#why am i jealous we’re not even together this shit is blowing my mind. did i not like the people i was with before LMFAO like
gavin-plz-call-me · 3 years
You and Luke: The Chaotic Bestfriends
"I am a serious private investigator, I am a serious private investigator" are words Luke has to repeat to himself every time he makes his way to the NXX headquarters for a meeting.
Despite how serious about his job Luke is 99% of the time, as soon as he locks eyes with you, it's like he's back in high school again.
He's sneaking texts to you, and when meetings eventually become a no-phone zone because of you and Luke's shit he's passing you handwritten notes. You're no longer allowed to sit next to each other.
Sitting on opposite sides of the table doesn't do much to stop your giggles softly ringing through the room, because the mere sight of Luke will make you remember something stupid he said/did.
The other boys usually don't mind as long as they're your giggles.
You may think that you and Luke wouldn't be great investigation partners because of this, but you'd be mistaken. You've mastered communication through slight facial movements, and you always know when to be serious.
Blowing off your silliness at more appropriate times, like downtimes at NXX meetings makes it so you can be much more serious together out on the field were it matters much more.
Thinks seeing you giggling, acting like a school-girl who was just told the latest gossip is a bit strange, he's used to you being a serious attorney, not...this.
Likes this rare glimpse into another side of you and doesn't really have many complaints, as long as the two of you are serious when need be.
Sometimes he gets a bit annoyed when the two of you are giggling away right before a meeting, especially when he knows the topic of the meeting is serious. Stop laughing guys, we're a minute away from talking about my possibly dead mentor.
He really wishes you stop jokingly calling Luke a virgin. It kinda feels like you're laughing at him fucking apologize now but he knows you mean no harm.
Hopes one day he can make you laugh like he does.
Always ready to study people's behavior. He is, at heart, a people watcher.
So when you start acting a bit differently than normal, he's quick to begin analysis as to why this is.
Your incessant giggling is tied to Luke, and he gets a bit jealous at this revelation. He wonders if you'll ever be comfortable enough around him to giggle with him like that.
Is not afraid to tell the two of you off when your antics get to be a little too much. He's like a teacher yelling at the students who are usually perfect performers for talking during class, your heads always end up bowed in shame.
Thankfully, he hasn't had to do that too many times.
Is the most likely of the remaining three to join in with you and Luke's shenanigans.
Will often add to your banter, much to Vyn and Artem's chagrin, because the goofing off is going to last much longer now.
Gets extremely jealous of the inside jokes you share, especially when they pertain to your shared childhood.
"Luke" you nudge Luke, getting his attention, "Doesn't Vyn's shirt remind you of that old skeleton Mrs. Peters used to hang up at Halloween time?" Cue another bought of giggles.
Who the fuck is Mrs. Peters? What does this skeleton look like? Is it really that funny?
Marius can and will pout about not being included, and if pouting doesn't work, he'll take a page from Vyn's book and try to tell the two of you off.
While Vyn is more of a respected, liked, senior teacher in this case, Marius is more like the new, fresh outta college teacher that no one respects, so laughing even harder at this point is more likely than you think.
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altsvu · 3 years
a little jealous, i suppose?
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pairing: aaron hotchner x bau!female!reader
wc: 2.8k
summary: after being called in for a case in the middle of a romantic date, you and hotch have to talk to the lieutenant on the case, but they end up flirting with you at the same time. hotch gets a little jealous and proves it when you and him get back to the hotel room.
tw: sex talk, A SHIT TON OF SMUT, some fluff, swearing.
a/n: this is a long one lovelies! i had so much fun writing this! jealous hotch can be a bit naughty... but this is my first (completed) smut fic with hotch and i hope it doesn’t sound super weird or whatever bc i lowkey suck at smut
criminal minds masterlist! ✯ taglist! ✯ text messages!
You and Hotch had been dating for almost a year and a half now. Upon dating, the two of you had decided that it was best to not say anything to the rest of the team. Although you wanted everything to be kept under wraps, everyone wanted the two of you to be together though, and they picked up on the many interactions that you exchanged with each other. It had been easy to keep the relationship a secret, or at least the idea of either you or Hotch being in a romantic relationship, until now when you came into the BAU floor wearing a revealing dress and a full face of makeup.
“Well, well, well,” Morgan whistled. “Looks like someone’s going on a date.”
“Shut up Morgan, you’re just jealous it’s not with you.” you laughed. “I am not jealous at all. You do look really good though.” he responded, in which you blew him a kiss.
“You look so beautiful! Your date is definitely gonna fall head over heels for you.” JJ squealed, coming up to give you a hug. You knew exactly who she was talking about. Hotch. She was the only person you were able to confide in about your relationship with him even though you had practically become best friends with everyone on the team. “Thank you JJ.” you smiled.
“Who’s the lucky guy?” Reid asked.
“Or girl?” Penelope said.
You looked for some of your items from your desk, trying to avoid the team’s burning questions. “All I can say is that he’s... definitely older.”
“Well, you know what they say, the older the wiser.” Emily suggested.
“Yes, this man is very wise.” you replied, putting your badge and gun in your purse. Little did everyone know that they were talking highly of Hotch.
Rossi came out of his office. “Well, you’re not going on a date with me.”
“Unfortunately-“ you frowned, then paused mid sentence when your phone rang. You pulled it out and broke away from the group to make sure they couldn’t see the name.
“Sweetheart, you know I can’t wait to see how beautiful you look.” Hotch mused. You could tell he had a smile on his face. “Well babe, lucky for you, I’m about to leave. See you in 5 okay?” You replied.
“Of course.”
You hung up and dropped your phone in your bag, grabbing your coat. “Alright everyone, I’m off. Don’t miss me too much, I’m a big girl, I’ll be okay.”
“Walk you to the elevator?” JJ asked. You nodded sincerely. You then said your goodbyes to everyone and walked out with JJ.
“He’s lucky to be with a woman like you.”
“Yeah, I like to think that. I’m just glad he doesn’t treat me like a child, ya know. I may be the youngest here, but when we’re alone, everything’s just different.”
JJ lifted an eyebrow. “Ohhhh, I see.”
You playfully smacked her on the shoulder as the elevator door opened. “Girl stop. It’s more than that.” You walked into the elevator, blowing a kiss at JJ.
“Have fun!”
“You look absolutely amazing, did I tell you that already?” Hotch complimented as you got out of the car.
“Yes you have, about 5 times already, but I appreciate the compliments. You look quite handsome yourself, Aaron.”
“Thank you, my love.” he said, kissing you on the lips.
The two of you went inside the restaurant and followed the waiter to the reserved table, which had seating next to each other instead of across and the environment was pretty chill since there weren’t a lot of people inside, so it felt even more romantic. It gave you more freedom to perform many forms of PDA, which was something that Hotch wanted to experiment more with.
“So... everyone on the BAU floor is questioning who I’m dating,” you started. Hotch looked up at you mid bite. “Really? What’d you say?”
“I’m dating an older man who’s very wise.”
Hotch sneaked an arm around your waist. “I’m glad that you think I’m wise.”
“I can think of a lot more.” you whispered. You then crept your hand up to the nape of Hotch’s neck and pulled him closer to you, planting a passionate kiss on his lips.
“Mmm, I know what I’m gonna do to you when we get home.” Hotch murmured into your ear after kissing you back. “I’m going to fuck you so hard, you’re gonna be shaking when you walk into the BAU tomorrow.” His fingers tickled your bare skin, and you hoped you weren’t getting an orgasm from his touch.
“Oh what a naughty, wise man you are.” you mused, taking the opportunity to kiss and nibble on the soft skin that was Hotch’s neck. You sucked on it hard, leaving a dark red mark.
You went back to enjoying your meal and chatting when you were interrupted by a phone call.
“It’s Garcia.” Hotch whispered. He then proceeded to answer the phone. When he got off the phone with her, he looked disappointed. “What is it?” you asked.
“We’re being called in.”
“Fuck.” you muttered under your breath, hearing your phone ring too.
Hotch took your face in his hands. “It’s okay. We can finish date night another night.”
You had texted JJ that you would be meeting them on the plane to avoid suspicions from the rest of the team and you would be briefed when you arrived. JJ had grabbed your go bag for you as well.
“Y/N, how was your date?” Emily asked.
It was tempting to smile and look at Hotch but you were able not to. “Despite it being cut short, it was amazing. We had... plans after dinner.”
“Oooo, risqué.” Morgan cocked his head to the side. You pinched his cheek and collapsed in one of the chairs, wanting to sleep. In a way, you were a bit upset that you and Hotch had to be called away from your date, you seriously wanted him to be all over you, kissing you, sucking on your skin, massaging your forbidden spots.
“Very. Where are we headed?”
The rest of the team then briefed you on the case and when you landed, you’d have to go with Hotch to talk with the lieutenant that was the lead on the case and set up at the field office.
While you were looking through your copy of the case file, you got a text from Hotch.
SSA Hotchner BAU ❤️: That hickey on my neck won’t be going away for a while, Rossi’s already asking about it
SSA Hotchner BAU ❤️: he thinks i had “a little rendezvous” before being called in.
You stifled a laugh.
You: well... you did. With me of course
You: Keep him wondering, I’ll give you more in our hotel room 😘 and i’m also holding you to that promise
SSA Hotchner BAU ❤️: the things i want to do to you... i wouldn’t even be able to count
You bit your finger and looked out the window, wanting the day to go by fast. Hotch was sitting across from you, so he looked up at you for a slight second with a grin on his face, which caught your attention quickly. He gave you a wink and looked back down. Moments later, the jet was arriving at the team’s destination and you were eager to just change out of your date night clothes.
“Do we have time for me to stop by the hotel we’re staying in?” you whispered to JJ while getting off the plane.
“My beloved friend, we’re on a time crunch.” JJ started. “But, I’ll let you come with me to get the keys for our rooms.”
You sighed in relief and smiled a thank you.
“I kinda wished you didn’t have to change out of that dress.” Hotch admitted. You side eyed him, knowing that he was joking. That was until you turned to look at him and he was staring at you, examining you almost. “Me too,” you smiled, turning to look at him. “But obviously that would be super inappropriate.”
“Well of course it would be.” Hotch growled, pulling you closer to him.
“There’s cameras,” you hissed.
“Good.” One of his hands grabbed your ass and you let out a gasp. Clearly Hotch did not care whatsoever about the cameras, all he cared about was you, and how amazing you looked in front of him. That, and closing this current case as soon as possible. He took your face in his hands and kissed your lips ever so passionately, stopping just in time for the elevator door to open. As you were approaching the lieutenant, you straightened your shirt in hopes that he wouldn’t think that anything suspicious was going on.
“Lieutenant Baker, I’m SSA Aaron Hotchner and this is SSA Y/N .” Hotch said, shaking hands with Baker. When he got to you, a smile creeped up on his face and he lingered a bit after shaking your hand. A bit odd, you thought. “Thank you for coming,” he finally replied. “These suspicious murders have been going on for too long and I’d like to put an end to them as much as you do.”
“And that’s why we’re here.” Hotch agreed. “Is there a place for us to settle?” He led you and Hotch to a conference room with an evidence board, and as you were walking, you felt a familiar hand on your back, creeping to your waist. Goddammit Hotch. You glared at him to stop before he got caught and he only looked back at you with a smile on his face.
The rest of the time in the field office wasn’t bad, but you had a very huge feeling that the lieutenant was trying to make some moves on you.
It’s not like you weren’t used to this, men just found you super attractive. But you only found one man that was attractive.
Aaron Hotchner.
“Hey.” you turned around to find the lieutenant standing next to you. “Is there anything that I can help you with?”
“Nah, just putting these pictures and visuals up. Hotch and I are gonna review the case files until the family comes in to talk to us.”
“Ok, that sounds good.”
You noticed that Baker was still standing in your vicinity. “Is there something that you need from me, Lieutenant?”
“No, not at all. Let me know if you need anything from me, I’ll be trying to round up some potential witnesses.” Baker said, squeezing and rubbing your forearm for a moment and walking away to his office. He had a side grin on his face.
You, on the other hand, stood in your spot truly dumbfounded. Your mouth slightly gaped, you turned and watched Baker walk away. Suddenly your eyes made their way to Hotch, who was looking at you across the room, a grin also on his face.
“What was that about? He ask you if you were dating anyone?”
You rolled your eyes and finished putting up the map for Reid to use later. “Please, no.” Hotch was then standing by your side, leaning against the wall beside the evidence board.
“That wasn’t just any touch there.”
“Yeah well, it didn’t mean anything to me. Did you forget that I love you or something?”
Hotch pulled you into a kiss. “Of course not.”
“Good,” you whispered. “Then what’s the issue? A little jealous, I suppose?” You put emphasis on jealous.
“Agents? The victim’s mother is here.”
“Thank you, Lieutenant.” Hotch replied. He turned back to you. “We’ll talk later.”
It was nearing the end of the day, and everyone was tired. It was only the team’s first day in a small Nevada town, but a lot was accomplished.
Riding in the car with Derek, Emily, and JJ back to the hotel room, you let the breeze flow through your body. Nervousness washed over you as you thought about the morning upon arriving at the field office.
Hotch always had underlying meanings to even the simplest things he would say, which is why you couldn’t stop wondering if he was the slightest bit upset at the lieutenant for advancing on you, the person he loved with all his heart.
“Hey.” JJ poked at your arm. “What’s going on? Trouble in paradise?”
You smiled a bit. “No, uh, I guess there was a bit of tension since the lieutenant was flirting with me.”
“He was actually good looking, I think he’d be a great match for you.” Emily suggested, turning around.
“Y/N does attract almost every male species.” Derek commented.
“Guys, stop, I’m just... not interested in him.” You said simply, turning back to the window. The only thing running to your head was what Hotch had planned for tonight.
When you got to the hotel room, you found things the way they were, only Hotch’s go bag next to yours. You pulled out your robe and shower essentials from your go bag - you hated using hotel soap - and started to strip. When Hotch came out of the bathroom, you were only in your underwear, slipping on your robe, and he was only in a towel.
“You didn’t say when you came in.” Hotch whispered, planting a small kiss on your head.
“I know, I didn’t wanna bother you. I’m gonna shower quickly okay?” He nodded and you then went in the bathroom. When you were done, Hotch was in bed wearing a white shirt and grey boxer shorts. God, he looked so hot.
“What conversation did you want to have earlier?” You asked, wrapping your robe around a bit tighter.
Hotch gestured to you to lay next to him. “You know how I get when it comes to people flirting with you.”
“Yeah, you go feral. Internally, of course.” You paused. “Wait. Is Aaron Hotchner... mad?”
His hand snuck inside your robe, trailing up to your chest, cupping your right breast, sending chilling shockwaves to the rest of your body.
“Let’s just say I wanna show you that you belong to me.”
Oh, Hotch was jealous alright.
You turned to face him and that’s when he worked his magic. One side of your robe slipped off, and next thing you knew, he was teasing your clit, making you wet. Your shallow breaths and whimpers filled the emptiness of the room. He continued teasing you for a bit, then you watched as he pulled out his cock, stroking it a bit while staring at you dead in your eyes. You knew exactly what he was doing. He wanted to make sure you knew he was the one in control, and that he would do anything to get off on your pleasure.
He made extra sure of it when he started cockwarming you.
Oh fuck you Aaron, you said in your head as small whimpers escaped your mouth.
“Yeah, you like when I do that to you?” Hotch- well Aaron, asked roughly. “You like feeling my cock inside you, don’t you?”
He was enjoying the sight of you, close to him, almost orgasming on the spot. But he wasn’t gonna let you get off that easily.
“What’s wrong, my sweet girl? Hmm?”
“I- I need you, Aaron,” was all you could croak out.
Aaron shifted on top of you and you curled your legs around him.
“Sweetheart, you’re gonna have to speak up for me to give you what you want.” Aaron teased, taking of his shirt.
“I need you Aaron,” you repeated a bit louder.
Aaron smiled and thrusted hard and fast into you, in which he took no time. “Good girl.” He let out a fierce groan when he did so.
“Who makes you feel good?”
“You do,” you moaned. “You make me feel good Aaron.”
He kissed you fiercely in response with one of his hands gripping your neck and the other holding on to your leg. “God, you look so sexy under me, my sweet, sweet girl. You take me so well.”
He knew you wanted to come, your flushed face gave it away. But when you asked, ever so politely, he responded with a firm no.
“You don’t get to come until I do.”
“But Aaron, plea-“
As he was going faster, you felt yourself nearing an orgasm, and all you wanted to do was melt under him.
He pulled out just after he reached his high and smashed his lips against your clit, stimulating you even more. When he finally let you come, it came on strong and heavy, and a loud, broken “Aaron” escaped your lips. You did not care whatsoever if two of the other team members in the next room heard you. Aaron on the other hand was enjoying every moment of it. “Oh, my sweet girl, you taste amazing.” he mused.
When he was done he collapsed next to you.
“Hey, are you okay?”
“Yeah, just... that was super hot.” you breathed, moving closer to him.
“It was. I think now you know who you belong to.” Aaron whispered, caressing your cheek.
“Much more than I did before.”
Aaron offered to clean you up, and after, the two of you slept soundly for the rest of the night.
taglist: @averyhotchner @storiesofsvu @ssaic-jareau @blackbeautifulqueen @dr-omalley @morcias @mstrinnyb
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yoonpobs · 3 years
know your worth | myg | m
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pairing: min yoongi x oc (ft. maknae line and an unsuspecting joon)
genre: fluff, SMUT
warnings: jealous yoongi, smut, penetrative sex, fingering, dom!yoongi
words: 9, 610
summary: happy birthday yoongi
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"You could always offer something else," Jimin whispers conspiratorially.
You raise an eyebrow, chopsticks stopping halfway as you reach for your vegetables, piqued by Jimin's suggestion.
"And that is ...?" You pry.
Jimin shrugs his shoulders, a slight smirk on his lips as his eyes narrow at you when he leans forward with a suggestive look on your face.
You still looked as clueless as ever, and Jimin wants to pat your head and tell you that you were far too pure for this world because ... well, a lot of things flew past you. Even after you and Yoongi crossed the lines of more than just trainer and trainee, you were still the sharp yet sweet girl that lived life simply.
"What else can a man and a woman do together?" He hints at you, voice still low.
Your brows furrow when you shove another bite into your mouth and chew, pondering his question before you decide that you weren't sure.
"You know going on dates is difficult here," You sigh, "The council is always popping by for inspections and you know how Yoongi gets when his superiors are here."
Jimin snorts, stealing a bao from your plate.
"Yoongi has a sword up his ass half the time. You need to loosen him up—if you catch my drift." He winks.
You huff, folding your arms across your chest, wondering why on earth was Jimin speaking in riddles around you as if you weren't close enough to discuss any matter. You always thought of Jimin as a brother to you, even if you were older than him—he often pampered you and took care of you on days where your body was weary.
"Will you just tell me what you mean? Enough of this talking in circles." You frown.
He pats your head and you want to bite his arm off like an animal, but that would probably just get him to tell on you to Yoongi. Even if your relationship had escalated, Yoongi is Yoongi. Stern, professional and truly—uptight.
"Oh dear _____," He sighs, leaning his cheek against his palm as he stares at you, "Have you not had any experience with men before you arrived at the temple?"
You glare at him when he snickers at your abashed expression, cheeks reddening at his bluntness.
"I-I never had the time. And men weren't interesting from where I was," You mumble.
"More like you have a type," He points out.
You scoff and take the last bite of your meal before pushing the plate forward, more curious about Jimin's observation for the day.
"I don't. I like people based on atmosphere,"
Jimin scoffs like he doesn't believe you, and as if he knew how to read you better than yourself. But Jimin had always been very observant and he would say that he was right on people-reading ninety percent of the time.
"You, my friend, like being bossed around. You like men who are mean to you." Jimin snickers like a child as you gape at him, appalled at his suggestion, "Men back in town were far too polite. You like the assertive man who knows how to put you in your place."
You burn brightly when he laughs harder at your mortified face.
"I-I do not!" You vehemently deny, but the stutter in your voice only causes Jimin to sigh tauntingly.
"_____, Min Yoongi is mean as mean can get—don't get me wrong—he's a fundamentally good person but that man has no idea how to be nice to people. It's like his default method of social interaction is to insult people or scare people off with his face" Jimin says pointedly, "And you are one of the sadistic folks that like that."
You pout, sulking as you lean into your seat.
"He's nice to me ..." You mumble.
Jimin gives you a knowing look.
"Occasionally. But you like it when he's a little mean, don't you _____?" He smiles devilishly.
"Who's mean?" Jungkook slides into the seat next to you, whining at the both of you when he sees that you've eaten without him.
"Yoongi," Taehyung answers even if he's just joined the conversation.
"Oh. Totally. Did I tell you guys he told me I looked like wore the same underwear for a week?" Jungkook nods.
You look at your friends blandly, then shoot Jimin a glare as if to tell him he's started all of this.
"Jungkook. You do wear the same underwear for a week ..." Taehyung adds dryly.
You wince at the new set of information as Jungkook just shrugs nonchalantly as if he hadn't just exposed himself into being the poster-child of a boy.
"Why are we even talking about whether or not my boyfriend is mean or not?" You snap.
Taehyung's brows shoot up to his hairline as he shoots you a teasing smirk.
"Oh, are we on the boyfriend-girlfriend stage now?"
You hate the fact that you turn red at any moment where they opt to tease you, but the reminder just makes your heart flutter every time you think of Yoongi.
"Not really—I mean ... you know Yoongi," You parrot for the millionth time, "He doesn't really—he doesn't do things like that."
Jimin purses his lips.
"Aish. This hyung is really emotionally constipated."
Taehyung and Jungkook nod in agreement but all you do is brood further.
After the night that you and Yoongi took things ... further ... he never really explicitly said anything about where the two of you stood. In fact, you didn't expect him to either. Yoongi was a take-no-shits kind of person and he didn't fall into the trap of mediocrity. The way he expressed his affection was far different from the average individual and you saw that.
You knew that him holding you close that night to say that he believed in you was his way of showing you that he wanted you.
The secret and desperate kisses that you share from time to time when people weren't looking was also another method of his to show you that he was in this.
But sometimes you needed a little reassurance.
"_____, you need to be a little more proactive, which—" He looks up as if he remembered something, "—brings us back to the beginning of our conversation. You need to have sex with him."
Your eyes bulge out of your sockets as you begin choking on your own spit at the explicitness of his words. Even Taehyung and Jungkook are caught off-guard but Jimin simply looks like he's asked you about the weather forecast.
"How did you even come to that conclusion?!" You cry.
"Don't look at me like that! You said it yourself it was hard to go on dates here. Just fuck him in your private chambers and have him claim you with your magical pus—"
"I will literally slaughter you if you finish that sentence," You warn Jimin.
He puts his hands up in defense as he shrugs his shoulders.
"I mean, he's not wrong ..." Taehyung adds in.
"Of course you'd say that! The two of you are half a brain cell combined." You complain.
When you look over to Jungkook, the tips of his ears are red and you're as mortified as he is, but you've always known Jungkook to be a little shier than his hyungs.
"I mean you've kissed and stuff right? Over the clothes action?" Jimin gestures to his crotch area when he speaks of the activities that you and Yoongi have engaged in as you cover your face with your hands.
"Oh my God! How is that any of your business?" You shriek.
"You're complaining to me about the fact that you don't know what to get Yoongi for his birthday! The moment you came to me for advice is when this became my business!" Jimin retorts back, as loud as you were.
You were sure some of the maids were eyeing your bunch oddly but didn't pay too much mind because the four of you were the rambunctious types. Debatably, you only got dragged into their antics because you carried more authority in the temple than they did, and they came to you for help causing mischief.
"So, have you?" Taehyung pries for his friend.
You look away with flushed cheeks.
"We've kissed and stuff. He's like ..." You shudder, remembering his hands on you, "... maybe some light petting? I guess? That's it."
The fact that you've admitted that to your friends just makes you want to crawl into a hole and never come out.
"Wow. You really are a saint," Jungkook whistles and you feel a little betrayed that he's beginning to take Jimin and Taehyung's side.
"Shut up. It's not like you're any different," You snap, feeling your face get hotter when the men just snicker, “Besides … it’s not like I haven’t … tried … it’s just that I think Yoongi has this idea in his head that I need petals and roses and candles for my first time.”
You clamp your mouth shut in embarrassment, mortified that you’ve revealed too much. But your friends just blink at you, unmoved.
“Have you ever just … asked him? Or told him what you’re into?” Taehyung asks slowly.
You sigh deeply, “It’s not that easy … I have tried but he’s just so—gentle.”
Jungkook snickers and Taehyung thwarts him over his head as you glare at him.
“What? Do you want him to be rough or …?” Jimin raises an eyebrow.
You blush as you cover your face with your hands.
“Why are we talking about this.” You whine.
Taehyung scoffs, “Look. What better way to have this conversation if not with men themselves?”
You pin him with an unimpressed look before exhaling.
“It’s just … awkward …” You mumble.
“Noona, we’re not going to judge you for being a virgin. We were all virgins at one point.” Jungkook says.
Your eyes widen as you gape at him.
"Oh Noona," Jungkook pats your head, "I'm not as innocent as you think I am."
His hyungs snicker as you tilt your head in confusion, but decide to ask him about it to preserve the image of your friend in your head to be one of his purity. The three of them were handsome, and if you were any younger and if you lacked coherence, you would probably find yourself swooning over them as some of the temple ladies have as well.
"Look, _____," Jimin says, "It's not like Yoongi is gonna hate you if you be a little more forward. Trust me. He's just too conservative to actually do anything on his own. He probably wants to blow your back out."
You raise an eyebrow.
"Blow my back out ...?"
Taehyung snorts.
"Did you forget that _____ has been cooped up in this temple for months?"
Jimin opens his mouth to say ah as if he remembered that he had more freedom compared to you in returning to town to meet with the townsfolk, occasionally learning new slang with every visit.
"Doesn't matter—but—Yoongi is into you. I know hyung well enough to see his resolve slowly crumbling. All you need to do is take the first step. What better birthday present than the classical birthday sex?" Jimin shrugs.
You bite your lips as you mull over his words, considering his proposition even though you were terrified of embarrassing yourself in front of Yoongi.
"H-How do I do that?" You ask meekly.
Jimin smirks, and you can see the devil horns appear on the sides of his head.
"Yoongi looks calm and composed but ... there's always been a flaw of his that he doesn't show often," He giggles under a low breath, earning nods from both Taehyung and Jungkook.
"And that is?" You ask slowly.
“So you want me to manipulate him into having sex with me by making him jealous …” You deadpan.
Jimin snorts.
“God, why do you word it like that? It’s not manipulation if Yoongi wants to do it regardless of the context. All he needs is a little push and you’ll have him destroying your uterus.”
You burn harder and hit Jimin’s arm so hard that he whines and clutches his arm, shooting you a vehement glare before Taehyung steps in with a grin.
“And we’ve got just the plan.”
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"This is dumb. He won't react. He knows that you're like my little brother," You frown at Jungkook, as the two other men only rolled their eyes at your doubt.
"He will. It isn't rare knowledge to know that Jungkook had the fattest crush on you when you first came." Taehyung exposes his younger friend who's eyes only widen as you gape at him, information being unveiled to you.
"You did?" You ask in disbelief.
"Look. It lasted like—a day." Jungkook hastily defends himself, glaring at Taehyung.
Jimin shrugs his shoulders as he looks over yours to keep an eye out for Yoongi.
"Try a month, kid." Jimin snorts, "He used to drop tiger lilies by your door every night."
You gape at him in realisation.
"So that's where they came from ..."
Jungkook huffs, ears turning red as he quickly attempts to deflect the attention away from him.
"Okay, the point is: Yoongi knew too, which is why he wouldn't take so kindly to see his girl with Jungkookie," Taehyung reminds you.
You sigh.
"Not his girl ..." You mutter.
"Yada, yada," Jimin mocks, "I know you're your own person and stuff but like ... theoretically speaking, you aren't his girl ... yet."
You purse your lips, about to retort until Jimin shoves you and Jungkook aside, causing you to stumble into his chest with an oof as he catches you by the waist.
"Hyung. There you are!" Taehyung calls out cheerily, as Jungkook keeps his hold on you, blinking down at your confused face.
Only when do you turn your head do you see Yoongi walking over to the four of you, robes flowing behind him as he walks.
No matter how many times you're greeted with Yoongi's presence, it's like he takes your breath away every single time. His black hair is tousled across his forehead, with the occasional wind blowing strands of hair away. The deep-navy satin of his robe looks elegant, and you know that it's a precious fabric that comes with his experience.
