#why am i still tagging spoilers the book came out like 2 years ago
novenarius · 2 years
aaAA ok I made the mistake of re-reading the part of harrow the ninth where gideon (in harrow’s body) is arguing with ianthe about who harrow actually likes and it makes me so sad because gideon is, of course, adamant about the fact that she thinks harrow doesn’t actually like ianthe and is just being manipulated. However she’s also SO convinced that harrow doesn’t give a shit about her (part of that is ianthe’s fault for manipulating her into thinking that harrow literally going to extremes to save gideon’s soul from being destroyed was to try to get rid of gideon??)
I don’t have the reading comprehension to figure out if harrow has any romantic feelings towards gideon, but I’m not an idiot and I can tell harrow obviously cares so much about gideon. 
The miscommunication of only one person being able to drive the body at a time is making me insane in my brain. I just want the girlies to be able to have a chat so gideon can see how much harrow cares about her because no one was nice to gideon ever in drearburh and I want her to know someone cares about her. And I want to give her a fictional hug. ok goodnight y’all
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peppermintbee · 4 years
OMORI has poor writing (Part 1)
OMORI stans, just block the #omori hate tag now because I’m going to use it to vent my frustrations with this game. If you love this game, I am not going to try to convince you otherwise. I am glad you enjoyed it so much. I am glad it means a lot to you. I’m not here to take that away from you. I honestly wish I felt the same way!
However, if you are like me and finished the game feeling disappointed, underwhelmed, and maybe a little frustrated, then I am here to say you are not alone. OMORI--while having the right set pieces for an interesting game--is a narrative mess.
I’m splitting this into two posts. This first post is about problems with the plot. The second is about problems with the message/moral. 
(Note: I use “OMORI” in all-caps for the game title, and “Omori” in title case for the character name.)
Spoilers and criticism below.
Part 1: Plot Writing Lies
There’s a book by Brian McDonald called Invisible Ink which is about how to write a compelling story (you can read this great book online for free here). There’s an explanation of the writing “lie” that I find myself frequently thinking of. A “lie” in this context does not mean something is literally untrue, it means something FEELS untrue, unrealistic, improbable, or unlikely. For example, if a character gets shot in the leg but manages to do parkour, this is a “lie” since it seems unrealistic for that to happen. If a character witnesses their beloved parent’s death and shrugs it off, it’s a “lie” because that reaction seems highly unlikely.
In OMORI, the plot is held together by multiple little lies that--try as I might--I just couldn’t bring myself to believe.
1. Sunny’s friends care about him, and vice versa
A major theme of the game is how friendship can overcome any obstacle. Friendship gets Sunny over his fear of heights, spiders, and water. Friendship is what Sunny remembers before the final boss fight, and allows him to face his guilt and defeat it (and prevent him from committing suicide). With the photobook and dialogue you are reminded over and over and over and over and over again that Sunny’s friends love him unconditionally.
However, I just couldn’t bring myself to believe it. The childhood memories are cute but shallow, boiling down to simply hanging out and eating treats. Plus, Kel and Aubrey fight constantly, with Aubrey even physically hitting Kel when he steps out of line. Hero and Mari behave more like babysitters than true friends to the younger kids. 
But at least the other kids interact with each other. Sunny, on the other hand, showed nearly no affection or consideration towards his friends. He floats through the memories like a ghost--he could have been completely absent from all the photos and it would have made little difference. I was ready to accept this as Sunny being an unreliable narrator and not thinking he was a good enough for his friends, but this never contradicted. Instead we are given even more memories where Sunny just silently exists there being “cute.”
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[Sunny enriching the lives of his friends by LARPING as a cat.]
Because of the lack of meaningful interactions between them, there was nothing in the game that made me think that these 12-15 year olds would have a strong enough bond that would survive 3-4 years of no contact after finding their friend hanged. In fact, that discovery only drove them farther apart. The only person who I could believe actually had a close bond was Basil, who almost literally filled that trope of being the friend who would help you bury a body (or in this case, help Sunny cover up the accidental manslaughter).
The writing fix for this would be simple: instead of showing us the same boring birthday and beach scenes over again, give the kids memories of overcoming some age-appropriate adversity together: heartbreak over an unrequited crush, anxiety over homework, sports injury, lost dogs, divorced parents, running away from home, bullying, etc. Set a precedent of the friends supporting each other through good times AND bad times. Without such backstory, Sunny’s friendships allegedly giving him the courage to overcome his guilt feels like a lie.
2. Sunny abandoning Basil in the bathroom scene
One of the most confusing moments in the game was Sunny’s negligence when Basil has his first breakdown in his bathroom. This part of the game is player-controlled, which is a strange writing decision because all you can do is click on Basil and various bathroom amenities over and over which completely saps the urgency out of the scene. When you try to leave, Basil begs Sunny to stay, but (due to a lack of player options) Sunny walks out without a word. With no option to talk to him OR get help for him, it makes Sunny seem exceptionally cruel to Basil. In fact, I was starting to wonder if the game was setting up for some sort of twist that Sunny DIDN’T care about his friends, which would fix some of the confusion in point #1. However, as we know, that is not the case. Therefore, Sunny’s negligence/apathy towards Basil’s pain feels like a lie.
The writing fix would be to make it MORE clear that Sunny is intentionally running away from Basil. Make it a cutscene, or, give a false choice such as “Leave Basil? Yes / Yes”. After Sunny leaves, Kel should make some remark about Sunny looking odd, “You look sort of shaken up, is there something you want to tell me?” then hit it home with Sunny shaking his head. This would make it more clear that Sunny is intentionally hiding Basil’s state, as opposed to just being a bad friend. As it stands, it just felt like a writing mistake.
3. Basil and Sunny working together to stage Mari’s death as a suicide
This is the plot hole that I see the most complaints over, but it’s so big I have to address it. Accidentally pushing Mari down the stairs I understand, but the rest is too absurd. Below are some of the “lies” that the writing tries to get away with:
That Sunny and Basil wouldn’t just claim she slipped and fell.
That either boy would even come up with this sick plan.
That they wouldn’t back out of this idea during the multi-step process (carrying her downstairs, outside, getting the jump rope, tying a noose, putting it around her neck, stringing her up, hiding the evidence... This is a series of multiple decisions, not one quick accident like the initial push.)
That it’s not the image of Mari’s death that traumatized Sunny, but the image of what they chose to do to her body that traumatized them. I understand the image of Mari hanging is more dramatic, but they literally did it themselves so why is that more haunting than Sunny killing her?
That Mari’s true cause of death wouldn’t be immediately obvious to the parents, the police, the friends, EVERYONE. (I’ve seen fans try to get rid of this plot hole by hypothesizing that the parents knew and covered it up, but the evidence of this is circumstantial at best. The father saying, “You’re not my son,” is unreliable since it happens in Sunny’s headspace. Divorce is common after the death of a child, and, at the very least, Sunny’s mom doesn’t show any evidence of knowing what happened. The way it is written, only Sunny and Basil know the truth.)
The ridiculousness of this twist is so extreme that it completely broke any immersion I had left. Frankly, the reveal that the happy, loveable Mari committed suicide is a far heavier and more realistic twist than a crazy murder-cover-up story is.
Additionally, it seems like Basil was only written into this scene in order to make Sunny the true victim of what happened. After all, Sunny may have pushed her, but it was Basil who came up with the demented cover up. (This is apparent from just the photos but the datamined Truth Album confirms it.) By having Basil come up with the plan, the game splits the guilt between the two of them to make the kids easier to sympathize with. It’s problematic because if Basil was not in the scene, there would be no way to justify what Sunny did to Mari. So why is what they did easier to accept when they worked together?
Fixing the writing lie: Sunny lies and says that Mari slipped. Remove Basil from the scene, and instead have Sunny confide in Basil which forces Basil to become a co-conspirator and burdens him with the terrible truth.
4. Sunny’s friends forgiving him and Basil for what they did to Mari
Last but not least, the story heavily implies that Hero, Kel, and Aubrey will forgive Basil and Sunny for what they did to Mari. I found this to be almost as unbelievable as the staged-suicide stunt.
It feels like a lie since the group’s friendship is never established as anything beyond shallow hang outs from 3+ years ago (see point #1).
It feels like a lie because this is hot off the heels of Aubrey being so distraught over Mari and the following fall out that in the last three days she 1.) attacked Sunny and Kel with a nail bat TWICE, 2.) Stole Basil’s photobook, and 3.) Shoved Basil in the lake. This trauma is still very fresh for her.
It feels like a lie because the complexity of the staged-suicide is so extreme, one would be hard pressed to forgive ANYONE for doing that, be it friend, foe, parent, sibling, lover, etc.
I’ve seen fans argue that the ending is not about forgiveness, it’s about telling the truth, and I want to believe that. Really. If the ending was about Sunny starting his redemption arc by telling the truth no matter what the consequences are, that would be a meaningful lesson. But the writing does not support that. The ending headspace segments are focused on assuring Sunny that his friends will support/forgive him no matter what. To do this, the game shows us the shallow photobook memories (again) to show how much they allegedly care about each other. Then, when fighting Omori, Sunny remembers these quotes from his friends, which directly correlate to their unconditional support:
KEL: Friends... Friends are supposed to be there for each other.
AUBREY: I hope you can find some peace... or you know... some happiness.
HERO: We made the mistake of leaving each other when we needed each other the most. This time... we’ll stay together.
BASIL: Maybe one day... things can go back to the way they were before.
The really direct evidence that this ending is about getting forgiveness is this quote from Basil in Sunny’s headspace:
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[BASIL: “AUBREY, KEL and HERO are good friends. You have to trust that they’ll forgive us.”]
This is one of the last scenes before Sunny tells his friends the truth, proving that obtaining forgiveness from his FRIENDS is in fact the leading motivation for Sunny’s actions.
Fixing this writing lie is easy. Instead, adjust the writing to be about telling the truth, not about how much the friends will still love Sunny. Have headspace Basil say, “Even if they don’t forgive us, Aubrey, Kel, and Hero deserve to know the truth. It’s the only way to make things right... or close to it.”
OMORI is undeniably a cute game with a strong visual identity, and has a premise that could make for a very compelling experience. However, the sloppy plot and weak character writing cause the potential of this game to be squandered. There are other issues as well that I chose not to cover for the sake of time, such as the poor pacing of the dragged out dungeons and the bizarre, unrealistic behavior of characters in the “real” world. 
However, there are a few more glaring problems with OMORI that I have to address: In part 2 of my critique, I break down what may be the biggest problem with OMORI’s writing: the message.
[ Link to Part 2: OMORI’s Message is Mishandled and Distasteful ]
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
100 Followers Special
(And how to participate) you don't need to be a follower to vote ack
Hello AGAIN, with your back to back followers special! Exiled here, very tired, as I just closed the requests box for our 50 followers special. I asked for some recommendations and no one helped me so this is what I came up with!
Granted, it's nothing that special, I literally just dumped my notes into this so—
Please make sure to follow the guidelines and read this thoroughly to properly participate!
1. You will be given a long list of fic prompts specific to a character that I've come up with for weeks on end, please don't steal, as I will remove them after this event is done!
2. Voting! You now have the power to influence my writing schedule haha- what you need to do: is to pick three prompts from the list and send it to me; either through reblog tag, a reply, or in my ask box (not anon so we can count fairly, will not publish these answers tho so worry not)! Not in messages tho! It should be in this format:
1. Character - prompt or prompt title
2. Character - prompt or prompt title
3. Character - prompt or prompt title
1. Albedo - Citrinitas
2. Zhongli - Braid
3. Xingqui - Author!Reader
The top three most voted prompt and character will be the next fics I'll publish after I'm done with the current reqs. Speaking of: Voting ends when I finish the current reqs. You'll know it's done once the counter in my blog desc reaches 12/12.
3. In addition to the three prompts, you also get to add your own prompt to it! My prompts list does not include ALL the characters that's why I wanted to give you this option too! Add a fourth number and specify a character, a prompt/idea, and the format of the fic! Format it this way:
4. Character - Prompt/Idea (Format)
4. Kaeya - What's under that eyepatch? (Scenario)
After I pooled the answers, I'll randomly pick between the bonus answers and write them last! So give it your best shot!
4. Tags-list! I thought this would be necessary for this kind of a whim special, so if you wanna be tagged, just put Tag Me! at the end of your vote. Please make sure that you're actually able to be tagged because I just tried and some users are not in my orbit huhu, look here
5. If a pocket watch/series prompt gets chosen, I will only post the first chapter, not the whole damn fic pls. Have mercy,,,
I will post a counter of the top three in my blog description and will be updated as frequently as possible. Any questions, please direct to this post or my dms <3
Without further ado, here is your choice list!
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Xingqui - "My liege, would you care to accompany me on my reading break? I've picked up a romance novel and it reminded me of us."
-> Author!Reader: You met Xingqui at Wanwen Bookhouse when delivering a batch of your newly-published book. But as a ghost writer, no one knew it was you that authored such books. Safe to say it was cute watching the noble bookworm fanboy about you in front of you. [FLUFF] [FIC]
-> Headcanons with a reader older than Xingqui who's a close family friend of the Feiyun Commerce Guild. Fascinated after meeting you in a party, the noble boy aspires to become the best man for you despite the difference, promising to be the best suitable partner for you in the future. [FLUFF] [HEADCANON SCENARIO]
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Childe - "Hey there, comrade! What a coincidence that we had a break at the same time, care to accompany me for a walk? I promise I won’t lead you to a fight haha... hey, don’t look at me like that!”
-> Antinomy -  The 10th Harbinger (You) and the little shit they had to mentor (Childe), this fic enumerates the trials of the 11th before he became a Harbinger under your care. From strangers to mentor to friends to love- Childe made a grave mistake, now you’re once again strangers. [FLANGST] [ONESHOT]
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Albedo - "Ah, it's you. I've heard of fleeting rumors that you've been pestering a certain someone just to see me. Next time, just come directly to me, I wouldn't mind the assertiveness."
-> Refer to these three as well: Albedo Fic Ideas [FLUFF/FLANGST/FLANGST] [ONESHOT/ONESHOT/SERIES]
-> “You’re Enough”: A year into being the new Chief Alchemist of Mond, Albedo finds himself holed up in his room in the dead of night, haunted as he continuously comes out empty on his research to bring his master back, feeling inadequate. So you reminded him of what he’s capable of. [FLUFF?] [ONESHOT INSPIRED BY You Are Enough - Sleeping At Last]
-> Under the Artificial Sky: Michaelangelo Scenario focused on Albedo’s sketching aspect. Grand Master Varka and Acting Grand Master Jean figured Albedo needed a break and a change of scenery, and sent him off under the guise of a commission in Liyue. What he didn’t expect was another artist from Fontaine accompanying him in this big project.(Albedo and Reader are tasked to paint the new Jade Chamber within 7 days) [FLUFF] [SERIES - 7 CHAPTERS]
-> Albedo SMUT: I had this idea while laying wide awake at 3 AM. The alchemist had been trying all remedies to shake off the stress and fatigue in his system and they all seemed to fail, no amount of sketching or discoveries can pull him away from it. So when you offered a solution he hasn’t heard, he’d jump at it immediately. “You know, some people say having intercourse with someone is a good stress-reliever.” “Intercourse? If it’s true, then please, I wish to have intercourse with you.” “Wha- wait Albedo, do you not know what that is? It’s only done between lovers!” “Convenient, I love you, anything else?” (Two virgin dumbasses do the thing to relieve stress) [SMUT] [ONESHOT]
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Xiao - “I’ve taken care of every threat around this area, you can relax now, I made sure of that.”
-> What is it with you and Qingxin flowers? The Traveler had once heard of Xiao’s affinity for Qingxin flowers, and they’re flying companion boldly asked this lingering question to the adepti himself. His pupils dilate and sharpen before Paimon could finish her sentence. (An origin story about his favorite flower, and his favorite person) [SLIGHT FLANGST] [ONESHOT]
-> Just how harmful is adeptal energy to normal humans? You both found out in the worst way possible: silently, deadly. (Slight spoiler: you fucking die) [ANGST] [ONESHOT]
-> Nightmares Taste Horrible: He’s seen that look in your eyes and the ancient soul within it; you’ve lived long ago, and the only thing your soul carried now was the nightmares of a macabre timeline. Was it him or was it demons that brought you that fear? No matter, he’ll protect you even from yourself. (eating the nightmare of a dead soul reincarnated to you) [FLANGST?] [ONESHOT]
-> Go for the throat: The seal that marked you had made it all too late for him to remedy. Bleeding eyes, growing fangs, it’s just another demon to vanquish just like he’s done for centuries. What makes it different was it was sealed in you. (Inspired from Melanie Martinez’s song uhu) [ANGST] [ONESHOT]
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Zhongli - “Mortals are capable creatures that evolve and adapt for means of survival, but they advance in ways that changes the world around them. This retirement, may be harder to me than it is to them.”
 -> “In human history, there’s a certain noble and powerful connotation to rulers who braid their hair.” Convince to braid his hair using some historical braid trivia; that long hair behind his back should not be ignored for any longer. [PURE FLUFF] [DRABBLE]
-> History has its eyes on you: A traveling theatre hailing from the land of entertainment finds its way to Liyue for their last caravan. A certain Geo Vision man seems to resonate with your newest script: fighting and protecting your land, building up its nation, before being forced to let go of it. He resonates maybe a little too much. (Musical!Reader with heavy references to Hamilton hehe) [FLUFF] [ONESHOT]
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Venti - "Can you hear the symphonies of the wind as it sings to you? That's me, guiding you and protecting you! Whenever you hear it, know that you're safe and sound under my protection!"
-> the one the bard once loved: like actual bard, you are the archer or smth, loved by Venti and Barbatos. Yandere!Barbatos undertones, very unhealthy relationship. This hurts the kokoro. [PURE ANGST] [ONESHOT]
-> The Caravan: (related to the Zhongli and Musical!Reader up there) Your caravan stops at Mondstadt for a whole week before it reaches its final destination. This new fanfare pulled in a peculiar bard who now wants to tag along for the fun of it. "I have no more responsibilities in this free land!" Just what kind of responsibilities does a broke bard have in the first place? [FLUFF] [ONESHOT/HEADCANON]
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Diluc - "You look weary, and you still managed to pull yourself here. Here, a fresh and cold glass, on the house. A relieved smile should be enough payment."
-> Abandoned by The Altar: A timeline oriented story focused on your once perfect childhood relationship as Diluc's bride to be, soon becoming estranged after the death of his father and his neglect. You only wish now that he looks at you the same way he did when you heard you were supposed to be together forever when you were young. [FLANFF] (The ending gets better pls; Inspired by Still Into You - Paramore) [ONESHOT]
-> There are No Laws Against Homelessness in Mondstadt: My favorite title out of all of this ahahhaa- who says adventurers can't be broke? You're the living embodiment of that. (Good boi Diluc with a broke ass reader) [FLUFF] (Warning: homelessness) [ONESHOT]
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Scaramouche - "Let's go already, the sun is setting and we're nowhere near our destination. If you wanted to linger just to spend more time with me, I would have indulged you behind closed doors anyways."
-> Scaramouche Finally Does the Fandango: Have you ever wondered how Scaramouche is like working with other people? His first assignment was to accompany you in your main region and he sees you in your natural habitat, entranced. [I dunno how to tag this, NORMAL?] [ONESHOT/SHORT]
-> Skincare bitch, how I headcanon Scaramouche as someone actually conscious and always tending to their skin. Look at that smooth skin, cute cheeks, let me pinch, eyeliner glory— In which case, that hat has more purpose than being a frisbee. (May or may not include reader. (based from a reblog convo with chels-void) [GOOD VIBES] [HEADCANONS]
-> Once Supreme: Before Scaramouche, there was someone else higher than him. Before Balladeer there was just a young man fighting for his beliefs and her Majesty. Before Mondstadt, his smile wasn't just for deception. "Someday, someone would take advantage of that smile, Scaramouche. It's not appropriate in this work environment." The day you break a man. (Harbinger!Reader again, and lots of HCs for Scaramouche, same format as Antinomy) [I also do not know how to call this, eventual ANGST] [ONESHOT]
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Kaeya - "What are you doing out here in the dead of night? Citizens like you should be cozied up in bed and leaving the patrols to us Knights. Come, I'll accompany you back home."
-> Honey Whiskey: A mysterious band of dancers from Sumeru visits Mondstadt and its taverns to offer a night of alluring dances. What was supposed to be a night of drinking for Kaeya and his troops ended up becoming a tipsy surprise mission when the main dancer steps down from the stage— and ignores him?! How scandalous! (Slightly suggestive themes/You're a bad guy) [COOL?] [ONESHOT] [slightly inspired by song with the same name]
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-> A Musical!Reader but with a scenario with every other character, most probably headcanons master post.
