#which he had gotten a hold of by going to the moon with John the Baptist
miramisaki · 5 months
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34(???) days until Charlie...
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harryspet · 9 months
yours to tame (1) r. cameron
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[warnings] dark!alpha!rafe x reader, pogue!beta!reader, alpha!sarah x reader, werewolf au, a/b/o dynamics, ward is pack alpha, soulmate bond, forced marking, future NONCON/DUBCON READ AT YOUR OWN RISK 18+
A/N: new short series yayyy
In which the Moon Goddess cruelly picks Rafe Cameron to be your soulmate.
word count: 4.3k
main masterlist
You’d only come to this side of the island for two reasons: Sarah Cameron and your job at the country club. The rest of your time was spent with your friends in The Cut. The bars there had much better company. You dealt with Kooks enough, working as a beverage cart girl on the golf course. It was difficult for you to hold your tongue around them, that’s why you’d almost been fired twice, but luckily, your boss was a former Pogue who had a soft spot for you. 
The only way you’d entered the Alpha of Kildare’s house, Tannyhill, so far was through a window. Sarah hadn’t wanted to introduce you to her family yet, but today, he actually asked you to come to the front door. Her stepmom Rose answered the door, and Sarah introduced the two of you. Although Rose had a smile on her face throughout the short introduction, it was clear she disapproved of Sarah’s taste in friends. You met Wheezie too, who was much more welcoming. 
Although you were a Beta, you didn’t come from good stock. Your Dad became a Rogue not long after you were born, and your mother was always so depressed that you practically raised yourself. Although Sarah was an Alpha, her family saw her more as a bargaining chip to eventually be married off to the Alpha of another pack. Everyone assumed that her oldest brother would be the one to take over Kildare. 
Up in her room, Sarah quickly introduced you to her bed. You and Sarah were good friends ninety percent of the time when she and John B. were going strong, but the other ten percent when she and John B. were on the rocks, the two of you were much more than friends. Apparently, they’d gotten into a big fight last night, and, at first, you listened to her complain about how he hadn’t been making enough time for her lately.
“His deal is that he won’t invest more into us until we’re officially mated or whatever. But we’re so young, you know?”
“Sarah …what’s the real reason?”
She sighed, shaking her head, “It is because we’re young. I know we’re going to be together at the end of … all of this. But maybe I just don’t want to piss off my Dad just yet. He’d kick me out …”
“And then you’d be a full-on Pogue,” You finished for her, “I guess I get it. This house is insane.”
Sarah was needy, and oftentimes, she needed intense passion and adventure to feel loved. Once she finished venting, there was a change in her eyes as her mood shifted. From longing and sadness toward lust. 
You never liked Alphas, maybe that’s why you didn’t care about getting on John B’s bad side, but Sarah was different. She didn’t carry around a dark aura of corruption or force her will on others. She knew what she wanted all the time, and she was always willing to work to get it. 
You laid beside her, heads pressed against the pillows of her bed. She placed a hand on your waist and batted her long eyelashes at you. Slowly, her hands wandered underneath your t-shirt, “Would you want to sleep over?” She leaned closer, her voice soft, “I don’t think I want to be alone tonight.”
“Sure,” You answered as she leaned in to press her soft, full lips onto yours. The grip on your waist grew tighter as she pulled you closer. Although Sarah was an Alpha, she didn’t crave dominating you. You liked that she saw you as an equal. When she kissed you, she did it for both her pleasure and yours. 
She felt you up, massaging your breasts through your bra as the two of you made out. 
Hooking up with Sarah Cameron often involved a heavy makeout session followed by dry humping. Sarah liked to be on top because, you imagined, she liked the attention. She could work magic with her hips and wanted you to hold her waist as she did. You also had a perfect view of her from this angle. She pushed her dirty-blonde hair from her face, smirking down at you. 
“Have you ever been in heat, Y/N?” She asked. 
You thought about her question, “Not the typical kind, and it might happen once or twice a year.”
“What does it feel like?”
You frowned, “You feel weak like you don’t have control of your own body. And it makes me lack the ability to make good decisions. Remember when I hooked up with that Touron just because I thought his car was cool? Yeah, that was my heat.”
Sarah laughed, “I’m so glad you didn’t get knocked up.”
“You and me both,” you smiled at her. 
You stared at each other for a moment before Sarah leaned back down to kiss you. However, a pounding on the door interrupted you two. “Sarah! Sarah Cameron,” A deep voice sang from the other side of the door. As your heart jumped out of your chest, Sarah crawled off of you. She grabbed ahold of her shirt, trying to turn her shirt the right way around so she could put it on. 
You moved to fix your hair, but the door opened just as Sarah shouted, “Don’t come in!” 
“Sarah, why are there scratches on my truck?” The tall man narrowed his eyes on Sarah. His scent was strong, overpowering almost, and you felt a cloud of worry over you at the sight of him. You were distracted for a moment, the air had gone out of your lungs, but you remembered to fix the spaghetti straps on your top. 
“What are you talking about? I didn’t scratch your truck, Rafe!”
He rolled his eyes, “Oh yeah, why’d I find your damn bike right next to it. I told you to be careful, I don’t understand why you’re so hard-headed, you know? You’re going to pay to get it fixed.”
Sarah was the one rolling her eyes, “You’re insane if you think I’m doing that. I’m telling you, it wasn’t me.”
“And I’m supposed to believe you. All you do is lie, Sarah,” At the word lie his eyes finally landed on you, taking you in. Scenting you, no doubt, “This your friend? John B. know how many friends you have?”
“Screw you,” She hissed. 
You knew Rafe because everyone did. You knew what he was like mostly because of a girl you work with, an Omega named Sofia. He was like most Alphas, who preferred an Omega mate because they craved control, and he seemed like to type to pick someone purely based on how fertile they were. Sarah rarely talked about her own brother, and you were beginning to understand why. 
“I know you,” His eyes narrowed at you before he could place where he remembered you, “Cart girl.”
“Whiskey neat,” You responded, remembering what he always ordered. You also remembered he usually tipped well, even if he barely made eye contact with you. 
“Her name is Y/N.”
“You have some type of fetish for Pogues?” She scoffed, “You blow my mind, you really do.”
She lunged forward, pushing his chest, “Get out!” She commanded. He was clearly angry but wouldn’t challenge her further. He stepped back, turning on his heels, and she slammed the door as soon as he was in the hallway. 
“Ugh,” She groaned, her fists clenching, “I’m sorry, he’s . . . he’s rude and horrible.”
“I can see that,” You grabbed ahold of her hand as she climbed back on the bed. You attempted to calm her down, rubbing circles in her palm, “I’ve got thick skin, don’t worry.”
“You know you’re not just a hook-up, right?” Sarah looked at you, sincerity in her gaze. 
“Yeah,” You nodded, “Usually, for me, hooking up implies sex. We clearly haven’t done that.”
Her eyes darkened, and a mischievous smile grew on your face, “Oh, that’s my fault,” Sarah leaned in, “I didn’t want to scare you off, but …I wanna fuck that shit out of you, Y/N.”
“I’m all yours, Alpha,” You teased her, and that was the final straw before Sarah Cameron wrapped her arms around you and didn’t let you go for the entire night. 
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You arrived at the bonfire by the beach later than all your friends. You were trying to catch up with them, already on your third hard seltzer, and the buzz was quickly setting in. You were hesitant to go to a bonfire with both Kooks and Pogues invited, but so far, the night had been civil. There was a clear segregation, with a lot of the Kooks at the top of the beach by the dunes and a lot of the Pogues closer to the water. You were currently watching JJ and Pope wrestle each other in the sand. 
You bet 10 dollars on Pope winning while Kie was dead set on her boyfriend winning, “JJ has had like 8 beers. He literally becomes the Hulk when he’s shit-faced.”
“So? Pope is way smarter, though,” You retorted, “He’ll figure out a way to win.”
“You got me there,” You and Kie laughed together. 
Whenever you thought Pope might tap out, you screamed at him to keep going. It was an intense battle, but before the two of you knew it, Pope had kicked JJ’s feet from under him. JJ fell back into the shallow water, clearly hitting his head, “Shit,” You and Kie cursed simultaneously before you ran towards them. 
“You okay, JJ?” You kneeled down, looking down at his glazed-over eyes, “Did you pass out?”
Slowly, he shook his head, “Nah,” he groaned, “Pope just took the wind out of me.”
“You better not have a concussion,” Kie told him. 
After knowing JJ was fine, you cleared your throat, “No rush, of course, but I’ll be waiting for my ten bucks.”
“Yeah, whatever,” You heard Kie say, but you were already celebrating with Pope. 
As the rest of the night went on, you drank a little bit more than your normal limit. You were having the time of your life hanging out by the water and catching up with the people you hadn’t seen since graduation. 
You were standing by the fire, red solo cup in your hand, when you felt a hard tap on your shoulder, “Where’s Sarah?” A shrill voice asked, and you turned around to be met with the snarling face of a preppy, black-haired Kook. 
“What?” Your eyebrows furrowed. 
“Sarah Cameron?” She shrieked again, “Where is she? I know you know her, and I know she’s here!”
You looked around you, all of your friends now staring at you, “I know her, yeah, but you might have some vision problems because she’s clearly not here.”
You recognized the girl from the Glisson family, one of the most prominent families on the island. 
You moved to turn back towards the fire but the feral Kook was still yelling, “Fine, I need you to give her a message—”
Maybe it was the liquor but the sound of her voice was starting to make your blood boil. She was not respecting your personal space and she seemed entitled to your attention, “Do I look like her fucking assistant?”
“Y/N,” You heard Pope’s voice, “She’s plastered.”
You rolled your eyes at the warning. 
“Tell that bitch to stop running her mouth about me, especially to her brother. I am …I am not a whore. She’s the whore,” So this is what the Glisson girl was on about. Sarah had told Rafe she wasn’t the innocent virgin she claimed to be, “She’s the one with low standards, who fucks dirty Pogues, and pretends like she’s a good girl.”
You took a breath and stared back at the girl, “What did you say your name was?”
“Uh,” The girl was taken aback for a moment, “Madison Glisson, you can tell her the message was from me. And that she’ll be sorry when I am Luna of her pack.”
“Madison,” You smiled, “You got it. I’ll tell Sarah that you called her a dirty whore, and then I’ll tell her I beat your ass–”
As you tackled the girl to the ground, your friends began to shout your name in unison. Your drink spilled all over her, thankfully, and you quickly had the upper hand. Sand scratched you wrestled to hold her down. You’d already sniffed out that she was a Beta, and she was able to put up a fight once she got her bearings, but you were already whaling at her face, “You dumb bitch,” You shouted, “Who do you think you’re talking to, huh?” She screamed, trying to scratch and grab at your clothes. 
Your anger was partially because you felt protective of Sarah, but you also felt the girl had made a direct attack on your character and friends. You weren’t perfect, Sarah definitely wasn’t, but neither of you acted like you were. 
“Y/N, someone's going to call the cop!” You heard Kie shout. 
Hands grabbed your waist, and initially, you thought it might be Pope or JJ, but the touch sent heat over your skin. The person lifted you easily, and you thrashed in their arms until you felt a  sudden sense of calmness. As you were set down a few feet away from the fire, you locked eyes with Rafe Cameron. Your eyes grew impossibly wide, knowing that an Alpha’s touch should not feel like this, “You won, okay?” He said, lips parted and breathing heavily. His eyes were wide, too, looking down at you, “Wha …”
He pulled his hands from you, and that heat lingered on your waist. He stared at his ringed fingers, examining them, “W-What was that?” You finished, “Don’t …don’t touch me again.”
Rafe stood, backing away. With each step he took, there was an ache in your chest.
“Uh, Y/N, the cops are coming! We have to go!” You stumbled to your feet before you and your three friends ran in the opposite direction, away from Rafe Cameron. 
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Unfortunately, according to pack law, only Alphas can challenge other Alphas. Therefore, your case fell under the jurisdiction of Kildare County’s law enforcement. The Glisson’s pressed charges, of course, and you were facing a simple battery charge. The worst part was that they caught you on Friday night, which meant you had to spend the entire weekend in jail. You weren’t expecting anyone to put up any money for your bail, but it was just another shitty layer to your problem. 
You weren’t looking forward to groveling and begging for your job back. You also knew word would get around and that the Kooks would gossip about your drunken mistake. 
On Monday, you were surprised someone covered the entirety of your three-thousand-dollar bond. When you walked out of the jail in your dirty beach clothes, Rafe Cameron was certainly the last person you expected to see waiting for you.  He usually expressed only indifference towards you, but he almost seemed…concerned, “Sarah sent you?” You asked immediately. 
He shook his head, “Uh, no, I’m here for you,” He was backed against his large truck, his arms crossed in defense, “Because you did something so stupid."
“Excuse me?” You raised an eyebrow, “Whatever, I don’t want to know, goodbye.”
Swiftly, faster than you could comprehend, he grabbed your wrist. You yelped, quickly pulling your hand away. You remembered that electric feeling from the night on the beach, “I told you not to touch me,” You rushed out. 
“Get in the car, I can explain, Y/N.”
“Listen, I feel it too,” He said, which made you pause, “If you get in the car, I can explain what’s going on.”
“Sarah didn’t send you?”
“No one knows you’re out except me. And I haven’t seen her; she’s probably scheming with the other Pogues to raise your bail money.”
You rubbed your temples, “I need to call them.”
You realized then that you must’ve lost your phone during the fight. By now, if no one stole it, your phone had gone out with the tide. 
“You can use my phone if you get in,” He offered. 
“If you try anything–” Rafe was already opening up the passenger side door. 
“Get in,” With a deep sigh, you climbed inside of his truck. 
This was a bad idea, although you were on a roll when it came to making bad decisions. Besides, you were curious about this sudden connection you and Rafe were experiencing. It was nothing good, that you were sure of, but you needed to figure out how to stop it. 
You were also sure he was working some Alpha voodoo on you. Rafe’s scent fully enveloped you inside the car, giving you that similar soothing feeling. When you tried to raise your defenses, to hone your heightened senses, you failed. You could barely concentrate on anything other than his smell. 
“Phone?” You asked after the truck pulled off. 
Although he seemed annoyed, Rafe pulled out his expensive phone, and typed in the password for you. Despite the fact that Sarah was confused as to why you were calling from her asshole brother’s phone, she was relieved to hear your voice. She and John B. had just entered a pawn shop, trying to sell some of her jewelry in order to raise money. You assure her that you’re okay and that Rafe is going to drop you at your house. 
You didn’t let her interrogate you for long because you had some interrogating to do yourself.
“Go ahead, explain yourself,” You said. 
“I’ve been, uh, questioning myself. You know, asking myself what kind of pack leader I’m going to be. How I’m going to live up to my Dad’s expectations and, uh, everything is becoming a lot clearer to me,” You stared with furrowed eyes, “Anyways, whatever, I realized, after I touched you that night on the beach, that we’re mates. True mates.”
“True mates …” You were already shaking your head, “What does that even mean?”
“Soulmates, Y/N!” Rafe gripped the wheel tightly, “Like hand-picked by the moon goddess kind of mates.”
“You and me?” You laughed. 
“I’m not lying,” Rafe grabbed ahold of your hand roughly. Your breathing quickened, and your eyes locked with his. Every muscle in your body was telling you to focus on him, to look at him and let him gaze upon you. 
“We’ll break the bond then,” You spoke through gritted teeth. 
Rafe let go of you, focusing his eyes back on the road, “That would be … extremely painful. For the both of us.” 
“I’m sure you would rather mate with someone else. Madison Glisson, for instance, remember her?”
“You do realize I just bailed you out of jail after you broke her nose, don’t you?” Rafe asked, “I’ve never been interested in her.”
“What about an Omega? Wouldn’t you rather have someone who’s going to listen and obey?”
“Betas are still ranked underneath Alphas. You’re supposed to listen and obey too–”
You scoffed, “I’m not that kind of Beta. See, it just doesn’t work.”
“I won’t reject you, Y/N, and you won't reject me either,” Your lips parted to respond, but you stared for a moment, dumbfounded, “Everything you had with my sister, or with anyone else, is over.”
“The Moon Goddess is offering you a great opportunity. A chance for a better life. Do…Do you have any idea what I could give you?” His voice grew deeper and darker. You should’ve known his nice guy routine was all an act to trap you here, “Huh?”
“I don’t want it.”
The car came to an abrupt stop as Rafe slammed on the brakes, pulling over into the dirt. The road was quiet but inside of Rafe’s car was far from that, “It’s Sarah. She’s got her little claws into you, yeah?”
“No, Rafe-”
“Yeah, I see what’s happening here,” Rafe nodded, “The way Sarah lives her life, toying with John B., messing with you, it’s not right. That’s no way to be a real leader.”
“She’s my friend,” You say, although you feel your voice growing smaller, Rafe’s presence taking over yours, “And I trust her more than I’d ever trust you.” 
“Do you think she’ll be loyal to you once she knows about us?” Rafe smiled, although you knew he wasn’t happy at all, and his eyes began to water. There was nothing else you could say to him; you knew that, and it was clear he was expecting a different reaction from you. He wanted you to fawn over him, to see how he’d taken care of you, and he wanted you to say thank you. He wanted an Omega which you’d never be. 
“Us? There will never be an us,” You sealed your fate with those words, grabbing the passenger door handle and practically falling out of Rafe’s truck. 
“Hey!” He shouted, trying to grab at you. 
Without another thought, you ran straight into the tree line. Despite the fact that you were running, you felt yourself breathe much easier, and your thoughts began to clear. That was the mate bond that you were feeling? You couldn’t imagine the Moon Goddess being so cruel to you. 
You ran from him, ignoring how right your name sounded on his lips. As he gained on you, your wolf took over. You were an experienced shifter, and you felt no pain as your bones molded and shifted. Your clothes tore from your body as you felt your speed increase. You glanced behind you to see how far he was behind you, but you saw a towering black figure with glowing red eyes. 
Angry with us, your wolf said; he’s angry with us. 
Slow down, this was Rafe’s voice now echoing in your head. He shouldn’t be able to get in your head like this. He wasn’t your Alpha, and you never accepted the bond. At a certain point, it didn’t matter how fast you were, as Rafe’s wolf was naturally stronger than yours. You still put up a fight, ignoring your wolf, as you and Rafe suddenly collided. You rolled through the forest underbrush, fighting for control, until Rafe finally landed on top of you. You did what you could to get him to let you go, biting at whatever you could. 
Shift, he tried to command you with his Alpha tone. You kept biting at him, which released an angry growl from his large form. Shift now, he tried again. Almost out of control, your wolf began to whimper. She hated that you were resisting him, rejecting him, and she began to punish you. You cried out as you were forced to shift, feeling every breaking bone and retracted claw or fang. 
You were weaker than you’d ever felt, lying naked on the forest floor. It felt like the first time you had shifted when transforming had left you bruised and bedridden for days. You breathed heavily, staring up at the Alpha before you. Rafe shifted easily, a muscular figure replacing black fur, sparkling blue eyes replacing red ones. 
“Please. Stop.”
“This is her will. Who am I to deny her?” Rafe grabbed your chin, turning your head to its side before sharp canines elongated from his mouth. Your shift had left you paralyzed, and you only could scream as Rafe sunk his teeth into your shoulder. 
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You and Sarah had many conversations about mate marks. John B. had almost bit Sarah in the middle of sex. It scared her so much she didn’t hook up with him for two months, although he was entirely apologetic. Alpha mates marked each other out of respect for their bond, and Alphas often marked Omegas to exhibit their claim. You knew immediately what Rafe had done wasn’t out of love or respect. He felt you slipping away and took the opportunity to try to control you. 
