#which is that they realise its him (if hes disguised in some way) and stop
daysofnights · 10 months
regulus who destroys the horcrux(es) and then goes out of his way to try and get sirius or james to kill him because he wants his last breath to have a personal touch
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transmascanakin · 2 months
Varmibros AU explained.!
(aka the au where Chris Varmitech is a detective whos hired by Martin to solve the case of his missing brother)
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The whole thing begins with the Varmitech family, who have been villains for generations and generations. The family is cultishly obsessed with villainy and anyone who doesnt follow the tradition is pushed out of the family, who will later seek revenge on the outcast, and this is how the kidnapping of Chris happened. Generations ago the Kratt family were also Varmitechs, until someone broke out of the cycle, broke contact with the family, changed their name and lived a normal life which of course angered the Varmitechs to no end. The responsibilty of taking revenge on the Kratts fell on Zachs mom, Ivette Varmitech, who decided to take the family's youngest son and raise him as their own to set their bloodline back on the track of villiany.
(i am honestly not a huge fan of this part of the plot idk the kratts and varmitechs being related is so weird but I dont really have a better reason for why theyd take Chris so! This remains for now)
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From the Kratts point of view Chris just goes missing mysteriously and no search party or investigator can turn him up. His case goes cold too fast and it really strains their small family. Martin, who was really close with his little brother is forced to grow up alone, being left with the lingering feeling of emptiness (wow thats really deep. !!)
Meanwhile Chris is hidden from public eye until around his teen years, with the excuse of his unstable mental state (which is actually kinda true cause like. Taking a 3 year from his family is traumatic even if you brainwash him into thinking those memories arent real) and at around the age of 17 he starts to join Zach on smaller villain missions but these are just some easier robberies. Hes actually fairly good at stealing and being stealthy but when Zach invented some more serious stuff and began using animals to power his inventions it disgusted him, and he grew even more distant with Zach, and also started putting less effort into anything he had to do as a villain, especially after he had to take a more aggressive role, fighting off and distracting anyone who tries to stop Zach (this is when he starts using the Zach-bot looking costume that hides his identity. The vest also gives him 2 robotic arms) and this is how he gets to know the tortuga crew, who are extremely similar to their canon versions, with the absence of Chris of course. (The crew knows Zach has a brother but dont know that hes behind the mask of his right hand-man who they nicknamed the crawler)
Anyways, unlike Zach, Chris' main focus is not the villain business. He became a detective, as this is like the only thing his parents let him do that he actually loves. But one day, he gets a strange call. Martin Kratt, one of his brother's biggest enemies, a man that he himself had to face many times in his villain disguise, wants Chris to take on the case of his missing brother. Hes immediately suspicious, thinking its just a coverup and Martin actually wants to get some information about Zach or something, but after meeting up with Martin he realises hes very serious about wanting to hire him to do the investigation. He looks at the unsolved case of Chris Kratt, a 3 year old who went missing without barely any trace almost 20 years ago, and despite knowing that he probably wont be able to turn up anything new for Martin, whos convinced that against all odds his brother is still alive, Chris decides to take the case.
Martin is quick to help Chris in the investigation, and he is surprised to discover that the detective is the opposite of Zach in a lot of ways. Unlike his brother, Chris seems to love animals and has a respectable knowledge about them, and just like Martin, he also has his experience with complicated familial relationships, and the two of them grow close while digging themselves deep into the investigation. (And yeah maybe Chris reminds him of his brother, maybe he just wants to protect Chris from his dubious brother and parents, or maybe he feels connected to him in a way he cant name)
Meanwhile Chris faces the internal struggle of wanting to stay friends with Martin, but also knowing that hes secretly the villain who Martin has to fight every now and then, and he feels extremely guilty for decieving him, but hes too scared to tell him because of his major abandonment issues, but he also cant stop being a villain due to the pressure his family puts on him. So now he has to miraculously solve the case of Martins brother, while he actively tries to keep his identity a secret, and tries to avoid Zach, whos always happy to remind him that no matter how morally superior Chris feels hes still lying to the tortuga crew and that he better stop this little game of his before their parents find out, or before the crew discover his identity...
(If anyone has any questions for the au feel free to drop them in my ask box .!!)
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yurislilygarden · 6 months
Hello, inspired anon here again ✨️
Happy you liked that ask and now it's yours to keep.
There were some details that I wasn't able to include in the skit about the angels thinking about Reader being God's sibling (leaning towards sister obviously) so I'll just include them here. There isn't really any talk about them being self aware and feel free to pick and choose any parts you like for yourself (also there is some easter eggs of a particular game I like, so expect that too).
Emily originally through Reader was God too but realised that they didn't act or sound like the way other people described God which started her thinking that they must be two different beings.
Emily wants to know if Reader has created their own Heaven, Hell and Earth or something completely different and if she could go and see them. She also wonders if Readers Earth would have its own humans, she can't exactly call them Adam and Eve so she calls them Alex and Steve.
Emily doesn't like that Sera stops her from talking to others about Reader, she just wants everyone to welcome this new deity and wants someone to gush over how God has a little sibling.
Emily likes to draw what she imagines Readers 'seraphim' would look like which are basically normal many eyed, many winged seraphim but with insect wings, mainly butterfly and moth ones, instead of feathered ones since Reader takes the form of a butterfly, she draws them in her idea of Readers heaven which involves lots of floating islands under a vast starry sky. She has made Sera and herself 'Reader angelsona' but keeps them hidden.
Sera was 100% sure that Reader was God until Emily's talk. Sera took along time to agree that Reader isn't God but someone else but still is hesitant to actually say that, God does like to test people and she fears that if they are mistaken and Reader is really just God in disguise that they would be harshly punished for blasphemy.
She also worries that if this IS a different God, then what does it mean for heavens future? Is this new God going to upset the balance of the universe? She would be powerless to stop them if they were going to. Good chance she'd think Pentious's redemption is Readers doing instead of God's.
She would eventually give Reader a vague title such as The Observer or The Watcher to distinguish them from The Lord without full differentiating them, just to play it safe.
Adam would claim that Emily, and eventually Sera, are just crazy for thinking that there's another God after the shock of Emily's talk passed. Firmly believes that there is only one divine being, the big G man himself. This is a lie though as he almost instantly believed that Reader is different to God, he should know since he used to talk to God alot.
Adam actually is in hard denial since he's actually extremely worried. He knows one of the reasons God favoured him so much was because he was made in his image, so would that mean you would favour Lillith and maybe even Eve if they were made in your image? He knows that he doesn't exactly have the best history with them and he's worried that you'd believe their telling of events over his, he's seen what happens to those that anger a God and he doesn't want any of that happening to him.
On the other hand, he does still want to meeting Read. He's sure that he'd win them over with his charm once them met and well, he wouldn't mind thanking them for being the blueprint of all women.
Lute isn't really bothered if Reader is God or not. As far as she's concerned, it doesn't really effect her. She has a job to do and as long as Reader doesn't have an issue with it then she'll just carry on just as she's always done.
Sure Lute is curious about there possibly being another divine being and had thought about trying to prepare plans just incase Reader was planning to take Heaven from God but she realised that it would be pointless to try and fight something as powerful as a deity.
Lute is concerned for Adam though. She is worried about how Adam isn't taking the idea of there being a second deity well and is worried that he'd accidentally offend Reader and be punished for it.
St. Peter hasn't been told about the idea of Reader not being God and is under strict order to welcome them as much as possible and to alert Sera of their presence when spotted.
I genuinely had to reread 3 times because I just had no words anon😭 Whoever you are, goddamn bless you, I'm so using your ideas once I get to writing heaven-
I have nothing really to add to this perfection, but I do wanna say that I will still try to keep in mind to use gender-neutral terms, even with the fact that it will imply reader is female because of the image that Lilith and Eve were made from is supposedly reader and shit, I will still use things like 'sibling' and stuff in the works to make it as gn as possible😭
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steddieyes · 11 months
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Daddy issues, Mommy issues. He's got issues, doesn't he?
Part 1 of my new Arlo fic :)
She drops the fucking cards, all of-
"No- stop that, stop." He sighs leaning forward to rest his face in his hand before getting up with a huff.
"I'm jus' gone have a little bit of private time, jus' one moment.." he says with a faked, happy tone an smile. Not denting that it's faked anymore.
As Arlo walks away and behind the set of hit Tv30 kids show 'Magic FunHouse', all that is heard is a raw, loud "FUUUUUUUUUCK!" before loud footsteps grow quieter and quieter. The show left on and running.
"That fuckin' bitch, embarrassing me like that in front of- move!" He mutters to himself as he strips of his disguise 'Mr. Marble', who the fuck even thinks of that, I mean really. A fucking marble is what I could come up with? I'm such a fucking idiot.
"Oh, hey. So Arlo- what the hell!?" Sasha backs up with a sour expression as Arlo shoves by, throwing off his wig and hat as if it was offending him to the highest degree.
"I don’t want to hear it Sacha, fuck off"
And, okay, rude. Arlo's an asshole and all, but he 's never been this bitter towards her, not even when… she's supposed to be his friend.
But he's gone and out of sight before there's any more protest to be had.
With stomping feet he rushes past Sasha, save for their fucked interaction, but right now he just want to. Just doesn’t. He can feel like shit about talking to Sasha like that later, right now he just wants to get home and away from all this fucking coulor. Which, great. It was the uber driver that he'd had on the fucking show, way to go numbnuts. Walking home again, aren't you smart.
"I don’t want to be heere, my feet huuurt" he whines, tugging on his moms pant leg as he looks up to her with a pout. He never really liked the park, always had to play by himself in the sand. Nobody else wanted to play astronauts with him.
"Who don't you go play with the others, sweetie? I'm sure they wont mind, hun." His mother, Darla, sweetly says. A not-so-there smile on her face.
"But momm-"
"Arlo. You're a big boy now, go play with the others. Daddy said your his big strong boy, okay? Show 'em that you are." She says with a softer tone, bending down to wipe the mud off of Arlo's cheek with the reassurance. But even at six, Arlo knew that wasn't true. Mommy and Daddy fight all the time, Ms.Bory said so too.
With a huff and a deeper pout, he stomps off into the sand. His little feet making a small thud as he marches over to the swing set hoping to find a friend. But nothing's ever been easy for little Arlo, has it. Looking up from his journey to the swings, he sees a little girl getting pushed off some sort of box. So /that's/ where the music was coming from. But before he can come to that full realisation, he sees five kids ganging up on that girl and throwing hackey sacks at her. Her singing was nice, and he didn't like that it was gone now.
Without a second thought, he stands up as tall as he can, and stomps on over to the bullies. Punching one square in the nose just like he seen Daddy do to make the man at the arcade to give Arlo his tickets back. That man was loud, but so is he.
Nodding to himself he moves onto the next one and does the same thing. Quickly moving to punch the other in the gut, uppercutting the next just like he seen that wrestler guy do, and head butting the last boy. Daddys big, strong boy. Didn’t even cry this time, even if he hurt his nose hurting the last boy.
"Thank you, my hero!"
Arlo turn his head to see the girl stepping down off her box with a smile and an arm held out politely.
He nods a little to himself at seeing her and does the same, because that's the right thing he's supposed to do, right?
"I'm Arlo, Arlo Dittman" he says looking down to her hand before quickly remembering 'its not polite to not look someone in the eyes, sweetie'.
"Sacha, Sacha Barbican" the girl says with a grateful smile, shaking Arlo's hand.
"ARLO-!" A voice yells from across the park, breaking the peace and staring at the two as she approaches.
"Arlo, it's time to go, honey" she says with a sweeter… fake, tone. A cracked smile to match with it it, too.
Later that day, Arlo had Sacha over for dinner. Mom heard all about how he was a big boy today and helped Sacha from trouble, but dear old Dad wasn't having it. Especially not when Sacha went as far as to compliment Moms cooking.
"Oh fuck you, /she/ microwaved it-"
He knows better than to act shocked, but he thought that- he thought that his time might be different…
"It's because you haven't fixed the goddamn oven! I am so sick of-"
Turning to quickly grab Sacha's hand, he knew it was time to go when Mom and Dad started to reach for each others neck over the table. Mom said he wasn’t supposed to know that part happened.
"I'm sorry my Mom an Dad had too much juice today and became expressive.." he says with a slightly sad, but sorry, tone.
"Thank you for rescuing me from my two bad situations today" Sacha says, sitting across from him on the sidewalk with a cool-aid, one of the cool blue ones. But he always preferred the red.
