#which is the funniest thing ever given the show
phytine · 8 months
It's always sad when I read darkship fics on ao3 and the author feels the need to tell in the notes "I don't condone their behaviour. It is absolutely not okay. If you are in this type of relationship know it is not okay, etc." a.d the added bonus is when you have (US) emergency calls for these situation just after.
And my dear, I had to go through a limit age and a trigger warning to enter your fic. I am a grown person, I don't need you to coddle me and frankly... it is a bit weird to assure us that you don't condone murder and rape. Everyone is aware without you stating it, don't worry.
We are in the darkfic lands, you can't lost yourself here. No need to justify, we are all here willingly.
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casscainmainly · 2 months
My Top 10 Batgirl (2000) Moments
This is my list of top 10 Batgirl (2000) moments!! There were so many to choose from, but these are my personal favs :)). Counting down from 10 to my absolute favourite.
10. Volving
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An absolute classic. Perfectly encapsulates what Cass does throughout the entire run, and more writers should play with Cass' use of language like this!
9. Beat Up Every Mob In Gotham
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Perfect encapsulation of the early Barbara-Cass dynamic, and one of the funniest moments in the series. Just love the expressions and the way this shows so much of Cass' character.
8. Choosing to Write
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The entirety of issue #2 builds up to this heart-wrenching moment. After delivering a dead man's final message to his wife, Cass sees the wife's reaction to the written message and decides to learn to write. A foundational moment for her character, and a nice motherly Babs scene too.
7. Alpha Redemption
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Capping off issues 35 + 36, Batgirl unmasks herself to convince Alpha (an amnesiac villain) that he doesn't have to be defined by his past. Brilliantly displays her core belief that people can change, and the fact that her belief pays off makes this moment extremely moving.
6. For God's Sake
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Possibly a controversial pick, but I really like this moment because it underscores some of the fundamental conflict between Babs and Cass. They love each other, but they don't always understand each other, particularly in regards to each other's disabilities. A painful moment that should have been explored more.
5. Fight For Your Life
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My favourite Stephanie and Cass moment in this run. You can feel Cass' grief throughout this hallucination, but there's also so much hope and love (for Stephanie and for herself). It's an amazing conclusion to Cass' initial suicidal tendencies: instead of desiring death, she now actively fights to live.
4. Darknight Detectives
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This interaction sums up a lot of Bruce and Cass' best moments. Cass' unwavering moral beliefs, Bruce's pride, their instinctive understanding of each other; they just get each other in a way few others do. I picked this one instead of the 'instinct/good answer' moment because it also marks Cass' development in her detective ability. From Moment 8 above to here, the confidence in her mental capacities has grown so much. She really volved!
3. Perfect For A Year
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I mean of course this had to be here. These lines literally take up 90% of my brain space, it's an incredibly tense moment that illustrates Cass' desire to be perfect, her need to be useful and good. This issue is also just awesome.
2. You're... Not
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Another absolute classic. Illustrates Cass' compassion and her belief that people aren't defined by their lineage, which is particularly personal to her, given her own dad. This struggle between good/bad, parent/child defines many of Cass' best stories.
1. Who Do You Think You Are? + Father's Day
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What else would number 1 be?? Issue 33 is my favourite in the entire run, and the entire thing is stacked with moments that could fill up this list. I just love 'who do you think you are' because it's all of Cass' rage spilling out, and yet she still loves David Cain in her own complicated way (and he reciprocates, too). Then we have the ending, which is the BEST Bruce and Cass moment ever. The sparse, meaningful dialogue, the expressions, the reveal of the TITLE: comic book writing at its finest.
Honorary mention to the Shiva/Cass fight, which just narrowly missed out.
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terastalungrad · 6 months
Sometimes, you’re a comedian with a touring show to promote, so you do an interview with a regional newspaper.
I think that’d be the funniest possible time to reveal a big scoop, wouldn’t it?
Stewart Lee is currently touring, and to promote his Yeovil performance, gave an interview to Blackmore Vale Magazine.  According to Wikipedia, the Blackmore Vale is an area of north Dorset, south Somerset and southwest Wiltshire.  According to the comedian Jake Baker, the magazine would cover his school sports day as he grew up in Dorset.  That’s the level of news you’d expect.
The questions are friendly and easy, from a journalist clearly familiar with Lee’s work and history.
The first question is about the show’s angle.  Lee describes the nature of the show, and here’s an excerpt:
So it looks like stand-up, and sounds like stand-up, but it’s actually a kind of character piece about a desperate person who’s frightened and trying to organise the world in a way that puts them in control. And I guess you could argue that’s what a lot of stand-ups are doing anyway. Ricky Gervais to me looks like a very frightened man. He’s frightened of transgender people coming after him, the act is a defensive wall.
Fun!  This is a Ricky Gervais hate blog, so it’s nice to see a sudden, unexpected attack in an unrelated promotional interview.
Lee mentions Gervais again in response to question four.
Sometimes I become bitter and think ‘I get all this good press, why can’t I get 10 million quid for a TV special like Ricky Gervais?’ But on the other hand, I wouldn’t want that audience, it wouldn’t allow me to be better.
And then again to question eight, where Lee explains why he spends six months running new shows in the relatively small Leicester Square Theatre (as opposed to arena comics who might do 10 warmup shows followed by 60 tour dates).
You can still run it like a club gig, you can interact with people in real time. Also, you wouldn’t get better at the show because you wouldn’t have done it as many times. You can see this with an act like Gervais. Those shows have not been run in, they’re not fluid, they’re a succession of inflexible statements that would snap like twigs if the pressure of an unforeseen event was applied to them.
The journalist finally addresses this head on.  It really is worth reading the entire article - there’s a lot more than I’m quoting, including an interesting story about Sean Lock:
But here are my favourite bits:
[Gervais] still kind of copies me though, which is the weird thing. There’s still a lot of cadences of what I do but they’re used in the service of evil. In Star Wars, he’s Darth Vader and he’s taken the force, which is me, and used it for evil purposes. He was a fanboy, he was actually the booker at University of London and used to book me and Sean Lock all the time. And when he became famous for the Office, he wrote an hour-long act that was so indebted to us it was awkward. [...] If he’d come up through the circuit that would have been rubbed off him because you find your own voice doing club gigs. It took me two years of gigging five nights a week to come through the mesh of things I liked. But he didn’t have that experience in the same way. [...] Funnily enough, in his first show there were bits I’d never recorded that he’d do almost verbatim. He’d clearly remembered them. I went to see him at the Bloomsbury – on his invitation actually – with my then girlfriend and she was very concerned for me. I’d given up at that point due to lack of interest, and she was concerned for what it felt like to see my act being done to hundreds of people, it was quite weird. On the other hand, that sort of did make me think I don’t want it to be consumed into someone else’s vocabulary. And also, I think because he had a residual sense of guilt, he would always credit me in interviews as being an influence – that helped me in 2004 to get the audience back.
This is, to my knowledge, the first time Lee’s ever claimed that Gervais stole his material.  He’s certainly talked about Gervais clearly taking influence from him (though in the past, he downplayed this compared to the account given in this interview).
It’s a pretty big thing to accuse a comic of stealing material.  That’s a big taboo.  I reckon this is partly because Lee wants to discourage fans of Gervais from coming to the show.
Anyway, let’s finish by quoting the end of the interview:
It must be strange to have that level of financial remuneration and those audience figures but not really a single good review. And I expect what that does for you is create a cognitive dissonance where you have to manufacture a worldview by which the whole world is wrong and you’re right. Which can’t necessarily be very good for your mental health, although I expect the money’s nice.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 6 months
Cookie's Fic Recs
I feel like no one really does rec lists anymore! But last night I was feeling and sappy and mushy and decide to put together my own little list of fics I love. These are in no particular order, and they don't follow any real theme/tropes other than I dearly love them all, and you should definitely give them a read!
*I tried to tag everyone I could find a blog for, but if I missed anyone, please let me know I can tag them!
The Instinctual Gravitation Towards Warmth by kimkhimhant (@kimkhimhant)
This is my comfort fic. No joke, this is what I read when I want to die. It’s angsty as all hell, it’s made me cry, but it is so indescribably good. Kim is an addict going through recovery, finding love and family along the way. He hits rock bottom—arguably multiple times—but always claws his way back, always with the support of the people that love him. It’s such a beautifully written and cathartic story, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read it. But it’s almost certainly the fic I’ve reread the most. 
Error in the Code by BlackwaterVial (@blackwatervial)
Sneaking this VegasPete onto my otherwise KimChay list bc it altered me. I think most people already know what it is, but jic: it’s a sci-fi/cyberpunk/android AU, and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever read. I go feral for androids and this fic delivers in all the best ways. The world building alone makes me weep. But all of the characters interactions, the way we get such an in depth feel for everyone despite the limited PoV, and the most satisfying take I’ve seen on android artificial intelligence ever—I can’t recommend this story enough. 
Idiots & Idioms by snickerdoodlles (@snickerdoodlles)
This one is actually a series, and it's genuinely so much fun to read. For the most part it's a SocMed fic with Chay taking over Wik's twitter and making it everyone's problem, and it's fkn hysterical. This one is actually a series, and it's genuinely so much fun to read. For the most part it's a SocMed fic with Chay taking over Wik's twitter and making it everyone's problem, and it's fkn hysterical.
Silver for Truth by snickerdoodlles (@snickerdoodlles)
This fic is the Kim & Khun vs. Tawan team-up we deserve. Kim is a ruthless, demented bitch, that's too cool to beat Tawan to death bc what if he messes up his wrists right before a show?? Big, get 'im. Kim is the feral-est cat ever, leaving behind evidence and bodies for Kinn bc saying "hey bro, I still love you/look out for you" is too much emotion for him. The fic is also from Tawan's PoV which also makes it the funniest thing ever, for reason that I won't spoil <3
The Wiked Lies We Live by shubaka (@shubaka)
Oh my god, this fic. Canon divergence (technically??) where most things happen as normal... except KimChay have been bodyswaped at the start of it. The little twists Shu puts on the events of canon, given it isn't the correct characters experiencing them (such as Big being very confused about why Kim is suddenly nice to him??) are so much fun.
A Portrait of Affection by froginthesun (@froginthesun)
Kim is an artist and Chay is the part time nude model he hires. ‘Nuff said right there, except no it isn’t, this fic is beautiful. Kim’s frustration with his craft is palpable, and so is the way he rediscovers his passion through Chay. The writing is wonderfully detailed, every chapter felt like walking through a museum. And tension slowly building between them—unf. 
Sunshine in My Closet by moneskin 
This is an A/B/O AU that is so satisfying to read. Typical hilarious boundary violations (Chay stealing Kim’s clothes, a bewildered Kim handing over a freshly worn outfit, having barely any idea who this strange kid is) characteristic of the AU, but then the story also delves deeper into more serious topics. Chay has a history of abuse from a past alpha that he has to learn how to navigate with Kim, who is incredibly patient and works hard to make Chay feel safe and loved. Overall a very sweet and comforting read. Seriously, this fic makes me melt.
Your Body Feels Like Disrespect by Blue_Jay (@bluejayfiction)
This fic is so funny because it begins with Kim blurting out, in the middle of an Important Mafia MeetingTM, that he and Chay aren’t having sex, and then wanting to die about it. Followed by Kim’s family trying very hard to both support and terrorize him. It’s hilarious, sexy, and one of my favorite reads when I need a pick me up. (Bless Kinn’s determination to be a Good and Supportive Brother, and Vegas for being the Worst Person Ever.) 
In Silent Screams (In Wildest Dreams) by BelladonnaWyck and StratsWrites 
This is definitely a darker fic. There’s DubCon, Kim is generally Sketchy, but it’s very hot. And I love explorations of his character where he isn’t just outwardly psychotic and cruel. This fic shows the kind of dark that I think Kim could have been, if you just tilted his character a little to the left. He still seems very much the way he is in canon, but he’s also… a lot more calculating and cold, sometimes. I love it. 