-> Genshin Food prompts: From that one post, I ended up making a whole storyline of oneshots related to their special dishes. Oneshots connected to a bigger picture. By impulse you've ended up leaving your normal life behind to pursue your cooking career, starting from Mondstadt, to learn all the cuisines to establish the first ever international restaurant. With the implications of magic and peculiar customers, your simple dream turns into a harder goal. [GOOD SHIT] [SERIES] [CANON-COMPLIANT]
-> God of Time!Reader that hails from Fontaine. Do you wish to know more about their origins and their purpose in this world? [CANON-COMPLIANT] [HEADCANONS] (General since it deals with all the characters/interactions)
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Meet the Blogger
Thanks for the tag @risingphoenix761 :D
1. How/why did you choose your url?
It was me trying to be punny with my name (Ashton) and the fact that I can be fiery when it comes to topics that I’m passionate about. 
2. Any side blogs? If you have them, name them and explain why you have them
I run @negans-network to help promote Negan content. 
There’s @we-write-imagines but it’s been a dead blog for years. It has some amazing little imagines tho!
I did create another side blog that I was going to try and make into a book review blog, but I never posted on it. I’m not sure people on tumblr really care about stuff like what I’m reading and what I think of non-fanfiction romance books, so for now I stick to my bookstagram and Goodreads for that. 
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
I just had to go look at my archive, and holy crap apparently I made my tumblr in April 2012, so almost a decade ago. I barely used it at first, then it went dead for a few years before I realized there was fanfiction on here, and I came back lol
4. Do you have a queue tag?
I do, tho sometimes it’s stressful af to keep posts on it, because I usually try to keep at least a few days worth lined up. 
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Originally it was because my roommates in college told me to make one lol. Most of my original posts were reblogging random aesthetics, Hunger Games, and Vampire Diaries content. 
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I just use photos of myself because I could never decide on one character or fandom for my profile pic. I actually just changed it recently for the first time in years, because I felt like the other selfie was out of date and I do not look that young anymore *le sigh*
7. Why did you choose your header?
It’s just a random af photo I found on google images way back when. I wish I was fancy enough to make cool header collages or photos like so many other people do, but alas, I am not. 
8. What's your post with the most notes?
THIS ONE and I still am shook that it gets so many new notes each day. 
9. How many mutuals do you have?
Wait, is this something we can actually know?! 
10. How many followers do you have?
Currently 5,283 (y’all are awesome)
11. How many people do you follow?
Currently 242 but I really need to find some more because it’s gotten to be the same posts on my dash, or a lot of blocked posts since I blocked spoilers for Falcon and Winter Soldier, Lucifer, and Loki (I know, I know, I’m SO behind). I’m just very picky about my dash content, which doesn’t help with trying to keep a full queue of thirst blogging posts XD
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
Maybe? I’m not sure I understand fully what it means, because I think of it as being off-topic content from your usual aesthetic, but I could be totally wrong about that. 
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
Not as much as I used to when the fandoms I was in were super active, but I do check it regularly. 
14. Have you ever had a fight/argument with another blog? Who won?
Yes. There was way more drama going on behind the scenes in the Negan fandom back in the day then I think a lot of people realized, and I’m so grateful to be removed from that nonsense and those blogs now. I don’t think anyone “wins” in those situations, because it’s shitty all around. There’s also blogs I thought I was cool with for years and that turned out not to be the case, which is always a crappy realization. But I’ve gotten to the point where I’m not going to set myself on fire to keep others warm, and have gotten very selective in who I interact with. Here’s hoping those blogs have all moved on and don’t still waste time trash-talking me in their little discord chats XD
15. How do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts?
I ignore them. People can reblog whatever they want, and I don’t allow myself to feel pressured by that stuff anymore. 
16. Do you like tag games?
17. Do you like ask games?
18. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Aesthetic and squish crushes, yes. One actually tagged me in this post <3
Tagging: @kellyn1604 @letsby @londoncapsule @whoreschach @jdmorganz @sarcasm-is-my-native-tounge @84reedsy @girlwiththepapatattoo @uglywettiewrites @irrelevantwriter @jobean12-blog
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khoicesbyk · 3 years
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A/N: I'm officially obsessed with Wolf Bride and what does one do when she's obsessed with a certain book? She writes an AU about it! 😁 So, Talley Ho! *in my Sherlock Holmes voice*
Rated: Mature. | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual from me. 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: Roman (LI) and Naia Evans (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 4,040 words. (more or less. I stop counting after editing and re-editing. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Song And Story Inspiration: Bittersweet-After 7
Tag List: @shewillreadyou @rideordiechronicles @pixie88 @txemrn @lucy-268 @shannonsaid @shannonwrote @bebepac @imturaxamara @blackkingliamstan @queenjilian @secretaryunpaid @ridgy--didge @theworldofprompts @choicesficwriterscreations
This series is rated Mature. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
This series may contain spoilers. If you wish not to see spoilers, please do not read any further.
Prompt Time! Today I’ll be using @theworldofprompts prompt “What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the hula?” it'll be in bold in black. Also I know that I can’t be the only one who’s excited that they picked the greatest Disney movie one-liner as a prompt.
(Also this series is a slight deviation of the original story. In the original story, the werewolf hunter is a woman. But in this series the hunter is a man.)
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here!
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
A/N 2: I had a time writing this chapter. Writers block and all out forgetfulness is a bitch! But I did it! *pats self on the back*
TW: paranormal activity. Communication with the dead. Reader Discretion Is STRONGLY ADVISED.
Chapter 22.) Reflection.
It′s crazy how you flaunt your passion.
When you let meaning of them worth take over you.
You stare into my soul like that.
Makes me wonder when you ain't get by the side of me.
It′s pain and pleasure.
To love someone so.
So much you, you hate them.
Push me over the edge then.
To go catch you, your love is.
It's bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
I build you up, then knock you down.
It's bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
You stay quiet and I get loud.
It′s bittersweet.
It had been 3 days since Naia was rushed to the hospital because of Wolfbane being in her system. Her parents, especially her mother, were both distraught and furious that their daughter had gotten herself caught up in the tireless war between The Pack and The Knights Of Ossory. Those three days felt like years to them. Both took turns sitting vigil over their daughter.
The only saving grace was that her condition hadn't changed. It hadn't gotten better but Laurie and Shane were thankful it hadn't worsened. They just wanted her to open her eyes. Laurie needed her daughter to wake up. She had to hear her voice again. And every moment that she didn't the more she went crazy. Laurie would just sit at Naia’s bedside holding onto her hand and pray Naia would squeeze her hand. The agony of waiting was going to kill her.
“Anything?” her husband asked as he entered the room with coffee in hand.
Laurie just shook her head no.
“It'll happen, baby. It has to. She'll wake up and we'll be able to breathe again.”
She never said a word to him. She just held onto Naia’s hand as Shane set the cup of coffee he brought her down. Laurie's eyes were red and puffy and her face was a mess. She blamed The Pack and The Knights Of Ossory but mostly she blamed herself. She swore to protect her daughter from all of this. To prevent her from going through the hell she went through over 30 years ago. And feels like she failed. A pain no mother wants to go through.
Laurie rubbed Naia’s knuckle silently, willing their daughter to wake up.
“Have you eaten baby?”
Laurie shook her head no.
“You should go eat something baby.”
“I don't want food. I want our daughter. I want her to wake up now.”
Shane sat beside her and placed his hand over hers.
“I know, baby. I want that too. I need it. You need it. But it's not good for you not to eat something.”
“I can't leave her! What if she wakes up and I'm not here?! I have to be here!”
Her frantic tone worried Shane.
“Baby listen to me! You need to go eat something. I'll be right here. I will watch over her. If anything happens I swear to you that I will tell you immediately.”
“But Shane—”
“No buts! Go eat something. Now! I won't let anything happen to her. I swear that on my life.”
Laurie looked at him before getting up and going to the door. When she looked back towards Naia, Shane smiled softly at her.
“It's okay baby, I'll keep her safe.”
Laurie nodded sadly before walking out the door.
Shane turned his attention back to their daughter, his worry, resentment, rage, sorrow, protectiveness, and anxiety all on high. His little girl. His flesh and blood. She hadn't moved or spoken since he last saw her. He was thankful for the hospital staff. They were able to get her allergic reaction to Wolfbane under control but she was still unconscious. None of the meds she was on seemed to be working.
It′s so easy to listen.
When your tongue is an innocent prisoner of war oh yeah.
And it might bе wrong but we never еnd that.
Damage is done, always pain and pleasure.
To love someone so.
So much you hate them.
Push me over the edge then.
To go catch you, your love is.
It's bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
I build you up, then knock you down.
It′s bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
You stay quiet and I get loud.
It's bittersweet.
It didn't take Laurie long to come back from the cafeteria. When Shane looked up she walked in with food for them both.
“I'm not the only one who needed to eat.”
Shane smiled softly as she handed him a sandwich.
“Still nothing?”
“Still no change. But I'm not giving up.”
Laurie smiled at her husband's resolve. They sat together and ate their food in silence. Their eyes went from Naia to the IV drip machine she was hooked up to.
“Don't worry baby. Our girl will wake up.”
“I know she will. She has to. And when she does…we have to tell her the truth.”
Shane looked at his wife confused.
“Are you sure? Are you sure you’re ready to do that?”
“Look at her Shane! She wouldn't be here, hell we wouldn't even be here if she knew the truth. It's time. So when she wakes up and is lucid enough to hear it we'll tell her everything.”
Shane took his wife's hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“Okay. If you’re ready and you're sure. Then I am too.”
Laurie offered him a small smile.
Yeah I know you know me.
That′s why you the only one can push my buttons.
Sometimes it's like you speak another language.
Got me like adios buenas noches baby.
Oh it′s pain and pleasure.
To love someone so.
So much you hate them.
Push me over the edge then.
To go catch you, your love is.
It′s bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
I build you up, then knock you down.
It′s bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
You stay quiet and I get loud.
It's bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
I build you up, then knock you down.
It′s bittersweet.
(What you want from me, want, want)
You stay quiet and I get loud.
It's always bittersweet.
While her body was still, Naia was subconsciously awake.
Naia slowly opened her eyes, and looked around frantically and confusedly. She couldn't see anything or anyone.
“What? Where am I?”
That's when she heard a woman's voice.
“I've been waiting to meet you.”
When Naia turned around she saw a figure she didn't recognize.
“Who’s there? Who are you? What is this place?”
The figure in front of her soon materialized into an elderly black woman. One that she recognized.
“Oh…my…God! You’re…you're…Delia?”
She smiled at Naia.
“Hello, my dear. It's wonderful to finally meet you.”
Naia’s jaw dropped.
“But how?!”
“I thought you…you died a long time ago!”
“I did. 3 years ago.”
“Wait! Am I dead?”
Delia laughed softly.
“No dear, you’re not dead. You are in the world between worlds.”
Naia blinked in realization.
“I was here with Roman. Where is he?! Is he hurt?! Did Trent shoot him?!”
Delia placed a calming hand on Naia’s shoulder.
“All will be revealed shortly. I promise.”
Naia took a shaky breath then nodded.
“Now come sit with me. We have much to discuss.”
Naia followed Delia to a bench that appeared out of nowhere. When they sat down Delia cocked her head to the side at Naia curiously. Making her feel super awkward.
“Is there something on my face?”
“No. I’m just curious about you. You’re as beautiful as I imagined you’d be.”
Naia couldn’t keep the blush from creeping up on her face.
“A ghost just called me beautiful. I must be hallucinating.”
Delia chuckled.
“You said we had much to discuss. What are we discussing?”
“You, my dear. Your connection to the town, the people, and especially Roman.”
“I mean I’ve been in town for a few months. I don’t know anyone outside of my uncle Trent and the Pack.”
Delia nods.
“And what are your impressions of them so far?”
Naia chewed the inside of her cheek.
“Can I be honest with you?”
“Of course dear. That’s why we are here.”
“I understand why my mom doesn’t want me around Roman. Because to be honest, he’s terrifying. But at the same time…I can’t stay away from him. I can’t get enough of him. He makes me feel safe. And loved. And wanted. And I…”
“I care about him. A lot. But I don't know if I'm ready to give up my life for him. I don't know if I'm ready to be his mate.”
Deli nodded.
“It is a lot to ask of a young woman. I would know.”
“How did you decide Delia? Or was it decided for you?”
Delia chuckles softly.
“It wasn’t my intent to be Xander’s mate when I first came to Hunt’s Peak.”
Naia blinked in confusion.
“You’re not from Hunt’s Peak?”
“No. Originally from the Pittsburgh area.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“I grew up in foster care so it wasn’t like many had missed me when I left.”
“So what brought you to Hunt’s Peak?”
“I was hired as a 5th teacher. I loved my job. Teaching children became my passion.”
“And how did you meet Xander?”
“I’ve always been a Wolfkin and I knew it was my destiny to become the mate to a member of The Pack but I never thought I would be Xander’s mate. But to answer your question, I was walking along the creek when I saw him and his father Ferdinand. We were smitten at first sight.”
“Oh…did his father accept you?”
“Yes, he did. And after some convincing so did his mother Cecilia.”
“When did Xander become Alpha?”
“Shortly after we met. Maybe 6 months or so.”
“Is that when you became his mate?”
“Yes. He courted me until he became Alpha.”
“Courted how?”
Delia smiled as if lost in a memory.
“He would come by the school. Regale my students in wild tales of werewolves as knights and kings and sorceresses and sorcerers. That sort of thing. But the biggest thing he did for me, was he planted a single night flower and let it blossom into a field full of them.”
“Sounds like he was a romantic at heart.”
“He used to be but when he became Alpha, responsibility and obligation replaced flowers and romance.”
“Was it hard?”
“No. Not at first. I always understood my role as The Alpha’s mate. And I cherished it. Becoming a sort of Den Mother gave me a purpose.”
“What changed?”
Delia looked at Naia with a new curiosity.
“He met your mother.”
Naia swallowed.
“Mommy told me how she met him.”
“I remember that. I remember when he told her no at first. I was furious at him. So I not so subtly encouraged him to reconsider not protecting her and your uncle.”
“Why did you do that?”
“Your mother was a child at the time. And your uncle couldn’t protect her as he should have. Only Xander and The Pack could do that.”
“She also told me about the day he offered her The Pack’s protection.”
“I remember when Xander told me about Bobby Giles threatening her. He was furious and I was disgusted. But we both knew that he couldn't just charge into town and rid it of him. Well, he could but it wasn't in his nature at the time. So he sent a few wolves in their human forms to investigate.”
“She told me that too. And the time that Bobby pulled a gun out on Xander.”
Delia snickered.
“The fool. He believed that his gun would scare Xander. But he learned the hard way that day.”
Naia shifted in her seat.
“Mommy showed me the necklace that Xander gave her.”
“I know about that. He gave it to her on her 18th birthday.”
“She also said that she was bonded to him.”
“She's right. She was bonded to him until he died.”
“Are you angry about that?”
Delia went quiet
“To be honest, I was very angry with her. Jaded and bitter even. But I realized after she left that my anger was misplaced.”
“Misplaced how?”
“After she left I found out that Xander was telling her that she was to be his new mate. And at that time your mother was a young impressionable girl.”
“He was manipulating her?”
“Yes, he played with her heart and preyed on it.”
“My God. Why did you stay with him for so long?”
“I was bound by Pack Law to stay with my mate until his death.”
Naia shuddered.
“Will that happen to me?”
“If you choose to be Roman’s mate you are bound by Pack Law to be at his side until his death.”
“Well, that explains what my mom said about you and Xander being married on paper.”
Delia nodded.
“If I was the mate of any other Pack member I could leave. But I was Xander’s mate. As was your mother. As yet…”
“She ran away.”
“Can you tell me about Xander?”
“What would you like to know?”
“What did he look like?”
Delia waves a hand and a picture of Xander materialized in front of them.
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“That is Xander in all his glory.”
“He and Roman look just alike.”
Delia smiled softly.
“Yes. He has his father's looks and stubbornness but he also has my heart.”
“Will I meet Xander?”
“No my dear. You won't.”
“Crisis averted.”
“So, will you be Roman’s mate or will you go back to your life as a human woman?”
Just as Naia was about to speak another panel appeared in front of her and Delia.
“What's this?”
“Roman. He's trying to connect to you through your bond. We are about to look at life through his eyes. These panels that appear are what life is like.”
“Why can’t he connect with me?”
Instead of responding, Delia put a finger to her lips then pointed to the panel. When Naia looked at the panel she was transported into Roman’s mind.
She and Delia were looking at a memory of them.
She had convinced Layla to let her turn Buck’s into a mini-movie theater for the pups and their parents. To give them something fun to do. When Roman heard about it he was both curious and thrilled. The girls decided on watching Lion King. With Gino and popcorn in hand, Naia snuggled next to Roman.
“So this movie is about…cats?”
“The circle of life. And lions.”
“…lions are cats are they not?”
Naia shook her head at the memory before turning to Delia.
“I remember this.”
“Do you?”
“Yes. It was the day I learned that your son doesn’t like my impressions.”
Delia chuckled. They turned back to the memory and as they did, they came upon Naia’s impression of one of her favorite scenes in the movie.
“Hyenas. I hate hyenas. So what’s your plan for getting past those guys?”
“Live bait.”
“Good idea!…hey!”
“Come on Timon, you guys have to create a diversion.”
“What do you want me to do? Dress in drag and do the hula?”
Roman groaned.
“Are you going to be like this the rest of the movie?”
“What? Gino likes my impression. You don’t like my impression?”
“Everyone’s a damn critic.”
Roman rolled his eyes. But he would soon find out which scene is her favorite scene in the whole movie.
“Hey! Who’s the pig?”
“Are you talking to me?”
“Uh oh! Did he call him a pig?”
“Are you talking to me?”
“Shouldn’t have done that!”
“Are you talking to me?!”
“Now they’re in for it!”
“They call me: Mr. Pig!”
And just as she got Pumbaa’s yell Roman clamped a hand to her mouth.
“Beloved…how am I to enjoy this movie you’ve chosen with your incessant talking?”
Naia just giggled as the panel changed to a more recent memory. One that Naia didn’t recognize.
“Yes, my dear. This was just a few days ago.”
“But I don’t remember this.”
“Because you aren’t there.”
“What?! What do you mean?”
Delia pointed to the panel as it showed Roman walking into her room. He looked distraught as he looked around. Naia could feel his anguish in her chest. When his eyes fell on Gino sitting on the bed, she felt tears on her cheek as he held Gino close to his chest.
“I don’t understand.”
“The one he considers to be his mate is missing.”
“His mate? You mean me?”
“Yes, my dear.”
“But why is he looking for me?”
“Because your bond with him is disrupted. He’s trying to reconnect with you.”
“But why?”
Delia turned back to the panel as it showed Roman in wolf form curled up on her bed with Gino under his jaw. She felt his agony and his pain as well as his longing as he whimpered. He was missing her. He was needing her. Her presence. Her smile. Her laugh. It broke her heart. She stood up shouting to the panel.
“Roman! Roman! I'm here! I'm right here!”
Delia put a hand on her shoulder.
“He can't hear you. This is only a vision of what has already been.”
Naia turned to Delia with pleading in her eyes.
“You said that he couldn’t connect to me, why can’t he connect to me?”
With a wave of a hand another panel appeared. This one showed Naia lying in a hospital bed hooked up to an IV with her mother at her side.
“I–I–I…it can’t be! You said I wasn’t dead!”
“You aren’t Naia. You’ve been injected with Wolfbane. It’s a toxin that can be deadly but thankfully you were taken to the hospital in time to save you.”
“Injected?! How?!”
“You don’t remember?”
Naia stood there confused until it hit her.
“The tranquilizer dart! The one that Trent was using! Am I right?”
Delia nodded.
“If I’m on an IV then why haven’t I woken up?”
“Because the spirits aren’t ready for you to wake up yet.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
Delia looked at Naia.
“Answer this. Why do you think you’re here?”
Naia didn't know how to answer that question.
“I don't know.”
As soon as those words left her mouth another panel appeared. This one was of Trent after he left the hospital. He was in his boss’s office going off about Wolfbane.
“What is wrong with you Moses?!”
“The tranquilizer! You said it was harmless!”
“It is harmless! It effects those beasts and their ability to shift!”
“What about humans?”