"You can count on me Sacha" he says with a new smile as he raises his red cool-aid in the air to cheers, to celebrate getting out of their situations together.
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ask-healthy-light · 7 months
To Celestia's surprise, neither Spike nor Eclipse uttered a word to her in return, until they asked her for some time to let what she told them sink in, to which she merely slowly nodded, even though she struggled to understand why they asked this; but after a moment of silence, followed by a brief discussion between them, they apologised to Celestia, and said that Spike had sent it away already.
If there was anything she wanted to ask their friends, however, Spike politely told her that if she wrote another letter to them, he could send it thither for her, since, as he had just told Eclipse, he figured that it would be a safer way of sending a message; and Celestia kindly thanked the Young Dragon for telling her, before she told them that she wanted to reach out for Shining in his stead.
Although she admitted that the reason as to why he could not send a message himself, or even to ask them to send a message for him, would be too complicated to explain, she quietly asked the three to trust her; and after Eclipse and Spike firmly nodded to her in response, Celestia said that Shining intended to travel to the Dragon Lands, but he would need their help in order to contact the group.
Since it would be far too obvious if he stepped through a fiery gateway to the Dragon Lands, he had to make sure that the group knew exactly where he was beforehoof, so the gate could be formed after he made it outside of the Empire; and he would arrive in thick protective clothing, but this was to cover all of the supplies he was carrying underneath, so he would not raise suspicion with Cadance.
Before Eclipse or Spike could ask her why Shining had to hide his actions, Celestia raised her hoof to ask them to wait, before she said that it was best they knew as little as possible; but since it was crucial that Cadance believed Shining was still nearby, all they could tell her was that he was asked to patrol the area outside of the protective Aura, for as long as it took until he came back.
The cold tone in Celestia's voice which briefly caused them to quiver, as well as the grave look in her eyes, spoke volumes to Spike, Twilight, and Solar, who did not dare to move a muscle, until she closed her eyes as she backed away; and the others felt a great pressure lift off their chests, and they all sighed in relief as well, before they promised her not to utter a word of this to Cadance.
In turn, Celestia's distressing coldness faded away, and her familiar warmth and caring nature took its place again as she solemnly thanked the others for their help, before she sweetly asked them to write to their friends, while she talked to Shining; and she told them to make haste, for any delay on their part would swiftly grow worse for the others, and would drastically lengthen their return.
As determined smiles grew upon the faces of Spike and Eclipse, they nodded to Celestia, before they turned around to fly back to Eclipse's room, when the Solar Princess said that she would write also write to Shining as cover, and that she would meet them in the Great Hall; and she flew downstairs, until she passed by her room, where she quickly dashed inside to write to Shining, asking for help.
Just as she intended to send the finished letter to him, she realised that the colours of her magic would be too recognisable, so she searched through her satchel to look for the enchanted brooch she had worn before; and she held it in her hoof, whereafter her form changed, until her appearance had been completely hidden by her disguise of Golden Feather, to cloak all of her true self once again.
But Celestia only had to cloak herself for long enough to send the letter to Shining, so she headed downstairs, and stopped just outside of the Great Hall to cast her magic upon the letter; and after it disappeared in a cloud of magic, which was coloured a lighter shade of yellow, she let go of her brooch, and changed back into her regular form as she placed it under her wing, before she entered.
A moment after she entered, and greeted Shining, a letter appeared in front of him, which read:
"Urgent - To Captain Shining - Support Requested - Outpost 3C"
(Thanks for reading! And if you enjoyed, please reblog! Thanks in advance!)
Send an ask or request! | Start at the beginning! | Next part!
Featuring: Solar Eclipse and Twilight Sparkle as Twilight Eclipse from @asktwilighteclipse
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greenflamedwriter · 2 years
quick prompt
Shen Yuan transmigrates as Yue Qingyuan.
So he wakes up thinks fuck this shit, and decides to gather evidence that Shen Qingqiu is a scumbag and also thinking of ways to improve the protagonists life.
He has a system that stops him from directing helping Luo Binghe which makes him rage out but realises that he just doesnt HAVE to walk into the trap and get killed by thousands of arrows either way he ends up going through paper work trying to find evidence and break his ooc feature and decides to clean house.
So he finds out the entire cang qiong sect, the other martial siblings that were whispering poison that Shen Qingqiu is no good, is crooked, scum, worst of the worst etc. Have ALSO done some fucked up stuff.
Yue Qingyuan has let nearly everyone get away with murder! In a bid to throw Shen Qingqiu under the bus only- ended up revealing everyones dirty secrets.
Secrets that the system tells him he should investigate. So he holds a meeting and talks about how after losing his memory realises he's been too relaxed with certain siblings and their behaviour and finds it unnaccaptable. He brings up the siblings in question...
Shen Qingqiu, Mu QIngfan and Shang Qinghua.
He uses those ones first as they're the LEAST worst but almost there. Both Shang QInghua and Shen Qingqiu have been spending an abundant sums of money both summurise that its from their own pockets and savings and nothings been taken from cang qiongs treasury.
Shang has been ordering a quantity of paper and ink [for his writing] and Shen Qingqiu to his brothel visits, here Yue Qingyuan circles all the peak lords chairs as he speaks about following Shen Qingqiu and uses a tailsman to disguise himself then reveals that he wanted to see Shen Qingqiu red handed only to find time and again his shidi only went there to sleep. That the time spent was innocent. He reveals letters he asked the women to write and even payed then three times the amount Shen Qingqiu payed to reveal the truth.
"Now here," he spoke "The women could lie, and claim Shen Qingqiu is the worst sort and a degenerate even though I offered to pay for their services in the future that would let them be very comfortable." And even convert their establishment into a high luxary tea house instead.
"And yet here is what they wrote." He read them outloud of all the praise and eveything Shen Qingqiu had done, even letters from children and how he would book the entire inn so the children can sit with their parents as they relaxed.
"That Peak lord is utter scum, he should be banned from this estlablisment if this one ever saw the face of that man ever again I will have no choice but to tear his face off, damn that Xiao Qingwen oh, my mistake that wasn't about Shen Qingqiu." But he glared at the other martial sibling.
"That must be a mistake-"
"And yet if the Qing Jing Peak lord was accused there would be no mistakes." Yue Qingyuan glanced back at the letter and sneered "This is appaling, you are herby thorth banned from any brothels and sent to the Lingxi caves and reflect on yourself." Yue Qingyuan felt gross but felt more annoyed at the obvious projection of his martial siblings.
What was he? Some husband in a harem drama? Why was everyone here spitting and hissing like cats towards Shen Qingqiu who felt like the unfavoured wife? hah?
"And of course the Peak Lord from Qing Jing Peak is also banned from the Red pavillion." Shen Qingqiu glared his way.
"Excuse me sect leader? You may find this master can go where ever he pleases!"
Yue Qingyuan only gave him a dry look "Not when it reflects badly on Cang Qiong Mountain, you are a peak lord. Act like it and use a tailsman like any other cultivator." He rolled his eyes and noticed Shen Qingqiu relax when he realised that the Peak lord was banned, not him himself.
"And Mu Qingfan, these herbs...are not very legal. Do you have a valid excuse for these?" or any excuse in case the Sect leader needs to explain why Mu Qingfan is growing weed in his back garden.
Mu Qingfan explains he's a doctor and is expected to treat any illnesses, most cures come from those exotic plants.
Yue Qingyuan sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose "Still, I need a warrent at least, something legal on paper so it doesn't affect us in the long term. No one cares if you save lifes as long as you follow the rules." Annoying yes, but it had to be done.
"Speaking of illegal contraband." Shen Yuan glared at Qi Qingqi and saw her sweat, both she and Liu Qingge were the loudest to cause this meeting to expose Shen Qingqiu and punish him.
Oh, funny now that its THEM in the hole.
"These...what would you call it literature?" She tensed further "Yes?"
"Is there any reason you seem to have them? If it came out that Cang Qiong mountain had any copies of those books..."
She pursed her lips "This one was only curious, and none of this Masters disciples have read them." Yue Qingyuans eyes narrowed.
To think Qi Qingqi was holding kama sutra but the cultivation type, that would land all of them in trouble if it came out that they owned one!
Yue Qingyuan could see his chances of survivng dwindling before his very eyes- is that wha the original goods did? Acted like a ostrich and buried his head in the sand!?
Shen Yuan can't do that! But in a move that was supposed to expose Shen Qingqiu ended up revealing the guy was actually more complex than he thought and was weirdly innocent!
So in short, Yue Qingyuan is trying to throw Shen Qingqiu under the bus and betray him but ends up seeing him. Even Shen Qingqiu see's how Yue Qingyuan finally did something and helped instead of assuming he was guilty and trying to salvage and smile away the problem. But now he misses his Qi-gi and can't help but feel as if he's lost something important that he wont get back. He'll never know why Qi-gi abandoned him.
But isn't this what he wanted? To start over?
Even more thoughts.
This story will split into two alternative endings. One good ending where Yue Qingyuan [aka Shen Yuan] ends up being a house husband to Shen Qingqiu and finds that being stepped on by the scum villain isnt that bad.
Or the bad ending, where he gains Luo Binghes attention by giving him a better cultivation manual but plays it off as the sect that deals with stratergy its survival of the thickest as the other secs act friendly but can strike them if their perceieved as weak, while Yue Qingyuan is trying to avoid cang qiongs destruction ends up gaining LBh attention and has to sacrifice himself to be Luo Binghes play thing and manage his obsession.
There is a cross roads decision, to choose to help Shen Qingqiu or Luo Binghe, in the event he misses Luo Binghe by being alone comes across Ming fan who is also going through trials Ming fan mentions they have fake goods so others will destory the decoys so their real treasure is protected when LBH admits that WAs his treasure, Ming fan cuffs him on the head calls him stupid but ends up finding it and returning it. Ming fan doesnt change but from a new perspective of survival gains LBH respect and both start to open themselves up. MF gains LBHs attention instead of Yue Qingyuan and is able to manage his obsession.
So, in good ending, Shen Yuan has to do missions for the system. His pathways and dialouge options are blocked unless he snoops around and gains items, etc to unlock them as well as talking to others about himself and his lost memory.
But when he unlocks the core memory of his past slowly but surely Yue Qingyuan is a wreck as he feels the emotions and has to work even harder.
Because if he tells SQQ the truth his system will punish him, he has to earn that 'speical ending' and in doing so finds himself wanting to save Shen Qingqiu with the same intesity as the original. So he tries to plant the mushroom he cant tell SQQ what he knows which makes it harder, but he manages.
In on stroke of luck of earning just enough b-points and making sure Shen Qingqiu was in a good mood Yue Qingyuan had unlocked the event he just had to say it.
The original would've balked, and Shen Yuan with his thin face would've ran away too. But the sight of Shen Qingqiu as a human stick made him stay seated and pour the truth of why Qi-ge failed to come back to his Shidi and 'left' him behind.
And bad end with LBH? Yue Qingqyuan is just chained to LBH's bed, as a trophy wife so much smut idk very kinky, Yue Qingyuan is huge and LBH is tiny like a twink and he likes the size difference, also Yue Qingyuans 'cultivation' is not great a one hit wonder so to say.
So bedroom performance apart, Yue Qingyuan actually manages to fight for his place in the harem as the main empress, the only one strong enough to beat up Binghe, and even manages his kingdom.
"We are NOT merging the realms." "But shifu the paperwork-"
"Shut up. I'll deal with it then!"
They're like an old married couple, but LBH is jealous and keeps dangling his precious Xiao Jiu over his head if Yue Qingyuan doesnt co-operate or play his game 'just' right.
Yue Qingqyuan cannot relax feeling as if he's about to be devoured any second that this peace is only here unless he makes a mistake, its temporary and fragile and Yue Qingyuan cant relax for a second.
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simplegenius042 · 1 year
Azriel - Daughter of Joseph, Hija of Silva
Now early on in mid to late 2022, I had posted a little “what if” scenario. That being, “what if Rook was Joseph’s daughter (aka Baby Girl Seed)?” (or alternatively what if Baby Girl Seed lived and became a junior deputy)
And that title’s pretty self-explanatory, but it essentially came up with the scenario that Joseph didn’t kill his infant daughter (either he failed to do so or his stress and despair tricked him into thinking he did), which regardless of how that happened, would displease the Voice, but they’d somehow work with it.
Anyway, I started to wonder how I could work this in my own fanfiction, and change it up to fit my storytelling needs and have something different beyond “a deputy who is important to the Seeds in some way comes along to put a stop to their madness”, while also involving Silva.