Forget-me-always by bisexualbard (@bisexualbard-writes)
I cannot sing the praises of this fic enough. I think it’s probably tied for IGTW for my most-read fics. I’ve probably read this one more often in reality, but only bc it’s shorter. But oh my god, does it hurt. Kim gets struck with amnesia post-break up, does a little light stalking, and gets Chay to help him learn/remember who he is. In the process realizes that wow his life sucks, and there’s no way he wants to go back to it. Especially if he’s the kind of person that hurt Chay. He would rather start over. (Ofc, he doesn’t get to). This fic makes me cry, it’s so good 
Coffeehouse Play by AirgodSLV
This is a canon divergence AU that I adore. The KimChay characterization is on point. I love that despite everything going on around them, they also get to be two boys that hang out and play videogames and try to shove each other off the couch while Porsche makes dinner. Given the age difference it’s so easy to make Kim Older and MatureTM, but he’s still a kid, and this story never once forgets that. It felt so honest and true to his character that Kim does have a lot of plans, and he’s very smart, but he’s also still so young, and sometimes shit just goes wrong. 
Want and Need by bisexualbard (@bisexualbard-writes)
God, this fic. T h i s f i c. Post-canon Chay goes to therapy and becomes a camboy (in that order) and it’s delicious. Watching the steady breakdown of his and Porsche’s relationship is so satisfying. Everything one of them does to make things worse feels awful, but is so in character that it’s hard to be mad at them for their decisions. Kim readily giving up control if it means he can be with Chay, and Chay getting a crash course in how to dom. All of it is just. So good. This is such a good fic
Your Look, Through This Lens by WildelyDawn (@wildelydawn)
AU where Chay becomes Kim’s photographer. This fic emotionally hobbled me. Just a fair warning. You will cry. But that said, the ending isn’t nearly as sad as the tags would have you believe! At least in my opinion. I think it’s fairly open/hopeful, and beautiful either way. I love the way this fic shows how Kim balances being Wik while also being part of the mafia. And I love how temperamental he is; always hot and cold, while remaining pretty even as far as how he expresses himself. Always very aloof/detached, just out of reach, with Chay never really sure where he stands/what Kim wants. But at the same time the fic happens just before Kim gets a big break, and the subtle ways he shows his excitement and nerves as things start coming together—it’s wonderful. 
Love’s a Two-Way Dream by giraffeter (@giraffeter)
This fic is dark. Kim atticwife’s Chay and it’s not a good time. But!! It’s not just dark for the sake of it; Kim is a genuine sociopath, yes, but it unfolds slowly. You get a sense of creeping dread as he does things that are just a little bit off, until finally the Big Bad Thing happens. At first he seems normal, playing the part of good and respectful boyfriend. But it just goes downhill from there, and I love every word of it. The ending especially is very satisfying. 
In the Dark of the Night by bisexualbard (@bisexualbard-writes)
Not to recc everything Bard writes, but… This is a rape recovery fic that I feel handles the subject matter incredibly well. There’s no gratuitous rape scenes, and even with the flashbacks, I don’t remember any of them being incredibly detailed. I think Bard handled the fic with incredible respect and grace. This is another one that’ll make you cry. The way Chay handles his past trauma while trying to have a relationship with Kim is so painfully real. And so is the way Kim wants to help him, but doesn’t really know how. But they figure it out together, and it’s amazing. (Also Kim acquires a stabby child in the form of an OC that I adore.) I just love the path Chay's recovery takes in this fic, it's so visceral and relatable. It's all around just. So good. I love this fic for the same reason I love IGTW and it's because both fics show an excellent depiction of recovery.
Chains and Crowns, A Flower Can Both Make by Sweet_William (@sweet-william-writes)
Incredibly Regency AU. Historical AUs are some of my all time favorites, and this is everything I didn’t know I needed. Sweet_William captures the essence of an Austen-esque style while still making this feel like the KinnPorsche characters. Chay is wonderfully feisty, Kim is delightfully complex, and the various family interactions always had me cackling. 
Simple Little Secrets by CorvusCloudburst (@cloudburst-ink)
Chay sees the future when he touches people. Kim thinks he’s either insane, a spy, or a conman. Oh, and Chay’s visions of Kim? Always sex-related. The shenanigans are endless. What more do you need?? They’re both crazy4crazy and it’s my favorite thing ever. Their banter is snappy and fun, the writing is sexy, and it never once gave me second-hand embarrassment despite Chay’s horrible situations. 
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pokegalla · 1 year
Requested by @tryslogic
Ngl never thought of this but it’s gonna either be really funny or really sweet. There is no in between-
Killer and Lust with a crazy rich S/o who loves spoiling them
* Oh this poor sweetheart was just expecting you to ask for “service” since you kept flirting with him everytime you visited Grillby’s. He found it charming though as you were always making him laugh too. It surprised him really when instead of that, you actually asked him out instead! Especially when he learned you were rich. Like are you sure you want me??? You could literally have anyone! But it just made him feel extra loved that you genuinely liked him for him. He didn’t really care about your money✨
* He’s actually very humble when it comes to gift receiving. Because he’s not used to such nice and thoughtful gifts! So whether it’s a simple rose to a HUGE teddy bear to even the finest wardrobe? He’s a blushing mess, always left surprised and still asking if it’s really ok. (Please reassure him!)
* Despite you spoiling him, he sure as hell is spoiling you too. You definitely have received gifts over time. His gifts weren’t as expensive…..but the thing is, the value of it is something money can’t buy✨ he’s made custom clothes just for you, stitched by HIS hands. Adorable picture books of you, him, even family and friends! Oh and the cuddles, smooches, and fun dates?!
* He’s a romantic guy and he’ll make sure to bring a smile to your face and give you the love you deserve
Mini story time:
“Huh? You have another surprise for me? Goodness you spoil me too much love….” Lust giggles.
You laugh too, “Well I can’t help it. Your smile and blush makes it worth it everytime.”
Lust playfully nudges you, “Oh stop it you!”
You laugh and take his hand in your own. You knew this surprise was probably the biggest you’ve ever given him. But it was an investment that you won’t regret. And you knew Lust would make you proud. So you walk him up to an old building. It looked refurbished and cleaned up already. You open the door with the key.
He looked around in wonder, “Wow…..what place is this?”
“Your new boutique,” You said casually. Lust looked at you in shock. You knew he loved making clothes…..”You have talent Lust. Everyone deserves to know you have something special…..and I’m willing to help show that.”
He actually tears up from this….this was….too sweet. He’s NEVER had such kindness in his life before. You made him feel…..like he actually had value. He hugged you and smiled with purple tears coming down.
“Thank you”
* Ah here we go with this lil shet. Now with him, y’all probably got together randomly. He probably saw you on his day off and threw you a pick up line for funsies. Next thing you know, you both exchange numbers and become true love birds. Funniest part? It took him AWHILE to learn you were even rich- probably like a few weeks or a month. He thought it was cool and didn’t really think much of it.
* Now what shocked him was you spoiling him- he literally joked about wanting a PS5. Which he did want but he ain’t got no money- next day? Boom. You pop up with a whole ass PS5 with games he might like. His initial reaction: “Heh nice prank babe”. Oh- oh you weren’t? HOLY SHIT YOU ACTUALLY GOT HIM-?! The way he excitedly jumped up like a happy puppy, you knew you had to spoil him more-
* He absolutely shows you off to his team. Mostly out of a joke but also to be an absolute dick- like just smirking at his teammates, hell even his BOSS, just having an arm around your shoulder to say “My bae spoils and loves me soooooo much✨” Everyone wishes to beat your bonefriend’s ass- not you though. Because honestly you probably spoil them too. So you get a pass. And your bonefriend looking like he done got betrayed-
* He’s a silly little gremlin and honestly he does feel bad that he can’t spoil you more. So he’ll make sure to make you laugh and have fun no matter what.
Mini story time:
Ah the date went well as usual. A fancy dinner, a stop at an ice cream shop, and a walk through the park together under the moonlight. And you couldn’t stop laughing. Killer had been making you laugh the entire night, talking about his latest shenanigans with his group.
“And then after Dust wiped off the pie cream, he chased us ALL around the castle until Nightmare nabbed us and put us in our rooms! Dadmare moment✨,” He said with a chuckle.
“PFFFFT- Dadmare?!” You laughed again, “Killer you’re so cute….but god you’re chaotic-“
Killer takes your hand then kisses it, winking at you, “A chaotic cutie that you love so much~”
You blush but smile, “Yeah…..someone I will always cherish.” You swore for a moment, his eye lights popped up and his target like soul shifted into a heart for a moment.
“………heh. You’re too sweet babe…..,” He says with a nervous chuckle. You were surprised….but you couldn’t resist spoiling him one more time: with a kiss on the cheek. His skull flared with a beautiful shade of red. You giggle as he hid his face and tried acting cool about it. Ah……
You truly love this skellie.
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norlestappen · 3 months
Idea/Request/Me begging you
Tall!Model!Reader X Yuki Tsunoda. With reader being significantly taller than him (like 5'9) and just generally being a goddess.
And she's on the paddock being the biggest Yuki defender of all time and supporting him in whatever he does while being all cutesy about him. Like small man with anger issues and tall woman yelling "Go get 'em sweetie" in the background.
Please and thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Hello my bestie, here is your long awaited story, i decided to only put a bit in, maybe a part 2 if wanted "Yukinoooo, I am hungryy" / Yuki Tsunoda x tall!y/n
summary: you are joining your boyfriend Yuki in the paddock and you are just too much of a hot couple than anyone can ever handle Pairing: Yuki x y/n
warnings: too much cuteness, sadly no smut yet
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Y/n POV:
You would never get used to the fact your boyfriend was literally perfection. From his beautiful eyes to the way his Japanese would make you weak, just everything about him made you want to always kiss him, never letting him go. That was, of course, not always possible since you wouldn’t fit into the cockpit with him, you did on the other hand fit perfectly on his cock though. 
He would push you onto him, making you ride him until you were out of energy, just needing you as close as possible for as long as he could. He needed you so much, it might sound unhealthy to others, but for you two it just worked. 
Pierre made it his mission the entire flight to call you two out as you argued over what you would wear to the paddock. While Yuki liked showing you off to others, he hated it when people saw how hot you looked, so he would always stand in front of you protectively. The funniest thing in that aspect is that Yuki could barely cover your breasts with his head since the height difference was just a bit too much than usual. 
Luckily, all four of you landed a few days prior to the race in Miami, which gave you time to recover from the adaption to new time zones. The first two days were always the hardest for you. As soon as you entered the hotel room with Yuki, he just made you lay in bed, not caring about your baggage at this given moment. He just needed to hold you, making sure you were right by his side.
So, this is what you did the following days, just laying in bed, taking walks together by holding hands, always stopping to kiss while you were photographed for most parts of it. So, when you wake up in the early morning of Friday, you know the hard part is coming up. Being a good WAG, looking the prettiest you can, supporting your boyfriend, possibly fighting the team principle again. 
You always hated getting a cab to the racetrack, so you made Yuki drive like a maniac through Miami’s streets and while most would be terrified of his aggressive driving style, you just loved those wild car rides with your boyfriend. Sharing sweet and small kisses whenever you encountered red traffic lights. Nevertheless, one of his hands always to touch your thighs, squeezing you softly to reassure himself that you were there. 
“Babe, why can’t I just quitttt? I want to lay in bed with you all day and just cuddle, making you feel good and have breakfast, lunch, and dinner on our bed” Yuki pouted as he was parking the car directly at the entrance of the paddock. “Well, one of us needs to drive fast cars and it won’t be me because my neck game is by far not as strong as yours” You smirk at Yuki as he almost jumps at you kissing him.
Soon you had to leave the car, journalists tried crowding you as you met up with Michael, his personal trainer. You always felt like a queen going through the paddock, Yuki loved seeing you in heels, making your height even more prominent than it already was. It was one thing that Yuki has always loved about you, your height.
As soon as you got into the motorhome, Yuki basically dragged you along to his driver’s room, claiming to have some privacy with you. Not like you didn’t do that already for the past days, but who would complain to being alone with a Yuki Tsunoda in a small room? Definitely not you, the one who was actively dating the hottest driver on the grid.
As you sat down on the small couch, Yuki made a call to get some food. “Yukinoooo, I am hungryyy and I want cuddles too” You looked at him with the biggest puppy eyes, knowing it works like a charm in your favor every time. “Shhh, I am trying to get us food asap but you need to be a bit patient” And that is the moment where Yuki spoke to someone in Italian for some reason while sitting down on your lap, legs on either side of you while smirking, knowing it always turns you on when he speaks different languages. You put your hands around his waist, looking intensively at him when he put his phone on the coffee table next to you. “Apparently we should have some food within the next 15 minutes, so lots of time to pass while we wait for some carbs” Both of you started giggling all of a sudden, just simply staring at each other, fully in love and awe. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Plsss give me feedback on it, i just truly need some opinions on my writing, idk why i sometimes feel so insecure but i hope you all love it, especially the Yuki girliesss on here <3 <3 <3 <3
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omgthatdress · 9 months
Extremely pissed off this year about the Golden Globes's ridiculously loose definition of "comedy."
