#who i forgot to mention is gay
littleeyesofpallas · 10 months
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malcontentonline · 23 days
hiii, I already adored your art from the comic of metal and hoki and married Kkgai - and to now see you put kkgai in founders time is giving me so much dopamine 💥 any chance you could elaborate on the dynamic between Madara and Gai ? :] how does he interact with the other founders ?
thank you very much for the kind words!!!
(Sorry I took so long to answer this I wanted to finish a lil comic I’ve been working on that basically contains what would have been the first meeting of madara and gai in the fic but that is going to take a fair bit longer so I hope you don’t mind me just answering with some doodles)
first up the dynamic between the founders, gai and kakashi is as follows:
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The black haired guy at the top middle is kakashi he actually is in disguise most of the story because he’s trying to be really careful and not alter the timeline too much.
This causes its own set of problems when gai after being told by kakashi to stay put and not interact with anyone (gai was not meant to join kakashi in the past and they weren’t meant to go back so far so kakashi is a bit disoriented) mistakes madara for his eternal rival and interferes with an ambush to help him escape unscathed. Madara witnesses here the 6th gate for the first time and decides to kidnap gai and keep him as a prisoner until he’s figured out what the heck gai did to spontaneously get stronger.
Gai tries to figure out the lest future changey way of escaping and finding the real kakashi while madara tries to figure out gais deal generally. Eventually gai agrees to spar with madara on the condition that madara sends people to search for his rival.
Their sparing matches are actually really interesting! Gai is exceptional at countering the sharingan but madara is a far more experienced fighter both of them are a fan of a good fight so they actually end up growing closer through these fights (this relationship development would actually have been a large part of the story)it doesn’t help that they both remind each other of their respective rivals, so they sort of fall into a closer relationship than they would naturally because they both miss them so much.
Their would likely be dashes of madagai in this story but ultimately they’re not each other’s endgame so it would only really manifest in like madaras musings about what a world where they got together might look like. As well as the occasional crisis of faith from gai where he weirdly feels like he’s cheating on kakashi despite them not actually being together till the end of the story.
So yeah hopefully that illuminates the dynamic a bit more :]
here are some silly doodles:
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ssruis · 25 days
Never not funny to me that tsukasa inexplicably knows a shit load of cool women/is on friendly terms with them and does not see this as anything special. Played with beautiful idol shizuku hinomori when they were kids. Brother of a member of an up and coming band & has known the other three members since childhood. Routinely subject to slapstick humor at the hands of emu “comes from a family of billionaire industry titans” Otori. Friends with an shirashi (vivid streets special little girl) & sakurako seiryuin (renowned for her acting and singing prowess). Mizuki chooses to spend time w him because she thinks he’s funny as fuck. Kohane is a fan of him and his troupe. & he’s like “??? They’re just people why’s that weird”. Pandemonium npcs flabbergasted that this guy knows many beautiful women. All while being So Ugly.
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gemsofthegalaxy · 1 year
now that the show is almost over i think i'm ready to start to get into the unhinged au era that gets more and more untethered to canon. and by this i mean i need a tomgreg buddy comedy where for some reason they have to dress up as priests, because i think they'd both look hot in those black shirt white collar combos. i also want tom to demand to greg that he confess his nasty sinful thoughts and for them to fuck in the confessional after this. yes i liked fleabag s2 too much and was raised catholic why are you asking.
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Another fic idea
And one I might even write this time!
Thinking about a Wriolette pirate AU. Exact worldbuilding has yet to be decided, but my specific thought is that Neuvilette wouldn't be the Iudex or even close. He's just... a fucking dragon. The Thing That Lurks In The Depths™️
Eldritch horror sea serpent Neuvilette and the crew of the one ship who can pass through his territory unharmed because what they do actually helps him. (They do not know why, nor do they know why every other ship that dares go in gets fucking PUNTED.)
