#which was a thing that really really resonated with me
fishnapple · 11 hours
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People's first impression of you
This reading is about how people in general will perceive you at first impression. Which might not be true to how you really are. People's perception are easily skewed by their own biases and experiences, so take it with a grain of salt. You may use this to compare to your perception of yourself and see the similarities and differences so you might take action to align them better.
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
Your feedback is much appreciated. If you find the reading resonated with you, leave a comment, I’d love to know 🎐
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• Your presence unsettles people on first sight. They don't usually see this kind of energy often. It's foreign and distant, out of reach. Even if you don't do or wear anything out of the ordinary, your energy is different from the people around you. Unsettling is because some people can feel uncomfortable with the unknown, they don't know how to act or react to the differences.
• Yet people can feel like you're someone they've already seen somewhere, especially in their childhood. You remind them of their distant memories, nostalgic, fuzzy, magical.
• Soft and kind looking, but not too easy to approach.
• Different people will form different impressions of you. Each person sees a different image of you. Some can be wildly different from each other.
• They may think you do something related to art, artistic, and creative.
• Good self-control, you seem to be the kind that doesn't get angry easily, and you keep your opinions for yourself. You don't seek to control other, the only one you control is yourself. But you know how to protect your beliefs and your values when challenged.
• Honest, pure intentions, don't like to meddle in other's business but will help with all you can if asked.
• Private, quite closed-off. You don't speak about yourself much or at least about matters that are personal. People find it hard to read your emotions and thoughts from the first meeting. They get a sense that to get close to you emotionally, to get you to trust them, to get a peek at your deeper affection, they have to try harder and be serious and patient.
• But you don't seem to have problems with being yourself in public. You can be witty, charming, a little detached. Having a few pleasant exchanges with you is easy, going deeper is not.
• Some people would want to form friendship with you immediately, wanting to get closer, to understand you better. This could make you uncomfortable sometimes, being the target of people's curiosity.
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• Mysterious and mysterious. People feel like you will take them away, into an unknown path full of twists and turns. What they see is not what they get. There's so much more hidden underneath that they want to uncover. Which may feel invasive at times.
• The impressions can be polar opposites. Love and hate, attraction and repulsion, safe and scary. But it's definitely not mild.
• Mysterious but still approachable enough, people will feel an urge to get closer.
• People think you are a spiritual person, someone who practices occult crafts, or at least interested in those fields. Someone who likes a good mystery, darker, taboo subjects.
• You seem to value different things. Your definition of what is valuable might not align with theirs.
• This may sound uncomfortable, but some people will wonder in their mind, quietly, about your sexual preferences. Are you a passive or an aggressive person? Are you passionate or cold?
• Beautiful hands and voice. Something about your voice seems different, a little odd, unique, memorable.
• You don't seem to have a good sense of money. Maybe you're forgetful or spend money on things that are considered unnecessary or odd by other people. People get the impression that you are flexible with money and generous. You don't mind spending on things and on people you love, you don't put too much weight on material possessions, things come and go, if you lose some, you will gain some. That's the impression that people have of you.
• You have a large well of knowledge at your expenses. You learn things quickly. In fact, learning seems to be an easy thing for you, something that you don't have to put too much effort into to get good results. Information flows smoothly, absorbed and moulded into unique perspectives.
• Some people can sense that you are hiding some difficulties, pains, or a hurtful past inside, but you're not ready to reveal them to anyone.
• People feel you're someone who has been well disciplined since childhood, which has made you behave in a very proper and restrained manner. Very strong boundaries. Some might think that your silent and mysterious manner is, in fact, just a cover for some social anxiety. That you're not ready to show yourself fully.
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• Nervous energy. You don't seem calm at first impression. You want to be constantly on the move, changing things.
• You might have an oblivious and detached look, the look of someone who is tired of the world around them, someone who is not too attached to anything.
• People might notice that you have a worried look on your face. Something is constantly bothering your mind and they don't know if they can have a place in there. And if they do, they don't know if they can stay for long. You seem like someone who's always ready to leave people and things behind in chasing a distant dream.
• Commitment is there, but not to them, but to something else. You might trigger abandonment issues in some people. Those who are more down to earth, who prize loyalty and groundness, might not feel at ease with you. Your energy is too fast for their comfort.