And at this time I was struggling with how to properly convey one of my other storylines Far Cry El Industrial’s Reign, or what it had been originally called at the time “Far Cry The Powerbroker’s Reign”. Instead of being a 26-year-old junior deputy, Silva is a 37-year-old businesswoman who owns an industry in Hope County, while also being the leader of a group called the Tumultites (with some connections to the criminal underworld) who wanted to live free and in some state of peace from a government and system that failed and abandoned them. The struggle was mostly with how the conflict between Eden’s Gate and the Tumultites could be more deeply personal beyond different ideals, similar yet different traumas and whatnot.
So one thing led to another and I ultimately decided that Baby Girl Seed in this continuity would become this Silva’s adopted daughter, Azriel.
How exactly does this happen? Well, my dear reader, join me on a ride of a lifetime.
First, imagine with me. Just for the moment. Back to that hospital room, where Joseph was left alone with his perfect and alive infant daughter, stuffed with tubes, but breathing. We all know the story. Of how Joseph was in awe at how, despite a tragic event occurring, he could see his baby daughter alive, and yet left with him. A nobody. From nowhere. With nothing. And uncertain how to proceed in the unknown, unplanned future. Or, at least, he thought it was...
Joseph would hear a voice. The Voice. That dreadful voice belonging to a self-serving, malicious and overall cruel entity that could care less about the lives of so many poor souls in need, looking for another sheep to blindly follow its deceiving words, wanting to play with its chosen victim till they break in satiating its spiteful and malevolent hunger. But Joseph does not view it at this. He mistakes this fraud’s voice for the voice of God. And maybe it is, but who can be for sure. Regardless, the Voice has caught its trusting and unaware prey with its vicious hooks, giving Joseph a mockery of a play disguised as a benevolent mission meant to “save” people. Telling Joseph he could have everything he’s ever wanted (his family, a world without needless suffering, a peaceful garden) and more... for a price.
Then comes the price.
Now Joseph only believes what he’s about to do, is for the best interest for his little girl. Believing that it’s for the best that she goes up to the heavens, with his late wife, amongst the angels. For really, where would a pure and new soul go but back to the loving Lord? That is a lie the Voice encourages and feeds into as Joseph goes to complete his “test”... to ultimately decide to become the Father instead of a father. Only the Voice knows that there was no choice in the first place. It chose Joseph, in this moment, because it knew that his loss, his grief, and his faith to “God” would give it the advantage. The edge in pushing Joseph to make a decision that will haunt him, and yet believe be resolute in. Until the day he realises. And on that day, it will cherish every tear that comes forth from the man.
And Joseph would pinch close one of the tubes, the ones that let her breathe, and watch as his infant daughter kicks her legs, squirms, and then still. A flatline. Indicating her ascension. Sent to a higher plane of existence. A better place.
The Voice would be satisfied by this generous donation and will speak to Joseph as he leaves the hospital, to become an infliction of pain and misery upon the mortal Earth, its playground, under the careful disguise as its shepherd, an instrument it will fiddle with until Joseph knows the meaning of suffering.
And so Joseph leaves that hospital, and the body of his infant daughter behind for the doctors to deal with. His past and the future of what could have been, dead.
Now imagine the room, the infant, abandoned in a cold, sterile, hospital. Father long gone. On his mission.
Almost lifeless.
Do you hear the monitor? Do you see the flat line jump, then jump again, and once more, until it continuously goes at a steady pace.
Or perhaps the pinched tube fixing itself to the posture it once had been, opening to let the air pass.
Or do you see her leg kick. Once. Twice. Then a third time. Squirming. Then finally drawing breath, accepting the oxygen offered.
By sheer luck, through undoubtable chance, and unquestionable impossibility... She survived.
End imagination.
Doctors later find Baby Girl Seed without her father and can’t get a hold of him, and since she’s breathing and making a good recovery, they tend to her health until she is given to the foster care system (something Joseph would likely feel guilt about if he ever found out).
For six years, Baby Girl Seed is now called Aria, and her stay in the foster homes since infancy has its moments of ups and downs, and gave her attachment and anxiety issues, poor social skills, probably bottled up depression and anger, however she did pick up skills on tinkering, keen observation and inventing. She’s adopted by the Rivers family, but only Mrs Rivers is really excited about it.
Aria makes a close connection with Mrs Rivers, but its short-lived, as Mrs Rivers passes away, and is left in the care of the neglectful Mr Rivers, the oldest River brother's malicious teasing, as well as the youngest River brother's ghost-like presence. Aria’s time at an all-girls school is filled with mocking words in regard to her status as the adopted Rivers child, unable to properly build connections with other girls in a deeply personal and empathetic level, as well as the fact her hobbies to tinker and invent aren’t “girly” and therefore not interesting to any of the girls.
Three years later, in 2007, at age 9, Aria’s never felt so lonely.
Then 26-year-old Silva and her fellow Tumultites kidnap Mr Rivers (the previous captain of the Enforcers in Omar’s Guard) to get whereabouts of Father Adam Omar and what he’s been doing, planning on letting him go afterwards.
However, Oscar Lapis, the new current captain, intercepts the Tumultites at a factory along with his patrol of Enforcers.
The Rivers' brothers make the stupid decision to rescue their father during a shootout, while Aria tries to help by taking advantage of the factory’s main functions and using one of her inventions to blow up the pressure built.
She gets blown out the window but survives so she’s not complaining and is rather cheery that her invention worked.
How about everyone else?
Well, Mr Rivers is dead, Oscar retreated with the remaining enforcers who hadn’t been obliterated in the explosion, Silva and her fellow Tumultites survived and are recovering, and oldest brother gets mad at Aria and leaves her behind in the rain as he takes an unconscious youngest brother to a hospital.
Long-story-short, this leads to Silva finding Aria alone, and the girl jumps into the older woman’s arms despite the scarring surrounding Silva’s deformed illuminating silver left eye, contrasting her healthy normal grey right eye, making her look quite intimidating. So Silva pretty much adopts Aria on the spot because she knows what its like to be abandoned to fend for herself.
And so, Silva and the Tumultites take Aria back home... to the Underworld.
You see, this now goes into main story territory.
The next events to happen are in these stories (that are yet to come out I’m afraid).
First would be Of Mother And Daughters, which takes place in the eleven years 9-year-old Aria spends with Silva in the Underworld, fighting for control over the cesspool of a society to gain the power and resources necessary to build Tumult, a place where Silva’s people and the people of the Underworld can have stability again, away from the present society and Father Omar’s society as well. First arc Includes politics, murder, questionable morals, sabotage, mother-daughter bonding, Aria transitioning to her own identity as Azriel, and found family with tearjerkers and heart-warming moments mixed in between. As well as introductions to how characters met characters. There is a time skip at some point where Azriel is no longer 9 turning 10 years old and is 12 turning 13 in the second arc, where the Tumultites are gathering more people and transitioning a full presence over in Hope County. The third arc will have Azriel at age 15 (and over) as the Tumultites establish themselves in Hope County right until the arrest of Joseph happens, leading to the second story
Then comes the second story, that being the main story of Far Cry El Industrial’s Reign, which takes place during the events of Far Cry 5, except the Tumultites are major players as well, and trying to live honestly and build their dream city. Eden's Gate and Omar's Guard become a major problem to that goal though, especially with revelations between families.
The last story is the New Dawn post story, which as Persephone Omar act as Thomas Rush's Captain of Security. Tumult has been built and it thrives. At that point the story could either take a fluffy slice of life happy ending or a bittersweet goodbye for Azriel to move on to her own life, acknowledging her grief with help from what remains of her family.
Anyway, that's all folks.
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diggydiggybot · 2 years
Facing Consequences
Closed starter for @machinesandman
It felt… surreal, to be back in Abel City after so long. It had taken some time for Umbran just to gather the courage to return.
The excursion to his old slot canyon base with Shaska a good while ago had been helpful. Being able to collect his personal tools and certain items that were simply far too important (and personal) to be left behind, had lifted a weight off his mind. Anything else left at the base, he had given Shaska permission to use as she saw fit, now that she knew how to traverse her way there through the confusing maze that was the slot canyons.
With his personal tools retrieved, work on rebuilding his totaled ride chaser improved greatly. The workshop still didn’t really feel like ‘his space’, but just having his personal tools helped immensely, their familiarity in his clawed hands giving him a comfort he hadn’t known he needed.
It didn’t take him long after for him to completely rebuild the ride chaser. At that point, it was more a case of some fine tuning needed to perfect it, and a few quick drives out in the wastelands allowed him to get it mostly back to how it was before the Demon Car captured him. A couple things couldn’t be salvaged, such as the cloaking add-on he had installed a short time after his first encounter with the Demon Car, back when he’d been maverick. But, such losses were small things, things he could re-install with newer devices if he wished in the future, so not being able to salvage them wasn’t a big deal.
For the first time since he’d been reactivated, Umbran had felt proud of himself for being able to rebuild his ride chaser to its former glory. He’d even changed the body’s color scheme slightly; the base still a shiny jet black, with neon blue and dark red edgings here and there, though he had also added hints of the Maverick Hunter logo colors in places, more so than the neon blue and dark red, but not too much as to feel obnoxious. An indication of not being maverick anymore, and a return to the purpose he was built for.
Finishing the rebuild and adding those colors had been a realisation for the former maverick. There was little more keeping him from leaving Shaska’s lab now. Shaska and the others had been gracious in letting him stay, and would let him stay as long as he wanted. But, he didn’t truly belong here. He was an outsider to the collective family, despite their objectives being similar enough. Well, there were other former Maverick Hunters; Storm Eagle, and perhaps Vile, but he hadn’t interacted much with either of them. Or rather, at all, in Vile’s case.
Despite the absolute dread of returning, he couldn’t hide himself away anymore. He couldn’t outrun the consequences of his past actions. It was finally time to face them, even as he feared the potential outcome.
‘Course, the timing was annoyingly appropriate and guilt-ridden. He hadn’t thought to check his internal calendar until after he’d left the lab in the middle of the night and was on his way to the city, which had brought his ride chaser to a sudden stop when the realisation of the date hit him.
It was the anniversary of Sigma’s initial revolt.
Umbran hadn’t had much of a plan for when he got to Abel City, but as the weight of the anniversary settled on him, an urge rose in his mind and a plan began to form. It wouldn’t be easy, but it would be far more meaningful than just, appearing on the steps of Hunter HQ.
Thus, civilian disguise donned so as not to cause too much attention to himself, he had continued to the city and was now parked at a particular location. Sat on his ride chase, he stared down the path to the memorial statue, made for those who had lost their lives in the initial revolt. There was hardly anyone around, still pretty much the middle of the night, far too early for any anniversary proceedings to be prepared for yet.
With a shaky and heavy sigh, Umbran stepped off his ride chaser, leaving it parked by the path as he turned to the statue and began hesitantly walking up to it. As he got closer, he was filled with all his guilt, shame and remorse, red eyes remaining locked on the statue until he reached the base of it. Only then did his eyes drift down to the plaque embedded in the base, listing all who had perished, his core aching in sorrow as he remembered every single name. He had made it a point, all those years ago, to learn of every single one of them so he would never forget them. Some had been reploids, others had been humans. Some had been Maverick Hunters, killed for resisting the coup, while the rest had been innocent civilians caught in the crossfire.
Without realising what he was doing, Umbran switched from his civilian attire back to his armor, his helmet remaining subspaced, before raising a shaking hand up to the plaque, clawed fingers tracing the names with such gentle reverence. Until he choked on a sob, legs buckling under him as the weight of it all came crashing down on him, bringing him to his knees as his face twisted with guilt and grief.
He had failed them. He had made a personal vow to himself back then that he would never waver, and find justice for every name on that plaque. And what had he gone and done? He went and let the virus corrupt him, led him to turn his back on his comrades and go rogue. Sure, he hadn’t realised at the time that the virus was corrupting him, but still, he should have known better. He should have realised what was happening, stopped himself and gotten help before he got close enough to the edge to fall into the rabbit hole. He had failed. And now, he had years of consequences to face after all he had committed as a maverick.
Sadly, he had no tears to shed. Dr. Cain had made him before the old scientist had figured out how to make that possible for reploids to cry, and he hadn’t thought it important enough to have the feature added later on.
Still, the dark armored reploid sobbed, overwhelmed by emotions he could no longer hold back. A small part of him wished he’d brought Panzer, but he’d made the safe decision of leaving the feline animaloid in Shaska’s care. He’d feared too much that the Hunters would take Panzer from him once he turned himself in. Shaska would take care of him, until Umbran felt it was safe to collect his, currently, closest companion, even when it hurt to leave him behind.
