#which all day is gonna be shippy so
ask-edd · 7 months
M!A: Everyone but Dan is under a love potion, so now they're even MORE in love with him 💖
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Happy Valentine's Day, Danny~!
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taffingspy · 5 months
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your honour, they're dating <3
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mishtershpock · 5 months
#okay i’m gonna try to keep this short and sweet. 30 tag maximum you are my nemesis lol#my main issue here is not necessarily that the karaoke and other bach party scenes have likely been cut#it’s more that they’re clearly buddie baiting for engagement#journalists were watching the episode as early as saturday. which means the ep was ready by at least this time last week#so they knew that the scenes had been cut. and they chose to continue including it in promotion and interviews#i KNOW that logically the reason they chose those scenes to cut was because they’re less important. and we’d already seen them#they technically already gave us the clips in the promo videos. right? so bye bye#but that’s bullshit. sorry#they used buddie best friendism content as a way to promote the ep and increase hype#and then they just pull it out from under us the day before it airs#this is a madney episode. madney are getting married. buddie having fun is not the most important thing here. i get it#so why did they not promote something else? you’re telling me there was NOTHING ELSE they could’ve used?#nothing else from the episode that was free of big spoilers? at all???#it’s madney’s episode but they chose to promote one clip of buddie talking to maddie. one of chim crawling. and the bach party stuff#they must know that people would focus on the bach party. buddie is beloved buck and eddie are beloved#what were they expecting??#they used buddie as a pairing as bait. not queer bait and not even ship bait i suppose as there was nothing ‘shippy’ shown#but they baited buddie content. that’s literally what’s happened#i would be more understanding if this wasn’t a regular occurrence. it’s normal sure. shows do this all the time with fan faves#but also it is a false reflection of the episode. even journalists are saying the episode is not what they expected from the promo#it honestly feels like they’ve made fools of us. maybe the episode will air and it’ll be better than expected#but i don’t have much hope not much hope for buddie. not much hope for madney getting what they deserve. ZERO hope for eddie’s 7b storyline#frankly i’m expecting b/t to be the main chat after this ep. which is……. anyway#i’m not really liking s7 so far and i feel gaslit when people say it’s great lol#IN MY OPINION it is choppy and too fast and a little ooc and doesn’t make a lot of sense#they didn’t even green light bi!buck until episode. what. 2/3??#so presumably had to change everything from then on#i know that’s partly down to limited episode numbers but… 3 eps for the cruise (unnecessary) but 1 for madney wedding? ok#sigh. if anyone’s read this far pls don’t come for me ok. these are just my opinions#we’re all entitled to them. i’m sad for madney and i’m sad for buddie best friendism and i’m sad for s7 as a whole right now
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luckyarchivist · 8 months
You're Mhin hcs are so fun to read!! Do you have any Vere hcs you'd like to share as well? (No pressure 😅😅)
Gonna be honest with you, anon: I never have ANYTHING in my head to share. It's empty in there. But since you asked, here's some things that came to mind!
General Vere HCs
Because he's literally a fox Monster, I think a lot of my HCs are based around that! For example:
He's destructive. Yeah. He destroyed Kuras's office because he hates him, but I also think he can't help it. His own place probably has scratches and bite marks on appropriate posts, too, though not as many—it is his space after all, he wants it to be good enough for him.
He will sometimes bite (not too hard) as a sign of affection. Very "rawr XD girlfriend who nom :3 uwu"-coded of him.
Yes, he does like to be pet, and scritched. However, he doesn't like 99% of people who try to, so best not to attempt it. For any brave soul out there: Scritches on the sides of his neck, where his hairline is, will get him super relaxed.
He can get the urge to "laugh" if he's really happy or excited about something, which he tries to suppress—he's better at keeping a lid on it than he is about hiding his tail wagging. This "laugh" sounds different from his sultry, cultivated "ha-ha~ you're funny~" laugh; it's more like a high-pitched, hiccupy giggle. It can make him sound a little crazy. Shame he won't weaponize it to be even more evil.
I also have non-fox-related headcanons for Vere, though, lol.
We already know he's a talented artist; I think his preferred mediums are pencil and charcoal.
This is a shippy headcanon, but I do think he has a lot of drawings of Ais's side profile in his sketchbook—one of the reasons why people are not allowed to leaf through it. Other things in his sketchbook include figure drawings, rough sketches of people who catch his fleeting interest, and symbols or beings from his dreams.
On the subject of dreams: Vere puts some stock into their contents. Maybe because of his unique constitution, he feels his dreams can have hints, warnings, and premonitions mixed in with the shit that doesn't make any sense. That's why, if something sticks out to him in a dream, he'll draw it.
Even with his heeled shoes off, Vere prefers to walk primarily on his toes. He's like a Barbie doll!