His sword is tucked away in his belt as per usual as he nods his head to greet your friends, then his gaze is set on you.
More specifically, the way Jungkook is holding you by the waist.
"Careful." Is all he says.
You know it comes from a good place, Yoongi opting to be kind in his own way. That night with his sweet words was a unique experience for you both, and you still hear words of encouragement from time to time, but Yoongi was unalterably himself in a way that he knew how to make you feel wanted with more than just the number of words he says.
"Yeah," You say breathlessly, thanking Jungkook as you tug away from him.
You see Taehyung behind Yoongi, gesturing for you to grab Jungkook's arm to link it around yours.
"Thank you Kookie," You hum, albeit a little awkward, but enough to have Yoongi raising his eyebrow when you pat his head and caress his cheek.
"... I see you're enjoying your break," Yoongi acknowledges all of you instead of your tiny action towards Jungkook and you scrunch your eyebrows at the lack of care.
Jimin doesn't look too bothered, but instead, he uses his mischievous mind to plant another seed into Yoongi's.
"It's been good, hyung," He smiles but you see the mirth behind it, "Jungkook's been teaching ______ calligraphy."
Your eyes widen when Yoongi looks over at you, eyes momentarily darting to the way you're still clutching at Jungkook's robes.
“Um. Yeah," You choke awkwardly and Taehyung nearly facepalms himself at how bad you were at this.
"Jungkook's really good. I'm glad he's the one teaching me," You smile softly at Jungkook.
He returns your smile with a grin of his own, enjoying the way you're cuddled up against his arm. Even if this was all a show, he still had a soft lingering spot for you.
"Anything for my Noona, right?"
You're caught off-guard, and the blush on your cheeks is a genuine reaction when he smiles cheekily at you.
You roll your eyes at shove at his shoulder, but instead, he takes an opportunity to wrap an arm around your shoulder to tug your shoulder.
"She's a natural, hyung. Didn't even need much help," He taunts Yoongi.
Yoongi's face is still as impassive as ever as if he were speaking to his colleagues on town matters rather than his friends and unofficial 'girlfriend'.
"That's ... nice," He hums, eyeing you over once again.
He was never fond of too much affection in front of your friends, to the point where the dynamic between the five of you still remained pretty much the same before the night happened. The only difference was the knowledge of your feelings for Yoongi, and his apparent ones to you.
"By the way, Noona ..." Jungkook says, causing all your heads to turn to him.
You tilt your head, wondering what he wanted to say.
"These are for you." He smiles cheekily, handing over something from behind his back that you didn't catch earlier.
"Oh?" You receive the gift, and the flowers sit prettily in your grasp as Jungkook smiles down at you, looking more like a man by the second.
Where did he even get these?
"Remember the tiger lilies?" He teases.
You scoff but blush anyways, thanking Jungkook as you sniff at them, sighing at the pleasant fragrance.
"Looks like his crush is back ..." Taehyung mutters, and you know he's baiting Yoongi.
Yoongi simply purses his lips and rakes his eye across Jungkook before nodding curtly, bowing his head to excuse himself.
"Very well, then. Enjoy the rest of the day." Is all he leaves you with before he stalks off in the other direction.
You gape, displeased with the fact that Yoongi had shown little to no reaction to Jungkook's obvious flirting with you.
You sigh dejectedly, plopping to sit on the stoned floor, cradling your chin in your hands.
"It didn't work," You mutter, feeling all the more childish.
Taehyung snorts, patting your head as he sits next to you.
"Oh trust me, it worked. That was Yoongi mad,"
Jimin and Jungkook nod in agreement, and you're slightly baffled to see even Jungkook agreeing with him.
"What? He barely moved an inch. That's how he's always been." You tell them.
Jimin rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
"I'm pretty sure he was thinking of a million different ways to detach Jungkook's limbs from his body so he'd never be able to lay a hand on you ever again," Jimin says out loud.
Even Jungkook flushes, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Sorry about the flowers, ______," He mutters, "I thought it would do the trick."
You smile softly at him as you pat his head.
"It's okay Jungkook. I needed some life in my room anyways,"
Jungkook sees what Yoongi sees in you.
"Well that was phase one so ..." Jimin clasps his hands together as you raise an eyebrow.
"There's more ...?"
Taehyung snorts, "Of course there's more. Consistency is key _______."
You sigh, pushing yourself up as you head towards the ladies.
"You guys continue scheming, but I need to head to the bathroom,"
"Freshen up for your night with him, will you?" Taehyung calls over, and you flip him off with your finger.
The three men have surrendered themselves to work, apologising that they couldn't help you carry out your plan of making Yoongi jealous.
You laughed it off, waving them goodbye when they pouted at you. You weren't upset, realising that it was childish for you to do so in the first place.
You're sitting by the pavilion, admiring the fresh bloom of flowers as Spring nears when you hear a swoosh of feet by your ears as you turn your head to be greeted with—
"Hi, I'm sorry to disturb but I was just wandering around the grounds," You bow your head at the greeting of the stranger, a man who wears a robe similar to Yoongi as you stand up, offering him a small smile.
"Hello! And you are ...?" You trail off, awaiting his introduction.
He smiles bashfully at you as he scratches the back of his neck.
"Ah, my apologies. My name is Namjoon. I'm one of the new trainers here?" He finishes up with a question as your eyes widen.
"Oh! You're Kim-ssi?"
You've heard Yoongi mention to you once or twice that he would be needing an assistant with the influx of swordsmen coming to this particular temple to be trained, especially since his priority was training you—he needed the extra help.
Namjoon, or Kim-ssi, was extremely tall. He basically towered over you, and you think he's even taller than Taehyung. He's all limbs and stature, but you can tell that he's strong—his physique only further proving that he was fit to be a trainer, to be hired under the same roof as Yoongi.
He nods his head as he looks you over—in a way that was like he was admiring you, and not particularly distasteful.
“And may you be ______-ssi?” He asks slowly.
You nod your head at him and give him a kind smile.
“Yes, I am. I’m surprised you knew who I was.” You joke lightly.
Namjoon breaks into a dimpled grin before nodding his head, eager to continue the conversation.
“I’ve heard many things about you, especially your sword-wielding skills and the fact you are the first woman to be selected as the chosen one.” Namjoon informs you, “I must say that I was thoroughly impressed. I’ve seen your practices be replicated and it is highly complex.”
You bow your head in gratitude as you find your ears heating up at the praise.
“Thank you, Namjoon-ssi. That means a lot to me.”
“And you are much more beautiful in person, _______-ssi," He breathes.
Your eyes widen, hands falling limp as you bow your head in embarrassment at the sudden compliment.
Even though he practically towers over you, and is large in stature as well—he seems like a very genuine person, with pure intentions when he complimented you.
You also notice how handsome he is, dimples indenting his cheeks when he grins at you and eyes that scream comfort.
"O-Oh, thank you Namjoon-ssi," You mumble.
He offers you a genuine smile as you awkwardly fiddle with your thumbs, a lot more flustered with the sudden interaction.
"I was just exploring the grounds before I start tomorrow. Thought I familiarise myself first, right?" He chuckles a deep rumbling through his chest.
You look up at him brightly.
"The temple is truly beautiful. My favourite place is this pavilion," You gesture to the space you were in.
His head follows your hands as he takes in the place with his mouth open in awe.
"It is. Do you mind if I accompany you?" He asks.
You nod your head, patting the spot next to where you were sat previously.
"Of course—"
A voice breaks you out of your interaction with Namjoon as you turn your head to spot Yoongi standing behind you, arms tucked behind his back as he levels a firm stare on both of your figures.
Namjoon reacts before you do, standing to his feet and bowing ninety-degrees to Yoongi, who only keeps his expression vacant.
"Min-nim, it's nice to see you here." He bows hastily.
Yoongi doesn't pay you any mind when he simply hums in acknowledgement at his greeting.
The oddly cold exterior doesn't slip past you as you raise an eyebrow at him, attempting to get his attention when you fold your arms across your chest.
"I see you've met ______-ssi," Yoongi says curtly.
The honorific and lack of familiarity in his voice doesn't slip past you as you narrow your eyes to him, wondering what he was playing at.
"I have. She was kind enough to allow me to accompany her by the pavilion." Namjoon smiles.
Yoongi clicks his tongue, taking a step towards you as he observes the view of the garden that lays within the pavilion.
"Kind indeed ..." Yoongi says.
You huff.
"She is truly as beautiful as the town folks have said," Namjoon admires shyly once again when he looks you over.
A blush reappears on your cheeks, and even under the dim lighting, Yoongi can see the tint on the apple of your cheeks.
His eyes harden when Namjoon looks at you with pure fondness.
"And so they have." Yoongi clips.
"Maybe even more ..." Namjoon adds shyly.
You smile, appreciating his generosity and honesty.
Yoongi, on the other hand, only hardens his jaw when he sees the way Namjoon's eyes basically twinkle when you shoot a stunning smile at him, probably captivated by your beauty that was far more than just your appearance—but your reputation.
"Thank you Namjoon-ssi," You bow, hair falling by your face.
Namjoon notices, and as the gentlemen, he is—he reaches out to tuck it behind your ear.
But Yoongi's hand reaches out to stop him before he can reach you.
Namjoon's eyes widen at the sudden grip on his wrist, glancing over at Yoongi who still has an expression of nothingness on his face. Even you're shocked at Yoongi's blatant act of prevention.
"I believe that the council would like to meet you, Namjoon-ssi."
Yoongi sounds oddly collected for a man who has a tight grip on Namjoon's wrist. Namjoon looks between the two of you, and it was as if the atmosphere breezed past him, he knew exactly why Yoongi acted the way he did.
"O-Of course Min-nim." He quickly bows, bidding farewell before he scurries off—unable to meet your eyes when Yoongi presses his stare until his figure disappears.
You glare at Yoongi with your arms folded across your chest.
"Why did you scare him like that?" You scold.
Yoongi doesn't say anything but keeps his gaze focused on the garden.
"I did no such thing."
You scoff, stomping towards him until you're right by his side, willing him to look at you.
"Namjoon was being nice," You huff petulantly.
Yoongi simply side-eyes you for a brief second before he brings his sword to his front.
"Was Jungkook being nice too?"
So he noticed?
Your eyes widen when he casually brings up the younger boy as you splutter for a response.
"What? Of course! Jungkook's always been nice to me." You frown.
Yoongi hums, still uncharacteristically quiet for when the two of you were alone. Especially after the shift in your relationship.
"He has a crush on you," He deadpans, eyes focused on you now.
You roll your eyes.
"Had, Yoongi. He has a kind heart," You reason with him.
Yoongi raises an eyebrow at your statement.
"So you knew about his crush, then? The tiger lilies?" He pries.
You furrow your eyebrows at his questions.
"Yeah?" You say, confused, "I thought it was really sweet."
He tongues the inside of his cheek the way you found unreasonably attractive as you attempt to focus on the conversation rather than what Yoongi was making you feel.
"Sweet. Huh."
You sigh, pulling at Yoongi's robe so he'd properly look at you, even if you were inches shorter than he was.
You're about to speak, but Yoongi interrupts you.
"What about Namjoon?" He prompts.
You blink at him.
"... what about him?" You furrow your brows.
Yoongi has the ability to master his stoic expression given any context, and it's slightly unnerving how hard it is to read what exactly he's getting at when there isn't an inch of emotion on his pale face.
"Is he sweet?"
You snort.
"You've met him, right?" You joke, "He called me beautiful from the moment we met."
Yoongi raises an eyebrow.
"And how did that make you feel?"
You tilt your head to the side when you see Yoongi's eyes harden a little. But you allude it to the dark of the night approaches.
"Flattered? I mean—he isn't too bad on the eyes either." You tease, only meaning it to be a light quip.
But then Yoongi tugs you into his chest, hand wrapping tightly around your waist as he uses his other hand to tilt your chin up to look at him.
Your eyes widen as you place your hands on Yoongi's chest, attempting to place some distance at the sudden proximity.
"Do you want him to be your trainer then?" He asks, voice low.
Your breath hitches when his finger twirls the stray hand of hair from your face, fingers then proceeding to trail down your jaw as you attempt to think of an answer.
"I-I ... I mean if he must."
Yoongi's grip on your waist tightens.
"It's a yes or a no, _______." His tone warning when he leans closer to your face.
"Y-Yoongi ... people can see." You chuckle nervously, hands resting on his chest but making no real effort to push him away.
He ignores you and squeezes your chin between his thumb and index finger.
"Hm. So you're okay with Jungkook's hand on your waist as you coo at him while the maids walk past but not me just checking on my apprentice?"
You glare at him while his grip remains tight on your chin.
"Oh, I guess I'm back to just an apprentice, huh? That's better than ______-ssi," You say, indignation laced in your voice.
He doesn't respond, but you see his eyes trail over your face as if taking in the slope of your nose, the pores on your skin and the way your eyelash flutters with every blink of your eyes.
“So is that a yes or no, ______."
You sigh.
"Of course not," You frown, "I ... I like you training me."
He purses his lips, nose brushing against yours as you're as captivated by him as he seemed to be with you.
"You're such a silly girl." He sighs.
You gape at him when he releases your chin, turning his back to you.
You tug on his robe, attempting to get his attention as you wriggle against his back.
"What—why?" You cry.
His back is warm against you when you lean your chin against his shoulder blades.
"You don't see it, don't you?" He hums.
You whine, pulling at his sleeves so at least he'd look at you when he spoke to you.
"Yoongi!" You huff.
He sighs, turning around, eyes still dark.
"The way those men look at you." He growls, demeanour suddenly shifting to a much more ... animalistic one.
Your eyes widen when he tugs your body to his again, pushing you up against the pillar by the pavilion.
Your words are cut short when he nuzzles his nose into your neck, mouth biting at your skin that causes you to gasp, melting into his embrace.
"Do you know how tempting you are?" He snarls into your neck.
Your knees are weak as his hot breath fans against the nape of your neck that makes you hold onto his shoulders for support.
"I'm not ..." You weakly mumble, eyes blown out when you look down at Yoongi's black mop of hair in the space between your collarbones and your jaw.
He chuckles darkly.
"Namjoon looked absolutely taken with you. Like he wanted to make you his. Like he doesn't know that you train under me," He spits as if the idea disgusted him.
Your eyes soften, loosely wrapping your fingers around Yoongi's hair.
"But you—"
"Shut up." He snaps, tugging at the ribbon that keeps your robe and bottom half modest.
Your eyes widen at where his hands swerve too but don't make any effort to stop him.
"Even Jungkook," He hisses, hand rubbing tight circles against your thigh.
This was the most forward Yoongi has been, both in public and in private and you're revelling in his touch. You don't dare to ask where this is going, but the way his hands drift upwards between your thighs tell you enough.
"That brat looked at you with stars in his eyes as if his hyung wasn't right there."
"Jungkook is—"
"Sweet. I heard you the first time, ______." He snaps back.
His hand is occupied between your thighs but never reaching far enough to satiate the head in your lower region.
You feel the fabric of your underwear turn uncomfortable, the wetness undoubtedly pooling between your thighs with the way Yoongi is treating you.
"It took everything in me to not rip his limbs off."
Jimin was right. You wanted to laugh, but there was nothing funny about the way Yoongi looks at you with carnal desire.
"I-I'm ..." You stutter, when he spreads your thighs, hooking his own thigh between your own so you'd have some form of support.
"What?" He snaps, noticing the way your hair is sprawled across your face. His hand sweeps it away, but his eyes are still stressed on your flushed cheeks.
You can't seem to get the words out, especially when Yoongi's looking at you like that, his strong thigh between your legs as the thin fabric of your pants left little to imagine of how he feels against your clit.
You gasp, when Yoongi grabs your hips to grind you against his thigh, the silky yet rough texture of his pants brushing up against your throbbing bud. You can feel your wetness seeping through your pants, and potentially staining his.
He smirks at your open mouth as you try to level out your gasps, your own hips acting at their own accord.
"Bet Namjoon and Jungkook would kill to see you like this." He boasts.
A hand reaches to your chin to snap your head firmly enough to look at him.
You whine when he squeezes your cheeks mockingly, tensing his thigh as he hisses—your wetness sopping through both fabrics.
"Noooo." You whine, voice turning into a moan.
"Exactly," He snarls, sucking a mark onto your neck so roughly that it causes you to push up against him.
"Only I get you like this, right? This is for my eyes only?" Yoongi spits, his hands busy with groping up and down your body, hand reaching to your slacks until he moves his thigh away, hands replacing them.
The moment his hand cups your mound, you gasp, feeling the way how his big hand covers it entirely.
"This pussy gets wet for only me, right?" He prompts you with a growl.
You nod your head, voice failing you, afraid of revealing your activities to the temple's maids that stayed at nearby quarters.
The feeling is foreign but definitely not unwelcome. Yoongi had a way of navigating his way with your body that made you fall limp in his arms, eager to wait for his next moves.
Yoongi's hand expertly slips inside the waistband of your pants as his knuckle presses against your clit directly, causing more wetness to pool out.
You hear his curse under your breath, and you're not far off when you clutch his hair as his head rests against your neck to continuously suckle marks as a symbol of his desire.
"I've barely done anything and you're this wet?" He taunts and you burn at the way he looks up at you after what seems like a long time, his lips curling into a smirk and eyes blown out with his primitive wants.
Your lips are swollen even though he's yet to connect his lips to your own, purely because you've been biting on them so hard as you await Yoongi's next moves.
You've heard fellow peers speak of their experiences with the temple's men, saying that if done correctly, fingers is all it took for them to wash over in pleasure.
The way Yoongi navigates his thumb between the fabric of your panties to the throb of your clit is done perfectly, and you almost turn sour to think of his past lovers that he's touched so intimately.
You're distracted when he presses down firmly on your clit, wetness lubricating his digits that cause delicious pleasure to bloom in your core.
"F-Fuck," You whimper.
He smirks as his other hand that was used to hold you up against the pillar, yanking your robe open to be greeted with your bra. You flush, feeling all the more exposed against the cool air as the tugs your cups down, mouth latching immediately onto your nipple.
"Y-Yoongi—ah—" You gasp when he focuses kitten licks to your nipple, while the rest of his other hand tugs your panties aside to glide his fingers along your slit.
The feeling is overwhelming, both as his hot mouth seems determined to leave bruises on your breasts, as well as his other hand teasingly prods your quivering hole that only seems to release endless streams of your honeyed essence.
"You're a sight to behold," He exhales, breath caught against your breast.
You can't respond because you're too captivated when you see his hand in your pants, firmly pressed against your core in suspense for more. Yoongi's eyes harden as he bites down on your breast, causing you to let out a cry far too loud for your liking.
Your eyes widen as you clamp your mouth shut, attempting to labour your breathing.
"Do you want to get caught, hm? Is that why you can't keep that mouth of yours shut?" He growls, mouth licking a stripe up your neck—to your chest until he's whispering the words against your mouth.
"F-Fingers, Yoongi," You mewl.
He envelopes your mouth with his, tongue immediately making a home in your mouth as you whine against his lips, sounds of pleasure getting swallowed by his tongue.
"Do you think you're in the position to be making demands?" He snaps, pulling away as you chase his mouth, whining when you miss the contact.
You whimper, shaking your head; absolutely loving the way Yoongi is treating you.
Jimin's words ring in your head momentarily, but you're interrupted yet again with the way Yoongi slips a finger in.
Your mouth opens in a gasp, finally feeling his long digit enter you.
You're wet enough that your pussy welcomes the intrusion with even more lubrication, and his finger becomes familiar with your heat as if you've done this a million times before.
"This okay?" He whispers softly against your cheek, snapping out of his persona for a moment to check on you.
You nod fondly, eyes soft as you respond with an equally soft yes.
With your consent, he's then knuckle-deep into your pussy, finger curling up, wiggling to find the spot that would—
"Fuck!" You squeal, unable to keep your voice down.
He smirks when he prods the pad of his finger against the spongey spot in you.
"There?" He huffs, slipping another finger in and expertly finding the same spot.
You rapidly nod your head, mewls of pleasure escaping past your lips when he begins to thrust his fingers in-and-out of your pussy, wetness squelching as the proof of your pleasure and desire.
"Y-You're in so d-deep—" You wail.
His palm is snapping against your clit, putting just enough pressure to make your eyes roll back into your head. Yoongi is absolutely ruthless when he pounds into your pussy, fingers hooking up deliciously to a spot that makes pleasure explode.
He shoves his fingers impossibly deeper, so deep until—
"Y-Yoongi!" He's at a place where you never knew existed, not that you experimented enough to know but deep enough for you to make a sound that you've never heard come out from you.
Even Yoongi's eyes widen, eyes hardening along with his cock against his pants. He's been hard the moment the night escalated, but he's sure he's going to use your face, the visual along with your moans as the star of all his masturbation sessions.
"P-P-Please!" You wail, "Stay there—oh my God Yoongi—you're so d-deep—fuck—you're so good—to m-me—"
For the first time, your hands reach out to clasp his hand right into the position that he's settled against your pleasurable spot, as your whimpers get louder and your legs shake next to your hands.
Yoongi is so fucking hard that it takes everything in him not to cum right then and there. So, he just looks out you, his own breathing laboured as he admires the way beads of sweat drop down the side of your head. Your cheeks are beyond flushed and eyes shut tight, as if you couldn't believe the pleasure you were feeling.
It's because you truly couldn't.
You've always wanted to take a step further with Yoongi, but too timid to ever do anything about it. But the way he's hooking his fingers up, pressed tightly against your spot makes you lose all rationale. You almost forget that you were out in public, the pavilion open enough for anyone to walk past and know exactly what's going on.
You're grinding yourself against the palm of his hand as you will yourself to take his fingers deeper.
The coil is unfamiliar but so so welcomed as you feel your hole clench erratically at how good he's making you feel.
Yoongi betrays you for a moment and goes against your words to stay still because your face is absolutely stunning under the moonlight, and all he wants is to see you unravel; quite literally in the palm of his hand.
He begins finger-fucking you with rapid snaps of his wrist with a vigour you only see in his sword-training sessions, and the calloused palm of the man who spent years wielding the sword is proven delirious against your pussy.
"You're gonna cum for me, aren't you? My pretty girl?"
The term of endearment falls from his lips and you think that's the first time he's called you anything but your name or alluded to the fact that you were his.
The thought itself is what sets you free from the coil in your stomach, pussy clenching tightly against his fingers as he rubs rough circles against your clit with his thumb to prolong your orgasm.
"F-Fuuuck," You drawl, becoming lose-lipped as you gasp for air, squelching still echoing as he fucks you through the orgasm, "Y-You're so—good to me ..." You mumble, coming down from your high.
You've stained your robes with sweat and your release, and you feel absolutely satiated when he pulls out of you.
You've never seen Yoongi look anything less than composed, so when he brings the fingers that were drenched with your arousal and cum to his mouth to suck on it, you already feel your pussy flutter back to life.
"You taste so fucking go—"
You cut him off by throwing yourself onto him, lips locking with his even as you taste yourself on his tongue.
You thought after an orgasm that you'd have enough, but there was something about Yoongi sucking your essence into your mouth without any hesitation that made you want to make him feel good too.
Your hand cups him through his slacks, groaning into his mouth when you feel how hard he feels against your palm—big under your small hand.
"_______ you don't—"
You bite his lip in retaliation, squeezing his cock in your hand and rubbing your thumb across his slit as you feel his pre-cum leak out of his tip.
"Fuck ..." He hisses when you lick into his mouth, unbothered at the fact that you taste yourself on your tongue.
Yoongi reaches his hand to the back of your neck to bring you closer, all while tugging your hips to meet his own.
"Wanna suck your cock," You pant.
Yoongi's unbelievably hard that he actually thinks his dick is going to fall off.
Seeing you with your salacious expression of pure, unadulterated lust shocks him all while pleasing him, knowing that he's able to evoke this type of effect on you.
While your mouth was collateral on its own, never missing a remark or to remind him that you were unafraid of his stereotypically terrifying persona—you were real. Soft and honest when your eyes allowed him to get a glimpse of the woman he's learned to ... the word so real and scary in his mind, but his heart speaks for him, while his actions paint the picture.
"_____ ..." He pulls away, biting his lip at your fucked out expression.
You whine, pressing your hips tighter against his while he hisses at the contact of your wet folds against the outline of his cock.
"Call me yours," You ask, wide eyes looking up at him.
Yoongi fingers stop at your hips when he looks at you—properly that is—your eyes begging him with the plead you've uttered. He likes you like this. Hot for him, a little desperate.
"Hm?" He feigns disinterest as you whine at him, clutching at his robes.
"P-Please Yoongi—just wanna be yours," You whimper.
"Do you ______? What about Namjoon? Jungkook?" He taunts, eyes locked on yours.
You shake your head vigorously.
"N-No! Y-Yours, Yoongi."
And his, you were.
He leans in to kiss you, much gentler than previously but still full of desire—a mark against the flesh to claim yours as his.
"My pretty girl?" He questions and you whine so loudly that his eyes blow out in shock.
"Yours—I'm yours, Yoongi."
He growls, hooking your leg around his waist as he grinds against your centre; causing you to mewl in pleasure at the friction.
"You can have my cock in your mouth another time, okay?" He whispers against your cheek and your pussy clenches at the prospect of another time.
You nod your head, looking up at him with obedient eyes.
"Wanna fuck you so bad ..." He caresses your cheek as your eyes widen, a grin teasing your lips.
"P-Please," You pant.
"But you deserve a proper first time, hm?"
You weren't one for social constructs and you didn't care where Yoongi first had you, even as your first—all you wanted was him and you'd have him anywhere, anytime he'd have you.
“Fuck I don’t care—just—fuck me—p-please …“ You whisper.
He observes your features for any sign of hesitation but finds none, only desire.
“You sure? Because once my cock comes home I’m never letting you go.” He whispers like it’s a threat but you’re only more turned on.
“T-This pussy—yours,” You gasp and Yoongi groans at your crude words, “I-I don’t care—just want you—only you.”
Yoongi feels the need to kiss you so he does. He kisses you hard and deep like he’s mapping every inch of your mouth while you whimper into his own. When he releases you, he feels his heart and stomach clench in desire.
The moment Yoongi brings his cock out as your eyes follow his line of vision, you feel like you could cum just by the visual alone.
He's huge.
It's as if his overwhelming aura was every aspect of him, from his stature to his walk and to his cock. The tip was leaking with pre-cum, an ooze that makes your mouth water and pussy clench for more. You've never seen a penis up close—but it's rough and delicate, but like Yoongi—and you decide you need him—soon.
"Fuck me—p-please,” You beg, breath hitching.
He aligns the tip of his cockhead against your quivering hole, and you release more wetness just at the thought of him fucking you out here—where your moans accompany the moonlight and his heavy breathing.
"Relax for me." He hums, pushing in ever so slowly.
The tip is the largest part of his cock, but you push through as you welcome the stretch. You didn't fight with swords day and night just to tap out now, not when Yoongi looks at you like you're the only thing that matters.
With every inch that he enters you, you feel yourself feeling fuller and fuller.
If his fingers felt overwhelming, his cock was the greatest gift bestowed upon you. You felt like you were on cloud nine, especially when he bottoms out, hips flushed against yours as he pushes the remainder of his length in.
"You see that?" He grips your chin so you'd look at him, "Look at how your pussy sucks up my cock."
You wail, hitching your hips up to chase friction and you whine when you feel his cock nudge every corner of your wet heat.
He hisses, other hand tightening against your hip as a warning.
"M-Move—please," You're extra polite because all you want to do is fall apart on his cock.
Yoongi doesn't drag it out any further when he pulls out just so the tip remains, and slams into you with a brutal force that quite literally knocks the wind out of you.
He's rough with his thrusts, never faltering when he hikes your leg higher up his waist so he'd be able to angle his cock against the spot that makes your heart accelerate, and legs shake.
He shows the stamina he's developed over the years as a sword-master with the way he's locking his hips with precision and keeping his eyes on yours the entire time—observing every scrunch of your face along with the breathy gasps that escape your mouth.
At a particularly hard thrust that he stills for a moment, ensuring his cock is rubbing against that spot deliciously—you scream, back arching into his chest as he swallows your wails of pleasure with his mouth.
"What would people say if the noble _____ fucking herself on her sword-trainers cock like this? Hm?" Yoongi spits and when he points it out only do you realise you're moving your hips at a rapid pace, unaware of how they move in their own accord.
You can't keep your mouth shut nor can you respond because Yoongi is fucking you so good, and even with the brutal force of his hips he's able to hold you up with the strength of his arm. You feel the muscles of his bicep flex against you because he has his arm wrapped around your body so tightly, tits flushed against his chest.