Now, every wolf on the island would be able to sense Rafe in your own scent. They’d know you were claimed by, out of all people, the Alpha of Kildare’s son. 
Rafe carried your naked figure back to his car; blood smeared over your skin before he finally drove you home. You were in and out of consciousness at that point, but you remembered hearing your mother’s panicked voice and Rafe placing you on the twin sized bed in your small room. 
The next time you came to, both Sarah and your mother were in your room. Sarah stood by the door, her arms crossed tightly, and your mother was sitting on the bed beside you, “He just left her like this,” You heard Sarah say, venom in her tone, “I didn’t …I didn’t ever think he would do something like this.”
“He better make an honest woman out of her,” Your mother said, and you felt her grab ahold of your hand, “Alpha Ward will recognize their bond, won’t he?”
“He won’t be happy about this,” Sarah shook her head, “But he doesn’t ever reprimand Rafe in the way he should. Whatever Rafe wants, he’ll go along with it.”
“And what do you think he wants?”
“To hurt me,” Sarah answered, “I’m sorry about all this. I should go. She needs more rest.”
You turned your head, wincing, “Sarah,” You called out to her, but she was already slipping out the door. 
“It’s okay, she’ll be back,” Your mother said, although you knew deep in your chest that everything was going to change now, “And Rafe, he told me that he would come back once you healed. He thought you might feel better faster if you were home with your family.”
As far as you were concerned, Sarah and the other pogues were closer to your family than the woman next to you would be, “You realize what he did to me…don’t you?”
“He chose you,” Your mother sounded almost cheerful, “And he’s going to be a very powerful man on this island. He’ll take care of you and me. Like your father never could …”
You turned your head to look at the ceiling, deciding then you’d use whatever energy you had left to be far from here whenever Rafe decided to “come back”. Even if your wolf hated you forever because of it.
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Let me know your thoughts and predictions! Those who reblog with their thoughts will be added to the taglist!
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drmaddict · 1 year
Summary: Eddie finds one of (y/n)s special books. His imagination is fired, but that alone is not enough.
Wordcount: 1.434
Warnings: smutty but not explicit, mommy!kink, lots of fluff, clingy eddie munson, sub!eddie
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Eddie came whimpering into his pillow.
Sweat stood on his forehead. His breath raced. His heart was pounding. He laid slain in his bed.
What the fuck?
He patted the small paperback on his nightstand. Holy shit. (Y/n) owed him big time for keeping this a secret from him.
But from the top.
Eddie and (y/n) had been dating for six months. He was happy and would probably steal the moon for her if he could.
Last week she had stayed over at the trailer for a few days. They hadn't gotten out of bed much, but neither of them had cared. Wayne may have cared.
It had been there goodbye before she would travel to visit relatives for two weeks over the summer vacations.
It wasn't until she was already gone and on the plane that Eddie had found the little book. It had probably fallen out of her bag.
He knew by now that she liked tearjerkers as well as fantasy. But he had never read any of them.
The little book was very thin, so he had decided it would be quick to read through. After a few pages, it became clear that this was a different kind of.... romance.
A respected nineteenth century businessman was married to the daughter of one of his partners.
So far so unspectacular, until he got to the halfway point.
'"What do you say?" purred Elizabeth, leaning down to him.
"Thank you.", groaned John.
Elizabeth buried her fingers in his hair and pulled forcefully. "Thank you what?"
"Thank you mommy. Thank you."
"Good boy.", she purred, kissing him on the forehead. "Are you Mommy's good boy?"
"Yes. Yes, Mommy. Please." John broke out in a sweat. His head went light. His thoughts clouded over. For over an hour now, his wife had been torturing him in the sweetest way possible.
"Please what?"
"Please may I come? Mommy? Please? Please?"
She stroked his chest. "You've been a good boy.... You have thirty seconds. Otherwise, I guess I'll have to wait... Until you get another thirty."
John whimpered and threw his head back.
"Thanks Mommy."
It didn't take fifteen seconds for John's thoughts to completely dissolve into air and clouds and he seemed to float through time with a blissful ease.'
Eddie had had an epiphany. Not just the sex... What came after. The baths and the cuddling. The tenderness. The caring... The love.
He wanted all of that with (y/n). He wanted (y/n) to be his mommy. He blushed at the thought.
The two weeks dragged on like chewing gum for Eddie. His pillow probably hated him by now and he was getting crankier with each passing day. His imagination was on full blast, but afterwards there was never anyone to hold him and stroke his back.
He waited jitterily at the front of the trailer until (y/n)s car pulled up and came to a stop.
He jumped up and immediately ran to her. He wrapped his arms around her before she could even say anything and buried his face against her neck. She put her arms around his shoulders as well and gently stroked up and down his back. Eddie melted away. A whimper escaped his throat.
"I missed you," he sighed.
"I missed you too." she replied softly.
She patted him on the back encouragingly. "Shall we go inside, or do you want to put down roots here?"
Eddie reluctantly let go of her but immediately grabbed her hand before heading to the trailer.
As soon as the door closed behind them, he wrapped his arms around her again. He had always enjoyed touching, especially with (y/n), but he had never been this extreme.
"What's up with you?" she laughed.
He just grumbled and buried himself against her neck again. "Found something," he muttered.
"What is it?"
"A book."
"A book."
"Your... book... about... About John and Elizabeth."
His cheeks turned bright red.
(Y/n) pushed him slightly away from him. Which was not easy. He was like a baby koala.
"THE book?"
He nodded. He didn't know if it was good that (y/n) was blushing too or not. He just knew he wanted to be back in her arms.
"I want...that," Eddie mumbled shyly. Eddie Munson and shy.
"What exactly?" asked (y/n), who was starting to understand what was probably going on with him.
He sat down on the couch that was in the main area of the trailer. "I want Mommy." He had thought it would be embarrassing, but not that embarrassing. The word had been running through his head over and over for two weeks. Had been the center of his imagination. But actually saying it was something else.
"You want me to be Mommy?"
Eddie nodded.
"And what do you want Mommy to do?"
Eddie kneaded his hands. "What... What they do in the book. I want Mommy to... Tell me what to do.... I want to be good. I want to make Mommy happy." Tears stood in Eddie's eyes. What was going on now?
(Y/n) immediately sat down on his lap and put her arms around him. "Okay." she sighed.
Eddie sobbed. "What's wrong with me?"
(Y/n) stroked the back of his head. Rubbed the back of his neck. "Did you imagine what it would be like to do all that?... To make Mommy happy?"
Eddie nodded.
"Were you euphoric? Like you could completely turn your head off for a second?"
Eddie nodded again.
"And then there was no one there, was there?"
"No... I was alone.", he sobbed.
"Poor baby." she sighed again, squeezing her arms tighter around him. "It's like drugs Eddie after the high comes the fall. That's why it's important that you come down safely after. You've been psyching yourself up for days and now you need someone to catch you."
Eddie let out the next sob. "Are you going to stay here?"
"Of course. Mommy's staying." She was still stroking his hair. "But we should move this to a more comfortable place. So you're a good boy and you're going to bed? Mommy's just getting water and snacks."
Everything in Eddie resisted letting her go, but he also wanted to prove to her that he was good. No matter how stupid that sounded. No matter how embarrassing it was going to be.
He slowly got up and went to his room. He lay down on his abused pillow and waited.
(Y/n) came a little later and lay down with him. She practically pulled him on top of her and just held him.
"We need to talk about some things first Eddie."
"Like what?"
"About everything, actually," she began. "What we want to do meanwhile. Where our boundaries are. How we're going to show each other we want to stop. What you need after that. What I need after."
He breathed in her scent. "Okay... I have time right now."
(Y/n) laughed lightly and Eddie was jolted. "Alright. Safe words? Any word so I know you want to stop right now. Preferably something you'd never say during sex," she explained.
"Jason." said Eddie immediately.
(Y/n) laughed again. "Good, Jason. Mine's Ruby."
Eddie nodded. "Ruby." he repeated.
"Anything you don't want at all?"
"There's a scene where she hits him.", he said, gesturing weakly in the book's direction. "I don't want that. Ever."
"Okay. I don't want that either. Do you like it when she praises him?"
Eddie blushed again. "Yeah... Very much."
"I can bring you some more books. So you'll get... more inspiration.", she grinned.
"How many of those do you have?", he asked curiously.
She smiled. "About the subject itself.... Some." she confessed. "But normally the woman is not actually the leading part. I only have four of those... When I first read this dynamic... Something made me understand it."
"Are you bringing them."
She nodded, and he felt it more than he saw it.
"And after that?" she asked further. "What do you imagine after that?"
"This is nice.", he said an cuddled more into her.
"Does talking help?"
"I like talking... I just don't know if I'll even be able to after it." he chuckled boisterously. He was starting to feel calmer. More relaxed.
"Do you want me to talk? I could read something to you."
"Lord of the Rings?" he asked euphorically, like a child.
(Y/n) laughed. "Sure. Lord of the Rings."
Eddie nodded.
"Feeling better?"
Eddie buried himself further against her chest. Almost curled up on top of her and closed his eyes. "Yes Mommy."
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I see the new look, hoping you can maybe gift us a shot based on that y'know 👀 maybe library, fluffy, Remmy shi- (feel free to completely deny this)
Well ofc
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You thumbed the pages reading but not reading, your gaze flickering the the messy-haired boy beside you. Headphones in, one hand on his book the other on you thigh. He was unreal in the golden light of the afternoon, his hair brilliantly unruffled.
It was comfortable at first, grounding. Now with every stoke on your thigh, your mind cleared and faded to black. You cleared your throat and flipped the page.
"What you reading love," his voice a husky low from not talking.
"The dead poet's society, it was a muggle book i got back in London," You blab.
"Read it to me," he says coming closer. "I'm interested."
"Oh me Oh life of the faithless of these re-curring," you pause and look over at him, his eyes on you in rapt attention. "Of endless train of the faithless of cities filled with the foolish, what good amid these oh me, oh life?"
"Answer," he says, eyes still on you. "That you are here that life exists; and identity and that the play goes on and on and you may contribute a verse,"
"You know it? Of course you do which book haven't you read?" you ask incredulous as he buries his head in his arms before looking at you sheepishly through his hair.
"May or may not have read it a couple times," he grinned. His scars pulling as he smiles. You're mesmerised by it.
"Sure~," it came out breathily shocking you yourself. You meant to whisper it.
He freezes for a bit, his eyes unfocusing. Then he blinks and he's back to normal.
"What's wrong," Did you do something wrong?
"You-" he stops and tilts his head. "You pretty witch," he says softly.
His statement shocks you and your cheeks heat up.
"You better not be going with Larrot or Larron or Lall- whatever his name is for The Ball the ministry is holding."
"Remus? Are you insinuating something,"
"I'm insinuating a lot of things, one you're gonna dump him." you hum coming closer.
"Two, I'm going to be stepping in to replace your botchy date," you hum again as you lean in.
"Three," he paused.
"Three?" you prompted. You had just noticed how closed you'd gotten. Both your breathes coming in shallow currents.
"Three, I kiss you like i love you, which i do, then and now only if you let me," his hand coming up to caress you cheek. "Only ever if you let me,"
"I'll always let you, Moons," you say. He grins his mesmerising grin and dips in to kiss you, so softly you feel yourself float. It's comforting how his hands wrap around you and bring you in. Settling on his lap.
"Well, Well, Moony finally grew up," you break up to find Sirius and James standing over by the bookshelves. Sirius clicked the polaroid you hadn't noticed him holding. Remus' tugged on your skirt fluently as he picked you up, like you weighed nothing. (Werewolf strength you bet)
"Gonna keep this for the grand-kids," you burrow your face in Remus' neck as he tells of his friends. Your lips tingling, reminding you of what just happened.
I just kissed Remus John Lupin and i liked it and he likes meee
Blushing kicking screaming sprinting foaming at the mouth hyperventilating just Remus~ bro fr ayusDgHiunhaHNHbujgbBNUINubymhlksnlwkKgq
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ghostfacebunni · 9 months
I am, in fact, processing another wave of baby fever though I am in fact not currently fertile
So have some "the baby said their first words" moments with four of my fav boys :) (I will absolutely update later with Alejandro and Rudy but my brain is itchy with Gaz, Soap, Ghost, and Price rn)
You and Price have been married for five years, dated for two. You ended up having a baby boy (adoption, surrogate, or personal pregnancy whichever you prefer) which you, of course, named "John" aka John JR (aka JJ). Price was currently on leave, taking his time with his lovely spouse and their baby boy. As you sit in the living room in your house, Price holding little JJ and you sitting next to them, you couldn't help but record the cuteness of Price being an absolute father as he played with JJ. JJ was sitting up in Price's arms, babbling away and soaking up all the attention. Until...
You and Price both freeze, taking a few seconds to process what just happened. The room erupted with excitement. Price was grinning ear to ear, cheering his boy on. You were in both awe and shock. Your baby boy said his first word. Price was ecstatic. And the fact you got it on camera made it so much better. He definitely rubbed it in your face for days.
Or if you are also the father, you both celebrated by showing off the video to anyone who had eyes.
You and Ghost ended up having a girl. (GHOST GIVES OFF GIRL DAD ENERGY CHANGE MY MIND) A girl which you had named Diana. Ghost was getting ready to leave to go on a mission, one that will keep him away for possibly weeks, so he was trying to take his time with his lovely spouse and their beautiful little girl. You were holding Diana, gently rocking her in your arms as Ghost was giving her kisses on the head. Diana had started to fuss a little.
You laughed a little, mostly out of shock, as Ghost stood there dumbfounded. "She did not just say 'baba'.", He uttered in disbelief. You nodded, still giggling and giddy. "She's hungry, she wants a bottle.", you defend, trying to keep your grin back. Ghost picked her up out of your arms, holding her close, "You meant to say 'dada', right baby girl? Dada." Diana babbled a little. "Baba.", she repeated (more like corrected). Ghost scowled a little. "No, dada." "Baba." You were practically pissing yourself with all your laughter, having to hold onto the wall for support. Ghost was desperately trying to get your little girl to say his name. In the end, he did end up going on his mission. The first week in he had gotten a video message from you of Diana. In the video Diana was outside in the back garden, messing with the small patch of flowers and repeatedly saying "dada". At least it was her second word, right?
Gaz(my beloved):
Gaz LOVED being a father. Every second of the day he was preaching to the team about how his babies (twins, two boys named August and Lenux) were getting bigger every day. If he wasn't talking about their growth, he was showing off pictures you send of them at the park or making a mess during their dinner. You had decided to pay a surprise visit on base, bringing the twins with you and carrying them in your arms. You had a mischievous grin as you walked up to a surprised looking Gaz. "Kyle, they did it.", you informed. His face twisted in confusion, "did what?" You look at the twins as Gaz took Lenux, giving you an extra arm. "Boys, tell daddy what you said.", you urged. Gaz's face lit up. August, the little trouble maker, started to laugh. He was the first to repeat himself, "kitty!" Lenux clapped his hands a little. "Kitty!", he added. Their first words were kitty. Why? Because the neighborhood cat had paid them a visit, so they decided to use it as an excuse to speak. Gaz laughed. He was over the moon at hearing his boys speak. "Kitty, huh? I'll take it.", He snickered. And for weeks after that, he was going on and on to anyone who would listen about how his boys had said their first words. Eventually, Ghost got him to calm it down by bribing him with pictures of his own baby, Diana. The two traded baby pictures to show their spouses quite frequently.
Johnny 'Soap' Mactavish is a good man. Never one to actually face fear without a determination set in his mind. He doesn't scare too easily. Except when it comes to his spouse, who has more than once scolded him for cursing around the baby. A baby girl named Josephine. You didn't agree on a name in time when the baby had arrived, so when you had her in your arms Laswell took the liberty of giving the baby a name herself. It was endearing though, and a beautiful name, so no hard feelings. Soap has a dirty mouth. One that gets him in trouble both at home and on base. So as he was feeding little Josephine while you were washing the dishes, he had accidentally dropped the spoon. He let out a quick "fuck" before bending down to pick it up. Josephine watched him.
"Fuck.", was what she repeated.
Soap froze. His veins turned cold. As the water from the sink turned off, he nearly jumped out of his skin. "Johnny.", you deadpan. Soap stood up with the fallen spoon, slowly looking at you. You had a spray bottle at the ready, a scowl on your face. "Did I just hear our daughters first word?" He gulped nervously, knowing he was on big trouble. But at the same time he was fighting back his laughter, biting his bottom lip to hide his grin. "Fuck.", is what little Josephine decided to add to the conversation. You quickly sprayed with the spray bottle Soap, getting closer. "You and that dirty mouth of yours!", you scolded. Soap couldn't help but cackle, trying to protect himself with his hands from the water being sprayed on him. "I didn't mean to! I swear!", he defended, choking on his laughs. "You're lucky I don't put soap in your mouth!" After the laughter died down and you stopped spraying him, you both go back to your duties. Soap leaned in close to Josephine, kissing her soft forehead. "That's ma girl.", He whispered. "Johnny!", you huff.
(Hope you enjoyed my brainrot of the 141 boys with some cute baby interactions. Baby fever is no joke, it needs to leave me >:(. Have a good day, my baby birds❤️)
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wapat · 2 months
Swastikas on the Rez
161.08.12. - 161 survived Si7mt (winter solstice) since the start of Nuxalk genocide in 1862, 8th moon, 12th day.
5390XXXXX1, a number I have had to memorize. What does this 10 digit number hold? Represent? Embody? It could be many things, for now I’ll tell you it’s the number I carry to say that I am an Indian, not human.
I met a German woman a while ago, her first time to turtle island, her first time in my hometown. Coming to a place like Nuxalk territory, she really wanted to experience the culture, see the sites + wildlife. We frequently went on rides, hikes, even attended an event/gathering, from our local language it translates to “building up a village”. It was held where a family has been building on their ancestral lands through ceremonial and ancestral rights. My friend had a cool opportunity to do her first cedar weaving. As we shared our philosophies, laughed at cultural differences, talked stories through the valley, I had noticed I never took her through our Indian Reserve. In all honesty it’s not much to see. There is beauty, and lots of great people, many that have so much to offer society that may have not gotten that opportunity in the face of oppression and overwhelming odds stacked against the people. When you go through, there’s garbage everywhere, tattered houses still lived in, derelict masses of cars + appliances + furniture beyond repair, and the hateful graffiti and vandalism to decorate the vibe. I didn’t feel pride driving through the Rez with her, especially after passing a bus stop that had a swastika scorched into it, probably with some handheld torch kids use to numb their thoughts with dabs or hot-knifing. I noticed it, I knew she did, we drove in silence for a bit. I eventually got into the conversation of how nice things haven’t lasted long, the bus stops were out in that summer and have already been graffitied- to paraphrase her reply “yes, I seen a swastika on one of them. I wonder why? We’re the ones that know the implications, we’ve been taught the shame of it all.” All I could force out was “.. yeah, I wonder too”.