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theophagie · 10 months
what is the "closest person thing" in bnha? I haven't been caught up in what feels like forever. (i read it as closet person at first and was so confused lol)
You wouldn't be wrong to talk about closets- *I am forcibly removed from the premise* Okay so
I'll use AFO for the person and all for one for the quirk
Super tldr jic you don't know about the body snatching: Tomura was given AFO's quirk, and through it AFO eventually took possession of his body. It's complicated. By receiving all for one, Tomura also obtained all the quirks that AFO had stolen in the past. Among these quirks was search, Radgoll's quirk (one of the kitty heroes from the training camp, she got kidnapped alongside Bakugou)
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^ the two stars respectively are Bakugou and Midoriya. Tomura only used search to locate them and didn't care to take advantage of the information that was revealed to him, not even when he came face to face with them
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Things happen, the first war ends, things happen, the second war arrives. And boy if AFO did take advantage of that information instead :') + he had also seen Midoriya go completely berserk over Bakugou during the first war, so there's that too
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(btw there is no actual corpse because although he would have readily died without medical assistance, Kacchan is actively being healed 👍)
And the reason I brought this up in the other ask while talking about the fanbase is that maaaany people (cishet men especially) didn't exactly take this well lol, and to this day many of them still say things like "AFO was just lying" (literally for what reason) or "AFO couldn't actually know about that" (*points to search and to what he saw during the first war and to the spy that he's had in class 1A for almost a year*). Fun stuff
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townslore · 1 month
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discovery of the day
#im sorry i do Not see what everyone sees in this movie. although from the years of browsing the internet ive began to realize#that i actually dont know if people actually like the movie or not#why is everything so rushed#their romance felt like nothing to me because i dont KNOW what they see in eachother#listen you dont have to tell me straight up into the camera why they love eachother#but the aggressive kissing and cut sex scenes arent telling me much#i get that it came out in 2005 but cutting mostly every gay sex scene? even the kissing for the most part?#but oh we NEED to see this happy husband and wife doing it. yes im bitter#a german movie by the name of summer storm came out the year before this one and actually shows something that feels like actual passion#i sound like i need to see people doing it in these movies all the time I promise thats not it#but even the kissing? the thing i Actually like the most? the thing that makes me feel things? felt like nothing at all#and oh i forgot that this is a tragic gay movie where one of them dies. Oh yeah. forgot.#mentioning summer storm again: it actually has a relatively happy ending. feels good that i dont need to be reminded of how gay people are#doomed 24/7.#the romance started good. with jack telling the guy whos name i already forgot to get his ass in the tent already.#the Pulling his arm over my body thing. it was going great#THEN IT WENT SO FAST! WHY WAS HE SUDDENLY SO INTO IT! WHY WERE THEY BOTH SUDDENLY DOING IT#im sorry i expected a slighter slow burn than this!!! calm down cowboys i have no idea why you two like eachother all of the sudden!#i seriously thought they would show these little moments of tension#and it just growing bigger and bigger#until they couldnt take it anymore#that would explain the aggressiveness of it! why they were so desperate! but it literally just HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!#im sorry i. I expected more of this movie that i hear so much about.#the most it made me feel was at that moment that turned into a meme where i thought “Hop on fortnite”#chuckled. that was it. did i cry? did my heart race at any moment? was i worried about what was gonna happen? not Once#im so. Disappointed.#after this i wanted to watch summer storm but netflix removed it. Its a german only movie no one knows from 2004. where the hell am i gonna#🏴‍☠️ that#AAAGHHHH!!!!!!!#not being able to watch summer storm made me cry more than this movie did What the hell
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autistic-britta-perry · 7 months
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I was doing a playlist of this but then it was too long and then I was like why am I even doing this, i'm not having fun anymore. still. I was right .
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paradisecas · 2 years
i think it’s so nice that marie included adam in her little play. i haven’t seen the episode in a hot min so i cant remember if she really believes that sam and dean are sam and dean but it’s really funny to think about her accepting and processing that her favorite characters are actually real people and then remembering them being confused about adam in her play. who’s that, they asked, and she’s like damn! he wasn’t even ignored because the series ended! he was Forgotten forgotten!! au in which marie and some teenagers stage a jailbreak because if sam and dean won’t save their brother, someone has to.
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Starting pride month with the pharmacy denying me my testosterone prescription until mid-June and my doctor saying she can't do anything about it because it's a controlled substance 🙃✌️
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infinititia · 1 month
Since pride month is totally really close and I have too much time and nail polish, let's make sum Disney characters gay shall we?