After a short while, he managed to regain enough control of his emotions to think clearly, eyes lifting back up the plaque of names as he understood what he had to do now. It was time to face his judgment.
With that, still on his knees before the memorial statue, head bowed and dreadlock blades laying completely still on the ground around him, he internally turned off his Ghost Protocol for the first time in years, and waited for the Hunters to come baring down on him.
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maitaponce · 5 months
"I’m very solitary, that’s all… I can’t dismiss it. Inside, I’m very much in communication with a lot of people and things who absolutely don’t know I’m in communication with them."
- Jean Luc Goddard
When I am ridden with depression or anxiety, I remind myself that I am not living in the moment. But without completely disregarding both as I believe everything has its place in the world, I make allies with them and negotiate a compromise on how to go about what I am living in the now. I use depression as a form of an archaic compass. It detects patterns easily. But I need to outsmart my mind-- while I recognise a pattern similar to the past, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's the same circumstance that would yield the same results. In my experience, it only becomes a pattern when I write it off as a pattern. And so if something seems to be recurring, I treat it like a video game level that needs to get past no matter how many times I need to do it. Anxiety is something that I need to rename in my head. I read somewhere that anxiety and excitement are both aroused emotions with the same symptoms. And so I simply call anxiety excitement or anticipation --- it's friendlier that way.
Defensiveness is another challenge I face with. It is trickier because it is masked in ways that come off differently such as anger, withdrawal or control. It takes awhile for me to realise that they all boil down to fear. And it's not so much the defensiveness that I need to process because it is only a symptom. It's fear that I need to get to know more. Hello, fear, who are you? Where did you come from? What do you need?
While it became a habit for me to easily cut off people and disengage from situations harshly, I realise it is not completely possible to go about life shunning away unpleasant experiences. At some point, it always comes back in another form. They only stop haunting me when I finally recognise what I had disregarded and somehow make amends with it. Even radically, it is only when I could recognise how I am the same that I make peace with it.
And so there I was again, in a seemingly similar situation. This time, I thought I was smarter to have called it out before it could have the slightest possibility to manifest in the same way (or so I thought). I gave myself a pat on the back. Job well done. But it didn't feel like the level was completed. Little did I know, it has not even started. I'm older and smarter now. I have learned that while anything can be real, not everything is true. I can outsmart this with logic. I listed down questions (and valid ones at that) to confront the subject. Could the subject have answered my questions that would satisfy me? Absolutely not. Because my questions were not questions to be answered but questions that were disguised as a form of attack. There goes my defensiveness.
In between pregnant pauses, I kept asking the same why's which met no answer. I just groaned in resignation saying "I just want to understand you.."
To which was responded with "Me too."
And that was it. I had my answer. It was the kind of honesty that I could recognise because that was true for me too. While I feel like a scientist in search for truth, approaching the subject separate from me, I am actually not separate from the subject because I am also the subject that I am trying to figure out.
"But why are we trying to be separate from fear? Because we are afraid. In other words, fear is trying to separate itself from fear, as if one could fight fire with fire. Man has to discover he everything which he beholds in nature – the clammy foreign feeling world of the oceans depths, the wastes of ice, the reptiles of the swamp, the spiders and scorpions, the deserts of lifeless planets – has its counterpart within himself. He is not, then at one with himself until he realises that this “underside” of nature and the feelings of horror which it gives him are also “I”."
- Alan Watts
It's like when I was capturing photos on film. The process took longer and focusing was a lot more tedious. There were more factors to consider like light, film ISO, shutterspeed, aperture of the camera, mechanism, battery -- was it still in good condition? It was easier to get past through all those factors with a digital camera or even a smartphone with preset filters. Film photography taught me that how I see the world is different from how my camera lens see the world. And in understanding how my lenses see the world, I can find ways to work with it and come up with a shot that is closest to what I had envisioned. But honestly the best ones were pure accidents.
Anyway, I remind myself to normalise conflict. Normalise the natural ebb and flow of relationships and growth. Normalise the push and pull, the ups and downs. Conflict is natural. It is when we completely write off people that we lose our chance to know them and ourselves deeper.
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tlv-dd · 1 year
Hours 20-23: Dying Hours
4 audio dramas from Big Finish Productions.
Hour 20: Dawn of Everlasting Peace
Terri has no info on the latest target, client refusing to divulge further. A peace treaty is being signed between the Big Four and representatives of 9 galaxies will be there. There's a long queue, and major security arrangements, but Doom gets her Manipulator through via trickery.
She uses an old man to distract an SSS guard so she can sneak in to the delegate housing disguised as a Zeffon, sneaking off as the delegation is guided. Disguised as Representative Zeffon, she is lead to a secret meeting of delegates, and pretends to be Zeffon's cousin to the Mistress of the Sixth Galaxy, and is lead below to find the secret area where her target is, using a hidden panel to travel further below.
Fynix and Zeffon cannot pass the SSS checkpoint, so Doom incapacitates her and sneaks around, and finds homing darts that will be helpful, and pressures Fynix to be quiet.
They are emerging to the surface, where they are held up by the old man's carer disguised as an SSS agent, she reveals the old man is in fact her 3 year old son, Klorin, somehow aged, and he is terrified of SSS. They hide Fynix, Doom disguising as her, and recover Klorin, who has been terrified of all the guards.
Shedding their disguises, Lonett reveals she was trying to save the galaxy and disrupt the signing, and planted bombs to stop the ceremony. The evacuation will then send the delegates to where Doom has set explosions timed for when everyone was supposed to be away. Hearing deputy SSS head Karlton is present, Lonett hopes she can convince him of something, so back in disguise, they sneak into the area again, only to find Fynix has been discovered, so they have to rush down. Klorin aged mysteriously, and Ash Renton, his father and an SSS agent, disappeared.
They meet Karlton in disguise, and request a meeting. Karlton can tell Lonett isn't SSS. Ash had returned from Uranus, disturbed by some discovery, and the next day while playing with Klorin opened a packet which turned out to be a bomb, he threw Klorin to Lonett, the boy aged heavily, and aged to dust. Lonett tells Karlton about the bombs, and after assuring Fynix he'll take care of things, he allows them both to go.
They leave and split up, as Doom's own devices are still armed she reports mission complete to Terri, is ready to let her clock out, finding a 21st century earth mission Doom might like, but also informs her of a new job in the current time and place, Lonett Renton. Doom takes a moment, and accepts the job.
Having now worked out what's going on Doom grabs Lonett and Klorin, and has them return to the lift, evading Fynix, and having Klorin fake Ash's voice to go the very bottom and access the secure chamber by having Lonett psychically shape the holodisguise into Ash to go though, finding as Doom suspected, her target, the SSS master computer, Compuvac.
Doom tries to get Compuvac to predict where she might find the Doctor, but Lorren wants a way to restore Klorin, and reveals the bombs. Compuvac begins both calculating disarmament of Doom's homing darts and analyses Klorin, finding his agong was done via Terranium, and is irreversible. Lorren wants to report everything to Karlton, but Doom reveals she knows now that Karlton is responsible for both hits, having worked out Compuvac would someday calculate the conspiracies existence, indeed Compuvac on hearing this realises it's true, but can't rationalise Karlton ordering its destruction with the fact it is supposed to be its guardian, struggling with the paradox enough the remaining darts will do the rest.
They flee back to the surface, and witness the explosion in the arena, Lorren's bombs not having been disabled in time. Explaining she was hired to kill Lorren, Doom stressed to her that Lorren Renton died in the explosion, and does her a last favour of giving Klorin a proper goodbye from Ash.
Bemoaning the fact she must be going soft, Doom enquires with Terri on the 21st century earth job, being informed it involves a known associate of the Doctor, a woman called Jackie Tyler. Before Terri can tell her what's different about the job, Doom jumps.
Hour 21: A Date with Destiny
Doom is given the minor additional detail that Jackie is being targeted by the Zirconian Claw, a crime family the Lesser Order of Oberon wants to keep on the books, they want Jackie dead as revenge for the Doctor and Rose thwarting a plan.
Jackie is called by her friend Dennis, whose girlfriend has just suddenly dumped him, he invites her to join him at Russolino's, he's worrying he'll be alone forever, admits he's not sating the right things, and while among clear not to expect anything more, she agrees to share a meal at Max's. After handing up, Dennis is surprised by a woman at his door, saying she's his destiny.
Doom's Vortex Manipulator is struggling to track the target, though she practically bumps into her going into Max's.
As Dennis asks the waiter to see if they have a certain wine, Doom sneaking in the kitchens, overhears and comments she taught the little creep that move. Discovered by a waiter, she claims to be a health inspector and convinces them to find her flour, olive oil and a foam based fire extinguisher.
Dennis predicts what Jackie is planning to say about not being comfortable with his recent behaviour, only to reject her notion that men and women can be friends, saying loneliness is all anyone has, desperately clinging to others for some sort of belonging. He then notes Jackie shouldn't be breathing, the Shangra venom in her food should have already taken effect. She starts feeling dizzy as he explains why, and Doom interrupts, counteracting the poison with the fire extinguisher, at which point "Dennis" recognises her, she smacks him over the head, disrupting the holo disguise, and takes Jackie and runs.
Doom and Destiny get into a fight, with weird flirting as well, before Doom causes an explosion on Destiny so they can run, convincing Jackie to come by pretending to be the Doctor. They steal a taxi, Destiny the stealing a pizza bike to chase.
Jackie seems only somewhat convinced of Doom's attempts to prove herself, as Destiny makes contact and tries to convince Doom to give her the kill and join an offshoot Order she and others are trying to form. Doom knocks her off the scooter.
Destiny calls her support, Poe, for Jackie's address.
At Jackie's apartment, she manages to trick Doom into revealing she isn't the Doctor. Doom admits the truth, but she doesn't want to kill Jackie, just to find the Doctor. Managing to fight through the interference, Doom syncs Vortex Manipulators confirming Destiny is nearby, and prepares her trap.
As Destiny is trying to convince Doom to join her outfit, Titania, and revealing Terri never deleted her info, Doom dumps soapy water on her, then flees with Jackie, only going back for Jackie's neighbour, Peggy, who she took hostage, when Jackie promises to put her in touch. She gases Destiny, and steals a tool belt, they then escape to the Powell Estate roof. Doom tries to call someone out, but there's no response, so abseils down with Jackie as Destiny arrives. Then in a playpark, Doom tells Jackie to shoot her.
Destiny finds a wounded Doom and gloats, only for Doom to appear behind her, Jackie had been wearing the holosuit. Destiny still has a trick up her sleeve until Doom makes her lose her cool, and they scuffle, until Jackie uses a gun to tell them to both leave.
Doom convinces Jackie to put down the gun and then pulls her own weapon, but then calls out the source of the interference, the ship containing Zirconium Claw representative Diamante Roxx. He's been using this contract to see who the claw will go into business with, Titania or the Lesser Order of Oberon. Doom shoots Roxx, then declares that by shopping around the Claw had violated their exclusivity contract and thus waived the client protection, the ship leaving indicates the Claw accept this.
Doom has used her primary target to lure out the secondary target, Roxx, as Destiny tries to convince her once more to join her. Doom instead uses a backdoor to dump the power from Destiny's Vortex Manipulator, electrocuting her due to the soapy water, fulfilling her actual contract.
Jackie tells Doom to leave the Doctor alone, and admits in a way she had been using Dennis. Confirming the job done, Terri now deletes Destiny's login, and informs Doom of 3 new contracts, one on a Euzurian tax collector, the Daleks have one on Abslom Daak, and there's one on a Silent. Doom takes the last one, and as soon as she's gone Jackie calls Rose, having her put the Doctor in so she can warn him about Doom.
Hour 22: The Howling Wolves on Xan-Phear
Doom finds herself in a warzone, Terri reminds her the target is Chu'Lac of the Downright Pernicious Chapter of the Order if Kovarian. She's saved by Jeppra, a Tribblish, fighting against the Melch. Commander Frell has for some reason ordered his own men to press an attack rather than retreat, which will cause his troops to be slaughtered.
Doom convinces Jeppra to help her find the target. They get separated from others, and hear the psychic howl of Supreme Commander Elsmoon, welcoming mercenaries, who Doom is masquerading as one of.
Melch General Roach has just ordered his battlecruiser to hold position, when a Silent convinces him to move and attack.
Doom and Jeppra reconvene with Trooper Lan-Say, who has requited feelings for Jeppra, but can't act during war, they also meet with Fettzer who reports the approaching battlecruiser, they escape, but Fettzer is suspicious of Doom.