Okay studios have ALWAYS stuffed their middling dramas that are okay movies but not good enough to be serious awards contenders into the comedy or drama part of the Golden Globes just so they can have "Golden Globe Nominee/Winner" on otherwise forgettable bullshit.
But this year I'm actually fucking pissed off about it because this year has given two genuinely superb comedies that absolutely deserve recognition: Barbie and Bottoms.
Yes, Barbie has a ton of nominations and is likely to win a lot of them and honestly probably deserves them all. But here's the thing. Fucking Charles Melton's stunning and heart-breaking DRAMATIC performance in May/December (which despite having a level of camp and a few jokes in the script is NOT A COMEDY if ever I saw one) is pressed against Ryan Gosling's superb and hilarious performance in Barbie, which is an actual fucking comedy that deserves recognition for being an excellent comedy.
Charles Melton's performance is probably the best performance I've seen this year. An actor whose previous claim to fame was a minor role on Riverdale went into this movie and fucking stole the show from Julianne Moore and Natalie Portman. BUT IT IS NOT A COMEDIC PERFORMANCE AT ALL.
Ryan Gosling, on the other hand was not only hilarious, he managed to turn the personality-less Ken into an actual person with emotional depth and a sense of reality. It's and extremely skilled performance that he clearly put everything he had into and it is so good.
DIFFERENCES LIKE THESE ARE WHY THERE ARE SEPARATE AWARDS FOR DRAMA AND COMEDY. Both actors deserve awards for their work. And Charles Melton is probably going to win because well he'd probably win best actor anyway. In a movie that is only good because the acting is superb and wouldn't be nominated for anything outside of acting were it not for the fact that they could stuff it into the comedy nominations.
Comedy is so under-valued and it infuriates me. Bottoms is one of the funniest movies I've seen in years, full of wicked, clever writing and outstanding performances. I want to see movies like this, which take incredible skill and talent to make get fucking recognized. AND IT'S NOT NOMINATED FOR SHIT.
You know what is nominated?
Air. Fucking Air. Fucking Ben Affleck being rewarded for yet another deeply mediocre movie.
For real people have no appreciation for how hard it is to be funny, and the skill and talent it takes to make an outstanding comedy. It deserves recognition, but it almost never gets it.
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maxwell-grant · 2 years
“What's impressive?! I've been a boy this whole time!”
(Spoilers for Puss in Boots 2: The Last Wish)
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Big Jack Horner was delightfully wretched and felt a lot like he was a Shrek villain stuck in a Puss in Boots movie and it made for a really interesting contrast, with everyone else in the forest going through swashbuckling adventures of personal growth and companionship, while he’s cheating and steamrolling his way through everything with darkly comedic brutality, quite literally pulling Shrek gags out of a bag as he just kills and burns and stomps his way through the magical wonderland.
It’s like he was designed to be the Final Boss of Shrek, except there’s currently no Shrek movies for him to be in so, into the Puss in Boots sequel he goes, almost like this dark embodiment of the shadow cast over the Puss in Boots franchise that it must surpass (and somehow did). He just does not play by any of the same rules everyone else does and it’s great, it lets everyone look better by default. It lets the Puss vs Death story play out in all it’s poetic glory but still gives the movie a proper bastard for everyone to gang up on. I didn’t think of that at first, but I’ve read some comments and wonderful analysis commenting on Jack Horner as a extended pisstake on Disney, an update of Lord Farquaad for modern times, and it’s an analysis that makes a lot of sense.
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In that regard: while this couldn’t possibly have been intentional given their release dates so close to each other, I do think it’s pretty funny that Jack winds up connected to Pinocchio, a character who had having a rather busy 2022 if you can tell. Not only is he followed around by a bootleg Jiminy Cricket, but we see that Jack, who was extremely well-off and spoiled throughout his entire life, bears an incandescent bitterness against all magical creatures (and Pinocchio specifically) for taking attention away from his roadside show, which consisted entirely of him reciting his nursery rhyme over and over (even his family was shown bored by it), and so that’s why he wants to own ALL the magic in the world: so that nobody else gets any.
He, who already owns a massive empire and business and land and literally endless collections of powerful magical artifacts he can use to achieve anything he wants a trillion times over, who doesn’t even know what most of what he has does or is worth, is driven by the fact that Pinocchio upstaged him once,
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and so nobody else should get to do anything like that ever again.
(Again, not saying this was remotely intentional, just a funny coincidence)
Also wonderful how his ultimate undoing comes from said bootleg Jiminy Cricket, one of the countless employees he’d abused and crushed over the movie, finally having enough and sending him his incendiary “resignation letter”. 2022 saw the year end with a movie where Jiminy Cricket ends a titanic corporate manchild’s reign of terror and life by setting a magical contract map on fire and freeing everyone from it.
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It doesn’t even register as one of the best things about the movie only because the movie has SO many best things going on, that it can just casually work in one of the funniest Shrek subplots of all time like it’s easy. Still shocked at how good this film was and how much life they injected into it, perfect movie to end or start the year with.
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kalcifers-blog · 1 year
Pissa Headcanons to rattle around my brain like Tallulah's maracas
I feel like I shouldn't need to clarify this but I will anyway- this is all about the Cubitos, not the CCs
Sun and Moon relationship, but they look like opposite of what they are (Philza looks like he's the sun but he's actually the moon and vise versa)
Missa's hair is significantly longer than what it was after he returns to the island (Philza LOVES it)
Missa is deffo the type to give lots and lots of small pecks just all over Philza's face. Philza is just constantly sat there blushing and smiling
Missa likes to teach Phil how to play guitar (yes he does the thing where he sits behind him and holds the back of his hands to show him how to play. Great stuff)
Philza loves horror and doesn't get scared easily, Missa also loves horror but does get scared easily. Cue movie marathons between them where Missa is constantly jumping and Philza (playfully) laughing at him
I'm sure this is basically canon now but Missa also loves to teach Philza how to dance- in return Philza likes to help Missa out with fighting and offers to spar with him. They both have equally flustered reactions to the other showing them how to do said activity
Missa is very physical affection oriented. Whenever Philza is in his vicinity they're hardly apart for even a second because of how close Missa wants to be all the time (90% of the time he's not even doing it consciously)
Missa is taller than Philza (Avians tend to be shorter on average since it helps out with flying) it's not major or a huge difference in any normal circumstance but it definitely feels that way as soon as they're close in proximity to each other (it does not help that Missa wears those big ass goth boots with thick soles/heels, making him appear even taller than usual)
Philza likes to collect items that remind him of the people he's closest too (i.e, Technoblades emerald, Wilbur's guitar pick, Tallulah's amapola, Chayanne's rubber duck etc) for Missa it's a sugar skull mask Missa decorated for him (it includes his green colour scheme and the hardcore heart)
Missa also loves to braid Philza's hair and preen his wings and takes great pride in doing so (he's not AMAZING at it, but he still loves to do it)
Every government assigned couple were given rings when they first joined, at first Philza and Missa wore theirs as necklaces before they actually developed any feelings for each other- now they both wear them on their right ring fingers (they unconsciously agreed that they'll move the rings onto their left hands if they ever actually got married)
Philza can understand birds (he mostly understands crows but he's able to piece together what other types of birds are saying as well) so he's often telling them to "shush" when they catch him and Missa alone together
Missa has death touch, meaning anything living will die if they touch his bare skin. Anything besides (Death's favourite) Philza of course. (Also the death touch does not work on undead which is why he still hides away from Zombies and Skeletons, which is partially the reason why he's kinda shit at fighting)
Trans ftm q!Philza but his top surgery scars are the shape of an upsidedown heart (Missa thinks it's SO PRETTY)
Mumza is watching all of this go down with a bowl of popcorn like her personal weekly telenovela. She finds it the funniest thing that Philza's type is essentially "tall, dark and emo"
Wilbur did not know that Philza would like men, the whole "Phil- I didn't know you were bi, and polyamourus" is still canon, but at first Wilbur was kinda just joking not thinking there was actually anything behind it. You can imagine his shock when in fact, his dad does indeed like men.
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jagibee · 1 year
Call Me Luna
(Stray Kids x Reader)
Chapter 1
1,222 Words
A/N: Hello, hello! I’m Mari and this is my first ever (published) skz fic. I wanted to publish the first chapter on the fifth anniversary so sorry if there are mistakes, feel free to tell me so that I can fix them! I am open to constructive criticism and all sorts of feedback! Use my ask box whenever you like!
This fic is OT8 x Reader but might lean towards Chan and Lee Know, sorry, not sorry😁
Here we go!
When Chan was told the company was integrating a new policy, he was wary to say the least. Especially when he found out it had to do with secondary gender dynamics. Their pack had a delicate balance and he was worried that a new addition, particularly one that wasn’t his choice, would screw it up.
He became more relaxed once he learned that they would give the band the freedom to look at application profiles and decide among themselves which caretaker they would have.
When he saw the huge stack of applications, he thought ‘at least there will be plenty of good options’. Unfortunately, that optimism didn’t last long.
When one of his members selected an applicant they liked, another would always look over and find something wrong with them. When Jisung found one, Jeongin said their scent made him queasy. When Changbin suggested one, Hyunjin accused him of doing it just because the applicant had said that they liked spending time at the gym. They had a small pile of maybes, but each one had at least one member who disliked them, and that wasn’t exactly ideal.
Each of the members had selected at least one profile they liked, even Minho, though he did say his was because the applicant was the winner of some cooking show. However, Chan hadn’t found a single applicant he liked. This person, this caretaker, needed to fit perfectly. He loved his members more than anything and if they were hiring someone to live with and look after them at all hours, every single day, for the foreseeable future, Chan was going to find someone everyone could agree on.
His own hope was dwindling alongside the ‘unread’ stack. Maybe it would be easier to just convince Jeongin that he could get used to new scents or tell Hyunjin that if Changbin was at the gym with the caretaker, he wouldn’t have to see either of them.
Then he came across your profile.
The first thing Chan noticed about you was your smile. It wasn’t some nice little ‘say cheese’ thing, but something true and genuine, like the photographer had just told you the funniest joke you ever heard, but you weren’t allowed to laugh. The way your smile stretched across your face made his own cheeks ache in sympathy pain.
Your profile said you had experience with all sorts of pack dynamics, which was good, given that their careers made them a rather unusual kind of pack. Also, your specialization in all types of secondary gender care stood out to Chan. Most omegan caretakers specialized in just omegas or occasionally just alphas, but the way you had completed training for alphas, omegas, and betas showed that you were truly dedicated. Also, with a pack of four alphas, two betas, and two omegas, having a good idea of how to treat everyone’s secondary gender was ideal.
Chan took out the bag with the tissue you had rubbed your scent on and brought it up to his nose.
Your scent was a mix of floral and earthy, and it was strong without being overpowering. Chan instantly felt like he was being soothed.
He nudged Felix next to him and handed over the tissue. “Smell this,” he ordered.
Felix took it and tentatively raised it to smell. His nose twitched as he sniffed it and he let out a soft “oooooh” sound. He turned to Chan with a small grin. “I like it.”
Overhearing them, Jisung grabbed the tissue and took a deep breath. His eyes widened as he exclaimed, “Yah, this smell is so nice!”
Sitting across the makeshift circle, Changbin lunged across to grab for it but Hyunjin had been quicker. Before he had the chance to judge the scent, Changbin tackled him and landed them both in Seungmin’s lap.
Ignoring whines from the both of them, Changbin successfully snatched the tissue and took a big whiff. “Yoh,” he said, before wiggling cutely and switching to a high-pitched voice, “Binnie likes this!”
Hyunjin managed to take the tissue back then, bringing it so he and Seungmin could smell it at the same time.
“Oh, that’s nice!” Hyunjin exclaimed, exchanging a glance with Seungmin, who nodded along.
Chan felt something in his heart shift. That was over half of the pack’s approval. Then he reminded himself that they still needed the rest of the pack to like your scent and all of them had to review your actual application. Plus, Minho and I.N were the two most scent-oriented. Minho had the best sense of smell out of all of them, and as their most recently presented alpha, Innie was very sensitive about the scents he did and didn’t like.
