#why did my dumb comic get 90 notes
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Very important message.
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positivelybeastly · 1 month
X-Men #2
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Late, but who cares, let's do this.
So, will freely admit, this issue felt a little bit like filler to me. Good filler, mind you, I enjoyed it pretty decently, but unlike the first issue, which sketched out pretty interesting character trajectories, gave us a status quo, and introduced us to the general concept of what our team are going to be fighting - seemingly Orchis remnants that are turning themselves into mutants, possibly in conjunction with 3K - this issue is . . . mostly just kinda mindless fun?
Which, I don't mind, necessarily, it just feels like a bit of an odd choice for the second issue of your run that's coming off the collapse of the previous insanely popular status quo. You want to sell people on why they should still care about X-Men, and, for a lot of people, the answer that they should still care about X-Men because, look, there's the X-Men and they're doing X-Men things, isn't quite enough.
That being said, this is still fun!
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I know that, objectively speaking, this is a bit of a waste of page space, dedicating basically a third of your page to credits and white space for visual contrast, but. I like it. This has impact, it demonstrates kinetic energy, it's a statement. I notice it. Generally speaking, if I'm noticing your panel composition, then that is a good thing.
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Appreciate the callback to the San Francisco years of the X-Men, which I liked and still recall with some fondness, and I do appreciate the consistency of Scott's outlook towards humanity - yeah, sometimes they can be dicks and massive obstacles, but also, helping them generally makes mutant lives better and easier, and also, it's the right goddamn thing to do.
It's not quite classic boy scout Scott, he puts mutant lives front and centre here in a way that 60s-90s Scott wouldn't, but it's not 'did you really think we weren't going to just take what we were owed?' weirdo creepazoid Scott from House of X, either.
But. That's not what this issue is really about.
This issue is about Quentin Quire being lame.
Now, I understand that there are some people who care about Quentin Quire. I understand that for some, this book is a bit of a regression for Quentin, compared to where he was in X-Force and Wolverine.
Given that my favourite character is currently dealing with a 40 year regression in development, all I really have to say is, I'll get around to really caring about Quentin Quire's development when I've got time.
Also, I never really bought that Quentin developed all that much under Ben Percy anyway, given that he was doing gross, privacy invasive shit like keeping bright pink husks of his teammate's bodies around to wear, and confidently making entirely the wrong call in tactical decisions in such a way that he nearly doomed Mars to being eaten by a black hole gun because he didn't bother to psychically scan the Beast clone when X-Force brought him back.
He grew? Vertically, maybe.
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Also, irrespective of whether or not you think Quentin grew as a person during X-Force, the Quentin I read there would also have forced a Neon Genesis Evangelion reference here that someone would have sandbagged.
Anyway, people are talking about Hank!!!
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The implication that Hank came back to life, sorted out his dumb evil self, lived with Simon for a bit in LA, moved to Alaska to become part of Scott's X-Men, realised that Juggernaut was now a good guy and on the team, and immediately started working on a way to fire the man out of a cannon, is amazing. I have no notes.
I also appreciate Cain just. Being kinda cute and wholesome here? He's just a good dude. He's fistbumping, he's reassuring, he's just. Nice. This feels like the same guy that became good friends with Sammy Pare.
Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I just kinda like it when my heroes are nice and they like their teammates?
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Amazing. Love it. Beautiful. This is what I read comic books for.
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Hank's human rail gun. I love it, too, Illyana.
I also kind of enjoy this dialogue here because it reminds me of this little exchange from S.W.O.R.D.
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I doubt it's an intentional reference, but it just makes me think that MacKay and Gillen share a kinda similar ethos when it comes to crafting dialogue, and that this mission and maybe this era, is maybe meant to be something other than what people are expecting it to be.
People are expecting it to be the next grand epoch of X-Men, as dramatic a turn in the world as House of X or New X-Men, and. It clearly isn't? And I don't really think it's trying to be? I think it's trying to be fun comic books. Which. Is not a crime, provided it's done in the right context. There's a difference between doing just some fun comics when the era is just getting started and things have yet to hit the fan, and doing just some fun comics when the era is coming to a close and people are expecting you to try and put a bow on some five year long character arcs.
Take a hint, Gerry Duggan.
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I like this moment because it's basically the mission statement of the X-Men in general. We're here for you. We're here to help. I fucking hated Bendis' All-New X-Men with a passion, but one of the few things I didn't mind was Scott's rescue of the younger mutants in the first few issues, because that's what the X-Men should be doing. If I was picking this comic up as a launching point and I had never read X-Men before, this would be very good at communicating what they're about. What Scott is about. And that's good.
I am beyond tired of kill teams, gang. I am beyond tired of that shit.
I also appreciate the guy in the background with his phone out. Whether that'll be important or not, I have no idea, but I like it. It's a nice little detail.
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Hank's only in the one panel here, but I do appreciate the gravitas of this. Scott's tactical genius got Ben out of danger and now Max and Hank have a piece of the puzzle to unravel, which is a dynamic I appreciate.
Even if Hank and Max didn't get a ton to do here, they at least feel like they're being afforded respect as other parts of the triangle that issue 1 set up, and . . . I realise that this may seem like a weird thing to compliment, I just appreciate these characters being respected?
Maybe it's just a shock after 5 years of X-Force, but that series never respected Beast, or a lot of its characters, to be honest, it treated them as props or ways to elevate Wolverine, the actual main character, and this . . . even though they haven't been on panel doing stuff, the positioning here makes it important that they have an effect on the narrative. I just appreciate it.
That being said, I do have to ask . . . who's taking care of Ben here? Because Hank ain't a medical doctor. This Hank doesn't have any of that medical expertise. Is Xorn hanging around? Did Scott or Max hook Ben up to the medical doodads he's got going here? Or did Hank do a load of catch up courses and now he's a doctor again? These are questions I need to know the answer to.
Finally, I did notice this in the back of the issue . . .
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RIP, Don Perlin. I genuinely loved your work on Defenders, and you drew a very lovely Hank McCoy. You had a damned fine innings, and I hope you knew you're gonna be remembered for decades to come for your contributions to the comic book industry, though I doubt it brought you as much financial success as I think you deserved.
To commemorate your passing, here's one of my very favourite scenes you did the pencils for. I'll think of it, and you, for a long time to come.
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adultswim2021 · 2 years
Space Ghost Week
Wherein we cover an entire season of Space Ghost Coast to Coast over the course of a week
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Space Ghost Coast to Coast #54: “Boatshow” | December 12, 1997 | S04E21
A Very classic episode, even though musical episodes are almost always bad. Musically, you could pick this one apart, but it’s very Space-Ghosty (scrappy, imperfect, weird, and exceptionally funny). Andy Merrill wrote this one, and they had to do very little re-writing for the draft he handed in. The writers described the rewriting process as simply adding more stuff to the episode, which might explain this one’s slightly beefy running time (15 and a half minutes). 
This one features Steve Allen, late night host/legend. When I was a kid, he was always this guy who would show up on shows (like this one!) and be fawned over. I’ve yet to find a single person who doesn’t respect Steve Allen. The fact that this was only a few years before he passed away is pretty impressive, because the guy is undeniably sharp. He even speaks Brak-ese. A real pioneer; he did Letterman-esque stunts on TV back when Letterman still had his egg tooth.
Speaking of Brak, Brak’s at his most palatable here. His songs are dumb but catchy, and the music goes along great with them. His final line “I’m really very sad!” has been stuck in my head since forever. Other slightly edgy bits include the runner of Space Ghost and Zorak ganging up on Moltar, berating him unfairly every time he tries to sing, even going as far to declare “we hate you!”. Space Ghost was never REALLY a kid’s show, but this is maybe as unwholesome the Cartoon Network ever got. 
Andy Dick fills out the last half of the show, and it turns out they interviewed him specifically for this episode (he even mentions Steve Allen during his interview). He improvises songs and they miraculously come together. This is mentioned on the audio commentary track for this episode on DVD; the music was actually done by a 30+ piece orchestra, which is why they mixed it in 5.1 surround for the DVD. 
Andy Dick, like Brak, is maybe at his most tolerable here. In the 90s he was just seen as an affable nerdy guy who you could stick into your show and probably get a funny performance from. It wasn’t until The Andy Dick Show, his MTV sketch comedy series, did I start realizing that when he wasn’t part of an ensemble of geniuses that his comedy instincts were mostly garbage. The Andy Dick Show was painfully unfunny. Way too much reliance on unfunny riffing. Basically, every project where he is the main creative voice behind it is comedically worthless.
Okay, this is the Andy Dick bashing portion of the write-up, so buckle in: His musical comedy albums are complete dreck. In high school, I thought very highly of myself and my ability to write funny things, even though most of that stuff is humiliating to read nowadays. But I went through a phase where I tried to write funny songs, and even at my most egocentric I realized I was a very bad song writer and kept those pieces hidden on my computer. Andy Dick’s original songs remind me of those terrible, no-talent high-school-brained attempts at comedy. Except he RELEASES HIS.
Okay, my Andy Dick story: I attended the annual Bridgetown Comedy festival in Portland, OR, and sat through a show that I remembered very fondly from a previous year. It was a show where all the comics did characters. Andy Dick was top-billed on this show, and the grand finale. His guitar player (who I learned later was his son), went on stage and started vamping: “who’s ready for Daphne Aguilera?” the lack of excitement was palpable, but people politely cheered. Daphne Aguilera, if you’re not familiar, is an Andy Dick character from The Andy Dick Show. She’s Christina Aguilera’s little sister who is also trying to make it in showbiz. It’s also worth noting that we were well past this joke being relevant at all. Who the fuck was talking about Christina Aguilera in the early 2010s? 
Daphne doesn’t come out right away, and it doesn’t seem like it’s part of the bit. There’d been rumblings about Andy Dick having fallen off the wagon while in Portland, and terrorizing various venues and shows around the festival. So the guy played guitar for what felt like a few minutes, and then tried to announce Daphne again. It was extremely clear something was wrong. Where the fuck was she?
She eventually shows up, and Andy is clearly really fucked up. Daphne sings a song about being great, and how she’s better and more famous than the audience members watching. So, that was the joke: A celebrity is an egomaniac. Pretty original stuff. At least, this is what I could discern from the lyrics I could actually understand: Andy was barely intelligible singing this song. It was really sad. People started filing out of the venue almost immediately after he started singing, and you sensed that it felt like a very moral decision on the parts of those leaving. I was part of a big group hanging out in the back, and I don’t think any of us left. The room emptied out to an incredible degree, where I feel like 90% of the audience left during the song. At the end, the 10% of us that opted to keep witnessing the train wreck were treated to the grand finale, “Daphne’s” dress falls off. She’s not wearing underwear. Andy had tucked his penis between his legs. That was the big punchline. But then Andy “accidentally” untucks, so his dong flops out in front of what was supposed to be hundreds of people, now just a few dozen. He pretends to be bashful about it while letting his brain hang unfettered.
I remember overhearing Ron Lynch laughing hysterically and saying to somebody “he asked to go ahead of me. He wanted to do THAT before MY set!” If this episode and that incident tell you anything, it’s save Andy Dick for the end.
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shinymisty-blog · 21 days
Universal Information
While the show did decently well when it came to world-building, it left a lot of holes and questions after the 40 episodes. Questions that frustrated me to no end that we never got answers to and holes I wish were filled with more content.
Disclaimers and notes for this particular post: •Be warned: These posts are often just MASSIVE walls of text! I have the "Keep Reading" tab there for a reason! •While there is no real order to these, I’ll try and keep things in order of relevance. •There will be times when I'll reference something that involves things that would be more relevant after the 40 episodes. During these headcanons, I'll place a nice little ✨ to indicate that it is one of those headcanons. (Everything mentioned will have some sort of explanation if needed). Think of it as a sneak peek at the story I am working on. •If I happen to update anything within this post, I’ll reblog it with the tag #Sonic Underground Project Update, along with a note on which information was updated. 
Links: Master Post | The Origin’s Arc 
·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ General Plot ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·
Boy oh boy, I am REALLY tired of prophecy-based plotlines. Although, I guess it doesn’t help half my life was reading a book series where 90% of the conflict came from overly cryptic prophecies the main characters have trouble deciphering. (Oh Warrior Cats…please change).
I will go into more detail about my thoughts on the plot as I watch the show, I do have strong feelings and words from when I first went down this journey.
While the technical plot is “Sonic and his siblings must find their mother and defeat Robotnik,” due to the show never having an ending, we were only left with the first part. They never found their mother, so they never had time to play with the idea that they were going to defeat Robotnik. Which does suck. Especially because I liked the episodes where they were more focused on helping the mobians around them or looking out for mobians who could help the Resistance over episodes where the plot starts because they “Heard their mother was located there.” Yeah. I get it. That IS the plot of the show. It’s part of the intro song for crying out loud. It just feels weird for Queen Aleena to be making herself known in public places, or having their hopes go up when they think they’ll be finally finding their mother when, in actuality, it was just the writer’s way of getting them to the point of interest. 
I could be remembering wrong, and this plot is only used a few times. (See. This is why I am going through the series again). This means I’ll be updating this part fairly frequently. 
.•♫•♬• Headcanons •♬•♫•.
