#why do I always rant 😂💀
jokerownsmysoul · 2 years
🏆, ❌, ⌛, 💥
Lots of love!! ❤️
Ahh thank you girl! 🥺💙 Lots of love right back to you! 💙🌷
fanfic writers ask
🏆 What's your most popular fic?
"Waiting for you" and "Milk and Honey" happen to be the pieces with more notes in my masterlist, more or less the same amount. A bit surprising I've to admit 😂 not sure if I got the question right though! If we're talking about a kind of popularity that isn't about the amount of notes but the impact it had on people, I really can't tell 🥺 if anything I hope there is one 🥺
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
It's really though for me to answer this question because I don't know about all the tropes that exists unfortunately (something I would like to fix someday 😂) and I write stories only for Arthur Fleck, so I really can't tell for now. Definitely not major character death. Kinda obvious but still :')) Not a big fan of sex pollen, bang or die, High school and college AU, and body swap tropes either. 😂 My answer would be different if we were talking about original works with OFC, but for now I don't have any so that will do. 😂💀
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
Ohh, I don't have a specific answer to this 🥺 there are pieces I've written in two days, some others written in 4/6 months, and some wips I haven't finished yet that I've been writing for 2 years (💀💀💀) My writing process is very chaotic on this front 😂 It depends a lot on my mood & inspiration, of course, but also on how challenging is the piece I'm writing, the editing process as well as emotionally speaking. 🥺 Performance anxiety has a lot of impact on it unfortunately, but I'm trying to work on it! 💙
Since English isn't my first language I can guarantee 100% that usually it takes me far too long to reach the goal I want to achieve in the story or find the words I'm looking for. My writing process goes definitely slower than I wished it did, it can be discouraging but worth it every single time. 💙 Writing in my language is also hard, if not even more, which is comforting 😂
💥 How do you feel about criticism?
Although writing for me is about what my soul feels and is driven completely by my heart, (now that I think about it maybe because of it) I really do my best when I work on my stories and put lot of effort in my crafting & editing process. I want to treat Arthur and give him what he deserves in the best, most accurate and considerate way, so I'm always happy to improve and grow both as a person and a writer. Definitely I do accept criticisms! 🤗💙 Critiques are useful as long as they're done with kindness and genuine intent to help 🧸
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro observations #6
• Scorpio suns with Capricorn moons are very calculating and when jealous it can show pretty visibly.
• Cancer suns with Virgo risings are so chill!! Literally the type to give you some real advice and listen to your rants.
• Libra suns with Capricorn moons are charming and very friendly but also very reserved about their personal lives.
• Libra suns with Taurus moons are very much foodies and tend to have sweet/smooth & soft voices.
• Pisces suns with Gemini moons are really sweet and charming. Also very intelligent.
• Aries suns with Cancer moons literally must be protected at all costs!!
• Virgo suns with Virgo moons are so nice and down to earth. Also very analytical and you’ll often find them zoned out with this worried look on their face as they bite their lip or their nails.
• Sagittarius suns with Aquarius moons are my kind of people lol. Love love love traveling and are almost always away from home. They’re also sweet and understanding! And if they have a Sag mercury? Very hilarious and bold!!
• Taurus suns with Leo moons/Gemini venuses are definitely the class clowns!
• Scorpios suns with Libra moons give off very fast mentally vibes and constantly worrying about attractive people not likening them, especially if they have a Sag venus.
• Scorpio mars people are CHILLLL. But you don’t wanna see them mad or be on their bad side.
• Gemini placements tend to overthink everything before things even happen. Especially Gemini risings, no wonder they’re always nervous.
• Aquarius moons tend to have a squared jaw which oftentimes makes their faces look more rounder.
• Leo suns with Leo moons tend to have sharp jawlines!!
• Pisces suns with Aries mercuries are menaces! Lmaooo😂.
• Virgo suns with Virgo mercuries have a sexy logical way of thinking and speaking!!
• Virgo suns with Libra mercuries are more about what sounds fair.
• Virgo suns with Leo mercuries are wilddd.💀 I have mistaken them for Pisces suns with Aries mercuries at times.
• Taurus suns with Sagittarius moons have an obsession with video games I swear.
• Taurus sun & Earth moon parent-Scorpio sun & Earth moon child dynamics tends to be horrible! The Taurus sun-Earth moon parent will literally hold a 30+ year grudge against the Scorpio sun-Earth moon child and might belittle them or remind them of their failures often. They might also single them out or the Taurus sun-Earth moon parent might’ve always played favourites.
• Leo sun-Aqua moon & Cap sun-Gemini moon duos tend to joke a lot and laugh a lot together, even make fun of people in their faces lmao. Literally the type to be waving big jugs of water around, throwing water at each other in the middle of the street while laughing their asses off and walking bare footed. They might also argue at times or think one betrayed the other but besides that they’re very loyal to each other.🤞🏽
• Libra suns can be very caring and also give great advice.
• Aquarius sun people might be a little dry especially when you first meet them and throughout the friendship there may be a little awkwardness in the air but they’re very funny and very original!
• Virgo sun men with Aries risings why are you so fine?😩
• Water suns with Earth mars why are you so intuitively and physically sexy? 😻
• Gemini suns with Leo moons and Aries mars so hot!!🥵
• Fire venuses are sooo attractive!!
• Tbh I love Cap venuses because they’re not “gold diggers” they choose to slowly build a connection with someone instead of just jumping straight into a relationship. And they also wanna insure stability into their relationships—and there’s nothing wrong with that!
• Scorpio venuses tend to get attached easily! I love that placement!! Same with Scorpio mars!
• Taurus mars are literally so attractive!!!
• Sag mars are so fun!!
• Air in big 3 have a thing for saying ‘I’ll be there inna minute.” And “Okay I’ll do it inna minute”.🧐
• Aries risings, Sag risings, Cap risings and Gemini risings are fineee!!🤤
• Virgo risings might not show their smarts outwardly but they’re very smart people!
• Aquarius placements take the cake for being the most eccentric but why aren’t people talking about Gemini and Libra placements being eccentric too? Especially the moons! I see a lot of people with Libra moons especially, express themselves through art even down to the clothes their wear and their hair colors. And Gemini placements? Also tend to be eccentric and futuristic. Especially if there’s a mix of water in the charts.
• Libra suns/risings/moons can be so petty mostly when underdeveloped.
• Gemini suns/risings/moons can be the worst gossips if underdeveloped.
• Sagittarius suns with Libra moons and Sagittarius mercuries/venuses literally have my heart. <3
• Underdeveloped Cancer risings can be very emotionally manipulative. And if they have a Cancer Venus even worse!
• More matured Cancer risings are literally so nurturing, loving and very thoughtful.<3
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luffyvace · 4 months
Hey there brook! I hope u having a nice day! Can I ask for a luffy x heroic fem reader headcanon? by heroic I mean that she completely dedicated her life to help and save ppl and that her purpose in life, she's strong and seems cold but when u get to know her she has empathy more than anyone else, I feel like this is the perfect character that luffy would fall in love with, pure kindness hiding behind a tough facade, she doesn't even like being called a hero, yet she is willing to do anything for those in need, slaves, poor villages, she goes against anything unjust without any fear, cause thats her purpose in life (sorry if that was too long 💀)
Hi anon <33 (it makes me so happy that someone finally addressed me as that💗)
today was a very chill day 😊 thank you! How’s yours?
