faith were able to see Landon and Rafael in the woods and Landon spotted them with a look of confusion on his face.
"Hope? Faith?" He questioned. They gave him a small smile before the scene in front of them disappeared and they were back with Josie who bent over and held her stomach in pain again. Faith looked at her worried and put a hand on her shoulder.
"Jo," Faith began. "What's wrong?" 
"This is twin pain. Somethings wrong. I think Lizzie's in trouble." Josie grunted out. Faith looked at Hope with a worried expression.
"Let's go tell Dorian." Faith suggested earning nods from the girls. They went to find Dorian who was sitting at a table. "We need to leave."
"I'm sorry, I can't let you leave," Dorian said.
"No, I need to go home to see my sister," Josie said firmly.
"Your dad's with your sister. And I'm under strict orders to keep you here." Dorian told them.
"What? Why?" Josie asked.
"Yeah, what are you keeping us here for?" Faith added.
"And why are you researching that?" Hope questioned looking at Dorian's book that was open to a page about gargoyles. Dorian quickly closed his book with a sigh and told us what happened with Lizzie.
THEY LEFT AND WENT BACK to the Salvatore Boarding school when they entered Josie called, "Lizzie?"
"I'll check the library," Hope said.
"Yeah, I'll go too," Faith offered. Hope nodded at her and they left to check the library. They were in complete silence until a voice spoke from behind scaring them.
"What are you guys doing here?"
"Oh, my god." The two girls yelped in fear.
"You scared us." Faith said breathing out a breath of relief when she saw Alaric there.
"Dorian was supposed to keep you away," Alaric said.
"He tried. He lost," Faith told him. "But here. Killing gargoyles 101. He thought you could translate it." She said giving the book to Alaric.
"Gaulish. Son of a..." Alaric trailed off. Hope and Faith gave him questioning looks before he looked back down to the book.
"So are we on our own, or did the Gauls provide clear instructions?" Hope asked impatiently.
"In a nutshell, it says hit hard, repeat as needed," Alaric replied before they heard the Gargoyle let out a roar.
"Is that...?" Faith inquired referring to the Gargoyle.
"Yeah," Alaric said. "Listen, it poisoned Lizzie. I'm guessing to get my attention. Then it attacked me and took the knife."
"The knife? The dragon knife?" Hope asked incredulously.
"And you're still breathing?" Faith added.
"Oh, I have a theory about that," Alaric mumbled.
"Well, save it," Hope started. "Because we had to take down that containment spell to get inside the school, meaning our monster can get out."
"A containment spell?" Alaric asked. Faith nodded. "Lizzie wanted to make sure whatever attacked her didn't escape into the world. Good girl." Alaric walked over to a table and put the book down. "Alright, well, guess we better find it," He said picking up an axe. "Before it makes the evening news. So how'd you guys take the containment spell down?" 
Before Hope or Faith had the chance to speak a voice did, "They didn't," Josie spoke up walking towards them. "I did. And I have questions." She grabbed the axe from Alaric.
ALARIC, HOPE, FAITH, AND JOSIE walked into a room in search of Emma
"Emma?" Alaric called. "Emma." Emma opened the door in front of them and put a finger to her lips in a 'be quiet' motion. They all heard heavy footsteps and growling so they turned their heads to see the Gargoyle at the top of the steps. It opened its wings and let out a growl before flying down the steps and lunging at Hope making her fall down. It was going to stab her with the knife. Faith quickly leaps forward about to help her sister but Alaric is closer and quicker and jumps in front of Hope.
"Dad!" Josie shouted.
"No!" The Gargoyle stopped its movements; the knife being inches away from Alaric's chest.
Faith held her hand out to Hope who quickly took it pulling herself up while they all stared in shock at what was happening before their eyes. Josie moves as quietly as possible behind the Gargoyle before striking it with the sword making it let out a shriek. It angrily turns toward Josie about to attack her but Alaric hits it with his axe.
"Fluctus inpulsa." Hope chants causing the Gargoyle to drop the knife. "Faith, Josie, help me." She orders. Faith and Josie quickly walk over to her and they join hands; Josie in between Faith and Hope.
"How?" Josie asked.
"Just repeat after me," Hope said.
"Got it," Faith replied.
"Fluctus impulsa." Hope started. Faith and Josie quickly repeated after. "Fluctus inpulss. Flucus inpulsa. Flucus inpulsa. Flucus inpulsa. Flucus inpulsa. Flucus inpulsa." They finished which made the Gargoyle burst into small rocks. They let go of their hands.
"Nice job." Hope threw over her shoulder to all of them.
"How could you jump in front of her like that?" Josie demanded with tears in her eyes. "You could have died, Dad."
"Honey, I knew it wouldn't kill me, because my research said so," Alaric said. Josie stormed away.
"Recovering quickly, thanks to her sister."
"So, how did you know the Gargoyle wouldn't kill you?" Hope asked.
"Gargoyles are protectors," Alaric answered. "And folklore tells a tale of a Gargoyle who once protected a small settlement in France whose villagers revered a powerful relic. A knife."
"Our knife?" Faith questioned.
"As the story goes, the Gargoyle loved the humans he protected so much, he vowed never to harm humanity." He explained. "Instead, he chose to fight evil on their behalf."
"Us being the evil ones in this scenario," Hope asked referring to her and her sister. "Josie, Lizzie." She continued.
"In its mind, yes," Alaric said. "I realized when it didn't hurt me before... it saw me as the one who needed protection."
"I'm not sure that knowing that will make them feel any better." Faith spoke up.
"I should get back to the girls," Alaric muttered walking towards the door.
"Wait." Hope stopped him. "One more thing. You're always telling us that we need to work together. To put our own feelings aside for the school, and for the community. I know I haven't always listened to you with that kind of stuff, but I'm starting to think that it's actually pretty good advice, so... maybe you should take it. Because if you want me and the twins to get along, for them to be happy, for the school to be safe... These secrets are gonna tear us all apart."