He generally likes slower, soothing music. In the modern day, he'd probably be a fan of old-school ballads and even ambient music.
This is a weird one, but I think Vere is really good at imitating people's voices. His voice is too unique to sound exactly like other people, but he can get pretty damn close, enough to fool someone on a first listen.
Thanks so much for your ask!
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akookminsupporter · 1 month
I'm laughing...
The energy that was there last week with the entire fandom posting Taekook last week, is mysteriously missing that week. Instead some are trying to cover their obvious disdain for Jikook by posting Vmin moments of this week. Which- I'm really happy that Vmin are also getting their spotlight, but it's hilarious that they also had some very cute interactions last week but the same people who posted about them now didn't bother last week and were obsessing over Taekook😅
ARMYs don't realize that by behaving this way, they are exposing what really lies deep inside their subconscious. It's no secret that a very big majority of ARMYs are homophobic. And it's telling how they like to double-down on the 'they are bros' comments unprompted, unprovoked when it comes to Jikook, while simultaneously avoiding those two men's interactions altogether. If they were so confident Jikook's bond is just like the rest and that JK is like Jihyun in Jimin's eyes, as they always say, why is the reaction and treatment never the same?
All this time as an ARMY and I've never once come across those "they are so soft for each other, they love one another please, I'm gonna cry" posts for Jikook that I encounter about any other BTS duo every other day. Not unless it's from a Jikooker lol.
And I don't even think they (ARMYs) realize how they move. The need to pretend not even a FRIENDSHIP exists between Jimin and Jungkook, the knee-jerk reaction to convince everyone that when Jikook see each other, they feel as if they suckled at the same breast, when the video they are commenting under is not even edited in a "shippy" manner. Those two just breathing next to one another clearly triggers that familiar disgust and intolerance they hold for Queer people that is just always just simmering beneath their skin, and it's time motherfuckers asked themselves "WHY?" that is.
You know, I don't think it's very deep or subconscious anymore. They know exactly what they're doing, and they don't care because no one will do anything about it. Jikookers aren't powerful enough to make a difference. Jikookers always end up being the villains, no matter what.
I've said it a thousand times and I'll say it a thousand more, they see what we see, and it makes them uncomfortable. For the reasons you mentioned, and because deep down, many of them are envious."
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 2 months
Can I have Siskarak fanfic recs, please? I've only read a few (can't remember too well at 3AM; one on the Defiant comes to mind), and I was surprised by how well the vibe worked!
Oh absolutely. 😈 Fair warning that I’m gonna rec a LOT of my own fics bc I’m shameless like that, but also because I’ve written like 25% of the Siskarak fics that exist. 😂 Of course in addition to my little ramblings, please check all the tags and summaries on these and just read the ones that speak to you! 💖 And now, in no particular order:
so, I lied, I cheated by me - My beloved siskarak novella!! 🥰 It’s an In the Pale Moonlight AU where Sisko and Garak fake an affair to explain why they are meeting together secretly all the time now, so that no one will realize it’s actually bc they’re conspiring to bring the Romulans into the war. It’s a VERY cracky premise, and I then treat the implications of that premise with the utmost severity haha. It’s a big clusterfuck of them making each other worse and ruining each other’s lives but I did aim for a hopeful ending for them and for their healthier relationships (siskasidy and garashir). I’m so proud of it, I have some planted some insane character insights into there that I truly can’t figure out other simpler ways to express/convince people of than by writing them into a complicated angsty porny ITPM-but-way-worse fic.
And Scene by Flazéda (peternurphy) - Obsessed with this one. Sisko and Garak have to go undercover at a sex club, and I am just such a sucked for fake relationship scenarios. I’m also never not thinking about the moment in this fic where Sisko muses internally on how spanking Garak’s ass with a paddle is satisfying in the same way as swinging a baseball bat.
Moonlight Still Casts Shadows by Warpcorps @spocksbeanies - This one is SO HOT. It’s post-ITPM and Sisko is continuing to compromise his morals in delicious, sexy ways to accomplish his goals. 😈 (He’s having sex with Garak to keep him happy and working for him.)
Decadence: In His Service by JA Chapman is soooo good and sooo insane and I want to read approximately 10k more words about the messy, messy scenario described. Siskarak is only a secondary ship, the main one shown is Sloan/Sisko. I don’t particularly buy into it as realistic, but this fic ask all kinds of questions and offers NO answers, and I am driven insane by it every day, I do still recommend. XD
Exaltation by @hellostuffedtiger is another good one involving Sloan and it is much closer to canon than the above hahaha. Sisko and Garak have casual sex, then discuss S31 and Sloan and how to protect Bashir.
going up, going down by me - Crackfic to the max, haha! Garak gives Sisko a blowjob in the turbolift and they get caught.
