#whoever sent this ask thank you for giving me the chance to ramble like a madman about stories
good-old-kooks · 3 years
why do you think that most authors always want to make theyr favorite characters suffer or to see them suffer? like, i know it happens with enough frecuency to be a meme and i also do it in a regular basis, but i dont get why people do it.
There's a lot of reasons for that, and it all depends on the kind of suffering the character is being put through I think.
If we're talking about simple fanfic, or fanart, the most common explination is seeing what the character will do in a situation like that. Pushing or pulling or squishing a character until their breaking point is a fun excercise in seeing the limits a character has, ones you don't think about under normal circamstances, and the suffering you're putting them through isn't for the sake of a narrative or part of an arc, it's just for fun. Exploration for exploration's sake.
If, by the end of a story or narrative, they come out a better person, stronger and prouder than before, it's just a classic character arc. You can't have good things without showing bad things, you can't have development without there being a problem to solve.
I haven't watched the entirety of Korra, but from what I know, her arc at a certain point focuses on her overcoming all the trauma she went through, and by the end of that arc, she may look worse for wear, but shes stronger mentally, and once she fully recovers physically too, she's a stronger individual altogether. Her suffering served the narrative purpose of preparing her for what's to come next in the story, literally or figuratively.
Another kind of suffering is the "tragic" kind, where a character goes through something awful, it makes them a worse person, and they don't seem to fully move on from it at any point. (I'll be honest I'm not good at writing this one, but) I think this is mosty used to give the story and the characters depth, and something that the writer can lean on when they're not sure what to do with them.
A good example for the above would be Toriel and Asgore from Undertale. They both went through the same trauma, it made them both act like bad people (in varying degrees, but still), and neither of them really overcome the damage these events did to them by the end of the game. For Toriel, this is used to give her character depth, and to add an extra dimension to her "motherly" nature. Asgore, on the other hand, is not really explored as a character in the game outside of his trauma and his worst qualities, when talking to him specifically (which makes him all the more endearing to me and unappealing to most people but oh well). The other characters in Undertale are usually a better source of information about these two people than they themselves are, but I think I'm starting to get off topic.
There's also the "true tragedy" kind of suffering as I like to call it, wherein it follows a three act structure, and the character being poked with a doom stick is probably the protagonist. In this case, the character is first downtrodden, then they "rise" in some way, finding success or love, and then they "fall", being dragged down to a fate worse than when they started, probably dying by the end too. These kinds of stories are very hard to execute, but I find they can be one of the most fascinating kinds of stories IF done properly and with care. Each action having a reaction that all culminates by the end, as well as all the characters being as real as possible, can both work to make the audiance really invested, or so I'm told.
A bad example of the above, in my opinion, is Caliborn from Homestuck. While he is a villain, Hometuck is also a story that gives every single character the limelight, and a chance to shine in their personal journeys. This fails spectacularly with Caliborn, even if he goes through a borderline textbook character arc. Instead of seeing things from his point of view, he is constantly mocked by the narration and by himself, and instead of seeing the trials he went through and the suffering he endured, we are only told about those things, and it can have the opposite effect. Instead of seeing him as someone who's gone through unspeakable trauma, we see him as someone who never stops complaining. Instead of seeing what the people closest to him think about him, or talk about him outside his painful existance, we only see hatred for him, or neutrality bordering on ignorance. On the one hand, I think that all might've been intentional, to take away any sympathy from the "big bad" of the main story, but on the other hand, I have very little reason to ever trust Hussie's intentions as a writer anymore, so I will simply call this a bad execution of a tragic character arc (especially because other hestuck villains are given the same, or similar treatment, as if Hussie is avoiding giving these people visible depth like he does to every other character).
I'm no expert on this topic, but the question you asked is a really interesting one to think about! I know I personally look at characters as tools for a story, more than I look at them as people or idols, so my explination for all of this is highly personal.
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
hiii! can I get a similar scenario like this but with vice dorm leaders and floyd? I love your works!!! I hope you have a nice week <3
Vice Dorm Leaders + Floyd + Valentine's Jealousy
Thank you for this request! It was a while to post this because I kinda forgot the prompt for the previous one, but I hope you enjoy some equally jealous Vice Dorm Leaders and Floyd!
Lilia Vanrouge
Many knew that you were quite famous, and he was well aware of how others saw you too. You weren't one to accept the presents because you had Lilia, but it was hard to reject them most of the time when they'd all gang up on you.
From the day started, you planned out the day. You planned to take an alternate route back to the dorms, but through every step, some student would stop you with a present. With so many eyes on you, it was overwhelming.
A couple of Savanaclaw boys stopped you in your tracks, with the supposed leader of the pack holding a box of chocolates towards you.
"YN! Please accept my gift!"
The sudden approach made you trip and fall on your butt, but before a hand could reach out to help you, the wall of students collapsed. You smelled smoke, supposedly from something burning, but as you looked over it more, it was the students that were burning…
Lilia stood over them, sneering at the other students that looked on. He gave a deep bow, and you noticed that one of his heels dug into the side of the one who wanted to give you a gift.
"Ara ara... as Vice Dorm Leader, there shouldn't be any fleas disturbing the peace."
The bodies of those students were well stepped and pranced over as Lilia prattled on about 'appropriate' rules for a NRC student. His lecture was done, but you found it odd that Lilia cared about the rules at all...
"Now that you get my point, leave."
All students, burnt and normal, scattered when Lilia said that. You were the only one left, and you began to get anxious once more. Surely... Surely your lover wouldn’t punish you too?
As your boyfriend stepped closer, he got on one knee, somehow conjuring a bouquet of flowers? On further inspection, the flower buds appeared to be your favourite snacks on sticks in... a bouquet. Lilia had his mysterious ways, but the silly bouquet got a giggle out of you.
He got up, pulling you by the waist. "I take it as you love your snack bouquet~" He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. "Happy Valentine's Day YN."
Trey Clover
Trey didn't want you to know that you were well-known so instead of doing anything to the other students, he tells you to stay in your room instead as you wait for him to pick you up for a romantic Valentine's date.
As the morning of Valentine started, he could watch in envy at the other students with present clearly meant for you. He did ask Vil for a favour to doll you up for the date, but he wasn't sure if you were going to stay put with Grim around...
He had to curse himself for getting caught up in one of Professor Crewel's ramblings, but he wouldn't be so rude to get up and leave. If he had to be honest, it was very tempting to do so.
It was finally over, and he tried not to let out a sigh of relief. The moment he walked out of the classroom, he was already frowning at the sight that he saw.
Many surrounded you, but particularly those with sweet treats caught your attention the most. They begged you to try their treats, but you never thought it as anything romantic. As someone who was fond of making sweet treats like Trey, you thought that they were asking for your input instead.
One of the students dared to hand-feed you a piece of the sweet he made. Trey being pissed off was an understatement. Cater, who was busy filming the decorations and vlogging, paused when his camera neared Trey's line of view.
Trey knew he wasn't going to get to you in time, so as he saw the treat inch closer to your mouth, he used his magic to alter the flavour of it. You winced at the bitter flavour unlike the sweet flavour before you expected.
You coughed out the piece you had in your mouth, dropping the food. Your head bumped against someone, and an arm wrapped around you. You relaxed once you felt Trey's familiar scent, but with your ear pressed against his chest, the sound of his thumping heart rang through your ears.
"You really dared to poison YN..."
The students backed away, but with a teacher nearby, they were quickly taken away. Trey didn't mind his little lie, after all, you were adorably blushing in his arms.
"Are you okay my love?" He patted your head, checking you for any injuries. It was only then he realised that you were dolled up, and your cheeks were flushed whenever hi fingers touched your skin.
Trey wasn't usually tongue-tied, but the way you just looked made him speechless.
"H-Happy Valentine's... my gorgeous YN."
Jamil Viper
He was an observant man, so the day before Valentine's he knew who was targeting to give you gifts, even if they hadn't made their intentions public. He never made your relationship public, but he targeted those who thought they were the 'perfect' candidate for your love.
It all began with spreading rumours, particularly about how someone was going to be your fiancé. He only had to wait for the rumours to settle in, and then the chaos would commence...
By the morning of Valentine's, many had gathered at your doorstep leaving gifts but some insisted on waiting for you... like a stalker... Oh well, Jamil could remedy that easily.
He couldn't hypnotise to most due to the limitations of his magic, but he was still good at manipulating those around him. He couldn't help but feel such jealousy towards the other students for getting you such expensive gifts, especially when he could never get those gifts for you himself.
He was so distracted with his jealous thoughts that he missed the moment that you walked out of your room. You were hopeful that your boyfriend Jamil was waiting, but you couldn't hide your disappointment when it wasn't.
The more aggressive 'suitors' caught on to your disappointment, and you shrunk in fear as they approached you.
"Hoi, why are you making that fa-"
Before any insulting things were said, a basketball went flying and hit the student in the head, knocking him flat.
"Get away from her."
Jamil's piercing gaze sent a shiver down everyone's spine, causing them to scram. Even those who had the strength to beat Jamil were outmatched by the sheer bloodlust and the objective authority he had, which was better not to mess with if they valued their school life.
It wasn't long before you jumped into Jamil's arms, which caused both of you to topple over. Your large grin was fitting for Jamil's flustered state, as you bestowed your hero a loving kiss.
Jade Leech
If any student in NRC were to say to their fellow friends that they wanted to confess to YN on Valentine's Day, their friends would ask them if they wanted a death wish. This was because it was a well-known fact that you were dating Jade Leech.
And in NRC, you'd never want to mess with the Leech brothers.
Jade wouldn't want to scare you, but he may have overheard some other people talking about giving you a Valentine's gift. Even if it was out of obligation, he wouldn't allow that.
He could personally alter the ingredients of their drinks so that they'd... fall asleep before any present giving...
You always hung around the Lounge but this time around, Jade didn't allow you to walk out onto the floor, so you accompanied Azul with helping him with his papers. He waited for the serum to kick in, and when they were asleep he informed Azul of some loiterers in the Lounge.
Before they fell asleep, Jade couldn't help himself from revealing his tiny plan to the victims.
"Don't try your chances."
They were quickly disposed of, thanks to Floyd. It'd be better not to mention specifics.
Jade did promise you a romantic date, so you were surprised how much the Lounge changed after hours. The simple candlelight shone on the extravagant meal with Jade's specially brewed tea.
You felt the merman's arms wrap around you, as he leaned down, whispering in your ear. "YN, thank you for being my Valentine."
Floyd Leech
Whoever had the idea to confess to you besides Floyd Leech was asking to die by getting squeezed by a merman.
He wasn't sure how did you gain so much attention, but then he remembered that he'd always glomp you whenever he saw you... and then he remembered that Valentine's was today. Oh well, he'll figure something out.
The person Floyd had his eyes on though, was a student who was part of a band that Azul drove into debt. The entire band then on went to work for the Lounge as entertainters, but how could Floyd trust such a scheming bass player?
He heard from Jade that they were going to practice, but he had an inkling that it would be a confession to you. Only when it comes to you, he's observant.
"Hey YN! I just wanna show you-"
You shrugged off the bassist's enthusiasm. "Sorry... I'm a bit worn out. A lot of people have been giving me presents today."
He still took your hand. "Well... um if it helps you relax, I wrote a song for you!"
"A song?" You inched away since he was too close for comfort, but you'd doubt he'd listen to you since those other students didn't listen to you anyway...
"Hands off my Shrimpy."
Floyd couldn't hold it, watching from the sidelines. Jade told him to stay put, but it was impossible. He grabbed the student by the shoulders, squeezing him until he screamed. Once Floyd saw your worried face, he abandoned every thought of 'torturing' the boy and flung him across the room instead.
It was just his luck that the boy landed in your pile of presents, destroying about half of them. That was the presents dealt with...
You eagerly hugged Floyd, finally seeing him after a long day. Floyd couldn't help but twirl his Shrimpy around, joy filling him from your giggles. Oh well, Valentine's was too materialistic anyway. If he could get a laugh out of you just like this, that was all that mattered to him.
"Love ya Shrimpy~"
Ruggie Bucchi
Having so much responsibility in Savanaclaw meant that he had the slimmest of chances to be with you during Valentine's. Sure, most knew that you were his but there would be those idiots that would approach you regardless of your relationship status.
He gritted his teeth as he thought of all the possible presents he couldn't give you, and others could. The moment he stepped out his body simply shook with envy at how lucky those students were to have the spare money to get you something nice.
It honestly made him feel terrible that he couldn't provide those for you. It really did.
He wasn't one to lash out, but he was a hyena beastman after all. He had his limits. The moment he spotted you, he couldn't stop his tail from wagging. What pissed him off though was the idiocity of the students who can't comprehend that you didn't want to deal with them.
A Scarabia student had been following you around, and it was getting on your nerves. He showed off his 'assets' in front of you, which was embarrassing enough but it really struck a chord when the said student disregarded your beloved Ruggie.
"Surely you have better chances with me than some filthy beastman like him..."
You huffed, your fists shaking. "That's my boyfriend you're talking about!"
The student, of course disregarded you entirely. He grabbed you by the wrist, but in the blink of an eye, his palm was bleeding. There Ruggie was, claws out and holding you in one arm.
"She said she has a boyfriend, scum."
He didn't care how much he'd get punished. Knowing how much the teachers favoured you, they might let it pass... He didn't want to deal with the aftermath, so he lifted you up bridal style and ran with you to the Savanaclaw dorm.
"W-Wait Ruggie! I might be heavy..."
"You're not," He bluntly said, angling his face so he could check you for any injuries. His chest swelled up with pride with how much you defended him. "YN, it's okay though. You didn't have to defend me that much..."
You were not one to stand for your boyfriend to insult himself. You kissed him, surprising him to the point he almost dropped you. As you stared at your confused Ruggie, you comforted him with words he needed to hear the most.
"Ruggie, you're my one and only love."
Rook Hunt
This man had a plan. He had a plan and he planned it the moment he realised Valentine's Day was coming which was roughly after the first few months of dating. He never realised that it would be such a meticulous operation.
He runs the grapevine of gossip, so he knows exactly who to target. Sure... some methods were not as graceful as the Pomefiore standard but he had to do what he had to do.
Valentine's rolled around. D-Day. The D stood for Date... as he highlighted in notes. He'd leave you be, because you were the main star of his plan. His star, his moon, his every- Oh and he caught himself before getting sidetracked...
The first mistake was leaving their presents unattended. The second mistake was going to talk to you.
In a sudden moment, many shrieked at their presents getting vandalised by someone's arrow. It wasn't a humble mistake. Someone was doing this on purpose.
While other students panicked, you had stooped to your knees, observing the words on the shaft of the arrow...
'From YN's boyfriend~'
Oh... Oh Rook... How adorable of you... You thought to yourself. You were surprised that none had caught on so far, but you were sorely mistaken as the person who was about to gift you a bouquet of flowers grabbed you in fear.
"Y-Your boyfriend?! Who is he-" The student shrieked and fell to the ground as an arrow flew past his head, cutting off some of his locks. Then and there, Rook stepped out, bow in hand, bowing to his lady.
"My apologies. I was aiming for your head."
Rook was quick to take you in his arms, but that was not before he oh so graciously stepped on the student's hand. You didn't expect him to-
"You didn't think I would get jealous, Mademoiselle," He laughed, getting on one knee with a rose in hand that you were sure was from another student's bouquet. "Ah, I take it you enjoyed my gift!~"
Unfortunately, it wasn't long before Rook was scolded by some teachers and Vil himself. As much as you thought he would put up with the punishment, that didn't stop the hunter from bringing you to the final date spot, a quiet, peaceful forest date with your favourite hunter.
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌 𝟒. ♡ 𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝
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"Hi! I hope u have a lovely day :] I was wondering if I could request an imagine where you're online friends with Gogy and one day you send him a picture wearing his merch and he can't stop thinking about it and finally ends up telling you he has a crush on you?? Thank you in advance :] I really enjoy your writing"
pairing: georgenotfound x reader
warnings: Zoom Video Communications none :)
links: | ao3 | request | masterlist |
⋆ song recommendation: Slowly by Josh Gilligan
(streamer bf gogy brainrot brrr) hello sweet anon! thank you for much for this request :) I love love love all the geo simps and their ideas. also thank you to my dearest LB for helping me with the plot help. happy reading, everyone! ♡ ᵍᵉⁿᵉ
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You tapped your fingers on your desk, nails clattering at you waiting to be let into your third Zoom meeting of the day. Usually, you got off with only one lecture, but because of upcoming exams, you were finding yourself in and out of virtual meetings and office hours. Sure, it was better than jogging from building to building, fighting the crowds, and searching for a seat in a packed lecture hall, but it was still wearing you down beyond belief.
You rested your chin in your hand as your window went from white to dark grey, the square with your name getting wedged in beside the professor. Everyone’s cameras were off, a thankful sigh leaving your lips as your head slumped down to lay against your arm, the danger of falling asleep suddenly becoming more prominent.
You jumped slightly as your professor cleared their throat, sharing their screen and beginning to ramble off facts listed on the slideshow. You played with your keyboard, focused on removing a crumb from beneath your spacebar that was almost unreachable. You usually took notes in the class, but today was just one of those days.
“... And with that in mind, I’m going to put you all into breakout rooms…” Your professor trailed off, eyebrows furrowed as they peered at their screen and clicked frantically to assign all of you to rooms. You yawned, smacking your cheeks and sitting up. You were determined not to be a shitty partner, at least. The white box popped up, inviting you to join breakout room four. That’s always lucky, you thought to yourself as you joined.
Once again, you were cursed to look at the buffering wheel of death as your internet struggled to sustain all your opened tabs. Please, just a little longer, you groaned internally, eyes dashing towards the receiver and exhaling in relief as your computer connected to the breakout room. You turned on your camera, eliciting your partner, George, to do the same.
You flashed him a smile as you struggled to open the article from the previous night. “Hi! How’s it going?” You greeted, not yet looking at him.
“I’m good, actually. How are you?” He engaged, his voice deep and tired.
You finally managed to split your screen enough so that you could see him and the article. “Yeah, I’m good too. Thanks,” you chewed the inside of your cheek, eyes skimming some of the notes you’d etched into the margins. “So, did you have any idea what,” you paused, squinting at the author’s name, “Robert A. Schneider means when he discusses how ‘men of letters’ fear the lower class more than anything?” You asked, as your eyes trailed across your screen to finally gauge his reaction, you were taken aback by his appearance.
His soft features and dark eyes made you feel safe. As he smiled softly, running his fingers into his hair, he seemed to be racking his brain for an answer. He opened his mouth to begin, detailing what you had previously thought with better articulation.
The two of you got through the basic questions the professor had scripted for the students, then finding yourself still stuck in the breakout room. On a normal day, your professor would have pulled everyone back into the call after the first few questions.
George swiveled in his chair quietly as he listened to you briefly explain your area of study. His kind smile made your heart flutter slightly. Deep down, you hoped the two of you would be stuck in the room for a while.
Soon your topics blended into what kind of movies you both watched, a debate on where you could buy the cheapest bread on campus, and what kind of party people the two of you were. After an hour, instead of worrying whether or not your professor was dead, you were swapping numbers and planning out how the two of you would turn the Florida Keys into the headquarters of your new cult where the members would all worship a separate bitchy philosopher.
You pulled one of your legs to your chest, resting your cheek against your knee as his laughing died out. “Okay, this might be a weird question, but I need to know why your webcam is so clear. Is it like an OnlyFans thing or…”
He chuckled. “Yeah it’s definitely OnlyFans,” he joked, making you laugh. “I’m actually a ᵐⁱⁿᵉᶜʳᵃᶠᵗ ˢᵗʳᵉᵃᵐᵉʳ” he mumbled.
Your eyebrows perked playfully. “You’re a what?”
He pursed his lips to fit the grin stretching across his face. “ᵃ ᵐⁱⁿᵉᶜʳᵃᶠᵗ ˢᵗʳᵉᵃᵐᵉʳ”
You snorted slightly. “Sorry darling, you’ll have to speak up. What was that?”
He wet his lips, rolling his eyes as he bashfully groaned. “I’m a Minecraft streamer.”
You giggled, him basking in your disbelief. He smiled a bit brighter as he shrugged, leaning back in his chair as you rambled off questions. “There’s no way! Nerd!” you chaffed, making him smile as if he liked it when you playfully teased him. “Are you super popular?” You asked, catching your breath.
He bit his bottom lip swaying his head slightly as if deciding not to answer. “Mmmm. Not really.”
“Well, come on, Georgios! Give me your Twitch user and I’ll be your biggest fan, I promise.” He laughed at your response, digging out his phone to send you a link.
“I’d like to see you try,” he mumbled.
After the class had finally ended, you’d learned that your professor was on the phone with their credit card company. In the following weeks, you and George were in constant contact, even becoming part of each other’s daily routines.
As you studied for finals, you’d turn on his stream, letting his voice alleviate some of the stress of your exams. He knew you were watching and would even drop hints for you in what he was saying, or he’d blatantly just ask what you were talking about in your essay for a certain class. After the stream would end, he’d call you either on Discord or the phone, just so it felt like the two of you were studying together.
Jokingly, you badgered him to send you some of his merch, threatening to buy it from a bootleg online store if he didn’t. He had only brushed it off at the time, but shortly after, you received a hoodie in the mail with his gamer tag printed across it.
It was late at night when you’d received it, the tiredness of your eyes and George’s dulcet tones lulling you towards the idea of a dead sleep. Yet, you were drawn from your pleasant relaxation with the shrilling of your doorbell. You shrugged out of your blanket cocoon, grabbing your phone and trudging down the stairs. As you tore open the bag, your phone buzzed with a text from George asking if you’d seen something that one of his chat members. You chuckled softly and dug your hand into the material, holding it out in front of you.
You snickered to yourself, running your fingers across the red patch in the center. You slipped it over your head, letting the softness of the fabric brush against your skin. You snapped a photo of yourself and stumbled back upstairs before sending it to him.
When you returned, George was focused on something he was crafting. His eyes darted down to one corner of the screen where his phone was probably sitting. His eyes flashed back up with a smug grin on his face as if he knew exactly what you were going to say. Your “Thanks sugar daddy xx,” probably didn’t help either.
“What, chat?” His voice came out slightly uneven as he bit back a smile. You skimmed what people were asking. “It’s not a nude. A friend of mine got something I sent them,” he answered nonchalantly, finishing up what he was doing. The chat began to spam quietly. “No, it’s not a maid costume. Jesus Christ.” He leaned back in his chair, grabbing his phone and opening your message.
A grin spread across his face, alongside the light dusting of rosy pigment settling in his cheeks. He chuckled to himself, quickly replying before getting back to his game. You scoffed at his response.
George (H325) Anything for my silly little baka
You curled up again, putting away your schoolwork and devoting your attention to watching his stream as you drifted off to sleep.
Once again, you found yourself at the mercy of your internet as you attempted to join the breakout room assigned to you. You almost jumped out of your chair when it finally connected and you found George waiting for you. You smiled slightly as he scrolled through his phone. “What are the chances?” You asked, pulling his eyes to you.
He grinned, clicking off whatever he was looking at. “I was just about to raid your inbox.”
You chuckled. “I almost wore your merch to class, just to out you to whoever my partner was,” you joked, making him roll his eyes.
“I’m glad it’s me then,” he responded. You began scrounging around for your article. After a beat of hesitation, George spoke up again. “Hey, I’m glad you like the sweatshirt…” You perked an eyebrow in his direction. “I actually haven’t been able to get that picture out of my head. I know it’s stupid,” he stated lightly, chuckling nervously. You could feel your heart beating in your ears. “It’s so lame, but I think I have a crush on you.”
You sat back in your chair, stunned. “I mean, the feeling’s mutual. Even if it’s lame,” you mirrored, winking at him. “I mean, maybe it’s not lame because I know I like you.”
He smiled to himself at your answer before chuckling, “Should we Zoom date or something?”