➣To help give events enough wiggle room and the characters enough time to travel from location to location, the series (all 40 episodes) takes place in about three years. Technically speaking, this gives each episode a month buffer, save for the few that have continuing storylines (the episodes "Beginnings" and "Getting to Know You" merge due to them taking place in the span of a few days, while all of the Chaos Emerald Crisis Arc merge as those three episodes all happen in a or two day). I'm going down this route because I want the conflict to end right before Mobodoon returns to Mobius, giving me a four-year "deadline" for the main plot to be solved (ie: The Prophecy is fulfilled and Robotnik is defeated). 
➣Mobodoon, itself, is a good indicator of the passage of time, as it only appears once every four years, but I’ll go more into detail about Mobodoon in its episode. 
·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ Mobian ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·
So… I had always felt that most of the characters in Underground weren’t fully Mobian, but rather a mix of other…I don’t know, space creatures. Even back when I was about eight I knew something was off with the character designs. (It may have also awoken the furry in me, but that’s for the Sleet post). 
I never got into the Archie comics…though I did try. The problem was that my dumb, eight(ish)-year-old self jumped in at the GREAT time that was issue 175! I sporadically got issues here and there until issue 200, where I dropped it hotter than a plate of hotcakes! I also never got into the other cartoons from the '90s…which I find ironic. So I know very little when it comes to the Mobian lore, and honestly want to keep it that way for the story. I never planned to add characters from the other parts of the franchise, so I don’t feel the need to include lore from the other parts of the franchise as well. I…may change this, but it does seem that Underground was meant to be in its own universe, so I will keep that going.
This being said I do find it hilarious that 85% of the characters TOWERED over Sonic and his siblings, making them look a lot younger than I am sure the writers intended for them to be.
.•♫•♬• Headcanons •♬•♫•.
➣With everything above into account, I like to think the characters in the show have drastically different designs due to the environment their ancestors came from, as they are originally from other countries. Mixing my old thought that “they aren’t fully Mobian” with “animals from different parts of the world evolve to have different traits,” though put into much simpler terms.  
·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ Roboticization ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·
Why is it that whenever I write the word “roboticized” SOMETIMES Grammarly gets pissed off and tells me to change the word? Ah well, I always type it wrong anyway so what do I know? Like…is it with a capital R? Or no? 
The robotification -wait, no, it is roboticization. See, told you I type it wrong- The Roboticization Process is never fully explained. We don’t really NEED to be, but it would make understanding how Mobians like Raphi can survive with his weist down fully roboticized! Maybe other forms of media explain it, but, again, I never watched/read the other media where this was prevalent. 
With that being said before we get into full-on headcanons… I am on the side of the fence that believes roboticization cannot be undone. I feel having it able to be undone defeats the emotional impact it has on the characters that lose a loved one, and slightly underminds the risk of a character getting roboticized. We aren’t ever given a clear sign that it COULD be undone, just theorized. 
Can a roboticized Mobian regain their memories permanently? Yeah, I see that happening. But that brings in a whole different can of worms, questioning if it would be the right thing to do. 
.•♫•♬• Headcanons •♬•♫•.
➣The Roboticization Process is relatively simple. The body and bones turn into metal. Muscles and such turn into wires. How it connects seamlessly to the rest of the body, however, gets a bit more complicated. The organic parts of the body are cauterized to the robotic parts during the process. The wires connect to the muscles and other parts that connect to the brain (I failed science, don’t question me) which is how they are still able to move about, even when not under Robotnik’s control. 
➣The parts of the body that have been robotisized are completely numb to a Mobian. Thankfully, this means there is no pain in those areas, however, the parts where organic meets robotic can be prone to acks and pains and some may even experience shadow pains. 
·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ Mobius ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·
Of all the things I wish we had been given in the show, I am REALLY upset we never got a full-blown map of Mobius. I am SO PISSED we never got to see this world and where the locations the hedgehogs went to were. 
So…I’m going to remedy that. I hope to make a map of Underground Mobius in the future. Both to help with world-building, but also to help with writing the end of the story. I need visuals. 
 •♫•♬• Headcanons •♬•♫•.
I do not have any at the moment. 
·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ Mobotroplis/Robotroplis ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·
My beef with Mobius is shared with, -I’d argue is- the main hub of the show, Robotroplis. While not as needed as a map of Mobius, it would have been nice to know where things were located within Robotroplis. What things used to be when it was Mobotroplis. I am thankful we can tell what some buildings were before, and we get a semi-glimpse of Mobotroplis in the episode "Six is a Crowd," (which I will get to when I get to that specific episode), I feel this sadly wasn’t enough. I get WHY we never saw it. They were holding out for it to be used in the finale. But it still royally sucks that never happened. (...hah. Royally). 
I also plan to make a map of Mobotroplis and Robotroplis. Again, this is to attempt to help build the world, but also to help me with visuals.
 •♫•♬• Headcanons •♬•♫•.
➣Mobotroplis is "Central Mobius". It was a place where ALL mobians could live. That was what the plan was when it was originally built so many years ago…but…
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masterdisastre · 2 years
For the Fanfic Writer Asks: 4, 14, and 21!
Hi friend and thanks for the ask!
4) What fic of yours were you surprised by how popular it was?
A random one shot I wrote for someone who then even dared to complain that I hadn't written it in Spanish (please note that while I can understand Spanish, I sweat profusely everytime I have to say something more complicated than "¿Dónde está el zapatería?" -whoever gets the quote wins a fic- and she knew it). It's called Rules (fandom: KHR) and it's for a pairing I don't even ship, and it makes a character look extremely dumb and clueless while he's very smart in canon. I keep getting kudos and comments years later and honestly are Hibari Kyoya fans alright?
14) What is something you wrote in a fic that you are hoping readers picked up on but you don't know if they did? And/or, what is something that you were excited that readers did pick up on?
This only referring to people who know me, which basically sums up the 90% of the followers of the story in object: That I am Skull de Mort from Innocent Boy (KHR). Not his child self, thank God, but my inner feelings slipped into the fic so many times.
From the same fic, Skull referring to himself as an innocent boy (which I know is the title LMAO - but actually the person who got the clue was reading it in Italian so it wasn't that obvious).
Oh, and I nearly cried for joy when @hopeswriting laughed at a very badass and crazy character asking "Do you love me?" In Muro di Nebbia (KHR), because YES that was definitely meant to sound bonkers and pathetic.
21) Writer's choice!
3) What fic of yours do you think is underrated?
Forbidden (YOI). Maybe it's only because I poured my soul in it, and I know that the main ship is a rare one, but seriously writing a story about a character having a religious crisis and then being asked why there's so much religious bullshit made me feel really bad. But I really think it's a good fic, I explored the characters thoroughly and wrote a consistent story filled with feelings and some comic reliefs, yet it's getting little to no attention.
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donnerpartyofone · 2 years
I just passed this post about the Tumblr shoelaces that had 42k notes on it, which is how I finally found out that this was and has been a Thing. I did not expect there to be a narrative behind this piece of merch they've been relentlessly pimping, and I was surprised and delighted by the fact I had managed to remain ignorant of it for such a long time. I joined Tumblr in 2010, and I'm frequently baffled by how strangers talk about what it used to be like here. I practically never get anyone else's points of reference, there was absolutely no fandom garbage being reblogged onto my dash, and I didn't even hear about Dashcon until years after the fact. This just means that there was a certain point in time when you could actually curate your experience here, and you didn't have to see a ton of dumb little baby stuff that, as a friend of mine once said, made you want to scoop out your mind's eye with a melon baller.
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I just had my circle of mutuals, none of whom existed anywhere on a venn diagram with the Superwholock people who were apparently all around us (I didn't even have to know what that was until recently), and everybody had their own identifiable personality; my dash was reliably just horror movie gifs, glitch art, our own actual drawings and paintings, porn, old and underground comics, cyberpunk schlock, sleazy magazine scans, and a smattering of freaky gore to remind you of the grimy mondo-style websites that were like an internet rite of passage in the 90s and early 00s. That might still sound generic on some level, but it had a very distinct flavor from anything going on today. You kind of knew who everybody was, we each had our own distinct personalities, and it was a lot of fun. I never, ever had to be even remotely aware of what was going on in fandom communities or see their needy homemade pornography for babies.
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I'm sure there's a confluence of reasons why fandom crap is now like 30% of what I wind up seeing no matter how careful I am about who I follow, or how actively I block fandom accounts just to reduce the volume of what insinuates itself into my feed. The worst consequence of the fandom supremacy is actually not even the cutesy boring content, but it's this intense homogenizing effect it has on people. Everyone talks the same way and makes the same art about the same shit in the same style, and it's like there's just this overpowering urge to conform. I'm sure it's very comforting to be among people who are almost exactly the same as yourself, but I also think it's a bad dragon to chase. Besides which, what happened to the pleasure of having a special, personal thing that not everybody else "gets"? It's no wonder nothing resembling punk seems to exist here, except as just another cult to join.
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Yesterday I was thinking about those old Apple Jacks commercials where the kids would conspiratorially sneer to each other that dorky adults "think Apple Jacks should taste like apples"; my friend and I really enjoyed accusing people of thinking Apple Jacks should taste like apples whenever we encountered an ignorant opinion on some obnoxiously niche thing we liked, but it occurred to me that that kind of snotty pleasure in one's own individuality is a rarer thing these days. Everyone insists on being understood and embraced and included, and you got hives of people complaining self-righteously about "antis" who look down on their dopey cartoon incest fantasies, like it's against the law to vocally dislike anything, even THAT. And like, a grown person should really be able to ignore the dissenting opinions of complete strangers, but also, it's GOOD to have some dissent in your life! It's IMPORTANT to feel the difference between yourself and others, to experience rejection, and have to stand on your own without an amorphous hive of internet strangers telling you "you are valid" for all kinds of inane reasons that really don't beg for anyone's seal of approval. Sometimes Apple Jacks taste better just because there's dorks out there mad that it doesn't taste like apples.
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Anyway, I just saw that ancient post going around where everybody was warning each other that 4chan was planning a "raid" on tumblr where they were gonna like attack everybody with grody pictures, so "stay safe out there" and here's a bunch of tips on how to protect yourself from being fatally grossed out or something. I have no idea if such a thing actually happened in real life, but it sounded pretty funny to me, and like maybe we should have one of those "raids" intermittently just for social hygiene purposes. Maybe some people could use that extra push to reduce their screen time and read a fucking real book or something, and then those people can just get offa my lawn.
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etherealxgenie · 3 years
Why ‘Adrien is Oblivious’ is a Misconception || Miraculous Why?
(Before I begin, note that this is my opinion over the topic and am no way am bashing anyone’s love for a ship and/or character. I respect who and what you like, therefore expect the same courtesy. However, if this is something you cannot handle, please click the back button as this will be a heavily discussed topic. Critiques are welcomes, Flames will be deleted. Other than that, enjoy.)
So I know I said I don’t normally get involved when it comes to the Miraculous fandom, but there’s always one thing that’s been bothering me from nearly the beginning since the series began.
Even before I had the ugly divorce from the love square after Desperada, I always found it hard to believe with the way Marinette behaved around Adrien was completely unnoticeable. And because of the way Adrien seems to not take note of it, fans (pure and toxic) automatically make the assumption that he’s oblivious or dumb.
But did people ever take the time to divulge why and to view it in his perspective? Aside from the excuse of bad writing, I think there could be other reasons as to why Adrien doesn’t acknowledge her behavior. And she doesn’t hide her feelings around him either while wearing the mask either, so far that she makes the same stuttering speeches and frantic hand motions.
But here’s a list of reasons for Adrien to have which can be plausible:
1) He IGNORES it. 

Now before you go and start bashing the poor boy (god knows the fandom lacks the sympathy), keep in mind Adrien IS a celebrity of Paris. I dunno exactly how the celebrity lifestyle maybe different for the U.S, but I’m pretty sure this would have to do of how he was taught. As the face of Gabriel and with the reaction from several fans alone, Adrien was probably told by Gabriel in regards about fans and how they would react to him and how he has to ignore such barbaric measures. And given the way he sees fans react to him (Gorizilla), he believes his father is right.
In regards of Marinette, he hopes to make a friend for her instead of seeing her as one of his fans, even if he appreciates the support.
2) He’s looking for FRIENDSHIP, not ROMANCE
Adrien is starting a new chapter in his life and is looking for some normality at his new school. More so, he’s looking to make more friends. There could be to some reasons why for one of wanting a better friendship than what Chloe or Felix had set an example for. Mainly of course for the fact that Adrien is lonely and looking for companionship of his choice.
But he’s not in the rush for a straight out relationship.
I know what you’re thinking: “But he’s asked out Ladybug constantly! What the hell are you talking about?”. Well truth be told, Adrien as Chat may just be looking for an excuse to hang out with her. There’s no denial he’s attracted to her personality or admires her, but he DOES wants to get to know her first. Which is something Marinette fails to let happen as both herself AND Ladybug.
Now it is true Marinette has done things to help and may know stuff about him (either through stalking or researching online), but she hasn’t taken the time to get to know him on a personal level. She doesn’t know if he’s an anime lover, what he dreams of doing or how he likes puns. And as Ladybug when he show his more true self, she automatically rejects him with the somewhat reasonable excuse fear for identities. I’ll leave that alone as I’ll do another thing on identities later.