They try to make their way to a labyrinth beneath a pyramid to hide, but multiple times somehow find their way heading towards the Melch.
Chu-Lac is contacted by another Silent to report on his mission to exacerbate the war and learn the secrets of the Xan-Phear Howl.
Doom tries to access her monocle's vision data, suspecting Silents have manipulated them in the battle. She tries to communicate with Terri, but she is typically unhelpful. Fettzer is increasingly suspicious. With Melch on their heels Fettzer is told to hold while Jeppra tries to find another exit. Lan-Say adds his howl of lament to the eternally reverberating howl throughout Xan-Phear, though Doom hears another familiar sound within it.
Melch burst in, then Doom suddenly finds herself in a Melch execution ceremony, she manages to escape, then tries to find the others, but is cornered by a Silent who interrogates her for her mission and on hearing her mention the Doctor asks if he's there. She is saved by Jeppra, who then fires either at her or a target behind her, knocking her down.
Fettzer tries to persuade Lan-Say that Doom is acting against them, and they start desecrating the labyrinth under "orders" when they finally realise this is off Fettzer blames Doom.
Doom awakens with Jeppra, not wholly convinced by Jeppra's explanation, when they are cornered by Silents.
Silents corner Fettzer and Lan-Say, giving new orders.
Jeppra and Doom run, then finds themselves in the deepest part of the labyrinth. Doom tries to explain the Silents again, and desperately tries to get the images, managing to barely show an image of a Silent. Jeppra, convinced, agrees to help her find Chu'Lac.
Fettzer and Lan-Say make their plan to ambush Doom, and they meet up, Doom can tell Fettzer is ready to kill her, forcing a standoff. Silents appear, and then Jeppra suddenly calls out for Melch support. In the confusion, they take her blaster, but force her along.
They come to a river of spiders, Jeppra is sent across to test if it's safe, when she nearly dies Doom and Lan-Say can't help saving her, and finally manage to persuade everyone of the manipulation. With Melch on their heels, Fettzer opts to hold them off, making amends with Jeppra.
On the surface, and aware the Silents believe they can lure the Doctor out using Doom, and needing to make ground fast, they steal a damaged land cruiser to head for Chu'Lac's base, Jeppra using the noise cancelling traits of her howl to stop the noise impacting them. A Silent inside manipulates them into firing on Tribblish forces and changing course, but Doom realises the two wolves can use their howls to stop themselves hearing it next time it instructs them, and imprison it, but realise their own weapons were taken during that period.
Now recognising the Silents hope to use the Howl of Xan-Phear to render the Doctor forever Silent, Doom hits on a plan of her own. Moments before crashing the land cruiser into Chu'Lac's previously unnoticed base, Jeppra and Lan-Say broadcast the Silence cancelling howl across the planet, and it is picked up and spread by both Tribblish and Melch alike, allowing all to finally recognise the manipulators amongst them.
With 5 minutes to go, the cruiser bursts into the base, and forces from both sides are bursting in to throw off their manipulators. Doom spots Chu'Lac heading for an escape vehicle, but Jeppra and Lan-Say do the honours, leaping on him and eviscerating him.
A new era is coming for Xan-Phear, and Jeppra and Lan-Say intend to mark their union this night, asking Doom to be their guest of honour. Doom is honoured, but can't stay, she's running out of time. Thinking this hour may be her last chance, she checks in with Terri. Sea Devils on Saturn is rejected, and she almost rejects medieval England too, until Terri mentions the presence of Artron Energy.
Hour 23: The Crowd
Doom lands in a ditch outside Canterbury Cathedral. Her target is a 20-strong collective know as The Crowd, exact nature unknown, though Doom notes from photos most look dead already. The Crowd are linked to various disruptions of big business, and multiple clients want them dead. Doom disguises as a knight, and immediately warned off by an equally disguised priest, Doom ignores the woman in disguise until realising she said Doctor, and tackles who she thinks is the man, but is actually Archbishop Thomas Beckett. Suddenly they're surrounded by the Crowd, Doom shooting 6 of them, and a knight in armour appears in armour to force Doom to drop her weapon, though she winds up stunned by Charley. With The Crowd escaping, the knight and Charley go to deal with them.
Doom awakens, and manages to catch half of The Crowd pair known as "The Shabby Couple", disrupting it's attempt to witness the assassination of Beckett, and sees it's staff weapon and a tablet that has records of numerous disasters, essentially it seems The Crowd are voyeurs of various tragedies. She offers to spare Shabs if it leads her to the Doctor, then after being directed to a tavern kills it anyway, ignoring the threats and hoping she can deal with the remaining 13.
Doom kills the laughing murderers, then steals a horse off a drunkard, possibly killing him, and can tell the shadow of death is all around. She has Shab's body as a message.
She arrives at the tavern, disguises as a wench, and spotting the sole alive looking figure from the dossier, assumed to be the leader, goes to hypnotise him with hypno-spray and offers a poisoned mead. Except to doesn't work, he's actually the knight from the fray, more properly known as The Doctor. Doom doesn't believe it at first, horrified she almost killed the one man who can save her, as Charley enters, reporting trouble outside. The Doctor can tell Doom is an assassin, one with flimsy data, but doesn't appear to recognise her personally.
Doom spots 4 of The Crowd going upstairs, and tries to pursue, but The Doctor and Charley set up a field to neutralise her blaster. They want to preserve The Crowd, who are a unique lifeform, and aren't responsible for the disasters, more akin to cosmic rubber neckers, but running out of historical events, are now creating their own Doom refuses to stay put, and chases, while the Doctor observes The Crowd may be taking an interest in her.
The Crowd Doom chases laugh about the Shadow of Death following her, and say she will be most interesting before vanishing. The Doctor and Charley, knowing this was their last chance at an event they knew, had arranged a meeting to create a trap, but now The Crowd could be anywhere. On hearing about Shabby they insist on seeing the remains, only to find The Crowd have taken the body, but they still have the Temporal Staff and scroll. The Doctor wants to use the TARDIS to analyse them, but Doom refuses to give them up unless they bring her. As they're debating how many The Crowd actually is, a fire breaks out in the tavern, caused by The Crowd, and a Crowd gathers. Doom thinks she sees the targets among them, and Charley is taken without her or the Doctor noticing. After Doom kills that she thinks was Red Face, the Doctor drags her away to stop her causing more chaos.
They take the horse back towards the cathedral, where the first pilgrimage to Beckett is assembling. The Doctor sees Doom has killed the knights without consideration and is furious, even as he leads her into the cathedral and into the catacombs, and Doom spots the faces of The Crowd in tapestries, stain-glass and frescoes, The Doctor recalling they were at Calvary. Down below the TARDIS is hidden, and the Doctor eventually let's her inside so he can analyse everything. He takes a moment to guess which assassin outfit she is with, compares her unfavourably with Beckett's killers and implies long term Vortex Manipulator use can have serious consequences, as well as admitting he does remember her, but feels no inclination to help her.
The Crowd interrogate Charley, trying to learn how they can follow Doom.
Doom looks through the tragedies on the Scroll as the Doctor tried to understand how the Temporal Staff works, before spotting the TARDIS depicted on the scroll, and realises The Crowd were attempting to take possession of it, but now seem more interested in Doom. He thinks he can trap The Crowd in a temporal loop by making the TARDIS transport to the destination on the scroll, but Doom is aghast that will trap him too, leaving her without the help she knees. She begs him to reconsider, swearing to give up the hit, give up the killing, if he will let her help another way and then help her find the Old Doctor.
Detecting presence outside, the Doctor goes out to speak to the Crowd, while Doom fiddles with the Scroll, noticing something. The Crowd present Charley, wrapped in shock wiring that Doom may have dropped, and negotiations are attempted, but all the Crowd care about is feeding on more pain and death and misery.
Doom emerges, and seeing The Doctor's way won't succeed, uses the Temporal Staff to send the whole Crowd into the tavern, seconds before they blew it up, seemingly killing them all. The Doctor is furious, knowing there was so much more they could have learnt about them, another way to help them, and tell Doom he will not help her.
Doom begs, trying to argue her life as value as Charley tries to understand what is happening to Doom. As the Vortex Manipulator signal 5 minutes left, the Doctor relents, admitting he remembers her meeting his First self, and that she said it was like coming back, meaning he knew all along he was going to help her. She realises from his words that she must go back to New Venice, and he tells her to accept the mission no matter what.
Doom leaves, and Charley asks the Doctor if Death is really chasing her. The Doctor says it is, it's in her name after all.
0 notes
instant-angel-chaos · 2 years
💠 I don’t actually understand the prompt but like… you do you babeyyyy. Write them babies
"You're going to break her heart, you know." Dakota's expression didn't shift despite the angel taunting him. They had met before, briefly. What surprised the demon most was the fact Chase still bothered speaking to him at all; if it were the other way around, he wouldn't have said a thing. He wasn't going to now either, but the damned creature stopped in his tracks as soon as he had left the holy ground of the church. Every time the angel did, he seemed clearly relieved - as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders whenever he left its boundaries. Dakota rarely entered whatever was considered holy; besides angels of course. Chase was particularly worried about him entering a very particular angel. "If anything, she's breaking her own heart. I don't have power over such things." The demon often brushed aside his responsibility in situations like these; it was something Chase couldn't stand. In fact, the angel stood by the stone wall surrounding the church, looking up at the taller, blonde man whose features seemed far more angelic than his. The fallen one's eyes were framed by dark shadows from sleepless nights and whenever he looked at this unholy being, he couldn't feel anything but jealosy for the way Dakota's skin was always radiant and flawless. His eyes were a pale yellow, the demon's pooled with much darker hues of orange and red. "I would think your kind was particularly aware of their power over things," Chase said. It was unlike him, but he looked after Evelyn - which seemed ironic considering only one of them was actually divine.
Dakota's gaze narrowed slightly. He wasn't sure which he hated more; the angel disguising himself as a pathetic victim of the cruel world or whatever knight-in-shining-armor bullshit this was. The demon scoffed. "Much like your kind should be aware of your lack of power." Neither of them wanted to admit the cold fact they were a lot alike. Only one was overcome by anger, the other by sadness. Somehow the polar opposites of each other, somehow only seperated by a fading line. Chase swallowed, it was true only one of them intimidated the other. Only one of them could truly harm the other. They both knew this. Therefore the demon took pleasure in tormenting the angel whenever he tried to poke at parts of him that simply didn't exist to most people.
"Chase, Dakota-!" Evelyn hurried through the church yard, towards the gate. She smiled, although Chase could very well tell she was nervous. The way she looked at him was apologetic, almost ashamed. Dakota's eyes were overcome with a dark red as his eyes shifted to the angel hurrying to them. Realising this made Chase feel unwell and uncomfortable. "Thank you for waiting for me, are you ready to go?" Evelyn's head cocked to the side and her coworker could so clearly see the admiration in her gaze as she stared at the demon, as if overlooking some kind of a miracle. "Ready when you are, angel." "I'll, uh, see you tomorrow, Evelyn. Stay safe," Chase's eyes shifted between the demon and the angel. Somehow he was the outcast out of the three, the one in-between. Not belonging anywhere. Dakota had already snuk his hand around her shoulders, like a snake luring in his prey in to slowly suffocate it. "I won't break her." Dakota's comment came with a sinister grin just to taunt him, but it only made Evelyn quiver with excitement. She swallowed nervously. As Chase turned to leave his chest felt tight, his head heavy.
0 notes
thrax-the-kangaroo · 2 years
Spy X GN!Reader Oneshot
Spy helps soothe a panic attack that the reader has that only happened because of him :)👍🏽
Being in the kitchen felt natural. Even if it was at 4:50 in the morning.
You currently had your exquisite bosom plopped on the counters you just impulsively cleaned as you made your favorite morning drink.
You slipped off the countertop to begin cleaning the aftermath of your drink and to retrieve items necessary for breakfast.
When if comes to living with nine different men from seven different nationalities, there is a lot of different tastes. This means you need to be able to make something simple in general and adjust from there.
The oven was already preheating, preparing to be stuffed. You decided against making a mess of dough and grabbed multiple cans of flakey biscuits from the fridge door instead.
And that is perfectly okay because in this kitchen, if you so much as lifted your pinky, it's homemade.
Just as you were popping the cans open on the side of the counter, someone joined you in the kitchen. It was Spy. Ah, that sly man. You giggle as you watch the Frenchman seem to just now notice you.
As he entered he made momentary awkward eye contact before taking wide steps towards you. You set down the can you were currently peeling to look up/down/fowards at the spy.