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Reader sounds so genuine with such a good background for a op character!!
(Don’t worry it’s not too long—I love to read:3)
Ngl luffy subconsciously sees a little bit of himself in you!!
like your hearts are so similar—gold!
of course he doesn’t directly think that way- but he feels the connection!
which is through helping!
you two never turn your backs on those who have never wronged you
its not even about if they’re on your side or not, as long as they haven’t wrong you? and they need help?
the both of you are on it 🤜🤛👍
you wanting to save others becomes admirable to more than just him, to all of the straw hats—chopper and usopp especially!
I’m gonna go ahead and say it here and now you remind both Jinbe and luffy of whitebeard and fishman island type thing
Y/n is just her tbh 🤷‍♀️
and if the ops don’t like that? 🤨
how you like that? >:)
your strength may or may not be hereditary but either way if you don’t continue training or working out your gonna loose that strength eventually
which shows just how hard you train everyday!!
bro works harder than zoro 🗿
and we all know he don’t sleep on workin out
so y/n is a gorilla the og
its no wonder you be cookin the ops like breakfast👩‍🍳👍
this is literally turning into a rant about me being (name)’s biggest fan ok let’s move on
luffy saw you cold exterior and was like
LOLOLOL no but fr he looked straight past that
he always does- he ignored law’s and zoro’s why wouldn’t he with you-
and once he sees your true kindness???
Locked in like a booty hole 🔗
yeah he pretty much busts right through that
he pretty much instantly demands you already are is nakama after that
Your empathy is what really swoops him off his feet tho
like luffy has a good sense of empathy so much so he can hear the voice of all things
and you probably can too! It’s highly likely!
(y/n could have her own anime at this point 🤷‍♀️😚)
But seriously the way he can just feel the way you long for others when they’re in pain just gets him right at the heartstrings you know?! 🥺❤️‍🩹
you comfort them so assuredly and keep your promise to win every time !!
luffy would admire himself more than he would know if he realized how alike the two of you are
tbh you probably admire luffy!!
like it’s a mutual thing, where you pretty much don’t see your own coolness you only see the other’s
so you admire each other unaware that your the same 😂💗
he absolutely adores and admires that empathetic part of you thoo!
he loves how your kind and tough
he wholeheartedly believes the strong should protect the weak, cuz that’s what a man does.
especially with nakama.
so he definitely understands your need to protect those who can’t do it for themselves
there are many times he can recall where he had to rely on others
so he loves that your the one who does that for people
and you don’t do it for the money or fame!
you don’t even view yourself as the hero and savior that bystanders see you as!
that’s so cool to him!
you background/past might’ve caused it! Like maybe you had no superhero! So you decided to become one!
he kinda looks up to you in a way 🤩
as someone who has also helped slaves and the poor he completely understands where you come from in your kindness
and it’s even cooler that you charge head on into battle for others without a second thought
that’s just how tough you are ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
not an ounce of fear in your eyes as you walk up to someone 20x the size of you to simply get back the bread they stole from a poor little child
your a super hero!! Dundun duh-duuuuuun!!
you have a goal just like him!! He wants to be the king of pirates and you wanna help others!
With the type of pirate he is?, those things go hand in hand 🤝
says the pirates who know they’ve done wrong doing!! 😎
also excuse (name)’s lame pirate alias i couldn’t think of one 😊💖
(Name) is so cool 😎 I admire her 💓
hope you enjoyed your hcs anon!! *super heroes away🦸‍♀️🚀*
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murfpersonalblog · 16 days
IWTV S2 Ep3 - Random Musings (Spoilers)
This was the best S2 ep by far; they're just getting better & better. I have so much to say; I can't even keep up. This is just the random stuff I don't have AS MUCH to comment on (yet).
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AMC, we GOTTA get some flashbacks of Papa DPDL. We know so much about Les' folks, but nothing about Lou's pops. :(
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Not "Real Rashid" going bar for bar vs Sartre abt morality & evil!? 👏
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"Wolf Wrangler," I hate this effing show so much, please stop it.
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SANTIAGO BACKSTORY LFG; we're finally being fed!
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Ohhhhh.... Francis "Santiago" Naughton, I see~! They're definitely leaning into the Sant-"iago" of it all from Othello--nice touch!
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1921--Santiago's a BABY vampire. (And omg he loved Annika's "performance" so much that he incorporated it into his regular lineup! Sickos! XD) I saw the Siophmedia review call it the Mimic Gift, which I love--expanding the AR lore.
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Thoughts & prayers to this dude, being stuck for all eternity as an old man; relegated to backstage work with the noob stuck for all eternity as a little girl. (Hilarious how this is in blatant violation/disregard of Marius & Rhosh's Great Law #2 about beauty.)
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Vampires sneeze?! 😂 Estelle is the ONLY Theatre vamp I like, bless!
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ROTFLMFAO. Humor on this show comes from the WILDEST of places; I love it.
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Someone's saaaaaaltyyyyyy~! 👀👀👀👀
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Welp, now we know where Louis'll spend "ETERNITY IN A BOX," when they drag him in that burlap sack.
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Louis' a strong independent man don't need no coven! 😤👏 Especially not you WEIRDOS. Monsieur LDPDL would NEVER allow anyone to make him act like a clownish BUFFOON on some stage, or write/film creepshows everyone points and laughs at, are you crazy?
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Louis said SKILL ISSUE. 💀
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Don't act coy now! XD You go and OWN your bussypowers, Louis of Troy! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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I am STUNNED this trash liar won a Pulitzer for investigative journalism. Truly a dying industry.
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Armand, my love, you have no idea. 👀
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Deflection & misdirection, as usual with these vamps.
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Roget the "FIRST" eh?... 🧛🏼 This completely removes Nicki as the founder of the Theatre, but I guess it makes sense that Armand would be the one communicating with Roget, cuz lord knows Nicki wasn't "fit to pick an apple off a tree in his current state...." 👀👐 Louis, Armand's fed you a crock of lies; don't be fooled by his pretty doe eyes! You were SET UP, my guy; he was SICK of that coven for hundreds of years; WAY b4 Lestat AND YOU showed up!
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Then he hangs Lestat's portrait on the wall as a shrine and says he's their co-founder, while breathing not a word about how Lestat gave the Theatre TO NICKI, NOT ARMAND. Where's Nicki at, Armand!? 👀👐 Where's Claudia at, Armand!? 👀☀️ Why do all of Lestat's fledglings go missing under YOUR supervision, Mr. I Could Not Prevent It? I swear, those 🥺👉👈 eyes are lethal weapons!
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STUNT QUEEN. Behind every gay man is a gayer, more evil man!
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And he took that PERSONALLY.
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Siri, google when butt-plugs were first invented.
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Armand's FACE! 😭 Yeah, Lou don't make a lick of sense sometimes. Thank god he's pretty! But for every ounce of pretty there's another TONNE of mental trauma. If I were Armand, I'd've cut my losses and left Lou's arse to "Bruce" right then & there. Now look at you!
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Incredible episode. 👏
Preview for Ep4:
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I hate it here. 😱
I'm sorry, but I simply CANNOT with Loumand, knowing what's coming. I never have, and at this rate I NEVER WILL! Armand, I don't care what weird dynamics you & Lou are always up to, but by putting your hands on MY daughter!? DISHONOR!
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Armand, Louis is right: you just earned yourself a spot on my hit list.
I'll rant about Loumand specifically in a separate post--this ep was A LOT, omg I'm exhausted.