So in regards of Marinette’s ‘love’ (obsession), Adrien is just looking for friendship with her and not love. He’s not ready for a full on relationship yet where he’s starting fresh on friendships, which is why dating Kagami didn’t work out (I didn’t need to watch S4 to predict that). She pressured him into a relationship and expected them to be the perfect couple. It was clear he was not ready and yet seemed to ignore it anyway for her feelings towards him. For a healthy relationship to work, you need to think about the ‘we’ and not ‘me’ and to take time.
We don’t know how it really was when Emilie was around, but it seemed regardless Adrien had a strict childhood. His father, Gabriel Agreste, seems to have the main say of his life to control him as he saw fit, to mold Adrien the way HE wants him too. And because of such strictness, Gabriel is the kind of person to only tell Adrien the needed lesson to keep him under his thumb along with keeping him isolated.
Similar of how Judge Claude Frollo did to Quasimodo. Just as Mother Gothel did to Rapunzel and Cassandra.
And for those reasons alone, Adrien is left without the majority skills needed to make it on his own, including how to socialize and interact in a way with certain people. The only socializing skills he had probably was how to interact in regards of fans or how to avoid bad publicity. Something enough in regards to being a celebrity. Gabriel didn’t nor has planned for Adrien to have any interaction with others beyond that.
This particular reason alone helps understand his plight more and why 90% salt/bashing/hate thrown at him is completely unnecessary. Especially during ‘Chameleon’ and ‘Ladybug’.
Adrien is like Quasimodo and Rapunzel, being thrust into the new world after escaping their tower only to discover many things they’re not familiar with. Imagine being at the age of 14 but your parents haven’t been the best and haven’t taught you how to socialize with certain people. Then the teen could act in a certain way with anyone: friends, adults and even strangers in which they teen can be taken advantage of.
But how does he adapt quickly to being Chat Noir, you ask? Adrien probably had only but fantasies to fall back on whenever he’s isolated and alone. Probably even dreamed of a superhero rescuing him or taking him away to a new life where he’s free to be himself. His greatest nightmare shown in “Sandboy” is nothing about Ladybug or anyone else, but being locked away in his room for the rest of his life.
He’s no doubt a secret comic geek and probably dreamed of being a hero himself. Chat Noir is far from perfect, but he catches on of how a true hero should act. He’s also adapts quickly and is perceptive of behaviors. Like the way Ladybug and Fu doesn’t tell him the entire truth of what they plan for the future and try to isolate him from it. And between the two, Chat Noir perfects more of hiding his identity. Not for the fact of probably reading about it, but because Chat is someone he always wanted to be that he can’t as Adrien.
So the next time if you observe the show or read any works in regarding Adrien’s behavior and before you chalk it up as oblivious, dumb, stupid or selfish… how about you dive into his perspective and try to understand more of his side? There’s two sides to every story.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
So, I think it was your post that said the N52 didn't have the depth and history of the pre-boot era.
I haven't read much of the N52 so I can't quite comment; though I'd note before I even started reading comics I was able to piece together character arcs, relationships and timelines for the preboot era from second hand info while I have no idea of any of that for the N52.
Which sort of leads into my question.
Questions of quality aside, would you say the N52 doesn't have much in the way of sequence? That is to say, one event leading to another, with old stories (to an extent) echoing in the later one's.
If I'm understanding your question right, I would say that no, I don't think the New 52 puts enough emphasis on sequential storytelling, in the sense that events are largely disconnected and its easy to read stories out of order without even realizing they're out of order, because there's that little acknowledgment of/reference to other stories.
I think this was largely by design, as DC definitely falls into the camp of thinking the key to new readers is 'accessibility' as in, being able to jump into any new issue of a comic without being overwhelmed by everything that came before it, but like. Personally? I think this is dumb.
Yes comics are large and unwieldy in scope, but they have been for as long as most of us have been alive? The fact that there were fifty years of history to comics didn't stop me from picking up single issues and then going looking for more, and the same is true of every comic book reader that dove in for the first time in the seventies, eighties, nineties, etc....and that's literally WHY there was enough readership to have enough of an audience to get all these comic book cartoons greenlit in the 90s, which led to their being enough of an audience to get comic book movies greenlit, etc.
And like, for many comic book readers over a certain age, we got into comic books well before the internet was as thoroughly seeded with wikis and issue summaries and the like as it is now? The entire reason older comics so heavily reference events that occurred in previous comics is because the people writing them knew perfectly well that the only way for readers TO know what had happened in older stories was to either have read themselves (a daunting prospect at ANY time, given the sheer volume of comics out there and the fact that it WASN'T easy to track down older issues, when I was a kid for instance), or for readers to be able to piece together what's being talked about just via context clues and the like.
But the thing is, it worked? It obviously did, otherwise comics wouldn't have made it all the way TO the New 52 in the first place? The fact that comics have this sheer abundance of history and past continuity to wade through just....has never been the detriment to new readers that DC and Marvel think it has, and today its easier than EVER for readers who are sufficiently interested/engaged to like...find out about past events and read up even via just short summaries what happened to this character or that one twenty years ago. Its not that hard! And readers are HAPPY to do this, if and when the stories actively being told right now are engaging enough to act as a LURE that PROMPTS them to take these actions on their own and proactively read up on previous stories and prior continuity.
THAT'S what DC's missing, I think, the fact that accessibility (in terms of how easy or not a story is to follow despite a lack of previous familiarity with the characters or setting) is not the be all and end all of readership, because like, every IP of sufficient size is daunting in scope by the time the average consumer becomes aware enough of it TO seek out more content involving it. The wealth of content out there for most IPs is not a BARRIER to new readers/audiences, its a potential GAIN for them, because if they like this thing that they read or watch here and now, good news, there's literal decades more like it out there!
Like yeah, obviously it doesn't work to make your 'most accessible' stuff heavily DEPENDENT on past continuity and stories to the extent that like, they're literally just regurgitating stuff that's been written before and expecting brand new audiences to know everything they need to in order to comprehend it......
But there's a VAST difference between stuff being precariously perched atop a mountain of previous continuity to such an extent that it'll crumble like a house of cards WITHOUT every readers understanding every single reference from the get go.....
And like....stuff just being CONNECTED to previous continuity and stories, with like, lines of thought and reference that extend off the page and into the catacombs of previous stories and thus existing as like.....directional pointers conveying to readers that there's more to unravel here if you follow these threads whether via searching out the stories they reference directly or just googling wiki summaries, etc.
Like you can have the latter connection to past continuity without falling prey to the former trap of leaning TOO MUCH on that past continuity to the extent that all falls down for everyone who starts reading at the top rather than from the bottom up.
And yeah, DC takes the stance that the best approach to storytelling in the New 52 is every story being an island unto itself, and that's just......not just short-sighted IMO so much as its just.....a choice that doesn't actually result in the outcome DC wants (hordes of new readers) simply because it doesn't even actually address the actual barrier to new readers (not successfully pitching the appeal of comic books to audiences who are engaged by the characters in other media).
Don't get me wrong, I'm not actually of the opinion the New 52 is all trash or anything, there's obviously been stories I've liked in it and I mean, I'm still here, right? I'm not JUST focused on pre-Flashpoint continuity, I constantly reference and engage with content that's born solely of the New 52.
But yeah, I think one of the bigger flaws of the New 52 is how disconnected everything is in the name of accessibility. Like yeah sure, the end result is you can pick up literally any new issue and get caught up fairly quickly and not be lost as to what's going on. But the downside is very little of what DC writes about these days has any weight or gravity to it, any feeling of importance or permanence.....BECAUSE that disconnect from greater continuity means that very rarely do we see anything have any lasting effects. Things are undone as soon as they're done, characters die and its like no other characters even care, characters who are meant to be family display very little awareness of what others in their family are even doing off in their own titles, let alone have any emotional investment in it or what happens because of it.
Practically every story arc we're meant to view the events as huge and life-altering and impactful but they're forgotten about as soon as the next story arc starts and nothing ever leads into anything else, nothing ever BUILDS except to the next major crossover event, but even that's moved past as soon as its time to start the next one, and meanwhile, none of these characters have done barely any growing or evolving or changing DUE to these supposedly life-altering events, because to do so would require like.....those past events to have weight and meaning for them, and DC doesn't WANT them to, because then theoretically new readers would be like wait what's that all about, while also apparently being too stupid to just google anything they can't grasp from the context clues since DC has a SUPER high opinion of its readers and their level of engagement with DC's content.
And ultimately its like....DC, do you guys even understand the appeal of comics at all? Let alone of your characters? Because you know what, like, if you're that convinced that disconnected storytelling, stand-alone done in one issues or stories is the solution, the answer to how to draw in more readers.....
Why don't you try that experiment with brand new characters? Since the very nature of that argument is like, history is a DETRIMENT to reader accessibility, and the appeal lies in characters and stories readers don't HAVE to know a lot about to jump in and engage with their latest adventure?
Why are you instead continuously implementing this approach to characters who have literal decades of history to them, as though.....all that history isn't foundational to what DRAWS people to want to read about them and know more about them in the first place?
Isn't the very fact that readers are LESS likely to engage with brand new characters without all that past and history than they are to wade into even the most convoluted and oldest characters like.....a direct contradiction of your own theory and approach?
But eh. I digress I'm sure.
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kurt-nightcrawler · 4 years
How to know if the lost girls have a crush on you
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐰𝐚𝐩! 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Warnings: mentions of drug use and language
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: I know requests aren’t open jddndjdj but I enjoy writing for the lost girls so enjoy!!
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Darcy is a sucker for romance
She’s a bit shy and awkward, despite her semi-scary looking demeanor 
(She’s 6’0 and has resting bitch face)
Darcy isn’t going to be super obvious or up-front about her feelings at first though
It will be the cliche “we’ve been friends for 10 years and everyone knows we like each other except us” 
Darcy will always have a hand on you. She wants to feel your presence 
subtle touches, little “pinky holding” or her playing with strands of your hair
Her poking any freckles you have when she first discovers them
You’re one of the few people she let’s mess with her hair. Which is a telling sign
“Your hair looks nice Darce” “thanks, (Y/N) did it” “oh worm? 👀” 
She loves having you run your hands through her hair, it soothes her
Sometimes, if you can’t make it to the cave— bad weather, car trouble, etc.— shell come over and you guys watch a movie together
Darcy’s got an extensive tape collection of rom-coms, so she’ll pop one into the tv and snuggle under covers with you
She’s probably going to ask to borrow your clothes if she’s “really cold” since she exclusively wears sports bras and her leather jacket
Also she likes that your sweaters and sweatshirts smell like you 
But you’ll definitely have to have been friends for awhile before she even CONSIDERS telling you how she feels
“I live forever. I have to be sure about my feelings and what if I get rejected?” “Anyone who rejects you is stupid. Almost stupid as Michelle—“ “HEY!” 
But overtime she’ll try to make things more obvious— to the point where Pauline and Marcella are teasing you both and then she kind of HAS to come clean
But you find it sweet! 
And a bit shocking, someone as powerful and strong and amazing and gorgeous as her, has feelings for YOU??? damn okay babe 
Dom is going to be a bit cold at first
It’s not necessarily intentional, but she just has this aura of mystery around her
Those icy blue eyes that peer into your soul
And anyway she wants to get to know what you like and if you like her
If not, she can’t exactly force you 
Cough cough Michelle cough cough
 Anyway, Dominique will try to learn about the things you like so you have something to talk about
Even if they aren’t her cup of tea. She’s a good listener and likes seeing your face light up and you so passionate about a subject/hobby
Dom is going to steal buy you things she thinks you’d like
“You said you liked cherry chapstick. I got you some.” “I got you some chips and your favorite soda in case you’re hungry” “Here. I saw this giant care bear and thought of you.”
It’s sweet, but you feel a bit flustered and embarrassed, not giving her anything in return
“Seeing you smile is enough, Kitten”
Speaking of! Pet names! 
Dominique finds using your full/actual name too personal
So if you have a nickname she’ll use it. If not she’s given you pet names— most notable are Kitten and Pumpkin
She’s not big on physical touch but sometimes she’ll put the idea of it into your mind so you want it
She won’t manipulate you, but she wants you to come to her. She’s had too many bad experiences where she confessed first, and she doesn’t want another one
So when you do finally confess to her she’s all smug and knowing
“I um… I really like you… and uh well—“ “I know.” “Oh…” “I like you too.”  “Oh!”
She’s going to be playful and flirty with you but quick to deny anything the other girls accuse her of
“No I don’t have feelings for (Y/N)! Shut up!” “Haha you so do!”
She’s rowdy and high energy but also more quiet than Pauline
So she’s not going to just blurt it out or recite sonnets for you
Instead she’ll give you a patch she was going to put on her jacket. Or make you a cool little pin
She’ll constantly hype you up if you’re wanting to try new fashion styles or wear something out of your comfort zone
“You look amazing! Better than any girl out on the boardwalk” “You really think so?” “I would never lie to you. Honest.” 
She’ll let you braid her hair and stick all kinds of colorful little clips and barrettes in her curls 
(I know they weren’t popular until the 90s but imagining covering her hair in hundreds of little butterfly clips!) 
Honestly she’ll be like those movie scenes where “do you like it?” *it’s hideous* “if not you don’t have to wear it!” “No. I’m never taking it off.” 
