#which is to say. lets get that bread. someone please give me a job and also free scholarship money pleaseeeeee
muirneach · 6 months
ive applied for like 7 jobs today please clap and cheer
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yuri-is-online · 12 days
(Some more bread crumbs for the Aceyuu birdies) Ace enters Ramshackle, where everyone is already gathered in the guestroom, Yuu's in the middle of talking about something when he walks in. Yuu: And I mean, I guess I feel a little guilty about it, but I'd say the one I miss the most back home is Toby!
Ace bluescreening, internally he's asking: WHO TF IS TOBY?!
Epel: Well you did say he was super affectionate with ya, Yuu
Yuu: Haha, exactly! It would be soooo annoying sometimes I'd enter a room and suddenly he's ontop of me, just whining and licking everywhere until I wrestled him of off me!
Ace shaking: Am I having a stroke? Is this what a stoke feels like? I can't feel my legs and I'm blacking out man.
Yuu, sighing defeated: Aw, but then he'd look at me with those big sad brown eyes and I end up letting him do it all over again.
Deuce, laughing: Who knew you had a weakness for puppydog eyes
Yuu, beweildered, genuinely didn't realise Ace had arrived: Who? You mean let Toby...the boxer?
Ace, momentarily doing the quick maths about his chances against a boxer: I don't care what his job is, you can't be letting guys do stuff like that to you! I don't care how good looking you think they are!
At this point, the boys begin cracking up a little, which only pisses Ace more. Even Yuu looks like their trying so hard not to laugh at him, their eyes a mix of pity and adoration (he hopes that's what he's seeing, at least) before they explain; Toby the boxer, as in the boxer breed of dog. Yuu was talking about their family pet(s) back home. Ace tries to cover for himself, saying how he totally knew that but Yuu isn't even listning to his excuses anymore because now it's Grim throwing a tantrum about how could you miss a mangey mutt when you have the Great Grim sitting on your lap?! But don't worry Ace, the guys will make sure nobody forgets this little outburst.
OR something, after we had to put our dog down a few years ago, my dad's finally in a place where he's looking for a new one so I'm just thinking about dogs now uwu
This ask is old but I hope everything went well with the search, it was my roommate's dog's birthday today so this ask as been on my mind for a hot second. Toby is such a cute name for a boxer it's literally perfect.
Listen, this is all your fault, that's going to be Ace's stance on this. If you weren't such a headache to look after, then he never would have thought that you would let someone do something like that to you and he would have automatically known it was a dog. Really now what do you take him for?
"Jealous." You're smiling as if you find the thought amusing. "It sounded like you were jelous."
"Oh please," you have him dead to rights, but he's not going to say that out loud "only Grim would get fussy about you having a dog." Because really he's not jealous of the dog. If anything he thinks it's cute, so the prefect is an animal person; just like a proper beast tamer, look at you!
No what makes him jealous is the thought he can't give you any of that back no matter how much he wants to. His family doesn't have any pets, but from the way his classmates talk about them he knows that's not a bond you can really just replace. And he wouldn't want to, Ace wants what you have to be unique to the two of you and not a replacement for what came before.
Guess that means he'll have to learn about how to take care of a dog huh. He can do that... just not when the guys are around they're already giving him a hard enough time.
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rosaline-black · 2 years
ᴀɴɢᴇʟ - ʀᴇᴍᴜꜱ ʟᴜᴘɪɴ
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Summary: Remus had been left completely alone after the first war. After isolating himself for a few months he finally emerges from his cottage to get some groceries at the corner shop. He gets a lot more then bread however when he sets his eyes on you.
Pairing: Fem!reader X Remus Lupin
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Everyone was gone. He was alone. Completely alone. He was being nipped by the bitter air as he left the house for the first time in months. He only left because he had to. The fridge was empty, he couldn't live off the tins of soup and packets of rice anymore.
January 1982 was probably a time for new beginnings for most, but for him it was just a reminder he'd been in isolation for over two months. The sun was out, it lit up his pasty unkept appearance which he couldn't care less about.
He tugged on the sleeves of his jumper before finally making a beeline for the corner shop at the end of the street. He just needed to get the bare minimum of groceries and then he could go back into solitude.
The bell rang and he shot into the shop, that blasted Duran Duran song was playing over the shops radio. Merlin how he didn't miss that. Filling it up quickly, his basket was soon packed with the cheapest of groceries, he couldn't retain a job for more then a number of weeks due to his condition so he was living off of the bare minimum.
Remus almost appreciated the muggle corner shop, no daily prophet to remind him of how everything was now apparently just fine. The wizarding world was moving on from the dark lord, leaving him behind. Leaving behind the young adults, no better yet kids who lost there lives fighting. To say he was bitter towards wizarding society would be an understatement.
He shook his head to free the toxic thoughts which would only induce an even deeper depressive spiral and walked to counter not even looking up as he put his basket out for whoever the clerk was.
"Did you want a bag?" Your soft voice called out. Remus's head shot up and his chest suddenly hurt at the site of you. You practically glowed in the sunlight which shon through the shop windows, your smile so pure and genuine he couldn't help his own lips twitching to mirror you.
"Yes please..." he searched for your name badge that sat right atop your chest "..y/n"
Remus indulged himself by gazing upon you. He hadn't been in the company of anyone for months, and you, well you were a beacon of light by just merely smiling. He'd let himself have this moment however brief it may be.
"And you are..." your voice rung out after sensing the mans eyes were on you.
Remus was completely taken aback. He expected you'd be disgusted by the mere sight of him, a clearly poor scruffy mess, but no. Yet again you exhibited such warmth and care by your expression, not an ounce of judgment or hatred ran through you.
"Remus.. my names Remus..." his voice was hoarse. He wasn't used to using it for anything other than sobbing or shouting. He could tell you noticed the strain and your smile morphed from normal to concerned.
"So mysterious Remus do you live local?" You asked lightening his mood. It was easy to tell this man carried a heavy burden, a burden of sadness and loss, it simply radiated from him. If there was anything you could do to make him feel at ease for a moment you would.
"Down the road yes... yourself?" He answered watching you scan each item slowly, like you actually wanted to chat with him. He thanked the heavens above that he was the only person in the shop.
"I live in the flat just above the shop... it was owned by my dad... but he passed away recently and left it to me... couldn't give it up..."
Remus smiled sympathetically, for some reason knowing someone else had lost someone made him feel less alone "so you work here alone?"
He watched as you nodded your head "It is a lot of work... but thank god this is the only local shop in the area otherwise I'd have to shut it..."
Remus suddenly got an idea, were you hiring? No he really shouldn't ask. You'd done enough by letting him stand in your presence, enquiring about a job would go completely over the line.
"Why are you looking for a job?" You asked and it was like you could read his mind "I mean I don't know why you'd want to work here but if you are I really need another clerk..."
Remus was in shock. You were truly his saving grace. It felt too good to be true, like he was taking advantage of you somehow. Your innocent kindness and general care felt too much, he felt unworthy.
After a lack of reply you realised how imprudent that must have sounded "Sorry.. you probably have things to do already... last thing you need his getting wrapped up in a run down corner shop..."
"NO.. I uh... well I would love the job I just don't want to burden you-"
"You could never be a burden Remus..." you smiled and he was convinced right then and there he would die. Die from his heart imploding on itself.
"Well when can you start?"
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Months flew by and Remus was feeling more grounded with everyday he spent with you. Instead of pushing you away, he clung onto you like a life raft. The tea you'd share together and the occasional jokey conversations got him through.
He'd found out pretty early on that you were a squib. With full knowledge of wizards but never actually being able to cast a spell. It was a weight of his shoulders to be able to speak of magic freely, all though he held back most of the time as to not boast that he could do magic.
You didn't seem to care though. In fact when Remus would do the odd spell seeing your face light up would make his whole day complete.
He could say there was no doubt that he was in love with you. It annoyed him that his own heart was so feeble he'd fall for someone so pure and gentle, he couldn't let himself taint you with the sorrow he dragged around everywhere.
He'd also hidden his condition from you. He knew how kind you were and the minute you knew of what he went through you'd try to help, he couldn't risk that.
It was the 10th of March, Remus entered the shop and what he saw nearly brought him to his knees. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" You shouted still trying to light the candles that sat a top the cake in your hands with a crappy lighter that hardly worked.
"Y/n why... you didn't need to do anything..."
"Yes I did... because otherwise no one else would and that simply won't do..." you fussed placing the cake down and engulfing him in a hug. Remus took no time in hugging back, his heart to weak to refuse himself your embrace, your intoxicating scent and most importantly your warmth.
But he soon sobered up to the fact that no way could he have you. He couldn't allow himself to blemish your life, so after a few seconds he pulled away quite harshly his face rough and angry.
"A-are you okay remus?" You asked, eyes swimming with concern.
"Yes just... stop being so..." he struggled to find the words, his eyes trained to the ground.
"So what? Should I make some tea? I'm sure that will calm you down and-"
"THAT! Stop being so fucking nice! Normal people aren't that nice... they don't help strangers and make them cakes... give them jobs..." Remus shouted causing you to physically flinch at the volume.
Look what he'd done now. Remus saw you cower away from him and it only reaffirmed that he was a monster. A monster undeserving of your care and maybe even love.
"Sorry.. I just.. I'll go...-"
Before he could run off, you grabbed his forearm with complete desperation "Don't go Remus... please..."
"You can't... I taint you y/n..." Remus muttered meeting your eyes.
"Taint me? What are you talking about..." you shook your head, completely at a loss.
And from there Remus broke down in-front of you. He explained what happened to his friends, how he was left completely alone and how much of burden that's played on his well-being. He eluded to having some kind of condition which truthfully you'd guessed a long time ago.
Him getting regular sicknesses at the same time, the scars and his grouchy attitude around the full moon. It was obvious to you.
"Remus I know... I know about your lyncathropy..." you stated simply, a comforting smile still playing on your lips
"What? No.. I... well then why do you still associate with me... my kind aren't safe to be around y/n... I could hurt you..."
You shook your head and made him look into your eyes "Remus... I couldn't give less of a shit.." you laughed at his eyes widening once you cursed "you've had so much loss and tragedy can't you just let me be there for you? Let me help you through this..."
And in that moment Remus was weak. He gave in, burying his head in your neck as he sobbed his heart out, everything he'd held in over the past months fell out and it felt nice. It felt nice to be held and to be listened to, despite what he was. He felt safe in your arms.
From that day on you did everything to prove to Remus that his condition wasn't going to scare you away, that you were prepared to be there for him throughout everything. So every morning after the full moon you'd close the shop and dress his wounds, cook him meals and make sure he looked after himself. And every full moon Remus was convinced you were his guardian angel, coaxing him slowly from his suffering.
The feelings both of you harboured were quite apparent, and it was one summer evening where your relationship changed. You were simply closing up the shop and Remus just couldn't take his eyes off of you. It was ironic you were a squib but he was convinced you had bewitched him.
He knew right then that he needed to hold you, kiss you, be one with you. The friendship wasn't enough for him anymore, he wanted to call you his.
"y/n are you dating anyone..." he called out after replenishing the last shelf.
You were taken aback by this question. Of course you weren't dating anyone, you'd fallen hopelessly in love with the rugged stranger that stumbled into your shop many months ago. No one could replace him in your heart.
"No... why are you?" You asked crossing every part of your body in the hopes that he hadn't started seeing someone. Surely he'd tell you right? I mean you practically spent every day in each other's company as it what.
"No I'm not.. there is someone I like though.. just not quite sure I deserve her..." He stated watching steadily for your reaction.
You sighed inaudibly, who the bloody hell could it be? But instead of trying to appear upset you did what you did best and smiled, he deserved happiness and so be it if that doesn't involve you "I'm sure she'd be lucky to have you rem..."
Remus chucked. For someone who was such an incredible listener you truly were oblivious "aren't you interested in knowing who it is?"
"Of course... go ahead.." you mumbled not hearing his footsteps approaching you from behind.
As gently as possible Remus tilted your head around to face him, caressing your cheek with the upmost care, you were a work of art in his eyes and needed to be treated as though you could break at any moment "It's you of course..."
The wide smile you gave him made Remus melt into a puddle, and as your lips connected for the first time a very old feeling returned for him. Comfort. You were his angel that granted him comfort again, something he feared he'd never have the pleasure of knowing.
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Otome au
I’ve had this in my head ever since your AU came out because :) OK Mc still does the side quest and so does the storyline but they always try to take stuff from the villagers or like the side characters( I do this it doesn’t work most the time)🤣
For example mc : i’m gonna take your bread sir(Mc tried to take it but but they can’t)  give me my bread
Villager: my bakery is closed you can come back another day:)
Mc : let me take your Bread SIR SIR let me take your bread STOP WALKING AWAY FROM ME SIR!!!??
Can you do Vil,epel, azul how would they react mc like that I thought it would be hilarious!!! please thank you love your stuff<3
THE BREAD! HAIL THE BREAD! EAT THE BREAD! RESPECT THE BREAD! And take the bread away from NPC's. (I hear the murder in the voice of that example NPC XD)
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I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, poison, violence, stalking, obsession, possessiveness, murder, death
Azul Ashengrotto/Vil Schoenheit/Epel Felmier-“I’m gonna take your bread sir… let me take your bread SIR SIR STOP WALKING AWAY FROM ME SIR!!!??”
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Here he is sitting, watching you through his mirror, looking at how you talk with those land-dwellers (idk about what you think but bread underwater is a bit hard u know...)
And... could it be that you are hungry?
Because all he is seeing is you jumping like a madman in front of random people (you call them NPC's, right?) wanting their bread if they had one
Ok, imagine this with me, he just woke up, was done with his hair so it was... like it usually was and just put the mirror on like some TV
You following me, right? Well he was staring at it with an open mouth watching how you wanted everyones bread for the first two minutes
And once the shock is gone he is going mad
Then he remembers that this is not your real body and just some shell so you can experience this world
But then... what are you doing? Is this something in another culture? Is he missing something here?
Poor Octopus is so confused.
Why don't you just take some fish if you want food that badly, they are practically swimming into your hand... oh, yeah, right, you not in water
Let us remember that panicked state he was in before, yes? The three people that he could also see with you in the mirror are now cursed, byproduct of his abilities (don't question it)
But you seem to like bread a lot... should he try to create a waterproof one??!
Cue you looking at your screen confused when they achievement “culinary inspiration-the merpeoples best chef” popped up
Guess you just brought bread onto the plate of fish
But no one dares to steal the recipe. Otherwise they might find themselves at the mercy of an angry outcast of the sea, the mersorcerer himself
Yeah, that garden is growing pretty neat
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So... you expect this cold-hearted tyrant king to just ignore what is going on?
My dear friend, he has a magic mirror that can see and show more than any other reflecting surface
He was this close from throwing his own most prized reflective surface out of the window (again)
Life of a mirror can be hard you know? If it isn't easy with competition on the mirror market and if that doesn't kick you out of the business then it's your owner shattering you (and I'm sure a fall from a tower also does the job)
Since you know me you also know what comes next, we build the scene
He just sat there, staring at your body in this world and how it didn't move for about half an hour (you probably went to grab a bite)
He almost screamed when you suddenly jumped up and sprinted to the next baker
Oh I also forgot to mention, you were screaming “BRRREEEAAADDDD” (you doing that. Not me. I'm just an author)
That was rather... u elegant but he can pass this...
Until you go to the next person and repeat the whole “gimme your bread” thingy
I told you, that mirror better learn how to fly and that fast
You want bread? YOU WANT BREAD??! Fine, then you shall get bread
Suddenly someone appears out of nowhere, handing you a basket filled with bread, saying “in the name of the king”
Maybe he will even get so annoyed that he will try to poison his brother yet again but this time with bread (imagine, it was not an apple but bread XD)
But if you thought about giving it to one of the suitors I would advise you to forget that
You know, he has a certain special magic and he might have done something to the bread that would affect them but not you... Just might (nah he has definitely done something to it)
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So bread is the way into your heart huh?
Forget his apple carving skills! *sobs* He is going to learn how to bake bread!
The kitchen looked like it was a battlefield after the first time... why was there a knife sticking out of the bowl?