You snake your arms over his shoulders while his hands find a comfy spot above your hips. His lips curl as those same hands slither under your shirt and squeeze at your waist.
You shiver slightly, the coolness of his gloves against your warm skin. His thumbs massage the skin under them, pressing and drawing. He doesn't break eye contact and slowly leans forward.
His smirk settles barely as he moves even closer to repeatedly peck your lips.
You smile when he pulls away, "Well good morning to you as well, Spy~"
You snicker before kissing him for real. Your lips slide together in a slippery tango. The two of you sway as you kiss, dancing just as your mouths are.
"Hmn..." He hums against you.
You knew what he meant and parted your lips without a second thought. He immediately did the same, your guys' tongues joining the dance.
The taste of nicotine and expensive mouthwash flooded your senses. It was an absolutely terrible combo, but you craved more.
Although, that may have been the nicotine aspect. Oops.
His gloves hands ran up and down your sides in slow, languid strokes. You moaned into the kiss, wanting to continue, but so desperately needing air.
Your kiss broke with only a thin string of saliva, which soon snapped, remaining.
He buries his head in the crook of your neck, breathing in deeply through his nose as if smelling you. His mask brushes against your skin, the weird texture making you shudder.
"Bonjour, ma belle~" His lips pucker out to kiss your neck once before he nuzzles into it, "What is for breakfast?"
"Whatever the fuck I cook. And you're gonna eat it, aren'tcha?" You brought one hand to lay on the back of his head as you speak.
You played with his mask some, stroking and twiddling it. Then you suddenly had a realisation.
You've never seen Spy before. You've never seen how he looks, you mean. You've seen who he is, though. How he really acts, who he really is.
But all of these loving touches always have something to stop them. Wether its the fabric of his gloves, or the barrier of his mask. Maybe its the way he flinches when you touch below his neck.
You feel like you know him, you *know* that you know him. But you still feel like you don't know who this man you're holding is.
You feel like you don't even know this face you kiss every morning and night.
Your hand starts to shake.
You've seen him wear masks, put on other's faces. There's been times you've been scared you'd loose him in these disguises. You know there was another spy. You know there is someone out there who looks just like your lover.
In fact, you were painfully aware of that.
And you know that the only way to know if the man in your arms is your's, is by the colour of his suit.
But the other spy. The other spy at the other base. What if-
What if this was the other spy?
You've seen your lover turn into him, but what about the other?
Your chest heaved.
Had you just kissed someone else? Someone you don't know. Someone you are supposed to despise.
Is this man even your-
"It is me, ma belle."
You jumped at his voice.
"You do not need to worry."
You felt your eyes quickly wet. Tears ran over your cheekbones and dropped onto Spy's mask. You wrapped both arms tightly around him and he hugged back.
You two continued to sway, him rocking you in his arms.
You couldn't catch your breath but tried to assure him you were okay anyways, "It's jus- It's just-"
"I know, I know."
You fell half-limp in his arms and wept your heart out. You cried and cried until everything had fell from your eyes.
After what felt like forever, you calmed down enough to talk.
"I believe you."
"And I love you, (Y/n)."
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tarosin · 3 years
The great adventures of y/n tommy tubbo and ranboo - the best mcc team
this is an extra to the great adventures series
the moment you found out ranboo got into mcc you instantly ran into the room you were sharing pulling him into a hug you were honestly so proud of him and he was going to be with tubbo
unfortunately, you weren’t going to be in mcc this month but that didn’t stop you from being over the moon for your friend. when it was finally time for mcc you wished your friend good luck and apologised for not being able to watch his pov as you weren’t about to break the tradition of watching Tommy after all he was your first and biggest supporter. 3 hours later the event ended and everyone who was watching ranboos pov heard you faintly screaming at Tommy over discord whilst tubbo sat laughing and ranboo was concerned, he heard from Tommy that you would often yell at him however he didn’t believe that he was being honest
“FUCK YOU TOMMY STOP LAUGHING YOU HIT ME IN TO GET TO THE OTHER SIDE ON PURPOSE THEN LAUGHED ABOUT ME NOT BEING IN…..fine when I get in I’m requesting to be on Scott's team…I’m still mad at you but you did great I'm so proud of you congrats Tommy I’ll see you soon goodbye”
at the start of the next month, you received a message from Scott
Scott: so I have a few things to tell you 1 - how would you feel about becoming head twitch mod it’s only fair you’ve been my mod for a while and 2 - welcome to mcc make sure to fill in the form asap!
y/n: 1 - of course I’d love to be head twitch mod and 2 - heh??
not long later you received a form at the same time as your friends, you decided not to tell anyone and somehow you managed to keep it a secret, Scott agreed to lie to the others about whos team they’re on as he knew how excited everyone was going to be. today was the day your big secret would be released, you Tommy tubbo and ranboo were sat outside when the notification went out announcing the team honestly you’ll never forget the look on their faces when they realised
MCChampionship_ tweeted: 👑announcing team green guardians 👑
@tommyinnit @tubbolive @ranboosaysstuff @y/n
Watch them in MCC on Saturday, August 28th at 8 pm BST!
“congrats y/n”
ranboo didn’t say anything he just tackled you into a hug like you did last month when you found he was in mcc. Tommy and tubbo were still processing what they just read
“Scott fucking lied to me”
“aye I told him to”
“what the fuck”
from then the four of you would constantly stream with each other on the mcc training server, you were a strong team when you weren’t yelling at each other.
time flew by soon enough it was the 28th of August. Tommy genuinely couldn’t believe it his best friend was in mcc and on a team with him and he genuinely believed you all had a decent chance in winning as you were a strong team. Tommy invited you over to stream mcc he claimed it was because there would be three people trying to stream in the same room, in reality, it was because he wanted to see your reaction and be there for your first mcc.
Tommy let you stream from his room he had spent the previous night getting advice from tubbo on how he managed to set up so he could stream with ranboo in the same room.
“you ready y/n”
“of course I’ve been watching and learning from the best”
you and Tommy set up and joined the discord call and the mcc server, it was finally time. similarly to ranboo this was something you had wanted to do since Tommy told you all about it on your way home from school one day. 30 minutes later it was time for the games to begin and this is where the chaos began.
“you know what I hope it’s build mart”
“what the fuck y/n”
“fuck you I’m good at build mart- oh you’re joking it’s fucking parkour tag”
this is when you realised that two screaming teenagers in the same room both trying to stream the event wasn’t the best idea, you and Tommy would constantly scream at poor ranboo who was just trying to hunt the other team
“really y/n?! I thought I’d let them win this round”
unsurprisingly your team was doing great you had won 7/8 rounds but there was still one more round, determined to be the one to get dream you decided to be the hunter
“y/n don’t worry if you can’t get them we’re doing well”
“not putting pressure on me at all thank you boys”
being close friends with technoblade gave you an advantage you didn’t expect due to the fact he helped to “train” you for your first mcc which ended up being the reason you were able to catch them all and then helped the others avoid being caught
“tubbo he's to your left TUBBO I SAID HES TO YOUR LEFT WHY ARE YOU GOING LEFT TOMMY RUN RUN RUN RUN ranboo you’re doing great”
you had just successfully won the round against dream sapnap George and quackity and you would never let dream live this down
“do you guys think dream will let me be in one of his manhunts now”
“fuck you tubbo you’re just mad you couldn’t catch all the runners in yellow yaks. you couldn’t catch jack manifold”
so far everything was going well you were currently in 4th place and your team had high hopes. you all felt the need to confirm to your chats that you’re all not actually mad at each other and not to worry about everything.
the next game was survival games ranboo wasn’t ready for this due to the last mcc where he died pretty early on, it started well you all stuck together as a team until the game was nearly over and you got distracted by a chest and ran away from the others whilst they were fighting another team this ended up being a happy accident in disguise you got the notification that Tommy tubbo and ranboo were killed fighting another team
“oh fuck”
tubbo could practically hear your smile as you explained to them that you ran off and was currently under a tree watching the others fight, you used the fact they died in the game to your advantage they would tell you if anyone was coming to attack you whilst you ran around collecting loot avoiding the others shooting arrows
to everyone’s surprise, it worked due to the border being smaller so there was less room to run soon it was you vs punz at this point you were determined to win
“you’re doing so well y/n”
some may call it beginners luck but you ended up winning the fight against punz
the next game was hole in the wall and long story short you sucked, ranboo on the other hand did not. it didn’t take long for you to fall every single round. this helped the others though as you were able to yell which side the wall was coming from
“fuck this stupid game the wall hates me”
“y/n you're supposed to jump through the gaps“
“you know what no I’m going to get on a sapnap alt stream by glitching through”
this didn’t work you died again
“well fuck there I go I guess you’ve got this though guys Tommy you’re doing decent”
“I'm doing great thank you- oh I died FUCK YOU FOR DISTRACTING ME”
“blah blah blah GO TUBBO AND RANBOO”
you couldn’t believe it ranboo was one of the final people remaining, unfortunately, ranboo jumped too late resulting in him falling but nonetheless you were proud of him
“unlucky boo you all did great”
the next game was battle box the four of you had been practising this a lot so there was a lot of pressure to do well especially since you were now in the top 3 on the leaderboard, the strategies you made from practicing paid off you managed to win the majority of the rounds, however, there was a lot of screaming and arguing during the last round
“he’s been stealing mine too y/n”
tubbo was honestly playing well during this game and you were amazed
unfortunately, the arguing resulted in you losing the round as you were all focusing on arguing which meant you missed the other team rushing to wool
“unlucky boys”
“7 wins out of 9 rounds honestly isn’t that bad we should still be third we just need to stay strong with the rest of the games”
during the break before the last four games, the four of you sat making plans for the next few round
“I want to get to the other side last I think that will be our strength”
there was still a rather long break left so you did what anyone else would do run around the server and yell this was a huge mistake as it messed with the soundproofing resulting in tommys mic picking you up and vice versa
“so I guess we’re streaming like this now”
“well since you asked so nicely tubso…no”
tubbo ended up doing the same to the soundproofing in the room he was in with ranboo were in meaning all four of you were now having a scuffed stream as you ran out of time to fix it because before you knew it, it was time to play sky battle
“right we should go left”
“tubbo will get iron Tommy will make the bridge and y/n will do…something”
you did the same thing techno did in the pride mcc and hid occasionally breaking blocks from underneath people so they would fall the others were doing well the game was a mixture of you all encouraging each other and you all cursing each other out whilst ranboo ignored you all and spoke to his chat
“chat I know you can hear double everyone if I could fix it I would but tubbo y/n and Tommy are being too stubborn to fix everything and we don’t have time”
“making people fall to their death can we talk about our feelings now because this is stressful as hell”
you all did decently you weren’t amazing at this game but that was expected it was something you all weren’t the biggest fan of but somehow you were all still in third place and that was something you weren’t expecting especially for your first mcc
it was now time for sands of time you all needed to do well
“bruh I wanted build mart what the fuck is this”
“we’re not going to win this game boys”
and tubbo would be corrected that that statement, you ended up having a visual glitch making it difficult, Tommy would constantly get trapped in a dungeon like last time things weren’t loading for ranboo you had no idea what tubbo was doing and quite frankly you didn’t want to find out unless it was going to be good news and considering all you could hear was tubbo yelling anything that came to mind you could guess it wasn’t going well. you tried to rage quit a couple of times only to be yelled at by the others every time you disconnected from the server
“you’re doing well y/n stay calm we’re going to be fine”
“no, they’re spawning one in for me”
“could them maybe I don’t know speed up the process”
yeah you ended up losing that game and got knocked down the 4th good news is it was only by a couple hundred points
next up was ace race
“do yous reckon Scott's tested this map”
“aren’t you his head twitch mod”
“you’re right I'll message him and find out”
luckily you all managed to do pretty well, Tommy was off to a great start you tubbo and ranboo weren’t far behind you all agreed to follow each other rather than the crowd which paid off as when everyone else went the wrong way rather than following you all managed to go the right way thanks to ranboo yelling he thinks that he knows where to go and thankfully he was correct which put Tommy first tubbo second ranboo third and you fourth, you all ended up lapping people on your final lap and honestly, none of you guessed this would happen but you weren’t exactly complaining. a few moments later you all crossed the finishing line and were the first team to finish giving you the bonus points you needed to push you to second place
“did you know since I first got into mcc I would put y/ns name down for who I wanted to play with”
a few seconds later you showed up on Tommy's face cam as you ran over to him giving him a hug
“you’re doing great y/n we might get into dodgebolt”
“dude we’re winning this shit”
soon enough it was time for the last game (unless you got into dodgebolt) and luckily it was to get to the other side
“we've got this we have actually got this we’re going to get to dodgebolt”
you stuck with Tommy for almost every round mainly because speed bridging wasn’t for you. you were all doing great you were the first team to finish for multiple rounds however you were also the last team to finish for a few rounds
“boys I'm not sure if we’ll get through”
“We all had fun”
“if we get into dodgebolt we’re going to be against dream”
“will you two quit fighting we’re about to find out the final scores.”