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razorblade180-heated · 4 months
Yo! I typically don’t talk too much about life ramblings and maybe I’ll delete this later, but I’ve been told it’s good to just air my thoughts to the world sometimes; and I have a platform to do it so why not?
I don’t know if this is a me thing or another check in the box for demi sexuality but man do I find the dating world so needlessly exhausting. Like I’ve always thought this. 💀
I get that “casual dating” is a great way to learn about yourself and gain better experience socially but the idea of introducing yourself to multiple people just to become strangers again in three months is draining and annoying. If I’m dating you, then I can see building a future with you, but apparently that’s weird!? Why!? Maybe I really am a bit of a romantic but I really don’t see the point of talking to someone unless the “nothing” conversations feel like they’re everything. Who doesn’t want to see someone and feel this sense of peace like you didn’t realize you were holding your breath until they showed up?
I’m self aware enough to know I might be a tad starved of positive stimulation so maybe that’s why this is such a big deal for me. All I seek is peace and good communication; like I understand people can be shitty and every has their baggage they bring, but it’s so boggling how hard it is to find honesty for the sake of everyone’s time. My ego is so nonexistent when it comes to rejection it’s not even funny. Nobody likes everybody; why are people so petty when so petty if a person straight up isn’t interested romantically? I’m happy you’ve saved us time! Hell, I need more friends anyways! Just be that if possible and I will happily look for someone else who thinks I’m kissable. 😂
I don’t know if I should call this entire thing a rant or what but yeah. The dating world is a bit annoying. Can’t leave it though because if I know anything about myself it’s that I definitely want a special someone I’d fight the world with.
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weird-bookworm · 11 months
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@silversailormoan - we actually started gossiping on ao3 in the comment section of one of her works 💀 she always has something funny to say and it really makes my day 😂 we haven't been interacting much lately, but one of the best people ever 💜
@yrhome (elle) - still surprised she followed me back tbh, was not expecting that. i haven't really interacted with her (yet, hopefully) but definitely one of the best txtenha writers on here 💕
@maeleelee (mae) - the prettiest, most lovable, very brave and the most chaotic person ever!! she makes me feel so soft and warm and loved 🥺 and her sense of humour is top class 🤌🏻 i'm really grateful she decided to message me randomly because i can't bear the thought of not knowing her ❤️
@imagine-a-life-like-this (cassi) - where do i even start? one of the first people i followed on here, the reason i'm obsessed with fake texts, and one of the sweetest souls alive 💖 she's so warm and always so funny and so so talented 😭
@mxnsxngie (kayla) - me and my awkward ass has no words tbh 😅 she's just really comforting, yknow? like, she'll listen if i randomly rant and reassure and encourage me and that's just so 🥺💕 she gives me fairy vibes— pretty, glittery, and lowkey fascinating ✨
@ylliris-hanniehae (ylli) - finally someone who's my age!! she's become a close friend very quickly and she's very sweet 🥺 i've been seeing her randomly drop in people's inbox's just asking about their day and it makes me so happy 💕so lovely and so kind 🥺 i'm glad she approached me 😅
@fairyhaos (yena) - impeccable sense of humour? check! really really efficient? check! one of the amazing people i know here? check! one of THE best svt writers? check check check! i just really love them and their work 💕 their sweetness gives me diabetes and i'm glad i have a chance to get to know them better 😚
@idubiluv (arya) - you know when you start talking to a person for the first time as if you've known them forever? yeah, that's her 🥺💕 she's such a ray of sunshine, a real bubble of joy which pops with rainbows and smiles (thanks for dming out of nowhere 😆)
@the-therapist-needs-therapy (haru) - literally so sweet omg??? we're going to be fast friends, i just know it 💕 and her writing omfg 😭 all i remember is writing the cringiest shit at her age so she's just really impressive y'know? 😍
@babyboyquokka (jess) - we've conversed a total of 2 times 😭 and she's already been so sweet 😭 hope i'll get to know her better soon!!
@cadenonlinelive (caden) - i think i know cco and ccl caden better atp honestly 😅 we're moots already so here's to hoping we'll get to talking soon ✌🏻
@slytherinshua (zanna) - see. now her? she's amazing. her writing is absolutely fire, she has the sweetest most chaotic personality, she writes for way too many fandoms (she's crazy and she knows it 😃) and is literally the most welcoming (?) person ever 🥺
@icyminghao (noelle) - current mission: get to know noelle better!! ✨
@ryuwonieebae (ryuwon) - adding another moot to the i-don't-really-know-them-properly-yet list lolol 😅
@mesanthropi (weiss) - i need a thorough look inside xir brain and a green sign to be xir friend (the strangest person i know in the best way possible ✨ keep twinkling my love)
@wheeboo (rania) - omg the sweetest cutest squishiest boo stan ever like i just wanna wrap her in a hug don't ask me why idk this is very random but i just really love her okay? 🥺
@hanniehaee (milani) - imma be honest, she showed up out of nowhere and just gave me so much love in such a short time that i fell Hard lmao 🤩
@aaniag (aania) - fellow indian carat who has been showering me with so much love and so much support, thank you so so much ���
@woozvc (nora) - i never realised we're moots...btw nora this is me telling you i am stupid and you're gonna have to deal with my stupid ass, thank you!
@yeonjuns-redhair (hannie) - SDFGHJKL SUCH AN ICON?? please she's so fucking funny and we're so weirdly similar like man i love her 😭💕
@welcometomyoasis (shu) - ...will you forgive me if i tell you it took me this long to realise that we're moots and you're not just a very nice person i was following? 😅 BUT TYSM FOR ALL THE SUPPORT FR ILY 💕
@springdayysworld (kuhu) - she's been here for a couple months now but i can tag her because her blog Finally looks decent (curtsey to moi) 😌 she's my best friend and the one person who never fails to annoy me every. single. day. i love you, you bitch ❤️ (she's an irl for anyone's whos wondering 😭)
@mirxzii (roxie) - i'm hoping to get to know her better, because all i know rn is that she's a great singer ✨
@blue-jisungs (axe) - BRO SHE'S SO FREAKIN FUNNY LIKE???? full of chaos and sass and the inherent inability to be mean, axe is so full of love and boomer-ness 🤭 and now i can say that i am moots with THE axe heheh
@haecien (cien) - bro listen. this guy? right here? i like them. he's cool and very much in love with the same men i'm in love with 😍 also their smaus are fire so 😩
@aakomii (ari) - i. malfunctioned when i saw the follow notif. i'm not kidding. i just sat there staring at it for 5 minutes. LET'S BE FRIENDS SOON !!
@etherealyoungk (skye) - life is now complete 😌 THE skye is officially now my moot and i can only tell her how much of a mistake that is because i am SO annoying and while i feel like you have endless amounts of patience, uhm, uh, hehe, good luck 😃
@glosskirt (gloss) - my sister from another mother, my fellow yoongi simp, i hope we always reign with chaos and spice 🤌🏻👹
@candewlsy (mizu) - BRO WHY R U A WHOLE ASS MOOD like the jungwon obsession is too fucking real 😩 also the memes 👹 the Memes™ ✨ teach me your ways!