"She's right." Faith agreed. "Everyone deserves to know what's happening so they can protect themselves. Be prepared for whatever's coming through those doors next." Alaric looked to be deep in thought about what they were telling him.
"IF YOU'D ASKED ME A WEEK AGO..." Alaric started at the assembly they were having. "I would have told you I knew the difference between myth and fact. I would have said that supernaturals were limited to the species under this roof. I would have said that folklore and fairytales were just stories. But I can no longer say that any of that's true. 'Cause just a few days ago, we were confronted by the existence of a dragon." Murmurs spread throughout the room. "And then, today, our campus was terrorized by a Gargoyle come to life. Some of us... were forced to fight. We won. This time. They were drawn here by a knife that went missing earlier this week. And for whatever reason, these creatures consider us to be the enemy. In their minds were the villains because we wouldn't give them what they wanted. We don't even know why they want it. But we're gonna find out. I can't say for sure what their true intentions are. I can't say there won't be more attacks. That's why I'm telling you this. To warn you. To ask you to look out for each other. To do what's best for one another. Because we're more than just a school. We're family. And we will stand together, we will fight together, and we will win or lose this battle together, no matter what comes next."
FAITH KNOCKED ON THE DOOR TO JOSIE and Lizzie's room. Lizzie opened it and smiled when she Faith.
"I need to talk to you guys about something." Faith stated walking into the dorm.
"What is it," Josie asked sitting up on her bed and patting the space beside her inviting Faith to sit down. Lizzie sat on the other side of Josie,
"Well, it's about why I've kinda been avoiding you," Faith started when she saw their full attention on her she continued. "Well... It happened again. I—I lost control and it happened." Josie and Lizzie gave each other a look knowing what she was talking about.
"Oh, Faith," Lizzie muttered softly.
"Why do you think it happened? After all this time?" Josie asked.
Faith shrugged, "I don't know. But your dad gave me those herbs that might help it again."
"Why didn't you tell us?' Lizzie asked.
"Well, I guess I was just sort of embarrassed about it," Faith said sheepishly. "I mean I thought it was getting better and for it to just come out of nowhere like this. No one else has this problem, so I felt weak in a way. Like I was too weak to be able to handle my emotions properly that they just ended up spiraling out of control and consuming me." Faith sighed.
"Listen, Faith, you don't have to be embarrassed about it, and you're not weak. You're the strongest person I know. Even after everything you've been through you still keep that same bright smile on your face and I envy you for that. Being able to overcome the pain just to make others and yourself smile." Josie told her. "Believe it or not but you're pretty awesome to be able to do that."
"She's right, Faith, and you're like a sister to us— you are a sister to us. So you should never feel the need to hide these types of things from us. Because we will always be by your side there to listen." Lizzie added with a smile. Faith smiled softly as well very appreciative of Josie and Lizzie. Her heart warming in her chest. They truly were great, and she didn't know what she would do without them.
"Now how about we talk about—" Lizzie spoke suddenly.
Faith groaned and quickly stood up walking towards the door. "No!"
"Oh, Faith come back!" Lizzie pleaded. "You don't even know what I was gonna say!"
"Yes, I do. I know you well enough to know that you were gonna say 'let's talk about boys'. You know what Lizzie? I'm actually really tired." Faith said stopping by the door. She looked to Josie who had a slight smile on her face. She knew that if she left the conversation like this Lizzie would want to talk about boys with Josie which would be awkward since she has a crush on Rafael. "Aren't you tired, Josie?" Josie looked confused for a moment but eventually caught on.
"Yeah—yeah, I am," She mumbled quickly.
"But—" Lizzie started.
"Big spell today," Faith cut Lizzie off. "Takes a lot outta ya'."
"Yeah, it really does." Josie faked a yawn.
"Oh, come on I'm the one who almost died!" Lizzie exclaimed exasperatedly.
"Then you must be super fatigued too. Goodnight, Liz," Faith said ignoring Lizzie's protest. "Night, Jo. Don't keep Josie up Lizzie! Remember she did help save your life so she needs all the sleep she can get to replenish herself." She then walked out of the door and to her and Hope's dorm for some shut-eye.
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Link for story on Wattpad:
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merrock · 11 months
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Only two months left this year, how did that happen?! Either way, welcome to November! We're ready for a busy, family and warmth and love-filled month ahead, and hope that you are, too. Read on to see what to expect and any important things we have to share.
November 18th -- RAILWAY 5K -- our annual run around town; everyone can participate, whether you're a pro, or a first time runner. run for yourself, or for charity!
November 3rd -- away football game; the final game of the season! but the team did make play-offs.
November 4th -- candy day; candy sales for all of your post-Halloween needs around the house!
November 10-13 -- world kindness weekend; a chance to do the kindest of things around town.
November 24 -- black friday; do all of your shopping around town!
November 25 -- small business saturday; make sure to save some shopping for local businesses!
Busy time, easy task? We hope so! We've shared a task for November that you can fill out in character (if you want -- we won't kick you out for third personing it, promise). We'll also be accepting kind things about Merrock and about each other during kindness weekend, so stay tuned for that one!
as usual, a reminder to read over our rules. we just want to make sure that all of our writers are aware of our expectations; small changes have been made, and a few pages have been updated.
please remember that triggers are triggering: period. whether it's a full out discussion, mention, brief allusion to, it's triggering, so just tag it with "trigger tw" and let that be that! also, do not bring up triggering subjects with someone OOC unless you know they, themselves, are not triggered by that, please.
if someone picks up your wanted connection, please be sure to plot and interact with them! and vice versa. both sides should do due diligence to carry through and make it happen.
in situations where something needs mod approval, please just be sure to have it from us before talking or posting about it. it may seem silly, but it keeps us all from having to backtrack!
be sure you are plotting with everyone! we have implemented the "three writers per character" rule, but of course we would like you to vary your writers. you don't always have to have a thread with every writer / character in the group, but it's really nice to branch out and spread some love.
we have less events this month, and that's alright! we also have some fun mini-events for you to use for plotting, and we know that this month is always busy. it's okay! we'd really like to see you use this month to post open starters, plot with those you haven't, get some fun stuff going on your own.
but December will kick off with an outdoor Winter Fun Party, and we will have our Winter Holiday Market, plus a New Year's Eve party, so take this month to just plot, relax, and enjoy before the fun hits. start thinking about gifts. ;)
November is largely a "game planning" month for me -- meaning I will be working on saving resources for next year's events. we have some fun stuff in store!