“oh my god”
“what the fuck”
“ranboo and y/n are about to play dodgebolt”
you all did it you successfully kept 2nd place somehow now all you had to do was win dodgebolt against dream George sapnap and quackity. safe to say you and ranboo were nervous as fuck and rightfully so as you all lost the first game
“let’s be serious we need to focus now”
you all won the next round
it was now the third round Tommy and tubbo were now out it was you and ranboo against dream and sapnap
“bruh were fucked ranboo”
ranboo took aim and somehow hit sapnap whilst you took a moment to type a message in chat
y/n: it’s my first mcc how do you feel knowing you’re about to lose
it was now your turn to take aim and Tommy yelling in the background wasn’t helping you and the yelling made you shoot before you were ready luckily ranboo picked up an arrow and was able to hit dream, it was now 1 vs 2 if you won this round you would all be the champions and that’s exactly what happened you all quit yelling at each other hell you muted the discord call so you could focus all you could hear was Tommy next to you occasionally supporting you
“come on y/n final round. you’re about to win your first mcc I’m so proud of you”
“you’re doing amazing Tommy thank you for everything now let’s win this thing”
and just like that, it was over Tommy took the final shot and hit sapnap
you all unmuted the four of you yelling
this time Tommy ran over to you pulling you into a hug he was genuinely so proud of you and the others
“you did it y/n you won your first mcc that’s amazing”
“I couldn’t have done it without you or the others I love you all”
after talking to the other teams and ending stream
you and Tommy stayed on call with tubbo and ranboo
“you two need to make your way back here”
“me and y/n could probably catch a train if we’re very quick”
you nodded and quickly grabbed everything you needed thankfully your good luck hadn’t come to an end yet as you and Tommy were able to catch one of the last trains, Tommy had an arm around you as he noticed you were getting tired after all you did just go through the stress of your first mcc to over 170k viewers you ended up falling asleep on his shoulder a few hours passed and you were at the last stop Tommy lightly tapped your shoulder
“hey y/n were here tubbo and ranboo are waiting for us over there…let’s go celebrate this win shall we”
an: do not publish my work :)
@emma0nline @fuzzycloudsz @wtfwriter @bearytime @milkydisaster @dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @augustine-is-joy @c1loudee
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Have I just spent the last couple of hours writing a quick Platonic Moceit hurt/comfort fic on my phone because I love the dialogue from Zootropolis and wanted to use it as a prompt?
Yes, yes I did! 😊
It was fun to write something off the cuff, hope you like it too!
Writing taglist: @the-duke-of-nuts @lost-in-thought-20 @red-imeanblue @jwillowwolf @psychedelicships
Two Things
Janus opened his eyes blearily as the incessant knocking wouldn't cease on his room door. He sighed as he realised that he had fallen asleep reading his 'Complete Tales of Edgar Allan Poe' hardback, the two pages slightly crumpled and imprinted with his scales.
"Alright, alright!" He called out in frustration and stumbled to his feet before immediately tripping over once again. His room was completely cluttered with all manner of items. Clothes, cups, books. He scowled at his bowler hat which caused him to fall, glaring at it like it purposefully committed the act.
Eventually, he carefully made his way to the door. Janus would normally feel embarrassed at anyone seeing his room in such disarray, even Remus. Now, he couldn't bring himself to care, the emotional numbness consuming him entirely. He opened the door and was accidentally hit in the chest by an all too familiar cardigan wearing side.
"Oh gosh! Janus! Oh boy, I'm so sorry. I didn't realise you had opened the door!" Patton rambled as he stared at Janus' hair, obviously confused that the bowler hat was missing. Janus leant against the doorframe and raised a tired eyebrow as Patton continued to ramble. He coughed obviously which caused Patton to stop in his tracks.
"Ah, Patton. As delighted as I am about having your company. I would love to know why you were hammering my door down." He asked in his usual sarcastic tone, Janus watched as Patton's eyes danced with worry. Janus sighed, his voice was apparently betraying him... again.
"You... You haven't been out of your room for a week. I haven't seen you since... that. I had to make sure you were okay." Patton's voice trembled slightly as he spoke and Janus had to fight the urge to laugh. It would be an empty laugh, but it would obscure the fact that he really wanted to let Patton in, to speak in nothing but truths to him.
"Concerned? About me? I'm surprised. I thought after the little altercation last week, I thought staying out of everyone's way would be the best thing ever!" Janus' voice regained its sarcasm as Patton flinched, the memory flooding his mind.
The memory of Patton losing control and feeling so lost, confused, desperate to help, the memory of Janus being laughed at when he was truthful about the most important part of himself... The memory of both of them calling a truce when it was over. The last part unfortunately being overshadowed by all of the other events.
"Janus. I know things were rough when everything... pretty much fell apart. I thought we at least had some kind of understanding of one another. That we had all learnt things." Patton sighed, but he kept the peppy tone to his voice, something that Janus had to admit that he admired Patton in that regard.
Patton could always find something to be positive about. He wished he could see that sort of thing more often too, but it wasn't his purpose was it? Not according to them.
"Well, I certainly learnt two things after I stopped disguising myself as one of you." Janus couldn't stop the bitterness from consuming his tone, but he was more surprised that Patton was still standing in front of him, patiently listening. He had come this far, he might as well say what he had been desperate to say to anyone who would listen.
"One, I was never going to let any of you see that you got to me."
"... And two?" Patton asked gently.
Janus scoffed as the bitterness returned, as all the words that had been associated with Janus returned in a frenzy, threatening to overwhelm him.
"If you're all going to see me as nothing but slimy and untrustworthy... Then there's no point trying to be anything else. Not anymore." His tone was a staggering mix of bitterness and sadness.
Janus looked away down the corridor, glancing at all of the closed doors surrounding him. All the doors that would most likely never open to him again. Of course, Remus was the obvious exception, but the fact that Patton's door was already open gave him a microscopic amount of hope He almost didn't feel Patton's hand resting on his shoulder, the reassurance surging through him alleviated the emotional numbness a miniscule amount. He felt his gaze being pulled back to Patton.
"...Jan... You're so much more than that." The sincerity in Patton's voice not enough to convince him, but he appreciated the gesture more than he could say. He smiled softly, a silent thank you for reaching out to him. Patton squeezed Janus' shoulder before walking away to his door, unsubtly leaving it open.
Janus smirked slightly before turning back into his room, leaving his door open as well. He began to clear up all of the clutter and built-up mess, suddenly feeling a little bit of energy to do so. As he put his bowler hat back on his head, only one thought stayed in his mind.
Maybe things would get better after all, in time, of course.
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what was it like the first time Mc met Skull in the portal Au?
Is it story snippet time? I think it’s story snippet time.
The vent cover was loose.
You’d noticed, as soon as you’d rounded the corner. It didn’t matter that the facility was dark, quiet, deep in one of its night cycles... in the faint illumination of the safety screens and directional arrows left on, you picked up the silhouette of the cover. You were so familiar with the area of the lab around the room you slept in that you probably would’ve seen it anyway... but what immediately made all your attention snap to it was the fact that the glint of sleek metal in the darkness was, in fact, misaligned.
... Sans wanted everything neat. Sans wanted everything right. Red liked it that way, too, but Sans seemed to have the final say. And it showed- the entire facility was neat, angled, symmetrical and impossibly clean. It was so regimented and unnatural that you felt like an outlier yourself; a strange, curved, imperfect biological creature in a space that seemed to bleed robotic perfection from every corner.
... So... something about this one plating... this one vent cover, at a bad angle, tilted just against the grain...
... You were hyperfocused.
You moved over to it, bare feet cat-silent on the warm white floor, crouching down. You weren’t supposed to be out of your room at night, Sans didn’t like you wandering around when he was unaware, powered down for system maintenance and repairs... your fingers sealed around the loosened ends of the vent cover, and with the gentlest of tugs the whole thing came off, leaving a gaping hole in the wall large enough for you to crawl into. 
It was like you had a fog, separating one half of your mind from the other. Every day in this strange lab was confusing- and when you tried to ask yourself normal questions, like “where am I?” or “how did I get here?” or “why do I have no memories before this place?” your brain supplied you with absolutely nothing. And not only that, it couldn’t even supply you with the concern you knew you should be experiencing... the fear, the panic, it wouldn’t come. It was the most paradoxical and horrible sensation... the feeling of knowing something was wrong, of knowing you should be scared, but something in your head just not letting you access it.
... Maybe that was why the sight of the hole in the wall, the gap in the artificially perfect world around you, made your heart skip in excitement instead of fear. Maybe that was why you normally would have stuck to what was safe and not done stupid shit like going into vents...
... But this time, you got on your hands and knees, and crawled right in.
You weren’t crawling for a very long time; after what couldn’t have even been a minute of moving in a straight line through the smooth metallic system, the dark space opened up above you, more than enough for you to stand up to your full height in. Your eyes were wide, childlike in wonder- unlike the rest of the facility, that at least seemed to try and fake an air of safety, this place behind the walls... every surface around you was dirty, stained and rusty, there were tubes and buttons and tangled wires sticking out of the floor and ceiling, the whole place was lit up with an unnerving orange glow that was leaking through slits in the flooring. The air was filled with a nasty tang, metallic and almost blood-like, heavy and claustrophobic...
... It was like you’d crawled into hell. Like you’d gone from the head of the facility to the entrance of the throat. Another world...
As your gaze lowered...
... There was something in the room with you.
The hairs on the back of your neck bristled. Near the other end of the room there was a large, metallic box, most likely containing important wiring of some kind. From where you were standing you could judge that it was about your shoulder height... pretty big. 
... But it wasn’t the box that had your attention. It was what it was blocking from your view. A perfectly circular crimson light was peeking out from behind that box... a turret eye, bright and awake and alive, cutting through the murky coloured darkness. And the more you stared, the more you could make out, the more you could see the partially obscured hunched figure attached to the eye that was trained directly on you. 
“H-hello?” You whispered.
“sh-ouldn_t.. be.here.”
... The voice was like nothing you’d ever heard. Deep, deathly deep, you could feel it in your chest like standing next to a speaker- vibrating in your stomach, the palms of your hands, even tingling along your scalp. It sounded... automated, jittering and autotuned and with inflections no human would use, but so clearly with thoughts and feelings behind it, the unmissable edge of somebody who’s cautious, afraid... a downright uncanny mix of machine and man.
“... Should you?” Your voice sounded so... weak. So biological. Your heart was pounding.
... The eye noticeably changed; the dot in the centre became a fraction wider. It took an odd shape, too... from your distance it... looked like a heart...?
A soft, low “... no_.”
“... Then that makes two of us. Right?”
The owner of the eye stood up. 
He stood slowly, too. And as he did, the box he’d been crouched behind just got smaller, and smaller, and smaller... a beast, made of the facility’s leftovers. Large enough to crush you like a beetle. The dim orange light touched his silhouette to reveal thick tubes, misshapen metal plates, wires hanging off him like cut vines... a gaping cavity in his chest where a half-broken plasma motor was faintly humming and glowing. One of his hands looked vaguely humanoid but the other was just a badly affixed pincer claw... the plate on his face had been haphazardly cut away so his one red eye could see, and a skeletal nose shape had been carved into the centre. Everything about him was asymmetric, uneven, mismatched... 
You opened your mouth-
It floated through the room. A light noise, like a phone notification. You took note of the fact that you couldn’t hear it echoing through the rest of the facility... something that was only heard in the backrooms, perhaps? It was a very gentle little sound, nothing more than a light jingle...
... Except he flinched like a gunshot had gone off, eye blinking out entirely. Immediately, he turned around- you let out a little “H-hey, wait!” and raised your arm but it didn’t stop him. In a few giant steps he’d completely disappeared around a corner, clanging sounds moving so much deeper into the metalworks in such a short amount of time that you found yourself immediately disoriented. How... you were just standing there, how did someone that huge and heavy move so fast?
You wanted to pursue. You wanted to chase him deep into the bowels of the lab, down where you weren’t ever supposed to go, where no light would reach... you wanted to so badly you’d already moved a few steps without realising.