“It doesn’t effect humans!”
Trent eyed him with an intense yet calm fury.
“What is Wolfbane?”
Bernard blinked in confusion.
“Where did you hear that name?”
“Answer the question!”
“It’s the name of the tranquilizer. It doesn’t effect humans.”
“Yes it does.”
“No it does not!”
Trent pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Naia was hit by one of the tranquilizer darts.”
“The young woman you brought here the other day?”
“Yes. She collapsed after being hit and is now in the hospital fighting for her life. According to her mother Wolfbane is a poison that you and Xander created.”
Bernard looked at Trent genuinely confused.
“Her mother?”
“I didn't stutter.”
“What was her last name again?”
“I knew someone with that last name but it was a he not a she.”
“Probably her dad. Her mother’s maiden name is Roberts.”
Bernard’s face lit up.
“Roberts? As in Laurie Roberts? Zane Roberts sister?”
“I knew that girl looked familiar!”
“What are you talking about?”
“I know her mother. Which means Xander was right. She did run off with Evans. I can’t believe she finally came back home.”
“Is what her mother said true? That you created this with Xander?”
“Yes it is but he took it too far. It wasn’t designed to be lethal. I tried to stop him but you can see what good it did.”
“So Xander truly was a monster?”
“Ohhh yes my boy. A monster indeed.”
As she watched with Delia, Naia wasn’t entirely convinced that Bernard was totally innocent.
“I don’t like him. I don’t trust him.”
“That’s Bernard Sayre for you.”
“Has he always been this way?”
“Oh yes. Even when I was amongst the living he and especially his motives were always questionable.”
“Why does the town let him do what he does?”
“Only the town can answer that.”
“I guess…”
The panel showed Trent in his cabin sitting on his couch with a bottle in his hand. Naia could feel his guilt and shame as well as his anger. His anger at his boss and anger at himself. He didn’t mean to hurt her. She just came out of nowhere. By the time he pulled the trigger it was too late. He didn't see her at first but when she dropped to the ground his heart dropped when she did. He wanted to be there at the hospital with her. To tell her how sorry he was. How much she means to him. How he wishes he could take it all back.
But at that moment he couldn't. All he could do was wallow in his festering grief and simmering anger. The same as Roman. This war had taken away a lot for both of them but this was the final straw. Trent wasn't about to lose to Roman again. And Roman had finally had enough of Trent being a thorn in his side. Both had subconsciously decided that this was an all-out war.
All of it broke Naia.
“They aren't serious are they?”
“Yes. Both are hurt and angry. Both at themselves and each other.”
“But I don't want this! I don't want them fighting!”
“Then you've found your reason for being here.”
“What do you mean?”
“You asked me why you were brought here. My dear, you were brought here to heal what is broken.”
“You mean Roman and Trent?”
“And your family. Your mother, especially.”
“Yes. She is hurting. And angry. And confused. And you are the key to healing her wounds. And theirs.”
Naia nodded.
“How do I do that?”
“You can start by answering your mother’s prayer.”
Delia turned back to the panel that showed Laurie. When Naia looked up, her mother was holding the necklace that Xander gave her. She looking out of the window to the moon in the sky.
“Spirits of the earth,
I don't know if you can hear me or that I even have the right to ask this. But I come to you with a simple prayer. I ask you to heal my daughter. She doesn't deserve to be here. She doesn't deserve this. She's innocent. If you're angry with me for abandoning The Pack and my duties as Xander’s mate I understand. But I beg you! Don't make my daughter suffer because of me. I beg you, please bring her back to me. Let her eyes open again. Let her speak again. I just want my little girl back. I need her back. Please! Heal her.”
Delia turned to Naia with a question.
“Now that you know your purpose, are you ready my dear?”
“Yes. I am ready to heal all that is broken.”
Delia waved her hand and the panels disappeared. They were replaced by a doorway.
“Then go. Your mother is waiting for you.”
“Thank you, Delia.”
Delia smiled at her.
“You're welcome, my dear. Tell my son that I miss him and that I love him and that I'm sorry.”
Naia smiled at her.
“I will.”
Naia stepped through the doorway and was transported back to her hospital room, just as her mother finished praying. She had moved her head slightly which both startled and excited Laurie.
“Naia? Naia baby are you awake?”
Naia’s eyes fluttered open and when she spoke her voice was weak.
Laurie had tears in her eyes.
“I'm here baby. I'm right here.”
Laurie was overcome with joy and relief.
“You came back to me!”
“I missed you, mommy.”
“I missed you too, baby girl.”
Laurie nodded resolutely.
“Yes, we do. It's time for you to know the true reason why I left.”
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Mass Effect Retribution, a review
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Mass Effect Retribution is the third book in the official Mass Effect trilogy by author Drew Karpyshyn, who happens to also be Lead Writer for Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2.
I didn’t expect to pick it up, because to be very honest I didn’t expect to like it. 9 years ago I borrowed Mass Effect Revelations, and I still recall the experience as underwhelming. But this fateful fall of 2020 I had money (yay) and I saw the novel on the shelf of a swedish nerd store. I guess guilt motivated me to give the author another try: guilt, because I’ve been writing a Mass Effect fanfiction for an ungodly amount of years and I’ve been deathly afraid of lore that might contradict my decisions ever since I started -but I knew this book covered elements that are core to plot elements of my story, and I was willing to let my anxiety to the door and see what was up.
Disclaimer: I didn’t reread Mass Effect Revelation before plunging into this read, and entirely skipped Ascension. So anything in relation to character introduction and continuity will have to be skipped.
Back-cover pitch (the official, unbiased, long one)
Humanity has reached the stars, joining the vast galactic community of alien species. But beyond the fringes of explored space lurk the Reapers, a race of sentient starships bent on “harvesting” the galaxy’s organic species for their own dark purpose. The Illusive Man, leader of the pro-human black ops group Cerberus, is one of the few who know the truth about the Reapers. To ensure humanity’s survival, he launches a desperate plan to uncover the enemy’s strengths—and weaknesses—by studying someone implanted with modified Reaper technology. He knows the perfect subject for his horrific experiments: former Cerberus operative Paul Grayson, who wrested his daughter from the cabal’s control with the help of Ascension project director Kahlee Sanders. But when Kahlee learns that Grayson is missing, she turns to the only person she can trust: Alliance war hero Captain David Anderson. Together they set out to find the secret Cerberus facility where Grayson is being held. But they aren’t the only ones after him. And time is running out. As the experiments continue, the sinister Reaper technology twists Grayson’s mind. The insidious whispers grow ever stronger in his head, threatening to take over his very identity and unleash the Reapers on an unsuspecting galaxy. This novel is based on a Mature-rated video game.
Global opinion (TL;DR)
I came in hoping to be positively surprised and learn a thing or two about Reapers, about Cerberus and about Aria T’loak. I wasn’t, and I didn’t learn much. What I did learn was how cool ideas can get wasted by the very nature of game novelization, as the defects are not singular to this novel but quite widespread in this genre, and how annoyed I can get at an overuse of dialogue tags. The pacing is good and the narrative structure alright: everything else poked me in the wrong spots and rubbed how the series have always handled violence on my face with cruder examples. If I was on Good Reads, I’d probably give it something like 2 stars, for the pacing, some of the ideas, and my general sympathy for the IP novel struggle.
The indepth review continue past this point, just know there will be spoilers for the series, the Omega DLC which is often relevant, and the book itself!
What I enjoyed
Drew Karpyshyn is competent in narrative structure, and that does a lot for the pacing. Things rarely drag, and we get from one event to the next seamlessly. I’m not surprised this is one of the book’s qualities, as it comes from the craft of a game writer: pacing and efficiency are mandatory skills in this field. I would have preferred a clearer breaking point perhaps, but otherwise it’s a nice little ride that doesn’t ask a lot of effort from you (I was never tempted to DNF the book because it was so easy to read).
This book is packed with intringuing ideas -from venturing in the mind of the Illusive Man to assist, from the point of view of the victim, to Grayson’s biological transformation and assimilation into the Reaper hivemind, we get plenty to be excited for. I was personally intrigued about Liselle, Aria T’loak’s secret daughter, and eager to get a glimpse at the mind of the Queen Herself -also about how her collaboration with Cerberus came to be. Too bad none of these ideas go anywhere nor are being dealt with in an interesting way!!! But the concepts themselves were very good, so props for setting up interesting premices.
Pain is generally well described. It gets the job done.
I liked Sanak, the batarian that works as a second to Aria. He’s not very well characterized and everyone thinks he’s dumb (rise up for our national himbo), even though he reads almost smarter than her on multiple occasions, but I was happy whenever he was on the page, so yay for Sanak. But it might just be me having a bias for batarians.
Cool to have Kai Leng as a point of view character. I wasn’t enthralled by what was done with it, as he remains incredibly basic and as basically hateable and ungrounded than in Mass Effect 3 (I think he’s very underwhelming as a villain and he should have been built up in Mass Effect 2 to be effective). But there were some neat moments, such as the description of the Afterlife by Grayson who considers it as tugging at his base instincts, compared to Leng’s description of it where everything is deemed disgusting. The execution is not the best, but the concept was fun.
Pre-Reaperification Paul Grayson wasn’t the worst point of view to follow. I wasn’t super involved in his journey and didn’t care when he died one way or the other, but I empathized with his problems and hoped he would find a way out of the cycle of violence. The setup of his character arc was interesting, it’s just sad that any resolution -even negative- was dropped to focus on Reapers and his relationship with Kahlee Sanders, as I think the latter was the least interesting part.
The cover is cool and intringuing. Very soapy. It’s my favorite out of all the official novels, as it owns the cheesier aspect of the series, has nice contrasts and immediately asks questions. Very 90s/2000s. It’s great.
You may notice every thing I enjoyed was coated in complaints, because it’s a reflection of my frustration at this book for setting up interesting ideas and then completely missing the mark in their execution. So without further due, let’s talk about what I think the book didn’t do right.
1. Dumb complaints that don’t matter much
After reading the entire book, I am still a bit confused at to why Tim (the Illusive Man’s acronym is TIM in fandom, but I find immense joy in reffering to him as just Tim) wants his experimentation to be carried out on Grayson specifically, especially when getting to him is harder than pretty much anyone else (also wouldn’t pushing the very first experiments on alien captives make more sense given it’s Cerberus we’re talking about?). It seem to be done out of petty revenge, which is fine, but it still feels like quite the overlook to mess with a competent fighter, enhance him, and then expect things to stay under control (which Tim kind of doesn’t expect to, and that’s even weirder -why waste your components on something you plan to terminate almost immediately). At the same time, the pettiness is the only characterization we get out of Tim so good I guess? But if so, I wished it would have been accentuated to seem even more deliberate (and not have Tim regret to see it in himself, which flattens him and doesn’t inform the way he views the world and himself -but we’ll get to that).
I really disliked the way space travel is characterized. And that might be entirely just me, and perhaps it doesn’t contradict the rest of the lore, but space travel is so fast. People pop up left and right in a matter of hours. At some point we even get a mention of someone being able to jump 3 different Mass Relays and then arrive somewhere in 4 hours. I thought you first had to discharge your ship around a stellar object before being able to engage in the next jump (and that imply finding said object, which would have to take more than an hour). It’s not that big of a deal, but it completely crammed this giant world to a single boulevard for me and my hard-science-loving tastes. Not a big deal, but not a fan at all of this choice.
You wouldn’t believe how often people find themselves in a fight naked or in their underwear. It happens at least 3 times (and everyone naked survives -except one, we’ll get to her later).
Why did I need to know about this fifteen year’s old boner for his older teacher. Surely there were other ways to have his crush come across without this detail, or then have it be an actual point of tension in their relationship and not just a “teehee” moment. Weird choice imo.
I’m not a fan of the Talons. I don’t find them interesting or compelling. There is nothing about them that informs us on the world they live in. The fact they’re turian-ruled don’t tell us anything about turian culture that, say, the Blue Suns don’t tell us already. It’s a generic gang that is powerful because it is. I think they’re very boring, in this book and in the Omega DLC alike (a liiittle less in the DLC because of Nyreen, barely). Not a real criticism, I just don’t care for them at all.
I might just be very ace, but I didn’t find Anderson and Kahlee Sanders to have much chemistry. Same for Kahlee and Grayson (yes we do have some sort of love-triangle-but-not-really, but it’s not very important and it didn’t bother me much). Their relationships were all underwhelming to me, and I’ll explain why in part 4.
The red sand highs are barely described, and very safely -probably not from a place of intimate knowledge with drugs nor from intense research. Addiction is a delicate topic, and I feel like it could have been dealt with better, or not be included at all.
There are more of these, but I don’t want to turn this into a list of minor complaints for things that are more a matter of taste than craft quality or thematic relevance. So let’s move on.
2. Who cares about aliens in a Mass Effect novel
Now we’re getting into actual problems, and this one is kind of endemic to the Mass Effect novels (I thought the same when I read Revelation 9 years ago, though maybe less so as Saren in a PoV character -but I might have forgotten so there’s that). The aliens are described and characterized in the most uncurious, uninspired manner. Krogans are intimidating brutes. Turians are rigid. Asaris are sexy. Elcors are boring. Batarians are thugs (there is something to be said with how Aria’s second in command is literally the same batarian respawned with a different name in Mass Effect 2, this book, then the Omega DLC). Salarians are weak nerds. (if you allow me this little parenthesis because of course I have to complain about salarian characterization: the only salarian that speaks in the book talks in a cheap ripoff of Mordin’s speech pattern, which sucks because it’s specific to Mordin and not salarians as a whole, and is there to be afraid of a threat as a joke. This is SUCH a trope in the original trilogy -especially past Mass Effect 1 when they kind of give up on salarians except for a few chosen ones-, that salarians’ fear is not to be taken seriously and the only salarians who are to be considered don’t express fear at all -see Mordin and Kirrahe. It happens at least once per game, often more. This is one of the reasons why the genophage subplot is allowed to be so morally simple in ME3 and remove salarians from the equation. I get why they did that, but it’s still somewhat of a copeout. On this front, I have to give props to Andromeda for actually engaging with violence on salarians in a serious manner. It’s a refreshing change) I didn’t learn a single thing about any of these species, how they work, what they care about in the course of these 79750 words. I also didn’t learn much about their relationships to other species, including humans. I’ll mention xenophobia in more details later, but this entire aspect of the story takes a huge hit because of this lack of investment of who these species are.
I’ve always find Mass Effect, despite its sprawling universe full of vivid ideas and unique perspectives, to be strangely enamoured with humans, and it has never been so apparent than here. Only humans get to have layers, deserving of empathy and actual engagement. Only their pain is real and important. Only their death deserve mourning (we’ll come back to that). I’d speculate this comes from the same place that was terrified to have Liara as a love interest in ME1 in case she alienated the audience, and then later was surprised when half the fanbase was more interested in banging the dinosaur-bird than their fellow humans: Mass Effect often seem afraid of losing us and breaking our capacity for self-projection. It’s a very weird concern, in my opinion, that reveals the most immature, uncertain and soapy parts of the franchise. Here it’s punched to eleven, and I find it disappointing. It also have a surprising effect on the narrative: again, we’ll come back to that.
3. The squandered potential of Liselle and Aria
Okay. This one hurts. Let’s talk about Liselle: she’s introduced in the story as a teammate to Grayson, who at the time works as a merc for Aria T’loak on Omega, and also sleeps with him on the regular. She likes hitting the Afterlife’s dancefloor: she’s very admired there, as she’s described as extremely attractive. One night after receiving a call from Grayson, she rejoins him in his apartment. They have sex, then Kai Leng and other Cerberus agents barge in to capture Grayson -a fight break out (the first in a long tradition of naked/underwear fights), and both of them are stunned with tranquilizers. Grayson is to be taken to the Illusive Man. Kai Leng decides to slit Liselle’s throat as she lays unconscious to cover their tracks. When Aria T’loak and her team find her naked on a bed, throat gaping and covered in blood, Liselle is revealed, through her internal monologue, to be Aria’s secret daughter -that she kept secret for both of their safety. So Liselle is a sexpot who dies immediately in a very brutal and disempowered manner. This is a sad way to handle Aria T’loak’s daughter I think, but I assume it was done to give a strong motivation to the mother, who thinks Grayson did it. And also, it’s a cool setup to explore her psyche: how does she feel about business catching up with her in such a personal manner, how does she feel about the fact she couldn’t protect her own offspring despite all her power, what’s her relationship with loss and death, how does she slip when under high emotional stress, how does she deal with such a vulnerable position of having to cope without being able to show any sign of weakness... But the book does nothing with that. The most interesting we get is her complete absence of outward reaction when she sees her daughter as the centerpiece of a crime scene. Otherwise we have mentions that she’s not used to lose relatives, vague discomfort when someone mentions Liselle might have been raped, and vague discomfort at her body in display for everyone to gawk at. It’s not exactly revelatory behavior, and the missed potential is borderline criminal. It also doesn’t even justify itself as a strong motivation, as Aria vaguely tries to find Grayson again and then gives up until we give her intel on a silver platter. Then it almost feels as if she forgot her motivation for killing Grayson, and is as motivated by money than she is by her daughter’s murder (and that could be interesting too, but it’s not done in a deliberate way and therefore it seems more like a lack of characterization than anything else).
Now, to Aria. Because this book made me realize something I strongly dislike: the framing might constantly posture her as intelligent, but Aria T’loak is... kind of dumb, actually? In this book alone she’s misled, misinformed or tricked three different times. We’re constantly ensured she’s an amazing people reader but never once do we see this ability work in her favor -everyone fools her all the time. She doesn’t learn from her mistakes and jump from Cerberus trap to Cerberus trap, and her loosing Omega to them later is laughably stupid after the bullshit Tim put her through in this book alone. I’m not joking when I say the book has to pull out an entire paragraph on how it’s easier to lie to smart people to justify her complete dumbassery during her first negotiation with Tim. She doesn’t seem to know anything about how people work that could justify her power. She’s not politically savvy. She’s not good at manipulation. She’s just already established and very, very good at kicking ass. And I wouldn’t mind if Aria was just a brutish thug who maintains her power through violence and nothing else, that could also be interesting to have an asari act that way. But the narrative will not bow to the reality they have created for her, and keep pretending her flaw is in extreme pride only. This makes me think of the treatment of Sansa Stark in the latest seasons of Game of Thrones -the story and everyone in it is persuaded she’s a political mastermind, and in the exact same way I would adore for it to be true, but it’s just... not. It’s even worse for Aria, because Sansa does have victories by virtue of everyone being magically dumber than her whenever convenient. Aria just fails, again and again, and nobody seem to ever acknowledge it. Sadly her writing here completely justifies her writing in the Omega DLC and the comics, which I completely loathe; but turns out Aria isn’t smart or savvy, not even in posture or as a façade. She’s just violent, entitled, easily fooled, and throws public tantrums when things don’t go her way. And again, I guess that would be fine if only the narrative would recognize what she is. Me, I will gently ignore most of this (in her presentation at least, because I think it’s interesting to have something pitiful when you dig a little) and try to write her with a bit more elevation. But this was a very disappointing realization to have.
4. The squandered potential of Grayson and the Reapers
The waste of a subplot with Aria and Liselle might have hurt me more in a personal way, but what went down between Grayson and the Reapers hurts the entire series in a startling manner. And it’s so infuriating because the potential was there. Every setpiece was available to create something truly unique and disturbing by simply following the series’ own established lore. But this is not what happens. See, when The Illusive Man, our dearest Tim, captures Grayson for a betrayal that happened last book (something about his biotic autistic daughter -what’s the deal with autistic biotics being traumatized by Cerberus btw), he decides to use him as the key part of an experiment to understand how Reapers operate. So he forcefully implants the guy with Reaper technology (what they do exactly is unclear) to study his change into a husk and be prepared when Reapers come for humanity -it’s also compared to what happened with Saren when he “agreed” to be augmented by Sovereign. From there on, Grayson slowly turns into a husk. Doesn’t it sound fascinating, to be stuck in the mind of someone losing themselves to unknowable monsters? If you agree with me then I’m sorry because the execution is certainly... not that. The way the author chooses to describe the event is to use the trope of mind control used in media like Get Out: Grayson taking the backseat of his own mind and body. And I haaaaate it. I hate it so much. I don’t hate the trope itself (it can be interesting in other media, like Get Out!), but I loathe that it’s used here in a way that totally contradicts both the lore and basic biology. Grayson doesn’t find himself manipulated. He doesn’t find himself justifying increasingly jarring actions the way Saren has. He just... loses control of himself, disagreeing with what’s being done with him but not able to change much about it. He also can fight back and regain control sometimes -but his thoughts are almost untainted by Reaper influence. The technology is supposed to literally replace and reorganize the cells of his body; is this implying that body and mind are separated, that there maybe exists a soul that transcends indoctrination? I don’t know but I hate it. This also implies that every victim of the Reaper is secretely aware of what they’re doing and pained and disagreeing with their own actions. And I’m sorry but if it’s true, I think this sucks ass and removes one of the creepiest ideas of the Mass Effect universe -that identity can and will be lost, and that Reapers do not care about devouring individuality and reshaping it to the whims of their inexorable march. Keeping a clear stream of consciousness in the victim’s body makes it feel like a curse and not like a disease. None of the victims are truly gone that way, and it removes so much of the tragic powerlessness of organics in their fight against the machines. Imagine if Saren watched himself be a meanie and being like “nooo” from within until he had a chance to kill himself in a near-victorious battle, compared to him being completely persuaded he’s acting for the good of organic life until, for a split second, he comes to realize he doesn’t make any sense and is loosing his mind like someone with dementia would, and needs to grasp to this instant to make the last possible thing he could do to save others and his own mind from domination. I feel so little things for Saren in the former case, and so much for the latter. But it might just be me: I’m deeply touched by the exploration of how environment and things like medication can change someone’s behavior, it’s such a painfully human subject while forceful mind control is... just kind of cheap.