With the holidays around the corner, we know that things are busier, and we understand that it may mean things slow down on dash a bit. So don't get discouraged! We are not going to cut back on our activity requirements, however, as we feel they are incredibly easy to meet, even during the busy times. What we are asking is that you, as players, are responsible with what you can handle. If you need to drop or pause characters, that is okay. Ask for hiatuses when needed, but remember that we do not offer semi-hiatuses. As admins, we absolutely understand and respect that real life comes first! We just also know that groups can't thrive and survive without activity, so all we ask is that you try your best during this busy month/season. We'll have a post closer to Christmas time with some guidance on posting gifts and any changes we need to make to checks, as well! xx
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nolewdkyl · 3 months
To be fair, rich people doing charity doesn't necessarily mean that they're leftists, I mean look at all those billionaires pushing the far-right or enjoying the status quo while being "philanthropists". Also Kylian himself said (in the Elise Lucet interview) that he deserves all the insane amount of money he gets bc he "works hard" and didn't steal it, this doesn't sound really leftist, a leftist opinion would be that no one deserves to have so much and that money and resources should be redistributed equally. I mean what about all these poor people who work hard too? And he could also refuse to engage in politics bc he wants to appease all his supporters. Like yes he spoke out about Nahel but it happens a lot that rich people are "leftists" when it comes to violent discrimination but they're right-wing when it comes to money (which is hypocritical bc discrimination is what leads to money inequalities etc). And the way he goes to those rich parties full of capitalists and goes on yachts when we know how bad it is for the environment and how they're often used to pay less taxes etc....
Also even in the leftist parties there are ppl who are more radical compared to others who have more right-wing views unfortunately.
Now we don't know Kylian personally so he could very well vote on the real left who knows, but it's too bad his words were so vague that I saw macronist politicians use what he said to say that he's right and that we should vote against "both" extremes etc.
And I saw activists (like Aly Diouara) and people from the banlieues say how disappointed they are with him that he wasn't brave enough to be more explicit and that they feel like he doesn't really care. (Like they are saying about some rappers and other athletes).
I like Kylian but the truth is that he's a multi-millionaire who seems to enjoy a capitalistic lifestyle (maybe less than some other celebs, at least publicly, but still) and who seems to have hustle culture beliefs (given things he's said over the years until recently) so yes it was disappointing that he didn't take a real stand, and I understand that people are disappointed especially people in the banlieues who feel/felt represented by him and who've already felt betrayed in the past by other celebs and who feel like they can't really count on anyone to truly care about them and their issues/inequalities. Maybe he'll see this constructive criticism and learn from it if he truly does care about making the world a better place
Kylian Mbappé is a celebrated football player who operates within the entertainment industry and collaborates with various sponsors. Naturally, he is far from being a communist.
While I cannot say for certain, I believe he holds centrist views. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but personally, I believe what truly matters is whether a successful individual remains connected to their roots, speaks out on important issues, and consistently supports minorities. The values espoused by "Inspired by Kylian Mbappé" emphasize social integration through education, equal opportunities (meritocracy), and cultural access for all—principles I consider to be aligned with leftist ideologies.
I understand the disappointment some feel, as someone of his stature should be more considerate with their words. However, judging someone's character solely based on their financial success while disregarding their social contributions is equally unfair.
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diatr1bes · 11 months
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⠀⠀⠀ ◜   ♱   : 𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘   𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑   sits   down   with   entrepreneur   and   art   collector,   dante   valmont,   to   wire   him   up   and   to   gain   some   more   insight   on   the   british   heir   . . .     
"   we're   going   to   be   taking   a   lie   detector   test   today.   you   will   be   hooked   up   to   the   machine,   and   we   will   ask   you   a   series   of   questions   -   whether   you   tell   the   truth   or   lie   is   up   to   you,   but   the   test   will   be   able   to   snitch   out   any   lies.   "
a   grin   spreads   across   his   lips,   "   brilliant.   "
"   to   start,   what   is   your   first   name   and   what   city   are   we   in   ?   "
"  my   name   is   dante   and   we're   in   new   york.   although,   it's   looking   a   bit   like   london   with   it's   bleak   weather   out   there,   isn't   it   ?   "
"   thank   you.   how   are   you   feeling   today   ?   "
"   fine,   really.   yeah.   " ( that's a lie. ) " oh christ, that actually works ? yeah, well, had a rough sleep last night. " ( also questionable. ) dante simply shrugs.
"  understandable.  how  about  an  easier  one  -  what's  your  favourite  colour  ?   "
"   it   changes   all   the   time.   i'll   go   with   blue,   dark   ocean   blue.   "
"   and   your   favourite   film   genre   ?   "
"   a   good  thriller.   "
"  let's  see  -  what  is   one  thing   you  wouldn't  be  found   without   ?   "
"   besides  my  phone  ?  i'd   say   my   lighter.   always  comes  in   handy.   "
"   keeping  it  light,  what's  your  drink  of  choice   ?   "
"   i've   always  enjoyed   a  good  old   fashioned.   don't  mind   the   occasionally  g&t   every  now  and  then.   "
"   which   of   the   following   have   you   attended,   and   would   you   attend  ?   "
the  ballet.  the  met  gala.  the  horse  track.  the  race  track.  a  yacht  party.  the  opera.  the  orchestra.  a  broadway  show.  a  shakespeare  production.  a  concert.  a  comedian.  an  (  american  )  football  game.  a  soccer  /  football  game.  ( " the superior football game. " ) a  documentary  film.  a  film  premiere.  a  polo  game.  art  museum.  wine  tastings.  nyc  sightseeing  tour.  celebrity  sightseeing  tours.  haunted  tours.  charity  galas.  fashion  shows.  fashion  week.  disneyworld  /  disneyland.  a  basketball  game.  a  hockey  game.  a  baseball  game.  a  boxing  match.  a  cricket  match.  the  golf  course.  the  olympics.  