But anyway, he is trying his best
But why did he decide to walk the treacherous path of bread baking?
Well... you were screaming like a madman and telling everyone to give you bread
Oh boy was he happy that the people would forget what happened after you would restart the game or loaded an earlier safe file
Lowkey embarrassed but then it struck him!
If you want bread that badly then he shall make it!
He was so motivated that he totally forgot that this body of yours can't even get hungry
Remember that he is also the poison dealer which would hand the king the poison to finally reach his goals in the plot of the game?
That left over bread which isn't 100% perfect doesn't get thrown away, no
Bread can actually soak up a lot of liquids so just a few drops of this and that... there, his next client should be pleased
Also, might use the power of the oh-so-malicious poisoned bread to make sure Neige doesn't come close, he can't have the main plot ending too fast after all (falling off a cliff hurts)
But in the end he can bake bread like a champion
Just don't take the bread from that basket. That other one is for you. Oh why? Well... he made it for that nice person you met yesterday. Had to take extra measures because of an allergy... want to deliver it with you?
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mayajadewrites · 7 months
For Me (Levi Ackerman x Reader)
please let me know if you're enjoying this story!
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Over the next few days you spend more and more time at Levi's place. He even took you to the store to pick out some clothes and toiletries to keep at his house. You can't help but want to stay at your apartment for a night, too. You've made that place your home and you miss it. 
Tuesday morning you wake up next to Levi, pressing the 'STOP' button on your alarm. Even though you technically don't have a time you have to clock in - Levi does. You try to make him breakfast before he leaves for work and help him gather his things. 
Levi is still sound asleep when you slowly pull away from him and slide your slippers on. His alarm won't go off for another half hour, which is perfect because it gives you enough time to make breakfast and make his tea. 
Levi's kitchen is straight out of Pinterest - marble countertops with the most beautiful black cabinets. There are several lights hanging above the kitchen island that you turn on when you enter the room. Even though it's beautiful, it's almost sterile. No personality or warmth. 
You grab the ingredients for french toast - brioche bread, eggs, cinnamon, butter, vanilla, and milk. You also take the turkey bacon out of the fridge. 
As you're cooking, you see Levi emerge from his room. He definitely just brushed his teeth, but his hair remains a mess.
"It smells good in here." Levi yawns, stretching his upper body. 
"French toast is on the menu today." You smile as you flip the slices of bread. "Go finish getting ready, breakfast will be ready when you're done." 
Levi walks over to you and presses his lips to yours gently, letting his hand linger on your curves. "You look damn sexy in my kitchen." 
You push him away playfully with your free hand. "Go get dressed!" 
When Levi enters the kitchen again, he's in a navy blue suit - perfectly tailored to his measurements no doubt. His hair is now free of flyaways and bedhead. His briefcase is on the island next to his to-go tea. 
"My handsome." You pad over to where Levi is standing, wrapping your arms around his middle. You look up into his storm colored eyes and can't help but have a pinch me moment. 
Levi eats his breakfast fast before having to run out the door. "I'll see you tonight. Are you leaving at all today?"
"Yes, I was gonna stop by my place for a little to grab some things." You lie. You only want to spend time in your own space and write for a few hours. 
"Okay, the spare key is on the dresser." Levi kisses you softly before hurrying out the door. 
"Have a good day." You wave, feeling the tingle on your lips still.
As you hear Levi's Range Rover back out of the driveway, you begin cleaning. You notice he forgot his tea - which you made sure was PERFECT for him since he is so damn particular about it. After you clean the kitchen, you decide you're going to bring the tea to him. 
You slide on a pair of ripped jeans, white platform converse, and a plan white shirt with your long chestnut brown trenchcoat. His job is on the way to your house anyway, you think to yourself. You grab your tote that has the spare key, your laptop, and the keys to your apartment. Last is the cup of tea.
You pull up to Ackerman Inc., sending a quick text to Levi.
YOU: You forgot your tea. I'm outside your job.
LEVI: Come in the front door and tell the front desk receptionist you're here for Levi Ackerman. 
You make your way inside and do exactly what Levi told you to do. "I'm here to see Levi Ackerman. He forgot his tea this morning." You smile, holding up the cup.
"Of course! He just called. You're all set Mrs. Ackerman! I added you to the visitor list as well."
This is the 2nd time someone has called you Mrs. Ackerman. You can't say you mind. 
Levi's office is full of people diligently working. You see Hange and Erwin as well, who wave to say hello. 
A woman with shoulder length, light ginger hair walks by you, eyeing you up and down. You're not one to shy away from confrontation, so you decide to say hello.
"Hi, is there a problem?" You turn your body towards her. 
"Not at all. You're Levi's new girlfriend, right?" 
You raise your eyebrow. "Yes. Do you have any more personal questions or can I know your name?"
"My name is Petra. Be careful with Levi." 
"Do you have reasons or are you just trying to get a reaction?" 
"He didn't tell you who I am?" 
"Can't say he did." 
"I'm his ex girlfriend. We dated for about 2 years." 
You nod, trying your best not to show your feelings all over your face. "Nice to meet you, Petra aka Levi's ex girlfriend."
Petra turned on her heel and walked to what you presume is her desk. You sigh and turn the other way towards the big office with several glass windows. 
Levi soon opens the door to his office, pressing his back to the door. "Come in."
You don't say a word as you enter his office as he closes the door behind you. Levi looks perplexed from the lack of words and touch. "What's wrong?"
"You failed to tell me you work with your ex." You hand Levi the to-go mug of tea. "I'll see you later." You turn to the door before Levi pulls your hand gently. 
"Petra?" He questions.
"Do you have more than one ex that works here?"
"That was stupid." Levi shakes his head. "I didn't think it was relevant. Yes, Petra works here." 
"It's quite relevant. I'll talk to you later." You pull at the door handle again. "Levi, let me go." 
"I didn't think I needed to tell you about Petra because she means nothing to me. She's my employee." 
"If I worked with my ex you would probably have an aneurysm. For the last time, I'm leaving." 
"We'll talk when I get home."
"Text me when you're done and I'll meet you there." You exit Levi's office and shut the door behind you, walking right past Petra's desk. 
You almost run out of the office. You're embarrassed to say the least. How could Levi not tell you he works with his ex girlfriend who he dated for two years? 
"Bye Mrs. Ackerman! Have a good day!" 
You wave at the receptionist, flashing your fakest smile. 
What's better than writing when you're in a bad mood?
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thornofthelily · 2 months
I wanted some writing practice and to break myself out of my rut, so I tried writing an audio RP using one of my old OCs! I doubt anyone will see this random script but if you want to use it, ask first. This is an old dear OC of mine and I'm not sure I'd continue writing his story like this or want to have someone else read him out, but it is a fun exercise. Info and script below the cut!
[M4A / M4M / M4F ] Chatting with a brooding stranger at a bar [Alcohol] [Mysterious past] [More mysterious job] [Tattooed speaker] [Melancholic meetcute]
[Distant thumping music, loud chattering voices. One distinct voice calls out clearly through the din]
Bartender? One beer, please. [Beat] Huh? [Exasperated] I don't know what kind. Just, whatever the cheapest one is. [Beat] Actually, wait, no, scratch that. Get me whichever one doesn't taste like shit. The least shit beer, please. [Barstool scraping, settling down] 
[Quietly, to himself] I mean, they all taste like shit, why bother… [finally, to listener] Oh, hey there. [Beat] What? I mean, yeah it's probably expensive, but it's not like I'm gonna drink that much. I doubt I'll even finish the first bottle. I don't really like beer. Or bars. Or alcohol, really. 
[Soft chuckle] Yeah, pretty bad place for me to be then, I know. It wasn't exactly my choice, but I'm supposed to [massive sarcasm] "have fun", so that's what I'm gonna do. Or at least pretend to do. Mostly for appearances.
[Bottle clicks on the table] Ah, right from the bottle, huh? Cool. [Takes a sip, swallows.] Bleugh. Yeah, no, this one's shit too. Why is all beer so shitty? Tastes like someone blended up old stale bread with some ditch water and artificial flavor then foamed it up for maximum mouth feel horror. [Sound of bottle sliding across the bar] I'll pass. But hey, at least I can say I tried. Went to the bar, had an expensive beer, hated it. Maybe I won't get asked to do this again. 
[Beat] Nah, I'm here alone. [Beat] Friends? I don't - well, I was going to say I don't have friends, which would sound pretty fucking pathetic. How about we say I'm not here with friends right now. [Beat] Actually, no. I'm here because my boss told me to. 
See, I just got this new job. I had my first day a few weeks ago, things were going fine, but Boss said I need to chill out. I'm too uptight, can't relax, I'm not "being a team player." Says I need to go out and mingle, have a few drinks, talk to some people. [Beat. Snorts in contempt] No, she isn't cool. Trust me. She's one of the most terrifying women I think I've ever met. I bet she has someone watching me right now just to see if I did what she asked. 
Seriously. I wouldn't put it past her. It always seems like she knows what I'm going to say before I say it, but she's asking me just to test me, see if I'll fuck up or try to lie. So I'm making the bare minimum effort to do what she asked. I'm sure if I just tried to lie she'd figure me out and… do something about it. Give me a hard time at work or something. 
I can't… ugh, I probably shouldn't tell you what I do. I might have said too much already. [Beat] No, no, it's… it's not like that. What, do I look like some kind of government black ops guy? [Beat] The neck tattoo…? Yeah, what about it? [Beat. Soft chuckle] What, so having a neck tattoo suddenly makes me look like a scary guy? Nah. Trust me, I'm a softie. This is the only tattoo I have. These thorns I have around my neck might look intense, but they're actually rose thorns. 
Where's the rose… heh. Well, it's somewhere I don't usually show people, let's say that. Ah, and no, I will not tell you where. Let a guy have his privacy. 
… what is that you're drinking? Looks cute. Gotta be better than that beer. Mind if I try a sip…?
[Beat. Glass tinkling, small sip. Contemplative hum]
…mmm. Not bad. Too sweet for my liking, but at least I can't taste the alcohol. Maybe I'll have one of those next time. 
[Amused, a little sardonic]… yeah, yeah, next time. Fine, maybe I will head out a little more often. And maybe it's not so terrible, being out in a place like this. Sure, it's too loud and the beer sucks and I can't even smoke in here, but maybe I can try one of these and find more cool people to talk to. [Soft chuckle] Yes, I do mean you. You seem cool. Thanks for the drink, by the way. What was it called again? [Beat] Right. I'll remember that.  
Really? That much? What, is that your way of telling me I need to pay you back for the sip I took? [Soft chuckle] I'm joking. I mean, I would if you asked, even if it is expensive. I kind of like that, actually. Keeps you from drinking too much. Unless you have deep enough pockets not to care, which I don't. 
[Beat] Yeah, why do you think I took the job with that scary woman? Because I have money to burn? No, I'm not… well. Again, I was going to say I'm not desperate, but I guess I kinda was, when I ended up on her doorstep. Now I'm doing stuff I'd rather not be doing, but at least the pay is good and it's not technically illegal. [Beat] Yes, technically. And again, no, I'm not going to tell you what it is. I don't wanna ruin whatever good will keeps you talking to me. It's not illegal and it doesn't hurt anyone, and it will make me good money. It's just… not what I imagined I'd be doing, I guess. 
… I don't know what I'd be doing instead, actually. I've been in survival mode so long, I never considered what I really want. I feel like this is the first breath I've been able to take in years. Even if I'm not totally happy with where I'm at, it's better than where I've been, which is saying something. [Pause] Maybe she was right. Maybe I did need some time out to chill. Maybe I'm not being tested and she was genuinely worried I was burning out already. 
[Laughs] Yeah, no I don't think so. [Beat] It's not that she's mean, she's just fucking intense. I don't think she has ever relaxed a day in her life, so I don't expect she actually wants me too, either. This whole thing, it's probably just something she considers part of my job. So I guess it's fine. [Beat] Yeah, it is. I'm fine with it. If this is all she asks of me, I'm fine with it. 
But I'm not finishing that beer. If she wants me to like beer, she can get over it. You can have it, if you want. [Money, coins and paper, rattle on the table] I've done my job for the night. Thanks for making it a little less miserable. 
… call me Briar. [Beat] No, it's not my real name. [Beat] If you want to think it's a code name, I won't stop you, but that's the name I'm going by now. I'm sure that'll make her happy to know I'm using it. [Beat] Yeah, no, not getting into that, either. 
[Beat] … I have a business card that has my number on it, but I don't think we're there yet. Maybe if you hang around the bar sometimes, I'll catch you next time I'm… "working." [Beat] Yeah. I hope I see you around too. Have a good night. Enjoy your drinks.
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unoscraft · 2 years
"Silenced Plea"
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written by Alyssa Juliana Balingit
When will the class end? I’d have to quickly go to my part-time job.
“Any questions, class? ” our teacher asked.
My classmates all agreed: “ None, Sir. ”
“ So that's all for today. ” I was arranging my things when the teacher told me to meet him after class. “ Are you having any problems? ” My ears rang with this never-ending question.
“ Yes, you're constantly in class, but you don't really speak or sleep.” he continued. 
“ No, sir. I'm good. Is that all? ” I replied before proceeding to my part-time job.
For group work the next day, I was paired with the class president.
How can someone smile and interact with others so effortlessly even without hesitation? It's quite distracting.
“ Good morning, Avery.” he typically says, a smile spreading throughout his face. I simply nodded in response. He kept initiating a conversation in which I didn't know how to respond since I didn't know what to say. But I do appreciate his efforts.
I spotted the sun setting. I was ready to leave the university when I noticed a group of people looking at me. But I didn't mind it because I was used to it. Oh, how I had no idea what horror awaited me back then.
Another school day, I definitely felt a lot of their stares and murmurs as I walked down the corridor. My anxiety rapidly builds up. What is going on?
“ They now know.” someone screamed in my head.
Sancho appeared suddenly alongside me. He smiled, as he always does when he greets me. “ Is there something up? " I asked, hesitantly. He seemed puzzled that I initiated a conversation first.
I noticed he was tense when he said there were photographs on the school's website. My heartbeat quickened as his words resonate in my ears. I dashed to the bathroom to check my phone. My palms began to sweat, and breathing became difficult.
I thought I could finally get away from what happened when someone uploaded a picture of me being sexually violated, but it remains to torment and punish me. My vision was clouded by my tears. How can I go and continue my studies here? When I tried to compose myself and go, hours had passed and class was probably still going on.
I spotted Sancho lounging at the restroom's entrance. There were also coffee cups and a paper bag on the floor. “ I ordered these so we could eat and drink together; do you want to go out? " he asked.
I was concerned as to what he was thinking. How could he still approach me and act this way if he had seen the post? We stepped outside and took a seat on a bench. I could feel the breeze. It's a gloomy day. He handed me the cup and opened the bread wrapper. He didn't say anything to me; he just sat by me until the evening. When we realized it was going to rain, he offered to take me home. On our walk, the rain began to fall at the same time as my tears, as he held my hand and ran to find a cover. When I eventually broke down, we were on the staircase. He stood right in front of me, but I couldn't see his expression.
“ I apologize, I didn't really mean to cry in front of you. " This is terrible. 
“ I'm truly sorry.” I say as I bow my head, my tears falling once more.
“ Please refrain from apologizing. It's not your fault, Avery. It was never the case and it will never be. I'm not going to force you to open up or do anything. You can let me know when you're ready. I’ll be here. ” He spoke softly.
“ I was raped.” I said meekly, overwhelmed.
“ I was raped by someone I considered a friend. I was diagnosed with severe depression and social phobia, and I took a few months off before enrolling in this school.” My heart constricted as I said those phrases for the first time.
“ Thank you for having the courage and strength to tell me, and I promise to be here for you and to help you.”
"May I give you a hug?" He sought permission.
I nodded, yearning for warmth. I had no idea somebody could give me such comfort. That rainy night, I wailed once more in his embrace.
Months passed, and he followed through with his promise. He notified the school administration, deleted the post, and filed the rape case. He had spoken with all of the students. I'm doing better in school now that time has passed. I can now interact with others without feeling uneasy. He's been by my side the entire time.