Plausible Deniability by katiemariie is really interesting and reading it helped kick off my interest in the ship! I do have some small quibbles with it bc I don’t really buy that Garak isn’t interested in Bashir or that Siskarak could actually become a sustainable romantic ship, but oh man other than that the dynamic is great here!
Captain’s Whore by @the-last-dillpickle - Garak pettily making sure everyone knows he’s Sisko’s mistress is just so fun and delightful 😂
partners in crime by anonymous - A tasty little post-ITPM PWP where Sisko does a bit of introspection about himself and Garak’s effect on him.
you’re a criminal as long as you’re mine by me - This might be the one on the Defiant you’re thinking of. It’s set during Second Skin. I wanted to write a lower stakes, chiller, flirtier Siskarak dynamic here and I really really like how it turned out 🥰
A few more very short fics by me:
me and the devil walking side by side
lying down with dogs
dirty little secret
never loved nobody fully (alternate Siskarak ending) (there’s also a podfic of this drabble by klb and blackglass and horchatapods… I know at least one of you is on tumblr and I can’t remember which rn)
Not super shippy but def have some fun and somewhat charged Sisko and Garak interactions:
Farce of the Prophets by @cardassiangoodreads - This one involves Garak messing with Sisko a little bit haha. It’s got those fake relationship elements I love so dearly 🥰
Dance of Fools by stuffedtiger - More Siskarak fake relationship stuff 😈 They dance 🥰
redacted by me - Garak and Sisko figuring out how to work together when they are both stationed on Starbase 375 at the beginning of s6.
This was so fun to put together, thanks for this ask, I love gushing about my fave siskarak fics 💖
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landshorizon · 3 months
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(Count)Down to Dawntrail // Day One - A Realm Reborn
Shortfic under the read more to go along with the screenies! It's rated T. WoLRaha/Edraha. Eddie is one of my WoLs! Drunk first kisses for the ARR day of the countdown. I was gonna do something Not-Shippy but y'all know me, sucker for romance. Also, I wanted to Gpose them smooching, but Brio and the pose wouldn't cooperate at all so I did some minor editing and came up w/ this instead.
"Nophica's Knockers!"
Edvard laughed raucously at G'raha's poor attempt at a joke, nearly falling off the table he'd perched on somewhere between Horizon and Vesper Bay. You see, he'd drunkenly agreed to take G'raha to see some of his favourite places in between their travails for the Sons of Saint Coinach and all that entailled, and now he was having to make good on his promise with a very tipsy G'raha while not being too far away from paralletic drunk himself.
"Y'can't say that, Ed!"
G'raha swatted at Ed's arm playfully and in doing so lost his balance. He didn't quite tip into the sea off the docks, (though Eddie was keen to see him do so, just for the laughs,) but rather caught his balance on his knees with a 'ta-da' style flourish.
They fell silent a moment then, the characteristic awkward silences that fell over them when they were alone together coming on full force. Ed blushed, and cast his glance away from G'raha, who flirtily tried to catch his eye, the Miqo'te extending his hand out to touch the warm brown leather of Eddie's boot on the foot which dangled from the table.
Edvard eventually looked back at G'raha, catching his eyeline and giving a shy, small smile.
"Since I met you," G'raha hiccoughed, then continued. "Since I met you, my life has been infinitely richer for knowing you, my friend."
Eddie's blush was refusing to subside, even as he closed his eyes and giggled lightly.
"It is a pity, however, that we are both very drunk and you won't remember this tomorrow."
G'raha stood up and closed the gap between them, standing between Ed's legs with a determined look on his face. Edvard's already raised eyebrow raised further, practically shooting into his hairline as G'raha leaned in and kissed him.
Eddie made a surprised, but pleased, noise, one which caught in his chest and was embarassingly feminine in tone. G'raha's lips were rougher than he'd been expecting, he noted.
He wound his arms around Raha's shoulders and leaned up against the Miqo'te, to which G'raha replied by slipping his arms around Ed's waist and leaning hard against the table edge, still standing between Edvard's legs as he tilted his head and kissed Ed properly.
The only times Ed had been kissed, prior to G'raha kissing him, were either pecks on the cheek from his chosen family, (which obviously didn't count, since he saw them all as his siblings or parental figures,) or one occasion previous where he'd been all but forced into kissing a girl. The less said about her, the better, and Ed didn't want to colour this memory by thinking about her, so he swiftly put a stop to that train of thought and went back to just enjoying kissing G'raha.
Raha wasn't a bad kisser at all, which was another thing which surprised Eddie. Considering he was affectionatelly called a 'nerd' by Ed more often than not, and considering Raha's reputation for being acholarly, it was a pleasant surprise that he seemed to know what he was doing. Not that Ed had any frame of reference, of course.