Seungmin, still with a lapful of Changbin and Hyunjin, turned to Jeongin sitting next to him and gently held out the tissue. Instead of grabbing it and bringing it to his nose, he leaned forward to rest his face against Seungmin’s hand before he inhaled the tissue’s aroma.
Most of the pack members waited with bated breath for Innie’s verdict. Unlike the rest of them, he took his time in deciding whether he liked the scent or not. He tilted his head, making himself look particularly fox-like, before telling them, “I could get used to that.”
They all nodded, some exchanging small smiles, before everyone turned to Minho at the very end of their group. He rolled his eyes before holding his hand out in a grabby motion. “Yah, hand it over already.”
Seungmin, still clutching the tissue, passed it across Jeongin to Felix, who passed it back to Chan, who waved it in front of Minho’s face teasingly. Minho’s stern gaze just made Chan want to tease him more, but he could feel the slight tension in the air, so he stilled his hand. Minho grabbed the tissue and raised a single corner a couple inches in front of his face. He sniffed it, then brought it closer to press against his nose and inhale more deeply.
If this were any other time, Chan would be reveling in the silence but right now, he just wanted Minho to hurry up and say something.
Minho hummed slightly, one side of his lip twitching up before he nodded. “Yeah, I like that.”
Chan hummed in response, taking the tissue Minho held out and putting it back in the bag.
“This one’s profile is impressive too.” He told his members. “Anyone want to see?”
Seungmin grabbed the file while Hyunjin took the picture of you.
Tuning out Seungmin’s thoughtful comments and Hyunjin’s remarks on your beauty, Chan turned back to Minho, leaning in close.
“You know, you don’t have to say you like it just because everyone else does,” he said softly, sitting back into his normal posture.
Minho continued to stare straight ahead for a couple seconds before turning back to Chan, his gaze piercing. “I didn’t. I’m just not sure how that scent will mix in with ours.”
Chan could tell that this was about something deeper, but he knew Minho didn’t want to talk about it now, and he didn’t want to push him in front of everyone, so he just nodded and turned back to the other members.
He cleared his throat before slapping on a smile and asking loudly, “So! What does everyone think?”
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swiftllama · 5 months
February Compliments ☀️🔍
[Compliments Masterlist]
And we’re back! Not a lot of compliments for February but still a few so hope this will still be a fun read for you guys 😊
So let’s get into it!
February 2024
Is This Video Offensive?
So in this Flashback they reacted to the classic Molester Moon sketch 🌚 We only got one little compliment in this video but I thought I would still include it :-
They’re introducing the video dressed as moons and give each other a fist bump and saying how they’re ‘ordinary guys’.
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Ian: “Anyway, um,” *turns to Anthony* “You look good.”
Another little moment I wanted to include which I just found silly :-
[talking about the pandora’s boxes that were opened with the creation of certain emojis]
Anthony: “The peach emoji…”
Ian: “Yeah, yeah, for real.”
Anthony: “The eggplant emoji.”
Ian: “Or do you think the creator was like, ‘let’s make it look a little bit like an ass’.”
Anthony: [laughs] “It’s a little bit like a huge, purple dong.”
Ian: “Dong.”
Anthony: “Yeah, I don’t know, honestly, it makes me wonder if they did know because it’s too perfectly ass-shaped. Right? I feel like it’s more ass-shaped than a peach. Peaches are not that perfectly ass-shaped.”
Ian: “I don’t know, bro.”
Anthony: “You seen some pretty good looking peaches?”
Ian: “I’ve seen some pretty tantalising peaches in my day.”
Anthony: [swallows] “Oh yeah? Do you want me to call you by my name?”
Ian: [in a low voice] “I could eat a peach for hours.”
👀 who doesn’t love Ian and Anthony flirting with each other 🤭🍑
What’s Wrong With This Soup? (Culinary Crimes)
So the boys went on Courtney’s new show and it did not disappoint with giving us some complimentary bestie moments :-
Courtney: “So the theme of this episode is foods that are vegan, gluten free, with some other twists as well.”
Ian: “So a lot of nuts, I presume.”
Anthony: “Besties with testes.”
Ian: “We are besties with testes, so.”
Silly but still quite cute, can never resist them calling each other besties even when it involves testes 😅
[First recipe they are given is soup]
Ian: “I have recently became a soup boy.”
Anthony: “Yeah.”
Courtney: “You have become a soup boy. That’s why I put you on this case.”
Ian: “Oh, is that right? Yes.”
Anthony: “I have been a good soup boy’s assistant.”
Ian: “Yeah.”
Anthony: “Ian invited me over. I was a little assistant, we made some soup.”
Ian: “We made soup together.”
Anthony: “It was really good.”
WHAT?! THEY MADE SOUP TOGETHER! IAN INVITED HIM OVER AND THEY MADE SOUP TOGETHER!!! ANTHONY WAS HIS SOUP ASSISTANT!!! 😭…. Sorry, screaming over. But that is the cutest thing ever! So after the whole moment in January where Ian dashed many of our fantasies of them making soup together, it ended up actually happening and I am one happy girl knowing it did 😊
Making Of “Would You Push This Button?”
So the BTS of the Would You Push This Button? sketch provided us with a couple moments :-
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Not a compliment or anything but you know, gotta include the high-fives.
Now this other moment is complimentary but the dialogue isn’t that important so I’m just going to give a run down of what is happening :-
[Anthony filming Ian sitting recording voice audio that no longer is getting used for the main video. Ian rambles on about how only members get to hear it and how we’re getting it for free, but not really free cause we paid for membership, and how this audio was originally meant to be used as a Shut Up! intro but it wasn’t that funny, all while Ian is saying this you can hear Anthony laughing behind the camera]
Just another example of the fact that Ian is the funniest person to Anthony ☺️
Would You Push This Button? & MrBeast Copycat Watch Party
Of course to go along with the Would You Push This Button? sketch we also got the watch party livestream, along with them reacting to the previous sketch MrBeast Copycats Have Gone Too Far that they had missed.
[Earlier in the video Ian guesses that Apollo 17 was the last time humans set foot on the moon]
Ian: [reads chat comment] “Oh, I was right with Apollo 17.”
Anthony: “Damn! How did you know Apollo 17?”
Ian: “Just a good guess, I guess.”
Wee compliment from Anthony 😊
Chat comment: ‘What’s the latest soup Ian’s learned to make?’
Ian: “The last one that I learned to make was the African Peanut Stew.”
Anthony: “Oh yeah, that one sounds so good.”
Ian: “So good.”
Anthony: “I was like is that shit vegan?”
Ian: “It was so good- yeah, yeah, it’s vegan.”
Anthony: “Yeah, we got to make that one. We got to make that one next.”
Aw, soup boy’s assistant is wanting to get back in the kitchen with him 🥹
[Boys do a quiz to find out which Bratz doll they are]
Q: ‘What is a personal flaw that your friends accept you for?’
Anthony: “Probably shy and awkward. That’s true.”
Erin: “Do you agree, Ian?”
Anthony: [looks at Ian] “Do you accept me for that?”
Ian: “I accept you for that.”
Anthony: “Okay, thank you.”
Just a cute little one 😝
[Ian taking the quiz]
Q: ‘Pick a fashion icon’
Ian: “I think I’m a Bianca Jagger.”
Anthony: “Sure. That feels right.”
Another little compliment from Anthony cause why not ✨
Q: ‘What’s your favourite relic from the 2000s?’
Ian: “I’m going to do [sings] being young, carefree and stupid.”
Anthony: “That was mine too.”
#twinning #justbestiethings
Q: ‘Which y2k fragrance did you have/would you have on your vanity tray?’
Ian: “I am definitely Princess by Vera Wang.”
Anthony: “Yep. That sounds right.”
Just Anthony agreeing that Ian is a princess 👑
Ian: [on the personal flaw question] “I feel like I’m all of these things.”
Anthony: “You’re a drama queen…”
Ian: “I think my honesty can be harsh. I think- actually I can’t be wild.”
Anthony: “You’ve been wild.”
Ian: “I am a drama queen.”
Anthony: “When are you a drama queen?”
Ian: “I feel like I can be a catty little bitch sometimes.”
Anthony: “But that’s not a drama queen.”
Ian: “Like I love drama. Like whenever I hear that there’s a problem I’m like [rubs hands together] ‘alright, let’s go’.”
Anthony: “Yeah, but I feel like drama queens are also like in the drama.”
Erin: “He’s a little dramatic.”
Anthony: “Is he in the drama though?”
Erin: “I would say so.”
Ian: [laughs]
Anthony: “I feel like he observes it and talks about it.”
Ian: “Sometimes I can be the drama. No, I don’t think I’m- I love hearing other people’s drama…”
Anthony: “Yeah.”
Ian: “But I feel like sometimes my honesty can be harsh.”
Anthony: “Sure, sure.”
Ian: “Sometimes I, you know, like sometimes there’s things that just don’t need to be said.”
Anthony: [laughs] “And you used to have no filter.”
Ian: “Sometimes I say it, I think I’ve gotten a little bit better, where I’ll be like, ‘I- never mind’.”
Anthony: “Yeah, yeah. I accept you for it.”
Ian: “Okay.”
Anthony: “I’ve grown to accept it. I used to be very sensitive.”
Love how this started off as something silly but turned into a genuine compliment by the end of it.
[Ian gets Jade as his answer]
Ian: [reading answer description] “…bold and thinks outside of the box or just someone who’s wild at heart.”
Anthony: “I could see wild at heart.”
Just a little mini compliment from Anthony there
Anthony: [reads chat comment and laughs] “Why is Ian on such a high from getting Jade over Anthony getting Jade?” [Anthony really wanted Jade as his answer as the crew said that’s who he was like]
Ian: Umm, I just didn’t think I was cool, man.”
Anthony: “Dude, you’re cool, Ian.” [pats chest] “You gotta have a little confidence, man.”
A double compliment from Anthony in this little section, you love to see it!
[reacting to the MrBeast sketch]
Anthony: “Yeah, that one was good. Your Mr Beast character, you fucking killed it, man. And going into the horror mode at the end [of the video] was great.”
It’s been a very heavy Anthony complimenting Ian livestream as you can probably tell 😅 not that I’m complaining!
[reacting to the Button sketch]
Ian: [talking about his Mormon character’s wig] “Wow, the blonde really brings out my eyes.”
Anthony: “Yeah, it looks really good.”
We do know Anthony loves Ian’s blue eyes 😉
[Ian dressed as a woman in the sketch]
Anthony: “Your lipstick is poppin’!”
Just another complimentary moment I wanted to include 😄
Chat comment: ‘Ian plays the mother so well it’s scary’
Ian: “That’s because I am mother.”
Anthony: “Ian is mother.”
👀 Okay, Anthony…
And that was it for this livestream!
Making Of “Grimace: Where Is He Now?”
The BTS of the Grimace: Where Is He Now? sketch gave us a couple little moments, not necessarily compliments, but wanted to include them nonetheless :-
First was this moment where Ian and Anthony are looking at each other through a door covered with fake police tape and they reach through and touch each other’s hands.
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(As usual sorry for the terrible gif quality, I tried 🫣)
But yeah, thought this was cute so wanted to make it part of this post 😊
And the other moment I wanted to include was as they were doing the outro to the video :-
Anthony: “Why do we need a fog machine when we have…”
[both Ian and Anthony blow out of their mouths so you can see their breath in the cold air]
Ian: “Wow, I don’t know if that looked cool on camera but…”
Anthony: “Felt cool.”
And then of course, gotta include one of their signature moves…
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The high-five!
There’s A Werewolf Among Us…
So the boys joined in on this Games video along with Courtney, Arasha, Spencer, Chanse and Trevor where they played Werewolf, in which one person is the werewolf and they have kill off other players without being discovered.
[Arasha brings up how she used to play it when it was called Mafia and the others joke around saying that it’s no longer called that because it’s offensive to Italian-Americans]
Courtney: “Angela actually held up a sign in the front of the building, she was like - ‘Please stop’.”
Ian: “Yeah, she picketed us.”
Anthony: “She’s on strike for the day.”
Ian: [laughs] “She’s on strike.”
Love when the shoe is on the other foot and it’s Ian finding Anthony funny, always very cute ☺️
[Everyone saying they think it’s Ian]
Chanse: “I was gonna say, I think I thought it was Anthony, but I’ve changed my mind.”