You have the sudden urge to reach out to him and hold his head close, a contrast to the dirtiness of your actions.
Yoongi leans into your touch even as he fucks you to the brink of your release, his hips beginning to stutter as you look at him with dazed eyes.
"So pretty like this.” He grunts.
You feel a sense of pride to know that you're what it took to get Yoongi—the man who has everyone on their toes—like this. Feral, giving in to his animalistic desires as he reaches out for your warmth.
"M' gonna cum," You gasp when he pulls your hips down to meet his last thrust.
“Where do you want my cum, pretty?”
"A-Anywhere!" You choke on your breath when you feel your orgasm hit you all at once, your body falling limp in his embrace as his arms keep you up.
You feel Yoongi's cock twitch inside of you until he's releasing gushes of his hot cum into your walls. He cums so much that you feel him slowly slipping out of your heat as it trickles down your thighs.
The two of you attempt to catch your breath as he still keeps a firm grip on your body; knowing your knees would give out if he weren't there to help you. Your hand is still gentle on his cheek as you brush the matted hair away from his forehead, offering him a dopey smile.
Yoongi leans into you, capturing your lips into a soft kiss, one that wasn't rushed nor expected to lead anywhere.
The two of you bask in each other's presence for a few more moments, until you realise that you're still very much in public with Yoongi's cum spilling out of you, a hair breadths away from staining the floor.
"Yoongi—your cum," You hiss.
Yoongi looks down and smirks, appreciating the view and only is disrupted when you thwack him on the head. He helps you pull up your undergarments, even as you wince through the discomfort as he wraps an arm around your waist to steady you on your feet.
“You seemed to like it a lot.”
Your ears burn as you glare at him, but it lacks any real anger when he chuckles at your reaction.
"I think the real conversation here is about your jealousy issues," You retort petulantly.
You see Yoongi's lips purse as he narrows his eyes at you.
"I don't like sharing what's mine."
Your heart stutters even though Yoongi doesn't look at you directly when he says so, his facade returning but you see his heart above anything else.
“Am I, Yoongi? You never asked." You shrug your shoulders.
He tongues the inside of his cheek, absorbing your words without responding for a few seconds as you wrap the robe tightly around your abdomen, cold air sending shivers down your spine.
"Would you ..." He clears his throat, and you don't think you've ever seen Yoongi look anything but assured. So, to see him with flushed ears and nervous eyes make your heart grow fonder.
"Would I ...?" You bite your lip, offering a teasing smile up at him.
He huffs, wrapping an arm around your waist as he brings your head to lay on his chest.
"Don't look at me like that," He snaps.
You giggle, clutching his robes when you feel and hear his heart beating against his chest.
"Why not?" You provoke him even further.
His grip around your waist is still tight as if he's afraid you'd slip away.
But who would tell Yoongi that you were always his?
"I don't want you to look at me when I ask," He tells you, fingers tapping your hips.
"Ask what Yoongi?"
You continue prompting him because you find it adorable how a man like him who has people quivering in fear and doesn't give most people the time of his day is so nervous on asking you a question with an obvious answer.
"Would you ... would you like that?" He coughs.
You raise an eyebrow as you look up at him, chin resting on his chest when your eyes fill with deviance.
"I like a lot of things Yoongi—you have to be more specific."
He still avoids your eyes and grunts, squeezing your hip when you continue to tease him.
"Would you want to ... bewithme?" He rushes his words.
Your eyes gleam when you lean forward, face close to his.
"Could you repeat that—?"
You yelp when he places his large hands on your cheeks, finally looking at you with earnest.
"I'm really bad at this so please don't do this to me.” He snaps.
You giggle, wrapping your arms around his waist.
"I really like you, Yoongi."
You think this is the first time you've explicitly told him how you've felt for him, and you can tell he's shocked when the words leave your lips.
"I was yours since you told me you believed in me." You whisper, lips grazing against his.
He swallows as you smile softly at him.
"I've never felt this way about anyone before," He confesses, "You're the only person that I look forward to seeing and ... when I saw Jungkook and Namjoon."
He shuts his eyes as your lips twitch, a giggle bubbling in your throat.
"I really want you to be mine," He sighs.
You nod your head, pecking him on the nose as you nuzzle your head into his broad chest, feeling the way it moves up and down with every breath that he takes.
"Happy birthday to you then," You smile cheekily.
He fondly grazes your cheeks, holding you unbelievably closer.
"Happy birthday indeed." He sighs, and you can feel the smile on his face when he kisses your forehead.
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extra scene
"Happy birthday hyung!" Jungkook greets Yoongi the moment he steps out of his chambers in a large hug.
Yoongi grunts at the force, as he notices Jimin and Taehyung following behind him with a bowl of seaweed soup in celebration.
"Thanks, kid," Yoongi mumbles.
"How're you spending your birthday?" Taehyung asks when he settles the bowl on the table in front of his room.
Yoongi bows his head slightly thank the younger man as he shrugs.
"Same old. I have a session with _____ later and I need to assign Kim-ssi to his students."
“Bo-ring. Why don’t you ever do anything fun?” Jimin scoffs, “What did _____ get you for your birthday?”
The older man stutters for a second when he recollects the night you shared out on the pavilion and more after the two of you returned to his chambers in tangled limbs.
“She wished me,” Yoongi says curtly.
Jimin tries to spot any sign of unsureness but Yoongi was a hard book to read.
"Speaking of, where is ______? Shouldn't she at least be celebrating—"
Speak of the devil and she shall be summoned.
"Yoongi where are your—"
You step out of Yoongi's chambers, draped with his luxurious robe, chest slightly exposed enough to see the marks Yoongi littered on your chest after he took you back to his private chambers.
You freeze when you see three pairs of wide eyes staring back at you as you yelp, tugging the robe shut across your chest as your cheeks redden.
The only thing you hear when Yoongi tugs you closer to him by your hand and greets you with a kiss is:
"Hope the gift was good, hyung!” Jungkook cheers.
"You're not off the hook yet, brat."
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ezrasarm · 4 years
Roommates Part 3: KO
Pairing: Frankie Morales x F!Reader
Word count: 2k
Warnings: drunk reader, Santiago is a bad influence, drink responsibly kids! That’s all I think?
A/N: I know it’s been a long wait but the next part is finally here! Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy it!
<– previous chapter | Roommates | next chapter –>
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Frankie had been gone for a while. He had excused himself to go to the bathroom almost twenty minutes ago and Benny was bound to go on soon. You didn’t want him to miss the fight and get in trouble is what you’d excused the nag in your gut urging you to seek him out as when you were about to go looking for him. You knew he would get an earful if he missed even a second because you were the one in the hot seat last time when you missed a whole fight after being called into work last minute. 
Pope seemed to find you first, shoving a drink in your hand as you peered over his shoulder, expecting Frankie to be close in tow. “You don’t have to sound quite so disappointed you got me instead.” Santiago teased you when you not so subtly asked where he was.
“You know that’s not what I meant.” You assured him with a roll of your eyes, giving him a nudge to the shoulder and a thank you for the drink. But if you were being honest, you’d been with Pope all day and had hardly seen Frankie all week. You were beginning to wonder if something was wrong. “He’s right over there. Ran into an old high school classmate and they’re catching up by the bar.” Santiago said with a directed nod of his head and you followed his line of sight over to where you could see the familiar silhouette, corduroy jacket and baseball cap and all, stooped a little with his arms folded over his chest and talking to some woman you’d never seen before. 
You weren’t sure what the feeling that twisted in your stomach was or why it decided to rear its head right now but you found yourself feeling slightly defensive when you turned back to Santiago with eyebrows raised. For some reason, you hadn’t been expecting a she and you couldn’t tell why that threw you off so much. Frankie could talk to whoever he pleased, it was none of your business but you still found yourself downing just about half your drink in one go to try and drown whatever feeling it was that had begun growing in your belly.
“That was fast.” Santiago remarked, giving you a skeptical look as he glanced between you and the almost empty cup in your hand, “You alright?” He asked.
“Yeah, fine! It’s just been a while since I let loose. Thought I might let myself have some fun tonight.” You shrugged.
He glanced back up in Frankie’s direction and eyed you for a second, taking a moment to consider it, “Can’t argue with that,” he nodded before downing his own drink as though it were a challenge. 
You had lost track of how many beers you and Santiago had snuck behind Will’s back who was too busy to play baby sitter tonight as he usually did. Drinking with him had certainly done its job to distract you. You had almost forgotten all about the fact that your best friend had decided to spend the evening talking to some stranger instead of you. God what had gotten into you? You were not the jealous type and you didn’t like how it felt-
You didn’t have time to consider that thought any further before you had run straight into the man of the hour himself on your way back from the bar.
“Shit, sorry- Oh hey!” You exclaimed, having miraculously avoiding throwing your drinks all over both of you with those dumb plastic cups they gave you here.
“Woah, you alright there?” Frankie asks, throwing an arm out to stabilize you. “I swear, I left you alone for ten min- okay an hour and a half and- how many of those have you had?” He asks, noticing the slight wobble to your balance and slur to your speech as you introduced yourself and shook the hand of the woman he had been talking to.
“Uhhh good question,” you ponder for a moment before shrugging “Santi and I found out that if you’re a girl alone at an MMA fight you can get a lot of free drinks so we’ve made it our mission to find out exactly how many.” You explain, shooting a wink and a slight salute over to Pope who was still standing, waiting by your seats.
“And have you gotten an answer yet?” Frankie asks, slightly amused but also positive that he would be making sure this was your last drink of the night when you stumbled slightly over nothing and he had to wrap an arm around you for support.
“It appears there is no limit.” You say proudly, missing the fond look in his eye when he shakes his head with a soft and slightly disbelieving smile.
“Cheryl, this is my uh, roommate.��� Frankie says gesturing towards you.
“What, are you embarrassed of me or something’? I’d say we’re a little bit more than that.” You interject. You had meant friends but from the look on her face she appeared to have taken it another way and for some reason or another you felt no need to correct her.
“Oh well uh, it’s nice to meet you.” She says politely although clearly thrown slightly by your quite obvious inebriation. 
“Nice to meet you too, Carol!” You declare happily and you mean it, it’s interesting to see the kinds of people Frankie went to high school with but you really weren’t in much state to be particularly conversational at the moment.
“From Red Feather Lakes, Colorado, standing six foot three, weighing in at a hundred and ninety five pounds, I bring you… Ben Miller!” The announcer blares over the booming speakers, pulling you from your conversation. You and Frankie are quick to give Benny your support, you perhaps a little more enthusiastically in your less inhibited state as he and Will walked into the arena and the crowd roared to life.
“Well we should get back. I’ll never hear the end of it if I miss any of this and I’ve gotta make sure these two don’t get into any more trouble,” Frankie explains, “But it was nice catching up with you.” He says and Carol- Cheryl? One of those- nods.
“Yeah, I hope to see you around again sometime.” She says. She’s hardly turned to walk away before you’re wiggling your eyebrows suggestively at Frankie on your way over to Pope and Will.
“You realize she was hitting on you, right?” You asked when Frankie turned back to you, a teasing smile on your lips despite the rising feeling of inadequacy you felt from having stood within a two-meter radius of the gorgeous woman. 
“What? No! She was just-” Frankie cuts himself off after considering it for a moment. “...huh.” He says, eyebrows rising in slight surprise when he looks over his shoulder at the woman who he had already lost in the throngs of people. “I’m sure she was just being polite.”
“You’re too hard on yourself! She was checking you out!” You exclaim defensively, more for his own self esteem than anything else.
“...Me?” He gives you a skeptical look. 
“Yeah, why not you? You’ve got this sort of je ne ce quoi about you. The ladies dig it.” You say with a goofy grin and Frankie can’t help but burst out laughing. 
“That so? What about you?” He asks. For a millisecond your heart stops in your chest. Could he read your mind? Did he know about the thoughts that had just slipped to the forefront? The jealousy? The little bit of longing? It was the alcohol talking you were sure. You would never want to jeopardize your friendship by allowing yourself to picture him as anything more than that but for a flash of a second it hadn’t seemed like such a bad idea.
“Oh, I dig it too.” You say, nudging him in the gut teasingly. What you didn’t see was the way Frankie’s breath had hitched at the slightest inkling of you expressing interest in him, even if he knew you were just joking around. “I bet if you asked you could get her number.” You say and he’s snapped quite violently out of his trance. 
He didn’t want her number. He wanted you.
“Nah, she’s not really my type.” Is the response he settles for, his attention resettling on the fight in an attempt to drown out the feeling of disappointment he wasn’t sure he knew how to hide. He knew it wasn’t fair on you but the slightest hint of jealousy might have been nice to hear and instead you were giving him a rousing endorsement to go after someone he didn’t even like all that much.
“Are you kidding? Pardon the pun, but she was a knockout!” You exclaim just in time to watch Benny take a rather jarring blow to the jaw.
“Meh,” Frankie shrugs and you can’t help the yelp of surprise that escapes you.
“If she’s ‘meh’ then what am I?” You exclaim and Frankie’s jaw just about hits the ground at the fact that you could even think to ask him such a question. You were just about perfect to him in every way imaginable.
He doesn’t get the chance to tell you when the crowd roars to life as Benny finds himself making a comeback and you’re practically jumping out of your seat to bolster your support for your friend.
“You should go get her number.” You suggest when you sit back down, a little confused as to why. Perhaps you were overcompensating for your wave of jealousy earlier but there was still something in you screaming for you to stop acting like you were so okay with it. Because if the way you had reacted earlier and your current state of inebriation was any inclination, you clearly weren’t, but your mind was in no place to put those pieces together at the moment.
“Why is everyone trying to set me up all of a sudden?” Frankie scoffs playfully trying to shrug off your suggestion. “First Pope, now you,” He stops himself hoping you haven’t realized he’s probably said too much.
“Who was Santiago trying to set you up with?” You ask. Just the question he didn’t want to answer, especially not right now, not like this. He’s quite literally saved by the bell announcing the end of the match and when you look up Benny’s opponent is unconscious in front of him. A KO and you’d both missed it. You wouldn’t be getting out of that one too easily. You’re whisked away in post win festivities before you can even think to get an answer from Frankie.
He thinks you’ve forgotten about the conversation completely until he’s gotten you and Pope both wrangled into the car on your way back to the apartment and you pipe up from where he thought you had passed out the moment he had you strapped in. 
“So what’s Francisco Morales’ type?” you ask groggily, clearly not ready to give him a break yet and he laughs as he peers into the rearview to make sure Pope is still asleep before he even considers giving you an answer. 
“What makes you think I have a type?” He counters fruitlessly in hopes that he can at least attempt finding a suitable answer.
“Well you said Carol-”
“-wasn’t your type so I’m assuming that means you have a type.” You prod him, your eyes still shut as you leaned back in the passenger seat.
“Well… I’d say my type would be someone who is smart, funny, supportive, all those wonderful things,” He explains, feeling a little more at ease when he looks over to see your breaths have shallowed slightly and your head has lulled against the window. “Has a good sense of humour, makes me smile, is fiercely loyal to her friends,” he goes on, “can be a complete dork if she wants to be, has no idea how beautiful she is,” he adds “and has me completely and utterly wrapped around her finger.” He mutters to himself when he looks back up at the road with a sigh.
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gamergirl929 · 4 years
Taylor, I'm Your Biggest Fan (Alex Morgan x Reader)
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Anonymous Request: Alex Morgan x Reader where reader is a huge fan of Taylor Swift so Alex invited her to perform at reader’s birthday party as a surprise. Bonus where reader freaks the f out when Alex introduce her to TS
Alex bites her lip to stifle a grin as she watches you dance in the bathroom, your air ponds blasting in your ears, no doubt listening to Taylor Swift.  
You dance unbeknownst to the fact that your girlfriend is watching you until you spot her out of the corner of your eye and nearly jump into the bathtub.  
“Jesus.” You pant, your hand on your chest and Alex giggles.  
“Don’t mind me, continue.” She winks and you roll your eyes, running some water and flicking it at the forward.  
“Hey!” She giggles, rushing into the bathroom and wrapping her arms around you from behind, pulling you back against her chest, your arms pinned to your sides.  
“This isn’t fair! I’m defenseless.” You pout, as Alex kisses your cheeks and neck playfully.  
“I can totally stop.” She rests her chin on your shoulder and you shake your head.  
“I mean, you’re the one in charge.” You shrug and Alex grins, nuzzling into your neck.  
“You know how much I like being in charge.”  
You snort.  
“Ohh, I know.”
A sudden knock sounds at your front door and Alex sighs.  
“We’ll continue this later.”  
“Can’t wait.” You grin, jumping when Alex gives you a playful slap on the ass.  
Alex bites her tongue between her teeth, sending a wink your way before taking her leave.  
The second she gets to the door, it swings open on its own, revealing Ashlyn, Ali and Emily, the three women beaming.  
“Can Y/N come out and play?” Emily grins, earning a flick on the ear from someone behind Ashlyn, that someone being Kelley.  
“Let us in Morgan, we’ve got planning to do...” She says as she jumps up, looking over Ashlyn’s shoulder.  
“SHH!” Alex shakes her head, waving her hands. “She can’t know you’re here! She’s in the bathroom!”  
“Who’s at the door?” You call from the bathroom, everyone scrambling to hide Kelley, who, Emily decides, to shove in a bush outside of your front door.  
“It’s just the usual suspects.” Alex yells and you shake your head, running your hands down your chest to straighten your shirt.  
“You bitch.” Kelley growls as she climbs out of the bush, in favor of sliding into the house and running into the kitchen, ducking behind the island in the center of the floor.
You walk into the living room, making your way straight to the kitchenette.  
“You here to steal our food again?” You ask as you round the island, unaware that Kelley has crawled around to the other side, looking pleadingly at Alex and the others.
“Depends on what you’ve got.” Emily grins as she moves towards the fridge, the two of you surfing its contents, giving Kelley enough time to make a beeline for the closet, basically throwing herself inside with a crash.  
“SHIT.” Ashlyn rubs her elbow, feigning injury, Ali coming over to inspect her uninjured joint.  
“I have some errands to run.” You huff. “Everyone loves bills.”  
You make your way towards Alex with a smile, gently gripping her hips as you pull her into a kiss.  
“I’ll be back later.” You grin, Alex leaning in to press another sweet kiss to your lips.  
“So, you’re leaving me alone with these hooligans?” She teases and you shrug.  
“Throw a hot dog or something outside and they’ll all go running.” You snicker, earning a flick in the ear from Ashlyn.  
“Not Ali and I, I mean, it’s obvious we don’t like hotdogs, we’re married.”  
You hear someone bark out a laugh, someone who sounds like they aren’t in the room, but when you turn around you realize it was Emily, the woman ducked down behind the island.  
“You’re a weirdo Sonny.” You shake your head, pressing another kiss to Alex’s lips.  
“See you later?”  
“Of course.” She beams, watching as you grab your keys and head out the door, the woman sighing as she watches you pull out of the drive and head down the street.  
“YOU HAD TO FUCKING LAUGH AT ASHLYN’S JOKE!?” Emily yells as Kelley crawls out of the closet.  
“I couldn’t help it! It was funny!”  
Alex pinches the bridge of her nose.  
“Why in the hell did I pick you guys to help me plan Y/N’s surprise birthday party?” She asks herself and Ali grins.  
“They’re just here for comic relief, let’s get started.” She claps giddily, Emily and Kelley scoffing.  
“Comic relief my ass.”
“There’s NO WAY you got her...” Emily snorts, shaking her head, staring at Alex, who simply smirks.  
“Oh, I got her, and she’s coming.” She grins and Emily gasps, a hand on her chest.  
“Would you be my girlfriend too?” She asks, earning a flick on the ear.  
“No, stop it.” Kelley grumbles, rolling her eyes.  
“So, everyone is crashing at our house and we’ll all head to the venue early to get it all set up?” Ali grins and Alex nods.  
“Perfect! This is gonna rock bitchhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Ashlyn starts to dance in her seat, of course, being joined by Kelley and Emily.  
Alex’s phone suddenly rings and she grins, immediately answering when she realizes it’s you.  
“Hey hot stuff.”  
Alex rolls her eyes, shaking her head, giggling.  
“Hi to you too.”  
“Are the hooligans still there?” You ask, Alex’s eyes darting around the room as she nods.  
“Yeah, they’re still here.”  
“HI Y/N!” Emily yells and you snort.  
“I was wondering if you wanted me to pick up some pizza.”  
Alex hums, covering the end of the receiver with her hand.  
Everyone nods, though Kelley’s bottom lip juts out in a pout.  
“What about me?” She pouts and Alex smiles.  
“We may have an extra... Someone...”  
“Something tells me I know who...” You chuckle and Alex’s eyes narrow.  
“How would you know who?” Alex scoffs, everyone’s brows furrowed.  
“I know Kelley’s laugh you know.”
Alex’s blue orbs widen as she stares at Kelley, the defender cringing.  
“If you didn’t laugh at Ashlyn’s joke, we could’ve surprised her when she got back.” Alex pouts and you chuckle.  
“Well now she gets to eat pizza with us, the usual?” You ask, the forward smiling softly.  
“The usual.”  
“GET BEER.” Kelley yells and you shake your head.  
“I’ll be back soon, don’t kill her while I’m gone.”  
Alex sends the defender a glare.  
“I won’t... I love you Y/N.”  
“I love you too Al.”  
“MY SAVIOR.” Kelley beams excitedly when she sees you’d gotten her favorite beer.  
“Only the best for our Worm.”
“You spoil me.” She squeaks.  
You make your way towards Alex, wrapping an arm around her as you press a kiss to her temple, leaning against her.  
“Looks like you survived the hooligans.” You grin, Alex rolling her eyes as she leans heavily against you.  
Kelley pops the tab open with a click, sighing as she takes a deep breath.  
“My favorite sound.” She hums as she takes a swig from the can, grinning.  
You glance at Alex, shaking your head.  
“You’re an enabler.” Alex whispers, earning a loud snort.  
“I’ll be sure to reveal that in our next couples therapy session.” You snicker, Alex slapping you, hard on your ass.  
“Ew, don’t cop a feel in front of us.” Emily groans, the woman groaning louder when you give Alex the same treatment, smacking her on the butt, the woman squeaking.  
“No.” Kelley’s eyes narrow, a smirk stretching across her face.  
“Put down your beer and give me a hug asshole.” You open your arms, the woman reluctantly placing her beer on the counter before diving on you.  
You give the woman a tight squeeze, the woman groaning loudly, squeezing you as equally hard.  
“What are you doing here?” You ask, the defender’s eyes widening slightly when she realizes they hadn’t come up with a cover story for her recent arrival.  
“Umm... Was just in the neighborhood.”
Your brows arch in question.  
“Last time I checked; Utah isn’t in Florida’s neighborhood.”
Kelley gasps dramatically.  
“Are you insinuating, that Utah is the SLUMS!?”  
Your eyes widen.  
“No! No, I wasn’t!”  
Kelley pulls away from you with a pout, though her plan was working entirely in her favor.  
“I’ll just go back to the slums of Utah...”  
Alex rolls her eyes, she Ashlyn, Ali and Emily watching as you try to reason with Kelley, the woman feigning sadness.  
Everything was going to plan, well, somewhat seeing as you now knew Kelley was there, but if everything else worked out as planned, your surprise birthday party would go off without a hitch.  
Alex rubs her hands together eagerly.  
Everything had gone to plan, the entirety of the USWNT here in Florida, setting up your surprise party for the evening.  
While they were getting that ready, the two of you heading towards one of the fanciest restaurants in town, something Alex had planned even before she’d set the surprise party into motion.  
Alex lets out a string of giggles when you stop at a red light, turning towards her, singing Love Story, to the woman.  
The song, OF COURSE, was by the one and only Taylor Swift.
The car behind you blares their horn and you growl, the light JUST turning green a hot second ago.  
“Yeah, yeah! Blow it out your ass!”
Alex pinches the bridge of her nose, shaking her head.  
“What am I going to do with you?” She giggles and you shrug, reaching for and taking her hand.  
“Love me? Cherish me?” You snicker, the woman rolling her eyes.  
“Yeah, I think I can do that.”  
You bring Alex’s hand to your lips, kissing the back of it with a grin.  
“I love you Al.” You whisper, the woman’s cheeks flushing as she beams.
“I love you too Y/N.”  
The car behind you AGAIN beeps and you snarl, glaring in your rearview mirror. 
“I’m about to go all Look What You Made Me Do on your ass.” You grumble angrily, Alex shaking her head.  
“Do you have to incorporate Taylor Swift into EVERYTHING you do?”  
You shrug, grinning cockily.  
“Are you jealous?” You tease, the forward rolling her eyes as she leans across the console, pressing a kiss to your cheek.  
“Nope. Taylor Swift has never seen you naked, I have.”  
You snort.  
“Alright, you’ve got me there.”  
You smirk.  
“If you play your cards right, you might see it again tonight.” You send her a wink, the woman rolling her eyes.  
“Shouldn’t YOU be the one playing those cards?”  
You snort.  
“But it’s my birthday Allllllllllll.” You whine the woman giggling as she intertwines your fingers, giving your hand a squeeze.  
“We’ll see.”  
The smile that stretches across your face is filled with nothing but the purest form of love for the woman across from you, the woman who’s currently grinning as she fumbles over whatever Italian food she’d ordered, the waitress giggling as she writes it down.  
Alex turns to you, eyes widening when she sees you staring, the love sick look on your face making her cheeks flush.  
“What?” She asks with a chuckle and you grin.  
“I love you.”  
Alex beams, the woman taking your hand, fingers intertwining as she presses a kiss to the back of your hand.  
“I love you too.”  
Your fingers play with Alex’s, the woman’s skin delicate and soft, a complete contrast to the woman’s attitude.  
You hold your palm against hers, the woman’s hand just a bit smaller than your own, the woman giggling as she again intertwines your fingers.  
“Happy Birthday Y/N.” She whispers and you smile, leaning across the table to press a kiss to her lips.  
“Thanks Al.”
You bite your bottom lip to stave off your laughter.  
“You still can’t read Italian for shit.” You jest, the forward’s bottom lip jutting out in a pout.  
“Shut up.”  
“Turn here.” Alex points down the street and your brows furrow.  
“Yeah, this isn’t how we get home.”  
Alex rolls her eyes.  
“Of course, it isn’t, I have something to show you, now park here.”  
Your eyes narrow as you turn to look at her.  
“If this is some role play thing- OW!”  You cry out as Alex punches you in the arm.  
“It’s not, shut up.”  
You bottom lip juts out, your best puppy dog eyes on display as you look at your girlfriend.  
Alex leans across the console, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips before she slides out of the car.  
“Follow me.”  
You chuckle as you too slide out of the car, slamming the door shut.  
“So bossy.”  
You hold your arm out to Alex, the woman gripping your bicep.  
“Lead the way.”  
Alex leans heavily against you, a grin stretching across your face as you whisper.  
“This is nice.” You kiss Alex’s cheek, the woman beaming.  
“It is. Anytime I spend with you is.”  
Your cheeks flush.  
“Stopppppppp.” You whine, the forward giggling.  
“No, you’re so cute when you blush.”  
You throw your head back with a lengthy groan, the forward giggling even harder as you pout.  
Luckily for her, she’d kept you distracted long enough to get you to the bar where your surprise was waiting.  
“We’re here.”  
You cock your head to the side, turning to look into what looks to you, like an empty bar.  
“Are you finally reenacting that scene from Coyote Ugly that I’ve been asking for?” You laugh, the woman pulling the door open and shoving you inside.  
You nearly jump out of your skin when the lights flip on, revealing the entire USWNT, a number of them, mostly the kids, with noisemakers in their mouths, loudly honking.  
Unsurprisingly, Kelley, is standing on the bar, holding two beers, a number of your teammates on the bar as well.  
You shake your head, turning to Alex, the woman’s grin massive.  
“You planned this?”
She shrugs.  
Alex squeals as you lift her into the air, spinning her around.  
“I love you so much.” You whisper, the woman grinning as she presses a kiss to your lips.  
“I love you too, but the night isn’t over yet.” She winks.  
The second you put Alex down someone jumps on your back, that someone being none other than Kelley O’Hara.  
“I have something else for you.” Alex pulls you away from Tobin and Christen, the two grinning, knowing full well what Alex was about to show you.  
“There’s more? You spoil me.” You wink, Alex shaking her head as she kisses your cheek.  
“Well, if you thought I was spoiling you before, you’ll DEFINITELY think so after this.”