"   oooh,   we're   jumpin'   into   something   a   bit   heavier   now.   what   is   the   one   thing   you   want   to   achieve   in   life   ?   "
"   very   profound   of   you   vanity   fair.   i'd   want   to   be   able   to   go   further,   invest   more   into   the   future   of   art.   expand   and   better   what   my   father   did   before.   "   (   there's   a   suspicious   glance   thrown   by   the   operator.   )
"   who   knows   what   the   fates   ​​​​​​​have   ​​​​​​​in   ​​​​​​​store.   ​​​​​​​how   do   you   feel   about   reputation.com   ?   it's   ​​​​​​​all   ​​​​​​​anyone   ​​​​​​​seems   ​​​​​​​to   be   ​​​​​​​talking   about   lately.   "
"   everyone   loves   a   bit   of   a   chinwag,   don't   they   ?   especially   when   gossip's   involved.   it's   depressing   when   you   think   about   it. "
"   everyone   is   entitled   to   their   own   opinion,   i   guess.   what's   the   weirdest   /   craziest   headline   you've   read   about   yourself   there   ?   "
"   once   i   read   a   rumour   i   was   some   long   lost   brother   to   harry   and   william   from   some   american   website.   dunno   what   it   is,   maybe   the   accent   ?   i'm not   that   big   on   horse   racin'   like   they   are,   i've   got   enough   family   as   it   is.  "
"   what's   something   you   are   currently   working   on   ?   "
"   well,   we're   workin'   on   developing   a   new   arts   school   on   the   west   side   in   my   father's   name.   workin'   on   new,   exciting   stuff   that   i   can't   quite   talk   about   i'm   afraid.   " 
"   i'll   look   forward   to   it.   one   last   official   question   -   and   it's   an   easier   one.   cats   or   dogs  ?   "
"   cats.   " ( that's a lie. ) " just wanted to see if it's still workin'. "
"   personally,   i'm   a   dog   fan   anyday.   anything   else   you'd   like   to   add   ?   "
"   didn't   ask.   my   team   will   get   in   touch   'bout   reviewing   all   this   back.   cheers.   " 
"   well,   thank   you   so   much   for   joining   us   today   ​​​​​​​-   can't   ​​​​​​​wait  ​​​​​​​ to   ​​​​​​​have   ​​​​​​​you  ​​​​​​​ back  ​​​​​​​ with  ​​​​​​​ us   soon.   "
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buriedself · 11 months
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"  we're  going  to  be  taking  a  lie  detector  test  today.  you  will  be  hooked  up  to  the  machine,  and  we  will  ask  you  a  series  of  questions  -  whether  you  tell  the  truth  or  lie  is  up  to  you,  but  the  test  wil  be  able  to  snitch  out  any  lies."
"     the efficacy of polygraph machines is debatable and they can be defeated by countermeasures.  i understand that this is for fun, though.  let's begin.     "
"  to  start,  what  is  your  first  name  and  what  city  are  we  in  ?  "
"     my first name is hyunjung, but i use harper professionally.  we are in new york city.     "
"  thank  you.  how  are  you  feeling  today  ?  "
"     quite relaxed, actually.  it's been pleasant outside and yesterday, i won a case that i've been fighting for months.     "
"  understandable.  how  about  an  easier  one  -  what's  your  favourite  colour  ?  "
"     navy blue.  alongside other neutrals, it's the best to wear in court.  powerful, yet non-distracting.     "     of note  :  harper is, in fact, wearing a navy blue blouse at the moment.
"  and  your  favourite  film  genre ?  "
"     i don't often get the time for movie going.  action films are interesting, i suppose.  those spy movies, the mission impossible ones.  they're silly but hold my attention just enough.     "
"  let's  see  -  what  is  one  thing  you  wouldn't  be  found  without ?  "
"     my phone and a portable charger.  it's vital for me to be constantly accessible.  you won't believe the amount of times i have gotten calls from clients past midnight talking about an emergency.     "
"  keeping  it  light,  what's  your  drink  of  choice  ?  "
"     scotch.  great drink to celebrate a win with.     "
"  which  of  the  following  have  you  attended,  and  would  you  attend ?  "
bold  what's  been  attended,  italicize  what  would  attend  /  attend  again.
the  ballet.  the  met  gala.  the  horse  track.  the  race  track.  a  yacht  party.  the  opera.  the  orchestra.  a  broadway  show.  a  shakespeare  production.  a  concert.  a  comedian.  an  (  american  )  football  game.  a  soccer  /  football  game.  a  documentary  film.  a  film  premiere.  a  polo  game.  art  museum.  wine  tastings.  nyc  sightseeing  tour.  celebrity  sightseeing  tours.  haunted  tours.  charity  galas.  fashion  shows.  fashion  week.  disneyworld  /  disneyland.  a  basketball  game.  a  hockey  game.  a  baseball  game.  a  boxing  match.  a  cricket  match.  the  golf  course.  the  olympics.  