As I carry this with me over a time, I think about the history I’ve heard growing up of the Nazi’s victims, reading the Diary of Anne Frank in the 8th grade, the various movies documentaries and depictions of World War 2 and the Holocaust I’ve seen up until now. It’s been awhile since I’ve met my German friend, and I have been trying to educate myself more on the subject. No doubt a majority of my peers and those I’ve crossed paths with heard of how bad it was during World War 2, the atrocities and inhumane actions. One documentary series I got to watch titled “Hitler’s circle of evil”, and with a quick internet search it says “The story of the rise and fall of the Third Reich told like the drama it really was: through the personal relationships of the movers and shakers of the Nazi Party.”. It followed Adolf Hitler and how all of the Nazi party came together post World War 1. Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels (Propaganda master), and Heinrich Himmler (leader of the genocidal programs) are 3 people that stick out to me when it comes to the rise and promotion of antisemitism in that era. When Nazi’s were thinking of “The Final Solution” to the “Jew problem”, they were looking on how they should get rid of them all for good, “purifying the lands of them and keeping the Aryan people strong.” For inspiration for the “Final Solution” they had actually looked to the West on how the Indians in Canada and the United States have been treated, genocide en masse, Canadian Residential Schools and American Indian Boarding Schools, the tactics to kill and assimilate. It was Duncan Campbell Scott, the Canadian Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs (that’s a fvcking mouthful, which he held title from 1913-1932) coined the term “The Final Solution” in regards to the “Indian Problem” to kill the Indians through residential school. It’s worth mentioning Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada’s first Prime Minister, was the one who implemented Resedential Schools and was a main contributor in forcing the removal of the Indians of their land to reserves. Forcing the Indians to reserves was a tactic to make way for industry and to starve the Indians, stripping them of everything they had, considered “wards of the state” because we were “savages” who were “incapable of taking care of themselves”. We couldn’t leave, while the land and resources were being depleted, we were dependant on the food supply in the small grasp of us. The Resedential schools they stripped the children of their native names and given numbers or names of royalty of the colonizing countries, not being able to talk their native language, beaten + raped or killed to conform to the western society. A lot of the stories I’ve heard are from family, chosen family I’ve met over the years, and stories from books and documentaries over the years. This Macdonald mother fucker is on our $10 bill for creator knows how long? Not only was he a disgusting human, us NDN’s are reminded every time we want to buy food of the guy who brought so much pain and suffering to our people? In 1883 he told the House of Commons “When the school is on the reserve the child lives with its parents, who are savages; he is surrounded by savages, and though he may learn to read and write his habits, and training and mode of thought are Indian. He is simply a savage who can read and write. It has been strongly pressed on myself, as the head of the Department, that Indian children should be withdrawn as much as possible from the parental influence, and the only way to do that would be to put them in central training industrial schools where they will acquire the habits and modes of thought of white men.”.
Back to the Nazi’s. When they created concentration camps, a lot of holocaust victims were subject to starvation, their properties stripped of them, given numbers instead of names, not allowed to speak Hebrew, couldn’t practice their culture, beaten and killed. Are you seeing a connection?
Post World War 2, I hear the Hebrew language was pretty scarce. I also hear they were able to make a come back, getting fluent speakers in homes + families to live with and speak with. That is amazing, a true inspiration to hope. How come we as a people haven’t been able to do the same for our entirety? Maybe because the last Residential school closed in 1996? Maybe because of the ongoing oppression we face daily? Is Hitler or swastika’s on the German currency I wonder? Us NDN’s have so many stories, and culture, ways in the language, that are a huge asset to society. One of the set of dances in my home is a correlation to the values we must keep to society as a whole, the raw fish eater- the destruction of resources, the dog eater- the destruction of responsibility, the person eater- the destruction of community, the corpse eater- the destruction of everything sacred, and the self eater, the destruction of self. All of these would be told and shown during ceremony, to express the need of what we must not become. You know how in movies nations, or the human race unite to face a common enemy? What a triumph. In this sense, I would like to think the common enemy is shown to be within one’s own accountability. We all unite ourselves to overcome ourselves, and then leave the world better than we came, for those not yet born. The teaching of the animals and creatures on the land being our ancestors is a great one I hold dear. If it’s a pet, the ones before knew the human experience is a trying one and we need companionship. If it’s a one we eat, the love of the ancestors is pushed forward, becoming sustenance for the people. If it becomes one who wanders and lives in the land, the ancestor is living its best, unburdened with human worries, just existing to exist. It’s hard to deal with intergenerational trauma, to kick ourselves up as a collective. One inch and one step at a time. The oral traditions and practices of the NDN’s is very strong. My nation can pinpoint the day smallpox was deliberately introduced and spread to the people. We can also recount the beginning of time for the land being inhabited by our ancestors coming down in cloaks from creator himself down the eyelashes of the sun. We have the collective knowledge to co exist with the land, to flourish as one. Creator knows we need it. Be patient with us. Help us, help you, help earth, help each other.
It is a big journey we are on, trying to reclaim ourselves. Many are doing it well, and there is hope. I know there is.
I can’t condone the behaviour of a swastika on a bus stop, for all children and parents, locals to see, I can only speculate the meaning. Maybe it was just an ill informed kid vandalizing a bus stop. Maybe it’s the ghosts of an NDN spirit that is trying to say “This society isn’t safe for us NDN’s. Take care of yourselves.” One day there won’t be swastikas on the Rez anymore.
My name is Wapat. I am of the first beings descended from the eyelashes of the sun, coming from the Stuwicmc. We have messages from the beginning of time. I am not human. I am supernatural.
Conversations with others after sharing: I wanted to add somewhere in there “Yet we aren’t recognized the same way within the world view. We are told “get over it, it was a long time ago”, “you Indians should be grateful for modern conveniences, better go back to living in tipi’s then”. We have a high pain tolerance. Physical and mental. There is a lot that don’t respond in anger, but a loving anger to try and educate. I once read about an NDN in an airport being asked by a white man if he was native, which he confirmed and the white man said “so I pay your living then hey?” Hinting at the untrue idea that natives don’t pay taxes= we aren’t contributing to society, and that a lot of tax dollars go to natives making us not having to worry about basic necessities. Then the NDN reminded him of economics. How industry, how people live, how capitalism has integrated within the world to extract and pillage the land. And whose land is the system doing that to? NDN land. This economy is built around the injustices, a grave undoing to “be grateful for”.”
One friend said it was good to frame it as “Nazi’s” and not just “Germans”, which I did off the bat, making sure to have the distinction and not lump an entire people together- if I have slipped anywhere please tell me.
I tried to use the term Indian when talking from a colonial perspective and NDN from an indigenous perspective.
It’s a debatable question, what is justice in this sense? What is reconciliation? After WW2, the allies kicked up the Nuremberg trials- to put at least some accountability on those who had done so much wrong. Almost 200 Axis were put on trial, 161 convicted with 37 put to death. Some saying they “weren’t aware” of the atrocities happening in the Holocaust. The NDN’s never had a trial, it being our own government with the help of the Catholic Church, the ones who said “you are wards of the state, incapable of taking care of yourselves”, fewer than 50 people have been convicted in crimes regarding residential school, if then it was just a slap on the wrist. Sure survivors have a right to build a case for “compensation”, reliving the broken bones, deaths, beatings, rapes and inhumane treatment endured- of which some are just told “you don’t have a big enough case for this compensation”, a big FvCK YOU and a spit in the face. A dear friend of mine, was told exactly that. We know who the people are, how does one forget their oppressors? Aside from Native Allies, there is no shame in the countrymen in so called Canada as there was post WW2 Europe. It’s a hard thing. I don’t know what exactly the “Agenda” is for us NDN’s, I mean in the general population we are told to “forget” which isn’t something the world should do. “Reconciliation by land acknowledgment” still doesn’t sit right. Also reconciliation is when two parties did wrong and are trying to come together, which another local leader always tells us “I don’t think we did anything wrong”. Are we after forgiveness? I can’t tell you because I don’t know. I do know we are after co-existence, I do know we want to heal, “land back” isn’t just physical, it’s spiritual + emotional + conscience awareness of one another + our Mother Earth of which we share. It’s a hard thing. But here we are ❤️
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Keith had never believed people when they told him that dogs were not intelligent creatures. Growing up, he’d heard the same thing over and over again — dogs don’t have very big brain capacity, they could understand commands to a degree but not follow a conversation, et cetera, et cetera. Keith, stubborn as he was and is, remained steadfast in his belief that they were all wrong. Then he was 20, in space, part of Voltron, he found that he was right. Dogs are smart.
His dog, especially, is very intelligent.
Now, some people might assume that he has come to this conclusion because his dog is excellent at following commands. Or maybe because Kosmo was one of his only sources of company, on that space whale, so perhaps Keith believed they could converse. A more logical person might assume that Keith has observed Kosmo to be intelligent because, perhaps, he is an alien, and therefore not technically a dog.
They would all be incorrect. Keith knows his dog is intelligent because his dog is the most spiteful little shit he’s ever met.
Don’t get him wrong — Kosmo is the goodest boy in the universe. Keith now fully understands all those John Wick movies — if someone hurt Kosmo, Keith would go feral. He would go batshit insane. He’d kill some people. He loves his dog.
His dog is still a motherfucker.
Not once, in the two years they were on that space whale, did Kosmo follow even one of his commands. ‘Sit?’ No. ‘Stop jumping on people?’ Don’t kid yourself. ‘Please stop screaming at the moon in the dead of night when I’m trying to sleep?’ Forget it. ‘Fetch?’ In your fucking dreams. At first, Keith was like, okay. Whatever, you know? Maybe alien dogs don’t do commands. Maybe Kosmo doesn’t speak English. Krolia tried a few commands in Galran, to no effect. Eventually, he and Krolia gave up. It was fine. Kosmo was a pretty well behaved dog when he wanted to be, which was occasionally. He just didn’t follow commands — he can’t! He’s incapable.
And then Kosmo met Lance, and Keith knew his dog was a dirty liar.
“—as soon as they get back, we need to —”
Lance’s loud gasp cuts off what Keith is trying to say, so Keith turns towards him, a reprimand prepared on his tongue, only for words to fail him. Lance is staring at the space behind Keith, dark brown eyes wide and elated, beam so bright Keith feels the force of it settle heavily in his bone marrow.
“Is that a puppy?!”
Upon hearing the call, Kosmo perks right up, tail wagging so fast it blurs, and bounds right over to Lance.
All 200 pounds of him, full speed, straight towards Lance, who is scrawny as a string bean and maybe 120 pounds soaking wet.
Keith foresees some injuries.
“Wait, Kosmo, no jumping —”
Kosmo, of course, does not heed Keith’s command, and is far too fast for Krolia to grab hold of him. He continues to barrel towards the Cuban, and Keith feels time slow as Kosmo zooms forward. He squeezes his eyes shut, knowing poor Lance is going to go flying, and dammit he was going to be so mad at Keith —
“Down, boy.”
Keith blinks his eyes open only to see, right clearly in front of him, his traitor of a dog sitting, patiently, in front of Lance. Tail wagging and tongue lolling out in a big doggy grin.
Keith’s jaw drops. He hears Krolia mutter incredulously behind him.
“Oh, who’s a good, strong, well-behaved boy, huh?” Lance coos, dropping to his knees in front of Kosmo in order to adequately shower him in affection. “You are the sweetest, most wonderfullest dog in the universe, aren’t you?”
Kosmo howls.
“Aren’t you?”
Kosmo howls louder, batting his head forwards — gently! So fucking gently! Keith had never seen that little brat be gentle even once in his life! Once, Kosmo had tackled Keith right into a pile of rocks! He’d gotten a concussion! — in glee. Lance laughs, bright and loud, and Keith flushes in spite of his frustration.
“What’s your name, boy, huh?”
“Kosmo,” Keith answers weakly, because the dog can’t damn well do it himself (unless he has some other abilities he’s been hiding, the fucker).
“Kosmo, please know I love you more than anything ever,” Lance says, ignoring Hunk’s offended ‘hey!’ in the background.
Lance pays him no mind and continues to lavish Kosmo with love, and Kosmo eats it all up as if he’s been starved. As if Keith has not provided him with hourly smooches and cuddles since he was a literal baby.
After several minutes of Keith staring in incredulous (and, okay, perhaps affectionate) silence, Krolia clears her throat.
“Urgent business, Keith,” she reminds him.
“Oh, uh, right —”
Keith goes on to explain the crisis with Lotor, emphasizing the danger they’re all in, but he’s — distracted. Suddenly he wishes he hadn’t cut Lance off earlier, wishes he had given him the hug he asked for. Keith swallows, throat dry.
He’ll make it up to him.
He doesn’t really get to apologise to Lance, not in the way that he’d like. They’re just so busy, so chaotic, in between dealing with Lotor and losing the Castle and getting the real Shiro back — it’s just been a mess. Not that it’s an excuse, but it’s at least a reason.
Finally, though, a few weeks after the Lotor Incident, everyone is nicely settled on a planet, ready to camp for the night.
Keith, now starting to get comfortable again in his role as leader (with a lot of help from Lance, which shouldn’t make his heart pound and face light up with a pleased flush but does anyway because he’s a whipped loser, unfortunately), assigns everyone with a task, then sets about scouring the area to make sure they’ll be safe to sleep for the night.
When he comes back, area secured, he’s surprised to find himself alone at the campsite. The others must be taking their time, maybe doing chores together and chatting. That’s fine. They’ve got nowhere to be.
“Here, boy, you wanna try something new?”
Apparently not Lance, though. Keith jogs over to where he heard Lance’s voice, only to find him crouching in front of Kosmo, holding a decently sized stick from the pile of firewood he’s gathered behind him. Keith snorts. Lance may have more luck getting Kosmo to listen than the rest of them, but fetch is a lost cause.
“Don’t waste your breath, Lance,” Keith calls, startling the Cuban a little. “Kosmo doesn’t do fetch.”
Lance rolls his eyes, corners of his lips quirking up. “Animals tend to listen to me. I think I can do it.”
“I dunno. Kosmo is the stubbornest bitch I’ve ever met, next to you,” Keith teases.
Lance scoffs, but he’s grinning. “Oh, okay, Mr. I-Tried-To-Fight-Zarkon-With-My-Fists.”
Keith laughs. He’s missed this — their banter, the teasing, the poorly-covered affection. He’s missed Lance.
“Yeah, yeah, Cargo Pilot. Go ahead. Try it.”
Lance’s grin turns sharp, and Keith swallows. Somehow, someway, in his time away, he’d forgot how sexy Lance is when he’s being cocky.
“Watch and learn, Dropout.”
Without another beat he’s turning back towards Kosmo, who looks smugly (damn dog) at Keith before turning wide, falsely-innocent eyes towards his new best friend.
“Are you ready, sweet boy?” Lance coos, and Kosmo barks excitedly, hopping around.
“Okay, buddy! See this stuck here?”
He holds the stick out towards Kosmo, who sniffs it. Lance praises him heavily, reaching into his pocket and tossing him a treat.
“Yes, that’s right! Good boy!”
Kosmo yips, and Lance smiles, patting his head. “Now, here’s the next part — when I move the stick, you’re gonna follow it, okay?”
Lance slowly and gently moves the stick as far as he can to his left, keeping a hold on it, and Kosmo follows it dutifully.
Keith feels that earlier incredulousness bubbling back up. No fucking way.
“Excellent, Kosmo! Good job!” Lance gives him another treat, making Kosmo’s tail wag faster.
“Okay, buddy, last step: I’m gonna throw the stick, and then you’re gonna go bring it back for me, okay? And then you can have another treat. You ready?”
Kosmo honest-to-God nods, and Lance draws the stick back, before launching forward with a good amount of strength.
“Go fetch, Kosmo!”
Kosmo bounds after the stick immediately, howling loudly as he does. Keith’s jaw drops.
“No way!”
Lance smirks at him. “Yes way. Told ya.”
“Fuck off, it doesn’t count unless he bring it back, and he won’t.”
He fucking better not, the little asshole. Keith tried to teach him fetch for three goddamn months.
No sooner do the words leave his mouth does Kosmo come tearing across the field, stick clamped firmly in his jaws. He skids to a stop in front of Lance, dropping the stick at his feet, then sits, tongue lolling out expectantly.
“Oh, Kosmo, you’re so smart! Good, good boy!”
Lance gives him his treat, which Kosmo devours, and then the damn dog turns toward Keith, huffs, and prances off with his snout in the air. As if he’s the one who’s been offended.
Lance cackles. Keith sputters.
“Why — he just — that little turd!”
Keith’s indignance makes Lance laugh harder, hunching over and clutching his waist.
“Y — your face —”
Keith can’t bring himself to be truly mad, not in the direct presence of Lance’s musical laughter.
Doesn’t stop him from putting Lance in a headlock and fucking up his hair, though. Keith may be in love with him, but he has some dignity left, and he’s not gonna stand there, moony-eyes, as someone laughs at him. (Is he going to high dreamily about it later? …Possibly.)
Later, in his tent, Kosmo sprawled on top of him, Keith sighs, dragging a hand down his face. He keeps his other hand where is is, scratching Kosmo under the chin.
“Is this because I told you stories about mostly Lance on the space whale?” he whispers. “Is that why you listen to him?”
Kosmo turns his big round eyes towards Keith, blinking slowly. Obviously, he doesn’t answer.
“I think it is. I think I said the name Lance too often when you were a puppy, and it hardwired into your brain, or something.”
Kosmo leans over a licks a long, wet stripe up Keith’s face, making him laugh and shove him away. “Gross, you goober. Now I got slobber all over my face. Ugh.”
He still leans forward and plants a big kiss on his dumb dog’s forehead, even if that dog is a slobbery traitor who does not deserve Keith’s kisses. (Who is he kidding. Kosmo could body slam Keith off a cliff and he’d still give him as many kisses as he wants. Keith loves his dog.)
“Turncoat,” he mutters into think fur. “You’re supposed to be my best friend, but with all the simping you’re doing for Lance he’s gonna like you better than me, and then I don’t get a chance.”
He huffs a laugh, rolling his eyes at himself. “God, I need to go to sleep.”
He presses another kiss to Kosmo’s head before collapsing backwards, crossing his arms behind his head and closing his eyes.
He dreams of him and Lance and Kosmo, in a house of their own, overlooking the ocean.
Maybe someday.
based off this post
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icefire149 · 3 years
Certain parts of season 14 and 15 just rub me the wrong way. Everything about the shift when Mary dies again to set up conflict between Dean and Cas just doesn’t hit right. So here’s a new way I’d do it:
Jack still accidentally murders Mary, but after zipping around the Earth in a panic, he goes to Castiel. He has no fear that he’ll lose Cas over this. It’s Sam and Dean that he’s worried about. Especially Dean since he was horrible when he was born. Dean only more recently seemed like he really cared about him. He can’t mess this up. Jack brings Cas back to the house and explains what happened. 
We know Cas is a strategist and his mind would be in overdrive, because of course the Winchesters weren’t going to be okay with any of this. Hell, he’s barely keeping it together. Mary was his friend. But, Jack is his child and responsibility. And he loves him too much to let him suffer. So he devises a plan: Nick was trying to summon Lucifer from the Empty. He was succeeding. Jack and Mary were trying to stop him and Lucifer obliterated Mary. Jack wasn’t quick enough but he was able to send Lucifer back into the Empty and in a rage killed Nick. Now Jack is panicking because it’s still his fault, but not his fault. It’s Nick and Lucifer’s. And Jack while being mostly soulless is still a bit hesitant to weave such a lie to their family, but he agrees. Cas reassures him that the Winchesters will be devastated, but they’ll understand better this way. As a family, all of them will be able to grieve and move on eventually. Because: Nick shouldn’t have done what he did. It was high tension and everyone was upset, and it was inevitable an accident happened. It was just a terrible accident. 