• This can also make people wonder what it will be like if they do get your attention and commitment. Because the idea of it is so elusive, it becomes even more desirable.
• People might question your age, you look young for your age.
• The way you communicate is fascinating but can be confusing. You might jump from topic to topic seamlessly, which can be quite hard to keep up with. Maybe you even purposefully (or just obliviously) left out some crucial details in your story that can give off a totally different impression. People might frequently ask you to clarify your words.
• You seem close to one of your parents, but at the same time, there's a desire to break away. To stand on your own.
• Some people can sense a desire for acknowledgement. You want people to see your talents and creativity just like how you see yourself. I think they do believe in you, they believe that you can achieve great things from the sheer intensity of your being. Some people are well-known for their contributions, their help given to other people, while you, people can sense that just by being yourself, people will gravitate towards you.
• You seem to be popular, someone who knows a lot of people and has a lot of acquaintances and friends.
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• Stern, intense. Someone who is in their power, their own authority. Someone who is so confident and so sure of themselves that other people's opinions can't sway them.
• They think that you know exactly where you want to go, what your life's trajectory is, and they can see that you're actively pursuing it. A clear vision and an active drive.
• People might assume you're in an authoritative position. They might even subconsciously feel an urge to submit, to give the power of decision to you. Because somehow they can feel that you're a trustworthy person. As someone who knows their life so well, you sure can lead other to their destination also. That's how people think.
• You seem wise, mature and generous, ready to help, to give guidance and advice. People can sense you've seen and experienced a lot of things in life but you still keep true to your Ideals. If you give someone advice or correct their behaviour, it's because you care and want them to be better. It comes from the desire for improvement.
• You don't talk much and seem to prefer listening. Taking in what the other person is talking about and thinking deeply about it. People might feel validated by this.
• But you can be defensive when your beliefs and values are challenged. There are certain topics that can make you talk passionately, which can be a surprise for people who don't know you well.
• A meticulous person who prefers things to be neat or in a specific order. Maybe your style and your surroundings seem really neat.
• Someone who knows how to appreciate small and mundane beauty in life.
• Some people might have heard about you before meeting you. And the stories seem kind of painful, serious, not sunshine and rainbow. So they could already develop some preconceived notions about you that are heavier than who you actually are.
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cherryys · 2 days
looking at this panel again made me realize what megumi says here has more implications about him other than his sexuality or preferences. it's about how he views his wants vs. his needs.
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Todo asks him about his type. Usually when someone is asked that, they answer with their preference, what they *want*, or *prefer*, like for example Yuuji's answer of a "tall girls with big butts", despite having a history before of not prioritising that like when he liked yuko.
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But Megumi answers, not of what he prefers or what he finds attractive (whether physically or personality-wise), he just says what he *needs*. He doesn't have a preference as long as the person's character is unshakable. That's it. That's why Todo found his answer boring.
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it's not just because he described a character trait or personality rather than a physical attribute like Todo & Yuuji, but because it was the bare minimum. When you ask someone their type, if they reply "someone with a stable career" you'd find it a bit boring, no? it's not really answering your question of what they want in a partner, what they desire. just what they need. This approach of only looking at what is needed persists through everything Megumi does, not just his type, specifically his career a sorcerer.
He doesn't take more than what he's given, and he forces himself to provide what the situation needs. For example, his sacrifice bunt in the baseball game that Gojo called him out for. He didn't think about what he wanted, but what was needed for the match, and that was to let Nobara advance while he stays behind, so that they overall win the match.
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He limits himself like that. That's why Gojo's words of "It's okay to be selfish!" resonated. Because he never let himself take more. He never let himself step out of line.
This goes for his relationship with Gojo, too. he was a teacher, a mentor for him, but he never let himself step out of line to get any closer to him, as opposed to someone like Yuuji or Yuuta who interact with Gojo freely without any barriers between them. To him, he needs Gojo as a mentor and nothing else, and never let himself entertain the idea of wanting to be closer to him. throughout the conversations and interactions between Megumi and Gojo, there is a sense of distance that not even Gojo has with Yuuta and Yuuji, despite the barriers Gojo put up. Yuuji and Yuuta are both close to Gojo in the sense that they let themselves depend on Gojo and express themselves freely, able to talk about things other than jujutsu. but there isn't anything like that with Megumi. he always speaks to him formally despite 10 years of knowing each other and he's never spoke to him about anything other than jujutsu. to Megumi, Gojo is a teacher and mentor strictly and nothing else. not an adult he could depend on or someone he could confide in.
