#whumpers are never as interesting to me as the whumpees and caretakers
serickswrites · 2 days
Running Through My Veins
Per request of @artisticdemon
Warnings: captivity, torture, forced to watch, restraints, poison, poisoning, cardiac arrest, mcd
Caretaker struggled against the cuffs and chains keeping them attached to the wall ring in the corner. They had to get out, had to get to Whumpee.
Whumpee stood in the standing cuffs, their body stretched taut as their arms were pulled tight, high above their head. They stood at attention, desperately trying to keep their feet on the ground lest they put too much weight on their shoulders.
"Well, well, well," Whumper said with great flourish, "this is a moment I have been so longing for."
"Please," Whumpee begged.
"Fuck you," Caretaker said as they glared at Whumper.
Whumper gave a sidelong glance at Caretaker. "I have no interest in that. No, the only thing I have interest in is your pain, Caretaker."
Caretaker could see Whumpee tremble as they stood before Whumper. "Then string me up. Let Whumpee go. You can hurt me here. I'm already restrained."
"That's so boring, Caretaker. Where's the fun in that? Why put hands on you when I can do this?" Whumper said as they stabbed Whumpee's bicep with a needle. "This is so much more fun."
"NOOOOO!" Caretaker roared, straining to the end of their chian.
Whumpee whimpered as Whumper depressed the needle. "Please," they said again as a single tear tracked down their cheek.
"What did you give them?" Caretaker growled. Once they got free, they were going to end Whumper.
"Digitalis. Sometimes it makes your heart beat too fast. Sometimes too slow. You never know until you try it out. Let's see how you do with this small dose, Whumpee." Whumper walked away, slamming the door shut behind them.
Whumpee began to droop, their feet slipping on the ground. "I.....ddddon't f-f-f-feelllll so go-go-go-goood, Ca'er," Whumpee mumbled as they scrambled to keep their feet on the ground.
"Talk to me, Whumpee. Tell me what's wrong. You're ok. You're going to be ok. I'm going to get us out of here."
"Mmmmm," Whumpee hummed as their eyes drooped closed. They struggled to stay awake. The pain in their shoulders kept them awake. But they were so tired. And it felt like they couldn't get a good breath.
Whumper returned hours later. Whumpee had mostly normalized, their heart beating closer to its regular speed. Caretaker had kept them awake and talking. Kept them awake through the fatigue. Through the nausea. Through everything.
"How was that? Did you relax a little, Whumpee? Hmmmm?" Whumper said as they pulled another needle out. "Maybe a bit more is what you need."
And before Caretaker could scream their protest, Whumper had injected Whumpee once more. This continued for hours--days?-- and Caretaker was powerless to just watch. They couldn't do anything but talk Whumpee through.
Sometimes Whumpee's heart pounded, their limbs shaking and sweating as they hyperventilated, unable to calm themselves. Other times they slumped over, losing their footing and crying out in pain as their heart beat slowed.
And still Caretaker was helpless to do anything. They couldn't slip the cuffs. Couldn't hold Whumpee up. Couldn't release Whumpee. Couldn't escape. Couldn't do anything except sit there and talk to Whumpee. And pray that it would all stop.
"Inject me!" Caretaker begged when Whumper returned. "I'll let your poison run through my veins. Hurt me! Hurt ME!"
Whumper gave a cruel smile. "Oh but I am." They injected Whumpee once more. "This will hurt the most, Caretaker. I couldn't think of a better way to hurt you."
"Please," Whumpee sobbed. "It's too much, please."
Whumper cupped Whumpee's cheek briefly. "It will be over soon. For you, at least," they chuckled as they left the room.
"Whumpee, talk to me. I'm here. Tell me what's going on."
"C-C-Can'tttt. F-F-Fast," Whumpee panted.
"Breathe, just breathe," Caretaker urged, trying to not let the concern creep into their voice. Whumpee reacted faster this time compared to the other times. How much had Whumper given them?
"H-H-Hurtttttssss," Whumpee gasped as their feet began to slip once more.
"It's ok. You're ok. You're going to be ok. Just stand up. I'll find a way out. Just hold on, Whumpee. Hold on."
"Mmmmm," Whumpee huffed as they threw their head back. They took several gasping breaths of air, shifting their feet, desperately trying to keep upright.
Caretaker could see Whumpee's shoulders pull tight as they struggled to stay upright. "It's ok, Whumpee. You'll be ok. You can do this. I'll get out of these cuffs, I swear. Just hold on for me. Please."
With a loud gasp, Whumpee dropped their head forward, eyes unfocused. "Look at me, Whumpee," Caretaker urged, "I'm right here. Look at me, you're going to be ok. I'm going to get us out of here. I promise."
Whumpee slowly, painfully slow, turned their gaze to Caretaker. Their eyes were hazy and beginning to glaze over. Their lips moved, but no sound came out.
"No, Whumpee, stay. You have to stay. PLEASE!" Caretaker cried out as they watched Whumpee sigh. Whumpee went limp in their chains, their head lolling forward, arms pulling tight above their head. Their body swung on the chain slowly as their feet slipped out from under them.
"WHUMPEE! WHUMPEE! SAY SOMETHING! WHUMPEE! NO! GOD NO! PLEASE! WHUMPEE!" Caretaker screamed as tears streamed down their face. They ducked low, praying that they were wrong. That Whumpee was merely unconscious.
But as they stared into Whumpee's half lidded, empty gaze and waited for Whumpee's lungs to fill once more, Caretaker's own heart seized in their chest. Because Whumpee was still. So impossibly still as they swung. Their chest was unmoving.
"NOOOOO! NOOOO!" Caretaker howled as they realized what had happened. "PLEASE GOD PLEASE!"
"Music to my ears," Whumper said with a smile as they entered once more. "Your piteous, mewling cries of misery, Caretaker. What a delight."
They stopped as they were even with Whumpee. Whumper took Whumpee's chin between their thumb and forefinger and lifted. Whumpee's lifeless eyes stared out at nothing as Whumper inspected their head.
"DON'T TOUCH THEM!" Caretaker screamed as they lunged forward, the cuffs pulling tight on their wrists.