SPEAKING OF THE REAPERS. Did you know “The Reapers” as an entity is an actual character in this book? Because it is. And “The Reapers” is not a good character. During the introduction of Grayson and explaining his troubles, we get presented with the mean little voice in his head. It’s his thoughts in italics, nothing crazy, in fact it’s a little bit of a copeout from actually implementing his insecurities into the prose. But I gave the author the benefit of the doubt, as I knew Grayson would be indoctrinated later, and I fully expected the little voice to slowly start twisting into what the Reapers suggested to him. This doesn’t happen, or at least not in that slowburn sort of way. Instead the little voice is dropped almost immediately, and the Reapers are described, as a presence. And as the infection progresses, what Grayson do become what the Reapers do. The Reapers have emotions, it turns out. They’re disgusted at organic discharges. They’re pleased when Grayson accomplish what they want, and it’s told as such. They foment little plans to get their puppet to point A to point B, and we are privy to their calculations. And I’m sorry but the best way to ruin your lovecraftian concept is to try and explain its motivations and how it thinks. Because by definition the unknown is scarier, smarter, and colder than whatever a human author could come up with. I couldn’t take the Reapers’ dumb infiltration plans seriously, and now I think they are dumb all the time, and I didn’t want to!! The only cases in which the Reapers influence Grayson, we are told in very explicit details how so. For example, they won’t let Grayson commit suicide by flooding his brain with hope and determination when he tries, or they will change the words he types when he tries to send a message to Kahlee Sanders. And we are told exactly what they do every time. There was a glorious occasion to flex as a writer by diving deep into an unreliable narrator and write incredibly creepy prose, but I guess we could have been confused, and apparently that’s not allowed. And all of this is handled that poorly becauuuuuse...
5. Subtext is dead and Drew killed it
Now we need to talk about the prose. The style of the author is... let’s be generous and call it functional. It’s about clarity. The writing is so involved in its quest for clarity that it basically ruins the book, and most of the previous issues are direct consequences of the prose and adjacent decisions.The direct prose issues are puzzling, as they are known as rookie technical flaws and not something I would expect from the series’ Lead Writer for Mass Effect 1 and 2, but in this book we find problems such as:
The reliance on adverbs. Example: "Breathing heavily from the exertion, he stood up slowly”. I have nothing about a well-placed adverb that gives a verb a revelatory twist, but these could be replaced by stronger verbs, or cut altogether.
Filtering. Example: “Anderson knew that the fact they were getting no response was a bad sign”. This example is particularly egregious, but characters know things, feel things, realize things (boy do they realize things)... And this pulls us away from their internal world instead of making us live what they live, expliciting what should be implicit. For example, consider the alternative: “They were getting no reponse, which was a bad sign in Anderson’s experience.” We don’t really need the “in Anderson’s experience” either, but that already brings us significantly closer to his world, his lived experience as a soldier.
The goddamn dialogue tags. This one is the worst offender of the bunch. Nobody is allowed to talk without a dialogue tag in this book, and wow do people imply, admit, inform, remark and every other verb under the sun. Consider this example, which made me lose my mind a little: “What are you talking about? Kahlee wanted to know.” I couldn’t find it again, but I’m fairly certain I read a “What is it?” Anderson wanted to know. as well. Not only is it very distracting, it’s also yet another way to remove reader interpretation from the equation (also sometimes there will be a paragraph break inside a monologue -not even a long one-, and that doesn’t seem to be justified by anything? It’s not as big of a problem than the aversion to subtext, but it still confused me more than once)
Another writing choice that hurts the book in disproportionate ways is the reliance on point of view switches. In Retribution, we get the point of view of: Tim, Paul Grayson, Kai Leng, Kahlee Sanders, David Anderson, Aria T’loak, and Nick (a biotic teenager, the one with the boner). Maybe Sanak had a very small section too, but I couldn’t find it again so don’t take my word for it. That’s too many point of views for a plot-heavy 80k book in my opinion, but even besides that: the point of view switch several times in one single chapter. This is done in the most harmful way possible for tension: characters involved in the same scene take turns on the page explaining their perspective about the events, in a way that leaves the reader entirely aware of every stake to every character and every information that would be relevant in a scene. Take for example the first negotiation between Aria and Tim. The second Aria needs to ponder what her best move could possibly be, we get thrown back into Tim’s perspective explaining the exact ways in which he’s trying to deceive her -removing our agency to be either convinced or fooled alongside her. This results in a book that goes out of his way to keep us from engaging with its ideas and do any mental work on our own. Everything is laid out, bare and as overexplained as humanly possible. The format is also very repetitive: characters talk or do an action, and then we spend a paragraph explaining the exact mental reasoning for why they did what they did. There is nothing to interpret. No subtext at all whatsoever; and this contributes in casting a harsh light on the Mass Effect universe, cheapening it and overtly expliciting some of its worst ideas instead of leaving them politely blurred and for us to dress up in our minds. There is only one theme that remains subtextual in my opinion. And it’s not a pretty one.
6. Violence
So here’s the thing when you adapt a third person shooter into a novel: you created a violent world and now you will have to deal with death en-masse too (get it get it I’m so sorry). But while in videogames you can get away with thoughtless murder because it’s a gameplay mechanic and you’re not expected to philosophize on every splatter of blood, novels are all about internalization. Violent murder is by definition more uncomfortable in books, because we’re out of gamer conventions and now every death is actual when in games we just spawned more guys because we wanted that level to be a bit harder and on a subconscious level we know this and it makes it somewhat okay. I felt, in this book, a strange disconnect between the horrendous violence and the fact we’re expected to care about it like we would in a game: not much, or as a spectacle. Like in a game, we are expected to root for the safety of named characters the story indicated us we should be invested in. And because we’re in a book, this doesn’t feel like the objective truth of the universe spelled at us through user interface and quest logs, but the subjective worldview of the characters we’re following. And that makes them.... somewhat disturbing to follow.
I haven’t touched on Anderson and Kahlee Sanders much yet, but now I guess I have too, as they are the worst offenders of what is mentioned above. Kahlee cares about Grayson. She only cares about Grayson -and her students like the forementioned Nick, but mostly Grayson. Grayson is out there murdering people like it’s nobody’s business, but still, keeping Grayson alive is more important that people dying like flies around him. This is vaguely touched on, but not with the gravitas that I think was warranted. Also, Anderson goes with it. Because he cares about Kahlee. Anderson organizes a major political scandal between humans and turians because of Kahlee, because of Grayson. He convinces turians to risk a lot to bring Cerberus down, and I guess that could be understandable, but it’s mostly manipulation for the sake of Grayson’s survival: and a lot of turians die as a result. But not only turians: I was not comfortable with how casually the course of action to deal a huge blow to Cerberus and try to bring the organization down was to launch assault on stations and cover-ups for their organization. Not mass arrests: military assault. They came to arrest high operatives, maybe, but the grunts were okay to slaughter. This universe has a problem with systemic violence by the supposedly good guys in charge -and it’s always held up as the righteous and efficient way compared to these UGH boring politicians and these treaties and peace and such (amirite Anderson). And as the cadavers pile up, it starts to make our loveable protagonists... kind of self-centered assholes. Also: I think we might want to touch on who these cadavers tend to be, and get to my biggest point of discomfort with this novel.
Xenophobia is hard to write well, and I super sympathize with the attempts made and their inherent difficulty. This novel tries to evoke this theme in multiple ways: by virtue of having Cerberus’ heart and blade as point of view characters, we get a window into Tim and Kai Leng’s bigotry against aliens, and how this belief informs their actions. I wasn’t ever sold in their bigotry as it was shown to us. Tim evokes his scorn for whatever aliens do and how it’s inferior to humanity’s resilience -but it’s surface-level, not informed by deep and specific entranched beliefs on aliens motives and bodies, and how they are a threat on humanity according to them. The history of Mass Effect is rich with conflict and baggage between species, yet every expression of hatred is relegated to a vague “eww aliens” that doesn’t feed off systemically enforced beliefs but personal feelings of mistrust and disgust. I’ll take this example of Kai Leng, and his supposedly revulsion at the Afterlife as a peak example of alien decadence: he sees an asari in skimpy clothing, and deems her “whorish”. And this feels... off. Not because I don’t think Kai Leng would consider asaris whorish, but because this is supposed to represent Cerberus’ core beliefs: yet both him and Tim go on and on about how their goal is to uplift humanity, how no human is an enemy. But if that’s the case, then what makes Kai Leng call an Afterlife asari whorish and mean it in a way that’s meaningfully different from how he would consider a human sex worker in similar dispositions? Not that I don’t buy that Cerberus would have a very specific idea of what humans need to be to be considered worth preserving as good little ur-fascists, but this internal bias is never expressed in any way, and it makes the whole act feel hollow. Cerberus is not the only offender, though. Every time an alien expresses bias against humans in a way we’re meant to recognize as xenophobic, it reads the same way: as personal dislike and suspicion. As bullying. Which is such a small part of what bigotry encompasses. It’s so unspecific and divorced from their common history that it just never truly works in my opinion. You know what I thought worked, though? The golden trio of non-Cerberus human characters, and their attitude towards aliens. Grayson’s slight fetishism and suspicion of his attraction to Liselle, how bestial (in a cool, sexy way) he perceives the Afterlife to be. The way Anderson and Kahlee use turians for their own ends and do not spare a single thought towards those who died directly trying to protect them or Grayson immediately after the fact (they are more interested in Kahlee’s broken fingers and in kissing each other). How they feel disgust watching turians looting Cerberus soldiers, not because it’s disrespectful in general and the deaths are a inherent tragedy but because they are turians and the dead are humans. But it's not even really on them: the narration itself is engrossed by the suffering of humans, but aliens are relegated to setpieces in gore spectacles. Not even Grayson truly cares about the aliens the Reapers make him kill. Nobody does. Not even the aliens among each other: see, once again, Aria and Liselle, or Aria and Sanak. Nobody cares. At the very end of the story, Anderson comes to Kahlee and asks if she gives him permission to have Grayson’s body studied, the same way Cerberus planned to. It’s source of discomfort, but Kahlee gives in as it’s important, and probably what Grayson would have wanted, maybe? So yeah. In the end the only subtextual theme to find here (probably as an accident) is how the Alliance’s good guys are not that different from Cerberus it turns out. And I’m not sure how I feel about that.
7. Lore-approved books, or the art of shrinking an expanding universe
I’d like to open the conversation on a bigger topic: the very practice of game novelization, or IP-books. Because as much as I think Drew Karpyshyn’s final draft should not have ended up reading that amateur given the credits to his name, I really want to acknowledge the realities of this industry, and why the whole endeavor was perhaps doomed from the start regardless of Karpyshyn’s talent or wishes as an author.
The most jarring thing about this reading experience is as follows: I spent almost 80k words exploring this universe with new characters and side characters, all of them supposedly cool and interesting, and I learned nothing. I learned nothing new about the world, nothing new about the characters. Now that it’s over, I’m left wondering how I could chew on so much and gain so little. Maybe it’s just me, but more likely it’s by design. Not on poor Drew. Now that I did IP work myself, I have developed an acute sympathy for anyone who has to deal with the maddening contradictions of this type of business. Let me explain.
IP-adjacent media (in the West at least) sure has for goal to expand the universe: but expand as in bloat, not as in deepen. The target for this book is nerds like me, who liked the games and want more of this thing we liked. But then we’re confronted by two major competitors: the actual original media (in ME’s case, the games) whose this product is a marketing tool for, and fandom. IP books are not allowed to compete with the main media: the good ideas are for the main media, and any meaningful development has to be made in the main media (see: what happened with Kai Leng, or how everyone including me complains about the worldbuilding to the Disney Star Swars trilogy being hidden in the novelization). And when it comes to authorship (as in: taking an actual risk with the media and give it a personal spin), then we risk introducing ideas that complicate the main media even though a ridiculously small percent of the public will be attached to it, or ideas that fans despise. Of course we can’t have the latter. And once the fandom is huge enough, digging into anything the fans have strong headcanons for already risks creating a lot of emotions once some of these are made canon and some are disregarded. As much as I joke about how in Mass Effect you can learn about any gun in excrutiating details but we still don’t know if asaris have a concept for marriage... would we really want to know how/if asaris marry, or aren’t we glad we get to be creative and put our own spin on things? The dance between fandom and canon is a delicate one that can and will go wrong. And IP books are generally not worth the drama for the stakeholders.
Add this to insane deadlines, numerous parties all involved in some way and the usual struggles of book writing, and we get a situation where creating anything of value is pretty much a herculean task.
But then I ask... why do IP books *have* to be considered canon? I know this is part of the appeal, and that removing the “licenced” part only leaves us with published fanfiction, but... yeah. Yeah. I think it could be a fascinating model. Can you imagine having your IP and hiring X amount of distinctive authors to give it their own spin, not as definitive additions to the world but as creative endeavours and authorial deepdives? It would allow for these novels to be comparative and companion to the main media instead of being weird appendages that can never compare, and the structure would allow for these stories to be polished and edited to a higher level than most fanfictions. Of course I’m biased because I have a deep belief in the power of fanfiction as commentary and conversational piece. But I would really love to see companies’ approach to creative risk and canon to change. We might get Disney stuff until we die now, so the least we can ask for is for this content to be a little weird, personal and human.
That’s it. That’s the whole review. Thank you for reading, it was very long and weirdly passionate, have a nice dayyyyy.
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Chapter 1 of Apocalyptic AU - Sanders Sides
This is way longer than I intended it to be, and it’s only chapter one. I don’t have a name for it yet, but I’ll come up with one soon.
Word count - 1643
Pairings - None (yet)
Warnings - (Spoilers) Zombies, blood, guts, the undead, being left alone, death, disease, summoning rituals - Tag anything I missed
Characters - Virgil Sanders, Deceit (Devan) Sanders, Remus Sanders
Next chapter
Everyone had called his parents crazy, and conspiracy theorists, but now they probably wished they had listened to them. It was month 4 of the apocalypse, and Virgil was probably the only survivor. The outbreak had started with what seemed like a new disease, one that was extremely contagious but harmless, and put the infected person into a sleepwalker like stupor that lasted for days. At first, things just continued like normal, with people still going to work and school, and traveling around the globe, but Virgil’s parents hadn’t bought it. They had locked him from the outside and inside in a bomb-proof bunker, stocked with enough food to last a person a year. They refused to join him, though, and instead attempted to figure out where the disease had originated from. The days down in the bunker were long, but not that boring, due to the fact that there were at least three charging points for electronic devices on each wall, and a tv to keep connected to the outside world, not to mention the bookshelf with all of Virgil’s favorite books in it. He thought that the whole thing was an over-reaction at first, but still got some pleasure out of it, mainly because he now had a valid excuse not to turn up to school, as he was locked in his crazy parent’s basement. Then the disease went into its second stage.
Everyone who had been infected once, or was still suffering from it just collapsed onto the ground. Scans of the bodies showed that their brains had just stopped functioning, and nothing that was done could bring them back. There were too many funerals that week. A week after every dead body was buried, stage three started. People walking past or paying their respects to the dead reported scratching sounds from the graveyards. The government and police dismissed it as a Halloween prank – as it was October at the time – and stated publicly that there was no point looking into it further. Then, the voices started. At first, it just sounded like the wind ripping through the leaves of trees, until people realized that there was no wind, and hadn’t been for weeks. The unexplained chattering noises became the root of many dares that week, and police had to stop many people, young and old, from doing stupid things like digging up the bodies, or chanting so-called ‘summoning rituals’ and trying to connect to the ghosts of the dead. And then, about a month after the disease was first discovered, all hell broke loose, literally.
A report to the police had told them that a man was walking strangely along the pavement outside their house, and they suspected that they were illegally drunk in public. However, when the police arrived, they found a man covered in dirt, mud and grass. Both of his hands had sizeable splinters sticking out of them, and a few fingers dangled as though they were broken, but there was no blood. He walked with a shambling gait, looking like he had broken at least one of his legs. One policeman approached him, to see if they needed to call an ambulance, and the rest, well the rest was recorded by a camera crew doing one of those police documentaries for TV. The horrifying video, which was aired on every station in the world, started off with the policeman approaching the man and asking him ‘Are you okay’. When the man didn’t respond, the policeman tried again, each time moving closer to the man, until he put his hand on the man’s shoulder. With a creepy, unhinged look, the man turned slowly towards the policeman, who seemed happy to get a response out of him at last. The man flew at the policeman, shoving him to the ground and sinking his teeth into his arm. The policeman screamed in agony, then his head flopped back against the pavement.
After that video, Virgil’s parents re-enforced the door with twice as many locks, and for once he was glad that his parents always thought the worst was going to happen. Even days after the video came out, Virgil was still having trouble sleeping, so at 3am, when it happened, he heard everything. It started off with a banging on the front door, but nobody took any notice of that, because their house was pretty old, and weird noises appeared almost every night. As soon as the groaning and mumbling bubbled up, Virgil knew his parents were going to die. He huddled under the weighted blankets of his bed, silent tears running down his face as he listened to his parent’s screams. A couple of times, the zombies banged on the door to his bunker, trying to find a way to get in, but it was built too well. They left around 5am, leaving Virgil alone in a now broken home.
That happened 2 months ago, and Virgil hasn’t heard a thing since. The TV in his room doesn’t work, because there is nobody left to air anything, and the electronic generator has been slowly running out of energy. Every book on the shelf has been read for at least three times, and food and water levels were running low. He knew that his slow and painful death from starvation or dehydration was about to begin. All he could do was just try and ration the remaining supplies he had left, and sleep. When he heard the noises, it was no wonder he thought the zombies had returned. Then, he heard their voices.
“Try this one.”
“I can’t it’s locked.”
“Oh. Well this one is empty. Looks like someone beat us to it.”
A pause, then, closer to the door of the bunker,
“Hey, look at this. What do ya reckon it is?”
“Pictures of… paranormal activity?”
“Woah. This one’s really cool. Look at all the organs on the floor.”
“I think I know who lived here…”
“Yeah? Who?”
“Those weird scientists that were convinced that the world was going to end soon.”
“Well, looks like they were right after all.”
A small bout of harsh laughter with no humor behind it caused Virgil to retreat further back into the safety of his bed, his heart pounding.
“Hey, didn’t they have a kid?”
“Yes, a son, I’m pretty sure. He went to our school, I think, but we’ve never seen him around because when anything remotely strange happened, his parents locked him up for days. Wait Remus don’t –”
A loud crash echoed through the house as ‘Remus’ knocked over something.
“I’m fine, stop fussing Dee. Was there a door here before?”
“A what?”
“Look, it’s like a safe door! But with a thousand more locks!”
“Interesting. Perhaps there’s more food inside.”
“Or bodies!”
“Why am I friends with you?”
“Because I’m the only one left alive apart from you.”
“I hate it when you’re right.”
“Aw, you know you looooove me.”
“Quit being weird and help me open this door.”
Virgil could hear them unlatching locks, and then, alarmingly, the door to his bunker began to shake. He let out an audible gasp, thankful that he kept the inside of the door locked in fear that the zombies would figure out how to open the outside locks.
“Huh, I think it’s locked on the inside as well.”
“But how, unless…”
There was a moment of terrified silence for Virgil, then the voices started speaking again, not to each other this time, but to Virgil.