"  oooh,  we're  jumping  into  something  a  bit  heavier  now.  what  is  the  one  thing  you  want  to  achieve  in  life  ?  "
"     i've accomplished a lot in my life.  i'm name partner, i have clients that most firms can't even dream of.  what else is left  ?   "
"   ...     "
a long, suffering sigh.     "     a holiday with my children.  it's difficult to arrange such when they're grown up.     "
"  who  knows  what  the  fates  have  in  store.  how  do  you  feel  about  reputation.com ?  it's  all  anyone  seems  ​​​​​​​to  be  ​​​​​​​talking  about  lately.  "
"     are you familiar with libel  ?  i don't anticipate they will be up for very long, especially with the people they have been mentioning, codenames or not.  regardless, i have seen and heard much worse.       "
"  everyone  is  entitled  to  their  own  opinion,  i  guess.  what's  the  weirdest  /  craziest  headline  you've  read  about  yourself  there  ?  "
"     an absurd accusation that i was going to lose against some lawyer whose name i can't even remember on a case that i took years ago when i was just starting out in the firm.  first time i had a headline.  certainly won't be the last.     "
"  what's  something  you  are  currently  working  on  ?  "
"     legally, i am not allowed to say.  no amount of pointed staring will make me give you a response that you will be satisfied with.     "
"  i'll  look  forward  to  it.  one  last  official  question  -  and  it's  an  easier  one.  cats  or  dogs ?  "
"     i'm partial to small dogs, though i don't have the time for a pet.     "
"  personally,  i'm  a  dog  fan  anyday.  anything  else  you'd  like  to  add ?  "
"     this was a very riveting experience.  thank you.     "
"  well,  thank  you  so  much  for  joining  us  today  ​​​​​​​-  can't  ​​​​​​​wait  ​​​​​​​to  ​​​​​​​have  ​​​​​​​you  ​​​​​​​back  ​​​​​​​with  ​​​​​​​us  soon."
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houseofbrat · 5 months
William seemed just fine when he went to watch football recently. But heaven forbid he does one day of work and his media lapdogs are running to the public to beg leniency for more time off 🤡
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When Rachel Candappa kindly handed Prince William two cards wishing both his wife and father well in their individual cancer battles, his emotion was hard to miss earlier today. Placing his hand on her shoulder, the future king looked the 71-year-old volunteer directly in the eye as she urged him to ‘take care’ of Catherine, saying firmly and repeatedly: ‘I will do, I will.’ He only swiftly changed the subject, I am told, when it became clear that Mrs Candappa was herself close to tears and the prince was at pains not to embarrass her in front of the cameras. William’s visit to the Surplus to Supper food redistribution charity in Surrey was first time we have seen the heir to the throne in public following his wife’s unbelievably brave video message of March 22, when she revealed she has been undergoing treatment for cancer. He was typically chatty, genial - laughing and joking with volunteers - but physically you could see small signs of the toll that recent months have taken on him.
But cancer, as the Royal Family have sadly discovered in recent months, is a pernicious leveller that cares not whether it has prince or pauper in its sights. And William has found himself facing a new battle: one that has struck at the very foundation of everything he holds dear. One can only imagine the weight on his shoulders at seeing both his adored wife and his father facing serious simultaneous health crises, while also trying to protect his three young children from this devastating blow to their little world. And while, fortunately, the King appears to be responding well to treatment and is hopeful of taking up more forward-facing public duties in the near future, recent events will have been a stark reminder of what awaits the Wales’ in the not so distant future. It is why, although his appearances today were both welcome and heartfelt, we should not expect to see a wholesale return to royal duties for the prince. Instead, I understand, he is likely to undertake one or two public engagements each week - often on the same day in order to minimise time away from Kate and the children - as well as continuing with his usual behind-the-scenes work. He will, I am told, almost certainly take some sort of role around the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in June, as well as attending Trooping the Colour and the annual Order of the Garter service and, perhaps, one of the annual summer garden parties for worthy community heroes. And he will definitely continue to undertake investitures at Windsor Castle on behalf of the King over the coming weeks. But he will also very much balance this with supporting Catherine who, we must not forget, is still undergoing gruelling preventative chemotherapy treatment as well as continuing to recuperate from her initial abdominal surgery in January - the seriousness of which should not be underestimated by anyone. ‘Obviously it’s been an important day [today] and one that has huge resonance with the prince in terms of his own environmental commitments, but I think you can expect to see the Prince undertake engagements at a similar pace to February and March,’ a source stresses. ‘The prince has always made clear that he wants to balance his commitment to public service and duty with supporting his family at this time, and he will continue to find a way to do that. ‘ Fortunately in this William has his wife’s backing, wholeheartedly. ‘Absolutely, it’s important to both of them, actually,’ my source adds. ‘June is an incredibly busy time ceremonially and the princess will want him to play his part as well. ‘They share that same sense of commitment and service.’ While there are many hurdles yet to be crossed, it is clear that William and Catherine are finding their way through them, together.
What a bunch of bullshit. "Commitment to public service"? What commitment? Remind me what state funerals he has attended as heir? Last I recall, I saw Anne and Sophie attending in his absence.
The kids are in school five days a week, correct? Now that they are back from their break. Yet, William will only do public duties ONE DAY per week. Shit, his children are working harder in school than he is!
Keep working for that OBE or whatever special honour you're hoping to get with these ridiculous puff pieces, Rebecca! William certainly owes you something for this ridiculous tripe you're typing out when he becomes king.
This is straight-up propaganda. All his critics on reddit are right.
Particularly these ones:
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mrlondonboy · 11 months
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🔍 Harry Griffin Jr Takes a Lie Detector Test
"  we're  going  to  be  taking  a  lie  detector  test  today.  you  will  be  hooked  up  to  the  machine,  and  we  will  ask  you  a  series  of  questions  -  whether  you  tell  the  truth  or  lie  is  up  to  you,  but  the  test  will  be  able  to  snitch  out  any  lies."
" Seem simple enough."
"  to  start,  what  is  your  first  name  and  what  city  are  we  in  ?  "
"Harold. Or Harry. And we are in the amazing New York City."
"  thank  you.  how  are  you  feeling  today  ?  "
"Just peachy. Had my morning beagle and coffee. I'm content."
"  understandable.  how  about  an  easier  one  -  what's  your  favourite  colour  ?  "
"It's been blue forever. But like a darker blue. I don't know the name, but let's just say dark blue."