"What? It's not like it's going to hurt them anymore, Caretaker. Whumpee is dead. Just look!" Whumper shoved Whumpee so they swung out towards Caretaker. Their head lolled on their limp neck, arms pulled tight above their head.
Caretaker shut their eyes tightly, unable to bear the sight of Whumpee's body swinging on the chain. "Please, don't touch them."
Whumper rolled their eyes. "You are such a kill joy."
They stopped Whumpee's body from swinging further. They stared at Whumpee's limp hands for a moment before unhooking the chain quickly. Whumpee dropped into a heap on the floor.
"What are you going to do to them?" Caretaker sobbed as they stared at Whumpee.
"Me? Absolutely nothing," Whumper said as they grabbed the chain between the shackles on Whumpee's wrist. "I'm going to do nothing to them except leave them right here." They dragged Whumpee closer to Caretaker. Just out of reach.
Whumper kicked Whumpee until Whumpee's body rolled on its side, such that Caretaker could stare directly into Whumpee's eyes. Caretaker sobbed harder as they stared into the empty eyes of the person they loved. The person they swore to protect. The person they failed to save.
"This is a far better form of torture, don't you think?" Whumper whispered as they leaned down and cupped Whumpee's cheek. "Because this one lasts forever."
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bamber344 · 1 day
been having a lot of thoughts about my living weapon superhero whump story lately, thinking about starting it soon tbh. Woman main character because you will never catch me writing a dude as the protag, i am physically unable to. Female whumpee, male whumper, female caretaker probs.
still don't know if it'll contain any proper romance cuz of some of the themes, but the lesbianism will still be there in the background regardless (you can tear it from my cold dead hands)
if that sounds interesting to you let me know and I'll put together a tag list!
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goosewhumps · 6 months
idk maybe it’s just me but i’m a bit annoyed that so many prompts on whumpblr need to have a whumper in them. don’t get me wrong, i get the appeal and i do like whump with whumpers in it sometimes but there’s so much you can do without one and it feels like most people just ignore it
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whumped-by-glitter · 3 months
Okay, hear me out....
A caretaker with an extremely conditioned whumpee.
Caretaker is forced to "speak their language" to get through to whumpee. Caretaker has to start acting like Whumper to slowly undo the conditioning.
They have to start harsh and strict to slowly teach Whumpee what freedom is, or reintroduce them into their own agency.
Maybe Whumpee was a slave or a pet, and all they know are orders and discipline and reward. Before Caretaker figures this out, Whumpee is listless or catatonic, or maybe self-destructive and reckless. Without order and routine, Whumpee has no idea how to function, their mind is sent into chaos.
Caretaker has no interest in being a master, but to get through the conditioning, to even get them medical help, they are forced to get their hands dirty.... Orders are just necessary- "you're going to the hospital, that's an order" or "I order you to decide on what you want for dinner."
Caretaker never wanted this power and responsibility over another person.
With power, there is also the risk of corruption.
Maybe Caretaker is terrified about walking the fine line between helping their severely damaged and twisted whumpee and becoming the new whumper.
Maybe they get it right, maybe they get it wrong, maybe it's something in between, there's so many directions this could go and all of the threads are so interesting.
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chiharuuu22 · 2 months
Still wearing pajamas and warmed only by a cardigan, socks, and a blanket around his thighs, Whumpee sat in an armchair on the terrace and was propped up by pillows on either side. Beside him, Caretaker sat with him, accompanying him in a sweater and long skirt. The air still felt cold, even though it was already 9 a.m. Maybe the influence of early autumn.
Besides the two, there was a round table with two bowls of potato soup with thin slices of crispy beef and two glasses of water. Whumpee's favorite soup he started eating today after being able to only eat watery soup for a while.
Whumpee sat facing directly towards the lake, with the forest several tens of meters from the cabin where they were. His gaze was calm and peaceful, as if he no longer had any burdens to carry. Occasionally, Whumpee receives a bite of his soup from Caretaker who patiently helps him eat.
"Want to go there?" Caretaker offered after wiping Whumpee's mouth. "We can go to the lake this afternoon when it's warmer, if you want."
Caretaker returned to feeding Whumpee, saying, "It's not good to stay inside all the time. You need a new atmosphere and a breath of fresh air other than on this terrace."
"I like it in here," Whumpee answered after swallowing his soup. "But I guess it wouldn't be bad to go to the lake there. What's there?"
"Not much, but I thought you'd like it," Caretaker stroked the back of Whumpee's hand. "We can see beautiful views. Now and then, some people come to fish or boat. Freshly caught fish from the lake tastes delicious. There are lots of rabbits there. There are very beautiful flower fields when spring comes. If you're lucky, you can see a deer or a fox peeking shyly from the opposite forest."
"That sounds interesting. I think I'll want to go there later," said Whumpee. "I'm surprised; I never knew you had a cabin here."
"This belonged to my late parents. When I was little, we often came here to vacation and relax from the hustle and bustle of the city," explained Caretaker with a smile, and she returned to feeding soup to Whumpee. "A suitable place for your recovery, right? Quiet, peaceful, comfortable, and you don't have to worry about anything here."
Whumpee smiled and held Caretaker's hand. "Yes, it feels very comfortable. Thank you."
Caretaker smiled and grabbed Whumpee's hand back. "Come on, let's finish your breakfast, take medicine, clean up, then let's get ready to go to the lake!" said Caretaker cheerfully.
"You say that, but you haven't touched your food at all. You just keep feeding me," protested Whumpee. "Your soup is getting cold."
Caretaker laughed, "How about it, huh? I'm full just watching you eat like this."
"What answer is that?" Whumpee protested again but didn't refuse when a spoonful of soup was brought to his mouth. "Eat too, Caretaker."
Caretaker laughed and started feeding herself soup, making Whumpee smile widely. Caretaker feels very grateful for simple moments like this. Seeing Whumpee get healthier and hearing about the good progress of the problems they were having with Whumper. Indeed, it's not every day that they feel calm because now and then the Team Leader or other members come and give them lots of news, or they provide updates on the tasks that the Team Leader has given them. Hey, even though Caretaker and Whumpee are far from the Team, they still carry out their duties well. Except for Whumpee, who still needs a lot of rest.