“Hey, if there’s anyone in there, we won’t hurt you.”
“Yeah, we’re nice people, really, and also… we might be the only other people left.”
“Please open the door, if you need it, we can help you.”
Taking a deep breath, Virgil realized that they were his best chance at surviving, even if it meant leaving his safe haven, he would have to go with them. Steeling himself for what would lay behind it, he opened the door.
Standing in front of him were two boys of a similar age to him. One was wearing an interesting black cloak around his shoulders, fastened with a golden chain. The shirt he wore under it was plain grey, and he had jeans on. Half of his face was covered in dirty bandages, and he had a slightly surprised look, as if he hadn’t expected the door to actually open. The other boy had a dark green parker jacket on, and shorts, which made an interesting combo. His hair was extremely messy, with twigs and clumps of dried mud in it. He had a wide-eyed smile, that almost made him look crazy. Virgil regretted opening the door immediately.
“Hey…” the one in the cloak stepped forwards slowly, wincing as Virgil backed up nervously at the movement. “Don’t worry; we’re not going to hurt you. I’m Devan, but you can call me Dee, and that idiot over there is Remus.” Remus gave an energetic wave as he peered past Virgil into the bunker.
“I-I’m Virgil,” Virgil whispered, “and don’t bother looking in there for food; it’s nearly run out. I do have some medical kits if you need it.” He directed the last one at Dee, who touched the bandage on his face self-consciously.
“That… would help.” He admitted, sending an exasperated look at Remus as the energetic one glanced over at Devan, worry clear on his face, “I’m fine, Remus. It just… hurts sometimes.”
“Okay, but you need to let me know if it opens up again. I can help you, ya know.”
Unsure of what to do at this moment, Virgil retreated back into his bunker, then came out moments later carrying a bundle of blankets.
“Here,” He mumbled, offering the bundle to the other two, “This will hopefully have enough stuff to keep us going.”
“Us?” Devan asked.
“Yes, I’m coming with you.”
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i was tagged by @even-after-a-millennia! Thank you~! 
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 (ish) blogs you would like to know better. (spoiler, it won’t be 20 blogs lol)
name/nickname: Theo/Kee
gender: NB
star sign: Capricorn
height: 5′ 8? I think?
time: 11:21 pm
favorite bands: AJR, Fall Out Boy, june, MONOWHALES, Imagine Dragons,
favorite solo artists: CORPSE, Jon Bellion, Hobo Johnson, K.Flay, Watsky, grandson, Ashnikko, NateWantsToBattle
song stuck in my head: Trouble by Valerie Broussard (I surprisingly didn’t have one until I saw Maida’s answer 😆)
last movie: Uuuuuuhhhhhhhh. good question. According to my Netflix watch history it was I Don’t Feel At Home In This World Anymore and that was 20 days ago already lmao
last show: Cursed (i think i’m only 2 episodes in so far)
when did i create this blog: mmmm I think it was 2018? It was during a week of downtime during busy season, so probably October
what do i post: Whump and a lot of my own rambling lol
last thing googled: Geoguessr
other blogs: @myotherwhumpblog @all4oneone4all plus two different youtuber blogs and my main, I don’t want to tag those blogs publicly but I’m willing to share them privately if anyone wants to know them <3 (the youtuber blogs are one for Corpse Husband and friends and the other is AH/RT)
do i get asks: Occasionally, it’s not often that I’ll just get random asks but if I reblog an ask game I get one or two (sometimes haha not always)
why i chose my url: Before I made this blog I was just lurking around the whump community from my main without following anyone and one night I came across @whump-my-dear-watson‘s blog and saw her header image and it was late at night and my brain went “OH! CLEVER!” and thought it’d make a cool url.
following: 121
followers: 446
average hours of sleep: ideally 10, but usually 6 or 7
lucky number: 3
instruments: i know how to play piano (kinda, haven’t played in a long ass time) but I like the sound of guitar
what am i wearing: socks, slippers, leggings under sweatpants, long sleeve shirt under t-shirt, a watch and a nb braided bracelet that I bought from someone in the whump community like two and a half years ago and it blows my mind that it’s lasted this long, but i fear it may give out soon :/
dream job: i don’t dream of labor lol I’d love to not worry about money and just do my hobbies without making any of it an actual job that might make me hate it eventually, any time I get a new hobby of crafting like making jewelry or chainmail my moms always like “ooh you could get a table at a craft fair or farmers market and sell it!” and I just. no. no. my biggest enjoyment of this is that there is no pressure for it to be perfect
dream trip: I’ve been to England/Scotland twice now but I want to go back and also see Ireland
favorite food: at this point just anything that won’t make me sick tbh
nationality: Canadian
favorite song: there are much to many for me to chose from rn, I can’t think
last book read: Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey (YES I”M STILL WORKING ON IT SHUSH)
top three fictional universes i'd like to live in: The Expanse, shits fucked but living/working in space is normal and that’d be cool. Star Wars if I can be a Force user. Heartstriker series if I can be a dragon lmao
Tagging: @set-phasers-to-whump @aceofwhump @whump-my-dear-watson (i’m already tagging you in this post so I will tag you for real to) @get-whumped (We’re even now, I forgot to tag you too ahaha!)  aaaaahhhhhhh anyone else who wants to do this, sorry it’s late and my brain is shutting down and I can’t think
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
WWE Royal Rumble 2021 - Initial Thoughts
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I know I’m late, but employment is still a thing, and I had to prioritize that over an all-nighter, but it’s time for the Royal Rumble, one of the more exciting shows of WWE’s schedule, so let’s get on with it!
Spoilers for Royal Rumble, you have been Warned
I might not invest too much in kickoff matches but the Women’s Tag Match was not a good time
It was fine before the end, but who the hell decided that Charlotte should control 90% of the champions’ offense and have the hot tag!? Asuka is the RAW WOMEN’S CHAMPION, not Charlotte. After the tag Asuka literally had one spot and she was dead, completely taken out of the match for *checks notes* being thrown over the Announcer’s Table...you know that thing several wrestlers come back from easily.
The finish was just too much too, Ric distraction didn’t work, Lacey distraction didn’t work, Kirufuda Clutch didn’t work but then the brass knuckles did. Too much.
And why TF are we putting titles back on Nia!? We should’ve just given the titles to the Riotts, or the winner of the Women’s Dusty Classic. It also cuts me deep that Asuka and Shayna are treated this way, even as champion Asuka is a side character to Charlotte T_T
Main show though and I don’t like the package and interviews between entrances
Drew vs Goldberg was just...meaningless.
It was cringy enough that Cole had to spout drivel to make 60 year old Goldberg seem strong but to have Drew be ‘injured’ by a barricade spear - something much more tired wrestlers have and will get back up from in less time and continue a longer match - was daft. Also saying that Goldberg’s spear or jackhammer is the best move of all WWE is stupid, it was a WCW thing
Thank God Drew Won, but the post-match does remind you of the meaningless circumstances this feud came about. Suddenly Goldberg is okay with Drew’s same manners of respect
I mean, Carmella’s entrance and gear is cool, but do you think it eats at Corey a little that Carmella’s ‘behind the curtain’ bit is a tad...red light district?
Sasha’s promo didn’t hit for me unfortunately
Reginald didn’t deserve to be ejected for that! He caught Sasha and get beaten up for it
Jesus Carmella! Sasha got barely any of that dive
Screeching and faffing aside, Carmella got a good showing...I do hate quick tap outs in title matches though
Sami cuts a good promo, but his content wasn’t exactly the best. New Day are hardly the management’s faves, it’s taken this long for E to get a singles run, Fans literally had to Yes Movement their way into giving Kofi the world title.
New Day’s Brodie gear was good though
Bad Bunny as the ‘Biggest Latin Artist’? Is Cole for real? I didn’t even know who he was before today
If the song is about Booker T then why is he dancing around GI Bro?
Come on Book, you hang on the Sucka! That’d be like if the Rock just went ‘If ya smell what the Rock is cooking’ without the drags or pauses
Ric’s ‘with a tear in my eye’ promo was after the Rumble though...
It’s actually a sad stat that just over half of the Rumble winners win titles
No Morrison segment for the escape spot!? He did it as much as Kofi dammit!
Sorry Greatest Royal Rumble is not canon for me
This Stat Attack has taken far too long
I’m okay with Mike Rome but couldn’t a woman have announced the Women’s Rumble? Where’s Lillian at!?
That hair is amazing as well
I know you can’t say it, but we all remember that Benoit won the rumble in the first two as well
Was...Bianca wearing earrings on her entrance, she looked like she was taking them off
Billie actually had the right idea, can’t be in the match until you enter the ring, it’s clever stuff
That tank did not look like it was meant to turn that direction XD
It actually surprises me every time how tall Shotzi is, I always imagine her short
Billie no...not with Shayna
The piped boos are highly unrealistic to boo even a heel Toni Storm
Shotzi eliminated and then horrible singer Jillian comes in? Urrrrgh, Bad Singer Jillian was terrible
Wrestling wise she hasn’t missed a beat though
Billie’s surprisingly being a highlight here with actual narra-OHMYSHITITSVICTORIA
Gear was a bit meh but Victoria definitely can still go
Oh Peyton the purple looks good on you, and her Widow’s Peak was not bad at all
Ah, good for Santana, for a moment I thought it said Santina and got a very bad chill
Damn Liv, Speed Machine!
Ooof, the betrayal is real Billie
Somehow I’m genuinely upset by every elimination so far, good job!
Aaaaaand then they got rid of Victoria and brought on Charlotte to immediately take out Rhea -_-
That was a clever move from Bayley but damn Ruby landed hard
Are we seeing a Bayley/Peyton team? Or is she just eliminating the Riotts for revenge for Billie, but also Liv Nooooo!
Torrie now, eh okay
Ouch for Dana
Lacey...no, this ain’t working
Poor Peyton, her elimination was a side chapter
And we missed Bayley’s elimination!? For Shame
Mickie! Good to see ya! Aaaaand being beaten by Charlotte...
Nikki Cross is back too! Hopefully they find a good story for her
Alicia Fox? I guess she sobered back into the good gra...R-Truth? No
Oh yeah, Humberto is a thing
Jerry shut the fuck up!
The 24/7 stuff was super unnecessary, we did not need to take focus off this match
Lacey eliminating Mickie, rude.
Dakota should’ve gotten more time, she barely lasted a minute
Reginald again deserves better
See Tamina vs Rhea would be exciting...if Tamina was booked better
Naomi’s chemistry with Bianca is really insane right now
Lana *reminded of her feud with Shayna and Nia* Also Lana *goes for Rhea*
That was a hard tackle on Alexa by Rhea...aaaaand she’s eliminated mid ‘transformation’ a bit worthless for me
Road Warrior Ember Moon! And right into the Eclipse that’s the good shit
Baszler probably shouldn’t have eliminated Lacey story-wise
The Betrayal is real for Tamina as well
What’s with the crazy camera cuts!?
Nia eliminating Baszler? Nah...
Hold on Cole, baiting Nia over the ropes isn’t a ‘tremendous elimination’
The betrayal is real for Lana too, Nattie sure shrugged off that double assault
I get that the narrative is that Charlotte has beaten both Bianca and Rhea before, but to hang against both of them after already being in a match and hanging on from two apron attacks was daft. Stop making her super strong, she’s mega talented yes but giving her the Brock Lesnar energy does her no favours
That close call though with Rhea and Bianca was great, need more spots of two wrestlers about to be eliminated at the same time
The final bit of chain wrestling too was great, that’s what you need at the final part of a rumble, the mini-match
I had Rhea as my win prediction but am more than happy for Bianca, who was my second choice. Winning at No. 3 is great and her emotional promo just gets her more over. Bianca vs Sasha’s gonna be wild too
Overall the Women’s Rumble was good, most of the women got shine and there were a few mini stories too, do wish that more time was given to some women and that Sonya was in the rumble but the returns were good and most of the eliminations got me good
Miz talking about guaranteeing a championship run like he didn’t lose the last cash-in and didn’t have a chance to cash in previously this night when Drew was ‘reeling’ from the barricade spear.
I reiterate that I wish Sonya was in the rumble, but do like her endorsement of Bianca
Again, this 24/7 stuff is wrong place and time right now
Last Man StANDing Match for the UniVERSal Championship
Cole, there is Champion’s Advantage. Triple H vs Michaels Last Man Standing, neither men made the 10 so Trips kept the title, 17 years ago. Royal Rumble 2004.
See, this is where a Finisher Spotfest works, because it’s not about pinfalls it’s about keeping people down
The camera switches are not doing good on this portion of the side of the thunderdome
Yes, attacking the knees, this is the Cerebral ‘rope breaks with his pinkie finger’ Owens I like to see
Ooof the Golf Cart, a la Kane and Stadium Stampede
Why is this training area just like a second arena
Lil’ running ref in the background
Right into that conveniently placed mini-ladder
Not the forklift! Think of Judy Bagwell!
Oh that curtain is the thing Becky took a photo of! I mean she was always gonna be backstage
Corey before the match ‘there must be a winner’, Corey after Owens went through the stage LED ‘The ref should consider stopping the match’
Did the Ciampa move there to stand up
I don’t think you’re allowed to use a Ref Bump that way
Then the Second Ref restarts the count and stops at 5!? If this doesn’t come back next SD it’ll be a misstep
It was a physical match, not the best I think the finish brought it down. The problem is that KO has lost 3 times now and the last time is a botch finish, and we can’t have him lose again - the poor guy needs a win
I will say this immediately, revealing Edge and Orton as 1 and 2 beforehand was a terrible idea, just because you don’t have a live crowd doesn’t mean the people watching from home can’t be surprised
‘Number 3 is the worst number to draw on average’ - Belair just won at No. 3
Ali at 4? Then went after Edge and not Orton?
Sami, just don’t get in Orton’s face
Refs what are you doing? No rules in Rumble, where were you with Nia and Shayna with that logic
‘What does Shin need to do to be more successful?’ - for one not face AJ Styles, he is still a tag, US and IC champ as well as a RR winner, that’s quite successful
Carlito finally shows after the Legends Night tease and yes those are some abs
So...Randy’s just sleeping with this knee injury
Big E enters with some snappy camera angles again
I was hoping for more Ali - especially since Ricochet came immediately after - buy angry E was nice to see
Wait is that Elias’ entrance? Where’s the guitar strum?
Priesty, wonder if this is his main roster call
What DJ leaves his equipment on stage anyway?
‘The biggest star in the world in the music business’ - for real?
‘I’ve heard of flying squirrels but flying bunnies!?’ - Corey you need to watch Tokyo Joshi Pro, they got a flying sugar rabbit
To quote Ross Tweddell, MMMmmm Riddle...does not do it for me
Stop with the camera cuts I beg of you!
Mayor of Knox County!?
Ricochet eliminated by Kane, le sigh
The betrayal is real for DBry
Big Elim for Priesty though
‘Now it’s a Royal Rumble’ - reminder that Edge is a KOTR winner too, and that Nakamura is the King of Strong Sty-oh and Corbin eliminated him :/ what was the gauntlet about if you’re gonna Corbin him?
Otis’ new gear is slick
aaaaand Corbin’d again
Big Dom Fuck im Uhhhhhh Spinebuster’d
Damn he got him though
Dang that bounce sound from DBry
Bobby no why you gotta do Dom like that!?
Hurricane back from his Gangrel crossing and disposing Sammy Guevara’s broken body in Elite Deletion to do another rumble
One of these days, he’ll hit that Chokeslam and shit will go wild
Christian! This time getting the more emphatic reaction
Oh that smile, that hits you in the chest cavity...then Riddle ruins it
Rey comes in and WWE made him an advertisement ¬_¬
Edward James Omos what are you doing? well...I know what he’s doing, IC feud between AJ and E
Edward James Omos fuck you for eliminating Rey
The betrayal is real for Shamu
Cole how did you know it was Seth before his entrance hit?
I don’t think we were supposed to pick up Shamu welcoming Christian back but that was sweet
Then finally BWOAR
And Bwoar eliminates Cesaro, what was the point of his push? (it’s because his contract’s nearly up isn’t it?)
Again with the camera switching
Seth No! And where’s the boos pipe music!? DBry was a heavy favourite, that would’ve caused heat
Can’t believe Mmm Riddle lasted ahead of DBry
I didn’t forget about Orton, but the finish was good, that Orton tease got us good
It was a decent rumble, in hindsight you could tell Edge was winning given how they put express focus on Michaels winning at number on in the stat attack, Edge being face in peril for the first 10 entrants and Cole reminding us how long Edge has been in there
I don’t at all hate the end result, though I do question whether it was the best choice in the long run. Edge had his rumble win returning from injury already and throwing more legends at Drew does imply a heavy lack of depth in the current roster. Edge didn’t really need the win, but I’m not disappointed in him winning
The Men’s Rumble itself wasn’t as good as the women’s I don’t think, a lot of favourites of mine were unceremoniously dumped out quickly, any layered storytelling didn’t get enough time and it did feel a little by the numbers, almost a microcosm of modern WWE booking
Overall it was still a decent PPV, happy with the winners of the rumbles and that’s mostly all we need from a Royal Rumble. The Road to Wrestlemania starts here
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burninghoneyatdusk · 4 years
10 Questions Tag Game
Rules: Answer 10 questions, ask 10, and tag 10 people to answer them.
Tagged by @pendragaryen , thanks dear! 💙
1. Do you have a pet, if so, what kind of pet?
I have two cats 🥰
2. Which lyrics of a song describe you best?
Oh this is hard bc who doesn’t relate to a thousand songs? Most recently, damn did I feel HEARD by Demi Lovato’s song ‘I Love Me’
Flippin' through all these magazines
Tellin' me who I'm supposed to be
Way too good at camouflage
Can't see what I am, I just see what I'm not
I'm guilty 'bout everything that I eat
Feelin' myself is a felony
Jedi level sabotage
Voices in my head make up my entourage
'Cause I'm a black belt when I'm beating up on myself
But I'm an expert at giving love to somebody else
Me, myself and I don't see eye to eye
Oh, why do I compare myself to everyone?
And I always got my finger on the self-destruct
I wonder when I love me is enough
Why am I always looking for a ride or die?
'Cause mine's the only heart I'm gonna have for life
After all the times I went and fucked it up
I wonder when I love me is enough
3. Can you swim?
Yep! I grew up in the finger lakes area of NY and spent summers at my grandma’s house on one of the lakes, and my parents live there now.
4. Mountains or sea/ocean?
Oh both/depends on the mood but probably sea/ocean if I had to choose.
5. You have bought a new book you were craving for. Do you spoil yourself by reading the last lines first?
6. Describe your first crush.
My first big crush was on a kid in kindergarten. I preceded to have a huge crush on him through elementary school and half of middle school. Towards the end of high school we became good friends and now he’s one of my best friends, one of five in a group of high school friends that I still keep in touch with. It’s hilarious to think about now because I can’t imagine having feelings for him as an adult 😂
7. Last thing you ate.
A peanut butter/chocolate chip Perfect bar. I’ve been obsessed with them since trying them over a year ago and have one everyday for breakfast w my coffee.
8. The last time you cried?
Oh boy. I’ve probably cried since but what first came to mind was the sob fest I had watching Perks of Being a Wallflower about a month or so ago. I loved the book and remembered seeing it in theaters when it came out years ago and loving it but being really triggered by it bc of some shit I went through in high school w a friend . I think I kind of wanted to watch again to see if I still liked it/if it still upset me as much all these years later so I poured some wine and gave it a go. Spoiler alert: it was just as upsetting (but also just as good) 🙃🙃
9. Do you have a hobby?
Lmao the closest thing I have is writing fanfiction and hyperfixating on TV shows. I do love yoga and used to go 4-5 times a week pre-pandemic and miss it a lot. My studio opened again but I’m personally not risking it yet.