Years went by, but he remains at my side. I now go to therapy every two weeks. He officially courted me during our freshman year of college, and we've been dating for about three years.
“ What miracle did I do in my past life to even deserve you? ” I gently run my hands through his hair.
He saved me, in all ways possible and I'll be eternally grateful to him. I stare intently at Sancho as he sleeps. I never thought there would be someone who would genuinely love me in this life.
Before I realized it, today's me had hopes for tomorrow's you.
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tricksters-captain · 3 years
Helmut Zemo (TFATWS) imagines - Craving
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AN: Okay I’ve given in and become a Zemo simp but Bucky is still my number one don't worry.
Summary: After playing the part as Zemo's arm candy in Madripoor, Zemo tries to confront you on your unspoken connection, only to be rudely interrupted...
Pairing(s): Zemo x Fem!Reader, very slight Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2,326
Warnings: Some small spoilers for Ep3, lots of sexual tension 
“I still can’t believe I agreed to do this.” You grumbled as you climbed the stairs, falling behind at the fear the men could see straight up the skirt of the dress Zemo had chosen for you. 
“I, for one, think you have the easiest job of us all. James must be someone he detests, Sam must be a notorious criminal he doesn’t know and you must sit and look pretty.” Zemo spoke under his breath as you came to the entrance of Selby’s HQ. 
You glared at the man but he didn’t care. He was too busy worrying about Selby. 
The door was opened for you by one of Selby’s men. Zemo nodded curtly at the guard before entering. 
You went ahead of Bucky and Sam to stay close to Zemo, following your role as his current inamorata. 
It was a short walk into Selby’s office but with every step you could feel the fear rising in your chest. You weren’t convinced that you’d get away with this; Sam wasn't exactly the most kosher criminal and Zemo’s story didn’t quite add up on just how he managed to have the Winter Soldier in his mitts again. 
“You should know, Baron. People don’t just come into my bar and make demands.” Selby spoke as she came into view. She was an expensively dressed woman with a short white pixie cut. 
Zemo sat down opposite her but you remained next to Sam. 
“Not a demand. An offer.” Zemo waved his finger as he spoke. It was a small yet dominant motion directed towards you. You tried not to clench your jaw as you walked towards him. 
“A lot has changed since you were here last.” Selby’s eyes followed your every move as you made your way over to Zemo. “By the way, I thought you were rotting away in a German prison. How did you escape?”
“People like us always find a way, don’t we?” Zemo held out his hand to you, guiding you to stand behind him.  “I’m sure you’ve already figured out what I’m here for.” 
“You’re taller than I’d heard, Smiling Tiger.” Selby cocked her head towards Sam. 
Sam’s only response was a quick nod of his head. Selby purred at Sam, a wolfish smile on her face. 
“What’s the offer?” Selby turned back to Zemo. Her eyes flickered up to you before landing back on Zemo’s face. You weren’t stupid you knew what her gaze meant. 
“Tell us what you know about the super-soldier serum.” Zemo pushed himself out of his chair. You watched him cross behind Bucky, placing his hands on Bucky's shoulders. “And I give you him, along with the code words to control him, of course. He will do anything you want.” 
Selby grinned widely as Zemo wobbled Bucky’s chin with his forefinger and thumb, showing just how under control the ‘Winter Soldier’ was. 
“Now that’s the Zemo I remember. I’m glad I decided not to kill you immediately.” Selby seemed to be convinced. “Yeah, you were right to come to me. Arrogant, but right.”
Zemo returned to his seat before Selby continued. 
“The super-soldier serum is here in Madripoor. Dr. Wilfred Nagel is the man you wanna thank. Or... condemn, depending on what side of this you’re on. The Power Broker had him working on the serum, but... things didn’t go as planned.”
“Is Nagel still in Madripoor?” Zemo asked. 
“Oh. The bread crumbs you can have for free, but the bakery is gonna cost you, Baron. And before you get all cute, don’t think you can find Nagel without me.” Selby rose from her chair, finding a place beside Sam as she very openly let her eyes roll down your body now that you were in her full view. 
“What else do you desire?” Zemo questioned. He had clocked onto Selby’s behaviour and didn’t really need to ask to know what the answer was going to be.  
“Her.” Selby pointed you out. She gnawed on the inside of her cheek as she awaited Zemo’s response. 
“No, no, no.” Zemo tutted, holding out his hand for you to take. “This little bird only sings for me.” Zemo guided you round the side of his chair and pulled you gently onto his lap. You crossed your legs as you tried not to seem uncomfortable. The scent of the Baron’s cologne, mixed with his strong grip on your waist was making your heart race. You had never been this close to Zemo before and now you were sat on his knee with his arm around you. 
“Well, you’ll make her sing for me or you won’t be getting what you want now, Baron, will ya?” Selby wasn’t playing games. She folded her arms across her chest, cocking her eyebrows at Zemo. 
Zemo titled his head as he thought. 
You felt yourself tense up when he placed a cool leather clad hand on your thigh. His fingers started to draw circles on your skin, edging your skirt higher, drawing Selby’s eyes down to your legs. 
“She is very dear to me.” Zemo stated. He retracted his hand from your thigh to brush your hair from your shoulder, his finger traced a line from your jaw down your neck to your collarbone. Zemo, being so close, could see the goosebumps that covered your skin at his touch.  
“Unless you have something better to offer other than your two play things, Baron, I suggest you hand them over to me... unless you don’t want the whereabouts of Dr Nagel.” Selby let her smile drop. 
“I will––” Zemo was cut short by Sam’s phone going off. 
“Answer it.” Selby suddenly lost all interest in the deal and only desired to prove the authenticity of the Smiling Tiger. “On speaker.” 
That’s where things went wrong. 
For the rest of the trip in Madripoor, you didn’t get the time to confront yourself and Zemo on what happened back there. 
You were so confused to why you reacted the way you did. You had never been attracted to Zemo before but you couldn’t stop thinking about the way he smelt, the way his breath tickled against your arm, the way the heat radiated out from under his thick coat. 
You knew he was thinking about it too. 
Every time you let yourself glance over at him, he was watching you and not in the same way as he usually would. You knew too well that Zemo often studied his surroundings like a hawk. He was silent and observant; he always knew where he would go next and he often watched you, Sam and Bucky as if he were calculating your next moves. 
It wasn’t until you arrived in Latvia that you were confronted by your feelings again. 
You were sat at the island in the kitchen as you ran your hands over your face and hair. You were tired. 
“You should rest.” Zemo’s voice suddenly snuck up on you. 
He had been so quiet walking into the kitchen that you hadn't even noticed he was there. 
“I should but insomnia kinda comes with the job.” You sat up, trying not to act any different from how you usually would. 
“Ah. My time in a cell has acquainted me with such the dilemma.” Zemo confessed as he moved towards the cupboards on the back wall. 
You didn’t respond. You couldn’t help but watch his hands as they reached for the coffee pot, his fingers gripping it lightly. You could still recall the feeling of the cool leather on your thigh, his touch climbing higher as he pushed your skirt up...
“Coffee?” Zemo offered, interrupting your thoughts as he raised a mug and an eyebrow at you. 
“Please.” You folded your hands together as you leant on the island. 
There was a brief comfortable silence as Zemo fixed up some coffee for you both. He could feel your eyes on him but he didn’t say anything. He just let the corner of his lips tugged into a smirk as he poured you a cup. He let the smirk drop when he turned to face you.
He slid the cup along the countertop and you thanked him quietly. He pushed a thin smile onto his face for a second before returning to his usual stoic expression. 
“There was something I wished to discuss with you actually.” Zemo announced as he picked up his own cup. 
You almost choked on your drink at the words but you hid behind your mug, hoping he didn’t notice. He did.
“About what?” You asked. 
“I wanted to apologise for Madripoor.” Zemo surprised you with that. 
“Apologise?” You were confused to what he was talking about. 
“I am aware that it was merely a role, that we were undercover, but I touched you without your consent. I wanted to apologise for when we were with Selby.”
You were completely shocked. You didn’t not expect this from Zemo at all. 
“It’s okay. We all have to do stuff we don't want to do on missions like these.” You tried to brush it off. After all, Bucky had to become the Winter Soldier and Sam had to drink a cobra’s heart back in Madripoor. There was definitely worse things that could’ve happened. 
“I never said I didn’t want to do it. I am simply apologising for not asking for permission first.” Zemo’s eyes were glued to your face as he sipped his coffee. He was watching for a reaction. 
You felt your mouth go dry, you tried to swallow as you began to rise from your seat. 
“Uh, t-thanks for the coffee, Zemo but...” You tried grabbing your mug but you only knocked it to the floor by accident. 
“Shit!” You hissed as you bent down, picking up the broken bits. You felt your heart racing from the look Zemo had just given you.
Zemo rushed around the island with a rag, he placed it over the split coffee before taking hold of your wrist to stop you from picking up the pieces. 
Electricity shot up your arm and your head snapped up to meet his eyes. 
“No use crying over spilt coffee.” Zemo muttered, a smile tugging on one corner of his mouth. 
“I-I wasn’t––”
“––Is there a particular reason you are so jumpy tonight?” Zemo inquired. 
You rose back to standing; Zemo let your wrist go as you did but followed your action. 
The air was thick between you as you withheld your answer. 
There was no way you could admit you were worried of being close to him because of the undeniable pull he had on you since that night. 
“I think...” Zemo stepped over the soaked rag which only made you take a step back. “...You enjoyed being touched and now you are confused to why.”
Your chest began to rise and fall heavily as Zemo continued to walk towards you until your back hit the wall behind you. 
“But forgive me if I am wrong.” Zemo held his hands up with a smile, taking his final few steps until he was close enough for his cologne to engulf the air around you.
“You are.” You whispered but your voice had failed you in sounding convincing. 
“Is that right, little bird?” Zemo used the pet name he had given you in Selby's office. He lifted his hand to brush your hair from your cheek behind your ear. “Because I believe you haven’t stop thinking about it. Just as I haven't.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You only just breathed out your words. If Zemo hadn’t been so close, he wouldn’t have heard them. 
“Don’t you?” Zemo titled his head at you. “Because I am at liberty to remind you that I once worked for Sokivian intelligence. It was my job for a long time to study people, learn them, read them.” Zemo let his eyes drop down to your body before coming back to meet your eyes. “I can tell how a person is feeling just from observing their body. The way they move. The way they are breathing.” Zemo placed his hand in the centre of your chest where your silver necklace sat. The metal burned against your skin underneath Zemo’s warm flesh. 
Your slow deep breaths lifted Zemo’s hand up and down as you stared back at him. 
“I can feel your heart racing.” Zemo uttered. “Are you afraid?”
“No.” You shook your head as your eyes flickered to the man’s lip for just a second. 
“Good.” Zemo smirked. 
Suddenly Zemo was ripped away from you. 
Bucky had teared Zemo back and pushed him across the room. Zemo staggered backwards before standing and adjusting his sweater from how Bucky had grabbed him. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Bucky growled at Zemo with a look in his eye that could kill. 
“I was merely having a conversation with (Y/n).” Zemo shrugged, acting as if everything was perfectly innocent. 
“Oh yeah it looked like a real polite conversation with (Y/n) backed up in a corner and your hands on her!” Sam was stood behind Bucky. The both of them were squaring up in front of Zemo to protect you. 
“I didn’t need your help.” You stepped forward, trying to intervene. 
“You put your hands on her again; I won’t stop myself next time. I’ll turn you into a new coat.” Bucky warned Zemo as he ignored you. 
“I apologise.” Zemo lifted his hands up in defence. 
“No.” Sam pointed back to you. “Apologise to her.” 
Zemo turned his head to you. When your eyes met, he smirked just ever so slightly, you knew the boys didn’t notice at least. 
“I apologise, (Y/n).” The way your name sounded in Zemo’s mouth made your stomach flip. 
“It’s fine.” You said before pushing past Bucky and Sam. You hated it when they played protective big brothers and you didn’t even need saving... You think...
(PART 2)
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hart269 · 2 years
A Timorous Task
Pairing : Tristan thorn x fem!reader
Summary : Asking someone on a date can be very nerve-wracking.
A/N : Please do not repost or translate my fics in any platform without my permission. Thank you for reading this. Your feedback is highly appreciated. Support me buying me a Ko-fi.
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Y/N was very concentrated on arranging the cakes on the shelf before arranging the muffins on the counter in display. She worked at the local bakery where she was the cashier and sometimes baked goods.
She was deep in thought when suddenly she heard a low voice near her, "Hello, Y/N?"
She jumped a little and looked up staring at warm brown eyes which connected to a very flustered and adorable face. She hadn't heard the doorbell so she was quiet in shock.
Her wildly beating heart skipped a beat staring at the familiar face of no one other than Tristan Thorn. He visited quite often to buy bread and they talked a little everytime.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he apologized.
"It's fine, I wasn't paying attention. The usual?" she questioned smiling a bit.
"Yes" Tristan was quite a bit flustered staring at her, he always tried to find an excuse to visit the bakery when it was her shift.
They had talked a few times and he wanted to ask her on a date but chickened out every time, but he decided he was gonna do it now.
"Yes" she looked directly at him smiling a sweet smile.
"Would you" his nerves were skyrocketing now.
"Yes" she encouraged him to complete the sentence.
"Would you mind ..giving me a muffin too?" he said pointing at the muffin"
"Sure" she replied. And he couldn't do it, saying his goodbyes to her he went out kicking himself for not asking her out.
It happened again, Y/N wasn't at the shift that time, Tristan was dejected not seeing her, a frown blooming on his face, which her co-workwer noticed, she knew about both of their silly crush which resulted in lots of teasing.
"She is in the back taking out some stuff" she smirked at him looking at his wandering eyes.
"I just wanted my order" he tried to act normal.
"Sure, i'll call her" she said anyway, which made him let out a sigh of relief.
While her co-worker just went inside and yelled, "Y/N, loverboy is here, I'm doing the inside job, deal with him"
Hearing that Y/N quickly went outside greeting him, "Tristan, you called for me"
"Yes, I did because you.. you know my order perfectly" he stammered.
"But you could have just said that to her" she said pointing behind her.
"Yes, but I wanted you...because you are a lot nicer than her"
"Oh, Thanks" she quietly said before packing his order.
Taking it, he looked at her before asking, "Y/N"
"Bye" he awkwardly waved at her.
"Bye, take care" she waved back.
"Will do" he sighed, another chance gone, maybe the next time.
This went on for a few days, Y/N also very much liked Tristan and was trying to figure out whether he liked her or not considering he sometimes acted weird around her.
One day she had gone out to get some fruits for the bakery when she bumped into Tristan.
"Hi Tristan"
"Y/N" he breathed.
"Where are you going in a hurry" she asked.
"Oh, nowhere, where are you going"
"Oh we had a order for fruit cake so i had to go shopping" she said looking at the basket.
Tristan's eyes shifted to the basket, "That looks heavy I can carry them for you"
"No, it's fine" she declined him.
"I insist" he said, she handed the basket to him honestly relieved from carrying the basket all the way back.
They kept walking the rest of the way laughing and talking about everything.
There were about to reach, and this was the perfect time.
"Would you go out with me" she suddenly said.
"What no" Tristan exclaimed
"Oh, that's fine" she said with a sad smile.
Realizing what he said he backtracked, "No, no, what I mean is Yes, I said no because I wanted to ask that and then you did so I panicked" he rambled.
"Yes, I would love to go out with you" he said that in a much calmer voice now.
"That's great" she sighed relieved she wasn't rejected.
"Your basket" he said handing over the basket.
"Thanks, see you later" she farewelled.
"No problem, later" he said kissing her cheek, which made her stumble back in shock making him chuckle.
Y/N was flustered as she returned getting to work which her co-worker noticed and teased her. Brushing her off she went back to work while staring at the window seeing Tristan sprint away.
Tristan went back running considering he had work he postponed to spend time with her, he was definitely gonna be in trouble but it was going to worth it.