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sugarsweetwriter · 27 days
୨୧┇So..... (cult) whump recovery? Gender neutral! Whumpee, Caretaker, and Whumper (who's referred to as The Leader/God)
"Do you remember what you were like before?" Caretaker asked gently. Too gently—and Whumpee hated it. Whumpee absolutely despised the softness, the kindness they always held in their voice as the sweetly coaxed Whumpee's secrets out of them, to, of course, use against them later—Whumpee thought. It was the same voice that The Leader would always use; Whumpee wondered why it scared, angered them so much to hear Caretaker take on the same tone. How could they dislike the same tone Their God would use? It all confused, and immensely bothered, Whumpee.
"Yes, I do. I was sinful" Whumpee seethed. Their eyes darted around the room, before settling on the white, floral fabric, draped over their bruised thighs. The dress was apparently Caretaker's cousin's, and it was the only clean clothing they had when unexpectantly taking Whumpee in, only about a week ago. Since then, laundry had been done, but Whumpee seemed attached to the dress, and Caretaker wanted them to be as comfortable as possible. It was much prettier, silkier, than their previous, everyday-garment; a gray, modest dress which covered them from head to toe. It sat on them loosely, and was itchy at the shoulders, but that had never mattered.
Caretaker frowned at the response, but Whumpee hadn't dared to look up to see it.
"How were you sinful—if you're comfortable telling me?" Caretaker questioned—again, far too tenderly. Having sat at the foot of the bed for around 10 minutes now, Caretaker kept conversing with Whumpee—though it felt more like an interrogation for them.
Whumpee hesitated for a moment before answering:
"I.. I wasn't "holy" yet. I hadn't found The Leader yet—I hadn't found The God yet. I hadn't begun worshipping them- and, so, I couldn't have been-.. righteous," Whumpee paused briefly, then continued.
"I would've.. never been forgiven if I had continued like that, but-.. Now, I'm sure I'll never be forgiven again.. no matter how hard I could ever pray" Whumpee practically whispered the second half of the sentance, taking in a shaky breath before muttering the very last part—they sounded as if they were about to sob.
Caretaker sighed, sorrowfully, before slowly—very, very slowly—moving over towards Whumpee, to which Whumpee only stared at them for a moment before looking back down at their thighs. Hesitantly, Caretaker spoke:
"I know, I know it's scary—but none of that's.. true. Please.. know that you're safe. The Leader.." Caretaker hesitated, "God—can't hurt you, anymore. I promise. You're far away from them all now, and I won't ever let anybody from back there hurt you ever again. You're safe" they finished.
Caretaker, now sitting knee to knee with Whumpee, looked back into their eyes, only to be met with a small, scarred, terrified, baby deer. Their eyes, yet again, frantically searched for a focus of interest around the room as tears spilt freely now, quiet sobs racking through their chest as they attempted to mutter a defensive response—but to no avail, as they could only let out pitiful whimpers.
How could Caretaker challenge The Leader? How could Caretaker challenge The God—the only being who knew true virtue? It went against all that Whumpee had known for the past four years. And deeply, it both shook and absolutely terrified Whumpee.
Once more, Caretaker moved towards Whumpee, little by little, attempting to look back at Whumpee's face—failing, since Whumpee's head was now lowered and pressed against their thighs, still covered by soft fabric.
"Whumpee-.. Can I touch you?" Cautiously, Caretaker asked—unsure as to whether Whumpee could even heard them through their now, much louder, sobs. Though, even through Whumpee's hysteric sobs, Caretaker could've sworn they'd heard something among the lines of "Yes, okay". And so, steadily, they wrapped their arms around Whumpee, who quickly lifted their arms as well, almost instinctively, wrapping them shakily around Caretaker and burying their face in Caretaker's neck, breathing heavily and smearing their tears everywhere. Whumpee had been denied of touch for so long, it was only natural to crave it.
After the surprise of it all, Caretaker dotingly whispered sweet confirmations, holding Whumpee firmly yet tenderly, making sure to comfort Whumpee yet not trap them.
Words of "It's okay, it's all okay. I promise—you're safe. The Leader can't get to you here" are spoken, caringly.
Eventually, the cries died down, and Whumpee was left in Caretaker's arms, whimpering quietly, their arms now drooping down Caretaker's back.
"How... You're- you're wrong" Whumpee sniffled, well aware of how weak the defense was.
But they were so tired, and still, so scared. Desperately, they just wanted to believe Caretaker, wanted to believe that they were safe, and even that god- not The Leader- but god, either didn't care about them, or didn't even exist to begin with.
Still terribly unsure of whatever the real truth of it may be—they feared The Leader was right, it was what they'd been taught for so long anyway—they just hoped, so wholeheartedly, but exhaustedly, hoped that they'd be okay. That they'd be safe, that they wouldn't be punished—not for leaving, or for daring to doubt The Leader, and even god.
Though, for now, in Caretaker's warm arms, they did, indeed, feel safe—for the first time in a very, very long time.
In response to Whumpee's defense, Caretaker only hummed affectionately. Truthfully, Caretaker was proud, so proud, of Whumpee. For the first time in the week they'd been staying with Caretaker, instead of hiding in the closet, or just uncontrollably sobbing and praying while pushing them away, they accepted the touch, and the comfort, the help.
Caretaker knew it'd take a long, long time to work with Whumpee and work towards recovery; Whumpee was still working on processing the very notion that it all, that all of the punishments could've been for nothing. It wasn't as if they had never considered it before. They did at the start, and later on they wondered if—regardless of whether The Leader, or any god was real—anything could've made all that they had been through worth it. Eventually though, they became far too fearful to ever even consider any of it ever again.
Yet here, they slowly fall asleep on Caretaker, their weak body slumping onto them, head awkwardly positioned at their neck; to which Caretaker gently—not too gently this time; without saying anything in fact—positioned Whumpee's body in a more comfortable position, and as Whumpee slept, safely, and warm, Caretaker was sure of it now; they will never give up on Whumpee.
୨୧┇A/N: First writing on here! Posting this before my intro as well... it's 3 am now but I just had the urge to write and came up with this (touch starved Whumpee my beloved)... I haven't seen any cult whump recovery drabbles before, so here's one! Hopefully someone enjoyed my writing! ^^
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mysticalburntpaper · 6 days
Imagine being a whumpee who has been so changed and mutilated, so weird and odd, that your existence is attached to an ever living list of questions?