Ian: “Well, I mean, I would say I trust you two [Anthony and Chanse] ‘cause you didn’t immediately just go along with it. If you were the werewolf you would have immediately just motioned to vote because you’re like, yeah, let’s kill another villager.”
Trevor: “Or maybe they’re trying to hide it…”
Ian: “No.”
Trevor: “Because they already had someone second it. So why would they jump immediately?”
Ian: “Right, but they would need to be to jump in.”
Anthony: “Or maybe there’s no information to even go off of in the first round.”
Chanse: “I nominate Ian.”
Trevor: “Yeah. Vote time?”
Spencer: “Unfortunately, Ian.”
Ian: “All right, I’m just…”
Spencer: “You have made your case.”
Ian: “Okay, all right.”
Spencer: “And it’s vote time.”
Ian: “I think Anthony’s safe. I don’t trust anyone else.”
It’s sweet how Ian says Anthony’s the only one he trusts here as everyone besides Anthony is saying they think Ian is the werewolf. It’s also doubly sweet when you think about the fact that Anthony actually was the werewolf this round and yet, he was the only one Ian trusted 🥺
[Arasha making her case for the werewolf not to kill her]
Anthony: “Why are you giving werewolf tips?”
Courtney: “She’s plugging all the holes.”
Ian: [puts hands up] “I am nominating Arasha [as the werewolf].”
Anthony: [puts hand up] “I am nominating Arasha as well.”
I love when they just follow what each other’s doing 😌
[Anthony’s character dies]
Trevor: [going to raise his hand but backing down and everyone asking what he was going to say] “I just wanted to do it again. I was gonna do it again, where I just make a blatant accusation for no reason.”
Courtney: “It is good, though, for the plot.”
Chanse: “It starts shit.”
Trevor: [puts hand up] “All right, I think it’s Ian.”
Courtney: “The werewolf?”
Trevor: “Yeah.”
Spencer: “All right, does anyone wanna second that?”
Ian: “I think that’s a terrible decision.”
Trevor: “No, not necessarily nominating, I just would like to, you know, cast some doubt upon his character.”
Spencer: “Gosh darn.”
Courtney: “Yeah.” [points at Ian] “You like wolves!”
Ian: “I don’t like wolves.”
Trevor: “You would kill Anthony.”
Ian: [makes a sad/unhappy face]
Trevor: “You would. You hater.”
Ian: “What do you mean I would kill Anthony?”
Trevor: “You’re trying to, like oh, I would never kill my best friend. Oooh.”
Ian: “I never-”
Chanse: “He’s trying to start shit.”
Courtney: [laughing]
Trevor: “See? See? Ian’s like, ooh, they won’t think it’s me because I would never kill my best friend.”
Ian: “This guy talks too much.”
Anthony: [laughs]
Loved this moment, especially how not happy Ian was with the accusation that he would kill Anthony, even in a game. And of course can never resist when it’s brought up that they’re best friends. Also loved how Anthony didn’t say anything and only laughed at what Ian said - the bestie-ism was shining through! 👯‍♂️
And that was it for this video!
With that, that brings us to end of the compliments for February 2024! A shorter one as I said but hope you all still enjoyed 😊
Thanks for reading and I shall see you next time! 🫶
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from-izzy · 9 months
the warmest winter | tbz choi chanhee | new
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"She has a date with me tomorrow."
​PAIRING » tbz choi chanhee (new) x fem!reader​ TROPE/AU » ​childhood friends to lovers, fake dating au, non-idol au!, high school au! GENRE​ » fluffy fluff with a touch of angst, reader is a skater! (has her hair up in a bun), chanhee is very jelly of juyeon (hehe), but also chanhee is just jealous in general (...hehe), fake dating (i tried my best ahhhh), juyeon makes an appearance as jealous chanhee's rival WORD COUNT » 5805 ESTIMATED READING TIME » ~21 mins WARNINGS (lmk if i missed anything!) » very inaccurate depiction of skating in general (writing this made me miss skating...), very fast proofreading (twice)
navi/masterlist!! 🤍
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hi @astrae4 !! yes, i'm your secret santa!! 🤭 sorry (not really hehe) for tricking you into thinking otherwise 🫢 it was very cute and funny to hear you say "it's definitely not you" when we were on call 🤣 had my camera been on, i wouldn't have gotten away with it 😫 just to let you know that @heemingyu was also playing along too (thanks for that and reading this, honey bee!) 😁 don't be too mad, dek! 😭 i'm innocent—
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There are many good things about having a best friend who has known you since you were in diapers. 
For you, the funniest reason would be how you would dead stare him across the room, with the straightest and plainest face, him directing one back at you. It sends the others into a fit of confusion, worries and frustration as none could ever figure out what’s in the duo’s minds. The chaotic reason would be that you would both wreak havoc together. Like that one time during the last day of primary school when you both decide to fill up thirty water balloons to their full capacity and throw them to any of the teachers in the outdoor field, fearless of the possibility of getting in trouble as graduation was around three hours after. The embarrassing reason would be that Chanhee would come to cheer you on your sport, luxuriously with his branded clothes from all his hard work, holding his big handmade slogan to support you as you glide across the ice to your routine. He would always get an earful from you after but he got his karma when you came in, dressed in highlighter yellow, sitting on the front row seat to his singing performance. 
It’s the day that everyone has realised that the two of you are menaces to society. 
The comforting reason, and is one of the biggest reasons why you two are still stuck to the hip after a decade, would be that when your lips are pouted, eyes glistening with tears, hugging your knees to your chest and whimpering your worries in the night, Chanhee would sit beside you wordlessly. Patiently waiting for you to cry your feelings out, patting your back rhythmically as he sometimes let time pass by scrolling through his phone, occasionally showing the funny reel on his screen to get you to join in his laughs. For him, the moment of calmness when you both would hit the breaks to your chaotic lives would be the best ones too with Friday nights becoming obligatory ‘brake time to get a break from society’ which can sometimes be too much.
But this Friday is a bit different. 
Your final skating competition before you graduate high school is coming up in less than a month and despite the nervous butterflies growing in your stomach, you’re still very much excited to participate. You’re somewhat confident that you’ll do well, especially with all the experience that you have and the achievements and trophies that show off your hard work. But all of that didn’t stop you from agreeing to the voice in your head that tells you to put your blades on and just bask in the cold. Feeling nervous is a given but you have to believe in yourself that you can win this scholarship to your dream university. 
The blades of your skates glide smoothly across the new ice sheet that has recently resurfaced once more. This is the second time that you had to step out of the rink and it shows the duration that you’ve spent without thinking much. Even when the doors to the public were closed, through your coach and her connections to the people who work at the rink, you were able to stay for even longer. Staying on the ice also meant that you were separated from your phone, leaving everyone on delivered for another two hours. 
But Chanhee knows your habits, driving to the ice rink and pushing the still-unlocked front door to see you skating leisurely without a care in the world. He smiles warmly behind his blue scarf, delighted at the little smile and satisfying self-cheer when you land correctly, scratching the ice with your achievements once again. Silently, he sits down on one of the benches, going on his phone but still occasionally looking at your dancing figure once in a while.
You don’t know how you missed a whole hour of another person’s presence—or maybe it’s because you’re so used to and comfortable with him that you don’t notice him—but you literally almost trip from the ice and the edge of the ice rink when you spot your best friend with his Hello Kitty beanie that you gifted him this year for his birthday.
“Slow down.” He tries to hold his laughter when you let out a puff of air, annoyed at your clumsiness. “You should come eat. I’m sure you forgot about that.”
The mention of food and the familiar takeout bag from your favourite place brightens your face, the corners of your lips lifting immensely and you kick off your shoes, tiptoeing in the cold and wet puddles to quickly fill up your stomach after a successful practice session. 
“Knew I could count on you.” 
“Duh.” He rolls his eyes playfully. “I feel so bad for your stockings, I swear.” Commenting on your slightly damp black fabric. 
The only response he got was the way you rub the watered part onto his pants, him shrieking and sliding himself away from you on the bench, only for you to of course follow him. In the end, when he reaches the end of the aluminium seat, he only groans and tells you off, giving an empty warning that he’ll never pick you up and buy you food ever again. When you put your tongue out, making a funny face to him, his cheeks blush hues of red and pink in the dimly lit seating area—you didn’t see it though as you were too focused on the flavours bursting in your mouth. 
When you fully focus back on your food once again, leaving him in his little world, Chanhee buries his lower face further into his scarf, away from your field of vision. He leans a little bit back to make sure he can just admire you without being too obvious. His heart flutters when his mind replays back to your mischievous and cute face, and the way you didn’t mind being so close to his face—though he was freaking out about it all. 
But how could he ever tell you? Because he can’t even explain to you when he started to fall for you. Was it that time when you ran to him at primary school, winging about how you needed a friend to get ice cream? Or that time when you stayed by his side and continued to support him when he hit the hard times while he was preparing for his first performance in high school? What about that time when you would just lay on his shoulder and listen to his worries, completely understanding his thoughts, never judging him through words or facial expressions?
He can’t even make sense of it to himself. Let alone with you.
“I’m annoyed.” Your voice trails off in the big area but it reaches his ears easily.
Judging from the way your feet kick the air and the accommodating tone of your voice with your words, Chanhee’s lips pull into a straight line. “Another one?” followed by a deep chuckle and a frustrated sigh from you. 
“It’s not that funny, okay? You know I’m bad at rejecting…”
He ponders the thought behind your words, nodding as his memories play the series or tears after politely and in some cases, not as kindhearted, rejecting the ones who made an advance for you. When asked why those tears were showing, you commented how “it didn't feel right” and alternatives to “he didn't feel at home. He likes me because of my appearance. He's never even talked to me!” 
Chanhee wishes that it would never be like that for him. But it's okay, for he would never tell you his feelings for you anyway.
The realization weighed deeply in his heart, resonating hurt throughout his entire body. He glances over at you, hopefully discreetly, with how much love he could give you at any time. Impulsively, acting with a tinge of jealousy and possessiveness, the suggestion curled out from his tongue without another thought.
“Date me instead.”
Your feet stop kicking the air and both of your bodies are now stiff with widened eyes, as if the cold finally got to you guys.
It sends Chanhee into a momentary faze and the blush on his cheeks spreads through not only his face but his entire body.
“Like, fake dating!”
Then the implications behind his words finally sink into you. You didn’t realise this before but the idea does seem great for someone like you who has been trying to get people off your case. It’s tiring, especially when you can’t find a proper connection with either of them—none of them was better than your connection with Chanhee.
“For once in your life,” Your hand gives him a firm pat on his shivering shoulders, “you have come up with a great idea.”
Playing off the slight hurt in his heart, knowing that from your words that you didn’t see him anymore than just friends, Chanhee bravely flashes you a smile. “Do you want to or not?”
“...what’s the catch?” The growing grin on his face tells you everything. “I know you, Choi Chanhee. There’s no way something as taxing and effortful as dealing with me, has no catch to this agreement. Tell me!”
“The catch is,” he takes off his scarf, exposing the lower half of his face to you. Carefully, he wraps the dark blue material around yours, no longer seeing the exhaling white air, “that you get to listen to whatever I say.”
Adding a little touch to this, he bops the tip of your nose earning a deep grunt and shove from you but your hands still held on to the top edge of his scarf, enjoying the familiar scent and warmth that came from it. 
“Does that soothe your chaotic mind?”
“Mhm.” You hum in agreement, feeling your neck loosen from all the tension from the previous regular meetups that you both will have. Especially with you being so busy the entire time, it was nearly impossible to meet up with Chanhee unless he was the one going all the way for you. 
“Nothing will change.” Chanhee shrugs. “We’re just…us. Everyone is already thinking that we’re dating anyway so the only thing that'll change is more hand-holding and all that.”
“No kissing!”
“W-Wha--Of course not!” This time, you were shoved back. “Who wants to kiss you anyway? You literally drool in your sleep!”
“Hey!” With each growing rebuttal, so did the echo that bounced within the walls, “Don’t say that! You know how lonely, I am! That’s so mean!”
The laughing boy didn’t do much to ease you, just sticking a tongue out at you. He did, however, reach out to hold your icy hand. It made him frown, the little mountain growing on his lips. Suddenly, the gap between your body closes with him wrapping a secure hold of your waist. Confused by the sudden proximity, you let out a string of stutters as you look up to see him already staring at you.
“W-What are you…doing…?”