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tommysparker · 3 years
Never Forget You [Chapter 4]
A/N: hey y’all. just wanna say sorry for the posting schedule change. life is about to get hella hectic with school and the move sooo yeah. every second Saturday I will be posting! it’ll defiantly give me a chance to write more as well so im not rushing out chapters. anyways ive rambled long enough, enjoy :) 
Warnings: angst. theres fluff too but its fluffy angst?? im not sorry hehe. long italic paragraphs = flashbacks. 
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From an outside perspective, one would assume the four of them were deep in thought, perhaps even communicating telepathically via the Force. They would only be half correct, as all of the Jedi were indeed thinking, but none of their trains of thought overlapped.  
Anakin and Ahoska were in the pilot seats, glancing at each other every other minute or so. They could feel the tension build thicker with every passing planet. The only sound filling the room was the faint running of the engine that kept the ship moving. 
You and Obi-Wan sat across from each other, neither one daring to make eye contact. Apparently, he was quite serious about the “not speaking from now on” agreement. It’s for the best, you kept telling yourself. However, the awkward silence that filled the ship made it harder to believe that. 
Out of all the things that could happen to you at the moment, this was by far the worst. 
On Gyfil, you had grown quite used to the sound of silence. In fact, over time you began to prefer it as opposed to the buzz of the towns. However, this was a different type of silence, one that had you bouncing your knee in anticipation for Anakin to announce you finally landed. 
Master Yoda had called you all for a mission briefing. There was a supposed Separatist group meeting on Ostor, given the intel you received from a client on your previous mission. The four of you were sent to listen in on it. 
“Young Skywalker and Padawan Tano, back up you will be. Great risks on Ostor, there are. Careful, you must be.” He turned to Obi-Wan and You. “Master Y/l/n, guide them you must do. In charge of the mission, I am putting you.” 
A sense of pride filled your body but you quickly humbled yourself. “Thank you Master.” 
Master Yoda smiled and turned to Obi-Wan. “Infiltrate the meeting, you and Master Y/l/n will. Stay together, you must.” 
Obi-Wan would have laughed at the irony. Mentally he still is. Stay together, you must. After the last conversation between the two of you, he had doubts about how that plan would go. However, for the sake of the mission he was willing to lift the deal made. 
You stood quietly, not being able to handle the loud silence any longer. “I’ll be in my quarters until we land,” you announced, making a point not to look at Obi-Wan and keep all attention to Anakin and Ahsoka. 
You left without sparing a glance back. 
He waited until you were out of view to let out a long sigh, running a hand over his beard and hunching forward. 
Anakin was the first to speak. “That was the worst thing I’ve ever had to endure.” His shoulders shook as he made a disgusted sound. “Glad it’s finally over.” 
“Just focus on getting us there in one piece, Anakin,” Obi-Wan snapped, immediately followed by, “apologizes, I didn’t mean to sound so...aggressive.” 
“So much for being able to hide stress, huh?” 
He smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Some things are harder to deal with than others.” 
“Is Master Y/l/n ‘some things’?” Ahoska asked innocently. 
Obi-Wan pondered for a minute, deciding the best way to answer. “Master Y/l/n is...many things.” 
“Like what?” 
Gorgeous. Strong. Kind. Perfect in every way. “They are highly skilled, almost as well as I am, if not better. A fine Jedi and a valuable member to the Order.” He stopped there before he’d say something he’d come to regret. Best to keep professional thoughts. 
“I still don’t understand why the Council sent them away like that. Surely there were other Jedi that could have completed the mission,” Anakin commented. He knew his former Master wasn’t satisfied with the answer they were all given but would never admit it. He had to push him to find the truth. 
“Whatever reasons Master Yoda and Master Windu had for picking Y/n are between them. You must stop questioning the Council’s intentions, Anakin. It will land you in very big trouble one day.” Obi-Wan says as if he hasn’t second guessed the Order as a whole before. Ignorance is bliss, as they say. The less you question things, the easier life is. 
“That’s why I keep you around, old man,” Anakin said in a teasing manner. Hearing Obi-Wan let out a light chuckle made him feel a bit better as they settled into silence once more, this time more comfortable and light-hearted. 
A bit more time had passed before Ahsoka spoke up. “Why don’t you ask Master Y/l/n what really happened?” 
Obi-Wan sighed. He should have known better than to believe she would drop the topic. Like Master, like Padawan. “It’s none of my business. Frankly, it’s none of ours so I suggest we leave the subject alone.” 
His answer, apparently, wasn’t good enough. “I’m gonna go ask them.” Ahsoka stands up to leave but is stopped mid-movement by Obi-Wan’s protests. 
“No!” He looked at Ahsoka’s slightly stunned face, and chose to ignore Anakin’s smug look. “Fine, I’ll ask them. But only once, and if they don’t want to indulge me then that is the end of it. Do I make myself clear?” 
Meanwhile, you sat alone on the bed in your chosen quarters. It made you feel relaxed, in a way. Before leaving, you were extremely extraverted, always going out of your way to make acquaintances with everyone around you. The life forces around you at night kept you alive, it gave a sense of warmth and comfort to lull you to slumber. On Gyfil, there was none of that. You had to rely on your own warmth to comfort yourself to sleep. No lush trees or animals to provide even the smallest bit of connection. It was just You and the Force. Sleeping for the first time in the Jedi Temple after returning felt like a sensory overload. Everything was loud, and rough. You could feel it coursing through your veins at the speed of light. No matter what you did, it was too much. 
You didn’t sleep the first few days. Eventually you got used to the noise, but not enough to get a decent amount of rest at night. There was one sound that sometimes made it impossible to sleep, one Force signature that kept trying to break through the walls you put up to protect yourself when you’re most vulnerable. What scared you the most was the fact your own signature subconsciously fought back against the walls you put. You refused to acknowledge it, choosing to fall into a deep meditative slumber and stay alert as opposed to any actual sleep. Whoever it was would not get into your head so easily. 
Knock knock. Obi-Wan stepped into the room once his presence was made known, gently shutting the door behind him. “Y/n…” 
You looked up and squinted at him. “I thought we agreed to not speak?” 
“Yes, well, that proves to be a bit tricky now doesn’t it?” He smiled tightly and crossed his arms over his chest. 
You huffed out air in a sorry attempt at a sarcastic laugh, shaking your head a little. “What do you want, Obi-Wan?” 
It was neither hostile nor endearing. It was simply his first name. To him you sounded tired, and judging by the way you sat on the cot, leaning back against the cold metal wall with your eyes half opened, he presumed his assumption was correct. He spoke gently, “Anakin estimates we should be coming out of hyperspace and landing soon.” 
“I figured.” It wasn’t your intention to be stoic but that's how you’ve been training yourself to speak to the man in front of you. The faster the conversation ends, the faster he leaves. 
Obi-Wan, however, was not having it. “How are you feeling? I know it hasn’t been that long since you returned from your previous assignment.” 
You shrugged, staring up at the ceiling. “I’m fine.” 
“No one who says that is ever truly ‘fine’ Y/n/n,” he says, taking a step closer to the bed. “I know you. What’s on your mind, darling?” 
You slowly met his gaze, debating whether to open up or keep yourself closed off. On one hand, the idea of exposing your anxieties to someone didn’t feel right to you, letting someone know about your weaknesses and insecurities. However, you knew in order for the mission to succeed you would have to be willing to work with Obi-Wan and to do that a sense of trust had to be built. Rebuilt, technically. 
“If you wish not to speak, I understand.” He hesitated turning his back to you, “excuse me.” He was about to make his leave before you interrupted. 
“Obi-Wan, wait,” You sighed, shifting so there was room for him to sit on the bed. “Sit.” 
He did as he was told, eyeing you carefully. “Honestly, I don’t mean to pry.” 
“It’s fine.” You knew his intentions and as pure as they were you cannot bring yourself to tell him the truth. “I admit that I...am slightly concerned about the mission.” 
It wasn’t the answer Obi-Wan was hoping for, but he was willing to hear anything he could get out of you. “You have nothing to be worried about Y/n/n. You’re an extremely capable Jedi and I have no doubt in my mind you will lead us through it.” 
You smiled, only slightly but a smile nonetheless. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome.” He smiled back. 
Your eyes locked tight with each other, and everything around you became emptiness. A void surrounded you both and the presence of the other was all that could be felt. 
“Staring competitions are pointless.” You rolled your eyes, sitting up straight and attempting to return your meditative state. 
“No they aren’t!: Obi-Wan argued from his spot across from you. 
“All you do is stare at each other until someone blinks. Waste of time.” 
“Nuh uh. Master Qui-Gon told me that--” Obi-Wan stood up, “--‘The eyes are a window to the soul’--” you laughed at the bad attempt he made to mimic his Master;s voice, “--therefore staring competitions can be a very good battle tactic.” 
“Jedi don’t do battles, remember? We’re peacekeepers.” You looked up at your friend. “Besides, you just want an excuse to get lost in my eyes.” 
Obi-Wan grinned. “You know me so well.” 
So much has changed about the man in front of you, you could hardly recognize him. You never allowed yourself the pleasure to examine what you missed out on. One moment he was a young man who looked like he could take on the universe, and now all you could see was one tired man doing his best. Oh, how the mighty have fallen, is what the old You would have teased. But post-living-ten-years-by-yourself You was different. In a way, you understood. Although you didn’t fight any life-threatening battles and put yourself in the line of fire every week, you have worked tirelessly towards the same goal. 
Like this moment. 
For once, it was quiet. You felt yourself relax slowly, focusing on the one noise that soothed your anxious mind. It felt warm and...close. Something you haven’t felt in a long, long time. 
Obi-Wan leaned closer, his heart reacting faster than his brain. He felt a warmth he had been longing for over a decade. When he reached out, he no longer felt desolate. He wanted to hold on to the feeling and never let go. 
But alas in time of war, small moments of peace only last for so long. 
“Hey! We’re here.”  
reblog and comment what will happen on the mission  👀👀
taglist; @queenariesofnarnia  @katsukink @blondekel77 @generousrunawaydonut @fandomtrashwhore @fortheloveofaqueenfan @mrskenobi19 @mellowstatesmanhandsempath @hotleaf-juice @emiijemii @neji85 @doctor-warthrop @ayamenimthiriel @lizzy-95 @lovelylostminds @badbatch-simp24
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tanyawritesstories · 3 years
Keep It Warm | Commander Wolffe x Reader
I couldn't not post a fic on May 4th, it's Star Wars day for Makers sake 😝 so have some sexy Commander Wolffe and May the Force be with you!
Word count: 3.3k
Warnings: smut, NSFW, cockwarming, voyeurism, oral (m receiving), spanking, edging, brat taming, orgasm denial, Sinker & Boost get a little action, masturbation, Wolffe is the second best dom in the GAR
Wolffe looked up from his desk and was hit with a wave of emotions as you stood just inside the door: namely frustration, disappointment, and lust. He couldn’t believe the audacity you had to stroll into his office after the stunts you had pulled. To top that off, he had called you to his office an hour ago and you just now showed up. You clearly needed a lesson in manners.
It had started as a bit of revenge. Wolffe hadn’t even kissed you since he got back from his mission, which had been two weeks ago! You teased him by unbuttoning your shirt more than usual and bending over whenever you knew he was watching. You had hung out in the mess until he had shown up before flirting with Sinker, who knew all about your plan. Wolffe had glared daggers into both you and his sergeant to no avail.
The entire day you had teased him and at this point it was just becoming fun to see him pent up and frustrated, knowing sooner or later he would take said frustration out on you. Or at least you hoped he would. He didn’t tolerate much from you, and, as much as you enjoyed it, even you thought you might be pushing the envelope this time. Especially when you had, on impulse, taken your chance and spanked Boost as he was walking by. You had almost hurt your hand smacking the plastoid hard enough that Boost would feel it. The trooper reacted surprised but winked back at you and sent you a look that made your knees weak. That time you hadn’t known Wolffe was watching.
You weren’t sure what finally made Wolffe snap and call you to his office, but when he had, you were actually working and so waited until you had finished your assignment. Now you stood just inside the door, waiting for him to say something.
He beckoned you closer with a finger, you made a show of rolling your eyes and reluctantly walking to stand in front of his desk. He looked you up and down, you could see the stern and judgemental look in his dark eyes.
"Why were you late?" He asked, his voice surprisingly calm.
"I was busy," you replied curtly.
"I see. Too busy to follow your Commander's orders?"
You stayed silent, not sure what kind of response or reaction he was looking for. "Given that they were unprofessional orders, I figured they could wait." His eyes narrowed at you. Well that was the wrong answer. "What have you been doing all day?" He questioned.
He huffed a breath out his nose in annoyance. "No, Kitten, you've been naughty. Why?"
You finally broke and began rambling. "It's your fault! You've been back from your mission for two weeks and haven't even shown me a lick of attention. I know I shouldn't drag you away from your work, but fucking hell, Wolffe. Two weeks!"
"So that's what this is about?" He asked, rising from his chair. “That’s unfortunate for you, baby. I was going to make tonight special for you, but now you’ve pissed me off. My side of the desk, now.”
You sighed, feeling defeated and annoyed. You crossed your arms with a huff and walked to his side, bending over the desk without having to be told.
“Look at that! You are capable of being a good girl, you just don’t want to,” Wolffe mocked.
“Just fucking spank me if you’re going to,” you snapped, ready to be done and get back to work. Wolffe’s fingers dug into your hair and he yanked your head back. His hand came down harshly between your legs, not where you were expecting. You yelped and he slapped your cunt again.
“Wolffe!” you exclaimed, “What the hell?”
“You better watch your tongue, Kitten. I had planned on letting you cum, but now every time you mouth off I’m pushing it back one hour.” He snarled.
“Are you serious?” You tried turning your head to look at him but he kept your head straight.
“That’s two hours now.”
You groaned in frustration and gave up trying to fight him. This was Wolffe, he would get what he wanted. You heard him sit back down in his chair, but his hands never left your hips, his thumbs pressing into the skin between your ass and thighs.
“You wet yet, kitten?” he purred.
That line alone, said in his gruff but smooth voice was enough to make you soaked. One of his hands left your hip, his knuckles dragging against your clothed heat.
“Y-yes, sir,” you answered.
Wolffe just hummed as his hands wandered up to the waist of your pants. In one swift movement he yanked them and your panties down to your knees. You squeaked as he exposed your wet flesh to the cool air.
He kicked your legs apart and slowly dragged one finger through your soaked folds. "You're wet but I need you wetter," he commented.
"If you'd let me cum that might help," you mumbled.
Wolffe flicked his finger against your clit, the pleasant sting making you release a strangled moan.
"That's three hours now."
You rolled your eyes, at least he couldn't see that. You heard him spit into his hand before he cupped your pussy with it, smearing his saliva around. You bit your lip trying to hold in the lewd noises that threatened to spill from your lips.
You couldn't hold them in when he eased his middle finger into you, wiggling it around and sending bolts of pleasure through your body. He fingered you tantalizingly slow. Enough to stimulate you but not enough to make you cum. He had gotten this down to a science.
He could feel your slickness increase and your walls flutter around his thick digit. Once he decided you were wet enough he removed his finger. You whined in protest and were so caught up in how he was denying you that you didn't hear him undoing his trousers.
He suddenly grabbed your hips in an iron grip and pulled you back towards him. Your back hit his chest and he lined his cock up with your entrance before shoving you down on him.
The noise you made was something between a moan and a yelp, your body tightening with the unexpected intrusion.
"That could've hurt," you grumbled.
Wolffe took one hand and placed it on your stomach, pressing down he was able to feel how deep he was inside you. "Careful, kitten. You're up to four hours now." He took his other hand and used two fingers to stroke lightly over your clit. "And you're going to sit here and look pretty while you keep my cock warm for every one of those hours."
Your mouth gaped open, four hours! You loved sitting on Wolffe's cock but four hours was a long time. He was nestled snugly inside you, hot and throbbing. This might be impossible.
Wolffe reached up and undid the rest of the buttons on your shirt, letting it hang open. You felt tight around him and he could feel every little ripple your muscles made.
"Now don't misbehave, I have work to finish," he said.
He kept a strong arm around your hips, keeping you still while he looked over reports on his datapad. You sighed dramatically and Wolffe pinched your inner thigh in response. You leaned back against his chest and made yourself comfortable, you were going to be here for a while.
As if just sitting on Wolffe's hard, impressive cock was difficult enough, every so often he would shallowly thrust up into you or play with your clit. Anything to make it more tortuous.
Nothing was really happening aside from his teasing and occasionally asking you to hand him a different datapad from his desk. You were startled when knocking was heard on his door. Your head shot up in alarm.
He didn't move.
"Wolffe what if they walk in?" You tried to get up but his strong arms held you down, keeping you tight to him.
"Then they'll have proof that you are the sluttiest officer on this ship," he growled in your ear, "and you're all mine." He called for whoever was on the other side of the door to come in. The door slid open and you looked away in embarrassment.
“Boost, do you have the data drive I asked for?”
You hesitantly looked up to see Boost standing across the room fiddling with the drive in his hand, his face had gone as red as his hair and his eyes tried to look anywhere except for you.
“I’m going to need that drive, Boost,” Wolffe said, motioning him closer.
“Can I toss it to you?” The flushed trooper asked.
“As you can see I can’t exactly get up right now so I’m going to need you to bring it here,” Wolffe responded.
Boost sighed and kept his eyes on the floor as he walked up to the desk and set the drive down.
“I’m going to need you to do one more thing,” Wolffe said, “Look up.”
Boost didn’t dare, he only shifted in place refusing to look at you or tear his eyes away from his feet. It hadn’t been his fault you spanked him, he didn't have any idea what you had been planning. “Respectfully sir, no thank you.”
“That’s an order, trooper,” Wolffe’s voice was stern. “I saw the look you gave her earlier. I know you want to look and I’m giving you permission. Go ahead.”
Boost slowly lifted his head and took in your mostly nude form, his eyes meeting yours before traveling downwards over your barely covered breasts, and stopping at the apex of your thighs where he could see your glistening pussy, plugged with his Commander’s cock. He released a breath he hadn’t known he was holding in and couldn’t tear his eyes away.
Wolffe felt you clench around him, you were enjoying this, being on display and being eyed up like you were about to be devoured. “Say, kitten, if you and Boost are alright with it why don’t you suck his cock and if you do a good job I’ll take an hour off your punishment,” he suggested. Boost’s eyes widened and you whimpered.
“I’d like to if he’ll let me, please Commander,” you asked. Not only had the panty-dropping smirk Boost had given you before fueled your decision, but you needed some kind of stimulation and Wolffe would take away an hour. It was a win win.
Boost swallowed the lump in his throat and walked around to the other side of the desk. He removed his codpiece revealing the hard bulge in his blacks. His behavior changed from bashful to confident once he heard her gasp at the outline through his pants.
“You like what you see, princess?” Boost slowly pulled his blacks down as far as they could go with the rest of his armor still on. He wasn't as big as Wolffe but he was still well endowed.
You reached forward and lightly ran your fingertips up and down his shaft. "No teasing or I'll ask the Commander to keep that hour on your punishment," Boost threatened.
You sucked his tip into your mouth, swirling your tongue around and soaking up his precum. You broke away to spit into your hand and begin stroking his length. He hummed contently and ran his fingers through your hair.
You kitten licked his tip once more before engulfing his member in your mouth till he hit the back of your throat. Boost groaned and tugged on your hair as you started bobbing on his cock. You used your hand to pump what wasn't in your mouth.
Wolffe thought you deserved a reward for sucking Boost off. He reached down and put slight pressure on your clit, slowly rubbing circles on the concentrated batch of nerves. He could feel your body release more slick as he rubbed his fingers up and down your slit. You moaned at the sensation, sending the vibrations along Boost's cock. He growled and pulled you further onto him.
"C'mon Kitten, swallow his cock, I know you can," Wolffe encouraged.
You pulled off so just his tip was in your mouth before taking his dick down your throat so your nose bumped the skin of his abdomen. You breathed steadily through your nose and swallowed around his length.
Boost pressed himself impossibly closer, your forehead bumping his belt. You pulled off and jerked him with your hand a few times before taking him back into your mouth. You could feel your own high coming on from Wolffe's incessant toying. Boost's hips bucked and he slid further into your mouth.
"Mmm, c-can I cum down her throat, Commander?" Boost asked, his voice strained from being on the edge of climax.
You heard Wolffe hum in approval from behind you. Boost thrust himself into your mouth a few times before releasing his load into your mouth. You swallowed everything he had and licked him clean, leaning back against Wolffe’s chest while licking your lips.
“Thank you, Boost. You may go now,” Wolffe bid.
Boost covered himself back in his armor and made his way out of the office. You evened out your breathing, coming down from the near high that Wolffe built you up to.
“How much time do I have left?” You asked.
“About fifty minutes I believe,” Wolffe replied, he grabbed the drive off his desk and plugged it into his datapad. You made yourself comfortable and settled back, just having to wait.
You hadn’t realized you fell asleep until you were woken up by someone palming your breasts. You stirred, shifting around only to be reminded you were still stuffed full.
“Your time is up, kitten.”
Swift taps to your clit jolted you fully awake. Wolffe placed gentle kisses to your neck. “Would you like to cum now?”
You nodded weakly and mumbled out a yes. Wolffe easily lifted you up and off of him, causing you to whine as he slipped out of you. He laid you on your back on his desk, parting your legs to stand in between them, his still hard length resting against your stomach.
“You’ve been good, Kitten, so you get to decide. How do you want me?” Wolffe asked, sincerity in his voice.
“Hard and fast, Wolffe, please,” you begged. Your Commander smiled, “That’s my girl.”
He slowly sunk two fingers into you while his thumb played with your clit, you whined at his teasing. “I need to make sure you’re wet enough,” Wolffe addressed, “I don’t want to hurt my kitten.”
He pulled away once he was satisfied with the amount of slickness at the apex of your thighs. He coated his dick in the juices from his fingers, he lined up and pressed just his tip inside. Moans and desperate whimpers fell from your lips.
"What do you say, Kitten?"
"Can I have your cock, Commander? Please, please, please I want it so bad!" You rambled.
"There's a good girl," Wolffe praised. He rewarded you by sliding all the way in, his tip nudging your cervix. He released a guttural groan and you wrapped your legs around his waist.
"I'm glad you got what you wanted."
Both your and Wolffe's heads snapped towards the door where Sinker stood, arms crossed, an amused look on his face.
"Sinker, what the hell are you doing in here!" Wolffe snapped.
"I take it this is why Boost has had a pep in his step ever since he left your office," Sinker mused, "I just came to give you this datapad. You're lucky I convinced the General to send me instead of delivering it himself."
Your face heated up and you looked away. Your time was up, Wolffe was going to let you cum, why did Sinker have to interrupt now? You were already planning some way to sabotage him as payback when he spoke again. "I see your plan worked, you're welcome," Sinker was now standing against the right wall, messing with his vambrace.
"What plan?" Wolffe asked.
"The one she told me to just play along with in order to rile you up so you would fuck her senseless," he answered nonchalantly.
"Oh, she failed to mention that plan to me," Wolffe voiced, looking down at you. You had covered your face with your hands to hide the embarrassment at being found out.
“However,” Wolffe continued, “I did know what she was up to: and you, Sinker, did not have to be a part of it. You should have known better.”
You could practically feel Sinker smirking through his next words. "Do I get a blowjob too?"
You didn't expect Wolffe's reply. "No, Sinker," Wolffe slowly pulled out of you halfway, "You get to watch while I fuck her senseless."
At that, Wolffe slammed back into you making you cry out his name. He set a brutal pace, one hand on your shoulder the other holding one of your legs up. The delicious scrape of his cock against your walls made you moan loudly, your eyes fluttering closed, your brain almost unable to comprehend how good you felt.
"Nuh uh, baby," Wolffe drawled, moving his hand from your shoulder to your jaw, tilting your head back. "Look at him, kitten. Show Sinker how good I'm making you feel."
You slowly let your eyes open to see Sinker biting his lip hard and trying to keep his hands off himself. Wolffe hit that hidden pleasure point within you and you screamed.
"That's it, scream for me, kitten."
You looked to see Sinker had slid down the wall and removed his codpiece, he was staring at you while furiously palming himself.