She asks you to help care for her pigeons so you guys can bond together more
“Does Pauline or Sebastian usually help you feed them?” “No. No one does. I don’t let them.” “Oh…”
If someone upsets you she's ready to go and have them as her meal for the night
Sometimes you have to stop her
“Look! Cathy from my work is a total bitch but you can’t kill her! I won’t have anyone to cover my shift tomorrow”
“Fine… You're lucky I love you”
She’d probably accidentally tell you and then act like she has no idea what you could be talking about
“Well I like you too. But I dunno… Dom’s pretty cute too—“ 
“Oh that’s it!” She’s definitely smothering you in little kisses and tickling you, getting you say you’re sorry and say you think she’s the cutest
She’s just going to blurt it out point blank. 
Why wait? If Pauline likes someone, she likes someone! She may be immortal but she’s also immortally impatient 
She tells you she likes you so much you start to think she’s kidding
But she’s not! 
She’ll bring you baked goods edibles and take you out to concerts and maybe steal your shoelace to wear on her wrist
Sometimes you’ll have little “sleepovers” and you’ll hangout at the cave. Usually this means sharing a joint and watching her play songs on her guitar
She’s definitely not exclusively playing romantic songs for you
One night she’ll get high and just pour her heart out to you
“And I think you’re one of the coolest people I’ve ever met, and I’ve met a lot of people, babe… And sure, I’m definitely a bit ditzy but I’m not completely stupid! I know you don’t believe me, but I really really like you! I think about you a lot and I hate when you have to leave right before the sun rises. And on nights you can’t hangout with us it’s so boring! We do the same things every night, but you always make them special. I really like you babe… I really really like you…”
She’ll wanna take you out on a little date to one of the small bands playing on the boardwalk and you’ll both dance together and she’ll be real giddy and excited and probably kiss you but it’s really messy and quick because she was just so wrapped up in the music! 
She’s really obvious
Like, staring at you with heart eyes when she first sees you out on the boardwalk
She’ll try to not-so-subtly follow you around. She’s not being creepy, but she just wants to admire your beauty 
She thinks she’ll never see you again
Imagine her surprise when she sees you again! 
“Told you! She probably lives around town” “Shut up Sam!” 
You’ll eventually confront her and ask what her deal is
“Oh! Uh, um, well, I just— I... like... your outfit?...” 
She’s bad at coming up with an alibi
“thanks. I get most of my clothes at the thrift store away from the boardwalk. Wanna join sometime?” “Uh yeah! Sounds good!” 
She’s going to do some dumb things to impress you— racing on her bike, getting more piercings, dressing in lots of leather, offering to buy you food— but you think it’s cute
She’ll follow you around like a lost puppy at times, partially cause she’s new in town
Sam likes you though!
When you and Michelle hangout, you’ve usally got the braincell and you don’t tease Sam for liking comics so much
“No Samantha, I’m not taking you to the comic shop” “Aww Sammy I will!” “Thanks (Y/N)! You’re the best”
Honestly you knew the whole time she liked you! You had moments of doubt but she’s always so obvious about it. Once you even swore she drooled over you
A bit gross, but you were also eating ice cream so…
Visiting her at work! She’s a lifeguard down at the beach! She’s definitely trying to get you visit her ;) and go swim and sunbathe ;) maybe have her “perform cpr” on you ;)
But you’d still have to make the first move if you wanted it to go any further 
He’s got this aura of mystery around him 
But he’ll steal glances if he spots you in the crowd, thinking you’re cute
The lost girls will want him to bring you back to the cave
He will, but not for awhile
It will be small one on one hangouts and dancing together on the boardwalk 
Walking in and out of shops, saying you’ll buy things but you never will
Sebastian will offer to pierce your ears and paint your nails 
Night swimming together! 
Sebastian definitely has really floral swim trunks, almost like tacky dad Hawaiian shirt print 
He’ll do the thing where he’s under water for a long time and then jump up and scare you
Once you meet the girls you’re all playing games together like sharks and minnows, chicken
Sebastian always wants to team up with you though. Even if teams aren’t a part of the game
He likes to read. He’ll spend a good amount of time at the bookstore on the boardwalk, staying there for hours reading books, and leaving with a whole stack
If YOU have a book he wants to read/borrow he will definitely maybe leave a little sticky note in it as a thank you
“thank you! ur sweet :D <3” 
Laura will love you!! 
She’s very close to Sebastian and everyone thinks they’re siblings, and they most definitely have the dynamic 
So if Laura likes you, Sebastian will definitely like you. I mean, he already does, Laura just kind of seals the deal, ya know?
Dominique and Pauline will be the most blunt about Sebastian’s feelings for you
“He’s like Darcy. Not necessarily the most obvious but you can tell” 
“It’s so obvious. He like, talks about you all the time when you aren’t around and he’s got this real love sick look in his eyes”
Dominique is going to interrogate you to see if you’re “worthy” or not of Sebastian. 
“Sebastian is my— our friend— like a brother almost. Hurt him and I will kill you :) that is a promise” 
Once she deems you good enough she’s going to push Seb into asking you out. “You guys already go on enough ‘dates’ just make it official” “no” “-_-“ “hhh fine”
Sebastian is going to be really simple with it but also kind of coy and shy. He’s nervous. He’s much rather you asked him out or confessed your feelings but he’s willing to go first. He finds himself trying to compete and keep up with the girls. He’s the only boy, and while it may not matter he doesn’t want to seem weak and pathetic while they’re big strong vampires
Anyway once he tells you how he feels he’s all red in the face and nervous!! Poor boy
He’ll constantly ask to kiss you all the time, worried maybe you don’t want him to but you’re always reassuring “yes, Seb. you can have a kiss” “thank you” 
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thattimdrakeguy · 3 years
What is your opinion on the art of Young Justice (2019) after the departure of Gleason in issue #4?
I like the general art styles, but I didn't like John Timms way of drawing the characters. Like I've seen him do other comics and he's great, but I never felt like he gave a proper shit drawing Young Justice.
Conner stopped looking like Conner, because Con has these notable cheek bones and a specific headshape, and he just turned it into a freaking rectangle.
He cut Cassie's hair into something that didn't match and had this awkward straight cut bangs. Timms even randomly gave her a belt that she didn't have before cause there wasn't even belt loops on her skirt--Like overall she looked okay, but why change a perfectly good design that weirdly? Cut her hair short, sure, that's more like her. But he didn't, he just randomly gave her an uglier haircut.
With Tim, just ugh. He really stunk. He drew him closer to Dick Grayson as Nightwing from season 2 of the YJA series more than Dick. He always drew him way too tall too. And he later got better at making Tim a bit more like himself. But he never really understood Tim's face. He didn't really get Tim's nose, or general roundness of his features right. And he never made him the shortest of the main cast like how he's supposed to be.
ALSO, I think it's issue 8 or 9, but I noticed when reading it that Keli randomly changes her freaking pants during the issue. She goes from basket ball shorts to tights, and like "WHEN DID SHE DO THAT??". Like I could be missing the reason, but also, WHO IS GETTING UNDRESSED AND THEN CHANGING IN THE MIDDLE OF A STREET, AS WELL AS A SUPER POWERED FIGHT. It's just weird and petty to just randomly change her design, even as slight as it is.
John Timms severely bugged me every issue he drew. From his inability to draw some characters to look correct, to his dumb little design changes that made no freaking sense a chunk of the time. Which in-turn made the story less engaging cause suddenly “Wait why did Cassie get a mildly different haircut?’ “Wait, why did Keli change her shorts to tights? Why on Earth would she do that given where she is??” “Who is this? OH THAT’S TIM. I THOUGHT THAT WAS A PAST DICK” “Who smooshed Conner’s heads from the sides?”
But Scott Godlewski was a lot better. My biggest issue with him is that he drew Bart way too small, and Tim too tall. By the time Bart is the age he is in Y.J. 2019 run, he isn't short--he's supposed to be like 5'11, and Conner I assume 6 foot something cause Superman. Like by the time Bart is an adult--(and yes he's past 18 in Y.J. 2019), he was noted as being potentially bigger than Wally. Tim's supposed to be the short one that always stays short, but yet--the comic gave Bart the small gag--even though that isn't his thing, or shouldn't be at this point I should say. And Tim was right there.
But overall Scott was much better. I just get annoyed artists don't draw Tim's height right, because so many artists don't draw him the right height that it's genuinely frustrating cause it's literally one of his most noted features. It just shows a lack of true care to me.
After Gleason, there was like--one artist on Nightwing, and even then the art was kind of messy, and then Belen Ortega who really got Tim's features. She freaking nailed Tim's face, and gave him his button nose, rounder features, big eyes, and high cheek bones back. He looked just like how he was supposed to face wise. She got his specific features really well.
People Tim’s own age think he’s a little kid sometimes, he’s supposed to be baby-faced, not some stereotypical sized Super Hero. Tim is unique among the characters he interacts with.
Like Tim had a very specific design in the 90s most stayed consistent with. So having all these being unable to draw him along with his height is really agitating, cause the art is ultimately what you're looking at, and it makes it really difficult to be engaged when Tim sometimes look completely different under some artists.
Lately though the consistency has seemed to come back at least under some luck. So that's been very lovely, cause I've missed a consistent Tim. I'm just scared that the next time I see him he'll be drawn wrong again and I can't naturally recognize him as the same character.
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derekfoxwit · 3 years
Doctor Dorpden’s Critical Tips of Prestige
Note: This post was made with satirical intentions in mind. I’m only emphasizing because I’ve had a couple of comments on previous joke posts I’ve did take it seriously. With that said, here we go.
Tip 1: For starters, remember that when looking at the work, if the Mystic Knee twitches fast enough to punch a hole in a wall, this suggests that the work should be near the lowest of the low. No further development of opinion is needed.
Tip 2: For an equal degree of sophistication, give the warm comfort of nostalgia at least 5 times more chances than the new thing that MAY seem actually poggers.
Tip 3: If you have the anecdote of encountering shitty fans, then use them as a scapegoat for the show they flaunt over being shitty. Clearly, they’re always making the show the way it is.
Tip 4: If you haven’t heard much about a newer film or show you’re yet to watch, there’s an 85% chance that film or show is actually not worth your time. The Father (2020) isn’t as widespread as Joker (2019) for a reason.
Tip 5: At this point, just go for the Asian Artist Dick. I’m actually in the mood to see merit in that because I want to look edgy against cute doodles. Stop attacking Uzaki-Chan, you cowards!
Tip 6: Avoid the electronic tunes. They’ll make you smell like a bum, for there’s no structural in a music album that’s nothing but wubs.
Tip 7: If you see a Tweet that looks dumb, use it as a means of generalizing all the fans of a work as sharing that same opinion.
Tip 8: If the cartoon I’m given doesn’t provide me with mature ideas such as slicing an Arbok in half or fake boobs, then the cartoon might as well be on the same level as Teletubbies.
Tip 9: You know the music is (c)rap when it brings up drugs, regardless of lyrical context.
Tip 10:  Raw mood is the indicator of quality cartooning. If you’re quick to assume the worst in the newest HBO Max original cartoon, then you got thyself a stinker. Same thing if you were super bummed out when watching a new thing, regardless of anecdotal context.
Tip 11:  When you’re not given continuous throwbacks, ensure you’re as reductive and over-generalizing about the works shown as possible.
Tip 12:  If your hazy and imperfect as hell recollection of a children’s film, whether it’s Wall-E or Lilo & Stitch, would describe said film as “too sugary” or “key-waving schlock”, then that HAS to be the case. No meat on that bone whatsoever.
Tip 13: Simpler, more graphic style that isn’t as realistic as old-school Disney or Anime? You got yourself a lazy style with zero passion put into it.
UPA? Who’s THAT?!
Tip 14: Don’t trust anyone saying that western children’s cartoons had any form of artistic development after 2008 (with, like, TWO exceptions). If it did, why didn’t we go from stealing organs in a 2001 cartoon to showing opened stomachs in a 2021 cartoon?
Tip 15: Big booba is always important to the strong female character’s quality.
Tip 16:  Only MY ships count, for they provide me with a feeling of intelligence.
Tip 17: “PG-13″ and “R” rating just simply mean you’re not caring for expressing themes in a sophisticated manner. It’s just THAT simple until I dictate otherwise.
Tip 18:  In this age of smelly radicals, “Death of the Author” is more important than ever. Without it, this’ll imply that a classic like The Matrix was secretly toxic, due to what the Wachowskis have to say about it being an “allegory of trans people.”
Tip 19: Turn the fandoms you hate into your torture porn. Ask in Tweets to Retweet one sentence that’d “trigger” them. Go out of your way to paint all of them as blind consoomers. That’ll show them, and it’ll show how much more intelligent you are compared to those clowns.
Tip 20: Whatever the Mystic Knee dictates upon the first viewing of a work is what shall indicate the full structural extent of the film.
Tip 21: The mindset of a 2000s edgelord is one that actually understands the artistry of the medium of animation. Listen to that crazy but ingenious man.
Tip 22: Because sheer ambition makes me feel manly, the high pedestal you bestow upon a cartoon work should be based mostly on the mere mention or mere suggestion of serious topics. This means that pure comedy is smelly.