“We’re dating now.” He shrugs nonchalantly, “You have to get used to this.”
“No one is here, Chanhee.” 
He has never been one to initiate skinship. It has always been you cuddling up to his side like a koala, clinging and dragging him to every single place that you wanted to go.
“J-Just…leave me alone and let me hug you.” And he did. Your upper body twists to completely face him and your chin goes over the scarf to rest on his padded jacket. The height difference is why he had to bend to your figure, basically slumping over you but neither of you minded. With a clear of his throat without another word or action, he lets you go, stands up and asks for your hand. “It’s too cold. Let’s go, I’ll drop you home.”
“Wait Chanhee…” 
You drag the last syllable and the hand that reaches out for you slowly lowers. Chanhee sighs, knowing that it can't be good judging from the tone and the way your lips pull sideways.
“I need to rant about my upcoming duet routine.”
He remembers the first time when you did perform once with someone else. Of course in group work, your effort and contributions matter just as much as theirs would matter to you. But your first (and what you hoped to be your last) partner ruined all potentially happy thoughts about performing with someone else. It sucked that even though you both did win a place at the podium, the stress and effort of basically choreographing at least ninety percent of the routine was not worth the bronze medal on the podium.
For a short while, it killed you to be on the ice and you refused to even step back there without a pressing reason. You're thankful that your coach has always been an understanding one because if she wasn't, your career in figure skating would be shredded at this point. Chanhee did help too, reminding you of the joy and laughter, even making himself borrow some skates from his friend. It led to bruises and him face-planting into the pile of snow but at least he got to see the way your eyebags disappeared over time.
That's more than worth it for him.
“You'll be alright.” He reassured first, kneeling to get into eye level with you even though yours is downcasted. He knows that your mind would go back to the past. “You got a shit partner but you'll be fine. I promise you that you'll do better this time.”
“I hope…”
“Who is it with this time?”
Despite breathing the cool air whenever you could, you could never get enough of it. 
“Lee Juyeon.”
Something inside him stops. Time didn't though because from his peripherals, he noticed how you stood and skipped your way down to the ground floor, patting your outfit dry as if some sort of ice or dust had dirtied it. He hears your announcement, shouting that you will get your things ready from the back room and miraculously, he lets out a croaked answer in return.
Lee Juyeon. 
Everyone in school loved him, Chanhee included. Most wanted to date him, others wanted to be him while the remaining loathed the way he was perfect in every way. In short, Lee Juyeon is the total opposite of Choi Chanhee. 
He prefers to spend his days quietly in the library alone while Juyeon prefers to attend parties. While Chanhee would be in his bed sleeping in the morning, Juyeon would be taking his daily morning run before rushing back home to shower and get ready for the school day. When Juyeon would be in his weekly student council meetings, Chanhee would eat ice cream at that nearby restaurant, basking in the sweetness after a stressful day.
This unfamiliar feeling sends Chanhee into a slight brain freeze when he imagines you both not only close physically but the fact that you will be near the perfect boy for the majority of your time—and the fact that he won't be able to spend time with you because you'll be busy with other priorities—makes the green feeling inside his chest grow with the devil snickering inside his head. He was still so deep in thought that he didn't even notice you wave your hands infront of his face despite having his eyes seemingly on your face.
“It's almost midnight.” You say, opting to drag him out of the building with a hold of his clothed wrist. “Daydream later, loser.”
Oh, you're so right about that. And he's in deep trouble about it all. 
What he didn’t truly prepare for, however, is the number of times that you would leave him on delivered, responding to his messages from the beginning of the day to the end in one go, buzzing his phone repeatedly when he’s doing his final skin routine before sleep takes over him. He’s still understanding, knowing how the competition is important for you. At least she still answers me back right? He reassures himself while throwing the face mask away, the cooling air on his face suddenly turns his mind back to the short ‘date’ from the other day. 
He still remembers the pink checkered shorts that you paired with a simple button white long sleeve. Your hair is freed in the wind, taking the scent of your shampoo—to him. The struggles of keeping his palm dry when it’s around yours, and the bigger struggle to keep his skin neutral void of any redness whenever he catches a glance of your smile.
“Once more!” You plead, handing your phone back to him after switching back to the camera app. 
Despite the roll of his eyes, he’s thankful that the device hid his face from yours, even if it’s only a while. He focuses on the screen and your figure, arguably more than the technology. He directs your poses: hands collecting your hair into a bun, looking down at your feet while the other shot is one of you puckering your lips, looking to the side with a quick peace sign.
Both became his lock and home screen using the excuse of making the relationship more believable—we know more than that though.
It fuels his hate for himself and Juyeon when he texts you that he finished the final part of the routine, asking if you’re free to test it out with him.
After that, school was the only place where you would exchange smiles, stick out tongues, share food, hugs and even kisses on each other’s cheeks, Chanhee only found himself in deep trouble. The public display of affection did make other boys leave you alone, gulping and scurrying away in masses when he would throw them a side glare, his hand on your waist tightening his hold each time. 
It would drag your attention to him, whenever he does that. Such a new feeling, yet fluttering and intimate. You would clutch the loose fabric of his shirt, hand once relaxed on his chest. Brown eyes would run over the creases of disgust and the lines of fury across his usual soft, kind face. Whenever you would ask him for a peek inside his mind, his eyes would quickly turn to the ones that he would usually show whenever he would laugh and nag you to put your upper body back inside his car in the late-night drives. Or when you would do your night routines together every single time, without fail—for your information, it’s been two weeks since then.
Sure it’s all for show, but two weeks ago when he proposed the idea, it seemed that nothing had changed for him and even though he’s glad that no one is crazily chasing after you anymore, it hurt that he feels like he’s been abandoned by you. Heck, he hasn’t even taken you out for a ‘date’ yet. Friendly date, ‘fake’ date. The label that you would put on it didn’t matter much for him as long he took some of your time.
So now, with the owl hooting outside his window, dressed and ready to sleep with his Hello Kitty pyjamas, something is telling him to pick up his keys from the handmade bowl that you both messily painted as kids, go for some drive-through to pick up your favourite food and drive to the ice rink.
The sight that greeted him when he did reach his destination caused the paper cup in his hand to spill all over the rubber of the ice rink. The low-pitched clatter stops the laughs that erupt from you and the male who had his arms wrapped around your waist, his defined chest pressing comfortably against your exposed back due to your outfit, is the one who straightens his back first, noticing the painful gaze from outside the rink.
But again, Juyeon is everything Chanhee isn’t. 
The way that Juyeon let out that signature ‘oh’ of his with the sickening way that he hollers a greeting to the envious boy, not even bothering to throw a discouraging comment that would hurt his pride and would then rightfully give a reason to hate him that has a glad upturned smile on his face, Chanhee would’ve run straight back to the door that he opened excitedly before. Just like your skating partner, you also let out an ‘oh!’ at his presence and he couldn’t help but think that now, Juyeon isn’t taking away his time with you anymore but also the way you speak. 
Leisurely gliding your way towards the railing of the enclosed rink, the anterior side of your forearm rests, your feet still making little circles on the part of the rink that wouldn’t usually be given that much attention to professional skaters like you.
“Having fun?” It came out more venomous and spiteful than he thought. Even his eyes widened slightly in fear, seeing a similar look in your eyes. But he maintains eye contact with you, the paper of the takeaway scrunching rapidly under his hold.
“I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone. See you tomorr—”
“She has a date with me tomorrow.”
“Wait, Chanh—”
It’s so impossible to miss. Not with the way that maybe if Chanhee blinks, the normal act could’ve probably sent his eyes into a newfound breakdown that he has been trying so desperately to hide. Especially not in front of Juyeon, he’s not about to cry now. 
Your chest raises, inhaling the stuffy air to your beating lungs. Lips parted to start speaking your thoughts and Chanhee watched with a more definite crease between his eyebrows as you could only articulate the sounds of some familiar words, unable to audibly tell him anything. For what seemed like forever, you both just looked at each other. You tilt your head every single time your best friend directs his attention away to his house slippers back to your eyes. Beneath the tough exterior that he’s putting on, it’s easy for you to see how something is troubling him. 
The first one is his attire. Unless you were in a life-or-death situation, there is no way Chanhee would stain the white satin button-up and long pants. There was one time when you were begging profusely for a late-night snack and spontaneous hangout but even then, he just nodded and hummed into the phone, telling you that he needs to “keep the white pure, away from the sins of the outside world.” 
Juyeon quietly leaves the scene, hand giving a tight squeeze before disappearing for the night.
“Let’s sit down?” You offer, uncertainty clouding your judgement. 
The bench awaits patiently for you, the jacket lazily slopped over it. You’re so tense and unsure about the situation that even taking the steps up the dry stairs was so quiet—more silent than the shaking exhales that the puff of coloured air made due to the cold. Your fingers brush against the fine hair of the material but you didn’t put it on yourself. The tips of your hair flip around to see your best friend not even anywhere near the bottom step, still frozen in the same place as before.
Knowing that you won’t be in the mood to skate after whatever confrontation and conversation you’ll have with him, you pack your bags, slipping off into comfortable shoes for running—if you really have to. Chanhee’s bangs fell over his eyes easily with the downward tilt of his head, a miracle that his neck wasn’t cramping right now. From the shadows on the ground, a long line goes over his head and his shoulder lazes a new heavy material. The body part tries to shake the warmth stubbornly but a click of your tongue is what stops Chanhee from flopping around like a dying fish.
“Did you know my dad used to be in the mafia?”
It’s supposed to take you both out of this challenging atmosphere but you know that even though his eyes are hidden because of his posture and his grown strands, he isn’t going to return the playfulness. The strap of your backpack is the only one that knows your nervousness, croaking due to the leather material, your nails probably engraving this moment into its skin.
A broken laugh comes out from you, eyes wandering to the background space around his head area. Has the wall always had that crack on the wall? Oh…how is the fly surviving in this weather? Is it raining outsi—
“Do you like Juyeon?”
“W-What?” Why did the question hurt so much to hear? “I’m dating you, Chanhee.”
“I don’t think anyone believes it to be honest.” He shrugs, adamant about staying focused on the topic. “I just wanted to know,” His eyes dart around the place, anywhere but to you, “wanting to know if you’re part of the ninety percent of our cohort that likes him.”
“Oh.” It was out of nowhere but being suspicious isn’t the right word to describe it. It was more to curiosity as to why Chanhee would just ask such a thing all of a sudden. “I do think he’s attractive.” You shrug leisurely, unaware of the screaming in his head. “He’s a good partner too.”
Chanhee tries his best to mask the growing ache in his chest, blankly nodding. “He is your type after all.”
“I have a type?” One of your eyebrows rises, “I didn’t even know that myself.”
“Right…” Finally, the food is shoved into your chest, just like how it’s always been. If so, then why did it hurt you when he told you, “Date him then.”
An immeasurable kind of clench was made by the muscles around your heart.
Thank god you changed shoes because he stormed out right after.
Your phone also became silent, no more life was given to Chanhee. What annoyed you most wasn’t the ‘good’ news that spread to the boys but the fact that he would make it so obvious that he hated you whenever you would make your presence known to him.
“Talk to him after this.” Juyeon encourages you, handing your bottle of water from his hand.
“I can’t.” You huffed. “He treats me like a plague.”
You quite literally cannot have this in your mind right now. The competition is in a few hours and you messed up both of your rehearsals for tonight. The slight pain that throbs from your lower palm will be, you swear, used to slap someone who truly deserves a wake-up call. As the sun rose each day for the past week, it also burnt along your hopes that Chanhee would talk and ease your worries so that you could dance freely, marking your perfect twirls on the ice that shines along with you. 
Juyeon’s eyes relax, sending you a slumped smile with half-lidded eyes. “Does he know about tonight?”
You did indeed send him a message about today but you’re doubtful that he would come. You even tried bribing him with free food but maybe the boy knows that your anger might turn to something more, saving himself from your hits and complaints. 
But you’re just unaware of what he’s truly trying to save himself from.
The sunset marks the start of the open doors. Relatives, schoolmates, acquaintances and even strangers bustle through with their appropriate clothes—including a young girl with short sleeves that you are sure would throw a fit to ask her mother for a jacket—all gathered to support the skaters, especially those who have university representatives to impress.
With the cute bright pink mittens, the waving hands catch your attention quickly. You send a quick wave back to your sister who waves the supportive banner she made, along with your parents who gave you thumbs up, placing their hands around the circumference of their mouth to shout and holler at you.