You clenched hard around Wolffe and he growled, picking up his pace if that was even possible. You felt your high rapidly approaching.
"Are you getting close, Kitten?" Wolffe asked.
You were at a loss for words, they were all being fucked out of you. All you could do was moan and shout Wolffe's name. He knew you were seconds from falling over the edge based on how your whole body started shaking.
You glanced at Sinker long enough to see he now had his cock in hand, jerking off to the sounds you were making. Wolffe pulled your face back to look at him.
"I wanna see you come, kitten. C'mon, cum for your Commander," he urged.
With a few more thrusts you were pushed over the edge, the pleasure surging throughout you, your mouth hanging open in a silent scream that your lungs just couldn't produce. Wolffe came seconds after, grunting and growling as he shot his seed within the confines of your warm constricting walls.
He gently laid himself on top of you, your foreheads resting together as you came down from bliss. You cupped his cheek lovingly and Wolffe nuzzled into your touch, finally pressing a long awaited kiss to your lips. He slowly pulled out and did his best to clean up the mess he made of you.
A near silent curse reminded you both that Sinker was still in the room. You looked over to find that he had cum into his hand. You sat up on the desk and whispered a question into Wolffe's ear.
"Sure, kitten, you were good. I'll tell him," he answered. You beamed and pulled your panties back on.
"Sinker come here," Wolffe requested, "my girl wants to clean you up."
He flinched before standing up and walking wobbly over to the desk. You spun around in your sitting position to face Sinker, taking his fingers and licking them clean of his essence.
Wolffe sat back in his chair after making himself presentable again. He watched proudly as his woman helped his brother. He couldn't help reaching over and running his hand over her waist.
Sinker watched with wide eyes as she cleaned up his fingers, staring in awe. He tucked himself away once she was done and looked between the two of you.
"Commander, if you don't mind my asking, where did you find her? I want one."
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starcountesseevee · 3 years
Who Needs a Suit?
"That is fantastic news!" You glanced up as you heard Willow’s excited voice, catching a glimpse of him as he spun around on his desk chair with his phone to his ear. It’s not that you were trying to listen in on Willow's conversation but your workspace was right next to the small room that was his office for the duration of this project. And his door was open, like usual. And he wasn't exactly talking quietly to whoever was on the phone, also like usual.
"Of course, of course!" He continued after a brief pause. "Yes, I will inform the team immediately. We are very honored." This caught your attention even more and you eyed him discreetly over your papers, something you had become quite good at since this project started. “You have a good day as well and thank you again!”
You quickly looked back down as Willow ended the phone call, hoping to Mythics that he didn’t see you eavesdropping. A few moments later he emerged from his office, giving you a quick smile as you glanced up again before addressing the room.
"If everyone could pause for a moment, I have an announcement!" The main lab area wasn’t large at all, but it suited the needs of the current project, and it only took a moment for the three other workers to stop their work and turn towards the professor. “I have just received a phone call from the chairman of this year’s research committee and…” Willow paused here for dramatic effect, “our project is being recognized at this year’s award dinner!”
At this the room burst into cheers, everyone congratulating each other on the good news. Once the din settled Willow explained that the invites would be sent shortly and that everyone should be proud. Hugs and handshakes were exchanged all around and the mood in the lab was certainly more exciting than it had been a few minutes prior. You were about to sit back down when Willow caught your attention.
“Oh, (Y/N)?”
You turned towards him but before you had a chance to respond Suzie - your friend, fellow lab colleague, and roommate - threw her arm around your shoulder. “Isn’t this exciting? All our hard work is finally being recognized!”
“Yes, it’s wonderful.” You agreed, looking back at Willow apologetically. “I’m sorry, what were you saying?”
“Oh, just...good work (Y/N).” He said with a smile before turning back to his office.
“Oooh!” Suzie teased quietly as a blush crept across your cheeks.
“Shush!” You shooed your friend away from your desk. “Don’t you have work to be doing?” It was no secret between you two that you fancied Willow and Suzie had, on more than one occasion, gotten frightfully close to disclosing that in front of the professor even after you had made it abundantly clear that if that happened you would lock her in a room with a hungry Arcanine and throw away the key. This time she did relent and went back to her work station as you returned to your desk to continue the morning’s paperwork.
A few days later the formal invitations arrived and it was like rehearing the news for the first time again. You slid the beautifully written card out of the envelope gently, flipping it over to read the details but almost immediately your stomach dropped as you spotted your name with “+ one” written in perfect calligraphy at the top of the page. A plus one was not something you had, which was fine! you reassured yourself, it just meant that everyone else would be bringing one making your lack of one stand out.
“So who are you bringing?” Suzie startled you as she took a seat on the edge of your desk. “My Jane will be so thrilled to finally get to go to one of my work events.”
“You know I don’t have anyone.” You chuckled, trying to play it off.
“You so sure about that?” She smiled coyly at you. “I know a certain profess-”
“Will you hush!” Casting a quick glance towards Willow’s office you were relieved to see he was still absorbed in the papers on his desk. “We’ve talked about that. Besides, he has his own invite. No need for me to ask him to go. Probably has his own plus one already anyway.”
“You won’t know for sure unless you ask.” Suzie gives you a knowing look that you ignore.
“Come on, he’s my boss. I can’t, it isn’t allowed.”
“Well now that this project is wrapping up maybe he won’t be! You could ask for a reassignment, then what’s your excuse?”
You were saved from answering by the loud crash of glass hitting the floor. Suzie hopped off your desk to go help clean up but not before telling you to think about it, like you hadn't already a million times. But maybe she did have a point. With the project being pretty much over maybe you would have a shot at asking him out. You looked over to where he still sat at his desk and frowned. He probably has a someone special already, you thought but Suzie's words 'you won't know till you ask' echoed in your mind. You had two weeks until the award ceremony, maybe you should just ask.
In those two weeks you found every excuse you could not to talk to Willow, your nerves getting the better of you. The closest you had gotten was first thing one morning as he settled into his office for the day but you had chickened out and just said good morning instead. It was probably for the best, you found yourself thinking, not noticing you were staring at him while he was working at his desk until he looked up and made direct eye contact. You were certain you turned as red as a Charmeleon as you quickly looked away, missing the warm smile he gave you.
The day of the event everyone was allowed to go home early to get ready and Suzie insisted on dolling you up in one of her dresses and makeup.
"If that doesn't get Willow's attention, I don't know what will." Suzie smirked, surveying her work as you blushed, fidgeting with the hem of the dress. It was a bit shorter than you were used to but after seeing yourself in the full length mirror you had to admit Suzie had done a great job.
Walking into the venue you felt a bit out of place, even though everyone was laughing and dressed up you were never quite comfortable in formal wear. You had been the first to find your table and take a seat, avoiding the small talk over cocktails, but soon enough the others slowly trickled over to join you. Checking your phone you frowned, it was only a few minutes before the ceremony was about to start and everyone had shown up except the professor. Which is odd seeing as he was in charge of this research project, you would have thought he would be the first to arrive.
Right as the lights were dimming a series of low snickers started echoing through the hall and Suzie startled you by gripping your arm and whispering 'oh my Mythics'. You turned to see Willow snaking through the tables and to your amusement, and seemingly everyone else's horror, he was still in his lab coat and work attire. Taking the last seat at your group's table he didn't seem to notice or care how out of place he looked or that everyone was staring. You couldn't help but grin, half wishing yourself that you had worn something more comfortable than a dress and heels. He caught your eye from across the table and you were thankful the lights had dimmed so he didn't see your blush as he gave you one of his charming smiles but you swear he held your gaze for just a bit longer than needed before turning his attention to the stage.
The recognition ceremony went pretty much how you would have expected, groups getting called up, speeches made. When your group was called out Willow went up for the speech and thanked everyone on the team, prompting you all to stand as the room clapped. As you glanced around at the room you caught Willow's eye again, why did he seem to be watching you directly? It was probably just your imagination though, you thought as you took your seat. Or was it?
After the last group was recognized the lights became brighter and a band appeared, it was time for the after party. You followed Suzie to the bar but soon found yourself alone as Jane whisked her off to the dancefloor. Sipping at your drink as you watched the crowds you didn't realize Willow had come up beside you until he spoke.
"I hope you're having a good time?" He startled you but you recovered quickly.
"Oh I am!" You took another sip of your drink to hopefully calm your nerves. "It's a very lovely place, although I wish I had worn something more comfortable like you did." As soon as you said it you regretted it, worry flashing across your face as you wondered if he would be offended. "I mean, not that there's anything wrong with your attire! It's just that-" you stopped short as he began laughing.
“Ah yes, I must say, formal attire and I don't get along so well. I find it too constricting, besides you never know what you’ll come across in the field! That's actually the reason I was late, a trainer brought in an injured Psyduck and it took a little longer to get the little guy back up to good health than I had anticipated." Willow paused, smiling sheepishly. "It would seem I am rambling. May I get you another drink?"
"You mean another free drink from the open bar?" You teased, the few drinks you already had seemed to have loosened you up a bit.
"Ah, yes, one of those."
"Thank you but I think I'm okay for right now." You set your now empty glass on the counter as Willow rubbed the back of his neck.
"You'll have to forgive me, I don't seem to be very good at this." He laughed nervously as the song changed to something a little more slow paced. "Can I interest you in a dance instead?"
"A dance?" It comes out as more of a question as you were still wondering what he meant he wasn't good at. But Willow was watching you expectantly, holding out his hand as an offer and as if in a trance you took it. This couldn't really be happening, could it? He led you the few steps to the dance floor and your heart pounded in your chest, suddenly finding yourself unsure of how to act as he stepped closer and placed a hand on your waist.
"You look lovely by the way." Willow's words brought you back to reality as you two stepped in a slow circle to the music.
"Thank you." Was it warm in here or was it just you?
"I'm glad we got to-" Before he could continue he was cut off by Suzie's sharp voice from behind you.
"(Y/N!) There you are, oh!" Suzie's eyes widened in shock as she spotted you, or more precisely who you were with. "Oh, I'm so sorry to interrupt! It's just…" She looked like she didn't want to continue, especially as you shot her a look that said this better be worth it. "It's just that Jane tripped and I think she sprained ankle, we're going to have to take her to a hospital just to be sure and I know we're your ride but…"
"What? That's terrible!" You instinctively pulled away from Willow, rushing the few steps over to Suzie as worry washed over you. Quickly realizing what you had done you spun back to Willow with an apology on your lips only to see he had followed.
"Is everything okay, do you need any assistance?"
Suzie glanced between the two of you, clearly judging her next words but concern for her girlfriend won out. "Actually I could use another set of hands getting her to the car, she can barely walk."
"Of course." Willow nodded. "Lead the way."
After the three of you had packed Jane in the car Suzie ran over to the driver's side but hesitated before getting in.
"Are you coming, (Y/N)? I know we're you're ride home but I don't want to make you wait at the hospital with us for Mythics knows how long…"
"Perhaps I can take you home?" Willow offered before you had a chance to respond.
"Perfect!" Suzie grinned, hopping into the car. "Love you girl! I'll text you with an update when we get there!" Winking at you she slammed the car door and took off, leaving you there rather baffled as to what just happened. You turned back to Willow wide eyed and mouth agape, probably looking for all the world like a Magikarp out of water.
"I...what...I'm so sorry...you shouldn't have to...I can call a cab."
"Nonsense!" He grinned. "Besides I offered. Now I'm not sure about you but I don't know that I'm up for more mingling. Unless of course, you want to-"
"No, it's fine. Getting out of these shoes sounds lovely."
Willow led the way to where his Jeep was parked, trailer and all still attached. After helping you into the passenger seat, not the easiest feat in your somewhat tight dress, he took off, following your directions back home. Since your building was on a main road and his vehicle didn't exactly fit in the parking lot around back he wound up finding a side street a few blocks away to park and absolutely insisted on walking you to your door, adamant it was the gentlemanly thing to do and he would be crushed if something happened to you.
"Thank you again, I'm sorry if this cut your night short."
"I'm actually rather pleased it did. I'm glad I got to see you outside of working hours."
"So am I." You blushed, fidgeting with your keys as you two approached the door.
"Listen, (Y/N)..." Willow started, meeting your gaze as he searched for the right words. "I've really enjoyed working with you on this project."
"I have too, I'm sad it's coming to an end."
"I must say I'm not." He must have seen the puzzled look on your face and quickly backpedaled. "I mean, I am but also not...ahh. I told you I'm not good at this." He chuckled nervously before continuing. "What I'm trying to say is that I'd like to see you outside of work again and since dating colleagues is frowned upon-"
Your mind was racing just as fast as your heart was and it only took you a moment to understand what he was trying to say. You cut him off by bringing a hand up to his cheek, a look of surprise crossing his face. "Yes, I would like that. I would like that a lot." He grinned back at you and surprised you in return by leaning in to press his lips to yours. It only took you a moment to return the kiss, sliding your hand around his neck as he circled an arm around your waist to pull you closer. He might not have been so good at flirting but you couldn't say the same about his kissing, it was just as good -if not better- than you had daydreamed. After a few moments you broke apart, touching foreheads as you both caught your breath.
"Well, great, then it's settled. Thank you (Y/N), it was a lovely night and I guess I will see you at work-" He began awkwardly, stepping back from you, but you cut him off.
"Would you like to come upstairs?" You blurted out, not quite as smooth as you had hoped for but he grinned nonetheless. You didn't wait for an answer, instead turning to open the front door. After all, you did want to get out of these shoes.
Just a little (okay not so little) idea I had after Eevee community day when Willow said he didn't have any formal attire. Hope you enjoyed! (Sorry, I just can't seem to write anything short!)
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sidespromptblog · 3 years
If It Were In My Hands: (2/2)
Warnings: Janus gets angry during this chapter, mentions of possible violence, mentions of nightmare, past use of the dark used as punishment, mentions of verbal threats, angst, and hurt/comfort.
Summary: Virgil has a nightmare about what he said to Logan in a fit of fear and anger when Remus was making himself known, but was a nightmare all that it was?
Word Count: 2404
“What were you thinking?!”
It wasn’t often that Janus found himself both losing his temper as well as shouting, but when it came to instances like this… the only thing he felt that he could do in order to get his point across was shout until his voice went hoarse. At least he’d be listened to that way, and it seemed Remus very much needing someone to shout at him right now.
Especially after the stunt he had just pulled.
“What were you thinking?! Sending Virgil that kind of nightmare, and making him go through that kind of panic attack!” His coffee cup slammed against the counter so hard tat he was sure that it was going to shatter. Janus turned his blazing eyes towards Remus as he gave the creative side his full, but very pissed off, attention. “Are you fucking crazy?! We’re trying to get Thomas to LISTEN to us! Not to be scared off because you sent Virgil a nightmare about him fucking strangling Logan to death! If he finds out you made that nightmare and sent it to him it's over for all of us!” Janus raked his gloved fingers through his hair tugging angrily at the ends, forcing himself to take several breaths so that he wouldn’t explode again.
Remus clenched the fabric of his sash tightly, his knuckles turning white as he forced himself to keep his eyes down and not looking at Janus’ freak out.
There wasn’t much he could say to make the situation better, he’d known the moment that he’d done it that Janus would be pissed beyond belief. But he had to do it, he just had to. Even if Janus didn’t understand his reasoning.
The sigh that came from Janus made Remus flinch, he already knew how hard Janus was working and all of this was just one more thing that the dishonest side would have to work around in order to get anywhere close to being accepted by Thomas and the others. It made his guts churn with guilt, to know that he had inconvenienced the other side in the way that he had, but… he’d had to.. he just had to.
“Tell me Remus,” The side in question couldn’t help but to flinch yet again and tense up at the cool collected tone of the other side, even if Janus had never hurt him in any kind of way… everyone had a breaking point. Virgil’s threat towards Logan was proof enough of that, and Logan was supposed to be his friend. “What exactly was your thought process when you decided to do what you did?”
Janus sounded calm now, but that wasn’t necessarily a good thing.
It was like the calm before the storm.
But in the very least, Janus was giving him the chance to explain himself, that was more than anyone else had ever done. It ignited a little spark of hope inside of him, hope that perhaps Janus would understand where he was coming from and not immediately disregard his thought process as crazy or just plain wild. He had a method and he had a reason, it just… wasn’t a reason that many other people would understand without the proper context.
Janus’ raised eyebrow urged him to begin, for fear of losing patience.
“I didn’t make the nightmare,” Remus blurted out, desperate to make the other side understand all at once. Janus’ quick blink of surprise urged him onwards. “It was already a nightmare that existed in a mind space from one of the others, I had nothing to do with its creation. I swear! If I had made it I wouldn’t have sent it to Virgil anyways, I would have just kept it on my side of the imagination, or sent it to Thomas like last time. I promise.” Once the words began he couldn’t stop them, he felt as if he were begging Janus to believe him, as the words all came out in one heavy flow of ramblings. Screw whatever he had practiced saying…
It was true, and the chances of Thomas even remembering a dream like that was slim to none.
Janus slowly raised his hand, a motion for Remus to stop for just a second and to slow down, and without even thinking Remus slammed his mouth shut almost immediately.
“Then..” The dishonest side slowly began, his temper sinking into oblivion the more that Remus had been explaining himself. The knowledge that the other side hadn’t made the dream helped a little, but the fact that it existed at all made him more curious than anything. A dream like that… It needed trauma, and more than anything.. broken trust. “Who did the dream belong to, if you did not make it?”
That was the real kicker, and Remus hesitated to answer as his gaze once again shot down to his shoes. He chewed the inside of his cheek until he tasted blood, anything instead of immediately having to fess up to the truth. He knew that Janus wouldn’t like it, even if it was one of the light sides that the dishonest side had clashed with being the epitome of self preservation meant that Janus was always worried about their health.
Mental or otherwise.
Janus wouldn’t like what he had to say about who the nightmare belonged to, much less the circumstances of how such a thing could ever come to be. Remus usually didn’t involve himself in homemade nightmares, unless it was truly horrifying ones that he knew they couldn’t handle. The nightmare he’d seen was way more than that, just the fact that it had messed Virgil up as badly as it did meant that whoever else it was meant for… it would have made them end up so much worse. He knew this, and Janus knew this as well. Which was why...
Even he would have preferred the lie to what he knew for a fact.
Janus’ pristine shoes made an audible clicking on the tiled kitchen floor as he closed the distance between himself and the other side, his approach was carefully slow but also very determined. “Remus.” He gently asked worry coursing through his veins like a gushing river, as he placed his hand on the creative side’s shoulder. “Who did the dream belong to?”
Remus’ nails bit into the palms of his hands as his eyesight became blurry for a moment and his breathing hitched, for a moment he contemplated shaking his head at the question in order to deny it. It was unlike him to get upset about a nightmare, let alone one that he had no business in. But this one… this one had made him upset. Upset enough to the point where he’d acted without even considering the consequences that Janus had reminded him of. It wasn’t like he could hide his true emotions from Janus, he’d always told Janus everything that had gone through his head without so much as a mental filter to be found, and this.. this was no exception. Janus deserved to know, especially if he was going to be going back and trying to get Thomas to listen to them. He needed to know what he was going to be up against, especially when it came to Virgil.
His mouth tasted like iron, and the words laid heavily on his tongue.
But regardless… he spoke them.  
“It was Logan’s…”
The admission rang hollowly in the air, and on his shoulder he could feel Janus’ hand stiffen.
“What?” Janus rasped the single word out, a flurry of emotions passing over his face in an instance before finally settling on abject shock and horror. His eyes reflected more though, as his grip balled the fabric of Remus’ shirt. “Why?” He asked confusion flitting through him, “What on earth could have caused Logan to have a nightmare about Virgil taking his very life?!” He ranted to himself, shaking his head repeatedly until he was feeling dizzy. “What?!” Janus repeated again his confusion not alleviated in the slightest. His lips had curled back into a snarl revealing one fanged tooth that stood out among the rest, this time there was a layer of rage coating his voice that Remus had only heard in very rare occurrences.
This kind of rage didn’t even come close to the anger he’d felt when Roman had chosen for Thomas to go to the wedding.
But this time it wasn’t rage directed towards Remus.
It wasn’t directed towards anybody.
Remus caught Janus’ elbow as the dishonest side attempted to pull away, instead of keeping him standing though he directed him towards the living room where they could both sit down. Janus seemed to fold in on himself the moment that he’d seated himself, his fingers rubbing at his brows as he focused his gaze on the floor, keeping it there. Remus could tell that there was a cocktail of emotions stirring inside of Janus, after all, he’d felt very much the same way the moment that he had caught the nightmare before it had ever gotten close to Logan. At first he hadn’t been sure as to why he had stopped it, he’d caught it as if it were pure instinct. It had only take him a moment to realize…
It was thanks to Logan that Thomas had started to understand Remus, it was thanks to Logan that he was scary to Thomas anymore. Thomas could understand him, and understand what he did more thanks to the knowledge that the logical side had.
Without him… Thomas would still be pushing him away instead of letting him stay close.
Logan had made his step closer to acceptance that much easier, and he had even done the same for Janus. All by explaining their core, and how they worked to benefit Thomas, instead of hurting him like he’d been led to believe.
Logan had helped them.
Even if said side didn’t realize it yet.
So it had been almost instinct to protect the logical side in the very same way that he constantly protected Janus from his own nightmares. But to see just what the nightmare was about… it had made his blood boil with the kind of rage and righteous anger that he hadn’t felt in several years. So…
He’d done something about it.
Remus thumped his hand on Janus’ back, awkwardly trying to soothe the other side out of whatever turmoil he was going through. “I…” Remus felt like his tongue was trying to stick to the roof of his mouth. “Before I revealed myself to Thomas, Logan was trying to explain what I was to Thomas. And Virgil… he was… angry.” Remus wanted to groan and thump his head against the coffee table, but kind and gentle in both words and touch was most certainly not his thing. “None of the other sides really wanted to intervene, because well… it was Virgil. And Virgil was still freaking out from the thoughts I’d thought up for Thomas, and he… threatened Logan.”
Janus’ head snapped up, his eyes locking onto Remus’ with a blazing fury that made Remus’ skin itch and crawl, as if he’d released a herd of bugs into it. That look made him want to inch away and put something between them, so that whatever Janus did… the damage would be minimal.
“What did he say?”
Remus blinked in surprise at the sheer calmness of Janus’ voice, “Huh?” He dumbly asked.
“What…” He whispered in a soft growl, “Did. He. Say?”
Janus had straightened up, readjusting his gloves and caplet as he did. He looked like the moment he found out his answer he was going to go right out there and give Virgil a good walloping. Regardless of how slow he wanted to take things or how he wanted to win the others over, he knew that Janus would make good on that. Threats weren’t exactly something that Janus took very lightly, especially being a side of lies and protection for others. Those threats always struck very differently with him when he could tell the truth behind the words that always came spewing out, and one way or another…
There was always a little bit of truth behind the falsest threat.
Remus honestly wasn’t sure that he wanted to tell him if that’s what was going to happen, and especially if that was going to be the case with Janus’ clenched fists that promised some kind of violence. He didn’t want to be the one who would have to hold Janus back from giving Virgil a different kind of dark circles, and he honestly didn’t trust himself enough to not just let it happen and for it to ruin all of Janus’ future plans that he’d been working so hard on. If he did tell Janus... and if he let him walk out that door without looking back… there was no telling what would happen. His shifting Logan’s dream to be Virgil’s had been dicey and troublesome enough as it was, but for Janus to go out there and give Virgil a punch or two… it would just serve to bring back the dark days for them.
Everything would be ruined, and they’d be stuck in the dark forever this time.
There would be no chance at light.
Remus shuddered at the mere thought of being trapped in that kind of darkness again, he didn’t want that. The screaming, the broken voices, and blindly feeling around trying to find the others so that he could know that he wasn’t alone. Janus shivering alone in the darkness, with Remus and Virgil trying as desperately as he could to warm him up so that he wouldn’t go under like all of the other darks that they had lost along the way.
It wouldn’t matter to Janus if Virgil had apologized, the fact that he’d made that kind of threat to begin with was enough.