Tip 23: Is the new work tackling subjects that you’ve loved a childhood work of yours for covering? Just assume it’s super bare-bones in that case compared to the older case, for there’s nothing the older work can do to truly prove itself otherwise. Seriously, Letterboxd. Stop giving any 2010s cartoon anything above a 4/5
Tip 24: If the Mystic Knee is suggesting that the work is crummy, then consider any explanation off the top of your head for why the work in question is crummy.
Tip 25: Sexual and gender identity is inherently political, so don’t focus on them in the story. It’s no wonder why Full Metal Alchemist has caught on more than the She-Ra reboot.
Tip 26: Since I got bothered by a random butt monkey type character in a crummy cartoon, I’m now obligated to assume that having a butt monkey will only harm the writing integrity of the cartoon.
Seriously, Mr. Enter....what?!
Tip 27: We’re at a point where pure comedy for a kids’ cartoon is doing nothing but dumbing down the children. Like seriously...... I doubt Billy and Mandy would ever use farts as a punchline, unlike these newer kids comedies.
Tip 28: The difference between the innuendo in kids’ cartoons I grew up on and the ones Zootopia made is the sense of prestige they give me. Just take notes from the former instead.
Tip 29: Wanna make a work of artistic merit? Just take notes from the stuff I whore out to. It’s just THAT simple until I dictate otherwise.
Tip 30: Always remember this golden rule: If the newer work, or a work you’ve recently experienced the first time, was truly great, why isn’t it providing the exact emotions from your younger, more impressionable years?
Tip 31: If the Mystic Knee aims to break the bones of a character doing certain things (.i.e. having body count of thousands; lashing out to character; etc.), that means the character is bad and deserves no redemption.
Tip 32: If you want me to believe there’s any intrigue or depth in your antagonist, give them redemption, for I am in need of that sorta thing being spelled out. Looking at you, Syndrome. Should’ve taken notes from Tai Lung.
Tip 33: In a case where you’re going “X > Y” (.i.e. manga compared to western comics), ALWAYS CHERRY PICK! Use the recent controversies of the “Y” item while pretending that the “X” item has never had anything of the sort.
Tip 34: BEFORE you bring up those comments that shat on the original Teen Titans cartoon back when it was new, whether for making Starfire “more PC” or whatever.......the DIFFERENCE between them and me is that THEY were just bad faith fools that couldn’t see true majesty out of blind rage. I, however, am truly certain that calling any western TV cartoon from 2014-onward a work that transcends its generation suggests a destruction of the medium.
Tip 35: Based on fandom growth, it shows that any newer show isn’t being watched much by kids, but rather loser adults that act like children. Therefore, there’s more prestige in what I grew with.
Tip 36: The focus on children is bad at this point since the children of today have attention spans that flies would have.
Tip 37: A select few screenshots (or even one) of either a less elaborate attacking animation, less realistic game graphics, or a less on-model image in a cartoon indicates EVERYTHING about the work’s quality.
Tip 38: Consuming or writing media where characters go through constant suffering is little more than gaining pleasure out of it. YOU SICKOS!
Looking at you, Lily Orchard!
Tip 39: Whether it’s a sexual awakening story or just simply a romance, focus on a character being lesbian, trans, bi, etc., then it shouldn’t be in a kids’ work. It’s too spicy for them by default. Kids don’t want romance anyway.
Tip 40: The very idea of a western cartoon with no full-blown antagonist (i.e. Inside Out) is a destruction of animated artistry. Sorry, but it’s just THAT simple until I dictate otherwise.
Tip 41: Unless it’s my fluffy pillow, such as Disney’s Robin Hood, it should be obligated to assume the inserting of anthros is only there to pleasure the furries. Looking at YOU, Zootopia!
Tip 42: With how rough and rash The Beast was, it shows that he was more of an abusive lover. Therefore, I refuse to believe that Beauty and the Beast has any of the meticulous moral writing that most of Disney’s other 90s films has.
Tip 43: When you suggest one work should’ve “taken notes” from another work in order to do better, BE VAGUE! Those who agree will be shown to be geniuses.
Tip 44: Remember how morally grey Invader Zim was? That really goes to show how little the Western Animation scene has been trying since that show. Really should just be taking notes from that series (and of course anime).
Tip 45: Even if I have a radar that clearly indicates such, hiding the item I look for inside an enemy is always bad, for I refuse to believe it would be inside the enemy.
Goddamn it, Arin!
Tip 46: People struggle understanding your gender identity or pronouns? All there is to see in that is a giant cloud of egotism that reads “My problems” zapping another smaller cloud that reads “other people’s problems”. Seriously, kids are starving, so WHAT if you identity confused someone. Grow a spine!
Tip 47: Stop pretending that adaptations should colorize how a story or comic series should be defined. No way in FUCK can a cartoon or film incarnation become the definitive portrayal of my precious superhero idol.
Tip 48: Enough with your precious “limited animation” techniques, YOU WESTERN HACKS! All you’re doing is admitting to sheer laziness and lacking artistic integrity. Now if you excuse me, I’ll be watching more anime, since that gives me a sense of prestige.
Tip 49: If getting five times more detail than the 2D animated visuals have requires someone getting hurt, so be it. No pain, no gain after all.
Tip 50: Yes, I genuinely struggle to believe there’s this majestic level of layered material without having the most immediate yet still vague re-assurance practically yelling in my face. But that’s STILL the work’s fault, not mine.
Tip 51: Every Klasky-Csupo cartoon has more artistic integrity than any of them cartoons with gay lovers such as Kipo or the Netflix She-Ra show.
Tip 52:  If Sergio Pablos’ Klaus is anything to go by, we have no excuse to utilize those smelly as fuck digital animation “styles” found on Stinky Universe, Suck-Ra or Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turds.
Tip 53: Stop projecting your orientation onto works of actual talent. Seriously, how does Elton John’s I’m Still Standing expel ANY rainbow flag energy?
Tip 54: Hip hop and electronica have been the destruction of music, especially the kind that’s actually organic and not farting on the buttons of a beeping or drumming gadget.
Tip 55: The audience for cartoons has become significantly less clear over the years. We should just go back to Saturday mornings of being sold toys or shit kids actually want.
Tip 56: PSAs for kids shouldn’t be about ‘woke’ content. They should be actual problems such as doing drugs; not playing with knifes / outlets / matches; or acceptance.
Tip 57: The instant you realize a detail in a childhood work that’s better understood as an adult, you’re forced to paint that work as the most transcendent thing in the world. It’s just THAT simple until I dictate otherwise.
Tip 58: Before you lash out on ALL rich people, remember this: #Not All Rich People.
Tip 59: There’s nothing to gain out of the (c)rap scene other than becoming a spiteful, gun-wielding thug that sniffs weed for breakfast.
Tip 60: Since the Mystic Knee told me to get anal about prom episodes in several gay cartoons, this shows that writing about one’s younger experiences just makes you look pathetic.
Tip 61: Another smelly thing about Zootopia is how it was painting a police chief as stern and exclusive. #Not All Chiefs
Tip 62: Me catching a glimpse of Grave of the Fireflies as a kid and turning out fine shows that you may as well show kids more adult works without worry. No amount of psychological questions being asked will suggest otherwise.
Tip 63: There’s a reason why the Mystic Knee keeps leaning more toward the 90s and early 2000s than most decades. That knee KNOWS where there’s a sense of true refinement.
Tip 64: The BIG difference between rock and electronica? Steward Copeland actually DRUMS. All that the likes of Burial, Boards of Canada, Depeche Mode and several others did was push drum buttons.
Tip 65: One exception to the golden nostalgia is when the work in question doesn’t stuff your face with fantastical, bombastic stories. At which point, there can only be rose-colored blinds covering Nickelodeon’s Doug. Nothing of merit or personal resonance to be found.
Tip 66: Remember that the sense of nuance in the work comes down to there being everything including the kitchen sink, whether it involves multiple geographic landscapes; giving us hundreds of characters; etc. Only through the extremes will I be able to tell there is nuance.
Tip 67: Once you see a joke that has an involvement with sexual or violent content, just ignore the full picture and just reduce it to having nothing to it but “sex, violence, gimme claps.”
PKRussel has entered the chat
Tip 68: With all the SJWs messing up the art of comedy, lament the times where you could be called a comic genius, NOT a monster, for shouting out the word “STAB,” calling a gay weird, painting Middle Easterns as inherently violent, etc.
Tip 69: Guitar twang will always win out over (c)rap beats. There’s a reason your grandma is more likely to listen to Lynyrd Skynyrd than Kendrick Lamar.
Tip 70: Once the Mystic Knee notices a lack of squealing at the video game with linearity, that shows there’s more artistry in going full-blown open world.
Tip 71: Related to Tips 66 and 68, ensure your comedy gets as much information and mileage out of each individual skit as possible. EMPHASIZE if you need to. Continuously spout out your quirky phrase of “STAB” if needed.
Tip 72: Based on the onslaught of TV shows with many seasons and episodes, animated or otherwise, it shows that there’s more worth going for that than simply having a miniseries or a 26-episode anime.
Tip 73: Building off of the previous tip, you’re better off squeezing and exhausting every little detail and notable characterization rather than keeping anything simple and possibly leaving a stone unturned, especially if there’s supposed to be a story. 
Tip 74: Playing through the fan translation of Mother 3 made me realize how much some newer kids’ works just try too hard to get serious. Why even make the kids potentially think about the death of a family member?
Tip 75: The fear I had over Sid’s toys from the first Toy Story and similar anecdotal emotions are the be-all indicators of what kind of show or film is fitting for the children.
Tip 76:  Seeing this British rapper chick have a song titled “Point and Kill” just further exemplifies the fears I’ve had about rappers being some of the most harmful folks ever.
Tip 77: The problem with attempting to make a more “relatable” She-Ra is that kids aren’t looking for relatability. They want the escapism of buff fighters or something similar. This is why slice-of-life is so smelly.
Tip 78: Based on seeing the rating of “PG-13″ or “R,” I can tell that the dark humor is little more than “hur dur sex and guns.” Given the “TV-Y7 FV” rating of Invader Zim, the writers should’ve taken notes from that instead just so I can sense actual prestige.
Tip 79: The original He-Man has more visual intrigue in its animation than any of those smelly glorified doodles found in the “styles" of the 2010s and early 2020s.
Tip 80: It’s always the fault of the game that my first guess (that I refuse to divert from) on how I have to go through an obstacle won’t work.
Tip 81: Zootopia discussing prejudice ruins the majestic escapism I got from my precious childhood films from 1991-2004. Them kids might as well be watching the news. Now to watch some Hunchback after I finish these tips.
Tip 82: There is no such thing as an unreasonable expectation, and there’s especially no wrong way to address the lack of met expectations! For example, if you expect some early 2010s cartoon on the Disney Channel to be a Kids X-Files, yet you get moments such as some girl getting high on stick dipping candy, you got the right to paint the worst out of that show for not being “Kids’ X-Files.”
Tip 83: Related to my example for Tip 82, if you get the slightest impression of something being childish, you know you got yourself a children’s work that does little than wave keys and has basically nothing substantial for them. In this situation, those malfunctioning robots found in Wall-E are the guilty party.
Tip 84: Without the extensive dialogue that I’m used to getting, how can one say for certain there was any amount of characterization in the title character of Wall-E?
Tip 85: Ever noticed yourself gradually being less likely to expect an upcoming work or view a work you’re just consuming as “the next best thing”? That’s ALWAYS the fault of smelly “artists” (hacks really) and their refusal to give a shit.
Tip 86:  It’s obligatory for your lead to be explicitly heroic just so there is this immediate re-assurance that they’re a good one.
Tip 87: Without the comforting safety net of throwbacks, one cannot be for certain that there has been an actual evolution of a series or the art of animation and video games.
Tip 88: Don’t PSA kids on stuff they give zero fucks about. That means no gender identities or pronouns, race, etc.
Tip 89: Don’t listen to Mamoru Hosoda saying that anime women tend to be “depicted through a lens” of sexual desire. He’s just distracting from the superior prestige found in anime women.
Tip 90:  If you’re desperate to let others know that your talking points are reasonable, just repeat them over and over with little expansion on said talking points.
Tip 91: 7 or more seasons of art is better than 26 episodes of art.  EVERY TIME!
Tip 92: Always remember to continuously talk up the innuendo and mature subject matter of the childhood work as the most prestigious, transcendent thing of all time. With that in mind, there’s a high chance that your favorite childhood work will be better known than Perfect Blue (1997), and there’s likely a reason for that.
Tip 93: An art style that gives many characters relatively more realistic arm muscle details will always shine through more than any sort of art style done for “simplicity” (laziness, really).
Tip 94:  Seeing a few (like, even VERY FEW) people show more enthusiasm for Steven Universe over Invader Zim really shows the lower bar that has been expected out of the western animation scene compared to anime.
Tip 95: Electronic music makes less conventional time signatures cheap as hell. REAL music like rock makes them the exact opposite.
Tip 96: If your Mystic Knee suggests that the 90s cartoon being viewed doesn’t showcase a vague sense of refinement or artistic integrity, then every related assumption of yours is right. EVERY TIME!
Tip 97: Doing everything and the kitchen sink for one series or movie shows a better sense of refinement and prestige than any form of simplicity. THIS includes character design as well.
Tip 98: The advent of that Star Wars: Visions anime really shows just how stinky western cartoons have become.