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liriostigre · 3 years
hey! I wanted to ask what your favorite poetry books are? I have a few but I want to read new and interesting stuff, and I trust your taste :D
hiii ♡
tbh i only started reading poetry collections like,, last year. i'm subscribed to poetryfoundation's newsletter (poem of the day) so i usually just read random poems
anyway, i'm not sure my recs could be considered new (cause i'm gonna start with Mary Oliver ♡) but feel free to message me if you want to know the themes, style, feeling (vibes, if you will) or anything you want to know about these collections. for now, i'm linking my favorite poems in each collection, i hope this helps you choose! ♡
here you go:
Dream Work —Mary Oliver (“Wild Geese.” “Dogfish.”)
Red Bird —Mary Oliver (“Summer Morning.” “Love Sorrow.”)
Blue Horses —Mary Oliver (“To Be Human Is to Sing Your Own Song.” “Loneliness.” “Little Crazy Love Song.”)
The Wild Iris —Louise Glück (“Sunset.” “Retreating Light.”)
Haruko/Love Poems —June Jordan (“On a New Year’s Eve.” “Mendocino Memory.” “Toward a City That Sings.” *under the cut)
Extracting the Stone of Madness —Alejandra Pizarnik (“Primitive Eyes.” “Summer Goodbyes.” *under the cut)
Ariel —Sylvia Plath (“Tulips.” “The Rival.”)
Prelude to Bruise —Saeed Jones (“Postapocalyptic Heartbeat.” *under the cut)
Absolute Trust in the Goodness of the Earth —Alice Walker (“Coming Back from Seeing Your People.” *under the cut)
I Must Be Living Twice —Eileen Myles (“Edward the Confessor.” *under the cut)
Teaching My Mother How To Give Birth —Warsan Shire (“Conversations About Home (at the Deportation Centre.”)
The Black Unicorn —Audre Lorde (“Hanging Fire.” “Sister Outsider.”)
Bright Dead Things —Ada Limón (“The Riveter.” “Glow.”)
Night Sky With Exit Wounds —Ocean Vuong (“Thanksgiving 2006.” “Logophobia.”)
Postcolonial Love Poem —Natalie Diaz (“Manhattan Is a Lenape Word.”)
Crush —Richard Siken (“Litany in Which Certain Things Are Crossed Out.”)
Once —Alice Walker (“So We've Come at Last to Freud.”)
“Toward a City That Sings” by June Jordan
Into the topaz the crystalline signals of Manhattan the nightplane lowers my body scintillate with longing to lie positive beside the electric waters of your flesh and I will never tell you the meaning of this poem: Just say, ‘She wrote it and I recognize the reference.’ Please let it go at that. Although it is all the willingness you lend the world as when you picked it up the garbage scattering the cool formalities of Madison Avenue after midnight (where we walked for miles as though we knew the woods well enough to ignore the darkness) although it is all the willingness you lend the world that makes me want to clean up everything in sight (myself included)
for your possible discovery
“Primitive Eyes” by Alejandra Pizarnik
Where fear neither speaks in stories or poems, nor gives shape to terrors or triumphs.
My name, my pronoun — a grey void.
I’m familiar with the full range of fear. I know what it’s like to start singing and to set off slowly through the narrow mountain pass that leads back to the stranger in me, to my own emigrant.
I write to ward off fear and the clawing wind that lodges in my throat.
And in the morning, when you are afraid of finding yourself dead (of there being no more images): the silence of compression, the silence of existence itself. This is how the years fly by. This is how we lost that beautiful animal happiness.
“Summer Goodbyes” by Alejandra Pizarnik
The soft rumor of spreading weeds. The sound of things ruined by the wind. They come to me as if I were the heart of all that exists. I would like to be dead, and also to go inside another heart.
“Postapocalyptic Heartbeat” by Saeed Jones
I. Drugged, I dreamed you a plume of ash, great rush of wrecked air through the towns of my stupor. And when the ocean in your blood went toxic, I thought fire was what we needed: serrated light through the skin, grenade in the chest—pulled linchpin. I saw us breathing on the other side of after. But a blackout is not night; orange-bottled dreams are not sleep. II. I was a cross-legged boy in the third lifetime, empire of blocks in my lap while you walked through the door of your silence, hunting knife in one hand, flask in the other. I waited for you until I forgot to breathe, my want turning me colors only tongues of amaryllis could answer for. It owned me, that hunger, tendriled its way into my name for you. III. In a city made of rain each door, a silence; each lock, a mouth, I walked daily through the spit-slick streets, harbingers on my hands in henna: there will be no after Black-and-blue-garbed strangers, they called me Cassandra. (I had such a body then.) Umbrellas in hand, they listened while they unlistened. there will be no no. after
the world will end no.
you are the reason it no. ends
you no. IV. I didn’t exactly mean to survive myself. Half this life I’ve spent falling out of fourth-story windows. Pigeons for hair, wind for feet. Sometimes I sing “Stormy Weather” on the way down. Today, “Strange Fruit.” Each time, strangers find me drawing my own chalk outline on the sidewalk, cursing with a mouth full of iron, furious at my pulse. V. After ruin, after shards of glass like misplaced stars, after dredge, after the black bite of frost:        you are the after, you are the first hour in a life without clocks; the name of whatever falls from the clouds now is you (it is not rain), a song in a dead language, an unlit earth, a coast broken— how was I to know every word was your name?
“Coming Back from Seeing Your People” by Alice Walker
Coming back From seeing your people You were So wonderfully Full Of yourself.
But now You have supped With vampires They have fed Feasted On you.
They arise Bright-eyed Fit.
You alone have lost Not only Your sleep But also Your glow The luster of Affection Heart welcome Your people Sent home With you.
Beloved You must learn To walk alone To hold The precious Silence To bring home And keep the precious Little That is left Of yourself.
“Edward the Confessor” by Eileen Myles
I have a confession to make I wish there were some role in society I could fulfill I could be a confessor I have a confession to make I have this way when I step into the bakery on 2nd Ave. of wanting to be the only really nice person in the store so the harried sales woman with several toned hair will like me. I do this in all kinds of stores, coffee shops xerox shops, everywhere I go. And invariably I leave my keys, xeroxing, my coffee from the last place I am being so nice. I try so hard to make a great impression on these neutral strangers right down to the perfect warm smile I get entirely lost and stagger back out onto the street, bereft of something major. It’s really leaning too hard on the everyday. My mother was the kind of woman who dragging us into stores always seemed to charm the pants off the cashier. She was such a great person, so human though at home she was such a bitch, I mean really distant. I imitate her and I don’t do it well. She didn’t leave her wallet or us in a store. I’m just a pale imitation it is simply not my style to open the hearts of strangers to my true personhood. I hope you accept this tiny confession of what I am currently going through. And if you are experiencing something of a similar nature tell someone, not me, but tell someone. It’s the new human program to be in. It would be nice for at least these final moments if we could sigh with the relief of being in the same program with all the other humans whispering in school. I can’t quite locate the terror, but I am trying to be my mother or Edward the Confessor smiling down on you with up-praying hands. I am looking down at the tips of my boots as I step across the balcony of the church excited to be allowed to say these things. Outside my church is a relationship. On 11th street this guy and this woman are selling the woman so they can get more dope. All their things are there, rags and loaves of bread and make-up. And there was— this was incredible. Two men lying by the door of the church giving each other blow-jobs. They were sort of street guys, one black one white. I said hey you can’t do that here. They jumped up, one spit come out of his mouth. If you don’t get out of here I’ll call the cops. Don’t call the cops we’ll go, we’ll leave. That was a shock. That was more than I expected to see in a day. Something about seeing the guy spit come out of his mouth. He didn’t have to do that. I guess I scared him. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was scared too.
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bookishdream · 3 years
can you do a one shot where kaz keeps saying he doesnt like nor does he care for the reader; she overhears him, and goes out into ketterdam but ends up getting seriously injured; also if it too much to ask, can i also add that he does end up giving her a hug but he hesitates at first —this corresponds with the fluff (angst and fluff at the end please ?)
thank you for a request! i hope you're okay with my slight change, enjoy xx
TW: blood, death, disgusting men.
kaz brekker x fem!reader
You were standing, leaning harder against the door of Kaz’s office. You wanted to talk to him about your next job, since you had to buy some bullets and a new knife for Nina and yourself. But what you overheard made your heart shatter into little pieces.
“I don’t care what happens to y/n, she’s another member of the Dregs. I can easily replace her if something happened to her,” bastard’s words were like daggers, cutting your skin and making their way into your heart. You were so stupid falling for him. “Now, Wylan, go and build a bomb or should I replace you as well?”
You heard Wylan’s huff and his steps. When he got out of Kaz’s room and noticed you, his eyes got wide. You sent him a crooked smile and made your way into Brekker’s room.
“I need a list of what you want for the job.” You said, voice steady even though you wanted to fall apart.
“On my desk.”
He wasn’t looking at you, busy with counting his money, you rolled your eyes and took a piece of paper from a wooden desk. You made your way out, not saying another word. Your heart clenched, you wanted to punch yourself for feeling even the slightest emotion for him. You should’ve known better than that, you should’ve known he wouldn’t feel nor show you any kind of emotion except hatred or disgust.
You got out of the club onto Ketterdam’s streets. You loved the city, even though it was dark and dangerous, you felt this was your home. You came here from northern Ravka, before your parents made you to join the First Army. You ran away from them and from the responsibility to protect your country, but you hadn’t felt bad about that, those two years ago and certainly you didn’t feel bad then.
You walked to the best shop with knives you’d known. You bought your first dagger there and you were sure about the quality of blades that were sold in the shop. The old Fabrikator was working there and when he learnt you were from Ravka, he started treating you as his daughter, selling you everything you need with lower prices.
“Hi, Milosh how are you feeling today?” you asked, entering the small shop, the older man smiled seeing you.
“Hello darling, I’m doing great,” he replied, eyeing you and noticing your dark circles underneath your eyes. “You haven’t been sleeping well, have you?”
You only nodded, didn’t answer his question further. You gave him the list and when he was looking for the items, you looked out of the window. You noticed three Black Tips but you didn’t pay them more attention. You looked away and focused on Milosh. He had fair hair, probably after his father who were Fjerdan. Few months ago, when he’d found you wandering around Ketterdam, he’d asked for you to come with him to this shop. He’d given you hot cocoa and had told you some stories and myths from both Ravka and Fjerda. He’d told you about his father who once had come with a wolf and the wolf had stayed, about his mother who had been the warmest woman alive, especially when she’d made him a warm bread slice with butter and then read him stories. He was your spirit connection to your mother country, so you knew every legend, every myth and even the story about the Fold.
You heard a door bell ring and you looked behind you only to see those three guys from Geels’ gang. Your spine straightened, your palm subtly went to your belt in order to take out the knife if needed. You looked at them, but they were already looking at you with smirks on their face. You cursed under your breath, knowing it’d be troubles and you didn’t know how it’d come out.
“Who we have here boys? Brekker’s girl.” One of them said, making his way towards you, eyeing you up and down.
“I’m wondering if he got some, she’s even pretty.” The other one came behind you, grabbing you roughly by your arm. You tried to free yourself, but his second hand quickly found its way to yours, cutting your only way to defend yourself.
“I have what you needed, darling,” Milosh came out from the small room, closing the door behind him, when he noticed your position he closed his mouth, forming a thin line. “I think you should leave her.” He said to the guy who was holding you. You clenched your teeth, praying for Milosh to back out. You knew Black Tips, they weren’t the smartest, but they were first to kill and you wanted your friend safe.
“Milosh, get away from here.” You ordered, trying to shake off the hands holding you, the Black Tip only hardened his hold and pressing you to his body.
“And leave you? They should leave, not me.”
“Listen, grandpa, the girl’s right. You leave and we’re going to have some quality time with her,” disgust twisted your face, you wanted to kick him, but you knew they would outnumber you.
Milosh only looked at him and from behind him, the knives started to levitating, he used his powers to push them forward, targeting an opponent’s chest. One of the knives hit him in his neck, killing him. The guy behind you let you go and you quickly turned around, placing your dagger in his crotch. He screamed making you cringe.
“This is why you shouldn’t touch a girl without her permission.”
You looked at the third Black Tip, but he took out a gun, targeting Milosh. You threw a dagger at the same time he pulled the trigger. Knife stuck at his neck, making the pistol fall out of his hands. You looked at Milosh to check on him, but you saw a pool of blood and the man laying on his side.
“No,” you whispered, stumbling against your own legs. You fall on your knees, seeing the shot wound was on his chest, that still was slowly rising. “Milosh, please, stay with me.”
“Y/n, my dear, Saints are going to keep me safe,” he said, making your eyes water. “But you have to let me go.”
You shook your head, placing your hand on his chest, trying to stop the blood from leaking. You felt the hot tears streaming down your face. He was like your father, he couldn’t leave you. “Please.”
But his eyelids closed, making your heart break into pieces. You hugged Milosh, messing your shirt with his blood, but you didn’t care. After what felt like hours, you stood up and went for items you had come here. You felt guilty, you should’ve gone to a different store, you put Milosh in danger.
You walked out of his shop, closing the door gently. The Stadwacht would be there the next day, perhaps someone would four dead bodies, laying on the floor. Your hold on the bag with bullets and a dagger, grew tighter. You tried to calm yourself, but tears still were threatening to pour out of your red eyes. You didn’t want to show how miserable you were, you tried to wipe them off, but you didn’t notice the blood on your sleeve. Now, with blood both on your shirt and face, you looked like a psycho.
You entered the Club with the back door and you go to Kaz’s room, hoping he’d be there. You knocked and instantly after, you let yourself in. He was sitting in his chair, but when you came in, he looked up, his eyes widened at the blood which was everywhere.
“What happened to you?” he asked, getting up and making a step towards you. But like he thought better of it, he stopped, placing one of his hands on his desk. “Are you injured?”
You wanted to say something, but when you opened your mouth, only a sob came out. Kaz seeing how you barely could stand on your legs, took your arm and gently led you to the chair next to his desk.
“Y/n, I need to know if you’re wounded.” He said, looking at you, his eyes soft.
“It’s not my blood,” you whispered, making him let out the breath. He felt better knowing you were not bleeding. “It’s my fault he’s dead.”
Kaz’s head snapped, he tried to understand who you were talking about, but you only looked dead into his eyes. “I killed him, Kaz.”
You were never a person who cried after killing someone from another gang, he knew it had been hard for you since the beginning, but he had never seen you crying. He felt his heart clenched at that sight. “What happened?”
You started playing with your fingers, trying to avoid this conversation, but you knew he had to know. “Do you know who Milosh is?”
Kaz frowned, trying to put a face into the name, he nodded his head when he recalled the old man working in the store, where you bought your weapons. “He was like a father to me,” you wiped off the tears from your cheeks. “Even though I still have one, he acted more like my dad than my real one,” you laughed, but the sound was dry and humourless. You told him everything that happened. About the Black Tips, how Milosh wanted to keep you safe but he failed. How that one Black Tip was still lying unconscious on the shop’s floor. Kaz’s jaw clenched, he wanted to kill this man. You looked up at him and slowly got up. He made a step back, letting you.
You walked to the door, eyes dry and you placed your hand on the door knob.
You turned around, facing Kaz who was slowly walking towards you. One minute he was beside the chair and the second one his arms were around your back, gently hugging you. You were shocked, but after a second, you hugged him back, tightening your arms around his waist. You heard him taking a breath, and you wanted to let go, but he only held you closer.
“Are you okay with that?”
“I’m great.”
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Hello I hope your doing well! I have a headcanon idea how would the brothers and previously undatebles react to a masseuse/masseur (people who give out professional massages)
Let's try this shall we~
Edit: I was informed by someone who is actually familiar with this field that the term Masseuse and Masseur can be seen as insulting in the profession, thank you for informing me again!
The Boys and a Massage Professional/Therapist MC
Warning: uncensored swearing, a lot of it asfkfkajshfkslajd
Tense shoulders that could cut steel, harder than a fucking nokia phone from centuries to eons of stress, if I was a professional at massages I think I would be itching to grab onto those muscles of his like dough.
He will probably feel chills down his spine whenever you are around.
Won't take much convincing if the time is right to ask him to please let you release the pressure on him because dear fucking lord I wouldn't be able to just stand and watch either.