Distraught, Jack asks if there’s anything they can do to fix things? If they can bring Mary back? If they had a body....maybe. This leads Jack to want to see Rowena to see if she could just bring Mary back. They decide to try, but stick to the story. Cas gets zapped back to his truck and Jack goes to Rowena. So we have the similar situation where Jack in a panic tries to force Rowena to fix things and she tries, but also still tips off the Winchesters. Still the magic doesn’t work and Jack is scared. Sam and Dean get to the house and are a mess trying to make heads or tails of the mess. Automatically the blame is on Jack. They’ve been worried about his soul. He must have gone completely dark side. And we’ll note that Dean is the one crawling out of his skin pacing and ranting. Sam is more withdrawn. Jack flies into Cas’ truck when he’s almost there. Cas goes into the house first. He tells Jack to wait in the truck. Cas bars the doorway with his body while he tries to explain the ‘tale’ Jack told him in the car and how devastated he is over Mary and terrified of what they, Sam & Dean, will do next. 
Dean believes Cas. It’s Cas. His anger rolls into grief & tears. His mom died. How did he get here where he has to bury her again. Cas comforts Dean with soft touch and words. He’s sorry. He’s so sorry. Cas gives into his own grief a bit. It’s Sam that continues to stand there in quiet rage. It’s like his whole lifetime of trauma is torn open again. And now there’s this new angry wound that’s only festered since Amara brought Mary back. Yes, he should be grateful that he’s gotten to know her at all, but.....it was never right. She never stayed long enough to really know him. Emotionally her bond with Dean was always stronger. He was always just a fly on the wall. She was his mom too. And now...even Cas is crying more than him. When the hell was she ever anything to him? Sam’s anger spirals, but he’s trying to keep it down. He keeps going over the house there. Something about everything isn’t sitting right with him. There’s something off. He knows it. 
So with the funeral and going home to the bunker, things feel flipped. Jack and Cas were most worried about Dean, but it’s Sam they should be worried about. Dean is angry and upset, but he’s not blaming Jack. He’s actually trying to be there for Jack. This development has Cas over the moon, because this is all he ever wanted. For them to be a family. While Dean fell into the cycle of his father’s anger when Cas died s12/13....this time he’s being what he/John should have been. And Sam is the one sinking into John’s cycle of anger. Sam’s the one drinking a bit more. He’s quiet, but there’s an anger that’s clearly there. He’s distancing himself from Jack and Cas. Eventually he blows up and admits that he blames Jack and his soullessness. For all they know he hurt her / let her get hurt purposely. Which gets Cas angry and Sam flat out admits that he doesn’t trust Cas’ word. Something feels off to him, and this isn’t the first time Cas has tried to go behind their backs. He has quite the history of it. 
This causes Sam, Dean, and Cas to go at it yelling. Jack overhears some and blames himself for ruining everything again. He’s been nothing but trouble for their family. Maybe it would be better if he just left. So he does. This ties us back to Jack being manipulated by Heaven. Dean and Cas are out trying to find him. All ties back in to Jack goes home and finds Sam alone in the bunker. And it’s easy to fall back into the trust Jack has always had with Sam. He’s always had Jack’s back. And he manipulates Jack, telling him that they’ve worked out a spell to bring Mary back. They altered the malak box spell work to harness and focus Jack’s powers. It should be enough. Dean and Cas will be back any minute with Rowena. Jack eagerly believes him and does as he’s told. Jack gets in the box and he stares up at Sam nervous. Sam tells him that there’s nothing to worry about anymore. Cas told them everything. They can fix things now. And Jack looks at him confused, everything? Sam presses that yes, Cas explained how it was an accident. Jack breathes a sigh of relief and then crumbles into tears, how he didn’t mean to. He asked her to stop, but she wouldn’t give him a moment to breathe and then..it was an accident. He didn’t mean to hurt her. And cold as ice Sam goes, I know, and closes the lid. Locking the box. 
It’s a while before Dean and Cas make it back. Jack has enough time to completely unravel in his grief, and anger, and realization that Sam lied and tricked him. Everyone keeps manipulating him and lying. Dean and Cas get back and start arguing with Sam. Just like in the show, Jack breaks out and leaves. Sam still goes into it explaining the truth he got from Jack. Cas LIED. He covered up Mary’s death. He’s known the truth all along. Dean refuses to believe Sam. He’s mistaken. 
Things roll into Moriah and Jack makes it so no one can lie. And because of that the truth finally comes out of Cas’ mouth. And Dean breaks. He tells Cas that he’s dead to him. Cas leaves to look for Jack on his own. Dean’s fury goes in on Jack. He never should have gotten attached. Jack was always a monster. All of this rolls into Chuck’s return and manipulation. He pushes Dean to kill Jack. And the puzzle pieces click into place for Sam. He realizes how much this is all a game to Chuck. Chuck pulled the strings to make every bad thing that’s happened in his life happen just for his own entertainment: Mom, their childhood, dad’s shitty parenting, Jess, demon deals, demon blood, Dean going to Hell, Ruby, the apocalypse, visions, unanswered prayers, EVERYTHING..... Chuck’s newest episode of entertainment was causing Jack to accidentally kill Mary and have to live with the consequences of losing his only family over it. Sam’s anger goes directly into Chuck. 
He needs to get to Dean. Meanwhile Dean finds Cas and Jack in the cemetery. Cas gets between them and tries to talk Dean down. Dean is shaking with fury. He’s never been this mad before. He hated Jack for being born and getting Cas killed, and then he grew to love the kid as family, and he hates him for making him feel this much. He killed his mom, and lied about it. Cas tries to explain that he was trying to protect all of them. He was trying to maintain their family. Dean coldly goes, there’s no family here to maintain. I’m a hunter. Saving people and hunting monsters is the family business, and....I see two monsters in front of me. And he holds the equalizer up, shakily. Jack sends Cas flying so he can approach Dean. He understands what Dean has to do. He accepts it and he’s sorry. Jack gets on his knees and waits. Dean can’t quite do it. He’s trying.
Sam and Chuck get there. Sam starts yelling how Chuck set this whole thing up. Chuck is trying to make Dean do this...for his own entertainment. And everything rolls back into what the actual show did. Dean can’t kill Jack and Sam shoots Chuck. Everything continues to roll similarly as s15 did, but the divorce arc is leaning heavily on Dean is angry about Cas betraying him. 
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stardusttkachuk · 4 years
Breaking Rules
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Female!Reader
Genre: Smut, fluff
Warnings: smut, fingering, unprotected sex, swearing
Word Count: 1.5k
Summary: The rules are no pogue on pogue mackin’. You and JJ sneak away from John B’s party and find yourself in the old Volkswagen, breaking that rule.
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You slide the door to the van open, quickly climbing inside with JJ right behind you. JJ can’t keep his hands off of you; they’re on your lower back as he all but shoves you inside. They find their way to your thigh before he’s even gotten the door closed and then they’re on your cheeks and in your hair as he kisses you. 
He tastes a little bit like weed, but mostly of mint. Spearmint to be exact, a taste you’ve gotten used to when kissing his lips. Five and a half months ago the kisses were short and sweet and not much to savor, but now every chance you had it was hot makeouts that lead to more.
Nobody could know though. There was a strict rule of no pogue on pogue macking, one that everyone had agreed to follow when the rules first came about. So for the last five months, you and JJ had been sneaking around. You shared kisses behind your friends back and snuck off together whenever you had the chance. Tonight was no different. The party that John B was hosting at his place was the perfect opportunity for a getaway. The old Volkswagen was questionable as the most private spot, but it was far enough away from the house, and offered shelter and warmth. And who was going to come looking in the van? John B wasn’t going anywhere, and from past experience you knew Pope and Kiara would be spending the night too. The van was all yours for the evening.
JJ grabs a blanket from the front seat and spreads it out on the floor of the back. It isn't much more comfortable but at least it’s softer and warmer than the hardwood that covered the back of the Volkswagen. 
JJ sits on the blanket with his back against the bench seat and pulls you into his lap. Your knees are on either side of his legs and you’ve got his face in your hands as your makeout session continues. JJ slips his hands under your shirt, cupping around your breasts. He’s got you moaning at his touch already. 
He pulls away from the kiss just enough to rid you of your shirt and bra, tossing them to the side. You follow suit and pull his over his head, throwing it somewhere behind you, long forgotten as his lips are on yours again.
JJ unbuttons your shorts, slipping his hand down the front of them and into your panties. His fingers glide over your clit, rubbing circles against the sensitive bud. You moan which makes JJ attach his lips to yours to quiet you down. 
“We’re gonna get caught,” he whispers.
“Well if you’d stop fucking teasing me,” you start, only for JJ to lie you down on your back and kiss you again. 
Your shorts and panties join your shirt somewhere in the old van as JJ pulls them off. His fingers return to your clit and move down until his middle finger is teasing your entrance. It isn’t long before he’s got two fingers inside you, crooking them against your g-spot and watching you writhe beneath him. 
JJ loves foreplay. He’ll prolong sex as long as possible, always wanting to see how many times he can get you to fall apart. He’s good at it too. He knows exactly where to touch you and which spots have you moaning and begging for more. He knows how to make you cum before he’s even entered you, and he loves making you cum. 
“JJ,” you moan, hand gripping onto his bicep. You’re already close, and the sounds you’re making are keeping JJ going, faster now, letting you chase your release.
His fingers are soaked when he pulls them out. He hungrily sucks them into his mouth, licking them clean. He does it every time, practically fawning over the way you taste. If you had more time, you’d happily let him eat you out, but you know the rest of the pogues will realize your guys’ absence and come looking for you soon.
JJ’s cock is hard and tenting the board shorts he’s wearing. You slip them down just past his hips, watching his member spring up, precum leaking out of the tip. He sits down again with his back against the bench seat and pulls you onto his lap. He lowers you onto his cock, biting his lip to silence the moans he desperately wants to let out.
The new position felt amazing. A lot of the time you’ve settled for standard missionary, or JJ lying down and you on top. Sometimes you’d have a quickie in the shower, pressed up against the tile wall. But sitting on his lap like this was new. It felt closer than you just riding him. You were literally face to face, chest to chest, and it allowed a new, much deeper angle. It was harder to keep quiet.
You took the lead and slowly lifted yourself up before sinking back down on him. His head tipped back, hands finding your waist as he aided in the lifting and dropping. You took the opportunity to nip at his neck, carelessly sucking a mark into his skin, right under his jaw where you knew he loved it the most. The others would point it out later and would congratulate him on getting some, then ask who it was. You took pride in knowing it was all your doing.
JJ was a mess of moans. His fingers were digging half moon shapes into the skin on your hips. Your name would fall from his lips every time you changed speed or rocked against him in a new way. The best part of it was how close you were. He didn’t need to be loud - although he wasn’t exactly quiet - you could hear each whispered plea, feel his hot breath against your skin as it picked up from your activities. There was sweat dripping off of each of you, but neither of you cared, far too lost in the moment with each other.
You were so close to cumming again and you knew by the sound of JJ’s voice that he was too. Your movements became sloppy. JJ tried to make it consistent, bouncing you faster on his cock, making you drop down harder, even lifting his own hips up, chasing after his orgasm. 
“Fuck,” JJ cursed, forehead pressed against yours. He kissed your lips, drowning out the sounds of you both tipping over the edge. It was the first time you had ever come at the same time, and damn did it feel amazing. You were on cloud nine until you heard the familiar voices nearing the van.
“JJ! Y/N!” Pope called.
You scrambled off of JJ’s lap, searching around desperately for your shorts. JJ pulled up his bottoms, quickly resituating himself against the bench seat. He grabbed a pre rolled joint that was stuffed under one of the bags in the back, lighting it quickly and placing it between his lips.
You had managed to throw on your shorts and JJ’s shirt in the dark, sitting across from him and leaning against the backs of the front seats. “Gimme a hit,” you say, reaching out for the joint.
“No. Get your own!” JJ retorts.
“I hear them!” It’s Kie’s voice this time, and then it’s the sound of footsteps approaching the beaten up Volks.
She slides open the side door, the back suddenly illuminating with the interior light. “Where have you guys been?”
“Out here. Hot boxing the van,” JJ answers smoothly.
Kiara’s eyes dart towards you. “Why are you wearing JJ’s shirt?”
“I spilled beer all over mine,” you lie, holding up your own shirt that’s bunched up in your hands. “So, JJ lent me his.”
“John B’s freaking out looking for you guys,” Pope pipes up. 
“Someone said there was a car accident like 10 miles away. He couldn’t find you guys anywhere and neither of you were answering your phones,” Pope explains.
“Shit. Mine’s on silent,” you say. 
“I never even heard mine ring,” JJ adds. 
“You are pretty faded. Maybe you shouldn’t be smoking that one,” you tease, grabbing the joint from his fingers. After a quick puff yourself you extinguish the end of it, still saving plenty for another time.
“Hey!” JJ yells. “First you’re gonna take my shirt and now my weed?”
“Yes. Now let’s go, so John B stops freaking out.”
You climb out of the back of the van with JJ right behind you. Pope stops JJ though, as you and Kiara walk in front of them and back up to the chateau. 
“Nice hickey, J,” you hear him say. 
You can feel the heat rising in your cheeks. Kie must notice the red tint to them because her jaw drops. “You are not screwing JJ,” she says through gritted teeth. “And in the back of the van too!?”
You put a finger to your lips, shushing her. “I will tell you everything if you just promise not to tell anyone else.”
“You broke pogue rules,” she whispers.
You glance back at JJ, who is flaunting the hickey to Pope who is completely oblivious to the fact that you gave it to him. “We’ve been breaking them for almost six months now.”
“And how long are you planning on keeping this a secret?”
JJ’s eyes catch yours and he shakes his head, grinning from ear to ear. “As long as we can.”
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queenxxxsupreme · 3 years
Hello! May I please request something with a reader who's hosea's daughter and she starts a romantic relationship with either Charles or Arthur? (I can't decide I love those both those boys too much)
AN: Hi babe! I chose Arthur for this! 
Warnings: implied smut
The moon hung high in the night sky and thousands of stars littered the empty space surrounding it. There wasn’t a cloud to be seen. 
Cicadas and crickets chirped. Raccoons chattered from high up in treetops. Occasionally there was the sound of a coyote as it strayed too close to camp then scurrying away upon realizing that there were people nearby. 
You made your way through camp, finishing your braid over your shoulder. 
Everyone was settling down for the night after having a few drinks. 
You moved towards the tent you shared with Karen and Sadie when a hand suddenly wrapped around your mouth from behind. An arm latched around your waist. Panic was just about to set in when you heard his voice in your ear. 
“Easy there, pumpkin.” Arthur whispered. “Don’t want anyone to hear you.”
He let you go but held on to your wrist as he tugged you around to the backside of the wagons. 
“Arthur Morgan!” You whispered his name loudly, hitting his arm. “Don’t you do that again! I almost had a heart attack!”
“Shh.” He chuckled, holding a finger to his lips. His hands found your hips and he backed you up against the wagon. “Don’t want anyone to hear you.”
You grabbed fistfuls of his shirt, pulling him down to kiss him. He pinned your hips against the wagon with his own then brought his hands up to cup your face. 
“Let’s go for a ride.” Arthur pulled away from you, his hand finding your wrist once more. He started to pull you away from the wagon but you stopped him. 
“What has gotten into you tonight, Arthur?” You asked him, a little smile playing on your lips. You enjoyed his playful moods, but they were rare and it wasn’t often that they came about. Usually it only happened when he was drinking. 
“I just wanna spend time with you without worryin’ about anyone, pumpkin.” He tugged on your hand. 
“And you wanna go for a ride?”
“How much have you had to drink?”
“How much could you taste?” He countered. You rolled your eyes. 
“I’ll only go with you if you let me control the horse.” 
“Oh, pumpkin. Come on. I wanna take you somewhere.” 
“You can tell me directions.”
“Fine.” He grumbled. “Come on.” 
Arthur guided you across camp to his horse. He helped you up onto the saddle and then got up onto the back of the horse himself. 
Slipping past Bill on guard duty was easy. 
The place Arthur took you to was just on the other side of the border of Lemoyne and New Hanover. The spot was along the shore of Flat Iron Lake. 
“What’s special about this place?” You looked over your shoulder to Arthur as you brought the horse to a stop in the grass. 
“You said the spot was special. What’s special about it?”
“Well…. it’s away from camp.” He held his hand out for you. You got down from the horse and passed him the reins. He tethered the horse to a tree so it could eat grass while the two of you went closer to the water. 
Arthur held his hand out for you again, making a grabbing motion. You furrowed your brows together before putting your hand in his. 
He walked alongside you with your fingers laced together. 
“I been doin’ a lotta thinkin’.” 
“Uh-oh.” You giggled. “Should I be worried?”
“Yeah, probably.” He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. 
Arthur was silent for a few moments, so you looked over at him. He was looking out over the lake. 
“Arthur, what is it?” You stopped walking and turned to face him. 
He shook his head, eyes flickering down to his boots. 
“It-It’s nothin’. Just stupid thoughts.” 
“It ain’t stupid if it’s got you thinkin’ so hard I can see the smoke coming out of your ears.” You reached up to cup his jaw. You brushed your thumb along his cheek. “Come on. It’s just me. You can say whatever it is you’re thinking to me.”
His eyes met yours and he nodded, a little smile tugging at his lips. 
“I…. Y/N, I want whatever it is we got…. I want it to be real.”
You furrowed your brows together, tilting your head to the side a little. 
“I thought…. Well, I guess I thought it was real.” Your voice was quiet. 
“No, not like that.” He shook his head. “I meant that I-I want to be real. To have a real…. a real thing with you.”
A smile spread across your lips as you realized what Arthur was struggling to say. 
“A real relationship, Arthur Morgan?” 
He nodded his head. 
“Now I-I put a lotta thought into it. Even talked it over with Charles. He’s a smart feller.” 
“He is. You want this?” 
“I want you.” Arthur slipped his arm around your waist and pulled you against him. “I ain’t felt that way about somebody in a long time.” 
“Only if you’re sure–,”
“I am sure.” He cut you off, pressing a kiss to the corner of your lips. “Is this what you want?”
“Yes.” You answered without hesitation, holding his gaze. “Yes.”
“Okay then.” He grinned, large hands slipping down to your backside. 
The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon when you and Arthur returned to camp. You parted ways where the horses were hitched, leaving with only murmurs of goodbyes. It was bad enough you’d spent the entire night out. You didn’t need to risk being caught just yet. You’d tell everyone when you were ready. But neither of you saw Hosea Matthews–your father–watching from the opposite side of camp as you slipped into your tent. 
Arthur wasn’t very fond of romance from the get-go, and being that you were Hosea’s daughter made him ever more hesitant to start anything with you. However, that changed when he got to know you better. 
Being that you didn’t grow up in the Van Der Linde Gang, you didn’t know the outlaw the way everyone else did. 
Though Hosea was your father, he didn’t raise you. He and his late wife and your mother, Bessy, had agreed that the life they had wasn’t suitable for a baby. So they gave you to Bessy’s sister and brother-in-law so that you could be raised in a proper setting and have a chance at a good life. Hosea and Bessy made sure to visit you when they could, and even after Bessy passed away Hosea continued to visit you and let you know that he cared about you. He wanted what was best for his only daughter. He didn’t want you to have the same life as him or to be subjected to the horrors he had faced.
But here you were, the newest member of the Van der Linde Gang. 
You managed to only get a couple hours of sleep before Karen nudged you awake, warning you that Susan would be by to raise hell if you weren’t up soon. 
You got dressed and went out to get a cup of coffee. You spotted Hosea sitting at a table reading through a newspaper, so you decided to join him. 
“Good morning, Hosea.” You greeted. 