When they broke apart, Edvard was already laughing.
"Was I that bad!?" G'raha excalimed, though he was grinning madly himself, drunkenly teetering about while he waited for Ed to reply.
"Not bad at all, Raha. Not bad at all."
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boasamishipper · 3 months
Hello! You are my go to expert for Night Court and Dan/Harry, so I would like to ask, which episodes would you recommend watching for particularly shippy Dan/Harry moments or storylines? Thank you <3
i am beyond honored to have been bestowed such a title, thank you nonny! <333
there are so many excellent danharry moments and storylines across all nine seasons, but here are my (very painstakingly selected) top five danharry episodes in chronological order:
1. S3E9-10 The Wheels of Justice (Part 1 + 2)
every time i think about this episode i go fully insane charlie kelly standing in front of the pepe silvia conspiracy board style. admittedly the first episode doesn't give us a lot of danharry content beyond harry smiling super fondly at dan while dan screams at bull's tiny tv, but the SECOND episode. jesus CHRIST. dan talking harry out of his slump in that pool hall........'you were good, harry! very good. you were impartial. you were fair. passionate. compassionate. understanding. and i admired you.'............dan hugging harry after harry apologized and said he would come back to court........the way harry and dan looked at each other after harry's line about taking the good with the bad no matter how bad the bad gets...........dan's smile while harry tells mac that dan is the only reason he left the pool hall..........and then. of course. this.
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what is their DEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. S4E1 The Next Voice You Hear...
'emily,' night court nation says. 'this is not a danharry-centric episode.' you are correct! 'then why is this on your list?' because after harry found out his mother was dead, mac's first instinct was to call dan, and dan dropped whatever he was doing to come and console harry. they're best friends!!!!!!!!! and i cry about it Every Day
3. S4E5-6 Dan's Operation (Part 1+2)
this is THE danharry episode. every other danharry episode go home (except please don't, you're all wonderful). seriously though if someone told me when i first started watching night court that harry would fall asleep on a comatose dan's chest after begging him to wake up (AFTER they had a huge argument earlier in the episode) and dan's first instinct upon waking up is to stroke harry's hair and also Not Move Or Say Anything Because Harry Is Sleeping and THEN they would have ANOTHER argument that ended in both of them saying 'i love you' to each other, i would have died on the spot. and then i watched these episodes and i DID die on the spot. larroquette won his third emmy award for his performance in these eps and it is extremely well deserved.
4. S5E14 I'm OK, You're Catatonic/Schizophrenic
a danharry episode that raises more questions than it answers. what do you mean dan just randomly took a nap on harry's conference table. what do you mean dan kidnapped mel torme for harry. what do you mean dan said re: his kidnapping of mel torme '[harry's] gonna kiss me on the lips for this'. what do you MEAN dan handcuffed mel torme to a chair using 'a trick harry taught him' with 'magic shackles' that HE KNOWS CHAFE and WHAT DO YOU MEAN HARRY DOESN'T EVEN HAVE MAGIC SHACKLES AT ALL. SO WHAT WAS DAN TALKING ABOUT. someday i will get a ouija board so i can talk to reinhold weege from beyond the grave and ask him hey man!!! what was up with this episode!!!!!!!!! and also harry destroying dan's car in retaliation for dan accidentally destroying his mel torme record collection (on top of harry strangling dan upon receiving the news and also screaming I'M GOING TO EAT THAT MAN'S EYEBROWS) is proof that these two match each other's freak like no one else and that's why they should be endgame, thank you and good night.
5. S5E22 + S6E1-2 Danny Got His Gun (Parts 1-3)
1980s sitcoms were operating on a whole other level because if even an iota of this plotline happened to one of my otps on any of my currently airing shows the entire fandom would burst into flames. dan is presumed dead!!! his plane goes down north of hudson bay!!! and harry is the first one to receive the news!!! and the first one to receive further telegrams from the army and also dan's belongings!!! in his will dan left harry his 'heartfelt gratitude'!!! harry had to plan dan's memorial service!!! he had to write dan's eulogy!!! he had to sit there and watch everyone in attendance including the funeral director (barring roz) not be able to say a single nice thing about his best friend!!! then said best friend CRASHES HIS OWN MEMORIAL SERVICE!!! dan is alive!!! he has a beard!!! he smells awful!!! which i will maintain to my last breath is the only thing that prevented harry from kissing the breath out of dan right there in the funeral home!!! they!!! looked!!! at!!! each!!! other!!! like!!! this!!!
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doubledyke · 5 days
Which are your Top 5 EddEddy best (ie. ''gayer'') moments? The moments where they are the most ''explicit''?