Your brows furrow, the sound of a microphone being turned on alerting you to the fact that someone is on the bar’s makeshift stage.  
The curtain’s part and your heart stops, a familiar tune you know ALL too well starting to play.  
You can feel Alex’s eyes on you as you stare in disbelief as none other than Taylor Swift approaches the stage’s microphone.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N, THIS ONE IS FOR YOU!” The woman beams as she starts to sing, Love Story sounding loudly throughout the bar.  
You turn to Alex with wide, teary eyes.  
“You got me Taylor Swift?” You ask, your bottom lip trembling and she grins, her arms slipping around your neck as your lips meet.  
“I got you Taylor Swift, now get out here and dance with me.”  
Alex pulls you to the dance floor, the two of you swaying back and forth, Alex’s arms slipping beneath yours, her hands splayed across your back.  
Your hands settle on her waist, your forehead resting against yours as Taylor sings.  
“Alex...?” You whisper, the woman’s blue orbs locking with your Y/E/C ones.  
“I love you. I love you so much” You brush your nose against hers and she smiles softly.  
“I love you too.”  
The two of you are entirely lost in your own little world, just being together, your eyes shut as you rest your foreheads together.  
Eventually, the song ends, though the two of you don’t part, at least until you remember WHO had been singing.  
Your eyes widen as you turn towards the stage, eyes further widening when you realize THE Taylor Swift is making her way towards you and Alex.  
Alex leaves you, wrapping her arms around Taylor, giving the singer a tight squeeze.  
“You’re hugging Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift is hugging you.” You mumble dumbly. “Does that mean I can hug Taylor Swift?”
Alex giggles as she and Taylor pull apart, the women snorting when they see you literal shaking in excitement, a massive grin on your face.  
“So, Taylor, this is Y/N, she’s a big fan.” Alex laughs, your eyes still locked on Taylor.  
She giggles.
“I-I-I'm Y/N.” You smile, the blonde grinning.
“It’s nice to meet you Y/N I’m Taylor.”  
You let out a squeal, wrapping your arms around her, the woman chuckling as she hugs you back.  
“Holy shit I’m hugging Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift is hugging me.”
The two of you part, your eyes wide when you again see and realize that you’d just hugged Taylor Swift.  
“Oh my god, Alex, it’s Taylor Swift.” You squeal, the forward shaking her head.  
“I know, I brought her here.”  
Alex grunts when you tackle her, pulling her into a tight hug as you pepper her face with kisses.  
“I love you so so much.” You say in between kisses, the woman giggling as she tries, and fails, to dodge your lips.  
“I love you too.”  
You pull back, simply to look in Alex’s blue orbs before you lean back in, pressing the gentlest of kisses to her lips, the woman melting into it.  
The two of you are so caught up in kissing, that you don’t realize Taylor is back on the stage, the music again starting up, a love song that the two of you can dance to.  
You sway back and forth, a grin stretching across your face as you whisper in her ear.  
“Thank you for giving me the best birthday present of all.”
Alex giggles.  
“I had to pull a few strings to get her here...” Alex shrugs, brows knitting in confusion when you pull back.  
You shake your head, your lips splitting into a grin that takes up nearly half of your face.  
“No present could EVER compare to the greatest gift the world has ever given me...” You lean towards her, your forehead resting against hers.  
“And that’s you.”  
Alex’s eyes go glassy with tears, the woman closing the gap between the two of you, the kiss tender, loving, a kiss that leaves your lungs devoid of air.  
The two of you pull apart, the two of you wear love sick smiles.  
“I love you Alex.” You whisper, the woman beaming.  
“I love you too, Happy Birthday Y/N.”
The two of you are abruptly pulled apart by someone someone, that someone being Emily, diving on your back, the woman OBVIOUSLY drunk.  
“YOU’RE TOO SOBER!” She slurs, your eyes wide as you stare, horrified at Alex, the woman giggling as you’re dragged to the bar by the team’s children, Megan and Ashlyn doing shots together.  
“Oh no.” You mumble, Lindsey grinning, along with the other kids.  
“Oh, YES.”  
Alex makes her way over to Christen and Tobin, the two watching as Megan passes you a shot.  
Christen giggles.  
“You know you’ll be carrying her home after this right?” Tobin asks, Alex snorting in answer.  
“Oh, I know, it’s her birthday so, so she gets away with it.”  
Alex shakes her head, watching as you down three shots, one right after the other, grimacing as Kelley passes you another.  
“I’ll be sure to remind you of that tomorrow.” Tobin gives her a nudge, earning a mock glare from her teammate.  
“Please do.”  
“WAIT.” You screech hours later, nearly every one of your teammates drunkenly jumping to their feet.  
You turn to the stage, gasping.  
Alex pinches the bridge of her nose as you rush towards the stage, climbing on it and wrapping your arms around the singer, whose singing is abruptly cut off.
“Oh, Christ.” She mumbles as she moves to peel you off of Taylor.  
“Remember Al, she gets to get away with ittttt!” Tobin calls out and Alex groans.  
“Shut uppppp Tobin!”  
At the end of the day, Alex had to LITERALLY carry you to bed, but you had a great time that night, and that’s all that mattered to her.  
Alex eventually slips into bed beside you, you who’s dressed, messily in your PJs.  
“I love you Y/N.” She whispers and you hum, wiggling towards her and snuggling into her side.  
“I love you too Al. Thank youuu for the best birthday ever.”  
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mcwriting · 4 years
The Marriage Project (9)
I’m back with anotha one! Sorry it’s taken so ridiculously long! I’ve been soooo busy that sitting down and writing or even formatting has been such a challenge. Please enjoy this chapter!
*also i watched Cherry and Tom was so good in it I’m- that film messed me up a lil bit but like it was so good. Also I’ve loved Ciara since btr and now I’m just insanely jealous and love her even more ugh 
Story Masterlist
Word Count: 2333
Warnings: Some language? I can’t think of anything else
% approximately the 3rd week of October %
Friday evening, the volleyball team arrived at the town regionals were being held at, about an hour away. You were staying in a hotel again, and as before, Julia was your buddy.
After having spent the evening laughing and having fun, your whole hotel room group was about to head up the stairs.
“Hey, y/n. Do you mind staying back for a minute?” Julia asked.
“Oh, sure. We’ll meet you guys upstairs,” you called to the other two, who waved back nonchalantly and continued walking. Julia and you went back to some empty seats near the lobby.
“What’s up?” you asked, smiling.
“Well… Sam told me he caught you and Tom yesterday and I just wanted to ask you about it…”
Your smile faltered.
“What’s there to talk about? I told him that Tom sprayed me with water so I got back at him by soaking the back of his shirt. There’s nothing more to say.”
“Well, yeah, he told me that but he also mentioned that you stayed for dinner? And met Nikki’s parents last weekend? Not trying to imply anything, but I didn’t meet their grandparents until Sam and I had been dating for like 6 months.”
You were getting annoyed, considering this was the second person in two days to ask you about Tom.
“I didn’t just meet them over nothing! Nikki took my senior pictures at the same time as Tom’s and wanted to do them there. I was just tagging along for the ride.”
“You know he’s also coming to state next weekend, right? If we pass through tomorrow?”
He is?
“Uh, no I didn’t. Doesn’t he have football stuff to worry about? It’s also Halloween next weekend, like he’d miss out on the big party.”
“They have a bye next week. Sam is going to come and I guess Tom is taking him, but Nikki might come too? I’m not sure. I guess you’d better ask him. Anyways, I just wanted to clear things up since there were all those rumors today,” she said, starting to get up.
“Wait, wai- Rumors? I never heard anything. Like about me?”
“You haven’t heard? I guess one of the freshman girls who has a massive crush on Tom was stalking Nikki’s website last night and saw some pictures of the two of you. A bunch of people think you’re dating now.”
You felt yourself pale.
“Oh no, and she changed one picture after Tom asked her to. Do you know what the picture was?”
“Something about him carrying you..? I never saw it, why?”
“Great. Now everyone is going to think she changed it because a secret got out or something. Ughhhh I just wish this stupid marriage project had never happened and I would never be in this mess.”
Julia looked at you contemplatively for a moment.
“Think of it this way, you and Tom are friends now, right?” you apprehensively nodded. “If it weren’t for that project, you two would still be fighting all the time and you wouldn’t have had the incredible Nikki Holland taking your pictures. Everyone can just get over themselves, you know?”
You snorted, then grinned.
“Yeah I guess so. You know, you’re annoyingly wise beyond your years,” you stated. “Now let’s get back upstairs. We have a long day ahead of us.”
Placing first at regionals meant two things: you were going to state, and everyone was congratulating you again when Monday came.
They also kinda looked at you funny when Tom high fived you in the hallway as he passed by, but you had decided to follow Julia’s advice and stop caring about the rumors people were spreading. 
Once the morning announcements ended, your calculus teacher stood up, a small paper stack in hand.
“Okay, everyone, since I’m your first period teacher and homecoming is next week, today you get to cast your nomination votes. Y’all know the drill: three guys, three girls for king and queen. Try to make it fast, we have a lot to do today.”
She walked around handing out half-sheets of paper with six lines on them. You and Tom immediately looked at each other.
“We nominating each other?” Tom asked before you could.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” you joked, filling out the sheet with both of your names and four others.
In home ec, you sat next to Tom cutting fabric for yet another project you had to do together, thinking about something Julia had mentioned.
“Hey, I gotta ask you something. Is it true you’re going to the capital this weekend for our state tournament?” you asked.
“Oh, yeah. This is our bye week and I promised Sam I’d go with him and mom. Plus, we can work on the project when you’re free.”
“You do realize that’s like a four hour drive, right? I mean it’s Halloween this weekend. Wouldn’t you rather make an appearance at Johnny’s big blowout?”
“Eh, it won’t be that great. I mean his place isn’t even that big and it’s in town. There’s literally no way it won’t get busted within the first half hour. The homecoming party at Tyler’s however… that’s gonna be insane.”
“Okay Johnny’s trash party aside, you really would rather spend your one free weekend of the season four hours away watching girls play volleyball then at home doing… whatever it is you do. And please don’t tell me you watch the ‘hub in your spare time.”
“Come on, y/n I’m not an animal. Even without the tight uniforms volleyball is really cool.” 
You backhanded his arm at the comment.
“Plus, I don’t need any videos to get myself off,” he added, smirking.
“You disgust me.”
“You know you love me.”
“Hmm. Debatable,” you shot back dryly, earning a chuckle and shoulder bump from him as you finally cracked.
At lunch, your friends were discussing the Halloween party when you sat down.
“Okay we really need to figure out what to wear this weekend, and we’re not going as playboy bunnies like Daisy and all her group,” said one girl.
“Well I say we dress as frat boys. It’s funny, not super sexual, and we all know half the guys are going to rush next year,” suggested Caroline.
“I like it, but what if we went a step further and dressed as dads. You know, hawaiian shirts, khaki shorts, socks and sandals. That would be hilarious. What do you think, y/n?” said Alexis.
“Sorry ladies, I won’t be there. We have state this weekend at the capital so as always, we’re driving down Friday after school. I will be at Tyler’s homecoming thing next weekend. Also, I do really like the dad thing, but I vote y’all do Guy Fieri.”
“Wait why is that literally genius,” Alexis said as the others agreed. “Of course it would suck to take your idea without you even getting to do it.”
“You guys really think I care? Just credit me in your insta captions. I’ll make the team put ribbons with flames on them in their ponytails Saturday.”
“Okay now we have to do it,” a different friend said.
“Hey, at least you won’t have to worry about Tom. I’m sure he’ll be at the party,” Caroline said. You wrinkled your nose.
“Yeah about that… His brother’s girlfriend is on the team so he’s going, too. I’m the one that’ll be seeing him instead of you guys but whatever. We’ll need to work on our project anyways.”
“Don’t you think that’ll fuel the fires people are already spreading about you? A good portion of the school thinks you’re secretly together now,” added the first friend from before. 
“People are going to believe whatever the hell they want. I honestly don’t care anymore. Oh! By the way, did I tell you guys that some freshman was the one spreading shit about me Friday? The nerve those kids have,” you said.
“Wait, what? It was a freshman that was trying to tell everyone y’all are together? Ugh why would anyone believe them?” Alexis asked, incredulous.
“I know, right? Apparently she’s like obsessed with Tom or something. She must have a backwards way of thinking if she believes spreading fake rumors will make him want her. Jokes on her when she has to see us together on homecoming court. He’s just as likely to be voted as I am, maybe even more.”
The group all laughed and continued talking about random things, and you mentally wiped the sweat from your brow now that the conversation was shifted from you and Tom.
You were nervously bouncing your leg before calculus Friday morning. You’d gotten to school early to make certain you would be there for the announcements, which is when they would be releasing the list of nominees.
Tom came in a couple minutes before the bell, hair still wet from his post workout shower. Usually he blow dried it, and he obviously noticed you looking at his curls, your knee bouncing anxiously.
“Got out of the weight room late so I rushed over here. What are you wired up about, princess?”
“Do I really have to tell you? Homecoming noms.”
“You’re actually nervous about that? Everyone knows you’re already at the top of the list.”
“Uh, no, that’s you. After everything that’s happened the past few weeks, there’s no telling how people feel about me.”
“Oh you’ll be fine. I know it,” Tom finished. You wanted to disagree with him further, but then the bell rang and announcements began. After the general daily stuff, they got to the part everyone was waiting for. 
You were on the edge of your seat. The disembodied voice began with the underclassmen’s court nominations, eventually working up to the senior king contestants.
“Alright, first up in the running for kings we have… Tuwaine Barrett!”
Tuwaine was a cool dude. He played basketball and was in theatre. You were happy to see him nominated.
“Next up we’ve got Harrison Osterfield!”
Ugh. I’d rather abdicate the throne than end up against him.
“And finally for the boys, Tom Holland!”
A small cheer went up in your classroom as people congratulated Tom and patted him on the back. You gave him a high five.
“And now for the ladies. First on the list is Zendaya Coleman!”
Ah Zendaya. You were never that close, but she was always nice when you’d had classes with her. She was way taller than you, a star player on the basketball and softball teams. Not to mention she was insanely gorgeous. This was already some stiff competition.
“Second, we have Daisy Ridley!”
And of course another likely contender. Daisy, who was planning on going to that evening’s Halloween party as a playboy bunny, was a cheerleader. She didn’t fit every aspect of the cheer stereotype, like the fact that she was actually really smart, but she definitely wasn’t the nicest person either.
“And finally, your last nominee for homecoming queen is… y/n y/l/n!”
It took a second to fully process that it was you they were talking about until there were people cheering you on like they’d done for Tom. He reciprocated the high five.
“What’d I tell you princess? Or shall I say queen.”
Tom was leaving football practice after the bell when a few of his buddies appeared next to him to walk across the parking lot.
They were talking when Tom saw you all loading the bus, and you sent each other a wave.
“Damn, y/n’s not gonna be at the party tonight? That’s rough, she always has the dopest costumes. ‘Least you will. What are you going as?” one guy, Jake, said.
“Did I not tell you? I’m going out of town. Won’t be there. I totally would’ve been Spider-Man though,” Tom explained.
“Wait you won’t be there tonight either?” another, Chris, asked. “You’re gonna miss out on some major exposure for homecoming votes.”
“Oh yeah, right. I’m pretty sure things are in the bag for me. I’ll just be gone tonight and tomorrow. Promised Sam I’d go to the volleyball thing with him.”
“Wait, wait, wait. You. Are going to the capital. Which is four hours away. At the same time as y/n. Am I hearing this right?” Jake asked as they finally reached their cars.
“Oh shut up, man. It’s not like that. Yeah we’ll be at the same place this weekend but whatever. We’re cool with each other now.”
“Cool? Is that code for ‘I want to make out every time I look at her?’” interjected Chris. He and Jake gave each other a look and laughed.
“Ugh, no. I’d kiss a salmon before I kissed y/n. I just meant we’ve come to an understanding and are somewhat friends now.”
They both looked at him funny.
“So you mean to tell me that there’s nothing going on between you two? Yeah right. We’ve all seen the way you look at her at games,” Jake said suggestively.
“What is up with you and everyone else at this school thinking there’s more to the story?! We are fake married for a school project and are nothing more than friends. You’re crazy to think otherwise.”
“Who are you planning on asking to the dance?” Chris asked, seemingly out of nowhere.
“What? What do you mean? I haven’t even thought about it.”
“I’m asking who you’ll take to homecoming. It’s y/n, isn’t it?”
“No. No, it’s not, because I haven’t asked anyone.”
“Would you go with her?” Chris continued, pressing in.
“I mean I guess so. If we’re voted king and queen then it’ll basically be an obligation.”
“And if you’re not?”
“Dude why are you asking all these questions! If she isn’t queen then I’ll go with whoever is. If I’m not king, I’ll just go solo and see what happens. Whatever, though, I need to get home. I’ll see you guys Monday,” Tom finished.
He walked off to his car, where his brothers were impatiently waiting.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Again, sorry for my inactivity but I’m hoping that writing will be a little easier as one of my classes was a half semester and I’ll now have a little more buffer room to write!
My asks and messages are always open!
Send a message or ask if you’d like to be added to my permanent or series taglists so I can verify you’ve been added!
Story tag list: @jackiehollanderr, @one-big-fangirl, @l0lmk, @primadonnasdream, @bookworm06, @thenoddingbunny-blog, @agentnataliahofferson, @spider-babe, @stxfxniexreads, @justafangirlduh,
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moldisgoodforyou · 4 years
Damn I loved jealous rafe that was so hot... could we maybe get a really really REALLY jealous Sophie?? Obviously only if ur down for that, I adore your writing but want u to take care of urself drink ur water & be happy most importantly :)
hi I really appreciated the last half of this message thank you :) I’m not quite sure this is really really REALLY jealous but it’s still a lot of jealous! 
Colin’s sister, April, was hopelessly in love with Rafe. And Rafe had no clue.
She was a freshman and a film major, so Colin introduced the two so Rafe could give her advice on classes. She texted him at least once a week, usually more. After Colin brought her to their tailgate in November and Rafe was nice enough to make her a few (watered-down) drinks, then drop her off at her dorm, she was convinced Rafe felt the same way toward her.
The texts became constant enough for Sophie to notice, always seeing April’s name popping up on Rafe’s phone. April had taken the liberty of saving her phone contact for Rafe, as April 💛. Sophie didn’t want to be the jealous, imposing girlfriend straight away, so she did her best to ignore it.
As Rafe and Sophie were hanging out on the couches at Delt, she saw three texts pop up on his phone in a quick succession, and he swiped them away just as fast as they had came in.
Sophie leaned over, curious. “What’s my name saved as? In your phone?”
“Uh.” He took a moment to think, then scrolled through his contacts and showed her. “Just this.” She tried not to visibly react when she saw it, just saved as Sophie Flint. “That’s it?”
“Well, yeah, I just kept it from when you saved it at the bar for me, remember? Does it matter?”
“No, uh, it doesn’t. Never mind.” She forced a smile and settled into his side and he returned to absent-mindedly playing with her hair.
“Why, what’s mine saved as?” He asked, reaching for her phone. She held it out of his reach. “Just Rafe.”
He grinned. “Not love of my life, Rafe Cameron?” She scowled and grabbed his hand, moving it back to her hair. “Definitely not.”
The next time April was brought up, Sophie was watching a movie with Rafe in his room, both of them sprawled out on the couch.
“Hey, dude. Me and April are gonna go grab dinner, you wanna come?” Colin asked, grabbing his wallet from the dresser. He gave Sophie a friendly smile. “Oh yeah, you can come too if you want, Sophie.”  
“Nah, we have plans to go meet up with Soph’s roommates. Tell her hi though.” Rafe declined. Sophie stayed uncharacteristically quiet, tucking into Rafe’s side. “Will do. She’ll miss seeing you.” Colin waved and headed out.
Rafe glanced down at Sophie, rubbing her arm. “You good, Soph?”
“Sure you don’t want to go hang out with her?”  
He looked confused. “No. Thought we made plans to grab pizza with Allie and Julia, was I wrong?” She scowled, just slightly. “No, we have plans. Never mind.”
“Okay...” He didn’t press the issue further, just turning up the TV volume a little more. After a while, she turned in her seat, sitting further away from him. “This movie’s kind of terrible, isn’t it?” He frowned. “But it’s Anna Karenina, I thought you liked Keira Knightley.”
“She cheats on her husband.” Sophie shifted again, putting even more distance between them. Rafe reached out and tugged at her ankle, trying to bring her closer. “Hey. You said you liked this movie.” She shook her head. “Never said that. Maybe you’re thinking of someone else.”
“Fine, maybe.” He slid his hand up her leg, but she flinched away, drawing her knees up to her chest. “Soph, what’s the deal?” He pulled his hand back.
“Nothing, what’s your deal?”
“My deal? I don’t have a deal. You’re acting weird.”
She crossed her arms. “I’m not.”
“Sophie.” He frowned more. “Baby, come on.”
“Don’t call me that. You know, I’m gonna just go to dinner with the girls alone. You can go with April.” It was a test, and he didn’t know it. She paused before getting up, glancing over his body language.
He shrugged. “Okay, been meaning to catch up with her anyways.”
Sophie huffed. “Fine.” She grabbed her phone and stood, not giving him a second glance as she left.
The next time, Sophie was lying with Rafe on his bed, James in his. This was a fairly common occurrence, with Sophie comfortable hanging around his friends.
“Bro, did you see what April was wearing last week?” James asked, tossing a  tennis ball from his bed toward Rafe. He caught it one-handed, sitting up a little to toss it back to James. “No, was she at our party?”
“Yeah. Can’t believe she wore that dress, some guy was hanging all over her.” He frowned, shutting up the second Colin came in. Sophie raised her eyebrows. “What’s so wrong with the dress?”
Colin cocked his head. “What dress?”
“None of your business.” James snapped back, shooting Sophie a dirty look. She frowned, confused and a little hurt. “Don’t be rude.”
“Hey, knock it off, you two.” Rafe admonished, loosely curling his arm around her shoulders. She shrugged him off, annoyed, and swung her legs off the bed. “I’m gonna go, need to study.”
Rafe frowned and took her hand. “Thought we were going to study together?”
“Yeah, well, you thought wrong.” She replied, a little more snippy than she needed to be. “Soph, come on.” She ignored him as she gathered her things and left and James whistled, shaking his head. “What’s all that about?”
Rafe threw the tennis ball hard at him, nailing his leg. “You were being an asshole.” James yelped, tossing it hard back at him but Rafe ducked away. “She was - you know!” He argued, gesturing at Colin. “Still not cool, man! Text her and apologize.” Rafe shot back.
“What the hell am I missing?” Colin glanced between the two of them, thoroughly confused. “Shouldn’t you go after her?”
“Nah, she doesn’t like being followed after a fight.”
“Have you two fought since getting together? Like you used to?” James asked.
“Well...no.” Rafe paused. “But this isn’t about us, this is your fault.” He glanced at Colin for backup. “Right?”  
“I still have no fucking clue what you’re on about.” Colin replied.
“Doesn’t matter.” James dismissed it, sending Rafe a glare and effectively ending the conversation.
Sophie tried distancing herself from Rafe, somewhat, as jealousy built up inside of her. She had him come over before they had plans to go out while she got  ready. His attention went back and forth between her and his phone the whole time and Sophie was already regretting inviting him over as she saw April’s name popping up on his screen.
“Rafe, which one?” She turned to him in just her bra and jeans, holding up two tops. One blue, one yellow.
He didn’t glance up from his phone. “Uh...the black. You always wear that one.”
Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and anger as she ditched both, opting for a sweatshirt instead and flopped onto her bed. He swiveled around in her desk chair, confused as he eyed over her messy bun and flat iron still plugged in on the counter. “You’re wearing that to go out?”  
“Why, is this not good enough for you?”
“No, it’s fine. I just thought...” At her glare, he raised his hands in defense. “Never mind. You ready to go then? Colin is seeing one of the bartenders and said she could snag us free drinks if we showed early.”  
Sophie sat up quickly, looking like she was about to cry. “You don’t want to go hang out with the girl blowing up your phone?”
“Huh? Soph, what are you talking about?”
“April?” She bit her lip, avoiding his gaze.
He laughed, loud. “April? You’re serious?”
“Oh, good, laugh at me, that feels great. I feel like you’re cheating on me and you’re fucking laughing.”
It took him a few moments to process before he crossed the room in two big strides and grabbed both her hands, squeezing them. “I’m not cheating on you, Sophie, I would never.” When she glanced up, he continued. “April is Colin’s freshman little sister, she texts me for film school advice. That’s it.”  
“...Oh.” She breathed out, wanting to shrink back into herself and disappear. “So when James was talking about what she was wearing...” 
“She’s practically like our little sister now too, James is just protective.” Rafe clarified, reaching up and swiping his thumbs over her cheeks to get rid of a couple stray tears. “Don’t cry, Soph, it’s okay.” 
“Fuck, Rafe, I’m so sorry.” She laughed softly, a little shaky. “She was just texting you all the time - and the heart next to her name in your phone, I just -” 
“Ah, shit. Yeah, I see what you mean.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead, then over both her cheeks, then the tip of her nose, making her giggle. “I’ll change it, promise. Look, I’ll introduce you two tonight, you’ll see.” He tugged at the hem of her sweatshirt. “Still want to wear this?” 
She shook her head and reached up, giving him a short kiss.  “No, I’ll go change. I’m sorry. Again. I should have just asked.” She paused. “In my defense, it didn’t help seeing a text saying ‘thanks for last night’ with the kissy face emoji. Especially when I knew you were out with the guys the night before.”  
“I dropped her off after she got trashed at one of our tailgates.” Rafe replied, shaking his head. “But you know what, I see where you’re coming from.” 
Once they made to the bar, Sophie followed him in and over to his group of friends all crowded in a corner. April, who looked extraordinarily similar to Colin, grinned when she saw Rafe and threw his arms around him, leaning up to kiss his cheek. “Rafey, hi!”  
He turned red, leaning away from her kiss but gave her a short hug back. Sophie raised her eyebrows at him and held back a smile and an I told you so, but he could tell anyways. He wrapped his arm around Sophie’s waist. “Hey, April, this is my girlfriend, Sophie.” 
“Girlfriend?” April repeated with a hint of disdain. “Rafe, you didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend.” 
James snorted into his drink watching the exchange. 
“It’s only been official for a little bit.” Sophie clarified, placing her hand possessively on Rafe’s chest. 
“Oh, so it’s nothing serious.” April brightened. “Rafe and I have known each other for months now, we’re pretty close.” She told Sophie, leaning over the table to give Rafe an eyeful of her chest. Colin tugged her up by the back of her shirt right away and Rafe dug his fingers into Sophie’s side a little, painfully aware of the situation now. 
“I’ve known him since high school, but thanks.” Sophie shot back a sweet smile. “You might have more luck hitting on someone your own age, by the way.” 
April turned bright red and took a long sip from her drink. “I’m not - I wasn’t -”  She stammered. 
“It’s fine. I can see where you’re coming from.” Sophie raised her eyebrows and gave Rafe a kiss on the cheek. “I’m going to get another one, anyone else?” At no response, she turned on her heel and left. 
“You’ve been hitting on Rafe?” Colin questioned April, disgusted. She just scowled and left the group to go find her friends, thoroughly embarrassed. James elbowed Rafe with a grin. “She’s possessive, huh?” 
“Yeah, shut up.” He grinned back, ears turning red. 
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pandoraborn · 3 years
Coping, Part 3
( previous. )
Characters: c!Tommy, c!Ranboo, c!Techno, c!Wilbur, c!Phil Word count: 1885 Content: dissociation tw, unreality, broken bonds, broken trust, healing, hurt/comfort, sbi family feels, found family, dead!wilbur, revival mention
Tommy already misses the days when he could sit in the back corner of his little dirt shack and dissociate. He misses when he could pretend reality doesn’t exist anymore, and it’s just him and himself in a sea of nothingness. Today though, Ranboo is sticking to him like glue, much to Tommy’s annoyance.
He can’t even bring himself to be too mad though, because the alternative is going back to Techno’s cabin and facing him, and Phil, and Wilbur. Tommy knows they’re inside. Every time they pass by the cabin, their voices carry outside, filled with laughter, and sometimes a concern that Tommy doesn’t miss.
He’s jealous. He wants to be in there with his father and brothers, he wants the feeling of safety, but Tommy doesn’t remember what safety feels like anymore. Sure, Ranboo offers some sort of comfort and stability, but Ranboo isn’t safe either. Tommy is well aware that on a moment’s notice, Ranboo could easily snap and attempt to kill him.