“Good morning, dear.” He gave you a smile. “How’d you sleep?” 
“Not too bad. I’m getting used to the nighttime noises so I’m not waking up so much. Anything interestin’ in there?”
“Not yet.” 
“Mornin’, Hosea.” Arthur crossed through camp, heading for his tent. “Mornin’, Y/N.”
“Good morning, Arthur.”
“Good morning, Arthur.” You smiled just a little before looking down at your coffee. 
You wanted to tell Hosea about you and Arthur. Now that things were serious between you two, it felt like you needed to tell him. Before, you were just flirting and messing around. There was no need for anyone to know what was happening because it was just two grown adults keeping each other company. But now…. Now it was different. 
You sat with Hosea for a bit, chatting about what was in the newspaper. 
Then you noticed a group began to form around the horses that consisted of Javier, Charles, Arthur, Sean, and John. 
“What are you staring at, sweetheart?”
You turned your head look at Hosea. You didn’t realize you were staring. 
“Nothing, Hosea.”
He looked in the direction you had been staring in. 
“Which one is it?”
“Which one of them numbskulls were you gawking at?”
“None of them.”
“I don’t believe that for a second.” He shook his head, eyes lingering on you. When you made no effort to carry on the conversation, he reached into a pocket on his vest to check the time. “Your mother used to get that same look in her eye when she saw somethin’ in a shop window she wanted.”
Curious, you glanced up from your coffee which you had been staring at rather intently. You weren’t really reading anyways. 
“She would?”
“She would.” Hosea nodded, a fond smile coming to his lips as his eyes left you to look out over the lake behind you. “And usually, I’d go back to the shop some time later when she wasn’t with me and steal it for her.”
“How romantic.”
“She thought so.” He chuckled. “She certainly knew how to put up with me and my antics. But she was about as good of a liar as you are, my dear.”
You put the book down on the table.
“I really wish you’d stop reading me like I’m one of your marks.”
“I can’t help it, sweetheart. It’s a bad habit. A very bad, nasty habit.” Hosea turned his head to look at the group of men gathered around the horses. “I don’t think it would be John. He’s far too dim for you. But if we go by brains, I don’t think any of them have a lick of sense. Well, except for Charles.” Hosea paused to gauge your reaction. You kept your lips pressed together in a firm line, adamant on not giving him any reaction. “If it was Bill Williamson, I’d be disappointed in you.”
“Ew, no.”
“Good girl. Javier?”
You didn’t answer.
“Hmm. Arthur perhaps?”
You shifted in your seat and took a small breath. The actions didn’t seem that big, but apparently they meant something to Hosea. 
The con-man leaned back in his seat, rubbing the back of his neck as he let out a little sigh. 
“That dimwit, Y/N?”
“He’s not a dimwit, Hosea.”
“I swear, Y/N, I’ve seen fish with more sense than that boy.”
“I’m serious. Me and Dutch were real concerned about him. Well, that was until John came along. Made Arthur look a goddamn genius.”
You stood up and picked up your coffee cup. 
“Sweetheart, I didn’t mean to offend you.” Hosea put his hand out to stop you. “I know you’re sweet on him. I saw you coming back into camp together this morning.” 
Your eyes immediately met his, panic finding its way into your veins. Then you looked over to Arthur. Did your father know what you were doing with Arthur while you were gone? 
“I’m a little hurt neither of you told me, but I know why you kept it to yourselves. This camp ain’t the place for romance.”
“Hosea.” You whispered, eyes meeting his once more. “Don’t…. Don’t let Arthur know that you know, okay? I-I think he wanted to tell you himself. We just…. We didn’t want everyone here to know, and he’s…. Arthur’s a funny guy when it comes to being sweet on a lady.”
“Oh, I know. He’s had his heart broke real bad before. Don’t you think about breakin’ it, you hear? You’re my daughter so I’ll be sure to tell him the same, but he’s like a son to me, you know.”
“I know, Hosea. Don’t worry. I have no intentions of hurting him.”
Taglist:  @winterwolf @doggone-cowgirl @lauramb7 @caraqas @bluscryn @nonodino @krenee1drful @thefirelordm @sargeantsea @sokkasdarling @thecollection @mayday1284  @kashasenpai
If your name is in italics, it wouldn’t let me tag you :(
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marcspectrr · 3 years
Omg intrigued by the mixed thoughts on the season two wardrobe
Ahdjdk this is one of those things that I'm not sure people will agree with but I'll try to explain :)
First off, I think Emmie (the costume designer) did an amazing job on season 2. I think if the show keeps up with consistency in anything it's in the wardrobe (for the most part). There are certain things that carry over from the first season and it's really fun to fixate on analyze. We see Sarah wearing some of John B's pieces to expand on where they're at in their relationship (a great show-not-tell) as well as some of JJ's wardrobe, which I'll get into in a second.
The thing I love about wardrobe is that if it's treated right, it can tell just as much of the story as any narration or dialogue can. Emmie has said in an interview how one of the challenges she faced in s2 was creating the new looks as far as the different weather and the Pogues going back to school. In s1 we have them lounging around in the sun, presumably some time around the beginning of summer after Hurricane Agatha caused a power outage, leading to a lighter wardrobe. She wanted to symbolize this transition (getting the power back and going back to school) into the clothes, with more colors and patterns and I think it definitely showed.
I thoroughly loved John B's wardrobe mostly because of the attention to detail, I'm pretty sure his was my favorite this season. Both Emmie and Chase were supposedly inspired by the early 90's and Kurt Cobain for his character, which translates very well into John B. I love that the patterned shirts and bandana making a comeback, along with the doodles on his shoes and even the sweater, they're just all very in-character. I also loved this hat for some reason (also, highly recommend this blog as well). Some of my favorite looks...
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Out of all of the characters, John B and JJ are seen cycling through some of their wardrobe (their shoes, their hats, etc) which I really like because it's realistic for kids like them to be doing this, especially with being in the lower class.
Kiara's clothes was where I started getting picky. Her wardrobe was inspired by the 70's and overall I think it did her character justice. I liked how they kept the headbands/bandanas going, along with her friendship bracelets while adding in new jewelry that I think fit her character very well (the moon ring and the ying yang necklace, etc). And I absolutely LOVED the reappearance of her sweater from the pilot. These were my favorite :)
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I hc that her mom really liked going shopping with her specifically because they had similar taste, she never pushed her into getting clothes that were trendy but instead took her to little thrift shops on the weekends and helped her pick out outfits she could tell Kiara liked. I didn't personally like too many pieces from s2 (s1 is where it's at) but, again, I think they fit her. The main thing that I couldn't move past was the layers. I understand it doesn't really get that "cold" in the obx so wearing crop tops/bralettes under jackets might make sense but to me it was a little confusing. Sometimes I can't help but feel, even though it's a summer teen show, that the clothing on the female characters is just to objectify their bodies.
I think they stayed true to Popes wardrobe too, for the most part. We still got the patterned button ups and I loved the choices on his shoes this season. There were a few shots that felt a little Kooky to me though lol I feel like there's a fine line between what the show has est as the clothes of a Kook and the clothes of Pope (both wear light button ups with maybe boardshorts, very clean looking) but I think the difference lies in the shoes. I also wish he had an accessory like the rest of the Pogues have -- they all have different variations of the bandana and friendship bracelets but I still feel like he could use something that just makes me think 'that's so Pope'. Some of my favorites from him were these.
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JJ's wardrobe holds a lot of context for his character and ironically that was part of my problem. He still had his rings, his bracelets and his necklace, and he had his boots for most of the season, occasionally switching to sandals. He still had the bandana hanging out of his back pocket and still wore cut off shirts and ball caps and various T-shirts that have clearly taken some damage. My favorites this season were these.
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My problem doesn't exactly reside within the wardrobe choices as much as it does with the shows writing and how they neglected to show/address where he was living. He makes a comment about how he didn't have a place to stay (which is impossibly hard to believe with John B back in the Chateau but whatever this show loves throwaway lines agdjfk) so we're assuming he's homeless after his dad went to jail. That would have a lot to do with what he wears because again, wardrobe should tell a story, and I think for the beginning it was evident he was wearing old clothes as opposed to Kie and Pope, who could've gotten new clothes for school and whatnot.
Overall I think I liked the wardrobe, I just have weird opinions on things and think they're a big deal when they're not. I obviously love the Pogues in plaid any time and I adore when they share clothes (hoping to see some of that with jiara).
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ilove-cedricdiggory · 4 years
'M not going anywhere.
Remus x Reader
Requested? - It's part 3!
Summary - After leaving Remus, you found yourself with family in the horribly hot state of Texas. What can come of you now? With friends with worries the size of the state and a heart almost as broken as they come, what on earth can you do with yourself with the man shows up - only, in his werewolf state?
Trigger Warning - cursing, mentions of abortion
Guide - (y/m/n) - Your middle name
This one has a lot of backstory in it, fair warning! It's not super action filled, but the next chapter will be up soon!
When you met Remus, you were in school with him. You had known all about the infamous Maurauders and their love for trouble, but didn't really see much of them. Well, you thought you hadn't. You had seen each of them separately, James was in potions with you, Sirius had been in Care of Magical Creatures with you, Peter in Transfiguration, but Remus, well, you didn't think you had him in anything until 4th year. Separately, you thought they were all good people, kind to you in classes, funny when the lesson was droning on, and calm enough to let you get your notes finished within reasonable time.
By fourth year, you had gotten used to each of the three boys separately. When you met Remus in Charms, hanging out with him as a Prefect while walking through the hallways, then outside of your duties together and with the rest of your friends, it came as a surprise at how different he acted with the three boys.
He was always so incredibly kind, so beautiful with his words to you, so when your feelings for him grew substantially, it didn't seem to surprise you. But, when he actually asked you out in fifth year, with the major confirmation of his friends that, yes, Moony, she's crazy for you! Everyone besides you can see it! Just ask her!, You found yourself speechless.
The Remus Lupin liked you back, and was asking you to your own date this Saturday. Then another one in the Astronomy tower on Tuesday night while everyone else was at dinner. Then Friday at the quidditch game, he asked if you'd sit next to him during the game where he actually held your hand.
Date after date after date had you grinning from ear to ear when he finally asked you to be his girlfriend. Kiss after kiss after kiss had you falling in love with him a little bit more each time you pulled apart and opened your eyes just a second before he did, seeing his face in pure bliss.
When you both finally did admit your love for each other was the day you admitted you had known about Moony long before he told you - which had been on your fourth date on the quidditch pitch, laying on a blanket under the stars.
"I love the stars. Something so far away can still shine that bright." You mumbled, cuddling closer to his warm frame. He was always so warm.
"I don't care much for the night." He admitted, his voice a mumble.
"Remus John Lupin, why on earth do you not like the night? It's so peaceful and breathtaking. The night gives you unlimited possibilities." You had now turned to your side, your elbow propping your head up as you tangled your legs with his.
"You wanna know the truth?" he asked you, which had honestly surprised you. Of course you wanted to know the truth. "Well, why would I want you to lie to me, Rem? Especially about something that you don't care for." Your right hand lifted to run through his hair, fluffing it and leaving it sticking up slightly.
"I don't like the moon." You nodded, showing you were listening to him. "It controls me." He whispered, closing his eyes.
"How does the moon control you?" You knew the answer to your own question, having put two and two together in your fourth year, the night he had swapped prefect duties with the Ravenclaw boy he was just telling you he didn't trust the week before. When you had arrived back in your room, feeling a little hurt at his actions, you looked out your window to see the full moon shining down on the earth, it's glow filling up a bit of the forbidden forest enough for you to see a few creatures running along the sides. A stag, a dog, and a rat? Then you heard it, the long howl filling the quiet. Somehow, you're not sure exactly how, but it all clicked in you faster than you could have blinked.
Prongs - A stag. Padfoot - A dog. Wormtail - A rat. And most importantly, Moony - A werewolf.
You didn't ever bring it up, but with each month, pieces fell right into place. Now, you laid with the man himself, holding his deepest secret in your heart without him even knowing you held it.
"Y/n, as much as I wish I didn't have to tell you this, if I want our relationship to get anywhere, I know I have to." He sighed, his eyes staying closed, refusing to see your reaction. "I'm a werewolf." You let out a fake gasp, your hand leaving his hair to trace one of the scars on his forehead.
"I- I'm sorry." You whispered, your eyes staying on his. "You're sorry you don't wanna date me anymore?" He quizzed you, finally opening his eyes to face you. This caused you to let out a small chuckle, shaking your head. "Rem, why on earth would I not wanna date you anymore?" Your hand moved back to his hair, your nails scratching softly at his scalp. "I could hurt you, y/n." He spoke, his voice soft and full of fear.
"Remus, you've known me for a year now. You could have hurt me any other full moon, what would us dating change? It's not like I'm going to follow you out into the woods when you shift. It's not like I'm going to go out searching for you when you are out in your wolf form. It means I'd get to kiss each wound when you come back. It means I'd get to hold you in my arms and read to you every once in a while. It means I'd get to go on cute dates and make you bake with me in the kitchens. You being a wolf doesn't change anything." You shrugged nonchalantly, smiling up at him.
That night, Remus kissed you. He kissed you almost a thousand times. He kissed you so much that, when you woke up the next morning, your lips were still swollen.
After you and Remus had really been a couple for a while, you had realized how much he loved to sniff you. You didn't know if it was the Remus in him, or the Moony in him, but it didn't really bother you. You loved smelling him, why would it be so weird if he smelled you? If you were cuddling, his nose would burry in your hair, or your neck, or your chest, and he'd slowly inhale your scent to calm himself down.
If you were walking down the hallways, he bring your intertwined hands to lay a soft kiss on it before inhaling your scent, kissing it once more, then bringing them back down to sway as you walked.
If he had a horrible day, a bad full moon, or just felt off, he'd search the entire grounds until he found you, look your right in your eyes as he walked right to you, grab you by your waist, and pull you into him to hug you as tightly as he could, inhaling your intoxicating scent for himself.
This had caused you to start leaving a piece of your clothing in the bag they took with them when he turned, so he'd have something with him he could smell that reminded him of you. You were never sure if it helped or not, you never asked him and he never brought it up, but it gave you a sense of comfort each full moon.
But now, standing in front of the wolf himself, watching as his snout lifted into the air and took a deep inhale, well, it didn't exactly comfort you.
Which is why, with your eyes set on him, you reached down and into your boot, gripping onto the end of your wand, before pulling up and sending out two purple balls of light, each of them shooting into both of the houses around you.
This hadn't fazed him, for his eyes were still set on you, as he took a step closer. Before you had time to react, a dog had shot infront of you, growling at the creature before you. Right as he stepped, Moony bent down and growled at Sirius, but his a tone deeper and dripping with a warning.
It must have surprised Sirius, for he whimpered and stepped backwards, closer to your frame, which didn't help his case for Moony then snapped at him, stepping closer to him.
"Sirius, get behind Y/n." Your grandfather had stepped out his face door in a rush, his eyes taking in the scene before him. "Sirius, get behind Y/n and get into the house." Sirius whined at the older man, not wanting to leave you alone.
"Lily is in labor." You called to the man, watching him nod. "Sirius, if you run six blocks east, there is a small cottage. It's blue with white shutters on the left side. That's the healer closest to us. She'll come." This got Sirius to move, quickly rushing out of the gated yards.
"Now, y/n, he's not going to hurt you. I've only ever seen this once, but he recognizes your scent and the scent of your kids. It's kinda like he's sensing a mate with you because of your kids. Just stay calm. I'm surprised he hasn't already tackled you to the ground. Just, slowly sit down and let him come to you."
The last thing you expected of this night was the situation at hand, but now, you were sitting on the cold rocks, slightly shivering, your best friend in labor in the house behind you, watching your financé (?) slowly walk towards you, almost like Moony was afraid to frighten you.
He leaned down on all fours before he lowered his head into your lap, inhaling your scent deeply before letting it rest fully on your legs. His nose rested right at your belly bump, rubbing it slightly on your clothed stomach before letting out a sigh of relief.
You looked up at your grandfather, seeing him watching you intently. "Don't move, not that he'll let you. I will bring out a few pillows and a blanket for you. I'll make sure the healer helps Lily." You nodded, your eyes now moving to look down at Moony.
You hadn't ever seen him in his wolf state, but he somehow still looked handsome. His eyes were now closed, his body relaxed as he soaked in your scent.
"What do you mean, you're not joining the Order?" Remus yelled at you, his face red with fury. There were very few times Remus was this angry with you, usually when you had been neglecting yourself of necessities. But, this time, he was raging in fury with your absolute denial to join the war.
"Remus, I'm just saying I'm not going to go out and fight! Molly doesn't! I'm going to stay back and help where I'm needed. There are tons of you going to fight, I'm staying back to take care of everyone that doesn't go on the missions! What do you want from me?! I wasn't good at defensive spells, I wasn't good at duels! Do you want me to go out there and fucking die?" This caused him to quiet down, your fury having grown substantially.
The two of you sat in silence for a few moments, allowing you both to calm down. "I don't want you to die. I would kill myself if you ended up dying on one of the missions." Remus' voice was soft and full of fear now. "Then why do you want me to go out there and fight, Rem? You are the one that saw me up past midnight trying to learn the defensive spells so often. You're the one I made duel with me night after night to try to improve. You of all people know that I couldn't properly protect myself or anyone else if I went."
He nodded, hating to admit that you were right. He had even told you, seventh year, "Baby, I love you, but you're definitely not getting your excellent mark on this. You'll pass, but barely." You had been much more skilled in potions and herbology, not in the defensive skills.
"I just, I can't stand the idea of you being back home if the order gets attacked. I know that's stupid, I know that's irrational, it's much more dangerous to actually be out there, I'm just scared." It hurt your heart to hear him admit how scared he was, but, you all were scared. You were growing up in a war that shouldn't be yours to fight.
"Remus, while I stink at my defensive skills, have you seen Molly Weasley? The woman survives on defensive skills, all her kids figuring out how to moderately work their magic. I think I'm safer with her than with you." This caused him to break into a small smile, but wrap you up tightly in his arms. "You're not safer with anyone else but me. I'd murder Voldemort himself before he touched you." You gasped at the use of his name, turning to eye the love of your life. "You said his name." You whispered, your eyes wide. "Well, I'd use his name to his face if it kept you out of harm's way."
You had dozed off a bit, your head laying back on the pillow Sirius had brought you, having gawked at the wolf fast asleep in your hold. "We always knew your scent calmed him, it always did when you gave him some of your clothes, but this? I'd never thought I'd live to see the day Moony didn't try to attack whoever was in front of him."
You had only been awoken by James, tapping on your shoulder. You jerked awake, seeing Moony still asleep in your hold. "Lily had the baby, a girl. They're both up in our room, but she wanted me to come tell you and check up on you." He eyed Moony warily, fear still evident in his body, worried the wolf would awake and tear you to shreds. "I'm so glad. Did everything go okay?" Your voice was a whisper, not wanting to wake the wolf either.
"Yeah, the healer said she did great. Hardly needed the help." James sat down beside you, but scooted a foot away from you when Moony growled in his sleep, the foreign scent mixing with yours. "It's weird, seeing him like this. All the nights we were out there with him, trying to keep him from tearing into Hogwarts and keep him away from you when it's apparently all he needed." James shook his head, attempting to remove the shock from his head.
"I don't think he needs me anymore." You whispered. While it hurt you to say, you honestly believed it. The man let you leave without a sliver of doubt. He watched you walk out of the home you built together, taking his kids with you.