@kkooongie (sarah) - ah, yes, another desi moot (am i...am i a magnet? 😃 IM NOT COMPLAINING THO) ur fr the only person i've discussed my book interests with and it's been heaven lol 💕
@iwas-tooru (noya) - bbg idk why i'm adding you here but i've added kuhu so...ANYWAY this is my irl koala and my fellow gay simper 💕✨
@liveyun (yun) - when maturity meets chaos meets talent meets a shared love for bts = yun ✨
@thepoopdokyeomtouched (aznik) - another desi moot for y'all, aznik is a walking talking meme who is in love with music (and has fire choices 👀) and has a mastery in flirting because i saw you for the first time flirting with yena on main lmao 😭
@mangocustard16 (mango) - we're still getting to know each other but dayum your writing is 🔥fire🔥
@arafilez (ara) - FELLOW CHAOS MAKER ATINY SIMP why are we like this ahem— desi moot pt. idek but srsly ilysm mwah <33
@nonononranghaee (hafs) - the one person who has flustered me without actually doing anything because. well. 😅
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Occult AU. Considering angel Mirabel has a spear and got blinded in one eye, I can't help but think of Vaggie from Hazbin Hotel. Also, how does being an angel work exactly? Does it work like a ghost or a zombie? Were her injuries healed? Can she still be hurt? Is the body she has now her original body reanimated or her spirit given form? Say I cut off a limb like her head could her body regenerate or be reattached? I mean, she's already dead. Sorry, I know that's a lot of questions, but Mirabel's angelic capabilities haven't been explored or explained at all and, unlike the other occults, there's not a lot of consistent mythos to go off of.
Coincidentally, I guess? I don’t follow/watch/support H*zbin H*tel because of the creator and all the shitty things they have done and continue to do. I don’t really know much about it. My only exposure to it is through the songs and a few scenes that were reposted by Stephanie because I follow her on social media.
Speaking of, what the fuck was up with the voice direction in that show? Beatriz is doing her usual “Rosa Diaz” voice/character in all the scenes, but sings really high-pitched - which makes it insanely difficult for her alto voice to hit the high notes that are already out of her vocal range. It is a hard-listen and I can’t understand why they didn’t just change it. I hope she didn’t hurt her throat doing that because it sounds painful. Get this woman a cup of honey and lemon tea and a pay raise, please. Is the rest of the music in the show like that? Lmao.
Okay, side rant over. Let’s get back to the ask.
The blinded eye was something I came up with and I think I’ve used for a couple of other AU Miras at this point. The implied scar is always a reference to Stephanie’s eyebrow scar. The spear came later when deciding she needed a weapon to defend herself with. For that I was thinking of Pearl from Steven Universe - Garnet’s gauntlets and Amethyst’s whip didn’t really work with her character. Also, Pearl is smartass, so it all adds up.
Does it work like a ghost or zombie? No. She isn’t invisible. She can interact with people - they can see, hear and touch her, and vice versa. And she isn’t a walking dead person either.
Were her injuries healed? Her injuries aren’t healed as such, she is still blind in her eye and still has the scar. But it is definitely cleaner and ‘prettier’, if you will. The eye is just discoloured and there’s a scratch over the eyelid, whereas in life, it was a lot more horrifying.
Can she still be hurt? Technically speaking, yes. If she tripped, she would still bruise her knee. If she was stabbed, she would bleed. However, the damage isn’t permanent. Her body can heal itself - it takes time and energy to do so. She can’t be killed again and she can’t die from anything, but she can still be hurt and feel pain, it will just be brief and temporary.
Is the body she has now her original body reanimated or her spirit given form? It is her body, but she carries new traits and features. The most obvious being her wings. Probably has a few other bird-like features across the rest of her body - e.g. talons. I didn’t want her form to be too human, but she isn’t quite on the monster level as the rest of the characters either.
Say I cut off a limb like her head could her body regenerate or be reattached? Not Mirabel losing her head again 😂💀. As part of her body’s self-healing, you probably wouldn’t get that far. Her angelic body is a lot stronger and more resilient than a human body - the bones especially. Someone probably wouldn’t manage to cut off a limb. Skin (and also her feathers) isn’t as resilient, hence why she can still bruise and bleed.
Fair enough for the load of questions, interpretations of angels differ all the time. And there is never too many questions to spend me, I love answering them, so send as many as you would like!
If it helps, here are Mirabel’s abilities as an angel:
Self-healing, as previously mentioned
She can also heal others, she’ll probably only use it for Luisa though
Flight, may be a little obvious
Teleportation (to Heaven)
Enhanced sight for her remaining eye, so her nearsightedness isn’t a thing
Night-vision, girl is an owl
A lot of power in vision (because of the eyes in biblically accurate angels), she can see everything that is happening at will which is how she caught Isabela and Dolores breaking in so quickly
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youremyheaven · 27 days
What you said about punarvasu men is literally my dad💀
He’s a punarvasu moon (I thought he was an ardra moon bc he lacks self discipline with alcohol/spending/food but I think Jupiter suits him more), with revati venus sun and mercury conjunction all within one degree.
As for his ascendant, it can only be from purvaphalguni to anuradha. My main theories are actually those two naks themselves or just leo/scorpio rashi in general because I think he might have pp mars 1H or Jyestha ketu 1H. Also I think he might be UP asc.
He also is very similar in many ways to my brother, who is dhanishta moon, hasta sun, magha asc (my brother is an actual menace but based off his placements I doubt I need to elaborate much further as to why). Anyway lmk what you think👀
But yeah here are some things about my punarvasu dad:
-He does have himbo vibes sometimes and is quite confident in his femininity. For example, growing up he would wear pink sometimes and do sweet things for me, like give me food at school that he’d bought if he just happened to be in the area
-However do not be fooled guys, he is huge misogynist😬 he regularly makes degrading comments towards women who act a certain way (calling them “bimbos”/”barbie”), and whenever someone is driving badly on the road he automatically assumes they’re a woman.
-Literally so rude and disrespectful to everyone except his mother (passed for unknown reasons years ago) and this 90 yr old woman he knows😭 I imagine he’s not rude to his customers at work but that man always has something bad to say! He talks shit about people constantly.
-Has anyone else noticed that punarvasu moons have weird relationships with their mothers? They’re either obsessed or they hate them
- He’s a huge megalomaniac and needs to be in control of us at all times. He needs to have everything a certain way and gets very angry at you if you deviate from it. He often spoils my brother (who is still a child) with the intention of getting him to like him more than my mother. This includes buying him expensive gifts, and when my mother scolds my brother over his bad behaviour, he goes crying to my dad who proceeds to coddle him and act like she’s the bad guy.
My dad has encouraged my brother when he’s been physically abusive or degrading to my mother several times😬
He once told my brother at the airport “I don’t care if you don’t listen to your mother or any of your teachers at school, but you must listen to me. I’m the boss. Ok?” It sounded way more controlling irl but I’m just paraphrasing.
- He’s very into tarot, thelemism and astral projection and gets very preachy about it lol
- He is very disrespectful towards my mothers family (my mother is from an Eastern European 2nd world country) and degrades them for being stupid/unmarried/etc. He has this longstanding beef with my maternal grandma (UBP moon, mula sun, certified girlboss) for being eratic and controlling esp towards my mother growing up (he literally acts the exact same way)
- He is very erratic and gets angry very easily. He’s broken a several things in our house just from his temper tantrums
- Talking about erratic, he is so mean when he’s pissed off you. My brother got in trouble at school when he was ~10 yo once and my dad had a rant at him about how he’s going nowhere in life, he’s going to be a bum, he’s clumsy, etc. He once told me I was tearing the family apart bc I annoyed my brother at the dinner table💀 but we can’t criticise him for this bc it’s “his business”. It’s all just a huge power trip.