10. Something you’re really looking forward to.
Lol not to sound depressing but most things I was looking forward to this summer/fall have been cancelled bc of COVID. As of now, my friend is supposed to visit in Aug (she decided to buy the ticket bc it was so cheap that she could eat the price if COVID caused us to cancel) and its not looking good regarding her being able to come. I was supposed to go home to NY at the end of august for my sister’s wedding but that also is up in the air and she’s not sure she’s even doing the small park ceremony that she downscaled her wedding to 😞
Anyone who wants to do this, consider yourself tagged & feel free to tag me in your post 😊 I’ve already wasted too much time I was supposed to spend working doing this bc I have no self control bye
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lyricalbowties · 5 years
Somebody That I Used To Know..pt. 1 || SelfPara-Anderbros
Tagging→  Blaine Anderson, Cooper Anderson, (mentions of Rachel Berry and Kurt Hummel) Where→  Blaine’s apartment When→ 1/10/20 Warnings&Notes→  no warnings. I am doing this in two parts because originally this was going to be right after Christmas and another one was going to come after New Years but, spoiler, I never got around to it so I thought I would combine it and since it will be long I split it. Part 2 will be posted Sunday or Monday when I get back from Ohayocon. :) 
“Hey Coop.” Blaine reluctantly opened the door to his apartment, allowing his brother inside. He would rather have met somewhere in public, like they normally did, but Cooper insisted that they meet here. It was a notably small apartment compared to the one Cooper had back in New York. Or, at least, Blaine assumed it was. He had never been to visit.
            “Squirt!” Cooper beamed and instantly his arms swallowed Blaine in a hug. He stumbled back a little, caught off guard. “Good to see you!”
            “Is it?” Blaine seriously doubted Cooper was genuinely happy to see him. He also doubted that Cooper was here just for him. There was always a hidden selfish agenda that typically came to light about halfway through their time spent together. Blaine pushed his way out of the hug. He smoothed his sweater and made sure his hair had not been mussed out of place.
            “This is your place?” Cooper obviously chose to ignore the comment by Blaine. He stepped inside further and glanced around. “Modest. I like it.”  
            “No you don’t” Blaine replied, shutting the door.
            “No, no I really do. It suits you. Your room back home was never as outlandish like the rest of the house.” Cooper unzipped his coat and hung it on the coatrack by the door, his eyes scanning over the place in almost wonder. Blaine watched him carefully, unsure about his brother’s seemingly unusual behavior.
            “Yeah.” Blaine said slowly. “Did you uhh, want anything to drink? I could make coffee or something.”
            Cooper spun around, a wide grin on his face. “Yes! I would kill for some coffee right now. You don’t happen to have an espresso machine, do you?”
            Blaine blinked and with a deadpan expression held up small plastic cup, “I have K-cups. Do you want hazelnut or French roast?”
            “French roast is fine.”
            Blaine turned and pulled out two mugs. It was silent between them and all Blaine could think about was Thanksgiving. He felt a bit of anger flare in him but pushed it down.
            “Missed you at Christmas.” Cooper finally spoke after what felt like hours of silence. “It wasn’t the same without you, you know.”
            Blaine rolled his eyes, back turned to his brother. “I’m sure you all missed me very much.” He removed one of the mug and lifted the handle to place the second K-cup in. “You mean that mom and dad had no one there to guilt trip.”
            “That’s not what I mea-“
            “Just like at Thanksgiving.” Blaine continued.
            “Blaine, about th-“
            “I’ve always been the easy target because I’m not y—”
            “Would you shut up for two seconds?” Cooper interrupted this time, raising his voice just enough to get Blaine’s attention. After Blaine said nothing in response, Cooper went on. “I’m sorry for what happened at Thanksgiving.”
            “Stop it, I am.” Cooper’s voice held more of an edge now.
            Blaine glanced back over his shoulder, working on making his coffee to his liking. “Don’t try and defend them either.”
            “I’m not.”
            “You didn’t even say anything or speak up.” Blaine whipped around and stared hard at his brother who now stood across from the kitchen and in the living room. “That makes you just as bad as them!”
            Cooper sighed, and there was a look in his eyes that Blaine hadn’t really seen before. Guilt, regret even? “I know. I’m sorry. But they were wrong. You’re really talented Blaine, and I’m sorry I never really paid attention all of these years. I think it’s really great that you want to help people with music. I mean it, I’m sorry I should have said something instead of let them talk about you like that.”
            Blaine didn’t know how to properly react to these things his brother was saying. He was speechless. This wasn’t how he knew Cooper to be. He was an arrogant, selfish asshole who only saw to benefit for himself. But Blaine couldn’t think what Cooper would get out of this. Not to mention his brother wasn’t this good of an actor so it couldn’t be an act. Blaine had to believe that his brother was standing here legitimately apologizing and owning up for something he had done wrong.
            “Thanks..” Blaine said slowly, still unsure about this side of Cooper he never really saw.
            He remembered the phone conversation after his first showcase last semester, and how he felt after Cooper praised him then. Genuinely praised him for his talents. He swallowed thickly trying his best to keep his emotions in check. He turned, picked up the two mugs and walked it over to Cooper.
            “Welcome, Squirt.” Cooper winked, accepting the coffee and taking a seat on the couch. “Oh, nice flowers. Rachel get them for you?”
            Blaine about choked on his coffee. The flowers Cooper was referring to were the arrangement on his coffee table, which were consistently replaced by Kurt every time they started to wilt and die. Right now, a fresh bouquet with handful flowers but most notable were the white hydrangea and the lilies. It was a really beautiful bouquet and Blaine would be sad to see this one replaced.
            “Oh, uhm no.” It dawned on Blaine that he never told Cooper or his family that he was no longer with Rachel. “Uh.” He cleared his throat and figured he might as well tell Cooper here and now. “Rachel and I broke up. About a month and a half ago.”
            Cooper arched a brow. He sipped his coffee thoughtfully. “After Thanksgiving?”
            “Before..” Blaine glanced up and gave a little shrug. “It just didn’t work out. And I didn’t want to tell anyone at Thanksgiving the real reason Rachel wasn’t there.”
            His brother nodded and leaned over to the set the mug down. He looked back at his brother and looked him up and down.
            “I’m so sorry Blaine.” He said patting Blaine on the shoulder, frowning. “I really liked her.”
            “You liked that she was a fan.” Blaine said with a scoff.
            “No! I mean, yeah.” The smile was right back on Cooper’s face. “Yeah, that was nice. You know, I love meeting the fans and getting to talk about m-”
            “To talk about you?” Blaine quipped. “Or the book you didn’t write?”
            “About my work. You know, the show.”  Cooper’s brow arched upward.
            “Mmm, sure Coop.” Blaine smirked.
            Cooper sighed and took another sip from his coffee, calmly looking over to Blaine. “It’s a shame you two kids didn’t work out. You seemed perfect for each other. I mean, you’re both talented. Love musical theatre. You should have been thee theatre couple.”
            Blaine lowered his gaze. “Yeah. Everyone says that. I don’t know Cooper, sometimes these things don’t work out. And with Rach and I well, we decided we’re better off friends.”
            There was a pause and silence again between them as Cooper leaned forward and set his mug down again. “Right. Who bought you those flowers?”
            When Blaine looked back up and over to his brother, Cooper was still staring at him with a neutral expression. He could feel himself start to sweat, a small amount of panic building up. Why was Cooper so interested in flowers?
            “Uhm, I did. I thought they would look nice in here, why do you assume someone else got them for me?”
            Cooper took a deep breath, “Because, I’ve seen a bouquet like that. I’ve boughten a bouquet like that, and it wasn’t for me or my apartment. It was for a girl I was dating.”
            Blaine’s face felt hot now and there were beads of sweat collecting on his brow. “What? That…that doesn’t mean anything. I happen to like these flowers an—”
            “Because someone got them for you.”
            “No!” Blaine snapped, his panic now turning to anger.
            Cooper exhaled and looked from the flowers to Blaine. “Hey, baby bro it’s alright. Calm down no need to get upset. Things didn’t work out with Rachel. I understand. And okay, fine, you bought them for yourself.”
            Blaine glared at Cooper his chest rising and falling as he did his best to stay calm and not throw his brother out for asking questions Blaine did not want to answer. “Yeah? Good.”
            A pause.
            “Except you didn’t.” Cooper’s mouth turned up in a smirk.
            “Come on, tell me who is he?”
            And the pronoun used by Cooper in that sentence did not register with Blaine immediately. His knee jerk reaction to Cooper prying was to tell him off and without thinking he replied, “It doesn’t matter who he is because-“
            He stopped and stared wide eyed at his brother. Cooper stared back, with a proud knowing smirk. And Blaine stammered, thinking he could try and correct himself but it only made the smirk on Cooper’s face spread. He was caught. There wasn’t a way to come back from that especially with how much Blaine was turning red and tripping over his words.
            Cooper knew.
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as promised, the AWAE fic i wrote months ago and forgot about. i think i accidentally made some stuff up but i’m not sure (will elaborate in tags). also it takes place toward the end of season 2 but i don’t remember the specific episode but its after anne burns her paper for miss stacy and they talk about it and shit hopefully you all know what im talking about. also i haven’t seen season 3 yet bc america sucks so no spoilers. (also on ao3).
Anne had decided long ago that she would never grow bored of staring at Cole’s statues.
They seemed to dance, the way they stood scattered among the trees, each one in its own unique position. They had a rhythm to them, when you looked at the whole of it. It was as if they were meant to be together, to be seen not as individuals but as pieces of a bigger picture, like you would never truly understand them if you looked at just one. 
“They truly are beautiful sculptures.” The voice startled her, and she turned to find Miss Stacy standing behind her. Marilla had left already, and Anne had assumed that Miss Stacy had followed suit. 
“I think they’re the most magical things I have ever laid my eyes on, even more so than the Lake of Shining Waters.”
“I hope I get the chance to meet him someday, your friend the artist.”
“Oh, you would love Cole, Miss Stacy. He is truly the most marvelous of people.”
“May I ask you a question, Anne?” She said, and Anne nodded. “Why do you want me to like you so badly?”
“I—“ Anne stuttered, that sinking feeling of dread forming in the depths of her stomach. She had begun to believe she’d never outgrow that instinct, the one that always prepared herself for pain. 
“I’m honored, don’t get me wrong,” Miss Stacy continued, “I just don’t understand it. You don’t know anything about me — why would my opinion matter so much to you?”
“I suppose everyone’s opinion matters to me,” she said softly. 
“Do you have any idea as to why that might be?” Her voice was so soft, so light and without judgement, that Anne didn’t quite know how to proceed. It didn’t sound like she was about to be punished, but why else would she be asking if not to scold her on her vanity?
“I suspect it might be because it’s the most splendid feeling in the world. It’s intoxicating, Miss Stacy, to have people look at you and like what they see. To have people who want to spend their time with you, who want to listen to what you have to say.” She looked back at the sculptures. “Being wanted and being liked are so intrinsically intertwined. I suppose that’s why it matters to me.”
“That’s a very normal feeling, Anne,” she said in that teacher voice that made her feel both as if she was being scolded but also as if she was learning a valuable lesson. “But you know, there are worse things than not being liked.”
“I’m not quite sure there are, Miss Stacy.” She turned back toward her teacher, and felt a flame ignite in her chest at the look on her teacher’s face, the one that said without words that Anne could not possibly know more than what her age deems she must. “I assure you, I am no stranger to the horrors this world has to offer.” Anne spoke with a power she often kept hidden from her teachers, one she rarely used even with Marilla. “But it is my experience that not being liked, not being wanted, either leads to those horrors or makes them infinitely worse.”
“How so?” The look from earlier had disappeared, and Anne only saw curiosity on her teacher’s face. 
“People don’t hurt those who they like. And those who are wanted never have to suffer the feeling of being completely and entirely alone.” 
“Who taught you that?”
“Everybody, Miss Stacy. Everybody.”
Miss Stacy paused for an instant, before saying, “You’re fairly young to have learned such a horrible lesson.”
“I may only have fourteen years, but I have spent most of them without the benefits of childhood innocence.”
“And why is that?” She asked, and Anne felt shocked for a moment, at the realization that one person on this island truly had no idea who she was. Where she came from. 
“Because I’m an orphan. Or, I was, until the Cuthberts adopted me just over a year ago.”
“Oh,” she said quietly, and Anne didn’t want to think about what that tone implied. 
“That isn’t gossip, by the way. Everybody knows it, and it’s about me, so I think I’ve still managed to learn your lesson. Although, I suppose perhaps at one point it would have been considered gossip. But can a person’s very being be considered gossip? I’m as much an orphan as I am a girl with red hair, and no one would say discussing the color of my hair is gossip.”
“No, that’s quite alright,” Miss Stacy said. She stared at the sculptures, and for a short while didn’t speak a word. The silence seemed to linger, slowly filling the space between all the statues and trees that surrounded them. Anne couldn’t stand it. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Why are you sorry?”
“I shouldn’t have said anything about it. People get uncomfortable when I talk about where I came from.”
“Does it make you uncomfortable?”
Anne shrugged. “Sometimes I don’t want to remember. Especially last year, I’d try to pretend it never happened, pretend I was like everyone else. But I still haven’t quite figured out what’s normal and what isn’t, so I haven’t had the most success with that plan. I’ll think I’m describing something everybody experienced, and then I notice the way they’re all looking at me, and I realize that most people haven’t known the feeling of a whip on their back, or of sharing a room with more people than you can count, or of spending nights without food.” She paused a moment, before adding, “I don’t think they like being forced to acknowledge that real people experience all that bad stuff all the time. Especially not someone who’s like them now.”
“I think you may be right,” she said. “And if you ever have questions, you should know that you can always ask me. That is, assuming I’m still here. I’m not too sure how far those young mothers are willing to go to get rid of me. It seems I’m the talk of the town.”
“Thank you, Miss Stacy,” she said with a smile. “Although I think Marilla will wish you’d have come sooner. As it is, I’ve already done more than enough to establish myself as the resident scandal in Avonlea.”
“Don’t look now, but I think I’m coming for your title,” Miss Stacy teased, and Anne laughed, even though the sentiment wasn’t funny at all. But she knew more than anyone that you couldn’t get through life without laughing about horrible things. 
“I should go home,” Anne said, grabbing her books from the ground. “If I’m not back soon, Marilla will be sure that fox has come after me now that he’s gone through the chickens.”
“Hopefully I’ll see you in class soon, Anne,” Miss Stacy smiled. “And don’t forget — I’ll still be expecting that essay on the perils of gossiping. Preferably in one piece this time, and not burnt to a crisp?”
Anne laughed. “I promise I’ll try my best not to burn this one.” 
She turned to walk away, but Miss Stacy called out her name. “You’re very brave, Anne,” she told her. “I hope one day I can say the same for myself.”
“If you need bravery, you can always borrow mine,” Anne said with a smile. “I’ve found that courage is much easier when you have people with which to share it.”
She turned to leave, slowing her pace as she navigated through Cole’s artwork. The wind sang as it blew through the trees, and she felt as if she was one of the statues around her, dancing to the tune the Earth gave her with not a worry in the world.
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youremyonlyhope · 5 years
The Last Jedi
Here we go. The most controversial Star Wars movie ever (unless Rise of Skywalker has reviews that are just as mixed. I haven’t read any so I don’t know how it’s been received yet.) I actually really really enjoyed the Last Jedi, but I haven’t rewatched it since I saw it in theaters.
Also, unrelated, but literally just a few hours ago I met Oscar Isaac. I was doing a caroling event where I work, and he came by with his son to watch. During one of our breaks, he asked if his son could try the microphone and he held him up so he could whisper and sing stuff into the mic. It was adorable.
I seemed to be the only person who recognized who he was, though one of my co-workers said he had thought so too but he wasn’t sure until I confirmed it. So I went up to Oscar and said hi, asked if he was Oscar Isaac, shook his hand, and thanked him for coming. He says that it was great and that his son loves to sing.
I always joked that I’d bump into Oscar one day since he lives in Brooklyn, but I didn’t think it’d actually happen. And not while I’m wearing a Star Wars shirt and Star Wars socks (which he obviously couldn’t see since I was bundled up in a coat and a scarf and boots but whatever). And definitely not the day before I’m supposed to see the Rise of Skywalker.
I’m still freaking out oh my god. Ok. Time to rewatch the Last Jedi.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... This was the first Star Wars movie I’d seen in theaters in like 12 years at this point. Seeing those words on a giant screen again was amazing. “Certain that Jedi Master Luke Skywalker will return and restore a spark of hope to the fight.” I love that line. I love any and all comparisons of Luke to hope. Yes I am biased. But also, restoring the spark is exactly he does in the end so yes, I love it. It’s just now hitting me that we’re picking up exactly where we left off. Having 1 night between the two movies is every different than having 2 years. ...Was that whatsherface from Game of Thrones, Catelyn’s creepy sister? (IMDB says yes) *BB8 beeps* “Happy beats here buddy, come on.” BB8 sort of said the thing! Also, OH MY GOD I JUST MET OSCAR ISAAC AND NOW HERE HE IS ON MY SCREEN WHAT THE HELL. Was today even real? Oh General Hugs. “Skinny guy. Kinda pasty.” Knowing Oscar and Domnhall are friends makes this better. Oh BB8. Very honorable of Billie Lourd’s Lieutenant Connix to make sure she’s in the last ship leaving the base so everyone else leaves before her. I forgot about the chain reaction of bombs destroying their own Resistance ships... You know, Paige dying while dropping the last of the bombs was already emotional. Rewatching it after you know she’s Rose’s sister makes it worse. First Binary Sunset of the movie. General Hugs has a very good upset face that makes me not feel bad for him at all. More like I want to punch him. Snoke can use the Force across the galaxy... forgot about that. I realized I didn’t mention this in the last one, but I remember the crew complaining that when they filmed the end of Force Awakens it was a cloudy day, but then when they went back to the island for TLJ it was super sunny. And now that it’s been pointed out, I noticed it immediately. Luke throwing the lightsaber. I can’t remember if I was spoiled for this but I feel like when I watched it, I wasn’t that thrown off by it. Something else I didn’t mention at the end of Force Awakens is that I LOVE this set. The stone houses are amazing. Oh porgs. Also, that porg looking into the lightsaber always gives me anxiety. The first words we hear Luke say in 40 years are an annoyed “Go away.” which at least is less whiney than the Tosche Station. Oh Chewie’s like “DUDE. WE NEED YOU.” “Wait... where’s Han?” Awww. Throwing in a little Vader’s theme in there. More temper tantrums. People getting mad at Luke calling a lightsaber a laser sword (in a purposefully mocking way) even though George Lucas himself called them that in some interviews. Yes, it’s not a laser sword, but Luke is trying to show how ridiculous he thinks the idea of him taking down everything is by calling a lightsaber that. I remember being like “Luke... no let’s not just milk that thing... oh ew” I do love the shot of Luke using the giant stick to cross to the other cliff and kill the fish. God that’s a steep hill. “No one’s from nowhere.” “Jakku.” “Alright that is pretty much nowhere.” That’s funny. “It’s time for the Jedi to end.” Remember when that line in the trailer made the fandom literally break down? I love knowing that behind the scenes, Carrie had to slap Oscar a billion times. Also, I do not blame Leia at all. So many people were mad about Leia and Holdo demoting Poe, but Poe was too fearless in that moment. Yes, he destroyed the ship and it worked out, but they lost so many people and they already didn’t have many to begin with. It was worth it, but at a very high cost. So I don’t blame her. Heyyyyyy it’s that girl from that Black Mirror episode and what was that other show? Chewing Gum or something? (IMDB says yes it’s Michaela Coel) See and Poe’s already learning a little by asking permission. Of course... later on he doesn’t ask permission... but whatever. Leia’s Theme... causing me pain. Oh, Kylo didn’t kill his mom. We’re supposed to be happy about that? The bar is on the ground. The utter horror I felt the first time the control room was destroyed and Leia was pulled into space. Oh I love the moment when Leia flies in. Because I’d heard that in the books and comics, we get to explore Leia’s Force abilities and stuff but we don’t get it in the movies besides “I feel that Luke’s in trouble.” Which sucks, because she is the “other” if Luke didn’t work out, so she’s just as strong as Luke if she got trained. They should have just trained both kids honestly, why did they pick the boy? Not saying Obi-Wan and Yoda are sexist... but they’re probably sexist. Also, foreshadowing. I actually noticed the hologram of the ship and Leia flying through this time. Oh Chewie. I like the porg that literally has his jaw dropped in horror. Knowing now that the dice were kind of a symbol of Kira (was that Emilia Clarke’s character?) and Han’s relationship makes me not like them as much. Still, cute throwback that they’re still on the Falcon. We can just ignore they weren’t there in Force Awakens (I kept an eye out and didn’t see them) The way Luke laughed when he said “R2!” I just... my heart. “Nothing can make me change my mind” *R2 plays the Leia hologram* I literally just went “AWWWW” out loud because I forgot that that’s why R2 started playing it. Oh my heart. That hurt the first time. Luke standing over Rey, but offering to help her. Parallels. Oh Admiral Ackbar. I love Holdo’s dress. I love the draping. Someone teach me how to make it. “Thank you for making me aware.” Yeah Poe, she already knows. Stop mansplaining. This is literally a case of mansplaining, why would Poe think he’d have to explain to a commander that there’s no fuel? Yeah it’s a little harsh, but is Holdo wrong? All of these fanboys complain about Canto Bight, but forget that it was Poe’s idea. Then they go and say Holdo was too mean should have put Poe in charge. Guys. Poe’s impulsive. We love him, but he’s the ultimate Gryffindor with no fear and will just do anything without considering consequences. I do wish Holdo had been more open like “I have a plan. You don’t need to know all the parts of it. Just let me do what I need to, ok?” instead of “Just follow my orders.” but still. Oh poor Rose. “Doing talking....” Oh she’s so cute. “I’ve had to stun 3 people trying to use this escape pod.” We love a girl who can fight. Yeah. Once again. Not mad at Rose. Finn does have some selfish tendencies, he’s well meaning but ultimately selfish (or at least, only thinking of Rey). So I do not blame Rose for stunning him.