For both of them.
“You can’t.” He finally said, trying desperately to keep the soft and squishy emotion out of his voice. “Ordinarily, I wouldn’t give two shits, and I’d tell you anything you wanted to hear, especially if it pertained to Virgil getting his shit rocked. But… No matter how angry you are, you can’t do anything. We have to keep going according to plan.”
Janus’ gloves gave a faint squeak the more the clenched his fists, it was hard for Janus, once he got riled up it was so hard to get him settled back down until something had been done about it. But regardless, the dishonest side forced himself to take in several deep breaths, his jaw was so tense that Remus could see the muscles bulging out with the concentration that it took to not do anything rash. His leg bounced in place, desperate to burn off whatever energy that was trapped inside of him.
Remus’ hand remained on his back, “We have to keep according to plan,” He softly spoke again, giving the other side something to focus on at least. He hated this, he hated being the voice of reason. But someone had to do it, especially if Janus was the one flying off in a rage towards someone they had promised not to touch. “You’ll take Virgil’s place after the wedding, when Thomas is all in a tizzy and-”
“No.” Janus spoke for the first time in several long and agonizing minutes, his voice was cold and dangerous. It sent shivers up and down Remus’ spine, as Janus’ seething eyes locked onto his. “I won’t be doing that.”
In a grand flourish Janus stood, and for a tense moment Remus was sure that he was going to have to body slam Janus to the floor so that he didn’t go after Virgil right then and there. Instead however, Janus spun around his caplet flowing behind him as he booked it for his bedroom, the door remaining open behind him as the other side disappeared into the darkness of his own room. He was gone for several long minutes, where Remus could hear him rifling through something, oftentimes accompanied by a few soft curses that even he was initially surprised by. It was at the ten minute mark that Janus finally left his room, sprinting out with a handful of papers and his pocket stuffed with several red pens.
The rage that had once radiated off of Janus seemed to be dying down, as if having those precious moments to think in his room had cooled him off a little.
Remus was dearly thankful for it.  
“I won’t be taking Virgil’s place this time,” Janus hurriedly blurted out scattering the papers all over the coffee table so that Remus could lean over and see what changes he was making to his plan. “I’ll take Logan’s place, it’ll save him from being ignored from the others and myself like last time. And given the fact that I’ve been watching him long enough to properly know his mannerisms, and with Roman’s most helpful notes I’m sure that I can successfully take his place, At least without the others catching on for too long, or until it’s time for the final reveal.” Janus’ hand moved in a blur as he crossed out several things, and scribbled a few more on the many papers he had.
There was a look of zeal in his eyes, a look that Remus much rather preferred compared to the look of pure rage he’d once had.
“What about Virgil?” Remus almost hesitated to ask, for fear of making that anger resurface once again. But Virgil would be the most suspicious out of all of them, all things considered, especially given how clingy he had been to Logan that night after the nightmare he’d suffered. He’d notice almost immediately that something was up with the logical side, especially if Janus had taken his place and acted even the slightest bit off from how Logan normally was. “He’s gonna know, he’s got like… a nose for you and everything.”
That much was almost certainly true.
Janus went silently for a moment, as he chewed the end of his pen. His eyes scoured the papers he’d laid down for some kind of hint as to what he should do about the biggest problem to his answers.
And then his eyes shifted over to Remus, and lit up like lights on a Christmas tree.
“You!” Janus shifted his entire body to face Remus. “You distract him, keep him with Logan and distract the both of them for however long that you can. Tease him about his eye shadow, or just about anything. So long as he and Logan don’t distract Thomas for a good couple of hours, then we’ll be in the clear.” A brilliantly devilish look lit up Janus’ face as he squeezed his pen so hard that Remus was sure that it’d crack any second now. “I’m going to make sure that something like what happened to Logan never happens again… The more that we’re in the picture the more that we can shut that kind of thing down for good.”
That and finally being listened to by Thomas always had its perks as well.
But having Logan as an ally… that would be invaluable to what they needed to do for Thomas to start on a more mentally healthy lifestyle. They would need Logan and his research, and… they’d listen to Logan at least too.
No threats.  
Remus could sense the truth in Janus’ voice, the pure and utter conviction that he had to make sure that Logan wouldn’t be hurt by Virgil…… let alone any of the other sides.
“Yeah.” Remus nodded, placing his hand on Janus’ shoulder to give it a firm squeeze. “It’s not going to happen again…”
With that being said, their plan was in motion and their hope for the future as well.
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amberwild420 · 3 years
one step back, two steps forward (pt. 29)
this was never a game.
The night was silent. It was so quiet that it felt like a dream that just a few hours ago there was an akuma on lose. Everyone slept in the cozy warm bed unaware of the events that might happen sometimes later.
 Many shadows ran across the rooftops. There wasn’t a single word exchanged between them. The tension was running high in the team.
 Today was the day.
  Today, they will strip the black cat of its power. They are getting the miraculous of destruction back.
 Just as they were closing in the Eiffel tower they all separated. Luna’s illusion magic covered all of their tracks, from their shadows to their very presence.
 Honeybee and Luna were the closest to the meeting spot. They were going to take action against black cat if he dares to retaliate. Ryu and Python were further than the others, ready to come out if need arise.
 Just as ladybug landed, chat also landed. In his hands was a big bouquet of red roses. It was clear what was going in his head and how far off from the real reason he was.
 His ear twitched as if trying to see the rest of the team was there or not. He seemed quite pleased when he couldn’t hear them. Not like he could top the extra layer of magic over them.
 Alright bugaboo, you don’t have to say anything! I just know how much you love me. I mean it was just a matter of time.
 Chat rambled as he waved his hands around. He wasn’t even giving her a chance to speak. The frown on ladybug’s face deepen as she kept listening.
 Was it always like this?
 Sighing, she cleared her throat effectively stopped chat from rambling any further. Chat stilled for a moment before smiling waiting. Ladybug sighed before put her hand out, looking at him expectedly.
 Chat’s face lit up as he tried to kiss her hand but ladybug pulled it away before he could.
 I’m asking for your miraculous.
 Are you saying we’re going to tell our identities to each other!?
 Chat asked excitedly, still not thinking about what could go wrong. He was just forcing his fantasies once again. Ladybug gritted her teeth, her patience was getting thin. She was so done with everything. Having people walk all over her or being a better person or being a good example or even still trying to see better in every person despite being hurt by them again and again.
 Chat, return your miraculous. The guardian has decided to strip of your power.
 There was silence. Chat tried to process what he heard. She must be joking, right?
 I think I heard you wrong. I swear I hallucinated when you said that I have to return the miraculous.
 No chat.     Ladybug looked at him with cold eyes.       You heard right. Return the miraculous.
 His eyes widen before he hid the ring in his other hand while walking back. Ladybug took a step towards him.
 n-no! This can’t be happening! You need a cat to stay active! You can’t get my miraculous back!
 It seems like you know. Fine then. The Guardian has decided since you haven’t been a true black cat, they decided to renounce your miraculous.
  She said it.
 Even though she winced inside, she didn’t show it on her face. Chat who was hiding his ring, started to put his guard up. He looked around as soon as realization dawned on him. Ladybug threw her yoyo but his reflex were faster as he hit it back with his baton.
 It was like he still had his instinct. Throwing her yoyo one more time ladybug fought chat to get his miraculous. He fought back, no wanting to return the miraculous. The only freedom he had.
 How could you betray me?!
 Betray you?! Do you think acting like all of this is a game and leaving me to fight akuma on my own while you threw a childish tantrum, isn’t it a bigger betrayal?!
 You know it you love me too! Why can’t you just say it? Stop throwing a tantrum and admit it!
 I never said that I loved you! All of that are your own fantasies! How many times I told you that I don’t like you!? If I wasn’t worried about getting my identity compromised I would have complained for sexual harassment.
 They were now on top of another rooftop. They had fought, trying their best what they thought was right. But now ladybug was angry. It wouldn’t be a surprise if Hawkmoth had sent an akuma by now.
 Sexual harassment? Not once have you said anything about my flirting! Now you want to just throw me away!
 Chat looked at her in dark eyes. He was not going to give up his miraculous. Not if he can help it.
 A familiar energy formed on his hand making ladybug gasp.
 His hand inched closer. The crazy look in his eyes was something she wasn’t used to. Her eyes were blown away. He was ready to get rid of her. How could have this escalated this much?
 Just as it looked like she was going to turn into dust, something wrapped around her waist. A sense of Deja vu came over her, before she was pulled away. A pair of familiar arms caught her.
 Looking up, her eyes met yellow glowing ones. Her body slumped in relief. She wasn’t alone. She was never alone. Looking at chat, she saw him frozen. Honeybee had used her venom on him. Now Ryu and Python were turning off his cataclysm.
 Python used a paper and touched it with the destructive energy. As soon as he did, the paper turned to ashes. Ladybug and Luna joined in as well. They were going to pull the ring off his finger.
 Ladybug pulled off the miraculous and the transformation was gone. Honeybee gasped as she saw who was beneath the mask. Adrien Agreste was under the mask.
 Gritting her teeth, ladybug looked down on the blonde in distaste. To think she actually had a crush on him.
 Adrian Agreste, as the guardian of miraculous, I renounce your miraculous. From now on you will not be able to use any miraculous or share anything about miraculous with any other soul. That also include telling your former identity. Let this be a lesson for you.
 Putting a hand on his chest, she poured her guardian magic. A Chinese character formed on his chest making him groan in pain. As soon as she was done, Adrian looked broken.
 y-you can’t do that. I won’t have any more freedom. I would be caged in my own house. Please ladybug! Please! I need to speak to Plagg! He will listen to me! I need to see him!
 Despite other members frowning and hopping she would stop wasting her time on this lost cause, ladybug put on the ring and the Kwami of destruction came out.
 Plagg! Plagg! Tell them! Tell them you still want me as your cat!
 Plagg looked sorrowful, but said nothing. He was disappointed. He liked Adrian but he was tired. He tried. Really. But now, he was just tired.
 The betrayal was clear in his eyes. He was alone. Luna walked behind him before knocking him out.
 Let’s get him home and leave. I’ll take ladybug back.
 Hearing that, they looked at their ladybug. True, she looked like she needs rest urgently. They waved at each other. Python and Ryu decided to get Adrian home.
 Luna kneeled in front of her. Apparently she was giving ladybug a piggyback.
 I’m oka-                   just get on.
 Not wanting to argue, she quietly get on, letting Luna run on the roof towards her home.
 Was it wrong of me to take his miraculous?
 No. you did the right thing. He would have been a liability in the future.
 I..... I just thought maybe I was mad at him and I just snapped. I could have dealt with it better.
 Anyone in your place would have done the same. It’s just different when they would have reacted.
 Ladybug stayed quiet, enjoying the cold wind. Luna was so strong. She had been supporting her as soon as she met her.
 She wanted to be just as strong.
 Just so you know. I would have killed him the first chance I had if I were in your place.
 A laugh spilled out of her mouth before it echoed in the quiet city.
 Ladybug landed next to Honeybee on the roof of Le Grand Paris. Calling off her transformation Chloe said goodbye to pollen promising to see each other again in the future.
 Just as Chloe return the miraculous, ladybug pushed it back to her.
 Keep it. You’ll need it tonight.
 Wait tonight?
 ....we’re taking chat’s miraculous.
 Chloe was silent before sighing in relief.
Thank heaven! I was hoping you would get rid of that mangly cat. He was so ridiculous, utterly ridiculous.
 Ladybug sighed before waving goodbye to Chloe and swing away.
 Extra Bonus:
 I was so pissed at Adrian that I completely forgot about akuma. I’m so glad there was no akuma.
 Marinette fell on the deck chair. Tikki flew around getting a macaroon to eat. Kaylan still in her costume, waited for her to get inside.
 But she decided to sit out for now.
 Whoever is out there, thank you for not sending akuma!
 About that.........
 Luna brought out a few jars. The jars were specifically made to capture akuma with miraculous magic coated on it.
 Marinette looked at the jars blankly. Luna gave a crooked smile, making the bluenette scream in horror.
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Wrong Numbers (Arlenix:SFW)
You stared at the number your friends had texted you, claiming that it was the number for a dating hotline. The idea of calling a hotline for a date seemed almost absurd to you, but it kept resurfacing at the most inopportune times. Like now as you were waiting in line at the grocery store, your cart was just full enough to keep you held over till next payday, but the couple in front of you were practically oozing romance. A sigh escaped you as your brain had finalized your decision. After you got home, you’d give the number a call. 
You had unpacked the groceries, and were now sitting on your couch. The number was dialed into the keypad, now all you had to do was actually hit the dial button. You had to psych yourself up for it, taking a few extra moments before hitting the green call button. Pressing the phone to your ear, you held your breath as the line began to ring. It took three rings before someone had finally picked up the phone, a deep voice came through, though it was pleasant like a customer service representative should be and you couldn’t help the quiet giggle that escaped you as they began their usual routine it seemed. 
“Hell’s dating hotline, how can I help you?” They asked you, you could practically picture them sitting at a desk tapping their pencil against it. 
“Y-yeah, I’d like to request a date? Or a matchup…” You further explained, the person on the other line giving a long sigh as they shuffled around. 
“Of course, please explain yourself, looks, what you’re looking for, and most importantly what your species is.” They responded in a monotone voice. 
You froze for a moment before hesitantly beginning to describe what you were like, your hobbies, and what you looked like. You could hear the person chuckle quietly on the other end every time you paused and seemed to think a little more than what someone would. After you finished, you waited for a moment before quickly interjecting one last thing about yourself that you felt was really important. 
“I’m also asexual, I hope that it won’t be too hard to find a matchup because of that, I’m really looking forward to whoever you think would be a good fit.” You rambled while the other listened intently. The fear of not finding someone because of who you are made a sense of dread build up that wasn’t relieved until the person on the other line had spoke again.
“That changes things up, alright sweetcheeks let’s see who we got in store for you.” They hummed, time seemed to stand still as you waited for the response. 
“I see you’d be a perfect fit for our Arlenix, he’s a sweetheart. I’ll share your contact details with him, and will send you his information as well. You will receive a text holding all of the information, please let me know if you receive it.” They explained to you, waiting for your confirmation on whether or not you got the text. 
You pulled the phone away from your ear as a text message from an unknown sender popped up, you clicked it open which revealed all of the necessary contact information for your match. You put the phone back up and confirmed you had indeed received the text. They then had wished you a good day and good luck with your match. 
Arlenix was the one to initiate the conversation with enthusiasm that you were quick to match. The conversation with Arlenix seemed to never falter or get awkward, they were right, he was an absolute sweetheart. The match was almost too good to be true, they couldn’t have paired you with a better person. 
You had suggested meeting up, but there had always seemed to be some kind of excuse that came from him. You figured perhaps he wasn’t confident enough in himself, or he really was just that busy. Either way, it was starting to eat at you not knowing what he looked like. There was only so far your imagination could take you, and you desperately wanted to know who exactly you were talking to. 
“Hey, Arlenix?” You tried catching his attention the one night you were on a call with him. He hummed in response, letting you know that he was paying attention. “Can we meet up? Please? I really like you and…” A sigh from the other end had you pausing in your words. 
“I really don’t think you’d like me but… Since you’ve asked, I don’t see why not… I’ll text you the address to meet me at later, okay? I gotta run.” Arlenix mumbled as the line went dead. You sighed before tucking your phone away into your pocket. 
You had checked, double checked and even triple checked your text messages, the address for the music store glowed brightly on the screen. It was almost fifteen minutes after Arlenix was supposed to meet you and you had yet to catch sight of him. You were just beginning to lose hope when the bell above the door had rung. Glancing up, you noticed a lanky figure glancing around, he was hunched over so he wasn’t as tall as what he should be. Spikes that looked to be made of bones rose up along his back right along the center while bat-like wings were tucked close to his body so they wouldn’t snag on anything. 
His eyes were pupil-less and black, his hands were more claw-like you noticed as he gave you a slight wave. Ah. That must be Arlenix. You glanced down at your phone, pulling up the messages from your friend who had sent you the message in the first place discreetly as you offered him a wave back with a smile. Noting the difference in the two numbers, that's where it had gone wrong. You had called the wrong hotline, and somehow managed to call a demon dating hotline. Not that you minded, if anything you enjoyed Arlenix’s conversation more. 
Arlenix moved towards you, shuffling about carefully as to not destroy anything in the shop until he had reached you. He held out a small bouquet of flowers and you took them gratefully. 
After the first date came the second, then the third and so on until you couldn’t keep track of them. You had yet to figure out what Arlenix actually was, as he wasn’t an ordinary demon, those you had seen and they didn’t look like him. He wouldn’t reveal it to you, not even after he had moved in with you after a few months of dating. The thought was always tucked away in the back of your mind, and it was during one of the routine cuddling sessions you two had when you had brought up the topic again.
“Arlenix, what are you? I know you’re not a regular demon, those I’ve seen and none of them look like you.” You mumbled, feeling his gaze shift down towards you. 
“It’s not important, besides… What if I scare you away when I tell you what I am?” He asked, genuine fear in his voice as his grip on you tightened just a little more. You turned in his lap to face him, huffing quietly. 
“I’m not going anywhere, no matter what you say or do, we can work things out. I’ve been with you long enough, if I didn’t like you I would’ve left after realizing I had dialed the wrong number for a dating hotline.” You responded, gently brushing your fingers across his cheek and he leaned into the touch with a pleased sigh. 
Silence fell between the pair of you until he shifted slightly, running his fingers through your hair before he began to speak. “I’m an incubus.” The words fell from his lips like a ton of bricks, his shoulders tensing as he awaited your reaction. 
“But not a normal one since we’ve never…” You trailed off, not completing the sentence as Arlenix nodded in response. 
“I had tried, repeatedly, I mean that’s what an incubus is supposed to do right? But… I felt gross afterwards, and I had never initiated it. It was always the opposite party starting things. I didn’t know that you could not want sex, for my kind its practically unheard of. I had asked to be taken off the list for incubi when it came to summoning and tried other jobs. When I heard about the hotline, I thought that perhaps it could give me the chance at something I really wanted to, so I had signed up.” He explained, rubbing at his eyes in a way that would make you think he was trying to keep from crying. 
“But then… How do you feed?” You asked, giving him a reassuring squeeze as he seemed to relax just a bit, you hadn’t yelled or left him yet so it must be okay. 
“Like this? I uhm, figured out how to feed off of emotional intimacy and well… Cuddling like this without hurting my partner or making them feel drained. That’s how I knew they had matched me with the right person. You weren’t afraid when you first saw me, you were intrigued.” He mumbled quietly, resting his chin on top of your head. 
“Arlenix?” He glanced down at you when you tried to get his attention. “Thank you for answering that question, I love you for who you are, not what you are. The cuteness I get is just bonus points.” You teased lightly, watching as his face flushed with color. 
“I’m really glad you misdialed that number.” He muttered with a huff, which only made you laugh in response.
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sardonic-courtney · 3 years
Crowley x Reader. We Met Before. Part 7/7
Summary: You end up living with Bobby after your parents die. You go to church and meet Priest Crowley and you end up getting along (if you know what i mean). A few years later when Bobby passes you move the the bunker with Sam and Dean and end up meeting Crowley again.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Warings: Mentions of death, Maybe spelling and language. Age gap.
Around  5000 words.
A little note before we start, this is a lonnnggg one. To be honest I didn’t want to separate it into 2 parts, but hopefully it doesn’t drag..... 
A Confused Y/N, A Supportive Sam and A Oblivious Dean.
But no matter what crossed your mind, you would never have known what had been locked up right under your feet for the past 9 days...
**Crowley’s life after he left.
That month had been the best Crowley had in a long time, honestly, he was only supposed to be covering for that damned pastor for a week, but after some convincing, he managed to get 4. He would have stayed longer if he could, but unfortunately, duty called.
“Winchesters, bloody Winchesters. Always getting me tangled up in their messes.” Crowley muttered sitting on his throne.
It had been 2 months since he’d spoken to (Y/N). He felt guilty, really guilty, which was an emotion he thought had long passed him. He didn’t want to just leave her and not contact her. Especially after that last night. But also knew if he talked to her it would be too tempting to see her again, and he couldn’t get her messed up in the stuff that was going on right now. Not a chance could he put his princess in danger. So, he sent the occasional texts, which never got replied to, it hurt him, but nevertheless, he still messaged in hope.
Then 4 years later he deemed it safe to see you again, seeing as he wasn’t being constantly in the line of danger. But you weren’t at the church anymore, and after asking around had found out you had moved but failed to leave a forwarding address. He told his minions to keep an eye out for you, but nothing. He looked for you, but still nothing. It worried him, he hated feeling like you were either avoiding him or even dead.
Once again, the useless Winchesters stopped him on his search, to tie him to a chair. Of course, he could give up the information and resume… but where would the fun in that be?
*Back to present you.
You all reach the door, and Dean turns to you looking serious.
“I know if anyone can manipulate an answer out it's you, but please be safe and don’t rise to his games okay?”
“Dean, I’ll be fine. He’s locked up, what harm can he do.”
“Right of course. Just don’t like the idea of him…” but before he could finish you rolled your eyes.
“I know, now stop being so protective and open the door.”
He complied, turning back, and opening the door. Dean, followed by Sam walk into the clearing in the room, you still behind them. The light was already on, but your vision was blocked by the boy’s shoulders in your way. ‘honestly these two’ you thought, gently shoving their arms apart to walk forward.
That when you saw him. Sat in the middle of the room.
Tumblr media
You froze a second, breath catching in your throat. He was looking down and hadn’t noticed you yet. But you had noticed him. Crowley.
But not your Crowley. No. This one was chained down to the chair like a criminal. Which you supposed he wasn’t far off from one. This one was the daemon you had heard so much about, who caused so many problems.
You tried to remember that when you called his name. “Crowley?” you knew your voice was as confused as you were.
His head snapped up; his frown replaced with a smile. A smile that you hadn’t seen for so long.
“Princess, what a pleasant surprise” he spoke in that same accent, it hadn’t changed a bit.
You were met with a mixture of feelings, fighting the urge to go over and hug him in case he disappeared again. But you didn’t dwell on those feelings and wouldn’t give in to your urge. No, you were with your brothers, and you were too confused.
Crowley, your sweet, charming, comforting Crowley. Was the king of hell?
Instead of thinking anymore, you did what you were best at, and pretended like nothing was different. You were here for information. That was all. All you needed was some clues to a case. No matter how strange it was for you, no matter how hard he would be to crack, that was what you were here for. So, you tried to mentally come up with a plan, seeming to forget all the ideas you had on your way down.
Behind you, Sam and Dean looked at each other, then at you. Watching you shrug and step forward into the design on the floor.
Much to Deans dislike. He noticed a slight change in your behaviour. You seemed less confident than you usually would, and he didn’t like it. Sam on the other hand just put a hand on his shoulder and muttered a “wait”.
You didn’t see or hear this exchange from behind you. You instead fought the urge to look at Crowley in the eyes. As much as you wanted to look at him, really look at him, you couldn’t not now, you knew it would just make the situation harder.
But that didn’t last long when his gravelly voice cut through the silence.
“Something you want love?”
It caught you off guard, made you look up at him, into his eyes for the first time. They brought a slight flutter of emotion through your stomach. God, you missed looking into them. Without thinking you spoke.
“Who is hunting hunters, and where can we find them”. Your voice was quiet and small, just above a whisper.
This made Dean look back at Sam. They knew this was never your tactic. Usually, you were slow, warming up to whoever it was. Then just as slowly twisting into their brain. You were never blunt. This made Dean question bringing you down here even more. He assumed you were scared. Assumed that you weren’t ready to handle being face to face with the King of hell and that stupid smirk on his face. Dean also knew that this ‘method’ wasn’t going to get them anywhere. So, he went to move, to tell you not to bother. But once again was met with Sam’s hand on his shoulder, slightly firmer this time, as he muttered a more determined “wait”.