"  and  your  favourite  film  genre ?  "
Harry lets out an airy chuckle. "Most people would say Superhero movies, with my track record but I want to make the record straight I do enjoy a good horror thriller."
"  let's  see  -  what  is  one  thing  you  wouldn't  be  found  without ?  "
"It is too "basic"- is that the term?" Harry laughs trying to understand these new terms being tossed around. "My phone. I'm always on it. Text, random Google searches during the day."
"  keeping  it  light,  what's  your  drink  of  choice  ?  "
"Whiskey on the rocks." "That's a lie." "Okay, okay. You got me. I'm kinda of a fruity drink kind of guy. Long Island Ice Tea is up there.
"  which  of  the  following  have  you  attended,  and  would  you  attend ?  "
bold  what's  been  attended,  italicize  what  would  attend  /  attend  again.
the  ballet.  the  met  gala.  the  horse  track.  the  race  track.  a  yacht  party.  the  opera.  the  orchestra.  a  broadway  show.  a  shakespeare  production.  a  concert.  a  comedian.  an  (  american  )  football  game.  a  soccer  /  football  game.  a  documentary  film.  a  film  premiere.  a  polo  game.  art  museum.  wine  tastings.  nyc  sightseeing  tour.  celebrity  sightseeing  tours.  haunted  tours.  charity  galas.  fashion  shows.  fashion  week.  disneyworld  /  disneyland.  a  basketball  game.  a  hockey  game.  a  baseball  game.  a  boxing  match.  a  cricket  match.  the  golf  course.  the  olympics.  
"  oooh,  we're  jumping  into  something  a  bit  heavier  now.  what  is  the  one  thing  you  want  to  achieve  in  life  ?  "
"Not to keep in the footsteps of dear old Dad, but maybe finally get that Oscar. Not necessarily in the acting career but one of my films I produce getting some attention. Outside of my name."
"  who  knows  what  the  fates  ​​​​​​​have  ​​​​​​​in  ​​​​​​​store.  ​​​​​​​how  do  you  feel  about  reputation.com ?  it's  ​​​​​​​all  ​​​​​​​anyone  ​​​​​​​seems  ​​​​​​​to  be  ​​​​​​​talking  about  lately."
"I've heard of it. It's a website. I've seen dozen of these in the past couple of years now. My name is always circulating in these outlets. Ever since I've shown my face to the public. I do have to admit this one knows where to get their information."
"  everyone  is  entitled  to  their  own  opinion,  i  guess.  what's  the  weirdest  /  craziest  headline  you've  read  about  yourself  there  ?  "
"Oh, man. A recent one I saw that actually made me laugh, that I had signed on to this trip to space that other celebrities were going. As much as I wish that was true, I didn't make the cut. - I know!" Harry reacted to the gasps behind the cameras. "I'd kill to go to space."
"  what's  something  you  are  currently  working  on  ?  "
"A few projects here and there. Mostly producing. So sorry to disappoint any fans of mine that want another Superman movie any time soon."
"  i'll  look  forward  to  it.  one  last  official  question  -  and  it's  an  easier  one.  cats  or  dogs ?  "
"Thanks. They are some projects that are close to my heart. Oh dogs 100%. I have a Collie, Quinn." Harry was quick to pull out his phone with his free hand. "This is the little guy."
"  personally,  i'm  a  dog  fan  anyday.  anything  else  you'd  like  to  add ?  "
"That this was fun. Only got one beep out of it. Gotta say that's a win."
"  well,  thank  you  so  much  for  joining  us  today  ​​​​​​​-  can't  ​​​​​​​wait  ​​​​​​​to  ​​​​​​​have  ​​​​​​​you  ​​​​​​​back  ​​​​​​​with  ​​​​​​​us  soon."
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glimmcr · 11 months
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"  we're  going  to  be  taking  a  lie  detector  test  today.  you  will  be  hooked  up  to  the  machine,  and  we  will  ask  you  a  series  of  questions  -  whether  you  tell  the  truth  or  lie  is  up  to  you,  but  the  test  wil  be  able  to  snitch  out  any  lies."
Tumblr media
"  we're  going  to  be  taking  a  lie  detector  test  today.  you  will  be  hooked  up  to  the  machine,  and  we  will  ask  you  a  series  of  questions  -  whether  you  tell  the  truth  or  lie  is  up  to  you,  but  the  test  wil  be  able  to  snitch  out  any  lies."
"  to  start,  what  is  your  first  name  and  what  city  are  we  in  ?  "
“maggie    rosario  –  wait,  do  i  have  to  say  my  full  name?  i  didn’t  lie  did  i?  oh,  right,  we’re  in  nyc.”  
"  thank  you.  how  are  you  feeling  today  ?  "
“i’m  peachy!  thanks  for  asking!”
"  understandable.  how  about  an  easier  one  -  what's  your  favourite  colour  ?  "
“lilac,  it’s  also  my  favorite  flower!  you  just  know  spring  is  finally  here  when  they  bloom!”
"  and  your  favourite  film  genre ?  "
“musicals.  or  rom-coms.  how  can  i  choose?”
"  let's  see  -  what  is  one  thing  you  wouldn't  be  found  without ?  "
“a  pen.  you  never  know  when  inspiration  will  strike!  i  used  to  constantly  look  for  one  so  i  started  carrying  one  with  me.”
"  keeping  it  light,  what's  your  drink  of  choice  ?  "
“tea.  hot  or  iced.  i  prefer  spicy  teas,  though.”
"  which  of  the  following  have  you  attended,  and  would  you  attend ?  "
bold  what's  been  attended,  italicize  what  would  attend  /  attend  again.
the  ballet.  the  met  gala.  the  horse  track.  the  race  track.  a  yacht  party.  the  opera.  the  orchestra.  a  broadway  show.  a  shakespeare  production.  a  concert.  a  comedian.  an  (  american  )  football  game.  a  soccer  /  football  game.  a  documentary  film.  a  film  premiere.  a  polo  game.  art  museum.  wine  tastings.  nyc  sightseeing  tour.  celebrity  sightseeing  tours.  haunted  tours.  charity  galas.  fashion  shows.  fashion  week.  disneyworld  /  disneyland.  a  basketball  game.  a  hockey  game.  a  baseball  game.  a  boxing  match.  a  cricket  match.  the  golf  course.  the  olympics.  