Tip 99:  For those wondering, no, Europe isn’t being counted in my definition of “western animation”. Doing so is a complete disservice to prestige.
Tip 100: If even less than half of these tips aren’t being considered, you can kiss that prestige badge goodbye. After all, I SAID SO!
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husbandograveyard · 3 years
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Wootwoot! We made it you guys! May 4th is my one-year anniversary on Tumblr. With some ups and downs and over 300 requests written, I'm gonna go ahead and say it was a successful year!
Monday until next Sunday I will do another Mini HC event, like we did for valentine! Open for all my fandoms, with mystery prompts to choose from.
Until then, I wanted to do a sleepover event. Unlimited asks and interactions for the weekend cause I feel like I haven't talked to a lot of you in a long while!
You can send me any classic sleepover question
Kiss, marry, kill
Would you rather
Top 3/5/10...
Questions about me
Questions about my anime, writings...
Theories (keep em spoiler free though!)
For this event, I will engage in a little bit of selfship talk if anyone were to be interested. Ask me about my F/o's and tell me about yours! Dynamics, habits... anything!
Questions about OCs
If you need some inspiration, I have included a couple of lists below the cut with questions id be 100% okay with.
Also, if you just want to chat, tell me about your week, a funny thing that happened to you, or a fun fact (i love fun facts especially if it's creepy or an animal fact)... A N Y T H I N G is welcome! There is no limit to your asks, spam me if you want! ♡
Look forward to talking to you guys!
Ps, I'll tag these #1yearSleepover if you want to block something against spam
Questions for OCs - Specify which one! Taken from here
1. How many different places have they lived?
2. What is their dream vacation?
3. What is their favorite color?
4. What is their favorite book?
5. Have they ever cheated on anyone before?
6. Have they ever been cheated on?
7. How many partners have they had?
8. What is their favorite food?
9. Are they a liar? Are they good at lying?
10. Introvert or Extrovert?
11. Have they ever been arrested and why?
12. Who would they sacrifice their life for?
13. What are their spending habits?
14. Do they like hot or cold temperatures better?
15. Are they religious?
16. If they could describe themself in one sentence, what would they say?
17. Do they have any overused catchphrases?
18. What makes them laugh?
19. Have they ever lost anyone close to them? How did it affect them?
20. Do they have a fast reaction time, or slow?
21. How do they react to praise?
22. How do they react to criticism?
23. Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy?
24. What are their biggest pet peeves?
25. Do they have any type of handicaps? How do they manage them?
Other ask game - taken from here
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
6: do you keep plants?
7: do you name your plants?
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?
12: what’s your favorite planet?
13: what’s something that made you smile today?
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
20: what’s your favorite eye color?
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
22: are you a morning person?
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?
28: sunrise or sunset?
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
33: what’s your fave pastry?
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
39: what color do you wear the most?
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
50: what’s an odd thing you collect?
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
59: what’s your favorite myth?
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
68: what’s winter like where you live?
69: what are your favorite board games?
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea?
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?
73: what are some of your worst habits?
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
75: tell us about your pets!
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
77: pink or yellow lemonade?
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
82: are/were you good in school?
83: what’s some of your favorite album art?
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
89: are you close to your parents?
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.
91: where do you plan on traveling this year?
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
95: what are your plans for this weekend?
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
16 notes · View notes
salarta · 4 years
What don't you like about Lorna's characterization in X-Factor?
Thanks for asking!
I believe in transparency, so before I get into that, I want to provide a little background on the point of view I’m coming from that influences my opinions.
I was opposed to Lorna being on X-Factor when it was announced. There was already a lot of bad blood and history for me with Marvel as a result of these past few years especially. I won’t exhaustively detail all of it, but the bottom line is, I was already in a place of having a low opinion of current X-Men comics in general.
Then when it was announced she would be on X-Factor, not even as the leader but just as a team member, that immediately grated on me. She’s been buried and sidelined for so long, and now she’s not only right back on the same title yet again after 30 years - that’s a second wave fringe title - she’s not even leading it, or doing other, more meaningful things outside it simultaneously.
Then I saw the interviews by X-Factor’s writer at announcement, which immediately gave me a couple red flags. One, the writer couldn’t seem to say a single thing about Lorna besides essentially “Magneto is her dad and Havok is her ex.” Not even about trauma, of which Lorna has tons of it. Yet she had no problem acknowledging trauma as an important story point for other characters. Two, in trying to form her opinion of Lorna, she said she talked to a couple friends, one of which she said put the Lorna x Havok relationship in a “new light” for her. Meaning she was limiting her fan input just to a couple people she knows and whatever biases those two have, at the exclusion of all others.
That’s my background. Before a single issue dropped. Now let’s get to the things I have problems with since it’s started getting published.
And I do welcome people correcting me if I’m incorrect about details of the book. Being wrong happens. The only true path toward a better future for Lorna is honest assessment.
My biggest problem with X-Factor’s characterization, as a whole, is that it completely disregards important parts of her history in the way she should think and act, and instead treats her like a blank slate.
This is clearest in X-Factor #4, the issue during X of Swords where Rockslide dies. Lorna is a survivor of the Genoshan genocide. We saw how deeply that wounded her. We outright saw her experience of being hailed as a sovereign princess by the people of Genosha, followed by those same people begging Lorna, specifically, to save them. Only for Lorna to be unable to do so, and unable to handle all the death and carnage and pain around her (note these pages are in order of her experiences, not publication order).
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After the Genoshan genocide, we saw how not only did she survive this, she had those moments replaying constantly in her head and all around her until the other X-Men dug her out of Genosha’s ruins.
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She suffered immensely from what happened to her. So much. But by the end, after dealing with the strain and trauma for so much time, she started to settle into a role from that experience somewhere in between Xavier and Magneto - which is extremely appropriate, considering her very first appearance in comics was all about her struggling between the “good of the X-Men” and the “evil of her father’s blood flowing through her veins” (as it was incredibly simplistic at the time).
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This is the Lorna that came out of her hardships with Genosha. The one who felt the weight of those deaths and took them on to a point of being ready to fight for mutant rights.
In spite of this, Marvel has been ignoring the Genoshan genocide concerning Lorna’s history for 15 years now. Refusing to acknowledge it at all, as they let Jean fight Cassandra Nova on its ruins, and let Storm act outraged about its dead, and let Axis exploit it for Red Skull while Lorna’s written as off doing something completely unrelated.
The problem noted in the paragraph above is not X-Factor’s problem alone. It’s a running problem across all of Marvel.
But where X-Factor differs and is far, far worse is that X-Factor #4 not only completely ignored this event in her history. It had her behave as if she had no concept whatsoever of death and loss, had never received the development she did from the Genoshan genocide.
For over 15 years, Lorna’s been wiped from the Genosha story even though she went through the genocide and had served at Magneto’s side (before learning she was his daughter after all) during his rule. Not once in any of that time did Marvel allow the deaths of millions crying for her specifically to save them to impact their treatment of her. It’s been as if she suddenly no longer gives a damn about them.
But one mutant she doesn’t know at all dies nearby and she has a complete breakdown, running around unable to figure out what to do with herself, getting yelled at by her father to make the prophecies come out and later on wishing she could just disappear and stop being a part of anything at all?
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That is not Lorna. Or rather, maybe it could count as Lorna from the 90s before Genosha ever happened. But it is absolutely not post-Genosha Lorna, the woman who endured the pain of millions dying all around her and came out of it a woman ready to fight through that pain.
Perhaps if this story acknowledged and incorporated the Genoshan genocide, did an incredibly good job justifying her behavior through that and making it all make sense, I would feel differently. But as it stands? This is an insult to everything she’s endured.
Which gets me to my other big complaints about this book. It doesn’t ACTUALLY acknowledge anything about her history at all.
This is where fans of the book will say “Oh X-Factor acknowledged Giant-Size X-Men when she built the base” and things like that. No. The book has only vaguely hinted at that history, which is very different from truly acknowledging and using it. The few times the book does this, such “acknowledgments” last for exactly one panel, and you have to be a real hardcore Lorna fan or long-time reader to have any chance whatsoever of seeing those statements as callbacks to her past. If you’re a casual reader, Lorna’s comment to Krakoa before creating the base could just as easily be read as that Lorna and Krakoa used to date and had a really bad breakup.
I’ve been asked before what would count as acknowledging her past. So here’s an example. Instead of the vague hinting with Krakoa, Lorna could’ve explicitly said something along the lines of “Hey, remember when Storm and the others helped me launch you out into space?” That would have been enough for a casual reader to know the amazing feat she did, its importance relative to current Marvel events, AND that she has a history with major known names in the franchise. 
But as written? It’s just a silly little joke of a character who’s apparently never done anything notable or interesting “before now.”
Aside from these problems, I’m not keen on what has over time appeared to be a running theme of “Lorna is stupid” on this book. It started with this simple “joke.”
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An important note: this panel is out of context. It looks worse by itself, but I have since been corrected by a reader that what happened before this was Northstar trying to charge in, Lorna trying to stop him, both getting caught in this trap, followed by Rachel’s quip. And they do have a history from before X-Factor. They were on the same team, Starjammers, in the late 00s to early 10s.
If this was the only case I had, I wouldn’t be bringing it up. It’s fine taken in isolation. There’s a question of why Lorna’s the sole target of the quip when it was Northstar’s fault, and a problem that people could easily misremember this in the future as Lorna taking the blame. But a single moment is no big deal.
But then we have the scene from X-Factor #4 above where Magneto’s written as yelling at her, putting her down for not being able to get the prophecies out. Lorna even explicitly calls it a “fitting humiliation” during that story.
And then we have the most recent issue. Where Siryn outright calls Lorna dumb as the story has her act in a way that makes her being called that appropriate.
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In other words, three times now, Lorna’s been presented as the object of ridicule. As a failure who isn’t able to make plans, think ahead, or handle these stresses that come her way. In essence, it’s wiping out the development she received not just from her experiences on Genosha, but also from her time as leader of All-New X-Factor. Would YOU expect this character, as presented, to be at all capable of leading her own team some day? Or of leading people in a movement, harkening back to when she was called the Queen of Mutants both post-Genosha and when she was initially revealed and Magneto was believed to be dead?
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My expectations of X-Factor before it started releasing issues were low, as stated above. But as it’s been releasing issues, it’s just been confirming my worst thoughts about Marvel and how little they think of this amazing character who’s been through so much and never receives her due.
All it’s doing is exploiting her to sell the book and promote everyone else on it. That is my straightforward assessment and opinion of the book. None of the stories or moments truly address anything Lorna’s experienced. The initial story was about Aurora, setting up Northstar as the leader, and forming the team. The Mojoworld story was about Shatterstar. X-Factor #4 was about Rockslide and his death. The latest story is about Siryn.
And it’s great for all these other characters that they’re getting all this care and attention that they often don’t get. But it doesn’t have to come at Lorna’s expense. If she’s going to be on the book, it has to actually give a damn about what she’s been through and how it’s shaped her, and openly acknowledge her too often forgotten past spanning 52 years.  
I am not saying X-Factor taken as its own thing is bad. I’m not saying it treats any of the other characters bad. I’m saying it’s bad for Lorna, and she’s better off not on it even if she doesn’t get to join the new X-Men team. 
I will end off on a bit more of a positive note for people who happen to like this book. There are a couple things I do like about it.
I like the creative usage of Lorna’s powers in building the team’s base, and in having the prophecies encoded in electromagnetic signatures. Those are an excellent way to show she can be and do other things besides “bend spoons,” and she’s not just “Magneto with boobs” as far as power usage.
I also like that the book does not have a sexism problem in its treatment Lorna. Past treatment of Lorna had this problem in a big way, as demonstrated by this awful as fuck cover from X-Men Blue.
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And I partly like the very last few panels of X-Factor #4, in that Lorna gets to do some public speaking among mutant colleagues. I loathe the treatment leading up to it, and I think it could’ve been much better if it followed the vein of one of the variant covers of Lorna holding up a sword in front of an army as if urging them onward to battle as a warrior queen would. But it was still better than okay.
But those few good bits do not in any way make up for the bad as I’ve seen it in this book.
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nightwingmyboi · 4 years
I have a massive amount of questions and hopefully you can answer them all. I wont ask all at once but first question. Dick and Tarantula. I know kinda what happens but like... All the titans took her side? Who were the titans and how did they react?
Alright, always happy to help out. Feel free to fire away! To start...I believe you’re thinking about Mirage, not Tarantula. 
Everything with Tarantula occurred in Bludhaven when Dick wasn’t currently working with the Titans. Dick hasn’t ever talked about what happened with Tarantula to anyone, so it’s likely that the Titans have no idea that anything ever happened...the only people who would have an inkling of what went down would probably be Bruce (who after the fact yelled at Dick to stop being suicidal and never looked into the matter further) and Barbara (who broke up with Dick...after seeing Tarantula force herself on him and knee him in the groin...okay). Yeah that’s a whole other issue :/ 
But I’ll explain the situation with Mirage instead. To set the scene: Dick was on the “New Titans” team, which included: Starfire, Beastboy/Changeling, Red Star, Donna Troy, and Pantha. Mirage came from an evil alternate future timeline, and in that timeline she was romantically involved with a version of Dick Grayson, later known as “Deathwing.” Because of this, she is obsessed with Dick and is convinced that they belong together. She’s come back with the rest of the “Team Titans” to the past to kill Donna Troy in order to stop her son from ruling over the world as a dictator. For some reason, she accomplishes this plan...by kidnapping Starfire, replacing her, and tricking Dick into having sex. Yeah, the plot is convoluted as hell. No time to unpack all that! 