-After getting angry at you, he’ll do the whole I’m sorry🥺 act. GIRL GET OUT😂
-Very irresponsible, acts impulsively and expects everyone else to just work around his schedule
- He either has weaponised incompetence or has this one household chore that only he does bc he’s “better” at it than anyone else
Sorry about the trauma dump 🤪 but yeah Jupiter men slander!!! They’re always on this moral high horse until its them
im gonna make a separate post about Jupiter men (lots of slander included, sorry not sorry)
im sorry to hear about your brother's placements 💀🤐
BBG Revati Sun, Punarvasu Moon & either Purvaphalguni or Anuradha Rising??? 😭😭😭HOW DO U AND UR MOM COPEEEE
I'm sorry to hear about your experiences and highkey worried about your brother 😬
Mercurial men are sex addicts and often vvv misogynistic. We've already established how manipulative they can be so I won't repeat that but I wouldn't touch a Mercurial man (unless he was a Jyeshta billionaire 🤪🤭lmfao jk) Jupiter men have always been so unattractive to me, I hate their energy 🤮🤢🤮 even with all the sweet natured kind whatever behaviour, I'm always sus about them. My friend's abusive ex was a Punarvasu Moon and oh lordy lord??? she told him she needed a break from him and he went to her house with their horoscopes matched (kundli Milan tingz for my desis yk what's up) ???? and he asked her strict conservative parents who would never allow her to date, for her hand in marriage??? like that was some power move bc he knew going that route meant robbing her of any choice in the matter. Also fellas, if a girl dumps you NEVER go to her family to propose marriage to her wtf. This guy would often threaten to kill her if she left him as well btw 😬😬
Fortunately for my friend, her parents were like 🤨we need to consult with our family astrologer and their astro guy said that they were a terrible match for each other and that if they got married there is a high chance she would die???? (no shit sherlock) they turned him away but he was still persistent af so they performed some poojas/rituals to get rid of him 😶‍🌫️😌✨💀 and he's been gone since lolziez
Venusian men can be sexually predatory but they usually have low self esteem and based on what you said about his misogyny and thinking of himself as above others (also a result of Jupiter influence) I feel like he's more Saturnian? 🧐 (Anuradha over Purvaphalguni Rising that is)
There is another Vishaka Moon man ik who has very effeminate mannerisms. He's not "in touch with his feminine side" or whatever, he's just a regular Indian man (derogatory) but his body language and mannerisms be giving twink vibes (he's 6'1 atleast with a bulky build and the contrast between the two is amazing to watch) I'm not queershaming or being homophobic 😭😭😭 but many Indian men can be vvv feminine ish and it lowkey creeps me out 😐 sorry but they'll simultaneously hate women, not be woke or liberal in the slightest and act like every straight asshole but with a fruity ✨twist 💀
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footytea · 1 month
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Look at this. Some people wanna act so fucking dense and act like you're the devil and it's really pissing me off. You don't post gossip in the players tags and even if you did, who fucking cares? They be the same ones reading Y/N fics with these players as well. It's not even like you condone bad gossip. Whenever people spread hate for the players or their wife, you always shut it down so why do people wanna act so stupid. You've said before that football Tumblr doesn't like you and I'm just now seeing it and it's really annoying me. You were literally the one who unearthed the Laura Celia rumors about her lying and they were posting screenshots from your blog onto their own talking about Laura. Sorry for the long rant but I had to say something
yeah i've already seen that post
i understand people not being interested in tea but why act so bothered, it's not like i'm harassing them with tea, literally one block and you won't see my posts again 💀
and yeah i also thought it was funny seeing accs who claimed not to be into football tea suddenly be interested in the laura tea like now you wanna share the tiktok i made okay 😂
again i don't care and literally anyone is welcome here even if you weren't interested in tea before but if this type of content bothers you just block & move on
thank you btw 🫶
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rikeijo · 5 months
Today's translation #526
Yuri!!! on Life official guidebook, Toshiharu Mizutani (Art Director) interview
Part 3.
-- For sure, there is a lot of small things in the designs.
M: When I look at just the line arts, I always think that they are drawn in a very loose way, and a lot of those small things are skillfully drawn in a simplified way/omitted. It's something that only somebody with a lot of practice can do. Even newcomers can draw precisely, if they look at a drawing and try to copy it, but the most important thing is not to draw something that is not necessary. If you have to later erase something that you drew, then you give yourself twice the amount of work, but only people with a lot of skill can simply not draw too much to begin with.
-- Then it must have been a good opportunity to learn for the younger staff members, I'd guess?
M: They were all very desperate [to get the job done] and working while on the brink of death.
-- The ice in the skating scenes is very realistic, too. Was it a request from the Director?
M: Yeah. Since the first PV. Even I have watched some figure skating on DVD, so it was something that was on my mind, too. In case of ice shows, the lights are very elaborate, and your eyes are really drawn to the ice, cut with blades of skaters' shoes. Because of how it sparkles. I was wondering if it would be possible to try to achieve this effect, but I thought that if I touched this subject, we all were going to suffer, so I kept quiet. But then I decided that I want to have those cuts in the ice, after all. All were drawn on the same layer, but then split into multiple layers. We put at least three such layers on the surface of the ice.
[Notes: Long time no rant, so...
((Just in case, newer readers may not be aware, that I'm a "fujo-hater" 😂 But fret not, I'm not against seeing relationship between Yuuri and Victor as romantic or against people reading BL, but I'm very much against fujos, who as it was in the case of YoI, try to "teach"/press the creators/other staff members to make the canon bend to their doujinshi tropes.))
The talk about staff members on the brink of death reminded me about that huge controversy about MAPPA that happened last year 💀 It's not a secret that Sayo was overworking animators during YoI and there are still screenshots of animators calling her names on twitter and say condolences to each other, bc of being involved with YoI. So, YoI fandom now hating MAPPA, bc "bad MAPPA, bad working conditions, poor animators...", while demanding that they should stop producing shonens, bc they should make YoI instead is well... an example of how spending time in an echo chamber and just following the crowd can make you a huge hypocrite.
It should also be said that it's not that those shonens are "just for boys" or anything like that if we talk about this topic, btw. GoYuu from JJK (Gojo x Yuuji) is so popular with fujos that it has now more views in total on pixiv than VicYuu, and gets more views in 10-30 min than VicYuu gets in 24 hours (a huge credit for that should ofc go to YoI's IP holders, as they've been trying to starve the fandom to death since 2018, basically...) It's really ironic that it's YoI fans who are so much against MAPPA making those popular shonens, bc so many Jp VicYuu fujos moved to GoYuu (it's basically the same trope "the most awesome, strong and cool man in the world the seme" x "fujoshi avatar the main character in the center of the universe the uke") - one of the reasons, why Jp fans don't attack MAPPA - they very much enjoy those shonens. (Another is that they can read and it's very easy to check who owns the IP.)
To sum up, as always, it's very unfair for YoI fans to call Otsuka CEO the greedy homophobic liar, while absolutely refusing to see the bigger picture.]
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doctorweebmd · 3 months
I never knew what to say about zsg because, well, there are a lot of aspects about it that don't align with my usual taste, despite its objective high quality. I mean, I'm a sfw fan 😂 That said, I'm always in awe that with your busy job, you continue to feed us so well. I'm busy too and only going yo get busier, so it's an inspiration, as longfics are what I prefer to write as well (though it doesn't come nearly as naturally, lol). And, you're right, zsg deserves to hear the love and admiration I have for it, so here goes.