Everything you say and do is attached to questions that you HAVE to answer, all because you're not "normal"
Your voice, your appearance, your interests, your past, where you're from, EVERYTHING.
Picture a whumpee who's grown so used to it they have a hatred towards people for it, maybe it's made them insecure, maybe they suppress their individuality to get a sense of mutual understanding from people, make sure they don't ask other people those questions because they know (or maybe just project) how annoying it is. Maybe they don't care at all, even getting surprised when they're NOT asked about anything and everything "wait, you just... Accept me? I'm not... Weird?"
Maybe caretaker is the only one who doesn't ask and just understands and accepts them, maybe they don't actually understand— and that's okay. Or maybe caretaker does question them and it feels even worse than when whumper did it, because not even caretaker understands them.
It hurts because they're more of an interesting anecdote and get ignored afterwards, it hurts because they'll never be seen as normal and an equal, they're just a rat to get some answers on.
Maybe whumpee gets hurt when they're honest, maybe they avoid questions, maybe they lie because anything other than the truth gets people to fuck off.
This whole post is just me projecting, and while I can't speak for anyone else, it has been nothing but fucking DEHUMANIZING. Don't hesitate/forget to rid your right of any semblance of humanity!
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kabie-whump · 1 month
WoW Birthday Whump Day 3
Crying / Parting words regret / “Why…?”
Whumper observes Whumpee silently from outside their cell. They’ve been crying. Nonstop. For hours.
Whumper hasn’t even done anything that fucked up to them yet. They’d promised not to hurt them too bad until after the ransom deadline has passed.
People cry in stressful situations, Whumper knows that. But still, Whumpee had seemed to be pretty stoic when Whumper was doing their research. 
“Can you stop?”
Whumpee jumps. They look up at Whumper, eyes red-rimmed and lashes stuck together and shiny. They try to wipe away their tears but new ones fall quickly.
Sighing, Whumper kneels down on the other side of the bars to be on Whumpee’s level. “Really, Whumpee. I haven’t even hurt you that bad. Can’t handle a few scrapes and bruises?”
Whumpee hiccups, curling into themselves. “Caretaker’s not gonna come for me,” they sob. “They’re not coming, and I’m gonna die, and they’re never gonna know how sorry I am.”
Whumper raises an eyebrow. That’s interesting. “What are you sorry for?”
“I… We got into a fight. I said some really mean shit. And then I stormed off and you grabbed me right after. There’s no way they-” Whumpee coughs harshly, choking on their tears. “There’s no way they’re gonna want me back after that.”
“Hm. Should I just go ahead and kill you, then?”
Whumpee flinches hard. “No! No. Please don’t kill me.”
“Fine. But if you’re right about Caretaker not giving a fuck about you, you better come up with a way to be useful to me.”
“I will. I promise.”
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prev @dragonfireridge
[tw nonhuman caretaker, caretaker turned whumper, whumper turned whumpee, psychological whump, captivity, threats of torture]
Whumper was guided and locked into one of the guest bedrooms before they could've collected their thoughts. The fact that they'd missed their chance of knocking out the person escorting them barely registered in their mind. All they could do was pace back and forth anxiously, pinching themself until their skin was red and tender.
How the fuck was Caretaker alive?
It only took a couple minutes before the devil appeared, and Whumper spun around and backed up until they hit the wall. This was real. This was actually real. "What's going on?" they choked out.
"Whatever do you mean?" Caretaker closed the door behind themself, taking their time locking it and sliding the key into their pocket.
Whumper had never admitted to the assassination out loud. They never knew who could be wired, which place could be bugged, it was better to just keep it a secret meant for the grave; and that habit was a hard one to break. "I– I mean... I've heard... I thought you... I've heard there was a, an accident..."
"Accident?" Caretaker stayed perfectly neutral as they surveyed Whumper's expression. "I'm afraid I'm not familiar."
"What happened to your face?" they blurted out. That was it. That was a good question.
"Why, you shot me. Don't tell me you shoot so many people that it all blurs together."
Whumper felt like they were going to be sick. "I didn't shoot anyone."
"So why the shock and the terror? Come on, now. You're amongst friends. Of all people, the two of us have an intimate understanding of what happened that day."
Caretaker slowly walked over, coming to a halt just a couple feet away from where Whumper was now cornered. Fuck, that scar was horrific. It wasn't one anyone should've been able to survive. This whole thing was impossible.
"Had you been kept in the dark, oh infamous rebel assassin? Did they not even tell you who any of us were?" The way Caretaker said that, it almost made Whumper feel like... they weren't human. Like Whumper should've known they were something separate, something more powerful... "Did you think no one had ever tried to kill us before you came along?"
"I... I didn't do anything... I'm just here to attend... attend a party..."
Caretaker laughed at that, hearty and genuine. "I do apologise, I'm sure the way you're looking at me right now is strictly due to the scar. I'm certain it has nothing to do with the failed attempt to murder me, since that most definitely wasn't you."
Whumpee shook their head frantically. "I, I don't know what you're talking about."
"And it wasn't you who put poison in the punch tonight."
"Someone poisoned the punch? That's– you ought to tell everyone–"
Caretaker looked endlessly amused by their pitiful attempt at masking their identity. "The guests have been alerted, don't you worry. But really, I can't believe we can't even have an honest conversation after having shared such an... intense experience. Tell you what; I share my secret, and you share yours. That seems like a fair deal."
"I have nothing to share, I'm afraid." Whumper was still glued to the wall, but they made an effort to relax a little. "I'm quite the open book. So unless you're interested in petty secrets from my childhood years–"
"Whumper..." Caretaker stepped even closer, and all of Whumper's previous efforts went out the window. They tensed up again, even holding their breath as Caretaker came within arm's reach. "I know you're curious. You want to know how I survived."
"I don't. I don't."
"Not if it means having to confess, hm?"
"I didn't do anything!" Whumper snapped, flinching when Caretaker raised a hand — but they didn't hit them. They put a finger against Whumper's lips for a brief moment, hushing them.