"  oooh,  we're  jumping  into  something  a  bit  heavier  now.  what  is  the  one  thing  you  want  to  achieve  in  life  ?  "
“i  think  i  just  want  to  be  remembered.  doesn’t  have  to  be  by  a  ton  of  people  but  i  want  to  make  an  impact,  i  think  that’s  why  i  like  writing  so  much.  creating  worlds  that  will  outlast  me.”
"  who  knows  what  the  fates  ​​​​​​​have  ​​​​​​​in  ​​​​​​​store.  ​​​​​​​how  do  you  feel  about  reputation.com ?  it's  ​​​​​​​all  ​​​​​​​anyone  ​​​​​​​seems  ​​​​​​​to  be  ​​​​​​​talking  about  lately."
“oh,  i’ve  read  some  things  on  there  but  i  don’t  put  much  stock  into  it.  even  if  it  is  true,  it’s  not  my  business  so  i  shouldn’t  pry.”
"  everyone  is  entitled  to  their  own  opinion,  i  guess.  what's  the  weirdest  /  craziest  headline  you've  read  about  yourself  there  ?  "
“that  i’m  married.”
"  what's  something  you  are  currently  working  on  ?  "
“ooh,  is  this  where  i  get  to  shamelessly  plug  my  next  book?”
"  i'll  look  forward  to  it.  one  last  official  question  -  and  it's  an  easier  one.  cats  or  dogs ?  "
“i  like  both  but  i  do  have  a  dog  so  i  guess  i  gotta  say  dogs.”
"  personally,  i'm  a  dog  fan  anyday.  anything  else  you'd  like  to  add ?  "
"when do we get to hook you up to this thing?"
"  well,  thank  you  so  much  for  joining  us  today  ​​​​​​​-  can't  ​​​​​​​wait  ​​​​​​​to  ​​​​​​​have  ​​​​​​​you  ​​​​​​​back  ​​​​​​​with  ​​​​​​​us  soon."
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scandcls-a · 11 months
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"  we're  going  to  be  taking  a  lie  detector  test  today.  you  will  be  hooked  up  to  the  machine,  and  we  will  ask  you  a  series  of  questions  -  whether  you  tell  the  truth  or  lie  is  up  to  you,  but  the  test  will  be  able  to  snitch  out  any  lies."
"  to  start,  what  is  your  first  name  and  what  city  are  we  in  ?  "
“ sterling salinger, and we are in new york city in a very pink room. ”
"  thank  you.  how  are  you  feeling  today  ?  "
“ fine. good. hungry, actually, are you hungry? i know a great pizza place not too far from here after this if you wanna. ” he motions between the two of them to garner a laugh.
"  ha, understandable.  how  about  an  easier  one  -  what's  your  favourite  colour  ?  "
“ red, or tarantino yellow just because you know exactly what i'm talking about when i said that and i bet you have the twisted nerve whistle in your head now. ”
"  and  your  favourite  film  genre ?  "
“ isn't that the million dollar question. i mean, ” he sits up a little straighter, “ you can't go wrong with a good thriller, but then you get into the sub-genres. psychological, look at aronofsky. film noir. and everyone loves a good melodrama, dark comedy. . . and we can finish that conversation later. ”
"  let's  see  -  what  is  one  thing  you  wouldn't  be  found  without ?  "
“ my phone . . . probably, like most people. has anyone not answered phone for this? genuinely? because that's a lie. ”
"  keeping  it  light,  what's  your  drink  of  choice  ?  "
“ prosecco to celebrate, old fashion or belvedere for, ” a brief pause ensues. “ other things. ”
"  which  of  the  following  have  you  attended,  and  would  you  attend ?  "
bold  what's  been  attended,  italicize  what  would  attend  /  attend  again.
the  ballet.  the  met  gala.  the  horse  track.  the  race  track.  a  yacht  party.  the  opera.  the  orchestra.  a  broadway  show.  a  shakespeare  production.  a  concert.  a  comedian.  an  (  american  )  football  game.  a  soccer  /  football  game.  a  documentary  film.  a  film  premiere.  a  polo  game.  art  museum.  wine  tastings.  nyc  sightseeing  tour.  celebrity  sightseeing  tours.  haunted  tours.  charity  galas.  fashion  shows.  fashion  week.  disneyworld  /  disneyland.  a  basketball  game.  a  hockey  game.  a  baseball  game.  a  boxing  match.  a  cricket  match.  the  golf  course.  the  olympics.  
"  oooh,  we're  jumping  into  something  a  bit  heavier  now.  what  is  the  one  thing  you  want  to  achieve  in  life  ?  "
“ broadly, let's go with, success. earned and not given. ” a shifting gaze denotes his attention has been compromised, and for a moment the thought to allow . . . no, it's like an itch just out of reach. “ and you're going out of frame, by the way. ” ( thumbs up. not a lie )
"  who  knows  what  the  fates  ​​​​​​​have  ​​​​​​​in  ​​​​​​​store.  ​​​​​​​how  do  you  feel  about  reputation.com ?  it's  ​​​​​​​all  ​​​​​​​anyone  ​​​​​​​seems  ​​​​​​​to  be  ​​​​​​​talking  about  lately."