Not that he blames Ranboo; it’s not his fault he’s under Dream’s control.
No, it’s best that Tommy keep his walls up. He doesn’t want to speak to anyone in his stupid family, no matter how left out he feels. They all hurt him personally, and he’s tired of it. He’s happier in Ranboo’s ugly house, with Ranboo’s pet cat. Enderchest is the closest to safety he knows.
He doesn’t know how long he’s spent in Ranboo’s house. By the time Tommy finally lets himself come back, it’s significantly darker, though he wonders if that’s because they’re in a snow biome, and the days are already shorter. Poking his head out the window, Tommy allows himself to get lost in the shades of purples and pinks in the sky before Ranboo is shaking him again.
“Tommy, you’ve been avoiding that place for ages,” Ranboo points out. “Almost the entire day. I gotta kick you out soon.”
The teen grumbles in response, turning back to Enderchest. She lets out a quiet meow as she nuzzles into his hand. “I could just easily go home. I’m not needed here.”
“You and I both know that the second you make for the portal, they’re just going to grab you again.” Ranboo sits next to Tommy, letting out a sympathetic sigh. “I know being here isn’t ideal for you, and they’re trying to give you space, but they do mean well.”
“What would you know?” Tommy snaps. “You weren’t personally betrayed by all three of them, one right after another. In fact, they did the complete opposite with you. They gave you a home. You have a place to go, you have people to rely on.”
“Come on, we had such a nice talk earlier,” Ranboo points out. “You and me talked about this already. They love you. They want you in their lives, they just suck at showing it.”
“Yeah, we did talk about that. But I also seem to remember telling you that I’m not ready to talk to them.” He scoops Enderchest up and holds her close to his chest. Normally, he’d rather have a dog, but right now, Enderchest is doing more wonders for his psyche than anything else is.
“How long do all four of us have to wait for you to be ready? Because this is a really slow pace.”
“Bitch all you want, memory boy. I’m focusing on myself for once.”
“No, you’re relying on unhealthy coping mechanisms to get by, and I’m kind of getting tired of watching you do it. You had a couple of days already, the least you can do is go inside.”
“Why do I have to leave your house? You’re nicer than Techno is.”
“Technically, because they’re the ones who kidnapped you. I think they’d want you around them instead of me, and besides, Wilbur’s in there.”
“Wilbur’s a fucking ghost,” Tommy mutters darkly. “His opinion doesn’t exactly count for much right now. Selfish bastards, the lot of them.”
There’s no verbal response from the enderman hybrid. Tommy continues to pet Enderchest, taking comfort in the way she purrs and squints up at him, completely content in his arms. In this moment, he envies her. That feeling of utter contentment and safety is a foreign feeling to him, and right now, he wishes he were a cat. Someone holding him so carefully and lovingly must be nice.
Well, it’s nice until Ranboo pries her from his arms. Tommy’s initial reaction is to start crying, reaching back for her, but before he can grasp her fur, Ranboo is hauling him to his feet, nearly lifting him up off the ground.
He feels like he’s throwing too many tantrums lately.
It’s hard to combat though, because everything is too much. Reality aches. Physically, emotionally, mentally, everything in between. He can feel himself being walked back towards Techno’s cabin, where he’s urged inside and handed to someone else. Tommy cries harder when he feels a pair of arms wrap around him, holding him close.
“I thought you might want him back for the night.” Ranboo’s voice sounds far too distant for his liking. “I’m going to go back home, and.. yeah. Just call me if you need anything.”
There’s that sound of a door closing, taking all of Tommy’s hopes with him. The arms around him don’t fade away into nothingness, and neither does Tommy’s mind. The utter lack of dissociation this time is more confusing than anything else. There’s an unfamiliar warmth in his chest as he’s picked up again, cradled in someone’s arms.
“Tommy, I am so very sorry for what happened to you.” The voice above him sounds weird. Logically, Tommy knows it’s Phil. It’s Phil’s arms, Phil’s voice, and Phil’s concern, but there’s a crack in the voice that sounds very unfamiliar; he might as well be a stranger.
“No you’re not,” Tommy forces out. “No one ever is.”
“We are.” That’s Wilbur’s voice. “Do you know where you are right now?”
“No.” He closes his eyes. If he can’t see them, they’re not there. Pretending he’s back at home is far nicer, anyway. In his fantasies, Enderchest is there as well.
“You’re in Techno’s cabin,” Wilbur continues. “You’re in Phil’s arms, and Phil is talking to you. So am I, Wilbur.”
“You’re dead,” Tommy counters. “What you have to say means shit.”
“Tommy, please open your eyes and look at us.”
“I don’t want to.” In spite of himself, he’s burying his face in Phil’s chest. That unfamiliar warmth is growing warmer, almost achingly so. Tommy recognizes it as a feeling of safety, but he wants desperately to push it back down. He doesn’t want to feel it with this lot. They hurt him. “I hate all three of you.”
“Do you really hate us?” Techno’s the next to speak up. “Or did you convince yourself of that because of everything that happened? Because from where I’m standing, it looks like you’re just saying that to be stubborn.”
That’s enough. Tommy’s eyes fly open and he wretches himself away from Phil to strike at Techno. It’s not a hard hit, but it’s hard enough that Techno reels back and rubs at his shoulder, with wide, almost hurt eyes.
“You don’t get to be upset,” Tommy snarls. “You don’t get to look sad, alright? You don’t get to hurt me over and over again, only to be sad when I decide to work on my own terms. Why do all of you suddenly love me again? Where were you when Wilbur went crazy and blew up L’Manburg? Where were you when I was exiled? Where were you when L’Manburg fucking died for the last time? Oh, that’s right, you were doing the blowing up. Save your fucking sadness, Techno.”
There’s another long pause, similar to when he was in Ranboo’s house. This time, Tommy doesn’t have a cat to comfort him or keep him steady. He has his own shaky breathing, trembling hands, raw anger and...
...and Techno wrapping his arms around Tommy, ruffling his hair and whispering in his ear. Techno, saying that their family is too broken, that Tommy is carrying too many burdens and that he finally deserves a break.
Of course he breaks.
Instead of slipping away this time, Tommy crumbles into a boneless, sobbing mess in Techno’s arms, crying harder than he ever remembers crying. He’s desperately clinging to his older brother, grasping weakly at his sleeves and hair, afraid to let go. Letting go this time means Tommy will dissociate, and he’s so, so tired of escaping into a fantasy, when he finally has comfort.
He wails when Phil lifts him again, pulling him away from Techno. Of course Tommy shifts to cling weakly at Phil, feeling smaller and more vulnerable than he did seconds ago.
“We’re going on vacation,” Phil says. “We’re going away from here, just the four of us. We think this place, and the SMP, carry bad memories for all of us, and we think taking you somewhere completely new will do wonders.”
“Don’t leave me again,” Tommy whimpers. “ Please, please just don’t leave me again.”
“Phil knows someone who can help me,” Wilbur interrupts. Tommy can feel Wilbur’s hand on his head now, so he leans into the touch. “You know how Phil is ancient? We can go somewhere far, far away, meet new people and forge new memories.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Tommy’s throat is starting to ache now. He’s spent, wanting nothing more than to sleep. At the same time, he just wants to enjoy the comfort. He feels like Enderchest, safe in someone’s arms with that stupid feeling of safety. He’s not pushing it away this time.
“I can be revived, safely.” Wilbur sounds like he’s beaming. “Phil knows people that can help, we don’t need Dream or anyone around here. We can also learn to heal and become a family again.”
“You promise?”
“Yeah.” Techno chuckles. “We’re all fucked up, but we’re together, right?”
Tommy nods, letting his eyes close again. He’s tired, and dimly, he can feel himself being rocked.
“Sleep, my child,” Phil whispers. “We’ll leave soon, alright?”
“You’d better not leave me behind ever again. I can’t handle it anymore.”
“No,” Wilbur confirms. “None of us are ever getting left behind again. We’re a family again, and I personally promise you’ll heal. Just promise all of us one last thing, alright?”
“What’s that?” Tommy cracks an eye open to peer at Wilbur.
“No more unhealthy coping mechanisms,” Wilbur says. “Ranboo was messaging us all day, saying he had to keep a close eye on you. If you want to heal, we’ll all heal together, but you have to stay with us, alright?”
“Get me a pet and we’ll talk.”
“Tommy, I have dogs. I have so many dogs, I could give you ten dogs and it wouldn’t matter. You can have a dog, just pick one.” Techno starts laughing.
“Not tonight.” Tommy nuzzles more into Phil. “I just want to be with you.”
Phil coos. “That, we can do.”
Okay, so maybe Tommy isn’t a cat, but he’s a sixteen year old boy, and he’s feeling safe for the first time in months. Broken family, broken trust, whatever. He’s starting to feel like he’s home again.
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We need something with that new tattoo thing you just reblogged, like now
Oh you mean the one I just recently reblogged? done by @gspaepro? lets fucking GO. Also this shit is now canon in design, since I have the permission from them
Yiga rituals were very intricate. Motions and actions done in silence, motions done underneath candlelight and in the shadows. It was why traditional romance just. Didn’t suit their style, their way of life. Stuff like coffee dates, stuff like retiring in a farm, even wedding rings were not very common. It was one of the MANY reasons why it boggled Kohga’s mind, why he thought buying him an expensive ass wedding ring was the way to his heart. Don’t get Kohga wrong, it was a sweet gesture, but it was so...solid, so finite. It made Kohga feel like he’d be boxed in, like a cow behind a fence. He didn’t like it. 
“But you still shouldn’t have done that.”
He told himself. It had been years since Sooga attempted a proposal, and just yesterday, he tried again. Kohga was mad at first, but now that he sat here, in his bed, thinking about it, he realized that it wasn’t fair to Sooga. poor guy really poured his heart out to him, only to have it be rejected. It was why he avoided him all day, and had Von watch him in the meantime (usually he reserved that for Cil, but he REALLY didn’t feel like getting hit on right now). He needed to make it up to him. He needed something that wasn’t so ridged as those stones. Then it clicked. He went to the door, and turned to Von, who was laying the flirts on THICK to some foot soldier.
“Von, grab ass later. I need you to summon Sooga for me.”
“Yes, Master Kohga. You, me, your quarters. Tonight.”
He shot the flustered foot soldier a wink, and went off to go get Sooga. Wherever the hell he was. Kohga set everything up, just in time for him to knock at his door.
“Come in.”
Sooga opened the door slowly, helping himself in, and just. Standing there. Poor guy looked so stiff, as if he didn’t practically live in this room.
“Master Kohga, I just wanted to say-”
“Shh. Sit down for me, right here.”
Sooga sat down on the stool right by the bed. There was a silence as Kohga sat down on the bed.
“Sooga, I’m not mad. Okay? I get it. You really, really thought I was ready, after who knows how many years-”
“W-really three years ago? Fucking hell time flies. Anyhow, I’m sorry. I snapped because I was uncomfortable. But you didn’t deserve the way I yelled at you. So, I want to make it up to you.”
Sooga hesitated. He put his arm on the small table, as Kohga motioned for him to do.
“Master Kohga...are you...?”
“Yes. I’m going to give you something better than some stupid ring. Not that it’s stupid, It’s beautiful really. I just. Sooga, it’s not me. I want something that’ll let us BREATHE you know? So. I’m going to SHOW you what you are to me. Not with some rocks. Not with some gold and silver and something you can buy. It’s something I need to show you. Take off your sleeve for me.”
Sooga obeyed. Tattoos were a very intimate, very special part of the Yiga culture. You had to have one JUST to be a Yiga. Anything else done after that were usually done in bouts of passion, to show brotherly connections, to show a friendship unlike any others, or in this case, love. And to get such a sign of affection from his Master? His body was already his to play with.
“You are an artist, Master Kohga. I already boast that I have the most respectable brand out of everyone here.”
“Sounds like you. Idiot.”
He chuckled. Kohga wiped down the arm, just so nothing would get infected. Using a very special type of Yiga ink (that only Kohga was allowed to give for the clan to use. He made it himself, afterall), Kohga seemed to already have an idea in mind, and started to work. Tattoos were painfully slow to do, especially with the design Kohga had in mind. But Sooga didn’t mind. A few hours of pinpricks were worth it, just to be near his Master.
“May I ask...what made you decide to give me such a gift?”
“It felt...feel. The ring kinda...sorta...doesn’t. Feels restrictive. Like a bedazzled leash.”
“That sounds like a gift you WOULD like, though.”
“Shut up, you.”
They both chuckled at that. Sooga sat still, watching as the needle pricked his arm over and over, watched as the needle pushed the ink into his skin. Sooga always LOVED watching him tattoo people, on the rare chances he did so. Such careful, so caring of a touch.
“You know. This reminds me of when I first fell in love with you.”
“How so?”
“When you gave me my first tattoo. The one right on my thigh. I was so...transfixed. Such a strong man, with such a gentle touch.”
“Pfft. I remember that. You were such a string bean back then!”
Kohga chuckled. Those arms weren’t always so huge and bulging, and the rest of his body wasn’t always so meaty.
“I was. I saw nothing wrong with it. That is, until I noticed the man I had affections for, was constantly surrounded by big, bulky men. Suffice to say I was...jealous.”
“Even of Cil?”
“ESPECIALLY of Cil. You two looked so close back then. He was constantly at your hip. I always thought you touched him like this.”
“I mean, I DID do his tattoos. One of them anyway.”
Kohga was careful as he worked, making his motions slow, as if he’d startle Sooga if he moved too fast.
“One? What of the other?”
“He copied the one I did, put it on his other hand.”
“No wonder they always looked so different to me. It lacked the warmth of your style.”
“God you gotta make shit romantic all the time, eh?”
Sooga was so awestruck by the pattern. Lines and curves started to decorate his arms, slowly finding rhyme and reason against his skin.
“I can’t help it. When I’m near you, love is all I think about. You’re...the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“I get that a lot. Usually four times a week.”
He chuckled. After the lines, Kohga painted what looked to be almost like serpents. He was curious.
“What is the meaning of this design?”
“These lines and shit? They represent stability.”
“And the snakes?”
“Means ‘ties that bond’, essentially. It’s...stupid. But my dad had tattoos like these, kinda.”
“I’m honored to share in the resemblance.”
“I’m gonna add more to it though, If I'm gonna be railing that ass, I don’t wanna think about my old man. Old MEN sure, but not mine.”
Sooga chuckled, shaking his head. His Master had SUCH a way with words. he watched as the lines and curved and snakes soon gave way to the classic Yiga symbol. Done as carefully as the first one had been done. He watched as Kohga carefully, and slowly, added what looked like sickles to the symbol.
“It’s more or less Yiga branding. To show where your ties are. Case you somehow forget where you belong.”
“Wouldn’t ever. Even if I had amnesia. I would know in my heart where I belong.”
“Sounds like something stupid you’d say. That’s all your stupid, mushy gushy bullshit.”
Kohga added dots, little criss cross designs, and of course-
“....because you’re sweet.”
“And you call ME mushy!”
Sooga threw his head back in laughter, which was cut short as Kohga smacked his arm, making Sooga wince.
“Ow! It’s TENDER, dammit!”
“Then quit makin’ me wanna do it! You moron! And it’s...more than just some stupid lovey shit. See how its one, two, and then one?”
“That’s...us. Us together. We’re more together. Plentiful. That and I might be kinda hungry.”
“Do you need a break?”
“I’m already being romantic, if I stop now I’m not gonna finish, and this tattoo is gonna look ugly as shit.”
“Unlike you.”
Kohga shook his head, scoffing. Absolute idiot. More criss crosses, more dots. Then something Sooga knew immediately.
“Yeah, it’s your weapon, big guy. You remember when you got it?”
“Yes. You gave it to me, upon announcing my new duty of protecting you. It was such an honor. Such blades being crafted, and for ME.”
“You know, I designed it myself.”
Sooga looked at the blades at his hip, then at the red ink. Bright, like the spilled blood of their enemies.
“You did?”
“Yep. You’re...different, Sooga. You needed something that was more than them. I-woah, you okay?”
“Yes, s-sorry. You just. Touched me and...sometimes it makes me jump.”
Kohga chuckled, lightly strumming his thumb over the spot he just touched.
“Right here?”
“....yes. You’re just. You have very soft hands. Always so delicate. It’s why I...I wanted to put a ring on your finger.”
“This again.”
“I’m s-sorry! I just. I just really. Really love you. With all that I am. I wanted to show it to you. But...I think I see what you mean.”
“How so, big guy?”
Sooga paused as Kohga continued his work, cautious as ever. 
“You don’t want the traditional means of matrimony. You want to be free. You want to do as you please, and you feel as though a ring in a confine. I make you feel restricted. And for that I’m...sorry.”
Kohga put the needle down, lightly blowing at the ink. He looked down at his work, and even though his ass hurt from sitting down for so long, he was in fact, VERY proud of himself. Long sleeve of red, detailed, careful designs and patterns. Something that meant something to them.
“You know what those last two slashes are?”
“It means instead of just one strike, you have two. Two weapons, instead of one. It means...you have me. Ring be dammed.”
“Does this mean i...understand you properly?”
Kohga looked up at him, before grabbing his face, and pressing his lips against his. It was an out of the blue kiss, one rough and full of affection Kohga had for him. It lasted only a second, and Sooga missed it right when Kohga pulled away.
“Yeah. You did. I need YOU. I need our lives. I need to exist with you. I don’t need this other crap. I need...what I show you, right here.”
Kohga’s soft fingers slid over his work, and it almost made Sooga shuddered. There was something so tender, so sweet and loving about the touch. Even the way his skin felt raw and sore, it made his heart thud in his chest. Sooga caught Kohga’s hand in his own before it could pull away.
“What if I sold the damn thing, and we went on a vacation? A long one.”
“I’m listening.”
“To some far off land? I’ll pack, I’ll even carry you over every mountain and hill.”
“Hmmmm...not QUITE convinced.”
“I’ll make every beauty of the world feel hideous in your presence.”
“Now THAT’S what I’m talking about. Let’s do it. After THIS has healed, of course.”
“This might heal. But my heart will never, not so long as your gaze stabs it so.”
“This...is gonna be a long vacation. I can’t wait.”
Kohga chuckled, holding onto his shoulders and kissing him again. Just one more time.
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violett-writes · 4 years
Monotone Donations
"Are you and Dream dating?" Your monotone slightly British text to talk reads off the $10 donation from alexiscarter3215.
You laugh, blushing slightly at the question as you continue to build your trusty restaurant on the Dream SMP server. You and Dream have been friends for about a year now. You had built a small friendship with George when he introduced the two of you, claiming you to be the 'woman version of Dream'. And it's just skyrocketed from there. You were introduced to Sapnap, who complained at being the last one introduced in the Dream Team. Then Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, Niki, and so many more people. It made your head spin, honestly. You jumped from being a semi-small streamer to having a solid fanbase.
"Thank you for the dono, alexiscarter3215." You smile at your facecam, holding up a little heart. The chat goes wild, whizzing past too fast to read but you're sure they're upset that you didn't answer their question.
You had to think about it for a second. You two sure acted like you were dating. Between the constant guest appearances on each other's streams, the twitter flirting, and the Minecraft beds next to each other on his server, you could see why others would be confused. But you weren't dating. You mean, you two did facetime every night and he did know all your secrets. But you don't even know what he looks like yet and....
Shit. You have a fat crush on Dream. The realization that you finally admitted it to yourself making you pause slightly before your phone buzzes, a notification from Twitter. You spot Dream's username and pause your game. "Let's find out what Dream tweeted folks." You tell your stream, planning on ending it soon anyways so this was the perfect segway to wrapping it up. You're thankful for the distraction as you weren't even sure what you were going to say next.
Dream @.Dream
proud to say i haven't lost no simp september 😤👏🏻 but can't say the same for @.nightmare
You read it aloud, blush covering your face and you thank your shitty camera quality for once. Hopefully your small face cam in the corner of the screen was too tiny for your viewers to see the pink tint to your cheeks.
"What do you think I should reply, guys?" You ask your stream, leaning in to see the chat. Most of the suggestions were either to profess your love for him or were to meme him. You chose the later, as you weren't 100% sure if he liked you back.
"Okay, okay, we'll meme him." Your fingers expertly move across the screen before you press tweet. "Go blow it up guys." You set your phone down and make your facecam the only thing viewers can see on the stream.
"That'll be the end of my stream for today! Thank you all for joining and remember, don't you dare lose no simp september to block men!" You wave goodbye to your viewers, raiding Sapnap quickly before leaning back in your chair, sighing loudly. You hear another ding from your phone.
Dream @.Dream
proud to say i haven't lost no simp september 😤👏🏻 but can't say the same for @.nightmare
Night @.nightmare
no ❤️
Dream @.Dream
You giggle at his tweet, liking it as a text from him quickly follows.
how dare you not simp for me?
I should say the same to you Big D
You giggle, stealing Tommy's nickname from him. You watched enough of Tommy to remember all the different names he has used for Dream.
okay, pls lose my number
night K.
You giggle, biting your nails slightly as you wait for his reply. Instead of a text, you get an incoming facetime from him. You decline his call, choosing to keep the bit going. After a few moments, you get a facetime from Sapnap. You answer it, confused as to why he would be calling you out of the blue.
"Answer Dream." Was all he said before hanging up. You laugh loudly, covering your mouth so as to not wake your housemates before deciding to take the bit to twitter.
Night @.nightmare
i hate men. dhmu. only the real ones know.
Dream facetimes you again and you pick up sniffling slightly.
"(Y/N)? Are you okay??? I didn't mean it. I saw your tweet, please... I didn't mean it." He says, concerned as he hides his face from the camera.
You finally break, laughing loudly as you put the camera down so you can hold your stomach, wheezing. "Dream, bud. I was just joking around." You hear him let out a sigh of relief.
"You should come to Florida." He suddenly states, making you choke on the sip of water you were drinking.
"Uh..." You pause for a moment.
"I mean if you're uncomfort-"
"Yes." You cut him off, smiling into the camera brightly. "Yes, I will come to Florida."
The next two weeks were a blur, Dream insisted on paying for your ticket to fly to Florida. And when the boys found out that you were visiting without asking them first, they were super jealous. So jealous, in fact, that they both booked flights that phone call. They were nice enough to give you two days alone with Dream, but only after an awkward amount of silence and a lot of text notifications where you're pretty sure Dream threatened to leave their ass at the airport if they didn't come later. Your knowledge of this only coming from the screenshots George sent you of Dream's threats.
The day of the flight, you were incredibly nervous. You had picked a soft plum colored sweatshirt with simple black leggings and converes. You wanted to dress up a little, but you also knew that you would be uncomfortable the whole flight if you did. Hopefully Dream didn't mind you dressing down for the first in person meeting with him.
leaving now for the airport. wish me luck
You send the text and shut your phone off as you enter the uber. A short 30 minute drive later and you're walking through the airport. You smile slightly, airports seem like they exist in a different dimension all together. You don't judge someone having a drink at 9 a.m. at an airport, because well... they're in an airport. You buy a water once you get past security, drinking it nervously as you wait for your flight to be called.
After a 30 minute wait, your flight is finally called. You finally reach your window seat and check your phone.
i hope u don't die.
how kind of u. we're leaving now :))) see u soon!!!!!
You smile and turn off your phone, leaning back and closing your eyes as you drift off.
The kind old lady seated next to you shakes you awake, telling you that you're landing soon. You flush red, not realizing that you slept through the whole flight. You probably looked ridiculous.
Once you land, you quickly pull out your phone and turn it on. You notice that you had 3 unread messages from Dream.
i'm so kind
but fr i hope u have a safe flight.
text me when u land. i got here a little early... guess i was just too excited
we just landed!!!
You blush at the connotation of his text. He was genuinely excited to see you? When everyone was finally able to leave their seats, you grab your overhead luggage and make your way off the plane. You make your way to the baggage claim and watch the bags intently, waiting for your polka dot bag to show itself.
You feel a tap on your shoulder and you turn around, coming face to face with a very tall blonde man.
"Oh- sorry, am in your way?" You mumble, moving over for them to grab their luggage.
"(Y/N)?" He asks you, his voice unsure and hesitant.
Your eyebrows raise in shock and you turn around again, looking at him closely. You cover your mouth in shock, "D-Dream?" You ask for a moment, unsure if this is real.
He nods, laughing and you throw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug. Tears start to come to your eyes as he hugs you back tightly. You pull back so that you could look up at his face, but still keeping your arms wrapped around him. "Dream!" You sniffle, your voice a little scratchy from holding back the tears.
"(Y/N)! Are you crying?" He asks, laughing. He is so much more attractive than you could have ever imagined. You sniffle, wiping your nose on your sleeve as you hit his chest lightly.
"Don't make fun of me. This is easily the best thing that has happened in my life." You giggle softly, looking back at the conveyer belt to see your bag. You quickly rush to grab it before it disappears on you.
You turn back to Dream, your bag trailing behind you as you pull it along. Dream grabs your carryon much to your complaints.
"I got it, (Y/N), don't worry." He chuckles, his deep voice making butterflies appear in your stomach. As the two of you walk to his car, chatting excitedly about what the plans are for the week, Dream grabs your free hand, linking your fingers together. Blush creeps up your neck as you pretend nothing is different. Once you reach his car, Dream grabs both of your luggage and puts them in the trunk as you get into the passenger side.
"So, I don't know if you rented a hotel room or something..."He trails off, tapping the steering wheel nervously.
Your eyes widen slightly, you didn't know he wanted you to. "Oh! I, uh, I totally forgot. I can book one right now, though. No biggie." You quickly pull out your phone, panicking a little as you search hotels near me.
Dream pushes your phone away, chuckling. "No, no. (Y/N), you don't have to. I didn't mean it like that. I just wasn't sure if you were comfortable staying at my apartment."
You let out a sigh of relief. "Of course I'm fine with that you dork." You punch his arm softly, "I thought for a second you didn't want me there!" You tease him.
Dream feigns being hurt by your punch before gently grabbing your hand again. "Of course I want you there." He mutters softly.
The words set your stomach aflame as your intestines tie themselves into a knot. He wanted you there.
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sunflowersteves · 4 years
cheaters never prosper || ch. 1
summary || Steve told you that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you but he sure has a funny way of showing it. 
author’s note || Based on the song “Sorry” by Beyonce. For the storyline to make sense. Also, I’m sorry to Sharon fans. She’s the only character I can recall with blonde hair. Hope you all enjoy it!
warning || angst, cheating, mentions of sex, asshole Steve, swearing
m.list // ch. 2
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Looking at my watch he should’ve been home
Today I regret the night I put that ring on 
He always got them fucking excuses 
I pray the Lord you reveal what his truth is
You knew that Tony didn’t keep him in the compound offices until 4 AM. Bucky had even told you that Steve was going to head out around 5:00 pm when everyone else does because all he had was paperwork from the last mission. You twirled the wedding ring that clenched around your finger. It almost felt suffocating. You looked back at all those moments he canceled dates or forgot important ones. 
Stevie: Sorry, babe. I got caught up with work. I can take you out next Tuesday?
Stevie: Happy Birthday! Sorry, it’s so late. Work kept me up.
Stevie: Happy anniversary! I can’t make dinner tonight but I ordered you flowers.
Stevie: Won’t be home for dinner. Sorry.
Stevie: Don’t wait up. Work.
You weren’t an idiot. You knew about her. Another woman.
You’ve never felt so lonely.  It’s hard to even remember the last time he made love to you. But you still remembered. With the memories still engrained, your body burned with the feeling of him. When he would fuck you, it would be so good. Headboard banging against the wall as he pounded straight into you. He used to love the whimpers that came out of your mouth. He used to love the way your skin felt, slapping against his. He used to love aftercare, cleaning you both up then cuddling up into you, legs intertwined. He’d whisper how much he loved you and how he wanted a life with you, a family with you. That’s what he would tell you, anyway.
You shook your head, tears falling down your face making the sheets soaked. This wasn’t how your life was supposed to go. You wanted to stay married, have kids, settle down near the compound. But that’s just a dream. You knew you weren’t the most perfect person. You were stubborn and sometimes hard to deal with but you thought he loved that about you. 
Middle fingers up, put ‘em hands high
Wave it in his face, tell him, boy bye
Tell him, boy, bye, middle fingers up
I ain’t thinking ‘bout you
“You’re being ridiculous! I’m not cheating on you! How can you not trust me?!” You stopped vigorously washing the dishes and turned your body towards him. “Not trust you? Steve! How can I trust you when you leave the compound at 5:00 pm and not come back until 4:00 am. How can I trust you when you’re never even here?! How can I trust you when Bucky says you’re in one place but you give an excuse of somewhere different. Then, you come home, smelling like perfume! I’m not stupid, you asshole.” 