It’s all so awesome.
But it would’ve been perfect had someone else come.
The realisation makes your heart drop. Chanhee has always come to all your competitions without fail but this one, when everything is on the line. Before you have to completely push your phone away, your thumbs search for his contacts, automatically just checking in your recent section. Even though the relationship between you is ambiguous, you couldn’t find it in you to change his name which implies a romantic title for him.
It seems right.
It seemed that no one should have that title but him.
Your eyelids collect as much water as they can before it spills onto the phone screen. It seemingly glitches the words on the glass, distorting your spam messages for him. “Just come…please…” you whisper before texting him the same exact words that you just said.
But he decides to crush the final hopes that you ever had in him, leaving you on seen once again. The familiar shout that gathers all the players rings through your ears and Juyeon’s figure behind you also tells you that it’s time to push Chanhee aside for now.
“He’s not my boyfriend, Ju…” The truth spills out and even though the boy has things to ask, he decides to let you rant before going. “But I want him to be.”
You know this now with the distance he puts between you. 
It’s suffocating. 
More than dehydration. More than the minus temperature. More than the scratch on your hand.
“I just want him, Juyeon…” Beads in your eyes, shaking lips and true feelings. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” He nods, wishing the best for you. “I knew that my feelings wouldn’t be reciprocated.” 
It lifted off a weight in your chest, knowing that Juyeon’s reassurance that you would both still stay friends. You both sway beautifully on the ice, balancing and leaving the audience in awe, judges in amazement and competitors in envy. If there is one thing you can take away from this, is that for you, being on ice with someone else can truly be fun. You both promise to meet each other on the ice next time, in the future, professionally and relieve this perfect teammate chemistry once again.
And now, you’re shaking your limbs, trying your best to ease your nerves.
Still no sign of him.
You force your neck to look down, just focusing on the marks of the moulded plastic and leather, plunging the front spikes of the shoes into the floor.
“That’s…going to make a mark.”
That voice.
The one that could ever stare at you with a blank stare and contain his laughter. The one that would leave others in fear whenever a sinister smile and wiggling of eyebrows would be sent to each other. The same one that stands beside you, taking the blame alone when the drenched teacher finds you both.
The same one that would usually sit by your sister and make the banner with her, splashing on extra glitter and Hello Kitty stickers. The same one that would lend his luxury brand accessories, not getting mad if you accidentally broke it.
It propels you forward to his already half-opened arms, waiting for you, always reserved for you. Just as you promised to yourself, Chanhee takes the hits on his chest, listening to your words and letting his clothes seep your cries.
“I know, I’m sorry.” One hand encircles your waist from behind, the other patting your hairsprayed scalp. “I won’t lie that I skipped the one you did with Juyeon but I know your parents recorded it so,” he shrugs, “but I’m here for the main performance. Yours.”
Your small chuckle made him do the same. “You’re not wearing a stupid outfit.”
Chanhee hums. “I thought I would be a very supportive friend and won’t embarrass you for this event.”
“You’re my boyfriend.”
It leaves him in a daze but he knows that you weren’t joking. To him, his gulp seemed a bit loud but maybe with the way you slowly left his arms, you might’ve missed it. 
“I love you, Chanhee.” Your eyes searched for rejection but all he did was blink at you rapidly. You took this as a sign to keep going. “I think I always have and you being idiotic just made it clear to me.”
“D-Do you—” You shake your head, waving your hands the same way to him. “Actually don’t tell me! Let me skate first. J-Just watch me…”
When was the last time Chanhee has seen you so flustered? It leaves him breathless and his heart soaring and he knows within himself that he wants to be the only one to ever put you in that state. He gives a nod, a smile plastered on his face. You thought he would join your parents on the bench but he stays near the entrance of the rink, giving your lower back the lightest touch, whispering you a final message before you enter the spotlight.
The message rings in your ear the whole time. The music suddenly fades but every time you could catch a glimpse of Chanhee, you know that he didn’t say it for you to feel flustered and fail. 
And fail, did you not. 
The reward on the podium with a gold medal hanging around your neck sends you many obstacles of representatives who want you to join the team. But they could wait.
Just like a few minutes ago, your arms circles his neck, pushing Chanhee’s lips to your own. A few seconds before your lips meet him, the boy lets out a little ‘hmph’ before he softens, his eyes closing in the same time and way yours does. The way the cold replaces the warmth of his lips leaves you both chuckling even when he momentarily pushes you away to save himself from the tickles that you gave his waist. But once again, the words that he whispers against your shy lips remind you that his eyes have always held the same love that you have given him and the way your lips move passionately in sync with his, tells you that he wasn’t playing around with his words.
With your heart.
With you.
“I love you,” he tells you with his lips.
The motives behind his proposal with this whole fiasco become clear and the redness on your face is no longer due to the energy-consuming routine that you just performed. It deepens when he gives you his mittens, slipping them through your fingers and messaging each one with care. It deepens further when he lends you a fabric to keep your throat healthy so that you can confess to him again. It deepens even more when he realises that you’re shivering after the adrenaline of your sport drains you and he wraps his scent around your uniform.
“Thanks for making my winters warmer.”
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aita-blorbos · 2 months
AITA for making some bigots drink my piss (and then killing them)?
You might recognise me - I'm (immortal M, was literally born from a rock so I don't really care 'bout this gender thing) the super cool great sage who recently asked about murdering my six-eared doppelganger, back with another wild story from my journey with Master!
So Master (adult mortal M) and us disciples, myself, P (immortal M), S (immortal M) and the horse (immortal M) arrived at this city when we saw some fellow Buddhist monks forced to do harsh labour. After talking to them, we found out that the local king (mortal M), following the advice of three Taoist 'immortals' who showed up one day, recently decreed that all Buddhists in the city were to be enslaved. (For the record: I'm cool with a lot of gods from the Taoist pantheon, and they do not condone slavery, so don't blame them for this one.)
Obviously, this was a problem when Master is a very devout and very famous Buddhist monk, and had to meet the king to get his documents checked before we could pass through. So we were given sanctuary for the night in private, and Master went to rest up, but us disciples had other plans. We three decided it was okay to prank these Taoists for a bit since they were literally enslaving people from our religion, so we went to the huge Taoist monastery in town in the middle of the night, snuck in after everyone had left and ate the food that was laid out there (for praying but whatever).
But then the three 'immortals' came in and discovered all the food was eaten and thought it was their gods, so they asked for some holy water as a boon for their respect. I, pretending to be one of those gods, decided to do the funniest thing ever and ask for a container and some time alone. They brought us a huge vessel and waited while the three of us pissed into it. It was good relief after a huge midnight supper.
When the 'immortals' came back, they actually drank the 'holy water' from the vessel while praising it, which was absolutely hilarious. They did realise it was piss quite shortly after, though, at which point we all had to flee.
Anyway, we ended up being challenged to a competition by those guys the next day for reasons not directly related to the piss thing. The competition was rigged in their favour so I counter-cheated back, it's a long story. Anyway I ended up killing all of them by making them fail their tests of immortality against me (no one can beat me in immortality btw, I'm immortal like 6 times over) and they turned out to just be animals who had cultivated enough power to take on a human form.
The king then realised he had been listening to the wrong advice, freed all the Buddhists and let us pass through, so things turned out just fine - but somehow I don't think Master would've approved of our methods even if it was funny as hell. AITA?
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goldeaglefire1 · 4 months
excuse me for one moment. I need to expose all the non-Transformers fans to the name overlap between Beast Wars and G1 because some of these examples are so fucking funny
"what are you talking about" glad you asked! you see, all the way back in the 90s, Transformers was actually dangerously close to getting canned entirely because after Generation 1 - that being the original toyline and cartoon - Hasbro attempted to continue the success with what they called Generation 2, and it sold like ass. Beast Wars was the solution to that issue, and it worked! the toys sold exceptionally well, the cartoon was well-received, everyone lived happily-ever after
except. because Beast Wars was an effort to revive the franchise it was effectively treated as a soft reboot. it was not a reboot (keep that in mind for later) but the people naming the characters weren't afraid to use names that were already used for G1 characters. this makes things exceptionally funny in hindsight considering how wildly different these characters can be from the original Transformer with their name
now. come along with me. let's journey through these name overlaps together.
going in no particular order (well maybe SOME order because I'm saving the funniest bit for last), let's start off with Scorponok
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now, Scorponok is a name that kinda got passed around like a blunt later on in the Transformers series, but we're just focusing on the Beast Wars and G1 versions since that's the important comparison here. so! In Beast Wars, Scorponok is more or less your basic evil goon. guy who goes "you got it boss!" and then fucks it up immediately in comedic fashion. classic. so what did the original Scorponok do exactly?
well, you see, G1 Scorponok was the rival to Fortress goddamn Maximus. If you don't know who that is - which, honestly, is probably most of you - that is the Transformer who, and I cannot emphasize this enough, turns into an entire city. There are several of those fuckers but Fort Max is like. the OG guy who turns into a city. and G1 Scorponok was meant to be his rival.
so, I have to say, dear god can you imagine the amount of pressure that's on BW Scorponok. imagine sharing a name with the guy who regularly fistfought an actual fucking city. insane.
moving on, Silverbolt!
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In Beast Wars, Silverbolt is a guy who turns into a wolf-eagle hybrid ("what-" toyline gimmick don't worry about it) who acts like a chivalrous knight with very clear cut black and white views - which, considering his teammates include Rattrap, the guy who gleefully uses every dirty trick in the book to pull ahead of the stronger, tougher Predacons, and [[REDACTED]], who defected from the Predacons but is still perfectly willing to use their methods from time to time, makes for. interesting conversations! anyway, G1 Silverbolt is the guy in charge of the Aerialbots, those guys being a combiner team who forms Superion, who is. The first big Autobot combiner I'm fairly sure? I don't actually know anything about G1 Silverbolt besides that I apologize to all the Aerialbot fans
speaking of guys who were named after combiner components! Rampage!
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hooooooo BOY does Beast Wars Rampage make a fucking impression. result of a Maximal experiment gone horribly, horribly wrong, before the entire plot of the show happened he was given to out main cast of do-gooders with the explicit instructions of "please just dump him on a rock in space somewhere where he can't kill people or eat people or BOTH because we can't fucking kill him and we want him very far away from us." unfortunately, the plot happens, and Rampage breaks loose, causing everyone involved to have a very bad day, only punctuated when Megatron manages to get him nominally on the side of the Predacons by cutting his heart in half and putting said half in a cage he could squeeze as a sort of "leash."
this is the basics, by the way. I haven't even gotten into the whole ass guy who comes to prehistoric Earth specifically to kill Rampage. like. my god. there really isn't anything G1 Rampage can do to compare to whatever the fuck BW Rampage has going on aside from being part of Predaking. or possibly some IDW thing I'm not aware of
moving on from all that, Inferno!