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-in the new outfit, bisexual, reminds me a lot of Lizzy
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-You know what I'm gonna say, lesbian
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-AroAce to me actually
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-demi girl or some sorta nonbinary, omni
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-and finally, AroAce,
send me others you want me to do if you want
remember this is for fun, this doesn't reflect the characters in any way, shape, or form. If you don't like the idea, please scroll past instead of spreading hate.
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moesartblog · 9 months
#I just saw a post that pissed me off#it is so frustrating seeing posts complaining about lesbians being ‘forced’ to have sex with men#like I’m so sorry but uh lesbians lesbians and men have been sucking and fucking men particularly queer men since time in memoriam#and that doesn’t make them not lesbians and doesn’t mean they were necessarily forced to do it eaither#and this is not talking about the cases where that does happen#queer people of all sorts fuck and date and it will not fit into a neat box that makes you feel good every time#I hate the rising of Porto terf/radfem/transphobia rhetoric and the gender essentialism shit#sorry I’m rambling this is frustrating#also how fuckibg insensitive to bring of conversion therapy in relation to lesbians and gay men fucking each other consentually holy fuck#obviously if someone is being a fucking pushy ass and saying all lesbians should fuck men that’s awful and that person should be shunned#but I see these reactions to people just gleefully talking about the messy queer relationships they have or want to have or see#and people who do the whole nmlnm bullshit getting their emotions in a bungle#if you don’t like these opinions of mine please feel free to leave and block me#this may have not been coherent at points and is definitely vague posting about a specific post but it bothered me so much#forgot to mention the biphobia in it too#also I wanted to make it clear the cases where lesbians are pressured into sex with people they don’t wanna have sex with is Bad like it is#never EVER acceptable and the people who promote that need to be strung up#but this is not about those situations
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neverendingford · 8 months
#tag talk#gonna talk about Dodie's music and why I like the lyrics and themes#she sings about being queer in a very vague way besides “Rainbow”. It feels very much more about relationship type rather than sexuality#“In the Middle” “I Kissed Someone (It Wasn't You)”. songs about wanting a different kind of relationship. feeling out of place because of i#dreams about people being okay with you wanting a different kind of romance or sex experience.#it's not “oh no ooouuu I'm gay” but a more subtle relationship style misfit. the closeted bi vibes. the poly forced to be monogamous vibes.#a kind of queer that gets overlooked because so many people assume that gay/lesbian people are still monogamous romantic who want to marry#“okay you can be gay but only as long as you aren't anything else queer.” you still have to find “the one” and settle down and get married#and if you want anything else then we demonize you again. we decide that this one thing is okay but everything else is still social devianc#idk. the sad loneliness vibes she catches are really good because it's not just lonely. it's being invisible while still being seen#there's people around you but you're still shut out. you're in a relationship but you still don't feel loved.#you're visible and yet they still never see you.#and I forgot to mention! the traffic idea of cheating. like. being pulled away from a relationship because it isn't for you#and knowing that you what you're doing isn't great but being unable to sit still in a bad situation.#we do not always escape situations well. or without causing harm to others. but we hurt others in our attempt to protect ourselves#especially clear in “I Kissed Someone”. like. when you're not happy with a situation but you opt for small hurt instead of catastrophic hurt#the fear of breaking up a relationship so you seek small escapes instead of destroying the prison you've built around yourself
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wereh0gz · 1 year
Hot take surge//amy is just son//amy with extra steps (and it's gay)
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gothgamergaara · 2 years
Made the realization recently that an Event that happened at my first college that hit me a little hard had a lot to do w gender (was still Egged then) and it’s odd bc. It’s like oh that makes so much sense and back then I didn’t understand why it bothered me. But now I have to contend w the fact that it bothered me due to gender and now I know I have to keep that in mind bc ppl see me a certain way and expect a type of behavior and condemn others
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knittinglizards · 2 years
i haven't said anything abt dracula here since the emails ended/i finished the book bc ive been thinking abt other things and bc the ending is underwhelming and thick with blatant examples of the book's bigotry BUT just remembered that it says Jonathan's hair turned white over the course of the story like a fucking cartoon character. and hes like 20something. p funny
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