... But at the same time, you felt like you’d done enough for one day. Your nose stung from the strange smells in the air, your eyes were straining in the orange darkness... you wanted to go to sleep, back to your relaxation chamber, to rest for now and figure out what the hell you’d just seen.
What the hell you’d just spoken to.
... You turned, and clambered back through the vent. It took no time at all to re-emerge back in the regular facility... back to the whiteness, the cleanliness, the perfect and fake.
You had no idea why he’d reacted the way he had to that sound. What did it mean? You trailed your hand along the wall as you walked, making your way through the halls back to your chamber, the floor smooth and faultless under your bare soles. Was it... some kind of warning? An alert system? Was he running toward something, or away fr-
- You almost jumped out of your fucking skin.
You were never sure where Sans’ voice was coming from. It always seemed to just spontaneously exist all around you, disembodied and impossible to describe, surrounding you on all sides as if emanating from the air in the building itself. No matter how hard you searched you could never seem to find any speakers on the cold, unfriendly white walls or floor... just further adding to the confusion and dream-like quality of this whole place. You clutched your chest, taking a little breath, trying to disguise the wild flinch that you’d just experienced.
“Y-yeah?” You said, smooth as always, and totally completely not-startled.
Sans always heard you, no matter how quietly you spoke- and judging by passing comments he’d made he always seemed to be able to see you and your expression. God, you hoped he couldn’t read the panic in your face.
“the facility is in night cycle.” Calm, emotionless, slightly autotuned, as per usual... but a little softer than the norm. “why are you out of your relaxation chamber?”
You glanced up at the nearest camera, a small black orb close to the ceiling with a gently blinking blue light.
“I-I can’t sleep.” Was all you could think of.
“... perhaps it will be easier to sleep... if you are reclined in a position, in which you can actually sleep. you should return to your chamber.”
“... I’m just walking around.” You kept moving, hoping he wouldn’t think about where you’d come from. “I mean... N-not all of us have a ‘go to sleep instantly’ button. I’m clearing my head. I’m fine, I'm on my way back anyway.”
“you’re stammering. your heart rate is elevated.”
Shit. Shit. No, it’s-
“... did you experience a nightmare?”
“O-oh. Yeah. Uhm...” You rubbed the back of your neck, eyes drifting down to the floor. “You know about those?”
“i have access to the combined entirety of human knowledge. yes, i am aware of nightmares.”
“W-well... yeah. Yes. I... had one. I’m walking it off.”
... A pause, on his part. 
“... i can turn the lights back on. if... you’d like to walk around.”
“No thank you. It’ll just make me feel more awake.”
“i see. ... well. i need to complete some more system reboots. i will be partially offline again. if... you need me, just call.”
“Okay. Sure. I will.”
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rpd-rookie · 3 years
Summary: Leon meets Y/N again and let's say she isn't done playing with him. You don't mind company in your hot tub, do you Leon?
Author’s note: Sorry about the long wait. I know it's been a while since I haven't updated this fanfic or posted a RE fan fiction. I was busy with work and writing for other fandoms. Hope you'll forgive me and that you'll like this chapter.
Tags: NSFW / Flirting / Slow Burn / Teasing / Seduction / Roleplay / Hand Jobs / Slight Angst / Explicit Sexual Content
(Part 1)
PART 2: The Game
Men are foolish to believe they have no weakness. All men have weaknesses. And even if Leon wanted desperately alcohol to be his only one, he had to admit there was another. One more pleasant and yet sometimes as hurtful and as destructive. Women. Sultry strong women. Those who steal your heart, toy with it like a cat plays with a mouse, crush it with their sharp stilettos to finally throw it back at you without an ounce of remorse or sympathy.         How many times he had fallen for those women! How many times he had hurt himself! … And asked for more.
There was possibly something rather addictive, something even rather masochist in doing so. And the fact that he was aware of it showed how stupid he truly could be.
It was a lovely night, slightly cold but starry. The fresh marine wind was blowing softly in the trees and the bursting bubbles of the hot tub massaging his tensed muscles were filling Leon’s ears with a peaceful melody he would gladly listen to for hours.         Eyes closed, he could almost imagine what it truly meant to be on holidays, what it truly meant to relax, to forget. Almost.  The truth was he could not escape Raccoon City … as he could not escape Spain, or Tall Oaks or any other place he had been, any other place he had survived, any other place he had lost. They always knew how to creep into his brain, always knew how to tie his stomach in a knot, how to make his heart heavy, sometimes –often- in moments when he was the most eager for peace of mind. They were doing it right now. They had been doing it for quite some time now. Since the bombing in DC or maybe before.
“You almost make brooding look hot, you know?” Leon immediately jumped and turned around, startled by the cheerful voice pulling him out of his dark ominous thoughts. A reflex he had acquired and sharpened over the years fighting deadly BOWs.    But when his blue eyes lay on Y/N (or Y/SN; He didn’t really know how he should call her), he relaxed and allowed his tightened lips to slightly curl into a weak but sincere smile. “Years of practice.”             “Then that explained the wrinkles on your forehead.” She approached him soundlessly, leaving the shadows in which she had been watching him, and squinted at his face, possibly trying to detail all the little aging signs carving his skin. “Is that why you’re wearing a fringe?”      “It’s not a fringe!” He replied rather offended and yet perfectly aware that she was merely teasing him the same way she had teased him in that bar a couple nights ago. But his hair was sacred! And he hated when someone was making fun of it.    Too bad his little attempt at sounding aggressive only made Y/N laugh and want to mock him a little bit more. Just for fun.            “Well, it looks like a fringe… An emo fringe.” Leon frowned and without realising it brushed his hair aside with an annoyed pout the woman found just adorable. “Wow. You’ve got two eyes. Who would have thought?”          “Are you done?” She chuckled, eyes shining with mischief as she sat on the edge of the hot tub, legs crossed so as to deliberately show her bare smooth thighs no longer hidden under the white hotel robe she was wearing.       Leon couldn’t help but gaze for a second or two, suddenly wondering how that beautiful skin would feel against his calloused fingers, around his waist. Probably amazing. Electrifying. Damn she was good! He thought. Pulling him out of his traumatising memories to throw him deep into a well of lust. Not many women could do that. And it was annoying as much as it was endearing.  “Would you like me to keep you company in there?” She offered in a voice that could not disguise the lewd seconds thoughts she had in her mind. But then again, disguising them wasn’t what she wanted. And they were both adult and experienced enough to know that a woman offering to join you in a tub wasn’t doing it to have a chat about the weather. And that was fine. Leon could use some distraction right now.       “Depends. Will you keep taunting me?” He questioned trying to resist her a little bit longer even though, for some weird reasons, watching her fingertips touch the bubbling hot water and softly caress the surface was making him suddenly aching.         It was as if he wanted his skin to be the water, as if all the things she was doing –even the one that should be innocent- were purely sensual … sexual even. Whether it was always fully voluntary of not, Leon wasn’t sure. But damn, she was surely making her way under his skin.   “Well you have to admit my little taunt got your mind of whatever you were thinking about.” She smiled and brought her fingers to wet her neck as she discreetly and proudly peeped at Leon who was observing the droplets running down her skin with dilated pupils. “You’re cleverer than what you let on.” He admitted. “Sometimes I wonder if you’re playing with me or if you’re just flirting.”          “Why not both?” Her fingers fell to the collar of her robe to slowly brush the soft fabric off her shoulders, revealing more burning naked skin that made Leon briefly fidget under the water. Was he that touch-starved? “Why not something else?” Could she hear his erratic heartbeat in his chest? His brain screaming at him just to grab her and pull her in his laps? See all his attempts at keeping his cool slowly crumbling to let the obscene fire growing in his loins take over?        Her mocking smile made Leon think she probably could.         “And what would that something else be?” He asked, curious.
He watched her take a step back. And unconsciously, he leant closer. Like a magnet. Not willing to be left alone or to let her go. And miraculously, unlike many women before her, she didn’t leave. She simply stood where she was and brought her hands to the belt around her waist.             “What do you what it to be?” And Leon stared; hypnotized again by her enticing moves he wished were quicker. “Or better question. What do you want me to be?” She unknotted the belt and let her fingers crawl back to the collar of the robe to open it slowly. The mere sight of her décolletage made Leon gulp and suddenly all his tries to keep his eyes on her beautiful face became vain as they always found their way back between her breasts. “A college student with daddy issues …” She opened the robe wider, showing more of her skin “…who’s eager to spread her legs for a married man who lost wife, kids and beagle to his best friend? Or…” more of her breasts, her rosy nipples, her belly, offering a glimpse of her young body “A very naked young woman seducing an old –clearly naked as well- emo boy in a hot tub?” The robe wasn’t covering anything that should have been covered anymore. Leon could see everything, everything enough for his cock to harden under the water and for him to thank for the bubbles hiding his arousal.           “Is that what you really are?” She entered the hot tub, towering him like a naked Venus calling to be touched. And god knows how hard it was for Leon not to touch her or to stop thinking about pressing his face against her womanhood. “That looks like what I am right now. Don’t you think?” She let herself slowly sink in the water, not taking her eyes out of him. “And that looks like something you like.” She purred and when Leon thought that she would sit on him, straddle his legs and finally feel his aching member against her… “Only a fool would not like it.”            “And you’re not a fool … Leon.” … He froze.
Leon’s eyes widened. Did he hear that right? “What did you just call me?” His tone, though tinted with surprise, had recovered its seriousness and gravitas. But it didn’t seem to unsettle the young woman before him who was still keeping her aura of sensual cheekiness.    “Isn’t that your name?” Leon frowned, wondering how she knew and what the hell her intentions were. “You know it’s hard to pretend to be someone else when your name and photo was shown on national TV barely a week ago. Leon S. Kennedy the national hero who saved America from bioterrorism yet again.”        “ So you knew all along?”    “ I call it naked truth.” She smiled proudly and he couldn’t help but laugh a little at the pun. “What? You said it yourself, I’m cleverer than what I let on.”           “ So this little game … What was it for?”  “ We can continue if that’s what you want.” She came closer to him, (colour) eyes staring deep in Leon’s own.           “ Cause we haven’t stopped playing?”     “ Well, I’m still playing.” She put a hand on his sculpted pectorals.
The contact, warm and delicate, made Leon slightly shiver and he looked at her palm slowly going down his firm chest, caressing his skin down to his carved abs, following the line of hairs below his navel until it finally reached his still hard sex  “And with what I’m feeling right there. It looks like you can still play with a little help.” He winced as he felt her delicately grab his shaft.           “ You’re impossible.” He managed to say between gritted teeth.        “ I know. You told me last time... You want me to stop?”  She murmured in his ear, her hot breath tickling him in a pleasant way.    “I didn’t say that.” His eyes found her face again but only for a short while. Soon they focused on her lips, now so close to his. “Good.”
For an instant he thought she would kiss him to eventually put an end to that game of theirs. That would have been the perfect occasion for them to finally let go to their most primal impulses. But she did not. Instead, she remained the way she was, her face a couple inches away from his, her parted lips so close to touch his and her eyes locked with his. Perfectly in control and taking an excruciating delight in watching Leon lose his composure as her hand was slowly toying with his manhood under the bubbling water. “I think you needed that.”  “ You have no idea.” A guttural moan escaped the barrier of his lips and his stomach tensed. Leon could feel his member throbbing in the girl’s grip. He was close already and not even slightly ashamed about it. That was what she wanted, wasn’t it? For him to crumble under her touch. And maybe that was what he wanted too now that he was thinking about it.          He closed in blue eyes to focus only on her, on her touch, on her hand, moving up and down in cock, again and again, on her fingers, sometimes caressing the tip, sometimes tracing the prominent veins of his shaft, slowly, oh so slowly. A pleasuring torture he almost wished would be never-ending.           “ You know, if you want me to fuck you, you should stop with that amazing hand of yours and quickly climb on top of me.” She chuckled at the sudden dirty talk and surge of confidence, happy to finally see him that way.          But as his hands grabbed her hips to bring her in his laps she purred “As much as I would love this, we still have more games to play, Agent Kennedy."
Leon's eyes opened in a flash. Flabbergasted, he felt an atrocious void and a terrible discomfort when, completely powerless, he watched the girl stand up and leave him with nothing less but a smile and a wink. But as much as he wanted to be vexed or resentful, he couldn't help but laugh, thankful that somehow she had managed to take his nightmares away for the night. Sure he had blue balls but those were the best blue balls of his life. " We sure do, Y/N"
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