"Let me introduce your other option, then," they said softly. "I don't tell you anything. Instead I simply bring you down to the torture chamber and we spend an admittedly less pleasant time together, until you're ready to own up to your crimes. Would you prefer that?"
"I didn't do anything," Whumper repeated without thinking. "I didn't do anything... I, I came here for the gathering, I now find out I was close to drinking poisoned punch, I don't understand any of this–"
"Fine." Caretaker stepped back, and Whumper felt so lightheaded they thought they were going to collapse. "I must go back downstairs, I'm sure you understand. But don't worry; I fully respect your wishes. I will be back soon to make good on my promise."
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whumpshaped · 6 months
about this: https://www.tumblr.com/whumpshaped/734481397867298816/whumpee-being-addicted-to-the-enthrallment
imagine whumpee two as the more 'rational' one, and despite almost being tempted to surrender to their cravings, they manage to shake that off. bonus point if they're morally dubious. whumpee two knows that whumpee one is too far gone, but they know they still have to get them both out of here, so they 'convince' whumpee two to volunteer each time whumper comes to their cage because 1. whumpee one likes it anyway, 2. whumpee two needs their mind intact to plan an escape.
that's it until whumper realizes what happens and gives whumpee two a 'special treatment'. whumpee two would come back to their cell feeling conflicted with whumpee one staring daggers at them in jealousy. and they have never felt so broken mind and soul before.
tw vampire whumper, multiple whumpees, captivity, betrayal, victim blaming, mind control
As Caretaker was stumbling back towards the cell, they didn’t have the capacity to wonder how Whumpee would be affected by their little outing. Even after they’d gotten back, they barely registered the jealous glare on their friend’s face. All they wanted was some quiet and peace.
Whumper hadn’t gone easy on them. As pleasant as the whole thing had turned out to be, they were drained, mentally and physically. They didn’t care about the plan, they didn’t care about being liked by another human, all they cared about was being a good thrall.
“How was it?” Whumpee asked bitterly. “The enthrallment you wanted no part of, I mean. The enthrallment you said you hated. You look pretty blissed out to me, honestly.”
“Can you shut up?”
“No! No, I can’t! You’re so fucking disgusting! You give me this whole fucking pitch about your perfect plan, you say you have no interest in this, you say you’ll break us out– I don’t even care! I would’ve been happy staying here! But now you– you’re just–”
“What? Now I’m what?” they snapped. “Stealing your vampire master? Are you jealous? Do you think I had a fucking choice? Do you think I wanted this?”
“I think–”
“No, shut the fuck up. Maybe if you were interesting enough, like I fucking asked you to be, you could’ve kept their attention on yourself. Don’t try to paint this as if it’s my fault.”
Whumpee looked genuinely hurt by that, and Caretaker almost wanted to take it back. But honestly? Whumpee deserved to be confronted. Even Whumper coddled them all the time, they needed a reality check.
“Do you really think that?” Whumpee asked weakly.
Caretaker didn’t respond. They turned over onto their side, facing the wall instead. They soon heard Whumpee doing the same.
They fell asleep to the gut-wrenching lullaby of their friend slowly crying themself to sleep.
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bltzgore · 3 months
TW: lovecraftian deities, broken bone, tiny whumpee
Alright! I've got something. Whumpee, a human, accidentially begins tredding in territory they don't understand in the realms of lovecraftian gods. Whumper and caretaker are such entities, and we go from there:
The astral plane is not one ever meant to fall into human eyes, but it wasn't exactly whumpee's choice, now was it? Whumper had simply reached through the rift and snatched them like a ripe fruit. Now whumpee found whumper looking at them with dangerous interest. Whumpee wasn't sure what non-dangerous interest looked like on the "face" of something like that.
Whumper looked down, studying the thing in their hand, "Well well, you are certainly something different, I'll give caretaker that."
Whumpee struggled, clawing at whumper's fingers, kicking, they would have tried biting if they thought it would do anything. "Let go of me!"
Whumper just laughed, "You're a fisty little insect. We'll see if you can make such an annoyance of yourself when you don't have any working limbs." Without further notice they grabbed whumpee's arm with two of the fingers on their free hand and began both lift them up by it and crush.
Whumpee shrieked, their arm seeming to give no real resistance to the deity, crunching. The added pressure of whumpee's body weight jammed tears through their eyes as the pain fell hammering down through the rest of their body. It stunned them, but only for a moment before spurring them to reach with the other arm, scrambling for somewhere to grab and distribute the weight.
Whumper watched them thrash for a moment, then gave something that probably was their interperatation of grinning. Well as close as the mandibles, eyes, and tendrils would allow them to get anyway. "If you really want me to let go I suppose I could oblidge you."
And just like that the strain left, but not the agony, with a sqeak of shock whumpee was falling. The terror spread through their chest like ice water, and they screamed the only name that came to mind, "Caretaker!"
Whumpee never hit the ground. Something enveloped their back, and slowed their fall gently enough to even avoid whiplash. As caretaker had learned by now, humans were such fragile things.
Whumper grinned, "Ah, I see you've finally managed to join us."
Caretaker gave whumpee a glance, then closed their hand slightly and straighed up, "It would not be wise to break my favorite toy."
Whumper shook their head, "Aw, we were just playing."
Caretaker bared their teeth, or what passed for teeth, "Well you play too rough. Apologize. And if you ever go near them again," In one stride caretaker was eye to eye with whumper, "I'm going to teach you the meaning of my name."
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Idk if you take requests but I was wondering about what thoughts you have on a whumpee who thought Wumper loved them, so when Caretaker finds whumpee beaten, they tell caretaker they thought wumper loved them, but they were terribly wrong
tw: abuse and manipulation (it’s all fictional but it can still be triggering so scroll past this if you’re not comfortable reading it.)
oh this is nice. I actually do love me some toxic angst trope where poor whumpee’s in a messed up relationship with their whumper (can be kind of like a Stockholm Syndrome situation / or a circumstance in which there’s this power imbalance at play; it’s actually a pretty interesting trope to write, I mean I personally enjoy writing it for sure). but I also love it when (or if) whumpee is rescued. the comfort that comes after is lovely too. but so is the struggle from both whumpee’s and caretaker’s ends, where whumpee is confused / scared and doesn’t know what to do or how to behave (because the very same thing whumpee does can result in a very different reaction depends on if it’s from caretaker or whumper; something that’s considered forbidden by whumper can earn a praise and an encouragement from caretaker. and it’s just so very confusing to our poor whumpee). and yeah caretaker is trying their best to help whumpee recover physically and mentally, but still they don’t know if their best if enough for whumpee. oh this is nice. very nice.