Good fucking luck in the process, when I say this man is stiff this man is STIFF.
He will be feeling so much better by the end of it there's a chance he will be slightly dazed.
Also it improved his mood which led to less harsh punishments, which now has led to more demands from others than from Lucifer himself for you to massage him.
I think you should start asking for payment at this point-
And talking about payment, you will definetelly need to ask it from this one because after the first time you gave it to him for free out of your own good will he started to come back for it all. the. time.
Okay, he's cute and the sounds he makes are so 👌. But damn boy this is not exactly so easy so please give something back??????
Well, you just need to say the word and he will always have something in ready to give you. A date at a place you have been wanting to go for a good while now or something you have had you eyes on for a good time.
It's a very win win kind of deal.
Though at some point when you massaged his legs he felt so light he ran faster than he could control and almost ran into a wall, actually no, he did ran into a wall there's a crack in there ouch-
In which the cause of the second oldest running was probably to scape the demands for his money back from the third oldest, though Levi was definetelly too stunned by the lighting speed to react right away.
He now makes sonic jokes when refering to Mammon.
But going back to massages, this fucking snake has such a bad posture I would be in back pain just from watching him sit.
And don't expect it to be easy to fix that because everytime you touch him he just tenses up further.
I swear it would be easier to just knock him out and acupuncture him.
You will succeed at some point if you don't give up, and BOY he also makes some 👌😩 sounds.
They're a lot more dorkish and high pitched and he will definetelly not be functional by the end of it.
He will start trying to fix his posture from now on to not make your work go to waste.
A curious cat that would just straight up ask for a session (not for free of course he already has something to give you back in ready) after witnessing the shenanigans above.
Not so stiff as Lucifer but still fucking hard, which is to be expected since he has so much rage bottled up.
Chances are he's turning into his demon form unconsciously.
It's a bit of an intimidating session not gonna lie, he is basically using it to relieve himself from part of his wrath so with every groan it feels like he's going to jump at you and rip you to shreds.
He won't of course, instead he will smile brightly by the end of the session and give you your reward for such a good job.
It's honestly worth it though you will probably be needing a massage yourself after-
And that's where pretty boy comes in! He doesn't have a professional tittle on him but he has centuries of experience so that's close right?
He will have all things ready, just say the word and he will give you the best payment for all your hard work ever: a chance to relax yourself.
And man he's good.
It's also not very tiring to massage him either, his smooth skin is addicting to touch, the atmosphere he will help set up will be perfect, and he also spills a lot of tea in between so that's a plus for entertainment.
Seriously whenever it becomes too much to be with the rest of the brothers just hit Asmo up and he's gotchu.
Private spa day comming right up.
He won't ask because it will completelly scape his mind.
He plays a lot of sports and does a lot of exercising so of course he has a lot of sore muscles.
And you can't tell me you wouldn't want to massage his belly, he's a glutton, it's literally asking for you to massage there.
Baby boy is always so gratefull, thanks to your aftercare on his legs, arms and torso, he has never felt lighter!
Which has led him to accidentally break some of the gym weights, win a sports game almost all on his own and make another restaurant suffer because he felt he could eat more than usual.
Although I would like to say you should proceed with the massages with caution, his smile is too precious to ever say no to.
Easiest target ever, will probably sleep for 24 hours in one go right after.
And he won't wake up for shit.
Though once he wakes up after those 24 hours he will basically be wide awake for the next 24 hours, so honestly? This has turned out to be very useful in important ocasions.
Will often give out some whines in the middle of a session, possibly half asleep for the entire time.
I feel like he would feel quite ticklish in some places even though you wouldn't be purposelly trying to tickle him, probably.
And I know many of you love his laugh, so yeah that's a plus.
He will definetelly offer to massage you back, and yes he will be good at it, and no it's not because of experience, yes it's because he's too much of a genious and has basically learned through osmosis just from getting massages from you.
Let me tell ya, he's stiffer than you think.
Bad posture, centuries of responsabilities, strain from excessive use of magic and pacts and the weight of existence when you are both immortal and unable to die.
He could easily rival Lucifer and he won't even realize it.
Will definetelly agree to get a massage and will definetelly say "well I do feel a bit under the weather" and his muscles will definetelly feel a little bit more than just under the weather.
It's easier to chew on hard bread than massage Solomon.
He also offers to pay you back.
Do not agree to get a massage from him, I repeat, DO NOT.
If you didn't feel like touching that exposed waist of his then you're lying.
If you don't offer first, he will ask you for it at some point.
And man to have a literal angel right under you, letting out a few exhales of satisfaction and bliss with every move of your skilled hands and arms, sometimes a chuckle followed by a comment that could start a small conversation.
Smooth skin, perfectly shaped body, I don't think I would be able to get my hands off him either.
Massage his hands, from his palms to his fingertips, massage his shoulders, from his blades to his neck, thumbs pressing close to his spine.
He will gladly let you indulge yourself for as long as you wish.
Another one who's stiffer than you think.
You could literally jump on his back and it would feel like pavement.
Oh and he's now definetelly addicted to massage.
Of course he will also be paying you back with whatever you wish (don't make a joke and say something like 100,000,000 grimm, he will take it seriously-).
Depending on the day he may actually fall asleep, which is very cute.
On another note tho, have you ever thought about sleeping on his back? Because I have-
Good luck getting him to take off his clothes, even more good luck to catch him not being busy.
This man will gladly give out massages of his own (which could probably knock out a dragon because damn boy those hands are skilled) but will probably not be as easy to convince to get a massage.
It will take an extremelly tiring day to make him agree and it will be so worth it.
Why you ask? Because the look in his face will alway be so soft by the end of it. Pure gratefullness.
Since then he will start to actually seek you out from time to time, the little smile on his face almost looking excited.
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thetravelerwrites · 3 years
Bashir (Troll) Lemon
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Rating: Explicit Relationships: Female Human/Male Troll (World of Warcraft Design) Additional Tags: Exophilia, Monster Boyfriend, Troll, Fake Dating, Hired Boyfriend, Fake Boyfriend Content Warnings: Stalker Ex-Boyfriend, Stalking, Mention of Guns, Brief Violence Series: OkCryptid Words: 6365
A commission for @floral-and-fine​​! A woman getting out of a bad relationship has moved across her home state to get away from her controlling ex-boyfriend, only for him to show up at her job. Scared, she goes on OkCryptid to recruit a "boyfriend" in hopes of frightening him off. Please reblog and leave feedback!
The Traveler's Masterlist
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>Hi. I know we don’t know each other and this is pretty sudden, but I have a proposition for you, and it isn’t what you think.
Vague, yes, but it would catch his attention quickly enough, you thought. You were desperate and didn’t know what else to do.
>Oh, He messaged not long after. >What would that be?
>I want to pay you to go out with me for a while.
>I’m not a prostitute. Lol
>That’s not what I mean, You replied, rolling your eyes. >I know this sounds weird, and if I had more money I’d probably just hire a bodyguard, but I don’t.
>Why would you need a bodyguard?
You sighed. >I have a stalker ex-boyfriend. I dated him for about five months, but he was really possessive and crazy so I broke it off, and now he won’t leave me alone. I moved here last month from across the state and he followed me. He showed up at my work today.
>Ah, I see. So you want me to rip his arms off?
>No, I just want him to see me with someone who is big enough to rip his arms off. Maybe it’ll scare him away. You’re the biggest guy I could find on here. Well, I did find a cyclops that was pretty big, but she wasn’t interested.
>Have you gone to the police about this?
>Yeah, but they said unless I get proof he has intent to do harm, there’s nothing I can do. I can’t even get a restraining order unless he hurts me or causes property damage. It’s like he has to beat me up before they’ll do anything, and I’d rather not let it get that far.
>Gotcha. Why don’t we don’t meet for coffee tomorrow and talk it over?
>That sounds great. I’m free at lunch.
>Me too. I’ll meet you at Leo’s Diner, you know that one?
>No, but I can Google it. See you tomorrow at 11.
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Bashir arrived right on time at eleven the next morning. He was a large troll, dark blue in color, with large, off-white tusks jutting out from the sides of his mouth and his long red hair braided in several placed and pulled back at the nape of his neck. He was muscular, thick in the waist, and around nine feet tall. He wore a suit, which was finely tailored to his body. You raised your eyebrows: his profile was sparse, so you didn’t know what kind of job he did; you’d only chosen him because of his picture. But dressed like that, you were surprised he even agreed to take this “job.”
“Hi, you’re the one I’m supposed to meet today, right?” He said, extending his hand.
“Yes,” You replied, standing and shaking his hand. Your hand was dwarfed in his. “Thanks for agreeing.”
“It’s no trouble,” He said, gesturing for you to sit back down as he took a seat opposite you. “So tell me about this boyfriend of yours.”
“Ex-boyfriend,” You said. “His name is Jake. I met him at work; we worked in the same department. He seemed nice, so when he asked me out, I didn’t think anything of saying yes. The first two months was fine, and were got along really well. As soon as we decided to be exclusive, he got really clingy really quickly. Every time I’d try to pull away, he’d clutch at me tighter. He started pressuring me to put distance between me and my friends, he wanted to know where I was all the time, he was constantly texting and calling and got mad when I didn’t respond right away. I got sick of it and broke up with him.”
“When did the stalking start?”
“Almost immediately. It didn’t help that we still worked in the same department, so I had to see him every day. He’d show up at my house after work and on the weekend. He’d either be super angry and demand that I let him in, or he’d be there with flowers and candy and cry and tell me that I was the best thing that ever happened to him, that he was sorry and he’d do better. He kicked my door in a couple of times and I had to call the police. I finally managed to get a restraining order against him, but it didn’t really help. He couldn’t come within five hundred feet, so he would stand on the curb exactly five hundred feet from my house and just watch the house. I was scared for my life. So I quit my job and moved across the state with just my savings. I found a job and I started last week. And yesterday, they said I had a new client, and it was him.”
“What did you do?”
“I freaked out and called security, telling them I had a restraining order against him. He mistakenly thinks the restraining order is void because I moved, but I called and that’s not the case at all.” You sighed in aggravation. “I really hope this asshole doesn’t get me fired.”
“Hmm,” He said. “So what’s your offer?”
“Hmm?” You asked.
“You said you’d pay. What’s your offer?”
“Oh,” You said, surprised. “Uh, fifty bucks per date, plus the date expenses. I can’t really afford more than that.”
“That sounds fair. Okay,” He said. “I’ll do it. You just tell me when and where and I’ll be there.”
“Really?” You replied. “You’ll take the job?”
“Sure,” He said. “I’ve got some free time, and the extra money will be nice. I could buy a new suit in a month.” He grinned and plucked at his own, no doubt worth several months of dates.
“That’s great, thank you,” You said, sighing in relief. “So, Friday night? Around six o’clock? Would that work?”
“Absolutely,” He said, pulling out his phone. “Give me your phone number. I’ll add it to my contacts. That way, if you see him, you can call or text and I can head over and do the arm ripping thing.”
You laughed and took out your phone.
After exchanging information, the two of you had lunch and discussed the finer points of the job. PDAs were acceptable, but you’d prefer if he didn’t kiss you. He had a nine-to-five job, just like you, but his position was flexible and let him leave the office for errands, as long as he didn’t abuse the privilege. You left the lunch feeling a little safer.
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Friday night, you met him at a nice Greek restaurant, and he wore another nice bespoke suit. He offered to pick you up at your home, but you didn’t really want him to know where you lived. You were still pretty paranoid about Jake finding out.
“I’m surprised you chose this place, considering you’re footing the bill and everything,” Bashir said, looking around. “It’s pretty fancy.”
“It has to look believable,” You reasoned. “And I do like Greek food. If you like, you can pick the place next time.”
He chuckled. “Have you ever had Mediterranean troll food?”
“No, I haven’t,” You said, interested. “What’s it like?”
“It’s very similar, except there’s no bread of any kind.”
“So what do you eat the hummus on?”
“You drink it like sauce.”
“You’re not supposed to drink sauce!” You protested.
He snickered.
“I feel like you’re making this up.”
“Maybe, but you’ve never met any Mediterranean trolls, so you don’t know.”
“Are you a Mediterranean troll?”
“I am, actually,” He said. “My parents came over from Morocco when I was a tot. I don’t remember much about Morocco, but I’ve always dreamed of going on a trip there, I’ve just never had the chance.” He gave a cursory look over the menu. “Maybe that’s what I’ll use this money for.”
“Sounds nice to me,” You said. “If we both get something good out of this, then that’s a plus.”
“What do you get out of this, other than getting rid of a bothersome ex?”
“Security and peace of mind,” You said, picking up your own menu. “That’s worth the price.”
He looked at you seriously. “This guy really shook you up, didn’t he?”
You set the menu back down and sighed. “He’s never hit me or threatened me verbally. The most he’s ever done is break my door, but…” You looked out of the window. “I feel like… it wouldn’t be hard, you know? It wouldn’t be that much of a leap from breaking my door in to doing something worse. If he gets mad enough, if he gets obsessed enough, who knows what he could do. All I know is that I don’t want to find out.”
“I understand,” He said. “I’ve never had to deal with something like that, because… well, look at me…” He gestured at his massive body. “But I do know people who have, and it sounds terrifying. I’m glad I can help, even if I am getting paid to do it.”
You smiled. “Well, it helps that you’re good company.”
“You don’t have to flirt with me, you know,” He teased. “That’s not part of the deal.”
“I will throat-punch you,” You said with a grin, and he laughed.
The next date was the following Saturday, and he chose to go to a concert. He wore a black v-neck shirt and a pair of black slacks, which was as dressed down as you’d seen him, but still very business-casual. It was a showcase of up-and-coming local bands, and they were all pretty good. You didn’t know that he liked Djent and progressive metal, too, but you were happy to have a common interest.
In truth, Bashir was pleasant to be around, and you were relieved that this entire thing wasn’t as awkward as it could have been. It definitely helped make this “dating” business look real from an outsider perspective. He held up his end of the bargain really well over the next dozen dates, holding your hand and putting an arm around you as if it was perfectly normal to do so. Thankfully, it didn’t make you feel uncomfortable when he did it, as he was very warm and the height difference meant he couldn’t be too cuddly naturally. You hoped that if Jake was watching, he believed you’d moved on and had no thoughts for him.
Unfortunately, if he was watching, he didn’t take the hint.
One night, as you were turning off lights and getting ready for bed, you looked out of your bedroom window and there he was, standing on the curb across the street, Jake stood in the shadow of a tree, vaping, and looking toward your house.
Panicked, you didn’t your best to stay calm while you were at the window, not wanting him to know you had seen him, but as soon as you walked away, you turned off the bedroom lights, snatched up your phone, dashed downstairs, and frantically checked the windows and doors, making sure they were all locked.
You meant to call the police, but instead, you dialed Bashir’s number. He answered immediately.
“What’s up?” He asked, sounding caught off guard. You weren’t surprised, you never called or texted him unless it was about the next “date.”
“Jake’s outside,” You whispered. “He’s across the street, I’m looking at him right now from my living room window.”
“Are you sure it’s him?”
“I’d recognize that stupid snakeskin vape box anywhere,” You said.
“Okay,” He said. “I’m heading over. Stay on the phone with me until I get there. Do you have a landline?”
“Yeah,” You replied.
“Get it and call the police. Don’t tell them he’s stalking you because, well frankly, they won’t care. Say you’re a concerned member of the neighborhood and there’s a suspicious man hanging around outside and you’re worried about a break in.”
It wouldn’t have been a lie. “Okay,” You said, picking up your cordless phone.
After calling the police, you waited with your heart in your throat, listening to Bashir get into his car and drive. He’d heard you tell the operator your address. He arrived before the police did, his vehicle a nondescript SUV, and he got out wearing sweat pants and a tank top and pulled a duffel bag from his passenger seat. He didn’t acknowledge Jake at all, simply walked up to your door and knocked. You went to open the door for him.
“Hug me and kiss my cheek,” He said in a low undertone. Gulping, you did as he said with him turning so that your display of affection was clearly visible to anyone watching from the street. You let him in and closed the door behind him, locking it.
“What now?”
“Let’s turn on the lights and make some coffee while we wait for the police,” He said.