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Deathstroke (1991) #14
The team discovers that there is an imposter when Kory manages to break free of her imprisonment and escape. Dick realizes that he was manipulated into having sex with a stranger. Instead of Kory and Dick being able to talk about it alone, Pantha spills the beans in front of the whole team (sans Donna) and fuels the fire with several horrible, crude comments. 
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The New Titans (1988) #90
“Details! From ten to one--how did she score compared to this one?”
Though Mirage had them all fooled, Pantha says that, seeing as Dick slept with her, he definitely should have been able to realize that she was phony. No one on the team comes to Dick’s defense or tries to shift the blame from Dick’s shoulders. Kory’s a bit pissed as well. She’s had a pretty bad couple of days. She wants an explanation from Dick, but Pantha can’t freaking shut up for five seconds so that he can give her one. 
Also, note the comments about how Dick’s hair has changed? And about “Starfire’s” new costume? I’m going to quickly side track to explain just how terrible Mirage is. 
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The New Titans #88
So, while she was disguised as Kory, Mirage pushed Dick into changing his costume and cutting his hair into a mullet. Dick didn’t want to, especially because his discowing costume had huge sentimental value seeing as he’d modeled the look after his dead parent’s circus outfits, but “Kory” kept pestering him. He trusted his girlfriend, so Dick eventually agreed to follow what he thought was her lead. 
I can’t get over how horrible that is...that Dick’s rapist tried to own Dick’s body to the extent that manipulating him into having sex wasn’t enough, that she abused his trust to change his appearance to suit her needs too, specifically altering him in ways he wasn’t comfortable with. It’s disgusting, I don’t know why it’s so often glossed over, and it really gives a whole new reason to hate “Mulletwing.” And Nightwing’s not the only one whose bodily autonomy is completely thrown out the window.
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The New Titans #93
When Mirage was disguised as Kory, she went around and did a bunch of porno, nude photoshoots. I don’t think I have to explain how awful it is that Kory’s appearance was used like this without her consent, especially in such a public way (people were literally stopping her in the streets to talk about it and she was invited onto a news show). Kory is rightfully pissed. Mirage also changes Starfire’s costume as well, to have big cut-outs on the sides. 
Mirage is absolutely horrible. Cannot say that enough.  
Back on the plot: Dick and Kory still have a lot to talk out, but they are on a mission to save Donna, so both of them put their feelings aside for now to help their friend. Later, while Starfire is busy chasing Donna in space, Nightwing runs into Mirage, and she reveals that she was the imposter. 
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Team Titans #2
DICK YOU SLUT! So tell me, who was better? Huh? Huh? Huh? 
Mirage laughs about raping Nightwing with zero remorse. Pantha calls Dick a slut and once again asks who is better. Also like last time, the rest of the team (sans Donna) is standing right there...and doesn’t care or help him out at all. 
Dick is forced to put his feelings aside once again to deal with the threat to Earth. This means working with Mirage to the point where she is just...part of the team for some reason? My reaction is pretty in line with Kory’s here: 
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Despite Kory’s protest, Dick focuses on the mission, and says that they need the manpower and the knowledge of the future that the Team Titans (including Mirage) have in order to defeat Donna and her son (long story, just ignore the plot honestly). But really, they need Mirage...so that she can cause unnecessary, contrived drama between Dick and Kory. 
I’m just going to say it: Kory and Dick are both pretty wildly out of character. Putting aside how stupid and cliché this plot is in the first place, Dick lets Mirage get away with way too much crap, when he’s always been very up front about dealing with bullshit in the past. One of the absolute worst things about having Mirage stick around (and at one point literally go on vacation with the Titans) is how she just keeps acting like her and Dick are together. It’s gross and Dick needed and usually would have put his freaking foot down about it. They also have Kory flipping from acknowledging that Mirage tricked Dick and is at fault for what happened: 
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Team Titans #2
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The New Titans (1988) #90
To having her think that Dick genuinely...loved Mirage and would rather be with her? And blaming Dick for being tricked? Even though Dick and Kory are both victims here? 
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The New Titans (1988) #90
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The New Titans (1988) #97
Starfire has an incredibly high EQ. She and Dick have always been very communicative. To see her completely unwilling to hear him out (and blame him for being raped) is shocking. She acts like an immature teenager, changing her mind all the time and then storming off to go party with random guys in clubs for the next couple days. She has zero of her previously demonstrated emotional maturity and trust. Meanwhile, just as Dick loses his girlfriend, he also loses his apartment, and, to top it all off, Roy swings by to tell Dick that the government is going to shut down the Titans because of all the property damage that happened in their last fight. Nightwing literally can never catch a break. 
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The New Titans (1988) #99
Eventually, the two do make up...and Dick immediately proposes to Kory out of nowhere. She accepts, despite being pissed moments before. They have a wedding the next issue, but it is interrupted by villains from the alternate timeline, including an evil Raven and Deathwing. Afterwards, Dick and Kory’s relationship is never quite the same. 
Seeing Dick and Starfire’s relationship sour, when it was built up over so many years of comics (and with neither of them truly being at fault for the split), is freaking depressing. And Mirage never does get punished really...I’m pretty sure she’s even part of the honor guard that escorts Superman’s body to his tomb when he dies, which is dumb as hell. But that’s how it all went down. 
Just to clarify, since you specifically asked how the team reacted, I kept saying “(sans Donna)” because while most of this was going on Donna was a) giving birth or b) going crazy with power. Later, Donna is shown to know about what happened with Mirage, but she doesn’t really give it much thought. She does comment that Dick is acting strangely and she’s concerned about him, but she also doesn’t seem to connect the obvious dots that Dick is acting off...because he’s still shaken about being raped and tricked. Roy also appears later on to lead the Titans. Mirage is a member of that group, and Roy isn’t really shown to have any strong feelings about it. 
Honestly, I wouldn’t say that the Titans “took Mirage’s side” as you describe. Pretty sure none of them liked Mirage. But, they didn’t stand up for Dick, certainly. There was a lot of victim blaming. Dick’s rape wasn’t given the narrative weight that it deserved, probably due to the time period the comic was made. His teammates mostly didn’t care enough to take sides, used him being raped as a joke, or blamed him for being tricked. 
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The whole story arc is convoluted, the characterizations are terrible, and overall it just sucks that this was written. 
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Godzilla Singular Point: The Weird History of Jet Jaguar
The latest take on Toho’s iconic, building-crushing lizard comes in the form of Godzilla Singular Point, an anime series now available in dubbed form on Netflix. Taking place in the not-too-distant future, this reimagining of the King of Monsters involves a group of human characters becoming aware – through rather bizarre ways – of a coming apocalyptic event. Now the only thing that can save them is a behemoth out to punch monsters and look out for the little guy.
No, not Godzilla. He’s actually the apocalyptic event. No, our hero is none other than Jet Jaguar.
Yes, it’s finally time for Jet Jaguar to get his due.
A concept nearly 50 years old at this point, Jet Jaguar is one of those characters who was initially doomed to fail, but lives on due to nostalgia and the golden notion of, “I realize most people hated that thing from my childhood, but I bet I could make it good!” At best, he was a rad addition to the Godzilla mythos. At worst, he was a dumb idea from a dumb movie. For the most part, he’s remembered as something goofy that gets laughed at, despite having some genuine earnestness.
Jet Jaguar was created from both a fan contest and a corporate game of telephone. Back in 1972, to jump on the bandwagon of tokusatsu giant superhero/robot shows, Toho asked fans to design their own superhero design. The winner was a half-man/half-bird robot with a lengthy neck resembling a stack of rings named Red Alone. The concept was turned into a full-on rubber costume, but they changed the color scheme, which upset the young winner. They later decided to just scrap the whole thing, keep the color scheme, and make their own new design. And so, Jet Jaguar was born.
The superhero made an entire one movie appearance in 1973’s Godzilla vs. Megalon. As the urban legend goes, this was initially intended to be a standalone Jet Jaguar movie that the studio just didn’t have faith in towards the end and they hastily threw in Godzilla and recurring Godzilla villain Gigan. While the claim is dubious and unproven, it certainly is easy to understand where the allegations come from.
Everything about the movie feels rushed. As the last-minute replacement for another Godzilla film that didn’t pan out, filming took several weeks and production was a mere six months. Even the Godzilla costume was whipped up in record time. As for the story, outside of the intro, the preexisting elements (Godzilla and Gigan) aren’t thrown in until about 2/3 into the movie. Up until that point, it feels like a Jet Jaguar vs. Megalon movie with the production team hitting the panic button.
The plot of Godzilla vs. Megalon is that a scientist Goro Ibuki is working on a robot called Jet Jaguar, along with his little brother Rokuro and his best friend Hiroshi. They get wrapped up in a plot involving a group of beings from Atlantis-But-Not-Really, who are annoyed at all the nuclear bomb tests going on in their neck of the woods. They steal Jet Jaguar and use him to guide their insect god Megalon to different cities for the sake of smashing them up and punishing humanity.
Goro and friends get their hands on Jet Jaguar’s controls and use him to lead Godzilla to where Megalon is. Then the Seatopians call some alien friends for a solid and have them send in Gigan. Jet Jaguar is able to break away from all control and becomes fully sentient, as well as revealing the ability to turn into a giant. It becomes a big tag team battle, mostly remembered for Godzilla doing the silliest dropkick you’ve ever seen, followed by a second one for good measure.
The villains escape, Jet Jaguar and Godzilla shake hands, they go their separate ways, and Jet Jaguar reunites with the humans heroes after shrinking back down. He gets his own snazzy theme song to close things out.
In Japan, the movie wasn’t all that successful. As the thirteenth title in the Godzilla series, it brought in the worst returns yet. Between public burnout and the movie’s lack of quality, it just wasn’t grabbing people. That said, it came out at just the right time in the United States. Released in 1976, it came out months before the anticipated King Kong remake. The American movie poster for the movie even bit on the King Kong poster by featuring Godzilla and Megalon duking it out while each standing on a different Twin Tower, even though the movie at no point took place in the States.
A year later, the movie would be cut down into 48 minutes so they could broadcast it on NBC in prime time, across an hour with commercials. The only reason I mention this at all is because it was hosted by John Belushi wearing a Godzilla costume, which is sadly somewhere in the abyss of golden lost media.
Getting back to Jet Jaguar – the topic of this article – I feel the need to bring up Germany’s handling of the movie’s translation. Rather than call him “Jet Jaguar,” they referred to him as “King Kong.” I mean…sure, why not. Even weirder, when the next two movies introduced fellow giant robot MechaGodzilla, Germany once again referred to the robot as “King Kong.” Guys, I know what you’re going for here, but it doesn’t work that way.
Anyway, Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla and Terror of MechaGodzilla followed Godzilla vs. Megalon and closed off the classic Showa Era of Godzilla movies. Not only did Japan need to rest Godzilla as a concept for nearly a decade, but this also meant that whenever Godzilla would come back, it was going to be some kind of reboot or new “only the first movie counts” installment. Jet Jaguar was never high on the list to be brought back, especially since MechaGodzilla completely overshadowed him.
He would at least get a little more exposure in 1991 when Godzilla vs. Megalon was featured in the second season of Mystery Science Theater 3000. While much of the episode is spent making fun of one of the Seatopians for looking like Oscar Wilde, they toss plenty of jokes at Jet Jaguar. Most memorably, they “translate” Jet Jaguar’s ending theme, which notes that his mother never loved him and he looks a lot like Jack Nicholson.
Due to rights issues, Godzilla vs. Megalon is one of the few MST3K episodes that is no longer legally available for viewing. This does make the original MST3K Collection Volume 10 box set (which included Godzilla vs. Megalon as one of the four movies) a collector’s item, as it was later discontinued and rereleased with The Giant Gila Monster taking its spot.
A stranger use of Jet Jaguar comes in the form of Certain Distant Suns’ music video for “Bitter” in 1995. While there’s not much of a narrative outside of the band playing, footage of Godzilla vs. Megalon being shown, and a few shots of guys walking around in Megalon and Jet Jaguar costumes, I really insist you give the video a look due to the ending. It certainly goes in a direction I wasn’t expecting.
In 1997, Jet Jaguar made his next official appearance in another frankly bizarre spectacle. In Japan, a series called Godzilla Island appeared on TV in three-minute increments. While it only lasted a year, there were a whopping 256 episodes, meaning almost 13 hours of footage. If you’ve never heard of Godzilla Island, you might be thinking, “Wow, almost 13 hours of Godzilla stuff? Why isn’t this more well known?”
Well, it probably has a lot to do with the fact that instead of using guys in rubber suits, the kaiju action was done with action figures. Yikes.
Not only did Jet Jaguar show up during these adventures, but they gave him the 90s superhero action figure treatment. Much like how they released as many figures of Batman as possible for different crime-fighting scenarios, Godzilla Island gave us Silver Jet Jaguar, Medical Jet Jaguar, and even Fireman Jet Jaguar. Collect them all!