I take requests and I do enjoy writing them so bring it on :)
caretaker having to always reassure whumpee that no area in their house is off limits for them.
whumpee expecting a chain or some sorts of restraint around their ankle or their wrists — or even a cage — when it’s time for them to sleep. they are understandably very confused when caretaker softly carries them bridal style to their bed and says they are allowed to sleep on the bed with blankets and pillows. this never happens with whumper before, obviously.
whumpee only speaking when they’re spoken to. at first caretaker didn’t notice the pattern, but when they do they make sure whumpee knows that they don’t need a permission to speak. not anymore.
the same goes with food. whumpee could be starving to death and they wouldn’t touch any food unless they were given direct permission to. and no matter how many times caretaker (gently) tells them they don’t need a permission to eat, caretaker still has to tell (softly order) whumpee to eat every time, because that’s the only way whumpee will eat.
another thing: whumpee never looks caretaker (or anybody) in the eyes. caretaker is… working on this, but it’s a challenge, since in the past — when whumpee was still with whumper — whumper made sure to teach whumpee the consequences of looking them in the eyes instead of keeping their head down at all time.
whumpee being afraid of caretaker. they love caretaker (but they also loved whumper) but they’re still afraid of caretaker anyway. it’s nothing personal. it’s nothing caretaker said or did. it’s just that whumpee were taught to please and to be a ‘slave’ and one wrong move or one wrong word always resulted in a violent punishment from whumper in the past. thus it’s understandable why — given whumpee’s experience and what they went through — whumpee is always terrified that they’re going to do something wrong that will upset caretaker, and it will end in caretaker abandoning them.
surprise surprise, whumpee isn’t afraid of the thoughts of caretaker punishing them. they’re so used to torture as a punishment. what scares them to death is the thoughts of caretaker giving up on them and abandoning them.
because that was how it was with whumper; whumper would always tell caretaker that if they didn’t behave, whumper wouldn’t love them anymore.
and whumpee could endure pain and torture whumper inflicted. they couldn’t endure the thoughts of whumper stopping loving them.
they were indeed in a rough shape by the time caretaker managed to finally rescue them.
caretaker is concerned about whumpee; what if whumpee never emotionally recovers? but beyond that, caretaker kind of blame themself. it’s not their fault, but it’s also hard not to imagine, what if they did something more? what if there was something more they could have done in order to rescue whumpee faster? what if there was something they could have done to prevent whumpee from ever ending up with whumper in the first place?
there are a lot of What Ifs here and it’s hurting both caretaker and whumpee.
but the best caretaker can do now is be patient with caretaker. they cannot — will not — give up on them. even if whumpee never gets better.
“I always thought that was love, all the pain, the cruel words, the suffering. I thought it was because I deserved it, because they wanted me to be better so that they could love me more. I always thought they hit me because they wanted me to be better. and I tried. I tried to be better for them so that I was deserving of their love. was I being stupid?”
“no, you weren’t being stupid. you were hurt and they took advantages of that. I’m sorry I weren’t there. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you sooner.”
“it’s not your job to save me or to look after me.”
“I know, but I love you, and from now on, you will never have to be afraid of them anymore. I won’t let anyone hurt you anymore.”
**I know this isn’t exactly what you asked, anon (about caretaker finding whumpee beaten up), but I hope it’s still okay. but to answer your exact topic in which caretaker finds whumpee beaten up, I think it implies that that was the first time whumper hurt whumpee (clearly, there will most likely be a second time if whumpee isn’t removed from the relationship), but long story short, in that situation, I think it definitely involves not only tears from whumpee, but also whumpee’s bruised pride. you know, all these “how could I be so wrong?” “how could I not see the warning signs?” “how could I be so stupid?” it’s certainly messed up, and it’s in no way whumpee’s fault, but I think whumpee will still blame themself regardless.
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fallenwhumpee · 6 months
Carewhumper who realizes they’re not helping Whumpee and leaves them, despite how much it hurts Whumpee. It’s for their own good, right?
Please PLEASE do this one by @whump-and-other-misfortunes it’s so juicy 👻
Original prompt • here •
• Masterlist •
Warnings: Carewhumper, parting words.
It had been the hardest decision Caretaker had ever made.
It was for the best, despite how much it was going to hurt Whumpee. Despite how much it hurt Caretaker.
Caretaker looked at Whumpee, who was lying on the couch with a light blanket tightly wrapped around them, breathing heavily and sleeping quite uncomfortable. Whumpee deserved better than that.
But this was definitely going to break Whumpee's heart. Caretaker refused to think how similar it was with what they had done until now, and tried to convince themselves that this was neccesary. For Whumpee.
With a heavy sigh, Caretaker prepared a bag full of clean clothes, a good amount of money hidden in it along with a cheap phone. It was only for making calls at the end, Whumpee didn't need that fancy ones.
Also, through their stay, Whumpee was never interested in the TV or anything else, and it was safe to say they avoided it. Flashy or loud things bothered them. It had taken Caretaker embarrassingly long to realise that, though.
Just another reason for Caretaker to stop doing this.
Putting in some packed food, Caretaker dragged the bag next to the door. They knew it was the right thing to do, but Caretaker felt terrible about it. They had gotten attached to Whumpee as much as Whumpee did to them.
Caretaker pulled themselves together. Whumpee needed a better place to heal.
"Whumpee," Caretaker called, keeping their voice low.
Whumpee kept sleeping. This was a show of trust Caretaker had wanted from the start. Sleeping next to them without a tad bit of worry. But Caretaker had done nothing to deserve it.
Whumpee had every reason to be on alert near Caretaker.
"Whumpee," they called again. Their thoughts were getting too suffocating. "Whumpee get up."
Whumpee stirred, but didn't get up.