“Okay,” You said, your voice shaking. You went to go into the kitchen but he stopped you by taking your hand.
“Hey,” He said gently. “You’re going to be okay. I’m here, and the police are coming. You’re safe.”
Tears came to your eyes and you nodded, wiping them. He released you and you went to the kitchen, putting a pot of coffee on.
The police arrived. You and Bashir watched covertly from the breakfast nook. Eventually, Jake walked to a car and got in it, driving away. The police followed him.
“They let him go?” You asked, worried.
“Well, they may not have know he has a restraining order, and even if they did, he looked plenty far away enough to not have violated it. He wasn’t breaking any laws other than loitering, so they couldn’t arrest him. At least they made sure he left.”
You held your head in your hands. “God, I don’t want to have to do all this over again.”
“It’s okay,” He said. “I’ll stay the night to make sure he doesn’t come back tonight.”
“What about tomorrow? Or the next day? You can’t be here all the time,” You said, your voice shaking.
He sighed heavily. “Do you know how to use a gun?”
You scoffed in disgust. “I don’t want a fucking gun.”
“Okay,” He said. “Then, I’ll put up a security system. I brought one with me; it’s in my bag. I’ll set it up tonight while he’s not here.”
“It’s late,” You said weakly.
“Do you want to sleep or do you want peace of mind?” He asked you levelly.
You scrubbed your face, took a deep breath, drained your coffee cup, and stood up. “Okay. Let’s do it, then.”
It took a few hours, but he managed to get several security cameras fixed to the building, focused on entryways and the front and back yards. You helped him by holding the equipment and tools for him as he worked, handing up what he needed as he needed it. By the time the two of you were done, it was three a.m. and you both had to be at work in mere hours.
The two of you fell into an exhausted sleep on your bed. You didn’t even have the energy to be affronted by the fact that you were sharing a bed with him. The next morning, before he left to go home and get ready for work, he downloaded the security camera app onto your phone and showed you how to use it.
You went to work, checking your phone surreptitiously to see if Jake was outside of your house. So far, he hadn’t reappeared.
>Today’s Friday, You texted him. >I know you’re probably tired after last night, but do you want to have a date today?
>What about a home date at my house? He replied. >I’ll cook dinner and everything. I don’t want you to be at your house at the moment.
>I can’t argue with that, You said in return. >Sounds good to me. What are you cooking?
>I was thinking a kefta meatball tagine with couscous on the side, and a snake pastry for dessert.
>That sounds amazing. Thanks for putting me up. I know this all is a huge inconvenience, and I really appreciate it.
>It’s no problem,” He said. >It’s what I’m getting paid for, right?
You sighed. Well, this wasn’t exactly what he was getting paid for. How much would an overnight stay cost you?
He sent you a message with his address and you went home after work to shower and pack a small overnight bag. You snickered, pulling out your pretty underwear and a sexy negligee, wondering if you should pack this, too, before putting it away and just throwing some pajamas in your bag.
Checking the cameras before stepping outside, you left the house and hurried to your car, heading to Bashir’s house. His place was a two-story, bungalow style house with a dark brown cliffstone brick pattern and a detached garage. It was charming, and a lot cuter than your tiny yellow ranch-style house. The yard was well kept and three were full flowerbeds next to the wide porch. You wouldn’t have imagined he lived in a place like this.
You knocked on the door and he answered it quickly, wearing a comfortable t-shirt and pair of tight jeans. You tried not to stare, but it was difficult. His clothes left very little to the imagination. His hair was also down and cascaded down his back and shoulders.
“Come in, come in,” He said, taking your bag for you.
“Thanks,” You said. “Your house is really pretty.”
“Oh, thanks!” He said. “It was actually condemned when I bought it. I basically had to rebuild it from the ground up. I’m not quite finished with it yet, but I’m happy with the progress.”
“You should be, it’s amazing,” You said. “I’d never have guessed it was a fixer-upper.”
He grinned at you, showing off his sharp teeth. “Come on, dinner will be ready soon.”
“It smells great,” You said, inhaling the savory smell of lamb and vegetables.
“All my mom’s recipes,” He replied, heading into the kitchen. “She owns a restaurant three towns over.”
“I’ll have to go and visit it sometime,” You said.
“Maybe I’ll take you myself one day,” He said, smiling as he stirred the couscous. Your heart fluttered a little.
How long were you going to have to keep this up? “Dating” Bashir was fun, but it wasn’t going to last forever. Either Jake would give up or get arrested, so either way, it would be over. Maybe you could stay friends. He was nice enough, and you enjoyed hanging out with him. But still… why was he talking about things that might happen in the future if there was no future for the two of you?
Dinner was delicious, and so was dessert, and afterward the two of you went to the living room to watch a movie. He even put his arm around you, since the window was uncovered and anyone could look in, he said, and you felt comfortable enough to relax into his side. It almost did feel like a real home date.
After the movie, though, you both decided to sleep, since you were still tired from the night before. You decided that you were both adults and could share a bed without it being awkward, and besides, his bed was huge and could fit five of you easily. You both fell asleep almost immediately.
Sometime during the night, you got a ping from the motion detector on your phone, but when you checked the security system, it was just a raccoon in your trashcan. You sighed and put your phone down, rolling over.
Bashir was on his back, asleep, with his face turned toward you. He was breathing deeply and relaxed with one hand on his chest and the other on his stomach.
You couldn’t help but stare. He really was an attractive guy, and if circumstances had been different, you might have dated him for real. But… until Jake left you alone, you didn’t want to drag anyone else into it. Bashir didn’t have any emotional connection to you, so Jake couldn’t affect whatever “relationship” you had.
But maybe things could be different after? You weren’t sure. He hadn’t expressed any interest in you other than what he had to to make the job believable. He hadn’t been flirty or more affectionate than he needed to be. You couldn’t afford to develop feelings for Bashir, not right now.
Even still, you brushed your fingers gently against the skin of his arm, feeling the hairs that covered it, and followed the curve up to his hand, allowing yours to rest on top of his for a moment or two before retracting it and trying to fall asleep again, sighing heavily.
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The next morning, Bashir recommended that the two of you spend the day together, to keep up the weekend stay appearance.
“How much is this ‘weekend getaway’ going to cost me?” You asked dubiously.
He laughed. “Don’t worry, today’s a freebie, since I suggested it. You still have to pay for last night, though. The normal fifty bucks is fine.”
“Mm-hmm,” You hummed flatly, fishing the money out of your wallet and handing it to him. “Well, what do you want to do?”
“Ah, it’s a freebie day, right? You get to choose this time.”
You smiled. “Well, let’s start with breakfast. I’ll cook it. I can cook breakfast blindfolded.”
“If you like,” He said, sitting at the bar in the kitchen and watching you putter around, looking for cooking tools.
After breakfast, you decided you wanted to go to the local botanical garden, which you hadn’t been to in some time.
“Your flowerbeds outside reminded me of this place,” You told him, walking slowly through the rows of Japanese maples. There was a beautiful and an extremely rare Chinese Red Maple behind a gate at the end of the row, the centerpiece of the garden. “Did you plant them yourself?”
“Yep,” He said with a smile. “I helped my dad do a lot of gardening when he was still alive. He had a landscaping business, but he was really passionate about it. I actually inherited the business. Gardening helps me keep his memory alive.”
“That’s really sweet,” You said, smiling softly. “Is that what you do for a living, the landscaping job? I’ve never actually asked what you do for work.”
“No, actually. I mean, I own the company, but I don’t work for it. My actual job is something else entirely.”
“What is it?”
He laughed. “Honestly, I don’t think you’d believe me.” Before you could ask, he took you by the hand and said, “Let’s take a break and get a coffee. I have to use the bathroom.”
“Okay,” You said, letting the subject drop. For now.
You got to the food court outside of the botanical gardens and sat down at the outdoor cafe.
“I’m going to the bathroom,” He said, putting some money down on the table. “Can you order me a large black coffee?”
“Yeah, sure,” You said. He smiled and headed off. You got up and put in your order, then sat back down at the table and opened the security app, looking through the cameras and checked to see if anything was out of place.
The chair opposite to you was pulled out and he sat back down while you were still looking at your phone.
“The coffee should be out soon,” You said.
“I didn’t order coffee,” A voice said. It wasn’t Bashir.
You jerked your head up and saw Jake sitting across from you. You stood up so fast that you knocked the chair over.
“Get away from me, Jake,” You said.
“Look, just talk to me,” He said, standing up and advancing on you. “Why won’t you just talk to me?”
“Get away from me!” You shouted. “Bashir!”
“Are you calling for that monster?” He sneered. “You could do so much better than him. Besides, you’re not even really dating him, you’re just paying him to keep you company, you slut. You think I wouldn’t figure that out?”
“Fuck you!” You back up. “Bashir!”
Jake was snatched back and slammed down onto the cafe table. Bashir had him pinned down with a single hand. It wasn’t hard to do: Bashir was almost twice the size of Jake in height and weight.
“Let me go!” Jake said, struggling against Bashir’s iron grip. “I’ll have you arrested! My brother’s a cop!”
“Ah, that explains how you got her address so quick,” Bashir said. “I don’t really care if your brother’s a cop. Actually, I think I do, I think an internal affairs investigation is warranted. Regardless, you’ve just violated a restraining order.”
“What does it matter to you?”
Bashir snorted. “I’m FBI, dickless.”
You gaped at him.
“Bullshit!” Jake said. “I’ll fucking sue you! I’ll ruin your fucking life!”
“Whatever you want, you’re still under arrest,” Bashir said, pulling out a set of handcuffs from an inside pocket of his jacket.
“You’re kidding,” You said slowly, staring at Bashir.
“I told you you probably wouldn’t believe me,” He said, grinning at you sheepishly. He jerked his head at his jacket. “My ID is in my pocket.”
You reached in and fished it out, opening the leather fold to reveal a… rather official looking ID and badge.
You laughed in disbelief. “You’re right, I wouldn’t have.”
The police arrived to detain Jake and took him to the station. Bashir drove you to the station, as well, so that you could make a statement.
Later, Bashir drove you back to your house.
“I’ll bring your bag over later,” He said. “He’ll probably get ninety days in jail for violating the restraining order, and hopefully you won’t have to deal with him anymore. Although, if you hear from him again once he gets out, let me know, and I’ll be here.”
“Thanks,” You said. “Really, thank you for everything.”
He reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope. “Here,” He said, handing it to you. Inside was all the money you had given him for the dates, plus some. There had to have been almost two thousand dollars in there.
“But this is…”
He laughed. “I’m a federal official, you know. I can’t take bribes. I’d get fired.”
“This wasn’t…” You started, but stopped yourself. This could absolutely be seen as a bribe. “What do I do with all this?”
He shrugged. “Whatever you like. Go on a trip. Buy something nice. It’s your money, after all.”
You sighed a little sadly. “I guess this is it, then.”
He sighed, too. “Yeah, I guess so.” He leaned forward, bent down, and kissed you on the cheek. “Take care of yourself.”
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Jake did end up getting three months in jail, which made you feel a lot better. You were worried that he would come after you, but the three months passed and when he was released, he moved clear across the country and you never heard from him again.
Finally free of him, you thought you might try actually dating again, but you could only think of Bashir. You and he had only spoken a few times, mostly him checking on you, but you hadn’t seen each other since Jake’s arrest. You missed him, but you couldn’t tell him that. He didn’t have any feelings for you, anyway. If he did, wouldn’t he have asked you out after Jake was out of the picture?
Even still, you wanted to see him again. So once Jake was gone, you texted Bashir.
>I have something for you, You told him.
>Oh? What’s that?
>I want to give it to you in person. Would it be okay to come over this weekend?
>I’m free now. Why don’t you stop by?
>Okay. I’ll be there soon.
Before leaving, you hesitated and decided to throw on your best, sexiest underwear. Just in case.
You arrived at his house to find him out in the front yard. He was digging a hole in the yard with a sapling sitting in a bucket, ready for planting. There were also stones and gravel he was going to use for a decorative barrier. He stood up and waved as you drove up into the driveway.
“Hey!” He said, pulling you into a hug. Well, as well as he could, being so tall. “It’s good to see you!”
“You too!” You said. “What kind of tree is that?”
“A Chinese Maple,” He said. “I got inspired when we went to the botanical gardens that time. It cost a pretty penny and I had to wait for the cutting to grow, but it’s finally ready to plant.”
“That’s so cool,” You said. “Can I help?”
“Really?” He said, grinning. “Yeah, sure! There’s a pair of gloves over there on the porch. They might be a little big, but it’s better than blisters.”
You ran to retrieve them, and picked up a trowel. “Why did you decide on the maple?”
“Cause it reminds me of you,” He said, digging. “When I look out my window every day and see it, I’ll think of you.”
Your heart beat faster, but you couldn’t look at him.
It only took about an hour to dig out the hole, plant the sapling, fill the hole with soil, lay the stones, and spread the gravel. Thankfully it was a cool day and you didn’t sweat too much. The two of you caught up on what had happened in the three months since you’d seen each other. You wanted to ask if he had started dating, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
“It looks great,” He said, standing back and grinning. “Thanks for your help! We got it done in record time. Let’s get cleaned up and have a drink.”
“Okay,” You said. “Let me grab my purse from the car.”
“Oh, right, you had something to give me, right?”
“Yep,” You told him, grabbing your bag.
He laughed. “Sorry I side-tracked you.”
“It’s fine, I had a good time,” You said. He opened the door for you and let you go into the house before him.
You went to the bathroom to freshen up and when you looked down, you realized your toothbrush was in the holder, the one you had forgotten when you’d stayed over. You had bought a new one and figured he’d just throw it away when he found it. Why had he kept it? Why was it in the holder with his?
You went back out into the kitchen and found him shirtless, water beading down the muscles of his back, and you stopped in the doorway, staring.
“Oh, sorry,” He said, laughing and throwing on a clean shirt. “Needed a quick wash. I felt a little grimy after the yardwork.”
“It’s okay,” You said, your heart still hammering in your chest.
“Iced tea?”
“Yeah, sure,” You replied, sitting at the bar. He poured you a drink and sat at the bar opposite you.
“So, what was the thing you had for me.”
You swallowed your tea a bit too hard and reached into your purse, handing him an envelope.
“This isn’t the money, is it?” He asked, smiling.
“No, it’s not money,” You said. “Open it.”
He grinned playfully at you, but it slipped from his face when he looked inside the envelope, pulling out two plane tickets.
“Morocco?” He asked, looking up at you in surprise.
You nodded. “Those are good for a year, so make sure you get some vacation time soon,” You said, anxious.
He stared at them. “There are two.”
“Yes,” You replied. “In case you wanted to take your mom. Or maybe a girlfriend or boyfriend or something.”
You kept your face as neutral as possible, but he was staring at you.
“The extra ticket is for you, isn’t it?” He asked softly.
You looked down and away. “If you don’t want me to go, that’s okay. You can take whoever you like. I just wanted you to have the trip you always dreamed of.”
He got up out of his chair, came around, and got down on his knees, so that he was face to face with you. He leaned forward and kissed you. It was firm and testing, and you responded, throwing your arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around you as well.
“I missed you,” He murmured against your lips.
“Why didn’t you ask me out?” You asked him, pulling back to look at his face.
“I thought you weren’t interested in a real relationship,” He said, pulling you against him. “If I had any inclination you did, I would have asked you out on the spot.”
“I thought the same thing,” You said. “I never expected you’d actually like me.”
“I do,” He said, kissing you again and standing up. “I like you very, very much.”
He walked you into his room and lay you down on his bed, stripping your clothes off your body.
“Pretty,” He said with a grin as he came across your lacy black underwear. “Did you wear this for me?”
You bit your lip and nodded.
“Well, it would be a shame to take it off so soon, then, wouldn’t it?” He said, palming your breasts over the fabric of your bra. He touched your slit over your underwear, and you gasped. You lifted your leg and rubbed him through his pants, and he grunted. You felt him harden under your touch. He was… uh… large.