"Y/n, he searched the world until he found you, of course he needs you." James didn't say anything about you needing to forgive him, about you needing to hear him out, because he didn't think Remus deserved that. He just knew that Remus did need you. "He should be shifting back soon. I brought out some of his clothes I found in your stuff." He gestured to the pile of clothes beside the both of you before standing up.
"When you guys get inside, Lily would love for you to come in and meet her." You smiled at that, nodding. "It would be my honor."
You laid back down, listening to the morning sounds slowly begin, until you felt the movement under you, watching for your own eyes as Remus shifted back into himself. He groaned, the pain filling his frame once more within 12 hours, the sounds of his groans bringing tears to your eyes.
Once he was fully to himself, his eyes opened and met yours, widening. "What?" He asked softly, his gaze not leaving yours. You reached over, grabbing the clothes brought out for him before dropping them on his chest. He sat up without another word, removing his body from yours and beginning to get dressed.
He stood, pulling the boxers and pants on as you stood yourself. You grabbed the pillows and blankets, waiting until he began to pull on the sweater before rushing inside, hoping to escape the looming conversation.
You set the things down in the living room before slowly creeping up the stairs and towards the room with Lily and James, hearing a soft and small cry emitting from it. You knocked softly, hearing the "come in" before you creaked open the door. "Hey you four." You whispered, seeing Harry fast asleep on James' chest.
"Y/n, thank Merlin." Lily spoke, her eyes welling with tears at the sight of you. "I was so worried. I didn't know what happened." You smiled, walking closer to the woman. "It's all okay, it's a long story, but it's all okay." You walked closer until you were at the edge of the bed, looking down at Lily and the beautiful baby girl.
"Take her." Lily whispered, looking up at you. "What?" you asked, your eyes wide. "You're gonna need the practice, take her." You nodded, slowly grabbing the baby from Lily, coddling her to your chest.
"Y/n!" You heard Remus call before turning into the room, staring at you holding the baby. "You had her?" Remus now asked Lily, smiling widely. "Mhm, last night. Looks like two people decided to make an entrance." Lily laughed, smiling at you.
"She's beautiful." You whispered, your eyes having stayed on the baby in yours arms. "What's her name?" You looked down at Lily, now seeing James awake and looking at you. "Well, we wanted to confirm with you, but we wanted to name her Harley y/m/n Potter." You gasped softly, looking down at the two parents.
"Are you sure?" They both nodded before you finished speaking, "More than sure." Your tears fell freely as you looked down at the baby, seeing her now asleep in your warm hold. "I'd be honored."
Remus had now walked to you, standing behind you as he looked down, his eyes set on you holding the baby girl, pregnant with his own kids. His gaze moved to the ceiling, holding in tears before he glanced at the bed, seeing James glaring daggers into his frame.
"Here, I'm gonna go freshen up. She's absolutely beautiful, guys." You carefully handed Harley back to her mom before quickly walking out of their room, but stopping a few steps away to hear James speak.
"Fucking prat, there the fuck you are! Where have you been?!" His voice was harsh, angry at his best mate. "Looking for her, what else! The second she left Molly's, I've been looking!" Remus' voice was scratchy like it was every morning after a turn.
"Yeah, well, you're a dick." Lily spoke up, still looking down at her baby girl. "I still think Sirius should have punched you harder." Remus nodded, looking at the floor.
"I can't believe I said that to her, guys. What the fuck kind of person am I?" His voice was growing rougher, his eyes swelling with tears. "Don't go on about this with us, mate. You're in the same house as her, go tell her." That caused you to walk off quickly, moving to your room, shutting the door and leaning against it.
Your hands wrapped around your belly, bringing you back to the day you apparated out of Molly's living room, having held your stomach the same way, protecting your children. What on earth do you say to him? What did you want from him?
You weren't sure what the answer was to either of those questions, which is why you quickly left your room and slipped into the bathroom. He couldn't talk to you if you were in the shower. You confirmed you had your bathroom items before jumping into the shower, taking the longest shower you had ever taken in your life.
While you stood, shampoo in your hair, you thought.
What if he still doesn't want them? I'd have to stay here. I'd move in fully and live in Texas. Texas, really? It's so fucking hot and I'd miss snow. Then I'd move in with Molly. Nope, no way, there are already 7 kids there, she does not need two more. Then, James and Lily? Nope. She just had another newborn, there was no way you'd bug them with this. Sirius. That's where you'd go. He had tons of space and you're sure he'd be more than okay with you there.
But, what if he changed his mind? What if he did want them? How could you trust that? How could you possibly believe he'd want them after immediately suggesting they be gotten rid of?
As you applied the conditioner, you wished you could just go back to the easier things. The happier things. The things that had you almost thinking you lived in a world not plagued with pending war.
Five years after graduation. You were sitting in Remus' lap at James and Lily's place, still getting used to Peter not being around. Harry now being two had you all more than happy, listening to his vocabulary grow.
The football game was on, the muggle TV playing as Lily still attempted to explain it to Sirius and James. Remus had his arms around you, his gaze no longer on the TV, but on Harry as he played on the floor with his stuffed dragon. "I can't believe you got him a muggle toy." He laughed in your ear, the smile evident on his face. "Well, he loves Dragons! I couldn't not buy it." You smiled at your boyfriend, kissing his nose softly. The night carried on, the five of you playing a few games of sharades, but you exiting the room to grab the next plate of sliders to bring into the room.
As you sat back down, Harry walked up to you, sat in your lap, and grabbed your face. "Mawwy me." He giggled softly, your eyebrows furrowing as Lily quickly yanked him from your lap, nervously chuckling. "Hah, sorry, don't know where that came from" You looked around the room, all four faces refusing to look at you, all of them nervously laughing along with Lily.
"Did Harry just ask me to marry him?" You watched as they glanced around nervously before breaking out, talking over each other. "What, psh, no way." "Where would he have learned how to do that?" "I didn't hear that, did you hear that?" "No, but I did." All talked stopped, everyone looking at Remus. "What did you just say?"
Remus took a deep breath, moving off the couch and turning to look at you, before bending down onto one knee. "I've been talking to them a lot about how I was going to ask you, but seeing as how Harry beat me to the punch, let's do it right now. Y/n, right in front of our friends and a little boy who doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut." James tickled Harry, causing him to giggle as you all smiled. "I'm asking the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my entire life, the girl who showed me that being something you can't control doesn't make you a monster, the girl who makes me smile with just a single giggle, to marry me. You have shown me a happiness I thought everyone was faking, a love that I didn't think existed outside of James and Lily and Molly and Arthur, and a kindness I thought had left the world.
"So, in the living room of our best friends, surrounded by food I think Harry might have stuck his fingers in, I ask you to marry me. Make me the happiest man in the world and marry me."
You thought his proposal had been so incredibly beautiful, better than any you ever could have imagined. As you rinsed off the extra shaving cream from your legs, you sighed deeply. How did your love life come to this?
Eventually, you had exited the shower, tying the bathrobe around your bump before opening the bathroom door, walking out and jumping at the sight of Remus sitting on your bed.
"Fuck, you scared me." You clutched your belly, looking at the man. "Oh, shoot, sorry." You pulled the robe tighter, seeing his eyes flutter down to his legs. It hurt your heart to think you needed to cover up from him, but you attempted to cover the large bump behind the robe.
"Let me, uh, let me change really quick." You grabbed your underwear from your dresser before rushing into the closet, shutting the door and dressing in a shirt and a baggier set of overalls, hoping it didn't show your belly too much. When you walked out, Remus was now pacing the floor, his hands gripping his hair tightly.
"Rem, stop, it's fine." you quickly walked to him, pulling his hands from his hair. "I'm glad you're okay." You mumbled the words, taking a step back from him. He inhaled deeply, his eyes shutting.
"I can still smell the change in your scent. Really, Moony can, but I can still tell." You nodded, stepping back once more.
"Y/n, we need to talk." You laughed bitterly, a mix of anger and sadness filling your body. "You think we need to talk, Remus? You think so? You think we should talk about the fact that, the second you got back from being on a mission you could have died on, you yelled at me for something I couldn't control? You think we should talk about the fact that you basically told me to abort our kids? You think we should talk about the fact that you let me walk out of our home without trying to stop me? You think we should talk about that?"
Your hands were shaking in anger, your eyes swelling up with tears. Damn, how much can one person cry? Your hands gripped your own hair now, pulling it in anger. "How can I cry this much? How does this happen?" You shouted in anger, now at yourself. "Fucking hormones!" Your hands fell to your sides, your eyes squeezed shut before your felt yourself in the hold of him.
His scent filled you, filled you up until your body relaxed involuntarily. "'S okay, I'm right here. I'm right here." One hand went up to smooth the hair that you yanked, the other firmly holding you to him. Your hands wrapped around him, grasping onto the fabric of his shirt at his back. "I'm so fucking mad at you, Remus. So fucking mad." Your tears slowed, your eyes closing as you finally felt safe.
He had been your safe place for so long and going without him for this long had kept your body weak. Now, relaxed in his hold, your body begged for decent sleep. You allowed yourself to go limp in his hold, feeling him pick you up bridal style and walk to both to the bed, curling up with you in his arms. "'M right here, love. Right here and I'm not going anywhere." You drifted to sleep, holding him with as much strength as you could as you slept.
Tag list -
@gog0juice @isabellamur @tae-v-val @missmulti @brod16 @justmesadgirl @little-bit-of-randomness @emptyporsche @pan-pride-12 @zabrynaskylar @introverted-gal @girl22334 @lilacskiesandpolaroids @crowleysqueenofhell @tb-ctn @y0urlocallos3r @voidmalfoy @chickeebabe @sadieswanson @fredweasleysbitchh @rachaelluvil @thelastwildangel @dan-knee-03 @dive-the-frogger @delaneychamberlain @mahleigham
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thatshithurted8 · 4 years
Sticky Notes
Summary: JJ falls in love with the introverted Kook Pope tutors.  (Part two to Introverted. However, you don’t need to read part one.) Requested by @teamnick
Word Count: 1.6k 
A/N: This is the long awaited part two to my original fic Introverted. I’m sorry it took me so long to write, but I hope you all love it nonetheless. I also want to thank you all for 650 followers, I adore you all! 
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You look in your rear view mirror one last time before getting out of your car. You just arrived to the chateau since JJ asked you to come over. However, you had no idea what he was planning. He told you to wear whatever you want, not specifying anything in specific. Even though you had no clue as to what the mischievous boy was planning you wanted to look your best. Little did you know you could wear a garbage bag and JJ would still be smitten for you. 
After changing your mind on countless outfits you finally decided to wear a white dress with brown buttons running down the middle, it was cottage core inspired. Along with your dress you wore a pair of white converse and a gold necklace that your parents got you for your birthday. The reflection and colour of the necklace accentuated the golden aura that seemed to follow you everywhere. That same aura was something JJ loved. It was comforting and reminded him of how soft and reserved you were.
As you close your car door you see Kie, Pope, Sarah and John B all scurry inside of the chateau, which you thought was weird. Yes, you didn’t talk much, but you always greeted them, they were your friends after all. However, your confused thoughts instantly go away when JJ walks around the side of John B’s van, greeting you with a smile and hug.
Everything you wore took JJ’s breath away, but something about seeing you wear white made JJ feel a certain type of way. Not a sexual way, but a loving and content type of way. Seeing you wear white basically thrusted JJ into you guys’ future where he can imagine you walking down an aisle wearing another white dress. 
“You look beautiful.” JJ says after hugging you and fixing his backwards cap. 
You blush at the boys compliment while fiddling with your fingers. “Thank you.” 
Despite being extremely close to JJ now you couldn’t stop yourself from shying away whenever he complimented you. And despite loving you for so long JJ knew he would never get tired of how you reacted to his compliments. 
“My lady?” JJ asks, sticking his hand out for you to take which you do. 
The two of you walk around the side of the van where JJ previously was and you’re taken away when you see how John B’s yard was set up. You were greeted by string lights hanging from tree branch to tree branch and a white sheet being hung up between two trees, Kiara’s projector sitting a few feet away from it. The only thing seemingly out of place was the van, it wasn’t parked in it’s normal spot.
“JJ.” You softly say, awestruck. It was like a scene coming out of a movie. 
“That’s not all.” The blonde says confidently before letting go of your hand, which makes you realize how much you loved the feeling of his hand against yours. You watch as he walks over to the vans sliding door, he smiles at you and opens it. 
Your mouth falls open as your eyes scan over the vans contents and walk closer. Inside were a ton of blankets and pillows, on top of the soft blankets sat a small basket full of your favourite snacks and drinks and all over the van were sticky notes in every colour with JJ’s messy writing on them. JJ admires you as you step closer to read what each sticky note had written on it. 
You’re beautiful.
I love how down to earth you are. 
You can light up the whole universe with just your smile. 
Colours seem brighter when you’re around. 
You bring out the best in me. 
I feel the most like me when you’re around. 
Jokes are funnier when you tell them. 
You make me want to be a better person. 
I love your perspective on everything. 
You turn towards JJ as you finish reading all of the sticky notes that were scattered around the van. Your eyes were welling with happy tears while your heart beat only increased. 
JJ lets out a shaky breath before speaking, “You know Y/N the first time I ever saw you, you took my breath away.” He says fiddling with his ring clad fingers before looking up to meet your gaze. 
The Maybank boy wasn’t the type of person to be intimidated or nervous when talking to girls, but when it came to you it was a whole different story, especially since he also was planning on asking you an important question. 
“I’m so happy that we have gotten to know each other.” JJ says grabbing a hold of your hand, which he grazes softly with his thumb. 
You nod in agreement at JJ’s statement, but you let him continue talking. 
“You are single handedly the most amazing person I have ever met. And you make me so fucking happy Y/N, you have no idea. So I was wondering.” He says trailing off while taking another sticky note out of his cargo shorts and handing it over to you with his free hand. You softly take it from him and read the words that were written in JJ’s legible, but messy writing. 
The note read, ‘Will you be my girlfriend?’ 
You look up at JJ, meeting his blue orbs, both of your guys’ hearts were beating a mile a minute. You continue to stare into his eyes, making sure he was being serious, after all he liked to joke around with everyone especially you.However, you could tell he wasn’t joking and what you dreamed and hoped for was finally happening. 
“Yes.” You softly, but genuinely say while smiling from ear to ear. 
JJ’s nerves instantly go away when you reveal your simple answer. Seeing you smile and be so happy because of him made JJ even more happy in that moment. Much like you, he couldn’t believe everything he planned and hoped for was finally happening.
“Yes!” He exclaims throwing his hands up into the air. 
“You’re my girlfriend!” He exclaims again, while throwing his arms around you and pulling you into an embrace causing you to giggle. You could feel yourself relax into his touch. 
In one swift movement JJ picks you up bridal style, making sure your dress was covering you fully before spinning around in circles. You start to laugh hysterically at your now boyfriends antics.
“She said yes! Let’s go!” He yells once again, excitement and happiness radiating off of the Maybank boy. 
The Pogues come outside after hearing JJ and they start to cheer and congratulate you two as JJ continues to spin you two around. 
You and JJ sat in the back of John B’s van, cuddled up together and underneath the countless blankets the blonde brought outside. 
“I love this part.” You say, your eyes trained to the white sheet that was currently being used as make shift projector screen. JJ made sure to play your favourite disney movie for tonight which was Cinderella. 
As Prince Charming starts to dance with Cinderella, making every other girl at the ball envious of the blonde beauty in the blue dress, an idea crosses JJ’s mind making him kick off the blankets and stand up. You glance between the movie and then back to JJ confused. 
“My lady?” JJ asks again like he did earlier, but this time he bows while putting one hand behind his back and one out stretched to you. 
Without hesitating you throw the blankets off of you and grab a hold of JJ’s calloused hand. You giggle and blush as JJ copies what Prince Charming does in the animated film and guides you to a pretend dance floor in the middle of John B’s yard. 
JJ’s large hand falls on your waist while his other intertwines his fingers with yours and holds them in the air. You blush as you two start to waltz around the open yard. Your heart was beating a mile a minute and you couldn’t help, but look down at your feet, making sure you didn’t step on JJ’s as you two twirled around. 
“Look at me beautiful.” JJ says as the movie continues to play in the background. 
You look up from your feet and meet JJ’s gaze, causing his breath to hitch at how beautiful you looked under the moon and fairy lights. Your cheeks were flushed and you felt like you were on cloud nine. Never in your life has anyone made you feel the way you do when you’re with JJ. In that moment you finally acknowledged the fact that you were in love with him. It felt refreshing to finally admit that to yourself after trying your best to push your feelings for the blonde away. You were too worried and in your head about him not liking you back. You genuinely thought he could never like the shy and introverted girl, seeing how outgoing he was. 
But how wrong you were.
JJ stops dancing, his left hand remaining on your waist while his right hand comes down to caress your cheek, your hand finding his bicep. You hoped he couldn’t feel the heat that was most likely radiating off of your skin because of him. 
His blue eyes glance down to your lips before looking back up at your eyes that he adored so much. Without even realizing you both start to slowly move in. Just before the distance between you two is eliminated JJ glances back up to your eyes, as if he was asking if he could kiss you. 
“Kiss me.” You softly say, causing more heat to rush to your face. It was out of character for you to be so straight forward and demanding, but you wanted nothing more than for him to kiss you. 
And so he did.
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squarefriend · 3 years
Mermay ended yesterday, but I’m sitting on the beach at this very moment so let’s fucking do this:
❤️ They are actually rather neutral over the ocean. Far more of a skipping stones and playing in the lake kind of kid. Though, they do have a respect for the water’s raw power and changing tides. (Also seeing how much Undyne loves it made them want to appreciate the ocean more)
❤️ Thanks to being attached to Frisk’s soul, they kinda have to go to the beach all the time now. They like to go out as far as they can and walk along to the bottom, or float above Frisk and try to freak them out.
❤️ All that being said, they ADORE sharks. They nerd out every time they get to go to the aquarium. (Then get kinda embarrassed about it).
❤️ They have (on more than one occasion) convinced Frisk that because they’re a ghost they can see all the ghosts of everyone who’s drowned, and that yes, pirates ARE coming to get them...... It backfired at the notion that now Frisk WANTED to go meet the ghost pirates.
❤️ Had a brief period of wanting to be a mermaid, purely because A) Not a human and B) Typically man eaters. It suited their style
❤️ They LOVE the ocean.... or rather, they love the beach. There’s one right at the edge of Ebbott City, so in the summer, they get to go up every weekend or so. And you can bet on that weekend, they have an absolute ball with whomever family/friend took them this time.
❤️ Their favorite part is exploring. They love to run around on the beach, looking for shells or any critters, as well as going out into as deep as the can in the ocean (usually only to be called back by their mom). Speak of the devil, Toriel bought them a snorkeling kit for their gotcha day and that thing has been used religiously ever since!
❤️ Every time they go the the car to go home, Frisk has to be checked by an adult (not either of the skelebros, they are WAY to lenient on this one) to make sure that they don’t have any stow away sea critters. One too many times of Frisk trying to keep a pet crab.
❤️ They take swimming lessons from Undyne! There were only a couple of misunderstandings over wether or not a humans could breathe underwater, but its all been sorted out! They’re doing really well!
❤️ They refuse to learn how to dive. Undyne has been trying to teach them for MONTHS now. It’s cannon ball or nothing, and they’re determined to keep it that way.