This goes for Toji, too. To him, he thinks doesn't need his father because he left him, that's why he doesn't care. even if he wanted to grow up with a stable caretaker in his life.
When Gojo first provided him with the two "choices" of training under him or being with the Zenin clan, he didn't think to ask if there was a third option where he just doesn't become a sorcerer. obviously this is because when you're like 6 years old and you're provided with two options, you don't think to entertain a third secret option, especially when you're talking to someone you don't even know, but this mindset of just taking what life gives you without question or defiance is largely why megumi didn't really thrive, especially in such a selfish environment like jujutsu sorcery where you need to overstep to succeed. only when he let go of those limitations (CH. 58) was he able to take selfishly.
His dream in 266 tells you this in full clarity. what he wanted was a simple and domestic life away from jujutsu sorcery. but he knew he didn't have the authority to really demand that from gojo, so he settled for what he needed, which was his sister's happiness.
this attitude of his likely resulted from the fact he grew up having everything taken away from him (his mother, his father, and even his stepmother) along with the fact that he grew up in poverty, so he didn't feel like he had any sort of authority to want things. he saw it as a luxury he wasn't allowed.
(interesting that the only time he has expressed a want, went against life and actually stepped out of line and made a decision out of a selfish need, is when he wanted to save yuuji.)
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alt-wannabe · 3 days
MCSR As Chemical Compounds
idk either man. expect very little actual explanation and a lot of chemical yapping from a very big nerd
Silverr as Silver Nitrate:
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the above is the crystal structure
appearance is just a white crystal kinda like sugar
it took everything in me to not just make silverr plain Ag
silver nitrate is the most common precursor for all other important silver salts
also an extremely important compound in the development of photography! (and iirc silverr is a film major)
Feinberg as Ozone:
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produced during lightning strikes
pale blue at high ppm
only leaves gas state at cryogenic temperatures
naturally occurring in the stratosphere and absorbs UV rays from the sun
Fruit as Nickel(II) Chloride Hexahydrate:
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the non-hydrate form is a sort of olive-y yellow color
used to absorb ammonia in gas masks
Raddles as Potassium Permanganate:
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Sometimes referred to as Purple Potion Powder
goes CRAZY purple when dissolved and is lowkey my favorite chemical
very strong oxidizing agent
one time i stained my hand purple through my glove with this shit idk how it happened
if made in specific solvents can look extremely similar to dragon's breath in minecraft imo
K4 as Octathio[8]circulene:
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also referred to as Sulflower (like sulfur and sunflower haha get it)
planar which is fairly uncommon for molecules of this size
can be stacked together to make sheets of sulflowers
Cube as Cubane:
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yeah this is self-explanatory
what is interesting though is that ring strain in 4 membered rings/squares is really high, so cubane existing is a bit of a chemical anomaly
i havent read into it enough to know for sure but i suspect that ring strain is why cubane is a precursor to a HELLA STRONG explosive compound
Reignex as PPTA:
Poly-p-paraphenylene terephthalamide
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the name is complicated as shit but this is just kevlar!
aka bulletproof vest material
looks fluffy when not woven completely together
aligning of polymer chains w hydrogen bonds creates EXTREMELY high tensile strength
Mime as Phenylmagnesium Bromide:
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a common grignard reagent aka a compound that can be used in a grignard reaction, an extremely important reaction in organic synthesis as it creates new C-C bonds
another fun fact about grignard reagents is that if water is added to them- or even if they're handled in particularly moist air- they fucking explode
extremely strong nucleophile and base
Poundcake as Xenon Hexafluoride:
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Noble gases don't react unless you REALLY make them
so a compound containing xenon is really interesting
colorless as a solid but sublimes (aka skips straight from solid to gas) into a bright yellow gas
fun fact a lot of instances where typical chemistry rules are broken (noble gases not reacting, octet rule in general, etc) involve fluorine to the point ive heard it referred to as a "batshit electron thief"
Fulham as Iron Hexacyanidoferrate:
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also known as prussian blue
extremely common pigment in paints and the first modern synthetic pigment
used extensively in The Great Wave
another one of my favorite molecules bc im biased and like inorganic chem aka things that contain metals
used as an antidote for heavy metal poisoning which is interesting bc it contains cyanide ligands!