(For me, it's are the ending of Little Momma Ed, the beginning of True or Ed, the beginning of Tinker Ed, the ''wife'' moment in The Dawn of the Eds, and the totality of BPS).
those are good moments for sure
most of my favorite "eddeddy" moments aren't necessarily overtly shippy or super fruity. i enjoy getting a look at their dynamic mainly. i.e. moments that show how close or comfortable they are with each other.
one of my very favorite moments is in 'thick as an ed' when edd is losing his ever loving mind about the cheese and eddy has to tell him, "quit yellin in my earrrrr" lol. i just love the line delivery, it's so casual and realistic to how close friends would talk to each other. fave fave fave, love it.
there are a couple times throughout the series where one of them will say something along the lines of "don't leave me here" (usually edd). it's cute i dunno. oooh or " i hate when you do that" choice 👌
i enjoy episodes like 'a glass of warm ed' and 'the day the ed stood still', where edd and eddy are chasing after ed, trying to stop/clean up after his antics or figure out what's wrong with him, etc. there are several episodes like that, and i enjoy seeing them interact with each other one on one. edd's anxious hand wringing juxtaposed with eddy's irreverent cackling is very fun.
there are also lines like eddy's "WHY DO YOU ENCOURAGE HIM?!" that make them sound like divorced parents trying to come together for the sake of their kid (ed). people say it all the time because it's true, they really do act like an old married couple.
then the more subtle things, like how edd never laughs at eddy's misfortune. at least never in front of the other kids. the way he defends him (impersonating the principal for example), and covers for him. eddy doesn't exactly return the favor other than in 'tag yer ed', but he has a soft spot for edd- as soft a spot as someone like eddy can have. the fact that he let edd take his bed and read him a "bedtime story" at the end of 'momma's little ed'... pretty cute pretty gay.
i could probably go on but my laptop is about to die and im too lazy to get my charger so im gonna leave it here, but thanks for asking!
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captainmazzic · 5 months
May the Fourth is tomorrow and once again I have nothing creative to show for it despite *really really* wanting to do something.
But in light of SWTOR being on life support and the impending fear that it'll be pulled without them providing some sort of offline support, I started playing through each class again and recording them for posterity so I can look back on it and remember plotlines and characters without having to worry. So I guess that's something.
I did manage to create a (really) old SW OC pretty faithfully in the character generator, so now my personal canon Consular is this guy:
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His name is Ilkirr and I think I've drawn him like twice ages ago and I hate both drawings lol. But yeah! He's been an OC of mine for a looong time but I never really posted much about him because. Jedi are kind of boring. Pretty, but boring. Ahem.
Anyway he was supposed to show up in Opening Dialogue later on (way later), but I haven't been able to write in forever so who KNOWS when that'll happen. I had a mini-rp ages ago with an old friend between Ilkirr and Darth Mordeo, which ended up pretty shippy and cute - and since Mordeo is gonna be my Inquisitor, that's just *chef's kiss*. Maybe I can write a mini-fic and draw them again. ;v;
Happy Star Wars day and all
Dear god I need to write or draw or SOMETHING fjdsklghsdl
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butdaddyilovehimmm · 4 months
my two cents on the marvey d/s "debate"
gonna preface this by saying of course, everyone's entitled to their own opinion and if it makes you uncomfortable that's perfectly fine, but to me it's fun and it's fictional. at the end of the day it's fiction.
obviously if you try hard enough (ship goggles, yeah), everything can be seen as a "ship moment", even if they aren't inherently "shippy" or "dom/sub-ish" (in this case, "good boy", harvey gesturing for mike to sit without talking, etc.), but that's the fun of shipping, it's not serious serious.
on to the ethics part of things, obviously dating your boss and adding another layer of power imbalance IRL is wrong, i'm not gonna argue with that, but what i write in fiction doesn't reflect my irl opinions, bc it's fiction for a reason. i also don't think harvey would "abuse" his power over mike, but ig realistically and logically it's a possibility. would harvey be a good dom? i'd like to think so, but it's a headcanon, so idk.
i can say i've done a shit ton of research about bdsm, and i've always come across the saying "the sub has the power"—dunno to what extent that is true, but i thought i'd just leave it here. as long as it's safe, sane, consensual (in the fic), and mike can opt out any time he wants to—bc i honestly don't think harvey would ever deliberately hurt him—i'm all for it. i'm also all for realism in fics, but as realistic as i try to write my fics, it's fiction, which is the main point of this post, i guess.
i hope this kinda makes sense, and sorry for rambling, i'm a little drunk lol, but yeah. not attacking anyone, and it's honestly not that serious for me to be writing this lmao, but my brain won't shut up about it and i love yapping on tumblr so here it is...
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hell-fm · 7 months
I didn’t create this blog to start unnecessary fandom discourse but here we go….