To start with, the fic definitely has residence in my head, despite reading it nearly a year ago. There are scenes I still think about. I was talking about then with a friend just a week ago. Since I don't have time to read fic these days (cries), the most I can do is go back to old fics and reread my favorite scenes, and I do that with zsg, because there are such high quality, top tier moments. The "you're looking at me" "I never stopped" ??? That might be the pinnacle bkdk. I can't believe I've never seen that before in a bkdk fic? Or if it was there, it didn't hit as hard.
I know you're not so into the falling action part of a fic, but I loved the last bits with bkdk. When Baku realizes Deku's staying? Those moments they have of figuring things out are so good. And the provisional exam being inspired by Kamino was great. Really clever and a nice homage. And, of course, very nice that Deku could be a hero again.
Also, the Shinsou content is perf. I always love a side character having a big part in a ship fic and that shinbaku relationship is exactly why. (Similarly, I loved All Might and Aizawa helping Baku out.) That flashback scene where Deku calls Baku Kacchan? So good. And so smart as a flashback, because it would have been too much in the actual timeline, but where you fit it in the plot was really really clever. I also generally love a flashback--unpopular opinion, but I do.
Those were some of my biggest highlights! I hope my little disclaimer at the top isn't totally assholish 💀 I think you're just great and really admire your openness and the things you try to tackle in fics and your incredible output. I hope you're doing well <3
ahhh Anjum thank you so much for sending this!!! AHHH i'm sorry i complain on here so often i was so embarrassed i deleted the post lmao
gosh yeah especially when you read sfw stuff in general! i have this habit of writing REALLY detailed and explicit sex scenes 😳 what made you read it, in that case? (obviously you dont have to answer!)
god. every time i think about their devotion to one another i want to combust into flames. think for much LESS we had to work with when we were writing a few years ago?! the way horikoshi has developed katsuki into this passionate, level-headed, absolutely hopelessly committed to Izuku - literally never saw it coming. these two deserve peace in the end. they deserve to live a life on their own terms. they just DESERVE TO BE HAPPYYYY
urgh its Izuku's DREAM and of course horikoshi is setting him up to lose one for all, i think thats been his intention from the beginning, but his life is only starting!!! he's only 15!!! you're telling me he's going to risk his life and lose the only thing he's ever wanted?! i wonder if horikoshi used all might in his big-old mecha suit as a hint that deku would still be a hero, just using assist devices. at least i hope. this kid deserves a chance. (i dont know if you're caught up on the manga?? i'm kind of ranting lol)
adjfakldjflk;asjdlfjasdfj ANYWAY WHEN I TELL YOU THIS MADE MY DAYYYYYY adsjfaldjfkl argh you just made me so happy especially because its been a long time and i forget parts about it but TO HEAR THAT EVEN THE PARTS THAT FELT LIKE A STRUGGLE WERE STILL ENJOYABLE?! urgh i appreciate you so much thank you for taking time out of your day to reassure a complainy weirdo like me
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prefect-of-memes · 1 year
Theories for Chapter 7 so far [SPOILERS?]:
We know that fae are known to kidnap people and spirit them away. So, what if Lilia, who literally is an old war general (ie tactician) kidnapped Silver because he and Malleus’ grandma knew Silver would someday save Malleus and that he knew Malleus would overblot eventually so he is trying to force the issue or rather cause a catalyst so it happens according to a plan, instead of on accident? Lilia acts all cutesy, but the man literally has yearsss YEARRRRS of experience with war, strategy, life, death, everything. Of course he would entrusted with this task, it was even said that he was her most trusted general. Anyway though, I think Lilia really does care for Silver, but lest we be reminded that Lilia kept him in a secluded cabin away from people, which makes me think he kidnapped him (because that’s what kidnappers do 🤷🏻‍♀️) and maybe he left him alone for days on end because he didn’t care for him originally. He was just part of the “plan” for Malleus. He probably also pulled a Sebastian Michaelis and was like, BRUH, I have to actually cook to keep this human alive? But unlike Sebastian, he could never get it right, and somehow Silver survived his cooking nevertheless. He probably grew closer to Silver as he grew up, hence why he always reminisces about him growing up, because he actually came to enjoy raising a child. Ugh..either way our boy Silver has a tragic backstory. Rip. 💀 I don’t think Lilia is a secret antagonist per say, but I think he is causing this because he really does care. Also, Sebek with his changing weapons is obviously supposed to represent, imo, all the different henchman of Maleficent. They had axes, swords, maces, etc. and his weapon can turn into whatever he needs it seems like weapon-wise. Her henchmen literally followed her no matter what, so whatever Malleus ends up doing, wrong or not, I believe Sebek will still be loyal to him and help him with his plans because the boy has tunnel vision. Finally, definitely think that Idia is Merryweather, literally is never listened to by others and makes truthful, yet rude side comments and is the most practical one of the three fairies with common sense. {Thanks for reading my rant/theories} 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
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Idia on his way to clean up everyone’s mess ^💀😂
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luffyvace · 2 months
rant about Brook’s time skip powers from fish man island arc 🤩😱🦴
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(uh before we start fishman island ⚠️spoilers⚠️ ahead)
Now I haven’t finished the anime/manga and I’m almost done with the fish man island arc rn, so if there’s another one of his powers revealed during this arc that is don’t mention that’s why.
but I just gotta talk about how absolutely COLD. 🥶 brooks new powers are!! Like da boyzzz 🥶🔥 typa cold 😂😂😂
no FR!! I find it so cool how he can bring the COLD of the UNDERWORLD into this realm?! Dude. WHAT ANIME CHARACTER YOU KNOW CAN ACTUALLY DO THAT?? Like?? Oda genius? Everyone always says “ohh I’m hotter than the underworld or I’m as cold as the underworld” but brook can ACTUALLY bring the cold HERE!!
cuz like!! He’s in the in between! He’s half dead half alive! He’s closer to zombies then gecko moria’s minions 😱 which brings me to my next topic! The only way to kill this dude is to completely shatter his bones or drown him!! Like? Think how op that is for a sec- every devil fruit user can be drowned right? Well known fact. But there are also many other ways to kill them! Obv luffy got some insane durability and plot armor but at the end of the day he almost died multiple times due to various things like swords/cuts and poison!! But brook? Not a problem! None of that matters as long as he’s not in the ocean or completely crushed!
Another thing I absolutely had to talk about was his soul coming out of his body!! Before all brook had was his sword and the fact that he practically won’t die again. But now!! He’s gotten so much stronger! His soul leaving his body is so op (no pun lol) because even if you trace it back, if you hit him awake it 1) won’t do any damage and 2) his soul shoots back so he can fight you! Therefore crosses out the option for a sneak attack! The only down slide is if you move his body to the water I’d believed…then that’d be a L for brook 😞🦴.
the last honorary mention is the fact that he can make you see the spiritual world with music!! It’s so funny cause it looks like your hallucinationating but all the time what your seeing is real just not in your dimension. 😭 taste of heaven type stuff 😜 I remember the fishman pirate underlings literally started dancing and shooting the “fire works” (canons) up in the air n stuff 😂😂
this is why I love brook man! 💥💥
I don’t talk abt my fav enough tbh and I haven’t even gotten to write any hcs for him :P I probably will some time in the future 🦴🏴‍☠️
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prettyrealm · 11 months
Long rant ahead! Watch out!