Unlike Dean, Sam had been coming to a slow realisation. Studying both you and Crowley. He noticed the fact you called him Crowley, even though the boys had never mentioned his name to you. He also noticed the way he called you Princess, a name you had called Sam up about countless times. The way Crowley wasn’t mocking you or being rude. Sam was connecting dots, whereas Dean was assuming Crowley was just acting like this to wind them up.
Whilst this was going on behind you, you were still looking at the man in front of you, who had a small smirk resting on his lips. Not a cruel or mean one, but one that would go hand in hand with the slight chuckle he let out.
Crowley had missed you, seeing you standing here in front of him made him surer of that. He had been staring at you since he heard you call his name. He was taking you in. You had changed in some ways, your hair was different, your voice had changed slightly, you had a new style choice. Your outwards appearance definitely somewhat impacted by the Winchester no doubt. But you were still the same. The way you were slightly nervous around him was the same. The way you fidgeted under his gaze, the same gaze that made you whisper out that question, seemingly without thinking. He had seen that look before when you asked him things without thinking, which was what made him chuckle. You were still the same. So, he decided to play along.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” he teased.
Out of a reflex, you repeated your previous question. “I uh, I asked what’s hunting hunters and where can we find them.” Straight after saying this and being met with that bloody smirk you mentally cursed yourself, coming to your senses. As if he would just…
“Vampires”. He replied casually. “A group of vampires, around 10 since I last checked. But I’ve been down here for a while so I’m unsure as to how many now.”
“Vampires? But the bodies aren’t drained, well not all of them why would…” you trailed off, they didn’t kill like vampires would, very little of the evidence found supported vampires.
“Exactly. If you want to kill without being caught, you kill in different methods. Helps throw people off their scent. As for where they are, no idea sorry. They more around a lot, but I could find out with just one call below”. He was still looking at you, no matter how many times your eyes left his, his remained trained on you. It made you feel both nervous and safe. “Anything else?”
You turned to look at the brothers, who were too shocked at the fact he answered you to give a proper reply other than Dean shaking his head no.
“No, that’s it I guess”. You replied turning to look back at him.
“So, I can get rid of these chains then?” he says shaking them around, “they are highly annoying.”
Dean butted in for this one. “Not until you make the call”. Dean didn’t like this. Why would he just give in so easily? Must be a trick, or a plan, or something else. He didn’t know what, but it was something.
Sam just stood there still observing the scene. He remembered the calls you two shared, and the man he had come to know through your descriptions. And in front of him right now wasn’t Crowley king of hell. It was the mysterious man you rambled on about until early in the morning.
“Right of course squirrel, just give me blood and it’s all yours,” Crowley said no longer smiling or smirking, taking his eyes off you looking directly at Dean.
Now, this was Crowley Sam thought. He didn’t know how to feel himself, and he couldn’t imagine how you felt. This is why he suggests “(Y/N) come to the library with me whilst Dean deal with this, I need your opinion on the case, enlighten of your new information.”
You just nodded and followed Sam upstairs.
“Wow, thanks guys” you heard from Dean as the door shut behind you.
You both arrive in the library and Sam looks at you and getting straight to the point asks playfully, “So, that’s mystery man?”
“What? How did you?” you were genuinely confused about how Sam could make the connection that quick.
Sam lets out a light chuckle. “It’s obvious.”
“It is?”
“Well maybe not to Dean, but as soon as he called you princess, I started to figure it out”.
You felt your cheeks heat at this. You were slightly worried about what Sam would say.
“How you feeling?” he asks taking a seat on the table, patting the space next to him.
“Honestly?” you say sitting where his hand was, “confused.”
“Well at least we know he wasn’t avoiding you because he was married”. Sam joked.
That was one of the hypotheticals you had come up with during a chat about why he had left and not contacted you. It was random but seemed like a possibility. He had to go home, back to his life, maybe a wife and kids. You hated the thought and it made you angry beyond belief to think it, but well there was always doubt. But as Sam just said, that was now gone, confusing you more. The realisation of why you hadn’t talked for so long sinking in, most of your anger leaving.
“Yeah, there is that,” you say with the best smile you could muster.
“Talk to me”.
“I just don’t know how to feel Sam. Like he’s here.”
“How did you feel seeing him again, after 4 years?”
“Shocked, happy. I missed him, honestly, I fought the urge to hug him.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“Because it’s too weird. The last time I saw him we were hanging out in a hotel room saying goodbye and now he’s chained up in our basement. He’s not the same guy I knew.”
“Isn’t he?”
“What do you mean? He lied, he’s a daemon, not only the that he’s the king of hell. Someone who put your lives through hell, literally.”
“True, but I’m not so sure. He never outright lied to you, like you he just didn’t mention this part of his life. Plus that guy back there wasn’t the douche bag I know.”
“Yeah, I guess you're right it’s just…what am I supposed to do?”
“Whatever you want to.”
“Why are you being so cool about this? You should be calling me crazy or lecturing me or, I don’t know something.” You waved your hands around a bit.
“I thought about it, and don’t get me wrong i don’t like him. But I know from the look on your face as soon as you walked in that room you still liked him. I saw the way your breath hitched and the smile you made when you caught his eye. I also noticed the way he was less aggravating when talking to you.”
“This is weird Sam even for us.” You sigh “Do you think there’s a chance he still likes me? God, I sound like such a girl” you laugh out.
You were worried. Not just for the obvious reasons, but also because the feelings you had been suppressing over the last years had suddenly returned, and it made you feel stupid for being like this. Sam understood though.
“I think there’s a very good chance. I saw the way he looked at you.” Sam nudged you causing you both to smile. “Just talk to him, if it’s the same guy it one of the things you two do best.”
“Yeah, I will, after we sort out these vampires. I can’t believe he just gave in.”
“Me neither, you must have him hooked” Sam suppressed a laugh as you rolled your eyes.
“Deans not going to like this.”
“No, no he is not.” Sam agreed, meeting your eye causing both of you to burst out laughing.
“What are you two laughing about?” Dean asked entering the room.
“Nothing” you and Sam stated at the same time, causing another stream of laughs to come out.
When the laughter died down Dean spoke up again, “Right okay…anyway I got the address. Their current place is only an hour away. In an abandoned bakery. But they have gained a few more recruits, now at around 14 of the bastards.”
“14?” you asked worriedly. That was a lot, and from past experiences, you knew that the numbers were always an underestimation. You didn’t like to deal with vampires, the thought of them brought up memories of your parent, plus their teeth were just creepy.
“Yep, what should we do?”
“Get it sorted today. It's only 1 pm now, we can pack our stuff and go there before they kill anyone else.” Sam suggested.
“We need a plan though.” You added.
“Yeah, the plan is to teach them a lesson about going around killing hunters,” Dean added, sticking to his no plan a good plan methodology.
Sam rolled his eyes at his brother, “I agree with (Y/N) we need at least a basic plan”.
So, you all discussed a plan of attack for the next half hour. Debating what you needed to bring, how you were going to go about hunting them without being overthrown by all of them at once, deciding to stay in a group was a better idea just in case. Then you headed downstairs to the basement again to get the weapons. Crowley was still chained to the chair.
“So, can I go now?” Crowley asked, seeming annoyed at Dean.
“I suppose so.” Dean heads over and unlocks him, breaking the design on the floor and expecting him to vanish, which he doesn’t.
“When are we leaving?” Crowley asks looking at no one in particular as he flattens out his suit.
“We?” Dean asks, but before he could continue his thoughts Sam butted in.
“About 5 minutes, why interested in letting off some steam?”
You smile at Sam thanking him silently.
“Something like that” Crowley adds looking at you, as you pack some weapons into a brown bag.
Then without any more speaking, you find yourself in the back seat of a fully-loaded baby. To your right was Crowley. In front of you was Sam and driving of course way Dean. It is slightly awkward as the car made its way with nothing but the sound of one of Dean’s playlists playing loudly out of the speakers.
This is a great time for you to think, or more specifically worry about what was to come in the next few hours. ‘it’s only vampires nothing to worry about you try to tell yourself. ‘Sam and Dean have dealt with them plenty of times, sure there will be a lot but it’s nothing we can’t handle.
As you were in your head, Crowley was looking at you. He noticed your absent stare out the window, and your fingers fiddling with the hem of your shirt. The movement of your eyebrows as you thought and debated. He could tell you were nervous and on edge about something, about what exactly he was unsure.
Whilst you had been up in the library with the two Winchesters, Crowley had been sitting thinking. He could only guess at how big a part you had in this. Obviously, you were a hunter, but how long had you been? Had you been one when you first met? Did you hate him? Did you want to kiss him a much as he wanted to kiss you?
But sat in the car with you he only had one thing on his mind, what was up with you.
“Love you alright?” he whispered to you below the music so only you would hear.
“Fine” you whispered back not breaking your gaze out the window.
“Don’t lie”, wasn’t a demanding command, but at the same time, his tone told you do not argue.
You sighed and turned to look at him, noticing a genuine worry etched into his features. There it was again that feeling of security that made you want to open up. “It’s just remember how I said my parents died?”
“Of course, I do. That accident in a factory.”
“Right well, it was an abandoned factory, and it wasn’t an accident, it was vampires.” You paused, noticed he wasn't going to say anything and continued. “I guess I just don’t like the idea of vampires after that, they were great hunters you know, and they well. I just don’t want that to happen to anyone else… Plus, they are creepy.” You added on the end hoping to lighten the mood.
Crowley chuckled before looking at you, then slowly reaching for your hand, which you let him take. It was warm and it made butterflied cycle your stomach.
“I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” Then as an afterthought, he added more for your sake, “or those two.”
At that you leaned back in your seat, looking forward. Crowley’s hand still entangled with yours on your lap, as he lent into his seat as well. Sam saw this from the mirror and just smiled. Dean oblivious mouthed the words to the eye of the tiger, whilst driving along the bendy roads.
The fight was surprisingly successful. Overall, you had a few cuts and close calls, but it was over. Crowley had stuck keeping an eye on you the whole time, this not being his thing but keeping you safe any chance he got. all 4 of you stopped at a motel on the way back, seeing as it was late and safer to freshen up and sleep then make a drive back in the dark when you were all tired.
So, you pulled up to a motel and got a room. It was a room with one double and a single bed. The same as the three of you usually got. You called dibs on the first shower. After your shower, getting change into something comfortable, you left the bathroom to be met with Sam and Dean waiting. Dean headed into the shower.
When the water turned on Sam turned to you. “Crowley said he was popping back down to hell.”
You nodded not knowing what to say, you were tired and ready to sleep, although part of you was annoyed, he didn’t say goodbye you couldn’t blame him. He was unexpectedly gone for 3 weeks. You yawned, laying down on the single bed. “Goodnight Sam”
“Goodnight sleep well”
And you did. A few minutes after closing your eyes you were out like a light. Which meant you were the first one awake.
Stretching and clicking your back, thanks to the cheap mattress you opened your eyes to the dimly lit room, the source of light being the sun peeing out behind the blinds. Sitting up you look to your right seeing Sam and Dean still asleep on the other bed. To your left you see your phone, checking the time. 11 am. You slept in, and it felt good. Smiling you turned on the bedside light so you could see to get clothes out of your bag. You heard a groan from your right. Dean was up.
“Turn of the light,” he said covering his eyes.
You laughed at his childish tone, “Dean it's 11 I’m getting up whether you like it or not.”
But Dean looked at you the laughed.
“What?” you asked confused.
“Nothin’ just your hair munchkin. It's everywhere”
You rolled your eyes heading to the bathroom to get ready for the short trip back. Your mind kept wandering back to yesterday. Did this mean he was back? Were you two going to hang out again? Did he want to hang out? Was it bad how he still made you feel nervous and excited at the same time? Sam was right he had looked happy to see you.
A knock on the bathroom door snapped you from your thoughts.
“Sorry one sec.” you directed to the other side.
“No worries just letting you know we are dressed and ready to go when you are,” Sam called out.
**Time Skip**
You head back to the bunker, grabbing food on the way back. After getting back you put things away and then all sat in the kitchen, talking about the hunt.
“…the way you sliced his head clean of; I was proud munchkin,” Dean said.
“I learned from the best,” you said building up Dean’s ego before adding “so I guess I should thank you for being such a great teacher, Sam”.
Dean had an offended look and Sam smiled at you before the three of you started laughing again.
“It was weird though Crowley being there right,” Dean said thinking out loud.
That made you quiet, sending a quick look to Sam.
Dean being still oblivious continued, “I think he’s up to something, but it was kind of funny seeing him in the back seat of baby, he looked very out of place. I just hope he’s not going to make a habit of joining us”.
This time it was Sam who sent you a knowing look.
“I’ll be right back just going to grab a book.” You said slipping out from under the wooden table heading to your room to grab the novel you were currently halfway through.
Sam and Dean continued talking.
“I’m not the only one who thinks it's weird right? He must be up to something. Why else would he just give us the information?”
“I don’t know Dean. Maybe he just wanted to be let out so he could go back to do whatever he does.” Sam answered. “Don’t think too hard about it, your head might explode.”
“I won’t but something doesn’t seem right” Dean added before you walked back in, book in hand. You resumed your seating position and began to read.
Sam and Dean started talking again, this time about meaningless things. They tried to include you a few times before giving up as you were too into your book. Or so they thought, in reality, your mind was thinking about yesterday again, and then about before and what was to happen now. You had concluded there was nothing you could do. Deciding to follow Sam’s advice and do whatever felt right when the time came.
4 hours passed, time spent doing a few chores and watching a few episodes of a show you been watching, before being called into the kitchen once again by Dean. It was around 6 pm
“What’s up?” you walk to see Sam and Dean debating something. “Should I be worried?”
“Yes. This is a very concerning matter.” Dean said looking at you seriously.
‘What’ you thought. ‘what could he be on about’.
“what’s the matter now?” you asked.
“Dinner,” Sam answered rolling his eyes at his overdramatic brother.
“How is that a concerning matter Dean?” you say through a breathy laugh.
“Because I’m hungry and we don’t have any food.”
You moved past him to look in the cupboards. There was food. Pasta, rice, sauces. Then in the fridge, there was meat and cheese.
“Just because you can’t make anything other than burgers, doesn’t mean there’s no food Dean. There is loads.”
“I can make other things than burgers,” Dean argued back defensively.
“Really because you never have?” you tease back.
“She has a point dude” Sam adds further annoying Dean.
“Yes, I can, and I have…” Dean goes quiet looking to the right of you.
You follow to where Dean was looking and see Crowley stood about 3 meters away from you.
Dean groans “What do you want now?”
You stay quiet, as does Sam.
“Well seeing as business is now over,” Crowley says turning his body to fully face you. He has dressed once again in a black suit, looking smart. His hair slightly messy, his jaw and chin covered by a thin trimmed beard, and well he looked good. A smirk played on his lips as you met his face, he obviously hadn’t missed the fact you had been looking him up and down.
“Hello Princess, I missed you.”
At this, you couldn’t help but walked up to him and hug him. Head resting in the crook of his neck, your arms on top of his shoulders as he used his grip on your waist to pull you closer. He kissed the top of your head as you muttered an “I missed you too.”
This was a feeling you missed. But before you could get used to it a hand grabbed your arm, lightly pulling you back out of Crowley’s grasp. Accompanied by Dean’s voice. “Woah wait for a goddamn minute. What’s going on here?”
You looked down at the floor. “You uhh…You remember when you came over on my 18th?”
“Yes?” Dean replied unsure of where this was going.
“Well, the ‘friend’ I was hanging out with was Crowley.”
“Excuse me? You mean the guy you were dating?”
You didn’t reply, unsure how to put it. Sure, you went on dates, but you weren’t technically dating, were you?
Dean looked at you then Crowley, then back at you. Taking your silence and an answer. “Crowley? You were dating Crowley? That’s gross he’s like 100 years old, plus don’t even get me started on...”
Your bit your lip, still looking down. You knew Dean would react like this. it was understandable but it still stung. The tone in Deans lecturing voice made you feel small, whereas usually you would brush him off and tell him to shut up, now you had no response.
“Dean” Sam’s voice cut him off, saving you from even more of a lecture.
“What?” Dean turned to look at his brother. “Wait you gotta agree with me here. This is crazy and the fact she didn’t even tell us and, why don’t you look shocked?”
“Dude I knew” Sam stated.
“What, how?”
“It was kind of obvious”.
“What and you're just okay with this?” Dean was nearly speechless, you wished he were fully speechless, it would be easier that way.
“What can I say, man, he’s good to her.”
“He’s…. I’m sorry, has everyone lost their mind. Is this a trick? I swear is Gabriel here or something.”
“No trick Dean, it’s hard to explain, but it’s the truth,” Sam said simply.
Your wish had come true Dean was officially speechless. Looking from Sam to you to Crowley then back again. Crowley made his way over to stand by your side.
“Thanks, Sammy,” you say smiling at him.
Sam looked to Crowley then to you, with his brotherly grin on his face he said, “Go catch up, I’ll deal with him.”
Crowley puts his hand on your shoulder causing you to face him. “Seeing as you now know we can go anywhere. Where shall we go?”
“Well, I do believe you promised me a trip to {D/P}.”
Little Extra:
Crowley pulls you into a kiss and you blip out of the room.
“Did they just?” Dean asks Sam.
“But why would?”
Sam chuckled leading his brother to sit down. “Common I’ll tell you about it”.
“She just kissed a bloody daemon… I think I’m gonna throw up”.
A/N... Well i guess that's that then. I’ve been going over this for the past like week debating if it’s the right ending or not but I can’t really see where else to go. I’m also not sure if I’m going to add another short shot after touching on their little trip to make up for the lack of ‘romance’ in this but we shall see. Thanks for reading guys.
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tendousthoughts · 4 years
His Bear
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Y/n or Ship(s): Ship (AsaNoya)
Genre: Angst with fluff ending
Warning(s): fouls language (cursing)
Summary: He was bear. My boyfriend. I love him. I was his and he was mine. But I fucked up. He told me to stop with these stupid fucking pranks and I don’t and I hurt him. I knew when I said those words and his face changed, I knew I took it too far. He was crying and all I could say was “it is a prank”. Fuck. Why did I do that to him, now he is done. We are done. He left and it is all my fault. He told me not to contact him but I just want to be in his arms again. I wish I never did the prank. I wish I never did that to him. I wish we talked this out, or he would scream at me for being so fucking dumb. I wish he would do anything but what he did. I didn’t want him to leave... I wish he didn’t. He needs space though so even though I love him so much, I am going to give him that. I can’t keep hurting him. So I’ll change for him.
A/N: I decided to make this a fanfic. I love this idea and I find it really cute. Whatever you want next please request. I really really really would love some request I have nothing to do with my time. Go ahead as well as just talk to me anon is okay- I just wanna chat! Also guess who did that “hey mamas” chin rub thing to my sister (as a joke) and they forgot their camera was on. Heh. Ya, I also ate some pen ink yesterday- How are you doing?
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Getting Tired
Noya set up the camera and sat on the bed.
There came Asahi with a smile. “Asahi I think we should take a break..” Nishinoya said.
“What?” His smile soon faded. Tears were already in his eyes.
“Um I think we should take a break” Nishinoya avoided eye contact.He knew that any second he would have to say it was out of hand.
“Are you being serious?” His tears were rolling down his cheek and he started to pack.
“W-wait bear I was kidding!” Nishinoya ran up to him.
“Nishinoya. I think.” Asahi seemed to try and make out the words.
“I think we should take a break, these pranks are getting too much and I can’t keep getting hurt by these. I have told you and you don’t understand. They hurt me, a lot. I don’t know what is real and what is fake. I need a break. From us, from you... I will be out by later tonight. Just please don’t contact me. I contact you when I am ready..”
Nishinoya began to cry a bit but just stood there stunned. “I didn’t mean to-”
“I know you didn’t mean to. Yet for some reason it hurt more. It is like you don’t know me... You know I get self conscious and so do you. You promised to stop doing these and I promised to try to give you more attention. I know lately I haven’t given you a lot but you know I’ve been trying hard, and so have you. But this prank was a lot Nishinoya. You took it too far.” Asahi looked at him biting his lip grabbing his stuff. “Bye.” He whispered as he shut the door behind him.
He had left a couple jackets but most of it was packed. All he left was that. That night they both cried themselves to sleep.
Late Night Drinks
I miss him.. I fucked up though.. I am fucked up right now aren’t I? ~ Nishinoya
It has been two months and Asahi hasn’t reached out. Nishinoya had a job but he spent his Fridays every night going out drinking with Tanaka or someone else. He wasn’t an emotional drunk most of the time, he was more of a partier when he drank. Few times he ranted or cried while drinking.
“One more please!” Nishinoya called out.
“You sure that’s a good idea? You have had a lot to drink already..” Tanaka intervened.
“Ya, ya I don’t care just pass me another!” Nishinoya laughed, “I want to get married for the heck of it tonight. You think anyone else wants to?” He smiled clearly not in the right state of mind. “They can wear whatever they can be whoever! They just need to be a chill person like ‘Sahi..” he mumbled thinking for a second and then taking a sip from his drink.
“Uh I don’t know but I think we should start wrapping up you know?” Tanaka smiled softly at his friend.
God he is entirely different without Asahi.. Ugh I don’t feel so well.. ~ Tanaka
“Okay okay~ But if I get married tonight I want you to be my best man okay? I want it to be perfect!” Nishinoya smiled and grabbed his phone.
“What are you doing?” Tanaka looked confused as tears began to fall from Nishinoya’s eyes.
“Pick up.. Pick up..” He mumbled ignoring the question. The ringing stopped and he was met with the voice he needed to hear.
“Nishinoya?” Asahi sounded confuse, “I told you no-”
“Heyyyy!! I am thinking about getting married and I want you thereeee!!” Nishinoya laughed tears rolling down as Tanaka grabbed the phone.
“Uh sorry to whoever this is, Nishinoya is pretty drunk- Sorry for bugging you!” Before he could hang up Asahi spoke up.
“Is he um..” Asahi started.
“Oh Asahi! What’s up dude! Noya dude why did you call Asahi?” Tanaka chuckled as incoherent words came from what he assumed to be Nishinoya.
“Is he okay without me? Like do you think he misses me or-” Asahi started when Tanaka cut him off.
“You guys are the same. Always so insecure. Yes he misses you. Why else would he get wasted every Friday since you broke up? NOYA DON’T DO THAT!” Tanaka screamed.
“What is happening is he okay?” Asahi worriedly stated.
“This IDIOT won’t stop getting up to dance on the stage.” Tanaka chucked.
“Uh do you want me to pick him up?” Asahi mumbled.
“You got to talk louder, don’t forget we are at a bar with loud music and people screaming along!” Tanaka called.
“Oh um you want me to pick him up?” Asahi said louder.
“Sure I’ll send the address.” Tanaka sent the address and they returned the phone to Nishinoya.
“BYE BYE! I AM GOING NOW TO GET MARRIEDDDD~” there is a faint no Asahi can hear from the phone and then Nishinoya became to ramble. “BUT BEAR WON’T MARRY ME SO I GOT TO FIND SOMEONE TO BE MY FOREVER AND THEN WE CAN START A FAMILY AND THEN I CAN UMM I CAN SEE BEAR!” He laughed as tears fell faster and harder. He missed Asahi.
“Nishinoya?” Asahi talked.
“MHM BEAR?” Noya screamed
“I am coming soon okay? Be safe and don’t go get married please? For me?” He whispered, tearing up. “Wait for me okay?”
“OKAYYY~” Noya smiled a bit.
“No more drinks either wait for me..” he hung up.
Wait for me.. Please. Wait for your bear... ~ Asahi
Long Drive
Asahi got there walking in. He immediately spotted the small boy.
There you are.. ~ Asahi
Nishinoya ran up and jumped up on Asahi, “BEAR!” He was crying and he held on tight.
“I’m here it is going to be okay Noya..” he whispered as he held on to him taking in the scent of home.
“I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry” he kept crying as he held on.
“You want to go home..? We can talk about it tomorrow if you want?” He whispered in his ear.
“Mhm.. I missed you so much ‘sahi..” Nishinoya whispered as he closed his eyes and held on tight.