And now I will take a nap since I have to go to a show tonight. And then I will finish the last 3/4-ish of the movie when I get home later.
Annnnd I’m back!
See. Rose has good reason to be mad at deserters. Ok so it wasn’t Poe’s idea to go to the Star Destroyer it was Finn’s. I will give him that. But still Poe went along with it. “That... wasn’t exactly my...” Oh 3PO. I wish Maz had had a bigger scene. More Lupita please. I have one question: from what angle is this hologram filmed? And how does the camera follow her? I guess it’s multiple hologram cameras, but still, it followed her as she rolled and ran around. Also, did Finn call Maz or did Poe call her? Because as far as we know, only Finn knows her. It seemed like they both had the idea to call her, but that Poe had it first. Did Finn tell Poe about Maz? I’m glad they showed Finn handing Poe the binary tracker thing, since for a second I was like “What if Rey had popped up next to Finn on the Star Destroyer?” I’m glad Rey’s first instinct is to shoot Kylo. “Can you see my surroundings?” “You’re gonna pay for what you did.” “I can’t see yours.” Why do I remember that line so vividly? Why does it make me feel so unsettled? Rey, my sweet Rey, I wish you had just told Luke that you saw Kylo. I love Luke’s explanation of the Force. And him messing with Rey was funny. I love when Rey’s reaching out and feeling life, death, peace, violence, etc. And I love Luke saying the Force doesn’t belong to the Jedi, because it doesn’t. The Jedi failed years ago. “You didn’t even try to stop yourself.” Luke’s horrified. But also, Rey’s just like an extreme version of Luke. Yoda knew that Luke’s emotions could make him vulnerable to the dark side, Rey’s already vulnerable. Yeah, I don’t blame Luke for being scared of Rey after he feels like this is Ben all over again. Oh my god. I love the porg that has a metal piece over its head. That actually made me laugh out loud. Poor Chewie.
I just had to refresh tumblr because my draft wasn’t saving. It brought me back to my dashboard. Where there was a spoiler for the new movie and it wasn’t tagged. PLEASE tag your spoilers people.
The water hitting Kylo still confuses me. Say what you will about the Canto Bight plot... the costumes are AMAZING. The costumes literally make the whole side plot worth it to me. Literally I was just in awe by all the costumes during every single scene. And the set! The set’s fantastic too! I literally just paused every single second to take in all of the costumes. Do I care if the Canto Bight trip ended up pointless? Nope! Because it gave me some of Star Wars’ best costumes. Oh... to be an extra in the Canto Bight scene... Just show up... And put on a beautiful outfit... And do nothing else but pretend to drink, talk, and gamble... That’s the dream. Oh hi Mark Hamill! That was cute that they let him voice that little thing. I remember noticing the thing and being like “...is he important?” and nope, it’s just Mark doing an extra voice. Oh I love the Fathiers. Aww and it’s the little Force sensitive boy. I have thoughts about that kid that I can get into later. The way BB8 jingles with the coins. I love it.
Rey: *Does a move with her stick* Rey: *Does the same exact move with the lightsaber* Fanboys: She’s too good too fast! Mary Sue!
As I said throughout all of the Force Awakens, she’s just applying the skills she already had. If anything, a lightsaber’s easier since it’s half the length and she doesn’t have to worry about the back of it hitting her. LOL, remember when we thought this shot was an epic shot of Luke training her? Good times. Oh that poor fish nun. Everything Luke says about the Jedi is true (also did I not say they failed earlier in the post? Luke agrees with me). Rey’s right that a Jedi got Ani to come back from the dark side, but the Jedi’s system enabled him to turn in the first place. Soooooo yeah. Oh Luke. Don’t blame yourself. Kylo was already basically gone. Sure, seeing his uncle standing over him with a lightsaber definitely didn’t help... but it’s not the only thing that made him turn. Who is this captain of the medical ship? He looks familiar. (IMDB says he’s Danny Sapani. I probably recognized him from the Crown) Oh BB8. Finn, did you learn nothing from Rey? Put the cover back on the vent! Awww the Fathiers have such sad eyes... I love the Resistance ring. Can I buy one? Ok. The shot of the bubble egg lady singing felt like it was much longer the first time, but it’s really only a split second. I. LOVE. THE. CANTO. BIGHT. SET. I know it’s a real town in like Italy or somewhere near the Mediterranean. I want to go. I love it. I love that the first thing Luke does when he decides to use the Force again is to seek out Leia. Oh poor Adam became a meme after this. He just has a very wide and bulky body, ok? God Luke looks so scary in Kylo’s flashback. “Let the past die. Kill it if you have to.” That reflection scene is so visually stunning. So in a way, it’s like Luke is failing Rey like he failed Ben. He’s not helping her in the way she needs, so she’s being lured by the dark side instead. I love the walls falling around Luke. “Did you do it? Did you create Kylo Ren?” Rey, he already told you earlier that he believes it’s his fault, so the answer from him is yes. I can’t remember if we hear this story of Luke and Kylo one more time after this or not. “Then he’s our last hope.” Ok ew. No. Kylo is not allowed to be compared to hope. Only Luke, Leia, or Obi-Wan can be. Oh for a second I thought that torch was a lightsaber. YODA!!!!! I think I had been spoiled for Yoda showing up. It was definitely still exciting though. “The sacred Jedi texts!” Oh Luke. Oh memes. Not as whiney as I remembered. “But that library contained nothing that the girl Rey does not already possess.” Because Yoda knows she stole the books. Oh Yoda. I love Yoda. Oh Rose. Ok, so I will give it to Poe that at this moment it doesn’t seem like Holdo has a good plan. Abandoning ship isn’t necessarily cowardly, but on the surface it does seem like it puts them in more danger. Literally earlier today I watched a video about the layout of the Millennium Falcon, and the escape pods were mentioned. And I thought to myself, wow that must be something from the novels since we’ve definitely never seen that in the movies. Welp... I was wrong... Rey’s in one now. I was about to be like “Do they not care that an escape pod just docked?” before I saw Kylo. LOL the iron coming down like a ship. I feel like I remember being completely terrified when Rey stepped in front of Snoke. Oh BB8. Bumping into stuff. I remember being super relieved that DJ (has he told us this is his name yet? I can’t remember) gave back the medallion. Captain Phasma! Hey girl hey! Leia shooting Poe is still funny to me. Also Lieutenant Billie Connix is smart.  I love the scene of Holdo and Leia saying goodbye. Also, Holdo’s purple hair with her bright blue eyes is super striking. Good choice. Snoke puts down the lightsaber. Unknowingly sealing his fate. Literally when Snoke reveals he connected their minds, I was like OF COURSE. Because the whole time I’m like neither of them are strong enough to do this. “She was more interested in protecting the light than she was seeming like a hero.” See. And that’s the flaw in both Poe and Finn. And Rey to an extent. They’re thinking about the big picture, but in context of smaller things like seeming like a hero, saving Rey, saving Kylo, etc. But Holdo’s thinking of only the big picture. I knew DJ betrayed them, I just forgot how badly.
And here’s another annoyance (which I was sorta trying to touch on earlier). Everyone hates the Canto Bight plot, yet they complain about Holdo trying to take charge. If Poe just let Holdo take charge and ignored Finn and Rose’s idea, then her plan would have been a complete success. No Canto Bight, no DJ to betray them, all the transports make it to Crait unnoticed, and the First Order eventually destroys a ship that’s empty except for Holdo. They complain about Holdo, but don’t think about the fact that Holdo could have prevented another plot they hated if the main characters had just listened to her.
And then Snoke hits Rey and literally puts the lightsaber back to where it will kill him. Ok literally I just misread a caption that said “Lord Vader” as “Lord Voldemort” and I was very confused. Taking a second to say that I love this set of Snoke’s throne room. Been thinking it forever, but Kylo picking up the lightsaber off the ground and seeing the reflection in the smooth red floor is amazing. Kylo igniting the lightsaber through Snoke is amazing. Also, I typed “Ben igniting” before literally freezing for a second and being like “...ok that’s a lot to unpack” I guess when he does something good my brain thinks of him as Ben instead of Kylo. ALSO, arm #16 and #17, I love that Snoke’s arms were cut off too in true Star Wars fashion. And I am VERY excited to see this fight scene again. I told myself not to pause at all during the Kylo and Rey team up fight, but I paused literally a second into it because Binary Sunset yes.
And my idiot brother and my mom are texting in the family group chat so it’s popping up on my screen throughout this scene. Ugh.
All of these red knight weapons are so cool. And I forgot about the one that gets chopped up... Oh my god one is a sword that transforms into a whip. LOVE. IT. And I love the quick lightsaber ignite through the head. Love it. Woah how is there still 44 minutes? I remember this battle being much closer to the end. I was wondering when the red walls went away, but I rewinded and saw that they had been slowly burning away after Rey made something hit them. Nice touch.
Ugh my brother and mom will not stop texting.
“You have no place in this story.” Wow Kylo, harsh. Oh shoot I forgot about the lightsaber breaking until they started their Force tug of war with it. I’d always wondered what would happen if someone lightsped through something... I want to say that I realized what she was doing before they told us, but now I realize that they basically told us what she would do when the First Order guy said “they’re preparing to hyperspeed.” so I guess I just caught on to the obvious hints.
God that moment still gives me chills. The silence. The way it sort of goes black and white. The multiple angles. So good.
I know for a fact that I spent the rest of the movie from this point on with my hands over my mouth in a constant stake of shock/fear/anxiety. Oh BB8. Some people thought this was ridiculous. But I had just spent the last few months rewatching the prequels before seeing this, and compared to the stuff R2 does, BB8 clumsily controlling a walker is nothing. Oh how I love Gwendoline Christie. I FORGOT THAT WE SAW HER EYE IN THE MASK. I hope Phasma survived. She’s so awesome. Ok my quality is like horrendous right now so I’m gonna refresh. LOL I FORGOT ABOUT GENERAL HUGS NEARLY ATTEMPTING TO KILL KYLO. Oh I forgot how much I love Crait as a set location. OH AND THE ICE DOG THINGS! LOVE THEM! Poe petting BB8 when he comes back kills me. I like those space age two person laptops. “People believe in Leia.” *Binary Sunset plays* My heart. Ok for a second I was like “This first person camera is like a war movie” and then it turns and we see the trench and I’m like “...ok... ok fine but that was very literal.” The red footsteps. Just... guys this set is so AMAZING. Ugh, these red streaks of dust behind them are so amazing. And when Finn passes in front of the camera, it gets covered in the dust and blurs part of the lens. Just like the Rathtar goo in the Force Awakens. I wonder if that’s going to be like... the thing of the sequels. One shot that has the camera lens partially covered by something. Also, I just wasted time trying to figure out if there’s an official name for that or not... oh well. The winding stripes left behind as they weave around... just... amazing. YEAH! GO CHEWIE! GO REY! Oh my god I forgot about the porg roaring. “Oh, they HATE that ship!” I’M DEAD. Look at the salt and how it forms the crystals in the trench. I love it. I FORGOT ABOUT THIS SHOT OF THE CAVE FULL OF THE RED SALT. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. I remember when the trailer had the first shot of the gorilla walkers, and I didn’t notice at first that there were normal AT-ATs next to them, and then I realized these things were twice as big as AT-ATs and I was horrified. See, and now Poe has learned that you can’t always be a hero and is making a good decision. I forgot about Finn’s speeder literally melting as he gets closer. I don’t understand the people who were mad that Rose stopped Finn. I for one was HORRIFIED at just the thought of Finn dying this way and thankful she stopped him. “That’s how we’re gonna win. Not fighting what we hate, saving what we love.” The kiss is pointless but I love the line and sentiment behind it. Oh god. Ok. Here come the emotions. Binary Sunset is playing. I was a wreck. And a little of Han and Leia’s Love Theme as she sees the dice. I remember actually noticing that in the theaters and half-sobbing. Oh god the forehead kiss. Oh and he winks at 3PO as he walks by. My heart. This is the specific shot of the gorilla walkers and the AT-ATs in a line that freaked me out. That shot of Luke standing up against all the First Order walkers and ships. Amazing. That shoulder brush though. Kylo’s so dumb, he literally just watched that lightsaber get destroyed, he HELPED destroy it. He should have known something was up, it couldn’t have been repaired that quickly. Purposeful shot of Luke’s feet not moving the salt. That Matrix back bend though. “I will have killed the last Jedi.” He said the title. Also, is that the only time it’s said? Because they say it a lot in Force Awakens but I don’t think so yet in this movie.. “And I will not be the last Jedi.” Ok so now it’s said again by Luke. Purposeful shot of Kylo’s shoe leaving a footprint as he runs to Luke. I’m pretty sure I probably shrieked when he tried to slice Luke in half.
I just now remembered that I’d actually kind of wondered if he’d be a Force projection or something when he first showed up. Because I’d just watched Return of the Jedi like a week earlier and saw Obi-Wan do it, so I wondered if Luke was doing it too. Especially when Poe said Luke was distracting the First Order. It passed my mind and was confirmed when Kylo couldn’t hit him. And here’s where I started to feel like my world was crumbling...
Oh god. My eyes are wet. It hurts. But when I watched it the first time, I really felt like my world was absolutely falling a part and ending forever while I watched Luke die. With the stupid binary sunset in front of him just like when he was a teenager and when he was a baby. One of the first things he ever saw was the binary sunset. I was like “This is beautiful, but that doesn’t mean I’m not completely in pain and dying.” That shot from above of Kylo with the stormtroopers, mirroring a shot from the prequels of Ani. Nice. So do they still have that connection even if Snoke’s dead?
HEY! Hey. Those dice were still visible to Kylo even after Luke was dead... was Leia Force projecting them to Kylo? It wouldn’t take as much work as doing it to everyone else at once from lightyears away. One person, your son, would be easier. So maybe... maybe Leia’s the one continuing the projection of the dice. I’m gonna stick with that theory thanks.
Awww BB8 asked Rey about his antenna, just like when they first met. Remember when people were like “Are Poe and Rey gonna be a thing?!?!?” and of course I’d much prefer that over Reylo thanks. The books! Somehow, that obvious shot of the books goes over so many people’s heads. So many complaints about the books getting burned, when they literally show us that Rey saved them. I had never noticed the bunks in the Millennium Falcon either until I saw that video earlier, and I’m glad I got to actually see one in use since Rose is sleeping in one.
Oh GOD the entirety of the Resistance can fit on the Millennium Falcon... that is NOT good.
I LOVE the scene of the kids retelling the story of Luke. I must have already gone in depth about this 2 years ago, but I love it. Luke became a legend in the end. He didn’t necessarily want to be one, but he’s become one. It was exactly what was in the opening scroll, he restored the spark of hope. That subtle use of the Force by that little boy. With Binary Sunset playing. And I love that last shot of him holding the broom up like a lightsaber.
I nearly forgot that they put in “In loving memory of our princess, Carrie Fisher” at the end. That’s what got me to finally cry. 40 straight minutes of covering my mouth in anxiety, then feeling like my world was crashing down around me as Luke died. Having it dedicated to Carrie made me just start sobbing so hard. Watch that happen again tomorrow.
I remember when I left the theater, at first I was like “What if the boys is Rey’s brother?!” but then... I realized that a huge point of the movie went over my head for a second there.
The fandom got so caught up in figuring out who Rey’s parents are, whether it’s Obi-Wan or Luke or Leia or even Palpatine, that they were mad when Kylo said they were no one. But like... guys... not every single Force user is related to the Skywalkers or anyone else we already know. There were hundreds of Jedi in the prequels, because anyone can be Force sensitive. Obi-Wan’s parents were nobody, Qui-Gon’s parents were nobody, Mace’s parents were nobody. They didn’t come from long lines of Force users (at least in movie lore), BECAUSE THE JEDI WEREN’T SUPPOSED TO HAVE KIDS. The Skywalkers aren’t even a long line, it’s just 3 generations at this point. So literally none of the Jedi of the past came from powerful Force users (or at least from ones who got the chance to become Jedi) since that literally goes against the code.
Luke found at least 11 other Force sensitive kids to train alongside Ben, their parents were all definitely nobodies since he’s the last Jedi. Ben is an anomaly, Luke and Leia are anomalies, the Jedi don’t have kids! The fandom got so caught up in figuring out who Rey could be related to, that they forgot that for millennia the individual Jedi were not related to anyone.
Anyone can be Force sensitive. Anyone can be a Jedi. Rey is an example of that. That little boy is an example of that. That’s why I love that the little Force sensitive boy was the final shot of the movie. He was meant to reassure and remind us after the Rey parentage reveal that anyone can end up Force sensitive. They don’t need a famous/powerful parent. They can come from anywhere and be anyone. And I love that that’s the final note of this movie.
Some people were not reassured. Some people couldn’t handle the idea that Rey’s powerful just because she’s Rey, not because she’s someone’s daughter. She HAS to be related to someone to be that powerful, right? But every Jedi before her who was just as powerful wasn’t related to anyone, so why does she have to be?
ANYWAY! I was actually worried over the last 2 years that I’d rewatch The Last Jedi and not like it as much as I did in theaters. I still like it a lot. Even the Canto Bight scenes get redeemed by the costumes and the set being so amazing. But I love the message of don’t be a hero, this is bigger than just you. And I love the message that even if you’re “nobody” from “nowhere” you could still be Force Sensitive and you could still be a Jedi. I love Luke’s send off, I love that he does end up reigniting the spark and being a beam of hope again. I love it.
And I’m excited to see the Rise of Skywalker tomorrow.
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So I’ve watched (partially) leaked episodes of American Gods and there is no way I’m not gonna post about it.
Clear and explicit spoilers are under the cut, so read away at your own risk.
This is going to be mainly about the one and only, my love #1 Mad Sweeney.
Before I get down to business, I have to make some points clear.
1. In my opinion, AG is one of the BEST shows to grace our screens in many many long years, because:
It’s based on Neil Gaiman novel.
Storytelling is compelling.
Have you seen the editing? The lights and colors? The camera work?! This shit is AMAZING. There are few things I like more about the shows than good editing and visual aesthetics. And this right here? It’s pure pleasure.
The casting and acting is mind-blowing.
2. I know better than fixate on only one character, because the whole plot, the story in general is so much more than fate of one character (even if they’re the lead).
With that being stated in advance, I would like to clarify that AG is a complex story created through crossing paths of many different characters. It’s not about Mr. Wednesday, it’s not even about Shadow Moon and it’s sure as hell is not about Mad Sweeney.
But the latest was the reason why I was renewing AG and his tags this whole fucking week. So when THREE episodes (INCLUDED the one dedicated to Sweeney) were leaked in my country at three in the morning, I, tired from work and lack of sleep, naturally decided to give middle finger to my master’s thesis and watch them.
Unfortunately, I am no god and have basic human needs, so I’ve only watched parts regarding Sweeney, but I’m sure as hell watching whole episodes later.
And finally to the points:
Episode 2x05.
Sweeney thinking at first that Laura was an angel made me laugh so hard.
She was so fucking jealous of him, when he was flirting with this blonde girl! And then he looked right at Laura!!! He knew what he was doing and it was working!
He was so fucking jealous when this voodoo couple started to get sexy with Laura! Oh how he didn’t like it!
Let me tell you, this scene made me hot all over. He’s savage, huge and built like a brick wall. I’d climb this fine piece of fairy-godlike king any day any time.
At first I was disappointed because ‘THE HELL! So it was JUST the Horde and Sweeney’s deepest desires?! They’re gonna go and fuck different people’. I’d ideally prefer them to fuck each other, at the lack of better option this happening in an orgy, but to become swingers without actually having sex even once? C’mon guys! But my fears were in vain, eventually everything happened the way it should have happened.