His facade faltered as he knew you were right. He was a cheater. He broke your heart. He knew you would find out eventually. He was such a horrible person. The one thing he didn’t want to do is hurt you but he can see he’s already done that. He messed up and he doesn’t think he’ll be able to fix his mistake this time. “Y/N...Babe, I’m so sorry-”
“You know what? Fuck you. Fuck you, you lying cheating ass.” You lifted up your middle fingers straight into his face. “I didn’t mean to hurt you like this, I’m so sorry.” He tried to get you to stay, to talk to you about all of this, to fix his mistakes. You waved him off, it’s too late for that. “I never meant for it to last this long.” You were just getting more indignant as he kept talking. You didn’t want to break down in front of him either. “I’m leaving. Don’t wait up, asshole.” You grabbed your jacket and your keys and slammed the door behind you. He started to weep, head deep into his hands as he thinks about his choices. Was a little fling really worth destroying his whole marriage?
Now I’m the one that’s lying
And I don’t feel bad about it
It’s exactly what you get
Stop interrupting my grindin’
You were never home as much as he wasn’t before you confronted him. Steve would come home to see the couch, bed, and guest bed empty. He knew he deserved it but he couldn’t help but feel his mistakes weigh in on him. His heart crushed in on itself but he couldn’t even imagine what you felt. What if the roles had been switched?
- - 
Most nights you would go to a club near the Upper West Side. Far away from Brooklyn as possible. Far away from him. You had lied to Steve telling him that you and Nat were hanging out. He knew it was a lie. Your tell was an eyebrow twitch and it had, in fact, twitched. 
You were grinding on a guy you just met, music pounding into your ears. It had felt nice to not be engulfed by him for once. The guy had told you his name was Sam. He had offered you a drink but you declined, needing to drive home at some point. “Driving? In New York City?” You laughed and explained your situation, having the pleasure of knowing Tony Stark. Sam was very charming, teasing you left and right. He was such a kind person, soft even, and oh so handsome. He stopped dancing and froze, seeing your hands. “You um... Married?” You looked down, your fingers grazed the band. You shook your head, tears springing to your eyes but not falling. 
He frowned. He pulled you aside to give you some space from all the dancers. He wrapped an arm around you, shushing you as you cried. “I’m so sorry. I completely ruined your night.” He shook his head and told you how much fun he was having. He told you that you hadn’t ruined anything. As you explained, more tears ran down your face. “He cheated… I know I still have the ring on but part of me… is still attached, you know? I came here to forget about him but... All I can think about is him. It’s silly, I know.” Sam stopped you. “Hey, it’s not silly. It’s not to the same extent, I know, but I had a girlfriend that cheated on me in high school.” “Yeah?” He rubbed his hand up and down your shoulder.
“Yeah, She cheated on me with Brad. She didn’t even tell the guy we were dating.” You both laughed together all night about stories of exes and eventually about each other. You were both getting a little too drunk (you gave in and had a couple of drinks with him) so you decided to leave. “Hey, whenever you drop that dickwad and are ready to date again? Give me a call.” He winked at you and you giggled before you left. You called an Uber, deciding to leave your car at the club for now.
Steve had ended up tracking you from his phone. He told himself that it was for your safety, that he was just checking to see if you were okay. In reality, he was nosy and wanted to see if he if his suspicions were right. (They were).
You walked out of the club with a light smile, Sam’s phone number clutched in your hand. Steve stood in front of you, tapping his feet. “What are you doing here, Y/N? Especially rubbing your ass all over other guys. We’re married!” He knew it was a low blow but he couldn’t help but be angry. He was jealous. “Oh, you don’t get to do that shit. Not with me. I will grind on every single person in there if I want to. As far as I’m concerned, you never have had control over me. And you will never!” He stared at you, wide eyed. “And for the record, you cheated! Not me! Maybe think of that the next time you try and ridicule somebody.” You paused, taking your ring off of your finger. “You know what? Here, I’ll make it easier for you.” You shoved the ring into his hand and sauntered off, not missing the sad guilty look on Steve’s face. “See you at home, Steve.”
I left a note in the hallway
By the time you read it, I’ll be far away
I’m far away
“I’m leaving him.” Bucky sighed as you handed him the note you wrote. He started to read it as a tear rolled down your face. What was Steve thinking? You were fun, smart, kind, and fuck, so beautiful. Hell, Bucky was the first one to hit on you when you introduced yourself to the team. But he knew it wasn’t those attributes. It was Steve. He was insecure that you would leave him for someone who doesn’t go on missions or put your life in danger. He wanted you to leave him for those reasons. He wanted you to be with someone who wasn’t PTSD ridden with nightmares from his past. It was his own insecurities that clouded his mind and made him act out on them. It had nothing to do with you. Both him and Bucky knew that. Bucky just wished he would have talked to you instead of putting his dick in another woman.
Bucky nodded. “Good. I think leaving him is the right choice. Nat and I have agreed to offer you to stay here as long as you need it. Never think you’re alone in this, Sugar.” You hugged him and thanked him greatly. You knew without Bucky and Nat, you would be struggling even more. The thought of support made your heart soar. Why couldn’t he have just talked to you? Tell you after the first time that it was just a mistake. But it’s too far now. You didn’t even know how long this has been going on. Honestly? You didn’t really want to know. Too long, was the answer. 
Tears flowed down your eyes and down your chin. “Oh... Honey… It’s alright.” You barely heard Bucky, too engrossed in your thoughts. “Why me? Why did he do this to me? What’s so wrong with me that he-” Bucky enveloped you into a big hug, Nat came into the room once she heard crying. She and Bucky share a knowing look. She knelt down in front of you and spoke softly. “Honey, you know it’s not you. You don’t deserve this. You don’t deserve anything that puts you in harm’s way, you’re too pure. You shine brighter than anyone, Y/N. Always remember that.” Nat wiggled her eyebrows. “And who knows? Maybe that Sam guy will be the one!” You rolled your eyes at her but nevertheless giggled.
You laid in Bucky and Nat’s guest bedroom, you couldn’t sleep with all of the thoughts running through your head. You didn’t want to leave Steve. Especially after three years of marriage but you knew it was time. It was time to move on with your life. Time to let go of a life you can’t have. Of a person, you can’t have. 
He only want me when I’m not there
He better call Becky with the good hair 
“Do you love her?” “I-I.. I don’t know. I love you, Y/N.” Your face immediately turned into a scowl. “No. You don’t get to fucking do that. I will not sit here and let you say you love me when you don’t. Maybe you did at one point but you cannot truly love someone if you fucked another person. You’re despicable, Rogers.”
That hit him like a train. You hadn’t called him Rogers since you met him at the compound. It felt like his heart had stopped beating. “Y/N, please… Can we talk about this?”
“I hope she treats you well, Rogers. Better call Sharon now so she can pick your sorry ass up. In your eyes? Nobody can beat a Carter.” You picked up the last bit of your boxes and left the room, shutting the front door with your foot. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you drove away, looking at that house just one more time. 
Steve had the note clutched in his hand, getting tears all over the paper. He didn’t care though. All Steve can hear is the sound of his heart pounding in his ears and your car driving away. He cursed himself for being so stupid. He didn’t know what he had until it was gone. But he should know that cheaters never prosper. 
chapter two
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marvelousell · 4 years
The Agreement (Part 13.)
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Pairing(s): frat boy!fwb!Tom x reader, frat boy!Harrison x reader
Summary: Tom is a typical frat boy, his love for partying, drinks and girls are bigger than his ego. Y/N is a whole different dimension, she keeps her circle small, and even though she knows her best friend Tom is a total douche, she can’t say no to the little deal that was sealed between the two of them.
Word count: 2.9k
A/N: Sooo much things, there were actually more scenes for this part but I split it for another chapter so I could start with the ideas for the 2 different endings🤷🏼‍♀️ (kinda already know what I will do for Tom🤫). Well hope you enjoy it and have a wonderful Friday! ❤️
Warnings: mentions of smut, swearing, mentions of alcohol, angst if you squint
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< Previous Part
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I broke the rules way before we even set them and before we agreed on anything.
Tom stared at the message you sent, shocked, his mouth dry with a breath stuck in his throat from the words that you have written. He couldn’t bring his fingers to the screen to text you back.
He didn’t know what to think or say to you in return, thinking that maybe it’s the best to ignore it. Happiness filled his body, heart pounding fast from the thought that you felt the same. Once he didn’t care if a girl had a boyfriend, it in fact grew his confidence and ego knowing that girls were more into him than their own partners. Now it didn’t seem right even if he was in love with you and wanted to actually be the person he truly is with a girl he genuinely likes.
The message haunted him, not letting him rest. His figure was turning in bed, groaning from the nervousness that kept his body and mind awake this late. Tom was always a calm guy sleeping peacefully every night, he didn’t care about the heartbreaks and tears he caused to many girls. He now knew how it felt, the thoughts about numerous girls and his blindness made him feel sick to his stomach. If only he wasn’t stuck in his own world, surrounded with the influence from his frat members and a heartbreak from a girl in who he saw everything, things would be fine nowadays. What should he do now? Apologize to every girl to make it better so he could sleep calmly at night? Probably not because most of them didn’t want to see him. They were always loud and clear that he was a total ass.
“What are you doing?” Tom asked, looking at the redhead that was getting a bit too comfortable in his bed after the long and rough sex they had.
“Going to sleep?” She responded, clutching the sheets to her chest.
“I don’t think so love.” He breathed out a chuckle, grabbing his boxers that were discharged near his chair.
“What?” She did know who Tom was and what people talked about him and his frat, but she still didn’t want to believe it hoping she would maybe be the one to blow his mind.
“Grab your things and go home.” Tom’s cold voice sent chills down her spine, he was into this a few minutes ago what happened now?
“Are you being serious right now?”
“Did I stutter? Here are your clothes, get dressed and go. What part don’t you understand?” He threw the clothes on her, her eyes fixed on his face. She could literally kill him with her stare in that moment.
“You’re such a fucking asshole. I thought you liked me.” Her movements were fast, she was ashamed, the feeling of being used disgusted her. How could he be so cold?
“Liked you? Love, things don’t go like this. What made you think you were special Mckenna?” Tom slipped into his bed, tired from the sex and the alcohol in his system.
“It’s Mikaela and fuck off. People are really right about you, you’re an egocentric prick that thinks he could have anyone he wants. One day you will realize that the world doesn’t revolve around you and that using girls is going to cost you but it will be too late.”
“I got you tonight didn’t I?” Tom joked and laughed at her words, making Mikaela more furious and sad. She just remained silent, realizing that he was to stupid to get what she was saying.
“Hey, just be quiet my frat mates are sleeping or something and you can also lock the door when you leave.” The only answer he got was a loud bang that roared in his room, the door almost breaking as she slammed it.
That words got to his brain now. She was definitely right it was too late.
Tom wasn’t the only one that was unable to sleep that night. You were on Harrison’s chest nestled close to him, eyes closed but you didn’t sleep at all like he thought you were. Your chest tightened after the realization that you won’t get a text back from Tom. Maybe you screwed everything up now? Maybe you should have been happy that he was back into your life as a friend and leave it there, you already had someone that fulfilled your dreams. It was just a maybe.
Harrison was the third person awake. He had his arm around you, so happy to know that things were fine between the two of you. Somehow a little feeling didn’t let him close his eyes. He was focused on your breathing and your arms that hugged him tightly like you were afraid he will escape. Everything about you made him feel content and calm. You were his safe place and the love you gave him made him feel like a whole new person. Harrison loved you, he really did but he couldn’t comprehend why Emily occupied his mind tonight. He tried to convince himself it was only because he didn’t saw her in a long time and the conversation, you and everything was too much for him in one night. You could hear him exhaling, dropping his palm to your hair caressing it gently. A small smile formed on your lips, knowing that after all he was there for you and you should be there for him too.
It was 2 in the morning and both you and Harrison almost drifted to sleep, but the sounds of receiving a message made you wide awake again. Your heartbeat sped up just from the thought of Tom, and Harrison’s stopped right at that moment not knowing from who it was. It was his phone, his movements were slow because he didn’t want to wake you up. Disappointment replaced the excitement but curiosity was eating you alive mostly. Who was texting him that late at night? She was the only one that you could think of and when you heard him laughing quietly you couldn’t stay still anymore in the same position. Both Tom and Harrison were making you confused. It was hard to choose what you needed in your life.
“Good morning to you too. Did someone steal your morning coffee?”
“Hilarious Anna, look at me I’m crying from laughter.”
“Why so sour today? You know your little neighbour Emma is trying with a lemonade stand? She needs some more lemons there you could definitely help her.” Anna joked, waiting for your mouth to curve into a smile after her stupid joke but unfortunately nothing changed, your mouth still set in a hard line.
“I didn’t sleep well.” You replied in a monotone voice.
“Troubles in paradise?” She questioned, raising her eyebrows waiting for you to say anything related to Harrison or Tom.
“You could say so.”
“Come on Y/N what happened.”
“I honestly don’t know where to begin.” You were exhausted, still worried about your and Harrison’s message. Emily was a gorgeous girl, maybe some feelings were still there? You were angry just from the slightest thought of that, yet you had strong feelings for his best friend. It was selfish, not fair at all, you knew that but you did love him just like you love Tom.
“Kinda worried about Emily.” You leaned your back on the tree you were under, observing the group of students outside.
“What did he say that night?”
“That I misunderstood everything. That they were just talking and sorting things out, that it never crossed his mind to do anything and that I’m the one for him.” Your voice calm, soft towards the end as you remembered his words from that night. Harrison was a treasure, of course you were worried, anyone would love to share a life with him and you would too only if the old feelings weren’t a stupid obstacle.
“Sounds like Harrison. He is the most truthful guy I know. If you ask me nothing to worry about here, you both are doing wonderful.” “And looks like Tom is doing wonderful as well over there.” Anna chuckled, clapping her hands moving her gaze from Tom to you trying to catch your reaction.
Tom and Evelyn? Evelyn as Evelyn from History? How did that happen?
Evelyn was an introverted, stunning girl with an even more beautiful personality. She was a total opposite from the girls that Tom brought to his frat and interacted with on a daily basis. You were glad that he didn’t go for the same, tedious girls, however you couldn’t ignore the knots in your stomach as well as the heart stumbling over its own rhythm when you saw them together. You were jealous and downhearted that he didn’t acknowledge your message and the truth about your feelings.
Anna could see how your jaw tensed from the sight, how your forehead puckered when you saw both of them laughing. Anna didn’t know about them, it was a first and just like you she was once angry to see him change girls every single day not because she was in love with him but because she knew that he was a good guy, because this life isn’t what he wanted.
It was a secret. A stupid thing that happened between them during a summer ending party. They agreed to never tell anyone. Anna would never forgive herself if you found out, especially from someone else so it stayed unsaid. Both of them were shit-faced, laying on the ground laughing uncontrollably.
“We’re probably going to be here until tomorrow.” Tom laughed, knowing that they were too drunk to move a muscle.
“Yeah and I’m stuck with your annoying ass here.” Anna said jokingly, feeling his body getting close to hers.
“My annoying ass? I am extremely interesting if I can add that.” He tried not to stare at his best friend’s tits that looked amazing tonight, but it was like his eyes were glued onto them. Typical Tom.
“Yes? How should I know that?” Anna could feel his eyes on her, she was never into him and she never will be, but alcohol was messing with her head at that moment.
“Should I show you then?” Her body stiffened and before she nodded he pressed his lips on hers while his hands slipped underneath her skirt.
Nothing happened more than kissing and touching and she was glad that they both passed out from the tiredness and amount of alcohol they drank. But still she was feeling stupid because that happened and because he ignored her afterwards. Anna was feeling stupid because the thought of doing something with a boy you loved was eating her alive.
“At least it’s a lovely girl now.” Anna tried to get a reaction out of you, you still looked at him like he was the most wonderful thing you saw. It was the same look he gave you at Amelia’s birthday. She was against you having something with Tom only because you were a soft-hearted girl, a great friend and you deserved someone like Harrison that cared about his partner, not a one time thing. But now she wasn’t sure if you both needed to suffer like that, however she didn’t want to say anything because you didn’t fully open your heart to her.
“Good for him.” You mumbled, bringing your eyes back to the book that was untouched ever since you came here.
Harrison didn’t know why or how he agreed on a quick coffee in the coffee shop down the road. If he was honest, the message from that night was a total surprise, he hoped to not hear anything from Emily that soon.
Sorry if I got you in a sticky situation. -Emily
Harrison wasn’t that guy to sleep next to his loved one and text an ex one. He never was and never will be, however he couldn’t explain what was happening at that moment feeling like a complete dumbass. Just like he couldn’t explain the coffee he was supposed to have with Emily. Maybe he just wanted to sort their thing out and finish it forever today.
“Thank you for coming, you know.” Emily almost stuttered, feeling like a teenager again on her first date.
Her breath hitched in her lungs, she was over him right? This was a normal reaction after not seeing him for a long period of time. Emily couldn’t believe she would ever see those eyes and curls after they split that night. Many bitter words were said and so much tears were shed that she thought he wouldn’t even look at her after it in the future if they ever meet somewhere.
“No problem.” He gave her a polite smile before sitting down.
“Got you your usual latte hope you still like it.” Emily missed those days that would start with latte and toast. Everything came back to her at that moment. She didn’t know if it was the smile or his beautiful voice that made it harder to speak.
“Thank you, but I’m an Irish type of guy now.” He added, the scent of the latte in front of him bringing him back to his last flat and mornings that would be full of lazy kisses and snuggles. He didn’t want to remember any of it, he had great mornings now, even better than the previous ones.
“O-Oh sorry didn’t know that.” Harrison just nodded, not knowing what to say.
The silence was awkward, they could feel the thick tension in the air, but neither of them started a conversation. Harrison could see her mouth twitching, it was a thing that happened to Emily when she was nervous. He couldn’t help but smile as he remembered the first time laughing together at that action.
“I’m s-sorry if this is awkward for you after all those years, shouldn’t called you especially now because you have a girlfriend, someone could misinterpret it.” Emily began, still without an answer if he asked why she called him. She didn’t know, but she just needed to see him.
“Emily it’s fine honestly.” Was it thought?
“No. It’s not. I’m sorry for what I put you through. I was stupid okay? Yes I still had feelings for Anthony I thought about him a lot and the marriage? God that was a breaking point for me. You showered me with so much love and attention hoping everything will be all right between us but I fucked it all up.” The tears pooled in her eyes, a lump in her throat was forming making it almost impossible to finish her sentence.
“Just wanted to let you know that you really made me happy in our relationship even if I didn’t show you sometimes and that I figured it out a little bit to late. Just want to know that you forgave me. Nothing else.” She added, avoiding his gaze that would just make it worse for her.
“I already did Emily. A long time ago.” He admitted, his voice soft, eyes on her hair that was once long. Harrison felt his stomach drop after he realized that he was admiring her, remembering every inch of her body and her habits. He didn’t want to feel like this, he had you.
“Don’t cry now please.” His arm extended, reaching out for hers. It was a habit, like a reflex movement.
“I’m so glad you’re happy now.”
For the first time Harrison didn’t confirm that. Yes, he knew deep inside that he indeed was happy but he couldn’t figure it out why he couldn’t say that to her.
“I hope she didn’t misunderstood that evening at the party.”
“Don’t worry.”
They both shared some small talks, giggles and the now cold coffee. It felt good, the reunion both warmed up their hearts like nothing stopped between them. You would cross his mind every now and then, making him anxious. He questioned himself what he was doing or why is he here with a girl that broke his heart and didn’t let him have a loving relationship? He really did, but somehow the thoughts would vanish and he would continue to enjoy his time with Emily.
“We should repeat this. I mean only if you want. As friends of course.” Emily was beaming, heart beating rapidly because of the scent of his cologne and the genuine smile that was plastered upon his face.
Harrison watched her leave while he sat in his car trying to understand what was happening, and why he said yes for the second time. God he had you, how unfair would it be to treat you like this after you gave him a new chance for love. He didn’t do anything, but he knew that the insecurity would definitely bug him if you agreed on something like this. It was now Harrison’s turn to think about this and see what to do.
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horansqueen · 4 years
Stuck With You - Chapter 5
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Chapter 5 : Hey, Soul Sister
🡪chapter 1  🡪chapter 2  🡪chapter 3  🡪chapter 4
College Enemies To Lovers AU
characters // masterlist // instagrams // mood board 
I knew when we collided You're the one I have decided who's one of my kind
I can be myself now finally In fact there's nothing I can't be
I knew I wouldn't forget you And so I went and let you blow my mind
You gave my life direction A game-show love connection We can't deny
click here to be on the update list
                                     Louis' room was exactly like mine but with posters of bands and football players. I let my eyes roam on the white walls before they fell on him again as he sat on his bed. He tapped the place next to him and I sent him a small smile before joining him, sitting a bit further and leaning against the wall.
"So, what do you wanna drink?" he asked, opening the small fridge next to his bed.
"Beer is fine." I just said, shrugging a shoulder as I let my palms brush against the black comforter i was sitting on.
I noticed his bed was a mess and so was his room. There were books everywhere, a box of pizza on his desk and dirty clothes covering the floor.
"Thank god I didn't end up sharing a room with you." I added with a chuckle, taking the beer he was handing me.
"Why? Don't tell me your anal like Neil is."
I frowned but my lips curled a bit. I had noticed that Niall's side of the room was clean and in order but hearing Louis tell me he was actually anal about it was interesting. I took note of it, adding it to the mental list of 'things I know about my roommate', which was, let's face it, a very short list for now.
"Actually, i'm just as messy as you are, but now you got me worried about how Niall could react if I leave my stuff around." I admitted with a smile. "Perhaps i'm gonna try to keep my side of the room clean."
"Cheers." Louis chuckled. "Niall would be pissed."
I clinked my beer against his and we took a sip. I kept staring at him as his eyes fell on the bottle in his hands. He moved it slightly but I knew he was looking at it without really seeing it.
"He was pissed, actually." I pointed out, leaning my head on the wall and bringing my knees up, my feet flat on the bed. "He's mad at me and I have no idea why."
"No, Devon, he was angry at me, not at you. You did nothing wrong."
I was not sure he was right but I pressed my lips together and tilted my head. "And what did you do to him?"
Louis chuckled but this time, there was no amusement in his tone. He was sad, I could feel it. I wanted to be there for him but I didn't know what to do except listen to him. I was never good at giving advice, or receiving advice, actually. I always ended up doing what I thought was right and realizing way too late that it was not the right thing to do. There was no way I could really help Louis and I knew it.
"It's just a bunch of little things, you know? Realizing his dream of being a professional footballer, having the girl he likes falling for me..." he stopped himself and looked up in my eyes. ".. despite myself, of course. And just... not being there for him when he needed him the most."
Louis sighed loudly and swallowed his beer, putting it away near the pizza box before leaning his head on the wall too and closing his eyes. "I was a fucking bad friend. I still am. I'm still trying to be close to him despite knowing very well he doesn't want me near."
I licked my lips, feeling my heart twist in my chest. It just confirmed that I really couldn't do anything to help Louis and I hated it.
"I think Niall doesn't want many people near." I pointed out. "Has he always been like that?"
Louis smiled more and opened his eyes, shaking his head slightly. "No, not at all. Niall was always the light of the party, the one everyone loves, always surrounded by so many people it was hard to actually get his attention." he turned to me and smiled. "I'm the opposite."
"Me too." I let my lips curled.
I didn't want to admit it, but the fact that everyone was so in awe when it came to Niall actually fascinated me. People like him, to whom everyone seemed to be drawn, were so interesting, and at the same time, I could totally understand why. There was something emanating from Niall that even got to me after only a few days. So yea, he was the most annoying little shit I've ever met, but I still wanted his attention.
I cleared my throat, a bit embarrassed by the thought and very glad that it stayed in my head. Okay, Niall was intriguing, but he had also mentioned that I intrigued him too, and I didn't know what it meant.
"You either love Niall, or pretend that you don't."
I chuckled and raised my eyebrows at Louis' words. "What?"
"I'm serious!" he laughed a bit, turning his body my way. "Everyone who has said they hated Niall didn't really hate him, or if they did, after a while, they ended up liking him. He's just got the effect on people. I've always been jealous of that."
We remained silent for about a minute and Louis finally got up, grabbing the beer from my hands. "We're gonna need something stronger than that."
I laughed a bit and he got a bottle of vodka, serving me some in a plastic cup before sitting back on his bed, slightly closer to me. I watched him take a long sip and blinked a few times.
"So tell me, Devon, why did you come to this school? What happened at your old college that was so bad you had to leave?"
I breathed in, feeling my heartbeats accelerate, and drank half my glass before grimacing and coughing, almost choking on my drink. It made Louis smirk and he raised his eyebrows as my eyes watered, due to the feeling of burn in my throat.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
I looked inside my cup, watching the transparent liquid move as my hand shook slightly, and finally pressed my lips together, not daring to look up at my new friend.
"Let's just say I trusted the wrong person, dated them and ended up with a broken heart."
"Darling, that's everyone's story." Louis replied after a shot moment of silence.
He drank what was left in his glass before filling it again and I decided to do the same. I watched as he poured more vodka in my glass too and sighed louder than intended. I was getting past the tipsy stage and I wanted to share everything with Louis but instead, I just stared in his eyes and sent him a fond smile.
"I know we just met but.. that day in the hall when you talked to me for the first time? I felt something. Like, a connection or something. Have you ever heard about sister souls?"
He chuckled in his glass and swallowed hard before sending me an amused smile. "Like the song?"
"Sort-of." I rolled my eyes. "Except for the 'love' part."
"So you're telling me you're not in love with me, is that it?"
"I barely know you." I smiled more.
"But you know me enough to feel a connection."
I chuckled and rolled my eyes again, making him laugh. "Come on, Louis!"
"I'm just playing with you, Dev." he said, licking his lips. "I know what sister souls are, and I feel that connection too, if you wanted to know."
"Good." I replied low, nodding a few times before looking down at my glass again. "Besides, I'm never gonna fall in love again."
"You're not the one who decides that, love." he let out in a soft tone, making me look up at him. He raised his eyebrows and shrugged a shoulder. "If it happens then it happens. You've got no control over it."
"Trust me, I'll make sure of it." I argued, blinking a few times and feeling suddenly tired. "Love hurts too much and when you give your heart to someone, you become this vulnerable wreck human being. Not worth the pain."
I lied down on Louis' bed and yawned, letting my eyes close, feeling half conscious and right before I fell asleep, I heard Louis say something that I didn't have the strength to answer.
"You sound just like Niall."
Niall had ignored me for exactly eight days after that day I left the room to go spend time in Louis' and ended up falling asleep in his bed. He was back to throwing hurtful comments directed at me without really addressing to me personally. I was sad and it hurt me way more than I thought it would but I decided to pretend I didn't care and started playing the same game he was playing.
We ended up living together without acknowledging each other and I couldn't remember the last time Niall actually had looked at me. I didn't know why he was acting like that but it just proved to me that it was not Louis he was mad at. It was actually me, and I didn't know why. I also didn't want to ask, especially that I was pretty sure he wouldn't answer the question, or even answer me at all.
I had been busy working on my last painting and he was spending as much time as possible away from our room. I didn't dare following him but I was pretty sure he was working on his song in the music room, or shagging some random girls wherever he could.
The morning of our visit to the museum, however, I was surprised to hear his voice. We hadn't met with Daxia and Asher to talk about our project but I knew today was the day and perhaps, he knew he would have to sort of interact with me.
I saw him put a few things in his pockets and grab his backpack, zipping it quickly, but I still pretended I was not looking at him. The truth was, the longer he was ignoring me, the more I was looking at him, and the more I spent time wondering why he hated me so much.
"Look, we're both going to the same place." he explained with a sigh, not even looking at me. "I know you don't have a car, so, maybe you need a ride? I mean," he sighed again, stopping everything he was doing and closing his eyes. "You can ride with me."
I stood there for a few seconds, a bit surprised and speechless by his proposition, before finally blinking a few times and licking my lips. "Oh, uhm, yes, thank you, that's very nice of you." I agreed, stuttering a bit and letting a small smile spread on my lips.
"Alright. Cool." he just replied, putting his backpack on his shoulder as I grabbed my stuff quickly.
I followed him outside, remaining slightly behind him, and as we walked down the stairs, a few other guys waved at him.
"Hey Horan, are you gonna be there for the party this saturday?"
He turned on his heels when he was down the stairs and started walking backwards. "Wouldn't miss that for anything!"