Asahi walked over to Tanaka who already had a ride too, “Hey we are heading out. Thanks.” He was rubbing Nishinoya back. His shirt damp with Nishinoya’s tears.
When they got to Asahi’s car it looked new. Slowly Asahi sat Nishinoya in the front and buckled him up. Nishinoya was mostly out of it still. But he knew where they were going and everything. On the center cup holders was a photo of them. Asahi went to the front and started up the car. He rested one hand on the center compartment.. normally he would have it rested on Noya’s thigh but he didn’t know if he would be okay with it.
“Can I hold your hand?” Nishinoya whined softly looking at it like it was a puppy.
“Uh.. I guess..” Asahi mumbled as he felt Nishinoya’s hand wrap around his, he turned a soft shade of pink. “Same place right?”
“Mhm” Nishinoya smiled a bit, feeling all warm inside.
“Hey um..” Asahi was a bit bothered by something from the phone call and he needed to get it off his chest, “were you actually going to marry someone? Or um were you looking for someone to marry?” He mumbled.
“I don’t know.. wait um.. I wouldn’t, for sure,” Nishinoya smiled a bit, asahi relaxing. “Can I ask you something now?”
“Sure..” Asahi was hesitant.
“Why did you come to pick me up? I hurt you a lot and then I call you for no good reason and then I grab onto you out of nowhere. I call you bear out of the blue even though I have no right to... I don’t see why,” Nishinoya seemed like he was just rambling but Asahi felt like he should answer it.
“I think I did it because I really missed you.. um and I found it as an opportunity to see you.. so i needed to take it, if that makes sense?” Asahi, “and if I’m being honest, I was kinda scared you were going to get married and I didn’t want to lose my chance of being with you. Just because I never reached out.
“Oh.. I missed you too,” Nishinoya mumbled. “Also you will never lose your chance. You are the only person I ever loved.. and probably will ever love.” He laughed a bit, closing his eyes. “I fucked up didn’t I, though? Like let us be honest it was all my fault. I pulled all those stupid pranks, you know?” Asahi didn’t know what to say. “No need to hide it from me, I already know!” Tears were flooding both of their eyes.
“No it wasn’t. Never will be and never has been..” Asahi whispered. “We are here..” he got out and picked up Nishinoya. “Are you okay with this?”
“Ya.. I’m all good with this.. By the way it is the same key.. if you still have it” he mumbled hissing his face in his shirt.
“Oh okay..” he carried him in. Nothing changed at all. He slowly walked around and found the closet picking out some clothes. He found his old hoodies and chuckled a bit to himself. “Here you can change” he handed him the clothes and walked out.
“Done..” Nishinoya called and Asahi walked back in.
“Um.. I should go now, I’ll talk to you tomorrow..” Asahi smiled at his hands.
“Can um.. you stay please?” He whispered, opening the blanket. “I haven’t been able to sleep really well and um.. I just think it is because I miss you.”
“Umm are you sure?” Asahi mumbled.
“Please. Only if you’re okay with it though.” He smiled.
“Uh I am fine with it I guess..” he slipped in and tried to position his hands but in the end he was big spooning Nishinoya and holding him as Nishinoya snored. His hands made their way to Nishinoya finding some rubber bands he began to tear up.
Fuck.. I have missed you so much ~ Asahi
When the morning came so did the hangover. Nishinoya woke up first with a terrible headache but he didn’t want to leave to get the medicine. When Asahi woke up though he immediately went and grabbed some water and medicine.
“Thanks..” he mumbled as he took the pill and some water. Remembering everything from the night prior. “Sorry about bugging you.. like to lay with me and all.” He avoided eye contact. “I shouldn’t have made you uncomfortable like that.” He whispered.
“Noya it is fine I don’t mind.. I missed it so um. Can we talk though?” He sat next to him.
“Mhm,” Nishinoya looked up.
“Can I start?” Asahi smiled a bit as Noya shook his head yes. “I am sorry. I know you didn’t mean to hurt me and that week I hadn’t been paying much attention to you. I should have thought about it knowing that you mentioned it to me before. I knew you get insecure with thinking I don’t need you, and I am guessing leaving you didn’t help that. Neither did I text or call you. I should have thought about it for a second before I did so. I was scared, mad, sad, and just in all hurt. I didn’t want us to end and at the end of the day that’s what happened.. Last night when I saw you I just, I couldn’t believe you were the same person. I mean drinking every fucking Friday. Fuck. That much I’m guessing? I mean god. I really fucking wished I didn’t do that. I should of let us talk first. I’m sorry. I am so fucking sorry Noya..”
Noya thought for a second, “um.. I am sorry. I knew that you hated those stupid fucking pranks. I knew that you were having a tough week that week and I shouldn’t have done that even if I wanted more attention. I hurt you. I broke our promise. I shouldn’t have and I want to apologize for that. I want to also apologize for doing that to you yesterday. You told me not to contact you until you did first. I couldn’t even listen to that. I shouldn’t have done that for all I know you lied last night and were super uncomfortable. As well as asking you to lay with me. We are broken up, and I can’t do that. It was uncalled for and completely disrespectful of your boundaries. I know that I shouldn’t have done it yet I still did. I am sorry.” He clutched the blanket as tears flooded his eyes.
“Noya can I ask you something..?” Asahi asked.
“Mhm go ahead,” Nishinoya mumbled
“Um do you still have romantic feelings for me or um are they gone..?” He whispered.
“I still like you. If we are being honest,” he smiled a bit.
“Me too.. I like you a lot.. by any chance can we retry this whole love thing..?” Asahi asked, smiling hopefully.
“Ya for sure...” Nishinoya smiled.
“Can I kiss you..?” Asahi asked softly.
“Of course..” Nishinoya laughed. Salty tears mixed in with the sweet warmth of their lips meeting.
I love you so much Asahi.. thank you for giving me a second chance ~ Nishinoya
Thank you Noya.. I’ve missed you. I love you. I love you. I love you.. ~ Asahi
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I know it’s been a long time that you posted your Disillusioned mirio fic. but can you do another ending where they find y/n but she is just mentally gone. She never moves and only mumbles and whispers words so her family has no choice but to put her in a mental hospital
Hiii!! I hope you like it! Cuz I kinda do! I tried to make it as angsty as I could. I’m a bit rusty since I haven’t written in a while. I really liked this idea, too! Pronouns used: She/her Length: 1.9k
Tags: @x-midnight-violets-x @peachy-yabbay @shiggi-trash @boku-no-dumbass @happynoodle @happygalaxymilkshake
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It had been two weeks since Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire ran into the villain that looked exactly like (f/n). However, no matter what anyone said, the trio refused to stop searching. They took every opportunity that came their way to search for (f/n). Their determination was almost terrifying. They were unstoppable machines, hellbent on finding who hurt their friend and punishing them.
No matter how many times their mentors, teachers, or parents tried to talk to them, they refused to listen. Any time (f/n)’s name would come up in a conversation, they were immediately listening and extremely defensive. They would ruthlessly hound villains for any information, carrying a picture of (f/n) with them at all times. Any villain they ran into was thoroughly questioned before they were sent to the police.
Since they weren’t committing a crime, the police couldn’t do anything. Nighteye, Fat Gum, and Ryukyu tried so hard to talk to them on so many occasions but neither of them would listen. The only thing to do was to bench them, but they were too valuable. Due to their loss, they were even better and hunting down and capturing villains. The only problem was that it was mentally unhealthy.
Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire excelled in all their classwork and pushed past what they’d already done. Everyone knew of the Big 3, but they also knew of what pushed them.
It wasn’t long before the Big 3 were linked to (f/n) and her disappearance. They weren’t accused of anything, but everyone knew of (f/n)’s relationship with them. Instead of phasing them, the trio used this to their advantage. Every villain now knew about (f/n) and how she was related to them. They spared no mercy to anyone who dared to hide any information about her.
Their efforts finally paid off and they caught a break. Tamaki had captured a villain and questioned them as per usual. But this time, he saw the small flinch at the mention of (f/n)’s name. It didn’t take long before Tamaki found out that (f/n) was alive. He immediately alerted Mirio and Nejire who wasted no time before meeting Tamaki at the location. Both of them had an off day but threw it away at the chance to find (f/n).
“She’s here?” Mirio asked as they approached a warehouse. Tamaki nodded as he got ready.
“That’s what I got out of the villain.” The trio took a deep breath before they snuck into the warehouse and started to look around. The warehouse was far from empty, in fact, it was an entire base for a group of villains. The trio quietly moved through the warehouse, seeing all the weapons that were being manufactured.
“Wait, is this the weapons ring?” Nejire asked, as she stopped behind a bunch of crates. Mirio and Tamaki looked around while Nejire opened one of the boxes and looked inside. “It is. This is where they’re making weapons and selling them from.”
“You’re kidding.” Mirio muttered as she walked up to her and peered into the crate. It was filled with weapons. Following suit, Tamaki walked towards another crate and opened it up.
“Hey, come look at this.” Nejire and Mirio walked towards Tamaki and looked into the crate.
“What is this?” Nejire asked as Mirio picked up a small vial. It was labeled “ricin”. Tamaki picked up another labeled “cyanide”.
“This is poison. They’re manufacturing weapons and selling them with poison?” Mirio whispered as Tamaki looked into the crate again. He saw small boxes of bullets that were hollow.
“No wait. The poison is meant to go into the bullets, look.” He picked up the small box and took out the bullet. “It’s hollow. I bet these dissolve when they pierce your skin.” Before the trio could do anything, they heard voices making them quickly cover the crates and hide. The three ran through a door and down the hall to get away from the villains. They came to a halt when they saw cells which were empty.
“No…” Mirio muttered as he looked into the last cell in the corner. His eyes widened as his heart started to beat out of his chest. He saw a girl, sitting on the cold, damp floor with a blank look on her face. Her clothes were dirty and torn, she had bruises on her- all over her- yet she didn’t move an inch when they came closer.
“(f/n)!” Nejire yelled as the three ran towards her. In no time, Tamaki tore the bars off as Mirio ran into the cell. He scooped (f/n) into his arms, but she made no effort to move. The empty look in her eyes was scary and the three tried to get her attention, but she didn’t budge. It was almost as if she couldn’t hear them. 
“(f/n)-Baby look at me.” But she didn’t, she just wouldn’t move! Mirio took her face in his hands and made her look at him. However, what he saw shattered his heart.
Even though (f/n) was looking into his eyes, he couldn’t see anything behind hers. They were empty as if there wasn’t a single thought in her head. Her lips moved but no sound came out, making him lean forward in an effort to hear her. Whispers. Whispers but he could barely understand her. She sat limply in his arms. (f/n) was so cold and there was so much blood on her.
Wasn’t she happy to see him? He dreamed of the day he’d find her. He could picture how happily they’d embrace each other and he’d beg for forgiveness. He’d beg on his knees if he had to. But… now that she was here in his arms, she wasn’t even moving. Why? Why?!
“No… no. Please no.” He whispered as he desperately searched her eyes for something-anything! “S-say something. P-please say something, I-I’m begging you (f/n). Move! DO SOMETHING!” 
Tamaki and Nejire fell to their knees next to Mirio. Nejire weakly reached out with a shaking hand to touch (f/n), but couldn’t bring herself too. Before Nejire’s fingers could brush against (f/n)’s cheek, her hand fell to her side again.
This was their fault. This was all their fault and it was a punishment they deserved but not her. They had been so proud of themselves for being able to stand up to her. They were so proud when she had finally left. They were so happy. To Mirio and Nejire, they’d protected their friend. Their dear friend.
Until they heard the news report. Until they ran into that villain. Never again did they feel the same happiness. All three of them, mainly Mirio, were trapped in a reoccurring nightmare. 
They often saw (f/n) in their dreams. It was the same dream usually, the day when (f/n) happily came to them but they casted her out. She didn’t know anything… yet they didn’t believe her. She tried so desperately to tell them the truth. She tried so desperately to defend herself, yet they didn’t even give her the time of day. How could they? How could they do this to her? 
Tamaki took it the hardest. The dream was just a reminder of how useless he was. He couldn’t even tell a villain from a close friend. How couldn’t he? It was… (f/n). (f/n) was nothing like that villain but he didn’t believe her.
“I’m… so sorry.” Mirio whispered as he pressed his face into (f/n)’s chest and sobbed. (f/n) stared ahead with nothing in her eyes as her three friends sobbed beside her. Mirio held her tightly, hoping to find some bit of warmth in her, but there wasn’t any. She was… so cold.
She was alive, but at what cost? There was nothing left of her.
“This way, sir.” The nurse said as she led Mirio down the corridor. The hero silently followed her until they came to a stop. Mirio thanked the nurse and stepped into the room. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining brightly. Today was Mirio’s day off and he planned to spend it all here. Nejire and Tamaki were coming by later as well!
Mirio walked straight to the table and removed the old flowers from a vase. Every time he’d come by, he’d bring a beautiful bouquet of flowers. He replaced the wilting ones with the new ones he brought.
“Good morning, (f/n). These flowers were a newer set at the florists. She was sure you’d like them. I hope you do too.” Mirio chirped as he threw out the old flowers. He received no response, but continued anyway. “I finally have a day off! It’s so odd, I can’t really think of anything to do! I’m always so busy. I feel like I’m wasting time.” He laughed as he sat down in the chair beside her bed. He gently took (f/n)’s hand and started to ramble on about his day with (f/n) never responding, not even once.
This was his life now. (f/n) had been sent to a mental institution, where she was going to stay until she got “better”. That’s what the heroes and doctors told (f/n)’s family, but everyone knew the truth. They knew (f/n) was never going to get better.
Whoever took her made sure to finish her off before leaving her behind. They’d reduced her mind to ash so there was no chance of recovering it. (f/n) never spoke, she never moved on her own, she never did anything. Small mumbles and whispers left her mouth, but they were just gibberish. All she did was sit on her bed and stare at the wall. When she got tired, she would sleep. The nurses had to move her, bathe her, and feed her.
The villains they’d captured back at the warehouse explained they didn’t know anything about the girl. Their boss had brought her by and told them to keep her. Unfortunately, the heroes hadn’t been able to track down said boss. 
Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire always came to visit (f/n). They seemed like they’d gotten better. They were smiling and weren’t as hellbent on revenge as they used to be. They were happily chatting away with friends, they listened to their teachers, families, and mentors. They seemed fine.
But in reality, they were just like (f/n). The trio had lost themselves. Now that (f/n) was back, they started moving on as if nothing had happened. Their days moved by happily, but… they weren’t ok. When they saw her in that cell, whatever small part of them that had survived the initial shock of hearing that she was dead died right there. That little piece they’d managed to keep safe, that little bit of themselves that they were able to preserve was gone too. They didn’t look like (f/n). They moved about, laughed, and enjoyed life. But their eyes resembled (f/n)’s. No light, no happiness, no sadness, just nothing. Not a single emotion. Just like their (f/n). 
They were no longer the Big 3 everyone knew. They were hollow shells, ones that were able to pretend everything was ok. Everyone tried to move on because just like (f/n), there was no hope left for them. This was something they couldn’t recover from, even though everyone tried.
On the bright side, they were together again. Mirio and (f/n) were together, whether it was physically or emotionally. On some plane of existence all four of them had been reunited through whatever they’d lost of themselves. It wasn’t this one though.
All four of them had died the day (f/n)’s body was found. This was just some pathetic attempt to say otherwise.
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid 189
    Keith had been broken hearted to be left behind by Lance. He’d tried to prepare himself for running errands the best he could as he’d watched their twins on the ultrasound. Coran had said he suspect Lance would go into labour sooner rather than later, then suddenly Lance had passed him off to Krolia and Shiro for a weird brother and mother therapy session where he explained what being a werewolf was like, and Shiro compared it all Curtis. Coran had also taken the opportunity to question him at length, then put him through a physical to create a base line of his human capabilities now that he was a werewolf. He’d hated every moment of it. Normal physicals were bad enough. Now he’d broken stuff completely by accident and felt shitty for doing so.
  When Lance had finally returned with Curtis, he didn’t get the chance to be a dick about it. Lance bursting into tears, with Curtis shooing Krolia and Shiro away from the pair as the vampire went straight for cuddles. Nuzzling into him, he couldn’t stay mad at Lance when he was so cute, though he was kind of cranky with Curtis over him spending the day with his boyfriend instead of him
“Did you get your errands done?”
“We managed to everything apart from the most important errand done. He went to the bathroom and came out crying because he wanted you there for it”
Lance nodded, sniffling loudly
“I know I shouldn’t have left you, but I didn’t want to push you, but I... I want you to come with me, if you can... I don’t want to pick the last of the nursery furniture without you”
  Ah. The chair. The infamous chair that Lance was so hung up on. He wasn’t sure he got the significance, yet he knew it was important to his boyfriend. Still, he didn’t want to face crowds, or risk another blow up. He got that Lance thought leaving him here was best for him, but he felt like it would have all gone better for him mentally if Lance had stayed. With how Lance was crying, he didn’t want to dump his unhappiness on him
“Do you have a place in mind?”
Lance nodded again, drawing back to show Keith his snotty face and red rimmed eyes
“My usual place for furniture... it’s not too bad there... and the staff aren’t pricks”
  Keith shifted his gaze to Curtis, Curtis shifting his weight. Someone had definitely done something to upset Lance. Instantly he wanted to track down whoever it was and punch them squarely in the face for making his lover cry. They’d be talking about this, even if he had to corner Curtis and force him to spill what had happened
“And you want to go now?”
“Please... I want to get this done. I’m sick of my ego not shutting up... I’m so tired”
Brushing Lance’s hair back, Keith kissed his forehead. Lance tended to be even brattier when he was over tired. He’d ramble things, or cling, or burst into tears... pretty much as he was doing now
“Alright. Are we going alone?”
Kissing Lance’s forehead again, his vampire felt warm. Lance needed to go down for his afternoon nap soon
“Okay, babe. Just making sure”
“I missed you... Curtis has horrible taste... but he did try to help... I don’t want a haunted chair. I want a good chair and I wanna go hooome”
“Alright. Guys, I’m going to take him shopping then take him home. We’ll see you in a few days. Thanks for going with him, Curtis”
  Curtis smiled at the pair of them, Shiro less smiley and more concerned with shooting Curtis an unimpressed look. His brother really hadn’t been happy that Curtis was off with Lance for the day
“Make sure you have a good talk with him. I don’t think he’s doing as well as he’s trying to make you believe”
“I can see that. We’re going to be talking about this when we get home”
Wrapping his arm around Lance’s waist, Lance leaned into him as Keith, knowing it was time to go again
“Thanks for today, Curtis”
“No problem, honey. I guess your boyfriend found out after all... I really can’t compete”
Lance gave a wet chuckle
“I’m sorry, it’s not you, it’s him. I’ll see you in a few days, sweet heart. Make sure to keep those haunted appliances under control”
Curtis chuckled while Keith felt his claws starting to come through. Since when did they have pet names and since when were they so intimate?! Shiro’s face went red, his brother looked ready to blow his top. Curtis throwing a wink in Lance’s direction only served to make them both madder
“I’ll save the next haunting just for you”
  Dragging Lance away, Lance stumbled a little, but kept up with the pace Keith set until they reached the elevator away from prying ears
“What was that?”
“You and Curtis?”
Lance sighed softly, Keith finding himself moving as his boyfriend tried to nuzzle into his arm. Shock, then pain, washing over the vampire’s features
“Curtis played a prank on a rude employee. They weren’t very nice to us... and some of his demon power still seems to be in there. He kind of made an unplugged massage chair work and freaked them out”
“He called you “honey””
“That’s because they were being rude and whispering about us. There’s nothing going on there, other than a joke about poor customer service”
   Keith huffed. Yeah. He was being petty and he knew it, but his ego also knew how close Lance was to Curtis and that he hadn’t been a very good mate to Lance. Sighing again, Lance took his hand in his
“Keith, it’s you I love. It’s you and your wonder dick to blame for the happiness I have. The sales people were kind of rude because I’m pregnant. They seemed to think I was like dirty and contagious so Curtis got a little revenge”
Pulling his hand out of Lance’s, Keith crossed his arms. His ego didn’t like this. Jealous was it’s middle name.
“You spent the day with him and just left me here”
“Because I had to pick things up. I didn’t want to stress you out with all the scents and sounds”
“You could have told me. I spent the day here in therapy and being fucking tested”
  His snappiness sent Lance into fresh tears. Now he was being cruel. Keith didn’t get why his ego was intentionally setting Lance off like it was. They were relieved to see Lance, then Lance was all cuddly... He had his lover’s attention and his heart
“I tried to tell you. I told you my ego is upset and I told you I’m scared of going into labour. I know you think it’s just a chair but it’s more than that. It’s a place to nurse the twins. A place to read them bedtime stories. A place for snuggles. Who else was going to come with me? Hunk and Pidge would have, but I wasn’t going to have anyone come with me until Coran nominated Curtis. I want things organised. I finally have what I need to fix the nursery wall. I finally have clothes that don’t leave a draft under my stomach. I’m sorry you had a shit day, but I don’t think you understand the amount of stress my ego is putting me under. I just want all of this done with. I’m sick of being fat and gross. I’m sick of peeing when I laugh. Or having to change my shirt because I’m leaking milk. I’m sick my emotions being out of control. I want this done. I’m so tired of all of it and I’m so tired of thinking about it all the time. I’m not fucking cheating on you. I didn’t leave to dive into bed with Curtis and I’m pissed you think I would do that! Why can’t you get that I love you and that giving birth is scary?! I’m scared!”
  Lance stomped his foot for added measure. The vampire definitely needed a nap, in Keith’s opinion. Keith’s ego was somewhere tucked up between his legs like a scolded dog. He could feel the anger rolling off Lance, almost as if there was some kind of invisible wall pushing him away. Swallowing, Keith dropped his head, eyes on Lance’s clawed hands as his boyfriend rubbed his stomach
“I’m sorry. I don’t like Curtis using pet names... You’re my mate”
“I know. I’m just... ugh. I’m so frustrated with myself and with my ego”
  To Keith it sounded like Lance hadn’t gotten the same level of calmness from their pamper session that Keith had. His ego felt as if they’d utterly failed their mate, almost as if they deserved to have someone else swoop in steal Lance away
“And I haven’t been much help”
“You have in your own way”
“No. No. I’m cranky about today. All Shiro wanted to do was talk about Curtis, then whenever he’d ask me how I was doing, it’d shift back to comparing me with Curtis”
Lance opened his mouth to reply at the same time the elevator doors open, his boyfriend darting out the small space before Keith could blink. He’d been so sooky that he hadn’t really thought about the trauma or memories from the elevator.
  Joining Lance in the bookshop, he reached out, Lance so forgiving he was allowed to take his boyfriend’s hand as they walked towards the front door
“I’m sorry. I thought maybe some time with your brother would be good for you...”
“We’re going to see him in a few days as it is”
“Yeah. I know... I don’t want to upset you, but Curtis is really looking forward to some space too. Shiro’s been pretty protective of him. I know we’re going to do something hard, but I hope we can make good memories too”
“I don’t see how that’s really going to be possible...”
“I know. On top of the stress of seeing your father’s grave, you have me to think about. I’m being really selfish by pushing my stress onto you”
Tugging Lance against him, Keith kissed his cheek
“You’re not. This pregnancy has hardly been easy for you”
“It’s not been easy for you either”
“I’m not the one who’s throwing up and barely able to sleep at night”
“No, you’re just the one who fell in love with a grumpy old man, then had your entire life flipped upside down... again”
“Loving you is the easy bit. It’s life that keeps throwing crap at us”
Lance hummed a sigh
“That’s true. Will you be okay with driving?”
“I should be... Do you want to nap?”
“I’ve pushed this far that I don’t think I can sleep until I’ve got the right chair for the nursery”
“Then we’ll find that chair... Did you go see Mami today?”