❤️ Back when he was Asriel, he’d wanted to see the ocean. They don’t exactly have HUGE bodies of water in the underground like that, basically only the river. And no one swims in the river. Add in Chara’s talk of mermaids and their stories about lakes and skipping stones and all that.... It had been a big goal of his. Now that he’s there, and without the capabilities to swim or get in the water, and without the person who said they’d show him the surf.... it’s uh, it’s lost its appeal.
❤️ Frisk and Papyrus tried to get him to go out in one of those dog floaties. It looked pretty ridiculous and nearly tipped over a couple of times. Inevitably it was decided that it was just best to just keep him on the shore or in the shallows strapped to someone’s chest.
❤️ Usually he just sits on the shore with Paps, Frisk, or Toriel. He (begrudgingly) likes to make sand castles. He’s actually gotten quite good at them. Either that or eat nice cream.
❤️ Papyrus made him tiny sunglasses. He wears them every time they go to the beach.
❤️ When he does go into the water, he likes to stick his head under the serf and try to find fish. He actually managed to catch one in his mouth once, both impressive and terrifying.
❤️ She is fond of the beach. Not so much the water, but she does enjoy the occasional swim with Frisk. Would probably like going out on a boat, though she has never tried it.
❤️ Usually while the rest of the family swims, she’s on the shore in her beach chair, reading a good book and keeping a watchful eye on her kids. She can usually get through half of the thing before its time to go home.
❤️ That being said, when she does go out in the water (usually to cool off or check on Frisk and/or Flowey) she is remarkably good at floating along. That, and she’s abit of a beast when it comes to X-treme monkey in the middle. That lady is huge and can use that height when she needs to. Also she has to shake off when she gets out of the water.
❤️ She ALWAYS has a beach bag on her, and in that beach bag is pretty much anything you’d ever hope to need. Pool toys, goggles, fresh water, extra sunscreen, at least three books, money, Your scocial security number, you name it.
❤️ Toriel’s usually the go to ‘hold tired swimmer gently’ person. And has done so for everyone in the main cast but Mettaton and Undyne. You could just fall asleep in those big ole’ arms.
❤️ He’s, as with most things, pretty nuetral about the ocean. Though, he adores the fact that it’s a day he can just slack off and relax in the sun (and sometimes water). He’s usually on the beach in a beach chair or sitting in a pool floaty, just drifting along. Sometimes he’s just latched onto Paps or Toriel, it’s kinda a wild card where he is at any given time.
❤️ He has never been sober ONCE while at the beach with the family. Mostly thanks to the fact that he somehow always has a martini in hand. No one knows where he gets it, let alone how it is almost always at least half way full. Needless to say, he’s at least buzzed by the end of the day.
❤️ Every time they go to the beach, he wears the most insane sunglasses. I’m talking Elton John style, but if they came from dollar tree. Normally it’s a pineapple pair, but they change on a whim. Once again, no ones entirely sure where they come from.
❤️ He briefly moved the illegal hotdog stand to beach, before the threat of getting fined was close enough to scadattle. This, the limited addition ‘Colddogs’ (now for 5g, wait he meant 50g, actually its 500-) became a thing. They were followed shortly by ‘Frozendogs’ (available in 50 flavors!)
❤️ The two never breathe a word of it, but every once in awhile Papyrus will rent a canoe and the two of them will go out on the water. They only do this at the dead of night, when the water is still and clear. Way out past the buoys, where it’s hard to see the shore, the moon and the stars bounce off the water in a shifting, funhouse esc reflection. Being out there, together, in practically silence..... It brings a lot of comfort to the two of them. It reminds Sans that yeah, this is real, and some things are worth remembering.
❤️ Paps is very fond of the shallows, but not a huge fan off big, open water. Unless he’s in the comfort of a canoe or boat. It’s just too big of a space. One can feel so... alone out there. But!! If he’s in chest or higher or with a group of close friends, he’s good!!
❤️ He bought special spandex gloves to wear in the water, ones that cover his fingers and palms without being skin (bone???) tight. They help him tread the water better, since he’s the opposite of buoyant. Which is definitely the only reason he bought them! No other reason in sight! Why would you even ask that?!
❤️ He, Undyne, and Frisk play ALOT of beach games, all far more extreme than their originals. The current turnomemt is over X-Treme volleyball, this time featuring antigravity magic and spears. Frisk is, somehow, winning.
❤️ A good portion of the time, he eats nice cream and makes sand castles with Flowey. Their creations are startlingly structurally sound and flourished. Though, they are also usually next to a life sized sand-Papyrus. No one knows where the sand came from.
❤️ He tried catch and realease shark fishing with Undyne once. It um, got interesting to say the least. Especially when they tried to use Papyrus as live bait. They only had to go to the ER twice!
Undyne (Aka my entire reason for writing this)
❤️ Undyne doesn’t love the ocean. She doesn’t even like the ocean. She ADORES the ocean. You can find her there almost every day after work, sun or storm. She never realized how much she would thrive in salt water until she was there, and now she can’t believe she lived without it. Its so raw and passionate and buetiful, and she’s just at home in the waves.
❤️ Her favorite time to be out is during a good storm, when the ocean is at her roughest. Undyne has learned how to boogie board and body surf since she got on the surface, and uses those huge waves to catch some air. She WANTS to learn how to surf, but has yet to find someone to teach her. Storms are also the best for letting the water roll over her and letting herself drift in the tides, both are pretty damn amazing feelings.
❤️ Because she can breathe and see under the water, she also likes to swim out really deep into the open ocean. No one in the family can follow, but it gives her a lot of time to think. Also, there are sometimes HUGE fish out there, which she greatly enjoys seeing and interacting with. She’s. she’s fought a tiger shark before. And probably other, larger and more dangerous things. (Also when she gets home, Alphys always talks about how her kisses taste like salt. Undyne loves it).
❤️ Before she became Asgore’s body gaurd, Undyne was pretty much out of work. Not a whole lot of people wanted a massive, sharp toothed, she-shark selling retail in their stores. But, being a fish and all, she got managed to get a job as a life gaurd over the summer! This ended in her actually giving swim lessons to a couple of kids (starting with Frisk)!! She is actually a pretty good trainer and still teaches a few kids every once in awhile over summer breaks.
❤️ Her and Asgore went on a fishing trip once! The boat nearly capsized, Undyne ended up going in to fish instead of using the pole, there were life lessons taught about patience, and Asgore got horrendously away sick. Needless to say, it was a good trip. They still have pictures on Asgore’s fridge!
❤️ As much as her girlfriend loves it, she’s not actually a huge fan of the water. It’s overwhelming and dries out her scales, and when she’s in super deep it makes her really uncomfortable. She’s stared into oblivion before and, well, it’s not a good feeling. The deep sea reminds her of that.
❤️ That being said, she LOVES the beach itself. She could sun bathe for hours while Undyne is swimming. Just pop on her head phones, lay on the sand, and embrace her lizard heratage! Also, she likes to watch her hot girlfriend do hot things like catch fish in her teeth and throw skeletons, so it’s a win win.
❤️ Naturally, this means a lot of her and Undyne’s date end up at the beach one way or anouther. Every time they go now, Alphy makes a point of collecting a seashell. They all hang on a string over her bed, it’s her favorite part of the room.
❤️ More times than not, if the sand is particularly nice and warm, Alphys falls asleep on it. Like, hard core passed out asleep. She just loves the fluffy parts of the sand so much??? And it’s so comfortable??? And she’s gotten more than afew overheating from sleeping ALL day, but she can’t help herself. It’s just too cozy!
❤️ Her favorite thing about the ocean is always going to be seeing Undyne’s smile though. She loves it. She loves the way her girlfriend’s kisses taste after she’s been in the sea. She loves how content the girl is after a good swim, and how cuddly they get in the living room. She loves smelling the air and holding her hand and seeing the sun on the water. She wants to spend forever in her arms, on the sand, eating nice cream and watching the sun set.
❤️ So. He’s a robot. Alphys is currently working on waterproofing his body, but until then he’s shore bound. That doesn’t mean he won’t done his best sun hat and glasses, steal a life gaurd’s chair, and pose dramatically on the beach though!
❤️ Truth be told, he actually quite enjoys long walks on the beach. His boots are well protected enough to go a way into the water as well, so he takes them sometimes with Alphys. Also, night time on the beach holds SPECTACULAR song writing material! There’s something so inspirational about the atmosphere.
❤️ That being said, summer concerts are the bomb. Litterally. There’s pyrotechnics. He’s not as big a star as he was in the underground, but some local beach performances are well within his pay grade. The thrill of the stage! The cries of the people! The personality and connection to his adoring fans! The one time he crowd surfed! The fashion! It’s all just perfect!
❤️ He also frequents beach side shops, thanks to the atmosphere and outfit selection. One can NEVER go wrong with a floppy hat and a sheer coverup. It’s just impossible.
❤️ He relates WAY too hard to the little mermaid, both in the original story and Disney. There’s just something that hits too close to home about longing for humanity and a new, more comfortable body... He gets Ariel man, he gets her.
❤️ He likes to go on long morning walks on the beach alone. There’s something comforting about the sun rise and the sound of the waves rolling around him. There’s something even more sweet about the rare conversations, only lasting a hello and small talk, all few and far between. Sometimes he finds himself wishing he had a dog to walk with him, but in the end decides against it. He’s been alone a long time, he can last one more day.
❤️ He really enjoys going shelling. Sometimes, he even likes to paint his finds and put them up in his windows. Frisk helps him, he likes that.
❤️ He’s become a vollenteer to help find and aid sea turtles’ hatch sites. He loves watching them hatch and get to the sea safely. Though he’s not supposed to, he’ll protect them from the gulls.
❤️ Thanks to being in so close to the sea, he had a brief phase of being rather in love with verities of seaweed and kelps. He tried to keep afew using water tanks, but could never quite get them right. Ah well, at least the petunias and roses are doing nicely.
❤️ He has a hard time reading or watching things about mermaids. They make him sad.
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sehunniepotwrites · 4 years
there’s no place like you | l.jn
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part of the Walking in a Winter Wonderland collaboration by @suh-insane and @neocitybynight
🎄 SYNOPSIS — a story of falling in love with lee jeno throughout four seasons and finding a home in him through it all 🎄 GENRE — slight angst, fluff 🎄 PAIRING — model!jeno x makeup artist!reader 🎄 WORD COUNT — 3.1k 🎄 PLAYLIST — no place by the backstreet boys; the perfect gift by joshua bassett
🎄 PROMPTS — “Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas…perhaps means a little bit more!” - How the Grinch Stole Christmas // “You are my home, my home for all seasons.” - Sia (Snowman)
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You met Lee Jeno at the dead-end of last winter when spring was just around the corner. He was a stranger to you then but your friendship bloomed much like flowers during the season. 
He was a fresh face in the modeling scene and you were a makeup artist who worked closely with his modeling agency when it came to shoots. You met Jeno through a mutual friend, Na Jaemin, one of the regular models you worked with. Jeno, still new to the scene, wasn’t really one to talk much and so unbelievably shy until he was under the lights and in front of the lens.
“This is Jeno,” you remembered Jaemin introducing him when they first came into your mirror. Jeno offered his hand to you and you took it. 
He gave your hand a gentle shake before muttering, “It’s nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine,” you smiled back. You saw his eyes glisten at your reply and you felt a weird rush take over your body.
You were ogling the newcomer during his first shoot and Jaemin caught you red handed. It was the first time someone had caught your eye after your last relationship ended. According to his friend, Jeno had recently gotten out of a relationship, too. The model teased you about Jeno endlessly but you couldn’t help but stare— under the flashing lights, Jeno was a natural. 
And when he smiled so kindly at you, you just knew that Jeno was going to be someone special.
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You dated in the summer when the sun was hot and Jeno radiated nothing but a comforting warmth.
After that first meeting, you exchanged numbers and something just clicked. Texts were exchanged and then they transitioned into phone calls and facetime sessions that lasted for hours. If you weren’t on the phone with him, then you were spending time with Jeno in person: beautifying him before his photoshoots, touching up his makeup during his short breaks, and grabbing food with him after the shoot was over.
Jeno was easy to hang out with. Even when you were far apart in a room, you would eventually gravitate towards each other. 
Jaemin, being the observant person he was, noticed it first and pushed Jeno to ask you out; surprisingly, Jeno listened to his nosy best friend. Although he did it in the simplest way possible, it still tugged on your heartstrings just the same. 
Jeno took you out right before sunset on a summer’s evening in his Jeep. He didn’t tell you much, he just asked you to dress comfortably and you did it without question. It was a bit of a drive, your car heading to the outskirts of the city, which piqued your curiosity. He refused to say a thing but you figured it out once the entrance to a drive-in theatre came in sight.
Squealing with joy, you turned in the passenger seat to grasp Jeno’s arm that rested against his Jeep’s center console. “You’re taking me to a drive-in? I’ve always wanted to go to one!”
“I know,” he chuckles fondly, sneaking a glance at your glowing face. “Jaemin told me it was your dream date.”
“He did?” you asked, your cheeks heating up. “Did Nana tell you anything else?”
“He may or may not have told me to man up and ask you out since we practically go out on dates anyway,” Jeno answered a bit shyly. The conversation took a pause as he drove up to the ticket booth. He pushed your card away when you tried to pay for your share and purchased the tickets before slipping the pieces of paper in between his lips.
The sight was nothing extraordinary-- just a boy in a sleeveless hoodie with a ticket caught in between his teeth but it sent your heart racing.  
“So is this your way of asking me out on a date? By casually sliding us into my dream date spot,” you probed. 
“No,” Jeno laughed as he placed his car into park and your heart dropped for a second before he continued his sentence, “I was actually going to ask you to be my girlfriend after I set everything up in the back.”
“Oh,” you replied. 
He rubbed the back of his neck, facing you with the cutest look you have ever seen grace his features. His eyes were much like one of a puppy’s and there was a pink flush creeping up his cheeks. “It’s not set up yet but not everything goes to plan, I guess,” he started to stay.
You giggled, not believing any of this was happening. Jeno grabbed hold of your hands, his touch oh so gentle but the action made your weak heart skyrocket to the moon. “Will you be my girlfriend?” 
“I thought you’d never ask,” you grinned and he wasted no time, seeing as you wasted so much teetering around the label, in kissing you. Jeno leaned over the center console to press his lips lightly against yours and you can’t help but smile into it. 
Your first date and official day as a couple was spent cuddling on top of blankets and pillows in the extended trunk of his car, enjoying a movie under the stars. The summer breeze lingered in the air but that was alright; you had a cozy and warm Jeno to snuggle up to.
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You truly fell for him in autumn, just like the leaves that trickled down from the many branches. 
You and Jeno were out for a walk in the park. One of his hands held on tightly to a dog leash and the other was clasped onto yours. His beloved companion and cute Samoyed, Max, trotted ahead with his paws lightly hitting the ground.
A simple yet perfect date with your newfound family— it was something you always dreamed of having. 
Max started tugging on his leash, trying to run ahead towards something, and his weight dragged Jeno forward. Your boyfriend let go of your hand to tame his dog but laughed when he saw what Max was aiming for.
You watched fondly as he leaned down with a smile to let Max free of his leash. Jeno quickly nuzzled his face into his fur, “Go ahead, bud.” 
At those words, Max ran straight towards a neat pile of leaves before leaping into it. You giggled at the dog’s delight and your laughter grew tenfold when its owner shortly followed.
“Oh my god, Jeno, what are you doing?” you laughed. 
“Jumping into a pile of leaves, what else does it look like?” he replied, yelling over his shoulder before diving into the pile. Max yelped with joy as his owner joined him, rolling around in the leaves before Jeno began to scratch his belly. 
“You’re ridiculous!”
“No, you just don’t know how to have fun!” Jeno countered with a teasing scrunch of the nose. “Isn’t that right, boy?” Max let out a little bark and you couldn’t help but take a few pictures of the moment.
He looked so happy in the photos and so effortlessly handsome— it was really no wonder why he chose modeling as his career. 
“Stop taking pictures and join us!” Jeno waved you over. You shook your head to disagree and he shot you a playful glare. He whispered a command to Max while giving his companion an abundance of pats. 
“Go!” Max, with leaves clinging onto his milky white fur, bolted straight towards you until his head was butting on your legs. The force of his actions slowly inched you towards the leaves and you giggled at the disastrous duo you adored so much. 
“Okay, okay, I’ll go, Max! Stop,” you bent down to shower Max with pets. The samoyed just let out little noises of happiness as you ran your hands over his fur, focusing on his favorite spots. 
“I’ll race you, Maxie, how ‘bout that?” you tell the dog as Jeno affectionately watched the scene. He barked back as you counted down to one. Bubbles of laughter left your mouth as you ran after your dog and into the giant pile. 
Leaves rained down on you as you landed face-first into the now scattered heap, Jeno’s arms immediately wrapping around your body. He chuckled as you grinned up at him, Jeno’s eyes curled up in the crescents you loved to see. “See, it wasn’t that bad? All you had to do was take the leap.”
And take the leap you did.
“I love you,” you said suddenly. 
His chuckles halted and he blinked down at you. “What did you say?”
“I love you,” you repeated, voice a little louder.
Jeno bit down on his bottom lip, trying to hide his smile from escaping. He couldn’t hide it from you for long, though. His grin was so wide, almost bursting at the seams as he looked down at you with such adoration. There was this tenderness taking over your body and soul as he stared at you, you never wanted it to leave. 
“I love you, too.” And for the first time, Jeno’s words felt like home. 
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It was supposed to be your first winter with Jeno. In some ways, it was. 
You moved into a one-bedroom apartment together after having a serious discussion about your relationship. You shared space and co-parented an extremely affectionate dog and you thought nothing could ever tear that happiness away from you.
That was where you were wrong. 
As Jeno booked more shoots, his popularity grew. With rising popularity came a more demanding career. Even when living with him, you barely saw Jeno— he was constantly in and out of the house for a shoot. There were times you almost forgot what he looked and sounded like. With the time apart, all you wanted to do was spend your first Christmas together. That was all you asked for. Just one holiday would be enough but that didn’t go according to plan.
“Jeno, you promised you would be home for Christmas! I barely see you anymore as is!”
“I know, babe, I know but I can’t pass up the opportunity to work with John Suh!” he argued back. “It’s John Suh!”
Yes, the world-renowned photographer, John Suh. That would be an amazing opportunity but there was just one problem with that collaboration.
“But John Suh is located in America,” you replied with a frown. 
“It sounds like you’re not happy for me,” Jeno pressed.
“No, it’s not that. I am happy for you but you promised.”
“This will be so good for me, for us. I’ll be back before you know it,” he grabbed hold of your hands, pressing them tightly to reassure you, “and I’ll make it up to you, I promise!”
You tore your hands away from his grip with a glare and he stared back at you with hurt. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Jen.”
He broke so many promises before. Why would this time be different?
“Don’t be like that,” he said, disappointment taking over his features. “Why are you acting like this?”
“Because the only time Max and I see you now is when you’re going to sleep and getting ready to go to work! We’re your family and you barely have time for us anymore,” you hissed back. “This was the one thing I asked of you and you can’t even do that. You know how hard the holidays are for me.”
It was true; the holidays were difficult. Your parents died while you were young during the usually merry season and the hurt of being left alone still hurt you. On top of that, every romantic relationship you entered ended during the wintertime and it only added to the pain.
“But—” Jeno tried to retort.
“No, you know what?” you muttered as Jeno looked at you desperately. “Just go.”
“No, Jen,” you swallowed down a cry that was building in your throat. “Just, just go.”
And in a flurry of anger, Jeno did, leaving you alone for the week of Christmas.