He chuckled and I stared at the way he was smiling. A lock of his hair fell on his forehead again and it twisted in a cute swirl. I almost tripped on my feet but gripped the banister to get my balance back but unfortunately, it caught Niall's attention and for the very first time in days, his eyes met mine. He frowned a bit and chuckled before shaking his head slightly.
"Did you forget how to walk, Devie?"
I raised my nose up at the nickname he gave me but decided not to comment on it, knowing that openly be annoyed by it would be the perfect reason for him to use it again. I breathed in and tried not to sigh but he noticed and raised his eyebrows.
"Oh wait, it's because of me, isn't it?" he said with a smirk as his dimple dug deeper in his chin. "I look too good? You can't handle it?"
"Funny." I replied, my eyes getting smaller as I looked at him. God, he was annoying. And it annoyed me even more that the reason I almost tripped was because of that stupid hair lock falling on his forehead and therefore, there was some truth in his words. "This is gonna be a long ride." I muttered as we stepped outside.
He was still amused when we entered his car and although I was still annoyed, I couldn't help but let my lips curl as my eyes traveled on his car. It looked amazing from outside, and it seemed amazing to drive, too. When I looked up, he was sending me an amused smile and I pressed my lips together.
"You alright?"
I cleared my throat and shrugged. "Like I said, I love your car."
He started it and raised his eyebrows at me. "It's just a Jeep."
"It's literally my dream car." I admitted low, regretting it immediately after and glancing at the window.
"Then buy one."
I chuckled and rolled my eyes, turning to look at him again, staring at his face like he was an alien. "Do you remember how much you paid for it? I don't have that kind of money."
"I do." he finally replied after a few minutes of silence. "I bought it with my first paycheck as a model. I never had that kind of money before."
"So, you're a model." I repeated even if I already knew. He glanced at me and I did the same, and it made the left corner of his lips raise up.
"Yes, I am." he replied with a chuckle. "Me and my double chin, darling."
I smiled more at him, realizing how much fun and nice he could be sometimes, and just licked my lips. "What double chin?"
As an answer, he just smiled at me and turned on the radio. I started laughing when the Train song started playing and he turned to me with a frown.
"No it's just, I was talking with Louis the other day, and we talked about this song."
"That's not really the kind of music Louis listens to." Niall explained, raising his eyebrows as his eyes remained on the road.
"No I just asked him if he knew what sister souls were and he mentioned it." I shrugged, feeling suddenly a bit embarrassed. I was drunk and perhaps I had express a bit more of my feelings than I should have.
"That's a weird conversation to have." Niall simply pointed out with a frown.
I knew he was curious and I licked my lips. "I just feel... I mean, I barely know him, but that's how I feel towards him."
Although I could only see his profile, I noticed how his facial expression suddenly changed and I held my breath. He didn't answer, but he also stopped glancing at me and I didn't see a smile on his face for the rest of the ride. He parked and as he was undoing his belt, I turned to him and sighed.
"Why were you mad at me the other day? We were talking and Louis knocked and suddenly, you were rude to me."
"I have no idea what you're talking about." he replied, once again avoiding my gaze.
He got out of the car and I quickly did the same, grabbing my bag and following him. I had to walk quickly to keep the pace and I sighed.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about." I argued, holding the strap of my bag so tight that my fingers turned white. "You're doing the same thing right now. Louis thinks it's because of him but I know it's me. Why do you hate me so much?"
He stopped and turned to me so fast that my heart jumped in my chest. The way he stared at me made me swallow hard and in the three seconds it took him to talk, I had the time to notice that his eyes had turned the exact same shade of blue from his shirt. Why did I notice things like that?
"Look, just because we had a small conversation about futile stuff doesn't mean we're friends now. It doesn't mean I like you, or that I have to like you. It doesn't mean I care about you, what you do, who you befriend and what you want. In fact, I really don't care, okay? I'm stuck with you in that fucking room, and i'm stuck with you for that stupid project, but spending time with you is irritating. You're the most annoying person I've ever had the misfortune to meet, and I can't wait to get rid of you!"
It was a reflex. A simple reflex. I didn't have time to think about it, I just slapped him as he threw all those mean words at me, my hand hitting his cheek way harder than I thought it would. It took him by surprise and his lips parted as I held my breath, not really believing what I had done. After the shock had passed, he scoffed and shook his head.
"Great." he let out. "Stay the fuck away from me." he added, pointing his finger in my direction and I just took a step back as he left.
I realized that my heart was racing when I finally breathed in deeply but somehow, I couldn't stop the ache in my chest. My heart felt like it was stuck in a vice and I was not sure if it was because I had slapped him, or because of the hard words he had thrown at me. It made me realize that it was the very first time I actually touched Niall and I looked down, turning my hand to look at my palm. That was not the kind of relationship I wanted with anyone and I knew I should do something, but I had no idea what it was. I also couldn't force him to like me, and I closed my eyes, trying to get back to my senses.
There was no reason for me to want him to appreciate me but I did and realizing that made me a bit mad. I had promised myself that I wouldn't be this weak person anymore, and that I didn't need the approbation or the love from anyone, but the truth was, I was still human, and letting Niall be hot and cold with me over and over again was affecting me more than I thought and hoped it would.
I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket and grabbed it, feeling my heart sink in my chest when I saw it was from Daxia. For some reason, I had wished for someone else... and that thought made me press my lips together.
'Where are you?' I read before blinking a few times.
I checked the time, noticing that I was late, and let out a low 'fuck!' before I ran inside. Deep down, I just hoped that this visit at the museum wouldn't be too awkward and hopefully, things would get solved between Niall and I. I thought about asking Louis but I decided to keep him out of this. I was a big girl, I could work this out by myself, right?
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And he said, I hope you know how to swim
A/N: this is for the gift exchange from @itfandomprompts! My giftee is @iheartthoreau who asked for shy skinny dipping lovers and jealous Eddie. I’m sorry it’s out so late, I hope you enjoy it anyway! 
Summary:  The Derry midnight breeze is freezing, Eddie notes, still dressed in a shirt and pants and dreading having to get rid of them. He’s bare foot now, standing on top of the quarry and peering down into the glinting lake. Next to him, also bare foot, Richie looks over his shoulder, and laughs, bright and innocent. 
warnings: skinny dipping, mentioned of nudity (but nothing graphic)
read on a3o
The atmosphere of six best friends who’ve just moved past the worst stages in their life cackles in Eddie’s brain.
He’s buzzed up, energized beyond all logic by the laughter and loving gestures so carelessly tossed around in their group. Pennywise is dead, and with it the looming threat following each of them around and the teasing unhappiness hinting at what they were missing but not giving any clues as to what.
It’s all over now, and a road full of new opportunities lays ahead of them. Everyone is acting loose, ecstatic with the weight that fell off their shoulders. Eddie’s feeling a tad guilty too, for calling Myra and informing her that way about their upcoming divorce that he’s going to set in motion as soon as he’s had a good night sleep, but he felt so brave after surviving a literal killer clown, that he wanted to get it over with as soon as possible.
A part of him was also frightful that he’d lose his courage, between now and getting home, that he’d look around his house and accept that this was all he was destined for, a mediocre life with a wife he didn’t love and a job that sucked the joy out of all employees. Myra deserved better though, and that’s why Eddie’s guilty eyeing his phone, debating on calling her back. He won’t take back what he said, because he’s relieved to have put it out in the open, but he’s unsure if he should have been more empathetic towards her feelings in all of this. If he should have ended the call after telling her to take care.
Bev notices his wandering eyes from where she seated beside him on the couch, the woman still laughing a stitch, shifting forward and hiding his phone in between seat cushions. Out of sight out of mind so to speak.
‘We’ve got time to worry about it tomorrow Eddie.’ She says, and she’s right. Tomorrow both him and Bev will have to deal with the intricacies of divorce and separating a company and a home. Tonight is reserved for the losers only.
‘Yeah Eds, and here I was assuming that after twenty years we’d have some stuff to catch up on.’
Richie regards him from the floor, legs tossed up upon the couch with his body upside down. His glasses are sliding off, but he’s lazy to fix them, so he looks like even more of a goofball than normal. If Eddie could, if he didn’t feel like his intentions would be even more noticeable if he did, he’d scoot over to Richie, adjusting his glasses and letting his fingers trail his cheek and bask in the skin to skin contact.
‘You never did anything interesting before we went to college, what makes you think you’ve done something interesting after?’ Eddie’s tongue is sharp, a façade he builds to stop speculation about his feelings towards Richie, though the truth is that he is intrigued and he craves to know every small detail about his life outside of Derry.
‘No you guys are not starting this again. I’m sick of your bickering,’ Bill interjects, rolling his eyes at the pair.
‘I reject that big Bill, we’re hilarious, you can’t be sick of us bickering when you haven’t had the pleasure of hearing it for the last twenty years. Michael, back me up here buddy.’
‘Sorry Rich, I’m not getting involved in the slightest.’
‘Yeah guys come on, can’t we have one quiet night in?’
‘What so Eddie can just call me boring and I’m supposed to let it slide? Me? I’m the fireworks on the Fourth of July, the highest roller coaster in the park and the whipped cream on strawberries, but I am not boring.’ Richie changes positions, almost accidentally knocking over his beer bottle. He theatrically waves his arms back and forth, trying to animate his words and add conviction.
‘Okay, okay you’re not boring, but don’t overrate yourself either. The most adventurous thing you ever did in high school was skip a class to read a comic book in the school’s bathroom. Not exactly daredevil behavior.’
Bev sips from her whiskey, winking at Richie whose face turns beet red for a reason Eddie can’t decipher. It’s not until Bev conspicuously blows out a gust of air with her lips puckered that Eddie connects the dots.
‘Didn’t you say you ditched because you were smoking with Beverly? Dude did you fucking lie about that? I was worried you’d die and get cancer ever since that day you piece of shit.’
‘No I definitely did smoke. I swear.’
‘You’re not kidding anyone Rich, I vouched for you all those years ago, but I’m not doing it again. Little Richie was a comic book nerd who just pretended to be really cool. We never ever smoked together.’
The losers all holler, clapping their hands together and cheering on the exposure of their foulmouthed friend, debunking all the story Richie apparently made up where he and Be had to sneak out at night to smoke inconspicuously, with the exception of Eddie and Richie. Eddie, because he’s busy glaring at Richie and Richie because he’s busy tapping Bill’s hand away, teasingly disheveling his hair.
Eddie wishes he was brave enough to give these little affections to his friend, especially after witnessing how soothed Richie got when Eddie hugged him after Neibolt, when he had dropped his face into the nape of Eddie’s neck and stayed there, swaying on his feet of exhaustion. It would only make him a good friend, a best friend, but Eddie is still so damn afraid.
He might have had the power to separate from his wife and kill an abstract form of his deepest fears, but Bowers angry yelled words, such as fairy and faggot, swung to his head any time he and Richie graveted closer while walking, haunt him even now.
Touching is off limits the words tell him, so he shows affection the only way he’s ever known towards Richie, by bickering and pulling pigtails.
‘I should have expected that.’ Eddie nods vehemently, laughing as Richie’s mouth drops open in a shocked manner.
‘Are you kidding me? Eddie Spaghetti is the one telling me I’m a loser?’
Eddie flips him off, ignoring Mike’s whispered; ‘he’s got a point’, in favor of levitating his full attention on Richie. The giggling in the room elevates an octave higher.
‘You all laugh’, Richie addresses the entire group, ‘but was I not the one who came up with the idea for the list?’
Abruptly, all sounds snap off, as everyone is snapped back to the past. Even Richie is, at face value, confused about the word he spoke, until the concept and creation of the list is brought to the forefront of everyone’s mind.
‘Holy shit.’
‘Oh my god Mike please tell me you still have it.’
Mike shakes his head with a far-off look. ‘Sorry guys, I don’t know who had it last but I never found it again.’ He’s saddened by it, like he did them all an injustice by not holding on to a flimsy piece of paper.
The List, capital L, was nothing more but a checklist, composed with all the fun and dangerous things the losers all had hopes of doing after graduating high school. Eddie remembers now, the hushed laughter and uncompromisable joy that came with the simple idea of these things, how everyone pitched in and added dare after dare while him and Stan exchanged glances and hoped to god that some things would never be executed.
‘That’s okay Mike, I’m just happy we can all remember making it.’ Ben smiles reassuringly Mike’s way, who smiles back and takes a deep breath.
‘Wait, I think I can recall some of the things we wrote on there. Hold on’, Bev squeezes her eyes shut and snaps her finger in the hope it will get to her faster. ‘Oh’, she exclaims, startling Bill who chokes on his own saliva, ‘we were going to visit Europe, do a high rope parkour, rock climb and some other things I can’t remember right now.’
‘Didn’t we also agree to volunteer in a hospital and go camping in the national forest?’ Ben asks, awaiting confirmation.
‘Yeah we did, Stan was throwing a fit over going camping because of the environment and the dirt, but we were well on our way to convince him.’
‘Wow,’ Richie breathes, chest puffing up and head dropping back into the couch so his face isn’t visible to the rest. ‘I forgot all about that, but come to think of it, I’m pretty sure I did most of those things with Bryan.’
And who the fuck is Bryan? Certainly not Eddie, sweating in fear from the things that were being listed, searching for the most extreme dares he’d seen happen on tv to suggest, doing anything he could to impress Richie. Eddie was terrified of most of the activities on the list, like Bev’s idea to waterski in the ocean, or Mike’s zip lining idea, but he would have done them if it meant he could bask in Richie’s attention, impress Richie to rid himself of scared baby Eddie was so sure he must have been in Richie’s eyes. So who the hell was this Bryan stealing his thunder like that?
‘Who’s Bryan?’ Bev inquires with a smirk, winking at Richie blush ridden face. Eddie’s jealousy rears its ugly head, flaring up and making his head woozy. He simultaneously both considers choking Bev and thanking her for the question.
With Richie’s secret fresh on his mind, the way he’d so shamefully admitted that he was gay and they were the first people he’d ever found the courage to tell, Eddie wondered if Bryan was perhaps someone Richie had been romantically involved with.
Richie would have deserved it, Eddie argues in his mind, to at least for a short period of time have someone love him back as fiercely as he dons it out, but Eddie’s also furious that he stole Richie out from under his nose.
Which is illogical, because even if he and Richie had managed to stay in touch, and Eddie confessed – not much chance there, as Eddie didn’t even tell anyone he was gay when Richie did - there was no guaranty that Richie would’ve reciprocated.
‘No one snoopy’, Richie argues with a jittery leg, ’just some guy I hung out with for a while.’
Bev appears unconvinced, but she’s also respectful towards Richie's decision to not say anything. ‘So which ones did you complete?’
‘I went to Europa senior year of college, smoked a bunch of weed, went zip lining. The normal kind of stuff.’
Zip-lining, or smoking weed for that matter, causes Eddie skin to crawl, not that he’d ever admit it. He hates that that’s not the case for Bryan.
‘Well thanks Rich, none of us ever did anything on the list without the other losers. I guess you didn’t miss us too much.’ It’s not fair, of course it’s not. He can tell by the eagerness to spend time together that Richie was very lonely, and experienced the same aching emptiness where his friends were supposed to be as the rest of them.
The bitter tone of Eddie's speech, and the way Richie’s eyes turn a little dimmer extinguishes the fire of Eddie’s envy. Richie deserves better than him in every way. An apology lies at the tip of his tongue, ready to jump into the open and hopefully aid the wounds before they’re fully developed.
Sensing the impending hurricane of trouble on the horizon Mike is eager to intervene, playing mediator for two forces that are about to collide. ‘Well I mean, we probably wouldn’t have gone through with most of them anyway.’
‘Speak for yourself’, Eddie waves him off, spiteful that Mike has a good point. He would have found a way to undermine their plans and make it so that he could back out without appearing like a meek lamb, for at least half of the activities. If he had known about Bryan’s existence though, he would have done anything. He feels ready now to do anything, to one up him and establish his spot as Richie’s number one.
‘Prove it,’ Bill dares with a lopsided smirk, certain he’s got Eddie beat. He sustains eye contact, reaching for the bag of chips on the table and gnawing on it with the most smug aura Eddie has ever witnessed him having.
‘I would’, Eddie defends fiercely, ‘but we can’t do any of the things in Derry.’
‘Sounds like a cop out to me.’
‘Yeah, sure Big Bill, because you can easily find a zip line here in Derry. The town that refused to spend money on renewing the library back in the eighties is no doubt going to have that installed by now.’
‘What about skinny dipping?’ Ben proposes innocently, having no idea the kind of strain he’s putting Eddie under.
‘That’s a great idea Ben, I forgot we put that one on the list.’ Beverly acknowledges despite Eddie’s frantic head shaking. The room temperature drops down and rises back up steadily, at least according to Eddie. He’s starting to sweat, something he never does and takes pride in – in the office he’s the level headed one, and that’s saying something – and he pulls at his collar to allow some air to ventilate.  
Everything except that. A swim in a dirty lake that was most likely infected was a whole plate of different bacteria, and being naked in front of the man he’s in love with is not something Eddie is particularly fond of. He almost asks for a different thing to do, but that would truly be a cop out, and he both refuses to back down in front of Richie and give Bill the satisfaction of being right.
‘Good luck with that Eds, question before this all goes down, am I allowed to use this in my next bit?’
‘Actually,’ Bev interrupts, ‘I think you should join him too.’
‘Hey I wasn’t the one that said I’d be willing to do anything.’
‘No, but you were the one who added it on the list in the first place. C’mon Richie, It’ll be fun. For us, not for you guys, but we’ll get a good laugh out of it.’
Richie is hesitant, same as Eddie, readjusting his glasses again. Eddie is sure that if he says the word Richie will tell everyone to back down for him. He wouldn’t even make fun of Eddie for it, should Eddie give any indication that he wouldn’t want him too. He thinks back to Bryan, and how he wouldn’t have backed down for such a thing, and how in awe Richie must have been seeing the man abandon all safety precaution and go for it, Eddie’s mind is made up instantly.
‘Let’s do it.’ He says without leaving room for argument, nodding at Richie as he looks to him. He hopes Richie will go with it, but is also confident that of course he will. As kids they followed each other everywhere, and surely that hasn’t changed.
‘Really? I mean yeah – sure I guess. Bring it on.’
The Derry midnight breeze is freezing, Eddie notes, still dressed in a shirt and pants and dreading having to get rid of them. He’s barefoot now, standing on top of the quarry and peering down into the glinting lake. Eddie’s jumping from one foot to the other, annoyed that dirt is clinging to his skin and branches are piercing his soles, even more aggravated at the idea of cleaning them in infection filled lake water. Bev better keep her end of the promise, and be waiting near the end of the lake with a pair of fresh pressed towels.
Next to him, also bare foot, Richie looks over his shoulder, and laughs, bright and innocent.
‘I forgot how high this was.’
It is high up, but they’ve done this jump at least a hundred times before, so Eddie’s not worried about the plunge. He’d assume Richie isn’t either, but the man keeps glances towards the path they took to get up here, uncharacteristically silent.
‘It’s okay if you're too scared to go through with it Eduardo, I won’t tell the others.’ Richie smirks when he notices Eddie’s glance, crossing his arms over his chest.
The movement makes his shoulders bulk, highlighting just how much bigger Richie is compared to Eddie. Eddie’s mouth waters, and he starts to worry about how he’s going to have to get through seeing Richie’s naked shoulders in the flesh.
‘Just get undressed will you? Hurry up.’
‘Why? Eager to see my bare ass?’
‘Yeah, because who doesn’t think jumping naked into a lake they frequented as kids is the epitome of sexiness? No you self-centered idiot, I want to get it over with so I can go back to the Inn and grab a warm shower.’
With one last peek, Eddie moves backwards, standing away from the ledge and begins to unbutton his shirt, before thinking better off it. Richie picks up on his hesitation, shifting backwards too and motioning his head towards the ridge.
‘Do you want me to show you how it’s done?’
‘No,’ Eddie objects, ‘I’ll go first.’
‘Why? I’m not going to stare at your junk while you're jumping in if that’s what you're worried about Eddie. I’m not that kind of gay.’ Rarely does Richie toss aside an opportunity to grant Eddie another humorous nickname, so the use of his real name spooks Eddie just enough that he opens his mouth to apologize without even realizing what he’s apologizing for.
Richie’s facial expression, set in a grimace and squinting his eyes defensively, are a dead give away that Eddie’s words are being taken the wrong way. If only Richie knew that Eddie wanted him to go in first so he could avoid the same temptation Richie thought he was forcing on him.
‘Richie no, that’s not what I meant I-.’ Heartfelt compliments are not something Eddie has had a lot of practice for these last few years, and he’s not doing a good job catching up on them either. Therefore he sighs and hopes that he can find another way to prove to Richie he’d never accuse him of something like that. ‘Whatever, just go first already.’
‘Fine but turn around okay?’
Eddie listens to him, back towards Richie and the jump off, though he doesn’t really understand the request. With Richie comes a lot of flair, and he was more or less been prepared for a joke about how Eddie got to confirm how big his dick is in reality.
He waits and listens carefully for the sounds of clothes being dropped on the ground, and he can’t stop his mind from secretly imagining how Richie looks like without them once he distinguishes it.  Eddie shakes his head, scolding his own mind.
The next few moments are filled with raspy breaths originating from Richie, footstep sounding further away and then closer again in an erratic pattern. He must be scared of the jump. Under normal circumstances, Eddie would ask to jump in at the same time, but since Richie asked Eddie not to turn around, he won’t.
‘If you don’t jump in the next five minutes,’ Eddie teases, the way Richie used to tease him, ‘I’ll push you in.’ A second later Eddie hears Richie’s loud whooping as he plunges down into the dark water.
Eddie spins, the only thing greeting him the dark with very little light clearing up his path, from the moon. He’s having a hard time to even see where the cliff ends, and he can’t disguise Richie in the water at all.
‘I’m coming in’, he yells to the void, in case Richie can’t discern his body in time and needs to move out of the way. He takes off his clothes, goosebumps erupting on his skin, and folds his pants and t-shirt up neatly, touching the ground with his hands to find a dry spot to lay them on. The air is cold, and so Eddie refuses to linger on top any longer than he has to.
He jogs up to the ledge and darts off before his mind can conjure up the thousands of things that can go wrong from swimming in the dark this late at night. His body flies through the air and connects with the water in one swoop, a pit of glee bursting in Eddie’s stomach. Jumping from the quarry equals freedom, a hot summer day and love for all of his friends, but in particular Richie.
Eddie keeps his head underwater until his lungs burn, eyes closed and allowing himself to just feel all the sensations. Then, something tickles the back of his leg, and the peaceful moment is over. He kicks back the surface, away from the spot where he could swear something touched him, and searches around for Richie.
Richie, with his wet black hair clinging to his forehead, strands of it sticking out in every direction, and his droplet covered glasses, roving more of Eddie’s heart each minute they’re near each other. He’s never looked more beautiful, and Eddie has never had to fight the urge to kiss him as much as he does now.
‘See, I told you I wouldn’t stare Eds, I can’t even see anything with all these splatters on my glasses.’
The moon reflects on the water, so that it’s impenetrable, and neither Rich nor Eddie can look down and see their lower body parts.
What Eddie can see is enough anyway, Richie’s shoulders and part of his chest hold Eddie’s attention, and he forgets to respond to Richie’s comment.
His eyes land on a dark bruise, just on the bottom of Richie’s neck, a remnant of their fight with Pennywise earlier that day. Without thinking, without standing still on the consequences of such an action, Eddie swims closer, stretches his arm out, and lingers his fingertips over the bruise. He carefully positions his body to not touch any other body part of Richie’s except for his fingers on his neck.
He makes an inquisitive noise, thumb stroking over the injury in what he hopes to be a calming matter. He physically can’t pull away, entranced with the way he moves and responds to him, trying but failing to get his fill of Richie clenched.
‘Eddie’, Richie whispers, scared to break the silence and the intimate moment. ‘It’ll be fine. And hey, at least he didn’t do anything to my dick.’
‘Yeah, would have been a shame if it were to become even smaller.’
Richie snorts, retaliating the jest with a wave of dirty water aimed at Eddie.
Eddie gasps, spitting out a bit of water that managed to sneak into his mouth. ‘Oh you’re on.’
The two of them chase each other, and if it weren’t for the fact that they were both naked, Eddie would have thrown his entire body weight in the game to push Richie underwater. As it stands, they just splash back and forth until they’re exhausted and the remnants of their laughter dies out, barely enough energy left to stay afloat side by side.
‘Did you have this much fun with Bryan?’ Eddie asks, a bit envious. He hates how he’s still stuck on the Bryan thing, hates that his mind keeps popping images of them doing the exact same thing only to end it with a kiss.
‘With Bryan, the guy you did all that other stuff with?’
‘Oh no, me and Bryan – we were never together like that.’ Back at the hotel room, Eddie figured that that was a ploy to distract Bev, something Richie just said because he couldn’t comfortably admit the real intent of their relationship. But he’s never lied to Eddie, and his eyes, magnified by his glasses, seem so sincere, Eddie has no other option but to believe him. ‘I-I’m- some other guy already has that place all taken up.’
Eddie stupid, oblivious and dense and everything in between. He knows Richie isn’t talking about him, he knows he could never be the guy Richie would hold all hope out for – he also secretly hopes it’s none of the losers -, but he wants to be so bad. Just one time, just one kiss and he’d be sated enough to let go of his feral behavior towards any potential love interest Richie might have. Just one time.
‘Richie’, Eddie starts, biting his bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. He’s taking a huge risk, by foreseeing a rejection but hoping that Richie won’t drop him as a friend because of this. If Eddie doesn’t do this, he’ll never stop wondering what it feels for their lips to meet. He’ll never get over Richie because he never got to experience any with him.
‘Can I kiss you?’ He risks releasing his lip.
Richie is visibly shocked. ‘What? What the fuck? Eddie is this a joke?’
The joke is, as usual, all on Eddie who regrets ever opening his mouth in the first place. He could try to laugh it off, say that it was a joke, but that would mean that he pretends to make a jest out of something Richie has struggled with for his entire life. He’s stuck between a rock and a hard place. Left with no other options but to further dig his own grave, Eddie decides to be honest. At least that means he gets to keep part of his integrity.
‘No Richie of course not, I wouldn’t do that to you. I’m sorry. Look I like you but it’s obviously one sided and I just wanted to know what it felt like to kiss you but it was a stupid request and I shouldn’t have asked you that. Oh god, I never even asked if you were dating someone –‘
‘- Fuck can we please forget I said anything so we can still hang out?’
‘Yes. Please kiss me.’
Eddie gapes with his mouth open, struggling for breath and for words. He’s half convinced he misinterpreted  the words, but his tilted head proves otherwise. Eddie doesn’t question it further, counting his lucky start for once, and leaning in to his emotions and Richie, breaching the water to get to him.
Their kiss is surprisingly gentle for the ungovernable lead up prior to it. Richie’s lips taste like lake water, but deeper underneath lies a tang of something distinctively Richie. Eddie can’t wait to devour him whole once he’s cleaned up. Their lips move together in tandem, a perfect harmony that for once neither are willing to break.
They pull back, Richie’s arms circling Eddie’s waist, and he smiles. His smile mixed with the love stricken gleam in his eyes, mysteriously tells Eddie that Richie feels the exact same way he does. His chest caves with happiness.  
‘I like you too, if it wasn’t obvious. A lot more than Bryan.’
‘For the love of God can we never mention that again? It’s embarrassing. No, Hush’, Eddie says urgently, covering Richie’s mouth with his palm when he opens his mouth to conjure up another joke.
‘Fine,’ Richie says while pulling away from Eddie’s hand. ‘How about we talk about something else then? How the fuck are we supposed to get to our clothes?’
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atinybitofau · 5 years
S A N ⇾ couple au
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a/n: I don’t think I write good San imagines man. I’m sorry but I’m a sanhwa shipper. I just had to.
• here’s the thing about San.
• you love him to death— obviously.
• and would you do almost anything for him?
• absolutely.
• does he love you?
• I mean, he should.
• after all he is your BEST FRIEND.
• you get it?
• b e s t f r i e n d.
• and here you two go again.
• first Saturday of the month and San’s already getting picky about your date next Friday.
• “There’s absolutely no question. I am going on that date, Mark my words.”
• he glares at you from across the room, lips covered by the opening of his cup.
• Seonghwa looks from the center, glancing back and forth at the growing tension of you both.
• always being the third wheel of course.
• he doesn’t mind though.
• he kind of ships you two together anyway.
• “Um.... you know, the popcorn’s not going to cook itself.”