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now you might have noticed that up until now that, while the designs and personalities between the Beast Wars characters and the G1 characters can be drastically different, the Beast Wars characters tend to be on the equivalent of whatever faction the G1 character was on - i.e. Maximals for Autobots, Predacons for Decepticons. and then with Inferno, the G1 guy is a fire truck, clearly heroic, while the Beast Wars guy is...some sort of horrific ant man. so, what's going on there?
well, you see, in Beast Wars, Inferno is a Predacon who, due to a glitch in his programming, actually thinks he's an ant, and sees the Predacons as his colony (this also results in him she/her-ing Megatron on a regular basis by referring to him as "my Queen." this isn't relevant to anything I just thought you should know). this means he tends to charge in with zero regard for his safety because. y'know. ant mentality. meanwhile, G1 Inferno...well I know nothing about him, but, according to the wiki page, he apparently also does this, not because of the ant thing, but because he's just like that. Honestly, good for him
now, before we get to the funniest example, I would like to make an honorable mention to Megatron, the only guy with an actual reason for the name overlap
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see, remember what I said about Beast Wars still taking place in the G1 continuity? Beast Wars Megatron is the first time that really comes into play because what I haven't mentioned before now is that for most of these guys, the names being the same as a G1 character is purely a coincidence because they were Protoforms at the start of the series - those being effectively blank slates/baby equivalents for Transformers - and started their lives on Earth, meaning the references to previous Transformers are purely coincidental. even homicidal crab man cannibal Rampage only got a proper name on Earth, being called "Protoform X" before then. sole exception to this rule is Scorponok, who was part of the Predacons from the start...and Megatron
"so is he the same guy as G1 Megatron? you said it's the same continuity as G1 so he's the same right" that's the fun part! he isn't! he very much is not G1 Megatron, he just looked at the OG and went "you know what. I want to do what you did. godspeed" and then he named himself after that guy. coincidentally, Megatron is also the name of a figure in the Convenant of Primus, AKA the Transformers equivalent of the Bible, which was completely made up for the Beast Wars cartoon and I'm convinced was introduced solely so they could say "hey our villain named himself after his religion's equivalent of the antichrist. and also may or may not be that antichrist due to time travel shenanigans" ("when did time travel get involved-" don't worry about it)
now, onto the funniest name overlap of all
mr. [[REDACTED]] himself
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now, to be clear, Dinobot is one of the most popular characters to come out of the Beast Wars franchise. He's well known for his gradual change from "technically a good guy mostly because he hates Megatron's ass, he has a code of honor, and nothing else" to "honorable hero with one of the most heartbreaking death scenes in all of Transformers" over the course of his screentime, and is in fact so popular that he was the third Beast Wars character to get a Masterpiece figure - Masterpiece figures being incredibly complex Transformers figures that boast show accuracy in both forms and typically have the price range of a small kidney - with the first two being Cheetor and Optimus Primal. If you didn't get the implications of that, that means Dinobot managed to beat out Beast Wars Megatron for getting a Masterpiece toy first. MEGATRON. Again, might be a different guy from G1, but he is a Megatron! Still the main villain of the damn show! Says a lot that Dinobot was popular enough to get a toy first. I could go on, but I need to get back to the point - what's so funny about the name overlap here?
well. if you're even tangentially familiar with transformers, you might actually be able to guess this one!
no, seriously! this isn't a "geologists overestimating how much their audience knows about geology" moment, because if nothing else, the leader of these guys ("these guys?" shhhhhhh) is one of the most popular Transformers out there. if I may be so bold, I'd argue that after Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Megatron, and Starscream, the leader's name is like. one of the first Transformers characters who comes to mind. if nothing else I imagine you've seen a picture of this guy at some point
alright, ready to see if you were right?
3, 2, 1...
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eeeeeeyup, the name overlap is with an entire subgroup of Autobots, and not only that, but one of the most popular subgroups of Autobots, led by one of the most popular Transformers of all time: Grimlock
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and like. the Dinobots don't really have the whole "gradual redemption" "tragic hero" thing going on but they do have the ability to tickle the five year old within everyone's brain because their characters can be summarized as "caveman robots who turn into robot dinosaurs" and if that didn't cause said five year old in your brain to go "holy shit" you are actively lying to yourself. so it's very understandable why they're popular.
the funny part is that because Dinobot shares a name with the Dinobots, the latter of whom are more popular and will get priotity, every Transformers writer since Beast Wars has effectively been locked out of making their own version of Dinobot, and I imagine there has been at least one guy cursing out whoever decided to give the bot who would be Dinobot a name that overlaps so heavily with other popular characters. the most he's shown up outside of the original cartoon is in the War for Cybertron cartoon (which. I'll be honest I've heard very little about and haven't watched myself but what I have heard is "it's bad" so that hasn't been encouraging) and the IDW comics. and that's it. while any sane person would count those as their own continuities, by Hasbro's logic they're the same universe as G1, so like. if we go by Habsro logic he hasn't even shown up anywhere beyond G1. which is insane given how popular he is - again, see "third Beast Wars character to get a Masterpiece, beating the local Megatron," and did I mention that one time he won the Transformers Hall of Fame in Botcon 2010 purely by fan vote. because he did do that. I guarantee you that the only reason Dinobot has not shown up more is because of that name overlap. The group of Dinobots may be more popular but I have to imagine there's at least one guy at Hasbro fuming over not being able to make money off of Dinobot (the character) toys outside of shit like the Legacy toyline
and like, while I do wish Dinobot would show up more, the thought of that is extremely funny
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tyrantisterror · 6 months
To bring this chain of asks full circle, what are your top ten favorite Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi monsters and why? Either on the basis of biology, design, or even story significance? What are your favorite dishes from Delicious in Dungeon? 😋
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I thin the chapter that introduced Dungeon Meshi's take on living armor is the moment where most readers realize they're in for something special and more than just the gag manga it could have been. For me, it's the epitome of what makes Dungeon Meshi's world-building so special. Living Armors are a stock monster in fantasy fiction, and normally the thought that goes into them begins and ends with "a suit of armor moves on its own because magic." That's all they have to be for an audience to accept them and move on, and in most fiction, that's all they will be.
Dungeon Meshi, by contrast, came up with the most creative explanation for why a suit of armor would walk around and attack people I've ever encountered. It's so bizarre that it's fascinating on its own - BUT THEN, just to show she's a fucking master of story-telling, Ryoko Kui makes the process of our hero discovering the nature of living armor vital to stopping them, saving his friends, and making his way through the dungeon. Dungeon Meshi took a monster archetype that is usually little more than a footnote and turned it into a crucial and iconic story beat, one so important that it continues to figure in to the plot thereafter in the form of Laios's living sword, Kensuke.
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Griffins are a monster I have a great deal of fondness for, and one I feel should be more prominent given how iconic they are. There should be more kickass griffins in fiction, more memorable griffin stories, more griffins in general! Dungeon Meshi didn't reinvent the wheel with its take on griffins like it did with Living Armors, but its griffin/hippogriff arc is nonetheless one of the most important emotional beats in the story, and also led into the changeling arc, which is one of the funniest in the entire manga. They also gave griffins the gravitas as a monster that they rightfully deserve. A+ griffin use.
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The vegetable lamb is one of my favorite obscure medieval folklore monsters and seeing it show up in this manga made me so happy. It is exactly the kind of bonkers idea that fits perfectly into Ryoko Kui's fantasy world, perfect addition, no notes.
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I'm of two minds on how Quetzalcoatl has been reduced to a monster in pop culture instead of, you know, the benevolent god he was originally, but Dungeon Meshi's coatl at least gets a lot of gravitas and even plays a semi-heroic role in some scenes, which is better than most knockoff Q's get. Also the one in the manga itself is covered in psychedlic flower pictures because of SPOILERS and it's really cute.
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...Falin's chimera form is ridiculously hot in ways that make me look long and hard at myself in the mirror and wonder why I'm wired like this.
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On a less existential side of things, Laios's Ultimate Monster design is, for my money, the absolute best running gag in the manga, with the PERFECT punchline at the story's climax that you'll think you've guessed but trust me, you haven't quite. If you're looking at it and thinking, "That looks like what a four year old would draw when making a monster," you are right, and that is the gag, and trust me, it is ALWAYS funny when it pops up.
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How many slots do I have left? Four? Fuck it, let's talk about the dragons, we can go over I don't give a shit. The Red Dragon is the Heavy for the first third of the manga, and it's built up impressively throughout all the monster-eating shenanigans, so that when it finally arrives as this small-scale kaiju who makes the dungeon tremble and quake in its path, you really get a sense of dread attached to it. A lot of modern fantasy fiction gets lazy with dragons, content to let their cultural reputation do the work for them, but Kui made sure that when a dragon entered her story, it feels like an EVENT.
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I haven't watched the anime yet, but what I've seen shows they did a good job handling Kui's design, which has this wonderful blend of T.rex, sauropod, and crocodile to give it this primordial reptilian strength. I also love how they animated its Thor Thimble, it's a great touch.
About the only thing I'd change about the Red Dragon is its lack of wings, but then you see how the other dragon species look in Dungeon Meshi, and it makes more sense. Another trope of modern dragons I dislike is giving them all one body plan, when their mythic predecessors could have all sorts of arrangements and numbers of limbs. Kui's dragons follow suit - the red dragon is a stocky quadruped, green dragons have the hexapodal look with two wings and slightly more gracile proportions, we've got two-legged and two-winged wyverns, two-armed wyrms, multi-finned leviathans, Asian-style dragons, and even a big fluffy arctic dragon for those freaks out there who don't want dragons to have scales for some inexplicable reason. All of them are still very much dragons, but each one feels unique and broadens what a "dragon" can be in the setting. It's great, I love it, A+ dragon usage.
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Oh, yeah, there's one other dragon species I forgot to put up there - the Nightmares, which in your dreams look like, well, a nightmare, and in the waking world look like... shellfish. Apparently it's a Japanese pun that doesn't translate easily into English. They're not really my favorite monster but I knew if I included all the other dragons and not these guys then at least one person would feel compelled to "Um, actually" me. That nightmare form for the Nightmare looks pretty wicked, though.
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possiblylando · 11 months
Whats the deal with the death devil? (YOSHIDA REAL?)
I made this fucking 'joke' back when 146 came out and I keep fucking thing about it cause its so fucking funny and I can one piece this theory into making sense hang on
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I went ahead and made this chart to show the feelings towards the death devil. Both Makima and Fami wants the Death Devil dead however its unknown if they do that out of any animosity as their motives seem to be saving humanity from death. Yoru doesn't give a shit and Nayuta is in the same boat as Fami except she has no hatred towards DD. So that leads to the question, What did DD do to make them that mad? Here are the options based on what we know; 1. They don't hate DD at all they just want her to stay in hell because theoretically her presence on earth would mean the extinction of all life. 2. They HATE DD because she did something in the past that REALLY pissed them off. 3. Its a misunderstanding 4. Something else. Will the arrival of the Death Devil cause all extinction of life? (By Extension, Is She evil?) Using what we know of the other 3 Horsemen its a fair assumption to make that DD isn't pure evil or a natural disaster. For the most powerful devil to be a blank evil slate, It would be kind of boring. Even if it's something like the Darkness Devil, We've seen it happen before. We know that Primal Fears are weird and different as well because Darkness and Falling is completely different from each other. Given that I doubt DD's goal is to cause the extinction of all life, Especially because without humans there would be no fear, Thus there would be no devils.
Do they HATE the Death Devil? I think this one can be ruled out given the information we currently have as their reasons for wanting her dead seem to fall into the "Stop humanity from going extinct" angle. We could get some big reveal that DD ate the entire thanksgiving turkey one year but I doubt that'll happen. Could it be a misunderstanding? Given Fujimoto, This is a definite possibility. However I doubt the final antagonist of the series will be so easily resolved as 'Oh you're not actually evil mb'. There would be more too it. DD is probably malicious to some extent but not as much as it seems. It's also possible DD is completely uncaring for destruction and has no evil plans what so ever and just wants to visit her sisters. Because Death itself is cruel and impartial to who and what it takes. So what else could it be?
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By FAR the funniest fucking option is that Yoshida actually IS the death devil and the rest of the horseman hate him because he's Trans and ruins their Sisters of the Apocalypse Gimmick. I'm not joking when I say this could ACTUALLY be the fucking solution and it's so fucking funny I keep fucking giggling at this stupid fucking One Piece Theory ass idea. Given what we know about War and how quickly Makima was reincarnated into Nayuta, It's likely that the Horsemen all have true devil forms similar to War and Pochita.
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The bodies they currently inhabit aren't actually their Devil bodies and are instead hosts. Again, Given what we know of War, It can be inferred that Horsemen possess the ability to create a special kind of Fiend which is what Nayuta, Fami, and Yoru/Asa are. They're probably on par or only slightly weaker than their pure forms. As such these are more akin to host bodies than anything else. So then what if Yoshida (DEATH DEVIL REAL) is actually just DD's current host body? Yoshida is a weird case in general because he has basically no backstory yet seems related to Kishibe in some way. What if its a Nayuta and Denji situation? But then why would none of the other Horsemen recognize him as death when they met despite the fact they seem to have an intuitive knowledge of their sisters. It's possible that they don't recognise Death as Yoshida because he's actively hiding his identity as to not get outed. The Control Devil's one desire was to truly be loved and understand humans. So it's to go against their primary directive as a Devil; Be loved without control. Fami's motives are still a bit weird but they seem to just be "Eat a bunch of stuff that tastes good." Which again is against her MO as a devil; Feed the hunger instead of succumbing to Famine. Yoru, Who knows shes just a little freak. So thus the idea that the Death Devil's wish would be something like "Live among humans and keep them from dying" would somewhat match an inverted directive. Yoshida is a devil hunter after all who by extension stops humans from dying. So Illustrate how funny this would be if it was true:
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But this requires Yoshida to not get fucking pwnd next chapter by another weird Queer Woman.
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Time is a flat circle
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