Read more
Godzilla vs. Kong Writer Talks About Spending 8 Years in the MonsterVerse
By Don Kaye
Godzilla vs. Kong Director and Writer Talk Future of The MonsterVerse
By Don Kaye
In the early 2000s, Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee was released for the GameCube and Xbox under the Atari brand. It was a fighting game featuring various characters from Godzilla lore and though Atari wanted to include Jet Jaguar, Toho refused. Still, at least Megalon was included in the game. There would be two sequels in the form of Godzilla: Save the Earth and Godzilla: Unleashed. FINALLY, Jet Jaguar was playable, because if there’s anything you can count on, it’s scraping the bottom of the barrel when you’re working on multiple installments of a nostalgic who’s who project.
He’d also return in 2014’s Godzilla game for PlayStation 3 and 4. The producer of the game didn’t even plan on putting him in there, but he saw that the programmers already were working on him and just shrugged it off. There was a special trick to summoning Jet Jaguar as a boss character. By ending up in three different Godzilla vs. Jet Jaguar scenarios and winning all three times, you would then unlock a special cutscene of the two shaking hands while a confused military woman would wonder about their history.
Around the mid-2010s, IDW Publishing was all about releasing a bunch of comics with the Godzilla license. Their mainline series was Godzilla: Rulers of the Earth, which went on for 25 issues. Early on, Jet Jaguar appeared out of nowhere during a fight between Godzilla and the team of Gigan and Orga. In human size, Jet Jaguar flew into Orga’s mouth, then expanded into giant size, causing the beast to explode. Especially awesome was that it came with the cliffhanger text, “Next: PUNCH! PUNCH! PUNCH!” a reference to Jet Jaguar’s theme song from the movie.
Jet Jaguar showed up regularly in the series, coming off as Godzilla’s designated driver friend and handler. What I mean is that he seemed to be out to protect Godzilla, but that meant having to keep his violent ally on task (ie. pointing out that Gigan was nearby to stop Godzilla from attacking Jet Jaguar) and throwing punches when the situation absolutely called for it.
This continuity played up Jet Jaguar as more enigmatic than anything, as although he was mechanical, the only human character who knew his origins was killed off before it could be explained. Even one of the invading alien villains saw him on a screen and basically went, “Oh crap. It’s THIS guy!” Regardless, he still came off as a total badass, winning fights against Godzilla, Gigan (the chainsaw-hand version), and Destroyah.
Then again, at one point he needed to be saved by the 1998 American Godzilla, which at least proved as a reminder to the robot hero that there are Toho characters far more hated than him.
Toho started using Jet Jaguar again, albeit in sillier ways. In 2019, as an April Fool’s Day prank, they put up a teaser on YouTube for a Jet Jaguar movie. They also had him appear a few times on Godziban, a Godzilla web series for kids that, once again, used dolls and action figures to tell its stories.
Now Jet Jaguar is a major part of Godzilla Singular Point. To get into specifics on the plot would be like explaining advanced calculus, but to keep on-topic, Jet Jaguar is the creation of Goro Otaki as both a way to ward off monstrous threats and as a company mascot. Considering King Kong’s role in King Kong vs. Godzilla was “kidnapped to be a company mascot,” maybe the Germans were onto something with the rename.
Anyway, this version of Jet Jaguar is more mechanical in appearance instead of having to rely on making him look like a human in a costume. Jet Jaguar is there to protect the heroes from the endless supply of monsters, usually taking some extensive damage. Still, the robot gets rebuilt stronger and stronger and becomes advanced enough to become self-aware and speak in…well, the voice of a teenage girl.
I don’t know, I guess I just figured he’d sound like Astro Guy from King of the Monsters.
There’s a big hard-to-explain twist, but the main thing to know is that Jet Jaguar becomes a full-on badass by the end of the series, turns out to be a huge key to the plot, and has a completely kickass showdown with Godzilla. In a way, Jet Jaguar’s journey in Singular Point is a lot like in real life, going from a lame idea that appealed to kids and gradually being understood as a respected part of the Godzilla mythos. Something initially representative of the worst of the franchise, proven to be something genuinely cool in the right hands.
Now it’s time for America to return the favor. Once again, timing is on Jet Jaguar’s side. The Monsterverse was on its way to the graveyard after the box office intake of Godzilla: King of the Monsters, but Godzilla vs. Kong came out at just the right time in the tail end of the pandemic to be a big success and keep the series going a little bit longer. There aren’t too many names in the toybox left to pull out, but at this point, Gigan and Jet Jaguar have to be high on the list.
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
Make it happen, Hollywood!
Godzilla Singular Point is available to stream on Netflix now.
The post Godzilla Singular Point: The Weird History of Jet Jaguar appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3h787JV
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kangtaebins · 3 years
Weird Asks That Say A Lot
I said I was going to just answer all of these bc of boredom,, and so here I am
1. Coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? Teacups are aesthetically pleasing idc what anyone says
2. Chocolate bars or lollipops? Lollipops
3. Bubblegum or cotton candy? Cotton candy supremacy
4. How did your elementary school teachers describe you? I was told that I was a leader a lot, and was told that I was very intelligent. Ah yes, I suffered from gifted kid burn out in high school-
5. Do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? Look, plastic cups are the best. Specifically the ones with the lids and reusable straws
6. Pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? It truly depends on the day bc some days I would say goth and other days I’d say grunge, but most days- pastel
7. Earbuds or headphones? Earbuds
8. Movies or TV shows? TV shows bc- idk actually I’m just not a movie person
9. Favorite smell in the summer? I have a weird obsession with the smell of cheap sunscreen and I have no clue why
10. Game you were best at in p.e.? I hated gym in high school and rarely participated despite the teacher being irritated with me (truly she gave up after a few months bc I really did not care at all) HOWEVER- I went to town in volleyball and still enjoy playing volleyball v much
11. What do you have for breakfast on an average day? I don’t eat breakfast often,,, 
12. Name of your favorite playlist? Probably my Navy or Indigo playlist
13. Lanyard or key ring? Key ring 
14. Favorite non-chocolate candy? Anything green apple!!!
15. Favorite book you read as a school assignment? I actually genuinely enjoyed Romeo And Juliet tbh
16. Most comfortable position to sit in? I always curl up in a ball on the couch, but in a chair I manspread ngl
17. Most frequently worn pair of shoes? Nike slides <//3
18. Ideal weather? Between 50-70 degrees, sunny but not warm, being able to wear a hoodie and not be hot or cold
19. Sleeping position? I usually either sleep on my left side or on my stomach (my back once in a while when it’s hurting bc I’m a hag)
20. Preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? I write on my phone more than anything
21. Obsession from childhood? Hm- I was really obsessed with High School Musical as a kid. My friend and I would put it on and lip sync to the songs and pretend we were the characters
22. Role model? Is it- wrong to say myself? Bc I feel like that sounds arrogant but genuinely it’s bc I’m constantly trying to better myself mentally and learn and grow. Idk I just am proud of who I am and look to myself when I need to find motivation
23. Strange habits? Strange? Idk if it’s strange but I’m constantly twiddling with the hem of my sleeves bc I love the feeling of it
24. Favorite crystal? Citrine 
25. First song you remember hearing? WH- bitch idk tf
26. Favorite activity to do in warm weather? Stay tf inside in the air conditioning
27. Favorite activity to do in cold weather? Stay tf inside in the heat
28. Five songs to describe you? To describe me?? Girl idk I'm all over the place. How about songs that resonate with me instead,,, Alive by Khalid, Paranoid by Lauv, Phobia by Dvwn, Fake Smile by Ariana Grande, and Breathin by Ariana Grande
29. Best way to bond with you? Truly I'm not very difficult to get along with, just don't be an asshole. Talk to me about psychology, current events, say Soobin is the cutest to exist idk it's not that hard
30. Places that you find sacred? I- hm. I'm not like a church person or anything so idk. Maybe just anything really old or places with very detailed and unique architecture
31. What outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? I don't own many clothes,,, let alone nice clothes. I also don't really dress to impress I'd much rather be comfortable
32. Top five favorite vines? Oh god if I h a d to pick???? The lipstick in the Valentino bag, they were roommates, it's an avocado- thaaanks, jared 19, and uh,,, zach stooppp you're gonna get in trouble
33. Most used phrase in your phone? Tbh it's probably "girl what-" or "no bc"
34. Advertisements you have stuck in your head? That 877-CASH-NOW ONE JFC
35. Average time you fall asleep? Between 11pm-1am
36. What is the first meme you remember ever seeing? Probably the troll face one or smth
37. Suitcase or duffel bag? Suitcase
38. Lemonade or tea? I mix them together!
39. Lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? Lemon meringue pie bc I don't really like cake
40. Weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? Y'all I- went to a hs/college mixed school,, I've seen it all. Weirdest?? Idk but one weird thing I remember was when we were making whistles in art and some dude made a penis whistle 😭
41. Last person you texted? My best friend :))
42. Jacket pockets or pants pockets? Jacket pockets
43. Hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? Hoodie 100%
44. Favorite scent for soap? I love soaps that smell like soap. Like ok duh I know that sounds dumb but yk what I mean? I don't want lemon or mint or whatever, I like the plain soap smell
45. Which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? Fantasy
46. Most comfortable outfit to sleep in? Oversized t-shirt, no pants. I question anyone that is comfortable sleeping with pants on-
47. Favorite type of cheese? Feta!
48. If you were a fruit, what kind would you be? I feel like I'd be a pineapple and I have no clue why
49. What saying or quote do you live by? Not necessarily a quote but more of a thought: live for yourself, enjoy each day, do what gives you joy
50. What made you laugh the hardest you ever have? I have had so many instances in which I have laughed so hard I peed and to even attempt to name one is impossible
51. Current stresses? Making sure my family gets their vaccines and stays safe
52. Favorite font? I don't think I have one? Anything except comic sans
53. What is the current state of your hands? What does this even mean 💀 I mean,, they're holding my phone, cold, and my nails are unpolished
54. What did you learn from your first job? That people are assholes but I'm capable of not giving a fuck bc life is not that damn serious
55. Favorite fairy tale? Is The Three Little Pigs considered a fairy tale?
56. Favorite tradition? Putting up the Christmas tree with my mom :( it's always a lot of fun
57. The three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? Depression, grief, and hopefully one day- smth I'm currently dealing with
58. Four talents you’re proud of having? Makeup!! But also: singing, crying on command, and tying cherry stems with my tongue
59. If you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? Sick of these bitches
60. If you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? I don't watch anime so idk
61. Favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? It's this line from Eleanor & Park: "Eleanor was right: She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn't supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something."
62. Seven characters you relate to? Holy hell, 7?? Probably won't get that many but hm,,, Darlene from Roseanne, Hermione from Harry Potter, Emily from Pretty Little Liars maybe?? Idk I suddenly blanked
63. Five songs that would play in your club? As if it's Your Last by BP, anything from SHINee, anything from Ariana, also anything Rihanna, just a bunch of women tbh
64. Favorite website from your childhood? FUCKING WEBKINZ BRO
65. Any permanent scars? I have a few on my arms idk where they came from tbh, I also have one on my hand from my sister 🧍🏻‍♀
66. Favorite flower(s)? Sunflowers!!! I also really love lilacs 💔
67. Good luck charms? My dog's collar that I wear as a bracelet
68. Worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? Licorice-
69. A fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? It takes repeating a piece of information 12 times at random to memorize it completely
70. Left or right handed? Right
71. Least favorite pattern? Fucking chevron- and realistic camo, and anything with the American flag
72. Worst subject? Yall im awful at history. American history, world history, all of it-
73. Favorite weird flavor combo? Either pickles and peanut butter or cheese and grapes
74. At what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? I'm stubborn but also always in pain so I've become numb to a lot of body pains. I have to be at like a 7-8 before I take smth otherwise I'd always be taking it
75. When did you lose your first tooth? I was probably like 5 I was definitely in Kindergarten
76. What’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? I fw baked potatoes
77. Best plant to grow on a windowsill? I have a love for succulents
78. Coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? Oh my- I don't drink coffee but coffee from a gas station
79. Which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? Driver's license for sure
80. Earth tones or jewel tones? Jewel tones
81. Fireflies or lightning bugs? I say both,, but I think I say lightning bugs more
82. PC or console? PC
83. Writing or drawing? Both
84. Podcasts or talk radio? Podcasts definitely
84. Barbie or polly pocket? Barbie
85. Fairy tales or mythology? Fairy tales
86. Cookies or cupcakes? C o o k i e s
87. Your greatest fear? Losing people I love
88. Your greatest wish? To live comfortably and be a great mother
89. Who would you put before everyone else? My family
90. Luckiest mistake? Guessing on 90% of a test and getting an A 💀
91. Boxes or bags? Bags are easier to carry-
92. Lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? Fairy lights!!
93. Nicknames? Sam, Sammi, my sister calls me Sams, my best friend calls me Bub, and my gf calls me Baby if that counts- 👀
94. Favorite season? Fall omg it's gorgeous and has perfect temperatures
95. Favorite app on your phone? ✨tumblr✨
96. Desktop background? Its literally a pic of Soobin, Taehyun, and Beomgyu
97. How many phone numbers do you have memorized? Like 4-5
98. Favorite historical era? The one where white people learn their fucking place and stop being racist, homophobic, classist, sexist, all the -ists and -phobics,,,, so none. Fuck history :))
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