"Whumpee," they growled. How could they just keep trusting Caretaker? The mere idea was enough to anger them. How could Whumpee just do that when even Caretaker didn't trust themselves?
Whumpee flinched, waking up with the sudden harsh tone. They looked dazed for a moment, but became alert as soon as they saw Caretaker towering on them.
"Something happened?" Whumpee asked, their voice hitching. They looked so fragile.
Caretaker couldn't take it anymore.
"Get up. You're going," Caretaker motioned.
Whumpee sat up, confusion etching their face.
"Going? What do you mean? Where?"
Caretaker, unable to meet Whumpee's gaze, pointed to the bag by the door. "I can't keep doing this. You're going. Somewhere better."
"Better? What are you talking about? I want to stay here. With you."
Caretaker's patience snapped. "You can't stay here. It's not safe. It's not right. You deserve better than this."
Whumpee frowned. "But I want to be with you. I don't know anywhere else to know."
Caretaker would be proud in any other situation that Whumpee was standing up for themselves. But Caretaker was angry. "Whumpee, you don't understand. I can't take care of you. I can't protect you. You're not safe here."
"But... you said— you said you could hide me until Whumper was found! Caretaker, please—"
"No. Whumpee. That's not up to you. You can't stay."
Whumpee looked like they could cry at the smallest touch. But suddenly, their expression changed.
"I won't stay where I'm not wanted. But I thought you cared about me."
"I do care about you!" Caretaker's voice wavered, torn between anger and desperation. "That's why you have to go. I can't let you be hurt because of me."
"But you're hurting me now!" Whumpee's voice cracked, a mix of hurt and betrayal. "And I refuse to be hurt again. Goodbye, Caretaker."
And with that, they left Caretaker there, grabbing the bag with unsteady steps and shutting the door behind.
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a-crumb-of-whump · 1 year
Content: [Mentioned] Caretaker-turned-whumpee, weapons (guns), restraints, escape attempt, wounds/injuries, unwilling sacrifice.
"How the hell did you get out of the basement?"
Whumpee's shaking hands never lowered the gun from Whumper's forehead. They glared at them and kept their jaw clenched, making sure they could get through their sentence before saying a word.
"I was rescued," they finally spoke. "Caretaker, they- they got me out, but- but you wanna know what I did? I shot them before they could leave the basement."
Even Whumper couldn't contain their surprise at that. Caretaker? The very person Whumpee had been trying to get back to all these years?That was the last thing they'd been expecting.
Whumpee stifled a sniffle and continued. "They're in the basement. Tied up and everything. If you let me leave now and you don't come after me again, you can have them all to yourself."
"Why would you do that?" Whumper couldn't help but ask.
"I just wanna go home, Whumper," Whumpee whimpered. Their fingers trembled around the handle of the gun. "I need out. I told you I'd do anything, and I meant it. I'm not going back! I never wanted to hurt them, but if this is what it takes to get out, then I'm doing it." They wiped the tears from their face with their free arm. "So, do we have a deal? Are you gonna let me go?"
With the gun to their forehead, Whumper wasn't sure they really had a choice. They weren't ready to die just yet, and someone new might be good for them. Caretaker had always been so interesting to them.
They sucked in a deep breath of consideration before finally nodding. "Yeah. I guess we do. The deal's off if I find out you've ratted me out to anyone, though. I promise, I'll kill you."
Whumpee released a breath and nodded. "Okay. Please... please tell Caretaker I'm sorry. I just- I can't risk it."
"I'm not sure that'll mean much to them, Whumpee, but sure." Whumper lifted both their shoulders in a shrug. "I'll do that. Now get out of here."
Whumpee was out the front door in an instant, never even looking back for a second. Even by Whumper's standards, that was cold.
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foundfamilywhump · 8 months
whump intro!
i've been saying i'm gonna do this for literal years so it's probably high time i actually do that! so here it is - long time listener first time caller, i've been lurking in the whump community and participating in some discords and occasionally whump posting on main on my regular blog for some time now, and i've been wanting to get my official Whump BlogTM up and running for a while. if you keep waiting for the right time, though, the right time will simply never come! so here it is. i'm gav, he/they, i'm 25, and this will probably be a combination of fandom and original whump content. mostly reblogging for now, but i plan to post links to my fic when i post whump fic and hopefully will get some giffing powers at some point! i'm on ao3 at altschmerzes.
info about my likes/dislikes and some important blog maintenance notes under the cut!
tropes/concepts i like: whipping, emotional whump, long-term emotional/physical consequences of whump, ptsd, team/friend group dynamics, kidnapping, torture, injury hiding, exhaustion, manhandling, restraints, touch starvation, hidden past trauma reveals, characters being driven to a breakdown, just a good old fashioned beat-down. the list goes on and on, frankly XD. (nsfw/sexual assault-based whump will be present but carefully tagged)
tropes/concepts i'm not particularly into: extended long-term/permanent captivity, BBU and adjacent concepts, anything too wholly bleak/hopeless/based in ceaseless unending suffering. (i like... for lack of a better term Intense And Dark Whump but not if that's All There Is, y'know?)
for some housekeeping notes: i don't ascribe to 'whumper/whumpee/caretaker' as Static Permanent Character Archetypes, they are merely convenient shorthand that describe situational roles within a particular scenario. also, i'm aromantic and extremely romance repulsed. posts reblogged about romantic dynamics are going to be few and far between and if i make posts, they are going to be in a non-romantic context. i am not interested in romantic shipping in any way. this is additionally not a kink blog and the characters i am drawn towards are not attraction based. this is an extremely strong boundary for me - i am liberal with the block button, especially when people forcibly insert sexual or romantic motivation into my creative work.
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let's Talk Whump
Let's Talk Whump is a series of interviews with the wonderful members of the whump community. I'm Malice and I'll be your host. Joining us today is the one and only @oddsconvert !
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump! Do you mind sharing a little about yourself?
Hi there, I’m Shannon! I’m a 21 year old psychology and criminology graduate from the UK! My favourite colour is yellow. I basically have a zoo of pets bahaha; I have four cats, a dog, a rabbit, two rats, three fish and two tarantulas (not mine - they terrify the life out of me!)