• you ignore Seonghwa for the mean time while you glare back at your other best friend, “San. Don’t look at me like that.”
• he shrugs. “I’m not looking at you like anything.”
• you deadpan. “Really?”
• “I already told you. You aren’t going on that date. Even if I have to handcuff you to my bed for the whole day.”
• you let out a guttural groan. “San! Seriously?!”
• Seonghwa secretly reaches for your cupcake on the table to which you grab his arm juggling between controlling him and controlling San.
• “You can’t be serious. Hongjoong?! You’re gonna go out with Kim Hongjoong?” San reiterates not confident in moving closer to you.
• your eyes narrow. “And what’s wrong with Hongjoong?”
• he thinks because it’s not him.
• it should be him
• each. time.
• but he can’t seem to break that stupid facade he puts up as your best friend.
• thinks that’s how you two should only ever see each other.
• it’s all he can take.
• “N-nothing. I just think there are better guys that you can go on a date with.”
• “Really.” you airily reply. “Who.”
• he glances over at the tall and quiet man in front of you who’s now face buried into your cupcake.
• “Seonghwa?”
• “Ew.”
• you roll your eyes at Seonghwa’s gruntled disapproval. “Why would I go on a date with Seonghwa? We’ve gone on plenty.”
• San’s teeth grit at your obvious obliviousness.
• “Y/n, if you want to go on this date. Then Seonghwa and I are chaperoning.”
• “We’re what?”
• It isn’t that Seonghwa detests it.
• it’s just...
• he can’t believe how long it’s taking San to admit his undying love for you.
• wondering how long it’ll take until the both of you can’t take it anymore.
• “San, this is out of line! I’ve never gone and secretly monitored YOUR good-for-nothing dates.”
• “That’s because you don’t care enough.”
• your head cocked to the side with softer eyes and a slouching posture.
• you knew San.
• you also knew that he loved your attention.
• loved it when you sounded angry when he went on dates.
• loved it whenever you were displeased by them—
• it gave him nice hope.
• albeit false but still nice to his breaking heart.
• “Fine. But no effort will be made.” you point a finger at your two best friends. “No effort to show Hongjoong you two idiots are following me. Promise?”
• “Promise.”
• San promises well.
• usually can keep a good promise.
• but by the looks of how much you smile, hold Hongjoong’s hand, laugh at his jokes,
• San’s about ready to combust.
• “Hyung, I can’t take it anymore.”
• Seonghwa bites into his burger sloppily while glancing across at a sunglassed San. “Hdkhmf.”
• “What?”
• “I said,” Seonghwa swallows. “Have some faith. Y/n’s gonna be dateless her entire life if you keep letting her live this way.”
• San huffs and sits back in jealously watching Hongjoong’s every move.
• hoping Hongjoong isn’t brave enough,
• not braver than he is to actually make a move.
• “What’s so bad about Hongjoong, anyway? He’s handsome, talented, wealthy, kind, parent approved, and above all likes y/n. Isn’t that the goal to your possessiveness?”
• San’s eyes frown with his smile and Seonghwa thinks it’s sad.
• Cause he loves the both of you and wants the best for you two.
• but it’s not his fault San can’t man up.
• Seonghwa glances at your pretty form before smiling to himself. “You know, lately, y/n hasn’t been happy. And maybe.. maybe it’s because of you.”
• San’s ready to combust at this point.
• knowing Seonghwa’s just trying to push his buttons enough.
• enough for him to confess.
• obviously wants you.
• but is too afraid of gettinv hurt.
• “Why would she ever love a guy like me when she could have a man like him?”
• San doesn’t know it either.
• how instead of laughing at Hongjoong’s jokes,
• you’re more laughing at the ridiculous disguises your two bestfriends wore.
• how dumb San looks sulking in front of a messy eater like Seonghwa.
• how you smile whenever you see San smile.
• how your eyes just naturally look for him.
• he doesn’t know you want it.
• you want him just as much as he wants you.
• but you’re too afraid of hurting him.
• him hurting you.
• “Hongjoong.. do you ever think that San will ever ask me out?”
• Hongjoong sips on his coke. “I sure hope so or I would’ve wasted my time yet again.”
• you laugh rolling your eyes at him. “I don’t think this whole jealous ploy is working. San’s just sitting there.”
• “Well,” Hongjoong playfully leans forward over the table making your eyebrows curved in curiosity. “That’s because you’re doing every boring thing you usually do on all your dates.”
• your face blushes when he moves his close lips hovering yours. “A-and what don’t I do, Joong?”
• “Kiss them?”
• your eyes slowly shut when the adjacent leans in right when a blow of air hits you instead of his lips.
• eyes open and jaw agape, you find your date lying across the restaurant floor covered in his sticky cola.
• and San’s heaving a storm.
• hands curled up in fists and body trembling.
• Seonghwa’s attempting to hold him back just as in horror as the entire room.
• “S-san!” Hongjoong automatically coughs up blood and you’re at his side. “Joong, you okay? Oh my god, I’m so sorry.”
• he throws his competitor a heavy glare before waving you off kindly. “It’s fine. I understand.”
• “San.” you fierce a dark stance towards the man who fights for you. Sometimes too hard. “What about no effort did you not understand?”
• “I can’t take this shit anymore. If I’m gonna storm out of here losing you, I’m not gonna leave without punching the man I lost you to right in the face.”
• your fingers lighten as you watch him leave,
• maybe taking the punch harder than Hongjoong did,
• and Seonghwa sighing defeatedly in front of you.
• “I can’t take this shit anymore.” he throws his hand up repeating after San. “If you don’t tell him something, nothing is gonna work out. You two together is better than you two apart. Obviously it’s killing our entire friendship and my god damn appetite. Now go fucking follow him or I won’t hesitate to punch you both in the face for ruining my lunch!”
• you spin on your heels before kissing Seonghwa on the cheek and Hongjoong too of course,
• running after the love of your life.
• you think he could probably kill someone from how he’s temperamentally stomping on the ground where he walks.
• people staring at him like he’s crazy.
• right before you grab him by the wrist and plant the kiss he interrupted earlier on his lips instead.
• he pulls back, horrified.
• now pouting at you like he’s on the verge of crying.
• “Don’t— don’t do that.”
• “San—“
• “Don’t!” he doesn’t care for the crowd that walks by as he announces his frustration. “Don’t act like you love me just because I can’t have you.”
• “What?”
• “I don’t know! I’m just saying what I’m thinking! I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the fact you just kissed me so go with it!”
• you giggle at the way he babbles.
• the way his lips fastly stutter and how his cheeks are redder than his ears.
• you take his sharp jawline in your palms before pressing a much more gentler kiss on his trembling lips.
• the way he melts against you saying enough.
• “I love you.” his tear falls on your cheek when he whispers. “I.. I’m sorry.”
• “Don’t be sorry, Sannie.”
• he curls his hand around your cheek and sighs between your pursed lips. “I thought that you don’t deserve me. That if I had you, it’ll make us worse. Make us break. How loving you past the line of best friends would hurt the both of us. But I can’t take it anymore. I can’t take loving you till only that much anymore.”
• he kisses you again and you’re weak at the knees. “I love you and Seonghwa so much. Regardless if I date someone else, or any of you for that matter, won’t hurt me. But it hurts you... I know it hurts you.”
• “But I love you so much it hurts.” he’s crying again. “I want to love you so much. That what I love you right now isn’t enough? I want to love you till I can’t think of doing anything else. I love Seonghwa hyung too but not as much as I love you.”
• “Pabo.” you tip toe kissing his salty tears away as he grips you tighter. “We promised to love each other equally.”
• “Don’t tell hyung.” softie San cries again. “Hyung’s gonna hate me.”
• “Seonghwa’s not gonna hate you for loving me a little more.” you retreat looking at him from far away. different now that you’ve kissed his lips for the first time. “Seonghwa doesn’t hate me for loving you more. Why would he hate you?”
• “You love me more than hyung?”
• “To an extent, yes.” you giggle kissing the blabbering lover boy again. “That baboon eats all my food. Do I have to remind you who spoils me between the both of you or do I need to ask you to kiss me again?”
• “K-kiss me again?”
• “Pabo.”
• his teeth grin against your smile and you can’t take it anymore.
• you need to take him home.
• “I love you.” he reminds you,
• thinking,
• thinking he’s gonna be reminding you for the rest of his life.
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Seventy
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, and um...butt stuff towards the end.
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
Due to getting up and taking Buster out, you had gotten into a habit of not cleaning up your breakfast in the morning. Harry would end up taking care of it for you. He didn’t mind at first because you usually left food for him to eat, and he was grateful he wasn’t on early morning duty with the dog. But was starting to get to him. He didn’t want it to make him run late to the studio now that Mariah and Isaac were coming in.
They were spending a lot of time making large prints and booklets. Harry had invested into some nice printers. Just another thing he could profit from later.
“Do you think Y/N will bring Buster by today?” Mariah asks him.
“I hope so.” He says. “Let me ask you somethin’, do you and Rachel ever fight?”
“Fight? Like argue?”
“Yeah we do…we’re both pretty stubborn.” She laughs. “It’s always over stupid shit too. It’s not an all the time thing, but every couple fights, right?”
“Why, do you think you and Y/N fight a lot?”
“No, but when we do it’s always this big blow up. And it’s usually my fault.”
“Harry.” Isaac says. “I have seen you blow up at people time and time again, are you going to tell me that sweet girl is the one to go off on you?”
“Looks like Harry finally met his match.” Mariah smirks.
“I have a hard time gettin’ mad at her. Even when she’s angry with me, she’s still so cute.” They both laugh at him. “There are things she does, I just choose to let them go. Or if I get mad it’s usually for something stupid. I get jealous easily.”
“That’s because you’re a possessive prick.” Mariah says matter of factly.
“Is that so?” Harry asks with raised eyebrows.
“Harry, the cameras at Plant Geo are for everyone to use, and yet you somehow kept two in your office at all times so no one else could use them.”
“You know how it is when you get the settings just right.”
“Doesn’t matter. You like when your things stay yours. That gets old really quick.”
“So I’ve learned.”
The door opens and they hear the yipping of a dog. Harry turns around and smiles. He picks Buster up and he licks his cheek.
“There’s my boy!” He looks at you. “And my girl.”
“It looks so great in here you guys.” You smile brightly, and go to kiss Harry. He puts Buster down and lets him sniff and Isaac and Maria.
“Yeah it’s really coming together. We’re excited for the opening next month.”
“It’s gonna be great.”
“Wanna leave him here with me for a bit? Got his area set up now.”
“Oh…um, sure.”
“Want him to get used to the space, you know?”
“Right, yeah, that’s fine.” You look at Buster. “Wanna spend the afternoon with daddy, Buster?” The dog yips and you giggle.
“Daddy?” Isaac questions with a smirk.
“I am his father, aren’t I?” He asks, putting an arm around you. “And she’s his mummy, got a problem with it?”
“Not at all.” He laughs. “Mariah, let’s go get lunch. We can leave mummy and daddy here.”
“Good idea.”
The two leave and you give Harry another kiss. You go up with him to your office, and Buster plops on the floor.
“It looks so good in here, babe.”
“Thanks…hey can I talk to you about somethin’?”
“You, uh, keep leavin’ your dishes in the sink in the mornin’, and usually I don’t mind takin’ care of it, but it’s starting to make me run late…”
“Oh my gosh, I’m sorry Harry. I didn’t even realize…I end up running around from working out and taking him out and all that. I can try to be better about not leaving a mess for you.”
“Like I said, I usually don’t mind, especially since you make me breakfast like every mornin’, it just piles up some days.”
“Say no more, I’ll just start putting everything in the dishwasher.”
“That’s another thing you typically leave for me…you never empty it. So when I’m doin’ the dishes I have to empty it and load it.” He rubs the back of his neck.
“I’m sorry Harry, I didn’t realize I was doing, or I guess wasn’t doing all that.”
“I feel bad even saying anything because you clean up so many other things.”
“No, don’t feel bad. If I’m doing something that bothers you I want you to tell me so I can work on it.” You wrap your arms around him. “It’s all good.” He kisses the top of your head and wraps his arms around you. “I should probably get going. I have a one o’clock meeting today.”
“Okay, I’m glad I got to see you today.” He kisses you.
“Me too, baby.” You kiss him back. You bend down and give Buster a hug. “You be good for daddy, no accidents.”
Harry walks you out, and off you go. You got home before him and decided to clean the entire kitchen. You felt really bad for leaving a mess behind for him. You knew you’d be annoyed too if he did the same thing to you. You were usually the cleaner one, but you were definitely slacking. You make up a nice salad with roasted chickpeas and wait for your boys to get home.
Harry came in around 7:30, and Buster came in rushing to you. You smile big at him and scratch his tummy when he gives it to you.
“You’re home later than I thought, sweetie.” You say looking up at him. “I made dinner.”
“Thanks, I should’ve texted you, I ate already.”
“Oh.” You stand up. “Leftovers then, no big deal.” You shrug. “It was just salad anyways. You all ate together?”
“How was Buster?”
“Good, barely made a peep. Took him across the street to the park for a little bit so he could run around. Should be all tuckered out.”
“You look so tired, why don’t you go shower or something and relax.” You smile at him.
“I’m fuckin’ stressed is what I am.” He walks by you to go into the kitchen, and you follow him in. He grabs a beer from the fridge. He looks around. “You clean in here?”
“Yeah, I wanted to tidy everything up for you.” His face softens a little.
“Thanks.” He takes a sip from his beer.
“What’s stressing you out?” You sit down at the island.
“I don’t know, what if Mariah can’t bring enough clients in, what if I can’t afford Isaac after a certain point, what if we don’t get walk ins, what if my clients want at home pictures instead of comin’ in. There’s just so much uncertainty that’s hitting me all at once.” You nod along as he takes another sip of his drink. “I just hope I didn’t make a big mistake.”
“Oh honey, you didn’t. You’re so talented, and you’re already booking out. You may have slower times than others, but that’ll just leave you to work on your own projects.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, if there’s a trip you wanna take, or pictures you’ve been wanting to take you could. And then you could sell prints or something.”
“Suppose so…”
“You know what might be fun at some point? We could set up across the street at the park and take, like, family photos. You, me, and Buster, what do you think of that?”
Harry puts his drink down, walks over to where you’re sitting, and turns your seat towards him. He cups your cheeks in his hands and kisses you. You taste the beer on his tongue. You’re surprised at how lustful the kiss is.
“We really are a little family now, aren’t we?” He asks gently.
“Yes.” You wrap your arms around his neck.
“How do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Always make me feel better…”
You smile and lean in to kiss him again. His hands grip at your hips and he picks you up. He puts you down on one of the kitchen counters. You tug at his hair as he continues to lick into your mouth. He tugs at the hem of your shirt and lifts it off. He unhooks your bra immediately, and before you can say anything his mouth is wrapping around one of nipples. He kneads the other one and you groan.
“Harry.” You breathe as your head rolls back.
He sucks on you harshly, then move to the other one. He nips at the upper part of your chest, and sucks your skin between his teeth. You pull him closer with your legs, needing more contact from him.
“Can I fuck you here?” He says in your ear and your toes curl.
He undoes his belt and drops his pants just enough to let his dick out.
“Wait we need a condom.” He looks up at you incredibly annoyed.
“I went to urgent care today for my sinus infection and they gave me antibiotics. Some antibiotics can cancel out birth-control.”
“So I’ll put out and come on you.” You look at him. “Or, I’ll go get a condom.”
“Go with the latter.”
“Take your fuckin’ pants off.”
He groans and stomps his way down the hall to the bedroom and comes back with the foil packet. Your pants and underwear have been removed. The cold granite beneath you isn’t comfortable, but you know in a few minutes you won’t care. He grumbles while he rolls the condom on his dick and he looks at you.
“How long are you on the meds for?
“They gave me a z-pack because I have an ear infection too, so like five days. Not long.”
“That’s an eternity with these things.” He grips your hips and pulls you closer. “No wonder you had such a bad headache Saturday, poor thing.” He kisses your forehead, and then thrusts into you with no warning.
“Jesus!” You grip his shoulders.
He thrusts into you hard and fast, and you cling to him. You bite down into his shoulder. You didn’t want your moans to frighten Buster in the other room. It wasn’t often when you both had sex in the kitchen. It was the most comfortable place in the world to get railed, but he clearly needed this, he need you. He needed some time to focus solely on one thing, and that needed to be your body then so be it.
He picks you up of the counter and brings you to your fit. You look up at him confused. He spins you around and pushes your stomach against the counter. He enters you from behind. One hand on the back of your neck and the other gripping the hair on the back of your head. He was hitting you so deep. He was just being a little too rough with you.
“H, Harry, ease up a bit.” You say gritting your teeth.
“My hair, don’t pull my hair.”
He let’s go of it immediately and drops his hand to reach for your clit to soothe you a little. He moves his body closer to yours so his chest was pressing against your back.
“Sorry.” He says, nipping at your earlobe.
“S’okayyyyyy, oh my god.” Your head falls back to his shoulder as you release around him.
He spills into the condom shortly after and pulls out. He throws it away and pulls his pants back up. He gives you his shirt to throw on.
“Thanks.” Your cheeks were completely flushed and you looked incredibly fucked out. It was enough to make his cock twitch again. You slide your panties up your legs and grab your other clothes. “Let’s go snuggle with Buster on the sofa a bit before bed.”
“Meet yeh there.” He kisses your temple.
You use the toilet and get on the sofa with them. Buster plops right in your lap.
“He’ll be too big for this soon too.” You frown.
“Don’t think about it. He can still sit with us, he’ll just rest his head on our laps instead of his whole body.” Buster picks his head up to look at you and you cups his face in your hands.
“You’re mumma’s little lovebug aren’t you?” He starts wagging his tail. “That’s right, mumma’s precious little lovebug.” You say smiling. Harry pets him as you continue to coo lovingly.
“Niall was thinking of puttin’ a campin’ trip together for us and Lou, just a boy’s trip.”
“Oh that’s nice. When?”
“Memorial Day weekend maybe?”
“That’s the weekend between our party and your grand opening…”
“So…nothing, um, yeah that should be fine. You deserve some time with them. And I can hang with the girls.”
“You sure it’s alright? I know there’s a lot to do before both parties, but-“
“No, yeah, it’s fine, babe.” You look at him and smile.
Harry woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of you throwing up. He gets up immediately and rushes into the bathroom. He pulls your hair back and rubs your back to soothe you as you flush the toilet.
“What happened? You’re sick?”
“No.” He helps you stand and you go to brush your teeth. “It’s the antibiotics, they’re really strong. You have to take two on the first day. I should’ve had a glass of milk when I took the second one before bed.”
“Poor thing.” He holds you to his chest and rubs your back. “Want me to get you some water or something?”
“No, I’m alright now, thank you.”
You both get back into bed. You lay on your back and he lays on his side to face you. He rubs your stomach to try to soothe you and it actually helps you fall back asleep.
Harry wakes up at the same as you the next morning to make sure you’re alright.
“Harry, I told you already the medicine is just strong. I’m gonna have some Greek yogurt this morning to help my stomach.”
“I’ll go take the dog out then.”
“You don’t have to, go back to sleep.”
“I’m up already it’s fine.”
“I wanna bring him with me to work today. I like having him there with me.”
“I’ll drop him off before I go to therapy.”
“That works. Father-son dinner tonight Buster, how do yeh like that?” He asks him as he puts the leash on.
You go to get dressed after eating your yogurt. You make sure to put your spoon in the dishwasher, and not leave it in the sink. You decide on a light blue dress that had tank top sleeves, and a white three quarter sleeve blazer. It was finally warm enough to break out some of your favorite outfits. Harry stops short when he sees you.
“What?” You look down at yourself. “It’s got a high neckline, no cleavage see?”
“No, no, I just…you look really pretty is all.” He smiles. He takes the leash off of Buster and he runs towards you. “Seems like he thinks so too.” You giggle as you pet your baby.
“Thanks, Harry.” You walk over to him and kiss him.
“I’ll pick up dinner tonight.”
“Sounds good.” You take the leash from him. “Buster, time to go to work with mummy.”
Harry, Isaac, and Mariah were all staring at a picture on the wall when you came in with Buster.
“I just don’t know if that works there?” Harry says.
“It’s too abstract.” Mariah says.
“But it’ll give people waiting something to think about.” Isaac says.
“What are you all looking at?” You say.
“Hey!” Harry turns to you and smiles. He gives you a kiss and pats the top of Buster’s head.
“You look so cute, Y/N!” Mariah says.
“Damn girl, you are wearing that dress.” Isaac comments. You blush a deep red and the bombardment of compliments.
“Oh, thanks guys.” You give Harry a kiss on the cheek. “Well, I gotta go or I’ll be late, see you at home later. Bye guys.” You smile and wave to them, and leave.
“Where does she go on Tuesday nights, work out class?” Isaac asks.
“Um, no…” Harry rubs the back of his head. He wasn’t sure if he should say you see a therapist. “She just has this standing this appointment. I can’t really say what for.”
“’Nough said. Now, let’s get back to figuring out if we like this for the waiting area or not.”
“You look lovely, Y/N.” Dr. Mara says as you sit down.
“Definitely wearing this dress more often.” You laugh.
“How was your week?”
“Stressful…I’m planning these two parties, I have huge surprise for Harry on top of it. I had to babysit my nephew this weekend on top of still training Buster. Oh, and I got sick so that was great. Harry and I got into a huge fight because of Niall.”
“Okay, here’s what happened, Harry had two weddings to work on Saturday. I woke up feeling like shit, but whatever. He was so good, he got the baby all set up for me, took the dog out, awesome. I didn’t wanna bring the baby into the shower with me, I just felt weird you know?” She nods. “So I called Niall and he came right over. I felt even worse so he stayed to help. It was actually nice because we hadn’t hung out one on one in a while. So, I ended up falling asleep with my head in his lap, there was a pillow there, but a guess he was like playing with my hair and I was really snuggled up to him. So when Harry got home he brought me to bed and then him and Niall started arguing.” She continues to nod along. “They woke me and the baby up, so Niall went home and I made Harry sleep in the other room.”
“He doesn’t like when you tell him to do that…”
“I know, but I honestly didn’t know what else to say, and I didn’t want to argue with him at that moment in time. I couldn’t even be near him. I know it didn’t look great, but he acts like I give him a reason to worry.” You sigh. “Him and Niall are best friends, and Niall is also my best friend. It’s hard to navigate sometimes. Anyways, the next day he and I got into it, and I got so mad I told him if we fought over it again I’d be done.”
“Oh my.”
“I wasn’t even thinking when I said it. I know it really hurt him, I didn’t do it on purpose. I was just so aggravated to be having the same conversation.”
“So what happened when you said that?”
“He just said okay. Then he went to Niall’s to apologize, and then we made up. It’s been put to bed.”
“You can’t guarantee he won’t get mad again.”
“He said he’s going to try to work on it. It’s really more about his own issues than Niall or myself. I try really hard to show him and tell him he could never lose me. I wanna be with him always. He could also just be overworked and over stressed.”
“When you say you want to be with him always, what does that mean exactly?”
“Well, we’ve talked about it and we wanna get married and have kids at some point. I feel like we talk more about babies than marriage. It sort of freaks me out sometimes. I feel like he doesn’t really understand just how much work a baby is, he really romanticizes it. I also get freaked out because of my own parents…sometimes when we fight I feel like I’m becoming my father.”
“How so?”
“I don’t know, just saying the worst things possible…not that I do it on purpose. But he used to say the nastiest shit to my mom, and then he’d stay in the basement for like two days. He’d reemerge like he didn’t just cause a bunch of damage. And my mom would act the same way. It was like they’d throw dagger at each other, and just let the wounds stay open. They never healed. Harry and I always talk after we make up.” She raises an eyebrow at you.
“What is making up then?”
“We have sex.”
“Do you enjoy the make up sex the most out of all the sex you have with him?”
“No…but it is nice. I don’t know what kind of sex I enjoy the most with him. I just like being really close to him.” She nods. “He makes me feel really safe.”
“What can you do to provide more of that safety with him?”
“I could show more PDA, I know he likes that.”
“Good start.”
When you got in Harry was on all fours with Buster. Buster had one end of a rope in his mouth and Harry had the other end of the rope in his mouth. They were playing tug of war. You take your phone out immediately and record them.
“What are you doin’?” He says, letting go of the rope.
“What am I doing? What you doing?” You ask, laughing.
“Playin’ with our boy.” He stands up all the way and wraps his arms around you. “How was your session?”
“Good, but tiring. I’m starved.”
“Pizza’s in the kitchen.” You two kiss and then he lets you go so you can make yourself a plate. You plop down on the couch.
“Thanks for picking this up, op, no Buster, you can’t have this. Harry take him off the couch.”
“Sorry.” He chuckles. “Can’t eat mumma’s food, Buster.” He looks at you. “So, our part’s this weekend, then I go campin’, and then it’s the grand opening.”
“And you’re sure you’re okay with me goin’ away a whole weekend.”
“Yes, Harry.” You finish up your pizza and put the plate on the side table. “I want you to hang out with your friends.”
“I think the fresh air will do me some good. Clear my head before the big day.”
“I agree.”
“I’m dyin’ to get that dress off of yeh.”
“That so?”
“Mhm, and I, uh, bought some more lube today.” He says with blushing cheeks. Both of your eyebrows raise.
“Did you now?”
“Yeah.” Your eyes darken and you a grin grows on your lips.
“You want me to fuck you, Harry?” His cock twitches at your sultry voice.
“Yes.” You stand up and take his hand. “But I wanna fuck you first.”
Harry gets your dress off quickly. You felt his hands all over your body. He kissed love bites into your inner thighs before his tongue make its way to your center.
“C, condom!” You scream when he rubs his top against your clit. He glares at you, but goes to grab one.
“I still think I could just come on you and it’d be fine.”
“Look, I’m rollin’ it on, see.”
“Yeah, now put it in me.” He smirks and thrusts into you.
“Always take it so well, you’re amazing.” He says as he nips at your jaw.
Harry gave you about four orgasms before it was his turn. You get the towel and the lube and you file your nails quick to make sure they wouldn’t hurt him. You were both at a point where if you fingered him long enough he wouldn’t really need the plug.
“Yeah?” You slide your fingers out of him.
“Um…could I put it in from behind this time?”
“Sure.” He shrugs.
You kiss for a few minutes before you put the strap on. He flips over and gets on his elbows and knees for you. You like the dildo up with his hole and you slowly slide it in.
“Doing okay, baby?”
“Yeah, I’m good.”
You grips his hips and thrust in a little more. Once it’s all the way in you stay there to let him adjust.
“Okay, you can move it.”
You reach one hand around to pump his cock while you start to rock in and out of him.
“Shit.” He groans.
“Feels good?”
“Feels great…miss seeing your face though.”
“Wanna flip back over?”
“Yeah.” You pull out of him and lays back holding his legs back for you. You slide back in. “Much better.” He says.
“You look so pretty like this Harry.”
“So do you.” You rock in and out of him and grip his cock, rubbing your thumb over the tip.
“Ah, fuck!”
“Oh did I hit it?”
“Yes, keep doin’ that, please.”
Harry’s moans were like a symphony, truly and utterly beautiful to hear. You two didn’t do this often, but when you did, you both loved it.
“Y/N, I’m gonna come, fuck!”
It gets all over your hand and stomach from the way you angled it. You lean forward and kiss on his heaving chest before you slowly pull out of him. You take the strap off and rub your hand on the towel.
“You did so good, Harry.”
“Thanks.” He chuckles and pulls you on top of him. “You know I was kind of scared when you first brought all this up, but I quite like it now.”
“Oh good! It’s a real turn on to watch you like that.” You kiss each other and smile.
“Would you run us a bath?”
“Of course!”
You hop off the bed and get the water started.
“What flavor bath bomb do you want tonight?”
“The vanilla one, please.”
“You got it!”
You and Harry relax and chat in the bath for a bit. He tells you about his day while you massage his scalp. You loved him with your whole heart. No one ever made you feel the way he did. And you thought it was so incredibly sexy and manly of him to let him do what you do to him.
“You know I think it’s very progressive of you to let me peg you.” He chuckles and turns to look at you.
“It’s just another way of havin’ sex. Besides, who am I to deny you of somethin’? Guys can be so insecure about this kind of stuff. They think it’ll make ‘em gay if they stick anything up their ass. What a stupid thing to be afraid of.”
“So you don’t feel emasculate at all?”
“Not in the slightest, I’ve never felt more like a man actually.” He faces front and then turns back to you with a smirk on his face. “Besides, everyone’s a little gay.”
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