(Not that it matters but I’m aroacespec)
I def don’t feel like I enjoy the fanon Alastor that is so popular in shippy or horny fanfics and fanart that is suddenly flirty and somehow caring and I understand the frustration some people have with that portrayal. If I had any say in how other fans enjoy their stuff (which I don’t have lol and neither do you), I’d wish people would move away from the suave sexy gentleman trope who just needed a single dad twink and adoptive daughter to suddenly see the light. I don’t think that’s Alastor whatsoever, but fans are allowed to do what they want and their interpretations are gonna exist, whether you like it or not.
That being said, can we stop acting like Alastor is NOT created to be a character trope that people love to sexualize? You’re valid if you don’t like it, but in that case it’s smart and mature to just…. Block content creators you don’t want to see. Like, he IS a tumblr sexyman, it’s very obvious that people are gonna go nuts for him and there’s nothing surprising about that whatsoever.
Also, everyone loves Hannigram, so I would’ve assumed that people understand the appeal of the cannibalism horror genre in a (homo)erotic context and project that onto Alastor. Like out all of the nonrapey but evil murdery things a psychopath could enjoy doing, cannibalism is the one thing that shows the most desire and appreciation for the human body. Sexual euphemism are often about eating or being eaten. It’s not uncalled for to just connect the dots laid out by the creators themselves and find some sex appeal in that. Alastor is not a normal aroace uwu boy that shouldn’t be touched or else you’re guilty of being unwholesome, he’s a violent sadomasochistic freak, there’s a lot of potential for fucked up freaky, shippy and also erotic content with him.
If you don’t enjoy that, thst is absolutely understandable and valid. But people shouldn’t bend over backwards for you, you’re the master of your own fandom fate. I know what it’s like to hate specific fandom interpretations, ships and character tropes, trust me I’m a number 1 hater. But I had to learn how to deal with that myself because at the end of the day actual in real life peoples agency is more important than that of a fandom blorbo.
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thescholarlystrumpet · 3 months
Tagged by @tawnyontumblr Thank you, luv! This is fun!
How many works do you have on ao3?
166 formatting is being weird without a sentence here
What's your total ao3 word count?
910,348 - ahhh approaching 1M!!
What fandoms do you write for?
Good Omens and (to a lesser extent) Hazbin Hotel right now. Past fandoms included Rumbelle, Whouffaldi, Buffy, and Avenue 5
Top five fics by kudos:
To Tell the Truth (Doctor Who) Whouffaldi moments woven between episodes. Mostly canon-compliant.
Lending a Hand (Good Omens) In his heavenly form he wouldn’t have had this dilemma at all because there was no corporeality with which to struggle. And on the other, much less ephemeral and much more literal hand, he currently had a very noticeable (and increasingly painful) erection.
Personal Assistance (The Thick of It/Doctor Who) Clara Oswald leaves behind teaching to enter the world of British politics. What better way to make a splash than by working for the infamous Malcolm Tucker? And if discovering a (mutual) attraction happens to catch them both off-guard.... well, that's just life, right?
The Babysitter (Once Upon a Time) Tumblr prompt: Mr. Gold forgets something at his house & goes back to go get it. When he arrives he hears his son's babysitter moaning and thinks she has a boy over. When he goes into his bedroom he finds her touching herself on his bed alone moaning his name.
None of Your Business (Once Upon a Time) “Well, it’s very nice to meet you at last, Angus.” She rolled his name around in her mouth as though she hadn’t been screaming it the night before. Mr. Gold tries to balance lust and trust with less finesse than he'd like to admit. Luckily, Belle can give as good as she gets.
Do you respond to comments?
I've made it a goal to try and reply to almost every comment. I'm grateful someone took the time!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh undoubtedly Silence is Golden. I made my self tear up writing that one...
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Almost all of them? But I will take this chance to pimp my Canon-based Buffy Season Six Fix-it! (Everyone lives!): Making the Pieces Fit
Only totally non-shippy fic in my repertoire and one of my proudest achievements.
Do you get hate on fics?
rarely if ever?
Do you write smut?
Bwahahahahahaha. Oh. Yes.
Craziest crossover:
Not Just Watching Anymore - Buffy/Good Omens excuse to write an M/M/M threesome between Aziraphale, Crowley, and Giles :D
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, back in the rumbelle days, someone linked me to a site trying to sell my fic as theirs and we reported it.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
If they did, no one ever linked back to me :(
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Working on one with @hakunahistata tho we've both been sidetracked by Bang fics, hehe. It's gonna be great to get back!
All time favorite ship?
Oof. I love all my OTPs but I'm definitely *deep* in Aziracrow right now and hope not to emerge any time soon.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
What are your writing strengths?