Couriway as Bullvalene:
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in a state of constant resonance
aka the double bonds are CONSTANTLY shifting and reforming bullvalene into... itself but moved around a little
the bonds fluctuate so rapidly that in nmr analysis each carbon and hydrogen in the entire molecule is read as equivalent (for my non-chem people that's very uncommon and very cool)
formed through photolysis (aka using light/photons to fuel a reaction)
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drdemonprince · 3 days
Hello. Just read your article on asexuality and fetish (was looking through your substack and the title got me curious) and holy shit you have no idea how much it resonated with me. It's something I have been contemplating lately after having some sexual experiences that I found not as much actively unpleasant as just downright boring. I was considering the possibility of asexuality which would have explained nearly everything but for the fact that I do seem to have sexual fantasies even if only involving specific circumstances or scenarios (similar to the thing you mentioned about not needing it to be a specific person: mine always had little to do with actual real life people and more with various characters I would conjure up that would fit the situation) despite having very little attraction to people? I could always tell who would be considered attractive or not and had some general idea of what features I might like over others but none seemed to be mandatory in terms of physical attraction. I really did think I was stuck in some strange sexual purgatory situation and was trying to come up with ways of finding a concrete answer, always with the assumption that it would either be that I am asexual or I am not (due to what I thought was evidence to the contrary), but reading that article was really comforting, knowing that somebody else has that very same experience. Probably going to watch the movie you mentioned in the article while I'm at it too lol. Anyway, much love, hope you have a good day!!
Yeah!! Glad it was helpful to you. As is the case with SO many things, the operative question isn't really "what identity am i" / "is my identity valid/make sense/does it explain what i am accurately" -- the real question is "well, what the hell do I feel like doing?" and there's an endlessss array of possible ways to do sexual or sensual stuff with other people, or to just explore your fantasies. it's all good
I hope you enjoy That Boy with Peter Berlin!!!
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cemeteryvalentine · 20 hours
astro observations part 4 !!! ^____^
(specifically based off my family :3 pleaseee don't get offended at anything that doesn't resonate)
🗝️: one thing about a sag placement, they are gonna hang up FIRST !!! i swear, if anyone misses flip phones, it's a sag placement/dominant. i just know they miss snapping that phone shut in a petty manner LOL. my mom is a sag moon AND rising, and she'd call me and demand me to do something in such a bitchy tone and then hang up on me like girl who tf do u think u areee 😭😭😭😭 LMFAO. but honestly good for her, i love being petty like her.
like i swear i take after my mom because everytime she does that annoying hang up before i can respond thing, i call her again just to say a snarky remark, and hang up on her back!
🐇: i swear, virgo placements have no problem being the grossest people alive, but suddenly it's a problem when someone else does it :/// it's really annoying. my brother has a pigsty of a bedroom, doesn't wash his hand when he pisses unless i make him, and leaves his trash everywhere, but constantly gets on my sister for the same things 😭. like the calls coming from inside the house !!! i think basically, (some) virgos are like picky(?) with what areas they'd want clean. like they're only really comfortable with THEIR mess and no one else's.