You pulled off his shirt and ran your nails down his chest. He moved his hand away and pressed himself against you, still clothed, grinding himself into your clit, and you moaned. You reached for his belt and unbuckled it, unbuttoning it, and pushed his pants down with your toes. Because of his long tusks, he couldn’t bend down to kiss you in this position, so he picked you up as if you were a doll, kissing your body. You were always a little self conscious about your weight, being a big girl, but he seemed not to notice.
He lifted you all the way up to his face, kneeling down so that you weren’t so high up, and licked the cloth covering your slit, putting your legs over his shoulders and his tusks under your body. Using just his tongue, he moved your underwear out of the way and teased your clit. His tongue was long and thick. You whimpered and rocked your hips against his tongue. He pushed it in side of you and thrust it back and forth, and you writhed in his grip.
Carefully, he pulled you down and eased you into his lap, pressing himself against your entrance. You pressed your hands against his stomach and watched him disappear slowly inside you. He couldn’t go all the way in, but once he reached the back and knew where the limit was, he pulled back out slowly and thrust in again slowly, easing you into it. He must have had a similar size problem in the past and had learned how to overcome it in these situations. You were glad for it.
He lay you on the edge of the bed and pressed your knees back, thrusting a little faster, and you reached down and touched yourself, rubbing quickly as he sped up. He pulled the cups of your bra down so that he could grasp your breasts, squeezing gently, and grunted. You held his hand there with your own, pulling up your head and sucking on his pointer finger, looking up at him through your lashes. His breathing was erratic and he watched you hungrily, his sharp teeth biting into his lower lip and pricking the skin.
“I’m so close,” You moaned. “I’m going to cum.”
He nodded as if in agreement, squeezing his eyes shut. He grimaced as if in pain, but then shouted, roaring, and released inside of you. It was a torrent, spraying out of you. Another few hip thrusts and circles around your clit, you came too, your head thrown back against the bed, crying out.
He pulled out and turned his head, resting it against your stomach as his arms gripped your sides, breathing hard. After a moment, you both sat up, and you realized that his legs were covered with his own release.
“Wanna get cleaned up?” You asked him.
“Yeah,” He said dreamily, standing up and leading you into the bathroom. You took a shower together, helping him clean himself. He did the same for you, kneeling down and washing your body. The way he knelt in front of you combine with the way he looked at you, it almost felt like he was worshiping you. Honestly, you didn’t mind that at all.
Your underwear would have to be washed, but he said you could borrow one of his shirts, if you wanted to. Honestly, you were happy to lounge in his bed naked. He seemed happy with that, too.
“When would you like to go?” You asked him, laying on his chest and playing with his chest hair. “To Morocco, I mean?”
“Soon,” He said, entwining his fingers in your hair. “I’ll put in for vacation time as soon as I get back to the office. I don’t really take vacations, so I’m sure my colleagues will be surprised.”
You smiled and kissed his skin. “I’ll have to put in for time off, too,” You said. “Although, I only just started working there six months ago, so they may not approve it.”
“Let me know when they do and I’ll schedule for the same time,” He said.
“Sounds good to me,” He said, sitting up and crossing his legs, looking down at you. You posed a little for him and he grinned, running his hands up and down the soft skin of your torso and belly. “You know what I’d like to do right now, though?”
“What’s that?” You asked.
“I want to take you on a date,” He said, smiling softly. “A real one. I'll pay and everything. And I want to be able to kiss you.”
You smiled back at him. “Deal.”
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My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
457 notes · View notes
wannabe-fic-writer · 3 years
Moment In Time
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: Just when you've gotten out, you’re given a reason to come back.
Warnings: Might be some mild language.
Chapter 2
* * * * * * *
“Oh no one is judging you ya big doofus.” You trail a finger along the shiny metal surface, looking at your tinted and distorted reflection.“ Just think it’s a little unnecessary.” Looking up at Tony, you smile.
His brown eyes roll, a hand grabbing onto the roof of the sports car to assist in pulling himself out.“ There’s nothing unnecessary about having options.”
A snort of a laugh falls from your lips as you walk to the next car.“ Yeah sure. If that’s what you want to call this.” 
“Half of these aren’t even mine.” He defends himself, hanging the keys up along with the other sets.
Pursing your lips you point to the car you’re in front of,“ who does this belong to then?” 
“Natasha.” He answers, taking far too much delight in the way your challengingly cocky attitude drops.
So you decided to hang out for a while, see a couple floors and let Tony explain some things to you as he liked to do, then head home. But you’d found a reason to stick around. Or, better put, Tony found reasons for you to stick around. 
You’d go to a floor, take in the sights, the tech, and listen to the man ramble on about the functionality of the floor. Around floor five you were ready to head out but Tony claimed you couldn’t see the medical floor and not go to the labs. And you couldn’t see the labs without seeing his workshop. 
This reasoning went on and on until you found yourself in the garage. The sun had set a few hours ago, lights automatically flicked on inside the tower and the seemingly day to day sounds of the tower went away. 
It’s quiet now, save for you and Tony talking and him occasionally starting up the cars.
You can’t lie and say you don’t enjoy hanging out with Tony. You’d always enjoyed your time with him, his actions and ideas unpredictable and so genius from the moment he learned to talk. But you also can’t lie and say you weren’t getting tired. A low, dull, rumbling started in your stomach not too long ago from the lack of food since this morning.
Making a bit of a show of looking at the last car, a sleep silver Audi that you know belongs to Tony, you check out the interior and make comments on the exterior. Then over exaggeratedly, you yawn and stretch your arms out. 
“Alright T. It’s gettin late. Think it’s about time I head home.” You tell him, walking over and gently dropping your hand onto his shoulder. 
He chuckles softly,“ Y/n, what kind of friend would I be if I let you go all the way back to Brooklyn while you’re tired and clearly hungry?” He pats your hand on his shoulder,“ you know Maria didn’t raise me that way.” 
It takes every ounce of willpower to not toss him somewhere so you could leave. But you know it’s been some time since you and Tony actually hung out and while he definitely has some ulterior motive to this, his persistence gave it away, you oblige him. Your reasoning is that you know the food will be good. 
What you aren’t expecting, however, is to find the entirety of the Avengers sitting around the living room on the main floor. Unlike the other floors that were quiet, a low chatter fills the space and a clanking of cutlery to ceramic plates. 
With Tony’s arm around your shoulders, you’re guided to the tables lined with food that looks delicious. Tony obviously has some private chefs around here. 
“Um, am I crashing some type of party or bonding time?” You ask him as he starts to pile food onto his plate.
“No,” he smacks his lips and waves you off,“ not really. We just eat together. Cap says it strengthens the team and all and I pay for the food so everyone comes. I’m sure they’ll be glad to have you.” With an almost devilish smile, he puts a bread roll on his plate and turns away. 
Your narrowed eyes follow his retreating form. Sighing and shaking your head, you grab a plate, put a little of everything on it, then head over to the unoccupied bar. 
Before you sit down to eat, you grab one of Tony’s expensive bottles of liquor off the top shelf. Pouring yourself a glass, you walk around the bar, catching the eyes of a couple members of the team before you sit down. 
As you eat and drink, the laughter and banter of the team behind you erasing the silence of the room, you can’t help but remember the numerous times you’d had the privilege of being around your friends like that.
* * * * Flashback * * * * 
With a friendly smile you push your chair out and stand up, walking over to the kitchen doorway. Reaching forward you grab the glass dish from the woman’s hands.
“Careful it’s-”
You nod and smile,“ I know. I’m fine.” 
Marie’s eyes squint at you and she nods in understanding as she remembers. Patting your arm she turns back to the kitchen right before Jarvis comes out and follows you to the table. 
Whispering a quiet ‘excuse me’ to Ana, you reach around her to place the dish on the table, then refind your seat across from her. The second your butt touches the seat two sets of eyes are on you. 
“Y/n please tell this buffoon how ludicrous his invention sounds.” The angelically accented voice of your close friends says. You swear you can feel her gaze burning into your temple. 
You look over at her, opening your mouth to speak when Howard cuts in. 
“No Y/nn, tell Margaret that this is genius. It’s revolutionary!” He exclaims and your eyes widen a little. 
Face morphing into an expression of offense, Peggy turns to look at Howard and they start bickering again. 
Smiling amusedly, you lean back into the chair, making eye contact with Jarvis’ wife An from across the table.
Both of you shake your heads, An chuckling softly just before Jarvis comes to sit beside her. 
“Howard,” the man looks up at the stern but sweet tone of his wife.“ That’s enough honey.” She gives a smile that matches the sweetness of her tone. 
The Brit beside you snickers and you lightly smack the side of her leg with the bag of your hand, muttering a quiet,“ relax.” Which results in her huffing and crossing her arms, sending a glare at Howard that she fixes just as Marie sits down across from her. 
Despite having been bickering since long before now, the Agent and Philanthropist waste no time in playing nice over dinner. Alongside them, Marie, An, Jarvis, and yourself have one of many very entertaining dinners. Laughs exchanged between all of you. 
* * * * Flashback End * * * * 
You’re yanked from the memory when a heavy weight lands on your shoulder. 
Tensing up, you prepare yourself to fight whoever it is but you quickly remember that you’re in the Avengers tower with earth’s mightiest heroes. The chances of this being an attack are slim.
Still slightly tense, you look over your shoulder at the owner of the hand on your body. To find America’s golden boy looking down at you. 
“Everything alright?” He asks, seemingly concerned. . 
You give him a small smile and chuckle softly,“ all good Captain.” You give a playfully mocking salute and he sighs instantly afterwards.
Walking around the bar, he leans on top of it with his fingers laced in front of him.“ Listen I- I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did on the jet earlier.”
“That’s one way to put it.” You take a bite of your food, staying silent until you swallow, then sipping your drink.“ We’re good. I know my unexpected bombing was, well, unexpected.” He chuckles lightly at your words and shakes his head. 
When he reaches up  to almost nervously rub the back of his neck, you know he isn’t completely sure that everything is good.
“Have a drink with me Cap.” You tell him, nodding to the shelf of alcohol behind him. 
Looking from you to the drinks, he nods.“ You can call me Steve.” He tells you, putting some ice in his glass then pouring his drink. 
“Well Steve,” you raise your glass to him and he gently taps his against yours.“ Feel free to call me Y/n.” You tell him, sipping your drink.
He smiles softly at you, your invitation seemingly having done the job of calming his nerves slightly. Light conversation flows between the two of you, a back and forth of questions that answers don’t hold much consequence but still shed some light on the types of people yourself and Steve are. 
By the time the sun has disappeared beyond the horizon and the sky is littered with stars and the lights of every skyscraper you and Steve are well through one of Tony’s more expensive bottles of liquor. Loud laughs sound from the two of you as you joke with one another. 
While the alcohol doesn’t affect either of your systems as it would someone else, the other occupants of the living space would assume you were drunk.
It intrigued more than a few of them how loose and easy going Steve is. It wasn’t as if he never had fun with them or drank, but there seemed to be something about you that brought an even lighter aura to the older man.
“It was incredible. I’m telling you,” you shake your head with a small smile of excitement.“ I wasn’t inclined to be excited about it since I was there to see the Yankees kick ass, but the Dodgers played exceptionally well.”
Steve has a small smirk on his face, nodding approvingly as he sips his drink.“ Well I can’t say I’m surprised.” 
Once again you laugh, finishing your drink and leaning off of the bar top.“ Ever proud, Mister America.” You say teasingly, bringing yet another laugh from the tall blonde. 
He finishes off his drink and you take a deep breath and release it.“ Welp Cap,” pushing up out of your chair, you smile at him,“ it was a pleasure chatting with you. Ever want to talk about the good ole days-”
“I’ll give you a ring.” He holds his hand out to you and you shake it firmly.
As you take up the glasses and your plate you nod a goodbye to Steve and go your separate ways, you to the kitchen and Steve to the elevators. 
Setting the dishes in the sink, you turn the water on and lean against the counter as you wait for it to get hot. Just before your mind can begin to wander you catch sight of movement in your peripherals. 
A smirk almost instantly pulls onto your face at the sight of the red head walking in. Her green eyes are already trained on you with a look in them that you can’t describe. 
“Agent Romanoff,” you nod to her, smirk still in place. 
She takes small purposeful steps closer, stopping a few feet away from you,“ you lied to us. Member of SHIELD for a while?” She raises her eyebrows and shakes her head with an overly sweet smirk,“ you founded SHIELD.”
You hiss in a breath of air through your teeth, turning to face away from her as you chuckle.“ I didn’t lie, actually. Withholding all of the truth is a different thing.” Drying the plates off, you set them on the rack to dry, the forks and cups following afterwards.“ And let’s make something very clear, I am not a founder of SHIELD.” You dry your hands and turn to her.
“Really? Cause SHIELD records say otherwise” She reasons, stepping closer. 
Eyebrows raising at her further approach, you do the same. You smile softly at her and close the distance between you two, leaving just under a foot of space.“ I understand you aren’t happy with the redacted details of my history Agent Romanoff so let me clear it up for you.”
Natasha tilts her head at your words and listens intently as you continue.“ I didn’t found SHIELD. I was the first ever agent. Agent Carter and Howard Stark saved me and administered me an enhanced version of the same serum Steve took. I owed them my life and I made sure to protect them,” you falter at that, jaw clenching as a horrible memory flashes through your mind.
“That’s how you met Tony?” She asks. It wasn’t missed by Natasha. The ex-assassin could read anyone. The second she noticed the distant look in your eyes she knew something was wrong and while she was curious, something told her not to ask about that. 
You shake your head to clear your thoughts and look at her.“ Was in the hospital the night he was born. Watched him grow up.” You smile fondly,“ he’s family.”
For a moment it’s quiet. Still you watch Natasha, unsure if she’s finished or not. Just when you think she’s done, you nod and head towards the door, only to stop when she speaks. 
“Why did you come for us?”
Turning from the door, you look over your shoulder at her,“ I owed Nick a favor.”
Her eyes narrow at you and you give a small nod before leaving out. 
Neither you or Natasha would’ve guessed that would be your last conversation for the span of the next week. While you were at the tower a few times, to drop off something you’d talked about with Steve or pick up Tony before the two of you went and hung out somewhere, you hadn’t gone inside. 
She wouldn’t admit it to you but Natasha had started to wonder when you’d come back. Not only does your reputation precede itself, something about your personality intrigues her more than she’d ever been before. She wanted to see you again, talk to you again. 
Green eyes look through the clear blue glass, brows slightly pinched together at the sight of you and Tony hugging. Natasha debated with herself whether or not she was going to go speak to you as Steve jogged out of the front doors and over to you, sharing a handshake and a hug. 
The last thing the ex-assassin expects to feel is the little flutter in her stomach when you smile brightly. 
She tears her gaze away from you, frown deeper than before. Her thoughts running a mile a minute. 
When a weight drops onto her shoulder she almost flinches. Grabbing the hand on her, she twists it and forces the person to stand in front of her, slamming them into the window. 
“Well damn.” You curse, using your hand on the window to push yourself off the window. A chuckle falls from your lips as Natasha let’s you go.“ Guess it wasn’t a good idea to approach a trained agent without speaking.” You say jokingly, green eyes snapping down to the smile on your lips and back up.
There’s an incredibly short pause from Natasha before she channels her usually straight expression.“ What’d you want Y/Ln?”
“How bout a smile Romanoff.” When a beat passes without her expression changing you sigh.“ I want a cup of coffee. And I want you to come get one with me.”
“Come again?” Her expression cracks slightly as her eyebrows raise slightly. 
You tilt your head and smile softly at her.“ You were practically shooting lasers at me through the window. Figured either you wanted to get out of the tower or you were jealous Tony and Steve were taking up all my time.” A teasing tone wraps around all your words and Natasha instantly scoffs. 
“I have no reason to be jealous of Stark or Rogers.” She says and you nod.
“I figured as much. Which means you want to get out of the tower.” You nod for her to follow you.“ Cup of coffee does everyone some good.” 
Natasha watches the confident stride you make towards the door, not once looking back as you just know she’s going to follow. And she does, despite her pride telling her not to.
The coffee shop isn’t too far away from the tower so you walk. Unlike your walks with Steve, it’s silent. The redhead stays two steps behind you, not saying a word as she follows. 