When will people realize that at the end of the day, men WILL ALWAYS be men. Obviously not all men are the same...but A LOT of them are.
Giiiirrrrl honestly, don't these kpop fans and stans feel embarrassed? Personally as I'm losing ALL interest in celebrities and I'm just starting to see them as people who have more money and fame than me, the way these fans and stans be acting is honestly concerning. Korean celebrities especially idols have said time and time again how their companies will literally assign them roles to play in their groups. Do y'all really believe that most of these idols -especially the male ones- are completely genuine? Have y'all forgotten that South Korea is a conservative, homogeneous AND misogynistic country?
Kpop fans/stans will use the excuse of these idols being from a conservative country to excuse their racism, colorism, homophobia etc but at the same time will deny the possibilities of these idols being misogynistic? Shit babe just like how majority of these idols are most likely racist, colorist, and homophobic...they're most likely misogynistic as well. It is what it is. Y'all will watch vids of Korean women themselves telling y'all the truth about living as a woman in South Korea and y'all will agree yet at the same time say "bUt NoT mY bIaS/iDoL" but I'm never surprised because I also believe that most of these fans have internalized misogyny as well. Just because you're a girl/woman doesn't mean that you can't be misogynistic OR have internalized misogyny.
Also have you not seen the OBSESSION with these idols "future spouse/twin flames" or whether or not they'll date "foreigners?" there's nothing wrong with being curious about celebrities but whew! 😭😭😭 a lot of fans are just too fucking obsessed. Why are you more concerned about someone else's future spouse/twin flame when you have your own? I could NEVER be 20+ years old and worried about JK or V future spouse/twin flame, I'd be worried about my own future spouse/twin flame. TF!
Also I definitely agree about the racist part too! There's a lot of infantilization going on as well. The way these kpop stans/fans baby these idols especially the adult ones, is just weird. Imagine "western" fanbases doing that shit. Imagine the beyhive calling Beyonce "baby bee😙😙" or some shit the way armies be calling JK "banana bunny cookie milk" or whatever tf they be calling him. Calling Suga, a grown ass man mind you, "Meowmeow"....WTF????😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😂😂😂💀💀💀💀 The way that K-pop stans and fans go out of their way to defend these idols and excuse them for literally everything that they do whether it be racism, colorism, homophobia makes me believe that they really do view them as Godly beings that can absolutely do no wrong. Y'all DO NOT have the same energy for western celebrities- especially the black, white ones! Don't you realize that they're human just like you...damn...para-social relationships will have people going absolutely crazy over people that shit and piss just like every other human on earth. Luckily there are some kpop fans and stans that are completely sane and normal! Kudos to y'all! 💗💕💖
They’ll never apply “men will be men” to kpop boys because they don’t see them that way. These are not ordinary men, these are imaginary boyfriends. They’ll never be able to get that they can be just as bad as any other guy in their life. You said it perfectly, celebrities are normal people with way more money, fame & power than you and it’s crazy how people want to assume that somehow makes them better people instead of worse…& yeah i think a lot of that infantilization stuff mostly just come back to not seeing them as humans or normal people because no matter how fine my friends think a guy or a celeb is they’re not about to be calling no grown man no sugar plum or gumdrop idk..
I agree Internalized misogyny 100% plays apart as well, like the fact that I, a woman, receive hate from what would mostly be other women & girls for saying a man has misogynistic tendencies says A LOT.
People will make the argument that these idols are humans and you shouldn’t even entertain the possibility of them being misogynistic/racist/homophobic or whatever & I feel like that’s not only illogical, but dehumanizing in itself because like you said, we never see this grace being extended to non Asians or people outside of that industry. No matter how much these stans wanna yell “my idol is human” they don’t actually mean it or view them that way. They mean their idol is the PERFECT human that can do no wrong.
& that’s what really blows me is how OBVIOUS they make it that this is a racial thing. I didn’t have people sending me hate when I said Matty Healy, Timothee Chalamet & Blueface had issues w misogyny. Didn’t get hate when I said Pinkpantheress has problems with women either. Seems you just aren’t allowed to say it about Asian men 🤔🤫
But yes, luckily they’ll always be people like you and a few others who are actually able to see understand that these idols are just as human & flawed as your brother, sister, neighbor or coworker! Thank you so much for your support and taking the time to reach out! 🩷🩷🩷
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blupengu · 6 months
Okay, I thought Le Salut emotionally devastated me? Wrong. Weak sauce. I think I inadvertently went in order from happiest to most depressing salvation ending oops…💀
Big fat spoilers for everyone’s salvation ends under the cut!! I’ll add the order I did them in first in case somehow someone finds this and is curious but hasn’t done them all yet
Just wanna say though, thank you Virche Evermore for gifting us with not one, not two, but FIVE(!) long-haired boys, god damn! I would like to shake Yomi’s hand because the art and character designs are so *chef’s kiss,* long-haired anime boys are superior 😂
Also random aside, the first few notes of the salvation theme before the piano comes in gives me such……… indescribable feelings? That underlying dissonance fills me with like such a desperate but forlorn desire to go back to simpler, happier times before the melody becomes more hopeful 😂 (this might be a weird pull, but it gives me Giygas theme prayer for safety vibes from Earthbound 👀)
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Adolphe -> Mathis -> Scien -> Yves -> Lucas (yes I saved him for last because I am a Lucas simp I admit it. I saw some comments say it was uhhh not the happiest ending LOL but the heart wants what the heart wants 💀) Boy this is gonna be a LONG post
Love things being solved with guns lmfaooo, guess we’ll go by each scene that the game goes through. Also since I forgot to mention this in my Le Salut rant, I LOVE all of Ankou’s CGs, he is so pretty! The very first one you get stopping Ceres from killing herself? Impeccable. When Adolphe’s pointing a sword at him while his hair’s blowing in the wind? Show-stopping. Him eating the lycoris? Peak *I saw a man so beautiful I started crying* 😩
LUCAS AND NADIA ARE ALIVE! NADIA IS RECOVERING!! LUCAS IS GOING TO THERAPY!!! As mad as I am that ankou died, this is the best timeline oh my gosh the way I (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵) when I heard Nadia, the relief I felt for these two blonde bitches y’all…
LMAO JEAN. Oh my evil hot butler being forced to take care of a baby as his punishment is so *chef’s kiss,* scien has wonderful ideas, I desperately want fan art of this 😂 ah… they did say Rosalie was pregnant though when she was killed, didn’t they… oh now it hurts a little more… I hope he, Mathis, and the kid become a loving family 😔
What the FUCK Yves eating the lycoris bulbs coming in clutch though??? And Hugo still being an A+ Yvesexual I approve 😌
Scien is the BIGGEST mvp though in practically every route my god
This was such like a nice, tight little bow to put at the end of what I guess is the true route? But I love it because all our boys are happy (Ripperoni ankou 🫡)
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Sweet baby boy, too good for this world… Dahut why tf are you blowing shit up in his route this don’t involve you go away 😂 (still love him though…)
Oh… OH. Mathis was ACTUALLY baby…?? o_o (kinda 😬 how Jean got the cells but uh, let’s ignore that shall we?) Rosalie, Camille, Mathis happy family AU when??? Aaaw Jean did care about Mathis deep down TT_TT (like waaaay deep down), and thank you Scien again as always.