“No. Poor Curtis was stuck with me being moody enough”
“We’ll find that chair, then we’ll go see Mami. We’ll work this out”
Lance sighed again, he really needed that nap. When they got home, Keith hoped he’d be able to be some kind of useful
“I hope so. I can’t keep living with this stress”
“I remember a wise man saying that’s it’s okay not to be okay”
“There’s not being okay, and then there’s being scared every moment of every day that things won’t come together in time”
“We’ll work it out”
Lance had found his chair, and Keith had felt a wave of relief when he had. They’d gone to Lance’s favourite furniture store, where Lance had found a purple rug for the nursery, but that moment wasn’t anything like when Lance found his chair. His boyfriend had been pretty down about not finding one he liked there, Keith grasping at straws on the drive from the store to the cemetery. His boyfriend hadn’t wanted to go anywhere else, shaking his head when Keith pulled into the parking lot of some boutique advertising a sale. With a lot of coaxing, he’d gotten Lance out the car and into the store. The prices everything you’d expect from a boutique, but... when Lance started crying, leaving Keith’s side to pursue his desires to touch the chair, Keith knew this was the one and the price tag didn’t matter.
  Covering his face as he cried, Keith had never experienced a grown man crying over a chair before. Wrapping his arms around his boyfriend, he’d stared over Lance’s shoulder, unsure if he was in love with it as Lance was, yet wanting to give his boyfriend the world on a silver platter. The chair itself was white, and came with a foot rest stool thing. It was wider than a standard arm chair, and comfier too from the look. Keith really didn’t know how to describe it. As he stared at it, he could see Lance sitting there with their twins in his lap as he read to them. At $600 the price was nothing to sneeze at, when Keith asked if that was the one, Lance had tried to deny it due to the price tag, Keith shooting down his head shaking by asking if the chair was everything Lance wanted to which his boyfriend admitted it was. Never had he thought he’d spend that much on a chair... like... ever...
  Unable to take it with them, Lance gave the chair an almost wistful look as Keith guided him out the store. He’d have to ask Pidge, or Shiro and Curtis, to borrow a van from work for pick up. A large sign warning all potential chair-nappers that it was “Sold. Kogane. Collection”. For some unknown reason, Keith found himself wondering if the look on Lance’s face had been similar to his when Kosmo came into his life. Though Kosmo had been a puppy, and this was chair, but maybe that look meant more than a simple comparison...? Like somehow the universe had aligned him with Kosmo at just the right time, and now was aligning Lance with his chair because they were somehow destined to be together? Almost instantly Keith snorted at himself. He didn’t believe in fate. Then again, he hadn’t believed in soulmates, and Lance was living proof of how wrong he’d been there...
   Climbing back into Lance’s bronco, he was grateful to be out of the store. Again, Lance had been right. The scent of the store still seemed stuck up his nose, just as the sound of the sales woman’s voice was still in his head. Had he had to endure yet another store, he didn’t think he’d be able to keep his temper. He felt useless, as if he was weaker than he’d ever been before. He’d hate shopping before, and now the task seemed a hurdle that’d never be overcome, even with years of adjustment. His ego seemed to agree, though it was more than proud of itself for paying for Lance’s chair and making their mate happy.
  Clipping his belt into place, Lance glanced at him, smile on his lips that seemed a little strained given his exhaustion was so obvious, yet still managed to make Keith feel lucky to see it
“You didn’t have to do that. We could have found another chair”
“Babe, no. Hey, I think I saw it. What you saw. The twins in your lap as you read to them. Our macaroons pointing at the pictures as you read the story and explained what everything was. You sleeping with them in your lap. The three of you all snuggled up. Me having to put them both to bed, then carrying you back to our room... maybe in a few years, you telling them all about their baby sibling?”
  Lance snorted at him, before covering his mouth as he yawned. Shaking his head, Lance slumped back against the seat as he gestured to his belly
“You want to go through all of this all over again?”
There was nothing wrong with Lance being pregnant. Lance still had issues with the changes in his body, but the twins really were a glimmer of hope and happiness for their future for all of them
“Maybe...? Maybe without the element of surprise?”
“Let’s see if we can survive handling the first t...two... Sorry. I’m exhausted”
“You can nap if you want? I can follow the GPS to the cemetery”
“Nah, I’m okay... I’ll sleep on the way back... God, I’m going to have to go back to work right after I pop with the way I’ve been spending money...”
   That was painfully true. A lack of work and being off work meant Keith’s account was most probably dangerously low. He hadn’t had a huge amount of savings to begin with, and what he did have was mostly tied up in his camera equipment. Coming from nothing, it’d been hard at first to accept his growing bank account. He’d flown through money, scared if he didn’t use it that someone would take it from him. Shiro had been of the opinion he should use his money for his own happiness, Adam not so much. Lance... was kind of in the middle there. He hated big spends, but also didn’t want Keith to go without. When he thought about it, he blamed himself that Lance hadn’t been working, though Lance had said he needed time off... He didn’t want to go back to work before the birth, yet a few weeks of work would really take a lot of stress of their shoulders financially
“I’m sure we’ll work it out... for now, just think about your chair”
“Mmm... I’m so relieved we found the right one. Thank you”
  Keith found himself blushing under Lance’s praise. The way his boyfriend managed to sound so sincere, despite everything and all the moodiness, meant so much to him
“All I did was drive”
“No... no. Curtis tried but, I couldn’t stop wanting you there. I hated the idea of choosing something for our nursery without you there to have a say in it. You’re their daddy. Your say is important. I really love you, Keith. I do. I’m sorry I’m all over the place. I don’t want to be... I just... get scared they’ll come and we won’t have anything ready for them... I don’t want to give birth and be useless... I just... want them here already. I want to feel like myself again”
“You’re fine the way you are. Besides, I think they’re supposed to stay in there as long as possible”
Lance snorted at him, hand going to his belly
“Yeah. I know. I’m being impatient... I can’t wait for there to be more of you in the world. The world would be a better place if there were more people like you, Keith. It really would”
“I’m not so sure about that”
“I am. I’m sorry I’m so moody...”
Keith cut Lance off. His boyfriend didn’t need to apologise for him not getting it. He could only do his best to be there for him... even if he’d dropped the ball
“I’m the one who should apologise. I know you wouldn’t cheat on me. I shouldn’t have lost my temper as I did...”
“Your ego is still new... I didn’t mean to make it feel like I didn’t want you with me...”
“No. I get it. We’ll talk more at home”
“Mmm, I’d like that... I like you. I more than like you, you know”
  When Lance pursed his lips, seeming to be reaching for whatever else he’d been going to say, Keith stole a kiss. Whatever else Lance had been going to say was lost to the kiss. He should have made the time to look at chairs... shown the initiative to look then shared anything he’d liked with Lance, instead of spending all his time cuddling into Lance and being blind to his boyfriends stress. He’d take Lance to see Mami, then pick up dinner on the way home so Lance didn’t have to worry about cooking later. They only had a few more days until they left, now he was silently promising to do everything that Lance needed in the time they had. His heart and soul belonged to his mate, meaning he was responsible for Lance’s happiness. Lance always went above and beyond for him, no matter how uncomfortable it was for his lover. He wanted to be even one tenth as supporting Lance was with him. This whole chair fiasco wouldn’t be easily forgotten.
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I’m Here
After seeing a post that related pretty much perfectly to Quasi and @hufferysnuffery‘s OC, Antoinette, I decided to write some good old angst and hurt/comfort for our boys, because it’s been a while since they’ve been able to interact, and this is also a short I’ve been thinking about for a while!
Quasi was lounging on top of the pipe in the Junkyard, watching with a small smile as Etcetera coaxed Jitterbug into a game of tag. He allowed his paw to dangle over the edge of the pipe, his smile growing as he felt Quill bat at it from her hiding spot within the darkness of the pipe, which had become one of her preferred hiding spots within the Junkyard since their arrival.
Rumpleteazer’s shout caused Quasi to start and jump off the pipe, tensing and looking around. As soon as the shout rang throughout the Junkyard, the Jellicles burst into a flurry of activity, everyone rushing about and calling to one another. The one-eyed tom quickly shook himself, and he grabbed Quill, keeping her close to his side as Jitterbug looked towards him with fearful eyes.
Munkustrap ran towards Quasi, his eyes with a determination in them that Quasi remembered from his own fight with the Jellicle Protector. “Are you up to fighting?
“Yes.” the Bengal said instantly. He nudged Quill off towards Jitterbug, the two then going off with Etcetera towards Jennyanydots’ den, where the rest of the cats who didn’t fight were taking shelter, and followed Munkustrap.
“Do you have any idea of who Macavity might use?” Munkustrap asked. 
Quasi was quiet for a moment. “He rotates in case someone gets too injured. He may be an asshole, but he’s got limited henchcats now. If henchcats die in these attacks, he’s going to lose followers.” A face flashed in Quasi’s mind, blue eyes filled with teasing amusement, glossy grey fur, and a pretty blue bow, but he quickly shook his head. “He likes using his most vicious ones in the second wave, after he’s tired you all out. So keep some cats waiting, just in case.”
Munkustrap nodded, placing a paw on Quasi’s shoulder. “Thank you. Now come on, we’ll get you a spot before they show up.”
And show up the henchcats did.
Unlike the attacks that had happened before to the Jellicles, where the henchcats came in waves, Macavity had sent every one of his available henchcats in a single wave, pushing against the Jellicles. It was almost overwhelming, and Quasi, for a brief moment, crouched in the back, watching as the Jellicles fought, claws and teeth, against the henchcats. 
It was when he spotted a henchcat creeping up behind an unsuspecting Plato that Quasi took a deep breath and screwed his courage. He launched himself at the henchcat, clawing him in the side, and kicking him across the Junkyard. Plato whirled around after wounding the henchcat he was fighting, and gave Quasi a thankful nod. 
That nod was all Quasi needed to continue to fight. 
This was his new home, his sisters’ home, and he would protect it with all he had. 
He threw himself into the battle, using the henchcats’ own fighting techniques against them. While the Jellicle fought like they were dancing, graceful, lithe, and smooth, the henchcats were rough and aggressive, unpredictable. Quasi hadn’t had a chance to learn how the Jellicles fought, but the henchcat way of fighting was ingrained in him. 
Munkustrap, out of the corner of his eye, watched the small Bengal. He had been worried, at first, but upon seeing Quasi defend Plato, any worries quickly disappeared. Quasi was vicious, and quick, slicing one henchcat’s arm before moving on to bite the shoulder of another cat who was sneaking up behind him. Even as he kicked a large attacker away from himself, Munkustrap made a note to speak with the other Protectors of the tribe about Quasi learning their ways.
As Quasi fought, he did not notice anything out of the ordinary until he heard a hiss.
A familiar hiss, so often directed at him with a note of fondness, a sound that caused his claws to falter, and the cat he was fighting to land a lucky blow to his leg. Shaking his head, Quasi whirled and kicked with his uninjured leg, making the henchcat cry out.
Taking a moment to breath, Quasi stumbled back, but a flash of glossy grey caught his eye, and his head snapped around so quickly that he felt his neck click.
That damned blue ribbon, that beautiful blue ribbon was a dead giveaway, and Quasi raced after the ragdoll tom, reaching him just in time to tackle him out of the way of Alonzo, who flew over them to grab another henchcat by the throat and throw them across the Junkyard with a fierce growl. 
Feeling the paws around him, Antoinette struggled in Quasi’s grip, and turned around, ready to hit whoever was holding him. However, when two blue eyes met one green eye, any fire and anger quickly disappeared, and was replaced by confusion, relief, and something else that made both hearts twist.
“Quasi?” Antoinette exclaimed, his voice not quite a squeak, not quite a snap.
Without speaking, Quasi scrambled to his feet and grabbed Antoinette’s arm, ignoring the pain in his own leg, his only thoughts being safetysafetygethimtosafetyprotectneedtoprotect, pulling him out of the fight, and into the pipe, scrambling towards the back, out of sight. 
“What are you doing here?” Quasi asked, whirling around to face Antoinette as soon as they were safe. “You don’t have claws, you can’t fight against the Jellicles! Did you volunteer for this?”
Antoinette didn’t seem to comprehend Quasi’s words, staring at the Bengal with wide eyes, looking him over, frowning slightly at the scratch on his leg. “You… you’re alive?!” 
Quasi cocked his head in confusion. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because I haven’t seen you in weeks, you one-eyed asshole!” Antoinette snapped harshly, though there wasn’t much heat behind his words, only a type of pain that Quasi had never really heard or experienced before. “We meet a few times, you offer to help me out, and then you disappear! I thought Macavity killed you!” He wrapped his arms around himself, staring at the ground, his entire body tense. “I thought you left.”
There was a tremble in Antoinette’s voice that, quite honestly, scared Quasi. Antoinette wasn’t supposed to get scared. Antoinette was supposed to be smooth, he was supposed to tease and taunt Quasi, he wasn’t supposed to have shaking paws and have his ears pinned against his head. Quasi had done that to him.
Slowly, he reached forward, taking the other tom’s paws in his own and holding them tightly. 
“I’m here, Antoinette.” Quasi whispered, and Antoinette slowly looked up at him with the bright blue eyes that he had come to love. “I’m okay.” The Bengal leaned forward, pressing his forehead against his companion’s. He lifted Antoinette’s paw to press it against his cheek, and Antoinette’s fingers dug into his fur, clinging to him. 
The ragdoll tom let out a heavy sigh that made the other tom’s whiskers twitch. “I missed you, one eye.”
A slow smile spread over Quasi’s face. “I missed you too, pretty boy.” He pulled Antoinette closer, and wrapped his arms around him in a tight hug. “I’m. Not. Leaving. I swear.”
Antoinette instantly returned the hug, burying his face in Quasi’s shoulder and taking a deep breath, his shoulders shaking. 
“Do… do you promise?” Antoinette whispered. 
“I swear on my sisters and the Everlasting Cat.” Quasi replied, making Antoinette let out a small snort. 
“You don’t believe in that sort of stuff.”
“Hey, if there’s some kind of cat in the sky that terrifies Macavity, I’m believing in that thing.”
The two toms snickered, remaining in their hug, Quasi gently running his paw over Antoinette’s fur, straightening and retying his bow around his neck, thinking about what other colors may look nice with Antoinette’s fur, and wondering if Esmeralda had any extra ribbon scraps he could sneak. Antoinette nuzzled into Quasi’s shoulder, very much liking the feeling of having someone hugging him. It made him feel needed and liked. Quasi didn’t abandon him, he was here and he was realrealreal.
After a few minutes, Quasi’s ear twitched towards the entrance to the pipe, and he let out a breath, feeling a small burst of confidence as he nuzzled Antoinette softly. “The fight’s over. Do you…?”
“No. They probably won’t be very welcoming to me.” Antoinette said, drawing away, looking at his paws.
“You don’t know that.” Quasi said quickly, taking Antoinette’s paws in his own with a soft smile. “I didn’t think they’d want me in their tribe, but now my sisters and I are here, and we’re safe.” Antoinette looked up at him, and Quasi cupped his cheek gently. “But if you’re not ready for that, I’ll keep coming to meet you, to check on you. Because I’m not giving up on you. You’re going to get away from him, okay?” Antoinette slowly smiled back, and he nodded, making Quasi’s smile grow as he squeezed the tom’s paw. “I’m not going to leave you behind.”
Antoinette’s eyes brightened. “Want to meet back at the butcher’s place tomorrow morning? I heard he’s got some new stuff in, and he deserves a bit of revenge after what he did to you.”
Quasi laughed quietly, and nodded. “Sounds like a date.” Both toms froze, and Quasi’s eyes widened. “Or not a date. Just a regular outing as friends. Yeah, that’s all it has to be. Nothing more, it’s fine, yeah that’s it that’s totally—” Quasi was cut off by Antoinette gently kissing his cheek, and the Bengal’s rambling instantly stopped. 
“It’s whatever we want it to be.” Antoinette said, and Quasi nodded, slightly dazed, but overwhelmingly happy. “Now… how do I get out of here without them seeing me?”
“There’s an entrance at the other end of the pipe.” Quasi explained, shaking himself out of his daze. He took a glance out of the pipe, and saw the Jellicles gathered, tending to wounds and checking on each other. “Normally there’s someone guarding it, but it looks like everybody’s still in the main stage area. You should be able to get out without them seeing you. Just go quick.”
Antoinette nodded, and gave Quasi one last smile. “See you tomorrow.”
A silly, happy grin appeared on Quasi’s face as he watched Antoinette run off through the pipe. “Tomorrow.”
11 notes · View notes
Flatbush & Atlantic: part ii
Here’s part ii! Please reblog and send your thoughts, I love hearing feedback! I was doing a ton of research on American immigration law, and it doesn’t look like Canadians technically need a visa for most work circumstances, but I’m taking it as a matter of artistic license.
part ii
October 5
“Mat, I’m in the middle of a meeting,” Chris said, glancing up at him with a bemused-yet-slightly-annoyed look on his face. 
Mat looked over at Cass, ducking his head and sheepishly tucking his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Oh, yeah. For sure. I’m sorry, I should have knocked, but I got this letter, and. Yeah. I shouldn’t have interrupted, that was rude. I’m sorry.” Cass couldn’t help but let out a snicker at his rambling, and Mat turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow. He held out his hand. She took it. “Sorry about that.” His cheeks colored. “I keep apologizing. I’m Mat Barzal.”
“Cass Cabrera Shaw,” she replied. 
“Cass is our new intern, so you’ll be seeing each other around. Hopefully not too often.” Chris said, nodding to where she sat in front of him. 
“I got the job?” Cass asked, her head jerking back to look at Chris. 
Chris nodded like it should have been obvious. “Cassidy. You’re more than qualified, you know the sport, you understand the responsibilities. You go to a top 5 law school. Yeah, you’re hired.” She blinked, still trying to take it all in. Chris turned to Mat. “Okay, Barzal, you’re up. What’s wrong?”
Mat scratched his neck. “Okay, so I know I should have looked into it sooner and taken responsibility for it. And I do, I mean, take responsibility for it. It’s just, I was in Vancouver for the summer and then vacation and then training camp and—”
Chris cut him off. “Barzal. What is it?”
“I missed the deadline for my visa renewal.” That sounds familiar, Cass thought ruefully. At least she wouldn’t be alone in her dumbassery.
Chris put his head in his hands.
Mat held up a hand. “Wait, it’s not as bad as it seems, I promise.”
“Try me.”
“I called whoever’s in charge, they left a number on the letter—”
“State Department,” Cass said, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her hair when Mat looked back at her, a hint of a smile on his face. 
He nodded. “Thanks. Yeah, them. I called them and explained the situation, and they agreed to give me an extension.”
Chris cleared his throat. “And by ‘the situation,’ you mean…” He trailed off. 
“That I was an NHL player who wasn’t in the country when they sent reminder letters. I might have used the Commissioner’s name once or twice.” Mat said sheepishly. 
“And we all know how much weight Gary Bettman’s name carries with American immigration policy,” Chris deadpanned. “Okay, give me a second to think how we’re going to get this done. How much of the forms have you filled out?”
Mat flipped open the folder he had brought, scanning the pages. “Most of it.” At least he’s not entirely hopeless. “There were a couple things I wasn’t sure about, and some new stuff that I don’t remember from last time. I figured it was better to bring it in than try to submit it on my own and get it all horribly wrong.”
“Thank God for that,” Chris said, giving a half-smile. After another minute or so of thinking, he raised his head and looked to where Cassidy was still sitting, straight across the desk. “I saw on your transcript that you’ve taken several immigration law classes. Any fieldwork?” Chris asked. 
Cass nodded. “Yeah, there was a clinic run by the school that reviewed visa applications and other paperwork for recent immigrants, I volunteered there for a few months.”
“Good. How familiar are you with O1 visas?” He asked, looking in between Cassidy and Mat. 
“For extraordinary capability? I’ve studied them a little, I know that’s the kind that most NHL players are obviously on but I’m not an expert by any means,” she said.
Chris tapped his fingers on the desk, seemingly lost in thought, before his eyes flickered between her and Mat. “Okay. You’ll be running point on Mat’s visa renewal.” Cassidy’s face blanched. “It’s mostly done so it shouldn’t be too hard. But between you and me,” he paused, raising an eyebrow at Mat, “I wouldn’t trust this boy to fill out the paperwork to adopt a goldfish, so make sure you double-check everything he wrote in. Come to me or Richard with any questions, but I really do think you’ll be fine. Got it?”
Cass jerkily nodded her head, still trying to fully process. In the span of the last ten minutes, she had gotten a job that she thought she had no chance for and had been put in charge of a very delicate, very expensive, very important set of immigration paperwork for Mat Barzal. Mat Barzal, the 2018 Calder Trophy winner. Mathew Barzal, the future of the Islanders. No pressure. 
“I should probably give you my number,” Mat said, pulling out his phone and holding it out to her. She looked at him with confusion, head tilted to one side. Mat’s face flushed and he rushed to clarify. “Like for the work stuff. In case I have questions about the visa or you need me to translate my chicken scratch for you.”
Now it was Cass’ turn to blush, gently taking his phone out of his hands and navigating to the messages. “I’ll text myself, that way you’ll have my number too. For questions,” she paused briefly, “or anything else.” Cass was typically never that bold, but there was something about the way Mat cracked a smile that made her sure she had made the right decision.
Chris coughed, bringing their attention back to the desk and the issue at hand. “I’ll go and make a copy of these for your records, Mat,” he said, standing up and reaching over the desk for the file with the visa forms, “and Cass, you’ll be working off of the originals.” He glanced between the pair. “Don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone.” 
Chris closed the door behind him, and Mat leaned up against one of the filing cabinets. “So, you’re working for the team now?”
“Yeah.” Cass nodded. “I’m excited, it seems like it’ll be a great position, but I think the prospect of my betrayal might be too much for my poor dad. Working for the enemy and all.”
Mat let out a laugh. “Rangers fan?”
“Big one. I’m from Connecticut so he grew up with the Whalers mostly, but when they folded the family allegiance switched. And when Mike Shaw is in on something, he’s all in. I’m fearing for my well being,” she joked dryly, the corner of her mouth twitching up. 
“I think you’ll be fine,” he said, looking up at her. “Tell your dad that I promise we’re not as bad as we seem. Tito, maybe,” he added, wiggling his hand. “But I’m a good guy, as long as you promise not to sell off our training secrets and pass formations to the highest bidder.”
Cass held up three fingers. “I give you my word as a former Girl Scout that I won’t leak the absolute mountains of information I have access to.”
“Pinky promise?” Mat asked, holding out his hand. 
It was Cass’ turn to laugh, and she stood up from her chair, leaning over and interlocking their fingers. “Pinky promise.”
Chris chose that particular moment to walk back in, raising his eyebrows briefly. “What’s going on here?”
Mat cleared his throat. “It took a lot of convincing, but I got Cass to pinky promise me that she won’t sell us out to the Rangers.”
“I’m glad to hear it. Apparently there was a rash of double-crossing by interns that I wasn’t aware of,” Chris said, handing over the sheaf of copies to Mat. “And Cassidy, I’ll see you tomorrow at 10?” Cass internally groaned, knowing that it would take well over an hour on the train. Still, she nodded curtly. “Of course.”
He smiled, reaching over the desk and shaking her hand. “I’ll put these,” he said, gesturing to the forms, “in your desk tomorrow. You’ll be working out in the main area, we’ll get you set up when you come in. Other than that, you’re good to go. Glad to have you on board. Genuinely.” 
Cass leaned down to pick up her backpack, walking out the door and into the elevator with Mat by her side. “So, I’ll call you if I’ve got questions on any of this, right?” He asked, folding the papers and tucking them into his inside jacket pocket. 
She nodded. “Yeah. This one is a little different but I’ve done a lot of filling out forms and revision for this before, so I don’t think it’ll be too much of an issue. If I don’t know the answer to something, I can find it for you. I might have some questions tomorrow, you guys have a game, right?” Cass asked. Mat nodded. “So obviously I know you’ll have morning skate and be by the arena most of the day, but try to have your phone with you when you can so we don’t have to play phone tag, y’know?”
He smiled, holding the front door open for her as they existed onto the busy street. “I’ll do my best, Cass. See you soon.”