When I’m not whumping and traumatising my fictional babies, I love to crochet, listening to/playing music (I play piano, guitar, clarinet and ukulele), and I’m currently teaching myself to draw…for whump purposes ;)
What does whump mean to you? 
For me, whump is freedom and release. Not only is it enjoyable, almost like scratching an itch? But it’s cathartic, and what I now see as a healthy coping mechanism for managing difficult feelings and a way to navigate my own trauma. Although, looking back, whump has been something that’s always been an interest of mine since early childhood, and has stuck ever since! Like rewinding disney films when the princes get tied up ahahah.
And also the comfort element of whump, I think it also helps me explore wants and desires in my own life. Writing my caretakers and their fierce protectiveness, and unconditional care over whumpees feels like it heals a part of me that maybe needed that at times. It gives you such a heartwarming feeling when you see these characters go through hell and back, and have someone to fall on at the end who will be there through thick and thin, regardless how choppy the water gets. 
And how did you find the whump community? What made you want to join? 
I used to scour pinterest for writing prompts! I only ever wrote in private, I’ve never EVER shared my work publicly before and never dreamed I would. But the more and more whumpy pins I was saving I was like “hmmm. These all come from the same site! Let’s go check that out” and then I scrolled the  #whump tag for endless hours instead of doing my university dissertation. I remember coming across @deluxewhump and @darkthingshappen first!
At first I joined as a faceless, lurking blog. I really wanted to hop in and join all the creators I was loving so far but I was terrified. I think I had a bio as something like “working up the courage to post.” And then some lovely anon sent me my first ask saying they’d love to see what I’d post! And I slowly crept out of my shell and bit by bit started building my profile and adding my name and posting my whump drabbles!
Pinterest whump prompts gang rise up! That’s exactly how I found the community too! Has your view on whump changed since you joined? 
I used to be ashamed of liking whump. Like it was some dirty little secret that made me a terrible person and I should keep it to myself. Hide it at all costs. Since joining, and interacting with this world-wide community of whump enjoyers, I realised it’s not something that should be taboo. If anything, it almost feels normal! Look how many thousands love it! And every single whump creator I’ve had the pleasure of meeting has been so kind, supportive and such genuine people! 
It really feels like coming home when you find the whump community and realise you’re not a weirdo! Would you like to share your favourite whump tropes? 
I’ve definitely discovered more about my whump taste! I used to just purely like captivity whump, usually with creepy/intimate whumpers. That was always my go to. Now? I’ve discovered SO many tropes I never even knew about and love! BBU?! Pet whump, whumper turned whumpee, bad caretaker, vampire whump, sickfics, hero/villain and so much more! 
Non-optional, you have to share a favourite piece you've written? Hype yourself up, we want to hear it!
Without a doubt, my first ever chapter of ‘Shattered’ - my bloodbag whumpee/vampire whump series. I’m usually very self-critical of my writing, but I really love how this one came out and how well it was written. I pretty much never get whumperflies off my own writing, but my poor sweet Declan - just living dead and the way Vince is forced to take care of him. 
But also honorary mention - my latest chapter of ‘Play Pretend’ . Play Pretend is my baby, and it was the first chapter of this series I had beta’d by my wonderful friend @whumpcereal and I felt like she just took it to the next level and kicked it up a notch. Josh’s fear and exhaustion came to life and I really enjoyed writing his inner monologue!
You weren’t kidding about the whumperflies in “Shattered”! Hot damn! What's your writing schedule usually look like? 
Night time for sure! Dead of night - 3am most often ahaha. I’m a night owl, through and through. I’ll try and write in the day and nothing comes and then night comes and I’m like brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, whole chapter done! I usually have some music on in the background, sometimes I make a specific playlist for whatever vibe I’m feeling! And I mostly write when the inspiration strikes, as much as I can get out until the motivation vanishes.
And do you find that the words flow better for somethings than others?
For me, I find it really easy to write my creepy/intimate whumper scenes. For Play Pretend, writing Felix’s deranged and creepy obsession with Josh just comes so naturally (maybe I should be concerned…). The way he’s so unsettling but so adoring with how he speaks to Josh and touches him, I could write it in a heartbeat.
More recently I’ve been trying to delve into the nsfw portions of whump and writing. But I’m a newbie with it, and I really struggle with writing it or making it sound good. 
Is there anything you're working on at the moment?
My usual schedule swings around, I update my series in an order. It tends to be, A Taste of Your Own Medicine, Shattered, then Play Pretend - and I’ve just updated ATOYOM so Shattered is up next! I’m primarily working on a flashback chapter with August currently! But I dot in and out of future chapters too.
I also have planned future whump series to come whenever my current ones finish up! But that’s a little while off yet. 
Give us some writing advice. Bless us with your wisdom, oh awesome one!!!!!
Never ever write based on what you think people like/don’t like.  The absolute joy in writing is the freedom in putting the pen to paper, or cursor to doc , and just letting your imagination run wild. Your audience is out there. People that will love and cheer for your writing, and I think you can really tell when an author has enjoyed and had fun with what they’ve written. There’s no good in getting bogged down with what others think. 
Write for you, post for you, and if others hop along for the ride - all the better!
Is there anyone you’d like to give a shout-out to?
I love absolutely everyone in this community, I’m gonna tag so many people - my besties alongside some of my favourite blogs and creators. Ily all you talented people. 
@whumpcereal @darkthingshappen @sparrowsage @quietly-by-myself @whumpsday @for-the-love-of-angst @emmettnet @turn-the-tables-on-them @yetanotheraltwhumpblog @kira-the-whump-enthusiast @pigeonwhumps @whumpshaped @t0rture-me @ha-ha-one @not-a-space-alien @whump-queen @justsomewhumpee @livelaughwhump @writereleaserepeat and I’M PROBABLY MISSING SOME BUT YOU’RE ALL AWESOME
Finally, anything you'd like to add? 
The whump community has quickly started to feel like home to me, I have a lotta love for whumpblr and every soul I’ve met here! Thank you so much for having me and to whoever nominated me!
It’s been a pleasure! 
Happy whumping, people!
Thank you so much for joining us today, @oddsconvert! And to all you awesome folk at home, have a whump-derful day!
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