I get good feedback on my dialogue and characterization. I think I write pretty kickass smut most the time.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Background. What color are the walls? Where is the furniture? I have no fucking clue unless its relevant to the story. That table only existed when I needed the character to lean against it. It wasn't raining until that helped set the mood. Some people write exquisite scene setting and I am envious but writing it bores me to tears.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
One of my IRL besties can read a bunch of ancient languages and WILL side eye improper grammatical structure in fiction so I picture them giving me that look unless I do the really proper research (or ask them directly).
First fandom you wrote in?
unofficially HP but per my AO3, Once Upon a Time
Favorite fic you've written?
Ask me to cut my baby in half while you're at it, geez! But right now, I am proudest of For Loving One 
No pressure tagging: @voluptatiscausa, @naromoreau, @fishey-me @ineffabildaddy @she-makes-things @hakunahistata @nosferatini @zin-lynn-c and anyone from the @goodomensafterdark crew!
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royjamieprompts · 1 year
Roy/Jamie prompt: Roy takes a knock to his head and ends up with mild amnesia. Unfortunately, he thinks it's S1 and Jamie's that upstart prick he can't stand. In actuality they've been married a couple of years now. Jamie is devastated, especially when Roy utterly rejects him and wants a divorce ASAP! No one is gonna stand for that and amnesia or not, Roy gets read the riot act by several people, especially Phoebe who's not going to lose her uncle Jamie. Roy relents and actually agrees to get to know his husband. They somehow fall in love all over again. Then Roy's memory comes flooding back out of the blue and he's sick with guilt over how he's treated Jamie. Jamie is just too happy to have Roy back fully to care about how deeply he's been hurt by this whole, exhausting ordeal.
There's so much angst to this!
Though I'm going to put it out there that no one should be too hard on Roy here, since:
1. he has a traumatic brain injury and
2. even though that's not the point, since we're being shippy, if it's s1 Jamie, it's s1 Roy which means he also has to deal with not being a footballer anymore because of his shit knee all over again.
The man would be going through it. I think him immediately overreacting to being married to Jamie makes a lot of sense in this context, especially if it's, like, the first thing anyone tells him. He doesn't know how to process his emotions on a good day.
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pilot-boi · 1 year
Thank you for notifying me about this crime, I shall rectify it:
How did Jaune encounter his patron? Did she trick him? Did he misunderstand?
Also, why do I get the feeling Jaune is accidentally good at illegal shit?
*cracks knuckles* Let me find my notes…
Strap in this is gonna be a long one
Like a really long one. I haven’t gotten to talk about this AU in MONTHS so prepare for what is basically a whole overview of Jaune’s whole arc throughout the campaign
Jaune’s wasn’t even aware that he was an aasimar until he was like 15. His whole family was born with golden hair, and sapphire eyes, and the mark of the Sun on their forehead, so to him it was just how things were
Besides, there’s people from his village who can make trees bloom with a wave of their hands, so being especially blonde wasn’t that weird
Not sure how it happens, kidnapping, trafficking, village is attacked, but somehow the boy and most of not all of his siblings are captured and thrown into a fighting ring scenario
Cue awakening of aasimar heritage in all the Arc kiddos, which helps them survive in the ring. Trauma time woohoo, they’re trapped there for literal months
Eventually, in a dream, Jaune accidentally makes a deal with a dark entity, telling it “I don’t care what you want, just please get me out of here”
The entity obliges, to the letter, JUST getting Jaune out of there, and leaving the ring burning in their wake
His siblings aren’t dead, they escape during the chaos and eventually make their way back home, but Jaune thinks that he’s responsible for all of their deaths
And as the days go on, he realizes he can… do things that he never could before
“Magic, my little bird. A gift for performing so well for me,” a dark voice whispers in his dreams
He doesn’t know it, but his patron ends up being the BBEG, AKA Salem. And for once, I didn’t decide this, you can blame @harmonylight for that one
Plot goes on, Jaune questioning every choice he makes because is it really his choice? Or is it this dark force giving power to protect people and himself? How free actually is he, or is he still trapped just like he was in the ring?
Late campaign is rough, when the party starts speaking out against Salem. It’s obvious she’s the BBEG by this point. There’s a whole cult, Nora’s mom was a member of it. Nora stops trusting him for a bit until Jaune deep in his feels does something SUPER reckless to protect her.