As promised, as soon as Mat had turned the corner, Cass pulled out her phone, clicking on Samaira’s contact. She picked up on the first ring. “Samaira, you’re not going to believe what my afternoon has been like.” 
She headed straight to her room after getting home, managing to squeeze in a few hours of reading before getting started on dinner. Pasta was easy to make for everyone; Alicia was lactose intolerant and Stella kept kosher, so simplicity was often key in group meals. Sautéeing some collard greens with onions and garlic, she turned her head towards the rooms and hollered to the rest of the apartment. “DINNER’S ALMOST READY!”
Much to her chagrin, Cass got up bright and early the next day, shoveling down a bowl of cereal before grabbing her bag and heading out the door.
October 12 (fri)
The Islanders had a weeklong road trip, so Cass had been reassigned to contract review since she was all but done with Mat’s visa renewal. She glanced at her watch, seeing that it was nearly noon. Nearly noon meant nearly lunchtime. She hadn’t figured out what she wanted to have for lunch quite yet, but food carts in New York were a dime a dozen; while she wasn’t being paid for the internship, she was given a stipend for lunch and travel expenses that she took full advantage of. Just as she flipped the page over, the office door opened. Assuming that it was some assistant coming for Chris or one of the other lawyers returning from a different office, she didn’t pay it too much mind. That was, however, until the figure stopped by her desk, coughing to get her attention. “Yeah?” She questioned, looking up and tilting her head in confusion when she saw that it was Mat. 
“I had a question about one of the employment history sections, and the office said you’d be here today. I brought food,” he said, holding up a paper back emblazoned with the name of a local Chinese restaurant. 
“Oh God, bless your heart,” she said, pulling over another chair. “I’m starving. Sit down, walk me through it. What’s got you confused?” It didn’t occur to Cass that he could have easily asked her over text.
October 17 (tues)
Sitting at her desk, Cass was trying (and failing) to finish her notes before midnight when her phone lit up with a text. And then another one. And then another. Rolling her eyes, she picked it up, expecting something from one of her younger siblings or a friend from back home. Instead, it was Mat. Hew brow instantly furrowed, swiping up to see what was the matter. He had sent two pictures, both screenshots from newspapers. Florida Man Arrested for Throwing Gator at Mother-in-Law, the first one read. Florida Man Charged with Reckless Endangerment for Filling Nursing Home Koi Pond with Baby Gators, said the other. Do u think it’s the same guy? He asked. 
Rolling her eyes, Cass wrote out a reply. No doubt. Criminals have patterns. 
So do u think all Florida men are obsessed with gators or just this one?
Gator cult. She tapped send, picking it back up almost immediately. Obviously. 
October 21 (sat)
The plane back from Montréal is about to leave. Any album recs?
Mat and Cass had been texting back-and-forth for the past few days, so it wasn’t exactly a surprise that he asked her. 
Wasteland, Baby - Hozier, Electric Light - James Bay. Amidst the Chaos - Sara Bareilles if ya wanna get a little spicy. I’m mostly an indie kinda girl, give me a sec and I’ll send you my playlist. 
Can’t wait, Mat responded. Cass loved music, and always found it to be something intensely personal. So what was it about Mat that made her so willing to share?
October 23 (mon)
Cass hated getting up early, but there were some things better than sleep. You wanna get coffee before your classes? Mat had texted the night before. Coffee was one of them. Grabbing her backpack and tugging on her favorite pair of ankle boots, she headed out the door at 7:02. 
“Where are you headed this early?” Alicia asked quizzically, her own tote slung over one shoulder. Ryanne almost always left the earliest, usually having to get to her rounds well before anyone else had woken up. 
“Mat and I are going out for coffee,” she said, picking up her keys from the nail by the door. 
Alicia wiggled her eyebrows. “Oooooh, Cass has a daaaateee,” she said in a sing-song voice. 
Cass’s cheeks burned. “It’s not a date, I’m just helping him out with some paperwork. He’s asking me out as a friend. Just because he’s cute—”
Alicia cut her off. “AHA! So you DO admit that you think he’s cute?”
Cass groaned. “Yeah, okay, he’s cute. You happy?” Alicia nodded. “But just because I think he’s attractive doesn’t mean that this is going to be anything other than friends getting together before work, okay?” 
Her friend shrugged. “Whatever you say, Cass. Have fun, be safe! Use prot—” Cass closed the door as quickly as she could without slamming it. Forty minutes later, she was walking up to the coffee shop, greeting Mat with a hug. 
“Sorry if I kept you waiting,” Cass said. 
Mat shook his head. “You didn’t, don’t apologize.” He opened the door for her, hand ghosting over the small of her back as he followed her in line. A few minutes later, Mat was at the register, ordering a cappuccino. He turned to her. “What do you want, Cass?” 
“Mat, you don’t have to pay for me,” Cass said, pulling out her wallet. 
Mat gently pushed her hand down. “I was the one who suggested it, Cass. I’m paying the bill.” He handed over his card to the barista, turning back to her with a smile. “You can get it next time.” She laughed. 
“Fine, you win. Coconut milk latté.”
Oct 25 (wed)
“Afternoon pick-me-up?” Cass looked up from her desk, confused but excited to see Mat in front of her desk. 
He held up a coffee cup, a speckled white-and-blue reusable. “You mentioned something about needing me to sign the last page or something? I brought you coffee, the cup’s for you too. Place says you’ll save 25¢ whenever you use it.” 
“Yeah,” Cass said slowly, “and you faxed it over, right? Kristie said they got it in this morning.” Kristie was the office assistant, and had handed the page to Cass right as she had walked in the door half an hour prior.
“Oh, uh, yeah,” Mat said, seemingly flustered. “I was worried I might have made a mistake on it, so I thought I’d come over and double-check.”
“You’re worried you made a mistake signing your own name?” Cass didn’t quite understand it, but there was something really endearing about him wanting to come down and check it himself rather than just calling her or emailing Chris. “Okay then,” she said, leaning over her laptop to grab the folder. She traded it for the coffee in Mat’s hand, the Post-it note on the side of the cup catching her eye. Coconut milk latté. He remembered. 
Oct 26 (thurs)
What are your thoughts on sushi? Cass got a text from Mat as she was about to get out of her environmental law lecture. The professor had already started packing up her things, so she risked a message back. 
As a concept or as a food?
The food haha
All positive, love sushi!
I know this great place in Chelsea, want to grab dinner later?
You don’t have a late practice or anything with the guys? From what she had gathered, even when it wasn’t a game day, Mat would usually get an extra workout in after practice or go out with Tito and some of the rest of the team.
Nope :) Nothing after 2
Cass bit her lip, weighing her options as she shut her laptop and exited the lecture hall. She wasn’t reading too much into it, was she? Friends got dinner together all the time, it wasn’t weird for him to have asked her. It was normal. Typical friend stuff. Sure, she liked him. She liked him a lot. But it wasn’t worth jeopardizing her career and reputation to try and fabricate something that probably wasn’t even there. Sounds good! I should be able to get there 6ish if that works for you?
Perfect! He wrote back, I’ll send you the address.
Les and Fiona caught up to her that afternoon after she practically ran out of their review session the second it was done. “Woah woah woah,” Fiona asked, catching Cass just as she was about to exit the library. “Where are you headed off to so quick?”
Cass tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, scrunching up her nose. “Getting dinner with Mat.” 
Les wiggled his eyebrows. “Ooooh, your man?”
Cass went red. “He’s not my man! He just asked if I wanted to get sushi. And I’m hungry, and he said he’s paying. So I said yes.”
“But you like him,” Les said, as if he was stating the obvious. Which, in a way, he was?
She shrugged her shoulders. “Yeah. It’s hard not to. But he asked me out as friends. It’s not a date. If it was a date, he would have said so? Right?” She was starting to ramble.
Fiona reached out to touch her shoulder, rubbing her thumb back and forth. “Maybe. But maybe not. It’s possible that he is into you, but you and I both know that’s a question best answered by someone other than us,” she pointed at her and Les. “And even if he doesn’t, it’s still a free dinner.” 
Cass let out a small smile. “You’re right.” She glanced at her watch. “I told him I’d be there by 6, so I probably should get going if I want to catch the train in time.” She gave each of them a brief hug. “See you next week!”
“GOOD LUCK!” Tyler hollered as she turned the corner. Cass’ cheeks burned, and she was beginning to realize why.
Cass got home from the restaurant just after 9, trying desperately to make sense of the past few weeks. Getting ahead of herself had never led to anything good, and much though she wanted to, Cass wasn’t about to put words in Mat’s mouth. But he had been the one to suggest dinner, and he had picked up the tab again. “You’re in law school,” Mat had said with a shrug when the check came. “I’m not about to make you pay for your own food when you don’t have to.” Shaking her head and pulling out the kettle to make a cup of tea, she tried again to rationalize everything. “We’re friends. I’m doing him a solid by helping him out with this paperwork, he’s just trying to be nice and pay me back. Which he doesn’t need to do, because it’s my job. But he’s nice, so he’s doing it anyway. Because we’re friends.” Frustrated, she grabbed her mug, walking back to her bedroom and barely paying any mind to the splashes of near-boiling water that hit the ground. 
Oct. 27 (fri)
It was a quarter to 6, and Cass couldn’t wait to get out of the office. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy her job. It was incredible and she was so thankful for the opportunity. It was the fact that Mat fucking Barzal had been on her mind all day and she had been finding it so damn hard to concentrate on research and contracts and precedent when she was busy trying to sift through her own feelings. Cass wasn’t a particularly insecure person; like anyone else, she had those days, but it wasn’t really a matter of her thinking he was “out of her league” or that she wasn’t good enough for him. She knew that the whole concept of “leagues” was dumb and classist, but there was something about the whole dynamic that she couldn’t quite shake, and couldn’t quite tell if it was something good or not. It was five minutes to six, and she couldn’t stop her fingers tapping on her desk, waiting to be set free. Waiting for her mind to stop racing. Waiting for her heart to stop pounding.
She spent the next five minutes trying in vain to get through a paper Chris had sent her — she had even broken out her neon highlighters — but nothing was working. Thankfully, Chris chose that moment to stick his head out of his office and call to her. “Cass?” Her head perked up. “I’ve got some files to email you, mind coming in for a sec before you leave?” She nodded, pushing out of her chair and crossing the room. 
“How was your day?” Chris asked, pulling up the files to email her. 
“Uh, pretty good!” Cass said. “Fridays are relatively light for me, I had a morning meeting with the law review and then headed over here. Mat and I got sushi last night, so that was nice.”
Chris looked up over his laptop. “You and Mat?”
Cass nodded, brows furrowing. “Yeah. Is that an issue?” It was never something she had bothered considering, but — 
“Not that I can think of, no,” he said, shaking his head. “You’re spending a lot of time together, though, have you noticed that?” 
“Yeah, I mean, we’re friends, but I didn’t think that was a problem—” Chris held up a hand, cutting her off with a smile. 
“I’m not so sure that what Mat wants is a friendship, Cassidy.” He paused. “My son’s about his age, and please feel free to stop me if you’d like, but this is exactly how he acted when he met Iris.” 
“Iris?” Cass questioned. 
“His fiancée. If I’m reading the situation right, and I think I am, the poor boy’s head over heels for you, Cass.” He clicked his mousepad. “Just sent them over, try to go through them by Monday.”
She nodded, seemingly in a daze as she picked up her bag and walked out of the office, pulling out her phone. 
To: Mat
Are you free later?
Oct 28. (sat)
Tapping her foot nervously, Cass fiddled with her phone just to give her hands something to do. They had grabbed breakfast before she had to head to the office and he had to go to morning skate, and she had stolen the check while he was in the bathroom. But she still hadn’t brought up what Chris had said, or for that matter what Les or Samaira or Alicia had been pestering her about for the better part of the past month. 
Mat returned to the table, snapping Cass out of her thoughts. “You ready to head out?” It was only just past nine, so the plan had been to take a walk around Prospect Park before they had to take off. Cass nodded awkwardly, grabbing her coat and scarf from the back of the chair and looping it around her neck. Mat’s brow furrowed in confusion, but if he suspected anything, he didn’t say so. He walked a few steps ahead of Cass, holding the door open for her. They walked in silence for a block or two; not an awkward silence and not a comfortable one, but some kind of strange liminal space in between the two where it was clear that neither of them was really able to read the room. Mat’s knuckles brushed up against her own.
As they crossed the street into the gardens, Cass took a deep breath and looked up at him. It’s now or never. “What are we doing?” She breathed, so softly that Mat wouldn’t have heard if he hadn’t been standing scarcely a foot away. 
“We’re going to a park?” Mat questioned. 
She wrung her hands, trying to avoid looking at him. “I mean, what are we doing. You and I.” She ran a hand through her hair. “I don’t want you to think that I’m reading too much into things, or that I haven’t enjoyed getting to know you and spend time with you because I have, but I just need to know what there is going on between us. If there is anything going on between us.”
Mat shoved his hands into his pockets, leaning up against a lamppost. “I mean, I’d like there to be. I’m into you, Cass, I thought I had made that clear,” he added with a single laugh. Cass gave him a quizzical look. “Do you think I actually needed to come into the office every time I dropped in on you? That I’d ask just anyone for music recs? That I asked you out to coffee or dinner just as friends? Cassidy,” he said, standing upright and taking a tentative step towards her, “I don’t even know Tito’s coffee order. But I know yours.” He took another step forwards when she didn’t move back, faces so close that their noses were almost touching. “I wouldn’t ever want to push you into something you weren’t ready for. But Cass,” he tilted her chin up with his hand, “I’m all in if you are.”
She took a shaky breath, willing the voices inside of her head to still themselves for just one moment so she could gather her thoughts. “Mat, I want this,” Cass said, gesturing between the two of them with one hand, the other wound with frustration in her curls. “You have no idea how much I want this. But I work for the team. We both do. And I can’t have anyone thinking that I’m here for anything but the job, that I’m a puck bunny or will be distracted from my work and go run off with my boyfriend or whatever you are—” She cut herself off abruptly. “Trotz might get mad at you, sure. I don’t think it would really matter on your end, though. You wouldn’t face any actual consequences. I’m expendable to this team. You’re not.”
 Mat’s hand came up to cup her cheek, one thumb swiping away a tear gently, so gently, that she hadn’t even realized had leaked out of her eye. “You’re not expendable, Cass. Not to me, not to the team, not to anyone who’s ever bothered getting to know you. You are such an incredible woman and I know you know it, but sometimes it doesn’t seem like you really believe it. If this is scary for me, and it is, I know it must be downright terrifying for you. And I know you’re worried how it would look, us being together, what the team or Chris or whoever would think, but you need to remember to let your talent speak for itself. If I have a shitty game, miss an easy shot or whatever, there’s always the people who say that Trotz should move me down a line, or that I should be traded, or whatever. And there’s always going to be those people. But if you keep your head in the game—”
“Alright, Troy Bolton,” Cass said, finally giving him a watery smile. 
“You realize that if I’m Troy, you’re Gabriella?” Mat asked, raising one eyebrow, hand still on her cheek as the other perched on her waist. Cass leaned into his touch, wrinkling her nose. “Maybe that was a bad metaphor, but Cass, you’re brilliant. You’re such a good student and you’re so dedicated at work. You’re going to make an incredible lawyer. Everyone sees that. And I absolutely respect that you’re worried about what our relationship might do for your career,” He swallowed hard, skating his hand down her arm to hold her hand. “And I’m not sure what else I could say other than what I already have. But you’re good, so good, and they’d be idiots for letting you go over something like this.”
Cass swallowed. “They say some things are worth the risk.”
“Are we gonna do this?” Mat’s hand moved to the small of her back, leaning down so their lips were almost touching, barely, not quite. 
“We’re gonna do this.” Cass closed the gap. 
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gemma-lemma · 3 years
Cloudy Days - JJ Maybank x Male OC
Chapter 2.1 – Ms. Lana
The next morning Parker was woken up by loud hammering on the door.
A voice that sounded familiar, but he couldn’t quite place yet, yelled: “DCS! I know you’re in there!”
While John B slowly turned around with a groan, Parker was up and alarmed within seconds at the mere sound - he hadn’t even processed the words yet. By the time JJ jumped against the window he was halfway towards the kitchen and the knives.
“Gotcha, slicks.” The Maybank boy cheered, and Parker rubbed a hand over his face in exhaustion. By the smile JJ shot him he knew exactly that he had done it on purpose.
“Man, you should have seen your faces! I mean, your faces…” JJ laughed to himself. When Parker flipped him off, he sent him an air kiss and vanished from the window, just to enter through the door.
“Why you headed for the kitchen anyway? Wanna scare DCS off with a bunch of rancid fruit?” JJ asked with a grin and nodded his head towards Parker. At that, John B raised his head curiously to look at his cousin.
“Bold of you to assume John has fruit in the house.” He shot back and headed for the bathroom.
Upon the questioning look JJ shot him, John B merely shrugged. “He’s not wrong.”
 Not even half an hour later the boys were seated in the Twinkie – John B and JJ in the front seats, Parker sprawled over the entire back bench – and JJ kept on rambling about how John B wouldn’t try his chances with Kiara.
“I’m just saying, I don’t understand why you don’t at least try with Kiara. She clearly likes you.”
Parker kept zoning in and out of the conversation as he found it incredibly pointless and just focused on relaxing after yesterday’s stress. His shoulders were giving him hell though he wasn’t sure why, and by now he was confident about having a serious crack in his psyche due to all that happened in his past. He quietly debated about seeing a psychologist about it, but decided against it since seeing someone long enough to feel safe about opening up sounded like the kind of commitment Parker couldn’t allow himself to give.
He was finally torn out of his floating state of mind by JJ’s voice. “…Right, Parker? John B totally blushed.”
When he pried one of his eyes open, he could see that the blond boy had turned around in his seat to look at him. Without even looking in John B’s direction he gave him a lazy smile before closing it again. “Like a tomato.”
“What? No, that’s not true.” John B defended, but JJ was already talking about how it had to be true if even Parker agreed.
“I gotta admit, your father’s compass, in Scooter’s boat, that’s freaky.” JJ said and Parker grunted agreeingly.
“Yeah.” John B said. “And that’s why we’re going to talk to Ms. Lana. To figure this whole thing out.”
“I’m sure she would just love to talk to us. It’s not like her husband just drowned or anything.” Parker mumbled and draped an arm over his eyes.
“I gotta agree with Grumpy Cat on this one.” JJ said, and then added: “Man, do you think it’s a bad omen that me and Parker are starting to agree on shit?”
“Parker and me. The ass goes last.” Parker corrected, thinking about how his mother had always told him that. She had used the word ‘donkey’, though, not ass. It was a German figure of speech, if he remembered it correctly. An exchange student from Berlin had taught it to Tamara when she had been in high school, and she had loved to say it to Parker’s father ever since he could remember.
He could hear JJ mumbling something under his breath and John B laughing lightly but paid no mind.
When they arrived at Lana Grubbs’ hut, JJ suddenly turned around and slapped Parker’s thigh. “Wake up, sleeping beauty. We’re going on a mission.”
“Leave me alone, 007.” Parker grumbled but got up and out of the Twinkie nonetheless, JJ and John B hot on his heels.
“You know what this house looks like?” JJ asked rhetorically. “Like whoever lives here smokes too much weed.”
About halfway over the lawn the sound of shattering glass and crashing furniture made Parker halt dead in his tracks. JJ, who had been walking right behind him, almost bumped into him at the sudden stop. Instead, he laid a steady hand on his back, right between the shoulder blades.
“I don’t like the sound of that.” Parker mumbled, knowing said sound very well.
“Maybe we should come back.” JJ suggested with furrowed brows as someone inside the house screamed: “Bullshit!”
“No, no, no.” John B said. “Shut up, JJ.”
“It’s a little too soon.”
“Shut up.”
“Tell me where it is, or I’ll fuck you up.” They heard a faint voice, followed by a wailing woman.
“I’ll sink you in the fucking-“ The man yelled, and the boys ducked at another crashing sound.
“To the wall. Hide!” Parker hissed and rushed the boys towards the window.
The woman wailed again, a desperate, pain stricken sound. “You’re hurting me!”
“Fuck!” Parker whispered and tried to peek inside the house. His blood was boiling and memories of a similar situation back at home came to his mind. Just then a couple of drug dealers had trashed his friend Alice’s house because her father wasn’t able to pay for the drugs in time. He had gotten her out of there just in time before one of those lowlifes could fully process that she was a girl. Stitching her up had been horrific.
JJ pulled him back down, backs pressed against the wall. “What are you doing?”
“We need to help her!”
“No way!” JJ looked at him incredulously. “What if those are the guys who shot at us?”
“I think they’re looking for something.” John B interrupted as screaming continued from inside the house.
“The compass wasn’t in the boat! Where is it, Lana?” The man yelled and Parker closed his eyes. He didn’t realize how badly he was shaking until JJ laid an arm over his shoulder to pull him closer into him.
“Keep. Breathing.” JJ ordered in a low and hard voice. “If you get a panic attack now, they will find us. And we won’t be able to run away fast enough.”
Parker nodded, then shook his head. “Thank you, but I’m not scared. I’m angry. And on edge. We need to do something before they seriously hurt her.”
JJ decidedly shook his head and eyed him sceptically. “First: No way. They sound dangerous. Second: I don’t buy that you’re fine.”
Parker was thinking about a way to prove to JJ that he was, in fact, fine, as paint rained down on their heads. JJ roughly shook it out of Parker’s hair with his free hand. “You stay here until they are gone. You’re no use if they beat you up, end of discussion.”
“There’s nothing here. Let’s get the hell outta here.” One of the men said and John B moved to the edge of the house. JJ shot Parker a here-you-go-what-did-i-say?-look and moved after him.
The men left the house and the boys pressed against the wall while they were walking back towards the bogey.
“Dude, those are the guys that shot us.” JJ determined while Parker tried to get a look through the window.
The second they were gone, John B turned around to go to the front door. JJ turned around to assess Parker with a questioning look. “You good?”
“Better than ever.”
“I really don’t believe you.”
Parker flipped him off, though they both knew that JJ was just genuinely worried. After all, shaking from rage was not much better than shaking from fear.
When they entered the house, everything was a mess. The men had taken it apart piece by piece. Somewhere they heard a woman sob.
“Ms. Lana?” John B called. When he spotted her on the bathroom floor, he ran over to her worriedly. “Hey, hey.”
She jumped when he touched her and held her arm closely to her body.
“It’s okay.” John B reassured her.
“Dude, she’s tweaking.” JJ stated and Parker gave him a dark look.
“Do you need a doctor?” Parker asked. John B suggested they call the sheriff’s department, but she immediately said no.
“No cops, please.” She sobbed.
“Mm. That’s not good.” JJ said.” Come on, dude. Let’s just go.”
Though Parker agreed with JJ, he felt like he couldn’t just leave the poor woman here by herself. Ms. Lana looked at John B with watery eyes.
“You shouldn’t be here.” She whimpered and shook her head.
“That’s enough for me.” JJ decided and turned to leave, but Parker grabbed him by the shoulder. Hard enough to make him stop, but gentle enough to reassure him. JJ gave him an insecure look, not at all liking the situation. Parker didn’t like it either, in all honesty, but he was much more familiar with it.
“Wait, wait.” John B said to them without turning around. “What do you know about these guys?” He asked her.
“They were looking for something.”
Parker understood the moment John B started roaming his pockets. They had mentioned the compass John B was now holding up when they had terrorized Ms. Lana.
“Does it have anything to do with this?” Ms. Lana’s face fell when she saw the compass. “Do you know anything about this? This is my father’s, and Scooter had it. Why?”
She shook her head. “Scooter didn’t have it, okay? Don’t tell anyone that you have that!”
“They can’t know! They can’t know that you have that! You’ve gotta get out of here!” She yelled and JJ finally shoved both Parker and John B – who still tried asking her what she knew – out of the house.
“That was…unusual.” Parker said as they walked back to the Twinkie.
JJ shot him an incredulous look. “Unusual? You call that unusual? Man, you’re really fucked up.”
Parker merely shrugged.
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