his shoulders raise and fall in a seemingly nonchalant disposition. “ i don't pay attention to that sort of thing. it's all lies. ” ( that's a lie ) “ that's ironic. ”
"  everyone  is  entitled  to  their  own  opinion,  i  guess.  what's  the  weirdest  /  craziest  headline  you've  read  about  yourself  there  ?  "
“ that . . . i don't know because i don't keep up with it. ” ( that's a lie ) “ and i wasn't finished. however, the one about me starting a food fight in michelin star with a certain actor was something. i didn't start that by the way, and it wasn't food, it was champagne and you can't know where the cork is going to end up. ”
"  what's  something  you  are  currently  working  on  ?  "
“ that would be a secret i wish i could share with you, but i can't just yet. it's big though, and i'm very excited for it. ”
"  i'll  look  forward  to  it.  one  last  official  question  -  and  it's  an  easier  one.  cats  or  dogs ?  "
“ dogs. i'm allergic to cats. ” ( that's a lie ) “ or i just don't like cats . . . as much. ”
"  personally,  i'm  a  dog  fan  anyday.  anything  else  you'd  like  to  add ?  "
“ do you think i could beat one of these? one day? maybe? next time. ”
"  well,  thank  you  so  much  for  joining  us  today  ​​​​​​​-  can't  ​​​​​​​wait  ​​​​​​​to  ​​​​​​​have  ​​​​​​​you  ​​​​​​​back  ​​​​​​​with  ​​​​​​​us  soon."
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daysdraem · 11 months
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"  we're  going  to  be  taking  a  lie  detector  test  today.  you  will  be  hooked  up  to  the  machine,  and  we  will  ask  you  a  series  of  questions  -  whether  you  tell  the  truth  or  lie  is  up  to  you,  but  the  test  wil  be  able  to  snitch  out  any  lies."
"  okay,  that  sounds  easy  enough.  "
"  to  start,  what  is  your  first  name  and  what  city  are  we  in  ?  "
"  seoyeon   yang—  i  adopted  the  name  julia  in  grade  school.  we're  currently  in  manhattan.  "
"  thank  you.  how  are  you  feeling  today  ?  "
"  nervous,  but  also  excited.  i've  never  done  anything  like  this  before.  "
"  understandable.  how  about  an  easier  one  -  what's  your  favourite  colour  ?  "
"  currently,  it's  milennium  pink—  specifically.  it  constantly  changes.  "
"  and  your  favourite  film  genre ?  "
"  romantic  comedy,  especially  on  a  lazy  sunday  with  a  bottle  of  wine.  "
"  let's  see  -  what  is  one  thing  you  wouldn't  be  found  without ?  "
"  oh,  this  is  an  easy  one  !  i  always  have  a  lip  gloss  or  lip  oil  of  some  kind—  either  that  or  a  perfume  oil.  "
"  keeping  it  light,  what's  your  drink  of  choice  ?  "
"  i  don't  drink  often,  but  i  love  mezcal  margaritas.  "
"  which  of  the  following  have  you  attended,  and  would  you  attend ?  "
the  ballet.  the  met  gala.  the  horse  track.  the  race  track.  a  yacht  party.  the  opera.  the  orchestra.  a  broadway  show.  a  shakespeare  production.  a  concert.  a  comedian.  an  (  american  )  football  game.  a  soccer  /  football  game.  a  documentary  film.  a  film  premiere.  a  polo  game.  art  museum.  wine  tastings.  nyc  sightseeing  tour.  celebrity  sightseeing  tours.  haunted  tours.  charity  galas.  fashion  shows.  fashion  week.  disneyworld  /  disneyland.  a  basketball  game.  a  hockey  game.  a  baseball  game.  a  boxing  match.  a  cricket  match.  the  golf  course.  the  olympics.  
"  oooh,  we're  jumping  into  something  a  bit  heavier  now.  what  is  the  one  thing  you  want  to  achieve  in  life  ?  "
"  i  want  to  become  more  than  just  an  influencer.  this  life  is  fun,  knowing  that  people  love  seeing  my  everyday  life,  but  i  want  more.  i  love  fashion,  so  i  hope  whatever  is  out  there  for  me  includes  doing  something  within  that  scope.  "
"  who  knows  what  the  fates  have  ​​​​​​​in  ​​​​​​​store.  ​​​​​​​how  do  you  feel  about  reputation.com ?  it's  ​​​​​​​all  ​​​​​​​anyone  ​​​​​​​seems  ​​​​​​​to  be  ​​​​​​​talking  about  lately.  " "  i  don't  really  know  how  i  feel  about  it.  on  one  hand  it's  kind  of  funny,  but  on  the  other  it  just  seems  like  it's  people  who  have  nothing  else  better  to  do.  seems  a  little  weird  to  keep  tabs  on  people  like  that,  but  whatever.  "
"  everyone  is  entitled  to  their  own  opinion,  i  guess.  what's  the  weirdest  /  craziest  headline  you've  read  about  yourself  there  ?  "
"  i  went  home  to  korea  earlier  this  year,  and  i  apparently  got  married  while  there  !  i  bumped  into  an  old  friend,  but  i  guess  our  hangouts  were  a  little  too  intimate  than  we  thought  they  were.  "
"  what's  something  you  are  currently  working  on  ?  "
"  i  don't  think  i'm  at  liberty  to  say—  not  yet.  sorry  !  "
"  i'll  look  forward  to  it.  one  last  official  question  -  and  it's  an  easier  one.  cats  or  dogs ?  "
"  i  hope  you  do.  oh,  easy—  dogs.  specifically  cockapoos.  "
"  personally,  i'm  a  dog  fan  anyday.  anything  else  you'd  like  to  add ?  "
"  hmm,  i'd  just  say  thank  you  for  having  me,  and  i  hope  reputation.com  finds  something  else  better  do  do  with  their  time.  plus,  right  now  all  of  the  stories  are  rather  boring.  "
"  well,  thank  you  so  much  for  joining  us  today  ​​​​​​​-  can't  ​​​​​​​wait  ​​​​​​​to  ​​​​​​​have  ​​​��​​​you  ​​​​​​​back  ​​​​​​​with  ​​​​​​​us  soon."
"  thank  you  !  i  can't  wait  to  come  back.  "
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