Laura is so smol and Sweeney is HUGE. They’re outing my (enormous) size kink / height/built difference kink.
This scene was what I was anticipating since midseason 1 and I FINALLY GOT IT GODDAMIT!
First few seconds of ‘the morning after’ were just too damn hilarious.
Sweeney is not good at dealing with his shit, but Laura confirmed that she is way way worse. She didn’t know how to deal with him, this situation and her (or his for this matter) feelings anymore. So she fled and hurt my ginger giant bb in the process.
Episode 2x06.
There is no Laura or Sweeney in this one, so I skipped through it in like 5 min and understood next to nothing.
HOWEVER! This ep. featured my beautiful love #2 Tech Boy (a sight for sore eyes). In one of his recent interviews Bruce said that Tech Boy is a God of Technology, but technology can be many things. Like for our ancestors a sharp stone fixated on the end of the stick was already a technology. So maybe Tech Boy’s purpose is to renovate and update himself in accordance with the change of times. Maybe ithat’s what let him pass as the “New God”, when in reality he might be one of the oldest of the “Old Gods”. It’s an interesting theory and a glimpse of it is shown in ep. 6 through Tech Boy and Wednesday’s (!!!) common history, but in order to understand it I had to watch it, and now I have to prioritize and simply don’t have time for that. Though, my beautiful Tech Boy, I’m glad that you can show up at the most of unexpected of times and give me feels, when there’s not even one Sweeney within a mile.
Episode 2x07.
In order to write this AND get some sleep I had to skip some parts of Sweeney’s story too, so please forgive me for any misunderstandings.
Of course I read all the theories based on what was in the book and how it correlated with the story in the show now. I was impatiently waiting and dreading this episode at the same time.
This ep. Sweeney was all about destruction and madness. More so than usual. He was unhinged and I loved him about it.
So much self-loathing. It was so brilliant I couldn’t watch it.
The fact that Sweeney couldn’t remember his own story was just plainly terrifying. When people loose faith in you and forget you it’s one thing. But when you loose faith in yourself so much that you can’t remember who you are anymore is depressing and legitimately scary.
He must have been freaking out of his fucking mind cause of constantly seeing Banshees. He might have told Shadow not to interfere, but he instantly knew that this time these women were crying for him.
I was happy to see that once, long long time ago he was loved. He knew what true happiness was. Even if we had to watch him fall so far (NOT HIS FAULT BY THE WAY).
I loved every single verbal drop about Sweeney caring for (possibility being nuts deep in love with) Laura:
How he couldn’t get it up for hot redheaded voodoo queen until she called him out on it.
How he was broken and laughing madly under this bridge about Laura leaving him AGAIN.
I hate Wednesday guts, but he saw right through Sweeney with this one eye of his. ‘She fucked you, broke your heart and left you’. Cruel, but hit too close to home.
Conversation with Salim. Sweeney: ‘It’s his fight, not yours. You don’t have to die. Just go and leave it all behind’. Salim: ‘No, I’m staying with him’. ‘Why?’ ‘I guess it’s what love is’. ‘Would he have done the same for you if the roles were reversed? What if someone ordered him to kill you? Would he have done that [while loving you]?’ ‘What do you mean?’ ‘Ugh, nothing. Forget it’. Like come on!!! This conversation takes place RIGHT AFTER Wednesday orders Sweeney to “finish his job” and kill Laura for good. Sweeney and Salim are talking about love and loved ones and what they would/wouldn’t have done for them! Sweeney’s implying Laura and love in one sentence! It’s the most explicit articulate closest to confession thing that we got from Sweeney aside from multiple defensive Fuck you’s said to different people and longing glances when she isn’t looking.
Little side note: Salim might be the sweetest person in the world but I wanted to punch him in the face so hard, when he said that it’s pointless to explain the concept of love to someone who’s never felt it. I know that Sweeney was never nice to him, but it’s rich coming from human to go and assume something about a creature that’s walked this Earth for centuries. You don’t know him well enough. So, please, kindly shut up.
(8) The bloodbath scene from times when Sweeney was a god once was just poetic cinema. I was SO looking forward to it when the trailer came out. Barbaric, savage, courageous, spear-throwing, ripping-out-throats-with-bare-teeth, crushing-skulls-with-bare-hands. Just the way I like them👌
(9) Sweeney with ass long red mane dressed in next to nothing but blue paint is the image that burnt into my mind and the reason I was living for.
(10) They fucking did it. They killed him. THEY BROKE ME.
Regarding Sweeney’s death I have QUITE A LOT OF THINGS TO SAY:
I knew it was coming but still hoped they wouldn’t go through with it. As much as it hurts, I respect this decision. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do and cut the cord. Sweeney’s death was in the book. It’s what was necessary for the story to move forward (see point 2 at the beginning of the post). It’s better this way than for his character to be dragged around the story just for fan service (as much as it pains me to admit it, BECAUSE I WANT THIS FAN SERVICE GODDAMIT!).
As far as I know in the book Shadow was indirectly involved in Sweeney’s death. It was honestly the redhead’s fault only. The way he went out was pathetic, so I’m glad that they changed it according with the development of tv character.
Shadow. You fucking gave your word. Not. To. Interfere. Fine, I get it, you’re Wednesday’s man, you have to protect him (even after Sweeney reveled the whole truth, seriously, Shadow?!), BUT DON’T GO POKE AT PEOPLE WITH A GIGANTIC POINTY STICK IF YOU DON’T KNOW HOW TO ISE IT!!! I know it was an accident, he didn’t truly MEAN it, but maybe it even makes it worse.
This ‘I’m sorry’, I can’t even discuss it. Sorry doesn’t fucking cut it, Shadow!!!
I know that people say that Shadow’s speech at Sweeney’s wake is a beautiful part of the book, but with the way things turned out in the show, I don’t think that Shadow deserves to make this speech.
Sweeney, my bb went out like a fucking champ. Ruining old fart’s plans and taking the spear somewhere he can never reach it anymore. My hero ❤️ I hope Wednesday didn’t foresee it and it wasn’t another grand part of his plans. I want Sweeney to fuck him up good. He died because he didn’t want to be Wednesday’s bitch and I wouldn’t want him to be that especially in his death.
I wish Laura could see it with her own eyes. The last big FUCK YOU from Mad Sweeney.
In conclusion:
Mad Sweeney was barely on Old Gods’ side, I bet he would have gone minding his own business if it wasn’t for Wednesday’s debt.
With Sweeney gone now, fuck the Old Gods, I’m going to the New Gods’ side.
But at the same time Tech Boy is “deleted” or “fired” or whatever.
So basically now, I don’t really give a shit who wins now and who loses. They can kill each other until no one’s left, for all I care.
AG is still great and moving forward.
I’m still interested in the story, but I can’t bring myself to be invested anymore.
I know better than to hope, but I need a reaction out of Laura regarding Sweeney’s death.
It’ll probably never happen, but I hope Laura will crush Shadow’s nuts.
And spears Mr. Wednesday.
I wonder how Laura’s undead state will be affected now with Sweeney and his horde and his magic gone. Will his lucky coin work the same?
Laura is capable of surviving and protecting herself. She needs no one to do that for her. But Sweeney was ready to run to her, do anything for her as soon as she snapped her fingers. How much will it affect her? Will she appreciate him now?
I might have had some other notes, but I’ve tried for 2,5 hours to carefully and logically arrange this post without insulting any character TOO MUCH and now my brain’s exploding.
Please, feel free to talk to me about the FEELS, because I’m heartbroken and don’t know how to deal with it.
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lolfunnykpop · 6 years
tagged by @lil-feenz  (I actually got tagged 3 months ago and completely forgot, now that I have 2 papers and 1 quiz due tomorrow my brain decided this is the best time to remember...sooo long story short I am procrastinating)
Rules: Answer the Q+A’s and tag  3 of your biggest fans
What’s the smell of your shampoo?
IDK what cantu smells like, it’s like a whole lots of smells...flowers, shea butter, and something else
What is your aesthetic?
Pink everything with grey/rose gold accents and minimalism (i tried to live like this for my apartment...did not work)
What’s your favorite time of the day and why? 
12am because I am most awake at that time and it’s the time when I get weird and start actually being funny
What do you like most about the beach?
, The sound of the waves crashing against the rocks and the sand. Mainly because it reminds me of my home country
What do you worry about constantly?
Life, my future, whether I am a failure. I have started to feel stagnant in my life and I’m starting to wonder if I made the right choice going to an elite university right out of high school instead of experiencing life. I wonder if I will look back at my life and regret not living it to the fullest because I was too busy being an “overachiever”. Sometimes I sit up at night wondering how my life will be recounted once I am older...and I literally draw blanks because I feel like I am sticking to the status quo.
Wow as you can tell I am going through it right now, the things junior year in college does to you. But yeah mainly fear of past decisions. 
What is a song you’ve cried to before?
On a lighter note only 3 songs have made me cry and they’re all for dumb reasons (Well two of them are).
7th sense by NCT - Freshman year of college I was in my room alone listening to this song for the upteenth time and when taeyong sang that really high note for “Take it slow, take it slow” I legit burst into tears, why? I have no idea.
BTS Save me - The day the video came out and Jimin sang at the end before jungkook and got on his knees I cried. Again, i HAVE NO IDEA WHY, i just was like wow
Shinee Ayo- this song is my happy song. I always listened to it when I was stressed about school (fun fact I still do this), my senior year of high school I was so stressed I just listened to ayo (while watching the concert version) and cried. It helped me feel better all the time. Then when Jonghyun passed away and I noticed in the concert version Key sang “When things are tough jonghyun will be here to greet you” I broke down. But now the video just brings warm fuzzy feelings and I watch it every now and then to see shinee be dorky. 
What are some relaxing tips for your followers?
Music,Music, Music. I usually just blast music depending on my mood and sit in silence. Sometime it’s helpful to also do an activity, so I own an adult coloring book. I’ve also learned that baking has a way of relaxing me. But most importantly just breathe! 
In real advice tho, if you are in a situation where you feel anxious a good tip is to name a shape in your head (i.e square) and try to find every single example of that in the room. Also you can do the 4x4x4 breathing method, In two three four, hold two three four, exhale two three four and repeat. Learned this during counseling training. 
What are some things that make you tear up?
People leaving, being ignored, sentimental things, cute things, and homework, 
What is your favorite from each of the five senses?
Sight: things that are centered
Smell: my mom’s perfume
Touch: clay
Taste: vanilla 
Sound: falling rian
What is one alternate reality you’d like to be in?
Ella enchanted because everything looks so pretty
What are some troubles you face on a day to day basis?
Waking up to go to class, I just want to sleep and wake up a millionaire
What is one scene of a book that’s made you really sad?
Ok there is a book I like reading and have reread like 9 times. In the book, the heroine has been married for 2 years and asks for a divorce because her husband doesn't love her. She then finds out he married her because of a truce between him and her father and he thought she plotted with her father to make it happen (spoiler she didnt). The only way out was for her to give birth to a male heir (her father doesn;t want her because she is “female”). Anyways she decides to leave her him when he reveals the truth only to find out she was pregnant. As the story progresses we see her struggle with the truth of her marriage and her pregnancy. A lot of drama ensues and the hero of the story start to acknowledge her because he realizes she was innocent, while the heroine distances herself because she has been hurt her whole life. I cried the whole book because her emotions were so raw and the author wrote the heroine really well. I cried even harder towards the end.
Say something to your followers:
biggest fans: @dibidibidismol @kaolasaregreat @thatsroughbuddy-sk
p.s you guys don’t have to do this if you aren’t comfortable!
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thenightling · 6 years
Tag creator (A BookTube Book) - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQt_…
1. NOPE Ending: A book ending that made you go NOPE either in denial, rage or simply because the ending was crappy.
This is a tough one.  I rarely hate how literature ends.  I’ll name a few comics and then move on the literature.
Novels: The Man who fell to Earth by Walter Tevis (Love this novel but hate the ending.) The Dresden Files: Changes The Frankenstein Papers by Fred Saberhagen (He writes Dracula so well but his Frankenstein Monster...  Spoilers, he’s a f--king alien with amnesia.  That’s the twist.  He just THOUGHT he was created by Victor Frankenstein.  It’s so... Stupid. The Last vampire by Whitley Strieber.   Lilith’s Dream by Whitley Strieber   On my Honor
Lolita.  WHY is this a classic?!?
Comics: The Sandman: The Kindly Ones.  I know it’s a classic but out of all of the original Sandman this is the one I liked the least, loved the rest. The Dreaming (1990s to early 2000s version).   It’s just... awful. Madman & Monster (written by Steve Niles and published by IDW).  I hate the ending but like the premise.
Nineteen eighty-four by George Orwell.  Great novel, just very depressing.
Return to Labyrinth.  The author (Jake T. Forbes) just wanted his cake and eat it too.  He establishes that Jareth is Sarah’s true love but at the same time decides that they can’t be together “For reasons” and has Toby give a “I learned something today” speech that lasts several pages to justify it.   No, if it’s true love, they’re supposed to be together.  Don’t try to placate both the shippers and the fans who want them to not be a couple, you won’t appease anyone if you try to appease both.    
Wolf’s Rain: It’s just so sad.   Why!??
2. NOPE Protagonist: The main character you dislike and drives you crazy.
Novels: Miriam from The Hunger, The Last Vampire, and Lilith’s Dream by Whitley Strieber.   
The Vampire Armand from Anne Rice’s The Vampire Chronicles.   He’s too much of a Sadist.  I don’t understand the appeal.   Lolita.  WHY is this a classic?!
Echo from The Dreaming (Late 90s / early 2000s version) 
Riri Williams, the current writing of the Captain Marvel comics,  actually pretty much all of Marvel at the moment... _______________________________________________ 
3. NOPE Series: A series that turned out to be one huge pile of NOPE after you’ve invested all of that time and energy on it, or a series you gave up on because it wasn’t worth it anymore.
The Hunger book series by Whitley Strieber 
Anne Rice’s The Vampire Chronicles, most everything after Tale of The Body Thief and Tale of the Body Thief wasn’t that good... The Dresden Files.  I don’t know, my interest just kind of waned and also I came across a few unpleasant fans who legitimately believe women and men “talk differently” and “use different language” when speaking and told me a woman can’t write male characters and visa versa.   Mary Shelley begs to differ!    Comics: The current Sandman Universe comics...
Morbius: The Living Vampire (1990s run)
Return to Labyrinth.  The author (Jake T. Forbes) just wanted his cake and eat it too.  He establishes that Jareth is Sarah’s true love but at the same time decides that they can’t be together “For reasons” and has Toby give a “I learned something today” speech that lasts several pages to justify it.   No, if it’s true love, they’re supposed to be together.  Don’t try to placate both the shippers and the fans who want them to not be a couple, you won’t appease anyone if you try to appease both.     
4. NOPE Popular pairing: A ship you don’t support.
I don’t really hate many pairings...
Oh, wait.  Lolita.  Do I really need to explain? Comics: Joker and Harley Quinn (original versions as created for Batman The Animated series.) Cain and Abel and their sister-wives in The Dreaming (late 90s to early 2000s comics).  That was just...  Oh, my God. Was that just to be edgy!?    For God’s sake, Abel’s fraternal twin sister was Cain’s wife and locked in attic!?   WTF?!? Lucien and Nuala (also in The Dreaming late 90s and early 2000s version).   Essentially “Hey, the people we’re in love with are dead.   Why don’t we hook up?” “Okay!  You’re good enough.  Let’s settle on each other.” 
Does Caitlin R. Kiernan have any concept of love, at all?  Steve and Bucky. Not because it’s a bad ship or because it’s gay but because the fans who support it are so rabid and if you suggest it’s not canon they immediately assume you’re a homophobe and send you hate.
SwanQueen (Emma Swan and The Evil Queen in Once Upon a Time) similar reasons as above.   ____________________________ 
5. NOPE. Plot twist: A plot twist you didn’t see coming or didn’t like.
The Frankenstein Papers by Fred Saberhagen.
(He writes Dracula so well but his Frankenstein Monster...  Spoilers, he’s a f--king alien with amnesia.  That’s the twist.  He just THOUGHT he was created by Victor Frankenstein.  It’s so... Stupid. _______________________________ 
6. NOPE. Protagonist action/decision: A character decision that made you shake your head NOPE.
Faust and his hornness for FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD Gretchen and almost everything he did because of that horniness. 
7. NOPE. Genre: A genre you will never read.
I don’t think there’s a genre I’d never read. But I’m not a big fan of young adult romances or bodice rippers and torture porn.    I’m not into errotica or graphic violence even though I adore Gothic Horror.
8.  Nope format:
Umm....  I prefer hardcover to paperback but I don’t avoid any particular format.  I do hate when the new Barnes and Nobel classics call things like Edgar Allan Poe and H. P. Lovecraft, Mary Shelley, and Bram Stoker “Gothic fantasy” written across the cover.  It perpetuates the idea that horror is lowbrow and it angers me that we refuse to consider good quality horror to be horror anymore. 
Anne Rice’s Prince Lestat (when I read it with wet hands and the dust jacket off) the color on the cover started to turn my fingers dark blue.   I never want that to happen again.  
9. NOPE. Trope: A trope that makes you go NOPE.
Long lost child that the protagonist didn’t know they had because the mother (or in rare cases someone else) thought it would be best the child never know they are related to the protagonist because their life is too dangerous / cursed / ect...  I hate when parental rights are stomped on for plot, and especially when “it’s okay because it’s the mother who did it and the mother just wants whats best for the child.”  
10. NOPE. Recommendation: A book recommendation that is constantly hyped and pushed at you that you simply refuse to read.
I’ve never refused to read a recommendation but I have later thought “Why did you think I’d like this?!”
Twilight “Because you love vampires.” Oh, and Frankenstein’s Monster: A Novel by Susan Heyboer O’keefe.  Just because he looks like the version from the Shelley novel doesn’t mean he acted like it.  That as awful.      
11. NOPE. Cliche/pet peeve: A cliche or writing pet peeve that always makes you roll your eyes.
Wasn’t this already number 9?  I thought we covered this with tropes.  Many tropes are cliches.   Oh, well...
Long lost child that the protagonist didn’t know they had because the mother (or in rare cases someone else) thought it would be best the child never know they are related to the protagonist because their life is too dangerous / cursed / ect...  I hate when parental rights are stomped on for plot, and especially when “it’s okay because it’s the mother who did it and the mother just wants whats best for the child.”    (Cough) Susan in The Dresden Files. (Cough.)
Oh, and “He’s blue collar so we’re going to use him as the serrogate racist / bigot now even though he wasn’t before.”  (Cough)  Merv Pumpkinhead in the new version of The Dreaming. (Cough.)
12. NOPE. Love interest: 
I thought we established this with the ship conversation?
I don’t feel like re-writing it, just re-read that one.  Same answers apply.   I guess I can add The Corinthian from Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman.  You know if it ever gets a film or TV series adaptation someone somewhere will find him attractive and start making errotic art and fan fiction about him...
13. NOPE. Book: A book that shouldn’t have existed that made you say NOPE.
The Dreaming Late 90s early 2000s version.   I don’t really like saying any book shouldn’t exist. But there are some that are really awful sequels or insults to an established lore because of how subpar they are.   ___________________________________ 
14. NOPE. Villain: A scary villain/antagonist you would hate to cross and would make you run in the opposite direction.
The Corinthian from Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman and pretty much any antagonist created by George R. R. Martin. 
15. NOPE. Death: A character death that still haunts you.
Morpheus in Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman.
And even Abel’s death even though he comes back later.
16. NOPE. Author: An author you had a bad experience reading and have decided to quit.
Anne Rice.  She doesn’t even remotely write the way she used to . It feels vapid now.  And i have trouble reconciling myself that the angry bird aliens from Brevena and the Replimoids exist in the same universe as Interview with the Vampire.   
Also she’s been very cruel and unprofessional in her behavior to those who have criticized her work and “I didn’t know I was sicking people on anyone” shared negative reviews with direct links to pages on her Facebook over the years.  it got nasty.  She even dug up one of my old reviews for Blood Canticle that I wrote FIFTEEN years ago!   
And to a lesser extent, J. K. Rowling.   Her views of Americans and especially “Nomaj” (linguistically) just makes me cringe internally.  Americans are the more old fashioned with language, not hipster (i.e Elevator vs. Lift, Cellular phone vs. Mobile). Not to mention cloistered religious-style orders (like Catholicism) use the same terms from country to country.  This is also true with Wicca.  Linguistically the American terms in Fantastic Beasts do NOT make sense.   
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