🗝️: i love how pisces mercury communicate because it's like what the hel are u awn about 😭 in the NICEST way though :3 they're so kewl and interesting to talk to, plus they're so nice and understanding. maybe because they're water mercuries after all. speaking of, my favorite artist ever kurt cobain was a pisces mercury and it SHOWSSS. a lot of nirvana lyrics feel artistic and metaphoric, or just realllyyyy silly. liiike "angel left wing, right wing, broken wing. lack of iron and or sleeping" from milk it, one of my nirvana faves. and "i vomit C*M and DIARRHEA". like girl whatever that means !!!! (song, mexican seafood)
🐇: mars influence on the asc makes for prominent features. especially eyebrows. my brother has an aries rising and he has such a bad case of RBF. i swear he never looks happy 😭 his virgo sun and cap moon definitely don't help at all either. then im a mars rising and i have big eyebrows like my brother. like we're the only ones with big eyebrows, while our parents brows look invisible LOL. also i'm a virgo rising !! and ppl are always saying i look mad which honestly pisses me off :P so in conclusion, mars influence + virgo placements = major rbf
🗝️: i HATE to add on to the cancer hate train since i'm one myself and i loveee being one + we get soo much hate, but i feel a (unevolvled) cancer makes for the worst pick me girl ever !!!! this def doesn't apply to all cancers, but the few cancer women i know can be so mean to other women so unprovoked. especially my mom, it gives me the ick when she calls random women b*tches or makes fun of them to me for their features or success or soemthing. i used to be a pick me too up until i was like 13 (im soooo happy i grew out of that mess QUICK!). i would constantly strive for male attention, it was embarrassing 😭. ik another girl who values her shitty boyfriend over her (girl) friends and i haaate it. like ive only known a few cancer women, but a lot of them are like the meanest pick me bitch ever, or such a sweeet, caring soul :). i feel like being a pick me stems from cancers being feminine AND traditional. yk? i pray i make sense, but yk how it's traditional for girls to be perfect for her man, and value him no matter the circumstance ?? and cancer/moon being **traditional** ? yeahhh 😭
anywayzzz that's all :3 tyyy for reading !! i had sm making a new observations, considering it's been a year since my last LMFAOO. and again, if it doesn't apply, let it fly. ty bye ^__^
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wanderingblindly · 3 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞
oooooooh this is so cruel, how dare you make me consider my fics this way????? reflecting on this made me realize that a lot of my personal favs are actually my less popular ones. that makes sense, in a way; often my favorites are where i'm trying to express a really specific emotion or idea, which might not always resonate with people? anyways, ordered from oldest to newest:
Eighteenth Summer (Do You Wish We'd Fall in Love?)
ambient, pining, sort of sepia toned vignette filtered lestappen. i remember really wanting to capture the ambiguity that comes with being 18 and finishing high school -- a new future looms even when you feel like you haven't finished living what you have now. very much being on a precipice, but with a happy ending :)
You Bring Me Closer To God
i literally fucking love this universe so much. even if the fic wasn't special, writing all the dynamics between the bandmates, between the bar flies, between oscar and lando... it was such a joy. i still think about writing more within Dirty Blondes all the time.
I Know Your Name (But Not Who You Are)
lestappen in grief! the passage of time! the fear that life has somehow stopped moving on but also changed more than you can stomach! wanting things from your childhood but having to accept that you can never go back! but perhaps learning that moving forward is beautiful, too! yet another one where i entered it trying to capture a specific feeling, and i think i managed to like... use the setting in a way that achieved that.
Someone in Seattle
i like this one because i managed to write a fic i'd love to read. i love fics that explore the soft, meandering development of relationships -- the ones where falling in love is a bit of a blurry line, and it happens just by the nature of truly Seeing each other. it's a love letter to my home, and i think of her very fondly.
Impasse of Biting
THIS IS THE ONLY FIC WHERE I FEEL LIKE I GOT EVEN CLOSER TO LIKE. SOMETHING YOU COULD ANALYZE. THERE ARE CHARACTER MOTIVATIONS! THERE'S SPECIFIC WORD CHOICE! THERE'S UNRELIABLE NARRATION AND COMPLICATED EMOTIONAL TIES! idk. it's one that i feel like each reader could come away with something wildly different, and (as someone who doesn't often deal in ambiguity), that makes me proud.
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dustdeepsea · 21 hours
Writer Interview
Tagged by @my-favourite-zhent nearly 3 weeks ago and I've entirely missed the wave.
I've enjoyed reading so many interesting ones by my mutuals! Tagging (only if you're keen) @graysparrowao3 @coreene @say-lene @luvwich @grossestjay —and if I've missed your interview somehow, tag me in the comments!
Q&A after the cut—
When did you start writing?
I wrote my first fanwork at age 12. It was self-insert fanfiction with me and 2 of my friends in the Slayers anime universe, which meant it was several comedic sketches strung together with with lots of actions denoted by asterisks and emoticons. You know the ones ^_^ ^____^ @_@ T_T *slaps you gently with a trout*
We printed it out on someone's home printer and bound copies in plastic school folders with a two-hole punch. I've lost the original file ages ago, but I would love to read it again.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
When I was younger, I actively sought out "difficult stories" because I wanted to experience things beyond my day to day life. I read Nabokov at 16 because everyone kept saying Lolita was a dangerous book. I also read a lot of Chuck Palahniuk and Bret Easton Ellis without really understanding them.