A burst of cool air rushes past the two of you with your first step into the coffee shop to the sound of the bell jingling above you. Smiling softly at the familiar building you walk further in.
Natasha takes into account that there are no more than ten customers inside. For a New York coffee shop it was incredibly quiet and quaint. 
“Love it here,” she hears you mumble as you step up to the counter.“ Hi, can I get one medium black coffee and a large iced coffee with two creams and two sugars.” The woman rings you up and you pay. Pocketing your wallet as you turn to face Natasha. 
You smile at her lack of emotion. There is no reason for you to be as grumpy and blank as she is.“ I’ve been to a lot of places but here, they have the best coffee.” You tell her. 
Her head tilts slightly and you purse your lips and nod. Once again it’s silent as you wait, then you grab the coffees when your name is called, turning to hand the black coffee to Natasha. 
With things going the way they are, you have an internal battle on staying here or just going back to the tower. Taking one last chance, you nod to an empty table and sit down. Natasha coming over and sitting as well.
“Look, Natasha, you can’t hate me so much that we can’t even have a coffee together.” Your tone of voice is one of confusion and slight sadness. 
Frowning once again at the emotions in your voice, Natasha watches you. Green, calculating eyes and a blank expression are the only signs of how hard she’s thinking right now. 
With a huff of a sigh she says,“ I don’t hate you.” She admits, face finally giving way to emotion.“ I- I barely know you.”
“Well maybe we should change that.” Holding up your cup of coffee you take a sip and tell her,“ I think if you give me a chance, I might not be as bad as you think.”
Her eyes narrow and for the first time ever, you see her crack the smallest of smiles.“ We’ll see about that.”
* * * * * * *
Taglist: @owloftheshadows @natasha-danvers @blackxwidowsxwife @yumusak-yastik
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The unplanned fourth part to my apparently-a-series on Essek Thelyss in the context of real-world espionage (parts 1, 2, and 3), today we look at an aspect of his story that doesn’t always apply in a D&D world: how do you prosecute espionage? 
Psych! That’s not the real question. The real question is: do you prosecute espionage? The answer is a) not as obvious as it might seem; and b) going to differ between D&D and the real world, because D&D governments are storytelling tools and IRL governments are...not.
The benefits of prosecuting espionage are obvious: the interests of justice are served, the person responsible can be punished appropriately and in accordance with the law, the full extent of their crimes are revealed (including potentially exonerating other suspects), counterintelligence gets to chalk up a win, and other people thinking about committing espionage themselves are hopefully discouraged. But there are a surprising number of arguments in the “against” column.
Some agencies that identify enemy assets want to leave them in place for their own purposes. For about 20 years during the Cold War CIA reserved the right to just plain not tell the Department of Justice if they had proof someone was engaged in espionage because they wanted the opportunity to turn them as double agents, feed them misinformation, etc. rather than outing and punishing them (President Gerald Ford ended this arrangement by executive order in 1976). This isn’t necessarily a good idea IRL, but it forms the bread and butter of RPG espionage storylines and is definitely something to think about in a D&D context.
In the real world, ideally someone can only be found guilty of a crime and punished accordingly after a trial, and an agency often finds itself with sufficient evidence to doubt a person’s trustworthiness but not enough hard proof to take to court. In those cases agencies may decide to leave that person in place but cut off their access to classified info. Ironically, sometimes this means promoting them - moving the person into a higher-ranking job in a different area that just so happens not to deal in secrets. Sometimes the asset realizes they’re close to being rumbled and goes along with the effort, maybe taking retirement early or changing jobs before they can be pushed, and the whole matter will quietly lapse without anything so formal as a trial. Sometimes someone makes a mistake and sidelines a loyal, competent employee. That’s a judgement call.
In the real world, ideally someone can only be found guilty of a crime and punished accordingly after an open trial. Given how severe the punishments are for espionage, civilized countries do try to stick to that even though holding such a trial carries risks. Providing proof that someone stole secrets generally requires talking about said secrets, which means revealing classified info in court, which may negate trying to keep the information secret in the first place. They may also not want to reveal in court how they figured out that person was a spy, especially if it was a double agent or cryptographic source that fingered them. In D&D-land where monarchs are common and still wield judicial power, fantasy rulers may hand down whatever punishment they please based on whatever evidence they (or the DM) will accept, so this isn’t as much of a concern.
Even a D&D monarchy that doesn’t have to worry about revealing secrets in court might think twice before publicly punishing a high-ranking spy, though, because the only thing more embarrassing than failing to convict a major spy is succeeding. A government having to admit that its people were compromised, especially high-ranking people, is a body-blow to its standing both at home and abroad. It damages trust in the government, makes the public feel unsafe, and makes allies hesitant to share information lest their secrets be leaked as well. Lower-ranking government employees may think, “My boss is selling secrets, why not me too?” or “Why bother to follow security protocol when some mole will give it all away?” Every decision and contribution made by the asset becomes retroactively suspect, even those that had nothing to do with whatever secrets they leaked. The foreign nation to whom they passed information inevitably gets drawn in as well, negatively affecting those relations. And of course everyone involved looks very, very bad.
All of which leads me to say I think there’s a chance - maybe not a good chance, but a chance - that Essek could privately confess the affair to the Bright Queen without major public repercussions. Leylas Kryn could simply declare him a traitor and order his public execution without justifying herself, but it would raise a lot of questions and none of the answers would help her or the ruling dens; Den Thelyss allowing Den Kryn to unilaterally execute a high-profile member - a child of the umavi - without explanation would stoke ferocious rumors about what Essek might have done and cast a major shadow over the entire den. But publicly declaring what Essek had done also doesn’t do the Dynasty any favors. It makes everyone involved look very bad - how could they miss a spy at the highest level? so close to the Bright Queen herself?? who can be trusted??? - especially Den Thelyss, which might lose its place among the ruling three as a result. Publicly outing such a high-ranking Kryn official as compromised might set off the Dynasty equivalent of a Red Scare, too, since the Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount mentions the constant and well-justified Dynasty fear of agents sent by Lolth to destabilize the Kryn out of sheer spite that they got away from her.
By the time Campaign 2 ended the latest clash between Empire and Dynasty had been settled and neither side seemed to want to stir it up again right away. The fact that both stolen beacons have been returned also bolsters the case for letting the matter lie. A confession from Essek clears up remaining doubt on the Bright Queen’s end - while he doesn’t know every Empire agent in the Dynasty, he can tell her exactly how the beacons were stolen and who else was involved, probably clearing the names of many currently under suspicion. Essek would have to resign as Shadowhand, of course, and leave the Dynasty (at least for a couple centuries), but he never seemed interested in being Shadowhand and he wants to go exploring anyway. Den Thelyss definitely wants the whole affair swept under the rug and would go along with whatever story made that happen. Other than Verin I don’t get the impression many people would miss Essek except as a lost opportunity. I hope they’d give him long enough before leaving Rosohna to pack up his cool leyline-weathervane though. He could totally mount that on Yussa’s tower. Or Allura’s!
And that concludes this particular train of thought re: Essek Thelyss in the context of IRL spies and espionage. Again, all of this is only as relevant to the campaign as the players decide it is, so don’t go giving people crap for being “unrealistic” about their versions of how the beacon trade went down. Frankly the last thing you should want here is realism, because “realistic” espionage is a callous world of deception, manipulation, and general human pettiness with no sense of narrative flow.
None of what I’ve talked about is an excuse for Essek’s actions. But it is a reason. It’s why and how a person entrusted with precious national assets could get into a headspace where it seems reasonable, even necessary, to trade them away to foreign enemies. It’s how a person of otherwise decent character & beliefs can end up committing terrible crimes. It’s why that person might sincerely regret what they’ve done, and not just because they fear punishment. The Warmind Rasputin paraphrases Octavia E. Butler saying, “Misdirected by accident or intent, intelligence can foster its own ecstasies of growth and decay.” In other words: sometimes you get too far into your own head. Without an anchor to reality, without perspective, your own mind gets twisted up. Sometimes you just need a friend (or seven) to grab your arm and say, “Breathe.”
(This accidentally turned into a series on Essek & IRL espionage: Parts 1, 2, 3, 4)
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beyondspaceandstars · 4 years
Soup & Cuddles
Relationship: Bucky Barnes x Reader Warnings: N/A, just fluff Summary: Bucky had a particularly rough mission but you’re there to welcome him home with a nice warm meal and comforting arms. A/N: ooof weird ending I’m sorry I sometimes don’t know how to end stuff lmao please forgive me but besides that i think this is cute, simple, and sweet so please enjoy <3
You’d been with Bucky long enough to know what came with welcoming him home from a mission.
For starters, whatever time his estimated arrival was was always off by at least a couple of hours (he like to put up an optimistic front for you, you had realized quickly) so you were always prepared for very late nights. Secondly, he would usually be dead tired but insist on hearing about what you did while he was gone. Thirdly, he could be touchy, unable to even lift a finger from you once he got in the door. And finally, he’d simply be hungry.
This night started like any other waiting for Bucky to come home from a mission. Early that morning he alerted you he would be home around midnight which basically translated to early morning hours. You started cooking some food for him around midnight as you waited.
You settled on vegetable soup as it not only warmed the soul but also could be reheated easily. What could you say? You favored practical recipes.
You prepped and seasoned the vegetables nicely, leaving them to wait patiently in the pot. You added in the vegetable stock along with water and a dash of more seasoning just to give it that little extra something. As it began bubbling away, you placed a lid on it, letting the broth reduce and flavors combine.
Once the soup was completed, you left it sitting on the back burner, simmering to keep warm for when Bucky arrived home. You sat on your kitchen island counter, flipping through a magazine when the door finally opened. You smiled, your head quickly turning to greet your man but everything around you seemed to stop when you noticed the state he was in.
Physically, he was just fine. There was no blood you could see, only just the outlines of bruises, but everything else about him… From his stance to his eyes… He didn’t seem okay.
It wasn’t new for Bucky to sometimes came back in unpleasant moods. That, you felt, was totally expected with such a demanding job but something about this time was different. He looked defeated, almost like everything was kicked out of him all over again.
Your heart dropped but you tried not to show it, keeping up some cheeriness in your voice. "Hi, honey," you said, sending him a small smile.
"Hi, doll," His words were weak.
Redirecting your attention to the stove, you hopped down and grabbed a bowl. Motioning towards the pot, you said, "I made you some vegetable soup if you’re hungry."
Bucky shook his head, "Maybe in the morning."
Soup? In the morning? Was… Was he even listening to you?
Stunned, you stood there, just holding the bowl and spoon meant for him. You watched him place some stuff on the counter and then head into the living room, totally bypassing you without a second glance.
Despite turning down the food, you still filled a bowl for him, adding some toast with butter to the side for dipping. You grabbed a couple of water bottles from the fridge and headed into the living room.
Bucky was sitting on the couch, mindlessly watching late-night TV shows. He wasn’t reacting to anything on the television, just staring off into space. He barely even register you had entered the room until you placed the soup and water directly in front of him on the coffee table.
"Doll, really," he insisted, "I don’t want anything."
You shrugged, taking a seat next to him on the couch, and said, "Well, it’s there in case you change your mind."
Silence fell over the room as Bucky turned to you, his heavy eyes met yours. He looked tired in the worst way. You bit your lip, debating if you should press him to talk about it. He’d always been hesitant to talk about, well, anything. You tried your best to respect that but this was getting to you.
Cautiously, you placed your hand over Bucky’s, intertwining your fingers. It was a small thing but he accepted it.
"Do you want to talk about anything?" You asked, your voice just hovering above a whisper. Bucky took his eyes off you, opting to look down at your connected hands. You took the opportunity to lightly run your fingers through his hair. He slightly leaned into the touch, giving you a bit of hope.
"First off, we lost some people," he simply replied, his grip on your hand suddenly getting stronger.
"What- On the team?" You asked frantically. Bucky quickly shook his head.
"No," he said. You let out a sigh of relief. "But then there were some issues with the civilians."
He acted like that was that but something in your gut could feel there was more to it. He was being so vague it was weirding you out. Bucky, on the other hand, didn’t seem concerned about his words as he disconnected your hands and finally reached for the soup bowl. He drank some broth, turning back to the television.
"Bucky," you said slowly, "is that it?"
He looked down at the soup, this time eating a spoonful of vegetables. Once he had finished his bite, there was a pause. He opened his mouth to speak but then closed it as if contemplating on answering. You watched him intensely, pulling your hands to your lap, waiting.
"Kids," he mumbled as his gaze focused on his dinner, stirring the spoon idly. "We saw some kids and I… I haven’t been able to stop thinking about them. I don’t know if they’re okay or not."
Your jaw dropped slightly. You brought your hand gently to his bicep. He tensed under your touch. "Oh, honey…"
You didn’t know what to say. What- What could you say? Everything on missions could be rough but the image of a child caught in problems they didn’t cause? And possibly paying for it? You couldn’t even imagine the weight of it all.
Bucky sighed, leaning forward, forcing your touch to drop, as he placed his food back on the coffee table. He took a couple of bites of the bread before leaning back, still not looking at you.
"You know, missions can be bad on their own," he mumbled. "But being reminded children are affected…"
He said so little but so much all at once. All you could do was nod, trying to ease his mind. You couldn’t pretend to even know how he was feeling. You certainly had never been in his position before. You just had to be there listen when he was ready to speak and welcome him into your arms to let him know you’re there.
When Bucky felt you wrap your arms around him, he pulled back from his empty staring to look down at you. Normally, when emotions were this strong he’d opt to be alone. And, in fact, he almost did just that earlier. His original plan was to walk right into the bedroom once he got home and bury it all.
But he knew that wouldn’t be a possibility. You were too good. You were there all sweet and radiant, waiting for him with a hot meal. He just couldn’t do it. He couldn’t turn you away no matter how much he tried. Stuff got a lot better faster when he had someone willing to comfort him.
Effortlessly, he picked you up and placed you on his lap. His arms were tight around your waist. You rested your head in the crook of his neck while his forehead met your shoulder.
You two stayed like that for a bit, just holding one another, trying to offer support any way you could. You still were at a loss for words but Bucky didn’t seem to mind. He probably wasn’t looking for a response anyway. He knew you each led two completely different lives and, sure, there was some beauty in that. There was something about coming back to one another after a full day of work and errands, ready to share stories from your day. But there were always bad sides to it, too. While you didn’t exactly have the horror stories Bucky could have, you knew he’d always listen to your problems, as you were present to listen to his.
After a moment, you felt you couldn’t keep the silence going. Gently pushing away, Bucky lifted his head from your shoulder and you faced one another again.
"I’m sorry," you said, running your thumb over his damp cheek, collecting tears.
"I love you, doll," Bucky mumbled, leaning forward to place a quick peck on your lips. "Thank you."
"I- I didn’t really do-,"
He shook his head, "You do so much for me. You listen to me, you comfort me, you make me the greatest bowls of soup ever… You do too much. Thank you."
You chuckled, your heart melting at his words. With the best smile you could muster under the circumstance, you placed a proper kiss on Bucky’s lips which he happily returned. His grip got tighter, trying to pull your bodies together. You pressed your hands against his chest, putting distance between you two. There were a lot of emotions running through you two.
"You should get some sleep," you said and tried getting off his lap. His arms wouldn’t budge. You sighed, "Bucky, honey, come on."
Shaking his head, he said, "Let’s watch a movie or something, okay? I… I don’t want to sleep yet."
You nodded, "Alright, we can do that but I would like some soup first. And maybe then cuddles."
Bucky chuckled, removing his arms from your waist. You stood and raced to the kitchen, grabbing your own bowl of soup and bread.
"Soup and cuddles?" He asked, watching you from the living room. Maybe he could spend all night like this. Watching you was enough to keep him happy.
"Soup and cuddles," you confirmed, making your way back into the living room. You placed your food on the coffee table and sat on the couch where Bucky had his arm extended, waiting for your body to curl up into his.
His hold on you was fairly strong as if needing a reminder of your presence but you didn’t say anything. It felt good to be wrapped in your man’s arms. And felt even better to be his safe spot. Your heart fluttered at the realization, making you slide closer.
Bucky certainly didn’t object.
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