Lmao Ankou’s just casually showing up like, “here take these sweets, it’s made of my blood! Haha no of course I’m joking it’s just normal candy” 👀 Not much else to say about this end, it was cute! I’m glad at least one character got a real happy ending 😌
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Bruh I forgot how disrespectful Scien is to everybody lmaooo, guess we back to sandwich dispenser… I’m glad Dahut’s our friend in this route though!
SALOME WHAT THE FUCK! Oh bruh hell nah, she did not just do that I stg… oh bitch she really killed Dahut huh. YOU JUST KILLED YOUR SON!! GIRL, THIS MAKES ME MAD AF 💀 (this also made me realize they share the same bang style 😭)
Not much else to say about this one either, I’m glad it’s happy (other than Dahut… and they’re never gonna find out about that, huh… ಠ_ಠ), and looks like the kiss CG’s improved! 😂
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Bruh Yves needs therapy so bad, he’s such a good boy though 😂 Ngl his full name is kinda sick, Yves Noirge, guardian of the Lycoris, named after the flowers of misfortune? That goes hard af
Please… please give her the Magic science juice first so you don’t die before you get to her… no? Aight then I guess the power of love stopped you from dropping dead LOL (this kiss CG was also pretty nice! Hooray the artist has improved 😂)
Cannot believe they put in the effort to change Scien’s sprite so he’s missing an arm though lmao, and Ankou just kinda showing up to solve problems is always great
Y’all Yves and Ceres are so mentally I’ll for each other… and two kiss CGs!! They really saved the nice ones for the end huh 😂 Good for Yves! It’s not a super happy ending, but at the very least things are hopeful, and that’s all I can really ask for in this game…
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I am. Upset. I miss when all we had to worry about was the cage 😂
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*internal screaming* Boy oh boy this one absolutely wrecked my shit. When I looked at the flow chart and realized it would split off AFTER Nadia and the killing spree… 😬 like bitch I don’t wanna go through this again 💀 okay okay though, this one’s definitely gonna be long (sorry in advance), I guess I’ll just tackle the scenes chronologically:
Seeing Dahut hiding from Lucas really just made me shout “LOOK WHAT YOU DID!!” at my TV now knowing what we know lmao, but also… why was he unsure about Capucine’s involvement…? Like he knew Capucine was Ortie and he must’ve known that Capucine was running the hospital Nadia was in… also knew he was abusing Lucas and doing fucked up human experimentation, Dahut so why are you surprised??? I would’ve pulled Nadia out if there the second I became friends with her, a huge chunk of this is your fault 😭
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But bruh… this is not a salvation end… it’s a despair end with more CGs and trying-to-talk-with-a-slit-throat-while-coughing-up-blood ASMR wtf 💀
(Poor Lucas saying “I can’t do this anymore” was so relatable lmao sweetie the game is doing you so dirty I am so sorry, like oh my god make the pain stop… what do you mean it’s only gonna get worse?!)
I am glad though that even though we stabbed our boy in the throat we are still going after Capucine’s ass together! Seeing him scared was so satisfying aah, GET FUCKED CAPUCINE HELL YEAH YOU BETTER BE AFRAID BITCH!! Even with 0 pints of blood, Lucas is still kicking down doors and kicking ass, what a king 👑 the man must be leaking everywhere (like sir we cut an artery, there must be a fountain coming out of you), love the “man too angry to die” vibes 😌
Bruh the siblings face to face is so fucked. Was not expecting Dahut to have already been there and playing dead though! Even though you’re kinda the reason Lucas and Nadia’s lives got so fucked, I’m glad you helped in the end 😌 get fucked (again) Capucine!! I’m very glad Nadia was the one to claw the shit out of that garbage man 🔥💯
Aha, the touching sibling reunion is SO super duper fucked 😭 they did not have to describe how Nadia can feel the other body parts and how much it hurts… like Jesus fucking Christ honey I am so sorry you’re in this game, this is too much suffering for such a sweet character 😩
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God I am so absolutely devastated, his dying CG was pretty at least… ಥ_ಥ this ain’t fair though y’all… what is this injustice for Lucas?? Like this is some Shakespearean tragedy bullshit… Whoever decided his gravestone CG needed THREE variations is sadistic lmao 😭
My crops are dying, my skin is dry, everything is pain… I guess all we can really do is take some solace in the fact that he gets a happy ending with Nadia in Le Salut…
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I don’t think the salvation theme music ever even played???? I also realized this motherfucker’s been wearing high heels the whole time while on his murderous rampage??? WORK BITCH damn 💅
Phew this rant for just Lucas probably could’ve been its own post honestly lmao but oh well, the man changed my brain chemistry… guess it’s time to pray for the FD to be localized. Please our lord and savior Scien, let it be soon, Lucas deserves so much better than what he got 😭
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Well guess that’s it for my rambling posts about virche evermore!! This game was a wild ride from start to finish and I loved it, time to make shitty memes to cure my brain rot (sorry if this post was incomprehensible LOL)
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panevanbuckley · 1 month
thanks to @prettylittlealiengirl and @magdacimy for the tag!! 💗
who is your favourite driver?: charles leclerc and oscar piastri (do not make me choose between them i will cry)
do you have any other favourite drivers?: danny ric and max are joint 3rd!
who is your least favourite driver?: i honestly like them all, i don't hate any of them. but if we go for the ones i get less hyped about probably lewis and alonso (i'm so sorry emma)
do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?: drivers mostly since my two favs are different teams
if you like teams, what team do you pull for?: ferrari girlie forever but mclaren are up there (tbf though i'm here for so many teams too)
how long have you been into f1?: first started learning about it sept/oct 2022. the true hyperfixation started around this time last year though (may 2023)
what got you into f1?: ngl a guy i was talking to liked it and i did that "oh yeah me too!" thing even though i knew nothing about it. started learning random things to not look like a fake. season ended and we stopped talking and i forgot about it until i met my now bf who also likes f1 (maybe i have a type 👀)
then i just started getting bombarded with f1 edits on tiktok and i read a few fics and i haven't escaped the brainrotting hyperfixation since....
do you enjoy fanfic/RPF: absolutely. i did that "must read some fics to see if it's worth getting into" thing i usually do with shows 💀 i do think it shouldn't be shared and pushed onto the drivers themselves though like pls don't be weird about it
how do you view new fans?: as possible new friends! considering i've only been into it properly for like a year now i'm basically a new fan and i love seeing people who are only just joining for this season it's so fun!
if you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?: see i wanna say williams bc i just wanna protect logan but like... i'm obsessed with the f1 manager 22 game (as in i'm on year 2032 atm and still going) and have been with ferrari from the get go soooo- ferrari is my home (but also i'm so sorry fred ily pls share custody)
are your friends and family into f1 as well?: i got my little brother into it simply by constantly yapping about it. that poor boy went from "it's just cars going in circles" to "lando is my baby and i will protect him!" in a matter of WEEKS. also my bestie @prettylittlealiengirl is an f1 lifer and she's recently joined me in the pits of the brainrot. we love to see it 🙏
are you open to talking to other fans/friends?: always! i actually need MORE f1 friends so pls pls come and say hi! 🥺 my inbox/ask box is ALWAYS open to y'all even if it's just to rant about ur fav driver i will listen happily!!
tagging: literally anybody that's seeing this! this is how i'm gonna make new f1 friends 😂
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