My pretentiousness definitely peaked in my university days. My dating profile at the time listed: Herman Hesse, Kazuo Ishiguro and Mikhail Bulgakov.
Now that I'm older, I read and write stories primarily to make myself happy.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I'm not remotely at the level where I get compared to any published writers.
My favourite contemporary writer is David Mitchell (of Cloud Atlas fame), and my favourite book by him is The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet.
My favourite "classic" novel is The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I type at my desk, in a study shared with my partner. Sometimes if the scene is particularly spicy or they are gaming too loudly, I take the laptop to the living room.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Bouncing plot bunnies off others on Discord, talking a walk or a long train ride, playing an immersive video game and rotating characters in my head for hours afterwards.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
According to my lovely readers:
"Romantic and sweaty"; "two silly sausages frying in a pan" (thanks to my long time beta-reader @littleplasticrat)
"Purity, temperance, glimpse of [the] ability for real love / real forgiveness" (thank you @tellmeallaboutit!)
These did surprise me a bit when they were first pointed out but it makes sense—I've been accidentally writing Regency romances and repressed idiots in love without setting out to do so explicitly.
What is your reason for writing?
I put aside hobbies for many years because of my work (no matter what advertisers want you to believe—doomscrolling is not a hobby). Started doing more creative things during my sabbatical last year, and writing was one of the things that saved my broken corpo soul.
Nowadays I'm really into bread making and cooking in general. I'm trying to balance work and creative pursuits and I'm much happier overall.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Any and all comments are received with love <3 <3 <3 I really enjoy it when people let me know what lines really resonated with them or point out motifs I'd snuck in.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Friendly and approachable! Not entirely hyperfixated on That One NPC from a Video Game with Five Lines (that one might be harder now...!)
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
A fairly broad vocabulary, including anachronisms, which is useful for fantasy story settings. Writing characters who are actively lying to themselves (thinking one thing and saying/doing another).
My writing tends to be on the more contemplative side and a bit sadder and slower paced, so if you enjoy A Great Deal of Yearning along with your smut, then it would appeal to you :)
How do you feel about your own writing?
I'm pretty happy with it! I write very, very slowly, with constant edits as I go, and would probably starve if I ever had to rely on my fiction writing to be paid. Luckily, I get to do this as a hobby.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
I write for myself, but I am also super blessed to have a very small but vocal audience that I can interact with directly. I guess my best advice is: Write for yourself and your 10 friends who want to read your hand-bound home-printed self-insert fanfic <3
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The Best Writing Advice I've Ever Recieved
"There are no original stories. Only new ways to tell them."
On it's face, this might seem like terrible advice and so disheartening, and for me, it was. I asked so many follow up questions to expand on what my mentor meant by this, and he offered only this; 'we created every story there ever was before the beginning of time was recorded, before we could read or write, when we were sitting in caves casting shadows and craving pictures on the wall. Every archetype, every trope, every cliche, every character arc, every plot twist--- its already been done. So do it your way.'
For a long time, I thought this meant I needed to be unique, that I needed to literally find a new way to tell the stories I wanted to tell, which fit into tropes and archetypes and plot points I understood, and I agonized for hours twisting my ideas into every possible shape in order to make them as unique as possible-- and turning them into something completely incomprehensible.
I spent a lot of time stewing on this advice, trying to find my new way. Wondering, were there stories that hadn't been told? Could I be the one to finally figure out a way to tell a story that's never been done before? How do I tell my story in a way that doesn't remind anyone of anything else they've ever read?
And I focused on that. Guess what? The text was boring. Soulless. Contrite. Banal. Like the world's beigest pillow.
And if that last line struck you as familiar, it's popular from AMC's Interview with a Vampire right now, a fandom joke. And fandom is what taught me the thing I really needed to know from this advice; references aren't bad. Your media being akin to other media like it isn't a fault. I don't need to create a new story, I need to tell my own story, in my voice.