They more they speak out against Salem, the more she manipulates Jaune into thinking his friends hate him. Worse, they unknowingly make it easier for her by distancing themselves to protect him
The party keeps waking up for watch with him watching them, or standing over them. Anything Salem can puppet him to do to be less trustworthy. Trying to put a schism between him and them
Jaune of course remembers none of this. “See? They don’t trust you, little bird. They don’t CARE about you”
Jaune doesn’t remember doing it, but he also fully believes it’s happening. And while he believes Salem that his friends must hate him/be afraid of him he also takes it as the threat it truly is
“Look how easily I could kill them, and you can’t stop me? Look how helpless you are”
Penny is a big part of helping him realise that Salem isn't fully in control of him that he can resit and he can beat her. There’s nothing shippy, they’re bros
There’s an arc just before the end that goes REALLY bad for Jaune, he’s becoming more and more convinced that he’s a bad person, that he’s dangerous, that he’s going to get all of his friends killed just like his family
And THATS when he finds out that his family is actually alive. And that gives him something to resist for, because now he has a home to return to. Because one thing that is true about all Jaunes, he is dogshit at fighting for himself and great at fighting for others
Luckily, because she’s just his patron, they can kick her ass without worrying about hurting Jaune. The campaign ends in the nine hells, fighting Salem herself
Cinder is also a warlock of Salem. They meet her a few times throughout the campaign, each time a little more corrupted. She’s actually the first minion they fight when they reach the hells, and by that point she’s FULLY puppet, not a scrap of Cinder actually left
Sort of a “This is what could’ve happened/could STILL happen to Jaune if this doesn’t end soon” It went faster for Cinder because she’s been bonded for longer and also because she fully indulged in what Salem wanted of her
But by the end of the campaign the first bits of corruption are starting to show on Jaune. They mostly go away after Salem is sealed away, but the physical affects are still there
After all of that, obviously Jaune doesn’t have magic. No patron means no warlock. He borrows some books from Tai and Emerald (both wizards) and studies to learn what he can.
But mostly he finally relaxes, surrounded by the family he thought he lost, and the family he gained because of that loss
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an-au-blog · 10 months
difan is fine by me~
and i gotta say, SO excited by how much thought you've put into these options!! i think impel down is a super compelling choice, wrt the traumas your au buggy has, and making the marineford storyline still work, AND for that shippy agenda of yours (which i am fully in favor of ftr 😍)
i'm having fun imagining the marines announcing the buggy-roger pirates connection to the confusion of everyone on that ship BUT luffy, who did hear from rayleigh the other day about some buggy guy who used to be on the roger crew with shanks—but it didn't occur to luffy that this could also be HIS buggy until just now
alabasta is also a really interesting choice!! is the interest in history something he picked up after getting to know robin, or is it an interest he always had & is now remembering? (like, idk, maybe he recognizes the poneglyph language? and can't READ it, not without years of study and practice, but he thinks he used to know someone who could…?)
Aaa thank you, difan :')
I imagine that, yes, he picked up his love for history from Robin. Other than being the only responsible one adult, she often has a lot of sleepless nights, just like u!Buggy (who gets horrible night terrors). And I think that they would bond over being night owls. Also when she tries to tell him about the poneglyphs or just approached the topic, he reflexively goes "oh, yeah I know that", and then has a "wait... why do I feel like I know about them?" moment.
No, he cannot read them, but he knows more than the average person about them and about other things related to them. Robin thinks someone in the past before his memory loss taught him, or could read them, or maybe even found some of them...
Idk I just love the idea of Buggy being surprisingly smart especially with history (he asked Roger's crew taught him to be smart because he couldn't be strong like Shamks), so I guess it's self indulgence.
About the impel down thing:
Luffy would definitely be like "huh, so you're that Buggy, okay, cool!" Also I believe that all the prisoners would still want to become him devote followers, but he'd have to say goodbye to them because he's no captain, and the only captain he has is Luffy. (Which essentially makes them both respect Luffy immensely and think Buggy is just sooo modest and sooo loyal, committed, modest, etc, etc.)
I'd forgotten that the straw hats meet Rayleigh in the bar before Kuma sent them off and every detection. So I believe that Buggy already had a little talk with him about his life. And by little talk I mean he knows Rayleigh recognized him, and he finds out they've known each other because they both sailed. He refused to tell him more because he should find it for on his own pace.
(I'm gonna push some shuggy, here again lol):
On the way to Marine Ford, when the person on the snail told everyone that he was a part of the Roger pirates and is an associate of Shanks's, he was terrified. He'd never really seen this red-haired Shanks guy, only knows what Luffy had told him and what he's heard from the grapevine. And sure, Luffy praised him, but Luffy was way too trusting and positive. So excuse him for being untrusting towards a complete stranger.
(To give myself an excuse to push them in physical proximity...) Buggy would get swept by the attention and action, and Luffy would be taken by Law's crew by the time Buggy realizes he's gone. That's when Shanks sees him. His long lost friend and the person he was chasing ever since he found out he escaped from his entrapment on his own.
Shanks seems happy to see Buggy, and he seems like the only better option of getting the hell out of Marine Ford, so he takes him up on his offer for a ride back.
Once in the ship, where Shanks doesn't have to keep up appearances, he finally lets himself give Buggy a proper hug and starts telling him how much he's missed him and how worried he's been.
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