You drowned your apartment with Christmas decor to fill the void. Tinsel was pinned onto the walls and handmade snowflakes were strung from your ceiling. You bought a fake tree and dressed it with dainty white lights and colorful ornaments. It was filled to the brim, your living space now a winter wonderland, and yet, it still felt empty. 
Even with Max by your side, you felt hollow as if something was missing. He was missing. 
On Christmas morning, you woke up with an empty bed and your frown dug deeper into your face. You felt your sense of loneliness hit you and you stared blankly at your pictures with Jeno, wishing he would come back to you.
You were so terribly lonely and your seasonal depression was hitting you at an all-time high. 
The place you called home didn’t feel like a home at all without him there. So much for being home for the holidays.
“Max?” you called, noticing he wasn’t on his side of the bed. It was actually Jeno’s side but he wasn’t there so Max claimed it until he came back...if he came back. You weren’t so sure he would after that last argument. 
You heard your dog yelping out of excitement from the living room, which was pretty unusual for him. 
“Maxie?” you called for him again but he didn’t answer, too preoccupied with whatever he found in the living room. Did he finally find that bone you hid for him?
You heard footsteps against your hardwood floors and you froze. Was someone here?
The pounding against the floor grew louder and louder, your heartbeat matching its timing as you gripped onto your blanket. A familiar head popped out from behind the door frame, a shy and worried smile taking over his face. Max fought his way in between his legs, his head also peeping into your room and suddenly, an overwhelming feeling took over your body.
“Jeno,” you whispered.
“Hi, love,” he greeted back, slowly making his way over to you. Jeno took a seat at the end of your bed and you used that time to take him in. His appearance looked so ragged compared to his usual self.
His black hair was a mess, strands sticking up in all directions, and there were designer bags under his eyes. Wrinkled clothes dressed his body while his cheeks were sunken in as he smiled helplessly at you. 
“You— what are you doing here?”
“I shouldn’t have left,” he explained with a frown. “I know the holidays are such a difficult time for you and I just added onto it, like a shitty person.”
You reached out to him, interlocking your fingers with his. You immediately felt better at the touch. “No, I know how much an opportunity like that means to you. I shouldn’t hold you back.”
Jeno lifted your knuckles to his lips, pressing a light kiss on them. “Let’s say we were both in the wrong and call it a day, okay?”
“Okay,” you chuckled as he placed another kiss on your hand. 
Jeno used his other hand to reach into his pocket to pull a small box out of his pocket. He pushed it towards you, gesturing for you to take it.
“What’s this?” You hesitated to take it but he easily shoved it into your hold. 
“A present for you, dummy,” he replied. 
“I didn’t get you anything,” you murmured. 
He shook his head, “That’s okay.”
You gently opened the box to find a heart-shaped pendant. It was old and a little tattered but beautiful just the same. “Oh,” was all you could say as you ran your thumb over the surface. 
“It’s a locket,” Jeno whispered before urging you to open it. “Found it in an antique shop while I was abroad.”
You grinned. You always had a thing for antiques. 
You pressed on the tiny clasp you found on the side and inside was a tiny picture of you, Jeno, and Max from that autumn day in the park. “Oh my god, Jeno.”
Looking up at him, you see his face dusted with a rosy shade of pink. His thumb rubbed against your free hand as Jeno abashedly smiled at you. “While I was gone, I was stressing over getting you the perfect gift to make up for everything. It’s not much, I’m sorry this was all I could think of,” Jeno said. 
You didn’t care about the monetary gifts.  You didn’t care about them at all. All you cared about was him. “That doesn’t matter— all I wanted for Christmas was to be home.” 
He shot you a confused look and tilted his head. Your boyfriend looked so similar to your pet samoyed at that moment, you had to hold back a laugh. “But you are home, I was the one that left.”
You scooted closer to him on the bed, wrapping your arms around his middle. You immediately relaxed as his arms returned the hug, pressing your closer to his body. Snuggling into the crook of his neck, you said, “But this place isn’t home without you. when I’m with you, I’m home.”
“That doesn’t make any sense,” Jeno said. 
He lied. It did make sense. It made perfect sense but he just couldn’t believe it.
“Of course it does,” you grinned back at him, taking hold of his cheek. Jeno radiated a warmth that you missed so dearly into your freezing hand. “Home stopped being a place when you entered my life.”
You pressed a kiss on his shoulder, “There’s no place like you, Lee Jeno.”
The brightest smile broke out on his face, making him shine like the stars you used to wish upon. You swore you saw golden specks in the brown of his irises. Jeno beamed like a brilliant light, eyes scrunching up so lovingly before putting his forehead to yours. He nuzzled his nose with yours before whispering an affirmation of love against your lips and the feeling sent shivers down your spine. 
You closed the distance, connecting your lips with his and there it was again: that comforting blanket, that safe haven that you missed so dearly. 
You were embraced by his love and that feeling of home. 
“Merry Christmas, babe,” he murmured, still not parting from your lips.
Merry Christmas. Welcome home.
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🎄  author’s note—here’s my fluffy holiday fic! this was such a fun write, if only i could write holdiay fics all year round huhuhhu please tell me what you think and be sure to check out the other fics in the collab!
🎄 taglist — @notnctu
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thebigbadbatswife · 3 years
The Witching Hour - Chapter 1 - All Hallows’ Eve
Summary - When her friends dragged her to Gotham’s old cemetery for some Halloween ghost hunting fun, Y/N really didn’t think her life would end up changing like this.
Chapter Warnings - referenced/implied character death
Word Count - 3.3k
The cell phone on your nightstand buzzed incessantly as your friends continued to spam your messages. They had been doing so for the past hour or so. You were surprised that the damn thing hadn’t vibrated off of the nightstand yet. When it finally stopped, when you finally thought they had given up, you returned your attention to the document you had open on your laptop. Just as you were about to start typing again, your phone resumed its buzzing.
Huffing, you shut your laptop’s lid, placed it on the bed next to you, reached over and grabbed your phone off the nightstand. Over eighty messages both from your friends individually and within the group chat, begging you to come along with them to the old cemetery that sat outside of town. They wanted to go because it was Halloween and that meant it was the best time to go ghost hunting! And they wanted you to go along because of how you were usually drawn to this type of stuff. As well as how this type of stuff was also usually drawn to you.
Come on! For old time’s sake? Plus we’re going to have a much better chance at actually catching something if you come along!
The message was from your friend John, the ringleader of your group. The reason you and your friends had always gotten into trouble at school. Now he was trying to work his magic once again.
Only because I’m a meta with an uncomfortably close relationship with death…
As far as you knew, your powers were genetic instead of being caused by that arc reactor explosion that had given a lot of metas their powers. You were able to look past the “Veil”, as it was called, and see and interact with spirits on the other side. Not that you did so often or even liked to do. It creeped you out and you sometimes saw things that would certainly traumatize most people if they saw them. Not to mention the strain on your body and mind each time you did it. 
Why the obsession with the old cemetery now?
It had been years since John had mentioned ghost hunting, let alone the old cemetery. Back during your last year of high school, it had been all John could talk about. He was convinced that it was where the “cool” ghosts would be hanging out. None of you had ever actually gone because your last year had passed surprisingly quickly and before you all knew it, you were all moving to different parts of the country for college. In all that time it had never been mentioned again. Until now.
Ha! She finally replies! I knew you wouldn’t leave us to scream into the void forever!
The next message was from Tom, your oldest friend. Unlike the others, you two had known each other since kindergarten. If anyone was capable of talking you into going, it was probably him.
It’s been years since all of us were in the same place at the same time! Not to mention it’s Halloween and a full moon! I don’t think it could be more perfect!
Well, he wasn’t wrong about that.
You know you want to come! And don’t you dare lie!
He wasn’t wrong about that either. You were a little curious. The cemetery was on the outskirts of Gotham City. According to the internet, the cemetery had members of Gotham’s oldest families buried there. If you were to use your powers there to look past the Veil, there was a chance some of those people could still be hanging around. It would certainly be an unique opportunity to converse with them and, perhaps, attempt to help move on. Or maybe you would find inspiration for your next short ghost story. You certainly had been struggling with inspiration recently so maybe this was exactly what you needed.
Okay! Fine! I’ll come!
You scoffed as you hit ‘send’. Once again, Tom had talked you into joining them. A small part of you was convinced he was a meta with some sort of manipulation power.  
That’s great! ‘Cause we’re already outside your house!
John replied, causing you to roll your eyes. Of course they were already outside. Why wouldn’t they be?
You locked your phone, got up from your bed and slipped your phone into your pocket. You grabbed your jacket from your wardrobe and made your way out of your bedroom and down the stairs. You grabbed your keys from the bowl on the table, near the front door.
“Y/N? Where are you going at this hour sweetheart?” your grandma called from the living room.
“I’m going to meet up with some old friends. I’ll be back soon!” you replied. You didn’t tell her where you guys were going since you knew she would most definitely disapprove.
“Stay safe!”
“Will do!”
After your parents’ death, your grandma had not only raised you, but helped you learn how to use your abilities so that, should you choose to, you’d be able to use them. Not that she would approve of you constantly using them. Looking through the Veil could sometimes draw the attention of extremely unwanted creatures that were looking for a route to the physical world. You knew how to defend yourself from them, but that didn’t mean you really wanted to get into that situation to begin with. If you were going to use your abilities tonight, you were going to have to be extremely careful.
The entire drive there, your friends excitedly talked about what they could potentially capture on either video or audio. John was driving, Tom sat in the passenger seat next to him and you were sitting in the back with Rebecca.
A couple of hours later and the car finally pulled up in front of the cemetery. John turned off the engine and you all got out. Since it was pretty much pitch black out here, you all got out your phones and turned on your flashlights.
Tall stone walls covered in moss and vines surrounded the cemetery and an old rusted iron gate stopped the car from going any further. Threaded through the bars of the gate was large rusted chain with an equally rusted padlock. Even if you guys had the key, you seriously doubted it would have worked anyway.
“Are you kidding me?” asked Tom, as he useless pulled against the chain. “This is so unfair!”
“Uh, maybe we could try to scale the walls or something?” Rebecca suggested as she walked over to where the vines seemed at their thickest. She gave them a gentle tug. “Looks like it might hold our weight, if we go up one by one.”
Tom shook his head. “And get covered in spiders? Yeah, no thanks!”
Rebecca frowned as she used her phone’s light to have a closer look at the vines. “I can’t see any spiders.”
“That’s because you’re not looking in the right spots,” he replied as he walked over to her. He shone his own light up at the vines.
While you walked over to them, to get a better look at what Tom was trying to show her, John shook his head and walked back toward the car.
“See all of those tiny turquoise dots shinning back at us?” he asked her as he pointed above where there were a lot of tiny turquoise dots sparkling in the light.
“Yeah, they’re like little drops of moisture right?”
“You would think, but they’re not! Those are the eyes of all those horrid little spiders!”
Rebecca squealed and immediately backed away from the wall. “Tom! Why the fuck would you tell me that! Fuck! There’s probably going to be so many of them inside the actual cemetery! And now I know how to spot them!”
“I don’t think that’s going to be much of an issue considering we can’t get in anyway,” you said as you gestured toward the very locked gate. This whole thing was starting to feel like a massive waste of time.
“Oh! But we can!” John announced as he strode on over to you three with a large pair of bolt cutters in hand. He also had a backpack slung over his shoulder. As he cut the chain, John explained how he had swung by here earlier to see if there was anything that would stop you lot from getting in. When he saw the chain, he had gone to the hardware store, that was located in the worst part of the city, and bought these. “Only place I could find that had bolt cutters big enough for a chain like this!”
“Aren’t we like breaking the law or something right now?” Rebecca asked just as the cutters snipped through the chain and it clanged against the gate.
“Probably,” John replied very nonchalantly. “But we’re pretty much committed at this point now. Besides, look at this place! No one’s been here in years! I seriously doubt we’re going to get caught.”
The iron gate creaked loudly as it was pushed open and you all headed inside. The others walked ahead while you trailed behind. The way they were talking, discussing who was buried here and therefor who they could potentially “contact”, made you feel like you had time-travelled back to high school.
When you all got to the centre of the cemetery, John took the backpack off and opened it. It was filled with all sorts of equipment that was used in modern day ghost hunting. Voice recorders, emf meters, even a couple of high end night vision cameras. Damn, he had really gone all out for this. After the gear had been handed out, John began to give everyone directions as to where they were off to investigate.
Tom and Rebecca were going to be investigating the southwest of the cemetery, which was the newest part, John was headed up to the north, where some mausoleums were shaded by an old willow tree and you:
“And Y/N, you get the oldest part of the cemetery which is toward the east!”
“Right, of course, send the meta to the creepiest part of this place,” you said, playfully rolling your eyes.
“Well, you said it, not me! Good luck and we’ll meet back here in a couple of hours,” John replied. With that, you all split up and went your separate ways.
The cemetery was vastly overgrown. Most of the headstones were buried beneath the long unruly grass, brambles and vines. Every now and then your flashlight would catch a glimpse of the grey stone underneath. You also caught more glimpses of those glowing spider eyes and were doing your best to ignore them. You really hated Tom sometimes.
Thanks to all of the plants, you could barely see the path. The only thing that indicated you were walking on one was every now and then you could feel a stone slab shift underneath your feet.
The further east you walked, the darker and darker the cemetery seemed to get. It also seemed to get creepier and creepier, which was strange to you because you never really found cemeteries creepy. Instead you had always found them peaceful. A lot of people found you weird for that. There was also the feeling that something was watching you. The uneasiness that came along with that feeling was enough to prevent you from using either your recorder or your abilities. If there really was something watching you, you got the feeling that the last thing you wanted to do was attract its attention. After all, who knew what truly lurked here? Especially on the other side.
You eventually reached a group of mausoleums. Much like the rest of the cemetery, they were covered in bramble, vines and other plantlife. They were tall and the parts of them you could see, you could tell were certainly made of far more expensive stone than the rest of the place. This wasn’t just the oldest part, this was also the richest part.
You approached a few of the mausoleums and managed to clear away some of the plants covering the name plates. The majority of the names had been erased due to the elements, but not all of them. The names that were still readable were also names you recognised. Kane, Elliot, Crowne. Three of the First Families of Gotham.
You were about to approach another when you saw something large and black move, out of the corner of your eye. You spun around and shone your flashlight in the direction of the shadow, but there was nothing there.
“Hello?” you called out, which was probably a terrible idea, but it was the only thing you could think of doing. “Who’s there?” You waited for a reply, but no reply came.
Was your nerves making you see things? It couldn’t be a spirit; you weren’t using your powers. Unless… Throughout your life you had heard of non metas who had “seen” things in their peripheral vision. Sometimes they were spirits that had briefly broken through the Veil, other times it really was just people imagining things. Until now you had never experienced it before and you hated how impossible it was to tell which one it was.  
Turning on your phone’s screen, you looked at the time. You still had an hour before you had to head back to meet back up with the others. Turning the screen off again, you looked back in the direction you had seen the shadow move toward. Did you follow? It sounded like an awful idea, but the only other thing you could do was head back early and then wait around for everyone else, and that sounded incredibly boring.
‘ Okay, guess I’m doing this then,’ you thought as you began to head down the path, in the direction the shadow had gone.
You had previously thought that there was no way this cemetery could be anymore overgrown than it already was. This new part you were now walking through proved you wrong. Extremely wrong.
Branches hanging low off of trees and thorns from the brambles tugged at your clothing as you passed them. You had to keep an extra careful eye out on where you were stepping so that you didn’t trip over and injure yourself. There were more mausoleums, but you could barely make their shapes out through all of the greenery.
As you walked, that feeling that something was watching you increased tenfold and you found yourself constantly glancing back. Each time you looked you were met with the same result. There was nothing there.
‘ It’s just my overactive imagination ,’ you told yourself, but that did nothing to soothe your growing fear. What if the thing you had seen had been an actual person? And not a good person at that. This was Gotham after all and for some reason Halloween was when most, if not all, the psychopaths suddenly came out to play. Were you about to become another notch in some serial killer’s knife hilt? Oh, you really hoped not. That was not how you wanted to go.
Before your mind could lead you down a dark path of all the vivid ways you could be brutally murdered right now, the path came to an end. At the end of it sat a lone mausoleum. This one didn’t look nearly as old as the others nor was it as covered in plants like the rest. As you walked over to it you saw one of the large iron doors had fallen off its hinges and now laid on the ground.
Cautiously, you approached the entrance. When you were close enough, you shone your light on the name plate. The name ‘Wayne’ was engraved on to it. You got a feeling that that was somehow important, but you really didn’t know why. Nor why you were so drawn to it. Almost as if you were now on autopilot, you stepped inside the mausoleum.
The first two names you saw were Martha and Thomas Wayne. Even years after their deaths, you knew the names well. Before their untimely deaths they had been trying to use their fortune to help the city and its more vulnerable citizens.
The next name you saw, you didn’t recognise. Jason Peter Todd. You were shocked when you saw his death date. “Fuck, you were barely sixteen years old,” you whispered. That was... that was not fair at all.
The last name was Bruce Wayne. It stood out to you a lot more than the others had. Almost as if it was…. Glowing? What? That made no sense. Okay, you were definitely just seeing things now. To prove that to yourself, you turned your flashlight off. The name continued to glow, in fact now it was a hell of a lot brighter.
“What the fuck?”
You peered closer to see if there was any small lights or something similar causing it to glow, but there wasn’t anything. The name was actually glowing! Freaked out, you took a picture of it (without the flash of course), and sent it to Tom. A few agonising minutes passed before he finally replied.
Why are you sending me a completely black photo?
What? You checked the picture you had sent and, yeah, the name was definitely visible.
Can’t you see the glowing name?
If Tom couldn’t see it, then what did that mean?
What are you on about? There’s nothing there. Are you okay?
Was this somehow related to your powers? Is that why Tom wasn’t able to see it? If that was the case, and with each passing second it seemed to be, then he or the others couldn’t help.
Yeah, I’m fine. Nevermind.
Sighing, you checked the time before you shut off you phone and slipped it into your pocket. Thirty minutes before you had to head back. You were on your own. If this was related to your powers then what exactly did you do with it? Your grandma had never mentioned anything like this before, so you had no clue. You still felt uneasy and this new discovery had done nothing to help so you really didn’t want to peer through the Veil, unless it was absolutely necessary.
Would anything happen if you reached out and touched it? You sometimes got flashes of memories or feelings when you touched some items. Maybe this could be the same? You supposed the only way to find out would be to touch the stone. Cautiously you reached out and pressed the palm of your hand against the cold stone.
Images flashed through your mind. Movie tickets, a pearl necklace, a gun. There was the sound of the gun firing, a child’s blood chilling scream and the loud wailing of police sirens. Then it was over and you were brought back to reality, with far more questions than you had previously started with.
Before you were able to question or make sense of what you had seen, your phone vibrated. Taking it out, you saw a text from John, as well as several others.
Are you nearly here?
We were supposed to meet up fifteen minutes ago. Where are you?
Did your phone die?
It did, didn’t it. Unless you’re currently doing one of your meta things?
So what had simply been mere seconds for you in reality had been forty five minutes for everyone else. Which wasn’t all that unusual for you, but could certainly make people that didn’t deal with it daily worry. With that in mind, you fingers flew across your keyboard as you typed out your reply.
Yeah, meta thing, sorry. I’m on my way back now.
You turned your flashlight back on and walked back to the entrance. Before leaving, you looked back to where the glowing of Bruce Wayne’s name was now slowly fading away. Whoever he had been, he was asking for your help. You were sure of it and that’s exactly what you were going to do.
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