Telling a story in a your own way will always be new, will always be unique, will always be something that has never been done before; and to tell those stories in a way that resonates with us and the audiance, looking back on all the storytelling before us, and leaning on it rather than running away from it, using it to guide us, help us, hold our hands while we learn to sing with our own voice the song of generations and generations before that are all connected through storytelling---
that's what he was trying to tell me.
Your idea is good; it's been done before. That's okay; let that help you.
A story will be unique because you told it.
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snowdropheart · 6 months
i am never going to shut up about how good poor things was
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months
purple hawke who, at malcolm's death, lost not only a father, a mentor, the single most stable and safe point in their world up until this moment. but also the only person in their life who would consistently, gleefully 'yes, and — ' them. the loss, in one fell swoop, of both a beloved parent and your sole willing — no, not only willing, enthusiastic — improv partner. truly, the most unkindest cut of all that the maker could have seen fit to deal. (there's always so much less laughter in the house, after malcolm's gone.)
and then after all the horrors of the blight and trying to make a new life in the shithole turned shithome of kirkwall....... they meet varric. and something that's been slumbering deep within their soul dries a tear of relief and joy and whispers 'oh we are so back'. and they are so right
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mythalism · 12 days
trick weekes framing of the solavellan break up as such a tragic, terrible ultimatum - "he has to break it off right there or he will have betrayed himself". oh im sick to my stomach. the great betrayer, He Who Hunts Alone, Pride, just moments away from betraying himself by trusting the woman he loves. and he can't do it. Pride, who earned his infamy by betraying those he loves but cannot betray himself. i need to go lay down
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avenin7 · 11 days
Tumblr media
Knee deep in the passenger seat and you’re eating me out
Is it casual now?
It’s hard being casual
when my favorite bra lives in your dresser
And it’s hard being casual
when I’m on the phone talking down your sister
And I try to be the chill guy, that holds his tongue and gives you space
I try to be the chill guy
but honestly, I’m not.
knee deep in the passenger seat while you’re eating me out
Is it casual?
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cluescorner · 5 months
Canto 6 was incomplete
Literally why are we there? Like, we just go to a manor that's in t-corp I guess. But why are we there? We've got another Heathcliff and he's cool but he just shows up pissed off for no reason and then we leave? Weird af. Nelly, Linton, and Josephine were cool and Hindley...existed. But it's a weirdly low number of supporting characters, and I guess that 1 really important and cool one could have made up for it but that didn't happen. Even the Mili song felt incomplete, like only 1/2 of it was there! Such an odd choice to make at the halfway mark for our 12 sinners. It just feels like a lot of stuff was missing and it's really sad because I was excited for Heathcliff's canto.
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eowyntheavenger · 4 months
What does it mean when he: - says I was everyone's favorite person in the event we were part of - jokingly insists that I can do no wrong - tells me I'll do a fantastic job on the presentation I have coming up - thanks me for advocating for the people and issues I advocate for - says he's proud of me - says he loves my writing, which he describes as "powerful" and "amazing" and the level of detail is "exquisite" - wants me to teach him how to write - asks if I can send him all the articles I write because he loves reading them - says he's looking forward to seeing me again - comes up with things we could do together that I would like - after we've already made plans, shyly asks if we can do something together on the weekend when I visit - yes of course we can - he's so cute???????????
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hephaestuscrew · 2 years
A book asks the reader to imagine any sensory input of the story, whereas a film or TV show provides both sound and visuals. Audio fiction lives in the space between these two approaches. I think there's a unique power to that middle ground. I love how audio drama asks the listener to co-construct their sensory experience of the story.
Audio drama allows me to simultaneously experience 'This character feels real to me because I've heard their voice' and 'This character feels real to me because I've pictured them myself'.
What the characters are experiencing is both directly presented to me and left to my imagination. There's no page or screen between me and the story. It's there in my ears. It's there in my mind's eye.
There's a strange sense of intimacy to that, the intimacy of feeling like a fly on the wall during a conversation or of hearing a character speaking as if directly to me. Perhaps it sounds contradictory to say that experiencing a story only through sound allows me to feel uniquely connected to that story, but that's one of the reasons why I love audio fiction so much.
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doctorweebmd · 1 month
a really nice comment on 'nothing else fills' made me actually reread it for like, the first time in its entirety and.
wow. its... actually really good. like. i teared up multiple times and i'm the one that wrote it. why was i so mean to myself about it.
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